HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120996_Scoping Comments_20120711Federal Railroad Administ►•ation Finding of No Significant Impact Bowers to Lalce Double Track Project On the North Carolina Railroad/Norfolk Southern Railway Davidson County Federal Aid Project No. FR-HSR-OOOS(681) (North Carolina TIP Project No. C-4901A) General Descriqtion The Piedntont Imyrovenrent Progrnnr is an ivitiative by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), the Norfolk Soutl�eru (NS), and the Nortli Carolina Railroad (NCRR) to improve passenger and fi�eight railroad operations along tlie NCRR Piedmont Coiridor from Raleigh to Charlotte. The NCRR Piedmout Con•idor consists of the Greensboro to Cl�arlotte portiou of the NS Mainline from Wasliiugton to Atlauta, and the Greensboro to Raleigh portion of the NS (NCRR) H-line. The proposed Project, NCDOT Trausportation Improvemeut Program (TIP) Project No. C- 4901, proposes to construct 4.2 miles of second mainline track along the NS Mainline beriveen Thomasville and Lexington; specifically, from control point (CP) Bowers (milepost 309.8) to CP Lake (milepost 314.0) (Project). The project also proposes to realign curves to facilitate higher passenger train speeds and closing the at-grade railroad crossings at Upper Lake Road (SR 2024), Lower Lake Road (SR 2020), and Turner Road (SR 2005). Tl�e crossiugs at Turuer Road and Upper Lake Road will be replaced by bridges carrying the roadways over the raih�oad corridor. The Fedcral Railroad Administration (FRA) is the lead Federal Ageucy for the enviroumental review for the proposed project uuder the Natioual Enviroiunental Policy Act (NEPA). The FRA, and NCDOT arc responsible for preparing the Finding of No Siguificant Impact (FONSI). The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is a Cooperating Agevcy under NEPA as NCDOT will apply for Title 23 Funds for this project. Statement of Puruose and Need The purpose of the proposed Project is to improve passenger train schedule reliability, provide additional capacity to support the introduction of up to 12 daily (6 rouud trip) additional Track and Crossing Improvements from Bowers to Lake: FONSI STIP # C-4901 modal choiccs.' Subsequently, NCDOT undertook a Tier II EIS for thc middle segment of tlie SEHSR corridor behvice�i Raleigh, NC aud Ricl�moud, VA. As of tlie datc of this FONSI, that document is still being prepared. For tl�e soutl�ern portiou of the SEHSR corridor bchvicen Cl�arlotte and Raleigh, NCDOT is preparing iudividual project-Icvcl NEPA doeuments, includiug the EA/FONSI bcing prcpared for tl�is Projeck FRA an<t NCDOT l�ave determined fliat tlie individual projects each have indepeudent utility. That is, each project will provide tangiblc bcnetits to existing fieigl�t aud passenger rail seivice even if no addition�l investmcnts are made for l�igli-speed se�vice. Regardless of fi�fire high-speed rail devclopment, thc proposed projects would provide bencfits to schedule reliability, traiu speeds, and overall rail capacity and safcty. The respcctive NEPA documents provide more details ou tlie iudependcnt utility of each project. For the northeru portion of the SEHSR corridor bchvccn Ricl�mond and Washiugton, DC, FRA has a�varded a$44.3 milliou graut to the Virgiuia Departu�ent of Rail and Public Trausportatio�i (DRPT) that will fund tlic completion of preliuiinary engiueering and a Tier II EIS. Z Thc S�HSR corridor is plamied to include eiglit daily (four rouud hip) high-speed traius between Charlotte and Raleigli, witl� seivice extending beyoud tlie NCRIL Piedmont Corridor north�vard to Riclunoud, VA and Washington, DC, and southward to Atlanta, GA and points south. Tl�is includes a Picdmont scrvicc train tliat will be extended north beyoud Ralcigh upon tlie completion of tlie proposed Raleigh to Richmond segment of Hie SEHSR. Ultimately, tlie NCRR Picdmont Corridor is expected to liost up to 20 daily (ten ronnd trip) passcnger traius Uehvicen Charlotte aud Raleigh by 2030, iuclttding the current aud proposcd Amtrak, NCDOT Piedmont seivice, and SEIISR corridor traius. The proposed projcet is expected to provide tlie capacity necessary to support the operation of up to 20 daily (ten round trip) passenger trains; ho�vever, if NCDOT is unaUle to immediately utilize thc additional capacity being created for either for NCDOT Piedmont service or SEHSR corridor service, tl�e additioual capacity will be preseived for such use. Frci�lit Scivice Prior to tl�c ecouomic downturn in 2008 NS was operating nearly 60 frcight tr�ins per day aloug the Greensboro to Cl�arlotte corridor, as opposed to currcnt volumes of 34 traivs per day. Tl�us, tl�e current track layout provides enougli capacity to aceommodate siguificaut growtli i�i fieight volumes. It is estim�ted thlt thc fiihue volumes will be approximately doublc cnrrent volumes, 68 trains per day or gre�tcr. Thcse volumes �vill not Ue indttced by flie proposcd improvements, but �vill iather follo�v economic necessity fiom the fieight r�ilroad's vie�vpoint. Thc frcight traffic cau iucrease to a certain tlueshold wifli the existing infrastruchue Uefore the efficiency of operatiou along tl�e corridor is subst�ntially reduced. This would result iu reduced train speeds, increased trTin �vaitiug times for cle�red signals, iucreased locomotive idliug �ud reduced fiiel cfficicncy. Othcr impacts of the potential increased cougestion would � Tl�e SEHSR Tier I EIS and ROD czn be found at http://�v«�v.fra,dot.gov/rpd/finight/1611.shtuil. �htlu://w�vw.fra.dot. o��/rpd/downloadslSummnrv of PY10 Selected Projects IOIO.pdE Track and Crossing Improvements from Bowers to Lal<e: FONSI STIP # C-4901 passenger trains to maneuver around slower freight h•ains. The additional capacity will also allow for the introduction of up to 12 daily (six rouud trip) future passenger traius along the con�idor without hiudering NS's ability to operate the future fi•eight train volumes required to meet the needs of their business modcl. The capacity improvements proposed by the proposed Project are designed to directly relate to the increase in passenger seivice that is planned for the NCRR Piedmout Corridor. Any capacity Yl�at is constructed, but not immediately utilized for passenger service, will be preseived for future passenger train use, subject to the need for the completion of additional operational and capacity improvemeuts along the corridor. The proposed improvements will also enable passenger traius to operate at higher speeds, tlnis supporting the goals of PRIIA aud ARRA tl�rougli improved intercity passenger rail transportation. The passenger trains will be limited to 79 mph tl�rougl� the Project area under the cun•ent operating environmeut, but tl�e Project is desigued to