HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190495 Ver 1_401 Application_20210401Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form October 26, 2020 Ver 3.3 Initial Review Has this project met the requirements for acceptance in to the review process?* d Yes 0 No Is this project a public transportation project? * 0 Yes 0 No Charge only if needed. BIMS # Assigned * 20190495 Is a payment required for this project?* 0 No payment required t Fee received O Fee needed - send electronic notification Select Project Reviewer* Erin Davis:eads\ebdavis Version#* 1 Reviewing Office* Central Office - (919) 707-9000 Information for Initial Review la. Name of project: Cowford Mitigation Project la. Who is the Primary Contact?* Matt Butler 1b. Primary Contact Email:* mbutler@res.us Date Submitted 4/1/2021 Nearest Body of Water Cowford Branch Basin White Oak Water Classification Class C and NSW Site Coordinates Latitude: 34.9233 Pre -Filing Meeting Information ID# 20190495 Pre -fling Meeting or Request Date * 9/24/2020 Longitude: -77.5917 Attach documentation of Pre -Filing Meeting Request here:* DWR Pre -Filing Meeting Request Form.pdf 20190495 Ver 1_PreFiling Meeting Not Required Email_20201025.pdf lc. Primary Contact Phone:* (919)209-1067 Version 1 57.47KB 1.03MB A. Processing Information County (or Counties) where the project is located: Onslow Is this a NCDMS Project 0Yes 0No Is this project a public transportation project?* 0Yes 0No la. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: ® Section 404 Permit (wetlands, streams and waters, Clean Water Act) ❑ Section 10 Permit (navigable waters, tidal waters, Rivers and Harbors Act) Has this PCN previously been submitted?* 0 Yes 0 No 1b. What type(s) of permit(s) do you wish to seek authorization? ® Nationwide Permit (NWP) ❑ Regional General Permit (RGP) ❑ Standard (IP) lc. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? 0Yes 0No Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: NWP Numbers (for multiple NWPS): Id. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: ® 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ Individual Pernt 27 - Restoration le. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWR 401 Certification: For the record only for Corps Permit: If. Is this an after -the -fact permit application?* 0Yes 0No ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification - Egress Cl Riparian Buffer Authorization lg. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? O Yes O No lg. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? OYes ONo Acceptance Letter Attachment Approval Letter_Cowford_SAW-2019-00487.pdf 1 h. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties? OYes No 11. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? 0Yes 0No 1j. Is the project located in a designated trout watershed? 0 Yes 0 No 0 Unknown 212.04KB O Yes 0 No O Yes 0 No B. Applicant Information tiJ Id. Who is applying for the permit? ❑ Owner ® Applicant (other than owner) le. Is there an Agent/Consultant for this project?* 0 Yes 0 No 2. Owner Information 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: Kenneth W Jones 2b. Deed book and page no.: 3562/248-256 2c. Responsible party: 2d. Address Street Address 322 Jonestown Road Address Line2 aty Pink Fill Postal / Zp Code 28572 2e. Telephone Number: (252)521-0142 2g. Email Address:* mbutler@res.us 3. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 3a. Name: Matt Butler 3b. Business Name: Environmental Banc and Exchange LLC (EBX LLC), a RES entity 3c.Address Street Address 3600 Glenwood Avenue Address Line 2 Suite CltY Raleigh Postal / Zp Code 27612 3d. Telephone Number: (919)209-1067 3f. Email Address:* mbutler@res.us State / F7wince / Raglan NC Comity USA 2f. Fax Number: State / Rovince / Region NC aunty USA 3e. Fax Number: C. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Project Information 1b. Subdivision name: (if appropriate) lc. Nearest municipality/town: Richlands 2. Project Identification 2a. Property Identification Number: 44220-129-3936 2c. Project Address Street Address 1236-1324 Kinston Highway Address line 2 y Richlands Postal / Zip (ode 28574 3. Surface Waters 3a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project:* Cowford Branch 3b. Water Resources Classification of nearest receiving water:* Class C and NSW 2b. Property size: 17.20 acres State / Aovince / Fegion NC Carty USA 3c. What river basin(s) is your project located in?* White Oak 3d. Please provide the 12-digit HUC in which the project is located. 030300010100 4. Project Description and History 4a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application:* The Project area is comprised of one unnamed tributary, KJ1, split into three reaches based on proposed mitigation treatment (A, B, and C), that flows east to west and drains just downstream of the project into Cowford Branch. The total drainage area for the Project is 238 acres (0.37 mi2). The surrounding land use is agricultural and undeveloped land with scattered single-family homes. Drain tiles have been constructed to drain the surrounding slopes below the gently sloping to nearly level landscape along the edge of the interstream divide. Primary land use within the Project drainage area consists of approximately 75% Row Crop, 21 % Woods, 3.3% Residential, and 0.06% Impervious Surface. KJ1-A Reach KJ1-A originates at an ephemeral/intermittent break, located at the confluence of 3 ditches on the eastern boundary of the proposed conservation easement. The reach has a mild valley with limited longitudinal slope, has been historically ditched, and no longer provides significant ecological functions. KJ1-A flows west through row crop fields to KJ1-B. Much if not all the reach's morphology is currently driven by ditching instead of natural channel processes. The break between reach A and B was selected because the valley steepens and becomes more defined downstream of this point. Row crops are directly adjacent to both banks. Drain tiles from the adjacent fields currently outlet directly into the reach. KJ1-B Reach KJ1-B originates at downstream end of KJ1-A and flows west through hydric soils to a proposed culvert crossing and easement break. The reach has been ditched and has further degraded such that it lacks floodplain connection, appropriate pattern, and bedform diversity. There is an existing 41 LF culvert crossing approximately in the middle of the reach. Row crops are directly adjacent to both banks. Drain tiles from the adjacent fields currently outlet directly into the reach. KJ1-C Reach KJ1-C originates downstream of the proposed easement break and continues west to the downstream limits of the conservation easement. The reach has a relatively steep (-1%), defined valley. Directly downstream of the easement, the channel flows under NC I-IWY 258 through a 48" CMP. The reach has been ditched and has further degraded and entrenched such that it lacks floodplain connection, appropriate pattern, and bedform diversity. Managed forest, from an expired CRP easement, forms an immature buffer along much of the right bank while row crops form much of the left bank. Vegetation at the Project is made up of mainly brush species that grow along the banks of the ditches. These species include Muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia), Carex sp., Brazilian vervain (Verbena brasiliensis), and Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana). The fields next to the ditches have been used as agricultural fields. Along the downstream end of KJ1-C, a buffer was planted in 2004, funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Farm Service Agency (FSA), Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). Ditch and stream buffer areas were planted but no bank stabilization took place. In this CRP zone, the vegetation changes from small brush to larger trees. The canopy becomes more closed and includes species like Persimmon (Diaspyros virginiana), Sawtooth Oak (Quercus acutissima), Loblolly Pine (Pinus teada), Southern Red Oak (Quercus falcate), Sugarberry (Celtis laevigata) and Southern Crabapple (Malus angustolfia). The herbaceous layer in this closed canopy area consists of Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), Shrubby Lespedeza (Lespedeza bicolor), Smooth Sumac (Rhus glabra), and Trumpet vine (Campsis radicans). Woody vines are also locally common and include Laurel Greenbrier (Smilax laurifolia). 4b. Have Corps permits or DWR certifications been obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* 0 Yes t No 0 Unknown 4d. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the project site. (for DWR) Figure 2 - USGS - Cowford.pdf 1.67MB 4e. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the published County NRCS Soil Survey map depicting the project site. (for DWR) Figure 4 - Mapped Soils - Cowford.pdf 1.25MB 4f. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 0 4g. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: 2988 4h. Explain the purpose of the proposed project:* The purpose for this mitigation site is to restore aquatic resources in order to offset unavoidable impacts to the White Oak 01 watershed. The streams and wetlands proposed for restoration have been significantly impacted by ditching, drain tiling, and other agricultural practices for over 50 years. The stream is currently allowing sediment, nutrients, pesticides, and herbicides to flow freely into Cowford Branch and the New River. The proposed wetland restoration area will raise the local groundwater and restore a more natural hydrologic cycle to the riparian zone. Successful construction and restoration of this tributary and headwater wetland system will provide numerous benefits to water quality. Proposed improvements to the Project will help address impacts specifically discussed as priorities in in the 2010 White Oak River Basin Restoration Priorities (RBRP). Through stream restoration, headwater valley (HWV) restoration, and wetland restoration, the Project presents 3,347 LF of proposed stream, generating 3,538.670 Warm Stream Mitigation Units (SMU) and 2.991 acres of proposed wetland, generating 2.991 Wetland Mitigation Units (WMU). 41. Describe the overall project in detail, including indirect impacts and the type of equipment to be used:* The treatment plan and design approach were developed based on existing conditions, project goals, and objectives. The Project will include stream and headwater valley restoration. Stream restoration will incorporate the design of a single -thread, meandering channel, with parameters based on data taken from reference site, published empirical relationships, regional curves developed from existing project streams, and NC Regional Curves. Analytical design techniques will also be a crucial element of the project and will be used to determine the design discharge and to verify the design. Based on soil type, valley slope, and drainage area headwater valley restoration was incorporated in the design. Headwater valley restoration will include the design of a vegetated diffuse flow system that will allow for the passive development of a headwater stream. The detailed treatment plan and design approach is as follows: Reach KJ1-A (HWV) A headwater valley restoration approach is proposed for this reach to address historic ditching and buffer impacts. Restoration activities will include: - Grading a headwater valley, - Installing wood structures to provide grade control and habitat, - Installing live stakes to stabilize the bed and banks, - Riparian planting. Reach KJ1-B An offline restoration approach is proposed for this reach to address historic ditching and buffer impacts. Restoration activities will include: - Grading a new, single -thread channel in the existing floodplain, - Installing log structures to provide grade control and habitat, - Establishing a riffle -pool sequence throughout the new channel, - Installing toe protection on meander bends, - Installing live stakes to stabilize the banks and provide channel shading, - Riparian planting. Reach KJ1-C An inline, P2 restoration approach is proposed for this reach to address historic ditching, channelization, and buffer impacts. Restoration activities will include: - Grading a new, single -thread channel in an excavated floodplain, - Installing log structures to provide grade control and habitat, - Establishing a riffle -pool sequence throughout the new channel, - Installing toe protection on meander bends, - Installing live stakes to stabilize the banks and provide channel shading, - Filling the existing channel, - Riparian planting, and - Invasive vegetation treatment. The Cowford Project offers a total ecosystem restoration opportunity. As such, the wetland restoration is closely tied to the stream restoration and drain tile interruption. The Project will provide 2.991 WMUs through wetland re-establishment. Wetland re-establishment is only proposed in areas that have been determined appropriate for wetland restoration by a licensed soil scientist due to the presence of hydric soils and potential hydrology. Re-establishment activities will include; a successful restoration that raises the local groundwater elevation and allows