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20041216 Ver 1_Monitoring Report_20120809
©�-�)-,I�'U� MEMORANDUM TO: Dave Timpy, USACE Cyndi Karoly, NCDWQ Doug Huggett, NCDCM FROM: Jenny Johnson, LMG DATE: August 7, 2012 RE: Mason Inlet Relocation Project — Year 10 Biological Monitoring Report On behalf of New Hanover County, please find enclosed a copy of the Biological Monitoring Report: Year 10 (2011) Post Construction Monitoring. Please contact us if you need additional hard copies and/or digital copies. Thank you. CC: Jim Iannucci, New Hanover County Engineering Department @i;z, www.lmgroup.net • info@Imgroup.net • Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 • P.O. Box 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 MASON INLET RELOCATION PROJECT NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC BIOLOGICAL MONITORING REPORT YEAR 10 (2011) POST CONTRUCTION MONITORING Prepared for New Hanover County (NC), Permittee Prepared by. Land Management Group, Inc. Environmental Consultants Wilmington, NC 0@00 D AUG -92012 �ENR _ '�Fando- &�St�� -AIITY August 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ ..............................1 II. METHODOLOGY .............................................................................. ..............................2 A. MONITORING PARAMETERS .................................................... :.............................3 B. FIELD SAMPLING PROTOCOL .................................................. ..............................3 C. DATA ANALYSIS ......................................................................... ..............................5 III. RESULTS .................:........................................................................... ..............................5 _ A. STEM DENSITY ............................................................................ ..............................5 B. STEM HEIGHT .............................................................................. ..............................6 C. SEDIMENTS .................................................................................. ..............................6 D. BENTHIC INFAUNA .................................................................... ..............................7 IV. DISCUSSION ...................................................................................... ..............................8 A. VEGETATION (Spartina alterniflora) .......................................... .....................:........8 B. SEDIMENTS .................................................................................. ..............................9 C. BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES (BACKBARRIER INFAUNA) .. .............................10 D. PHYSICAL MONITORING AND HABITAT TYPES ..........:..... .............................10 V. CONCLUSION ................................................................................... .............................11 List of Tables, Figures and Appendices Figure 1 .................................... ............................... Updated Transect Location Map (2010 Aerial) Figure2- 17 .................................................................................. ............................... Data Analysis Appendix A. Benthic Infaunal Summary of Findings Appendix B. August 2011 Site Photographs MASON INLET RELOCATION PROJECT ANNUAL BIOLOGICAL MONITORING REPORT (YEAR 10) I. INTRODUCTION The goal of the biological monitoring program is to determine if there is a significant difference between pre - construction (Year 0) and post - construction conditions (Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, etc.) for specific parameters sampled annually in tidal marsh, intertidal sand flat, and barrier island beachfront (i.e. intertidal surf zone) habitats located within and adjacent to the project area. These data, in conjunction with data collected from supplemental monitoring programs, will help to document any potential impact to habitats resulting from project activities. Pre- and post - construction monitoring provides data related to primary productivity, benthic infaunal abundance and composition, substrate texture /organic content, and beachfront macroinvertebrate densities (Years 0 through 6 only). Quantitative and qualitative sampling yields information to be used to determine if any deleterious effects may be attributable to the inlet relocation project. The extent to which monitoring parameters will be affected depends on various physical conditions '(e.g. the character of the dredged material, tidal and current regimes, etc.). Therefore, concurrent physical monitoring is referenced in annual biological monitoring reports. Additional monitoring is conducted by UNC Wilmington and Audubon North Carolina. At the onset of the project, the Mason Inlet Waterbird Management Plan was developed to help protect critical nesting habitat along the north end of Wrightsville Beach. Audubon North Carolina currently manages this area through the installation of informational signage, patrols, and visitor education programs. In addition, Audubon assists UNC- Wilmington with monitoring of bird usage and nest success. Analysis of the benthic infaunal communities is conducted by UNCW Center for Marine Science each monitoring year. The summary of findings for the benthic analysis is included as an appendix to this document (refer to Appendix A). The hydrographic monitoring report and the waterbird monitoring report are submitted annually as independent documents to reviewing regulatory agencies. Reports for post - construction monitoring Year 1 to Year 6 were based on data collected during the late fall /early winter season. The timing of the sampling during these years was intended to coincide with the original pre - construction monitoring event conducted in early December 2001. During an interagency meeting in April 2008, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ( USACE) requested that biological monitoring be shifted to the growing season. In addition, the USACE modified the monitoring plan to discontinue macro - invertebrate sampling of the beachfront and benthic infaunal sampling of intertidal flats. As a result of the meeting, Year 7 monitoring was conducted in August 2008 (approximately ten months after the Year 6 event). Year 8 monitoring was conducted in September 2009. Year 9 monitoring was conducted in August 2010. Year 10 monitoring was conducted in August 2011. All future monitoring will occur during the late summer /early fall season. Subsequent analysis of inter -year trends in data (winter sampling in Year 0 through Year 6 and summer sampling in Year 7 