HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051290 Ver 1_Year 2 Monitoring Report_20110121- �� 33 2 e 0 McCain Stream Restoration 0 EEP Pro'ect #443 J D Sophia, North Carolina Randolph County MY -02 Monitoring Report - Final Prepared By: Ward Consulting Engineers, P C Firm License Number C -2619 Project Manager Becky Ward, P E 8368 Sic Forks Road, Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27615 -5083 Ph 919 - 870 -0526 Fax 919 - 870 -5359 McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Momtorrng Report final NCEEP Project number 441 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers P C November 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Executive Summary 2 II Methodology 3 A Vegetation Methodologies 3 B Stream Methodologies 3 III References 4 APPENDICES Appendix A Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables 5 Figure 1 a Vicinity Map 6 Table la Project Components 7 Table lb Component Summations 7 Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History 8 Table 3 Project Contacts Table 9 Table 4 Project Attribute Table 10 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data 11 Figure 2 Consolidated Current Conditions Plan View 12 Table 5 Visual Stream Morphology Assessment Table 16 Table 6 Vegetation Condition Assessment Table 20 Photos 1 -6 Stream Station Photos 22 Photos 7 -13 Vegetation Monitoring Plots Photos 25 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data 29 Table 7 Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment 30 Table 8 CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata 31 Table 9 CVS Planted and Total Stem Counts 32 F' Appendix E Hydrologic Data 53 Table 12 Verification of Bankfiill Events 54 J Photo 14 Wrack Line 54 McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Report final i NCEEP Project number 443 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers P C November 2010 i Appendix D Stream Survey Data 33 J Figure 3 Cross - Section 1 34 Figure 4 Cross - Section 2 35 P Figure 5 Cross - Section 3 36 Figure 6 Cross - Section 4 37 Figure 7 Cross - Section 5 38 Figure 8 Cross - Section 6 39 i Figure 9 Longitudinal Profile 40 Figure 10 Pebble Count Plots — XS -1 41 Figure 11 Pebble Count Plots — XS -2 42 i Figure 12 Pebble Count Plots — XS -3 43 Figure 13 Pebble Count Plots — XS -4 44 Figure 14 Pebble Count Plots — XS -5 45 Figure 15 Pebble Count Plots — XS 6 46 Table 10a Baseline Stream Data Summary 47 Table 10b Baseline Stream Data Summary 49 P Table l la Dimensional Morphology Summary 50 ' Table 1 lb Stream Reach Data Summary 51 F' Appendix E Hydrologic Data 53 Table 12 Verification of Bankfiill Events 54 J Photo 14 Wrack Line 54 McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Report final i NCEEP Project number 443 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers P C November 2010 i the stream length providing vertical stability throughout the project site In general, all pools are maintaining their depth with most of the very deep pools formingron the downstream,side`'of structures In Reach 1, the upper 286, linear feet stream segment, 100 %,of riffles and pools are ii I stable and functioning as designed The riffle pebble count in this reach exlubits (slight fining, , which may be contributing to ,a lower gradient Reach 1, with a total length of 286 linear feet,,, exhibits, total bank erosion of 21 % of the overall reach length) The total bank erosion length of t 58 feet is a relatively small length of the total project length but a high percentage of the`short^ reach length The bank erosion will be monitored next year to see if the bank,problem areas % tabilnze In the future as vegetation continues to estabhsh The two structures In Reach(1 are,,,,, functioning properly and are showing no, signs of piping or integrity Issues In Reach 2, X94 %,and 88 %fof raffles and pools are functioning properly; respectively� Thalweg centering appears to be I Issue on about 24% of the upstream side of pools (Run) This Is mostly due to aggradatron, which appears in about 8% of the overall reach length The structures In Reach 2 are showing a functionality of 100% throughout the reach and exhibit no signs of piping or Integrity issues,, w The banks of Reach 2 appear to be stable with only about 1'% of the, reach overall length exhibiting signs of erosion ' The area of Cross Sectron`2 has Increased 15 %,*which reflects a shallow pool formation In the cross section location The pebble count In Cross Section 2 Is coarsening showing good riffle function Cross `Section 3, a pool'has a well developed point bar that Is decreasing the pool cross sectional area The substrate throughout Reacl 2� Is consistent with appropriate riffle and pool function Summary information/data related to the occurrence of Items such as beaver encroachment and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be' found In the supporting Information formerly'found'In th'eselreports'can be found'In the'Baselme Monrtonng Report (formerly Mitigation' Plan) and In the Mitigation Plan (formerly Restoration Plan) documents available on EEP's website All raw data supporting the tables and irguresFinl the appendices is available f r o m EEP upon request ` ` 1-1 "A " I `'' ` ' t r ` I �r it it , J 'f1J tO 1 — if t�`3 a , i t �— ! �� r ( t li �" 1 t t ► .. , I it °v H. Afethodology" d � � i ,.. f Methodologies follow EEP'momtoring report template Version ,1 3 (1/15/2010) and guidelines (Lee et a14111 2008) Photos `were�taken with a digital�camera- A Trimble�Geo XT handheld unit , }1 with'sub eter accuracy was used)to collect vegetation monitoring plot origins, and problem area locations Cross sectional and longitudinal surveys were conducted using itotal�station � � a ro survey equipment Data was entered Into AutoCAD CIvil3D to obtain s dime, nsions of the cssf , 11 sections and'parameters applicable, to the longittudinal profile (Reports were then generated to , display summaries of the stream survey, t ti t i ti C� r�Ef S 4) � i t f SIt )1 t } r i „� Lt`Jti(t A Vegetation Methoidologiesm,i Level I of,the EEP /CVS protocol�Version,4 2 was usedlto�collect data for the, seven representative vegetation monitoring plots ,within the conservation, easement for MY` 02 Data ,( collected for these plots are in Appendix C )-t, ,- il McCain Stream Restoration NCEEP Project number 441 Ward Consulting Engineers PC r Year 2 Monitoring Report final t Year 2 of 5 `� Novembei 2010 n �� B Stream Methodologies Stream profile and cross - sections were surveyed using total station equipment and methods The survey data was plotted using AutoCAD Civi13D The longitudinal profile was generated using the MY -00 alignment Cross sectional data was extracted based on a linear alignment between the end pins III References Lee, Michael T Peet Robert K Roberts, Steven D Wentworth, Thomas R (2008) CVS EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4 2 Weakley, Alan (2007) Flora of the Carolinas Virginia Georgia and Surrounding Areas http / /www herbarium unc edu/flora htm R McCain Stream Restoration NCEEP Project number 441 Ward Consulting Engineers P C Year 2 Monrtonng Report final Year 2 of 5 November 2010 o r- I 0 0 �o 0 o� o or 1 { Appendix A Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables , 0 } 0 o ` FI F1 f ! 5 _ _ t � � 1 t 2 - 8 r I I 1 r 1 i o McCain Strcatrt Restoration ~ _Year 2 Monitoring Report final NCEEP Project number 443 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers P C November 2010 L a 0 v ti 0 N O O N ti ti Table la Protect Components ` it ' Tablee1 la Project Components , McCain Stream Restoration Project No -443 Project r�:,:.. w... - Restorat Footag '.Y �`;"Y/t: ls,'.;:. y'. BMP -:. l Compone Existing ton Approac a or Stationin Mitigatio Mitigation Ele Comment nt or FeeUAcres Level r h Acreag g n Ratio Units men Reach ID a ts' Preservation Stream was ,L:'y� .•,i..,�. y ,.M.: • 10+00— realigned and Reach I 490 If R P2 286 If 12 +86 1 286 -two cross oar N vanes were installed Non Arwhicable ' Stream was _ realigned and, - - - six cross vanes were installed A _ -2184 53 length of Reach II 1955 If R P2 If 12 +87 1 2131 channel, _ 34 +70 through an easement - - exception has �+ been'excluded from the mitigation unit calculation —1 = UH = bioretention cell Sf = Sand fitter SW = Stormwater Wetland WUP = Wet Detention Pond DDP = Dry Detention Pond FS = Filter Strip 'S = Grassed Swale LS = Level Spreader NI = Natural Infiltration Area O = Other CF = Cattle Fencing WS = Watering System CH = Livestock Housing r s Table lb Component Summations ' Table 11b Component Summations McCain Stream Restoration Site/Project No 443 Strea Non- Restoration m Riparian Riparian Upland Buffer Level If Wetland Ac Ac Ac Ac IBMP Non- " Rlvenne Rlverine Restoration 2417 0 0 1 0 0 Enhancement 0 0 1 0 0 McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Report final NCEEP Project number 441 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engmeers P C November 2010 ., .�... .,. .:, r r�:,:.. w... - :��k��..r��,:�i'� ' 't( ^';.:';.. ' '.Y �`;"Y/t: ls,'.;:. y'. K,�:ti "• . -:. l .•'�� 'r'4'.. ' j ` '�.�...., * - .:. .::n ...•. VQX.... . HQ Preservation ,L:'y� .•,i..,�. y ,.M.: • •: l'.; v >t± - -:G: ?:.i, .'Ii n.:�4.'Mi � �n � �.�•' :.i6.�: �tt...'........ . ........ :���:5' "'�������� '1 oar N Non Arwhicable McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Report final NCEEP Project number 441 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engmeers P C November 2010 Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History f Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History McCain Stream Restoration Site /Project No 443 Elapsed TIme,Since Grading Complete 1 yr 10 months , Elapsed Time Since'Planting Complete 1 yr 10 Months F Number of Reporting Years 2 3 r , lb i r -Activity or Deliverable - - — Data Collection Complete - -- Completion or - Delivery- Restoration Plan 2003/2004 Jun -05 Final Design — Construction Plans N/A May -06 Construction i I N/A Mar -09 Temporary seed mix applied to entire protect area i N/A a Mar -09 Permanent seed mix applied to reach /segments ' l -4 N/A 4 Mar -09 Mitigation Plan / As -built (Year 0 Monitoring — baseline) May -09 = Jul 09 Year 1 Monitoring ' Oct -09 Dec -09 Year 2 Monitoring - _ _ _ Nov -10 Nov -10 Year„ 3 Monitoring , Year 4 Monitoring ' Year 5 Monitoring r 1 ;`Equals the number of reports or-data points produced excluding the baseline - i i t , - t f f f McCain Stream Restoration t NCEEP Project number 443 Ward Consulting Engineers PC Year 2 Monitoring Report final Year 2 of 5 fl November 2010 Table 3 Protect Contacts Table Table 3 Project Contacts'Table - McCain Stream Restoration Site/Project No 443 Designer -KCI Associates-of NC - Landmark Center II, Suite 220 - - - - -4601 Six Forks Rd - - Raleigh, NC 27609 Primary project design POC Adam Spiller (919) 783 -9214 -' - Construction Contractor Carolina Contracting, Inc - _Environmental PO Box 1905 - Mount Airy, NC 27030 - Construction contractor POC Stephen James (336) 320 -3849 Survey Contractor - - t .. - Survey contractor POC Planting Contractor Carolina Environmental Contracting, Inc a PO Box 1905 Mount Airy, NC-27030 Planting contractor POC Stephen James (336) 320 -3849 - Seeding Contractor Contractor point of contact r - Seed Mix Sources - Company and Contact Phone - - Nursery Stock Suppliers Virginia Department of Forestry (504) 363 -5732 Monitoring Performers Ward Consulting Engineers, P C - - 8368 Six Forks Rd,' Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27615 - i r, - Becky Ward (919) 870 -0526 - r -- - - Stream Monitoring POC Becky Ward (919) 870 = 0526_, Vegetation Monitoring POC _ Chris Sheats - The Catena Group - (919) 732 -1300 - - Wetland Monitoring POC Chris Sheats - The Catena Group - (919) 732 -1300 - McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Momtormg Report final NCEEP Project number 441 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers P C November 2010 Table 4 Protect Attribute Table i ► t ' I Table 4 Project Attribute Table McCain Stream Restoration Site/Project No 443 " Project County 5' °" _ Randolph County Ph sio ra hic Region ^Y Piedmont Ecore ion Carolina Slate Belt Project River Basin Yadkin USGS HUC for Project 14 digit) 3040103050050 NCDWQ Sub basin for Pro ect' 03 07 09 Within extent of EEP Watershed Plan? No WRC Hab Class arm Cool Cold ti Warm w % of ro ect easement fenced or demarcated s 100% z s Beaver activity observed during design phase? No t Restoration Com onent Attribute Table t r Reach 1 Reach 2 , ,t - °- Drainage area 0 88 sq mi —0 88 sq mi Stream order First First ` Restored length feet 286 , 2184 Perennial or Intermittent Perennial Perennial Watershed type Rural Urban Developing etc Rural Watershed LULC Distribution (e g) s �y Urban Ag Row Crop Ag Livestock Forested Water/Wetlands 4% , 16% 12% I 67% <1% t� Watershed impervious cover % 2% m NCDWQ AU /Index number 13 2 3 3 UT Back Creek - " NCDWQ classification C 303d listed? No Upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor i N/A ° Total acrea a of easement ' 12 9 Acres " Total vegetated acreage within the easement 4 8 Acres Total planted acreage as part of the restoration 7 6 Acres - Ros en classification of pre existing B4c - Y ` C5 /E5 /C4 Ros en classification of As built 134c C4 Valley type V V - Valley sloe - 00066 Valley side slope ranee 11 2 3 % 138% 326% Valley toe slope ranee q 2 3 %)' A 252% 615% Cowardin classification t ; , N/A ' N/A Trout waters designation No Species of concern endangered etc ? (Y/N) No _ Dominant soil series and characteristics Series a- Doque-Sandy Loam Do ue Sandy Loam - Depth U - U - - ` Cla /o ` U U K U U T U U Use N/A for items that may not apply Use for items that are unavailable and U for items that are unknown c , i �I t t 4 w t .i t r k i i i McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Report final NCEEP Project number 443 Year 2 of 5 � Ward Consulting Engineers PC November 2010 � 11 [ I f McCain Stream Restoration NCEEP Project number 443 Ward Consulting Engineers P C Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Year 2 Monitoring Report final Year 2 of 5 November 2010 18x ,l w '� o� 00 P- 1 X00 - LULU ICJ PROBLEM AREA -MIN ❑R a o n, PROBLEM AREA - MEDIUM U � o Cross Section Pin Coordinate Table (NAD83) PROBLEM AREA -MAJOR s. Cross Section Left Pin Right Pin N Ln m �y PROBLEM AREA L❑CATI ❑N Number Northing Easting Northing Easting ME- 20 AXY 2010 IiV ®I@ • CROSS SECTI ❑N 1 734735.9 1746381.9 734750.7 1746310.8 r, PROPOSED THALWEG 2 734473.6 1745659.4 734404.4 1746536.5 EASEMENT 3 733888.1 1746462.6 733915.0 1746403.8 m E►-� VEG PLOT 25 50 too 4 733744.3 746493.0 733773.5 1746430.1 PHOTO POINT p 5 733469.0 1174673 2.4 733442.5 1 1746673.0 VEG PROBLEM AREA -. -: ~ 6 733326.2 11746726.51 733291.0 11746668.6 L J STREAM CROSSING ' �, m FIGURE 213 pr 1 / r j a Vegatation Plot Pin Coordinate Table (NAD83) Vegatation Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Plot Number Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing I Easting 1 734720.6 1746458.3 734703.2 1746430.5 734674.8 1746448.4 734691.7 11746476.8 2 734493.4 1746543.0 734476.2 1746571.3 734446.9 1746550.0 734465.4 1746523.3 3 734162.7 1746572.3 734168.9 1746541.4 734136.8 1746534.4 7341303 1746567.2 4 733830.0 1746523.9 733863.9 1746517.8 733868.0 1746550.0 733835.2 1746556.2 5 733565.2 1 1746579.5 733597.1 1746572.7 1746606.0 733570.7 1746613.3 733602.5 6 733365.1 11746622,0 733331.8 1746625.4 733336.5 174665T31 733368.9 1746654.4 7 733124.5 1 1746641.1 733095.5 1746656.9 733080.5 1746628.01 733109.4 1746612.9 LULU PROBLEM AREA -MIN ❑R a o n, PROBLEM AREA - MEDIUM U � o PROBLEM AREA -MAJOR s. L' Ln N Ln m �y PROBLEM AREA L❑CATI ❑N _ Ln tn ME- 20 AXY 2010 IiV ®I@ • CROSS SECTI ❑N °o r, PROPOSED THALWEG ,C bO GRAPHIC SCALE EASEMENT C W z on ,A"" OCPV m E►-� VEG PLOT 25 50 too 200 SME a� PHOTO POINT p m e VEG PROBLEM AREA -. -: ~ ( IN FEET ) U_ L J STREAM CROSSING ' �, m FIGURE 213 pr 1 / r j a U �1 P -5 ^� i O P -8 s Q i / z U P -7 _ CS_4 QQ ,- P -7 w J o - CS -3 W f== A- CL V Q -�- U - _ ME- 20 AXY 2010 IiV ®I@ nnea �: GRAPHIC SCALE PROPERTY on ,A"" OCPV 50 0 25 50 too 200 SME 1._50. sffr wu ( IN FEET ) DowRandolph ty, NC G1.S 1 inch = 50 ft. FIGURE 213 00 Vegatation Plot Pin Coordinate Table (NAD83) Vegatation Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 'lot Number Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting 1 734720.6 1746458.3 734703.2 1746430.5 734674.8 1746448.4 734691.7 1746476.8 2 734493.4 1746543.0 734476.2 1746571.3 734446.9 1746550.0 734465.4 1746523.3 3 734162.7 1746572.3 734168.9 1746541.4 734136.8 1746534.4 734130.7 1746567.2 4 733830.0 1 1746523.9 733863.9 1746517.8 733868.0 1746550.01 733835.2 1746556.2 5 733565.2 1746579.5 733597.1 1746572.7 733602.5 1746606.0 733570.7 1746613.3 6 1733124.5 733365.1 11746641.1 1746622.0 733331.8 1746625.4 733336.5 1746657.3 733368.9 1746654.4 7 733095.5 11746656.9 733080.5 11746628.01 733109.4 1746612.9 - ! / P- P -5 o O `i CID f= p A- = , from Randolph County, NC GIS -1 00 A -10 ­r D X_ P -6 LEGEND PROBLEM AREA -MIN ❑R PROBLEM AREA - MEDIUM PROBLEM AREA -MAJOR �- PROBLEM AREA LOCATION • CROSS SECTION PROPOSED THALWEG EASEMENT �- VEG PLOT PHOTO PINT VEG PROBLEM AREA L STREAM CROSSING F ,r xp0 3x00 34 +00 FE,/ Cross Section iss Section Number Pin Coordinate Table (HAD83) Left Pin Right Pin Northing Easting Northing Easting 1 734735.9 1746381.9 734750.7 1746310.8 2 734473.6 1745659.4 734404.4 1 1746536.5 3 733888.1 1746462.6 733915.0 1746403.8 4 733744.3 746493.0 733773.5 1746430.1 5 733469.0 1746732.4 733442.5 1746673.0 6 1 733326.2 1746726.5 733291.0 11746668.6 GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 25 50 100 2( ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 50 fL V 0O m ice+ +1 O m N Ln , 0 0 N W v m Z - bD ap v 10 M C � O L 3 1 V 1 - I 5 a: U CL n W CL W v� WE WD Z CL 8g aW CL � QJ U Z WE 20 JULY 2010 OWNS. FILM M YcCAN PROPERTY WC WNE CCPV Cur. 1._50. FIOL F1E 2C >r` '' Vegatation Plot Pin Coordinate Table (NAD83) Vegatation n 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 'lot Number Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting 1 F734720.6 1746458.3 734703.2 1746430.5 734674.8 1746448.4 734691.7 1746476.8 2 1746543.0 734476.2 1746571.3 734446.9 1746550.0 734465.4 1746523.3 3 1746572.3 734168.9 1746541.4 734136.8 1746534.4 734130.7 1746567.2 4 733830.0 174652391 733863 -9 1 1746517811 733868 -0 174655001 733835 2 1746558 2 FIGURE 2B 5 733565.2 1746579.5 733597.1 1746572.7 733602.5 1746606.0 733570.7 1746613.3 6 733365.1 1746622.0 733331.8 1746625.4 733336.5 1746657.3 733368.9 1746654.4 7 733124.5 1746641.1 733095.5 1746656.9 733080.5 1746628.0 733109.4 1746612.9 Aerial Photo from Rsddph County, NC GIS 'pop /!I _ U � ;; Ln m ••••� $ Uj Ln LO u 1 g C O O oL r-- O PC - bA Cr � m d7 v � C9 C � 0 FIGURE 2C 3 �3 a W Cu U Wks wUg a� U� Z � U Q _ Cross Section Pin Coordinate Table (NAD83) " ass Section Left Pin Right Pin ��!