accommodate speeds up to 90 mph when additional operational and capacity ii��proveinents are iustalled on the con•idor. By eliminatiug the majoriry of the existing at-grade crossiugs within the Project limits and replacing them witU grade separations, rail and vehicular safety will bc significantly improved. Also, the grade separations will reduce the amount of delay experienced Uy vehicles while waiting for trains to pass. Tl�is will result in less vehicular idling aud ultimately, improved air quality for the area. Covstiuction of the 4.2-mile section of secoud main track will occur from CP Bowers, at milepost 309.8, to CP Lake, at mile�ost 314A (see Figure 1). The new track will be on the easC side of the existing track. In addition to the second main track, other track improvements include: • Replace the existing at-grade crossing at Upper Lake Road (SR 2024) with a grade separation over the tracks; • Replace tUe existing at-grade crossing at Turner Road (SR 2005) with a grade separation over the tracks; • Replace the Abbotts Creek bridge; • Replace the Rich Fork Creek bridge; • Replace the Jimurys Creek bridge; • Close Uie existing Lower Lake Road (SR 2020) at-grade crossing; • Close the existing private driveway at-grade crossing at the soutUern end of flie Project; and, • Realigu cuives, where necessaiy, to iucrease design speed. B. "No-Bnild" Alternative The No Build Alternative was considered, but eliminated fi•om furtl�er consideration. The No Build Alternative does not meet the primary purpose and need for the proposed Project. Freight tr•ain volume is projected to increase beyond current year levels as thc market dictates, regardless of the addition of capacity within the project limits. If tl�e proposed improvemeuts Track and Crossing Improvements from Bowers to Lake: FONSI STIP # G4901 creek channels. The design speed for this alteinate was compromised by as much as 50% and, as a result, does not meet the purpose and need of the Project. Because of these issues, the altervative of Turner Road going under the railroad was eliminated fi�om further study. 3. Lower Lake Road In order to enhauce caiUmotor vehicle safety in the Project corridor, NCDOT determined that ti�e existing at-grade crossings should be eli�nivated. The access to the area provided by tlte existing crossiugs would be replaced by grade separations. The exposure index (number of trains multiplied by the number of vehicles) at Upper Lake Road is 69,000, the exposure iudex at Lower Lake Road is 22,000, and the exposure index at Turner Road is 43,000. The NCDOT Board of Transportation 1994 Grade Separation Guidelines state that grade separations should be conshvcted in ivral areas where crossings I�ave au exposure index of 15,000 or more. Each of these is well above NCDOT's critcria for cousideration of a grade separation in rural areas. Because of tlie relatively close spacing of the crossings and the tr•affic volumes on the tl�ree roads, NCDOT determined tl�at the fluee at-grade crossings should be replaced with rivo grade separations. The provision of tlu•ee grade separations is not economically feasible. NCDOT traffic counts show that Lower Lake Road carries less than one-tl�ird of the traffic that Upper Lake Road carries aud less tlian half of what Tumer Road carries. In addition, tl�e constivctiou of gradc separations at Upper Lake Road and Tumer Road provides better spacing of the crossings than tlie use of Lower Lake Road witli the other two roads. Because of the lower traffic volumes and the spaciug of the crossings, Lower Lake Road was not selected as the location for one of the two proposed grade separations. Li order to ensure that the elimination of the at-grade crossiug at Lower Lake Road would not result iu undue hardship, NCDOT developed a matrix to compare the time and distancc fi•om the mobile home park on the �vest side of tlie tracks aud a farmhouse on the east side of the h•acks to various destinations throughout the community. These hvo locations were chosen because they are the closestto the existing at-grade crossing and,tl�erefore, drivers �vould have to travelthe longest distance in order to reach destinations on Uie other side of the tracks. Although the elimination of the Lower Lake Road crossing will result iu out of direction travel for residents on Lower Lake Road, the majority of tl�e increases in distance travelled will be less than Z miles and the increase in travel time will be less than 5 miinrtes. These increases are considered reasonable and are not expected to cause hardships to local residents. D. Preferred Alternative NCDOT selected the Build Alteruative as the prefeired alternative because it meets the primary purpose aud need for the proposed Project The current estimated cost for the proposed Project is $37.2 million, which includes $34.0 million for construction aud $3.2 million for right-of-way acquisition. The implementation of the proposed Project will improve the reliability of the existing passeuger service by providing additional capacity and constructing crossovers that will enable faster passenger tr�ains to maneuver around slower fieight h�ains. The additional capacity will also allow for the inh�oduction of up to 12 daily (six round trip) future passenger h�ains along the corridor witliout hinderiug NS's ability to operate Track and Crossing Improvements from Bowers to Lake: FONSI STIP # C-4901 raiL•oad track.r. Warni��g signs for the cattle crossing a�td fe�vice gates� ivill be installed ns�art of this project. Ortce the �aew bridge cnrrying Ttmner Road ove�� the railroad is con�pleted, the at-g��ade cattle crossing a»d warni�7g signs tivill 6e renrovecl, nnd dl�e fn��n� can again vzove calde beriveen the bvo pashn•es by crossing m7der Turner Rond. 3. Utilize temporary fencing tl�rougl� the construction zone to allow catYle to pass between pastures during times when construction is not active (such as nights and weekends). Response: Tlais is �zot prnctical because nt times ivhen nchral consh�t�ction is not goi�tg o�i, the co�zsh�ucdion zones nre typicnl(y used for equi�me��t nnd ntnterial storage, ntaking the area :nasafe for:�sage as an access. Also, dt�e to the need to constantly move eqtripment and ntaterialr, the fe�tcing x�otrld ltave to be renroved and repinced dail��. This coedd �•esult i�� p�•oject delays arzd zdtimately resrdt in longer construction impacts to the fa»�r. Summarv of Environmental Assessment Discussions of the euvironmental impacts associated with the Boweis to Lake Double Track Project are located in Chapter VI of the EA. The poteutial for enviromnental effects is summarized for each resource categoiy in Table 2 belo�v. Table 2 Summary of Impacts from the Preferred Alternative EA Sectim�s Impuct Aren Containing