HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6210202_SOTF Ops Fac Geotech Report_20210406SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT SOF Operations Facility P.N. 88658, FY-20 Fort Bragg, North Carolina By Soils Section Geotechnical & HTRW Branch U.S. Army Engineer District, Savannah August 2019 This report was prepared by the Savannah District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The initials or signatures and registration designation of individuals appear on these documents within the scope of their employment as required by the Engineer Regulation 1110-1-8152. ///r, TV 11 * NO.25134 Date: 29 August 2019 rRpFESSMRt Leland H. Schuman, P.E. Georgia Registration No. 25134 Expiration Date: 31 December 2020 Jamie E. Dunn, P.E. Washington Registration No. 55563 Expiration Date: 28 March 2020 Table of Contents Section Pate 1. PURPOSE..........................................................................................................................................1 2. QUALIFICATION OF REPORT......................................................................................................1 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................1 4. EXPLORATION PROCEDURES.................................................................................................... 2 a. Site Reconnaissance......................................................................................................................2 b. Field Exploration..........................................................................................................................2 c. Laboratory Soils Testing...............................................................................................................3 d. Soil Infiltration Testing and Seasonal High Water Table.............................................................3 5. SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS.....................................................................................4 a. Site Description.............................................................................................................................4 b. Regional and Site Geology........................................................................................................... 4 c. Subsurface Conditions.................................................................................................................. 4 d. Groundwater Conditions...............................................................................................................5 e. Seasonal High Water Table.......................................................................................................... 5 f. Infiltration Rates........................................................................................................................... 6 6. ENGINEERING EVALUATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS................................................7 a. General..........................................................................................................................................7 b. Site Preparation.............................................................................................................................7 c. Foundation Design and Construction........................................................................................... 7 d. Seismic Design............................................................................................................................. 8 e. Concrete Slabs-On-Grade.............................................................................................................8 f. Pavement Design.......................................................................................................................... 9 g. Control of Water........................................................................................................................... 9 h. Structural Fill................................................................................................................................ 9 i. Earth Retaining Structures..........................................................................................................10 j. Construction Quality Control Testing.........................................................................................11 k. Presentation of Soil Boring Data................................................................................................12 1. Specifications..............................................................................................................................12 ATTACHMENT A: Soil Boring Location Plan ATTACHMENT B: Soil Boring Logs ATTACHMENT C: Soil Laboratory Test Results ATTACHMENT D: Soil Percolation and Infiltration Data ATTACHMENT E: NRCS Soils Report SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT SOF Operations Facility P.N. 88658, FY-20 Fort Bragg, North Carolina 1. PURPOSE This report has been prepared for the design of the proposed SOF Operations Facility at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The purpose of this report is to provide recommendations for the geotechnical and foundation design of the facilities. The recommendations included in this report are based on the project information, finished floor elevations, and maximum column loads for the building provided by AECOM Services, Inc. of Roanoke, Virginia. Any change in site layout, structural system, loads, or finished floor or finished grade elevations may affect the recommendations. The Soils Section, Geotechnical and HTRW Branch of the Savannah District should be notified immediately of the change(s) and provided the necessary information regarding any change(s) so that the new information can be reviewed. The recommendations in this report may then change as appropriate for the proposed project. 2. QUALIFICATION OF REPORT The field explorations performed for this report were made to determine the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions and were not intended to serve as a comprehensive assessment of site environmental conditions. No effort was made to define, delineate, or designate any area of environmental concern or of contamination. Any recommendations regarding drainage and earthwork construction are made on the basis that such work can be performed in accordance with applicable laws pertaining to environmental contamination. 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The SOF Operations Facility project consists of the design and construction of a two story steel moment framed structure with composite floor deck and steel roof deck. The project also includes a retaining wall, parking area expansion, access roads updates and various associated demolition work to accommodate the project. The maximum anticipated column load is approximately 220 Kips. Maximum anticipated wall load for the building is approximately 3 Kip/foot. The proposed finish floor elevation of 280 feet for new building is at or near existing grades. No basements or other below grade structures are anticipated to be constructed below the new building. Supporting facilities include site development, utilities and connections, lighting, paving, walks, curbs and gutters, storm drainage, information systems, landscaping and signage. Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Report August 2019 SOF Operations Facility — Fort Bragg, North Carolina 4. EXPLORATION PROCEDURES a. Site Reconnaissance Prior to the field explorations, the project site and surrounding areas were visually inspected by a geotechnical engineer. The observations were used in planning the exploration, in determining areas of special interest, and in relating site conditions to known geologic conditions in the area. b. Field Exploration (1) Subsurface conditions at the project site were explored by sixteen (16) soil borings, designated boring locations B-1 through B-14, B-16 and B-17. Boring location B-15 was not accessible due to the difficult topography of the desired location. Boring locations B-01 through B- 11 and B-17 were drilled to a depth of 10 to 15 feet beneath the existing ground surface to determine subsurface conditions for the parking areas and access roads. Boring locations B-12 through B-16 were drilled to a depth of 25 feet beneath the existing ground surface. These four (4) borings were used to determine subsurface conditions under the new structure. The borings were performed at the approximate locations shown on the Boring Location Plan in Attachment A of this report. (2) Boring locations were established in the field by a geotechnical engineer using a hand- held global positioning system (GPS) device having sub -meter accuracy. Since the measurements were not precise, the locations shown on the boring location plans and the locations indicated on the boring logs should be considered approximate. The ground surface elevation at each boring location was determined by interpolation from the site topography survey; therefore, the elevations shown on the boring logs should also be considered approximate. (3) The soil test borings were drilled by the Savannah District utilizing a rubber tire all - terrain vehicle mounted CME-550x drill rig equipped with an automatic trip hammer. The test borings were advanced through the soils by mechanical drilling procedure, using 4 t/4 -inch inside diameter hollow stem continuous spiral flight augers with a steel fingered bit as the cutting device. Split -barrel sampling with standard penetration testing (SPT) was performed at intervals shown on the boring logs. All SPT borings and soil sampling were in accordance with ASTM D 1586. In the SPT borings, a soil sample is obtained with a standard 1 3/8-inch inside diameter by 2-inch outside diameter split -barrel sampler. The sampler is first seated 6 inches and then driven an additional 12 inches with blows from a 140 lb. hammer falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inches is recorded and is termed the "standard penetration resistance," or the "N-value." Penetration resistance, when properly evaluated, is an index of the soil's strength, density, and foundation support capability. (4) Soil classifications shown on the boring logs were determined in the field by a geologist. Classification of the soil samples was performed in accordance with ASTM D 2488 (Visual -Manual Procedure for Descriptions of Soils). The soil classifications include the use of the Unified Soil Classification System described in ASTM D 2487 (Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes). Since the soil descriptions and classifications are based on visual examination and manual tests, they should be considered approximate. 4 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Report SOF Operations Facility — Fort Bragg, North Carolina August 2019 (5) Logs of the soil borings graphically depicting soil descriptions, standard penetration resistances, and observed groundwater levels are included in Attachment B of this report. c. Laboratory Soils Testing A total of twelve (12) split spoon soil samples, obtained at the soil test boring locations, were selected for laboratory testing during the investigation. This testing was performed by the Corps of Engineers Environmental and Materials Unit laboratory in Marietta, Georgia. The purpose of the laboratory testing was to aid in the evaluation of the subsurface soils and to confirm the field classifications. The laboratory tests were performed in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. The tests conducted on the various samples included Natural Moisture Content (ASTM D2216), Grain Size Distribution (ASTM D422), and Unified Soil Classification (ASTM D2487). Results of the laboratory testing are shown in Attachment C of this report. In cases where the field and laboratory classification differ, the laboratory classification shall take precedence for the interval tested. d. Soil Infiltration Testing and Seasonal High Water Table (1) Three (3) soil percolation tests P-01 through P-03 were conducted at locations and depths where storm water management features were anticipated at the time of the field investigation. The soil percolation tests were paired with soil boring locations B-03, B-06 and 13-11 with depths 15 feet below existing grades in an effort to determine Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT). Test locations are identified on the Boring Location Plan in Attachment A of this report. (2) The percolation tests were completed in accordance with USACE SAD DM 110-1-1 July 1983 Chapter 20. Soil percolation rates measured in the tests were converted to infiltration rates using the Michigan method. The Michigan method uses an area reduction factor (Rf) to account for the exfiltration occurring through the sides of a percolation hole. It assumes that the percolation rate is affected by the depth of water in the hole and that the percolating surface of the hole is in uniform soil. The Michigan method is used to convert soil percolation rates to infiltration rates as follows: Infiltration Rate = Fei—Qvlgt LIvii fta Ly R�du dvn Fia€t€rr where Reduction Factor (Xf)is given by: Rf + A and: di = initial water depth (in.) Ad = average water level drop (in.) DIA = diameter of the percolation hole (in.) (3) Results from the soil percolation tests and the computed infiltration rates are shown below and are also included in Attachment D. Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Report August 2019 SOF Operations Facility — Fort Bragg, North Carolina 5. SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS a. Site Description The proposed Operations facility will be located to the northeast of the intersection of Lamont Road and McKellars Road. The site is currently occupied by an existing building. There is a steep slope with a retaining wall around the northern perimeter of the building. There is also existing parking and access roads with storm water management features that will be redeveloped for this project. The proposed additional parking area located in the northwest corner of the project site is currently an undeveloped wooded area. Several underground and overhead utilities were observed throughout the property. Vegetation at the site is primarily minimal with the exception of the proposed additional parking area. The existing topography slopes mainly to the northwest. Topographic relief across the property is minimal. Site drainage is primarily to the north of the parking area toward the existing storm water drainage channel. b. Regional and Site Geology (1) Fort Bragg is situated in the Sand Hills area of the Coastal Plain physiographic province of North Carolina. The Coastal Plain extends westward from the Atlantic Ocean to the Fall Line, a distance of about 130 miles. The Fall Line is the boundary between the Coastal Plain and the Piedmont physiographic provinces. (2) Geologic units in the area, ranging from oldest to youngest, include the Carolina Slate Belt rocks, which are the basement rocks, the Cape Fear Formation, and the Middendorf Formation. The Cape Fear and Middendorf Formations overlie the basement rock and are part of the generally southeastward -dipping and thickening wedge of sediments that constitute the Atlantic Coastal Plain deposits. (3) The Middendorf Formation is exposed at land surface throughout the area. The formation is composed of tan, cross -bedded, medium and fine-grained, micaceous quartz sand and clayey sand interbedded with clay or sandy clay lenses or layers. Layers of hematite - cemented sandstone occur locally throughout the Middendorf Formation as do thin layers of hard kaolin and kaolin -cemented sandstone. Below the water table, these units are generally friable or plastic. In places, the Middendorf Formation is a mottled orange, gray, and tan color with streaks and laminae of red and purple hematite and manganese oxide stains. c. Subsurface Conditions (1) Field classification and laboratory classifications of the soil samples indicate the subsurface soils to be predominantly medium to dense consistency, fine to medium grained sands containing varying amounts of fines. The soil samples recovered were field classified predominantly as silty sand, clayey sand, poorly graded sand, poorly graded sand with silt, and poorly graded sand with clay (SM, SC, SC-SM, SP, SP-SM, and SP-SC) with some layers of stiff silt and clay containing varying amounts of sand (ML, CL and CH). Some of the near - surface soils, encountered within the first 5 feet of soil borings locations in currently undeveloped areas of the site, are loose density sands exhibiting N-values within the range of 3 to 6 blows -per -foot. M Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Report August 2019 SOF Operations Facility — Fort Bragg, North Carolina (2) The above subsurface description is of a generalized nature to highlight the major subsurface stratification features and material characteristics. The boring logs should be reviewed for specific information at individual boring locations. The stratifications shown on the boring logs represent the conditions only at the actual boring locations. Variations may occur and should be expected between boring locations. The stratification lines shown on the boring logs represent approximate boundaries between the subsurface materials; the actual transitions are typically more gradual. (3) A custom soil resource report for Cumberland County, North Carolina was obtained from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) website. The report was used to obtain an overview of possible soil series located within the project area. According to the report, the project site is characterized by three soil types; Blaney loamy sand (BaD), Candor sand (CaB), and Norfolk loamy sand (NoB). The primary component to the site area is the candor sand with 1% to 8% slopes. The full NRCS Soil Resource Report is included as Attachment E of this report. d. Groundwater Conditions (1) Water levels were measured in the borings during drilling, at termination of drilling, and at some locations, 24 hours after drilling. Groundwater was encountered 24 hours after drilling at boring locations B-12 and B-16 at depth of 24 feet and 16.7 feet below ground surface, respectively. (2) A perched -water condition occurs when water seeping downward is slowed by a low permeability soil layer, such as clayey sand or clay, and saturates the more permeable soil above it. The perched -water level can be any number of feet above the true groundwater level. Due to the prevalence of interbedded silty sands, clayey sands, and clays at the project site, perched - water conditions could be encountered in the more permeable zones (cleaner sand layers) during construction. The soil test borings indicate that conditions favorable for perched water exist and could potentially occur during or after construction. (3) It should be noted that groundwater conditions, including perched water, vary during periods of prolonged drought and excessive rainfall as well as seasonally. Therefore, fluctuations in the elevation of the groundwater and perched -water conditions could occur with changing climatic and rainfall conditions. e. Seasonal High Water Table (1) The depth to the seasonal high water table (SHWT) is an important parameter in determining the suitability of storm water BMP features. It is defined as the highest groundwater observed, at atmospheric pressure, for anaerobic conditions to be established. In the southeastern United States, this typically occurs during the wet months or during the winter or spring. The SHWT is estimated by soil color, redoximorphic features, saturation observations, and professional assessment. Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Report August 2019 SOF Operations Facility — Fort Bragg, North Carolina (2) The NRCS soil identified in this area are Blaney loamy sand, Candor sand, and Norfolk loamy sand. Blaney loamy sand and Candor sand soil types typically exhibit groundwater at depths greater than 80 inches below the ground surface. Norfold loamy sand typically exhibits groundwater depths ranging from about 40 to 72 inches. This, along with moist soil samples at shallow depths in boring locations B-08, B-11, B-12 and B-14, indicates that the SHWT may occurs as perched water in portions of the site as shallow as three feet below the existing ground surface. (3) SHWT was determined across the project site area using the moistness of soil samples and from observations from the soil cuttings. Red to brown colored soils are present where oxidation reactions have occurred in the past. These colored soils were encountered at this site several feet below moist layers. In addition, gray soils were encountered above the red and brown soils generally making it hard to determine the depth that oxidation reactions have ceased and anaerobic conditions begin. Normally these color indicators can be used to help determine SHWT. SHWT is estimated below at each of the boring locations drilled to depths of 15 or 25 feet below existing ground surface where determinations could be made using the information and methods described above. Soil Boring Location Number NRCS Soil Classification Type SHWT Depth Ground Surface feet B-03 CaB 11.5 B-06* CaB 8* B-11 CaB 15 B-12 & B-16 CaB 15 B-13 & B-14 NoB 12 * SWHT determination at this location may be affected by the adjacent drainage channel f. Infiltration Rates Three (3) soil percolation tests P-01 through P-03 were conducted at locations and depths where storm water management features were anticipated at the time of the field investigation. Test locations were selected based on the preliminary boring location plan prepared by the AE. The percolation tests conducted resulted in the hydraulic conductivities tabulated below. The data collected during the soil infiltration tests and the computed soils hydraulic conductivity values are included in Attachment D. Test Location Test Depth feet Percolation Rate inches/hour Infiltration Rate inches/hour P-01 3.25 56.16 15.18 P-02 3.00 1.08 0.20 P-03 2.92 5.76 2.51 Con Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Report August 2019 SOF Operations Facility — Fort Bragg, North Carolina 6. ENGINEERING EVALUATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS a. General The following conclusions and recommendations are based on the information available on the proposed structure, observations made at the project site, interpretation of the data obtained from the soil test borings, and experience with soils and subsurface conditions similar to those encountered at the site. b. Site Preparation (1) Following clearing and removal of trees, structures, pavement, etc., the construction area should be grubbed and stripped of all vegetation, topsoil, organics, and other deleterious materials. Clean topsoil can be stockpiled and reused in landscaped areas. It is recommended that the zone of stripping extend a minimum of 10 feet beyond the outer edges of structures and pavements. Any utilities in the project area should be located and rerouted, as necessary. (2) Areas to receive fill and excavated subgrade areas of structures and pavements should be prepared as follows. Surface areas containing poorly graded sands or silty sands should be densified by compaction of a vibratory roller weighing at least 7 tons. Areas of cohesive soils such as clayey sands and clays should be proof rolled with a loaded tandem -axle dump truck or similar rubber -tired equipment. Soils which are observed to rut or deflect excessively under the moving loads should be undercut to firm soil and backfilled with properly compacted, suitable soils. The proof rolling should be performed only during and following a period of dry weather. c. Foundation Design and Construction (1) Allowable Bearing Pressure: It is recommended that all footings be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 psf, based on total load and provided the recommendations in the following paragraphs are met. (2) Footing Dimensions: Minimum dimensions of 30 inches for all column footings and 24 inches for all load -bearing continuous footings shall be used in foundation design to reduce the possibility of bearing capacity failure. These footings shall be embedded a minimum depth of 24 inches, as measured from the finish floor or finish grade, whichever is lower, to the bottom of the footing. All non load -bearing wall footings shall have a minimum width of 18 inches and the minimum depth shall be 18 inches, as measured from finish floor or finish grade, whichever is lower, to the bottom of the footing. (3) Settlement: Anticipated foundation settlements were estimated for the proposed SOF Operations Facility building. These calculations were based on the maximum column load of 220 kips and an estimated footing dimension based on the recommended allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. Post construction total foundation settlements are not expected to exceed an inch. Differential settlement will be less than one-half inch. 7 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Report August 2019 SOF Operations Facility — Fort Bragg, North Carolina (4) Footings with Uplift: The resistance of footings to be subjected to uplift from transient live loads should be represented by the total of weight of concrete in the footing and the weight of soil in the vertical column directly above the footing. The effect of a groundwater table on the uplift resistance of the footing should be considered. The effect of the groundwater (or buoyancy) can be taken into account by subtracting from the total weight of concrete and soil the weight of water represented by the block of concrete and soil which is located below the groundwater level and above the bottom of the footing. The level of the groundwater should be the highest anticipated during the life of the structure. The factor of safety against uplift should be not less than 1.5. d. Seismic Design Seismic loads should be computed in accordance with IBC 2015 and ASCE/SEI 7-16. The project site should be classified as Site Class D for the purpose of determining maximum considered earthquake spectral response accelerations. The spectral accelerations for the 0.2 second (Ss) and 1.0 second (Sl) are published in Table E-3 of UFC 3-301-01 for this military installation. e. Concrete Slabs -On -Grade (1) Based upon past experience and the subsurface conditions encountered at the site, concrete floor slabs can be supported on densified in situ soils or on fill soils placed and compacted in accordance with the specification section 31 00 00, EARTHWORK. It is recommended that all concrete slabs -on -grade in enclosed habitable areas be underlain by a minimum of 4 inches of open graded, washed pea gravel or stone, often termed "capillary water barrier," to prevent the capillary rise of any below slab groundwater. Nos. 57, 67, 78, or 89 stone should be used. All drawings should be consistently labeled with the term "capillary water barrier," since this is the term utilized in Section EARTHWORK of the Specifications. Where 4 inches of capillary water barrier are used, a vertical modulus of subgrade reaction (k) of 150 pci should be used for the slab -on -grade design. A moisture barrier consisting of lapped polyethylene sheeting having a minimum thickness of 10 mils should be provided beneath building floor slabs to reduce the potential for slab dampness from soil moisture. The capillary water barrier material may be omitted under slabs -on -grade in unenclosed areas; however, the slab should be provided with a vapor barrier. The modulus of subgrade reaction should be reduced to 125 pci where the capillary water barrier material has been omitted. Concrete slabs should be jointed around columns and along supported walls to minimize cracking due to possible differential movement. (2) The design of thickened slabs on grade to support line loads (such as partitions and light wall loads) should be in accordance with UFC-3 -3 0 1 -0 1, Structural Engineering. (3) Construction activities and exposure to the environment often cause deterioration of the prepared slab -on -grade subgrade. Therefore, the slab subgrade soil shall be inspected and evaluated immediately prior to floor slab construction. The evaluation might include a combination of visual observations, hand rod probing, and field density tests to verify that the subgrade has been properly prepared. If unstable soil is revealed, the affected soil should be Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Report SOF Operations Facility — Fort Bragg, North Carolina August 2019 removed to firm bearing and replaced to design subgrade with suitable structural fill soil placed and compacted as recommended or replaced with additional capillary water barrier material. f. Pavement Design The soil types expected to be encountered under the pavements