HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0000020 Aville Arpt Correspondence 3-'15 - 12-'16 t 1� Z ' George T.Hamrick DUC Senior Vke PreAtent L- Coal Combustion Products FW ENERGY q 400 South Try`on Street ST06A Charlotte,NC 28202 Phone:980-373-8113 Emalt geonfe ham9ck6duk"nergy com December 15,2016 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Mr.G.Landon Davidson,P.G. Regional Supervisor.-,Asheville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality(NCDEQ)-Division of Water Resources Water Quality Regional Operations Section. 2090 U.S.Highway 70 Swannanoa,North Carolina 28711 RE: Asheville Regional Airport Coal Combustion Products structural Fill Permit No.WQ0000020 2016 Annual Report Dear Mr. Davidson: In accordance with Section V.2 of the Asheville Regional Airport Coal Combustion Products Structural Fill Permit No.WQ0000020, please accept the attached 2016 Annual Inspection Report. If you have any questiorisor need clarification regarding the information provided,feel free to contact Randy Hart at Randy.Hart@duke-eneray.com or(980)373-5630 at your convenience. RqspeS#ulIysub yrgitte , George T.Hamrfck Senior vice President w/attachment: 2016 Asheville Regional Airport Structural Fill Annual Inspe'ctt'on Report(12-15-2016);;AVL Area 1&4 Design Drawings(5-26-2016);NCDEQ litter($-16-2016) Duke Energy cc;; Brian Wefsker John Toepfer,Mike Kafka,Matt Pickett,Dana Kooser;Tim H. Dale Sm)th,Gary Whisnant,Shannon Todd,Erika Tuchbaum,Scott Saunders;Tina Woodward,Benjamin Branham,Michael A R ;sman, James:Wells;Jon Kerin,Randy Hart,Filet 2016 Asheville Structural Fill Annual Report { i Introduction This document serves as the Annual Inspection Report(Report) required by Condition V.2. of NCDENR (now NCDEQ) Permit No.WQ0000020 (Permit) issued to Duke Energy on September 2, 2015. Pursuant to the Permit,an annual inspection report shall be submitted on or before December 31 of each year. Quarterly inspections shall be performed that log observations pertaining to the integrity of intermediary and permanent caps,structural integrity, erosion, condition of liner systems,stormwater collection systems and 'condition of monitoring wells. Quarterly inspections shall contain the following, at a minimum: • Date and time of each report; • Name and title of the inspectors; • Observation results on structural integrity,erosion, liner systems, integrity of the cap system, stormwater collection systems,condition of monitoring wells,settlement,subsidence,seepage, and presence of woody vegetation; • Description and photo documentation of any pertinent issues such as breach in liner system, excavations within 3 feet of the liner system,erosion,development of depressions,slope. movement,.damage to monitoring wells, and groundwater seepage; • Any maintenance, repairs,or corrective actions taken; • An annual engineer's certification of the evaluation on the structural integrity and stability of the ash fill areas. Annual Report Summary and Observations In accordance with the Permit conditions and as outlined in the 2015 Annual Report, Duke Energy performed regular inspections of the structural fill areas at the Asheville Regional Airport(Airport) in 2016. Duke Energy was issued a Notice of Violation No. NOV-2015-PC-0303 (NOV) on December 2,2015. As part of the response to the NOV mentioned above,the following schedule was proposed in the 2015 Annual Report for completion of the permanent design, permitting,and construction of repairs-and improvements to.Area I and Area IV. • 60 days to complete permanent designs for Area I and review existing permanent stormwater management plan for Area IV(March 1,2016) • 45 days to complete necessary permitting with NCDEQ(April 15,2016) • 60 days to complete construction activities on-site(June 15, 2016) Duke Energy agreed to perform monthly inspections until all issues in the NOV were addressed. Subsequently, quarterly inspections would resume per the permit. Repairs and maintenance of the items in the NOV were deemed substantially complete-after the September monthly inspection.A quarterly inspection,for Quarter 4,was performed in November. 1 Matt Pickett, a Lead Engineer for Duke Energy CCP Engineering, performed all monthly and quarterly inspections. The areas inspected included Area I, Area III, and Area IV located at the Airport. Figure 1 on the following page depicts the areas in relation to the Airport facilities: Area I on the northeast corner of the property, Area III west of the runway to the north, and Area IV to the west of the runway and to the south. Area I & Area IV Improvement Plan The Area I & Area IV Improvement Plan consisted of construction drawings and erosion and sediment control measures developed by AVCON. Inc., the airport's engineering consultant, and Charah, the airport's construction contractor. Duke Energy engineering reviewed the plans and provided comments to ensure the plans would meet the requirements of the NOV. The plans were finalized March 1, 2016. The plans were also forwarded to NCDEQ Division of Water Quality as a courtesy to show the repair plan was progressing. The final sealed plans are included as Attachment 1 to this report. AVCON submitted the plans to NCDEQ for Erosion and Sediment Control permitting in March 2016. The Letter of Approval was received April 20, 2016. Charah began construction of the repairs for Area I on April 21, 2016 and completed repairs on June 15, 2016. Area IV repairs were started in May 2016 and completed June 30, 2016. Area IV repairs were delayed due to an ongoing construction project in the vicinity of Area IV. As part of the July inspection, Duke Energy walked the areas and inspected the repairs with representatives of Charah and the airport. Duke Energy submitted a letter of completion for the improvements plan on August 16, 2016. This letter is attached to this report as Attachment 2. Duke Energy continued to do monthly inspections through September until the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan was finalized by DEQ. Duke Energy initiated quarterly inspections thereafter. 