Suroroary of Impect Proposed Mitigation Marc Detflil Air Quality VI.A, No impact The results of the air qunlity Not applicable. analysis indicate �hat there will be no adverse impads as a result of the proposed action. The predicted emissions nre well below the de minimis levels Tor general conformity. Removaloftheahgmdc crossings witl have posilive impacts on air quality as automobiles will no longer have to idle as tlicy arc waiting far trains to pass. Also, replacing �he single track section with dun( haeks will eliminate the need foi � locomotives to idle as they wait for another traiu to pass through the single track segment. Track and Crossing Improvements from Bowers to Lake: FONSI STIP # G4901 Table 2 Siumnary of Iiupacts from the Preferred Alteruative e,� scctions Impact Aren Contnining Swnmary of Impnet Proposed �litigation Mm c Detail Netlands VI.G, The Preferred Alternative would impact The Rail Division will investiga�e 1,533 linenr fcc[ of strcams and SA8 -acres polenlial onsite miligation opporhini�ics of wetlands. if necessary once a final determinalion af impacis hns been calculated. If onsiie mitigation is not feasiblc, miliga�ion will bc providcd by �he N.C. Deparlment of Hnvironment and Nalunl 2esourccs (NCDGNR) Ecosys(em Buhnncemenl Program (CHP). In accordance witli the "Memomndum of Agreement among the North Carolina Depnrlment of Trnnsporlalion and ihe U.S. Auny Co�s of Engineers, Nilmington DistricC' (MOA), July 22, 2003, �hc EBP will be rcqucslcd to provide ofT- site mitigation lo satisfy the Federal Clean 1Vntcr Act compensatory miligation rcquiremen�s for Ihis Project. A copy of 1he MOA can be found on the EEP wcbsitc (w�vN. n ce e n. n cU�tlee e/oDera� i ons. h hn). Lndangered VI.H. No impnct. No impacts lo federally Not npplicable. Species protected spccies are nn�icipnted. Fiood Hazard . VI.1. No impnct There are several streams that All drainage stnictures will be dcsigncd Evalimtion cross or pnrallel the proposed projecL (o avoid auy increase in current tlood levcls. Coastnl Zone VI.J. No impaet. Davidson Coimty is not in a Not applicable. Managcmen[ coasfal zonc. Cnergy Resourecs VI.K. Positire Effect Thc Pmfcrzed Allemalive None needed. wotdd have a posi�ive effect an energy resoumes by allo�ving lhe railroad to operate will� greater efiicicncy and a subslnnlinl ceduclion in idling trattic. Use ofNaturnl VI.L. The co�islmciion of tlro Preferred Altemnlive None needed. Resources will rcquiro ilie commilment of natucal resourees, such as fuels and cons�me�ion materials. The commitment of these resouroes is proposed lo provide mo�c e�icient movement ofgaods pnd people znd enhance economic opporlunilies lo ihe region nud the state. Tracl< and Crossing Improvements from Bowers to I_ake: FONSI STIP # G4901 11 Table 2 Summary of Impacts from the Preferred Alternative rn sections Impact Area Cmitaining Swnmary of Lnpact Proposed Mifigation DZore Detnil Euvironmentat VI.S. No impact. Based on the demographic Not app(icable. Jusfice analysis, the proposed Project will �tot havc a disproporlionale impact on minority or low-i��come populations. Therefore the p�oposed projeCt will not result in e��viroumentaljustice impacis. Public Health and VI.T. Positice inipact. The proposed Project will No� applicable. Safety ]mve a positive impact on public I�ealtli and safety. Air quality �vill be improved t6rougli iroproved efiicieucy of train operations through il�e study acea. Safety of bot(i ienins � aud motor vehicles will be enhanced by the elimination of 4 at-grade crossings, and the proposed improvemenis are not erpected to . , impact any hazardous material sites. The Pceferred Altemative woiild not generate substautial liazardous waste nor would opecntions pose a public healtli concem. Recreatiaml Vi.U. No impact. There are no pnrks or other Not applicable. Opportunities ceaeational faeilities wilhin tl�e Preferred Altemative stady area. Cul�ural Resources VI.V. No impnet. Througli coordination with iho Not applicable. State Historic Preservatim� ORice, it was detemiined �hnt the Preferred Altemative would not have an elfect mi mry properties on or eligible for listing in ihe National Register of historic Places. There are no significantarolmeologieatresoucces withiu the study area. Seclion 4(� VI.N. No impnet. The Preferred Altemative will Not applicable. Resources not impact any Seclion 4(Q resources. Constn�eliou VI.Y. Temporary impaets could ocenr ro air Utilize 6es� b�anagemen( Proctices and hnpacls quality, water quality, and wildliPe. standard NCDOT promdures daring � constn�ction. Indirect and Cumulative Effects As docuuiented in the EA, the recent development trend and the transportation projects associated with the development I�ave resulted in impacts on water quality and other natural resources. Tlie addition of this Project to the current developineut trend sl�ould not increase Track and Crossing Improvements from Bowers to Lake: FONSI STIP # G4901 13 Response: BMPs will be rntplentented during ca�tsh-trctio�t yer NCDOT's 2009 Best Managenzent Practices for Consdruction nnd Mnintenance Activities Gtridelines. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Cominission Comment: Although it (ttie EA) acknowledged thc project drains to several impaired sh�eams, ti�ere was no mention of using Design Staudards in Sensitive Watersheds. Also, tl�ere was no discussion of probable impacts to the natural envirovment from secondary development or ways to minimize direct or secondaty impacts to reduce habitat fragmentatiou and degradation. Response: NCDOT BMPs ivill be int�lenterrted dtn�ing consh-uction to reda�ce izmoff nnd sedime��tatioi� inlo adjace�tt sb�eants. The praposed �roject tviII not�rovide new access to a��eas within the project cor��idor• tlrat are not cm•rent(y nccessi6le vda ezzsti�tg roadtvays. Thi�s, tlazs�r•ojecti��ill �tot induce seco»cla�y developnre��t. US Environmental Protection AQency Conunent: EPA acknowledges the comment on page 63 of the EA regardiug the utilization of the former second track roadbed. However, jurisdictional impacts should be avoided and minimized to the exteut practical, including the use of steeper slide slopes aud the use of retaiuing walls adjacent to wetland #9, and potentially to stream #27 and wetland #24 (umiained h•ib to Jimmy's Creek)...... The EA does not specifically identify efforts to avoid and minimize tlie impacts to stream #27 that appear to be associated with roadway and access improvements to Upper Lake Road. Response: For imyacts caused by d�e raih•ond, steeper side slopes are �7ot per»iitted because of raih�oad design crife��fa. TJte trse of retaining walls to contai�7 fill associnted tivith the raih�oad intprovevtents requi��e apyroval by the raih�oads. Pla�r