HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00037_Enforcement_20190228ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL ,S. REGAN S crytur'y: LINDA CULPEPPER 3ramrnd Erwf unrnental quality Certified Mail # 7017 2620 0000 678 47f2 Return Receipt Requested Rick Howell, City' i lanage City of Shelby PO Box 207 Shelby°, NC 28151-0207 NORTH CAROLINA February. SUBJECT: Notice of Violation and Assessment of Civil Penalty for Violations of North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) 143.215.i(a)(6: and Collection System Permit No. WQCSO0037. City of Shelby Shelby Collection System Case No, DV-2C119-0050 Cleveland County Dear Mr. Howell: This letter transmits a Notice of Violation and assessment of $128.35 enforcement costs) against City of Shelby. penalty in t amount of $628.35 ($500.0(1 civil penalty + This assessment is based upon the following facts: a review has been conducted of the Sanitary Sewer Cvertlaw (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by City of Shelby. This review has shown the subject 'facility to be in violation rafthe requirements found in Collection System Permit No. 'WQCS00037 and G.S, 143-215.1(a)(1). The violation(s) that occurred are summarized in Attachment A to this. letter. Based upon the above facts, I conclude as a matter of law that City of Shelby violated the terms, conditions or requirements of Collection System Permit No, WQCS00037 and G.S. 143-215.1(a)(i) in the manner and extent shown in Attachment A. In accordance with the maximums established by G.S. 143-215.6A(a)(2), a civil penalty may be assessed against any person who violates the terms, conditions or requirements of a permit required by G.S. 143-215.1.(a), v t 223To ca 2,epsstrnervt f s n.o r nr eta t; I e s•csn of 16%:` Res..4r:.e> °`74Fe54' Ris tia;,,tf: I 510 Eaa Ceat Ave.nge. S to 3421 I Nco-tr: C-;tD ,^a 25115 Based upon the above findings of fact and conclusions of law, and in accordance with authority provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Quality and the Director of the Division of Water Resources, 1, W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor, Mooresville Regional Office hereby make the following civil penalty assessment against City of Shelby: 1_5()0.9Q For of the 2 violations of Collection System Permit No. WQCS00037 and (i.S. 143-215,1(a)(1) for Sanitary Sewer Overflow resulting in a discharge without a valid permit. $500,90 TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY S12835 Enforcement Costs S628.35 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Pursuant to C1S.14.3-215.6A(c), in determining the amount of the penalty I have taken into account the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and the factors set forth at G.S. 14313-282,1 (b), which are: (1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural rcsources of the State, to the puhlic health, or to private property resulting from the violation; (2) The duration and gravity of the violation; (3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity'. or q quality; (4) The cost of rectifying the damage: (5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; (6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally: (7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority: and (8) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. Within thirty (30) days of receiptof this notice, you must do one of the following: (I) Submit payment of the penalty:, OR (2) Submit a W r itt e n request for remission, OR (3) Submita written request for an administrative hearing Option 1: Submit payment of the penalty: Payment should be made directly to the order of the Department of Environmental Quality (do not include waiver OraO, Payment of the penalty will not foreclose further enforcement action for any continuing or new violation(s). Please submitpayment to the attention of: Attn: PERCS Branch Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-16 2 Option 2: Submit a written request for remission or mitigation including a detailed justification for such request: Please be aware that. a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the amount of the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained rn the civil penalty assessment document. Because a remission request forecloses the option of an administrative hearing, such a request must be accompanied by a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing and a stipulation and agreement that no factual or legal issues are in dispute. Please prepare a detailed statement that establishes why you believe the civil penalty should he remitted, and submit it to the Division of Water Resources at the address listed below.. In determining whether a remission request will be approved, the following factors shall be considered: ( ) whether one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in NCO'S 143B-282,1(b) was wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner, (2) whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation; (3) whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident; (4) whether the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; or (5) whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions. Please note that all evidence presented in support of your request for remission must be submitted in writing. The Director of the Division of Water Resources will review your evidence and inform you of his decision in the matter of your remission request. 'fhe response will provide details regarding the case status, directions for payment, and provision for further appeal of the penalty to the Environmental Management Com.mission's Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions (Committee). Please be advised that the Committee cannot consider information that was not part of the original remission request considered by the Director. Therefore, it is very/ important that you prepare a complete and thorough statement in support of your request for remission,. In order to request remissiott„you must complete and submit the enclosed "Rawest for Remission of Civil Penalties, Waiver of Right to an Administrative, Rearing, and Stipulation of Fa.cts" form. within thirty (30) days of receiptof this notice. The Division of Water Resources also requests that you complete and submit the enclosed "Justification for Remission Request." Both forms should be submitted to the following address: Attn: PERCS Branch Division of 'Water Resources 161.7 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 AND W. Corey Ba.singer, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 Option 3: File a petition for an adntinistrative hearinghearingwith the Office of Administrative HearinEs: If you wish to contest any statement in the attached assessment document you must the a petition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the petition form from the Office of Administrative Hearings. You must file the petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings during normal. office hours, The Office of .Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 500 p.m., except for official state holidays. The petition may be filed by 'facsimile (fax) or electronic mail by an attached :file (with restrictions) - provided the signed original, one (1) copy and a filing fee (if a filing fee is required by NCGS §150B-23.2) is received in the Office of Administrative Hearing's within seven (7) business days following the faxed or electronic transmission. You should contact the Office of Administrative Hearings with all questions reRarding the filingfee andlor the details of the fihing .pilocess. The mailing address and te1ephone and fax numbers firthe of Administrative Hearings are as 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 6714 Tel: (919)431-3000 Fax (919)431-3100 One (1) copy of the petition must also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr. William F, Lane, General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 Please indicate the case number (as found on page one of this letter) on the petition. Failure to exercise one of the options above within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter, as evidenced by an internal date/time received stamp (not a 'postmark), will result: in this matter being referred to the Attorney General's Office for collection of the penalty through a civil action. Please be advised that additional penalties may be assessed for violations that occur after the review period of this assessment, lf you have any questions, please contact Corey Basinger with the Division of Water Resources staff of the Mooresville gional Office at 704-235-2194 or via email at corey.basingerAncdenr,gov. Sincerely, W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ ATTACHMENT'S Cc: WQS Mooresville Regional Office :Enforcement File PERCS CompliancelEnforcement Unit - Enforcement File Case Number: DV-2019-0050 Assessed Party: City of Shelby Permit No.: WQCS00037 JUST FICA TON FOR REMISSION REQUEST County: Cleveland Amount Assessed: 62835 Please use this form when requesting mission of this civil penalty. You must also complete the "Request For Remission, Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing, and Stipulation of Facts." form to request remission of this civil penalty. You should attach any documents that you believe support your request: and are necessary for the Director to consider in evaluating your request for remission. Please be aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below as they, may relate to the reasonableness of the amount of the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained in the civil penalty assessment document. Pursuant to IS'C,aS, § 143B-282.l(c), remission of a civil penalty may be granted only when one or more of the following five factors apply. Please check each factor that you believe applies to your case and provide a detailed explanation, including copies of supporting documents, as to why the factor applies (attach additional pages as needed). (a) one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors 143B-282.1(b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner (the assessment factors are listed in the civil penalty assessment document,; (b) the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting fromthe violatio .e„ explain the steps° that you took to correct the violation and prevent future occurrences): (c) the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident (i.e, explain why the violation was unavoidable or something you could not prevent or preparefor); (d) the violator had not been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; (e) payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions (1,e,, explain how payment of the civil penal.4, will prevent you i-om perfirming the activities' necessary to achieve compliance), EXPLANATION: STATE OF NORTH (. AROLINA COUNTY Y OF CLEVELAND IN THE =IATT..EROI ASSESSMENT NT OF ('I'II_, PENALTIES AGAINST City of Shelby- Shelby Collection System PERMIT NO. WQCSOOO DEPARTMENT OF INVIRONI1FNTAI QUA I ITS' AI R OF RIGHT TOO AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND STIPULATION OF FACTS CAE NO. DV-2019-0050 g been assessed civil'penalties totaling $628,35 for violatiott(s) as set forth in the assessment document of the Division ater Resources dated February 28, 2019, the undersigned. desiring to seek remission of the civil penalty, does hereby ve the right to an administrative hearing in the above -stated matter and does stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the assessrnetat document, [he undersigned further understands that all evidence presented in support of remission of this civil. penalty must be submitted to the Director of the Division of Water Resources within thirty (0) days of receipt of the notice of assessment, No new evidence in support of a remission request will be allowed after (0) days from the receipt of the trotice of assessment, This the day` of tf_.. ADDRESS SIGN A 1'LIRE: 1 LL1 PF1CNE PERMIT NO: WQCS00037 FACILITY: Shelby Collection System Other Violations INCIDENT VIOLATION ATTACHMENT A City of Shelby CASE NUMBER: DV- 019-00 0 NUMBER DATE VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION DESCRIPTioN 201803810 12/ ,' 018 SO/SSO(Sewer Overllowvj Discharge without valid permit 201803811 1 /3E/2018 CSC /SSO(Sewer Overflow) REGION: Mooresville COUNTY: Cleveland TOTAL VOLUME (GALLONS) Discharge with ut valid permit -------^^m-p-- PENALTY AMOUNT 48,000 $500.00 4,1 50 $0 00 SSO EvaluationRouting Slip NOV . PER EE: Tony tt,„44 Lt"' ettl t4L. tt, L Barry 5 e , Andre •;;A14k,,C.C1 ft) Corey „„. 2/22/2019, 9:55 AM Copy of Collection system forms, SSO Evaluation Routing Slip ROY COOPER Goverrk r MICHAEL S. REGAN Sec r 'rQr;y LINDA CULPEPPER nrrec tot NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality CERTIFIED MAIL: 7016 1370 0000 2591 1629 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED February 01, 2019 Rick Howell, City Manager City of Shelby PO Box 207 Shelby, NC 28151-0207 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2019-DV-0085 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - December 2018 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00037 Shelby Collection System Cleveland County Dear Mr, Howell: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Reports submitted by City of Shelby. The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the City of Shelby violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00037 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215,1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Mooresville Regional Office is providing the City of Shelby