through Year 10) must take into consideration variability due to seasonality. The following report summarizes.the methodology and results for Year 10 (August 2011) post - construction monitoring. II. METHODOLOGY Sampling for Year 1 post - construction conditions was conducted in December 2002 approximately seven (7) months after project completion. Annual monitoring is to continue for the life of the permit or until such time deemed necessary by relevant federal and/or state agencies. Note that based upon the April 2008 interagency meeting, sampling of macro - invertebrates of the beachfront and benthic infauna of intertidal flats has been discontinued. Six years of post - construction data for these biological indices has been provided in earlier reports. N A. Monitoring Parameters Selection of monitoring parameters has been based upon those factors potentially impacted by project activities and those readily sampled and evaluated. The following monitoring parameters are included in the assessment: (1) Spartina stem density (2) Mature ( >30 cm height) Spartina stem height (3) Percent sand, silt, and clay of surface substrate (4) Percent organic content of surface substrate (5) Distance (ft) loss or gain of intertidal marsh habitat at transect locations. These parameters, while traditionally viewed as representative indicators of marsh habitat structure and function, require less intensive and less frequent sampling than other biotic or chemical indices. In addition to the identified quantitative sampling, qualitative observations of marsh and/or intertidal habitat may be noted. Photographic documentation of Year 10 sampling is provided in Appendix B. B. Field Sampling Protocol Sampling efforts focused on the area of potential impact where biota and physical conditions (e.g. soil texture) are most likely affected by project activities and associated perturbations such as altered flooding regime and sedimentation. Any perturbations to tidal marsh will manifest in system responses distributed linearly from Mason Creek. Therefore, three permanent 300 -foot monitoring transects were established along a roughly perpendicular axis on each side of Mason Creek (totaling six transects). These transects are labeled MT I, MT2, MT3, MT4, MT5, and MT6, respectively). Five permanent stations along each transect (located 5, 50, 100, 150 and 300 feet away from the marsh edge along Mason Creek) were established prior to the initiation of the project. The station located furthest from Mason Creek (300 ft) serves as the control plot for each transect. Any stations affected by post - project erosion/sloughing near the creek bank were re- 3 established at prescribed distances from the new creek edge. In these cases where only one or two stations within a transect were required to be re- established, the new station was offset perpendicular to the original transect. Note that in 2008, transects MT4, MT5, and MT6 were relocated due to erosion on the southern bank of Masons Creek. Since that time, transect alignments have remained unchanged. Refer to Figure 1 for current transect locations. One -meter square quadrats at each station were sampled for stem density and height range of S. alterniflora. Stem heights were grouped in categories based upon pre- determined ranges (30 -60 cm, 60 -90 cm, 90 -120 cm, >120 cm). Each height range was assigned a value (1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively). The number of stems in each category was then multiplied by the corresponding height value to obtain a height index. Cumulative height indices for each quadrat were calculated and recorded. Sediments were characterized according to percent sand/silt/clay and percent organic matter (OM). One sample was collected at each of the fixed stations (5, 50, 100, and 150, and 300 -ft plots). Sediment samples were transferred to A &L Agricultural Labs (Richmond, VA) for-particle size analysis and OM by combustion. Note that during prior monitoring years (i.e. Year 1 through Year 6), sediment deposition and/or loss was evaluated through the use -of notched PVC pipe installed at each station. However, this part of the assessment was discontinued after Year 6 due to the on- going, comprehensive physical monitoring of the project area by Gahagan and Bryant Associates, Inc. Metal rebar installed flush with the sediment surface prior to project construction was used to evaluate sediment deposition and/or loss over time for each plot. Notched PVC pipe was used as a supplemental method of evaluating sediment accretion and/or loss. Note that the loss of stations throughout post - construction monitoring has limited the scope of this assessment. This evaluation was performed for six years but has since been discontinued due to the more comprehensive detailed physical monitoring program. Biological monitoring included a benthic infaunal survey. Three replicates of 15 cm deep cores (10 cm diameter) were sampled at three observation points (i.e. at 5', 150', and 300' from creek edge) along three of the six transects (MT2, MT4, and MT6) (N =27). Replicates were collected within 10 ft of the permanent vegetative quadrat at a 1 randomly - generated bearing. Individual core samples were transferred to sample bags and labeled. All samples were transferred to UNCW- Center for Marine Science benthic laboratory for processing and identification. Samples were fixed using a 10% formalin solution and sieved through a 0.5 mm screen mesh to separate infauna from sediment and vegetative material. Benthic infaunal organisms were enumerated and identified to the lowest reliable taxonomic level. Species richness and abundance were calculated from these data. C. Data Analysis Mean values of each parameter were statistically compared using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) /paired t- tests. Ninety -five percent confidence intervals were used to determine statistically significant differences of means (means are significantly different if confidence intervals do not overlap; p< 0.05). Outliers (values +/- 2 times the standard deviation) were removed from all statistical operations. III. RESULTS A. Stem Density (1) Post - Construction (Year 10) Mean Spartina stem density for all quadrats sampled was 46.1 +/- 13.7 stems /m2 (N =29). There was no significant difference in mean stem density between the north side of Mason Creek and the south side of Mason Creek (48.3 +/- 14.9 stems /m2 and 43.8 +/- 12.5 stems /m2, respectively) (refer to Figure 2). There was no observed significant difference in stem density related to distance from creek (refer to Figure 3). ANOVA did not reveal any significant differences among transects with regard to stem densities (refer to Figure 4). W a (2) Pre - Construction (Year 0) vs. Post - Construction (Year I through Year 10) Mean stem density of Year 10 (46.1 stems /m2) was not significantly different from Year 1, Year 2, Year 8, and Year 9. However, stem densities were significantly lower than in Year 0 (pre- construction) and Year 4 (post- construction) (refer to Figure 5). Mean stem density in Year 10 was significantly higher than in Year 3, Year 5, Year 6, and Year 7. B. Stem Height (1) Post - Construction (Year 10) Mean stem height index was significantly greater on the north side of Mason Creek than on the south side of Mason Creek (mean height indices of 117.0 +/- 48.2 and 87.8 +/- 29.3 respectively) (refer to Figure 6). There was no significant difference in height indices as a function of distance from creek bank (refer to Figure 7). Of the six transects . sampled, stem heights were lowest in Transects 1 and 5 (mean height indices of 77.4 +/- 51.0 and 78.2 +/- 24.6 respectively) and highest in Transects 2 and 3 (mean height indices of 141.2 +/- 33.8 and 132.4 +/- 37.2 respectively) (refer to Figure 8). (2) Pre - Construction (Year 0) vs. Post - Construction (Year I through Year 10) The observed mean stem height index for Year 10 was 102.4 +/- 41.9. Observed stem - heights during Year 10 were not significantly different than those observed during Year 0 (pre- construction), Year 4 (post- construction), Year 8 (post- construction) and Year 9 (post- construction) (refer to Figure 9). Stem heights were significantly higher in Year 10 than in Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 5, Year 6, and Year 7. Of the ten years of monitoring (including pre - construction), the mean stem height index was greatest during Years 4, 8, and 10 (post- construction). C. Sediments (1) Post - Construction (Year 10) Sediments collected from the south side of Mason Creek exhibited significantly higher 0 percent sand than sediments collected from the north side of Mason Creek (85.9 +/- 5.5% sand and 74.6 +/- 13.1 % sand, respectively) (refer to Figure 10). There was no significant difference in percent sand as a function of distance from the creek bank (refer to Figure 11). However, samples collected 5 ft from Mason Creek consistently exhibited the highest percent sand (88.7 +/- 4.1% sand). Sediments collected from the north side of Mason Creek exhibited significantly higher percent organic matter than sediments collected from the south side of Mason Creek (5.7 +/- 4.9% OM and 1.8 ±/- 1.1 % OM, respectively) (refer to Figure 12). There was no significant difference in percent OM as a function of distance from the creek bank (refer to Figure 13). However, samples collected 5 ft. from Mason Creek -consistently exhibited slightly lower percent OM (0.9 +/- 0.3% OM). (2) Pre - Construction (Year 0) vs. Post - Construction (Year 1 through Year 10) There was no statistically significant difference observed between mean percent sand for pre - construction (December 2001, 84.5 %) and post - construction Year 1 through 10 samples (80.0 %, 81.1%, 86.2 %, 86.1%, 84.8 %, 84.1%, 84.6 %, 83.9 %, 76.2 %, and 80.2% respectively) (refer to Figure 14). Mean percent sand was lower in Year 9 (post - construction) than in Year 3 (post- construction). There was no statistical difference observed between mean percent OM for pre - construction (December 2001, 2.8 %) and post - construction Year 1 through 8 and Year 10 samples (4.2 %, 4.0 %, 2.9 %, 2.6 %, 2.2 %, 2.2 %, 3.2 %, 3.4 %, and 3.7% respectively) (refer to Figure 15). However, mean percent OM for Year 9 (post- construction) (5.5 %) was significantly higher than in Year 0 (pre- construction). D. - Benthic Infauna Benthic infaunal identification and data analysis was conducted by Troy Alphin, Research Associate at the Center for Marine Science (University of North Carolina at Wilmington). A summary report of findings with supporting tables and figures is 7 included as Appendix A. IV. DISCUSSION A. Vegetation (Spartina alterniflora) As identified above, annual monitoring for Year 7 through Year 10 has been conducted during the latter part of summer (i.e. August and September). During prior years (Year 0 through Year 6), monitoring was conducted during late November or early December of each year. As a result of the temporal shift, seasonality is introduced as a confounding variable when evaluating inter -year (i.e. Year 7 through Year 10 vs. Year 0 through Year 6) data trends. - Inter -year patterns inferred through data collected in future monitoring events will not be influenced by seasonality since future monitoring is to occur during August or early September of each year. Comparison between years is possible while recognizing seasonality as a confounding variable. It should be noted that the mean stem density of Spartina alterniflora during Year 10 monitoring was significantly higher than Years 3, 5, 6, and 7. However, overall stem densities for Year 10 remain significantly lower than those documented during pre - construction monitoring. Of all the monitoring events, Year 0 and Year 4 exhibited the greatest mean stem densities. These same trends are evident in the control plots (Figure 16). In consideration of this, inter -year variation (rather than project - related factors) appears to have a greater influence on observed stem densities. No significant differences in Spartina stem densities were observed between quadrat locations (5', 50', 150', and 300') in any monitoring year. Stem densities were not significantly different between the north and south sides of Mason Creek during most years. However, stem density was significantly higher on the north side of Mason Creek than on the south side of Mason Creek during Year 4 and Year 9. Sedimentation processes of the inlet throat and flood tide shoals have resulted in adjustments to the channel pattern of Mason Creek and associated sediment losses and/or gains along the length of the creek. As a result, transects MT4, MT5, and MT6 (on the southern side of the creek) were re- established in 2008 (Year 7). Prior to the re- establishment of these transects, stem densities at MT5 and MT6 were often lower than the other transects. However, since re- establishment, there have been no significant differences in stem densities between transects other than in Year 8. In Year 8, stem density was significantly lower at MT6. Between Year 9 and Year 10, the channel bank along MT4 exhibited some erosion (14 ft) as evidenced by the sampling station distance from the creek bank. Transect conditions at MT5 and MT6 appeared to be relatively unchanged. It appears that the recent relatively stable conditions at MT5 and MT6 may have resulted in stem densities that