are poorly graded sands, silty sands or clayey sands. Any unsatisfactory subgrade soils should be removed and replaced with satisfactory soils in accordance with the requirements of Specification Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK. The following subgrade values for satisfactory soils are recommended for design of the pavements: Flexible Pavement: Compacted subgrade, use CBR of 8. Rigid Pavement: (a) Use a corrected modulus of subgrade reaction, K of 150 psi per inch with at least four inches of compacted aggregate base course. (b) The concrete should have a minimum design 28-day compressive strength of at least 4,000 psi utilizing a mix design that has been proven to produce concrete with a flexural strength of at least 650 psi. g. Control of Water Water should not be allowed to collect near the foundation or on floor slab areas of the building either during or after construction. Undercut or excavated areas should be sloped toward one corner to facilitate removal of any collected rainwater, groundwater, or surface runoff. Positive site drainage should be provided to reduce infiltration of surface water around the perimeter of the building and beneath floor slabs. The following note should be added to an appropriate civil/site plate and also to an appropriate structural foundation plate of the contract drawings: "Drainage and Dewatering: All excavations shall be performed so that the site and the area immediately surrounding the site which affects construction operations will be continually and effectively drained. The Contractor shall provide drainage and dewatering as required to ensure that all footing excavations are accomplished with the subgrade soils remaining dry and firm until after footings are placed and backfilled. Removal of surface water, groundwater, and any perched -water conditions, which might be encountered during excavations shall be accomplished by approved means. Refer to Specification 31 00 00 EARTHWORK for additional requirements." h. Structural Fill In order to achieve high density structural fill, the following evaluations and recommendations are offered: (1) Based on the soil test borings, excavated on -site soils (excluding any organics/topsoil and debris) can be used as structural fill. Some moisture content adjustment will probably be necessary to achieve proper compaction. If water must be added, it should be uniformly applied and thoroughly mixed into the soil by discing. I Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Report SOF Operations Facility — Fort Bragg, North Carolina August 2019 (2) It is recommended that the contractor have appropriate disc harrows on site during earthwork for mixing, drying, and wetting of the soils. (3) Materials selected for use as structural fill should be free from roots and other organic matter, trash, debris, and frozen soil, and stones larger than 3 inches in any dimension, and, in general, should have a liquid limit less than 50 percent and a plastic index of less than 30. The following soils represented by their Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D 2487) group symbols will be suitable for use as structural fill: SP, SP-SM, SP-SC, SW, SC, SM, SM- SC, CL, and ML. The following soil types are considered unsuitable: Pt, OH, OL, GP, GW, GC, GM, CH, and MH. (4) Suitable fill soils should be placed in lifts of maximum 8 inches loose measurement. The soil should be compacted by mechanical means such as steel drum, sheepsfoot, tamping, or rubber -tired rollers. Compaction of clays is best accomplished with a sheepsfoot or tamping roller. Periodically rolling with heavily loaded, rubber -tired equipment may be desirable to seal the surface of the compacted fill, thus reducing the potential for absorption of surface water following a rain. This sealing operation is particularly important at the end of the work day and at the end of the week. Within confined areas or foundation excavations, we recommend the use of manually operated, internal combustion activated compactors ("whacker packers" or sled tamps). The compactors should have sufficient weight and striking power to produce the same degree of compaction that is obtained on the other portions of the fill by the rolling equipment as specified. Where hand operated equipment is used, the soils should be placed in lifts of maximum 4 inches loose measurement. (5) It is recommended that all material to be utilized for structural fill and subgrades be compacted to minimum dry densities corresponding to 92% of the maximum dry density, and at moisture contents within +/- 2% of optimum moisture content as obtained by ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor). The top two feet of all areas to receive pavement or structures should be compacted to 95% of its modified proctor value. The base course beneath paved areas should be compacted to 100% of the ASTM D1557 maximum dry density. i. Earth Retaining Structures (1) For the design and construction of any earth retaining walls with no sloping backfill and any other below grade or earth retaining structures, the following earth pressure coefficients and soil parameters should be used: Coefficient of at -rest earth pressure (Ko) = 0.5 Coefficient of active earth pressure (Ka) = 0.33 Coefficient of passive earth pressure (Kp) = 3.00 Coefficient of friction (soil -vs- concrete, µf) = 0.35 Internal friction angle for soil backfill (gyp) = 30' Unit weight of soil (moist) = 120 lbs/ft3 Unit weight of soil (saturated) = 125 lbs/ft3 Unit weight of soil (buoyant) = 63 lbs/ft3 10 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Report August 2019 SOF Operations Facility — Fort Bragg, North Carolina (2) Drainage features such as weep holes, longitudinal drains, prefabricated geocomposite drains, and porous backfill should be utilized. Compaction of backfill within 10.0 feet of walls should be performed with hand operated equipment, such as walk behind compactors ("whacker packers" or sled tamps). If sloping backfill or toe conditions exist, the Soils Section, Geotechnical, and HTRW Branch of the Savannah District should be consulted for additional recommendations. (3) Any mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls proposed at the subject site shall be designed using the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) design methodology as published in the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) publication "Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slope Design and Construction Guidelines (FHWA NHI-00-043, March 2001)". Wall designs using National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA) design methodology will not be acceptable. (4) To adequately reduce potential for time -dependent movement (creep deformation), fine grained soils such as ML, CL, MH, and CH will not be allowed for use with MSE walls and/or slopes. Well compacted, select granular fill shall be used in the reinforced zone of any MSE walls and/or slopes. Backfill to be placed against reinforced concrete retaining/foundation walls should consist of free draining granular materials. Fine grained soils such as ML, CL, MH, and CH should not be used. Where free draining granular backfill is not used, the installation of additional drainage measures to provide an adequate factor of safety against the buildup of hydrostatic pressures shall be incorporated into the design. Drains shall be adequately protected by a filter medium so that seepage water is admitted freely but movement of the soil backfill into the drain will not occur. j. Construction Quality Control Testing (1) Prior to initiating any structural fill placement and/or compaction operations, it is recommended that representative samples of the soils which will be used as structural fill or subgrade, both suitable on -site soils and off -site soils (borrow), be obtained and tested to determine their classification and compaction characteristics. The samples should be carefully selected to represent the full range of soil types to be used. The moisture content, maximum dry density, optimum moisture content, grain -size, and plasticity characteristics should be determined. These tests are required to determine if the fill and subgrade soils are acceptable and for compaction quality control of the subgrades and structural fill. Tests for the above soil properties should be in accordance with the following: Moisture Content ASTM D 2216 Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture ASTM D 1557 Grain -Size Wash No. 200, less hydrometer) ASTM D 422 and D 1140 Plasticity ASTM D 4318 (2) A representative number of in -place field density tests should be performed in the subgrade of compacted on -site soils and in the structural fill and backfill to confirm that the required degree of compaction has been obtained. In -place density tests should be performed in 11 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Report August 2019 SOF Operations Facility — Fort Bragg, North Carolina accordance with the sand cone method prescribed in ASTM D 1556. The use of ASTM D6938, Standard Test Method for In -Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil -Aggregate by Nuclear Methods, is authorized provided the test results are checked for accuracy at a minimum rate of one ASTM D1556 test for every ten ASTM D6938 tests in the same material. It is recommend that at least one density test be performed for each 5,000 square feet and 12,500 square feet, or portion thereof, for buildings and pavements, respectively, of compacted native soil subgrade and in each lift of compacted structural fill. It is also recommended that at least one density test be performed for each 75 linear feet in the bearing level soils of continuous footings. Density tests should be performed at 100-foot intervals along roadway subgrades. In addition, a density test should be performed for each 100 linear feet of backfill placed per foot of depth in trenches for utilities systems. Where other areas are compacted separately by manually operated compactors, a minimum of one density test should be performed for every 250 square feet, or portion thereof, of fill placed per foot of depth. (3) Compaction control of soils requires the comparison of fill water content and dry density values obtained in the field density tests with optimum water content and maximum dry density determined in a laboratory compaction test performed on the same soil. It is, however, not feasible to do this as the testing could not keep pace with fill construction. It is, therefore, recommended that compaction control of the earthwork construction be performed using a "family" of compaction curves and the one -point or two -point compaction methods. (4) Any area that does not meet the required compaction criteria should be reworked and retested. If the moisture content of the soil is within the recommended range, additional compaction may be all that is necessary to increase the density. If the moisture content is not within the recommended range, the moisture content should be adjusted to within the range and the area recompacted. (5) All laboratory and field density testing should be performed by a commercial testing laboratory that has been validated by the Engineer Research and Development Center Materials Testing Center (MTC) under the Corps of Engineers laboratory inspection and validation program. k. Presentation of Soil Boring Data The locations of the soil test borings drilled at the project site are shown on the boring location plan in Attachment A and the individual soil test boring logs are included in Attachment B. Drawings containing soil test boring locations and the soil boring logs are to be directly inserted into the project drawings with the plate titles included in the index. The appropriate symbols for SPT boring locations (circle with the right half filled in) should be placed in the civil legend. 1. Specifications It is recommended that the Savannah District's EARTHWORK specification 31 00 00 be used when editing the specifications for this project. It is also recommended that the Unified Facilities Guide Specifications CHEMICAL TERMITE CONTROL Specification 31 31 16.13 be 12 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Report SOF Operations Facility — Fort Bragg, North Carolina August 2019 used. These specifications and associated compaction figures, are available at the following website: http://www. sas.usace. army. mil/About/DivisionsandOffices/Engineering Divi sion/EngineeringDesignCriteria/SASGuide Specifications. aspx 13 ATTACHMENT A Boring Location Plan LN N N - J J O O O LL 0 0 0) 0 m U U rn m 0 Y c L6 0 O O c J m I r co r o o wU(7 W Cl� ll� Z � 0 r—U)w W Ir o.� o �o(� z O 0 Q � a O (D Q z LL O ._ N J _ 03: O- LL U) Q Z Z Z U) Z Z O } N A - rn O2-O-0 C a<Q �� 0) `O N O Y L6 `m N o O< Q � O_ CO 0 0) ui LL U (0 LL E.0) 0 Q 000 U0 0 0 0� (nap 0) z(n JL r HXXXV °? ! ui o 3 E 0 zzco0- o vov <(D U i t vrw m w w � 2 \\� \ Q o E Z 0 0 \ tw(70U i m" o rrL / ��9 CL—� C 90 �• �J i1 t a. oe I ATTACHMENT B Soil Boring Logs Borina Desianation B-01 DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 DRILLING LOG �OF USACE Savannah Ft. Bragg 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SOF Operations Facility State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 4.25" Hollow Stem Auger PN 88658 FY-20 2. HOLE NUMBER LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL B-01 N 1976712.5 E 512280.5 CME-550x 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED USACE Savannah 5 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 Verrett 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER See Remarks 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL OINCLINED --- 15. DATE BORING 5/22/19 5/23/19 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN > 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 264' 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0' 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 10, Tew ELEV DEPTH o FIELD CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS i Q REMARKS LQ CU Cu w (Description) REC E o m o z J POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), mostly fine to medium 7 ;and, few organics (grass, roots), light brown. 73 1 13 25 12 261.8 2.2 SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, little silty fines, light brown. 5 . POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), mostly fine to medium 93 z 6 13 259.8 4.2 L I sand, few silty fines, light brown. 