HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0005603_Groundwater Monitoring Report December 2020_20210122GW-59A COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Permit # ��3 (Submit one each monitoring period with Gil-59 forms.) 1 Enter date monitoring results were due. — Will this monitoring report (GW-59 and GW-59A) be submitted after the established due date? YES NO 2 Was an)' required information missing on the GW-59 report forms? YES 1F the answer to question 1 or 2 is 'YES" list in the space provided below the well identification number(s) and explain the problems encountered in obtaining the EO required information. Are any of the monitor wells in need of repair or maintenance (damaged casing, unlocked or missing cap, missing YES identification plate, area overgrown, etc.)? Ifthe answer is -?es-, contact the Regional NO 3 Office for guidance. Are any monitored constituents equal to or above the established standards? 4 YES If the answer to question 4 is 'NO'; skip to section B. NO If the answer to question 4 is "YES" list the affected wells individually with constituents) and concentrations) exceeding standards in the space provided below: For the constituents identified in question 4 above, have standards been exceeded previously for the YES same constituent(s) in the same well(s) in the last two NO 5 years? If the answer to question 5 is "NO", skip to section 8. If the answer to question 5 is "YES", list in the space provided below, each well with constituent(s) exceeding standards, concentration(s) reported, and sample collection date for each occurrence (for the last two years). 6 Are the monitoring wells listed in section 5 located at or beyond the review boundary? YES if the answer is "YES", a groundwater quality problem may be occurring. CONTACT THE REGIONAL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY FOR GUIDANCE. If the "NO", NO answer is monitoring walls maybe improperly located; contact the Regional Office. 7 Is the permittee implementing previously approved actions required by the Division involving this YES groundwater quality problem? NO If the answer to question 7 is "YES", describe those actions in the space provided below. If the answer to question 7 is "NO", contact the Regional Office within 90 days; an evaluation may be required to determine the impact the waste disposal system is having at the review and compliance boundaries surrounding this facility-,; Failure to do so may subject the permittee to a Notice of Violation fines, and/or penalties. e U _1 n T7 Off, 7�, �7 rn bo OV) g The person completing this porti" (GW�9A) the monitoring report should sign below and submit this form with GW-59 forms for requites wells to tt70address provided at the top of the current GW-59 form. I hereby acknowledge that the above information was evaluated and the Information submitted Irtthls report (Compliance Report GW-59A) is,true_and complete to�the best of my knowledge I — f Signature of Permitte or Authorized Agent) Date MV-59A 12/8/2003 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM r •+ iL_i i i iRr PKMAI Wry crease Print Clearly or Type Facility Name: COATS AMERICAN Permit Name (if different): Facility Address: 630 AMERICAN THREAD RD MARION NC 28752 630 AMERICAN THREAD RD MARIONiNC28752 County MCDOWELL Contact Person: SARA HUDGINS Well Location/Site Name: BACK GROUND Telephone#: 8287564111 No. of wells to be sampled: 3 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - DIV. OF WATER RESOURCES INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 Phone: 919-807-6306 PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: Non -Discharge W00005603 UIC NPDES Other TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW10 Date sample collected: 12/8/20 Well Depth: 18 ft, Well Diameter: 2 in. Depth to Water Level 82546:14.6 ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: N/A ft. to N/A ft. Measuring Point is 2.5 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 3 gallons Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: X YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑ YES ❑ NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: SEE BELLOW Laboratory Name: WATER TECH PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite (NO2) as N 00615 mg/L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100mL Nitrate (NO3) as N 00620 mg/L Coliform: MF Total 31504 Use /100mL Phosphorus: Total as P 00665 <0.16 12/31/20 mg/L (Note: MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L issolved Solids:Total 7030o 60 12/11/20 mg/L Al - Aluminum 01105 ND 12/31/20 mg/L pH (Lab) 00403 6.6 12.8/20 units Ba - Barium 01007 ND 12/31/20 ug/L TOC oo68o <1.0 12/23/20 mg/L Ca - Calcium 00916 0.3 12/31/20 mg/L Chloride 00940 <5.0 12/28/20 mg/L Cd - Cadmium 01027 ND 12/31/20 ug/L Arsenic 01002 N/D 12/31/20 ug/L Chromium: Total olo34 ND 12/31/20 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu - Copper 01042 ND 12/31/20 mg/L g Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe -Iron o1o45 ND 12/31/20 ug/L Sulfate 00945 1.5 12/19/20 mg/L Hg - Mercury 71900 ND 12/15/20 u9 /L pecific Conductance 00095 99 12/10/20 µMhos K - Potassium 00937 ND 12/31/20 mg/L Total Ammonia o0610 Nitrogen; mg/L Mg - Magnesium 00927 /31/20 ND 12 mg/L (Ammonia NH3 as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn - Manganese 01055 ND 12/31/20 ug/L TKN as N oo62s mg/L Ni - Nickel 01067 ND 12/31/20 ug/L For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: FIELD ANALYSES: pH 00400: 6.54 units Spec. Cond. 00094: Odor 00085: NONE Appearance CLEAR If WELL Temp. 000lo: °C DRY at µMhos I time of Certification No. 50 Pb -Lead 01051 ND 12/31/20 Zn - Zinc 01092 ND 12/31/20 ug/L mg/L here:❑ Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): ALKALINITY 47 MG/L 12/14/20 �� r•./ TURBIDITY 0.45 NTU 12/9/200 jr ANTIMONY ND 12/31/20 JAN 9 0?021 BERYLLIUM ND 12/31/20 BORON 52.3 UG/L 12/31/20 ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) I S itiv {J� jj i (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Lab Report Attached?❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC 7873 method # 8260D method # method # method # mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% SARA HUDGINS ORC GW-59 Rev.3-1-2016 y) Perms tee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Title - Please print or type-Signature �,��� � � J �n1n c /1�i hom' I a tune o rcinnuee for ed Agent) (Date) SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Facility Name: COATS AMERICAN Permit Name (if different): Facility Address: )tact Person: SARA HUDGINS II Location/Site Name:BACKGROUND Print Clearly or Type County MCDOWELL Telephone#: 8287564111 No. of wells to be sampled: 3 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - DIV. OF WATER RESOURCES INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 Phone: 919-807-6306 PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: Non -Discharge W00005603 UIC NPDES Other TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑■ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW #10 Date sample collected: 12/8/20 If WELL Well Depth: 18 ft. FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Depth to Water Level 82546:14.6 ft. below Well Diameter: 2 in. measuring H o0400: 6.54 p units Temp. 00010: C DRY at Measuring Point is 2.25 point Screened Interval: N/A ft. to N/A ft. Spec. Cond. 000sa: µMhos time of ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor 00085: NONE sampling, Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 3 gallons g check Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: ❑■ YES El NO NO and field acidified: YES ❑ NO Appearance CLEAR here: ❑ LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: SEE BELLOW Laboratory Name: WATER TECH PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. Certification No. 50 COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite (NO2) as N 00615 mg/L Pb -Lead 01051 Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100mL Nitrate (NO3) as N 00620 mg/L ug/L Zn - Zinc olosz Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus: Total as P 0o665 mg/L mg/L (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) issolved Solids:Total 70300 Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): mg/L AI - Aluminum 01105 mg/L COBALT ND 12/31/20 pH (Lab) 00403 units Ba - Barium 01007 ug/L STRONTIUM ND 12/31/20 TOC 00680 mg/L Ca - Calcium 00916 mg/L MOLYBDENUM ND 12/31/20 Chloride oos4o mg/L Cd - Cadmium 01027 ug/L SELENIUM ND 12/31/20 Arsenic 01002 ug/L Chromium: Total o1o34 ug/L SODIUM 22.1 MG/L 12/31/20 Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu - Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe - Iron 01045 ug/L (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate oo945 pecific Conductance 00095 mg/L µMhos Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑■ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) Total Ammonia 00610 K - Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 7873method # 8260D (Ammonia Nitrogen, NHsas N. Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) mg/L Mg - Magnesium 00927 g/L , method # TKN as N 00625 Mn - Manganese 01055 u g/L ,method # mg/L Ni - Nickel 01067 ug/L method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: r%rfi�mtrrnr o mg/L VOC Removal /, SARA HUDGINS ORC Permiftee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Title - Please print or type GW-59 Rev.3-1-2016 (or =90� SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMATION Please Facility Name: COATS AMERICAN Permit Name (if different): Facility Address: I� act Person: SARA HUDGINS Location/Site Name: BACK GROUND or Type County MCDOWELL Telephone#: 8287564111 No. of wells to be sampled: 3 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - DIV. OF WATER RESOURCES INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 Phone: 919-807-MG PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: Non -Discharge WQ0005603 UIC NPDES Other TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑� Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW10 Date sample collected: 12/8/20 Well Depth: 18 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. Depth to Water Level 82546: ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: N/A ft. to N/A ft. Measuring Point is 2.25 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 3 gallons Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: X YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑ YES ❑ NO FIELD ANALYSES: H o0400: 6.54 p units Temp. 000io: C Spec. Cond. 00094: µMhos Odor 0008s: NONE Appearance CLEAR If WELL WAS DRY at time of sampling, here:❑ LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: SEE BELLOW Laboratory Name: WATER TECH Certification No. 50 PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite (NO2) as N 00615 mg/L Pb - Lead o1o5i ug/L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100mL Nitrate (NO3) as N 00620 mg/L Zn - Zinc 01092 mg/L Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus: Total as P 00665 mg/L (Note. Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): issolved Solids:Total 70300 mg/L Al - Aluminum 01105 mg/L pH (Lab) 00403 units Ba - Barium 01007 ug/L THALLIUM ND 12/31/20 TOC oo68o mg/L Ca - Calcium 00916 mg/L VANADIUM ND 12/31/20 Chloride 00940 mg/L Cd - Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic 01002 ug/L Chromium: Total o1o34 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu - Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe - Iron 01045 ug/L (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate oo945 Specific mg/L Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? 9 Yes (1) ❑ No (0) Conductance 00095 µMhos K - Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 7873 method # 8260D Total Ammonia 00610 mg/L Mg - Magnesium 00927 mg/L method # (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH,as N. Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn -Manganese oioss ug/L TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni - Nickel 01067 ug/L method # method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% SARA HUDGINS ORC � 01, I Mn PermitteeGW 59Auth rizedRev. Agent) Name and Title -Please print or type Signature of ermi tee (or utho ed Agent) (Date) GW-59 Rev.3-1-2016 ' uAvi m TECH LM95mc. POST OFFICE BOX 1056 • #5 PINEWOOD PLAZA DR. GRANITE FALLS, NORTH CAROLINA 28630 (828)396-4444 SAMPLE: Coats America (MW#10) COLLECTION DATE: 12/8/2020 PERMIT #: COLLECTION TIME: 07:30 ADDRESS: Coats America (Wells) RECEIVED DATE: 12/8/2020 P.O. Box 368 RECEIVED T1ME: 15:05 Marion, NC 28752 REPORTED: 1 /12/2021 ANALYSIS ANALYSIS RESULTS UNITS DATE ANALYST TDS 60 mg/L 12/11 /20 lag Chloride <5.0 mg/L 12/28/20 lag T. Phosphorus <0.16 mg/L 12/31/20 jdg TOC <1.0 mg/L 12/23/20 Sulfate 1.5 mg/L 12/19/20 metals see attached pH 6.6 su's 12/8/20 lag Alkalinity 47 mg/L 12/14/20 lag Conductivity 99 umhos/cm 12/10/20 jrg Turbidity 0.45 ntu 12/9/20 lag LOG 1D: 2012-168 REPORTED BY: NC CERTIFIED LAB 4 50 Tony Gragg, Lab Snpe1-vis01- Pace Analytical Services, LLC acMnalXieal • 106 Short St. Kemorsvllls, HC 27284 wr►r.�acelaDa.cm 33C>-ti98-2641 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: COATS AM MW Pace Project No.: 92611102 Sample: COATS AM MW #10 Lab ID: 92511102001 Collected: 12108120 07:30 Received: 12110/20 09:40 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit OF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 200.7 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 1994 Preparation Method: EPA 200.7 Rev 4.41994 Pace Analytical Services - Asheville Aluminum NO ug/L 100 1 12/23120 01:25 12/31120 00:05 7429-90-6 Antimony NO ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31120 D0:05 7440-36-0 Arsenic NO u9tL 10.0 1 12/23/20 0125 12/31/20 00:05 7440-38-2 Barium NO ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:06 7440-39-3 Beryllium NO ug/L 1.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:05 7440-41-7 Boron 52.3 ug/L 60.0 1 12/23120 01:25 12/31/20 00:05 7440-42-8 Cadmium NO u9/L 1.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31120 00:05 7440-43-9 Calcium 300 ug/L 100 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:06 7440-70-2 Chromium ND u9/1- 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31120 00:05 7440-47-3 Cobalt ND u9/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:06 7440-48-4 Copper ND u9/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:05 7440-50-8 Iron NO uglL 50.0 1 12/23120 01:25 12/3l/20 00:05 7439-89-6 Lead ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:05 7439-92-1 Magnesium NO ug/L 100 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:05 7439-95-4 Manganese ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:05 7439-98-6 Molybdenum ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31120 00:05 7439-98-7 Nickel ND LOL 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:26 12/31/20 00:06 7440-02-0 Potassium NO ug(L. 5000 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:05 7440-09.7 Selenium ND ug/L 10.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:06 T782-49-2 Sodium 22100 ug/L 5000 1 12/23/20 01:26 12/3112l) 00:06 7440-23.5 Strontlum ND uglL 5.0 1 12/23120 01:25 12/31/20 00:05 7440-24-6 Thallium NO ug/L 10.0 1 1212312001:25 12131/2000:05 7440-28-0 Vanadium NO ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:05 7440-02-2 Zinc NO ug/L 10.