are comparable to the other transects. Stem height indices were significantly greater on the north side of Mason Creek than on the south side in Year 10. While Year 0 data did not yield a statistical difference in stem height indices between the north and south sides of the creek, it has been noted that the north side of the creek is a more mature marsh system with generally taller Spartina stems. For all years of monitoring (including pre - construction), stem height indices were highest during Year 4, Year 8, and Year 10 monitoring. There was no observed statistical difference in stem heights between pre - construction and Year 4 through Year 10 post - construction. Stem heights were lowest in Years 1 through 3 and Years 5 through 7. The same pattern was also observed in the control plots (Figure 17). In light of the results for all years and the observed pattern for control sites, it appears as though inter -year variation has a more prominent effect on stem heights than project - related factors. B. Sediments Sediments collected from the south side of Mason Creek exhibited significantly higher percent sand than sediments collected from the north side of Mason Creek. Conversely, sediments from the north side of Mason Creek exhibited significantly higher percent OM. This same pattern was observed during the pre - project monitoring conducted in I December 2001. As stated in the Pre - Construction Biological Monitoring Report, sediment data suggest that the south side of Mason Creek is a relatively new, accreting marsh system compared to the marsh located north of the creek. As was reported in Year 0, there was no significant difference in percent sand as a function of distance from the creek bank. However, samples collected near the edge of Mason Creek consistently exhibited the highest percent sand. Likewise, there was no significant difference in percent OM as a function of distance from the creek bank. However, samples collected near the edge of Mason Creek exhibited the lowest percent OM. During Year 1 and Year 2, percent OM was highest at stations furthest from Mason Creek (i.e. 300 -ft). Results from Year 10 resemble those from pre - construction monitoring (Year 0). C. Benthic Invertebrates (Backbarrier Infauna) A summary of findings for the benthic infaunal sampling and characterization is provided as Appendix A of this report. Overall, mean abundances were fairly consistent among sampling locations in 2011. Species richness was similar to previous years with no site differences. Diversity was relatively low as in previous years. Please refer to Appendix A for more detailed characterization of the benthic community sampled during Year 10. D. Physical Monitoring and Habitat Types Physical (i.e. hydrographic) monitoring is conducted on an annual basis to document sedimentation processes in the inlet area over time. As part of this monitoring effort, Gahagan & Bryant Associates, Inc. (GBA) produces annual monitoring reports that include detailed shoreline /channel profiles and bathymetric maps. Based upon the data collected, observed trends in sediment deposition and loss are evaluated. As evidenced through physical survey and aerial imagery, adjustments occurring within the inlet interior include increased shoaling of the flood -tidal delta and of the channel thalweg connecting Mason Creek to the inlet throat. Please refer to the hydrographic reports 10 submitted under separate cover by GBA for more detailed information regarding bathymetric conditions within and adjacent to the relocated inlet. V. CONCLUSION Pre - construction monitoring data demonstrate some observed patterns related to station location (i.e. distance and position relative to creek). Year 10 monitoring demonstrated stem heights and densities similar to Year 9. Stem density remains significantly lower than Year 0 (pre- construction) and lower than Year 4 (post- construction). This pattern was observed within the 300 -ft. control stations as well (indicative of inter -year variation). Note also that stem height in Year 10 was not significantly different from Year 0 or Year 4. Given the range of recorded data, it appears that inter - annual variation exerts equal or greater influence over plant growth rather than project - related effects. This is further supported by the fact that stem densities and stem heights recorded during Year 4 were not significantly different from pre - construction data. While adjustments in the channel morphology of Mason Creek resulted in physical changes to sampling locations in previous .years, no significant changes were noted during Year 10. In addition, there were no significant differences in sediment composition or benthic infaunal species richness between Year 9 and Year 10. As noted in Appendix A, there was some variation in relative dominance among stations. However, all three transects were dominated by a deep burrowing polychaete (Capitella capitata) and a deep burrowing oligochaete (Tubificidae spp.). Both of these organisms are not likely to be readily available as a food source for most juvenile fishes. Future monitoring will identify any shifts in species composition, relative dominance, and diversity. 11 FIGURES .t rr s, N F" s • CL +cu G CU A U -C 0. Co U 0) N O t/) 0 e .e cu n �L -F-I Q cu Q. O 0 N N L W c m M C)'J ;l ] 1 11 0 IR P, A- LNI Q co ZI, o"', S � .X f„c 4 4, , s, N F" s • CL +cu G CU A U -C 0. Co U 0) N O t/) 0 e .e cu n �L -F-I Q cu Q. O 0 N N L W c m M C)'J ;l ] 1 11 0 IR P, A- LNI Q co Figure 2. Analysis of Stem Density vs. Position Relative to Mason Creek (Year 10) N E AL W Q N AE W 4-8 N O N C N E N U) N E L CL cW C a) CO O N i a) 0 C a) a... w 40 SO !0 North South Position Relative to Mason Creek Figure 3. Stem Density vs. Distance from Mason Creek N =25 p = 0.8773 .. vv IVV 1.7V .iI Distance from Mason Creek (ft) Figure 4. Analysis of Stem Density vs. Transect Number (Year 10) N E ALA W Q CA AE W Cn %F O N ^C W ^E W VJ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Transect Number Figure 5. Analysis of Stem Density (Pre- Project vs. Post - Project) 140 130 N = 316 p = <0.0001 120 C^ 110 E L 100 N — Q- go - E 80- - N v 70 O 60 � _ � 50 � — — C 40 — - N 0 <I>4><z> 30 N20 () 10 0 -10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Year Figure 6. Analysis of Height Index vs. Position Relative to Mason Creek (Year 10) � 1 m cc 1 > F N 1 N O � 1 X N 1 C +.. O1 E N U) North South Position Relative to Mason Creek Figure 7. Analysis of Stem Height Index vs. Distance from Mason Creek (Year 9) � 1 7 � 1 > is N N 1 .