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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00054_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (3)ROY'Cc OPElz Goveinw _ MICHAEL S:12EGA . Secretciry LIN1N(CULPEPPER ptrectc Mr. Mark Watson, County Manager Union County 500 North Main St. Monroe, North Carolina 28112 NORTH .CARD INA .1Erarlinf-nfrila gilearl r October 25, 2019 Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Permittee: Union County Waste Water Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County, NC Dear Mr. Watson: 1. Mr. Tony Parker of the Mooresville Regional Office of the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR or the Division) conducted a compliance evaluation inspection (CEI) of the County's wastewater collection system (WWCS) on October 21, 2019. The assistance of Mr. Andrew Neff and Mr. Gregory Morgan and other staff during the inspection was greatly appreciated. A copy of the inspection report is attached for your records and inspection findings are summarized below. Site/System Review 2. The following system components were inspected: a. Four pump stations were inspected. Some issues noted. See attached report. b. Numerous manholes were inspected. Some issues noted. See attached report. c. Two right of way was inspected. No issues. d. Two aerial crossings were inspected. No issues. 3. As you are aware, owners of permitted collection systems must comply with their permit and all rules listed under NC Administrative Code 15A NCAC 02T .0400, et seq. The Town's compliance status with each of these rules is summarized below: a. 15A NCAC 02T .0403(a)(1): Requires that the system be effectively maintained and operated at all times to prevent discharge to land or surface waters and any contravention of ground or surface water standards. Observations: Each pump station appeared to well maintained and operated. Compliance Status: Compliant North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue I Suite 301 I Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704-663-1699 b. 15A NCAC 02T .0403(a)(2): Requires that a map of the wastewater collection system be developed and actively maintained. Observations: The County has computerized maps showing locations of lines, direction of flow, force mains, pump stations, manholes and other information. Compliance Status: Compliant c. 15A NCAC 02T .0403(a)(3): Requires that an operation and maintenance (O&M) plan be developed and implemented, which includes pump station inspection frequency, preventative maintenance schedule, spare parts inventory and overflow response. Observations Pump station logs were available. Records were available for all maintenance activities. Spare parts and pumps are kept in stock. An overflow response plan was available. Compliance Status: Compliant d. 15A NCAC 02T .0403(a)(4): Requires that the permittee or its representative inspect pump stations that are not connected to a telemetry system (i.e., remote alarm system) every day (i.e., 365 days per year) and pump stations that are connected to a telemetry system at least once per week. Observations: The pump station inspection logs indicate that the pump stations are visited as required. Compliance Status: Compliant e. 15A NCAC 02T .0403(a)(5): Requires that the permittee or its representative inspect high -priority sewers (HPS - as defined in 15A NCAC 02T .0402(2)) at least once every six months and document the inspections. Observations: All lines are checked and documented. Compliance Status: Compliant f. 15A NCAC 02T .0403(a)(6): Requires that the permittee or its representative conduct a general observation of the entire wastewater collection system at least once per year and document same. g. Compliance Status: Compliant. 15A NCAC 02T .0403(a)(7): Requires that overflows and bypasses from the system be reported to the Division's Mooresville Regional Office in accordance with 15A NCAC 02B .0506(a), and that public notice must be provided as required by G.S. 143-215.1C. Observations: SSO's have been reported with this system during this review period. The NC regulations and statutes, which cover the reporting requirements for SSOs, are found in NC Administrative Code 15A NCAC 02B .0506(a) and NC General Statute 143-215.1C, respectively. You may access the NC regulations online at the NC Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) website at: and the NC General Statutes online at the NC General Assembly's website at: You may wish to - review them to ensure you are fully familiar with all requirements. When reporting SSOs to DWQ, you must call the Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) at 704-663-1699 during normal business hours. If outside normal business hours, you must report the spill to the NC Division of Emergency Management at 1-800-858-0368. Please note that all reportable SSOs must be reported within 24 hours of the occurrence, or first knowledge, of the SSO. Please also note that voice. mail or faxed messages are not considered as the initial verbal report. You must talk to and report the spill to a live person. Compliance Status: Compliant h. 15A NCAC 02T .0403(a)(8)_: Requires that a grease control program be developed and implemented as follows: 1. For publicly owned collection systems, the Grease Control Program shall include at least bi-annual distribution of grease education materials to users and the. legal means to require grease interceptors. The Program shall also include legal means for inspections, enforcement, and legal means to control grease entering the system from other public and private satellite sewer systems. 2. Grease education materials shall be distributed more often than required above if necessary to prevent grease -related sanitary sewer overflows. Observations: Educational materials are mailed out to all customers. In addition, the same information is provided in the Annual Report and at festivals, fair events, school tours and is available upon request and is available and on line. Compliance Status: Compliant. i. 15A NCAC 02T .0403(a)(9): Requires that right-of-ways (ROW) and easements be maintained to allow for personnel and equipment accessibility. J. Observations: Records were reviewed documenting that the right-of-ways were mowed, inspected and maintained to provide accessibility. Compliance Status: Compliant. 15A NCAC 02T .0403(a)(10): Requires that documentation be kept for all activities you undertake to comply with the requirements of 15A NCAC 02T .0403, subparagraphs (a)(1) through (a)(9), for a minimum of three years, with the exception of the map, which shall be maintained for the life of the system. Observations: Records were reviewed for right of way mowing, high -priority line inspections,and observation of the entire system. Compliance Status: Compliant The inspection report should be self-explanatory; however, if you have any questions regarding the inspection report or this letter please contact Tony Parker at 704-663-1699 or tony.parker a,ncdenr.aov. Attachments: BIMS Inspection Report CC: MRO Central Files PERCS Unit (e-copy) Sincerely, [DocuSigned by: 1_1+.d4,w 11 P44.t F161 FB68A2D64A3... for W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Mooresville Regional Office Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Permit: WQCS00054 SOC: County: Union Region: Mooresville Contact Person: Bart Farmer Directions to Facility: Compliance Inspection Report Effective: 07/01/15 Effective: Expiration: Expiration: Title: 06/30/23 Owner : Union County Facility: Union County Collection System PO Box 987 System Classifications: CS3, Primary ORC: Gregory Wayne Morgan Certification: 989865 Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: NC0024970 NC0024333 NC0085812 NC0069523 NC0085359 NC0069841 Charlotte Water - McAlpine Creek WWTP City of Monroe - Monroe WWTP Union County - Grassy Branch WWTP Union County - Tallwood Estates WWTP Union County - Twelve Mile Creek WWTP Union County - Crooked Creek WWTP #2 Inspection Date: 10/21/2019 Entry Time: 10:15AM Primary Inspector: Tony Parker Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Exit Time: 03:30PM Phone: 704-296-4227 Phone: 704-296-4210 Phone: 704-663-1699 Inspection Type: Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Permit Inspection Type: Collection system management and operation Facility Status: El Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: ▪ Miscellaneous Questions II Capital Improvement Plan ▪ Inspections ' El Lines (See attachment summary) ▪ General MI Map ▪ Spill Response Plan II Manholes ▪ Sewer & FOG Ordinances 111 Reporting Requirements 1.1 Spills ▪ Pump Stations Page 1 of 7 Permit: WQCS00054 Inspection Date: 10/21/2019 Owner - Facility: Union County Inspection Type : Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Page 2of7 Owner- Facility: Union County Permit: WQCS00054 a) 0 Reason for Visit: Inspection Type : Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Inspection Date: 10/21/2019 W Z Yes No NA c c 0 00 0000000 . . 3 . . . . . ❑ ❑ N• a) `0) G) 0 n 0 U co a) O tl) R R R 0 0 co eL 0 w R 0) y ,0 •0 a`) n O 0 0) a) w Are logs being reviewed by the system management or owner on a regular basis? # What is that frequency? # Are there any issues being addressed currently or any in the planning stages? N O 0 n E n R O CO a) R CO CL R a) R n E 7 U U a) n m a) a) to Does plan indicate if pump parts/new pumps are in spare parts/equipment inventory? Are new/significantly upgraded pump stations equipped with anti -corrosion materials? Does the permittee have a copy of their permit? # Is permit expiring within the next 6 months? If Yes, has the Permittee applied for renewal? ires 3/30/23 X a) E a) a) L c a) E E 0 U Yes No NA NE Sewer and FOG Ordinances ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ a) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ . . . O a) . . . . > w Is Sewer Use Ordinance (SUO) or other Legal Authority available? Does it appear that the Sewer Use Ordinance is enforced? Is there a Grease Control Program that legally requires grease control devices? What is the standard grease trap cleaning requirement in the FOG ordinance? Is Grease Control Program enforced via periodic inspections/records review? Is action taken against violators? # Have satellite systems adopted an equivalent or more stringent ordinance? Is grease/sewer education program documented with req'd customer distribution? # Are other types of education tools used like websites, booths, special meetings, etc? W 2 Yes No NA rovement Plan ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ EEO ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ . . . . . . . •0 a) 0 v R v C co CL 0 a) a) a) a) 0 C R 0. C a) E m n E E 0• T O 0 0 R 0 R m Is it designated for wastewater only or does it have a dedicated section? C 0 out for sewer o r• en c a) E O 0 .E •0 0 Y (0 c-• E y a) c`cic• — 4-2 O coO en a co rn m O a) C c- 0 N 0 .in ea C O 0 n x 0 2 (fl _n _O C 7 >+ O O U .2 C C w > o O O a) M w d 0_ N U C `� 0 0 i 2 a a) c o a)w '0 '0 Y .L a) m a) a)H `m > 7 > > >O U 0 0 U U C C C .0 C o Q 0_ a a a) U 0 U U U E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 has an extensive 10 0 co a) 0) 00 CL Owner - Facility: Union County WQCS00054 E Reason for Visit: Inspection Type : Collection System Inspect Non Sampling b 0 Inspection Date: W z Yes No NA ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ •••• Does the map include: Pipe Type (GS/FM) N a) a Pipe materials (PVC, DIP, etc) c O R 0 Flow direction Approximate pipe age Pump station ID, location and capacity Force main air release valve location & type Location of satellite connections Is the map being updated for changes/additions within 1 year of activation? date and com 0 0 is L_ E a) 0) N 0 as C a) N 'a a3 a) N 0 7 0 0. a) a) E E 0 U Yes No NA NE c C m E d cc O 0 a) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ C) ▪ ® 1c as # Have there been any sewer spills in the past 3 years? c. R a) • U a) R O Q. a) O) c a) E 0 c 0 a) -o -t n E >+ a) t a) 3 a) a) r If applicable, is there documentation of press releases and public notices issued? Is an Annual Wastewater Performance Report being filed with the Division, if required? Is the report being made available to all its sewer customers? # How is it being made available? and documen a) 0 .n 0 .0 0 0 ills but does a is not free of s areas of concern. C C_ 7 O U cu a)-0 a3 a) E E 0 U } ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ en C 0 a) 0 M Are adequate maintenance records maintained? Are pump stations being inspected at the required frequency? # Is at least one complete functionality test conducted weekly per pump station? Is there a system or plan in place to observe the entire system annually? Is the annual inspection documented? # Does the system have any high -priority lines/locations? Are inspections of HPL documented at least every 6 months? Are new lines being added to the HPL list when found or created? ired and documente erformed as r 0 a) cU N 0 0 a) 0) a) E E 0 U Yes No NA NE Spill Response Action Plan ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ a) ❑ ❑ ■ ■ Is a Spill Response Action Plan available? Is a Spill Response Action Plan available for all personnel? Permit: WQCS00054 Owner - Facility: Union County Inspection Date: 10/21/2019 Inspection Type : Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Reason for Visit: Routine Does the plan include: 24-hour contact numbers Response time Equipment list and spare parts inventory Access to cleaning equipment Access to construction crews, contractors, and/or engineers Source of emergency funds Site sanitation and cleanup materials Post-overflow/spill assessment Does the Permittee appear to respond within 2 hours of first knowledge of a spill? Comment: Spills Is system free of known points of bypass? If No, describe type of bypass and location Are all spills or sewer related issues/complaints documented? # Are there repeated overflows/problems (2 or more in 12 months) at same location? # If Yes, is there a corrective action plan? Comment: The County has a $250,000 on -going construction project to eliminate this trouble spot. Lines/Right-of-Ways/Aerial Lines Please list the Lines/Right of Ways/Aerial Lines Inspected: Helmsville Outfall, Hunley Creek Outfall and Shanamra Dr.Outfall. All were mowed except for the Shanamra Dr Outfall. The only ouffall issue was a manhole at 4604 Shanamra Dr. The m/h frame and cover needs to be reset, sealed and secured to the cone of the manhole. Are right-of-ways/easements maintained for full width for access by staff/equipment? If No, give details on temporary access: Is maintenance documented? Are gravity sewer cleaning records available? Has at least 10% of lines older than 5 yrs been cleaned annually? Were all areas/lines inspected free of issues? • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ IIIEIDEI • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes No NA NE ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes No NA NE • ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: The County had cleaned 110 miles of line for 2018/2019 which is far beyond the minimum 10% cleaning requirement. Manholes Please list the Manholes Inspected: Numerous manholes were inspected. Several issues were noted as follows: The manhole at the Hunley Creek P/S with the 15" line had a small leak near the chimmney section of the manhole. The m/h at the cul-de-sac to the Stevens Mill P/S needs the street ring replaced. The m/h at 4604 Shanamra Dr. needs to be reset as previously mentioned. Are manholes accessible? Yes No NA NE ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ Page 5 of 7 Permit: WQCS00054 Owner - Facility: Union County Inspection Date: 10/21/2019 Inspection Type : Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Reason for Visit: Routine # Are manhole covers/vents above grade? Are manholes free of visible signs of overflow? Are manholes free of sinkholes and depressions? Are manhole covers present? # Are manholes properly seated? # Are manholes in good condition? # Are inverts in good condition? Is flow unrestricted in manholes? Are manholes free of excessive amounts of grease? Are manholes free of excessive roots? Are manholes free of excessive sand? Are manhole vents screened? Are vents free of submergence? Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? Comment: All issues previously noted. Pump Stations Please list the Pump Stations Inspected: Helmsville P/S, Hunley Creek P/S, Stevens Mill P/S and Poplin Rd. P/S. Issues noted as follows: Some grease noted in in wet well and one vault needs to be pumped out. The Stevens Mill P/S needs to have all the gease removed from the wet well. # Number of duplex or larger pump stations in system 67 # Number of vacuum stations in system # Number of simplex pump stations in system 0 # Number of simplex pump stations in system serving more than one building 0 How many pump/vacuum stations have: # A two-way "auto polling" communication system (SCADA) installed? 60 # A simple one-way telemetry/communication system (auto -dialer) installed? 7 For pump stations inspected: Are they secure with restricted access? MOOD Were they free of by-pass structures/pipes? � ❑ ❑ ❑ Were wet wells free of excessive grease/debris? ❑ MI ❑ ❑ # Do they all have telemetry installed? ❑ • ❑ ❑ Is the communication system functional? ❑ ❑ ❑ Is a 24-hour notification sign posted ? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Does the sign include: Owner Name? ❑ ❑. ❑ Pump station identifier? ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑❑❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑❑❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes No NA NE Page 6 of 7 Permit: WQCS00054 Owner - Facility: Union County Inspection Date: 10/21/2019 Inspection Type : Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Reason for Visit: Routine # Address? Instructions for notification? 24-hour emergency contact numbers? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? # Is there a backup generator or bypass pump connected? If tested during inspection, did it function properly? Is the back-up system tested at least bi-annually under normal operating conditions? # Does it have a dedicated connection for a portable generator? # Is the owner relying on portable units in the event of a power outage? # If Yes, is there a distribution plan? If Yes, what resources (Units/StaffNehicles/etc) are included in Plan? Most P/S's have dedicated generators and some rely on portable units of which the County has a fleet of generators. All are inspected, tested and maintained. # Does Permittee have the approved percentage of replacement simplex pumps? Is recordkeeping of pump station inspection and maintenance program adequate? Do pump station logs include at a minimum: Inside and outside cleaning and debris removal? Inspecting and exercising all valves? Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other equipment? Inspecting alarms, telemetry and auxiliary equipment? Comment: All exceptions previously noted. ■ ❑❑❑ II ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑❑❑ III ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ Page 7 of 7 G(),' 50 0 OCL/- 6,3 Permit:IMMO Owner - Faci Inspection Date: 08/06/2019 Inspection Type Collection System Inspect Non Stripling Reason for Visit: Routine l m 9 (OA' M-evrr /*C!"' 5 -°#. General Is there a properly designated primary ORC and at least one back-up of proper grade? Are logs being reviewed by the system management or owner on a regular basis? # What is that frequency'? W k 1 ` M a 4-/"1) # Are there any issues being addressed currently or any in the planning stages? Is there a specific pump failure plan available for all pump stations? Does plan indicate if pump parts/new pumps are in spare parts/equipment inventory? Are new/significantly upgraded pump stations equipped with anti -corrosion materials? Does the permittee have a copy of their permit? # Is permit expiring within the next 6 months? i If Yes, has the Permittee applied for renewal? Comment: Pavi't' Z4(49S /3 of 23 Sewer and FOG Ordinances Is Sewer Use Ordinance (SUO) or other Legal Authority available? Does it appear that the Sewer Use Ordinance is enforced? Is there a Grease Control Program that legally requires grease control devices? What is the standard grease trap cleaning requirement in the FOG ordinance? f '(14) VA' `ry`c- 3 ' - /M en", s (' Is Grease Control Program enforced via periodic inspections/records review? '11(,-/ Is action taken against violators? `'Z- # Have satellite systems adopted an equivalent or more stringent ordinance? Is grease/sewer education program documented with req'd customer distribution? 1 ex, `41.44 o e444-/,.y Pes/k,y I"❑ ❑ ❑ # Are other types of education tools used like websites, booths, special meetings, etc? U If Yes, what are they? (This can reduce mailing to annual.) Comment: Capital Improvement Plan Has a Capital (CIP) or System Improvement Plan been developed and adopted? Is it designated for wastewater only or does it have a dedicated section? Does CIP cover three to five year period of earmarked improvements? Does CIP include description of project area? Does CIP include description of existing facilities? Does CIP include known deficiencies? Does CIP include forecasted future needs? Comment: Yes No NA NE it ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Er❑❑❑ C,❑❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ I -p❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes No NA NE C'b❑❑ 1E/❑ ❑ ❑ Er❑ ❑ ❑ Ern ❑ ❑ o ❑ ❑ ,❑ ❑ ❑ Yes No NA NE 2'❑ ❑ ❑ Ern ❑ ❑ I -`I ❑ ❑ ❑ Et ❑ ❑ E�r000 EK9 ❑❑ l_'I 0 ❑ ❑ Yes No NA NE 1 --Page 3 of7 Permit Owner - Facili Inspection Date: 06/06/2019 Inspection Type Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Omar Reason for Visit: Routine Is there a overall sewer system map? Does the map include: Pipe Type (GS/FM) Pipe sizes Pipe materials (PVC, DIP, etc) Pipe location Flow. direction Approximate pipe age Pump station ID, location and capacity # Force main air release valve location & type # Location of satellite connections Is the map being updated for changes/additions withinl year of. activation? Comment: Reporting Requirements # Have there been any sewer spills in the past 3 years? If Yes, were they reported to the Division if meeting the reportable criteria? If applicable, is there documentation of press releases and public notices issued? Is an Annual Wastewater Performance Report being filed with the Division, if required? Is the report being made available to all its sewer customers? J# How is it being made available? Comment: Inspections ^� f Are adequate maintenance records maintained? �/t,� 5-6+ ! ru`'k), tA) lei y e s 7lwk Are pump stations being inspected at the required frequency? # Is at least one complete functionality test conducted weekly per pump station? Is there a system or plan in place to observe the entire system annually? Is the annual inspection documented? # Does the system have any high -priority lines/locations? Are inspections of HPL documented at least every 6 months?`)7 Are new lines being added to the HPL list when found or created? Comment: Spill Response Action Plan Is a Spill Response Action Plan available? Is a Spill Response Action Plan available for all personnel? Does the plan include: zip ❑❑. 11 CI Er El El El Er El )011 o❑ et❑ o ❑ d❑ o ❑ ZrEl❑a do❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes No'NA NE ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Ern El ❑ ❑ Yes No NA NE Cr❑0❑ ❑ ❑ Ern El Erb El ID Er: ❑ ❑ td❑❑❑ [2t1 ❑❑ Zoo❑ Yes No NE 2Vil El El Eit El DI Page of 7 Permit: IOW Inspection Date: 08/06/2019 Inspection Type : Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Reason for Visit: Routine . Owner - Facif• MUM 24-hour contact numbers Response time Equipment list and spare parts inventory Access to cleaning equipment - Access to construction crews, contractors, and/or engineers Source of emergency funds Site sanitation and cleanup materials Post-overflow/spill assessment Does the Permittee appear to respond within 2 hours of first knowledge of a spill? Comment: Spills Is system free of known points of bypass? If No, describe type of bypass and location N/A' Are all spills or sewer related issues/complaints documented? # Are there repeated overflows/problems (2 or more in 12 months) at same location? # If Yes, is there a corrective action. plan? C /17-aY Comment: S So k Lines/Right-of-Ways/Aerial Lines Please list the Lines/Right of Ways/Aerial Lines Inspected: Are right-of-ways/easements maintained for full width for access by staff/equipment? If No, give details on temporary access: Is maintenance documented? Are gravity sewer cleaning records available? Has at least 10% of lines older than 5 yrs been cleaned annually? Were all areas/lines inspected free of issues? Comment: Manholes Please list the Manholes Inspected: Are manholes accessible? # Are manhole covers/vents above grade? Are manholes free of visible signs of overflow? Are manholes free of sinkholes and depressions? Are manhole covers present? # Are manholes properly seated? # Are manholes in good condition? 121t1 ❑ ❑ o'b ❑ ❑ Ci❑❑❑ E ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ lot ❑ ❑ Ern ❑ ❑ L"J LJ ❑ ❑ Yes No NE I2'D ❑ ❑ - �,�❑ ❑ ❑ . LI ❑ ❑ ❑ n-� o;,s st? .# . ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes No NA NE oho ❑ Er6❑o oo❑en Er0 El Yes No NA NE DODO DODO ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DODO DODO ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DODO ---.__Page 5-of - -- Permit Owner - Facile Inspection Date: 08/06/2019 Inspection Type : Collection System Inspect Non Sampling 11111111111 Reason for Visits Routine # Are inverts in good condition? Is flow unrestricted in manholes? Are manholes free of excessive amounts of grease? Are manholes free of excessive roots? Are manholes free of excessive sand? Are manhole vents screened? Are vents free of submergence? Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? Comment: Pump Stations Please list the Pump Stations Inspected: # Number of duplex or larger pump stations in.system # Number of vacuum stations in system # Number of simplex pump stations in system # Number of simplex pump stations in system serving more than one building How many pump/vacuum stations have: # A two-way "auto polling" communication system (SCADA) installed? # A simple one-way telemetry/communication system (auto -dialer) installed? For pump stations inspected: Are they secure with restricted access? 7( Were they free of by-pass structures/pipes? Were wet wells free of excessive grease/debris? l/�J # . Do they all have telemetry installed? Is the communication system functional? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted ? Does the sign include: Owner Name? eiryt 5c, Pump stationidentifier? # Address? Instructions for notification? 24-hour ernergency contact numbers? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? # Is there a backup generator or bypass pump connected? If tested during inspection, did it function properly? Is the back-up system tested at least bi-annually under normal operating conditions? DODO DODO DODO DODO DODO DODO • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes No NA NE ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑.❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DODO ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DODO ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DODO ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Page 6 of 7 • • Permi • Owner - Facif Inspection Date: 08/06/2019 Inspection Type : Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Reason for Visit Routine # Does it have a dedicated connection for a portable generator? # Is the owner relying on portable units in the event of a power outage? # If Yes, is there a distribution plan? If Yes, what resources (Units/StaffNehicles/etc) are included in Plan? # Does Permittee havethe approved percentage of replacement simplex pumps? Is recordkeeping of pump station inspection and maintenance program adequate? - Do pump station logs include at a minimum: Inside and outside cleaning and debris removal? Inspecting and exercising all valves? Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other equipment? Inspecting alarms, telemetry and auxiliary equipment? Comment: ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DODO Page-7-of 7 — . . . . - • _ Pump Station Inspection Checklist • . Name: • Address: # Pups - 2 _ __ • Workhg --- 1 2 / i ,. --• 6 r a y-r.ox-.,r-' Run Tin • t - t 1. YES NO • Weather . • • etc • Signage: . . Housekeeping: . ' • . Secure: • • Wet Well Floats: . . Debris: 1--- - - Working High Wate. Float . . . • Telemetry: . • • SCADA: . • , . . . Audio/Visual: .. • ' Isalarm system tested, How often: • t/'- t'l y Inspection Logs: . Emergency Power: • Type: Portable Onsite Fuel - AcheduleNender - Duick Connect:. - resting Schedule: PI—v4letl . Lrer,—k..s- -- 6;4-4 ., 6, co3---6-&-(1- 3ackflow: Aj . )verflow Pioina: • 3ypass Pumping: nspection Schedule: ;omments/ Observations: c'1111 Yn' PumpStation Ins eettion Checklist Name: W.eather. . Signage: Address: WO. 511fil .3r` # Pumps - 1 Workhg 1 Run The - YES NO • . • •• . Secure: • Wet Well Floats: . . . , Debris: • i N-ur, Working High Water Float . . . / . ry: • . .•• Telemet. SCADA: • ' • - • • l..v' • Audio/Visual: .. - 17 Is alarm system tested, How often: iA). . t. Inspection Logs: . . .- .. Emergency Power: • • Type: Portable Onsite Fuel:PI t' , ScheduleNendei' Duick Connect: - . , . - /1///9-- C •Se,i,,,,:, nut:,,r- resting SCnedule: ni tin. 4 I 071k)-4 • 3ackflow: •. y • A' . )verflow Piping: . . • / 3ypass Pumping: • - , . . nspection Schedule: P -i-- p- . widd. -f b r omments/ Observations: = • 1, - 10417ir 0\p) ./NAk-- Di4 L ;11.6 hA &AI Pump Station Inspection Checklist Name: Address: # Pops - 1 Working Run Tine - YES Weather . Signage: NO . . . • Housekeeping: • _ . •Secure: Wet Well Floats: • ,..----- Debris:. • . tzLfr ,---- { C..._er../-(-- ' Working High Water Float •. Telemetry: • . . . -- —., SCADA: • ' : lY . • Audio/Visual: .. .' Is alarm system tested, How often: Inspection Logs: Emergency Power. • . sk Type: Portable Onsite Fuel - p; v-. ScheduleNendet - Duick Con - . resting Sciiedule: — (, .4A— i 14 f C . 1 y i y 6 ?2-- j • 3ackflow: • )verflow Piping: 3yPass Pumping: • / • , 2 nspection Schedule: ;omments/ Observations: i . . . • . . Pump Staticz-Inspetion Checklist . • - Name: . Address: #Purrps - 1 2 . • • . Work .1 2y iD (LL'\.- /.C. ci • . . Run The 7 . . 1 VVeather: . . . . YES NO . Signage: . . • -Housekeeping: °/1-- rai,—,/ ,.)i.c- • . • Secure: • . Wet Well Floats: 0• • .. . Debris: . Working High Water Float . . • 7- . .0 Telemetry: 0 0• • • ' • - • SCADA: • 0, (.7 , . . . Audio/Visual: ,. „/ • . . Is alarm system tested, How often: . . e.7- . . Inspection Logs: 0 Emergency Power. • . •1 • • ' - G P-/ nsite Fuel D, ScheduteNender - . - Type: Portable (O7 ..• Duick Connect • ..",...,--- ,v-- ., . Ai resting Schedule: kl\/ . . I f 3ackflow: • Aj/L- . • rflow Pioino: . )ye - c. 0 3ypass Pumping: nspection Schedule: ;omments/ Observations: L/s a FRAZIER ENGINEERING P.A. UNION COUNTY TWELVE MILE CREEK BASIN FLOW MONITORING REPORT May 13, 2019 6592 Bob White Trail Stanley, NC 2816 J Office: 704.822.8444 I Fax: 704.822.8666 UNION COUNTY TWELVE MILE CREEK BASIN FLOW MONITORING REPORT MAY 13, 2019 In accordance with an agreement between Union County and Frazier Engineering, wastewater flow was monitored at six sites in the Twelve Mile Creek basin. The purpose of the flow monitoring was to determine pipe capacities, average daily flows, and wet -weather flows so target areas could be identified for system investigations and improvements. This report summarizes the flow monitoring results. Meter Location Figure 1 shows the locations of flow meters within Union County's collection system. Details about the meter locations are provided in Table 1. Table 1. Location Details Site Manhole Pipe Vicinity Installed Removed 1 7993 24" PVC Phister Farm January 16, 2019 April 22, 2019 2 1964 42" RCP Phister Farm January 16, 2019 April 22, 2019 3 8245 42" RCP Kensington Drive January 16, 2019 April 22, 2019 4 8226 42" DIP Gallberry Lane January 14, 2019 April 22, 2019 5 8226 12" PVC Gallberry Lane January 14, 2019 April 22, 2019 6 3094 15" PVC Camden Drive January 14, 2019 April 22, 2019 Flow Meter Information The temporary meters installed and maintained by Frazier Engineering were Hach FL900 series meters with submerged area -velocity sensors. These meters measure average velocity using twin piezoelectric crystals utilizing ultrasonic one -MHz Doppler technology. Multiple measurements are taken by bouncing the Doppler signal off any and all particulates found throughout the flow stream and then averaged. Flow depth is measured using a pressure transducer. Flow Meter Installation, Calibration, and Maintenance At all of the metered locations, the sensors were installed at the 6 o'clock position of the incoming sewers of the manholes shown in Figure 1. Each meter was calibrated at installation by adjusting the depth of flow recorded by the meter to match a manual depth measurement. The velocity recorded by the meter was also verified by comparing recorded values with a hand held velocity meter. Each meter was set up to record depth and velocity at 15-minute intervals. The meters were visited as needed to perform any necessary maintenance (such as scrubbing sensors to remove debris), and to calibrate the meter per the methodology outlined above. Online data was monitored to determine potential maintenance needs. At the time of installation, the field crew noted that Site 1 and Site 2 had evidence of prior surcharges. At Site 3, the AV module began to fail around April 11 -- limiting the available data at the end of the study period. No other notable items were identified. Site>2 IVi H=964 .- 42!• Figure 1. Flow Meter Locations 2 Average Daily Dry -Weather Flow During Monitoring Period Typical, average daily flows provide valuable information on the current sewer system use and operation. Average daily flows facilitate capacity analyses and decisions on whether the sewers can handle additional flow. In addition, average dry -weather flows are critical for proper analyses of wet -weather flow data. The average dry -weather flows are directly compared with flows during rain events, and the difference between the flows is the volume of infiltration/inflow (I/I) entering the system. To develop the average dry -weather flows, Frazier Engineering reviewed flows during each day of the monitoring period at each meter. Days that appeared to be typical throughout the period were averaged to obtain the average daily flow. Days with apparent atypical flows (such as flows that appear to be affected by silt/debris over the sensor or by rain events) were excluded from the analyses. If present, daily ground water infiltration into the sewers is included in the average daily flows presented in this report. Table 2 includes the estimated current sewer capacity at the meter site. The metered flows and flow depths were used to estimate the current capacity of the sewer. Metered depths were plotted against metered flows. Theoretical capacity curves for that particular diameter pipe were then placed on the metered depths and flows until a best fit was achieved for a specific capacity. Note that the current sewer capacity may be affected by older sewer pipe (higher friction factor), increased silt and debris in the sewer, or obstructions in the sewer. The estimated capacities shown are at the meter site only and do not reflect conditions or capacities above or below the meter site. As an example, Figure 2 shows the sewer capacity analysis for Site 2. This methodology of estimating capacity is independent of pipe slope. Additional analyses using the original design slope would be necessary to determine how the estimated capacity presented herein compares to the design capacity. 3 180 160 140 120 715 100 80 60 40 20 0 ♦4. ♦♦$♦' • v♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1� • s ♦ ;s f; to i �s•• ♦ • ♦♦ -, --I y' Estimated Capacity: 22.68 mgd 0 5 10 Flow (mgd) 15 20 • Actual Flow Data ■ Current Capacity Curve 25 Figure 2. Sewer Capacity Analysis - Site 2 Table 2 summarizes the average flow and depth during the monitoring period. The average daily flow as a percentage of the estimated pipe capacity and the average flow depth as a percentage of the pipe diameter are also shown. Figure 3 shows a flow schematic with the average flows. Table 2. Average Dry -Weather Flow Monitoring Summary Site Estimated Capacity (mgd) Pipe Diameter (in) Average Flow Average Depth mgd % Estimated Capacity inches % Pipe Diameter 1 4.32 24 0.110 3% 2.45 10% 2 22.68 42 5.187 23% 14.47 34% 3 22.68 42 0.661 3% 5.34 13% 4 17.28 42 0.375 2% 3.69 9% 5 2.92 12 0.228 8% 2.65 22% 6 5.62 15 0.211 4% 2.39 16% 4 Culvert Branch 3j00a0 a1UAI DApAki 7 5.187 mgd 1, 0.110 mgd Figure 3. Flow Schematic Wet -Weather Flow During Monitoring Period The peak wet -weather flows during a rain event are considered to be caused by inflow. Inflow is generally defined as water other than wastewater that directly enters the sewer system through storm/sewer cross connections, vented manhole covers, roof leader connections to the sewers, service line connections and missing cleanout caps, and other such direct sources. Inflow produces the rapid flow increase after rains begin and the associated high peak flows. Peak I/I flows are typically the main cause of sewer system surcharging and overflows during wet weather. Infiltration is generally defined as water other than wastewater that seeps through the ground and into the sanitary sewers through defects (such as broken pipes, defective pipe joints, service connections and manhole walls). Infiltration is usually slower to enter the sewer and may remain evident in the sewer system for more than a day after a rain event ends. Infiltration generally leads to high volumes of I/I but not high peak flows. Four rain events during the monitoring period were evaluated. Rainfall data was collected by a tipping bucket rain gauge along S. Providence Road. Rainfall data collected at this gauge was questionable, so rainfall data was supplemented by data from the permanent 5 gauge in the Six Mile Creek basin of Mecklenburg County. Table 3 summarizes these events. Table 3. Rain Events Summary Date Total Rain (in) Peak Intensity (inlhr) Peak Intensity (in/30 min) Peak Intensity (in/15 min) Duration (hrs:min) January 23-24, 2019 1.06 0.29 0.27 0.23 9:15 February 21-24, 2019 1.96 0.19 0.10 0.05 62:00 March 8-10, 2019 0.87 0.10 0.05 0.03 58:15 April 8-9, 2019 0.53 0.22 0.20 0.18 20:45 Figure 5 graphically represents these rain events in comparison to a 1-year average rainfall recurrence interval. This recurrence interval is based on historic rainfall data and represents the probability that a given rainfall event will occur once in any given year. As can be noted, the evaluated rain events had less than a 1-year recurrence interval, which means that the events that occurred during the study would likely occur multiple times each year. The average recurrence interval information was obtained from "Precipitation -Frequency Atlas of the United States" NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 for the Monroe, North Carolina area. 64 60 52 © 48 - 44 40 32 el 28 24 16 C1 12 '_ 8 a 0 0.0 r • 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Rain (in) 2.5 - 1 Year Recurrence Interval • January 23-24, 2019 Event • February 21-24, 2019 Event • March 8-9, 2019 Event x April 8-9, 2019 Event 3.0 Figure 3. Rain Events Compared to Rainfall Return Frequency The total estimated volume of I/I measured at each meter site and other flow monitoring parameters for the evaluated rain events are summarized in Table 4. Appendix A shows flows during the rain events versus the typical, dry -weather flows for each site. 6 Table 4. Flow Monitoring Summary - Rain Events Date Site Peak Flow Peak Depth UI Duration Total I/I Volume mgd % of Estimated Capacity Peaking Factor inches % of Pipe Diameter hrs:min gallons January 23-24, 2019 1 0.365 8.4% 3.3 30.27 19:45 38,367 2 10.550 46.5% 2.0 34.48 82.1% 93:15 6,056,098 3 1.219 5.4% 1.8 22.97 54.7% 81:00 388,041 4 0.972 5.6% 2.6 5.37 12.8% 80:45 298,490 5 0.553 19.0% 2.4 3.73 31.1% 16:15 50,681 6 0.526 9.4% 2.5 3.15 21.0% 8:30 22,072 February 21-24, 2019 1 _ 5.331 123.4% 48.7 156.46 or AM 59:00 222,773 2 12.628 55.7% 2.4 155.31 D3i"': 136:45 13,065,738 3 1.719 7.6% 2.6 149.42 158:30 632,061 4 1.317 7.6% 3.5 13.77 32.8% 159:45 1,041,556 5 0.470 16.1% 2.1 3.17 26.4% 80:00 210,591 6 0.945 16.8% 4.5 4.32 28.8% 5:15 51,339 • March 8-9, 2019 1 0.208 4.8% 1.9 9.13 38.0% 71:30 78,477 2 10.338 45.6% 2.0 20.40 48.6% 164:30 9,189,768 3 1.302 5.7% 2.0 7.17 17.1% 164:30 1,132,558 4 0.791 4.6% 2.1 5.17 12.3% 109:45 485,679 5 0.446 15.3% 2.0 3.13 26.1% 59:30 86,304 6 0.548 9.8% 2.6 3.17 21.1% 3:00 11,449 April 8 9, 2019 1 0.568 13.1% 5.2 39.22 f(:4 62:15 85,441 2 10.139 44.7% 2.0 42.89 kJ'• . 70:15 5,184,356 3 1.250 5.5% 1.9 31.89 75.9% 38:00 185,968 4 0.761 4.4% 2.0 5.33 12.7% 29:45 172,350 5 0.475 16.3% 2.1 3.32 27.7% 36:45 72,686 6 0.478 8.5% 2.3 2.99 19.9% 12:30 29,558 Summary Average Dry -Weather Flows About 87% of the average dry weather flow metered in the Twelve Mile Creek basin was conveyed through the 42-inch interceptor along the.East Fork of Twelve Mile Creek (Site 2). All sites have adequate capacity for the existing dry -weather flow, but Site 2 has the least remaining capacity. The peak of the dry weather diurnal curve at Site 2 was between 15 and 16 inches. With dry weather flow utilizing about 40% of the pipe, the 42" interceptor at Site 2 could convey a wet weather peaking factor of 2.5. Wet -Weather Flows Sites 1, 2, and 3 surcharged multiple times during the study period. The peak level occurred in response to the evaluated event in late February. At least six surcharges occurred at Site 1. High peaks at Site 1 were accompanied by velocity readings that dropped to nearly zero, 7 which indicates that the flow was rising because it was not able to continue moving downstream (free flow conditions no longer existed). At Site 2, level readings that peaked above about 22 inches were accompanied by drops in the velocity readings. This pattern indicates that flow was restricted downstream of Site 2 as well. Five surcharges occurred at Site 2. Three surcharges occurred at Site 3. Flow from the 42" interceptor along the West Fork of Twelve Mile Creek and flow from the 24" interceptor along Blythe Creek converge with the 42" interceptor along the East Fork of Twelve Mile Creek at the same manhole -- one manhole downstream of Site 2. Between 88% and 95% of the estimated I/I volume in the study basin could be attributed to the area upstream of Site 2. Very little U1 was observed upstream of Site 6 (the Culvert Branch interceptor) or Site 5 (the interceptor along Tributary 1 of the West Fork of Twelve Mile Creek). Recommendation Additional flow monitoring should be performed upstream of Site 2 to further delineate areas with significant I/I. Based on the large average daily flow at Site 2 of 5.187 mgd, there is significant upstream sewer footage. An area this large should be evaluated based on additional flow monitoring to break it up into areas of high, medium, and low concern from an I/I standpoint. A reduction of I/I is recommended for the areas tributary to Sites 3 and 4. I/I identification should include manhole inspections, smoke testing, and selective television inspection. Rehabilitation based on these findings should then be performed. After rehabilitation is complete, post -rehabilitation flow monitoring should be performed to confirm the effectiveness of the I/I reduction activities and to determine if additional measures are required. The areas upstream of Sites 5 and 6 do not appear to be contributing significant VI. These areas are not recommended for additional flow monitoring or I/I source investigation at this time. It should be noted that larger and/or more intense rain events than occurred during the flow monitoring period may cause larger I/I reactions. Further evaluation is recommended to determine the cause of significant surcharging during "typical" rain events near where Sites 1, 2, and 3 converge. Additional flow monitoring downstream of this area may be necessary and/or field investigations during rain events to determine the hydraulic restrictions. 8 Greg Morgan From: John Shutak Sent: Friday, August 23, 2019 2:37 PM To: Greg Morgan; Josh Brooks; Andy Neff; Bart Farmer Cc: Matt Hargett Subject: RE: 12 Mile Final Report Greg, After reviewing the report I offer the following: • Concur with Fraziers recommendation to investigate the collection system downstream of the confluence of the 42-inch and 24-inch Blythe Creek interceptors as we need to determine if there is a restriction in the conveyance system or at the influent pump station at 12-Mile. • I would recommend that additional flow monitoring in the area upstream of site 2 (MH 1964) exclude the East Fork interceptor downstream of the receiving MH for the Poplin Road pump station. Areas upstream of the discharge manhole or tributary lines off the main east fork interceptor could be investigated. My concern is the peak 3.75MGD from Poplin skewing the results. Maybe start with the Brookhaven service area? • Upstream of sites 3 and 4, I would recommend we investigate the manholes on the interceptor first as the tributary sewers in the adjacent subdivisions are relatively new and are not likely to have significant defects. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! John Shutak. P.E. CIP Program Manager T 704.283.3651 M 704.993.0365 From: Greg Morgan Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 2:09 PM To: John Shutak <>; Josh Brooks <>; Andy Neff <>; Bart Farmer <> Cc: Matt Hargett <> Subject: 12 Mile Final Report See attached final from Frazier on 12 Mile flow study. Greg Morgan Utility Field Services Superintendent/ORC Union County Government Public Works 500 N.Main Street 1 Suite #500 Monroe, NC 28112 T 704.289.3288 2 FRAZIER ENGINEERING P.A. UNION COUNTY WAXHAW AREA FLOW MONITORING REPORT FEBRUARY 8, 2017 6592 Bob White Trail Stanley, NC 2816 I Office: 704.822.8444 I Fax: 704.822.8666 UNION COUNTY WAXI3AW AREA FLOW MONITORING REPORT FEBRUARY 8, 2017 Per Union County's request, Frazier Engineering, P.A. monitored flow at four sites in Union County's wastewater collection system. The purpose of the flow monitoring was to determine capacity, average daily flow, and wet -weather flows. This report summarizes the flow monitoring work and sewer system capacity analyses. Introduction Four flow meters were installed within Union County's wastewater collection system. One rain gauge was also installed at the 12-Mile Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). Table 1 summarizes the location of the flow meters and dates deployed. Figure 1 shows the meter locations. Table 1. Flow Meter Location and General Information Site Diameter (inches) Manhole Number Date Installed Date Removed 1 12 MH-2099 10/20/16 1/24/17 2 8 MH-1838 10/20/16 1/24/17 3 10 ME-11059 10/20/16 1/24/17 4 12 MH-12482 10/20/16 1/24/17 Flow Meter Information The temporary meters installed and maintained by Frazier Engineering were American Sigma Model 910 meters with submerged area -velocity sensors. The Sigma 910 meter measures average velocity using twin piezoelectric crystals utilizing ultrasonic one -MHz Doppler technology. Multiple measurements are taken by bouncing the Doppler signal off of any and all particulates found throughout the flow stream and then averaged. Flow depth is measured using a pressure transducer. Flow Meter Installation, Calibration, and Maintenance The sensors for these meters were installed at the 6 o'clock position of the incoming sewer of the manholes shown in Figure 1 and Table 1. The meters were calibrated at installation by adjusting the depth of flow recorded by the meter to match a manual depth measurement. The velocity recorded by the meter was also verified by comparing it to a hand held velocity meter. The meters were set up to record depth and velocity at 15-minute intervals. 1 Gc Figure 1 Flow Meter Locations C) 1.0 r D9 WAXHAW .400 LEGEND FUTURE WAXHAW SERVICE AREA WAXHAW METER 1 AREA WAXHAW METER 2 AREA MILLBRIDGE METERS 3 AND 4 AREA METERING STATIONS WAXHAW—MARVIN PUMP STATION 2125 PUMP STATION TWELVE MILE WWTP 2 The meters were visited weekly to download the data, to perform any necessary maintenance (such as scrubbing sensors to remove debris), and to calibrate the meters per the methodology outlined above. Data was reviewed on site for overall data quality and any problems were immediately addressed. Average Daily Dry -Weather Flow During Monitoring Period Average daily flows provide valuable information on the current sewer system use and operation. Average daily flows facilitate capacity analyses and decisions on whether the sewers can handle additional flow. In addition, average dry -weather flows are critical for proper analyses of wet -weather flow data. The average dry -weather flows are directly compared with flows during rain events, and the difference between the flows is the volume of infiltration/inflow (I/I) entering the system. To develop the average dry -weather flows, Frazier Engineering reviewed flows during each day of the monitoring period. Days that appeared to be typical throughout the period were averaged to obtain the average daily flow. Days with apparent atypical flows (such as flows that appear to be affected by silt/debris over the sensor or by rain events) were excluded from the analyses. If present, daily ground water infiltration into the sewers is included in the average daily flows presented in this report. Table 2 includes the estimated current sewer capacity at each meter site. The metered flows and flow depths were used to estimate the current capacity of the sewer. Metered depths were plotted against metered flows. Theoretical capacity curves for that particular diameter pipe were then placed on the metered depths and flows until a best fit was achieved for a specific capacity. Note that the current sewer capacity may be affected by older sewer pipe (higher friction factor), increased silt and debris in the sewer, or obstructions in the sewer. The estimated capacity shown is at the meter site only and does not reflect conditions or capacities above or below the meter site. Figure 2 shows an example of the sewer capacity, analysis for Site 3. Note that this methodology of estimating capacity is independent of pipe slope. Additional analyses using the original design slope would be necessary to determine how the estimated capacities presented herein compare to design capacities. 3 Figure 2. Sewer Capacity Analysis - Site 3 Flow Depth (in) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 ■ IN ■ I A ■ a A in .4111103:4* 11 FI Estimated Pipe Capacity = 0.76 mgd Tl � 0.2 0.4 Flow (mgd) 0.6 • Actual Flow Data • Current Capacity Curve 0.8 Table 2 summarizes the average flow during the monitoring period. The average daily flow as a percentage of the estimated pipe capacity is also shown. Table 2. Average Dry -Weather Flow Monitoring Summary Site Estimated Capacity (mgd) Pipe Diameter (in) Average Flow Average Depth mgd % of Est. Capacity in % of Pipe Diameter 1 1.08 12 0.308 28.5% 5.42 45.2% 2 0.92 8 0.153 16.6% 2.78 34.7% 3 0.76 10 0.129 17.0% 2.57 25.7% 4 1.62 12 0.079 4.9% 2.19 18.3% The average dry -weather flow used less than 30% of the estimated capacity at each of the sites. The average depth used approximately one-third of the pipe diameter or less at Sites 2, 3, and 4. At Site 1, the average depth used almost one-half of the pipe diameter. Wet -Weather Flow During Monitoring Period The peak wet -weather flows during a rain event are considered to be caused by inflow. Inflow is generally defined as water, other than wastewater, that directly enters the sewer system through storm/sewer cross connections, vented manhole covers, roof leader connections to the sewers, service line connections and missing cleanout caps, and other such direct sources. Inflow produces the rapid flow increase during rain events and the 4 associated high peak flows. Peak inflow is typically the main cause of sewer system surcharging and overflows during wet weather. Infiltration is generally defined as water other than wastewater that seeps through the ground and into the sanitary sewers through defects (such as broken pipes, defective pipe joints, service connections and manhole walls). Infiltration is usually slower to enter the sewer and may remain evident in the sewer system for more than a day after a rain event ends. Infiltration generally leads to high volumes of I/I but not high peak flows. Based on rain data collected by a tipping bucket rain gauge installed for this project, Table 3 summarizes the largest rain event during the monitoring period. Table 3. Rain Event Summar Date Total Rain (inches) Peak Intensity (inches per hour) Duration (hours:minutes) January 22 - 23, 2017 2.44 1.00 8:00 Figure 3 graphically represents this rain event in comparison to 1-year and 2-year average recurrence interval rainfalls. This rain was greater than a 1-year rainfall event. The average recurrence interval information was obtained from "Precipitation -Frequency Atlas of the United States" NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 for the Union County, North Carolina area. Figure 3. Rain Event Compared to 1-Year and 2-Year Return Frequencies 24 7218 a c 12 ct s. A a 4 6 g 0 0.0 1 2 Year Year Return Return Frequency Frequ • cy s 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Rain (in) 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5 Table 4 summarizes flow during the evaluated rain events. The total estimated volume of UI measured at each meter site and other flow monitoring parameters are summarized in Table 4. Appendix A shows flow during the rain event versus the typical, dry -weather flow for each site. 6 Table 4. Waxhaw Area Flow Monitoring Summary - January 22 - 23, 2017 Rain Event Date Rain (In) Site Estimated Capacity - (mgd) Avg. Flow (mgd) Pipe Diameter (in) Peak Flow Peak Depth Ill Start Date and Time b1 End Date and Time Duration (hrs:min) Total IA Volume at Meter (gal) mgd % of Est. Capacity Peaking Factor' in % of Pipe Diameter January 22. 2017 2.44 1 1.08 0.308 12 1.033 95.6% 3.4 10.260 85.5% 1/22/17 5:30 PM 1/23/17 10:45 AM 17:15 251,547 2 0.92 0.153 8 0.730 79.5% 4.8 6.930 86.6% 1/22/17 7:15 PM 1/23/1711:45 AM 16:30 222,573 3 0.76 0.129 10 0.471 62.3% 3.7 6.299 63.0% 1/22/17 5:30 PM 1/23/17 10:15 PM 28:45 205.531 4 1.62 0.079 12 0.469 29.0% 5.9 4.783 39.9% 1/22/17 8:15 PM 1/24/17 12:45 AM 28:30 129.510 Notes: (1) Peaking factor is defined as the peak flow divided by the average daily flow. Conclusions Average Dry -Weather Flows All sites had sufficient pipe capacity for the average daily dry -weather flow. The average flow used less than 30% of the estimated pipe capacity at all sites. The average depth used approximately one-third of the pipe diameter or less at Sites 2, 3, and 4. At Site 1, the average depth used almost one-half of the pipe diameter. Wet -Weather Flows The following summarizes the wet -weather reaction during the January 22 - 23, 2017 rain event at each site: • Site 1 - The peaking factor (defined as the peak flow divided by the average flow) was 3.4 during the evaluated rain event. Generally, peaking factors greater than 4.0 to 5.0 are considered excessive so this is below that approximate threshold. However, the peak flow used nearly all (96%) of the estimated capacity during this rain event and the peak depth used 85% of the pipe diameter. • Site 2 - The peaking factor was 4.8 during the evaluated rain event. The peak flow and peak depth used more than three -fourths of the estimated capacity and pipe diameter. • Site 3 - The peaking factor was only 3.7 during the evaluated rain event. The peak flow and peak depth used just under two-thirds of the estimated capacity and pipe diameter. • Site 4 - This site had the highest peaking factor at 5.9 during the evaluated rain event. However, since the average flow used only 5% of the estimated capacity at this site, the peaking factor of 5.9 caused the peak flow and peak depth to use less than 40% of the estimated capacity and pipe diameter during the rain event. Summary The rain event that was used to evaluate I/I was a fairly large and intense rain (nearly 2.5 inches in 8 hours) and rains of this size should be expected less than once per year. Taking the rain event size into account, the peaking factors were generally not excessive. Sites 1 and 3 had small I/I peaking factors. The peaking factors at Sites 2 and 4 were slightly higher but not excessive for the size of the rain. In addition, there were various other smaller rain events during the monitoring period and the I/I reactions to these other rain events were generally minimal. The most significant concern appears to be the amount of capacity that is being utilized by the typical average daily flow at Site 1. Relatively small peaking factors (as observed during the January 22 - 23 rain event) will cause nearly all of the pipe capacity to be utilized. The flows in this area should be monitored closely to determine if there is sufficient capacity. 8 FRAZIER ENGINEERING P.A. UNION COUNTY BASINS 5 AND 7 MANHOLE INSPECTIONS AND SMOKE TESTING REPORT DECEMBER 22, 2017 6592 Bob White Trail Stanley, NC 2816 I Office: 704.822.8444 I Fax: 704.822.8666 UNION COUNTY Basins 5 and 7 - Manhole Inspections and Smoke Testing December 22, 2017 Per Union County's request, Frazier Engineering performed manhole inspections and smoke tested the sewers in Basins 5 and 7 to locate sources of infiltration/inflow (I/I). Figures 1 and 2 show the project area and numbered manholes. This work was performed in November 2017. Note that there is an estimated I/I contribution listed for each identified defect found through manhole inspections or smoke testing. This is a very general, average estimate of the I/I contribution and is not intended to be accurate for each defect, especially the larger and more severe defects. Additional evaluation would be necessary to more accurately estimate I/I contribution. Manhole Inspections Approximately 420 manholes were inspected in Basins 5 and 7 (eight additional manholes could not be located and six additional manholes were not able to be accessed). The 420 manholes are summarized in Table 1 with 29 of the manholes recommended for various types of rehabilitation. Frazier Engineering completed inspection reports in the field and obtained GPS points of all manholes. Digital pictures were taken to document all manholes. These pictures are on a flash drive included with this report. Refer to Table 1 for the rehabilitation called out for each manhole. Basin 5 Manhole Inspections Below is a summary of the identified manhole defects for Basin 5 (note that some manholes may require more than one type of rehab). • 261 manholes require no rehab • 4 manhole defects were associated with the frame and cover • 7 manhole defects were associated with active leaks inside the manhole • 7 manholes require locating the manhole and raising it to or above grade • 6 manholes could not be accessed • Estimated I/I contribution = 5.00 gallons per minute Basin 7 Manhole Inspections Below is a summary of the identified manhole defects for Basin 7 (note that some manholes may require more than one type of rehab). • 136 manholes require no rehab • 9 manhole defects were associated with the frame and cover • 10 manhole defects were associated with active leaks inside the manhole 1 • 1 manhole required locating the manhole and raising it to or above grade • Estimated I/I contribution = 6.40 gallons per minute Manhole Inspection Rehabilitation Recommendations Refer to Table 1 for rehabilitation recommendations for each manhole. Many of these defects are adding I/I to the sewer system. However, some of the defects are primarily related to maintenance issues. For example, the recommended rehabilitation of "Locate Manhole and Raise to Grade" may not necessarily be contributing I/I but is a maintenance issue that needs addressed. Table 1 lists the estimated repair cost of each defect. The Basin 5 estimated cost to repair all of the defects identified in Table 1 is $20,850. The Basin 7 estimated cost to repair all of the defects identified in Table 1 is $9,700. Smoke Testing Approximately 95,203 feet of sewer was smoked tested. Ninety-six defects were located during smoke testing and are summarized in Table 2. The Smoke Testing Forms that were completed in the field include sketches of the defect location and a general description of the defect. The Smoke Testing Form number associated with each defect is listed in Table 2. These Smoke Testing Forms are included in Appendix A. The sketches and Table 2 also list the photo numbers associated with the defects identified in that sketch. Basin 5 Smoke Testing Defects Below is a summary of the identified defects. • 56 defects were associated with service cleanouts • 7 defects were associated with service laterals • 4 defects were associated with manholes • 1 defect was associated with a mainline sewer • 1 defect was associated with a roof drain • 1 defect was associated with a storm drain • Estimated I/I contribution = 22.75 gallons per minute Basin 7 Smoke Testing Defects Below is a summary of the identified defects. • 23 defects were associated with service cleanouts • 2 defects were associated with service laterals • 1 defect was associated with a manhole • Estimated I/I contribution = 6.25 gallons per minute Smoke Testing Rehabilitation Recommendations The defects identified from the smoke testing are almost entirely inflow defects. Inflow is generally defined as water other than wastewater that directly enters the sewer system through storm/sewer cross connections, vented manhole covers, roof leader connections to the sewers, service line connections and missing cleanout caps, and other such direct sources. Inflow produces the rapid flow increase after rains begin and the associated high peak flows. Reduction 2 of inflow will reduce peak flows and sewer system surcharging during rain events. Refer to Table 2 for recommendations and to Appendix A for the locations of the smoke leak defects. All smoke leak defects should be repaired. Table 2 lists the estimated repair cost of each defect. The Basin 5 estimated cost to repair all of the defects identified in Table 2 is $36,140. The Basin 7 estimated cost to repair all of the defects identified in Table 2 is $8,950. School Campuses Part of the manhole inspections and smoke testing was performed at school campuses. The sewer system at the campuses of Porter Ridge Elementary School, Porter Ridge Middle School, Porter Ridge High School, and Poplin Elementary School was evaluated. This work was performed while school was not in session over the Thanksgiving break. There were not any defects identified through manhole inspections or smoke testing at these campuses. 3 0S 0$ 05 00'0 96E0-60L S6E0-60L ANON S ulseg OZEE-HW 000'LS 0$ 000' LS 0Z'0 46E0-601 £6E0-40L 83AOO ONV 9L9YHd ONIISIX313338 S ulseg 610E-HW 0S OS 0$ 00'0 48E0-60L E9E0-401 ANON 91.8580 9LEE-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 06E0-40L 68E0-60L ANON Sulseg LLEE-HW 0$ 0S 0S 00'0 88E0-401 L8E0-40L ANON 9 wseg 9L0E-HW 05 0$ 0$ 00'0 99E0-40L 99E0-VOL ANON Sulseg SL££-HW O$ 0S 0S 00'0 Z6E0-VOL L6E0-40L ANON S u!seg 4LEE-HW OS OS 0S 00'0 Z8E0-601 L6E0-60L ANON 9 ulseg EL£E-HW 0$ 0S 0S 00'0 0140-40L 6060-40L ANON S Ulseg ZLEE-HW OS 0S 0S 00'0 08£0-40L 6LE0-401 ANON 9 ulseg 11£E-HW 0$ 0S 0S 00'0 9L£O-401 LL£0-40L ANON S u!seg 0LE£-HW 0S OS 0$ 00'0 9LE0-VOL SLE0-401 ANON S u!seg 600E-HW 0S OS 0S 00'0 4L£O-SQL ELEO-SQL ANON S wseg 80EE-HW 0$ 0$ OS 00'0 OLEO-1,0S 69E0-401 ANON S wseg LOEE-HW 0S OS OS 00'0 ZLE0-40L LLE0-40L ANON 9815e3 90EE-HW OS OS 0$ 00'0 BM -SQL L9E0-170L ANON Swseg 90EE-1-IW 0$ 0S 0S 00'0 99E0-60L 99E0-VOL ANON 9 wseg 40£E-HW OS 0S 0S 00'0 91.40-40L SL40-VOL ANON 9 wseg EOEE-HW 0$ 0S 0$ 00'0 OZ40-40L 6L40-401 ANON S wseg ZOEE-HW OS 0S 0S 00'0 ZZ40-SQL LZ40-40L 3NON S wseg LOSE-HW OS 0S 0S 00'0 L66Z-ZZ1 966Z-ZZ1 ANON S wseg 006E-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 666Z-ZZL 866Z-ZZL ANON 9 wseg 66Z£-HW OS 0S 0$ 00'o Z00E-EZL 1000-0Z1 ANON 9 wseg 86ZE-HW O$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 S66Z-ZZL 466Z-ZZL ANON S wseg L6ZE-HW OS OS 0S 00'0 E66Z-ZZL Z66Z-ZZL ANON S wseg 96ZE-HW OS 0S 0$ 00'0 94Z0-LOL 96Z0-L01 ANON S wseg 46 LZ-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 84Z0-LOL MO-L0L ANON Swseg E6LZ-HW OS OS OS 00'0 44Z0-LOL E7Z0-LOL ANON S wseg Z6 LZ-HW 04 0$ 0$ 00'0 09Z0-LOL 64Z0-LOL ANON 9 wseg 162-1-14N OS 0S OS 00'0 ZSZO-LOL 1SZ0-LOL ANON 9 ulses 06 LZ-HW 003 0$ 00 L$ 09'0 9800-00L 6800-00L HSIO MO13NI TVISNI 9u!seg 69LZ-HW 00L$ 05 001S 0S'0 L800-00L 0800-001 HSIO MOUNT IIVISNI S slices 981Z-HW 05 OS OS 00'0 LL10-LOL 0LL0-L0L 3NON Swseg LB LZ-HW 0$ O$ 0$ 00'0 6910-LOL 99L0-LOL ANON S UI$eg 981Z-HW 0$ OS OS 00'0 L910-LOL 99L0-LOL ANON Sulseg 981Z-HW OS OS OS 00'0 L800-00L 9800-00L ANON Swseg 481Z-HW 0$ 0$ OS 00'0 L600-00L 0600-00L ANON 9 Ulse6 EBLZ-HW 0$ OS 0$ 00'0 6800-001 9900-001 ANON S wseg ZB LZ-HW 0$ 0$ 0S 00'0 L600-001 9600-001 ANON 9 wseg L81Z-HW 0S OS 0S 00'0 6900-001 9900-001 ANON 9 slices 081Z-HW 0S 0$ 0S 00'0 00Z0-LOL 66L0-L01 ANON Swseg 6L LZ-HW 0S 0S OS 00'0 9810-101 L910-101 ANON 9 wseg 9LLZ-HW 0$ 0S 0S 00'0 981.0-10L SOLO-SOL ANON Swseg LLIZ-HW OS 0S 0$ 00'0 5910-LOL 49L0-L01 ANON 9 wseg 9LLZ-HW OS 0S OS 00'0 69L0-101. 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ANON L ulseg Z4L4 L-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 OL40-9O1. 6940-SOL ANON L ulseg L4L41-HW 0$ OS 0$ 00'0 8940-901. L940-901. ANON L uise9 04L4L-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 9940-901 9940-SOL ANON L u!se9 6EL41-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 4940-SOL E940-$0I. ANON L 1,lse8 8EL4L-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 Z940-901. 1.940-901. ANON L ulseg LEL4 L-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 0940-SOL 6940-901 ANON L uise9 9EL41-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 8940-SOL L44O-SOL ANON L uise9 9EL4L-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 Z940-901. 1.940-901 ANON L uise9 4EL41-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 4940-901 E940-901 ANON L ulseg EEL4L-HW 000'Z$ 0$ 000'Z$ 00'0 3OV210 3A08V 1333 Z 01310HNVW 3SIV21 L uise9 Z£L4L-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 9940-901 S940-SOL ANON L uise9 LEL4 L-HW OS 0$ 00 00'0 0940-SOL 6440-S01 ANON L 1.11se9 6ZL4L-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 9440-SOL L440-901. ANON L ulseg 8ZL41.-HW 0SE$ 0$ 09E$ OZ'0 9140-SOL 9440-SOL SNV31 NOLLV2illIHNI 1V9S L u1se9 LZL4L-H01 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 4440-SOL E440-S01 ANON L uise9 gZL4 L-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 E6Z0-1.0I Z6Z0-I01. ANON L ulseg 6614 L-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 EOLE-EZL ZOLE-EZI ANON L uise9 4Z1.41.-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 09L9-801 692.9-901 ANON 9 uise9 OL69-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 1.040-I01. 0040-10I ANON 9 ulseg 9469-HW 000' L$ 0$ 000'1$ 0Z'0 400E-EZ1 ?l3A00 ONV 3WV213 ONI.SIX313S321 S wse9 9469-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 Z4E0-LOL 14£0-1.01. ANON 9 uise9 4469-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 94£0-I0I S4E0-I01 ANON S uise9 E469-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 _ 4140-401 EL40-401 ANON 9 ulse8 SE99-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 Z1.40-401. L140-401. ANON Sulse9 4E99-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 8040-401 L040-401 ANON S uise9 £E99-HIN 0$ 0$ OS 00'0 0040-40L 66EO-401 ANON S uise9 ZE99-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 ZEEO-101 LEEO-10I. - ANON S uise9 LE99-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 0££0-101 6ZE0-10I. ANON 9 uise9 0E99-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 8ZE0-10I. /2E0-101 ANON Sulse9 6Z99-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 9ZE0-101 9ZE0-1.01. _ _ ANON 9 Elva 9099-HW 0$ 0$ OS 00'0 L0E0401 00E0-101 ANON 9 uise9 LZ99-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 66Z0-00I. 66Z0-00I. ANON Sulse9 9Z99-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 S6Z0-101 46Z0-101 ANON 9 uise9 SZ99-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 90E0-LOL 40E0-1.0L ANON 9 uise9 4Z99-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 68Z0-L0L 99Z0-101 ANON S ulseg EZ99-HW 0$ 0S 0$ 00'0 16Z0-101 06Z0-101 ANON 9 ulse8 ZZ99-HW 001$ 0$ 003 09'0 EOEO-10 L ZOE0-1.01 HSIO MO13NI T1V,SNI Sulse9 1Z99-HW OS OS 0$ 00'0 LBZO-101 98Z0-101 ANON 9 ulseg OZ99-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 166Z-ZZL 066Z-ZZI. ANON 5 uise9 L199-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 E00E-EZ1 ANON S uise9 9199-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 LL6Z-ZZL 9L6Z-ZZL 3NON 9 uise9 91.99-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 996Z-ZZL 496Z-ZZL 3NON S uise9 4199-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 L86Z-ZZL 986Z-ZZI. ANON 9 uise9 EL99-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 686Z-ZZL 996Z-ZZI ANON 9 uise9 Z199-H01 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 6L6Z-ZZI 8L6Z-ZZI ANON 9 uise9 1.199-HW 0$ 0$ 0S 00'0 186Z-ZZI 086Z-ZZL _ _ ANON S uise9 0199-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 096Z-ZZ1 Z96Z-ZZI ANON S uise9 6099-HW 000'Z$ 0$ 000'Z$ 00'0 30'0,10 013SIVH ONV 31OHNVW 31V001 9 wse9 9099-H1N 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 66E0-I0I. 96E0-101 ANON S ulseg L099-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 1.6E0-1.01. 06E0-1.01. _ _ _ _ _ ANON Sulse9 9099-H1N 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 L9E0-101 98E0-101 ANON S uise9 5099-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 49£0-101. £9£0-101 ANON Sulse9 E099-HIN 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 ZSEO-101 LSE0-101 ANON 9 uise9 Z099-HW 000'Z$ 0$ 000'Z$ 00'0 30V210 013SIV21 ONV 31OHNVW 31V001 9 ulseg 1.099-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 09E0-101 64E0-101 ANON S uise9 0099-HW OS 0$ 0$ 00'0 1.9Z0-1.0I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ANON _ S uise9 6699-H1N 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 09Z0-LOL 69Z0-1.0I. ANON 9 uise9 8699-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 ' ZEZO-101 L£Z0-101 ANON 9 uise9 L699-HW O$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 9ZZ0-101 SZZO-101 ANON 9ulse9 9699-1-1W 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 4ZZ0-1.0L EZZO-1.01 ANON 9 uise9 96S9-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 41Z0-101. ELZ0-1.01 ANON 9 ulseg E699-HW 09E5 0$ 09ES 0Z'0 ZLZ0-LOL LLZO-1.01 S)1V31 NOI!Vell1IANI 1V3S 9 uise9 OZ699-HW 0S 0$ 0$ 00'0 O1Z0-101. 60Z0-101 ANON 9 u1se9 9Z699-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 80Z0-101. LOZO-1.01. ANON 9 uise9 VZ6S9-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 90Z0-LOL S0Z0-L0L ANON 9 wse9 Z6S9-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 40Z0-I0I EOZO-IOI ANON S uise9 1699-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 ZOZO-1.01. LOZO-1.01 ANON S ulseg 06S9-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 9900-001 4900-00L ANON Sulse9 6999-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 L900-001. 9900-001. ANON S uise9 9999-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 £900-001 Z900-001 ANON S uise9 L999-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 ANON 4 uise9 9959-HW OS 0$ 0$ 00'0 6900-001. 9900-001 ANON 9 uise9 9899-1-101 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 LL00-001 0L00-001 ANON 9 uise9 4999-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 EL00-001. ZL00-001. - ANON 9ulse9 E9S9-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 LL00-001 9L00-00L ANON Sulse9 Z899-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 6L00-00L 8L00-00L - ANON 9 uise9 1899-H1N 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 L900-001. 0900-001 ANON 3 ulse8 0899-1-1W 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 SL00-001. 4L00-001 3NON 9 wse9 8L99-HW OS 0$ 0$ 00'0 81.40-401. L1.40-401 ANON S uise9 LL99-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 9640-401 4640-401 ANON S sisal] 9L99-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 E8E0-101 Z8E0-I0I ANON S uise9 SL99-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 8LE0-101 LLEO-L01 ANON S wse9 4L99-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 L9E0-101 09E0-101 ANON S uise9 ELS9-HW OS 0$ 0$ 00'0 6LE0-101 ANON S uise9 ZL99-HW 0$ OS 0$ 00'0 OLEO-L01 SLEO-L01 ANON Sulse9 LLS9-HW Lso3 ulo 1 l Iso3 wa] Z I Lso3 wal I I (MO) elo VII l 0)ogd euaa 1 1uI °LOyd Punoao anogV lOdO ILI Z wall - geyau papuawwooau I wall - geyag papuawwooau aagwn9 ulse g aloyue1W 0S 0S OS 00'0 99L8-90l 99L8-801 ANON L ulse9 ZL69-HW 0$ OS 0$ 00'0 Z9L8-801 19L9-801. ANON L ulse9 LL69-1-1W 0$ 0S 0S 00'0 6LZ0-1.01. 9LZ0-1.0L ANON L wse9 6649-H11 OS 0S OS 00'0 58Z0-1.01 49Z0-1.01. ANON L u!se8 2649-HW 0$ 0$ 0S 00'0 £8Z0-101 Z9Z0-1.O1. ANON Lu!se9 L649-HW 0S 0S 0$ 00'0 1.9Z0-1.01. O9Z0-1.01. ANON L 0ISB9 9649-HW 0S 0$ 0$ 00'0 LLZ0-1.01. 9LZ0-1.01. ANON L U!Se8 9649-HW OS 0$ 0$ 00'0 SLZO-L0L 4L20-1.O1. ANON L u!se8 4649-HW 0S 0S 0$ 00'0 ELZ0-1.01. ZLZO-L01. ANON L ulse9 E649-HW 0$ OS 0S 00'0 LLZ0-1,01. OLZ0-L01. ANON L u!seg Z649-HW OS 0$ 0$ 00'0 69Z0-L01. 69Z0-101 ANON L u19e8 1.649-HW 0S 0S '0S 00'0 L9Z0-LOl 99Z0-101. ANON L u!seg 0649-HW 000$ 0$ 000$ 09'0 99Z0-1.01. 49Z0-1.01. HSIO MO1ANI TIV.SNI L ulse9 6949-HW 0S 0$ 0$ 00'0 COO-L0L Z9Z0-101. ANON L u!se8 0949-HW 0$ 0$ 0S 00'0 9999-901. 4999-901. ANON L UI5e9 0E49-HW 0S 0S OS 00'0 9999-90k L998-90L ANON L u!se9 6Z49-HW 0$ 0S 0$ 00'0 0[98-80' 6998-90L ANON L u!se9 8Z49-HW 0S 0S 0S 00'0 EL99-901. LL99-90L ANON L u!se9 LZ09-HW 0$ 0$ 0S 00'0 9E40-SOL LE40-90L ANON L u!se9 SZ49-1-11A1 0S 0S 0S 00'0 0440-90L 6E40-901. ANON L u19e9 4Z49-HW 0$ OS 0$ 00'0 Z440-901. 1440-90L ANON L u!se9 EZ49-HW 0$ 0S 0S 00'0 9E40-SOL 9E40-901 ANON L u!se9 ZZ49-HW 0$ 0S 0$ 00'0 4E40-90L CM-SOL ANON L u19e9 LZ49-HW 0S 0S 0$ 00'0 ZE40-901, LE40-901. ANON L u!se9 0Z49-HW OS OS 0S 00'0 0E40-SOL 6Z40-90L ANON L u!se9 61.49-HW 0$ 0S 0S 00'0 9Z40-501. CM-SOL ANON L u!se9 9149-HW 0S 0S 0$ 00'0 9Z40-900 9Z40-0' ANON L u!see L049-HW 0$ 0S OS 00'0 4Z40-90L £Z4010' ANON L u!se9 9L49-HW 0$ 0$ OS 00'0 9090-SOL LOSO-S0L ANON L ulse9 91.49-HW 0S 0S 0S 00'0 0090-SOL 60S0-S0L ANON L u!se9 41.49-HW OS 0$ 0$ 00'0 4640-90L E640-90L ANON L u!se9 E149-H44 0S 0S OS 00'0 9L99-e00 4L99-90L ANON L WSe9 ZL49-HW COLS 0S 00L$ OS'0 8L98-80L 9L98-80L HSIO MOlJNI 1'V.SNI L u!se8 LL49-HW ooLS OS 00LS 09'0 089E-80L 6L96-90L HSIO MOIANI TIV1SNl L u!se9 0149-HW 00 L$ 0S 001$ 09'0 £990-901 1998-80L HSIO MOIdNI lltl1SNI Lwse9 6049-HW 094$ 0S£$ 001$ OL'0 099E-80L 4999-90L SNV31 NOI.VaLlIdNI 1V3S HSIO MOIANI TIV.SNI L LI589 8049-H141 00 L$ 0S 001S 09'0 6996-90L 9999-900 HSIO MOIANI 11VISNI L wseB L049-HW 00E'LS 0S 00E'LS OZ'0 L699-900 0698-60L N3n00 ONV 3WV23d 0110S TIVISNI L u!se9 9049-1-101 00E'L$ 0$ 00E'l$ 0Z'0 E698-90L Z699-90L N3000 ONV 3411VNA OIlO8 TIV.SNI L u!se8 9049-HW 0$ 0S 0S 00'0 9640-901 9640-SOL ANON L wseB 4049-HW 0S 0S 0S 00'0 0090-90L 6640-SOL ANON L ulse9 6049-HW 0$ 0S 0S 00'0 8640-SOL L640-90L ANON Lu!se9 Z049-HW 0S 0S 0S 00'0 Z090-90L 1090-900 ANON L 1,19e9 L049-HW 0$ 0$ 0S 00'0 4030-SOL E0S0-90L ANON L u!se9 0049-HW 0S 0$ OS 00'0 9090-SOL 5090-90L ANON L u!se9 66E9-HW 05 0S 0$ 00'0 LOL9-801. 