2 r } u✓F.. xi 4 � ��11I IY V� � I W f : � s a E .. v ass e 4 � p • ,^,� Y u. .4 2 3 i -------------- seaatl III poe liodny}o Maly leuaq-Z amFg r Area I The Area I ash fill,completed in the fall of 2010, is an approximately 18-acre fill area on the north end of the Airport located east of the runway. The fill area is designed to slope north at a 2.5%grade across the top of the fill area. The outer slope of the fill was built to a 33%(31-1:1V)slope. A wetland area, stormwater structures, and outfalls are located at the north toe of the Area I slope. There is a 100-foot wide compacted soil core over the length of a 60-inch diameter stormwater pipe that transects the ash fill. The pipe flows south to north and is part of drainage from the Airport runway areas. The compacted soil core is to ensure that ash is not located within 50 feet of a stormwater pipe. Area I is lined with geosynthetic clay liner(GCL) on the bottom. The cap system for the area is a vegetated compacted soil cover. The top of the fill system with the 2.5%grade is constructed with a 6- foot thick soil cap. The outer slopes are constructed with a 2-foot thick soil cap as designed. The detail for the cap is shown in the figure below. The detail shown below is from the drawing set"Asheville Regional Airport-Fly Ash Beneficial Use Project," issued by Charah, revised December 2007. TOP OF FILL -8' SIDE ELO.ES-27 (7)COMPACTED SOIL CAP {/ ASH PLACEMENT _ �• -. .. 64AX iXl[�cmd�ec .. .CmEOSYEHETTC CLAY LINER MATERIAL MIN. TYPICAL LINER SECTION NTS Figure 2-Typical cap and liner detail for Area I Area I Observations During the last two months of 2015,temporary measures were installed in Area I to divert water, establish vegetation and prevent further erosion until a final repair plan could be developed.AVCON, the airport's engineering consultant,was contracted to prepare a permanent repair plan by March 1, 2016 with approval and construction completed by June 15, 2016. Until the plan and repairs could be completed,the temporary structures were maintained and inspected. The photos below illustrate the measures taken to reduce erosion and establish vegetation in Area I after the NOV was issued. Before the repair plan could be implemented,typical conditions as shown in the photos existed relatively unchanged from January to April. 4 i a Photo 1-Area I showing erosion and sediment control measures taken to prevent erosion and establish vegetation. (March 2016) Photo 2 -Standing water and tire ruts noted at toe of Area I.(March 2016) 5 1• 1 p 4 f a'�- . r � H f^ g+ S' Y� Photo 3-Area I erosion rill noted on western slope.(March 2016) Photo 4-Slope drains not constructed properly on Area 1.(March 2016) After clearing vegetation in later 2015, an apparent weep and scarp were noted on the north side of the access road that forms the toe of the fill area. This area was to be addressed within the repair plan, by removing unstable material and backfilling and re-grading the area. 6 Photos.5 and 6 below show the condition of the weep and scarp. The weep is a trickle flow. The scarp is approximately 60 feet in length with depth ranging from eight inches to 18 inches. r. N' f. wi i Photo 5-Apparent weep noted during November.and December 2015 inspections.(April 2016) Photo 6-Scarp noted during November and December 2015 inspections.(April 2016) Several areas on the north slope of Area I were repaired by filling in ruts with soil and establishing vegetation.The east slopes of the fill area have adequate vegetation, no visible erosion,and were in 7 r good condition. Minor erosion was noted in areas along the south slope as well as some small animal burrows that would be addressed. The top of the fill had a few minor erosion issues, an area of sparse vegetation, and a small depression requiring attention. Duke Energy identified these areas in the monthly.reports and provided a list of recommended repairs for each issue to the Airport. Area I Corrective Actions A permanent repair plan was approved by NCDEQ in April 2016.Charah began work on the repair plan in May and completed the work in June.The plan for Area 1 included re-grading areas to divert stormwater,install fill to ensure permitted cap thickness and repairing drainage structures. The pictures below show examples of repair construction. g Photo 7-Repairs to the East Slope of Area 1.(May 2016) 8 WOr Photo 8-Rip-rap channels installed and re-grading of Area 1.(June 2016) Photo 9-Rip-rap channels and vegetation established in Area 1.(August 2016) 9 s `# try . Photo 10-Rip-rap channels installed and re-grading of Area 1.