revieiv by No�folkSoulhe��ra nnd the North Ca�•o7ina RaiTroad iviII �zot occzu• zrsztil �he frnaT design phase. NCDOT will seek to mr»inrize impercts f o•ther in the vicinity of the U�yei� Lake Road grade sepnrntion upo�7 receipl of geatechnicnl dnla. D. Public Conuueuts Received mi the Euviironmeutal Assessmeut � Issue 1: Property owner currently owns property on both sides of Turner Road. Dependiug on the time of year, the property owner uioves his cattle fi•om otte parcel to the other. Tl�e properry owner was concerned about being able to safely move his cattle betweeu tlie rivo fields and how the proposed grade separation will liinit his abiliry to do so safely. Respouse: NCDOT met tivith tlae pro�erfy olvner at the Divisio�7 9 Offices in Whzston- Salent to f n�the�� disci�ss the prope��ry owners co�7ce��ns. NCDOT tivilllvork i��ith 1he p�•operty oivi7er fo i�2sure that he hns access to 6oth parcels d�rr•rng n�td aftef• consb�rction. Track and Crossing Improvements from Bowers to Lake: FONSI STIP # G4901 15 Agreement, or �pproval of a Conditional Letter of Map Ravision (CLOMR) and subseqnent final Letter of Map Revisioi� (LOMR). DIVISION COiVIMITMENT: This Project iuvolves const��nction activities on or adjacent to FEMA-regulated stream(s). Therefo�'e, ihe NCDO'I' Division 9 Coustructiou Uuit sl�all submit sea(ed as-built consfiuction plans to the I-Iydraiilics Unit upon completiou of project construction, certifying that the drainage stcucture(s} and roadway emUa�iluneuf fhat are located withiii tlte 100-year floodplain were Uuilt as sho�vn in the conshuction plaus, Uotli horizoutally auct vertically. FindinE of lYo Si�nif'tcant Impact BASed on the October 2011 EA and consistent with the FRA "Procedures for Considering Enviromueutal Impacts", FRA �nds tl�at the proposed project will not I�ave a signi6caut impact ai the lmnian or natural environmaiit. ' � - .Tosep[t C Sz�bo, A mistrator Rederll Railroad Actministration (�?�..=w ��e�.�. . �y�Toim T�. Sullivan, Division Adminislrakor Tederal Higlnvny Administratimt Track and Crossing Improvements from Bowers to Lake: FONSI STIP � C-4901 17 ���2-- Date ��/¢l�z Date APPENDIX A rrcuR�s .� �_ � � �_� w - __ `. - ` � �1 \ t z \ . / �\� ��; ,9. i I � 3,'/ �i- ... \ m ° � �'N c � m '� __ � t,��� �� � �a� o � �� ,i } �` � �� � � �, � � a � t,�� r � ;v, � �r�� , I �� o� �� , .5? � ;, � � W �. � L . �..) �, . 1 W J s Z � o � i. 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(.� i � { �; � I\ �`]. _.,\ 1' .��r� ., \ � (D / z �� � . ' � ' � - . � i �fi'� 'k�� � 1 i��� 1 � . . , IL � L 1`a1�� r �.i Q �-° : . . - � .' � , ` _ , i . r�� � , _ J ,. U` � N . �'t �, . . . . �•Z. `� Y '%�i . � ' , .. �, t / / � � � � %. � �\. ' , � i U � �-A �� /i � el , , . _ . , � , 1 . -'�� . A��., � .� APP�NDIX B TARMLAND DAVIDSON COUNTY VOLUNTARY AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT ADVISORY BOARD PUBLIC HEARING REPORT DATE AND TIME OF HEARING: April 11, 2012, 7:00 PM PROPOSED ACTION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TIP t! C-4901 LOCATION OF HEARING: Davidson County Governmental Center, Commissioner's Meeting Room, 913 N. Greensboro Street, Lexington, NC BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Sterling Wall, Chairman, George Smith, Vice-Chairman, Leslie Crouse, John Hedgecock, Mike Hege, Thom Hege, lerry Hilton, Advisors: Troy Coggins, NC Cooperative Extension, Guy Cornman, Davidson County Planning Department, Andy Miller, Davidson County Soil and Water Conservation Department OTHERS IN A'fTENDANCE: Chuck Frye, Davidson County Attorney, Ryan White, NC DOT, Sandra Stepney, NC DOT, Tristan Ford, NC DOT, Rodney Hatton, NC DOT, Keith Ralston, NC DOT,1eff Boyst, Maxine Boyst, Gardner Boyst, Other Boyst Family Members, John Coppley Public Notice of the Meeting was provided in "The Dispatch" on April 6, 2012 The Meeting was called to Order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Sterling Wall. Chairman Wall stated that pursuant to GS 106-740 and Article X of the Davidson County Voluntary Agriculturai Ordinance, the purpose of the Meeting was to determine whether the need for the project has been satisfactorily established, to review any fiscal impact analysis conducted by the agency involved, and to determine if there are alternatives to the proposed action that have Iess impact and are less disruptive to the agricultural activities within the District where the project will take place. Evidence considered for this hearing includes the statements of witnesses, maps and diagrams provided and shown by the NC Department of Transportation, consultation with NC Cooperative Extension, US Department ofAgriculture, District Conservationist, and Davidson Soil and Water Conservation District staff, and the Davidson County Voluntary Agricultural Oistrict Ordinance. Representatives from the NC Department of Transportation reviewed the activities that the Project will involve and answered questions from the eoard Members. The eoard received public address from those in attendance and asked questions to ensure their understanding of the speaker. BBVERLY EAVES PERDUF, GOVERI�OR e°`� � vn� � � 0vw+.m'� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION May 4, 2012 Mr. Sterling Wall Chairman, Davidson County VAD Advisoty Board 913 N. Greensboro Sh•eet Lexington, NC 27292 EUGF,NE A. CONTI, JR. SECRETARY SUBJECT: Voluntary A��iculhu�al District (VAD) Public Hearing Report and Recommendations TIP Project C-4901 Rail and Crossing Safety Improvements fi•om Bowers to Lake, (Turner Road Grade Separation) Dear Mr. Chainnan, Thank you for the opportunity to present the proposed project to the Davidson County VAD Advisory Board on April 1 I, 2012. NCDOT values the input from our municipai paitners and recognize that only through partnership and collaboration can any project be successful. On April 16, 2012, the Davidson County VAD Advisory Board issued the Public Hearing Report witli recommendations and requested that NCDOT consider the feasibility of these recommendations. The following are NCDOT's response to the specific comments received in the report Recommendation 1: Construct a tunnel style crossing under Turner Road to allow cattle to pass fi�om pastures on the east and west sides of the road at wi11. Resvonse.