HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-01320_Well Construction - GW1_20210329 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD uinil l .,n,Cl l I n,Ilnnt cnn be rued lit,.rude or..... I.Well Cmrtractor Informa lion: Kevin White 14.WATER ZONES YRtIM I Ttl I DES('RnTIOS Icdl i lit ream\Ntnc 118 fr. 150 ft. wet 2973 ft. I ft. \C ollk ontractur('ent G.naon nnlM10 15.OUTER CASING for multicased wells ORLINER if• Saable fHtt\I TO DI-\\AFTER IOn KNESS I M%1ERIU- Parratt-Wolff, Inc. ft. 1..nq... 16.INNER CASING OR TV G Olthermal dosed-too FROM 'rn Ili M ETER TOO KSFSS \UTERI U. 2.\\ell(onstruction Permit a: (r. D. i a ell.Ipplr.ehl,u,ll pert"".,. wont.Smin 14n-rtnr.: Gp,,m,n..I. I ft.. ft. On. 3.1\ell Ise(check well use): 17.SCREEN NO Supply Hell: FROM I To Fl%MF7FR SLOTSIZE Jul(K]FSS M41HAU. O. -.NOT nculturul CMunlclpal Puhbc -G,othermal l licaumg( uolm_e Suppl{) CResldenual Rater Supple lno0c) It. ft. t n. IndUSUldl Commcraal CRcmdcnualAA'amr Supph (shared) 18.GROUT FROM TO \I{Tf:RI:\I. Y:\iPL.\('F\IF\T\I4]1101)5\MOI VT =(rogation N itn-Water Su pill N\'ell: I Monironn CRecovm Injection Hell: -:Nymicr Recharge ❑(oouod,atct Rcmeddn,,n 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK ifa ieaWe FROM TO \UTFRIOF FNPI.\('FMF\-f MFTR(m Nytutet Storage and Recoecn ❑sahnit{Rarncr ft. ft. Aquae, list ❑S[OrmWatel Drainage R. ft. -1i\pennrentul Technologl ❑Subsidence Control 20.DRILLING LOG(. addfdmal aheeta ifeusecr a -Geothermal(Closed l Oopl ❑Idc, FROM 'IU DFSCRIPTIOI\I talon LnrJneIs.fot6mcN ire e,etc.) Gcoth tint ul(I feat I IiI Cooling Rcturn) ❑Other teq)Imn under H21 Remarks) ft. ft. 12/22-20 MW-65D ft. Date H'eRls)Contpirted: Well IDH .. . ft. ft. 5a.Well Location: R. ft. Colonial Pipeline Company ft. AR 2 9 2021 F a.it its()..ncr VNittc I"".dirt 11); it npphcnhlcl ft. ft. 14511 Huntersville-Concord Road, Huntersville, NC 28078 n phwlvel \ddrcss_(lt, and/ip 21.REMARKS Mecklenburg Open rock hole I bunt, Paid Id<nmiceuon Ao (PIN I 5h.1 ntitude anti longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees. 22 (.ertiftcalion: lit,,It field one 1,11 u m.uOlannil 35.412748 N -80.803857 YA. ��V L��uN l' 6, 'I"Ona" it('anilied 0.ell Cum to ctw Dele 6. Is(are)the wells): Id Permanent or ❑Temporan' lit ,Idol(¢mI,N..... I 0,,,rdnrw, uah/sl Ai II W, 01011... III I, II ON 0,00IIr11 t)u1.I.ll.u,ul Iinnderd,errtl It I 7. Is this a repair to an eaisling well: Ell es or ?No .,apt,II IAA,m�,Inlnm hero prevJrd nl the,cell men;r. Ir Ihn n e n7aur.lilt tart Aee��n hell On...I I.........mpneneuoa enJ sgdeui.iI. oaavr aI d" rrywm nnJor ]I reln,Irk..n menu-,uI me ho,A"11hu"'1111 23.Site diagram or additional well details: 1 on ma{ use the hack of this page to pro{Ide additional Nell site details or well S.Number of wells constructed: 1 construction details. You'I'd'also attach addlannal pages It ncccssan I„r uuJuplr upmm....r m„F„err,upph vr11,0%L vnh III,'do"o"min..Iwo wu,en �nnlwI,mV ,,"I SFBNIITT Oil INSTI,(I IONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 40 (f1.) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form Ivnlun 3o dms of vntplcuon of,vcll l:vnn.h"'O,aril furell.lep14.4.11prc1r"01110 ll Ym "'Ili"I lo(''I emtstmcuun all the Cctllitvving 11).Static water level below top of casing: 118 Aft.) IN,ision of W'a ter Resources,Iitf)rum iion Processing I iti(I 11 l,rc/I,nh,n-„a�In,¢.I,., 1617 Hail Sen ice('enter,Raleigh,AC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: 2 (in.) 24b. For Iniectinn Wells ONIA In addition to scrd,ng the lonn to the address In A <asnaa,n��.'as,e1-SA&4 Pl(-1 '-4dahuvc_ also subnla a copv tit this form Inthm 30 dacs nt complcuun of hill I-.\\'rll construction methnJ: gne„n n�„nmm� coneuuction to the III llo„mg c ou._e r.ruwn_enhle.do«I push_ern 1 Uisision of Water Resources.I nJergraund Injection Control Program, FOR W'A7 fR Sl-PP[]WFLLS ONIA 1636%fail Senice Center,Raleigh,N('27699-1636 13a.1'ielJ Igpml \IethoJ of test: 24c. For IN mer Supp1F& Iniectinn Wells: VIsn submit one cnpl tit[h Is ntrm IyRhln YU dmsol cuny,letum of Hill Disinfection Ispe: Amount: hall construction to the cuunll heedlh dcpal'tment at the eoulm where constructed I.nn UAA-I Aunh('ai•ilma1)q-.wnwnt of l n,uonn,nl and 4noCd R...... Un...on,.I "mi Rcmnnecs Rclnvl Ad,l'01=