(December 2016) �a �� �k d "✓ ,� X b €� � 3 eye r ? � 3 �,,} PI " # i'�ar �,,�` ,nos ma. •t� ,� < 4 atx"sr a y3- fa >-0'� - r - w Photo 11-Re-graded cover and established vegetation on East slope in Area 1.(December 2016) 10 Area III The Area III ash fill is an approximately 29-acre ash fill located west of the runway on the northern portion of the airport property.Area III completed construction in 2016.The area is constructed (from bottom to top)with a compacted soil subgrade, geosynthetic clay liner,and 60-mil geomembrane liner with leachate collection pipes on top of the liner. The leachate collection system gravity drains to the Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County(District). 6 aFAMMY V1.11 M UOU C r t4 rt4WWrz R'dLv W ORtEiCi�i '�5�F_'SiFdS,,tli� �` Figure 3-Typical bottom liner system detail for Area III The cap for Area III is a flexible membrane with soil cover on top of it. The geomembrane in the cap system is 40-mil textured HDPE. The cap thickness is six feet on top and two feet on the side slopes as designed. The design details shown below are from the drawing set, "Asheville Regional Airport, Engineered Fill -Area 3," issued for construction by Charah on March 15, 2013. aft"�RT!»' 1:9f.WfFP6e)1.. �'" 3 Pen.4sC are2 . i i?!s�gtsrol'^ktst5 j4 Figure 4-Typical cap detail for Area III Area III Observations In the beginning of 2016,Area III had an open Erosion and Sediment Control (E&SC) permit held by the Airport. Final phases of construction were still ongoing in the area.Area III was not included in the Improvement Plan developed by AVCON. Portions of Area III were overfilled in the summer of 2016 due to a construction project to extend a runway at the airport. 11 The photos presented below show the typical issue with Area III was establishing vegetation. Minor erosion was evident at times with areas of sparse vegetation. Construction traffic also impaired vegetation growth. TIZ Photo 12-Area III with vegetation being established.(April 2016) 3 Pi z Photo 13-Area III used for materials staging for airport fill project.(June 2016) 12 Area III Corrective Actions Area III did not have any issues identified for corrective action in the 2015 Annual Report. Duke Energy continued to include the area in its-inspections, inspecting the cap for erosion and integrity issues. The Area III fill project was completed and turned over to the responsibility of the Airport for future maintenance in August 2016. Duke Energy will continue to include the area in its quarterly inspections. Photo 14-Area 111 airport fill project.(October 2016) Area IV The Area IV ash.fill,substantially completed April 1,2015, is located to the west of the Airport runway. The 28-acre fill area was constructed in three different phases: Phase I, Phase IA, and Phase 2. Area IV is constructed.(from bottom to top)with a compacted soil subgrade,geosynthetic clay liner, and 60-mil geomembrane liner with leachate collection pipes on top of the liner. The leachate collection system gravity drains to the District. The cap system is similar to Area III noted above, but it was designed with a 30-mil geomembrane cap. The soil thickness on the cap is six feet on top and two feet on the side slopes as designed. 13 ' ��tcmmm rna�:.als 4tKat . +MtRCiklD tfCt4G�'M,iT:� T8" '' P •, R G`TIOJ Figure 5-Typical cap detail for Area IV Area IV Observations An inspection in October 2015 identified exposed geomembrane liner along the western slope (but not . exposed ash),areas with over grown vegetation, and several areas of erosion on the slopes. The area with the exposed cap was filled with soil and a sandbag diversion ring was installed to divert surface water until a permanent grading plan is developed and implemented. Further inspections of the area in November and December 2015 revealed the temporary measures were successful in diverting water and avoiding further erosion. Area IV was included in the AVCON Improvement plan to repair the deficiencies noted above.The areas were inspected monthly,similar to Area I,to ensure the areas needing repair were not worsening. The photos below show typical conditions in the area prior to being addressed with the repair plan design and implementation. r� Photo 15-Rip-rap outlets with erosion and exposed geotextile fabric.(May 2016), 14 � F 4 rt Photo 16-Temporary measures around exposed geomembrane.(April 2016) NO, v ✓�� au 'fir � a s�`4 r� to- �� ��9Y� #: �, �A- it?:, h Photo 17-Sparse vegetation and erosion rills noted on Area IV slope.(May 2016) 15 Photo 18-Standing water along toe of Area IV slope.(May 2015) During the early part of 2016,Area IV was being utilized as a construction laydown area adjacent to the new runway. The Airport held an E&SC permit for Area IV in relation to the construction activities for the new runway. Area IV Corrective Actions A permanent repair plan was approved by NCDEQ in April 2016. Charah began work on the repair plan in May and completed the work in June.The plan for Area IV included re-grading areas to divert stormwater,establishing vegetation, and placement of fill to ensure permitted cap thickness. Improvement Plans were developed by AVCON,the contractor for the Asheville Airport.The plans were shared with NCDEQ-Asheville Regional Office in March 2016.An Erosion &Sediment Control Plan approval was issued to start work May 13,2016. Charah completed construction in Area IV June 30, 2016. A permanent repair plan was approved by NCDEQ in April 2016. Charah began work on the repair plan in May and completed the work in June.The plan for Area IV included repairing the exposed geomembrane,stormwater drainage improvement, and establishing permanent vegetation. The pictures below show examples of repair construction. 