HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050615 Ver 1_Year 5 Monitoring Report_20120211TF 05 -0615 Year 5 Monitoring Report for South Muddy Creek Tributaries (Queen Properties) South Muddy Creek Tributaries McDowell County, NC SCO # D04006 -01 Prepared for NCDENR — EEP 2728 Capital Blvd, Suite 1H 103 Raleigh NC 27604 IcoSVStem F w�t Submitted February 2010 �Qe Prepared by Wetlands Resource Center 3970 Bowen Road Canal Winchester, Ohio 43110 Project Manager Cal Miller P (614) 864 -7511 F (614) 866 -3691 EMH &T, Inc. 5500 New Albany Road Columbus, Ohio 43054 Project Manager Miles F Hebert, P E P (614) 775 -4205 F (614) 775 -4802 Main (614) 775 -4500 Evans Mechwart Hambleton & Tilton Inc Engineers Surveyors Planners Scienhsts ��c C) Table of Contents I Executive Summary II Protect Background A Location and Setting B Project Structure, Mitigation Type, Approach and Objectives C Project History and Background D Monitoring Plan View III Protect Condition and Monitoring Results A Vegetation Assessment 1 Soil Data 2 Vegetative Problem Areas 3 Vegetative Problem Areas Plan View 4 Stem Counts 5 Vegetation Plot Photos B Stream Assessment 1 Hydrologic Criteria 2 Stream Problem Areas 3 Stream Problem Areas Plan View 4 Stream Problem Areas Photos S Fixed Station Photos 6 Stability Assessment 7 Quantitative Measures IV Methodology List of Fizures Figure 1 Location Map Figure 2 Monitoring Plan View List of Tables Table I Project Structure Table Table II Project Mitigation Objectives Table Table III Project Activity and Reporting History Table IV Project Contact Table Table V Project Background Table Table VI Preliminary Soil Data Table VII Vegetative Problem Areas Table VIII Stem Counts for Each Species Arranged by Plot Table IX Venfication of Bankfull Events Table X Stream Problem Areas Table XI Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Table XII Baseline Geomorphologic and Hydraulic Summary Table XIII Morphology and Hydraulic Summary Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc January 2010 Monitonng Report — South Muddy Creek Tributanes Monitonng Year S of S EEP Contract # D04006 -01 Page i 1 5 20 44 List of Appendices Appendix A Vegetation Raw Data 1 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos 2 Vegetation Data Tables Appendix B Geomorphologic Raw Data 1 Fixed Station Photos 2 Table 131 Qualitative Visual Stability Assessment 3 Cross Section Plots 4 Longitudinal Plots 5 Pebble Count Plots 6 Bankfull Event Photos Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc January 2010 Moratonng Report — South Muddy Creek Tnbutanes Monitonng Year 5 of 5 EEP Contract # D04006 -01 Page u C I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The South Muddy Creek Tributaries restoration project is located near Dysartsville in McDowell County, North Carolina The stream channels included in this project are designated as Tributaries A, A2, B and C Prior to restoration, Tributaries A and A2 were drainage channels that had experienced modification in the form of ditchmg and vegetative management Tributaries B and C were natural channels that were in a degraded condition attributed to head -cuttmg and streambank erosion exacerbated by cattle intrusion The project consists of a combination of Priority 1 and Priority 2 Restoration and Enhancement Level 1 The project goal for the restoration plan, completed in 2005, was to re- establish geomorphologic features consistent with natural stream channel characteristics Elements of the restoration design included grade control and bank stabilization using natural materials and native plantmgs, reconnection of the channels to functional floodplams, and the incorporation of mstream habitat features including nffle/pool complexes to re- establish, sort and transport substrate materials The following report documents the Year 5 Annual Monitoring for this project Vegetative monitoring was completed in September 2010 using the methodology of the Carolina Vegetation Survey Year 5 stem counts completed in 30 vegetation plots showed an average density of 522 stems per acre for the site, which exceeds the success criteria of 260 stems /acre after 5 years Two individual plots have stem densities below the m,mmum, planted stems have been added to these plots, increasing the stem count over the original monitoring period and bringing these plots to a stem count that meets the final Year 5 criteria In addition, a substantial number of recruit stems have been found across the site The recruit stems increase the total stem density across the site to 841 stems per acre A few vegetative problem areas of low concern were noted in the project area in previous monitoring years These included scattered populations of rapidly - spreadmg species The problematic species have been proactively managed by herbicide treatment and currently pose no threat to the survival of planted woody species throughout the project reaches Previous monitoring identified some problem areas along the tributaries of South Muddy Creek, including areas of bank scour and aggradation Areas first noted as problems in a previous year of monitoring now have extensive vegetative development, which has increased streambank stability Several areas of aggradation were noted in Year 5 Sand is the dommant streambed substrate in the project reaches, and as such, sediment deposition is attributed to high sediment supply readily available in the contribution watershed It is noted that at all locations of aggradation, the channel and streambanks are stable In 2009 one area of noted aggradation involved the upstream portion of Tributary A2 This section of the stream developed vegetation within the stream channel, which appeared to have decreased flows, thereby allowing additional sediment to drop into the channel As was observed during the 2010 monitoring, the channel was returned to initial design conditions by removing fine sediment and m- stream vegetation in late 2009 Because of this, the tributary is better able to carry it's sediment load and maintains a stable morphology As evidenced in the stream profile depicted in Appendix B , clearing of excessive sediment in Tributary A2 has created a generalized decrease in average stream bed profile elevations The tributary has maintained stable dimensional characteristics throughout the final year of stream monitoring A non - functional log sill on Tributary B, noted in the Year 4, was fixed prior to this Year 5 monitoring report This fix has returned the grade control function of the structure Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries EEP Contract # D04006 -01 January 2010 Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 1 The visual stream stability assessment revealed that the majority of stream features are functioning as designed and built on the project reaches In Year 5, some log sills on Tributary B 0 continue to be embedded in sand size sediment However, the channel is stable at each location where aggradation has covered a structure A few meanders were found in a limited state of erosion, none of which required maintenance In addition, the meanders that had some level of erosion in previous years have contmued' to improve in 2010, due to the increased vegetative cover along the stream corridors The pools and riffles that were noted to be performing in a state unlike that of the as -built conditions were the result of aggradation along the corresponding reaches 0 Year 5 dimensional measurements of the monumented cross - sections remain stable, generally within the range of values measured in previous years Comparisons of the yearly long -term stream monitoring data show successive increases in channel- floodplain connectivity and increasingly stable channel dimensions throughout monitoring years 1 -5 The comparison of the As- Built, Years 14, and Year 5 long -term stream momtonng profile data show natural evolution in the development of pool/nffle features as compared to as-built conditions Median particle sizes of the stream channels ranged from very fine sand to very coarse sand Median particle sized has therefore increased for the project, when compared to Year 4 Based on the crest gage network installed on the project reaches, the required two banldull events have been recorded along each stream reach since construction was completed The following tables summarize the geomorphological changes along the restoration reaches for each stream Tributary A (Upper) Parameter Pre- Restoration As -built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Length 1,283 ft 1,609 ft 1,609 ft 1,609 ft 1,609 ft 1,609 ft 1,609 ft Bankfull Width 6 6 ft 12 5 ft 16 3 ft 16 2 ft 15 3 ft 13 5 ft 10 5 ft Bankfull Mean 0 9 ft 0 9 ft 0 9 ft 0 9 ft 0 8 ft 0 6 ft 0 8 ft Depth Bankfull Max 18 ft 15 ft 19 ft 19 ft 18 ft 16 ft 14 ft Depth Width/Depth 7.3 161 176 182 195 229 133 Ratio Entrenchment 14 41 32 32 37 41 41 Ratio Bank Height 36 11 11 10 10 10 10 Ratio Sinuosity 11 15 15 15 15 15 15 Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries EEP Contract # D04006 -01 January 2010 Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 2 0 1 Tributary A (Middle) Parameter Pre- As -built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Restoration Length 809 ft 1,094 ft 1,094 ft 1,094 ft 1,094 ft 1,094 ft 1,094 ft Bankfull Width 66ft 150ft 146ft 147ft 146ft 138ft 145ft Bankfull Mean 0 9 ft 0 8 ft 11 ft 11 ft 11 ft 10 ft 12 ft Depth Bankfull Max 18 ft 15 ft 2 4 ft 21 ft 2 2 ft 2 3 ft 2 5 ft Depth Width/Depth 73 179 128 140 137 140 117 Ratio Entrenchment 14 40 46 42 42 48 46 Ratio Bank Height 36 11 11 11 11 10 10 Ratio Sinuosity 10 13 13 13 13 13 13 Tributary A (Lower) Parameter Pre- As -built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Restoration Length 5,179 ft 7,349 ft 7,349 ft 7,349 ft 7,349 ft 7,349 ft 7,349 ft Bankfull Width 6 6 ft 221 ft 24 4 ft 25 3 ft 251 ft 26 0 ft 24 6 ft Bankfull Mean 07ft 08ft 09ft 09ft 09ft 09ft 09ft Depth Bankfull Max 14 ft 18 ft 19 ft 19 ft 19 ft 19 ft 2 0 ft Depth Width/Depth 89 235 290 286 277 314 310 Ratio Entrenchment 16 32 26 24 28 25 25 Ratio Bank Height 59 10 11 11 11 10 10 Ratio Sinuosity 10 14 14 14 14 14 14 Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries EEP Contract # D04006 -01 January 2010 Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 3 Tributary A2 Parameter Pre- Restoration As -built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Length 322 ft 480 ft 480 ft 480 ft 480 ft 480 ft 480 ft Bankfull Width 71 ft 17 9 ft 214 ft 217 ft 22 3 ft 213 ft 16 8 ft Bankft l Mean 06ft 10 ft 08ft 08ft 07ft 06ft 10 ft Depth 0 6 ft 0 6 ft 0 8 ft 0 8 ft 0 8 ft 0 8 ft 0 8 ft Bankfull Max 11 ft 18 ft 16 ft 15 ft 13 ft 12 ft 19 ft Depth 12 ft 16 ft 19 ft 19 ft 18 ft 2 0 ft 2 1 ft Width/Depth 118 177 261 272 302 366 167 Ratio 126 413 320 311 386 338 378 Entrenchment 16 26 22 21 22 22 28 Ratio 15 27 25 23 23 25 22 Bank Height 59 10 12 10 10 10 10 Ratio 44 10 10 10 10 10 10 Sinuosity 11 14 14 14 14 14 14 Tributary B Parameter Pre- As -built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 1,601 ft Restoration 1,601 ft 1,601 ft 1,601 ft 1,601 ft Bankfull Width 9 0 ft Length 1,279 ft 2,041 ft 2,041 ft 2,041 ft 2,041 ft 2,041 ft 2,041 ft Bankfull Width 7 8 ft 24 9 ft 24 8 ft 27 0 ft 28 4 ft 27 5 ft 28 5 ft Bankfull Mean 0 6 ft 0 6 ft 0 8 ft 0 8 ft 0 8 ft 0 8 ft 0 8 ft Depth 09ft Depth Bankfull Max 12 ft 16 ft 19 ft 19 ft 18 ft 2 0 ft 2 1 ft Depth Entrenchment Width/Depth 126 413 320 311 386 338 378 Ratio Entrenchment 15 27 25 23 23 25 22 Ratio Bank Height 44 10 10 10 10 10 10 Ratio Sinuosity 11 16 16 16 16 16 16 Tributary C Parameter As -built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Length 1,601 ft 1,601 ft 1,601 ft 1,601 ft 1,601 ft 1,601 ft Bankfull Width 9 0 ft 9 4 ft 9 0 ft 9 4 ft 9 9 ft 9 8 ft Bankfull Mean 05ft 05ft 05ft 05ft 06ft 06ft Depth Bankfull Max 07ft 09ft 08ft 09ft 09ft 09ft Depth Width/Depth 253 191 226 182 183 175 Ratio Entrenchment 25 25 27 27 19 24 Ratio Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc January 2010 Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributanes Monitoring Year 5 of 5 EEP Contract # D04006 -01 Page 4 H PROJECT BACKGROUND A Location and Setting The project is located in McDowell County, North Carolina, approximately two rules south of Interstate 40, between Manon and Morganton near the community of Dysartsville The tributaries lie east of Muddy Creek Road, north of Pinnacle Church Road and west of Dysartsville Road, as shown on Figure 1 The stream channels included in the project are designated as Tributaries A, A2, B and C Tributaries A, B and C confluence directly with South Muddy Creek Tributary A2 confluences with Tributary A Directions to the project site are as follow From Manon, follow Interstate 40 east to Dysartsville Road (Exit 94) Turn right onto Dysartsville Road to travel south for approximately 2 miles to Pinnacle Church Road Follow Pinnacle Church Road to Muddy Creek Road, and turn right The project site is on the east side of the road This is private property, access to the stream corridor is lumted to the dedicated ingress/egress included as part of the recorded Conservation Easement Coordination with the property owner is encouraged prior to accessing the property B Protect Structure, Mitigation Type, Approach and Objectives Pre - restoration land use surrounding the project tributaries consisted of agricultural croplands 0 along Tributaries A and A2 and cattle pastureland along Tributaries B and C The upper reaches of Tributaries A2, B and C were characterized by a mix of pastureland and limited wooded corridor Tributaries A and A2 were drainage channels that had experienced modification in the form of ditchmg and vegetative management prior to restoration Tributaries B and C are natural channels that, prior to restoration, were in a degraded condition attributed to head -cutting and streambank failure and erosion exacerbated by cattle intrusion and associated hoof shear All of the tributary channels, prior to restoration, had narrow or denuded riparian corridors Tributaries A, A2 and B were surrounded by either cropland or pasture with no significant buffer prior to restoration Tributaries B and C lacked cattle intrusion fencing that adversely impacted streambank stability Tributary C was less degraded, prior to restoration, in that it had a sigmficant wooded riparian corridor on the south (left) bank with well sorted and well graded bed materials However, Tributary C was impacted by a significantly degraded riparian corridor on the north (right) bank, with numerous locations of streambank erosion and failure associated with cattle intrusion Restoration of the project streams re- established geomorphologic features consistent with natural stream channel characteristics Results achieved are listed below Bankfull channels constructed with the appropriate geometries to convey bankfull flows and transport suspended and bedload materials available to the streams Stable channel patterns consistent with natural streams in the region Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries EEP Contract # D04006 -01 January 2010 Monitoring Year S of S Page S mom � U m cvon,wcoh~ort,HomUicton&rilton.mc. Engineers -Planners ^SciLnUsts sam New Albany Road, Columbus, o*400s Phone: 614.775.4500 Fax: 614.775.4800 w c w x x v / , Ij lip WDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH MUDDY CREEK TRIBUTARIES MONITORING FIGURE 1 Date: January, 2011 Job No. 2004-2359 Scale: 1"=2000' ftft- `. Age IVI em 71 1 • Grade control and bank stabilization features that enhance environmental attributes of the stream channels through the use of natural materials and native plantings • In- stream habitat features, including nffle /pool complexes to re- establish, sort and transport substrate materials available to the streams • Reconnection of project stream channels to functional floodplams • Extensive indigenous instream and riparian revetment Restoration of Tributaries A, A2 and B was accomplished through the modification of the existing pattern, profile and dimension of the tributary channels to a stable condition The restored channels are on an alignment that is offset from the pre - existing stream channels Post - construction, the existing tributary channels were abandoned and filled Restoration along these reaches was either Priority 2, where the elevation of the floodplam was lowered through excavation to re- connect it to the restored stream channel, or a combination of Priority 2 and Priority 1, where the floodplain was lowered and the stream thalweg was raised above the existing channel profile The lower reach of Tributary A has a low gradient, which flattens to 0 0012 ft/ft Due to a relatively flat profile gradient, a series of successive pool and riffle complexes was not proposed Instead, the restored stream channel has constructed point bars on the inside of meander bends at pool locations and is transporting its bedload through the run/pool complexes as the bed form of the channel naturally evolves The steeper gradient associated with the restored stream channels along Tributaries A2 and B allowed the construction of a sinuous channel with constructed nffle/pool sequences Enhancement Level I was implemented along one of the reaches on Tributary A by modifymg the profile and dimension of the channel Along this segment, improvements were constructed along the alignment of the existing stream channel Enhancement Level I on Tributary C provides bank J stabilization through cattle exclusion, with one hard - engmeered, fenced and controlled cattle access point for watering, combined with continuous preservation of the riparian buffer zone via live stock exclusion fencing Stabilization was accomplished by re- grading steep, undercut channel banks, and the use of jute matting and live plantings O An important component of the restoration of Tributaries B and C is cattle exclusion As mentioned previously, these channels are adjacent to pastureland, where cattle frequented the streams for shade and drinking water Prior to restoration, the cattle accessed the streams at random locations and, in doing so, denuded and destabilized the pre - existing channel banks The restoration of Tributary B includes fencing that permanently excludes cattle from the stream corridor The fencing along Tributary C limits cattle access to a single point along the stream reinforced with stone underlain by non -woven geotextile to prevent degradation that would otherwise occur All fencing has been placed at the outer edge of the perpetual conservation easement held by the State of North Carolina Information regarding the project structure and objectives is included in Tables I and II that follows Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries EEP Contract # D04006 -01 January 2010 Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 7 Table I Protect Structure Table South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Project Reach/Segment ID Linear Footage • (upper) 1,6091 f A middle 1,0941 f A 1,0521 f • lower 7,349 1 f A2 4801 f B 2,0411 f C 1,6011 f TOTAL 15,226 1 f Table H Protect Mitigation Oblechves Table South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Protect Linear Segment/ Reach IVLhgation Footage or ID Type Approach Acreage Comment Priority Restore dimension, pattern, and A (upper) Restoration 1&2 1,609 1 f profile A Enhancement Level 1 1,0521 f Restore dimension and profile Priority Restore dimension, pattern, and A middle Restoration 1 &2 1,094 1 f profile Restore dimension, pattern, and A lower Restoration Priority 2 7,3491 f profile Restore dimension, pattern, and A2 Restoration Priority 2 4801 f profile Restore dimension, pattern, and B Restoration Priority 2 2,0411 f profile C Enhancement Level 1 1,6011 f Restore dimension and pattern TOTAL 15,226 1 f C Project History and Background Project activity and reporting history are provided in Table III The project contact information is provided in Table IV The project background lustory is provided in Table V Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries EEP Contract # D04006 -01 January 2010 Monitoring Year S of S Page 8 0) Table III Protect Activity and Reporting History South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc Designer Actual Construction Scheduled Contractor Completion Activity or Report Completion Data Collection Complete or Delivery Restoration plan Aug 2005 Fall 2004 Mar 2005 Final Design - 90 %' N/A N/A N/A Construction Feb 2006 N/A A r 2006 Temporary S &E applied to entire project areal Ju12005 N/A A r 2006 Permanent plantings A r 2006 N/A A r 2006 Mitigation plan/As-built Jun 2006 Nov 2006 Jan 2007 Sep 2006 (vegetation) Year 1 monitoring 2006 Apr 2007 (geomorphology) Jun 2007 Sep 2007 (vegetation) Year 2 monitoring 2007 Oct 2007 (geomorphology) Jan 2008 Sep 2008 (vegetation) Year 3 monitoring 2008 Oct 2008 (geomorphology) Dec 2008 Sep 2009 (vegetation) Year 4 monitoring 2009 Sep 2009 (geomorphology) Dec 2009 Sep 2010 (vegetation) Year 5 monitoring 2010 Sep_ 2010(geomorphology) Feb 2011 'Full delivery project 90% submittal not provided 2Erosion and sediment control applied incrementally throughout the course of the project N/A Data collection is not an applicable task to these project activities Table IV Protect Contact Table South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc Designer 5500 New Albany Road, Columbus, OH 43054 