HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070503 Ver 2_More Info Received_20070521E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: SECTION 02900 LANDSCAPING PART 1: GENERAL 1.1: Scope (1) Earthwork (Section 02210) (2) Erosion & Sediment Control (Section 02230) McNeely Associates MAY, DENR - WATEK UUALiTY WE'fUWDSAND STORMWATER BRANCH B. Work Included in This Section: Furnish all materials, equipment, and labor for the planting of shrubs, trees, seed, protection maintenance, mulching of plant beds and grass areas, guarantee and replacement; coordination with other trades and related items required to complete the work indicated on the drawings and as specified, including but not limited to: (1) Existing soil preparation & fertilizing, including placement of topsoil. (2) Removal of noxious weeds and 'policing' tree mass areas to remain. (3) Placement of bio-retention soils and prepared planting media including additives. (4) Seeding of grass and "revegetative cover" vegetation. (5) Placement of Bermuda Sod. (6) Planting of trees and shrubs. (7) Mulching of all plant beds. (8) Maintenance requirements, guarantees and warranties. 1.2: Industry Standards: A. References: Some products and execution are specified in this Section by reference to published specifications or standards of the following (with respective abbreviations used): The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). American Association of Nurserymen (AAN). U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA). N.C. Department of Agriculture (NCDA). Applicable sections of the Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures, latest edition, by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). B. Landscape Contractor shall mean a registered "Landscape Contractor" as defined by the General Statutes of North Carolina. Unless proper credentials and evidence of experience can be supplied to the Architect to substantiate equal capabilities, only a Landscape Contractor licensed in North Carolina shall be permitted to perform this work. NOTE: This landscape firm shall have successfully completed five (5) projects of similar size to this project within the past five (5) years. (1) The Landscape Contractor's performance shall be required to conform to the recommendations provided in the most current edition of the NC Landscape Contractors Manual (NCLCM) as approved by the NC Board of Landscape Contractors. Conformance to the NCLCM includes conformance with recommendations of the NC Cooperative Ext. Service publication, Carolina LANDSCAPING 02900-1 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates Lawns. In the event that the Contractor believes there is an inconsistency between the NCLCM and requirements of this Contract that could effect the quality of work; it is the Contractor's responsibility to discuss the situation with the Architect and Owner's Representative. C. Substantial Completion (Initial Acceptance) by the Owner shall be established at an inspection by the Architect to be performed after the Contractor has completed the installation and prepared a detailed list of deficiencies to be corrected prior to Final Completion. The Substantial Completion inspection will set the beginning and ending dates of the guarantee period and define the Owners' required maintenance to be performed during the guarantee period. D. Final Completion shall be determined by an inspection by the Architect after the Contractor has completed all items identified in the punch list prepared during the Substantial Completion inspection. E. Final Acceptance by the Owner shall be at the end of the guarantee period, and upon completion of any plant replacements required. 1.3: Schedule and Requirements for Lawn Grassing and Establishment of Sodding on the Multi-Purpose Field: A. Substantial Completion (Initial Acceptance) by the Owner shall be established at an inspection by the Architect to be performed after the Contractor has completed the installation and prepared a detailed list of deficiencies to be corrected before Final Completion. The Substantial Completion inspection will set the beginning and ending dates of the guarantee period and define the Owners' required maintenance to be performed during the guarantee period. (1) Site Seeding (Lawn Grassing): If the Contractor fails to Substantially Complete the installation of lawn grassing by seeding operations on or before July 1. 2008, the Owner shall assume the responsibility for the installation of permanent grassing by installing sod in the areas and shall deduct a lump sum of $25,000 from the Contract Amount to cover the cost of the installation of sod and the other damages incurred by the Owner due to the Contractor's failure to complete this work. Due to seasonal restrictions this date shall not be extended. Extension of the Contract Time for the building shall not extend this date unless specifically stated in the approved Change Order. (2) Multi-Purpose Field (Sodding): If the Contractor fails to Substantially Complete the installation of sod on the multipurpose field on or before July 1. 2007, the Owner shall assume the responsibility for the installation of sodding the field and shall deduct a lump sum of $50,000 from the Contract Amount to cover the cost of the installation of sod and the other damages incurred by the Owner due to the Contractor's failure to complete this work. Due to seasonal restrictions this date shall not be extended. Extension of the Contract Time for the building shall not extend this date unless specifically stated in the approved Change Order. 1.4: Submittals: A. Guarantees: Submit guarantee in writing (in duplicate) stating terms of guarantee, name of Landscape Contractor, name of Owner, name of Project, location, and dates of guarantee. LANDSCAPING 02900-2 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates B. Project Schedule: Prior to 30 calendar days of beginning landscaping work as defined herein, submit a proposed time schedule indicating estimated dates for beginning and completing the following operations: (1) Submittals. (2) Delivery of materials including placement of topsoil (3) Preparation of seedbeds, sodded areas and planting beds. (4) Seeding. (5) Sodding. (6) Planting. (7) Mulching. The Substantial Completion Date for Landscaping the Entire Site is August 1. 2008. C. Maintenance: Prior to 14 calendar days from beginning Seeding, Planting and Sodding operations; submit to the Architect, with copy to the Owner, a typewritten outline of maintenance procedures to be followed by the Landscape Contractor during establishment of the project landscaping. This Contractor will maintain all of the landscape work prior to Substantial Completion (Initial Acceptance by the Owner). The outline shall conform to the requirements of the Contract and recommendations provided in the most current edition of the NC Landscape Contractors Manual as approved by the NC Board of Landscape Contractors. D. Materials: (1) Manufacturer's names and data relating to planting fertilizers, soil, and additives shall be submitted for approval. (2) Two (2) bagged samples of double shredded pine bark mulch shall be submitted for approval. (3) Two (2) bagged samples of triple-screened topsoil shall be submitted for approval. E. Certificates of Inspection: The Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for all certificates of inspection of plant materials that may be required by federal, state, or other authorities to accompany shipments of plants. F. Inspection: The Landscape Contractor may request an inspection of plant materials by the Architect or his authorized agent to confirm quality, size and variety of plant materials prior to installation at the site. This preliminary inspection shall not in any way impair the right of rejection for failure to meet other requirements during progress of work. G. Sub-Contractors: All sub-contractors must be approved by the Architect in writing. H. Maintenance Schedule during Guarantee Period: Submit to the Owner, with copy to Architect, typewritten instructions outlining procedures to be established by the Owner for maintenance of landscape work during the guarantee period. Submit to Architect for approval 30 days prior to Substantial Completion. