HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0050105_Environmental Assessment_20060713Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment"and Natural Resources - Alan W. Klimek, P. E. Director Division of Water Quality 13 July 2006 Mr. Mick Noland Fayetteville PWC 508 Person Street Fayetteville, NC 28303 Re: Environmental Assessment; Rockfish Creek WRF expansion Dear Mr. Noland: The NC Environmental Policy Act review for the subject project is complete. No comments" were received during the course of the State Clearinghouse review (see attached letter from the Clearinghouse). Permit applications covering activities associated with this project may now proceed. The applications should be consistent with the Finding of No Significant Impact issued by the Division of Water Quality on 19 May 2006 (attached). Should you have any questions, I maybe contacted at 919.733.5083 x555. Sincerely, Alex Marks, AICP Environmental Specialist Attachments cc: Bill Kreutzberger Belinda Hinson Matt Matthews N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center "Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 NrCIErfa Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ROCKFISH CREEK WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY EXPANSION Pursuant to the requirements of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. § 113A-1, et seq.), an environmental assessment (EA) has been prepared for the proposed expansion . of the City of Fayetteville's existing Rockfish Creek Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) discharge from 24 million gallons per day (mgd) to 28 mgd. Expansion to this capacity will also include construction of an aeration basin, clarifier, effluent filters, digester, and sludge storage tank. As of June 2000, the facility served a population of approximately 74,200. The plant's service area currently covers portions of the City of Fayetteville, an area southeast of the city limits, western Cumberland County, portions of Hoke County, and the Towns of Hope Mills and Stedman. Service will expand between the Cumberland County municipalities and merge into an area designated as the Urban Service Area, served by the Rockfish Creek and Fayetteville's Cross Creek WRFs. This proposed WRF expansion will result in the elimination of failing septic tanks. Connecting the residences currently using septic tanks to the sewer system will reduce potential public health risks and avoid future water quality problems in adjacent surface waters. Three alternatives for the treatment and discharge of the increased wastewater flows are considered in the EA: no action, effluent land application and reuse, and expansion of the Rockfish Creek WRF. The no action alternative was not selected, as it would result in the continued service area dependence on septic systems and small wastewater treatment plants to meet the needs of the additional development. Although spray irrigation of wastewater could reduce the increase in the NPDES-permitted discharge from the facility, it would not eliminate the need for expanded wastewater treatment capacity at the WRF. Upon consideration and evaluation of each alternative, the proposed project was found to be the most viable alternative for effective treatment and discharge of increased wastewater flows. Construction of the new facilities at the Rockfish Creek WRF may result. in temporary increases in sedimentation and erosion, noise levels, and dust in the immediate vicinity of the construction area. These and other direct impacts have been avoided, and minimized to the extent practicable during project planning and design. No loss of terrestrial resources and wildlife habitat will result from the expansion. An erosion and sediment control permit will be obtained from the Division of Land Resources prior to clearing. Increased noise levels associated with construction equipment would be limited to daytime business hours to minimize adverse impacts on adjacent property. owners. Dust generation associated with construction activities would be mitigated by implementation of dust control practices such as watering high traffic areas during dry periods.. Secondary and cumulative environmental impacts may result from the expansion of the Rockfish Creek WRF and are outlined in detail within the EA. State and local programs to mitigate impacts in the project area are described in detail within the EA and include local land use planning and stormwater management initiatives. Because the area that this expansion project will serve is little changed from the facility's existing service area defined in .previous SEPA reviews, impacts are expected to be minimal. Further, no new main sewer lines are planned for this project and the -majority of development induced by the project will be infill. Based on the findings of the EA, the impact avoidance/mitigation measures contained therein, and review by governmental agencies, the Division of Water Quality has concluded that the proposed project will not result in. significant impacts to the environment. This EA and Finding of No Significant Impact are prerequisites for the issuance of Division of Water Quality permits necessary for the project's construction. An Environmental Impact Statement will not be prepared for this project. This FONSI completes the environmental review record, which is available for inspection at the State Clearinghouse. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 19 May 2006 North Carolina Department . of Administration Michael F. Easley, Governor. Britt Cobb, Secretary July 7, 2006 Mr. Alex Marks NCDENR, Division of Water Quality Archdale Building 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Dear Mr. Marks: O MR FF0 JUL 14 2005 bwq Re: SCH File # 06-E-4300-0339; EA/FONSI; Expand City of Fayetteville's Rockfish Creek Water Reclamatioin Facility (WRF), construct an aeration basin, clarifier, effluent filters, digester & sludge storage tank The above referenced environmental impact information has been reviewed through the State' Clearinghouse under the provisions of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. No comments were made by any state/local agencies in thecourse of this review. Therefore, no further environmental review action on your part is required for the compliance with theAct. Best regards. cc: Region M - Sincerely, A/sic° Ms. Chrys .Baggett EnvironmentalPolicyAct Coordinator Mailing Address: Telephone: (919)807-2425 Location Address: 1301 Mail Service Center Fax (919)733-9571 116 West Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27699-1301 State Courier #51-01-00 Raleigh, North Carolina e-mail Chrys.Baggett@ncmail.net An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer r NORTH CAROLINA. STATE CLEARINGHOUSE'-.�• DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW MS RENEE GLEDHILL-EARLEY - CLEARINGHOUSE COORD DEPT,OF CUL RESOURCES;, ARCHIVES -HISTORY BLDG - MSC 4617' RALEIGH NC REVIEW DISTRIBUTION CC&PS - DEM, 'NFIP - DENR LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS' DEPT OF COL RESOURCES DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION MID CAROLINA COG JIM2006 PROJECT INFORMATION . APPLICANT: NCDENR, Division Of Water Quality ' State,Environmental Policy Act ' . Environmental'Assessment/Finding.of-No Significant Impact': TYPE: ERD:. DESC: hY 3 2aa� STATE NUMBER.: 06-E-4300-0339 H02 DATE RECEIVED: ,0 lENRAT AGENCY- RESPONSE : 06/}21/2006 REVIEW CLOSED: 0,6/26/2006 Expand''City of Fayetteville's Rockfish Creek -,Water Reclamatioin Facility (WRF construct an aeration basin, clarifier, effluent filters,..digester & sludge storage'tank The'attached project has been submitted td the'N. C. intergovernmental review. Please, review -and submit indicated date to 1301 Mail Service'Center,-Raleigh If. additional review time is needed,, please contact State Clearinghouse. for your response 'by the above .NC 27699-1301. - this office at (919)807-2425: AS -A RESULT OF THIS REVIEW THE FOLLOWING,IS SUBMITTED: gNO COMMENT 17 COMMENTS ATTACHED, SIGNED BY: DATE: MAY 3 0 2006 -05/24/2006 10:47 9197153060 NCDENR NORTH, CAROLINA STATE CLEARINGHOUSE DEPARTMENT or ADMINISTRATION _ . INTERGOtrtRWENTAL REVIEW MS .MELBA: MCGEE CLEARINGNOUSE COORD •DENR LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS ARCHDALE BLDG - MSC. # 1601 'RALEIGH NC - REVIEW D]$'IRIBUTION. CC&PS - DEM,.-NFIF DENR LEGISLATIVE- AFFAIRS., DEPT OF. CUL RESOURCES KEPT OF TRANSPORTATION •MID CARQI ENA COG PAGE 01/01 STATE NUMBER: 06-E-4360-0339 DATE RECEIVED: 05/19/2006 AGENCY RESPONSE: 0.6/21/2006 REVIEW CLOSED: 06/26/2006 R02 Rost -it° Fax Note , 7671 Dares _ Ras_a► TaCt.1{RY5 Eaficic.irrr Pram MS., Cita CoJDept _PlE1fisA Co. D Phone* Phone # — -It --.L.11444 Fax t! Rml ' PROJECT INFORMATION APPLICANT: NCDENR,-Division of Water Quality TYPE: .State Environmental policy' Act_ ERD: Environmental, Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact DESC: Expand City of Fayetteville's Rockfish Creek Water Reclamatibin Facility'(WRF)., Construct an aeration basin, clarifier, effluent,`filters, digester &.r,l ige storage tank ; The attached project has' been submitted to the N. C intergovernmental review_ Please review -and submit indicted date•to1301 Mail Service Center,, Raleigh If additiona].`.'review time 'i$ needed,' please contact AS A .RES SIGNED BY: DATE: . state Clearinghouse for your response by the a1cve NC, 27699-1301-. - this office at (919)607-2425 F THIS REVIEW THE FOLLOWING IS SUBMITTED: NO COMMENT