+ 8 Number Northing Easting Northing Easting 1 734735.9 1746381.9 734750.7 1746310.8 z 2 734473.6 1745659.4 734404.4 1746536.5 3 733888.1 1746462.6 733915.0 1746403.8 4 1 733744.3 746493.0 733773.5 1746430.11 m 2o xLY mo 5 733469.0 1 1746732.4 733442.5 1 1746673.0 6 1733326.2 11746726.51 733291.0 1 1746668.6 GRAPHIC SCALE O,sw PROPE '` ccPV ISO O 75 150 300 600 SME: 1' 150' slffr w ( W FEET ) i inch = 150 ft. FOOLIFE 2 Vegatation Plot Pin Coordinate Table (NAD83) Vegatation Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Plot Number Northing Fasting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting 1 734720.6 1746458.3 734703.2 1746430.5 734674.8 1746448.4 734691.7 1746476.8 2 1746543.0 734476.2 1746571.3 734446.9 1746550.0 734465.4 1746523.3 734493.4 3 734162.7 1746572.3 734168.9 1746541.4 734136.8 1746534.4 734130.7 1746567.2 4 733830.0 1746523.9 733863.9 1746517.8 733868.0 1746550.0 733835.2 1746556.2 5 733565.2 1746579.5 733597.1 1746572.7 733602.5 1746606.0 733570.7 1746613.3 6 733365.1 1746622.0 11746641.1 733 . 1 1746625.4 733336.5 1 1746657.3 733368.9 1746654.4 7 733124.5 733095.5 1 1746656.9 733080.5 1 1746628.0 733109.4 11746612.9 Cross Section Pin Coordinate Table (NAD83) Cross Section Number Left Pin Right Pin Northing 734735.9 Easting 1746381.9 Northing I 734750.7 Easting 11746310.8 1 2 734473.6 1745659.4 734404.4 1746536.5 3 733888.1 1746462.6 733915.0 1746403.8 4 733744.3 746493.0 733773.5 1746430.1 5 733469.0 11746732.4 733442.5 1746673.0 6 733326.2 11746726.5 733291.0 1746668.6 F� CS -1 • • 7, lam. P- A 112007Aefial Photo from Randolph County, NC GIS LEGEND 7 % CS -2 P -4 x �- ti� N +y� k i. PROBLEM AREA -MINOR PROBLEM AREA - MEDIUM PROBLEM AREA -MAJOR ®� PROBLEM AREA LOCATION • CROSS SECTION PROPOSED THALWEG EASEMENT VEG PLOT PH ❑T❑ PINT VEG PROBLEM AREA STREAM CROSSING 50 GRAPHIC SCALE 25 50 100 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 50 ft w U a 0 m i m N 75- U , 0 ( N O _ W � m � m O U �l i. W CL W E z J �U 8 9 DAE 20 JULY 2010 91 rcriw �xrY 200 sowF sffr 11a FKXF E 2A O 1 _-_J i C+ C=J -D C= M Table 5 Visual Stream Morpholoov Stability Assessment Reach ID Reach 1 Assessed Length 286 1 Bed 1 Vertical Stability 1 Aaaradab sufficient on Bar formation/growth fficient to significantly deflect t I` 1 10 97% - (Riffle and Run units) Adjusted % Banc lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or r I i � � 2 Number 79% 79% Number with Footage with for Major 100% Stable Total Number of Amount of % Stable Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Channel Channel f Performing Number In Unstable Unstable Performing Woody Woody Woody Cateaory Sub-Cateaory Metric as Intended As built ments Foot a as Intended V station V elation V etation 1 Bed 1 Vertical Stability 1 Aaaradab sufficient on Bar formation/growth fficient to significantly deflect t I` 1 10 97% - (Riffle and Run units) _ flow laterally (not to include point bars) - Banc lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or r I i � � 2 120 79% 79% 2 Dearadabon Evidence of dowrx;uttmg scour and erosion — � 100% - 2 Riffle Condition 1 Texture/Substrate Riffle maintains coarser substrate w c 2 Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears 2 Y r, 100% # f 3 Meander Pool Condition 1' Depth Sufficient (Max Pool Depth Mean Bankfull Depth > 1 6) 3 likely Does NOT include undercuts that are modest appear sustainable 3 100% t I 100% 2 Length appropriate ( >30 / of centerline distance between tail of 3 and are providing habitat- - - 3 - m upstream riffle and head of downstre riffle) 3 Mass Wasting Bank slumping calving or collapse _ t 100% 1000/_ 4 Thalweg Positron 1 Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend (Run) - — 3- 3- Total 2 100% 79/6 0 t � 1 Overall integrity � Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs 2 2 I - 1000/ I 2 Thalweg centering at downstream of meander (Glide) 2 Grade control stnicbaes exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 2 2 100% 1000/ 2 Bank l 1 Scoured/Erodlnq Banc lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or r I i � � 2 120 79% 79% - - scour and erosion — � - Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears Y 2 Undercut likely Does NOT include undercuts that are modest appear sustainable 100% 100% I and are providing habitat- - - - 3 Mass Wasting Bank slumping calving or collapse _ t 1000/_ 100% Total 2 120 79/6 0 - 0 - -79% 3 Engineered Structures 1 Overall integrity � Structures physically intact with no dislodged boulders or logs 2 2 I - 1000/ I 2 Grade Control Grade control stnicbaes exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill 2 2 1000/ d 2a Piping Structures lacking any substantial flow underneath sills or arms 2 2 1 100% Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does 1Q exceed 3 Bank Protection 15 / (See guidance for this table in EEP monitoring guidance document) 2 r 2 t 100% 4 Habitat Pool forming structures maintaining - Max Pool Depth Mean Bankfull - 2 2 1000/ vi Depth ratio > 1 6 Roolwads/logs providing some cover at base flow I 4 Y b i 1 Criteria, Definitions and Thresholds for Visual Stream MorohologV Assessments kta)o r Channel Chanml Sub- Catewry Ca Netlt Palintlbna Gtab In ThleshOld CCPV Depiction 1. Bed !. Varl ca ny( Ifk Be, amWlo eu ntmegn Wdel ne1I mot bark) ale! enbal 1 reKm shs marl. bye, soda has moat thscharaclerklcs u and Run unls� 0! rinks IX IYIInp of Daok N or babes Mas14W a4ysaons. M aQgrxeg rowh'w ~ chrecbrimd by sand W R+vd Ina bh IcM Et 1'. antl r at bs! 15 /aN n tango) or 20'k of me nv IermalgNprowm vein asme4d inky d real) tubahW antlsnmothhp d thp roach Wg prelile. BarsiaggrWSd din Wron Innam. which~ k I—. pas sgnR tsro,rphm dalkcl llwvaPWtprrFa Mardd t4caWOp:wd RepaelchannelpMkwints eakeybd nassng wolxl appatVllm. (SS fMrob mr. t'r 1 below ton range el dmmpb tar tlsvdepmanVappradelbn) z. QUAdalkl Whmep,oWt, have r W" Lpasd wgWawedgrade mntrd. bgtKWiD vdxwna V k wpml*d only h anal. caukg only 6IS4rc has msii Of the ch —tore tics ow b decree) b gthc. 'l ficamra include parched till e➢uamrs. chr 1 bed "sups• h dily rah amen) nwbriel. wkim. d s krN (call Et2j and k tl est 161eer F bngm or 20% d me bad rWew at me bank me Iparwlt rrwparel may ba erpocsd)', mma,Bapn d umraa rile wbstra4 m to poop ull Wrun Wyth. whic —Y Isn Wwnstream. and pemepc roues vein run rrmmllolppy. tarrPIXdW wrvq➢ shwa swpon W aseramant of bed degrade on where the —I --t andourvay wadap. 2. Nnk Condltlan 1. S➢Eada RYIYe ehmk makoamamsrasnaas sfmlrbtlw aaegn ds➢EU1bn. Synikcanl lhwpd the rMlM wHap hdcalae non rrynlfIXawrMne. WpWpabbecerm4dronkauppIXianasaeaamerddrMl inhVwhNaww4pocwrsfcnr vslha praphc 2 balvw mw;rthp amlaeodnp lur p� eumbbb syalema). 3. elowneor Pool t. Deo!n $un¢1n1? 'r metrekused Io puss mender pace end Else dapyotaa alongaRmpn &lypechannM s. .sopped Nn COntllbon enhes are pock .111 be wawebd and 41ed here and under the Habitat Sub4C -gmy below. The max pool bwkf,* depth shook be 1.6 bmee the mean bank41 depth (Max Pool naplh : MW Ben kfJ Depth > 1.6). The nwan banklull depth from me 4.1, Nbasekne eum" ran be u ➢lined to make mk deb —Whon. FH ,t 1 1 prwMas rsldrd pool depths using the 1.6 mu ltiplyr fm a range of mean channel rlek depths that typiy reirt ation proWts. 2. Laaa appmpdetet mablo WI only be ap,led m meerxer pooh. —der pool brgm should ba>30w of the - Wear canterline NA n dooms behreen the 41101 the ulvtrrm rdfb end IM head of the rlwvnstrsm Me. a.Thdw" Posltle , 1, Thil can" of upsmram of meander band (Run)? n. metrle a uoW to ohYesledas "" pethc aWp rYRamn -pod tranaitlans. il+e a1Wrp k sepslW m ba opens! the NA NA wlar bank h the bend apea, but vacua oriented ewwfi am outer bank Igo for "a me band spex may'rnmle me potential for Imrowe d bank arosm. Slmlerli. the pool glklo-riRle k—illon make 04-hod m demarxlrale flow path Wkg IMMre 42 boowl. no ounont -Yew Iftweg rndowd on the CCM figure an mist m m'w Wessmenl. 2. TheAVeg con4rkg r dbwnalreem of meande, bend IGbde!? See Meek 4.1 aboxe NA N4 2. Bank 1, ScouredE --leg Bank Banks wih pion! our I—. lahk MYelmurn per' INlght Length Sae Foglno4/ExhL1 In — to boner seas cm ➢roved bank erslon Wk. ➢dud bnk eego —. xe nbo chxncicrlsE with romaec or to pmdmM and nogra m event d sbkblizkg .9-6on. Cont— wsYn rkk In a gin bank ha4dliy -bled le ntway misced rmwmswrde by a o-1 mwprn+e,e atan andbr e4bikbg dm4. One r rtrxe mono Lowe h c o—il," la g 10 lee! or Ise) a awmus hbgre!un or rm1 mse w the, - benk lapurs en chraMetloe that ww Banks �no wwV- 0-ving 4 the wbnl UW mass..n q appeorf lkey? OoeE NOT kmmdb undrab thin nmOSt. e War sus4haddstabb and era pw of g habiul. 6 3-6 8 10 bee. dba 2. Iandartai - Thk Labe provide. a wide tar wmrldng thealmlde for pmmpl the 41" o1 a given bank objmt non Ina aoldaIXW wb —gory reeked m risk of f—or -toed y 1 bark eroaon cMalopr#nnappirp based on ban, height, IM a l dak. tel Essonaaiy. the v g tat re el.