3 SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, little 93 s 5 10 silty fines, brown -red and light brown mottling. 11 80 4 16 33 17 255.0 r 9.0 5 SILT (ML), mostly silt, little fine sand, light 73 5 7 15 254.0 10.0 orange -brown. 3 BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 10.0 ft Water Level Data • Notes: 1. Soils visually field classified in accordance with Reading Depth Notes ASTM 2488. 24 hours Collapse at 2.6' 5/23/2019 2. N-Value: Total blows over last 1.0 foot of 1.5-foot driven interval using a 1 3/8-inch ID splitspoon with 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 3. The CME 550x drilling rig utilizes an automatic trip hammer. 4. Trace: < 5% Few: 5-10% Little: 15-25% Some: 30-45% Mostly: 50-100% 0 - 5 SAS FORM 1836-A Boring Designation B-01 SHEET 1 of 1 FEB 08 Borina Desianation B-02 DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 DRILLING LOG �OF USACE Savannah Ft. Bragg 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SOF Operations Facility State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 4.25" Hollow Stem Auger PN 88658 FY-20 2. HOLE NUMBER LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL B-02 N 1976576.9 E 512133.4 CME-550x 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED USACE Savannah 5 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 Verrett 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER See Remarks 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL OINCLINED --- 15. DATE BORING 5/22/19 5/23/19 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN > 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 263.5' 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0' 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 10, Tew ELEV DEPTH o FIELD CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS i Q REMARKS LQ CU Cu w (Description) REC E o m o z J POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), mostly fine to medium 1 sand few siltV fines few or anics (grass, roots), gray. 73 1 2 4 2 • No organics, light brown. _ 1 73 2 2 3 1 Light orange -brown. 1 73 3 2 4 2 256.7 6.8 3 SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, little 100 4 5 10 silty fines, mottled light brown and brown -orange. 5 255.0 8.5 SILT (ML), mostly silt, little fine sand, light 3 253.5 10.0 orange -brown. 100 5 3 7 BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 10.0 ft • Notes: Water Level Data 1. Soils visually field classified in accordance with Reading Depth Notes ASTM 2488. 24 hours Collapse at 4.0' 5/23/2019 2. N-Value: Total blows over last 1.0 foot of 1.5-foot driven interval using a 1 3/8-inch ID splitspoon with 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 3. The CME 550x drilling rig utilizes an automatic trip hammer. 4. Trace: < 5% Few: 5-10% Little: 15-25% Some: 30-45% Mostly: 50-100% 0 - 5 SAS FORM 1836-A Boring Designation B-02 SHEET 1 of 1 FEB 08 Borina Desianation B-03 DRILLING LOG DIVISION USACE Savannah INSTALLATION Ft. Bragg SHEET 1 �OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SOF Operations Facility State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 4.25" Hollow Stem Auger PN 88658 FY-20 2. HOLE NUMBER LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL B-03 N 1976723.9 E 511997.8 CME-550x 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED USACE Savannah 6 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 Verrett 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER See Remarks 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING 15. DATE BORING :STARTED COMPLETED 5/22/19 5/23/19 ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL OINCLINED --- 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN > 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 273' 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0' 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING N/A 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 15' Tew ELEV DEPTH o Cu w J FIELD CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS (Description) i REC Q E REMARKS o LQ m o CU z • POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), mostly fine to medium sand few silt fines few or anics (grass, roots). 3/8" laver of charcoal. 53 1 9 9 17 $ ' No organics, orange -brown. Laboratory soil classification indicates Silty Sand (SM) - %<#200=13.4 WC%=5.2 73 Z z 4 Z 3 47 3 4 8 4 266.5 6.5 Laboratory soil classification indicates Clayey Sand (SC) - %<#200=19.4 LL=45 PI=20 WC%=9.3 SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, little silty fines, orange -brown. 53 4 3 14 s Large root. 73 5 3 4 8 4 258.0 15.0 o 0 Few thin layers with some silty fines, trace gravel, brown-redwet , . 73 6 4 L21 11 10 BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 15.0 ft • Notes: Water Level Data 1. Soils visually field classified in accordance with ASTM 2488. 2. N-Value: Total blows over last 1.0 foot of 1.5-foot Reading Depth Notes 24 hours Collapse at 5.8' 5/23/2019 driven interval using a 1 3/8-inch ID splitspoon with 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 3. The CME 550x drilling rig utilizes an automatic trip hammer. 4. Trace: < 5% Few: 5-10% Little: 15-25% Some: 30-45% Mostly: 50-100% 0 - 5 - 15 SAS FORM 1836-A Boring Designation B-03 SHEET 1 of 1 FEB 08 Borina Desianation B-04 DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 DRILLING LOG �OF USACE Savannah Ft. Bragg 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SOF Operations Facility State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 4.25" Hollow Stem Auger PN 88658 FY-20 2. HOLE NUMBER LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL B-04 N 1976859.5 E 512144.9 CME-550x 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED USACE Savannah 5 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 Verrett 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER See Remarks 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL OINCLINED --- 15. DATE BORING 5/22/19 5/23/19 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN > 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 269' 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0' 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 10, Tew ELEV DEPTH o FIELD CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS i Q REMARKS LQ CU Cu w (Description) REC E o m o z J SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, little 2 siltV fines little organics(grass, roots), light brown, dry. 53 1 4 9 5 267.0 2.0 No organics, orange -brown. 9 POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), mostly fine to medium 6 sand, few silty fines, light brown. 87 z 6 12 6 2 87 3 3 7 4 263.0 6.0 SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, some 100 4 6 11 33 silty fines, light brown. 22 Little silty fines, brown -red, moist. 6 93 5 21 34 259.0 10.0 13 BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 10.0 ft • Notes: Water Level Data 1. Soils visually field classified in accordance with Reading Depth Notes ASTM 2488. 24 hours Collapse at 3.8' 5/23/2019 2. N-Value: Total blows over last 1.0 foot of 1.5-foot driven interval using a 1 3/8-inch ID splitspoon with 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 3. The CME 550x drilling rig utilizes an automatic trip hammer. 4. Trace: < 5% Few: 5-10% Little: 15-25% Some: 30-45% Mostly: 50-100% 0 - 5 SAS FORM 1836-A Boring Designation B-04 SHEET 1 of 1 FEB 08 Borina Desianation B-05 DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 DRILLING LOG �OF USACE Savannah Ft. Bragg 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SOF Operations Facility State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 4.25" Hollow Stem Auger PN 88658 FY-20 2. HOLE NUMBER LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL B-05 N 1976954.5 E 511989.2 CME-550x 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED USACE Savannah 5 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 Verrett 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER See Remarks 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL OINCLINED --- 15. DATE BORING 5/22/19 5/23/19 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN > 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 272.5' 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0' 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 10, Tew ELEV DEPTH o FIELD CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS i Q REMARKS LQ CU Cu w (Description) REC E o m o z J SILTY SAND (SM), mostly sand, little silt, little organics 3 o (grass, roots dry. 33 1 8 15 7 270.5 2.0 Mostly fine to medium sand, no organics, light brown. Y 9 9 POORLY GRADED SAND WITH SILT (SP-SM), mostly 1 fine to medium sand, few silty fines, light orange -brown. 80 2 2 4 2 268.7 3.8 1 POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), mostly fine to medium 67 3 2 4 sand, few silty fines, light orange -brown. 2 266.0 6.5 SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, little 2 silty fines, mottled brown and red -brown. 73 4 3 6 3 a 6 262.5 10.0 Light orange -brown. 87 5 11 24 13 BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 10.0 ft • Notes: Water Level Data 1. Soils visually field classified in accordance with Reading Depth Notes ASTM 2488. 24 hours Collapse at 3.8' 5/23/2019 2. N-Value: Total blows over last 1.0 foot of 1.5-foot driven interval using a 1 3/8-inch ID splitspoon with 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 3. The CME 550x drilling rig utilizes an automatic trip hammer. 4. Trace: < 5% Few: 5-10% Little: 15-25% Some: 30-45% Mostly: 50-100% 0 - 5 SAS FORM 1836-A Boring Designation B-05 SHEET 1 of 1 FEB 08 Borina Desianation B-06 DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 DRILLING LOG �OF USACE Savannah Ft. Bragg 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SOF Operations Facility State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 4.25" Hollow Stem Auger PN 88658 FY-20 2. HOLE NUMBER LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL B-06 N 1977084.3 E 511990.5 CME-550x 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED USACE Savannah 6 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 Verrett 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER See Remarks 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL OINCLINED --- 15. DATE BORING 5/22/19 5/23/19 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN > 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 268' 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0' 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 15' Tew ELEV DEPTH o FIELD CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS i Q REMARKS LQ CU Cu w (Description) REC E o m o z J SILTY SAND (SM), mostly sand, little silty fines, little 6 organics(grass, roots dry. 47 1 9 17 3 Mostly fine to medium sand, no organics, light brown. Laboratory soil classification indicates 11 264.5 3.5 53 Z Clayey Silty Sand (SC-SM) with a trace gravel - %<#200=23.2 LL=21 PI=6 of 26 13 .o POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), mostly fine to medium 6 sand, few silty fines, light brown. 73 3 WC =8.2 9 14 5 261.4 6.6 Laboratory soil classification indicates SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, some 3 silty fines, mottled red and gray. 67 4 Sandy Fat Flay (CH) - %<#200=52.6 10 s LL=64 PI=37 WC%=20.1 3 100 5 6 17 Yellow -brown, moist. 11 254.5 13.5 SILT (ML), mostly silt, yellow -brown and gray, wet. z L8 3 80 6 253.0 15.0 5 BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 15.0 ft • Notes: Water Level Data 1. Soils visually field classified in accordance with Reading Depth Notes ASTM 2488. 24 hours Collapse at 7.4' 5/23/2019 2. N-Value: Total blows over last 1.0 foot of 1.5-foot driven interval using a 1 3/8-inch ID splitspoon with 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 3. The CME 550x drilling rig utilizes an automatic trip hammer. 4. Trace: < 5% Few: 5-10% Little: 15-25% Some: 30-45% Mostly: 50-100% 0 - 5 - 15 SAS FORM 1836-A Boring Designation B-06 SHEET 1 of 1 FEB 08 Borina Desianation B-07 DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 DRILLING LOG �OF USACE Savannah Ft. Bragg 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SOF Operations Facility State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 4.25" Hollow Stem Auger PN 88658 FY-20 2. HOLE NUMBER LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL B-07 N 1977013.3 E 511863.5 CME-550x 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED USACE Savannah 5 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 Verrett 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER See Remarks 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL OINCLINED --- 15. DATE BORING 5/22/19 5/23/19 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN > 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 275' 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0' 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING N/A 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 10, Tew ELEV DEPTH o FIELD CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS i Q REMARKS LQ CU Cu w (Description) REC E o m o z J 274.9 0.1 CLAYEY SAND (SC), mostly sand, little clayey fines, 10 273.5 1.5 little organics (grass, roots), brown, dry. 53 1 11 22 11 SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, little 10 18 . silty fines, light brown. 271.5 3.5 80 z 19 POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), mostly fine to medium sand, few silty fines, light brown. 2 87 3 3 6 POORLY GRADED SAND WITH SILT (SP-SM), mostly 3 fine to medium sand, few silty fines, orange -brown. 268.5 6.5 POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), mostly fine to medium 1 sand, trace silty fines, light orange -brown. 53 4 3 6 3 266.5 8.5 SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, little 3 265.0 10.0 silty fines, mottled orange -brown and brown. 80 5 9 21 12 BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 10.0 ft • Notes: Water Level Data 1. Soils visually field classified in accordance with Reading Depth Notes ASTM 2488. 24 hours Collapse at 4.0' 5/23/2019 2. N-Value: Total blows over last 1.0 foot of 1.5-foot driven interval using a 1 3/8-inch ID splitspoon with 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 3. The CME 550x drilling rig utilizes an automatic trip hammer. 