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:06 7440-66.6 245.1 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 245.1 Rev 3.0 1994 Preparation Method: EPA 245.1 Rev 3.0 1994 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Mercury NO ug/L 0.20 1 12114/2015:17 12/1512011:30 7439-97-6 8260D MSV Low Level Analytical Method: EPA 8260D Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte Acetone NO ug/L 25.0 1 12/18/2010:42 67-64-1 Benzene NO uglL 1.0 1 12/18/20 10:42 71-43-2 Bromobenzene NO ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/2010:42 108-86-1 Bromochloromethane NO ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2010:42 74-97-5 Bromodichloromethane NO u91L 1.0 1 1211812010:42 75-27-4 Bromoforrn NO ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/2010:42 75-26-2 Bromomethane NO ug/L 2.0 1 12/18/2010:42 74-83-9 2-Butanone (MEK) NO ug/L 5.0 1 12/18/20 10:42 78-93-3 Carton tetrachloride NO ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 10:42 56.23-5 Chlorobenzene NO ug/L 1.0 1 12/1812010:42 108-9D-7 Chloroethane NO ug/L 1.0 1 12/1812010:42 75-00-3 Chloroform NO ug/L 5.0 1 12/18/2010:42 67-66-3 Chloromethane NO ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2010:42 74-87-3 v2 2-Chlorotoluene NO ug/L 1.0 1 12/1812010:42 95-49-8 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shell not be reproduced, except In full, Date: 12/31/2020 02:16 PM without the wrltton consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 4 of 27 aceMalXical www.pacelab.cem ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: COATS AM MW Pace Analytical Services, LLC 106 Short St. Komersville, NC 272B4 336-9%-2841 Pace Project No.: 92511102 Sample: COATS AM MW #10 Lab ID: 92511102001 Collected: 12/08/20 07:30 Received: 12/10120 09:40 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit OF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 8260D MSV Low Level Analytical Method: EPA 8250D Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2010:42 106-43-4 1,2-Dlbromo-3-chlompropane NO ug/L 5.0 1 12/1812010:42 96-12-8 Dibromochloromethane NO ug/L 1.0 1 1211812010:42 124-48-1 1,2-Dlbromoethane (EDB) ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/2010:42 106-93-4 Dibromornethane NO uglL 1.0 1 12/18/2010:42 74-95-3 1,2-Dichlorobenzens NO ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2010:42 95-0-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2010:42 641-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene NO ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2010:42 106-46=7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2010:42 75-71-8 1,1-01chloroethane NO ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2010:42 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane NO ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2010:42 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/2010:42 75-35-4 ds-1,2-Diohloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/2010:42 15M9-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene NO ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2010:42 156-60-6 1,2-Dichloropropene NO ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/2010:42 78-87-5 1,3-Dichloropropane NO ug/L 1.0 1 1211812010:42 142-28-9 2,2-Dichloropropane NO ug/L 1.0 1 121i8/2010:42 694-20-7 1,1-Dichloropropone NO ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/2010:42 563-58-6 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene NO ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/2010:42 10061-01-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2010:42 10061-02-6 Diisopropyl ether ND uglL 1.0 1 12/18/20 10:42 108-20-3 Ethylbenzens NO ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2010:42 100-41-4 Hexachloro-1,3-butadlene ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812010:42 87-68-3 2-Hexanone ND ug1L 5.0 1 1211812010:42 591-78-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/1812010:42 99-87-6 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/18/20 10:42 75-09-2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIRK) ND ug/L 6.0 1 12/18120 10:42 108-10-1 Methyl -tart -butyl ether ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812010:42 1634-04-4 Naphthalene ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812010:42 91-20-3 Styrene ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812010:42 100-42-5 1,1,1,2-Tetrachlomethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812010:42 630-20-6 1,1,2,2-Tetmchloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/2010A2 79-3" Tetrachioroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812010:42 127-18-4 Toluene ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812010:42 108-88-3 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12J1812010:42 87-61.6 1,2,4-Trichiorobenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812010:42 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2010:42 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug1L 1.0 1 12118/2010:42 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2010:42 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2010:42 75-69-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2010:42 96-18-4 Vinyl acetate ND ug/L 2.0 1 12/18/20 10:42 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 10:42 75-01-4 Xylene (Total) ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18120 10:42 1330-20-7 map-Xylene ND ug/L 2.0 1 1211812010:42 179601-23-1 o-Xylene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 10:42 95-47-6 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS v2 v2 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 12/3112020 02:16 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 5 of 27 acmnalytical vrww,wooiabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: COATS AM MW Pace Project No.: 92511102 Pace Anatyticat Services, LLC 106 Short St. Kernersville. HC 27284 336-996-2841 Sample: COATS AM MW #10 Parameters Lab ID: 92511102001 Collected: 12/08/20 07:30 Results Units Report Limit DF Received: 12/10/20 09:40 Matrix: Water Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qua[ 6260D MSV Low Level Analytical Method: EPA 8260D Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte Surrogates 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 99 % 70-130 1 12/18/20 10:42 460-00-4 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 96 % 70-130 1 12/18120 10:42 17060-07-0 Toluene-d8 (S) 101 % 70-130 1 12/18/20 10A2 2037-2&5 300.0 IC Anions 26 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analyti cal Services -Asheville Sulfate 1.5 mg1L 1.0 1 12/19/20 04:33 14808-79-8 5310E TOC Analytical Method: SM 631OB-2011 Paoa Analytical Services -Asheville Total Organic Carbon ND mg/L 1.0 1 12/23/20 18:30 7440-44-0 Date: 12/31/2020 02:16 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the wrltlen consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 6 of 27 Coats North America 18 January 2021 Mr. Brett Laverty NCDEQ Division of Water Resources 2090 US Hwy. 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Reference: Coats American, Inc. — Permit Number WQ0005603 Surface Water Monitoring Report Reporting Period: December 2020 Report Due: January 30, 2021 Mr. Laverty: Coats North America PO Box 368 630 American Thread Road Marion, NC 28752 TEL (828) 756-4111 FAX (828) 756-7108 Please find attached 2 copies of the December 2020 surface water monitoring laboratory analysis. As discussed with Todd Wegenast, the Form NDMR does not seem to be applicable for the reporting of surface water monitoring. If there is more appropriate reporting form to submit, please let me know. If you have any questions or need any further information, please feel free to contact me. Certification: I certify that based on information and belief after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in this document are true and accurate. Signature: Date: Sara Hudgins Ll Operator in Responsible Charge- Coats Sevier Plant Attachment: Laboratory Reports cc: John Moss, Facilities Engineering Manager- Coats Sevier Todd Wegenast, Environmental Compliance Manager- Coats Emrah Bilgin, Director of Manufacturing- Coats Sevier SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Print Clearly or Type Facility Name: COATS AMERICAN Permit Name (if different): Facility Address: 630 AMERICAN THREAD RD MARION NC 28752 630 AMERICAN THREAD RD MARIOIfW28752 Contact Person: SARA HUDGINS Well Location/Site Name: SOUTH OF CLARIFIER #2/MW #16 County MCDOWELL Telephone#: 8287564111 No. of wells to be sampled: 3 sAMNLING INFORMATION WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW16 Date sample collected: 12/8/20 Well Depth: 18 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. Depth to Water Level 82546:8 6 ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: N/A ft. Measuring Point is 2.5 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 3 gallons Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: N YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑ YES DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - DIV. OF WATER RESOURCES INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 Phone: 919-807-6306 PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: Non -Discharge W00005603 UIC NPDES Other TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED X Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: to N/A ft ft. NO Date sample analyzed: SEE BELLOW Laboratory Name: WATER TECH PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite (NO,) as N 00615 mg/L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100mL Nitrate (NO3) as N 00620 mg/L Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus: Total as P 00665 <0.16 12/31/20 mg/L (Note: use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L issolved Solids:Total 703oo 269 12/11/20 mg/L Al - Aluminum 01105 ND 12/31/20 mg/L PH (Lab) 00403 7.8 12.8/20 units Ba - Barium 01007 44.0 12/31/20 ug/L TOC 00680 <1.0 12/23/20 mg/L Ca - Calcium 00916 34.3 12/31/20 mg/L Chloride 0094o 29.5 12/28/20 mg/L Cd - Cadmium o1027 ND 12/31/20 ug/L Arsenic 01002 ND 12/31/20 ug/L Chromium: Total 01034 ND 12/31/20 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu - Copper 01042 ND 12/31/20 mg/L Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe - Iron 01045 742 12/31/20 ug/L Sulfate 00945 42.8 12/19/20 mg/L Hg - Mercury 719oo ND 12/15/20 ug/L Specific Conductance 00095 448 12/10/20 µMhos K - Potassium 00937 ND 12/31/20 mg/L Total Ammonia 00610 mg/L Mg - Magnesium 00927 16.6 12/31/20 mg/L (Ammonia Nitrogen; NHS as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn - Manganese o1o55 34.4 12/31/20 ug/L TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni - Nickel 01067 ND 12/31/20 ug/L For Re e FIELD ANALYSES: PH 00400: 7.14 units Spec. Cond. 00094: Odor 00085: NONE Appearance CLEAR Temp. 000to: °C .Mhos Certification No. 50 Pb - Lead 01051 ND 12/31/20 Zn - Zinc oto92 ND 12/31/20 ug/L mg/L If WELL WAS DRY at time of sampling, check here: ❑ Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): ALKALINITY 137 MG/L 12/14/20 Qrnr-�t, TURBIDITY 0.90 NTU 12/9/20 ANTIMONY ND 12/31/20JAN � BERYLLIUM ND 12/31/20 BORON ND 12/31/20 ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) 4 "`- rnu Uitlj (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Lab Report Attached? ❑■ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC 7873 method # 8260D method # method # method # e best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted in this report is true, accurate, and complete, and that the laboratory analytical data jD;:ZR-efietdoratory. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knr Ic mg/L VOC Removal%. SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: • • DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY -DIV.OFWATER RESOURCES COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 Phone_ 919.807-6306 FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: Facility Name: COATS AMERICAN Non -Discharge W00005603 UIC Permit Name (if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: 630 AMERICAN THREAD RD MARION NC 28752 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED 630 AMERICAN THREAD RD MA)NC 28752 County MCDOWELL Lagoon El Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: Contact Person: SARA HUDGINS Telephone#: 8287564111 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name:SOUTH OF CLARIFIER #2/MW16 No. of wells to be sampled: 3 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW #10 Date sample collected: 12/8/20 Well Depth: 18 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. Depth to Water Level 82546:8.6 ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: N/A ft. to N/A ft. MeasuringPoint is 2.25 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 3 gallons ❑■ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑ YES ❑ NO FIELD ANALYSES: pH 00400: 7.14 units Temp. 000lo: °C Spec. Cond. 00094: µMhos Odor o0085: NONE Appearance CLEAR If WELL WAS DRY at time of sampling, check here: ❑ LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: SEE BELLOW Laboratory Name: WATER TECH Certification No. 50 PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite (NO2) as N 00615 mg/L Pb - Lead 01051 u9 /L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100mL Nitrate (NO3) as N 00620 rng/L Zn - Zinc 01092 m9 /L Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100ml- Phosphorus: Total as P 00665 mg/L (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): ssolved Solids:Total 70300 mg/L Al - Aluminum 01105 mg/L COBALT ND 12/31/20 pH (Lab) 00403 units Ba - Barium 01007 ug/L STRONTIUM 279 UG/L 12/31/20 TOC 00680 mg/L Ca - Calcium 00916 mg/L MOLYBDENUM ND 12/31/20 Chloride 00940 mg/L Cd - Cadmium 01027 ug/L SELENIUM ND 12/31/20 Arsenic 01002 ug/L Chromium: Total o1o34 ug/L SODIUM 26.6 MG/L 12/31/20 Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu - Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe - Iron 01045 ug/L (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? OR Yes (1) ❑ No (0) Specific Conductance 00095 µMhos K - Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 7872 method # 8260D Total Ammonia 00610 mg/L Mg - Magnesium 00927 mg/L method # (Ammonia Nitrogen. NH3as N, Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn -Manganese oloss ug/L TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni - Nickel 01067 ug/L ,method # method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% SARA HUDGINS ORC Permittee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Title - Please print or type GW-59 Rev.3-1-2016 (or Authorized Agent) SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Please Print Clearly or Type Facility Name: COATS AMERICAN Permit Name (if different): Facility Address: 630 AMERICAN THREAD RD MARION NC 28752 630 AMERICAN THREAD lRb"AARION NC 28752 County MCDOWELL Contact Person: SARA HUDGINS Well Location/Site Name: SOUTH OF CLARIFIER #2/MW16 Telephone#: 8287564111 No. of wells to be sampled: 3 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - DIV. OF WATER RESOURCES INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 Phone: 919-807-6306 PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: Non -Discharge WQ0005603 UIC NPDES Other TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED X Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW16 Date sample collected: 12/8/20 Well Depth: 18 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. Depth to Water Level 82546 8.6 ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: N/A ft. MeasuringPoint is 2.25 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 3 gallons ❑■ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered. YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑ YES to N/A ft. ft. ❑ NO FIELD ANALYSES: pH 00400: 7.14 units Temp. 000lo: °C Spec. Cond. 000sa: µMhos Odor 000as: NONE Appearance CLEAR If WELL WAS DRY at time of sampling, check here: ❑ LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: SEE BELLOW Laboratory Name: WATER TECH Certification No. 50 PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite (NO2) as N 00615 mg/L Pb - Lead 01051 ug/L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100mL Nitrate (NO3) as N 00620 mg/L Zn - Zinc 01092 mg/L Coliform: MF Total 315i74 /100mL Phosphorus: Total as P 00665 mg/L (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): )issolved Solids:Total 70300 mg/L Al - Aluminum 01105 mg/L pH (Lab) 00403 units Ba - Barium 01007 ug/L THALLIUM ND 12/31/20 TOC 00680 mg/L Ca - Calcium oo916 rng/L VANADIUM ND 12/31/20 Chloride 00940 mg/L Cd - Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic 01002 ug/L Chromium: Total o1o34 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu - Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe - Iron 01045 ug/L (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) specific Conductance 00095 µMhos K - Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 7873 method # 8260D Total Ammonia 00610 mg/L Mg - Magnesium 00927 mg/L method # (Ammonia Nitrogen. NH3as N: Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn - Manganese 01055 ug/L ,method # TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni - Nickel 01067 ug/L method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: SARA HUDGINS ORC Permittee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Title - Please print or type GW-59 Rev.3-1-2016 mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY • DEPARTMENt2 bF ENYIRONM�NTA 4UACITY DIY OF WAT'ER�ESOt/R�ES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: t��irtAt?t�* srrtGVNir, COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM iet�,n�aLIs -RVI", c Nr our c�, it �ssa ? Phan4 �fa FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: Facility Name: COATS AMERICAN Non -Discharge WQ0005603 UIC Permit Name (if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: 630 AMERICAN THREAD RD MARION NC 28752 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED 630 AMERICAN THREAD RD MARION NC 28752 County MCDOWELL ❑■ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: Contact Person: SARA HUDGINS Telephone#: 8287564111 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name: NORTH OF CLARIFIER/MW #17 No. of wells to be sampled: 3 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: from Permit SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW17 Date sample collected: 12/8/20 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth: 18 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. pH 00400: 7.34 units Temp. 000lo: °C DRY at Depth to Water Level 82546:6.7 ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: N/A ft. to N/A ft. Spec. Cond. 00094: µMhos time of sampling, Measuring Point is 2.5 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor 00085: NONE check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 3 gallons Appearance CLEAR here:❑ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: ❑■ YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑ YES ❑ NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: SEE BELLOW Laboratory Name: WATER TECH Certification No. 50 PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite (NO2) as N 00615 mg/L Pb - Lead 01051 ND 12/31/20 ug/L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100mL Nitrate (NO3) as N 00620 mg/L Zn - Zinc 01092 ND 12/31/20 mg/L Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus: Total as P 00665 <0.16 12/31/20 mg/L (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): issolved Solids:Total 7030o 236 12/11/20 mg/L Al - Aluminum 01105 ND 12/31/20 rng/L ALKALINITY 119 MG/L 12/14/20 pH (Lab) 00403 7.9 12.8/20 units Ba - Barium 01007 38.2 12/31/20 ug/L TURBIDITY 0.20 NTU 12/9/20 TOC 00680 <1.0 12/23/20 mg/L Ca -Calcium 00916 34 12/31/20 mg/L ANTIMONY ND 12/31/20 Chloride 0094o 25.5 12/28/20 mg/L Cd - Cadmium 01027 ND 12/31/20 ug/L BERYLLIUM ND 12/31/20 Arsenic 01002 ND 12/31/20 ug/L Chromium: Total 01034 ND 12/31/20 ug/L BORON ND 12/31/20 Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu - Copper 01042 ND 12/31/20 mg/L ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe - Iron 01045 ND 12/31/20 ug/L (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 36.9 12/19/20 mg/L Hg - Mercury 71900 ND 12/15/20 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) pecific Conductance 00095 391 12/10/20 µMhos K - Potassium 00937 ND 12/31/20 mg/L VOC 7873 method # 8260D Total Ammonia 00610 mg/L Mg - Magnesium 00927 15.2 12/31/20 mg/L method # (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH, as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn - Manganese 01055 0.005 12/31/20 ug/L , method # TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni - Nickel 01067 ND 12/31/20 ug/L method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VUG Removal /o GW-59 Rev.3-1-2016 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY • . DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY -DIV OF'WATER RESOURCES !GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: _ INF0ItMisiONf'RfiCEs$IN(iNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1617M�SERVICE CENTEK-1 i4LElcfi,Nc27sa9-�rst P�,ona g�sso� 3Qe FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: Facility Name: COATS AMERICAN Non -Discharge W00005603 UIC Permit Name (if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: 630 AMERICAN THREAD RD MARION INC 28752 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED 630 AMERICAN THREAD RD MAMONNINC 28752 County MCDOWELL ❑M Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: Contact Person: SARA HUDGINS Telephone#: 8287564111 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name:NORTH OF CLARIFIER 2/MW#17 No. of wells to be sampled: 3 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: from Permit SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW #17 Date sample collected: 12/8/20 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth: 18 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. pH 00400: 7.34 units Temp. 000lo: °C DRY at time of Depth to Water Level 82546:6.7 ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: N/A ft. to N/A ft. Spec. Cond. 00094: µMhos sampling, Measuring Point is 2•25 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor 00085: NONE check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 3 gallons Appearance CLEAR here:❑ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: X YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑ YES ❑ NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: SEE BELLOW Laboratory Name: WATER TECH Certification No. 50 PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite (NO2) as N 00615 mg/L Pb - Lead 01051 ug/L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100mL Nitrate (NO3) as N 00620 mg/L Zn - Zinc 01092 mg/L Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus: Total as P 00665 mg/L (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): issolved Solids:Total 70300 mg/L Al - Aluminum 01105 mg/L COBALT ND 12/31/20 pH (Lab) 00403 units Ba - Barium 01007 ug/L STRONTIUM 373 UG/L 12/31/20 TOC 00680 mg/L Ca - Calcium 00916 mg/L MOLYBDENUM ND 12/31/20 Chloride 00940 mg/L Cd - Cadmium 01027 ug/L SELENIUM ND 12/31/20 Arsenic 01002 ug/L Chromium: Total 01034 ug/L SODIUM 16.1 MG/L 12/31/20 Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu - Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe - Iron 01045 ug/L (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑■ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) Specific Conductance 00095 µMhos K - Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 7873 method # 8260D Total Ammonia 00610 mg/L Mg - Magnesium 00927 mg/L method # (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH, as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn - Manganese 01055 ug/L , method # TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni - Nickel 01067 ug/L method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% GW-59 Rev.3-1-2016 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY 5ROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Print Clearly or Type Facility Name: COATS AMERICAN Permit Name (if different): Facility Address: 630 AMERICAN THREAD RD MARION NC 28752 630 AMERICAN THREAD RD`MARION NC 28752 County MCDOWELL Contact Person: SARA HUDGINS Well Location/Site Name:NORTH OF CLARIFIER #2/MW17 WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): MW17 Well Depth: 18 ft. Depth to Water Level 82546:6.7 ft. below measuring point Measuring Point is 2.25 ft. above land surface Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 3 Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: X YES ❑ Telephone#: 8287564111 No. of wells to be sampled: 3 Date sample collected: 12/8/20 Well Diameter: 2 it Screened Interval: N/A ft Relative M.P. Elevation: gallons NO and field acidified: ❑ YES to N/A ft. ft. ❑ NO RMIT Number: Expiration Date: n-Discharge WQ0005603 UIC ,DES Other PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑■ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: FIELD ANALYSES: pH 00400: 7.34 units Spec. Cond. 00094: Odor 00085: NONE Appearance CLEAR Temp.00010: °C uMhos Date sample analyzed: SEE BELLOW Laboratory Name: WATER TECH Certification No. 50 PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite (NO2) as N 00615 mg/L Pb - Lead 01051 ug/L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100mL Nitrate (NO3) as N 00620 mg/L Zn - Zinc 01092 mg/L Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100ml- Phosphorus: Total as P 00665 mg/L (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): issolved Solids:Total 70300 mg/L AI - Aluminum oilo5 mg/L pH (Lab) 00403 units Ba - Barium 01007 ug/L THALLIUM ND 12/31/20 TOC 00680 mg/L Ca - Calcium 00916 mg/L VANADIUM ND 12/31/20 Chloride 00940 mg/L Cd - Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic 01002 ug/L Chromium: Total 01034 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu - Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe - Iron 01045 ug/L (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) pecific Conductance 00095 µMhos K - Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 7873 method # 8260D Total Ammonia 00610 mg/L Mg - Magnesium 00927 mg/L method # (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH3 as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn - Manganese 01055 ug/L , method # TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni - Nickel 01067 ug/L method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOG Removal% If WELL IRY at me of ampling, N GW-59 Rev.3-1-2016 ' N#wrKR ' rCH LRAFS-inc. POST OFFICE BOX 1056 • #5 PINEWOOD PLAZA DR. GRANITE FALLS, NORTH CAROLINA 28630 (828)396-4444 SAMPLE: Coats America (MW#17) COLLECTION DATE: 12/8/2020 PERMIT #. COLLECTION TIME: 08:45 ADDRESS: Coats America (Wells) RECEIVED DATE: 12/8/2020 P.O. Box 368 RECEIVED TIME: 15:05 Marion, NC 28752 REPORTED: 1 /12/2021 ANALYSIS ANALYSIS RESULTS UNITS DATE ANALYST TDS 236 mg/L 12/11/20 lag Chloride 25.5 mg/L 12/28/20 lag T.Phosphorus <0.16 mg/L 12/31/20 jdg TOC <1.0 mg/L 12/23/20 Sulfate 36.9 mg/L 12/19/20 metals see attached pH 7.9 su's 12/8/20 lag Alkalinity 119 mg1L 12/14/20 lag Conductivity 391 umhos/cm 12/10/20 jrg Turbidity 0.20 ntu 12/9/20 lag LOG ID: 2012-170 REPORTED BY: NC CERTIFIED LAB # 50 fbl� Tony Gragg, Lab Supervisor laceAnalyticale www.plcolabs.com Project: COATS AM MW Pace Project No.: 92511102 Sample: COATS AM MW #17 Parameters 200.7 MET ICP Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barlum Beryllium Boron Cadmlum Calcium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Molybdenum Nickel Potassium Selenium Sodium Strontium Thallium Vanadium Zinc 245.1 Mercury Mercury 8260D MSV Low Level Acetone Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane B ro modichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane 2-Butanone (MEK) Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene Pace Analytical Services, LLC 106 Short St. Kemersville, NO 27284 336.996-2841 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Lab ID: 92511102003 Collected: 12/08120 08:45 Received: 12/10/20 09:40 Matrix: Water Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual Analytical Method: EPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 1994 Preparation Method: EPA 200.7 Rev 4A 1 P94 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville ND ug/L 100 1 12/23120 01:25 12131/20 00:24 7429-90-5 ND ug/L 5.0 1 12123120 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7440-36-0 ND ug/L 10.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7440-38-2 38.2 ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12131/20 OD:24 7440-39-3 ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12131/20 D0:24 7440-41-7 ND ug/L 50.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7440-42-8 ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/23/20 D1:25 12/31/20 00:24 7440-43-9 34000 ug/L 100 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7440-70-2 ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:26 12/31/20 00:24 7440-47-3 ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12131/20 00:24 7440-48-4 ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7440-50-8 ND ug/L 50.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7439-89-6 ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7439-92-1 15200 ug/L 100 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7439-95-4 5.3 ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7439-96-5 ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7439-98-7 ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7440-02-0 ND ug/L 5000 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7440-09-7 ND ug/L 10.0 1 12123/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7782-49-2 16100 ug/L 5000 1 12/23120 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7440-23-5 373 ug/L 5.0 1 12123/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7440-24-6 ND ug/L 10.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7440-28-0 ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23120 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7440-62-2 ND ug/L 10.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:24 7440-66-6 Analytical Method: EPA 245.1 Rev 3.0 1994 Preparation Method: EPA 245.1 Rev 3.0 1994 Pace Analytical Services - Asheville ND ug/L 0.20 1 12/14/2015:17 12/15/2011:35 7439-97-6 Analytical Method: EPA8260D Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND ug/L ND uglL ND ug/L ND ug/L 25.0 1 12118/2011:19 67-64-1 1.0 1 12/18/2011:19 71-43-2 1.0 1 12/ 18/20 11:19 108-86-1 1.0 1 12/18/2011:19 74-97-5 1.0 1 12/18/2011:19 75-27-4 1.0 1 12/1812011:19 75-25-2 2.0 1 1211812011:19 74-83-9 5.0 1 12/18/2011:19 78-93-3 1.0 1 12118/2011:19 56-23-5 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:19 108-90-7 1.0 1 12/18/2011:19 75-00-3 5.0 1 12/18/2011:19 67-66-3 1.0 1 12118/2011:19 74-87-3 v2 1.0 1 12118/2011:19 95-49-8 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Thfs report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 12/31/2020 02:16 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 10 of 27 aceAnalytical www.pacelob3.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: COATS AM MW Pace Project No.: 92511102 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 106 Short St. Kernersville, NC 27284 336-996-2841 Sample: COATS AM MW #17 Parameters Lab ID: 92511102003 Collected: 12108/20 08:45 Results Units Report Limit DF Received: 12/10/20 09:40 Matrix: Water Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 8260D MSV Low Level Analytical Method: EPA 8260D Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:19 106-43-4 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/L 5.0 1 1211812011:19 96-12-8 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/1812011:19 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:19 106-93-4 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/1812011:19 74-95-3 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:19 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/1812011:19 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:19 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 121l 8/20 11:19 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:19 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:19 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812011:19 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:19 156-59-2 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:19 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:19 78-87-5 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18120 11:19 142-28-9 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:19 594-20-7 v2 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:19 663-58-6 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/1812011:19 10061-01-5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:19 10061-02-6 Diisopropyl ether ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:19 108-20-3 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:19 100-41-4 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:19 87-68-3 2-Hexanone ND ug/L 5.0 1 1211812011:19 591-78-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812011:19 99-87-6 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 5.0 1 12118/20 11:19 75-09-2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/18/20 11:19 108-10-1 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118120 11:19 1634-04-4 Naphthalene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:19 91-20-3 Styrene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/1812011:19 100-42-5 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/1812011:19 