Construction South Mountain Forestry Contractor 6624 Roper Hollow, Morganton, NC 28655 Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc Monitoring Performers 5500 New Albany Road, Columbus OH 43054 Stream Monitoring POC Jud M Hines, EMH &T Vegetation Monitoring POC Megan F Wolf, EMH &T Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries EEP Contract # D04006 -01 January 2010 Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 9 0 O Table V Protect Background Table South Muddy Creek Tnbutanes Restorahon / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Project County McDowell Drainage Area - A (upper & huddle 138 sq nu Drainage Area -A lower 2 03 sq nu Drainage Area -A2 0 27 sq nu Drainage Area-13 0 44 sq nu Drainage Area -C 0 37 sq nu Drainage Impervious Cover Estimate 2 % -6% Stream Order Tributary A, B, C -2nd Tributaries A2 —1 st Physiographic Region Blue Ridge Mountains Ecoregion Eastern Blue Ridge Foothills Ros en Classification of As -built C4 /C5 Dommant Soil Types Iotla sandy loam Dillard loam Reference Site ID South Muddy Birchfield, South Mudd "Tributary 4" USGS HUC for Project and Reference 3050101 NCDW Sub -basin for Project and Reference 03 -08 -30 NCDWQ Classification for Project and Reference C Any portion of any project segment 303d listed? No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reason for 303d listmg or stressor N/A % of project easement fenced 24% D Momtoring Plan View The monitoring plan view is included as Figure 2 Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc January 2010 Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries Monitoring Year S of S EEP Contract # D04006 -01 Page 10 WDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH MUDDY CREEK TRIBUTARIES Date: January, 2011 Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tifton, Inc. MONITORING Scale: 1" = 600' Engineers• Surveyors• Planners• Scientists FIGURE 2A 5500 New Albany Road, Columbus, OH 43054 Phone: 614.775.4500 Fox: 614.775.4800 INDEX MAP M C M x x v I .lob No: 2006 -1627 t,\1; } I ` \ \\ \\ W" \ \xv,X�� 1 i 1�� \\ \ \ \� \ \ \\�\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \�1 \tl l lift \y N, ; &`1\ *-28 rrl!l!llj/ j�� / /1/�ti►I �il�l�ll1�`1 \1 1 �� / j6+ �4.2111 ! Lon itudinal Profile- i -�0P! 111+ , I g 13—Upper / Profile No. 1 i 12 +10.65 Riffle / / 8 +39.41 / P001 7- (1 � 1 +0 .07 lf�l� Longitudinal Profile I Riffle Tributary B Lower /— Profile No. 1 VP -25 tK P�, J LEGEND l- Conservation Easement Longitudinal Profile Photo Locations / � Benchmark Surveyed Location of Vegetative Monitoring Plot \_ / ,�-•— © Crest Gauge Constructed Riffle Constructed Log Sill WDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH MUDDY CREEK TRIBUTARIES Date: January, 2011 Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton 8 Tilton, Inc. MONITORING Scale: 1 " = 600' Engineers • Surveyors • Planners • Scientists FIGURE 2B 5500 New Albany Road, Columbus, OH 43054 Phone: 614.775.4500 Fax: 614.775.4800 TRIBUTARY B M C M x x v i Job No: 2006 -1627 LEGEND \ \ i / I \ - - - - - Conservation Easement %1 �' Longitudinal Profile Photo Locations r, \ -- Benchmark 1 \ I � 1 I 1 II i1 I I � in N I to 3 � I a ti I I I 0 o s \ J 1 1 I� IM9, urveyed Location of \ \ ^ \ Vegetative Monitoring PI Crest Gauge \� j' \� N $ Constructed Riffle (; 3 +18.00 \ ME Constructed Log Sill Rifle 41+31.01 �ool I F \�\ I I 1 \ r VP -24 1 \ \ \ \X 1 �o 9. \ Longitudinal Profile Tributary A -Lower \\ \Profile• No. 4 ,l, i 1 VP -23 I 1 1 N , k Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers - Surveyors - Planners - Scientists 5500 New Albany Road, Columbus, OH 43054 Phone: 614,775.4500 Fox; 614.775.4800 M C M X X v I w \ V_,- I \\XI \ \ � � ` \ • � \ - - - 1III \`' 11 }� \ 11 I \ \I \ VP -21 VI 2 6 V' �--t' Fsee Figure 2D'` \.\ \ \ ' \� McDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH MUDDY CREEK TRIBUTARIES MONITORING FIGURE 2C TRIBUTARY A - LOWER 1\ 1 1 Date: January, 2011 Scale: 1 " = 100' Job No: 2006 -1627 W 2 k h See PIgure N\1\ \ \5 )Ir ...\ \ \�.1 \ \1111 1111 21+16.53 Pool \ 11\11 1 \\ 1 21 +31.26 Riffle 25 +39.47 I� Riffle 1 1 ti 128+23.53 Pool 1 /J I � � 1 II I I II I 111 1 1 1 1 1 l' 1'1'1'1 l'l /' l/� l'l� 'j •�' �i1 1 P VP 19 J 1 > >I / / 1�!l1� � � � 1! 1 f 1/1� 11/ i l /'/ % l'�' � � • � �l r! , I // i/ // /'� 7/ A l i �� l I l l l l (1 ! I I I I I I �. '• l�rl\1 1� 1 ,l� / \; //' J I i l l l I�I /I •� �� � j 1/40+1 5.80 Rifflg /See Figure 2 Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton Milton, Inc. Engineers • Surveyors • Planners • Scientists 5500 New Albany Road, Columbus, CH 43054 Phone: 614.775.4500 Fox: 614.775.4800 a {I­- / r'l! `' 1111(1 r1 l �1t � 1 1111111 1 �111� 1'111 I1 l f 1 111 ` ,►►� X111 � � I illy \ Illl Ill! i Longitudinal Profile) II IIIII Tributary A -Lower II llil 1 Profile No. 3 I - - Conservation Easement — Longitudinal Profile Photo Locations McDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH MUDDY CREEK TRIBUTARIES MONITORING FIGURE 2D TRIBUTARY A - LOWER Date: January, 2011 Scale: 1 " = 100' M C M X X v I I I Job No: 2006 -1627 Benchmark Surveyed Location of Vegetative Monitoring PI © Crest Gauge IEE Constructed Riffle 3EE Constructed Log Sill McDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH MUDDY CREEK TRIBUTARIES MONITORING FIGURE 2D TRIBUTARY A - LOWER Date: January, 2011 Scale: 1 " = 100' M C M X X v I I I Job No: 2006 -1627 LEGEND / / 11 r \ \ % ' Conservation Easement / / Se6 Fig 1 / �/ /F / Longitudinal Profile 7r- Ill I Photo Locations Benchmark 1 \ 7!// J� �l i Surveyed Location of�� l ; f / ll // Vegetative Monitoring Plot (w� Crest Gauge Constructed Riffle ME Constructed Log Sill I JIJI/i/ :� I , I , � � / 1 � ! //, /� ,/ 1, ,,�1 %j,�li :• � , hl Il 111 / !/l � r / /) / r\ % i�' 50 +53.37 Riffle �C X111 I 1 �_� 11 (f 1 li 1�ir fl � - 1I I' I I I I l l I I� 1II 11 11 _ iI' I Yl I II �` I I 111 1 1( 1 r JVP 15 lli 1 I1� e� �• II .1 1 /r 111111�1II : II'I1 � J II1 N�I - -I / 2 0 11 � j l (1` 11111 1 I I I l l Ill \ 111 I �54 +85.21 POOI l P.. Ln a 1111 I See Figure 2F ti I Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers • Surveyors • Planners • Scientists 5500 New Albany Road, Columbus, OH 43054 S Phone: 614.775.4500 Fax: 614.775.4800 &ar� 43+93.88 Pool J� C J) 1 II 1 1 r \� l Longitudinal Profile Tributary A —Lower Profile No. 2 /J II rte` I 11 1 1 McDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH MUDDY CREEK TRIBUTARIES MONITORING FIGURE 2E TRIBUTARY A - LOWER 1 Dace: January, 2011 Scale: 1" = 100' 81 M c M X X v I I I Job No: 2006-1627 6; s 4 2 Q H �p �e O h xN h Y V V k N e H See Figure 2E 64 +13.80 co Riffle 66 +01.49 Pool r Il I! 681 VPl -11 t 70 +96.05 Riffle i J I - , I , III � cl I1i Longitudinal Profile - Tributary A —Lower / e Profil NO. 1 Ilr .l 1 I !. 1 � � 72 +02.58 Pool lJ 1 1 i - — — — - Conservation Easement Longitudinal Profile Photo Locations + Benchmark Surveyed Location of Vegetative Monitoring PI rSee Figure 2G — — — i i R• ,d , �. © Crest Gauge I $t Constructed Riffle Constructed Log Sill / I . I McDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH MUDDY CREEK TRIBUTARIES Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. MONITORING Engineers - surveyors •Planners •scientists FIGURE 2F 5500 New Albany Road, Columbus. OH 43054 Phone: 614.775.4500 Fax: 614.775.4800 TRIBUTARY A - LOWER M c M X X v I \ I` /Y\ I CIO k a ■i Iill 1 \\ i Date: January, 2011 Scale: 1" = 100' ,lob No: 2006 -1627 1 1 1 I u N Longitudinal Profile Tributary A2 2 +18.05 Riffle i VP -8 / 3 +23.00 / Pool 1-"**- i lmh p I r LO \1V111 VA� X \ �\ \\\ IR \1 \\ I ll!; �VP 16 \ , pl I III I See Figure 2Fj i - — — — - Conservation Easement Longitudinal Profile Photo Locations Benchmark Surveyed Location of Vegetative Monitoring PI © Crest Gauge � Constructed Riffle a=- Constructed Log Sill I,J141 `l 185 +64.09 i Longitudinal Profile (II / Riffle Tributary A- Middle -= I / I i 87 +92.18 Pool \� ��\�IIIIVII\( \\ 11��lll\ 111 J A r � I -_ J, � �\ , ,III � ►�I �� ►}� DWI\ ��► I I I i See Figure 2H V�\ WDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH MUDDY CREEK TRIBUTARIES Evans, Mechwarf, Hambleton &Tilton, Inc. MONITORING Engineers• surveyors• Planners• scientists FIGURE 2G 5500 New Albany Road, Columbus, OH 43054 Phone: 614.775.4500 Fax: 614.775.4800 TRIBUTARY A2 AND TRIBUTARY A - MIDDLE M c M x x v I I Date: January, 2011 Scale: 1" = 100' ,lob No: 2006 -1627 i e x N % rrojocw: Ix" Vioti%tumiotienvlorg%cmimis%rwv cn- 1.9r9vpurW M.- - c AnV1W web/ ~k2004�2APi2M9%Dwg�42J39xbs.drg 42J39xtp.dwDJ - No bnopss - SowsdBY• RAAER (117J 12011 r.. IN yypiuc0 ff AT /mlf o• T7- PA AW Figure 2G pry jl I'rrf1' I I, All J/1 li - -- - _ _ _ , f -- - - , � _ _ _ - 1,'ll►llll,� 411, j, ll,l; � /-- ,ll(a, - Longitudinal Profile I� \ _Tributary A— Upper IVP -1 ,116 +35.21 Riffle / 11034-74.70 Riffle Riffle \ l�)ll \`\113 +37.13 Pool 108 +96.23 Riffle , 105+ 1 110 +48.78 / / // , 1 38.70 I � PAoi , ' '/ % / / I Pool VP72� x` \� \\�\ \\ ��`��� \ \\ \ \ •,, I ( III 11 1 1 �\ \ \ \ �� \ � ` \ \� \\ � — �� \ \�\ \\ \Q�- LEGEND Mt Conservation Easement Longitudinal Profile \ \ Photo Locations Benchmark Surveyed Location of Vegetative Monitoring Plot g Crest Gauge $ Constructed Riffle ME Constructed Log Sill McDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH MUDDY CREEK TRIBUTARIES Date. January, 2011 Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. MONITORING scale: 1" = 100' Engineers • Surveyors • Planners • Scientists FIGURE 2H 5500 New Albany Road, Columbus, OH 43054 Phone: 614.775.4500 Fox: 614.775.4800 TRIBUTARY A - UPPER M C M X X v I Job No: 2006 -1627 r� 8+57. Rif 51' fle \ i;� \,\ �rr111' i7 / r i • rig � ! I ,� / / I 1 Illu�llllllll VP -29 \, 11� \1�1 }, 4 +11.50 Riffle I� \\ 111�, i I11�1lI� 1 � e l /r�lll I, ?:: is \\1 X11 } }I / I x111,1\ 1� ll Ill, 7, I McDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH MUDDY CREEK TRIBUTARIES Date. January, 2011 Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. MONITORING scale: 1" = 100' Engineers • Surveyors • Planners • Scientists FIGURE 21 5500 New Albany Road, Columbus, OH 43054 Phone: 614.775.4500 Fax: 614.775.4800 TRIBUTARY C M C M X X v I Job No: 2006 -1627 h 0 s h 6i zz N w m� E 2° Q U q ti a h h H b N W E b e 0 0 3O 3 — — — — Conservation Easement - Longitudinal Profile Photo Locations Benchmark Surveyed Location of Vegetative Monitoring Plot Crest Gauge Constructed Riffle EE Constructed Log Sill McDOWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH MUDDY CREEK TRIBUTARIES Date. January, 2011 Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. MONITORING scale: 1" = 100' Engineers • Surveyors • Planners • Scientists FIGURE 21 5500 New Albany Road, Columbus, OH 43054 Phone: 614.775.4500 Fax: 614.775.4800 TRIBUTARY C M C M X X v I Job No: 2006 -1627 h 0 s h 6i zz N w m� E 2° Q U q ti a h h H b N W E b e 0 0 3O 3 III PROJECT CONDITION AND MONITORING RESULTS A Vegetation Assessment 1 Soil Data The project area is contained within the Iotla- Braddock - Rosman- Potomac soil association This soil association typically consists of nearly level to very steep, somewhat poorly drained soils, which have a predominantly loamy, clayey or sandy subsoil formed in alluvium on floodplams and stream terraces (USDA, NRCS 1995) The majority of Tributary A is mapped within Iotla sandy loam with 0 -2% slopes, occasionally flooded The upstream portion of the tributary flows through additional soil units including Elsinboro loam with 1-4% slopes, rarely flooded, Braddock clay loam with 6 -15% slopes, eroded and Hayesville -Evard complex with 15 -35% slopes Tributary A2 is mapped in Iotla sandy loam The portion of tributary B that is included in the restoration is mapped within Dillard loam, 1-4% slopes, rarely flooded The portion of Tributary C that is included in the restoration is mapped within the Iotla sandy loam unit Data on the soils series found within and near the project site is summarized in Table VI Table VI Preliminary Soil Data South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Series Max Depth in % Clay on Surface 1W T % Organic Matter Braddock clay loam rC2) 80+ 27-40 032 5 0 -2 Dillard loam dB 80+ 10 -15 032 5 4 -8 Elsinboro loam EsB 60+ 8 -18 028 5 1 -3 Ha esville -Evard complex (HeD) 60+ 7 -25 0 24 -0 28 5 1 -5 Iotla sandy loam oA) 60+ 12 -18 02 5 4 -8 'Erosion Factor K indicates the susceptibility of a soil to sheet and rill erosion ranging from 0 05 to 0 69 2Erosion Factor T is an estimate of the maximum average annual rate of soil erosion by wind or water that can occur without affecting crop productivity measured in tons per acre per year 2 Vegetative Problem Areas Vegetative Problem Areas are defined as areas either lacking vegetation or containing populations of exotic vegetation All problem areas identified during each year of monitoring are summarized in Table VII Since no vegetation problem areas of concern were observed in 2010, no photographs of the vegetative problem areas have been included in Appendix A aEvans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc January 2010 Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries Monitoring Year 5 of 5 EEP Contract # D04006 -01 Page 20 1 Table VII Vegetative Problem Areas South Muddy Creek Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Feature/Issue Station # / Ran a Probable Cause Photo # NA I NA I NA NA Sericea lespedeza is a common component of pasture mixes and, as this project is adjacent to pasture lands, has likely spread into the project area from the surrounding landscape This species has been present throughout the project condor since Year 1 monitoring Management for this species in 2009 included the continuation of herbicide treatments, begun in the fall of 2008 Further spraying has been conducted throughout Year 5, as it was deemed necessary to enhance survival of the planted species Since this species has been actively managed by herbicide treatment, and the woody stem counts are meeting performance standards in Year 5, it has been taken off of the vegetation problem area table (Table VII ) 3 Vegetation Problem Area Plan View Since no vegetation problem areas of concern were observed in 2010, the vegetative problem area plan view is not included in Appendix A 4 Stem Counts A summary of the stem count data for each species arranged by plot is shown in Table VIII Table V1IIa provides the survival information for planted species, while Table VH1b provides the total stem count for the plots, including all planted and recruit stems This data was compiled from the information collected on each plot using the CVS- -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4 0 Additional data tables generated using the CVS -EEP format are included in Appendix A All vegetation plots are labeled as VP in Figure 2 In Year 5, the average stem density of planted species for the site exceeds the 5 year munmum criteria with 528 stems /acre All vegetation plots are meeting the Year 5 mmunum criteria of 260 stems/acre In addition, a substantial number of recruit stems have been found in most of the plots along all project reaches In 2010, the recruit stems resulted in a 63% increase in the total stem density across the site Remedial plantings were first conducted in late April 2007 Approximately 2,000 trees were planted at this time including 500 trees along Tributary C, and 1,500 trees along the other reaches These additional trees brought the average live stem density to 323 stems per acre in Year 2, an increase over the average live stem density of 284 stems per acre in Year 1 An additional round of remedial tree plantings were conducted in 2008, bringing the planted density total to 336 stems per acre A final round of remedial tree plantings was conducted throughout the 2009 monitoring period This planting was intended to bring deficient areas of the site back into compliance with the 320 stems per acre nummam The 2009 planting occurred on April 7 At that tune, 1,000 stems of each of the following species were planted along the project streams Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc January 2010 Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries Monitoring Year 5 of 5 EEP Contract # D04006 -01 Page 21 Botanical Name Acer rubrum Alnus incana C ) Aroraa arbutifolia Ilex verticillata Platanus occidentalis Quercus alba Quercus velutina Common Name Red maple Speckled alder Red chokeberry Wmterberry Sycamore White oak Black oak The remechal planting efforts have resulted in a net gam of woody stems for the entire site and the achievement of the minimum performance standard 5 Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation plot photos are provided in Appendix A Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc January 2010 Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries Monitoring Year 5 of 5 EEP Contract # D04006 -01 Page 22 Table VIlIa Stem counts for each species arranged by plot —planted stems South If ddvCreeVT-,Tbuto-wmMv.tii-.—tou4SEI'Prol"-t-4u.-D(KTTOF—D1 Cornus amomum Platanusoccidentahs Table VIUb-Stem counts for each species arranged by plot all stems- ;�utblfuddvCreeVT-rbuta-ces,'?,estiir..tion/FRP roler V U t o D 006 01 Cornus amomm �Rosa multiflora Platanui acmdentalu Quercus michauru Quercus rubra 0 B Stream Assessment 1 Hydrologic Criteria A network of six crest -stage stream gages was installed on each of the project reaches The locations of the crest -stage stream gages are shown on the monitoring plan view (Figure 2) No bankfull events were documented for this site during the first year of monitoring Bankfull events have been recorded during Years 2, 3,4, and 5 as documented in Table IX Photographic documentation of the bankfull events is provided in Appendix B Table IX Venficahon of Bankfull Events Date of Data Date of Occurrence Method Photo # Collection 7/18/07 Unknown Crest gage at Station 5 +00 on BF 1 Tributary B 7/18/07 Unknown (3 events) Crest gage at Station 54 +85 on BF 2 Tributary A Lower 10/19/07 9/14/07 - 9/15/07* Crest gage at Station 113 +37 on BF 3 Tributary A (Upper) 9/11/08 9/11/08 Photographed on site BF 4, 5, 6, 7 9/21/09 1/6/09 - 1/8/09* Five crest gages across the site BF 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 5111110 1/25/10- 1/26/10 *Crest gage at station 113 +37 on BF 13, 14, 15, 16 and /or 3/22/10* Tributary A (Upper) * Crest Gage at station 54 +85 on Tributary A (Lower) • Crest Gage on Tributary B • Crest Gage on Tributary A2 *Date is approximate based on a review of recorded rainfall data In May 2010, the crest gage at station 113 +37 on Tributary A (Upper) registered a bankfull event at a level of 2' above the bottom of the crest gage The crest gage at station 54 +85 on Tributary A (Lower) registered a bankf ill event at a level of 9 50" above the bottom of the crest gage The crest gages on Tributaries B and A2 also documented a bankfull event, at heights of 3" and 6" above the bottom of the crest gages, respectively These crest gages are set at or above the bankfull elevation of each stream channel The most likely date for the bankfull event was after the ram events that occurred on January 25 and January 26, and/or after the ram event that occurred on March 22, 2010 As these were the largest precipitation events of significance since the documentation of the bankfull event in September 2009, these are likely the bankfull event(s) recorded by the crest gages These dates correspond to high discharge events, as well as high gage height observations, on January 25 and 26, and March 22, 2010, as recorded at USGS Gage 02138500 at Nebo, NC, which lies approximately 15 miles west of Morganton and 5 miles east of Marion, NC Maxi num daily discharge was 3,780 ft3 /s, 4,560 ft3 /s, and 4,200 ft3 /s for January 25, 26, and March 22, respectively The discharge and gage height recorded at the above - mentioned Nebo station are shown on the hydrographs below �JEvans, Mechwart, Hambleton &Tilton, Inc January 2010 Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tnbutanes Monitonng Year 5 of 5 EEP Contract # D04006 -01 Page 25 USGS Surface-Water Daily Data for North Carolina http //waterdata usgs gov/nUnwis/dO USGS 02138500 LINVILLE RIVER NEAR NEBO, NC 6 0 58 48 4 3 8 320 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Rpr May Jun Jul Rug S" 2869 2899 204.8 2818 MO MS 2018 2818 2e16 2610 2918 — Provisional Oata Subject to Revision - - median daily statistic (6 years) — Daily muumm gage height — Daily awaium gage height — Daily nean gage height USGS Surface Water Daily Data for North Carolina http Hwaterdata usas gov/nc/nwis/dv9 The documentation provided by the onsite crest gage network in Year 5 provided the fourth monitoring year with a bankfull discharge event and the third monitoring year by which a bankfull event was documented by the crest gage network This exceeds the total number of Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc January 2010 Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries Monitoring Year 5 of 5 EEP Contract # D04006 01 Page 26 USGS 02138500 LINVILLE RIVER NEAR NEBO, NC 3M 2888 ion =L L 9 ift Dec Mov Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Rug Sev 2869 2889 2818 2910 2619 2816 2818 MIS 2816 2819 2816 — Provisional Data Subject to Revision — — median daily statistic (87 years) — Daily nean discharge — Daily naxmnm discharge — Estinated duly nean discharge — Daily nmumm discharge USGS Surface-Water Daily Data for North Carolina