- N `— 1 O X 1 N C L E N U) 5 50 100 150 300 Distance from Mason Creek (ft) Figure 8. Analysis of Height Index vs. Transect Number (Year 10) � 1a > 1E N 14 r O 0 12 X 1C a� 5 a L E 4 N W 2 0 M cu 0 0 D 0 D D D D D N =30 p = 0.0348 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 Transect Number Figure 9. Analysis of Stem Height Index (Pre- Project vs. Post - Project) 200 E 150 N N O U X N 100 C L O) Z 2 E 50 (D y-+ U) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1C Year Figure 10. Analysis of % Sand of Sediments vs. Position Relative to Mason Creek -v cc aD U N d North South Position Relative to Mason Creek Figure 11. Analysis of % Sand of Sediments vs. Distance from Mason Creek 1a 90 C CU 07 80 c N U N i7 70 60 50 ///T N =30 p = 0.1949 5 50 100 150 300 Distance from Creek (ft) Figure 12. Analysis of % Organic Matter of Sediments vs. Position Relative to Mason Creek L C� G U_ C t0 C1 L O Y ^C W U L ^Q I - North South Position Relative to Mason Creek Figure 13. Analysis of % Organic Matter of Sediments vs. Distance from Mason Creek L 2) O c m U N a- 12 N =29 1 — p = 0.0615 0 — 9 7 \ \ 6 \ 5 \� — 3 \ / — 0 \\ 2 5 50 100 150 300 Distance from Creek (ft) Figure 14. Analysis of % Sand by Year (Pre-Project vs. Post-Project) IUU 90 80 a) AL` CL 70 60 A '71 N =317 p = 0.0483 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Year Figure 15. Analysis of % Organic Matter by Year (Pre-Project vs. Post-Project) N 0 C.) N = 306 p = 0.0387 '-7 L_ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Year Figure 16. Stem Densities at Control Locations (300' away from marsh edge) by Year 1 E CI CO E Ca %4.-- 0 M C a) E cn )0- p = <0.0001 30- 70- io- io to- 47 '17 !0 10- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1C Year Figure 17. Stem Heights at Control Locations (300' away from marsh edge) by Year 200 , CO E 2 U) O 100 N E 0 W \ 3\ 7, — N =66 p = <0.0001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Year APPENDIX A. BENTHIC INFAUNAL SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Monitoring of Benthic Faunal Communities associated with the Mason Inlet Relocation Project — 2011 (Year 10) Sampling Prepared by Troy Alphin Research Associate, Center for Marine Science University of North Carolina at Wilmington Introduction The status/health of the environment is the critical question facing private, municipal, and commercial property owners throughout the coastal areas of the United States, since regulations to protect these sensitive areas tend to impact them to a greater extent. Federal and state management agencies as well as non - governmental organizations (NGO's) have studied the issue from a number of perspectives. With large scale impacts to many of our estuarine systems, the idea of assessing the health of key parameters is important. This project focuses on assessing the benthic community on a regular basis to address the issue of marsh health. Why evaluate benthic communities? What are the organisms that make up the benthic community? Why does the composition of these communities matter? These are generally the questions that are asked regarding the benthic fauna and communities. The health of estuarine habitats is often based on the provision of certain ecosystem functions. Marsh habitats act as nurseries because they provide both refuge for early juveniles of many species and because they provide areas for them to forage. In most cases these species forage (or prey) upon small organisms (mostly macro invertebrates) that live in or on the substrate surface or closely associated with the plant structures. The investigation of these organisms and the communities they form is often difficult because of their small size and highly variable abundance which is based on small scale spatial changes, temporal fluctuation, and response to predators. The development of these macro invertebrate communities is closely tied to the proper ecosystem function of marsh systems. If the benthic community is insufficient for the needs of the juvenile fishes to forage, then the fish community will leave the relative safety of the marsh habitat, potentially increasing the risk of predation. It is possible that large scale changes in benthic macro invertebrate communities could lead to shifts in the year class strength of some species. Benthic infaunal and epibenthic macrofauna are often studied to help evaluate the function of various estuarine, marine, and aquatic habitats. Many of these organisms comprise a significant portion of the diet of estuarine fishes and are critical to the maintenance of healthy fish populations. In many cases benthic organisms are the critical food resource for larval and juvenile fishes. Since the life history stages of both predator (fish) and prey (infauna and epifauna) are closely linked temporally, it is vital that benthic communities thrive during periods that precede the recruitment of juvenile 1 fish. In essence if the benthic organisms are not present when juvenile fish move into the river, bay, or sound, then the possibility of recruitment failure for these fish increases. Benthic infauna are those organisms that live within the sedimentary environment or on the sediment surface, although organisms that primarily live on the sediment surface are referred to as "epi - benthic ". In general any reference to epi- fauna, in this report, is referring to the more motile crustaceans and fishes, especially juvenile finfish that may derive a significant portion of their diet from the benthos. The organisms that comprise the majority of the benthic community are annelids (both polychaete and oligochaete), bivalves, amphipods, isopods, and insects. Although other taxonomic groups are often present, these groups tend to represent the numerical dominants for most estuarine sites. These organisms demonstrate a variety of life history strategies, based on feeding type and living position. While surface oriented species may be readily available to bottom foraging fishes, deep burrowing forms are less like to be preyed upon. This study focuses on the subgroup of benthic fauna considered macrofauna within the size class of 500 microns (1000 microns = 1 millimeter) or greater. Most benthic organisms in this size class are heavily preyed upon by larger finish and crustaceans. These organisms tend to live 6 months to 1 year (although there are some groups such as bivalves that can live for a number of years to decades depending on the species). These organisms also tend to have relatively low motility and once settled tend to move less than 5 meters over the course of their lives. The benthic community provides a critical ecosystem role in transferring energy to higher trophic levels because this group feeds primarily on algae and detritus (although there are some predatory forms as well). The other main reason for studying this group is based on their