HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00205_Well Construction - GW1_20210125 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD rlv,tot inbe Ioed m..I 10:n.In11II I Ple.,c l is I.\\ell(bnlractor Information: Virgil Wilson Ia.WATER ZONES FROM To OEM RIM ION vanl-onlroch,,,aloe 13.35 °' 25 ft. Wet 4473 ft. ft. �r\\ell untuom.n Ib. It!cauan 41.nlmr IS.OUTER CASING if.,mNd-cued weRr ORLINIE Ha bk FROM T11 DI\METER I'HKKNFSS I MVTER1\L Parratt-Wolff, Inc. ft. I ft. I r,,n.... Name. IG INNER CASING OR TURING roMermol dined-too FROM 'fa pt\METER TIII('KNEtiS Nt\TERI M. 2.\Fell(onslruction Permit p: 0 to 15 ft. 2 in' SOh40 PVC ,, di✓/.pL.vblr nvlll'i urn. ,. neon. "I'li I"er rem.. 'oil n.tin .n t ❑. ft. t 3.\\ell 1 se(check well use): 17.SCREEN \\Inner Supply\\ell: FROM 111 DHx1FTER SLOT SIZE TmCKNfSS M:\i'ER]U. I gncultuml rylunlcr A Pnhllc 15 OE 25 ft' 2 ' .010 SCh40 pvc -(icuthcnnal l llceune('rwhne Supplcl -Kc.Idenual Nitcl 5upph l;mglc) R. I n. I in. -Industn.d Commercta[ _Rc,ldcaual ll'.ucr Supple lsh.lrcdl 13.GROUT FROM TO xl.\TER]el. EMPL\CF'MENT MIT[to[)&%MOI VF �trncatlon 0 ft ft. Portland Cam Tremie N tin-M ater Supple\\'ell: 2Vton along _Raulcn 11 ft- 13 R Bentonite Tremie Injection\\'eIL ft. ft. \quit,,Recharge ❑ iruund,atei Remed ration 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK fs stile FROM TO M\TFRHI. F 'Ev"MENTMETIOD Aywict St orage and Rec...o.c� �Sahnm Burnet 13 R. 25 ft- #1 Sand Tremie \yotl,r Test -�Slurmvsutcr Drainage - ft. ft. ❑FNpenmcntal fcchn0101_'< LISuhsldencc Control 20.DRILLING LOG ofheh additi nad sh ssu f oecnu _l,2nfheflna (Closed Loop) ❑Tracer FROM TO DESCRI" IN Ilion.hardness.sl,dmchb men., _Ceothennal(l leauna C online Return? Other(,clam under all Rcn)arks, n. ft. ft. Dale"'ell(s)('ompleteJ: 12/21/20 \i'ell[Do DU-MW-05R h ft. ft. ia.\\'ell Location: ft. ft. Exxon-Mobil-VCC n. a. Fuala,O.cncrAmne hedul lD=lit llppbnlhlel 2714 Angier Avenue, Durham NC 27703 rt rl I'In.ral>ddmss.LIt}.and lip 21.REMARKS Durham 4"Procover w/24"sonotube and 3 bollards r11u11, ry rccndenll rc2nun G, I pry I Sh.Latitude and 1 ongitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22 ffiftcalinn: n1 w01 field_nnc[in lon_o,nlliaenn 35.58585 -78.52226 Slgnat a,or('amtied Al dl('onuacml Dale 6.Is(are)the well(s): P1Permanem or 71remporan' III ,µ,,terry Ill,,ler Ill. I her,hl .earn turn ore null,r, I. u.mnuv.lnl rn e...vJuu.e n III,IIIVI>I( ON "I'll,"I .I VSI,-o, 0,00 Itch I..nvnrt uon SrunJerz/.and,Irmo 7.IS this a repair to an existing well: [INC, or 'Nu ..p,..itlu.reumJ arm M1ern pnanlrJ w,he uelhu.uor. ll'l,n n a till nul kn,...rr..ell..nr.rnr.rvnr u for maum..... r.phuu the nano.ui qm r...nr..... ]I I..nerk,..,u.,n..r.wit,he.F ellhr,p.n,. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: ) ,it coal use the hack of this page to pro\IJc addewnal well site details 01 cell S.Number ofwells constructed: 1 construct.. Jet.], You mac also attach uddniunal pages itnecessun I...mono"/.one....rn...nem..mcr.upp, n ell.O VL I'n uh,bl gain,am.va.o... I au.nrr . o,.......n.I, StBAll"IT.V.INSTI(-TIONS 9,Total well depth below land surface: 25 If, 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form mthln S of O du.s completion of well I-.,rnu.It'll nellJra all Jeprlr.pJrlleis ..enrple-v_`Ub dad_'rf,Iuo'I ti0 \ ttmstiUetion to the fidluwme_ p I 11).Static water level below top ofcasing: 13.35 \ U `'� (ft.) Division of"aler Resources,Information Processing(nit. h..Ines,/...1.,ah.,,..e,.nr.,.,. �� 1617 Mail Sen'ice('enter,Raleigh.N('27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: 2 (in.) 24b. For Injection Ni ells 0N1A In addm(.n to sending the turn to the address In HSA 1Ja chore also subut It a cola of illIs form uIthIit 31) Jars of coal plettoo of hell 12.Well construction method: cunsmctiun w the Inlluwmg IIc allRCT lta�.cable ducu push cic I Division of Water Resources.I nderground Injection(moral Program. FOR\\':\TER St'PPL\'W ELLS ONI.1'I 1636 flail Service Center,Raleigh,N( 27699-1636 13a.\idd(gpm) Method of fee, 24c. For\\Race Supply&Injection"ells: VGu euhnvt one cop, of this form svah n YI dmsof completion tit 13h.Disinfection n'pe: \mount: ..ell coo,nicuon Rt the comm health depaninent of the count (Mere cDltStiucled I.....I<iAA-I Aollb Cmol.nu Dcp:nmwnl.d I I,and Aauual Kccow.cx-Dn...en tit O:ncl Resourc. Rarad Au,na'01!