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.1: Materials LANDSCAPING 02900-3 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates A. Gravel or Crushed Stone: (used for drainage) shall be a mixture of crushed gravel so graded that 100% by volume shall pass a 1 1/2" screen and shall be equal to NCDOT standard size # 57M. B. Fertilizer: Shall be slow release commercial fertilizer delivered to the site in unopened original containers each bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. Any fertilizer that becomes caked or otherwise damaged shall not be accepted. Fertilizer shall contain a 10-10-10 ratio of nitrogen, phosphate, and potash, unless otherwise determined by soil test and analysis. C. Lime: Lime shall be dolomitic ground limestone meeting NCDA requirements for agricultural limestone. D. Mulches: (1) Plant beds and saucers shall be mulched with a three (3) inch layer of double shredded pine bark free of light wood. Bark nuggets shall not be acceptable. (2) Seeded areas, including areas to receive revegetative cover, shall be mulched with clean grain straw, free of pests and blight and tacked with asphalt emulsion, type RS or CRS, at the rate of 10 gal. per 1,000 S.F. E. Decomposed organic matter: Provide any kind of aged ground (milled) bark that is non-toxic to plants, of uniform texture and subject to decomposition. F. Water: Water to be used in this work shall be furnished by the Landscape Contractor unless otherwise noted. Equipment for watering the seed, sprigs, sod and plants, including hoses as required, shall be furnished by the Landscape Contractor. G. Triple Screened Topsoil: Screened topsoil furnished under the allowance shall be a natural, fertile, friable soil, possessing characteristics of representative productive soils in the vicinity. "Triple Screened Topsoil" has typically been sifted through three 1/2" x 1/2" sized screens and contains no rocks or debris that would hinder planting operations. See Unit Prices and Allowance for supplying this product to the site for use in the planting operations if the Owner desires. H. On-site Topsoil: On-site topsoil shall be stripped, stockpiled and screened on site to remove stones, stumps, roots, or similar substances one (1) inch or more in diameter. On-site topsoil shall be without admixture or subsoil and shall be clean and reasonably free from clay lumps, debris or other objects which might be a hindrance to planting operations. Topsoil must be coarser than the texture of the subsoil. NOTE: This Contractor will be responsible for cleaning, screening and amending the topsoil on site for his use. Debris or other objects that would hinder planting operations will not be acceptable in the topsoil. Bio-retention Soil Mix: (1) Provide a Bio-retention soil using the three components listed below that will meet the ASTM standards as follows as provided by Triangle Landscape Supplies, (919) 524-6500. Perma-till Fines 40% Coarse Sand 45% Aged Pine Bark Fines 15% LANDSCAPING 02900-4 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates Clay percentage will not exceed: 8% Silt percentage will not exceed: 20% **Silt + Clay must not exceed: 20% **Phosphorus index not to exceed: 30 a. The bio-retention soil mix shall be a uniform mix, free of stones, stumps, roots or other similar objects larger than one and one half inch. No other materials or substances shall be mixed or dumped within the bio-retention area that may be harmful to plant growth or provide a hindrance to the planting or maintenance operations. The bio-retention soil shall be fee of noxious weeds. b. The bio-retention shall be tested and shall meet the following criteria: pH range 5.2-7.0 organic matter 1.5-4% magnesium 35 lb./ac phosphorus P205 75 lb./ac potassium K20 85 lb./ac soluble salts not to exceed 500 ppm All bio-retention areas shall have a minimum of one test per 200 cubic yards. Each test shall consist of both the standard soil test for pH, phosphorus, potassium and additional tests organic matter and soluble salts. A textural analysis is required from the site stockpiled bio-retention soil. d. Since different labs calibrate their testing equipment differently, all testing shall come from the same testing facility. Should the pH fall out of the acceptable range, it may be modified (higher) with lime or (lower) with iron sulfate plus suffer. (2) Stalite Rotary Kiln Expanded Slate Fines: a. ASTM C29 Unit Dry Weight loose (48 Ibs/cf to 55 Ibs/cf) b. ASTM C127 Specific Gravity to meet 1.45 to 1.60 Dry Bulk C. ASTM C330 to meet the ASTM Gradation 1/2" - #4 size 1/2" to #4 Sieve Size % Passing 3/4" 100 1/21' 90-100 3/8" 40-80 #4 0-20 #8 0-10 d. Absorption (ASTM C127) to meet 5% or more. e. The expanded slate must contain no clay lumps or any organic impurities. (3) Course Sand: a. Grain Size Distribution (ASTM C136-95A) Sieve Size % Passing 3/8" 100 #4 95-100 LANDSCAPING 02900-5 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates #8 85-97 #16 60-80 #30 10-20 #50 5-15 #100 0-5 (4) Probase: a. Must be aged and fully decomposed pine bark humus screened to munus 1/211. b. The screened bark humus must fall below the following limits: Ammonia (NH4-N) 20 PPM Magnesium (Mg) 5.0 PPM Iron (Fe) 8.0 PPM Manganese (Mn) 1.0 PPM Copper (Cn) .10 PPM Zinc (Zn) .15 PPM Soluble salts 0.50 mmho/cm pH must fall between 4.0 and 7.0 Plant Materials: (1) Plant list - a list of plants is shown on the landscaping plans and/or in these specifications. (2) Nomenclature - the names of plants required under this contract conform to those given in Hortus Third, Copyright © 1976 by Cornell University for its L. H. Bailey Hortorium. Names of varieties not included therein conform generally with names accepted in the North Carolina nursery trade. (3) Quantities - Quantities necessary to complete the planting design as shown and located on the drawings shall be furnished by the Landscape Contractor. Quantities shown in the plant list are for the convenience of Landscape Contractors and are believed to be substantially correct, but the accuracy of quantities shown in the list is not guaranteed. All labeled new plantings on the plan shall be installed where indicated. (4) Quality and Size - Plants shall have a habit of growth that is normal for the species and shall be sound, healthy, vigorous, and free from insect pests including fire ants, plant diseases, and injuries and defects such as knots, sunscald, abrasions and disfigurements. All plants shall equal or exceed the measurements specified in the Plant List, which are minimum acceptable sizes. They shall be measured after pruning, with branches in normal position. Any necessary pruning shall be done at time of planting. Requirements for the measurements, branching, grading, quality, balling and burping of plants in the Plant List generally follow the code of standards and requirements of AN21 Z60.1, American Standard for Nursery Stock, latest edition. (5) Do not make substitutions. Substitutions will be permitted only upon submission of proof that any plant as specified is not obtainable during the scheduled planting season, within 200 statute miles of the project location. Proof of the unavailability of a plant must contain as a minimum, a list of ten nurseries within 200 miles that have been checked by the Landscape Contractor for plant material in question. Written authorization of the