HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0021881_Wasteload Allocation_19941007NPDES DOCUHENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0021881 Lake Waccamaw WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation J Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: October 7, 1994 Thies documerit its printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the reirerse side Request # 7901 Facility Name: Lake Waccamaw Waste Water Treatment Plant NPDES No.: NC0021881 Type of Waste: 100 % Domestic Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Receiving Stream: unnamed tributary Bogue Swamp Stream Classification: C - Swamp Subbasin: 03-07-56 County: Columbus Stream Characteristic; Regional Office: Wilmington USGS # Requestor: Lucas Date: 1992 Date of Request: 6 / 30 / 94 Drainage Area (mi): < 0.1 Topo Quad: J 24 SE Summer 7010 (ifs): 0.0 Winter 7010 (ifs): 0.0 Average Flow (ifs): < 0.1 3002 (ifs): 0.0 !WC (%): 100 % Existing WLA checked: j x Staff Report: x Topo checked: x USGS Flows confirmed: !WC Spreadsheet: x Stream Classification: x Nutrient Sensitivity: x Instream Data: x 1975: modeled as discharge to Bogue Swamp, (s7Q10: 0.08 ifs) w/ recommended limits of 5.0 mg/I BOD5, 2.0 mg/I TKN, 5.0 mg/l dissolved oxygen, 30 mg/I TSS, 200 / 100 ml fecal coliform, 6 - 9 SU pH, for a 0.4 mgd discharge. 1976: modeled and renewed w/ same limits, (TKN changed to NH3-N). 1982: renewed w/ same limits, (fecal coliform changed to 1,000 / 100 ml) 1983: many correspondences concerning the condition of the effluent canal, (i.e. aquatic plant growth, trash, etc). A field survey was conducted due to a proposed expansion. Results indicated substantial sedimentation, (high SOD's) and 'duck weed' growth w/in the canal, (nitrate -nitrite concentrations as high as 30 mg/I and phosphorus of 7.6 mg/I). A dissolved oxygen sag takes place at the end of the canal, but the benthic population was determined to be 'normal'. Solids collected In the canal were sky -rocketing; 130 - 450 mg/I. Limits were relaxed to: 10 (20) mg/1 BOD5, 4 (8) mg/1 NH3-N, 5.0 mg/I dissolved oxygen, 30 mg/l TSS, 200 / 100 ml fecal coliform, 6 - 9 SU pH, for a wetlands diffusion system, (i.e. effluent sprayed over an acre area of wetlands). 1986: extensive study was done for this proposed wetlands diffusion system and the final decision was to abandon this proposal and go with a point discharge; limits of either 11 (10) mg/1 BOD5, 2 (4) mg/I NH3-N or 7 (10) mg/1 BOD5, 3 (4) mg/I NH3-N. (no explanation as to lower winter BOD5 determination; the model results don't seem to follow the output of the model included in the April 2, 1986 memorandum on the results). These limits were determined to protect a 5.0 mg/l dissolved oxygen standard in the canal, it was assumed that the swamp could assimilate the effluent. 1987: the WLA recommends previous limits for the Permit period w/ limits of 7 (8) mg/1 BOD5, 2 (3) mg/I NH3-N to be recommended for the next Permit issued, (no increase in flow is included). 1989: facility requested JOG for additional flow; no Instream Assessment was requested as this flow was for short-term 1 and !repairs. 1992: per WRO request, facility is required to take Chronic Toxicity P / F at 90 %. The WLA recommended the same limits, (the recommendation of stricter limits in the 1989 WLA was noted, but not followed - no explanation, but it probably wouldn't have flown). The WLA recommended zero - flow language including Tertiary limits for Alternative Analysis and a rider to open Permit and required scheduled limits changes or removal if results indicate need. DMR's flow violations 1994 ammonia and fecal coliform violations mid-1993 high nutrient concentrations Staff Report Excellent