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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00054_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (2)RbY'cobPEi caVaiar,, MICHAtt S REGAN S..DANIEL SMITH Dri for NORTH CAROLIIPIA Etr.tonmerital Quality' CERTIFIED MAIL #: 7019 1120 0000 8362 0581 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED January 14, 2021 Mark Watson, County Manager Union County 500 N Main St Ste918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tracking Number: NOV-2021-DV-0027 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - November 2020 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Watson: The self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by Union County indicates violations of permit conditions stipulated in the subject permit and North Carolina G.S. 143-215.1. Violations include failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate the subject collection system so that there is no SSO to the land or surface waters and making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required. Specific incident(s) cited in the subject report include the following: Incident Start Duration Number Date (Mins) Location Cause Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 202003215 11/12/2020 330 1509' Chandlers Field . Severe Natural 3,300 3,300 Notice of Violation DriveCondition Severe Natural Condition 202003217 11/12/2020 180 2831 Crane Rd Severe Natural 5,400 5,400 Notice of Violation Condition Severe Natural Condition, tunas pep OTent.0 Ep:ti,iopmettgl "101114i D3asaf1otyla rfieEoaros; • Ms br*14:11esboalt)iiiee i 016 ;Aoit firmerApenue *Ite3U1(i4por ': ..F rtiitameas28115 704.E634699 • Incident Start Duration Number Date (Mins) Location Cause Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) ' DWR Action 202003218 11/12/2.020 73 1409 Hwy. 205 Severe Natural 1,825 1,825 Notice of Violation Condition Severe Natural Condition 202003219 11/12/2020 340 4015 Sardis Church Rd Severe Natural 23,255 23,255 Notice of Violation Condition Severe Natural Condition Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct the above noncompliance. If you have any questions, please do not hesii-- t' "— contact Michael Mellinger or me with the Water Quality Section .in the via email at or Cc � C O RECEIVED/NCDEQ/ JAN 1 9 202g N WQROS MOORESVILL cci I 0 lru 1 Wnn lid o ru Er to tj ,uSigned by: -13 ru r N 1CA it Iru A ,C681AF27425-•. 2 asinger, Regional Supervisor ity Regional Operations Section Er \Regional Office Water Resources, NCDEQ Er rr • U.S. Postal Service"' CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only For delivery information, visit our webse at w wi s om®' Extra Services & Fees (check box, add fee as appropriate) ❑ Retum Receipt (hardCOPV) $ Return Receipt (electronic) $El Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ 0Adult Signature Required OM& Signature Restricted Delivery $ Postage Sent' 5'vee: city, Pos r F}te UNION COUNTY 500 N. MAIN STREET SUITE 918 MONROE NC 28112 ATTN: MARK WATSON, CO. MANAGER dwr/mm 1/14/21 PS Form :,S,'Prl ^P s a FILE ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director NORTH CAROLINA Envfronntental Quality CERTIFIED MAIL #: 7018 3090 0001 2328 4860 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED December 3, 2020 Mark Watson, County Manager Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tr..l&kiing Number: NOV-2020-DV-0522 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - October 2020 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Watson: The self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by Union County indicates violations of permit conditions stipulated in the subject permit and North Carolina G.S. 143-215.1. Violations include failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate the subject collection system so that there is no SSO to the land or surface waters and making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required. Specific incident(s) cited in the subject report include the following: Incident Start Duration Number Date (Mins) Location Cause Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 202002765 10/11/2020 105 2706 Bobwhite Circle Debris in line, Grease 525 525 Notice of Violation 202002815 10/19/2020 10 6600 Stoney Creek Pump station 450 450 Notice of Violation Drive equipment failure 202002822 10/20/2020 76 8200 Kensington Drive Pipe Failure (Break) 4,550 800 Deficiency, No Further Action SP9 North :amine Department of Env`aonmental Quelay I Dreson of Water Reeooree; Meore v8 Regara& Offiee I SiO Een Center Avenue, S ite,3a1 I MooreaviYa, North Cemffna 28115 70 -663-1E99 Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct the above noncompliance. Please submit a written response to this Notice of Violation. Your response is to be received by the regional office within 15 business days following receipt of this violation. Please include any additional documentation about this incident(s) in the response. The submittal will be considered in determining whether the Division will assess a civil penalty for the cited violations. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Michael Mellinger or me with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email at michael.rneilinger© or GD ALLN 6 Noy o tea, z m 55 iL a o- O m D a 0 r- RECEIVED/NCDENR/D 0 Q co DEC 0 9 2020 WQROS f 0=-1SV,'.LE REGIONAL! 0 N r-i ti V z 2 LJ m Er Er o- m O E- 1 � rn xtl U.S. Postal ServiceTM ,CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only Sincerely, ned by: v H P:44.4 9A2064A3... fo r Basinger, Regional Supervisor laity Regional Operations Section Ile Regional Office If Water Resources, NCDEQ For delivery visit our website at wwwusps.com6. AL U S E O F F c Certified Mall Fee Extra Services & Fees (check box, add fee as appropriate) ❑ Return Receipt (hardcopy) $ ❑ Return Receipt (electronic) $ ❑ Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ ❑Adult Signature Required $ ❑ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ Postage $ Total P $ Sent Ti Street, City, S UNION COUNTY 500 NORTH MAIN STREET SUITE 91.8 MONROE NC 28112 A1TN: MARK WATSON, COUNTY MGR dwr/mm 8/11/2020 I?S Form 3800, April 2015 PSN1530,020009047 . See Reversefor Instructions Iivsan of Water Resourats Moo *sae Regional Office 161O.Etta Center Avenue. Suite 301I Msre-rdle,North Caraerr 25115 704c£3-1699 ILE ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN rf Secretory S. DANIEL SMITH NORTH CAROLINA Director - Environmental Quality CERTIFIED MAIL: 7018 0360 0002 2099 8221 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED August 11, 2020 Mark Watson, County Manager Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2020-DV-0361 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - July 2020 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Watson: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/s submitted by Union County. The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the Union County violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00054 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system. so that there is no .SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Mooresville Regional Office is providing the Union County an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the Union County should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 202002224 7/24/2020 210 4009 Shadow Brook Rd Debris in line 3,150 3,150 Notice of Violation Intent to Enforce n ;�� Center r AveT. _ )_v3?r. �:f Water jeE^crr5 ` North Caro a D_va rime :if Eno/ i fiag.,ra Gifca 510 en;_r.Ai S.:e3yl1h' Norm �.aro:na 611 7C4.ES -1E9 This Notice of Violation / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any -person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. This office requests that you respond to this Notice, in writing, within 10 business days of its receipt. In your response, you should address the causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. The response to this correspondence will be considered in this process. Enforcement decisions will also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface waters, duration and gravity, impacts to public health, fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors considered in determining the amount of the civil penalty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of rertifvinn thQ rI mano r..t,o�h^� h--�-—` nal and whether money was saved by non-compliance. V C o RECEIVEDINcoENRIDWR Q. Cr) N AUG 17 2020ER CD WORDS MOORESVILLE RFr m-smAi OFFICE U.S. Postal ServiceTM CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only For delivery information, visit our website at www.usps.come. FF COAL USE Certified Mall Fee • D Extra Services & Fees (check box, add fee as appropriate) ❑ Retum Receipt (hardcopy) $ ❑ Retum Receipt (electronic) $ . ❑ Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $�..,— ❑ Adult Signature Required $ . ❑ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ Postage $ Total $ Sent', City,.: UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 500 NORTH MAIN STREET SUITE 918 MONROE NC 28112 ATi-N: MARK WATSON, CO. MANAGER dwr mm 12/3/2020 pontact Michael Meilinger or me with the Water Quality Section via email at michael.rneilinger©ncdenr:gov or uSigned by: L,C681 AF27425... Basinger, Regional Supervisor iality Regional Operations Section le Regional Office Water Resources, NCDEQ PS Form 3800, April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 , See Reverse for Instructions DES PianhCar:raDap artr.,=ntofEnv:ronrnente gi.ra:ly I v v.a.�nofwater Resour ; M:.;resv:‘;? Pet»ra'ff.c- I a3 Cart tar .A4?ru?.St; te2C1 I ff>?re e,.?. Pt.,rtr•. Caro re 23115 r C -863-1S9S FILE ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN. Secretory S. DANIEL SMITH NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality CERTIFIED MAIL #: 7018 0360 0002 2099 6937 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED June 25, 2020 Mark Watson, County Manager Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION 'Tracking Number: NOV-2020-DV-0298 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - May 2020 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Watson: The self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by Union County indicates violations of permit conditions stipulated in the subject permit and North Carolina G.S. 143-215.1. Violations include failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate the subject collection system so that there is no SSO to the land or surface waters and making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required. Specific incident(s) cited in the subject report include the following: Incident Start Duration Number Date (Mins) Location Cause Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 202001361 5/11/2020 20 6913 Plainview Rd Debris in line, Grease 200 200 Deficiency, No Further Action 202001400 5/19/2020 180 4004 Sardis Church Rd Severe Natural 5,400 5,400 Notice of Violation Condition Severe Natural Condition ODE N•:. ..a.o.r. De.artrc:aat of E........^.,e is Cr.; 3. i D., =f V:at3t:7237u bo25 .f/..>' vc:Dres,,- Rigors S•ff cre I =sZ .erter .k._^.ce.5.1 I M»res, _. °tc.rtr. ,._ro r.611E 4-C'SS_1_99 Incident Number Start Duration Date (Mins) Location Cause Total Vol (Gals) Total Vol Surface Water (Gals) DWR Action 202001402 5/19/2020 90 630 Funderburk Road Severe Natural 1,350 1,350 Notice of Violation Condition Severe Natural Condition 202001419 5/20/2020 742 4004 Sardis Church Rd Severe Natural 48,855 48,855 Notice of Violation Condition - Severe Natural Condition 202001420 5/20/2020 60 630 Funderburk Rd Severe Natural 900 900 Notice of Violation Condition Severe Natural Condition 202001588 5/27/2020 330 4004 Sardis Church Severe Natural 19,800 19,800 Notice of Violation Condition Severe Natural Condition - 202001589 5/27/2020 120 7011 Sedgwick rd Severe Natural 1,440 1,440 Notice of Violation Condition Severe Natural Condition 202001590 ..I . L'sI (i) i) Li) N rn )r C( n- ru ' ru 0 O rn O r1 5/27/2020 165 0 0' m UY m� cinch___ • • co co Iv to co 0 3 m m Q O. io 0, t.n —0 emoolimm o ru nJ 0— U.S. Postal Service"' ' CERTIFIED MAIL°'RECEIPT Do -stic,Mailonly Severe Natural 4,950 4,950 Notice of Violation Condition Severe Natural Condition :.) For deliveryinformation, visit our website at www usp m. Certified Mat Fee Extra Services & Fees (ch ❑ Return Receipt (hardcopy) ❑ Return Receipt (electronic) $ Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ ID Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 5 Postage Tot $ Se, Stn plate) UNION COUNIY 500 N. MAIN STREET SUITE 918 MONROE NC 28112 ATTN: MARK WATSON, CO. MGR. dwr/mm 6/25/2020 be taken to correct the above noncompliance. Please submit asponse is to be received by the regional office within 15 se include any additional documentation about this incident(s) determining whether the Division will assess a civil penalty for :ontact Michael Mellinger or me with the Water Quality Section via email at michaeLmeilinger© or uSigned by: :C681AF27425__. nger, Regional Supervisor Regional Operations Section gional Office ter Resources, NCDEQ tits- .120z0 Postmark Here See Reverse tor Instructions rpert.i I D v s- r::,f `e _.0 r_e_ .. _er ter ,,`.cr'u cu to =0.1 :. i`7v R1-: -Sr,i 2>;11E. ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director Certified Mail # 7018 0360 0002 2096 5971 Return Receipt Requested • NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality June 09, 2020 Mark Watson, County Manager Union County 500 North Main Street Suite 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tracking Number: NOV-2020-PC-0289 Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Watson: FILE On June 2, 2020 this Office received a complaint of chemical(s) spilled on the ground at the Hunley Creek Chemical Feed Site at 6752 Stevens Mill Road. Roberto Scheller of this Office conducted an inspection of the subject site on June 4, 2020. At time of inspection, it was found that an unknown amount of lime slurry had been spilled onto the ground around, and down gradient of, the two storage tanks. Spilled material appear to be the results of ongoing spills. Lime slurry is being added to collection system for hydrogen sulfide reduction. At time of inspection, it was noted that contaminated soil outside of security fence had been removed. Please be advised that in accordance with the North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) 143-215.83, 143-215.84, and NCGS 143-215.85 it is unlawful for any person to discharge or cause to be discharged hazardous substances to lands within the State whether intentional or negligent conduct, accident or other cause. Any person having control over hazardous substances discharged in violation of this Article (NCGS 143-215.84) shall immediately undertake to collect and remove the discharge and restore affected area. In accordance with NCGS 143-215.85 every person owing or having control over oil or other substances discharged in any circumstances shall immediately notify this Department of the nature of spill, location and time of discharge and measures which are being taken or proposed to be taken to contain and remove discharge. Compliance Issue(s): Remedial actions should have already been taken to correct this problem and prevent further occurrences in the future. The Division of Water Resources may pursue enforcement action for this and any additional violations of State law. �D Q = :f -a l c1+= Ear, -'1 I '' \._.^., _ r a __�1° To prevent further action, please respond in writing to this office within 10 days upon your receipt of this Notice of ,Violation regarding your plans or measures to be taken to address the indicated violations and other identified issues, if applicable. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Roberto Scheller with the Water Quality Regional Operations Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699. ATT Cc: r-i f`- IT" Lr) ti- �0 ru ru O m ra 0 r`- 2ELh 20h6 0656 LE 6225 hhE9 U.S. Postal Service"' CERTJFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only cn cn 'ed by: Fir delivery information, visit our website at®. FF0CI L USE c� IAF27425.-. ringer, Regional Supervisor ( Regional Operations Section egional Office Ater Resources, NCDEQ Certified Mall Fee Extra Services & Fees (check box, add fee as appropriate) ❑ Return Receipt (hardcopy) $ ❑ Return Receipt (electronic) $ ❑ Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ El Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ Postage — $, UNION COUNTY 500 NORTH MAIN STREET $ SUITE 918 s( 8i MONROE NC 28112 ATTN: MARK WATSON, CO. MGR. °i dwr/rs 6/9/2020 PS Form 3800, 2015 PSN7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions To DE "1_•rt tee._ • c Dscartrner.tof=r.r3r..^arts c_c17:.vson 3fWater ResArroes 1 Reg ?r3 _'ff _r I El:_ Ea ..e, .4v2^.'.e. S& t2 2-C1 I I.,..: -.ores e. i1Dr,.^, :aro ..e Z_11: Public Works Union County Government EST. 1842 May 4, 2020 Mr. W. Corey Basinger Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 500 North Main Street Suite # 600 Monroe, NC 28112 T. 704-296-4210 Las Idle R5CEIVEDINCDEN R/DW R MAY 0 6 2020 WQROS MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Subject: Notice of Violation & Intent to Issue Civil Penalty Tracking #: NOV-2020-DV-0174 Sanitary Sewer Overflows — March 2020 Collection System Permit — WQCS00054 Union County Dear Mr. singer: Union County has received the NOV referenced above for collection system overflows. Explanations of the overflows were on the BIMS Overflow Reporting Forms submitted by Union County Public Works (UCPW) to the NCDEQ. However, we have added a few additional facts in the explanations below. Incident # Date Location 202000847 3/2/2020 2034 Iverson Lane Response: The SSO's listed in this section were due to a Grease accumulation and debris in the pipeline. Our Industrial Pretreatment Program Manager was notified and further investigations took place of the entire zone. Educational Material was distributed and this area will be monitored. Cleaning in this area has been increased as -well. Incident # Date Location 202000869 3/3/2020 4004 Sardis Church Road 202001077 3/25/2020 4004 Sardis Church Road Response: The SSO listed in this section were due to I&I introduction during heavy rains and flash flooding. The system associated with this area was inundated with floodwaters and increased flows at CCWRF. The new CCWRF EQ system was being utilized to attenuate peak flows experienced during storm events . Further modification are being looked into by our I&C group to optimize some hydraulic issues we have found with the original `design. Union County Public Works has underwent a comprehensive Master Plan (Black & Veatch) and improvements strategy in efforts to better identify areas of improvement within the Crooked Creek basin. Efforts such as flow monitoring studies (CDMSmith/Hydrostructures and Frazier Engineering) to identify areas of inflow and infiltration, capacity assessments of the CCWRF and associated lift stations, lift station assessments to identify aging infrastructure, among others. As a result of these studies, UCPW has developed a CIP plan to address certain areas of concern. • A significant plant upgrade at the Crooked Creek WRF was completed including new headworks, a 3MG EQ basin, and process improvements. Total cost is $7.775M project also included a new 10.3 MGD influent PS, new headworks containing new bar screens, compactor, and grit removal/dewatering, and relocation of 1200' of 18" gravity sewer. • I&I flow studies have been conducted by CDMSmith (Hydrostructures) and Frazier Engineering. These studies have narrowed the basin into concentrated sub -basins to target I&I reduction. The intended approach is a find -fix method to utilize funding efficiently and consistently. AM Liner has completed two sub -basin of repairs from the data provided for I&I abatement. This work has included lateral repairs and manhole rehab. Post flow meters where installed in November 2019 and removed in March 2020. These meters did not reflect much valuable data due to the record rain events. Further metering is being considered at this time. Incident # Date Location 202000889 3/6/2020 1909 Highway 205 Response: The SSO related to this incident was caused by two air -locked pumps. By the time the after- hours personnel arrived on scene there was a small spill from the upstream manhole of the station. The pumps where quickly repaired and the SSO was stopped. Lime and straw were spread on the affected area the next day. UCPW also has an aggressive Capital Improvement Program throughout the next 5 years. The projects include: * Crooked Creek Basin Improvements - $23,900,000 ➢ Suburban Estates PS and FM - $1,000,000.00 ➢ Waxhaw Interceptor —$5,400,000 ➢ WW PS Improvements - $3,500,000 Page 2 UCPW's current CIP projects are also ongoing with projects including: ➢ Blythe Creek Sewer Improvements - $6,200,000 ➢ Forest Park PS Replacement & Interceptor Improvements - $3,345,000 ➢ Crooked Creek I&I Study & Remediation - $476,000 Union County Public Works continues to invest funds into SSES work, capital improvements, maintenance, FOG, and operations to improve the wastewater collection system. If further information or details regarding the CCWRF Improvements, as well as, the CIP projects listed above are required, please feel free to contact Greg Morgan, Superintendent/ORC, at 704-289- 3288 or myself at 704-296-4215. Thank you for your consideration on this issue. Sincerely, Andrew Neff, PE Water/Wastewater Division Director cc: Hyong Yi, Public Works Administrator Josh Brooks, Assistant Director, Water/Wastewater Operations Greg Morgan, Utility Field Services Superintendent/ORC Page 3 Public Works Union County Government EST. 1842 May 1, 2020 Mr. W. Corey Basinger Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 500 North Main Street Suite # 600 Lasef,che Monroe, NC28112 T. 704-296-4210 Subject: Notice of Violation & Intent to Issue Civil Penalty Tracking #: NOV-2020-DV-0170 Sanitary Sewer Overflows — February 2020 Collection System Permit — WQCS00054 nion County Dear Mr :.singer: RECEIVED/NCDEN R/DW R MAY 06 20G0 WQROS MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Union County has received the NOV referenced above for collection system overflows. Explanations of the overflows were on the BIMS Overflow Reporting Forms submitted by Union County Public Works (UCPW) to the NCDEQ. However, we have added a few additional facts in the explanations below. Incident # Date Location 202000343 2/6/2020 5306 Lee Massey Road 202000345 2/6/2020 7011 Sedgewick Road 202000350 2/6/2020 4015 Sardis Church Road 202000521 2/7/2020 6652 Stony Road 202000522 2/9/2020 8299 Kensington Drive Response: The SSO's listed in this section were due to a Severe Natural Condition that produced over 3 inches of rain in less than 4 hours. Winter Storm Kate produced heavy rain, tornados, and widespread power outages. This event caused our Emergency Operation Center to be activated along with curfews to be enacted. Once the storm began we staged staff and equipment on each side of our river basins and responded to calls in teams. This event caused I&I introduction throughout our system as rivers flooded and over 70 roads were closed. As these rivers receded, cleanup began and repairs to damaged areas took several weeks to be completed. Incident # Date Location 202000670 2/12/2020 1015 Dairy Glenn Road Response: The SSO's listed in this section were due to a Grease accumulation in the pipeline. Our Industrial Pretreatment Program Manager was notified and further investigations took place of the entire zone. Educational Material was distributed and this area will be monitored. Cleaning in this area has been increased as -well. Union County Public Works continues to invest funds into SSES work, capital improvements, maintenance, FOG, and operations to improve the wastewater collection system. If further information or details is required, please feel free to contact Greg Morgan, Superintendent/ORC, at 704-289-3288 or myself at 704-296-4215. Thank you for your consideration on this issue. Sincerely, 4/(4.-e' Andrew Neff, PE Water/Wastewater Division Director cc: Hyong Yi, Public Works Administrator Josh Brooks, Assistant Director, Water/Wastewater Operations Greg Morgan, Utility Field Services Superintendent/ORC Page 2 Union County Govertirrietyt EST. 1842 May 27, 2020 Mr. W. Corey Basinger Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Public Works 500 North Main Street Suite # 600 Monroe, NC 28112 T. 704-296-4210 Subject: Notice of Violation & Intent to Issue Civil Penalty Tracking #: NOV-2020-DV-0258 Sanitary Sewer Overflows — April 2020 Collection System Permit — WQCS00054 Union County Dear Mr. B nger. Union County has received the NOV referenced above for collection system overflows. Explanations of the overflows were on the BIMS Overflow Reporting Forms submitted by Union County Public Works (UCPW) to the NCDEQ. However, we have added a few additional facts in the explanations below. rfiche RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUN G 1 2020 WQROS MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Incident # Date Location 202001183 4/13/2020 202001288 4/30/2020 4015 Sardis Church Road 4004 Sardis Church Road Response: These SSOs were due to I&I introduction during heavy rains and flash flooding. The system associated with this area was inundated with floodwaters which increased flows at the Crooked Creek Water Reclamation Facility (CCWRF). Flows were diverted to the CCWRF equalization tank to attenuate peak flows experienced during storm events. We are investigating instrumentation and controls to determine if we can optimize flows into the equalization tank. We have also optimized the influent pumps at the CCWRF to move as much flow as possible into the WR. Union County Public Works has a comprehensive plan with a strategy to better identify areas of improvement within the Crooked Creek basin. We have conducted flow monitoring (CDMSmith/Hydrostructures and Frazier Engineering) to identify areas of inflow and infiltration, capacity assessments of the CCWRF and associated lift stations. We have also conducted lift station assessments to identify aging infrastructure and prioritize repairs. ■ BILE ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director • • k ` h...ri vnxv`�v NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality CERTIFIED MAIL: 7016 1370 0000 2592 0614 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED May 21, 2020 Mark Watson, County Manager Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2020-DV-0258 Sanitary.. Sewer Overflows. - April 2020 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Watson: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/s submitted by Union County. The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the Union County violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00054 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Mooresville Regional Office is providing the Union County an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the Union County should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 202001183 4/13/2020 240 4015 Sardis Church Inflow and Infiltration 7,200 7,000 Notice of Violation Road ' Intent to Enforce 202001275 4/29/2020 162 3020 Arsdale Rd. Debris in line 810 810 Notice of Violation 202001288 4/30/2020 228 4004 Sardis Church Rd Inflow and Infiltration 9,120 9,120 Notice of Violation Intent to Enforce North Carc•',r a Department of :r:v ort.merta;•Qvatay 1 D v a-orl of Water-R_souroes R'a�resvX� RzSk,ra' Office 1610 Ea3 Winter Aver•.0 Sute 301 I M->ar_ae ! e. North Carot,na 28115 899 This Notice of Violation / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. This office requests that you respond to this Notice, in writing, within 60 business days of its receipt. In your resnoncQ causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other cations. The response to this correspondence will be III also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface , fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors city are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of CC Ja ra N if" t.fl fU C3 C3 O r$ 111 T rt f. Extra Services & Fees (check box, add fee as appropriate) Rsdum Receipt (hardcoPy)$ - Return Receipt (electronic) $ 0 Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ - QAdult Signature RAdult Signature estricted Delivery $ - Postage o� en 74: cn 5 -\-111\53 00° (A m CD r gmeollomil ru Iv _ _— j y' N O s^ O (f N y E r� ri a D c U E CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT CERTIF Mail Only®• For nest - - website at w For delivery, information, visit our ostmark Here UNION COUNTY 500 N. MAIN STREET SUITE 918 MONROE NC C01MANAGER ATiN: MARK WATSON, CO. M owr/rnm 5/21/2020 e PS form 3800, April2015 PSN753�2A00.9047 al and whether money was saved by non-compliance. :intact Michael Meilinger or me with the Water Quality Section la email at michael.meilinger© or Y: fo r 4A3... singer, Regional Supervisor Regional Operations Section ?gional Office ter Resources, NCDEQ or Instructions e ODE N•aII. iarv`naDspsrtrrantof.Env,;onrner.,tsiQcaa,' I D+e>'onofWater.Res uroes Ms..D'res+:;4'fi'e5arai..Qffice e10E_aCenterAvenue.Sute301I aviiterNorthCsro.;na2rs115 7C4 c3-1899 ROY COOPER Governor • MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Davao, y STATE' 4 4r++rw �•�•y�.J._ NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality CERTIFIED MAIL: 7018 0360 0002 2099 7750 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED April 22, 2020 Mark Watson, County Manager Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2020-DV-0174 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - March 2020 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County FILE Dear Mr. Watson: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report's submitted by Union County. The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the Union County violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00054 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Mooresville"Regional Office is providing the Union County an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the Union County should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause - (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 202000847 3/2/2020 87 2034 Iverson Lane Debris in line, Grease 860 850 Notice of Violation 202000869 3/3/2020 120 4004 Sardis Church Inflow and Infiltration 1,800 1,800 Notice of Violation Road N.Z.rtr. D epa J'r•_ _r _i .'at:t..tvJu,'✓3 !,r== =-• _ n_ :r; ._ I c"1 Ez.z 4_nterA.era3:11 1.'__r_sr _.tioro .-, 2=115 Incident Start Duration Number Date (Mins) Location Cause Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 202000521 2/7/2020 75 6652 Stony Rd Severe Natural 1,875 1,875 . Notice of Violation Condition Severe Natural Condition 202000522 2/9/2020 705 8299 Kensgton Drive Severe Natural 21,150 21,150 Notice of Violation Condition Severe Natural Condition 202000670 2/12/2020 180 1015 Dairy Glenn Rd Grease 1,800 Notice of Violation Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct the above noncompliance. Please submit a written response to this Notice of Violation. Your response is to be received by the regional office within 60 business days following receipt of this violation. Please include any additional documentation about this incident(s) in the response. The submittal will be considered in determining whether the Division will assess a civil penalty for the cited violations. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Michael Meilinger or me with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email at michael.rneilinger© or corey.basingerna Sincerely, DocuSigned by: Al 4CC681 AF27425... W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Cc: Mooresville Regional Office - WQS File Central Files, Water Quality Section ODE ,:tr.Caro • r-aDepartrertofc...,,....._.._Qcs'- 1 D.v._=n fWater ne�=ur:=s Sj !.' Fe =•ra•Off .oe 1 81;:=aaCenter Avete301_.P.ortr7..e 5-211.5 774 .9 0 N Lri 0r 0r 'ru U.S. Postal ServiceT' CERTIFIED, MAIL® RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only • For delivery information, visit our website at www-usps.como. AL Certified MalI Fee Extra SeMces &Fees (checkbox, afee as appropriate) N. ❑ Retum Receipt (hadrPY) :dd • $ •❑RetumReceipt(electrode) $ p ❑ Certified Mall Restricted Delivery - $ .: . O ID Adult Signature Required; -r $ ❑. Adult Signature Restricted Delivery, $ - CI Postage m $ ,UNION -COUNTY p Td 500 N. MAIN STREET $ i SUITE 918 rg Si MONROE NC '28112 ATTN: MARK WATSON, COUNTY MGR. Dwr/mm 4/22/2020 PS Form 3800, April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION .t. COMPLETE T H:S SECTION ON DELIVERY Pnority�Mall Express® fleglstered MailTM Re�jlstered Mail RestriotE FILE R€?i' COOPER: Govenaor MICHAE ::S::REGAN 5erretarX S. DANIELSMITTH NORTH CAROLINA Dlrect+or EnviroraraeatYal Qaualiip CERTIFIED MAIL: 7016 1370 0000 2592 0461 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED February 12, 2020 Mark Watson, County Manager Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2020-DV-0066 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - January 2020 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Watson: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/s submitted by Union County. The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the Union County violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00054 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Mooresville Regional Office is providing the Union County an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the Union County should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 202000072 1/13/2020 461 4004 Sardis church road Inflow and Infiltration 13,800 13,800 Notice of Violation Intent to Enforce 202000159 1/24/2020 553 4015 Sardis Church Rd Severe Natural 16,560 16,560 Notice of Violation Condition Intent to Enforce North CeroSssa Department; of Enver:rr:entr Qualityy l tivk,:nn of Wate Resoarees MO°resugl ReggnsSDfr,az 1 610 East CentesAve tug, Suite 301 I"Riavr tii ;`North Caralina.2S135 t04 i-1699 This Notice Df:.Vidlration / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may beassessed against any person who violates or fails to.act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. This office requests that you respond to this Notice, in writing, within 10 business days of its receipt. In your response, you should address the causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. The response to this correspondence will be considered in this process. Enforcement decisions will also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface waters, duration and gravity, impacts to public health, fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors considered in determining the amount of the civil penalty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of rectifying the damage, whether the spill was intentional and whether money was saved by non-compliance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Michael Meilinger or me with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office a • MPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVER (FE818c m t.�t lti'C 704-663-1699 nr via email at michael.meilinger(arncdenr.Qov or 0 ❑'❑ 20 - 0) - T U.S. Postal Service" CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only For delivery information, visit our website at www.usps.com0. Extra Services & Fees (check box, add fee es appropriate) ❑ Retum Receipt (hardcopy) $ ❑ Retum Receipt (electronic) $ ❑ Certlfled Mall Restricted Delivery $ ❑Adult Signature Required $ '\ ['Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ Postane $ Total $ Sent UNION COUNTY 500 NORTH MAIN STREET SUITE 918 MONROE NC 28112 ATTN: MARK WATSON dwr/mm 2/12/2020 Domestic Return Receipt Signed by: a681 AF27425. . 3asinger, Regional Supervisor pity Regional Operations Section Regional Office Water Resources, NCDEQ Onrae13tOs Qtua%1ty 1 ):41V s01l o€W5t iSoi ces rtti*C6t+ .Aveaave, Sncte 30i i M000es $ e Ptertfi t atot#ttti 2811�' PS Form 3800, April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions CERTIFIED MAIL: 7018 0360 0002 2099 1505 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED January 08, 2020 Mark Watson, County Manager Union County 500NMainSt Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2020-DV-0011 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - December 2019 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Watson: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/s submitted by Union County. The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the Union County violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00054 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Mooresville Regional Office is providing the Union County an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the Union County should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201901892 12/13/2019 1,440 4015 Sardis Church Rd. Inflow and Infiltration 59,435 59,435 Notice of Violation Intent to Enforce 201901893 12/13/2019 _ 99 2722 Waxhaw Marvin Inflow and Infiltration 1,980 1,980 Notice of Violation Rd Incident Number Start Date Duration (Minn) Location Cause Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) . DWR Action 201901954 12/23/2019 140 910 Sharon Drive 117 ,jO I r-g IEr 0 ru ru c 0 I m co 10 Severe Natural. - Condition 1,400 1,400 Notice -of Violation Severe Natural 24,430 20,000 Notice ofViolation Condition Intent to Enforce k,in Severe Natural 18,300 18,300 Notice of Violation Condition Intent to Enforce )rce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. Pursuant ian twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed 'accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any s Notice, in writing, within 10 business days of its the causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other situations. The response to this correspondence will be s will alsobe based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface alth, fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors penalty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of clonal and whether money was saved by non-compliance. o contact Michael Meilinger or me with the Water Quality Section = \or via email at or U.S. Postal ServiceTM CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Dome- ' Mail Only For delivery information, visit our website at www.usps off® Certified Mail Fee $ O Extra Services & Fees (check box, add fee as ap=rop®tte ❑ Retum Receipt (hardcop ) \ ❑ Return Receipt (electronic) $ Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ ['Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ Postage $ Total F $ Sent Ti Street', city, S PS Form 3800, April 2015 PSN7530.M2-000-9047 UNION COUNTY 500 N. MAIN STREET SUITE 918 MONROE NC 28112 A1TN: MARK WATSON, CO. MANAGER dwr/mm 1/8/2020 See Reverse for Instructions A lsrY IV, igned by: i681 AF27425... Basinger, Regional Supervisor ality Regional Operations Section lie Regional Office F Water Resources, NCDEQ State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form Form CS-SSO PART I: This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five business days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number: WQCS00054 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: Union County Collection System Owner: Union County Incident #: 201901954 City: Waxhaw Source of SSO (check applicable): County: Union Region: Mooresville [l Sanitary Sewer ❑ Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall &Bragg Street, etc): 910 Sharon Drive • Manhole #: 7456 Latitude (Decimal Degrees): Longitude (Decimal Degrees): Incident Started Dt: 12/23/2019 Time: 10:00 am Incident End Dt: 12/23/2019 Time: 12:20 pm (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm AM/PM) (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm AM/PM) Estimated Volume of the SSO: 1,400 gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): 2:20 hours Describe how the volume was determined: 10 GPM X 140 Min=1400 gallons Weather conditions during the SSO event: Heavy Rain Did SSO reach surface waters? 10 Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Surface water name: Rone Branch (Rhone Branch) Volume reaching surface waters (gals): 1400 Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes El No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: Er Severe Natural Condit', 24 hour verbal notification (name of person contacted ): Roberto Scheller • DWR ❑ Emergency Mgmt Date (mm-dd-yyy): 12/23/2019 Time (hh:mm AM/PM): 03:04:00 pm 0 If an SSO is ongoing, please notify the appropriate Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 24-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published. within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the reference statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Resources, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was cause by sever natural conditions and there were no feasible alternative to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis WHETHER OR NOT PART III IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM CS-SSO Form Page: 1 PART II: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AN6 — INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWR REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IS Severe Natural Condition Describe the "severe natural condition" in detail? 2-3 inch rain event within 12 hours. How much advance warning did you have and what actions were taken in preparation for the event? 24 hours Comments: System Visitation ORC Backup Name: Greg Morgan Cert# 989865 Date visited: 12/23/2019 Time visited: 12:05 PM How was the SSO remediated (i.e. Stopped and cleaned up)? Removed solids and applied lime to effected area. 171 Yes Yes As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Gregory Wayne Morgan Date: 12/31/19 09:30 am Signature: Title: Telephone Number: Any addition information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form Page: 2 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Address of Spill • Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# aDOL59 Incident Number from BIMS 2019 6\ IA Incident Reviewed (Date): 9.