HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0030759_Approval_20210311ROY COOPER Gavenun MICHAEE S. REGAN Serretary S. DANIEL SMITH Qirrcrcar Mr. Keith A. Tew, PE, Senior Engineer City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department One Exchange Plaza, Suite 620 Raleigh, N. C. 27601 NORTH CAROLINA €nvironmcnrat quality March 11, 2021 Subject: City of Raleigh Smith Creek (Wake Forest) WWTF — NCO030759 Sanitary Sewer Flow Allocation Block Flow Approval No. 14 Wake County Dear Mr. Tew: On April 10, 1986, the Environmental Management Commission granted full delegation authority to the City of Raleigh to issue certain sanitary sewer extension permits. In conjunction with that delegation, this office has been allowing the City to issue those permits based upon a block flow approval process. Effective July 1, 2005, the City of Raleigh has agreed to provide, maintain, and extend water and sewer services to the Town of Wake Forest, and has therefore assumed the issuance of sewer extension permits in that same area. In this regard, a block flow approval process has been established for the Smith Creek (Wake Forest) facility, independent of the City of Raleigh's Neuse River facility. As requested in your correspondence dated March 7, 2021, this office hereby grants an additional block flow allocation of 200,000 GPD for permits written by the City of Raleigh for sewer extensions tributary to the Smith Creek (Wake Forest) WWTF, bringing the total block flow granted to date to 2,600,000 gpd. As permits are issued by the City, the wastewater flow associated with those projects will be subtracted from the block flow allocation. When the City feels it necessary, it may request an additional allocation. The Smith Creek WWTF has a permitted and constructed capacity of 3.0 MGD. Based upon your Quarterly Report ending in December 2020, you report the Smith Creek WWTF had an annualized flow of 2.20 MGD, or 73% of its permitted capacity. The Raleigh Regional Office requires that the City submit a quarterly report for the Smith Creek WWTF. The report should be received by the Raleigh Regional Office by the 15t" of each of the following months; January, April, July and October, and must provide the following information for the permits that have been issued: 1) Permit Numbers 2) Permit Issue Dates 3) Permit Holders 4) Name of Projects 5) Project Wastewater Flow 6) Total Project Wastewater Flow for the Quarter 7) Summary of Activities for Violations of the Permitting Process E-l-yNurth Carolina Department ul Envirunrncnial Quality I Division of' Water Resources Ralrigh Regional O ice 3800 Barren Drive I Raleigh, North Carolina .11609 Qw) 919.791.11200 Additionally, the report must provide the following information: 1) Running total to date of flow allocated to the City by the Raleigh Regional Office 2) Running total to date of flow from permits issued 3) Flow which remains from previous allocations from the Raleigh Regional Office 4) Running total of flow which has been depleted from the allocation by Issued permits, but which has not yet become tributary to the WWTF 5) Total flow (also includes flow from permits issued prior to the implementation of the block flow approval process) not yet tributary to the WWTF 6) Most recent twelve-month flow average of the WWTF The information required above should be submitted at least quarterly by the last day of the months of April, July, October and January. All information may be submitted via e-mail, with attachments in Word or Excel formats. Send electronic transmittals to Scott.Vinson@ncdenr.gov and copy Jason.T.Robinson ncdenr. ov and Ted.Cashion@ncdenr.sov. The Raleigh Regional Office reserves the right to suspend this block flow approval process if problems occur with the functionality of this program, if problems occur with the compliance status of the WWTF, or if other situations occur which might jeopardize the successful operation of this program. If you have any questions regarding this matter, or need any additional information, please contact Jason Robinson via e-mail to Jason.T.Robinson@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, orS. Daniel Smith Director, Division of Water Resources Water Quality Regional Operations Section Raleigh Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ cc: RRO Water Quality Regional Operations DWR Laserfiche