frequent flooding, the plugging of ditches, removing all drain tiles within the easement, and creating shallow depression features in the wetland. These activities will help raise the local groundwater and have a more natural hydrologic cycle in the riparian zone. Surface roughening through shallow soil ripping will improve infiltration and slow runoff through the floodplain. Surface roughening will also create microtopography and shallowdepressional areas, re-establishing more natural conditions and establishing habitat diversity. Fistoric land -use impacts will be addressed through the planting of a native hardwood wetland community. A Coastal Plain Small Stream Swamp will be the target community along the Project reaches and wetlands. This community type represents a diverse group of species with differing flood tolerances, able to grow in close association with one another along stream and wetland features. Additionally, as tree species are able to survive less frequently flooded conditions than shown for their tolerance class, the planting plan selected takes into account the species that are best suitable for the most flooded zone of the project with the intention that they will likely survive both the wetland area and the more upland conditions. The restoration of plant communities along the Project will provide stabilization and diversity. For rapid stabilization of the stream banks (primarily outside meanders), silky dogwood (Cornus amomum), Cottonwood (Populus deltoides) and black willow (Salix nigra) were chosen for live stakes along the restored channel because of their rapid growth patterns and high success rates. Willows grow at a faster rate than the species planted around them, providing faster bank stabilization and contribution of organic matter to the channel than the other planted woody species. As the community matures, the willows will slowly stop growing or die out as the other species outgrow them and create shade that the willows do not tolerate. The live stake species will be planted along the outside of the meander bends to three feet from the top of bank, creating a three-foot section along the top of bank. The live stakes will be spaced at least one per three linear feet with alternate spacing vertically. Treatment for invasive species will be required within all grading limits associated with stream restoration. Invasive species will require different and multiple treatment methods, depending on plant phenology and the location of the species being treated. All treatment will be conducted as to maximize its effectiveness and reduce chances of detriment to surrounding native vegetation. Treatment methods will include mechanical (cutting with loppers, clippers, or chain saw) and chemical (foliar spray, cut stump, and hack and squirt techniques). Invasive or aggressive plants containing mature, viable seeds will be removed from the Project and properly disposed. All herbicide applicators will be supervised by a certified ground pesticide applicator with a North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (NCDA&CS) license and adhere to all legal and safety requirements according to herbicide labels, and NC and Federal laws. 4j. Please upload project drawings for the proposed project. APPENDIXA_combined.pdf 17.1 MB 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 5a. Have the wetlands or streams been delineated on the property or proposed impact areas?* d Yes Comments: 0 No 0 Unknown 5b. If the Corps made a jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made?* d Preliminary 0 Approved 0 Not Verified 0 Unknown 0 N/A Corps AID Number: SAW-2019-00487 5c. If 5a is yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): Jeremy Schmid Agency/Consultant Company: RES Other: 5d. List the dates of the Corp jurisdiction determination or State determination if a determination was made by the Corps or DWR A preliminary jurisdictional determination (PJD) request was sent to the USACE on October 4, 2019 and revised materials were submitted on November 12, 2019. The confirmed PJD package was completed by USACE; the PJD was received on February 12, 2020. 5d1. Jurisdictional determination upload SAW-2019-00487.pdf Cowford_AQResources_WOUS.pdf 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project?* O Yes f3 No 840.99KB 2.63MB Are any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permits(s) used, or intended to be used, to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity? D. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary la. Where are the impacts associated with your project? (check all that apply): ❑ Wetlands ® Streams -tributaries ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 3. Stream Impacts ❑ Buffers 3a. Reason for impact (?) 3b.lmpact type* 3c. Type of impact* 3d. S. name * 3e. Stream Type* (?) 3f. Type of Jurisdiction* 3g. S. width* 3h. Impact length* S1 Stream Restoration Permanent Relocation KJ1-A Intermittent Corps 4 Avenge (feet) 913 (linear feet) S2 Stream Restoration Permanent Relocation KJ1-B Intermittent Corps 5 Average (feet) 688 (ling feet) S3 Culvert Crossing Permanent Culvert KJ1-C Intermittent Corps 5 Average (feet) 64 (linear feet) S4 Stream Restoration Permanent Relocation KJ1-C Intermittent Corps 6 Average (feet) 1,364 (linear feet) 3i. Total jurisdictional ditch impact in square feet: 0 3i. Total permanent stream impacts: 3,029 3i. Total stream and ditch impacts: 1666 3i. Total temporary stream impacts: 0 3j. Comments: All permanent stream impacts are due to the relocation of the stream reaches to the natural valley and to restore proper dimensions and profile to the stream which will provide a net gain in the ecological function to the stream and wetland system. After stream relocation and restoration the total ebsting length of stream will increase from 2,988 linear feet to 3,347 linear feet of stream. The project will provide an 359 feet of additional stream length to the system. E. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization la. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project: Due to the nature of the project, complete avoidance of stream and buffer impacts is not possible. Proposed stream impacts, including stream relocation and bank stabilization, are necessary restoration practices that will contribute to the functional uplift of the Project's aquatic resources. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques: Impacts are minimized using a stage construction approach. Where possible, the channel will be constructed prior to turning stream flow into a segment. This approach allows minimization of the impact of each stage during the project construction. Efforts will be made to preserve individual high value trees located within the stream restoration area. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? OYes ONo 2b. If this project DOES NOT require Compensatory Mitigation, explain why: This is a stream and buffer mitigation project which will provide functional uplift to the stream and buffers on site and therefore does not need compensatory mitigation. F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan la. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? CYes nNo If no, explain why: There are no buffer rules in place for the White Oak watershed. 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit NCS000250?* C Yes r No 2b. Does this project meet the requirements for low density projects as defined in 15A NCAC 02H .1003(2)? C Yes C No Comments: G. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation la. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land?* t Yes C No 1b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)?* a Yes C No lc. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House?* C Yes C No NEPA or SEPA Final Approval Letter Cat Ex APPROVED_Cowford_08282019.pdf 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 12.5MB 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Water Quality Certification Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), or DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)?* C Yes f No 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a. Will this project result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality?* C Yes a No 3b. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. This project will not result in an additional development that would impact water quality downstream. Ultimately, there will be an increase in water quality within the project, due to the restoration of project streams, planting of riparian buffer, and the establishment of a conservation to be projected in perpetuity. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a. Is sewage disposal required by DWR for this project?* CYes 0' No N/A 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat? * 01 Yes C No 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts?* ( Yes C No 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. Raleigh 5d. Is another Federal agency involved?* ✓ Yes 6. No r Unknown 5e. Is this a DOT project located within Division's 1-8? ✓ Yes G No 5f. Will you cut any trees in order to conduct the work in waters of the U.S.? ✓ Yes r No 5g. Does this project involve bridge maintenance or removal? ✓ Yes G No 5h. Does this project involve the construction/installation of a wind turbine(s)?* ✓ Yes r No 5i. Does this project involve (1) blasting, and/or (2) other percussive activities that will be conducted by machines, such as jackhammers, mechanized pile drivers, etc.? ✓ Yes G No 5j. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? USFWS, IPAC, and Natural Heritage database Consultation Documentation Upload USFWS Cowford.pdf NCWRC_Response.pdf 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as an Essential Fish Habitat?* ✓ Yes ( No 42.57KB 177.24KB 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact an Essential Fish Habitat?* NOAA Essential Fish Habitat Mapper 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status?* ✓ Yes ( No 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources?* NCSHPO, NHP 7c. Historic or Prehistoric Information Upload ER 19-1952.pdf 95.22KB 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-yearfloodplain?* ✓ Yes f No 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination?* FEMA Regulatory Floodway, FEMA Firm Panels 3720442200K and 3720442300K Miscellaneous Comments Additional uploaded documents include: PCN Figures 1-6 1. Vicinity 2. USGS 3. Existing Conditions 4. NRCS Soil Survey (1992) 5. Project Constraints (NWI, FEMA) 6. Project Impacts Miscellaneous attachments not previously requested. Cowford_PCN.pdf Cowfo rd_100095_MP_2020. pdf Cowford401 FeeMemo. pdf Signature * El By checking the box and signing below, I certify that: 8.43MB 39.44MB 760.92KB • The project proponent hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief; and • The project proponent hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. • I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; • I agree that submission of this PCN form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND • I intend to electronically sign and submit the PCN form. Full Name: Matt Butler Signature Full Name (DMS Signature) Lin Xu DSM Signature Date 4/1 /2021 ROY COOPER Governor DIONNE DELLI-GATTI Secretary TIM BAUMGARTNER Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality MEMORANDUM: TO: Debby Davis FROM: Lin Xu Lx SUBJECT: Payment of Permit Fee 401 Permit Application DATE: April 1, 2021 The Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) is implementing a mitigation project for Cowford Project in Onslow County (DMS IMS # 100095). The activities associated with this restoration project involve stream restoration related temporary stream and wetland impact. To conduct these activities, the DMS must submit a Pre -construction Notification (PCN) Form to the Division of Water Resources (DWR) for review and approval. The DWR assesses a fee of $570.00 for this review. Please transfer $570.00 from DMS Fund # 2984, Account # 535120 to DWR as payment for this review. If you have any questions concerning this matter I can be reached at 919-707-8319. Thanks for your assistance. cc: Erin Davis, DWR NORTH CAROLINA Department at Environmental Ouallt North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services 217 West Jones Street 11652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 919.707.8976 I4 ` __i_ 1i33 on's Hair Styling 1311 Food Distribution Center - Richards Community... Di Nn�¢ Wnrren t f,! Rd vy 9 ? W �Highway24raceway' 0 eeufaviffe H K3�Med.First Primary © Keene's Motor Lodge &'Urgent -Care U Haul (3/4 I Neighborhood Dealeryy Kerarsville c,, Free Mission Church 9 Legend Proposed Easement White Oak River Basin - 03030001 TLW- 03030001010010 1,000 2.000 Feet Figure 1 - Project Vicinity Cowford Mitigation Project Southern Angel Tees 9 P_• e L I a'v e Cowford Mitigation Project Date: 1/18/2021 Drawn by: GDS Checked by: MDE r i1 I•alf Moon Jacksonville Sneads Ferr r:h T.. ,ail ch 34.9233, 24 res Onslow County, North Carolina 1 inch = 2,000 feet Legend Proposed Easement ooz w E 0 1,000 2.000 Feet Figure 2 - USGS Cowford Mitigation Project Date: 1/18/2021 Drawn by: GDS Checked