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GW1-2021-01459_Well Construction - GW1_20210329
`VELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-11 For lnte Pin alUseonly: ell Contractor Information: grant Mason . I4:WATER ZONES ii r••nVactot Nasne FAOM1f i0 DE6CRH'PON 1254A {a1 R 'V\/. nuaaol Coti6ell Number 15.OUTER CASING r0r,rim kaled.!"I"9R IdNER:RIP IV1 �.W. Poole Well & Pump Co. FRDM To DIAMETER THICKNESS 6ATERAL �'alne + IL n. 6 ln. .188 galy. ..a„ rr ,, ` p e{ (�� 16..INNER CASING OR TUBING II rjgTU ed•Ibo" ell Construction Permit 4:—1, w—c)�O L J" �V�y FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESSI MATERIAL . apphcahle nail mnsrn¢rion porniv(Le-U1C.County.Sala Variance.emJ ft. n. In. 11 Use Idceck w-ell use): ft. R. In. 'rater Supply{YeIL 17.SCREEN •.'...F FRO61 TO DIAMETER SLOTSIZE THICKNF59 MATERIAL rullural Municipal/Public n. fL In. -.Tedhennal(Iieo llig/Cooling Supple) x)Residential Water Supply(single) ry, fL In. - dustrral Conanemial Residential Water Supply(shared) 18.GROUT tlrrlEaunn FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METH OD&MMUNT ^m-W'aiet'supply Well; r, ft. 1r� ft. _J Plnmtorng Recovery `-1 R ��J ft. 'riectinn Well: culler recharge R ft g Groundwater Remedialion 19.SAND/GRAVELPACK L \gwfer Storage and Recos'en [3Salinity Barrier FROM TO M1IATERI L EAirLACEMENT METHOD -::rmfer lest [)Stonnwater Drainage ft. I ft. iEq-cnlnental Technology ®Subsidence Control P. I n. '-lenthennal(Closed Loop) E)Tracer 20.DRILLING LOG rtoeh additl6iulithean.ifhetealta" C eolhennal(Uealin 'Coolie Return) nOther(explain under 921 Remarks) I FROM TO DESCR@1TON valor harts velV,xk rLn tlu era. G rL ft. - el "ate Wells)Completed: to La(well ID# a R t. n. Q,1 pr, veil Location: fL 1, R n. -- ' ^r�ner Camc Facili7[DO(ifappliceblel IL n. + '-- t 3 S' w 2 f-r fo .-,e- L...n n. n. i9, 2021 \ ..A<ss.C,i, and Zip ft. ft. 21.REMARKS: Used hardened steel drive shoe. -- Parcel Idemification N. (PIN) - ' 1-i foudc and longitude in degi ees/minules/seconds or decimal degrees: s fe!d.one laNlong is suf(icinnl 22.Certificalion: 35°`-idA�9.3`aNfp'kALAI �1. a�4" W the well(s)OKPermaneut or DIremplarsirl Signature of Cern tied Wel l Cnntraror Date his mgning rho/arm,I later,cerlav tlml he,rei!(r),gas(mere)c,n laird in accordance this a repair to an existing well: ©Yes or OK No ,,,h l5AA'CAC 02C 0100 or l iA NCAC 02C 0100 11'ell C-nsvucrim,Smndards and rhm a n rgmir,silIlow knm...n.11 rmutru,ran oybrrna,lon and eschur,henwa,e oJme copy of this record has been provided to tire uvil corner. -- ,,,a2)ramits senion r.,n me back ojthoJanu. 23.Site diagram or adrliliopel well details: er Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having The same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 'scuc(jon.only I GW-I is needed Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also mach additional pages if necessary. �e I �L SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS *-list.veil depth below'land surface: S O \ (B.) 24a. For All Wells: Submit This form within 30 days of completion of well ril it"all depthn7d,hreran fe,anlple-3@20o'and2©1Do) construction l0 the following. _!alic,safer level below'lop of casing: Z� (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, ;e,•r 6 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Bmehnla diameter: 6 (in.) 24b.For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a ll construction method: p -;,•�^Y above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well G construction to the following srgvr.,oler..cable.direct push.elcj—� g Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, -"?ll ATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 1 field(gran) I l Method of test: Blow 24c.For Water Supply &Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to HTH 1 lb. the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this fern within 30 days of Disinfection type: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. -i Norh Carolina Daparm¢nl of Environmental Qualln-Dicrsion of Wits,R....a... R,,ised 2 22 2016