4. Trace: < 5% Few: 5-10% Little: 15-25% Some: 30-45% Mostly: 50-100% 0 - 5 SAS FORM 1836-A Boring Designation B-07 SHEET 1 of 1 FEB 08 Borina Desianation B-08 DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 DRILLING LOG �OF USACE Savannah Ft. Bragg 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SOF Operations Facility State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 4.25" Hollow Stem Auger PN 88658 FY-20 2. HOLE NUMBER LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL B-08 N 1976962.6 E 511741.6 CME-550x 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED USACE Savannah 5 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 Verrett 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER See Remarks 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL OINCLINED --- 15. DATE BORING 5/20/19 5/21/19 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN > 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 278' 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0' 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 10, Tew ELEV DEPTH o FIELD CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS i Q REMARKS LQ CU Cu w (Description) REC E o m o z J ASPHALT, 0.4' thick. 27 1 13 26 SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, little 13 13 silty fines, few gravel, light orange -brown. 6 Light brown. 6 93 z 12 6 274.0 4.0 j 93 3 z 3 7 POORLY GRADED SAND WITH SILT (SP-SM), mostly 4 Vine to medium sand few silty fines, light brown. Moist. 271.2 6.8 1 CLAYEY SAND (SC), mostly fine to coarse sand, some 53 4 z 5 clayey fines, orange -red. 3 N5 z �8O 5 3 8 268.0 10.0 BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 10.0 ft • Notes: Water Level Data 1. Soils visually field classified in accordance with Reading Depth Notes ASTM 2488. 24 hours Collapse at 4.6' 5/21/2019 2. N-Value: Total blows over last 1.0 foot of 1.5-foot driven interval using a 1 3/8-inch ID splitspoon with 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 3. The CME 550x drilling rig utilizes an automatic trip hammer. 4. Trace: < 5% Few: 5-10% Little: 15-25% Some: 30-45% Mostly: 50-100% 0 - 5 SAS FORM 1836-A Boring Designation B-08 SHEET 1 of 1 FEB 08 Borina Desianation B-09 DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 DRILLING LOG �OF USACE Savannah Ft. Bragg 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SOF Operations Facility State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 4.25" Hollow Stem Auger PN 88658 FY-20 2. HOLE NUMBER LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL B-09 N 1977039.7 E 511630.5 CME-550x 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED USACE Savannah 5 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 Verrett 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER See Remarks 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL OINCLINED --- 15. DATE BORING 5/22/19 5/22/19 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN > 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 282' 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0' 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 10, Tew ELEV DEPTH o FIELD CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS i Q REMARKS LQ CU Cu w (Description) REC E o m o z J ASPHALT, 0.4' in 2 layers. 14 POORLY GRADED GRAVEL (GP), coarse gravel, dry. 1 53 1 12 23 SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, little 11 silty fines, red -brown. Laboratory soil classification indicates 3 53 2 Clayey Sand (SC) - %<#200=20.2 LL=37 5 10 PI=19 WC%=11.7 3 277.5 4.5 80 3 7 19 POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), mostly fine to medium 12 sand, few silty fines, light brown. _ 87 4 11 Ld, j . Trace silty fines. 87 5 patched immediat7 272.0 10.0 road. BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 10.0 ft • Notes: 1. Soils visually field classified in accordance with ASTM 2488. 2. N-Value: Total blows over last 1.0 foot of 1.5-foot driven interval using a 1 3/8-inch ID splitspoon with 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 3. The CME 550x drilling rig utilizes an automatic trip hammer. 4. Trace: < 5% Few: 5-10% Little: 15-25% Some: 30-45% Mostly: 50-100% 0 - 5 SAS FORM 1836-A Boring Designation B-09 SHEET 1 of 1 FEB 08 Borina Desianation B-10 DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 DRILLING LOG �OF USACE Savannah Ft. Bragg 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SOF Operations Facility State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 4.25" Hollow Stem Auger PN 88658 FY-20 2. HOLE NUMBER LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL B-10 N 1977090.1 E 511732 CME-550x 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED USACE Savannah 5 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 Verrett 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER See Remarks 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL OINCLINED --- 15. DATE BORING 5/20/19 5/21/19 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN > 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 280' 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0' 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 10, Tew ELEV DEPTH o FIELD CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS i Q REMARKS LQ CU Cu w (Description) REC E o m o z J ,..: ASPHALT, 0.3'. 1 60 1 12 29 o POORLY GRADED GRAVEL (GP), light yellow, poor recovery. 15 14 SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine sand, little silty fines, 73 z 16 ` 8 brown. s o Few cm sized blobs of orange -red, sharp edges, likely 2 fill. 73 3 4 10 6 2 33 4 2 4 2 No blobs. 1 D 73 5 2 6 270.0 10.0 4 BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 10.0 ft • Notes: Water Level Data 1. Soils visually field classified in accordance with Reading Depth Notes ASTM 2488. 24 hours Collapse at 4.4' 5/21/2019 2. N-Value: Total blows over last 1.0 foot of 1.5-foot driven interval using a 1 3/8-inch ID splitspoon with 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 3. The CME 550x drilling rig utilizes an automatic trip hammer. 4. Trace: < 5% Few: 5-10% Little: 15-25% Some: 30-45% Mostly: 50-100% 0 — 5 SAS FORM 1836-A Boring Designation B-10 SHEET 1 of 1 FEB 08 Borina Desianation B-11 DRILLING LOG DIVISION USACE Savannah INSTALLATION Ft. Bragg SHEET 1 �OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SOF Operations Facility State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 4.25" Hollow Stem Auger PN 88658 FY-20 2. HOLE NUMBER LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL B-11 N 1977152 E 511826.6 CME-550x 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED USACE Savannah 6 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 Verrett 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER See Remarks 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING 15. DATE BORING :STARTED COMPLETED 5/20/19 5/21/19 ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL OINCLINED --- 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN > 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 278.5' 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK Q' 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING N/A 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 15' Tew ELEV DEPTH o Cu w J FIELD CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS (Description) i REC Q E REMARKS o LQ m o CU z o ASPHALT, 0.3' thick. 27 1 12 17 SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, little silty fines, few gravel, light orange brown. 8 9 100 2 4 13 No gravel, orange -brown, some mottling, moist, possibly fill. Laboratory soil classification indicates Clayey Sand (SC) - %<#200=18.2 LL=40 PI=20 WC%=9.6 Laboratory soil classification indicates 6 7 100 3 2 3 7 Clayey Sand (SC) - %<#200=18.0 LL=32 4 PI=14 WC%=7.2 4 o 93 4 5 9 4 Orange -brown to brown mottling, varies with fines 269.0 9.5 o content. 87 5 4 8 16 SANDY SILT (ML), mostly silt, some fine to medium 8 sand, orange -brown. 1 263.5 15.0 Light brown. r8O 6 7 s BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 15.0 ft • Notes: Water Level Data 1. Soils visually field classified in accordance with ASTM 2488. 2. N-Value: Total blows over last 1.0 foot of 1.5-foot Reading Depth Notes 24 hours Collapse at 6.0' 5/21/2019 driven interval using a 1 3/8-inch ID splitspoon with 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 3. The CME 550x drilling rig utilizes an automatic trip hammer. 4. Trace: < 5% Few: 5-10% Little: 15-25% Some: 30-45% Mostly: 50-100% 0 - 5 - 15 SAS FORM 1836-A Boring Designation B-11 SHEET 1 of 1 FEB 08 Borina Desianation B-12 DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 DRILLING LOG �OF USACE Savannah Ft. Bragg 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SOF Operations Facility State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 4.25" Hollow Stem Auger PN 88658 FY-20 2. HOLE NUMBER LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL B-12 N 1977265.9 E 511800.2 CME-550x 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED USACE Savannah 8 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 Verrett 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER See Remarks 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL D INCLINED --- 15. DATE BORING 5/21/19 5/22/19 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN > 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 281' 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING N/A 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0' 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 25' Tew ELEV DEPTH o FIELD CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS i Q REMARKS LQ CU Cu w (Description) REC E o m o z J SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, some 7 �siltV fines brown or anics rass, roots). 60 1 12 24 No organics, light orange -brown. 1z Orange -brown. 3 67 2 6 15 9 Laboratory soil classification indicates 6 93 3 Clayey Sand (SC) - %<#200=24.0 LL=36 130 18 PI=15 WC%=11.7 Moist. 6 87 4 11 21 Red -brown. 10 10 Piece of gravel, ra -brown. 67 5 8 13 Little silty fines, orange -red. 5 7 100 6 16 31 o Mottled tan and red, possible seasonal high water table. 15 10 u Mottled orange -red and red -orange. 87 7 21 48 27 u Wet. 7 256.4 24.6 a 60 a 7 18 POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), mostly fine to medium 11 and, trace silty fines, light orange brown. Water Level Data BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 25.0 ft • Notes: Reading Depth Notes 1. Soils visually field classified in accordance with 24 hours 24 in piezometer 5/22/2019 ASTM 2488. 2. N-Value: Total blows over last 1.0 foot of 1.5-foot driven interval using a 1 3/8-inch ID splitspoon with 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 3. The CME 550x drilling rig utilizes an automatic trip hammer. 4. Trace: < 5% Few: 5-10% Little: 15-25% Some: 30-45% Mostly: 50-100% 0 - 5 - 15 - 20 - 25 SAS FORM 1836-A Boring Designation B-12 SHEET 1 of 1 FEB 08 Borina Desianation B-13 DRILLING LOG DIVISION USACE Savannah INSTALLATION Ft. Bragg SHEET 1 �OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SOF Operations Facility State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 4.25" Hollow Stem Auger PN 88658 FY-20 2. HOLE NUMBER LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL B-13 N 1977440.7 E 511903.5 CME-550x 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED USACE Savannah 8 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 Verrett 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER See Remarks 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING 15. DATE BORING :STARTED COMPLETED 5/21/19 5/22/19 ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL D INCLINED --- 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN > 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 281' 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0' 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING N/A 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 25' Tew ELEV DEPTH o Cu w J FIELD CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS (Description) i REC Q E REMARKS o LQ m o CU z 2804 06 :"• CONCRETE, difficult to auger through. 0 1 SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, little silty fines, orange -brown. 4 4 9 s 80 Z 3 7 Fine to coarse sand, mottled orange -brown and brown. Laboratory soil classification indicates Clayey Sand (SC) with a little gravel - %<#200=18.6 LL=35 PI=18 WC%=11.9 4 9 80 3 11 27 16 Orange -brown. 6 87 4 9 19 10 7 o Red grading to orange -red, minimal mottling. 100 5 8 15 7 269.0 12.0 LEAN CLAY (CL), mostly lean clay, little silt, gray with trace of purple. 7 100 6 28 12 16 z 87 7 4 13 s Little interbedded SP, fine to medium sand, trace clayey fines, darker. Wet. z 256.0 25.0 87 n8 1s 4 g BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 25.0 ft • Notes: Water Level Data 1. Soils visually field classified in accordance with ASTM 2488. 2. N-Value: Total blows over last 1.0 foot of 1.5-foot Reading Depth Notes 24 hours Collapse at 12.3' 5/22/2019 driven interval using a 1 3/8-inch ID splitspoon with 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 3. The CME 550x drilling rig utilizes an automatic trip hammer. 4. Trace: < 5% Few: 5-10% Little: 15-25% Some: 30-45% Mostly: 50-100% 0 - 5 - 15 - 20 - 25 SAS FORM 1836-A Boring Designation B-13 SHEET 1 of 1 FEB 08 Borina Desianation B-14 DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 DRILLING LOG �OF USACE Savannah Ft. Bragg 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SOF Operations Facility State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 4.25" Hollow Stem Auger PN 88658 FY-20 2. HOLE NUMBER LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL B-14 N 1977372.3 E 512017.4 CME-550x 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED USACE Savannah 8 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 Verrett 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER See Remarks 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL D INCLINED --- 15. DATE BORING 5/21/19 5/22/19 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN > 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 276' 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0' 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING N/A 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 25' Tew ELEV DEPTH o FIELD CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS i Q REMARKS LQ CU Cu w (Description) REC E o m o z J 275.2 0.8s CONCRETE. z SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, trace 60 1 10 27 - silty fines, gray. 17 93 z 13 273.2 2.8 272.5 3.5 CLAYEY SAND (SC), mostly fine to medium sand, some clayey fines, mottled tan and orange -brown. 