—ts of roo4y dw f y"date, a p. I— a BEHI assassmann need to be crosidired hare. For the ban, High rarpee above, the movi length of berktpb— lippedardtefedenpeci.. Forr.pe, - 3. Nana Waedng Bonk slurry'alg'cdvegmlb,pee? where bake are <3 )eel Ngh only map an unstabe aegmers d X k z 10 fool. .st -Mhlse 1. Uwnlllelaprly TMassass -1.1 evowedclmC➢rrepWwmnmchauklnrd , db all strucmrs mat prwke grade coned. bank Bulk of alauot— pyarally htacl will, nu deyoQlad bauldw, or kgs? clV rakbIXwma other mesh to maintain lglblly, nno!ete pmlacbw, a hmlM1!umlims -Thane Pc de Vans. J- hooks, nd momadl son. Mu na With, red 'S' If all fdLra hap amurred 2. GreM Control Badgredacontrol- Arr4hW{acesmeoil!0uoorn? Nowi dantbudbedebvatimimmedaulyupalrs cod! U.W move IX wma other mane 10 mdn4n ft1birly, annotate atrudmle? some loping oboe will not mncllmu a toes of gade amtrd. sbuemro wYh rod "G' If struc4rc has loot grade eonbol L. Piping Labk6W slm — Im1mg any Wn ntb Ikev U, wjI. or around wma )lump caI.WIX —to 41n y. annotate �Irx— rW'P' It ogn,lianl piping nn mcunW 3. Bank Prot bon Sm eA,hl n below for retarminog Oxon lsphera iAluance. It the amount of bank thd k donned to ecWSy cmgcaloulsonsIXMOth — .fo-*n%h Wg fly. anno44 wodbg within the s ➢mlurs ether{ of Infer —aorta 15% of the 1041 ban k I." wino the eVUCmrs sphere al ". vnth red '0" N a➢ueGae has lekad to proske tank pro4apon hflu m ban Ina • ➢ncWre ehonk be hueffled as at6 mwId1 qad.*.* bank erdacllonin the do% table 9, 11sbl41 pm s men ed - .1 a ep1 > .6? or dmlkva . 1 prwi means eng cal k ov some o er n—W lo ta iy. —out{ hternbrg wYh baselbw and pmvibg cover.sn bu oo with,:x N seI1CWre a rot pmldry hill Table 6 Vegetation Condition Assessment Planted Acreage 7.98 Vegetation Cateoory Definitlons Mapping Threshold CCPV Depiction Number of Polygons Combined Acreage % of Planted Acreage 1. Bare Areas Very limited cover of planted woody and herbaceous material. 0.1 acres Brown Hatch 3 0.01 0.1% 2. Low Stem Density Areas Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria. 0.1 acres Brown Hatch 8 1.34 16.8% Total 11 1.35 16.9% 3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year. 0.25 acres N/A 0 0.00 0.0% Cumulative Total 11 1.35 16.9% Easement Acreage 13.34 acres Vegetation Category Definitions Mapping Threshold CCPV Depiction Number of Polygons Combined Acreage % of Easement Acreage 4. Invasive Areas of Concern Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). 1000 SF Brown Hatch 9 1.34 16.8 5. Easement Encroachment Areas Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). none Brown Hatch 9 1.34 16.8% = Enter the planted acreage within the easement. This number is calculated as the easement acreage minus any existing mature tree stands that were not subject to supplemental planting of the understory, the channel acreage, crossings or any other elements not directly planted as part of the project effort. = The acreage within the easement boundaries = Encroachment may occur within or outside of planted areas and will therefore be calculated against the overall easement acreage. In the event a polygon is cataloged into items 1, 2 or 3 in the table and is the result of encroachment, the associated acreage should be tallied in the relevant item (i.e., item 1,2 or 3) as well as a parallel tally in item 5. = Invasives may occur in or out of planted areas. but still within the easement and will therefore be calculated against the overall easement acreage. Invasives of concern /interest are listed below. The list of high concern spcies are those with the potential to directly outcompete native, young, woody stems in the short-term (e.g. monitoring period or shortly thereafter) or affect the community structure for existing, more established tree /shrub stands over timeframes that are slightly longer (e.g. 1 -2 decades). The low /moderate concern group are those species that generally do not have this capacity over the timeframes discussed and therefore are not expected to be mapped with regularity, but can be mapped, if in the judgement of the observer their coverage, density or distribution is suppressing the viability, density, or growth of planted woody stems. Decisions as to whether remediation will be needed are based on the integration of risk factors by EEP such as species present, their coverage, distribution relative to native biomass, and the practicality of treatment. For example, even modest amounts of Kudzu or Japanese Knotweed early in the projects history will warrant control, but potentially large coverages of Microstegium in the herb layer will not likley trigger control because of the limited capacities to impact tree /shrub layers within the timeframes discussed and the potential impacts of treating extensive amounts of ground cover. Those species with the "watch list" designator in gray shade are of interest as well, but have yet to be observed across the state with any frequency. Those in rF'd italics are of particular interest given their extreme risk /threat level for mapping as points where isolated specimens are found, particularly ealry in a projects monitoring history. However, areas of discreet, dense patches will of course be mapped as polygons. The symbology scheme below was one that was found to be helpful for symbolzing invasives polygons, particulalry for situations where the conditon for an area is somewhere between isolated specimens and dense, discreet patches. In any case, the point or polygon /area feature can be symbolized to describe things like high or low concern and species can be listed as a map inset, in legend items if the number of species are limited or in the narrative section of the High Concern: Low /Moderate Concern: Vines Genus /Species Shrubs /Herbs Genus /Species Shrubs /Herbs Genus /Species Kudzu Pueraria lobata Japanese Knotweed Polygon m cus idatum Japanese Privet Li ustrum Ja onicum Porcelain Berry Am elo sis brevi edunc Oriental Bittersweet Celastrus orbiculatus Glossy Privet Li ustrum lucidum Japanese Honeysuckle Lonicera japonica Multiflora Rose Rosa multiflora Fescue Festuca sp.p. Japanese Hops Humulus japonicus Russian olive Elaea nus an ustifolia English Ivy Hedera helix Wisterias Wisteria spp. Chinese Privet Li ustrum sinense Microste ium Microste ium vimineum Winter Creeper Euon mus fortunei Chinese Silver grass Miscanthus sinensis Burning Bush Euon mus alatus Bush Killer Watch List Ca ratia japonica Phra mites Phra mites australis Johnson Grass Sorghum hale ense Bamboos Ph Ilostach s SPP Bush Honeysuckles Lonicera, spp. Trees Sericea Les edeza Sericea Les edeza Periwinkles Vinca minor , ree of Heaven Ailanthus altissima Garlic Mustard (Watch List) Alliaria petiolata Morning Glories Morning Glories Mimosa Albizia 'ulibrissin Co on Grass Watch List Im erata c lindrica Bicolor Les edeza Watch List Les edeza bicolor Princess Tree Paulownia tomentosa Giant Reed Watch List Arundo donax Chinese Yams Watch List Dioscorea oppositifolia China Berry Melia azedarach Tro ical Soda Apple Watch List Solarium viarum Air Potato Watch List Dioscorea bulbifera Callery Pear P rus calleryana Japanese S irea Watch List S iraea japonica Japanese Climbing Fern Watch List Lygodiurn 'a onicum White Mulberry Morus alba Japanese Barber (Watch List) 1 Berberis thunber allow Tree Watch List Triadica sebifera Stream Station Photos Photo 1. Looking downstream at XS -1 McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Rcport-final NCEEP Project number: 443 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. November 2010 Photo 2. Looking downstream at XS -2 Photo 3. Looking downstream at XS -3 Photo 4. Looking downstream at XS -4 McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Report-final NCEEP Project number: 443 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. November 2010 Photo 5. Looking downstream at XS -5 Photo 6. Looking downstream at XS -6 McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Report-final NCEEP Project number: 443 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. November 2010 Vegetation Monitoring Plots Photos Photo 7. Vegetation Plot 1 Photo 8. Vegetation Plot 2 McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Report-final NCEEP Project number: 443 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. November 2010 P: Photo 9. Vegetation Plot 3 Photo 10. Vegetation Plot 4 McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Report -final NCEEP Project number. 