HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-01727_Well Construction - GW1_20210305 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Pn,mtempl Cat oNI.Y --�—� this fam can be,ued fit single o multiple wells 1.Well Contractor Information: Mitchell Dean Cook 14 wAl`Ek ONUS I(�tR0A1 TO FCRN Well Conuucior Nnmt ft R2043 A — — NCWellCmncnworC,.rtifcaiian Nmnber .IS.OU FR(ASIN('(for i-w multard nulls OR LINFR IfR Iicahle FROM TO DIAMETER ❑IiC.KN'FSS MATERIAL Dennis Holland Well Drilling, Inc. a r f ;, Cumpa ry Name 16..INNER CASING ORT-I1BING eo5hermal.hued Itt FROM TO DIAMETER THIe KT'E.SS MATERIAL 2.Well Construction Perimt H:L?!Lj., -�._/� n __- fr I, L�_r ell npp/knhle well!emriss('.e.Co nry. Sara, -rT}- D1 n 3.Well Use(check well use): —.-. .� 17. RP.t;N _ .._ _ Water Supply Well: l' eROM11 TO piAA1Fl Y.R NUT CIZF. TII(KNF.CS h1ATr RIAL. CIAltricultiold R fI in Cl Gcothernial(Hutting/(looling Supply) L3R���esidentiol Water Supply(single) Llhtdustriel/Colnmorciel faAcsidential Water Supply(Shared) 1fliOROUI - !. ,'< F110M TO _ M1IATF.RIAI EM PLACE M ERfMETHOD&AMOUNT ❑on-W.te D fr. Nml Wa[e�r Supply Well: ❑Maniloring ❑Recovery r fn ,)r: -,--ft /_- Injection Well: ❑A uifer Rechar e - L)_ - 4 g f](iroundwnter Remediahon 19.SAND/ORAVF,+IS^PAOK�i�2ablei�'; —_ f lAumfer Storage and Recovery LlSaliniry,Harrier ta4M-_-- Tq meTeaul. EMrEAr.EmemmnlEnlnn ❑Ayui fer Test CIStonnwaler Drainage --- -- --- ---- — -- [l F.xperunentul'1'eelutology ❑ t. ft. Subsidence Control 30.DRILL IN( LOG aria eh'addidim.l sheets ihatepsery) [.CrCulhermfll(Closed Loop) lacer FROM TO __ 1)&SCRIPTtON(tltr hWoe�` C1Gcolhermal(Heatin!{/Cooling Itetwn) f_lOther(explain under#21 Remarks) ft ft / h ft. 4, Date Well(s)Completed:0;2 Well IDN /11f1—_...... . _—_ ft, Sa.Well Location; G IS /V\, rt. n. Paciliiy/Owner Name PncililY iD#(if.,licable) - '-- ---- ----- ---_ ._�ql'-.. .. _.__ . ft ft \)) Lvt t�/� Lraki .fZ /YI I'hysic.l Address,Cay.and Zip — — -------- --- 21.RLMARKI_____ 4 C[n Ty, Pmcel Identification No.(PIN) --- -_---- --_—"- -____________— _ 51).Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: (ifwell field,one l.Vlong is SUIieimlQ v v �1 �- S"ast..m"I cmified Wdl Covu.mo. Date (.Is(are)the well(s): Mi•ermanent or OTemporary It sr rh,, ono. !herebe reru Iha,d wet!si u e ronsnucred a ncarrdn.oe r going I N F. n,(war/ u4ih!SA NCAC 01C.01l10 or ISA NCAC fl:C 0100 R'el(Cnnvnmunn s'mndards and Ihnr a 7.Is this a repair to an eliding well: ❑Yes or PfNnI copy p/Ihis racnrd has heen provideJra rht waf.rowner. l/rlrla is a rapnlr,fitl mrr known wet!%onrrn¢non infnrmnrinn end a+plou'the mature ucflhe o,p undo,s21 rernarkr eamron or err the backofrhik/orm, 23,Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well g.Number of wells constructed: cunsnuction details. You may also mmeh additional pages if necessary_ pLr rnnhipfe rn/ectlmr or non-were,snppfy walls ONLY Ivirh the r.me "lv&"cflon,YVo cmr mbnm aye form. SUBMIT"1'AL.INS'I UC'I IONS 9.Total well depth below IaoU surface p (fIJ 24a. for All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of wcl! Fm nndnpla well,I.....l dcpnrs y`osff.ranr(ererrrpfe-3(a;200'and 2((D100') construction to the following. 