an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the City of Shelby should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201803680 12/17/2018 39 1121 S. Morgan St. Grease 195 100 No Action 201803714 12/20/2018 27 1302 Kings Rod Debris in line 135 135 No Action 201803810 12/29/2018 120 1050 Sam Lattimore Rd, Pipe Failure (Break) 48,000 48,000 Notice of Violation w/ Intent to Enforce No C ara Department of Ea^v,ronrr;erstaf Quo, rty l D,u'� r, of Water. Fesarrr'ce$ hrooresv. Reg Ra: Dff e p 610 Eis Center Avenwe.Siite'3D1 l Nfooresv« .tiortt! Caro na 2311$ 704-E 3-1E93 Incident Start Duration Number Date (Mins) Location Cause 201803811 12/30/2018 103 2309 Sheriff Allen Rd, Other Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 4,150 500 Notice of Violation This Notice of Violation / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars (S25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to GS. 143-215.1. This office requests that you respond to this Notice, in writing, within 10 business days of its receipt. In your response, you should address the causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. The response to this correspondence will be considered in this process. Enforcement decisions will also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface waters, duration and gravity, impacts to public health, fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors considered in determining the amount of the civil penalty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of rectifying the damage, whether the spill was intentional and whether money was saved by non-compliance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact W. Corey Basinger with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email at corey.basinger@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, DocuSigned by: A14CC681AF27425.., W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Cc: Mooresville Regional Office - WQS File Central Files, Water Quality Section 3 Depart me Rt of EnV:1 'QuiV,Ty D,VS'Or, of Wster R.i.sou roes Mooresv?R el,orfr Off oe SID E3 C.e.meT Ave ,Sule 30.1 oo esvve , North Co ZE11,5 '77.4-E,E3-.1612: CERTIFIED MAIL: 7016 1370 0000 2591 1629 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED February 01, 2019 Rick Howell, City Manager City of Shelby PO Box 207 Shelby, NC 28151-0207 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2019-DV-0085 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - December 2018 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00037 Shelby Collection System Cleveland County Dear Mr. Howell: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/s submitted by City of Shelby, The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the City of Shelby violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00037 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Mooresville Regional Office is providing the City of Shelby an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the City of Shelby should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201803680 12/17/2018 39 1121 S. Morgan St, Grease 195 100 No Action 201803714 12./20/2018 27 1302 Kings Rod Debris in line 135 135 No Action 2.01803810 12/29/2018 120 1050 Sam Lattimore Rd, Pipe Failure (Break) 48,000 48,000 Notice of Violation vo/ Intent to Enforce Incident Start Duration Number Date (Mins) Location Cause 201803811 12/30/2018 103 2304 Sheriff Allen Rd. Other Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 4,150 500 Notice of Violation This Notice of Violation / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. This office requests that you respond to this Notice, in writing, within 10 business days of its receipt. In your response, you should address the causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. The response to this correspondence will be considered in this process. Enforcement decisions will also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface waters, duration and gravity, impacts to public health, fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors considered in determining the amount of the civil penalty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of rectifying the damage, whether the spill was intentional and whether money was saved by non-compliance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact W. Corey Basinger with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email at corey.basinger©ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, DocuSigned by: A14CC681AF27425_ W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Cc: Mooresville Regional Office - WQS File Central Files, Water Quality Section Po,,,,Office Box 207 Sh6by, NC28\Sl-O207 Mr. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Division of Water Resources, Mooresville Regional Office 618East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, N[2R115 Re: Notice mfViolation TracKYng#NOV-2019-0V-0085 Collection System Permit #NVQfS00037 City of Shelby, Cleveland County Dear Mr. Basinger: The City of Shelby received the above referenced Notice of' Violation regarding the sanitary sewer overflows that occurred on Decennber29" and 30mat 1050 Sam Lattimore Road and a spill at 2304 She,riff Allen Road on the westside sewer fprcenmain. The VVestside system primarily serves two schools, a neighborhood of78 homes, snna|| industrial park with low volume newer dischargers and a large industry that provides 5OO,O08ga|s/day. Both spills were discovered bythe customers/public and who then reported them tothe City. The spill at I0505arm Lattimore Road on December Z9mwas reported to the City at 3d00pnz Sewer crews responded and were an the scene by 3:45pm and had the spill corrected by 5:00pm. The City was able to cut the westside liftstation off and hold sewer in the gravity lines (15 inch and 24 inch) while the valves onthe parallel 1O/lZinch fnroannainwere opened. There was available capacity inaI4inch line gravity One at the Uftstabon that was being installed for another industry that is slated to begin operations inMarch. The vveatskJe |Uftutation has two parallel sections of fooenna|n from the [rest LifLutatiom to the First Rn)adVVVVTP. The original line installed was a 10 & 12 inch [908 PVC line that was installed around 1999. In 2009, a new 16 inch ductile line was insta||ed from the CrestLiftxtatimn tothe Sam Lattimore area where it tied back into the lZ inch C900 line. In 2018the City installed another parallel section from College (beyond spill location) and required the installation of9retectm4O1 coated ductile iron Around the Sam Lattimore area is the highest point along the route to the VVWTP and at this point a portion of the lines are drained through gravity action to the VVN/TP even though the lines are considered forcernaino. When this happens, a large section ofthe unprotected 0Pfurcernain is being exposed to