HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0019755_Monitoring - 01-2021_20210305Monitoring Report Submittal ............................................................................................................................................ Permit Number #* WQ0019755 Name of Facility:* JPC Utilities, LLC Month:* January Report Information Type * Revised - NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Confirmation Email Address:* Name of Submitter:* Signature: Date of submittal: Initial Review Year:* 2021 Upload Document* Scan0017.pdf 1.03MB FDF Cnly Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-t, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). doug@jpc-management.com Douglas Smith Reviewer: Williams, Kendall 3/5/2021 This will be filled in automatically Is the project number correct? * WQ0019755 Is the monitoring report r Yes r No accepted?* Regional Office * Winston-Salem Accepted Date: 3/5/2021 JPC Utilities, L L P D DON 345 MAH. &H-8332 Oak PaVok NO 2751 Q Gal' 030� 215.ON4 E-reiei: mdd esk dogM—m2ngVN ? ONr• FebTuaryr 26, 2021 I nformador.. Procosr,ng Uri it Nork-015charge C=pliance G*up 1617 Mail Service Gemer Raleign, NC 271399-1617 RE: Ckak Ridgy com.morks Spray Irrlgiation WasZewatar pS0ern Oak Ridge. NC Guilford County Permst WQOO19755 Dear Sir & Madam. A%MChed are the Spiray I r-ig atkn Ncm-M&cho ge Reporting r-ime for January, 2a2 9. Plea&e call with anyr clum ions or cornments. Best regarcig, oug kas mith JK Utilises, LLC (3M)215-0949 dou9 jpo-manapamertit cam �05tA)V"4,1�"O'd3-5`.21 FORM Nuw o- , � NON -DISCHARGE MOHITOIRINO REPORT �NDIWRJ Page I qF If Barn piing P+emamj!tf R-P+ae; Bradiey Flyn# Name; Douo Sm ith Name- SIL'108v0111A Analytical ftarna; CuriiWw Labomto6m DDes ai I monitoring data and sampling freq uencies rn cat th a re q uirements In Attachment A of you r permit? C o'' dwt L meson Pkmt If Iht PACRy ik npn-r mplWt, plr_3se expL31n In the apace below the reamm(n) the racilily w !& M in wmp&ar�ae. Pwovlde n your eVianalitn the Opwoo 0 the nOrFC4rrlpll9nCe and deacrbe tha ooer Uys KWmW Wken, Atlach Walllonal afieaia dnecessaq 10peraMr In Mr ponrilble CMrga {ORC) Ce Lffitalibri ORC- &adl�y F lynl 1rer4lbmuon No.' 2? 2 �11 OFX*; III PMAN NUM1-bev: f33$)4306,2 iias the IPRC r=fsinggq 5 mce the pseylou6 POUR? U Yes J No OF Signotmr pala U! to bUmAme. I csrlfy M Ltd nMxmi is 3C1LIT .79C Wd MT1"IQ to Iw hraI d Aly keomi;cty Parm kWu C v rff catiun Pnrrnlft *- JPG Utilldes, LLO Sigrrlrrq Offtcrpl: Doug Smith Si"Img ifflelare T7fla! Pack up ORC i� radErL 11 %M11 Phorw Number. (33G)2154154!