close relationship with the sediment, and different taxa will respond to acute and chronic disturbances of this habitat in different ways. Monitoring of benthic fauna is an important part of many environmental studies, including dredge and fill operations, beach renourishment projects, and marsh restoration projects because they provide a good indicator of both short and long term impacts and recovery. While year to year changes (inter - annual variation) are natural, acute and chronic impacts to the habitat are better evaluated on a multi -year basis when annual variation can be factored out. Sampling Design This report covers the 2011 sampling period. Samples were collected along three marsh transect locations during August 2011. Benthic infaunal assessments have been conducted in August since the 2008 sampling year. All previous benthic assessments (2002 -2007) were collected in November/ December. In general most members of the benthic community recruit into the system in the spring of the year with some species recruiting in the fall (there are a few species with a longer recruitment period that lasts throughout the summer). However many species of finfish synchronize their recruitment into the system to take advantage of the benthic resource, so their appearance in the system tends to track the benthos. FA Infaunal samples were collected using standard benthic cores, 10 cm diameter x 15 cm deep. The sites sampled in the 2011 sampling period included a series of marsh transect locations (MT2, MT4 and MT6). These stations have been sampled since the start of the project in 2002, although some sites and /or positions have been relocated due to site changes such as erosion. The MT transects consisted of three replicate core samples taken at each of three distances from the marsh edge (5, 150, and 300 feet into the marsh) on each transect (though the exact edge location varied somewhat over time with erosion or accretion). All samples were fixed in 10% buffered formalin (formaldehyde derivative) solution with rose Bengal dye added and later transferred to a 70% isoproponol preservative for storage and processing. Samples were sieved through a 500 micron screen to remove fine sediments and aid processing. All organisms retained were separated from the remaining sediment and vegetative material using light microscopes and identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level (generally species). As part of our standard quality control and quality assurance procedures, identifications are subject to verification and a subset of sorted samples are rechecked to ensure removal of all organisms. All newly identified species and those that could not be identified to the species level are sent to authorities for clarification. Community assessment is based on the composition, density, and dominance of organisms. For the purpose of this report species richness is defined at the total number of taxa collected at a given site. Organisms that could not be identified to the species level were left at the higher taxon but were not included in the calculation for species richness. Diversity was calculated using the Shannon Diversity Index that takes into account the relative abundance of organisms as well as the evenness or proportion of individuals of each species at a given site. Here dominance is defined as all of those species that make up 3% or more of the total number of individuals at a given site. Community Description Mean total abundance was fairly consistent in 2011. Only MT4 300 differed from other sites and transects (Figure 1). Species richness showed a similar pattern to previous years with no differences among sites (Figure 2). As reported in the 2010 report, MT6 300 showed the lowest number of species present. Species richness per site was similar to previous years with a range of 5 to as many as 15 species present at a site. The Shannon Diversity Index takes into account number of taxa as well as species distribution or evenness. Comparison of mean diversity among sites showed, as in previous years, diversity was low at all sites (Figure 3). In this case most of the values calculated fell between 0.5 and 0.8. Comparison among sites and transects reveals that MT6 300 has significantly lower diversity than sites on the MT2 and MT4 transects. Comparison between 2010 and 2011 for total abundance (Figure 4) and diversity (Figure 5) showed a single difference between years for MT2 5. In both cases 2011 showed a distinct increase over 2010. Figure 6 -8 show the breakdown of dominance by major taxonomic grouping. Figures 9 -11 show the species level breakdown of dominance by species for each transect. Tables 2 -4 show the mean density of dominant taxa in 2010 and 2011. For 3 comparative purposes the mean values in these tables have been rounded to one decimal place. These tables illustrate the interannual change between dominant taxa in 2010 and 2011. While taxa such as Capitella capitata and Tubificidae were consistent between years (and in fact over several previous years), a number of the other taxa have been replaced completely. A total of 49 taxa were collected during the 2011 sampling period (similar to 2009 and 2010) including terrestrial forms (Table 1). There were 14 taxa that represented 3% or more of the individuals collected at MT2 (Figure 6 and 9, Table 2) (Tubificidae sp., Streblospio benedicti, Sphaeroma quadidentatum, Nematoda sp., Lumbriculidae sp., Lepidactylus dytiscus, Laeonereis culveri, Hydracarina sp., Hargeria sp., Gastropoda juv., Dolichopodidae sp., Capitella capitata, Brachidontes exutus, and Anurida maritime),11 taxa for MT4 (Figure 7 and 10, Table 3) ( Uca pugilator, Tubificidae sp., Sphaeroma quadidentatum, Nematoda sp., Lumbriculidae sp., Hydracarina sp., Hargeria rapax., Dolichopodidae sp., Capitella capitata, Anurida maritime and Acarina sp.), and 8 taxa for MT6 (Figure 8 and 12, Table 4) (Tubificidae sp., Sphaeroma quadidentatum, Lumbriculidae sp., Lepidactylus dytiscus, Dolichopodidae sp., Capitella capitata, Anurida maritime and Acarina sp.) This listing of dominant taxa is similar to those reported in 2010 but only about half of those reported in 2009. There was some degree of variation in the relative dominance among the three transects. However, all three transects were dominated by Capitella capitata (a deep burrowing polychaete) and Tubificidae spp. (a deep burrowing oligochaete) as they did in 2010. Both of these particular groups tend to live well below the substrate surface and neither of these species is likely to be readily available as a food source for most juvenile fishes. One of the major functions of any marsh is the provision of general nursery habitat for both finfish and crustaceans. The dominance of these transects by deep burrowing organisms may not fully support the nursery function of the marsh. However these sites seem to continue their development via shifts in species composition, relative dominance, and diversity. 