16 a 5^ r � e 1x ay Photo 19-View of repair to exposed geomembrane and installation of erosion control features in Area IV.(June 2016) a - * Photo 20-View of re-graded slope and drainage improvements along toe of Area IV.(June 2016) 1 17 n. r"".— '�--�"�.,- a Al Photo 21-View of repair to exposed geomembrane and installation of erosion control features in Area IV.(December 2016) "ON, ..; r $r Photo 22-View of re-graded slope and drainage improvements along crest of Area IV.(December 2016) 18 Final Observations The structural fills at the Asheville Regional Airport are in overall good condition as documented in regular inspections by Duke Energy in 2016.The Area I and Area IV Improvements were completed per the design and meet the requirements as stated in the NOV.Ongoing inspections will ensure the improvements continue functioning as designed and maintain the integrity of the fill structures. After the improvement plan was implemented,the primary ongoing issue for all areas is establishing a good stand of vegetation.As of the final Quarterly Report, dated November 2, 2016,the following table lists issues to be monitored and recommended actions going into 2017. AREA I •lbs4vbtiAt . .. Standln Vilater Seep at doe of_eastern fell ContlriC�e to onFtor= is ARE a�I ( '� � i i;�,eg' ''� a�`"r��'� � c-� w•. a � � �w =u � tit t u � � Nr, ri Cnta# nfrnal grcf df ;�a�tunc a iih a p r iy n wy @ aw ' N na g U � ,ii pipe t p'J'' r'3,H i6�Mri' � �' 't i 'JU ��-t 9+d� �'.--s ..:.; ,,p'� a, `� a a �pE4au , .• � a ar 3 lrros�ot rills on fh norms slope eastern{ Rt�;rr to rade attd�p" taf� ge} x ¢^7 }§ x a s - ' 2a AREA III t � rosion on,crest�of slope on west side of Return o grade and esta l f uege anon � 14,1A,: ^h3 AREA IV • . VE' .� eam'a - �'P 1 e s�c� �� f l ire c Aa itet -to grade and" stali'sh ueetaor ��9 01 2 AOmatbrrows 1 on south slopeatl wfth compactedso(and estab�sh ugetat�ott n A3 ►nrsattlttvetslppe:ar�cl � strshancmaEata' iX�regat� sr «PN In addition to monitoring the surface of the fills,the condition of the monitoring wells were observed quarterly per the permit. Conditions of the wells were recorded regarding access, casing, caps, labeling, locks, paint and well pad.All wells as of the final quarterly report are in satisfactory condition with no issues outstanding. s _ AREA I _ .._... g;,i MW-QUA at>sf 'd oil IV Ir Ma atsfctr e u. `C..va.avu r 4+ MW OQA ,' ii Safsfaofy ," I g�x 19 AREA III - $�fl' ''raga ' '4'` �!'" aSfCt04. 4'�°' _ - q �, OF tSftct0 2 " $=U' , tkS ttt y 4.f f43h(`7 SatiSfctory, AREA IV' i �� lt�W 1�¢l�}a� ° � � n.SattsfacYory • pyp kss �W-3j� y,r� 'S'�B}tEsn¢�3f>tC�}yry. $atlSfatory W=6 M-aactory kd� M�8 �� ,Sattsfactory CERTIFYING STAT h EI T This Report is presented to meet the requirements of Permit No.WQ0000020 issued to Duke Energy on September 2,2015. To the best of my knowledge,the information contained in this Report and supporting documentation are accurate and complete. I hereby certify that this Report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer unde the laws of the state of North Carolina` � Signature:, �_� �` ��'FE S��,�/,�,�'. Printed Name .... ,.Cv Uf :/P✓r SEAL - Date:_ l Z� /�� - License NumberG j 26864 tn Digitally signed by Scott R.Nordgren,P.E. DN:cn=Scott R.Nordgren,P.E.,o=CCP Scott R. J'EEngineering,ou=Carolinas West, Nordgren, P.- ' ail=sc M,C=dgren@duke- energy,cu m,c=US Date:2016.12.15 10:06:08-05'00' 20 ATTACHMENTS 1.Attachment 1: Final Repair Plan drawings, "Area 1 and Area 4 Improvements,"AVCON, Inc., March 2016. 2.Attachment 2: Letter of completion,Area I and Area IV Improvements, Duke Energy,August 16,2016 21 Attachment 1 Attachment 2 �'CC. ✓ a 3� k' ,:,, .3 F� '„s 3 "e f 1 £ y� -, �rK x ��r x -�s � ,� �;�- ( �f` , � ` 2 OP a n# r 4i0 SlmmgtotFSfieet ' �z .. � ! Aatelgh NO 2760E �a EIN * t i�al7m�ldless `� x,F �7Ralergh aIlk919 546 7863"a August 16 2016 ` r Y x 9'rtt F°` u s ! t F - ! ✓ ? '�" kris Y _ " Mr Eandon D6UldSon ` }NC DENR Ashev!116�Regional Offices 20901!S 70Nighstiay k t s Swannanoa NC„28778 �' RE '� " Coal�CombustlonlProducts StructuralAll perrnit'No1fI1Q0000020 `' 4 provemenea and4reaU Im onalArpAr^ ort ,t a n a Dear MrDavitlson- � . Ai Tii TV' This letter is to inform you that the lnipcAvements to Area I and AreaaY at the Asheville Regional Airport' Were.comp eted�in earlyJtaly 201 The improvement plans weret ared witfi you in MarcF 2016 the work was completed under an Erosion&°Sedimentation Control FIanLetter of Approval issued`to `4.„ r '' (,9'e.' £ tie Alrport,dated:Nlay 13,',2016 M ' if you have any question's or need any clarification regarding the:lnformation,provided, feel free to ' contact me gat Sohn toep uke eneray com at k 546 7863 at your convenience � � e a ^'.- .. Respectfully suBmitted, y - M L t - e John` Lead Engineer` f., � Enur�onmental Serrlces r' 4'.° CC. Brett Laverty DEQAsheville Regional Office m Matt Pickett ,Duke Energ 111—r Y Scott Nordgren='duke Energy Ed Sullivan Duke Energy x t t �, -� � IJ Michael A.