• ds stnted by Ihep�•oper�ty oiv�:e�•, the n�jacentfnrailand is essentially at-grnde ivith esisting Turner Road. This woi�ld n�nke consh•uctim: of a cattle tun�:el in lhrs area inrpractical �vitlrout significnndy exceedrng the right of wny li�i�its au�l creating a depresse�l driveivay thnt would be rlifficult to drairr. Once tlre b��i�lge !s complete, n ttsnnel will not be neerled as cattle tiviR 6e able to cross �mder the Tia•��er Road brddge to »iove fi•om pasture to p�rstro•e. Recommendation 2: Provide a location for an at-gn�ade cattle crossing on Turner Road. Response: Based on the proposed grade of I irrirer Roa�l it nppems tTrat a teinporn�y at-grnde cnttle cr•ossing will Ge nlloived on Turiler Road between statim� 32+00 aiid station 34+p0. Warning sig�rs for the cattle crossing aud fence gates will be ir�stalle�! rrs part of this project. O�ice tJre netiv brrdge car•ryiirg T�u•ner Road over the Nor�th Cru•olina Raib•oad is con�plete�l the at-gra�le cattle crossing mid the wnrnii�g signs tvill be rentoverl, «nd the fnrni caii again nrove cattle behveen the hvo pnstarres by crossing iu�der• Tnrater Rond. MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPpRTR1EFR OF TRANSPORTATION RA1L DIVISION 1553 MAII SERVICE CEMER RALE�GN, NC 27699-1653 TEiep'roNE: 919-733-0713 FAX: 979.716-8580 WEBSITE: WWW.BYTRAIN.ORG LOCAT�ON: TRANSPORTATION BUiL�ING 7 SOUiM WIIMIM1GTON STREET RALEIGH, NC U.S.DEPAqTMENTOFAORICULTUpE � NRCS•CPA-106 Ne Wrei Rasources Consarvetian Servlce ''� (pev. L9f) FARMLAND CONVERSION IMPACT RATING FOR CORRIDOR TYPE PROJECTS PART 1 To be com leted 6 Federal A enc � � � 3. Date ot an va u uon equest � � ( P Y 9 YJ . �' sneeiia�_ 7. Name of Pro�ecl �'- . � � 5. e era g ncy n olve � �oY7-a5 ^c� �..Ai� llonct � LL.M� (LA��f-s► Ficev �Ins��CFdWR� 2.7ypNOf Pro�aq _ up r. _ 6. Counryend Slate n„,.„ _ , . i > PAfiT �II (To be completed by Federel Agency} A, To�al Acres To 8e Converted Dliecily �� �� � � B. Totel Acres 7o Be Convarted Indiractty, Or To Recelve Services PARTVI (Tobecompleted6yFederelAgencyJCanldar ' � � �� Meximum � �� � � � � � Assessment Critede (These cdfeda are explalned ln 7CFR 658.5(c)) ��POlnte . . � 1. Area in Nonurban Use 16 � � 2. Petlmeferin NonuNan Uea . �. � � � � � 10 �� � � � � � � 3. PeroentOlCorddorBeingFartned 20 � 4. ProtectlonProvidedBySteteAndLocalGovemmenl � 20 D � 5. Size of Present Ferm Unit Co ared 7oAverage .10 6. Creation Of NoMertnable Fermland :� �26 . �Q 7. AvaAablili Of FaRn Su rt SeMces 6 � � 8. On•Ferm Invesimenla 20 Q 9. Eflects OI Conversbn On.Fertn Su or1 Services �� � � 26 . � 10. Com alibiliry WRh ExislinpAgrialNral Use 10 � � TOTALCOIiRIDORASSESSMENTPOINTS �6Q � .0 �0 � �0 PAR7 VII (7o be completad by FederalAgancy) ���� �. Relative Va�ue Of Farmlend (from Pari � . 100 �. (p . Total CorridorAssessment (Fmm Pad VI above or e locel slte � � �� assessment) 160 • (p 0 � "0 0 TOTALPOINTS(7ofalo/above2//nes) 2� B � 0 0 0 . m or ecle : . o a cres o artn an s lo e 3. Date Of Seledbn; 4, WasALocai Site Assessment Used4 Converled by ProJeci: a I� 4,oa I�i�►(iz I �S❑ ��, eson For Selectlon: � USc oF TdE CXfsT/A/( /l�{rc Cc/tRiDu� N1is/i,l2izG,.f �n1P�cTS a1/ F�Ra1LA,vd AaNJ piNt�-- i2F�vca2ers, .,.y...,..... � .. ........... ...r.o�.�y �� �. o�.. (�ni c 1 I NOTE: Complete a form tor each segment with more than one Alternate Corridor APP�NDIX C AG�NCY COI2I2�SPOND�NC� � �•. .-� ��. North Carolina Departme�it o:fAdministYation Heverly F,1ves Perdue, GoveiYior Moses Cmey, 7r., Secretary DecemUer 21, 20] 1 Mr. Ryan White NCDOT Rail Division 1553 Mait Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1553 12e: SCI3I'ile # 12-�,•q220-0129; EA; Construct a Second Txack and ,Safety Tmprovemeuts Prom '1'homasvil(e (Bowers) to Lexington (I�ake), TIP C-4901A; WBS No. #49010,X,STR021`2 Dear Mr, White: Tite flUove refcranced environmsntal impact informatioii has been suUmitted to the Stato Cleatinghouse wrder the provisions of the JVational Environmenta( Policy Act, According to G.S. 1I3.A-10, when a stote agency is required to px•epara an enviromnental docnmant under the provisions of federul Inw, the env'uaunental document meets the provisions of tl�e State Envirocunental Policy Act. Attached to this letter for your consideratinn are the commenfs made by agencias in iha coursa of this review. If any furtlier enviromnental revietiv doouments are prepared for this project, they should be fonvarded to this office for intergovermnantul reviow. Shoutd you ]iave any questions, please do not I�ositate to call, Sincerely, Wiltiam E. H. Creec!(C1� Aitachmettts cc: Region G MnilingAddresa Tetev/�are: (9J9)807-24)S LocalimiAdA�r.cs: I701 A1xi1 Scrvfce Center rax (919)733A571 I IG Wcst lonu Street ReleigL,NC 2'1699d301 StaicCourierk5l•Ot-00 Xeteigh,NotlhCnro7ino e-mo!! strtlr.c(en�inghouseQAon.ne.go� An Cqurtf OpporiwqryJAJJinien(Ive Aefla� Gnrp(oyer �Et+ R Norlh Carolina Deparfinent of �nvironment and Natural Resources Bevefly Eaves perdue Govemor MGMORANDUM T0: FROM: R6: DATG; Zeke Crcech Stete Cicar(nghouae Meibu McQee (�.� Project Revtew Coordinaior Dee Freeman 6ecretary 12•0�29 EA Canstmet Tmek and Safety lmprovements from Thomasvtlle �o Lexingion tn Davi�lson Cuunry Decambar 15, 20l 1 'It�e Depamnenl of Gnvironment nnA Natnr�! itesources lins revtewed Ihc proposed projact. It is mquesled �Itat tha peparnnent of Tmnsponaiion continue to work with our pgenctos in order to odequaiciy eddress Toy owstanding concems� AAdressing ngency commeNS dudng tha TBPA Metger Process will avofd dalTya during Ihe pemil� pitase, Thnnk you forihe opponun(ty to conunent on Ihls proJecl, Attaebinen4s 1601 Mall S¢rvlce CCntEr. Ralpgh, No�h Carviina 2I899•1&Oi 0lte Phone;919•707�864011niemaL•hlip:!lportai.notlonr.org �0 �IC+ra�tI'O/�/IIIA MEpvdGb�uNrytAC/maSVaAUnnEmPb'i�i-SOKR¢q'4N110%PO�ICanfurcciPaEx ��tKFnL{� r�xnurs 0 w{uwpi � � n Si+�nL+keiCannructimPerm�i �01 lVal�r Quelity Ctnifica�ion (J �CAIdAPemdt�crlJAIOREcn7opnmi Q �CM1MAPennV(EtMMORderelyymtlA n spqc�n6 errLlcnnoN pROCEnuRL's m NeQUIrt�J � Ailem��ryDeml0fi5,0pDwltliCNfirvnnin�w5roleofRCsa�diu anY�kll oantA dy dUli op�alol fh+ll,v{wi �b�ndonm�nt, bepl�! ee�mdinb�o EN8 mla �nd�ebu�m)onr. . ApplKUknfikdwilhENRailu1114dappuonoiuvea(poMil hppllaAOn (y hnet. No s��+Wad apptka(m (oun. � Ayy talfonf�etbvt6rn�wcinm�ac sth�g��T� W,pfuflmih�depi & drawingi o(etruuure & proolof ownenblp of rlpar. r0 mrf . ' __' __ WA �'r�513D00Remuil�twrcp�nyappilcat6ia � SSD.00 Rs mw� u+qmjanydppli�sliqf u upio�tu41 mymon�muuna4sWbemov<doidaaoye ,pknsendRy. N.C. tlaWUisSwv<y, box 41617 h�la�, Nc 27411 Ifrcq�xNmm�te(nazw�OmaxSihY�tle1SA SuWr�piu7C.0100 oI�ReD�oP<+a6��loRuoinrqu�arcdlPorphan undq¢wundtiongaunkµUSTS)med'u�ove�efdmmja�ryeMUV�iin�opt�miw. wi�A ISA NCAC9!{ I OCD (COUqI Slounwi:q Ruleq u rtqui�t0. R�puUnDurtv Ru�si rzqio��d. titii,vG �v�^r (,DVI', �'�A(�? lz��Ul�'zoll v��� �l��w:��t-�,7t�y� _,E�f?s- �,��, �,, , �i'�a� � - Gi sYt� r�1s'/rr . _ � �z js/�i 1...�Y.r� �A'�arr��£au�'P � �'�� —a�-1" �O"�'��� RCGJ(0\AC, orrcr.�s Ques(ions regarding ihase permils shoutd 6e addressed lo thc Regional Office marked below. 