HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050634 Ver 1_AsBuilt Monitoring Report_20110131Monitoring Firm KCI ASSOCIATES OF NC Landmark Center II, Suite 220 4601 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone (919) 278 -2514 Fax (919) 783 -9266 Protect Contact Adam Speller Email adam spoler(&kci com KCI Protect No 12071067B_RCB Design Firm EcoLogic Associates, P C 3808 Clifton Road Greensboro NC 27407 Phone (336) 632 -4441 Fax (336) 632 -4445 Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KC /Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 r Baseline Monitoring Report Table of Contents 10 Protect Goals, Background and Attributes 1 1 1 Location and Setting 1 12 Project Goals and Objectives I 13 Project Structure, Restoration Type and Approach 1 14 Project History Contacts and Attribute Data 2 20 Success Criteria 2 21 Dimension 2 22 Pattern and Profile 2 23 Substrate 2 24 Sediment Transport 3 25 Vegetation 3 26 Hydrology 3 3 0 Monitoring Plan 3 31 Dimension 3 32 Profile 3 33 Pattern 3 34 Substrate 3 35 Visual Assessment 4 36 Vegetation 4 37 Digital Photos 4 3 8 Watershed Conditions 4 4 0 Baseline Conditions 5 0 Maintenance and Contingency Plans 6 0 References Appendix A — General FiF-ures and Tables Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Site Map Table 1 a — Project Components Table 1 b —Component Summations Table 2 — Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 — Project Contacts Table 4 — Project Attributes Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site EEP Project # 276 it 5 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 KCI Associates of North Carolina Baseline Monitoring Report Appendix B — Mornholoffical Summary Data and Plots Table 5 — Baseline Stream Data Summary 13 Table 6 — Morphology and Hydraulic Momtonng Summary (Dimensional Parameters) 14 Cross - Section Plots 15 Longitudinal Profile Plot 21 Pebble Count Plots 24 Appendix C — Vegetation Data Table 7 — Vegetation Plot Data 31 Vegetation Plot Photos 32 Appendix D — Stream Photos Baseline Momtonng Photos 37 Appendix E — Current Condition Plan View 40 Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KC Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 ui Baseline Monitoring Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site, completed in May 2010, restored a total of 2,919 linear feet of stream in the Neuse River Basin The project is located in the USGS Hydrologic Unit 03020201070060 This HU is within the ESP's Neuse River Basin Local Watershed Plan and is also listed as a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) in EEP s Draft - Neuse River Basin Restoration Priorities 2010 The project goals and objectives are listed below Project Goals • Restore a stable channel morphology and floodplain to the project stream that is capable of moving the flows and sediment provided by its watershed • Improve water quality by reducing bank erosion and bed degradation • Provide a riparian management zone that is compatible with the surrounding uses (golf course and electrical transmission corridor) and yet retains the ecological function of the riparian zone • Enhance aquatic and terrestrial habitat in the stream corridor Project Objectives • Restore 2 919 linear feet of stable stream channel with the appropriate pattern, profile, and dimension that can support the sediment transport system • Plant native trees and shrubs throughout the site • Grade a floodplain adjacent to the stream The project site, which is protected by an 8 5 -acre permanent conservation easement held by the State of North Carolina, is situated in Wake County in the Northern Outer Piedmont ecoregion of the Piedmont physiographic province The site is located along Richland Creek, bounded by Stadium Drive at the upstream limits of the site and NC -98 at the downstream limits of the site on the Paschal Golf Course in the Town of Wake Forest The site's 7 8- square mile watershed is mostly urban east of the site and rural/residential to the west The stream has been directly adjacent to the golf course since the course's construction in 1917 As a result of the highly managed landuse surrounding the site, the stream has been impacted by straightening, buffer clearing and other hydrologic changes The upper 300 feet of the project are within an electncal transmission corridor which has historically been managed by the utility company, maintaining vegetation below 12 tall The pre - restoration assessment classified the upper portion of the stream as an unstable C4 stream type and the lower part as an F4 stream The assessment also found the stream had significant eroding banks for most of its length The restoration plan called for building a stable C4 stream channel with appropriate meander geometry, consistent bankfull width, increased pool depths, steeper riffles flatter pools, and native riparian vegetation on the banks The design was developed using two reference reaches, an upstream reach of Richland Creek and UT to Lake Wheeler, which is in Raleigh, North Carolina There were only limited modifications made to the design and planting plan during construction, which included lengthening three constructed riffles and improving various storm water conveyances to the project stream The monitoring components were installed in early July 2010 The monitoring plan includes longitudinal profile along the entire stream length and six cross - sections, four in riffles and two in pools Eleven permanent photo points have been established with a total of fourteen photos to be taken annually To determine the success of the planted buffer, seven permanent vegetation monitoring plots were established according to the CVS -EEP protocol These monitoring components shall be evaluated on a yearly basis or until the success criteria are met The first year of monitoring will take place in 2011 Paschal Goll(Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KC/ Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 ry Baseline Monitoring Report 10 Project Goals, Background and Attributes 1 1 Location and Setting The project site, which is protected by an 8 5 -acre permanent conservation easement held by the State of North Carolina, is situated in Wake County in the Northern Outer Piedmont ecoregion of the Piedmont physiographic province The site is located along Richland Creek, bounded by Stadium Drive at the upstream limits of the site and NC -98 at the downstream limits of the site on the Paschal Golf Course in the Town of Wake Forest The site s 7 8- square mile watershed is mostly urban east of the site and rural