http //waterdata usgs gov/nUnwis/dO USGS 02138500 LINVILLE RIVER NEAR NEBO, NC 6 0 58 48 4 3 8 320 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Rpr May Jun Jul Rug S" 2869 2899 204.8 2818 MO MS 2018 2818 2e16 2610 2918 — Provisional Oata Subject to Revision - - median daily statistic (6 years) — Daily muumm gage height — Daily awaium gage height — Daily nean gage height USGS Surface Water Daily Data for North Carolina http Hwaterdata usas gov/nc/nwis/dv9 The documentation provided by the onsite crest gage network in Year 5 provided the fourth monitoring year with a bankfull discharge event and the third monitoring year by which a bankfull event was documented by the crest gage network This exceeds the total number of Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc January 2010 Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries Monitoring Year 5 of 5 EEP Contract # D04006 01 Page 26 C � J� \ bankfull events that are required to be documented for this project by the end of the fifth year of monitoring 2 Stream Problem Areas A summary of the areas of concern identified during the visual assessment of the stream for each year of monitoring is included in Tables Xa through Xe Table Xa Stream Problem Areas — Year 1 South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Feature Issue Station Numbers Suspected Cause Photo Number 4+50(A2) Large bar 25 feet a ded SPA 1 AggradaUon 3+00(A2) Overwidened channel 40 feet aggraded (Year 1 Report) SPA 1 79 +50 A Middle Mat failed scour hole 5' SPA 2 SPA 3 Bank failure 12 +10 Complete loss of riffle, bank failure (Year 1 Report) 103 +00 A Upper) Large hole scour 15 feet Bank scour/ sloughing SPA 2 83 +30 A Middle Sloughing coin log undercut and fallen into pool 15 feet (Year 2 Report) 82 +70 A Middle)15 Sloughing, coir log undercut and fallen into pool feet Bank scour/ sloughing heavily vegetated and 3 +00 A Lower Sloughing SPA 4, SPA 5, Bank scour 19 +70 Bank scour around log sill SPA 6 1 Report) 18 +50 Scour at outside meander bend, significant aggradation (Year 16 +00 Scour, mattin g loose and failing bank slough 15+70(C) Bank scour/ sloughing 4 +50 C Bank scour/ sloughing Table Xb Stream Problem Areas — Year 2 South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Pro ect No D04006 -01 Feature Station Issue Numbers Suspected Cause Photo Number Complete loss of riffle, bank recovering as a SPA 1 Bank failure 12 +10 result of Cluck vegetation ear 2 Report) 85 +64 A Middle Minor bank erosion Bank scour 15+70(C) Bank scour/ sloughing SPA 2 (Year 2 Report) Bank scour/ sloughing heavily vegetated and 4+50(C) stable Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries EEP Contract # D04006 -01 January 2010 Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 27 0 0 C.? Table Xc Stream Problem Areas — Year 3 South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Feature Photo Issue Stahon Numbers Suspected Cause Photo Number Complete loss of riffle, banks are heavily SPA 1,2 Bank failure 12 +10 vegetated and stable ear 3 Report) Aggradation 2 +18 4 +50 A2 Bank scour /sloughing approximately 20 feet 4 84 +75 A Middle from stream at top of slope (Year report) Minor bank erosion, heavily vegetated and Aggradation in channel is embedding log vanes 85 +64 A Middle stable SPA 3,4 Bank scour 16 +50 Bank scour/sloughmg on left bank (Year 3 Report) Bank failure 15 +25 to15 +70 C Bank scour/ sloughing ear 4 report) 4 +11 to 4 +50 C Bank scour/ sloughing Table Xd Stream Problem Areas — Year 4 South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Feature Photo Issue Station Numbers Suspected Cause Number Aggradation in channel is causing the stream to form wetland conditions Structures are SPA 1 Aggradation 2 +18 4 +50 A2 embedded in sediment * 4 (Year report) 1+10,6+00,11+50, Aggradation in channel is embedding log vanes 13 +80 under sedunent Complete loss of riffle, banks are heavily SPA 2 Bank failure 12 +10 vegetated and stable ear 4 report) Sloughing on left bank mid - channel bar forming 83 +30 A Middle downstream from this bank slum Bank scour /sloughing approximately 20 feet from stream at top of slope heavily vegetated 84 +75 A Middle and stable Bank scour Bank scour around log sill, heavily vegetated SPA 3 4 19 +70 and stable (Year 4 report) Bank scour /sloughing on left bank heavily 16 +50 B vegetated and stable 15 +25 tol5 +70 C Bank scour/ sloughing vegetated and stable 4 +11 - 5 +00 C Bank scour/ slougfung Engineered SPA 5 structure 0+00 Water is flowing beneath the log sill ear 4 report), *Area was repaired as part of monitonng/mamtenance activities and will be revisited next monitoring period to verify stability Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries EEP Contract # D04006 -01 January 2010 Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 28 C Table Xe Stream Problem Areas — Year 5 South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Pro ect No D04006 -01 Feature Station Photo Issue Numbers Suspected Cause Number NA NA NA NA Tributaries B and the Middle section of Tributary A each had some areas of very minor bank scour and/or bank erosion The majority of those areas were first noted in a previous year, all of which have become heavily vegetated in Years 4 and 5, providing streambank stability The riparian corridor is densely covered by herbaceous vegetation, which is expected to stabilize the sloughing banks in future years Because of these reasons, the areas mentioned above have been taken off of Table Xe A few areas of bank scour have been noted on Tributary C in previous years of monitoring and some of these areas have remained in Year 5 These locations were not identified as areas for enhancement in the Restoration Plan, and as such, no restoration activities have occurred along these banks The state of these banks are remnants of an pre - existing condition, and are therefore, not considered problem areas in need of maintenance Because of this, they are not included in Table Xe Four areas of aggradation were noted in Year 5 Three structures along Tributary B were noted to have been affected by aggradation Sand is the dommant streambed substrate in the project reaches and, as such, sediment deposition over the noted structures is attributed to high sediment supply readily available in the contribution watershed Because the issue for these structures arises from depositional trends, rather than a concern with the physical structure, these areas are listed in the table as aggradation issues, not failed structures It is noted that at all locations where the structures are embedded, the channel and streambanks are stable As previously mentioned, the other area of past aggradation involved the upstream portion on Tributary A2 Throughout 2009, this section of the stream was developing wetland vegetation within the stream channel, with heavy colonization by aquatic macrophytes In late 2009, this area was repaired and returned to a more stable design condition The Year 5 stream survey demonstrated that the repair on the Tributary has succeeded in decreasing aggradation along the upstream portion Accordingly, this area of Tributary A2 has been taken off of the stream problem area table in Year 5 In 2009, the most downstream of the constructed log sills was noted to be non - functional along Tributary B The channel appeared to have downcut under the structure, allowing the water to flow under, rather than over the log sill as designed This log sill was fixed in late 2009 and has returned the grade control function of the structure, according to Year 5 stream monitoring observances This structure, therefore, is no longer considered a stream problem area During the Year 5 stream survey in September 2010, it was noted that a beaver dam had been constructed on Tributary A (Lower) at station 0+00 Beavers had used the culvert between Tributary A and South Muddy Creek to construct the dam At the time of survey, channel water level was noted to be at, or above, bankfull stage The beaver dam increased water levels in the upstream direction for an estimated 1,000 feet along Tributary A (Lower) It should be noted that the dam was only a temporary problem area It was deconstructed a week after the stream survey was completed, returning Tributary A (Lower) water levels to the appropriate elevation Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries EEP Contract # D04006 -01 January 2010 Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 29 Cl 3 Stream Problem Areas Plan View Since no problem areas of concern were noted in 2010, the stream problem area plan view is not included in Appendix B 4 Stream Problem Areas Photos Since no problem areas of concern were noted in 2010, photographs of the stream problem areas are not included in Appendix B 5 Fixed Station Photos Photographs were taken at each established photograph station on September 16, 2010 These photographs are provided in Appendix B 6 Stability Assessment Table The visual stream assessment was performed to determine the percentage of stream features that remain in a stable state after the first year of monitoring A summary of the assessment for each reach is included in Table XIa through Table XIf This summary was compiled from the more comprehensive Table B1, included in Appendix B Only those structures included in the as-built survey were assessed during monitoring and reported in the tables Table XIa Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Protect No D04006 -01 Segment/Reach A (Upper) Feature Initial MY -01 MY -02 I MY -03 MY -04 MY -05 A Riffles, 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% B Pools, 100% 100% 100% 100% 99% 100% C Thalwe 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% D Meanders 100% 99 %* 99% 100% 100% 100% E Bed General 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% F Vanes / J Hooks etc 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A G Wads and Boulders2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A C� Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc January 2010 Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tnbutaries Monitoring Year 5 of 5 EEP Contract # D04006 -01 Page 30 Table XIb Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Protect No D04006 -01 Segment/Reach A (Middle) Feature Initial MY -01 MY -02 MY -03 MY -04 MY -05 A Riffles' 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% B Pools' 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% C Thalwe 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 10000 D Meanders 100% 96 %* 99% 99% 98% 100% E Bed General 100% 100% 100% 100% 99% 100% F Vanes / J Hooks etc 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A G Wads and Boulders2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Table YJc Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Protect No D04006 -01 Segment/Reach A (Lower) Feature Initial MY -01 MY -02 MY -03 MY -04 MY -05 A Riffles' 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% B Pools' 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% C Thalwe 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% D Meanders 100% 99 %* 99% 100% 100% 99% E Bed General 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% F Vanes / J Hooks etc 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A G Wads and Boulders2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Table XId Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Protect No D04006 -01 Segment/Reach Tributary A2 Feature Initial MY -01 MY -02 MY -03 MY -04 MY -05 A Riffles' 100% 97 %* 100% 100% 89 % ** 94% B Pools' 100% 100% 100% 91% 71%** 76% C Thalwe 100% 100% 100% 100% 1 100% 100% D Meanders 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% E Bed General 100% 93 %* 100% 100% 100% 100% F Vanes / J Hooks etc 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A G Wads and Boulders2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Does not reflect repairs made to the upper end of the reach Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributanes EEP Contract # D04006 -01 January 2010 Monitoring Year S of S Page 31 0 Table XIe Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Protect No D04006 -01 Se ment/Reach B Feature Initial MY -01 MY -02 MY -03 MY -04 MY -05 A Riffles' 100% 99 %* 99% 99% 92% 94% B Pools' 100% 100% 100% 100% 97% 100% C Thalwe 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% D Meanders 100% 97 %* 98% 100% 99% 99% E Bed General 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% F Vanes / J Hooks etc s N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A G Wads and BoulderS2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A H Log Sills 100% 97 %* 100% 100% 97% 97% Table XIf Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Protect No D04006 -01 Segment/Reach C Feature Initial MY -01 MY -02 I MY -03 MY -04 MY -05 A Riffles' 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% B Pools' 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% C Thalwe 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% D Meanders 100% 99 %* 98% 98% 96% 93% E Bed General 100% 100% 100% 1009/10 100% 100% F Vanes / J Hooks etc 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A G Wads and BoulderS2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A * The percentages for Year 1 were updated, using the percentages derived from Table BI in Appendix B, using the Feature Performance Mean percentages located in the last column of Table B1 The Feature Performance Mean percentages were used for Year 2, therefore, the percentages are now comparable across the years 'The tables were completed to include a percentage of stability for pool and riffle features using the definitions provided below for the stream reaches along Tributary A Riffle A portion of the linear stream segment located between two consecutive meander bends Pool A portion of the curvilinear stream segment located in each meander bend zThose features not included in the stream restoration were labeled N/A This includes features such as vanes J -hooks rootwads and boulders The visual stream stability assessment revealed that the majority of in- stream features are functioning as designed and built on the project reaches Some of the stream reaches included unstable meanders, where mmor erosion occurring along the outer bends of meanders However, the meanders that had been in a state of degradation in previous years have continued to improve in Year 5 due to increasing vegetative cover and associated root mass along the stream corridors As the vegetation matures, the root mass is expanding in size, depth and density, enhancing streambank stability As a result, the overall percentage of stability at meanders remained Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Trtbutanes EEP Contract # D04006 -01 January 2010 Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 32 comparable to Year 4 on most every reach, indicating a trend toward sustained channel stability over time The percentage of stability declined slightly on Tributary C in 2010, due to a few meanders with limited states of erosion Aggradahon is the cause for the percentages of instability noted under the riffle, pool and bed general categories along Tributaries A2 and B When compared to Year 4, these Tributaries exhibit less aggradation and resultant embedded structures This can also be seen when looking at the longitudinal profiles for these two reaches What little aggradation was occurring in 2009 along Tributary A (upper, middle and lower) was observed to be reduced in 2010 As in Year 4, the majority of the unstable riffles along Tributary B are associated with embedded features (again as noted under the stream problem areas table) The number of unstable/embedded features along Tributary B has decreased from 2009 to 2010 Again in Year 5, on Tributary B, the majority of the installed log sills are functioning, with the exception of those noted to be under aggradation for the riffle feature category As depicted in Table B1 , the number of aggraded riffle features has decreased between Year 4 and Year 5 stream survey In 2009, it was observed that the most downstream of the constructed log sills had lost its utility in maintaining grade control As mentioned previously, this structure was fixed in late 2009 and has restored the grade control function for this structure As mentioned previously, sand is a dominan t substrate in the watershed As such, a high sediment supply is readily available for the project reaches, and the minor depositional trends seen in these project reaches is anticipated as a natural component of the system, rather than a concern with the physical structure of the project In Year 5, aggradation is no longer considered to be a source of unstable pools and riffles on Tributary A2 The level of aggradation found along this reach has been much alleviated between C 2009 and 2010 through adaptive management (remedial maintenance) in the form of sediment overload removal Maintenance activities were completed to return the channel to initial design standards As discussed previously, this section of the stream developed wetland vegetation into 2009, thereby allowing excessive sedimentation to occur As a result of the cleaning of this channel in late 2009, the channel no longer continues the trend toward further colonization and growth of wetland plants A few of the pools along this reach, which had become too shallow to function as pool features, and several of the embedded riffle features are now able to function as designed 7 Quantitative Measures Graphic interpretations of cross - sections, profiles and pebble counts are provided in Appendix B A summary of the baseline morphology for the site is included in Table XII for comparison with the monitoring data shown in the tables in the appendix The data provided in Table XII for Years 1 -5 reflects data from only the long -term monitoring reaches assessed along the Year 1 longitudinal profiles The As -Built data documents the entire stream restoration project The stream pattern data provided for Year 1 through Year 5 is the same as the data provided from the As -Built survey, as pattern has not changed based on post - construction stream surveys and comprehensive visual field assessments along each of the project reaches Data provided for Table X1H Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary, reflects all years of stream monitoring The table depicts basic morphological and dimensional measurements for Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc January 2010 Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries Monitoring Year 5 of 5 EEP Contract # D04006 -01 Page 33 each monumented cross section of the project Table XI1I makes it easy to compare these dimensional values from year to year, thus illuminating trends in channel evolution Bedform features continue to evolve along the restored reaches as shown on the long -term longitudinal profiles As is exhibited in Table XIH, dimensional measurements of the monumented cross - sections remain stable, generally within the range of values measured in previous years Some bankfull width measurements have decreased in Year 5, particularly along Upper A, A2 and B, tributaries noted in previous years to have general aggradation When compared to Year 4, a few cross sections on Tributary B are also exhibiting slightly decreased bankfull depth measurements However, comparisons of the yearly long -term stream monitoring data show successive increases in channel - floodplain connectivity and increasingly stable channel dimensions, interpreted from width/depth ratios, entrenchment ratios, bank height ratios, and channel geomorphologic parameters as shown on the long -term monitoring cross - sections The comparison of the As- Built, Years 1-4, and Year 5 long -term stream monitoring profile data show successive increases in the development of pool/nffle features as compared to as-built conditions This was anticipated due to the sand -bed nature of the stream channels Riffle lengths, pool lengths, and pool to pool spacings have steadily decreased from the as-built conditions, as pool and riffle features continue to develop in the appropriate positions along the reach, or have remained within the range found in previous years of monitoring A few exceptions to these generalities occur on Tributaries A Lower (profile 2), A2 and B On Tributary B, A2 and A Lower (profile 2), the riffle lengths have increased On most reaches of Tributary A, the decreased pool length corresponded to a decreased riffle length due to the development of additional pool and riffle features, thus a decreased pool to pool spacing The increased pool spacing, observed on Tributary A2 in 2009 has been reduced with the cleaning of excess sediment that occurred in late 2009 Aggradation along the upstream portion of this reach has been lessened by the channel clean -out and has restored functionality to the stream features Median particle sizes of the stream channels ranged from very fine sand to very coarse gramed sand, following a trend of decreased median particle sizes from the as -built conditions, as fine particulates settle during low flows in the pools, and to a smaller extent, in riffle features It should be noted that particle sized increased slightly from Year 4 to Year 5 stream monitoring This is due to the fact that all stream reaches exhibited less aggradation and more functional