Architect LANDSCAPING 02900-6 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates will be required for any substitution. The nearest equivalent obtainable size or variety of plant having the same essential characteristics shall be used. No adjustment of the contract price shall be permitted. LANDSCAPING 02900-7 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates (6) Plants designated "B&B" in the Plant List shall be balled and burlapped. They shall be dug with firm, natural balls of earth of sufficient diameter and depth to encompass the fibrous and feeding root system necessary for full recovery of the plant. Balls shall be firmly wrapped with burlap or similar material and bound with twine, cord, or wire mesh. Where necessary to prevent breaking or cracking of the ball during the process of planting, the ball may be secured to a platform. Ball must be kept moist and shaded until it is planted. The natural root collar of all B&B stock shall be within 2 inches + or - of the root ball soil line as it occurred in the nursery. (7) Plants designated "CON" in the Plant List are container grown plants. Any "B&B" plants available in containers may be substituted at the discretion of the Landscape Contractor. If stored on the site, they must be watered thoroughly at least once every 48 hours. Do not remove "CON" stock from containers until planting time. (8) Label each group of trees and shrubs with securely attached waterproof tag bearing legible designation of botanical and common name. a. Where formal arrangements or consecutive order of trees or shrubs are shown, select stock for uniform height and spread, and label with number to assure symmetry in planting. (9) Deliver trees and shrubs after preparations for planting have been completed and plant immediately. The root zone of all plants not yet installed must be protected from weather (freezing, drying and direct sunlight), and mechanical damage. (10) Grass seed shall be improved turf type Bermuda, "Jackpot" "Savannah" or other variety approved by the Owner's Representative. All seed shall be certified seed meeting all standards of purity as required by the United States Department of Agriculture. (12) No-mow vegetation grass mix shall be Appalo Sericea Lespedeza. Annual Ryegrass and Weeping Lovegrass guaranteed to meet minimum purity standards of U.S.D.A. (13) Sod shall be T-10 Hybrid Bermuda. Provide machine cut, strongly rooted, certified turf grass sod, not less than 2 years old, free of weeds and undesirable native grasses and stripped not more than 24 hours before laying. Sod pad size shall be uniform thickness of 5/8", plus or minus 1/4", measured at the time of cutting and excluding top growth and thatch. Provide in suppliers standard size of uniform length and width with maximum allowable deviation of plus or minus 1/2" in width and 5/8" in length. Sod pad should be able to support its own weight and retain its size and shape when suspended vertically from a firm grasp on the upper 10% of the sod pad. Pre-Emergent Herbicide: Herbicide shall be Ronstar-G as manufactured by Rhone- Poulanc Corporation, or approved equal. K. Post-Emergent herbicide: Herbicide shall be Round-up by Monsanto, or approved equal. L. Burlap for plant balls shall be untreated and readily decomposable. LANDSCAPING 02900-8 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates M. Anti-Dessicant: Emulsion type, film-forming agent designed to permit transpiration, but retard excessive loss of moisture from plants. Deliver in manufacturer's fully identified containers and mix in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. N. Wrapping: Tree-wrap tape not less than 4 inches wide, designed to prevent borer damage and winter freezing. 0. Staking/Guying System: Use 3/4" wide wovern, green, flexible synthetic strapping with 900 lb. break strength similar or equal to Arbortape TM system or Arbor Tie with stakes and deadmen of sound, new hardwood, treated softwood, or redwood, free of knot holes and other defects. P. Weed Control Fabric: Install nonwoven needle punched Geotextile similar or equal to 140 EX drainage fabric meeting AASHTO M-288-99 requirements for Class 3 subsurface drainage, Class 3 separation and Class 3 stabilization. Fabric shall be 4.5 oz./sq.yd., 60 mil thickness as manufactured by LINQ Industrial Fabrics, Inc. - Geotextile Division - 2550 West Fifth North St., Summerville, SC 29483, (800) 543- 9966 Fax: (843) 875-8276 Email: linq@linq.com. See plans for location of fabric in plant beds. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.1: Existing Conditions A. Experience: Employ only experienced personnel who are familiar with the required work. Provide adequate Supervision by a qualified foreman. B. Planting time: Plant or install materials, including replacement materials, only during normal planting seasons for each type of landscape work required. Correlate planting with specified maintenance periods to provide maintenance until acceptance by the Owner. C. Subgrade elevations: Excavation, filling and grading required to establish elevations shown on the drawings are specified under other sections of these specifications. Landscape Contractor shall verify subgrade elevations and notify the General Contractor and Architect in writing of any discrepancies prior to beginning work. D. Construction Below Ground or Overhead: It is not contemplated that planting shall occur where the depth of soil over underground construction, obstructions or rock is insufficient to accommodate the roots or where pockets in rock or impervious soil will require drainage. Where such conditions are encountered in excavation of planting areas and where the stone, boulders, or other obstruction cannot be broken and removed by hand methods in the course of digging plant pits of the usual size, the Architect shall be notified so that this material may be removed by the Owner, or the plant material relocated to a more favorable location. Removal of rock or other underground obstructions, relocation of construction, and provisions of drainage for planting areas shall be done only as approved by the Architect and the Owner. 3.2: Preparation of Areas to be Grassed, Sodded, Planting Beds, and Planting Soil Mix A. General: (1) Preparation shall not start until after all other site irrigation and utilities work has been completed and approved by the Architect within the areas to be seeded, sprigged, sodded or planted. LANDSCAPING 02900-9 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates B. Areas to be Grassed (Lawn and Revegetative Cover): (1) Loosen soil thoroughly to a depth of 6 inches, or if heavy clay or overly compacted soils are present, sub-soil plow to 12" depth until tillage is suitable for subsequent operations. Remove all rocks greater than 1" diameter from prepared soil surface prior to seeding. Work in the following soil additives: Lime - 120 lbs./1000 sq. ft. Fertilizer - 35 lbs./1000 sq. ft. (Formula 10-10-10) 20% Super Phosphate 25 Ibs/1000 sq. ft. (2) Grade lawn areas to a smooth, even surface with a loose, uniformly fine texture. Roll and rake to remove ridges and fill depressions as required to meet finished grades. Limit fine grading to areas which can be planted within the near future. (3) Tolerances: Refer to finish grading tolerances in Section 02210 Earthwork. C. Areas to be Sodded: (1) Loosen soil thoroughly to a depth of 6 inches, until tillage is suitable for subsequent operations. No rocks are allowed in surface soils ro receive sod. Work in the following soil additives: Lime: 100 Ibs./1000 sq. ft. Fertilizer: 20 Ibs/1000 sq. ft. Superphosphates: 10 Ibs/100 sq. ft. (2) Fine grade lawn areas to a smooth, even surface with a loose, uniformly fine texture. Roll and rake to remove ridges and fill depressions as required. Limit fine grading