residential to the west See Figure 1 in Appendix A The project is located in the USGS Hydrologic Unit 03020201 of the Neuse River Basin and drains approximately 7 8 square miles 12 Project Goals and Objectives Project Goals • Restore a stable channel morphology and floodplam to the project stream that is capable of moving the flows and sediment provided by its watershed • Improve water quality by reducing bank erosion and bed degradation • Provide a riparian management zone that is compatible with the surrounding uses (golf course and electrical transmission corridor) and yet retains the ecological function of the riparian zone • Enhance aquatic and terrestrial habitat in the stream corridor Project Objectives • Restore 2 919 linear feet of stable stream channel with the appropriate pattern, profile, and dimension that can support the sediment transport system • Plant native trees and shrubs throughout the site • Grade a floodplam adjacent to the stream 13 Project Structure, Restoration Type and Approach C This protect restored 2,919 linear feet of Richland (Station 00+00 - 29 +19) See Figure 2 J in Appendix A for an overview of the site layout The entire project was designed with ( ) the one set of design criteria and is one continuous reach There is a 47' easement exception at Station 11+00 where a golf cart bridge crosses the stream This 47' is not eligible for credit From approximately Stations 01 +50 to 04 +50 the stream is under an C electrical transmission right of way and has vegetation restrictions requiring trimming of all vegetation to 12 or under There is also a golf play -over area on both sides of the golf _ cart bridge over Richland Creek This part of the easement also has a vegetation �J maintenance plan The project begins after it flows under the Stadium Drive bridge at the northern part of the site A concrete utility crossing immediately after the bridge created a blockage to fish passage To allow fish passage, a rock ramp fishway was built, linking CD Richland Creek up and downstream of the bridge U C) r-, U C C 0 O 0 The site has been directly adjacent to the golf course since the course's construction in 1917 As a result of the highly managed landuse surrounding the site, the stream has been highly impacted by straightening, buffer clearing and other hydrologic changes The pre - restoration assessment classified the upper portion of the stream as an unstable C4 stream Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site EEP Project # 276 KCl Associates of North Carolina Baseline Monitoring Report type and the lower part as an F4 stream The assessment found the stream had significant eroding banks for most of its length The restoration plan called for building a stable C4 stream channel with appropriate meander geometry, consistent bankfull width, increased pool depths, steeper riffles, flatter pools, and native riparian vegetation on the banks The design was developed using two reference reaches an upstream reach of Richland Creek and UT to Lake Wheeler, which is in Raleigh North Carolina There were no significant changes in the design and planting plan during the construction process 14 Project History, Contacts and Attribute Data The project was first identified as a candidate for restoration by Wake County NRCS District Conservationist Tom Hill This project has been in the planning phases since 2004 with the final restoration plan completed in June 2007 Construction began in December 2009 The site was completed and planted in May 2010 20 Success Criteria 21 Dimension The dimensional data from the yearly cross - section survey should show minimal change over the course of the monitoring period However, some change is natural and expected, indicating that the site is settling post- construction Changes that may indicate destabilizing conditions include significant widening or deepening of the riffle section or a consistent trend of change over the course of the monitoring For a pool cross - section deepening is frequently a positive change while consistent filling of the pool may indicate destabilization 22 Pattern and Profile For the profile, the reach under assessment should not demonstrate any trends in thalweg aggradation or degradation over any significant continuous portion of its length The profile should also demonstrate contrasting bedform diversity against the pre - existing condition Bedform distributions, nffle /pool lengths and slopes will vary, but should do so around design distributions The majority of pools should be maintained at greater depths with lower water surface slopes while nffles should be shallow with greater water surface slopes Pattern features should show little adjustment over the monitoring period 23 Substrate Substrate measurements, from annual pebble count data, should indicate the progression towards, or the maintenance of the anticipated distributions from the design phase While stream projects are designed to transport bedload in equilibrium and carry overall sediment loads at bankfull, fines can be transported even at low discharges and upstream instability beyond design projections can also lead to deposition as storm events recede in areas of energy dissipation such as restoration reaches This can have the effect of obscuring bedform and fining of riffles especially in the first few years after the implementation of a stream project In many cases subsequent narrowing and reduction of W/D ratios as a project develops /stabilizes can then increase transport efficiency and return bedform to intended distributions, but some fining can persist due to upstream disturbance Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KCl Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 2 Baseline Monitoring Report 24 Sediment Transport Maintenance of sediment transport will be evident by stable features in the monitored cross - sections and profile From these two indicators, there should be no evidence of any significant trend in aggradatton or degradation throughout the channel 25 Vegetation Vegetation success is based on the criteria established in the USACE Stream Mitgation Guidelines (2003) This document states that vegetation monitoring results indicate the following planted stem density minimums in the corresponding monitoring years 320 stems/acre through year three, 288 stems/acre in year four, and 260 stems /acre in year five If monitoring indicates that the specified survival rate is not being met, appropriate corrective actions will be developed to include invasive species control, the removal of dead/dying plants, and replanting 26 