90L6-90L ANON L wseg 66£9-HW 0S 0S OS 00'0 60L8-90L 90L8-901 ANON L u15e9 96E9-H1N 0$ 0$ 0S 00'0 ZLL9-90L 0LL9-800 ANON L u19e9 96E9-HW 0$ OS 0$ 00'0 9118-90L ELL9-90L ANON L u!se9 46E9-HW 0$ 0$ 0S 00'0 LLLB-90L 9LL8-80L ANON L u!se9 E6E9-HW 0S 0S 0S 00'0 60L8-901 90L9-801. ANON L u!se9 Z669-HW 09E$ 0$ 09ES 04'0 lZL9-801 OZL9-90l SNd31 NOI1V811IdN1 1V3S L u]se9 L6E9-HW OSES 0S OSES 04'0 CUB-80L ZZL9-901 SNV3l NOI1V2311IdNI 1V3S L u!see 06E9-HW OSE$ 0$ 09ES 0Z'0 5698-80L 4696-80L SNV3l N011V9L 1IdNI 1V3S L '4988 69E9-HW OSES 0S Ha OZ'0 6699-90L L699-901 SNV31 NOI1VN1lI5NI 1V3S L u!se9 9969-149 0$ 0S 0$ 00'0 690E-0Z IL 99D£-6ZL ANON L ulse9 99E9-HW 0S 0S 0S 00'0 000E-0ZL 000E-0Z1 ANON L u!se8 E9E9-HW 0$ 0$ OS 00'0 OZLE-£ZL 6' LE-EZ1 ANON L u!se9 08E9-HW 0S 0S _ 0S 00'0 ZZLE-EZL LZLE-EZL _ _ ANON L u!se8 6LE9-HW OS 0S 0$ 00'0 000E-0ZL ZLOE-EZL ANON L u!se9 9LE9-HW OSES 0S OSES 04'0 000E-0Zl 400E-0Zl SNV31 NOI,VN1l1ANI 1V0S L u!se9 LLE9-HW OS 0S OS 00'0 000E-0ZL L14E-EZL ANON L 14$89 9LE9-HW 0$ 0S 0$ 00'0 001E-0ZL 411.6-EZL ANON L wseB SLE9-1-1W 0$ 0S 0$ 00'0 000E-0ZL 01 LE-£ZL ANON L u!s89 69E9-HW 0$ OS 0$ 00'0 EL1£-EZL ZLLE-£Z1 ANON L u!se9 89E9-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 800E-0ZC 000E-0ZL ANON L wseg L9E9-HW 0S 0$ 0S 00'0 080E-8ZL 600E-0ZL 3NON L u!se9 99E9-H141 0S 0$ 0$ 00'0 OGLE-M. 801E-8ZL ANON L u!se9 S9E9-HW 0$ 0$ 0S 00'0 000E-2ZL 901E-EZL ANON Lu!se9 49E9-HW 0S 0$ 0$ 00'0 90 LE-6ZL 400E-0ZL ANON L u!se9 E9E9-HW 0$ 0S 0S 00'0 000E-0ZL 000E-0ZL ANON Lu!se9 Z9E9-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 L60E-CZL 960E-CZL ANON L wseg L9E9-HW 0$ 0$ 0S 00'0 660E-0ZL 860E-0ZL ANON L u!se9 09E9-HW 0S 0S 0S 00'0 ZBOE-EZL 080E-2ZL ANON Lu!se8 6SE9-HW 0S 0$ 0$ 00'0 Z940-90L L940-S0L ANON L u!se8 99£9-1-1W 000'LS 0S 000'L$ OZ'0 9[40-90L 9L40-901 N3A00 ONV 3WVNA ONLLSIX313S8N L u!se9 LSE9-HW 05E$ 0S OM 0Z'0 0940-SOL 6L40-90L SNV31 NOI1VN11I5NI 1V3S L u!seg 9929-HW 0SE$ 0S OSES 04'0 8L40-400 LL40-901 SNV31 NOI1VLLLlIANI 1V3S L u!se9 SSE9-HW 0S 0S 0S 00'0 10L9-90L 00L8-901 ANON L u!se9 49E9-HW 0S 0S OS 00'0 880E-EZL 080E-2Z1 ANON L u!se9 2SE9-HW 0$ 0S OS 00'0 990E-0ZL 590E-EZL ANON L u!se9 ZSE9-HIN OS 0S OS 00'0 490E-0ZL E90E-EZL ANON L u!se9 1.9E9-HW 0$ - 0$ 0$ 00'0 460E-EZ0 060E-EZL ANON L ulse9 09E9-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 Z60E-EZL 060E-0ZL ANON L UISe9 64E9-1-144 0$ 0$ OS 00'0 060E-2ZL 690E-EZL ANON L u1589 94E9-H1N 0S OS 0$ 00'0 190E-0Z1 090E-EZL ANON L ulsee L4£9-HIN 0S OS 0S 00'0 090E-6Z1 Z90E-EZL ANON L wse9 94E9-HW 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 590E-6Z1 490E-CZL ANON L 1,1989 94E9-HW 0$ 0S 0S 00'0 090E-2ZL 990£-EZL ANON L 11!se9 44£9-HW 0$ OS 0$ 00'0 LZ0£-2Z1 0Z0E-0Z1 ANON L u!se9 E4E9-HW OS 0S 0S 00'0 EZ0E-£Z1 ZZO£-EZI. ANON L u!se9 Z409-HW 0S 0$ 0$ 00'0 040E-2ZI 940E-0ZL ANON L u!se9 1.4E9-1-1W 0$ OS 0$ 00'0 540E-0ZL 440E-0ZL _ ANON L u!seg 04E9-HW 0S 0S 0S 00'0 240E-2ZL Z40£-EZL ANON L u!se9 6EE9-HW 0S 0S OS 00'0 040E-0ZL 040E-CZL ANON L U1Seg 8££9-HW 0S 0$ 0$ 00'0 640E-EZL 840E-EZ' ANON L u!se9 L229-HW 0S 0S 0S 00'0 000E-0ZL 000E-0ZL ANON L u!9e9 SEE9-HW 0S 0S 0$ 00'0 450E-6ZL Z900-£Z1 ANON L u!se9 40£9-HW 0$ 0S OS 00'0 950E-0ZL 990E-EZL ANON L u4989 £EE9-HW 0$ 0$ 0S 00'0 900E-0ZL LSoo-en ANON L u!see ZEE9-HW 0S 0S OS 00'0 600E-EZ1. 800E-EZL ANON L u!se9 LE£9-1-101 0$ OS 0$ 00'0 000E-0ZL 900E-0ZL ANON L u!se9 OE£9-1-1W 0$ 0$ 0$ 00'0 020E-0ZL ZEOE-EZL ANON L u!se9 6ZE9-HW OS 0$ OS 00'0 LE0£-EZL 0E0E-£ZL ANON L u!589 8ZE9-HW 0S 0S 0S 00'0 6Z0E-EZL BZOE-EZL ANON L u!se9 LZE9-HW 0S 0$ 0$ 00'0 LZ0E-EZL 920E-EZl ANON Lu!se9 9Z£9-1-IW 0S OS OS 00'0 SZOE-CZI. 4Z0E-EZI. ANON L u!589 SZE9-HW goo ¢10 1 1 'sop a Zw11 Iso3 wa T 1I (Na9) e o M11I mild euaa u 1 1I ologd ann9V %'8d9 IQ Z wall - gegag papuawwoaaa I wall - gogau papuawwona aagwnN arse 9 a!ogu¢ly Manhole Basin Number Recommended Rehab - Item 1 Recommended Rehab - Item 2 III GPM Above Ground Photo Internal Photo Total I/I (GPM) Item I Cost Item 2 Cost Total Cost MH-6973 Basin 7 NONE 108-8757 108-8758 0.00 $0 $0 $0 MH-6974 Basin 7 NONE 108-8752 108-8753 0.00 $0 $0 $0 MH-6975 Basin 7 NONE 108-8746 108-8747 0.00 $0 $0 $0 MH-6975A Basin 7 NONE 108-8744 108-8745 0.00 S0 $0 $0 MH-6976 Basin 7 NONE 123-3129 123-3130 0.00 $0 $0 $0 MH-6977 Basin 7 NONE 123-3127 123-3128 0.00 $0 $0 $0 MH-6978 Basin 7 NONE 123-3125 123-3126 0.00 $0 $0 $0 MH-6979 Basin 7 NONE 108-8748 108-8749 0.00 . $0 $0 $0 MI1E980 Basin 7 NONE 108-8750 108-8751 0.00 $0 $0 $0 Total = 11.40 Basin 5 Total $20,850 Basin 7 Total $9,700 Total $30,550 006$ 183511I O NV dlO SWIM Stu lepualod mop! mol'apw81e A11adold papas Nu yasu/ pue deo inoueap 7Ad.9 0718-801 14211 3noueaD9A5 Peo99an6IPM LLOI 8E L0P06 8ZE9-HW 0EE9-HW OOPS 1935NI 0 NV dt03]V1d39 WO lepualod Atop! mai•ape1B le Spadold papas Nu pawl pue dea lnaueap ]Ad .b 09L8-80I 34811 lnauea13395 auelwea115 an16900TT LE LulseB 62£9-14W 8ZE9-HW 055 9233391d38 5V0 IelWalod mop! mal'ape182e deo No0eap OM .9 £bL8-80T 348P lnoueal33AS pe09 puod wled TI00T 9E LulseB ETE9-HW 01E9-HW 0051$ 19931V1331A93591tld38 00'T Iepualad mogul alelapoot'pleilowy pi salo4qu!s °Amw0118upilwa allows 9090-TOT elwap0W llolno]AS p0o9 gaag1l!9S EZOT 2 LulseB 5E£9-14W 9ZIb0-HW 009$ 1935NI SPIV 49333V1436 SZ'o lepualod mogul may'apel8 molag ala4mawas avow Sopl!aa uag01q edict lnoueaNDAd.9 9000-10T 14811 lnoueal77A5 Peo9930g1111520I I LulseB. 5EE9'HW 9ZI6T-HW 1318V1 N1030n13N1ISO] 83AO70NV MAIM 9NN51831.3538 lepualod mogul mai•ape18 ye geal lulo(iseaald alo4ueW LE62-ZZI 64811 alo4ueW 5669 a/a4ueW 06 Sulse9 BTS9-HW 5969-HW 000$ 1639NI 089193939Id39 SZ'0 lepualod mogul Atm'apel8 le uagaq]asp! pue deo mint, 7M .9 LS6Z-ZZT 148n lnoueal77A5 a190166003 TI65 868 5ulse8 6Z99-HW 8299-HW 009$ 1935NI ONV 193039Id39 SZ'0 lepualod mogul may•ape18 le uagolq yawl pue deo lnoueala 7Ad ,.4 L56Z-Z2I 14211 ln0uea17]AS aPN9a1]6065 V68 50lsee 6299-HW 8299-HW 05$ dV737V1d39 00'0 le!ualod m030/ 09'apel8 amoqe .3 uagolq deo inoueaP 7M .9 996Z-Z0T a0ON lnoueal7OAS apl!7901]GOES 98 5else9 862E-HW 9I99-HIM OOPS 1935NI ONV d1D 37V1d38 00'0 Iellualad mogul opsape1B adage „9 uagaq pawl pue 8u!ss!w deo Inoueap ]Ad .9 Z962-ZZI atoll 1n0ueap7AS aloDueeo1 LOW L8 5ulse8 9199-HW ZI99-HW 009$ 1935NI ONVdt737V1d39 SZ'0 lepualod mogul mat'apel8 ye uagaq pawl pue deo inoueap 7Ad,.9 • I96Z-ZZT 148!1 lnoueal77A5 alyD6e8019000 98 5u1se8 I199.HW 0199-HW OOPS 1935N16NV 1033]VId39 00'0 lellualod mogul aN'apele amge .90ag01q Willi 2n0ueaI ]M .9 6962-2ZI auoN lnouea130AS ' 0a11511auuad L0E5 S8 5ulse8 E099-HW Z099-HW OLS$ 836635351A3131 00'I lellualod mogul alelap019 •00gleiunaiatie smaaw 9 a1a9m aepa glelnapp w0190032wa agew5 OETO-I0T alelapoW aupuleyy Peoll Wwg341!ed 528E 08 Sus.9 6659-HW 8659-HW 006$ 1935N1 GNVd9337V1d39 SZ'0 I012002 dmogul m0l'ape182e deo uagaq 421m 1noueal]Ad.9 LTT0-00T 14811 m00ea173A5 1aa115wes1¢6606£ E8 5ulse8 ZEIZ-HW £659'HW 000$ 1835NI ON7dOD SWIM 52'O lelyualad mogul m0l•apa8 le uagaq ad!d No0ea17Ad„9 LOT000T 14811 lnoueal77A5 0PID18a13 L199 Ze 5ulse8 9859-HW E859-HW 05$ dV333V1d39 00'0 Iellualad mogul op'apel8 anage.] mpg deo N000010]Ad.9 EE60-22T auoN lnouea137A5 anu0 He11 s1a1un990TE 18 Sulse9 0459-HW 9L59-1-1W 0052$ 1V931V1371A93581Vd38 Sr() 1e11ua2od maim m07salami au!l aoNda5 996Z-Z21 148I1 aul77AS anp04dasof 2590T9 808 5ulse8 6L59-HW TL59-HW 000S 11135N1 (INV &ID 33V1d39 00'0 lepualod mogul op'apel8 ample uagaqyasul inoueap ]Ad .9 5962-22I auoN lnoueaD DAS aAp04dasol 0000I 9 V08 5ulse8 9L59-HW TL59-101 OOPS 1935NIONV d9D 37V1d39 SZ'0 monad m08u1m01-apel0ye uagolgyasu1pue deo ynoueaP 7Ad .9 996Z-ZZ1 ryes 1n0uea07AS , AeM sape43 gel 1T09 6L 5015e8 8959-HW L959-HW 0045 11135NI 0NV AV733VId39 52'0 lepuai0dmo0ulm07'age18le many vow] pue Sump deo ln00e3P]Ad„9 L962-22I 14811 lnoueap7A5 ary171a6u0760SL BL 5ulse8 5959-HVP 6959-HW 05$ dV333V1d38 52'0 I0Pual0d mogul Atm'apel9 ye uagaq deo inoueaP 7Ad.9 IEIO-TOL 34811 NOuea17A5 Pe09431043 4g/ed 616E LL 50Ise8 6559-HW 8559-HW 131091N1030 n17N11507 93A00 0NV 3Wtl0d 9N1151X313539 lepu0lnd mogul maysape18 ye awes) paleas Apo0d se4 alo4ueW 80T0-001 14911 alo4ueW 1559 alo4ueW 9L 5u10ee 68TZ-HW 1559-HW 0095 193SNI ONV d9J 37Vtd36 ' 51'0 lellualod mope! 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ONV dyD 37Vtd38 52'0 le!ualod mogul mai•apel8 ye uagaq yasulpue 8upsiw deo inoueap 7Ad.b 9E6Z-ZZT 148n lnoueap7A5 °PIO 000!d m0Pe450I0b IL 5u!see 8E59-HW L£59'HW 000S 1935N1 ONV dV737VId39 52'0 lepualod mogul mol'apel8 matey' „2 paeewep Noueap]nd.9 ZE6ZZZI NOP lnoueap7A5 an14311.1sodiu0H ZII£ 0L 5upe8 9159-HW 5E59-HW OS$ dV733V1d38 SZ'0 Iepualad mogul mal'apel8 ye uagolq deo ynoueaP 7Ad,0 IE6Z-ZZT 148n Nouex177A5 an/Opa1s1a00n92010 69 Sulsee SE59-HW 9E59-1-11/1 056 dV7371/1d39 CVO lepualod mogul mol'apel0le uagaq deo Noueap DM .9 996Z-ZZI 148!1 1n0ueaD DAS pal Pulm4lnoS tut 89 5u1e8 6259-HW EE59-1•1W US$ dVJ33V1d39 SZ'0 Iellualad ma1u!mai'apel9 ye uagolq deo inoueap 7Ad.9 E962-ZZL 148t1 lnoueap7A5 Ilell Pl!m4Na59001 L9 Sulsee IES9-HW 0E59-H1A1 OOPS 1835NI ONVdV] 33Md39 52'0 lepualod mogul Awl'ape08 ye uagaq vase! pueeulsslw dea NOueap 7Ad .0 T962-22T 14811 lnoueap7A5 00110 pe11s1ayun9 ZOTZ 99 5upe8 Z959-HW 6Z59-141A1 05$ dV337V1d38 00'0 IZPua6Od mogul aN'apea anage,T mpg' deo 0000eep 7Ad.6 SE6Z-ZZT auoN lnoueap7A5 anu0ma!naep39T6£ 59 SulseB LI59M1/e 9T59-HW 05$ dV737V1d311 SZ'0 lepualod maput may'apel8 le Bulssly deo Noueap ]Ad.9 9E62-22I 14e11 lnoueap7A5 aml0 ma9aep3916E 99 5upe8 9I59-HW S1S9-11W 05$ dV337V1439 SZ'0 Ielluaad m00ul m0y-ape182e uagalq deo 000660P]Ad.4 826Z-ZZ1 148n N0uea177A5 .1.0leug1e0 LOU E9 5ulse8 OT59-HW IT59-111A1 006$ 1835N10NV&TO 33VId39 SZ'0 lellualod m09u!m01'apel8 ye uagaq Mid pue yasu10n0ueap 7Ad.9 0E62-20I 248n lnoueap7A5 a9Na mall0H P819 TOOT Z9 5u]se6 L059-HW 8059-HW 00b$ 1935N10 NV 0V337VId39 SZ'0 Iellualad m011ulma1 apa990]aq „Z pa80wep N0ueala 7Ad..9 6262-2ZT 84911 1n0uea07A5 anp0 m0p0H Pa199001 19 5upe8 L059-H01 8059-HW 05$ dV737V1d38 52'0 lellualod mogul mot•ape181e uagaq deo Nauea17Ad.9 L262-221 148I1 lnoueap7A5 ante ma!na8p3609E 09 5u]see 9059-HW 5059-14W 000$ 1935N1 ONV d10 371/1d38 52'0 lepualod m011u1 mot 'ape181e uagaq 11asulpue deo NoueaP3Ad.4 9Z62-RT 14811 lno0ea17A5 anp0 ma63a2p3 E019 65 5upe8 2059'HW T059-1-1W OOPS 11135NI °NV 4V737VId39 SZ'0 Iepualad Atop] mot 'ape18 ye uagaq yesulpue deo Naueato 7Ad.b 9Z6Z-ZZI 14811 NOuea!77A5 a1410 ma!na9p3 £TT6 85 5upe8 105911W 0059-HW 0095 - 1935NI 0NV an73JVid39 S2'0 Iepuaiod m0gu!may 'ape181e uagaqyasul pue deo Naueap 7M.9 SZ61:-22I 14811 lnoueap7A5 anll0 molee6P32I14 LS 5upe8 I059-HW 0059-H1A1 1318V1 NI 030p13N11500 83AO7057SHIM 8NI1518313539 lepualod mogul op•apel8 anage,9 Beal awe11 al04u eW 996Z-ZZI a0ON alo4ueW 6LLE eloque1 SE Sulse9 I259'HW 6LLE-HW OOPS 1935NI GNP d7737V1d311 52'O lepualod mouth mot 'ape181e uagaqyasul pue deo Noueap]M.9 5062-22T 14811 1n0ueap7AS auel H018100!Ne] SUE 9E 5upe8 ELL£-HW TLLE-HW 000$ 1935NI (INVdH737V1 d39 00'0 lepualod mogul ON'ap¢18 anagz,9 uagolg0asul pue deo eu!sslw shot eau JM.D 014510W 956Z-Z2I au0N lnoueal77A5 a n0ean9n0H 609E £E 5ulse8 62£0W HZ£E-H BW 05$ d037VId39 SZ'0 le!ualod mogul mai•apel8 le eagaq deo Noun',Noun',7Ad.9 256Z-2ZT Nell lnoueap7A5 amps aslua0 ET9E ZE 5upe8 IZEE-HW 02EE-HW 009$ 1635NIONV dV737V1d39 00'0 le!iva0d mogul ON'apel8 anage „98ulsspo pasullnaueap 7M.9 E56Z-ZZI au0N lnoueal77A5 anp0 a0ua0609E IS 5u]se8 02£E-HW 6IEE-HW 009$ 1935NI 0NV dtl737V1d39 52'0 1e11ua2od mop] mai'apse ye Supsiw vase! pue deo inoueaP ]Ad.9 956Z-22I 14811 1n0ueap7A5 0090001000909E 0E 5ulse8 0Z£fHW 6I£E-1419 1318tl1 NI 030n1]NI 1507 83A0] 0NV3WV9191111511313539 'mimed mogul m0l'apel8 ye geal away alo4ueW 596Z-Z2I 14211 a1040eW 6IEE a1040e1 6Z 5u1se8 O0EE-HW 6IEE-HW 065 4/033V1d38 SZ'0 Iellualad m09u! mai'apel8 ye uagaq dea inoueap 3Ad.9 8962-0ZI 142E1 lnoueap7A5 laWISIeg0930Z9E 8Z 5u1see EIEE-HW IT£E-HW OOPS 1935NI aNV dYJ 37V1d38 S2'0 Iepualad pulp]mai•apae m0laq,p paunq Suppe] Naueap 7Ad.9 LO6Z-ZZI 1430 000ueaD3A5 Own 1a41s3009E LZ 5upe8 TTEE-HW 0IEE-H Nl OOPS 1935NI MeV 4V737V1d39 52'0 lellualod mogul mai'ape3H le uagaq Instil pue deo in0ueap]Ad.9 696Z-ZZT 148p lnoueal77A5 laa151a41s3009Z 9Z 5ulse8 OIEE-HW 60EE-HW 0S6 dV737V1d38 - S211 lelluag08 mogulpal'apa8 leuagaq deo NoueaP 3/Id .b E962-2ZT 148!1 lnoueal77A5 1aa15901109ad ZOOS 52 5ulse8 L6ZE•HW 862E-HW 00515 1V831V1371A93591Vd39 001 lellualod mogul alelapo9'eual.9al,9 Ped Kenumlo apls ye Alluaga]nb aalnla5 22TO-I0I alwapo1 ga/nO3A5 ap1D9a105089 OZ 5upe8 I612-HW E6TZ-HVI 055 1939301d38 52'0 lellualod mogul m0l'apa8 ye maxi dealnoueap 7Ad.9 £1T0-TOT 148n lnoueap7A5 ap1U l3a171199 El: SulseB T6IZ-HW £6TZ-H1N 005'Z5 1V93191331A93591Vd39 00'1 lepualod mom alelap0W'arum 8u1p1wa p10H396q cal edict pale2waga018.9 LZ10-TOT alelapoW 131000AS 0P1171/aP3 089 ZZ 5upe8 T6I2-1192 E6IZ-HW 02LS 83M35351A3131 00'Z lepualod magu]wanes...plsa mpg Lary ap5141cal pale.] URN Ull01s/o No Bulwm agow5 820-I0I aana5 ulna wlaS ..eVsa2e59I99 IZ 5upe8 96I2-HW 261Z-H W 05$ dV733V1d39 SZ'0 lepualod mogul mat•apel8 ye uagaq deo inoueap 7Ad.9 T210-I0I 148!1 100uea177A5 pe0990ed ag01506E 02 5upe8 b6T11141 2612-HW 009$ 1835NI 067 AV737V1d39 52'0 Iepualad mogul mai•ap6H leyo uagaq Nouea1 DM.9 SZIO-TOI 148n 4000eap7A5 a ua0V.2e59I5b 6T 5ulse8 0612-HW I61Z-HILL 05$ 19333V1d30 SZ'0 Iellualad mogul m01 ape18 ie deo 2ulsslwyn0uea1a 7Ad.9 9Z1010I OP N0uea13 OAS al0D11a13 1989 81 501se8 69TZ-HW 060-HW 000$ 1935NIONV dV73JV1d39 52'0 Iellualad mogul mol'apel8 m6laq .E uagolq adld lnoueap]Ad.9 STIO-00I 148!1 000020D3A5 peas ved Peel 900P 8LT 5ulse8 Z0I2-HW I6IZ-HW 000$ 1935NIONV dV337V1d39 5Z'0 Iellualad mope! mai'apro8 anage ,y; deo uagaq 49m• edict 1n00eap]M.9 91T0.00T 14011 1n0ueaD3A5 pe09gled 04010019 VLT Supee Z8IZ-181 I812-HW 009$ 193SNI 0NV dV737V1d39 SZ'0 lepualod mogul ma .ape18 ye de, 0u type, uagolq ad1d 20Oteala 7M.9 Z£I0-I0I 148n mom,' DAS 1aa115wes1e0 OM 91 5ulse8 8559-HW 8LI1-HW 05$ 99733V1d311 5Z'0 Iepualad mount! may'apel8 le deo 8upsiwlnaueap 7M.6 6ZI0'I0I 148n 3noueap3AS anuami saee59086 SI 5u1see 8659-HW TLTZ-HW 005'Z$ 1V831V13319035819439 001 lelyualad maim alelapoW'glemap!s lapun „9 o1.9 Nov Mud pp* moves 0ZI090T alelapoW Vint DAS too saee5 T0 DI 5u1se9 5912-HW W b9T2-H 05$ dV737V1d30 S2'0 lepualod mogul ma7 'ape181euag0lq deo Naueap 7M.9 III0-00I PPP lnoueal77A5 anpaandua510na11ZTT9 ET Supee 09TZ-HW 65IZ-HW 005'ZS 1V1131V1331A9356IVd39 00'T lepualod mogul alelapoW'ap0B ye Aemanpp alanuoayo alppwcal yeaslo ln08ulw0a ag01S 0010-0OT alelapoW PPP OAS anu0uosdw!51ana11T0Z9 ZI SulseB 65T2-HW 8502-HW 0051$ 1V831tl1371A93591Vd39 001 lepualod m0uu]alelap0W 'ape182¢ alo4qu!s Allua galebmula5 OIT0001 alelapoW ga1ab3A5 age •te£P95195 TI 5Wsee 5E5I-Hee 9E9I-HW 000$ 1935NI 087 AO 37V1d39 SZ'0 lelyualad mogul mot'apel8 anage uagaq deo pue adld 200600P]Ad.9 6600-00I 14811 yn0060133A5 foals Pu.Mno75299 0I 5upe8 925I-HW LZSI-HW 000$ 1835NIONV dV32391d36 5Z'0 lellualod mogul mat'apel8 ie deo au Plumuagaq adld ynoueaP]M.9 8600-00I 148n lnoueap7A5 WAS Ntaly0a7£099 6 5upe8 EZSI-HW 529T-HW 05$ AV733VId39 SZ'0 lepualod mop! mai 'ape18 ye dea Humpy NO0ealo 7Ad.9 60I0-00I 140n Nouea3]AS ap1Dla2u07 EVIL 8 5ulse6 0Z5I-HW 61SI-HW 05$ OD30V1d39 52'O lelyualad mogul pal 'apel8 le uagaq dea Noueap 7Ad.9 T0I0-00T 148n ino0ea177A5 ap1D 1a11u07 TOOL L 501se6 6I5T-H Lei 8£ST-HW 000.ES NOLLtln1VM 93H19nd 5033N 00'Z lepualod m0uu!01ana5'MN pale8110a.941lun au]lmpslas 0lul pap ulaplayn810o9 S0I0-00I aa5 an u/a010o9 Una]aow9 LI6£ 9 5ulse8 915T-HW W LTST-H 00b$ 1835NI 0NVdVJ 30V1d39 5Z'0 lepualod mogul un01'apel8 anage deo Noueap 49m apy2 m01ag 911gea11n0ue0I03649 90I0-00T 142n lnoueal77A5 PPM0w9LT6£ 5 Sulse9 9T5I-HW LIST-HW 005Y$ 1V931V1331A93591Vd30 001 lellualod mogul alelapoW •pl¢Alea861 Mua galeb minas Z0I0-00T aleapoW ga1nt7A5 ap1!] 1a1100] 0T69 9 5VIse9 815I-HW FIST -MN 085 dtl]3]VId38 SZ'O lepualod m01901 m01'apea ample uagaq deo inoueap ]Ad.9 E0I0-001 14811 lnoueap7A5 PPMDlapu039069 E 5ulse8 eT SI-HW 6151-HW Is07 • uopelpme4p8 papuaww0aa9 ; uopey111ge4a9 papuawwma8 _ (Mini • In lgol.. I?p0alad 04A1 ya1a0 ssa0PPV 200sal a1a0,5 �agwn- ...P.M8angd ul5ee a10406W S0 alo4ueW sn 9999313901005 L ONV 5991990:031e91 A6Wn07 NOINn UNION COUNTY TABLE 2: BASINS 5 AND 7 SMOKE TESTING US Manhole OS Manhole Number Smoke moke Testing Form Address Defect Type Potential Photo It Comments Total l/I .. (GPM' - Recommended Rehabllltatiad' Rwmmended Rehabllitatian Cosh MH-6332 MH-6347 Basin 7 39 2021 Blue Range Drive SVC CIeanout tight 101-0408 4" PVC cleanout cap broken at grade. Low Inflow potential 0.25 REPLACE CAP $50 MH-6339 MH-6340 Basin 40 3013 Gray Farm Road SVC CIeanout tight 101-0409 4" PVCcleanout pipe has Improperly sealed coupler emitting smoke below grade. Low Inflow potential 0.25 REPLACE CAP AND INSERT $400 MH-6339 M11-6340 Basin7 41 3011 Gray Farm Road SVC Line Ught 101-0410 Smoke emitting from ground In front yard. Low Inflow potential 0.25 REPAIR SERVICE LATERAL 52,500 MH-6339 MH.6340 Basin 42 3011 Gray Farm Road SVCCleanout Ught 101-0411 4" PVC cleanout cap broken at grade. Low inflow potential 0.25 REPLACE CAP $50 MH-6342 MH-6343 Basin 43A 9006 Farm Pond Road SVC CIeanout tight 101-0413 4° PVC cleanout cap broken at grade. Low inflow potential 0.25 REPLACE CAP $50 MH-6342 MH-6343 Basin7 438 9002 Farm Pond Road SVCCleanout Light 101-0412 4° PVC cleanout cap missing at grade. Low inflow potential 0.25 REPLACE CAP $5D MH-6349 MH-6350 Basin 7 44 1011 Gwinmar Road SVCCleanout Light 108-8738 4" PVCcleanout cap broken at grade. Low inflow potential 0.25 REPLACE CAP $50 MH-6350 MH-6351 Basin 7 45 1006 Gwinmar Road SVCCleanout None 108-8739 4" PVC cleanout cap broken 3" above grade. No inflow potential 0.00 REPLACE CAP $50 MH-6357 MH-6358 Basin 46 Manhole 6357 Manhole Severe 108-8732 Manhole frame not sealed between creek and runoff pond. Severe inflow potential RESET EXISTING FRAME AND COVER COST INCLUDED IN TABLE 1 MH-6359 MH-6351 Basin 47A 6002 Farm Pond Road SVCCleanout Light 108.8736 4" PVC cleanout cap broken at grade. Low inflow potential 0.25 REPLACE CAP $50 MH-6359 MH-5351 Basin7 47B 6006 Farm Pond Road SVCCleanout Light 108-8737 4° PVC deanout cap broken at grade. Low inflow potential 0.25 REPLACE CAP 650 MH-6369 MH-6368 Basin 48 1015 Yellow Bee Road SVCCleanout None 108-8735 4" PVC cleanout cap and Insert not sealed properly at grade. No inflow potential 0.00 REPLACE CAP AND INSERT $400 MH-6375 MH-6376 Basin 7 49 1017 Green Terra Road SVCCleanout Light 108-8734 4" PVC cleanout damaged below grade. Low Inflow potential 0.25 REPLACE CAP AND INSERT $400 MH-6376 MH-6377 Basin 50 1008 Green Terra Road SVCCleanout None 108-8733 4" PVC cleanout cap and insert not sealed properly 2° below grade. No Inflow potential 0.00 REPLACE CAP AND INSERT 6400 MH-6395 MH-6394 Basin 7 51A 4022SIngletree Lane SVCCleanout Light 108-8726 4" PVC cleanout cap broken 1" below grade. low inflow potential 0.25 REPLACE CAP $50 MH-6395 MH-6394 Basin 518 402151ngletree Lane SVCCleanout Ught 108-8727 4° PVC cleanout cap nut busted 1" below grade. low inflow potential 0.25 REPLACE CAP $50 MH-6396 MH-6395 Basin 52 40165inglerree Lane SVCOeanout Light 108-8728 4. PVC deanout cap nut busted at grade. Low inflow potential 0.25 REPLACE CAP 550 MH-6398 MH-6396 Basin 53 4006 singlertree Lane SVCCleanout Light 108-8729 4° PVC cleanout cap nut busted at grade. Low inflow potential 0.25 REPLACE CAP $50 MH-6399 MH-6393 Basin 54 50045ingletree Lane SVCCleanout tight 108-8731 4" PVC cleanout cap broken 2. below grade. Low inflow potential 0.25 REPLACE CAP $50 MH-6422 MH-6423 Basin 7 55 1003 Perennial Lane SVC CIeanout Light 108-8725 4° PVC cleanout cap broken at grade. Low inflow potential 0.25 REPLACE CAP 650 MH-6424 MH-6423 Basin7 56 1008 Sunflower Lane SVCCleanout Light 108-8724 9° PVCceanout missing cap and Insert below grade. Low inflow potential 0.25 REPLACE CAP AND INSERT $400 Total a 29 Basin 5 Total $36,140 Basin 7 Total 68,950 Total 645,090 / Union County Al ---\J " i Crooked -Creek Basin./�5— ,j / — r � FRAZIER ENGINEERING P.A. 6997 Legend • Basin S BPS Manhole — Basin S Gravity Main • System Manhole l� Union County Pump Station — Union County Grn ity Main — Union County Farce Main Legend • Basin 7 SSES Manhole —BasIn 7 Gravity Main • System Manhole • Union County pump Station — Union County Gravity Main — Union County Force Main APPENDIX A SMOKE DEFECT SKETCHES Greg Morgan From: Sent: To: Subject: Hey Greg, Trina Horne Tuesday, October 15, 2019 10:47 AM Greg Morgan RE: AM Liner It looks like there are four work assignments active for AM -Liner. Which one are you inquiring about? 2018-01 Crooker Creek Sub -Basins 11 and 2018-02 System Repairs in Crooked Creek S nd 2018-03 Sanitary Sewer Collection System Repairs in the Tall Basin $25,294.24 2018-04 System Repairs in Crooked Creek Sub -Basins 5 an Thank you Trina Horne Contract Specialist, Procurement Division T 704.292.2562 From: Greg Morgan Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 10:22 AM To: Trina Horne <> Subject: AM Liner I am trying to find out how much money has been spent on the AM Liner Contract? Greg Morgan Utility Field Services Superintendent/ORC Union County Government Public Works 500 N.Main Street Suite #500 Monroe, NC 28112 T 704.289.3288 gregmorgan(a� www. i pt S yvoLJ Status Project Cost (Approx.) Action Under Construction f J — Forest Park - $3,345,000 Replace Existing PSj' Replace 3,485 LF Existing 8-inch with 8" and 10" Sewer Under Construction -1 Blythe Creek Sewers $6,189,000 t Decommission 17 grinder PS L_ _ Decommission Ex. Southbrook PSJ Install 17,868 LF of 8", 12", and 18" sewer Extend JAARS 6" FM 800 LF to discharge into new sewer In Design West Fork 12 Mile Creek Interceptor Sewer $12,000,000 Proposed 25,483 LF of 8", 18", and 24" sewer Decommission Ex. Brookhaven PS, Scotch Meadows PS, and Grace Meadows PS In Design TarkhillFM _ _ $1,200,000 Replace 6,750 LF of 16" FM Under Construction " CC Ph. 1- Basins 11 and 15 j $290,000 i Rehab 164 MHs and 54 Cleanouts / In Design CC Ph. 1- Basins 12 and 13 SSES $121,000 Investigate 700 MI -Is and corresponding Cleanouts Under Construction ; CC Ph. 1- Basins 5 and 7 / $39,000 Rehab 41 MHs and 91 Cleanouts' Completed I&I -Tallwood $26,000 Rehab 17 MHs and 20 Cleanouts In Design I&I - Olde Sycamore $29,000 Investigate 183 MHs and corresponding Cleanouts In Design STEG Sewer Improvements Yr. 1 $137,000 Replace existing 4" and 6" grey water system with 8" conventional sewer with MHs Proposed 7,050 LF 8" sewer and 33 MHs In Design Deese Ct PS Decommissioning $43,000 Decommission Deese Ct PS through 240 LF of 8" gravity sewer Under Construction 1 Olde Sycamore PS Improvements; $168,000 PS Rehab by Operations / In Design Waxhaw PS Relacement (2125) _ $450,000 Replacement of 2125 PS with Proposed PS Approximately 1,700 LF replacement 15", 1,800 LF new 15", and 9,000 LF of new 15" FM Under Construction j CSX Stouts Siding Utility Relocations j $219,000 Adding casing to Ex. 8" and 15" sewers crossing the railroad (includes water portion) In Design Piedmont Innovation Park Unknown Proposed PS and Approximately 10,000 LF of new FM Approximately 10,000 LF of new FM In Design Faifield Plantation $35,000 SSES and CCTV for 16,969LF Ex. 8" pipe and 77 MHs In Design Eastside Clay Lining $3,900 SSES and CCTV review for Ex. 15", 18", and 24" clay pipe and 16 MHs In Design Waxhaw Clay Lining $5,500 SSES and 1,470LF CCTV for 2.955 LF Ex. 8" pipe and 17 MHs Last YearAnnual Rehabilitation and Replacement Activities (last year, unless noted as last 6 years) Miles of Public Gravity Sewer Rehabilitated/Replaced Past 6 Years Rehabilitated/Replaced Past 6 Years Rehabilitation and Replacement Expenditures (Collection System & Pump Stations Only) Rehabilitation and Replacement Expenditures Past 6 Years (Collection System & Pump Stations Only) Past 6 Years Number of Manholes Rehabilitated/Replaced Past 6 Years $24,300,400 12.64 $6.8M $6.8M $72.9M $65.6M 541 v 0 V v During the Fiscal Year 2018-2019, Union County's wastewater system collected and conveyed approximately 3.66 billion gallons of wastewater. There were fifteen (36) sanitary sewer overflows witha combined estimated volume of 151,572 gallons that occurred within the collection system. Union County Public Works conveyed 99.996% of the total volume of wastewater without incident. Sanitary Sewer Overflow Report DATE MH ID# • ADDRESS WATER BODY VOUME DATA TOTAL - VOLUME (GALS) PRIMARY CAUSE OFSSO SECONDARY CAUSE OF '. SSO (IF ANY) GALLONS TO SURFACE WATERS GALLONS ON GROUND 09/05/18 2433 14600 E Independence Blvd No Water Body Affected .0 450 450 Debris in line 09/16/18 2700 4720 Monroe Ansonville Rd Meadow Branch 6,420 6,420 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 .4r nderbur mp tal on"i 630 Funderburk Rd Spring Branch 2,175 0 2,175 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 - 7456 910 Sharon Dr Rone Branch 13,500 0 . 13,500 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 2724-2728 1629 Old Fish Rd Grassy Branch 16,250 0 16,250 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 3196 6737 First Ave Crooked Creek • 2,100 0 2,100 Hurricane Florence Inflow - 09/16/18 6384 5502 Poplin Rd North Fork Crooked Creek 23,250 0 23,250 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 , 3521-3522 3411 Brooktree Ln South Fork Crooked Creek 10,800 0 10,800 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 , 3202 4611 Jacqueline Dr South Fork Crooked Creek 1,650 0 1,650 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 2707 3826 Monroe-Ansonville Rd . Rays Fork 1,575 0 1,575 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 : 2646 1409 Hwy 205 Salem Creek 2,250 0 2,250 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/1B Suburban Estates 1 Pump Station 100 Blackvine Dr South Fork Crooked Creek 4,050 0 4,050 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 az31f 4015 Sardis Church Rd Crooked Creek 3,350 0 3,350 Hurricane Florence Inflow 10/11/1B .• Meadows #1 Pump Station 700 Penny Ln Austin Branch D 300 300 Hurricane Michael Inflow 10/11/18 Olde Sycamore PS #3 Olde Sycamore PS #3 Duck Creek 0 207 207 Hurricane Michael Inflow 11/12/18 + Oungerburktpumpr5tati3O 630 Funderburk Rd Spring Branch 780 0 780 Severe Weather/Rain Inflow il11/13/18 2106P 4015 Sardis Church Rd Crooked Creek 480 0 480 Severe Weather/Rain Inflow 11/15/18 2725 1629 Old Fish Rd Grassy Branch 14,100 0 14,100 Severe Weather/Rain Inflow 11/26/18 30258 1026 Angora Ct No Water Body Affected 0 450 450 Debris in line 11/2.6/18 Septic Tank 205 Carl's Rd No Water Body Affected 0 450 450 Septic Tank Failure 12/09/1B , 2724 1629 01d Fish Rd Grassy Branch 4,500 0 4,500 Severe Weather/Rain Inflow 12/20/18 2731 1629 Old Fish Rd Grassy Branch 2,850 0 2,850 Severe Weather/Rain Inflow M' 02/09/19 ' 14294 4048 Henshaw Rd 12mile Creek 1,000 - - 2,000 3,000 Debris in line 02/12/19' Loxdale Pump Station Fallen Leaf Court No Water Body Affected 0P 225 225 Pump Failure 02/22/19 • 2406 - 4015 Sardis Rd Crooked Creek 900 0 900 Severe Weather/Rain Inflow 02/26/19 ° Pipeline 6214 South Providence Road Davis Branch 450 50 500 Air Relief Failure •03/03/19 ar2406° 4015 Sardis Rd Crooked Creek 2,100 0 2,100 Severe Weather/Rain Inflow 03/29/19.: Eastslde 3 Pump Station 1409 Hwy 205 No Water Body Affected 0 50 50 By-pass Hose Leak 04/13/19 ' 12563 6600 Stoney Creek Goose Creek 13,000 500 13,500 Pump Station Failure 04/13/19 ' 2406 4015 Sardis Rd Crooked Creek 12,000 . 0 - 12,000 . Severe Weather/Rain Inflow 05/18/19 ' Pipeline 2103 Lytton Ln West Fork 12mile 2,960 0 2,960 Pipe Failure 05/23/19 - Pipeline 706 White Oak Drive North Fork Crooked Creek 1,500 0 1,500 Pipe Failure 05/28/19 •Pipeline 2844 Gray Fox Rd South Fork Crooked Creek 1,500 0 1,500 Hit Force Main 06/01/19 ' Pipeline 3826 Monroe-Ansonville Rd No Water Body Affected 0 500 500 Air Relief Failure 06/04/19 • Pipeline 3827 Monroe-Ansonville Rd No Water Body Affected 0 500 500 Air Relief Failure 06/20/19 . Eastside 3 Pump Station 1409 Hwy 205 No Water Body Affected 0 400 400 Pump Station Failure .. ° �° ° s • TOTAL SPILLS TOTAL ANNUAL VOLUMES IN SYSTEM - • 145,490 700 ° 6,062 ? 151,572 MILES OF PIPE Reportable SSO's PER 100 MILES 4.14 Union County Wastewater System --Cor a.. D f S' ILIy r Ctie -v 6 j24if Performance Report`U,,120+1L9 DATE MH ID# ADDRESS WATER BODY VOUME DATA TOTAL VOLUME (GALS) PRIMARY CAUSE OF SSO SECONDARY CAUSE SSO OF IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IF ANY) �� Rone Branch SURFACE GALLONS WATERS 0 GALLONSON G OUND 100 ll, __si#� 100 PS Equipment Failure .. f 3 ♦ r _ 0 01Tf17+?5S 072 21-25 07/01/17 452318;5226 4004 Sardis Church Rd Crooked Creek 21,320 0 21,720 Severe Natural S7&l 07/03/11 7 900 Sharon Drive Rone Branch 2,000 850 2,850 Severe Natural arc 09/12/17 5231 4004 Sardis Church Rd Crooked Creek 9,600 0 9,600 Severe Natural Condition Hurricane Irma 09/19/17 4141 4602 Foggy Glen Pl. None 550 550 Vandalism Debris Rebar in MH. Likely by kids through the vent holes of the lic 10/06/17 NA ARV - Helmsville PS Crooked Creek 500 250 750 ARV Failure 10/06/17 . NA 1306 Wesley Chapel Rd None 500 500 Force Main Failure Third Party Damage All wastewater was recovered 10/12/17 - NA 13615 Hwy 74 - None 400 400 Force Main Failure Third Party Damage All wastewater was recovered 01/23/18 S2°34,� 4004Sardis Church Crooked Creek 8,000 8,000 I&I 03/06/18 _,�— NA Suburban Estates FM Crooked Creek 100 0 100 Pipe Failure (Break) Damaged while conducting 04/03/18 N/A 2208 Mounts Rd Crooked Creek , 175 175 Debris %24/-1619 C-43 4004 Sardis Church Rd Crooked Creek 2,000 0 2,000 &)i I/,4'6118 Sr-23 4004 Sardis Church Rd Crooked Creek 12,000 200 12,200 *l&l -j t05/.2511 Y'/2J4s 910 Sharon Dr Rone Branch 400 0 400 Grease 05/29/18 4004Sardis Church Rd Crooked Creek 8,100 0 8,100 Severe Natural I&I 0 0 - 0 5 . TOTAL SPILLS TOTAL ANNUAL VOLUMES .. : 64,395 '�;: 2,85p- iy: "67;445 fill �Ftf I11�t1��t�� II#'Ili.���FRI�I� il6�li�t3iIttE[I.111 �ntt t��+[ J1[rtE'. 1.[IiI'I �1 #�N��[F� IIIiHRIIllt it MILES OF PIPE IN SYSTEM 635.00 SSO's PER 100 MILES ,"gli For questions concerning this Wastewater System Performance Summary or additional information please contact UCPW: (704) 296-4210 Or write to: • Union County Public Works 500 North Main Street, Suite 600 Monroe, NC 28112-4730 This document can also be viewed at: Union County Wastewater System Performance Repor 0,11eaD18._ Parker, Tony R From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Importance: Bart Farmer <> Tuesday, August 13, 2019 8:34 AM Basinger, Corey; Scheller, Roberto; Parker, Tony R Greg Morgan [External] Annual WW Report Wastewater Report 2018-2019.pdf High CAUTION: Good morning Corey, Tony, and Roberto, Attached is the UCPW Annual Wastewater Report. It is also being placed on our County website this morning. Thank you, Bart T. Farmer Water Reclamation Facilities Superintendent Union County Public Works 4600 Goldmine Rd Monroe, NC 28112 T 704-296-4227 F 704-289-7395 C 828-260-3583 bart.farmer(a� E-mail correspondence to and from this sender may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records law and may be disclosed to third parties. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, please contact the sender immediately. i Union County Government EST. U 42 Union County, NC Department of Public Works Wastewater Performance Summary Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Wastewater Plants Twelve Mile Creek WRF NC0085359 Crooked Creek WRF — NC0069841 Olde Sycamore WRF — WQ0011928 Tallwood WWTP — NC0069523 Grassy Branch WWTP - NC0085812 Hunley WWTP NC0072508 Collection System WQCS00054 BioSolids — Land Application WQ0007486 - NCDEQ ND0089044 - SCDHEC TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 4 2.0 DEFINITIONS 5 3.0 SYNOPSIS OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES 6 3.1 Twelve Mile Creek Water Reclamation Facility 6 3.2 Crooked Creek Water Reclamation Facility 6 3.3 Hunley Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant 6 3.4 Olde Sycamore Water Reclamation Facility 6 3.5 Tallwood Estates Wastewater Treatment Plant 6 3.6 Grassy Branch Wastewater Treatment Plant 6 TABLE 3-1 7 TABLE 3-2 8 TABLE 3-3 9 TABLE 3-4 10 TABLE 3-5 11 TABLE 3-6 12 4.0 BIOSOLIDS MANAGEMENT 13 5.0 SYNOPSIS OF WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM 14 Union County Wastewater System Performance Report 2018-2019 Dear Customer, We are proud to share this year's Annual Wastewater System Performance Summary with you. This report outlines last year's wastewater treatment efforts. Included are details about your treatment facilities, collection system perfor- mance, and how it compares to standards set by regulatory agencies. • Wastewater is all the water that leaves the inside of your home or business through sinks, toilets, washing ma- chines, etc. and enters Union County's wastewater (sewage) collection system. Wastewater then flows through pipes into the County's regional sewage system, where it is treated to meet federal and state water quality stand- ards. We have a responsibility to manage our water resources in a sustainable manner to ensure there is sufficient water and its quality is protected. While we are committed to conserving resources and protecting the environment through, wastewater treatment, this can only occur if it is done in a safe manner. Protection of public health and safety is, and must remain, our first priority. We are proud of our achievements to date, but we aim to constantly improve the way we manage the wastewater generated by our residents. If you have any questions about this report or concerning your water, please contact us at 704-296-4210. If you want additional information, please visit our website at Sincerely, Aceneue Andrew Neff, P.E. Water & Wastewater Division Director Union County Public Works 500 North Main Street Monroe, NC 28112 %�i.s•• .7 ,'.y ,•�;,.ai �� .i _A� ,,($;Ufa,!J L C -1,11{§f 111:1' l; c,a 'lJ' Union County Wastewater System Performance Report 2018-2019 1.0 INTRODUCTION Nature has an amazing ability to cope with small amounts of water wastes and pollution, but it would be overwhelmed if we didn't treat the wastewater and sewage produced every day before releasing it back to the environment. Treatment plants reduce pollutants in wastewater to a level nature can handle. Wastewater is used water. It includes substances such as human waste, food scraps, oils, soaps and chemicals. In homes, this may be water from sinks, showers, bathtubs, toilets, washing machines and dishwashers. Businesses and industries also contribute their share of used water that must be cleaned. If wastewater is not properly treated, then the environment and human health can be negatively impacted. These im- pacts include harm to fish and wildlife populations, oxygen depletion, restrictions on recreational water use, and contami- nation of drinking water. House Bill 1160, the Clean Water Act of 1999, was ratified by the North Carolina General Assembly on July 20, 1999 and signed into law by the Governor on July 21, 1999. This legislation placed significant reporting requirements on entities that own or operate wastewater systems. This Performance Summary is intended to establish compliance with this rule. Union County Public Works (UCPW) is charged with the management, operation and maintenance of the County's sani- tary sewer system. During the 2019-2020 fiscal year the wastewater system was comprised of 5 active wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), 80 wastewater pumping stations, and 700 miles of pipe (Combined gravity and force main) with 37,266 connections. In addition to the 5 WWTPs which have a combined rated treatment capacity of 8.15 million gallons per day (MGD), the County, through contractual agreement, has 2.65 MGD and 3.0 MGD of purchased capacity at the City of Monroe WWTP and Charlotte's McAlpine Creek WWTP respectively. Union County Wastewater System Performance Report 2017-2018 2.0 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this Performance Report the following definitions apply: • Aerobic —A condition in which atmospheric or dis- solved molecular oxygen is present in the aquatic environment. • • Biological Nutrient removal — The process of re- moving nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater using biological processes as opposed to chemical means. • • Biosolids —A primarily organic solid product, pro- duced by wastewater treatment processes that can be beneficially recycled. The word biosolids replac- es the word sludge. • • BOD — Biochemical Oxygen Demand — The rate at which organisms use the oxygen in water or wastewater while stabilizing decomposable organic matter under aerobic conditions. The BOD Test is a procedure that measures the rate of oxygen use under controlled conditions of time and temperature. • BOD is typically used to express the "strength" of - wastewater. • CL2— Chlorine Residual — The amount of chlorine • present in the final effluent after disinfection. Typi- cally measured in micrograms per liter or milligrams per liter. • D.O. — Dissolved Oxygen — Molecular (atmospheric) oxygen dissolved in a liquid. • • Effluent — Treated wastewater flowing from the • treatment system. • Extended Aeration — A type of wastewater treat- • ment facility in which the wastewater is retained and treated for a minimum of 24 hours at design flow before discharge occurs. • Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) - Extraneous water that enters the sanitary sewer system through openings and/or defects in the collection system. • Fecal Coliform — The coliform (bacteria) found in the feces of warm blooded animals. The presence • of coliform-group bacteria is an indication of possi- ble pathogenic bacterial contamination. MGD — Million Gallons per Day - Volumetric measurement of flow converted to millions. Example 150,000 gallons per day (gpd) / 1,000,000 = 0.150 MGD. NH3— Nitrogen as Ammonia —A compound found naturally in wastewater. The compound is produced by the deamination of organic nitrogen containing compounds NPDES Permit — National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System - Permits, required by the Fed- eral Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, which regulate discharges to surface waters. pH - The expression of the intensity of the basic or acidic condition of a liquid. Pump Station — A holding tank with pumps that forc- es wastewater uphill when flow by gravity is not possi- ble. Reclaimed Water — Highly treated wastewater that has undergone advanced treatment processes to re- move solids, organics, and pathogens meeting the State's Health and Safety Standards for Beneficial Reuse. SSO — Acronym for "sanitary sewer overflow" TSS — Total Suspended Solids — Particles suspend- ed in a liquid. Turbidity - The measurement of the clearness or cloudiness of a liquid. Union County Wastewater System Performance Report 2018-2019 3.0 SYNOPSIS OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES (Fiscal Year 2018-2019) During the 2018-19 fiscal year the Department of Public Works operated and maintained a total of five (5) active wastewater treatment facilities and'maintained one (1) inactive facility. Although each Permit requires facility visitation daily, excluding weekends and holidays, Public Works' wastewater treatment facilities are checked 7 days per week, 365 days per year. All treatment facilities are equipped with emergency back-up power generators. In addition to SCADA, each facility has both audible and visual trouble alarms. Wastewater treatment plant staff rotate "call duty" for after hour situations that may arise. A brief overview of each facility and a performance summary table for each facility is provided herein. Twelve Mile Creek Water Reclamation Facility Permit No. NC0085359. Twelve Mile Creek WRF is an extended aeration facility utilizing biological nutrient removal and tertiary filtration. Disinfection is accomplished via UV (ultraviolet light). Twelve Mile effluent is discharged into Twelve Mile Creek, which is part of the Catawba River Basin. The facility is permitted to discharge up to 6.0 MGD of treated wastewater. Twelve Mile Creek WWTP is located at 8299 Kensington Drive and serves Waxhaw as well as portions of Indian Trail, Stallings and Weddington. Please refer to Table 3-1. Crooked Creek Water Reclamation Facility Permit No. NC0069841. Crooked Creek WRF is an extended aeration facility utilizing tertiary filtration. Disinfection is accomplished via UV (ultraviolet light). Crooked Creek effluent is pumped over 17,000 feet to discharge into the North Fork Crooked Creek which lies in the Yadkin Pee Dee River Basin. This facility is permitted to discharge up to 1.9 MGD of treated wastewater. Crooked Creek is located at 4015 Sardis Church Road and serves the Indian Trail, Lake Park and Stallings areas. Please refer to Table 3-2. Hunley Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Permit No. NC0072508. The facility was taken out of service May 10, 2006, via a flow diversion project and remains in- active. Hunley Creek is located at 6913 Stevens Mill Road. Due to "Inactive Status" of the Hunley Creek WWTP, there was no data to report to Table 3-3 for fiscal year 2016-2017. Olde Sycamore Water Reclamation Facility Permit No. WQ0011928. Olde Sycamore is an extended aeration facility with tertiary filtration. Disinfection is accom- plished via UV (ultraviolet light). This facility is permitted to discharge up to 0.150 MGD (150,000 per gallons per day) of treated wastewater. Olde Sycamore was "up -fitted" in early 2012 to improve operating efficiency (reduced electrical con- sumption) by implementing usage of fine -bubble diffused aeration versus the former "coarse -bubble" aeration. Olde Syc- amore serves the Olde Sycamore Golf Community located off Highway 218 and Rock Hill Church Road. Olde Sycamore effluent is discharged to a man-made impoundment from which it is then pumped onto the Olde Syca- more Golf Course as a source of irrigation. Please refer to Table 3-4. Tallwood Estates Wastewater Treatment Plant Permit No.`NC0069523. Tallwood is an extended aeration facility with cloth -disc filtration. Disinfection is accomplished via UV (ultraviolet light). This facility is permitted to discharge up to 0.05 MGD (50,000 gallons per day) of treated wastewater. Tallwood plant was replaced in 2013 with a new facility. Tallwood is located within and serves the Tall - wood Subdivision off Brief Road and Belk Boy Scout Camp. Tallwood effluent is discharged to Clear Creek, which lies in the Yadkin Pee Dee River Basin. Please refer to Table 3-5. Grassy Branch Wastewater Treatment Plant Permit No. NC0085812. Grassy Branch is an extended aeration facility with tertiary filtration. Disinfection is accom- plished via UV (ultraviolet light). This facility is permitted to discharge up to .05 MGD (50,000 gallons per day) of treat- ed wastewater. Grassy Branch is located at 1629 Old Fish Road and currently serves the Unionville Elementary, Pied- mont Middle and Piedmont High School as well as one individual residence, Loxdale Farms Subdivision, and Smith Field Sub- division. Grassy Branch effluent is discharged to Crooked Creek which lies in the Yadkin Pee Dee River Basin. Please refer to Table 3-6. Union County Wastewater System Performance Report 2018-2019 TABLE 3-1 Twelve Mile Creek Water Reclamation Facility NPDES Permit #: NC0085359 Fiscal Year: 2018-2019 Effluent Limits and Performance j `'.L3:)...1 16.0 MGD I. 3.26 3.21 3.73 3.59 4.50 5.33 5.04 4.39 4.36 4.20 3.77 3.68 . I '''' - 6-9 SU 7'0 7.5 6.9-7.6 7.2-7.5 7.2-7.4 6.8-7.3 6.2-7.2 6.6-7.2 7.6- .5 6.9-7.3 7.0-7.3 6.9-7.4 6.9- 7.3 =i, 1;,TY1 :::-: i.{?,`�;''„ .•` :; r.i.T , 1 5 mg/I 0.652 0.308 1.05 0.760 - - - - - 4.52 3.59 .323 j',ti•i:r:nzN 1, ' Yol I -• . '•' { "!; 1 10 mgll - - - 3.35 1.8 2.42 0.85 1.23 - - - 1.„ •w>�n-� ! 1 mg/I 0.04 0.307 0.006 0.009 - - - - - 0.15 .063 0 j`Z -w. 2 mg/I - - - 0.020 0.08 0.006 0.035 0 - - - 0:1 ='9;5:17P-1"," ' 's: ` 11? j 30 mg/l 1.4 0.49 2.2 0.64 4.55 3.50 6.53 0.805 0.45 8.40 4.5 0 P.-- Z , &:6.1 •• -7 ';' 200/100 m l 6.8 11.8 6.7 • .86 13.51 7.46 25.45 2.617 1.41 3.21 2.35 3.02 t' ` ry` `off x I > 6 mg/I 8.1 8.1 8.19 8.47 9.04.7 9.38 .9.61 9.6 9.56 9.1 8.66 8.39 ug/I 3.6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 3.7 3.1 ri--21 113.2 �� a J 175.0 ug/I 49 57 66 0 34 32 44 49 28 50 45 49 15a.11 •02LIC P17,03 _ • 141.7 #/day -T 4.5 8.73 6.84 9.4 10.32 21.78 19.25 4.57 13.83 28.72 36.12 17.9 o r i��oL(Lf(r�^rJ y a �a120.85#Iday 3.36 4.03 4.11 4.81 5.56 7.15 8.38 8.35 9.34 11.07 14.01 25.4 Permit Violations: - fecal 11/18 Weekly fecal; 01/19 Weekly Union County Wastewater System Performance Report 2018-2019 TABLE 3-2 Crooked Creek Water Reclamation Facility NPDES Permit #: NC0069841 Fiscal Year: 2018-2019 Effluent Limits and Performance :- t . ,,,1 - - 1.900 MGD 0.97 .922 1.10 1.10 • 1.45 0.69 1.08 1.55 1.49 1.47 1.06 1.16 -1 ° 6-9 SU 6.9-7.9 6.4-8.1 6.7-7.6 6.6-7.5 7.0-7.5 6.7-7.4 6.9-7.7 6.8-7.6 6.9-7.6 7.0-7.7 7.0-7.6 7.0-7.4 . . -: ' i'- 17 ug/I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- r� 9un= .,. 7s'../ r-s c°J� £c: :. 0) 5 mg/I 1.94 0.98 0.525 0.97 - - - - - 0.17 0.74 0.74 I.,.G, ,,175 a): J-'1'=-M.'41 10 mg/I - - - - 1.46 2.2 18.07 0.16 0 - - - __ __. __i7 -- ' 2 mgll 0 0.026 0.04 0.024 - 0 0 0.009 k;� :R � . 4 mg/I 0.012 0 0.03 0.009 0 U.•W('1',v{•teX•;,k" R _ ° C , 30 mg/I 11.96 6.78 3.72 7.96 4.19 4.89 51.43 2.03 0 0 10.84 [_ sl^,;t„cY' L;. o ,s 200/100 ml 65.83 159.51 43.45 42.14 13.62 5.96 7.3 3.04 2.08 29.73 2.37 20.16 _ l� c)' 'j ` > 6 mg/I 8.08 7.83 8.2 8.74 9.53 10.07 10.15 10.14 10.32 9.47 8.63 8.39 Permit Violations: Weekly Ammonia ; 01/19 Weekly & Monthly BOD, Weekly & Monthly TSS, Monthly TSS Removal ; 04/19 Weekly BOD 10/18 Weekly BOD, Weekly TSS, Union County Wastewater System Performance Report 2018-2019 TABLE 3-3 Hunley Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit #: NC0072508 Fiscal Year: 2018-2019 Effluent Limits and Performance 0.231 MGD 17, E113 rri� DISSOLVED OXYGEN 6-9 SU 20 ug/I 5 mg/I 10 mg/I 2 mg/I 4 mg/I 30 mg/I 200/100 ml >5mg/I Hunley Creek WWTP is currently not in service. This facility was listed as inactive as of May 2006; therefore, there is no data reported for this fiscal year Permit Violations: No violations for fiscal year Union County Wastewater System Performance Report 2018-2019 . _e TABLE 3-4 Olde Sycamore Water Reclamation Facility NPDES Permit #: WQ0011928 Fiscal Year: 2018-2019 Effluent Limits and Performance Ii 1, i 1 ° ° 0.150 MGD — 0.042 .038 .049 .054 .071 .071 .068 .061 .061 .056 .047 .052 - —L _ b. , aI6-9 SU 6.0-7.7 6.4-7.6 7.0-7.5 6.5 7.6 6.7-7.7 6.9-7.5 6.8-7.6 6.7-7.5 6.6-7.3 6.6-7.5 6.6-7.7 6.8-7.3 21 10mg/I 0 0 0 0 1.0 2.2 0 0 5.2 0 0 0 r',jicr..71 Mir, 0,4y —14mg/I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.06 0 0 0 "fi` '" UaT:xP, ., j 5 mg/I 0 0 0 0 0 1.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 (7r,Li,,,. • 14/100 ml 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 ',..i n,` I<10NTU 0.2 .2 .5 .5 1.8 1.8 .8 .4 .5 .5 .5 .022 Permit Violations: . violations for the year There were no reportable Union County Wastewater System Performance Report 2018-2019 TABLE 3-5 Tallwood Estates Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit #: NC0069523 Fiscal Year: 2018-2019 Effluent Limits and Performance is•=''..'•' 0.050 MGD .014 .013 .025 .035 .063 .080 .073 .067 .051 .053 .024 .020 l-::l : 6-9 SU • 6.6-7.7 7.1-7.8 7-7.7 7.0-7.7 7.3-7.6 6.9-7.6 7.2-7.5 7.6-7.9 6.9-7.8 7.2-7.6 7.1-7.6 Pc; 5 mg/I 0 1.8 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 ;',°'.,'4 .-'4,7.:3";; ..•```4:K`Z? el 10mg/I - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 - - - y��2 :i:.1a ms:J: a' zi r``W. ubJ'.elulJm 2 mg/l 0 0, 0 .06 - - - - - .028 0 0 1 1 4 mg/I - - - - .075 0 0 0.407 0 - ks3'di'4 6zl:-3: =-ll .-:iii ' -7; r .•^ ° ' 30 mg/I 0 0 0 0 0 .06 0 0 0 0 0 1.77 1 1.14 1.96 1 5.7 1 1 1 1 1.64 1 1 t:101,C ;T1 1200/100 ml Gol,%ir747 > 6 mgll 6.9 7.1 7.23 7.18 7.95 9.05 10.6 10.43 9.94 8.84 7.87 8.27 1 Permit Violations: 08/18 Weekly BOD ; 11/18 Monthly Flow ; 12/18 Monthly Flow ; 01/19 Monthly Flow ; 02/19 Monthly Flow ; 03/19 Monthly Flow Union County Wastewater System Performance Report 2018-2019 TABLE 3-6 Grassy Branch Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit #: NC0085812 Fiscal Year: 2018-2019 Effluent Limits and Performance •, =t; ".. 0.050 MGD -.05 .033 .050 .056 .087 .106 .081 .070 .067 .064 .040 .031 6-9 SU 6.7- 8.0 6.8- 7.5 6.9- 7.6 7.0- 7.5 7.0- 8.0 7.1- 9.9 7.0- 8.8 6.3- 7.7 6.6- 7.6 7.3- 7.9 7.1- 7.8 6.9- 7.6 ,;;. 17 ug/I • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f: ':-u `5 mg/1 sq C:L _ :t_1fi;___ .42 0 2.07 1.36 - - - - - 24.8 1.05 0 _ 10 - - - - 4.37 8.12 7.64 6.82 5.27 - - - 2 mg/1 _ _ .02 .125 .825 .182 2.0 1.32 0 riY=� == 4 mg/1 giI:f'J(�- .382 4.86 1.05 1.52 1.57 - - 3.12 2.4 5.35 1.3 1.27 7.6 8.7 5.3 7.9 22.3 0 0 03'.1!- Lar = _i D 5 ; 30 mg/1 �r %"a,:e,57i :%1 200/100 MI i. - 12.37 11.4 2 243.8 87.62 171.5 4 1448. _ 5 12.38 67.22 5.63 14.09 7.45 1.73 k14. 2ti DrCe - ii •°° ' > 6 mg/I , 7.04 7.06 7.61 8.5 8.23 30.5 12.25 11.09 1 34 9.02 827 8.56 Permit Violations: 09/18 Monthly Flow, Monthly Fecal ; 10/18 Monthly Flow, 3 Weekly Fecal ; 11/18 Monthly Flow, 2 Weekly Fecal ; 12/18 Monthly Flow, Monthly & Weekly BOD, Monthly & Weekly Ammonia ; 01/19 Monthly Flow, Weekly BOD, Weekly Fecal ; 02/19 Monthly Flow, Weekly Fe- cal ; 03/19 Monthly Flow Heavy rainfall for several months resulted in repeated plant upsets which contributed to several compliance violations. Inflow and infiltration remediation work carried out by UCPW staff has greatly reduced the chance of this occurring again. Union County Wastewater System Performance Report 2018-2019 4.0 BIOSOLIDS MANAGEMENT (Fiscal Year 2018-2019) Biosolids are managed and disposed of in accordance with Permit No's. WQ0007486 issued by the North Carolina De- partment of Environmental Quality and ND0089044 issued by South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. Biosolids are stored at both the Crooked Creek and Twelve Mile Creek WRFs. The solids are aerobically digest- ed and then applied as "fertilizer" to permitted sites. The solids are considered stabilized and thus suitable for land appli- cation when the volatile solids content is reduced by 38%. If this 38% volatile solids reduction cannot be achieved, then alkaline stabilization, injection or incorporation is employed to insure permit compliance. Union County Public Works, through its biosolids contractor, land applied approximately 7.05 million gallons of biosolids, which equates to 1,153 dry tons. 5.0 SYNOPSIS OF WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM (Fiscal Year 2018-2019) Permit No. WQCS00054. UCPW currently operates and maintains over 700 linear miles of sewer mains (Combined gravity and force mains) and 80 wastewater pumping stations providing service to population of approximately 106,923 customers. All pump stations are equipped with both audible and visual alarms as well as either automated telephone dialers (ATD) or telemetry which alert staff when alarm conditions are present. Inspections of all pump stations meet or exceed State re-quirements. Emergency auxiliary power is provided to all stations via portable or permanent mounted generators. Un- ion County personnel are on call rotation and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Public Works is required by State permit to clean a minimum of 10% of the collection system annually to prevent and/or reduce backups and overflows. Staff has consistently surpassed that requirement, cleaning more than the required 10%. UCPW cleaned approximately 11 % (66.52 miles of 622 total gravity miles) of the collection system last year. Staff also conducts inspections of the collection system with the utilization of underground closed-circuit television (CCTV) inspec- tion equipment. These cleaning and inspection efforts allow staff to determine areas in the system that require repairs or increased maintenance to provide the proper service to our customers. During 2019 staff has implemented an off-street cleaning team to address areas to remote parts of the system. FOG (Fats, Oils, and Grease) program is aimed at reducing grease -related back-ups and overflows by educating the public of the hazards associated with the disposal of grease and grease related by-products into the wastewater system. Union County Public Works has also developed a comprehensive list of food service establishments (FSE) and commer- cial establishments. This effort has resulted in developing an important and successful grease trap inspection and en- forcement program ensuring that restaurants and other food preparation facilities properly maintain grease traps and in- terceptors. This fiscal year, 424 of 424 FSEs have been inspected, including 34 Union County public schoolfacilities. Nf3 TE Ne sip .:li__. 351,252 82,565 502,248.3 66.52 15.6 95.12 622 622 124 Union County Wastewater System Performance Report 2018-2019 Utility easements and right-of-ways are maintained by UCPW staff to ensure access for staff and equipment to conduct routine maintenance as well as respond to emergencies, such as sanitary sewer overflows. The easements require round-the-clock access and should not be impeded by structures such as pools (above or below ground), buildings, etc. as well as gardens, trees, shrubs, plantings, fences, etc. Public Works staff inspects and conducts necessary mainte- nance, including mowing, to these easements and right-of-ways once a year. An Easement Awareness, Education, and Enforcement Program has been established to improve accessibility to UCPW's sanitary sewer easements. This is accomplished by educating customers on the allowable uses of the ease- ment and describing prohibitions, as well as procedures regarding enforcement when it is required for access. High priority lines such as aerial creek crossings, lines subject to erosion and/or problematic areas are visually inspected at a minimum semi-annually. High priority lines are inspected more frequently after periods of heavy rain and flooding. UCPW maintains emergency response equipment in a ready state at all times. This emergency equipment varies in na- ture from spare electrical parts and plumbing supplies, to vacuum trucks, pumps, and backhoes. Workers safety is of utmost importance. Safety equipment such as night lighting, gas monitors, trenching and shoring equipment, and reflec- tive cones/signs are always readily available. UCPW continuously works to improve its infrastructure and service provided to its customers. This involves consistent inspections and system examinations to ensure that our system is operating properly. Additionally, Union County has Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) to identify and correct deficiencies within the wastewater system. Below is a sample of projects: Union County Wastewater System Performance Report 2018-2019 12 Mile Creek WRF Expansion Union County Public Works is in the process of upgrading the 12 Mile Creek Water Reclamation Facility. The project involves various advancements to the plant, taking the treatment capacity from 6.0 million gallons per day (MGD) to 7.5 MGD. These improvements will increase the treatment capacity of the plant to meet future short-term anticipated wastewater flows. The proposed improvements will also prepare the facility for future expansions: first to 9.0 MGD, and then to 12.0 MGD. Those expansion projects will meet the projected long-term wastewater treatment needs for southwestern portion of the County. The expansion project includes: Upgrade and expansion of the influent pump station Replacement of the existing preliminary treatment facility with a new grit removal and odor control system Conversion of the existing biological treatment process to a diffused aeration system to enhance biological nutrient removal and provide additional capacity Replacement of the effluent disinfection system with a new high efficiency ultraviolet disinfection process Construction of a new residuals handling facilities which serves to stabilize and dewater the residual solids pro- duced in the treatment process The County awarded the contract to Adams Robinson Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $36,673,000.00, which is the County's largest capital improvement project in the last two decades. Construction began September 2016 and is targeted for completion in fall of 2019. { Union County Wastewater System Performance Report 2018-2019 Ongoing Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Studies Studies are being done throughout the collection system to identify problems, conduct flow monitoring, and need for rehabilitation. • Tallwood WRF basin — A contract was issued to address I&I re- pairs needed in this basin. The work was com- pleted in June of the FY19 budget year. • Crooked Creek WRF Basin — A significant inflow and infiltration, (MI) study has been underway since FY17. The project has identified areas of I&I entering the system and a contract was issued to repair these defects. The work started in FY19 with the use of CIP funds. • Grassy Brach WRF Basin — UCPW has worked extensively with UCPS staff to eliminate SSO's in the basin. During FY18 Piedmont High, School completed construction repairs during summer break to reduce (I&I). Ef- forts are continuing into FY20 to continually reduce the impacts of (I&I). We currently have 5 micro meters in- stalled to monitor any (I&I) during FY19/20. 42 manholes were repaired during FY19 along the trunk line to the WRF with the use of chemical grout. Crooked Creek WRF Headworks Improvements The project was completed in May 2019. The project includes the construction of a new headworks facility, influent pump station, three million gallon flow equalization tank, and appurtenant yard piping, mechanical, and electrical system im- provements. Construction of the flow equalization tank allows for greater operational control of the facility and offsets the need to expand treatment capacity to handle peak flows that occur on an irregular basis or for short time periods during any given day. Improvements to the head- works and influent pumping facilities ensure adequate capacity to convey in- coming flows is available and reduces the risk of sanitary sewer overflows at the plant site and in the upstream collec- tions system. Union County Wastewater System Performance Report 2018-2019 During the Fiscal Year 2018-2019, Union County's wastewater system collected and conveyed approximately 3.66 billion gallons of wastewater. There were fifteen (36) sanitary sewer overflows with a combined estimated volume of 151,572 gallons that occurred within the collection system. Union County Public Works conveyed 99.996% of the total volume of wastewater without incident. Sanitary Sewer Overflow Report DATE MH ID# ADDRESS WATER BODY VOUME DATA TOTAL VOLUME (GALS) PRIMARY CAUSE OF SSO SECONDARY CAUSE OF SSO (IF ANY) GALLONS TO SURFACE WATERS GALLONS ON GROUND 09/05/18 2433 14600 E Independence Blvd No Water Body Affected 0 450 450 Debris in line 09/16/18 2700 4720 Monroe Ansonville Rd • Meadow Branch 6,420 6,420 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 Funderburk Pump Station 630 Funderburk Rd Spring Branch 2,175 0 2,175 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 7456 910 Sharon Dr Rone Branch 13,500 0 13,500 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 2724-2728 1629 Old Fish Rd Grassy Branch 16,250 0 16,250 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 3196 6737 First Ave Crooked Creek 2,100 0 2,100 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 6384 5502 Poplin Rd North Fork Crooked Creek 23,250 0 - 23,250 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 3521-3522 3411 Brooktree Ln South Fork Crooked Creek 10,800 0 10,800 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 3202 4611 Jacqueline Dr South Fork Crooked Creek 1,650 0 1,650 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 2707 3826 Monroe-Ansonville Rd Rays Fork 1,575 _ 0 1,575 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 2646 1409 Hwy 205 Salem Creek 2,250 0 2,250 Hurricane Florence . Inflow 09/16/18 Suburban Estates 1 Pump Station 100 Blackvine Dr South Fork Crooked Creek 4,050' 0 4,050 Hurricane Florence Inflow 09/16/18 5231 4015 Sardis Church Rd Crooked Creek 3,35D 0 3,350 Hurricane Florence Inflow 10/11/18 Meadows #1 Pump Station 700 Penny Ln Austin Branch 0 300 300 Hurricane Michael Inflow 10/11/18 Olde Sycamore PS #3 Olde Sycamore PS #3 Duck Creek 0 207 207 Hurricane Michael Inflow 11/12/18 Funderburk Pump Station 630 Funderburk Rd Spring Branch 780 0 780 Severe Weather/Rain Inflow 11/15/18 2406 4015 Sardis Church Rd Crooked Creek 480 0 480 Severe Weather/Rain . Inflow 11/15/18 2725 1629 Old Fish Rd Grassy Branch 14,100 0 14,100 Severe Weather/Rain Inflow 11/26/18 30258 1026 Angora Ct No Water Body Affected 0 450 450 Debris in line 11/26/18 Septic Tank 205 Carl's Rd No Water Body Affected 0 450 450 Septic Tank Failure ' 12/09/18 2724 1629 Old Fish Rd Grassy Branch 4,500 0 4,500 Severe Weather/Rain Inflow 12/20/18 2731 1629 Old Fish Rd Grassy Branch 2,850 0 2,850 Severe Weather/Rain Inflow 02/09/19 14294 4048 Henshaw Rd 12mile Creek 1,000 2,000 3,000 Debris in line 02/12/19 Loxdale Pump Station Fallen Leaf Court No Water Body Affected 0 225 225 Pump Failure 02/22/19 2406 4015 Sardis Rd Crooked Creek 900 0 900 Severe Weather/Rain Inflow 02/26/19 Pipeline 6214 South Providence Road Davis Branch 450 50 500 Air Relief Failure 03/03/19 2406 4015 Sardis Rd Crooked Creek 2,100 0 2,100 Severe Weather/Rain Inflow 03/20/19 Eastside 3 Pump Station 1409 Hwy 205 No Water Body Affected 0 50 • 50 By-pass Hose Leak 04/13/19 12563 6600 Stoney Creek Goose Creek 13,000 • 500 13,500 Pump Station Failure 04/13/19 2406 4015 Sardis Rd Crooked Creek 12,000 0 12,000 . Severe Weather/Rain Inflow 05/18/19 Pipeline 2103 Lytton Ln West Fork 12mile 2,960 0 2,960 Pipe Failure 05/23/19 Pipeline 706 White Oak Drive North Fork Crooked Creek 1,500 0 1,500 Pipe Failure 05/28/19 Pipeline 2844 Gray Fox Rd South Fork Crooked Creek 1,500 0 1,500 Hit Force Main 06/01/19 Pipeline 3826 Monroe-Ansonville Rd No Water Body Affected 0 500 500 Air Relief Failure 06/04/19 Pipeline 3827 Monroe-Ansonville Rd No Water Body Affected 0 500 500 Air Relief Failure 06/20/19 Eastside 3 Pump Station 1409 Hwy 205 No Water Body Affected 0 400 400 Pump Station Failure 1 •..m TOTAL SPILLS TOTAL ANNUAL VOLUMES MILES OF PIPE IN SYSTEM - 105,490 700 6082 ' Reportable SSO's PER 100 MILES 4.14 Union County Wastewater System Performance Report 2018-2019 For questions concerning this Wastewater System Performance Summary or additional information please contact UCPW: (704) 296-4210 Or write to: Union County Public Works 500 North Main Street, Suite 600 Monroe, NC 28112-4730 This document can also be viewed at: Union County Wastewater System Performance Report 2018-2019 Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - RAT R.RY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART • Secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director . March 4, 2016 Mr. Richard McMillan, Assistant Public Works Director Union County Public Works 500 N. Main Street, Suite 500, Monroe, North Carolina 28112 Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Union County Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County, North Carolina Dear Mr. McMillan: Enclosed is a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report for the inspection conducted at the subject facility on February 23, 2016 by Mr. Barry Love, Roberto Scheller and Wes Bell of this Office. ' Your assistance and that of Mr. Greg Morgan and Danny Smith was greatly appreciated. Please. take special note of summary and the comments in each section of the inspection report for areas which may need to be addressed. No obvious problems were found on the day of inspection. Hopefully, the installation of the flow meters will shed some light on where :the inflow may be occurring. - The inspection report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Love at (704) 235-2143. Sincerely, W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Mooresville Regional Office . Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Attachment: Inspection Report — February 2016 MRO file PERCS Greg Morgan - Union County Danny L. Smith - Charlotte Water State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources I Water Quality Regional Operations. Mooresville. Regional Office' 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 I Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704 663 1699 v P Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WQCS00054 Effective: 07/01/15 Expiration: 06/30/23 Owner : Union County SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Union County Collection System County: Union PO Box 987 Region: Mooresville Contact Person: Bobby Banks Directions to Facility: Title: Phone: 704-283-3517 System Classifications: CS3, Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): Gregory Wayne Morgan On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: 989865 704-507-0372 NC0024970 Charlotte Water - McAlpine Creek WWTP NC0024333 City of Monroe - Monroe WWTP NC0085812 Union County - Grassy Branch WWTP NC0069523 Union County - Tallwood Estates WWTP NC0085359 Union County - Twelve Mile Creek WWTP NC0069841 Union County - Crooked Creek WWTP #2 Inspection Date: 02/23/2016 Entry Time: 10:OOAM Exit Time: 01:OOPM Primary Inspector: Barry F Love Phone: 704-663-1699 Ext.263 Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Other Inspection Type: Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Permit Inspection Type: Collection system management and operation Facility Status: Compliant [D Not Compliant Question Areas: 111 Miscellaneous Questions III Manhole Lines (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: WQCS00054 Owner - Facility: Union County Inspection Date: 02/23/2016 Inspection Type : Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Reason for Visit: Other Inspection Summary: The Grassy Branch section of the collection system has been experiencing l&I problems lately during high rain events. The WWTP had experienced a bypass the morning of the inspection, after a night of heavy rain. This inspection was specific to that section of the system. Mr. Roberto Scheller, Wes Bell, and Barry Love with the Division of Water Resources, MRO, met with Mr. Richard McMillan, Union County Assistant Director of Public Works, Danny L. Smith, WWTP ORC, Charlotte Water, and Greg Morgan, Operator of Collection System, Union County. Although the WWTP was bypassing that morning, the line in the collection system was only about 1/4 full. Several manholes were inspected. Those closer to the VWVfP showed signs of previous high flow. No problems were observed in those manholes inspected, and no signs of overflow were observed. Manholes had pans to prevent rainfall from entering. Possible causes of the high flows were discussed, but no obvious source of inflow was discovered. Union County plans to contract with Frazier Engineering and install flow meters on different sections of the line to narrow down where the flow may be coming from. _ Page: 2 ti Permit WQCS00054 Owner - Facility: Union County Inspection Date: 02/23/2016 Inspection Type : Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Reason for Visit: Other ENTRANCE RD. TO WVVfP Manhole Is manhole accessible? # Is manhole cover/vent above grade? Is the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? Is the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? Is manhole cover present? # Is manhole properly seated? # Is manhole in good condition? # Is invert in good condition? Is line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? Is manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? Is manhole free of excessive roots? Is manhole free of excessive sand? Is manhole's extended vent screened? Are vents free of submergence? Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? Yes No NA NE II ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑•❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑❑❑ III❑ ❑ ❑ I❑❑❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ II El El El ■ ❑❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ IM ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Pipe was about 1/4 full and free flowing. Debris coating was on steps and sides up to about'1.5 ft. from the top. No problems were observed. A pan was in the top to catch any rainwater that may enter. 1ST UPSTREAM OF VVVVfP Manhole Is manhole accessible? # Is manhole cover/vent above grade? Is the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? Is the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? Is manhole cover present? # Is manhole properly seated? # Is manhole in good condition? # Is invert in good condition? Is line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? Is manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? Is manhole free of excessive roots? Is manhole free of excessive sand? Is manhole's extended vent screened? Are vents free of submergence? Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? Yes No NA NE • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑.❑II❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ II ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑■❑ ❑ ❑ II ❑ • ❑❑❑ Page: 3 s manhole free of excessive sand? s manhole free of excessive roots? s manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? ,uoglpuob pooh ul penul sl # ,uogipuoo pooh ul aloyuew sl # ,palees /tiJadaid aloquew sl # auasaid.ianoo aloquew sl Is the manhole free.of sinkholes and depressions? Is the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? # Is manhole cover/vent above grade? 6alglsseooe aloyuew sl ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ E Z 0 ") O 0 o —I N = 0 m 0 r O z N CD cn 0 z ' z m . snoingo oN .smog Jagolq waf •pa/uasgo 8J9M swalgoi BM wig spgap ads eql uo;uesa n aloquew sill Jo sapls pue s v CS O N O O 0 3 3 CD rt 3 3 CD 7 rt Line was about a quarter full and free flowin 0 (D N CT rt N O N N Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? Are vents free of submergence? (A N N 3 3 3 0 0 m 7• 7• � O O. O_ (D CD W ECD CD CD -� X (D (D (D 0 0 O. X X n N 0f/1 W (D CD O N (D j CD -0 -.3 Cl •J s manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? s line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? Luoglpuoo pooh ul paw si # ,uoglpuoo pob6 ui aloyuew sl # opeleas Aliadad aloyuew sl # Is the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? Is the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? # Is manhole cover/vent above grade? ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .. . ■. ■ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3N VN ON sOA OH HSU t710 JO H1f1OS cn co 7 fa) (D N co loquew eq}; CT rt 7 0 0 (D 3 O N (D O CS N co (D CZ cn C2 0 O 3 3 (D 7 rt co uiUle4S Mol} o alglsin SEM 910Z/EZ/Z0 :step uotedsul Inspection Type : Collection System Inspect Non Sampling :;Isin Jo; uoseea m 49o00SCOM :;tamed /quno3 uoiun - Jeumo Permit: WQCS00054 Owner - Facility: Union County Inspection Date: 02/23/2016 Inspection Type : Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Reason for Visit: Other Are vents free of submergence? Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? Comment: Line was free flowing andabout1/4 full of yellow tinted flow. Manhole was somewhat clean without evidence of high flows. BELOW DEVELOPMENT - Manhole Is manhole accessible? # Is manhole cover/vent above grade? Is the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? Is the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? Is manhole cover present? # Is manhole properly seated? # Is manhole in good condition? # Is invert in good condition? Is line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? Is manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? Is manhole free of excessive roots? Is manhole free of excessive sand? Is manhole's extended vent screened? Are vents free of submergence? Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes No NA NE ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑❑❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑•❑ ❑ IN ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ 111000 ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑❑❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑❑❑ ▪ ❑•❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Pipe was about 1/5 full and free flowing with mostly clear water. No problems were observed inside the manhole. Some erosion was occurring outside the manhole. Page: 7 CERTIFIED MAIL: 7015 1520 0002 8376 2135 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mark Watson, County Manager Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 August 22, 2019 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2019-DV-0347 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - July 20.19 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Watson: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/s submitted by Union County. The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the Union County violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is -no SSO (Sanitary SewerOverflow)to the land or surface waters and the SSO constituted- making an - outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Mooresville Regional Office is providing the Union County an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the Union County should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201901141 7/7/2019 27 2103 Lytton Lane Pump station 500 500 Notice of Violation equipment failure 201901233 7/14/2019 340 5012 Lydgate Drive Debris in line 8,500 Notice of Violation Intent to enforce Insufficient info on how 8500 gallons did not reach the stream Incident Start Duration Number Date — (Mins) Location Cause Total Vol (Gals) Total Vol Surface Water (Gals) DWR Action 201901280 7/23/2019• 225 4015. Sardis Church Severe Natural . 9,000. 9,000 Notice of Violation Road Condition Intent to enforce 201901288 7/25/2019 100 211 Cupped Oak Drive Pipe Failure (Break) 2,500 500 Notice of Violation This Notice of Violation / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. Ln rn rR ru ® Cr m cr C9 -0 ZIP o t -i N m nJ D 0 a ru r-q Lr) ra r- E co e 0 s U.S, Postal Service' CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only For delivery information, visit our website at wtvwuspsaom®.