by: MDE 1 inch = 2,000 feet fires Onslow County, North Carolina Legend Proposed Easement Expired FSA CRP Land (6.56 ac) Hydric Soil Layer Stream Determination Intermittent Existing Ditches — — — Existing Drain Tile artNesto r�r 0 300 600 Feet Existing Crossir Figure 3 - Existing Conditions Cowford Mitigation Project Onslow Count North Carolina Date: 1 /18/2021 Drawn by: GDS Checked by: MDE 1 inch = 600 feet fires AN" kvevaa.41.1.4r. r�r 0 300 600 Feet Map Unit Symbol GoA NoA NoB On Ra St Map Unit Name Goldsboro fine sandy loam, 0% to 2% slopes Norfolk loamy fine sand, 0% to 2% slopes Norfolk loamy fine sand, 2% to 6% slopes Onslow loamy fine sand Rains fine sandy loam, 0% to 2% slopes Stallings loamy fine sand Figure 4 - Mapped Soils (NRCS, 1992) Cowford Mitigation Project Onslow County, North Carolina Date: 1/18/2021 Drawn by: GDS Checked by: MDE 1 inch = 600 feet fires Legend Proposed Easement NWI Wetlands (USFWS 5/01/2020) FEMAZoneAE (None) 2% Chance Annual Flood (None) FEMA Regulatory Floodway (None) aht ram. 0 300 600 Feet Figure 5 - Project Constraints Cowford Mitigation Project Date: 1 /18/2021 Drawn by: GDS Checked by: MDE 1 inch = 600 feet fires Onslow County, North Carolina Stream Impacts Impact ID S1 S2 S3 S4 Aquatic ID KJ1-A KJ1-B KJ1-B KJ1-C Permanent/ Temporary Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Purpose Stream Restoration Stream Restoration Culverted Crossing Stream Restoration Area (ac)/ Length (ft) 913 ft 688 ft 64 ft 1,364 ft fires 0 150 300 Feet Figure 6 - Project Impacts Cowford Mitigation Project Onslow County, North Carolina Date: 2/5/2021 Checked by: MDE • ►Z�Z�ZI Drawn by: GDS 1 in = 300 feet Legend Proposed Easement Proposed Top of Bank Existing Top of Bank Engineered Sediment Pack Existing Drain Tile eu!Ioae3 4PoN `k;uno3 MoIsuo secS lea; 000'Z = q3u! ao :Sq pa>loego sae :Rq uMBJ4 lZ0Z/814l :ale° peFoad uoi.e6Ip /J paolmo3 SJSf - Z ean6!J load 000Z 000 l 0 3 }uawase3 pasodoad pub AN" kvevaa.41.1.4r. r�r 0 300 600 Feet Map Unit Symbol GoA NoA NoB On Ra St Map Unit Name Goldsboro fine sandy loam, 0% to 2% slopes Norfolk loamy fine sand, 0% to 2% slopes Norfolk loamy fine sand, 2% to 6% slopes Onslow loamy fine sand Rains fine sandy loam, 0% to 2% slopes Stallings loamy fine sand Figure 4 - Mapped Soils (NRCS, 1992) Cowford Mitigation Project Onslow County, North Carolina Date: 1/18/2021 Drawn by: GDS Checked by: MDE 1 inch = 600 feet fires Waters_Name State owardin_Code HGM_Code Meas_Type Amount Units Waters_Type Latitude Longitude Local_Waterway KJ1-A NORTH CAROLINA R4 Linear 913 FOOT DELINEATE 34.9241 -77.5883 KJ1-B NORTH CAROLINA R4 Linear 688 FOOT DELINEATE 34.9234 -77.5907 KJ1-C NORTH CAROLINA R4 Linear 1428 FOOT DELINEATE 34.9229 -77.5941 Waters Name Stream Stream Stream Area/Length 688 ft Feet 1 in = 267 feet Updated Potential Wetland or Non -Wetland Waters of the U.S. Map Cowford Mitigation Project Onslow County, North Carolina Date: 2/5/2021 Revisions: NONE Drawn by: GDS Checked by: JLS Study Area Project Parcel Potential Non -Wetland waters of the US REFERENCE 1) Horizontal Datum is NAD83 UTM Zone 17N. 2) Map Projection is NAD_1983_StatePlane_ North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh ES Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 July 11, 2019 Kim Browning U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District Mitigation Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Re: NCDMS- Cowford Mitigation Site / SAW-2019-00487/ Onslow County Dear Mrs. Browning: RECEIVED JUL 15 2019 RALEIGH REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has reviewed the project advertised in the above referenced Public Notice. The project, as advertised in the Public Notice, is expected to have minimal adverse impacts to fish and wildlife resources. Therefore, we have no objection to the activity as described in the permit application. In accordance with the Endangered Species Act ref 1973,.as amended, (ESA) and based on the information provided, and other available information, it appears the action is not likely to adversely affect federally listed species or their critical habitat as defined by the ESA. We believe that the requirements of section 7 (a)(2) of the ESA have been satisfied for this project. Please remember that obligations under the ESA must be reconsidered if: (1) new information identifies impacts of this action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered; (2) this action is modified in a manner that was not considered in this review; or, (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affected by the identified action. For your convenience a list of all federally protected endangered and threatened species in North Carolina is now available on our website at <http://www.fws.gov/raleigh>. Our web page contains a complete and updated list of federally protected species, and a list of federal species of concern known to occur in each county in North Carolina. The Service appreciates the opportunity to review and provide comments on the proposed action. Should you have any questions regarding the project, please contact Kathy Matthews at (919) 856-4520, extension 27. ly, P'fe Benjamin, •Field Supervisor. cc: NMFS, Beaufort, NC:.. EPA, Atlanta, GA WRC, Raleigh From: Dunn, Maria T. To: Jamey Mceachran Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: [External] Project Scoping: Federal -Aid project (FHWA lead federal agency) administered by NC DMS in Onslow County Date: Friday, July 26, 2019 3:50:48 PM Mr. Mceachran, I have looked at the site located off NC Hwy 258 near its intersection with NC Hwy 24 in Onslow County for a NCDMS project of 3,770' potential stream and 2.27 acres of wetland restoration credits. The area is associated with Cowford stream and is currently in agricultural use with minimal to no buffer. There appears to be no listed species within the immediate project area. However, since there was minimal detail provided regarding site plans, it is difficult to say whether or not the project will provide successful mitigation. Site design is important to insure water quality and wildlife benefits can be obtained through the project by means of floodplain connectivity, appropriate vegetation, and travel corridors. An important detail to consider is the downstream culverts under NC Hwy 258. Generally the NCWRC provides comments during onsite meetings and during project proposals with the IRT. More conversation may be had at that time when further details are provided. Thank you for the opportunity to review and provide comment. If I can be of additional service, please do not hesitate to call or email. Maria Maria T. Dunn Coastal Coordinator NC Wildlife Resources Commission 943 Washington Sq. Mall Washington, NC 27889 office: 252-948-3916 fax: 252-975-3716 www.ncwildlife.ord Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Jamey Mceachran <jmceachran@res.us> Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2019 1:29 PM To: Dunn, Maria T. <maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org> Cc: Matthew Deangelo <mdeangelo@res.us> Subject: [External] Project Scoping: Federal -Aid project (FHWA lead federal agency) administered by NC DMS in Onslow County CA External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an achmentto report.spamlthnc.gov Hello Ms. Dunn, Please see attached the request for review and comment on any possible issues that might emerge with respect to fish and wildlife associated with the Cowford stream and riparian wetland restoration project identified by RES and contracted by NC DMS. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your time and consideration. Jamey Jamey Redding McEachran Ecology Team Lead RES 1 res.us Mobile: 919.623.9889 North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Roy Cooper Office of Archives and History Secretary Susi H. Hamilton Deputy Secretary Kevin Cherry July 9, 2019 Kimberly Browning Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Mitigation Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive Wake Forest, NC 27587 Re: Cowford Mitigation Site, Richlands, SAW 2019-00487, Onslow County, ER 19-1952 Dear Ms. Browning: We have received a public notice concerning the above project. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill -Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-807-6579 or environmental.review@a,ncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, V✓Ramona Bartos, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 807-6570/807-6599 Appendix A • Plan Set \CAD\DWG\0675_SHT COVER.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking 0 0 0 Z Resg is\d rop boxg is\p rojec ILE NAME:R 4' esa Jar mantcwn Haw Branch PROJECT LOCATION Corner Huffrnairtown Gwar y Forks zRichlands 2511 444 1 Brac ks Cernforl u c Gum eras' VICINITY MAP N TS PROJECT COORDINATES: 34.9233, -77.59 1 7 Know what's below. Call before you dig NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, DIGGING, OR EXCAVATION THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES (PUBLIC OR PRIVATE) THAT MAY EXIST AND CROSS THROUGH THE AREA(S) OF CONSTRUCTION, WHETHER INDICATED ON THE PLANS OR NOT. CALL "8 I I " A MINIMUM OF 72 HOURS PRIOR TO DIGGING OR EXCAVATING. REPAIRS TO ANY UTILITY DAMAGED RESULTING FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. PROJECT DIRECTORY DESIGNED FOR: LINDSAY CROCKER NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICES 2 1 7 WEST JONES ST., SUITE 3000A RALEIGH, NC 27603 DESIGNED BY: RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 3600 GLENWOOD AVE., SUITE 100 RALEIGH, NC 276 1 2 SURVEYED BY: WSP USA, INC. 1 28 TALBERT ROAD SUITE A MOORESVILLE, NC 281 1 7 DMS PROJECT #: 100095 CONTRACT #: 7746 USACE ACTION ID #: SAW-20 1 9-00487 RFP #: 16-007577 DWR #: 2019-0495 PROJECT TOPOGRAPHY AND EXISTING CONDITIONS PLANIMETRICS SURVEY WAS PROVIDED BY WSP USA, INC. (NC FIRM LICENSE NUMBER F-089 1 , J. BRANDON HICKS, NC PLS L-52 1 9), DATED SEPTEMBER 1 9, 2019 0 COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY WHITE OAK RIVER BASIN: HUC 03030001 AUGUST 2020 RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 3600 GLENWOOD AVE, SUITE 100 RALEIGH, NC 27612 / / • REACH KJ I -A DITCH B i SITE MAP NTS Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title - COVER A I OVERALL AERIAL E I NOTES E2 EXISTING CONDITIONS S I REACH KJ 52 REACH KJ 1 53 REACH KJ 1 54 REACH KJ 1 55 REACH KJ 1 56 REACH KJ 1 57 SWALE A 58 SWALE B W I WETLAND PLAN P I PLANTING PLAN DI DETAILS D2 DETAILS D3 DETAILS D4 DETAILS D5 DETAILS DG DETAILS J i ., res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental LLC License: F-1428 SEAL Alt REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: 10/2/2020 RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT ESC.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking Reach KJ1-A KJ1-B KJ1-C Total Cowford Project Credits Stream Components Mitigation Type Restoration (HWV) Restoration Restoration Proposed Length (LF) 923 852 1,572 3,347 Nfitigation Ratio *Restoration (HWV) SMUs are based on proposed valley length, not proposed stationing SMUs 913 852 1,572 3,337 Wetland Components Wetland Mitigation Type Proposed Acreage Mitigation Ratio W MUs WA Re-establishment 2.991 1:1.0 2.991 Total 2.991 2.991 DITCh B \\ DITCh A TB / // 0C / /�y/ \, / /// ////// 'Pi\ . / ''• / // /c/ Ol Tg_ O1 J \ res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL 1 "=100 200 i ir FULL SCALE: 0 100 2" = FULL SCALE 1" = HALF SCALE REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: 10/2/2020 RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: OVERALL AERIAL PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: Al .. J \NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT_SITE.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking ILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\ STREAM CONSTRUCTION NOTES: I . ALL PROPOSED CHANNELS AND TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT CROSSINGS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN A DRY CONDITION VIA OFFLINE CONSTRUCTION WHERE POSSIBLE. PUMP AROUND OPERATIONS SHOULD BE LIMITED TO AREAS WHERE THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED CHANNEL ALIGNMENTS OVERLAP. 2. ALL IMPERVIOUS DIKES AND PUMPING APPARATUS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE STREAM AT THE END OF EACH DAY TO RESTORE NORMAL FLOW BACK TO THE CHANNEL UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. WITH APPROVAL, A PUMP AROUND MAY BE ALLOWED TO RUN CONTINUOUSLY IF THERE IS NO FORECAST FOR RAIN OVERNIGHT, AND/OR THE PUMP APPARATUS IS MAINTAINED AND MONITORED CONTINUOUSLY. 3. CONSTRUCT UPSTREAM PORTION OF THE CHANNEL FIRST, WORKING IN AN UPSTREAM TO DOWNSTREAM DIRECTION, UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 4. REMOVE AND STOCKPILE TOPSOIL WITHIN AREAS THAT ARE TO BE CUT 9" OR MORE BELOW EXISTING GRADE. STOCKPILED TOPSOIL IS TO BE PLACED ALONG THE FLOODPLAIN BENCHES. 5. STRUCTURES ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN LOCATIONS SHOWN ON PLAN SHEETS (AS INDICATED ON THE STRUCTURE TABLES) USING METHODS DESCRIBED IN THE DETAIL SHEETS. PRIOR TO FINE GRADING, OBTAIN APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER ON INSTALLATION OF STRUCTURES. 