0 250 200 a u m 150 -o c .n a To 0 M 100 50 0 AB 0 0 A AB B B B B MT2 5 MT2 150 MT2 300 MT4 5 MT4 150 MT4 300 MT6 5 MT6 150 MT6 300 Figure 1. Mean total abundance of organisms collected from all sites 2011. Columns that share a letter designation do not differ from one another. 5 16 A I 14 12 AB N N 10 r v N 8 d a N c d 6 4- 2- M AB AB AB AB AB W. B MT2 5 MT2 150 MT2 300 MT4 5 MT4 150 MT4 300 MT6 5 MT6 150 MT6 300 Figure 2. Mean species richness. Species richness is defined as the total number of taxa as a given site /position. Columns that share a letter designation do not differ significantly. J 0.9 0.8 I 0.7 0.6 d 0.5 N �u QI a 0.4 c A d 0.3 0.2 0.1 m A A AB AB AB BCD CD ABC L17 MT2 5 MT2 150 MT2 300 MT4 5 MT4 150 MT4 300 MT6 5 MT6 150 MT6 300 Figure 3. Mean species diversity per site. Diversity was calculated using the Shannon diversity index that accounts for the relative aduncane of each species and the evenness of each species. 7 300 250 a = 200 v = Q Q 150 m ■ 2010 °1 100 I ■ 2011 � I 1 50 'K T 1 pz MT2 5 MT2 150 MT2 300 MT4 5 MT4 150 MT4 300 MT6 5 MT6 150 MT6 300 Figure 4. Comparison of mean total abundance between 2010 and 2011. In this case only MT2 5 differed between years. E 0.90 0.80 0.70 0. 60 d 0.50 N d 'v c-0.40 Ln C A 2 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 MT2 5 MT2 150 MT2 300 MT4 5 MT4 150 MT4 300 MT6 5 MT6 150 MT6 300 Figure S. Comparison between years based on diversity. In this case only MT2 5 showed a significant difference. ■ 2010 ■ 2011 0 Tanaidacea Polychaeta Oligiochaete Nematoda Isopoda Insects Hydracarina Gastropoda Decapoda Bivalvia Archnida Anneiida Amphipoda MT2 5 • MT2 150 • MT2 300 0 10 20 30 40 50 Figure 6. Dominance of major taxonomic groups for the MT2 sites. Dominance is presented for all taxonomic groups greater than 3% of all total fauna. 10 Tanaidacea Polychaeta t:•,: - , Oligiochaete _ - Nematoda Isopoda I Insects �+ Hydracarina MT4 S Gastropoda ■ MT4 150 Decapoda Bivatvia ■ MT4 300 Archnida Annelida Amphipoda 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Figure 7. Dominance of major taxonomic groups for the MT4 sites. Dominance is presented for all taxonomic groups that comprise 3% or more of the total fauna. 11 Tanaidacea Polychaeta Oligiochaete Ne matoda Isopoda Insecta A Hydracarina MT6 5 Gastropoda ■ MT6 150 Decapoda ■ MT6 300 Bivalvia Archnida Annelida Amphipoda 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Figure 8. Dominance of major taxonomic groups for the MT 6 sites. Dominance is based on all taxonomic groups that comprise 3% or more of the total faunal abundance. 12 Uca pugilator Tubiticidae sp Streblospio benedictii Sphaeroma quadridentatum Nematoda sp Neanthes succinea lumbriculidae sp Lepidactylus dytiscus Laeonereis culveri Hydracarina sp MT2 5 Hargeria rapax ■ MT2 150 I Gastropoda juv sp ■ MT2 300 Dolichopodidea sp Capitella capitata Brachidontes exustus Anurida maritima Annelida sp Acarina (Acari) sp 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Figure 9. Dominance of individual taxa for the MT2 sites. Dominance is defined as species that comprise 3% or more of the total faunal abundance. 13 Uca pugilator Tubificidae sp Streblospio benedicti Sphaeroma quadridentatum Nematoda sp Neanthes succinea Lumbriculidae sp Lepidactylus dytiscus Laeonereis culveri Hydracarina sp MT4 5 Hargeria rapax ■ MT4 150 Gastropoda juv sp ■ MT4 300 Dolichopodidea sp Capitella capitata Brachidontes exustus Anurida mar4ima Annelida sp Acarina (A(ari) sp 0 10 20 30 40 so 60 Figure 10. Dominance of individual taxa for the MT4 sites. Dominance is defined as species that comprise 3% or more of the total faunal abundance 14 Uca pugilator Tubificidae sp Streblospio benedicti Sphaeroma quadridentatum Nematoda sp Neanthes succinea lumbriculidae sp lepidactylus dytiscus laeonereis culveri Hydracarina sp Hargeria rapax Gastropoda juv sp Dolichopodidea sp Capitella capitata Brachidontes exusthu Anurida maritima Annelida sp Acarina (Acari) sp MT6 5 ■ MT6 150 pM[:iEICA 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Figure 11. Dominance of individual taxa for the MT6 sites. Dominance is defined as species that comprise 3% or more of the total faunal abundance 15 0 11 Table 1. Complete listing of species collected as part of the 2011 sampling. Species are listed alphabetically. SPECIES 2011 Acarina (Acari) sp. (terrestrial) (Hydrobiomorpha sp.) Anurida maritima Laeonereis culveri Aphelochaeta sp. Leitoscoloplos fragilis Bezzia/Palpomyia Leitoscoloplos robustus Capitella capitata Leitoscoloplos sp. Chelonethida sp. (terrestrial pseudoscorpion) Lepidactylus dytiscus Cirratulidae sp. Leptocheliidae sp. Coleoptera sp. (terrestrial adult) Leptocheliidae sp. (juvenile) Coleoptera sp. (terrestrial) Littorina irrorata Curculionidae sp. (terrestrial larval weevil) Lumbriculidae sp. Curculionidae sp. (terrestrial weevil) Mediomastus ambiseta Dasyhelea sp. Mediomastus sp. Diptera spp. (pupa) Megalops sp. Dolichopodidae sp. Naididae sp. Dytiscidae sp. Neanthes succinea (Enchytraeidae sp.) Nematoda sp. Eteone heteropoda Nemertea sp. Fabriciola trilobata Neohaustorius schmitzi Flabellifera sp. Orchestia ulheri Flabellifera sp. (juvenile) Panopeus herbstii Gastropoda sp. (juvenile) Platyhelminthes sp. Hargeria rapax Protohaustorius sp. Harpacticoida sp. Sphaeroma sp. Haustoriidae sp. (juvenile) Tubificidae sp. Heteromastus filiformis Uca sp. Hydracarina sp. Uca sp. (juvenile) 16 Table 2. Mean abundance of dominant species for MT2 by location for Fall 2010 and Fall 2011. 17 `2010 2011 SPECIES MTi25 !MT2 150 IMTi2 300 MT2 5 IMT2 150 MT2 300 (Enchytraeidae sp.) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (Lumbriculidae sp.) 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Acarina (Acari) sp (terrestrial) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Annelida sp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Anurida maritima 0.0 3.4 51.0 33.0 0.0 38.4 Bezzia /Palpomyia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Brachidontes exustus 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.8 0.0 0.0 Capitella copitato 17.3 34.2 33.2 15.8 0.0 11.5 Diptera spp. (pupa) 5.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dolichopodidea sp 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.1 0.0 4.3 Fabriciola trilobata 0.0 8.