to areas which can be sodded within the near future. Moisten lawn area before sodding if soil is dry. D. Plant Bed Preparation (1) Approximately one week prior to beginning planting in the beds, plant beds should be watered to germinate any weed seed. One to two days later, spray plant beds with "Roundup" or other approved systemic weed killer, applied at the manufacturer's recommended rate of dilution and coverage. (2) At the time of planting, thoroughly till plant beds to a minimum depth of eight (8) inches. Add to this broken subsoil a sufficient amount of decomposed organic matter sufficient to raise the organic content to 10% by volume and the following additives: Lime 40 Ibs./1000 S.F. Fertilizer 25 Ibs./1000 S.F. (Formula 10-10-10) The Landscape Contractor may adjust rates of lime and fertilizer based on laboratory soil tests if approved by the Architect prior to beginning planting operations. E. Mix the following soil additives to topsoil stored on-site or approved subsoil for planting soil mix: LANDSCAPING 02900-10 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates (1) Decomposed organic matter - use sufficient amount to raise the organic content to 5% minimum by volume. (2) Use 0.1 pounds/cu. ft., 10-10-10 fertilizer. (3) Use 0.4 pounds/cu. ft. dolomitic lime meeting North Carolina Department of Agriculture standards for fineness and purity. (4) Circular pits shall be excavated for all trees and shrubs. Diameter of pits for trees shall be at least two feet greater than the diameter of the ball or spread of roots. The depth of pits for trees shall be enough to accommodate the ball of roots when the plant is set to finished grade. Use planting soil mix as shown in planting details on the drawings. F. Dispose of subsoil removed from planting operations. Do not mix with planting soil or use as backfill. 3.3: Bio-retention Soil Mix: A. Mixing Off Site: (1) Mechanically mix the materials to provide a uniform distribution of the components. (2) Inadequate moisture content: Do not work medium when moisture content is low that dust will form in the air. Apply water, if necessary, to bring medium to an optimum moisture content for compacting and planting. (3) Do not work medium when the moisture content is high enough for excessive compaction to occur. Aerate medium until moisture content is uniformly reduced as necessary to achieve optimum compaction. B. Provide bio-retention soil medium from one source. Medium can be supplied in bags or bulk. C. Do not begin filling impoundment until Architect has inspected and approved the sub- drainage piping with gravel and filter fabric. Take extreme care when filling the impoundment. Do not damage filter fabric or other drainage structures. D. Fill bio-retention medium in 12" lifts maximum layers. Place surrounding topsoil fill to desired depth prior to placing each layer (lift) of bio-retention soil medium. After initial placement of bio-retention soil, allow soil mix to "settle" for at least 30 days. After settlement, place additional bio-retention to achieve finish grades. 3.4: Seeding, Sodding, and Planting: A. Seeding: (1) Grassing Season: All permanent grassing shall be installed according to the N.C. E. & S. Manual or as approved by the Architect. Temporary grassing will be planted according to Section 02230. (2) Prepare seed bed by carefully raking out all debris and provide positive drainage away from plant beds and buildings. (3) Final grading and starter fertilizer: Check slope, remove all foreign materials and stones larger than 1/2 inch in the surface of the prepared soil. Level soil and roll with heavy (250-300 Ibs) roller. Keep soil damp, not dry or wet, when it LANDSCAPING 02900-11 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates is worked. Alternately rake and roll area until footprints cannot be seen readily or they are less than 1/4 inch deep. (4) Apply starter fertilizer at a rate that will provide 1 to 1-1/2 lbs. of actual nitrogen/1000 sq.ft. Rake starter fertilizers into soil surface about 1 inch deep and proceed with grass seeding. (5) Sow grassed areas evenly with a mechanical spreader to produce a uniform stand of grass. (6) Seed shall be 'scratched in' with a garden rake or rolled with a light roller or cultipacker to firm the seed in the soil. The method of seeding may be varied at the discretion of the Landscape Contractor on his own responsibility to establish a smooth, uniform grassed lawn. (7) In normal season, the lawn grass seed shall be sown uniformly at the rate of two (2) Ibs per 1000 sf of "Savannah" variety hulled Hybrid Bermuda. Sow only when moisture content of the soil is suitable for sowing grass seed. Keep soil in moist condition until seeds have germinated. (8) Mulch: All grassed areas shall be mulched with clean grain straw as specified. Straw mulch shall be tacked with emulsified asphalt (thinned with water) at a rate of 150 gallons per ton of straw. (9) Establishment and Maintenance: Water, mow, and maintain until an acceptable stand is achieved. a. Irrigation: from time of seeding to Substantial Completion, the Contractor shall keep maturing grass irrigated on a regular basis. Irrigation shall occur a minimum of once each day until two (2) weeks after date of initial seeding. Thereafter, irrigation shall occur a minimum of once a week. b. At no time shall seeded permanent turf be allowed to grow over 4 inches in height. Throughout this period, the target mowing height shall be 1.5-2 inches. At no time shall more than 50% of the turf height be removed in any three-day period by mowing or other maintenance activity. c. Seeded permanent turf shall be fertilized according to the monthly application rates recommended in Carolina Lawns for common Bermuda grass or at reduced rates if instructed by the Architect. d. Weed control shall be provided as necessary to prevent the establishment or proliferation of a weed species and to achieve acceptable turf at time of Initial Acceptance. B. Sodding: (1) Sodding Season: Anytime during the year when freezing conditions do not exist and as approved in advance by the Architect and Owner. Sodding around the building shall not be installed before late Spring, 2008. (2) Lay sod to form solid, uniform mass with tightly fitted joints. "Butt" ends and sides of sod strips. Do not overlap sod strips. Stagger strips to offset joints in adjacent courses. Lay sod strips across slopes and perpendicular to drainage flow. Tamp or roll lightly to ensure contact with subgrade. LANDSCAPING 02900-12 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates C. (3) Secure with pegs or staples at spacing recommended by the sod grower and supplier and as approved by the Architect and Owner. (4) Water sod with fine spray immediately after planting. Water daily during first two weeks of establishment to maintain soil to depth of 4". (5) At no time shall sodded turf be allowed to grow over 3 inches in height. Throughout this period, the target mowing height shall be 1.5 inches. At no time shall more than 50% of the turf height be removed in any three-day period by mowing or other maintenance activity. (6) Sodded turf shall be fertilized according to the monthly application rates recommended in Carolina Lawns for the utilized grass or at reduced rate if instructed by the Architect. (7) Weed control shall be provided as necessary to prevent the establishment or proliferation of a weed species and to achieve acceptable turf at time of Initial Acceptance. Revegetative Cover (No-Mow Seeding): (1) Seed the following rates: Appalo Sericea Lespedeza 10 lbs. per acre Weeping Lovegrass 3 lbs. per acre Annual Ryegrass 2 lbs. per acre Hybrid Tall Fescue 100 lbs. per acre D (2) Seed during normal season (March - April), if possible. (3) Mulch as required in Section 3.4. Planting: (1) Planting Season: The