` Extra Services & Fees (check box, add$fee as a= Retum Receipt (hardcopy) ❑ Return Receipt (electronic) $ El Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ Postage To $ Se Si ci UNION COUNTY 500 N. MAIN STREET SUITE 918 MONROE NC 28112 ATTN: MARK WATSON, CO. MANAGER Dwr/mm 8/22/19 PS Form 3800 April 2015 PSN 7530 02.00o 90474 atice, in writing, within 10 business days of its causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other nations. The response to this correspondence will be rill also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface i, fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors laity are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of ial and whether money was saved by non-compliance. :ontact Michael Meilinger or me in the Mooresville Regional 2, or iigned by: :681 AF27425... .Basinger, Regional Supervisor 'ality Regional Operations Section le Regional Office f Water Resources, NCDEQ See Reverse for Instructions INO aTI C`AROLINA;i Envtron ifaf O al1ty CERTIFIED MAIL: 7015 1520 0002 8376 2180 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED September 06, 2019 Mark Watson, County Manager Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2019-DV-0355 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - August 2019 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Watson: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/s submitted by Union County. The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the Union County violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00054 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Mooresville Regional Office is providing the Union County an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the Union County should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWRAction 201901354 8/13/2019 15 Behind 5012 Lydgate Debris in line 150 20 No Further Action Dr. 201901430 8/23/2019 990 4015 Sardis Church Rd. Severe Natural Condition 6,750 6,750 Notice of Violation Intent to Enforce -o c 21, CT fdl. immomMIM IMMEMENEMINI This Notice of Violation / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. This office requests that you respond to this Notice, in writing, within 10 business days of its receipt. In your response, you should address the causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. The response to this correspondence will be considered in this process. Enforcement decisions will also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface waters, duration and gravity, impacts to public health, fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors considered in determining the amount of the civil penalty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of rectifying the damage, whether the spill was intentional and whether money was saved by non-compliance. If_vou haves anti a _ _ - - nn WQROS F fr 0 -13 w ru `U.S. Postal Service"' \ CERTIFIED, MAIL® RECEIPT DomesticMail Only For'delivery information, yisit'our'website'at www.usps.coma., Certified Mail Fee 211) $ l(' Extra Services & Fees (check box, add fee as appropriate) ❑ Return Receipt (hardcopy) $ ❑ Return Receipt (electronic) $ ❑ Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ ❑Adult Signature Required $ ❑ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ Postage UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 500 NORTH MAIN STREET SUITE 918 MONROE NC 28112 A N: MARK WATSON, COUNTY MGR. dwr/mm 9/9/19 • contact Michael Meilinger or me with the Water Quality Section Dr via email at or yr uSigned by: C681AF27425... v Basinger, Regional Supervisor uality Regional Operations Section ille Regional Office of Water Resources, NCDEQ PS Form 3800, April 2015 PSN 7520-02-000-9047 See Reverse for. Instructions, FILE ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN•,�� ;�.*rer' Secretary "*£� 4 LINDA CULPEPPER NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality CERTIFIED MAIL: 7016 1370 0000 2596 0764 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED June 20, 2019 Mark Watson, County Manager Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2019-DV-0257 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - May 2019 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Watson: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/s submitted by Union County. The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the Union County violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00054 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Mooresville Regional Office is providing the Union County an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the Union County should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWRAction 201900955" 5/18/2019 1,050 2103 Lytton Lane Pipe Failure (Break) 2,960 2,960 Notice of Violation w/ Intent to Enforce 201900966 5/23/2019 75 706 White Oak Drive Pipe Failure (Break) 1,500 1,500 Notice of Violation 201900977 5/28/2019 70 2844 Gray Fox Road Other, Pipe Failure (Break) 1,500 1,500 Notice of Violation Nc rtt Ca ro;3ca Department cf Env •onm.entai Quemy I D v awn of Water Resources r-v.:,.._Regions ;Offt,ce 181DRea Center Ave u.e,Sut-?011 hfnrl„f „NorthCsrchns28115 704 . -13 9 This Notice of Violation / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. Pursuant :••:-..,,.,mot+,, „f not rt tnr-P than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed price with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any to; - a< pE. TI rE a( cl rE M 7069 5815 61 --.J t.L(I nj to -..ism.� r„ cr o 1" 3ECEIVED/NCDENR/[)ws c JUN..2 6 2011. a IV I w_pROS ciRESVILLI REGI6IALI °Fr >al Tr: Ix a; s~ E Q • 0 aCjo o o U o N a 0) a • • U.S. Postal Service' CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT DomesticMai! Only ce, in writing, within 10 business days of its Ises of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other ions. The response to this correspondence will be also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface sh kills or recreational area closures. Other factors ty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of land whether money was saved by non-compliance. Intact me in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 fined by: I. i81 AF27425... Basinger, Regional Supervisor ality Regional Operations Section le Regional Office • . if Water Resources, NCDEQ For delivery information, visit our website at w� o Certified Mail Fee / ?t) Extra Services & Fees (check box, add fee as appropriate) ❑ Retum Receipt (hardcopy) $ El Return Receipt (electronic) $ ❑ Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ A. / r3Aduft /',/ Signature Required $ / ^, �r El Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ Postage UNION COUN 500 N. MAIN STR SUITE 918 MONROE NC 28112 ATTN: MARK WATSON, CO. MANAGER dwr/cb 6/20/19 ( Postmark Here PS Form 3800i April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 North aro na Depertrtt_ntof Environmental-Qt;eirty I Div:son ofWate R s^,urces Moore v3r R gion's Offoe 1610 Esa writer Avenue,Sute 301 I #.(care :tiar North Carorna Z8115 ��•—•� 7y4-6.-1E9.9 CERTIFIED MAIL #: 7015 1520 0002 6880 3976 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED May 21, 2018 Cindy Coto Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tracking Number: NOV-2018-DV-0153 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - April 2018 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Ms. Coto: The self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by Union County indicates violations of permit conditions stipulated in the subject permit and North Carolina G.S. 143-215.1. Violations include failing to; effectively manage, maintain, and operate the subject collection system so that there is no SSO to the land or surface waters and making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required. Specific incident(s) cited in the subject report include the following: Incident Start Duration Number Date (Mins) . Location Cause Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201800508 4/3/2018 70 2208 Younts Road Debris in line 175 175 Notice of Deficiency 201800597 4/24/2018 60 4004 Sardis Church Rd Inflow and Infiltration 2,000 2,000 Notice of Violation Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct the above noncompliance. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lon Snider with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email at 0 ■ ■■ 0 0 hi 5rt 3 13 CD CO � . a 0 5'', E cc N 0. c0 �_ G 6 o O O Im 0 c0� a3Q3� N 0� �� yri o N"� D N�=c _ -, i{ 'O� •Sc0. N N0� L r� Ci n� nw :�. N f_ r• n - y ZI O N N a>=ti • C0 Z a 9.n n (D -.<.Y h - `y - � i 3 o w' s W —. N -< r' f' 0' Q' o ' -em S _' .7 OC w v' J. N n- p , 7 j--f --1 m .G 3.:. 0 f : 3 c 0,`. NJ • - . N ❑a000w 000aa'co �m iooaamcom Snm 7J «m m St a N P °a Z v ao o CD $ = ao Sincerely, DocuSigned by: A14CC681AF27425... orey Basinger, Regional Supervisor ?.r Quality Regional Operations Section 'esville Regional Office .'ion of Water Resources, NCDEQ LL' N W c--1 -- CO Z z co N O H: O < al U 0 7— U 2 1-1-1z z H I 0 0 00 cc Ln C Z �z o o 2� O Ln 926E 0999 2000 02ST STU. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 r ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary LINDA CULPEPPER D rector NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality CERTIFIED MAIL: 7018-0360-0002-2099-2168. RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED May 28, 2019 Mark Watson, County Manager Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2019-DV-0241 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - April 2019 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Watson: FILE A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/s submitted by Union County. The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the Union County violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00054 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Mooresville Regional Office is providing the Union County an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the Union County should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201900729 4/13/2019 335 6600 Stoney Creek Pump station equipment failure 13,500 13,000 Notice of Violation w/ Intent to Enforce 201900730 4/13/2019 300 4015 Sardis Rd. Severe Natural 12,000 12,000 Notice of Violation Condition w/ Intent to Enforce ® � North Ca ro Da Depertrn_nt of-cnv.ronn tv aetal Oaa I ay.s,on of Water Fe •uro=s f M-oaresvf'e F?g ors' Office i 619 =a2 Center Ave nue.Sule 391 I Moo rw:!'e, North Caro„na 23115 7O4-88S-1399 This Notice of'Violatiori / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. This office requests that you respond to this Notice, in writing, within 10 business days of its receipt. In your response, you should address the causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. The response to this correspondence will be considered in this process. Enforcement decisions will also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface waters, duration and gravity, impacts to public health, fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors considered in determining the amount of thA ri161 penalty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of ntional and whether money was saved by non-compliance. �a� 0 Nc .4 ¢-5 �IN`U . :IG�O cNo) .. F dui 07 • . •v d) 0) 0) 0 a W Lr7 z W co rsl � Z 0 F- w � z J >� U 7 O N w rn w w W 0 a CD H Z Lo ;n to contact W. Corey Basinger with the Water Quality Section 9 or via email at • rely; • DcuSigned by: • 4CC681AF27425... rey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Quality Regional Operations Section ville Regional Office of Water Resources, NCDEQ 7. I I I Q) "- � c: _ C= • ^1 CCG Gn. .-� _^ ,0 w to u i a. :� m 2 = _ r a o p 0 .. 8 mt Q r o ca, fi t a¢ ri Y L + a c - irg V Z E E A w N 1 p 0 b rn m 9 O LG C O 00000 Ln J 2000 09E0 Q'COZ 99'12 6602 --• ,•.,= u_partm_ra of Er.vron:heat aj gus:tty I D:v.>ADr. of Water Re sources GO7E� 2 f� t•�r_sv{ a .:'- s: Off:--: 81G E3s Center Averse. Su Is 301 hr•yor �v:'?. North ur•�i:n, 2$115 o...,,.a:z=i- C- -6 3-1899 FILE ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Serrrtary LINDA CULPEPPER prrecror NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality CERTIFIED MAIL: 7017 2620 0000 6788 4989 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mark Watson, County Manager Union County. 500 N Main St Ste 91-8 Monroe, NC 28112 April 11, 2019 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ISSUE CIVIL PENALTY Tracking No.: NOV-2019-DV-0194 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - March 2019 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Watson: A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) 5-Day Report/s submitted by Union County. The Division's Mooresville Regional Office concludes that the Union County violated Permit Condition I (2) of Permit No. WQCS00054 by failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate their collection system so that there is no SSO (Sanitary Sewer Overflow) to the land or surface waters and the SSO constituted making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required by G.S. 143-215.1. The Mooresville Regional Office is providing the Union County an opportunity to provide evidence and justification as to why the Union County should not be assessed a civil penalty for the violation(s) that are summarized below: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201900499 3/3/2019 180 4015 Sardis Church Inflow and 2,100 2,100 Notice of Violation Road Infiltration, Severe w/ Intent to Enforce Natural Condition £aE North .Caro tr> Department of Eroi.ronrrtentai Qua.rty i D N.t n of iWat r'R sources. Moore v e F--,' ora; Off.ioe I S10 sa Center Aver:u u.t: 301 I hroor �a, North 0- r• 22.115 7C4c8+3-16a9s This Notice of Violation / Notice of Intent to Enforce (NOV/NOI) is being issued for the noted violation. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. This office requests that you respond to this Notice, in writing, within 10 business days of its receipt. In your response, you should address the causes of non-compliance, remedial actions, and all other actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. The response to this correspondence will be considered in this process. Enforcement de ,ns will also be based on volume spilled, volume reaching surface waters, duration and gravity_ �mr,��� ' ;. , fish kills or recreational area closures. Other factors alty are the violator's history of non-compliance, the cost of al and whether money was saved by non-compliance. Cc: 'ro a. y li O` 00,5 may Z RE 3g) co Tn. CL EowG) MOOREs INATIMMM 0 Z V m m Er O r,43 - m 2tuEtyNcDENR/®wR 2019 cry WQROS N E R'EGIO1.. OFOCE II co ' j N z 0 1— -21 � w � F— cwn cn rn w Q O. a) O • O t_.^) intact me in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 gned by:. B1AF27425... isinger, Regional Supervisor ty Regional Operations Section regional Office later Resources, NCDEQ ronrrterlts: QuaSt4 I Db'w�n of Water Fi•=soUrC' 6W6h9WL9 0000 0292 L'LOL �. �� _•_ r3v:c_ n=_;: nar;)fice $1G Es I s _nterAverius.Su.t? 3 1 I h�•»rr�':'r_,NorthCs. ro �s -3115 t am / 7:41 -Sc3-lcca ILE ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary LINDA CULPEPPER Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality CERTIFIED MAIL #: 7017 2620 0000 6788 4880 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED March 25, 2019 Mark Watson, County Manager Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tracking Number: NOV-2019-DV-0162 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - February 2019 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Watson: The self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by Union County indicates violations of permit conditions stipulated in the subject permit and North Carolina G.S. 143-215.1. Violations include failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate the subject collection system so that there is no SSO to the land or surface waters and making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required. Specific incident(s) cited in the subject report include the following: Incident Start Duration Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201900333 2/9/2019 150 4048 Henshaw Rd Debris in line 3,000 1,000 Notice of Violation 201900401 2/22/2019 45 4015 Sardis Church Rd. Inflow and Infiltration 900 900 Notice of Violation 201900464 2/26/2019 90 6214 S. Providence Other Road 500 200 Notice of Violation " North Caroa,rna Departrn=nt.of E mroramerita Qcat,y I i)ivsaa of Water Rosouro-> Moore tia.[eReg..ra Offs= 1310 _sue Center van>i=,Suze 301 I. b'.>aresvEVo, North Caro+aa 23115 704- a-15a3 r Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct the above noncompliance. a written response to this Notice of Violation. Your response is to be received by the regional office business days following receipt of this violation. Please include any additional documentation about in the response. The submittal will be considered in determining whether the Division will assess a the cited violations. Please submit within 15 this incident(s) civil penalty for If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me in the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email: at, I(, uSigned by: - ,C681 AF27425-.- I Basinger, Regional Supervisor iality Regional Operations Section :FicE a Ile Regional Office - ?f Water Resources, NCDEQ • 7.7 m ti 0' m urt U.S. Postal Service' CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT `°Domestic Mail Only For delivery information, visit our website at w®. F , F, Certified Mail Fee , ,C t 0' $ Extra Services & Fees (check box, add fee as appropriate) ❑ Retum Receipt (hardcopt) $ ❑ Retum Receipt (electronic) $ ❑ Certified Mall Restdded Delivery $T ['Adult Signature Required $ ❑ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ - Postage -u $ ru Tc UNION COUNTY 500 N. MAIN STREET SUITE 918 MONROE NC 28112 ATTN: MARK WATSON, CO. MGR. dwr/cb 3/26/19 PS Form 3800, April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9047 See Reverse for Instructions ODE Norte Caro:1na bepart reant of Eny'aon memal Que(ty I• fl vvoreof. Water R e sou roes Moore R gionaiOffrce.i 610 E'a3 Center :AVe nue,Sute 301-I Moor 34ne.. North Carorna 28115 7C+4ccS-1£95: FILE ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary LINDA CULPEPPER Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality CERTIFIED MAIL #: 7016 1370 0000 2591 1575 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED January 30, 2019 Mark Watson Union County 500 N Main St Ste 918 Monroe, NC 28112 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tracking Number: NOV-2019-DV-0077 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - November 2018 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Watson: The self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by Union County indicates violations of permit conditions stipulated in the subject permit and North Carolina.G.S. 143-215.1. Violations include failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate the subject collection system so that there is no SSO to the land or surface waters and making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required. Specific incident(s) cited in the subject report include the following: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Mins) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201803366 11/12/2018 260 630 Funderburke Road Severe Natural Condition 780 780 Notice of Violation 201803446 11/15/2018 330 1629 Old Fish Rd. Severe Natural Condition 14,100 14,100 Notice of Violation 201803449 11/15/2018 240 4015 Sardis Ch. Rd. Severe Natural 480 480 Notice of Violation Condition E Q North Carolina Department of Envlronenentcr-Qua rt I DivsonofWater Resources Moo re-v `e Regrortal Office I s10 Eaa Cent r venue, Sate 801_I Mcoresvte, North Carolina 25115 704-683-1V39 Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct the above noncompliance. Please submit a written response to this Notice of Violation. Your response is to be received by the regional office within 15 business days following receipt of this violation. Please include any additional documentation about this incident(s) in the response. The submittal will be considered in determining whether the Division will assess a civil penalty for the cited violations. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact W. Corey Basinger with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email at Sincerely, r--DocuSigned by: I Cc: -o - co _ N 0 2a N ots O co N Z �cu) un�fi 0ORRES r4 it ul a rn u-1 a eFo DINCOEN lu" B-4—NA9 C i waRos FIC LE. (REGIONAL OF w s w 0 z U n z LD . C681AF27425... 3asinger, Regional Supervisor Ility Regional Operations Section Regional Office ,Water Resources, NCDEQ — II U.S. Postal Service' CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only For delivery information, visit our website at . Certified Mail Fee a Extra Services & ees (check box, add fee as appropriate) ❑ Retum Receipt (hardcoPY) $ ❑Return Receipt (electronic) $ Certified Mat Restricted Delivery $ � ❑ AduS Signature Requilred $ -\ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ P os tage UNION COUNTY Tt 500 N. MAIN STREET SUITE 918 MONROE NC 28112 s ATTN: MARK WATSON dwr/cb 1/31/19 PS Form 3800, April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000.9047 See Reverse for Instructions $' s RECEI Pdstmark Here 4� f� DECe North Carolina Department of Envarortmental Quality 1 DiNs an of Water Resources Moo Reg:ar+.a1Office 1610 East Center Ave nuts, Sute 301 I Mooresville, NorthCaroUr, e 28115 704-663-1699 J, I 1 REMINDER 3 PUMP STATIGry _ CALCULATE .._.- TIMES -- EACH VISIT 1 J J EXERCISE GENERATOR 2 X MONTH -- CHECK VITALS MONTH/YEAR LOG ALL ALARMS ON REVERSE SIDE OF PAGE DAY TIME OPER PUMP "A" HOURS "A" RUN TIME PUMP "IT! HOURS 'B" RUN TIME Power Meter Reading Water Meter Reading COMMENTS Previous month reading ""'='? .� ' ": F J.,...,' ° 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MAC METER ALARM/GENERATOR TEST(Requirod Oraco a Moth) DAY • MAG READING FLOW DATE TIME HOURS FUEL ' • LEVEL BUZZER RED LIGHT VALVE EXERCISES OPERATORS(TWO EMPLOYEES) Previous ;----:::" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ALARMS (ALL ALARMS MUST BE RECORDED HERE) 10 11 DATE TIME OPER COMMENTS --- ALARMS 12 13 14 15 16 17 . 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS WASTEI COLLECTION - PUMP STATION LIST ADDRESS ALARM TYPE 'PUMP .GENERATOR 'DESIGN CAPACITY ^ _ AUDIBLE VISUAL SCADA TELEMETRY , DIALER RELIABILITY PERMANENT PORTABLE MGD- Brookhaven 3120 Delamere Ln. Yes . Yes DFS Duplex Yes 1.72 12 Mile Magnolia Ridge - 4719 Magnolia Ridge Dr. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.017 12 Mile Howie Mine 14 _ . ___ 705 Howie Mine Rd. Yes _ Yes Mission ; Duplex Yes _ N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 15 • - - - -- • _ _ ---- Cureton St. Waxhaw Yes Yes -__ _ Missioh PupleX ... Yes_ N!A 12 Mile Howie Mine 16 _ _-__ _ _______ _ __ _ 600 Price St Waxhaw Yet Yes Mission Duplex - Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 17 StateRd:1323 Waxhaw Yes_ Yes „-„ Mission _Duplex_ _ _ _Yes _ _ NIA 12 Mile Howie Mine 18 302Washington St., Yes . Yes Mission _—__ Yes . N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 19 _ _ Pearl St - Waxhaw Yes Yes _ Mission__. - _':Duplex __ Duplex _ ,_. , Yes_ N/A 12 Mile Howie. Mine20 — _ ___- 3.22EastN.MainSt Ye"s Yeses Mission Duplex _ Yet • N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 21 _._ - 300 East N. Niain_St Yes Yes' Mission _ _ Duplex Yes_- N/A 12 Mile HowieMine22 ___ 418Pnoe_Si. Yes Yes Mission `Duplex I,__ Yes N/A 12Mile Howie Mine 23 Acros`5208 _Howid Mine Rd ,_ Yes - =Yes__ Mission Duplex Yes : N/A _ 12 Mile_ _ Howie Ming 24 Dunlap St. des '' Yes Mission Duplex __ _- _____ , _ Yes ., _ - _ N/A Mile Sandlevitioii ___ _ 2907A Faircroft Way Yes Yes DFS Duplei Yes N/A - _12 _; 12 Mile,-_ Parkwood Sch. - 3219 Parkwood School Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes " _ 0.040 12 Mile 21-25 910 Sharon Dr. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 12 Mile ' Jackson Ridge Off Waxhaw Pkwy behind CVS Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.023 12 Mile Old Hickory Hwy. 16 @ Pine Oak Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.019 12 Mile Southfork,_. _ „ South Fork Rd. Yes Yes `Guard -it . _Duplex-_ , Yes 12 Mile Jaars Wycliffe Ave. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.06 12 Mile Wysacky'Park,7 _ 460EsawRd. Yes Yes rMission _____ Duplex_ __ Yet 12 Mile V1lysackyPark 8_ _ _ 312Yamase'eRd. Yes Yee' es Mission _._ Duplex Yes _N/A N/A _ 12Mile , Wysacky Park 9b _ _, __ __ _ - - _ , _ _ _- _ = 218'Yamasee Rd- Yes Yes_ Mission _- _ Duplex__,.. ___ __ __• _- _ Yee N/A _ _ 12 Mile Wy"sackyPsrk11 ..-_---- 125Yamasee:RH,Yes Yee' _ _MI55i02___•----�----Duplex Yes N/A 12Mile Wysacky Park 12 --. __ -- _ --- -_-- _ -..- --- i _- i__----------_ Y00 Yamasee Rd _Yes...- Yes•_,--- ____Mission_, .._ 'Duplex_-. ---.- Ygs - -__- N/A 1-2:M_ife__ Wysacky Park 13 ._ 122 Yama--see Rd. Yes Yes ,—_-. Mission__ buplez Yet N/A _ 12 Mile Sun Valley Place 3053 WesleyChapel-Stouts Rd. Yes Yes . DFS _ Duplex Yes _ _ _ _ 0-51 - 12 Mile Poplin Rd. 5502 Poplin Rd. Yes Yes DFS ' Duplex - Yes 2.89 12 Mile Mill Bridge - Off Kensington Rd. Yes Yes DFS _ Duplex Yes ' 3.65 12 Mile Southbrook 212 Leafmore Ct. _ Yes _ Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.03 12 Mile Stonebridge Rocky River Rd. and Doster Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex. Yes 0.43 12 Mile Western Union 4111 Western Union Schol Rd. Yes Yes DFS - Duplex Yes 0.012 12 Mile Crane Valley Off New Town Rd. before Crane Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.043 CMUD Drayton Hall 8403 Cheverney Ln. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.016 CMUD ' Tarkill .. 10705 Waxhaw Marvin Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 1.17 CMUD Marvin Ridge 2831 Crane Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.038 CMUD Forest Park Meadowbrook Dr. Yes . • Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.518 Crooked Creek Helmsville . Grey Fox Dr. Yes . _Yes _ DFS Duplex Yes 0.508 Crooked Creek Community Park 2308 GQmmunrty Park Dr Yes Yes__ DFS__ Yes Crooked Creek; WoocIfern _ ___ Woodfem NIStallirig_s Yes Yee on ; _ .. _'Duplex __ _ Duplex __ Ye's Crooked Creek, Green;Meadows 6737 First Ave': Yes_ Yet G Yard IF D"uplex` _ Yes' -_ Crooked Creek, Suburban 1 ' _ 5601A Suburban Lane Yes • Yes, Mission Duplex Yes 0.18 Crooked Creek Suburban 2 6122 Daybreak Drive Yee_ Yes__ DFS Duplex `-et' Crooked Creek. Suburbaill S8b6 Sahli wviood5r: Yes •Yes -DFS tidoraek Yes _- Ctoked Cheek. Deese'Ct: Deese Gt., Yes , Yes„ Mission DUplez Yes Crooked Creek' Unionville 4511 Unionville Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes __ 0.03 Grassy Branch Loxdale Loxdale Farms Dr. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.05 Grassy Branch Funderburk Funderburk Rd. -Wingate Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes .Monroe WIMP Meadows MH 1 700 Penny Ln. . Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.058 Monroe WWTP Meadows. MH 2 Rolling Meadows Dr. Yes • Yes • DFS ' Duplex Yes 0.173 Monroe WWTP Tr 11 - - gwependen,.e D,. Behind Jail Ye^ Y=. Sea Dupleit—. Yes -Mani,.,.. Station 1 3826 Monroe Ansonville Rd. ', Yes -Yes DFS apee e Duplex Yes , . - 0 012: .. 2.1 VRAFTP- Monroe WWTP Station 11 •4720 Monroe Arisonville Rd. Yes •. Yes , DFS' Duplex i Yes 1.75 Monroe WWTP Station 111 • . 1409 Hwy 205 Yes . Yes DFS ' . Duplex Yes 2.5 Monroe WWTP Animal Shelter - 3340 PressonRd Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.002 Monroe WWTP. Ag Center 3230 Presson Rd. Yes Yes . DFS - Duplex Yes 0.003 Monroe WWTP Old Sycamore 7 _ . Olde'Sycamore Drive Yes' Yes DFS Duplex Yes Old Sycamore_ OId Sycamore 2 " 1900 Rock Hill Church Rd.(Weighmont Ct.) Yes Yes DFS Duplex _ Yes 01d Sycamore Old Sycamore 3 ' . Golf Course Access Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes Old Sy camore Old Sycamore 4 6708 Sycamore Club Dr. Yes - Yes DFS Duplex Yes • 0.010 Old Sycamore Porter Ridge 2801 Ridge Rd. Monroe Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.042 Poplin Rd. Stevens Mill 1 . 998 Millwright Ln. Yes Yes , DFS Duplex Yes • 0.8640 Poplin Rd. Stevens Mill 2 1222 Millwright Ln. Yes Yes . DFS . Duplex .., Yes- 0.1008 Poplin Rd. Hunley Creek Fairfield Plantation Yes , Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.789 Poplin Rd. : Fieldstone 5325 N. Rocky River Rd. Yes ' , Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.68 Poplin Rd. Mineral Springs 6118 Wexhaw Hwy Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes = . 0010 12 Mile Highlands at Weddington (Scotch Meadows) 5511 Antioch Church Road Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.040 12 Mile Atherton Estates 631 Winter Wheat Ridge Ct. Yes_ Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.043 12 Mile Falls at Weddington _ . 408 Eden Hollow Ln. Yes Yes DFS - Duplex Yes 0.043 12 Mike Weddington Preserve - 101 Westlake Dr. _Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.510 12 Mile Highclere 157 Highclere Drive Yes Yes DfS Duplex Yes. 0.038 . 12 Mile Small' ,<;10 000 d'_.__•___,_ Medium: 10,000 gpd < flow < 100,000 gpd— . Large: < 100,000 gpd. - Master High Priority and Aerial Sewer Main Inspection Loci Address Area Description of Loo6on MN ID#s PIPE INFORMATION Facility ID Upstream Downstream Priority Type Material Site (°) Length Fl Date Date p7S0 Date Date Date Pas Rai Date Date Date Date Date P0--01 2000 Caemarfen Lane 59onnamaa Behind address 2338 3413 3453 Aerfa85u19ce water DIP 8 15 8/17/2017 6/0/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/20/2016 6/232016 617/2016 3117/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 325/2014 2/24/2014 P9-02 6815 Stevens N51116.1. Henley Creek WWrP 51an681,1,1, O17(86 behind Henley CreekWWTP 2415 8296 8297 Aerial DIP 8 31 8/17/2017 6(6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/20/2016 6/232016 617/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8252015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/172014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 PR-03 3448Sha7ow lake Ln End of Shadow Lake behInd address 2605 3708 3709 Aerial DIP 8 160 8/17/2017 6(6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/20/2016 6/23(2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 825/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3(25/2014 2124/2014 PR-04 Hunlay Creak PS FM 6015 Stevens Mil at Moo Bridge on Steven Nall Rd - FM89 FM FM Aerial DIP 12 60 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/20/2016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 e/252015 2/2512015 1/9/2015 11/2412014 7117/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 PR-05 21212116 Caernarfon Ln Shanmmaa Behind addresses at creek by golf course 2323 8855 3631 Surface Water PVC 8 6 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/20/2016 6/23/2016 617/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 PR-06 Stevens Mal Rd 6815 Stevens 5211 at Bridge Stevens Mill Gravity Line at bridge 15794 3795 12553 Aerial DIP 8 60 8/17/2017 6/6(2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/62016 8/20/2016 6/2312016 6/7/2016 3117/2016 11/4/2015 8252015 2125/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/2512014 2/24(2014 318-07 23004228 Caernarfon Ln Shanrwmaa Between 2Jw- 2226 Caernarfon Ln. 2379 3628 3629 Surface Water DIP 8 4 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/20/2016 6123/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/912015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 P8-00 3111-31117 Cardigan Cl Shannamam Behind 3111 - 3117 Cardigan Cl 23582351 3451; 3632 8775 Both surface water DIP 8 5 8/17/2017 6/612017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/202016 6/232016 677/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 825/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 PR-09 4502-45105Mnnamara Or Shonnamaa Between 4502 and 4510 Shannamaa Or. 8546 3460 3469 Aerial DIP 8 8 8/17/2017 6/612017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/20/2016 6123/2016 8/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/2412014 318-10 4501 Shannamam Or Shennamara Beside Owl Shannamam Dr. 8544 3303 3379 Surface Water DIP 8 5 8/17/2017 6/5/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/2012016 6/23/2016 677/2016 3/17/2016 11/42015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 325/2014 2/24/2014 318-11 45104604 Shannamam Or Shamamaa Between 4510 and 4609 Shannamera Dr. 2240 3466 3650 Aerial DIP 8 40 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/2512017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/20/2016 6/23/2016 6212016 3/17/2016 11/412015 825/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/2512014 2/24/2014 310-12 5385580nn090914Dr Shannamaa Behind 530555annamara Dr 2459 3654 3655 Surface Water DIP 8 a 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9(8/2016 8/20/2016 6/23/2016 6(7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/26/2015 2/25(2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 316-13 5361.53555110nn09,ar9 Or Shannamam Between 5361 and 535559a9119111a10Or 2455 3652 3653 Surface Water DIP 8 10 8/17/2017 6(6/2017 4125/2017 1/10/2017 9/612016 8/20/2016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/412015 8/25/2015 2/2512015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2(24/2014 315-14 5337580,9a090Or 5h7rma00r0 Behind 533758annamaa Dr. 2451 3503 3651 Surface Water DIP 8 5 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/20/2015 6/23/2016 6(7/2016 3/17/2016 11/412015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 318-15 717 CIifden Or Shannamaa 6463 3427 3426 Surface Water DIP 8 5 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/2512017 1/10/2017 9/6/2076 8/20/2016 6/23/2016 62/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/1712014 3/25/2014 2124/2014 318-16 716 CIifden Or Shannamam 8494 3423 3385 Surface Water DIP 0 8 8/17/2017 6(6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/20/2018 6/23/2016 6(7/2016 3/17/2016 11/412015 8/2512015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 310-17 2191.21956735o110e Or Niamey Creek Between 2191 and 2195 MIIhouse Ln. 13793 3842 3041 Surface Water DIP a 10 8(17/2017 6/612017 4/25(2017 1/102017 9/6/2016 8/20/2018 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/42015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 316-10 5002 88ill5090e Ln Henley Creek Between 500268115093e 5008 Ohre Stone 13780 4812 3847 Surface Water DIP 8 5 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/20/2016 6/23/2016 8(7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/912015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 316-19 5019 OIde Stone Ln Hurley Creek Beside 5019 Olde Stone Ln. 17789 3849 4813 Surface Water DIP 8 5 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/20/2016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 319-20 5019.500501de Stone Henley Creek Behind 5019 and 5025 Ohio Slone Ln. 13788 3848 3849 surface Water DIP 8 5 8/17/2017 6(6/2017 4125/2017 1/102017 9/6/2016 8/20/2016 6/23/2016 6(7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/2512015 2/252015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 P0-21 60454051 Bumf Mill Rn 61n1e7Creek Bel Ben 6045 and 6051 Bumt M11 Run 13700 3850 4819 Surface Water DIP 8 5 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/7012077 9/6/2016 8/20/2016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11124/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 315-22 82116219 Henley Ridge Henley Creek Between 8216 and 8219 Henley Ridge Rd. 13807 3851 3850 Surface Water DIP 8 5 8/17/2017 616/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/8/2016 820/2016 6/23/2016 6/7(2016 3/17/2016 11/412015 8125/2015 2/25/2015 11912015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 315-23 8225.6261 Hunlay Ridge Henley Creek Between 8225 and 8231 Henley Ridge Rd. 16806 3852 3851 Surface Water DIP 8 5 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4125/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/20/2016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8125/2015 2/25(2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 315-24 8231 Hanley Ridge Rd Henley creek Beside 8231 Henley Ridge Rd. 13805 4836 3852 Surface Water DIP 8 5 8(17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/102017 9/6/2016 8/20/2016 6/23/2016 6(7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/252015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 P9-25 82584254 Henley Ridge Henley Creek Between 8258 and 8254 Henley Ridge Rd. 15053 3856 4843 Surface Water DIP 8 10 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/2012016 6/23/2016 6(7/2016 3/17/2015 11/4/2015 8125/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11124/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 P6-26 7411.2419 Willowbrook 0r WIIwArook Between 2411 and 2419 Willowbrook Dr. 13821 3857 3856 Surface Water DIP 8 10 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/1012017 9/6/2016 8/2012016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 P5-27 31274133 Shady Grove Wriwwtrook Between 3127 and 3133 Shady Grove Ln. 7499 8553 8554 Surface Water DIP 8 5 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4125/2017 1/1012017 9/6/2016 8/20/2016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8125/2015 2/25/2015 1/92015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 P9-28 31395h44y Grove Willowbrook Behind 3139 Shady Grove In. 7500 8555 8554 Surface Water DIP 8 5 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/20/2016 6/23/2016 677/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11124/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 P9-29 3145 Shad Grove Willowbrook Behind 3145 Shady Grwo Ln. 13741 8555 4808 Surface Water DIP 8 8 811712017 5/6/2017 4/2512017 1/1012017 - 9/6/2018 8/20/2016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/1712016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/252015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 CG01 r N6266, a• 2 3}_ Faith Church Rd Bridge Lake Park al Faith Church Road Bridge 500 3155 2413 68785.W01er DIP a 15 8/172017 6/6/2017 4/252017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8121/2016 6/232016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/912015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 CC-02 Woodcreek Cl. 099e51o7 Ashcroft 1ie45 258 5165 2409 Aerial DIP 12 21 8117/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 CC-03 Vaunts Rd (8EHINDWALMSR1) Wal-1n97 Tie in 17500 61900 5869 Aerial DIP 8 12 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 425/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 6/23/2016 6(7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2016 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/242014 C0.04 Jaquekyg 0r. and Tech. Or Bdnaey Downs 1049 5323 24118 Surface Water DIP 12 (0 8/17/2017 6/8/2017 4/25/2017 1/102017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 6/23/2016 62/2016 3/1712016 11/4/2015 8125/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 CC-05 115 Brooks Lane Brittany Downs 2125 5874 5873 Surface Water DIP 6 6 8/17/2017 6/8/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 CC-06 225 Post Ofce Drive USPO 2240 5549 5535 Surface Water DIP 8 10 8117/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 623/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2124/2014 CC-07 Forest Park 041/411 Forest Park 484 5091 2225 Aerial DIP a 18 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7117/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 CC-08 Forest Park 0u0811 Staring Elementary Stallings Elementary School lie In 16608 14445 14446 Aerial DIP 12 10 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 623/2016 62/2016 3/17/2016 11/42015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 C0.09 627 Popper Ann Lane Forest Park Pepper Ann Ln. 392 3175 2208 Aerial DIP 8 8 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/1712016 11/4/2015 812512015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 CC-10 4207 Wesley Court 096e59o5 Ashcroft Tio-in (Wesley 83.) 581 5156 2412 Aerial DIP 8 30 8/172017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 821/2016 6(2312016 6(7/2016 3117/2016 11/42015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/92015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 325/2014 2/24/2014 C011 20201/26n507. Wal-Mart 1980 5831 5660 Surface Water DIP a 8 8/17/2017 6/8/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 6/23/2016 617/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 ES-02 3344 Pressor Road UCJaii MEM Removed Removed Removed Removed Removed Removed Removed Removed 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/252015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2124/2014 Jail Al A2 Aerial DIP 8 90 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/25/2016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/252015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2(24/2014 E0-03 25185m5,591e Circle Greenbrook .2722) 2722 2721 Surface Water DIP a 18 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/102017 9/6/2016 8/25/2016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/242014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 ES-04 585nr12-Ansonville Rd ES91 Croak Crossing 3641 2720 2707 Surface Water Clay 24 36 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/25/2016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 325(2014 2/24/2014 TM01 12 Milo WWTP PS Lill station Outfar at Plant 16320 20056 20055 Surface Water DIP 24 50 16742 4911 Sandtyn Drive New Town Village Behld 4911 88n7,7n Dr 9075 7911 8057 Aerial DIP 8 50 8/17/2017 6/5/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 6/23/2016 62(2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8125/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 TM-03 2710 Fairoror Way 56nda6.00d 2710 051roro1 Way and 2603 Devon 7625 1352 8507 Surface Water DIP 8 7 8/17/2017 6/5/2017 4/25/2017 1/102017 9/6/2016 8/212016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 1114/2015 8125/2015 225/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 325/2014 224/2014 TM-04 40201ev9r7St Waxhaw Behind Town of Washaw 5ainl. 6083 7312 2597 Surface Water DIP 8 (0 8/17(2017 6/5/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 TM-05 1909 Thomcresl Dr Harrison Park Behind 1909 Thomcrest drive 5545 7354 7331 Aerial DIP 8 40 8/17/2017 6(5/2017 4(25/2017 1/102017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 6/23/2016 6N2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/2512015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 11,7-06 1210 Billy 8551e/ Rd Wesley Chapel O3 Billy Noway Rd 1697112856 1768 1769 Surface Water DIP 30 50 8/17/2017 6/5/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/612016 8/21/2016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 11/-07 1210 oily Homy Rd Wesley Chapel Off Billy Hwey Rd 2855 1769 1756 Surface Water DIP 30 50 8/17/2017 6/5/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 6123/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/412015 8125/2015 225/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 71,908 8109 Kingston Drive IGngston on 31rw. Across ham 8109 8ngston Drive 5734 7339 7338 Aerial DIP 8 41 8/17/2017 6/5/2017 4/25/2017 1/102017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 6/2312016 6N(2016 3/17/2016 11/412015 8125/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 774O9 9605 Ashton Manor Ashton Manor Behind 9605 Ashton Manor Way 5309 3038 3039 Aerial DIP a 12 8/172017 6/5/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 6(23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/2512015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 TNL10 6311 Lowemate Drive • Slonegate Creek Crossing al 5tengel, Tie -In 1,91 2741 1947 19448 Surface Water DIP 36 50 8/17/2017 6/5/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 916/2016 8121/2016 6/23/2016 6(7(2016 3/17/2018 11/4/2015 8/252015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/2412014 118.11 8010 Streamlet Way Brook Valley Near poolheuse 7200 8444 8445 Aerial DIP 8 18 8/17/2017 6/5/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/21/2018 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/26/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 TM-12 4902 Sandsmne Ln Sandalwood Rebind 4902 Sandstone Ln 3447 1581 (580 Surface Water DIP 8 5 8/172017 6/5/2017 4/25/2017 1/102017 9/6/2016 8/2112016 6123/2016 6(7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7117/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 578.13 3413 Collaroy Ln Cureton Behind 6413 0o1141oy Ln. 3036 2116 2115 Surface Water DIP 10 10 8/17/2017 6/5/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 6/23/2016 0(7(2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 17,5-136 3201 Thayer Dorm 0,159n Behind 3201 Thayer Dr. 5690 7614 2113 Sudoce Water DIP 8 15 8/17/2017 6/5/2017 4125(2017 1/102017 9/6/2016 8121/2016 612312016 6/7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/2512015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/1712014 3/25/2014 2/24(2014 539.14 5618 Biggers Brook De Indian Brook 1288; 1296 1293 6078 6084 High Priority PVC 8 1300 8/17/2017 6/5/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 6/23/2016 617/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25(2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 17,5-15 2604 Devon Drive Sandalwood 75867590 1152 1155 Surface Water DIP 8 8 8/17/2017 6/5/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8121/2016 6/23/2018 6(712016 3/17/2018 11/4/2015 8/25/2013 2/25/2015 1/9(2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/2412014 TM.17 916P1I06m Forest Pilgrim Forest 8941 8577 1556 High Priority DIP 9 15 8/17/2017 6/5/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/21/2018 6/23/2016 6(7/2016 3117/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 225/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 TN1-17A Behind 1003 Potters Bluff Rd. Pullers Trace Creek Crossing behind 1003 Potters Bluff Rd. 7055 4074 1640 Aerial DIP 8 30 8/17/2017 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17•418 Bit H Rd West Cha I 14725 13025 13027 Aerial DIP 8 125 8/17/2017 6/5/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/21/2016 623(2016 6(7/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 8/2512015 2/25/2015 1/912015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3(25(2014 2/24/2014 106-01 9831 Thome 352, a Drive Tallwend 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 Trunk Lino beside creek 11982119841457/ 11904 2869 2872 Erosion PVC a 2000 8/17/2017 615/2017 4/2512017 1/102017 9/8(2016 8/2512018 6/23/2016 6(7/2016 8/25/2015 2/2512015 119/2015 11124/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/2412014 05-01 10821 01de Sycamore Or Olde Sycamore 8/25/2016 3/17/2016 11/4/2015 Beside 10021 OIde sycamore Or. 15789 10937 2826 Surface Water DIP B 4 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/8/2016 6/23/2016 6/7/2016 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 05-02 10804 Persimmon Creek Dr 018e5 .mo1e 14601 2833 2832 Surface Water DIP 8 10 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1110/2017 9/6/2016 8/25/2016 6/23/2016 6/712016 3/16/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 225/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 568-01 522 Briar Patch Tonam Marvin Creek 12467 11773 11774 Surface Water DIP 8 9/6/2016 8/2512016 6/23/2016 6(7/2016 3/16/2016 11/4/2015 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 12 8/17/2017 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 3/25(2014 2/24/2014 50-02 620i24 Briar Parch Terrace Marvin Creek 12421 11817 11777 Underwater DIP 8 15 8/17/2017 6(8/2017 4125/2017 1/1012017 9/6/2016 8/25/2016 6/23/2016 6(7/2016 3/16/2016 11/4/2016 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/242014 7/17/2014 3/25/2014 2/24/2014 GB-01 1124.1216 Tom Helms Rd UnionNlle 6/6/2017 4/25/2017 1/10/2017 9/6/2016 8/252016 6/2312016 6/7/2016 3/1612016 Delo t1a P5 FM creak crossing FM17 FM FM High Priority PVC 3 i iw 8/17/2017 11/4/2016 8/25/2015 2/25/2015 1/9/2015 11/24/2014 7/17/2014 3/26/2014 2124/2014 • Aerial -sewer Mains that are above ground and usually crossing over creek . • Surface Water Sever Mains that is in the bed of the creek where the pipe is exposed to surface water constancy. • H19h P oriy -Generally a Sewer Main Oat carries large amounts of flow or main tines that require repeal m,I0osse. •Erosion Sewer Mains that maybe alrisk for Erosion. PR Poplin CC Croaked Creek TM Twelve Mae OS 01da Sycamore 5M S"a Mile GB Grassy Branch UNION COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 500 North Main Street, Suite 600, Monroe, NC 28112 Phone: (704)296-4210 • Fax: (704)296-4232 June 22, 2016 Mr. W. Corey Basinger Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUL 05 2016 WQROS MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Subject: Update of the flow monitoring study performed on Grassy Branch Collection System Collection System Permit — WQCS00054 Union County Dear Mr. Basinger: Union County hired Frazier Engineering to install 5 flow meters throughout the system and complete a detailed SSES investigation. The meters where installed March 22, 2016 and removed on June 2, 2016. Frazer made the following recommendations: 1. A major source of 1/1 may be entering the collection system downstream of Site 1. This was not measured during the flow monitoring study but may be large enough to cause significant issues with overloading the Grassy Branch WWTP. The sewer downstream of Site 1 should be televised to look for defects. 2. There may be issues with the influent pumping at the Grassy Branch WWTP so that even a fairly routine increase cannot be adequately handled. More investigation would be necessary to determine pumping rates, possible restrictions, etc. We are in the process of reviewing the data and will immediately begin CCTV and smoke testing in the areas of concern. As stated previously, the entire basin was smoke tested at the beginning of the year but we are going to take advantage of our dry conditions with the use of a smoke test. Based upon the report, at meter locations 4 and 5, we will also take advantage of the summer break of the school system. We will investigate the influent pump station with Charlotte Water to determine a course of action. UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS More information will be forthcoming as we develop our approach to resolve this issue. We will update you of the results from the CCTV and smoke testing activities once completed. Thank you for your assistance on this and your patience as we try to resolve these matters. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 704-289-3288 or 704-507-0372. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Interim Superintendent/ORC pc: Ed Goscicki, P.E. — Executive Director Andy Neff - Water & Wastewater Division Director 2 of 2 6/30/2016 FRAZIER ENGINEERING P.A. UNION COUNTY GRASSY BRANCH BASIN FLOW MONITORING REPORT JUNE 21, 2016 6592 Bob White Trail Stanley, NC 2816 I Office: 704.822.8444 I Fax: 704.822.8666 UNION COUNTY GRASSY BRANCH BASIN FLOW MONITORING REPORT JUNE 21, 2016 Per Union County's request, Frazier Engineering, P.A. monitored flow at five sites in Union County's wastewater collection system. The purpose of the flow monitoring was to determine capacity, average daily flow, and wet -weather flows. This report summarizes the flow monitoring work and sewer system capacity analyses. Introduction Five flow meters were installed within Union County's wastewater collection system. Table 1 summarizes the location of the flow meters and dates deployed. Figures 1 through 3 show the meter locations. Table 1. Flow Meter Location and General Information Site Diameter (inches) Location Date Installed Date Removed 1 12 Old Fish Road 3/22/16 6/2/16 2 12 Unionville Road 3/22/16 6/2/16 3 8 Smithfield Tie -In 3/22/16 6/2/16 4 8 Piedmont High School 3/22/16 6/2/16 5 8 Piedmont Middle School 3/22/16 6/2/16 Flow Meter Information The temporary meters installed and maintained by Frazier Engineering were American Sigma Model 910 meters with submerged area -velocity sensors. The Sigma 910 meter measures average velocity using twin piezoelectric crystals utilizing ultrasonic one -MHz Doppler technology. Multiple measurements are taken by bouncing the Doppler signal off of any and all particulates found throughout the flow stream and then averaged. Flow depth is measured using a pressure transducer. Flow Meter Installation, Calibration, and Maintenance The sensors for these meters were installed at the 6 o'clock position of the incoming sewer of the manholes shown in Figures 1 through 3. The meters were calibrated at installation by adjusting the depth of flow recorded by the meter to match a manual depth measurement. The velocity recorded by the meter was also verified by comparing it to a hand held velocity meter. The meters were set up to record depth and velocity at 15-minute intervals. 1 Figure 1. Flow Meter Location - Site 1 2 Figure 2. Flow Meter Locations - Sites 2 and 3 3 Figure 3. Flow Meter Locations - Sites 4 and 5 4 The meters were visited weekly to download the data, to perform any necessary maintenance (such as scrubbing sensors to remove debris), and to calibrate the meters per the methodology outlined above. Data was reviewed on site for overall data quality and any problems were immediately addressed. Average Daily Dry -Weather Flow During Monitoring Period Average daily flows provide valuable information on the current sewer system use and operation. Average daily flows facilitate capacity analyses and decisions on whether the sewers can handle additional flow. In addition, average dry -weather flows are critical for proper analyses of wet -weather flow data. The average dry -weather flows are directly compared with flows during rain events, and the difference between the flows is the volume of infiltration/inflow (UI) entering the system. To develop the average dry -weather flows, Frazier Engineering reviewed flows during each day of the monitoring period. Days that appeared to be typical throughout the period were averaged to obtain the average daily flow. Days with apparent atypical flows (such as flows that appear to be affected by silt/debris over the sensor or by rain events) were excluded from the analyses. If present, daily ground water infiltration into the sewers is included in the average daily flows presented in this report. Table 2 includes the estimated current sewer capacity at the meter site. The metered flows and flow depths were used to estimate the current capacity of the sewer. Metered depths were plotted against metered flows. Theoretical capacity curves for that particular diameter pipe were then placed on the metered depths and flows until a best fit was achieved for a specific capacity. Note that the current sewer capacity may be affected by older sewer pipe (higher friction factor), increased silt and debris in the sewer, or obstructions in the sewer. The estimated capacity shown is at the meter site only and does not reflect conditions or capacities above or below the meter site. Figure 4 shows an example of the sewer capacity analysis for Site 1. Note that this methodology of estimating capacity is independent of pipe slope. Additional analyses using the original design slope would be necessary to determine how the estimated capacities presented herein compare to design capacities. 5 Figure 4. Sewer Capacity Analysis - Site 1 Flow Depth (in) 15 12 9 6 3 0 0 ♦ ♦ ■ ■ •■ ■ A ■ ■ ■ is ■ -♦" ■ Estimated Capacity= 1.40 mgd r W 0.5 Flow (mgd) 1 • Actual Flow Data • Current Capacity Curve 1.5 Table 2 summarizes the average flow during the monitoring period. The average daily flow as a percentage of the estimated pipe capacity is also shown. Table 2. Average Dry -Weather Flow Monitoring Summar Site Estimated Capacity (mgd) Pipe Diameter (in) Average Flow Average Depth mgd % of Est. Capacity in % of Pipe Diameter 1 1.40 12 0.086 6.2% 2.03 17.3% 2 1.51 12 0.047 3.1% 1.79 15.5% 3 1.94 8 0.015 0.8% 1.18 14.9% 4 1.84 8 0.022 1.2% 2.14 28.6% 5 2.05 8 0.003 0.1% 1.23 16.1% The average dry -weather flow was well within the estimated capacity at each of the sites and the average depth was less than 30% of the pipe diameter. Wet -Weather Flow During Monitoring Period The peak wet -weather flows during a rain event are considered to be caused by inflow. Inflow is generally defined as water, other than wastewater, that directly enters the sewer system through storm/sewer cross connections, vented manhole covers, roof leader connections to the sewers, service line connections and missing cleanout caps, and other such direct sources. Inflow produces the rapid flow increase during rain events and the 6 associated high peak flows. Peak inflow is typically the main cause of sewer system surcharging and overflows during wet weather. Infiltration is generally defined as water other than wastewater that seeps through the ground and into the sanitary sewers through defects (such as broken pipes, defective pipe joints, service connections and manhole walls). Infiltration is usually slower to enter the sewer and may remain evident in the sewer system for more than a day after a rain event ends. Infiltration generally leads to high volumes of I/I but not high peak flows. Based on rain data collected by two tipping bucket rain gauges installed for this project, Table 3 summarizes the largest rain events during the monitoring period. Rain Gauge 1 was located at the Grassy Branch Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). Rain Gauge 2 was located at the wastewater pump station in the Loxdale Farms Development. The total rain provided in the table may not include all of the rain that fell on the dates listed. If multiple hours passed with no rain, the next occurrence was considered a separate rain event or insignificant rainfall. For example, on May 3, a total of 0.90 inches of rain was recorded by Rain Gauge 1 and 0.81 inches of rain was recorded by Rain Gauge 2. Long event durations skew the recurrence interval to an event of lesser significance. Table 3. Rain Events Summa Date Rain Gauge Total Rain (inches) Peak Intensity (inches per hour) Duration (hours:minutes) May 3 1 0.64 0.64 0:15 2 0.58 0.58 0:15 May 20 - 21 1 1.64 0.41 13:15 2 1.07 0.38 13:00 Figure 5 graphically represents these rain events in comparison to a 1-year average recurrence interval rainfall. Values for Rain Gauge 1 are represented by a square; values for Rain Gauge 2 are represented by a triangle. These rain events were less than a 1-year rainfall event. The average recurrence interval information was obtained from "Precipitation -Frequency Atlas of the United States" NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 for the Monroe, North Carolina area. The rainfall total for a 15-minute storm with a 1 -year recurrence interval is 0.85 inches. 7 Figure 5. Rain Events Compared to a 1 Year Return FreQuenc 24 1 Year Return Frequency ,..,18 0 © 12 a 0 03 0 6 A a 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Rain (inf 0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Table 4 summarizes flow during the evaluated rain events. The total estimated volume of I/I measured at each meter site and other flow monitoring parameters are summarized in Table 4. Appendix A shows flow during the rain events versus the typical, dry -weather flow for each site. 8 Table 4. Grassy Branch Flow Monitoring Summary - Rain Events Date Rain (in) Site Estimated Capacity (mgd) Avg. Flow (mgd) Pipe Diameter (In) Peak Hourly Flow Peak Depth VI Start Date and Time M End Date and The Duration (hrs:min) Total I/1 Volume at Meter (gal) mgd % of Est. Capadty Peaking Factor' In % of Pipe Diameter May 3. 2016 0.64 1 1.40 0.086 12 0.512 36.5% 5.9 5.173 44.0% 5/3/16 1:00 PM 5/5/16 4:00 AM 39:00 81.896 2 1.51 0.047 12 0.664 43.9% 14.2 5.285 46.0% - 5/3/16 5:45 PM 5/4/16 12:45 PM 19:00 42.208 3 1.94 0.015 8 No Significant 111 Reaction to the Rain Event 4 1.84 0.022 8 0.246 I 13.4% 11.2 Il 3.874 I 51.7% 11 5/3/16 4:00 PM 5/4/16 8:45 AM 16:45 7.073 5 2.05 0.003 8 No Significant 1/1 Reaction to the Rain Event May 20. 2016 1.64 1 1.40 0.086 12 0.429 30.6% 5.0 40.893 348.D% 5/20/16 4:30 PM 5/22/16 11:30 AM 43:00 109,844 2 1.51 0.047 12 0.745 49.3% 15.9 5.585 48.6% 5/20/16 11:15 AM 5/21/1612:45 AM 13:30 76.500 3 1.94 0.015 8 No Si nificant 1/1 Reaction to the Rain Event 4 1.84 0.022 8 0.526 28.6% 23.9 3.479 46.4% 5/20/16 8:45 PM 521/16 7:00 AM 10:15 33.646 5 2.05 0.003 8 0.041 2.0% 13.8 3.382 44.3% 520/16 1:30 PM 5/20/16 11:45 PM 10:15 6,250 Notes: (1) Peaking factor is defined as the peak flow divided by the average daily flow. Conclusions Average Dry -Weather Flows All sites had sufficient pipe capacity for the average daily dry -weather flow. The average flow used less than 5% of the estimated pipe capacity at all sites. The average depth of flow used less than 20% of the pipe diameter at four of the five sites, with the average depth at Site 4 using just over one-fourth of the pipe diameter (28.6%). Wet -Weather Flows The following summarizes the wet -weather reactions at each site: • Site 1 - The peaking factors (defined as the peak flow divided by the average flow) were 5.9 and 5.0 during the May 3 and May 20 rain events, respectively. Generally, peaking factors exceeding 5.0 are considered excessive. The peak flow used approximately one-third of the estimated capacity during both rain events. However, this site surcharged (defined as the flow depth exceeding the pipe diameter) during the May 20 rain event. The pipe can surcharge but the peak flow can use much less than the full capacity of the pipe because during surcharge the velocity drops significantly. • Site 2 - The peaking factors were very high at 14.2 and 15.9 during the evaluated rain events. The peak flows and peak depths used less than one-half of the estimated capacity and pipe diameter during both rain events. • Site 3 - There was not a significant I/I reaction during either rain event. • Site 4 - The peaking factors were very high at 11.2 and 23.9 during the evaluated rain events. The peak flows and peak depths used less than one-half of the estimated capacity and pipe diameter during both rain events. • Site 5 - There was not a significant I/I reaction during the May 3 rain event. During the May 20 rain event, the peaking factor was very high at 13.8. The peak flow and peak depth used less than one-half of the estimated capacity and pipe diameter during the May 20 rain event. It should be noted that the rain events during the monitoring period were small. Larger and/or more intense rain events will very likely cause more substantial I/I reactions at these locations. Summary A major reason for performing this flow monitoring study was to determine where the most significant I/I was entering the sewer system. It was believed that I/I was contributing to issues that were occurring at the Grassy Branch WWTP. By examining flow data from Site 1 (the site closest to Grassy Branch WWTP), it can be observed that the I/I volumes were approximately 82,000 and 110,000 gallons during the May 3 and May 20 rain events, respectively. These I/I volumes were observed over nearly two day periods (39 hours and 43 hours). Therefore, since the average daily flow at Site 1 was 86,000 gallons per day, the flow increased roughly 50% due to I/I over a two day period. While this is not ideal, it is 10 not uncommon and should not be a significant enough of an I/I event to cause the Grassy Branch WWTP to back up flow into the collection system as appears occurred during the May 20 rain event. There could be two options explaining the apparent issues at the Grassy Branch WWTP: 1. A major source of I/I may be entering the collection system downstream of Site 1. This was not measured during the flow monitoring study but may be large enough to cause significant issues with overloading the Grassy Branch WWTP. The sewer downstream of Site 1 should be televised to look for defects. 2. There may be issues with the influent pumping at the Grassy Branch WWTP so that even a fairly routine increase cannot be adequately handled. More investigation would be necessary to determine pumping rates, possible restrictions, etc. The above is not to imply that there was not I/I observed during the flow monitoring study. The peaking factors were very high at Sites 2, 4, and 5 and were moderately high at Site 1. A typical rain event (one that would be expected to occur multiple times in one year) significantly increased peak flows in the system except upstream of Site 3. The flows at Site 3 did not show any significant I/I reactions and this area (Smithfield Development) can be eliminated as a major I/I concern. The areas upstream of Sites 2, 4, and 5 appear to be contributing the most significant I/I. The peak flows actually decreased from Site 2 to Site 1. This is likely due to a dampening of the peak flow as it moved downstream. This is also an indication that there were not major sources of inflow (most likely source of peak flows) between Site 2 and Site 1. Therefore, the areas upstream of Sites 2, 4, and 5 are recommended for I/I identification activities. This should include manhole inspection, smoke testing (if/where not previously performed), and targeted television inspections. Rehabilitation should then be performed based on the results of the I/I identification activities. After rehabilitation is complete, post - rehabilitation flow monitoring should be performed to confirm the effectiveness of the I/I reduction activities and to determine if additional measures are required. 11 APPENDIX A RAIN EVENT FLOW GRAPHS 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 Site 1 - Union County Flow Monitoring May 2 & 3, 2016 Rain Events 1 iiii yr--7‘ ooA 0.00 ,J m 0.00 0.10 0.20 c 0.30 = 76 ce 0.40 - 0.50 5/2/2016 5/3/2016 5/4/2016 Date 5/5/2016 Rain Flows During Rain Event Typical Dry Weather Flows 0.60 0.50 0.45 - 0.40 - 0.35 - 0.30 - m E 0.25 - 3 0 0.20 - 0.15 - 0.10 0.05 - 0.00 5/20/2016 5/21/2016 Site 1 - Union County Flow Monitoring May 20 & 21, 2016 Rain Events 5/22/2016 Date 5/23/2016 IIRain Flows During Rain Event Typical Dry Weather Flows 0.00 - 0.05 - 0.10 c - 0.15 '� EC - 0.20 L. - 0.25 0.30 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 E 3 0 u. 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 5/2/2016 5/3/2016 Site 2 - Union County Flow Monitoring May 2 & 3, 2016 Rain Events 5/4/2016 Date 5/5/2016 mii Rain Flows During Rain Event Typical Dry Weather Flows 0.00 0.10 0.20 c 0.30 cc 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.00 5/20/2016 Site 2 - Union County Flow Monitoring May 20 & 21, 2016 Rain Events 5/22/2016 Date 5/23/2016 5/24/2016 INIMRain Flows During Rain Event Typical Dry Weather Flows . - 0.15 .c as e: 0.40 0.35 - 0.30 - 0.25 0.20 - 0.15 - 0.10 - 0.05 - 0.00 5/2/2016 Site 3 - Union County Flow Monitoring May 2 & 3, 2016 Rain Events "I I Tr I 5/3/2016 Nkv,kilh 5/4/2016 Date 5/5/2016 Rain Flows During Rain Event Typical Dry Weather Flows ill 0.00 - 0.10 - 0.20 - 0.30 ; re - 0.40 - 0.50 0.60 0.80 0.70 Site 3 - Union County Flow Monitoring May 20 & 21, 2016 Rain Events 0.60 - 0.50 - 0.40 - 3 0 0.30 - 0.20 - 0.10 - 0.00 5/20/2016 5/21/2016 I I 5/22/2016 Date 5/23/2016 Rain Flows During Rain Event Typical Dry Weather Flows 0.00 0.05 - 0.10 - 0.20 - 0.25 0.30 0.35 Site 4 - Union County Flow Monitoring May 2 & 3, 2016 Rain Events 0.30 - 0.25 v 0.20 - co E 3 0 L. 0.15- 0.10 - 0.05 0.00 5/2/2016 I 5/4/2016 Date 5/5/2016 MN Rain Flows During Rain Event Typical Dry Weather Flows II i 0.00 - 0.05 - 0.10 - 0.15 0.20 c - 0.25 W 0.30 I- 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.80 0.70 - 0.60 - 0.50 - ifs 0.40 0 LL 0.30 0.20 - 0.10 - 0.00 5/20/2016 1 Site 4 - Union County Flow Monitoring May 20 & 21, 2016 Rain Events r I 5/21/2016 5/22/2016 Date 5/23/2016 Rain Flows During Rain Event Typical Dry Weather Flows A AA n 0.00 - 0.05 - 0.10 - 0.15 - 0.20 - 0.25 - 0.30 0.35 0.10 0.09 - 0.08 - 0.07 - 0.06 - 0.05 - 0.04 - 0.03 - 0.02 - 0.01 - 0.00 5/2/2016 Site 5 - Union County Flow Monitoring May 2 & 3, 2016 Rain Events I �I+ 5/3/2016 1� 0.00 - 0.05 5/4/2016 Date 5/5/2016 Rain Flows During Rain Event Typical Dry Weather Flows 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.05 0.04 - 0.04 - 0.03 - a 0.03 - a) E i2 0.02 0.02 - 0.01 - 0.01 - 0.00 Site 5 - Union County Flow Monitoring May 20 & 21, 2016 Rain Events i' „I, 1 0.00 - 0.05 - 0.10 - 0.15 c co - 0.20 r4 - 0.25 - 0.30 5/20/2016 5/21/2016 5/22/2016 Date 5/23/2016 Rain Flows During Rain Event Typical Dry Weather Flows 0.35 UNIN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 500 North Main Street, Suite 500, Monroe, NC 28112 Phone: (704)206.-4210 o Fax: (704)296-4232 April 15, 2015 Mr. Michael Leggett, P.E. NC Division of Water Resources Water Quality Permitting Section Wastewater Branch — PERCS Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RECEIVED/DES APRR/pwR 5 20/5 WaterQuality � fellinn Reference: Union County Wastewater Collection System — WQCS00054 Subject: Wastewater Collection Permit Renewal Application Dear Mr. Leggett: As required by North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Water Quality (DWQ), Union County Public Works Department is submitting our Wastewater Collection System Permit Renewal Application. Included with this letter are the renewal application, signature authority, pump station and high priority lists, organizational chart, operating and capital budgets, action plans, and a system map. If you have any questions concerning this permit renewal application and/or attachments, please call or email me. Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Richard D. McMillan, P.E. Assistant Director Public Works Attachment: Wastewater Collection System Permit Renewal Application 500 North Main St., Suite 600 • Monroe, NC 28112-4730 • Phone: (704)296-4210 o Fax: (7(34)296-4232 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM CSA 08-13 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION 15A NCAC 02T .0400 — SYSTEM -WIDE WASTERWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS Documents shall be prepared in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0100, 15A NCAC 02T .0400, and all relevant Division Policies. Failure to submit all required items will necessitate additional processing and review time. For more n formation, visit the Surface Water Section's Collection System ivebsite at: h11p://horta/.'q/s)wp/ps/cs General .'hen subiuittiug an application to the Pretreatment, Emergency Response, & Collection Systems (PERCS) Unit, please use the following instructions as a checklist in order to ensure all required items are submitted. Adherence to these instructions and checking the provided boxes will help produce a quicker review time and reduce the amount of requested additional information. 1.1 The Applicant shall submit one original and one copy of the application and supporting documentation. A. Cover Letter • Submit a cover letter listing all items and attachments included in the permit application package B. No Application Fee Required • No application fee is necessary. The permittee will be billed an annual fee upon issuance of the permit > The appropriate annual fee for systemwide wastewater collection system permits may be found at: ➢ Annual Non-Discharee Fees . C. System -Wide Wastewater Collection System (FORM: CSA 08-13) Application: ® Submit the completed and appropriately executed System -wide Wastewater Collection System (FORM: CSA 08- 13) application. Any unauthorized content changes to this form shall result in the application package being returned. If necessary for clarity or due to space restrictions, attachments to the application may be made, as long as the attachments are numbered to correspond to the section and item to which they refer. ❑ If the Applicant Type in Section I.3 is a Privatley-Owned Public Utility, provide the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) from the North Carolina Utilities Commission demonstrating the Applicant is authorized to hold the utility franchise for the area to be served by the wastewater collection system, or ❑ Provide a letter froin the North Carolina Utilities Commission's Water. and SewerDivision Public' Staff stating an application for a franchise has been received and that the service area is contiguous to an existing franchised area or that franchise approval is expected. ❑ If the Applicant Type in Section I.3 is a corporation or company, provide documentation if •it is registered for business with the North Carolina Secretary of State. D. General Information: ➢ The Authorized signing official listed in Section I.4 should match with that of the Applicant certification page in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .01.06(b). Per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(e), an alternate person may be designated as the signing official if a delegation letter is provided from a person who meets the criteria in 15A NCAC 02T .0I 06(b). ➢ NOTE - Public Works Director's are not authorized to sign this permit application according to the rule unless they are delegated_. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICATION CSA 08-13 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 1 of 6 E. Summary of Attachments Required: • Instruction A: • Instruction C: ❑ Instruction C: ® Instruction D: • Section IV.3 • Section I:V.4 • Section V.4 ® Section V.6 El Section VI.2 • Section VI.4 • Section VI.6 O Section VII Cover Letter Application Ownership Documentation (i.e. CPCN) (If necessary) Delegation Letter (If necessary for signing official) Pump Station List High Priority Lines List Annual Budget for Collection System (Updated and Approved) Capital Improvement Plan (Updated and Approved) Response Action Plan Contingency Plan Comprehensive Collection System Map Note Any Potential Compliance Issues THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE INCLDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PERCS UNIT By U.S. Postal Service: Attn: PERCS Unit Supervisor 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1636 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 807-6300 By Courier/Special Delivery: 512 N. SALISBURY:ST. Suite 925 RALEIGH. NORTH 'CAROLINA 27604 FAX NUMBER: (919) 807-6489 INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICATION CSA 08-13 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 2 of 5 I. APPLICANT INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name (Municipality, Public Utility, etc): UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 2. Facility Inforniation: Name: Union County Public Works Collection System Permit No.: WQCS00054 3. Applicant type: ❑ Municipal ❑ State ❑ Privately -Owned Public Utility County ❑ Other: 4. Signature authority's name: Richard D. McMillan, P.E. per I5A NCAC 02T..0106(b) Title: Assistant Director Public Works 5. Applicant's mailing address: 500 North Main Street, Suite 600 City: Monroe State: NC Zip: 28112- 6. Applicant's contact information: Phone number: (704) 296-4215 Fax number: ( ) - Email address: richard.mcmillau a, II. CONTACT/CONSULTANT INFORMATION: 1. Contact Name: 2. Title/Affiliation: 3. Contact's mailing address: 4. City: State: Zip: 5. Contact's information: Phone number: ( ) - Fax number: ( ) = Email address: 11I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. New Permit or Premit Renewal? ❑ New ® Renewal 2. County System is located in: UNION County 3. Owner & Name of Wastewater Treatment Facility(ies) receiving wastewater from this collection system: Owner(s) & Name(s): Union County Public Works (UCPW) 12-Mile WRF, UCPW Crooked Creek WRF, UCPW Olde Sycamore WRF, UCPW Tallwoods WRF, UCPW, Grassy Branch WRF; City of Monroe WWTP; Charlotte Water - McAlpine Creek WWTP: Lancaster County Water & Sewer Distict (SC) 4. WWTF Permit Number(s): UCPW 12-Mile (NC0085359), UCPW Crooked Creek (NC0069841); UCPW Olde Sycamore (W00011928), UCPW Tallwoods (NC0069523), UCPW, Grassy Branch (NC0085812): City of Monroe ((NC0024333); Charlotte Water - McAlpine Creek (NC0024970); Lancaster County Indianland WWTP (SC0047864) 5. What is the wastewater type? 95 % Domestic or 5 % Lidustrial (See 15A NCAC 02T .0103(20)) Is there a Pretreatment Program in effect? ❑ Yes or ® No 6. Wastewater flow: 8.681 (12-month average) MGD (Current average flow of wastewater generated by collection system) 7. Combined permitted flow of all treatment plants: 13.825 MGD 8. Explain how the wastewater flow was determined: ❑ 15A NCAC 02T .0114 or ® Representative Data 9. Population served by the collection system: 96.000 (based on 36,000 sewer accounts x 2.75 persons per account) IV. COLLECTION SYSTEM INFORMATION: APPLICATION CSA 08-13 Page 3 of 5 1. Line Lengths for Collection System: Sewer Line Description Length Gravity Sewer 558.73 (miles) Force Main 73.047 (miles) Vacuum Sewer 0 (miles) Pressure Sewer 0 (miles) 2. Pump Stations for Collection System: Pump Station Type Number Simplex Pump Stations (Serving Single Building) Simplex Pump Stations (Serving Multiple Buildings) Duplex Pump Stations 66 3. Submit a list of all major (i.e. not simplex pump station serving a single family home) pump stations. Include the following information: > Pump Station Name > Physical Location > Alarm Type (i.e. audible, visual, telemetry, SCADA) > Pump Reliability • Reliability Source (permanent/portable generator, portable pumps) > Capacity of Station 4. Submit a list of all high priority lines according per 15A NCAC 02T .0401 (2) known to exist in the collection system. Head the list with."Attachment A for Condition V(4)" and include the system name. • Use the same line identification regularly used by the applicant > Indicate type of high priority line (i.e. aerial), material and general location V. COLLECTION SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION: 1. Provide a brief description of the organizational stnicture that is responsible for management, operation and maintenance of the collection system. Ed Goscicki, P.E., Executive Director; Richard McMillan, P.E. - Asst. PW Director; Josh Brooks - Utility Field Services Superintendent (ORC); Greg Morgan - Utility Field Services Supervisor (Backup ORC) Collections System Operations and Maintenance (13 employees); Michael Farrar.