corrosive hydrogen sulfide gas that is essentially trapped. Looking through the specifications, the engineer specified higher pressure ductile iron pipe for the line from lift station to just beyond 1050 Sam Lattimore Road at the College Rood intersection; however they did not require n protective coating product such as ProtmCto401. The last 1,300fnet before you get to College is the area that is subjected to the corrosive conditions because nfdrainage. See the attached map, from College Avenue to the treatment plant is constructed with coated and pvc lines. The wall thickness of the line has been severely degraded by the hydrogen sulfide. Contract crews replaced asection ofline roughly J8feet inlength. Since this break, the City has utilized anengineer to review the design and help determine scope for replacement of the forcennain. It was critical to determine how much ofthe line would need tm6ereplaced. Our engineer provided arecommendation of1,3DOfeet ofreplacement ofeither [9D0urepoxy coated ductile pipe. Bids were received onJanuary 24, 2019 and construction is set to begin in the coming weeks with a contract completion time of March 15,2019. The spill at 2034 Sam Lattimore Fond on December 30"' was reported to the City at 10:27am on Dnocmber30, 2018. Sewer crews responded and were onthe scene by 11:15pnmand had the spill corrected by 12:10pnm. This spill was on the 10° forcernainthat was put into service during the break of the 16" fnrcermainthe previous night. With lower flows the City has been able to utilize only the 16" forcemain. An air release valve isolation valve broke and was replaced bxCity crews. City replaced the valve with a stainless steel isolation valve. The ARV was a newer unit. With the upcoming forcenna|n replacement, the City will also replace isolation valves on all remaining air release valves including the isolation valves. Preventative Maintenance activities are performed bythe City of Shelby. In review ofour records, the following information is provided: Maintenance histmry— Line was installed in 2009. Air release valves are checked every 6 months. The air release valve had been replaced but the isolation valve had not. City replaced the isolation valve s1the time mfthe spill. No other breaks have occurred on the forcemains. Your letter lists, ten areas of review in consideration for determining civil penalty amounts for a sanitary sewer overflows. We have included the following brief responses for each item., wVolume —1050Sam Lattimore 48,0008pNona; 2034 Sam Lattimore -4,1SOgallons °Volume reaching surface waters —105QSam Lattimore '48,O00gallons; 2034 Sam Lattimore 5UUBaUons Duration and gravity — IQ5QSam Lattimore —lhours Because ufthis area flowing bygravity tothe VVWTPonly asmall portion ofthe pumped flow was spilling ° Impacts topublic health There we,re no identified impacts to public health. v Fish kills ' No fish kills were observed following this overflow. ° Hm«maatimmaU aneaw|osures- No recreational areas were closed due tnthis overflow. w ww-���'SkQ, °History of spills- 1050 Sam Lattimore One additional spill occurred on October 11, 3018. City began evaluating the situation immediately with an engineer. 2034 Sam Lattimore — This was the first spill at this location. =Cost ofrectifying damage — Nn environmental damage was identified requiring nemed|ation. City staff utilized a contractor assist with the repairs to the 6orcenmain and utilized City staff for cleanup and lime application, °Intentional spill — These overflows were not intentional and were o result of noatcha| specification and corrosion. City will place line with corrosion resistant line. Isolation valve was replaced with stainless steel valve and the other isolation valves will be upgraded aswell. Money saved bw — No money was saved by this non-compliance. This line was installed in 2019 and the City did not have any indication of corrosion in the line. The City will replace the upper section nfthe line from the high point tothe transition tmepoxy coated pipe. Afercemaincrossover will also beincluded for a total price ofaround $19C\0OO. Work is scheduled tobegin when materials arrive. We recognize the requirements ofour wastewater collection system permit and the importance to the environment and public health in the preventing sanitary sewer overflows. The City ofShelby had no idea this line was on the verge of failure from corrosion, particularly since this line was placed into service in2QO9. The older forcemain was forced into service to help reduce the overflow potential with the forcemnaio break onthe 16 inch line. The air release valve was new but the City did not knowthat the isolation valve had corroded. The City replaced the valve and will be replacing the other isolation valves on the 18 inch force main in the coming weeks. The City has quickly developed a replacement plan for the plan for this section of line and the contractor has begunto orde,r materials and anticipates completionMarch In response to the Citv s actions to correct the problems both short and |om8 %emn and considering the fact that these areas have not been reoccurring problems for a significant amount of time, the [bV requests that NCDEQ withhold the issuance or a civil penalty assessment for the subject spills. Please contact me at anytime regarding any further information or questions you might have regarding 1hinisxue' | can bereached at7O4-669-6S7Uor no. Sincerely, DavdHux Water Resources Director cc Rick Howell; City Manager Brad Greene; Plant Operations Superintendent Mark Swink; Field Operations Superintendent Adam Howell; CollectionSystem Crew Supervisor ��� ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Sec rp f crt' Y LINDA CULPEPPER Oi, atru NORTH CAROLINA Envlrot n►enrcl Quality CERTIFIED MAIL: 7016 1370 0000 2591 1629 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED February 01, 2019 Rick Howell, City Manager City of Shelby PO Box 207 Shelby, NC 28151-0207 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2019-DV-0085 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - December 2018. Collection System Permit No. WQCS00037 Shelby Collection System Cleveland County Dear Mr. Howell: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/5 submitted by City of Shelby. The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the City of Shelby violated Permit Condition I (2) of Perrnit No. WQCS00037 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or surface waters and the SSD constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Mooresville Regional Office is providing the City of Shelby an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the City of Shelby should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals') (Gals) DWR Action 201803680 12/17/2018 201803714 12/20/2018 201803810 12/29/2018 39 1121 S. Morgan St. Grease 27 1302 Kings Rod Debris