normal planting season should be considered as October 1 through April 15. (2) After notification to proceed, planting operations shall be conducted under favorable weather conditions during the normal planting season. At the option of and on the full responsibility of the Landscape Contractor, planting operations may be conducted under unseasonable conditions, without additional compensation, and only when proper "out-of-season" procedures are utilized. (3) Layout: New planting shall be located where shown on the drawings except where obstructions below ground or overhead are encountered or where changes have been made in the construction. Adjustment to plant locations shall be approved by the Architect prior to planting. Positions of trees and plants not otherwise indicated may be scaled from the drawings, keeping the relationship to architectural or site features as indicated by the drawings. Turn plants in pit to face best side out. (4) Pruning: Remove dead and broken branches from all plant material. Prune only to retain typical growth habit of individual plants with as much height and spread as is practical. Make all cuts with a sharp instrument flush with trunk or adjacent branch in such a manner as to ensure elimination of stubs. "Head- back" cuts at right angles to line of growth will not be permitted. Trees shall not LANDSCAPING 02900-13 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates be poled or topped. Remove trimmings from site. Never cut leaders without permission from the Architect. NOTE: All plants must meet minimum size requirements after any necessary pruning. (5) Drainage: The Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for adequate drainage from all plants. If during the planting operations, the Landscape Contractor determines that water conditions are such that drain lines or other drainage measures are necessary, he shall install the necessary measures. (6) Setting Plants: Unless otherwise indicated on the drawing all plants shall be planted in raised prepared soil beds, and set on compacted prepared soil mix to such depth that the finished grade level of the plant - after settlement - will be approximately 1/3 ball height (4" - 5" above grade measured at the natural root collar) and above finished grade measured at 3 feet horizontally from al edges of walks, curbs or permanent fixtures. (See Planting Details.) They shall be planted upright and faced to give the best appearance of relationship to adjacent structures. Remove burlap and wire cage down 1/3 from top of balls. No burlap shall be pulled from under the balls. Roots on bare-root plants shall be spread in their normal position. All broken or frayed roots shall be cut off cleanly. Prepared soil mix shall be placed and compacted carefully to avoid injury to roots and to fill all voids. Add water and tamp the backfill until the backfill is completely saturated, then allow it to soak away. Fill the hole to finished grade, and form a shallow saucer around each plant by placing a ridge of topsoil around the edge of each pit. After the ground settles, additional soil shall be filled in to the level of the finished grade. Groundcovers shall be planted in prepared soil beds after mulch has been installed. Straighten mulch or add additional mulch after planting as needed to achieve finished appearance. (7) Guying Trees: (See Planting Details.) Install guys not less than 1/3 height of tree above ground. Equally space anchors for guys around trunk. Install guys at ±45 degree angle to horizon. Keep guys taut but not overly tight until the end of the guarantee period. Guys are to be removed at that time, by the Landscape Contractor. (8) Wrapping Trees: After completing guying operations, spirally wrap all deciduous tree trunks with strip burlap or approved treated paper with at least a one inch overlap. Do not use wrap to hide trunk damages or problems. (See Planting Details included on drawings.) Wrap is to be removed at the end of the guarantee period, by the Landscape Contractor. (9) Apply anti-desiccant using power spray, to provide an adequate film over trunks, branches, stems, twigs and foliage. 3.5: Mulching and Protection: A. Mulch seeded areas with straw as specified and tack with water emulsified asphalt at a rate of 150 gallons per ton of straw or other acceptable means. B. Protect newly seeded areas from unnecessary pedestrian traffic for four (4) weeks minimum. C. All plant saucers and plant beds shall be thoroughly mulched with a 3" layer of mulch as specified within 2 days of planting. LANDSCAPING 02900-14 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates 3.6: Mowing: The Landscape Contractor shall water, fertilize, mow, reseed, roll, re-grade, re- sprig, replant/patch bare spots and maintain all lawn areas in conformance with the NC Landscape Contractors Manual until an acceptable stand is achieved and the areas are accepted by the Owner for maintenance. 3.7: Maintenance: A. Maintain work of this section from time of installation until Initial Acceptance. Maintenance shall include: watering of lawns and plantings, mowing; repairs to lawn; protection of plantings; weeding, cultivating, and mulching plant beds; and at least one application of pre-emergent herbicide (Ronstar-G) to all plant beds as per manufacturer's recommendations. B. At edges of all hard improvements (paving, walks, paved play, etc.), excavate a 3"- 4" deep maintenance edge to aid in lawn edging and retain mulches. C. Tighten and repair stake and guy supports and reset trees and shrubs to proper grades or vertical position as required. Restore or replace damaged wrappings. Spray as required to keep trees and shrubs free of insects and disease. D. At the end of the guarantee period, and prior to Final Acceptance, all plant beds shall be free from weeds and edged neatly to a line as shown on the drawings. All plant tags shall be removed by the Landscape Contractor before the Final Inspection. E. This Contractor WILL be responsible for the weeding of new plant beds during the guarantee period. The amount of weeds encountered by the Landscape Contractor at the end of the Guarantee period shall depend solely on his adequate mulch application and the pre-emergent herbicide application. Periodic visits to the site by the Landscape Contractor will be necessary during the Guarantee period to avoid excessive weed removal before Final Acceptance. 3.8: Clean-up and Completion: A. During landscape work, keep pavements clean and work area in an orderly condition.. B. Protect landscape work and materials from damage due to landscape operations, operations by other contractors and trades, and trespassers. Maintain protection during installation and maintenance periods. Treat, repair, or replace damaged landscape work as directed. C. Upon completion of work, remove from the site all equipment and other articles used. All excess soil, stones and debris shall be removed and legally disposed of. All work areas shall be left in a clean and neat condition. Final Acceptance will not be given unless all work areas are clean. D. All damage to existing construction caused by landscaping operations shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Owner, at the Landscape Contractor's expense.. 