0 Ashevf0e Ro;ionnl0ltfce 0 Maoresviilt Regianal Office ❑ Wilmingtan RagionnlOtCrce 2090 US High�+�ay 70 � 610 £ast Center Avenue, Suile 301 127 Gardinal llrive Exwnsion SK�anunnoa,NC2877S Moarosvilla,NC2Sll5 Wilroingtou,NC284U5 (828)29G•A500 (704)G61�1699 (910)746-7215 � WA isaoan ,, tUA „ 0 I'ayeltevl0e �tegto�inl Officc p�aloigL �2egimm10t0ca 0 �q'Itislou-Salem Iteglonul QltlCc 22>NortbG�eenStreel,Suile?14 3800parrcttbrlve,5uite101 SSSWauglilowuStreet . _. TaXausville..N�.283pJcS�A9 .... ..........�al�ig�r�,NG�7�Q9.._.,.,_....�.._._.....,.�!iu,�4.9�-SAI�!I��.NC.2,7I,07.. . .. __ . (91 Q) 413•3100 (919) 791.A200 (39G) 791 •SOUb tl Washtngion Regional OCfico 943 U�asl�ingion Sqoarc Mall Wasl�iugton, NC 27889 (252)4A6•6A8i mnxl recent cersion ofNCDWQ's.Sturvti�+�r+le1• 11as1:11nuugc�Rie�u! Ptwcl/ee,r, sucli as grasseQ s�vales� bulli:r nrns. prcl'omtod scour holes, relentimt 6nsins. etc. .l. ARer tlia salaction of �he prcferred nUcrnnlive imd prior �o m� issunnce ol'ihe �I01 Woter Qunlily C: enificntion, ihe �CDO'I' is re�pecULli�� rominded �I�u� �he}• ���ill neeei to dumonstr�te the nvoiclanee nud utinintizotio0 of impncts �o �vpll�tilcls (and stremns) to Ihe maximum csu:nt praciicnl. In accord�mce wilh tl�e Fuviroiunentni fvinnngameuk Comntission's Rules { ISA i�1CAC4f•I.OSOGp�)1, mitigiUion xill ba requircci far impacls of �!realer thnn I a�ere to �ectlnnds. lu the event Il�nt ntiqgmion ix required. Ili� mitigntiun pinn shuuld �e designed to repince appropriate Inst fimclions aiid viduos. The vC [scasystem Eahnncement i'robrnnt tnay be nvnilnble for usc as �wdmtd nd�igotion. �{. tn ;iccordance �cith the tinvironmenlnl �tausigecn�ut Commissiuu's Rules ( f 5A NCAC 211.1150G(li)�, mitiqation ���ill b� reqaired fm• hnpacts ofgrcatcr i6iui 1501inc�r fcet to tmy singlc su•eam. In d�c c��cnt thrit initigatiun is required. Uie miliga�ion pinn shnll bu dcsigned �o reptncc approprialc lust fm�ctions a�d ti�alucs. The NC Ccusys�ent [nh�mcement Prngram ron)' Uc o4o(loblc forusc ns stranm miti�nlion, 3, t�wurc doaumcnta�ion, (ncludinb ihc �101 4Vntur Quidity Cenilicalian Applianion, should continuc to include nn iterztized lisiiug of thc proposat wetl�nd apd stream impacu +vitti corcc,puncling ntnppina. fi. NCC)WQ is very conce�ied nith sedimenl nntl erosi�m imp�c�s thnt could n;sid� from this projcei. NCUUT shnll nddress thuse conecr�rs by descriBiny tho potentinl inrpnets Uittl muy ocew� to Uw aquetic enrironmenr� and any' milignlin� liwlot'S thnl s�•outd reducc 4he impnets. '/. An nnnlysia ofcumidnNve nnd Secuudnry impncts oudeipated as u resuit uf U�is projuct is reqtiired. 'I'lie tppe and detail of nnn(ysis yhull cunfurm Io Ihu NC Divisiun ol' IVnler Qunlity Pulic}� mi ihe a,sc,sment of secondar�� nud cumulnticc impnc�s dntcd April 10.1004. S. NCI70't' is rcypcctlidiy reminded tiint alI impncts, inchidinn but nat limited to, bridginb, �II. exen��ntion nnd cicnrin�*, nnd rip rap to jurisdictlrnml ���edands, streums. and ripnrim� but7crs need io bc (ncludcd in ihe fin�l Imp�ict catcidntions. 'Phese impncts, in nddition to nnp conslniction impacts, temparnt}� ur othenvise, niso necd to be includec] ns pnrt oPlha �I01 tVnter Qunfity Cor�illention Applicatiun. J. �Vhcre streums must bc crosscd, NCDNrQ pre(ers bridgus be usud in licu of culvcrts, (lotvevar, �ve reulize �h,it ecanomic cc>nside��n�iuns �Iicn rnq�ucc the tue of cul�crts, Plense 6e ndeised that ctdvcrts shnll be eountcrsmik to nilow wdn�pcded pussage by lish mid othcrnc�untic orgnnisins. 4lurcovcr, in mens n�here hi�h qu,iliq� �vell.mds orslre;uns nre Impacted, n hridge may prove proterable. \Vhen nppliaiblc, NCDUT shnald nc�t instnll Uie brid�e benls in Q�e creck, to tlie nta�intunt c�tcnt prneticnblc. 10, 1VhCne��er possible, NC�WQ prufers spnnniny struaiures. Spunning suuclures usunlly do nm roquirc �rork «•iqiin lhc strcnm or �rubbing uf �hc strcnmbnnks:md do noi ruquire s�ro�im chnnnul renlignment. 7'he horizdnitd mid venicnl clunrancas pruvided by GYICIRCS tiItL�I A{I015' I01' IIUI111111 i111CI «•fldlife passnbc beneatfi tha s�ruchira fisli pnssnge and nnvigntiun by uiaoeists �nd t�onters shnll not be blutkud. 13ridgc supports (hcros) shnll nut be pinced in thu strusmi ��•hcn possible. I I. 13ridgu deck drnins shnll nat discluu•gc direcdy inro �he strunm. Stormivnter sBnll be directed ocross tlre bridge nnd pre•ircatec! tEttrough site�p�prnpi'inte mains (grnssed s�vnles, prc•formed scour No�es, "D, lf'1'uundation Icst hurings are ncecssnry; it shull be naled in Ihe docuuteut. Gcotectmical work is approred under Genernl �101 Ccrtilicntion Ntnnber 3G87!tJatiomciele Permit No. ( I'ur Snne�� Aclivities. ::I. Setliment nnd crnsion c:nntroi measures stdficiant N protacl o°aler resourcen most 6e fmplumentecf ancl maint�iinud in acwrdtutce with qic most rccenl versiou nfNorllt Caroliun Seditnent mid Crosiun Guntrol Plnnning and pesign btnuu;d nnd the mo�i n:cent ��ersion nf NC5000250. . ,2. !111 n�ork in or adjucent to stremn u•a�ers shall Uc cniiducicd iu a dp• work nren. Approcctl 13Y1P mensure, I'rom ttic must current ��crsiun ol' NCDOT Constnicdon und Mnimennnce ncifv(tfus nunmsd sueh as sundtmEs, ruck beruis. cnl'funlnmx �md o�hcr divcrslon struciures ,ludl bc used ro preti•enceseo�adon in Flo��dn�u�atm�. ?J. 1Vhilc lhe u;e ol Nationul \��eU�nd 6icenlop� (i��Vl) maps. NC Cc,ustol Region F.r;iluation uF lVcllond Signil icance (i!C-CRCWS) ntnps nnd suil sun•cy mnps �irc asMid �ools, iheir inharnt iitinccnmcics requirc flini qu;ililicd personncl perii�rm onsilc tirctlm�d dcliucutions prior tn perutit uppro� nl. 34. Renvv eqtdpment shnll U4 nparnted I'rom pto bnuk ruthcr �hun in strenro chnnnels in nrder tn minimiu scdimenituion and reduoe die likelfliaod ptiu�roducing oiher pi�llu�anis imo s�renms, 'i'I�is equipment shoulci Uo inspected dnil�•;�nA maintnincd to prevent c�rummiunqon oPsurfnee wnlers frcim Icnking fueis, lubricnnts, hy/Il'7UIIQ I�UI(Ifi� or other lo�ie mnicrinls, "_S. Riprap shall noi be plFiced in ihe ncii�•c thuhti�eg chnnnel ur pl�ced ii� c6c streamh�d in m m�nner thut precludes ;u�untic IiPe pnssi�ge. Bioun�inec�'iug l�ottlders ur sUUVnues s4sdl be prnperly derigned. siz�d nnd in,lalled. 2G Riparimi vegu�ation (native uees auci shrubs) shail 6e prescrved to �ha mnsimum extum possible. Ripnrian cegeiniion must be reest7blished wiihln thc constructiun limits oPthe project Gy Ihe end of thc gro�ti•iug ecason t'ullo�ving complcti�n of wmOvctim�. hCU1Vl_� nppreciates �he upportuniq• [u pro��ida commm�ts un }our projcct, Shnll yau hare any qneation; or requirc �my addiciunnl inl'ormaiion, plcisc conrtict Amy Euliss nt (316) 771 ��1959. cc, Jahn 9'humn,. L'5 Ann;� Corp, ol' I:n�inccrs. Itnlcigh Pield Offica GhriS ibtilistcher. Iinvirnnmcnlnl Pmtectioit t�gcncy (c[ectron�c copy anly} blarlii Chnntbm•S. NC 1Yildlil'c Resnurccs Conunission (cicclronic cupy unly) \Vutlnnds' d01 7'ransportattun Ncrmiuiny Uni� Piic Cup}' .. . z;.:�. ;: U.S�EN'VTI20NM�1V1'A�T'RO'X'�C'Y'IdNt1G�NCY .,,..