in line 120 1050 Sam L ttimore Rd. Pipe Failure (Break) 195 100 No Action 135 48,000 135 No Action 48,000 Notice of Violation w/ Intent to Enforce rb'Srt C:»w k 4'arpan * Ene +mweltt*, Qiarbw Cisu an of Wut R sovrces 704=&63 695' Av€ 4 re Tot 301 1 gees ° _ NQn C4I0 r >rr6 20i=k;4 Incident Start Duration Number Date (Mins) Location Cause Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201803811 12/30/2018 103 2304 Sheriff Allen Rd, Other 40150 500 Notice of Violation This Notice of Violation Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation, Pursuant to G.S. 143-215,6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. This office requests that you respond to this Notice, in writing, within 10 business days of its receipt In your response, you should address the causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. The response to this correspondence will be considered in this process. Enforcement decisions will also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface waters, duration and gravity, impacts to public health, fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors considered in determining the amount of the civil penalty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of rectifying the damage, whether the spill was intentional and whether money was saved by non-compliance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact W. Corey Basinger with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email at corey.basinger@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, DocuSigned by: A 4CC 1AF27425,., W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Cc: Mooresville Regional Office - WQS File Central Files, Water Quality Section North Ca* c0 " A tiDp trr*i of Eir,oiTcdelvre.0111' Qu4,1,!!! t',Vert OnNtAlitt POSOOroet h40.ve!Fiv,!.E. R Ott 110 Ea Ctmlof Av*rt4e!,,S4tI* 301 ! Narth CoirO! rve 28115 '7()4-6,63-169, RECORD DRAWING Thin GYewWny Ilse bee. mactifiedI mVrtq cedar oan Maas dalhy nelaauawm NOW uswn +nhrmotl n Wovideb by the Contrractor-ams umeIn.obo + otAcrrvali(Hl{ made by trace (i wars Aut ncsiue , PRODK.Iw, s'"" — XNP �'KJiC 3' woe— ` 9" rR RYE ON EXiS RE FORCE RAN RV. M1aA SLEEVE RECORD DRAWING Thy orer nudrr11p w R:nnn c mngaa MOOR during tICI J a aaehod °von umlixme6u i vrovidad try Dv Contractor and cantuctxr obaerveUona rt.* by ma c)wrtva'ro Autnon.rad He�\pe}aea�lFiva. SHEET updated Feb 2018 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name tA/QCS# 7 dO Incident Number from BIMS 2018 001100*0000000000000000******01111000000001110000 0 0 000********01010000011100.00000011000000***00.0000000 Spill Date / Z-Z Time Reported Date (2 349-7 3 Reported To SIA/P Staff o EC\ aff Time am/ Pm Reported By Phone Address of Spill County Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons Stream Fish Kill: Yes Est al to Stream u ber Species Non -Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad 1) MRO-PWS: Clint Cook or Mark Hahn, PWS Em Cell Phone 704-6774947 - a,— contact date/time 2) DHHS: Alexander County - Keith Rowland (828) 450-5842 All other Counties - Valerie Lott (704) 621-7956 "If you are unable to reach Keith or Valerie, call the 24/7 On Call Number: 1-888-820-0520 verbal contact date/time Optional DHHS contact (consult with Corey/Andrew before coritac mg): contact date/time contact date/time .contact date/time Brian Combs (919) 546-1823 contact date/time https:(/www,nrsparta.net/' EM43 Reporting EMI Level: 4 Taken by: Michael Bennett Reported by: Adam Rowell County: Cleveland Street Address: li) 0 Sam Lattimore Road Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request NCEM Edited:. Yes Date/Time Reported: 12130i2018 03:42:31 Agency: City of Shelby City: Shelby EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event. Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 12/29/2018 1 :00:31 Phone: 704-484-6840 Area: 13 Zip Code: 2815'2 HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: Event Description: Local utility reported 48,000 gallons r f sewage released from a force River due to pipe failure. The river is not a drinking water source, no fish kill was noted, and cleanup operations were conducted, NC' Division of Water Quality was notified for follow-up actions. Ended at 1700 hours, Deaths: Responsible Party: Injuries: 0 Evacuation: 0 Responsible Party Phone: the French Broad Radius: 0 3 OL1 1213I/201.8, 9:1 I AM State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division, of Water Resources Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow R.eporting Form Form CS-SSO PART I: This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) Permit Number: WQCS00037 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: Shelby ollection System Owner: City of Shelby Incident #: 201803810 City: Shelby Source of SSO (check applicable): County: Cleveland Region: Mooresville E Sanitary Sewer 0 Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc). 1050 Sam Lattimore Rd. Manhole #: Latitude (Decimal Degrees): Longitude (Decirnal Degrees): Incident Started DI: 12/29/20'18 Time: 3.00 pm Incident End Dt: 12/29/2018 Time: 05:00 pm (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm AM/P Estimated Volume of the SSO 48,000 Describe how the volume was determined: (mm-dd-yyyy) gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): 120 min x 400 gpm r- 48,000 gals Weather conditions during the SSO event: Cool and dry Did SSO reach surface waters? Yes No 0 Unknown E Surface water name: First Broad River hh:mm AM/PM) 2:0 hours Volume reaching surface waters (gals): 48000 Did the SSO result in a fish kill? 0 Yes No SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: pi Pipe Failure (Break) 24 hour verbal notification (name of person contacted ): DWR El Emergency Mgmt ED Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? Mike Bennett Date (mm-dd-yyy): 12/30/2018 Time hh:mm AM/PM): 03'46 00 am If an SSO is ongoing, please notify the appropriate Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.& 143-2151C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 24-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the reference statute for further detail: The Director, Division of Water Resources, ay take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was cause by sever natural conditions and there were no feasible alternative to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control Part 11 must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations, This information will be the basis CS-SSO Form WHETHER OR NOT PART III IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM Page: PART II: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWR REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IS Pipe Failure (Break), Pipe size (inches) 16" lAthat is the pipe material? Ductile iron What is the approximate age of linerpipe? (years old) 8 is this a gravity line? Is this a 'forte main line? Is the line a "High Priority" line? Last inspection date and findings If a force main then, Was the break, on the force main veritical? Was the break on the force main horizontal? Was the leak at the joint due to gasket failure? Was the leak at the joint due to split bell? n Yes flNA flNE EA Yes El No fl NA El NE El Yes t71 No fl NA fl NE VVhen was the last inspection or test of the nearest air -release valve to determine of operable? 