443 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. November 2010 Photo 11. Vegetation Plot 5 Photo 12. Vegetation Plot 6 McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Report-final NCEEP Project number: 443 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. November 2010 Photo 13. Vegetation Plot 7 McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Report -final NCEEP Project number: 443 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. November 2010 Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Data McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Report final NCEEP Project number 443 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers PC November 2010 a Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Data McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Report final NCEEP Project number 443 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers PC November 2010 Table 7 Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Survival Threshold Mete Tract Mean VP 1 No VP 2 Yes VP 3 Yes 72% VP 4 Yes VP 5 Yes VP 6 No VP 7 Yes r McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Report final NCEEP Project number 443 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers P C November 2010 Table 8 CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata 1 McCain Stream Restoration Site/Project No 443 Report Prepared By The Catena Group - database name McCain Property mdb DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------- - - - -- 1 Description of database file, the report worksheets and a summary of{profect(s) Metadata and project data r Each project is listed with its PLANTED , stems per acre for each year This Prod, planted excludes live stakes Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year This includes live stakes all planted stems and all Prod, total stems natural/volunteer stems ' List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems Plots missing etc Frequency distribution of vigor classes for Vigor stems for all plots Frequency distribution of vigor classes Vigor by Spp listed by species) List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total Damage stems impacted by each Damage values tallied by type for each Damage by Spp species P Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot dead Planted Stems by Plot and Spp and missing stems are excluded PROJECT SUMMARY — --- Project Code 443 - project Name McCain Stream restoration site located in the Description Yadkin River Basin River Basin length(ft) 2450 stream to edge width (ft) 50 area (sq m) 2275894 Required Plots (calculated) 7 Sampled Plots 7 McCain Stream Restoration ` Year 2 Momtorxng Report final NCEEP Project number 441 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers P C November 2010 F 0 7 UP Proiert fade 043 Pmn.rt Names McGln Table 9 Planted and Total Stem Counts Current Plot Data MY2 2010) Annual Means Sdentlflc Name Common Name Specles Type E443 -A 0001 -1 E443 A4)002 I E443 -A -0003 I E443 A-0004 I E443 A -0005 E443 A-0006 I E443 A-0007 MY2 (2010) 1 MY1(2009) P LS P all T P-LS IP all T P LS P all T P LS Pall T P LS Pall IT P LS IP a8 T P-LS P all T P LS P all T P-LS P all T Betula ni ra nver birch Tree 2 2 1 1 6 6 3 3 1 1 4 4 1 1 18 is 19 19 mus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 8 8 8 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 4 5 5 15 18 18 15 20 20 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 Unodendmn tul fera tuliptree Tree 3 3 1` Il - ,1 1 5 5 6 6 Platanus ocddentalis American sycamore Tree y 1 '` 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 eras falcata southern red oak Tree r 1 1 2 2 - 3 3 3 3 eras pagoda Cher ark oak 1 1 1 1 1 1 eras phellos willow oak i 1= 1 `' 1 1 r 6 7 7 Inc mgre black willow LTTree 6 6 f-- 6 1 1 1 7 7 9 9 9 sericea silky willow 1 1 1 -4 4 4 3 3 3 8 8 8 8 8 Stem count size(ares) size (ACRES) Spedes counti Stems per ACREJ 0 6 6 15 19 1 0 18 18 0 8 8 r11 11 0 6 6 7 11 11 30 79 79 32 86 1 )1- 1 1 �1 1_ 1 7 7 002 002 - 002 - 002 002 002 002 017 017 Of 21 21 31 61 61 01 71 01 51 151 31 61 61 0 3 31 21 51 51 31 10 30 3 10 10 01 242 8 242 81 6071 7689176891 0 728 4 728 41 01 32371 32371 32371 44521 44521 0 242 8 242 81283 31 445 2 445 2 173 41 45671 456 7 185 497214972 '" f1 Ire Y nY t Z ( I i 1 r r I 1 � t ' 1 t - I 1 s r t I r � r Appendix D. Stream Survey Data McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Report-final NCEEP Project number: 443 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. November 2010 Project: McCain Property Summa bankful Cross Section: Cross Section 1 MVO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Feature Rtffle Reach 1 A (BKF) 18.6 20.8 18.7 Station: 12 +11.30 W (BKF) 16.9 17.2 18.1 Date: 10/18/10 Max d 1.5 1.6 1.6 Crew! BW, ZAP, SV Mean d 1.1 1.2 1.0 W/D 15.4 142 17.5 MY00.2009 MY01,2009 11111Y02 -2010 MY03.2011 Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes 0.00 548.39 LPIN 0.00 548.39 LPIN 0.00 548.39 LPIN 6.50 547.76 0.30 548.19 0.10 548.26 14.00 546.79 6.00 547.72 2.80 548.15 21.10 546.16 13.40 546.76 9.25 547.37 25.50 545.21 22.10 545.85 14.42 546.82 5. 30.60 544.82 TOBL 24.30 545.16 21.29 546.18 34.10 543.31 27.40 545.05 24.14 545.36 36.20 543.19 29.40 544.79 26.88 545.13 - 38.70 543.11 30.60 544.68 TOBL 30.72 544.75 TOBL - - 40.50 543.01 42.80 543.01 45.20 542.91 45.70 543.12 TW 32.30 33.90 35.60 37.40 544.06 543.25 542.88 542.76 32.01 34.33 35.79 37.32 544.09 543.58 543.04 542.96 TOE L ,�j,•;- `• "it '� �;�r - 47.10 543.83 38.30 542.66 TW 38.96 542.80 TW 48.40 544.42 TOBR 40.60 542.70 40.26 542.86 54.20 545.10 42.60 542.84 42.10 543.01 - 56.50 545.81 45.50 542.84 44.62 543.00 TOE R� 59.70 546.45 46.60 543.50 45.27 543.34 ' 64.50 547.03 48.70 544.32 TOBR 47.77 543.97 - 69.00 547.76 52.70 544.82 50.16 544.56 TOBR 72.60 548.15 RPIN 55.60 545.44 53.54 544.93 58.50 546.15 57.71 545.95 62.40 546.77 61.30 546.66 67.40 547.45 65.01 547.13 71.90 547.93 68.96 547.59 72.70 548.13 RPIN 72.76 547.99 , 72.79 548.14 RPIN Photo of XS -1 looking in the downstream direction Cross Section 1 549.00 548.00 547.00 546.00 c s a m 545.00 W 544.00 543.00 542.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 Station (Feet) -� TW MY-00 t TW MY -01 -*- TW MY -02 ir- BKF Project: McCain Property Summs banQul Cross Section: Cross Section 2 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Feature Riffle Reach 2 A (BKF) 33.7 42.7 44.4 Station: 16.25.07 W (BKF) 24.6 25.2 28.0 Date: 10118/10 Max d 1.8 2.5 2.6 Crew: BW, ZAP, SV Mean d 1.4 1.7 1.6 W/D 18.0 14.9 17.6 MYDO.2009 MY01 -2009 MY02 -2010 MY03 -2D71 Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes 0.00 543.01 LPIN 0.DO 543.02 LPIN 0.00 543.01 LPIN 8.50 542.71 1.30 542.72 0.10 542.79 16.90 542.73 11.30 542.75 5.41 542.74 20.10. 542.57 20.50 542.51 14.66 542.73 23.60 541.30 23.80 541.24 19.98 542.59 29.50 541.02 TOBL 29.60 540.96 TOBL 23.53 541.30 32.90 539.61 31.30 540.34 26.44 540.93 Xs -2 36.00 539.40 3320 539.64 29.09 540.91 TOBL 39.20 539.30 33.40 539.14 32.32 539.92 42.90 539.26 45.90 539.29 TW 36.10 37.80 539.09 538.98 32.96 35.92 539.31 539.25 48.20 539.47 50.10 539.68 38.90 41.30 538.47 538.40 TW 38.49 39.90 538.73 538.58 TOE - _ ""+- y �,.`_• �' `� 1+`3� +' ,� 51.60 539.98 TOBR 42.80 538.42 43.14 538.44 TW 54.40 541.11 45.70 538.49 47.21 538.60 60.30 541.36 48.00 538.67 49.50 538.65 TOE R 62.30 542.52 49.90 539.01 50.39 539.68 '� '1 r 69.30 542.78 51.90 539.86 52.52 540.26 + f o.y; 76.70 543.18 RPIN 53.60 540.51 53.87 541.01 - :,'4 •. - �ti+o c -'�0 we a l 55.00 540.87 TOBR 54.13 540.97 TOBR 60.60 63.60 541.14 542.52 55.94 58.75 540.94 541.06 '+ c ` -. ^+v'4'(c�v�.v. -•� 71.70 542.84 60.44 541.46 , ;`, t -' - 7620 76.70 543.03 543.23 RPIN 62.34 66.25 542.42 542.68 71.59 542.89 76.49 543.12 `frc'A! a - .. F ._ WIN a. .. ... 76.58 543.13 RPIN Photo of XS -2, looking in the downstream direction Cross Section 2 544.00 543.00 542.01 s541.10 4 s W 540.00 539.00 538.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 Station (Feet) -�TW MY -00 tTW MY-01 -*-TW MY -02 - +i-BKF Project: McCain Property Summa tankful MYO MY1 MY2 Cross Section: Cross Section 3 MY3 MY4 MY5 Feature Pool Reach 2 A (BKF) 33.6 34.1 30.8 Station: 23+45.75 W (BKF) 22.6 23.0 22.3 Date: 10/18/10 Max of 2.2 2.2 2.4 Crew: BW, ZAP, SV Mean d 1.5 1.5 1.4 W/D MY03.2011 MYOD -2009 MY01 -2009 NM2 -2010 Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes 0.00 537.42 LPIN 0.00 537.41 LPIN 0.00 537.42 LPIN 0.40 537.22 0.30 537.10 0.16 537.17 4.90 537.35 5.60 537.18 5.47 537.30 10.80 537.23 10.70 537.06 10.85 537.15 14.80 536.130 15.30 535.76 TOOL 14.13 536.24 17.00 535.61 17.80 535.49 16.82 535.75 20.40 535.64 TOOL 20.20 535.53 19.75 535.67 23.50 534.21 22.60 534.71 20.55 535.75 24.80 534.18 25.30 534.23 20.59 535.67 TOOL XS -3 2620 534.48 26.70 533.93 22.15 535.28 28.30 534.03 30.20 533.65 23.51 534.96 29.30 533.96 31.70 533.39 25.84 534.66 33.50 533.72 33.90 533.39 27.64 534.57 35.00 533.47 36.20 533.49 29.25 534.26 35.70 533.43 TW 37.60 533.34 TW 29.91 533.73 TOE L 37.80 533.51 39.40 533.90 31.73 533.51 39.90 534.03 40.70 534.41 33.44 533.24 TW 43.90 536.10 TOM 44.60 536.11 TOBR 35.66 533.40 45.10 536.35 49.90 536.30 38.05 533.44 50.00 536.45 53.40 537.72 38.48 533.49 TOE R 56.60 539.15 56.90 539.05 39.52 534.06 60.80 539.51 62.70 539.47 42.28 535.18 64.70 539.76 RPIN 64.70 539.77 RPIN 44.41 53624 TOBR 45.35 536.32 47.78 536.29 50.18 536.53 53.78 537.89 56.63 539.17 60.69 539.57 64.01 539.66 64.95 539.83 RPIN Photo of XS -3 lookino in the downstream direction Cross Section 3 541.00 540.00 639 -00 538.00 537.00 Cp S 536.00 W 535.00 534-00 533.00 532.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70-00 Station (Feet) tTW MY -00 --m-TW MY -01 -*-TW MY -02 ->e-WF Project: McCain Property Sumnr bankful Cross Section: Cross Section 4 MY3 MY4 MYS MYO MY1 MY2 Feature Riffle Reach 2 A (BKF) 30.5 29.7 31.3 Station: 25+05.32 W (BKF) 23.3 23.4 24.4 Date: 10/18/10 Max d 1.8 2.0 2.1 Crew: BW, ZAP, SV Mean d 1.3 1.3 1.3 W/D 17.4 18.4 19.1 MY03.2011 MY00 -2009 INYo1 -2009 MY02 -2010 Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes 0.00 536.98 LPIN 0.00 537.03 LPIN 0.00 536.96 LPIN 5.00 536.62 1.00 536.72 0.14 536.83 11.40 536.32 4.90 536.57 7.07 536.48 18.80 535.00 9.80 536.21 14.93 536.07 23.90 534.73 TOSL 14.40 536.09 16.99 535.36 27.90 533.01 16.30 535.79 18.84 534.99 28.30 532.96 18.40 535.04 21.09 534.85 29.40 532.71 TW 19.50 534.82 24.04 534.62 TOBL 31.60 532.89 24.00 534.68 TOBL 26.40 533.67 33.60 532.94 27A0 533.34 27.45 533.25 34.80 532.81 28.50 532.52 28.30 532.55 TOE L 37.20 532.76 29.30 532.54 30.05 532.64 39.50 532.94 30.60 532.80 32.15 532.61 43.80 533.13 32.40 532.56 34.29 532.44 TW 47.70 534.52 34.60 532.46 TW 35.57 532.61 49.30 534.51 TOBR 37.00 532.74 37.56 532.76 TOE R 50.40 534.87 41.50 533.59 38.34 533.03 _ fJ 53.20 534.93 43.00 533.59 39.76 533.07 33 58.70 536.66 44.70 533.49 41,03 533.43 [1 65.90 536.65 46.00 533.70 42.30 533.59 _ 69.40 536.72 RPIN 47.90 534.44 TOBR 44.75 533.51 50.50 534.82 45.77 533.63 1 54.00 535.03 47.37 534.37 56.80 535.06 48.46 534.42 59.60 536.53 49.95 534.79 TOSR ..a . 