2. UPON COMPLETION OF FINE GRADING, INSTALL STREAM BANK STABILIZATION INCLUDING, EROSION CONTROL MATTING OR SOD MATS ALONG CHANNEL BANKS. 7. FILL AND STABILIZE ABANDONED SEGMENTS OF THE EXISTING CHANNEL PER DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER. LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR MAJOR EXISTING CONTOUR MINOR PROPOSED CONTOUR MAJOR PROPOSED CONTOUR MINOR EXISTING STREAM EXISTING TOP OF BANK EXISTING BOTTOM OF BANK EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC UTILITY LINE PROPERTY LINE EXISTING DRAIN TILE EXISTING TREELINE EXISTING TREE 50 —4G— (50) 42) - I D - - ---- 55- - 1g - - - - - - 1 I - - - - OHE PROPOSED TOP OF BANK — PROPOSED CENTERLINE OF CHANNEL LIMITS OF PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT PROPOSED WETLAND PROPOSED CHANNEL PLUG (SEE DETAIL D3) BRUSH TOE PROTECTION (SEE DETAIL D3) HAY BALE TOE PROTECTION (SEE DETAIL D3) ENGINEERED SEDIMENT PACK (SEE DETAIL D2) LOG SILL (SEE DETAIL D4) RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL (SEE DETAIL D5) BRUSH BED SILL (SEE DETAIL D4) LOG STRUCTURE (PROFI LE) TB BB LCE y y , A 0 0 0 000 OOOf 0 0 00 o0 0o0 8 1 res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: 10/2/2020 RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: NOTES PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: El FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT SITE.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking i 7 7 7 7 0 \ , 1 \ `, i \ 1 \ 1 / 41-10 41111"kilt.1 V/ V :744 7 7 7 7 7 7 EXISTING CULVERT CROSSING REACH KJ I -B / / 6�` REACH KJ I -C 17 I r4f/ r ,zr __.i?_ . -\ / /// / /t, ( uk , c5 �� v�y %%iel Te 'fa- / \ .� _ — �� // , 7-8s4 " ' d __, �'� //�_"� //� ��/ z�/ \ / /' TB ( DITCH 115 cc co ( gr res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL 0 1"= 100 200 00 FULL SCALE: 100 2" = FULL SCALE REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: 10/2/2020 RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: EXISTING CONDITIONS PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET .. NUMBER: .. E2 FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT_KJ1.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking 80 75 70 G5 GO 0 1 1 1 EA O' .' .., TO K EXISTING GRADE — ALSNG CENTERLINE STRI#AM — 1 12 13 0 "ED TOP •F BANK N. i \�\ //7 \\ / // \ /� Ill \— TIE REACH KJ I INTO PROPOSED CHANNEL D B� EXISTING BED + + + + + + SCALE: hOR I "=30'; VERT I "=3' + + + + + + 80 75 70 G5 GO . EACI-1 KJ I -A STA I +57 TO STA I 0+65 AT / 5%ESLO DE pE VARIES 5.0' 2% 2% TYPICAL CROSS SECTION 1 res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www. res . us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL 0 1 "=30 60 3L.., FULL SCALE: 30 2" = FULL SCALE 1" 1" = HALF SCALE REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: 10/2/2020 RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: REACH KJ 1 PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: S 1 FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT_KJ1.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking r -/LCE gr1 LC E 6+50 LC E LC E 7400-(67) 7+50 REMOVE DRAIN TILE AND DISPOSE OF OFF -SITE IF CONTRACTOR FINDS FUNCTIONAL DRAIN TILE OUTSIDE OF EASEMENT, I NSTACC DD RDI NTTLE-6UTLET SEE DETAIL D3 LC E REACH KJ I -A HEADWATER VALLEY RESTORATION STA I +42 TO I 0+65 TB=--8+50=� DRAIN DEPTH: 49" INSTALL DRAIN TILE OUTLET SEE SHEET D3 9 LC E 68 REMOVE DRAIN TILE AND DISPOSE OF OFF -SITE +00 +50 \G- REMOVE DRAIN TILE AND DISPOSE OF OFF -SITE IF CONTRACTOR FINDS FUNCTIONAL DRAIN TILE OUTSIDE OF EASEMENT, INSTALL DRAIN TILE OUTLET SEE DETAIL D3 INSTALL DRAIN TILE OUTLET SEE SHEET D3 DRAIN DEPTH: 41" DRAIN DEPTH: 70" DRAIN DEPTH: 55" REACH KJ I -B RESTORATION STA I 0+65 TO 19+ 17 00 1 REMOVE DRAIN TILE AND DISPOSE OF OFF -SITE / +OC 80 75 70 65 60 2.1 2.2 2 3 2.4 2.5 1 _ _ EXISTI ALONG NG STREAM GRADE PROPOSED OF T BANK P CENTERLINE \ --... ____ ll — \ / \ / \ / \ / —_0.20% \ / I II \ / I -- //II I I I I PROPOSED __/ I I I 1 I I CHANNEL BED I ) 2 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I SCALE: hOR I "=30'; VERT I "=3' 80 75 70 65 60 . EACI-1 KJ I -A STA I +57 TO STA I 0+65 AT / 5%ESLO DE pE VARIES 5.0' 2% 2% TYPICAL CROSS SECTION . EACI-1 KJ I -B STA I 0+65 TO STA 19+40 8.0' 3.0' I .0' BANKFULL STAGE TYPICAL RIFFLE CROSS SECTION 1 0.0' 5.0' I .0' BANKFULL STAGE TYPICAL RIGHT MEANDER CROSS SECTION 1 0.0' I .0' 5.0' BANKFULL STAGE TYPICAL LEFT MEANDER CROSS SECTION 1 res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL 0 it 1 "=30 60 FULL SCALE: 30 2" = FULL SCALE 1" 1" = HALF SCALE REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: 10/2/2020 RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: REACH KJ 1 PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: S2 \ / FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT_KJ1.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking r 7 2.4 / / co I I +50 �, A / / / / 1 2 + 000/ REACH KJ I -5 RESTORATION STA I 0+65 TO 19+ 17 7 / / / SWALE A TIE SWALE A TO REACH KJ I SEE SHEET S7 REMOVE DRAIN TILE AND DISPOSE OF OFF -SITE IF CONTRACTOR FINDS FUNCTIONAL DRAIN TILE OUTSIDE OF EASEMENT, INSTALL DRAIN TILE OUTLET SEE DETAIL D3 DRAIN DEPTH: 47" EXISTING CHANNEL TO BE ABANDONED AND BACKFILLED SEE SHEET D3 7.I EXISTING DITCH f)/ TO BE ABANDONED / AND BACKFILLED SEE SHEET D3 DRAIN DEPTH: 44" DRAIN DEPTH: 40' 18 75 70 G5 GO 55 12 EXISTING GRADE _ PRQP05ED TQP 3.1 ALONG STREAM CENTERLINE OF BAN i i I I I 1 1 I 1 1 I PRSPOSED ) CHANNEL BED + + + + + + SCALE: HOR I "=30'; VERT I "=3' + + + + + + 75 70 G5 GO 55 . EACI-1 KJ I -B STA I 0+65 TO STA 19+40 0 8.0' 3.0' ► 11 .0' BANKFULL STAGE TYPICAL RIFFLE CROSS SECTION 1 0.0' 5.0' BANKFULL STAGE TYPICAL RIGHT MEANDER CROSS SECTION 1 0.0' I .0' 5.0' BANKFULL STAGE TYPICAL LEFT MEANDER CROSS SECTION 1 res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL 0 1 "=30 60 -- FULL SCALE: 30 2" = FULL SCALE 1" 1" = HALF SCALE REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: 10/2/2020 RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: REACH KJ 1 PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: S3 FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT_KJ1.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking 1 Td 7/ 1 I0 7.1 c5//„'-i//1/z) Th. REACH KJ I -5 RESTORATION n STA I 0+65 TO 19+ 17 rn EXISTING CHANNEL TO BE ABANDONED AND BACKFILLED SEE SKEET D3 LCE LCE REMOVE DRAIN,E AND DISPOSE OF OFF -SITE IF CONT TOR FINDS FUNCTIONAL DRAT LE OUTSIDE OF EASEMENT, INSTALL DRAIN TILE OUTLET E DETAIL D3 PROPOSED G4 LF OF 30" RCP INV. IN: G I .39' INV. OUT: G I . I -K (PIPE BURR) l 0.4') LCE REACH KJ I -C RESTORATION STA 19+85 TO 35+57 \ 2 6 (5) 237 SCE / J _...,.,,.,a:win:_,,,,_77---------; 4$z5+°0 `, 70 - 65 - GO 55 50 4.1 4.2 4.3 -0.4 I % —1 1--� 11 1 4.4 /////// Via- 0 iJ o�o I I 000 PRO'OEI \ 2 @ 3O"IRCFP \ II \ I � J I I CONSERVATION EAS EMENT BREAK \ \ \ 4.5 -0.3 I % 4.6 \ \ co + m J \ PROPpSE TOP OFB NK / ALONG S—REAM EXISTING GRA E CENTERLI NE l -0 30% 4. -0.3. 0% I/ 1 PROPOSED CHANNEL BED \ 1 / II II II / 1 II \1 I8+00 18+50 1 9 +00 19+50 20+00 20+50 2 1 +00 SCALE: HOR I "=30'; VERT I "=3' 21+50 22+00 22+50 23+00 23+50 70 65 GO 55 50 24+00 . EACI-1 KJ I -B STA I 0+65 TO STA 19+40 . EAC I-1 KJ I -C STA 19 + 70 TO STA 3 5 + 5 7 8.0' 3.0' I .0' BAN KFULL STAGE TYPICAL RIFFLE CROSS SECTION 10.0' 5.0' BANKFULL STAGE I .0' TYPICAL RIGHT MEANDER CROSS SECTION 10.0' I .0' 5.0' BAN KFULL STAGE TYPICAL LEFT MEANDER CROSS SECTION 1 res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL 0 it 1 "=30 60 FULL SCALE: 30 2" = FULL SCALE 1" 1" = HALF SCALE REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: 10/2/2020 RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: REACH KJ 1 PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: S4 \ / FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT_KJ1.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking r / J —66 -65 / 2 LCE / / J 7 / / 7 0- / 7 / z LCE ;31 7 7 7 ca / / LCE ;31 / co \O- TREATMENT POQ / REACH KJ I -C RESTORATION STA 19+85 TO 35+57 Cs o� \ V \\ / I\ 1\'`T SWALE B INSTALL ENGINEERED\ �CF SEDIMENT PACK SEE SKEET D2 N TIE SWALE B INTO\ REACH KJ I -B SEE SKEET 58 N Gi N N„ Lc 70 65 60 55 50 24 5.I- 5.2 1 I EXIST NG GRAD -if PR POSED TOP 5.3 ALONG STREAM OF BANS 5.4 I CENTERLIN-if --- — — — -0.30% __ --- ��--` - — - -0.30% 1 / / -\ I \ I T \ 1 N� I \� 1 1 - N io 1 r I \ 1 / l I \ / \I \\ / \ 1 II \ / I \ / 1 \ / 1 / 1/ ` �1 \ I I I 1 / \ 1`�/ 1 1 I �i I\ \\ 1 I / / 1 1 PROPOSED \J lJ 1\// \ I 1 I 1 1 II -HA NNELBED II I 1 +00 24+50 I 25+00 25+50 26+00 26+50 27+00 1 1 27+50 I 1 1 28+00 1 28+50 29+00 29+50 30+ SCALE: hOR I "=30'; VERT I "=3' 70 65 60 55 50 0 . EAC I-1 KJ I -C STA 19 + 70 TO STA 3 5 + 5 7 8.0' 3.0' 0 ► 11 .0' -00 BAN KFULL STAGE TYPICAL RIFFLE CROSS SECTION 1 0.0' 5.0' 1 .0' BAN KFULL STAGE <9 TYPICAL RIGHT MEANDER CROSS SECTION 1 0.0' I .0' 5.0' BAN KFULL STAGE TYPICAL LEFT MEANDER CROSS SECTION 1 res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL 1 "=30 60 FULL SCALE: 0 30 2" = FULL SCALE 1" 1" = HALF SCALE 1\ REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: 10/2/2020 RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: REACH KJ 1 PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: S5 \ / FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT_KJ1.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking r� REACH KJ I -C RES�QRATI 0 N 19+85 TO 35 5� GO - 55 50 45 I I ' GO 40 - EXISTING GRADE ALONG STREAM CENTERLINE 6.1 6.2 0 \ / / \ - --1 \ 7 -0.30% \ / / / / \ 1 1 1 I / / \ \ 6.3 6.4 5 PROPOSED OF BANK -0.30%/ / lz___/ 1'' A' / / / /1 6 OP -0.30% 6. / 6.8 _- 6.9 -0.33°7 \,/ `/ \ Ch PROPOS1D ANNEL B D I / /\'\ \ I / \ \ / 1 1 EXISTING TOP OF BANK 6.I -0.3 % 1 / 1 1 _ TIE REACH KJ I INTO fXISTING BED \ \ EASEMENT / / I / 1 I I 1 1 / EXISTING 48" CMP 1 1 11 I 11 I 11 /// 30+00 30+50 3 1 +00 3 I +50 32+00 32+50 33+00 33+50 34+00 SCALE: HOR I "=30'; VERT I "=3' 34+50 35+00 35+50 3G+00 55 50 45 40 36+50 36+75 . EAC I-1 KJ I -C STA 19 + 70 TO STA 3 5 + 5 7 O 8.0' 3.0' I .0' BANKFULL STAGE 4_ TYPICAL RIFFLE CROSS SECTION 1 0.0' 5.0' 1 .0' BANKFULL STAGE U 1 4_ TYPICAL RIGHT MEANDER CROSS SECTION 1 0.0' I .0' 5.0' BANKFULL STAGE 4_ TYPICAL LEFT MEANDER CROSS SECTION 1 res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL 0 *--n 60 FULL SCALE: 1 "=30 30 2" = FULL SCALE 1" 1" = HALF SCALE REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: 10/2/2020 RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: REACH KJ 1 PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: S6 \ / FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT_ DITCH_ A.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking r \ / —/ / / co � Y / r / 41) 2ko Owe i'i / \ PROPOSED 4 LF 0-36" RCP INV. `P 64.4 INV. OUT: 64.38' / 9 v J Co EXISTING CULVERT TO BE REMOVEDD\ ND DISPOSED OF OFF -SINE REMOVE DRAIN TILE AND DISPOSE OF OFF -SITE IF CONTRACTOR FINDS FUNCTIONAL DRAIN TILE GU IDE 0 ASEMENT, IN(ALL DRAIN TILEUTLET SEE DETAILII I TREATMENT POOL DRAIN TILE: 63.55' 24" CPP N.W. INV: 60.49' 5.E. INV: 62.84' \ ,(0 / LCE LC / /////%/� /////,ice ______;,...„---_-------!...----i-'_ , _ ---..„-_-_____--:<----_--- /�� �� jj--e /,� REMOVE DRAIN TILE AND DISIPOSE OF OFF -SITE \_1F CONTRACTORINDS FUNCTIONAL DRAIN TILE OU I NDE OF EASEMENT, INSTALL DRAIN TILE OUTLET SEE DETAIL D3 REACH KJ I -5 EXISTING DITCH TO BE ABANDONED AND BACKFILLED SEE SHEET D3 7.1 8 o0 TIE SWALEATO\ems REACH KJ I -5 80 75 70 65 60 2 I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 )NSERVATION EASEMENT (STA 3+73) 7.1 EXISTING `i OP EX STING ALONG GRADE SWALE OF BANK CENTERLINE _--_--- — -- __--- ------ --,. T PROPOSED P OF BANK -0.02% -O. 2% / 0.27% ----- - - PROPOSED 36" TIE SWALE A INTO EXISTING BED RCP PROPOSE T CHANNEL BE _ TIE PROP WALE SED A INTO BED OF REACH KJ I -B SCALE: HOR I "=30'; VERT I "=3' 80 75 70 65 60 SWALE A STA 5+ 17 TO STA 7+96 VARIES I .0' TYPICAL CROSS SECTION 1 res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL (Al i 1 "=30 60 FULL SCALE: 0 30 2' FULL SCALE 1" 1" = HALF SCALE REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: 10/2/2020 RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: SWALE A PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: S7 FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT_DITCH_B.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking r 7 / / \ / / / / / / / / / / —=—TB=----tTB— / / / / / / / +00 / / / 7 7 / / / / 1 +50— 2+00 / / INS ALL ENGINEERED DIMENT PACK SE DETAIL D2 REAC\ JI-C /// '<,/ TREATMENT POOL) / / / v / 7 1 / / / 7 / 7 7 / 7 / (00 / 7coco 67' 70 65 GO 55 50 0 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 _ PROPOSED TOP OF BANK _-�>--- EXISTING TOP OF LANK 8 _—. N ---- 11`7- -) i - \ �1 -0.47% / - \ i \ \ \ 1 1 1 ' EXISTING GPADE \�� / \ \\ 1 \ ALONG CENTERLINE SWALE 1 \ \I �/i \ \ PROPOSED CHANNEL BED A _ TIES ALE B IN -O PROPOSED RAChKJI BED OF -C I SCALE: hOR I "=30'; VERT I "=3' 70 65 GO 55 50 1 res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL 0 ( tritt titili Ca 1 "=30 /i 60 FULL SCALE: 30 2" = FULL SCALE 1" 1" = HALF SCALE REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: 10/2/2020 RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: SWALE B PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: S8 FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT SITE.