HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00328_Well Construction - GW1_20210312 r WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For fm=lMseOnX [tab,ram ca be Used for singlc oT MW14rtcwas L Well C3mtrttcxor.informatlon: Rich Lemire N M I TO _ 10 .iP'rlos Atril;Cortitneaeflhre ft. R. tL fG 2593A WC Wdl ContmctorCenifkMionNnmbcr S.,OiFIRR. �iNG iiiitti asedrirA 013 fia1t4Flt k` Rrahle is trROM. ATADTETHR" TMCNINTM MATERTAL SASDACCO Inc CoeattarytZaarar fS3 1NCORBYt�t teFtiftxdd FROM TO DWAIRT6R I TM M TM I MA7IT:RMAL 2.W41 Consuctitln Permit# 0 ft. 35' h. 2" SCH40 PVC tie all appilimble*141 penwila 0 r- ft. A. tit. 3.Well Use(check well use); Water Supply Well: FR M TO _ I DrArir.Tr R I SATSM. I -MT I M fflAVERIA10 t]Agficultural OMtmicipalf..mlic 35' R. 45, R. 2" lit 010 SCH40 PVC DGeothernmi(Headn000lutg Supply) 0Rcsideri;ial Naar Supply(iingle) ft III to 01ndustriaMmmercial OResidential water.supppiy(Shared) Tel t3lttl PROM TO MATtRTAL ts3tNtA A T iTMBMOn fiAMOUNT Dial alien 0 ft. 29, ft. PORTLAND TREMMIE Won-Water Supply Well: ?t, h. MManitorh% Injection wen: YL tl. 0Atlttifcr1tccharp QGroundwacrRemedirtion 9r45ANbM R"A" - to "N MNAMMI.Ir VIM P 'Yr n 13AquiforStoragc and RaxotiM OSalinitygarder 33' fl. 45' ft, SAND #2 OAgnifcr7cst OStommittcrl minogc ft. fG ❑F-xps rimcntaI 7cchnoloa ❑Subsidence Gontml ;.'nRnarr�k� �` it¢1ri?Atilt7tt t@ri�t.1ieit�te �w=� .. OGeoipenwl(Closed Lwp) OTraou FRO." tv DRSCROM01; e.Ysetrx sow"KA _ W-) ' 13Geothetnml(RestingCoLliM Return 00ther(explain under 02tRernatfif 0 ft. 44' ft. SILTY/SAND 44' ff. 45' (. PWR o i 4.:DSteWeil(S)Con)pletcd 2-11-2021 Well ID#DMW-2 tt. ft. 54.Well IJ1C7 40W. fL It. RED OAK LANDFILL ft. to. ;tti Facllity0mvrNam Fm okyTD#(irviiiiabie) p lci 3678-3288 State Rd 1524 Battleboro, NC 27809 Nash (L p, SATTLEBORO, NC, 27809 Plo-siWAddom City.md:Zip NASH BENTONITE SET FROM 291TO 33- C)"M Panctltbtr'fticnFJan'tVo,(pfi l) 51%Latitude And longitude is degreeslminuteslseconds or decimal degT•ecs; 22.Certification: (it xttl IkId.one WonS dt SrdllCictd) . 36.034663 77.895918 ram'" ]� W .�;a/1r,t .C. 2/17/2021 Si�atrtntx of Ctrt 7JsN Cavmrcmr s :Darr 6.Is(rain)ti ewdl(3):.'0P manent or OTemporary By„gning Ah jbnn.,I her&4>#mtjs that 4w mrO(ki aft(wrtr)don8~ed ur&ra,d m rvNfi t3vt NCACA2C';Ota9 ar.l SA NGAG"fMC;t7'�K'eU Caaatrrzttlnwt SrandaMs artdASeta a 7.Is this a repair to im Wsting well: 01'es or MNi► r� r�1 rhl*rxorrtl+ns 8rnru pimdrint ra afar arlt nrvcrr. if rAls it a n.pafn fill omr CeT m well ea+aonftvf<m hVarxw*n mad explain dw nature of tar repair mmtrr#2l retawrU atirtr;ns ar are dw bad of this farm. 23.Site dlWam or.Sddltional Nell details: You may use the ba&,of this page to pro%ide additional well site details or well S.Numberof n`ells constructed: 1, coustmetion details. You may also attach additional pages ifatecessafy For maitlpir lnrrtlout or am-w area wtFp3r w lb ONLY iifM rhr same eonstrurAmt.ynww amr smbastone foa�a; SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS #.Total Wdtdepth bel*land Sor&CC 45' ((I,) 24a. Par ACE !Veils: Submit this form-rithin 30 duy's of oomptetion of nr11 for muNlplexvilslist all dep*rOdoemitferawl'-.30200'OM?01(0) Constmdionto the:fWming: 10.Stout"crater level below top of casing:,41 bit�,) °lslon of W*tcr Rcsoartd.Info n AtianProcessing UnK theater level it obvi a trarisr,area"+" 161'f.Mail Service Center,Ralei*NC 276"4617 tl.8a chotedlametcr 6" (in.) 24b.Far Inicetiori'Wens ONLY: In addition to sending the form to ft address in 244aboce.also.Mmit a copy of this farm within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well eor6oMjlon MUtltod:MUD ROTARY CDtt4Wttion to the tblitsrvlitg (i e.sneer.min y.'csblch dbra ttnsd.etc.) Dhision of Water Resources,Undergmund Injection Control Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY WEi LS'ONLl: 1636 Mill Semice Center,Raleigh.NC 27699 I636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24c For Water Satrpls Rc 1!?jWJon WetIS Also submit one cog of this fortes'%,,~thin 10 fts of conTpletion of I3h.DWn("on"tvpL- Amount: neli constnictionto the cormty health depadmcat of(he County,wh m constmcted. Farm GW-t Nome Catelim Mpatuncm of llwitwmm aW Natund Resoutocs-:Division aNkla¢r itemmrs Revised At gust stt 2013