66.20 536.62 52.78 534.80 g 69.40 536.70 RPIN 54.29 535.10 /( 55.49 535.47 56.50 535.96 56.90 536.10 58.93 536.48 62.10 536.53 69.35 536.50 69.47 536.59 RPIN Photo of XS-4, looking In the downstream direction Cross Section 4 538.00 537.00 536.00 LL s 53520 a, W 534.D0 533.00 532.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 90.00 Station (Feet) -+-TW MY -00 - Tw MY -01 -r-TW MY -02 -x BKF Project: McCain Property Summa nkfull MYO MY1 MY2 Cross Section: Cross Section 5 MY3 MY4 MY5 Feature Pool Reach 2 A (BKF) 22.2 17.8 20.5 Station: 29+60.52 W (BKF) 18.1 14.3 16.0 Date: 10/18/10 Max d 2.8 2.5 2.8 Crew: BW, ZAP, SV Mean d 1.2 1.2 1.3 W /D LIY03 -2011 MY00 -2009 NY011,2009 UY112 -2010 Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes 0.00 534.81 LPIN 0.00 534.83 LPIN 0.00 534.81 LPIN 1.30 534.61 0.85 534.55 0.10 534.66 4.50 534.49 7.04 534.34 4.64 534.53 7.10 534.47 9.74 534.25 8.58 534.52 9.90 534.27 12.69 533.03 11.79 533.58 15.60 532.08 15.31 532.09 14.13 532.51 22.10 531.29 TOBL 17.68 531.53 16.94 531.79 23.50 530.57 21.06 531.28 TOBL 19.09 531.58 24.30 530.15 22.28 531.15 21.52 531.32 TOBL >� 24.80 530.05 23.71 530.35 22.78 530.98 26.10 528.48 TW 25.07 529.71 24.38 530.40 27.00 528.84 26.46 528.68 25.37 529.46 TOE L 28.20 528.85 28.01 528.70 26.16 528.67 29.20 529.10 28.55 528.61 TW 27.85 528.46 TW 29.90 529.40 29.77 529.27 30.26 529.36 31.00 529.75 30.71 529.72 31.96 529.68 TOE R 31.70 530.04 32.08 530.26 32.69 530.30 33.10 530.28 34.31 530.73 33.54 530.76 TOBR 35.60 530.77 38.84 531.56 TOBR 34.93 530.94 38.60 530.66 42.10 531.99 37.34 531.25 42.30 532.07 TOBR 45.60 532.03 39.09 531.60 46.90 532.25 47.75 532.36 42.04 531.96 53.00 534.62 50.39 533.56 44.65 532.04 56.70 534.80 53.09 534.59 47.54 532.32 60.80 534.90 57.36 534.68 49.05 533.30 65.10 535.20 RPIN 61.80 534.85 50.87 533.82 65.09 535.23 RPIN 53.22 534.64 57.43 534.76 61.37 534.89 64.64 535.11 64.92 535.11 RPIN Photo of XS-5, looking In the downstream direction Cross Section 5 536.00 535-10 534.00 533-10 C 532.00 4 531.00 530-10 529-10 528.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.0 40.00 50.00 80.00 70.00 Station (Feet) -� TW MY -00 f TW MY -0 1 -a- TW MY -02 -x- BKF Project: McCain Property Sunma banktul Cross Section: Cross Section 6 MYO MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Feature Rime Reach 2 A (BKF) 30.8 25.2 27.8 Station: 31 +23.66 W (BKF) 20.6 18.4 20.8 Date: 10/18/10 Max d 2.1 2.0 • 2.2 Crew: BW, ZAP, SV Mean d 1.5 1.4 1.3 W/D 13.8 13.4 15.5 MYDO.2009 MY01 -2009 MY02 -2010 MY03.2011 Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes Station Elevation Notes 0.00 534.05 LPIN 0.00 534.06 LPIN 0.00 534.05 LPIN -i 1.20 533.88 0.70 533.82 0.46 533.87 5.30 533.79 6.70 533.62 3.65 533.88 12.00 532.04 11.40 532.13 6.56 533.73 - - . .. 18.40 531.79 19.30 531.73 9.79 532.77 i �*' "' *,.,, ,; +y( „ - 27.20 531.57 TOOL 27.10 531.56 TOOL 12.11 532.09 ,y _• 31.90 529.62 30.00 530.32 17.67 531.84 ° 35.40 529.32 31.90 529.56 23.58 531.71 'r 37.20 529.17 35.50 529.56 25.48 531.75 -:x<� x5-6 39.20 529.13 TW 37.20 529.46 27.37 531.63 TOOL' 41.30 529.29 3940 529.10 29.66 530.59 43.10 529.25 43.70 529.27 40.30 41.60 528.98 529.06 TW 31.44 32.62 530.13 529.76 - %i"�tt1•� ><tf ea t 44.30 529.66 43.80 529.14 35.86 529.59 TOE Lz r 'S y�e, -?� '°'� 48.60 531.25 TOO R 44.70 529.74 37.90 529.44 } i } ,: t 1` % 1•. 3 �. "r 'b'} 53.70 531.47 46.80 530.99 39.28 529.27 57.90 533.34 48.90 531.22 TOM 41.25 529.31 60.00 533.68 53.90 531.45 43.16 529.12 TW �" 65.80 533.81 67.80 534.22 RPIN 56.60 58.60 532.70 533.50 44.05 44.57 529.34 530.01 TOE R i'+ np a''. qdC c. 63.50 67.40 533.69 533.93 45.87 47.21 530.55 531.14 a svSt ,yr" < 1' 67.70 534.23 RPIN 50.46 531.45 ➢ .. 54.62 531.68 TOBR A a `r l rt;, 56.73 58.82 532.93`f 533.61 pct y. 60.49 533.81 , "•� 63.53 533.88 7. '!�"S 4` I /u< 67.45 534.10 tK':Cc & ✓f Sr`� rs 67.46 534.26 RPIN Photo of XS-6, looking in the downstream direction Cross Section 6 53540 5344D 53340 53240 C s 53140 W 530.00 52940 52840 0.00 1040 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 6040 70.00 MW Station (Feet) -�TW MY -00 . TW MY -01 --I--TW MY -02 tBKF I O O I C� G Y O .L NI cn x co T 1� O O • T OI n O i CO O _ N O + O O 0 0 N + O O W O O FAH O V O 00 + O O CC O 0 N O +p O _N + O O N + O N W t O O O N + O O N O O O N 4 0 0 co 0 0 N + O O W O + O O W + O O N O O W W + O O + O O W (11 + O O Elevation (feet) W 01 o n 7 N T+ 7 vi IC P* .0 o �: o ROCK STRUCTURE STA 10 +18 Y + 77 m n++ + ROCK STRUCTURE TA 12 +49 • Y + CROSS SECTION 1 + STA 12 +11 iE+ 4F •4+ r r + + + + ++ ROCK STRUCTURE i STA 15 +50 eY 4f- + + + + STA 16 +25 e 14 + r POCK STRUCTURE STA 18 +62 �{ }+ + } 44M + ' ++ r e 1 � N ' "+Y ;K+ + STA 23 +461, ROCK STRUCTURE STA 24+41 Y Y + STA 25 +05 R + + + �+ r + + dr Y + 4. CROSS SECTION 5 • + STA 29 +61 MUUK STRU STA 3 URE 74 Y r i+ STA 31 +24 Y ROC STRU TURE f* + STA +41 + + + fi + n 7 N T+ 7 vi IC P* .0 o �: o PEBBLE COUNT Project: McCain Property Date: 9/10/2010 Location: Cross Section #1 Particle Counts Inches Particle Millimeter 13.5 Riffles Pools Total No. Item % % Cumulative Silt/Clay < 0.062 ::::S /i✓:::: 3 3 3% 3% Very Fine .062-.125 S :::: 11 11 10% 13% Fine .125-.25 A :::: 12 12 11% 24% Medium .25-.50 N :::: 20 20 19% 43% Coarse .50-1.0 R.:.:.:.:. 4 4 4% 46% .04-.08 1 Very Coarse 1.0-2.0 : S :::: 1 1 1 % 47% .08-.16 Very Fine 2.0-4.0 1 1 1% 48% .16-.22 Fine 4.0-5.7 :::::G::::::::: 1 1 1 % 49% .22-.31 Fine 5.7-8.0 :::::R::::: 0 0 0% 49% .31-.44 Medium 8.0-11.3 :::::a::::;:::: 0 0 0% 49% .44-.63 Medium 11.3-16.0 ::: V :::: 2 2 2% 51% .63-.89 Coarse 16.0-22.6 ::-:::::::: 2 2 2% 53% .89-1.26 Coarse 22.6-32.0 :::::ir::::: 3 40% 3 3% 56% 1.26 - 1.77 Very Coarse 32.0-45.0 :::S::::::::: 2 2 2% 57% 1.77-2.5 Very Coarse 45.0-64.0 :: 13 13 12% 69% 2.5-3.5 Small 64-90 C :::: 10 10 9% 79% 3.5-5.0 Small 90-128 :::::6::::: 16 16 15% 94% 5.0-7.1 Large 128-180 :::S::::: 5 5 5% 98% 7.1 - 10.1 Large 180-256 L :::: 0 0 0% 98% 10.1 - 14.3 Small 256-362 B :::: 1 1 1 % 99% 14.3-20 Small 362-512 1::::::: 0 0 0% 99% 20-40 Medium 512-1024 :::::D::::: 0 100000 0 0% 99% 40-80 Lr - Ve Lr 1024-2048 :::::::R::::::::: 0 0 0% 99% Bedrock ;:;: >}RK ;:; 1 1 1% 100% Totals 108 0 108 100% 100% IF­dI6 d35 d50 d84 d95 0.2 0.4 13.5 103.6 144.6 Bed Particle Size Distribution Cross Section 1: Riffle 100% 90% 80% m A 70% 60% V - 0 MY -00 50% —9 MY -01 c t A MY -02 40% m LL 30% 0 20% 10% 0% 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Particle Size - Millimeter PEBBLE COUNT Project: McCain Property Date: 9/10/2010 Location: Cross Section #2 Particle Counts Inches Particle Millimeter 24.2 Riffles Pools Total No. Item % % Cumulative 90% Silt/Clay < 0.062 Std:::: 1 0 1 1% 1% Very Fine .062-,125 ..5 :. 2 0 2 2% 3% Fine .125-.25 A :::: 2 0 2 2% 5% Medium .2,5-.50 4 0 4 4% 9% Coarse .50- 1.0 Q :::: 0 0 0 0% 9% .04 -.08 1 Very Coarse 1 1.0 - 2.0 S :::: 15 0 15 15% 1 24% .08 - .16 Very Fine 2.0-4.0 0 0 0 0% 24% .16-.22 Fine 4.0-5.7 :G::::-: 2 0 2 2% 25% .22-.31 Fine 5.7-8.0 R::::: 3 0 3 3% 28% .31 -.44 Medium 8.0 - 11.3 Q::::::::: 3 0 3 3% 31% .44-.63 Medium 11.3 - 16.0 ::'::::V*:':-:-:- 5 0 5 5% 36% .63-.89 Coarse 16.0-22.6 ::: ::::: 12 0 12 12% 48% .89-1.26 Coarse 22.6-32.0 : :::L::::: 9 0 9 9% 57% 1.26 - 1.77 Very Coarse 32.0-45.0 ::;S;:;::::: 5 0 5 5% 62% 1.77-2.5 Very Coarse 45.0-64.0 9 0 9 90/. 71% 2.5-3.5 Small 64-90 C 10 0 10 10% 80% 3.5-5.0 Small 90- 128 Ci::: : -: 9 0 9 9% 89% 5.0-7.1 Large 128-180 :B::::: 5 0 5 5% 94% 7.1 -10.1 Large 180-256 L 4 0 4 4% 98% 10.1 -14.3 Small 256-362 B :::: 1 0 1 1 % 99% 14.3-20 Small 362-512 :::::::::: 0 0 0 0% 99% 20-40 Medium 512 - 1024 D ::: =: 0 0 0 00/. 99% 40-80 Lr Ve Lr 1024 2048 :::::R 0 0 0 0% 99% Bedrock BDRK 1 0 1 1% 100% .. Totals 102 0 102 100% 100% d16 d35 d50 d84 d95 1.5 14.7 24.2 105.5 197.1 Bed Particle Size Distribution Cross Section 2: Riffle 100% 90% 80% d 70% 3 60% — 0 MY -00 V 50% 3 MY -01 c —A MY -02 r 40% L d LL 30% a 20% 10% 0% 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Particle Size - Millimeter PEBBLE COUNT Project: McCain Property Date: 9/10/2010 Location: Cross Section #3 Particle Counts Inches Particle Millimeter 31.0 Riffles Pools Total No. Item % % Cumulative 90 Silt/Clay < 0.062 SIC:::: 9 9 9% 9% Very Fine .062-.125 2 2 2% 11% Fine .125-.25 A :::: 0 0 0% 11% Medium .25-.50 :::N ::::- 0 0 00/. 11% Coarse .50- 1.0 Q :::: 0 0 0% 11% .04-.08 Very Coarse 1 1.0 - 2.0 S :::: 6 6 6% 1 17% .08 - .16 Very Fine 2.0-4.0 0 0 0% 17% .16 - .22 Fine 4.0-5.7 G 0 0 0% 17% .22-.31 Fine 5.7-8.0 R::::: 5 5 5% 22% .31 -.44 Medium 8.0 - 11.3 R :::: r 5 5 5% 26% .44-.63 Medium 11.3 - 16.0 V :::: 6 6 6% 32% .63-.89 Coarse 16.0-22.6 :.:::::::: 9 9 9% 41% .89-1.26 Coarse 22.6-32.0 :::::L::::: 10 10 10% 51% 1.26 - 1.77 Very Coarse 32.0-45.0 :::S::::::::: 9 9 9% 60% 1.77-2.5 Very Coarse 45.0-64.0 10 10 10% 70% 2.5-3.5 Small 64-90 C :: 7 7 70/. 