flow in Year 5 This has allowed some of the smallest particles to be swept further downstream, therefore increasing 2010 median particle sizes Remedial maintenance work on the restored reaches beyond that which was discussed under the problem area section of this report is not deemed necessary Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries EEP Contract # D04006 -01 January 2010 Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 34 Table MI Baseline Geomorphologic and Hydraulic Summary South Muddy Creek Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006-01 Station/Reach Upper Tributary A (Long Term Monitoring Profile Station 0+00 to 9+7147 (97147 feet)) Reference Reach Data i XS 114+6161 35 13 Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Parameter S Muddy Buchf►eld Z S Mud Tnb 4 Z Pre - Existing Design As Budt3 Year 1 4 Year 2 4 Year 3 Year 4 4 Year 5 4 n pMuiage Area M, 2 13 014 138 138 138 138 1.38 138 138 1 38 Bankfull Width fL 108 735 655 760 1100 1400 1250 1242 2022 16 32 12 21 20 20 16 21 12 33 18 34 1534 12 99 13 93 1346 9.24 12 68 10 49 Flood Prone Width ft 100 43 912 5000 50 3882 65 6 5221 3919 5152 4536 5183 5762 5473 5236 5838 5537 4027 5147 51 45 Bankfull Cross- Section Area Abkt) ft 2 207 91 591 1044 886 1224 1055 1169 1864 1517 1119 1778 1449 808 1649 1229 673 1008 841 713 833 826 Bankfull Mean Depth ft. 19 13 090 1 15 063 1 11 087 092 094 093 088 091 090 066 09 078 048 078 063 056 089 079 Bankfull Max Depth ft 25 18 178 180 128 166 147 152 23 191 152 223 188 172 196 184 1 48 161 155 127 167 139 Width/Depth Ratio 56 61 728 661 991 2222 1607 1321 2198 1760 1345 2295 1820 1868 2038 1953 1665 2909 2287 1038 2264 1328 Entrenchment Ratio 93 3 139 658 357 455 406 313 325 3 19 320 320 320 314 421 368 403 419 411 384 557 406 Bank Height Ratio 10 18 359 100 1 11 100 1 11 106 100 100 100 ]Go 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Wetted Perimeter R 146 995 835 909 1200 1438 13 19 13 15 2095 1705 1285 2090 1688 1300 1893 1597 1340 1441 1391 1036 1358 1099 H draulic radius ft 142 091 071 115 062 102 082 089 089 089 085 087 086 062 087 075 047 075 061 053 080 076 Belt Width It fL 50 4638 649 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Radius of Curvature ft 10 1900 1067 2471 1626 1067 2471 1626 1067 2471 1626 1067 2471 1626 1067 2471 1626 1067 2471 1626 Meander Len ft 50 76 1064 60 107 785 60 107 785 60 107 785 60 107 785 60 107 785 60 107 785 Meander Width Ratio Wblt/Wb 68 658 357 455 400 247 403 325 248 410 329 273 406 339 359 385 372 394 541 468 Riffle Length ft 16 10 238 1303 533 106 924 316 803 524 2319 806 6349 2205 871 4162 2088 848 4805 2034 Riffle Slope Sn ftJft 0 026 0 032 00026 00069 00048 00014 00078 00038 00054 00112 00078 00028 00428 00185 00023 00280 00108 00015 00055 00023 Pool Len 1 ft 9 24 268 968 468 426 996 737 3014 6432 4974 3031 55 18 422 1547 4848 2659 1507 8479 3555 Pool Pool Spacing ft 40 27 853 1599 1287 888 1422 1045 4978 11168 691 2431 8864 5587 2063 6395 3942 30 15 14791 6438 � �s9 d. (mm) 20 26 20 34 34 70 06 03 02 ds4 (mm)I 1 1 38 1 76 1 1 38 125 1 1 1 125 1 163 1 1 160 1 1 1 05 1 1 09 d s Sara e � Valley Length ft 295 2520 1049 1097 61448 66140 66086 66086 66086 Channel Len ft 236 479 2644 1539 1609 90329 97226 97147 97147 97147 Sinuosity 16 105 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 Water Surface Slope Save 0 006 0 022 00035 00030 00023 00025 00031 00028 00032 00031 Bankfull Slope Sval NA 0 025 00044 00033 00029 00026 00031 00030 00030 Ros en Classification E4 E4 F/G E4 C4 C4 C4 C5 C5 C5 Bankfull mean velocity 473 659 440 198 196 136 129 152 222 226 Bankf ill Discharge (Qbkf) 98 60 2600 207 207 207 18 65 1865 1865 1865 i Data provided by Natural Systems Engineering (NSE) and used in the Restoration Plan for S Muddy Tributaries Note When only two measurements were taken, they are listed as 'Min and Max values with no Med value Z S Muddy Birchfield Ref for Tnb A S Muddy Tnb 4 Ref for Tnbs B & C when only one measurement was taken that is listed as a Med value 3 A Built dimension data includes each riffle cross sections in a described reach Blank fields indicate either no measurement was taken or data were not available at the time of this report 4 Monitoring Year 1 thru 5 data is derived by EMH &T from the long term profile reach only � 1 i Reference Reach Data i Burchfield 2 S ddy Tnb 4 = Drainage Area nu ` 13 014 Bankf ill Width OMI & 108 735 Flood Prone Width ft 100 43 Bankfull Cross Section Area (Ablcf) ft 2 207 91 Bankfull Mean It 19 13 Bankfull Max Depth & 25 18 Width/Depth Ratio 56 61 Entrenchment Ratio 93 3 Bank Height Ratio 10 18 Wetted Perimeter ft 146 995 H ftulic radius ft 142 091 Belt Width It ft 50 Radius of Curvature c It 10 Meander Len & 50 Meander Width Ratio ffblgWbkf) 6 8 P ' Riffle Len n ft 16 10 Riffle Slope Sn f) Uft 0 026 0 032 Pool Len I ft 9 24 Pool Pool Spacing ft 40 27 d. (mm) 20 26 ds4 (mm)I 1 38 76 e Valley Len ft 295 Channel Len ft 236 479 Sinuosity - 16 Water Surface Slope Save 0 006 0 022 Bankfull Slope Sval) NA .K. � x 01025 Ros en Classification � Y' :., . •xt.:.�'. E4 4'�i>`.w}.a„ % E4 Bankfull mean velocity 473 •:e, ': ^` �,:: 659 Bankfull ascharge (Qbkf) :f.:., ......:... 98 �.. .rs,a ......s.:.1�Y'xs 60 1 Data provided by Natural Systems Engineering (NSE) and used in the Restoration Plan for S Muddy Tributaries 2 S Muddy Burchfield Ref for Tnb A S Muddy Tnb 4 Ref for Tnbs B & C �•✓� ...i ;As Built dimension data includes each nflle cross sections in a described reach "�z.��.ti 4 Momtonng Year 1 thru 5 data is derived by EMH &T from the long term profile reach only .. z..., f, Table XII Basehne Geomorphologic and Hydraulic Summary South Muddy Creek Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Station/Reach Middle Tributary A (Long Term Monitoring Profile Station 0+00 to 5 +17 09 (517 09 feet)) XS 114+6161 35 13 ring Monitoring 1 4 Year 2 4 4 Year 4 4 Note Where only two measurements were taken they are listed as Mn and Max values with no'Med value where only one measurement was taken that is listed as a Med value Blank fields indicate either no measurement was taken or data were not available at the time of this report - ?.g'� . n .K. � x . ^Y,': r. . -. � Y' :., . •xt.:.�'. a�x 4'�i>`.w}.a„ % "?.�:'.t a' --r«n r;... r.:3:':: �...�s:.>a:in7�k}:3x. •:e, ': ^` �,:: �:)�.. �qi, "°.z°.T'iF.. -R :f.:., ......:... �.. .rs,a ......s.:.1�Y'xs .:a :•.::.- ^:�.�'....... SS ^, �::�.,.'x.:.a..a.,:..z'�..� <f. �•✓� ...i "�z.��.ti :is � ..._..�..� .. z..., f, .. n:�' ;:. .:,. f,:.,. � .°.::.xi:: r: d":'k._:_._.e�."s,::.r._.^.x t:;A',�`,"". :1 11 11 li • 11 1'1 11 11 11 PI 11 11 11 • 11 1'1 11 • 11 11 11 11 11 3, �g i '.. a;:....�.�•1 �-t. >,':e."' . s. i .s -. . ' 'Yt" `.;a" a,a ' MT j ..i ^�,. , �,•s;-^ ..z...;,�_»e, -.. '" `.2y�i . <-: .A.. "c'1�:aa� .. ... .. ... , d. i�iy #°� �'.r .. :.. 17�i.'. � •tiA'�%a�.. y`" i.° 6,. y�: i�'T^SRfiA'�'•,aE,4�.�i�':'.:"`x ____ 111 111 111 . 111 1 111 111 111• 11 • 11 1• 111 1 111 111 111 11 •• 111 111 1 11 11 1 r ^•a. Vin_,.: e. .p:..m.+< � lSJ..:�..:�F:....,•.,_ - __. L.a^3s.: =. .. °��..�Sl�.. .^.'•.r!"JL'•5.�`.l `�', : '.."�b:o�. 1 1•• 1 1 1• 1• 1• Note Where only two measurements were taken they are listed as Mn and Max values with no'Med value where only one measurement was taken that is listed as a Med value Blank fields indicate either no measurement was taken or data were not available at the time of this report Table X11 Basehne Geomorphologic and Hydraulic Summary South Muddy Creek Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006-01 Station/Reach Lower Tributary A (Long Term Monitoring Profile No 1 Station 0+00 to 5+80 47 (580 47 feet)) Reference Reach Data i XS 1+66 16 4 60 Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Parameter S Muddy Birchfield 2 S Muddoy Tnb 4 2 Pre- Exisbng Design As -Bud? Year 14 Year 2 4 Year 3 4 Year 4 4 Year 5 4 Drainage Area im 2 13 014 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 Bankfull Width (Wbkf) R 108 735 659 1000 1300 3123 2212 1978 1887 2008 2023 2112 Flood Prone Width (Wfpa) ft 100 43 1041 6000 6000 8228 7114 71.26 4974 7989 6205 6205 Bankfull Cross Section Area Ab fL 2 207 91 489 2016 710 3036 1873 1946 1712 1950 2144 2391 Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) ft 19 13 074 280 055 116 083 098 091 097 106 113 BankfWl Max Depth (Dmax) ft 25 18 1.39 100 257 179 202 191 208 204 2 37 WiddA)epth Ratio 56 61 891 400 1479 3220 2350 2018 2074 2070 1908 1869 Entrenchment Ratio (Wfpa/Wbkf) 93 3 158 600 263 462 322 360 264 398 307 294 Bank Height Ratio 10 18 585 100 100 100 100 128 129 124 100 100 Wetted Perimeter ft 146 995 734 1232 1328 2359 1676 2021 1929 2053 2076 2167 Hydraulic radius ft 142 091 067 164 053 112 081 096 089 095 103 1 10 Pa � Belt Width (Whit) ft 50 6100 8540 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Radius of Curvature (Rc) It 10 2500 1522 3994 2486 1670 2655 2170 1670 2655 2170 1670 2655 2170 1670 2655 2170 1670 2655 2170 Meander Length (Lm) ft 50 10000 14000 9000 14500 10700 9000 14500 10700 9000 14500 10700 9000 14500 10700 90 00 14500 10700 9000 14500 10700 Meander Width Ratio (WblMkf) 68 600 237 462 271 303 318 299 297 284 Riffle Length (Imo ft 16 10 2790 4190 3220 1030 3435 2245 3007 4637 3559 1081 3446 2075 958 2648 2076 Riffle Slope (Snf) ftJft 0 026 0 032 00020 00072 00048 00035 00096 00057 00032 00063 00044 00013 00129 00051 00010 00050 00030 Pool Length (Lpool) ft 9 24 4860 6290 5220 19 61 62 34 4163 2879 6349 4192 1551 5879 3679 1127 4901 3131 Pool Pool Spacing ) ft 40 27 5150 8870 7230 5963 8776 7355 3032 10011 7224 35 14 85 15 6472 2479 7098 4939 ubstra z d50 (—)I 20 26 013 013 021 016 004 0 13 d,4 (mm)I 38 1 1 1 76 1 1 1 1 1 1 029 1 1 0 29 025 1 037 017 130 eters`� _ Valley Length (ft) 295 5710 5164 5178 41500 40878 40878 40878 Channel Length (ft) 236 479 5948 7391 7349 58930 58047 58047 58047 Sinuosity 1 6 104 1 43 1 42 1 42 1 42 1 42 1 42 Water Surface Slope (Save) 0 006 0 022 0 0019 0 0014 0 0012 0 0012 0 0012 ]5546 0 0015 0 0016 0 0012 0 0013 Bankfull Slope (Sval) NA 0 025 0 0020 0 0007 0 00099 0 00084 0 0016 0 0012 0 0012 0 0012 Rosgen Classification E4 E4 F/G E CS C5 C5 C6 C5 Bankfull mean velocity (Vblcf) 4 73 6 59 8 32 1 03 I i i 1 21 1 06 0 97 0 8Bankfull Discharge (QUO 98 60 40 7 20 70 20 70 207 207 207 207 i Data provided by Natural Systems Engmeenng (NSE) and used in the Restoration Plan for S Muddy Tnbutanes Note Where only two measurements were taken they are listed as Min and 'Max values with no Med value 2 S Muddy Birchfield Ref for Tnb A S Muddy Tnb 4 Ref for Tnbs B & C where only one measurement was taken that is listed as a Med value 3 A Built dimension data includes each nffle cross sections in a described reach Blank fields indicate either no measurement was taken or data were not available at the time of this report Monitoring Year 1 thru 5 data is derived by EMH &T from the long term profile reach only i Reference Reach Data r S Muddy Bnchfield 2 1 S Muddy Tnb 4 Drama a Area ml 2 13 014 Bankf ll Width (Wbkf) fL 108 735 Flood Prone Width (Wfpa) ft 100 43 Bankfull Cross - Section Area Ab R Z 207 91 Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbki) ft 19 13 Banldul1 Max Depth (Dmax) ft 25 18 Width/Depth Ratio 56 61 Entrenchment Ratio (Wfpa/Wbki) 93 3 Bank Height Ratio 10 18 Wetted Perimeter ft 146 995 Hydraulic radius ft 142 091 r Belt Width (Wblt) ft 50 Radius of Curvature (Rc) R 10 Meander Length (Lm) ft 50 Meander Width Ratio (Wbit/Wbkf) 68 Riffle Length (lnf) ft 16 10 Riffle Slope (Snf) ftJR 0 026 0 032 Pool Length (Lpool) ft 9 24 Pool Pool Spacing (p-p) ft 40 27 d5o (mm) 20 26 d& (mm) 38 76 A on Reach ar Valley Length (R) 295 Channel-Length (ft) 236 479 Sinuosity 16 Water Surface Slope (Save) 0 006 0 022 Bankf ill Slope (Seal) NA 0 025 Rosgen Classification „r �.� .+ :.ter"-7. E4 � .kY.. � r'�-= `a...;::.'x E4 Bankfull mean velocity (Vbkf) 473 `�°;:•'� •• �. �aa�.�_.;:.:.w.: �'';�:.,__" 659 Bankfull Discharge (Qbkf) :;;r 98 �.,.s.... � EIRE, mot. 60 i Data provided by Natural Systems Engineering (NSE) and used in the Restoration Plan for S Muddy Tributaries 2 S Muddy Buchfield Ref for Tnb A S Muddy Tnb 4 Ref for Tnbs B & C r I 3As -Built dimenswn data includes each riffle cross sections in a described reach . 4 Momtonng Year 1 thru 5 data is derived by EMH &T from the long term profile reach only Table MI Baseline Geomorphologic and Hydraulic Summary South Muddy Creek Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006-01 Station/Reach Lower Tributary A {Long Term Monitoring Profile No 2 Station 0+00 to 6+23 77 (623 77 feet)) XS 1+6616 4 60 4 Monitoring 34 Monitoring Momtoring - - -- � 4 Note Where only two measurements were taken they are listed as Mm and Max values with no Med value where only one measurement was taken, that is listed as a Med value Blank fields indicate either no measurement was taken or data were not available at the time of this report :� „r �.� .+ :.ter"-7. �,..a..e..aa__... � .kY.. � r'�-= `a...;::.'x "' °$ � m : `�°;:•'� •• �. �aa�.�_.;:.:.w.: �'';�:.,__" :;;r �.,.s.... � EIRE, mot. ... d., ..z�._.... _ s..l:.. _v..:.....sk r I C!'= .....x'�i `F: • �' . 4x�+ .,s>_,..x.:.��.�:�:�:'1r::c�::. <<: .. �.:.::m..ar..�..�.r�° _ 1.111 •111 '111 11 1 11 �����m ��������� Zvi �:F�� Ua• :AV3�^. ^r,.�v".�. �Y'. F y. k �x14��.' :.� � _ �k;. �;^.. '� ::h�'�.3.. •�' .._4: z � �•ry •. 3'�. h.: %f �.� l���> .,°�•rl ° §: ':��YY,§S'� ..�..^1,._��: ..��:!�' .'.?a @:�f,..� _��:�.�: .�. �'�.�- 4:�'1i9n�_ ..�X: r>�i �rz'� $ .I #.Ya bO M. .k 'tiX.:A �:. aim'' e "• ; -�'�j av::.,,,,., ��t - . --- 1 - s< a :i <:•:r"- *.,...,� :�:' � �'E���L3�F:`;i ".'.3 ` _ba�v �«.�xa ��'X' Note Where only two measurements were taken they are listed as Mm and Max values with no Med value where only one measurement was taken, that is listed as a Med value Blank fields indicate either no measurement was taken or data were not available at the time of this report �l Reference Reach Data S 2 Table XH Baseline Geomorphologic and Hydraulic Summary South Muddy Creek Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006-01 Station/Reach Lower Tributary A {Long Term Monitoring Profile No 3 Station 0+00 to 5 +36 67 (536 67 feet)) XS 1+66 16 4 60 rig Monitoring Monitoring 4 Year 2 4 Year 3 4 4 4 Drainage Area mi ` 1 13 014 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 Bankfuill Width fL 108 735 659 1000 1300 3123 2212 2484 2584 2302 2339 2197 Flood Prone Width & 100 43 1041 6000 6000 8228 71 14 6833 7073 6955 6947 6947 Bankfull Cross - Section Area (Ab fL' 207 91 489 2016 710 3036 1873 1990 2088 2107 2093 18.24 Bankfull Mean ft 19 13 074 100 055 1 16 083 081 092 089 083 Bankfull Max Depth ax ft 25 18 139 280 100 1 257 179 --0-80 178 187 179 182 182 Width/Depth Ratio 56 61 891 400 1479 3220 2350 3105 3190 2502 2628 2647 Entrenchment Ratio 93 3 158 600 263 462 322 275 274 302 297 316 Bank Height Ratio 10 18 585 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Wetted Perimeter & 146 995 734 1232 1328 2359 1676 2515 2617 2351 2368 2232 H draulic radius ft .142 0 91 0 67 164 0 53 1 12 0 81 0 79 080 090 088 082 Flil m Belt Width it ft 50 6100 8540 7320 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 Radius of Curvatiue R 10 2500 1522 3994 2486 1956 3282 2953 1956 3282 2953 1956 3282 2953 1956 3282 2953 1956 3282 2953 Meander Len ft 50 10000 14000 12000 9000 14500 10700 90 145 107 90 145 107 90 145 107 90 145 107 90 145 107 Meander Width Ratio lt/Wb 6 8 0 14 2 37 4 62 2 71 2 42 2 32 261 2 57 273 Yl� � Riffle Len n ft 16 10 1370 4680 2800 137S 22 00 1669 1092 4053 2579 686 3680 1631 1183 3155 1976 Riffle Slo Sn ft /ft. 0 026 0 032 00016 00151 00064 00031 00055 00044 00019 00066 00034 00020 00135 00057 00040 00096 00051 Pool Len 1 ft 9 24 2090 5590 3820 1480 4690 2902 2713 4412 3390 1934 3805 2879 1859 5014 2858 Pool Pool Spacing ft 40 27 4210 7620 6330 2888 8612 4893 3588 7681 5449 2869 7984 4491 2366 7774 4474 s� pie d5o (mm) 20 26 013 013 021 016 004 013 ds4 (mm) 38 76 029 029 1 025 037 017 130 A dr ' c apa N— Valley Le ft 295 5710 5164 5178 35928 35882 37794 37794 37794 Channel Len ft 236 479 5948 7391 7349 510 18 50953 53667 53667 53667 Sinuosity 16 104 143 142 142 142 142 142 142 Water Surface Slope Save 0 006 0 022 00019 00014 00012 00012 00012 00010 00007 00007 00011 00010 Bankfull Slope Sval) NA 0 025 00020 00007 00010 00-008 0 0022 00016 00008 00008 00004 Ros en Classification E4 E4 F/G E C5 C5 C5 C5 C6 C5 Bankfull mean velocity 4 73 659 832 103 1 11 104 099 098 194 223 Bankfull Discharge (Qbkf) 98 60 407 2070 2070 20 70 2070 2070 4070 4070 i Data provided by Natural Systems Engineering (NSE) and used in the Restoration Plan for S Muddy Tributaries Note Where only two measurements were taken they are listed as Min and Max values with no Med value r S Muddy Birchfield Ref for Tnb A S Muddy Tnb 4 Ref for Tnbs B & C where only one measurement was taken that is listed as a Mod value 3 A Built dimension data includes each nfile cross sections in a described reach Blank fields indicate either no measurement was taken or data were not available at the time of this report Monitoring Year 1 thru 5 data is derived by EMH &T from the long tens profile reach only ,1 Data i 2 Drainage Area nu' 1 13 014 Bankfiill Width ft 108 735 Flood Prone Width ft 100 43 Bankfull Cross Section Area (Ab" R2 207 91 BankM Mean ft 19 13 Bankfull Max Depth & 25 18 Width/Depth Ratio 56 61 Entrenchment Ratio 93 3 Bank Height Ratio 10 18 Wetted Perimeter & 146 995 Hy draulic radius ft 142 091 now Belt Width It ft 50 Radius of Curvature & 10 Meander Len R 50 Meander Width Ratio ]t(Wb 68 Riffle Len ftl 16 10 Riffle Slope Sn f) ftJft 0 026 0 032 Pool Len 1 ft 9 24 Pool Pool S & 40 27 d. (mm) 20 26 da4 38 76 dd o IReae ar in Valley Len ft 295 Channel Len ft 236 479 Sinuosity 16 Water Surface Slope Save 0 006 .. yp� � 0 022 Bankfull Slope Sval) � NA 0 025 Ros en Classification � � FA �- E4 Bankf ill mean veloci k _ .. .. � 4 73 .... .',-. ..., r.. ......... .:e .. ,. r .:..�r 6 59 Bankfiill Discharge (Qb .:.:' Inc; >; ............:;<mr." 98 •::t :.f:. :rs::_._u:.;.:� .i s .� � � t1.. > :.:....:r;u.:... �..:�_�� 60 1 Data provided by Natural Systems -Engineering (NSE) and used in the Restoration Plan for S Muddy Tributaries 2 S Muddy Birchfield Ref for Tnb A S Muddy Tnb 4 Ref for Tnbs B & C r?C`�. .. �:..:.::.•� ..Y�.3E.�;:�� IAs Built dimension data includes each riffle cross sections in a described reach ::�.�:�: 4 Monitoring Year 1 thru 5 data is derived by EMH &T from the long term profile reach only Table XH Baseline Geomorphologic and Hydraulic Summary South Muddy Creek Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006-01 Station/Reach Lower Tributary A (Long -Term Monitoring Profile No 4 Station 0+00 to 3 +77 05 (377 05 feet)) Year 14 4 Year 4 4 Note Where only two measurements were taken they are listed as Mm and Max values with no Med value where only one measurement was taken that is listed as a Med value Blank fields indicate either no measurement was taken or data were not available at the time of this report .. .. yp� � ?.';.'� '....: � iiR'�'1':':.�+w...':1 ta� � � <%�x�3���. �- .. _ .. .. � � .t, .... .',-. ..., r.. ......... .:e .. ,. r .:..�r .:,'•,s _r,j, ......' .:......... :§ 'tea... •:6i'% „o .:.:' Inc; >; ............:;<mr." •::t :.f:. :rs::_._u:.;.:� .i s .� � � t1.. > :.:....:r;u.:... �..:�_�� sa;iw ,c r:i? .._�a__. '.,.� -� .�� � :.,..x':........... r?C`�. .. �:..:.::.•� ..Y�.3E.�;:�� %2.5 ._i..... _ ,fie'' t?..�. 5 T" ::�.�:�: 1111 •111 '111 11 1 11 ��������������� _______ 111•• 111 1 111 111 111 111 111 11 11 11 111 1 11 1 111:: 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 .1 '1 1 11 1 •1 '1 ,. �'� �' - � 3��=�a a ��.. �� �9``. r .. .. �, ., .y, ^.�` i;x,.. .yam,. �: +o- �i:d a >: ":vr,'��".:NF•. �r :, ^•. � F ,5. Y:�'"' ` vJ Y.. �i .s`�".a.''^���"'�•�a.�..,�9�._ C.x l,s -�= A�id:':5 T,•e �}�' "5�5. ''u° -"y .�.Sn'Aw::i _k�•� __ Note Where only two measurements were taken they are listed as Mm and Max values with no Med value where only one measurement was taken that is listed as a Med value Blank fields indicate either no measurement was taken or data were not available at the time of this report l� Reference Reach Data i Parameter 42 South Muddy Creek Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006-01 Station/Reach Tributary A2 (Long -Term Monitoring Profile Station 0+00 to 1+96 06 (196 06 feet)) XS 3+6177 216 17 Monitoring Year 2 4 ing Monitoring ..