10/19/2018 When was the last maintenace of the air release performed? If gravity sewer then, El Yes ro Ni fl NA n NE f0 Yes El No fl NA n NE fl Yes 0 No n NA El NE Yes (RS No El NA n NE Does the line receive flow from a force main immediately upstream of the failed section r(1 Yes n No NA NE of pipe? CS-SSO Form Page: ra ntrnt the hydrogen sulfide production?' he line Past inspected or videoed? I line collapsed, what as the notion of the line up and down stream of the failure? What type of repair was made? Replaced d 17 feet of tine, is the repair temporary cr perrraaner Permanent erraporary= when is the perrnaneni repair planned . Have there been other ai rsf this line in the past five years? then describe On 10-11-18, thMs line hie w out, t(Ve reptaced 18 feet oaf' fatpe then. System Visitation ORS Backup Nan Adam Howell Cep 98 584 Date visited: 1 / 9/ 018, Titrevisited: 3: 5 pm RI Yes No How was the SSO rern elated (.e. Stopped and cleaned up) Repaired pipe with replacing 17 feet of new line, R. Yes fl Yes NA El NE SSO Form Page As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, Person submitting claim Adam Maurice Howell Date: 01/02/19 0900 am Signature Title, Telephone Number: Any addition information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used) CS-SSO Form Page 4 Post Office Box 207 Shelby', NC 28151-0207 March 8, 2019 Mr, Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Division of Water Resources, Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Re: Notice of Violation and Civil Penalty Assessment — Penalty Waiver Request Case Number DV-2019-0550 Collection System Permit #WQCS00037 City of Shelby, Cleveland County Dear Mr. Basinger: Attached you will find Civil Penalty Waiver Request for Case Number DV-2019-0550. The justification for this waiver is provided on the appropriate form. In short, the City believes we have responded appropriately to halt the spill and have proceeded with line replacement. Construction is currently ongoing and the City believes that the State has not given the City ample time to address the situation. The City hereby requests waiver of the penalties and enforcement costs for this case. Please contact me at anytime regarding any further information or questions you might have regarding this issue. I can be reached at 704-669-6570 or thydld.ililx(d)ci,tyofsivii2y„com. Sincerely, David Hux Director of Water Resources Director cc: Rick Howell; City Manager Certified Mail: 7018 0680 0001 0376 5125 NI/ w tys10.1 Case Number: DV-2019- Assessed Party: City of Shelby Permit Nov: WQCS0003 7 .J USTWICATJON FOR REMISSION REQUEST County: Cleveland Amount Assessed: $628,35, Please use this form whe[i requesting remission of this civil penalty. You must also complete the "Request. For .Remission Waiver of Right to an ..4thninistrairve Hearing, and Stipulation of Facts" form to request remission of this civil penalty. You should attach any documents that you believe support your request and arc necessary for the Director to consider in Ova tuating your request for remission, Please he aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the live factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the amount of the cavil penalty assessed, Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained in the civil penalty assessment document. Pursuant to N.C,G.S. § 143B-282,1(c), remission of a civil penalty may be granted only vhen one or more of the following five factors apply. .Please cheek each factor that you believe applies to your ease and provide a detailed explanation, including copies of supporting documents, as to why the factor applies (attach additional pages as needed). X (a) one or more oldie civil penalty assessment Factors in N.C.G,S, 143B-282. (h) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner (the assessment factors On' listed in the civil penalty assessment document); X (b) the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation explain the. steps thatyou took to Correct the violation and prevent fliture oceurrence,$); (e) the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident (i„e., splain why the viO1OIIOn Wcrc unavoidable or something you could not prevent or prepare fin): (d) the violator had not been. assessed civil penalties for any previous v". a is; (e) payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actionsO. explain how payment' of the civil penalty will preventyou Ji ;nn performing the activities necessary to achieve compliance), EXPLANATION., As outlined in the City's response documentation the City of Shelby was responsive and completed the repairs of this. line in a timely fashion to mitigate the spill, Meanwhile at the time of this spit the City had already initiated the assistance of McGill Engineer's to evaluate the fine for possible upgrades, The Engineer and the City had reviewed as -built drawings, technical specifications and involved an air release valve vendor to run a model of the line to determine if air release valves were properly sized This comprehensive review determined that the section of line. that was only installed in 2009, was ductile pipe and was trapped corrosive air because this area is the highest elevation and fats from this point downward to the WWTP. Our engineer recommended change -out of 1300 feet of line from ductile iron to either DIP with epoxy coating or C900 and began developing a project scope and specifications. The City then began working with McGill to develop a project scope and specifications. As noted in the documents the project was sent to contractors, bids were opened on January 29. 