Hydrology A minimum of two bankfull events, occurring in separate years, must be documented within the monitoring period 30 Momtonnp_ Plan 31 Dimension Six permanent monitoring cross - sections have been established on the site Four riffle cross - sections and two pool cross - sections have been installed on Richland Creek Permanent monuments of rebar in concrete have been established at each end of these cross - sections These cross - sections will be surveyed each year with measurements occurring at bankfull, top of bank, edge of water, and other significant breaks in slope 32 Profile The entire profile of the restored streams will be surveyed each monitoring year The profile will be surveyed in detail, documenting the elevations of the thalweg, water surface, and bankfull Pool and riffle features will be called out to calculate feature slopes and lengths 33 Pattern Pattern measurements have been taken for the as-built condition and are documented in this report Future pattern measurements will not be taken unless there is evidence that significant geomorphological adjustments have occurred 34 Substrate Pebble counts will be conducted annually at all of the permanent cross - sections These pebble counts will be used to calculate the sediment distribution at the cross - sections and the D50 and D84 at each location Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 3 Baseline Monitoring Report 35 Visual Assessment A visual assessment of the stream to include an assessment of the bank (lateral stability), bed (vertical stability), the easement boundary, and site vegetation will be completed each year to document the necessary parameters required for the EEP monitoring report 36 Vegetation Seven vegetation plots were set up and assessed for the baseline vegetation monitoring Vegetation data collection must follow the CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation (Lee et al 2006, http / /cvs bio unc edu/methods htm) The baseline vegetation monitoring was conducted as Level 1 Inventory of Planted Stems, as will the first year monitoring Beginning in year two and continuing throughout the rest of the monitoring penod the site will be monitored using the Level 2 protocol 37 Digital Photos Eleven permanent photo stations have been established as part of the baseline monitoring Three of these photo stations have two photos assigned to them, so there is a total of 14 photos taken from these photo stations Starting in the first monitoring year, these photos will be taken in late October / early November so that vegetative conditions are similar at the site between monitoring years 38 Watershed Conditions Yearly monitoring will document any evident changes in the watershed Any large hydrologic events in the watershed, such as tropical storms or hurricanes will also be documented in the yearly monitoring reports 40 Baseline Conditions The site was built as designed without any significant changes from the design plans A detailed baseline survey was conducted post - construction by KCI in early July 2010 The baseline survey of the longitudinal profile and cross - sections shows that the as-built Richland Creek channel closely reflects the design conditions A few species from the planting plan were unavailable at the designed quantities at the time of planting This resulted in fewer planted stems of hackberry (Celtis laevigata), willow oak (Quercus phellos), and sweet pepperbush (Clethra aln folta) and additional stems of sycamore (Platanus occidentahs), chokeberry (Aronia arbuttfoha) blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica), and elderberry (Sambucus Canadensts) were planted, along with stems of spicebush (Lindera benzoin) and swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxu), which were not in the original planting plan The seven vegetation monitoring plots established dunng the baseline conditions survey calculated a total site average of 1,159 planted stems /acre and 659 planted stems /acre when excluding live stakes All plots had an average density of at least 486 total planted stems /acre 50 Maintenance and Contingency Plans Problem areas at the Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Restoration Site will be dealt with accordingly based on the severity of the problem and at the discretion of the EEP Site maintenance may include reinstallation of coir matting, removal of debris from the channel, Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 4 Baseline Monitoring Report stabilization of bank erosion with protective structures, or adjustments to in- stream structures All maintenance activities will be documented in the yearly monitoring reports The baseline monitoring was conducted with a total station instrument The longitudinal stationing is based on the honzontal layout of the surveyed thalweg The Level 1 CVS -EEP protocol (http / /cvs bio unc edu/methods htm) was used to collect vegetation data `6 0 References Lee Michael T, R K Peet, S D Roberts, and T R Wentworth 2006 CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4 0 (http //cvs bio unc edu/methods htm) USACE 2003 Stream Mitigation Guidelines USACE, NCDENR -DWQ, USEPA, NCWRC Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 5 Baseline Monitoring Report APPENDIX A General Figures and Tables Paschal GoljCourse (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KC/ Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 6 Baseline Monitoring Report GRANVILLE O FRANKLIN m ORANGE DURHAM MT RpTRD `Q a _ Ue _ NASH WAKE CHATHAM eY' 0 JOHNSTON t LEE HARNETT 1 y 01 J co m s- Z CEDARAVE 0 CITY OF WAKE FOREST t o� vyv ' J >� -• p/N 98 uRNRO SOUThq�E EgVF ti O • DIRECTIONS TO PASCHEL GOLF COURSE (RICHLAND CREEK): FROM RALEIGH, TAKE US HIGHWAY 1 NORTH TOWARD WAKE FOREST. THEN TAKE A RIGHT ONTO THE NC 98 NORTH EXIT TOWARD WAKE FOREST. TRAVEL APPROXIMATELY 1 MILE ON NC HOLD AVE 98/DURHAM RD AND THE DOWNSTREAM END OF THE PROJECT WILL BE ON THE LEFT. � The subject project site is an environmental restoration site of the NCDENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) and is encompassed by a recorded conservation easement, but is bordered by land under private ownership. Accessing the site may require traversing areas near or along the easement boundary and therefore access by the general public is � not permitted. Access by authorized personnel of state and federal C agencies or their designees /contractors involved in the development, y oversight and stewardship of the restoration site is permitted within the terms and timeframes of their defined roles. Any intended site visitation