76% 3.5-5.0 Small 90-128 O::::: 5 5 5% 81% 5.0-7.1 Large 128-180 :B::::: 0 0 0% 81% 7.1 -10.1 Large 180-256 L :::: 0 0 0% 81% 10.1 -14.3 Small 256-362 0 0 0% 81% 14.3-20 Small 362-512 :::: ::::::::: 0 0 0% 81% 20-40 Medium 512-1024 : :::D—.*. 0 0 0% 81% 40-80 Lr - Very Lrg 1024-2048 :::::R 0 0 0% 81% Bedrock BDRK 19 19 19% 100% Totals 0 102 102 100% 100% d16 d35 d50 d84 d95 1.9 17.8 31.0 0.0 0.0 Bed Particle Size Distribution Cross Section 3: Pool 100% - - 90 80% a� a 70 60% 0 MY -00 v 50% 9 MY -01 r —6 MY -02 �— 40% m LL 30 0 20% 10% 0% 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Particle Size - Millimeter PEBBLE COUNT Project: McCain Property Date: 9/10/2010 Location: Cross Section #4 Particle Counts Inches Particle Millimeter 24.0 Riffles Pools Total No. Item % % Cumulative Silt/Clay < 0.062 S /C:::: 1 1 1% 1% Very Fine .062-.125 S :::: 2 2 2% 3% Fine .125-.25 A :::: 2 d 2 2% 4% Medium .25-.50 ::: IV :::: 1 1 1% 5% Coarse .50- 1.0 ::: D :::: 0 0 0% 5% .04-.08 1 Very Coarse 1 1.0 - 2.0 ::: 5 :::: 4 4 4% 9% .08 - .16 Very Fine 2.0-4.0 5 5 4% 13% .16-.22 Fine 4.0-5.7 :::G::::::::: 5 5 4% 18% .22-.31 Fine 5.7-8.0 R::::: 4 4 4% 21% .31 -.44 Medium 8.0 - 11.3 4 —6 MY -02 4 4% 25% .44-.63 Medium 11.3- 16.0 1L :::: 6 6 5% 30% .63-.89 Coarse 16.0 - 22.6 :: ::E`::::: 20 m 20 18% 47% .89-1.26 Coarse 22.6-32.0 :::L::::: 15 15 13% 61% 1.26 - 1.77 Very Coarse 32.0-45.0 :::$;:::;:;:; 13 13 11% 72% 1.77-2.5 Very Coarse 45.0-64.0 7 7 6% 78% 2.5-3.5 Small 64-90 C :::: 9 9 8% 86% 3.5-5.0 Small 90-128 :::O::::: 5 5 4% 90% 5.0 - 7.1 Large 128-180 :B::::: 3 3 3% 93% 7.1 -10.1 Large 180-256 L :::: 0 0 0% 93% 10.1 -14.3 Small 256-362 B :: 0 0 0% 93% 14.3-20 Small 362-512 f~ :::: 0 0 0% 93% 20-40 Medium 512-1024 :::D::::: 0 0 0% 93% 40-80 Lr - Very Lrg 1024-2048 R 0 0 0% 93% Bedrock -BOR71 8 1 1 8 1 7% 1 100% Totals 114 0 114 100% 100% dll d35 d50 d84 d95 5.3 1 17.8 24.0 83.5 0.0 Bed Particle Size Distribution Cross Section 4: Riffle 100% - - 90% 80 d 70% 60% 0 MY -00 v - l MY -01 50 t —6 MY -02 40% m LL 30% 0 20% - 10% 0% 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Particle Size - Millimeter PEBBLE COUNT Project: McCain Property Date: 9/10/2010 Location: Cross Section #5 Particle Counts Inches Particle Millimeter 1 66.6 Riffles Pools Total No. Item % % Cumulative 90% Silt/Clay < 0.062 E:�:::S/G- 3 3 3% 3% Very Fine .062-.125 S :::: 8 8 7% 10% Fine .12.5-.25 : A ::::: 9 9 8% 18% Medium .25-.50 3 3 3% 21% Coarse so- 1.0 D :::: 5 5 4% 25% .04-.08 Very Coarse 1.0 - 2.0 S :::: 12 12 11% 36% .O8 - .16 Very Fine 2.0-4.0 3 3 3% 38% .16-.22 Fine 4.0-5.7 :G::::: 3 3 3% 41% .22-.31 Fine 5.7-8.0 R::::: 5 5 4% 46% .31 -.44 Medium 8.0 - 11.3 i4 :::: 12 12 11% 56% .44-.63 Medium 11.3 - 16.0 ::: V :::: 12 12 11% 67% .63-.89 Coarse 16.0-22.6 ::- :::::: 12 12 11% 78% .89-1.26 Coarse 22.6-32.0 6 6 5% 83% 1.26 - 1.77 Very Coarse 32.0-45.0 :::$;::::::: 4 4 4% 87% 1.77-2.5 Very Coarse 45.0-64.0 9 9 8% 95% 2.5-3.5 Small 64-90 C : 4 4 4% 98% 3.5-5.0 Small 90-128 :::O::::: 1 1 1 % 99% 5.0 - 7.1 Large 128- 180 ::B::::: 0 0 0% 99% 7.1 -10.1 Large 180-256 L : 0 0 0% 99% 10.1 -14.3 Small 256-362 B . 0 0 0% 99% 14.3-20 Small 362-512 a ::::::: 0 0 0% 99% 20-40 Medium 512-1024 :::D::::: 0 0 00/. 99% 40-80 Lr - Ver Lr 1024-2048 R 0 0 0% 99% Bedrock BDRK 1 1 1 % 100% Totals 0 112 112 100% 100% d16 I d35 1 d50 I d84 I d95 0.2 1 1.9 1 9.3 1 35.5 1 66.6 Bed Particle Size Distribution Cross Section 5: Pool 100% - - - - -- 90% 80% d 70 60%- U 50% -0 MY -00 l MY -01 C t —A MY -02 40% d 30% LL 0 20% 10% 0% 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Particle Size - Millimeter PEBBLE COUNT Project: McCain Property Date: 9/10/2010 Location: Cross Section #6 Particle Counts Inches Particle Millimeter 16.8 Riffles Pools Total No. Item % % Cumulative 90% Silt/Clay < 0.062 StC:::: 4 4 4% 4% Very Fine .062 - .125 5 5 5% 9% Fine .125-.25 1R :::: 4 4 4% 13% Medium .25-.50 : N :: :: 7 7 7% 20% Coarse .50- 1.0 :: D :::: 1 1 1% 21% .04-.08 Very Coarse 1.0 - 2.0 : S :::: 6 6 6% 27% .08-.16 Very Fine 2.0-4.0 1 1 1 % 28% .16-.22 Fine 4.0-5.7 G::::::::: 2 2 2% 30% .22 - .31 Fine 5.7-8.0 :R::::: 7 7 7% 37% .31 -.44 Medium 8.0 - 11.3 :idk;:: :::;:: 4 4 4% 41% .44-.63 Medium 11.3 - 16.0 : :V- :::::::: 8 MY -02 8 8% 49% .63-.89 Coarse 16.0-22.6 :::::::::: 11 11 11% 59% .89-1.26 Coarse 22.6-32.0 :::::1::::: 11 11 11% 70% 1.26 - 1.77 Very Coarse 32.0-45.0 S;:::::;:: 17 17 17% 87% 1.77-2.5 Very Coarse 45.0-64.0 7 7 79/. 94% 2.5-3.5 Small 64-90 C :::: 5 5 5% 99% 3.5-5.0 Small 90-128 ::::0* -' ' .. 1 1 1 % 100% 5.0-7.1 Large 128-180 ::B::::: 0 10%: 0 0% 100% 7.1 -10.1 Large 180-256 L :::: 0 0 0% 100% 10.1 -14.3 Small 256-362 B :::: 0 0 0% 100% 14.3-20 Small 362 - 512 0 0 0% 100% 20-40 Medium 512-1024 :::::D::::: 0 100000 0 0% 100% 40-80 Lr - Ve Lr 1024-2048 R:: 0 0 0% 100% Bedrock BDRK 0 0 1 0% 1 100% Totals 101 0 101 100% 100% dll d35 d50 d84 d95 0.4 1 7.5 16.8 42.6 68.9 Bed Particle Size Distribution Cross Section 6: Riffle 100% 90% 80% m 70% 3 60 % — 0 MY -00 V 50% ?— MY -01 ` c MY -02 40% m aL 30% 20% 10%: - 0% 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Particle Size - Millimeter Table 10a. Baseline Stream Data Summary McCain Stream Restoration Site /Pro'ect No. 443 - Reach: 1 286 feet Parameter Gauge' Regional Curve Pre-Existing Condition Reference Reaches Data Design Monitoring Baseline Dimension and Substrate - LL UL Eq. Min Mean Med Max SD' n Min Mean Med Max SD' n Min Med Max Min Mean Mad Max SD' n Bankfull Width (ft) 14.6 18.7 25.9 29.3 4 10.4 27.1 18 16.9 Floodprone Width (ft) 34 95 125 125 3 150 200 35 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.7 4 0.8 1.5 1.4 1.1 Bankfull Max De th l 1.7 2.7 2.8 3.5 4 1.4 2 2 1.5 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft) 21.3 25.6 25.9 29.3 4 12.5 22.3 24.6 18.6 Width /Depth Ratio 8.3 14 15 17.6 4 11.6 18.5 13.2 15.4 Entrenchment Ratio 1.8 5.6 6.4 8.5 3 7.4 14.4 2.1 'Bank Height Ratio 1 12 1.1 1.7 4 1 1 1 1 1 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 9 108 58 54 63 63 72 12 2 Riffle Slope ( ft/ft) 0.01 0.076 0.007 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.002 2 Pool Length (it) 28 108 38 16 21 22 25 4 3 Pool Max depth (ft) 1.8 3.1 3 Pool Spacing (ft) 38 181 95 107 113 113 119 8 2 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) 75 135 78 Radius of Curvature (ft) 14.5 26.8 30 35 35 38 38 40 2 Rc:Bankfull width ( ft/ft) 1 1.6 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.4 Meander Wavelength (ft) 70 148 190 204 1 Meander Width Ratio 3.6 13 4.6 Transport parameters Reach Shear Stress competency) Ib/ Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull Stream Power (transport ca act W m Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification B4c /E4/C4 -5 B4c /C3 /C4 134c B4c Bankfull Velocity (fps) 3,9 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) Valley length (ft) 2155 Channel Thalweg length (ft) 2475 285 286 Sinuosity (ft) 1.15 1.50-1.70 1.17 1.3 Water Surface Slope (Channel) ( ft/ft) 0.0070 - 0.0120 0.0067 0.0068 BF slope (ft/ft) 0.0070- 0.0120 0.0067 0.0065 'Bankfull Flood lain Area acres 4% of Reach with Eroding Bank Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other � c 1sr Wwlia.e vrlr ,ypcefry n•1 Rh11W rn l =The dt +lribuR,na lnr the +c rynnxlerr cnn irclude infnrmatirn fn,n, Anh ln<.r,ir.- rau,m+wey. cord WC h,l+giurdirW rr„hW. _ =Fnr rr,rjcl +withs rn•ximnl USGS gaud rntirc,.ith tic v „jalruh,ndded brNfull •eriGr.d,•n -rare.. 3. Ur .g+urvry d.h rndu c .o a +um.+e ,>(the be1t1'WI Ih.drWin smu in rrn, rhih a ,, W be Eu ue. farm the nrp,rf hat 1,, 4 - of dr terra <n+er�d.rPe. J= Pn,rr,rH•w.,f mrheaWdring b.rrlx U, ere 6.g -d We N.,W xw•ey bye -r .In- ibmng&W: 5 .Of veludrcedd.M, 9 1h nc-N3 Table l la. Monitoring Data -Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters -Cross Sections) McCain Stream Restoration Site /Project No. 443 Cross Section 1 (Reach 1- Riffle) Cross Section 2 (Reach 2- Riffle) Cross Section 3 (Reach 2 -Pool) Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 I MY2 I MY3 MY4 MY5 MY, Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used 544.4 544.3 544.4 541 540.9 541 5376 535.5 535.6 Bankfull Width (ft) 16.9 17.2 18.11 24.6 25.2 27.87 22.6 23 22.25 Floodprone Width (ft) 35 37 35 63 >75 63 - - - Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.1 1.2 1.033 1.4 1.7 1.584 1.5 1.5 1.384 Bankfull Max Depth (ft 1.5 1.6 1.6 18 2.5 2.55 2.2 2.2 1 2.36 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft2 18.6 20.8 18.71 33.7 42.7 44.14 33.6 34.1 30.8 Bankfull Width /Depth Rati 15.4 14.2 17.52 18 14.9 17.59 - - - Bankfull Entrenchment Rati 2.1 2.2 1.933 2.5 >3.0 2.261 Bankfull Bank Height Rati 1 1 1.1 1 1 0.969 Cross Sectional Area between end pins (ft2) 174.2 182 184.8 119 137 137.4 97 87 90 d50 (mm) 21 18 13.5 19 17 24.2 8.1 1.7 31 Cross Section 4 (Reach 2- Riffle) Cross Section 5 (Reach 2 -Pool) Cross Section 6 (Reach 2- Riffle) Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used 534.5 534.4 534.5 531.3 531.2 531.3 531.3 531 531.31 1 Bankfull Width (ft) 23.3 23.4 23.99 18.1 14.3 16.46 20.6 18.4 20.79 Floodprone Width (ft ) 47 52 47 - - - 51 50.5 51 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) 1.3 1.3 1.234 1.2 1.2 1.282 1.5 1.4 1.339 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.8 2 1.99 1 2.8 2.5 2.88 2.1 2 2.18 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area ft2 31.2 29.7 29.61 22.2 17.8 21.1 30.8 25.2 27.84 Bankfull Width /Depth Rati 17.4 18.4 19.44 - - - 13.8 13.4 15.52 Bankfull Entrenchment Rati 2 2.2 1.959 2.5 2.7 2.453 Bankfull Bank Height Rati 1 1 1.095 1 1 1.069 Cross Sectional Area between end ins ft2 103 120 1 132.3 1 1 146 1 148 1 158.3 133 157.1 d50 (mm 17 14 24 0.6 3 9.3 11 H4.6 16.8 1 = Widths and depths for monitoring resurvey will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional /depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with EEP. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states, "It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary.' iu ryp�cauy nut on nnw in. 1 = Th. distributions for these Daram etas can l.d ud. informavon from both the cross secvon surveys and the longitudinal profile. 2 Proportion of reach exhioiting banks that are wooing based on the visual survey from visual assessment table mmmmmmm ®mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm _ Bankfull ". mmmmmmm ®mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 'Bankfull Max Depth m® mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Wfim Miff mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Wicth/Deplh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm --• mmmmmmmmmmmmm�mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 'Bank Height mmmmmmmmmmmmm�mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, - - • . mmmmm , mmmm • • m ,. �mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm� mmmmmmmm mmm��� •t ® ©mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. mmmmmmmmmmmm ®mmm ® ©mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml • mmmmm© mmmmmmm ®mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi • mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm�mmmmmm�� mmmmmmmmmmmm mommmmmmmmmmmmm . ' from .:,: = - -_ - -- mmmmmmmm ®® ®mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm----- mmmmmmmm Meander Width Ratio mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm�� mmmmmmmm L Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm = mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .O•: mmmmmmmmmmmmmm ®mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm of Reach with Eroding Bankz Channel Stability or Habitat Metric iu ryp�cauy nut on nnw in. 1 = Th. distributions for these Daram etas can l.d ud. informavon from both the cross secvon surveys and the longitudinal profile. 2 Proportion of reach exhioiting banks that are wooing based on the visual survey from visual assessment table Parameter I Baseline I MY -1 MY -2 MY- 3 MY-4 MY- 5 Dlmeretlon and Substrate - R:file only Min Mean Mud Mate SD" n Mm Mean Med Max I SD` Min Mean I Mod I Max SD` n Min Mean Med Max SD` I n Min Meanj Med I Max SD' n Min Mean Mod Max S0" n Bankfull Width (11) 20.6 22.8 23.3 24.6 0.9 3 18.4 22.33 23.4 25.2 13.5231 3 20.79 23.08123 99 24.44 1.992 3 Floodprone Width (h) 47 54 51 63 6.2 3 51 55.33 52 63 6.658 3 47 53.67 51 1 63 8.327 3 Bankfuil Mean Depth (0) 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 0.1 3 1.3 1.467 1.4 1.7 0.208 3 1,281 1.425 1.339 1.655 0.201 3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft 1.8 1.9 1.8 2.1 0.2 3 2 2 167 2 2.5 0.289 3 2.06 2.197 2.18 2.35 0.146 3 Banklull Cross Sectional Area fix 30.8 31.89 31.2 33.7 13 3 25.2 32.53 297 42.7 9.088 3 27.86 32.95 31.3 39.71 6.102 3 Width /Depth Ratio 13.8 16.4 17.4 18 0.8 3 13.4 15.57 14.9 18.4 2.566 3 14.5 16.37 15.52 19.09 2.41 3 Entrenchment Ratio 2 2.3 2.5 2.5 0.1 3 2.2 2 467 25 2.7 0.252 3 1 923 2.334 2.453 2.626 0.366 3 'Bank Height Ratio 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 051 1.059 1.058 1.069 0.009 3 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 20.0 68.0 76.0 97.0 23.0 13 16.0 13.0 65.8 692 112.0 29.3 17 Riffle Slope (tt/fi 0.003 0.009 0008 0.019 0.004 13 0.001 0.002 0.011 0.007 0.059 0.013 17 Pool Length (ft) 12.0 22.0 23.0 33.0 6.0 13 12.0 a292 29.4 57.0 50.1 160.4 30.6 19 Pool Max depth (ft) 22 25 26 2 1.8 3.1 2.8 5.9 0.9 19 Pool Spacing (ft) 56.0 117.0 123.0 1500 250 12 520 76.9 121.5 116.5 183 71 31 18 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) 20 66 62 97 24 10 Radius of Curvature (ft) 35 49 43 80 14 12 Pattern data will not typically is cosigned unless visual data cline onal data or profile data imticale significant shil;s from baseline Rc:Banktull width (0/ft) 1.5 2.2 2.2 3.3 Meander Wavelength (ft) 158 221 229 261 36 10 Meander Width Ratio 1.9 3.1 2.7 4.8 Addltlonal Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification C4 C4 C4 Channel Thalweg length (ft) 2182 2182 2182 Sinuosity (ft) 1.18 1.18 1.18 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) 0.0068 0.0067 0.0066 BF slope (f /ft) 0.0065 0.0067 0.0068 Ri % /RU % /P % /G % /S° 54% 1 2% 32% 1 16% SC %/ Sa % /G % /C %/ B %/ Be-. ### 11% 1 10% 171% 1 7% 0% 1% d 16 / d35 / d50 / d84 / d95 1.6 6.22 14.06 41.34 97.76 : % of Reach with Eredin Bank D % 1 % Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Oth snadad ceps indicate Inai mesa.11 typically not ae nll9tl in I - The disInbutons for these parameters can include information from both the Cross- section surveys and the longitudinal profile. 2 = Proportion of reach exhibiting banks that are anteing based on the visual survey from visual assessment fable Appendix E. Hydrologic Data McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Report-final NCEEP Project number: 443 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. November 2010 Table 12. Verification of Bankfull Events Table 12. Verification of Bankfull Events Chapel Creek Stream Restoration - Project No. 77 Date of Data Date of Occurrence Method Photo # Collection November 17, 2009 November 13, 2009 Site visit to evaluate indicators of stage N/A after storm events September 30, 2010 September 30, 2010 NWS COOP Station and site visit for photo 14 confirmation A stream crest gauge was installed on the site on November 1, 2010. The data for the rainfall event was collected from NWS Cooperative Observer Station Asheboro 2 W (310286) located in Asheboro, NC. The daily observed precipitation on September 30, 2010 shows rainfall of 3.81 inches over a 24 hour period which is greater than the bankfull storm event for the project location. Photo 14 shows the wrack line on the bank providing evidence of the bankfull event on the project site. Photo 14. Wrack line McCain Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring Report -final NCEEP Project number: 443 Year 2 of 5 Ward Consulting Engineers, P.C. November 2010 + indicates record also occurred in previous years (last occurrence listed) Official data and data for additional locations and years are available from the Regional Climate Centers and the National Climatic Data Center NOWData - NOAA Online Weather Data - ASHEBORO 2 W (310286) - Daily Almanac 1 i Date Sep 30, 2010 - - Daily Values - Observed - Normal - Record /Year Prev Year, Max Temperature 76 _ i__761 90 in _1954 71 _ Min Temperature r 63 1 561, 38 in 1967 +,, 50 Avg Temperature 69 5 - 66, 80 0 in 1954+ 60 5 Precipitation- ' � - - 3 81- 0 13 -- - 3 81 in 2010 0 00 New Snowfall' -_ - _ _ = 0 0 in- 2009+ _0 0 _ Snow Depth - t - 6 in 20'09+ - 0 _ HDD, (base 65) 0 2 r 13 in 1967 +' 4 CDD (base 65) 5 - - -3 - 15 in 19154+ 0 -. } Month -To -Date Observed Normal Record /Year Prev Year Avg Max Temperature 85 4 79 6 88 2 in 1933 78 3 Avg Min Temperature 63 3 61 1 54 9 in 1967 60 3 Avg Temperature 74 4 70 4 76 5 in 1933 69 3 Total Precipitation 6 63 4 22 14 16 in 1928 3 69 Total Snowfall - - 0 0 in 2009 0 0 Avg Snow Depth - - 0 in 2009 0 Total HDD 3 15 68 in 1928 14 Total CDD 293 175 355 in 1931 150 + indicates record also occurred in previous years (last occurrence listed) Official data and data for additional locations and years are available from the Regional Climate Centers and the National Climatic Data Center —.7 .iu u --. vi Precipitation Frequency Estimates (inches) ARI' 15 30 0 ff2-0- 12 10 20 3 [�55�Mo ��� 3 hr 6 hr 24 hr 48 hr 4 day 7 day min uun mm —0 hr y da �1 Fo 4-01 064 OF 8 01 110 137 161 172 209 248 289 338 380 435 495 667 82 �2 0 48 F6-761 0 96 1 32 1 66 1 96 209 2 52 2 99 3 49 4 07 4 56 5 19 5 89 7 86 9 6 5055 089 112 159 204 243 260 314 374 437 505 561 631 708 928 11 10 060 097 122 177 231 277 298 361 434 505 580 643 719 800 1041 12 0 66 1 06 1 34 1 98 2 64 3 20 3 47 4 24 5 14 5 97 6 82 7 55 8 39 9 25 11 94 14 50 070 111 141 212 288 353 385 472 579 671 761 843 935 1023 1314 15 100 ®0 0 73 76 1 16 1 20 1 47 2 25 3 10 3 84 4 21 5 22 6 45 7 45 8 43 1 51 2 36 3 31 4 15 4 58 5 71 7 14 8 22 9 26 9 34 10 32 11 22 14 36 16 10 26 11 32 12 23 15 59 17 500 0 78 1 24 1 56 2 48 3 56 4 54 5 06 6 38 8 09 9 27 10 39 11 53 12 69 13 60 17 27 19 1000 0 80 l 26 1 58 2 56 3 74 4 83 5 42 6 90 8 85 10 10 11 28 l2 52 1'i 77 l4 67 l 8 58 20 These precipitation frequency estimates are based on a partial duration senes ARI isthe Average Recurrence Interval Please rater to NOAA Atlas 14 Document for more information NOTE Formatting forces eshmates near zero to appear as zero n n n rn n n ®1041 1246 Q 1218 1453 26 13 94 1640 47 15 29 17 84 07 17 07 19 69 31 18 42 21 09 53 19 74 22 43 a 76 21 OS 23 73 39 227 7 25 42 O 65 24 08 26 69 y T O _ a y� o a r a a Q a Q 0 a D