630-20-6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachlorcethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/1812011:19 79-34-5 Totrachloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:19 127-18-4 Toluene ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812011:19 108-88-3 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:19 87-61-6 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:19 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichicroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:19 71-55-6 1,1,2-Tdchloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:19 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812011:19 79-01-6 Tdchlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:19 75-69-4 1,2,3-Tdchloropropane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:19 96-18-4 Vinyl acetate ND ug/L 2.0 1 12/18/20 11:19 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/20 11:19 75-01-4 v2 Xylene (Total) ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:19 1330-20-7 m&p-Xylene ND ug/L 2.0 1 12/1812011:19 179601-23-1 o-Xylene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/1812011:19 95-47-6 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Date: 12/31/2020 02:16 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 11 of 27 (�IaceAnalXical www.pacelabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, LLC 106 Short St. Kemorsvllle, NC 27284 336-996-2841 Project: COATS AM MW Pace Project No.: 92511102 Sample: COATS AM MW #17 Lab ID: 92511102003 Collected: 12/08/20 08:45 Received: 12/10/20 09:40 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 8260D MSV Low Level Analytical Method: EPA 8260D Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte Surrogates 4-Bromofuorobenzene (S) 101 % 70-130 1 12/18/20 11:19 460-00-4 1,2-Dlchloroethane-d4(S) 101 % 70-130 1 12/1812011:19 17060-07-0 Toluene-d8 (S) 101 % 70-130 1 12/18/20 11:19 2037-26-5 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Sulfate 36.9 mg/L 1.0 1 12/19120 06:10 14808-79-8 5310E TOC Analytical Method: SM 53108-2011 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Total Organic Carbon ND mg/L 1.0 1 12/23/20 19:41 7440-44-0 Date: 12/31/2020 02:16 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except In full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 12 of 27 vRTCR4rFCH L.AWSInc. POST OFFICE BOX 1056 • #5 PINEWOOD PLAZA DR. GRANITE FALLS, NORTH CAROLINA 28630 (828)396-4444 SAMPLE. Coats America (MW#16) COLLECTION DATE: 12/8/2020 PERMIT #: COLLECTION TIME: 08:01 ADDRESS: Coats America (Wells) RECEIVED DATE: 12/8/2020 P.O. Box 368 RECEIVED TIME: 15:05 Marion, NC 28752 REPORTED: 1 / 12/2021 ANALYSIS ANALYSIS RESULTS UNITS DATE ANALYST TDS 269 mg/L 12/11/20 lag Chloride 29.5 mg/L 12/28/20 lag T. Phosphorus <0.16 mg/L 12/31/20 jdg TOC <1.0 mg/L 12/23/20 Sulfate 42.8 mg/L 12/19/20 metals see attached pH 7.8 su's 12/8/20 lag Alkalinity 137 mg/L 12/14/20 lag Conductivity 448 umhos/cm 12/10/20 jrg Turbidity 0.90 ntu 12/9/20 lag LOG 1D: 2012-169 REPORTED BY: NC CERTIFIED LAB # 50 fv� `�" P � Tony Gra—, Lab Supervisor Iac ( e AnalXical wrw,pecelabs con ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project COATS AM MW Pace Project No.: 92511102 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 1D6 Short St Kemersvtile, NC 27284 338.996-2841 Sample: COATS AM MW #f16 Parameters Lab ID: 92511102002 Collected: 12/08/20 08:01 Results Unfts Report Limit OF Received: 12/10/20 09:40 Matrix: Water Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 200.7 MET ICP Analydcal Method: EPA 200.7 Rev 4.41994 Preparation Method: EPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 1994 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Aluminum ND ug/L 100 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:21 7429-90-5 Antimony ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:21 7440-36-0 Arsenic ND ug/L 10.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 0011 7440-38-2 Barium 44.0 ug/L 6.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31120 00:21 7440-39-3 Beryllium ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:21 7440-41-7 Boron ND ug/L 50.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:21 7440-42-8 Cadmium ND ug1L 1.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:21 7440-13-9 Calcium 34300 ug/L 100 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:21 7440-70-2 Chromium ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:21 7440-47-3 Cobalt ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12131/20 00:21 744D-48-4 Copper ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:26 12/31/20 00:21 744D-50-8 Iron 742 u91 50.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31120 00:21 7439-89-6 Lead ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:26 12/31/20 00:21 7439-92-1 Magnesium 16600 ug/L 100 1 12/23/20 01:26 12/31/20 00:21 7439-95-4 Manganese 34.4 ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31 /20 00:21 7439-96-5 Molybdenum ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:26 12/31/20 00:21 7439-98-7 Nickel ND uglL 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:26 12/31/20 00:21 7440-02-0 Potassium ND ug/L 5000 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:21 7440-09-7 Selenium ND uglL 10.0 1 12123/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:21 7782-49-2 Sodium 26600 ug/L 5000 1 12123/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:21 7440-23-5 Strontium 279 ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:21 7440-24-6 Thallium ND ug1L 10.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:21 7440-28-0 Vanadium ND ug1L 6.0 1 12123/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:21 7440-62-2 Zinc ND ug1L 10.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:21 7440-66-6 245.1 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 245.1 Rev 3,0 1994 Preparation Method: EPA 245.1 Rev 3.0 1994 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Mercury ND ug1L 0.20 1 12114/2015:17 12115/2011:32 7439-97-6 8260D MSV Low Level Analytical Method: EPA 8260D Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte Acetone ND ug1L 25.0 1 12/18/2011:01 67-64-1 Benzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/2011:01 71-43-2 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812011:01 10"6-1 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:01 74-97-5 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:01 75-27-4 Bromoform ND ug1L 1.0 1 12118/2011:01 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND uglL 2.D 1 12118/2011:01 74-83-9 2-Butanone(MEK) ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/18/2011:01 78-93-3 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:01 66-23-6 Chlorobenzene ND ug1L 1.0 1 12118/2011:01 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812011:01 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug1L 5.0 1 1211812011:01 67-66-3 Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/1812011:01 74-87-3 v2 2-Chlorotoluene NU ug/L 1.0 1 12/1812011:01 95-49-8 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shaft not be reproduced, except In full, Date: 12/31/2020 02:16 PM without the wrttten consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 7 of 27 acaAnaOda/ Nww4raeela4com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: COATS AM MW Pace Project No.: 92511102 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 106 Short St. Kemersvllle, NC 27284 336-996-2841 Sample: COATS AM MW #16 Parameters Lab ID: 92511102002 Collected: 1210MO 08:01 Results Units Report Limit DF Received: 12110/20 09:40 Matrix: Water Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 8260D MSV Low Level Analytical Method: EPA 8260D Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte 4-Chlorotoluene ND ugA- 1.0 1 1211812011:01 106-43-4 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane NO ug1L 5.0 1 12118/2011:01 96-12-8 Dibromochloromethane ND Lot 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:01 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) ND u911- 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:01 106-93-4 Dibromomethane NO ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:01 74-95-3 1,2-Dlchlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:01 