or < — - activity by any person outside of these previously sanctioned roles and OP activities requires prior coordination with EEP. Figure 1. Vicinity Map - Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek), Project No. 276 Project Location Roads Major Streams and Rivers 1:24,000 E��in�ent KCI Municipalities oz ul o uz .o.,.. Project Easement Miks OnnnOCno10' �- ��i0000000n00000000OOOOOOCI��� ;r�`�n00 Table la Project Components Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) / Project No 276 Project Existing Restoration kak �-2 "'% `-W Linear Footage Non- Riverme Mitigation Mitigation BMP �Y �� ���� 'i ' Component or Feet /Acres Level Approach or Square Feet* Stationing Ratio Credits+ Elements Comment Reach ID HQ Preservationx Totals Feet/Acres 2,919 0 0 In stream structures including offset rock cross Richland Creek N/A R P2 2 919 10 +00 39 +80 1 1 2 766 0 vanes riffle grade controls and rock sills were used to stabilize restored channel Planted a rinarian buffer Buffer R 167,0922 l 1 167 092 1 IBuffer was planted with native vegetation *Linear footage does not include the stream length that runs under a golf cart bridge through an easement exception Square feet of buffer are limited to the areas of the buffer that meet the regulatory criteria for buffer restoration credit See Figure 2 for the locations of the creditable buffer 'The credits have been reduced to account for areas where the stream flows through vegetation management zones within the easement These management areas are depicted on Figure 2 They include a utility right of way and a play over area for the golf course Under the utility right of way the buffer will be allowed to grow to a height of 12 Due to this restriction the 309 mitigation credits that would be generated by the stream in the right of way is reduced by 25% to 231 stream credits The vegetation in the play over area will be trimmed to a few feet high Due to this restriction the 151 mitigation credits that would be generated by the stream in the play over area are reduced by 50% to 76 stream credits There is 2 4591f of stream that does not have any reductions and will generate 2 459 credits Table lb Component Summations Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) / Project No 276 Restoration Level I Strea;700 Riparian Wetland Ac Non -Ri ar Ac Upland Ac Buffer Ac BMP kak �-2 "'% `-W Rrverme Non- Riverme Restoration Enhancement Enhancement I Enhancement II 2 919 i .MW !'�'��� �Y �� ���� 'i ' 384 ? - t r � tWV t x�+� V°e_��� ?E Creation r' Preservation HQ Preservationx Totals Feet/Acres 2,919 0 0 0 384 0 MU Totalsl 2,766 0 0 0 384 0 Paschal Gotf Course (Richland Ct eek) Sn eam Restoration Site KC/ Associates of Not th Cat ohna EEP Project # 276 9 Baseline Monitoring Report Table 2 Project Activity & Reporting History Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) /Project No 276 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan 2004 June 2007 Final Design - Construction Plans Primary Project Design POC Sept 2007 Construction 6` May 2010 Planting May 2010 Baseline Monitoring/Report Aug 2010 Dec 2010 Year 1 Monitoring Planting Contractor POC " 2 Year 2 Monitoring KCI Associates of North Carolina Year 3 Monitoring s Raleigh NC 27609 Year 4 Monitoring JAdam Spiller (919) 278 2514 Year 5 Monitoring Table 3 Project Contacts Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) / Project No 276 Designer EcoLogic Associates P C 3808 Clifton Road Greensboro NC 27407 Primary Project Design POC Mark Taylor PE (336) 632 4441 Construction Contractor River Works 8000 Regency Parkway Suite 200 Cary NC 27518 Construction Contractor POC William Pedersen (919) 459 -9034 Planting Contractor H + J Forest Service Planting Contractor POC Matt Hitch (910) 264 1612 Monitoring Performers KCI Associates of North Carolina 4601 Six Forks Road Suite 220 Raleigh NC 27609 onitonng POC JAdam Spiller (919) 278 2514 Paschal GoIrCourse (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Protect # 276 10 Baseline Monitoring Report Table 4 Project Attributes Paschal Golf Course Richland Creek / Project No 276 Project County Wake County Ph sio ra hic Region Piedmont Ecore ion Northern Outer Piedmont River Basin Neuse USGS HUC 03020201 NCDWQ Sub Basin 03 04 02 Within Extent of EEP Watershed Plan Yes - Draft - Neuse River Basin Restoration Priorities 2010 WRC Class Warm % of Project Easement Demarcated 70% with wooden bollards Beaver Activity Observed Dunng Design Phase Yes Restoration Component Attributes Drainage Area (sq mi) 78 Stream Order Second Restored Length (feet) 2 919 Perennial or Intermittent Perennial Watershed Type Suburban Watershed LULC Distribution Forest/Wetland Agricultural/Managed Herbaceous Developed 35% 35% 30% Watershed Impervious Cover 10% CDWQ AU /Index Number 27 -21 NCDWQ Classification C NSW 303d Listed U Upstream of 303d Listed Segment U Reasons for 303d Listing or Stressor U Total Acreage of Easement 85 Total Vegetated Acreage within Easement 13 Total Planted Acreage as Part of Restoration 72 Ros en Classification of Pre Existing C4/F4 os en Classification of As Built C4 Valley Type Valley Sloe 0 002 Valley Side Slope Range Valley Toe Slope Range - Cowardin Classification Trout Waters Designation No Species of Concern Endangered Etc None Dominant Soil Series and Characteristics Senes Depth Clay% K T Chewacla Dee - - N/A is for items that do not apply is for items that are unavailable "U" is for items that are unknown Paschal Golf Coarse (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KC! Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 ! / Baseline Monitoring Report APPENDIX B Morphological Summary Data and Plots Paschal GoljCourse (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KCI Associates ojNorth Carolina EEP Project # 276 12 Baseline Monitoring Report Table 5 Baseline Stream Data Summary I Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) / Project No 276 Parameter Regional Curve Pre - Existing Condition Reference Reach Data (Upper Richland Creek) Design As -built - w f _ _ n ~ Dimension and Substrate Riffle LL UL E Min Mean Med Max SD� n Mtn Mean Med Max SD n Min Med Max Min Mean Med Max SD n Bankfull Width (ft) 22 350 28 0 ,� "�� w1 32 0 � i #' � 33 0 4 -1 31 9 32 7 322 344 1 2 4 Floodprone Width (ft) � -sqaW t.XAto 28 ,, 60 IIL*-°,� >100 �,A' � ",u_ 100 }" >60 >72 >69 >90 128 4 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) S a L 14 28 } 23 �', P' E' 24 f 26 11 24 26 26 28 02 4 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) _O j 3 4 �' 3 8 tW '' Pr's" 3 75 � � � 3 4 �; 3 3 3 5 3 5 3 8 0 2 4 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2) �� 48 72 db� ' 67�� 75 85 0 80 2 842 837 893 4 1 4 Width/Depth Ratio sv�p t ` 120 138 > ' ` 122 133 121 114 1 127 125 145 1 3 4 Entrenchment Ratio �� .