� Rwrnn ExpFrauan, 5�,�1 f2U27 r 8Ipnature Dwie I calf!'. urrder pena1M arkµ km Cti d5a,rra rt x:e x I xlIwd- -"z: mwe Ret ry red and' 7q di,m Ion or cope rMdn■ In 0t0Nv a■f= =r1 a :Fynlem dengned I avom I a'I quAWd xr mxi- lyaN,4 qar: H�a" rnwLod pd dv Wd ,r ao im 5utmOW Rexa an ngrrrgrrrp of Cw W I" or pm*+1� wh11 „aroge the velErn, Or ftm pm%om dkoW topacgMe for yarind+q irdp+ry". the rrto dkvm bu bm n2d Is, kD Um best Eg my kr� wi eh6irr, tat w_l�Lmdw. Rho f,5". A , arr. aavre iral1wn ut UgWkw9 pmIlrs for s,r nkrh j iwhe nI�11-m WR trcU mg LM pocsbft arinee and IrnpnnmmenI ecr krp:*np wdbIio ns Mai I Drlg In al an d Twa C 01pl(-1; to; UGVISI-Dn -DO Mt" Res(,timdLS I nlormatlon PFacc%si rig Un IR 1617 Ma II Se rvicr! (:sntcr Rarelgh I Novi h C;i rplina 27699-1617 FOW RDW 0-!2 MGN41NSCI- ARGE ME)NITOMNG REPORT � NOMR) Page 3 P$rmll No.- WOOG1975.5 Facility! Name; Qmk Ricge Commons WVVTP C-burify: Month; Jwuaf} YW- 2021 PPI-, 0131 Flaw M626urinB Pont: J ;nylueTt L LHimi t 71 w few gmQaw P;FraPnQWr MoLniloring Point ❑ JnnAet L1 mmt Q mwxd w kryww* ❑ & m -wr, - PxarnelvrCode S00i 00314 m 54DB4 31616 ime M821 Mn 94600 Q4N0 M565 OD53D f]fl¢ S �� y L MTU I OF LL _ iy y L M c � _ al M M F a C Q iri 2 -1rr his ORD Ent fL mgmL N100 mL mWL mWL m m � m$fL mWL 1 H D.12 2 17,0[}0 12 � 0,12 0.55 4 1415 0,73 11,�34 �.39 7.3 6 13-31) .0.25 5,00D _ -D.5A 4,)$ 7.4 7.4 6 09rM 0.5 9,ODD 0.26 i 1 Td:f0 III WPM 510 7 2 0.25 8 12:30 0.15 3.00 JI A4 3 1.67 $ 6000 1-57 113 _ 7.4 7.1 7.2 1.51 -- y 1 10:D .0,5 S.Dw 15.05 151 U 1'9:40 8.5 1 F,DDO 4.74 4.0 13 17-30 0-5 13,DO0 489 1.13 14 16-33 a..5 17,Cb0 4.01 _ 7.4 0.86 1s 18 3a 0.5 i9A*0 .4 3A 7.4 0.76 yl} 11.000 0.76 17 ' 1.y70D D.55 1s H 3.1 y$ 16;10 a75 1 1,ODG 3.01 +4-6 8.6 7.1 7.1 056 2D 1415 CL6 B4OaO 11,OCb 4. C00_ 3,01M <2 2,2S 1 2 21 14-.20 0.5 5.08 7.3 0.49 22 yC JrQ 0.5 4.74 7.6 0.46 23 24 3.WD0.87 25 18:10 0,5 3,000 5A; &78 4.89 4.0- 7.3 D.67 2R 16:4 0,5 18.00 P.d 0.5 1)24 0,9 2F 14:30 .0,5 13,4100 7-5 28i 14;10 0.6 5,000 7Z 29 14:10 Q5 9,D00 6•04 7.6 1 30 10 0[7f{F 1 ''1 1 p M 1.0,2 _ AVOF.Bge; Nllkr WMIMum= !%, 742 0 00 4.33 1.00 ROD D.BD 4.GD B.60 3.10 G.OD 0.71 9 g,WO 3,000 2 w 2.00 5.54 ELM 1.00 D.50 1.OD D.64¢ D.BD 0." 4.60 4,50 $ fj 3 y r.50 F. tO 3.10 3.10 2.83 2.83 1.57 Daily M InImUrn_ 0.12 5ampfng Type: R](K_ nr w Gfah Grab G-.