- oat Spill Date \ 3 C `\ Time l&,`k / pm Reported Date r)-- '? Time r):Oce., amOri Regional DWR Staff reported to or EM Staff Reported by c� County Cause of Spill 3 Total Estimated Gallons Stream Fish Kill: Yes City ki C � fiRv� Phone —16—�� Est. Gal to Stream (4, Stream Classification umber Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone . Manhole # Duration of SSO toleit;1, 1) MRO-PWS: Clint Cook or Mark Hahn PWS Em. Cell Phone 704-677-4947 ~5 o P\ contact date/time 2) DHHS: Alexander County — Keith Rowland (828-450-5842) All other Counties — Aaron McOwen (919-703-6452) ** If you are unable to reach Keith or Aaron, Call the 24/7 On Call Number: 1-888-820-0520 verbal contact date/time contact date/time contact date/time contact date/time Optional DHHS contact (consult with Corey/Andrew before contacting: Valerie Lott (704) 621-7956 Brian Combs (919) 546-1823 contact date/time contact date/time -I- b FILE CERTIFIED MAIL: 7016 1370 0000 2592 0270 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED December 16, 2019 Mark Watson, County Manager Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2019-DV-0458 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - November 2019 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Watson: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/s submitted by Union County. The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the Union County violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00054 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Mooresville Regional Office is providing the Union County an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the Union County should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201901751 11/6/2019 45 5715 Stock bridge drive Grease 900 500 Notice of Violation 201901807 11/23/2019 385 4015 Sardis Church Rd. Severe Natural 11,550 11,700 • Notice of Violation Intent to Enforce Condition This Notice of Violation / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1.. This office requests that you respond to this Notice, in writing, within 10 business days of its receipt. In your response, you should address the causes of non-compliance, remedial actions,and all other actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. The response to this correspondence will be considered in this. process. Enforcement-de-cisions-will also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface waters, duration and gravity, impacts to public health, fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors considered in determining the amount of the civil penalty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of rectifying the damage, whether the spill was intentional and whether money was saved by non-compliance. If in col Cc: as LE th N d as Z re, g5 X atECEIVEDILIC.DENRIDWR 1E \GEC 2 a 2019 0 WQROS MO(.ESVILLE REGIONAL OFF m (0 -oo w x I > ;. I < E I ( N'z "I _T , 3 1 r m N < • 0 l- 0 z is vl 5) 0) • v, U.S. Postal Service M CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT 0gm6sac Mall y®. information, visit our website at www.usp For delivery Extra Services &Fees (check box, add fee es ePProPre e) \ °Retum Receipt (harda eco ) $ °RetumRMaPL( peUvery $ °Certlfled Mall Restricted Delivery Required signs Adult signature �Aduit e Restricted pellveN $ UNION COUNTY 500 N. MAIN STREET 4 SUITE 918 MONROE NC 28112 ATTN: MARK WATSON dwr/mm 12/16/19_ _ PS Form 3800, April 2015 PSN 7530-02'�nn9°47 ff *'t4' act Michael Meilinger or me with'the Water Quality Section email at or ned by: 11AF27425... inger, Regional Supervisor Regional Operations Section egional Office ater Resources, NCDEQ Division of Water Resources State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form Form CS-SSO PART I: This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five business days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number: WQCS00054 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: Union County Collection System Incident #: 201901893 Owner: Union County City: Waxhaw Source of SSO (check applicable): County: Union Region: Mooresville ❑ Sanitary Sewer [l Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc): 2722 Waxhaw Marvin Rd Manhole #: Latitude (Decimal Degrees): Longitude (Decimal Degrees): Incident Started Dt: 12/13/2019 Time: 3:50 pm Incident End Dt: 12/13/2019 Time: 05:29 pm (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm AM/PM) (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm AM/PM) Estimated Volume of the SSO: 1,980 gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): 1:39 hours Describe how the volume was determined: .20 GPM X 99 MIN=1980 Weather conditions during the SSO event: Did SSO reach surface waters? Surface water name: Tarkill Branch Heavy Rain [r Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gals): 1980 Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes IZ No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? 0 SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: Er Inflow and Infiltration 24 hour verbal notification (name of person contacted ): Michael J Meilinger ▪ DWR ❑ Emergency Mgmt Date (mm-dd-yyy): 12/13/2019 Time (hh:mm AM/PM): 03:50:00 pm If an SSO is ongoing, please notify the appropriate Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters • shall issue a press release within 24-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published. within 10 days and 'proof of publication shall be providedto the Division within 30 days. Refer to the reference statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Resources, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was cause by sever natural conditions and there were no feasible alternative to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis WHETHER OR NOT PART III IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM CS-SSO Form Page: 1 PART II: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART 1 OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWR REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IS Inflow and Infiltration Are you under an SOC (Special Order by Consent) or do you have a schedule in any permit that addresses I/I? Explain if Yes: What corrective actions have been taken to reduce or eliminate 1 & I related overflows at this spill location within the last year? N/A Has there been any flow studies to determine I/I problems in the collection system at the SSO location? If Yes, when was the study completed and what actions did it recommend? Has the line been smoke tested or videoed within the past year? If Yes, when and indicate what actions are necessary and the status of such actions: Are there I/1 related projects in your Capital Improvement Plan? 0 Yes 0 No nNA El NE Yes 0 No ID NA ID NE Yes 0 No D NA ci NE 0 Yes No NA El NE If Yes, explain: UCPW also has an aggressive Capital Improvement Program throughout the next 5 years. The projects include: « Crooked Creek Basin Improvements - $24,259,922.00 « Crooked Creek Interceptor Improvements Ph. 1 - $9,915,500.00 « Suburban Estates PS and FM-- $1,000,000.00 « Waxhaw Interceptor iV 3,200,000.00 « WW PS Improvements - $3,600,000.00 « Collection System SSES & Rehab iV $2,080,000 (not including $85k annually in Operations) « PS Upgrades - $300,000 annually Have there been any grant or loan applications for I/1 reduction projects? -D Yes . 0 No El NA NE If Yes, explain: Do you suspect any major sources of inflow or cross connections with storm sewers? D Yes [A No ❑ NA ICI NE If Yes, explain: CS-SSO Form. Page: 2 Have all lines contacting surface waters in the SSO location and upstream been inspected recently? 10 Yes D No ❑ NA D NE If Yes, explain: 11 /14/2019 What other corrective actions are planned to prevent future I/1 related SSOs at this location? - SMOKE TEST THE SCHOOL DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK. Comments: System Visitation ORC Backup Name: Greg Morgan Cert# 989865 Date visited: 12/13/2019 Time visited: 07:15 PM How was the SSO remediated (i.e. Stopped and cleaned up)? Removed solids and applied lime to effected area. 0 Yes Yes As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Gregory Wayne Morgan Date: 12/18/19 08:00 am Signature: Title: Telephone Number: Any addition information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form Page: 3 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 4045-14 Incident Number from BIMS 2019 6 / ? Incident Reviewed (Date): Spill Date 8-'< 5 Time 3.5-o am/ Reported Date a r(3 -(GJ Time / v C Regional DWR Staff reported to or EM Staff Reported by � rl4v j,�,� Phone 7 %-)ZCle. Address of Spill iviArro County Cause of Spill _City 14C4- Total Estimated Gallons .2/ C1X2 Est. Gal to Stream /2/04.9 Stream 1 /4 /0 l t4tream Classification Fish Kill: Yes Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Manhole # Duration of SSO 2.5-yei slat 9n 9°�1 1) MRO-PWS: Clint Cook or Mark Hahn 5 kin P9140'1 s verbal contact date/time PWS Em. Cell Phone 704-677-4947 contact date/time 2) DHHS: Alexander County - Keith Rowland (828-450-5842) contact date/time All other Counties - Aaron McOwen (919-703-6452) contact date/time ** If you are unable to reach Keith or Aaron, P!h 0 -13 V/1 Cali the 24/7 On Call Number: 1-888-820-0520 M4,4 ,. ' � —contact date/time Optional DHHS contact.(consult with Corey/Andrew before contacting: Valerie Lott (704) -621-7956 . contact date/time Brian Combs ' (919) 546-1823 contact date/time Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164- WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS . Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCS D0130 WQCS D0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCS D0098 WQCSD0105 WQCS D0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCS D0112 WQCSD0104 WQCS D0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portsic Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS 4.1 Basinger, Corey From: Basinger, Corey . Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2016 11:29 AM To:''; 'Richard McMillan' Cc: Pitner, Andrew; Snider, Lon; Love, Barry F Subject: SSO Response to Notice of Violation Mr. Goscicki and Mr. McMillan, The Division has received and reviewed Union County's response to the Notice of Violation and Recommendation for Enforcement (NOV-2016-DV-0181). Based on your response, the Division will take no further action with regard to this Notice. We do recommend that in the future you provide photo documentation to support your explanation of illegal dumping into the sewer collection system. We take this opportunity to remind Union County of the vital need to maintain compliance with Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 and to continue to work diligently toward the prevention and elimination of Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO). Should you have questions or concerns, please contact me directly. Thanks. Corey Basinger W. Corey Basinger Regional Supervisor Division of Water Resources Mooresville Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality Chairman Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission 704-235-2194 office Mooresville Regional Office 601 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 —"'Nothing Compares_-.. - Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 UNION COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 500 North Main Street, Suite 500, Monroe, NC 28112 Phone: (704)296-4210 • Fax: (704)296-4232 May 24, 2016 Mr. W. Corey Basinger Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Subject: Notice of Violation & Intent to Issue Civil Penalty: Tracking #: NOV-2016-DV-0181 Sanitary Sewer Overflow — April 2016 Collection System Permit — WQCS00054 Union County RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR MAY 262016 WQROS MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Dear Mr: Basinger: Union County has received the NOV referenced above for a collection system overflow. Explanations for the overflows were on the Overflow Reporting Forms submitted by Union County Public Works (UCPW) to the NCDEQ. However, we have added additional details in the explanations below: Incident # Date Location 201600852 4/16/2016 2345 Stallings Rd. Response This SSO was the result of numerous 4-inch PVC fittings that had been dumped into the pipe creating a bottle -neck and additional debris backing up behind this blockage. Gravel and sand, as well as numerous glass bottles were removed. Due to the restriction and slow velocities, grease also accumulated behind the blockage. Blockage was downstream of the 74-Bypass Project. Crews worked several days to remove all of the debris, clean the pipes, remove the grease, and clean the area. Crews pumped standing wastewater back into the system, cleaned the area, applying lime and straw. The main was also TV'd to make sure it was completely cleaned. In addition, UCPW's FOG Inspector provided educational brochures upstream of the spills due to the grease behind the blockage. 500 North Main St., Suite 600 • Monroe, NC 28112-4730 • Phone: (704)296-4210 • Fax: (704)296-4232 PART II: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWR REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IS Debris in line What type of debris has been found in theline? New 4 inch PVC fittings, gravel, and glass bottles. Suspected cause or source of debris. New Construction of.74 bypass suspect. Are manholes in the area secure and intact? 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ❑ NE El Yes No El NA ❑ NE Are appropriate educational materials being developed and distributed to prevent future 171 Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ❑ NE similar occurrences? Comments: Our FOG inspector is putting flier out to all connections upstream of this line. System Visitation ORC I( Yes When was the area last checked/cleaned? 2/2016 Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location due to previous problems with debris? Explain: Backup D Yes Name: Greg Morgan Cert# 989865 Date visited: 04/16/2016 Time visited: 5:05 PM How was the SSO remediated (i.e. Stopped and cleaned up)? Pumped all gray water back in the system, applied lime to area, and applied straw over entire area. CS-SSO Form Page: 2 As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Gregory Wayne Morgan Date: 04/22/16 10:18 am Signature: Title: Telephone Number: Any addition information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form Page: 3 W..ater.Resources • tMtilkaiVMlr5i.titiALrrr CERTIFIEDMAIL: 7015 1520 0002 8386 7892 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED May 16,2016 Ed:Goscicki, Public Works Director : Union County 500. N Main St Ste 918 : Monroe,. NC 28112 F.I.T�IuIC'GROR' Gwarnnr DONALD R-.. VAN DERVA,ART SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2016-DV-0181 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - April 2016 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union Coui ty Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Goscicki: sire S. JAY ZIMMERM:'tN Director A. review.has been .conducted of the self :reported. Sanitary Sewer.. Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/s submitted by Union County.: The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the Union County violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00054 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required :by G.S 143-215.1.- The Mooresville. Regional Office is providing the Union County an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the Union County should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total .Vol Total Surface Vol. Water . . (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action. Incident Number Start Duration Date , (Mins) .'Location Cause 201600852 .4/16/2016 355 2345 Stallings Rd. Debris in Tine 14,180 . 11,180 Notice of Intent This Notice of Violation / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the: noted violation.; Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00). may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. State:of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 This office requests that you respond to this Notice, in writing, within 10 business days of its receipt In your response, you should address the causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. The response to this correspondence will be considered in this process. Enforcement decisions will also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface waters, duration and gravity, impacts to publichealth, fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors considered in determining the amount of the civil penalty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of rectifying the damage, whether the spill was intentional and whether money was saved by non-compliance. If you have any, questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lon Snider with. the Water Quality Section' in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via--73il at rr- Cc: ru a 0 0 R/D W R Z Iiirll1b141r 611n1110111l1,.l, IwW I U.S. Postal Service RECEIPT CERTIFIED MA1L® Domestic Mail Only s orn®• visit our website at w ww•U'ps.c,. For delivery information, tV • RECEIVED/NCDE 0 co MAY 20, V �(�'—WQROS RESVILLE REGION, a -a to 0) co • -p w (6 Q N c E 00 Fw- z o � ►— o -16 aQw Certified Mail Fee $ add fee as appropriate) Extra Services & Fees (check box, Return Receipt (hardcopy) $ - Return Receipt (electronic) Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ Adult Signature Required Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 500 N. MAIN STREET SUITE 918 MONROE NC 28112 ATTN: ED GOSCICKI dwr/Is 5/16/16 Postage $ Total P Sent T ra _ Sireet 1~ _ CiryS • PS Form 3800, April 2015 PSN 7530-02 4Do-go47 See Reverse o iger, Regional Supervisor Regional Operations Section gional Office er Resources;. NCDEQ: 0- structions State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 Violator: Case #: NCDEQ - Division of Water Resources Surface Water Protection Section Sanitary Sewer Overflow Penalty Matrix f,36J - _ J- otg I Assessor: Date: . caw, -a „ . 2_. SSO Date: IG 6prat �.2.OrC Incident #: 21=46 6 o 8 5- 7,... ASSESSMENT FACTORS G.S. 143B-282.1(b) 1. Harm: 2. Duration and Gravity of the Violation 1 i r 1 a O 35'S ni,s, 3. Effect on Water Quantity or Quality: 4. Cost of Rectifying Damage: 5. Amount saved by Noncompliance: 6. Violation was committed willfully or intentionally: 7. Prior record of failing to comply with Sanitary Sewer Overflows: 8. Enforcement Costs: PENALTY AMOUNT: eStf 0 Comments: C Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR APR 8 2016 WQROS MOORESViLLE REGIONAL OFFICE April 6, 2016 Mr. Richard D. McMillan, P.E. Water & Sewer Division Director Union County Dept. of Public Works 500 North Main St., Suite 500 Monroe, NC 28112 RE: Request for Remission of Civil Penalty File No. DV-2016-0022 Union County Permit # WQCS00054 Dear Mr. McMillan PAT MCCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretory S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director CERTIFIED MAIL 7013 2630 0001 8998 4582 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED AECEIVEDIr fENR/DWI, AF_ ;J MOORESVILLE R EG iraML. OFFICE: In accordance with G.S. 143-215.6A(f) and my delegation by the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Quality and the Director of the Division of Water Resources, I considered the information submitted in support of your request for remission and hereby remit $300.00 of the civil penalty assessment. The revised civil penalty is therefore $448.98 ($300.00 civil penalty plus $148.98 investigative costs). A copy of the Director's decision is attached. There are two options available to you. 1) You may pay the reduced penalty. If you decide to pay the reduced penalty please make your check payable to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Reference the case number on the check. Send the payment within thirty (30) calendar days of your receipt of this letter to the attention of: Mr. Steve Lewis DWR PERCS 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 OR State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919-807-6300 1 4 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CIVIL PENALTY RENIISSION FACTORS Case Number: DV-2016-0022 Region: MRO County: Union Assessed Entity: Union County Permit: WQCS00054 n (a) Whether one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors were wrongly applied to the detriment of the petitioner: n (b) Whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation: • Increased flows during rain events at Grassy Branch WWTP has led to an investigation and work over the past several years. Union County Public Works (UCPW) believes something changed with the system late summer or early fall that is allowing I&I at a much greater volume. Grassy Branch has been having record peak flows. UCPW has conducted smoke testing and manhole rehabilitation over the past several years. UCPW is contracting to install temporary flow monitors and TV lines with work expected to begin this month (3/16). e MRO recommends remission of at least 50%, retaining costs. (c) Whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident: • UCPW was constructing a new parallel outfall along East Fork -Twelve Mile outfall. The contractor had installed a direct pip connection and a bypass pump as a backup. An intense rainfall event of about 2.5" created localized flooding. When UCPW staff and the contractor responded to the SSO, the pump was not accessible due to high water. After the water receded, is was determined that the float switch on the pump had failed. UCPW also emphasizes that excessive rain from late September through December 2015. Parts of the county received more than 3 0 inches of rain. Twelve Mile outfall recorded 16.7" in November. • MRO does not contend that the violations were willful or intentional. ® (d) Whether the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any -previous violations: • Summarize Violator's position for remission • Union County (WQCS00054) has been assessed civil penalties for prior SSOs. n (e) Whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions: DECISION (Check One) Request Denied ❑ Full Remission ❑ Retain Enforcement Costs? Yes ❑ No ❑ Partial Remissions $ 3 Q ©— (Enter Amount) S. Jay Zimmerman Date rev 1.0 — 8..31.09 ▪ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION COUNTY OF UNION DWR Case Number DV-2016-0022 IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST: UNION COUNTY REQUEST FOR ORAL PRESENTATION I hereby request to make an oral presentation before the Enviromnental Management Commission's Committee On Civil Penalty Remissions in the matter of the case noted above. In making this request, I assert that I understand all of the following statements: o This request will be reviewed by the Chairman of the Environmental Management Commission and may be either granted or denied. a Making a presentation will require the presence of myself and/or my representative during a Committee meeting held in Raleigh, North Carolina. o My presentation will be limited to discussion of issues and information submitted in my original remission request, and because no factual issues are in dispute, my presentation will be limited to five (5) minutes in length. The North Carolina State Bar's Authorized Practice of Law Committee has ruled that the appearance in a representative capacity at quasi-judicial hearings or proceedings is limited to lawyers who are active members of the bar. Proceedings before the Committee on Remissions are quasi-judicial. You should consider how you intend to present your case to the Committee in light of the State Bar's opinion and whether anyone will be speaking in a representative capacity for you or a business or governmental entity. If you or your representative would like to speak before the Committee, you must complete and return this form within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter. Depending on your status as an individual, corporation, partnership or municipality, the State Bar's Opinion affects how you may proceed with your oral presentation. See, Authorized Practice Advisory Opinion 2006-1 and 2007 Formal Ethics Opinion 3. ® If you are an individual or business owner and are granted an opportunity to make an oral presentation before the Committee, then you do not need legal representation before the Committee; however, if you intend on having another individual speak on your behalf regarding the factual situations, such as an expert, engineer or consultant, then you must also be present at the meeting in order to avoid violating the State Bar's Opinion on the unauthorized practice of law. • If you are a corporation, partnership or municipality and are granted an opportunity to make an oral presentation before the Committee, then your representative must consider the recent State Bar's Opinion and could be considered practicing law without a license if he or she is not a licensed attorney. Presentation of facts by non -lawyers is permissible. If you choose to request an oral presentation, please make sure that signatures on the previously submitted Remission Request form and this. Oral Presentation Request form are: 1) for individuals and business owners, your own signature and 2) for corporations, paitnerships and municipalities, signed by individuals who would not violate the State Bar's Opinion on the unauthorized practice of law. Also, be advised that the Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions may choose not to proceed with hearing your case if the Committee is informed that a violation of the State Bar occurs. This the day of 20 SIGNATURE TITLE (President, Owner, etc.) ADDRESS TELEPHONE PAT MCCRORY Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY May 25, 2016 Mr. Richard McMillan, P.E. Water & Sewer Division Director Union County Dept. of Public Works 500 North Main St., Suite 500 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: Payment Acknowledgment Civil Penalty Assessment Union County Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 DV-2016-0022 Dear Mr. McMillan, Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secrelmy S. JAY ZIMMERMAN RECEIVED/NCDEt `%3 R. MAY 3 1 2016 WQROs MOORESVILLE. REGIONAL OFFICE This letter is to acknowledge receipt of check No. 00457413 in the amount of $448.98 received from you dated 4/21/2016. This payment satisfies in full the civil assessment levied against the subject facility and this case has been closed. Payment of this penalty in no way precludes future action by this Division for additional violations of the applicable statutes, regulations, or permits. If you have any questions, please call Steve Lewis at 919-807-6308. Sincerely, -%. _ S. Jay Zimmerman, P.G. Director, Division of Water Resources cc: Enforcement File # DV-2016-0022 Gorey Basinger 1ooresville Regional Office Supervisor Barry Love, MRO Central Files State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919 707 9000 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CIVIL PENALTY REMISSION FACTORS Case Number: DV-2016-0022 Region: MRO County: Union Assessed Entity: Union County Permit: WQCS00054 n (a) Whether one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors were wrongly applied to the detriment of the petitioner: n (b) Whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation: • Increased flows during rain events at Grassy Branch WWTP has led to an investigation and work over the past several years. Union County Public Works (UCPW) believes something changed with the system late summer or early fall that is allowing I&I at a much greater volume. Grassy Branch has been having record peak flows. UCPW has conducted smoke testing and manhole rehabilitation over the past several years. UCPW is contracting to install temporary flow monitors and TV lines with work expected to begin this month (3/16). • MRO recommends remission of at least 50%, retaining costs. (c) Whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident: • UCPW was constructing a new parallel outfall along East Fork -Twelve Mile outfall. The contractor had installed a direct pip connection and a bypass pump as a backup. An intense rainfall event of about 2.5" created localized flooding. When UCPW staff and the contractor responded to the SSO, the pump was not accessible due to high water. After the water receded, is was determined that the float switch on the pump had failed. UCPW also emphasizes that excessive rain from late September through December 2015. Parts of the county received more than 30 inches of rain. Twelve Mile outfall recorded 16.7" in November. • MRO does not contend that the violations were willful or intentional. (d) Whether the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations: • Summarize Violator's position for remission • Union County (WQCS00054) has been assessed civil penalties for prior SSOs. ❑ (e) Whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions: DECISION (Check One) Request Denied ❑ Full Remission ❑ Retain Enforcement Costs? Yes ❑ No ❑ Partial Remission $ (Enter Amount) S. Jay Zimmerman Date rev 1.0 — 8..31.09 Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL DUALITY March 14, 2016 Mr. Richard D. McMillian, P.E. Water and Sewer Division Director 500 N. Main St. - Suite 500 Monroe NC 28112 SUBJECT: Remission Request Civil Penalty Assessment Union County Collection System Union County Permit No. WQCS00054 DV-2016-0022 Dear Mr. McMillian, PAT MCCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director RECEIVED/NODENR/DWR WOROS MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE This letter is to acknowledge receipt of your request for remission of the civil penalty levied against the subject facility. This request will be reviewed by the Director and you will be notified about the Division's decision concerning remission. If you have any questions, please call me at (919) 807-6308. Sincerely, Steve Lewis Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit cc: Enforcement File DV-2016-0022 :Corey=Basinger Mooresville Regional Office Supervisor Barry Love, MRO Central Files State of North Carolina I Environinental Quality I Water Resources 1611 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919 707 9000 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES CIVIL PENALTY REMISSION FACTORS Case Number: DV-2016-0022 Region: MRO Assessed Entity: Union County RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR MAR 21 20ib County: Uh1ioURESVILWQROS LE REGIONAL OrF!CE Permit: WQCS00054 ❑ (a) Whether one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors were wrongly applied to the detriment of the petitioner: (b) Whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation: • Increased flows during rain events at Grassy Branch WWTP has led to an investigation and work over the past several years. Union County Public Works (UCPW) believes something changed with the system late summer or early fall that is allowing I&I at a much greater volume. Grassy Branch has been having record peak flows. UCPW has conducted smoke testing and manhole rehabilitation over the past several years. UCPW is contracting to install temporary flow monitors and TV lines with work expect to begin this month (3/16). • Summarize Region's position for denial/partial/full remission (c) Whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident: • UCPW was constructing a new parallel outfall along East Fork -Twelve Mile outfall. The contractor had installed a direct pip connection and a bypass pump as a backup. An intense rainfall event of about 2.5" created localized flooding. When UCPW staff and the contractor responded to the SSO, the pump was not accessible due to high water. After the water receded, it was determined that the float switch on the pump had failed. Vi lat is positi .fo sslen, UCPW also emphasizes that excessive rain from late September through December 2015. Parts of the county received more than 30 inches of rain. Twelve Mile outfall recorded 16.7" in November. • Summarize Region's position for denial/partial/full remission ❑ (d) Whether the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations: ioiator s position or rem szson or aenia ❑ (e) Whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions: DECISION (Check One) Request Denied ❑ Full Remission ❑ Retain Enforcement Costs? Yes ❑ No ❑ Partial Remission❑ $ (Enter Amount) S. Jay Zimmerman Date rev 1.0 — 8..31.09 UNION COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 500 North Main Street, Suite 500, Monroe, NC 28112 Phone: (704)296-4210 • Fax: (704)296-4232 March 3, 2016 Mr. W. Corey Basinger Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional OperationsSection Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Subject: Request for Remission Notice of Violation & Intent to Issue Civil Penalty: Case No.: DV-2016-0022 Tracking #: NOV-2015-DV-0286 Sanitary Sewer Overflows — November 2015 Collection System Permit — WQCS00054 Union County Collection System RECEIVED/NCDEQ/jj MAR 10 2016 Water Quality Permitting Section Dear Mr. Basinger: Union County has received the Notice of Violation and Assessment of Civil Penalty (February 19, 2016) for two sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) that occurred in November 2015. The two spills being cited for enforcement in this notice are Incident 2015-01525 (November 2, 2016) and Incident 2015- 01776 (November 30, 2016). Union County Public Works (UCPW) is requesting a remission for these spills. Below are the explanations and details of these spills. Incident 2015-01525: 11/02/2015 — East Fork -Twelve Mile Outfall UCPW was constructing a new parallel outfall along the East Fork — Twelve Mile Outfall beside the existing 8-inch outfall. The contractor performing the work had installed a direct -pipe connection between systems to move flow from the old collection system to the new collection system. In addition to this direct pipe, the contractor installed a bypass pump as a backup and to handle any additional flow in the case of wet conditions. On this date, the area was subjected to an intense rainfall event (about 2.5" based on readings from 12-Mile WRF) that created localized flooding and increased flows in the collection system. The spill was reported to.UCPW at 10:15 am. By the time UCPW staff and the Contractor arrived on site, the area where the pump was positioned was not accessible due to the creek flooding. The pump was surrounded by water and it was not safe for staff to wade into the flood waters to check on the pump. After the flood waters receded, the Contractor and UCPW determined that the float switch on the bypass pump was not functioning (had failed) and did not allow the bypass pump to engage. It was initially thought that the float was not set properly, but later diagnosed that the float switch had failed. 500 North Main St., Suite 600 • Monroe, NC 28112-4730 • Phone: (704)296-4210 • Fax: (704)296-4232 March 3, 2016 Contractor and UCPW staff stayed on site during the day to manually operate the pump to prevent further SSOs during this event. Based on the information above, UCPW believes the Justification for Remission Request fulfills the following: (b) the violator promptly abated the continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation, and, (c) the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident. Incident 2015-01776: 11/30/2015 —1619 Old Fish Road - Grassy Branch As a result of increased flows during rain events at the Grassy Branch WWTP, UCPW has been investigating and working in this basin for several years. Based on discussion with our staff and our ORCs, SSO's have not been a problem until recently. UCPW believes something has changed within the collection system late summer or early fall that is allowing inflow to enter the system at a much greater rate than in the past. Since the heavy rains began in Fall 2015, the Grassy Branch WWTP has seen peak flows that have not been observed before. Smoke Testing and l&I Work: UCPW has performed SSES work and manhole rehabilitation in this basin over the past several years. In 2013 & 2014, after seeing an increase in flows at the Grassy Branch WWTP, crews smoke tested the collection system from the WWTP to the upper reaches of the basin. This resulted in finding roof drains at the middle school were attached to the sewer system. The school system worked to correct this issue. Other than a few minor problems, the system was in good shape. In addition to the smoke testing, during the spring/summer of 2015, UCPW had a contractor on site to rehabilitate manholes in the basin to reduce inflow. About 8 manholes were rehabilitated — walls and chimneys sealed. All of the manholes on the outfall were inspected and only minor repairs were needed on others. All of the manhole ring & covers have been sealed, bolted, and inflow inserts placed in the manholes where needed. Fall of 2015, it was noticed that flows at the WWTP were increasing beyond what had been observed in the past during wet weather events (based on plant flow records & plant personnel). UCPW crews began a complete smoke testing of the basin again in December 2015. On December 31, 2015, it was discovered that the high school had a potential problem. It was observed that several storm drainage drop inlets at the high school were smoking possibly due to a cross -connection when a possible pipe repair was made several months prior. The school system was notified of the issue and is moving to correct. Staff continued to smoke test the entire outfall again looking for holes or breaks in the pipe or manholes. When smoke testing was completed in mid -February, staff expected to find breaks in the pipe or holes in the sides of manholes. Unfortunately, nothing was identified as a possible problem or source for the inflow during rain events. - • Page 2 March 3, 2016 On February 23`d, staff from the Mooresville NCDEQ Office came to the site for a field investigation. After inspecting the outfalls and looking in manholes, they agreed that everything looked good; outfalls clear, manholes sealed and in good shape, and no visible issues that would point to the I&I problems. UCPW's next step is to install several temporary flow monitors in the basin to narrow down where the inflow is originating and perform TV inspections. We are currently completing a contract with a local firm to provide this work and expect to begin this month. Once we can identify the problem(s), we will move to correct the issue(s) immediately. Based on the information above, UCPW believes the Justification for Remission Request fulfills the following: (b) the violator promptly abated the continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation. An important fact we'd like to emphasize in regards to these and other SSOs is the excessive rain Union County received during the fall and early winter. During the months of late September, October, November, and December 2015, parts of Union County received in excess of 30-inches of rainfall. During the month of November, the Twelve Mile WRF recorded 16.7 inches of rain, nearly 40% of the annual rainfall (rainfall data recorded at 12-Mile WRF). Many of these storms were highly localized and at times produced intense downpours of 3"- 5"+ of rain. Once ground saturation was reached, rain events were magnified into flood events. Creeks and roads were flooded numerous times around the county and this created issues for our wastewater collection system. Union County Public Works continues to invest funds into SSES work, capital improvements, maintenance and operations to improve the wastewater collection system and prevent sanitary sewer overflows. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your consideration on this matter. Sincerely, Rlcnard D. McMil an, P.E. Water & Sewer Division Director pc: Ed Goscicki, P.E. — Executive Director Greg Morgan — interim -Superintendent Steven Lewis PERCS Unit Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Services Center Raleigh, NC 28115 • Page 3 Case Number: DV-2016-0022 Assessed Party: Union County Permit No.: WQCS00054 JUSTIFICATION FOR REMISSION REQUEST County: Union Amount Assessed: $748.98 Please use this form when requesting remission of this civil penalty. You must also complete the "Request For Remission, Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing, and Stipulation of Facts" form to request remission of this civil penalty. You should attach any documents that you believe support your request and are necessary for the Director to consider in evaluating your request for remission. Please be aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the amount of the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained in the civil penalty assessment document. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 143B-282.1(c), remission of a civil penalty may be granted only when one or more of the following five factors apply. Please check each factor that you believe applies to your case and provide a detailed explanation, including copies of supporting documents, as to why the factor applies (attach additional pages as needed). (a) one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in N.C.G.S. 143B-282.1(b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner (the assessment factors are listed in the civil penalty assessment document); (b) the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation (i. e., explain the steps that you took to correct the violation and prevent future occurrences); (c) the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident (i.e., explain why the violation was unavoidable or something you could not prevent or prepare for); (d) the violator had not been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; (e) payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions (Le., explain how payment of the civil penalty will prevent you from performing the activities necessary to achieve compliance). EXPLANATION: 6e-a- 3/0//67 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COUNTY OF UNION IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST Union County Union County Collection System PERMIT NO. WQCS00054 WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND STIPULATION OF FACTS CASE NO. DV-2016-0022 Having been assessed civil penalties totaling $748.98 for violation(s) as set forth in the assessment document of the Division of Water Resources dated February 19, 2016, the undersigned, desiring to seek remission of the civil penalty, does hereby waive the right to an administrative hearing in the above -stated matter and does stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the assessment document. The undersigned further understands that all evidence presented in support of remission of this civil penalty must be submitted to the Director of the Division of Water Resources within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice of assessment. No new evidence in support of a remission request will be allowed after (30) days from the receipt of the notice of assessment. This the day of • , 20 SIGNATURE ADDRESS % , ✓(d 2 3 //, TELEPHONE 1 WeiteeReSporces owl oUALItr Certified Mail # 7015 1520 0002 8376 2678 Return Receipt Requested 19 February 2016 Edward Goscicki, Director Public Works Union County 500 N Main St -Ste 500 Monroe, NC 28112-4730 I r. .. L,...] PAT .IVIC:GRORi' DO.NALI7! .R... -vkN DER VAART S. JAY ZII i241kN AN SUBJECT: REVISED Notice of Violation and Assessment of Civil Penalty for Violations of North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) 143-215.1(a)(6) and Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Union County Collection System Case No. DV-2016-0022 Union County Dear Permittee: This letter transmits a Notice of Violation and assessment of civil penalty in the amount of $748.98 ($600.00 civil penalty + $148.98 enforcement costs) against Union County. This assessment is based upon the following facts: a review has been conducted of the Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by Union County. This review has shown the subject facility to be in violation of the requirements found in Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 and G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1). The violation(s) that occurred are summarized in Attachment A to this letter. Based upon the above facts, I conclude as a matter of law that Union County violated the terms, conditions or requirements of Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 and G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1) in the manner and extent shown in Attachment A. In accordance with the maximums established by G.S. 143-215.6A(a)(2), a civil penalty may be assessed against any person who violates the terms, conditions or requirements of a permit required by G.S. 143-215.1(a). Based upon the above findings of fact and conclusions of law, and in accordance with authority provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Quality and the Director of the Division of Water Resources, I, W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor, Mooresville Regional Office hereby make the following civil penalty assessment against Union County: State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 $600.00 For 2 of the 7 other violations of Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054. (Incident #201501525 and Incident #201501776) $600.00 TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY $148.98 Enforcement Costs $748.98 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(c), in determining the amount of the penalty I have taken into account the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and the factors set forth at G.S. 143B-282.1(b), which are: (1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violation; (2) The duration and gravity of the violation; (3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; (4) The cost of rectifying the damage; (5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; (6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; (7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; and (8) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice, you must do one of the following: (1) Submit payment of the penalty, OR (2) Submit a written request for remission, OR (3) Submit a written request for an administrative hearing Option 1: Submit payment of the penalty: Payment should be made directly to the order of the Department of Environmental Quality (do not include waiver form). Payment of the penalty will not foreclose further enforcement. action for any continuing or new violation(s). Please submit payment to the attention of: Steven Lewis PERCS Unit Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Option 2: Submit a written request for remission or mitigation including a detailed justification for such request: Please be aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the amount of the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained in the civil penalty assessment document. Because a remission request forecloses the option of an administrative hearing, such a request must be accompanied by a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing and a stipulation and agreement that no factual or legal issues are in dispute. Please prepare a detailed statement that establishes why you believe the civil penalty should be remitted, and submit it to the Division of Water Resources at the address listed below. In determining whether a remission request will be approved, the following factors shall be considered: (1) whether one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in NCGS 143B-282.1(b) was wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner; (2) whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation; (3) whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident; (4) whether the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; or (5) whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions. Please note that all evidence presented in support of your request for remission must be submitted in writing. The Director of the Division of Water Resources will review your evidence and inform you of his decision in the matter of your remission request. The response will provide details regarding the case status, directions for payment, and provision for further appeal of the penalty to the Environmental Management Commission's Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions (Committee). Please be advised that the Committee cannot consider information that was not part of the original remission request considered by the Director. Therefore, it is very important that you prepare a complete and thorough statement in support of your request for remission. In order to request remission, you must complete and submit the enclosed "Request for Remission of Civil Penalties, Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing, and Stipulation of Facts" form within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. The Division of Water Resources also requests that you complete and submit the enclosed "Justification for Remission Request." Both forms should be submitted to the following address: Steven Lewis PERCS Unit Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 AND W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 Option 3: File a petition for an administrative hearing with the Office of Administrative Hearings: If you wish to contest any statement in the attached assessment document you must file a petition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the petition form from the Office of Administrative Hearings. You must file the petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours. The Office of Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., except for official state holidays. The petition may be filed by facsimile (fax) or electronic mail by an attached file (with restrictions) - provided the signed original, one (1) copy and a filing fee (if a filing fee is required by NCGS §150B-23.2) is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings within seven (7) business days following the faxed or electronic transmission. You should contact the Office of Administrative Hearings with all questions rewarding the filing fee and/or the details of the filing process. The mailing address and telephone and fax numbers for the Office of Administrative Hearings are as follows: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 Tel: (919) 733-2698 Fax: (919) 733-3478 One (1) copy of the petition must also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr. Sam M. Hayes, General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 Please indicate the case. number (as found on page one of this letter) on the petition. Failure to exercise one of the options above within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter, as evidenced by an internal date/time received stamp (not a postmark), will result in this matter being referred to the Attorney General's Office for collection of the penalty through a civil action. Please be advised that additional penalties may be assessed for violations that occur after the review period of this assessment. If you have any questions, please contact Barry Love with the Division of Water Resources staff of the Mooresville Regional Office at (704) 663-9263 or via email at Sincerely, 1 W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ ATTACHMENTS Cc: WQS Mooresville Regional Office - Enforcement File NPDES Compliance/Enforcement Unit - Enforcement File r Case Number: DV-2016-0022 Assessed Party: Union County Permit No.: WQCS00054 JUSTIFICATION FOR REMISSION REQUEST County: Union Amount Assessed: $748.98 Please use this form when requesting remission of this civil penalty. You must also complete the "Request For Remission, Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing, and Stipulation of Facts" form to request remission of this civil penalty. You should attach any documents that you believe support your request and are necessary for the Director to consider in evaluating your request for remission. Please be aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the amount of the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained in the civil penalty assessment document. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 143B-282.1(c), remission of a civil penalty may be granted only when one or more of the following five factors apply. Please check each factor that you believe applies to your case and provide a detailed explanation, including copies of supporting documents, as to why the factor applies (attach additional pages as needed). (a) one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in N.C.G.S. 143B-282.1(b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner (the assessment factors are listed in the civil penalty assessment document); (b) the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation (i. e., explain the steps that you took to correct the violation and prevent future occurrences); (c) the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident (i.e., explain why the violation was unavoidable or something you could not prevent or prepare for); (d) the violator had not been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; (e) payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions (i. e., explain how payment of the civil penalty will prevent you from performing the activities necessary to achieve compliance). EXPLANATION: t STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COUNTY OF UNION IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST Union County Union County Collection System PERMIT NO. WQCS00054 WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND STIPULATION OF FACTS CASE NO. DV-2016-0022 Having been assessed civil penalties totaling $748.98 for violation(s) as set forth in the assessment document of the Division of Water Resources dated February 19, 2016, the undersigned, desiring to seek remission of the civil penalty, does hereby waive the right to an administrative hearing in the above -stated matter and does stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the assessment document. The undersigned further understands that all evidence presented in support of remission of this civil penalty must be submitted to the Director of the Division of Water Resources within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice of assessment. No new evidence in support of a remission request will be allowed after (30) days from the receipt of the notice of assessment. This the day of , 20 SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE ATTACHMENT A Union County CASE NUMBER: DV-2016-0022 PERMIT: WQCS00054 FACILITY: Union County Collection System COUNTY: Union REGION: Mooresville Other Violations MONITORING PENALTY REPORT AREA DESCRIPTION VIOLATION DATE VIOLATION TYPE 0.00 CSO/SSO(Sewer Discharge without valid permit T4-71 °I 2- -4- Overflow) 0.00 CSO/SSO(Sewer Discharge without valid permit 'a Z474 SO I 524. Overflow) 0.00 CSO/SSO(Sewer Discharge without valid permit It 740(SO I Overflow) 350.00 CSO/SSO(Sewer Discharge without valid permit *tear co i525 Overflow) 0.00 CSO/SSO(Sewer Discharge without valid permit r 24:)/r!4:0I6 84 Overflow) 0.00 CSO/SSO(Sewer Discharge without valid permit 11 1016-0 /4i4 i Overflow) 250.00 CSO/SSO(Sewer Discharge without valid permit 'tt 2,015 0 13-11.3 -_- _ Overflow) - — .--. y 2 ti th N otf CO a) Z 5 co oCan. 'CD. ti D D- w N J] ru .21 N m r•D n-I 0 0 0 f1J tf'I r4 m r1 0 N 'Bs Ift co U z W J J U.S. Postal ServiceTM CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only For delivery information, visit our website at®. Certified Mail Fee / j V Extra Services & Fees (c7ecicao ❑ Retum Receipt (hard pY)- ❑ Return Receipt (elect 0Q' ❑ Certified Mall Restri ed D ❑ Adult Signature Reg iced ❑ Adult Signature Rest\icted Postage s, si envoy $ p te) lai STREET SUITE 500 MONROE NC 2412-4730 ATTN: EDWRD GOSCICKI dwr/bl 2/19/16 PS Form 3800, April 201,5 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions Postmark Here 500 NO 11/2/15 Discharge without valid permit 11/2/15 Discharge without valid permit , . 11/2/15 Discharge without valid permit 11/2/15 Discharge without valid permit 11/7/15 Discharge without valid permit 11/9/15 Discharge without valid permit 11/30/15 Discharge without valid permit Certified Mail # 70151520 0002 8376 2555 Return Receipt Requested February 08, 2016 Edward Goscicki, Director Public Works Union County 500 N Main St -Ste 500 Monroe, NC 28112-4730 SUBJECT: Notice of Violation and Assessment of Civil Penalty for Violations of North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) 143-215.1(a)(6) and Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Union County Collection System Case No. DV-2016-0022. Union County Dear Mr. Goscicki: This letter transmits a Notice of Violation and assessment of civil penalty in the amount of $748.98 ($600.00 civil penalty + $148.98 enforcement costs) against Union County. This assessment is based upon the following facts: a review has been conductedof the Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by Union County. This review has shown the subject facility to be in violation of the requirements found in Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 and G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1). The violation(s) that occurred are summarized in Attachment A to this letter. Based upon the above facts, I conclude as a matter of law that Union County violated the terms, conditions or requirements of Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 and G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1) in the manner and extent shown in Attachment A. In accordance with the maximums established by G.S. 143-215.6A(a)(2), a civil penalty may be assessed against any person who violates the terms, conditions or requirements of a permit required by G.S. 143-215.1(a). Based upon the above findings of fact and conclusions of law, and in accordance with authority provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Quality and the Director of the Division of Water Resources, I, W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor, Mooresville Regional Office hereby make the following civil penalty assessment against Union County: State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 $600.00 For 2 of the 7 other violations of Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054. $600.00 TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY $148.98 Enforcement Costs $748.98 TOTAL AMOUNT DITE Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(c), in determining the amount of the penalty I have taken into account the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and the factors set forth at G.S. 143B-282.1(b), which are: (1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violation; (2) The duration and gravity of the violation; (3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; (4) The cost of rectifying the damage; (5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; (6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; (7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; and (8) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice, you must do one of the following: (1) Submit payment of the penalty, OR (2) Submit a written request for remission, OR (3) Submit a written request for an administrative hearing Option 1: Submit payment of the penalty: Payment should be made directly to the order of the Department of Environmental Quality (do not include waiver form). Payment of the penalty will not foreclose further enforcement action for any continuing or new violation(s). Please submit payment to the attention of: Steven Lewis PERCS Unit Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Option 2: Submit a written request for remission or mitigation including a detailed justification for such request: Please be aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the amount of the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained in the civil penalty assessment document. Because a remission request forecloses the option of an administrative hearing, such a request must be accompanied by a waiver of your right to an administrativehearing and a stipulation and agreement that no factual or legal issues are in dispute. Please prepare a detailed statement that establishes why you believe the civil penalty should be remitted, and submit it to the Division of Water Resources at the address listed below. In determining whether a remission request will be approved, the following factors shall be considered: (1) whether one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in NCGS 143B-282.1(b) was wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner; (2) whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation; (3) whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident; (4) whether the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; or (5) whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions. Please note that all evidence presented in support of your request for remission must be submitted in writing. The Director of the Division of Water Resources will review your evidence and inform you of his decision in the matter of your remission request. The response will provide details regarding the case status, directions for payment, and provision for further appeal of the penalty to the Environmental Management Commission's Committee on Civil Penalty Remissions (Committee). Please be advised that the Committee cannot consider information that was not part of the original remission request considered by the Director. Therefore, it is very important that you prepare a complete and thorough statement in support of your request for remission. In order to request remission, you must complete and submit the enclosed "Request for Remission of Civil Penalties, Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing, and Stipulation of Facts" form within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. The Division of Water Resources also requests that you complete and submit the enclosed "Justification for Remission Request." Both forms should be submitted to the following address: Steven Lewis PERCS Unit Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 Option 3: File a petition for an administrative hearing with the Office of Administrative Hearings: If you wish to contest any statement in the attached assessment document you must file a petition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the .petition form from the Office of Administrative Hearings. You must file the petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours. The Office of Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., except for official state holidays. The petition may be filed by facsimile (fax) or electronic mail by an attached file (with restrictions) - provided the signed original, one (1) copy and a filing fee (if a filing fee is required by NCGS §150B-23.2) is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings within seven (7) business days following the faxed or electronic transmission. You should contact the Office of Administrative Hearings with all questions regarding the filing fee and/or the details of the filing process. The mailing address and telephone and fax numbers for the Office of Administrative Hearings are as follows: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 Tel: (919) 733-2698 Fax: (919) 733-3478 One (1) copy of the petition must also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr. Sam M. Hayes, General Counsel Depat tucent of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 Please indicate the case number (as found on page one of this letter) on the petition. Failure to exercise one of the options above within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter, as evidenced by an internal date/time received stamp (not a postmark), will result in this matter being referred to the Attorney General's Office for collection of the penalty through a civil action. Please be advised that additional penalties may be assessed for violations that occur after the review period of this assessment. If you have any questions, please contact Barry Love with the Division of Water Resources staff of the Mooresville Regional Office at (704) 235-2143 or via email at Sincerely, W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ ATTACHMENTS Cc: WQS Mooresville Regional Office - Enforcement File PERCS Compliance/Enforcement Unit - Enforcement File Case Number: DV-2016-0022 Assessed Party: Union County Permit No.: WQCS00054 JUSTIFICATION FOR REMISSION REQUEST County: Union Amount Assessed: $748.98 Please use this form when requesting remission of this civil penalty. You must also complete the "Request For Remission, Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing, and Stipulation of Facts" form to request remission of this civil penalty. You should attach any documents that you believe support your request and are necessary for the Director to consider in evaluating your request for remission. Please be aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the amount of the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained in the civil penalty assessment document. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 143B-282.1(c), remission of a civil penalty may be granted only when one or more of the following five factors apply. Please check each factor that you believe applies to your case and provide a detailed explanation, including copies of supporting documents, as to why the factor applies (attach additional pages as needed). (a) one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in N.C.G.S. 143B-282.1(b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner (the assessment factors are listed in the civil penalty assessment document); (b) the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation (i.e., explain the steps that you took to correct the violation and prevent future occurrences); (c) the violation was inadvertent or.a result of an accident (i.e., explain why the violation was unavoidable or something you could not prevent or prepare for); (d) the violator had not been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; (e) payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions (Le., explain how payment of the civil penalty will prevent you from performing the activities necessary to achieve compliance). EXPLANATION: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COUNTY OF UNION IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST Union County Union County Collection System PERMIT NO. WQCS00054 WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND STIPULATION OF FACTS CASE NO. DV-2016-0022 Having been assessed civil penalties totaling $748.98 for violation(s) as set forth in the assessment document of the Division of Water Resources dated , the undersigned, desiring to seek remission of the civil penalty, does hereby waive the right to an administrative hearing in the above -stated matter and does stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the assessment document. The undersigned further understands that all evidence presented in support of remission of this civil penalty must be submitted to the Director of the Division of Water Resources within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice of assessment. No new evidence in support of a remission request will be allowed after (30) days from the receipt of the notice of assessment. This the day of , 20 SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE PERMIT: INQCS00054 ATTACHMENT A Union County CASE NUMBER: DV-2016-0022 FACILITY: Union County Collection System COUNTY: Union REGION: Mooresville Other Violations PENALTY MONITORING REPORT AREA DESCRIPTION VIOLATION DATE VIOLATION TYPE 0.00 0.00 0.00 350.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 CSO/SSO(Sewer Overflow) CSO/SSO(Sewer Overflow) CSO/SSO(Sewer Overflow) CSO/SSO(Sewer Overflow) CSO/SSO(Sewer Overflow) CSO/SSO(Sewer Overflow) Discharge without valid permit Discharge without valid permit Discharge without valid permit Discharge without valid permit Discharge without valid permit Discharge without valid permit 7015 51 20 ppp2 8376 2555 ----v..-.r,nnnX� 11/2/15 11/2/15 11/2/15 11/2/15 11/7/15 STATE,v 3R yWPg,' .11::;-; ender: Please print your name, address, and ZIPS+4® in this trn oo' DE4/VV4ROS -11u���`� � 610 EAST CENTER AVE. �� ,� � m SUITE 301 111 '"' �, MOORESVILLE NC 28115 �, ) Discharge without valid permit Discharge without valid permit Discharge without valid permit Discharge without valid permit Discharge without valid lout valid USPS TRACKING# SHIS5I i�ll6rla=KP41h11+lg 111111ll 590 9403 0158 5120 7385 91 First -Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 ;out valid • Waxerd eSoa irCes. 44.1Au'rir.. • CERTIFIED MAIL: #7015 1520 0002 8376 2265 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED . January 12, 2016 Cindy Coto, County Manager' Union County. 500 N Main St., Suite 500 Monroe, NC 28112. SAT' hd;RRT Govnr�ar PONALD .fit. V-A_N V•"-�, k.RT SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.:. NOV-2015-DV-0286 Sanitary Sewer Overflows November 2015 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Ms.. Coto: A reviewhas been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer. Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/s submitted by Union County. The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the Union County violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00054 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and -operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G:S..143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. .ssc e*,rz*y S JAY ZIMMERI I44 st• Dirk a The Mooresville Regional Office is providing the Union County an°opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the Union County should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are'summarized below: Total Vol. Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWRAction 201501527 11/2/2015 160 MH 2725 Inflow 'and Infiltration, Severe Natural Condition 1,315 1,315 Intentto Enforce 201501526 11/2/2015 ' . 240 MH 5231. Inflow and Infiltration, Severe Natural Condition 1,500 1,500 , Intent to Enforce State ofNorth •Carolina I EnvironmentalQuality 1 Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 Incident Number Start Duration Date (Mins) Location Cause Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals): DWR Action 201501529 11/2/2015 195 Rone Branch PS - Wetwell Inflow and Infiltration, Severe Natural Condition 2,100 2,100 Intent to Enforce 201501525 11/2/2015 375 East Fork Twelve Mile Other 12,000 12,000 Intent to Enforce Outfall 201501584 11/7/2015 90 1001 NC Hwy 205 Other, Pump station • 3,500 3,500 Intent to Enforce equipment failure 201501641 11/9/2015 50 . 3400 brooks stone trail Inflow and Infiltration 500 500 Notice of Violation 201501776 11/30/2015 240 1619 Old Fish Road Inflow and Infiltration 4,800 4,800 Intent to Enforce This Notice of Violation / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. 'Pursuant t0_.G.S..143-�15 AA ;.,..a --,I twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed Icordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any ru ru .1rn Iru 0 Io � • Irq lra la r- ii rr c9 z U U.S. Costal Service"' CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only®• For delivery information, visit our website at wWw•UsP Extra Services & FeeS (check box, add fee as appropriate) arocopy) $ Postmark�—�� 0Return Receipt (it $ — "-�stmar�! Returnd Mail est(eleOted Dc) // Vs) \ I� Adult Si Mail Signature Delivery $ Adult Signature Required Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ — ,,,, -Nee it UNION COUNTY 1 `i PI 4..';'g 500 N. MAIN STREET SUITE 500 �:')-7, C ^ n- Sei �i f`n � §in MONROE NC 28112 ATTN: CINDY COTO, COUNTY MGR.------- dwr bs 1 12- 16 PS Form 3800, April 2015 PSN7530-02-000-9047 lotice, in writing, within 10 business days of its causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other tuatiions. The response to this correspondence will be will also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface fish kills or recreational area closures: Other factors malty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of ?nal and whether money was saved by non-compliance. Barbara Sifford with the Water Quality; Section :in. . 'ila email at y Basinger, Regional Supervisor uality Regional Operations Section \Ile Regional Office of Water Resources, NCDEQ Tot Postage cj See Reverse for Instructions onmental Quality I Water. Resources -te 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 UNION COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 500 North Main Street, Suite 500, Monroe, NC 28112 Phone:(704)296-4210 • Fax: (704)296-4232 January 20, 2016 Mr. W. Corey Basinger Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, •NC 28115 6ECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JAN252016 WQROS MVIOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Subject: Notice of Violation & Intent to Issue Civil Penalty: Tracking #: NOV-2015-DV-0286 Sanitary Sewer Overflows — November 2015 Collection System Permit — WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Dear Mr. Basinger: Union County has received the NOV referenced above for collection system overflows. Most of the explanations for the overflows were on the Overflow Reporting Forms submitted by Union County Public Works .(UCPW) to the NCDEQ. However, we have added a`few additional facts in the explanations below: Incident # Date Location Response 201501527 11/02/2015 Grassy Branch — MH 2725 &I Issue: 3"-4" of rain fell within a short time period on this date; localized flooding of creeks and roads occurred. UCPW has been rehabilitating MHs within this basin and crews have been performing SSES (smoke testing) to identify sources of the recent I&I. A number of smaller issues were found and corrected. On Dec 31 st, crews identified a private storm drainage system at the high school that may have been connected to the sewer system last spring, potentially creating this issue. UCPW is coordinating with the School System staff to further identify the private storm drainage issue so the school system may correct the problem. 201501526 11/02/2015 Crooked Creek — MH 5231 I&I Issue: 3"-4" of rain fell within a short period on this date; localized flooding of creeks and roads occurred. UCPW has been performing I&I studies within this basin to identify possible sources; a new influent pump station is being designed along with a flow equalization basin for Crooked Creek WRF; other operational improvements have been made to reduce the number of SSOs that have occurred near the Crooked Creek WRF from past years. 500 North Main St, Suite 600 • Monroe, NC 281.12-4730 • Phone: (704)296-4210 • Fax: (704)296-4232 Violator: Case #: NCDEQ - Division of Water Resources Surface Water Protection Section Sanitary Sewer Overflow Penalty Matrix VtJt6+J av Assessor: Date: 1/2 SSO Date: Z Akicii .7-015 3c A.61/ 2-ex e Incident #: 2®1 i tZy- ASSESSMENT FACTORS G.S. 143B-2s2.1(b) _ 41.43 y I ,,, , ,t k�, o1- 4.4 1. Harm: 2. Duration and Gravity of the Violation % M°4-sK t2t 6 d � o 2�f-o lv.1.;,. 4. �Gb - a 3. Effect on Water Quantity or Quality: i 6 - -a-- r , •4ti`t-- "L°�' 442 `�' v-- 4-4-4P--- -,-Z 4. Cost of Rectifying Damage: 0.3 6o--1.„- 5. Amount saved by Noncompliance: 0,,,,._ - 6. Violation was committed willfully or intentionally: M- tL-fLA- 01- LZ`61, --`� . ---- 7. Prior record of failing to comply with Sanitary Sewer Overflows:�`"�� a �a s 8. Enforcement Costs: t' - 2 PENALTY AMOUNT: 3 s� z� Comments: ` j2 o -w A -L �►e �u�� lQ —r11-- • Violator: Case #: NCDEQ - Division of Water Resources Surface Water Protection Section Sanitary Sewer Overflow Penalty Matrix C/A Cu,L( - 2z)d- ooZZ- Assessor: Date: SSO Date: 2 xidir 2-4:315- Z EJa br Zo( -' 2 p 1/ 20c - 7 1kew 2-or Incident #: — L5 is27- ? JfSO 152., c135-o q 2015 6/5-841- ASSESSMENT FACTORS G.S. 143B-282.1(b) _ A. - / � ^�"�`" -74/1 aid_ zy Zr",D �G-fir-.' ' 1. Harm: "�" . '-Z az"-1`1"-.'1" .c_ '' 2. Duration and Gravity of the Violation 1 p w<<n 113)S V40 AAu-s 11b 5e) O_p_ 161 S wk. aa.� 21 rya ,o--� ga a ea. S6 6 0 0 3. Effect on Water Quantity or Quality: ''' A - G �� �'� 4. Cost of Rectifying Damage: 1 14J1-1L i1.L_c4- 5. Amount saved by Noncompliance: 0,.� - - j 6. Violation was committed willfully or intentionally: -1 f- t--=L % ;. r� w_ — L 7. Prior record of failing to comply with Sanitary Sewer Overflows: IAA-A--;�-- SISo s ������ 8. Enforcement Costs: -& 1-1S _ 5' 8 PENALTY AMOUNT: 6 G ,4 C Comments: CERTIFIED MAIL #: 7015 1520 0002 6880 3.631 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED November 21, 2017 Cindy Coto Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tracking Number: NOV-2017-DV-0300 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - October 2017 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Ms. Coto: The self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by Union County indicates violations of permit conditions stipulated in the subject permit and North Carolina G.S..143-215.1. Violations include failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate the subject collection system so that there is no SSO to the. land or surface waters and making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required. Specific incident(s) cited in the subject report include the following: Incident Start Duration Number Date (Mins) Location Cause Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201701492 10/6/2017 60 Helmsville PS -- ARV Other 750 500 Notice of Violation Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct the above noncompliance. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lon Snider with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email at Sincerely, W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Cc: Mooresville Regional Office - WQS File Central Files, Water Quality Section rn rn c0 c0 U.S. Postal Service' o RECEIPTgeRTIFIED MAIL spmestW Mail Only w.usps.00m® information, visit our' website atfWW For delivery mfo�m ru a a p Postage IU $ Total s 111 Sent O Siree r- Certified Mail Fee Extra Services & Fees (check box, add fee as appropriate) $ - 0Return Receipt thardcopyl $- Return Receipt (electronic) Certified Mail Restrict dDelivery $ Adult Signature Required Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ - UNION COUNTY 500 N. MAIN STREET SUITE 918 MONROE NC 28112 ATTN: CINDY COTO criy,- dwr Is 11 21 17 Ps'Form 3800, April 2015 PSN 7530-0z-0arso47 Postmark Here See Reverse for Instructions . State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY October 18, 2017 Cindy Coto Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: Sanitary. Sewer Overflows - September 2017 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054. Union County Collection System Union County Dear Ms. Coto: `r I !._ p r ROY COOPER Governor- MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by Union County. This review has .shown the Union County to be in violation of the requirements found in the subject permit and/or- North Carolina G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1). The violations that occurred are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action Incident Start Duration Number Date (Mins) Location 201701415 9/12/2017 360 Across road from Severe Natural Crooked Creek WWTP Condition 9,600 9,600 No Further Action Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct the above noncompliance. Please note that the Divsion of Water Resources (DWR) began assessing civil penalties for severe and/or repeat SSOs starting December 1, 2007. Enforcement decisions are based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface waters, duration, gravity, impacts to public health, fish kills and other factors. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality"' Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lon Snider with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email at Sincerely, W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Cc: Mooresville Regional Office - WQS File Central Files, Water Quality Section State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CERTIFIED MAIL #: 7015 1520 0002 6984 9904 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED July 28, 2017 Cindy Coto Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tracking Number: NOV-2017-DV-0202 Sanitary. Sewer Overflows - June 2017 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Ms. Coto: n r r- ROY COOPER__ !Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Se. crrtary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director The self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by Union County indicates violations of permit conditions stipulated in the subject permit and North Carolina G.S. 143-215.1. Violations include failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate the subject collection system so that there is no SSO to the land or surface waters and making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required. Specific incident(s) cited in the subject report include the following: Incident Start Duration Number Date (Mins) Location Cause Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201701041 6/17/2017 60 801 Marvin Street Pipe Failure (Break) 1,200 1,200 Notice of Violation Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct the above noncompliance. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lon Snider with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email at CC: MOPra Cer 0- 0- 0002 6984 D fti r1 L r C r Postage $ Total UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ CERTPFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domeatic Mail Only For delivery information, visit our website at®. Certified Mail Fee / /6 Extra Services & Fees (check box, add fee as appropriate) ❑ Retum Receipt (hardcopy) $ ❑ Return Receipt (electronic) $ • - ['Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ ❑Adult Signature Required $ ❑ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ UNION COUNTY PUBLIC VVORKSx��t inn mnn-r, ... _ -- — MO • O RF6;EIVEOINCDENRIUW' AUG e 11117 CL WQROS FrdSVILLE REGIONAL" � I vi to t7 rl to' w co QN E cd Ets, to w Z — r Z C7 w J }' F- p �i Q m CC w w w O I_ O O (l Z LD &) cu• d a) C VJ s Post9tark ` Hetl c r; USPS TRACKING# • 7-0 ru 11.14 rg � 0 m 0 tf' D LEI Er Water Resources Ile, NC 28115 t. INC Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CERTIFIED MAIL #: 7015 1520 0002 6984.9799 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED July 12, 2017 Cindy Coto Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tracking Number: NOV-2017-DV-0175 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - May 2017 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Ms. Coto: ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Rirrctar The self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by Union County indicates violations of permit conditions stipulated in the subject permit and North Carolina G.S. 143-215.1. Violations include failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate the subject collection system so that there is no SSO to the land or surface waters and making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required. Specific incident(s) cited in the subject report include the following: Incident Start Duration Number Date (Mins) Location Cause Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201700919 5/23/2017 100 Crooked Creek Outfall Inflow and Infiltration 1,000 1,000 Notice of Violation 201700937 5/24/2017 108 634 Funderburk Rd Inflow and Infiltration, 324 324 Notice of Violation Severe Natural Condition Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct the above noncompliance. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lon Snider with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email at Cc: 7015 1520 0002 ‘NR AL OFFICE U.S. Postal Service' CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only For delive y information, visit our website at®. Extra Services & Fees (check box, add fee as appropriate) . ❑ Return Receipt (hardcopy) $ I ❑ Retum Receipt (electronic) $ , ❑ Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ - ❑ Adult Signature Required $ ['Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ Postage $ UNION COUNTY 500 N. MAIN STREET SUITE 918 Ta s: MONROE NC 28112 ATTN: CINDY COTO dwr/Is 7/12/17 IA- os mark!, Here,/ nger, Regional Supervisor Regional Operations Section gional Office Ater Resources, NCDEQ PS Form 3800, April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 ee ever - or Instructions State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 Writer Resources ENVIRONIlENTAL QUALITY CERTIFIED MAIL #: 7015 1520 0002 8386 8523 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED January 23, 2017 Cindy Coto Union County 500 N Main St Ste918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tracking Number: NOV-2017-DV-0011. Sanitary Sewer Overflows - December 2016 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Ms. Coto: PLOY cOdpR3 Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director The self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by Union County indicates violations of permit conditions stipulated in the subject permit and North Carolina G.S. 143-215.1. Violations include failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate the subject collection system so that there is no SSO to the land or surface waters and making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required. Specific incident(s) cited in the subject report include the following: Incident Start Duration Number Date (Mins) Location Cause Total Vol Total Surface - Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201602644 12/14/2016 35 Mfi 5206 Pump station equipment failure 1,400 1,400 Notice of Violation Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct the above noncompliance. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lon Snider with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email at Cc: Mooresville Regional nflir'a - tA1" Central Files, Wa rn ru ul co . 3 ED m ru 0 0 0 n-1 In r1 ul r1 0 N Sincerely, W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ REC;EIVEDINCDENRii +Vv • 0 ,IAN 2 r- M rn WQROS ,I6®RESVILLE REGIONA � a' I NI � ml _I cn 173I oo csi E ▪ to < O cd I d H J O' OFFICE X U.S. Postal Service CE fTIFIED„MAIL® RECEIPT , Domestic Mail Only • r 0l-delivery information, visit our webslte at-www. usps com,®' a Extra Services & Fees (check box, add fee as appropriate) ElReturn Receipt (nardcopy) El Retum Receipt (electronic) $ El Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ ❑ Adult Signature Required $ El Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ Postage Total s Sent Stree City, UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 500 NORTH MAIN STREET SUITE 918 MONROE NC 28112 ATTN: CINDY COTO dwr/Is 1/23/17 "PS Form:3800, April 2015,PSN 7530.02-000.9047See Reverse for Instructions Postmark Here State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 CERTIFIED MAIL #: 7015 1520 0002 8386 7953 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED June 14, 2016 Ed Goscicki Union County 500 N Main St Ste 600 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tracking Number: NOV-2016-DV-0202 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - May 2016 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Goscicki: The self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by Union County indicates violations of permit conditions stipulated in the subject permit and North Carolina G.S. 143-215.1. Violations include failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate the subject collection system so that there is no SSO to .the land or surface waters and making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required. Specific incident(s) cited in the subject report include the following: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWRAction 201600920 5/1/2016 15 1713 Crestgate Drive Debris in line. 75 75 No Action 201600949 5/6/2016 55 1108 Aringill Lane Grease, Roots 550 550 Notice of Violation State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality l Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 -rnn cc'2 icno Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct the above noncompliance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lon Snider with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email at Sincerely, Cc: 4.1 ES6L 9QEQ 2000 02S't STOL - ;Inger, Regional Supervisor (. Regional Operations Section egional Office later Resources, NCDEQ State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301,.Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 Basinger, Corey To:;; Cc: Lon Snider; Love, Barry F; Pitner, Andrew Subject: SSO Response to Notice of Violation Gentlemen, The Division has received and reviewed Union County's response to the Notice of Violation and Recommendation for Enforcement (NOV-2016-DV-0304). Based on your response, the Division will take no further action with regard to this Notice. We take this opportunity to remind Union County of the vital need to maintain compliance with Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 and to continue to work diligently toward the prevention and elimination of Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO). Should you have questions or concerns, please contact me directly. Thanks. Corey Basinger W. Corey Basinger Regional Supervisor Division of Water Resources Mooresville Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality Chairman Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission 704-235-2194 office Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Nothing Compares_ - Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 SSO Evaluation Routing Slip UNION COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 500 North Main Street, Suite 500, Monroe, NC 28112 Phone: (704)296-4210 • Fax: (704)296-4232 October 28, 2016 Mr. W. Corey Basinger Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Subject: Notice of Violation & Intent to Issue Civil Penalty: Tracking #: NOV-2016-DV-0304 Sanitary Sewer Overflows — September 2016 Collection System Permit — WQCS00054 Union County OCT 3 1 2016 WQROS MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Dear Mr. Basinger: Union County has received the NOV referenced above for collection system overflows. Explanations for the overflows were on the BIMS Overflow Reporting Forms submitted by Union County Public Works (UCPW) to the NCDEQ. However, we have added a few additional facts in the explanations below: Incident# Date Location Response 201601682 9/28/2016 Eastside PS A comprehensive report including a brief timeline of events prior to, during, and after the SSO incident was developed to better describe the SSO. In the timeline it provides information regarding continuous bypass pump issues with equipment and the vendor, plus continued efforts by UCPW staff to respond timely to each situation as they occurred. (See attachment) A detailed report from CDM/Smith was also developed which outlines numerous studies conducted at this lift station to determine the extent of the problem(s) and solutions based on the results of those studies. (See attachment) The solutions that are described in the CDM/Smith report are currently underway, in the fact that parts are ordered (with significant lead times) from the pump provider Pete Duty and Associates, and preparations by staff to conduct these repairs once all items have been received. Schedules will also be developed with PDA to conduct off -site repairs as required. Union County Public Works continues to invest funds into SSES work, capital improvements, maintenance and operations to improve the wastewater collection system. If you have any questions, 500 North Main St., Suite 600 • Monroe, NC 28112-4730 • Phone: (704)296-4210 • Fax: (704)296-4232 October 28, 2016 ., Union County Public Works continues to invest funds into SSES work, capital improvements, maintenance and operations to improve the wastewater collection system. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Josh Brooks, Superintendent/ ORC, at 704-289-3274 or myself at 704-296- 4215. Thank you for your consideration on this issue. Sincerely, Andrew Neff, PE Water/Wastewater Division Director Attachs CDM Report Staff Incident Report cc: Edward Gosicki, PE, PW Executive Director Josh Brooks, Superintendent • Page 2 UNION COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 500 North Main Street, Suite 500, Monroe, NC 28112 Phone: (704)296-4210 • Fax:(704)296-4232 Memorandum Sanitary Sewer Overflow Report October 6, 2016 ❖ Incident Date: September 28-29, 2016 ❖ Incident Time: 11:00p (9/28) — 05:00a (9/29) ❖ Duration: 6 hours ❖ SSO Volume (Estimated): 10, 200 gallons ❖ Location: Eastside Pump Station #3 (New Salem Branch PS) MH# 2646 ❖ Primary Cause: Pump Station Equipment Failure o Secondary Cause: Inflow & Infiltration Description of Incident: Numerous factors contributed to the SSO that occurred on 9/28. These factors are listed below with details regarding efforts to minimize impact. ❖ 9/28/2016 — Pump #2 failure o Pump #2 failure required the pump station to operate on the diesel bypass pump as the primary pump and Pump #1 as secondary pump. o The diesel bypass pump was not operating efficiently so Rain for Rent representative was requested to (1) come onsite and evaluate bypass setup and (2) deliver a rebuilt and more efficient, dependable electric pump. Once the representative came to the site, Rain for Rent made the necessary steps to deliver another pump, however it could not be delivered until 9/29, along with a third party crane service, due to their current engagements. o Parts were ordered for Pump #2, partial repair, to make pump "operational". o Weather concerns were a factor, however at that time storms were not considered an issue, since primary and secondary pumps were operational and rains were not expected to be substantial. o On -call responded to high water alarm immediately and determined the primary pump was not operating properly. Since the secondary pump was not in optimal condition and primary pump was not fully -functioning, an SSO resulted. C:\Users\jbrooks\Desktop\Desktop\Eastside PS 3 SSO Report.doc UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS o Primary pump would not hold a prime, so on call staff remained on site and re - primed the pump as needed. Later, the next day 9/29, it had been determined that a valve had been partially closed that should have been opened causing the pump to "dead head". However even when the valve was fully opened, the primary pump still did not operate effectively. > 9/29 — Remediation o SSO was reported to NCDEQ at 09:OOa to Lon Snider and press release was issued. o Rain for Rent delivered an electric pump to ES #3. Once on site and hooked up, the bypass pump still would not prime and pump. Their mechanic was dispatched and later found that the rebuild was not complete and proceeded to replace a faulty priming valve and tightening bolts that were left undone after the rebuild. The pump worked appropriately following the repair. o All valves were tested with ORC on site to determine the proper valves were positioned correctly. ➢ 10/3 — Further Issues o Parts were delivered to UCPW for partial repair to Pump #2 and scheduled for repair on 10/4. o Electric bypass pump concerning due to loud noises coming from motor. Rain for Rent mechanic was requested and determined the motor bearings were failing causing the noises. My instructions were as follows: • UCPW will continue to run the electric bypass pump onsite despite the concerns with bearings. • Rain for Rent shall provide another bypass pump equal to or larger to replace the electric pump (preferably electric). Until then the bypass pump will continue to run as long as we need it and Rain for Rent will be required to respond expeditiously if pump/motor fails. > 10/4— Rain for Rent Response & Pump Repair o Rain for Rent responded with delivery of diesel bypass pump to replace the failing electric pump. o UCPW staff conducted repair on Pump #2, however further investigation determined extenuating damage to shaft due to broken keyway. Could not be repaired at this time. > 10/6 — Current Status 2 of 4 10/28/2016 UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS o Diesel bypass pump replaced with repaired electric bypass pump and currently operating appropriately o Pump #1 operating as needed, however not fully operational due to outlying damages o Pump #2 repair with additional parts scheduled for 10/7, however not fully operational due to outlying damages ➢ 10/7 — Continuing Efforts o Pump #2 was repaired with new impeller bolt and keyway on shaft in order to become operational. Additional repairs are still required. o As of 10/7 • Primary pump — Electric bypass pump ■ Secondary — Pump #2 • Third (if required due to failures) — Pump #1 The on call employee that responded on the night of 9/28 did not contact either PS Crew leader or ORC to notify a pump failure or that a SSO had occurred. He stated he did contact a member of the PS crew, however was not instructed to contact anyone else. PS Crew leader and ORC were not aware of the incident until the morning of 9/29. This has been addressed with the appropriate staff and will be followed up with all certified wastewater collection operators in PW attending training regarding SSO's, State requirements, and UCPW SSO Response Plan. Rainfall prior to and during SSO event: 28-Sep-16 20:30 0.04 28-Sep-16 20:45 0.02 28-Sep-16 21:00 0 28-Sep-16 21:15 DIZ 28-Sep-16 21:30 Q 28-Sep-16 21:45 0 28-Sep-16 22:00 L J 28-Sep-16 22:15.3 28-Sep-16 22:30 C.c. 28-Sep-16 22:45 EI C,I. 28-Sep-16 23:00 0 28-Sep-16 23:15 0 28-Sep-16 23:30 0.01 28-Sep-16 23:45 0.02 3 of 4 10/28/2016 UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS -13tW - .75" of rainfall occurred within 30 minutes (2100-2130) — 1.12" of rainfall occurred within 45 minutes (2200-2245) Additional Comments Numerous failures have occurred at this PS with a number of outside parties involved with determining a solution(s), meanwhile UCPW has been operating a sub -standard pump station and equipment, renting bypass pumps from multiple vendors over the past 2+ years, as well as working with the pump supplier/manufacturer to consistently make repairs to the pumps as they fail — making them less functional each time a failure and subsequent repairs occur. A variety of engineering studies have been conducted over the past two years aimed at determining the problem(s) and finding solutions. • ABS/Sulzer conducting testing for acoustics, resonance, and vibrations in 2014. • Brown and Caldwell also conducted acoustics, resonance, and vibrations testing in April 2016. These tests resulted in findings showing vibration exists in both pumps however not detrimental until both pumps operate concurrently. Acoustics and vibrations increased substantially along with discharge PSI when pumps operate together, allowing extraneous pressure on the impeller and bolts. Recommendation was to address the common FM. • M&I Solutions (CDMSmith) conducted similar tests in June 2016. The tests identified the same results and found the same solution of addressing the common FM • CDMSmith in August 2016 submitted recommendations to split the common FM, among other repairs. UCPW staff is currently planning and implementing the recommendations to the PS to split the FM and open valves to allow 2 force main operation. Also, parts and repairs will be conducted to both pumps to restore to "like new" condition. 4 of 4 10/28/2016 Smith Technical Memorandum To: Mr. W. Scott Huneycutt, P.E. From: Jonathan S. Lapsley, P.E. Date: September 23, 2016 Subject: East Side Sewer System Improvements Project Pump Station No. 3 — Pump Failure Investigations and Recommendations The purpose of this memorandum is to summarize recent investigations into ongoing equipment failures at the Union County Public Works (UCPW) East Side Pump Station No. 3, as well as to provide recommendations for near -term improvements to mitigate the potential for future failures. The memorandum is organized under the following headings: ■ Project History • Previous Investigation Findings • Mechanical Solutions Investigation Findings ■ Recommendations Project History CDM Smith's involvement in the East Side Sewer System Improvements project dates back to 2006, beginning with an investigation into viable alternatives for increasing capacity from the existing facilities to reduce potential for sanitary sewer overflows. The selected alternative for implementation included converting the series pump station configuration to a parallel pumping configuration including improvements to the three existing pump stations and installation of a new sanitary sewer forcemain system. A schematic of the proposed improvements is provided in Figure 1. Scott Huneycutt, P.E. September 23, 2016 Page 2 r New 24" FM 14,300 LF New 18" FM 9,000 LF v Monroe WWTP �41FSLcsl4aln Gravity Sewer r_ 12" Force Main A last Equipment Win pumps Size: 1,800 gpm each (Observed 2.1 Firm Capacity) Surrounding Collection System Gravity e New 12/16"FM 1 15,250 LF iC12" Force Main e52 Fqufpment 2 new replacement pumps Size: I,220 gpm (I.76 mgd Firm Capacity) Wingate and Surrounding County Systems P53 Equipment 2 new replacement pumps Size: I,735 gpm (2.5 mgd Firm Capacity) Marshville Outfall Pilgrim's Pride Marshville West Figure 1- East Side Sewer System Improvements Schematic Review of previous project documents from the study and design phase of the project indicates that the driving design criteria selected by Union County Public Works and CDM Smith were as follows: • Pump Station No. 1 designed for 2.1 mgd FIRM (existing pumps) • Pump Station No. 2 designed for 1.76 mgd FIRM (new pumps) • Pump Station No. 3 designed for 2.5 mgd FIRM (new pumps) • Each station designed with a duty/standby arrangement to meet North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) requirements. The second pump should only run when the first pump fails to pump. • Maximizing the flow to the City of Monroe under contractual limitations which at the time were 2.65 mgd average and 6.63 mgd peak instantaneous. • Avoiding the need for an Environmental Assessment for the project. At the time of design North Carolina regulations required an Environmental Assessment for a pump station project that had a peak pump rate 2.50 mgd or greater. • Assumed peaking factors of 2.50 to meet minimum state requirements (a detailed flow study was not a part of the CDM Smith scope). • Assumed I/I reduction upstream of East Side Pump Station No. 2 and Pump Station No. 3 to reduce what appeared to be peak factors closer to 3.5 at times based on flow meter chart data. The project design was completed in late 2011 after being delayed for various reasons. Overall project construction was completed in December of 2013. To date, the constructed improvements have functioned as designed for all components with the exception of the pumps at Pump Station Scott Huneycutt, P.E. September 23, 2016 Page 3 No. 3. A timeline of events that have occurred at Pump Station No. 3 since the initial activation of the improvements at this location is provided in Table 1. Table 1— Eastside Pump Station No. 3 Timeline of Events Event ___ .____ Substantial Completion/Activation Date __ Approwmate Date_ ___ _', July 26, 2013 Pump No. 1 Failure (Broken Shaft) March 4, 2014 Pump No. 2 Failure (Impeller Bolt) April 10, 2014 Attempted Repairs & Repeated Failures (Impeller Bolts) Various Dates Pump No. 2 replaced with new model by Sulzer March 8, 2015 Pump No. 1 replaced with new model by Sulzer June 12, 2015 Pump No. 2 Failure (Impeller Bolt) November 2, 2015 Pump No. 1 Failure (Impeller Bolt) November 6, 2015 Sulzer Field Investigations Report December 11, 2015 Brown and Caldwell Investigation Report April 15, 2016 Mechanical Solutions Field Investigations June 29, 2016 Pump No. 2 Failure (Impeller Bolt) August 4, 2016 Mechanical Solutions Report August 11, 2016 At the recommendation of Sulzer, the original pump equipment was replaced with a different pump volute and impeller while re -using the original pump motor and electrical equipment. This equipment subsequently experienced similar failures at which time detailed field investigations were conducted by Sulzer and then by Brown and Caldwell at the request of Union County Public Works. A summary of these investigations is provided in the next section. Previous Investigation Findings Sulzer Investigation November 2015 Following the first failure of the replacement Sulzer pumping equipment in November 2015, representatives from Sulzer visited the pump station site and collected various field data for pump operation and vibration to attempt to determine a potential cause for the pump failure. The summary report from Sulzer indicates the following: "The vibration levels measured on the pumps are acceptable and within both expected levels and Hydraulic Institute (HI) guidelines. This means that the pumps are properly balanced and the installation/foundation is correct and adequate." Scott Huneycutt, P.E. September 23, 2016 Page 4 Brown and Caldwell Investigation April 2016 Following the issue of these findings from Sulzer and based on continued concerns with the operation of the pumping equipment, Union County Public Works retained Brown and Caldwell to further investigate the original design of this pump station, as well as to investigate the potential root cause of the previous failures of the pumps. Findings from this investigation are summarized in the sections which follow. Pump Selection and Operation The Brown and Caldwell investigation began with an assessment of the pump selection for the theoretical system curves, including a high and low composite curve for potential variations in wet well level, pipe friction, etc. for the East Side Pump Station No. 3 facility. Figure 2 shows the figure from the Brown and Caldwell summary report. 375 325 275 .. 47200 ea = it aao 75 50 25 ---- ''--- - - --- i ___,.. __--' - -- - ---- --. _. - - -- ----- -- - - - -'- ---- -- — NPSHA 1.6 = 1.4 - NPSHp f f I 1 1 I QR �� f "o R Operation Wort � = k f Pp� Two Oper fPlump ali7n ` One Pump ti - I 0 SOD 10D0 1500 _1 2000 2500 3000 Flow, 3500 gpm . I -—W (Carnposit In (Cornposke) _ 4000 4500 5003 SSOD 6000 Figure 2: East Side Pump Station No. 3 Pump and System Curves (from Brown and Caldwell Summary Report April, 2016) Scott Huneycutt, P.E. September 23, 2016 Page 5 Brown and Caldwell noted the following regarding the pump selection: "....the pumps are operating either within the POR orAOR for the expected performance envelope. For the typical operating condition (single pump running) the pump is within the POR for the expected operating range." "The NPSH ratio was calculated to be between 1.4 and 1.6, given the range of expected operating conditions: exceeding the HI minimum." "Based on this analysis, Brown and Caldwell concluded that the current pump selection is appropriate and not likely the cause of shaft and bolt failures. Note that meeting HI standards is not a guarantee of pump performance but is an indicator that the pumps should operate successfully." Field Testing and Observations Brown and Caldwell continued their investigation with field testing at Pump Station No. 3 and the following observations were made: • Excessive surge/hydraulic transients were not observed. • Observed pressures did not exhibit either extreme negative pressures or severe pressure spikes typically associated with damaging transient events. • The check valves consistently closed when the pumps were shut off. A partially open check valve could potentially result in a reverse flow condition, which could stress the pumps during starts. • Vibration and severe noise, particularly with both pumps operating, were observed but not quantified. The data collected and observations made by Brown and Caldwell led to identification of a potential acoustic resonance issue in the piping system within the facility. A specialty firm, DynaTech, was retained for further testing to investigate this potential problem. Testing and analysis by DynaTech appeared to confirm the presence of an acoustic resonance which is an atypical phenomenon for wastewater pumping facilities. The Brown and Caldwell summary report concluded that pressure fluctuations caused by acoustic resonance are the root cause of the impeller bolt failures and recommended that additional specialty testing and acoustic modeling be performed in order to properly design a remedy for the acoustic resonance. Scott Huneycutt, P.E. September 23, 2016 Page 6 Mechanical Solutions Investigation Findings At the request of Union County Public Works, CDM Smith continued the investigation into the identified acoustic resonance by retaining Mechanical Solutions, Inc. (MSI). MSI was retained to obtain additional field measurements with the goal of designing a solution to the identified acoustic resonance. MSI conducted multiple days of field testing and data gathering between June 27 and June 30, 2016, including special testing to further identify the acoustic resonance. With regards to acoustic resonance, MSI noted "No modification of the system acoustic characteristics is required, or desirable." Rather, the MSI investigation identified a different potential root cause of suction recirculation, particularly during dual pump operation when the pump is operating to the left of the best efficiency point of the pump. This was evident based on high acceleration levels measured during dual pump operation on the suction side of the pump. The MSI predicted zone of suction recirculation is shown in Figure 3 which was taken from the MSI summary report. XFP 155J - CB Pump Curve 300.00 250.00 200.00 50.00 02 100.00 50.00 Mechanical Solutions, Inc. Engineering Analysis, Test & Technology-W— Estimated Dual Pump Suction Recirculation Zone BEP Estima ed Single Pump Suction ' ecirculation Zone Single Pump AOR Eastside Pump Station 03 XFP 1S51•C82 Approximate Pump & System Curve Dual Pump Operating Point Single Pump Operating Point Dual Pump AOR Analytically predicted system curve. This curve shows dual pump operating point inside AOR. Actual AOR is likely much more narrow and the dual pump operating point is at a flow below the onset of suction recirculation BEP ••—System Curve —Single Pump Operation ••••••0ual Pump Operation 0.00 500.00 1000.00 1500.00 2000.00 2500.00 3000.00 3500.00 4000.00 4500.00 5300.00 5500.00 Flow (gpm) During dual pump operation, the pump operating point is shifted left, farther away from BEP and near the limits of manufacturer's defined AOR. The acceleration data and pressure pulsation data supporting suction recirculation provide the evidence that the OEM's estimation of the AOR is more extensive than the actual case. The effect of the pressure pulsations, due to the dual pump cross -talk beating phenomenon, likely causes the effective system curve to oscillate with the pressure oscillations, so at times it is even further left. Figure 3: East Side Pump Station No. 3 Pump and System Curves with Recirculation Zones (from MSI Summary Report August 2016) Scott Huneycutt, P.E. September 23, 2016 Page 7 MSI also noted an "audible beating" based on measured suction and discharge pulsations during field testing. This was noted to likely be caused by a slight difference in pump operation speed that causes pressure pulsations. This can ultimately lead to cavitation and earlier onset suction recirculation. Further details on the findings can be found in the MSI summary report attached as Appendix A to this memorandum. The MSI report recommended the following issues be addressed: The suction recirculation condition must be eliminated. MSI recommended either a new pump or a significantly modified impeller with pump hydraulics properly sized to ensure operation near BEP during dual pump operation. Install an isolation valve on the discharge header interconnecting the two pumps to eliminate the "audible beating" and pressure pulsations during dual pump operation. A metallurgical study of the failed impeller bolts and shaft should be conducted to determine if failure is attributed to fatigue as suspected. ■ Correct an observed lack of stiffness at 1x rpm of pump operation by re -setting the base plate to more appropriately support the pump. Recommendations CDM Smith has reviewed the findings and recommendations from the three investigations completed by outside subject matter experts. Our recommendations for immediate and near- term considerations are summarized in the sections that follow. Immediate Recommendations The key recommendation from MSI includes replacement of the pumping equipment to operate closer to the Best Efficiency Point (BEP) during dual pump operation. It should be noted that the original design for the pump station was completed to achieve NCDEQ minimum design criteria which is for one pump operation with the second pump only called to operate if the first pump fails to pump. Accordingly, the pump design operation point specified was for one pump operation only. The pumps provided for the project by Sulzer operate extremely close to BEP for one pump operation. CDM Smith does not recommend replacement of the pumps with a selection based around dual pump operation as this will likely result in a less than desirable operation point for single pump operation which is the predominate operating mode for the facility. Selecting for dual pump operation may invite more problems. A revised impeller design is also not a feasible alternative at this time as the original Sulzer pumps installed utilized a closed channel impeller while the current Scott Huneycutt, P.E. September 23, 2016 Page 8 pumps utilize a semi -open impeller. The pumps have experienced failures with either impeller design and therefore, changing impeller design is not likely to impact the current situation. Despite the above, correction of the suction recirculation issue identified by MSI should still be corrected to the extent possible. CDM Smith has identified a potential solution to this situation which would involve placing the older 12-inch forcemain system back into service. Utilizing this additional discharge forcemain would result in a modified system curve ultimately moving the point of operation for both single and dual pump operation. This is depicted in Figure 4. 300 I— -- -- -'— -- '• - - ABS S" Suction/6' Discharge- XFP 1551 CB2 I I'. !-E 1 �- I- I— 250 t.. 11I I:I! I I, V i— �; III I I 1 l I 2 i I I Pump _ PO -r i IIr! 1--- -- 1� I r 1 j t- 1 I I I I ` s I! 11 r i j 11i1 I 1_ 200 1 I1. r— l I II = 150 I I I Iiii WI T I I ` f III 1 1 ' _ III r i II I I . I�II IL !I !I!, �; i I j I 1Pum p p OR 1_ :; ..I I , 100 — I ,F_I- r III l _ �_ � ! L:— I � 'i_ I. -I- i_ I I - - 1 I. , 1- 1 1 -- I —-1 I I _ f- 1, —,i _ r II ! II I- _- -1 , _ - —.--ABS XFP 155J CB2 -1 PUMP CABS XFP 155J CB2.2 PUMPS . }.i l-_ _ H +_i .1-- -- ' '' t _ -! -� ! --. _� Ii_ 1- . - . - ._ r_ -- —8—System Curve 16" FM Only —r—System stem Curve Both FM s y i_ t I! I. _ . I I- I I0 II III 0 500 1,000 1,500 Z000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 Flow (gpm) Figure 4: East Side Pump Station No. 3 - Modified System Curves Scott Huneycutt, P.E. September 23, 2016 Page 9 By opening the second forcemain the system curve will shift to the right resulting in one pump operation just to the right of BEP but still within the Preferred Operating Range (POR) defined by the Hydraulic Institute. Two pump operation also moves to the right on the pump curve to a point that is outside the perceived suction recirculation zone identified by MSI. This virtually accomplishes the same result as replacing the pump with a selection that is more appropriate for dual pump operation. There are however several issues that must be considered if this recommendation is implemented, these are as follows: ■ The modified pump operation points will result in additional cycling of the pump station wet well. Estimates indicate that the number of starts for the equipment will still be well within the 15 starts per hour maximum as specified by Sulzer. This should be monitored if the change is made. ■ The previous North Carolina regulation requiring an Environmental Assessment is no longer in effect and therefore it is not believed that this proposed change will require conducting an environmental assessment. • The pump station will pump more flow in this configuration which would require modification of the existing permit for the pump station with NCDEQ. We believe this will be a paperwork exercise only and can be done once the change is made and sufficient run time is accrued to ensure this change addressed the problems at the facility. ■ The pump station will pump more flow in this configuration with both one and two pump operation. Approximations of total potential capacity from each of the three East Side pump stations indicates that the system will likely exceed Union County's contractual agreement with the City of Monroe for instantaneous peak flow delivered of 6.63 mgd. It should be noted that the total volume delivered to the City will be the same; the volume will just be transferred more quickly to the City if the second forcemain is placed into service. A summary of estimated flow capable of being sent to the City is provided in Table 2. Table 2 — Eastside Sewer System Estimated Total Conveyance Capacity Pump Station 1 Pump Operation Flow (mgd) 16-inch Forcemain System Curve 2 Pump Operation Flow (mgd) Pump Station No. 1 2.1 2.94 Pump Station No. 2 1.76 2.46 Pump Station No. 3 2.5 3.45 Total Pumped Flow 6.36 8.85 16-inch and 12-inch Forcemain System Curve Pump Station No. 1 2.1 2.94 Pump Station No. 2 1.76 2.46 Pump Station No. 3 3.1 4.39 Total Pumped Flow 6.96 9.79 Scott Huneycutt, P.E. September 23, 2016 Page 10 The MSI report also recommended the installation of an isolation valve on the discharge header to eliminate the potential for the "audible beating" during dual pump operation. CDM Smith recommends that a 10-inch mechanical joint gate valve be installed on the discharge header as proposed by MSI. This valve should be left in the normally closed position. With the proposed change in the system curve and the installation of the isolation valve on the discharge header, the existing oil cushioned swing check valves will require adjustment in the closure settings by the local manufacturer's representative, Carotek. This can be coordinated by CDM Smith to be done concurrently with placing the older forcemain back into service. It is recommended that these modifications be implemented as soon as possible along with the repair of the existing pumps to restore the pumps to original capacity following the most recent pump failures. We understand this may include impeller replacement, wear plate replacement, new impeller bolts, and potentially shaft replacement on at least one of the pumps. Once the changes are implemented CDM Smith recommends the station be observed for a period of 4-6 months to determine if these modifications were successful in addressing the frequency of pump failures. Near -Term Recommendations Assuming these changes are successful several near -term items are recommended to be addressed as follows: • CDM Smith and Union County should continue to pursue modifications to the existing pumps with Sulzer including potential changes to the impeller bolt design and materials of construction. The Sulzer published pump curves submitted for the project show that the equipment should be capable of continuous operation at the design conditions calculated by CDM Smith (and verified in the field). ■ The contractual agreement with the City of Monroe should be re -visited as appropriate to address the increase in total potential pumping capacity in peak conditions. • The existing permit with NCDEQ should be modified to increase the permitted pumping capacity from pump station No. 3. • Following the above, the pumps should be re -tested for vibration levels for compliance with HI standards, as well as to determine in previous hydraulic phenomenon observed by MSI are still present in the system. If measured vibration levels still exceed HI standards, the pump base plates should be re-set/re-grouted in accordance with Sulzer recommendations. Scott Huneycutt, P.E. September 23, 2016 Page 11 Future Improvements The above improvements, once implemented should significantly reduce the potential for continued failures from Pump Station No. 3 and allow for more frequent dual pump operation at the facility. However, the regular need for dual pump operation conflicts with the design criteria and NCDEQ permit requirements for a standby/redundant pump. The original project design criteria developed by Union County Public Works and CDM Smith acknowledged that inflow and infiltration (I/I) reductions upstream of Pump Station No. 3 were necessary in order for the one pump design capacity of 2.5 mgd to be sufficient for this facility. One option to address the lack of redundancy at the facility would be to implement an aggressive I/I reduction program upstream of Pump Station No. 3 as was previously assumed. If this option is not viable other options for addressing the redundancy need at the facility could include: • Permanent installation of an outdoor diesel engine driven pump with a permanently installed suction and discharge piping arrangement. This would provide redundancy at the facility without requiring other electrical system improvements. • Design of a new pumping facility appropriately sized for the average and peak wet weather flows with new criteria regarding how I/I will be addressed for the near term and long term and with pump redundancy meeting NCDEQ requirements. Conclusions Third party investigations completed to date by multiple entities has not identified any errors, omissions, or other potential mistakes by CDM Smith that would be within the standard of care for the design of this type of pumping facility. In addition, all data and documentation provided by Sulzer indicates that the pumps furnished for this project (both original and replacement), should be capable of continuous operation at the conditions identified for the project. The pumps continue to experience failures as a result of an abnormal hydraulic phenomenon that has not been able to be clearly identified by any of the subject matter experts involved in the project. The continuing failures appear to be directly connected to dual pump operation (however infrequent) as a result of influent flows to the facility exceeding the peak flow design criteria for the station and the abnormal hydraulic phenomenon associated with the dual pump operation. In order to minimize the potential for continued failures of the equipment, several recommendations are provided herein to minimize the potential for future failures to the greatest extent possible. If influent flows to the station cannot be reduced in the near future, additional capital improvements will be necessary to provide a facility that is reliable and meets NCDEQ required design criteria. WaterResources eNVirtoNmet3TM.0.14 e CERTIFIED MAIL: 7015 1520 0002 8386 8363 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED.. October .19, 2016 Cindy Coto.. Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 PAT .IvIC;CRORT GOVOTALT DONALD R. VAN DER_ VAART Secietcrj SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2016-DV-0304 ._ Sanitary Sewer. Overflows - September 2016 Collection System Permit No.. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Ms. Coto: A. review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary. Sewer Overflows (SSO's). 5-Day Report/s submitted by Union County. The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the Union County violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00054 byfailing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the landor surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Mooresville Regional Office is providing the Union County an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the Union County should not be assessed a civil penaltyfor the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total .Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals). (Gals) DWR Action 201601682 9/28/2016 360 Eastside PS Inflow and 10,200 10,200 Notice of Intent Infiltration, Pump station equipment . failure State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water. Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 . 104-6634699. This Notice of Violation / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. Pursuant, to G.S. 143-215.6A,• a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) rnay be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. This office requests that you respond to this Notice, in writing, within 10 business days of its receipt In your response, you should address the causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. The response to this correspondence will be considered in this process. Enforcement decisions will also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface waters, duration and gravity, iMnartc -i, fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors Cc rrt \ C3 en en en ru '1.11/r4 u-1 5 rR Postmark Hare dr% klalty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of pal and whether money was saved by non-compliance. :ontact Lon Snider with the Water Quality Section in the pail at Basinger,. Regional Supervisor. ility Regional Operations Section Regional Office \Water ResourCes,:NCDEQ ................ .. .. ........ - See Reverse for Instructions VA .1:1 0 = Cli P.4: -I3 1:0 0 Lri Ci. .11 BECEIVEDINCDENRID\W2 cl ZN. itl—,--....... .41, -I OCT 24 4 ZAP, ei, w \NCIBOS .....---.—='.1:3 4: i PI3 ‘ ............ _ tri -__.,—. 3 ru w tt2 ru Lu 0 e-, 4* Er u-i a tn U.S. Postal Service' CEFITIFIED tIlA1L® RECEIPT Domestic' Mail Only or delivery information, visit our website at www.usps.come. Trf, Certified ma Fee 1 Lei $ Extra SerVices & FeeS (check box, add fee as appropriate) 0 Flettlin Receipt (hardcopy) $ 0 Retum Receipt (electronic) $ °Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ °Adult Signature Flegulred $ °Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ Postage 500 NORTH MAIN STREET SUITE 918 MONROE NC 281.12 ATTN: CINDY COTO dwr/Is 10/19/16 P FIMITI 3800, April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 • State ofNorth Carolina 1 •Enviroruneqtal Quality [Water Resourees 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Maoreiville, NC 28115 •704-663-1699 CERTIFIED MAIL #: 7015 1520 0002 8386 8080 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED August 23, 2016 Cindy Coto Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tracking Number:. NOV-2016-DV-0258 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - July 2016 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Ms. Coto: The self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by. Union County indicates violations of permit conditions stipulated in the subject permit and North Carolina G.S. 143-215.1. Violations include failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate the subject collection system so that there is no SSO to the land or surface waters and making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required. Specific incident(s) cited in the subject report include the following: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201601227 7/11/2016 30 634 Funderburk Road Inflow and Infiltration 150 150 No Action 201601290 7/16/2016 240 2312 Gallberry Ln. Debris in line 1,200 1,200 Notice. of Violation State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 '7AA _441_1.400 Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct the above noncompliance.' If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lon Snider with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email at Cc:. Mooresville Regiona Central Files, Water Sincerely, W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of wa}o.- Q State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 Division of Water Resources State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form Form CS-SSO PART I: This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number: WQCS00054 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: Union County Collection System Incident #: 201601227 Owner: Union County City: Wingate Source of SSO (check applicable): County: Union Region: Mooresville ❑ Sanitary Sewer El Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc): 634 Funderburk Road Manhole #: Latitude (degrees/minute/second): Incident Started Dt: 07/11/2016 Time: 6:15 pm (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm AM/PM) Longitude (degrees/minute/second): Incident End Dt: 07/11/2016 Time: 06:45 pm (mm-dd-yyyy) Estimated Volume of the SSO: 150 gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): Describe how the volume was determined: 5 GPM X 30 MIN=150 GALLONS (hh:mm AM/PM) 0:30 hours Weather conditions during the SSO event: EXTREME THUNDERSTORM Did SSO reach surface waters? WI Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gals): 150 Surface water name: Richardson Creek Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes 171 No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: [l Inflow and Infiltration 24 hour verbal notification (name of person contacted ): Christopher J Ventaloro DWR ❑ Emergency Mgmt Date (mm-dd-yyy): 2016/07/12 Time (hh:mm AM/PM): 04:28:00 pm 0 If an SSO is ongoing, please notify the appropriate Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. -143-215.1C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 48-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the reference statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Resources, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was cause by sever natural conditions and there were no feasible alternative to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the. exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis WHETHER OR NOT PART III IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM CS-SSO Form Page: 1 PART II: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART 1 OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWR REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IS Inflow and Infiltration Are you under an SOC (Special Order by Consent) or do you have a schedule in any permit that addresses I/1? Explain if Yes: What corrective actions have been taken to reduce or eliminate I & I related overflows at this spill location within the last year? Has there been any flow studies to determine I/I problems in the collection system at the SSO location? If Yes, when was the study completed and what actions did it recommend? Has the line been smoke tested or videoed within the past year? If Yes, when and indicate what actions are necessary and the status of such actions: Are there 1/1 related projects in your Capital Improvement Plan? El Yes d No El NA El NE El Yes IA No El NA El NE El Yes 0 No ❑ NA ❑ NE 10 Yes El No El NA ci NE If Yes, explain: MH rehab project has recently been completed in the 12 Mile and Grassy Branch basins. This includes eliminating leaks, cementitious lining, epoxy lining, ring/cover replacements, and MH inspection results. Many other projects are in design and we have flow meters in the Crooked Creek Basin. Have there been any grant or loan applications for I/1 reduction projects? If Yes, explain: Do you suspect any major sources of inflow or cross connections with storm sewers? If Yes, explain: Have all lines contacting surface waters in the SSO location and upstream been inspected recently? If Yes, explain: El Yes d No El NA El NE ElYes [%[No El NA El NE El Yes El No d NA El NE CS-SSO Form Page: 2 1 414 What other corrective actions are planned to prevent future I/1 related SSOs at this location? Smoke testing will be performed the week of Jul _18th. Comments: System Visitation ORC Backup Name: Mike Farrar Cert# 998951 Date visited: 07/12/2016 Time visited: 02:30 PM Ei Yes 0 Yes How was the SSO remediated (i.e. Stopped and cleaned up)? Once flows receded the pump station was able to catch up on the collections side. Any affected area was cleaned. As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Gregory Wayne Morgan Date: 07/14/16 08:20 am Signature: Title: Telephone Number: Any addition information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form Page: 3 miks Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notific.-ttion Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# ('y) 5- Incident Number from BIMS 20160 ) 2 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2016-DV DV-2016- mmmmomomm98899099999©999®©m99mmemmommen98mmm®0®.Gm998mmummem®9998999®9Cm91 Spill Date // //(f Time tr7 f k am/ Reported Date//Z / / Time Lf_ 2_ am/rpm) Reported To RO.WQ Staff or EM Staff T Q aid �. Reported By I Address of Spill 6 : 11 019. Phone lee ‘l)c) t ; County t?etit tc F1-"`'sf City \V ex.. Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons 5 0 Est. Gal to Stream ) PC) Qua, L Stream'` Stream Classification Fish Kill: Yes (Nci), Number Species Non Required Initial Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time . minutes Zone Manhole # Duration of SSO. r `Division of Water Resources .' State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form Form CS-SSO PART I: This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number: WQCS00054 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: Union County Collection System Incident #: 201601290 Owner: Union County City: Waxhaw Source of SSO (check applicable): County: Union Region: Mooresville [l Sanitary Sewer ❑ Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc): 2312 Gallberry Ln. Manhole #: 56 Latitude (degrees/minute/second): Longitude (degrees/minute/second): Incident Started Dt: 07/16/2016 Time: 12:30 pm Incident End Dt: 07/16/2016 Time: 04:30 pm (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm AM/PM) (mm-dd-yyyy) Estimated Volume of the SSO: 1,200 gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): Describe how the volume was determined: 5 GPM X 240 MIN=1200 GALLONS (hh:mm AM/PM) 4:0 hours Weather conditions during the SSO event: Sunny Did SSO reach surface waters? [I Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Surface water name: Little Twelvemile Creek Volume reaching surface waters (gals): 1200 Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes El No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? 0 SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: Q Debris in line 24 hour verbal notification (name of person contacted ): Joe Brennan ❑ DWR RI Emergency Mgmt Date (mm-dd-yyy): 2016/07/17 Time (hh:mm AM/PM): 10:29:00 am If an SSO is ongoing, please notify the appropriate Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 48-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the reference statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Resources, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was cause by sever natural conditions and there were no feasible alternative to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis WHETHER OR NOT PART III IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM CS-SSO Form Page: 1 PART II: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWR REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IS Debris in line What type of debris has been found in the line? Plastic, Rags, and Wood. Suspected cause or source of debris. Construction upstream. Are manholes in the area secure and intact? Q Yes El No ❑ NA D NE When was the area last checked/cleaned? New Line Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location due to previous ❑ Yes 0 No ❑ NA ❑ NE problems with debris? Explain: This was a newly installed line. The line was jetted, cleaned, and our camera was sent up the line. The results of the camera shows a severe issue with grade as the camera goes underwater most all of the way. We have stopped all meter sets in this area until contractor repairs/re-installs new line. Are appropriate educational materials being developed and distributed to prevent future ❑ Yes El No [A NA ❑ NE similar occurrences? Comments: System Visitation ORC Backup Name: Greg Morgan Cert# 989865 Date visited: 07/16/2016 Time visited: 4:OOPM 0 Yes Yes CS-SSO Form Page: 2 • How was the SSO remediated (i.e. Stopped and cleaned up)? Removed all debris, applied lime and straw over area. As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Gregory Wayne Morgan Date: 07/22/16 04:00 pm Signature: Title: Telephone Number: Any addition information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form Page: 3 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 00 0 5 it Incident Number from BIMS 20160 ) 2-� 0 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2016-DV DV-2016- ©©0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ©0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SpiII Date 7/1 4/ 6 Time f Z ; 3 am/ n Reported Date % 7�i 6 Time / O ;2- `Y pm So.., 13,-,.n„ .fit -r ror 74ro. e9/1? �—d�Kld"1 1 1►�G� I6OI✓1 Reported To RO WQ Staff or EM Staff o v I Reported By G-•-...3 M or04..