__ .4 54 Drainage Area mi 2 13 014 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 027 027 0.27 027 Bankfitll Width (Wbkf) ft 108 735 709 500 1785 2143 2174 2231 2125 1684 Flood Prone Width (Wfpa) ft. 100 43 11 19 3000 4681 4681 4456 4449 4628 4677 Bankfull Cross - Section Area Ab R 2 207 91 429 481 1821 1752 1747 1646 1229 1696 Bankfiill Mean Depth (Dbkf) ft. 19 13 060 080 102 082 080 074 058 101 Banldull Max Depth (Dmax) ft. 25 18 1 12 130 178 155 152 128 1 17 191 Width/Depth Ratio 56 61 1182 385 1765 2613 2717 3015 3664 1667 Entrenchment Ratio (Wfpa/Wbkf) 93 3 158 600 262 218 205 224 218 278 Bank Height Ratio 10 18 585 100 too 118 100 100 100 100 Wetted Perimeter ft 146 995 752 608 1825 2173 2198 225 2139 1783 Hydraulic radius ft 142 091 057 079 100 081 079 073 057 095 Belt Width (Wblt) R 50 3050 4270 3660 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 Radius of Curvature (Rc) ft 10 1250 819 1426 1200 819 14.26 1200 819 14.26 1200 819 1426 1200 819 14.26 1200 819 1426 1200 Meander Length (Lm) ft 50 5000 7000 6000 4700 5700 5100 4700 5700 5100 4700 57 00 5100 4700 5700 5100 47 00 5700 5100 4700 5700 5100 Meander Width Ratio (Wblt/Wb ko 68 600 224 187 184 179 188 238 Raw Riffle Length (Lnf) ft 16 10 830 1120 980 2 56 2420 1460 1680 4782 2975 2362 4040 3201 1587 3929 2491 1502 3000 2011 Riffle Slope (Snf) ftJft 0 026 0 032 00534 00718 00626 0 0255 01033 00523 00155 00328 00242 00134 00296 00215 00092 00181 00134 00010 00120 00060 Pool Length (Lpool) ft 9 24 3190 4710 3950 1260 3030 2430 2072 2629 23 75 3742 3846 3794 2446 3460 2879 3620 4270 3930 Pool Pool Spacing p) ft 40 27 5550 7940 6760 26 10 4860 3480 1878 3708 2750 1947 3940 3129 2654 9653 5158 1620 5540 3889 u` d,O (—)1 20 26 26 ds, (—)1 38 76 76 ditlona am ° Valley Length (ft) 295 310 334 334 16978 24182 24183 24183 24183 Channel Length (ft) 236 479 325 462 480 24400 347 526 348 235 3482352 3482352 Smuosity 16 105 138 144 144 144 144 144 144 Water Surface Slope (Save) 0 006 0 022 00156 00206 001025 00095 00069 00066 00081 00074 Bankfull Slope (Sval) NA 0 025 1 1 00284 001035 00080 00063 00067 00200 00068 Rosgen Classification E4 E4 F/G E4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 Bankfull mean velocity (Vbkf) 473 659 1 429 3 83 101 105 105 112 1 50 108 Bankfull ascharge (Qbkf) 98 60 1 18 4 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 i Data provided by Natural Systems Engineering (NSE) and used in the Restoration Plan for S Muddy Tributaries Note Where only two measurements were taken, they are listed as Mn and Max values with no Med value 2 S Muddy Birchfield Ref for Tnb A S Muddy Tnb 4 Ref for Tnbs B & C where only one measurement was taken that is listed as a Med value 3 A Built dimension data includes each nffle cross sections in a described reach Blank fields indicate either no measurement was taken or data were not available at the time of this report ° Monitoring Year 1 thru 5 data is derived by EMH &T from the long tern profile reach only C -) Table MI Baseline Geomorphologic and Hydraulic Summary South Muddy Creek Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006-01 Station/Reach Tributary B {Upper Tributary B Long Term Monitoring Profile Station 0+00 to 5+0436 (504.36 feet)) Reference Reach Data XS 12 +28 00 35 88 Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Parameter S Muddy Birchfield 2 S Muddy Tnb 4 Pre- Existmg Design As-Budt3 Year 1 Year 2' Year 3 4 Year 4 4 Year 5 4 EgMENNEMM Drainage Area mi 2 13 014 044 044 044 044 044 044 044 044 BankfWl Width (Wbkl) ft 108 735 783 620 2183 2789 2486 2232 2507 2407 2401 2652 Flood Prone Width (Wfpa) ft. 100 43 1186 4538 6175 6912 6544 6175 6179 5739 61.22 6116 Bankfuil Cross-Section Area Ab ft 2 207 91 486 736 1207 1821 1514 1870 2079 1996 1863 1818 Bankfull Mean Depth (Dbkf) ft 19 13 062 160 055 065 060 084 083 083 078 069 Bankfull Max Depth (Dmax) ft 25 18 122 152 167 160 206 218 207 219 233 Width/Depth Ratio 56 61 1263 388 3969 4291 4130 2657 2079 2900 3078 3843 Entrenchment Ratio (Wfpa/Wbkf) 93 3 151 732 248 283 266 277 247 238 255 231 Bank Height Ratio 10 18 440 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Wetted Perimeter ft 146 995 822 753 2249 28 15 2532 2365 2662 2520 2497 2792 H draulic radius ft 142 091 059 098 054 065 060 079 079 079 075 065 Belt Width (Wblt) ft 50 4538 5295 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 Radius of Curvature (Re) ft 10 1550 1020 1938 1405 1295 1938 1679 1295 1938 1679 1295 1938 1679 1295 1938 1679 1295 1938 1679 Meander Length (Lm) ft 50 6200 8680 6000 8000 7000 6000 8000 7000 6000 80 00 7000 6000 8000 7000 6000 8000 7000 6000 8000 7000 Meander Width Ratio (WbIV Wbkf) 6 8 7 32 2 29 1 79 2 01 224 199 208 208 189 � 3 n Riffle Length (Lnf) ft 16 10 13 10 1560 1440 1306 1882 1531 1249 2090 1632 743 3144 1677 657 2394 1685 Riffle Slope (Snf) RA 0 026 0 032 00216 00754 00501 00160 00497 00396 0025 00577 00439 00058 00569 00262 00027 00660 00240 Pool Length (Lpool) ft 9 24 1360 6740 2860 1466 6775 3056 1433 4305 2715 1258 3944 2266 1831 5352 2964 Pool Pool Spacing (p-p) ft 40 27 5680 12820 7970 2781 8646 58 15 2870 7508 5349 2172 6688 3962 1596 9764 4037 d30 (mm) 20 26 5506 55 1 019 016 023 028 dg4(mm)l 1 1 38 1 1 1 76 1 8388 839 023 023 8827 049 A t R -f- Valley Length (ft) 295 1360 1302 1312 32486 32620 32331 32331 32331 Channel Length (ft) 236 479 1455 2052 2041 50678 50887 50436 50436 50436 Sinuosity 16 107 158 156 156 156 156 156 156 Water Surface Slope (Save) 0 006 0 022 00124 00123 00091 00099 00093 00090 00088 00086 00116 Bankfull Slope (Sval) NA 0 025 00078 00089 00097 00093 00100 00083 00055 00118 Rosgen Classification E4 E4 B E E4 C4 C4 E4 C5 C5 C5 C5 Bankfull mean velocity (Vbkf) 473 659 420 277 135 109 098 102 1 10 112 Bankfull Discharge (Qbkf) 98 60 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 i Data provided by Natural Systems Engineering (NSE) and used in the Restoration Plan for S Muddy Tnbutanes Note Where only two measurements were taken, they are listed as Min and Max values with no Med value S Muddy Birehfield Ref for Trib A S Muddy Tnb 4 Ref for Tnbs B & C where only one measurement was taken that is listed as a Med value 3 A Built dimension data includes each nfile cross - sections in a described reach Blank fields indicate either no measurement was taken or data were not available at the time of this report Momtonng Year 1 thru 5 data is derived by EMH &T from the long term profile reach only 1 C�11 Table XII Baseline Geomorphologic and Hydraulic Summary South Muddy Creek Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006-01 Station/Reach Tributary B {Lower Tributary B Long Term Monitoring Profile Station 0+00 to 5+ 0436 (50436 feet)) Reference Reach Data i XS 12 +28 00 35 88 1 1 Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Parameter S Muddy Buchfield 2 1 S Muddy Tnb 4 2 Pre- Ensting I Design I As-Built 3 Year 14 Year 2 4 Year 3 4 Year 4 4 Year 5 4 Drainage Area mi ` 1 13 014 044 044 1 1 044 044 044 044 044 044 Bankfull Width (Wbkf) ft 108 735 783 620_ 2183 2789 2486 2735 2885 3279 3094 3045 Flood Prone Width (Wfpa) ft. 100 43 1186 4538 6175 6912 6544 6349 6346 7198 6262 6325 BankfWl Cross - Section Area Ab R 2 207 91 486 736 1207 1821 1514 1993 1968 2241 2598 25 Bankfiill Mean Depth (Dbkf) R 19 13 062 100 055 065 060 073 069 068 084 082 Bankfull Max Depth (Dmax) ft 25 18 122 160 152 167 160 169 169 158 187 179 Width/Depth Ratio 56 61 1263 388 3969 4291 4130 3747 4138 48.22 3683 3713 Entrenchment Ratio (Wfpa/Wbkf) 93 3 151 732 248 283 266 2.32 222 220 244 208 Bank Height Ratio 10 18 440 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Wetted Perimeter It 146 995 822 753 2249 2815 2532 2784 2905 331 31 19 312 H draulic radius It 142 091 059 098 054 065 060 072 068 068 083 08 Belt Width (Wblt) It 50 4538 5295 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 Radius of Curvature (Re) fl. 10 1550 1020 1938 1405 1020 1554 1334 1020 1554 1334 1020 1554 1334 1020 1554 1334 1020 1554 1334 Meander Length (In) R 50 6200 8680 6000 8000 7000 6000 8000 7000 6000 8000 7000 6000 8000 7000 6000 8000 7000 6000 8000 7000 Meander Width Ratio (Wblt/Wbkf) 68 732 229 179 201 183 1 73 152 162 164 8 Riffle Length (Lnf) ft 16 10 130 1230 650 900 1239 1017 913 2010 1303 705 2026 1365 958 2634 1808 Riffle Slope (Snf) f Jft 0 026 0 032 00171 00934 00469 00275 00778 00444_ 00164 00405 00291 00050 00509 00170 00020 00087 00052 Pool Length (Lpool) ft 9 24 1780 3720 2670 2579 4257 3622 1792 3494 2819 1366 3524 2428 1357 3631 2559 Pool Pool Spacing ) R 40 27 4160 6080 4770 2006 4707 3409 3931 5652 4578 25 11 5418 4707 1516 5108 3324 d5o (mm) 20 26 5506 55 06 019 016 023 028 d,4 (nvn) 38 76 8388 8388 023 023 8827 049 1 ea P e e ANN- Valley Length (11) 295 1360 1302 1312 32486 32620 32331 32331 32331 Channel Length (ft) 236 479 1455 2052 2041 50678 50887 50436 50436 50436 Sinuosity 16 107 158 156 156 156 156 156 156 Water Surface Slope (Save) 0 006 0 022 00124 00123 00091 00099 00073 00067 00059 00052 00087 Bankfull Slope (Sval) NA 0 025 00078 00089 00097 00069 00070 00059 00103 00094 Rosgen Classification E4 E4 B E E4 C4 C4 C4 C5 C5 C5 C5 Bankf ill mean velocity (Vbkf) 473 659 420 277 135 102 104 091 079 082 Bankfull Dscharge (Qbkf) 98 60 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 i Data provided by Natural Systems Engineering (NSE) and used in the Restoration Plan for S Muddy Tributaries _204 Note Where only two measurements were taken they are listed as Min and Max values with no Mod value 2 S Muddy Birchfield Ref for Tnb A S Muddy Tnb 4 Ref for Tnbs B & C where only one measurement was taken that is listed as a Med value 3 A Built dimension data includes each nfiie cross sections in a described reach Blank fields indicate either no measurement was taken or data were not available at the time of this report Monitoring Year 1 thru 5 data is derived by EMH &T from the long term profile reach only Table XHI Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary South Muddy Creek and Unnamed Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 01 Reach South Muddy Creek Tributary A (Upper) Parameter Cross Section (Riffle 1) XS 115 +35 21 Cross Section (Pool 2) XS 113 +37 13 Cross Section (Pool 3) XS 110+48 78 Dimension MY 0 IMY11MY2 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 BF Width (ft) 1687 12421 1224 1834 1299 1049 2329 1141 11551 1251 1528 1413 2336 794 558 16 65 1538 1231 Flood cone Width ft 4559 38821 3919 5762 5236 4027 50 543 5697 3604 6566 4983 5002 278 2676 49 97 4942 4987 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft= 1725 1169 1119 1649 1008 833 2822 969 1089 1137 11 1242 2686 446 364 13 1178 803 BF Mean Depth (ft) 102 094 091 09 078 079 121 085 094 091 072 088 115 056 065 0 78 077 065 BF Max Depth (ft) 16 152 152 196 161 1391 227 163 184 191 219 228 239 149 137 2 32 2191 249 Width/Depth Ratio 1654 1321 1345 20381 1665 1328 1925 1342 1229 13751 2122 1606 2031 1418 858 2135 1997 1849 Entrenchment Ratio 27 313 32 3141 403 384 215 476 493 288 43 353 214 35 479 3 321 405 Bank Height Ratio 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 1728 13 15 1285 1893 134 1099 2378 1203 123 1331 1619 1544 2407 872 6 28 1774 1631 1415 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1 089 087 087 075 076 119 081 089 085 068 08 1121 051 058 073 072 057 Substrate D50 (mm )l 343 6981 0641 028 r r s * r * r * r * r r r D84 (mm) ** *r rs rr rs r* rr *r r* sr rs ** ** rr rr *r rr ** Table XIII Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary South Muddy Creek and Unnamed Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Reach South Muddy Creek Tributary A (Upper) Parameter Cross Section (Riffle 4) XS 108+96 23 Cross Section (Pool 5) XS 105 +38 70 Cross Section (Riffle 6) XS 103 +74 70 Dimension MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 BF Width (ft) 4063 2022 202 1233 1393 1268 2253 1035 1094 1011 8 38 965 2419 1164 1073 1021 807 924 Floodprone Width (ft ) 6558 656 6462 5183 5838 5147 4999 50 5008 4998 4998 4998 6953 5283 5152 5215 5098 5145 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft) 22 1864 1778 808 673 713 2023 632 755 633 54 8 181 2432 949 908 861 702 826 BF Mean Depth (ft) 092 092 088 066 048 056 09 061 069 063 064 085 101 082 085 084 087 089 BF Max Depth (ft) 239 23 223 172, 148 127 183 159, 147 151, 167 18 226 18, 1 56 171 174 167 Width/Depth Ratio 4416 2198 2295 1868 2902 2264 2503 1667 1586 1605 1309 1135 2395 142 2162 12 15 928 1038 Entrenchment Ratio 161 325 32 421 419 406 222 483 458 494 596 5 18 287 454 48 5 11 632 5571 Bank Height Ratio 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 4103 2095 29 13 1441 1358 2317 11 15 1191 1101 9 25 11 131 2464 1229 114 1092 882 1036 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 091 089 085 062 047 053 087 057 063 057 058 073 099 077 08 079 08 08 Substrate D50 (mm) 343 6981 0641 028 0211 * * * * s s r s s r D84 (mm) 1248 16321 161 051 0881 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Table XIII Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary South Muddy Creek and Unnamed Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D0400601 Reach South Muddy Creek Tributary A (Middle) Parameter Cross Section (Pool 7) XS 87 +92 18 Cross Section (Riffle 8) XS 85+64 09 Dimension MY 0 MY I. MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 BF Width (ft) 2338 1643 1336 1649 1748 1468 3665 1463 1468 1455 1376 1454 Flood prone Width (ft ) 5001 5722 5737 5793 5005 52 18 6733 6733 6133 6137 6643 6705 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft' 2296 176 1633 1622 1463 1492 3826 1662 1535 1548 1354 1804 BF Mean Depth (ft) 098 107 1 098 084 102 104 1 14 105 106, 098 124 BF Max Depth (ft) 202 183 188 19 185 178 2761 238 211 224 226 247 Width/Depth Ratio 2386 1536 1636 1683 2081 1439 3524 1283 1398 1373 1404 1173 Entrenchment Ratio 214 348 351 3 511 286 355 184 46 418 422 483 461 Bank Height Ratio 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wetted Perimeter (ft 2377 1702 173 1713 179 1562 3742 1554 1541 15 34 14 63 1644 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0 97 103 094 095 082 096 102 107. I 101 093 1 1 Substrate D50 (mm) * 023 003 046 0 OS 0111 D84 (mm) ** 041 005 1 191 0241 077 ** ** ** ** ** ** c; 0 Table XIII Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary South Muddy Creek and Unnamed Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Protect No D04006-01 Reach South Muddy Creek Tribute A (Lower) Parameter Cross Section (Pool 9) XS 72+02 58 Cross Section (Riffle 10) XS 70+96 05 Cross Section (Pool 11) XS 66+0149 Dimension MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 I MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 - BF Width (ft) 18 13 1641 997 25131 23 2059 1426 1564 1522 2294 2178 2303 2411 1209 1284 249 1377 2364 Floodprone Width (11) 64 5784 5685 71771 7454 7278 4985 5693 5161 7629 7699 7629 6305 3613 3532 6774 3661 6774 BF Cross Sectional Area ft2 1768 1112 8 11 1499 1705 1468 126 1263 1224 1971 2178 19331 2129 861 692 2226 776 2286 BF Mean Depth (ft) 098 068 081 06 074 071 088 081 08 086 1 084 088 071 054 089 056 097 BF Max Depth (ft) 191 1841 178 186 225 191 165 188 179 2251 232 19 172 1341 123 1 88 1 19 23 Width/Depth Rah 185 24131 1231 4188 3108 29 162 1931 1902 2656 2178 2742 274 17031 2378 2798 2459 2437 Entrenchment Ratio 353 3531 57 286 324 354 3491 364 339 334 353 331 262 299 275 272 266 287 Bank Height Ratio 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 1866 1786 11 11 2629 241 2121 1469 1636 1568 2337 2277 23391 244 1251 13 11 2525 1399 2434 Hydraulic Radms (ft) 095 062 073 057 071 069 086 077 078 084 096 083 087 069 053 088 055 094 Substrate D50 (mm) + * * * * * s r * s s s s s * * + + D84(mm ) ** ** ** ** ** s+ ** 029 021 037 017 1 3 ** ** ** ** ** Table XIH Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary South Muddy Creek and Unnamed Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006-01 Reach South Muddy Creek Tributary A (Lower) Parameter Cross Section (Riffle 12) XS 64 +13 80 Cross Section (Pool 13) XS 54 +85 21 Cross Section (Riffle 14) XS 50+53 37 Dimension MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 - BF Width (11) 2557 1978 1887 2008 2023 21 12 279 1615 1393 2288 2327 2466 3414 1721 2089 2159 21 13 2107 Flood prone Width (ft) 7971 7126 4974 7989 6205 6205 5973 3904 3329 70 3845 4528 7978 3125 3854 3952 3597 3401, BF Cross Sectional Area (ft= 3347 1946 1712 195 2144 2391 4627 1356 967 2827 3251 2845 4731 887 158 1578 993 9271 BF Mean Depth (ft) 131 098 091 097 106 113 166 084 069 124 14 1 15 139 052 076 073 047 044 BF Max Depth (ft) 255 202 191 208 2041 237 325 223 1921 2821 28 27 272 1171 134 1371 094 088 Width/Depth Ratio 19521 2018 2074 207 1908 1869 1681 1923 2019 1845 1662 2144 2456 33 1 2749 29581 4496 4789 Entrenchment Ratio 3 12 36 264 398 307 294 214 242 239 306 1651 184 234 182 184 1831 17 161 Bank Height Ratio 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wetted Perimeter ft 2609 2021 1929 2053 2076 2167 291 1732 1469 239 2468 2561 3463 1746 2112 2182 2121 2114 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 128 096 089 095 103 1 1 159 078 066 118 132 1 11 137 051 075 072 047 044 Substrate D50 (mm) + * * * * * * 013 006 016 004 013 D84(mm) ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 029 021 037 017 1 3 ** ** ** ** ** Table XIII Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary South Muddy Creek and Unnamed Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Reach South Muddy Creek Tributary A (Lower) Parameter Cross Section (Pool 15) XS 43 +93 88 Cross Section (Riffle 16) XS 40+13 89 Cross Section (Pool 17) XS 28 +23 53 Dimension MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 - BF Width (ft) 1867 1562 1499 1859 1964 1875 2307 2091 2044 2006 1752 1855 1745 166 1579 20 3 1617 1734 Floodprone Width (ft 4764 6007 6471 6755 5734 6914 6055 5193 5177 4702 4762 4084 4838 5777 5438 63 67 5.015 5596. BF Cross Sectional Area (ft' 2064 174 1656 2021 21 15 21 16 2935 2209 2036 1857 1569 1471 1645 1412 1272 19 38 168 1587 BF Mean Depth (ft) 1 11 111 1 1 109 108 1 13 127 106 1 093 09 079 094 085 081 095 104 092 BF Max Depth (ft) 231, 268, 287 2871 267 337 235, 207 212 193 19 174 185 213, 193 228 205 229 Width/Depth Ratio 1682 1407 1363 1706 18 19 18 17 1973 2044 21 57 1947 2348 1856 1953 1949 2137 1555 1885 Entrenchment Ratio 255 385 432 363 292 262 248 2531 2321 272 221 277 348 344 3 14 3 1 323 Bank Height Ratio 1 1 I 1 1 E20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 1938 1703 1637 1992 2061 23 58 21 43 21 13 20 48 18 18 94 17 93 17 41 16 53 20 99 16 75 1844 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1 06 1 02 1 01 1 01 1 03 124 1 03 096 091 087 078 092 081 0771 092 1 0 86 Substrate D50 (mm) * * * * * * * 013 006 016 004 013 D84 (mm) ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 029 021 037 017 1 3 ** ** ** ** ** ** 0 Table XIII Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary South Muddy Creek and Unnamed Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Reach South Muddy Creek Tributary A (Lower) Parameter Cross Section (Riffle 18) XS 25 +39 7 Cross Section (Riffle 19) XS 22+3126 Cross Section (Pool 20) XS 21 +16 53 Cross Section (Riffle 4) XS 5+00 07 Dimension MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 BF Width (ft) 3123 2484 2584 2302 2339 2197 3522 1209 122 199 2126 2176 1261 1534 1495 2389 2413 2325 2789 2735 2855 3279 3094 3045 Floodprone Width (ft 8228 6833 7073 6955 6947 6947 8047 2784 2798 4524 5944 7409 4251 6784 6747 6327 6879 6831 6912 6349 6346 80 6262 6325 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft2 3036 199 2088 2107 2093 1824 4676 567 534 1416 1806 21691 1243 1813 1659 2817 3125 3084 1821 1993 1968 2241 2598 25 BF Mean Depth (ft) 097 08 081 092 089 083 133 047 044 071 085 1 099 118 1 11 1 18 13 133 065 073 069 068 084 082 BF Max Depth (ft) 257 178 1871 179 182 1821 3 1 1141 1 11 146 181 215 202 274 2621 324 335 337 1521 169 1691 158 187, 179 Width/Depth Ratio 322 3105 319 2502 2628 2647 2648 25721 2773 2803 2501 2176 12741 13 13 47 2025 1856 1748 4291 3747 4138 4822 36831 37 13 Entrenchment Ratio 264 275 274 302 297 3 16 228 231 2291 227 28 34 337 442 4511 265 285 294 248 232 222 244 202 208 Bank Height Ratio 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 318 25 15 2617 2351 2368 2232 3584 1255 1263 202 2659 2226 1343 1669 1643 25321 2561 2537 28 15 2784 2905 33 1 31 19 312 Hydrauhc Radius (ft) 095, 079 08 09 088 082. 