� w' 1 7 1 9 #�, 3 1 '°; 36 i 30 >1 9 >2 0 >2 0 >2 0 00 4 Bank Height Ratio 12 �� "� � �y� 1 1 �' s °' . " 9 to 11, 1 0 1 0 10 10 00 4 d50 (-m) za ° °� �x ' 120 v ktuYl J. l p T 120 4 127 140 200 80 4 �� �� Riffle Length (ft) „ �zzt '�_ -V_p , � ° Y 'f tt V- i- , �0`sr� a , �, 3i j 4 �� R'+'c ^A-�YY �t x mss' �wW" _ »�5 '- g � fL. �x. i 'i ¢ 't @ aL".l sY F 4 14 48 30 177 20 Riffle Slo a (ft/ft) i a �� � 0 0200 2� �'�4' 0 0370 �x 0 0050 `�' �as � �{ �-„ 0 0090 � -�` f s-� � �. 0 0056 ��e 0 0011 0 0089 0 0075 0 0212 20 Pool Len ft) �- "rte 23 � � 96 Q v 5 � Y` 25 r ` 41 r' 4J 8 74 82 150 19 Pool Max De th � �r8 �6' at 4 0 I �i .� er . ,;•P 4 6 � ro r w <�� rs 5 5 7 a 4 3 5 0 e`er 5 6 N42 2 Pool S acing (ft) �s �S 38 S 258 �r d �� ; 25 lad � 90 e 150 — 1 230 63 153 155 216 19 Pool Volume ft' #� �.f i � x 'a �t k�� 7 i��iaF 7 " ��� �' tea' atte "rn .�``-,���t,��''�`As�'� ��' �''��'`� � t_ � � `� ��c "�".,� �� -,.� �.�.�,�. �,�a .� �+����...'�`'"'`� rte:- c •� at'°.�' � �.`."��,.�a '.�b'��rr�' �' �'� � +�� ������'.,>�� Channel Beltwidth (ft) J-'vJ � 22 V HMV �, 71 ;� � a 100 �4ieW Sw 0% 300 0�; 60 4X55 '"' 300 37 78 83 116 25 9 Radius ot Curvature (ft) '4ur'Mp' 32 ',� 98 a� 37 ���"�� 70 -` a� 80 ' 100 80 90 90 100 10 14 Rc Bankfull H idth (ft/ft) 1 34 Vx IWt ����� z i 1 1 2 1 2 4 25 28 28 3 1 E 7-4 Meander Wavelength (ft) p," ; _1 110 IT' �� �� ms's ffN'- 300 110 ' t � tW- i wY,. 200 � r� ,, � � 220 330 259 321 312 395 45 11 Meander Width Ratio � " a " � , t o 7 1 59 ° � " � a s � i 93 10 7; a 9�0 1y�1 24 25 35 ag i -�„ ubstiat° bed and trans oit arameters� a RI O /� O /PO o O /d nu /Wr /�G /�S /0 `.R .2^ .a�FSI:. ^9i. '�tS�,B�de" T Tk `�;�'� y",t "'"Y C .'4.e"+.~¢ "�.3:i9? '+ire ^f � f 1° 4 s� 6 Y tlLt' a�4Fa�a� V9 n' �S ^P=r !S F� .� 33:. �- � +1Lt.✓M i .1'�n of v * SC % /Sa % /G % /C % /B % /Be %�z 0 %/16 %/55 %/27 %/2 % /0% d]6 /d35 /d50 /d84 /d95 /di ° /di'Pmm �'��- 15/73/12/35/49/ /��,�"�s�: �"' k,r�,��g���` 19/20/34/54/87/120 Reach Shear Stress (competency) lb /ft2t*� ° r` 0 35 �4� s 4a 040 040 Max part size mm mobilized at bankfull 20 80 'fin -°° ; '� z �` - st-' "�� �J°"�',' 2090 31 2 Stream Power (transport capacity) W/m T4 y�{J�y, t f L ti v. i,� F ,T+,$' ". �'L +� ate. a a` • $ .. �P i ,., -.. r i t r „£° 'Sj 1 s .. a' i } - ^SA !t E dP ..�_ � '�, ° Z �iR�� tr F 1 �cr7f — .�.y'".{�y°. R �1 m > A} ddihmial ReacliTirameters a r 's sta°a+s q - 3ca.& °� _ - '`� � �,.,t t ,1 r �i u R s3�aisa F Drainage Area (SM) ', 78 48 78 78 Impervious cover estimate 10% t a � 5r 3 �, � s s.1 Wk ,"?.„A^,Q� 10% 10% Ros en Classification 174 /1 C4 C4 /1 C4 /1 Bankfull Velocity (fps) ; 6Z JJV'qWJ 3 1 70 36 50 50 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) r"`' 305 400 260 280 425 Valley length (ft) 2710 t � w Sit ; r fir .4`1_AAWeU7V14 2 710 Channel tha]we Ien ft g g� ( ) ` sa' i� ��. � mot#` r'f -a� *f at. � y+.R � �.. `�� -r�' #° t.�-� �'� n * �" ,� z "-- r ,ntt� �� i }� ��t"� ha�'4�r � �� e e .. ", 4 2 919 Sinuosity r 122 1 1 1 20 1 10 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft)� # ` 00028 00040 00028 00028 BF slope (ft/ft) �� �a = �� c 'V- �� -- ° �� "` � � ", ti 5y'� �, � v��, zb 00028 00027 Bankf ill Flood lam Area (acres) "rq '"� ,7_'P -u t� _3 �' � _ _ �;.� ; r� g , r- '~ Proportion over wide (% l ) i t i --& � K ' s « _i " 4 �. �i.�T)4a r rt � - e a Y , >r > d r� ��� � —Ir'- �'a� ,....... .rd Y',...s kff � ~ a `� � v ti p r y y_�+'Yi�'r a, v- ���,.a Entrenchment Class (ER Range) X 7_ Via' - t �tia �� z Y �� R `= - a Y r r t-, Incision Class (BHR Range) 3 7� '�'d "1 r, r r��� fc 'a,.- A ��� `�� x ;'°�` 5-cF ..� X " X d °° �s "'� "� °..r,u.."hr.+ k BEHI VL %/ L %/ M %/ H %/ VH %/ E% ,. r ..' m » r — � e _ ., r y �a � k� ..._. '9C •a �.. M'�T ,. ¢i ����r S � �n.'� f (�. 1 4 _ Ey .. Channel Stability or Habitat Metre c }} �i' �y �j"A ,i ry '!. � y � u s�i9'c -'� *'t, 9[ �- t�'` Pa` S rtjp $gam r5 J 1-C vb$; �3� 'mac! �++�=t�� crPTi"i2 =--R er J" Biological of Other g�,� y «, ��', -V � e, Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KCl Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 13 Baseline Monitoring Repoi I Table 6 Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary (Dimensional Parameters) Paschal Golf Course chland Creek)/ Project No 276 Dimension and Substrate Cross - Section ] (Riffle) Cross - Section 2 (Riffle) Cross - Section 3 (Pool) Cross - Section 4 (Riffle) Cross - Section 5 (Pool) aced on fixed baselme elev&tVfif #Base MYl MY2 ;MY3 SMY4 MY5, MY± gBasee MYl MY2 MY3 MY4 �MY5, tMY± Base MY1 iMY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MtY++ i Base„ 4M,Y,is aMY2 3MY3, MY4 MY5 MY ,Basey MY11 MY2 MY3 tMY4 MX-5, IV Y+ Bankfull Width (ft) 344 tv � 31 9 � � 4 �S* 314 a t� w� �'-4,o* q91 4' ' 32 1 A' � &JA 31 5 „9 %A% + M t+ V Floodprone Width (ft) >90 IW R$ 90 >70 °s4 e � � `� � - 6 9 >68 �� oz. tia Ke OW Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 2 4 rss � ' .,_ 2 8' '4 s 3 3 '" '€ A �' _ a� ^`' 2 5`;' tt 2 9 y �a� Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 34 � 3 8 � � ��c , t 5 6 ;, ` , =x, �, e ti " �' 33 � w 4 3 t � a s ,M a WV � Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft2 81 7 � � �,�� 893 ` � ' �a ,� $ 104 0 s � ,� r V ,, � � -ON � 80 2 � M Z "�� �`�� 90 8 �� ��� �,� � W vWI Bankf ill Width/Depth Ratio 145 � Z�� � 11 4 " c� �" z s f� g� r �� 9 r w� ` +� 12 8 v'`n � r ` ' ' it #� Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >2 0 � '�x €� _ >2 0 - �TMi ' < ti x 4 a ='° " ` °°' b a _ �� L� ° r >2 0 a u � , �� a � T W_1 " � Bankf ill Bank Height Ratio 10 e �� 10 �r r-,'W r .s�Z 1 0 a ` � ` x r '� a Z Cros i (ft) 477 5 4775 111 4 "a:�ti��iu y tf� 5 13571 =N_< y }s�1 `' 1001r�� s°�Px - i 1064_.�� d50 mm 2 0 f � "� � 4 " 34 0 � _ gym P �Z,- t 1° 0 4 gar '�" ° 460 *L� �* 17 ?-42 ZM: a w a FM Cross - Section 6 (Riffle) ased on fixed baseline elevation 4 _ ��� Wise] 'W41) MY-2i MY3' IMY4, LMY5J MY,�+, Bankfull Width (ft) 322 � O k � � Floodprone Width (ft) >60 � � ��; � ;.. �' Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 27 "M 0-15* k'fC* � V Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 35 � Ai� Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ftZ) 85 6 �tr `' Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 12 1 `-v UM " Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >1 9 _!