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking LEGEND LIMITS OF CONSERVATION EASEMENT PROPOSED TOP OF BANK — PROPOSED WETLAND (TOTAL AREA: 2.99 I AC) PROPOSED FLOODPLAI N DEPRESSION (SEE SHEET D4) LCE NOTE: / I . REMOVE ALL DRAIN TILES/NGITHIN THE EASEMENT AND DIS(OSE OF OFF -SITE 2. IF CONTRACTOR FINDS FUNCTIONA TILE BEYOND S.Llli.VEYFD LIMITS \ CONTRACTOR IS RES9 NSIF3LOR REMOVING DRAINTILE FROM E SMENT AND INSTALLING 'DRAIN TILE OUTLET (SEE! D3) I\ L EXISTING CHANNEL TO BE ABANDONED AND BACKFI LLED SEE SKEET D3 REACH KJ I -C / / z 123// fa / / / / ,r - TB' G4 may. / / '' / / //'�/ ) I i 7 4r //''Y ,4 / i / / \► ym c r \/ N LCE INSTALL DRAIN TILE OUTLET SEE SKEET D3 LCE y -A/y ( - 99 = =ram - - y -\/ y / <6 / j/ / y y y y ars EXISTING DITCH TO BE ABANDONED AND � BACKFILLED SEE S1EET D3 y ;31 -V y y y y y - �y ii >UTB - -- y y \- y / �y \ y y e1� y I �. y \y— J ;31 y y y y REACH KJ I -B REACH KJ I -A INSTALL DRAIN TILE OUTLET SEE SKEET D3 CONSTRUCT FLOODPLAIN DEPRESSIONS SEE SKEET D4 WETLAND WA RE-ESTABLIShIV ENT 2.99 ',ACRES /7 /- I I I r 7/ INSTALL DRAIN TILE OUTLET SEE SHEET D3 DITCH A // /// / / res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL 1"= 50 100 4 FULL SCALE: 0 50 2" = FULL SCALE REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: 10/2/2020 RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: WETLAND PLAN PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: I FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT SITE.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking PLANTING LEGEND LCE LIMITS OF CONSERVATION EASEMENT EXISTING TREELINE PROPERTY LINE RIPARIAN PLANTING (TOTAL AREA: 16.35 AC) LIVE STAKE RIPARIAN SEED ONLY PLANTING (TOTAL AREA: 0.44 AC) rYThr-v wv� / / / / / / \ L r 1 7/ v J REACH KJ I -A 1 4211 �1 itya1it111*** 1111♦♦1 11♦114(sZ.44 111y ♦♦1j♦♦111b►/ /. . :.� 4. �►1��11�4**4 �=i♦ REACH KJ I -C - 41 it* ♦I'.* *47. 04.147 ),i 1►711111♦w`I • �t4"iit#14e 1*. rr****4 4f♦♦*dQ♦te1.i♦111 II W 14 444#44.1.,t4440.1*40441* 7, fy. c1 1 ,s-,,,, , \ "440 11j♦♦1♦ 111 1 r € 8 - ,, 7-- 4 . t4P1/10/444,4444 ta*A1 /44.44Wr P */# �,r.'�i..�' �a1♦It►♦j��j1*��"� 44 �I♦1111♦♦111i1, \ `� fel 4 )0* iii;4**4.04.---='- 4Pai \ 0 �,, �,� s 1 1► ♦ ,.-�I9�i _-11♦♦114►11**1 11 �1♦�►�I i.<** ���♦111!�1`1j1♦,tofirt*P4.4+744+144* ,G WOO. 010%414 4* tat•r-4***1 1 1 l** 1,t,340144row.-41***04,,64.40:"..0,A.,,ii..-_,...2_._ ..._ a._ - \-, 401to t-44"4441***jr**0- 2 8.**0 kii**** 4444iP° \ \- c 0.4,44.44*-P- 44-2 sIV**41444fr ( 414# y v DITCH [5 � . %It.>* e5,<, PLANTING TABLE REACH KJ I -B Permanent Riparian Seed Mix Common Name Scientific Name Percent Composition Virginia Wildrye Elymus virginicus 27% Partridge Pea Chamaecrista fasciculata 20% Beaked Panicgrass Panicum anceps 15% Autumn Bentgrass Agrostis perennans 10% Redtop Panicgrass Panicum rigidulum 10% Lurid Sedge Carex Iurida 7% New York I ronweed Vernonia noveboracensis 3% Deertongue Dichanthelium clandestinum 3% Soft Rush Juncus effusus 3% Common Sneezeweed Ilelenium autumnale I % Crimsoneyed Rosemallow I-libiscus moscheutos I % Live Staking and Live Cuttings Bundle Tree Species Common Name Scientific Name Percent Composition Black willow Salix nigra 40% Silky dogwood Cornus ammomum 30% Cottonwood Populus deltoides 30% Bare Root Planting Tree Species Common Name Scientific Name Percent Composition River birch Betula nigra 1 5% Bald cypress Taxodium distichum 1 0% Water oak Quercus nigra 1 0% Willow oak Quercus phellos 1 0% Overcup oak Quercus lyrata 1 0% Swamp tupelo Nyssa biflora 1 0% American Sycamore Plantanus occidental's 1 0% Southern Red Oak Quercus falcata I 0% Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidental's 1 0% Green Ash Fraxmus pennsylyanica 5% DITCH A PLANTING NOTES ALL PLANTING AREAS EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROPERLY MAINTAINED UNTIL PERMANENT VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED AND FINAL APPROVAL HAS BEEN ISSUED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY TO ENSURE MEASURES ARE FUNCTIONING PROPERLY. 2. DISTURBED AREAS NOT AT FINAL GRADE SHALL BE TEMPORARILY VEGETATED WITHIN 10 WORKING DAYS. UPON COMPLETION OF FINAL GRADING, PERMANENT VEGETATION SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOR ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN I 0 WORKING DAYS. SEEDING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH EROSION CONTROL PLAN. 3. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE PREPARED PRIOR TO PLANTING BY DISC OR SPRING -TOOTH CHISEL PLOW TO MINIMUM DEPTH OF 1 2 INCHES. MULTIPLE PASSES SHALL BE MADE ACROSS PLANTING AREAS WITH THE IMPLEMENT AND THE FINAL PASS SHALL FOLLOW TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOURS. 4. BARE ROOT AND LIVE STAKE TREE SPECIES SHALL FOLLOW THE COMPOSITION SHOWN IN THE TABLE TO THE LEFT. SPECIES MAY BE SUBSTITUTED BASED ON AVAILABILITY. 5. BARE ROOT AND LIVE STAKE TREE SPECIES SHALL BE PLANTED ACCORDING TO THEIR RESPECTIVE DETAILS. G. BARE ROOT PLANTING DENSITY IS APPROXIMATELY 800 STEMS PER ACRE. SPECIES SHALL BE DISTRIBUTED SUCH THAT 3 TOG PLANTS OF THE SAME SPECIES ARE GROUPED TOGETHER. 7. TREATMENT/REMOVAL OF INVASIVE SPECIES, PINES AND SWEET GUMS LESS THAN G" DBH SHALL BE PERFORMED THROUGHOUT THE PLANTED AREA. 8. TEMPORARY SEED MIX SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RATE OF 1 50 LBS/ACRE TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITH SLOPES EQUAL TO OR STEEPER THAN 3: 1 . 9. PERMANENT RIPARIAN SEED MIX SHALL BE APPLIED TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT AT A RATE OF 1 5 LBS/ACRE. J \ res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL Aftoo,.. FULL SCALE: 0 1 "=100 200 100 2" = FULL SCALE HALF SCALE 1" = REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: 10/2/2020 RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: PLANTING PLAN PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: .. P1 J FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT_DETAILS.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking WHEN AND WHERE TO USE IT SILT FENCE IS APPLICABLE IN AREAS: WHERE TI1E MAXIMUM SHEET OR OVERLAND FLOW PATI1 LENGTH TO TI1E FENCE IS 100-FEET. WHERE TI1E MAXIMUM SLOPE STEEPNESS (NORMAL [PERPENDICULAR] TO FENCE LINE) IS 211: 1 V. THAT DO NOT RECEIVE CONCENTRATED FLOWS GREATER THAN 0.5 CFS. DO NOT PLACE SILT FENCE ACROSS CHANNELS OR USE IT AS A VELOCITY CONTROL BMP. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS: I . USE A SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRIC OF AT LEAST 95% BY WEIGHT OF POLYOLEFINS OR POLYESTER, WHICH 1S CERTIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER OR SUPPLIER AS CONFORMING TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN ASTM D 646 1 . SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRIC SHOULD CONTAIN ULTRAVIOLET RAY INHIBITORS AND STABILIZERS TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 6 MONTHS OF EXPECTED USABLE CONSTRUCTION LIFE AT A TEMPERATURE RANGE OF 0° TO 1 20° F. 2. ENSURE THAT POSTS FOR SEDIMENT FENCES ARE I .33 LB/LINEAR FT STEEL WITH A MINIMUM LENGTH OF 5 FEET. MAKE SURE THAT STEEL POSTS HAVE PROJECTIONS TO FACILITATE FASTENING THE FABRIC. CONSTRUCTION: I . CONSTRUCT THE SEDIMENT BARRIER OF EXTRA STRENGTH SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRICS. 2. ENSURE THAT THE HEIGHT OF THE SEDIMENT FENCE DOES NOT EXCEED 24 INCHES ABOVE THE GROUND SURFACE. (HIGHER FENCES MAY IMPOUND VOLUMES OF WATER SUFFICIENT TO CAUSE FAILURE OF THE STRUCTURE.) 3. CONSTRUCT THE FILTER FABRIC FROM A CONTINUOUS ROLL CUT TO THE LENGTH OF THE BARRIER TO AVOID JOINTS. WHEN JOINTS ARE NECESSARY, SECURELY FASTEN THE FILTER CLOTH ONLY AT A SUPPORT POST WITH 4 FEET MINIMUM OVERLAP TO THE NEXT POST. 4. EXTRA STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC WITH 6 FEET POST SPACING DOES NOT REQUIRE WIRE MESH SUPPORT FENCE. SECURELY FASTEN THE FILTER FABRIC DIRECTLY TO POSTS. WIRE OR PLASTIC ZIP TIES SHOULD HAVE MINIMUM 50 POUND TENSILE STRENGTH. 5. EXCAVATE A TRENCH APPROXIMATELY 4 INCHES WIDE AND 8 INCHES DEEP ALONG THE PROPOSED LINE OF POSTS AND UPSLOPE FROM THE BARRIER. 6. PLACE 12 INCHES OF THE FABRIC ALONG THE BOTTOM AND SIDE OF THE TRENCH. 7. BACKFILL THE TRENCH WITH SOIL PLACED OVER THE FILTER FABRIC AND COMPACT. THOROUGH COMPACTION OF THE BACKFILL IS CRITICAL TO SILT FENCE PERFORMANCE. 8. DO NOT ATTACH FILTER FABRIC TO EXISTING TREES. MAI NTENANCE: I . INSPECT SEDIMENT FENCES AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK AND AFTER EACH RAINFALL. MAKE ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. 2. SHOULD THE FABRIC OF A SEDIMENT FENCE COLLAPSE, TEAR, DECOMPOSE OR BECOME INEFFECTIVE, REPLACE IT PROMPTLY. 3. REMOVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE STORAGE VOLUME FOR THE NEXT RAIN AND TO REDUCE PRESSURE ON THE FENCE. TAKE CARE TO AVOID UNDERMINING THE FENCE DURING CLEANOUT. 4. REMOVE ALL FENCING MATERIALS AND UNSTABLE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AND BRING THE AREA TO GRADE AND STABILIZE IT AFTER THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN PROPERLY STABILIZED. I .25 LB./LINEAR FT. STEEL POSTS FILTER FABRIC COMPACTED EARTH co FILTER FABRIC EXTRA STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC BACKFILL TRENCH WITH COMPACTED EARTH USE EITHER FLAT -BOTTOM OR V-BOTTOM TRENCH SHOWN BELOW RUNOFF FLAT -BOTTOM TRENCH DETAIL z R4 ale \/c, HEAVY DUTY PLASTIC TIE FOR STEEL POSTS BURY FABRIC SILT FENCE INSTALLATION FILTER FABRIC COMPACTED EARTH RUNOFF co N 0 z_ N FILTER FABRIC V-SHAPED TRENCH DETAIL TEMPORARY SILT FENCE NTS i A FLOW r%ihi''p%%%**********%***********%%'til'p%irl iniSSIMINVISSIMISTMOVISLJ SEE NOTE MAI NTENANCE: PLAN VIEW LOWEST POINT SECTION A -A I . PERIODICALLY INSPECT SANDBAG DIKE FOR DAMAGE AND LEAKS AND REPAIR AS NEEDED 2. REMOVE IMPOUNDED TRASH AND SEDIMENT A MIDDLE LAYER BOTTOM LAYER ENDS OF BAGS IN ADJACENT ROWS BUTTED SLIGHTLY TOGETHER GROUND LEVEL EARTH SURFACE i\ .,\\i - SECTION B-B NOTES: TOP LAYER EARTH SURFACE TRENCH 0.25' DEEP ONLY WHEN PLACED ON EARTH SURFACE I . END OF DIKE AT GROUND LEVEL TO BE HIGHER THAN THE LOWEST POINT OF FLOW CHECK 2. SUFFICIENT SANDBAGS ARE TO BE PLACED TO PREVENT SCOURING 3. SANDBAG BARRIERS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF THREE LAYERS OF SANDBAGS. THE BOTTOM LAYER SHALL CONSIST OF 3 ROWS OF BAGS, THE MIDDLE LAYER SHALL CONSIST OF 2 ROWS OF BAGS AND THE TOP LAYER SHALL CONSIST OF I ROW OF BAGS 4. THE RECOMMENDED DIMENSION OF A FILLED SANDBAG SHALL BE APPROXIMATELY 0.5 FT X 0.5 FT X I .5 FT SANDBAG IMPERVIOUS DIKE NTS WIRE FENCING (IF APPLICABLE) WOVEN FILTER FABRIC GENERAL NOTES: 4' MAX. IIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEI -III-III-111E111E111E111E111E111E111E111E111E111E111E111EI I I- IIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEIIIEI -I I I -I I I -I I I=1 I I=1 I I=1 I I=1 I I=1 I I=1 I I=1 I I=1 I I1 I I=1 I I=1 I I=1 I I- 1=1 1=1 1=1 1=1 1=1 11 I1 1 1 1=1 1=111=1 1=1 1=111 11 I I I -III-111=1111 11111 1111 I' 111111 111E111E111=111 1111 1= -III � ,III_ 1 1. SEDIMENT FILTER OUTLET AND HARDWARE CLOTH SHALL BE 1 G INCHES HIGH BUT NO TALLER THAN 18INCHES. 2. HARDWARE CLOTH SHALL BE ANCHORED TO THE STEEL POSTS SECURELY USING APPROPRIATE ANCHORS. HARDWARE CLOTH SHALL BE KEYED IN A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES IN LENGTH AND BACKFILLED PROPERLY AS SHOWN IN ABOVE DETAIL. HARDWARE CLOTH TO BE SAME AS STD. #30.09 (1 9 GAUGE, 1/4" SPACING). 3. POSTS SHALL BE NO MORE THAN 4 FEET APART. 4. SITE OUTLETS AT ANY POINT SMALL CONCENTRATED FLOWS ARE ANTICIPATED AND AT THE DIRECTION OF THE INSPECTOR. 5. ONE ACRE MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA PER OUTLET. =1 1= 1E111E1' I 11 SILT FENCE OUTLET NTS STEEL POST HARDWARE CLOTH WASHED STONE (NCDOT #5 OR #57) FLOW III=III=11a 11=III=III 111111. I I I=111=111=111- "=I11=11'- 1111 ANCHOR SKIRT; EXCAVATE TRENCH AND COMPACT BACKFILL MAINTENANCE NOTES: 1. FILTER OUTLETS SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY OR HIS AGENT IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL. ANY REPAIRS NEEDED SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. 2. THE STONE SHALL BE REPLACED PROMPTLY AFTER ANY EVENT THAT HAS CLOGGED OR REMOVED IT. 3. SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHOULD BE REMOVED WHEN DEPOSITS REACH HALF THE HEIGHT OF THE BARRIER. ANY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS REMAINING IN PLACE AFTER THE SILT FENCE OUTLET 15 REMOVED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM TO THE EXISTING GRADE, PREPARED AND SEEDED. INSTALLATION NOTES: SITE PREPARATION I . GRADE AND COMPACT AREA. 2. REMOVE ALL ROCKS, CLODS, VEGETATION, AND OBSTRUCTIONS SO THAT MATTING WILL HAVE DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE SOIL. 3. PREPARE SEEDBED BY LOOSENING 3 TO 4 INCHES OF TOPSOIL ABOVE FINAL GRADE. 4. TEST SOILS FOR ANY NUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES AND SUBMIT SOIL TEST RESULTS TO THE ENGINEER. APPLY ANY TREATMENT SUCH AS LIME OR FERTILIZERS TO THE SOIL IF NEEDED. SEEDING I . SEE PLANTING SHEETS FOR SEEDING REQUIREMENTS. 