13 045 042 071 084 097 093 107 101 1 11 122 1221 065 072 068 068 083 08 Substrate D50 (mm * * * * ► * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ■ D84 (mm ** ** ** ** ** ** *s ** ** ** R* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Table XIII Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary South Muddy Creek and Unnamed Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Reach South Muddy Creek Tributary A (Lower) Parameter Cross Section (Pool 21) XS 4+3101 Cross Section (Riffle 22) XS 3 +18 00 Cross Section (Pool 3) XS 8 +39 41 Cross Section (Riffle 4) XS 5+00 07 Dimension MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 21 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 BF Width (ft) 2277 2528 255 2564 2504 2598 2925 3585 3563 3561 3925 343 1761 993 978 3152 274 28 2789 2735 2855 3279 3094 3045 Floodprone Width (ft 599 713 6758 6653 4736 6824 8299 83 8294 829 8282 8265 4279 4375 4204 80 4822 5458 6912 6349 6346 80 6262 6325 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft' ) 2997 4721 4557 4276 4239 3938 297 4043 3704 3545 4345 38461 1 1 557 52 2011 1633 1803 1821 1993 1968 2241 2598 25 BF Mean Depth (ft) 132 1 87 179 167 169 1 52 102 1 13 104 1 1 11 112 063 056 053 064 06 064 065 073 069 068 084 082 BF Max Depth (ft) 259 375 36 3391 344 32 251 278 262 2461 294 299 158 142 139 215 192, 194 1521 169 1691 158 187, 179 Width/Depth Ratio 1725 1352 1425 1535 1482 1709 2868 3173 3426 3561 3536 3062 2795 17 73 18 45 4925 4567 4375 4291 3747 4138 4822 36831 37 13 Entrenchment Ratio 263 2821 265 259 189 263 284 232 233 233 211 241 243 441 43 254 176 195 248 232 222 244 202 208 Bank Height Ratio 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wetted Perimeter ft 2352 2682 2694 2684 2638 2713 2974 3637 3622 3607 3987 3523 18 15 1056 1046 3221 2872 2872 28 15 2784 2905 33 1 31 19 312 Hydraulic Radms (ft) 127 176 169 159 161 145 1 1 11 102 098 109 109 061 053 05 0 62 057 063 065 072 068 068 083 08 Substrate D50 (mm) * 004 003 004 006 0081 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ■ D84 (mm) ** 007 005 028 021 04 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Table XIII Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary South Muddy Creek and Unnamed Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Reach South Muddy Creek Tributary B Parameter Cross Section (Pool 1) XS 15 +34 21 Cross Section Mflle 2) XS 12 +10 65 Cross Section (Pool 3) XS 8 +39 41 Cross Section (Riffle 4) XS 5+00 07 Dimension MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 21 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 BF Width (ft) 1233 1008 1011 2956 2818 2992 2183 2232 2507 2407 2401 2652 1761 993 978 3152 274 28 2789 2735 2855 3279 3094 3045 Floodprone Width (ft) 4783 5291 5545 70 496 5602, 6175 6175 6179 5739 6122 6116 4279 4375 4204 80 4822 5458 6912 6349 6346 80 6262 6325 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft' 1068 941 964 2675 2235 2485 1207 187 2079 1996 1863 18 18 1 1 557 52 2011 1633 1803 1821 1993 1968 2241 2598 25 BF Mean Depth (ft) 087 093 095 09 079 083 055 084 083 083 078 069 063 056 053 064 06 064 065 073 069 068 084 082 BF Max Depth (ft) 225 216 224 302 242 247 167 206, 218 207, 219 2331 158 142 139 215 192, 194 1521 169 1691 158 187, 179 Width/Depth Ratio 1417 1084 1064 3284 3567 3605 3969 2657 302 29 3078 3843 2795 17 73 18 45 4925 4567 4375 4291 3747 4138 4822 36831 37 13 Entrenchment Ratio 388 525 548 237 1761 187 283 277 247 238 255 231 243 441 43 254 176 195 248 232 222 244 202 208 Bank Height Ratio 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 1376 1136 I 1 5 3097 2938 31 14 2249 2365 2622 252 2497 2792 18 15 1056 1046 3221 2872 2872 28 15 2784 2905 33 1 31 19 312 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 078 083 084 086 076 081 054 079 079 079 075 065 061 053 05 0 62 057 063 065 072 068 068 083 08 Substrate D50 (mm) * 1 004 003 016 023 028 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ■ D84 (mm) ** 0 18F 005 04 047_ 0491 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** _ —i Table XIII Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary South Muddy Creek and Unnamed Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 01 Reach South Muddy Creek Tributary A 2 Parameter Cross Section (Pool 1) XS 3 +23 00 Cross Section (Riffle 2) XS 2 +18 05 Dimension MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 BF Width (ft) I8 04 847 85 1687 1654 1599 1117 2143 2174 2231 2125 1684 689 745 667 637 817 883 Flood prone Width (ft 6066 3205 3016 576 5235 5835 F46 46 81 44 56 44 49 46 28 46 77 2424 2622 2625 2607 1965 275 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft' 19 02 1264 5 16 12 05 9 74 11 6 309 17 52 17 47 16 46 12 29 16 96 442 441 366 353 482 5 18 BF Mean th (ft) 1 05 0 67 0 61 0 71 0 59 0 73 028 082 08 074 058 101 064 059 055 055 059 059 BF Max Depth (ft ) 195 127 117 161 136 17 178 155 152 1281 117 191 091 091 104 1021 1071 1 Width/Depth Ratio 1718 1264 1393 2376 2803 2191 175 2613 2717 3015 3664 1667 1077 1263 1213 1158 1385 1497 Entrenchment Ratio 336 378 355 341 3 17 3651 262 218 205 199 218 278 352 352 394 409 24 3 11 Bank Height Ratio I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 1852 892 885 1726 1682 1647 1825 2173 2198 225 2139 17831 749 797 709 675 848 932 Hydrauhc Radius ft 103 064 058 07 058 07 1 081 079 073 057 095 059 055 052 052 057 056 Substrate D50 (mm) * * D84 (mm)_ ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Table XIII Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary South Muddy Creek and Unnamed Tributaries Stream Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 01 Reach South Muddy Creek Tributary C Parameter Cross some hea{ Pool- 17)-XS45+ 7 ross Section (Riffle 2) XS-8457 Dimension MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY i MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 MY 0 MY 1 MY 2 MY 3 MY 4 MY 5 BF Width (11) 367 678 74 865 695 527 1117 1125 1124 1239 1163 1085 689 745 667 637 817 883 Flood prone Width (ft) 2961 3783 376 3656 3772 3979 1598 1571 1522 1616 1625 1782 2424 2622 2625 2607 1965 275 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft= ) 231 655 676 509 481 458 309 491 38 623 597 587 442 441 366 353 482 5 18 BF Mean Depth ft 063 097 091 059 069 087 028 044 034 05 051 054 064 059 055 055 059 059 BF Max Depth (ft) 089 1421 124 088 0961 1 18 053 079 061 075 076 075 091 091 104 1021 1071 1 Width/Depth Rah 583 699 8 13 1466 1007 606 3989 2557 33061 2478 228 2009 1077 1263 1213 1158 1385 1497 Entrenchment Ratio 808 558 508 423 542 754 143 14 135 131 14 164 352 352 394 409 24 3 11 Bank Height Ratio I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 428 795 8 51 937 757 618 1147 114 1133 1257 1287 1107 749 797 709 675 848 932 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 054 082 079 054 064 074 027 043 034 05, 046 053 059 055 052 052 057 056 Substrate D50 (mm D84 (trim * D50 pebble information was not calculated (pebble counts were not collected) ** D84 pebble information was not calculated (pebble counts were not collected) 0 0 Year 1 vegetation monitoring was conducted in September 2006 using the CPS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4 0 (Lee, M T, Peet, RK , Roberts, S R Wentworth, T R 2006) Year 5 vegetation monitoring was conducted in September 2010 using the same protocol as used in Years 1 through 4 Year 1 stream monitoring was conducted in April 2007 to provide adequate time between the as-built survey (accepted in January 2007) and the Year 1 monitoring survey Stream monitoring for Year 2 occurred in October 2007, to provide six months between the Year 1 and Year 2 surveys Year 3, 4 and 5 monitoring occurred in the fall of 2008, 2009, and 2010 respectively, in order to provide a full year between surveys This report documents the fifth year of both vegetation monitoring and stream survey Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc Monitoring Report — South Muddy Creek Tributaries EEP Contract # D04006 -01 January 2010 Monitoring Year 5 of 5 Page 44 APPENDIX A Vegetation Raw Data 1 Vegetation Momtonng Plot Photos 2 Vegetation Data Tables Vegetation Plot 1 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 2 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 3 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 4 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot ; Monitoring Year (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 6 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/ 10) Vegetation Plot 7 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/09) Vegetation Plot 8 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/09) Vegetation Plot 9 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/ 10) Vegetation Plot 10 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 11 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 12 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 13 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 14 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 15 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 16 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 17 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 18 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 19 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 20 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 21 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 22 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) �a. r► Vegetation Plot 22 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 23 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/ 10) Vegetation Plot 24 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 25 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/ 10) Vegetation Plot 26 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 27 Monitoring Year 5 Vegetation Plot 28 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 29 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Vegetation Plot 30 Monitoring Year 5 (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) 0 Table L Vegetation Matadata Report Prepared By M Itm Wolf Date Pr red 1/19/201113 57 database name cvs-e Pentrytool 2 2 6 Bak p mdb database location ENVIRONMENTAL M it 1 EEP V R t b D t b se compuW name HXSN941 file she 152396032 DESOUPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT Metedsta Desuiptio of database file the w and a s mm rY of nd Prwd d ta ProL pftnted Ea& project Is listed with Its PLANTED it ms W a f tit Ve This dudes We stakes. ProL total steeu Each project l listed with Its TOTAL st ms pu as fa ach ve r Th s Includes Uve stak U plMted stems a d all natural Unto stems Plots list of plots wrveyed with looU n and summa ry data V ve st m de d stem m ssl g, etc VIM Freg e cy dkvMutkm of N or classes for stems for all plotL VI& or bySpp F equerKy diMbutl ofvfitw classes listed Danoge list of most i eqtwd dam go d m with n mber f oa ffe d percmt of total st ms Impacted ach Da Dam evalues talUed fore cis es Dema • Plot Dam val es taJUed for ach of ALL Stems by Plot and spp lAmabix f the count It tal Imo stem of cis es t d and tool vcl t m combmed f esth d ad and miss) itst ms are excluded PROJECT SUMMARY Proect Code 00400601 prolect Name South M ddy Cr It n R st ration of tnbutarle A, A2 B and C f So th Muddy Cr It Rl," Bests knKth(ft) stream•t width h Brea m R wired blots cakvlated ISompled Plots 130 Table 2 Vegetation Vigor by Species Species 4 3 2 1 0 Missing Alnus serrulata 19 6 1 1 2 3 Aronia arbutifolia 1 2 Aronia melanocarpa 1 Betula nigra 41 1 1 2 2 Cephalanthus occidentalis 1 1 1 Cornus amomum 46 17 5 41 4 14 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 53 31 5 51 1 11 Juglans nigra 1 Quercus alba 16 8 3 Quercus michauxii 13 10 3 1 1 Quercus pagoda 7 2 4 Quercus palustns 2 2 Quercus phellos 24 1 31 1 2 Salix nigra 5 2 1 1 1 Sambucus canadensis 4 1 1 Linodendron 1 Linodendron tulipifera 12 5 1 1 2 3 Platanus occidentalis 31 15 7 11 2 8 Crataegus 2 1 1 2 Prunus 1 Prunus virginiana 1 Uknown 1 TOT 22 243 104123117116 57 Table 3 Vegetation Damage by Species H d O G 0 4j CO V .-. a E 2 3 UO ro 3 r E M in 0 3: -M Alnus serrulata 32 28 11 1 3 Aronia arbutifolia 3 3 Aronia melanocarpa 1 1 Betula mgrs 8 6 2 Cephalanthus occidentalis 2 2 Cornus amomum 91 831 1 1 11 51 1 Crataegus 6 5 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 107 101 5 1 Juglans nigra 1 1 Linodendron 1 1 Linodendron tulipifera 25 22 3 Platanus occidentalis 64 60 2 2 Prunus 1 1 Prunus virgmiana 1 1 Quercus alba 28 28 Quercus michauxn 29 25 4 Quercus pagoda 14 14 Quercus palustris 41 4 Quercus phellos 31 28 3 Salix nigra 12 12 Sambucus canadensis 6 51 1 1 F Uknown 1 1 J3 TOT 22 1468 432 11 11 11 28 2 Table 4 Vegetation Damage by Plot CL H d O to V N cc to Q E cc a v L 0 CL f0 M = 3 o H = 3 0 > = O h0 L cc 1- 40 > 0 M -a a v D0400601 -01- 0001 -year 5 15 13 1 2 D0400601 -01- 0002 -year 5 111 10 1 D0400601 -01- 0003 -year 5 241 22 11 1 1 D0400601 -01- 0004 -year 5 151 15 D0400601 -01- 0005 -year 5 141 14 D0400601 -01- 0006 -year 5 191 16 3 D0400601 -01- 0007 -year 5 ill 11 D0400601 -01- 0008 -year 5 131 10 31 1 D0400601 -01- 0009 -year 5 211 21 D0400601 -01- 0010 -year 5 201 20 D0400601 -01 -0011 year 5 25125 D0400601 -01- 0012 -year 5 211 19 1 1 D0400601 -01 0013 -year 5 21 20 1 D0400601 -01- 0014 -year 5 17 16 1 D0400601 01 -0015 -year 5 17 17 D0400601 -01- 0016 -year 5 17 15 2 D0400601 -01- 0017 -year 5 231 23 D0400601 -01- 0018 -year 5 18 17 1 D0400601 -01- 0019 -year 5 131 11 2 D0400601 -01- 0020 -year 5 171 14 3 D0400601 -01- 0021 -year 5 151 14 1 D0400601 -01- 0022 -year 5 101 9 '1 1 D0400601 -01 -0023 year 5 121 9 1 1 31 1 D0400601 -01- 0024 -year5 141 13 1 D0400601 -01- 0025 -year 5 11 10 1 D0400601 -01- 0026 -year 5 12 12 D0400601 -01- 0027 -year 5 8 7 1 D0400601 -01- 0028 -year 5 16 16 D0400601 01- 0029 -year 5 Ill 7 3 1 D0400601 -01- 0030 -year 5 71 6 1 TOT 30 468 432 1 1 1 28 2 3 Table 5 Stem Count by Plot and Species Planted Stems N O S N yA N 4 �'QaaQ4r1 O N A NN 4 N O N l0 M R rl O N A R ei O N A 4 '1 O N R ei O N A PP 4 �-1 O N 10 4 '/ O N A § 4 �-1 O N A 4 4 N O N A NQ 4 rl O N N QN R '1 O N A rQ/1 4 r�QaQgfjl O N 10 .QO R ei V N A Q R �-1 O N A Qt0 4 'i O N A 1Q� 4 'i O N A Q R 'i O N A Q 4 9 O N A Q R '1 S N A rQl 4 e-0 O N NQ 4 rl O N � NQ 4 '1 O N QN R N O N 4 rl O N A NQ 4 rl S N A ^ R rl S N ��`1j rl S N A .QN 9 4 N A C 9 R Alnusserrulata 27 13 208 31 2 2 11 4 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 Aroma arbutifolia 3 2 15 1 2 Aroma melanocar a 1 1 1 1 Betula ni ra 4 3 133 11 21 1 Ce halanthus cccidentahs 1 1 1 1 Cornus amomum 72 26 277 6 3 6 3 2 2 1 4 5 10 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 3 2 5 1 1 1 2 1 Cratae us 3 2 15 1 2 fraxinus pennsylvanica 97 27 348 S. 2 5 1 1 5 1 2 4 4 S. 10 2 7 2 13 2 4 4 1 3 1 4 3 3 1 2 Ju lans m ra 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Uriodendron full ifera 19 12 1 58 1 1 1 31 3 2 1 2 11 2 2 Platanusoccidentahs 55 22 245 1 3 1 1 3 5 2 5 2 1 4 1 1 1 51 2 1 21 2 3 1 5 4 Prunus 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prunus vi miana 1 1 1 1 Quercus alba 24 12 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 6 1 2 Quercus michauxu 26 12 217 2 4 1 1 3 5 1 2 2 1 31 1 Quercus goda 9 6 15 1 1 1 4 1 1 Quercus palustns 4 3 133 1 1 2 Quercus hellos 28 12 2 33 2 3 3 1 3 7 1 2 1 2 1 Salix ni ra 9 6 15 2 3 1 1 1 1 Sambucuscanadensis 5 3 167 Is 3 1 1 TOT 21 391 21 15 9 19 10 11 16 8 18 12 21 16 20 16 14 15 21 15 11 15 14 9 11 13 9 11 8 10 8 8 \� � .� � � ©� ®� © ®m�� ®gym ®m ®m ® ® ©© ©gym ® © © ©mmm�� 1 APPENDIX B Geomorphologic Raw Data 1 Fixed Station Photos 2 Table B1 Qualitative Visual Stability Assessment 3 Cross Section Plots 4 Longitudinal Plots 5 Pebble Count Plots 6 Bankfull Event Photos C ) Fixed Station 1 Overview of Tributary A (upper), facing upstream. Year 5 — top photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Year 1- bottom photo (EMH &T, Inc. /19/06) Fixed Station 2 Overview of valley along confluence of Tributary A2 with Tributary A, facing upstream. Year 5 — top photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Year 1- bottom photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/19/06) Fixed Station 3 Overview of valley along Tributary A (lower) near station 31 +50, facing downstream. Year 5 — top photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Year 1- bottom photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/19/06) Fixed Station 4 Overview of valley along Tributary A (lower) near station 31 +50, facing upstream. Year 5 — top photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/ 10) Year 1- bottom photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/19/06) Fixed Station 5 Overview of valley on Tributary A (lower) at large culvert, facing upstream. Year 5 — top photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/ 10) Year 1- bottom photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/19/06) Fixed Station 6 Overview of valley on Tributary A (lower) at large culvert, facing downstream. Year 5 — top photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/ 10) Year 1- bottom photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/19/06) Fixed Station 7 Overview of valley along Tributary B, facing upstream. Year 5 — top photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/ 10) Year 1- bottom photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/19/06) Fixed Station 8 Overview of valley along Tributary B, facing downstream. Year 5 — top photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/10) Year 1- bottom photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/19/06) Fixed Station 9 Overview of valley along Tributary C near station 6 +50, facing downstream. Year 5 — top photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/ 10) Year 1- bottom photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/19/06) Fixed Station 10 Overview of valley along Tributary C near station 8 +50, facing downstream. Year 5 — top photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/16/ 10) Year 1- bottom photo (EMH &T, Inc. 9/19/06) Table B1 Visual Morphological Stability Assessment South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Segment/Reach A (upper) Feature Category Metric (per As -built and reference baselines) (# Stable ) Number Performing as Intended Total number per As -built Total Number/ feet in unstable state % Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform Mean or Total A Riffles 1 Present? 24 24 0 100 2 Armor stable a g no displacement)? 24 24 0 100 3 Facet grade appears stable? 24 24 0 100 4 Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 24 24 0 100 5 Length appropriate? 24 24 0 100 100% B Pools 1 Present?(eg not subject to severe aggrad or mi rat 25 25 0 100 2 Sufficient) deep Max Pool D Mean Bkf >1 6? 25 25 0 100 3 Length appropriate? 25 25 0 100 100% C Thalweg 1 Upstream of meander bend run /inflection centering? 25 25 0 100 2 Downstream of meander (glide /inflection) centering? 25 25 0 100 100% D Meanders 1 Outer bend in state of limited /controlled erosion? 25 25 0 100 2 Of those eroding # w /concomitant point bar formation? 25 25 0 100 3 Apparent Rc within spec? 25 25 0 100 4 Sufficient floodplain access and relief? 25 25 0 100 100% E Bed General 1 General channel bed aggradation areas bar formation N/A N/A 0/ 0 feet 100 2 Channel bed degradation - areas ot increasing downcutting or headcutting? N/A N/A 0/ 0 feet 100 100% F Vanes 1 Free of back or arm scour? N/A 0 N/A N/A 2 Height appropriate? N/A 0 N/A N/A 3 An le and geometry appear appropriate? N/A 0 N/A N/A 4 Free of piping or other structural failures? N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A G Wads/ Boulders 1 Free of scour? N/Al 0 N/A N/A 2 Footing stable? N/Al 0 N/A N/A N/A Table B1 Visual Morphological Stability Assessment South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 01 Seement/Reach A (middle) Feature Category I Metric (per As built and reference baselines) A Riffles 1 Present 2 Armor stable a g no dis lacement 3 Facet grade appears stable 4 Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 5 Length appropriate? B Pools 1 Present?(eg not subject to severe aggrad or m 3 Angle and geometry appear appropn 4 Free of piping or other structural fadu Iders 1 Free of scour? 2 Footing stable? Number Total ITotal Number/ % Perform I Perform Performing I number per Ifeet in unstable I in Stable IMeanor as Intended 2 Sufficiently deep Max Pool D Mean Bkf >1 6? state 3 Length appropriate? C Thalweg 1 Upstream of meander bend run /inflection centering? 18 2 Downstream of meander (glidelinflection) centering? D Meanders 1 Outer bend in state of limited /controlled erosion? 18 2 Of those eroding # w /concomitant point bar formation' 0 3 Apparent Rc within spec? 4 Sufficient floodplain access and relief? E Bed General 1 General channel bed aggradation areas bar formation 100 2 Channel bed degradation areas of increasing downCL or headcutting? F Vanes 1 Free of back or arm scour? 0 2 Heiaht aooroonate? 3 Angle and geometry appear appropn 4 Free of piping or other structural fadu Iders 1 Free of scour? 2 Footing stable? Number Total ITotal Number/ % Perform I Perform Performing I number per Ifeet in unstable I in Stable IMeanor as Intended As -built state Condition Total 18 18 0 100 10 18 18 0 100 18 18 0 100 18 18 0 100 18 181 0 100 100% 19 19 0 100 19 19 0 100 10 19 19 0 100 100% 19 19 0 100 19 19 0 100 10 19 191 0 100 19 19 0 100 19 19 0 100 19 19 0 100 10 N/A N/A 0/ 0 feet 100 N/A N/A 1 0/ 0 feet 100 10 N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A I N/Al 0 N/A N/A N/A 1 01 N/A N/A I I Table B1 Visual Morphological Stability Assessment South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Segment/Reach A lower Feature Category Metric (per As built and reference baselines) # Stable Number Performing as Intended Total number per As built Total Number/ feet in unstable state % Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform Mean or Total A Riffles 1 Present? 93 931 0 100 2 Armor stable a g no displacement)? 93 931 0 100 3 Facet grad e appears stable? 93 931 0 100 4 Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 93 931 0 100 5 Length appropriate? 93 93 0 100 100% B Pools 1 Present?(eg not subject to severe aggrad or mi rat 95 95 0 100 2 Sufficient) deep Max Pool D Mean Bkf >1 6? 95 95 0 100 3 Length appropriate? 95 95 0 100 100% C Thalweg 1 Upstream of meander bend run/inflection centering? 95 95 0 100 2 Downstream of meander (glidelinflection) centering? 95 951 0 100 100% D Meanders 1 Outer bend in state of limited /controlled erosion? 95 95 0 100 2 Of those eroding # w /concomitant point bar formation? 95 95 0 100 3 Apparent Rc within spec? 95 95 0 100 4 Sufficient floodplam access and relief? 92 95 3 97 99% E Bed General 1 General channel bed aggradation areas bar formation N/A WA 0/ 0 feet 100 2 Channel bed degradation areas of increasing downcutting or headcutting? N/A N/A 0/ 0 feet 100 100% F Vanes 1 Free of back or arm scour? N/A 0 N/A N/A 2 Height appropriate? N/A 0 N/A N/A 3 Angle and geometry appear appropriate? N/A 0 N/A N/A 4 Free of piping or other structural failures? N/A 0 WA WA N/A G Wads/ Boulders 11 Free of scour? WA 0 N/A WA 2 Footing stable? N/A 0 N/A WA N/A Table B1 Visual Morphological Stability Assessment South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Segment/Reach A2 Feature Category Metric (per As built and reference baselines) # Stable Number Performing as Intended Total number per As built Total Number/ feet in unstable state % Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform Mean or Total A Riffles 1 Present? 