- Utility Field Services Supervisor - W/S Infrastructure Repair and Maintenance (15 employees); James Amaral - Utility Compliance Administrator (FOG/Pretreatment) 2. Indicate the current designated collection system operators for the collection system per 15A NCAC 08G.0201 Main ORC Name: Josh Brooks Certification Number: 986361 Back -Up ORC Name: Greg Morgan Certification Number: 989865 3,. Approximate annual budget for collection system only: $ 2,545,302 4. Submit a copy of your current annual budget. 5. Approximate capital improvement budge for the' collection system only: $ 64,020,997 6. Submit a copy of your current capital improvement plan. 7. is this collection syste►ii currently a satellite system ® Yes or ® No 8. Do any satellite systems discharge to this collection system I1 Yes or ❑ No (if yes complete table below) APPLICATION CSA 08-13 Page 4 of 5 Satellite System Contact Information (Name, Address, Phone Number) Town of Wingate Bart Farmer, W&S ORC; 210 Edgewood Dr., PO Box 367 Wingate, 28174 (704-233-4042) Town of Marshville Bivens Steele, Public Works Director, 201 West Main Street, Marshville, NC 28103 (704-624-2515) Complete for Satellite Systems that have a flow or capacity greater than 200,000 GPD (Average daily flow) 9. List any agreements or ordinances cun•ently in place to address flows from satellite systems: Interlocal agreements with the Torn of Marshville and Town of Wingate to accept flow. UCPW has agreements with City of Monroe (2.65 MGD), Charlotte Water (3.0 MGD), and LCWSD (0.025 MGD) to accept flow. VI. COLLECTION SYSTEM COMPLIANCE: 1. Is a Response Action Plan currently in place ® Yes or ❑ No 2. If Yes, submit a copy of the Response Action Plan or see table 6 below. 3. Is a pump station contingency plan currently in place? ® Yes or ❑ No 4. If Yes, submit a copy of the pump station contingency plan or see table 6 below. 5. is a comprehensive collection'system map currently in place? ® Yes or ❑ No 6. Submit a submit a copy of the collection system map (CD or hardcopy) or indicate a schedule for completion 7. Thoroughly read and review the•Svstem-Wide Collection Svstem Permit Conditions. ilr WATT ac. m,n1 off ted:to `Ihp'� -tpkitea,YrairiliNiaWtTliTiliWilgq14. Any compliance dates inust be included within the permit prior to issuance or the permit holder will be found in violation upon inspection. ie Permit Condition Cun ent Compliance? If no, Indicate a Compliance Date Typical Compliance Schedule 1(4) — Grease ordinance with legal authority to inspect/enforce /„1 Yes ❑ No 12 — 18 nto. 1(5)— Grease inspection and enforcement program // Yes ❑ No 12 —18 mo. I(6) — Three to five year current Capital Improvement Plan. Yes ❑ No 12 — 18 mo. I(8) — Pump station contingency plan 0 Yes ❑ No 3 mo. I(9) — Pump station identification signs. ►1 Yes ❑ No 3 mo. I(11) — Functional and conspicuous audible and visual alarms. 12. Yes ❑ No 3 — 6 mo. II(5) — Spare pumps for any station where one pump cannot handle peak flows alone (in a duplex station, the 2'd pump is the spare if pump reliability is met). 6 — 9 mo. 1 Yes ❑ No II(7) — Accessible right-of-ways and easements. / 4 Yes ❑ No 6 — 12 mo. I1(9) — Response action plan with Items 9 (a — h). V Yes ❑ No 3 mo. 111(3) — Comprehensive collection system map /:1 Yes ❑ No 10% per year For conditions not listed, compliance dates are not typically offered. List any permit conditions that may be difficult for the applicant to meet (attach clarification if needed): APPLICATION CSA 08-13 Page 5 of 5 VII. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b): 1, Richard D. McMillan, P.F., Asst. Dir. Public Works attest that this application for Union County Public Works. (Signature Authority's Name & Title from item I.4) (Facility name from Item 1.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed, and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penaltieses// up to $25,000 per viioollation. �f Signature: .4.J/ J�!m. Date: `" ,45- APPLICATION CSA 08-13 Page 6 of 5 UNION COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 500 North Main Street, Suite 500, Monroe, NC 28112 Phone: (704)296-4210 o Fax: (704)296-4232 August 14, 2014 Mr. Wes Bell NCDENR DWQ — Mooresville Regional Office 610 E Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Subject: Signatory Authority, Discharge and Non -Discharge Permits Union County Public Works Dear Mr. Bell, Please accept this letter as an official delegation of signatory authority to the position of Public Works Assistant Director. The signatory authority should encompass: o All NPDES permits, current and future, as well as associated applications, reports, correspondence and the like. Current permits include NC0069841 (Crooked Creek WWTP), NC0085359 (12 Mile WWTP), NC0069523 (Tallwood WWTP),NC0072508 (Hunley Creek WWTP), NC0085812 (Grassy Branch WWTP) o All Non -Discharge permits, current and future, as well as associated applications, reports, correspondence and the like. Current permits include WQ0011928 (Olde Sycamore WWTP), WQCS00054 (Collection System), WQ0007486 (Land Application), WQ0032519 (12 Mile Reuse), WQ0032520 (Crooked Creek Resuse). Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Richard McMillan at 704-296-4215. Sincerely, Edward Goscieki, PE Executive Director Union County Public Works 500 North Main St., Suite 500 6 Monroe, NC 28112-4730 0 Phone: (704)296-4210 o Fax: (704)298-4232 UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS WASTEWATER COLLECTION - PUMP STATION LIST bli talFJTiSTAiraN ADDRESS _ •ALARM TYPE PUMP GENERATOR DESIGN.CAPACITY fPVANS16AStNl AUDIBLE VISUAL SCADA TELEMETRY DIALER RELIABILITY PERMANENT PORTABLE ' ' " MGD.. Brookhaven 3120 Delamere Ln. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 1.72 12 Mile Magnolia Ridge 4719 Magnolia Ridge Dr. Yes Yes. DFS Duplex Yes 0.017 12 Mile Howie Mine14 705 Howie Mine Rd. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 15 Cureton St. - Waxhaw Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile. Howie Mine 16 600 Price St. - Waxhaw Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 17 State Rd. 1323 - Waxhaw Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 18 302 Washington St. Yes. Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 19 Pearl St. - Waxhaw Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 20 322 East N. Main St. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 21 300 East N. Main St. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine. 22 418 Price St. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 23 Across 208"Howie Mine Rd. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 24 Dunlap St. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Sandlewood 2907A Faircroft Way Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Parkwood Sch. 3219 Parkwood School Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.040 12 Mile 21-25 910 Sharon Dr. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 12 Mile Jackson Ridge Off Waxhaw Pkwy behind CVS Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.023 12 Mile Old Hickory Hwy. 16 @ Pine Oak Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.019 12 Mile Southfork South Fork Rd. Yes Yes Guardit Duplex Yes 12 Mile Jaars Wycliffe Ave. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.06 12 Mile Wysacky Park 7 400 Essaw Rd. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Wysacky Park 8 312 Yamasee Rd. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Wysacky Park 10 218 Yamasee Rd. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Wysacky Park 11 125 Yamasee Rd. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Wysacky Park 12 200 Yamasee Rd. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Wysacky Park 13 122 Yamasee Rd. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Sun Valley Place 3053 Wesley Chapel -Stouts Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex. Yes 0.51 12 Mile Poplin Rd. 5502 Poplin Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 2.89 12 Mile Mill Bridge Off Kensington Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 3.65 12 Mile Southbrook 212 Leafmore Ct. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.03 12 Mile Stonebridge Rocky River Rd. and Doster Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.43 12 Mile Western Union 4111 Westem Union Schol Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.012 12 Mile Crane Valley Off New Town Rd. before Crane Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.043 CMUD Dra on Hall 8403 Chevemey Ln. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.016 CMUD Tarkill 10705 Waxhaw Marvin Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 1.17 CMUD Marvin Ridge 2831 Crane Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.038 CMUD Forest Park Meadowbrook Dr. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.518 Crooked Creek Helmsville Grey Fox Dr. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.508 Crooked Creek UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS. HIGH PRIORITY LINES LIST High Priority and Aerial Sewer Main Inspection Lon Address Area Descripttonof Loat1on MH 10 lls PIPE INFORMATION CONDITION Label Facility ID Upstream Downstream Prlorlty TVPe • Material 51.1e (°) Length (') Date Good Bad Comments PR•01 2000Canmarton Lain, 5hnnnmmaro Behind iddroon 2338 3413 3453 AnnanSurfaeo water DIP 8 15 PR-02. Shonmmnioro Outfall behind Hanley Crack Wy.TP '2415 829G 8237 Aennl DIP 8 31 PR-03 3448 Shadow Lake Ln End of Shadow Lake. behind nddrani 2605 3708 3709 Aerial DIP 8 ,80 PR-04 Hunlov Creek PS FM Bridge on Steven Mill Rd - FM83 Aerial DIP 12 60 PR-05. 2122.2116 Caernarfon Ln Shannnmam Behind oddrosnm: at creek by golf touroo 2323 8855 3031 Surface Water PVC 8 G PR-0G' Stevens Mill Rd Stevono Ml l Omvlty One of bridge 15704 3705 12553 Aerial DIP 8 .80 PR-07 2300.222G Caomaifon Ln Snannamaro Between 2300 - V20 Cacmodon Ln. • 2379 3628 3620 .Sudeee Water DIP 8 4 PR-08 3111.31117 Cardigan Ct Shann0maro Behind 3111-3117Cardlmn Ct 2359;2361- 3451;3632 8775 Bothnurfoco water DIP 8 5 PR-09. 4502-4510 Shannnmam Dr Snonnomari Between 4502 ae4t4510 Shannamaro Dr. 8546 3468 3409 /lanai DIP 8 8 PR-10 4501 Shnnnamam Dr Shonnanwro BonIdo 4501 Shannamoro Dr. 8544 3383 3379 Surface Water DIP • 8 5 PR-11 451114634 Shannagum Dr Shnnnnmam Between 4510 and 4004 5h4nnamam Dr. 2240' 3466 3650 Avnal DIP 8 40' PR-12' 5385 Shonnamoro Dr Shannnmam Behind 5385 Shannomaro Dr 2459 3654 3655 Surface Water DIP 8 6 PR-13 5361-5355 Sh.nnanum Or 6hannomaro Betwaon 5361 and 5355Shannamam Dr 2455 3652 3653 Surface Water DIP 8 10 PR-14 5337 Shtinnemoro Or Shanndmaro Behind 5337 Shannnmam Dr. 2451 3503 3651 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR-15 717CIIr4on Dr Shnnnemaro • 8463 3427 3426 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR-16 716Cllydon Dr Shannnmam 8494 3423 3385 SurfeeeWater DIP 8 8 PR-17 2191.22195 fdltmouoo Dr Hunlov Crcok Between 2101 and 2195 Mulhouse Ln: 13703 3842 3841 Surface Water DIP 8 10 PR-18 5002 hlllihouao Ln Huntov Creek Between 5002 Whom, 500801de Stone 13700 4812 3847 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR-19 501901e6 Stone Ln Hunloy Creek 0ciltlo 50190tdo Slane In: 13703 3847 4813 Surface Water DIP '8 5 PR-29 5019-50250140 Stone Hunloy Crook Behlnd.S019 and 502504o Slone Ln. 13788 3848 3849 Surface Waiter DIP 8 5 PR-21 G0451051 Burnt MIS Rn Huntay Creek Between 6045 and 6051 Burnt MIS Rtin' 13700 3850 4877 Soda.; Water DIP 8 5 PR-22 821341219 kinky Rldne Huntov Creak Between 8213 and 8219 Hunlov RklneRtlt 13807 3851 3850 Surtaco Water DIP 8 5 PR-23 622511231 Hunlov Ridge Huntvy Creek Between 8220 and 0237 Hunlov Rlena Rd) 1380E 3852 3881 SUdaee Water DIP 8 5 PR-24' 8231 Hon18v Rlaoc Rd Huntov Crcok BOald08231 Hanky Ridno Rd. 13805 4836 3852 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR-25` 8258-8254 Hunloy Ridge HuntoyCrolk Between 8258 end 8254 Hunloy Rbne-Rd. 15053 385G 4843 Surface Water DIP . 8 10 PR-26• 2411-2419 Wleowbiook Dr Willowbrook Between 7411 and 7419 Willowbrook Dr 13821 2857 3850 Surface Water DIP 8 10 PR-27 3127-37335hativ Grave Willowbrook Between 3127 and 3133'Shadv Crove'Ln 7493 8553 8554 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR•28 3139Shadvcrovv Willowbrook ha Behind 3139 Shady Grove Le. 7500 .8555 '8554 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR-20 3145 Study Grove Wltlavihrook Behind 3145'Shady Grove Ln, 13741 8555 4808 Surface Wnmr DIP 8 8 CD-01 Faith Church Rd Bridge Lake Park at Faeh Church Rood Bodge 580 3155 7413 • Surtacri Water DIP 8 15 CC-02. Woodercek Ct Achecroft.. Anherof Tie -In 758 5168 2409 Aerial DIP 12 21 CC-03 Yountrt Rd Wal-matt Tln In 77500 5807 Aerial DIP 8 12 CC-04 Jaquekvn Or. and Tech. Dr Brittany Downn 1040 5323 '24118 , Surface Water DIP 12 10 CC-05: 115 Brooke Lane Brittany Dooms 2125 5874 5873 Surface Water DIP 6 6 CC -OS: 275 Port Office Devi,USPO 2^48 5543 5535 Surface Water DIP 8 10 CC-07 Outran For sPark 4134 5001 7275 Aerial . DIP 8 18 CC-08 Outlall Staniar' Elementary Stallingn EleMentary SCOW he In 15608 14445- 14446 Atrial DIP 12 10 CC-09. Pepper Labe Potent Park Peppor'Ann Ln. 392 2175 2208 Aerial DIP 8 CC-10 WoNoy Court AMnero4 'Moron Tie-in IW :Jnv Cd.) 581 515C 2412 Aerial DIP - 30 CC-11 2020 Youn0 Rd_ Wal-Mart 10138 5831 5830 Surface Water DIP 8 ES-01 Trellis PS Noble OM. Trott. FM66 Aerial DIP 6 110 ES-02 Trento PS UC Jail ` P�r Kvx. r,y' dn11' _ „: 3 Aerial. DIP 8 30 ES-03 Bobwhite Circle Greenbrook a�o-s+ rF �.:«r MM'.t7^2.s'7. ...... . Surface Water DIP '8 18 ES-04 Monroe-Arr..orwllle Rd ESA, Creek Cro:'.ine 3641 2720 2707 Surface Water Clay 24 36 TM-01. 12 Mlle WWTP PS Lift Station Duane at Rant 16320 20056 20055 Surface Water DIP 24 50 .. TM-02 4911 San0Nn Drive New Town Wings Behind 4311 S0ndtvn Or . 9075 7911 8057 Aerial DIP 8 50 TM-03 2710 Fairaoft War. Sandalwood 2710 Fal¢ro9 Way and 2603 Doven . 7625 1352 8607 Surface Water DIP 8 7 2604 Devon Drive Sandalwood 7588; 7590 1152 1155 Surface Water DIP 8 8 TM-04- 402 6revard St Woihaw Behind Town of Waxk-nw Maier. 6083 7312 2537 Surface Water DIP 8 10 TM-05' 1939 Tharnerent 01 F11rrnon Park Behind 1903 Tlwrnerest ditto 5545 7354 .7331 Aerial 01P :8 40 TM-06 1210 Billy Howey Rd WenIov Chapel Off filly Noway Rd 16071; 2850 1768 1769 Surface Water DIP 30 50 7N:-07 1210 OIOv Howey Rd Woolov Chapel Off Billy Howey Rd 2855. 1760 1756 Surface Water DIP 30 50 Twee 8109 Klnnmon Dave Itingrdan on Pray. Acroan from 8109 Marlon Drive 5734 7333 7338 Aerial . DIP .8 41 TM-09 0605 Aantan Manor Ashton Manor Behind 9605 Ashton Manor Way 53139 3039 3039 Aerial DIP 8 12 UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ,.. r..,..(p41.:..t.pv00 ..„.._,;..,.,...,.,..:.:...,;::,::,,..,.....;..:,.....„4:..:.„.„!::,:4,...,,:...,:.,;:i ..r.,;.Plp!..Y!19:::,.•17i.iY;(;9#0,'.4.'..1 P-9140tY,1!4-Or::..........ill.! V4:1,..14 gv,Rapitl Resp�nse .** • ;;Ett Goscicki IgiOtiardit Assistant.NVie-:, A., A:1r setar ichock a 1,7 rity .f..v"- 1.66 s' UPdtifitatidiant I..Q.E4se ii " ' iMallrytettarKe,. *,*,*,,,..1.,k+w:,•*,t, 0.4'7`" "1 ti.,.° 44, 4: ,, 1,,, Mikearrar • 1***t5e•Supervisor: 014-.ap (11,ttlitty..tiocdtots tth -4. 4 $1,4' t• °,:• Muligss. iltet)aft- Leo's' Ps . • APRIL 2015 (flnolz Co iu j; NG fiY 2015 driPteci Op- eratitzR"a i nj itni iinpraveiizent B rrtge Division Resource Summary Category PUBLIC WORKS INTERFUND TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES PY 2'009 1-Y 2010 FY 20T1 F1' 2012 Actual ?.dual _ Actual Actual Division Category .Summary PY 2013 Actual 'FY 2014 1.evised CY 2015 Adopted Change % Change InterIund Transfers 5,656,137 3,636,620 3,116,932. 4,344,855 7,808,944 •4,682,363 4,535,916 -146,447 -3.13% Total EXPENDITURES 5,656,137 3,636,620 3,116,932 4,344;655 7,608,944 4,682,363 4,535,916-146,447 -3.13° Total Project Revenue (Over)/Under Expenditures 5,656,137 3,636,620 3,116,932 4,344,855 7,808,944 4,682,363 4,535,916 -146,447 -3.13% PUBLIC WORKS NON -DEPARTMENTAL REVENUE Enterprise Charges for Services Inve.stnientlncome Other Revenue -552;613-631,SSS-650,115.-671,209-765,715-2,163,540-2,172,220 -8,660 0.40% -2,002 264'-1,051,653 -717,774 -395,491 7$ 920-338,444-325,000 13,444 -3:97% -112,885-25,554 -36,686 -91,105-41,445-24,481-31,100' -6,619 27.04 % Total REVENUE -2,967,762-1,909,295, I,404;575-1,157,808 -728,240-2,526;465-2,528;320 -1;855 0.07% EXPENDITURES Employee Compensation Employee Benefits Operating Cost 0 0 0 0 0 0 145,467 145,467 0.00% 0 0 0, 0 0 14,340 37,916 23,576 164.41' , 0 0 0 0 0 92,000 0.-92,000-100.00 Total EXPENDITURES. 0 106,340 183,365 77,043 72.45%' Total Project Revenue (Over)/Under Expenditures -2;967,762 -1,909,295 -1,404,575 1,157,808 -72S,240 -2,420,125 -2,344,937 75,1SS 3.11% FTE SUMMARY PUBLIC WORKS NON -DEPARTMENTAL Pull -Time 89.80 89.80 90.20 90.20 93.91 84.23 87.4S 3.25 3.86% Part -Time 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.00_ 0.00 _ 0.00 0.00 0.00% Temp -Part -Time 0.71 0.71 .0.71 0.32 0.59 0:59 0,59 0.00' 0.00% Total PUBLIC WORKS NON -DEPARTMENTAL REVENUE 91.21 91,21 91.61 91.22 94.50 S4.S2 SS.07 3.25 3.83% STofal Col lc coon ;Systeril O,pera'ting Budezt Adopted=tor,1'Y 1:- .1§;2 545.302s which=is•tivido,,up oethL 2OS,G73 and $2;336 629 at�d `further in tli ,document. Enterprise Charges for'Services -602,135. 969,682 -926,408 -919,885 -1,039,908 0 0 n 0.00% Total REVENUE -602,135-969,662-926,406-919,865 -1,039,908 0 0 0.00% Employee CompensaEon 100,425 76,699 105,363 103,566 46,054 48,021 48,486 465 0.97% Employee Benefits 44,673 •39,425 59,488 68,180. ' . 26,428 24,394. 26,267 1,693 7.76°%, Operating Cost 722,273 719,042 635,773 693,271 146,924 118;410 133,900 15,490 13.05 Capital outlay 0 14,256 0 0 0 36,160 0-35,160 -100:00% 14i9.tO 1 .a.FPN Ptyiku/kVI 867,571 649,422 800,624 865,019 219,407 228,985 es12= -20,312 4.67% Total ProjectRevenue(Over)/Under Expenditures 265,436-120,260-125,784-54,866 -820,501 228,965 206,673 -20,312 -8.87° Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budget Union County,NC. N - 11 CtarcitE1, NC SY 20Z5.Ado; tea Ojiel'rttiic; nlid•Cripzitirrt 14W1C541ireift73#11gg D4prsi'oil. Resource "Cn ego""ry • ...-...�„ti, +-ia-+,` •.�.\` rc- , T M+} Y --MOW - - S.+f.......- ,... .., W ,.wJ.. yyY.... - . _n. .. R''009� flf ?01,0 FCC 2011 FY 2p12 vie 2p13 T�'!?Q74 TX2015' Gu nge Act 5iil _ Adtu l !{, tua-1 • &AM tldival " kleiiseti. Aclopied % cI uoig fammenivrel REVENUE IV ez`vmsa Enterprise Charges for Services Other .Reven -7256,292-12,070,060-11,376,137-13,550,945-13,201,007-1.4,535,310-15,363,537-333,227 5.73% -1,075 -103 -3,950 0-16,962 0 0 0 0.00% Total REVENUE -7,257,367-12,070,163-11,335,137 -13,550,9 45, -13,217,970-14,535,310 -15,368,537 -833,227 5.73% Employee Compensation Employee Benefits Operating Cost Capital Outlay 760,619 656,441 681,257 709,961 786,312 829;734 890,727 60,993 7.35% 324,099 291,373 370,354 404,261 420,897 428,4SS 495,117 66,629 15.55",;, 691,215 573,951 661,539 617;213 1265;963 S02,234 S30,785 78,551 9.79% 234,602 3,000 54,114 121,891 179,134 258,257 70,000 -188,257 -72.90% 2;010,535 1,529,765 1,767,814 1,353,326 2,652,307 2,318;713 17,916 0.77% Total Project Revenue (Over)/Under Expenditures -5,246,332-10,540,398-10,117,323-11,697,619-10,565,663'-12,216,597-13,031,908415,311- 6.67% SEWER DEBT SERVICE REVENUE Debt Proceeds - Restrticted Revenue 0-249;763 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total REVENUE 0-249,763 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% EXPENDITURES Debt Service 1,930,612 2,136,644 2,075,629 1,926,747 1,873,431 1,422,930 1,389,901 -33,029 -2.32% Total EXPENDITURES 1,930,612 2,136,644 2,075,629 1,926,747 .1,373,461 1,422,930 1,389,901 -33,029 -2.32% Total Project Revenue (Over)/Under Expenditures 1,930,612 1,836,381 2,075,629 1,926,747 1,873,481 1,44930 1,339,901 -33,029 2.32`i'o SEWER PLANTS_ EAST EXPENDITURES Employee Compensation 122,353 105,967 123,594 173,252 133,870 136,455 0-136,455-100.00% Employee licnefits 46,602 43,049 68,676 99,978 65,191 72,282 SO-72,202-99.89% Operating Cost 612,105 524,806 563,747 535,846 502,366 855,503 639,870 -215,633 -25.21% Capital Outlay 222,7773. 25,104 0 0 36,548 147,000 245,000 98,000 66.67% Contracts, Grants, and Subsidies 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,227,402 2,227,402 0.00% Total EXPENDITURES 1.,003,833 698,926 761,017 509,076 737,974 1,211,240 3,112,352 1,901,112 156.96%. Total Project Revenue (Over)/Under Expenditures 1,003,833 698,926 761,017 509,076 737,974 1,211,240 3;112,352 1,901,112 156.96% Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budget Union County, NC N - 12 Program Crooked Creck Basin Improvement; Crooked Creek Basin Improvements Crooked Creek Basin Improvements Crooked Creck Basin improvements Crooked Creck Basin Improvements Crooked Creck Basin Improvements Eostside Wostcwoter Improvements East•-!dc Wastewater Improvements New Lake Twitty Sewer Shea Town Center Development Town Center Development Town Ccntcr Development Town Ccntcr Development Twelve Mlle Creck WWTP System improvements Twelve Mile Creek WWTP System Improvements Twelve Mile Crcek WWTP System Improvements Wastewater Pump Station Improvements Wastewater Pump Station Improvements Wastewater Pump Station Improvements Wastewater Rehabilitation and Replacement Wastewater Rehabilitation and Replacement Project n Project Name SUMMARY OF COLLECTION SYSTEM CIP PROJECTS SW029 CCIAI Study& Rcmcdlotlon SW030 CC Interceptor Improvements Ph1 UT001 Crooked Crcek Interceptor Improvements Ph 2 UT002 Crooked Crcek Interceptor Improvements Phi UT003 Forest Park PS Replacement & Interceptor lmprovemen UT004 Crooked Creck Interceptor Improvements Ph 4 SE002 East S1dc Improvements SE003 Rays Fork Interceptor UT007 Development of Lake TwIty Sewer Shed SW026 Stallings Collection System SW02B Mineral Springs Collection System SW033 Unlonvlllo Community Center WW Service 5W034 Fairview Downtown WW Service SW022 East Fork 12M Crcek Parallel Trunk SW032 Blythe Crcek Sewer Improvements 5W037 West Fork 12M Interceptor Improvements SW031 Wastewater Pump Station Improvements SW035 Collection System SSES & Rehab SW036 Pumping Station Upgrades MS006 Wastewater R & R Program M5009 Manhole Rehab 12ML & Grassy Branch TOTAL OF ALL COLLECTION SYSTEM PROJECTS Appropriated Project Adopted FY2015 to Date Budget 1,770,250 257,500 6,657,957 250,000 431,200 1,267,240 103,000 206,000 7,162,600 741,600 92,700 500,000 46,360 3,136,640 4I6,050 5,900,000 1,410,300 212,000 1,I66,000 22,653,047 9,104,250 Unappropriated Planninr Years FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 1.953,200 - - - - - 2,2I5,700 - - - - 2,215,700 - ' 439,000 2,925,000 - - - - 415,000 2,765,000 - ' - - 361,000 191,000 2,233,000 - - • 7,672,000 - - 309,000 560,000 - 113,000 605,000 215,000 224,000 231.000 236,000 242,000 1,299,000 1,232,000 1,265,000 1,298,000 2,331,000 4,114,200 17,066,700 4,126,700 4,417,000 2,539,000 TOTAL APPROPRIATED TO DATE & UNAPPROPRIATED PLANNING YEARS $64,020,997 1Y 2W 5 ,Z02Q 'Uruoit irtity cnpitdl Irarprove»rertt Prograii STN02J CC Z&X Study & Remediation Project Detail Public Works Crooked Creek Basin Improvements Project Scope {Project provides for the Inflow and Infiltration Study and remediation of the Crooked Creek Basin.. Project justification and History This: project constitutes one of six subprojects included in the Crooked Creek Basin Improvements. An Inflow and Infiltration Study and remediation of the CCrooked Creek Basin will be performed resulting inspecific recommendations for reducing the I & I. These recommendations -may include, but not limited to, 'pipe replacement, trenchless rehabilitation, manholelining, pipe bursting, etc. Project Resource Sinnmani . 17ro Ac�oP ed lYUnap,PxopriFted Plai n nirYea. xsPro ectPia e ApprOprigiOn TY2015 U 20171�O1S, FY 2019 FY 2020- Total REVENUE FY 2015 Water and Wastewater Rev Bonds Utility Pay Go -1,508,950 416,050 -2614300 . .0 0 0 0 0-1,925,000" •0 261,300 Total REVENUE -1,770,250 -416,050 .0 0 2,1,86,300 EXPENDITURES Constriction 1,508,950 416,050 Design and Engineeiing. 261,300 0 Land. Acquisition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,925,000 261,300 0 Total EXPENDITURES 1,770,250 416,050 0 0 0 0 2,186,300 Revenue-(Over)/Under Exp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted FY 2015Operating and, Capital Budget Union County, NC R - 93 2615 2O2(£T urarr;.Count��_Capilal irrp,b' tnxerzh rogrartT' 9W03Q I'ubiic Works Crooked Creek Basin Improvements Project Scope jProject;provides for 13,400 LF of comprehensive sewer rehabilitation and related improvements. Project Justification and History ;The Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master PIan recommended various interceptor improvements within the Crooked Creek Basin. These ;improvements will reduce inflow and infiltration, and^provide additional capacity forcurrent and future wet weather flows. Project Resource Sumnutry Project Phase ProioctTb-t?ate, — A ia"pted r\pp�opriatigit, STY 2015 KlnappApriated Planning Years FY 2016 ;FY 2017 .FY 2018 - FY 2019 FY 2020 Total REVENUE FY 2015 Water and Wastewater Rev Bonds -257,500 0-1,958;200 0 0 0-2,215,700 Total REVENUE -257,500 0 -1,958,200 0 0 0-2,215,700 EXPENDITURES Construction Design and Engineering Land Acquisition 0 257;500 0 0 1,958,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,958,200 0 0 257,500 0 0 0 Total EXPENDITURES 257,500 0 1,958,200 0 0 0 0 2,215,700 Revenue (Over)/Under Exp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budget Union County, NC R - 94 Via' 20z5-2020 Llrrro i 'Co!Lr1 J CRpit�t iiprnver""tre1 Arogrn ti , - -Il'7`00 Crooked "Creek Ixhterceptor Imp Ph 2 Project Detail i'ukl c Works Crooked Creek Basin,r.lprovertents. Project Scope Project provides approximately 13,400 LF`of comprehensive sewer rehabilitation'and related improvements. Project justification and Histony The Comprehensive Water and Wastewater,Master Plan identified various interceptor improvements within the Crooked Creek Basin. These improvements will reduce Inflow and infiltration and provide additional capacity for current and future wet weather flows. Project Resource Sumrnary . • -t roget�l'a,bale Adop'reri' • ''Tpapp-Yop'ri4ted Planntng Years Project ;Plsase Appropriatipn laIY2p,i5 JA2016 , FY2017 ta''2018, .FY 20 9 liY2020. 'Total2. REVENUE FY 2017 Water and. Wastewater Rev Bonds 0 0 0-2,215,700 0 0-2,215,700 Total REVENUE 0 0 -2,215,700 0 0 0-2,215,700 EXPENDITURES Construction Design and. Engineering. Land Acquisition 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,926,700 0 289,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,926,700 0 0 0 289,000. 0 0 0 0 Total EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 2,215,700. 0 0 0: 2,215;700 Revenue. (Over)/Under Exp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budget Union County, NC R-95 PY`,2015 2020•U1iio r CozuitiyCapitalImprnvernent`Progranr :Crooked Creek Interceptor Inv Ph 3 ablic Works Project Detail Crooked Creek Basin imprgVdmerits ProjectScope Projectprovides approximately 13,400 LF of comprehensive sewer rehabilitation and related improvements. Project Justification and History 1The Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master Plan identified various interceptor improvements within the Crooked Creek Basin. These improvements will ;reduce Inflow and infiltration and provide,additional capacity for current and future wet weather flows. Project Resource Summary _ . -_ a _ - Frojectrh <se ro ciai�onUSnappxQprxated P1antlm Years PP P FY - 015. F). 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019' REVENUE FY 2017 Water and Wastewater Rev Bonds 0 0 0-2,215,700 0 PY 2020 Total. 0-2,215,700 Total REVENUE 0 0 0 0-2,215,700 0 0-2,215,700 EXPENDITURES Construction 0 Design and Engineering 0 Land Acquisition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,926,700 0 0 1,926,700 0 289,000 0 0 289,000 0 0, 0 0 0 Total EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 2,215,700 0 0 2,215,700 Revenue (Over)/Under Exp. 0 '0 Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budget Union County, NC R-96 l'fioIz ii3hj#'Crthemit, ,c:11005' Project Scope Project provides for the replacement of the Forest Park Pump Station with a new3 MGD pumps, including 7,900 LF of 12" forcemain, and replacement of iapproximately 14,000 LF of 12" and 400 LF of 15" of Gravity Sewer line along a South Tributary to Crooked Creek and other related improvements. Project justification and History The Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master Plan identified various interceptor improvements within the Crooked Creek Basin. These improvements will reduce Inflow and infiltration and provide additional capacity for current and future wet weather flows. Project Resource Summary 1? i ect'1'l ase ` . wotect ))ate 40-pred p e % prQpriatip REVENUE FY 2017 Water and Wastewater Rev Bonds 0-439,000 -2,925,000 0 0 0-3,364,000 Total REVENUE 0 0 7439,000 -2,925,000 0-3,364,000 EXPENDITURES Construction 0 0 0 2,925,000 0 0 0 2,925,000 Design and Engineering 0 0 439,000 0 0 0 0 439,000 Land Acquisition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total- EXPENDITURES 0 0 439,000 2,925,000 .0 0 0 3,364,000 Revenue (Over)/Under Exp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted FY'2015 Operating and Capital Budget R - 97 Union County, NC FY 201,5 2020 rty.Capifn1 Zrttiaroueurent Proginiv Crooke 'ul)lie Works Creek Interceptor Irnp Ph 4 - .- Uro04 Project Detail: Crooked Creek Basin tmproverinents Project Scope Project provides for the. replacement of 1,500 LF of 27' line, 5,800•LF of 13" line, 1,700 LF of 15" replacement gravity sewer line along the North Fork of Crooked Creek, and related improvements. Project Justification and History The Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master PIan identified various interceptor improvements within the Crooked Creek Basin. These improvements will reduce Inflow, and infiltration and provide additional capacity for current and future wet weather flows. Project Resource Summary Project To -Darr Adopted Unatmropriated Plaii ztn ; Years' ._, _- 1'roipct Plrnse Appropriation FY 2015 FY 2016. FY 20Z7 FY 201'8" T?Y 2019 FY 2020 Total REVENUE FY 2017 Water and Wastewater Rev Bonds 0 0 0 -415,000 -2,765,000 0 -3,180,000 Total REVENUE 0 0-415,000 -2,765,000 0-3,180,000 EXPENDITURES Construction Design and Engineering 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 2,765,000 0 2,765,000 415,000 0 0 415,000 Total EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 415,000 2,765,000 0 3,180,000 Revenue (Over)/Under Exp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budget Union County, NC R - 9S pr,Orrementrogrrlt �EOT�2. oe astst �g 57614 atex nipxo rein is Project Scope Project provides for East Side Sewer Improvements including upgrades to all three Pump Stations and construction of approximately 14,300 LF of 24-inch and 9,000 LF of 18-inch force main that will convey the purchased capacity of 2.65 MGD to the City of Monroe Waste Water Treatment Plant and other necessary 'improvements. Project Justification and History Active Project to reduce Inflow and Infiltration in the Eastside Sewer Service Area. Consists of replacing Eastside Pump Stations 1, 2 and 3 and the force main servicing the pump stations. Project Resource Surnmanij REVENUE Grant Funding Utility Pay Go l rgyect l p?I a AtiOT*31 .° ti , 4p i£tti'or1 YS2015 *. 92`20 6,.4. -1,961,300 -6,696,657 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0-1,961,300 0-6,696,657 Total REVENUE -8,657,957 0 0 0 0 0 0-8,657;957 EXPENDITURES Construction 7,246,374 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,246,374 Design and Engineering 1,331,404 0 .0 0 0 0 0 1,331,404 Other Activities 80,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 80,000 Other Activities 179 0 0 0 0 0 0 179 Total EXPENDITURES 8,657,957 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,657,957 Revenue. (Over)/Under Exp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budget R -106 Union County, NC Y20. .20201Mn"tbr :Ca f fy;`Capittit Ifni v uei�k7 ro. ,ar r, 'S' 00, Ptur.,tc `o T astside n.a'sfe'irsibitt IfTWIVtitileta Project Scope Project provides for the installation of: 12,600 LF of 12" sewer main, 6,100 LF of 15" sewer main, and other needed improvements. Project Justification and History This project will provide an improvement to the wastewater system located within the Eastside Service Area. Two existing Pump Stations maintained by UCPW will be abandoned and a new service area will become available. Project Resource Summary ° cljtct l a fdid Opaiq; redo .led u . 1Dai froPr,141 Plar% in A`P op QR.° .ry2015 . F�`2056, r&V17 OY:01$' ° ,����C►2U: N REVENUE FY 2015 Water and Wastewater Rev Bonds Utility Pay Go 0 0 -280,000 -5,900,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-6,180,000 Total REVENUE -280,000 -5,900,000 0 0 0 0 0-6,180,000 EXPENDITURES Construction 0 5,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 5,500,000 Design and Engineering 280,000 400,000 0 0 0 0 0 680,000 Land Acquisition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total EXPENDITURES 280,000 5,900,000 0 0 0 0 0 6,180,000 Revenue (Over)/Under Exp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budget Union County, NC R-107 p�'?015 2Q2Q Urr oru`Cacrrzti CnpitaI 11i�proz-e rterti 15'rogrnrit Development Of Lake Twit Bower lec . Project Detai; Public Works New Lake Twitty Sewer Shed Project Scope Project provides approximately 5,400 LF of 12" Gravity Sewer line along East'Fork,12,700 LF of 12" and 3,300 LF of 15"Gravity.Sewer line along Stumplick Branch. In addition a new 3.2 MGD Pump Station and.6;800 LF of 12" force main will be required to send flow to the City of Monroe WWTP-and other related improvements. Project justification and History The Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master Plan identified the need for providing a new Sewer Service area for new Commercial development expected in the immediate vicinity of the Monroe Bypass. Project Resource Summary Project;t?bose `I?intectTelljntC Aziopte Apprpprriation CY2.019 Un1�?propr ateti Planning Years FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 1018 FY 2019 FY 2020 Total REVENUE; FY 2019 Water and. Wastewater Rev -Bonds 0 0 0 0 0 0 -361,000 -361,000 Total REVENUE 0 0 0-361,000-361,000. EXPENDITURES Construction Design and Engineering Land Acquisition 0• 0: 0 0 0 0 . 0 0. 0. 0 • 0 0 0 0 0. 361;000 361,000 0 0 0 0 0. Total EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 0 361;000' 361,000' Revenue (Over)/Under Exp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted IY'2015 Operating and Capital Budget R -113 Union County, NC PYCQ3 ,02"0.°Vita t:VI tlyg p'ztiz lbIl`lepli iVPilg r ir• owiYCente Sealer Devoldipm rtt Project Scope Project provides study of the Town of Stallings and how to provide efficient sewer service. A "mini -master plan" of Stallings. Project Justification and History Stallings Downtown Wastewater Service is identified as part of the Town Center Sewer Development from the Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master Plan. This Community Outreach Program will provide solutions for addressing new wastewater service within the Stallings town limits. Project Resource Summary. . PrOjetit1:0 `:at , !l; Qpteci. �s�Q15s• '. VPX. ilited Path Ceara zoo, -1*• 2:01.9 •1Ya0r0' ° ftb`tnl REVENUE Utility Pay Go -431,200 0 0 0 0 0 0-431,200 Total REVENUE -431,200 0 0 0 0 0 0-431,200 EXPENDITURES Construction Design and Engineering Land Acquisition 325,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 325,000 106,200 0 0 0 0. 0 0 106,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total EXPENDITURES 431,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 431,200 Revenue (Over)/Under Exp. - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budget Union County, NC R-118 LQ S 2020 yVOilfCotfirtf (Vitni, ROW eDIFiliPto .,a f3'4 Project. Scope Project provides a study of the Town of Mineral Springs and how the town can best be served with Water and Sewer. Provide a 'mini -master plan' for the Town of Mineral Springs: Project Justification and History Mineral Springs Downtown Wastewater Service is identified as part of the Town Center Sewer Development from the Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master Plan. This CommunityOutreach Program will provide solutions for addressing new wastewater service within the Mineral' Springs town limits. Project Resource Summary P o�ee47?o ate 4.9P-t,g0 °, pp?op a14Qffin PiV.A1116%. 41-Iiia o "oho ti la'te& Plannxn Years REVENUE. Utility Pay Go -1,267,240 0 0 0 0 0 0-1,267,240 Total REVENUE -1;267 240 0 0 0 -1,267,240 EXPENDITURES Construction Design and Engineering Other Activities 1,001,700 0 0 265,540 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,001,700 0 0 265,540 0 0 0 Total EXPENDITURES 1,267,240 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,267,240 Revenue (Over)/Under Exp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted FY 2015Operating and Capital Budget R -119 Union County, NC' y20T510Wto , @raj #n filpraaeittett ; T:firl : . die Project Scope Project provides a community outreach project. Study to best provide wastewater service to Unionville Community Center. Project justification and History Unionville Community Center Wastewater Service is identified as part of the Town Center Sewer Development from the Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master Plan. This Community Outreach Program will provide solutions for addressing new wastewater service for the Unionville Community Center. Project Resource Summary gyo, t fro part . $. Abort d .kplr ppnation t 1'apl P tilted anfine§ Irtats 4 1%g "VY21Oa. . rfi'Q.0L9' "p 1 Y2020 .. e... 1' tat REVENUE Utility Pay Go -103,000 0 0 0 0 0 0-103,000 Total REVENUE -103,000 0 0 0 0 0 0-103,000 EXPENDITURES Construction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Design and Engineering 103,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 103,000 Land Acquisition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total EXPENDITURES 103,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 103,000 Revenue (Over)/Under Exp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budget Union County, NC R-120 FY2015=?020 L7riroi Cou rtij Capita .Iiuproueliren Progxnrir Fairview Downtown WW Service Public Worl<s SW0334 Project Detail Town Center Sewer Development Project Scope IProjectprovides a study to determine the best method to service downtown Fairview.. Project Justification and History Fairview Downtown Wastewater Service is identified as part of the Town .Center Sewer. Development from the Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master ,Plan. This Community Outreach Program ,wili provide solutions for addressing new wastewater service within: the Fairview town limits. ProjectResource.'Sumnzary l?r"ojecE'Pliiise A r� nation . ,. �� P.P. P �_ IY 2O15 Pr9jecbT;Date ntigpted. 1Jrie?ritppriatecll'la_riniril Years FY2016 EY 2917 1?Y 2018 tY 12019 17Y 2020 'tit<il REVENUE Utility Pay Go, -206,000 0 0 0: -206,000 Total REVENUE -206,000 0 -20'6,000, EXPENDITURES Construction 0 Design and. Engineering 206,000 'Land Acquisition 0 0. 0 0. 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 206,000. Q 0` 0 Total EXPENDITURES 206,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 206,000 Revenue. (Over)//rider Exp. 0 0 0. 0. 0' 0 0 Adopted FY 2015 Op crating and Capital Budget R -121 Union County, NC zq5 Bozo 7�ioxoiar�l Cap�'Err�.�alr ; r-orrrer� ?rw.4grant Project Scope Project provides for improvements to East Fork Twelve Mile and tributaries with the installation of 16,000 LF of 24" Iines, 5,800 LF of 18" lines, 300 LF of 15" lines, 12,400 LF of 12" lines, and improvements to Davis Mine Creek Gravity flow with the installation of 4,500 LF of 15" line, and related improvements. Project Justification and History Twelve Mile Creek WWTP System Improvements involves various improvements needed within the Twelve Mile Creek WWTP Service Area to reduce Inflow and Infiltration into the 12 Mile WWTP and to improve the hydraulics for the wastewater flow. A big contributor to the inflow and infiltration coming into 12 Mile WWTP results from extensive growth in the Weddington/ Wesley Chapel area. The East Fork and Davis Mine interceptors serving these sewer basins are near capacity and often surcharge during rain events. Replacing and paralleling these interceptors with a larger diameter sewer line will help improve the I & I for these re pective basins. Project Resource Summary Proiegjii e �sgacchDate Adopted, ° Appkotatia�an-. TX 2Q1G PY?I117 •7''Y 201$ . 2I;19 . r l Y 202 • o al REVENUE Developer Funded FY 2015 Water and Wastewater Rev Bonds Utility Pay Go 0 -6,612,600 0 0 -550,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-6,612,600 0 0 0 0 0-550,000 Total REVENUE .-7,162,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 -7,162,600 EXPENDITURES Construction 6,612,600 Design and Engineering 550,000 Land Acquisition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,612,600 0 0 0 0 0 550,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total EXPENDITURES 7,162,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,162,600 Revenue (Over)/Under Exp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budget Union County, NC R - 127 Y`10: 5=2,020; l itioit.Co7rach/ itr C Til p •iry inept";r-arii g., Project Scope Project provides for improvements to the Blythe Creek Tributary Sewer - Local sewers,and 2,200 LF of 12 new sewer line (Waxhaw Grinder Pumps), Blythe :Creek Sewer Extension - Local sewers and 2,600 LF of 12" new sewer ysacky grinder pumps) and related improvements. Project justification and History 'WWTP Service Areato reduce Inflow and Infiltration into the 12 Mile WWTP and to improve the hydraulics for the wastewater flow. A contributor to the ;excessive I & I coming into the plant is the existinggrey water system servicing a portion of the Town of Waxhaw. These lines are old and deteriorating and ;overflow during rain events. Two new sewer lines along Blythe Creek would help eliminate these old sewer lines as well as get rid of the old grinder pumps 'accompanying the gr ywater system. Project Resource Sunznuany REVENUE Utility Pay Go 0 -191,000 -2,238,000 0 0 -2,429,000 Total REVENUE 0 -191,000 -2,238,000 0 0 0-2,429,000 EXPENDITURES Construction Design and Engineering Land Acquisition 0 0 0 2,238,000 0 0 0 2,238,000 0 0 191,000 0 0 0 0 191,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: Total EXPENDITURES 0 0 191,000 2,238,000 0 0 0 2,429,000. Revenue (Over)/Under Exp. 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budget Union County, NC R-128 Y2015 20,2`0 LTilia# portal', piprtifaiiiii 03', wen e Mile Creep Ti'Sys, itp overlent$ Project Scope Project provides for approximately 12,200 LF of 30" and 12,300 LF of 18" Gravity Sewer line along the West Fork of Twelve Mile Creek and 5,300 LF of 21" Gravity Sewer line along a Tributary to West Fork. In addition approximately 3,700 LF of 16" force main will be extended to the West Fork of Twelve Mile Creek and other related improvements. Project Justification and Historic The Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master Plan identified the need to provide new sewer infrastructure to the northern part of the Twelve Mile Service Basin. These improvements will provide additional capacity for current and future wet weather sewer flows. In addition this project will alleviate the existing South Fork Interceptor which is currently at capacity by eliminating the existing Brookhaven Pump Station and extending the existing Poplin Road force main to the West Fork of Twelve Mile Creek. Project Resource Summary I' ij4r;Plfse 'Prf$jecit pate tea. °tYgg§ Np aplx hVA V 2015' `lie'.1617 Y 24 11 ' 1'Y �01J l Y 21S2p REVENUE FY 2017 Water and Wastewater Rev Bonds -741,600 0 0-7,672,000 0 0 0-8,413,600 Total REVENUE -741,600 0 0-7,672,000 0 0 0-8,413,600 EXPENDITURES Construction 0 0 0 7,672,000 0 0 0 7,672,000 Design and Engineering 741,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 741,600 Land Acquisition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total EXPENDITURES 741,600 0 0 7,672,000 0 0 0 8,413,600 Revenue (Over)/Under Exp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budget Union County, NC R-129 EX 2015=2020 jioti .Cgl i i' G'r�' iirr7 i rQveii e i , prb; rR F ; `9 yWastewafex i1p Stat01 Project Scope oAIeixlei ts-, !,Project provides for the.replacement of the Helmsville Pumping Station including approximately4,600 LF of 8" forcemain replacement. Project Justification and History ;Project will be performed under the Wastewater Improvements annual program identified as a part of the Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master Plan. !The Helmsville Pumping Station replacement was a recommended project identified from the Crooked Creek I&I Study. Project Resource Summary REVENUE Utility Pay Go. oie t 11. Itt9, OPteg e�A{?* 141-1'itgWrt .6 a .ICY=A 1RSa' -92,700 -1,410,300 0 0 0-1,503,000 Total REVENUE -92,700-1,410,300 0 0 0 0-1,503,000. EXPENDITURES Construction 0 1,307,000 Design and Engineering 92,700 103,300 Land Acquisition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 1,307,000 0 0 0 0 196,000 0 0 0 0 0 Total EXPENDITURES 92,700 1,410,300 0 0 0 0 0 1,503,000 Revenue (Over)/Under Exp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budget Union County;. NC R-134 5Ti 5:9:020 Ufiion! 6'04ybiyifnllnrprovt'ttpy.piogr*rt _w - - SW035 `public Work"s Wastewater Pump Station Improvements Project Scope Project provides for rehabilitation of aging and inadequate wastewater infrastructure, manhole and sewer SSES, condition assessment and reduce sanitary sewer overflows within the collection system: Project justification and History, Collection System Rehabilitation is an annual program' identified as part of the Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master Plan geared towards Asset Management of existing wastewater collection systems. This program will provide for rehabilitation of aging and inadequate wastewater infrastructure, manhole and sewer SSES, condition assessment and reduce sanitary sewer overflows within the collection system. Project Resource Summary f rojeetPitase Project`Co=hate Adop edLina:ppropilate0 Planning Yearn Appropriation FY 2015 i Y2016 rY'2017 FY 2018 l Y'2019 rY 2020 1"otal. REVENUE Utility Pay Go -500,000 0-109,000 -560,000 -118,000-605,000 -1,892,000 Total REVENUE. -500,000 0-109,000 -560,000 0-118,000 -605,000 -1,892,000 EXPENDITURES Construction Design and Engineering Land Acquisition 0 0 0 560,000 0 0 605,000 1,165,000 500,000 0 109,000, 0 0 118,000 0 727,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total EXPENDITURES 500,000 0, 109,000 560,000. 0 118,000 605,000 1,892,000 Revenue-(Over)/Under Exp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capita] Budget Union County, NC R-135 ,F1` 015=1020 olio-p ef t jc itnTI`- .q. tent ?i i = ;;'''y9.`". oaks Wto Life--'u�nps' on n ro eizlx eats Project Scope ;Project provides for rehabilitation of aging and inadequate wastewater infrastructure, manhole and sewer SSES, condition assessment, and reduce sanitary (sewer overflows within the collection system. Project Justification and History General upgrades for existing pump stations identified in the Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master Plan. This includes upgrading or replacing the motors, drives, -pumps, telemetry, generators, force mains, addressing odors, etc. Project Resource Summary I'fglCet�'tas'i Pr-bi itOPtifg • -• YeD L1iiaypjf"o IateaTratrata yd-9. ss' REVENUE Utility Pay Go 0-212,000 -218,000 -224,000 -231,000 -236,000 -242,000 -1,363,000 Total REVENUE -212,000-218,000.-224,000 -231,000 -236,000 -242,000 -1,363,000 EXPENDITURES Construction Design and Engineering Land Acquisition 0 0 0 180,000 32,000 0 185,000 33,000 0 190,000 34,000 0 196,000 201,000 35,000 35,000 0 0 206,000 36,000 0 1,158,000 205,000 0 Total EXPENDITURES 0 212,000 218,000 224,000 231,000 236,000 242,000 1,363,000 Revenue (Over)/Under Exp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budget R -136 Union County, NC FP'?Ox82020l.(nibnCo►iuty aiin :NSSQ06 Public Works Wastewate'r'Re(ialiilitatiori and Replaceziie.nt Project Scope (P.roject provides for the annual wastewater rehabilitation program. Project justification and History Wastewater rehabilitation and replacement is an annual program identified as part of the Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master Plan geared towards Asset Management of existing wastewater. facilities. UCPW's facilities' will be assessed and analyzed on a yearly basis and rehabilitated based on the condition and need. Project Resource Summary Proje.t Phase pililcet` 6 ate Adopted , l:finap To" Tiaie4 1an. ui_ Year Appropriation EY 2015 `FY 2016 Ft 2017 ` r 20'i'8 FY 201 9 FY 202Q "i of j' REVENUE Utility Pay Go -46,360-1,166,000-1,199,000-1,232,000-1,265,000-1,298,000-1,331,000 -7,537,360 Total REVENUE -46,360 -1,166,000 -1,199,000 -1,232,000 -1,265,000-1,298,000 -1,331,000 -7,537,360 EXPENDITURES Construction Design and Engineering 46,360 991,000 1,019,000 1,047,000 1,075,000 1,103,000 1,131,000 6,412,360 0 175,000 180,000 185,000 190,000 195,000 200,000 1,125,000 Total EXPENDITURES 46,360 1,166,000 1,199,000 1,232,000 1,265,000 1,298,000 1,331,000 7,537,360 Revenue (Over)/Under Exp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capitll Budget Union County, NC R-138 .n�'iri �C pit" n1 tavern► 009 sl ewatei 'Rehab tabor! and- laceinent Project" Scope Project provides for the annual wastewater manhole: rehabilitation. Project justification and History Wastewater manhole rehabilitation is an annual program:identified as part of the Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Master Plan geared .towards Asset Management of existing wastewater facilities..UCPW's facilities' will be assessed and analyzed' on a yearly basis and rehabilitated based on the condition and need. Project.Resoutce:Sum3nary REVENUE Utility Pay Go -1,136,640 =1,136,640 Total REVENUE 1,136,640 0-1,136,640 EXPENDITURES Construction Design and. Engineering, Land Acquisition 1,001,640 0 135000 0 0 .0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •0 1,001,640 135,000 0 Total EXPENDITURES 1,136,640 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 1,136,640 Revenue -(Over)/Under;'Exp. 0' 0 0 0 0 Adopted FY 2015 Operating and Capital ,Budget Union County, NC R-139 DEPARTMENT Public Works DIVISION Field Services FACILITY: PAGE: Page 1 of 2 REVISION NO: MANUAL NAME: UCPW Standard Operating Procedures REVISION DATE: 03/1.7/2015 DOCUMENT TITLE SSOResponse Action Plan INITIAL APPROVAL DATE: DOCUMENT NO: `DOCUMENT AUTHOR: J..BROOKS PURPOSE: To provide employees direction when dealing with sanitary sewer overflows by developing specific steps to assess and troubleshoot the problem, as well as provides solutions and support. REFERENCE: SSO Notification SOP Clean Water Act TRAINING REQUIRED• Training will be conducted as this procedure is implemented and to all existing Field. Services employees and new employee(s) upon assignment. SCOPE: This procedureshall apply to all Public Works employees in the Field Services Department DEFINITIONS: PROCEDURE: UCPW employees shall act accordingly to identify, investigate and report any SSO's to the proper personnel. Under this policy, employees shall adhere to the following guidelines during a SSO.. Field Services employees must respond to a reported SSO immediately o Required response time shall not exceed one hour (60 minutes). e Upon arrival, assess the situation to determine the cause of the SSO o Call in additional personnel if necessary o NotifySuPerintendent and/or Field Supervisor(Back-Up ORC after hours) 0 FOS/Back-Up ORC must notify Superintendent upon first knowledge DEPARTMENT Public Works DIVISION Field Services FACILITY: PAGE: Page 2 of 2 REVISION NO: MANUAL NAME:. UCPW Standard OPerating Procedures REVISION DATE: 03/17/2015 DOCUMENT TITLE SSO Response Action Plan INITIAL APPROVAL DATE: DOCUMENT NO DOCUMENT AUTHOR: J. BROOKS o Troubleshoot a pump station failure or find an access point for main line blockage and make attempts to alleviate the spill o Keep accurate records of SSO, i.e., start/stop times, gpm, location, surface water if applicable, etc... o Collect samples, if required, of the surface water affected Clean up of the area shall consist of: a Recovery of wastewater spilled, if possible, and re -introduce back into collection system; a removal of any solids and/or paper products and disposed of properly; and o area neutralized with pelletized lime spread evenly. Notification procedures outlined in the UCPW SSO Notification SOP shall be followed to provide the appropriate and required notification of an SSO. FORMS: DEPARTMENT Public Works DIVISION Field Services FACILITY: PAGE: Page 1 of 3 REVISION NO: MANUAL NAME: UCPW Standard Operating Procedures Manual REVISION DATE: DOCUMENT TITLE . " Sanitary Sewer overflow (SSO) Notification Procedure INITIAL APPROVAL DATE: DOCUMENT NO: DOCUMENT AUTHOR:. 1 BROOKS PURPOSE: To set forth. procedures for public notification of sanitary sewer overflows beyond the minimum reporting and notification requirements as determined by the North Carolina. Division of Water Resources.. REFERENCE: The "Clean Water Act" North Carolina Division of Water Resources NC General Statute 143-215.1C(b) TRAINING REQUIRED: Training will be conducted as this procedure is implemented and to employee(s) upon assignment of Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) or Backup thereto:. SCOPE:" This SOP is intended to follow ALL State reporting and notification requirements, as well as provides Information to the residents of Union County when an overflow occurs in their immediate area. DEFINITIONS' Back-up ORC — Backup Operator in Responsible Chargeas deemed by the ORC, Union County, and NCDWQ. Backup ORC is required to act as the ORC in his or her absence. NCDWR — North Carolina: Division of Water Resources -- State of North Carolina permitting and enforcement agency. ORC —;Operator in Responsible Charge of the wastewatercollections system. Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO): A release of wastewater from the wastewater collection system. A reportable'SSO`is a SSO greater than 1,000 gallons or any SSO. that reaches surface water. Overflows less than 1,000 gallons that do not impact surface water must, be filed :in-house. ORC.and/or backup ORC-MUST be notified of ALL overflows. DEPARTMENT Public Works DIVISION Field Services FACILITY: PAGE: Page 2 of 3 REVISION NO: MANUAL NAME: UCPW Standard Operating Procedures Manual REVISION DATE: DOCUMENT TITLE Sanitary Sewer OverfloW (SSO) Notificatibn Procedure INITIAL APPROVAL DATE: DOCUMENT NO; DOCUMENT AUTHOR: I BROOKS BIMS — Basinwicle Information 'Management System — Internet -based information system used by NCDWR to manage and track SSO's throughout the State. PROCEDURE: Field Services 'staff Must notify supervisor (ORC or Backup ORC) Immediately upon confirmation of an overflow. Notification of a SSO is required following the notification procedures and timeline below. Two (2) hours: O Back-up ORC -- Notify Superintendent (ORC) Twelve (12) hours: o Superintendent (ORC) — Notify Assistant Director and Public Works Director (or next business day). If by notified by phone, IfolIow up with email as soon as possible. Twenty-four (24) hours: Report the overflow to NCDWR or Emergency Managetnent (after hours) Notify Public Works' Custotner Service Dept. for outgoing public notification to the customer(s) and/or area(s) impacted by the SSO. Provide the following information: o Location of SSO o Date of SSO o Time of SSO (start and stop) o Reason for SSO O ORC or Back-up ORC is responsible for issuing a press release when necessary per NCDWR regUiations. Press release format and fax sheet available on alu drive :(Common, PW Remotes, Sewer; Press Release). o Press Release Within 24 hours of -first knowledge -- 1,000 gallons or more reach surface water, inchiciing storm Cirain. Press release must be submitted to Union County Public Information Officer (pIQ), via email, for circulation to media during normal business hours. After hours or holidays'OreSS release must be faxed to local Media Contacts below: 11, WIXE 1190 AM (704) 289-1416 • Enquirer 'Journal --- (704) 289-2929 Five (5) days: 9 ORC or Back-up ORC must complete the required 5-clay Report on the BIMS Public Portal Website arid file a toniPleted copy appropriately. DEPARTMENT Public Works DIVISION Field Services FACILITY: PAGE: Page 3 of 3 REVISION NO: MANUAL NAME: UCPW Standard Operating Procedures Manual REVISION DATE: DOCUMENT TITLE Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) Notification Procedure 'INITIAL APPROVAL DATE: DOCUMENT NO: 'DOCUMENT AUTHOR: 1! BROOKS Ten :(10).days: ORC or Back-up ORC is responsible for issuing a Public Notice when necessary per NCDWR regulations. Public Notice format and fax sheet available on "I" drive. o Public Notice -. Within 10 days of first knowledge -- 15,000 gallons or more .reach surface water, including storm drain. Public notice must be submitted to Union County Public Information Officer (P10), via email, for circulation to local media with anaffidavit/proof of print returned. Affidavit/proof of print must be faxed to NCDWQ.within 30 days of SSO and filed with BIMS 5 day SSO report. FORMS: Public Notification via PW;CSR template DEPARTMENT Public Works DIVISION Field Services FACILITY: PAGE: Page 1 of 3 REVISION NO: MANUAL NAME: UCPW Standard Operating Procedures REVISION DATE: 03/17/2015 DOCUMENT TITLE Lift Station Response Plan INITIAL APPROVAL DATE: DOCUMENT NO: DOCUMENT AUTHOR: J. BROOKS PURPOSE: To provide employees direction when dealing with lift station failures by developing specific steps to assess and troubleshoot the problem, as well as provide solutions and support. REFERENCE: TRAINING REQUIRED: Training .will be conducted as this procedure is implemented and to all existing Field Services employees and new employee(s) upon assignment. SCOPE: This procedure shall apply to all Public Works employees in the Field Services Department DEFINITIONS: PROCEDURE: POWER FAILURE 1. Assess the situation and determine the problem 2. Ensure main breaker is not tripped and check fuses 3. Check incoming voltage and verify/determine proper voltage is present If voltage is not present: • Contact Power coriipany providing the account nuniber • Transfer station to generator o Auto Transfer Stand-by until PS runs though a minimum of one {1) complete cycle DEPARTMENT Public Works DIVISION Field Services FACILITY: PAGE: Page 2 of 3 REVISION NO: MANUAL NAME: UCPW Standard Operating Procedures REVISION DATE: 03/17/2015 DOCUMENT TITLE Lift Station Response Plan INITIAL APPROVAL DATE: DOCUMENT NO: DOCUMENT AUTHOR: J. BROOKS n Return to PS periodically to verify power has been restored and PS has returned to normal operation o Manually ▪ Turn both pumps to OFF position Swap manual transfer switch to OFF • Ensure field breaker on generator is OFF • Start generator • Swap transfer switch to GENERATOR (or STANBY) POWER Turn generator field breaker ON • Turn Pump 1 ON (Auto), then Pump 2 ON (Auto) Stand-by until PS runs through a minimum of one (1) complete cycle NOTE: If power failure should occur at the Howie Mine PS or Wysackey PS utilize portable generator and pump down as needed. EQUIPMENT FAILURE 1. Assess the situation and determine which component failed • If one pump has tripped: o Tuna pump to OFF position o Inform Field Supervisor immediately on next business day ▪ If a float(s) have failed; o Determine which float has failed o Replace float with assistance • If transducer failure; o Allow PS to operate on backup floats o Stand-by until PS runs through a minimum of one (1) complete cycle o Inform Field Supervisor immediately on next business day • If control panel failure (relays, fuses, starters, etc...); o Check for blown fuses, if no blown fuses, o Contact PS personnel; no answer, o Contact field supervisor for further direction; no answer, o Contact Utility Superintendent or Electrical Services contractor DEPARTMENT Public Works DIVISION Field Services FACILITY: PAGE: Page 3 of 3 REVISION NO: MANUAL NAME: UCPW Standard Operating Procedures REVISION DATE: 03/17/2015 DOCUMENT TITLE Lift Station Response Plan INITIAL APPROVAL DATE: DOCUMENT NO: ' DOCUMENT AUTHOR: J. BROOKS CONTINGENCY PLANS — BYPASS PUMPING If all else fails follow the following procedures: 1) Inform the Back -Up ORC and Superintendent of problems ▪ Begin a pump and haul With Vac truck(s) o If additional Vac trucks are needed contact local septic haulers • If pump and haul not feasible due to flow conditions: o Contact Back -Up ORC and Superintendent o Contact bypass pump contingency plan providers ❖ Rain for Rent ❖ Xylein (Godwin) Pumps Be prepared to infonn pump contingency plan providers of the lift station(s) involved utilizing contingency plans located at the UCPW Operations Center. FORMS: a Sewer Pump Station >12. Gravity Main WastenratcrTreatment Plant — n12. Gravity Main Major Basin Divide •u 11n.1 mile RECEIVED DIV3S!ON9 OF WATER QUALITY UNION COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 500 North Main Street, Suite 500, Monroe, NC 28112 Phone: (704)296-4210 • Fax: (704)296-4232 November 7, 2012 NOV 13 2012 MLMOORESV:LLE R`2IO'NAL OFFICE Mr. Rob Crebs Ms. Dee Browder Water Quality Department Division of Environment and Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, N.C. 28115 Subject: Signatory Authority Non -Discharge Permits Union County Public Works Dear Mr. Crebs and Ms. Browder: In an effort to comply with 15A NCAC 2B.0506 (b), please accept this letter as an official delegation of signatory authority to the Project Manager, Charles O'Cain, P.E. The signatory authority should encompass: • All Non -Discharge Permits (wastewater collection system), current and future as well as associated applications, reports, correspondence and the like. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call me at 704-296-4212. Respectfu dward GosEicki Director, Public Works Cc: Central Files NCDENR 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1617 RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR AWA JUN 15 2015 NCDENR WQROS North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural ReSO8P VILLEREGIONALOFFICE Pat McCrory Governor June 11, 2015 Mr. Richard D. McMillan, P.E. Assistant Director of Public Works Union County Dept. of Public Works 500 North Main Street, Suite 600 Monroe, NC 28112 Subject: Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Public Works Union County Public Works Collection System Union County Dear Mr. McMillan: Donald R. van der Vaart Secretary In accordance with your application received April 15, 2015, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQCS00054, dated June 11, 2015, to Union County Public Works for the operation and maintenance of the subject wastewater collection system. This permit shall be effective from July 1, 2015 until June 30, 2023 and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations specified herein. It is your responsibility to thoroughly review this permit. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring and reporting requirements in this permit and any special conditions. Changes have been made to the boiler plate language of the permit. Most of the changes are for clarification purposes, however Condition 1(3) has been removed. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) believes that condition was included erroneously in previous permits. It was included based on proposed rulemaking by EPA which was never promulgated and in the continued absence of Federal regulations, DENR lacks authority to include such language in a permit. DENR will continue to exercise enforcement discretion when evaluating sanitary sewer overflows that may be considered to be beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee. A highlighted copy of the permit identifying the changes made is available at: For purposes of permitting, the collection system is considered to be any existing or newly installed system extension up to the wastewater treatment facility property or point of connection with a separately owned sewer system. The collection system is considered all gravity lines, pump stations, force mains, low pressure sewer systems, STEP systems, vacuum systems, etc. and associated piping, valves and appurtenances that help to collect, manageand transport wastewater to a wastewater treatment plant under the Permittee's ownership or maintained and operated by the Permittee through a perpetual legal agreement. Satellite systems are systems tributary to the Permittee's collection system but those collection systems are not owned or maintained by the Permittee. The system description provided on Page 1 of this permit is meant to provide a general idea about the size of the system and may not be all inclusive of the collection system at the time of permit issuance or afterward. 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Phone: 919-807-63001 Internet: An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer— Made in part by recycled paper Union County Public Works Collection System June 11, 2015 A discharge of wastewater to the environment from the Permittee's wastewater collection system prior to reaching the wastewater treatment facilities is referred to herein as a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO). The evaluation of enforcement options after an SSO will be determined considering all relevant information available or requested of the Permittee. Compliance with all conditions of the permit as well as all statutes and regulations pertaining to the wastewater collection system must be maintained or appropriate enforcement actions may be taken as noted in Condition VI(2). A reportable SSO is an SSO greater than 1,000 gallons to the ground or an SSO of any amount that reaches surface water (including through ditches, storm drains, etc.). Reporting requirements including the required verbal report and written report to the appropriate regional office are referenced in Condition IV(2). Form CS-SSO can be downloaded from the SSO Reporting area at: A notice of deficiency (NOD), notice of violation (NOV), civil penalty, and/or a moratorium on the addition of waste to the system may be issued if adequate justification for an SSO is NOT submitted to the regional office. In order to submit a claim for justification of an SSO, you must use Part II of form CS-SSO with additional documentation as necessary. DWR staff will review the justification claim and determine if enforcement action is appropriate. Please be advised that the information needed to justify a spill is very comprehensive. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty days following the receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150E of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. If you have questions regarding compliance, contact the appropriate regional office. If you need additional information concerning this permit, please contact Steve Lewis at (919) 807-6308. Sincerely, for S. Jay Zimmerman, Director Division of Water Resources, NCDENR by Deborah Gore, Supervisor Pretreatment, Emergency Response, Collection System Unit (PERCS) enclosure: Permit No. WQCS00054 cc: Ares ille RegionalOffice -Water Quality Regional Operations Water Resources Central Files — WQCS00054 Steve Reid, NC Operators Certification Program (electronic) PERCS Files (electronic) ATA NCDENR RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUN 1 5 2015 WQROS MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES SYSTEM -WIDE COLLECTION SYSTEM PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations, permission is hereby granted to the Union County Public Works WQCSOOO54 FOR THE operation and maintenance of a wastewater collection system consisting of, at the time of permit issuance, approximately 558.73 miles of gravity sewer, approximately 73.047 miles of force main, 66 duplex pump stations, and all associated piping, valves, and appurtenances required to make a complete and operational wastewater collection system to serve Union County Public Works and any deemed permitted satellite communities and the tributary wastewater collection system serving the Town of Wingate and the Town of Marshville subject to their own individual collection system permit, pursuant to the application received April 15, 2015, and in conformity with the documents referenced therein and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from July 1, 2015 until June 30, 2023, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: Page 3 of 9 I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The sewage and wastewater collected by this system shall be treated in the Wastewater Treatment Facilities identified in the permit application and documented in the Division's database. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] 2. The wastewater collection system shall be effectively managed, maintained and operated at all times to prevent discharge to land or surface waters, and to prevent any contravention of groundwater standards or surface water standards. In the event that the wastewater collection system fails to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate actions as per the Response Action Plan (Condition 11(9)), as well as any actions that may be required by the Division of Water Resources (Division), such as the construction of additional or replacement sewer lines and/or equipment. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] 3. The Permittee shall establish by ordinance, inter -local agreement or contract its legal authority to require new sewers be properly constructed; to ensure proper inspection and testing of sewer mains and service laterals; to address flows from satellite systems and to take enforcement action as required by Condition 1(4). [G.S. 143-215.913; G.S. 143-215.1(f)(1)] 4. The Permittee shall develop and implement an educational fats, oils and grease program that shall include at least semiannual distribution of educational material targeted at both residential and non- residential users. The Permittee shall also develop and implement an enforceable fats, oils and grease program for non-residential users under which the Permittee can take enforcement against users who have not properly installed, operated and maintained grease traps or grease interceptors as directed or otherwise violated the terms of the enforcement program pertaining to fats, oils and grease. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] 5. The Permittee shall adopt and implement a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to designate funding for reinvestment into the wastewater collection system infrastructure. The CIP should address the short- term needs and long-term "master plan" concepts. The CIP should typically cover a three to five year period and include a goal statement, description of the project area, description of the existing facilities, known deficiencies (over a reasonable period) and forecasted future needs. Cost analysis is integral to the CIP. [G.S. 143-215.9B] 6. Overflow piping from manholes and pump stations, excluding piping to approved equalization structures, known or discovered after permit issuance shall be immediately. removed or permanently capped. Plugged or valved emergency pumping connections are allowable for portable pumping or rerouting without intentionally bypassing the wastewater treatment facility. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] 7. The Permittee shall maintain a contingency plan for pump failure at each pump station. If one of the pumps in a pump station containing multiple pumps fails, the process of repairing or replacing the pump shall be initiated immediately and the new parts or pump shall be installed as soon as possible. The permittee shall provide justification for delay in initiating the process for repair or replacement at the Division's request. If the pump in a simplex pump station serving more than a single building or pump stations not capable of pumping at a rate of 2.5 times the average daily flow rate with the largest pump out of service fails, it shall be replaced immediately. [15A NCAC 02T .0305 (h) (1)] Page 4 of 9 8. Each pump station shall be clearly and conspicuously posted with a pump station identifier and an emergency contact telephone number at which an individual who can initiate or perform emergency service for the wastewater collection system 24 hours per day, seven days per week can be contacted. This emergency contact telephone number shall be coupled with instructions that the emergency contact should be called if the visual alarm illuminates, if the audible alarm sounds, or if an emergency is apparent. [15A NCAC 02T .0305 (h) (2)] 9. Pump station sites, equipment and components shall have restricted access. [15A NCAC 02T .0305 (h) (4)] 10. Pump stations that do not employ an automatic polling feature (i.e. routine contact with pump stations from a central location to check operational status of the communication system) shall have both audible and visual high water alarms. The alarms shall be weather-proof and placed in a clear and conspicuous location. Permits issued for the construction of pump stations that included high water alarms in the description must maintain the alarms even if simple telemetry (i.e. notification of an alarm condition initiated by the pump station control feature) is installed. [15A•NCAC 02T .0305 (h) (1)] 11. For all newly constructed, modified and rehabilitated pump stations, all equipment and components shall be sealed within a corrosion -resistant coating or encasement to the extent practicable and equivalent to the minimum design criteria unless the permittee can demonstrate it is not practicable or another form of corrosion resistance is employed. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] II. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Upon classification of the collection system by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC), the Permittee shall designate and employ a certified operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) and one or more certified operator(s) to be back-up ORC(s) of the facilities in accordance with 15A NCAC 8G .0201. The ORC shall visit the system within 24 hours of knowledge of a bypass, spill, or overflow of wastewater from the system, unless visited by the Back - Up ORC, and shall comply with all other conditions of 15A NCAC 8G .0204. [15A NCAC 08G .0200 et.seq.] 2. The Permittee shall develop and adhere to a schedule for reviewing all inspection, maintenance, operational and complaint logs. If the review process results in the identification of any recurring problem in the wastewater collection system that cannot be resolved in a short time period, the Permittee shall establish a plan for addressing the problem(s). [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] 3. The Permittee shall develop and adhere to a schedule for testing emergency and standby equipment. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] 4. The Permittee shall develop and implement a routine pump station inspection and maintenance program which shall include the following maintenance activities: a. Cleaning and removing debris from the pump station structure, outside perimeter, and wet well; b. Inspecting and exercising all valves; c. Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other mechanical equipment; and d. Verifying the proper operation of the alarms, telemetry system and auxiliary equipment. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] Page 5 of 9 5. For each pump station without pump reliability (i.e. simplex pump stations serving more than a single • building or pump stations not capable of pumping at a rate of 2.5 times the average daily flow rate with the largest pump out of service), at least one fully operational spare pump capable of pumping peak flow shall be maintained on hand. [15A NCAC 02T .0305 (h) (1) (A)] 6. The Permittee shall maintain on hand at least two percent of the number of pumps installed, but no less than two pumps, that discharge to a pressure sewer and serve a single building, unless the Permittee has the ability to purchase and install a replacement pump within 24 hours of first knowledge of the simplex pump failure or within the storage capacity provided in a sewer line extension permit. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] 7. Rights -of -way and/or easements shall be properly maintained to allow accessibility to the wastewater collection system unless the Permittee can demonstrate the ability to gain temporary access in an emergency situation where existing land -use conditions do not allow the establishment and maintenance of permanent access. In this case, the Permittee shall continue to observe the lines visually, utilize remote inspection methods (e.g. CCTV) and use the opportunity of drier conditions to perform further inspections and necessary maintenance. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] 8. The Permittee shall assess cleaning needs, and develop and implement a program for appropriately cleaning, whether by hydraulic or mechanical methods, the wastewater collection system. At least 10 percent of the gravity wastewater collection system, selected at the discretion of the ORC, shall be cleaned each year. Preventative cleaning is not required for sewer lines less than five years old unless inspection otherwise reveals the need for cleaning or cleaning is required by a sewer line extension permit. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] 9. The Permittee shall maintain a Response Action Plan that addresses the following minimum items: a. Contact phone numbers for 24-hour response, including weekends and holidays; b. Response time; c. Equipment list and spare parts inventory; d. Access to cleaning equipment; e. Access to construction crews, contractors and/or engineers; f. Source(s) of emergency funds; g. Site restoration and clean up materials; and h. Post-SSO assessment. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] 10. The Permittee, or their authorized representative, shall conduct an on -site evaluation for all SSOs as soon as possible, but if feasible no more than two hours after first knowledge of the SSO. The Permittee shall document in its 5-day report why it was unable to initially respond to any SSO location within two hours. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] 11. In the event of an SSO or blockage within the wastewater collection system, the Permittee shall restore the system operation, remove visible solids and paper, restore any ground area and restore the surroundings. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] III. RECORDS 1. Records shall be maintained to document compliance with Conditions 1(4), 11(2) - 11(4), 11(7) - 11(8), IV(3) and V(1) -V(4). Records shall be kept on file for a minimum of three years. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] Page 6 of 9 •2. The Permittee shall maintain adequate records pertaining to SSOs, and SSO or wastewater collection system complaints for a minimum of three years. These records shall include, but are not limited to, the following information: a. b. c. d. e. f. g• h. Date of SSO or complaint; Volume of wastewater released as a result of the SSO and/or nature of complaint; Location of the SSO and/or complaint; Estimated duration of the SSO; Individual from the Division who was informed about the SSO and/or complaint, when applicable; Final destination of the SSO; Corrective actions; Known environmental/human health impacts resulting from the SSO; and How the SSO was discovered. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] 3. The Permittee shall maintain an up-to-date, accurate, comprehensive map of its wastewater collection system that also notes the locations where other wastewater collection systems become tributary. If a comprehensive map of the collection system has not been established, a rough sketch shall be drawn. The Permittee shall map approximately 10 percent of its existing collection system each year for the next ten years beginning at the original permit issuance date, or until complete, whichever is sooner. The comprehensive map shall include, but is not limited to: pipe size, pipe material, pipe location, flow direction, approximate pipe age, and each pump station identification, location and capacity. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] 4. The Permittee shall maintain records of all of the modifications and extensions to the collection system permitted herein. The Permittee shall maintain a copy of the construction record drawings and specifications for modifications/extensions to the wastewater collection system for the life of the modification/extension. Information concerning the extension shall be incorporated into the map of the wastewater collection system within one year of the completion of construction. The system description contained within this permit shall be updated to include this modification/extension information upon permit renewal. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] IV. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. In the event of an SSO the Division may require monitoring that is necessary to ensure surface water and groundwater protection and an acceptable sampling and reporting implemented. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (c)] schedule shall be 2. The Permittee shall verbally report to a Division of Water Resources staff member at the Mooresville Regional Office, at telephone number (252) 663-1699 as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours following first knowledge of the occurrence of the following circumstances within the collection system which is under the Permittee's ownership or maintained and operated by the Permittee through a perpetual legal agreement: a. Any SSO and/or spill over 1,000 gallons to the ground; or b. Any SSO and/or spill, regardless of volume, that reaches surface water. Voice mail messages or faxed information shall not be considered as the initial verbal report. SSOs (and other types of spills) occurring outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Division of Emergency Management at telephone. number (800) 858-0368 or (919) 733-3300. Page 7 of 9 Persons reporting any of the above occurrences shall file a spill report by completing Part I of Form CS-SSO (or the most current Division approved form), within five business days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to ensure that the problem does not recur. [G.S. 143-215.1C(a1)] 3. The Permittee shall meet the annual reporting and notification requirements provided in North Carolina General Statute §143-215.1C. V. INSPECTIONS 1. The Permittee or the Permittee's designee shall inspect the wastewater collection system regularly to reduce the risk of malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors, and other issues that may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, threaten human health or create nuisance conditions. The Permittee shall keep an inspection log or summary including, at a minimum, the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] 2. Pump Stations that are not connected to a telemetry system (i.e., remote alarm system) shall be inspected by the permittee or its representative every day (i.e., 365 days per year). Pump stations that are connected to telemetry shall be inspected al least once per week. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] 3. A general observation by the permittee or its representative of the entire wastewater collection system shall be conducted at least once per year. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] 4. Inspections of all high priority lines (i.e. aerial line, sub -waterway crossing, line contacting surface waters, siphon, line positioned parallel to stream banks that are subject to eroding in such a manner that may threaten the sewer line, or line designated as high -priority in a permit) shall be performed at least once per every six-month period of time. A list of high -priority lines is presented as Attachment A and is hereby incorporated into this permit condition. New high priority lines installed or identified after permit issuance are incorporated by reference and subject to this permit condition until permit renewal where they shall be referenced in writing in Attachment A. [15A NCAC 02T .0108 (b)] VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is not transferable. In the event that the Permittee desires to transfer ownership of the wastewater collection system or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit modification request shall be submitted to the Division. The request shall be accompanied by documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. Such request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. [15A NCAC 02T .0104; G.S. 143-215.1(d)(3)] 2. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statute §143- 215.6A through §143-215.6C, and a sewer moratorium may be established. [15A NCAC 02T .0104] 3. The issuance of this permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (i.e., local, state, and federal) having jurisdiction. [G.S. 143-215.1(b)] 4. The issuance of this permit does not prohibit the Division from reopening and modifying the permit, revoking and reissuing the permit or terminating the permit as allowed by the laws, rules, and regulations or as needed to address changes in federal regulations with respect to the wastewater collection system, in accordance with required procedures. [G.S. 143-215.1(b)(4)] Page 8 of 9 5. The Permittee shall pay the annual fee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit. [15A NCAC 02T .0110 (4)] 6. The Permittee shall file an application for renewal of this permit at least six months prior to the expiration of this permit. Upon receipt of the request, the Director will review the adequacy of the wastewater collection system described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for a period of time and under such conditions and limitations, as the Director may deem appropriate. [15A NCAC 02T .0109] 7. The Permittee shall notify the Division's Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit in writing at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 of any changes to the name and/or address of the responsible party (i.e. mayor, city/town manager) of the wastewater collection system. [15A NCAC 02T .0106 (c)] 8. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the collection system at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit, may inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of wastewater, groundwater, surface water, soil, or plant tissue. [15A NCAC 02T .0110 (3)] 9. The Permittee or their authorized representative shall have available a copy of this permit to present upon request by any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division. [15A NCAC 02T .0104] Permit issued this the 11th of June, 2015 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION for S. Jay Zimmerman, Director Division of Water Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission by Deborah Gore, Pretreatment, Emergency Response, Collection System Unit Supervisor Division of Water Resources, NCDENR Page 9 of 9 UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS HIGH PRIORITY LINES LIST High Priority and Aerial Sewer Main Inspection Lop Area Description of Location MN ID #s PIPE INFORMATION CONDITION Label Address Facility ID Upstream Downstream Priority Type Material Size (") Length (') Date Good Bad Comments PR-01 2000 Caernarfon Lane Shannamara Behind address 2338 3413 3453 Aerial/Surface water DIP 8 15 PR-02 Shannamara Outfall behind Hunley Creek W WTP 2415 8296 8297 Aerial DIP 8 31 PR-03 3448 Shadow Lake Ln End of Shadow Lake, behind address 2605 3708 3709 Aerial DIP 8 80 PR-04 Hunley Creek PS FM Bridge on Steven Mill Rd - FM89 Aerial DIP 12 60 PR-05 2122-2116 Caernarfon Ln Shannamara Behind addresses at creek by golf course 2323 8855 3631 Surface Water PVC 8 6 PR-06 Stevens MITI Rd Stevens Mill Gravity Line at bridge 15794 3795 12553 Aerial DIP 8 60 PR-07 2300-2226 Caernarfon Ln Shannamara Between 2300 - 2226 Caernarfon Ln. 2379 3628 3629 Surface Water DIP 8 4 PR-08 3111-31117 Cardigan Ct Shannamara Behind 3111 - 3117 Cardigan Ct 2359; 2361 3451; 3632 8775 Both surface water DIP 8 5 PR-09 4502-4510 Shannamara Dr Shannamara Between 4502 and 4510 Shannamara Dr. 8546 3468 3469 Aerial DIP 8 8 PR-10 4501 Shannamara Dr Shannamara Beside 4501 Shannamara Dr. 8544 3383 3379 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR-11 4510-4604 Shannamara Dr Shannamara Between 4510 and 4604 Shannamara Dr. 2240 3466 3650 Aerial DIP 8 40 PR-12 5385 Shannamara Dr Shannamara Behind 5385 Shannamara Dr 2459 3654 3655 Surface Water DIP 8 8 PR-13 5361-5355 Shannamara Dr Shannamara Between 5361 and 5355 Shannamara Dr 2455 3652 3653 Surface Water DIP 8 10 PR-14 5337 Shannamara Dr Shannamara Behind 5337 Shannamara Dr. 2451 3503 3651 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR-15 717 Clifden Dr Shannamara 8463 3427 3426 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR-16 716 Clifden Dr Shannamara 8494 3423 3385 Surface Water DIP 8 8 PR-17 2191-2195 Millhouse Dr Hunley Creek Between 2191 and 2195 Millhouse Ln. 13793 3842 3841 Surface Water DIP 8 10 PR-18 5002 Millhouse Ln Hunley Creek Between 5002 Millhouse 5008 Olde Stone 13780 4812 3847 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR-19 5019 Olde Stone Ln Hunley Creek Beside 5019 Olde Stone Ln. 13789 3849 4813 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR-20 5019-5025 Olde Stone Hunley Creek Behind 5019 and 5025 Olde Stone Ln. 13788 3848 3849 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR-21 6045-6051 Burnt Mill Rn Hunley Creek Between 6045 and 6051 Burnt Mill Run 13790 3850 4819 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR-22 8213-8219 Hunley Ridge Hunley Creek Between 8213 and 8219 Hunley Ridge Rd. 13807 3851 3850 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR-23 8225-8231 Hunley Ridge Hunley Creek Between 8225 and 8231 Hunley Ridge Rd. 13806 3852 3851 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR-24 8231 Hunley Ridge Rd Hunley Creek Beside 8231 Hunley Ridge Rd. 13805 4836 3852 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR-25 8258-8254 Hunley Ridge Hunley Creek Between 8258 and 8254 Hunley Ridge Rd. 15053 3856 4843 Surface Water DIP 8 10 PR-26 2411-2419 Willowbrook Dr Willowbrook Between 2411 and 2419 Willowbrook Dr. 13821 3857 3856 Surface Water DIP 8 10 PR-27 3127-3133 Shady Grove Willowbrook Between 3127 and 3133 Shady Grove Ln. 7499 8553 8554 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR-28 3139 Shady Grove Willowbrook Behind 3139 Shady Grove Le. 7500 8555 8554 Surface Water DIP 8 5 PR-29 3145 Shady Grove Willowbrook Behind 3145 Shady Grove Ln. 13741 8555 4808 Surface Water DIP 8 8 CC-01 Faith Church Rd Bridge Lake Park at Faith Church Road Bridge 580 3155 2413 Surface Water DIP 8 15 CC-02 Woodcreek Ct Ashecroft Ashcroft Tie -In 258 5166 2409 Aerial DIP 12 21 CC-03 Younts Rd Wal-mart Tie In 17500 5869 Aerial DIP 8 12 CC-04 Jaquekyn Dr. and Tech. Dr Brittany Downs 1049 5323 24118 Surface Water DIP 12 10 CC-05 115 Brooks Lane Brittany Downs 2125 5874 5873 Surface Water DIP 6 6 CC-06 225 Post Office Drive USPO 2248 5549 5535 Surface Water DIP 8 10 CC-07 Outfall Forest Park 484 5091 2225 Aerial DIP 8 16 CC-08 Outfall Stalling Elementary Stallings Elementary School Ile In 16608 14445 14446 Aerial DIP 12 10 CC-09 Pepper Labe Forest Park Pepper Ann Ln. 392 2175 2208 Aerial DIP 8 CC-10 Wesley Court Ashecroft Ashcroft Tie-in (Wesley CrL) 581 5156 2412 Aerial DIP 30 CC-11 2020 Younts Rd. Wal-Mart 1988 5831 5830 Surface Water DIP 8 ES-01 Trellis P5 Noble Oaks Trellis FM66 Aerial DIP 6 110 ES-02 Trellis PS UC Jail Jail '1' ,, 1' Aerial DIP 8 90 ES-03 Bobwhite Circle Greenbrook MH 2722 "c '-..;•,ii. n_`im Surface Water DIP 8 18 ES-04 Monroe-Ansonville Rd ES #1 Creek Crossing 3641 2720 2707 Surface Water Clay 24 36 TM-01 12 Mlle W WiP PS Lift Station Outrall at Plant 16320 20056 20055 Surface Water DIP 24 50 TM-02 4911 Sandtyn Drive New Town Village Behind 4911 Sandtyn Dr 9075 7911 8057 Aerial DIP 8 50 TM-03 2710 Faircroft Way Sandalwood 2710 Faircroft Way and 2603 Devon 7625 1352 8607 Surface Water DIP 8 7 2604 Devon Drive Sandalwood 7588; 7590 1152 1155 Surface Water DIP 8 8 TM-04 402 Brevard St Waxhaw Behind Town of Waxhaw Malnt 6083 7312 2597 Surface Water DIP 8 10 TM-05 1909 Thorncrest Dr Harrison Park Behind 1909 Thorncrest drive 5545 7354 7331 Aerial DIP 8 40 TM-06 1210 Billy Howey Rd Wesley Chapel Off Billy Howey Rd 16971; 2856 1768 1769 Surface Water DIP 30 50 TM-07 1210 Billy Howey Rd Wesley Chapel Off Billy Howey Rd 2855 1769 1756 Surface Water DIP 30 50 TM-08 8109 Kingston Drive Kingston on Prov. Across from 8109 Kingston Drive 5734 7339 7338 Aerial DIP 8 41 TM-09 9605 Ashton Manor Ashton Manor Behind 9505 Ashton Manor Way 5389 3038 3039 Aerial DIP 8 12 TM-10 6311 Lowergate Drive Stonegate Creek Crossing at Stonegate Tie -In MH 2741 1947 19448 Surface Water DIP 36 50 TM-11 8010 Streamlet Way Brook Valley Near poolhouse 7280 8444 8445 Aerial DIP 8 18 TM-12 4902 Sandstone Ln Sandalwood Behind 4902 Sandstone Ln 3447 1581 1580 Surface Water DIP 8 5 TM-13 3413 Collaroy Ln . Cureton Behind 3413 Collaroy Ln. 3036 2116 2115 Surface Water DIP 10 10 TM-13A 3201 Thayer Drive Ouellin Behind 3201 Thayer Dr. 5690 7614 2113 Surface Water DIP 8 15 TM-14 5618 Biggers Brook Dr Indian Brook 1288; 1292; 1293 6078 6084 High Priority PVC 8 1300 TM-15 Pilgrim Forest 2937 1590 1589 High Priority DIP 12 15 TM-17 Pilgrim Forest 8941 8577 1556 High Priority DIP 8 15 TM-18 Billy Howey Rd Wesley Chapel 14725 13026 13027 Aerial DIP 8 125 TW-01 Tallwood Trunk Line beside creek 11982;11983; 14507; 11984 2869 2872 Erosion PVC 8 2000 0S-01 10821 Olde Sycamore Dr Olde Sycamore Beside 10821 Olde Sycamore Dr. 15789 10937 2826 Surface Water DIP 8 4 OS-02 10804 Persimmon Creek Dr Olde Sycamore 14601 2833 2832 Surface Water DIP 8 10 SM-01 522 Briar Patch Terrace Marvin Creek 12467 11773 11774 Surface Water DIP 8 12 SM-02 620-624 Briar Patch Terrace Marvin Creek 12421 11817 11777 Underwater DIP 8 15 GB-01 1124-1216 Tom Helms Rd Unionville Unionville PS FM creek crossing FM17 High Priority PVC 3 100 PRINT NAME: .. SIGNATURE: Sewer Mams that are anove ground and usually crossing over creeks. • Surface Water -Sewer Mains that is In the bed of the creek where the pipe Is exposed to surface water constantly. • High Priority -Generally a Sewer Main that carries large amounts of flow or main lines that require repeat maintance. • Erosion -Sewer Mains that may be at risk for Erosion. PR Poplin CC Crooked Creek TM Twelve Mile UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS WASTEWATER COLLECTION - PUMP STATION LIST i'' A,°' _6;34, 4 WI FaT]SifiA1TfONi ,ADDRESS - ALARM' 'PUMP - , 'GENERATOR _ DESIGN'CAPiACITYi lietraN1Tl,B SINII AUDIBLE .VISUAL SCADA TELEMETRY DIALER RELIABILITY PERMANENT ,PORTABLE : 'MGD" Brookhaven 3120 Delamere Ln. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 1.72 12 Mile Magnolia Ridge 4719 Magnolia Ridge Dr. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.017 12 Mile Howie Mine 14 705 Howie Mine Rd. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 15 Cureton St. - Waxhaw Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 16 600 Price St. - Waxhaw Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 17 State Rd. 1323 - Waxhaw Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 18 302 Washington St. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 19 Pearl St. - Waxhaw Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 20 322 East N. Main St. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 21 300 East N. Main St. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 22 418 Price St. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes -N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 23 Across 208 Howie Mine Rd. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Howie Mine 24 Dunlap St. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Sandlewood 2907A Faircroft Way Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Parkwood Sch. 3219 Parkwood School Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.040 12 Mile 21-25 910 Sharon Dr. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 12 Mile Jackson Ridge Off Waxhaw Pkwy behind CVS Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.023 12 Mile Old Hickory Hwy. 16 @ Pine Oak Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.019 12 Mile Southfork South Fork Rd. Yes Yes Guardit Duplex Yes 12 Mile Jaars Wycliffe Ave. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.06 12 Mile Wysacky Park 7 400 Essaw Rd. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Wysacky Park 8 312 Yamasee Rd. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Wysacky Park 10 218 Yamasee Rd. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Wysacky Park 11 125 Yamasee Rd. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Wysacky Park 12 200 Yamasee Rd. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Wysacky Park 13 122 Yamasee Rd. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes N/A 12 Mile Sun Valley Place 3053 Wesley Chapel -Stouts Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.51 12 Mile Poplin Rd. 5502 Poplin Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 2.89 12 Mile Mill Bridge Off Kensington Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 3.65 12 Mile Southbrook 212 Leafmore Ct. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.03 12 Mile Stonebridge Rocky River Rd. and Doster Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.43 12 Mile Western Union 4111 Western Union Schol Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.012 12 Mile Crane Valley Off New Town Rd. before Crane Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.043 CMUD Drayton Hall 8403 Cheverney Ln. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.016 CMUD Tarkill 10705 Waxhaw Marvin Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 1.17 CMUD Marvin Ridge 2831 Crane Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.038 CMUD Forest Park Meadowbrook Dr. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.518 Crooked Creek Helmsville Grey Fox Dr. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.508 Crooked Creek Community Park 2308 Community Park Dr. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes Crooked Creek Woodfern Woodfern Dr. -- Stallings Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes Crooked Creek Green Meadows 6737 First Ave. Yes Yes Guard It Duplex Yes Crooked Creek Suburban 1 5601A Suburban Lane Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes 0.18 Crooked Creek Suburban 2 6122 Daybreak Drive Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes Crooked Creek Suburban 3 5806 Sunnywood Dr. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes Crooked Creek Deese Ct. Deese Ct. Yes Yes Mission Duplex Yes Crooked Creek Unionville 4511 Unionville Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.03 Grassy Branch Grassy Branch Monroe WWTP Loxdale Loxdale Farms Dr. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.05 Funderburk Funderburk Rd. - Wingate Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes Meadows MH 1 700 Penny Ln. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.058 Monroe WWTP Meadows MH 2 Rolling Meadows Dr. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.173 Monroe WWTP Trellis Independence Dr. - Behind Jail Yes Yes Sensaphone Duplex Yes 0.012 Monroe WWTP Station 1 3826 Monroe Ansonville Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 2.1 Monroe WWTP Station II 4720 Monroe Ansonville Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 1.75 Monroe WWTP Station Ill 1409 Hwy 205 Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 2.5 Monroe WWTP Animal Shelter 3340 Presson Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.002 Monroe WWTP Ag Center 3230 Presson Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.003 Monroe WWTP Old Sycamore 1 Olde Sycamore Drive Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes Old Sycamore Old Sycamore 2 1900 Rock Hill Church Rd.(Weighmont Ct.) Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes Old Sycamore Old Sycamore 3 Golf Course Access Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes Old Sycamore Old Sycamore 4 6708 Sycamore Club Dr. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.010 Old Sycamore Porter Ridge 2801 Ridge Rd. Monroe Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.042 Poplin Rd. Stevens Mill 1 998 Millwright Ln. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.8640 Poplin Rd. Stevens Mill 2 1222 Millwright Ln. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.1008 Poplin Rd. Hunley Creek Fairfield Plantation Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.789 Poplin Rd. Fieldstone 5325 N. Rocky River Rd. Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.68 Poplin Rd. Mineral Springs 6118 Waxhaw Hwy Yes Yes DFS Duplex Yes 0.010 12 Mile Union County DON'T CLOG WITH FOG / (Fat, Oil, Grease) When FOG (Fat, Oil and Grease) enters our sewer system, it cools and hardens, clinging to pipe walls. Over time it builds up and leads to blockages in the system lines. These blockages eventually cause overflows, resulting in damage to homes, businesses and the environment. We need your help in disposing of FOG in safer, more environmentally -friendly methods. FOG DOs Do keep grease out of the wash water. Scrape excess out or wipe with a paper towel. Do place food scraps in the garbage. Do put oil and grease in collection containers and dispose of in the trash. FOG Is Found In Meat Fats Fried Foods Scraps Cooking Oil Baked Goods Butter Margarine Dairy Products FOG DON'Ts Don't use the drain as a means of disposing of food scraps. Don't put oily, greasy foods down the garbage disposal. Don't pour fat, oil and grease down the drain. Flushing it with hot water doesn't help. How To Properly Dispose Of FOG Place fat, greasy scraps of food in the trash. Once cooled, pour remaining oil or grease in a can or container and place in the refrigerator or freezer. After it hardens, remove it and place it in the trash. Union County Department of Public Works 704-296-4210 Before r FOG down your 'rain,t what can happen. When you pour fat, oil & grease (FOG) down the drain, pipes can back up, eventually giving you a nasty mess and an expensive repair. Please help keep our pipes clear by draining used cooking oil and grease in a can, letting it cool and throwing in the trash. (4) @UnsonCountyPW ©ft 1NAT iA7 Pat McCrory, Govemor John E. Skvarla, III, Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources G ,Paul E. Rawls, Chairman 'ks Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Josh Brooks ORC, Union County Collections System Subject: Dear Mr. Brooks: Classification of Union County Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County June 12, 2013 In accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 90A-37, the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission is required to classify water pollution control systems. The classification of Water Pollution Control Collection Systems, found at 15A NCAC 8G .0303, was adopted by the Commission to classify water pollution control systems. Population served determines the classification of a collection system or the same classification grade of the Wastewater Treatment Plant to which the collection system is tributary; whichever provides the lesser grade. The Commission has determined that your collection system is classified as a Grade 3 Collection System as of the date of this letter. If, in the future, you wish to make changes in the designation of operators, please use the enclosed form and submit to this office with the appropriate signatures. If you have any questions concerning this classification or the designation of operators, please contact me at 919.807.6333. Sincerely, Extension Education & Training Specialist Cc: Mooresville RO — via email TACU Files Technical Assistance & Certification 1618 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1618 DENR Customer Service Center An Equal Opportunity Action Employer wArtti Internet http://portal.ncdenr.orq/web/wq/admin/tacu Telephone (919) 807-6353 Fax (919) 807-6492 Telephone 1 800 623-7748 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper General Information J)s Sack- 506 -041 cok Inspection Checklist ce(367/5 C 4,OC cSa � 1. Number of Pump stations 65 2. SCADA system PS } 3. Telemetry PS 0 4. Audible and Visual only 0 5. Generators Permanent kg a. Frequency tested Generators Portable A. Quick -connect plugin B. Frequency tested Pump stations served ORC B-ORC 6. �Qs " l days -- 824 0 � ( pg — c7g0Dq) 4eAlkS Sewer Use Ordinance Enforcements Last Year FOG Program—V Inspections j�5r►. Public ED How — Annual Report Date CIP Budget $ PS by same generator. u�- O� Years 96( _ace _ass gat)/F 06, C oy-)cpb a-tba (I1A / let-, 3 CS- o,P1 A� Documentation of 1. Line Cleaning (10%) 2. High priority lines (6 mos) — C�-ua- eV - 3. System observation annual 4. ROW mowing Review logs for PS O&M - Review PS logs information 7L V S n�et 0 Aftogid,N-7 it , tocoTP flu Imp' 5 v3fi. Reportable Spills Repeat Location/Cause Non reportable spills Customer complaints Spare parts inventory — Map of system '% 9 % complete ooa RA9v-c4 Name Address Pump Station Inspection Checklist fl4—) c / No of Pumps 1 2 Operational 1 V / 2 ✓ 6t,�. Capacity of each (gpm) 1 2 Runtime hour meter reading average 1 5 2 Housekeeping Secure L/' 7 Accessible Identification Signage Inspection Schedule Wet Well — Floats Free of debris High water float +� Telemetry / Audio -Visual �/ SCADA 1 Alarm system tested for communications -410 5-'T' W(46 ;lac. • Emergency power Generator Portable Quick -connect Onsite Fuel tank Gallons per hour usage rate Testing schedule — htr,.4 . Automatic Bypass pumping configured Overflow piping/3,4�, _ 2G,„ Manhole upstream Inspection Logs Itc,,cla(ory,;-3,). Name Address Pump Station Inspection Checklist No of Pumps 1 z 2 Operational 1 1/ / 2 Capacity of each (gpm) 1 Runtime hour meter verage 1 2(d1) fitifuno Housekeeping!, Secure Accessiblei/ Identification Signage Inspection Schedule Daily Weekly 1(//?, D '1)Th 4YD cO Wet Well - Floats t/ Free of debris High water floatc., - Telemetry Audio -Visual ✓✓�✓ SCADA Alarm system tested for communications hd Emergency power Generator Portable Quick -connect Fuel tank Gallons per hour usage rate Testing schedule Automatic Bypass pumping configured Overflow piping Manhole upstream Inspection Logs Pump Station Inspection Checklist Housekeeping Secure t/ Accessible Identification Signage/ r =:— Inspection Schedule Daily ' Weekly No of Pumps 1 A,IP 2 Operational 1 2 (/ Capacity of each (gpm) 1 2 Runtime hour meter reading average 1 6 2 Wet Well — Floats V Free of debris High water float ✓ Telemetry Audio -Visual i% SCADA t; Alaini system tested for communications J1 IKD 17 Emergency power Generator Fuel tank Testing schedule Bypass pumping configured Overflow piping Manhole upstream LL) Inspection Logs Quick -connect Ga ons per hour usage rate Automatic Portable Onsite 9'91 ) n-eC7 16? kiti-"& u� cv Name( r� / Address Pump Station Inspection Checklist A Housekeeping Secure Accessible Identification Signage Inspection Schedule Daily Weekly Wet Well — Floats Free of debris High water float Telemetry Audio -Visual SCADA Alarm system tested for communications No of Pumps 1 2 Operational 1 2 Capacity of each (gpm) 1 2 Runtime hour meter reading average 1 2 Emergency power Generator Portable Quick -connect Onsite Fuel tank Gallons per hour usage rate Testing schedule Automatic Bypass pumping configured Overflow piping Manhole upstream Inspection Logs F-Qac9,2-(L Manhole location or address Collection System Inspection Checklist Manholes- Lines- Right Of Way- Aerials 40/( azadc- Cover present - vent and cover above grade - vent screened ter Visible signs of overflow Sinkholes and depressions Good condition properly seated Bypass structures or pipes present Invert in good condition Size inches Pipe capacity 1/4 1/2 3/4 diameter. Line free flowing and unrestricted Excessive grease, roots, or sand Right of Way - location or name of outfall line Accessible Free of sinkholes or depressions No evidence of leakage Free of non -utility motorized traffic High .Priority lines Exposed line of ductile material a� Water crossings and supports in good condition IV - Level of debris on or behind line 4/ Free of damage ,✓ Right of Way mowing records Visual inspection of off street lines General observation of system (annual) rn e_45)J got �nJ Pump Station Inspection Checklist Name Address ltd (ID lArkp Housekeeping Secure Accessible/ Identification Signage Inspection Schedule Daily/ Weekly Wet Well — Floats Free of debris t/ High water float 'I Telemetry Audio -Visual SCADA Alarm system tested for communications 4,0 Emergency power Generator ortab elel Quick -connect Fuel tank Gallons per hour usage rate Automatic No of Pumps 11(>7 2 Operational 1� 2 t/ Capacity of each (gpm) 1 2 Runtime hour meter reading average 2 5-- ( Ida/ Testing schedule Bypass pumping configured Overflow piping Manhole upstream Inspection Logs C' 4tridoit) Project ID Permitted Flow Ac Project Name 600-06-501 4,370.00 Crane Valley, Phase 3, Union County, Sewer Only 600-06-543 11,210.00 Marvin Creek Meadows, Union County, Sewer 600-06-552 37,080.00 Ezzell Valley, Union County, Sewer Only 600-06-566 19,800.00 Ezell Hill, Union County, Sewer Only 600-06-567 3,600.00 Woodcliff, Union County, Sewer Only 600-06-570 9,600.00 Sandy Ridge Elementary School, Union County, Sewer Only 600-06-571 35,640.00 McGee Valley, Union County, Sewer Only 600-06-572 32,760.00 Fincher Valley, Union County, Sewer Only 600-06-573 118,920.00 The Reserve, Union County, Sewer Only 600-06-574 22,320.00 Providence Downs, South, Union County, Sewer Only 600-06-575 50,640.00 Chimneys of Marvin, Phase II, Union County, Sewer Only 600-06-576 29,160.00 Sedgefield/Woodhall, Union County, Sewer Only 6 v G- 600-06-577 38,400.00 Crane Road School B, Union County, Sewer Only' 600-06-612 9,648.00 Rea Road School G, Union County, Sewer Only 600-07-508 5,760.00 Bard Subdivision, Union County, Sewer Only 600-07-509 43,200.00 Bromley Subdivision, Union County 600-07-514 4,800.00 Fincher Valley Amenity Site, Union County, Sewer Only 600-07-515 9,000.00 Longview South Development, Union County, Sewer Only 600-07-543 43,890.00 Millbridge, Phase IIA, Union County, Sewer Only 600-07-556 37,810.00 Millbridge, Phase 1A, Union County, Sewer Only //� 600L07-557 10,830.00 Millbridge, Phase 1B, Union County, Sewer Only ��n'c`: " 600-07-558 17,860.00 Millbridge, Phase 2B, Union County, Sewer Only 600-07-559 33,820.00 Millbridge, Phase 3A, Union County, Sewer Only 600-07-568 29,260.00 Anklin Forest, Sewer Only, Union County 600-07-571 12,000.00 Kensington Elementary School, Union County, Sewer Only 600-07-572 1,800.00 Kensington Elementary School -Addition, Union County, Se 600-07-573 27,360.00 The Chimneys of Marvin - Phase 2, Union ounty, Sewer Only 600-07-577 1,710.00 The Retreat, Union County, Sewer Only Total 702,248.00 gpd Millbridge Pump Station /600-05-522 18 240.00 Polo Club at Weddin9 ton (.0 nu=ee- v;QQ Au---QsL nA,Aw-e, /7 1301 Iccli da7r Tax Parcel Number 6204003 6222005 06225012, 0622511 6225014 06225001, 06225002 0621003a 6228155 6228077 6207410 6225157 6210001 6228040 06147004, 06123011 06123011, 06147007 6228054 6201007 5165001 6192001 6192001 Drainage Basin Plant Name Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek Six Mile Creek 35002, 05165003, 05165004, 0516t Six Mile Creek 5168001 Six Mile Creek 6192003 Six Mile Creek 061192001a Six Mile Creek 06192001a Six Mile Creek 6210001 Six Mile Creek 06150041, 06150042 Six Mile Creek 231-092-01 Fiat) - 3/7- McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP_ McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP McAlpine WWTP River Basin Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Catawba Figure 1 Union County East Side Sewer System Flow Schematic for Recommended Short -Term Improvements New 14" FM 14" FM Avg Flow 295 gpm New 18"FM 12" FM PS1 Equipment Abandon 1 S-� Existing: 2 pumps Size: 1800 gpm @ 130' TDH each 1 new additional pump Size: 1250 gpm @ —110' TDH each 1 New 12" FM PS2 Equipment Existing: 2 pumps Size: 1220 gpm each Wingate and Surrounding County Systems Avg Flow 405 gpm 12" FM PS 3 Marshville Outfall Pilgrims Pride Marshville West Avg Flow 510 gpm rge tau tolol PS3 Equipment Existing: 2 pumps Size: 880 gpm @ 200' TDH each 2 new replacement pumps Size: 1250 gpm @ -230' TDH each ro 0 d6E:zi 90 - 4.Nj IU Union County Flow Summary 4K October-10 ` Site Time Frame Average Dry Flow (mgd) Total Flow (MG) Total Flow (100 cu ft) Tatting Road 9/15/10 —10/14/10 0.012 0.347 463.68 Firethorne 9/15/10 —10/14/10 0.022 0.653 873.31 Highgate 9/15/10 —10/14/10 0.112 3.396 4,540.55 Marvin Road 9/15/10 —10/14/10 0.176 5.393 7,209.67 Joe Kerr Road 9/15/10 —10/14/10 0.620 18.715 25,020.23 Total 0.942 28.504 38,107.45 High Priority and Aerial Sewer Main Inspection Log Label Location Type Pipe Material Pipe Size Length Aug-06 Feb-07 Poplin Road PIS PR-01 Shannamara Drive A Aerial DIP 8 Inch 35 Feet 8/14/2006 PR-02 Shannamara Outfall at Plant Aerial DIP 8 Inch 31 Feet 8/14/2006 PR-03 End of Shadow Lake Aerial DIP 8 Inch 80 Feet 8/14/2006 PR-04 Hunley Creek Force Main Aerial DIP 12 Inch 60 Feet 8/14/2006 PR-05 Shannamara Drive B Aerial DIP 8 Inch 6 Feet 8/14/2006 Crooked Creek CC-01 Lake Park tie in at Faith Church Road Bridge Surface Water DIP 8 Inch 15 Feet 8/15/2006 CC-02 Ashcroft Tie-in Aerial DIP 8 Inch 21 Feet 8/16/2006 CC-03 Wal-mart Tie in Aerial DIP 8 Inch 12 Feet 8/15/2006 CC-04 Brittany Downs Tie in Surface Water DIP 8 Inch 10 Feet 8/16/2006 CC-05 Behind Brooke Lane Surface Water DIP 6 Inch 6 Feet 8/24/2006 CC-06 Forest Park Outfall Surface Water DIP 8 Inch 18 Feet 8/24/2006 East -Side ES-01 Trellis Aerial DIP 8 Inch 110 Feet 8/23/2006 ES-02 Jail Aerial DIP 6 Inch 90 Feet 8/23/2006 ES-03 Bob White Circle Surface Water DIP 8 Inch 18 Feet 8/23/2006 ES-04 Station 1 at Creek Crossing Surface Water Clay 24 inch 36 Feet 8/23/2006 12 Mlle TM-01 Waxhaw Outfall at Plant Aerial DIP 12 Inch 47 Feet 8/14/2006 TM-02 New Village tie in Aerial DIP 8 Inch 72 Feet 8/4/2006 TM-03 Sandalwood Aerial DIP 8 Inch 7 Feet 8/14/2006 TM-04 21-25 Outfall behind Waxhaw Public Works Aerial DIP 8 Inch 110 Feet 8/14/2006 TM-05 Harrison Park Aerial DIP 8 Inch 40 Feet 8/14/2006 TM-06 Off Billy Howey Rd Aerial DIP 8 Inch 162 Feet 8/14/2006 TM-07 End of Kingston on Providence Aerial DIP 8 Inch 41 Feet 8/14/2006 TM-08 Aston Manor Tie In Aerial DIP 8 Inch 12 Feet 8/14/2006 TM-09 12 Mile Creek Crossing at Stonegate Tie-in Surface Water DIP 24 Inch 50 Feet 8/24/2006 TM-10 Brook Valley Aerial DIP 8 Inch 18 Feet 8/28/2006 Tall Wood TW-01 Trunk Line beside Creek Erosion PVC 8 Inch 2000 8/24/2006 *Aerial -Sewer Mains that are above ground and usually crossing over creeks. * Surface Water -Sewer Mains that is in the bed of the creek where the pipe is exposed to surface water constantly. * High Priority -Generally a Sewer Main that carries large amounts of flow or main lines that require repeat maintance. * Erosion -Sewer Mains that may be at risk for Erosion. TRUNK LINE OAKS ON PROVIDENCE WEDDINGTON CHASE TRUNK LINE FINCHER ROAD TO CHESTNUT HELMSVILLE FORCE MAIN UCPW LOST RIGHT-OF-WAY CLEARING SCHEDULE WWTP LOCATION 12 MILE WWTP WAXHAW PARKWAY TO PINE OAK LANE 12 MILE WWTP CUTHBERTSON ROAD 12 MILE WWTP FINCHER ROAD TO CHESTNUT LANE CROOKED CREEK WWTP WESLEY CHAPEL -STOUTS ROAD aAt,r,./yieo. yu ( SCHEDULE LENGTH 8000 FT 4800 FT 4500 FT 2800 FT 24 MOS 24 MOS 24 MOS 24 MOS Location MH 7214 Station #3 Marshville Station #2 Monroe Station 2125 Waxhaw MH-2707 Monroe MH-2700 Wingate 200902995 Mctntyre Rd & Monroe/ F 200903047 McIntyre Road &Monroe 200903195 Anne St & Sharon Dr 200903196 Station 1 Sardis Church Road) Sardis Church Rd (1 `MH #2707 200903240 201000199 201000362 201000365 McIntyre Rd #2699 & 26I201000368 MH #1547—G2FCo.2.w 201000484 MH# 5231 Indian Trail 201000689 MH #'s 2698/2699 Wingr 201000692 Manhole#2646 201001042 916 Pilgram Forest Rd 201001533 MH#5231 @ Crooked Cr 01002012 Incident # 200902615 11/09/09 200902681 11/11/09 200902682 11/11/09 200902684 11/11/09 200902994 12/02/09 12/02/09 /1 01/17/10 03/04/10 04/24/10 06/30/10 Start Date 5 Day Gallons )1. Reaching Surf Enforcement Case 1800 5750 19200 900 2025 12320 9000 15000 5250 22500 4000 20460 600 19470 1200 22575 21250 6000 75 3600 1500 4000 19000 900 2025 12320 9000 15000 5000 22500 4000 NOV Case NOV-2009-DV-0356 DV-2010-0017 NOV-2010-DV-0010 DV-2010-0017 NOV-2010-DV-0010 DV-2010-0017 NOV-2010-DV-0010 20000. 600 19000 1200 DV-2010-0049 20000 20000 6000 75 3600, Violation Action Debrisse: Gnlow and Proceed to NOV Yes No Action, BPJ No No Action, BPJ No No Action, BPJ No Proceed to Enforce No Proceed to Enforce No Proceed to Enforce No No Action, BPJ No Action, BPJ No Action, BPJ No Action, BPJ No Action, BPJ No Action, BPJ No Action, BPJ Proceed to Enforce No No Action, BPJ No Action, BPJ Proceed to NOV No Action, BPJ —No Action, BPJ- NOV-2010-DV-0129 NOV-2010-DV-0161 Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No No No No Yes Z Z-< Z ZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZ O 0 co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z < Z G`\< <-<Z-<-<-<-<-<Z C0CD cam!) ((!) cam!) U�j/�C�!) f�/) ccn fCD 0 (/) 0)) chi) to co ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Je Failuc Power Cation Ecuse: Roe Natu::: Vandalism ti+ NNAT, Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr.,Secretary -71 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J Thorpe,PhD.,Acting Director Division of Water Quality October 15, 2001 Jon C. Dyer, P.E. Public Works Director Union County Public Works 400 North Church Street Monroe, North Carolina 28112-4804 Subject: Non -Discharge Facility Inspection Sewer Collection System Union County Public Works Union County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Dyer: This letter transmits a copy of the inspection report covering the inspection conducted on September 25, 2001 by Mr. Don Price of this office. Mr. Price was accompanied by Mr. David H. Fox, Sewer Collection System ORC for Union County Public Works. Generally the inspection revealed that the sewer collection system is being properly operated and maintained. However, there were some deficiencies noted that are set forth under "Additional Comments" in the attached inspection report. The County needs to take action to correct the noted deficiencies. It is requested that you respond to this matter in writing by no later than November 2, 2001, indicating actions taken to correct the deficiencies. Please address your response to Mr. Price. A copy of the relevant permit shell and excerpts from the regulation applicable to collection system permitting are attached for your review. If you have questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Price or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, I , D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Attachments cc: Union County Department of Environmental Health Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit David H. Fox, Union County Sewer Collection System ORC DP NCDENR Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC 28115 PHONE (704) 663-1699 FAX (704) 663-6040 NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION GENERAL INFORMATION City/Town/Owner:Union County Permittee Contact: Jon Dyer. P.E. ORC Name:David H. Fox 24 hr Contact Name:David H. Fox Permit No. NPDES: * Issuance Date: * Expiration Date: If applicable, SOC Issuance Date:N/A County:Union Telephone No.:(704)296-4212 Telephone No.:(704)296-4212 Telephone No.:(704)296-4212 WQ Permit No.: ** Issuance Date: Expiration Date: ** Expiration Date:N/A Reason for Inspection X ROUTINE COMPLAINT FOLLOW-UP OTHER Type of inspection X Collection System Spray Irrigation Sludge Other Inspection Summary: (additional comments may be included on attached pages) *The Union County Sewer Collection System is served by 7NPDES permitted facilities that include the following : - Twelve Mile Creek WWTP, NPDES Permit NC0085359, issued 05/01/96, expires 04/30/01. Permit renewal has been applied for. - Crooked Creek WWTP, NPDES Permit NC0069841, issued 04/01/00, expires 01/31/01. Permit renewal has been applied for. -Hunley Creek WWTP, NPDES Permit NC0072508, issued 04/01/01, expires 10/31/03. - Tallwood WWTP, NPDES Permit NC0069523, issued 01/01/01, expires 10/31/03. - Grassy Branch WWTP, NPDES Permit NC0085812, issued 11/01/96, expires 10/31/01. Permit renewal has been applied for. - Olde Sycamore WWT Spray Irrigation System, NPDES Permit WQ0011928, issued 07/27/97, expires 03/31/01. Permit renewal has been applied for. ** The Sewer Collection System Permit number is WOCS000S4. Issuance and expiration dates are yet to be determined. File review and site visit indicate the pump stations and associated sewer collection system are being properly operated and maintained Due to the high number of pump stations, the county should investigate installing telemetry at all pump stations. Is a follow-up inspection necessary yes X no Inspector(s) Name(s)/Title(s) Donald R. Price / Environmental Tech. V Telephone No.: (704)663-1699 Fax No.(704)663-6040 Date of Inspection: September 25.2001 Permittee : Union County Public Works Facility : Union County Pubic Works currently owns and operates 68 pump stations. The following 12 pump stations were inspected on September 25, 2001: the Funderburk Rd. pump station, the Industrial Ventures pump station, the Brayfield pump station, the Lake Park pump station, the Hawfield Lane pump station, the Howie Mines grinder pump station #17, the Howie Mines grinder pump station #19, the Howie Mines grinder pump station #23, the Wysacky pump station #2, East Side pump station #1, East Side pump station #2, and East Side pump station #3. Facility Location : The Funderburk Rd. pump station is located off of Funderburk Rd., the Industrial Ventures pump station is located at 2844 Grey Fox Rd., the Brayfield pump station is located at the end of Nuthatch Drive, the Lake Park pump station is located at 7709 Conifer Circle, the Hawfield Lane pump station is located at the end of Hawfield Lane, the Howie Mines grinder pump stations #17, #19, and #23 are located along SR 1323 in Waxhaw, the Wysacky pump station #2 is located behind the residence at 115 Essaw Rd., the East Side pump station #1 is located at 3826 Monroe-Ansonville Rd., the East Side pump station #2 is located at 1409 Hwy. 205, the East Side pump station #3 is located at 4720 Monroe-Ansonville Rd. Collection System File Review 1. Does DWQ Database indicate repetitive overflows at any point? Yes No N/A❑ If yes, is there a corrective action plan? Yes® No❑ N/A❑ 2. Do records include a map of the collection system? Yes No❑ N/A❑ 3. Are there records of annual visual inspections of all lines not visible from normal public access? YesZ No❑ N/A❑ Regular visual inspections of high priority areas? YesZ No N/A❑ 4. Do records indicate that right of ways are maintained to allow access? Yes® No N/A❑ 5. Are there areas of regular or scheduled cleaning? Yes® No N/A❑ 6. Is there a spare parts inventory and list of contractors? Yes 0 No❑ N/A❑ 7. Is the spare parts inventory adequate? Yes No N/A❑ 8. Are maintenance logs up-to-date and include inspections, tests, maintenance? Yes® No❑ N/A❑ Union County Public Works Sewer Collection System September 25, 2001 9. Is there a trouble log of all problems that include the following information? YesNo N/A❑ Overflows locations, who responded time/date, action taken, cause of problem/overflow, and how the problem was resolved. 10. Does the Town have a Sewer Use Ordinance? Yes® No❑ N/A❑* Does it appear the SUO is enforced? Yes® No❑ N/A❑ 11. Does the system have any known points of bypass? If yes, describe type of bypass and location. 12. Do records log pumpstation telemetry/SCADA notifications? Yes❑ No N/A❑ Yes❑ No❑ N/A® Yes /i No❑ N/A❑ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF COLLECTION SYSTEM FILE REVIEW: Item No. 10- The county has a Sewer Use Ordinance. The current ordinance should be updated to address the public education program for fats, oil, and grease that will be required by the collection system permit. Gravity Sewers Manholes: 1. Are manholes accessible? Yes® No❑ N/A❑ 2. Are manhole covers above grade? Yes® Non N/A❑ Visible signs of overflow? Yes❑ No A. N/A❑ Sinkholes or depressions? Yes❑ No N/A❑ 3. Are manhole covers missing or improperly seated? Yes❑ No Ei N/A El 4. Are manholes in need of repair? Yes No N/A❑ Due to normal wear and tear? Yes❑ No❑ N/A® Due to vandalism? Yes❑ No❑ N/A® 5. Are inverts in need of repair? Yes❑ No N/A❑ 6. Is there evidence of collection system deterioration? Yes❑ No N/A❑ 7. Is flow visibly restricted in pipe or manhole? Yes❑ No N/A❑ 8. Is there an excessive amount of grease? Yes❑ No N/A❑ Roots? Yes❑ No N/A❑ Sand? Yes No N/A❑ 9. Is there evidence of submergence of vents? Yes❑ No N/A❑ 10. Are bypass structures or pipes visible in manhole? Yes❑ No iI N/A❑ Union County Public Works Sewer Collection System September 25, 2001 Lines/Right-of-Ways: 1. Are easement, right-of-ways, in need of mowing or clearing? Yes No N/A❑ 2. Are sink holes or depressions observed above line? Yes❑ No►1 N/A❑ 3. Is there evidence of leakage or seepage from the line? Yes❑ No N/A❑ 4. Are there areas of exposed line? Yes Non N/A❑ Are exposed lines constructed of piping other than ductile iron or comparable? Yes❑ No N/A❑ 5. Are stream/ditch crossings and aerial supports in need of repair? Yes No N/A❑ 6. Are right-of-ways being used for roads? Yes No N/A❑ 7. Do lines show evidence or history of damage? Yes❑ No N/A❑ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF COLLECTION SYSTEM GRAVITY SEWERS REVIEW : None. Pump Stations/Siphons 1. Are any pump station/siphon sites difficult to access? Yes No N/A❑ 2. Does general housekeeping need improvement? Yes No N/A❑ 3. Are there any missing pumps? Yes No N/AD 4. Do wet wells/siphons have accumulations of debris that could potentially affect the operation of the unit? Yes❑ No i1 N/A❑ 5. Does the first manhole up line from the pump station or siphon show signs of backup, overflow, debris originating from the line? Yes❑ No N/A❑ 6. Are there any floats/controls for pumps, alarms or alternators that does not work? Yes No N/A❑ 7. Did high water alarms fail to work when tested? Yes❑ No N/A❑ 8. Did ORC fail to produce maintenance log? Yes❑ NoL N/A❑ 9. Is telemetry/SCADA present? Yes❑ No N/A❑* Operable? Yes /1 No N/A❑ vf- Union County Public Works Sewer Collection System September 25, 2001 10. Are backflow devices in place and operable? Yes No N/A❑ 11. Where necessary are air relief valves present and operable? Yes ►i No❑ N/A❑ 12. Are standby generators present? Yes No❑ N/A❑ Operable? Yes® No N/A❑ Is fuel tank full? Yes No❑ N/A❑ 13. Is there a 24 hr notification sign? 14. Is public access limited? Yes® 15. Is there any bypass mechanism present? Yes❑ 16. Any signs of overflow at the station/siphon? Yes❑ Yes ►. No❑ N/A❑ No N/A❑ No N/A❑ No N/A❑ 17. Is there chemical addition present? Yes® No❑ N/A❑ ® Odor control ❑ pH control ® Other, explain a degreaser is used to prevent grease build-up in the sewage collection system. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF COLLECTION SYSTEM PUMP STATION/SIPHON REVIEW : Item No.9- All pump stations in the system are not equipped with telemetry. Due to the large number of pump stations, 68, it is recommended that all pump stations be equipped with telemetry to allow for improved emergency notification. e76 - ,me ott-47 Michael F. Easley. Govemor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P. E. Director Division of Water Quality June 30, 2005 Ms. Christie Putnam Interim Director Union County Public Works 400 N. Church Street P. O. Box 697 Monroe, NC 28112 Subject: Non -Discharge Compliance Inspection Wastewater Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Dear Ms. Putnam: Enclosed is a copy of the Collection System Inspection Report for the inspection conducted on January 5, 2005 by Jeff Poupart of the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Non - Discharge Branch, Raleigh, and Ms. Barbara Sifford with this office. Representatives for Union County were Mr. Mark Tye, Mr. Jeff Carpenter and Mr. Josh Brooks. Ms. Sifford completed the inspection on April 21, 2005 and was accompanied by Mr. Carpenter and Mr. Brooks of Union County Public Works. Please inform the facility's Operator -in Responsible Charge (ORC) of these findings by forwarding a copy oftheenclosed report. Please note that the sections completed on the report pertain only to the areas that were inspected. The collectionsystem for Union County consists of approximately 440 miles of sewer line and sixty-eight pump stations. The system conveys wastewater to six WWTP'.s for treatment. Generally, the inspection revealed that the County's collection system is being properly operated and maintained. A copy of DENR's reporting and record keeping requirements for a collection system was given to Mr. Tye for guidance. Please be aware that all records pertinent to the collection system must to be maintained for three years. Performance -Standards The Union County Public Works Department is currently working on an updated Sewer Use Ordinance toregulate commercial establishments on the system. The Capitol Improvement Plan (CIP) covers the projected needs of the collection system for the minimum three-year requirement. Inspections Inspections conducted by UCPW are documented according to permit requirements. N. C. Division of Water Quality, Mooresville Regional Office, 610 E Center Ave., Suite 301, Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Page 2 June 30, 2005 Ms. Putnam Operations and Maintenance The Compliance Evaluation Inspection report lists the information that must be kept for a period of three years for pump stations, emergency generators, cleaning, and right of way maintenance; and be made available for review during inspections by DWQ. Pump Stations Eight pump stations were inspected and are listed in the Compliance Evaluation Inspection report. It is recommended that a schedule for testing the audible and visual alarms be established, and that the communication systems be checked forreliabilityand documented on the log sheets. General housekeeping was acceptable at the stations. All required pumps were present and operable. A quick connect for the portable generator was available at each station not having a permanent on -site standby generator. Please submit.a copy of the pump station daily records for the three Eastside Stations #1, #2, #3 for the period January 2005 thru June 2005, indicating daily flows and pump run times. Records Records of spills and complaints were maintained and available for review. All public notices for spills were documented as required. A map of the system was available and is being entered into a computer database. A review of the spill data base revealed numerous and repetitiveareas of sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) from January 1, 2003 to June 1, 2005, occurring during rain events. These are in the Eastside collection basin and the Twelve -Mile Creek collection basin. Plans to eliminate these overflow areas needto be submitted with your response to this letter. All SSOs occurring because of infiltration and inflow not related to a severe weather occurrence yvi e considered a violation ofNCGS 143-215.1(a)(1). Manholes Manholes inspected are listed in the Compliance Evaluation Inspection report. In general the manholes were in good condition with no visible signs of sinkholes or depressions; and there were no bypass structures or pipes. There was evidence of overflow from the manhole behind the Twelve Mile Creek WWTP influent pump station. Also the flow in these lines did not appear to be free flowing and unrestricted. Page 3 June 30, 2005 Ms. Putnam Monitoring and Reporting An annual report of the collection system was available and has been submitted as required. Spills are reported as required per the 24-hour verbal notification, and the 5- day:spill ,reports are entered into the States' BIMS system by Union County personnel. Records of non -reportable spills are maintained as required. Press releases and Public Notice records for spills.are maintained as required. Lines / Right -of -Ways/ Aerial Lines All lines and right of ways that were visited were accessible, free of sinkholes, and showed no evidence of leakage. Documentation of the mowing and line cleaning needs to be maintained for three years. It is requested that a written response be submitted to this office by July 30, 2005, addressing the items noted. above. Your comments should be directed to the attention of Ms. Sifford. If you have any questions concerning this inspection report or noted comments, please, do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sifford or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, PE Surface Water Protection Regional Supervisor Enclosure Cc: Union County Health Department PERCS Raleigh BS Permit: WQCS00054 Owner - Facility: Union County Inspection Date: 04/21/2005 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Are maintenance records for sewer lines available? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are records available that document pump station inspections? 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ Are SCADA or telemetry equipped pump stations inspected at least once a week? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are non-SCADA/telemetry equipped pump stations inspected every day? - 11000 Are records available that document citizen complaints? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are records available that document an annual observation of entire system? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Has there been an observation of entire system in the last year? •❑ ❑ ❑ Are records available that document inspections of high -priority lines? 0 0 0 • Has there been visual inspections of high -priority lines in last 6 months? 0 0 0 1 Comment: Operation & Maintenance Regttirement5, Yes No NA NF Are all log books available? • 0 0 -❑ Does supervisor review all log books on a regular basis? 11000 Does the supervisor have plans to address documented short-term problem areas? ® 0 .❑ 0 What is the schedule for reviewing inspection, maintenance, .& operations logs and problem areas? The field supervisor reviews the logs weekly. Is a schedule maintained for testing emergency/standby equipment? 11000 Are maintenance records for equipment available? 11000 If no, provide schedule for compliance What is the scedule for testing emergency/standby equipment? Weekly Do pump station logs include: Inside and outside cleaning and debris removal? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Inspecting and exercising all valves? 111000 Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other equipment? 0 0 1 0 Inspecting alarms, telemetry and auxiliary equipment? 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ If no, provide schedule for compliance Is there at least one spare pump for each pump station w/o pump reliability? 11000 If no, provide schedule for compliance Are maintenance records for right-of-ways available? 111000 Are right-of-ways currently accessible in the event of an emergency? 11000 If no, provide schedule for compliance Are system cleaning records available? 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ Has at least 10% of system been cleaned annually? 11000 If no, provide schedule for compliance What areas are scheduled for cleaning in the next 12 months? Union County is developing a computer generated cleaning schedule for the collection system. The computer system will prioritize problem areas for cleaning and routine . system wide cleaning. Is a Spill Response Action Plan available? 11000 Does the plan include: 24-hour contact numbers ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Response time 11000 Equipment list and spare parts inventory ® 0 0 0 Access to cleaning equipment 111000 Page: 3 Owner - Facility: Union County Permit: WQCS00054 E 0 U O a to 0 m ❑ ■ ❑ D D D D D O D D O D D D D O O ■ ❑ ®■ ■ ■ Access to construction crews, contractors, and/or engineers Source of emergency funds Site sanitation and cleanup materials Post-overflow/spill assessment Is a Spill Response Action Plan available for all personnel? Is the spare parts inventory adequate? CO C 7 N 0 0 8 .0 0 w 07 C 0 E a CO NQ L 0 'O j O a 0 D 0 L aN cn 0 O O D❑ O❑ D❑❑ D❑❑ D D❑ D D D❑ O D D D D D D D D❑ O O O O D D D❑❑ O ❑ D O D O ❑❑ D D 0 0❑ O❑ D O❑ ❑ D l O O D ❑ D O D O ■■ N* D D O D❑ D O❑ ❑ O D O R ❑ D D D o ■ ®®■ P ®■ ■ O O D D ■ ®■ Y ®■ ■ ®■ ■ ®■ ■ ■ ® ■ ■ Pump station type Are pump station Togs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? Is general housekeeping acceptable? Are all pumps present? r• 0 0 > 0 0 N 0 0) .N 0 c• •0 0 en°7 a m0 m •o > a > N O N U FN UCI) E CD to N N 0 O a N N N a. d C r u) O N co o a E ° E m m 0 0 3 2 to a to'7 0 m 3 a) 4) U) 4) < < < < Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Is an emergency generator available? Are backflow devices in place? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? -Is the generator operable? Is the fuel tank full? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? Owner - Facility: Union County Penult: WQCS00054 Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Date: 04/21/2005 O 000 O 000 O 000 ■ ■ ■ ■ Emergency phone number Is public access limited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? 0 a E a N L 8 C m U N 0 O a 0 W co m p i U co O m m m Fa 0 n. co N m m CNI g 0 E u) c4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0❑❑ 0 0❑ 0 0❑❑❑ 0 0 0❑❑❑❑❑ 0 0 00000 0 0 0 D 0 0 0❑ 0❑■ i❑ 0 0 0❑ 0❑ 0❑ 0■❑❑ 0 0 00000 1000000000000000000000000000 00000 a ■ i A ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ D O A I 0 i * i ■ ■ . ■ ❑ ■ ■ ■ o 111111111111111 Pump station type Are pump station logs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? Is generalhousekeeping acceptable? ;Are all pumps present? Are all pumps operable? Are wet well/siphons free of excessive debris? Are upstream manholes free of excessive debris/signs of overflow? Are floats/controls for pumps/alarms operable? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the -Pump station inspected as required? Is an emergency generator available? Are backflow devices in place? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? Is the fuel tank full? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? Emergency phone number Is public access limited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? Owner- Facility: Union County Permit: WQCS00054 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Date: 04/21/2005 Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? EASTSIDE #3 000000000000000000000000000 000000 ❑ ❑ O O ❑ ❑ O ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ O ❑ O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ O 000000 1000000000000000000000000000 000000 o ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ O ❑ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ®■ ■ 11■ O ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Pump station type Are pump station logs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? Is general housekeeping acceptable? Are all pumps present? Are all pumps operable? Are wet well/siphons free of excessive debris? Are upstream manholes free of excessive debris/signs of overflow? Are floats/controls for pumps/alarms operable? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audioand visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Is an emergency generator available? Are backflow devices in place? Are backflow devices operable? Are air -relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? Is the fuel tank full? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? Emergency phone number Is public access limited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? Owner - Facility: Union County Permit: WQCS00054 5 0 w 0 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Date: 04/21/2005 0 a 11. $.c c ao N E r- -c CA — a m c � �p U o N Lo co co 20 E" e� o� LL c c a) p U r c O c a(.0 E _N a ra O FL c 0 a)— E E o L 0 2 EASTSIDE #1 000000000000000000000000000 000000 ❑ ❑ ❑ O O O O O ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ O ❑ 000000 1000000000000000000000000000 000000 o ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ O ❑ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ®■ O ®m ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Pump station type Are pump station logs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? Is general housekeeping acceptable? 3 0 0 a) 0 O C 0) 0 N 'O a) a L N o CD en 0 aX) t ro O a) a) N O a M E o• o en o a 0 N C .c O o E. L co N n. 0 D. E o n. n. N E E E �) co 3 > > 3e2 N a a iii 75 CO co To3 = = 0 0 o a) o < < < < < Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Is an emergency generator available? Are backflow devices in place? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? Is the fuel tank full? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: Instructions for notification? U) P• d ma) w c C o o c 70 L c a o T m U c N 2) CL E a) a w Is public access limited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? a) 0 0) c a) O L_ •3 a) a c 0 O 0 c m O a) d E a 0 c 0 E E 0 0 Pump station type Owner - Facility: Union County Permit: WQCS00054 2 0 5 0 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Date: 04/21/2005 O 00000000000000000111110000000 000000 O 00000001111100000000000000000 000000 O 00000000000000000000000000 D❑❑❑❑ O ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ D D ®■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ D D ■ ■ ■ i ®®® ®■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Are pump station logs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? Is general housekeeping acceptable? Are all pumps present? co o (0 3 7 C) 0) C) C) < < < < Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Is an emergency generator available? Are backflow devices in place? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? Is the fuel tank full? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? Emergency phone number Is public access limited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? DRAYTON HALL O 00 O 00 . ❑ ❑ ❑ • ® ■ Pump station type Are pump station logs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? Is general housekeeping acceptable? Owner - Facility: Union County Permit: WQCS00054 13 0)i000❑❑00000❑o❑oo®io❑❑o❑oo o❑❑o❑oto 0❑❑❑0❑ & 0 0❑❑ 0 0 0■ U 0 0❑❑❑ 0❑ 0❑ 0 0 0 0 0❑ O O D O D 0 :1 000000 4 000000000000000000000000 0000007,i 1000000 5 ■■■■■ III ■00®®®li■®O0■■0low ■®®®®■ " o ■■®■®® 1 0 W w 4:m Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Date: 04/21/2005 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) < < < < < Is "auto polling" featurelSCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Is an emergency generator available? Are backflow devices in place? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? Is the fuel tank full? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a.24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? Emergency phone number Is public access limited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? G 0) E E 0 U BROOKHAVEN Pump station type Are pump station logs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? Is general housekeeping acceptable? Are all pumps present? Are at pumps operable? Are wet well/siphons free of excessive debris? Owner - Facility: Union County Permit: WQCS00054 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Date: 04/21/2005 O 0 0❑❑❑❑❑ O O O O O O O❑■ Q❑ 0 0 O 00011.10000013000000000 ❑ ■ ■ ®O O ®i ■ * ■ . O ❑ ■ ■ ❑ ■ ■ ■ . Are upstream manholes free of excessive debris/signs of overflow? Are floats/controls for pumps/alarms operable? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Is an emergency generator available? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? Is the fuel tank full? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: 000000 ❑❑❑000 O O ❑ O ❑ 0 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? Emergency phone number Is public access limited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? 0 L N O O O 0 O L O 0 O a) cu 0) 0) a) E 2 E n: O c cu Z E J o CL O O 000000000 000000000 1000000000 o ®■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Pump station type Are pump station logs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? Is general housekeeping acceptable? Are all pumps present? 0) 0 ro a) a 0 a E o. 0 Q < < < Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? O❑ O❑❑ O O D O■ ®O O O O 0 O❑ 000000 ❑ O 000 000000 cc❑ ®■ 0❑ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0■ 0 0 0❑ 000000 00 000 000000 000000000000000000 000000 00 000 000000 ■❑O®■■■®®0O■■0■®■® ■M®!®k7 ■I• MEM ®■INII■■ 0 0 0 3 w W c 8 o c 0 m c a a E c o U U ro LL u a) 0 c 0. O e 0 0 0 0 0 c7 a Inspection Date: 04/21/2005 Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Is an emergency generator available? Are backflow devices in place? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? Is an emergency generator available? N o. E a a) 2 0 w a) 0 O) U a) Q) 0 E a) a) 0 Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? Is the fuel tank full? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? Emergency phone number Is public access limited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? y a E a a) a E 0 a) a aJ D_ E 0 a) E C 2 E m o < Are adequate records of all SSOs, spills and complaints available? Are records of SSOs that are under the reportable threshold available? If no, provide schedule for compliance Do spill records indicate repeated overflows (2 or more in 12 months) at same location? If yes, is there a corrective action plan? Is a map of the system available? Does the map include: Pipe materials 0 0 a) a Flow direction Approximate pipe age Number of service taps Owner - Facility: Union County 3 O O 0 Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Date: 04/21/2005 D D ■ Pump stations and capacity If no, what percent is complete? List any modifications and extensions that need to be added to the map E E O 0 LVE MILE OUTFALL O 000000000001100 O 00 0❑❑ D D D D D D D■ D 0000000011000000 ®®■■■■■■o®■®o❑■ O 00000000000000 O 00000000000111110 O 00000000000000 11•■■■■■®■®■®D❑a m CV a) w m C d N .D c m N •o I- iii 2 d C Lo i O o m co N m 3 8. 0 U rn m O m a- m c o aa m c c E > o, m 0 m 'N co 3 a)F) E > o o 2 o ni c m E' > `_l 3 CO c5 o o o CO ..•U L o d cn F- N_ o co C .�9. c = U co m c.. c m Cs. a N ('• 0.. O a aa)i E co O d N aa)i c C o m c rn CD coCD t o m E o „o, E 2=• c c 2E a U • O E N C 'O U1 U .. w c m m O m 2 8 E rn N E o 2 �• _2 3 m N C FL" O N m n, aJ N U U N a z y a7 • N > m L C�. CO ) m m m N C N N 0 m d �c Cam• O > > > C m m T .O a > a N C m - C C N N m O) a m a f0 > J...I c.