�i * Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1 0 ` m =. ° t�`J V A 44� Cross Sectional Area Between End Pins (ft) 943 d50 mm 44 0 'NIZ I%Q�&Iv IW_ -mss V. € Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 14 Baseline Monitoring Report Cross - Section Plots River Basin: Neuse Watershed: Richland Creek, MY -00 XS ID XS - 1, Riffle Drainage Area (sq mi): 7.8 Date: 8/3/2010 Field Crew: A. French, L. Lord - Shtlun Elevation 0.0 264.34 0.2 264.06 3.2 263.69 6.6 263.46 11.0 262.35 15.1 261.02 18.1 260.10 26.7 259.66 34.5 259.62 42.8 259.57 47.1 259.38 50.0 258.70 52.9 257.33 53.7 256.58 54.8 256.43 58.0 256.20 60.5 256.17 63.4 255.97 65.7 256.15 69.1 256.17 71.8 256.28 73.2 256.42 75.1 256.96 79.3 258.48 82.4 259.71 87.8 259.72 93.2 259.94 98.2 262.11 101.9 263.91 106.7 263.94 110.7 263.88 110.9 264.16 265 264 263 262 v 261 3 260 � e 259 W 258 257 256 255 SLiMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 259.4 Bankfull Cross- Sectional Area: 81.7 Bankfull Width: 34.4 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 262.8 Flood Prone Width: >90 Max Depth at Bankfull: 3.4 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 2.4 W / D Ratio: 14.5 Entrenchment Ratio: 2.6 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 Neuse River Basin, Richland Creek, MV-00, XS - 1, Riffle - - - - Bankfull - - - - Flood Prone Area �- MY-00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Station (feet) 110 River Basin: Neuse Watershed: Richland Creek, MY -00 XS ID XS - 2, Riffle Drainage Area (sq mi : 78 Date: 8/3/2010 Field Crew: A. French, L. Lord Station Elevation 0.0 257.11 0.2 256.93 6.2 256.88 16.0 256.80 22.7 256.71 26.4 1 256.76 29.1 255.70 30.7 254.77 31.7 254.12 32.8 253.94 33.0 253.52 35.1 253.27 37.7 1 253.13 39.1 252.94 41.8 253.14 43.7 253.04 45.5 253.02 47.9 253.09 50.0 253.23 52.0 253.33 54.1 254.40 56.3 255.70 58.4 256.82 63.8 256.68 69.6 256.85 70.1 257.10 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 256.8 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: 85.6 Bankfull Width: 30.6 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 260.6 Flood Prone Width: >70 Max Depth at Bankfull: 3.8 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 2.8 W / D Ratio: 10.9 Entrenchment Ratio: 2.3 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 262 261 260 259 258 fi 257 c 256 w 255 254 253 252 Neuse River Basin, Richland Creek, MY -00, XS - 2, Riffle - - - -- ---- sm►a,ll - -- Flood Prone Aree t MY-00 0 10 20 30 40 Station (feet) 50 60 70 River Basin: lElevaHoe 0.0 Neuse 0.3 256.64 Watershed: 7.8 Date: Richland Creek, MY -00 Field Crew: A. French, L. Lord XS ID 256.26 26.1 XS - 3, Pool 28.0 254.50 Drainage 253.80 31.3 253.62 y., 253.36 35.6 253.01 37.6 252.61 40.3 251.93 42.3 251.16 44.6 250.65 46.8 250.82 48.2 251.03 49.4 251.65 50.6 251.98 51.5 252.96 53.0 254.01 54.2 255.26 I 256.55 256.63 a256.1 256.61 256.71 256.99 I t Neuse River Basin, Richland Creek, MY -00, XS - 3, Pool 258 257 - - -- - 256 - - -- - -- i 255 - - 254 - w 253 - - - - 252 - - - --- -am►rwi 251 - - � ntvaiu 250 - 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Station (feet) Station lElevaHoe 0.0 256.84 0.3 256.64 Area s mi : 7.8 Date: 8/4/2010 Field Crew: A. French, L. Lord Station lElevaHoe 0.0 256.84 0.3 256.64 4.0 256.43 12.0 256.50 19.0 256.36 24.1 256.26 26.1 255.40 28.0 254.50 29.2 253.80 31.3 253.62 33.8 253.36 35.6 253.01 37.6 252.61 40.3 251.93 42.3 251.16 44.6 250.65 46.8 250.82 48.2 251.03 49.4 251.65 50.6 251.98 51.5 252.96 53.0 254.01 54.2 255.26 I 256.55 256.63 a256.1 256.61 256.71 256.99 SUMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 256.3 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: 104.0 Bankfull Width: 31.4 Flood Prune Area Elevation: - Flood Prone Width: - Max Depth at Bankfull: 5.6 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 3.3 W / D Ratio: - Entrenchment Ratio: - Bank Height Ratio: I 0 River Basin: Elevation Neuse Watershed: 7.8 Date: Richland Creek, MY-00 Field Crew: A. French, L. Lord XS ID XS - 4, Riffle T' Drainage Are Neuse River Basin, Richland Creek, MY-00, XS - 4, Riffle 260 259 258 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 257 256 255 - - - - - -- - t w 254 253 252 -- -- Bankfidl 251 - -- - Flood Prone Area -r- MY-00 250 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Station (Peet) Station E Elevation a s mi : 7.8 Date: 8/4/2010 Field Crew: A. French, L. Lord Station E Elevation SMMARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 254.9 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: 80.2 Bankfull Width: 32.1 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 258.2 Flood Prone idth: >68 Max Depth at Bankfull: 3.3 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 2.5 W / D Ratio: 12.8 Entrenchment Ratio: 2.1 Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 River Basin: Elevation S Neuse Watershed: 7,8 Date: Richland Creek, MY -00 Field Crew: A. French, L. Lord XS ID XS - 5, Pool y Drainage :. e e ... MY00, XS - 5, Pool 255 254 --- ---- ---------------- ---- - - - - -- -- 253 - - -- - -- - v - -- - -- - e 0 ,°�, W 250 - - 249 -- - - - TI \' -uu 248 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Station (feet) Station E Elevation S Area s mi : 7,8 Date: 8/4/2010 Field Crew: A. French, L. Lord Station E Elevation S Max Depth at Bankfull: 4.3 20.7 252.13 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 2.9 22.0 251.53 W / D Ratio: - Bank Height Ratio: 1.0 - enchment Ratio: - River Basin: Elevation Neuse 252.52 0.3 Watershed: Area s mi : Richland Creek, MY -00 'S An 8/4/2010 YS ID A. French, L. Lord XS - 6, Riffle 251.32 17.2 Drainage 18.4 249.80 19.3 249.27 20.1 248.87 21.5 248.88 23.9 248.99 26.3 248.97 27.7 249.00 28.8 248.79 30.9 248.95 32.8 248.95 36.2 248.95 38.0 249.09 38.8 249.25 40.6 249.73 41.5 250.03 42.8 250.79 45.0 251.50 46.2 252.15 51.0 252.24 56.8 252.23 60.5 252.27 60.9 252.43 Neuse River Basin, Richland Creek, MY00, XS - 6, Riffle 256 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 255 254 - -- 253 -- - - -- - - - - - -- - 252 - - - - - --- �----------------------------- - - - - -� - -- - -� v cif 251 - -- - - - -- - 250 • Bankfull 249 - -- Flood Prone Area �- MY -00 248 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Station (feet) Station Elevation 0.0 252.52 0.3 252.34 Area s mi : 7.8 Date: 8/4/2010 Field Crew: A. French, L. Lord Station Elevation 0.0 252.52 0.3 252.34 4.1 252.31 8.9 252.32 13.9 252.29 15.6 251.32 17.2 250.52 18.4 249.80 19.3 249.27 20.1 248.87 21.5 248.88 23.9 248.99 26.3 248.97 27.7 249.00 28.8 248.79 30.9 248.95 32.8 248.95 36.2 248.95 38.0 249.09 38.8 249.25 40.6 249.73 41.5 250.03 42.8 250.79 45.0 251.50 46.2 252.15 51.0 252.24 56.8 