2. APPLY SEED TO SOIL BEFORE PLACING MATTING. INSTALLATION - STREAM BANK I . SEE GRADING NOTES ON PLAN AND PROFILE SHEETS AND DETAIL SHEETS FOR INFORMATION REGARDING WHAT AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE COIR MATTING. 2. OVERLAP ADJACENT MATS 6" (IN DIRECTION PARALLEL TO FLOW) AND ANCHOR EVERY 12" ACROSS THE OVERLAP. THE UPSTREAM MAT SHOULD BE PLACED OVER THE DOWNSTREAM MAT. 3. EDGES SHOULD BE SHINGLED AWAY FROM THE FLOW OF WATER. 4. LAY MAT LOOSE TO ALLOW CONTACT WITH SOIL. DO NOT STRETCH TIGHT. 5. ANCHOR MAT USING BIODEGRADABLE STAKES. 6. EXTEND MAT 2 TO 3 FEET PAST TOP OF BANK. 7. PLACE ADJACENT ROLLS IN THE ANCHOR TRENCH WITH A MINIMUM OF 4" OVERLAP. SECURE WITH BIODEGRADABLE STAKES, BACKFILL ANCHOR TRENCH, AND COMPACT SOIL. 8. STAKE AT 12" INTERVALS ALONG OVERLAP. 9. IF MORE THAN ROLL IS REQUIRED TO COVER THE CHANNEL FROM THE TOP OF BANK DOWN TO THE TOE, THEN OVERLAP MATTING BY A MINIMUM OF I'. INSTALLATION - HEADWATER VALLEY I . SEE GRADING NOTES ON PLAN AND PROFILE SHEETS AND DETAIL SHEETS FOR INFORMATION REGARDING WHAT AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE COIR MATTING. 2. OVERLAP ADJACENT MATS 6" (IN DIRECTION PARALLEL TO FLOW) AND ANCHOR EVERY 12" ACROSS THE OVERLAP. THE UPSTREAM MAT SHOULD BE PLACED OVER THE DOWNSTREAM MAT. 3. EDGES SHOULD BE SHINGLED AWAY FROM THE FLOW OF WATER. 4. LAY MAT LOOSE TO ALLOW CONTACT WITH SOIL. DO NOT STRETCH TIGHT. 5. ANCHOR MAT USING BIODEGRADABLE STAKES. 6. EXTEND MAT A MINIMUM OF I FOOT PAST TOE OF SLOPE. 7. STAKE AT 12" INTERVALS ALONG OVERLAP. 8. IF MORE THAN ROLL IS REQUIRED TO COVER THE VALLEY BOTTOM, THEN OVERLAP MATTING BY A MINIMUM OF I' IN THE CENTER OF THE CHANNEL. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • COIR MATTING KEY -IN MATTING STAKE MATTING JUST ABOVE CHANNEL TOE AND BACKFILL W/ RIFFLE MATERIAL STREAM / SWALE MATTING I.0' MIN. NTS HEADWATER VALLEY MATTING I.0' MIN EROSION CONTROL MATTING MUST MEET REACH KJ I -B $ C • 100 To COCONUT FIBER (COIR) TWINE WOVEN INTO A HIGH STRENGTH MATRIX. • THICKNESS - 0.35 IN. MINIMUM. • SHEAR STRESS - 5 LBS/SQFT • FLOW VELOCITY- OBSERVED 16 FT/SEC • WEIGHT - 29 OZ/SY • OPEN AREA - 38% • SLOPES - UP TO A MAXIMUM OF 1 : OR EXCEED THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: REACH KJ I -A / SWALE A $ B • 100 To WOOD FIBER • THICKNESS - 0.382 IN. MINIMUM. • SHEAR STRESS - 1 .6 LBS/SQFT • FLOW VELOCITY- OBSERVED 5 FT/SEC • WEIGHT - 8.8 OZ/SY • SLOPES - UP TO A MAXIMUM OF 2: I COARSE AGGREGATE - STONE SIZE = 2"-3" INSTALL PIPE PER DESIGN (IF NEEDED) PURPOSE: z STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHOULD BE USED AT ALL POINTS WHERE TRAFFIC WILL BE LEAVING A CONSTRUCTION SITE AND MOVING DIRECTLY ONTO A PUBLIC ROAD. INSTALL A CULVERT PIPE ACROSS THE ENTRANCE WHEN NEEDED TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS: I . CLEAR THE ENTRANCE AND EXIT AREA OF ALL VEGETATION, ROOTS, AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL AND PROPERLY GRADE IT. 2. PLACE THE GRAVEL TO THE SPECIFIC GRADE AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE DETAIL, AND SMOOTH IT. 3. PROVIDE DRAINAGE TO CARRY WATER TO A SEDIMENT TRAP OR OTHER SUITABLE OUTLET. 4. USE GEOTEXTILE FABRICS BECAUSE THEY IMPROVE STABILITY OF THE FOUNDATION IN LOCATIONS SUBJECT TO SEEPAGE OR HH W IGATER TABLE. MAI NTENANCE: I . MAINTAIN THE GRAVEL PAD IN A CONDITION TO PREVENT MUD OR SEDIMENT FROM LEAVING THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH 2-INCH STONE. 2. AFTER EACH RAINFALL, INSPECT ANY STRUCTURE USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT AND CLEAN IT OUT AS NECESSARY. 3. IMMEDIATELY REMOVE ALL OBJECTIONABLE MATERIALS SPILLED, WASHED, OR TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC ROADWAYS, OR AIRFIELD PAVEMENTS. TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NTS NOTES: I . CONSTRUCT DAM ACCORDING TO NCDENR EROSION CONTROL MANUAL 2. RIPRAP SHALL BE CLASS I 3. PLACE ROCK DAM AS SHOWN ON PLANS. EXTEND CLASS'S RIP RAP ROCK APRON 2 FEET DOWNSTREAM FROM TOE OF ROCK DAM MAINTENANCE: I . INSPECT CHECK DAM PERIODICALLY AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL EVENT FOR DAMAGE AND SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION 2. AT A MINIMUM, REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN ACCUMULATIONS REACH ONE-HALF THE HEIGHT OF THE SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE 3. REPLACE OR CLEAN SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE AS NEEDED TO ALLOW WATER TO DRAIN THROUGH THE DEVICE BETWEEN RAINFALL EVENTS SPILLWAY CREST CLASS'S RIP RAP I.0' B ROCK APRON 2' MIN. • THICK CLASS 4.411 •••• rip 'pijjj•jtik or I or 10 Nlealer CUTOFF TRENCH SECTION B-B A I .0' THICK CLASS B ROCK APRON ' MIN OF # 5 WASHED STONE FLOW FILTER FABRIC FLOW # 5 WASHED STONE Selleameavandliar vac tf Pa1z1z1z1z1z1z1.1 PLAN W (SPILLWAY) MIN. 2/s STREAM WIDTH BAN KFULL �•�•�•�•�•� 71.01.01. taiarlimaimaima CLASS'S RIP RAP SECTION A -A TEMPORARY ROCK CHECK DAM NTS A FILTER FABRIC NOTES: I . EXCAVATION SHALL BE PERFORMED ONLY IN DRY AND/OR ISOLATED SECTIONS OF CHANNEL. 2. IMPERVIOUS DIKES SHOULD BE USED TO ISOLATE WORK AREAS FROM STREAM FLOW. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DISTURB MORE AREA THAN CAN BE STABILIZED IN ONE WORKING DAY. A MAXIMUM OF 200 FEET MAY BE DISTURBED AT ANY ONE TIME. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING PUMP SIZE SUFFICIENT TO PUMP BASE FLOW. 5. DIKE MUST BE CONSTRUCTED OF NON -ERODIBLE MATERIALS SUCH AS SANDBAGS. SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION: I . INSTALL STILLING BASIN AND STABILIZED OUTFALL USING CLASS A RIP RAP AT THE DOWNSTREAM END OF THE DESIGNATED PROJECT WORKING AREA. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL THE PUMP AROUND PUMP AND THE TEMPORARY PIPING THAT WILL CONVEY THE BASE FLOW FROM UPSTREAM OF THE WORK AREA TO THE STABILIZED OUTFALL. 3. INSTALL UPSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKE AND BEGIN PUMPING OPERATIONS FOR STREAM DIVERSION. 4. INSTALL THE DOWNSTREAM IMPERVIOUS DIKE AND DEWATERING PUMPING APPARATUS IF NEEDED TO DEWATER THE ENTRAPPED AREA. THE PUMP AND HOSE FOR THIS PURPOSE SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO DEWATER THE WORK AREA. THIS WATER WILL ALSO BE PUMPED TO AN OUTFALL STABILIZED WITH CLASS A RIP RAP. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE ANY ACCUMULATED SILT AND DEWATER BEFORE REMOVAL OF THE IMPERVIOUS DIKE. WHEN DEWATERING AREA, ALL DIRTY WATER MUST BE PUMPED THROUGH A SILT BAG. REMOVE IMPERVIOUS DIKES, PUMPS, AND TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE HOSE/PIPING STARTING WITH THE DOWNSTREAM DIKE FIRST. 6. ONCE THE WORKING AREA IS COMPLETED, REMOVE ALL RIP RAP AND IMPERVIOUS DIKES AND STABILIZE DISTURBED AREAS WITH SEED AND MULCH. 7. ALL WORK IN CHANNEL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE REMOVING IMPERVIOUS DIKE. WORK DE -WATERING AREA PUMP IMPERVIOUS DIKE SILT BAG LOCATION STABILIZED OUTFALL CLASS A STONE FILTER FABRIC STABILIZED OUTFALL CLASS A STONE FLOW FILTER FABRIC EXISTING GROUND INTAKE HOSE PUMP AROUND PUMP IMPERVIOUS DIKE DISCHARGE HOSE NOTE: NOSE SHOULD BE KEPT OUTSIDE OF WORK AREA 15' TO 20' i \\�\\��\� \\ \\\\i\ EXISTING CHANNEL SILT BAG PROFILE DISCHARGE HOSE 8" OF CLASS A STONE PUMP AROUND $ DEWATERING DETAIL NTS 1' 1 res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10/2/2020 PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: DETAILS PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: D1 FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT_DETAILS.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking LINE POST BARBED OR ELECTRIC WIRE 16' MAX. WOVEN WIRE BARBED OR ELECTRIC WIRE ■■■1IIIMMEMME■■■■■■■■■i MEMME■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■1II1■■■ ■■■IIIIMMEMME■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■IIIIMMM ■■■IIIIMMEMME■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■IIIIMMM ■■■IIIIMMEMME■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■IIIIMMM ■■■IIIIMMEMME■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■IIIIMMM 4" TO 6" WOVEN WIRE GROUND LINE NOTES: II 'II II; lip III LINE PANEL II LINE POST 3" MIN. N v O H N z WOVEN WIRE WITH ONE BARB DETAIL LINE POST WOVEN WIRE: ASTM CLASS 3 GALVANIZED. TOP AND BOTTOM WIRES MIN. 12 GAUGE. INTERMEDIATE AND STAY WIRES MIN. 12 1/2 GAUGE. I . LINE POSTS (WOODEN): MIN. 4 IN. DIAM. OR 4 IN. SQUARE. 2. LINE POSTS (STEEL): STUDDED OR PUNCHED T, U, OR Y SHAPED, WITH ANCHOR PLATES. 3. MIN. WEIGHT I .3 LBS./FT. (EXCLUDING ANCHOR PLATE). POSTS SHALL BE DRIVEN A MINIMUM OF 18" DEEP AND MUST BE AT LEAST 5.5 FT IN LENGTH 4. SPECIES AND TREATMENT FOR ALL WOOD: USE UNTREATED DURABLE POSTS OF SPECIES SUCH AS RED CEDAR, BLACK LOCUST OR OSAGE-ORANGE WITH BARK REMOVED, OR NON -DURABLE WOOD THAT IS PRESERVATIVE PRESSURE TREATED (0.40 LBS./CUBIC FOOT CCA, OR EQUIVALENT NON-CCA TREATMENT). DO NOT USE RED PINE. WOVEN WISE FENCE (NRCS DETAIL 382A) NTS EXISTING GRADE MIN 12.0' EROSION CONTROL WATTLE/ SILT FENCE SLOPE �T / NOTES: I . MAINTAIN HAUL ROAD DURING CONSTRUCTION 2. RETURN TO ORIGINAL GRADE AT THE COMPLETION OF WORK 3. VEGETATE ALL DISTURBED AREAS 4. REMOVE COMPOST FILTER SOCK UPON ESTABLISHMENT OF VEGETATION -YPICAL HAUL .OAD NTS EXISTING GRADE EXISTING GRADE 2" x 2" X 2' WOODEN STAKE ON 2' CENTERS SLOPE MINIMUM 9" EROSION CONTROL COIR WATTLE/LOG PROFILE VIEW NOTES: I . EROSION CONTROL WATTLES OR COIR LOGS/WATTLES MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF SILT FENCE 2. INSTLL A MINIMUM OF 2 UPSLOPE STAKES AND 4 DOWNSLOPE STAKES AT AN ANGLE TO WEDGE WATTLE IN PLACE MAI NTENANCE: I . INSPECT WATTLE PERIODICALLY AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL EVENT FOR DAMAGE AND SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION 2. REPLACE OR CLEAN WATTLE AS NEEDED TO ALLOW WATER TO DRAIN THROUGH THE NATURAL FIBERS BETWEEN RAINFALL EVENTS EROSION CONTROL WATTLE NTS RIP RAP APPROACH (5' MIN) CLASS B RIP RAP TIMBER MAT INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR CARRIAGE BOLT (TYP) CLASS B RIP RAP /\ \/\\/\/\/\.,\\ .%\/\/ //\//\\.\\/%\.\\.\\.\\,\\ FILTER FABRIC TOE OF BANK (TYP) TOP OF BANK TIMBER MAT CROSSING FLOW R PLAN VIEW SEDIMENT RAIL MIN HEIGHT = 4" TIMBER MAT INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR R 3 TOE OF BANK TIMBER MAT APPROACH SEDIMENT RAIL MIN HEIGHT = 4" R TIMBER MAT TOP OF BANK INSTALLED PARALLEL APPROXIMATE BASE FLOW WATER SURFACE SECTION VIEW NOTES: TIMBER MAT INSTALLED PARALLEL CARRIAGE BOLT TIMBER MAT (TYP) I . TIMBER MATS SHALL BE USED FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ACCESS TO TRAVERSE WET AND/OR MUDDY ARES ADJACENT TO THE STREAM AND TO CROSS THE STREAM AND OTHER CONCENTRATED FLOW AREAS. 2. THE STREAM CROSSING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A DRY CONDITION WHEN FLOW IS LOW. THERE SHALL BE MINIMAL TO NO DISTURBANCE OF THE CHANNEL BED AND BANKS AS A RESULT OF INSTALLING THE APPROACHES OR CROSSING. 3. THE LENGTH OF TIMBER MAT REQUIRED TO CROSS THE STREAM OR CONCENTRATED FLOW AREAS SHALL BE SUCH THAT THE TIMBER MAT EXTENDS PAST THE TOP OF BANK ON EACH SIDE OF THE CROSSING A SUFFICIENT DISTANCE TO SUPPORT THE MAXIMUM EQUIPMENT SIZE USING THE CROSSING. 4. STREAM CROSSINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE TIMBER MAT LENGTHS ORIENTED PERPENDICULAR TO THE TOPS OF THE STREAM BANKS. TIMBER MAT STREAM APPROACHES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE TIMBER MAT LENGTHS ORIENTED PARALLEL TO THE TOPS OF THE STREAM BANKS. 5. TIMBER MATS SHALL HAVE A SOLID DECK WITH NO GAPS OR SPACES ALLOWED BETWEEN THE INDIVIDUAL BOARDS/TIMBERS. 6. A 4" MINIMUM HEIGHT SEDIMENT RAIL SHALL BE PROVIDED AT STREAM CROSSINGS TO PREVENT TRACKED SEDIMENT FROM FALLING INTO THE STREAM BED. 7. STREAM CROSSING APPROACHES FROM DRY AREAS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED USING CLASS B RIP RAP PLACED OVER FILTER FABRIC. 8. ALL TIMBER MATS, FILTER FABRIC, AND RIP RAP SHALL BE COMPLETELY REMOVED FROM THE SITE WHEN THE CROSSING IS REMOVED. TIN/BE!VAT TEN/PORAY CROSSING NTS CHANNEL BOTTOM -\\ OF BANK INSTALL WATTLE IN 2" TO 3" TRENCH LIVE STAKES j FLOW LIVE STAKES • A A O N z O 4" CEDAR POST / // //\//\//\// 7:-.Mk j\/ /\/\/\/\ SECTION B-B 7- CHANNEL TOP OF BANK LIVE STAKES SMALL BRANCHES AND BRUSH LIVE STAKES PROPOSED STREAM BED FLOW ENGINEERED SEDIMENT PACK (ESP) NTS z O N z O N BANKFULL SMALL LOGS AND/OR LARGE BRANCHES WITH A MIN DIAMETER OF 4" \% SECTION A -A NOTES: I . DRIVE 2 ROWS OF 4" CEDAR POSTS ON MINIMUN 3' CENTERS PAST MINIMUM DEPTH AS ShOWN. 2. FILL ThE VOID BETWEEN POST ROWS W/ AN EVEN MIX OF hARDWOOD LOGS, LIMBS, AND BRUSh AS ShOWN. 3. REDUCE POST SPACING AS NEEDED TO IMPROVE STRUCTURE STABILITY. 4. SEE TABLE ON PLANTING ShEET(S) FOR ACCEPTABLE LIVE STAKE SPECIES AND COMPOSITION. MIN. 2' (UNLESS ADDITIONAL COVER IS REQUIRED BY MANUFACTURER) FILTER FABRIC SEE PLAN SHEET FOR CULVERT INVERT ELEVATION i /\//\// ,\/\ COARSE AGGREGATE (#5 WASHED STONE) 6" DEEP EARTH FILL ->//\\/\\/ \ , ,\\/\\/PIPE SIZE PER PLAN // /\ \\/\\/\\ \\\ \\/\\\A\,A •\\ . \/\ SECTION VIEW PROPOSED CULVERT CROSSING NTS INSTALL CLAY PLUG 2 FEET BELOW CULVERT INVERT COARSE AGGREGATE (#5 WASHED STONE) NOTES: I . CONSTRUCT STREAM CROSSING WHEN FLOW IS LOW. 2. INSTALL STREAM CROSSING PERPENDICULAR TO FLOW. 3. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE APPROPRIATE BEDDING MATERIAL WITH MANUFACTURER. 4. FILTER FABRIC USED SHALL BE NCDOT TYPE 2 ENGINEERING FABRIC OR EQUIVALENT. 5. WIDTH OF TYPICAL FARM CROSSINGS SHALL BE PER PLAN OR A MINIMUM OF 12'. 6. WHEN REQUIRED, CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE PIPE MATERIAL AND COVER MEET H-20 LOADING REQUIREMENTS. FLOW MIN 3' MIN 3' I I -III -I I III -III -III -III -III -III -I II -III -III -III -III -III -III -III -I I ICI I ICI I I -III -III -III -III III -III -III -I I =IIIIII-I -III-III-IIIIIIIII-III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1'1IIIIIIIII= EARTH FILL 11=III 111 1 J 111 111 111 III III III III III 111 III J 111 III J I 11 III III III III III 111 III11 -III l \ / \ V \ /��\ l \ l \ /��\ /���=lHE HEED CD00 C /0C �0O0O0000011111111 1=,,=111!' O O\ciT2 �Oc -2 /O� O\ c":2 cD0c O O ! 111 1 11! 1111D,11 ->0 0 0 / o,� / \o o ��� o o III- Hal O %V\ 2 O TI�Iu1 1 I I= Ili I I �I I=IIIIIII I f=1 II I_ I O� 111=I� 11 1 I OI= Ill I I �I IIIIIII=I I f=1 II I_ I Ol I1 I11E- Hall I I ITI11 ITI I I I ITI I I I ITI I I I ITI I I I ITI I I I ITI I 11111TI1111TI1111TI1111T11111 I I ImI 111TI1111TI1111111111TI1111TI1111TI1111TI1111TI1111TI1111TI1111TI1111T1 l l l l l 10' MIN. TOP OF BANK STREAM CHANNEL PLAN VIEW 10' MIN. a SET LOG ELEVATION AT CHANNEL BED AS SPECIFIED ON PLAN SHEET PROFILE VIEW 1' 1 res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10/2/2020 PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: DETAILS PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: D2 FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT_DETAILS.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking KEY COIR MATTING INTO BANK MIN 2.0 1 /4 MAX POOL DEPTH 1 /4 MAX POOL DEPTH SMALL LOGS AND/OR LARGE BRANCHES WITH A MIN DIAMETER OF 4" MIN 5.0' INSTALL COIR MATTING PER DETAIL SEE DWG DI COMPACTED SOIL LIFT LIVE STAKES SECTION A -A LIVE CUTTINGS SMALL BRANCHES AND BRUSH e/7 \/\ TOE PROTECTION (LARGER CHANNELS) CHANNEL TOP OF BANK CHANNEL BOTTOM OF BANK B.RUSH TOE NTS TOP OF BANK / /\/ \ NW - NOTES: 1. OVER EXCAVATE THE OUTSIDE BEND OF THE CHANNEL. PLACE LARGER BRANCHES AND LOGS IN A CRISS-CROSS PATTERN. LOCK IN PLACE WITH DLL COVERING 6 IN TO 12 IN OF THE LARGER BRANCHES/SMALL LOGS. 2. PLACE SMALLER BRANCHES AND BRUSH OVER THE LARGER BRANCHES/SMALL LOGS (HARDWOOD SPECIES ONLY) AND COMPACT LIGHTLY TOGETHER. BACKFILL AND COMPACT TO LOCK IN PLACE. 3. PLACE LIVE CUTTINGS OVER THE SMALL BRANCHES AND BRUSH. SEE TABLE ON PLANTING SHEET FOR ACCEPTABLE LIVE CUTTING AND LIVE STAKE SPECIES AND COMPOSITION. CUTTINGS SHOULD BE RINSED AT CUTTING POINT TO ALLOW BETTER ROOTING. 4. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL (COIR) MATTING OVER COMPACTED SOIL PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER. COIR MATTING SHOULD BE KEYED INTO TOP OF BANK. 5. INSTALL 1 TO 3 ROWS OF LIVE STAKES ABOVE THE LIVE CUTTINGS LAYER PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER. 6. LIVE CUTTINGS SHOULD NOT EXTEND PAST% OF CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH. A A TYPICAL PLAN VIEW COIR MATTING DIBBLE PLANTING METHOD USING THE KBC PLANTING BAR =11-11 =11=11=1 :11=11= 41.=11.=110 1=.11=.11= 11=11=1 :11.=11=11 41:=11.=11= 1=11=11= =II=.11=.1 11.=11.=11'?11.=11.=11= 1:�1.11:�1.11=1 :f1.11.11.11.f1.1 1. INSERT PLANTING BAR AS SHOWN AND PULL HANDLE TOWARD PLANTER. 11 �.IIF Ilolloll 11=, .11 ;111=11=11.= 11: 11= 1A11=11 i11 1L r✓11.11.11= 11- IA11011011 :11=11.-11=11.=11=11= 11011011011011=11 4. PULL HANDLE OF BAR TOWARD PLANTER, FIRMING SOIL AT BOTTOM. 11=11=1 1=11.=11. 11.=11= yt :.11=11I1.11 II11I11.1 11:=11:=11:�1=11.=11: 11.=11.=11=11.=11.=1 2. REMOVE PLANTING BAR AND PLACE SEEDING AT CORRECT DEPTH. IIF z11=i1=11=11= 1 11=11v 11.=11.=1L II= 11=11 =11=11= II II=11.=':iI.=11.=11i II= =11=11=11=11= 1=11.=11=11=11=1L 5. PUSH HANDLE FORWARD FIRMING SOIL AT TOP. AMfAli A 11=11.=11.=11.=11=11=! 3. INSERT PLANTING BAR 2 INCHES TOWARD PLANTER FROM SEEDING. 6. LEAVE COMPACTION HOLE OPEN. WATER THOROUGHLY. BA.RE PLANTING NOTES: PLANTING BAG DURING PLANTING, SEEDLINGS SHALL BE KEPT IN A MOIST CANVAS BAG OR SIMILAR CONTAINER TO PREVENT THE ROOT SYSTEMS FROM DRYING. KBC PLANTING BAR PLANTING BAR SHALL HAVE A BLADE WITH A TRIANGULAR CROSS SECTION, AND SHALL BE 12 INCHES LONG, 4 INCHES WIDE AND 1 INCH THICK AT CENTER. ROOT PRUNING ALL SEEDLINGS SHALL BE ROOT PRUNED, IF NECESSARY, SO THAT NO ROOTS EXTEND MORE THAN 10 INCHES BELOW THE ROOT COLLAR. 'ROOT PLANTING NTS NOTES: BARE ROOTS SHALL BE PLANTED 6 FT. TO 10 FT. ON CENTER, RANDOM SPACING, AVERAGING 8 FT. ON CENTER, APPROXIMATELY 680 PLANTS PER ACRE. KEY COIR MATTING INTO BANK MIN 2.0 MIN 3.0' CHANNEL TOP OF BANK INSTALL COIR MATTING PER DETAIL LIVE STAKES COMPACTED SOIL LIFT LIVE CUTTINGS SECTION A -A CHANNEL BOTTOM OF BANK HAY BALE SHALL BE EVEN WITH DESIGNED BANK SLOPE. AVOID EXCESSIVE PROTUSION FROM TOP OF BANK BANK. DOWNSTEAM HEAD OF RIFFLE ELEVATION HAY BALE TOE A A TYPICAL PLAN VIEW NOTES: COIR MATTING 1. HAY BALES SHALL BE APPROXIMATLY 1 4" X 1 8" X 36" STANDARD 2 STRAND (BIODEGADABLE TWINE) BALES. 2. OVER EXCAVATE THE OUTSIDE BEND OF THE CHANNEL. INSTALL HAY BALE, BACKFILL AND COMPACT TO LOCK IN PLACE. 3. HAY BALES SHOULD BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT THE TOP OF THE BALE IS AT THE SAME ELEVATION AS THE HEAD OF THE DOWNSTREAM RIFFLE. 4. PLACE LIVE CUTTINGS OVER THE HAY BALE. SEE TABLE ON PLANTING SHEET FOR ACCEPTABLE LIVE CUTTING AND LIVE STAKE SPECIES AND COMPOSITION. CUTTINGS SHOULD BE RINSED AT CUTTING POINT TO ALLOW BETTER ROOTING. 6. LIVE CUTTINGS SHOULD NOT EXTEND PASTA OF CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH. 7. INSTALL COMPACTED SOIL LIFT. COIR MATTING SHOULD BE WRAPED UNDER SOIL LIFT AND KEYED INTO TOP OF BANK. 8. INSTALL 1 TO 3 ROWS OF LIVE STAKES ABOVE THE LIVE CUTTINGS LAYER PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER. NTS UNCOMPACTED BACKFILL 1 .5' MINIMUM COMPACTED BACKFILL (1 2" LIFTS) 30' FINISHED GRADE / / / '�/ X//.//N4 a 10' MIN i7 i BANKFULL ELEVATION NEW CHANNEL BANK SHALL BE TREATED AS SPECIFIED IN PLANS PROPOSED CHANNEL INVERT IMPERVIOUS SELECT MATERIAL (PER DIRECTION OF ENGINEER) TYPICAL SECTION TOE PROTECTION CHANNEL PLUG NTS NEW CHANNEL TO BE -\\ CONSTRUCTED OLD CHANNEL TO BE DIVERTED OR ABANDONED PLAN VIEW CHANNEL PLUG EXISTING CHANNEL PLAN VIEW BANKFULL ELEVATION MIN. 25' MAX. 75' EXISTING CHANNEL \ - j \ \ \\\\\ \\ i \\� BOTTOM �i\\\i \\\X\\ \\9 \�\\�\\i\\\�\i\i NOTES: 1. IN AREAS WHERE EXISTING CHANNEL IS TO BE ABANDONED, FILL EXISTING CHANNEL TO BANKFULL ELEVATION WHEN POSSIBLE. 2. CHANNEL MUST BE FILLED IN 1 2" TO 1 8" LIFTS AND COMPACTED ACCORDINGLY. 3. WHEN SPOIL DOES NOT EXIST IN ORDER TO COMPLETELY FILL EXISTING CHANNEL TO BANKFULL ELEVATION, FILL CHANNEL TO AN ELEVATION 6" ABOVE BANKFULL HEIGHT FOR AT LEAST 25 LF OUT OF EVERY 1 00 LF SEGMENT. REMAINING CHANNEL SECTIONS ARE TO BE FILLED TO A DEPTH OF NO LESS THAN 70% OF BANKFULL ELEVATION. CHANNEL ABANDONMENT AND BACKFILL NTS 70% BKFL COMPACTED BACKFILL (1 2" TO 1 8" LIFTS) TYPICAL SECTION TIE PROPOSED SWALE TO EXISTING GROUND COMPACT BACKFILL TO EXISTING GROUND ELEV (1 2" LIFTS) DEPENDENT ON TILE DEPTH OUTLET DRAIN TILE 2' BELOW EXISTING GROUND ELEV. PROPOSED SWALE BOTTOM WIDTH = 4' BANK SLOPES = 3:1 MAX SLOPE = 0.3% REMOVE EXISTING DRAIN TILE WITHIN EASEMENT PROFILE VIEW FILTER FABRIC INSIDE J J OUTSIDE 5' MIN CLASS 'B' RIP -RAP (MIN THICKNESS 2 X EXISTING DRAIN DIA.) II. NOTES: I . EXCAVATE DOWN TO DRAIN TILE FOR A MINIMUM OF 15 FT OF TILE LENGTH, MAINTAINING MINIMUM I : 1 SIDE SLOPES, OR SLOPES MEETING OSHA GUIDLINES. CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW ALL OSHA TRENCHING AND EXCAVATION GUIDELINES. 2. CUT OR BREAK DRAIN TILE AND REMOVE ALL FRAGMENTS FROM EXCAVATED TRENCH. REMOVED TILE IS TO BE DISPOSED OF OFF -SITE. 3. BACKFILL DOWNSTREAM I O' OF TRENCH PER DRAN TILE PLUG DETAIL. 4. INSTALL FILTER FABRIC ALONG THE UPSTREAM END OF THE DRAIN TILE PLUG AND INSTALL CLASS '15' RIP -RAP. 5. LINE THE TOP OF THE CLASS '15' RIP -RAP WITH FILTER FABRIC AND INSTALL SELECT BACKFILL TO EXISTING GROUND SURFACE. 6. DIG OUTLET SWALE AT PROPOSED DIMENSIONS AND TIE TO EXISTING GROUND. DRAIN TILE OUTLET W/ PLUG NTS GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION EXISTING DRAIN TILE .✓ 1 res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10/2/2020 PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: DETAILS PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: D3 FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT_DETAILS.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking EXISTING GROUND 0.3' TO 0.5' DEPTH I I I 30FTMIN. I I — EXCAVATED SHALLOW DEPRESSION EXISTING GROUND NOTES: I . DEPRESSIONS SHALL MAKE UP NO MORE THAN 0.05 ACRES OF WETLAND AREA (APPROX. I .7%) 2. INDIVIDUAL DEPRESSIONS SHALL BE NO LARGER THAN 200 FT2 EXCAVATED SHALLOW DEPRESSIONS NTS INSTALL LIVESTAKES AROUND OUTSIDE OF MEANDER BENDS NOTES: INSTALL LIVESTAKES AROUND STRUCTURES + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PLAN VIEW LARGE CHANNEL SPACI N G SMALL CHANNEL SPACING NWS 0.75" TO 2" COIF, FIBER MATTING FLAT TOP END LATERAL BUD SIDE BRANCH REMOVED AT SLIGHT ANGLE 1 0 O ) WATER TABLE Y DETAI L /" \ • ,\\\/\\/\\ TYPICAL SECTION COIF, FIBER MATTING v� 144/7, N "••• .. k• . Cam., LIVESTAKE SPACING LARGE CHANNEL 1. SEE TABLE ON PLANTING SHEETS) FOR ACCEPTABLE SPECIES AND COMPOSITION. 2. LIVE STAKES SHOULD BE 2 TO 3 FEET LONG AND 0.75 TO 2 INCHES IN DIAMETER. 3. LIVE STAKES SHALL BE PLANTED ON I .5' ALTERNATING SPACING ON LARGE CHANNELS (POOL DEPTH > 2FT) AND 1 .0' ALTERNATING SPACING ON SMALL CHANNELS (POOL DEPTH < 2FT). 4. LIVE STAKES SHALL BE PLANTED ON ALL RESTORATION REACHES AND ALONG ALL ENHANCEMENT REACHES AS SHOWN ON PLANTING PLAN SHEET(S). LIVESTAKE SPACING SMALL CHANNEL CHANNEL / SWALE LIVE STAKING NTS z_ Y 45 DEGREE TAPERED BUTT END COIF, FIBER MATTING COIF, FIBER MATTING CHANNEL BOTTOM OF BANK COARSE AGGREGATE BACKFILL (SEE NOTE #2) NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTI LE FABRI C (NCDOT TYPE II) L BRUSH TOE PROTECTION LENGTH = BKF WIDTH (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS) CHANNEL TOP OF BANK POOL NOTES: A •- NIGH `; CO OLj`u- 160 r—wt� • • • • FLO W TYPICAL PLAN VIEW POINT REFERENCED IN STRUCTURE TABLE; TOLERANCE ± 0. 1' B' 0 N r) 1. LOGS SHOULD BE RELATIVELY STRAIGHT HARDWOOD AND RECENTLY HARVESTED. 2. COARSE AGGREGATE BACKFILL SHALL CONSIST OF AN EQUAL MIX OF #57 STONE, SURGE STONE, AND CLASS A RIPRAP. 3. HIGH SIDE OF LOG SHALL BE APPROX. 0.2' HIGHER THAN LOW END. 4. LOG DIMENSIONS: MIN DIAM. = 12", MIN LENGTH = 18' NAIL FILTER FABRIC USING 3" 1 OD GALVANIZED COMMON NAIL EVERY 1 .5' ALONG THE LOG. PROPOSED STREAM BED FLOW BACKFILL WITH COARSE AGGREGATE (SEE NOTE #2) PROPOSED STREAM BED FLOW MIN. 5.0' BACKFILL WITH COARSE AGGREGATE (SEE NOTE #2) NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTI LE FABRI C (NCDOT TYPE II) TACK FABRIC TO LOG LOG SILL NTS NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (NCDOT TYPE II) TACK FABRIC TO LOG MIN. 5.0' SCOUR POOL SECTION A -A' (OPT 2) COIF, MATTING BACKFILL WITH COARSE AGGREGATE (SEE NOTE #2) SEE PROFILE FOR POOL DEPTH ?1,"\/ SECTION A -A' (OPT I ) SEE PROFILE FOR POOL DEPTH HEADER LOG FOOTEF, LOG POINT REFERENCED IN STRUCTURE TABLE; TOLERANCE ± 0. 1' SECTION B-B' POINT REFERENCED IN STRUCTURE TABLE; TOLERANCE ± 0. 1' HWV BOTTOM OF BANK DOWN VALLEY A' TYPICAL PLAN VIEW HWV TOP OF BANK WOODY DEBRIS FILL (LOGS, BRANCHES, AND BRUSH) COMPACTED WITH SOIL NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (NCDOT TYPE II) COMPACTED FILL NOTES: PROPOSED HWV BED / \ . \\IN 11\ \/\ COMPACT BACKFILL NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTI LE FABRI C (NCDOT TYPE II) TACK FABRIC TO LOG HEADER LOG FOOTER LOG 1. LOGS SHOULD BE RELATIVELY STRAIGHT HARDWOOD AND RECENTLY HARVESTED. 2. LOG DIMENSIONS: MIN DIAM. = 10", MIN LENGTH = 18' NAIL FILTER FABRIC USING 3" I OD GALVANIZED COMMON NAIL EVERY 1 .5' ALONG THE LOG. DUSH BED SILL NTS MIN 10 WOODY DEBRIS FILL (LOGS, BRANCHES, AND BRUSH) COMPACTED WITH SOIL I \/ MIN. 5.0\/\ A/\//\//\//. SECTION A -A' POINT REFERENCED IN STRUCTURE TABLE; TOLERANCE ± 0. 1' SECTION B-B' 1' 1 res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10/2/2020 PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: DETAILS PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: D4 FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT_DETAILS.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking TOP OF BANK 0 O O O O O 0.5 2.5 CENTERLINE 0 0 PLAN VIEW MATTING \�\\ \\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ turi TYPICAL SECTION 0.75" TO 2" 0 11) 6 TOE OF SLOPE O O O O O O • COIF, FIBER MATTING SIDE BRANCH REMOVED AT SLIGHT ANGLE WATER TABLE v NOTES: z_ 1 45 DEGREE TAPERED BUTT END MATTING LIMITS 1. SEE TABLE ON PLANTING SHEETS) FOR ACCEPTABLE SPECIES AND COMPOSITION. 2. LIVE STAKES SHOULD BE 2 TO 3 FEET LONG AND 0.75 TO 2 INCHES IN DIAMETER. 3. LIVE STAKES SHALL BE PLANTED ON 5 FOOT CENTERS ALONG THE HEADWATER VALLEY TOE OF SLOPE AS SHOWN IN THE PLAN VIEW ABOVE. N EADWATE. VALLEY LIVE STAKING NTS A' SMALL POOL LARGE COBBLE/ SMALL BOULDERS ANCHOR BOULDER FLOW ►•i.