• m aci m c ° o m aNi m > a, >, c a .0 y o o m T c x X x a°i o coi ' 2320 3 N d ami a z o O m m m c c m 2 N a, O U C O O O w7 N N C C m U > > O. Q) 'O m m m X O 42 N. • c O • m U O O U O. C O O w w ,2 m m N t 1 N m2-. a) c c.3 p o o m m o 0 0 � o 0 0 o c c m E N • c c E E c c c c m c c c c aci m .c o E a m m m m m m m> m m m m> E 2o E JQ E E E E E S E E E E �, m E •c c < U a W N N N N N N N N N N N N N Q Q U .0 E 1T- C] if le p TWELVE MILE OUTFALL Owner- Facility: Union County Permit: WQCS00054 0 0 5 0 l0 a) j Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Date: 04/21/2005 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ®O O ■ ■ ®■ O O 00000000000000 ❑ ❑ 0❑ 0 0 0 O■ ®❑ 0 O❑ O M■ ®■ i■■ O 0❑❑ O O O s manhole accessible? s manhole cover/vent above grade? s the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? s the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? s manhole cover present? s manhole properly seated? s manhole in good condition? s invert in good condition? s line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? s manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? s manhole free of excessive roots? s manhole free of excessive sand? s manhole's extended vent screened? Are vents free of submergence? ❑ ❑ 0000 0 0 0❑ 0 0 0■❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O ❑ O O ❑ O ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O ❑ ❑ ❑ O O ■■e■■■I■■■■■❑❑■ s manhole accessible? s manhole cover/vent above grade? s the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? s the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? s manhole cover present? s manhole properly seated? s manhole in good condition? s invert in good condition? s line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? s manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? s manhole free of excessive roots? s manhole free of excessive sand? s manhole's extended vent screened? Are vents free of submergence? MCINTYRE ROAD ❑ ❑ O ❑ ❑ O ❑ O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O i ■ ®®■ ® ■ s manhole accessible? s manhole cover/vent above grade? s the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? s the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? s manhole cover present? s manhole properly seated? s manhole in good condition? } Owner- Facility: Union County Permit: WQCS00054 Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Date: 04/21/2005 ININNININO O 0000000 O 0000000 O 0 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ■ s invert in good condition? s line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? s manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? s manhole free of excessive roots? s manhole free of excessive sand? s manhole's extended vent screened? Are vents free of submergence? o 0 O m O co E co m 8 0 O co m O 03 W C CO m a o .a v `o m .O 2 co 7 W U N y N O a C n o o m F2 E co • L O F • • a) E E E o < 0 TWELVE MILE OUTFALL 0 0 0 0❑❑ D O❑ D D❑■■ D ❑ 0 0❑❑ 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 O 00000000000000 ■ ■ 11111111111111111111111111110 ❑ ■ s manhole accessible? s manhole cover/vent above grade? s the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? s the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? s manhole cover present? s manhole properly seated? s manhole in good condition? s invert in good condition? s line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? s manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? s manhole free of excessive roots? s manhole free of excessive sand? s manhole's extended vent screened? Are vents free of submergence? c 0 0 8 4) N m 0 O A o 0000000000000 a 000000000000NN O 0000000000000 ■ ®®■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ N O 0 s the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? s the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? s manhole cover present? s manhole properly seated? s manhole in good condition? s invert in good condition? s line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? s manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? s manhole free of excessive roots? s manhole free of excessive sand? s manhole's extended vent screened? Are vents free of submergence? Owner "Facility: Union County Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Date: 04/21/2005 O 00o ❑pop ❑ o p❑ o❑❑❑ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0❑ 0❑ p o❑❑ o 0000 ❑ O O O o O o O 0 ❑ o ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ o ❑ ❑ ❑ o ❑ ❑ o ❑ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ O ❑ o o o o o❑ o o o o o o❑❑❑ o❑ 000000000000000 O o■❑ ■ ■■■•■■■I I••❑❑■ UU■■■■I■■•••oo• ■■o■ 0 Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? d 2 2 m t_ C N �UOp m 0 a F. m O m 0 O w E;z O E E 0 s manhole accessible? s manhole cover/vent above grade? s the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? s the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? s manhole cover present? s manhole properly seated? s manhole in good condition? s invert in good condition? s line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? s manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? s manhole free of excessive roots? s manhole free of excessive sand? s manhole's extended vent screened? Are vents free of submergence? it g co E E TWELVE MILE OUTFALL Is manhole accessible? Is manhole cover/vent above grade? Is the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? Is the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? 0 3 3 co Are public notices and proof of publication available? ■ ■ ❑ o ❑ ❑ 0 3 3 Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? Are vents free of submergence? s manhole free of excessive sand? s manhole free of excessive roots? s manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? s line free=flowing'and unrestricted in manhole? 6uoglpuoo pooh w panul s Luolllpuoo pooh ul aloquew s ,pafeas Apadojd aloquew s Lluasawd janoo aloquew s s the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? s the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? s manhole cover/vent above grade? Lalglssaooe aloquew s ■❑❑■■■■■■■■■■■■ O 00000000000000 O 00000000000000 ❑ ■■❑❑❑o❑❑❑❑o❑o❑ Are vents free of submergence? s manhole's extended vent screened? s manhole free of excessive sand? s manhole free of excessive roots? s manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? N 3D 2" 0 5. co 01 a W N aID 3 m O (D •J Luolllpuoo pooh ul panul s Luoltlpuoo pooh ul aloquew s ..pateas Apadoid aloquew s 6.2uasaJd Janoo aloquew s • o I■■ I U U.■■ o o❑o❑❑o❑❑oo O 00000000❑❑ o i000❑o❑o❑❑ 900Z/LZ/b0 :Plea uopoedsui Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation • ? vt Michael F. Easley, Governor Pt 401 \-\ W ATFgQG William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources APE Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality July 20, 2007 CERTIFIED MAIL / RETURN RECEIPT Christie Putnam, Public Works Director Union County 400 N. Church Street Monroe, NC 28111 • Subject: Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Union County Collection System Dear Ms. Putnam: In accordance with your application received on July 16, 2001, as well as the additional information received in 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2006 through compliance inspections, meetings and discussions, we are forwarding herewith Permit No.WQCS00054, dated July 20, 2007, to Union County for the operation and maintenance of the subject wastewater collection system. This permit shall be effective from the July 20, 2007 until June 30, 2.011. This permit shall be subject to the conditions and limitations specified herein. It is your responsibility to thoroughly review this permit. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring and reporting requirements in this permit. Compliance schedules requiring action and regional office notification are shown in bold. A summary of your schedules are presented below: Permit Condition. Activity Compliance Date I., 4 Develop and implement educational FOG program 12 months II., 7 Clear rights -of -way and easements 12 months For purposes of permitting, the collection system is considered to be any existing or newly installed system extension up to the wastewater treatment facility property or point of connection with a separately owned sewer system. The collection system is considered all gravity lines, pump stations, force mains, low pressure sewer systems, STEP systems, vacuum systems, etc. and associated piping, valves and appurtenances that help to collect, manage and transport wastewater to a wastewater treatment plant under the Permittee's ownership or maintained and operated by the Permittee through a perpetual legal agreement. Satellite systems are systems tributary to the Permittee's collection system but those collection systems are not owned or maintained by the Permittee. The system description provided on Page 1 of this permit is meant to provide a general idea about the size of the system and may not be all inclusive of the collection system at the time of permit issuance or afterward. A release of wastewater from the wastewater collection system is referred to herein as a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO). The evaluation of enforcement options after a SSO will be determined considering the criteria listed in condition 1(2)(a) and I(2)(b) of the permit and all other relevant information available or requested of the Permittee. Compliance with all conditions of the permit as well as all statutes and regulations pertaining to the collection system must be maintained or appropriate enforcement actions may be taken as noted in Condition VI(2). Nne orthCarolina Naturally Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unitlnternet 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919) 733-0059 DENR Customer Service Center Telephone 1 800 623-7748 Ms. Christine Putnam July 20, 207 Page 2 A reportable SSO is a SSO greater than 1,000 gallons to the ground or a SSO of any amount that reaches surface water (including through ditches, storm drains, etc.) Below is the procedure to use for reporting SSOs to the Division: 1. Report. by telephone to a Division of Water Quality staff member (not facsimile or voicemail) at your regional DWQ officeduring regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8AM to 5PM) as soon as possible, but in:no case more than 24 hours after the SSO is known or discovered. To report outside of regular business hours, call (800) 858-0368. 2. Follow up the verbal report by sending a completed written report on the most current Division approved form within five days. To provide a uniform method for all systems covered under this permit and to provide useful and consistent information pertaining to SSOs, a new spill reporting form has been developed (October 2003). Form CS-SSO consists of two parts. Part I serves to provide to the Division the required information that has always been necessary. Part II serves as an area to provide a justification for the spill, as optional under Condition 1(2) of your permit. Form CS-SSO can be downloaded from from the Collection Systems area. An NOV, civil penalty, and/or a moratorium on the addition of waste to the system may be issued if adequate justification for an SSO is NOT submitted to the regional office. 'In order to submit a claim for justification of an SSO, you must use the Form CS-SSO with additional documentation as necessary. DWQ staff will review the justification claim and determine if enforcement action is appropriate. Please be advised that the information needed to justify a spill is very comprehensive. Begin using this form immediately to report SSOs from the collection system. Continue to use our old form for reporting bypasses at the wastewater treatment plant until further notice. The time frame for submittal of both Part! and Part II, if pertinent, is five days. Failure to abide by the conditions in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action. If any parts, requirements-eHimttatiens-eenfeined-in--this permitare-unaeceptable;you-havethe-rightto request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty days following the receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150E of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. If you have questions regarding compliance contact your regional office or Jeff Poupart of the Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit of the. North Carolina Division of Water Quality at (919) 733-5083 extension 527. If you need additional information concerning this permit, please contact Deborah Gore in the Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit at (919) 733-5083 extension 593. Sincerely, t Coleen H. Sullins cc: Union County Health Department Jeffrey Carpenter, ORC, Union County Mooresville Regional Office, Surface Water Protection Section Technical Assistance and Certification Unit Water Quality Central Files PERCS Files PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH SYSTEM -WIDE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of.Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Union County Union County FOR THE operation and maintenance of a wastewater collection system consisting of, at the time of permit . CAS) issuance, approximately 450 miles of gravity sewer, approximately 53 miles of force main, 60 duplex pump stations, and all associated piping, valves, and appurtenances required to make a complete and operational wastewater collection system to serve Union County and to receive wastewater from any deemed permitted satellite communities and the tributary wastewater collection system serving the Town of Marshville and Town of Wingate subject to their own individual collection system permit, pursuant to the application received on July 16, 2001, and in conformity with the documents referenced therein and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. aol�. This permit shall be effective from July 20, 2007 until June 30, 20 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The sewage and wastewater collected by this system shall be treated in one of the following North Carolina wastewater treatment facilities prior to being disposed into the receiving stream or via spray irrigation as permitted. This collection system permit will be referenced upon renewal or modification of your NPDES permit(s). Twelve Mile Creek WWTP NC0085359 Crooked Creek WWTP NC0069841 Hunley Creek WWTP NC0072508 Olde Sycamore WWTP WQ0011298 (exp.) Tallwood WWTP NC0069523 Grassy Branch WWTP NC0085812 City of Monroe WWTP NC0024333 _.- Charlotte -Mecklenburg McAlpine Creek WWTP NC0024970 — PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 . . The wastewater collection system shall be effectively managed, maintained and operated at all times so that there is no discharge to land or surface waters, nor any contamination of groundwater. Discharges from the wastewater collection system are referred to herein as Sanitary Sewer Overflows. (SSOs) _ In the event that the wastewater collection system fails to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate correcfive:actions, including actions that may be: required by the Division of Water • • Quality (Division), such_ as the construction of additional or replacement sewer lines and/or..,. equipment. •• The Director may.:take enforcement action against the Permittee for SSOs that must be reported to the Division as stipulated in Condition IV(2) unless the Permittee demonstrates through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that the SSO was caused by severe natural conditions; there were no feasible alternatives to the SSO, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastewater, reduction of inflow and infiltration, use of adequate back-up equipment, or an increase in the capacity of the system. This provision is not satisfied if, in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment, the Permittee should have installed auxiliary or additional collection system components, wastewater retention or treatment facilities, adequate back-up equipment or should have reduced inflow and infiltration. In addition the Permittee may establish an affirmative defense to any action brought for an SSO if the Permittee demonstrates through proper y signe , contemporaneous p�eous operating logs, or other relevant evidence the cause of the SSO and that the SSO was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee; the SSO could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control, such as proper management, of5eration and maintenance; adequate treatment facilities or collection system facilities or components (e.g., adequately enlarging treatment or collection facilities to accommodate growth or adequately controlling and preventing infiltration and inflow); preventive maintenance; or installations of adequate back-up equipment; and the Permittee took all reasonable steps to stop, and mitigate the impact of, the discharge as soon as possible. Where the_P_ermittee believes that SSO meets the criteria of either of the preceding paragraphs, the Permittee shall so inform the Division Regional Office and submit written justification for its position. The Permittee may make this submittal together with the report required by Condition IV(2) (i.e., within five working days), but in all instances must make the submittal to the appropriate Division Regional Office within 10 business days (i.e., Monday through Friday, excluding State holidays) of the date of the SSO in order to be considered far immunity from, enforcement action or eligil e-affirmativ use.. The Permittee has the burden of proof that one of the above conditions has been met. 3. The Permittee shall establish by ordinance its legal authority to require that new sewers within its jurisdiction be properly constructed; to ensure proper inspection and testing of sewer mains and service laterals; to address flows from satellite systems and to take enforcement action as required by Condition 1(4). 2 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 4. .The Permittee. shall develop and implement an educational fats, oils and grease program that shall include at least bi-annual distribution of educational material targeted at both residential and non-residential users. The Permittee shall also develop and implement an enforceable fats, oils and grease program for non-residential users under which the Permittee can take enforcement against users who have not properly installed, operated and maintained grease traps or grease interceptors as directed or otherwise violated the terms of the local ordinance pertaining to fats, oils and grease. The Permitteeshall develop and implement an inspection andenforcement program for fats, oils :and_grease within:l2,months of permit issuance. A copy of the program materials shall be provided to the Mooresville Regional Office, Surface Water Protection Section to show compliance with this condition. This schedule does not include the educational component of the program. Educational materials shall be distributed at least bi-annually, with increasing frequency and targeted areas as grease related blockages are noted. 5. The Permittee shall adopt and implement a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to designate funding for reinvestment into the wastewater collection system infrastructure. The CIP should address the short-term needs and Tong -term "master plan" concepts. The CIP should typically cover a three to five year period and include a goal statement, description of the project area, description of the existing facilities, known deficiencies (over a reasonable period) and forecasted future needs. Cost analysis is integral to the CIP. 6. Existing overflow piping from manholes and pump stations, excluding piping to approved equalization structures, known or discovered after permit issuance shall be immediately removed or permanently capped. Plugged emergency pumping connections are allowable for portable pumping or rerouting without intentionally bypassing the wastewater treatment facility. 7. The Permittee shall maintain a contingency plan for pump failure at each pump station. If one of the pumps in a pump station containing multiple pumps fails, the process of repairing or replacing the pump shall be initiated immediately and the new parts or pump shall be installed as soon as possible. If the pump in a simplex pump station fails, it shall be replaced immediately. 8. Each pump station shall be clearly and conspicuously posted with a pump station identifier and an emergency contact telephone number at which an individual who can initiate or perform emergency service for the wastewater collection system 24 hours per day, seven days per week can be contacted. This emergency contact telephone number shall be coupled with instructions that the emergency contact should be called if the visual alarm illuminates, if the audible alarm sounds, or if an emergency is apparent. Pump station sites, equipment and components shall have restricted access, per 15A NCAC 2T .0305(h) (4). 10. Pump stations that do not employ an automatic polling feature (i.e. routine contact with pump stations from a central location to check operational status of the communication system) shall have both audible and visual high water alarms. The alarms shall be weather-proof and placed in a dear and conspicuous location. Permits issued for the construction of pump stations that included high water alarms in the description must maintain the alarms even if simple telemetry (i.e. notification of an alarm condition initiated by the pump station control feature) is installed. 11. For all newly constructed, modified and rehabilitated pump stations, all equipment and components located within the pump station shall be corrosion -resistant and components in close proximity of the pump station shall be sealed within a corrosion -resistant coating or encasement. 12. All construction and rehabilitation of the wastewater collection system (i.e., permitted or deemed permitted) shall be scheduled to minimize the interruption of service by the existing utilities. Construction and rehabilitation shall not result in the violation of Condition (I) (2) of this permit. 3 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 II. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Upon classification of the collection system by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC), the Permittee shall designate and employ a certified operator to be in -responsible charge (ORC) and one or more certified operator(s)- tb'be back-up ORC(s) of the facilities in accordance with 15A NCAC'8G .0201. The ORC shall visit the system within 24 hours ,o.f knowledge. of a bypass, spill, or overflow..of wastewater from. the system, visited by the BackUp ORC; and. shall comply with all other conditions of 15A NCAC 8G .0204. 2. The Permittee shall develop and adhere to a schedule for reviewing all inspection, maintenance, operational and complaint logs. If the review process results in the identification of any recurring problem in the wastewater collection "system, that cannot be resolved in a short time period, the Permittee shall establish a plan for addressing the problem(s). 3. The Permittee shall develop and adhere to a schedule for testing emergency and standby equipment. 4. The Permittee shall develop and implement a routine pump station inspection and maintenance program, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following maintenance activities: a. Cleaning and removing debris from the pump station structure, outside perimeter, and wet well; b. Inspecting and exercising all valves; c. Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other mechanical equipment according to the manufacturer's recommendations; and d. Verifying the proper operation of the alarms, telemetry system and auxiliary equipment. 5. For each pump station without pump reliability (i.e. simplex pump stations serving more than a single building or pump stations not capable of pumping at a rate of 2.5 times the average daily flow rate with the largest pump out of service), at least one fully operational -spare pump. capable of pumping peak flow shall be maintained on hand. 6. The Permittee shall maintain on hand at least two percent of the number of pumps installed, but no less than two pumps, that discharge to a pressure sewer and serve a single building, unless the Permittee has the ability to purchase and install a replacement pump within 24 hours of first knowledge of the simplex pump failure or within the storage capacity provided in any sewer line extension permit. 7. Rights -of -way and/or easements shall be properly maintained to allow accessibility to the wastewater collection system unless the Permittee can demonstrate the ability to gain temporary access in an emergency situation where existing land -use conditions do not allow the establishment and maintenance of permanent access. In this case, the Permittee shall continue to observe the lines visually, utilize remote inspection methods (e.g. CCTV) and use the opportunity of drier conditions to perform further inspections and necessary maintenance. The Permittee shall develop and implement a schedule for clearing rights -of -way and easements such that all rights -of -way and easements shall be accessible within 12 months of the effective date of this permit. PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 8. The Permittee shall assess cleaning needs, and develop and implement a program for appropriately cleaning, whether by hydraulic or mechanical methods, all sewer lines. At least 10 percent of the wastewatercollection system, selected at the discretion of the ORC, shall be ::..cleaned each year. Preventative cleaning is not requirecl:for sewer lines less than five years old unless inspection otherwise reveals the need for cleaning or cleaning is required by a sewer line. extension permit. The Permittee is responsible for tracking the linear feet of sewer lines cleaned annually. Sewer lines up to 12" diameter shall be counted by actual linear foot cleaned. Sewer lines greater than 12" shall be counted using the following formula: (diameter of pipe cleaned /12") * linear feet cleaned. 9. Adequate- measures shall be taken to contain and properly dispose of materials associated with SSOs. The Permittee shall maintain a Response Action Plan that addresses the following minimum items: a. Contact phone numbers for 24-hour response, including weekends and holidays; b. Response time; c. Equipment list and spare parts inventory; d. Access to cleaning equipment; e. Access to construction crews, contractors and/or engineers; f. Source(s) of emergency funds; g. Site sanitation and clean up materials; and h. Post-SSO assessment. 10. The Permittee, or their authorized representative, shall conduct an on -site evaluation for all SSOs as soon as possible, but no more than two hours after first knowledge of the SSO. 11. In the event of a SSO or blockage within the wastewater collection system, the Permittee shall restore the system operation, remove visible solids and paper, sanitize any ground area and restore the surroundings. III. RECORDS 1. Records shall be maintained to document compliance with Conditions 1(4), II(2) - 11(4), 11(7) - 11(8), IV(3) and V(1) -V(4). Records shall be kept on file for a minimum of three years. 2. The Permittee shall maintain adequate records pertaining to SSOs, and complaints for a minimum of three years. These records shall include, but are not limited to, the following information: a. Date of SSO or complaint; b. Volume of wastewater released as a result of the SSO and/or nature of complaint; c. Location of the SSO and/or complaint; d. Estimated duration of the SSO; e. Individual from the Division who was informed about the SSO and/or complaint, when applicable; f. Final destination of the SSO; g. Corrective actions; h. Known environmental/human health impacts resulting from the SSO; and i. How the SSO was discovered. 5 • PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 3. The Permittee shall maintain an up-to-date, accurate, comprehensive map of its wastewater collection system that -also Notes the locations where other wastewater collection systems . . • become -tributary. If a comprehensive map of the collection system has not: been established, a rough sketch`shall be drawn. The Permittee shall map approximately 10 percent of its existing collection system each year for the next ten years, or until complete, whichever is sooner. The comprehensive map shall include, but is not limited to: pipe size, pipe material, pipe location, flow direction, approximate pipe age, number of active service taps, and each pump station identification, location and capacity. 4.. The Permittee shall maintain records of all of the modifications and extensions to the collection system permitted herein. The Permittee shall maintain a copy of the construction record drawings and specifications for modifications/extensions to the wastewater collection system for the life of the modification/extension. Information concerning the extension shall be incorporated into the map of the wastewater collection system within one year of the Completion of construction. The system description contained within this permit shall be updated to include this modification/extension information upon permit renewal. IV. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Any monitoring (including, but not necessarily limited to, wastewater flow, groundwater, surface water, soil or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division to ensure surface water and groundwater protection will be established, and an acceptable sampling and reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. The Permittee shall verbally report to a Division of Water Quality staff member at the Mooresville Regional Office, at telephone number 704-663-1699 as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of either of the following: . a. Any SSO and/or spill over 1,000 gallons; or b. Any SSO and/or spill, regardless of volume, that reaches surface water. Voice mail messages or faxed information shall not be considered as the initial verbal report. SSOs (and other types of spills) occurring outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Division of Emergency Management at telephone number (800) 858-0368 or (919) 733-3300. Persons reporting any of the above occurrences shall file a spill report by completing Part 1 of Form CS-SSO (or the most current Division approved form), within five days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to ensure that the problem does not recur. Per Condition 1(2), Part II of Form CS-SSO (or the most current Division approved form) can also be completed to show that the SSO was beyond control. 3. The Permittee shall meet the annual reporting and notification requirements provided in North Carolina General Statute § 143-215.1 C: V. INSPECTIONS 1. The Permittee or the Permittee's designee shall inspect the wastewater collection system regularly to reduce the risk of malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors, and other issues that may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, threaten human health or create nuisance conditions. The Permittee shall keep an inspection log or summary including, at a minimum, the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. 6 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 :. waters, siphon, line positioned parallel to stream banks that are subject to eroding in such a manner that may threaten the'sewer line, or line designated as high -priority in a permit) shall be Performed at least once Fier eve six-month " eriod of time: A list of high -priority lines is,ry presented as Attachment A and is hereby incorporated into this permit condition. New high priority lines installed or identified after permit issuance are incorporated by reference and subject to this permit condition until permit renewal where they shall be referenced in writing in Attachment A. VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is not transferable. In the event that the Permittee desires to transfer ownership of the wastewater collection system or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit modification request shall be submitted to the Division. The request shall be accompanied by documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be • appropriate. Such request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 2 Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statute §143-215.6A through §143-215.6C, and a sewer moratorium may be established. 3. The issuance of this permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (i.e., local, state, and federal) having jurisdiction, including but not limited to applicable river buffer rules in 15A NCAC 2B .0200, soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements in 15A NCAC Chapter 4 and under the Division's General Permit NCG010000, and any requirements pertaining_to we#lands-under-15A-NGAB 0200-and-1-5-A-NeA-C-2 OS-00and all app icable North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Act health and safety standards. 4. The -issuance of this permit does not prohibit the Division from reopening and modifying the permit, revoking and reissuing the permit or terminating the permit as allowed by the laws, rules, and regulations contained in 15A NCAC Chapter 2T and North Carolina General Statute §143-215.I et. al., or as needed to address changes in federal regulations with respect to the wastewater collection system. 5 The Permittee shall pay the annual fee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15A NCAC 2T .0105(e) (3). . 6 The Permittee shall request renewal of this permit at least six months prior to the expiration of this permit. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the wastewater collection system described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for a period of time and under such conditions and limitations, as the Commission may deem appropriate. 7. The Permittee shall notify the Division's Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit in writing at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 of any changes to the name and/or address of the responsible party (i.e. mayor, city/town manager) of the wastewater collection system. Pump stations without Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems or telemetry shall be inspected everyday (i.e. 365 days per year). Pump stations equipped with SCADA systems or telemetry shall be inspected at least once per week. 3. A general observation of the entire collection system shall be performed throughout the course' • • of every year. 4 . inspections of all {Mlrtih.fariori C,._Ii. (Le. 1 line; _..1_ . -' cro§sing, line contacting surface- 7 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 8. . Any duly authorized officer,. employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the collection system at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit, may .. inspect.or copy_ any records that must be maintained under the terms and conditions of this,.. permit, and may obtain samples of wastewater, groundwater, surface water, soil, or plant tissue. 9: The_collection_system operator /,_contact.shall.keep a,copy of this permit_on.hand,and_be to produce it uponcrequest of the Division during a compliance inspection or other on'; -site visit., 10. This permit shall:become voidable unless the agreement between Union County and the City of Monroe; and Charlotte-Mecklenberg Utilities for the collection and finaltreatment of wastewater in sin full force and effect. Permit issued this the 20th day of July 2007 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION i,n Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission, Permit Number WQCS00054 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 Attachment A High Priority and Aerial Sewer Mains Label Location Type Pipe Material Pipe Size Length P Po in Road P/S PR-01 Shannamara Drive A Aerial DIP 8 Inch 35 Feet PR-02 Shannamara Outfall at Plant Aerial DIP 8 Inch .. 31 Feet PR-03 End of Shadow Lake Aerial DIP 8 Inch 80 Feet PR-04 Hunley Creek Force Main Aerial DIP 12 Inch 60 Feet PR-05 Shannamara Drive B Aerial DIP 8 Inch 6 Feet C Crooked Creek CC-01 Lake Park tie in at Faith Church Road Bridge Surface Water DIP 8 Inch 15 Feet CC-02 Ashcroft Tie-in Aerial DIP 8 Inch 21 Feet CC-03 WaI-mart Tie in Aerial DIP 8 Inch 12 Feet CC-04 Brittany Downs Tie in Surface Water DIP 8 Inch 10 Feet CC-05 Behind Brooke Lane Surface Water DIP 6 Inch 6 Feet CC-06 Forest Park Outfall Surface Water DIP 8 Inch 18 Feet E East -Side ES-01 Trellis Aerial DIP 8 Inch 110 Feet ES-02 Jail Aerial DIP 6 Inch 90 Feet ES-03 Bob White Circle Surface Water DIP 8 Inch 18 Feet ES-04 Station 1 at Creek Crossing Surface Water Clay 24 inch 36 Feet 1 12 Mile TM-01 Waxhaw Outfall at Plant Aerial DIP 12-Inch- 7 Feet- TM-02 New Village tie in• Aerial DIP 8 Inch 72 Feet TM-03 Sandalwood Aerial DIP 8 Inch 7 Feet TM-04 21-25 Outfall behind Waxhaw Public Works Aerial DIP 8 Inch 110 Feet TM-05 Harrison Park Aerial DIP 8 Inch 40 Feet TM-06 Off Billy Howey Rd Aerial DIP 8 Inch 162 Feet TM-07 End of Kingston on Providence Aerial DIP 8 Inch 41 Feet TM-08 Aston Manor Tie In Aerial DIP 8 Inch 12 Feet TM-09 12 Mile Creek Crossing at Stonegate Tie-in Surface Water DIP 24 Inch 50 Feet TM-10 Brook Valley Aerial DIP 8 Inch 18 Feet TM-11 Prescott Aerial DIP 12 Inch 12 Feet TM-12 Cureton Aerial DIP 8 Inch 70 Feet • T Tall Wood TW-01 Trunk Line beside Creek Erosion PVC 8 Inch 2000 Feet O Olde S ycamore OS-01 Beside Station 1 Surface Water DIP 8 Inch 4 Feet • Aerial -Sewer Mains that are above ground and usually crossing over creeks. * Surface Water -Sewer Mains that is in the bed of the creek where the pipe is exposed to surface water constantly. * High Priority -Generally a Sewer Main that carries large amounts of flow or main lines that require repeat maintance. * Erosion -Sewer Mains that may be at risk for Erosion. I - Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality Issue Date Christine Putnam, Public Works Director Union County 400 N. Church Street Monroe, NC 28111 ..01- L.N1,1 4.-0l h.wl IN, AND NA,TUPflP,E3OLIRCE3 VOORESSVILLkE t7:77.0iONAL OFFICE DEC 1 9 200, Subject: DRAFT Permit No. WC : Sf SOS 1 Union County .)i-a r � ���� Union County Collection System Dear Ms. Putnam: In accordance with your application received on July 16, 2001, as well as the additional information received in 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2006 through compliance inspections, meetings and discussions, we are forwarding herewith Permit No.WQCS00054, dated Date, to Union County for the•operation and maintenance of the subject wastewater collection system. Please respond with any comments by January 19, 2007. If no comment is received the permit will be issued as written. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until Date (renewal date — no more than 5 years from permit issuance). .This permit shall be subject to the conditions and limitations specified herein. It is your responsibility to thoroughly review this permit. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring and reporting requirements in this permit. Compliance schedules requiring action and regional office notification are shown in bold. A summary of your schedules are presented below: Permit Condition Activity Compliance Date I., 3 Establish legal authority 12 months I., 4 Develop and implement educational FOG program 12 months II., 7 Clear rights -of -way and easements 12 months For purposes of permitting, the collection system is considered to be any existing or newly installed system extension up to the wastewater treatment facility property or point of connection with a separately owned sewer system. The collection system is considered all gravity lines, pump stations, force mains, low pressure sewer systems, STEP systems, vacuum systems, etc. and associated piping, valves and appurtenances that help to collect, manage and transport wastewater to a wastewater treatment plant under the Permittee's ownership or maintained and operated by the Permittee through a perpetual legal agreement. Satellite systems are systems tributary to the Permittee's collection system but those collection systems are not owned or maintained by the Permittee. The system description provided on Page 1 of this permit is meant to provide a general idea about the size of the system and may not be all inclusive of the collection system at the time of permit issuance or afterward. A release of wastewater from the wastewater collection system is referred to herein as a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO). The evaluation of enforcement options after a SSO will be determined considering the criteria listed in condition 1(2) (a) and 1(2) (b) of the permit and all other relevant information available or requested of the Permittee. Compliance with all conditions of the permit as well as all statutes and regulations pertaining to the collection system must be maintained or appropriate enforcement actions may be taken as noted in Condition VI(21. NorthCarolina Naturally Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unitlnternet 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919) 733-0059 DENR Customer Service Center Telephone 1 800 623-7748 An Equal Opportunity Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper Ms. Christine Putnam DATE Page 2 A reportable SSO is a SSO greater than 1,000 gallons to the ground or a SSO of any amount that reaches surface water (including through ditches, storm drains, etc.) Below is the procedure to use for reporting SSOs to the Division: 1. Report by telephone to a Division of Water Quality staff member (not facsimile or voicemail) at your regional DWQ office during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8AM to 5PM) as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours after the SSO is known or discovered. To report outside of regular business hours, call (800) 858-0368 j 2. Follow up the verbal report by sending a complet writte►' report on the most current Division approved form within five days. To provide a uniform method for all systems covere• ede iss p: rmi '.nd to provide useful and consistent information pertaining to SSOs, a news ill rep/. ting form gas b: en developed (October 2003). Form CS-SSO consists of two parts. Part I serves to •rovide to the the required information that has always been necessary. Part II serves as •n a : a;t% ovide a ju 'fica '•n for the spill, as optional under Condition 1(2) of your permit. Form -SS4 can,•e downloa from from the ol(ection Sy ems ®ea. An NOV, civil penalty, and/or a moratori adequate justification for an SSO is NOT sub justification of an SSO, you mus DWQ staff will review the justify be advised that the inform ion immediately to report SSOs bypasses at the wastewater tre.•tme Part I and Part II, if pi i = is five Failure to abide parts, requirements, request an adjudicate permit. This request must Carolina General Statutes, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Unles ddition w. e to the system may be issued if t''c..regio `• I of e. In order to submit a claim for be Form S-S)ith :. ditio documentation as necessary. im an & et rmine,if e ` •rcement action is appropriate. Please ed"to justify spill<i ve ' omprehensive. Begin using this form Ilecion systntinue to use our old form for reporting pla,il further Lice. The time frame for submittal of both ays. fma " subject the Permittee to enforcement action. If any Caine. in t s permit are unacceptable, you have the right to on,written '-quest within thirty days following the receipt of this rm`,•f a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, uch de ands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. / If you have questions regarding compliance contact your regional office or Jeff Poupart of the Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality at (919) 733-5083 extension 527. If you need additional information concerning this permit, please contact Deborah Gore in the Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit at (919) 733-5083 extension 593. Sincerely, DRAFT Alan W. Klimek, P.E. cc: «Facility_County» County Health Department Wastewater Collection System ORC/PUD, «Owner_Narne» Mares ,tlle R`egiontiikj.ffice;-Surface=Water--Protection S e,t n� Technical Assistance and Certification Unit Water Quality Central Files PERCS Files 2 DRAFT PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 11/06 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH SYSTEM -WIDE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 1437 ener:3Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, R `yes, and' egulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY/ «Owner «Facility :Count operation and maintenance of a wastewater col issuance, approximately 276 miles o'gra ` sewer, pump stations, and all associated/iping,,yal and operational wastewater collectio satellite communities and the tribu Town of Wingate subject to -their own received on July 16, 200/1 and in nfor supporting data subsea Resources and conside s, 'mate and ppurt serve. ,pio- • sf wolf ,collecl'on dividual colle wi ove of, at the time of permit es of force main, 68 duplex en' ,ce` equired to make a complete ou y and any deemed permitted stem serving the Town of Marshville and permit, pursuant to the application ents referenced therein and other epartment of Environment and Natural This permit shall be effective m e db e of issuance until Date (renewal date- no more than 5 years from permit issuance) and shalle su 'et to'e following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The sewage and wastewater collected by this system shall be treated in one of the following North Carolina wastewater treatment facilities prior to being disposed into the receiving stream or via spray irrigation as permitted. This collection system permit will be referenced upon renewal or modification of your NPDES permit(s). Twelve Mile Creek WWTP NC0085359 Crooked Creek WWTP NC0069841 Hunley Creek WWTP NC0072508 Olde Sycamore WWTP WQ001 1298 (exp.) Tallwood WWTP NC0069523 Grassy Branch WWTP NC0085812 City of Monroe WWTP NC0024333 Charlotte -Mecklenburg McAlpine Creek WWTP NC0024970 1 DRAFT PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 11/06 2. The wastewater collection system shall be effectively managed, maintained and operated at all times so that there is no discharge to land or surface waters, nor any contamination of groundwater. Discharges from the wastewater collection system are referred to herein as Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs). In the event that the wastewater collection system fails to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions, including actions that may be required by the Division of Water Quality (Division), such as the construction of additional or replacement sewer lines and/or equipment. The Director may take enforcement action against the Permittee for SSOs that must be reported to the Division as stipulated in Condition IV(2) unless the Permittee demonstrates through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs, or other:r: evant evidence that the SSO was caused by severe natural conditions; there were no feasib - al natives to the SSO, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated waste '•ter, reduction of inflow and infiltration, use of adequate back-up equipment, or a % increas the capacity of the system. This provision is not satisfied if, in the exercise of reas•nale ;ine: ing judgment, the Permittee should have installed auxiliary or additional coll9 'io yst-m coy po -nts, wastewater retention or treatment facilities, adequate back-up egyimen, ' should ha re . ced inflow and infiltration. < ,^ In addition, the Permittee may establish an affirmive efens to any ac '• •rought for an SSO if_the_Permittee_demonstrates through,.• . •erlysignee contmpor_aneous_operating _logs. or other relevant evidence the cause of he S • and tha e • was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors bey• d t e r onable on •I of the Permittee; the SSO could not have been prevented by the e er\ of r= sonab co trot, such as proper management, operation and•-=' ,tenanc_ a• - ate -atmea facilities or collection system facilities or components (e. , adeq •tely en •rgi g treatme, or collection facilities to accommodate growth or •deq ely ontrolli • andrre -, ing infiltration and inflow); preventive maintenance; . ins It�lat ns ►f adeq te'` ack-up equipment; and the Permittee took all reasonable steps to s s •, d mit e the ipgct of, the discharge as soon as possible. Where the Permit -e be i- es SO`�. -ts the'teria of either of the preceding paragraphs, the Permittee s "• - n R_•io`•I,� fice and submit written justification for its position. The Pe ma bmi al together with the report required by Condition IV(2) (i.e., within fiv wor' g . •ys), ` t in . I j 'tances must make the submittal to the appropriate Division •io 01 O f'ce within 1 e business days (i.e., Monday through Friday, excluding State holidays of th'; o •te ®f the SSO in order to be considered for immunity from enforcement action or eligi.le for the,+ffirmative defense. The Permittee has the burden of proof that one of the above c diti®s has been met. II so inform itte m: tha Divi '. - this 3. The Permittee shall establish by or•inance its legal authority to require new sewers be properly constructed; to ensure proper inspection and testing of sewer mains and service laterals; to address flows from satellite systems and to take enforcement action as required by Condition 1(4). The Permittee shall develop and adopt an ordinance meeting this permit condition within 12 months of permit issuance. A copy of the adopted ordinance shall be provided to the Mooresville Regional Office, Surface Water Protection Section to show compliance with this condition. 2 DRAFT PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 11/06 4. The Permittee shall develop and implement an educational fats, oils and grease program targeted at both residential and non-residential users. The Permittee shall also develop and implement an enforceable fats, oils and grease program for non-residential users under which the Permittee can take enforcement against users who have not properly installed, operated and maintained grease traps or grease interceptors as directed or otherwise violated the terms of the local ordinance pertaining to fats, oils and, grease. The Permittee shall develop and implement an inspection and enforcement program for fats, oils and grease within 12 months of permit issuance. A copy of the program materials shall be provided to the Mooresville Regional Office, Surface Water Protection Section to show compliance with this condition. This schedule does not include the educational component of the program. Educational materials shall be distributed at le .• tannually, with increasing frequency and targeted areas as grease related blockag are . oted. 5. The Permittee shall adopt and implement a Capital Im /oveme funding for reinvestment into the wastewater collectio* system in address the short-term needs and long-term 'mast la' ... cover a three to five year period and include a description of the existing facilities, known defi forecasted future needs. Cost analysis is integr • oal s ienci9 to t 6. Existing overflow piping from manholes and pump equalization structures; known or disc: er • ,afterpe removed or permanently capped. PI gged e ergency portable pumping or rerouting without iiiten I ' .ypassi tement, . - (over a reaso C 7. The Permittee shall maintain a' atingenc 8. a of the pumps in a pump st, replacing the pump shall, as soon as possible. If the on con e initi .eumt'tn a na •o Ala • fining m d i edia im lex pum Each pump station,,shall be cI- rly and cons an emergency c.. tact phon_ nu a emergency se Ace for thew. tewa r c. e can be contac d. T ''s e`• rge • cy c ' tac instructions that th = em . en. audible alarm sounds, •r if : e Pump station sites, %d 9. equip •a co tact s ergency is of • Itip ly • r tions, e it -is `. pu pu and' sta • n um t ept sc � Plan (CIP) to designate astructure. The CIP should The CIP should typically ion of the project area, •eriod) and n abl luding pipin. to approved nce shall be immediately th failur g connections are allowable for astewater treatment facility. /t each pump station. If one 4-1 mps , the process of repairing or - . - w parts or pump shall be installed ion fails, it shall be replaced immediately. osted with a pump station identifier and t an individual who can initiate or perform c stem 24 hours per day, seven days per week • elephone number shall be coupled with u be called if the visual alarm illuminates, if the pparent. uous whi co . ponents shall have restricted access, per 15A NCAC 2T .0305(h) (4). 10. Pump stations that do not emplo . % n automatic polling feature (i.e. routine contact with pump stations from a central location to check operational status of the communication system) shall have both audible and visual high water alarms. The alarms shall be weather-proof and placed in a clear and conspicuous location. Permits issued for the construction of pump stations that included high water alarms in the description must maintain the alarms even if simple telemetry (i.e. notification of an alarm condition initiated by the pump station control feature) is installed. 11. For all newly constructed, modified and rehabilitated pump stations, all equipment and components located within the pump station shall be corrosion -resistant and components in close proximity of the pump station shall be sealed within a corrosion -resistant coating or encasement. 12. All construction and rehabilitation of the wastewater collection system (i.e., permitted or deemed permitted) shall be scheduled to minimize the interruption of service by the existing utilities. Construction and rehabilitation shall not result in the violation of Condition (1)(2) of this permit. 3 DRAFT PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 11/06 II. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Upon classification of the collection system by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC), the Permittee shall designate and employ a certified operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) and one or more certified operator(s) to be back-up ORC(s) of the facilities in accordance with 15A NCAC 8G .0201. The ORC shall visit the system within 24 hours of knowledge of a bypass, spill, or overflow of wastewater from the system, unless visited by the Back -Up ORC, and shall comply with all other conditions of 15A NCAC 8G .0204. 2; The Permittee shall develop and adhere to a schedule for reviewing all inspection, maintenance, operational and complaint logs. If the review process results in the identification of any recurring problem in the wastewater collection system, that cannot be resolved in a short time period, the Permittee shall establish a plan for address' e problem(s). 3. The Permittee shall develop and adhere to a schedulef/ c"emergency and standby equipment. 4. The Permittee shall develop and implement a rout program, which shall include, but not be limited' a. Cleaning and removing debris from the wet well; b. Inspecting and exercisin• all va c. Inspecting and lubricating pu manufacturer's recommendatio d. Verifying the proper 9n of th 5. For each pump station wit single building or pump s flow rate with the largest pu capable of pump® .eak flo 6. The Permittee sh I maintai no less than tw pum the Permittee has he knowledge of the si extension permit. at ility out pump tions( liabilit ble of .ice), shall be main n ha .at -a` har. to p hase • nd umo failure or 'g r testin , the` pum/stag her mec tele i.e. situp mp at Fast st ollowing n structur pection and maintenance ance activities: e perimeter, and equipment according to the em and auxiliary equipment. p stations serving more than a g a} a rate of 2.5 times the average daily ne fully operational spare pump and. rcent of the number of pumps installed, but res' re sewer and serve a single building, unless stall a replacement pump within 24 hours of first in the storage capacity provided in any sewer line 7. Rights -of -way and/or ease -nts shall : e properly maintained to allow accessibility to the wastewater collection system . less e Permittee can demonstrate the ability to gain temporary access in an emerge : situation where existing land -use conditions do not allow the establishment and maintenance of permanent access. In this case, the Permittee shall continue to observe the lines visually, utilize remote inspection methods (e.g. CCTV) and use the opportunity of drier conditions to perform further inspections and necessary maintenance. The Permittee shall develop and implement a schedule for clearing rights -of -way and easements such that all rights -of -way and easements shall be accessible within 12 months of the effective date of this permit. DRAFT PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 11/06 8. The Permittee shall assess cleaning needs, and develop and implement a program for appropriately cleaning, whether by hydraulic or mechanical methods, all sewer lines. At least 10 percent of the wastewater collection system, selected at the discretion of the ORC, shall be cleaned each year. Preventative cleaning is not required for sewer lines less than five years old unless inspection otherwise reveals the need for cleaning or cleaning is required by a sewer line extension permit. The Permittee is responsible for tracking the linear feet of sewer lines cleaned annually. Sewer lines up to 12" diameter shall be counted by actual linear foot cleaned. Sewer lines greater than 12" shall be counted using the following formula: (diameter of pipe cleaned /12") * linear feet cleaned. 9. Adequate measures shall be taken to contain and properly' SSOs. The Permittee shall maintain a Response Action PI ' that minimum items: 1 a. Contact phone numbers for 24-hour respon e, i kends and holidays; b. Response time; / c. Equipment list and spare parts invento, , d. Access to cleaning equipment; ' f. e. Access to construction crews, contracto .ano% eneers; f. Source(s) of emergency funds; g. Site sanitation and clean up . e s; an h. Post-SSO assessment. ose of materials associated with dresses the following 10. The Permittee, or their authorized represen ail hall ' .nduc . .n-site evaluation for all SSOs as soon as possible, but no 're n two h ursf tr first ,wledge of the SSO. / 11. In the event of a SSO or b / ckag thi ' the waktewat r ` I /ction system, the Permittee shall restore the system operatii relov vis le solid`s�andlyoaper, sanitize any ground area and restore the surroundings. III. RECORDS 1. Records shall be m 'ntai ed dooumen pliance with Conditions 1(4), 11(2) - 11(4), 11(7) - 11(8), IV(3) and V(1)-V(4). cor sh I be,kept on file for a minimum of three years. 2. The Permittee shall maint a uate records pertaining to SSOs, and complaints for a minimum of three years. The recor ` shall include, but are not limited to, the following information: a. Date of SSO or complaint; b. Volume of wastewater released as a result of the SSO and/or nature of complaint; c. Location of the SSO and/or complaint; d. Estimated duration of the SSO; e. Individual from the Division who was informed about the SSO and/or complaint, when applicable; f. Final destination of the SSO; g. Corrective actions; h. Known environmental/human health impacts resulting from the SSO; and i. How the SSO was discovered. 5 DRAFT PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 11/06 3. The Permittee shall maintain an up-to-date, accurate, comprehensive map of its wastewater collection system that also notes the locations where other wastewater collection systems become tributary. If a comprehensive map of the collection system has not been established, a rough sketch shall be drawn. The Permittee shall map approximately 10 percent of its existing collection system each year for the next ten years, or until complete, whichever is sooner. The comprehensive map shall include, but is not limited to: pipe size, pipe material, pipe location, flow direction, approximate pipe age, number of active service taps, and each pump station identification, location and capacity. 4. The Permittee shall maintain records of all of the modifications and extensions to the collection system permitted herein. The Permittee shall maintain a copy of the construction record wastewater collection system for extension shall be !thin one year of the hin this permit shall be updated on •er %' ren_wal. drawings and specifications for modifications/extensions to t the life of the modification/extension. Information concer incorporated into the map of the wastewater collectio ystem completion of construction. The system description co`tained to include this modification/extension information u IV. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENT 1. Any monitoring (including, but not necessarily limi water, soil -or plant -tissue -analyses) dee%� ! eces and groundwater protection will be establis''`: d, a schedule shall be followed. 2. The Permittee shall verbally report to a Div! Regional Office, at telephon than 24 hours following th, following: a. Any SSO and/or spill o b. Any SSO/ d/or s Voice mail me` ages, SSOs (and other the Division of Emer Persons reporting any Form CS-SSO (or the ►'.edi spi oc ncy an o the••o most urre knowledge of the occurrenc that the problem does not recu Division approved form) can also be completed to show that the SSO was beyond control. 3. The Permittee shall meet the annual reporting and notification requirements provided in North Carolina General Statute § 143-215.1 C. or first ater flow, r:undwater, surface ivisionJo ensure surface_w_ater table sampling and reporting f member at the Mooresville as possible, but in no case more owled , oft e occurrence of either of the s nd d to, wast a' b-y r ualit as soo at reaches surface water. This re P/ n be considered as the initial verbal report. rring 0utsi• - normal business hours may also be reported to gement at ephone number (800) 858-0368 or (919) 733-3300. currences shall file a spill report by completing Part 1 of n approved form), within five days following first ort shall outline the actions taken or proposed to ensure Condition 1(2), Part II of Form CS-SSO (or the most current V. INSPECTIONS 1. The Permittee or the Permittee's designee shall inspect the wastewater collection system regularly to reduce the risk of malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors, and other issues that may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, threaten human health or create nuisance conditions. The Permittee shall keep an inspection log or summary including, at a minimum, the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. 2. Pump stations without Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems or telemetry shall be inspected everyday (i.e. 365 days per year). Pump stations equipped with SCADA systems or telemetry shall be inspected at least once per week. 6 DRAFT PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 11/06 A general observation of the entire collection system shall be performed throughout the course of every year. Inspections of all high priority lines (i.e. aerial line, sub -waterway crossing, line contacting surface waters, siphon, line positioned parallel to stream banks that are subject to eroding in such a manner that may threaten the sewer line, or line designated as high -priority in a permit) shall be performed at least once per every six-month period of time. A list of high -priority lines is presented as Attachment A and is hereby incorporated into this permit condition. New high priority lines installed or identified after permit issuance are incorporated by reference and subject to this permit condition until permit renewal where they shall be referenced in writing in Attachment A. VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is not transferable. In the event that the Pei- wastewater collection system or there is a name cha modification request shall be submitted to the Divis' documentation from the parties involved, and ot/ appropriate. Such request will be considered 2. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitatio Permittee to an enforcement action by the Divisio S#atu#e--1--4J-215.6A through-3 <:e nd-e-s 3. The issuance of this permit does not e statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinance (Le., local, state, and federal);having juris buffer rules in 15A NCAC 2B : 00, I erosio NCAC Chapter 4 and and r the,Divisi pertaining to wetlands u <.er 1 North Carolina Occupation 4. The issuance of permit, revoking and regulation et. al.; or as nee collection system. t i does of pro nd reissui '`+ the : -rmi ` .r Cont." =.,in I + NCA,Ch •=d to'+ddrz s c' .nges" s mpt th thaw Gen B .020 iealth it the n. er its m coati "res to transfer ownership of the ermittee, a formal permit hall be accompanied by p.rting its and ma ain this per nce with ,ermitte cord e clu. a. edimen ral Perr sandi! Is as may be not be approved. subject the Carolina General orium-may-be-established. complying with any and all impos b ether government agencies but a imited to applicable river tion control requirements in 15A 010000, and any requirements 5A 'CAC 2H .0500and all applicable Ith and safety standards. 0 visidfi from reopening and modifying the ng the permit as allowed by the laws, rules, to and North Carolina General Statute §143-215.1 ral regulations with respect to the wastewater 5. The Permittee shall pay t - an,uoI fee=within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee acco'•ingly ma' cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15A NCAC 2T.c, 05(e 3). 6. The Permittee shall request renewal of this permit at least six months prior to the expiration of this permit. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the wastewater collection system described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for a period of time and under such conditions and limitations, as the Commission may deem appropriate. 7. The Permittee shall notify the Division's Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit in writing at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 of any changes to the name and/or address of the responsible party (i.e. mayor, city/town manager) of the wastewater collection system. 8. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the collection system at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit, may inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of wastewater, groundwater, surface water, soil, or plant tissue. 7 DRAFT PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 11/06 9. The collection system operator / contact -shall keep a copy of this permit on hand and be able to produce it upon request of the Division during a compliance inspection or other on -site visit. 10. This permit shall become voidable unless the agreement between Union County and the City of Monroe, and Charlotte-Mecklenberg Utilities for the collection and final treatment of wastewater in sin full force and effect. Permit issued this the Date day of Date, 2005 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DRAFT Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Com Permit Number WQCS00054 8 DRAFT PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 11/06 �c�jC CL tnil4-t Michael F. Easley, G6`yernor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins, Director -.: Division of Water Quality CERTIFIED MAIL / RETURN RECEIPT Christie Putnam, Public Works Director Union County 400 N. Church Street Monroe, NC 28111 July 20, 2007 Subject: Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Union County Collection System Dear Ms. Putnam: In accordance with your application received on July 16, 2001, as well as the additional information received in 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2006 through compliance inspections, meetings and discussions, we are forwarding herewith Permit No.WQCS00054, dated July 20, 2007, to Union County for the operation and maintenance of the subject wastewater collection system. This permit shall be effective from the July 20, 2007 until June 30, 2012. This permit shall be subject to the conditions and limitations specified herein. It is your responsibility to thoroughly review this permit. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring and reporting requirements in this permit. Compliance schedules requiring action and regional office notification are shown in bold. A summary of your schedules are presented below: • Permit Condition Activity Compliance Date I., 4 Develop and implement educational FOG program 12 months II., 7 Clear rights -of -way and easements 12 months For purposes of permitting, the collection system is considered to be any existing or newly installed system extension up to the wastewater treatment facility property or point of connection with a separately owned sewer system. The collection system is considered all gravity lines, pump stations, force mains, low pressure sewer systems, STEP systems, vacuum systems, etc. and associated piping, valves and appurtenances that help to collect, manage and transport wastewater to a wastewater treatment plant under the Permittee's ownership or maintained and operated by the Permittee through a perpetual legal agreement. Satellite systems are systems tributary to the Permittee's collection system but those collection systems are not owned or maintained by the Permittee. The system description provided on Page 1 of this permit is meant to provide a general idea about the size of the system and may not be all inclusive of the collection system at the time of permit issuance or afterward. A release of wastewater from the wastewater collection system is referred to herein as a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO). The evaluation of enforcement options after a SSO will be determined considering the criteria listed in condition 1(2) (a) and 1(2) (b) of the permit and all other relevant information available or requested of the Permittee. Compliance with all conditions of the permit as well as all statutes and regulations pertaining to the collection system must be maintained or appropriate enforcement actions may be taken as noted in Condition VI(2). Nne orthCarolina Naturally Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unitlnternet 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919) 733-0059 DENR Customer Service Center Telephone 1 800 623-7748 Ms. Christine Putnam July 20, 207 Page 2 A reportable SSO is a SSO greater than 1,000 gallons to the ground or a SSO of any amount that reaches surface water (including through ditches, storm drains, etc.) Below is the procedure to use for reporting SSOs to. the Division: 1. Report. by: telephone to a Division of Water Quality staff member (not facsimile or voicemail) at your regional DWQ Office during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8AM to 5PM) as soon as possible., but in no case more than 24 hours after the SSO is known or discovered. To report outside of regular business hours, call (800) 858-0368. 2. Follow up the verbal report by sending a completed written report on the most current Division approved form within five days. To provide a uniform method for all systems coveredunder this permit and to provide useful and consistent information pertaining to SSOs, a new spill reporting form has been developed (October 2003). Form CS-SSO consists of two parts. Part I serves to provide to the Division the required information that has always been necessary. Part 11 serves as an area to provide a justification for the spill, as optional under Condition 1(2) of your permit. Form CS-SSO can be downloaded from from the Collection Systems area. An NOV, civil penalty, and/or a moratorium on the addition of waste to the system may be issued if adequate justification for an SSO is NOT submitted to the regional office. In order to submit a claim for justification of an SSO, you must use the Form CS-SSO with additional documentation as necessary. DWQ staff will review the justification claim and determine if enforcement action is appropriate. Please be advised that the information needed to justify a spill is very comprehensive. Begin using this form immediately to report SSOs from the collection system. Continue to use our old form for reporting bypasses at the wastewater treatment plant until further notice. The time frame for submittal of both Part I and Part II, if pertinent, is five days. Failure to abide by the conditions in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action. If any parts, requirer rents oHimitetions eorn#ained-in-this-per-mif-are-unacceptable you have -the right -to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty days following the receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150E of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. If you have questions regarding compliance contact your regional office or Jeff Poupart of the Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality at (919) 733-5083 extension 527. If you need additional information concerning this permit, please contact Deborah Gore in the Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit at (919) 733-5083 extension 593. Sincerely, 'At\ Coleen H. Sullins cc: Union County Health Department Jeffrey Carpenter, ORC, Union County Mooresville Regional Office, Surface Water Protection Section Technical Assistance and Certification Unit Water Quality Central Files PERCS Files . PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH SYSTEM -WIDE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of. Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as - amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Union County Union County FOR THE operation and maintenance of a wastewater collection system consisting of, at the time of permit issuance, approximately 450 miles of gravity sewer, approximately 53 miles of force main, 60 duplex pump stations, and all associated piping, valves, and appurtenances required to make a complete and operational wastewater collection system to serve Union County and to receive wastewater from any deemed permitted satellite communities and the tributary wastewater collection system serving the Town of Marshville and Town of Wingate subject to their own individual collection system permit, pursuant to the application received on July 16, 2001, and in conformity with the documents referenced therein and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from July 20, 2007 until June 30, 2012 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The sewage and wastewater collected by this system shall be treated in one of the following North Carolina wastewater treatment facilities prior to being disposed into the receiving stream or via spray irrigation as permitted. This collection system permit.will be referenced upon renewal or modification of your NPDES permit(s). Twelve Mile Creek WWTP NC0085359 Crooked Creek WWTP NC0069841 Hunley Creek WWTP NC0072508 Olde Sycamore WWTP WQ0011298 (exp.) Tallwood WWTP NC0069523 Grassy Branch WWTP NC0085812 City of Monroe WWTP NC0024333 Charlotte -Mecklenburg McAlpine Creek WWTP NC0024970 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 The wastewater collection system shall be effectively managed, maintained and operated at all times so that there is no discharge to land or surface waters, nor any contamination of groundwater. Discharges from the wastewater collection system are referred to herein as Sanitary Sewer Overflows. (SSOs) _ In the event that the wastewater collection system fails to . . perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective.:actions,.including actions that may be required by the Division of Water. Quality (Division), -such: as the construction of additional or replacement sewer lines and/or..,. equipment. .. •The Director may_:take enforcement action against the Permittee forSSOs that must be reported to the Division as stipulated in Condition IV(2) unless the Permittee demonstrates through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that the SSO was caused by severe natural conditions; there were no feasible alternatives to the SSO, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastewater, reduction of inflow and infiltration, use of adequate back-up equipment, or an increase in the capacity of the system. This provision is not satisfied if, in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment, the Permittee should have installed auxiliary or additional collection system components, wastewater retention or treatment facilities, adequate back-up equipment or should have reduced inflow and infiltration. In addition, the Permittee may establish an affirmative defense to any action brought for an SSO if the Permittee demonstrates through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence the cause of the SSO and that the SSO was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee; the SSO could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control, such as proper management, operation and maintenance; adequate treatment facilities or collection system facilities or components (e.g., adequately enlarging treatment or collection facilities to accommodate growth or adequately controlling and preventing infiltration and inflow); preventive maintenance; or installations of adequate back-up equipment; and the Permittee took all reasonable steps to stop, and mitigate the impact of, the discharge as soon as possible. Where the Permittee helieies-that,S.SO meets the criteria of either of the preceding paragraphs, the Permittee shall so inform the Division Regional Office and submit written justification for its position. The Permittee may make this submittal together with the report required by Condition IV(2) (i.e., within five working days), but in all instances must make the submittalto the appropriate Division Regional Office within 10 business days (i.e., Monday through Friday, excluding State holidays) of the date of the SSO in order to be considered for immunity from enforcement action or eligible for the affirmative defense. The Permittee has the burden of proof that one of the above conditions has been met. The Permittee shall establish by ordinance its legal authority to require that new sewers within its jurisdiction be properly constructed; to ensure proper inspection and testing of sewer mains and service laterals; to address flows from satellite systems and to take enforcement action as required by Condition 1(4). 