<Reisman �AsF eville Regional"Air °, Po: rt Effinger CFiarah 'Inc Erie , tfr t AREA 1 AND AREA 4 IMPROVEMENTS RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLI`NA APRIL 2016 AVCON,INC. ' ENCINE®t5&PLINNWIS onn OtEFK W.SRIE If] AERIAL M A P VICINITY MAP N.T.S. N.T.S. sheville tA�i o Digitally signed REGIONAL AIRPORT `" by lames M. I ,Qy�laose,P.E. A' -E3aCLG'2016.05.26 ''' � 15:22:45-04'00' GENERAL NOTES UTILITY NOTES 1. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK THE CONTRACTOR 9H4L HAVE AN APPROVED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE WHICH 1, THECONTRACTOR SMALL REQUEST THE FAA TO 9TPNE ALL FAA FACILITES IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK CONTRACTOR s h e v i l l e SWlll BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTIR ICN PLARB AND BPECIFIDATIONA CONTRACTOR SHALL REVISE AND RESUBMIT SHAD.PROVIDE UTILITY LOCATING SERVICES FOR AIRFIELD ELECTRICAL C09i FOR THIS SERVICE SHALL BE INDDEMPL TO THE 9CIEDULEAS DIRECTED BY OWNEIT—INEERANDAS WORKPROGRESSE9 ANDTHE SCHEDULE ISAFFECTEU. CONTRACT ] IN ADDITION TO THESE PAWS AND SPECIFICATIONS,ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTVMES FOR THIS PROJECT SWILL CONFORM TO THE 2 CONTRACTOR9WLLL REVIEWPLLARFlELD UTILITIES WITH THE FMMDARPORT STAFF PRIOR TO WORK REGIONAL AIRPORT GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN FEDERAL AVIATION ADMIMSTRATION(FAA)AC 15015ST0.2-OPERATIONAL SAFETY ON AIRPORTS DURING CONSTRUCTION--NRRENT EDITION(INCLUDED IN SPECIFICATIONS). 3. HH-ES SHOWN ON PLANS ME FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.CONTRACTOR SHALL RELD VERIFY ALL UTILITIES FOR 3, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL POSSESS AND WMINUOUSLT MONITOR GROUND CONTROL FREQUENCY 121.1 ON THE JOB STETT ALL LOCATIONS PRIOR TOBEGINNNG WORK TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS FROM EACH CROSSING LOCATION ESPECIALLY WHILE WORKING WITHIN THE RUNWAY 4. PROTECTION AND REPAIR OF EASTING CABLES AND UTIUTES-ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHALL BE PROTECTED,AND DAMAGES SAFETY AREA IRSL CONTRACTOR SHALL MONTOR CTAF AT MIGHT(WHEN ATOT IS-5E0)ON FREQUENCY 121.I. REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY AS SPEDRED IN SPECIAL PROVISION. 4. STRUCTION ACTIVITIES ARE NOT PERMITTED WITHIN 251?OF THE CENTERLINE OF AR ACTIVE RUNWAY WITHOUT THE PRIOR B. CONTRACTOR SWILL BE RESPON5IBLE FOR RELD LOCATION AND VERI—ION OF AIL UTILITIES AND GABLES,INCLUDING FAA APPROVKOFTHEOWNERIENGINEER NAVIGATONM AIDS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION.VERIFICATION OFU MITES MUST BE BY MEAN OF WWDOI9 TEST HOLES PRIOR TO 5. DONSTRIICTION ACTIVITIES ME NOT PERMITTED WITHOUT OWNENENGINEER APPROVAL WITHIN A TAKIWAY OBJECT FREE AREA EXCAVATION. DAMAGE TO ANY OF THESE UTILITIES—BE REPAIRED IMMEDATELY BY THE OONTRACTOi AT THE (TOFAL CONTRAC10R'9E%PENSEINAMANNERACCEPTABLETOBOMMEOWNEPoENGINEER DSMAGESINCURREDBYTHEARPORT.FA4 A�yCON,INVI CCU. ARLI ES.ARCRAFT OPERATORS,OR DUETO DAMAGES BY THE CONTRACTOR 6—BE BORNEBY THE CONTRACTOR. S. CONTRACT ORSSUPBORTENOENT9WYLBEONTRECONSTRUCTION6TEATALLTME9MMMWONNGHOJRSWHLEJOBISIN xwam xcic- PROGRESS A SWILL BE DESIGNATED THE RESPONSIBLE CONiPACTOR9 REPRESENTATIVE WHO SHALL BE AVALABtE ON A 2AiWLJRBVSIe. - ....r.m T. BEFORE USING A CONSTRUCTION A—SS POINT OR GATE.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING THE Q CONSTRUCTION£S3 WITH THE OWNEILENGINEER THE CONTRACTOR SHA L RESTORE ALL GRASSED AND PAVED AREAS '•.LARp DI IIdII 51 ned (A—..E9 AEl WITHIN THE AIRPORT PROPERTY.OUTSIDE THE!LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION,WNICTI ARE DISTURBED BY DONSTRI—ION ACTIVITY �KN (�'•ys 9 Y 9 9,)WUL STAGING,STORAGE M.)TO THEIR PRE—NSTRUCTION MNDHIQK NO DIRECT PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR P A THIS AS IT IS CONSIDERED A SUBSIDIARY OBLIGATION OF THE CONTRACTOR ? gl EAi''ST', � by James M. B. ITEMS FOR CONTROL OF SAFETY DURING CONSTRUCTION SUCH AS VEHICLE DOMING,RADIOS,BARRI DEB.FLAGGERS ETC., J]1B1 ?"N4005e,P.E. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.SMALL NOT BE PAD FOR DIRECTLY AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS A SUBSIDIARY DELIOATION OF INDEX OF DRAWINGS '.D°sdtL:`2016.05.26 THECONTPACTOR 3u 15:23:14-04'00' w S. NO ODNSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL ENTER OR CROSS ANY ACTIVE AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AREA ADA)EXCEPT UPON Sheet Number Sheet Title �'""P W AIRIPI--BY THE OWNERIEN-1- 10.AILCONTRACTORVEHICLES.INCLWINGWWLINGVEHICLESTHATAREAURgR TOOPERATE ONTHEARPORTWITHINTHE COVER SHEET ASHEVILLE pE51GN4TED LIMITS OF CON9TRUCRON OR HAUL ROUTES AS DEFINED HEFEIN.9NALL DISPLAY IN FULL VIEW ABOVE THE VEHICLE Z A SXS OR LARGER AVATION ORANGE AND WHITE CHECKERBOARD FLAD,EACH CHECKERBOARD BEING V SOJARE WHEN "I GUt-GENERALNOTESLEGENDSI—OFORAWING9 REGIONAL AIRPORT OPERATING WRING PERIODS OF DARKNESS OR LIMITED VIABILITY,GONTRACTOR'9 VEHICLES BRAD.BE EQUIPPED WITH FLASHING AMBER LIGMS.DURING SUCH PERIODS HAULING VEHICLES NOT SO EQUIPPED SOUL BE ESCORTED BY A VEHICLE SO G02 PROJECT LAYOUT HAUL ROUTES ASHEVILLE EQUIPPED,ALSO.VEHICLES SHALL DISPLAY COMPANY NAME OR LOGO IDENTIFICATION MEDIA BY MAGNETIC SIGNS OR LOGO lu PANTFDONVEL—. SAFETY AND SECURITY NOTES NORTH AR 11.MAAMUM CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SPEED ON ALL ARPORT PROPERTY SHALL BE 25 MPH.SPEEDING AND UNSAFE DRIVING GL4 SAFETY DETAILS PRAC110E3 HALLNOTBEALLOWED. S MEA CFt T FASTING WNIRIONS 12 WMNTRACTO RA R9 EMPLOYEES VEHCLE951WL-BE PMKFD IN OESIGWITEO AREAS WITHIN CONiRACTOR93TPLIM1G ARO510MGE `-�1`�����1- ,� ��)"-"�_ AREA—STINGOOIAITIONS 13.NO UNG WILL BE ALLOWED ON ARPORT PAVEMENTS EXCEPT AS AUTHDRUED BY OWNERENGINE£R.NMPACTOR TO gpEAt GRADNOMDORAWWE(SHEET 1 OF 3) ``''""''''����``•TT '\ l ,rpDl ROINITE ALL HAUL R WITH OUTES OWNERENGINEEK ARFIELD PAVEMENTS U ILS ED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR HULLING MUST BE CONTINUALLY—NED AND DUST CONTROLLED VA WATER TRUCK MECIYNOGM-SWEEPER POWER BROOM.OR �- p VADWM TRUCK DUST AND FW MUST BE MANIANED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNERENGINEER DURING THE COMPLETE —4 AREA I GRADING AND DRANAGE(SHEET 2 OF 3) _I KBYPLM gJPATON OF THE CONTRACT. 