HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-01401_Well Construction - GW1_20210329 For Internal Use Only: V t,ES'ell Contractpr7rtfo - a on: Chris Nlor gan /!'ell Canimctor Name 14.111,4 ZONES 3572 FRONT To pPsattrnoN R. R. NC hel l Contractor Canifictdon Number R. Morgan Well a Pulp R, p, INC. MOAT ew3mG(ror mol eaxd welts OA Company Name 11 TO DEUiETER t•mER(ira IlNIATE .1 (1. TMCf01'FSS NfATERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit#: Zo2lt'-� ��+�-Z ft" stle in, sd27 List all a 5 16.INNER CASING OR TUQING pvc PPllrnhle ur4conrrnrnion FRONT TO eothermal closed-lap pennitr(i.e U/C,Cararp;$rare,yarrnncq nqJ DIAGIEfER THICIGY@SS 3•Well Use(check well use): R. Q- LITERUL in Water Supply Weil: ft. ❑. lo, Agricultural ('—t, 37.SCREEN ceorh ( t_yMunicipal/Public FRONT TO Dl"lEren mural H oaMg/Ccoling Supply) Iy�,, (t SLOT SIZE TxIC10s'F.SS AIATERtAL [itdustrial/Commercial a$nesrdendal Water Su 1 fn ta. Supply(single) fill []/Residential Water Supply it. ft• in.action pp y(shared) Non•Wruter 5u ID.GROUT PPI,v WeII: FRONT To hdanitonng NIATERLIf- ENiPLACEalENT a1LTHOD6AN1OpNT 0 R. R. injection Well: Recovery eenianile Poured 'Aquifer Recharge f—r, ❑IAquifer Stooge oGroundwater Remediation fr• ft. g Recovery QlSalinity Barrier 19-SAND/C Aquifer Test R oVEi.PACtC Ja Trouble Experimental Technology QlStorrowater Drainage Fnoat is NTA RIAL FatPL'cFhInNTN1ETROp R. Geothermal(Closed Loop) 01Subsidence Control fL ft. PGCDthe,,,](Heating/Cooling Rerun Tracer 20. LW TO (attach addidanal sheets if aeces .) 22 ) . Other(explain undcr,21 Remarks) FRONT To 4,Date Well(s)ComPieted:J 3 d-/ DPscmrmor rmloq naNaor,soivmryt.0 emia:�Ce.l R. ft. well[iY'n/8 ! _ r /Y Sa.Well Location: �� rt' �J ft. t?✓[aW� i it. W- - r'r� n/a o h Tanury/Owner Namc DSO ft. R •� �l ( Facility fD:(ifaopli<able) ft. / _'.L �QVI Y` I � LA Al I Ft. C I of rl .1Addtis Cty nd Zp �I.jTO-}Zt rf� tr�7� R. n , FJW v[ county n/a ft. REYARt(S Parcel Idcntifiralian No.(PINT 3b.LatiNdee longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimnldegrees: � I •l' (ifwdl fled,one oVlong\is sureicall N •+ -, - 22.Certification: 6.Is(are)the trau(s)OPerm anent or QlTempornry 5 gn t fC n fed Nell Commclo, 7-Is this a repair to an G Dale �' existing well: Dyes or E)ryo gy signing tbir/bnn.1 hemby canih r/rat the tras(mere/coutnrtred in accordance /frhis u a er'21 v and,,,,.i,rm(/oontiroctfan infonnatfon and will'15,1 A'C4C O'C.0100 rcpeir under all mmarks section orantheback ofdastomr, mt'f°Cube nanrre oflGe mppofrliismeardhasb,,op l5:1NCAC0yC.D200:Y¢J1 Conarnrniou Standard.and d�ota prurrded1.thc,,,ad ounm., S.For Ceoprohe/DPT or Closed-L 23,Site diagram or additional well details: construction,o 1 GRo ,,p Geothermal 6Vells having the some You may use the back of this page 10 provide additional well site details or well drilled: Y t is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also atlach additional pages if necessary. 9.Total well depth helm"land surface: .> � SLBNN TTAL INSTRUCTIONS pavmdlipla n'efls lilt all doprlu lfdderem(clomp/e 3@20a and@1003 (Y`) 242. For All [Fells: Submit this form within30 days of completion of well 10 Static n•n[er Im•d belmr top of casing: �r� construction to the following: f N.all,tore/is abnoa casing.use"+" (ff•) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, 11,I?orehole diameter: G 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 2 7699-1617 ry rota 24b.Fol;Inle VeIlse In addition to sending the Form to the address in 24a 12.Well construction method: above,also submit one copy of this 0 e.auger,rotary,cable,direct push•etc,) nsWction to the following form within 30 days of completion of well : FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 13n.Yield(gpm) 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 Method of rest air pressure 24e.For iVater Sunnlc E Injection Wells. In addition to sending the loan 10 granular -- 136,Disinfection type: �� 6L the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of Amounp completion of well construction to the county health department of the county Fomt where constricted.stried. G:'!-I North Carolina Dcpanmcnt ofEnvimnaa nr,Quality-Division oFRraer Resources Revised 2-2-1_2016