3.9: Inspection and Acceptance: A. At time of inspection for Initial Acceptance, sodded turf shall have been freshly mowed within the last 48 hours. Turf shall be healthy, of uniform color and exhibiting good LANDSCAPING 02900-15 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates growth. A minimum of 100% of the specified turf area shall be covered in sod that has been installed for a minimum six weeks. Turf shall be 100% free of all weeds. LANDSCAPING 02900-16 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates B. Should the multi-purpose field turf not be accepted on or prior to June 1, 2008, the Owner will require the Landscape Contractor to place the field on a program of intensive cultural management in order to bring the fields to acceptance specification as quickly as possible. Actions may include re-sodding (minimum laid piece size - 1.5 ft. by 2 ft.) and any cultural activity which is suggested by the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service as being of value in an intensive Bermuda grass management program. The Owner shall not be responsible for any additional costs associated with these actions. C. When inspected landscape work does not comply with requirements, replace rejected work and continue specified maintenance until re-inspected by Architect and found to be acceptable. Remove rejected plants and materials promptly from project site. 3.10: Substantial Completion Inspection and Acceptance by the Owner: A. Following receipt of a written request submitted by the Contractor with his list of any items yet to be completed and the reasons associated with any delays, the Architect will schedule an inspection of the work to determine acceptability. A list of deficiencies will be made according to the conditions of the Contract. B. All grassed areas shall be freshly mown within 48 hours before the Substantial Completion Inspection. Turf shall be healthy, of uniform color and exhibiting signs of good growth. A minimum of 95% of the specified seeding area shall be covered in established turf possessing both stolons (i.e. runners) and rhizomes. There shall be no bare areas greater than 4 sq. ft. or 1.5 ft. in any dimension. Seedling plants not having reached tiller stage (i.e. runner producing) shall be considered bare area. Turf shall be 100% free of noxious and perennial weeds and relatively free of annual weeds. C. Sodded turf shall be freshly mown within 48 hours prior to the Substantial Completion Inspection. Turf shall be healthy, of uniform color and exhibiting good growth. A minimum of 95% of the sprigged turf area shall be covered and weed free per the requirements listed above for grassed areas. A minimum of 100% of the sodded turf area shall be covered in sod that has been installed for a minimum four weeks. Sodded turf shall be 100% free of all weeds. D. When inspected landscape work does not comply with requirements, replace rejected work and continue specified maintenance until re-inspected by Architect and found to be acceptable. Remove rejected plants and materials promptly from project site. E. Final Completion by the Contractor shall be established upon completion of all plant replacements and repairs to the landscape as identified during the Substantial Completion Inspection. 3.11: Guaranty and Replacement: A. Seeding (lawn grassing): (1) If a satisfactory stand of grass has been produced at the time of Substantial Completion (Initial Acceptance); the lawn shall be guaranteed for a period of sixty (60) calendar days. If renovation and / or reseeding is required at the end of the guarantee period, this work shall be done in conformance with the requirements of section 3.10. LANDSCAPING 02900-17 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates (2) If a satisfactory stand of grass has not been produced at the time of Substantial Completion (Initial Acceptance), necessary repairs shall be performed in conformance with the requirements of this section until July 1, 2008. If a satisfactory stand of grass has not been established on or before August 1, 2008, see paragraph 1.3.A., (1) of this section for remedy by the Owner. (3) During the 60 day guarantee period, the Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for all watering of grass to get the lawn through periods of no rainfall or take responsibility to re-establish those areas which perish. B. Sodded Turf on the Multi-purpose Field: (1) If a satisfactory stand of sodded turf has been produced at the time of Substantial Completion (Initial Acceptance); the turf shall be guaranteed for a period of sixty (60) calendar days. If renovation and / or reseeding is required at the end of the guarantee period, this work shall be done in conformance with the requirements of section 3.9. (2) If a satisfactory stand of sodded turf has not been produced at the time of Substantial Completion (Initial Acceptance), necessary repairs shall be performed in conformance with the requirements of this section until July 1, 2008. If a satisfactory stand of grass has not been established on or before July 1, 2008, see paragraph 1.3.A., (2) of this section for remedy by the Owner. (3) During the 60 day guarantee period, the Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for all watering of grass to get the lawn through periods of no rainfall or take responsibility to re-establish those areas which perish. C. Sodded Lawn: (1) If a satisfactory sodded lawn has been produced at the time of Substantial Completion (Initial Acceptance), the turf shall be guaranteed for a period of sixty (60) calendar days. If renovation and/or re-sodding is required at the end of the guarantee period, this work shall be done in conformance with the requirements of this section. (2) If a satisfactory sodded lawn has not been produced at the time of Substantial Completion (Initial Acceptance), all unacceptable areas will be re-sodded according to the requirements of this section. Upon completion of these repairs, the turf shall be guaranteed as in paragraph (1) above. (3) During the 60 day guarantee period, the Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for all watering of grass to get the lawn through periods of no rainfall or take responsibility to re-establish those areas which perish. D. Planting: (1) Guaranty: After achieving Substantial Completion (Initial Acceptance by the Owner), warranty plantings for a period of one (1) year after date of Substantial Completion against death and unsatisfactory growth, except for defects resulting from neglect by Owner, abuse or damage by others, or unusual phenomena or incidents which are beyond the Landscape Contractor's control. Plantings shall be alive and in satisfactory growth at the end of the guaranty period. LANDSCAPING 02900-18 E-22 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McNeely Associates (2) Replacement: At the end of the twelve (12) month guaranty period, inspection will be made by the Architect upon written notice requesting such inspection submitted by the Landscape Contractor according to the contract conditions. Any plant required under this contract that is dead or not in satisfactory growth as determined by the Architect, shall be removed from the site; these and any plants missing, shall be replaced as soon as conditions permit, but during the normal planting season. (3) Materials and Operations: All replacements shall be plants of the same kind as originally planted and shall be of size equal to that attained by adjacent plants of the same kind at the time replacement is made. All costs of replacement shall be borne by the Landscape Contractor. Only one replacement in conformance with the provision of this section will be required for each plant declared dead, in an unhealthy or badly impaired condition, or missing at the time of Final Acceptance, provided the replacement plant is still healthy sixty (60) days after installation. END OF SECTION LANDSCAPING 02900-19 D MAY j 00? WATER QUAL! *WiDi MD S mfimwiii~ H i t CHERRY HUFFMAN Cary Project Number 07-SP-022 i22 135 E. Martin St., Suite 101 APPROVED See Sheet L-502 for Plant List. S~ Sheet L-502 for Drawing Legend Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 See utility drawings to avoid utility line and Planting Notes and Calculations 919.821.0805 T 919.821.0720 F www. cherryhuffman. com TOWN. OF GARY conflicts with large trees. EFORE YOU DEG B Approved by Date: GENERAL NOTES: `,,x%1/1111/11~~, ,~,~~IIIIIIIII~~I Planning Date: See Sheets L-401 for location 1. Field topographic information taken from digital file by Taybr, Wiseman & Taylor 40 0 20 40 80 160 ~ 1 0 632-4949 CALL 80 Engineering Date: of Weed Barrier Mat Engineers, s~,rv~yor, Scientists dated October 1, Zoos 2. The wetlands and stream locations subject Town of Cary Riparian Buffers shown hereon are N.C. ONE-CALL CENTER C i ? • based on field ties to the flags set by Trigon E~gineerin9 Co~nsuitar~ts, Inc. • Qyi ~ ~ : O F i 3. No plantings shall be located within Town of Gary Greenway Easemerrt. I N 1 f~ I~ 1 uyj_ C -39 99 • w r • r inch 40 f t. U 1 • ' • Q 46 i 3 W W W r ? ~ W W W W ~ I~ A SSOC `0 . 