�b 14 28 Grab Gmb rAlb tiI-b Gtab -:�Ma 1 43r.hrF Grab Wecordor MoFk%I r Avg_ Umii: 3O,00D 14 4 5 Daily Limit: 1 15 6 JD 10 3srnplb FragLpmcy-: I Qonlinuurs filar hhl & X VQMk Morel y MoniNy MWINy Moray Slat Wv 5 X Wa,-a Mmu ly cwr ,.n..g FORV.. r DMR 05 12 N GIB-DJSCHARGE MONITORING REM Wr (NDMR) ay, 3 pf � F c , o ■ ®PMWIL E3 12� Ea rc,.;Ki• 4:',AM-1 1 CL 13 N CIN-DISC HARD E APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page J aF a i d the is PRI [cation rates exceed the I ire I is fn Attachment B of your perm Ft? U awviat ❑ m,,CurTkwi Were adeq gate measures to ken to prevent effluent pond i ng i n or ru rl off from the s ites7 Q R C t&Q Wds s suita bW vagt ltIve C over Ma inta ined on all sites ;IV. specified in you r permit? 2 canes C Wr-aw� Were all setbaoko listed in your perm R mai ntained fo r every a p plicati on to each perm itted aite7 C; omwot LJ wn-unvmrg Were a 11 freeboards maintH inad in accordance wPth the specified freabos rd h e ig hts i n your permit? J Chopm C non-EwWbart IT the Fa6IHy- i# nor+-cwpjanI, Dlejkse eyjgair in the apRm Wow ne reasoPis: the racilllyr wA9; nvl in wrnpl Rnm PFome 01 your 61POSn8G0f; iht -dplp(S) ¢f the r*n-mimplawe and deawbe the =mdk 8 &o'i;nis] taken. Attarh a ft mI sV.eairs d neoeasarv. Operator In Respotis2ble Charge JQRCp Oertlilcawn PermM010 00rtIAoWhon oftc' Bradley F I ynt ,1PC Utilities, LLC Cer"ceruon -lo.: 2;'171 5Ianin!W omid L Doug 5mIJI,& Grada: IV Phone Nurn bpr. (336)430-6262 STning C+IdlclaM Me! Back up ORC Grade 1 10D�611 H&9. the ORC r=WF0pCr since the p�*rioux ND,4R-1 F 1 • es L_I w Pharm N umber: (.�)215.0 $ Pprm It Exp.: 5131 F27 146 - z i2j;�"Z-ql kJ�IRl4 Fp We �I�IdbJrB Qp� UX IFK MWR*xL-, I oerM V.ai riis ,kin ry A&�iAim And pm IQ the tKsI cI rree tncw,4ed;c. a 0WHy. tcmW rmutM or mw. drel rirs dacuffkA wd ak M*dl Ard0+5ero P'4Pwlibd Ywmr n0' afeolon ariupmm+Aw In a000rdonoe Mih a q'skm dk"r.ad la. rucuro uar 4d gvdfred r Pn Pft 901rrtrcd EFfd tvaka ia7 ha i4AwiiWbi aiibrndIrnd 0w iI ai —X HI'ICT& dW PffaM rfi Psrea-a Kivu nunq}a dig Yemen tr H uu rwraam M rwpon&bNFor gothorrrp Urc M/ortnaLcn IN, trkrnm*misJ!"iWii i�,vm5 cmcA4Ir'ni WwNKWerid We. tvc, 0.1MEAa,andoamW & IrmarmIIRd u*n� x•x IKY95:NId awrih4s Pox sArn f w Vfw inrormaLlon. i dw pfoLkar f40 rim wo kn Wvwpwrl for kwwM wtiaLans. W ii Original an d Two Coples to! Division of l ate r Resources Infurmatian process iati 41 nFt 1617 Mad Service Cenier Rale ig h, ♦ GrM Cam 11Ila 27SM161 7 FORM' hOAR•1 iG-15 NON-0ISCHARG E APPLICA71ON REPORT (NQAR-1) Page —�L of �O F1vrmlt N.D.! WQ0019755 oak Ridge Gpmmop3 Y TP cbuniy- G uiWrd Month. Janamy y"r` 2021 Did irrigation occur at this faC Ili ?tiwr U N4 rnnER;ftq RC-01 Sold fame: RC-02 FIQId N2Fn1j; F `r-03. Fidd 11mm*- RC-D4 7 i 1 Area [Scmp. 2.11 