4 Y 14. =NTH MEAN GRgBNGPNp ORANSGE(SHEET30F3) 4� UCNON EQUIPMENT TO BE PMItED ONLY WITHIN COAT -TORS STAGING AND STORAGE AREA,WHEN NOT IN 15E.OR OUTSIDEOF ESTMLISHEDMOUR90F CONSTRUCTION MFAaGRADNGANo oRNNAGE(sHEErIOFa) - AREAL AND 15.ME CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTINLOUSLY MONITOR AAD IMMEDIATELY REMOVE FROM ACTIVE AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT AREAS ANY AREA4GRADNGANDORNNAGE(SHEET20F4) AREA 1 FOREIGN OBJECT DEBRIS(FOG),WASTE AND LOOSE MATERIAL CAPARLE OF CAUSING DAMAGE TD ARCRAFT LANDING GEM, W PNOPELLERSANDROTORS,OROFBEINGINGESTEDBYJETENGINE9.TECONTRACTORISRNANCALLYRE9FONSELERJRANY AREA—RADINGANDORNNAGE(SHEET3014) IMPROVEMENTS pNMGE9 TO NRCRAFi DIE TO NEGLIGENCE IN FOD CONTROL 15.WRING HOURS OF REBTRCTED A BUTY OR DARIWERS OPEN TRENCHES,EXCAVATIONS AND STOCKPILED MATERAL AT THE AREA—RADNGANDORNNAGE(SHEEf 40F4) STRULTION SITE SHALL BE PROMINENTLY MARKED WRH ORANGE FLAGS AND UGHTED WITH—RING RED UGHT9 UNITS IACCEPTPBLETOTHEOWNENENGINEER). EGO! EROSIONANID3EDMENTCONTROL NDTE3(SHEET10F 21 Z IT.STOCKPILED MATERIAL SHALL BE CONSTRAINED IN A MANNER TO PREVENT MOVEMENT M A RESULT OF AIRCRAFT BAST OR EG02 EROSONAHD 5—CONTROL NOTES(SREETIOF 2) GENERAL NOTES, < WIND MATERIAL SHALL SE STORED IN THE WNTPACTORS STAGING AND STORAGE AREA UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE OWN NGINEER EGOS EROSION CONTROL DETAILS(SHEET I OF 2) LEGEND B INDEX IS.DURNG CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR BRAD.PROTECT ALL OUSTING ARPORT LIGHTING,MY DAMAGE TO THE EASING EG04 EROSION CONTRA DETAILS(SHEET 2 OF 2) OF DRAWINGS S ARFORT LIGHTING SYSTEM'CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION —NATIONS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO THE ON1VERIENGINEERANDREPARED BY THE CONTRACTOR OR REPAIRED BY THEARPORTATTHE COST OF THE CONTRACTOR. Amnnon. 4Q0 1B.ALL WASTE MATERIALS.CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AND DEMOLITION MATERIALS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE BY THE ii CONTACTORORATMONSRELOCATIDNMPROV BYTHEOWNEWENGINEER. 20,MY PERMITS REOUIRED FOR THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT BALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR ^^'^ •^ 21.AJL ODNSTRUCTON SHALL COMPLY W MALLMPUCASLE GOVERNNG CODEBAND BE CONSTRUCTED TO SAME, SCALE: ,^o 22 LOCATIONS FOR STOCK PIUNG SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH OWNEWENGINEER THE DONTRACTOft WILL NOT SE ALLOWED TO STOCK PILE MATERIAL WITHIN THE RUNWAY OBJECT FREE AREA(ROFA)WHILE THE RUNWAY 19 ACTIVE CONTRACTOR SHA L MARE REVISAMS: ALL PERSONNEL AWARE OF LIMITS OF OBJECT FREEMEAS. NO. DATE BY DESCRIPTION ?3.THE RUNWAY OBJECT FREE MFA(ROFA)MD TAXIWAY OBJECT FREE AREA(TOFA)—REMAIN CLEAR OF STDCI4PILE9 AND 0 —IVE OR UNATTENDED EQUIPMENT AT ALL MIME ALL TIMES.CONTRACTOR S ALL 1ER90NEL AWARE OF LIMITS OF OBJECT REE.REM. 24.CONTRACTOR SHALL MANTNN ALL ACCE55 PATHS AROUND EACH ARE All 013TURSlNCE TOM EASING ACCESS PATH SNAIL BEREPAREDATNDCOSTTOTHEOWNER 2:.CO/LLASH LIMITS SHOWN OXTHE PLANS ME MPROAMATE. \) r pLTYpR TT� DESIGNED BY: J.MM. CJO�J� o �nj.O DRAWN BY: W.L.J. W Z= CHECKED BY: 11AR ¢In y m APPROVED BY: J.NLM. 7 Y DATE: MARCH 2O16 STATE LICENSE N N.C.C-2450 BEFOR13YOUDIGI PROJECT NO. 2013.157.02 CONTACT ODM-CALL CENTER `gam 1400-632--4949 SHEET NUMBER G-01 \\�. :_...-w -Y.✓^"' ! / ".1 ` iROAD(NO ZBB) C— K AREA, 4 `PRaELT HS -...- ( ..,, _ -- ., � I� I UTO PA�WNG 1 } &lam / cJ ; h e v i I I e IIIT �� I '^. ti�s✓ *iELFARm I...�., x �� t 1 REGIONAL AIRPORT 11 INORTNGdh AMPf fSoIRH V kk' Tv ���j@�- / R GftUNWAY 30 \ _ 1 — — (, 4 A �4 ,.... ' .....--- -- C-I ..... 11'� aVcwGn.rn.n ' 1 access ...,( ul 1 9 POINT LOG LOQ i, .l L9 F�clsnnc TEMPO _� ^---"- 5 1 mv0- 1�11 . � �- ,a„i, - per' �--►- rY...RAR ..... \ / Digitally signe yI �, I}g 1 \ ;\� u v'.� �^;� .tn^:._-- _.._-_ ^►�__�_ _- 'sa ___ x°�£� by James M. d Yfl NWA I TEMPORARY RUNWAY 35 }•• '., t - E E SLO I FLOODWAY LOCPLIZER I { I f ) L yP aOUrE r " 4 EAA 1 c. 15 23:40-04 00' I { I TI +Ip YEAR FLOOD PLAIN Pa0.1ECTLIMITS ILL f 1�SmrAxFLDODP T f' i/ G b. ��/�- \ 'Access ' ...! POINT v <,_ ASHEVILLE r AREA / - 4 R°r REGIONAL AIRPORT -t, ASHEVILLE 0 }} �ARPORTPROPERTYLINE �- %'' r i1 NORTH CAROLINA .. -- � � r ACCESS&HAUL ROAD NOTES AREA 7 AND g I. HAUL ROADS TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT—BE THOSE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS OR AREA 4 OTHERY4BE SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED BY THE OWNERENGINEER IN GENERAL. THE IMPROVEMENTS O EENTRACTDR SHALL HE EQUIPMENT AND HAULING TO HE AREAS UNDER CONSTRUCTION BEBRSSHALLBECLEMEDFROMHERDADW SY DIRECTEDBYTHEOWNERENGINEER w 2 