24" RCP ~ D(ISTiNG 50' URBAN ~ ~ ~ IW W W W W ' W W W W 0*0 S E , ~~~1111111111~~,, 0;8IIIIIIi110 ~ TRANSITION BUFFER I W / / / / / % W W ~ ~ / W W W W W W J~ W ~ ~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W y W W W W W y W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 8 CONSULTANTS G ~ ~ ~ I ULPA L W W W W W W W ~ T ~ ~T~ T ~ ~,T~ 1 ~y~ 1~ ~v~' T~ 1~ ~Y~ ~ T J'am' ~ T ~~V^ W W W W W ~Y W W W W W W W W W ~L W W W ~Y J' `Y W W J~ J~ `Y `Y `b W ^ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W J~ W W ~Y W `Y ~V W W W W W W W W W V~ W W W W ~V W W W W W W W C V O 3- ~ ~ W W' LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ..r + 3-PICH 4JCNC ~p 3-A] 3- ASGM - -8~L£R~- 3-,)CNC _ _ ~ ~ - ~ - - - _ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W McNeely Associates, P.A. 3-~- - - - - - - &I(8M - - - - - - W W W W W W W y W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W P.O. 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I . . . • • . . . 1 . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . 1 -I -I •l~f ` ~ • f / - y y y y y / - y Vr y J~ ~V y y II ~i 1 !j ~ II DEP V ` / / / / - / y y y y y y y y J ` , , / / / / / / • ~Y V~ ~V y y y y y y y y y / / J~ ~L ~Y y y y y y y y y y d y .y V~ +Y y y y y tt i /J 11 v ~Y ~Y V~ W ~Y J~ \ ! i / • / / . 1/ / r/ / 1 r•....••. • • ' / / / ~ ~V ~Y Vi ~Y W V~ y W W y W W II1 ~Y W W ~Y ~ / I REVISIONS 1 / / / 1 3 no. revision date u i 1/ / _ • ~ _ / / I 1 i / ` 1T N M a -so 1 TOC 1 st Reveiw Responses 04 26 07 / 1 r 11 /1 1 / / 1\ i ~ ~ w q 11 ~i ` /I 1 ~j I REMAIN - . 1 111 NG TREES TO 11 / f ! 1 /i + ~ ~ II 1/ \I ~ r v V ' i1 f 1 ~i ~ h 1 /i ~ , ~ / i \1 f! / 1/ 1 1 \ y ~ i ~ 11I U11 I!~ I 1\ ~ ~!l1 / I{ ~i f ~ 1 N 1~ 1 ! ` ~ 11 ~i 11 ~ ~ / 11 i ~ , ~ 1 / Il I ~ . 11 • 1 II ll/ ! : If ~ ~/ll T i i rr r~~ ~r f ~ \ I ~ , 111 I1 11 I Fj i ! 11 i/ 11 I!/ II i / I II \ \ ~ f \ ~ _ ~ i i A BUFfE R TYPE ! l1 r~ ~/!I 1 ` ` ~j i s Y 1 / R IREME M FFE RE tJ DITI EET ~1 N EXI ' .rw . i ~ ~ r~ ~ ~ A Selo" ~r /ZZZZZZZx W, ,JIM 400 . xx )(X ~ )X )(X 10'x4' )OC )0( M yy xx I Planting ~-O1 ~ ~ ' SITE TRIANGLE M yy M M M M W XX XX Plan L T ! cl 0000 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PLAN. I CHERRY HUFFMAN . THE OWNERS dF THE PROPERTY AND THEIR AGEN Buffers per Section 7.2.3 HQRS OR ASSIGNS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TH PLANS (~T (~E L-501 MD L-502) :IR AGENTS, ~ LE LEGEND 1 R 135 E. Martin St., Suite 101 .FOR THE Key Ouentity` Botancel Name Carwton Name HL fir. Cal. Root Cwnnenta ~ PENANCE OF AJV 23 Aarba jeparca'Varieg9ta' Gdd Duet Aaba 24' - - CoM. Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Proposed use loss = gass 4 (per Table 7.2-2) INSTALLRTION, PRESERVATION AND MAINTENANCE NUMBER OF PLANTS IN BED OR GROUPING 9 ~O O° O~C KEY FOR PLANT IDENTIFICATION 919.821.0805 T 919.821.0720 F North: No buffer required (Section 7.2.3 (Bxl) No buffer is required between shared public uses) ALL P4.AWTYNGS AND PHYSICAL FEATURES ON Ti-IIS PLAN. THE OIhINERS SWALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DN T1-IIS APA 1 Ater peMnaium 'Alroptrgreum' Red Japat~ Maple 6' 4' - - B-8 ~ Q 0 _ N~~ AR 31 Ater nbrum Red Maple 10 - - 2' B-B n www.cherryhuffman.com South: Required buffer type = 40A (per Table 7.2-i) ANNUAL MAINTENANCE OF THE VEGETATION TO (SEE PLANT LIST') SPACE AT 10" ON CENTER . Existing mnditla~s meet the requirement INCLUDE BUT NOT LIMITED TO: ASC~1 5 Acer eac~ervri'treen b/ot~an' Qreen I~IaiMein 9~iger t~lnpb 12' 2' B-B 8N 16 Beiula a 'H it River Brch T 3' Y B-B Single Stem Eat: Existing vege~Gon to meet buffer requirements betwcen schod and future I-540 CFCP 18 Corrws floride~'Cherdcee Princess Red Ror~erirg Dogwood 8~ 3~ 2~ B-B ,,,,+++1111f11~~~~, t~~,,,+1/1111/t11~~'I West: No buffer required (Secction 7Z.3 (Bxi) No buffer is required between shared public uses) 1. FERTiLiZATION: SUBMTI' R~PRESENTATNE SOIL SAMPLES OF SHRU AREAS FOR AGRONOMICAL CHEMICAL ANAYSIS EV FIVE YEARS OR WHEN SHRt16S ARE PERFORMING )F SHRUB CJIf 20 Q~yptomeriajeporica'Yoel~ino' YoeNaCkyptomerre 8' 4 - - B-B ;;.i , PROPOSED TREES OR SHRUBS See Sheet L-502 #'or Piant List. See utiti drawin s to avoid utili line ~~.•~~,o INDICATES FULL EXTENT OF MULCH tY 9 tY `~U . • ~p,P E q • • ~-7 • X10 S Cq ?~i PSIS EVERY C~1 ~ c ra lePonica ~ePeneee l~y~e 4' 30' - - B-B . , , ; ; ; ; " ' conflicts with large trees. RMING C3Y ki Cameie~ seaar?qua 'Ydetide' 'Yubtide' 3eaenq~~a Ce~neia (Red) 3' 24' - - CoM. , , „ Str~tSC~~ ~r SeCtIOI~I 7.2.4 POORLY. APPLY NUTRIENTS AT RATE RECOMMEND ' BY THE SOIL LABORATORY. APPLY A SLOW RELEAS Street trees: 890 linear feet of ppe/ 22 street trees required = 23 AR provided ~RTI~~ T~ ~~S AND SHRUBS, ONCE IN THE F AND SPRING. IMMENDED EAC 56 slaius' d Birch 16' ~i' Cant. RELFJISE FLG 21 Forsylha x nterm. 'Lynwood Gold' 'Lynwood Gold' Forsytl~ia 24' 24' - - CoM. INDICATES INDMDUAL TREE TO REMAIN ~ ~ ~ C -39 99 .N THE FALL HVA 26 Hem~eis vrgHena Conrnon Witd~ezel 24' 16' - - CoM. See Sheets L-401 for location z ~ : PROPOSED TREELIKE of Weed Barrier Mat ~~'~,?FF~ 7 • f': 00 40 41b Qb do IAF 27 Nex x aite~eta'Faeteri' Foster Holy 6' 3' - - &B Omamer~tal trees: to be spaced every 20' on average = 12 (APP + 8 PRCT provided NON 66 Nez ~rrta'8uiorci Nana' Dwarf &rford Hdy 18' 18' - - Cant. 5 GRAPHIC SCALE ` S A SS0C gyp E 2. PRUNING: WITH THE Dl4CEP'TION OF UNWANTED SPROUTS A • Vehicular Use Area (VUA) Landscaping per Section 7.2.6 ~E OF A TREE, AND T1MGS THAT SPROUT FROM KEN 13 Nex cornuta'Neetlepoitd Needepdnt HdY 24' 24' - - Cont. .OUTS AT THE ~p tl6 9ez carnula'Roiuxia' Dwarf Homed No9y 12' 1S - - Cori. 11111111/1• 111/+1 R FROM THE. - - o _~p DETAIL FLAG DETAIL #/SHEET # 40 0 20 40 80 160 TO REMOVAL IG 46 bx gialxa Y _ _ ~ CO NSUL TANTS Parking. areas: 1 canopy tree fivnk within 60' of all parking spaces ~E TRUNK, PRUNING SHALL BE LIMITED TO REM OF DEAD WOOD OR BRANCHES FltOM TREES OR F . Screeing WAs; Semi opaque screen/barrier between WA and ROW =existing vegetation bo meet requirement SIGHT DISTANCES/SAFETY REASONS. THE PRUNIN SHRUBS SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE PRUNING ES OR FOR ~ 28 Nex hybrids 'Neie R Stevens' Neie R 3tevane HoNy 5 3 - - ~ PRUNING OF ~ ~ ~x ~ 6' 3' _ _ B-B NG ~ 5 Max opaca'Emiy Bnrr~er' En~lf~ 9rurr?a' Fby 6' 3~ B-B NO-MOW VEGETATION ( IN FEET ) LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN THE NATURAL SMAPE OF ~MAPE OF 100 20 pax 'treenleaf' treeNeaf 8' 3' - - B-B s. N 36 Nex vc~itoria Yaupon Holy 4' - - - - B-B 1 inch = 4~ ft. THE PLANT D(CEPT FOR SHFJ~RED HEDGES. JCNC 193 Jurpcrua cMeneie 'Pkck's Compact' tick's Compact Jumper 18' 24' - - Cont. W W W FESCUE SOD McNeely Associates, P.A. 3. PEST CONTROL: JSEP 328 Ju~ipen~s aqueunata'Pareon' Parson's Juriper - - 18' - - Cont, W W W W ~ ~ GENERAL NOTES: P.O. Drawer 30126 Raleigh, North Carolina, 27622 PRE-EMERGENT WEED CONTitOL FOR SHRUB BEDS UB BEDS MAY ~N 9` Jurpe~s virg'erena Eastern Red ~eda~ - - - - ~ 1. Field topographic information taken from. digital file by Taylor, Wiseman & Taylor 919.782.9677 T BE APPLIED IN FEBRUARY, SPRAY PROPERLY LABEL HERBIQDE ON MULCHED AREAS