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gastropoda sp (juvenile) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.0 0.0 Flabellifera sp (juvenile) 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hargeria ropax 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.5 0.0 Haustoriidae sp (juvenile) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hydracarina sp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.8 Laeonereis culveri 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.1 0.0 Leitoscoloplos fragilis 6.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lepidactylus dytiscus 54.2 0.0 0.0 3.8 0.0 0.0 Lumbriculidae sp 0.0 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 Neanthes succinea 0.0 5.5 0.0 0.0 6.6 0.0 Nematoda sp 0.0 6.8 0.0 0.0 8.7 0.0 Neohaustorius schmitzi 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sphoeroma quodridentatum 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.6 0.0 0.0 Streblospio benedicti 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.4 0.0 Tubificidae sp 4.2 27.7 0.0 3.3 7.1 0.0 Uca pugilator 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Uca sp 0.0 0.0 5.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Uca sp (juvenile) 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17 Table 3. Mean abundance of dominant species for MT4 by location for Fall 2010 and Fall 2011. 18 2010 2011 SPECIES IVIT4 5 IVIT4 150 IVIT4 300 IVIT4 5 IVIT4 150 IVIT4 300 (Enchytraeidae sp.) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (Lumbriculidae sp.) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Acarina (Acari) sp (terrestrial) 0.0 2.9 0.0 0.0 8.1 0.0 Annelida sp 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 1 0.0 0.0 Anurida maritima 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.3 0.0 Bezzia /Palpomyia 0.0 0.0 6.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 erochidontes exustus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Capitello capitato 64.8 39.9 15.6 24.5 37.7 11.6 Diptera spp. (pupa) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dolichopodidea sp 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.2 0.0 0.0 Fabrnciola trilobato 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gastropoda sp (juvenile) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Flabellifera sp (juvenile) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hargeria rapax 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 53.9 Haustoriidae sp (juvenile) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hydracarina sp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.8 0.0 Laeonereis culveri 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Leitoscoloplos fragilis 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lepidactylus dytiscus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lumbriculidae sp 0.0 5.2 23.9 31.4 0.0 0.0 Neanthes succinea 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Nematoda sp 4.4 7.2 0.0 0.0 3.4 0.0 Neohaustorius schmitzi 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sphaeroma quadridentatum 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.7 0.0 0.0 Streblospio benedicti 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Tubificidae sp 12.1 31.0 47.5 0.0 22.3 25.9 Uca pugilator 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.8 0.0 Uca sp 5.4 3.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Uca sp (juvenile) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18 Table 4. Mean abundance of dominant species for MT6 by location for Fall 2010 and Fall 2011. [L7' ;2010 120111 SRECI ES I1VIT6 I5 IM T6 ,1150 I1VIT6 300 IMT6 15 MM X6.1150 I1VIT6 ,300 (Enchytraeidae sp.) 24.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (Lumbriculidae sp.) 13.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Acarina (Acari) sp (terrestrial) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.2 0.0 Annelida sp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Anurida maritima 0.0 17.9 0.0 3.1 0.0 0.0 Bezzia /Palpomyia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Brachidontes exustus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Capitella capitato 0.0 43.6 40.6 0.0 43.9 32.1 Diptera spp. (pupa) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dolichopodidea sp 2.8 0.0 9.1 6.5 0.0 6.4 Fabriciola trilobata 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gastropoda sp (juvenile) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Flabellifera sp (juvenile) 3.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hargeria rapax 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Haustoriidae sp (juvenile) 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hydracarina sp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Laeonereis culveri 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Leitoscoloplos fragilis 3.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lepidactylus dytiscus 0.0 0.0 0.0 46.3 0.0 0.0 Lumbriculidae sp 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.9 0.0 56.4 Neanthes succinea 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Nematoda sp 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Neohoustorius schmitzi 24.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sphaeroma quadridentatum 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.9 0.0 0.0 Streblospio benedicti 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Tubificidae sp 13.0 25.1 41.6 0.0 31.0 0.0 Uca pugilator 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Uca sp 0.0 3.9 7.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Uca sp (juvenile) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 [L7' APPENDIX B. AUGUST 2011 SITE PHOTOGRAPHS (1) View of interior of MT1 transect on the north side of Mason Creek (2) View of interior of MT2 transect on north side of Mason Creek Mason Inlet Relocation Project New Hanover County, LMG LAND MANAUMENT 4RUL�P:.. NC ..,,a .. Site Photographs August 2011 (Post- Construction Year 10) (1) View of interior of MT4 transect on the south side of Mason Creek (2) View of vegetation sampling quadrat at MT4 transect on south side of Mason Creek Mason Inlet Relocation Project New Hanover County, NC LAG Site Photographs August 2011 (Post- Construction Year 10) (1) View of exterior of MT4 transect on the south side of Mason Creek (2) View of exterior of MT6 transect on south side of Mason Creek Mason Inlet Relocation Project New Hanover County, NC LMG L NDMANAGEMENTGAUL'�Y ., _.1r. I., Site Photographs August 2011 (Post- Construction Year 10) (1) View of sediment deposition at MT6 transect on the south side of Mason Creek ta Ft (2) View of interior of MT6 transect on south side of Mason Creek a Mason Inlet Relocation Project New Hanover County, NC LMG LANV MANAGEMENt GROUP Site Photographs August 2011 (Post- Construction Year 10)