HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00575_Well Construction - GW1_20210224 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD n,ernd L...b.1,,at beau,I...; _I c... o,al.yilc.,d6 1.\Tell(unfear for Infurnia lion: Virgil Wilson N.WATER ZONES MONA 10 MS(An"101 UdI I'o.n.aann V,n..c fI. fI. 4473 ft. ft. �r NN cll Cu.,anCtul t-oulicm..,a\umhcr IS.OUTER CASING for multi-cased wells ORLIN€R ih Rcable FROM TO DI ANI RTEx TIIICKFESs NI ATENI AI_ Parratt-Wolff, Inc. ft. ft. 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING( eothermal will FROM TO DI INIFTFR IHI INNF]6 MITFRI U. 25. 2.\Tell Cbnctruction Permit d: Q H. 5 a 2 n. SCh40 PVC D. ft. In. 3.TVell 1 se(dleck well use,: 17.SCREEN \Tager Supph AN ell: F )'1 III UINIfI'f:x slot ill.fl TIUCKNI: 6 NI\TFAI II. -Agnculwral ,Alumnpal l'uhhc 25.5 f'' 35.5 n 2 �" -010 soh40 VC _lieodtemtal lllcatmeCool.na SupplN) -,Kesldcnual lA'a1cr,Supple l+utglel D. ft. -lndttstlwl( or..nel n,.l CRev.denualAA ate,Supple,shamdl 18.GROUT IROM lD NIIIIHE11 EMPI M I Nil_AI Ni l 1 DOD 3 INOI NI 0 ft. 21.5 f` Portland Cem Tremie Ann-\Pater SupplN TV ell: L Recucen 2L5 °' 23.5 f6 Bentonite Chi Tremie ?,blaniturim. Injection AA'ell: -lqut@,Il haruw 1-6TOUnd\sale,Ran cd.nbun 19.SAND/GRAV€I.PACK ihppliOt e FxONI TO NI RFRI II. FMPI U'FNIFNTNIFTHOD \quite,Storage and Recusen LSalmltc Burner 23.5 D- 35.5 fl. #1 sand Tremie --%quite,Test CStonnvulc. D.a.nagc 1. ft. Geperimcntal T cchnuloaN LlSuhsldcncc Control 20.DRILLING LOG Dinfach to RInal sheebff.I-d.1 -S,cnthcmtul(Clu-vcd LInpl ❑Tracer FROM lu oCNcxlrnuN m�,..r.6u,enr--u,Ilk e-m a.r.111.1 -Geothermal lOcaLim,I Oohnv,Remml ❑Other(CyPlx.n undo$]I Remarks) ft. U. J.Dale\Velllsl( 2-12-21 nntpleted: \Tell IDk P-34 D' It' D. ft, 5a.NNell Location: D, f,, Granville County ft. 1'aaluc Aamc I-vdo, 11)=.d:,ppl.cahlc n. n. C 6584 Landfill Road, Oxford, NC 27565 H 31.REMARKS Granville r,o..,.e 5h.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 12 (erliticalion: I it"CH ficict 11"..�.,...t„ e.... 36.371175e. N 78.620383 a ) z lu Z( S lu.anuc 'copied V ('onoaLlo. Uem 6. Is(Are)the well(s): EPermenent on Ll remporan M �l ;,b../„.... l is'l Fr9m dm n.Jlr,. d brn,m,u,n,0m, .ad m e. ordmee .. hi I AI r h 1L. n'u0 Ifl, Fp,mlurd,and th,u e 7. Is This a repair to an existing well ❑Aea or INit e.,p,.,ldu,,..nrd ha,M1ru,ry„�rJ.11 m d.r u[ll ou"II ll ton„ , ...... lug emA...nv,,.a ll.auvn,.vun 01111" onwL110 l.un ds neu.rc of ill . 11 p,,, I ')rr,m,rl....m,u"I I'll dh heeA„/rho pvin. 23.Site diagram or additional Dell details. )nu urn usC the back of Ih'I pogC In pmc.Je add¢t mug ocll life dcta.h or 11111 S.Number of wells constructed: 1 a(n:Du non dewds )ou mac olsn attach add.,.m nad 1 a,,c..t nC"I'll I udoph....cams,motto-...n.r-upphveulO'll I'.uth dw von'a unxnuetiun. on..m. n .nit„n,..ne l,,,,n. St BVIffh U.INS I'fCTlOAS 9.Total well depth be1nH[and surface: 35.5 (ff.I 24a. For All 'Aclls: Sub m.t thn+ Gmn wnh.n 30 dais of annplcnon of well I "Indsplena11,I'll aiiA"th•a,LU.a or 1,e,o,plr-l11I'll onl' itor.'. canAfUCnOn t n the Rdlawmg II).static water level beloll lop of casing: None (ft.) IfiNision of TVater Resources,Information Processing I nil. ie 11l„h,..a.e.me o,. 1617 Mail Senice Center,Raleigh,N(27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: 2 (in.) 24h. For Infection TA'ells ON ) In iddmmn to sending the Ihrm to the address.n 8 1�4 HSA '-aaabolc. also whnot a asp, of Ihm Ibnn vlthm 30 daes of completion of well 12.AT'ell construction method: umstruCUun tO the lullonm_ ..a :mae...nlan:u,hle.Jveet push.et. Ificision of\rater Resources.lllJergrounJ Injection(,mind Program. FUR VA %I VR S( PPI.I 1A ELI 5 ONLY: 1636 Mail Senice(enter.Raleigh,N(27699-1636 13A.field(,Pill) Method Rftest: 24c. for TTater Suppl& Injection TTells: \ho ".hoot one CnpN .dthu tn.nl Nalhnt !0 daw Oi annplaunl Of 13h.Disinfection ape: .Amount: . Cumttuctlnn N thent Cou . hadd N h JCpancn of un l the mn vherc nnlla.uCtcd ..uu.IAA-I Aa.16(.nnLu..UJ,v..n,tln la tlu 111 nYt 111 a nd wt un l R e-nu. U n n..v.,t R.r a Re"'LlI, Rm.... Auuust"ill