‘ . Phone 70-4--S0 7- 0372 Address of Spill 1. 3 1 2, -,0k0 `r7 1-41 County City bt' a 01a Cause of Spill e O AS)-r tc +i e n J.°-'r ; 5 Total Estimated Gallons ! 2 0 O Est. Gal to Stream J 200 Stream �9, J✓e� s LStream Classification Fish Kill: Yes Number Species Non Required Initial Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Manhole # Duration of SSO — ii.,ort-• IO Td., 13r... 4na". E/vi - f V JC_•tS4. V✓aS C A a'i` , a: ' � �• vI&t S Io(7 177/6 r3�/1 1.01 — S a 7 /40r �n �14e- July 28, 2016 Cindy Coto Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: Sanitary Sewer Overflows - June 2016 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Permittee: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by Union County.' This review has shown the Union County to be in violation of the requirements found in the 'subject permit and/or North Carolina G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1). The violations that occurred are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201601066 6/4/2016 25 910 Sharon Road Severe Natural 125 125 No Action Condition Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct the above noncompliance. Please note that the Divsion of Water Resources (DWR) began assessing civil penalties for severe and/or repeat SSOs starting December 1, 2007. Enforcement decisions are based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface waters, duration, gravity, impacts to public health, fish kills and other factors. State of North Carolina Environmental Quality l Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301; Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lon Snider with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email at Sincerely, W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Cc: Mooresville Regional Office - WQS File Central Files, Water Quality Section State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 State of North Caro'. Department of Environment and Natural Resour Division of Water Resourt Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Fon Division of Water ReS00rCes Form CS -SS( PART I: This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number: WQCS00054 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: Union County Collection System Incident #: 201601066 Owner: Union County City: Waxhaw County: Union Region: Mooresville Source of SSO (check applicable): Er Sewer Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc): 910 Sharon Road Manhole #: 7214 Latitude (degrees/minute/second): Longitude (degrees/minute/second): Incident Started Dt: 06/04/2016 Time: 10:40 pm Incident End Dt: 06/04/2016 Time: 11:05 pm (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm AM/PM) (mm-dd-yyyy) Estimated Volume of the SSO: 125 gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): Describe how the volume was determined: 5GPM X 25 MIN=125 GALLONS (hh:mm AM/PM) 0:25 hours Weather conditions during the SSO event: Heavy Rain Did SSO reach surface waters? [l Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Surface water name: Rone Branch (Rhone Branch) Volume reaching surface waters (gals): 125 'Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes ❑ No Q Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: • Severe Natural Conditi, 24 hour verbal notification (name of person contacted ): Mike Bennett ❑ DWR Er Emergency Mgmt Date (mm-dd-yyy): 2016/06/05 Time (hh:mm AM/PM): 04:28:00 pm If an SSO is ongoing, please notify the appropriate Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 48-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the reference statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Resources, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was cause by sever natural conditions and there were no feasible alternative to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis WHETHER OR NOT PART III IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM CS-SSO Form Page: 1 pi ll: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) I A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWR REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IS ‘vere Natural Condition Describe the "severe natural condition" in detail? Heavy Rainfall in a short amount of time. How much advance warning did you have and what actions were taken in preparation for the event? . Staff was available to respond to emergency alarms and calls. Comments: System Visitation ORC Backup Name: Greg Morgan Cert# 989865 Date visited: Time visited: How was the SSO remediated (i.e. Stopped and cleaned up)? When the heavy rain stopped the station was able to catch up.. 0 Yes ❑ Yes As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Gregory Wayne Morgan Date: 06/07/16 04:43 pm Signature: Title: Telephone Number: Any addition information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form Page: 2 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and. Name WQCS# COO S`'i aOlb Incident Number from BIMS --("Cfraln Incident Reviewed (Date): O'Vo tAo lc, Incident Action Taken:. BPJ NOV 2015-DV DV-2015- . moan EqHHHH qH H2t Hi9HHq®p H9 an pot, H HHHe8HO®0HHQ9AHRL•1HH EIHH09 HHHHHH09B®HH9 H®®©OHHHHI Spill Date l ( Time. Reported Date Reported To SWP Staff or EMVI Staff Address :County .{ ed-By-f t .• . of Spill ttk' ONovc, �i City. 3. h7 Cause of Sp Total Estimated allons .. Cat QR,. Stream OTT.: Est., Gal .to. Strea Fish Kill-s Number Species Species Non Required information and other co Ments relating to SSQ.incident: Response. time. minutes 1 Zone Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCS00253 Bradfield Farms Water Company CS WQCS00196 Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS• WQCS00233 Carolina Wafer-Son/ice Hamby Acres CS WQCS00001 Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS WQCS00016 City of Albemarle CS WQCS00046 City of Belmont CS _ • WQCS00107 City of Bessemer City CS' WQCS00089 City ofCherryville CS• • - WQCS00221 City of Claremont CS WQCS00326 City of Concord CS WQCS00088 City of Conover CS WQCS00017 City of Gastonia CS WQCS00020 City of Hickory CS ' • WQCS00327. .City of Kannapolis CS WQCS00036 'City of Kings Mountain CS . WQCS00040 • City. of Lincolnfdn CS WQCS00164 -City of Lowell CS . WQCS00026 ' City of Monroe CS WQCS00059 City of Mount Holly CS Wr1CSn0044 City of Newton CS - WQCS00019 WQGS00D37 • WQCS.00030 City of SalisburyCS City of Shelby CS City of Statesvilte. CS WQCS00149 East Lincoln CS • • Permit # Owner and Facility Name ' : WQS00171 Greater Badin C$ • WQCS00322 • Aqua Country Woods East CS WQCS00222 Town of Boiling Springs CS • WQCS00341 Town:Of China Grove. CS WQCS00231 Town.of Cleveland CS WQCS00058 Town of Cramerton CS WQCS00165 Town of Dallas CS WQCS00342 Town of E. Spencer CS.. WQCS00328 Town of Harrisburg CS WQCS00343 Town of Landis CS • WQCS00310 Town of Longview CS WQCS00i20 Town of Maiden CS WQCS00344 Town of Marshville•CS WQCS00043 Town of Mooresville, CS W6CS00125 Town of Mt Pleasant CS, ',WQCS00153 *Town of Norwood CS WQ0300196 Town of Oakboro CS • WQCS00325 •Town of Stanfield CS WQCS00180 • Town of Stanley CS WeCS00935.. Towrref Taylor-satlle SS WQCS00258 Town afTroutman CS WQCSO6345 Town of Wingate CS WQCS00054 Union County CS WQCS00009 WSA Cabarrus Co. CS . Deemed Pcrniitted Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCSD0130 Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food.Group . WQCSD0114 Charlotte Mecklenburg•Schoola - Misc Laterals WQCSD0057 City.of:High Shoals CS • . WQCSDD117 Duke Energy Marshall Stearn Station WQCSD0257 Faliston - •• WQCSD0116 Goose Creek'Ufrlities Fairfield Plantation WWTP WQCSD010i Harborside Dev LLC-MidtownTCS ' • WQCSD0095 Kennerly Dev .Group LLG Boardwalk i la.CS;• WQQSD0.098' Kennedy Dev. Group LLC Kings Point CS ' • • WQCSD01O5 KennerlyDev. Group LAC Moor Bay Condos CS • WQCSD01D7 . •Kennelly Dev: Group LLG Schooner Bay"CS' • WQCSD0099' Kennerly'Dev' Group'LLC-SpinnakerPointeS WQCSDD25.8 : Kingstown WQCSD01.12. . Lake :Norman-South.PointCS. • WQCSDO104 Lake Norman -Villas S.Harbour CS - WQCSD0102 Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS • Permit # WQCS00064 WQCS00097 • _WQCSD0120. W.PCSD0o t 9. WQCSD0024 WOCSDD038 V tO.SD0D02 •WQCSD0049 Owtierand Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point Portside:CS Martin Marietta Mallard Greek` Town of Richfield CS.• Town bf Grover CS •-• - Townof McAdenvrlle CS Town of Ranlo CS TOW.ri.of Spencer Mountain CS IWQCSD0252 All spills which do not havea perrnit number assigned . , • • Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 000Sj Incident Number from BIMS 20160 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2016-DV DV-2016- Spill Date Reported Date c Time Time uoi“\tX 140)-0 Reported To RO.WQ Staff or EM Staff ci06 Reported By %�(�l G�J Phone (Address of Spill. ���(5 �r`.c��� j„,4,e- County £ 7 Cause of Spill �c City Total Estimated Gallons ��00 Est. Gal to Stream ,964=0 Strearr� J,�Gt� Stream Classification Fish Kill: Yes No umber Species Non Required Initial Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Duration ofSSO -440 .Q.tiewv3 Manhole # .3-j 7 rA-j/,s -- rr rr j 1-% b � � n M .ear� 1�B �1t_ t"' CA.Ti t "' "�— q J" b .Y- r .e� ✓l. rci C 1lL c. l t v v— S +,t 061 ratty Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notif➢cafion 00,01 Col410vj Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# CJ 0051-/- Incident Number from BIMS 20150 2 [ 12 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- e m e 0 e e e e e co EIe co e co co m co e m co e 0 e e n e e 0 e e co e n A e m co 0 e e O e 0 con e e e e e co e O 0 co 0 e 0 0 e co co e 0 co e e e 0 0 0 1 Spill Date f 1 3 °/% Time 5 41O am/ m, Reported Date / z/3 Y ' - Time Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By 6"V Address of Spill P 6 ( 9 County Cause of Spill Io;i0 m Phone OP ! F;3 L S0 City /l vo 1 z oocj I Zr, 00 Total Estimated Gallons '2 ° Est. Gal to Stream Stream 6v'ac5 5 Cv', Fish Kill: Yes Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification yam: r^ C e' Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# c%'c' a 5 Ct- Incident Number from BIMS 20150 2 i 1 3 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- 0 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ID 0 0 0 D a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ®0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 so 0 1 Spill Date / z/3 OA 5 Time 5' 2 0 am/ (61) Reported Date 1 - �5 Time 1-0,' l O 61)pm Reported To SWP Staff _or EM Staff Reported By 6 er-, ems,/ ya v1 Phone Address of Spill ( 0 f 5 5cA Va/ 1, C J , County 0 t4 i o ii City G-0-4� l Cause of Spill iA/ Total Estimated Gallons 8 d Est. Gal to Stream 8 ®0 CD Stream (vo �ol. C , Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# O d S if - Incident Number from BIMS 20150 2. I ► 1+ Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- C® mm®ommmmmm©0mm©a®mmm000etm®emmommmm®mmmmmmaomm®mmmemmmmam®mm®mmmmmmmmom©mo p 2/3 V Spill Date / Time 2, 0 am/ Reported Date 1 ?/3 l i _ Time ! o ^Y O 63pm Reported To SWP Staff_or_EM _Staff Reported. By Address of Spill County 01 et% ,o Cause of Spill _5 1 City Total Esti ated Gallons 2 (V©® oiia— L-" , Strea av; ,te, C Fish Kill: Yes • Number Species Phone �> 1 2.. I — 2 5 L,T-f 3+1 Est. Gal 'to Stream % 2 ° ©�} Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 4 EM43 Reporting EM Level: 3 Taken by: M Rowell Reported by: EAS County: ' Union Street Address: Type: Weather Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: TStorm Warn State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 12/30/2015 13:05:08 Agency: NWS City: EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 12/30/2015 13:05:08 Phone: Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: &label=EM... 12/31/2015 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 4 EM43 Reporting EM Level: 3 Taken by: M Rowell Reported by: EAS County: Multiple Street Address: Type: Weather Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: FlashFloodWarn State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 12/30/2015 09:43:29 Agency: NWS City: WBO EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 12/30/2015 09:43:29 Phone: Area: Not Specified Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: &label=EM... 12/31/2015 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 4 EM43 Reporting EM Level: 3 Taken by: M Rowell Reported by: EAS County: Multiple Street Address: Type: Weather Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: FlashFloodWarn State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 12/30/2015 10:07:48 Agency: NWS City: WBO EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 12/30/2015 10:07:48 Phone: Area: Not Specified Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: &label=EM... 12/31/2015 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS#• ? , Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: 20150 BPJ NOV 2015-DV DV-2015- O G fd BI B! Bl[d06 ®0 B31a 0 ®0 0R1 BI BI RIBIID00000 EI00 BI to B140 Bl B11119 0 81000000000 R1®000000 0 00 BI08381000001 Spill Date 11, Time am/ pm Reported Date Time . am/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By c er-DoVS Phone Address of Spill — County - (.UA&J VvD Cause of Spill . City Total Estimated Gallons Est. Gal to Stream Stream Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes saCe /5 C71 5 n©ya 1 •-N, ropk cv.„kkl c,, (Wi l3a-otO - Zone Map Quad 5. Tic D'jr n�J . Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS#.0-00s. Incident Number from BIMS 20150 017 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV 2015-DV DV-2015- 0 8 1 0 0 ®0 0 0 1 0 0 8 8 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 H 0 8 1 8 0 1 0 0 1 8 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8$ 1 0$ 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 1 Spill Date %f /3D Reported Date Time 10� �S am 0.66(3' Time c rS Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By 9dLQGo. �Ot y, .__) Phone Address of Spill �� 58,044) c d e ` 'c/ County (LAA,t�_j City . M1',4_)7 ' 7/1*) Cause of.Spitl ) 17 - 400 Total Estimated Gallons 4WD Est. Gal to Stream Stream a r&. $I CA4) Fish Kill: Yes No : Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: — Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Aid- 001 i(de a 1 Q .pri& 004 el . . Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# (JZQ Incident Number from BIMS 20150 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: • BPJ NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- 9 9 H 0 1 9 Q a 9 0 0 6$ 8 9 td H Q 9 II 8 II II 9 II 0 9 6 9.6 ® A® Cl 9 6 2 ®Hi Et El II W ID 0 H 9 9 H 0 9 (I 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 6 9 ®C II 9 II II 9 0 0 9 0 1 Spill Date %//02—. Time /0 /S Reported Date 8 Time 4'..5Q . am/ Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff j i2 . Reported By A-051,_ eroc)kS Phone Address of Spill County • • City Cause of.Spitl . h 0+ Total Estimated Gallons Est. Gal to Stream Stream Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad -terns i54NI 641 / t000 /d.'fo-/:30p,y, CO401-(wk t"50 ;16 v✓ f t n - s o j r'1 A/t 5 )7 ,Address of Spill Collection System SSO 24-Hour [Notification Collection System: Number and Name WOOS* 05 Incident Number from BIMS 20150 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV 2015-DV DV-2015- 9 C 31 0 0 fl II ®0 B R q IH m 14 $ 1 1110 H 9 RI W H El Et 15 H 0 0 13 0 1 9 tl 10 31 81 H 0 0 0 0 1 n H 0 R 0 9.1t1 0 0 ®0 H 0 8 0 1 ®A 0@ 1 Bl 619 1 0 11 1 Spill Date I I I rl Time /0 ; SO Om Reported Date . /1(11 Time (i /5 . am/ pm ciget-A.) Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By @(Vj' Phone / / 05 County C.r 7 k n City Cause of_Spil1. ` aka,. Total Estimated Gallons 3 oO Est. Gal to Stream Stream Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad ek:ucle Ps ? C Lek Cualei til yel i0 f t.t v r ,' 3 3 Soopr�-I- RelYS r -k u U Fl I � �t v` ".113 b7pcis s dt Smco✓ olets7 Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 5 q 1 ("d)ct,, Incident Number from BIMS 201501 C Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E /] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 ®0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1i / /2C13 11/g/15 Sl 9-:q5 P Spill Date 6 r'S 5 I Time am/ an Reported Date 1 .` / / /10 5Time ' U 0 am/ ',► Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff G (2— u\ V l (jam Reported By G� IL C 6- /11 01290, r✓ Phone 014 509-- OS 2— Address of Spill $til ®G Vo©t,(S Ctxtre :) L County 4,1 o City l I r, 4- V(G, Cause of Spill 5 Total Estimated Gallons 5 b C> Stream `l� Fish Kill: Yes N Number Species CV -OWL) C,rL vl Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Est. Gal to Stream 5 0 0 04'50 Sc2G7 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification 3 (4 6 0 Vv ocp 2 �v �� O I «c To war% ot� waTers %� r - L) Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification 005 orr Co1a n�y CS Collection System: Number and Name WQCS 2,0150/14-13 Incident Number from BIMS SetW Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2013-DV DV-2013- Spill Date Reported Date it cV4I Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By (--\ Time ° a 1,pm Tires, 61) am' � r Phone-1 &tf'— 5b7 Address of Spill `��� 1 �- r'1t,roe �rSrr11/1 County l Y�-� b�'l City l�p� I Cause of Spill re ( c 1�v-Z �"�cf �-2 —�c�r I �'1 fin' Total Estimated Gallons Stream 60 Fish Kill: Yes Est. Gal to Strea Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response timP_mi^+ tec Zone Map Quad ) V . Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# c9(jOS Incident Number from BIMS 20150 0511 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV 2015-DV DV-2015- 0 GI 0 0 H 0 0 0 0 0 ®®li 0 0 ID R 0 0 0 0 g H H 0 0 0 $HID 0 Q ID 0 0 0 13 0 IS H 0 0 0 ID 0 D H 0 0 0 H 0 0 9 0 0 0 000H ®ID 0 0 ID ID 0 H ID E H I Spill Date /01 J Reported Date .`0 13 Time Time 4 ; I� p rtS 4am/lam Reported To SWP Staff o . taff Reported By .t.Q rn/CtAAD Address of Spill (t County �,�/bu cm)C City iaVI.S,kuIe. Cause of Spill . j►tt, Phone Total Estimated Gallons 5D 0 Est. Gal to Stream 500 0 Stream 4j o&Io tcL Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 0006 Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: 1/ BPJ 20150 $0 14 NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- 0 El 0 El a 0 0 El 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 El 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 El 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 El 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 El 0 0 El 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 El 0 0 9 61 0 E Spill Date. Reported Date Ls - Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By Address of Spill y� / �p 9 �Qf ,ff Count r Cit Y v �'^' ✓ ti a/g-tov,-11 '�`'�GC Y IJC/1 C.� y �r, r ause of Spill FINS A31 O Time / 31 gs am kkea ► ' (J-\ H Phone 190((-61)7 Total Estii ated Gallons Est. Gal to Stream 6—=-°6- FYY-N) n 2Stream Q,t'eQ e Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad CA)saiv 04/Lai - ceithA 0-4/0 ot0 ,tt/ricpo 0+ Ls VIA A- -4 2 c 0 pg North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 5 EM43 Reporting EM Level: 3 Taken by: Jon Williams Reported by: Jon Williams County: Union Street Address: Shannon Rd Type: Weather Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: Flooding State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 11/02/2015 16:41:30 Agency: Union County Emergency Management City: Waxhaw EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type:. Wastewater Event Type: Weather Event Name: Shannon Vista Flood Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 11/02/2015 16:41:30 Phone: 704-283-3515 Area: 13 Zip Code: 28173 HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: 1,3 kodah9-e_ CoitoQcn't cow %an,tio IlAm( 001A-to ca4oh) &label=EM-... 11/3/2015 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 5 EM43 Reporting EM Level: 3 Taken by: Jon Williams Reported by: Jon Williams County: Union Street Address: Shannon Rd Type: Weather Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: Flooding State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 11/02/2015 16:41:30 Agency: Union County Emergency Management City: Waxhaw EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Weather Event Name: Shannon Vista Flood Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 11/02/2015 16:41:30 Phone: 704-283-3515 Area: 13 Zip Code: 28173 HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: &label=EM-... 11/3/2015 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 4 EM43 Reporting EM Level: 4 Taken by: G. Jones Reported by: Kyle Ketchum County: Union Street Address: 775 Preeway Dr. Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 11/02/2015 22:21:08 Agency: City of Monroe City: Monroe EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 11/02/2015 21:51:08 Phone: 704-282-4612 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: https :// c7/boards/board. aspx?tableid=275 &viewid=1011 &label=EM-... 11 /3 /2015 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 2 of 4 Event Description: Local utility reported an ongoing sewage released from the screening building to Richardson Creek due to heavy rainfall. It is unknown if Richardson Creek is a drinking water source, no fish kill was noted, and cleanup operations will be conducted once the overflow stops. No state resources were requested Deaths: Injuries: Evacuation: Radius: 0 0 0 0 Responsible Party: Responsible Party Phone: Point of Contact: Latitude: 00.000000 RRT Request: RRT Approved: Point of Contact Phone: Longitude: -00.000000 RRT Team Number: RRT Mission Number: aspx?tableid=275 &viewid=1011 &label=EM-... 11/3/2015 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 4 of 4 j NOTIFICATIONS LEMC: SO: PD: LFD: CHealth: Sewer: PWRK: Other Local Agencies: AC: S H P/SW P: ENV MGMT: WATER: DRP: CAP: DOT: Other State Agencies: Notes: 2332 - NC DEQ paged - GJ 2337 - D. Gore returned page - GJ 11/3/2015 0634 - Update: estimated volume of the sewage release was 2,441,280 gallons, the time the spill stopped was 0519 and cleanup operations have started. - GJ 0640 - D. Gore emailed updated information - GJ 0700 - D Gore ack update email - mr ATTACHMENTS Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: &label=EM-... 11/3/2015 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# (0')D Incident Number from BIMS 201501/3I Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- El 0 ®0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 ®0 830 0 0 0 0 61 0 0 0 67 00 0 H 0 00 1110 0 0 0 0 0 061 119 GI 0 0 B 0 0 0 ®61 0 0 El 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Spill Date q /3//5 Time Reported Date*/c) Time Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By Address of Spill County Cause of Spill . Ask_ (-co v2). d�J City Phone it_cQ (hOThi4) Total Estimated Gallons `V)1Ar/J`rYfvJl� ; 609' Est. Gal to Stream Stream — f Fa - ith Fish Kill: Yes No Number (goo 0 66240 Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Ofttr c141 O n —10.'0 —ijro ` o n ra� _I' ay 4.j•-;s ow+a-1,l__L(�___ ae 4TJT- 70,6c97 2ea&(' C oss Do -QA- t 4,, 04 /4- A' (4",„:), ? C ., _L c -&Q (6: gyp. vCteeC� k kep CAo 1 F/610ekRpV Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# OrtiO5c- Incident Number from BIMS 20150 )4 51+ • Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ t?--- NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- 0,44.1.r-4 n El El 13 31 0 0 El 611 111 61 61 62 E El 23 IR 21 23 El El El 61 al El 61 El El El U 13 61 61 13 M 61 MUSS 161 10 0 El 61 El /3 PI 63 El 23 III El S S .121 61 61 El PI 81 61 II El El 0 1 Spill Date (61// Time Reported Date 540 Time 36 Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff 4; a amio 3-?) Pm Reported By Address of Spill County Cause Cause of Spill Phone 5deZelu /i144 tt/h.,c0L, Cb City gnipiAZ;1-)Feedee-c-e- Total Estimated Gallons /Ea) Est. Gal to Stream /56 Stream 164 ()tut Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time rpLautes Zook Map Quad ts1 r 4" 16 v‘ • 5- tit ri 0C1,Th +2, 4 . I ex, el keg r, ,01'0 b.'"" 6-- 4,) r"c` 1 ; eC .17. .+- Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification J Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# (fit) Incident Number from BIMS 20150 I n s3 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- O C Q 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 61031130171711037 9 ®8 0 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 tl ®0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H 0 O 0 0 00 0 0 0 0110138.1111713131308161E113171131 Spill Date g/ Time /v 6d am/ Reported Date . I6D Time Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By JosL gW D Phone Address of Spill i g 64aiteit." „7a4m/146 eoxisietc County tijkc.c4L CO. City Cause of Spill . rs_ Total Estimated Gallons `ir C7 Est. Gal to Stream 4/S0U Stream z 4a 6u4Ae ish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad ry AtVy t•-- c\�L, H flAs qH ew .q 41 wy 4�c,4 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 EM43 Reporting EM Level: 3 Taken by: George G Bernard Reported by: Kevin Rigoli County: Union Street Address: 6054 Abergele Lane, Indian Trail Type: Weather Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: Flooding State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 08/19/2015 19:49:27 Agency: Union County Emergency Services City: Monroe EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Weather Event Name: Summer Storm 8-19-15 Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 08/19/2015 18:48:00 Phone: 704-506-3677 Area: 13 Zip Code: 28079 HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: Event Description: Hemby Bridge reports significant flooding in the Shannamara Subdivision. Multiple single family dwellings experiencing significant flooding. Company level damage assessment underway to determine extent of flooding. Localized evacuations underway. Determination to establish shelters is being determined. Decision to be made within an hour: 2130 Hours, no need to establish a shelter. Flood waters receding. Family will stay with neighbors or in second floor of home. Damage assessment within neighborhood will be conducted at first light. Deaths: 0 Responsible Party: Kevin Rigoli Point of Contact: Kevin Rigoli Latitude: 00.000000 Injuries: 0 Evacuation: 0 Responsible Party Phone: 704-506-3677 Point of Contact Phone: 704-506-3677 Longitude: -00.000000 Radius: 0 &label=EM-... 8/24/2015 vi z u Vi C v 1 J I Collection System SSO Notificati •-n /s7�'r` 4 s -- Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Incident Number from.BIMS 20150 0 r a a Incident Reviewed (Date): , a 1 Incident Action Taken: + • — S. 6 i moo©eQcovona©o©w0o©oocoe00000ne17CIM U000000m000voo®m©oao000000ao©00000©oI L d a i 4 Spill Date Q /8 - zar Time-ic2 am/�o � a Reported Date be. -2 K� Time 8.5-c/ �Pm a -5 ` u .l Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff y, y Reported By 1,,Q;, 6p„- Phone o $ i _k oo Address of Spill S,.[o 3 ge,r,� ( J,_ 1 i �c J �. i v County G�d,o, City S/7 (75�, / t a )-) r e Cause of • Spill Se c l ,,;-� .--c.,?. c)ce ,v 1 " ° 4 Total Estimated Gallons '7 Est. Gal to Stream Stream Fish Kill: Yes Number Species e, h 4 h 94- t -1 a h r-- isV T BPJ NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad 5.4 as c r-esdW. Qf -He (, t burs+ CCI4 crenvif ear+ Permit# WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water•Service HembyAcres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS _ City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS- • City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS • City of Kannapolis CS 'City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of SalisburyCS City of Shelby CS VVQCS00030 - City of Statesville CS WQCS00149 East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCSOD165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCSO0343 WQCS0031 D WQCSoo12o WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 W QCS00325 • WQc boi ao WQCS00135 WQCSO0258 WQCS00345 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town. of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS. Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS. Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS • Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS • Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS WQCS00054 Union County CS . WQCS00009 WSA Cabarrus Co. CS . . Deemed Permitted Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCSD0130 Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group WQCSD0114 Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals WQCSD0057 City of High Shoals CS WQCSDO117 Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station WQCSD0257 Fallston WQCSD0116 Gopse Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP WQCSD0101 Harborside Dev LLC-Midlown TCS WQCSD0095 Kennerly Dev..Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS: WQCSD0098 Kennerly Dev, Group LLC-Kings Point CS WQCSD0105 Kennedy Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS WQCSDD107 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS WQCSDOO99 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS WQCSD0258 Kingstown WQCSD0112 Lake Norman -South Point CS WOCSD0104 Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS WQCSD0102 Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS 0 Marlin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS - Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS. WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Four Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# CV 5 `l Incident Number from BIMS 20140 f' 0 [ p Incident Reviewed (Date): / ! A f i Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2014-DV DV-2014- ■ O E 6 ®U G B 11G ®o ■ a c c o 0 0 IIo o a o ®®®■ • u 1•n o• B i i G MMMMMMMM 0 0 0 0■■ 0! O BMMM mM t MMMMM p l Spill Date 041-P Time S I o� am/ pm Reported Date /�.1a4 Time 'oZ • It am/ pm Regional Water Quality Staff reported to o Staff in Raleigh � g 1( SSO reported by An. f \ ')o q- 501- ®W1 c Phone Address of Spill County Cause of Spill tioo a -tat Cht.ta, i6( City d J/tC(Ae Total Estimated Gallons 6' qteou Est. Gal to Stream Stream goo 0 Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone - - -- Map Quad North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 EM43 Reporting EM Level: 4 Taken by: M Rowell Reported by: Greg Morgan County: Union Street Address: 4004 Sardess Church Rd Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 12/24/2014 12:10:24 Agency: Union County Public Works City: Indian Trail EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 12/24/2014 08:20:00 Phone: 704-507-0372 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: &viewid=1011 &label=EM... 12/29/2014 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 57 Incident Number from BIMS 20140 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2014-DV DV-2014- 0 e i 0 0 1313E 1313 E 0 0 E 0 13 13e e 1313E E 0 0 0 E s 13©0 130 130 13 0 13 e 130 MN •E■ i o G E•• 0x 0 0sm• e■ 23E•111111epi Spill Date 45-IcA i' Time 1.26 pm Reported Date /o1/ai Time Regional Water Quality Staff reported to o /02 : /3 am/ tall in Raleigh ran . -,e_ l f SSO reported by Phone �kis ✓Yl(st,yh-v-) f/ocl - 509- 037a Address of Spill County No4tv.t4 5ceS. 4/tec&f F-+'l . /s 6 nu W I&A; M City Accc , Cause of Spill gct Total Estimated Gallons '73,26 Est. Gal to Stream 2oc5'a Stream No.tfga. 2tul Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: -Response time minutes Zone " -- - -_ Map Quad North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 EM43 Reporting EM Level: 4 Taken by: M Rowell Reported by: Greg Morgan County: Union Street Address: 3005 Ashecroft Dr Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 12/24/2014 12:13:36 Agency: Union County Public Works City: Indian Trail EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 12/24/2014 08:20:00 Phone: 704-507-0372 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: https ://www.ncsparta. net/eoc7/bo ards/board. aspx?tableid=275 &viewid=1011 &label=EM... 12/29/2014 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 570S Incident Number from BIMS 20140 / q4A1 `C Incident Reviewed (Date): 1 ft e 114' Incident Action Taken: BPJ g q 1� NOV-2014-DV DV-2014- Spill Date 17.�j Reported Date 4,7470 Time l/ % c)D am/ pm Time //•�� am Regional Water Quality Staff reported to or EM Staff in Raleigh ei6 SSO reported by Phone 4-T Address of Spill iT\* 3 ( — a ex - County 0/14.irviJ City Cause of Spill �(z Total Estimated Gallons 460D Est. Gal to Stream Stream (44 ,f_eA,0_..„ Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad teitzt°- c--,GttetuntW,t) bk.ccAR- _ tAk. (3Y`S'i'tt. t 3 cpiefinst `!l- tl, /A nub w eA-IT P Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# C005 Incident Number from BIMS 20 A016 0O 9(9 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spill Date 1 I I Reported Date tic- Time % am/ pm Time am/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By tic MOT Phone Address of Spill igsa gce aive4 County City / Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons Est. Gal to Stream Stream Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad SK/ R North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 4 EM43 Reporting EM Level: 4 Taken by: Michael Bennett Reported by: Greg Morgan County: Union Street Address: 1852 Rock Hill Church Road Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 01/02/2016 14:40:15 Agency: Union County City: Matthews EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 01/01/2016 15:00:15 Phone: 704-507-0372 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: &label=EM-4... 1/4/2016 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 2 of 4 i Event Description: Local utility reported 25 gallons of sewage released from a manhole to a ditch. No surface water was affected. Cleanup operations were conducted. Ended at 1505 hrs. Deaths: Injuries: Evacuation: Radius: 0 0 0 0 Responsible Party: Responsible Party Phone: Point of Contact: Latitude: 00.000000 RRT Request: RRT Approved: Point of Contact Phone: Longitude: -00.000000 RRT Team Number: RRT Mission Number: &label=EM-4... 1/4/2016 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 4 of 4 NOTIFICATIONS LEMC: SO: PD: LFD: CHealth: Sewer: PWRK: Other Local Agencies: AC: SHP/SWP: ENV MGMT: WATER: DRP: CAP: DOT: Other State Agencies: Notes: No notification needed. ATTACHMENTS Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: https :// ard. aspx?tableid=275 &viewid=1011 &label=EM-4... 1/4/2016 { North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 4 EM43 Reporting EM Level: 3 Taken by: M. Bennett Reported by: Greenville Weather County: Union Street Address: Type: Weather Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: FloodWarn State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 12/22/2015 07:59:13 Agency: NWS City: WBO EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Weather Event Name: ,iclude in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 12/22/2015 07:59:13 Phone: Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: &uvid=1.44... 12/22/2015 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 2 of 4 Event Description: NWS issued a flood warning for Union County until 1045 hrs. NCEM on -call area coordinator, 24 ops center manager, and DDO notified by NCEOC. Deaths: Injuries: Evacuation: Radius: 0 0 0 0 Responsible Party: Responsible Party Phone: Point of Contact: Latitude: 00.000000 RRT Request: RRT Approved: Point of Contact Phone: Longitude: -00.000000 RRT Team Number: RRT Mission Number: &viewid=1011 &uvid=1.44... 12/22/2015 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 4 of 4 NOTIFICATIONS LEMC: SO: PD: LFD: CHealth: Sewer: PWRK: Other Local Agencies: AC: SHP/SWP: Advised ENV MGMT: WATER: CAP: DOT: DRP: Other State Agencies: Notes: 0806 - emailed J. Ramsey. C.Tant, and, J. Stanton - mb 0807 - J. Stanton and J. Ramsey ackn - mb 0808 - C. Tant ackn - mb ATTACHMENTS Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: &uvid=1.44... 12/22/2015 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS## 057-- Incident Number from BIMS 20150 1 g ft Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ i1 NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- 0 ®0 D D El 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 El 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl ®0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 D O p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ®0 1 Spill Date / 2/J "Y S Time / O am/ Reported Date 5 Time ► Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff f Lse, V e---� Reported By 6- s'-e-- M d ,ri a ri Phone Address of Spill 7101 d ' L1 i ►1 V; .a- v✓ IS, County LiI vt ; e City LInfrt 41 9 ti frc.k; Cause of Spill 6-►'' -e—a S .0-- 4-0-- b v i S Total Estimated Gallons V-, U 0 0 Est. Gal to Stream A 80 0 i Stream "4 -Iih C'Fish Kill: Yes of Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad wr-F-11 el V "e--3 e-Cf; -r) 4 J-e,L mat( et/)15if:LLeGt ace mot6( /0 -1 �� (. r/d a Address of SpiII Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# OOa -SI* Incident Number from BIMS 20150 1 'S1 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 ®0 0 ®®®0 ®0 0 0 0 ®0 [i B 9 ®,i 0 0 m m 0 W 0 9 m ®0 0 0 9• 0 H 6 0 0 m 0 13 0 00 0 ®®®0 0 El El 0 0 i 0-0 E 0 0 ®0 0® 1 sff,p SpiII Date I Z` ! Vi S Time "' �S am/ Reported Date 1 2// e4.5 Time Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff . 73 ,. i✓ 45 . 6 pm o CV Reported By &r.L j / V o f j okVl Phone ®j 5 .50k �aj`�s CGl County vl I i 0 1 City Cause of Spill 4 Total Estimated Gallons 2, 3 2 0 Est. Gal to Stream 2 3 20 Stream • C-V-Q 0 Ica- et CY- , Fish Kill: Yes g Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad �. 6 0 7 rott• �,.� £ 11rs. «f r %a Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# ® ® -5 Incident Number from BIMS 20150 I C6 0 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ V NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- e 2100®9 ®e ®m ®®Si ®®®®®9 ®0 0 9 0 9 ® Ell ®m ®©®®0 MI ®®9 ®E 6 0 0 ®®0 0 ®e ®0 ®®m ®®® 0 9 8 0 ®G ®®®®®®m 1 Spill Date / B 7// -5 Time Reported Date 12A gi Time 9 i r-9-S Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By Cry o Q Phone r� ©I4 f s11 ISaf am/ Address of Spill County tA City 1V1�rr s�� Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons 11-OO Est. Gal to Stream 2- 1-r° 0 Stream Gr01s7 G', Fish Kill: Yes 0) Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad -16 oF rct% • 01 h rs, a-f- Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS#• 0-ICE Incident Number from BIMS 20150 • Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: • BPJ NOV 2015-DV DV-2015- anmaa®ensssoassassessomas®®ssasasmamesmaaan®aanmameaasffinaaaamsanmaamessaanmmaammssmnaci Spill Date Reported Date . a_ Time Time �`< o�C� am! pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By Address of Spill County wlu. crti3 _ City Cause of.Spili (00 (:)GV reN pm - %a;00 8Pb /6/9 eodat&ilu otal Estimated Gallons pc/ Est Ga�to Stream e7E, (45 Stream £JtL'L(kFish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad 6/14A.4)(JD�di4re Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS#. ®C7� Incident Number from BIMS 20150 4.' Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- rinraQo®miae®mmmm®mmd®®ammEI®®emeaam®aammmmtammmmaaaB/¢seBIG1a®mmasmm®m8Qmmaam381 Spill Date f G% Reported Date f ,f9r Time . OD am pm Time Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By Address of Spill lCif l q au.a.da 3 . am/ pm County ti/to:elJ Cause of Spill . Phone City / A4(/L)-e' •..Aask 105Pilt - Total Estimated Gallons -- (A)/u,w ()(® Stream-d(^(c�Cish Kill: Yes No Number Species Est. Gal to Stream iodioitt 600 Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad ofigkeet,;,_ oe 4y Airi \(Y\dd Gall,(,) k) A. /,c1.e.ile 0/Ld5_S Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification J Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# C005 Incident Number from BIMS 20140 I , j 0 `T Incident Reviewed (Date): l a Incident Action Taken: .9/ BPJ NOV-2014-DV DV-2014- 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000i Spill Date 7 a(P Time r 0 fL VD am/ pm Reported Date ')6 Time 1 J� .�� am/ / 5 Regional Water Quality Staff reported to or/ ' taff in Raleigh L A/) SSO reported by ' ,(2 / 7 l /� c 0 Phone "7(�`i 5(�' 0314 Address of Spill loot vdeo °6 County City (LicLCo PGU Cause of Spill 9a6 Total Estimated Gallons 1 OO l7 Est. Gal to Stream /5-6. Stream A,lcll r Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting IPrint` € Return To List "1 EM Level: 4 Taken by: L Mann Reported by: Gregg Morgan County: Union Street Address: 1001 Rosewater Lane Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 07/26/2014 13:52:00 Agency: Union County City: Indian Trail EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 07/26/2014 10:00:00 Phone: 704-507-0372 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: Event Description: Local utility reported 1,000 gallons of sewage released from a manhole to Price Mill Creek due to debris and grease in the line. The creek is not a drinking water source, no fish kill was noted, and cleanup operations were conducted. Ended at 1050 hours. Filename: Deaths: 0 Responsible Party: Point of Contact: Latitude: 00.000000 RRT Request: Injuries: 0 RRT Approved: Evacuation: 0 Responsible Party Phone: Point of Contact Phone: Longitude: -00.000000 RRT Team Radius: 0 RRT Mission &label=EM-... 7/28/2014 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification. Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 00 Incident Number from BIMS 20140 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2014-DV DV-2014- Spill Date I-i'��`1 Reported Dates ` `l 14 Time Regional Water Quality Staff reported to or EM Staff in Raleigh SSO reported by Phonep(, T7 Address of Spill C2 County City tlikAryt ale u Yl,�� Q 3 eA.10 //,,. Total Estimated Gallons �«C7+.C41Est. Gal to Stream 5 cc)v Stream Fish Kill: YesS Jo Nmber Species Cause of Spill Time Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180' WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group . Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City 'of High Shoals CS ' Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker. Point CS —Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS • Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 W QCS D0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# C700ACQ Incident Number from BIMS 20140 / c ` ,Y Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2014-DV DV-2014- 00000000000©00000000©00000000000000©00000000000000o000000000o0000ooao00o1 Spill Date �( Time 3 • ZIC am/ • r Reported Date `�a- Time am/ pm Regional Water Quality Staff reported to or EM Staff in Raleigh 4"45 31469 ' SSO reported by 7SCi�, & Atet "•-) Phone Address of Spill -44()ti adi( )i/ /45 County cnJ City /W,M le& Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons 10 Est. Gal to Stream V190 Stream W1144x E e4.J2) Fish Kill: Yes Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone •.. Map Quad c,2'1/4. tat-it/Lie .tcz Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 000 c lt Incident Number from BIMS 20140 ! Incident Reviewed (Date): eitaif4 Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2014-DV DV-2014- Spill Date 6//6-17/ Time Reported Date 6/1 %// Time Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff c6',c) am/ am/Cm Reported By 0.10 5 ' 1 j E )\5 Phone Address of Spill nil `tdre # 24 2 qi %.e ht'114 -251-3 / h b,,fr Lel f, yi County(/61A S c) A City (.%` I c, Cause of Spill P1e- d, Ir`5r�1 Total Estimated Gallons C Est. Gal to Stream Stream /» /? Crct r�ish Kill: Yes (lo Number Species g00 Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad /Gltv6-u irUt9-e. �& v VIc3� ap C�.«eJ �it�cc?