HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-01401_Well Construction - GW1_20210329 For Internal Use Only: V
t,ES'ell Contractpr7rtfo -
a on:
Chris Nlor gan
/!'ell Canimctor Name
14.111,4 ZONES
3572 FRONT To pPsattrnoN
R. R.
NC hel l Contractor Canifictdon Number
Morgan Well a Pulp R,
ew3mG(ror mol eaxd welts OA Company Name 11 TO DEUiETER t•mER(ira IlNIATE
2.Well Construction Permit#: Zo2lt'-� ��+�-Z ft" stle in, sd27
List all a 5 16.INNER CASING OR TUQING pvc
PPllrnhle ur4conrrnrnion FRONT TO eothermal closed-lap
pennitr(i.e U/C,Cararp;$rare,yarrnncq nqJ DIAGIEfER THICIGY@SS 3•Well Use(check well use): R. Q- LITERUL
Water Supply Weil: ft. ❑. lo,
Agricultural ('—t, 37.SCREEN
ceorh ( t_yMunicipal/Public FRONT TO Dl"lEren
mural H oaMg/Ccoling Supply) Iy�,, (t SLOT SIZE TxIC10s'F.SS AIATERtAL
[itdustrial/Commercial a$nesrdendal Water Su 1 fn ta.
[]/Residential Water Supply it. ft• in.action pp y(shared)
Non•Wruter 5u ID.GROUT
0 R. R.
injection Well: Recovery eenianile Poured
'Aquifer Recharge f—r,
❑IAquifer Stooge oGroundwater Remediation fr• ft.
g Recovery QlSalinity Barrier 19-SAND/C Aquifer Test R oVEi.PACtC Ja Trouble
Experimental Technology QlStorrowater Drainage Fnoat is NTA RIAL FatPL'cFhInNTN1ETROp
Geothermal(Closed Loop) 01Subsidence Control
fL ft.
PGCDthe,,,](Heating/Cooling Rerun Tracer
20. LW TO (attach addidanal sheets if aeces .)
22 ) . Other(explain undcr,21 Remarks) FRONT To
4,Date Well(s)ComPieted:J 3 d-/ DPscmrmor rmloq naNaor,soivmryt.0 emia:�Ce.l
R. ft.
well[iY'n/8 ! _ r /Y
Sa.Well Location: �� rt' �J ft.
t?✓[aW� i
- r'r� n/a o h
Tanury/Owner Namc DSO ft. R •�
�l ( Facility fD:(ifaopli<able) ft. /
_'.L �QVI Y` I � LA Al I Ft.
C I of
rl .1Addtis Cty nd Zp �I.jTO-}Zt rf� tr�7� R. n ,
county n/a ft.
Parcel Idcntifiralian No.(PINT
3b.LatiNdee longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimnldegrees: � I •l'
(ifwdl fled,one oVlong\is sureicall
N •+ -, - 22.Certification:
6.Is(are)the trau(s)OPerm
anent or QlTempornry 5 gn t fC n fed Nell Commclo,
7-Is this a repair to an G Dale �'
existing well: Dyes or E)ryo gy signing tbir/bnn.1 hemby canih r/rat the tras(mere/coutnrtred in accordance
/frhis u a er'21 v and,,,,.i,rm(/oontiroctfan infonnatfon and will'15,1 A'C4C O'C.0100 rcpeir under all mmarks section orantheback ofdastomr, mt'f°Cube nanrre oflGe mppofrliismeardhasb,,op l5:1NCAC0yC.D200:Y¢J1 Conarnrniou Standard.and d�ota prurrded1.thc,,,ad ounm.,
S.For Ceoprohe/DPT or Closed-L 23,Site diagram or additional well details:
construction,o 1 GRo ,,p Geothermal 6Vells having the some You may use the back of this page 10 provide additional well site details or well
drilled: Y t is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also atlach additional pages if necessary.
9.Total well depth helm"land surface: .> � SLBNN TTAL INSTRUCTIONS
pavmdlipla n'efls lilt all doprlu lfdderem(clomp/e 3@20a and@1003 (Y`) 242. For All [Fells: Submit this form within30 days of completion of well
10 Static n•n[er Im•d belmr top of casing: �r� construction to the following:
f N.all,tore/is abnoa casing.use"+" (ff•) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit,
11,I?orehole diameter: G 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 2
rota 24b.Fol;Inle VeIlse In addition to sending the Form to the address in 24a
12.Well construction method: above,also submit one copy of this
0 e.auger,rotary,cable,direct push•etc,)
nsWction to the following form within 30 days of completion of well
FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program,
13n.Yield(gpm) 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636
Method of rest air pressure 24e.For iVater Sunnlc E Injection Wells. In addition to sending the loan 10
granular --
136,Disinfection type: �� 6L the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of
Amounp completion of well construction to the county health department of the county
where constricted.stried.
North Carolina Dcpanmcnt ofEnvimnaa nr,Quality-Division oFRraer Resources
Revised 2-2-1_2016