FOR WEED CONT BEFORE YOU DIG qS NEEDED. CHEMICAL TREATMENT FOR INSECT LY LABELED LC~Ft 73 L~opetekm d~i~ense'Rubrun' Rez~lebeRi Fringe Flower 3Q' 2~ - - C~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D CONTROL LMV 2760 Liriope n~cari'Veriegata Variegated Lriope - - - - - - Coat 5 babe ntimxm/Plant i i i i i NSECT MG86 9 gren~llora'8rackene BB' 6radcero Brown Beauty Ma~w6a 12' 6' - - B-B ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ED IF MS 1 IAegnoia sotieu~ku~e Saucer Megnofa 6' 30' - - B-B ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ En ineers, SU 01', Scientists dated October 1, 2006 9 ~Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH 2, The wetlands and sb-eam locations subject to Town of Cary Riparian Buffers shown hereon are based on field ties to the flags set by Trigon Engineering Caisultants, Inc. STRUCTURAL NEEDED AND SHALL BE SPECIFIC TO THE PROBLE CALL 1 800 632-4949 Q, ~~HING: PROBLEM. N~, 11 Nyasa aquatics Water Tupelo T 3' - - B-B . ~ , ~ , ~ , LAWN/GRASSING Lassiter-Hopkins-Chang S T 0 P INFFSTATIQN AND DISEASE MAY BE APPLIED IF NDFD 10 Nendna domeetica'Herbo~r Dwar' Herbotr Dwarf Nendna - - 10' - - Cant. . PLANTING NOl'ES: 1015 Wade Avenue N.C. ONE-CALL CENTER VITH A DEPTH ~ 14 Net~na domeetica'Ro~l Rimes' R~aI Prhoeee Nendna 24' 16' - - ~ i. All areas of the site shall be covered by lawn grassing, sprigging, sodding, Raleigh, NC 27605 . (T' S THE LAW MULCHED AREAS SHALL BE MAINTAINED WITH A OF 2"-3" OF MULCH. MULCH SHALL BE REAPPLIED ?PPLIED ~ 8 ~schio cltinenas Cl+e~eee I~d~io 12 6 - - ~ PJ 4 Pie~is j,poNca'IJotntei~ Ike' Mantafn Rre PfaHe 24' 24' ~ narrow vegetation, plantings or mulch, No areas on die site shall be left bare. 2. All Bermuda Sprigging at the Multi-Purpose Field shall be Substa~ally Complete by Month/Day/Year. 919.82.5587 T EVERY TWO YEARS OR AS NEEDED. PRCT 20 Pnnue ceraeYera'TTw~derdoud' 'tTxnderdoud P~rpbisef PMm 8' 4' 2' B-B 3. All Lawn Grassing on the site shall be Substantially Complete by Mor?th/Day/Year. • 5. PLANT PROTECTION: P80 2 Rvnie eerrWste'Okame' Okame Cherry T 4' 2' B-B 4. No plantings shall be located within Tamn of Cary Greenway Easement PLUMB, MECH, ELEC & CIVIL AVOID IXCESS INTRUSION INTO THE ROOT ZONE )T ZONE AREA ~ ~ ~ L~dY ~ 8' - - 2' CoM/B-B Dewberry & Davis OF ESTABLISHED PLANTINGS. ~ ` QN 16 Ouarar nultai Mihl Ook m~ 4~ 2~ ~ 2301 Rexwoods Drive Suite 210 7D 23 Taxo~ium di~cFMm Cam~an 8eklcYPreas 12' - - 25' ~ UPA 6 Uln~us pervMofe'Abe' Ales Laceberk giineee ~n 12 S 25' ~ Raleigh, NC 27607-3366 ~ ~ 6. WATERING: . ~ WATER PLANTS DURING DR~GHT TO AVOID PLA INJURY OR DEATH. ` OID PLANT Z9(~W 10 ZdcaNa eerrata'treen Vase' trees Veee Zdcova 12' 4' 25' B-B 919.881.9939 T B-B BeMed and &rle~pped ROOFING CONSULTANT ~ ~ ~ FAILURE TO MAINTAIN ALL PLAM'I~GS IN • ~ ` ACCORDANCE WITH THIS PLAN MAY ~9NSRTUTE ` VIOLATION OF THE UNIFIED DEVELOPM~ Cord. Cor~iner troWn >`RTUTE A • ()uentily not yuennteed. Al paste slaws on plm moat bs planted, Stafford Consulting Engineers 7424 Chapel Hill Rd. Suite 102 ORDINANCE AND MAY RESULT IN FINES. ~ ~ Cary Project Number 07-SP-~22 Raleigh, NC 27607 • ` ~ _ EXCAVATED EDGE ~ -60 TYP. ~ 919.852.1038 T APPROVED FOOD SERVICE ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NO BUFF~t REQUIREMEWI'S ALONG NORTH SIDE OF PRO ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ; ; , 3-IOG ~ 4Q TREE PLANTING °F~'0''~n TOWN OF GARY Foodesign Associates 5828 Oak Drive ~ Plantings will be resulted in front of Approved by Date: Charlotte, NC 28227 i i i i i i r r r -60 • i v ¦ ¦ i e c oo 704.545.6151 T in a wi a e, ann~n ruc ion / ~ i n ons i e a v ew a . rin a e. n inee / PROJECT E-22 Elementary School . . / . WCPSS Project No. 000=0000 549 fAlls Park Drive AR • ' p RBAN Cary, North Carolina Township, Wake County J HVA - ~ L ~HVA Site Plan 5 N Submittal ~ CLIENT n ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 r r Pr r ~ or ~ r. t• ~ ~ ~ Wake County - ~ ~ ~ ~ ? ~ ~ ~ Public Schools . R ,r..- ~ ~ ~ ? ~ / / 1551 Rock Quarry Road ~ p Raleigh, North Carolina 27610 (919)-850-1600 ••r•rrr.r rr.rlr.•.. •.r..•rrr • . . . . . . • • . • . . . . • • Y . . . . 1. . . . . . • . • . . . 1 • • . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . • . . . • • • . . • • . • . . . . . • . • . • . . . . • . . • • . . . . • . • . • . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 1 . . . • . . 1 1 . . • . . • . . • . . . . . • Y • • • . . . . . . • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . • • • . • • . . 1 . • 1 • • Y • • . . • . 1 . . . . . . . • • 1 . . . . . . 1 1 . . . . . . . Y . • Y 1 1 . • 1 • . . 1.1.1 • • • • • • • 1 . . • . . • • . • . • . 1 • . 1 • • . . • • • . . 1 1 • . . . r / ~ r r r • • • • . . . . . . . . •.11.x•1 .1.1....• •rr •.•1 rr rrr r rrrrr rrrr • rr rrrrrrrr r rr rrrr rrrrrr rrrr rr' . . C v Q s rrrrrr,t?rrr ~ rr rr rrrrrr rrrrrrr rrrr r rrrr rrr ~ rrrrrrrrrrrrr r ~ r rr rrrrrrrrrrr r rrrrrrrrrrrr r r rr rr r rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrr ~ / A r r rrrrrrrrrrr rrrrr ' r rr rr rrrrrrrrrrrr r rrrrr r . r rrrrrrrrr rr rrrrrr r rrrrrrrrrr rrrr rr rr r 1.: ~ r rr r rr rrrrrrrr rrrr rrrrrr 'rrrrr / v / W W //f / / • rr rr rrr rrrrrr rrr rrrrrr r.Irr r1. r rrr rr r rr r rr rrr r ~ ~ / / / / / / / / ~V W W W W W J ~ r rr r rrrr . /f/ r rrrrr r rr rr r r W W W W W O ~ rr rrr rrrrr rrrr rrrrrr rrr ' J~ W W W W W W W W W +V W W t~ co r r 6 y W W W W W ~c R _gp , / W W W W . . / / / / / W W W W 3 y b . . / / / / / W W W J~ y W rrr / / / W W W W W W/ E r ~-r rr . r y y + W W W W W W / / //Q'/ / W W / / W / / W / / / W `i' PROJECT .NUMBER: r / / W J~ W / `Y / W j + / / / 7~1 . . W W W W W W W W W W ~ / / ~ * / W Y / / y y y y y CAP22 r / / W W W W W / / ~ . v / y / ~V W W y y y W W ~V ~V PHASE: r r¢r y y W W. W W W W W W W / / Site Plan Submittal rrr T REMAIN TREE W W W y J~ ~Y W + • W W W W //fF// `y • / / W W W J• / J~ ~Y y W W W W / DATE: ~ y y W W W W W W `y / `y .N W W W W W W W W W / 03 08 07 W + + / W J~ W ~V / } .1. W W W ~ r y W W W W DRAWN BY: rrr ~Y ~Y W W W W W W W W t t KMD CHECKED BY: W W W DEP 5 5 W W W W W rr r ~-r n 24 r r / _50 / , W W W W / W W W REVISIONS RCP • N , W W :y y. W W W W N / W W W W W ~V ~Y ~V ~V W ~V W W J~ ~V ~V V~ W H' W ~V W / no. revision date W W W / / / W W W W W W W W W W W W W W y W y W W W W W 1 NCDENR First Review Response 041707 y W w W w W W • ~Y J~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ~...m ~w~yr~ ~ ~'~t^"" W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W y W W W W 2 TOC 1st Reveiw Responses 04 26 07 rr r r A W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ~Y W W W W W W W W W W W ~Y V~ W W W ~Y W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W V~ W W ~Y W ~V W r 4- N - P H Pi W + 3-CNC • ~ r r r r ? W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ' ~V ~V ~Y ~V ~V ~Y ~V V~ ~Y ~Y ~Y ~Y W ~Y W ~V ~Y • I y y W W W W W W W W W W y' W • "}~•1 W W W W W W W W y W W W W W W W W y W W W W W W W i W W W W W W W W J~ W W W ~Y W W W W ~Y W y W W W W ~L W / / W W W W W W W ~Y ~Y ~Y J~ W W u+ W W ~ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W y W W W y y ~y / ~Y, , ~Y W W W W y W r r ~ W W W W W W ~Y / + y' ~Y W W • y W W W W W W W W W / W W ~Y ~Y ~Y ~Y W W ~L ~V ~V ~Y J~ W ~4 ~Y W W W W W y. W W W W • ~./1 W W W y W y / W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W I Q i d I ULPA ~V W W W W W W W W ~ I ' / / y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Nile -01MV roc roc roc xx o 2 B M O/C 18111 ol y ~ y ~ y y y y ~ y y ~ I 1 VUA CANOPY TREE TWO i O/C - w w w D U mmwAmdm L y y y y y y y y y y ~ J+' J/ J/ y Planting ~ NO BUFFER REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENT ~-LMV ICN ALONG WEST SIDE 181 10/ +3-IAF- ~Csy 36-LMV tcsy w y y W y y y y y y y y y y y y ~ ~Y Y V y y y W ~ W H/ V~ ~ W W W J+ Plan L,502 ~ ~ . OF PROPERTY w w 3-NC 3-NDHD