6 z 93 3 10 SANDY LEAN CLAY (CL), mostly lean clay, some fine s to medium sand, decreasing sand with depth, mixed gray and red. Moist. 3 Laboratory soil classification indicates 100 4 Lean Clay (CL) with a trace of sand - 10 s Fine sand, mostly gray, little red and orange. °k<#200=98.4 LL=42 PI=22 WC°k=23.9 z 100 5 s 8 s 263.0 13.0 POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), mostly fine to medium 100 s $ 21 - sand, trace silty fines, mottled orange, white and brown. 11 10 z 256.3 19.7 53 4 13 9 CLAYEY SAND (SC), mostly medium sand, some clayey fines, gray, wet. 252.5 23.5 - SILTY SAND (SM), mostly medium sand, little silty fines, 1 251.0 25.0 gray, few orange and purple horizontal bands. 87 a 4 9 s BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 25.0 ft - Notes: Water Level Data 1. Soils visually field classified in accordance with Reading Depth Notes ASTM 2488. 2. N-Value: Total blows over last 1.0 foot of 1.5-foot 24 hours Collapse at 15.0' 5/22/2019 driven interval using a 1 3/8-inch ID splitspoon with 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 3. The CME 550x drilling rig utilizes an automatic trip hammer. 4. Trace: < 5% Few: 5-10% Little: 15-25% Some: 30-45% Mostly: 50-100% 0 - 5 - 15 - 20 - 25 SAS FORM 1836-A Boring Designation B-14 SHEET 1 of 1 FEB 08 DRILLING LOG USACE Savannah 1.PROJECT SOF Operations Facility PN 88658 FY-20 2. HOLE NUMBER LOCATION COORDINATES B-16 N 1977197.9 E 511913.6 3. DRILLING AGENCY USACE Savannah 4. NAME OF DRILLER Verrett 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL 0 INCLINED --- 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN > 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0' 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 25' 0 Z FIELD CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS ELEV DEPTH Lu w (Description) J SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, little silty fines, little organics rootsgrass),brown, dry. No organics, orange -brown, some mottling of red and brown. Red -brown, less mottling. u Mostly medium sand, wet, few 1/2" thick layers of ML. u No interbedded ML. ueSI nation b-lb SHEET 1 Ft. Bragg OF 1 SHEETS 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 4.25" Hollow Stem Auger 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL C M E-550x 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED 8 0 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER See Remarks :STARTED COMPLETED 15. DATE BORING 5/21/19 5/22/19 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 276.5' 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING N/A 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR Tew REC o E o REMARKS �: '6 > U) m z 3 53 1 3 5 Laboratory soil classification indicates 3 80 Z Clayey Sand (SC) with a trace of gravel - 10 15 %<#200=17.3 LL=22 PI=8 WC%=11.8 6 80 3 Laboratory soil classification indicates 8 16 Clayey Sand (SC) - %<#200=24.2 LL=33 8 PI=15 WC%=12.0 671 4 1 1 1 4 8 731 5 1 1 1 6 11 871 6 1 1 1 6 8 73 1 7 1 1 1 12 17 67 1 8 1 1 1 9 17 BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 25.0 ft • Notes: Water Level Data 1. Soils visually field classified in accordance with Reading Depth Notes ASTM 2488. 24 hours 16.7 in piezometer 5/23/2019 2. N-Value: Total blows over last 1.0 foot of 1.5-foot driven interval using a 1 3/8-inch ID splitspoon with 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 3. The CME 550x drilling rig utilizes an automatic trip hammer. 4. Trace: < 5% Few: 5-10% Little: 15-25k Some: 30-45k Mostly: 50-100% W 5 m 15 20 25 SAS FORM 1836-A Boring Designation B-16 SHEET 1 of 1 FEB 08 Borina Desianation B-17 DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 DRILLING LOG �OF USACE Savannah Ft. Bragg 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SOF Operations Facility State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 4.25" Hollow Stem Auger PN 88658 FY-20 2. HOLE NUMBER LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL B-17 N 1977527.3 E 511931.9 CME-550x 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED USACE Savannah 5 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 Verrett 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER See Remarks 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL D INCLINED --- 15. DATE BORING 5/21/19 5/22/19 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN > 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 285.5' 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0' 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING N/A 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 10, Tew ELEV DEPTH o FIELD CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS i Q REMARKS LQ CU Cu w (Description) REC E o m o z J "• CONCRETE, wire lattice at base. SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL (SM), mostly fine to 53 s 6 11 ` medium sand some gravel, little silty fines. s SILTY SAND (SM), mostly fine to medium sand, no 3 ravel, some silty fines, orange -brown. 73 2 7 13 1 /8" thick dark rust colored layer. 6 73 s 15 ` 0.1' thick CL, white. s 278.7 6.8 6 POORLY GRADED SAND (SP), mostly medium sand, 67 4 7 14 trace silty fines, brown. 7 277.0 8.5 ORLY GRADED SAND WITH CLAY (SP-SC), 4 275.5 10.0 stly fine to medium sand, few clayey fines, light kubruvv 93 5 6 12 n. ' thick purple layer. Water Level Data BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 10.0 ft Reading Depth Notes • Notes: 1. Soils visually field classified in accordance with 24 hours Collapse at 4.5 5/22/2019 ASTM 2488. 2. N-Value: Total blows over last 1.0 foot of 1.5-foot driven interval using a 1 3/8-inch ID splitspoon with 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 3. The CME 550x drilling rig utilizes an automatic trip hammer. 4. Trace: < 5% Few: 5-10% Little: 15-25% Some: 30-45% Mostly: 50-100% 0 - 5 SAS FORM 1836-A Boring Designation B-17 SHEET 1 of 1 FEB 08 ATTACHMENT C Soil Laboratory Test Results 3 — olu _ — u .N v 5 x 3 L 3 _ V 3 > a � T v�i T T V Nm>m T V m > vui T V vui T V vui T V vui T V vui T V V Im — T>m T V O T T V 5 V N N m N V N N N N N V N N 0 0 O� o 3 m 0 o '^ 0 3 3=. f . o O O y o o w- 0 3 o 3 3 3 3 3 `. 3 o 3 3 3 3 0= 0 0 0 0 0 0= > m 0 0 0 m m m 0 mt� o V N N Iq m m �N V1 m m 0 rl m rl r4 N rl r4 Em Q m Z O m O V m V O ON O° Z V N VIqN N N vt ON N w N tD V m N N N O v o° O Z 2 N N N O N O O m W W LQ o o O Z N N m m m ry N m ry m N m a M N m o oLQ Z m V m m V V m m LQ N oq V O o h N m W vl vl V o O Z tD tD tD m tD O N O° V Z m m m m m m m m m m m m n m Iq m m c 6 p n T m V V V coM W m V p O Z O V m m m m m m m V O o Iq T O O O O O O IqV m F Z Q m m m m m m m c � O O O O m m O O O O pj m O O T ° `y O O m m T m ° m O O � o o 0 o O O g o O O g o O 0 O O 0 O 0 o O O g o O O 0 Z o E x Z m m m m m m m m m m m m 5 E � m o O ~ N Z O O fn (D Q W Q H W ❑ 2 Z CQ Q C J Z LU LU LU G Z o U) O 25 i CD Z W ❑ � J U m H Q G x� Q a am �Q U Z O QN LUC x0� W LU LL Z 05 Z Z W W LPL 20 a a WO ❑ tU 1HEJ13M A82:13SIJVOOIN302J3d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cm) 0� O N M V Ln O r 00 O p O 0 " 0 o O LU LU Q J LU U m U O o O c Z ❑ O J tP _ U) Q O m O O LL co m co U) O Y c w O 0 o o 0 d p— O 2 ❑ d d Z o a O J d o o W d Z Z o LL J Z w o of w W v o f _ Lo o Z Z LU z Z (n o W — W N 2 ❑ W Z v/ LU z O i w o U 3 U " 0 Z ° O U O W z LE r LLJ m N a Q � = N LL U z � rn J Z c W M W > v M❑ 9 j V z od p Z LUU LU 00 m a-" o V ofN Q ❑ � ❑ O � O O G G LU N U L1J Q } N U) Li M ❑ v O 0 In ee ❑ ❑ (M Z 3 N t o ui 0 O m b m O U Li 0 o 0) oz L 00 0 W 0 0 O O O O O 0 � LO m 1HJ13M l.8 b3Nld 1N30b3d O d) (O (2 d) N N U) M ❑ O w H O �5 Y D � O O w ~ N Z O O fn M Q W Q W ❑ 2 Z Q Q J Z LU LULU 2 H Z o � O i O Z W ❑ � J U m H Q G x� Q a am �Q U Z O QN LUC x0� W LU LL Z 05 Z Z W W LPL 20 a a WO ❑ tU 1HEJ13M A82:13SIJVOOIN302J3d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cm) 0� O N M V Ln CO I— 00 O p O 0 " 0 o O LU � Q J u1 U m U O o O c Z ❑ O J tP U) QN m O v o rn O LL_ co m co U) O Y c w O O o p— o 0 d Cn J 2 ❑ d p N 0 o a O o W J d Ln N Z o LL LO Q' J LU o LU W o J O o Z Z Z LU Z U) o W - LU N ❑ W m C/) Z v/ LU Z O i w o " Z ° � U OM W � O Z N � U N LL U z rn W Ta Z c Oo M > v 06 Z W w m a-" V ofN Q ❑ ❑ O O O G G W N > U Yj Q } N U M ❑ � v O O O ❑ ❑ 00 Z m 3 N t o N ❑ U) m 0 O m O 41- U 6 z 0 0) E 00 0 0 0 O O O O O 00 W LO U) 1HJ13M l.8 b3Nld 1N30b3d O d) (O (2 d) N N U) M o O w H O �5 Y D � O O w ~ N Z O O fn (D Q W Q c G u ❑ 2 Z CQC Q C J Z LU LU G Z o U) O 25 i CD Z W ❑ � J U m H Q x� Q a z s m U V! Z O QN W W LU LL Z 05 Z Z W W LL 20 a a wO ❑ tU 1HEJ13M A82:13SIJVOOIN302J3d O 0 0 N 0 M 0 V 0 Ln 0 O 0 r 00 0 cm) O 0� p O 0 N O O LU � Q J u1 U O o O m c U Z o O J CA = U) Q m M O M �p O O LL co m co U) O c Y w O O o p— O O d Cn J 2 0 a O o o a O O O w J a Ln Z O L.L � J N O U N LU o LU LU o v o J �i _ N N 00 o Z Z (n Z � oN Z — w LU N 0 w (6 L 0 C/) LU z j > j w a0 cn (� 3 U T V N C + Z M� 0L LLJU w r O Z n U Q � w = N EL U J (7 0) 00 LU Z v (7 M 0 $ o Z 06 LU Y 8 V LU a-0 N Q' N O Q O G0 G �_ ❑ LU > N CA w N Q U o U i�? Ln M Ofv O O o 0 M Z 3 (6 N t o O m 0 m 0 Z 0 0) E 00 0CL 0 0 0 LO O O O O O 00 U) 1HJ13M l.8 b3Nld 1N30b3d O d) (O (2 d) N N U) M ❑ O w H O �5 Y D � O O w ~ N Z O O fn (D Q W Q W ❑ 2 Z Q Q J Z LU LULU 2 H Z o U) (D 25 i CD Z W ❑ � J U m H Q x� Q a am �Q U Z O QN LUU) W W LL Z 05 Z W W LPL 20 a a WO ❑ tU 1HEJ13M A82:13SIJVOOIN302J3d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cm) 0� O N M V Ln O r 00 O p O 0 " 0 O O LU LU Q J LU U m U O o O c Z ❑ } O J tP U) Q m V O M �p p LL O LL co m co U) O Y c w O O o p— O O d Cn J 2 ❑ EL- r (Y) o o a O o W J d r N Z o LL Q' J LU o LU LU co "o J ❑ z 0 O M LU z o W LU❑ �N Lu Z m Z z LU O LU U ° a U D U) 0 " -0 Z M .0 O (n O p W Z U N LL, M fA � = N LL U z Z rn C W M W i v � � V � ❑ Z � 3 - LLB od LU Q N bo V LU " O Q _ }} W ❑ LU O O G❑c G N > W Q N N U M ❑ � v O O O ❑ ❑ 00 m N ❑ (n m 0 O b m O 41- U 0 z 0 0) CL 00 0 0 0 O O O O O 00 W LO U) 1HJ13M l.8 b3Nld 1N30b3d O d) (O (2 d) N N U) M ❑ O w H O �5 Y D � O O w ~ N Z O O fn M Q W Q W ❑ 2 Z CQC Q C J Z LU LULU 2 H Z o � O i O Z W ❑ � J U m H Q m c x� Q z a m Q U Z O QN LUC W LU LL Z_ O5 Z Z W W LPL 20 a a WO ❑ tU 1HEJ13M A82:13SIJVOOIN302J3d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cm) 0� O N M V Ln (D r 00 0) p O O N 0 O O LU � Q J u1 U m U O o O c Z ❑ } O J tP U) Q m O M p� O LL O LL co m co U) O Y c w O O o p— O O d O J 2 ❑ d O o o a O O o J a- 00 W Z O L.L LU o LU W o o J ❑ N o Z Z Z LU Z U o > — LULU N ❑ W m C/) Z LU Z O i w o D -Z, � N LLJ H W O Z N � U EL U z rn W J W Z v c ) � 00 ,n ❑ Z � � 3 06 r at5 V LU00 W 0_ 8V 0 N ❑ O O 0 G❑ G ' LU N U LULi Q } N M v O O n Go ❑ ❑ M Z 3 N t o (6 ui 0 O m b3 m O 41- t5 1 U 0 z 0 0) E 00 O O O O O O O � O O O LO L6 U) 1HJ13M l.8 b3NId 1N30b3d O d) (O (2 d) N N U) M ❑ O w H O �5 Y D � O O w ~ N Z O O fn (D Q W Q W ❑ 2 Z Q Q J Z LU LULU 2 H Z o U) � O i O Z W ❑ � J U m H Q m c x� Q z a m Q U Z O QN LUC W LU LL Z 05 Z Z W W LPL 20 a a WO ❑ tU 1HEJ13M A82:13SIJVOOIN302J3d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cm) 0� O N M - LC) (D I— 00 O p O 0 N 0 0 o LU � Q J u1 U m U O o O c O Z ❑ } O J tP U) Q m (D O M LL O LL_ co m c3 U) O Y c � O O o p— o 0 d Cn J 2 ❑ d p N 0 o a 17 O 0 w J d p N Z o LL Q J 0 o Ir LU LUco o J ❑ O o Z < Z z LU Z o w — w N ❑ w ool Z v/ LU Z O i w o � N uj H W � O z N b U LL U z E W J w � m ,n ❑ Z � � 06 at5 V w w U) a Oo a-N 8 V of N (i ❑ O O 0 G❑c G ' LU N U Yj Q } N U) m ❑Ir < v O O Ln ❑ ❑ i�? M Z 3 N co t o m 0 O b m O .. Cn U 0 z o N 0 E 00 0 0 0 0 O O O O O 0 LO Cn 1HJ13M l.8 b3Nld 1N30b3d O d) (O (2 d) N N U) M ❑ O w H O �5 Y D � O O w ~ N Z O O fn (D Q W Q W ❑ 2 Z CQC Q C J Z LU LU W G Z o U) � O i O Z W ❑ � J U m H Q x� Q a am �Q U Z O QN W C W LU LL Z 05 Z Z W W LPL 20 a a WO ❑ tU 1HEJ13M A82:13SIJVOOIN302J3d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cm) 0� O N M V LC) (D I— 00 O p O 0 N 0 0 o w � Q J u1 U m U O o O c Z ❑ } O J tP U) Q f` O m M LL O LL co m c3 U) O Y c � O O o O O d p— Cn J 2 ❑ d o O a O 0 J W O w a Z O EL U) J N Q- J M o LU U) o of W w O �i N v o J _ r o Z Z z LU Z U) o w_ — w N �_ ❑ �j Z -o c LU Z O ui ° a0 U u? 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Ln Z m 3 N (n t o N ❑ a) Un m M m O Cn U 0 z o N o E 00 0CL 0 0 0 O O O O O O LO Cn 1HJ13M l.8 b3Nld 1N30b3d O d) (O (2 d) N N U) Lu Z o O w H O �5 Y D � O O w ~ N Z O O fn (D Q LU Q c G u ❑ 2 Z CQC Q C J Z LU LU LU 2 H Z o U) O 25 i CD Z LU ❑ � J U m H Q x� Q z a m U V! Z O QN LU W LU LL Z 05 Z Lu LU LL 20 a a Lu O ❑ tU 1HEJ13M A82:13SIJVOOIN302J3d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cm) 0� O N M V Ln (D r 00 O p O 0 " 0 O O LU � Q J u1 U m U O o O c Z o } O J tP U) Q O m M LL M m _m O LL co c3 Cn O Y c � O O o O O d p— Cn J = o d W o O a O O J O W d Z O L.L Q' J (LO LU o of w W co o J o N Z W Z — W _ LLB N 0 Lum N C/) ca Z t 3 W z C7 w U > a0 u? ° U 3 U Z O LU U w N Y � r cn LL,p Z_ EL 00 Q � = N U off$ 0)M co J ui Z i a v Z 06 U V w w co 00 m` " 0c Od O N i O" G '� N LU Q � CA U) M 0 < v O O lC) o o � � M Z 3 N (n t o LU 0 O m Cn U 0 z o N E 00 0 0 0 O O O O O 00 W LO Cn 1HJ13M l.8 b3Nld 1N30b3d w 2 2 _ « $ � w Q w w k k « o z LU w z o m � o U w ❑ Q m � 7 x � « a k $ � z �0 q w � w LL. 2 05 b w 2 0 O k a a. 0 k IH@3»A8 �:13sVOoIN301:13d 2 g R ? 