2 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 4. .The Permittee.shall .develop and implement an educational fats, oils and grease program that shall include at least bi-annual distribution of educational material targeted at both residential and non-residential users. The Permittee shall also develop and implement an enforceable fats, oils and grease program for non-residential users under which the Permittee can take enforcement against users who have not properly installed, operated and maintained grease traps or grease interceptors as directed or otherwise violated the terms of the local ordinance pertaining to fats, oils and grease. :The Permittee shall develop and implement an inspection andenforcement program for fats, oils __and grease within-12 months of permit issuance. A copy of the program materials shall be provided to the Mooresville Regional Office, Surface Water Protection Section to show compliance with this condition. This schedule does not include the educational component of the program. Educational materials shall be distributed at least bi-annually, with increasing frequency and targeted areas as grease related blockages are noted. 5. The Permittee shall adopt and implement a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to designate funding for reinvestment into the wastewater collection system infrastructure. The CIP should address the short-term needs and long-term "master plan" concepts. The CIP should typically cover a three to five year period and include a goal statement, description of the project area, description of the existing facilities, known deficiencies (over a reasonable period) and forecasted future needs. Cost analysis is integral to the CIP. 6. Existing overflow piping from manholes and pump stations, excluding piping to approved equalization structures, known or discovered after permit issuance shall be immediately removed or permanently capped. Plugged emergency pumping connections are allowable for portable pumping or rerouting without intentionally bypassing the wastewater treatment facility. 7. The Permittee shall maintain a contingency plan for pump failure at each pump station. If one of the pumps in a pump station containing multiple pumps fails, the process of repairing or replacing the pump shall be initiated immediately and the new parts or pump shall be installed as soon as possible. If the pump in a simplex pump station fails, it shall be replaced immediately. 8. Each pump station shall be clearly and conspicuously posted with a pump station identifier and an emergency contact telephone number at which an individual who can initiate or perform emergency service for the wastewater collection system 24 hours per day, seven days per week can be contacted. This emergency contact telephone number shall be coupled with instructions that the emergency contact should be called if the visual alarm illuminates, if the audible alarm sounds, or if an emergency is apparent. 9. Pump station sites, equipment and components shall have restricted access, per 15A NCAC 2T .0305 (h) (4). 10. Pump stations that do not employ an automatic polling feature (i.e. routine contact with pump stations from a central location to check operational status of the communication system) shall have both audible and visual high water alarms. The alarms shall be weather-proof and placed in a clear and conspicuous location. Permits issued for the construction of pump stations that included high water alarms in the description must maintain the alarms even if simple telemetry (Le. notification of an alarm condition initiated by the pump station control feature) is installed. 11. For all newly constructed, modified and rehabilitated pump stations, all equipment and components located within the pump station shall be corrosion -resistant and components in close proximity of the pump station shall be sealed within a corrosion -resistant coating or encasement. 12. All construction and rehabilitation of the wastewater collection system (i.e., permitted or deemed permitted) shall be scheduled to minimize the interruption of service by the existing utilities. Construction and rehabilitation shall not result in the violation of Condition (I) (2) of this permit. 3 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 II. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Upon classification of the collection system by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC), the Permittee shall designate and employ a certified operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) and one or more certified operator(s)- to'be back-iip ORC(s) of the facilities in accordance with 15A NCAC 8G .0201. The ORC shall visit the system within 24 hours.of-knowledge of a bypass, spill, or overflow.of.wastewater from_the.sysfem, unless_..,. visited by 'the Back -Up ORC; and shall comply with all other conditions of 15A, NCAC 8G .0204. 2. The Permittee shall develop and adhere to a schedule for reviewing all inspection, maintenance, operational and complaint logs. If the review process results in the identification of any recurring problem in the wastewater collectionsystem, that cannot be resolved in a short time period, the Permittee shall establish a plan for addressing the problem(s). 3. The Permittee shall develop and adhere to a schedule for testing emergency and standby equipment. 4. The Permittee shall develop and implement a routine pump station inspection and maintenance program, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following maintenance activities: a. Cleaning and removing debris from the pump station structure, outside perimeter, and wet well; b. Inspecting and exercising all valves; c. Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other mechanical equipment according to the manufacturer's recommendations; and d. Verifying the proper operation of the alarms, telemetry system and auxiliary equipment. 5 For each pump station without pump reliability (Le. simplex pump stations serving more than a single building or pump stations not capable of pumping at a rate of 2.5 times the average daily flow rate with the largest pump out of service), at least one fully operational spare pump_ capable of pumping peak flow shall be maintained on hand. 6. The Permittee shall maintain on hand at least two percent of the number of pumps installed, but no less than two pumps, that discharge to a pressure sewer and serve a single building, unless the Permittee has the ability to purchase and install a replacement pump within 24 hours of first knowledge of the simplex pump failure or within the storage capacity provided in any sewer line extension permit. 7. Rights -of -way and%or easements shall be properly maintained to allow accessibility to the wastewater collection system unless the Permittee can demonstrate the ability to gain temporary access in an emergency situation where existing land -use conditions do not allow the establishment and maintenance of permanent access. In this case, the Permittee shall continue to observe the lines visually, utilize remote inspection methods (e.g. CCTV) and use the opportunity of drier conditions to perform further inspections and necessary maintenance. The Permittee shall develop and implement a schedule for clearing rights -of -way and easements such that all rights -of -way and easements shall be accessible within 12 months of the effective date of this permit. 4 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 8. The Permittee shall assess cleaning needs, and develop and implement a program for appropriately cleaning, whether by hydraulic or mechanical methods, all sewer lines. At least 10 percent of the Wastewater.collection system, selected at the discretion of the ORC, shall be cleaned each year. Preventative cleaning is not required, for sewer lineslessthan five years old unless inspection otherwise reveals the need for cleaning or cleaning is required by a sewer line. extension permit. The Permittee is responsible for tracking the linear feet of sewer lines cleaned annually. Sewer lines up to 12" diameter shall be counted by actual linear foot cleaned. Sewer lines greater than 12" shall be counted using the following formula: (diameter of pipe cleaned /12") * linear feet cleaned. 9. Adequate -measures shall be taken to contain and properly dispose of materials associated with SSOs. The Permittee shall maintain a Response Action Plan that addresses the following minimum items: a. Contact phone numbers for 24-hour response, including weekends and holidays; b. Response time; c. Equipment list and spare parts inventory; d. Access to cleaning equipment; e. Access to construction crews, contractors and/or engineers; f. Source(s) of emergency funds; g. Site sanitation and clean up materials; and h. • Post-SSO assessment. 10. The P.ermittee, or their authorized representative, shall conduct an on -site evaluation for all SSOs as soon as possible, but no more than two hours after first knowledge of the SSO. 11. In the event of a SSO or blockage within the wastewater collection system, the Permittee shall restore the system operation, remove visible solids and paper, sanitize any ground area and restore the surroundings. III. RECORDS 1. Records shall be maintained to document compliance with Conditions 1(4), 11(2) - 11(4), 11(7) - 11(8), IV(3) and V(1) -V(4). Records shall be kept on file for a minimum of three years. 2. The Permittee shall maintain adequate records pertaining to SSOs, and complaints for a minimum of three years. These records shall include, but are not limited to, the following information: a. Date of SSO or complaint; b. Volume of wastewater released as a result of the SSO and/or nature of complaint; c. Location of the SSO and/or complaint; d. Estimated duration of the SSO; e. Individual from the Division who was informed about the SSO and/or complaint, when applicable; f. Final destination of the SSO; g. Corrective actions; h. Known environmental/human health impacts resulting from the SSO; and i. How the SSO was discovered. 5 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 3. The Permittee shall maintain an up-to-date, accurate, comprehensive map of its wastewater Collection Systern that -also notes the locations where other wastewatercollection systems becometributary, if u comprehensive map of the collection system has not: been established, a rough sketch'shallbe drawn: The Permittee shall map approximately 10 percent of its existing' collection system each year for the next ten years, or until complete, whichever is sooner. The comprehensive map shall include, but is not limited to: pipe size, pipe material, pipe location, flow direction, approximate pipe age, number of active service taps, and each pump station identification, location and capacity. 4. The Permittee shall maintain records of all of the modifications and extensions to the collection system permitted herein. The Permittee shall maintain a copy of the construction record drawings and specifications for modifications/extensions to the wastewater collection system for the life of the modification/extension. Information concerning the extension shall be incorporated into the map of the wastewater collection system within one year of the completion of construction. The system description contained within this permit shall be updated to include this modification/extension information upon permit renewal. IV. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Any monitoring (including, but not necessarily limited to, wastewater flow, groundwater, surface water, soil or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division to ensure surface water and groundwater protection will be established, and an acceptable sampling and reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. The Permittee shall verbally report to a Division of Water Quality staff member at the Mooresville Regional Office, at telephone number 704-663-1699 as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours following th_e occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of either of the following: a. Any SSO and/or spill over 1,000 gallons; or b. Any SSO and/or spill, regardless of volume, that reaches surface water. Voice mail messages or faxed information shall not be considered as the initial verbal report. SSOs (and other types of spills) occurring outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Division of Emergency Management at telephone number (800) 858-0368 or (919) 733-3300. Persons reporting any of the above occurrences shall file a spill report by completing Part I of Form CS-SSO (or the most current Division approved form), within five days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to ensure that the problem does not recur. Per Condition 1(2), Part II of Form CS-SSO (or the most current Division approved form) can also be completed to show that the SSO was beyond control. 3. The Permittee shall meet the annual reporting and notification requirements provided in North Carolina General Statute § 143-215.1 C: V. INSPECTIONS 1. The Permittee or the Permittee's designee shall inspect the wastewater collection system regularly to reduce the risk of malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors, and other issues that may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, threaten human health or create nuisance conditions. The Permittee shall keep an inspection log or summary including, at a minimum, the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. 6 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 Pump stations without Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems or telemetry shall be inspected everyday (Le. 365 days per year). Pump stations equipped with SCADA systems or telemetry shall be inspected at least once per week. 3. A general observation of the entire collection system shall be performed throughout the course' of every year. 4 Inspections of all. high. priority- lines. (i:e. aerial-liner.sub-waterway crossing, line contacting surface Waters, siphon, line positioned parallel to stream banks that are subject to eroding in such a manner that may threaten "fhe'sewer line, or line designated as high -priority in a permit) shall be performedat least once per every six-month period of time. A Iisf of high -priority lines is, presented as Attachment A and is hereby incorporated into this permit condition. New high priority lines installed or identified after permit issuance are incorporated by reference and subject to this permit condition until permit renewal where they shall be referenced in writing in Attachment A. . VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is not transferable. In the event that the Permittee desires to transfer ownership of the wastewater collection system or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit modification request shall be submitted to the Division. The request shall be accompanied by documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. Such request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 2 Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statute §143-215.6A through § 143-215.6C, and a sewer moratorium may be established. 3. The issuance of this permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (i.e., local, state, and federal) having jurisdiction, including but not limited to applicable river buffer rules in 15A NCAC 2B .0200, soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements in 15A NCAC Chapter 4 and under the Division's General Permit NCG010000, and any requirements pP,rtaining4o-wefland-under-15A--NGAC 2B .0200-and 1-5-A-NC-A-2H-.o5-00and all app 'cable North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Act health and safety standards. 4. The issuance of this permit does not prohibit the Division from reopening and modifying the permit, revoking and reissuing the permit or terminating the permit as allowed by the laws, rules, and regulations contained in I5A NCAC Chapter 2T and North Carolina General Statute §143-215.1 et. al., or as needed to address changes in federal regulations with respect to the wastewater collection system. 5 The Permittee shall pay the annual fee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15A NCAC 2T .0105(e) (3). 6. The Permittee shall request renewal of this permit at least six months prior to the expiration of this permit. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the wastewater collection system described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for a period of time and under such conditions and limitations, as the Commission may deem appropriate. 7. The Permittee shall notify the Division's Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit in writing at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 of any changes to the name and/or address of the responsible party (i.e. mayor, city/town manager) of the wastewater collection system. PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 8. . Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the collection system at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit, may inspect or copy_ any records that must be maintained under the terms and conditions of this.. permit, and may obtain samples of wastewater, groundwater, surface water, soil, or plant tissue. 9. The collection_system operator /,_contactshallkeep a,cppy of. this permit on_hgnd.and_be to produce#upony.request of the Division during a compliance inspection or other on=site visit.: 10. This permit shall become voidable unless the agreement between Union County and the City of Monroe; and Charlotte-Mecklenberg Utilities for the collection and final treatment of wastewater in sin full force and effect. Permit issued this the 20th day of July 2007 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION -`,-1 Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQCS00054 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00054 Attachment A High Priority and Aerial Sewer Mains Label Location Type Pipe Material Pipe Size Length P Po.Iin Road P/S PR-01 Shannamara Drive A Aerial DIP 8 Inch 35 Feet PR-02 Shannamara Outfall at Plant Aerial DIP 8 Inch .. 31 Feet PR-03 End of Shadow Lake Aerial DIP 8 Inch 80 Feet PR-04 Hunley Creek Force Main Aerial DIP 12 Inch 60 Feet PR-05 Shannamara Drive B Aerial DIP 8 Inch 6 Feet C Crooked Creek CC-01 Lake Park tie in at Faith Church Road Bridge Surface Water DIP 8 Inch 15 Feet CC-02 Ashcroft Tie-in Aerial DIP 8 Inch 21 Feet CC-03 WaI-mart Tie in Aerial DIP 8 Inch 12 Feet CC-04 Brittany Downs Tie in Surface Water DIP 8 Inch 10 Feet CC-05 Behind Brooke Lane Surface Water DIP 6 Inch 6 Feet CC-06 Forest Park Outfall Surface Water DIP 8 Inch 18 Feet E East -Side ES-01 Trellis Aerial DIP 8 Inch 110 Feet ES-02 Jail Aerial DIP 6 Inch 90 Feet ES-03 Bob White Circle Surface Water DIP 8 Inch 18 Feet ES-04 Station 1 at Creek Crossing Surface Water Clay 24 inch 36 Feet 1 12 Mile TM-01 Waxhaw Outfall at Plant Aerial DIP 12-Inch 47 Feet TM-02 New Village tie in• Aerial DIP 8 Inch 72 Feet TM-03 Sandalwood Aerial DIP 8 Inch 7 Feet TM-04 21-25 Outfall behind Waxhaw Public Works Aerial DIP 8 Inch 110 Feet TM-05 Harrison Park Aerial DIP 8 Inch 40 Feet TM-06 Off Billy Howey Rd Aerial DIP 8 Inch 162 Feet TM-07 End of Kingston on Providence Aerial DIP 8 Inch 41 Feet TM-08 Aston Manor Tie In Aerial DIP 8 Inch 12 Feet TM-09 12 Mile Creek Crossing at Stonegate Tie-in Surface Water DIP 24 Inch 50 Feet TM-10 Brook Valley Aerial DIP 8 Inch 18 Feet TM-11 Prescott Aerial DIP 12 Inch 12 Feet TM-12 Cureton Aerial DIP 8 Inch 70 Feet T Tall Wood TW-01 Trunk Line beside Creek Erosion PVC 8 Inch 2000 Feet O Olde Svcaamore OS-01 Beside Station 1 Surface Water DIP 8 Inch 4 Feet Aerial -Sewer Mains that are above ground and usually crossing over creeks. * Surface Water -Sewer Mains that is in the bed of the creek where the pipe is exposed to surface water constantly. * High Priority -Generally a Sewer Main that carries large amounts of flow or main lines that require repeat maintance. ' Erosion -Sewer Mains that may be at risk for Erosion. r NC North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Mark Eugene Tye Union County Collection System 500 N Church St Ste 500 Monroe, NC 281124730 Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Director ;.:. :. ... ...... . Secretary.:- January 6, 2010 JAN i 3 2010 Subject: System -Wide Wastewater Collection System Permit Expiration Date Permit Number WQCS00054 Union County Collection System Union County Dear Mark Eugene Tye: Due to the recent enactment of SL 2009-406 (or SB 831), An Act to Extend Certain Government Approvals Affecting the Development of Real Property Within the State, the expiration date of all system -wide wastewater collection system permits is being extended by three (3) years. The new expiration date for the Union County Collection System Permit WQCS00054 is 06/30/15. A permit renewal application is due six months prior to the extended expiration date. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at (919) 807-6383 or via email [D eborah. Gore@ncdenr. gov] . Sincerely, Deborah Gore PERCS Unit Supervisor cc: Central Files Surface Water Protection Section Regional Office Supervisor 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919-807-64921 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: NorthCarol.ina Naturally An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Jon C. Dyer, P.E., Director July 6, 2001 Certified Mail — Return Receipt Requested Ms. Marie Doklovic North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 SUBJECT: Submission of Collection System Wide Permit Application Application Received by Public Works on June 7, 2001 Dear Ms. Doklovic: 6 '1 lion -Discharge pe r ing Please find enclosed a complete collection system application package (one original and two copies) for Union County's Public Works Department. The Public Works Department is charged with the management, operations and maintenance of six (6) ©W id wastewater treatment facilities and the associated collection syste components. In addition to the treatment facilities, Public Works has contractual capacity agreements with the City of Monroe, Charlotte -Mecklenburg Utilities and Lancaster County, South Carolina Although treatment capacity is contracted with the aforementioned entities, portions of the collection and conveyance systems are managed, operated and maintained by Public Works. The collection system as a whole is comprised of sub -systems that are, for the most part, isolated systems without interconnections. Our two largest treatment facilities, Crooked Creek WWTP and Twelve Mile Creek WWTP, have limited interconnects and/or service area overlap. However, for the purposes of this application package, Public Works has treated the systems as a single contiguous system. This approach was taken due to the fact that all of the sub -systems are managed, operated and maintained in a consistent manner. Should you wish to discuss this application package in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Jon Dyer at (704) 296-4212. Respectfully, on C. D5er, P Director of Public Works 400 North Church St. . Monroe, North Carolina 28112-4804 . Phone: (704) 296-4210 . Fax: (704) 296-4232 A ` )rCfY LI UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS Christie L. Putnam, P.E., Interim Director November 4, 2005 Mr. D. Rex Gleason NCDENR DWQ 610 East Center Ave. Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 SUBJECT: Issuance of Wastewater Flow Permits Twelve Mile Creek Water Reclamation Facility Union County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Gleason: Thank you for taking the time to meet with Union County Public Works (UCPW) staff on October 27 to discuss the status of our Twelve Mile Creek Water Reclamation Facility (TMCWRF) and associated permitted and pending flows. The intent of this letter is to provide a summary of the points discussed at the meeting and to serve as an official request to allow UCPW to resume the permitting of wastewater flows into our collection and treatment systems. Information presented herein should serve to demonstrate that UCPW will have adequate capacity to treat permitted flows. Background UCPW manages, operates and maintains six (6) wastewater treatment facilities and owns capacity in Charlotte Mecklenburg Utility's (CMU) system and the City of Monroe Wastewater Treatment Plant. UCPW staff has compiled and organized an extensive amount of site -specific information that clearly demonstrates UCPW has or will have at tia22221.gpLiate time, adequate capacity to handle both current androjected flows in each service area he ocus o this letter is the TMWRF. Information as it relates to other service areas/treatment facilities can be provided upon request. The TMCWRF is a 2.5 mgd advanced secondary treatment facility that was placed in service in December of 1997. The facility has never violated its NPDES Permit limit for flow. Please see Table 1 below. 400 North Church St. • Monroe, North Carolina 28112-4804 • Phone: (704)296-4210 • Fax: (704)296-4232 Table 1 12 Mile Creek WRF Flow Summary Standard Flow (mgd) % Capacity NPDES Permit 2.5 100 2004 Annual Average 1.89 76 12 Month Floating Average (Nov 04 — Oct 05) 2.15 86 Jan 05 — Oct 05 Average 2.17 October 2005 Monthly Average 2.03 81 The TMCWRF experienced a process upset earlier this year and as a result violations of the NPDES Permit occurred. Below is an outline of events contributing to the permit noncompliance: ✓ December 2004: The twelve (12) month average for phosphorous slightly exceeded the 20.85 pound per day limit. All other parameters were well within permit limits. ✓ January 2005: Staff initiated the feeding of aluminum sulfate to enhance phosphorous removal in the treatment facility. An increase in the SVI was also observed, and staff began feeding alum to improve the settling characteristics of sludge in the secondary clarifiers. Later in the month, mixed liquor and foam samples were sent out for evaluation. Results confirmed that the Twelve Mile biomass contained excessive filamentous bacteria. In late January staff began to feed sodium hypochlorite in an effort to combat the filamentous growth and to restore stability to the treatment plant operations. ✓ On January 28, 2005, a catastrophic loss of power occurred. A contractor working in the immediate WRF area hit a` utility pole, disrupting electrical service to the Twelve Mile Creek Water Reclamation Facility. Power was restored fairly promptly; but the plant facilities sustained major damage due to "single phasing" to aerators, mixers, and one clarifier. The loss of treatment components effectively crippled the biological system. ✓ By February 3, 2005, most of the critical equipment components were returned to service. Unfortunately, by this time the biological process was irreversibly upset due to the combination of filamentous bacteria (one abundant strain favored septicity), chemical dosing, the sustained loss of power and low water temperatures. ✓ On April 9, 2005, the VFD's for the RAS pumps failed due to a power surge that occurred, as the result of intense storms in the area. Staff was not able to get replacement equipment installed until the 22nd of April. Clarifier underflow was returned to the head of the plant via the drain system in a makeshift effort to balance the biological process. ✓ By May 2005, staff observed a recovery of plant operations, and an improved level of operating efficiencies. ✓ By June 2005 the facility was compliant with all parameters except phosphorous; and staff continued to see recovery and improvements in all aspects of plant performance_ ✓ July, August, September and October have been substantially compliant with NPDES Permit limits. UCPW staff consulted with the WRF process manufacturer EIMCO and the engineering/consulting firms CH2MHILL and Stantec in an effort to ensure the most efficient and productive corrective measures were being taken. Current Conditions For a number of years Union County has been among the fastest growing areas in the region. Approximately 3000 new home sites (lots) are permitted for sanitary sewer on an annual basis. A large percentage of the lots are within the TMCWRF service area. In support of the position that UCPW will have adequate capacity to treat flows permitted to the TMCWRF the following facts are presented for consideration: ✓ The TMCWRF has a 12-month floating average flow of approximately 2.15 mgd. ✓ The facility is in substantial compliance with NPDES Limits. ✓ UCPW has a Permit dated October 2005 that will allow expansion of the facility to 6.0 mgd upon issuance of an Authorization to Construct (ATC) from the Construction Grants and Loans Section. UCPW anticipates the ATC to be issued in the near future. ✓ The TMCWRF 3.5 mgd expansion is currently being advertised with a scheduled bid date of November 14, 2005. ✓ Construction is expected to begin around February 2006. ✓ The project is phased such that critical components needed to provide enhanced reliability and an additional .5 mgd of hydraulic treatment capacity will be constructed within the first year. ✓ The total construction time for the project is estimated to b_e,27 months. ✓ UCPW has designed, permitted, constructed and activated a project that will divert up to .4 mgd of wastewater to the Crooked Creek Water Reclamation Facility. In addition to moving forward with the expansion of the TMCWRF and the diversion of flow to UCPW's Crooked Creek Water Reclamation Facility, an extensive amount of site -specific data has been collected, organized and analyzed as it relates to permitted versus actual WRF flow. The relationship between TMCWRF capacity, actual WRF flow and permitted flow are discussed in the following sub -sections. WRF Capacity Versus Realized Flow The TMCWRF is permitted to discharge 2.5 mgd on a monthly average daily flow. The facility is currently operating between 81 % and 87% of permitted capacity (2.03 — 2.17 mgd). Permitted Flow Versus Realized Flow There are currently 17,402 lots permitted to the TMCWRF (Please see Attachment 1). Applying a factor of 360 gallons per day per lot equates to a permitted flow of 6.26 mg. (17,402 lots) x (360 gpd/lot) = 6.26 mgd However, we know that TMCWRF flow is averaging between 2.03 to 2.17 mgd. The variance between permitted flow and actual flow is affected by two primary variables. The first variable relates to the rate of development (i.e. occupied homes versus homes not yet constructed) and the second variable relates to the actual flow per lot realized as opposed to the 360 gpd permitted flow. Site specific data is needed to better understand the flow relationships. UCPW used the following methodology to determine the rate of development and a more representative flow allocation per lot, thus developing site specific data. ✓ Subdivisions thought to be representative of a system wide development rate were analyzed in an effort to determine the ratio of occupied lots to permitted lots. The analysis concluded that, on average, all lots permitted more than 6 years ago are 100% built out while lots permitted a year ago are only 2.4% built out. The findings of the analysis are graphed below. % Built Out 120.0% 100.0% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% Rate of Development 2005 2004 2003 .6% 2002 2001 Year Permitted 16 2000 Before 2000 ✓ By applying the appropriate Rate of Development factors to the known number of permitted Tots, the current number of occupied lots can be determined. There are currently 17,402 lots permitted to the TMCWRF. Applying the appropriate Rate of Development factors yields a currently developed lot count of 9228. ✓ Using an average WRF flow of 2.115 mgd (12-month floating average from June 04 through July 05. June through July was used as a representative benchmark in an effort to capture dry and wet weather flows) a flow of 229 gpd per lot is derived. Since actual WRF flow is used in the calculation, an allowance for inflow and infiltration is included in the 229 gpd. (2,115,000 TMCWRF gpd average day flow) / (9228 Tots) = 229 gpd/lot The analysis of site specific data concludes two things: 1. Although there are currently over 17,000 Tots permitted to the TMCWRF flow is only being contributed from approximately 9200 homes due to the time frames involved in developing the lots once they are permitted. 2. On average, each developed lot contributes 229 gpd of wastewater flow as opposed to the "permitted" 360 gpd. With an appropriate Rate of Development factor established and a site specific flow per lot known and an estimated number of Tots to be permitted, the tools to forecast future flows are in -hand. When these tools are applied to the TMCWRF, the results may be graphed as below. Current 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 'Capacity !Current Permitted ;Flows (229 gpd) ;Future Permitted !Flows* ;Excess 2.500 2.153 0.347 2.500 2.229 0.017 0.254 3.000 2,362 0.306 0.332 6.000 2.707 0.764 2.529 6.000 2.865 1.314 1.821 6.000 2.977 1.943 1.080 6.000 3.014 2.630 0.356 Flows - MGD 7.000 6.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 12 Mile WRF Projected Flows o Current Permitted Flows (229 gpd) • Future Permitted Flows* Current 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 * Future Permitted Flows assumes 3,000 permits granted each year 2011 Graph Explanation In the graph above the red line indicates the TMCWRF capacity. Current capacity as well as 2006 capacity is depicted as 2.5 mgd. In 2007 UCPW anticipates being able to re -rate the facility to 3.0 mgd. UCPW anticipates that the construction of additional secondary clarifiers, additional digester capacity and emergency power coupled with a strong compliance record will support the re -rating. By 2008 substantial completion of the expansion to 6.0 mgd should be complete. The light blue bars are the sum of the 12 month floating average and forecast flows based on the projected Rate of Development for current flow permits that have been issued. It is important to note that the light blue bars do not include any new permits issued from the present forward. Current Permitted Flow = (2.153 mgd base) + (Rate of Dev for existing permits yet realized) The dark blue caps represent the additional flow that would be expected from the issuance of approximate 3000 new permits per year beginning in the year 2005 when the appropriate Rate of Development is applied. 12 Mile WRF Proj Flows = (2.153 mgd base) + (Rate of Dev Current) + (Rate of Dev Future) As depicted in the graph, at no time during the forecast period does excess WRF capacity (based on the annual monthly average flow) fall below .25 mgd. Additional Strategies UCPW is actively pursuing additional means to ensure adequate wastewater capacity is available for current and forecast demands. UCPW has strategies in place to meet the County's long term wastewater needs. The strategies specific to the TMCWRF include the following: ✓ Although construction on the expansion of the TMCWRF to 6.0 mgd has not yet begun, UCPW has already selected an engineering firm to begin the design and permitting for expansion beyond 6.0 mgd. ✓ UCPW will redirect approximately .572 mgd of wastewater to CMU by 2009 in an effort to maximized purchased capacity. ✓ UCPW has an engineering firm inspecting and cataloging every manhole in the TMCWRF system. Repair needs are being prioritized. Inspections should be complete by the summer of 2006 ✓ UCPW currently has two three-man crews dedicated to I&I reduction efforts in the TMCWRF system. ✓ UCPW is in the process of tightening sewer construction specifications. In conclusion, the TMCWRF is currently operating at approximately 85% hydraulic capacity and is in substantial compliance with its NPDES Permit. A comprehensive site specific analysis has been conducted that demonstrates there will be adequate capacity to handle current flows as well as forecast flow__ through the year 2011. UCPW is already pursuing specific strategies that will provide adequate wastewater capacity to the TMCWRF beyond 2011. Based on the information submitted to you at our October 27 meeting and summarized herein, it is respectfully requested that DWQ resume issuing Wastewater Discharge Permits for Union County projects. If additional discussion is required a ease o not hesitate to contact me at 704-296-4212. Respectfully, Christie L. Putnam, PE Interim Director Cc: Mike Shalati, County Manager Charles O'Cain, UCPW Dee Browder, DWQ Barbara Sifford, DWQ Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality December 13, 2006 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7006 0100 0000 8379 3730 Christine Putnam l�nion=County�Public_Works �_-_ �y 400 N Church St. Monroe, NC 28112-4804 Subject: Notification of Sewer Moratorium Union County Dear Ms. Putnam: The Division of Water Quality has determined that Union County is unable to adequately collect and treat wastewater tributary to the Twelve Mile Creek WWTP, NPDES permit number NC0085359 with regard to phosphorous and flow limits and an excessive number of SSOs near the plant. North Carolina General Statute 143-215.67(a) states in part, that no person subject to the provision of NCGS 143-215.1, 143-215.108 or 143-214.109 shall cause or allow the discharge of any wastes to a waste -disposal system in excess of the capacity of the disposal system or of any wastes which the disposal system cannot adequately treat. Should these terms be violated, 143-215.67 (c) states a moratorium may be imposed "on the addition of waste to a treatment works" if the treatment works is not capable of adequately treating additional waste. The Division of Water Quality has established that the phosphorous and flow limit violations for this plant and excessive SSOs near the plant indicate that the system is in excess of its capacity. Therefore, Union County is hereby placed on a sewer moratorium regarding the wastewater collection system tributary to the Twelve Mile Creek WWTP effective February 5, 2007. D+.ate al: l s.t fa'i , s 11i .r tF;�{� d k jti !I This moratorium will remain in effect until Union County has sufficiently demonstrated that it can adequately collect and treat its wastewater such that the phosphorous and flow limits have been addressed and the number of SSOs near the plant has been reduced and the county has obtained written permission from the Division of Water Quality suspending the moratorium. As required by NCGS 143-215.67(d), Union County shall give public notice that a moratorium will be placed on the discharge of additional waste to the Twelve Mile Creek WWTP collection system within 15 days of receipt of this letter. Union County shall give public notice of the moratorium by publication of the notice one time in a newspaper having general circulation in the county in which the treatment works is located. The notice shall be as provided in the attached public notice. NorthCarohna Naturally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 943 Washington Sq. Mall Washington, NC 27889 Phone (252) 946-6481 Customer Service Internet: www.ncwaterqualitv.ore Fax (252) 946-9215 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper 2 Union County shall provide an affidavit of publication and a copy of the public notice to this office on or by January 20, 2007. Lirefiv tIitr iroifardfall()llfa%t:iirFfin611.kerithiKv3CO C6 Failure to place the public notice as directed may subject Union County to enforcement actions and in no way absolves Union County from past or future violation of North Carolina General Statutes. Correspondence pertaining to this moratorium should be sent to the letterhead address. If you have any questions about this letter, please contact Jeff Poupart 919 733-5083 or Dee Browder 704 663-1699 Sincerely, Paul Rawls Section Chief Surface Water Protection Section Attachment cc: Alan Klimek, Director Paul Rawls, Surface Water Section Chief Rick Shiver, Assistant Director Regional Operations Mooresville Regional Office Pretreatment, Emergency Response, and Collection Systems Unit Central Files PUBLIC NOTICE SEWER MORATORIUM CITY OF NEW BERN 3 The City of New Bern in Craven County cannot accept the discharge of additional waste to it's wastewater collection system south of the Trent River effective January 16, 2007, due to the excessive number of Sanitary Sewer Overflows that are occurring in this portion of the system. Therefore, the City of New Bern is hereby placed on a sewer moratorium in regard to its wastewater collection system south of the Trent River effective January 16, 2007. On the basis of thorough staff review and application of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina, Public Law 92-500 and other lawful standards and regulations, the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission has determined that the City of New Bern is unable to adequately collect and treat waste tributary to its wastewater collection system south of the Trent River. North Carolina General Statute 143-215.67(a) directs that no person subject to the provision of NCGS 143-215.1, 143-215.108 or 143-214.109 shall cause or allow the discharge of any wastes to a disposal system in excess of the capacity, which the disposal system cannot adequately treat. The moratorium on additional sewer connections will remain in effect until the City of New Bern has rectified the current noncompliant condition of the facility and has obtained written permission from the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission suspending the moratorium. The permit RAJ €J exunifigggli,14 , V# a`., 9) and other information may be inspected during normal office hours at the Division of Water Quality, Central Files, Archdale Building, 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina, telephone: (919) 733-7015. Copies of the information on file are available upon request and payment of the costs of reproduction. Questions regarding the status of the sewer moratorium should be directed to City of New Bern at El It fiAh'R(XV r UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS Christie L. Putnam, P.E., Interim Director g?'" Mr. D. Rex Gleason NCDENR — DWQ 610 East Center Ave. Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 January 18, 2006 SUBJECT: Additional Information — As Requested Sanitary Sewer Overflows Twelve Mile Creek WWTP Union County Dear Mr. Gleason: JAN 2 0 200(D Union County Public Works (UCPW) is in receipt of a Request for Information (RFI) dated -January 4, 2006. The Mooresville Regional Office is requesting an explanation of the problem and associated corrective action to be taken to prevent SSO's from occurring on a segment of sanitary sewer outfall just upstream of the Twelve Mile Creek WWTP influent pump station. Please find the requested information below: Problem — As mentioned in the RFI, SSO's occurred just upstream of the Twelve Mile Creek WWTP influent pump station on March 1, 2005, March 17, 2005, March 28, 2005, June 1 2005, and November 6, 2005 (UCPW RECORDS DO NOT REFLECT A SPILL O► 11-6-05; IT IS ASSUMED THAT 11-6-05 IS A TYPO). These SSO's are all associated with rain events greater than or equal too 1.0 inch. Rainfall data is typically obtained from a rain gauge at the !N_ WTP. Due to "isolated thunderstorms", particularly in the summer months, the WWTP gauge is the most representative source for rainfall events and is the source rnost often used when reporting SSO's to DWQ. Below is a table listing rain events greater than or equal to 1.0 inch and any SSO associated with the event. DATE RAINFALL INCHES SSO GALLONS 3-1-05 1.2 100,170 3-17-05 1.25 27,300 3-28-05 . . 1.1 27,600 6-1-05 .4.2 57,600 6-29-05 3.2 •. • 0.0 7-4-05 2.2 0.0 7-8-05 1.4 0.0 400 North Church St. • Monroe, North Carolina 28112-4804 • Phone: (704)296-4210 • Fax: (704)296-4232 DATE RAINFALL INCHES SSO GALLONS 7-21-05 2.0 0.0 8-15-05 2.5 0.0 10-7-05 1.7 0.0 11-22-05 1.75 0.0 12-5-06 1.7 960 12-16-05 2.1 0.0 Corrective Measures Taken - UCPW has contracted with the engineering firm Hydrostructures to inspect every manhole in the Twelve Mile Creek WWTP service area. To date approximately 3100 out of an estimated 6000 manholes have been inspected. From the inspections, a prioritized repair list is generated. The list is given to one of two dedicated I&I repair crews. Since June of 2005 at least 408 manhole repairs have been made within the Twelve Mile Creek WWTP service area alone. A summary of the repairs may be found in the table below: TYPE OF REPAIR NUMBER OF REPAIRS Grout Steps 3 Install Inflow Collector Dishes 34 Grout Seams 2 Inject Joints With a Water Activated Resin 102 Grout Joints 115 Raised Manhole 12 Injected Cones with Water Activated Resin 1 Grouted Lift Holes 14 Injected Lift Holes 19 Grout Necks 39 Inject Pipe Connection w/ Resin 10 Grout Voids 5 Seal Frames 40 Reset Frames 4 Inject Bench Wall w/ Resin 6 Replace Frames 2 UCPW feels that the I&I reduction efforts are effective as evidenced by the declining number and volume of SSO's associated with significant rain events. Staff estimates that 476 gpm of active infiltration leaks have been stopped as a result of I&I reduction efforts. The 476 gpm does not include the reduction of inflow resulting from the installation of collector dishes, raising manhole, sealing frames etc. Corrective measure Planned — UCPW plans to continue I&I reduction efforts and to strengthen new construction standards in an effort to reduce/eliminate extraneous flow at the source. Additionally, under ATC No. 085359A01 UCPW will be making improvements to the Twelve Mile Creek WWTP that will increase the pumping and treatment capacity of the facility in two phases. Phase I improvements will provide interim capacity while Phase II improvements will increase the capacity of the WWTP from 2.5 mgd to 6.0 mgd. Phase I improvements include: 1 Installation of three (3) larger influent pumps — 3000 gpm pumps will replace existing 1500 gpm pumps. 1 Construction of a new MLSS distribution box and two (2) additional secondary clarifiers. 1 Construction of RAS and WAS facilities to accommodate new clarifiers. ✓ Construction of a new aerobic digester. ✓ All plumbing and electrical work necessary to have a functional system. Bids for the expansion of the Twelve Mile Creek WWTP were received November 14, 2005. A Pre -Construction meeting was held January 18, 2006. A Notice To Proceed is anticipated to be issued February 1, 2006. Once the Notice To Proceed is issued the contractor will have 270 calendar days to complete Phase I improvements and 810 calendar days to complete Phase II improvements. Based on information shared at the Pre -Construction meeting, the contractor does not anticipate any difficulty in meeting the schedule. In closing I would like to assure you that UCPW has been and will continue to be proactive in reducing SSO's. We are in the process of collecting data for the calibration of a sewer model. The model will allow us to accurately predict required system improvements such as the need to upsize or parallel lines as well as increasing pumping capacity. I trust the information submitted adequately addresses your RFI. If additional information is required, please do not hesitate to contact me at 704 296-4212. Zlectfully, hristie L. utnam, PE Interim Director CC: Mike Shalati, County Manager Dee Browder, DWQ Barbara Sifford, DWQ \N A r Michael F. Easley_ Governor !9Q William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 7 Alan W. Klimek, P. E. Director —1 Division of Water Quality 'C January 18, 2006 CF.RTWFIE) MAID RETURN RECEIPT REQITESTF.i) Ms. Christie L. Putnam, Interim Director Union County Public Works 400 North Church St. Monroe, NC 28112-4804 Subject: Dear Ms Putnam: Notice of Violation and Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement Tracking Number: NOV-2005-DV-0059 Incident Number: 200502957 Union County Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Chapter 143, Article 21 of the North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS) authorizes and directs the Environmental Management Commission of this Department to protect and preserve the water resources of the State. The Division of Water Quality has the delegated authority to enforce adopted pollution control rules and regulations. On November 8, 2005, Mr. Jeff Carpenter of Union County Public Works Department reported a sanitary sewer overflow at 227 King George Drive in The Reserve. An investigation was conducted to determine the cause of the overflow. A plug had been left in the line from construction of this phase of the development. A volume of 336,944 gallons was estimated to have overflowed from this line. This is estimated from the construction completion date and the occupancy of the development. A previous spill occurred on May 13, 2004 because of a plug left in the line after construction. These discharges are a violation of North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 15A NCAC 2H.0227. Permit No. WQ0022237 Condition 3 requires the wastewater collection facilities be properly operated and maintained in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0227. A discharge of sewage was occurring from a manhole on The Reserve property due to a construction plug in the line. NorthCarolina ,Naturally 7 NCGDEP� N. C. Division of Water Quality, Mooresville Regional Office, 610 E. Center Ave, Suite 301, Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Customer Service 1-877-623-674R Page 2 Ms. Christine Putnam January 18, 2006 Be advised that pursuant to NCGS 143-215.1(a)(1), No person shall make any outlets onto land and into waters of the State unless that person has received a permit from the Department and has complied with all conditions set forth in the permit. Be advised that NCGS 143-215.6A provides for a civil penalty assessment of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), or twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) per day when the violation is of a continuing nature, against any person who is required but fails to apply for or to secure a permit required by NCGS 143-215.1. Penalties may also be assessed for any damage to land and/or surface waters of the State that may result from the nonpermitted discharge. You will he advised of any enforcement recommendation. It is also recommended that UCPW implement procedures to eliminate the potential for recurrent construction unpermitted discharges. Furthermore, the collection system permits issued to this facility for construction specify that the following criteria be met under 15 A NCAC 2H .0227: It is requested that you respond, in writing, to this Notice, indicating measures taken to prevent future spills of this nature. Please address your response to Ms. Barbara Sifford by no later than February 20, 2006, This letter is also to advise that this office is considering sending a recommendation for enforcement to the Director of the Division of Water Quality for the noted discharges. If you have an explanation for the violations that you wish to present, please include in the requested response. Your explanation will be reviewed and if an enforcement action is still deemed appropriate, your explanation will be forwarded to the Director along with the enforcement package for his consideration. If you have any questions concerning this matter please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sifford or me at 704-663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor cc: Central Files PERCS Unit- Raleigh Union County Health Department (.t Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr.,Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J Thorpe,PhD.,Acting Director Division of Water Quality October 15, 2001 Jon C. Dyer, P.E. Public Works Director Union County Public Works 400 North Church Street Monroe, North Carolina 28112-4804 Subject: Non -Discharge Facility Inspection Sewer Collection System Union County Public Works Union County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Dyer: This letter transmits a copy of the inspection report covering the inspection conducted on September 25, 2001 by Mr. Don Price of this office. Mr. Price was accompanied by Mr. David H. Fox, Sewer Collection System ORC for Union County Public Works. Generally the inspection revealed that the sewer collection system is being properly operated and maintained. However, there were some deficiencies noted that are set forth under "Additional Comments" in the attached inspection report. The County needs to take action to correct the noted deficiencies. It is requested that you respond to this matter in writing by no later than November 2, 2001, indicating actions taken to correct the deficiencies. Please address your response to Mr. Price. A copy of the relevant permit shell and excerpts from the regulation applicable to collection system permitting are attached for your review. If you have questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Price or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, i✓'. 1lam,�- . D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Attachments cc: Union County Department of Environmental Health Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit David H. Fox, Union County Sewer Collection System ORC ATA DP NCDENR Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 r Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC 28115 PHONE (704) 663-1699 FAX (704) 663-6040 4 NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION GENERAL INFORMATION City/Town/Owner:Union County Permittee Contact: Jon Dyer. P.E. ORC Name:David H. Fox 24 hr Contact Name:David H. Fox Permit No. NPDES: * Issuance Date: * Expiration Date: If applicable, SOC Issuance Date:N/A County:Union Telephone No.:(704)296-4212 Telephone No.:(704)296-4212 Telephone No.:(704)296-4212 WQ Permit No.: ** Issuance Date: ** Expiration Date: ** Expiration Date:N/A Reason for Inspection X ROUTINE COMPLAINT FOLLOW-UP OTHER Type of inspection X Collection System Spray Irrigation Sludge Other Inspection Summary: (additional comments may be included on attached pages) *The Union County Sewer Collection System is served by 7NPDES permitted facilities that include the following : - Twelve Mile Creek WWTP, NPDES Permit NC0085359, issued 05/01/96, expires 04/30/01. Permit renewal has been applied for. - Crooked Creek WWTP, NPDES Permit NC0069841, issued 04/01/00, expires 01/31/01. Permit renewal has been applied for. -Hunley Creek WWTP, NPDES Permit NC0072508, issued 04/01/01, expires 10/31/03. - Tallwood WWTP, NPDES Permit NC0069523, issued 01/01/01, expires 10/31/03. - Grassy Branch WWTP, NPDES Permit NC0085812, issued 11/01/96, expires 10/31/01. Permit renewal has been applied for. - Olde Sycamore WWT Spray Irrigation System, NPDES Permit WQ0011928, issued 07/27/97, expires 03/31/01. Permit renewal has been applied for. ** The Sewer Collection System Permit number is WQCS00054. Issuance and expiration dates are yet to be determined. File review and site visit indicate the pump stations and associated sewer collection system are being properly operated and maintained Due to the high number of pump stations, the county should investigate installing telemetry at all pump stations. Is a follow-up inspection necessary yes X no Inspector(s) Name(s)/Title(s) Donald R. Price / Environmental Tech. V Telephone No.: (704)663-1699 Fax No.(704)663-6040 Date of Inspection: September 25, 2001 Permittee : Facility : Facility Location : Union County Public Works Union County Pubic Works currently owns and operates 68 pump stations. The following 12 pump stations were inspected on September 25, 2001: the Funderburk Rd. pump station, the Industrial Ventures pump station, the Brayfield pump station, the Lake Park pump station, the Hawfield Lane pump station, the Howie Mines grinder pump station #17, the Howie Mines grinder pump station #19, the Howie Mines grinder pump station #23, the Wysacky pump station #2, East Side pump station #1, East Side pump station #2, and East Side pump station #3. The Funderburk Rd. pump station is located off of Funderburk Rd., the Industrial Ventures pump station is located at 2844 Grey Fox Rd., the Brayfield pump station is located at the end of Nuthatch Drive, the Lake Park pump station is located at 7709 Conifer Circle, the Hawfield Lane pump station is located at the end of Hawfield Lane, the Howie Mines grinder pump stations #17, #19, and #23 are located along SR 1323 in Waxhaw, the Wysacky pump station #2 is located behind the residence at 115 Essaw Rd., the East Side pump station #1 is located at 3826 Monroe-Ansonville Rd., the East Side pump station #2 is located at 1409 Hwy. 205, the East Side pump station #3 is located at 4720 Monroe-Ansonville Rd. Collection System File Review 1. Does DWQ Database indicate repetitive overflows at any point? Yes❑ No N/A❑ If yes, is there a corrective action plan? YesZ Non N/A❑ 2. Do records include a map of the collection system? YesZ No N/A❑ 3. Are there records of annual visual inspections of all lines not visible from normal public access? YesZ Non N/AD Regular visual inspections of high priority areas? Yes® No N/A❑ 4. Do records indicate that right of ways are maintained to allow access? Yes /1 No N/A❑ 5. Are there areas of regular or scheduled cleaning? Yes® No❑ N/A❑ 6. Is there a spare parts inventory and list of contractors? Yes® No N/A❑ 7. Is the spare parts inventory adequate? Yes® Non N/A❑ 8. Are maintenance logs up-to-date and include inspections, tests, maintenance? Yes® No❑ N/A❑ % Union County Public Works Sewer Collection System September 25, 2001 9. Is there a trouble log of all problems that include the following information? Yes No N/A❑ Overflows locations, who responded time/date, action taken, cause of problem/overflow, and how the problem was resolved. 10. Does the Town have a Sewer Use Ordinance? Yes® Non N/A❑* Does it appear the SUO is enforced? Yes® Non N/A❑ 11. Does the system have any known points of bypass? YesE No /1 N/A❑ If yes, describe type of bypass and location. Yes No N/A® 12. Do records log pumpstation telemetry/SCADA notifications? Yes® No❑ N/A❑ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF COLLECTION SYSTEM FILE REVIEW: Item No. 10- The county has a Sewer Use Ordinance. The current ordinance should be updated to address the public education program for fats, oil, and grease that will be required by the collection system permit. Gravity Sewers Manholes: Are manholes accessible? Yes® No N/A❑ 2. Are manhole covers above grade? Yes® No❑ N/A❑ Visible signs of overflow? YesE No N/A❑ Sinkholes or depressions? YesE No N/A❑ 3. Are manhole covers missing or improperly seated? YesE No N/A❑ 4. Are manholes in need of repair? YesE No N/A❑ Due to normal wear and tear? YesE No❑ N/A Due to vandalism? Yes No❑ N/A® 5. Are inverts in need of repair? Yes No►j N/A❑ 6. Is there evidence of collection system deterioration? YesE No N/A❑ 7. Is flow visibly restricted in pipe or manhole? Yes No N/A❑ 8. Is there an excessive amount of grease? YesE No N/A❑ Roots? Yes!: No N/A❑ Sand? Yes❑ No N/A❑ 9. Is there evidence of submergence of vents? Yes❑ No N/A❑ 10. Are bypass structures or pipes visible in manhole? Yes No N/A❑ 2. Union County Public Works Sewer Collection System September 25, 2001 Lines/Right-of-Ways: 1. Are easement, right-of-ways, in need of mowing or clearing? Are sink holes or depressions observed above line? 3. Is there evidence of leakage or seepage from the line? 4. Are there areas of exposed line? Are exposed lines constructed of piping other than ductile iron or comparable? 5. Are stream/ditch crossings and aerial supports in need of repair? 6. Are right-of-ways being used for roads? 7. Do lines show evidence or history of damage? Yes❑ Yes❑ Yes❑ Yes® Yes❑ Yes❑ YesE YesE No 1Z1 No® No® No❑ No® No® No® No® N/A❑ N/A❑ N/A ❑ N/A❑ N/A❑ N/A❑ N/A❑ N/A [1] ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF COLLECTION SYSTEM GRAVITY SEWERS REVIEW : None. Pump Stations/Siphons 1. Are any pump station/siphon sites difficult to access? 2. Does general housekeeping need improvement? 3. Are there any missing pumps? 4. Do wet wells/siphons have accumulations of debris that could potentially affect the operation of the unit? 5. Does the first manhole up line from the pump station or siphon show signs of backup, overflow, debris originating from the line? 6. Are there any floats/controls for pumps, alarms or alternators that does not work? 7. Did high water alarms fail to work when tested? 8. Did ORC fail to produce maintenance log? 9. Is telemetry/SCADA present? Operable? Yes❑ No N/A❑ YesE No® N/A❑ Yes❑ No /i1 N/A❑ Yes❑ No N/A❑ Yes No►4 N/A❑ YesE No►1 N/A❑ Yes❑ No N/A❑ Yes❑ No N/A❑ YesE No N/A❑* Yes /1 No❑ N/A❑ Union County Public Works Sewer Collection System September 25, 2001 l0. Are backflow devices in place and operable? 11. Where necessary are air relief valves present and operable? 12. Are standby generators present? Operable? Is fuel tank full? 13. Is there a 24 hr notification sign? 14. Is public access limited? 15. Is there any bypass mechanism present? 16. Any signs of overflow at the station/siphon? 17. Is there chemical addition present? Odor control ❑ pH control Other, explain a degreaser is used to prevent grease build-up in the sewage collection system. Yes►X4 No❑ N/A❑ Yes/1 No_ N/A❑ Yes® No❑ N/A❑ Yes No❑ N/A❑ Yes® No❑ N/A❑ Yes No❑ N/A❑ Yes® No❑ N/A❑ Yes No N/A❑ Yes❑ No N/A❑ Yes® No❑ N/A❑ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF COLLECTION SYSTEM PUMP STATION/SIPHON REVIEW : Item No.9- All pump stations in the system are not equipped with telemetry. Due to the large number of pump stations, 68, it is recommended that all pump stations be equipped with telemetry to allow for improved emergency notification. UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS Christie L. Putnam, P.E., Interim Director August 26, 2005 Ms. Barbara Sifford NC DWQ 610 East Center Ave, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 0(yz' SUBJECT: Reply — Non -Discharge Compliance Inspection Wastewater Collection System Permit No. WQCS00054 Union County Dear Ms. Sifford: allo '-''' • Union County Public Works (UCPW) is in receipt of the Collection System Inspection Report dated June 30, 2005. As per our telephone conversation on July 29, the report was not received by UCPW until July 18, 2005 and as a result UCPW was given some latitude with respect to the requested response date of July 30, 2005. The report requested a written response on three (3) items. These items are 1) pump station records for East Side Stations 1, 2 & 3 for the period January through July 2005, 2) plans to eliminate Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) on the East Side and 3) plans to eliminate SSO's within the Twelve Mile Creek WIMP service area. Please find the requested information below: Pump Station Records for East Side Stations 1, 2 & 3 Please find information as it relates to wastewater flow and pump run times for the requested time period attached. The same information is being forwarded to you electronically in an Excel format for convenient manipulation. Please note that UCPW has flagged periods of extended pump run times, unbalanced pump run times and flows that exceed the County's purchased capacity in the City of Monroe Wastewater Treatment Plant (the information related to the City data is not necessarily pertinent for DWQ purposes but none the less is informational and therefore included). The extended run times are generally related to periods of rain while the unbalanced run times appear to be somewhat sporadic and are being looked into. There are instances in early 2005 where pump run times were not recorded. If 400 North Church St. • Monroe, North Carolina 28112-4804 • Phone: (704)296-4210 • Fax: (704)296-4232 Plans to Eliminate SSO's on the East Side Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) is the major cause of SSO's on the East Side. Over the past two to three years UCPW has invested extensive time and money in investigating and systematically correcting I&I issues on the East Side. Corrections/repairs have been undertaken based on priority. However, due to the chronic SSO situation within the East Side system, UCPW undertook an aggressive and comprehensive rehabilitation initiative in early 2005. Beginning February 3, 2005 contractors started the task of rehabilitating all of Union County's East Side interceptor system. Over 20,000 linear feet of pipe was rehabilitated using either cured -in -place, pipe bursting or dig -and - replace techniques. Approximately 85 manholes were completely rehabilitated or replaced. The project was 50% complete by the end of April and substantially complete by June 15, 2005. Construction cost was approximately $1.4 million. Although UCPW is pleased with the final product and the resulting reduction of extraneous flow experienced to date, it is unlikely that all SSO's will be eliminated since the scope of the project did not include the rehabilitation of satellite systems which are owned and operated by different municipalities and are known to contribute significant wet -weather flow to the East Side interceptor system. New pump controllers have been installed within the past few months at each of the three East Side stations. The controllers are manufactured by Data Flow Systems and not only control pump start, stop and alternation, but provide comprehensive data logging and trending functions. UCPW is developing Standard Operating Procedures for routine review and interpretation of the available data as part of our preventative maintenance program. We are confident this will add strength to the management and operation of our system. Additional information on the controllers may be found at Plans to Eliminate SSO's in the Twelve Mile Creek Service Area I&I is the major cause of SSO's in the Twelve Mile Creek service area. Unlike the East Side, sewer pipes (collectors and interceptors) in the Twelve Mile Creek WWTP service area are predominately Tess than 10 years old and consequently in very good condition. An exception to this is the collection system serving the Town of Waxhaw. Beginning in May 2004 rehabilitation efforts on a prioritized portion of the aged Waxhaw system were initiated. The work was completed in two (2) phases. Phase 1 consisted of the construction of approximately 4000 linear feet of 8-inch PVC/DIP gravity sewer and 20 manholes to replace aged infrastructure serving a large portion of the Wysacky Park area of Waxhaw. Phase 2 included the construction of approximately 6400 linear feet of 8-inch PVC/DIP gravity sewer and 36 manholes to replace aged infrastructure serving downtown. The work is now substantially complete and UCPW expects to realize a significant reduction in the amount of I&I entering the sanitary sewer system from the areas served by the project. Construction cost was approximately $1.0 million. As previously mentioned, the Twelve Mile Creek sanitary sewer system is fairly young and in good shape as a whole. However, through flow monitoring and manhole inspections it has been determined that manholes in general are the weakest link in the chain as far as I&I is concerned. Page 2of3 UCPW is taking the following steps (system wide) to correct and prevent deficiencies associated with manholes: ✓ We have contracted with the engineering firm Hydrostructures to evaluate every manhole in our system. Hydrostructures is currently evaluating the Twelve Mile Creek WWTP service area. They are providing UCPW with an updated repair list on a weekly basis. In turn UCPW is utilizing it's dedicated 4-man I&I crew to make repairs on a prioritized basis. UCPW owns a cementitious spray rig, and as a result, our in-house rehab abilities are comprehensive. ✓ UCPW is working toward modifying our Construction Specifications to include guidelines for vacuum testing all manholes prior to activation (currently only collector/interceptor manholes are vacuum tested). ✓ UCPW is working toward modifying our Construction Specifications as they relate to the elevation of manholes and pump stations within the 100-year floodplain. Existing manholes are raised and/or appropriate lids and appurtenances are installed when needed. In addition to the above, UCPW continues to inspect every lateral within new subdivisions via CCTV prior to final acceptance of the line. All new collection and interceptor lines are inspected by UCPW during construction and must pass a series of tests, including pressure testing, before they are activated. UCPW has contracted with the engineering firm CDM to develop a comprehensive sewer model. The detailed infrastructure information required to build the model is currently being gathered. UCPW met with CDM August 24 to discuss the number and locations of portable flow meters that will be required to calibrate the Twelve Mile Creek portion of the model. It is anticipated that the flow data will be collected in the January through April 2006 time frame. The model is expected to be ready for use by latter 2006. It is anticipated that the model will prove to be a most useful tool when sizing facilities for future flows. In closing, I want to emphasize that UCPW takes great pride in the management, operation and maintenance of our wastewater facilities and strives to provide environmentally friendly wastewater collection, treatment and disposal services for our customers and residents. I hope this response has adequately addressed any questions and concerns you may have. If additional discussion is required, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 296-4215. Re ar Assist. nt Director p f Attachments Page 3 of 3 Station l Flow January 2005 through July 2005 STATION I FLOW JULY 2005 A B l C D E 1 EAST SIDE STATION I 2 DATE STAT #1 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP "A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 3 7/1/2005 _ _ 2,067,900.01 1,304,700.0 13 10 0.0501 4 7/2/2005 9 7 0 5 7/3/2005 880,900.0 5 5 0 6 7/4/2005 1,442,400.0 9 8 0 7 7/5/2005 1,905,400.0 13 8 0 8 7/6/2005 1,681,700.0 10 10 0.0002 9 7/7/2005 1,951,200.0 2,117,100.0 ; 665,300.0 12 11 0.82 10 7/8/2005 11 13 0 11 7/9/2005 4 4 0.01 12 7/10/2005 844,200.0 4 5 0 13 7/11/2005 1,432,200.0 9 8 0.0802 14 7/12/2005 1,016,400.0 6 6 0.0001 15 7/13/2005 1,550,000.0 8 9 0.0004 16 7/14/2005 2,074,700.0 1,278,300.0 10 11 0.0002 17 7/15/2005 9 17 6 15 18 8 9 2 0 0 1 8 0 18 7/16/2005 1,067,600.0 0.0003 19 7/17/2005 541,500.0 0 20 7/18/2005 1,250,700.0 0 21 7/19/2005 1,673,700.0 0 22 7/20/2005 1,418,100.0 0.0002 23 7/21/2005 1,292,900.0 8 7 1.4701 24 7/22/2005 1,410,500.0 8 8 0.0903 25 7/23/2005 1,068,600.0 8 7 0 26 7/24/2005 686,900.0 4 4 0 27 7/25/2005 915,000.0 5 5 0 28 7/26/2005 1,547,800.0 9 15 30 . 17 7 9 6 3 7 7 0 29 7/27/2005 1,450,200.0 0 30 7/28/2005 1,742,800.0 1.0601 31 7/29/2005 1,667,700.0 0.2102 32 7/30/2005 1,336,900.0 0.4705 33 7/31/2005 1,772,800.0 13 10 0.1006 34 35 Average 1,388,906.5 10.3 6.7 36 Total 43,056,100.0 320 208 4.3635 37 , 38 exceed 1.95 mgd purchase capacity 39 40 > 24 hrs run time 41 42 run time variance STATION I FLOW JUNE 2005 EAST SIDE STATION I DATE STAT #1 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP "A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 6/1/2005 1, 817, 500.0 11 10 0.8703 6/2/2005 a 2,161,200.01 _ 3,111,600.0 ' 17 10 2.1803 6/3/2005 23 18 0.0503 6/4/2005 1,221,100.0 9 6 0 6/5/2005 1,217,500.0 7 7 0 6/6/2005 1,236,300.0 7 8 0.0101 6/7/2005 1,720,000.0 10 12 0.0802 6/8/2005 1,481,600.0 9 9 0.3902 6/9/2005 ` 1,977900.0 ; 13 11 0.3903 6/10/2005 1,716,200.0 13 9 0.68 6/11/2005 1,604,700.0 10 10 0.01 6/12/2005 1,198,600.0 7 8 0.0002 6/13/2005 1,438,400.0 9 8 0.0904 6/14/2005 1,548,000.0 8 10 0 6/15/2005 1,294,600.0 7 8 0 6/16/2005 2,014,900.0 ' 11 12 0 6/17/2005 1,153, 700.0 7 7 0 6/18/2005 748,000.0 4 5 0 6/19/2005 537,000.0 3 4 0 6/20/2005 745,000.0 4 3 0 6/21/2005 1,353,900.0 8 8 0 6/22/2005 1,458,200.0 8 9 0 6/23/2005 1,203,300.0 7 7 0 6/24/2005 1, 762, 000.0 10 11 0 6/25/2005 1,010,000.0 5 5 0 6/26/2005 725,400.0 1 5 0.0806 6/27/2005 930,600.0 6 3 0.2301 6/28/2005 1,430,800.0 7 11 4.0503 6/29/2005 2,554,200.0 C_ . 2,130,000.0 14 20 0.1201 6/30/2005 12 12 0 Average 1,483,406.7 8.9 8.9 Total 44,502,200.0 267 266 9.2334 ' exceed 1.95 mgd purchase capacity > 24 hrs run time run time variance STATION I FLOW MAY 2005 EAST SIDE STATION I DATE STAT #1 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP "A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 5/1/2005 1,065,700.0 6 8 0.1901 5/2/2005 1,816,000.0 9 13 0 5/3/2005 1,637,700.0 7 13 0 5/4/2005 1, 740, 000.0 6 16 0 5/5/2005 1, 837, 800.0 8 16 0.0707 5/6/2005 1,335,900.0 7 10 0.0205 5/7/2005 1,463,700.0 8 10 0 5/8/2005 919,900.0 5 6 0 5/9/2005 1,493,700.0 8 10 0 5/10/2005 1,613,200.0 8 12 0.2202 5/11/2005 1,267,100.0 6 9 0 5/12/2005 1, 872, 300.0 11 14 0.1 5/13/2005 1,513,300.0 6 12 0.0001 5/14/2005 1,098,700.0 6 8 0.0002 5/15/2005 967,700.0 5 7 0.0002 5/16/2005 1,068,100.0 6 7 0 5/17/2005 1,701,500.0 9 11 0 5/18/2005 1,970,600.0 6 7 0 5/19/2005 1,762,000.0 9 12 0.0001 5/20/2005 1, 930, 200.0 5 7 0.7004 5/21/2005 956,400.0 5 6 0 5/22/2005 564,700.0 4 4 0 5/23/2005 931, 900.0 5 6 0 5/24/2005 1,647,900.0 6 14 0 5/25/2005 1,632,900.0 8 12 0 5/26/2005 1,857,200.0 10 13 0 5/27/2005 1,139, 300.0 6 7 0.0003 5/28/2005 689,900.0 4 5 0.0004 5/29/2005 534,200.0 3 3 0.5701 5/30/2005 905,700.0 6 5 0 5/31/2005 1,466,300.0 7 9 0 Average 1,367,790.3 6.6 9.4 Total 42,401,500.0 205 292 1.8733 • ' exceed 1.95 mgd purchase capacity > 24 hrs run time run time variance STATION I FLOW APRIL 2005 EAST SIDE STATION I DATE STAT #1 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP "A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 4/1/20051— 3,286,400.0 24 5 8 8 11 25 15 13 16 j 11 0.0201 4/2/2005 1,713,500.0 0.0404 4/3/2005 1,746,300.0 0 4/4/2005 1,974,200.0 ' 0 4/5/2005 1,811,600.0 0 4/6/2005 ,2„085,4.00.0: •2,306,600.0 [2,024 800.o . 