HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-01201_Well Construction - GW1_20210209 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD for litcnml Use ONLY: Ms form con be uwd far sivgk ar maltipk wells 1.W'dI Contractor information: 14.WATER ZONM Robert Miller FRt)M I m%CHIMON 1Vdl 4'nrgrldnr game ft. rt. 2675 ft. rt. NCRreB Contractor CcnificalionNtmrber I5.0[ffER_GASINGtrat.411{hiFasnfncFls'pR1;1NER{ira tleabtrJ FRO r1 Tt7 DIAMETER THICKNEss AIATERTAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 (L 30, (L 2" ie. SCH-40 PVC (:trngrui)'Naetc m.IIV,VE#C'GACI7VG OR TUBING t eat6ennsl dowd+xioll _ FROM TO DthdtFTER THICKNESS AIAWMAL 2,W'dl Construction Petmft ft. ft. h Ulf all applimble wi-11 permits ti_r..County.Sraar,lanrinmer.froc ca Poi-.) ft. ft. 3.Wd t Usk(chesti well u sc) Water Supltlti�VPell: _ FROM TO WAIMPTFIt StATSIM T1f1(yCt1V$$ 1MATKR1A1, GIAgrkuhural Clhi)tTricipol, ltblic 30' It. 45' fl: 2 in. 010 SCH-46 PVC OCeothenw-1(rleadnocoling Supply) OItesidential Water Supply(single) ft. ft. In ®industri l/Conimcrcial ®Residential Water Suppy'(sl md) Is,GROUT 1rAOA! TO I ztATEMAL I IMPLAC4v'1ENT11rlTHOD&AMOl1NT ❑hri xlion 0 ft. 26' (L Portland/Beat mkhte Non-Water Supply Weil: COMonitorinG ❑Rc€N�r rt. rL Injection Weli: ft. (L 0Aquifer Rccharg,e QGrourtdwater Rcuicclialion 19.SAN5KGRAV1:L PAC1iri appileatotei rR ,rt f(rI MATERIAL. s)ri A tr_ t'srL7tt n� ❑Ailuifcr Storage and Recovery OSalinity Sarrier 28, ft. 45' A. Silica Sand 20/30 ❑Aquifer Test ❑Sionroxmer Druinaw ❑E\perimcntal Ttxbnology ❑Subsidcncc Contirol 2(1:DR.IIA NG LOGYsllsch.aildifinnal aheelsi(uccescxn ❑Geoiltenital(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer .FROM TO pFSCRrpT10\vsbr,hArdflitt mlivei utf r nSW'60 ❑Goothetrital fHeatil fooli 22 Retim)) ❑Other l � lain Under#21 Rema&) 0 (L 45' (L Tan Silty sand 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 1-5-2021 FWdl,1D#MW-2R ft. (L 5a V!'€li Lticataln: n, Dallas Food Mart rt. (L Facilhy)0,n•ncrNorae Facilh)-1Dk(if applicable) A. ft, 2294 Smokey Park Hwy , Candler, NC, 28715 IL rL Plrn'sicul Address.Cih'.and Zip -2 t.RCMAllt{,S Buncombe Two feet bentonite seal from 261TO 28' Part•tl Idunfirka.1 ion Na,(PIN) NIP.I'arihule and Longitude in dcgrt r4mirrutcslsccrinds nr decimal dcgrees: 22.('crtifieatinn: (Itmali tlitld,Gott L•ulottIg sufficietd") 1/7/2021 Dale 6.IS(are)tire well(s): xPernianent or ❑Temimlrar) 9 '�.� Stga3tulr of �'.;x�F 1' �,,.:...•:':: ,, i9 . Hy'srgninl Ih r form 1 heresy rerri(e fhtaf Ike 7{r11(.k){1YlY{yy ry 1[fnr3rrui'letl it?rPLY'0r 01anCe at h 15A AVAC 02C.01 M ar 1JA ArCAC 02C.031i0 Well rnlrsymatnit stiaWartts and darn a 7.Is this-a repair to an existing welE ❑Yes tlr Far r epy ni rhit reconi has bee snot irdr4l rev Ad-mrll mrr{er. 11 rhis is a rePt kfiilllnYr tmtr{P9 ivell cemrsrnmfnn inforrmrlrn{mud rxplwi the n(e I�21 repair umlerS21 rranarks.rectian or fin the bra l tltAk JEnnr. o v 23.Site diagram or additional well detnits: SG9l��1W11 may use tube back of this page to provide additional well site details or ivell 8.Number of wells constructed: c:onstluction details. You ina.v also attach additional pages if lwvessary- For/malddrleInjeei witynmi-itwrerragt.ywrihONLY,00, Nu nrit arlr form. SUBMITTAL INCT T.TIONS 9.Total wdI depth below land surface: 451 (fi.) 24a. For Ail )Wills: Submit this font within 30 dips of completion of uvell For nim0pdr wells liar a0,+0p*s 1 rd4 rertr(ramrrrfe-J@2077'and 2e tt,40'1 construction to lute foltoning. 10.Static water level below top of casing: (ft.) Dig 6km of Water Resources,information Processing Unit, 1f welter hurl is ahuve castrtg,&M"a" 1617 Mail Service Center.Ralcigh,,NC 2 76 99-1 6 1 7 al.Borehole diameter:8.25 (in,) 24b.Ear Iniagart Wells ONLY: in addition to sending the forrn to the address in 24a above. also subrnit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12,Wrell constrtiction frTetbad' 4.25" HSA txonstntcliorl to the followfike_ (i.e.augcr.mute}•.cable.dinYi paslt etc.) Division of Water Resoto rem Underground Injection Coo mrolProgram, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh,NC 276994636 13a.Vidd(upm) McIt Lod of test: 24c.For Water Supply&injection Wells: Also sub6i t one coin' of this form %vilhin 30 days of.completion of 13b.Diilurktion t'Vt ._.-_.._- _. Amount wcll constriction to the county hcrolth dcpailm rrl of the anent.•where €onsinictcd, Farm G%Ar-t Nonb Camllna DcPcmntent of$m'im roll l and Nawral Resources-Dh;.ion of N%rater Rmuro 5 Remised August 201.1