2 G E S @ \§ 0 g 0 2 / E / \ g c § / 0 0 8 0 ` z § 0 % f e E ƒ 7 o o / Cl)- � / \ \ } z \ / o o / 0 § u ƒ G ƒ \ S § ) § \ e \ m 0\ k G z® \ _ LU ®®R \ \ \ �§ \ z U) 0 \ / W f > / m ° / \ D / § � \ { �cd # 0 F- m e o zU) 3 �\ �\$ D Z ^ t e g § \ \ \ 0 \ k \ 4 u w co \ e f , § g } I o b j \ \ = LU \ƒQ § _ u § ° % j ° ( \ ® ° § ƒ m _ e / \ z E g E E G 2 9 R B / ° / 7 IHg27 Ag 52malN3 13 O d) (O (2 d) N N U) M o O w H O �5 Y D � O O w ~ N Z O O fn (D Q W Q W ❑ 2 Z CQC Q C J Z LU LU W G Z o � O i O Z W ❑ � J U m H Q x� Q a Z m Q U Z O QN W U) W LU 05 Z Z W W LPL 20 a a WO ❑ tU 1HEJ13M A82:13SIJVOOIN302J3d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cm) 0� O N M V Ln O r 00 O p O 0 N 0 O O W � Q J W U m U O o O c Z o O J tP m OLL Cl) O co m co U) O Y c w O O o p— o O d Cn J 2 0 d OD o o a O O O J d V W Z O L.L (n J N J N LU U)o o of W W O 2� OD v o J o N O Z Z Z Z � oN W_ — W D 0 t N Lu 3 U m C/) z V) Z O i W ° a �° D 0 0 V N � () O$ OM m z N U) W p _ LL Q U � U 0 z rn W J W � Z v c ch Z 06 U z W co N a-8 N V Q' Q o 6 0) � �_ O O O c o wN N U _ LU Q m i N U M v 0 0 Ln Ge o o M Z 3 N t o (6 0 m 0 O m 11 11 n-T 0 z +-i--H 0 CL 00 0 0 0 O O O O O 00 � W LO m 1HJ13M l.8 b3Nld 1N30b3d O d) (O (2 d) N N U) M ❑ O w H O �5 Y D � O O w ~ N Z O O fn (D Q W Q W ❑ 2 Z CQC Q C J Z LU LULU 2 H Z o U) � O i O Z W ❑ � J U m H Q x� Q a a m �Q U Z O QN LUC W LU LL Z 05 Z Z W W LPL 20 a a WO ❑ tU 1HEJ13M A82:13SIJVOOIN302J3d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cm) 0� O N M V Ln O r 00 O p O 0 " 0 0 o LU � Q J u1 U m U O o O c Z ❑ } O J tP U) Q N OLL m O Cl) co m co U) O Y c w O O o o O d p— Cn J 2 ❑ d Ln o o a O 0 J 00 O w a Z O L.L Q J (m LU o LU LU o o � � o J ❑ (6 N ZQLU Z Z Z (n o LLi — w N ❑ w m C/) Z LU Z w a i O a0 �i U) t U 3 U " 0 Z0 U LU z w = 0 EL N ❑ N � co J ui U od Z c M i v � w w o m` a-" Q ❑ O N O O G LU G G N L1J Q U M ❑ v O O 0 Go ❑ ❑ C Z m -C 3 N t o rn ❑ (n m O M m O 0 z O 0) E 00 0 0 0 0 O O O O O 0 LO U) 1HJ13M l.8 b3Nld 1N30b3d ATTACHMENT D Soil Percolation and Infiltration Data SOF Operations Facility PN 88658, FY 20 Fort Bragg, NC Tests were performed by Jamie Dunn and Laura Dudley on 21-22 May 2019 Test holes were pre-soaked the day prior to testing. Weather conditions on 21 May 2019 were sunny with temperatures reaching up to 90 degrees. Weather conditions on 22 May 2019 were overcast with temperatures reaching up to 80 degrees. The soil conditions at the site varried. Borings in the vicinity provide a more accurate description of the soils. Various lengths of slotted pvc pipe screens were placed in each hole to minimize difficulties associated with hole cave-in, and 2 - 3" of gravel was placed in the bottom of the holes before water was added. Soil percolation tests were performed in accordance with DM 110-1-1, Jul 83, Chapter 20. Water levels were measured by a water level indicator with reference point on the inserted slotted pipe screen. A minimum 6" water column above gravel was used as the initial height of water, subsequently recharged to this level after each reading, as necessary. All times were noted by digital clock device. The Michigan method is used to estimate infiltration rates from the percolation test data. The infiltration rate calculated for the design of affected stormwater mnagement structures is in bold print. Percolation Test # P-01 Percolation test hole: 4" diameter x 39" (3.25') deep Test performed 5/22/2019 in the immidate vicinity of boring location B-03. Soil profile matches soil boring B-03 with SHWT estimated at a depth in excess of 11.5' Start and End Timi Elapsed initial reading final reading percolation rate Infiltration rate time (min.; from top of riser, ft from top of riser, ft ft/hr in/hr Rf Inf rate (in/hr) 1200 - 1210 10 3.05 3.79 4.44 53.28 1208 - 1218 10 2.90 3.79 5.34 64.08 1216 - 1226 10 3.18 3.79 3.66 43.92 1226 - 1236 10 3.20 3.79 3.54 42.48 1236 - 1246 10 3.19 3.79 3.60 43.20 1246 - 1252 10 3.01 3.79 4.68 56.16 3.70 15.18 Percolation Test # P-02 Percolation test hole: 4.0" diameter x 36" (3') deep Test performed 5/22/2019 in the immidate vicinity of boring location B-06. Soil profile matches soil boring B-06 with SHWT estimated at a depth in excess of 8' Start and End Timi Elapsed time (min., 0831 - 0931 60 0931 - 1031 60 1031 - 1131 60 1131 - 1231 60 initial reading final reading from top of riser, ft from top of riser, ft 3.66 3.77 3.77 3.85 3.85 3.95 3.95 4.04 percolation rate ft/hr in/hr 0.11 1.26 0.09 1.02 0.10 1.20 0.09 1.08 Infiltration rate Rf Inf rate (in/hr) 5.53 0.20 Percolation Test # P-03 Percolation test hole: 8.5" diameter x 3 5 " (2.92') deep with 3" of asphalt at the top Test performed 5/21/2019 in the immidate vicinity of boring location 13-11. Soil profile matches soil boring B-11 with SHWT estimated at a depth in excess of 15' Start and End Timi Elapsed initial reading final reading percolation rate Infiltration rate time (min.; from top of riser, ft from top of riser, ft ft/hr in/hr Rf Inf rate (in/hr) 0950 - 1000 10 4.42 4.62 1.20 14.40 1002 - 1012 10 4.42 4.51 0.54 6.48 1013 - 1023 10 4.36 4.45 0.54 6.48 1024 - 1034 10 4.45 4.57 0.72 8.64 1035 - 1045 10 4.42 4.49 0.42 5.04 1047 - 1057 10 4.45 4.54 0.54 6.48 1057 - 1107 10 4.44 4.52 0.48 5.76 2.29 2.51 ATTACHMENT E NRCS Soils Report USDA United States Department of Agriculture MRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service A product of the National Cooperative Soil Survey, a joint effort of the United States Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, State agencies including the Agricultural Experiment Stations, and local participants Custom Soil Resource Report for Cumberland County, North Carolina SOF Operations Facility June 21, 2019 Preface Soil surveys contain information that affects land use planning in survey areas. They highlight soil limitations that affect various land uses and provide information about the properties of the soils in the survey areas. Soil surveys are designed for many different users, including farmers, ranchers, foresters, agronomists, urban planners, community officials, engineers, developers, builders, and home buyers. Also, conservationists, teachers, students, and specialists in recreation, waste disposal, and pollution control can use the surveys to help them understand, protect, or enhance the environment. Various land use regulations of Federal, State, and local governments may impose special restrictions on land use or land treatment. Soil surveys identify soil properties that are used in making various land use or land treatment decisions. The information is intended to help the land users identify and reduce the effects of soil limitations on various land uses. The landowner or user is responsible for identifying and complying with existing laws and regulations. Although soil survey information can be used for general farm, local, and wider area planning, onsite investigation is needed to supplement this information in some cases. Examples include soil quality assessments (http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/ portal/nres/main/soils/health/) and certain conservation and engineering applications. For more detailed information, contact your local USDA Service Center (https:Hoffices.sc.egov.usda.gov/locator/app?agency=nres) or your NRCS State Soil Scientist (http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/nres/detail/soils/contactus/? cid=nres142p2_053951). Great differences in soil properties can occur within short distances. Some soils are seasonally wet or subject to flooding. Some are too unstable to be used as a foundation for buildings or roads. Clayey or wet soils are poorly suited to use as septic tank absorption fields. A high water table makes a soil poorly suited to basements or underground installations. The National Cooperative Soil Survey is a joint effort of the United States Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, State agencies including the Agricultural Experiment Stations, and local agencies. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has leadership for the Federal part of the National Cooperative Soil Survey. Information about soils is updated periodically. Updated information is available through the NRCS Web Soil Survey, the site for official soil survey information. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Contents Preface.................................................................................................................... 2 How Soil Surveys Are Made..................................................................................5 SoilMap.................................................................................................................. 8 SoilMap................................................................................................................9 Legend................................................................................................................10 MapUnit Legend................................................................................................ 11 MapUnit Descriptions.........................................................................................11 Cumberland County, North Carolina...............................................................13 BaD—Blaney loamy sand, 8 to 15 percent slopes......................................13 CaB—Candor sand, 1 to 8 percent slopes..................................................14 NoB—Norfolk loamy sand, 2 to 6 percent slopes........................................15 References............................................................................................................17 How Soil Surveys Are Made Soil surveys are made to provide information about the soils and miscellaneous areas in a specific area. They include a description of the soils and miscellaneous areas and their location on the landscape and tables that show soil properties and limitations affecting various uses. Soil scientists observed the steepness, length, and shape of the slopes; the general pattern of drainage; the kinds of crops and native plants; and the kinds of bedrock. They observed and described many soil profiles. A soil profile is the sequence of natural layers, or horizons, in a soil. The profile extends from the surface down into the unconsolidated material in which the soil formed or from the surface down to bedrock. The unconsolidated material is devoid of roots and other living organisms and has not been changed by other biological activity. Currently, soils are mapped according to the boundaries of major land resource areas (MLRAs). MLRAs are geographically associated land resource units that share common characteristics related to physiography, geology, climate, water resources, soils, biological resources, and land uses (USDA, 2006). Soil survey areas typically consist of parts of one or more MLRA. The soils and miscellaneous areas in a survey area occur in an orderly pattern that is related to the geology, landforms, relief, climate, and natural vegetation of the area. Each kind of soil and miscellaneous area is associated with a particular kind of landform or with a segment of the landform. By observing the soils and miscellaneous areas in the survey area and relating their position to specific segments of the landform, a soil scientist develops a concept, or model, of how they were formed. Thus, during mapping, this model enables the soil scientist to predict with a considerable degree of accuracy the kind of soil or miscellaneous area at a specific location on the landscape. Commonly, individual soils on the landscape merge into one another as their characteristics gradually change. To construct an accurate soil map, however, soil scientists must determine the boundaries between the soils. They can observe only a limited number of soil profiles. Nevertheless, these observations, supplemented by an understanding of the soil -vegetation -landscape relationship, are sufficient to verify predictions of the kinds of soil in an area and to determine the boundaries. Soil scientists recorded the characteristics of the soil profiles that they studied. They noted soil color, texture, size and shape of soil aggregates, kind and amount of rock fragments, distribution of plant roots, reaction, and other features that enable them to identify soils. After describing the soils in the survey area and determining their properties, the soil scientists assigned the soils to taxonomic classes (units). Taxonomic classes are concepts. Each taxonomic class has a set of soil characteristics with precisely defined limits. The classes are used as a basis for comparison to classify soils systematically. Soil taxonomy, the system of taxonomic classification used in the United States, is based mainly on the kind and character of soil properties and the arrangement of horizons within the profile. After the soil Custom Soil Resource Report scientists classified and named the soils in the survey area, they compared the individual soils with similar soils in the same taxonomic class in other areas so that they could confirm data and assemble additional data based on experience and research. The objective of soil mapping is not to delineate pure map unit components; the objective is to separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. Each map unit is defined by a unique combination of soil components and/or miscellaneous areas in predictable proportions. Some components may be highly contrasting to the other components of the map unit. The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. The delineation of such landforms and landform segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas. Soil scientists make many field observations in the process of producing a soil map. The frequency of observation is dependent upon several factors, including scale of mapping, intensity of mapping, design of map units, complexity of the landscape, and experience of the soil scientist. Observations are made to test and refine the soil -landscape model and predictions and to verify the classification of the soils at specific locations. Once the soil -landscape model is refined, a significantly smaller number of measurements of individual soil properties are made and recorded. These measurements may include field measurements, such as those for color, depth to bedrock, and texture, and laboratory measurements, such as those for content of sand, silt, clay, salt, and other components. Properties of each soil typically vary from one point to another across the landscape. Observations for map unit components are aggregated to develop ranges of characteristics for the components. The aggregated values are presented. Direct measurements do not exist for every property presented for every map unit component. Values for some properties are estimated from combinations of other properties. While a soil survey is in progress, samples of some of the soils in the area generally are collected for laboratory analyses and for engineering tests. Soil scientists interpret the data from these analyses and tests as well as the field -observed characteristics and the soil properties to determine the expected behavior of the soils under different uses. Interpretations for all of the soils are field tested through observation of the soils in different uses and under different levels of management. Some interpretations are modified to fit local conditions, and some new interpretations are developed to meet local needs. Data are assembled from other sources, such as research information, production records, and field experience of specialists. For example, data on crop yields under defined levels of management are assembled from farm records and from field or plot experiments on the same kinds of soil. Predictions about soil behavior are based not only on soil properties but also on such variables as climate and biological activity. Soil conditions are predictable over long periods of time, but they are not predictable from year to year. For example, soil scientists can predict with a fairly high degree of accuracy that a given soil will have a high water table within certain depths in most years, but they cannot predict that a high water table will always be at a specific level in the soil on a specific date. After soil scientists located and identified the significant natural bodies of soil in the survey area, they drew the boundaries of these bodies on aerial photographs and Custom Soil Resource Report identified each as a specific map unit. Aerial photographs show trees, buildings, fields, roads, and rivers, all of which help in locating boundaries accurately. Soil Map The soil map section includes the soil map for the defined area of interest, a list of soil map units on the map and extent of each map unit, and cartographic symbols displayed on the map. Also presented are various metadata about data used to produce the map, and a description of each soil map unit. 