252.23 60.5 252.27 60.9 252.43 SUMM1IARY DATA Bankfull Elevation: 252.3 Bankfull Cross - Sectional Area: 85.6 Bankfull 3�'idth: 32.2 Flood Prone Area Elevation: 255.8 Flood Prone Width: >60 Max Depth at Bankfull: 3.5 Mean Depth at Bankfull: 2.7 W / D Ratio: 12.1 Entrenchment Ratio: 1.9 Bank lief hl Ratio: 1.0 z 0 2651 264 263 262 261 260 259 258 257 256 255 294 253 252 251 250 249 248 247 246 245 4 Longitudinal Profile Richland Creek EEP Project Number 304- MY-00 Stations 0+00 - 10+00 ■ ■ -0 0027x + �26O - --- ---- ----- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Sws= -0 0028x + 257 25 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 STATION (Vr) MY-00 ■ Bankfull Water Surface BKF Slope WS Slope I 900 1000 265 264 263 262 261 260 259 258 257 256 255 244 253 252 251 2% 249 248 247 246 245 Longitudinal Profile Richland Creek EEP Project Number 304- W-00 Stations 10+00 - 20+00 SixF= -0 0027x + 260 25 ■ ■ Sws -0 0028x + 257 25 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 11500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 STATION (17117) —MY 00 ■ Bankfall — — Water Surface BKF Slope - -- - WS Slope 265 264 263 262 261 260 259 258 257 G� z 256 0 255 Fr d W254 W 253 252 251 250 249 248 247 246 245 I f Longitudinal Profile Richland Creek EEP Project Number 304 - W-00 Stations 20 +00 - 30 +00 ■ SBA -0 0027x + 260 25 ■ ■ - - - - SA s = -0 0028x + 257 25 - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- -- - - -- ---------------- �--------- 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 STATION (FT) — MY -00 ■ Bankfull -- — Water Surface BKF Slope - - - -- WS Slope Pebble Count Plots Particle Richland Distribution Richland Creek XS I Riffle "Particle,. iMilluneterA , , 0A ,,^4Cot ntI, , Stlt/Cla _� < 0 062 S/C 1 ' Very Fine , Fine edlum Coarse4 `, Ue Coarsse 062- 125 125- 25 25- 50 50-1 1 -2 S� A N D S 1 6 2 100% > 40 Ve`ryTmes Ftneld Fine � ' Medtum� Medium Coarse Coarse b Very Coarse Ue Coarse 2-4 4-57 5 7-8 8 - 11 3 11 3 - 16 16 226 226-32 32-45 45-64 G R A V E L S " ? � 9 80% U °/ MY 00 1 3 60 P = ° 40% 11 4 4 e 6 2 20% 0% 001 0 1 1 to loo 1000 10000 Particle Size Millimeters 1 'Small' - -� Sma l'',;' Laarrgew L'�ar° e 64 90 90 128 128- 180 180 256 C O B L 1 3 3 5 Small, �, Small -e Mdmm� Lrg-- Veryy Lr 1 256 - 362 362-512 512- 1024 1024-2048 B L D R 4 1 1 Size mm) � fi � Size Distribution �& D16 1 1 b mean 105 a� D35 1 5 k dispersion 259 D50 2 rv� skewness 051 i � w D65 11 ' �'� D84 100 , v � � ` a D95 280 x� ��� s Type silt/clay 1% sand 49% gravel 32% cobble 12% boulder 6% bedrock 0% hardpan 0% wood/det 0% artificial 0% ,s aN " "Bedrock`s, >2048 BDRK � No 100 "4f "I ' "440 os`s- Section *Ibffle - MY -00'x ' a wx Particle Size Distribution Richland Creek XS 4 Riffle Particles iL4Millimeteil+ tip ' ° Country° ¢Silt/Clay < 0 062 S/C ��r�� �' �; = "t ,,e y, men 062- 125 S 1 ^ Fme� If 125- 25 A r 2 P m* ,Mediu 25- 50 N -G arise 50 1 D 2 l00% tVe xCoarse 1 - 2 S > 42 2 *" =,Very Fdme.4� 2-4 rot - Pla A x 80% a >� Fine 4 5 7 G +MY 00 2 2 t Pine- 57 8 R q 60% 2 t~ Medium, 8 11 3 A Medium 11 3 16 V °% 4 4 4o ° a Coarse 4 16-226 E 15 `Coarse ,Very Coarse F 226 32 32-45 L S 13 20% Ve aCoarse 45-64 0% 13 2 malls � k�br i 64-90 90 128 C 22 z_ Small r r` 'Large rlm 128- 180 O B 10 Dot o t t 10 100 1000 Particle Size Millimeters 10000 3 1 Lar e'a'At 180 - 256 L gird' Smallyd' 256-362 B 1 Size (mm) #i -�F, Size DistributionA r �;2 Type �F y <Smalll 362-512 L D16 15 mean 367 silt/clay 0% Medium 512 1024 D �, '� U D35 31 dispersion 25 ,� �, sand 7% Lrg Ve Lrg 1024-2048 R D50 D65 r D84 46 67 90 t skewness 0 11 Y`z `���'� '° �;-� ?�' o ,� -'�,, r gravel cobble boulder 55% 36 %r- 2% .,;Bedrocks >2048 BDRK M100 ,, �, f� ,� � �, ,Total " � ,� � � f« �� ti� rc�� Note A'� a� + i ly � `� D95 140 +^ w �P r bedrock 0% ° ;y— �ttr"� i zt�w sa�`�� �m i.rP� ,r a n m�J'. iaes �h3r# ,4� y ae � a d r �# s � v eE �� ' k+ " hardpan p wood/det o 0 /° 0% �8;� i d 'r9K it �, "� Y f• a,'h"' f4' ears 4 1a ' �r 4r�J c"?ia t.E tc �`r . t'�`��'.v§X"y° �'' „ S r,ef a. i�.,y k a artificial 0% ���i������ 'JJJ�JJJJJJJJJJ�JJ���JJ�J�J�J�� OOOJ�O�f�n�On0000�0000000C�00C�0000�00C�0�00 (�� 00 ,Q ,,�,,W_AwtdCross,Section 51Pool= MY -OO,�,y D6, j Particle Size Distribution Richland Creek XS 5 Pool ; Particle. &Millimeter {x *yN-k4; d, Count,* Silt/Cliy < 0 062 S/C 1 q� Very Fme 062- 125 S 10 6 125 - 25 A "F&Ifl 25- 50 N 15 ° Coarse 50 1 D 100% 3 Ve Coarser 1 - 2 S > 80% 19 V,eU me t' �F 2-4 17 ' „ine�a 4 -57 G 1 t MY 00 6 WrIM ne ti 5 7- 8 R 60% 7 tur n 8- 11 3 A ium, 11 3 - 16 V G 5 �Cose� Y, Coarseri 16-226 226 32 E L 5 \ ao i° 4 eryCoarse i 32-45 S 1 20% zd , LW e Ve Coarsew 45-64 0% 7'Y Small' � >, 64 90 C `z, � � � �,,SmalP a4, 90 - 128 O 001 01 1 10 100 1000 10000 �� I izlk LVie, 128 - 180 B Particle Size Millimeters �r +Lar a� 180-256 L Smalls �Size S- all 256-362 362-512 B L ��' y t (mm) s� Size Distribution F U D16 022 mean 1 6 Type RIF silt/clay 1% A, Medium 512 - 1024 D -� D35 1 i � dispersion 7 1 - 53% � �`� , ,y s y� sand � o L r g - er g 1024-2048 R �” *1 a D50 1 7 �' < skewness -0 03 '',a * gravel 46% Iii ,c 49edcock >2048 BDRK � , § µ� r' 11'��Totfillwjj 100 D65 3 1 < 1i` ;+ D84 110 cobble 0% boulder 0% Note D95 22 T .1 bedrock 0% r hardpan 0% wood/det 0% �'Ls�r��a °r "aa artificial 0% �,r „., ,$ Cross Secho`n,kRtftle "- (MY =00 Oj 100% Particle Size Distribution Richland Creek XS 6 Riffle �UParticle ; Milltmeter � t� J Count" SiIVCla'i-� < 0 062 S/C 1 VeryFtne A : Fme �' �r i'�” Medium r Coarse'- a 4 1 i 'Coarsel 062- 125 125 25 25- 50- 50-1 1 - 2 S A N D S ; , Y 2 2 > 18 ety�Fme�-A Fine+ fl, 'Fme � "� , +Medtumr� 1 �Med1 t Cn oarse ;, r Coarse ',Ye, jCoarse' a s° "Ove SCoarse l 2-4 4 -57 5 7 - 8 8- 11 3 113 16 16 - 22 6 226-32 32-45 45-64 G R A V E L S 60 °% tMY 00 0 1 2 7 ° 7 3 �. o e 40 /° 20% 7 6 7 0% 001 0 1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size Millimeters L--Small`- w S all ; Y Z Large z �,Pu Lar e 64 90 2 128 128 180 180 256 C B B L 9 8 11 9 " Small 'A a- �Smakll ar Medium Lr ='V `�gug ';Bedrock ,lf 256 362 362-512 512 - 1024 1024-2048 >2048 B L D R BDRK 4 �� Size mm) a: -f � ' Size Distribution " r .4 D16 16 �= mean 179 t D35 15 dispersion 160 �1 ' �� D50 44 b skewness -027 D65 91 77"' 1 rr 200 D95 470 p Nf� a� 3 � t ° ,fw #jj��'"�` rr r� s ,r'�fyi' i yk' �'� (,+�� 'A�9 + i'k7�ri 4 x 4 41t , °i� Type , x R ` e 7 " 2 silt/clay 1% sand 20 %g gravel 36 /4t cobble 33% boulder 10% bedrock 0% hardpan 0% ° wood/det 0 /o artificial 0% ryl � -r 4 Note,`- � 'r T ^mss, y t r})f� a" t "�AA� a «�� , wt t r tl 'k,� tf.,, 'S r" �'-` 000000000000 0 0 0 0 0-' U�0000 00000C200000, 000000 