Staff Report ! Region is fully aware of the many limits violations during this Permit period. Currently no Regional plant availabe for connection, nor is subsurface or spray irrigation available due to high water table. Plant currently has an Industrial discharger, [Tops Tobacco Company] which has high BOD's and may be causing plant upsets. Both the Town and Tops Tobacco are looking into remedies for the situation, (i.e. a Pretreatment Program may be required). Most of the issues facing this plant are compliance and the Region is working closely with the facility to achieve compliance. Instream Data Evidence of suppersaturation. Unusually high percent saturations. Need Region to specifiy exactly where they are taking samples and whether those locations are close enough. • Existing limits: Monthly Averages Summer Winter Wasteflow (MGD): 0.400 BODE (mg/1): 11.0 10.0 NH3N (mg/I): 2.0 4.0 DO (mg/1): 6.0 6.0 TSS (mg/1): 30 30 Fecal Col. (/100 ml): 200 200 pH (SU): 6 - 9 6 - 9 Residual Chlorine (µg/l): monitor monitor Oil & Grease (mg/1): nr nr TP (mg/1): monitor monitor TN (mg/1): monitor monitor There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Upstream Location: at least 100' above outfall Downstream Location: at least 300' below outfall Parameters: temperature, dissolved oxygen, fecal colitorm, conductivity WO or EL x Waste Water Treatment Plant N000 WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY TESTING 0[SELF-MONITORING SUMMARY) Tue, Jul 19, 1994 FACET ITV .'..�-............. 51,Yr, ..111 F£D mean Al•K MAT JIIN 1tll, AUG SFP OCT NOV DEC LAKE WACCAMAW WWTP PERM CHI( I.IM:90% NC0021881/001 Degin:3/1/93 ['stridency: WV Q ' A MAlt JUN SI1I EEC NunCu,np:SIN(i1.H 00 91 --- -. --- - ... - - -- _ -- _ - - - County:COLUMBUS Regioo:WIRO Subbasin:LUM56 02 46.65' 24.15' 35.35' 35.56' 111 65.15' >100' >I00' 91.74' 36.6' 53.59' 35.36' PF:0.4 Special 93 39.23' - FAIL ' FAIL PASS PASS - - PASS - - FAIL 7Q10: 0.0 IWC(%): 100.0 girder: 94 Mrs/FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS - LAUREL TALL PAPER CO PERM CIIR I.IM:1.5% 90 --- - - - - - - PASS - - PASS tit NC0006041/001 Begin:12/1/93 Frequency: Q P/F A FEB MAY AUG NOV NonComp:SINGLE 91 PASS PASS - PASS PASS PASS NR PASS - - PASS - County:RICIBdOND Region: FRO Subbasin: YADI6 92 - PASS - - PASS - - PASS - - PASS - PF: 0.25 Special 93 - PASS - - PASS - - PASS - PASS - 7Q10:25.0 IWC(%):1.52 order: 94 - PASS - - PASS LAURINDURG WWTP PERM CHR I.IM:31% 90 - PASS - - PASS - - PASS - - PASS - NC0020656/00I Begin:12/1/93 Frequency: Q P/F A FEB MAY AUG NOV NonComp:SINGLE 91 - PASS - - PASS - - PASS - - FAIL PASS County:SCOTLAND Region: FRO Subbasin:LUM5S 92 PASS PE - - PASS - - PASS - - PASS - PF: 4.00 Special 93 - PASS - - FAIL FAIL FAIL 7Q10: 13.80 IWC(%):31.00 r 94 - PASS - - PASS PASS - - PASS - LAURINBURG-MAXTON AIRPORT PERM CIIR LIM:1.3% Y 90 PASS - PASS - - PASS - - PASS - - PASS NC0044725/001 Bcgin:11/1/93 Frequency: Q P/F A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp:SINGLE 91 - PASS NR - - PASS - - PASS - - FAIL County:SCOTLAND Region:FRO Subbasin:LUMSI 92 PASS PASS hill PASS - LATE • PASS - PASS - - PASS PF:1.00 Special 93 - - PASS - - PASS - - NR/PASS - - PASS 7Q10:111.0 IWC(%):I.38 Order: 94 - - PASS - - LCP PLASTICS LET CHR TAR:99% 90 60,29 11.2 N3 35.5 66.6 26.5 15.5 NR >90 NONE >90 NONE NC00363661001 Begin:2122191 Frequency:.Q P/F A FEB MAY AUG NOV NonComp: 01 NONE' - - - - - - PASS - - - PASS County:GUILFORD Region:WSRO Subbasin:CPF08 92 - PASS - - PASS - - PASS - - PASS - PF: NA Special 7Q10:0.00 IWC(%):100.0 Order: 93 - 94 - PASS PASS - - , - .