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O m o M O � a o O U U> Z N L_ y O U U � O ° a) S Z):E R m U 3 a Q 0 R N R O 0 C p O Z}{ WR 4 R 5 R fVn � F m W J y a a pCL y o o ) w o a o a N y Q E R y Q a o a O` U C > C C a) > > Q Q w 3 R 3 y `o O > > ° w o o w Q _ `o o o a R R R R w LL 3 3 O T `) a w > > = a R w o E coi O a) o Y o U) a y d Q 0 cn 0 0 c O cn cn p m 4 O R C V) O O m R a) O 0 O w a R ❑ R +Vy� ■ y0 ❑ a i/ ® �ap� <> { � yp� "V `} ! }� V) Q M 0 r Custom Soil Resource Report Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI BaD Blaney loamy sand, 8 to 15 percent slopes 0.4 4.2% CaB Candor sand, 1 to 8 percent slopes 8.5 82.0% NoB Norfolk loamy sand, 2 to 6 percent slopes 1.4 13.7% Totals for Area of Interest 10.4 100.0% Map Unit Descriptions The map units delineated on the detailed soil maps in a soil survey represent the soils or miscellaneous areas in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the maps, can be used to determine the composition and properties of a unit. A map unit delineation on a soil map represents an area dominated by one or more major kinds of soil or miscellaneous areas. A map unit is identified and named according to the taxonomic classification of the dominant soils. Within a taxonomic class there are precisely defined limits for the properties of the soils. On the landscape, however, the soils are natural phenomena, and they have the characteristic variability of all natural phenomena. Thus, the range of some observed properties may extend beyond the limits defined for a taxonomic class. Areas of soils of a single taxonomic class rarely, if ever, can be mapped without including areas of other taxonomic classes. Consequently, every map unit is made up of the soils or miscellaneous areas for which it is named and some minor components that belong to taxonomic classes other than those of the major soils. Most minor soils have properties similar to those of the dominant soil or soils in the map unit, and thus they do not affect use and management. These are called noncontrasting, or similar, components. They may or may not be mentioned in a particular map unit description. Other minor components, however, have properties and behavioral characteristics divergent enough to affect use or to require different management. These are called contrasting, or dissimilar, components. They generally are in small areas and could not be mapped separately because of the scale used. Some small areas of strongly contrasting soils or miscellaneous areas are identified by a special symbol on the maps. If included in the database for a given area, the contrasting minor components are identified in the map unit descriptions along with some characteristics of each. A few areas of minor components may not have been observed, and consequently they are not mentioned in the descriptions, especially where the pattern was so complex that it was impractical to make enough observations to identify all the soils and miscellaneous areas on the landscape. The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. The objective of mapping is not to delineate pure taxonomic classes but rather to separate the landscape into landforms or 11 Custom Soil Resource Report landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. The delineation of such segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, however, onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas. An identifying symbol precedes the map unit name in the map unit descriptions. Each description includes general facts about the unit and gives important soil properties and qualities. Soils that have profiles that are almost alike make up a soil series. Except for differences in texture of the surface layer, all the soils of a series have major horizons that are similar in composition, thickness, and arrangement. Soils of one series can differ in texture of the surface layer, slope, stoniness, salinity, degree of erosion, and other characteristics that affect their use. On the basis of such differences, a soil series is divided into soil phases. Most of the areas shown on the detailed soil maps are phases of soil series. The name of a soil phase commonly indicates a feature that affects use or management. For example, Alpha silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is a phase of the Alpha series. Some map units are made up of two or more major soils or miscellaneous areas. These map units are complexes, associations, or undifferentiated groups. A complex consists of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas in such an intricate pattern or in such small areas that they cannot be shown separately on the maps. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar in all areas. Alpha -Beta complex, 0 to 6 percent slopes, is an example. An association is made up of two or more geographically associated soils or miscellaneous areas that are shown as one unit on the maps. Because of present or anticipated uses of the map units in the survey area, it was not considered practical or necessary to map the soils or miscellaneous areas separately. The pattern and relative proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar. Alpha -Beta association, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. An undifferentiated group is made up of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas that could be mapped individually but are mapped as one unit because similar interpretations can be made for use and management. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas in a mapped area are not uniform. An area can be made up of only one of the major soils or miscellaneous areas, or it can be made up of all of them. Alpha and Beta soils, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. Some surveys include miscellaneous areas. Such areas have little or no soil material and support little or no vegetation. Rock outcrop is an example. 12 Custom Soil Resource Report Cumberland County, North Carolina BaD—Blaney loamy sand, 8 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. w6z3 Elevation: 160 to 660 feet Mean annual precipitation: 38 to 52 inches Mean annual air temperature: 61 to 70 degrees F Frost -free period: 210 to 245 days Farmland classification: Farmland of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Blaney and similar soils: 85 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Blaney Setting Landform: Low hills Landform position (two-dimensional): Shoulder Landform position (three-dimensional): Crest Down -slope shape: Convex Across -slope shape: Convex Parent material: Sandy and loamy marine deposits Typical profile A - 0 to 4 inches: loamy sand E - 4 to 25 inches: loamy sand Bt - 25 to 62 inches: sandy clay loam C - 62 to 80 inches: loamy coarse sand Properties and qualities Slope: 8 to 15 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Runoff class: Medium Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high (0.20 to 0.57 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Low (about 4.0 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3e Hydrologic Soil Group: C Ecological site: Loamy Backslope Woodland - PROVISIONAL (F137XY006GA) Hydric soil rating: No 13 Custom Soil Resource Report CaB—Candor sand, 1 to 8 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. w6zj Elevation: 80 to 330 feet Mean annual precipitation: 38 to 55 inches Mean annual air temperature: 59 to 70 degrees F Frost -free period: 210 to 265 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Candor and similar soils: 80 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Candor Setting Landform: Ridges on marine terraces Landform position (two-dimensional): Shoulder, summit Landform position (three-dimensional): Crest Down -slope shape: Convex Across -slope shape: Convex Parent material: Sandy and loamy marine deposits and/or eolian sands Typical profile A - 0 to 8 inches: sand E - 8 to 26 inches: sand Bt - 26 to 38 inches: loamy sand E' - 38 to 62 inches: sand B't - 62 to 80 inches: sandy clay loam Properties and qualities Slope: 1 to 8 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Somewhat excessively drained Runoff class: Low Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Very low (about 2.9 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 4s Hydrologic Soil Group: A Ecological site: Dry Sandy Upland Woodland (F137XY001 GA) Hydric soil rating: No 14 Custom Soil Resource Report NoB—Norfolk loamy sand, 2 to 6 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2v75y Elevation: 30 to 450 feet Mean annual precipitation: 38 to 55 inches Mean annual air temperature: 59 to 70 degrees F Frost -free period: 200 to 280 days Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Norfolk and similar soils: 83 percent Minor components: 17 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Norfolk Setting Landform: Broad interstream divides on marine terraces, flats on marine terraces Landform position (three-dimensional): Talf Down -slope shape: Convex, linear Across -slope shape: Convex, linear Parent material: Loamy marine deposits Typical profile Ap - 0 to 8 inches: loamy sand E - 8 to 14 inches: loamy sand Bt - 14 to 65 inches: sandy clay loam BC - 65 to 80 inches: sandy clay loam Properties and qualities Slope: 2 to 6 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Natural drainage class: Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 40 to 72 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water storage in profile: Moderate (about 6.9 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group: A Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Wagram Percent of map unit. 10 percent 15 Custom Soil Resource Report Landform: Broad interstream divides on marine terraces, ridges on marine terraces Landform position (two-dimensional): Summit, shoulder Landform position (three-dimensional): Riser, rise Down -slope shape: Convex, linear Across -slope shape: Convex Hydric soil rating: No Goldsboro Percent of map unit: 7 percent Landform: Flats on marine terraces, broad interstream divides on marine terraces Landform position (three-dimensional): Talf Down -slope shape: Linear Across -slope shape: Linear Hydric soil rating: No it. References American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 2004. Standard specifications for transportation materials and methods of sampling and testing. 24th edition. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2005. Standard classification of soils for engineering purposes. ASTM Standard D2487-00. Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of wetlands and deep -water habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service FWS/OBS-79/31. Federal Register. July 13, 1994. Changes in hydric soils of the United States. Federal Register. September 18, 2002. Hydric soils of the United States. Hurt, G.W., and L.M. Vasilas, editors. Version 6.0, 2006. Field indicators of hydric soils in the United States. National Research Council. 1995. Wetlands: Characteristics and boundaries. Soil Survey Division Staff. 1993. Soil survey manual. Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 18. http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/ n res/d eta i I/n ati o n a I/s o i Is/?cid = n res 142 p2_0 54262 Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. 2nd edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 436. http:// www. nres. usda.gov/wps/portal/nres/detail/national/soils/?cid=nres142p2_053577 Soil Survey Staff. 2010. Keys to soil taxonomy. 11th edition. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. http:// www. nres. usda.gov/wps/portal/nres/detail/national/soils/?cid=nres142p2_053580 Tiner, R.W., Jr. 1985. Wetlands of Delaware. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Wetlands Section. United States Army Corps of Engineers, Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual. Waterways Experiment Station Technical Report Y-87-1. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National forestry manual. http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/nres/detail/soils/ home/?cid=nres142p2_053374 United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National range and pasture handbook. http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/nres/ detail/national/landuse/rangepastu re/?cid=stelprdb1043084 17 Custom Soil Resource Report United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National soil survey handbook, title 430-VI. http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/ n res/d eta i I/so i Is/scie ntists/?cid=n res 142 p2_054242 United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2006. Land resource regions and major land resource areas of the United States, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Basin. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 296. http://www.nres.usda.gov/wps/portal/nres/detail/national/soils/? cid = n res 142 p2_05 3624 United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1961. Land capability classification. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 210. http:H www.nrcs.usda.gov/lnternet/FSE—DOCUMENTS/nrcsl 42p2_052290. pdf 18