T POINTS TO THE PROJECT SITE ME SHOWN ON THE PUNS HE OWNER RESERVES HE RIGHT TO CHANGE HAUL ROUTE ANDACCESS POINT AT ANY TIME. o HE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL TURFED MD PgVEO MFA9 USED FOR HAUL ROADS TO Q S HEIR ORIGINAL CONOITIDN,INCLUDING THE ESTABU9HMENT OF TURF.ALL COST FOR PROJECT LAYOUT .HESTRUCTING,REMOVING AND RESTORING OF HAUL ROADS REQUIRED FOR THE COMPLETION DF 9HAU BE BORNE BY HE CONTRACTOR AT NO COST TO HEQWNER HAUL ROUTES SC HE CONTRACTOR SHA L NOT PERMIT ANY UNAUTHORIZED CONSTRUCTION PERSONNEL OR TRAFRC GN HE SITE THE CONTRACTOR ffiWLL MAKE USE OF A G—GUARD AT ALL ACCESS Q POINTS BEING USED BY HE CONTRACTOR OTHER—E THE GATES AT EACH ACCESS POINT ME .rrenm.. TO—N U—B..THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL TO AND FIUCTION AREAS WITHIN HE SITE THE CONTRACTOR 19 RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MMEDAT-CLEANUP OF MY DEBRIS DEPOSITED AT THE PROJECT SITE MD ALONG MT ROAD AS ARESU.TOF HIS—CCNSIRUCTIONTRAFFIC, Amo -,- 5. HE CONTRACTOR SWML ESTABLISH AND MANTAIN A UST OF CONTRACTOR AND SUBOONTTIACTOR EMPLOYEES AND VEHICLES—ZED TO OPERATE GIN HE SITE.M SCALE: . UPRATED LIST SHALL BE PRDADEDTO OWNERENGINEER MEERLY. REVIS-3: 6. IT 9HA.L BE THE LOMRACTOR9 RE9PONSIBIUTY TO COORDINATE OFF-SITE ROUTES(STATE DATE ST OCRI-14 HPPROPIS,COUEMENCY—JJURISDICHONOVER MD ANY CTED ROUTS. PERMITS WITH THE APPHOP T O T. ALL CONTRACTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC — REMNN WITHIN HE DESIGNATED CONSTRUCTION MFAS,TTgGINGMEA9MMOR HAIR ROUTES, B HALL DEPINY IN HILL VIEW LOGOS CONSPICUOUSLY PLACED ON LEGEND EACHIM OF HE VEHICLE ALL VEHICLES OPERATING IN HE ACl1VE ARSIOE OPERATION AREA WA)gIWNO IpURS OF LOW VISIBILITY OR GPRHNES9 SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLASHING Q —DOME-TYPE LIGHT MOUNTED ON TOP OF THE VEHICLE,.THE FLASHING LIGHT SHALL BE OF CONTRACTOR's—INOMEA UCH INTENSITY TO CONFORM TO AIRPORT CODES FOR MAENMCE MD EMERGENCY 0 VEHICLE., DESIGNED BY: J.M.M. z Q 9. NO CONTRACTOR VEHICLES PRE TO CROSS ACRVE RUMWAYS—MD CRITICAL MEM,OR -------- PROJECT LIMITS DRAWN BY: W.L.J. TAIUWAYE FORMAL REASON Q 1D.COIfTRALT00.TO SAFELY CONTROL TRAFFlC AROLND HAUL ROAD.CONTROL OF TPPFFIC ONSITE �� HAUL ROVTE CHECKED BY: J.MM. S HALL eE IrvCIDEMAI TO PROJECT. APPROVED BY: J.MHL 6 —-- It.AT NO TIME SYSTEM I5 THE CONTRACTOR OPERATE VECLE5 OR EDUIPMEM A ON THE RPORT AIRPORT PROPERTY LINE DATE: MARCH 2O16 ROAONAY SYSTEM OTHER 11VW THOSE ROADS IOENTIFlED ON THIS SHOT. - 01 GLIOESLOPECRTICPLAREA �s STATE LICENSE N.C.C-2460 _ North PROJECT NO. 2111,111,11 LOCALZERCRITICPLAREA 0' 260' 600' 100R' GRAPHICS® SHEET NUMBER G-02 SAFETY NOTES SECURITY NOTES S h eV I I I e 1. AIRPON OPERATIONS-THE LONTRPCTOR SHALL ACOW NT HISMER SUPERVISORS MRD EMPLOYEES WITH THE AIRPORT ACTVN S ANO OPERATIONS THAT ARE 1 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL SECURITY REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED HEREIN.THE CONIMLTOR SHALL DESIGNATE IN WRITING TO THE ENGINEER THE INHERENT AT THIS AIRPORT AND SHAL CONDUCT HISRIER CONSTRUCRONACTIVITIES TO CONFORMTO ALL ROUTINE AND EMERGENCY AIRTRAFFIC REQUIREMENTS AND NAME OF HISMER'CONTRACTOR SECURITY OFFICER'.THE CONTRACTOR PROVIDED SECURITY OFFICER SHALL REPRESENT THE CONTRACTOR ON THE SECURITY REGIONAL AIRPORT GUIDELINES ON SAFETY SPECIFED IN NOTE]BP U0W. REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT. 3. GROUND CONTROL-ALL CONTRACTOR VEHICLES THAT ARE REQUIRED TO CROSS ACTIVE RUNWAYS.—WAYS,LO(AU—S AND GUIDE ELOPE CRHICAL AREAS AND 3 CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL SECURITY ORIENTATION-THE CONTRACTOR SECURITY OFFICER SHALL BE RESPONSIRLE FOR BWEFING ALL CONTRACTOR AND APPROACH CLEAR INCHES SHALL DO SO UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF A FLAGMAN IN RADIO CONTACT WITH THE NPPORT GROUND CONTROLLER.THE FLAGMAN SUBCONTRACTOR PERSONNEL ON THESE REQUIREMENTS MD.FROM TIME TO TIME OTHER SECURITY PROVISIONS ADOPTED FOR CONSTRUCTION. ALL NEW HALL BE TRAINED AND INSTRUCTED BY AIRPORT OPERATIONS IN THE REGULATION GOVERNING OPERATIONS ON THE AIRPORT OPERATIONS ARFANWIAND THE RADIO CONTRACTOR EMPLOYEES SHNI BE BRIEFED ON THESE REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO WORKING IN THE CANSTRUCTONARFA PROCEDURES ATTHEAIRFORL THEFLAGMENANDRADCOSSHALLBEFURNISHEOBY THFOR TRACTOR.IT SHALL BE UNDERSTOOD BY THE CONTRACTORTHATAIRPORT TRAFFICON RUNWAYS,G WITH G AND D CO NS HAVE THE NGHT-0E-WAY AT ALL-ES OVER THE CONTRACTOR'S TRAFFIC,THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO MONITOR I AGCESSTOTHESITE-CONTRACTOR'SACCESSTOTHESRESHALLBEASSHOWNONTHE PLRSORASDIRECTEDBYTHEENGINEER THECONTAMTORSHALLNOT RADIO COMMUNICATIONS WITH GROUND CONTROL AT ALL TIMES WHILE HE TOWS WITHIN THE RUNWAY SAFETY AREA THE COMMON TRAFFIC ADVISORY FREQUENCY PERMIT ANY UNAUIHORRED CONSTRUCTION PERSONNEL OR TRAFFIC IS THE SITE.