10.Static water level helow top of casing:_ (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information processing L'nil, //wmar lev.to nbove casing,ore"+" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: 6 (In.) 24b. For Injection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the addn_ss in Rotary 24a almvc, also submit a cop for y of this fon within 30 days of compaction of well 12.Well construction method; construction to the hollowing'. p a.note,,rotary,table,direo push,etc.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR W'ATFR SI1Ppi.Y WFLIS ONLY: ) 1636 Mail Service(enter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13R,Yield(gpm) p�J Method of test: Air lift 24c.For Water Su d_.@ I Jection Wells: -- Also subnut ono copy of this Cairn within 30 cluysof completion of 13b. _ Disinfection type. H.$ H Amount: 2 oz. well construction to the county health department of the county whore am#rucicd. Ibnn(i\4-1 North Carol...P,aament of Fo,ion mere at and Neuaal R"oal,,s-Division of Water Resoi es Keviscd Auquvi 2013 + 4�ace�r M a c o n C o u n t y NEW WELL CONSTRUCTION Public Health CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION �11 PRIVATE DRINKING WA FR WELL 1 �5 i E Ise Miller 011 1 1) • � Of,on file r Shaied Well, Rt'vdentlal �. 3?65901987A8 _ n/a Lot k 113 airel Mo_unlsain 1 states _ _..._... . -.-1 r 4415> Tc ,entee' L Cr laurel Mtn f st > Lot ` IS on riyht across.from LSII house , new (i Permit Conditions Well shall be constructed in compliance with all NCAC 2C Rules- Maintain minimum sethacks as appllcabie. ' Maintain new well constw(tion on pre-deter ruined approved new well location un left, uphill side Jf drlVeNdy marked with blue flag_ Due to the reyue;ted shared well status maintain minimum 100'frorn ,r.tinq sepbr ,y;tPr1r. C lick to enter text Diagram (Not to Scale) sp= .35': 4' 19.106":A Laurel Nlounuml Estates Road 83* 1?' 14.4.36" It Y F I'MI)OScd Ilou;e lilt , Cle-trine not staked diccr:inn ditch Installed OSW W I This permit is valid fat a period of five years, r n r I n I I .. 1 a 1,0 t - r u r- a .- I ,ny r'.r -tl,!c upon *Oil 010 -''rn,1a _cJ. VIr11 o:": 1 ii, rr1 prrr r _. relul,i rl Ir v r -.IraLa t Ind r i or! C V;e H n l 1-==rirr it ,pi,t -I. T ,0 o,of(h PICPi1 -_ Oplil l r1 1, ",.1 r i D. 7r_ cs1 at an9 litcby r1(P!' A WELLHEAD CON PI ETIOIJ IN Silt`(CI ION MUST BE APPROVfE1) [it 10RE FINAL. POWIR IS G RAN IFD OR TIIF. 1NI-LI_IS 1'1A(7 D IN10 SERVICE_ PIFA';f S(IIIDUII A WFI.LI-II-AD WSPf CTION AFIIR PU 1,11' INS I Al I A PION. QUESTIONS? (828) 349-2490 Issue Date. I09/2071 Ilarold I audoth, PCItS )189 C:--- ..__ __.-_ it uthorrxcd State Aq,,i,!