7 71 1 100 2 Armor stable a g no displacement)? 7 7 0 100 3 Facet grade appears stable? 7 7 0 100 4 Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 5 7 0 71 5 Length appropnate? 7 7 0 100 94% B Pools 1 Present?(eg not subject to severe aggrad or mi rat 5 7 0 71 2 Sufficiently deep Max Pool D Mean Bkf >l 6? 5 71 0 71 3 Length appropriate? 6 7 0 86 76% C Thalweg 1 Upstream of meander bend run /inflection centering? 11 11 0 100 2 Downstream of meander (glide/inflection) centering? 11 11 0 100 100% D Meanders 1 Outer bend in state of limited /controlled erosion? 11 11 0 100 2 Of those eroding # w /concomitant point bar formation? 11 11 0 100 3 Apparent Re within spec? 11 ill 0 100 4 Sufficient floodplain access and relief? 11 11 0 100 100% E Bed General 1 General channel bed aggradation areas bar formation N/A N/A 0/ 0 feet 100% T7UFa—n-n—eTFe-d degradation - areas of increasing downcutting or headcutting? N/A N/A 0/ 0 feet 100% 100% F Vanes 1 Free of back or arm scour? N/A 0 N/A N/A 2 Hei ht a ro nate? WA 0 N/A N/A 3 Angle and geometry appear appropriate? N/A 0 N/A N/A 4 Free of piping or other structural failures? N/A 0 WA N/A N/A G Wads/ Boulders I 1 Free of scour? N/A 0 N/A N/A 2 Footing stable? N/A 0 N/Al N/A N/A Table Bl Visual Morphological Stability Assessment South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Segment/Reach B Feature Category Metric (per As built and reference baselines) (# Stable)- Number Performing as Intended Total number per As built Total Number/ feet in unstable state % Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform Mean or Total A Riffles 1 Present? 22 23 1 96 2 Armor stable a g no displacement)? 22 231 1 96 3 Facet grade appears stable? 22 23 1 96 4 Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 20 23 3 87 5 Length appropriate? 22 23 1 961 94% B Pools 1 Present?(eg not subject to severe aggrad or mi rat 23 23 0 100 2 Sufficient) deep Max Pool D Mean Bkf >1 6? 23 23 0 100 3 Length appropriate? 23 231 0 100 100% C Thalweg 1 Upstream of meander bend run /inflection centering? 36 36 0 100 2 Downstream of meander (glidelinflection) centering? 36 36 0 100 100% D Meanders 1 Outer bend in state of limited /controlled erosion? 35 36 1 97 2 Of those eroding # w /concomitant point bar formation? 36 36 0 100 3 Apparent Rc within spec? 36 36 0 100 4 Sufficient floodplam access and relief? 36 361 0 100 99% E Bed General 1 General channel bed aggradation areas bar formation N/A N/A 0/ 0 feet 100 2 Channel bed degradation areas of increasing downcutting or headcuttmg? N/A N/A 0/ 0 feet 100 100% F Vanes 1 Free of back or arm scour? N/A 0 N/A N/A 2 Height appropriate? N/A 0 N/A WA 3 Angle and geometry appear appropriate? N/A 0 N/A WA 4 Free of piping or other structural failures? N/A 0 N/A WA N/A G Wads/ Boulders 1 Free of scour? N/A 0 N/A WA 2 Footing stable? WA 0 WA WA N/A H Log Sills 1 Maintaining grade control? 14 14 0 100 2 Minimal evidence of sedimentation in adjacent pool? 13 141 1 93 97% O',� 01 Table B1 Visual Morphological Stability Assessment South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration / EEP Project No D04006 -01 Segment/Reach C Feature Category Metric (per As built and reference baselines) Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total number per As built Total Number/ feet in unstable state % Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform Mean or Total A Riffles 1 Present? 33 33 0 100 2 Armor stable a g no displacement)? 33 331 0 100 3 Facet grade appears stable? 33 331 0 100 4 Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 33 331 0 100 5 Length appropriate? 33 33 0 100 100% B Pools 1 Present?(eg not subject to severe aggrad or mi rat 34 34 0 100 2 Sufficient) deep Max Pool D Mean Bkf >1 6? 34 34 0 100 3 Length appropriate? 34 34 0 100 100% C Thalweg 1 Upstream of meander bend run /inflection centering? 19 19 0 100 2 Downstream of meander (glide/inflection) centering? 19 191 0 1001 100% D Meanders 1 Outer bend in state of limited /controlled erosion? 29 34 5 85 2 Of those eroding # w /concomitant point bar formation? 32 34 2 94 3 A arent Rc within spec? 34 34 0 100 4 Sufficient floodplain access and relief? 32 34 2 94 93% E Bed General 1 General channel bed aggradation areas bar formation N/A N/A 0/ 0 feet 100 2 Channel bed degradation areas of increasing downcutting or headcutting? N/A WA 0/ 0 feet 100 100% F Vanes 1 Free of back or arm scour? N/A 0 WA N/A 2 Height appropriate? N/A 0 N/A N/A 3 Angle and geometry appear a ro nate? WA 0 WA N/A 4 Free of piping or other structural failures? N/A 0 N/A WA WA G Wads/ Boulders 11 Free of scours I N/Al 0 N/A N/A 2 Footing stables I N/Al 01 WA N/A WA Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 8.33 ft2 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 10.49 ft TASK Cross- Section Mean Depth 0.79 ft REACH Upper A Maximum Depth 1.39 ft Width/Depth Ratio 13.28 DATE 9/26/10 Entrenchment Ratio 3.84 Classification C ` CROSS 115 +35 SECTION: 1!�05�fe'ni FEATURE: Riffle i i ial c l,. ,tit XS 115 +35.21 Riffle V1116A0 J6i �66YY �1161fg10 1111 AY AC Amown 17 1110.11 vvwftv1 '_11060YS 116116]1 Yimq IaY6 1-21 1161.121 1161.171 111.121 1161.121 1110 WOkf - 10.5 DDkf - .79 BDkf - 8.33 � Ar 1108 .Y 1107 w 1106 1105 1100 Cross - section photo — looking upstream 0 10 20 30 40 50 fi0 Horizontal Distance (ft) PROJECT South Muddy Summary Data D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 12.42 ft2 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 14.13 ft TASK Cross - Section Mean Depth 0.88 ft REACH A Upper Maximum Depth 2.28 ft DATE 09126110 Width/Depth Ratio 16.06 Entrenchment Ratio 3.53 CROSS 113 +37.13 SECTION: Ecosystelll FEATURE: Pool XS 113 +37.13 POOL Uvl16IOOL}S 11).]I.q �dn1Y VIlrl !\ Yw 0u A VUML= V YRI 0LM V VRMGl j_)YNr YOIa'i IOYI{ 117.i.p Iq .o ""M 1LM71.9 L= II .13 Wbkf - 14.1 DbkF - .68 BbkF - 12.4 1110.0 1108.4 O \ ,i W 1105.2 5\: 11036-- 11020 0 16 32 48 64 80 Cross - section photo — looking left to right bank Horizontal Distance (it) Channel obscured by vegetation. PROJECT South Muddy Summary Data D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 8.03 ft' 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 12.31 ft TASK Cross - Mean Depth 0.65 ft Section Maximum Depth 2.49 ft REACH A Upper Width/Depth Ratio 18.94 DATE 9/26/10 Entrenchment Ratio 4.05 �- CROSS 110 +48.78 Ea�em SECTION: 111211 CIllCiii FEATURE: Pool YR5 POOL XS 110 +48.78 U Y116100L1Pr gown *eerae weoeos V—.l tv , -; MI MOLLS A YMIOOLM'7 M]MOLA VY.PWLA "'M OS we Iowan q.a.n Lo.eze L+o.ue o.an WOkF - 12.3 DDkF - .65 ODkF - 8.03 1109 i 1107 O R i � 1106 IJJ \ 1105 7 i t 1101 Cross - section photo — looking downstream 1103 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Horizontal Distance (R) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy Bankfull Area 7.13 ft' D04006 -1 Bankfull Width 12.68 ft 5 -YEAR Mean Depth 0.56 ft TASK Cross - Section Maximum Depth 1.27 ft REACH A Upper Width/Depth Ratio 22.64 DATE 9/26110 Entrenchment Ratio 4.06 Classification C CROSS 108 +96.23 SECTION: 11�Cosysfeni FEATURE: Riffle r XS 108 +96.23 Riffle 1 d 0M.0 owsa #w A YMNOZ W'..r. c ... .1p n m b.t o.�a o.ra s.aa owa swa } Q I 1109 VOkf - 12.7 DOkf • .56 Nhkf - 1.13 1107 i 1106 C s 1703 1102 Cross - section photo — looking downstream 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Horizontal Distance (ft) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 8.18 ft' 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 9.65 ft TASK Cross - Section Mean Depth 0.85 ft REACH A Upper Maximum Depth 1.8 ft DATE 9126110 Width/Depth Ratio 11.35 Entrenchment Ratio 5.18 CROSS 105 +38.70 SECTION: Em FEATURE: Pool lllill ! l Y'll lt'l1I XS 105 +38.70 POOL O res �m rooiss �na� ♦rrram p r�o rooirs A p r-1. V ­woirs was ro`s m am �aem rwsm �.am m�xm 1106 WDkf - 9.65 DOkf AS BDkf - 8.18 r _ v 1101 r lit 1103 1102 1101 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 15 50 55 Cross - section photo — looking upstream Horizontal Distance (1t) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 8.26 ft2 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 9.24 ft TASK Cross- Section Mean Depth 0.89 ft REACH A Upper Maximum Depth 1.67 ft DATE 9/26/10 Width/Depth Ratio 10.38 Entrenchment Ratio 5.57 Classification E CROSS 103 +74.70 SECTION: 1,kosyst('.111 FEATURE: Riffle XS 103 +74.70 Riffle ovwrrzs #1—. c. ve0*wM �vn�nr �a: v m.rn V,MNrns 1.:iv���rm 004.10 wim. ro�0 004A m 431 mN..m � 4R m m YDkf 9.24 DDkf - .89 BDkf - 8.26 1107 ' 1106 .w 1105\ -- \ d A; ,K 110 3�1M+ w I St. ,\ r- 1103 1 1102 1101 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Horizontal Distance (ft) 60 65 70 75 Cross - section photo — looking upstream Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 14.92 ft2 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 14.68 ft TASK Cross- Section Mean Depth 1.02 ft REACH A Middle Maximum Depth 1.78 ft DATE 9/26/10 Width/Depth Ratio 14.39 Entrenchment Ratio 3.55 CROSS 87 +92.18 SECTION: l lem FEATURE: :rl l�tl Pool ti , XS 87 +92.18 POOL �, �•;` 8.92.4 90�s V1199ihf4 pYY9Y00LX9 AYR2 gOl1B (j YIII IOOl lOi TTYAlOOLk9 L)Y91100L%9 1999 A+ID.W YT19Y.M RN291 W.@.YI N1920 + WDkf - 14.7 ODkf 1.02 OGkf 1105 - 14.9 1 1103 1102 1101 o _ - 1100 a+ W 1099 1098 1097 109s 1095 0 10 20 30 {0 50 60 70 90 Cross section photo — looking downstream Horizo30 al Distance (ft) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 18.04 ft' 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 14.54 ft TASK Cross- Section Mean Depth 1.24 ft REACH A Middle Maximum Depth 2.47 ft DATE 9126/10 Width/Depth Ratio 11.73 Entrenchment Ratio 4.61 Classification C CROSS 85 +64.09 SECTION: 11�COSy�tf I FEATURE: Riffle XS 85 +64.09 Riffle Vru 11r>s ��ww� �wllptb ;_`. Y1011r 1R �M211r� pvei rrm �Ygrrm , iM�llr fr6�10 fir bY� 6M�m ENIm i.�lm iM�r• AIf1m lm 1102 Wbkf - 14.5 Dbkf - 1.24 8bkf - 18 ,� .♦ 1101. � 1100 �- ..r 1 � 1099-- i tit 1098 r . A 1097 1096 1095 Cross section photo — looking downstream 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 55 70 75 Horizontal Distance (ft) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 20.59 ft' 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 14.68 ft TASK Cross - Section Mean Depth 0.71 ft REACH A Lower Maximum Depth 1.91 ft DATE 9126/10 Width/Depth Ratio 2.90 Entrenchment Ratio 3.54 CROSS 72 +02.58 SECTION: I1 �Stens _ FEATURE: 11111L1'll101i Pool •l�,u.t. XS 72 +02.58 POOL � .��•1e`+ ;. ;�b�r'1T7,� }`'�� �} • t; t'RJe �.> OiMML �0 >t.ss Sao Vs rWr _, YMMLM ArC"Ln C7"IMLA VYMMLM -1 Mro M w►• tt A mm. Tans rx s VH z VOkf - 29.6 DDkf .71 Abkf 1099 14.7 1097-- -hl: - r �i:.��,. 1096 / �}►� 4 p- � N 1095 ' �� -+ r. 1094- 1093 1092 Cross section photo — looking downstream 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 56 60 45 65 70 75 80 Horizontal Distance Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 19.33 ft' 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 23.0 ft TASK Cross - Section Mean Depth 0.84 ft REACH A Lower Maximum Depth 1.9 ft DATE 9/26/10 Width/Depth Ratio 27.42 Entrenchment Ratio 3.31 Classification C CROSS 70 +96.05 SECTION: (Stelll FEATURE: Riffle 1'111,11 •,llt'lli XS 70 +96.05 Riffle .. y 4 •4 „ Or��a ♦�iu a�� • am. :.'. ro�ws�m� �$� Rio ss be max '..Im� I* ok 1086 YOkf = 23 DDkf .84 DOkf ='19.3 1097 :'?12� r- i•'` ~ Y A. •\ o V U.1 � r 1094-- ;r .. 1093 1092 Cross section photo — looking downstream 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 SO 55 60 65 70 75 60 Horizontal Distance (ft) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 22.86 ftz 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 23.64 ft TASK Cross - Section Mean Depth 0.97 ft REACH A Lower Maximum Depth 2.3 ft Width/Depth Ratio 24.37 DATE 9/26/10 Entrenchment Ratio 2.87 CROSS 66 +01.49 SECTION: L�osystenl FEATURE: l i l;li' Pool XS 66 +01.49 POOL e O VR31001>S � Wli Ytll� �Y�If1T �f Yllp l00llS � �M�OOI� C,' YIII100 \l9 � VIIJ IOOlX1 ... Iqi'{ M\ f1Y1K f.01.1i iMIK FOI.IP f.011Y Mtn 1096 YDkf - 23.6 DGkf - .97 Abkf - 22.9 1097 1096 2 C; W 1094 \\ 1093 1092 1091 Cross section photo — looking downstream 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 60 Horizontal Distance (ft) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 23.91 ft2 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 21.12 ft TASK Cross - Section Mean Depth 1.13 ft REACH A Lower Maximum Depth 2.37 ft DATE 9/26/10 Width/Depth Ratio 18.69 Entrenchment Ratio 2.94 Classification C CROSS 64 +13.80 SECTION: Ecosystem FEATURE: Riffle XS 64 +13.80 Riffle OVMII /A WOlO .Yi�l1Y �MIreGAUY ;_, Ypll /YC �YR311 /A V'YIII III ]S. �MJ11•X ;_J HII / /)L � YY�/ Wl)� WNi WOO WOO WO✓0 1090 WDkf - 21.1 DGkf - 1.13 Abkf - 23.9 1097 b _ _ 4 1096-- G V W 1091 1093 1092 1091 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 15 50 Horizontal Distance (ft) 55 60 65 70 75 90 Cross section photo — looking downstream Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 28.45 ft2 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 24.66 ft TASK Cross- Section Mean Depth 1.15 ft REACH A Lower Maximum Depth 2.7 ft DATE 9/26/10 Width/Depth Ratio 21.44 Entrenchment Ratio 1.84 �- CROSS 54 +85.21 SECTION: tens 11lill Y'I11E111 FEATURE: Pool XS 54 +85.21 POOL JY{6AOLX GIRSI 4{ 9 VY [QI [. YNnOIA A VAIMM 17 Y11210 M V YII2 IA !.�1 \Olia 10{{ N1i31 MM LM Ay Wbkf - 24.7 G1R21 WR21 Q 21 N 21 Dbkf - 1.15 Abkf - 28.4 I - 1100 1099 1098 1097 C O 1096 V W 1094 1093 1092 4 .... a.a >. (J iY 1091 1090 Cross section photo — looking downstream 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 50 65 70 Channel is obscured by vegetation. Horizontal Distance (ft) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 9.27 ft' 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 21.07 ft TASK Cross - Section Mean Depth 0.44 ft REACH A Lower Maximum Depth 0.88 ft DATE 9/26/10 Width/Depth Ratio 47.89 Entrenchment Ratio 1.61 Classification B CROSS 50 +53.37 SECTION: E�'m�teni IA if1,111lVil lel It FEATURE: Riffle XS 50 +53.37 Riffle Or�a�w �s ��aru •w��a� _. vMllva �r���►m aaa yams /aYS an]r pvll]Ils �s �ria��a []r����m Olaf= apJr O�Oa ow�r 1098 WDkF 21.1 DUkF - .ffk RDkF - 9.27 1097 1096 N / 1095-- \ O 1094 W 1093 \� 1092 1091 \/ 1090 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Cross section photo — looking downstream Horizontal Distance (ft) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 21.16 ft2 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 18.75 ft TASK Cross- Section Mean Depth 1.13 ft REACH A Lower Maximum Depth 3.37 ft DATE 9/26/10 Width/Depth Ratio 16.59 Entrenchment Ratio 3.69 . CROSS 43 +93.88 SECTION: Ecosystem FEATURE: Pool XS 43 +93.88 POOL e J onw roo.� ♦ waw u+u ��ie.m , na.00ua ire rao s 17 "2M s V vu rooiu ; r ML •m rw a.00e o.ms wnw wmm uw� �� i 1100 Ybkf - 18.8 Dbkf - 1.13 Abkf - 21.2 1099 1098 1 1097 .2 C 10 1091 W 1093 1092 1091 1090 1089 1088 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Horizontal Distance (ft) 65 70 75 80 Cross section photo — looking downstream Channel obscured by vegetation. Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 14.71 ft' 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 18.55 ft TASK Cross- Section Mean Depth 0.79 ft REACH A Lower Maximum Depth 1.74 ft DATE 9/26110 Width/Depth Ratio 23.48 Entrenchment Ratio 2.2 Classification C CROSS ao +13.8s SECTION: 't0111 1 11i1K't'lllt'll( FEATURE: Riffle XS 40 +13.89 Riffle 4 �. .r '.� � �� Y� ��:GiO :`•IGI]#� •Or0 I IIG�1ID� �IpN1 vlMq.®� •Yr0 1098 #� Whkf - 183 #� #� DDkf - .79 ROkf - 14.7 1097 a. .•,1 1096--, ly 1095 C 1094'�� ' 1093 -- --- •�\ - - ---- 7 — — — - -- . E.�d f. ; +1 ;.y,r•. r, W 1092 �V d" 1091 1090 1089 1088 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Cross section photo — looking downstream Horizontal Distance (ft) Channel obscured by vegetation. Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 15.87 ft' 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 17.34 ft TASK Cross - Section Mean Depth 0.92 ft REACH A Lower Maximum Depth 2.29 ft DATE 9/26/10 Width/Depth Ratio 18.85 Entrenchment Ratio 3.23 CROSS 28 +23.53 SECTION: ' Clll :I 1:II FEATURE: Pool XS 28 +23.53 POOL O YI16gO16 s.an �� ��Iplp ,^� YIIp I00lIS A alas wIw swm YIII WO '7 YIU/OOI IS V 1111p011S s•aa s.am a.am -1 VIII IOOIIm a.mm 1097 Wbkf - 17.3 Dbkf - .92 Abkf - 15.9 1096 1095 1094 1093 / — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - 1092 4W 1os1 " UA 1090 1088 � 1087 1086 Cross section photo — looking downstream 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 Channel obscured by vegetation. Horizontal Distance (ft) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 18.24 ft2 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 21.97 ft TASK Cross - Section Mean Depth .83 ft REACH A Lower Maximum Depth 1.82 ft DATE 9/26/10 Width/Depth Ratio 26.47 Entrenchment Ratio 3.16 Classification C y CROSS 25 +39.47 SECTION: L� stem _.,p FEATURE: Riffle XS 25 +39.7 Riffle r�? #��o Vftb. '3 �.a� AYRINVA A Vs auM WY MAN= = Il +s A 7094 Vbkf - 22 Dbkf - .83 pbkf - 18.2 1093 .er 1097 �C 1091 — — — — — — — — — ���• — �' Z s5' O �1� / 1090 W i� 4, 1089 j, y • � • 1� � : 7 oee 1097 1086 Cross section photo — looking downstream 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Channel is obscured by vegetation. Horizontal Distance (ft) Summary Data Bankfull Area 21.69 ft2 Bankfull Width 21.76 ft Mean Depth 1.0 ft Maximum Depth 2.15 ft Width/Depth Ratio 21.76 Entrenchment Ratio 3.4 Classification C Cross section photo — looking downstream Channel is obscured by vegetation. C O N V W PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 5 -YEAR TASK Cross - Section REACH A Lower DATE 9/26/10 r - CROSS 22 +31.26 SECTION: 'telll FEATURE: Riffle 11 111 Y 111Ci l l XS 22 +31.26 Riffle Uvrerr� ♦uu� �r��wm. ::, narr� �ve��r a� Orurr» ♦r��rrn rn�rrn n.ais .asr rat arcs a.ars a.ais aa�s mars HbkF - 21.8 Dbkf - 1 BbkF - 21.7 Horizontal Distance (ft) s Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 30.84 ft' 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 23.25 ft TASK Cross- Section Mean Depth 1.33 ft REACH A Lower Maximum Depth 3.37 ft Width/Depth Ratio 17.48 DATE 9/26/10 Entrenchment Ratio 2.94 CROSS 21 +16.53 SECTION: 11P)SYStelll FEATURE: Pool r' ' 'L � XS 21+16.53 POOL O'/IiO gOLIA �IiOY �YNIp�tY LYYOIOpIYi �6 bt 3NWID AY111 gOLm C'YY]gOLYA V1'IAgOLm ;-J INYYID 2N6ID 3NYSID YILIgOIYIi ]NIY! =c: ;, i►.` !' L -Y v 1093 bkf - 23.3 DDkf - 1.33 BDkf - 38.8 1092 1091 1090 d. + O is V 1089 1068 1 1007 1086 1085 0 5 f0 15 20 25 30 0 3 35 10 45 50 55 60 65 TO 75 Cross section photo — looking downstream Channel is obscured by vegetation. Horizontal Distance (ft) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 39.38 ft2 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 25.99 ft TASK Cross- Section Mean Depth 1.52 ft REACH A Lower Maximum Depth 3.2 ft DATE 9/26110 Width/Depth Ratio 17.1 Entrenchment Ratio 2.64 CROSS 4 +31 SECTION: r_d�,s r"C( Stelll FEATURE: Pool R T-• i -- XS 4 +31.01 POOL SC>M6IOOl]6 '^, �� �L.il. VWr.B MW L] &VIIIPOO V Ln TV111POOLO 11044 Lm O�� NJl➢I Mfi� P NJllil MJIDI MJIOI Mi1N INllll .11 - 26 DDkf - 1.52 BDkf - 99.11 1091 1090 1088 O 1087 N 1006 W i 1085 j 1081 1083 1082 1081 1080 Cross section photo — looking downstream 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 10 15 50 55 60 65 70 75 Note high water level. Horizontal Distance (ft) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 38.46 ft' 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 34.3 ft TASK cross- Section Mean Depth 1.12 ft REACH A Lower Maximum Depth 2.99 ft DATE 9/26110 Width/Depth Ratio 30.62 Entrenchment Ratio 2.41 Classification C r_,�j CROSS 3 +8.00 SECTION: �,ftells ihv'l FEATURE: Riffle v1 ; XS 3 +18.00 Riffle • .1_,r �•,. TN •.'�._ GYI1611Y'JS .��Y �YIiGlin ;`, YtO11k IZ �YIII t1ID �YIIY IIY'S �YII]II ►� �]YIIItfK >.YlID YYttOt btt lYlID h0m Mqm HIRID .MMD f ' loeo WDkf - 34.3 DDkf - 1.12 pDkf - 38.5 s 1088 1087 4J Y 1085 1085 1084 0 10 20 30 40 50 50 7o 80 so Cross section photo — looking upstream Note high water level. Horizontal Distance (ft) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 11.6 ft' 6 -YEAR Bankfull Width 15.99 ft TASK Cross - Section Mean Depth 0.73 ft REACH A2 Maximum Depth 1.7 ft Width/Depth Ratio 21.9 DATE 9/26/10 Entrenchment Ratio 3.65 CROSS 3 +23 SECTION: 1?c�x stem FEATURE: Pool l �—Alm r"1 �d Uv�s roo�� �rq� �.am Imo. XS 3 +23.00 POOL ♦ura��w ur�o rooim �r�rooas Pvq �oo�m �nwrooie rw� �.am ram awm aam Ll r��roo�� amm 1110 WDkf . 16 DDkf - .79 NUkf - 11.6 / .. 1 /. �• 1107 IOU 1106 � 1104 Cross - section photo — looking downstream 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Channel completely obscured by vegetation. Horizontal Distance (ft) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 16.96 ft' 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 16.84 ft TASK Cross - Section Mean Depth 1.01 ft REACH A2 Maximum Depth 1.91 ft DATE 9/26110 Width/Depth Ratio 16.67 Entrenchment Ratio 2.78 Classification C z +1a S ECTI SECTION: { tem A FEATURE: �'.11 111 Riffle tillll'f I XS 2 +18.05 Riffle (�111611Y Y5 �IiY1Y V—,I 6 `. YW III.ri' A111 -rm 1]111 AI MIDI -- 'NI6� Yes Iii 9.116 NRi S.1lm ].Fi F)VX1MRr 9F.X 1708 WOkF - 16.8 DDkF - 1.01 BDkF - 17 ' 1107 l i / . 