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ugrL 1.0 1 1211812011:01 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812011:01 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND uWL 1.0 1 1211812011:01 75-71-8 1,1-Dichioroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812011:01 75-34-3 1,2-DicHoroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/1812011:01 107-06-2 1,1-01chloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812011:01 76-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND uglL 1.0 1 12/1812011:01 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichiorcethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:01 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:01 78-87-5 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18(2011:01 142-28-9 2,2-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:01 594-20-7 v2 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:01 583.58-6 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812011:01 10061-01-5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:01 10061-02-6 Dlisopropyl ether ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:01 108-20-3 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:01 100-41-4 Hexachioro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812011:01 87-68-3 2-Hexanone ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/18/20 11:01 591-78-6 p-Isopropyitoluene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:01 99-87-6 Methylene Chloride ND ug1L 6.0 1 12118/20 11:01 75-09-2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND ugA- 5.0 1 12118120 11:01 108-10-1 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:01 1634-04-4 Naphthalene ND ug1L 1.0 1 12/1812011:01 91-20-3 Styrene ND ug/L 1.0 1 1211812011:01 100-42-5 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ugA. 1.0 1 12/1812011:01 630-20-6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachicroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12M812011:01 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12J 18120 11:01 127-18-4 Toluene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/2011:01 108-88-3 1,2,3-Tdchiorobenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/1812011:01 87-61-6 1,2,4-Tdchlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/1812011:01 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:01 71-55-0 1,1,2-Tdchloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:01 79-00-5 Trlchloroethene ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:01 79-01-6 Trlchiorofluoromethane ND ug/L 1.0 1 12118/2011:01 75-69-4 1,2,3-Trichloroprvpane ND ugA- 1.0 1 1211WO11,01 96-18-4 Vinyl acetate ND ug/L 2.0 1 12/18/20 11:01 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:01 75-01-4 v2 Xylene (Total) ND ug1L 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:01 1330-20-7 m&p-Xylene ND ug/L 2.0 1 12118/2011:01 179601-23-1 o-Xylene ND ugA. 1.0 1 12/18/20 11:01 95-47-6 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 12/31/2020 02:16 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 8 of 27 s aceAnalyticai www,pacelftcam ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: COATS AM MW Pace Project No.: 92511102 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 108 Short St. Kernersville, NC 27284 336-996-2841 Sample: COATS AM MW #16 Parameters Lab ID: 92511102002 Collected: 12/08/20 08:01 Results Units Report Limit DF Received: 12/10/20 09:40 Matrix: Water Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 8260D MSV Low Level Analytical Method: EPA 8260D Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte Surrogates 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 98 % 70-130 1 12/18/20 11:01 460-00-4 1,2-DlcNoroethane-d4(S) 102 % 70-130 1 12/1812011:01 17060-07-0 Toluene-d8 (S) 101 % 70-130 1 12/18/20 11:01 2037-26-5 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2,1 1993 Pace Analytical Services - Asheville Sulfate 42.8 mglL. 1.0 1 12119/20 05:28 14808-79-8 5310B TOC Analytical Method: SM 5310B-2011 Pace Analytical Services - Asheville Total Organic Carton ND mg/L- 1.0 1 12/2312019:24 7440-44-0 Date: 12/31/2020 02:16 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shell not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 9 of 27 - mownwir=H L > ./.C. POST OFFICE BOX 1056 • #5 PINEWOOD PLAZA DR. GRANITE FALLS, NORTH CAROLINA 28630 (828)396-4444 SAMPLE: Coats America (SW_1) COLLECTION DATE: 12/8/2020 PERMIT #: COLLECTION TIME. 09:45 ADDRESS: Coats America (Wells) RECEIVED DATE: 12/8/2020 P.O. Box 368 RECEIVED TIME: 15:05 Marion, NC 28752 REPORTED: 1 / 12/2021 ANALYSIS ANALYSIS RESULTS UNITS DATE ANALYST TDS 149 mg/L 12/11/20 lag Chloride <5.0 mg/L 12/28/20 lag T. Phosphorus <0.16 mg/L 12/31/20 jdg TOC <1.0 mg/L 12/23/20 Sulfate 7.1 mg/L 12/19/20 metals see attached pH 7.4 su's 12/8/20 lag Alkalinity 116 mg/L 12/14/20 lag Conductivity 247 umhos/cm 12/10/20 jrg Turbidity 0.35 ntu 1219/20 lag Hardness 64 mg/L 12/14/20 lag LOG ID. 2012-171 REPORTED BY: NC CERTIFIED CERTIFIED LAB # 50 fo. Tony Crra�, Lab Supervisor Pace Analytical Services, LL.0 aceAnalytical Short KemersNllele, NC 27284 www,paoefebe.wm 336-996-2841 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: COATS SWA Pace Project No.: 92511104 Sample: COATS AMERICA SW-1 Parameters Lab ID: 02511104001 Collected; 12/08/20 09:45 Results Units Report Limit OF Received: 12110/20 09:40 Matrix: Water Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 200.7 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 1994 Preparation Method: EPA 200.7 Rev 4.41994 Pace Analytical Services - Asheville Aluminum NO, ug/L 100 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:28 7429-90-5 Antimony ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/3l/20 00:28 7440-36-0 Arsenic ND ug/L %0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31120 00:28 7440-38-2 Barium 26.5 ug/L 6.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12131/20 00:28 7440-39-3 Beryllium ND ug/L 1.0 1 12/23/20 01:26 12/31/20 00:28 7440-41-7 Boron ND uglL 50.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:28 7440-42-8 Cadmium NO ug/L 1.0 1 12/23f20 01:25 12/31120 00:28 7440-43-9 Celclum 22900 ug/L 100 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:28 7440-70-2 Chromium ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:26 12/31/20 00:28 7440-47-3 Cobalt ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:28 7440-484 Copper ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:28 7440-50-8 Iron 55.7 ug/L 50.0 1 12/23/20 01:26 12/31/20 00:28 7439-89-6 Lead NO ug/L 5.0 1 12123/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:28 7439-92-1 Magnesium 13200 ug/L 100 1 12/23120 01:25 12/31/20 00:28 7439-95-4 Manganese 164 ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:28 7439-96-5 Molybdenum NO ug/L 5.0 1 12123/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:28 7439-98-7 Nickel ND ug/L 5.0 1 12/23120 01:25 12131/20 00:28 7440-02-0 Potassium NO ug/L 5000 1 12123/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:28 7440-09-7 Selenium NO ug/L 10.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:28 7782-49-2 Sodium 5440 ug/L 5000 1 1=3120 01:25 12131/20 00:28 7440-23-5 Strontium 40.0 ug/L 5.0 1 12123/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:28 7440-246 Thalilum NO ug/L 10.0 1 12123/20 01:25 12/31/20 00:28 7440-28-0 Manedlum NO ug/L 5.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12131/20 00:28 7440-62-2 Zinc NO ug/L 10.0 1 12/23/20 01:25 12131/20 00:28 7440-6M 245.1 Mercury Analytical Method: EPA245A Rev 3.01994 Preparation Method: EPA 245.1 Rev 3.0 1994 Pace Analytical Services -Asheville Mercury NO ug/L 0.20 1 1211412015:17 12/15/2011:37 7439-97-6 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Rev 2.1 1993 Pace Analytical Services - Asheville Sutfate 7.1 mg/L 1.0 1 12119/20 06:24 14808-79-8 5310E TOC Analytical Method: SM 531 OB-2011 Pace Analytical Services - Asheville Total Organic Carbon NO mg/L 1.0 1 12123/20 19:58 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except In full, Date: 12/31t202O 02:16 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. 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