APPENDIX C Vegetation Data Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KCl Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 30 Baseline Monitoring Report Table 7 Vegetation Plot Data Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) / Project No 276 ` i Current Plot Data 2010 Annual Means Scientific Name 1hackberry2 Common Name S cues Type 304 -01 -0001 304 -01 -0002 304 -01 -0003 304 -01 -0 004 304 -01 -0005 304 -01 -0 006 304 -01 -0007 MYO (2010) P -all T P -LS Pall T P -IS P -all T P -LS P -all T P -LS P -all T P -IS P -all T P -LS P -all T P -IS P -all T lnus serrulata hazel alder Shrub Tree 5 5 3 3 8 8 Celtis 2 1 1 3 3 Celtis occrdentalts common hackberry Shrub Tree 0 1 1 1 1 Ce halanthus occrdentalts common buttonbush Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 3 3 5 5 Clethra alnr olra coastal sweetpepperbush Shrub 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 15 15 14 15 15 1 1 1 1 12 12 12 10 10 10 36 54 54 Diospyros vrr iniana common persimmon Tree 1 1 3 3 4 4 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 N ssa s lvatica blackgurn Tree 1 1 2 2 1 I 1 1 5 5 Platanus occrdentalts Amencan sycamore Tree 4 4 5 5 5 5 1 1 2 2 3 3 20 20 ercus michauxu swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 I ercus nt ra water oak Tree 1 1 1 1 ercus hellos willow oak Tree 2 2 4 4 6 6 Salix sericea silky willow Shrub Tree 5 6 6 9 9 9 6 6 6 20 21 21 Sambucus canadensis Common Elderberry Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 11 12 12 Unknown unknown 1 1 1 5 5 2 2 5 5 5 10 10 7 7 6 10 1ff456711116 Viburnum dentatum southern arrowwood Shrub Tree 1 1 Stem coun 0 17 17 21 40 40 0 17 17 0 19 19 31 49 49 0 12 12 27 39 3size fares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 size (ACRES) 0 02 0 02 0 02 0 02 0 02 0 02 0 02 Species coup 0 3 3 4 9 9 0 8 8 0 8 8 4 11 11 0 5 5 4 7 7 Stems r A 0 688 688 849 8 1619 1619 0 688 688 0 768 9 768 9 1255 1983 1983 0 485 6 485 6 1093 1578 15 _ P -LS = Planted Live Stakes P -all= Planted Stems mcludmg liv e stakes T = Total sterns ncludmg planted and volunteer sterns ! �iJ Paschal Golf Course(Rtchland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 31 Baseline Monitoring Report Vegetation Plot Photos Veg Plot # 1— 8/6/2010 Veg Plot #2 — 8/6/2010 Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KCl Associates of North Carolina EEP Project k 276 32 Baseline Monitoring Report Veg Plot #3 — 8/6/2010 Veg Plot #4 — 8/6/2010 Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KCl Associates ojNorth Carolina EEP Project # 276 33 Baseline Monitoring Report Veg Plot #5 — 8/6/2010 Veg Plot #6 — 8/6/2010 Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KCl Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 34 Baseline Monitoring Report Veg Plot #7 — 8/6/2010 Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KC/ Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 35 Baseline Monitoring Report APPENDIX D Stream Photos Paschal Golf Coarse (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KC /Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 36 Baseline Monitoring Report Photo Point #I — Looking upstream at fish ramp 8/6/2010 Photo Point #2 — Looking downstream 8/6/2010 Photo Point #2 — Looking upstream 8/6/2010 Photo Point #3 — Looking downstream 8/6/2010 Photo Point #3 — Looking upstream 8/6/2010 a a ' Photo Point #4 — Looking downstream 8/6/2010 Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 37 Baseline Monitoring Report Photo Point #4 — Looking upstream 8/6/2010 Photo Point #5 — Looking upstream from bridge 8/6/2010 Photo Point #6 — 8/6/2010 Photo Point #7 — 8/6/2010 Photo Point #8 — 8/6/2010 Photo Point #9 — 8/6/2010 Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KC/ Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 38 Baseline Monitoring Report Photo Point # 10 - 8/6/2010 Photo Point #I I - 8/6/2010 Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site KC/ Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 276 39 Baseline Monitoring Report �J C C C C 621-1 APPENDIX E Current Condition Plan View Paschal Golf Course (Richland Creek) Stream Restoration Site EEP Project # 276 40 KCI Associates of North Carolina Baseline Monitoring Report �,�. , t. �,'`�� {� - F -- �� , � j gyp: tee.. � - �y r� • � - • "� f' ' , �• ;' � - ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■� •140.: Ilk t \ STORMIMAihTLR •' ,. e ./• PP#1 VET OUTFACE ` \ PLOT 1M • \ / . / � • — . _.-.. _ . . \ Ix CROSS'. \ j SECTION #1 • 4 +00 > , VEG PL0T2 PPk_ •lw, F� -'' 9 }(� •` - r }S _, '� "�`_ I • -1 ' ` i'�/ `�y / �• r" LEGEND EASEMENT BOUNDARY ....................... AS -BUILT STATIONED CENTERLINE, TOP OF BANK, AND TOP OF TERRACE `� -~ PHOTO POINT ...... ............................... �O CROSS - SECTION. OLD STREAM CHANNEL ...................... PROJECT CONDITION STREAM BED DEGRADATION ............... BANK EROSION ... ............................... z 0-I y F w o¢ UNDERCUT BANK .............................. MASS WASTING OF BANK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, O] VEG PLOT ACHIEVING DENSITY CRITERION -._~ -- ........................... YQ VEG PLOT BELOW DENSITY CRITERION ........................... PROJECT CONDITION DETAILS VEG PLOT PLANTED STEM DENSITY ............. SJC STRUCTURE PIPING ........................ P z 0-I y F w o¢ O] T xn YQ z ¢ O+ xo N F� z a W Y W Ur 2 w Z Z c= op t� Z Z U U o z w �Z �• QE O Q U � 3 ILLti J N r O w LL IU LL =O x U� a NC GRID NAD 83 DEC 2010 l' . ,00 CURRENT -50 -25 0 50 100 CONDITION PLAN VIEW GRAPHIC SCALE yr LEGEND EASEMENT BOUNDARY ....................... AS -BUILT STATIONED CENTERLINE, TOP OF BANK, VEG PLOT ACHIEVING DENSITY CRITERION AND TOP OF TERRACE ....................... PHOTO POINT ..... ............................... CROSS - SECTION . ............................... OLD STREAM CHANNEL ...................... PROJECT CONDITION STREAM BED DEGRADATION ............... BANK EROSION ... ............................... UNDERCUT BANK ............................... MASS WASTING OF BANK .................... VEG PLOT ACHIEVING DENSITY CRITERION .....................•..... VEG PLOT BELOW DENSITY CRITERION ........................... 10 PROJECT CONDITION DETAILS VEG PLOT PLANTED STEM DENSITY ............. 89 STRUCTURE PIPING ........................ P f - d 11 L J � 7w_ ~ A• r ♦t,r ! � C f r` -50 -25 0 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE r „ z 2 0 _w z � az fn N S • y0 _Z N � W K W i z Y w Z z O co Z Z U go _ � o U w z � Z J QO U o m Y U � 3 LL J N H O � w U o = W Y ILL LLJ U a Qa CURRENT NC GF =o CONDITION _' B' 1 PLAN VIEW