105 7103 1102 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 10 15 50 Cross- section photo — looking downstream Channel obscured by vegetation. Horizontal Distance (ft) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 24.85 ft2 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 29.92 ft TASK Cross - Section Mean Depth 0.83 ft REACH B Maximum Depth 2.47 ft DATE 9/26/10 Width/Depth Ratio 36.05 Entrenchment Ratio 1.87 CROSS 15 +34.21 SECTION: Ftenl �',I1 1'11 Y'111ci ll FEATURE: Pool XS 15 +32.21 POOL Oresr w L. *ft.. V�,O_ 21 A-- 17YNro &m VYII]IO - —Z w 21 ;y 1102 VDkf - 29.9 DDkF - .83 BDkf - 241.9 .. Y 1100 N 1096 V/ U1 1097 / f 1096 '�'• = { -- 1095 1094 Cross - section photo — looking right to left bank. 0 4 6 12 16 20 24 26 37 36 40 44 46 52 56 60 Horizontal Distance (R) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 18.18 ft' 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 26.52 ft TASK Cross- Section Mean Depth 0.69 ft REACH B Maximum Depth 2.33 ft DATE 9/26110 Width/Depth Ratio 38.43 Entrenchment Ratio 2.31 Classification C CROSS 12+10.65 SECTION: Ecosystelll FEATURE: Riffle -F- XS 12 +10.65 POOL f) ' 1_. aasrr.m �m� ♦rram ,: rrrrrn A'. .1. C7 naum ♦re�ers l;vu nr yes IMLL � IWr I]rLi IkOL i3VO! Wei rNN6 1096 VDkf - 26.5 DDkf - .69 9Ukf - 19.2 1 1097 .-� C 1096-- b a 10 1095 y + ED 1094 1093 Cross - section photo — looking downstream 1092 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Horizontal Distance (ft) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 18.03 ft' 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 28.0 ft TASK Cross - Section Mean Depth 0.64 ft REACH B Maximum Depth 1.94 ft Width/Depth Ratio 43.75 DATE 9/26/10 Entrenchment Ratio 1.95 ` CROSS 8 +39.41 SECTION: Ecosystem Ecosystem FEATURE: Pool XS 8 +39.41 POOL r. �' OYI16pOl» t►mr Vr'W— Lrt '--'-A prratoot.x ♦rlR root.0 !afar satstr. rap "Al shit Milt still it Ma100l1m sa1Jt WDkF - 28 DDkf .64 BDkf - 18 1094 R t 1093 y - v 1092 W roar Y~ 1090 1089 1068 Cross - section photo — looking downstream. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Horizontal Distance (ft) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 25.0 ft2 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 30.45 ft TASK Cross- Section Mean Depth 0.82 ft REACH B Maximum Depth 1.79 ft DATE 9129/10 Width/Depth Ratio 37.13 Entrenchment Ratio 2.08 Classification C �- CROSS 5 +00.07 ' SECTION: F ossteni FEATURE: 1'dl IEIItL't111CII: Riffle XS 5 +00.07 Riffle { \` • i4 N' I I � � _1 V11Ygwn VIII II�JB D VII]116 AC � VRT IIi JR s.mm Yams NN�� s.mw 6.m0 samor Fm01 I.. YIIl11M k6 FV001 �] � 9, 1093 Wbkf - 30.4 Dbkf - .82 Bbkf - 25 1092 w'4 C 1090 W 1089 / 1088 \ Z# \A 1087 1086 Cross - section photo — looking left to right bank 0 6 12 19 21 30 38 12 {8 5/ 60 66 72 78 8/ 90 Channel totally obscured by vegetation. Horizontal Distance (ft) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 4.58 ft' 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 5.27 ft TASK Cross- Section Mean Depth 0.87 ft REACH C Maximum Depth 1.18 ft DATE 9/26/10 Width/Depth Ratio 6.06 Entrenchment Ratio 7.54 ` CROSS 15 +70.17 SECTION: mmtern 1,11 lilltl'l'll lc�i . FEATURE: Pool XS 15 +70.17 POOL O YR6 P0OL ♦ SanMWI ♦ WaW. '. YRO POOL x315.70.17 InWCn0r9 SA— X8 15-70.17 P.— L YRt POOL V YR3 POOL V YR3 POOL X815.70.17 X016.70.17 X8 1S•10.17 POOL I I YR/ POOL X815.70.17 - 'f 1115 Wk f - 13.3 D4kr - .N Dkkr - 5.8 1111 1113 - 1113 y,1 I1iD LR iG 1109 1100 1107 1105 1105 Cross - section photo — looking right bank to left 0 5 10 16 30 35 30 35 30 15 50 Horizontal Distance (R) 55 50 65 70 bank PROJECT South Muddy Summary Data D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 5.87 ft2 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 10.85 ft TASK Cross- Section Mean Depth 0.54 ft REACH C Maximum Depth 0.75 ft DATE 9/26/10 Width/Depth Ratio 20.09 Entrenchment Ratio 1.64 Classification B CROSS 8 +57.59 SECTION: 'tem FEATURE: l�:n Riffle iainit:ut XS 8 +57.59 Riffle �•�AI. O YRS RIF XS Ban1709 V Wa , '. YRO Rif XS ♦ YRI Rif XS L' YR1 RIF XS V YR3 B•5759 N5k61019 Surt— 0.5759 9.5759 8.57.59 B-57 Panlc RIF XS -i 59 YRa RIF XS 8.5759 110] Mkf - 17.6 09kf - 4.5 kOkf - 71.9 1106 1105 1101 1� c 1103 p 1101 W �.. i 1101-- 1100 • Yom. 1099 ` rF 1098 Cross - section photo — looking downstream 1097 10 15 50 65 0 5 10 15 10 25 30 35 Horizontal Distance (R) Summary Data PROJECT South Muddy D04006 -1 Bankfull Area 5.18 ft' 5 -YEAR Bankfull Width 8.83 ft TASK Cross- Section Mean Depth 0.59 ft REACH C Maximum Depth 1.0 ft Width/Depth Ratio 14.97 DATE 9/26/10 Entrenchment Ratio 3.11 Classification C ` CROSS 4 +11.50 ' SECTION: fee 3 I I mill 'l'lllt - FEATURE: Riffle XS 4 +11,50 Riffle 10 :YRSRIf %S �D'.rINWk VW:W, YRO RIF X9 AYRI RIF XS ,i YR2 RIF X6 VYR3 RIF X9 YRI RIF XS 4.11 .50 wmlawrs Sufa 1.1150 1.11.50 1.11.50 1.11 SO 1.11.50 POw18 94kF - 13.5 DOkF - .50 9Dkf 7.53 709 \ t lose C 109 `f 091 1093 C � 1 i5 f`. Cross - section photo — looking right to left bank 0 5 10 15 20 35 30 35 Horizontal Distance (ti) 10 15 60 1 H 1' 11 11 11 11 11i Upper Tributary A Year 5 v IUU IUU 4UU c;jU JUU J!3u 4UU 45U bUU 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 • Year 5 O Water • Bankfull 4 Left Bank Q Right Bank + Left Edge of x Right Edge Channel Surface Water of Water 11 11 11 11 11 111 11( 11[ Upper Tributary A Year 5 U ju iuu IDU Zuu LDu Juu Jb u 400 450 5u0 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 • Year 5 Q Water T Bankfull + Left Bank Q Right + Left Edge X Right ❑ Year 0 [S Year 1 ❑ Year 2 q Year 3 0 Year 4 Channel Surface Bank of Water Edge of Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Water 11 AA 11 10 10! M 109 109 Middle Tributary A Year 5 I�%j lUU «U JuU 350 400 450 500 550 Year 5 Channel Best Fit Slope = 0_00212 Water Surface Best Fit Slope = p. p ©235 Year 5 Water Bankfull ♦Left Bank Right Bank +Left Edge X Right Edge Channel Surface of Water of Water Bankfull Best Fit Slope = ©.pp2g1 449%4 1 1 1 1 11 Middle Tributary A Year 5 u 5u Iuu 15u 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 # Year 5 Q Water V Bankfull + Left Bank O Right + Left Edge y Right ❑ Year 0 Q Year 1 ❑ Year 2 p Year 3 0 Year 4 Channel Surface Bank of Water Edge of Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Water 1 1 1 1 11 ill 1[ Lower Tributary A Year 5 - Profile 1 U 5u Iuu 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 • Year 5 0 Water V Bankfull ♦ Left Bank O Right Bank + Left Edge X Right Edge Channel Surface of Water of Water 1 1 1 1 1 11 Lower Tributary A Year 5 - Profile 1 DU iUU IDU tuU 15U 3UU 350 400 450 500 550 600 • Year 5 Q Water Bankfull ♦ Left Bank Q Right + Left Edge y Right ❑ Year 0 d Year 1 ❑ Year 2 q Year 3 0 Year 4 Channel Surface Bank of Water Edge of Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Water 1 1 1 1i Lower Tributary A Year 5 - Profile 2 Luu «u Juu 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 * Year 5 0 Water V Bankfull * Left Bank O Right Bank + Left Edge of X Right Edge Channel Surface Water of Water 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lower Tributary A Year 5 - Profile 2 :Ju iuu IUU zuu Juu 35u 400 450 500 550 600 650 • Year 5 Q Water T Bankfull ♦ Right Left Bank + Right x Left Edge ❑ Year 0 Year 1 ❑ Year 2 V Year 3 fti1, Year 4 Channel Surface Bank Edge of ofWAter Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Water 1 L 1 1 1 11 11 Lower Tributary A Year 5 - Profile 3 IJu zuu 1ou .juu 350 400 450 500 550 600 • Year 5 O Water T Bankfull ♦ Left Bank <� Right Bank + Left Edge of X Right Edge Channel Surface Water of Water 10 10! `III, 10E 10E 108 108 108! Lower Tributary A Year 5 - Profile 3 v� �v I Ju Luu 1Z)u suu Jbu 400 450 500 550 600 • Year 5 Q Water Bankfull ♦ Left Bank Q Right + Left Edge y Right ❑ Year 0 / Year 1 ❑ Year 2 q Year 3 f; Year 4 Channel Surface Bank of Water Edge of Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Water 1 1 1 1 1 1i 11 1( 1( 1C 10 Lower Tributary A Year 5 - Profile 4 yu ou Flu 1bu 1uu 240 280 320 360 400 • Year 5 0 Water V Bankfull + Left Bank O Right Bank + Right Edge X Left Edge of Channel Surface of Water Water 1 1 1 1 1 r fI Lower Tributary A Year 5 - Profile 4 I+u ou i.Zu IN IN 240 280 320 360 400 • Year 5 p Water Bankfull ♦ Left Bank 0 Right -l-- Left Edge X Right ❑ Year 0 Q Year 1 ❑ Year 2 7 Year 3 f.• Year 4 Channel Surface Bank of Water Edge of Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Water 11 lily[ 11( 11( 110 110 110 110' 110( Tributary A2 Year 5 f J • Year 5 O Water Channel Surface I V V I1O 15u 175 V Bankfull } Left Bank O Right Bank + Left Edge of X Right Edge Water of Wate r 200 225 250 1 1 1' 11 11 11 11 11l 11( Tributary A2 Year 5 iuu iii 15u 175 200 225 250 • Year 5 0 Water Bankfull ♦ Left Bank Q Right + Left Edge X Right ❑ Year 1 Q Year 0 ❑ Year 2 q Year 3 !_) Year 4 Channel Surface Bank of Water Edge of Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Water 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Upper Tributary B Year 5 au iuu IOU iuu 15u 300 350 400 450 500 ! Year 5 0 Water V Bankfull ♦ Left Bank O Right Bank + Left Edge of X Right Edge Channel Surface Water of Water 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1i 11 Upper Tributary B Year 5 u Ou iuu I5u 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 i Year 5 p Water Bankfull * Left Bank Q Right + Left Edge X Right ❑ Year 0 d Year 1 ❑ Year 2 7 Year 3 :.f Year 4 Channel Surface Bank of Water Edge of Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Water 109 109 1091 —� 10 1 1 1087 108 1085 L 0 Lower Tributary B Year 5 r--. CI 0 TI CO x U- Year 5 Channel Best Fit Slope = 0.0 0713 LnI Water Surface Best Fit Slope = 0.00869 >- Bankfull Best Fit Slope = 0.00840 I 25 A 75 100 125 vlrn 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 • Year 5 0 Water V Bankfull ♦ Left Bank 0 Right Bank + Left Edge of X Right Edge Channel Surface Water of Water 001 U) l x v J Q a_ I 1091 —� 10 1 1 1087 108 1085 L 0 Lower Tributary B Year 5 r--. CI 0 TI CO x U- Year 5 Channel Best Fit Slope = 0.0 0713 LnI Water Surface Best Fit Slope = 0.00869 >- Bankfull Best Fit Slope = 0.00840 I 25 A 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 • Year 5 0 Water V Bankfull ♦ Left Bank 0 Right Bank + Left Edge of X Right Edge Channel Surface Water of Water 1 I 1091 109 108 108 1087 1 1085 L 0 �I rnl �I 07 xi 0 of a �I It Lower Tributary B Year 5 r Ln CO xl �I �I (� I I 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 • Year 5 C) Water Bankfull ♦ Left Bank Q Right + Left Edge X Right ❑ Year 0 Q Year 1 ❑ Year 2 p Year 3 0 Year 4 Channel Surface Bank of Water Edge of Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel Water 375 400 425 ebble Count - Pool aterial Particle Size mm Count % in Range % Cumulative ilt/Cla <0.062 20 29 29 Very Fine Sand 0.062 -0.125 3 4 34 ine Sand 0.125 -0.25 8 12 46 Medium Sand 0.25 -0.5 27 40 85 oarse Sand 0.5 -1.0 10 15 100 Very Coarse Sand 1.0 -2.0 0 0 100 Very Fine Gravel 2.0 -4.0 0 0 100 ine Gravel 4.0 -5.7 0 0 100 ine Gravel 5.7 -8.0 0 0 100 edium Gravel 8.0 -11.3 0 0 100 Medium Gravel 11.3 -16.0 0 0 100 Coarse Gravel 16.0 -22.6 0 0 100 Coarse Gravel 22.6 -32 0 0 100 Very Coarse Gravel 32 -45 0 0 100 Very Coarse Gravel 45 -64 0 0 100 mall Cobble 64 -90 0 0 100 mall Cobble 90 -128 0 0 100 are Cobble 128 -180 0 0 100 are Cobble 180 -256 0 0 100 mall Boulder 256 -362 0 0 100 Small Boulder 362 -512 0 0 100 edium Boulder 512 -1024 0 0 100 are Boulder 1024 -2048 0 0 100 edrock <2048 0 0 100 Totals 68 100 South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration EEP Project No. D04006 -01 Reach B X Sec N/A Date 9/26/2010 Sta No. 15 +34 Histogram 45 40 35 30 25 of 20 s 15 10 5 0 �, ■ /ll�!;il ■11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111■ ■1111111 INIll�llll ■■ 1111111■ ■1111111■ ■1111111■ ■1111111 !Illilllll■ 11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 ■ / %IIIIIIII ■■ 1111111■ ■1111111 ■1111111111111111 ., ■//,1111111■ ■1111111■ ■1111111■ ■1111 1111 _ J.�IIIIIII■ ■1111111■ ■1111111■ ■1111 IIII • . , ��■ 1111111■ ■1111111■ ■1111111■ ■1111 1111 , ' - ' ■■ 1111111 ■■ 1111111■ ■1111111■ ■1111..,__. , ■.JIII ■■ , 1111111 ■■ 1111111■ ■1111111■ ■1111111■ ■1111111 ■■ 1111111 ■■ 1111111■ ■1111111■ ■1111111■ ■1111111 , ebble Count - Riffle aterial Particle Size mm Count % in Range % Cumulative ilt/Cla <0.062 12 20 20 Very Fine Sand 0.062 -0.125 8 13 33 ine Sand 0.125 -0.25 1 2 35 edium Sand 0.25 -0.5 21 35 70 oarse Sand 0.5 -1.0 5 8 78 Very Coarse Sand 1.0 -2.0 0 0 78 Very Fine Gravel 2.0 -4.0 0 0 78 ine Gravel 4.0 -5.7 0 0 78 ine Gravel 5.7 -8.0 0 1 0 78 edium Gravel 8.0 -11.3 0 0 78 edium Gravel 11.3 -16.0 0 0 78 Coarse Gravel 16.0 -22.6 0 0 78 oarse Gravel 22.6 -32 0 0 78 Very Coarse Gravel 32 -45 3 5 83 Very Coarse Gravel 45 -64 4 7 90 Small Cobble 64 -90 3 5 95 mall Cobble 90 -128 0 0 95 are Cobble 128 -180 3 5 100 are Cobble 180 -256 0 0 100 Small Boulder 256 -362 0 0 100 Small Boulder 362 -512 0 0 100 Medium Boulder 512 -1024 0 0 100 are Boulder 1024 -2048 0 0 100 Bedrock <2048 0 0 100 Totals 60 100 South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration EEP Project No. D04006 -01 Reach B 1 X Sec N/A Date 9/26/2010 Sta No. 2 +25 40 35 30 25 eo a 20 15 s 10 5 0 Histogram 0.062 0.25 1 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 2048 Particle Size (nun) Particle Size Distribution �, ■I�Illlli ■■ 1111111 ■11111!�;J ■������� ■IIIIIIII ■IIIII�I�I�IIIIIIII�II�ill;i■ ■1111111■ ■1111111 ., 111mup, al■■IIIIIII■■IIII'ill ■11111111 ■11111111 ��11 ►�I6111 ■■ 1111111 ■111�IIII ■1111111111111111 ., I/11111� ■ ■�11111��� ' ■1111111 - - II ,. ►���JIII�..�IIIIIr■1111111 ■1111111 ■11111111■ ■111111 II . , , 11 /1111111■ - - r.��llllll� ■!!!!!!!!! ■�IIIIII■ ■111111 -' " II , JIIII��II ■11111111 ■11111111 ■1111111 - II /l:iilllll■ ■1111111 11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111■ r�11111111■ 11111111 ■11111111■ ■1111111 ■11111111 ebble Count - Pool aterial article Size mm Count % in Range % Cumulative ilt/Cla <0.062 27 45 45 Very Fine Sand 0.062 -0.125 11 18 63 ine Sand 0.125 -0.25 6 10 73 edium Sand 0.25 -0.5 11 18 92 Coarse Sand 0.5 -1.0 5 8 100 Very Coarse Sand 1.0 -2.0 0 0 100 Very Fine Gravel 2.0 -4.0 0 0 100 ine Gravel 4.0 -5.7 0 0 100 ine Gravel 5.7 -8.0 0 0 100 Medium Gravel 8.0 -11.3 0 0 100 edium Gravel 11.3 -16.0 0 0 1 100 oarse Gravel 16.0 -22.6 0 0 100 oarse Gravel 22.6 -32 0 0 100 Very Coarse Gravel 32 -45 0 0 100 Very Coarse Gravel 45 -64 0 0 100 Small Cobble 64 -90 0 0 100 mall Cobble 90 -128 0 0 100 are Cobble 128 -180 0 1 0 100 are Cobble 180 -256 0 0 100 Small Boulder 256 -362 0 0 100 Small Boulder 362 -512 0 0 100 Medium Boulder 512 -1024 0 0 100 are Boulder 1024 -2048 0 0 100 Bedrock <2048 0 0 100 Totals 60 100 South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration EEP Project No. D04006 -01 Reach A (lower) X Sec N/A Date 9/26/2010 Sta No. 4 +31 50 45 40 35 30 eo m 25 x` a 20 b` 15 to 5 0 Histogram 0.062 0.25 l 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 2048 Particle Size (mm) :1 • ���IIIII■ 11IIII�I .11'lllll■1"IIIII.,'I'llll 1 �/ �111IIII. 1"' llll■1111IIII■111'llll.'11IIIII .1 ■, 11IIIII■"' lllll■„I'IIII■,1'lllll.,'!lilll 1 ■ 11'IIIII.,1"IIII■„'lllll■,'III� ' • III 1 ■' 1'lllll■„'IIIII■,11'llll■,11'll III 1 ■ 1'llllll■,11IIIII■1"IIIII■1"III =. III �IIIIIIII ■1111111111111111 ■11111 - • III 1 1 11 111 1111 ebble Count - Riffle aterial Particle Size mm Count % in Range % Cumulative ilt/Cla <0.062 24 40 40 Very Fine Sand 0.062 -0.125 6 10 50 ine Sand 0.125 -0.25 2 1 3 53 odium Sand 0.25 -0.5 10 17 70 oarse Sand 0.5 -1.0 6 10 80 Very Coarse Sand 1.0 -2.0 8 13 93 Very Fine Gravel 2.0 -4.0 2 3 97 ine Gravel 4.0 -5.7 0 1 0 97 Fine Gravel 5.7 -8.0 2 3 100 Medium Gravel 8.0 -11.3 0 0 100 edium Gravel 11.3 -16.0 0 0 100 oarse Gravel 16.0 -22.6 0 0 100 oarse Gravel 22.6 -32 0 1 0 100 Very Coarse Gravel 32 -45 0 0 100 Very Coarse Gravel 45 -64 0 0 100 mall Cobble 64 -90 0 0 100 mall Cobble 90 -128 0 0 100 are Cobble 128 -180 0 0 100 are Cobble 180 -256 0 0 100 mall Boulder 256 -362 0 0 100 mall Boulder 362 -512 0 0 100 odium Boulder 1 512 -1024 0 1 0 100 are Boulder 1024 -2048 0 0 100 edrock <2048 0 0 100 Totals 60 100 South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration EEP Project No. D04006 -01 Reach A (lower) X Sec N/A Date 9/26/2010 Sta No. 40 +13 80 70 60 o. 50 e 40 c s 30 20 10 0 Histogram 0.062 0.25 1 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 2048 Particle Size (mm) �11 � �/1 'IIIII■1'llllll■,1"IIII■„I'llll /�/'llll ��II!'>t��■'1 IIIIII .,1'lllll■„II'III■11'lllll t . /����IIII■11 IIIIII ■111IIIII■'11IIIII■_1_'llllll . � " "' '111111 ' , . , , I'_- JIIIIIIII�11111111 ■�IIIIIII�IIIIIIII X11111111■ X1111111 ■IIIIIIII�IIIIIIII 11111111�11111111�111 ■11111111 ■11111111 ■111 ■111 ■111 _ � - - •IIIIII IIIIII ....,_:_JIIIII ■�IIIIIII��IIIIIII ■1111111111111111 ■11111111 ��IIIIIII ■�IIIIIII ■11111111 ■�IIIIIII��IIIIIII ebble Count - Pool aterial Particle Size mm Count % in Range % Cumulative ilt/Cla <0.062 19 32 32 Very Fine Sand 0.062 -0.125 16 27 58 ine Sand 0.125 -0.25 1 2 60 edium Sand 0.25 -0.5 8 13 73 Coarse Sand 0.5 -1.0 12 20 93 Very Coarse Sand 1.0 -2.0 4 7 100 Very Fine Gravel 2.0 -4.0 0 0 100 ine Gravel 4.0 -5.7 0 0 100 ine Gravel 5.7 -8.0 0 0 100 edium Gravel 8.0 -11.3 0 0 100 edium Gravel 11.3 -16.0 0 0 100 oarse Gravel 16.0 -22.6 0 0 100 oarse Gravel 22.6 -32 0 0 100 Very Coarse Gravel 32 -45 0 1 0 1 100 Very Coarse Gravel 45 -64 0 0 100 Small Cobble 64 -90 0 0 100 mall Cobble 90 -128 0 0 100 are Cobble 128 -180 0 0 100 ar e Cobble 180 -256 0 0 100 Small Boulder 256 -362 0 0 100 Small Boulder 362 -512 0 0 100 Medium Boulder 512 -1024 0 0 100 ar a Boulder 1024 -2048 0 0 100 Bedrock <2048 0 0 100 Totals 60 100 I /I�IJII■ South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration EEP Project No. D04006 -01 Reach A (middle) X Sec N/A Date 9/26/2010 Sta No. 87 +92 35 30 25 00 20 c 15 10 5 0 Histogram 0.062 0.25 1 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 2048 Particle Size (nun) ■ �I�illll!% �IIIIIII ■�������� ■�������� ■�IIIIIII ■11,11141Ililllllll ■11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 I111�11�I■ 11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 I /I�IJII■ 11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 ■_I_IIIIIII "' 11111111 /.�IIIIII ■11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 ■1111 ■11111 "'1111 1111 /111111111 1111111111■ ■11111111 11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 ■11111 ■IIIIL.,,__. IIII , ■■1111 X11111111■ 11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 , ■ 11111111■ 11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 , ebble Count - Riffle aterial Particle Size mm Count % in Range % Cumulative ilt/Cla <0.062 20 30 30 tery Fine Sand 0.062 -0.125 7 10 40 Fine Sand 0.125 -0.25 9 13 54 Medium Sand 0.25 -0.5 14 21 75 oarse Sand 0.5 -1.0 8 12 87 Very Coarse Sand 1.0 -2.0 7 10 97 Very Fine Gravel 2.0 -4.0 1 1 99 ine Gravel 4.0 -5.7 1 1 100 ine Gravel 5.7 -8.0 0 0 100 edium Gravel 8.0 -11.3 0 0 100 edium Gravel 11.3 -16.0 0 0 100 oarse Gravel 16.0 -22.6 0 0 100 oarse Gravel 22.6 -32 0 0 100 ery Coarse Gravel 32 -45 0 0 100 Very Coarse Gravel 45 -64 0 0 100 Small Cobble 64 -90 0 0 100 mall Cobble 90 -128 0 0 100 are Cobble 128 -180 0 0 100 are Cobble 180 -256 0 0 100 mall Boulder 256 -362 0 0 100 mall Boulder 362 -512 0 0 100 edium Boulder 512 -1024 0 0 100 are Boulder 1024 -2048 0 0 100 edrock <2048 0 0 100 Totals 67 1 00 South Muddy Creek Tributaries Restoration EEP Project No. D04006 -01 Reach A (upper) X Sec N/A Date 9/26/2010 Sta No. 108 +96 35 30 25 & 20 c sc 15 10 5 0 Histogram 0.062 0.25 1 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 2048 '; ■ Ilill�il/. iillllll /Ililllll��lllllll ■IIIIIIII ■111II!���IIIIIII ■11111111 ■11111111 ■111, IIII ■1�.�!1d ■11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 • ■1 ►�III�III /�Illilll ■11111111 ■1111111111111111 ,, ■I11111,,�i�11111111 ■11111111 ■1111111 =- 11 I ►JI�IIIII ■111111111 ■11111111 ■1111111 - � II . , , X11111111 ■ %illllll ■11111111 ■1111111 —Year 41 Year 5 , ■IIIIIIIII /IIIIIIII ■11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 %11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 ■11111111 , l e t �• BF 1 Crest Gage at station 5 +00 on Tributary B. (EMH &T, Inc. 7/18/07) BF 2 Crest Gage at station 54 +85 on Tributary A (lower). (EMH &T, Inc. 7/18/07) BF 3 Crest Gage at station 113 +37 on Tributary A (upper). (EMH &T, Inc. 10/19/07) BF 4 Bankfull event in progress on Tributary A (Lower) near station 3 +18, looking upstream. (EMH &T, Inc. 9/11/08) BF 5 Bankfull event in progress on Tributary A (Lower) near station 3 +18, looking across the channel. (EMH &T, Inc. 9/11/08) BF 6 Bankfull event in progress on Tributary A (Lower) near station 40 +13, looking upstream. (EMH &T, Inc. 9/11/08) BF 7 Bankfull event in progress on Tributary A (Lower) near station 40 +13, looking across the channel. (EMH &T, Inc. 9/11/08) BF 8 Crest Gage on Tributary A (upper). (EMH &T, Inc. 9/21/09) BF 9 Crest Gage on Tributary A (middle). (EMH &T, Inc. 9/21/09) BF 10 Crest Gage on Tributary A2. (EMH &T, Inc. 9/21/09) BF 11 Crest Gage on Tributary B. (EMH &T, Inc. 9/21/09) BF 12 Crest Gage on Tributary C. (EMH &T, Inc. 9/21/09) BF 13 Crest Gage at station 113 +37 on Tributary A (upper). (EMH &T, Inc. (documented, 5111/10)) BF 14 Crest Gage at station 54 +85 on Tributary A (lower). (EMH &T, Inc. (documented, 5111/10)) BF 15 Crest Gage on Tributary B. (EMH &T, Inc. (documented, 5111/10)) BF 16 Crest Gage on Tributary A2. (EMH &T, Inc. (documented, 5/11/10))