• ''. . :'-."-;; i � .., ' � . • � • : : � 12�GION�4RAL�IGFiOFFIC� .: <',..R�CEW�b�...� ye'�.`'�.•����!". ' ,. . . , Te�r,� 5anford Fedni•ul CourtLouse.. . � ' . '. � � ' - . IJEC. x'G :1(�.fl � . . . 3l0 Alew Bex•a Avenae . . ':'�'r�: :, • NCDQTRAII"bzVIStON .J ` , � � Rateig(�, NorfL Carol9na 27G01 � ' �-°�--- � • :; . . :. I1eca;a� cr 12, 2C21 ' ' . . , . -r;;,: _ . Mr. Ivlarc L. HameI ' � ' . ' • . , ..�.,.. ,. ... ,. , ,, ..,; . : .... ' '' Manager of Envuomnental Progra�ns ` ' . :,: : ; j;�,.�. . . • `' `,'{`'�NCDOTRailDivi'sion� . ' ;`,i' ,"�t � �ir��: . i���:� , �.�,. i;;,-�, , . . . . , .;i;:�.".,:�' ''io� ��'� �?�;:' 1553'MailService'Center 'r3rt .ri; `•.;'i •`rs!'•�.�' ;;;;;�' �.•,. '`�.; ,,xe: :i, ei'� ..�: .t'si'i, :; . . . . . . . :.}:' . • ':;';.,,: :i.. ::i�:'� . : � . � '�� �g . . �1�:�i�� � 'i % �b . . ';.i : ir. Raleagh, Noetlt Cuo ma ?.7699-J S •. �- �� `;::,, •, �,.�`' • � . ;•, . '� ;;: . '.,. i'i'�'•� • ItE:' I'eder�lEnvironntentfllAssessmentforC-4901A;SecondTrackand'S1%ty .' , �- ;=2i.� :.: �-� '•�� �•���: •: Tm rovements Alon the Nortti Cnrolina Railroad CRR Aavidsori Coun r�••� - P g , i�`� ), ty' . � - . De�u• Ivk. FIamel: �i 'I � `" 'I'lie U.S. �uviromnental Pt•otectiou Agency (&+PA) Regimi 4 bffice hns reviewed the . : °. � : ' subject doetunent anct is cazunenting in lccozd�nce with Section 309 of tlie Clean Air Act �:,;, ,., (CAfi) a�td Section 102(2)(C) of tlie Natioual Enviromnental Policy Act (N�PA): TI�o Tederai : .', �.: ;,:, . R�ihoad Ad�ninistcation (FRA) nnd tbeNorth Carolina Deplrtment�oFTrai�sportation(NGnOT) •. .. •��.:.��;, ,i:ti.c are pi�oposin� to, construct an additional railroad track along tho Norfolk SouthernMainline ::..:. ... ... :.. i��;;..;:. � •�': betw�en the towns of Tl�omasville wid Lexingtoai �or appi;oxlmately�4.2 nilies in Dayicls'on � �:��r�� �• .� r��,;;� y���•�� ,.:,�;:;,.; •, . ,. .. . ,., , .. .. .., � ',� ;-;:•`;:•.� �[>',� ;,}ji .',,'. �,• p �,,_;p j , .. '-p� � ": �.'�•.,.. ..„ '� :''Cj.,:.;5°�:.;'r:`�:�;;.'t:tisg Coun The zo o�ed io ect includes'u adin two existin at ade crossi�n�s'to• ade ,� ,,. .. . .. ;.. ,: • :.,. .. . � .:. . �... . ... ::... �:,�,..,..,. ln+i:n: ..'.rrSO FlIf1�8d91'OS5117 .Sf"" -_t�.n:;r::ntYr..i�.v.•'••�..: ..r'.,ildYnh��fi]'ir(uLi?a'er;;::.i.s.u,�SMd'il:5s•2I:Si.+'.)�',ial}.?:xa. s•lvi.'.fi.';�r•• , � ,�; p .. . �` .:.:_„.;r:. � . .............._,. . .. ...... .. . . , . , ,,...... , <. �:". .. . '�.:..!!irY:..: �,:..:ji•1,., � ..:...,::: ...r.0:y911.a: �.il:i. _�:; .'�,..:;�., .:'t::�'h'•'. '�q�: ^•i:l.; I C:� i�': 1P.:9 . �'r� o`q•p ��tij _ ;�!;i-. n . .. . . � . . ... � . «..� .. ._ �': � C:. ... � i .,.. _ Cd.. � .<.� . :�� EPA lias jirovided detailed tecluucal co�xuitenfs"on tlie Fecieral �iivi�•oiimental�':s:t.,:'+ ��.�i,;��::;,::. _:':lR N::..p:t._ V...� h.lYf �. :r';:� .. �..y :. ..Ai-�•�:.. ,.._..... -- ..... ..... ..... - � - — .-.._ , -_..-_. ._...._. .._.,......._. __... :.::__.....,..,..::-,•,.:,-...,.,. . ,...,.. :::.::,� ..,. �?:Send.lhe,do.cuutetzt to. ux : atten`tion•at tho fol lo�ving;addi�esS r:IJSEPi� �Reg'iRii;4 _1�T$Pt�ztj=�rr'�t=�!:;«^" �� :-'= .,�<,>„�,�..,.,�,.,�:.�:�.,,,,�,,>,,,,.•..,�' �.- ..,....,.,..•.„.,,...,,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.t,.�..,,..,,.w...;,,..t.:•�„��:,.-.,�::,:;�� : . .: .,.r.,,,,..,,..,...,,��:, : - - -... ,.. ��;:..., , — __.__ ............ ... ....._... _. ...... _....... . --- - -- - -- -- .................._............,...._ ......: - -- - - ....... ....... ................. ................ ..................... _ .. _ - - .. :..........:...........s. . , . .... ....... ..._...... . . .. _. �.. . . ..,... .:.;__:::.: ............................_.. ,,.;. ::-. ,... .:. :. r.�r.�.:...:..::.:�: ..: .. ...:. . .. . .. � -: ..': :'.•:..:._:.. . ' `�� -' ::r�:::.. �............�.� ..r:re� .:..:............... ....................�.... ... .... ,... .. - . , . ...... . . �.i: r.: .. _ .. ...._....... � : �: ..1. ' O4VI.tC1.:4S1%n. 'rtJ.IJ.I.� n'V :Y(.° ':tti - r.1• S�J��. '�lfAt��fe.���r �'�.li`iIl�F1`�.i..trt���i�_'��e4s�.�N.:,�f�'(.v�I:� 1111r �Ji� >rih •'Ir ti�. nls 4..I. �P 1 n • � . 1 • � �vi.r.....�..�..u.....�.�..�..� .......... ...... .�.....�-..�......._ . ... �. ...�.. . . .. �........�.........�'-�.�i......r...........u.u.��...........r.......���. ...��.� ...... .....�...-�... ....i...�.:�v..��.b'.:!V�.'IV�\'�YSa��....�. . .�. �.'..<i:! . 1.....��...��'..�..FP•.lit.1�.��i:.��:�.li"�'.i.'.A'y..�.v.-w.�:.\::Ii:�Y�n�..:ln.. f•.ti:l.':.��1.Nr..i:il.i a: i� „ \�( I`� . .. .. . . ..-.�n�.... i...a�.... : . . . . . i . . . . .. . ....... . ... . .. ..... . . ..... . .... �. �/.L..' ........��•ri...`i.::..... :-..'S...__...._..n ..... ..u,�v.i . �� . .�.� '. ., i�'l,'[ ... ........ ...� ..... .... .. .... � � Attachmeut A • • ;� Aet�iiectTechuicalRevie�vCom�txen#soi�I�e��erstli�lA�' • � �'�'" . •• Yi•opose�l Construction of Secund'lkacic and Sa£ety 3`m�rovements'along the Not-Fallc '�� Soufl�cru Railroad Behveen Thomasvil(e and Lexiugton Davidson Coua�ty TIP 1`dv.: �=�°OlA Purpose and Need a.�:. The proposed C-4901A rait project is aie of tliree douUle track replacement projects , . proposed for tlie Norfolk Southetn �'.aitroad (NSR) Mainline aud Nortli Caroliva Ruilro�d '' ;`':. ;.'<,. .. =.' '''`:�:. (NC12TL) between Gx'eensboro and Charlotte, 77ie pAOposed project is nlsp pait o� the Soirtheast .' . . . Higlt-Speed Rail Corridor (SEHSR), wUicl� is pro�osed fo �vn from Washington, D.G, to Charlotte, N.C, Combined with the other two x�ail pt'o;jects (P-5208 aud P-520G); tlils project will . help to comptete a 92-mile long segmeut of continuous double track on tlae•NSR Mainline. Other , rait impt'ovemant projects that ara also related to the proposed project as ciescribed on Page 1 of ... the EA, including P-520S und U-4716 which are tocated between Greeiuboro and Raleigh. -: ... -• .• Currently, pnssengec irains experience delnys to allow cleflr pflssnge for freighf traius in � are�s where ttiere are single track segments. The proposed project wi(I proyide additional � ., capacity for combiued fi�ei�ht nnd passeuger rail service, im�rove passenger train saliedide reliabiliiy and accomntodate fi�hu'e growth iaa passeuger train service, A�i additionnt be�ze%t ' identified in the EA includes ca�sistency witli the (oug-Leavz plans for the SEHSR and lugher ' speed passengeA- seivice. T� or passenger rail secvice between Raleigli and Charfoita, rRA And NCT�OT have datermined that individunl projects have independent uti�ity and are being �. ��; �ddress�d under sep�rate NEI'A documeuts, uicluding tlie proposed C-4901 A projeci: •. ti:: :�+;; The exisfing nortk�eiYx termuius is eoiit�•ol �ioint �owers and'tlie soutliein tei7ninus�is:;,:,'•'�,,;r i��::�;-:' .;.. : i eonh•ol ��oiut I,ake. l�TOrth and south of tlte eontro] poiuts the.zait c;aKridpr'is ciouble-U'aeked, ;Tlie :::.,:r� :, :; ,�; ;:� existing NCRTt ooiridor is 200 feet wide for most oithe project.Iepgtii arid incluiles tl�re'e.