-At Yq��� a so-c Cdni s/ruct c="--) Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By Address of Spill Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 000 4 Incident Number from BIMS 20140 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken ✓ BPJ NOV-2014-DV DV-2014- ■meemmemmemmeeeeeeeeeeemmemmmmmmmmeemeemeeeeeeemmmm mmm emmeeememeeeemnes' Spill Date Time am/ pm Reported Date Time am/ pm c_624 1 0 ►(n. Phone d\90,{,0 1 County f, AnAcm_) GO City Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons 30 Est. Gal to Stream Stream atrk_ Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad C�v�stntiv��� � uJae(�� North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 J • �s North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Print ;IF Return To List EM Level: 4 Taken by: George G Bernard Reported by: Greg Morgan County: Union Street Address: 2603 Lawson Dr Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 05/18/2014 18:40:15 Agency: Union Co Utility City: Waxhaw EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 05/17/2014 20:35:15 Phone: 704-507-0372 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: Event Description: Local utility reported the release of approximately 360 gallons of sewage from a manhole to the surrounding area due to debris in the line. A portion of the release entered an unnamed tributary of 12 mile creek. The creek is not a drinking water source, no fish kill was reported and cleanup operations were conducted. Filename: Deaths: 0 Responsible Party: Point of Contact: Latitude: 00.000000 Injuries: 0 Evacuation: 0 Responsible Party Phone: Point of Contact Phone: Longitude: -00.000000 Radius: 0 &label=EM-... 5/19/2014 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 52-1 Incident Number from BIMS 20130 r LJ Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: Co`co113 BPJ . __ __ N QV-20.1_3-DV DV-2013- Spill Date oC 1 Time 91,230 / pm Reported Date Time / am/ 1 .. Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff i\NA, Reported By Address of .Spill i 3I a Phone n L iJc0iP Dri, County }�e‘ City Cause of Spill Ca- ►4 c vfl 61,44e(1) ("et 45t F P �f Total Estimated Gallons OD Est. Gal to Stream I CAD Stream i\V1 ,JeLsh Kill: Y� Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad (aJ - dusod &A,.e, aelap�ass pancial Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCSOD253 Bradfield Farms Water Company CS WQCS00196 Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS WQCS00233 Carolina WaterService HembyAcres CS WQCS00001 Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS WQCS00016 City of Albemarle CS WQCS00046 City of Belmont CS WQCS00107 City of Bessemer City CS WQCS00089 City of Cherryville CS- WQCSO0221 City of Claremont CS WQCS00326 City of Concord CS WQCS00088 City of Conover CS WQCSOOD17 City of Gastonia_CS - _ - WQCSD0020 City of Hickory CS WQCSD0327 City of Kannapolis CS WQCS00036 City of Kings Mountain CS WQCS00040 • City of Lincolnton CS WQCS0D164 City of Lowell CS WQCS00026 ' City of Monroe CS WQCS00059 City of Mount Holly CS WQCS00044 City of Newton CS WQCS00019 City of SalisburyCS WQCS00037 City of Shelby CS WQCS00030 - City of Statesville CS WQCS00149 East Lincoln CS Permit # Owner and Facility Name -WQCS00171 Greater Badin CS • WQCS00322 Aqua Country Woods East CS WQCS00222 Town of Boiling Springs CS WQCS00341 Town of China Grove CS WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCSD0342 WQCS00328 WQCSD0343 WQCS0031 D WOCS00120 WQCS0D344 WQCSOOD43 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 • WQC5ooi80 WQCS00135 Town -of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville-CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Dakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS WQCS00258 Town of Troutman CS WQCS00345 Town of Wingate CS WQCS00054 Union County CS WQCS00009 WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Per Permit# WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSDD117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSDD101 WQCSDO095 WQCSDD098 WQCSDO1D5 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112. WQCSDD104 WQCSD0102 mitted Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS . Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallslon Gopse Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midlown T. CS • Kennerly Dev..Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit# WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WOCSDOD3B WQCSD00D2 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and. Name WQCS# Don 5-1 Incident Number from BIMS a©d % 005 3 V Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: �BPJ L/ NOV-2009-DV C(( Spill Date Vi/o Time am/ Reported Date YAVO T Time Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By 6)0 5 / /� d ► S Address of Spill 9 -47I'V- 3274 -r-r ,/,_ Z;-)J- r ,, kage f4? a 11110 L ,2 6 95 4- X C a te( y County 0 bl r(911 City / '1 Coil (c ,e_ Cause of Spill g- Ty h t', v7 %oi r n P l/ . Total Estimated Gallons 9 J Oa Est. Gal to Stream 4/l 000 Stream Alioq d6rtor r Ji Fish Kill: Yes Number Species Phone Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad 4/30 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 0(0O.54-/ Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: B J NOV-2009-DV 0((K Spill Date vizci- Time 02 !.30 am Reported Date 3/2107 Time - i)ir 11 3 am/ (4), g Reported By it) ©c 6// g 1 f Oo /lc r7 Phone ' / 6 9— g1 [Q . 5,,7 % Address of Spill 0-r— Ao4f(.7e - Aii OTIV; Ile �d r rnArrl kde 70 % • County l/i/' (61 1 City A1aflY Cause of Spill Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Total Estimated Gallons 3 00 /Aeoft, y rr Est. Gal to Stream 30 6 Stream 1 p r k Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time- minutes Zone Map Quad 30 6 -fie VO/M m►fv s hcs d o,i +A %ra)a abyer tool Pr ,`co r pi O 116 f e h r°ris co t/ g rPd c4 j9 ,b7 ) l c re e k C P/ d iy) 111P ,Mari kOlre kick 9 `Fororto 11ah /0 Biel. Gr'`warrc.�, ui)' A 1'4Of g irc i ‘11 Go& ke y t3 r ct, fl l b" i1 /S c, r re c-+ C 4} A e rd to c q1 c z� �ci ��� 014 > ji1p , h dude �. ¢1 1��. i??a /1�l�' rivQ ; ci iia/t��e /,r- Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 00o 59 Incident Number from BIMS p�, r 2O? (905,35 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2009-DV OcV-, Spill Date 3 i 0 q Time R• 30 am Reported Date 3,90961 Time / g ! Lic am/6 Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Oe gi.ii Reported By ��O J1 &V A-5 Phone W —a7. ! 3.07`7/ Address of Spill ©-� Ail [De —r'n90)iv'✓'%/e i� man/jd/ ?GAD / County VO h tn l y\ City 410 /7 rd Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons / / I Po vy t ` i A // . (7L)O Est. Gal to Stream 50 0 Stream f roc poc, f){Qh1 A Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad NYC Q 42/1 yv-P. cii I-P) h, /l /l ( 44 r-p Gj r 1,09 C-dOJiv"t‘`:ry �-,ce9 fi 144 ; rohiIvor Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification CAiabtV (GVk t-4eN)k (JOres, Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 060- Incident Number from BIMS 20140 /% Incident Reviewed (Date): / %--`, I IS Incident Action Taken: ✓ BPJ NOV-2014-DV DV-2014- Spill Date `(-'-1 Time /` (S a pm Reported Date /(V Ty- Time / 9 I i9 pm Regional Water Quality Staff reported to or EM Staff in Raleigh 741A -fc--Lk14 SSO reported by1‘ I(f?—c Phone ie — " 317 Address of Spill j 2-c County (,{M6pN) Co94 City ‘z� y `e S/(Z Cause of Spill VQre,-f , /kJ 6;/�_fft ,2. Total Estimated Gallons ---,IAA() Est. Gal tQ Stream Stream Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad cc4,1A- S,ArC)4-9-%‘ 1,5 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 000a sy Incident Number from BIMS 201401(0 QZ Incident Reviewed (Date): ' / liS1 Incident Action Taken: ✓ BPJ NOV-2014-DV DV-2014- Spill Date Reported Date !b Time 5750 am/e9 flt fri Time j/ f Z V pm Reported To SW I Staff or EM Staff Reported By 0/05A. J7I2ee/c3 Address of Spill Phone 7 2 9.277 270( /2V10 GtiAiL* CC%G✓ County am;,,) City 1Cvr Cause of Spill 6/te4ia.e, Total Estimated Gallons 30 Est. Gal to Stream 3p Stream UT fv /l#47 f,(LFish Kill: Yes Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# CI -CD -CD Incident Number from BIMS 20140 i Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2014-DV DV-2014- Spill Date O 1,/e `6/1 Reported Date Rc1/1(11 `Jc Time CAitcjD Time oaf, ! 5 am/ Regional Water Quality Staff reported to or EM Staff in Raleigh jo\viAg SSO reported by G toA,b-c c �� Phone (p o`-r Address of Spill t C\ I T h v\Qe.%4_ County 0 �L � City N mil" f cij\ ki R tom/ Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons` D Est. Gal to Stream StreamiNje', l Fish Kill: Ye . o umber Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number an Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): d Name WQCS# MOS 20140 6) �5? Incident Action Taken: V BPJ NOV-2014-DV DV-2014- Spill Date d43 Reported Date 44 Reported To Reported By Address of Spill County Time OZ : 30 am/ Time 's ' am/ pm Staff or EM Staff ({2S (kit/tot") Cause of Spill Phone IL: KS -pen th44-15 hIC qaql grook IdA) ce*(45e443.x City Total Estimated Gallons 5, 3 / G.tFdLe too Stream n',, Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Est. Gal to Stream .3315 Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad 111p pl 01# — — atu Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification 4 Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# S/ Incident Number from BIMS 20130 / / ,..7, Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2013-DV DV-2013- Sill Date C./4 Time ) / " p 1 i am/ Reported Date l (S ( I Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By os,k_ Ert9-7) ES Phone Address of .Spill / 7 0 O 4145 OlOitT lit ` 21 County (A/tUu& City Cause of Spill /4 -J nACt_047`V4-,CcA(.) Time ap am/ pm — (reoui67S- Total Estimated Gallons 1 9O-D Est. Gal to Stream Stream r D Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad U\L-NieuD- v o ta.J de' sp TOetZ 5S vaPUe.• — "lCcA'''AmL 4:44' 1-1.coy- AellErrs Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS WQCS00233 Carolina WaterService HembyAcres CS WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCSo0221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00D36 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 • WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 - WQCS00149 Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS - City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly. CS City of Newton CS City of SalisburyCS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # -WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WOCS00341 WQCSDD231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCSo012o WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 - WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name - GreaterBadin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town.of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS. Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of MarshvilleCS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Cakboro.CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit# Owner and Facility Name WQCSD0130 Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group WQCSD0114 Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals WQCSD0057 City of High Shoals CS WQCSD0117 Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station WQCSD0257 Fallsldn WQCSD0116 Gopse Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP WQCSD0101 Harborside Dev LLC-Midlown T CS WQCSD0095 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS WQCSD0098 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS WQCSD0105 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS WQCSD0107 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS WQCSD0099 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS WQCSD0258 Kingstown WQCSD0112 Lake Norman -South Point CS WQCSD0104 Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS WQCSD0102 Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSDD120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 00 5 41 Incident Number from BIMS . O/ 1,O J(oC2 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: ✓ BPJ NOV-2007-DV Spill Date r I / Time pm -- A: /S 411 Reported Date MI Time /0 ; 00 am/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By ��;�;.�; £kh Phone Address of Spill At(11 ca(Rcr 1¢- County 11L U!(- ( City Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons Est. Gal to Stream ,.• (' Stream )0 46:/c.1,O3 (, 2C `Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 0a7a 5I Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: Spill Date % Reported Date rl/cd c2O7 ?/`,d9 BPJ NOV-2007-DV Time CP ; /o am/ Time Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By Address of Spill am/ pm coS& eG'ab () County City Phone Cause of Spill 41 0(64_0 Total Estimated Gallons 50D Est. Gal to Stream Stream Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad 3 a , 42v Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# O.3oso( Incident Number from BIMS lc)c Z o I s i Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: NOV-2012-DV issusssec000soosssosossssass000sspoosecnnsoasocoo111esOocosso■so■sss®■asas■ Spill Date F(Zck f3o Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff L5 Reported By JGS kites Phone Address of Spill ,I f ikt County / City Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons 30CQ Est. Gal to Stream SOOL) Stream GrrA<c. CS rL Fish Kill: Yes Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Reported Date Time .() am/ it Time rc) f St er / pm Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# ()05.(i Incident Number from BIMS (ZOO 99 cg Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2012-DV O H Y_- ■■n■■ao■c■en■noe■ue■■■oeo■■■■■o■■■m■■■®■■■n■■■n■■m■■■oae■■o■■■■■c■Nm■■n■ rs� Spill Date Y15" Time l f) am/0 Reported Date S(16 Time (D1 2c— ES pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff L- Reported By UL 4f v��CS Phone Address of Spill '4,1' 1 County City Cause of Spill 6N2ac. r S Total Estimated Gallons (�o Est. Gal to Stream Stream gv Fish Kill: Yes Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad )Go Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# ovo Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: ,A3PJ NOV-2011-DV DV-2011- Yarn,;" nV iss■a■s■■eao■auae■■o■■■sae■■e■eeee■ae■■s■e■e■s■s■■■■■s■■seese eeee■■n■se■■ Spill Date 5/ft / ( Time 0 L.D Reported Date .6/f( /ta- Time Y - 3 0! pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff ZS Reported By Address of Spill County Cause of Spill pm , (R) tCiv y� ��S Phone art 453� 1)3 &&1)a City C!/zu at( a„ '6k °a 50 Total Estimated Gallon Est. Gal to Stream Stream Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Incident Action Taken: Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Incident Number from BIMS aC-DIO‘ CCX-Dz I Incident Reviewed (Date): BPd NOV-2011-DV Spill DateV1 Time (` am/ _Reported Date '� Time am/ Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By = Address of Spill s P) :71,"- County . City Cau-se of Spill Total Estimated Gallons c, Stream Fish Kill: Phone Est.. Gal to Stream ) c:CD Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad. Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water.Service HembyAcres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS. City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of SalisburyCS City of Shelby CS . City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # `WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town.of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS • Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit# Owner and Facility Name WQCSD0130 Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group WQCSD0114 Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals WQCSD0057 City of High Shoals CS WQCSD0117 Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station WQCSD0257 Fallston WQCSD0116 Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP WQCSD0101 Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS . WQCSD0095 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS WQCSD0098 Kennerly Dev, Group LLC-Kings Point CS WQCSD0105 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS WQCSD0107 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS WQCSD0099 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS WQCSD0258 Kingstown WQCSD0112 Lake Norman -South Point CS WQCSD0104 Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS WQCSD0102 Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System. SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Incident Number from BIMS 2O (2--0 3R S Incident Reviewed (Date): �j,,�'aac.►i�� l�`�- �-bra-�'' e Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2012-DV Spill Date Z.(ve Time ! of am/ 0 Reported Date 71 Z9 Time I/1-9 pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff L S Reported By -.3-0Sc-‘ °J(,(_._ Phone Address of Spill ../,VIAte r=- n ,,( �,,.' County City Cause of Spill C��p 2s Total Estimated Gallons Svc Est. Gal to Stream 8�� Stream IlNe'L- j L Fish Kill: Yes Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time .minutes Zone Map Quad kris Is Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# C/V6- Incident Number from BIMS ©/ 00/g/ Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2008-DV OS° SpiII Date 69 Time 6 10c) am/ pm Reported Date 1 Time am/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff isS Reported By c-0149-- Phone Address of Spill 4-0.0017 (�9�Se i k a '/ County City (A -t- S-t �. Q.. Cause of SpiII Total Estimated Gallons /`' 40 Est. Gal to Stream / 1/4/ Stream Cc Oe a41(-1/6(--) Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Incident Number from BIMS <0 12pc \( Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2008-DV Spill Date 7- Time /C<r ,may am -"`^i . CJ pm — X � Reported Date 1731l�Z Time f r A- 4m/)pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By ,-Jo5k- 11 Phone 7_ Address of Spill - F'� X - County (", (4'A cik .City Cause of Spill Nvi510t,t4V(1,%(J ([7.11A.0 �^ Total Estimated Gallons �P 0 Est. Gal to Stream • 07- Stream /, L Out C. Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad C�.�s�•rxa^,�r..� &JL Address of Spill • Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# CSC 051 Incident Number from BIMS AO t o (3O/ +d d;v�ed--Eatc): Incident Action Taken: Spill Date if /) ( (O Reported Date I/ to Time 1 I ( J�v ( Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By cAuSdN-/ At-0(1,8i" 4ct2cIx ,za BPJ NOV-2009-DV -/ P— ,7 7// /0 , -36)' - v Er \ hy-(- cas2?-e) County (I/)! cn3 Cot City Cause of Spill • Phone Total Estimated Gallons 4cx%O. • Est. Gal to Stream tf) StreamdAW--( 4-Lk Fish Ki I: Yes No Number • Species• Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad 6--0,011.? Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS#Uo Sy Incident Number from BIMS D 0 36S Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: NOV-2010-DV Spill Date 117-5 i I e Time "Z, 3O / pm Reported Date 1( 2 110 Time 3 5 sapm Reported To SWP Staff o f Staff 2- 3 e ,-,- Reported By y ? C\Lczr— Phone Address of Spill ! 4C' County City U \ Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons (b)°& Stream Fish Kill: Yes Est. Gal to Stream ,f,a0 Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Print Return To List EM Level: NCEM Edited: Include in Report: 4 Yes Yes Taken by: Date/Time Reported: Date/Time Occurred: R Brown 01/25/2010 03:53:01 01/25/2010-02343-Kif Reported by: Agency: Phone: ,./`3 J Kelly Parker Union County Public Works 704-507-0374 County: City: Area: Union Wingate 13 Street Address: Zip Code: McIntyre Rd Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: �N Event Description: �r Q p N W 1 Local utility reported an ongoing sewage release at manholes #2698 and #2699 due to heavy rain. The release is at a rate of 70 gallons/minute and is affecting an unnamed creek. No drinking water source was affected. The heavy rain means there will likely be nothing to clean up once the release is stopped. Filename: Deaths: Injuries: Evacuation: Radius: 0 0 0 0 Responsible Party: Responsible Party Phone: Point of Contact: Point of Contact Phone: Latitude: Longitude: 00.000000 00.000000 aspx?tableid=275 &viewid=1011 &label=EM-... 1/25/2010 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Obo S c-( Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2010-DV Spill Date r 1.,5 c1cD Time 3 ®° pm Reported Date t Az41% o Time IA 3`f 6r i/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or DM Staff e.- Reported By V� �[ QCe+� Phone Address of Spill Mk 776') County V Sv k.r3 City Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons Est. Gal to Stream Stream ;'t r,,c.C-,- Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Vitas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCS D0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 , North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Print l Return To List EM Level: 4 Taken by: R Brown Reported by: Kelly Parker County: Union Street Address: Sardis Church Rd Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 01/25/2010 04:34:21 Agency: Union County Public Works City: Indian Trail EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 01/25/2010 0.4 1-- Phone: u 3 0 704-507-0374 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: Event Description: f � Local utility reported an ongoing sewage release at manhole #5231 due to heavy rain. The release is at a rate of 60 gallons/minute and is affecting an unnamed creek. No drinking water source was affected. The heavy rain means there will likely be nothing to clean up once the release is stopped. Filename: Deaths: 0 Responsible Party: Point of Contact: Latitude: 00.000000 RRT Request: Injuries: 0 RRT Approved: Evacuation: 0 Responsible Party Phone: Point of Contact Phone: Longitude: 00.000000 RRT Team Radius: 0 RRT Mission c7/boards/board. aspx?tableid=275 &viewid=1011 &label=EM-... 1/25/2010 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 17)( xY SIA Incident Number from BIMS C_ cal G oe S(Q. Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: B PJ NOV-2010-DV Spill Date kc 0 Reported Date t �,k Time 3 am/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff i 0 Reported By y Phone 523 i Address of Spill Sof cc iz., County L)` o, s City Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons Est. Gal to Stream (�v' Stream —1-00 C d Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Time ( 3 am/ pm Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Incident Number from BIMS O©04� Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2010-DV Spill Date Time Sip am/,?Tj� Reported Date 2.r Li Time / ( ;14 8-1/ pm Reported To P Staff or EM Staff Reported By Address of Spill L Phone County (N (u,Aal Cause of Spill C_,Nlaa-(,; Total Estimated Gallons GVL L City Est. Gal to Stream �Z©� Stream 4o (Z mt t-z-C iePish Kill: Yes Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344. WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China GroveCS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCS D0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Gopse Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned 7 1 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Obb L{ Incident Number from BIMS (od0Cat Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: /BPJ NOV-2010-DV Spill Date Reported Date Time I(°' /pm Time S. `4C am/ pet Reported To SWP Staff or EDStaff Reported By S e6L L S- Phone Address of Spill 44 2-C`VED (` _L \ County • City Cause of Spill' Total Estimated Gallons 76,00 Est. Gal to Stream `Z-OP° Stream3kr Fish Kill: Yes Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad yr E Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS. City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town. of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCSD0130 Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group WQCSD0114 Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals WQCSD0057 City of High Shoals CS WQCSD0117 Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station WQCSD0257 Fallston WQCSD0116 Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP WQCSD0101 Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS • WQCSD0095 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS WQCSD0098 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS WQCSD0105 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS WQCSD0107 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS WQCSD0099 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS WQCSD0258 Kingstown WQCSD0112 Lake Norman -South Point CS WQCSDO104 Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS WQCSD0102 Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 W QCS D0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Print Return To List EM Level: 4 Taken by: J Peters Reported by: Tony Helms County: Union Street Address: Monroe/Ansonville Rd Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request Event Description: Local utilities advised that approximately 20,000 gallons of sewage spilled due to heavy rain. Spill entered Meadow Branch with no public drinking water source effected and no fish kill observed. Rain washed spill away leaving nothing to clean up. NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 02/06/2010 16:49:35 Agency: Union Co Utilities City: Monroe EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 02/05/2010 11:00:35 Phone: 704-363-3319 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: Filename: Deaths: 0 Responsible Party: Point of Contact: Latitude: 00.000000 RRT Request: Injuries: 0 RRT Approved: Evacuation: 0 Responsible Party Phone: Point of Contact Phone: Longitude: 00.000000 RRT Team Radius: 0 RRT Mission &viewid=1011 &label=EM-4... 2/8/2010 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2010-DV Spill Date '74 Time 7 ( Cc-) / pm Reported Date 2 S Time S eEL am/ prii) Reported To SWP Staff or E, Staff NS, )-'\��-z-Ac.©PQ:T Reported By of--c l-J Phone Address of Spill mo- 01 k.2 T- County • City Cause of Spill ,. • .. Total Estimated Gallons 2-(� ()C Est. Gal to Stream 2-01 Vic; Stream Cr i C., -akFish Kill: Yes o Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 • WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS. City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS . City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344. WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town.of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of 0akboro CS • Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS • Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCSD0130 Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group WQCSD0114 Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals WQCSD0057 City of High Shoals CS •. WQCSD0117 Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station WQCSD0257 Fallston WQCSD0116 Gopse Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP WQCSD0101 Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS WQCSD0095 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS WQCSD0098 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS WQCSD0105 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS WQCSD0107 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS WQCSD0099 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS WQCSD0258 Kingstown WQCSD0112 Lake Norman -South Point CS WQCSD0104 Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS WQCSD0102 Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned s. North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Print Return To List EM Level: 4 Taken by: J Peters Reported by: Tonny Helms County: Union Street Address: Indian Trail Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 02/06/2010 16:53:23 Agency: Union Co Utilities City: Sardis EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 02/05/2010 11:30:23 Phone: 704-363-3319 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: Event Description: Local utilities advised that approximately 20,000 gallons of sewage spilled due to heavy rain. Spill entered Crooked Creek with no public drinking water source effected and no fish kill observed. Rain washed spill away leaving nothing to clean up. Filename: Deaths: 0 Responsible Party: Point of Contact: Latitude: 00.000000 RRT Request: Injuries: 0 RRT Approved: Evacuation: 0 Responsible Party Phone: Point of Contact Phone: Longitude: 00.000000 RRT Team Radius: 0 RRT Mission &label=EM-4... 2/8/2010 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Print Return To List EM Level: 4 Taken by: N Wickenhofer Reported by: Josh Brooks County: Union Street Address: Wingate and Indian Trail Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 02/05/2010 17:46:29 Agency: Union Co City: other EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 02/05/2010 11:00:00 Phone: 704-289-3274 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: Event Description: 19°° Local utilities reported two ongoing spills due to heavy rain, (1) manhole 2698/2699 in Wingate, which runs into Meadows Branch and (2) man hole 5231 in Indian Trail, which runs into Crooked Creek. Meadows Branch and Crooked Creek are not drinking sources and no fish kill noted. Filename: Deaths: 0 Responsible Party: Point of Contact: Latitude: 00.000000 RRT Request: Injuries: 0• RRT Approved: Evacuation: 0 Responsible Party Phone: Point of Contact Phone: Longitude: 00.000000 RRT Team Radius: 0 RRT Mission httns:// &label=EM-4... 2/8/2010 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Oct° Incident Number from BIMS -"e-cD(0v 1 33 Incident Reviewed (Date):: Incident Action Taken: " BPJ NOV-2010-DV SL( Spill Date Reported Date :L//:?)/ 10;6 Time 23O am/ pej 2({ (ITime .. %S l am/ fir . Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By . — E-C7 • . Phone . Address of Spill��'h County ' City UNi Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons S Est ...Gal to Stream 7 S Stream uFish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information.and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad. . s Permit# .. WQCS00253 WQCS00190 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 .WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water•Service HembyAcres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS. City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS. City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS • City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS :City of Newton CS City of SalisburyCS City of Shelby CS . • City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCS00171 Greater Badin CS • WQCS00322 Aqua Country Woods East CS WQCS00222 Town of Boiling Springs CS WQCS00341 Town of China Grove CS WQCS00231 :Town.of Cleveland CS • WQCS00058 Town of Cramerton CS WQCS00165 Town of Dallas CS WQCS00342 Town of E. Spencer CS . WQCS00328 Town of Harrisburg CS 'WQCS00343 Town of Landis CS WQCS00310 Town of Longview CS WQCS00120 Town of Maiden CS WQCS00344. Town of Marshville•CS WQCS00043 Town of Mooresville CS WQCS00125 Town of Mt Pleasant CS. WQCS00153 Town of Norwood CS WQCS00190 Town of Oakboro CS WQCS00325 Town of Stanfield CS •WQC800180 Town of Stanley CS • • WQCS00135 Town of Taylorsville CS •. WQCS00258 Town of Troutman CS . WQCS00345 Town of Wingate CS 'WQCS00054 Union County CS WQCS00009 WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit# .Owner and Facility Name WOCS00130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WOCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS . . Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston • Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS • Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS • Kennerly Dev, Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS • Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS . Martin 'Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek . Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned P It" North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Print fReturn To List EM Level: 4 Taken by: J Peters Reported by: Jeff Moser County: Union Street Address: 916 Pilgrim Forest Dr Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 04/24/2010 15:51:01 Agency: Union Co Public Works City: Stalling EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 04/24/2010 14:30:01 Phone: 704-506-1366 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: Event Description: Local utilities advised that approximately 75 gallons of sewage spilled due to debris in the line. Spill started at 1430 hrs and ended at 1445 hrs. Spill entered an unnamed creek that is a tributary to Twelve Mile Creek. No public drinking water source was affected and no fish kill was observed. Clean up was done by spreading lime. Filename: Deaths: 0 Responsible Party: Injuries: 0 Evacuation: 0 Responsible Party Phone: Point of Contact: Point of Contact Phone: Latitude: Longitude: 00.000000 00.000000 Radius: 0 &viewid=1011 &label=EM-... 4/26/2010 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# C O0 '5 Incident Number from BIMS 0 (0 2 O «� Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: �PJ NOV-2008-DV Spill Date 6 (zo 1 (0 Time 4 ,fp f'vl am/ pm ._.P ryk stspF2-0 Reported Date 171 ! I f t Time f, ID am/ Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff 6S _losk__ A rok Reported By Address of Spill 43 County ()AAA CO r City ( Cc� e(Slt Cause of Spill (136 Total Estimated Gallons Y, W40 Est. Gal to Stream Stream II. F r k? C C Fish Kill: Ye Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad clue L ,% it NCil 1 l a✓ RCCcYL3� k (.4-r pod— Phone Gc� UaJ7Pe Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS —WGQt3B$9-0'7"--- Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS enner y Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Incident Number from BIMSsp. to O 1 04 Incident Reviewed (Date): . Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2010-DV 0 /.6I Spill Date `41 1(:) Reported Date 014t Time 1 • IS am Time Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff' .Reported By • Address of Spill - -4 . `��o 'County • • City le-C. MC)z-1 lU . Caorse of Spill R7rQ- ! -+n P1 rr) \& - Total Estimated Gallons Co e vCC) Est. Gal to Stream (:°, C-c')O 1 - Stream " . • • Fish Kill: Ye Phone umber Species Non Required Information and other.comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes • Zone Map Quad Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of. Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of SalisburyCS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344, WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town.of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS • Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS • Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCSD0130 Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group . WQCSD0114 Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals WQCSD0057 City of High Shoals CS WQCSD0117 Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station WQCSD0257 Fallston WQCSD0116 Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP WQCSD0101 Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS WQCSD0095 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS WQCSD0098 Kennerly Dev, Group LLC-Kings Point CS WQCSD0105 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS WQCSD0107 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS WQCSD0099 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS WQCSD0258 Kingstown WQCSD0112 Lake Norman -South Point CS WQCSD0104 Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS WQCSD0102 Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 000 Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ 201100 90 NOV-2011-DV DV-2011- Spill Date Time 9:S Reported Date 46.5 p Time r (S am/ Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff 5 Reported By � {� INN rc -- Address of Spill /7)-(4 /O'/ Phone County City U4t L l 8,Leau-0 etai d r&-(2_ Cause of Spill rr Total�Estimated Gallons Est. Gal to Stream / 00 tU' Stream Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species J Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# aOC3A Incident Number from BIMS 9\0 (i pa o Di eD- Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-204-DV Spill Date 103k I Reported Date( L 1 Time 6)c-) am Time 4 , am! Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff 7\ Reported Bye Phone Address of Spill "--4 b` _ °_r k t� , County . City Cause of Spill Rcr\ Total Estimated Gallons (01 Stream Cixtx:56- Fish Kill: Yes Est. Gal to Stream umber Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad. S (n� van r"c�,r--o-t-vcLt. Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS. City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly. CS City of Newton CS City of SalisburyCS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344. WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 ;WQCS00190 W QCS 00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS • Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS, Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS • Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS • Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit# WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS • Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Gopse Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev, Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and. Name WQCS# eto c( Incident Number from BIMS 2D 01 0 ZciLtd Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ .NOV-2011-DV Spill Date l ((Zqir Time '(b v am/ Reported Date ((ZA ! Time S S 61/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff LS Reported By 1-,((- Phone Address of Spill All 249S County n City Cause of Spill l- guij )�- ;, Total Estimated Gallons 2- Q,C) v Est. Gal to Stream Stream Fish Kill: Yes Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# CO0 511 Incident Number from. BIMS 2�(o cm 3 2.E . . Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: �BPJ NOV-2010-DV OD Spill Date l2f fr IIJ Time /bd j/ pm Reported Date (t(Ic 113 Reported To SWP Staff or Time (0 s�am/e Staff Oa, f Reported By iLei(( y Q w-kt� Phone Address of Spill Pc P5 County City Cause of Spill -0LytAP s(-kD - % LJre- Total Estimated Gallons (4 6300 Est. Gal to Stream trocio Stream U1 - �✓`�L— Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Emergency Management = EM43 Reporting Print { Return To List EM Level: 4 Taken by: R Dail Reported by: Kelly Parker County: Union Street Address: Poplin Rd Pump Station Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 12/11/2010 13:05:32 Agency: Union County Public Works City: Indian Trail EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 12/11/2010 01:00:00 Phone: 704-507-0374 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: Event Description: Local utility advised 10,800 gallons of sewage released from the pump station to the ground and 4000 reached an unnamed creek due to pump station failure. The release did not reach a drinking water source, no fish kill was noted. The area was vacuumed and limed. Released stopped at 0400. Filename: Deaths: 0 Responsible Party: Point of Contact: Latitude: 00.000000 RRT Request: Injuries: 0 RRT Approved: Evacuation: 0 Responsible Party Phone: Point of Contact Phone: Longitude: 00.000000 RRT Team Radius: 0 RRT Mission aspx?tableid=275&viewid=1011 &label=EM... 12/13/2010 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name VVQCS# Sc( Incident Number from BIMS Z O((oO (S Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2011-DV OC C 1 a u a a a e a ®■ ■ e e e a a e a a■■ e a a a a e e e a a e e o a a e o e e e u e a o e u ciao a a¢ a a e e e a a a a e u MMMMMMM e■ Spill Date 1 T1(11 Time Reported Date Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff rc: Time 2-CtS am/ In Gs Reported By Jo . �J�� S Phone 1Dq St%- 0`16 Address of Spill 228 MA-t3c-1c c Q-4L County 0/U;v d City Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons 3v� Est. Gal to Stream 3oc 'jar; �(� Stream 60eet. Fish Kill: Yes Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad c) 11/43 '-ktf•JZA.)( roANNIcr ? Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Sq Incident Number from BUMS 201t Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2011-DV 1•••• m m m e m•• e m••• e e e m m•■ e• e e m e• e• m m• m m m■ e m m e•• e e m S e m e m m••• m m• m e e m m e e• e• m• Spill Date 313o(ti Time l( 3c) ar I pm Reported Date *oil( Time u Ss am/�ii- Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff 97(11^sl\`40, 1 Reported By \ bb�-. 3-1)&5. Phone Address of Spill MA 2-?CuZ?ok Z?01- County City Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons 315Est. Gal to Stream 30 Stream Me,0,13-„_)< Fish Kill: Yes Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Apr 05 2011 10:28AM HP LASERJET FAX 7042897395 page 1 rix Lon Snider UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 500 North , Mair! Stre t Suite 500 :MONROE,° N.C. 2802 70-289 - 3274 704- 289 - 1395 (fax) From: Josh Brooks Fax: 1-704-663-6040 Pages: 5 including cover Ph# Date: 04/5/2011 Re: 5 Day Report CC: ( ) As Requested ( ) For Review () Please Comment () Please Reply ( ) For Your Use • Comments: P lease call with any questions: 704-289-3274 Apr 05 2011 10:28AM HP LASERJET FAX 7042897395 page 4 inflow and Infiltration Are you under an SOC (Special Order by Consent) or do you have a schedule in any permit that addresses I/I? • Explain if Yes: ❑ Ye)g No 0 NA❑ NE What corrective actions have been taken to reduce or eliminate I & I related overflows at this spill location w�fi� within the last yea/r?� n rr /� i� i7°hr rrlDti t r PS lor�j �eg�i iu PreAair1 -aS �llu�� C�/rfl�ttxA PYn�ra� Wii�i EaSfS�T�m /moy fP,2l ) f �ry�°'c�li� Has there been any flow studies to determine Ill problems in the collection system at the SSO location? � Yer Na 0 NA®NE If Yes, when was the study completed and what actions did it recommend? 26bs-2007 durin cLivuef of hyc/raur,L. Model and r/urr,), e sign fik,re.r 01 uP IrNf�� ,o.44,4, twJcef. Has the line been smoke tested or videoed within the past year? J ( 0 Ye No D NAO NE If Yes, when and indicate what actions are necessary and the status of such actions: t ou r .1 a f �r 0 9J)d' a S .. rt. Cit; 6644 2ao7-0g Are there Ill related projects in your Capital Improvement Plan? YeI No 0 NAD NE l01 I �, ��pr EASFSiItp, lcn fY0lh'trdaLax �� oferv. C. clmo,r/hf,, b125 _ ,Ilar-da anaUa n any grant or loan applications for I/I reduction projects? LJ YeZ4 No ❑ NAD NE f Ysxli: Hvhre If Yes, explain: Do you suspect any major sources of inflow or If Yes, explain: 1 trfctired SbrrvtWafer i. 1 'cGr IbrtS f�ti� h)1 Have all lines contacting surface waters in the If Yes, explain: cross connections with storm sewers? RYeJ No0 NAO NE k )ff3)CZr '!ATOKj1tr C� r �le/lift. .sl�sf � assocfkf�,� k,)f �lw ��slsrde (� a !n Ali c 2 SSO location and upstream been inspected recently? YeEl No lJ NAO NE /11/ I1:A pr)br.1-t, bite Were ,Arig,yed7e,• 3Y/?.3'x/ What other corrective/actions are planned to prevent future I! related SSOs at this location? Latt,nar, rronr Comments: (r(, I�.�,�t�� ,c/ar,nrtfd)e 4J A chin/%r',�r fr.C%fLrrl jje6l. sa°' fits jl/Lt- Iiiirracmwmir Fro0d. da .4Aj, .;.(A :r s)_�Ic, (if)/2 ri Jac', lb qd -g✓ �iU )1i -4-) (%ZG�Ji!7�• !Y'4 pre IY CY l � 4ATiLirth'e/ � p 11 j U,ClvV ri 414,0 farat l'Fy WJ)) j /7 2?_ c-eirr%)nf J p kr$7, /iiirQy0lied) AO imv+,fB Y) ja✓y ittatiibx fti saf ilk.S }'Ien4•-AO—t•a k f`y ?J (arc {6 tt.akC // aet!v0/77 ' Z,0 6:5-2 c f' r C '. CS-SSO Form Page 6 Apr 05 2011 10:28AM HP LASERJET FAX 7042897395 page 3 Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form PART I I ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH THE ONLINE REPORTING SYSTEM CS-SSO Form Page 2 Apr 05 2011 10:28AM HP LASERJET FAX 7042897395 page 5 System Visitation ORC 56 Yes Backup Ores Name: 1E4 iSrc.nk) cent# _ (7'8636 / Date visited: 3/10/20l / Time visited: '2:Oo How was the SSaOO ! remediated (i.e. Stopped and cleaned up)? H�}1 p l f /ux (wj 4, � Ve..--i`f6r.) Sio X offirogin r.ia5 a / / ei di) a.CR-peIA? ' a/ f . 1 ^ As a representative for the responsible party, l certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Date; y/g72125 41 Signature: Telephone Number. n70V-2.77-3Z 7 Y Title: riAlreit r-- ORG Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form Page 15 Zone Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 000 .� -(( Incident Number from BIMS 201100 60,9 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: PJ NOV-2011-DV DV-2011- Spill Date 34Zi ( i Reported Date (o�� 11 Time 4 '3S am Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff fiCS Reported By J()S(.- Address of Spill 165 — U O��- 0,-,0,,t, County City L A,u:6-N._i CD Cause of Spill a LeC ` o ' Total Estinnate� Gallons i)S-D cull -Stream V & �QQ Yldi;ceLQ- Time / a • 36 On pm Phone d-duzd- eo,d (AL C,c V ��-U C Est. Gal to Stream IS41:6 � �t-Pt--3 Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Le � u Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Ott Response time minutes Ook LL-cki (AA--4-90 .geyncvl sa_ cagcL) ke,d ✓vtoti2_ j vex, �s�QP Map Quad Zone Map Quad Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System : Number and Name WQCS# C005 Incident Number from BIMS 20110 O L(C.C?) Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: 1BPJ NOV-2011-DV DV-2011- -7 Spill Date J /. Reported Date 3/6( r/ Time 1) I pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff A5 Reported By JOSIL Aro-1)49-- Address of Spill 4� E' 0.4A / 4-c County tt/tAit'UYL. CO0 City A' 2,& /00, f),— Total Estimated Gallons Est. Gal to Stream 3;640( Cause of Spill Stream 44,,,ds4e„4 Time' am/ pm Phone trida.:01±.# ish Kill: Y(No)Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes 6u� Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2009-DV r • ))15 Spill Date �.J I �L/ Time I i Reported Date 31 JD Time Li J Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff &1()(1'^ 060 Reported By 7% I Sin ' ti� Phon (9g1-?diti Address of Spill (An hbit;— D O')V P.,0-7O - County n City n Cause of Spill. ' Total Estimated Gallons 3S5u Stream Est. Gal to Stream 5POO �� `Q((1�)`� .)(Ix.�4`Q,t ~'Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name • Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS . City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly,CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WOCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station :Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 AS spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# (»D Incident Number from BIMS 20C,c)) ®2c1`Li incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2009-DV oc Spill Date l q-1 Z Time 10 <— am/(,m Reported Date t2( i , Time 11 o am/ pat Reported To SWP Staff or Mtaff N. L\J� ci\1 e� ln®Re1-- Reported By VasL Phone Address of Spill NI, If County Cause of Spill City Total Estimated Gallons- ' " Est. Gal to Stream 2 0-c— Stream P.Jel Fish Kill: Yes 4ED Number Species . Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Permit # WQCS00253 . WQCS00195 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS001D7 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS WQCS00089 City of Cherryville CS WQCS00221 City of Claremont CS...__. WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036. WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS . City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Hotly CS City of Newton QS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 . VVQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS .WQCS00328--Town of -Harrisburg CS--- - WQCS00343 WQCS0031 0 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS WQCS00190 Town of Oakboro CS WQCS00325 —Town of Stanfield.CS WQCS001 80 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCS D0101 IiVQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD025B WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev, Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group .LLC-Kings Point CS • Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingslown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard PI Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0D97 WQCSD0120 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Marlin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek WQCSD0019 Town of Richfield CS WQCSD0024 Town of Grover CS WQCSD0038 Town of McAdenville CS WQCSD0002 Town of Ranlo CS WOCSD0049 Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Print Return To List 1 EM Level: 4 Taken by: N Wickenhofer Reported by: Josh Brooks County: Union Street Address: Monroe Ansonville Rd Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 12/03/2009 17:10:05 Agency: Union Co City: Other EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 12/02/2009 22:00:05 Phone: 704-506-0461 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: Event Description: Local utility reported a 12320 gallon spill at manhole 2700 in Wingutt and a 202 5gatIonspi t n o. e'6170.7LirilVlonroe. 12320 gallons from Wingutt made_it to the Meadows Branch River, there was no fish kill and is not a drinking source. • Q ,. aliortsLfrotir-Monroe:rriade t-to the Raney- B unch_River, there was no fish kill and is not a drinking source. Filename: Deaths: 0 Responsible Party: Injuries: 0 Evacuation: 0 Responsible Party Phone: Point of Contact: Point of Contact Phone: Latitude: Longitude: 00.000000 00.000000 Radius: 0 &viewid=1011 &label=EM-... 12/4/2009 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Q 00 5 4-1 Incident Number from BIMS 7 o°1 °(-4/ Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2009-DV bo�� Spill Date iZ Ic1 Reported Date (Z cj Z`o—ID Time —' pm Time 3 . S S n/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or Staff Reported By it ( Pr k e_ Address of Spill Mc�-_ 3-► -x-c. 2-1. 1- County - c City ( Cause of Spill 2.ta.„ r-► --I - r 4-E- e - Total Estimated Gallons l i0o Est. Gal to Stream • Phone Alcrvfb-e - o 0 Stream %140i--c — 'f i J -- Fish Kill: Yes Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad r Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCS00253 Bradfield Farms Water Company CS . WQCS00196 Carolina VVater Service Cabarrus Woods CS WQCS00233 Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS WQCS00001 Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS WQCS00016 City of Albemarle CS WQCS00046 City of Belmont CS WQCS00107 City of Bessemer City CS WQCS00089 City of Cherryville CS WQCS00221 City of.Claremonl CS.___.... .._ __ ... WQCS00326 City of Concord CS WQCS00088 City of Conover CS WQCS00017 City of Gastonia CS . WQCS00020 City of Hickory CS WQCS00327 City of Kannapolis CS WQCS00036. City of Kings Mountain CS WQCS00040 City of Lincolnton CS WQCS00164 City of Lowell CS WQCS00026 City of Monroe CS WQCS00059 City of Mount Holly CS WQCS00044 City of Newton CS WQCS00019 City of Salisbury CS. WQCS00037 City of Shelby CS WQCS00030 City of Statesville CS WQCS00149 East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS WQCS00328--Town of -Harrisburg CS------ -- WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS • Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WOCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCS D0098. WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSDo112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS • Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit# WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSDO1 20 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point 8 Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Print Return To List EM Level: NCEM Edited: 4 Yes Taken by: Date/Time Reported: R Brown 12/09/2009 03:55:46 Reported by: Kelly Parker County: Union Street Address: Manhole #2699 near intersection of McIntyre Rd & Monroe- Ansonville Rd Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request Agency: Union County Public Works City: Wingate EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 12/09/2009 03:55:46 Phone: 704-507-0374 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: Event Description: Local public works reported an ongoing sewage release of approximately 40 gallons per minute beginning at 0200 hours as a result of heavy rains. The release reached Meadow Branch with no drinking water affected and no fish kill noted. Filename: Deaths: 0 Responsible Party: Injuries: 0 Evacuation: 0 Responsible Party Phone: Point of Contact: Point of Contact Phone: Latitude: Longitude: 00.000000 00.000000 Radius: 0 &label=EM-... 12/9/2009 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# (00(.).56�' Incident Number from B1MS Inc+d ° ''1e ed-Patc): Incident Action Taken: 9os) /0(( - V/4(1 NOV-2009-DV Spill Date fpZ/=S1�7 Time Reported Date Time am pm /0: S Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff A75 Reported By `r LA0-7)10_. of Spill Cty�� ( County ( CO- City it,-►ticA co , of Spill bt) �nn • Est. Gal to Stream i 5a0 rTotal Estimated Gallons — ,�� Stream 8,,c.6.. eiLJ Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species t Phone Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad SIG A, u oCt Em_ a6 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS#W Incident Number from BIMS (900�"% Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2010-DV Spill Date `Zi Time 1 Z / am/ R Reported Date (Z- 10- Time (0 4 o-- dal pm Reported To SWP Staff orA Staff \?----9( Reported By 6 (0-i tr.-$ Phone Address of Spill / irc Q_ fi County �),s\o-,-) City O.)\ Cause of Spill C2-4---s Total Estimated Gallons ec00 o�Soi'5 Est. Gal to Stream D0J 5 Y 116 '%7k Fish Kill: Yes I Number Species Stream Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned orth Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Print Return To List EM Level: NCEM Edited: 4 Yes Taken by: Date/Time Reported: R Dail 12/26/2009 10:48:54 Reported by: Greg Morgan County: Union Street Address: Int Monroe Ansonville Rd & McIntyre Rd Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request Agency: Union Co Public Works City: Wingate EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 12/25/2009 12:15:54 Phone: 704-507-0372 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: Event Description: Local utility advised 50 gallons per minute of sewage released from asewer line to Meadows Branch Creek due to heavy rains. The creek is not a drinking water source and no fish kill was noted. Release was stopped and cleanup operations were conducted. Filename: Deaths: 0 Responsible Party: Point of Contact: Latitude: 00.000000 RRT Request: Injuries: 0 RRT Approved: Evacuation: 0 Responsible Party Phone: Point of Contact Phone: Longitude: 00.000000 RRT Team Radius: 0 RRT Mission &label=EM... 12/28/2009 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# c_C54 Incident Number from BIMS Gov? 0(Y Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2010-DV Spill Date i2'�Zs� Time (; (C am/ Reported Date (ZI Z(. Time (OS 3 e/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or Mtaff Q- 92-, ( Reported By CDc Phone Address of Spill N-- County UAJ o_tir City L9- Cause of Spill z_pL Total Estimated Gallons ON)50..r-)c. Est. Gal to Stream CC1J Stream sA.,-5c_i Fish Kill: Yes 6 Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Ai; c" LcJ . Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCSD0130 Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned ING:. North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Print Return To List EM Level: 4 Taken by: R Dail Reported by: Greg Morgan County: Union Street Address: Anne St and Sharon Drive Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 12/26/2009 10:53:48 Agency: Union Co Public Works City: Waxhaw EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 12/25/2009 13:15:48 Phone: 704-507-0372 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: Event Description: Local utility advised 35 gallons per minute of sewage released from a sewer line to Rone Branch due to heavy rains. The branch is not a drinking water source and no fish kill was noted. Release was stopped and cleanup operations were conducted. Filename: Deaths: 0 Responsible Party: Point of Contact: Latitude: 00.000000 RRT Request: Injuries: 0 RRT Approved: Evacuation: 0 Responsible Party Phone: Point of Contact Phone: Longitude: 00.000000 RRT Team Radius: 0 RRT Mission aspx?tableid=275 &viewid=1011 &label=EM... 12/28/2009 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name VWQCS# 0 S Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ L NOV-20 to DV CEO l O Spill Date (2 2 OQ1 Time 0 S am/ pCD Reported Date i7 ' � °1 Time 5 1< D am/0 Reported To SWP Staff oStaff ! 3 Le �'Gt pC--eT Reported By •6s A LS Address of Spill . (t �' 0 0 County UJul Cause of Spill �/:/ . City • Phone Total Estimated Gallons' ( 2-31-c) • Est. Gal to Stream (.2 32 0 Stream dz.) $ - Fish Kill: Yes Number Species . Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCS00253 Bradfield Farms Water Company CS . WQCS00196 Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS WQCS00233 Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS WQCS00001 Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS • WQCS00016 City of Albemarle CS WQCS00046 City of Belmont CS WQCS00107. City of Bessemer City CS WQCS00089 City of Cherryville CS WQCS00221 City ofClaremgnl CS..__.... WQCS00326 City of Concord CS WQCS000BB City of Conover CS WQCS00017 Cily of Gastonia CS . WQCS00020 City of Hickory CS WQCS00327 City of Kannapolis CS WQCS00036. City of Kings Mountain CS WQCS00040 City of Lincolnton CS WQCS00164 City of Lowell CS WQCS00026 City of Monroe CS WQCS00059 City of Mount Holly CS WQCS00044 City of Newton CS WQCS00019 City of Salisbury CS. WQCS00037 Cily of Shelby CS WQCS00030 City of Statesville CS WQCS00149 East Lincoln CS Permit # WOCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS ___ ... .-.....WQCS00328--Town of -Harrisburg CS---- WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS WQCS00325 . Town of Stanfield. CS WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS0025B WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCSD0130 Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group WQCSD0114 Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals WOCSDQ057 City of High Shoals CS WOCSD0117 Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station WQCSD0257 Fallston WOCSD0116 Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP WQCSD0101 Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS WOCSD0095 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS WQCSD0098 Kennerly Dev. Group•LLC-Kings Point CS WQCSD0105 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS WQCSD0107 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS WQCSD0099 Kennerly Dev, Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS WQCSD02SB Kingstown WQCSD0112 Lake Norman -South Point CS WQCSD0104 Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS WOCSD0102 Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit# WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills.which do not have a permit number assigned North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Print Return To List EM Level: 4 Taken by: N Wickenhofer Reported by: Josh Brooks County: Union Street Address: Monroe Ansonville Rd Type: Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: HazMat Event Type: Homeland Security Event: Other Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Weather Event Type: State Resource Request NCEM Edited: Yes Date/Time Reported: 12/03/2009 17:10:05 Agency: Union Co City: Other EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: HazMat Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Name: Include in Report: Yes Date/Time Occurred: 12/02/2009 22:00:05 Phone: 704-506-0461 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Mode: Non-FNF Event Type: WMD Event Type: Event Description: Local utility reported a Jr23_201gallan p 1 t-rnanlTol=e'270Q n�W ngutti and a 2025 gallon spill at manhole 2707 in Monroe. nrgallo s-from_ nguit_made xt to the:Meadows_B-.rarchRivcr, there was no fish kill and is not a drinking source. 2025 gallons from Monroe made it to the Raney Branch River, there was no fish kill and is not a drinking source. Filename: Deaths: 0 Responsible Party: Injuries: 0 Evacuation: 0 Responsible Party Phone: Point of Contact: Point of Contact Phone: Latitude: Longitude: 00.000000 00.000000 Radius: 0 --''n--n11.P>1,31,o1_Rlka_ 1')/ahnnQ Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 06 a y Incident Number from BIMS � 07--(=l Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2009-DV Spill Date (( "l Time ( ( wpm Reported Date (( ck Time : (0 am! Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By� Address of Spill M (t- 9 2 4 County Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons' Stream L City (coS Phone • 'Fish Kill: Y Est. Gal to Stream 06 • Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: • Response time minutes Zone Map. Quad Permit WQCS00253 . WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS • City of Albemarle CS WQCS00046 City of Belmont CS WQCS00107. City of Bessemer City CS WQCS00089 •.. City of rherrv„ilje CS WOCS00221_•__City,.ofClaremont CS WQCS00326 WQCS00088 lAWQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036. WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mounlain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS.. City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS' East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS —.---WQCS00328--Town.o(.Harrisburg -CS-- — — - ---- WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Town of -Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maideh CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Slanley.CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # Owner and Facility'Name WQCSD0130 Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group • -WQCSD0114 Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals WQCSD0057 City of High Shoals CS • WQCSD0117 Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station WQCSD0257 Fallston WQCSD0116 Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WVVTP WOCSD0101 Harborside Dev.LLC-Midtown T CS WQCSD0095 Kennerly Dev, Group LLC-BoardwalkVillas CS WQCSD009B Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS WQCSD0105 Kennerly Dev Group LLC•Moon Bay Condos CS WQCSD0107 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS WQCSD0099 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS WQCSD0258 Kinostown WQCSD0112 Lake Norman -South Point: CS WQCSD0104 Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS WO SD0102 Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit WQCSD0064 W QCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point 8 Portside CS Marlin Marietta Mallard Creek. Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town.ol •Ranlo CS WQCSD0049 Town of Spencer Mounlain CS WQCSD0252 All spills•which do riot have a'permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# CE90��� Incident Number from BIMS ; CD=:)`1 Q (C le) Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: (/ BPJ NOV-2008-DV Spill Date ii Reported Date�V0 `C Time. 4: Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff` -11�L� Reported By ✓ 7iio-ne Address of Spill - -(7T t. — D Cl ("`I,l v �il.c�'-Y� City G�, County OV-�--�1 Cause of Spill P ' L,(1 B-FU' c Ir}!1zA G`. 7 Vr`- O Total Estimated Gallons � Est. Gal to Stream t Ei1100 Stream �LR Fish Kill: Yes umber Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad ,,..)‹-Lfrt (1/ "7_ 44, toeS--az. <070 -f o S . Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev, Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0949 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS'. Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Form CS-SSO J U N 2 b 2009 Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form `c' V 1/2009 PART I This form shall be the`appropriA to DWQ Regional Qf#,ice within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer over O O:)a cf ye ,. ;; w +� + LAN:'` Permit Number :tt-3.' QC S c.3c/)'a'3 '3 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility. N ern )Y / C I(`e 5 Incident# Od.2...33 U i Owner: 11, 4-I �S , I t\J C • n r Region. 1�I{ooS v / / I City: /J (-I I %v i I L I I ^ C, County: U N 10 N Source of SSO (check applicable) : 0 Sanitary Sewer SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistentin escri s 7 Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc) Manhole# — Pump Station / Lift Station ion from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, • Latitude (degrees/minute/second): Longitude(degrees/minute/se ond) Incident Started Dt c 4.?% ime. 0 96 0 Ar''t Incident End Dt: �! ` nu9f `' 9 Time- /d 26 /7 (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM Estimated volume of the SSO:. _ 3 OC% gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour). I- I r Describe how the volume was determined: - / O cSp M Weather conditions during SSO event ‹unl Al y 2 C €_ C Did SSO reach surface waters? Yes D No❑ Jnknown J Volume reaching surface waters (gallons): /60 Surface water name' /l%%rM ork (i Crge/` ti Did the SSO result in a fish kill? 0 Yes Nrnknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: I-� 0 Severe Natural Condition �_! Gee 0 Roots 0 Inflow and Infiltration Pump Station Equipment Failure n Power outage 0 Vandalism n Debris in line 0 Other (Please explain in Part II) n Pipe Failure (Break) 2424-h verbal notification (name of person contacted) VI DWQ D. Emergency Mgmt. Date (mm-dd-yyyy) // 947 C1 Time (hh:mm AM/PM). f 630 /9A7 Ac, / cco If an SSO is ongoing, please notify Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 48-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the aischarge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the referenced statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Quality, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was caused by severe natural conditions and there were no feasible alternatives to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be. completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis for the determination of any enforcement action. Therefore, it is important to be as complete as possible. WHETHER OR NOT PART II IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM. CS-SSO Form Page 1 Pump Station Equipment Failure (Documentation of testing, records etc., shoul be provided upon request.) What kind of notification/alarm systems are present? Auto-dialer/telemetry (one-way communication) 0 Yes Audible es Visual 9<r SCADA (two-way communication) Yes Emergency Contact Signage Other El Yes 0Yes Describe the equipment that failed? 41/7 /(-1-- 4r, Tte C,'/t/077// What kind of situations trigger an alarm condition at this station (i.e. pump failure, power failure, higff water, tc.)? / X %5wen�Ne//j/a �vc�� �SS 5c,96% sf� ��re> �w % ( Were notification/alarm systems operable? Q Yegi No ❑ NAD NE If no, explain: FIGtlf ��,�t �w f �� d- wQ..I1 hi`<- ((%w If a pump failed, w en was the last mlintenance and/or inspection performed? tie ✓ What specifically was checked/maintain-:? 0 NeR.r // ei/4r ? S /4/S, If a valve failed,, when wa it last exercised? Were all pumps set to alternate? Ai 4,vei1 tVOrd.' 7-• � Did any pump show above normal run times prior to and during the SSO event? Were adequate spare parts on hand to fix the equipment (switch, fuse, valve, seal, etc.)? Was a spare or portable pump immediately available? mar No❑NAI 1NE I "I Ye0 No 0 NAfl NE Ye0 Nol_INAi INE Ye96 No 0 NAD NE CS-SSO Form Page 7 If a float problem, when were thefloatslast tested? How? ri lit �! C S C/ �I'� 7O �i e e (/C��/ If an auto -dialer or SCADA, when Was the system last tested? How? G l7 v9� 7-We i�/�ss��/I/ Z, - 0/4- 4-ate �, �sE� � ��� cc,& Comments: CS-SSO Form Page 8 System Visitation ORC Backup Name: /crYy Cert# Date visited: Time visited: 1 "TYes eszyl d,7 ' 5S- ‘--19 Dl /336 How was the SSO remediated (i.e. Stopped and�cleaned up)? Uhf lr+�ai l� 5 ett?Ati/ Y41/0/V gehSPI iU/I� Z;ne cS 4/S As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: /2 /'/ y Signature: Telephone Number: 7o'/- 0 Title: Date: ‘—/f eG Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form Page 15 Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form PART I I ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND . INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH THE ONLINE REPORTING SYSTEM CS-SSO Form Page 2 Severe Natural Condition (hurricane, tornado, etc.) Describe the "severe natural condition" in detail? How much advance warning did you have and what actions were taken in preparation for the event? Comments: CS-SSO Form Page 3 Grease (Documentation such as cleaning, inspections, enforcement actions, past overflow reports, educational material and distribution date, etc. should be available upon request.) When was the last time this specific line (or wet well) was cleaned? Do you have an enforceable grease ordinance that requires new or retrofit of grease traps/interceptors? n Ye9 1 N NAI I NE Have there been recent inspections and/or enforcement actions taken on nearby restaurants or other 0 Yea No [1 NAn NE nonresidential grease contributors? Explain. Have there been other SSOs or blockages in this area that were also caused by grease? n YeL No NAn NE When? ' If yes, describe them: Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location? n Ye:n No J NAn NE Explain. Have educational materials about grease been distributed in the past? n Yell No NAn NE When? and to whom? Explain? If the SSO occurred at a pump station, when was the wet well and pumps last checked for grease accumulation? Were the floats clean? 0 YeD No J NAD NE Comments: CS-SSO Form Page 4 Roots Do you have an active root control program on the line / area in question? 0 Yen No [N NAn NE Describe Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location because of roots? n Yen No p NA' `NE Explain: What corrective actions have been accomplished at the SSO location (and surrounding system if associated with the SSO)? What corrective actions are planned at the SSO location to reduce root intrusion? Has the line been smoke tested or videoed within the past year? n Yea No NAD NE If Yes, when? Comments: CS-SSO Form Page 5 Inflow and Infiltration Are you under an SOC (Special Order by Consent) or do you have a schedule in any permit that 0 Yea No 60 NA❑ NE addresses 1/I? Explain if Yes: What corrective actions have been taken to reduce or eliminate I & I related overflows at this spill location within the last year? Has there been any flow studies to determine I/1 problems in the collection system at the SSO location? n Yen No NAn NE If Yes, when was the study completed and what actions did it recommend? Has the line been smoke tested or videoed within the past year? n Yea No Ea NAn NE If Yes, when and indicate what actions are necessary and the status of such actions: Are there I/1 related projects in your Capital Improvement Plan? n Yew l No J NAn NE If Yes, explain: Have there been any grant or loan applications for 1/I reduction projects? 0 Yen No ! NAn NE If Yes, explain: Do you suspect any major sources of inflow or cross connections with storm sewers? 0 Ye;n No NAn NE If Yes, explain: Have all lines contacting surface waters in the SSO location and upstream been inspected recently? n Yea No CSNAD NE If Yes, explain: What other corrective actions are planned to prevent future 1/1 related SSOs at this location? Comments: CS-SSO Form Page 6 Power outage (Documentation of testing, records, etc., should be provided of alternative power source upon request.) What is your alternate power or pumping source? Did it function properly? n Yeg l No NAR NE Describe? When was the alternate power or pumping source last tested under load? If caused by a weather event, how much advance warning did you have and what actions were taken to prepare for the event? Comments: CS-SSO Form Page 9 Vandalism Provide police, report number: Was the site secured? 0 Yea No NA❑ NE If Yes, how? Have there been previous problems with vandalism at the SSO location? ❑ Yen No [NAD NE If Yes, explain: What security measures have been put in place to prevent similar occurrences in the future? I 1 Yea No (J NAI I NE Comments: CS-SSO Form Page 10 Debris in line (Rocks, sticks, rags and other items not allowed in the collection system, etc.) What type of debris has been found in the line? Suspected cause or source of debris. Are manholes in the area secure and intact? n Yen No IN NAn NE When was the area last checked/cleaned? Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location due to previous problems with debris? 0 Yen No El NAn NE Explain: Are appropriate educational materials being developed and distributed to prevent future similar n Yen No M NAn NE occurrences? Comments: CS-SSO Form Page 11 Other (Pictures and police report, as applicable, must be available upon request.) Describe: Were adequate equipment and resources available to fix the problem? 0 Yell No E) NAD NE If Yes, explain: If the problem could not be immediately repaired, what actions were taken to lessen the impact of the SSO? Comments: CS-SSO Form Page 12 Pipe Failure (Break) Pipe size (inches) What is the pipe material? What is the approximate age of line/pipe? (years old) Is this a gravity line? Is this a force main line? Is the line a "High Priority" line? , Last inspection date and findings I I Ye9 1 Nog NAl I NE 0 YeJ3 Non NAD NE YeO No NAD NE If a force main then, Was the break on the force main veritical? Was the break on the force main horizantal? Was the leak at the joint due to gasket failure? Was the leak at the joint due to split bell? When was the last inspection or test of the nearest air -release valve to determine of operable? When was the last maintenace of the air release performed? 0 Yen No (0 NAD NE 0 YeeD No NI NAi 1 NE I lYes 1 NoMNADNE DYell No 1:B NArlNE If gravity sewer then, Does the line receive flow from a force main immediately upstream of the failed section of pipe? 0 Yen No ! NAI I NE If yes, what measures are taken to control the hydrogen sulfide production? When was the line last inspected or videoed? CS-SSO Form - Page 13 If line collapsed, what is the condition of the line up and down stream of the failure? What type of repair was made? Is the repair temporary or permanent? If temporary, when is the permanent repair planned? Have there been other failures of this line in the past five years? n Yen No NAn NE If so, then describe CS-SSO Form Page 14 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS#CS)1C'' Incident Number from BIMS (9Cc LOE)2 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-200aDVO Spill Date t‘ (..ArCk Time 11 • G) Reported Date t 1 C� 4 9 Time' • Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By \J 050 Phone Address of Spill — County �` City 7_7\-nOUS-C.,c-07W-0----Q Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons LSO Est. Gal to Stream r O . -f,'r'-C - Cr Stream Fish Kill: Ye umber Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad (t.4- /Ash 3y-. Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 57 WQCS00233 W QCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS. Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCS00171 Greater Badin CS WQCS00322 Aqua Country Woods East CS WQCS00222 Town of Boiling Springs CS WQCS00341 Town of China Grove CS WQCS00231 Town of Cleveland CS WQCS00058 Town of Cramerton CS WQCS00165 Town of Dallas CS WQCS00342 Town of E. Spencer CS WQCS00328 Town of Harrisburg CS WQCS00343 Town of Landis CS WQCS00310 Town of Longview CS WQCS00120 Town of Maiden CS WQCS00344 Town of Marshville CS WQCS00043 Town of Mooresville CS WQCS00125 Town of Mt Pleasant CS WQCS00153 Town of Norwood CS WQCS00190 Town of Oakboro CS WQCS00325 Town of Stanfield CS WQCS00180 Town of Stanley CS WQCS00135 Town of Taylorsville CS WQCS00258 Town of Troutman CS WQCS00345 Town of Wingate CS WQCS00054 Union County CS WQCS00009 WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD009B WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev, Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCSD0064 Lincoln County CS WQCSD0097 Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS WQCSD0120 Martin Marietta Mallard Creek WQCSD0019 Town of Richfield CS WQCSD0024 Town of Grover CS WQCSD0038 Town of McAdenville CS WQCSD0002 Town of Ranlo CS WQCSD0049 Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Ot c t( Incident Number from BIMS Zv°'� 0-31 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ Nov-2006-DV CO (3 Spill Date 12_jvt-- Time c 3 am/ Reported Date tZ 6.3 Time /(Y.o. ? eY pm Reported To SWP Staff r EM tall Reported By kLC►•31 5i-,22,lt. s- Phone Address of Spill County DN.c43:N-S ro-e_. -- c6nLiPi City Mb,k3 -e_ Cause of Spill 64AL 4.4A-'��� - b-.-► Total Estimated Gallons Est. Gal to Stream So v Stream rpo-- C(ee _Fish Kill: Yes Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Faliston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev, Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev, Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Page 1 of 3 North Carolina Emergency Management - EM43 Reporting Print Return To List EM Level: NCEM Edited: 4 Yes Taken by: Date/Time Reported: R Dail 12/13/2008 10:07:20 Reported by: Kenneth Steele Bartlett County: Union Street Address: Monroe Ansonville Rd Lift Station #1 Type:Wastewater Animal Disease Event Type: Complaint Event Type: FNF Event Type: Agency: Union Co Public Works City: Monroe EVENT TYPE Bomb Threat Event Type: Fire Event Type: FNF Class: Include in Report : Yes Date/Time Occurred: 12/12/2008 20:30 Phone: 704-506-0456 Area: 13 Zip Code: HazMat Event Type: HazMat Class: HazMat Mode: Homeland Security Event: Non-FNF Event: Other Event Type: SAR Type: Non-FNF Event Type: Transportation Event Type: Wastewater Event Type: Sewage Weather Event Type: Weather Event Name: WMD Event Type: State Resource Request Event Description: Local utility advised 500 gallons of sewage released to the Rays Branch Creek due to a check -valve malfunction at the lift station. The creek is not a drinking water source and no fish kill noted. Cleanup operations were conducted. Attachments: Filename: Deaths: Injuries: Evacuation: Radius: 0 0 0 Responsible Party: Responsible Party Phone: Union Co Public Works 704-506-0456 Point of Contact: Point of Contact Phone: &ppid=11 &instance... 12/15/2008 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# (0S47 Incident Number from BIMS C5 O2)4/.(p / Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: t/'--BPJ N OV-2007-DV Spill Date , 37/d g Time ;5 U am/ pm Reported Date 4.,Q/ 1 U Time ,Z ;SS Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff- Reported By Address of Spill County di/ticia Cause of Spill Phone /4B4( .PO GOiJe c j/r6c-cje City a4,( ivt Total Estimated Gallons �(�U Est. Gal to Stream S ream 4 Cali e u Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information andother comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad esokie aS,L •Lk� c4/ _ _ '!/k.t /, 1 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification kt""t Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# (0 Cj `/ Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: to*ocg BPJ c/ NOV-2007-DV 03�1 Z Spill Date �//ice/4.t Time dam/ pm Reported Date 7/s70 g Time COO am/ Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff .6,-S Reported By Phone Address of Spill 8 4f / �C� c ��CL�? County City c/ c)C 7r 6orr\ vex -Qv - Cause of Spilt' �,{te� ��`s4. �Y -r Total Estimated Gallonsit? Est. Gal to Stream ei©a a Stream �i C4 J Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad • Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# <30Ci,�I( Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): q 'Nix< Incident Action Taken: V BPJ NOV-2008-DV Spill Date fq /0 Time / 0 0 Reported Date f /0/D6 Time Reported To SWP Staff orStaff Reported By Phone 307-03/& Address of Spill Pau) .QQ- 34,,,:c in t4 55 D County � ) City U-uA *CB - 3viag=x_fp Cause of Spill g't'Q 11i45347 RM. ' C4(CILI Total Estimated Gallons 4SO Est. Gal to Stream VS0 �c ‘,a)-- am/ pm Middy/0 Stream 0,.0 dx.& Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad 10-761-(-Aa44Z Iccc (Ala-LeA. A AziL) ? Re-ta-71- Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# • K)065 Incident Number from BIMS ,000JOI Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2008-DV Spill Date 7 Is( IA Time, a Reported Date qt r i b$ Time JJ ar7 / pm Reported To SWZitP Staff. or EM Staff �� 1(1100 42-: Reported By cL) f� tq9 Address of Spill (cd6i� �# '� County City /tit( ki (.//0 Cuse-of Spill Total Estimated Gallons -,l/�5G ?760 Est. Gal to Stream /76 Phone Stream (tad6(1i/5ish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# /00Q,e-; Incident Number from BIMS Z) -> 7_3 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2008-DV Spill Date q,(4, Time %1 SO am/ m /cc%SS�m Reported Date .49. f] Time , 40 am/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff JoSk eimcpb Reported By m—�5' Address of Spill County — Phone City — OtA:A" Cause of Spill 610D • P Total Estimated Gallons (LI Est. Gal to Stream %QCccier:OS Sfatu sh Kill: Yes No Number •Species Stream Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad r6106/1)d Jt( pota_ec im-/ gf-c,-Atude, 74) te1,7/144) '6117A0freQ itctAt 644 o: t ID r flu-) s `j�f Total Vol Vol. reached location water 716 South Weldon St 200 100 James & McCarver Intersection 200 100 1865 Wren Turnpike 200 100 2951 Audrey Drive 200 150 2951 Audrey Drive 200 150 832 McCall Court 400 200 374 Efrid St MH behind house 400 200 374 Efrid St MH behind house 400 200 832 McCall Court 400 200 Hudson Blvd. MH behind Phillips Center 650 325 Hudson Blvd. MH behind Phillips Center 650 325 North Boyce & John Adams manhole on outfall 400 400 N. Chester St & Norment Ave MH# 2038 400 400 1045 West Mauney Street 400 400 2900 Linwood Road 400 400 North Boyce & John Adams manhole on outfall 400 400 N. Chester St & Norment Ave MH# 2038 400 400 1045 West Mauney Street 400 400 2900 Linwood Road 400 400 White Thorne Drive Dead End 800 400 White Thorne Drive Dead End 800 400 Linebarger Park MH behind pool 800 600 Linebarger Park MH behind pool 800 600 Philips center baseball field off of Hudson Blvd. 800 800 MH 3634 behind 676 Newcastle 800 800 1916 Woodgreen Drive 800 800 Phillips center baseball field off of Hudson Blvd. 800 800 MH 3634 behind 676 Newcastle 800 800 1916 Woodgreen Drive 800 800 1550 Poston Circle (MH behind) 5300 2650 1550 Poston Circle (MH behind) 5300 2650 Plastics and X-ray Drive Duhart Force Main line 15600 Plastics and X-ray Drive Duhart Force Main line 15600 300 13th Street 175 25 300 13th Street 175 25 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 000541 Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed. (Date): Incident Action Taken: �008o/8& cP BPJ 17 NOV-2008-DV — e95/ (6414 Spill Date 715 Reported Date 3 Reported To SWP Staff oji Staff vti ade j Time 7 am Time lD : d,9, am/ Reported By Address of Spill sildNI SS • Phone �D 7 COkS /(). AL0-74 4' ctki CountyCity t;c�l,u.7 Marbo-e! Cause of Spill UC(A/ sI_r i3 Total Estimated Gallons Est. Gal to Stream WO Stream /02 '?l-c Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad 0o2c4644, — 610 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Incident Number from BIMS aC=3 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2008-DV Spill Date PI Time Reported Date 71, Time Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff LA-- 4 `t` Z,4 Reported By CjO\f\ ' Phone Address of Spill"Rine-, VneCl iVV�, County On/ City Wh , Cause of Spill `QC, vim" relp Total Estimated Gallons --&i5 Est Gal to Stream Stream R Fish Kill: Ye mber Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad WiAe5C Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 7 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS Cify of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS. Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country. Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 W QCS D0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCS D0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSDOQ49 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 064 Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2008-DV Spill Datetic2` Time Reported Dated l° Time Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff A 1\ LLD • Reported By 'ac—1 , Address of Spill RexC--;PXO County U> <_ City c u e (enpCeof Spill � aus ke, 1,2),ie-ree&°1-1411)) Total Estimated Gallons r-f-- Est. Gal to Stream `3,00 Stream---Ro=i") Fish Kill: Ye No umber Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad -e4k C.O.40 Phone Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 7 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 wQcs00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 W QCS 00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 W QCS D0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0949 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification. Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 5/1 Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: arRd 1q(ik 8N0 BPJ NOV-2008-DV Spill Date 1/ , ( Reported Date Time Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff 5 ` m Reported By (451, Sfbab Phone Address of Spill County City C'wI Cause of Spill Ikvieg Total Estimated Gallons d AA) Stream 1 rJ.es_ C Est. Gal to Stream mlf Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad A Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# (700 . Incident Number from BIMS ,200J,/ 9j Incident Reviewed (Date): /l Incident Action Taken: BPJ d NOV-2007-DV ®o7gif Spill Date g/l 1/o3 Reported Date 6 Time 7 3 (7- Time 2 Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff 5./k Reported By i©Dtf Phone 46-2-� q-'3 Z 74- Address of Spill ft g-j,✓ i // ) 5 ,60,l 1-44- / C-e,itc County //,✓i o, City �%/L1//N Cause of Spill li,, S ,,✓ Gr„/G Total Estimated Gallons j to 6 Stream /y& g/,t* Fish Kill: Yes Est. Gal to Stream /lv Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad i aitriitA ideed h 1457 Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company Collection System Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods Collection System Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres Collection System Charlotte -Mecklenburg Collection System City of Albemarle Collection System City of Belmont Collection System City of Bessemer City Collection System City of Cherryville Collection System City of Claremont Collection System City of Concord Collection System City of Conover Collection System - City of Gastonia Collection System •- City of Hickory Collection System City of Kannapolis Collection System City of Kings Mountain Collection System City of Lincolnton Collection System City of Lowell Collection System City of Monroe Collection System City of Mount Holly Collection System City of Newton Collection System City of Salisbury Collection System City of Shelby Collection System City of Statesville Collection System Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals Collection System Duke Energy Carolinas LLC-Marshall Steam Station Goose Creek Utility Company -Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T Collection System Permit # WQCS00149 WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 ' WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCSO0135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 WQCSD0095 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas Condo. Collection System WQCSD0098 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point Collection System WQCSD0105 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos Collection System WQCSD0107 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay Collection System WQCSD0099 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point Collection System WQCSD0112 Lake Norman -South Point Collection System WQCSD0104 Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour Collection System WQCSD0102 Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort Collection System WQCSD0064 Lincoln County Collection System WQCSD0097 Martin Dev Group -North Point & Portside HOA Collection System WQCSD0120 Martin Marietta Materials Inc - Mallard Creek WQCSD0019 Richfield Town Collection System WQCSD0024 Town of Grover Collection System WQCSD0038 Town of McAdenville Collection System WQCSD0002 Town of Ranlo Collection System WQCSD0049 Town of Spencer Mountain Collection System Owner and Facility Name East Lincoln Collection System Greater Badin Collection System Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland Collection System Town of Cramerton Collection System Town of Dallas Collection System Town of E. Spencer Collection System Town of Harrisburg Collection System Town of Landis Collection System 'Town of Longview Collection System Town of Maiden Collection System Town of Marshville Collection System Town of Mooresville Collection System Town of Mt Pleasant Collection System Town of Norwood Collection System Town of Oakboro Collection System Town of Stanfield Collection System Town of Stanley Collection System Town of Taylorsville Collection System Town of Troutman Collection System Town of Wingate Collection System Union County Collection System WSA Cabarrus Co. Collection System MRO Incident / Complaint Report Investigator: Received By: Contact Date: Investigated Date: Date Received: (40,(4:4 Time Received: ,i'-(n " Response Date: County: O-) ° Complaint Type: Incident #: (BIMS, RUST, ETC) , Investigated? ❑ yes ❑ no Violation? ❑ yes ❑ no NOV Sent? ❑ yes ❑ no Responsible Party: Complainant: r-�sti� In • tf-- 9(0—,E)1(6)-) Responsible Party Address / Phone: Complainant Address / Phone: Wcs c 1(rs (To- c Nature of Complaint: r* t-9-E) Directions to Site: '�ry,tl-Z .Q c 6wc, t'r, (�` "'�J .