- PASS PASS - - NFVPASS - - PASS -- LFEDBETTER OIL CO- K&J AUTO SALES PERM CHR LIM:1.2%(GRAB) 90 - - >90 - - >90 - - >90 - - >90 NC0073113/001 Begin:2/7/91 Frequency: Q A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp: 01 - - >00 - - PASS - - PASS - - PASS County: MCDOWELL Region: ARO • Subbasin: CI1130 92 - - PASS - - PASS - - PASS - - PASS PF:0.0144 • Special 7Q10: 1.80 IWC(%):1.2 Order: 93 - 94 - - - PASS PASS - - - - PASS - - PASS - - NA ISLAND INDUSTRIAL PARK WWTP PERM: 2411R PA' AC LIM 90%FTIID 90 NC0065676/001 Begin:6/1/94 Frequency: Q A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp:SINGLE 91 County:BRUNSWICK Region: WIRO Subbasin: CPF17 92 • PF: 0.25 Special 93 7Q10:600 IWC(%):0.065 ceder: - 94 • LENOIR, CITY OF- GUNPOWDER CREEK PERM CHR LIM:38% 90 MI MI PASS - PASS - - PASS - - PASS NC0023736l001 Begin:10/4/92 Frequency: Q P/F A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp:SINGLE 01 - - PASS - - PASS - - PASS - - PASS County:CALDWELL Region: ARO Subbasin: CTB32 92 - - FAIL LATE PASS PASS - - PASS - - PASS PE:1.00 Special 93 -- - PASS -- - PASS 7Q10: 2.90 IWC(%):34.83 Order: 94 PASS -- PASS -- - - -- FAIL PASS -- FAIL LENOIR, CfIY OF- LOWER CREEK WWTP PERM CHR LIM:40% • 90 - PASS - - PASS - - PASS - - • LATE PASS NC0023981/001 Begin: l/1/93 Frequency: Q P/F. A AUG NOV FEB MAY NonComp:SINGLE 91 - PASS - - PASS - - - - - PASS County:CALDWELL Region: ARO Subbasin: CTB31 92 - PASS - . - PASS - - FAIL PASS - PASS - PF:4.08 • Special 93 - PASS - - PASS - - PASS - - PASS 7Q10: 9.3 IWC(%):40.43 order: 94 - FAIL PASS - FAIL PASS IEXINGTON REGIONAL WWTP PERM CIIR LIM:56% Y 90 PASS - - hid ' - PASS PASS - PFt PA NR PASS - NC0055786/001 Bcgin:6/1/89 Frequency: Q WE A FEB MAY AUG NOV NonComp: 91 - PASS - - PASS PASS - PASS - -- PASS County:DAVIDSON Region: WSRO Subbasin: YAW? 92 - PASSSIG -- - PASS PASS - PASS - - PASS - PF:5.50 Special 93 - PASS(s) - - PASS PASS - PASS - - PASS 7Q10: 6.70 IWC(%):55.99 Order: 94 -- PASS - - PASS 0 2 consecutive failures = significant noncompliance Y Pre 1990 Data Available I FGFND: PERM = Permit Requirement LET = Administrative Letter - Target Frequency = Monitoring frequency: Q Quarterly; M- Monthly; BM- Bimonthly; SA- Semiannually; A- Annually; OWD- Only when discharging; D- Discontinued monitoring requirement; IS- Conducting independent study Begin = First month required 7Q10 = Receiving stream low Dow criterion (eft) A = quarterly monitoring incl. aces to monthly upon single failure Months that testing must occur - ex. JAN,APR,JUL,OCT NonComp = Current Compliance Requirement PF = Permitted flow (MGD) IWC%= Insueam waste concentration P/F = Pass/Fail chronic test AC = Acute CHR = Chronic Data Notation: f - Fathead Minnow: • - Ceriodaphnia so.: my - Mvsid ahrimo: ChV - Chronic value: P - Mortality of b ncd percentage at highest concentration; at - Performed by DEM Aq Ton Group; bt - Bad test Reporting Notation: - a: Data tat requited; NR - Not reported; ( ) - Beginning of Quartet facility Activity Status: - Inactive, N - Newly Issued(To construct); 11 - Active but not discharging; t-More data available for month in question SIG = ORC signature needed 31 Lake Waccamaw Waste Water Treatment Plant NC0021881 U•stream: BI• Creek Landin Month Tem. DO Saturation Fecal Conductivi Jun-94 May-94 Apr-94 Mar-94 Feb-94 Jan-94 Dec-93 Nov-93 Oct-93 Sep-93 Aug-93 Jul-93 30 22 26 18 13 9 11 14 17 26 28 30 7.2 8.5 7.5 10.5 8.9 8.7 10.3 7.5 9.2 7.6 7.1 7.5 95% 97% 92% 111% 85% 75% 93% 73% 95% 94% 91% 99% 217 71 65 46 10 58.3 6 30 45 12.6 11 13.1 54 0.8 50 48 50 42.5 46 45 66 60 62 66.3 Downstream: Waccamaw River Temp DO 28 20 22 15 11 8 9 14 17 23 28 30 6.9 8.4 7.7 10.9 8.4 8.9 10.0 6.7 9.0 6.9 7.6 7.4 Saturation Fecal Conductivity 88% 92% 88% 108% 76% 75% 86% 65% 93% 80% 97% 98% 20 93 48 14 4 16 7 8 68.4 21.1 19.1 6 60 0.5 50 58 52.5 45 46 45 65.6 52.2 62 68.2 Ammonia [2 / 4 