•►1�►•►•`�d�i•►•►•o•►•►• orevieX a�leI Ii.iI Ala, a1illiere 10j.a r• ./ •'W‘ • .0 .0 .0 .0 440 • ►•1WaA11 �•�•1•�•�•�••1•�/lea,• j ,g0 0=0=0ixy��v0=0=0=Oa0=0= or•v' •�I♦%41*•�•a ir•�•�•o• hiP • 4 or411,14#4..411/44/111k'' 11141;441110,4111 -•ti:. t • • or•u'Ili•er1�er•J•• a•• a•►•M.•• .1►• oreiVerlififiirileral jigo: .=0=0=0i4;0=0=0=0,0=0= 10,411111,111,6-1.4,110,4111 ���1�1�1�1� �1�1��1�1� �•u•�It/•�• I� �•�•o•�O�• AIWZ or -lam . iol..►•►•►•..•►•►• A " - 6" LOGS 0.5' MIN ANCHOR BOULDER / 1 .0' MIN 4" - 6" LOGS RIFFLE MATERIAL; SEE TABLE 1 BEGIN RIFFLE CONTROL POINT FLOW GLIDE 4.0' TYP CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH \\ CROSS SECTION A -A' VARIES PER PROFILE / POOL "��, �] IP : \ ,\\ /\//\\/; 4" - 6" LOGS / /\ PROFILE LARGE COBBLE/SMALL BOULDERS, TYP 4.0' TYP TOP OF BANK j\� \\\ \\\ \\\ \ / PROPOSED TOE OF BANK RIFFLE MATERIAL; SEE TABLE 1 GRADE CONTROL ROCK 50/50 MIX OF CLASS A AND B RIPRAP PROPOSED TOP OF BANK END RIFFLE CONTROL POINT RUN /. GRADE CONTROL ROCK 50/50 MIX OF CLASS A AND B RIPRAP .RIPPLE GRADE CONTROL NTS POOL NOTES: . RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURES SMALL BE INSTALLED IN NEWLY GRADED CHANNEL SECTIONS, AS SPECIFIED ON THE PLAN SHEETS. 2. ELEVATION CONTROL POINTS SMALL BE DESIGNATED AT THE BEGINNING AND END OF RIFFLE POINTS TO ESTABLISH PART OF THE PROFILE OF THE CHANNEL. SURVEY OF CONTROL POINTS SMALL BE REQUIRED TO ESTABLISH ACCURATE RIFFLE INSTALLATION WITHIN A TOLERANCE OF ±0.2'. 3. GRADE CONTROL ROCK SHALL BE COMPRISED OF A 50/50 MIX OF CLASS A AND B RIPRAP. GRADE CONTROL ROCK SMALL BE PLACED SUCH THAT THE ADDITION OF THE SPECIFIED THICKNESS OF RIFFLE MATERIAL SMALL ACHIEVE THE DESIGNATED GRADES. 4. RIFFLE MATERIAL SMALL BE COMPRISED OF ROCKS AND LOGS. THE ROCK MATERIAL COMPOSITION SMALL MATCH TABLE 1 . RIFFLE MATERIAL SMALL BE EXCAVATED, STOCKPILED, AND RE -USED FROM ABANDONED CHANNEL SECTIONS. ROCK RIFFLE MATERIAL OBTAINED OFFSITE SMALL BE SLIGHTLY ROUNDED, "RIVER -TYPE" ROCK, UNLESS OTHER ROCK CHARACTERISTICS ARE APPROPRIATE FOR THE CHANNEL. 5. SPACING AND NUMBER OF LOGS SHOULD BE BASED ON RIFFLE LENGTH AND MAY VARY BASED ON LOG AVAILABILITY. LOGS SHOULD BE SPACED EQUALLY AND ANCHORED TO THE CHANNEL BED WITH BOULDERS. 6. THE PLACEMENT OF GRADE CONTROL ROCK AND/OR RIFFLE MATERIAL SMALL BE DONE IN A MANNER TO CREATE A SMOOTH PROFILE, WITH NO ABRUPT "JUMP" (TRANSITION) BETWEEN THE UPSTREAM POOL -GLIDE AND THE RIFFLE, AND LIKEWISE NO ABRUPT "DROP" (TRANSITION) BETWEEN THE RIFFLE AND THE DOWNSTREAM RUN -POOL. THE FINISHED CROSS SECTION OF THE RIFFLE MATERIAL SMALL GENERALLY MATCH THE SHAPE AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE RIFFLE TYPICAL SECTION WITH SOME VARIABILITY OF THE THALWEG LOCATION AS A RESULT OF THE SMALL POOLS AND LOGS. 7. THE END OF RIFFLE CONTROL POINT MAY TIE IN TO ANOTHER IN -STREAM STRUCTURE (LOG SILL , J-HOOK, ETC.). NO LOGS SHOULD BE INCLUDED WITHIN THE FOOTPRINT OF THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE. 8. THE CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE SMALL BE KEYED IN TO THE STREAM BANKS AND/OR BED AS DESIGNATED BY THE DESIGNER. THE "KEY" SMALL EXTEND BEYOND THE TOP OF BANK FOR THE LENGTH OF THE RIFFLE. WHERE PRESERVATION OF EXISTING STREAM BANK VEGETATION IS A PRIORITY A "KEY" MAY NOT BE USED (OR THE DIMENSIONS MAY BE ADJUSTED) TO LIMIT DISTURBANCE. TABLE I - RIFFLE COMPOSITION REACH STONE SIZE % KJI #57 25 SURGE 75 LARGE COBBLE/ SMALL BOULDERS FLOW IM Ili, i f+ici .. • •wr��(��-•.•4•►•- �• j�•iIr{•i'F�%��i���i11i • ... •( .?► ► tia.�► 40 •1 � . ..• .- • 1.‘i/Oly4,1;41r17 -1-01A is f. 'lib 41?-*410/. A' A'.-411AM Calerrilitt pa ....1. -1...016.40‘,1_4!‘„,,..ft.4410 •-•�_i��•� :,,1)0,•0,� • 1�1''►�11�,-s��u�1�i • •• w ���ai 4.07.wirtirelthelail t'Aorialt •�rll ►•►1.�...•►a►•►� �,Zti • 4„ •IF,►;4 1. • . _-140, • *141 ►��...- Iyr• 1,r 1 A A�.am��1, NaC•�►r�1s.�4.=.i�. IP' .•►•►�s•" BEGIN RIFFLE CONTROL POINT RIFFLE MATERIAL; SEE TABLE I GLIDE POOL ///. /// // MAX 2"-3" BRANCHES CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH CROSS SECTION A -A' VARIES PER PROFILE \ mar �I�-�` POOL PROFILE LARGE COBBLE/SMALL BOULDERS, TYP TOP OF BANK PROPOSED TOE OF BANK RIFFLE MATERIAL; SEE TABLE 1 PROPOSED TOP OF BANK END RIFFLE CONTROL POINT RUN -YPICAL FIPPLE NTS NOTES: . TYPICAL RIFFLES SMALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL NEWLY GRADED CHANNEL SECTIONS THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON PLAN SHEETS. 2. ELEVATION CONTROL POINTS SMALL BE DESIGNATED AT THE BEGINNING AND END OF RIFFLE POINTS TO ESTABLISH PART OF THE PROFILE OF THE CHANNEL. SURVEY OF CONTROL POINTS SMALL BE REQUIRED TO ESTABLISH ACCURATE RIFFLE INSTALLATION WITHIN A TOLERANCE OF ±0.2'. 3. RIFFLE MATERIAL SMALL BE COMPRISED OF 75% ROCKS AND 25% WOODY MATERIAL. WOODY MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF LOGS, BRANCHES, AND BRUSH NO GREATER -MAN 3" IN DIAMETER. THE ROCK MATERIAL SMALL CONSIST OF NATIVE SUBSTRATE MATERIAL WHEN POSSIBLE. NATIVE MATERIAL SMALL BE EXCAVATED, STOCKPILED, AND RE -USED FROM ABANDONED CHANNEL SECTIONS. IF A SUITABLE QUANTITY OF NATIVE SUBSTRATE MATERIAL CANNOT BE HARVESTED, CONTRACTOR MAY SUBSTITUTE THE RIFFLE MATERIAL WITH ROCK MATCHING THE COMPOSITION IN TABLE 1 . 4. THE PLACEMENT OF RIFFLE MATERIAL SMALL BE DONE IN A MANNER TO CREATE A SMOOTH PROFILE, WITH NO ABRUPT "JUMP" (TRANSITION) BETWEEN THE UPSTREAM POOL -GLIDE AND THE RIFFLE, AND LIKEWISE NO ABRUPT "DROP" (TRANSITION) BETWEEN THE RIFFLE AND THE DOWNSTREAM RUN -POOL. THE FINISHED CROSS SECTION OF THE RIFFLE MATERIAL SMALL GENERALLY MATCH THE SHAPE AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE RIFFLE TYPICAL SECTION WITH SOME VARIABILITY OF THE THALWEG LOCATION AS A RESULT OF THE SMALL POOLS AND LOGS. 5. THE END OF RIFFLE CONTROL POINT MAY TIE IN TO ANOTHER IN -STREAM STRUCTURE (LOG SILL , J-HOOK, ETC.). NO LOGS SHOULD BE INCLUDED WITHIN THE FOOTPRINT OF THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE. TABLE I - STONE COMPOSITION REACH STONE SIZE % KJI -C #57 25 SURGE 75 1' 1 res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10/2/2020 PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: DETAILS PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: D5 FILE NAME:R:\Resgis\dropboxgis\projects\NC\Cowford\CAD\DWG\0675_SHT_DETAILS.dwg SAVED BY: Sfasking CHANNEL TOP OF BANK SEE PLAN SHEET FOR POOL WIDTH CHANNEL BOTTOM OF BANK PLAN VIEW PROPOSED SWALE SEE PLAN SHEET FOR XS DIMENSIONS TREATMENT POOL FLOW SEE PROFILE FOR POOL DEPTH //\//\/\/\ \ PROPOSED TREATMENT POOL NOTES: PROFILE I . COIR MATTING SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL CHANNEL AND POOL BANKS PER THE COIR MATTING DETAIL 2. CHANNEL AND POOL BANKS SHALL BE LIVE STAKED PER THE CHANNEL/ SWALE LIVE STAKING DETAIL. SEE TABLE ON PLANTING SHEETS) FOR ACCEPTABLE SPECIES AND COMPOSITION. 3. CHANNEL AND POOL SHALL BE SEEDED PER THE RIPARIAN SEED MIX FOUND ON THE PLANTING PLAN SHEETS) TREATMENT POOL NTS PROPOSED CHANNEL BED E. 1 res 3600 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Main: 919.829.9909 www.res.us Engineering Services Provided By: Angler Environmental, LLC License: F-1428 SEAL REVISIONS: PLOT DATE: 10/2/2020 RELEASED FOR: PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME: COWFORD MITIGATION SITE ONSLOW COUNTY DRAWING TITLE: DETAILS PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 0675 MB BRC SCF AFM SHEET NUMBER: D6 DWR Pre -Filing Meeting Request Form ID#* Regional Office * Reviewer List* 20190495 Version* Central Office - (919) 707-9000 Erin Davis Pre -Filing Meeting Request submitted 9/24/2020 1 Contact Name * Matt Butler Contact Email Address* mbutler@res.us Project Name * Cowford Project Owner* North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services Project County* Onslow Owner Address: Street Address 217 W Jones St. Address Line 2 #3000a City State / Rovince / Region Raleigh NC Fbstal / Zip Code Country 27603 US Is this a transportation project?* C Yes ( No Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: l 401 Water Quality Certification - I— 401 Water Quality Certification - Reg ula r Express I— Individual Permit I— Modification I— Shoreline Stabilization Does this project have an existing project ID#?* Yes r No Please list all existing project ID's associated with this projects.* 20190495 Do you know the name of the staff member you would like to request a meeting with? Erin Davis Please give a brief project description below.* The Cowford Project (Project) is located within a rural watershed in Onslow County, North Carolina approximately three and half miles northwest of Richlands, NC. The Project lies within the White Oak River Basin, North Carolina United States Geological Survey (USGS) 8-digit Cataloguing Unit 03030001 and 14-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC) 03030001010010, a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) and the Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) sub -basin 03-05-02. The Project proposes to restore 3,337 linear feet (LF) of stream as well as re-establish 2.991 acres of wetland that will provide water quality benefit for 238 acres of drainage area. The Project is in the Carolina Flatwvods Level IV ecoregion. The Project area is comprised of a 17.20-acre easement involving one unnamed tributary within an entrenched channel between agricultural fields, totaling 2,988 existing LF, that drain to Cowford Branch, which eventually drains to the New River. The stream and wetland mitigation components are summarized in. The Project is accessible from state route NC-258. Coordinates for the Project areas are approximately 34.9233, - 77.5917, at the crossing in the middle of the project. Please give a couple of dates you are available for a meeting. 10/2/2020 10/7/2020 Please attach the documentation you would like to have the meeting about. Figure 8 - Conceptual - Cowford.pdf 2.3MB pdf only By digitally signing below, I certify that I have read and understood that per the Federal Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule the following statements: • This form completes the requirement of the Pre -Filing Meeting Request in the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule. • I understand by signing this form that I cannot submit my application until 30 calendar days after this pre -filing meeting request. • !also understand that DWR is not required to respond or grant the meeting request. Your project's thirty -day clock started upon receipt of this application. You will receive notification regarding meeting location and time if a meeting is necessary. You will receive notification when the thirty -day clock has expired, and you can submit an application. Signature ffiezfeet Submittal Date 9/24/2020 Strickland, Bev From: laserfiche@ncdenr.gov Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2020 12:00 AM To: mbutler@res.us Cc: Davis, Erin B Subject: Pre -Filing Meeting is not needed for Cowford - 20190495 Ver 1 The North Carolina Division of Water Resources has received the Pre -Filing Meeting Request Form for Cowford that you submitted on 9/24/2020 1:48 PM. The ID number for that project is 20190495, Version 1. It has been decided that no meeting is needed for this project. Project file link: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WaterResources/Browse.aspx?dbid=0&startid=872606 When you submit your application please upload a copy of the attached document in this email. This email was automatically generated by Laserfiche workflow. Please do not respond to this email address, as responses are not monitored. i Strickland, Bev From: laserfiche@ncdenr.gov Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2020 12:00 AM To: mbutler@res.us Cc: Davis, Erin B Subject: Pre -Filing Meeting is not needed for Cowford - 20190495 Ver 1 The North Carolina Division of Water Resources has received the Pre -Filing Meeting Request Form for Cowford that you submitted on 9/24/2020 1:48 PM. The ID number for that project is 20190495, Version 1. It has been decided that no meeting is needed for this project. Project file link: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WaterResources/Browse.aspx?dbid=0&startid=872606 When you submit your application please upload a copy of the attached document in this email. This email was automatically generated by Laserfiche workflow. Please do not respond to this email address, as responses are not monitored. i Strickland, Bev From: laserfiche@ncdenr.gov Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2020 12:00 AM To: mbutler@res.us Cc: Davis, Erin B Subject: Pre -Filing Meeting is not needed for Cowford - 20190495 Ver 1 The North Carolina Division of Water Resources has received the Pre -Filing Meeting Request Form for Cowford that you submitted on 9/24/2020 1:48 PM. The ID number for that project is 20190495, Version 1. It has been decided that no meeting is needed for this project. Project file link: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WaterResources/Browse.aspx?dbid=0&startid=872606 When you submit your application please upload a copy of the attached document in this email. This email was automatically generated by Laserfiche workflow. Please do not respond to this email address, as responses are not monitored. i