�f ,,::': ��:ic�:>::...: ...� r�:i °,�:. gi�ade crossingsUpper Lake Road, Lower Lake Road and Turner Roati.:,'Phe'fiu'ner•Road" :.;�.i�'::ii;!''.-:>:: t.�::::.;`tt;i ..,...._.,.._.. .. ...� ............. ... . ......:.. . . ..., ...,.,.....,.,.. -,..... .........,....._._......,.. _'crossin is'iitilized b 4 school btis tri s er da -.:s.sr � _'°° - .. . .... .... ..... . . .. . ., . ...._.... , .. - ....,,, . : �-�,. ....,.......,....... 6,....,,.,._..,..:..Y_.... .. �, P...n.-....Y ..:.. :..:.::..:......;::i::i�":(:;.;r: -. .. " ' . .L ..}.,t: 9�::r�i: 'd.� .�:r1(i!�ci^ni�+'%(t.'.ii�145: '.:i�'u: .. .. :J. .. . . .... ^_`l?1t+i'� . tl' .. . . .':/• . ..,� .. ',i;9q:tA'. _..I�:iSiC:.. .iS,.dllAfin'S;.:PJ:i1U• I.E.^.sl� ...._ ii.. ..� . .. 'r . .. .. . . . .. � : ....:...:."...�... ... � '.... .... ' .: .. :: L.,....-.1 . ..... .:' . . - _ ^ C:.g.. .. . . 1 ��:i�' .,. ... . ... . ... ............ .....�. t ' - . . L •-..,� --.,�-....-.,. _ ..... ..�....� s.r��-��_,-�...:...:.��.. ;: ._.:'.� :y'�i;l �'y.ri�i'�:p4. ::�: :_.. ... � �:.� :�.:. .. . . .. .�. .. . .�... .o...,,. t .. ... ... .� .... ' : �.� . . .. : ,. _ . . :.. ..... ... .i.. .... � �.�:... . 6 . .. u: . J e(.�..§:" ,:QY:�Y. ^I; .� ..�,£.1s .'r-; �.t'y ..1.'d:P: d!i; . .. , , .... . .�. x .. . •.-.-.�:.:._"t:)W..I.:�nAiV:�.wl:h.11:�it�::�:.:!_.'1.�.:4ii: .'...� •...::•�:\'.��.. '...�.-' r.11.�.h'1��t:s:.:'.:>: I..Y'.f1�4).11+��.e�_li..:':'4r4iSA��.�.i'.v.3��l.�:� .. . .. .... . . .. ... ...... �.. :t:.'nr..re•..:'r:.... .e •.. .r.n1•.••..iv:w.d:C?.... . . . . f.: ' ' .' . ... (�t7C3:i .il\i:61vi .2i]i i1::yc: ... . . . . . .... . . ... :. . . . . .... . , . . ... . ... . .. ;. ..,: ..,::.:'. . ... . .. . . , . . . .. . . . .. .... . ... . . �. . ... . .. . ..; . . ., " . . .... . .t.::' �'-' " _' .....r. ... . _.... _.,....�...... . .... . ... ...... ..... .. ... .. . .. . . ... .. . . �. . . .. ... ..... :.. .. .y.......,- :.. .._,.. :.:. .;:�.::...�. ..: ; �y;. ..x...:.:f._;. . .� . : s• — _ . . ' ' T;�+i:� �.isi.. " Irt{ .. ........... .. .. .. . ... ... _ .,........... ........ .. , . . ... . . .. ... . .. .. ...... . .. . .. .. .. .. ...... .. . ... _ _.. . _.. .. . .. ._.. _ . . . . . . ... ........ ....,..- . .... ............ �. �.,_,... - . � . . .. ....: ...; .. . ��- . ,., ..�a.. �n� � , . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . .. .. . . ....... . .. ... . ..... .. . . . . .. .., .. ..- . . .�. . -' . . , . . . . ... . . .. . . � . . . ... ..... . ..... . . ..i : .... .�..- . .. walls adjacent to Wetland #9 and potentially fo Shea�n #27 and Wetland #24 (UT to Jitnnly's': Creek �id adjaceirt Tleadwater forest wet(tuid with 0.44 acxes of itnpact). The EA does not � specifically 9denti£y effocts fo avold and xuinitniza the impncts to Stream #27 that app'e.2r to be� • associated with roldway and access improvements 1t Upper Lnice Road (Figttre 3). The BA >� states that on-site mitigation opporturuties will be invesligated. NCDO'1 proposes fo utilize the N.C. Ecosystem �tilfauceruent P�•o�r�m (EEP) foL compensatoAy mitigation should there be nu. o�i-site mitigation opportunities av�il�ble. F,PA xlotes that existing sh•eams in the Yndkin River basiu (Hydrologic Unit 03040103) have Ueen in�p�iced due to past development �ctivifies. Au_Q(}gl��y_anc(_(}exierA�. Confo}?nit,y. . � ' �Y' Tl�e Bn provicies ii�fbrmation concerning air quality avd general conformity on ��ges 21 and 22. Dlvidsmi County l�as bean cesignate�i as beiiik in non-aktaitzment fer the PM2.5 standard. FRA and NCDOT shou(d make al( practicaUle and reasonabte eftorts to mifunuze • . particnfate eanissions during constmction, including the equipment ideixtified iu Table 3 of the EA. 011ier i�Inhiral Resources L�ncts , . " , ' � ��c ., . The EA identifies that there witl be approximately 41.5 acres of imp�cts to terrestria( `'; . focests nnd potential impacts to the 100-year floodplai�i nssociated with Jinunys Creek, -. _ ..i,. . � .. ��. .,........ , . ...... :. .... .... a � . . . ' ' : . . . � . .. ' ;'i; .. , ���,>. . �.. . ..r::r,�:� . . . , •.i' , . . ��.... . . . . �,. . ...Ct.E.. . : . .. � —qiiT.n� .:.,.... - • ' }.i_'i,: . , , �.ir.}::,ri . . . :'�. i�;:�.}'.3S• ;Eij�sl - �.�. � i'k9;� .,�,: .... ...>�._....`..c. �.'.....: .., :. . �:�::' ' _ i�i. _ ':)L:c- . .. .... . . . ::1:' '.S%�` ..�., ,G. :,s.+.. 'a.. .�r.�: -.ri� .�i}J::u��,' . . . . . . . ..... . :.: �: .:: .. ,.., ..:... : .... .. ;.. ...�.• .:.(.': . . . . .. . . .v�. �r .. . .: ... � .. : .: . �r.�: �. :. ��.:.: .. . _ . .. . . -..r......;..� .: .:......:..................;�......�.....,.,-.;.,..,„�„�.....-r • ' " ' 'ii':i:� :iC ni�: " . . . .................................._..................... _ . ..._.._... , ............... .... . .... . .. . . . . . ... .. . . � .. . . . . � .. _ , i. , .,, . ... .. . .... ... ..... . ..... . .. ..... .... ... � .. . . . ... ... .. ...,..� .,. ., :, r .. ,........,..; ,, .�,� . . ...�.. , ...iy' . .. -�,� ��� ���ENR North Garolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Qualify Beverly Eaves Perdue Sbei[a C. Holman Dee Freeman Governor pirector Secretary 7une 21, 2012 Mr. Ma�c Fiamel NCDOTRaiI Division 1553 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1553 Dear Mr. Hamel: The Division of Air Quality has reviewed ttic environmental assessment report titled Bowers to Lake DatbCe 'I'rack Project On tlae North Caro(hta Railrpnd/Norfo'!k �outherri Raidx�ny Da.vdtIson Coimty (TfP Project No. G4901A). This ceport was originaEly submitted Qctober 26, 2011, Witl� ttte requested. additional informadon delivered to the Divisiotr of AirQuality on April 79, 2012. It has been demonstrated that the direct and indirect einissions increases due to tlie praject are less thgn tha threshold nf 100 tot�s per yaar of cither sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, a fine pazticulate matter as specified in 40 CFR 93.153(b) and I SA.NCAC ?D .1603(a). Therefore, the project is not considerecl to Ue significant for tl�e purposes of general confoimity uid the pcoject complies with (he Federal and Stute generaL conformity n�les. If you l�ave any quesfions about ihis revie�v piease contact Bob Wooten at (914) 707-87Q4. SCI-�/nv ce: Sushmablasemore I,aura Boothe Ryan Whito Margaret Love Ricliazd Davis 1E41 PAaii Seivice Cenler, Raleigh, Noith Caroina 27E99-i641 217 VJest Jotw.s St�eei, Rals�gh, NC 27603 Phone: 819-707•84di 7 FAX 919-715�07t8 i lniemet vnvtv,ncacorg M Equal Op�rt�nity/Alfirmalive Ac'Jon Employat Sinaerelp, ��l "cs�`t^ ` '" " 1 °" `�"'`--- Sheila C. Holman NorthCarolina �aturallr