mg/I] - Residual Chlorine - Fecal Collform Instream Waste Concentrations Residual Chlorine 7Q10 (cfs) Design Flow (mgd) Design Flow (cfs) Stream Std (µg/1) Upstream bkgrd level (µg/1) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (µg/1) Allowable Concentration (mg/I) Fecal Limit Ratio of 0.0 :1 0.0 0.4 0.619 17 0 100.0% 17.0 0.017 200/100mI 0.0 0.4 0.619 1 0.22 100.0% 1.0 0.0 0.4 0.619 1.8 0.22 100.0% 1.8 Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 7Q10 (cfs) Design Flow (mgd) Design Flow (cfs) Stream Std (mg/I) Upstream bkgrd level (mg/I) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (mg/I) Ammonla as NH3 (winter) 7Q10 (cfs) Design Flow (mgd) Design Flow (cfs) Stream Std (mg/I) Upstream bkgrd level (mg/I) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (mg/I) 8/12/94 '�:ic � SRt-jn1 CO ACiN � 4 4Ss P <0.5M. Lrl IS Ac-CAMAW SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: No To: Permits and Engineering Unit Water Quality Section : Attention: Jay Lucas (Review ngineer) Date: 07/11/94 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION County: Columbus Permit No. NO0021881 PART I -I GENERAL INFORMATION of 1. Facility and Address: TownLake Waccamaw P.O. Box 145 Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450 2. Date of Investigation: 07/07/94 3. Report Prepared by: B. Steven West 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: INDA F"r 5L6 Al Norris, ORC (910) 646-3700 Jon Barlow, Town Manager (910) 646-3700 5. Directions to Site: Travel US Hwy 74/76 to Lake Waccamaw, take NCSR 1900 west to NCSR 1901, travel 0.5 mile to dirt road on the right. Treatment plant is at the end of the road. 6. Discharge Point: Latitude: 78° 33' 2 Longitude: 34° 16'•56" 8" USGS Name: Lake Waccamaw West, Quad No: J 24 SE NC 7. Site size and expansion area consistent with application? N/A 8. Topography: The site slopes gently toward Bogue Swamp and is approximately 45 feet above mal. 9. Location of nearest dwelling: Approximately 0.5 mile. 10. g Receivin stream or affected surface waters: Unnamed tributary to Bogue Swamp. (The trib. does not appear on the quad sheet) a. Classification: Class "C-swamp" waters b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: 03-07-56 c. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: swamp PART II DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. a. Volume of wastewater to be permitted: 0.4 MGD b. What is the current permitted flow limit? 0.4 MGD c. Actual treatment capacity of the current facility: r0.4 i4GD • d. Date and construction activities allowed by previous Authorizations to Construct issued in the previous two years: An A to C was issued in early 1992 for the construction of sludge holding facilities. Construction was completed during the summer of 1993. e. Please provide a description of existing wastewater treatment facilities: The existing facility consists of a bar screen, grit chamber, extended aeration basin with two floating 20 hp mechanical aerators, clarifier with return activated sludge, two polishing ponds in series, the latter having a floating mechanical aerator, gaseous chlorine contact chamber, continuous recording flow meter, two aerated sludge holding tanks, and one emergency back-up sludge drying bed. f. Please provide a description of proposed wastewater treatment facilities: There are no upgrades planned at this time. g. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: he facility has experienced recent repeated effluent chronic toxicity failures, And the like: ‘ culprits are chlorine and NH3 -N. See Evaluation and Recommendations section. h. Pretreatment Program: May be required in the future. See 5) Other Special Items. 2. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: The ,Town holds Permit No. WQ0001944 for the land application of sludge. The Town recently finished construction of two aerated sludge holding tanks. 3. Treatment plant classification: Class III 4. SIC Code: 4952 Wastewater Code Primary: 01 Secondary: N/A Main Treatment Unit Code: 055X3 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds or are any public monies involved? Not currently.; See Evaluation and Recommendations Section. 2. Special monitoring or limitations requests: None 3. Important SOC Schedule dates: SOC No. EMC WQ 93-08 Effective Date: 03/16/94 Submission of Plans and Specs. (collection system/pump station improvements): 03/30/94 (met) Begin Construction: N/A Complete Construction of Residual Solids Holding/Treatment Facilities: 06/30/94 (met) Complete Pumping Station Improvements and Replace 1 mile Sanitary Sewer: 12/31/94 4. Alternative Analysis Evaluation: There is no regional sewer system available for the Town to tie into at this time. Soils in the vicinity of the WWTP are not suitable for spray irrigation or subsurface disposal due to a perennial high water table. 5. Other Special Items: The plant currently has one non -domestic discharger, Tops Tobacco Company. The company's primary discharge consists of residue from a tobacco curing and moistening process. Preliminary data from sample results 'obtained by the Town indic to that Tops is discharging- :significant amount of BOD w ich may being interfering with the plant's treatment ability. Tops is working toward lowering BOD discharges and has hired a consultant. Composite samples are currently being ,collected ,b'y =the Town, and if the results remain :high, the necessity for a pretreatment program may need to be:= ipvestigated. • PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Town of Lake Waccamaw has had difficulty meeting NH3-N limits and passing effluent chronic toxicity testing. These two problems appear to be related to the accumulation of sludge in the plant. Recently -constructed sludge holding facilities will hopefully help to alleviate the ammonia and toxicity problems, and the Regional Office has communicated to the Town that the Town develop and maintain a more effective sludge management and disposal plan. The discharge of a high organic -containing waste from a tobacco company as described above is likely contributing to the NH3-N and toxicity non-compliance. The Town is actively working to resolve these issues. The Town is currently working with a consultant to conduct a toxicity reduction evaluation. The Town is also collecting and analyzing samples from the tobacco company, and the tobacco company has agreed to and has hired a consultant to investigate lowering organic discharges. The Town has thus far successfully met all deadlines in SOC No. EMC WQ 93-08, and is relying heavily on loan money from the Construction Grants & Loans Section to finish the required collection system improvements and lift station upgrades. A decision on the availability of this money was supposed to come in the next several weeks. The Town remains...on-compliance but is actively working toward resolution.n of the described problems. The Regional Office will continue to work closely with the Town until the issues are resolved. It is recommended that a draft permit be prepared and placed at public notice. If no significant adverse public comment is received, it is recommended NPDES Permit No. NO0021881 be reissued to the Town of Lake Waccamaw in accordance with the basin -wide permitting strategy. s. t 3- Q gi Signature of report preparer Date .im"14§/45111 C\A‘Lft I I qd Water, Quality Regional Supervisor Da e cc: Technical Support Branch Central Files Wilmington Regional Office Files