2019 and the project is currently under construction, The City contends that the City was not negligent in our responsibilities as an ownerfoperator and believes that the States fine is not justified based upon the City's response to temporarily repair the line and the City's efforts to ensure that the forcemain was properly repaired. The City also does not believe that the State has given consideration of the City's efforts to comply with State Bid laws and time needed for the procurement of construction materials, The City requests the remission of this Co/0 Penalty. •• TATE OF.NOR:1711 CAROIANA DEPARTMEN7C OF ENVIRONMENTALiQUALliry COUNTY OF CliliVELAND 'fliE...MATTER.OF ;ibSSESSMENT ••• 'OF PENA1TIES7...A.G.AINS1 •• City of Shelby Shelby Collection System .kQCSOQ077: WAIVER OE RIGHT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND Tit IATRIN OF FACTS CASE NO, DV-2019-0050 HaNing been assessed civil penalties totaling $(128,35 for olation(s) as set forth in the assessntent docunment of the of Water Resources dated February 2,5, 2010, the undersigned, desiring to seek remission of the ivil permity, does hereby waive the right to hit administrative hearing in the above -stated matter and does stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the assessment document. fhe Limlersigtled ihrther understands that all evidence presented in support. remission of this civil penaltt must be submitted to the 1)irector of the Division of Water Resources Within thirty (10) days of receipt of the notice of assessment. No nem. evidence in support of a reMission request1 1 be allowed raver (3)) days from the receipt of the notice (A.- assessment. I ills the day of ADPRESS .71TEICEPHONE. SIGNAlli RE 201803811 PERMIT NO: S0 0: FACILITY: Shelby Collecbon Syst Oth Violations ATTACHMENT A City of,Shelby CAE NUMBER: V 0 -0 INCIDENT VIOLATION NUMBER DATE VIOLATION TYPE 201803810 112 1 01 O/ O(Bawer Overflow) t 1 01 11 CSO/SSO(Sewer Overflow) VIO TION DESCRIPTION Discharge without valid rrr1it Discharge without valid permit REGION: oresville COUNTY: Cleveland TOTAL VOLUME (GALLONS) 4 tO PENALTY AMOUNT $1100 [lost Office Box 207, Shelbv, NC 281514207 Mr. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Division of Water Resources, Mooresville Regional Office 61OEast Center Avenue, Suite 3O1 Mooresville, M[ 38115 � Re: Notice of Violation � Tracking #NOV-2010-DV-W85 Collection System Permit AWQCS0003'7 City of Shelby, Cleveland County Dear Mr. Basinger: The City of Shelby received the above referenced Notice ofViolation regarding the sanitary sewer overflows that occurred on DeoernberZq* and 30"'at 1050 Sam Lattimore Road and a spill at2]04 Sherriff Allen Road on the vvestdde sewer foncarna|n. The VVestside system primarily serves two schools, a neighborhood of7O homes, small industrial park with low volume sewer dischargers and a large industry that provides 500,000Aa|s/day. Both spills were discovered by the cus1nmers/pub[ic and who then reported them tothe City. The spill at 1050Sann Lattimore Road on QecenmberZ9m was reported to the City at 3]}0pm. Sewer crews responded and were on the scene by 3:45pm and had the spill corrected by 5:00pm. The City was able to cut the westside liftstation off and hold sewer in the gravity lines (15 inch and 24 inch) while the valves onthe parallel 18/12 inch forc*nnainwe,e opened,, There was available capacity inaJ4inch line gravity line at the |iftstation that was being installed for another industry that is dated to begin operations |mMarch, The vves1side Uftmtation has two parallel sections of forcernain from the [nest Uftstation to the First Broad VVVVTP. The original line installed was a 10 & 22 inchC98O PVC line that was installed around 1999. In 2009 a new 16 inch ductile line was installed from the Crest Lift'stationto the Sam Lattimore area vvhemr it tied back into the 12 inch [900 line. yn 2018 the City installed another parallel section from College (beyond spill location) and required the installation ofPro1ec±o4O1 coated dortNo iron Around the Sam Lattimore area is the highest point along the route to thcVVWTP and at this point portion of the lines are drained through gravity action to the VVWTP even though the lines are considered fnrcernu|ns. When this happens, n large section of the unprotected D|Pforcemain is being exposed to corrosive hydrogen sulfide gas that is essentially trapped. Looking through the specifications, the engineer specified higher pressure ductile iron pipe for the line from lift station $ojust beyond 1850Sam Lattimore Road atthe, College Road intersection; however they did not require a protective coating product such as Proterto 402. The last 1,300 feet before you get to College is the area that is subjected to the corrosive conditions because of drainage. See the attached map, from College Avenue to the treatment plant is constructed with coated and pvc lines. The wall thickness of the line has been severely degraded by the hydrogen sulfide. Contract crews replaced asection ofline roughly I0feet inlength, Since this break, the City has utilized anengineer to review the design and help determine a scope for replacement of the forcemain. It was critical to determine how much Vfthe line would need tnbereplaced, Our engineer provided arecommendation ofl,38Qfeet ofreplacement ofeither C90Onrepoxy coated ductile pipe, Bids were received anJanuary 24, 2019 and construction is set to begin in the coming weeks with a contract completion time of March 15,2019. The spill at 2034 Sam Lattimore Road on December 38m was reported to the City at 10:27arn on Decembar30, 2018- Sewer crews responded and were onthe scene by 11:15Am and had the spill corrected by 12:10pm. This spill was on the lO" forcemnain that was put into service during the break of the I6^ foroernainthe previous night. With lower flows the City has been able to utilize only the 16" fooemain. An air release valve isolation valve broke and was replaced by City crews. City replaced the valve with a stainless steel isolation valve. The ARV was a newer unit. With the upcoming fo,cemain replacement, the City will also replace isolation valves on all remaining a|/ release valves including the isolation valves. Preventative Maintenance activities are performed by the [by of Shelby. in review of our records the following information is provided: Maintenancehistory—Line was installed imZ[09. Air release valves are checked every months, The air release valve had been replaced but the isolation valve had not. City replaced the isolation valve atthe time ofthe spill. No other breaks have occurred on the forcemains, Your letter lists ten areas ofreview inconsideration for determining civil penalty amounts fora sanitary sewer overflows. We have included the following brief responses for each item: wVolume —1D5QSam Lattimore 48'0008a||ons�3034 Sam Lattimore -4'16Ugallons �Volume reaching surface waters —1O5QSam Lattimore -48'O02gallons; 2034 Sam Lattimore -500gallons Duration and gravity — 1050Sam Lattimore —2hours Because of this area flowing by gravity to the VVVVTP only a small portion of the pumped flow was spilling ° Impacts tmpublic health There were noidentified impacts topublic health, ~ Fish kills -Wofish kills were observed following this overflow, ° Recreational area closures No recreational areas were dosed due to this overflow, ° History mfspills — 1050 Sam Lattimore One additional xp||| occurred on October 11, 20I8. City began evaluating the situation immediately with anengineer, 2034Sam Lattimore —This was the first spill atthis location. °CostofrectifyinQ«amage— Nu environmental damage was identified requiring remediatinn. City