`s`-' c Aco,us, [A--v_ _tg-/W 6:4 — Actions Taken/Comments: — —vim / 4-a't a`, _)-cc,— c am — (' 0 - acfG- Referred to: I6 �U 7/c)ig fci/0/1'7 — ❑ UST ❑ LQ ❑ AP ❑ SWP ❑ Haz. Waste ❑ Solid Waste ❑ PWS ❑ County HD Referred on: Referred by: i • sE o ff. d- crurd //7 Qni"P2//v)Lbi 71141 1 ) cog ssrL /717:-Yo'd— 117 -IT K" cad -0 4-7W Qidypiu- 2r)4" 1 JuI'10 08 02:51p p.2 pogo/97g Extra Lab Testing Report Sheet Department : Sample Collected By . Time Sample Collected : Sample, Location : Date : 2'/-0e 4. Are �r7 Ee u.Pso R*! .DpW.L.{ pusali 5 enea 2E. 23lie 231c4 231/7 20e 8tf - BElcw sedi 15:6cP1- Belcm Sp i i 1 Test Preformed on Sample 'pH D TSS i� BOD'S 0 Total Coiifonn NH3N 'Fecal. Y.C—in rime. BOD's Fecal Coliform Total Coliform Time In oG-25-o2 oo : 59 Time Out a6-.2S-de 23: s'7 PS.'.l'tMrf DO STLLVAN _7>piaN 57eEaiN pH : 7. 7, 7,Al D.Q. : o. *'7 o.s4 NH3N : BOD'5 : ,. -C17,74sp.: 22.4 22. i `c Fecal Coliformn Sample Amt. i sS� Actual Count. We. Fecal / 100ml /33 22.1" Sample amt. Dish wt. Dish+Res. wt. Net solids TSS me. Sample Amt. Actual Count Fecal / 100m1 TSS Total Coliform. fJo 6ka C'.� w4s sfaguEN w: 1J.eaxy L;741E. Fit“) /-dw s7a wits REco Eel U P57Z&'.oM 71i eu spill ARER igRL 1-7 I/ 444. ,Vow SiappeoSi v5 .DO Re091:1/Nq5. xJul .1CS' 08 02:51p p.1 Ta Barbara S'iford UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 500 North Main Street Suite 500 MONROE, N.C. 28112 704.289-3274 704-289-7395 (fax) From: Josh Brooks Rue 1-704-663-6040 Pages: 2 Phone: Date: 07/10/2008 Re Lab Report for 6/24/2008 SSO CC: (x) As Requested ( ) For Review () Please Comment () Please Reply () For Your Use • Comments` If you have any questions don't hesitate to calf 704-289-3274 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# !7 CPl2 4 Incident Number from BIMS 20080R 9 . Incident Reviewed (Date): D U /2 3/Q8 Incident Action Taken: BPJ r NOV-2008-DV — DV-2008- Spill Date )/9 / /? l(S Time ____)):4 ams pm Reported Date ) 'Z j)/O Time 7 : '33s am/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By Ge. ee7,In Address of Spill (,1\ C\ •C (IcA--V,.1ree h y\ L eA ti Phone 71)14- 2 )'ri County \ k,� t.,� d City STALL? N6S Cause of Spill ` 1,L)Ct44 ' i'7,(j Total Estimated Gallons G% 1.cse Est. Gal to Stream Stream fP-S!k) Fish Kill: Ye umber Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad 0410_0N,41-1,-- 1-2-1.7 V-44, o-fr, Oo ATTACHMENT A Union County, WQCS00054 April 2008 Incident Nunn Start Date Location Total Vol Vol. reached water Violation Action NOV Num 200801316 2008-04-28 Crooked Creek MH 5231 outside WWTP 480 480 Proceed to NOV NOV-2008-DV-0221 200801317 2008-04-28 Anniston Grove off Tarrington Dr. 650 600 Proceed to NOV NOV-2008-DV-0221 Totals 1130 1080 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 6c 5 Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: 4/6/n BPJ V NOV-2008-DV — 0 a-9-1 Spill Date /71 0t Time Reported Date c)(4 Time Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff jS Reported By 0 4 ce46 Address of Spill County W�-` WLOo - Cause of Spill' Total Estimated Gallons Stream City tea.40 -, Phone Akii s1-,,3 OJT .i iWEst. Gal to Stream 05e 0 ei7 Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species rv` -Q Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad OW 'I) r3.45)1 &te_eof ) eodt irr,pad - vat (�, ecge_lb sscL.edl Gce«5, 6156usce .144( fie= 1 Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form PART I This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number : WQCS00054 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: Union County Collection System Incident # 200801317 Owner: Union County Public Works City: Region: Mooresville County: Union Source of SSO (check applicable) : ! Sanitary Sewer ❑ Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc.) : Anniston Grove off Tarrington Dr. Manhole# 10563 Latitude (degrees/minute/second): Longitude(degrees/minute/second)• Incident Started Dt: 04/28/08 Time. 02:30 PM Incident End Dt: 04/28/2008 Time: 02:45 PM (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM Estimated volume of the SSO. 650 gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): 0:15 Describe how the volume was determined estimated volume due to inspection of affected area --not spilling at time of arrival. Weather conditions during SSO event. heavy rain Did SSO reach surface waters? 11 Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gallons): 600 Surface water name: East Fork Twelvemile Creek Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes ! No ❑ Unknown SPECIFICcause(s) of the SSO: • Debris in line If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? II Other (Please explain in Part II) 24-hour verbal notification (name of person contacted) Barbara DWQ n Emergency Mgmt. Sifford Date and Time: 2008-04-29 11:15:00 AM If an SSO is ongoing, please notify Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 48-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county wnere the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the referenced statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Quality, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was caused by severe natural conditions and there were no feasible alternatives to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis for the determination of any enforcement action Therefore it is important to he as rnmplete as possible WHETHER OR NOT PART II IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM. CS-SSO Form Page 1 Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form PART I I ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH THE ONLINE REPORTING SYSTEM Debris in line What type of debris has been found in the line? A mechanical plug left in place during construction of subdivision upstream . Suspected cause or source of debris. Contractor/developer Are manholes in the area secure and intact? When was the area last checked/cleaned? June 2007(Final) - New Construction Inspector Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location due to previous problems with debris? Explain: With the subdivision being new and few houses occupying the area inspections have not increased on this outfall. Are appropriate educational materials being developed and distributed to prevent future similar occurrences? Comments: Precautions and procedures are being implemented to help prevent this from re -occurring. The personnel that conduct inspections on new construction are not directly affiliated with the Collection system maintenance, therefore supervision and enforcement Other (Please explain in Part II) Describe: A mechanical plug, installed during new construction, was left intact after line(s) were activated. Were adequate equipment and resources available to fix the problem? If Yes, explain: Under these circumstances, the appropriate equipment was available to remove the plug, ie, confined space entry system, gas detector, lime etc... If the problem could not be immediately repaired, what actions were taken to lessen the impact of the SSO? The SSO was not occurring upon personnel's arrival. gi Yes n No I I NA I I NE I I Yes No n NA nNE n Yes n No la NA n NE la Yes 0 No n NA n NE CS-SSO Form Page 2 Comments: System Visitation ORC Backup Name: Cert# Date visited: Time visited: How was the SSO remediated (i.e. Stopped and cleaned up)? I 1 Yes I 1 Yes As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Josh Ryan Brooks Date: 05/01/08 03:10 PM Signature: Title Telephone Number: Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form Page 3 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# COO 5c Incident Number from BIMS oZ ?/3/e Incident Reviewed (Date): 5/01 Incident Action Taken: BPJ Spill Date g D' Time am/ pm Reported Date ®b Time l/ , / `am/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff ,65 Reported By ,pSL Address of Spill County Cause of Spill Total E� mated Gallons sIdl 600 Phone '22/ -5 3/— 00-1 C►ty AO Stream oGO d (tett, Fish Kill: Yes Est. Gal to Stream (2,1,c-oahgepis • Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad O `'7. 9Q c- Form CS-SSO CO r Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form PART I This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number : WQCS00054 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: Union County Collection System Incident # 200801316 Owner: Union County Public Works City: Region: Mooresville County: Union Source of SSO (check applicable) : Sanitary Sewer n Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc.) : Manhole# 5231 Latitude (degrees/minute/second): Crooked Creek MH 5231 outside WWTP Longitude(degrees/minute/second)• Incident Started Dt: 04/28/08 Time. 04:00 PM Incident End Dt.04/28/2008 Time: 06:00 PM (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM Estimated volume of the SSO. 480 gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour). 2:0 Describe how the volume was determined 4 gpmx 120 minutes = 480 gallons Weather conditions during SSO eveent• heavy rain Did SSO reach surface waters? ! Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gallons): 480 Surface water name North Fork Crooked Creek Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes I. No ❑ Unknown SPECIFICcause(s) of the SSO: I. Inflow and Infiltration If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? 24-hour verbal notification (name of person contacted) Barbara • DWQ n Emergency Mgmt. Sifford Date and Time: 2008-04-29 11:15:00 AM If an SSO is ongoing, please notify Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 48-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the referenced statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Quality, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was caused by severe natural conditions and there were no feasible alternatives to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis for the determination of any enfnrmoment action Therefore it is important to he as complete as possible WHETHER OR NOT PART II IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM. CS-SSO Form Page 1 Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form PART I I ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH THE ONLINE REPORTING SYSTEM Inflow and Infiltration Are you under an SOC (Special Order by Consent) or do you have a schedule in any permit that addresses I/1? Explain if Yes: What corrective actions have been taken to reduce or eliminate I & I related overflows at this spill location within thelast year? Smoke testing was completed in February 08 upstream from this overflow location with numerous deficiencies found and repaired. Remaining related repairs are being completed as time allows. Has there been any flow studies to determine I/1 problems in the collection system at the SSO location? If Yes, when was the study completed and what actions did it recommend? A complete MH repair list was generated during GIS mapping of the collection system. Along with that, UCPW personnel have conducted smoke testing and manhole re -inspections due to high pump activity at a pump station upstream of the overflow location. Has the line been smoke tested or videoed within the past year? If Yes, when and indicate what actions are necessary and the status of such actions: The area upstream was smoke tested beginning in Dec. 07 until Feb/March 08 with repairs ranging from caps missing to MH cover replacements. Numerous repairs have been made and others are scheduled to be completed ASAP. Are there I/1 related projects in your Capital Improvement Plan? If Yes, explain: UCPW dedicated $100,000 in the CIP to I&I related projects and/or repairs along with equipment needed to make said repairs. Have there been any grant or loan applications for I/I reduction projects? If Yes, explain: Do you suspect any major sources of inflow or cross connections with storm sewers? 11 Yes No 1 1 NA n NE Yes n No n NA n NE II Yes n No n NA n NE 1.1 Yes ❑ No n NA I I NE n Yes II No n NA n NE 11 Yes la No 1 1 NA El NE CS-SSO Form Page 2 If Yes, explain: Have all lines contacting surface waters in the SSO location and upstream been inspected recently? Yes ❑ No n NA ❑ NE If Yes, explain: Lines were inspected and mowed in Nov. 07. Inspections were followed up during smoke testing. What other corrective actions are planned to prevent future I/1 related SSOs at this location? A hydraulic issue downstream of the SSO location has been evaluated, designed and expected to begin very soon. Smoke testing shall continue regularly throughout Union County and repairs made as necessary. MH repairs will continue to be made with direct Comments: UCPW has an extremely pro -active I&I program with a crew dedicated to the elimination of I&l and rehabilitation of damaged MH's. Another crew has the duty of smoke testing the system and CCTV new construction laterals along with another crew conducting System Visitation ORC Backup .Name: Cert# Date visited: Time visited: How was the SSO remediated (i.e. Stopped and cleaned up)? 1 Yes 1 Yes CS-SSO Form Page 3 As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Josh Ryan Brooks Date: 05/01/08 02:39 PM Signature: Title Telephone Number: Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form Page 4 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# oo0615° Incident Number from BIMS 200806 Oa� Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: 1/ BPJ NOV-2008-DV DV-2008- Spill Date 31 Time am Reported Date j) 1 (() O Time J - � am/ Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By SAL OtAfedj Phone „4q-es-er — 5ftbdtr0-('\) City . UOX-11(C0 Address of Spill County Cou`dvk Cause of Spill T ita3 Total Estimated Gallons U Est. Gal to Stream q6 (cro-v- Stream Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad 3/.4 I vie , Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# O E5 Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: If /3(0 BPJ NOV-2008=DV - a f S-1 Spill Date Reported Date 1 C Time al Time am p Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Os: Reported By&\f) Phone Address of Spill .G k�ic�-Q- ��� e i -c ►-� 1' County City Total Estimated Gallons Cause of Spill s Gal to Stream Stream Rc �-- �c Fish Kill: Y: - No N mber Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Incident Number from BIMS � O ) OD E 9 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: q/9/6-1 BPJ NOV-Zoos-DV -a157 Spill Date 3/a" (C`-2 Reported Date -Nat o` ) Time 1 �' 'QED cam)/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff A cvo — Reported By \ j ' c ' S Phone Address of Spill ARV _ c' 1rj ° 0,v-E 2r 1 County D LY1 City Cause of Spill \rtA'l'Vre Total Estimated Gallons I IT- Est. Gal to Stream p Stream Fish Kill: Ye No N mber Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Incident Number from BIMS9--QC,9C(Q Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: Ify) BPJ NOV-2008-DV— an Spill Date 3Ia' kz Time ta,. am/ Reported Dateta1/4?)-`C`) Time am/ m Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff - AltUC.- `-'c-2) Reported By j os \ 25 • Phone Address of Spill lc �`'`� County 0 City Cause of Spill 9 Total Estimated Gallons 54__ `sty ID. 777 kyfay)e. Stream Fish Kill: Ye 5 P(*- oZo I Est. Gal to Stream umber _ Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Fo6d Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2008-DV — 01 Sa Spill Date ZP,Ceaoe.). Reported Date '3f a' Time �� 1© Time ®Qt �J am Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff - A l A C3C- Reported By 1(\ Phone Address of Spill 1\-4-cQ- e �' RC* roe M,r nVi I,1t. (� County kk) Y"—>r) City Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons '4 Est. Gal to Stream L CD Stream Pri°cFish Kill: Yes mber Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad p„..„„Lf, Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# cQC©5* Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ V NOV-2008-DV — Ll Spill Date 5iaco Reported Date Time t am� l d': lflm Time (D 1s►m Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By Kb '(`cP2& Phone Address of Spill r✓cxE--ielc___ R=--n County City S ; tit �c Xr n LX V_,pc - - Cause of Spill � � � l Total Estimated Gallons �� Est. Gal to Stream 'C. Sil Stream � F h Kill: Ye . No N mber Species Non Required Informationand other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad ()IS 6UVi1gietd�zcy )A) .t11 rl p 2t 2 W) F(7/( Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS' Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322' WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Stearn Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS .Lake Norman -Vineyard. Pt Resort CS_ Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned 1 Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form PART I This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number : WQCS00054 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: Union County Collection System Incident# 200800992 Owner: Union County Public Works City: Monroe Source of SSO (check applicable) : Sanitary Sewer Region: Mooresville County: Union Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc.) : Eastside pump station Manhole# Latitude (degrees/minute/second): Longitude(degrees/minute/second) Incident Started Dt: 03/26/08 Time 08:15 PM Incident End Dt 03/26/2008 Time: 10:15 PM (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM Estimated volume of the SSO. 600 _ gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour). 2:0 Describe how the volume was determined 5 gpm x 120 minutes Weather conditions during SSO event. sunny Did SSO reach surface waters? 1 Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gallons): 300 Surface water name Meadow Branch Did the SSO result in a fish kill? n Yes IN No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? 0 SPECIFICcause(s) of the SSO: • Pump Station Equipment Failure Other (Please explain in Part II) 24-hour verbal notification (name of person contacted) Marcia DWQ n Emergency Mgmt. Allocco Date and Time: 2008-03-27 09:30:00 AM If an SSO is ongoing, please notify Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1 C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 48-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the aischarge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the referenced statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Quality, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was caused by severe natural conditions and there were no feasible alternatives to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis for the determinetinn of any enforcement action Therefore~ it is important to hP as complete as passible WHETHER OR NOT PART II IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM. CS-SSO Form Page Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form PART I I ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH THE ONLINE REPORTING SYSTEM Pump Station Equipment Failure What kind of notification/alarm systems are present? Auto-dialer/telemetry (one-way communication) Audible Visual SCADA (two-way communication) Emergency Contact Signage Other Describe the equipment that failed'? This pump station is in the middle of a series of thre pump stations. Due a force main break downstream of PS #1 pumps had to be shutdown at #1 and jockeyed between #2 and #3. The flow that had to be ahndled was in excess of 1.5-2 MGD. What kind of situations trigger an alarm condition at this station (i.e. pump failure, power failure, high water, etc.)? Power failure, TCU failure, high water, pump failure, etc... Were notification/alarm systems operable? If no, explain: If a pump failed, when was the last maintenance and/or inspection performed'? NA What specifically was checked/maintained? NA ❑ Yes • Yes Yes Yes IYes n Yes Yes n No n NA n NE CS-SSO Form Page 2 If a valve failed, when was it last exercised'? NA Were all pumps set to alternate? Did any pump show above normal run times prior to and during the SSO event? Were adequate spare parts on hand to fix the equipment (switch, fuse, valve, seal, etc.)? Was a spare or portable pump immediately available? If a float problem, when were the floats last tested? How'? NA If an auto -dialer or SCADA, when was the system last tested? How? NA Comments: This SSO was due to a force main repair. The pump station related to this force amin had to be shut down in order to make the repair. The pump stations upstream of the repair had to be shut down or jockeyed to provide relief. Other (Please explain in Part II) Describe: A force main repair downstream of the spill location was a direct cause of this SSO. Were adequate equipment and resources available to fix the problem? If Yes, explain: Parts, personnel and equipment were available immediately. If the problem could not be immediately repaired, what actions were taken to lessen the impact of the SSO? Personnel were utilized to jockey the flow between 3 seperate pump stations to reduce the SSO as well as accomodate certain conditions to make the repair. Comments: The flow being conveyed during any given time is in excess of 2 MGD to Monroe WWTP. This FM break was on the final leg of FM to Monroe VW TP therefore reducing the amount of flow that could be stored. System Visitation ORC Backup Name: Cert# Josh Brooks 986361 Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ❑ NE ❑ Yes El No NA ❑I NE 11 Yes I I No al NA ❑ NE ❑ Yes ❑ No II NA ❑ NE • Yes 0 No 0 NA ❑ NE Yes n Yes CS-SSO Form Page 3 Date visited: 03/36/2008 Time visited: 09:00 pm How was the SSO remediated (i.e. Stopped and cleaned up)? solids were removed and lime spread over affected area As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Josh Ryan Brooks Date: 04/01/08 12:15 PM Signature: Title Telephone Number: Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form Page 4 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 0006 Incident Number from BIMS 200800 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2008-DV DV-2008- Spill Date/ /A7 Time :// a r Reported Date r I0 Time - - ,3(J Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By Jo 4,1 Address of Spill cOu-cctil't,0 Phone auded 0A,ut - County LL AAArwt G Cause of Spill City Total Estimated Gallons e> /C( 774 Stream 04.til e,I • Est. Gal to Stream Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes t-nkAseAt tiek rn //Zs 5a ?, Pict) / o k Zone Map Quad FluA0 diake 5!' l 4- my e '11-6coti r nu,2i2 ( 0C ,Wc Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# CO(Qc J'i Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): ,945n 0030-o 01/A fo8 Incident Action Taken: BPJ / NOV-2008-DV i. Spill Date ck I `) Time /c % /s am/, Reported Date ) Time l ; cg am/ Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff kea U Reported By � Phone Address of Spill /ca. ZLernoytiAlo County City Cause of Spill Total Estimateallons 600 -Est. Gal to Stream 6. 0-0 oAkci1/4-) Stream Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad (1&/iff-11--v-: laCC s a . 4-c) &,rP b n �c S� / 55a;u y(. Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQCS00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105 WQCSD0107 WQCSD0099 WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantatiori WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Required Information Spill Date /alto" Time Reported Date /air° 6; 3 V Incident Number a 004(0c)7 a� Time 3 4.9-- BIMS APP �Q � LP3 Reported To (DWQ Staff) Reported By J Phone G� Facility 1 cnv �fU Address of Spill o?(ogq .1[p 9 % County City (Spill Location) Collection System: SSO VWVfP Spill: BYPASS WQCS 00 O �� NPDES NCO() Map Location / WVVfP Cause of Spill :F/T- /ha Y4 ce4teetts/ow. Estimated Gallons / Z ,Y1 Gal to Surface Waters Stream Mead ACIC%1 Fish Kill: No Yes How many $1 nucauent in union county (w 11V UA I J) on 12/ ! U12UU4 U:4 /:23 AM Page lof1 NC Division of Emergency Management Emergency Report Form (Re Taken by: J McCauley Date Reported: 12/10/2004 Time Reported: 05:42 AM 'Date Occurred: 12/10/2004 Time Occurred: 05:30 AM Reported by: Kenneth Bartlet Agency: Union Co public works Phone: 704-289-3307 Cell 704-506-0456 County: Union City: WINGATE EM Area: W 12 EVENT TYPE Weather Event: Wx Event Name: HazMat Event: HazMat Class: N/A HazMat Mode: N/A FNF Event: FNF Type: FNF Class: Non-FNF Event: SAR Event: [Fire Event: OTHER EVENT: Sewage Complaint: Event Description: Caller reported a manhole overflow of sewage at appox 100 gallons2a min. Product has entered the Meadows Creek. No pubis water affected. Caller will call beck when spilt co ntained. ontained. Attachments: Deaths: Injuries: Evac: Radius: Responsible Party: RP Phone: Point Of Contact: POC Phone: Event Location: McIntyre rd, Latitude (decimal degrees ) (NC inland range is 33.840 - 36.588 degrees. Values outside these parameters may be used.) Longitude (decimal degrees) (NC inland range is 75.460 - 84.322 degrees. Values outside these parameters may be used.) USFS Block -Square -Point System: Block= Square= Point= RRT Request: No I'RRT Mission No. : RRT Team Number: COUNTY AGENCIES ILEMC: SO: PD: LFD: CHealth: Sewer: Y PWRK: Other Local Agencies: STATE AGENCIES A/C: SHP/SWP; Env. Mgt: Water: DRP: CAP: DOT: DMV: Other State or Federal Agencies: Notes: EM Hours: SAR Hours: Call #: live/EMReport.NSF/a6413acc304fce69852566'0012732f/25... 12/10/2004 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Required Information Spill Date h>17/0 Reported Date /c=2-/-0 TimeBIMS APP Reported To (DWQ Staff) 85 Reported By JeciroP (1aeAlti. Address of Spill 3A1,4 � fir) /4 4a_ef Facility Time jam. ,�O Incident Number Phone 60 (16?6,3 I Countys City (Spill Location) Collection System: SO WWTP Spill: BYPASS WQCS 00 D 5 NPDES NCO() Map Location WWTP Cause of Spill Estimated Ga ons Stream �J rj'L 6 360 Gat to Surface Waters Fish Kill: No Yes How many Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Incident Number from BIMS 043 CV /6 / Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: , BPJ NOV-20;-DV — 604 Spill Date Reported Date gig g l( Time Time /o; '' Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff 6Ss-- Reported By c c 5 L_ caYam\ Phone Address of Spill 24,a. f i _`S County ���U C City Cause of Spill 4C.0 1 Total Estimated Gallons /0--° �Pry Est. Gal to Stream Stream C Lo?es( C!LLttFish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad 4103 1-V1(4 — ,,JL 54i CD tm yeiWedPemw acu.0 4.2) Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# S Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: / BPJ NOV-2007-DV Spill Date 7 Reported Date tll� Time a pm Time am/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff 614" Reported By Phone Address of Spill MO— 0,LP Lke 4k. 3 6cS, County City Cause of Spill 6:9- Total Estimated Gallons J) 1 Est. Gal to Stream Stream ;I Y e0e Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad 7)(4464, ale, Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 3 Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: a%2> /63 BPJ NOV-2007-DV Spill Date /4 % t Time (e am pm Reported Date /// S l f3 Time am/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff it ,C(AD Reported By d eg -cr) b) Phone Address of Spill YY\k - 0,(6 g -4 � a- - Count r Y City ��- e-1,Lj CD Cause of Spill 4_6,0 ecc-2-7,-, .0?�r Total Estimated Gallons ° Est. Gal to Stream Stream /rea0(01,05 'asze� Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form PART I This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number : WQCS00054 Facility: Union County Collection System (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Incident # 201300076 Owner: Union County Public Works ' City: Source of SSO (check applicable) : Region: Mooresville County: Union Sanitary Sewer n Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc.) : MH 11442/ Waltham Forrest Manhole# 11442 Latitude (degrees/minute/second). Longitude(degrees/minute/second)• Incident Started Dt: 01/10/13 Time: 08:30 PM Incident End Dt: 01/10/2013 Time: 10:30 PM (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM Estimated volume of the SSO: 600 gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour). 2:0 Describe how the volume was determined Estimated 5 gpm (avg.) x 120 minutes Weather conditions during SSO event- Clear Did SSO reach surface waters? al Yes n No n Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gallons): 400 Surface water name: Sixmile Creek Did the SSO result in a fish kill? n Yes No n Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? 0 SPECIFICcause(s) of the SSO: 111 Grease 24-hour verbal notification (name of person contacted) Dee DWQ n Emergency Mgmt. Browder Date and Time: 2013-01-11 09:38:00 AM If an SSO is ongoing, please notify Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1 C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 48-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the referenced statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Quality, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was caused by severe natural conditions and there were no feasible alternatives to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis for the determination of any enforcement action Therefore it is important to he as complete as possible WHETHER OR NOT PART II IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM. CS-SSO Form Page 1 Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form PART I I ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH THE ONLINE REPORTING SYSTEM Grease When was the last time this specific line (or wet well) was cleaned? 05/09/2012 Do you have an enforceable grease ordinance that requires new or retrofit of grease traps/interceptors? Have there been recent inspections and/or enforcement actions taken on nearby restaurants or other nonresidential grease contributors? Explain. SSO occurred in residential area. No nonresidential contributors Have there been other SSOs or blockages in this area that were also caused by grease? When? 09/15/2008 If yes, describe them: One overflow occurred at a nearby address due to grease accumualtion on 9/15/2008. The overflow resulted in an estimated 500 gallons. Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location? Explain. Due to the frequency of backups and/or overflows at this location, increased inspections was not determined as necessary prior to this occurrence. Have educational materials about grease been distributed in the past? When? Annually and to whom? All sewer customers Explain? Flyers are distributed during key times of the year to educate residents of the effects of improper grease disposal and proper ways to dispose of grease. Flyers are also distributed in areas when grease related backups, evidence of problems, and where grease accumulation is found in lift stations. Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ❑ NE I I Yes ni No ❑ NA ❑ NE al Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ❑ NE ❑ Yes ra No ❑ NA ❑ NE Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ❑ NE CS-SSO Form Page 2 r If the SSO occurred at a pump station, when was the wet well and pumps last checked for grease accumulation? NA Were the floats clean? Comments: System Visitation ORC Backup Name: Josh Brooks Cert# 986361 Date visited: 01 /11 /2013 Time visited: 11:30a • How was the SSO remediated (i.e. Stopped and cleaned up)? SSO was remediated utilizing Vaccon combination unit. Cleanup consisted of removal of any accumulated solids and lime spread over the area. Flyers were distributed in the area the next day to warn residents of the effects of grease disposal. El Yes El No NA El NE al Yes n Yes As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Josh Ryan Brooks Date: 01/16/13 05:55 PM Signature: Title Telephone Number: Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form Page 3 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 0-25-DS (i Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: 20140 03 (/ BPJ 17 NOV-2014-DV Spill Date �c i DV-2014- Time /1� v 7 am/ pm ,Da Reported Date c7VQ ( Time r o .0 am pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By mtf\c.)Phone Address of Spill 4,0-3ta ‹SG-tdk 5 e- County (4k-) CO • City PtAimP� 9 toss / — Cause of Spill ma_ Total Estimated Gallons TU U Est. Gal to Stream Stream (?LzJ&d etp216 Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad. Ps 5-cp31 Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form PART I This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number : WQCS00054 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: Union County Collection System Incident # 201400359 Owner: Union County Public Works City: Indian Trail Region: Mooresville County: Union Source of SSO (check applicable) : Sanitary Sewer ❑ Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc.) : Crooked Creek Inf PS Sardis Road Manhole# 5231 Latitude (degrees/minute/second): Longitude(degrees/minute/second): Incident Started Dt: 02/21/14 Time: 11:07 AM Incident End Dt: 02/21/2014 Time: 03:00 PM (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM Estimated volume of the SSO: 900 _ gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour). 3:53 Describe how the volume was determined est 20 gpm x 20 minutes + est 5 gpm x 100 minutes Weather conditions during SSO event Heavy rains, then clear Did SSO reach surface waters? al Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gallons): 900 Surface water name: Crooked Creek Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes al No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? 0 SPECIFICcause(s) of the SSO: ■ Inflow and Infiltration 24-hour verbal notification (name of person contacted) Barbara DWQ n Emergency Mgmt. Sifford Date and Time: 2014-02-21 02:15:00 PM If an SSO is ongoing, please notify Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 48-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the referenced statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Quality, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was caused by severe natural conditions and there were no feasible alternatives to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis for the determination of any enfornement action Therefore~ it is important to he as complete as possible WHETHER OR NOT PART II IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM. CS-SSO Form Page 1 1 Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form PART I I ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH THE ONLINE REPORTING SYSTEM Inflow and Infiltration Are you under an SOC (Special Order by Consent) or do you have a schedule in any permit that addresses 1/I? Explain if Yes: What corrective actions have been taken to reduce or eliminate I & I related overflows at this spill location within the last year? A comprehensive flow study has been conducted on the entire Crooked Creek basin to identify areas requiring improvement as related to I&I. Projects are currently under development to address the identified areas Has there been any flow studies to determine I/1 problems in the collection system at the SSO location? If Yes, when was the study completed and what actions did it recommend? Spring 2013. Actions recommended was a comprehensive MH rehab project aimed at I&I reduction, EQ basin, WWTP improvements to influent PS, additional PS improvements within the collections system. Has the line been smoke tested or videoed within the past year? If Yes, when and indicate what actions are necessary and the status of such actions: Are there I/I related projects in your Capital Improvement Plan? If Yes, explain: CIP includes a comprehensive l&I project and WWTP improvements specifically aimed at the Crooked Creek basin. The flow study is complete and UCPW is awaiting project deliveries from CDMSmith before moving forward. Have there been any grant or loan applications for I/1 reduction projects? If Yes, explain: Do you suspect any major sources of inflow or cross connections with storm sewers? El Yes No El NA El NE Yes El No El NA El NE El Yes No El NA El NE la Yes El No El NA El NE El Yes ni No El NA I I NE El Yes No ❑ NA n NE CS-SSO Form Page 2 l If Yes, explain: Have all lines contacting surface waters in the SSO location and upstream been inspected recently? p Yes n No n NA ❑ NE If Yes, explain: January 2014. After snow events the high priority lines were inspected. All high priority lines are inspected at a minimum every quarter What other corrective actions are planned to prevent future I/1 related SSOs at this location? Future CIP projects are forthcoming. Flow study determined areas requiring improvement including CCWTP's influent structure and equipment and construction of a 3MG EQ structure. Comments: After recent SSO's in this exact location and due to the reduced number of submersible pumps in the WWTP influent PS (4 of 6), I procured rental of a bypass pump to alleviate excessive flows to prevent additional SSO's. Instructions were to WWTP staff to contact Collections staff immediately upon notification of high level conditions at the PS, then operate the bypass pump immediately. This was not carried out by WWTP staff, therefore resulting in an overflow. Upon finding the SSO, Collections staff turned bypass pump and within minutes overflow had stopped. This situation is curently being addressed within PW and CMU. System Visitation ORC Backup Name: Greg Morgan Cert# 1 Yes la Yes Date visited: 02/21/2014 Time visited: 02:00p How was the SSO remediated (i.e. Stopped and cleaned up)? Bypass pump was utilized and SSO stopped. Any solids were removed from the area. CS-SSO Form Page 3 As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Josh Ryan Brooks Date: 02/27/14 08:21 AM Signature: Title Telephone Number: Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form Page 4 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 06 5 Incident Number from BIMS 201400 44 / ( 00 y Incident Reviewed (Date): S (e• pump cQ Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2014-DV DV-2014- Spill Date Reported Date 3/7 Time 6rdipm Time 4 'c C) am Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By JO5 k I J Ks Phone Address of Spill C 1- 4 c - - l `4 9c2l Arl l8 County UAu (/1U City Cause of Spill ('J46 fi-j2) tam Total Estimated Gallons Est. Gal to Stream i1e Stream Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to. SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad CJLQQ,I) —GCS G�� Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 000 J -1 Incident Number from BIMS 20140 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2014-DV DV-2014- Spill Date Reported Date 3 44/ -3//7///if Time (6 0 am/ Time : ;2 am/, Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By Address of Spill County (A Iry Oil Cause of Spill 1 w6 rl cX,,,,r,i1 61- Phone Ye City 2 0 4 Total Estimated Gallons S' 260 Stream C-sq}r) li ec Cre.z / Fish Kill: Yes Est. Gal to Stream Tay Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad 061\ 1 Alt Al f( 4()N'i`tt) 4--1 ,r() o 5: ZI-1 (iN f I/a /1 Mt/ yrr {Ad-e5 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS#• 0•oo _cl-1 Incident Number from BIMS 20150 0 (0'31 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- C 0 ®H G 610 ®®®El IR M CI 0 Q 8111 ®®El ZA U ®EI 61 H E7 ®q 619 9 64 ®®®©®tl H ID 1J 17 E! 61E1 0 E3 F1 ®m 0 61 61 16 M .M M El 61017 1119 9 ®®PJ 1 Spill Date — —2,zI( Time q S am< L(SYk' (pm) Reported Date . ( ES Time Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff ,� C 21L. e(, U `- Reported By ip4 Srfflid 9 $'`'S Phone 701 a737, Address of Spill 6 7 �2 0 Icy- aw d\Q OrA l County Cause of Spill TotaLEsti ated Gallo /11Age 1 / i 4 • 4 9 Stream �� �� �, / ish Kill: Ye- No umber Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: ✓Q Response time minutes Zone Map Quad (2 0 am City Est. Gal to Stream Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Incident Number from BIMS 2010 Incident Reviewed (Date): • Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2014-DV DV-2014- Spill Date r Time am Reported Date �� —( cTime (/6 Capm / Regional Water Quality Staff reported to or E Staff in Raleigh S)zi SSO reported by Phone 7 18 qr 32 Address of Spill c'etr - (-kg County b(A)/(CA% City 47.)17 Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons Z 3 Kg) Stream CiNZW Clage‘ Fish Kill: Yes Est. Gal to Stream Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# d71-0,5 7' Incident Number from BIMS 20150 () 6(.0 g Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- cc©on®mme©mm4mac®o®a®a®emmeme®nosEo®mm®m®®o®o0©o®oaem0mmoamom®®ommwmAApt fil Spill Date Time /� am/ Reported Date .14/9Z Time Address of Spill County tinum) City m Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By �j � �j 1-0-6(2,0 Phone CI-�f6CQ auk Jti A1:1)2), Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons / U , g Est. Gal to Stream Stream CA<.d atk Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQC.S00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105' Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantatiori WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS ennery ev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# (.767)5 Incident Number from BIMS 20150 0 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: !/ • BPJ NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- 0 n 13 0 0 0 n ®n 0 0 n W 111 n n 0 0 n 0 n 0 ®0 n n n n ©n n n n 9 9 13 0 0 0 0 0 61 n n 0 0 H n H 0 0 0 n n 0 n 0 0 0 ®0 n n 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 6 Spill Date "/t;q Reported Date 1160 Time /6 : ` 0 . am/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By <4ski Address of Spill 140 Phone County 1Z 1L V City Cause of Spill NI ad( r Total Estimated Gallons S Est. Gal to Stream P Stream — �61Lt 'k Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad itov cliocqio ccirkbitc tJe- oit) cietkk up Permit # WQCS00253 WQCS00196 WQCS00233 WQCS00001 WQCS00016 WQCS00046 WQCS00107 WQCS00089 WQCS00221 WQCS00326 WQCS00088 WQCS00017 WQCS00020 WQCS00327 WQCS00036 WQCS00040 WQCS00164 WQCS00026 WQCS00059 WQCS00044 WQCS00019 WQCS00037 WQCS00030 WQCS00149 Owner and Facility Name Bradfield Farms Water Company CS Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS City of Albemarle CS City of Belmont CS City of Bessemer City CS City of Cherryville CS City of Claremont CS City of Concord CS City of Conover CS City of Gastonia CS City of Hickory CS City of Kannapolis CS City of Kings Mountain CS City of Lincolnton CS City of Lowell CS City of Monroe CS City of Mount Holly CS City of Newton CS City of Salisbury CS City of Shelby CS City of Statesville CS East Lincoln CS Permit # WQCS00171 WQCS00322 WQCS00222 WQCS00341 WQCS00231 WQC.S00058 WQCS00165 WQCS00342 WQCS00328 WQCS00343 WQCS00310 WQCS00120 WQCS00344 WQCS00043 WQCS00125 WQCS00153 WQCS00190 WQCS00325 WQCS00180 WQCS00135 WQCS00258 WQCS00345 WQCS00054 WQCS00009 Owner and Facility Name Greater Badin CS Aqua Country Woods East CS Town of Boiling Springs CS Town of China Grove CS Town of Cleveland CS Town of Cramerton CS Town of Dallas CS Town of E. Spencer CS Town of Harrisburg CS Town of Landis CS Town of Longview CS Town of Maiden CS Town of Marshville CS Town of Mooresville CS Town of Mt Pleasant CS Town of Norwood CS Town of Oakboro CS Town of Stanfield CS Town of Stanley CS Town of Taylorsville CS Town of Troutman CS Town of Wingate CS Union County CS WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # WQCSD0130 WQCSD0114 WQCSD0057 WQCSD0117 WQCSD0257 WQCSD0116 WQCSD0101 WQCSD0095 WQCSD0098 WQCSD0105'. WQCSD0258 WQCSD0112 WQCSD0104 WQCSD0102 Owner and Facility Name Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals City of High Shoals CS Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station Fallston Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantatiori WWTP Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS Kingstown Lake Norman -South Point CS Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # WQCSD0064 WQCSD0097 WQCSD0120 WQCSD0019 WQCSD0024 WQCSD0038 WQCSD0002 WQCSD0049 Owner and Facility Name Lincoln County CS Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS Martin Marietta Mallard Creek Town of Richfield CS Town of Grover CS Town of McAdenville CS Town of Ranlo CS Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 0005 Incident Number from BIMS 201500 7? / Incident Reviewed (Date): a al / 115 Incident Action Taken: I/ BPJ NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- 0 0 0 9 El El El El El 0 9 Ed El 0 0 0 0 El la 0 a X l 0 0 ®0 H ti ®El 619 El El 0 10 61 0 0 El El El 0 la El 0 0 8 El 0 El ®0 El 0 El 18 0 0 0 El 0 0 1 Spill Date I is' Time am/ pm — //u5 Reported Date . 6 if I JS Time 5 % . am/ pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff /SS Reported By (. g dci) Phone 1110-31A City Address of Spill ') ( � f County 1,t4u,03 Cause of Spill Tea,gg, Total Estim.ted Gallons 1.0/0 Est. Gal to Stream (69 Streamot —,. auzek Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad 1,Ak,1/4i Jo. va mok,p15 4toek- eemumw � �Q �F0 Phte -