1,096,200.0 9 17 0 4/7/2005 14 7 • 6 16 18 0.1404 4/8/2005 0.0806 4/9/2005 8 0.0403 4/10/2005 1,275,500.0 7 9 0 4/11/2005 . 2,099,600.0 , 7 i 6 C 17 19 17 0 4/12/2005 1,882,200.0 0.8202 4/13/20051 2,772,500.0 ; 3,656,000.0 . 22 0.6204 4/14/2005 27 27 J 0.1102 4/15/2005 1,595,000.0 16 19 0 4/16/2005 1,479,900.0 8 7 0 4/17/2005 1,849,900.0 8 10 0 4/18/2005t '' 2,485,100.0 11 14 0 4/19/2005 1,945,400.0 24 9 0 4/20/2005 1,379,400.0 12 14 0 4/21/2005 1,379,400.0 8 10 0 4/22/2005 2,126,100.0 ° 11 16 0.17 4/23/2005 1,651,000.0 8 12 0.0201 4/24/2005 1,175,400.0 7 16 0 _ 4/25/2005 1,435,800.0 8 10 0 4/26/2005 1,744,200.0 10 12 0.0605 4/27/2005 1,681,900.0 T 6 16 8 19 5 14 0.0102 4/28/2005 ``2,126,100.0 0 4/29/2005 1, 546, 800.0 0.0001 4/30/2005 1,226,400.0 6 9 0.1201 Average 1,885,286.7 10.4 14.7 Total 56,558,600.0 312 440 2.2536 exceed 1.95 mgd purchase capacity > 24 hrs run time - - run time variance STATION I FLOW MARCH 2005 EAST SIDE STATION I DATE STAT #1 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP "A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 3/1/2005 3,066,700.0I 2,612,500.0 2,382,900.0 ; 2,048,500.01 N/A N/A 0 3/2/2005 N/A N/A 0 _ 3/3/2005 N/A N/A 0 3/4/2005 N/A N/A 0 3/5/2005 1,644,200.0 N/A N/A 0.01 3/6/2005 1,429,000.0 N/A N/A 0 _ 3/7/2005 1,358,700.0 N/A N/A 0.1601 3/8/2005 1,587,200.0 N/A N/A 0.4902 3/9/2005 3,579,500.0 ' L 2,211,100.0 N/A N/A 0 3/10/2005 N/A N/A 0 3/11/2005 1,828,600.0 N/A N/A 0.0002 3/12/2005 1,029,500.0 N/A N/A 0 3/13/2005 1,162, 000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/14/2005 1,897,400.0 N/A N/A 0.1403 3/15/2005 2,000,900.0 ' 5 21 16 29 I 0 3/16/2005 1,757,800.0 6 1.0002 3/17/2005 3,694,200.0 3,025,000.0 ; 2,340,000.0 28 0.1106 3/18/2005 22 I 22 0 3/19/2005 _ 5 : 34 43 0 3/20/2005 1,820,600.0 25 j 0 3/21/2005 2,167,000.0� 2,082,300.0 2,442,200.0 _ 3,000,000.0 . _ - 12 16 0 3/22/2005 13 17 0.2401 3/23/2005 19 16 0.0001 3/24/2005 27 1 ! 27 14 0 3/25/2005 988,000.0 16 0 3/26/2005 1,262, 000.0 7 8 0 3/27/2005 144,000.0 6 7 0.2602 3/28/2005 1,522,300.0 19 12 0.8506 3/29/2005 4,037,500.0 25 3,063,300.0 11 L , 2,412,400.0 7 25 _ 28 j 23 : j 0 3/30/2005! 0 3/31/2005 0.5702 Average 2,116,041.9 16.1 19.9 Total 65, 597, 300.0 273 338 3.8328 exceed 1.95 mgd purchase capacity > 24 hrs run time run time variance STATION I FLOW FEBRUARY 2005 EAST SIDE STATION I DATE STAT #1 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP "A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 2/1/2005 2,003,300.0 N/A N/A 0 2/2/2005 1,881,800.0 N/A N/A 0.0002 2/3/20051 __ 2;087,900.0 1 N/A N/A 0.5002 2/4/2005 1,731,600.0 N/A N/A 0 2/5/2005 1,383,600.0 N/A N/A 0 2/6/20051 2,771,800.0 ' N/A N/A 0 2/7/2005 1,542,100.0 N/A N/A 0 2/8/2005 1,905,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0102 2/9/2005 2,083,000.0 3,210,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0105 2/10/20051 N/A N/A 0 2/11/2005 1,418,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/12/20051 _ 4,292,300.01 N/A N/A 0 2/13/2005 1,353,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0505 2/14/2005 i, 4,261,400 d 1 2,331,100.0 f 2,202,000.0 i r 2,250,000.0 ' 2,071,100.0 1 2,032,400.0I 5,591,000.0 1 N/A N/A 0.3803 2/15/2005 N/A N/A 0 2/16/20051 N/A N/A 0.0701 2/17/2005 N/A N/A 0 2/18/2005 N/A N/A 0 2/19/2005' N/A N/A 0 2/20/20051 N/A N/A 0.121 2/21/2005 1, 648, 300.0 N/A N/A 0.3504 2/22/2005 2,747,600.01 2,590,600.0 j 2,689,700.01 2,852,700.0 1 N/A N/A 0 2/23/2005 N/A N/A 0 2/24/2005 N/A N/A 0.3703 2/25/2005 N/A N/A 0 2/26/2005 1,704,100.0 N/A N/A 0 2/27/2005 1,270,200.0 N/A N/A 0.4002 2/28/2005. 2,810,600.0 N/A N/A 0.4601 Average 2,382,721.4 Total 66,716,200.0 2.724 exceed 1.95 mgd purchase capacity STATION I FLOW JANUARY 2005 EAST SIDE STATION DATE STAT #1 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP "A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 1/1/2005 184,700.0 N/A N/A 0 1/2/2005 1,580,900.0 N/A N/A 0 1/3/2005 ' 2,649,000.0 : N/A N/A 0 1/4/2005 1,475,900.0 N/A N/A 0 1/5/2005 1,841,800.0 N/A N/A 0 1/6/2005 1,656,900.0 N/A N/A 0.0102 1/7/2005 1,919,000.0 N/A N/A 0.1002 1/8/2005 1,067,900.0 N/A N/A 0.0101 1/9/2005 902,300.0 N/A N/A 0 1/10/2005 1,502,300.0 N/A N/A 0 1 /11 /2005 1,712,200.0 N/A N/A 0 1/12/2005 1,634,300.0 N/A N/A 0.01 1 /13/2005 , 2335,400.0 3,031,500.0 N/A N/A 0.0103 1/14/2005' N/A N/A 1.8002 1/15/2005 1,827,300.0 N/A N/A 0 1/16/2005 ., 2,470,200.0 I N/A N/A 0 1/17/2005 1,938,300.0 N/A N/A 0 1/18/2005 ,. 2,630,800.0 s N/A N/A 0 1/19/2005 1,943,600.0 N/A N/A 0.0001 1/20/2005 . 1,984,700.0 2,012,200.0 N/A N/A 0 1/21/2005 N/A N/A 0 1/22/2005 1,262,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0006 1/23/2005 1,098,700.0 N/A N/A 0 1/24/2005 1,963,200.0 N/A N/A 0 1/25/2005 1, 810,100.0 N/A N/A 0 1/26/2005 1,407,200.0 _ N/A N/A 0.0002 1 /27/2005 ? 3,113,200.07 N/A N/A 0 1/28/2005 781,300.0 N/A N/A 0 1/29/2005 1,356,000.0 N/A N/A 0.2503 1/30/2005 1,570,400.0 N/A N/A 0.1901 1/31/2005 1,924,500.0 N/A N/A 0 Average 1, 760, 896.8 Total 54,587,800.0 2.3823 exceed 1.95 mgd purchase capacity Station Flow January 2005 through July 2005 STATION II FLOW JULY 2005 A B C D E 1 EAST SIDE STATION II 2 DATE STAT #2 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP "A" RUN TIME(HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 3 7/1/2005 1,654,000.0 17 19 0.0501 4 7/2/2005 935,000.0 9 8 0 5 7/3/2005 602,000.0 6 7 0 6 7/4/2005 1,081,000.0 10 11 0 7 7/5/2005 1,528,000.0 15 17 0 8 7/6/2005 1,177, 000.0 13 10 0.0002 9 7/7/2005 1,499,000.0 16 18 0.82 10 7/8/2005 1, 551, 000.0 15 16 0 11 7/9/2005 424,000.0 5 5 0.01 12 7/10/2005 500,000.0 5 4 0 13 7/11/2005 1, 013, 000.0 5 9 0.0802 14 7/12/2005 761,000.0 12 9 0.0001 15 7/13/2005 1, 051, 000.0 7 10 0.0004 16 7/14/2005 1,366,000.0 12 15 0.0002 17 7/15/2005 1, 047, 000.0 14 8 0 18 7/16/2005 737,000.0 14 6 0.0003 19 7/17/2005 329,000.0 10 3 0 20 7/18/2005 902,000.0 3 6 0 21 7/19/2005 1, 293, 000.0 13 18 0 22 7/20/2005 908,000.0 10 14 0.0002 23 7/21/2005 1,040,000.0 4 8 1.4701 24 7/22/2005 1, 222, 000.0 15 12 0.0903 25 7/23/2005 762, 000.0 14 8 0 26 7/24/2005 461, 000.0 9 3 0 27 7/25/2005 733, 000.0 4 6 0 28 7/26/2005 1,179, 000.0 9 12 0 29 7/27/2005 1,169, 000.0 12 13 22 16 13 12 6 14 9 12 0 30 7/28/2005 1, 358, 000.0 1.0601 31 7/29/2005 1,331,000.0 0.2102 32 7/30/2005 1,068,000.0 0.4705 33 7/31/2005 1,299,000.0 0 34 35 Average 1,031,612.9 11.0 10.2 36 Total 31,980,000 342 315 4.2629 37 - 38 RUN TIME > 24 HRS 39 40 RUN TIME VARIANCE STATION II FLOW JUNE 2005 EAST SIDE STATION II DATE STAT #2 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP "A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 6/1/2005 1,031,000.0 6 9 0.8703 6/2/2005 1,618, 000.0 18 11 2.1803 6/3/2005 2,383,000.0 24 ' 17 0.0503 6/4/2005 786,000.0 8 5 0 6/5/2005 807, 000.0 6 6 0 6/6/2005 897,000.0 9 7 0.0101 6/7/2005 1, 518, 000.0 14 10 0.0802 6/8/2005 900,000.0 8 6 0.3902 6/9/2005 1, 387, 000.0 13 11 0.3903 6/10/2005 1, 249, 000.0 16 10 0.68 6/11/2005 1, 087, 000.0 18 15 19 17 17 28 9 8 1 3 3 5 4 4 8 0.01 6/12/2005 793,000.0 0.0002 6/13/2005 985,000.0 0.0904 6/14/2005 1,081,000.0 0 6/15/2005 1, 587, 000.0 0 6/16/2005 1,498,000.0 0 6/17/2005 833,000.0 0 6/18/2005 532,000.0 5 4 0 6/19/2005 354,000.0 4 3 0 6/20/2005 512, 000.0 5 4 0 6/21/2005 956,000.0 11 6 0 6/22/2005 1,145, 000.0 15 6 0 6/23/2005 2,213,000.0 9 12 0 6/24/2005 714,000.0 17 14 0 6/25/2005 525,000.0 9 6 0 6/26/2005 659,000.0 5 5 0.0806 6/27/2005 554,000.0 7 7 0.2301 6/28/2005 1,102, 000.0 9 14 4.0503 6/29/2005 2,026,000.0 23 21 0.1201 6/30/2005 1,444, 000.0 15 15 0 Average 1,105, 866.7 12.6 8.1 Time 33,176,000 379 244 9.2334 i RUN TIME > 24 HRS ' ` RUN TIME VARIANCE STATION II FLOW MAY 2005 EAST SIDE STATION II DATE STAT #2 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP "A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" ' RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 5/1/2005 726,000.0 9 6 0.1901 5/2/2005 1, 321, 000.0 9 16 0 5/3/2005 1,192, 000.0 10 14 0 5/4/2005 1,319,000.0 6 6 5 6 13 18 6 4 5 3 10 21 21 16 15 3 10 19 15 j 25 i 15 10 0 5/5/2005 1,279,000.0 0.0707 5/6/2005 1, 012, 000.0 0.0205 5/7/2005 1,036,000.0 0 5/8/2005 594,000.0 0 5/9/2005 1, 043, 000.0 0 5/10/2005 1,184,000.0 0.2202 5/11/2005 721,000.0 0 5/12/2005 1,477,000.0 0.1 5/13/2005 870,000.0 0.0001 5/14/2005 746, 000.0 0.0002 5/15/2005 597,000.0 16 3 0.0002 5/16/2005 743,000.0 8 10 0 5/17/2005 1,198, 000.0 13 16 0 5/18/2005 797,000.0 6 13 0 5/19/2005 998,000.0 9 14 0.0001 5/20/2005 836,000.0 7 13 0.7004 5/21/2005 641,000.0 10 8 0 5/22/2005 320,000.0 11 1 0 5/23/2005 614,000.0 10 8 0 5/24/2005 1,211,000.0 1 24 24 15 0 5/25/2005 1,231, 000.0 16 0 5/26/2005 1,426,000.0 17 14 0 5/27/2005 807,000.0 7 5 0.0003 5/28/2005 504,000.0 4 4 0.0004 5/29/2005 291, 000.0 2 2 0.5701 5/30/2005 655,000.0 4 6 0 5/31/2005 1,548, 000.0 11 13 0 Average 933,451.6 9.5 11.8 Total 28,937,000 293 367 1.8733 RUN TIME > 24 HRS d RUN TIME VARIANCE STATION II FLOW APRIL 2005 EAST SIDE STATION II DATE STAT #2 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP "A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 4/1/2005 2,421,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0201 4/2/2005 1,231,000.0 15 14 0.0404 4/3/2005 1,182,000.0 8 4 0 4/4/2005 1,437,000.0 12 16 0 4/5/2005 1,379,000.0 11 16 0 4/6/2005 1,465,000.0 19 17 0 4/7/2005 1,589,000.0 19 18 0.1404 _ 4/8/2005 1,579,000.0 18 18 0.0806 4/9/2005 732,000.0 4 7 0.0403 4/10/2005 828,000.0 8 9 0 4/11/2005 1,500,000.0 12 19 0 4/12/2005 1,257,000.0 8 17 0.8202 4/13/2005 2,007,000.0 20 23 0.6204 4/14/2005 2,804,000.0 ' 26 26 0.1102 4/15/2005 1,829,000.0 18 19 0 4/16/2005 1,171,000.0 12 10 0 4/17/2005 1,052,000.0 12 6 0 4/18/2005 1,347,000.0 12 13 0 4/19/2005 1,703,000.0 16 22 0 4/20/2005 1,657,000.0 17 19 0 4/21/2005 1,104,000.0 8 14 0 4/22/2005 1,626,000.0 s 12` 20 0.17 4/23/2005 1,207,000.0 13 11 0.0201 4/24/2005 820,000.0 9 6 0 4/25/2005 1,052,000.0 15 6 0 4/26/2005 1,194,000.0 15 9 0.0605 4/27/2005 1,412,000.0 ' 10 18 10 22 0.0102 4/28/2005 1,672,000.0 0 4/29/2005 906,000.0 8 9 0.0001 4/30/2005 1,019,000.0 5 13 0.1201 Average 1,406,066.7 12.8 14.5 Total 42,182,000.0 372 421 2.2536 I RUN TIME > 24 HRS RUN TIME VARIANCE STATION II FLOW MARCH 2005 EAST SIDE STATION II DATE STAT #2 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP "A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 3/1/2005 2,345,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/2/2005 1, 936, 000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/3/2005 1,803,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/4/2005 1,491,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/5/2005 1,060,000.0 N/A N/A 0.01 3/6/2005 898,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/7/2005 1,075,000.0 N/A N/A 0.1601 3/8/2005 1,146,000.0 N/A N/A 0.4902 3/9/2005 2,707,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/10/2005 1,589,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/11/2005 1,387,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0002 3/12/2005 717,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/13/2005 787,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/14/2005 1,390,000.0 N/A N/A 0.1403 3/15/2005 1,496,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/16/2005 1,287,000.0 N/A N/A 1.0002 3/17/2005 2,875,000.0 N/A N/A 0.1106 3/18/2005 2,401,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/19/2005 1,580,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/20/2005 1,244,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/21/2005 1,531,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/22/2005 1,618,000.0 N/A N/A 0.2401 3/23/2005 1,865,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0001 3/24/2005 2,207,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/25/2005 680,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/26/2005 845,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/27/2005 736,000.0 N/A N/A 0.2602 3/28/2005 1, 037, 000.0 N/A N/A 0.8506 3/29/2005 3,092,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/30/2005 1,262,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/31/2005 1,744,000.0 N/A N/A 0.5702 Average 1,542,935.5 Total 47,831,000.0 3.8328 STATION II FLOW FEBRUARY 2005 EAST SIDE STATION II DATE STAT #2 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP "A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 2/1/2005 1,499,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/2/2005 450,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0002 2/3/2005 1,430,000.0 N/A N/A 0.5002 2/4/2005 1,246,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/5/2005 2,866,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/6/2005 1,068,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/7/2005 2,126,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/8/2005 1, 065, 000.0 N/A N/A 0.0102 2/9/2005 1,413,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0105 2/10/2005 1,526,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/11/2005 1,477,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/12/2005 1,593,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/13/2005 1,442,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0505 2/14/2005 1,558,000.0 N/A N/A 0.3803 2/15/2005 1,700,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/16/2005 1,670,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0701 2/17/2005 1,583,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/18/2005 1,751,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/19/2005 846,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/20/2005 1,026,000.0 N/A N/A 0.121 2/21/2005 772,000.0 N/A N/A 0.3504 2/22/2005 2,074,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/23/2005 2,013,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/24/2005 1,467,000.0 N/A N/A 0.3703 2/25/2005 3,893,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/26/2005 952,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/27/2005 978,000.0 N/A N/A 0.4002 2/28/2005 N/A N/A 0.4601 Average 1,536,444.4 Total 41,484, 000.0 2.7 STATION II FLOW JANUARY 2005 EAST SIDE STATION II DATE STAT #2 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP "A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 1/1/2005 905,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/2/2005 310,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/3/2005 519,300.0 N/A N/A 0 1/4/2005 1,009,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/5/2005 1,246,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/6/2005 1,179, 000.0 N/A N/A 0.0102 1/7/2005 1,342,000.0 N/A N/A 0.1002 1/8/2005 667, 000.0 N/A N/A 0.0101 1/9/2005 594,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/10/2005 1,134,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1 /11 /2005 1,196, 000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/12/2005 1,235,000.0 N/A N/A 0.01 1/13/2005 1,674,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0103 1/14/2005 2,367,000.0 N/A N/A 1.8002 1/15/2005 1,450,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/16/2005 1,741,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/17/2005 1,396,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/18/2005 2,000,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/19/2005 1,630,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0001 1/20/2005 1,288,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/21/2005 1,592,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/22/2005 756,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0006 1/23/2005 713,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/24/2005 1,027,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/25/2005 1,560,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/26/2005 1,049,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0002 1/27/2005 1,786,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/28/2005 1, 043, 000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/29/2005 954,000.0 N/A N/A 0.2503 1/30/2005 1,103,000.0 N/A N/A 0.1901 1/31/2005 1,345,000.0 N/A N/A 0 Average 1,219,687.1 Total 37,810,300.0 2.4 Station ! l l Flow January 2005 through July 2005 STATION III FLOW JULY 2005 A B C D E 1 EAST SIDE STATION III 2 DATE STAT #3 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP"A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 3 7/1/2005 972,000.0 12 9 0.0501 4 7/2/2005 453, 000.0 5 6 0 5 7/3/2005 259, 000.0 4 3 0 6 7/4/2005 562, 000.0 6 6 0 7 7/5/2005 887,000.0 11 9 0 8 7/6/2005 705, 000.0 8 7 0.0002 9 7/7/2005 924,000.0 12 9 0.82 10 7/8/2005 873,000.0 11 10 0 11 7/9/2005 197,000.0 2 2 0.01 12 7/10/2005 176,000.0 2 2 0 13 7/11/2005 611,000.0 8 7 0.0802 14 7/12/2005 514, 000.0 6 5 0.0001 15 7/13/2005 700,000.0 8 7 0.0004 16 7/14/2005 732,000.0 10 9 0.0002 17 7/15/2005 602,000.0 7 7 0 18 7/16/2005 405,000.0 5 4 0.0003 19 7/17/2005 720,000.0 1 1 0 20 7/18/2005 530,000.0 6 6 0 21 7/19/2005 659,000.0 9 8 0 22 7/20/2005 766,000.0 8 7 0.0002 23 7/21/2005 532,000.0 6 5 1.4701 24 7/22/2005 721,000.0 8 8 0.0903 25 7/23/2005 188,000.0 3 2 0 26 7/24/2005 111, 000.0 1 2 0 27 7/25/2005 372,000.0 4 4 0 28 7/26/2005 681,000.0 8 7 0 29 7/27/2005 683,000.0 8 7 0 30 7/28/2005 783,000.0 9 8 1.0601 31 7/29/2005 631, 000.0 8 6 0.2102 32 7/30/2005 425,000.0 5 5 0.4705 33 7/31/2005 468, 000.0 6 5 0 34 35 Average 575,548.4 6.7 5.9 36 Total 17,842,000 207 183 4.2629 37 38 _' RUN TIME > 24 HRS 39 40 RUN TIME VARIANCE STATION III FLOWS JUNE 2005 EAST SIDE STATION III DATE STAT #3 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP"A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 6/1/2005 843,000.0 ; 16 20 14 5 _ 3 6 0.8703 6/2/2005 884,000.0 2.1803 6/3/2005 1,003,000.0 0.0503 6/4/2005 344,000.0 6 3 0 6/5/2005 441,000.0 5 5 0 6/6/2005 540,000.0 7 6 0.0101 6/7/2005 908,000.0 13 10 0.0802 6/8/2005 436,000.0 5 5 0.3902 6/9/2005 732,000.0 9 7 0.3903 6/10/2005 627,000.0 9 6 0.68 6/11/2005 454,000.0 3 3 0.01 6/12/2005 360,000.0 4 4 0.0002 6/13/2005 530,000.0 7 5 0.0904 6/14/2005 579,000.0 7 6 0 6/15/2005 665,000.0 8 7 0 6/16/2005 921,000.0 12 10 0 6/17/2005 479,000.0 6 5 0 6/18/2005 275,000.0 3 3 0 6/19/2005 720,000.0 1 3 0 6/20/2005 249,000.0 3 3 0 6/21/2005 562,000.0 7 6 0 6/22/2005 645,000.0 8 7 0 6/23/2005 619,000.0 7 7 0 6/24/2005 787,000.0 10 8 0 6/25/2005 404,000.0 5 4 0 6/26/2005 266,000.0 3 3 0.0806 6/27/2005 350,000.0 5 4 0.2301 6/28/2005 691,000.0 8 7 4.0503 6/29/2005 967,000.0 13 14 0.1201 6/30/2005 798,000.0 10 9 0 Average 602,633.3 7.8 5.8 Total 18,079,000.0 234.0 174.0 9.2 .r _._J RUN TIME > 24 HRS RUN TIME VARIANCE STATION III FLOW MAY 2005 EAST SIDE STATION III DATE STAT #3 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP"A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 5/1/2005 288,000.0 4 3 0.1901 5/2/2005 625,000.0 8 7 0 5/3/2005 809,000.0 11 8 0 5/4/2005 798,000.0 11 7 0 5/5/2005 741,000.0 11 7 0.0707 5/6/2005 618,000.0 9 7 0.0205 5R/2005 592,000.0 7 6 0 5/8/2005 260,000.0 4 3 0 5/9/2005 623,000.0 8 7 0 5/10/2005 700,000.0 11 6 0.2202 5/11/2005 559,000.0 12 3 0 5/12/2005 855,000.0 16 7 0.1 5/13/2005 662,000.0 9 7 0.0001 5/14/2005 444,000.0 6 4 0.0002 5/15/2005 274,000.0 3 3 0.0002 5/16/2005 454,000.0 6 5 0 5/17/2005 739,000.0 10 8 0 5/18/2005 490,000.0 6 5 0 5/19/2005 727,000.0 9 7 0.0001 5/20/2005 473,000.0 7 5 0.7004 5/21/2005 372,000.0 4 4 0 5/22/2005 81,000.0 1 1 0 5/23/2005 389,000.0 7 3 0 5/24/2005 865,000.0 15 9 0 5/25/2005 729,000.0 11 7 0 5/26/2005 957,000.0 15 8 0 5/27/2005 462,000.0 7 5 0.0003 5/28/2005 261,000.0 4 2 0.0004 5/29/2005 73,000.0 1 1 0.5701 5/30/2005 348,000.0 5 3 0 5/31/2005 709,000.0 11 6 0 Average 547,645.2 8.0 5.3 Total 16,977,000 249 164 1.8733 , RUN TIME >24HRS RUN TIME VARIANCE STATION III FLOW APRIL 2005 EAST SIDE STATION III DATE STAT #3 DAILY FLOW (MGD) 4/1/2005 999,000.0 4/2/2005 547, 000.0 PUMP"A" RUN TIME (HRS) 20 6 PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) 10 6 TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 0.0201 0.0404 4/3/2005 360, 000.0 5 4 0 4/4/2005 606,000.0 7 6 0 4/5/2005 691, 000.0 8 8 0 4/6/2005 744, 000.0 9 8 0 4/7/2005 904, 000.0 12 9 0.1404 4/8/2005 866, 000.0 10 9 0.0806 4/9/2005 291, 000.0 4 4 0.0403 4/10/2005 337, 000.0 4 4 0 4/11/2005 875, 000.0 11 9 0 4/12/2005 4/13/2005 753, 000.0 1,101,000.0 4/14/2005 1,241,000.0 4/15/2005 866, 000.0 9 20, 25 16 8 9 21 0.8202 0.6204 0.1102 7 0 4/16/2005 412,000.0 5 4 0 4/17/2005 375, 000.0 5 4 0 4/18/2005 623, 000.0 8 7 0 4/19/2005 927, 000.0 12 10 0 4/20/2005 892,000.0 12 8 0 4/21/2005 635, 000.0 9 7 0 4/22/2005 927, 000.0 12 10 0.17 4/23/2005 596, 000.0 6 5 0.0201 4/24/2005 353, 000.0 4 4 0 4/25/2005 561, 000.0 7 6 0 4/26/2005 651, 000.0 9 7 0.0605 4/27/2005 777, 000.0 10 8 0.0102 4/28/2005 976, 000.0 14 9 0 4/29/2005 510, 000.0 7 5 0.0001 4/30/2005 480, 000.0 6 6 0.1201 Average 695, 866.7 9.7 7.4 Total 20, 876, 000 292 222 2.2536 J RUN TIME > 24 HRS RUN TIME VARIANCE STATION III FLOW MARCH 2005 EAST SIDE STATION III DATE STAT #3 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP"A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 3/1/2005 1,051,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/2/2005 898,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/3/2005 849,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/4/2005 722,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/5/2005 299,000.0 N/A N/A 0.01 3/6/2005 341,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/7/2005 415, 000.0 N/A N/A 0.1601 3/8/2005 889,000.0 N/A N/A 0.4902 3/9/2005 1,200,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/10/2005 587,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/11/2005 898,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0002 3/12/2005 276,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/13/2005 283,000.0 N/A N/A 0 3/14/2005 733,000.0 N/A N/A 0.1403 3/15/2005 757,000.0 20 21 29 11 1 12 1 0 3/16/2005 721,000.0 1.0002 3/17/2005 1,462,000.0 29 __ ] 0.1106 3/18/2005 1,101, 000.0 22 19 0 3/19/2005 596,000.0 6 6 0 3/20/2005 388,000.0 5 4 0 3/21/2005 659, 000.0 3 8 0 3/22/2005 824,000.0 10 8 0.2401 3/23/2005 944, 000.0 14 8 0.0001 3/24/2005 851,000.0 10 9 0 3/25/2005 752,000.0 19 23 0 3/26/2005 306,000.0 2 2 0 3/27/2005 242,000.0 2 2 0.2602 3/28/2005 547,000.0 9 7 0.8506 3/29/2005 1, 395, 000.0 - 25 25 _t 0 3/30/2005 1, 013, 000.0 12 11 0 3/31/2005 886, 000.0 _ 16 7 0.5702 Average 738,225.8 13.2 11.2 Total 22, 885, 000.0 225 191 3.8328 ', RUN TIME >24HRS r RUN TIME VARIANCE STATION III FLOW FEBRUARY 2005 EAST SIDE STATION I11 DATE STAT #3 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP"A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL LRAIN (INCHES) 2/1/2005 220,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/2/2005 700,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0002 2/3/2005 843,000.0 N/A N/A 0.5002 2/4/2005 693,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/5/2005 536,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/6/2005 897,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/7/2005 331,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/8/2005 646,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0102 2/9/2005 772,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0105 2/10/2005 788,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/11/2005 835,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/12/2005 750,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/13/2005 579,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0505 2/14/2005 909,000.0 N/A N/A 0.3803 2/15/2005 833,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/16/2005 827,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0701 2/17/2005 977,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/18/2005 812,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/19/2005 455,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/20/2005 239,000.0 N/A N/A 0.121 2/21/2005 573,000.0 N/A N/A 0.3504 2/22/2005 977,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/23/2005 966,000.0 N/A N/A 0 2/24/2005 690,000.0 N/A N/A 0.3703 2/25/2005 N/A N/A N/A 0 2/26/2005 N/A N/A N/A 0 2/27/2005 N/A N/A N/A 0.4002 2/28/2005 N/A N/A N/A 0.4601 Average 702,000.0 Total 16, 848, 000.0 2.7 STATION III FLOW JANUARY 2005 EAST SIDE STATION In DATE STAT #3 DAILY FLOW (MGD) PUMP"A" RUN TIME (HRS) PUMP "B" RUN TIME (HRS) TOTAL RAIN FALL (INCHES) 1/1/2005 575,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/2/2005 570,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/3/2005 391,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/4/2005 584,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/5/2005 731, 000.0 N/A N/A _ 0 1/6/2005 809,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0102 1/7/2005 867,000.0 N/A N/A 0.1002 1/8/2005 308,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0101 1/9/2005 248, 000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/10/2005 673,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/11/2005 1,006,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/12/2005 504,000.0 N/A N/A 0.01 1/13/2005 103,300.0 N/A N/A 0.0103 1/14/2005 1,203,000.0 N/A N/A 1.8002 1/15/2005 693,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/16/2005 622,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/17/2005 613,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/18/2005 1,035,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/19/2005 843,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0001 1/20/2005 770, 000.0 N/A N/A 0 1 /21 /2005 888, 000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/22/2005 295,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0006 1/23/2005 251, 000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/24/2005 530,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/25/2005 884,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/26/2005 663,000.0 N/A N/A 0.0002 1/27/2005 1, 016, 000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/28/2005 632,000.0 N/A N/A 0 1/29/2005 503,000.0 N/A N/A 0.2503 1/30/2005 498,000.0 N/A N/A 0.1901 1/31/2005 525,000.0 N/A N/A 0 Average 639,783.9 Total 19, 833, 300.0 2.4 UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Jon C. Dyer, P.E., Director February 25, 2002 Mr. D. Rex Gleason Water Quality Regional Supervisor NCDENR DWQ 919 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 SUBJECT: Sanitary Sewer Overflow(s) "East Side" Collection/Transmission System Union County Public Works Union County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Gleason: NC DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT AND N.4T) j ?„ REI:^URCES MOORi. _ :NAL. OFFIC2 FEB 2 7 2002 This letter is written to serve as a follow-up report to sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) that occurred within the Union County wastewater collection system January 23, 2002 through January 26, 2002 and February 7, 2002 through February 9, 2002 respectively. Both overflow events were the result of Inflow and Infiltration into the system. The Union County Public Works Depaitment (UCPWD) is charged with management, operations and maintenance of over 300 miles of collection/transmission line, approximately 70 wastewater pumping stations and 6 wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). In addition to the 6 WWTP's, UCPWD has wastewater treatment capacity contracts with the City of Monroe, Charlotte -Mecklenburg Utilities, and Lancaster County, SC. The portion of the system that is the subject of this report is referred to by UCPWD as the "East Side". The East Side system is comprised of approximately 17 miles of pipe ranging in diameter from 24 inches to 8 inches and 3 wastewater pump stations. The East Side system was constructed in. the late 1970's and serves the Towns of Marshville and Wingate, Pilgrim's Pride (poultry. processor) and a hand -full of "county customers". The collected wastewater is treated at the City of Monroe WWTP. Until recently the East Side has not exhibited what Public Works would classify as "chronic" problems. The lack of SSO's on the East Side is directly attributable to routine efforts to inspect, and repair when necessary, the system (records are available for inspection.). Efforts included TV inspection, smoke testing, visual inspection and flow 400 North Church St. . Monroe, North Carolina 28112-4804 . Phone: (704) 296-4210 . Fax: (704) 296-4232 isolation testing. In February 2000 a SSO occurred as a result of a mechanical pump failure. In April 2000 a SSO occurred when the Town of Marshville inadvertently pumped their equalization lagoons during peak hydraulic hours which resulted in a system overload. Due to growth in and around eastern Union County, UCPWD designed and permitted an East Side system upgrade. The upgrade included improvements to gravity lines, 3 new pump stations to replace the existing stations and upsized forcemains to replace the existing mains in an effort to ensure adequate collection/transmission capacity within the system. The City of Monroe was poised for a WWTP expansion to accommodate additional wastewater flows. In early 2000 the Town of Marshville and Pilgrim's Pride announced their intentions to withdraw from the County wastewater system by partnering with Schaeffer International to construct a land treatment system. As Marshville and Pilgrim's Pride are the major contributors to the East Side system, the planned upgrades/expansions became fiscally unfeasible for both Union County and the City of Monroe. In March 2001 two more overflows occurred on the East Side. The overflows were a combined result of improper use of flow equalization from private systems and inflow/infiltration. In response to the March 2001 SSO's, Public Works took the following actions: > Public Works worked closely with both the municipality and industry to maximize flow equalization capabilities. > Public Works inserted valving and associated hardware into the forcemain that would allow a portable pump to be used in conjunction with, or independent of, the pump station that was unable to accommodate peak flows. > Public Works rented a "high head" portable pump and placed it in parallel with the pump station. > Public Works, with assistance from Hydrostructures PA, calculated the maximum pumping capacity of the station and downstream system components. These calculated values were compared to field measurements. It was determined that the pump impellers could safely be upsized and thus increase the pumping capacity of the station. > Charles Underwood, Inc was contracted to assist Public Works with the pump impeller upgrades. Upgrades were complete by mid _April 2001. Public Works is aware that simply increasing pump capacity is not the solution to I&I problems, yet it was the most viable short-term avenue available. As previously mentioned, the two largest contributors to the system were planning to cease discharge in Spring 2002. The modifications made to the pump station carried the East Side into early 2002 without event. In early 2002 two SSO's occurred within the Union County wastewater collection system. The first occurred January 23, 2002 through January 26, 2002 and the second February 7, 2002 through February 9, 2002. Both overflow events were the result of Inflow and Infiltration into the system. As a result of the January/February 2002 SSO's, Public Works diverted all available resources to the East Side I&I investigation. Since February 2002, Public Works has: > TV'd over 3000 feet of outfall. / `7 1114lt's g9, 96o) > Visually inspected over 13,000 feet of collection lines. > Made repairs when deficiencies were detected. I&I identification and correction efforts are ongoing. The results of the intensified I&I inspections verified what was already suspected. The majority of I&I causing significant impact to the County system is coming from private satellite systems. As these sources became more documentable, Public Works made contact with the Towns of Marshville and Wingate. Public Works appraised the Towns of the situation and requested a written response outlining intended remedial actions from each. Responses from the Towns of Marshville and Wingate are attached. As stated earlier, Public Works is continuing I&I investigation/reduction efforts on the East Side. County management is reviewing contractual agreements with the municipalities in an effort to determined allowable courses of action by which to address these situations. Marshville and Pilgrim's Pride still plan to withdraw from the system, Fall 2002, upon the compleiion of the Schaeffer land treatment system. Public Works takes great pride in the operation, maintenance and management of the entire wastewater system and is committed to resolving this East Side situation in a prudent manner. Should you wish to discuss these issues in more detail, please feel free to contact me at (704) 296-4212. Respectfully, C. Dyer, PE nion County Public Works Director cc: Mike Shalati, Union County Manager Mark Tye, UCPWD Dee Browder, DWQ Town of Marshville Town of Wingate Attachments Town of Marshville 201 West Main Street Marshville, North Carolina 28103 Telephone 704-624-2515 Fax 704-624-0175 February 14, 2002.. Jon Dyer, Director Union County Public Works 400 N. Church St. Monroe NC 28112-4804 Dear Jon: In response to our telephone conversation of January 25; 2002 this letter outlines the management and .maintenance steps taken and planned by the Town of Marshville as relates to our wastewater collection system. Alternate treatment methods Since 1997 the Town of Marshville has investigated a number options related to treatment- of Marshville's wastewater which would allow the town an increase in capacity. In 2001 the town agreed to join Pilgrims Pride as a customer of'a Sheaffer wastewater reuse and recycling facility which will increase Marshville's treatment capacity to 700,000 gallons per day and reduce our dependancy on Union County's east side sewer system. Sewer upgrades Since 1982 the Town of Marshville has spent over $690,000 to upgrade our existing collection system. This annual on -going expenditure program includes slip -lining; replacing pipe; camera and smoke inspections and repairs to our 'flow equalization lagoon . Pumps and controls. Management of flow " MarshvilIe is maintaining open communication withPilgrims Pride 'and with Union County Public Works. to determine a schedule of pump operation that will maintain maximum freeboard at our equalization lagoons in order to minimize storm water peak flows into Union County's wastewater system. I hope this letter affords you a better understanding of our past, present and continuing actions related to maintenance and operation of our wastewater collection system. I appreciate the past cooperation we have enjoyed and look forward to a continued successful relationship between the Town of Marshville and Union County. Sincerely, Carl Webber Town Administrator CC: Mayor and Town Council • SEA.. �fr 1901 • lOGATO-:4r February 14, 2002 Jon Dyer Union County Public Works 400 N. Church St. Monroe, NC 28112-4804 TOWN OF WINGATE P. O. BOX 367 WINGATE, N. C. 28174 TELEPHONE: 704-233-4411 FAX: 704-233-4412 TONY,E. MAYE, MAYOR TOWN COMMISSIONERS BILL BRASWELL NATHEL HAILEY LINDA ISNER JOHNNY JACUMIN JOHN MANGUM Dear Mr. Dyer: During the past two years the Town of Wingate has been aggressively working to reduce, if not eliminate, wastewater spills. In order to do this, we have attacked the problem head on by identifying possible sources of inflow and infiltration. About two years ago the Town worked with Hydrostructures, Inc. to put together a report that cataloged items of the Town's wastewater system that needed repairing. This report showed that there were a number of clean out caps that needed to be replaced, approximately 75 manholes needed to be rehabilitated, and sections of sewer lines needed to be cleaned, camera -inspected and relined or replaced. The Town is now in the process of addressing these items. As of today, the Town has replaced the broken clean out caps and we are in the process of rehabilitating the manholes that are in disrepair. Last week Wingate signed a contract with James E. Harris Construction Company, Inc. to begin repairing the manholes identified in the I & I report. Work on the manholes started today, and the project should be significantly completed within 30 — 45 days. As for the camera inspection and sewer line repairs, the Town plans to start the camera work in late spring to early summer of this year. After this work, we will then begin work to repair the broken wastewater lines. In addition to all of this work, the Town's public works department is in the process of implementing a routine line cleaning program. This program will allow all of the sewer lines to be cleaned with a rodding machine once each year. Sincerely, G. Dryw B1ancKard Town Administrator Cc: Mike Brower Wingate Public Works Director Sj UNION COUNTYPUBLICWORKS DEPARTMENT Jon C. Dyer, P.E., Director November 5, 2003 Ms. Sonja Williams, Environmental Consultant NCDENR DWQ 919 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 NC DEPT. OF SIVIRO ' AND NATURAL RESOD MOORESVILLZ 2.MAi.OFRCE n, - =; 161 SUBJECT: Notice of Deficiency (NOD) - Dated October 8, 2003 Union County Wastewater Collection System Union County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Williams: NOV 0 7 2003 IECTIIlN Please accept this letter as a written response to deficiencies noted as a result of your June 19, 2003 inspection of Union County's wastewater collection system. The deficiencies are discussed below in the order they appear in the NOD: File Review Union County has identified two problem areas associated with maintenance issues (Waxhaw and Lake Park). Response - To address maintenance issues in the Waxhaw area Union County Public Works (UCPW) has elected to rehabilitate the greater portion of the Waxhaw area collection system. Please see Attachment A - • Bid Schedule for Waxhaw Sewer Lines - for a breakdown of work to be performed. UCPW anticipates presenting this project to the Board of County Commissioners in the next 90 days for approval. Upon Board approval, construction is anticipated to begin in the next 180 days. These rehabilitation efforts should greatly reduce inflow and infiltration (I&I) issues associatedwith an aging system. Page 1 of 3 400 North Church St. . Monroe, North Carolina 28112-4804 . Phone: (704) 296-4210 . Fax: (704) 296-4232 Maintenance issues in the Lake Park area are best summarized as grit buildup, primarily in "dead-end manholes", and I&I issues as identified in an in-depth I&I Study conducted in 2001. UCPW will continue I&I identification/reduction efforts in an attempt to minimize the amount of grit and extraneous flow entering the sanitary sewer system. Monies for a grouting machine were approved in this fiscal year's budget. Upon purchase of the machine, Staff will be able to rehabilitate manholes in-house. The Lake Park area will be a priority manhole rehabilitation area. > Union County has identified one area associated with chronic sanitary sewer overflows (Eastside Collection System). Response - As mentioned in the NOD multiple good faith efforts have been undertaken to reduce/eliminate SSO's on the Eastside. The most recent efforts include a Flow Monitoring and Capacity Analysis of the collection system and the rehabilitation of approximately 950 feet of trunk sewer. A draft version of the capacity analysis has been presented to DWQ for review. UCPW met with DWQ October 28, 2003 to discuss the analysis in detail. Hydrostructures PA, UCPW's selected engineering firm for these matters, is currently developing an engineering task order for rehabilitation design and oversight of approximately 8800 feet of trunk sewer that feeds Eastside Pump Station #2 near Wingate. These rehabilitation efforts are expected to include pipe lining, pipe replacement and manhole rehabilitation. UCPW hopes to take this proposed project to the Board of County Commissioners for construction approval in the next 180 days. UCPW will, to the extent possible, work with satellite contributors to the System to better control flows, both peak and extraneous. II Gravity Sewers (Pump Stations) > 24-hour notification signs are posted at pump stations, however, the signs do not indicate the name of the pump station. Response - Quotes are currently being solicited for the printing of signs that clearly displays the name of the station. These signs will be posted in conjunction with the emergency contact signs already in place. UCPW anticipates having the additional signage in• place within 45 days. Page 2 of 3 Should additional information be required, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 296-2412. Respectfully, . Dyer, PE ctor of Publiorks. CC: Charles O'Cain, UCPW David Fox, UCPW Attachment Page 3 of 3 State of North Carolina Department of Environment / and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Gregory J. Thrope, Ph.D., Acting Director WQ Permit Number NCDENR Nonni C o_ NA DErs&rnwErrr of Fuvizcvnrrr rr aura NEr nal Rr i mc-r4 Non -Discharge Compliance Inspection County Permittee U k i od Cb . Npdes Number(s) Issuance Date Expiration Date Soc Issuance Date Permittee Contact Soc ExpirationDate Phone Permittee Contact ORC Certification # 141 G. ORC Name 6vV I � (' - c2 e. i V Phone ORC 24hr Contact Name Phone 24hr 2) Ma\r1L- 2aq`e-k Reason For Inspection (Select One) Type Of Inspection (Select One) Inspection Summary Inspector's Name Phone Inspector Inspection Date Grad e 24 5 21 0 Routine 0 Complaint 0 Follow -Up 0 Other... 0 Collection System Li s %�1n�1e5 Y�eecA re="``b------------ .�c _._._._._ _ ._._.._ -- -- I►r�------------ray1 j--r-43_Farkg—iS0-------------- iboo r .._....ti2S k ._....._.5 z ...l..z golt1I 4_rpmP MAiAi7..[_ c MEea.._P._.:_.._.._._.. ...... _ _ _. - L c 4T or, / S -rA p J I WA:�t•io Ve Inspector's Title Fax Inspector page 1 Non Discharge Compliance Collection System Inspection Perm ittee Permit Number Inspection Date File Review 1. Does DWQ Database indicate repetitive overflows at any point? If yes is there a corrective action plan? 2. Was there a map of the collection system? 3. Did records indicate general observations of all lines not visible from normal public access? Regular visual inspections of high priority areas? ‘Atta \iyk 4. Did records indicate that right of ways are maintained to allow access? 5. Were there areas of regular or scheduled cleaning? 6. Was there a spare parts inventory and list of contractors? 7. Was the spare parts inventory adequate? 8. Were maintenance logs up-to-date and include inspections, tests, maintenance? 9. Was there a trouble log of all problems that include the following information? Overflows locations, who responded, time/date, action taken, cause of problem/overflow and how the problem was resolved. 10. Does the Town have a Sewer Use Ordinance? Does it appear the SUO is enforced? 11.Does the system have any known points of bypass? If yes describe type of bypass and location. ` 5rv1 te5.i' 6'6,52p Ct ,/ Ch vl�en i -1, 424 1=t / J�'i (G1Qetutvinti)'I©�wi - �/ C '"1�-e YJ- �Uhhv�n'�4 w \ kIAM fei1kmi+n Vkikwls 32, 5 mites 111) fi ri FT OYes ONo ON/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A G'Yes O No O N/A 9/Yes ONo ON/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A gYes O No O N/A (?5 Yes ONo ON/A 5 Yes O No O N/A OYes No ON/A 12.Did records log pumpstation telemetry/SCADA notifications? Gravity Sewers Manholes 1. Were manholes accessible? 2. Were manhole covers above grade? Was the surrounding area free of visible signs of overflow? Was the surrounding area free of sinkholes or depressions? 3. Were manhole covers present and properly seated? 4. Were manholes in good condition? 5. Were inverts in good condition? 6. Was flow visibly unrestricted in pipe or manhole? 7. Was the manhole free of an excessive amount of grease? O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A OYes ONo ON/A O Yes O No O N/A page 2 Non Discharge Compliance Collection System Inspection Permittee Permit Number Inspection Date Gravity Sewers (continued) 8. Was the manhole free of an excessive amount of roots? 9. Was the manhole free of an excessive amount of sand? 10. Was there evidence of submergence of vents? 11. Was the manhole free of visible bypass structures or pipes? Lines/Right-of-Ways 1. Were easements and right-of-ways maintained? 2. Was the area free of sink holes or depressions above the lines? 3. Was the line free of evidence of leakage or seepage? 4. Were there areas of exposed line? Were exposed lines constructed of piping other than ductile iron or comparable? 5. Were stream/ditch crossings and aerial supports in good condition? 6. Were right-of-ways being used for roads? 7. Were lines free of evidence or history of damage? Pump Stations / Siphons 1. Were pump station / siphon sites accessible? 2. Was general housekeeping adequate? 3. Were all pumps present and operational? 4. Were wet wells/siphons free of accumulations of debris that could potentially affect the operation of the unit? 5. Was the first manhole up line from the pump station or siphon free of signs of backup, overflow, or debris originating from the line? 6. Were all floats/controls for pumps, alarms or alternators operational? 7. Did high water alarms work when tested? 8. Did ORC have pump station/siphon maintenance log? 9. Was telemetry, SCADA present? Operable? 10. Were backflow devices in place and operable? 11. Where necessary were air relief valves present and operable? 12. Were standby generators present? Operable? O Yes O No 13. Was there a 24hr notification sign? 14. Was public access limited? 15. Was the pump station/siphon free of bypass mechanisms? 16. Was the pump station/siphon free of signs of overflow? Was fuel tank full? O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A O Yes O No O N/A .c., `4-,'- J 3 Barn c-mcs Z Vac0.01 rutces 2 a yvnac,vi c_-+)cma.Q rodd ex- 3 ciat-vim co w1�eLu , 3 crnAA; \ )'re sru.eJce� i I6,�v,,,)Jt,7/1(-- srIVC V \ h )rr 1004. ji L c I r,'cl ? , Ave.:xI-1srH (fir vTl+ iri/-5 r I) lAegM 1 TA-(ru 15 ( Cann) o ci oni-l. s) 1 co `Zb ye4- iGee.4,-1,l' (6 t/r5 o f cl 6 Irwb S 0lG C re4 se AIxtDctiia i 2r "-►-kk av1 erJr v0 Stein d ne6A' have- s;-)-e I octti-ice 0? -r.5 c14 ecK i 15 -4.zor .10. j 1 e, (f'V 1 cr),th o J 2) V\av& o VJo-r DP- Nv1-1- RIN, LATt) 1i AAA._ 1 S , s 41 r5 bid I v % in S I LQ2b � Maxon Ce d , sueu /Auct ible / -ZoJ- S�ada iPor-f4[e- gem Lra-1 ! c I—w L c,A4a Pck-r ) f .S &5 cps S mod6dtt,21) AD LJ 6144-047Y 5 , i a -rho of<V Vis /c(..,-td /Z pfri4105 o/< 5-6467- s"r mkt (1-cik PF rk �,4�r✓'r G.(`f' Freder�� J 1;,//// ) s{ s ua LJSte{ ) 2? KL�1 S-i-zl cj �huQ./rc s r-- ✓GGt K4 J, 4- on Ll d p 1 MIPS ►belrn ilr?fe, w t ( Irate (�- ' >> -e.^-- , AIer-on al< ViS /aud , 12Z0 pm 114 ' FDI-) 1165- rpm ?)vales rnevlaho1-c_ fo' ct Inave y'mde (e-leccr mit r:MA v-CI I / 13-A ke/ni reea'S W I Pvn 25o TJ7 N) 1-koc yarn 5G�td44 A tavnz 6 I (t&J'±) rl o reap 9 rose, 1 Ss rye- Ww.l ate, 6/17/200. Sanitary Sewer, Pump Station and WWTP Spill or Bypass Report List Permittee UNION COUNTY UNION COUNTY PUBLIC UNION COUNTY PUBLIC UNION COUNTY UNION COUNTY UNION COUNTY UNION COUNTY PUBLIC UNION COUNTY PUBLIC UNION COUNTY PUBLIC UNION COUNTY PUBLIC UNION COUNTY PUB. UNION COUNTY UNION COUNTY PUB. WORKS UNION COUNTY PUB WRKS UNION COUNTY UNION COUNTY PUBLIC UNION COUNTY PUBLIC UNION COUNTY PUBLIC UNION COUNTY UNION COUNTY PUBLIC UNION COUNTY UNION COUNTY UNION COUNTY UNION COUNTY County UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION UNION Incident Date 07/19/02 02/22/03 02/22/03 02/27/03 03/01/03 03/02/03 02/18/03 03/06/03 03/06/03 03/16/03 03/20/03 04/08/03 04/09/03 04/09/03 04/18/03 05/05/03 05/06/03 05/06/03 05/10/03 05/12/03 05/22/03 05/22/03 05/22/03 05/25/03 NPDES # Location WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 WQCS00054 MANHOLE NO 5 HARRIS MANHOLE(S) #19 20, 2699 PUMP STATION #2125 MANHOLE HUMBERS 2698. MANHOLE NUMBERS 2698 MANHOLE NO. 1828 WAXHAW MANHOLE #19 UPSTREAM OF MANHOLE #2 UPSTREAM OF PUMP STATION #2125 MANHOLE #19 OFF MCINTYRE OUTFALL LINE FLOWING TO RONE BRANCH PUMP MANHOLES #234 CROOKED MANHOLE #2698 LOCATED MANHOLE #2698 AND #2699. MANHOLE #2698 LOCATED MANHOLE #2644 OFF HWY 205 MANHOLE 2704 OFF FINCHER MANHOLE NO. 1 OUTSIDE MANHOLE #5 OFF STEVENS MANHOLES #2644 & 2645 MANHOLES - 2697,2698,2699, MANHOLE #1 UP STREAM OF HALMSVILLE ROAD PUMP Estimated Volume in Gallons 22,500 97,485 19,000 157,680 71,250 36,000 8,415 7,875 16,200 44,650 27,600 28,560 38,610 372,000 57,370 124,440 36,600 12,870 29,190 110,400 60,030 187,500 2,700 2,976 1,571,901 Bypass / Overflow Treatment level Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Pump Station Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Pump Station Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Pump Station None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None 1,303,765 React Surfa Wate No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6/17/200. Sanitary Sewer, Pump Station and WWTP Spill or Bypass Report List Permittee Monroe City- WWTP VIonroe Vlorwee--W2W-T-13 Monroe WWTP Monroe WWTP County Union Union lei Union Union Incident Date NPDES # Location 01/23/02 NC0024333 M.H.#507 SIMPSON ST. & 04/08/02 NC0024333 ON RIGHT OF WAY BEHIND Estimated Volume in Gallons 300 120,000 10/11/02 NC0024333 WINSCHESTER AVE 10/11/02 NC0024333 M.H.#970-318-319-317-306-305 1,200 13,500 ;5 t0 Cs i3-',oOO Bypass / Overflow Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer wastewater Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Treatment level None None None None 135,500 React Surl`a Wate Yes Yes 'ems` Yes Yes 4 t 6/17/200. Sanitary Sewer, Pump Station and WWTP Spill or Bypass Report List Pe rm ittee Crooked Creek WWTP #2 Crooked Creek WWTP #2 Crooked Creek WWTP #2 Crooked Creek WWTP #2 Crooked Creek WWTP #2 County Union Union Union Union Union Incident Date NPDES # 01/20/02 NC0069841 03/02/02 NC0069841 03/21/02 NC0069841 01/23/02 NC0069841 02/07/02 NC0069841 Location MANHOLE 13 - TRELLIS S/D MANHOLE NO 1 OUTSIDE OF MAHOLE #1 - EAST SIDE EAST SIDE COLLECTION MANHOLE #1 AT PUMP Estimated Volume in Gallons 630 89,800 7,710 835,000 509,565 1,442,705 Bypass / Overflow Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sewer Treatment level None None None None None 1,441,995 React Surfa Wate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6/17/200. Sanitary Sewer, Pump Station and WWTP Spill or Bypass Report List Permittee Hunley Creek WWTP Estimated Volume in County Incident Date NPDES # Location Gallons Bypass / Overflow Treatment level Union 08/12/02 NC0072508 MANHOLE #S1.3 MANHOLE # 720 . Sanitary Sewer None 720 700 React Surfa Wate Yes i'LlA Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P. E.. Director Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality October 8, 2003 Mr. Jon Dyer, Director Union County Public Works 400 N. Church Street Monroe, North Carolina 28112 Subject: Notice of Deficiency Non -Discharge Compliance Inspection Union County Wastewater Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Dyer: Enclosed is a copy of the Collection System Inspection Report for the inspection conducted at the subject facility on June 19, 2003 by Ms. Sonja Williams and Ms. Dee Browder of this Office. Please inform the facility's Operator -in -Responsible Charge (ORC) of our findings by forwarding a copy of the enclosed report. Please note the answers given on the inspection form pertain only to those portions of the collection system visited during the inspection: The Union County collection system consists of approximately 32 miles of sewer line and approximately 7,000 manholes. The system has 67 pump stations (with 45 portable generators). c7lQt 1AN1 %-f3 r ((\ Facilities visited during the inspection were Hermitage pump station, Man of War drive manhole, Drayton Hall pump station, Lake Park pump station, Conifer Circle + Frederick Street manhole, Eastside pump station # 1 (and first manhole), Eastside pump station # 2 (and first manhole), and Eastside pump station # 3. Please note that the numbers preceding the following comments correspond to the numbers preceding the questions in the attached inspection report. File Review (1) A review of the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) database revealedlptterous , andrxepetitive reported. sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) from January 1, 2002 to June 19, 2003. Union County has identified two problem areas associated with maintenance issues (Waxhaw and Lake Park); and one area associated with chronic-sanitaryy sewer overflows (Eastside collection-system)1 Phone 704-663-1699 Fax 704-663-6040 Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 4 tEDEN Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Mr. Jon Dyer Page 2 October 8, 2003 Union County has contracts with the Town of Wingate and the Town of Marshville for conveyance of the Towns' wastewater to the City of Monroe's WWTP. Union County also conveys Pilgrim's Pride's wastewater to the Monroe WWTP. Although Union County has made good faith efforts to correct the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) problems associated with the Eastside collection system, significant changes must be made to correct and significantly reduce SSOs at this location. Corrective action will need to be taken by all contributing parties. Collection system permits will individually address each contributors requirement for upgrades necessary to their respective systems to reduce SSOs. Union County will continue to be equally responsible for SSOs associated with the Eastside system. As the contracted receiving system, Union County should work collaboratively with their contributors to correct collection system inadequacies. II. Gravity Sewers (Pump Stations) (7) A 24 hour notification sign was posted at the visited pump stations on the day of the inspection. The signs posted do not indicate the name of the pump station. The pump stations should be identified for ease of citizen's to call in for spills and other emergencies. The signs should indicate a pump station identifier and 24 hour phone number (this is referenced in the collection system permit section I (8)). This report is being issued as a Notice of Deficiency (NOD) because of the ' deficiencies noted in the File Review and Gravity Sewer sections of the Inspection Report. It is requested that a written response be submitted to this office by November 7, 2003, addressing the deficiencies noted above. In responding, please state corrective actions for the noted deficiencies. Your comments should be submitted to the attention of Ms.Williams. Overall, Union County does an excellent job of record keeping. Mr. David Fox, ORC, and staff should be commended on their efforts. Mr. Jon Dyer Page 3 October 8, 2003 If you have questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Williams or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, /2-9- j-te,r---4-0.-x-, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Enclosure cc: Union County Health Department NDPU State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Gregory J. Thrope, Ph.D., Acting Director WQ Permit Number • • NCDEN NORTH Cr O- PIA DERARTh'ENT OF Non -Discharge Compliance Inspection County (hr l l, A) Permittee VN;o.J GAUNT `) Issuance Date Expiration Date Soc Issuance Date Permittee Contact Jon) D yER ORC Certification # 14 15 6 ORC Name DAvJ D FFX 24hr Contact Name DA ✓ID FoX Reason For Inspection (Select One) Type Of Inspection (Select One) nspection Summary Inspector's Name Phone Inspector Inspection Date Npdes Number(s) Soc ExpirationDate Phone Permittee Contact -704 2.9 6 4 2 /4 Phone ORC 7p 4 29 & 42)4 Phone 24hr %p 4 Z 9 6 42 14 • Routine 0 Complaint 0 Follow -Up 0 Other... • Collection System RePORT SoNJA W)LLIAlY1S -704 • 663. 101 o' 11912003 Inspector's Title Fax Inspector WWTP Co Ns )LTA NT 7o4 • 66 3. 6040 page 1 Non Discharge Compliance Collection System Inspection Permittee rum ew Go ()Air Permit Number Inspection Date File Review o& I19/7 ca3 1. Does DWQ Database indicate repetitive overflows at any point? If yes is there a corrective action plan? 2. Was there a map of the collection system? 3. Did records indicate general observations of all lines not visible from normal public access? Regular visual inspections of high priority areas? 4. Did records indicate that right of ways are maintained to allow access? 5. Were there areas of regular or scheduled cleaning? 6. Was there a spare parts inventory and list of contractors? 7. Was the spare parts inventory adequate? 8. Were maintenance logs up-to-date and include inspections, tests, maintenance? 9. Was there a trouble log of all problems that include the following information? Overflows locations, who responded, time/date, action taken, cause of problem/overflow and how the problem was resolved. 10. Does the Town have a Sewer Use Ordinance? Does it appear the SUO is enforced? 11.Does the system have any known points of bypass? If yes describe type of bypass and location. • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes No QN/A • Yes QNo QN/A • Yes No QN/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes No QN/A • Yes No QN/A • Yes QNo QN/A • Yes No QN/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A Q Yes • No Q N/A 12.Did records log pumpstation telemetry/SCADA notifications? Gravity Sewers Manholes 1. Were manholes accessible? 2. Were manhole covers above grade? Was the surrounding area free of visible signs of overflow? Was the surrounding area free of sinkholes or depressions? 3. Were manhole covers present and properly seated? 4. Were manholes in good condition? 5. Were inverts in good condition? 6. Was flow visibly unrestricted in pipe or manhole? 7. Was the manhole free of an excessive amount of grease? • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes No Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes No QN/A • Yes No Q N/A Q Yes No Q N/A Q Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes No QN/A Q Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo. 0N/A O page z Non Discharge Compliance Collection System Inspection Permittee Permit Number Inspection Date Gravity Sewers (continued) vNiorl CovAi-ry 0/i9/2oo3 8. Was the manhole free of an excessive amount of roots? 9. Was the manhole free of an excessive amount of sand? 10. Was there evidence of submergence of vents? 11. Was the manhole free of visible bypass structures or pipes? Lines/Right-of-Ways 1. Were easements and right-of-ways maintained? 2. Was the area free of sink holes or depressions above the lines? 3. Was the line free of evidence of leakage or seepage? 4. Were there areas of exposed line? Were exposed lines constructed of piping other than ductile iron or comparable? 5. Were stream/ditch crossings and aerial supports in good condition? 6. Were right-of-ways being used for roads? 7. Were lines free of evidence or history of damage? Pump Stations / Siphons 1. Were pump station / siphon sites accessible? 2. Was general housekeeping adequate? 3. Were all pumps present and operational? 4. Were wet wells/siphons free of accumulations of debris that could potentially affect the operation of the unit? 5. Was the first manhole up line from the pump station or siphon free of signs of backup, overflow, or debris originating from the line? 6. Were all floats/controls for pumps, alarms or alternators operational? 7. Did high water alarms work when tested? 8. Did ORC have pump station/siphon maintenance log? 9. Was telemetry, SCADA present? Operable? 10. Were backflow devices in place and operable? 11. Where necessary were air relief valves present and operable? 12. Were standby generators present? Operable? ® Yes QNo 13. Was there a 24hr notification sign? 14. Was public access limited? 15. Was the pump station/siphon free of bypass mechanisms? 16. Was the pump station/siphon free of signs of overflow? 17. Was there chemical addition present? Was fuel tank full? Yes QNo QN/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes No QN/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A ® Yes QNo Q N/A ® Yes No Q N/A • Yes QNo QN/A • Yes No QN/A Q Yes e No Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes No QN/A eYes No QN/A ® Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A ® Yes QNo Q N/A *Yes QNo QN/A ®Yes No QN/A • Yes No QN/A ® Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes No Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A ® Yes No Q N/A ®Yes No QN/A Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes No QN/A eYes QNo QN/A • Yes No Q N/A •Yes QNo QN/A • Yes No QN/A Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P. E.. Director Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality October 8, 2003 Mr. Jon Dyer, Director Union County Public Works 400 N. Church Street Monroe, North Carolina 28112 Subject: Notice of Deficiency Non -Discharge Compliance Inspection Union County Wastewater Collection System Union County Dear Mr. Dyer: Enclosed is a copy of the Collection System Inspection Report for the inspection conducted at the subject facility on June 19, 2003 by Ms. Sonja Williams and Ms. Dee Browder of this Office. Please inform the facility's Operator -in -Responsible Charge (ORC) of our findings by forwarding a copy of the enclosed report. Please note the answers given on the inspection form pertain only to those portions of the collection system visited during the inspection. The Union County collection system consists of approximately 320 miles of sewer line and approximately 7,000 manholes. The system has 67 pump stations (with 45 portable • generators). Facilities visited during the inspection were Hermitage pump station, Man of War drive manhole, Drayton Hall pump station, Lake Park pump station, Conifer Circle + Frederick Street manhole, Eastside pump station # 1 (and first manhole), Eastside pump station # 2 (and first manhole), and Eastside pump station # 3. Please note that the numbers preceding the following comments correspond to the numbers preceding the questions in the attached inspection report. File Review (1) A review of the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) database revealed numerous and repetitive reported sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) from January 1, 2002 to June 19, 2003. Union County has -identified two problem areas associated with maintenance issues (Waxhaw and Lake Park); and one area associated with chronic sanitary sewer overflows (Eastside collection system). Phone 704-663-1699 Fax 704-663-6040 Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 NCDEP1R S. • Mr. Jon Dyer Page 2 October 8, 2003 Union County has contracts with the Town of Wingate and the Town of Marshville for conveyance of the Towns' wastewater to the City of Monroe's WWTP. Union County also conveys Pilgrim's Pride's wastewater to the Monroe WWTP. Although Union County has made good faith efforts to correct the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) problems associated with the Eastside collection system, significant changes must be made to correct and significantly reduce SSOs at this location. Corrective action will need to be taken by all contributing parties. Collection system permits will individually address each contributors requirement for upgrades necessary to their respective systems to reduce SSOs. Union County will continue to be equally responsible for SSOs associated with the Eastside system. As the contracted receiving system, Union County should work collaboratively with their contributors to correct collection system inadequacies. II. Gravity Sewers (Pump Stations) (7) A 24 hour notification sign was posted at the visited pump stations on the day of the inspection. The signs posted do not indicate the name of the pump station. The pump stations should be identified for ease of citizen's to call in for spills and other emergencies. The signs should indicate a pump station identifier and 24 hour phone number (this is referenced in the collection system permit section I (8)). This report is being issued as a Notice of Deficiency (NOD) because of the deficiencies noted in the File Review and Gravity Sewer sections of the Inspection Report. It is requested that a written response be submitted to this office by November 7, 2003, addressing the deficiencies noted above. In responding, please state corrective actions for the noted deficiencies. Your comments should be submitted to the attention of Ms. Williams. Overall, Union County does an excellent job of record keeping. Mr. David Fox, ORC, and staff should be commended on their efforts. Mr. Jon Dyer Page 3 October 8, 2003 If you have questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Williams or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Enclosure cc: Union County Health Department NDPU 'State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor WilliamG. Ross Jr., Secretary Gregory J. Thrope, Ph.D., Acting Director WQ Permit Number A, ___ _ ....._ _ _ _ wolf, . 11 • NCDEN NORTH CA 0_ N.4 DEr:4RTWENT 1F Non -Discharge Compliance Inspection County Um! oA) Permittee UN t o1J COUNT `? Issuance Date Expiration Date Soc Issuance Date Permittee Contact ORC Certification # ORC Name 24hr Contact Name Jon) DYER 14 /56 DA v/ D FzX DA YID Fox Reason For Inspection (Select One) Type Of Inspection (Select One) nspection Summary Inspector's Name Phone Inspector Inspection Date Npdes Number(s) Soc ExpirationDate Phone Permittee Contact 704 29 6 4 2 /4- Phone ORC 0 4 29 (o 4 2 J 4 Phone 24hr 764 z96, 4 2 14 • Routine 0 Complaint 0 Follow -Up 0 Other... • Collection System SoNJA WILL-1,AMS sW -704 . 66s • 1(0.q7 ob /19/2003. Inspector's Title Fax Inspector WWTP CoNsLL.TNr 7c 4 - 663. 6040 page 1 Non Discharge Compliance Collection System Inspection Permittee I Uhl! A/ coOAir '7 Permit Number Inspection Date File Review 1 06 /i9/zoa3 1. Does DWQ Database indicate repetitive overflows at any point? If yes is there a corrective action plan? 2. Was there a map of the collection system? 3. Did records indicate general observations of all lines not visible from normal public access? Regular visual inspections of high priority areas? 4. Did records indicate that right of ways are maintained to allow access? 5. Were there areas of regular or scheduled cleaning? 6. Was there a spare parts inventory and list of contractors? 7. Was the spare parts inventory adequate? 8. Were maintenance logs up-to-date and include inspections, tests, maintenance? 9. Was there a trouble log of all problems that include the following information? Overflows locations, who responded, time/date, action taken, cause of problem/overflow and how the problem was resolved. 10. Does the Town have a Sewer Use Ordinance? Does it appear the SUO is enforced? 11.Does the system have any -known points of bypass? If yes describe type of bypass and location. S Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo QN/A • Yes No Q N/A • Yes QNo QN/A • Yes No Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A ® Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A Q Yes • No Q N/A 12.Did records log pumpstation telemetry/SCADA notifications? Gravity Sewers Manholes 1. Were manholes accessible? 2. Were manhole covers above grade? Was the surrounding area free of visible signs of overflow? Was the surrounding area free of sinkholes or depressions? 3. Were manhole covers present and properly seated? 4. Were manholes in good condition? 5. Were inverts in good condition? 6. Was flow visibly unrestricted in pipe or manhole? 7. Was the manhole free of an excessive amount of grease? • Yes No Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A QYes QNo QN/A • Yes QNo Q N/A *Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A Q Yes QNo Q N/A Q Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A Q Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes No Q N/A • Yes 0No 0 N/A page z Non Discharge Compliance Collection System Inspection Permittee Permit Number Inspection Date Gravity Sewers (continued) VNtorl COUNTY o&/19/2003 8. Was the manhole free of an excessive amount of roots? 9. Was the manhole free of an excessive amount of sand? 10. Was there evidence of submergence of vents? 11. Was the manhole free of visible bypass structures or pipes? Lines/Right-of-Ways 1. Were easements and right-of-ways maintained? 2. Was the area free of sink holes or depressions above the lines? 3. Was the line free of evidence of leakage or seepage? 4. Were there areas of exposed line? Were exposed lines constructed of piping other than ductile iron or comparable? 5. Were stream/ditch crossings and aerial supports in good condition? 6. Were right-of-ways being used for roads? 7. Were lines free of evidence or history of damage? Pump Stations / Siphons 1. Were pump station / siphon sites accessible? 2. Was general housekeeping adequate? 3. Were all pumps present and operational? 4. Were wet wells/siphons free of accumulations of debris that could potentially affect the operation of the unit? 5. Was the first manhole up line from the pump station or siphon free of signs of backup, overflow, or debris originating from the line? 6. Were all floats/controls for pumps, alarms or alternators operational? 7. Did high water alarms work when tested? 8. Did ORC have pump station/siphon maintenance log? 9. Was telemetry, SCADA present? Operable? 10. Were backflow devices in place and operable? 11. Where necessary were air relief valves present and operable? 12. Were standby generators present? Operable? • Yes 0 No Was fuel tank full? 13. Was there a 24hr notification sign? 14. Was public access limited? 15. Was the pump station/siphon free of bypass mechanisms? 16. Was the pump station/siphon free of signs of overflow? 17. Was there chemical addition present? ® Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A eYes QNo QN/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes No QN/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo QN/A ® Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A 'Q Yes • No Q N/A • Yes QNo QN/A Yes QNo Q N/A ® Yes No Q N/A *Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A ® Yes No Q N/A ® Yes No Q N/A ® Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo QN/A ® Yes QNo Q N/A t� Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes QNo QN/A • Yes No QN/A • Yes QNo Q N/A ® Yes No Q N/A • Yes QNo Q N/A S Yes QNo Q N/A • Yes No Q N/A •Yes QNo QN/A • Yes 0No 0 N/A ' ' J.4 da,,,,,,,,,,, 2c1c/- - - - x? - 33 o 0,00t Rcti;c / — a opAAszt-">0 e„- -4/600 5gdeoe/1/64.t& 74n.tet 7 4 _ x _ Ow, ii±/6„, C1,4_,& - ,I,x_ .idscet e4,1, geP `�/t��4� a e_ e_ L =CP /cd/iTticasOarz 61tote 644ifse - P64,0,,v-- cocak -EA.{ 1 a id. ?,� G. 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Pade () yn ALIA( )/72 v u ( ryt op "" J4/i J11- 6A:p.e - iqo (c9 0,-) 16., �54f""-/ X&-ee ;c/L a.Q.-Q cztz4 kt.G) d cc)41-1).#4 - &le/5 EASTSIDE STATION 1- P G S`TATION2-()6 STATION FUNDERBURKE. MEADOWS 1 MEADOWS 2 TRELLIS - PG RIDGE RD. 1VIARSHVILLE WEST I.T/STALLINGS (g) COMMUNITY PARK SPRINGHILL PG WOODFERN SANDLEWOOD DEESE CT_. WOODFERN -FU ( 2 /0j BRODIM CHESTNUT - QC- �/ a4cielca. a&tiv 344 „e„?..4 PUMP STATION CHECKLIST JN0A/( ,c76e2 1( WAXHAW A WYSACKEY 1-7 -- `t•4 \ IOWIE MINES 1-12 - — PARKWOOD SCH. 096 JACKSON RIDGE rb SEDGEFIELD - 06 SOUTHBROO IDEAL, RD.\ ` 6 CRANE VALLEY 6G MAGNOLIARIDGEr� JARRS - 6 au OLD HICKORY k.DRAYTONMALL --n QG 21-25 -PG NORTH SIDE p r �IJEEMS�L--LE:_' - S UNIONVILLE PORTER RIDGE TEVENS.MIL,T, 1,2 )PLIIV}RD: — REEN MEADOWS JBURBAN 1,2,3 LDE SYCAMORE 1,2,3,4 OXDALE = P� OREST PARK P6 EEMBY BRIDGE SCH @e UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPART; Jon C. Dyer, P.E., Director NOV 1 4 2001 November 7, 2001 Mr. Don Price NCDENR DWQ 919 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 SUBJECT: Non -Discharge Facility Inspection Sewer Collection System Union County Public Works Dear Mr. Price: Public Works is in receipt of the inspection report dated October 15, 2001. The report requested a written response to a noted telemetry deficiency by November 2, 2001. Public Works' proposed course of action for correction of the deficiency is underway. The appropriation of money to purchase and install telemetry will be requested from the Board of County Commissioners (please find a DRAFT memo attached). Public Works will endeavor to place this issue on the November 19th Board Agenda. I will provide a more detailed report as progress is made. Thank you for your assistance in these matters. Respectfully, Assistant Public Works Director CC: Jon Dyer, Public Works Director 400 North Church St. . Monroe, North Carolina 28112-4804 . Phone: (704) 296-4210 . Fax: (704) 296-4232 Mem DATE: TO: UNION COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Jon C. Dyer, P.E., Director November 7, 2001 Board of County Commissioners Interim County Manager Mike Shalati, Assistant County Manager Clerk to Board Finance FROM: Jon Dyer, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Sewer System - State Inspection Request for Funds i 4)4,4,t). Mr. Don Price with the North Carolina Division of Water Quality conducted an inspection of the County's wastewater collection system on September 25, 2001. The inspection report was favorable (as anticipated) but did note a system deficiency. The deficiency reads as follows: "All pump stations in the system are not equipped with telemetry. Due to the large number of stations, 68, it is recommended that alt stations be equipped with telemetry to allow for improved emergency notification". Also, but not related to the inspection, the lack of telemetry is resulting in elevated overtime hours. By State rule, all stations without telemetry must be checked seven (7) days per week including holidays. Stations with telemetry are only required to be checked once per week. It currently takes two (2) men on Saturday, Sunday and holidays to check all stations. In addition, during periods of power outage, Public Works Staff must "hard -wire" generators to 24 wastewater pump stations in the Waxhaw area in order to prevent a potential spill. Hard -wiring consists of de -energizing the pump station via the main electrical disconnect and connecting the generator directly to the station's control panel. This practice is unsafe for Staff and unsafe for pump station controls (main disconnect bypassed) and potentially unsafe for "the power company" since the possibility for the back -feed of power exists. All of these unsafe conditions and inefficient practices can be eliminated with the addition of an Emergency Power Transfer Switch at each pump station. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking a "zero tolerance" posture toward wastewater spills. Public Works strives to keep alt operations under it's charge efficient, cost effective and compliant with all rules and regulations. UCPW"respectfully requests that a total of $28,000 ($15,000 for telemetry and $13,000 for transfer switches) be appropriated from Retained Eamings to allow for the purchase of the telemetry and power transfer switches as discussed above. Public Works will answer questions as may be needed. 400 North Church St. . Monroe, North Carolina 28112-4804 . Phone: (704) 296-4210 . Fax: (704) 296-4232