staff utilized a contractor assist with the repairs to the fm/cemnain and utilized City staff for cleanup and lime application, °Intentional spill — These overflows were not intentional and were a result of matehal specification and corrosion, City will place line with corrosion resistant line, Isolation valve was replaced with stainless steel valve and the other isolation valves will be upgraded aswell. °Money saved bmnon-compliance — No money was saved by this non-compliance, This line was installed in 20I9 and the City did not have any indication of corrosion in the line. The City will replace the upper section of the line from the high point to the transition to epoxy coated pipe. Afmrccrnaim crossover will also be included for a total price of around $I90,800. Work is scheduled to begin when materials arrive, VVerecognize the requirements ofour wastewater collection system permit and the importance tothe environment and public health in the preventing sanitary sewer overflows. The City ofShelby had no idea this line was on the verge of failure from corrosion' particularly since this line was placed into service in 2009. The o|derforcernmin was forced into service to help reduce the overflow potential with the forcemain break on the 16 inch line. The air release valve was new but the City did not know that the isolation valve had corroded. The City replaced the valve and will be replacing the other isolation valves on the 20 inch force main in the coming weeks. The [by has quickly developed a replacement plan for the plan for this section of line and the contractor has begun to order materials and anticipates completion byMarch 25m. In response to the [ity'sactions tocorrect the problems both short and long term and considering the fact that these areas have not been reoccurring problems for a significant amount of time, the City requests that NCDEQ withhold the issuance or a civil penalty assessment for the subject spills. Please contact me at anytime regarding any further information or questions you might have regarding this issue. / can bereached at7Q4-G69-G57Oor @c|t . Sincerely, David Hux Water Resources Director CC' Rick Howell; City Manager Brad Greene; Plant Operations Superintendent Mark Swink; Field Operations Superintendent Adam HoweIll; Collection System Crew Supervisor yxww��m�b�b��0 ROY COOPER Gm rt. nor MICHAEL S. REGAN Sr( ?vat' r LINDA CULPEPPER ryfector NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality CERTIFIED MAIL: 7016 1370 0000 2591 1629 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED February 01, 2019 Rick Howell, City Manager City of Shelby PO Box 207 Shelby, NC 28151-0207 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2019-DV-0085 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - DeceMber 2018 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00037 Shelby Collection System Cleveland County Dear Mr. Howell: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/s submitted by City of Shelby. The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the City of Shelby violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00037 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the and or surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215,1. The Mooresville Regional Office is providing the City of Shelby an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the City of Shelby should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201803680 12/17/2018 39 1121 S. Morgan St. Grease 195 100 No Action 201803'714 12/20/2018 27 1302 Kings Rod Debris in line 135 135 No Action 201 3810 12/29/2018 120 1050 Sam Lattimore Rd. Pipe Failure (Break) 48,000 48,000 Notice of Violation w/ Intent to Enforce N.,A CAT,' 611, OftlaIrNewd E'rni Qu.r*,ay Dv 141 of WEAK RtS.OvTotS sv ,o NI* Oth 610 E At C4,1ter A-Vetloe, te 3O ivox,§1esv , t4-0, n 28,115. 77,44 -663 -.1.fie 9 Incident Start Duration Number Date (Mins) Location Cause 201803811 12/30/2018 103 2304 Shelf Alien Rd. Other Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 4,150 500 Notice of Violation This Notice of Violation / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. This office requests that you respond to this Notice, in writing, within 10 business days of its receipt. In your response, you should address the causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. The response to this correspondence will be considered in this process. Enforcement decisions will also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface waters, duration and gravity, impacts to public health, fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors considered in determining the amount of the civil penalty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of rectifying the damage, whether the spill was intentional and whether money was saved by non-compliance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact W. Corey Basinger with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email at corey.basinger©ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, e— --OocuSigned by: Al 4CC681AF27425 W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Cc: Mooresville Regional Office - WQS File Central Files, Water Quality Section NO,M C-9,0 ,4 DT.ParteNa,“of EnVrOnfreolta. P4541,00VS Retor=f2" Oita* 610 EagCn Avqrwe, Skil? 1.01 • Mocoki,v- Nrrh, Cs/ 2115 704,--.1„E1,99 WESTSIDE SEWER FACILITIES _7 CONTRACT No, 2 CITY OF SHELBY VELAN© COUNTY, NORTH CARCYLINA =:1 O 0 ANNI s „:a1 054.0 unfpeJIRUUa Qtw2wlf4E th' LU4tit L)O fl -. nr( oa HuOm, R1n0ugud> gate Nuww'C 41,41 ONIMVdCG 0B003 3144S.' 1+C[ 1,V1..10 d:4,4 33"l:�tti7 M 1,W,A W?ti 334CI1 „A. RNid3'gYm dvrn Skd.9 „9I M:3N MOAN QNw 3A P9db"Nf A'�EwcS 4>7sni""""p.5v-caaae"'e"i+""C.,' e «a itt~t1.5m»'o'�e* "v`r �?F xw.i ,TOM bMeura��ie,°pc'a'�4 TM �n �,u Violator: Case #: Water SSO Date: Inciden ASSESSMENT FACTORS G.S. 143B-282.1(b) !. Harm: 2. Duration and Gravity of the Violation 3. Effect on Water Quantity or Quality: 4. Cost of Rectifying Damage: 5. Amount saved by Noncompliance: 6. Violation was committed willfully or intentionally: 7. Prior record of failing to comply with Sanitary Sewer Overflows: 8. Enforcement Costs: PENALTY AMOUNT: Comments: ua NCDEQ - Division of Water Resources ty Regional Office Operations Section - Mooresville Sanitary Sewer Overflow Penalty Matrix „z.o/8 a 381 Assessor: Date: tA)° . L'/ Violator: Case #: NCDEQ - Division of Water Resources Water Quaiity Regional Office Operations Section - Mooresville Sanitary Sewer Overflow Penalty Matrix Incident #: ASSESSMENT FACTORS G.s. 143B-282.1(b) 1. Harm: 2. Duration and Gravity of the Violation 3. Effect on Wa 1 4. Cost of Rectifying Damage: Amount saved by Noncompliance: 6. Violation was committed willfully or intentionally: 7 Prior record of failing to comply with Sanitary Sewer Overflows: 8. Enforcement Costs: PENALTY AMOUNT: Commen