AF$1a (aCraSM; 2.1 Am (&O*v j: I A Cro p- Raga {ink: in, Cover crop; Cr AMR; CoverCropr IiOU1fj� R818 (Id}e 0 �J HoterlY !B (Ink 0.3 Hnudy Raw junk 13.3 22_21 Anfk el Bate! �lek]c V 21 Annual RsIB [IrIJ: 22.2T AnuuW Rate �1" 22-21 m Weadher Fnaab•p11rd I Feed krrllpadd ❑ YES r:� No Fl&lei Iw4gahari7 r wEs J w FIeFd Irrlgat&d7 E �, � � � vo- _ res Q w4 Flvld Irnpelad? ❑ KES ! M I wcr CT = i FT C 13 c3 IL $ oar _ u y—pp� p E R F O E . T �,:111 i f 1 -C — gal min k 'A a J in � as � � r J I-n s, €° � b a _ � � � ®,� T. 4 �� � �p 0 � J s, S � o '� J' QGI[ min In ili gal mir5 fm In 9d min in in 1 R 46 0.4 2 R 48 Q3.2 _ 3 CL 60 4 PC 52 6.6 S PC 67 54 45 7 CL 43 5.6 R 34 U. 5 9 C 44 _ 10 C 49 -5.5 5.5 46 17 CL 44 37 38 F 12 13 C C 3.S 1w] r, h ?� is R x 4 5 16 SN 36 17 PC 46 18 RC 46 _ 11b CL :52 r '- .221D 53 6.3 21 PC 56 5.25 22 CL 38 5.25 23 PC 44 14 PC 41 25 R 43 0.62 525 26 C;L 4d 0.35 525 415 2r C 55 1 5 t6 z8 C 40 0.B8 1 6.16 29 PIC 41 30 SFk 363'1 108611 R 32 HorHh1lr Lrrediry8-"1" 12 No h Fibbtlrko T�F On)- 0 i -ba 14.21 o 0,00 9.78 d GLOO 12 F:AW NRAR-1 ux-i 3 NON -al SCHARGE APPLICATION RPOF;rr �fl DAR-1) "age . U+ �- ' @ ■i Did irrigation occur at this faci I ;IBM IN mmm i�7 Em L99111011it OEM FORM. NDAR-1 10-13 NOWDISCHARGE APPLICAMM RPPDRT {NDARAM pagw 7— -' Did irrigation at this facility? RN, _Hou rly7Rale �il 1,,. EA 1-3 M-PRIPT MEMO= E3 = ==M F{}RA1• NDA R-1 10-9 3 LION -DISC HARGE APPLICATION RE PORT � N DAR. 9 j pme Ur L Penn it Nc�: W Qa s 9T55 I F.BClallk hlamc: 0a k Ricge {:nrr.-ncns VYVVTP f Ca%mrv: G ui ford I Mon1h. January I Year 2021 Did ir-rigation occur at this facill Now F OfM NDf'P- 1 10-13 NON•DISCHAJF E APPUGATION REPORT (HDAR-1) Page -iL or Permit No.: W&OI-9755 FmMftvgame: (yak Ridge Commons WVVTP couml�! Guilfvd Y: JanuaryYppr: 2D21 FiNd Nbm4- Did i rria tiat t# I?E1r Aran ji rrvsj; i I I$ aC I lI Crw4r Cr-op: -- Aa 07Fp Hourly Rawmp AFaue1 ROU 41n)C LJ"5 Field NWn4- UP-06 Fre4bmpm: d # UP-W ' .05 FIiid mpmw; Amm *rvs]k 1.13 ` Arpa {,pcmM: 1_07 k" [acrar,J: Covvir Croy CDvmr Cr4)p= CVMF CMP; 0.26 FNQur►p RaW CIpt; 0.25 22.21 Hourly-F4%{in),- 9.25 NourlyRpiv (Jn); 22.21 Aurnual Pate [In]: Annual Raw Iml: 77 dnnuai note {IAi; VPealher F3'MbWfO F laid 1rrigBLad7 J ' YES ] W plaid IrRilgBl d? 0 Ym FIQIc, Irfj!3 tad? U YEs r Nrj FIQId Irrigate" L_I YE!' ID no C � e I n J iF IR ft f: gel 15i1n in 921 f15ih in mlrF In Irp dal min In In t 3 4 -- - I 7 8 13 1� - 11 y2 f* 16 - — - , 17 . 1B f9 i4 21 — 22 23 - • U �6 27 L4vldklo; Tniml L1nM- 0 MotlHfyr 12 dl WO FI*Onlr vL' d.16 D DO �} f 0 0.Q0 $ 0