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAJ`FTC CONTROL TO AND FROM 131.1.GROUND CONTROL FREQUENCY IS 131.6.THETME PERIODS WHEN THE TOWER 19 CLOSED I1IDOPM•B:OOAMI. THE TARSUS CONSTRUCTION AREAS CONSTRUCTION THE SITE.THE CONTRACTOR 19 RESPONSIBLE FOR THE S DATE N CLEAN-UP E ANY DEBRIS DEPOSITED ALONG THE AREA DR RECITE AS A RESULT OF HASHER DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. TRAFFIC.DIRECTIDNA_CONTRACTOR SIGNING O THE ACCESS DATE AND ALONG THE DELIVERY ROUTE TO THE STORAGE AREA OR 3. PAVEMENT AIRMEES-NORUNR ADVISO IES TO AIRPORT ORENAN S.A MINIMUM FWROURSNOICEC REQUESTED CLOSINGERTO EN ABLE NECESSARY SITE SHALL RACTOR ANDSBTTHE ENGINEER.THE LONTPACTORSHML COORDINATE SITE ACCESS AND COOPERATE ON AU.SECURITY MEASURES WITH OTHER NOTICES!OAIRMEH(NOTAM)ORADVISORESTOAIRPOMSERVICE OR TENANTS.AMINIMUM OF]3 HOURSNOTICEOFREOUESTED CLOSING SHALL BE DIRECTED TO THE ONSITE CANRACNRSMID SUBCANTRALTORS. AVCONA FINLL�BT OWNEP/ENGINEER 4 MATERWLTOELIVERY TOMES AD•ALLCOMRACiOR'SGNS TO DIRECTSFOROED.TRI TOTHESIIEUDE UBETHEACCECSPoIMS ENTEPWTEOONHEETGOR THE Wuwow-cvae 4. OPEN TRENCHES-Y ACTIVE WAY OR A.OPEN APP TENCHES IN EB WIU_OF 3 CLOSURE WITHIN 350 FEET OF ACTIVE RUNWAY. C WAY,OR AR ON. FBS.S TH OF THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THEOUA IMETER WAY SIGNS T ENTERING INTO DELIVERED.!MIS WILL OPERATIONS DELVERY TRUCKS FROM ENTERING INTO THE AIRPORT OR m CENTEPLWE OF ANY ACTIVE TAKIWA.,AUTO APRON PAVEMENTS WILL REQUIRE CLOSURE OF THE AFFECTED RUNWAY.—WAY,OR APRON.UNLESS OTHERWISE TAKING SHORT-CUTS THROUGH THE PERIMTER WTE9 AUTO ENTERNOINTO AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS AREf51NAOVERTENTLY. APPROVED 0Y THE OWNTEA).I NEER..PER AC OPEN THE-CURRENT EERIER,OPEN TRENCHES ARE PROACTIVE WITHIN THE RUNWAY SAFETY D THE CROP-OFF -O THE '�•'�`� TA%IQ SMETY AREA(TEA).GNED.U ON AND OPEN TRENCHES MAY BE PERMITTED UP TO THE EDGE OF RE M UIRES T PAVEMENTS PROVIDED THE NOTE 3 AB F E. 5 NTRACTO S AREA UmUS-THE LYRICS ST UCTIONL AND EQUIPMENT STORAGE AREAS PARRING AREA AND OTHER AREAS DEFINED CONTRACTOR REQUIRED FOR THE l 1. Lr ADEQUATELY BP)WGNEO SIGNED LGHTED NIPANE SATISFIES THE OrvNEWENGINEER ANY CLOSURE REQUIRES THE SAME PROVISIONS PS NOTE J ABDVE. CONTRACTOR'S EXCLUSUND VE THE PE DURING METER ONSTRSE AR AS SUI BE ABLE F E L BY ING AN LOM ,SIG AND AND WA MN THE ENGINEER E FORBOTHAGALL ERECT y RUNWAYS CANNOT BE REOPENED UNTIL TRENCHESARE CLOSED. AND MAIMNN AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THESE AREAS SUITABLE FENCING AND GATES,SIGNAGE AND WARNING DEVICES VISIBLE FOR BOTH WYlNIGHT USE TO V�H�CggQYA.3• Dlgitdlly SIJDed OEUNEATETHE PERIMETER OFALLSUCHARFAS. Qe c .ys�5s 5. DEBRIS CONTROL-OEBIUS WASTE AND LOOSE MATER Y SHALL NOT CT PILOTED ON OM.T AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT AREAS.ANY H AT DEER ON ACTIVE AIRCRAFT I) James M. MOVEMENT ION N SHALL CORRECTED REMOVED IMMEDIATELY BT THE CONTRACTOR'WITH A BROOM.THE ENSE OF TH EC MAY DIRECT THAT DEBRIS PROBLEMS DURING b. VEHICLE IG IN HE AEON-ALL CONTRACTOR VEHICLES A)DU DISPLAY IN FULL VIEW LOGOS CONSPICUOUSLY PLACED C EACH SITE Of THE VEHICLE.ALL VEHICLES -_ �%3 oose,P.E. CONSTRUCTION A MANNER ANNETOPREVTTHECOMNT AS A E LT OF AIRCRAFT F OTHERS ATTHE EXPENSE OF THE CONTRACTOR- STOCKPILED MATERULL SHALL BE OPERATING INDONTOP OFTH VEHICLE. AREA(AW)GHT SHN1.BE Of LOW VISIBILITY OR DARKNESS STPLL.BORT CODES FWITH ORAFLSHINGMIOERMERGTYPE CONSTRANEO IRA MPNNERTO PREVENT MOVEMEMISARESULT OFAIRLMFT OPERATORS OR WIND. LIGHT MOUNTED ON TOP OF THE VEHICLE,THE FLARING LIGHT 6HALL BE OF SUCH IMMENSITY TO CONFORM TO AIRPORT CODES FOR hWNTEWINCE AND EMERGENCY 2,Q tB:2QI6A5.z6 Z VEHICLES .RSN.1A'- b. INSPECTION BY OPERATIONS-PRIOR TO OPENING FOR AIRCRAFT USE,THE CONTRACTOR WILL PRPPNGE FOR INSPECTION,BY AIRPORT STAFF OF ANY RUNWAY. S;zQ;Qs-04'00' TA%IWAY OR APRON THAT HAS BEEN CLOSED FOR WORK,OR THAT HAS BEEN USED FORA CROSSING POIMOft HAUL ROUTE BYTHE CONTRACTOR ] GAT GUAM CONTRACTOR HAVE ANALL NUUPIWTEO LIST TOF EMPLOYEES.ALHO HAVE CLACCES PWHONES ES SAHALIL REMAIN LOCKED ATALALTIMESWHE MY MANNED BTIMES WHILE THE DATE ORY AT s ARE GATE GUARD. USED.THE ]. SAFETY GUIDELNES: DATE i20D1B'AIRPORT SAFETY SFIFINSPECTON'-LURRFNTEOMON & CONTMCTORSHAU-PROVIDE A24-HOUR EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST FOR ALL KEY CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR PERSOHNELTHROUGHOUTCONSTRUCTION. xi��5 7 2'•OPERA OD BA MONNR CO DUwNGCONST UCnON'-CURB TM MON ASHEVILLE i 5Q521G5 PAINING.MARKING BLIGHTING OF VEHICLES USED ONAIRPORTS'-CURREMEDITION 9 ESTAMOFEACH WORK WEEK THE CONTRACTOR MUST PROVIDE TO ENGINEER A LIST OF EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL,INCLUDING SUBCONTRACTORS. o ' REIFFO PLUT'R TQ ENTER THEAOA THELSTSHOULOINDIWTEANYLHANGESFROMPwORWEEHLYUST. REGIONALAIRPORT Q B. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN CLEAR ROUTES TO ALL AIRPORT OPERATIONS AREAS AND SAFETY AREAS AT ALL TIMES THROUGH THE CONSTRUCTION SITE THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROTECT FOR AIRPORT SECURITY AND OPERATIONS AND EMERGENCY VEHICLES. 10.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO INFORM ITS EMPLOYEES AUTO SUBCONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES THAT ANY SECURITY VIOIATONS MAY BUSIECT THEM TO ASHEVILLE W ARREST S. IEMPORMTRUNWAY I>SS SAFTYAREA 15350 FEET FROM RUNWAY CENIERLNE.AND ALL TAKIWAY SAFETY AREAS ARE 59.5 FEET ERAS SHOWN ON PL FORA PUNISHABLE FEDERAL OFFENSE,IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT REMOVAL FROM THE JOB. ANS. NORTH CAROLINA 10.ME CONTRACTOR W RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL WORK SITE SAFETY ON THIS PROJECT:AND MEETWG ALL STATE.FEDERAL AND LOCAL SAFETY , SREQUIREMERTS. '- 11.ALL OCHT OR VEHICLESINCLUDING HAULING VEHICLES,THATAREAUTHORYED TO OPERATE ON THEAIRPORTwRHIN THE DESIGRATEDUIDSOF GO—RUCTION 1 , a \�1 N FULL VIEW ABOVE THE VEHICLE A J OR LARGER ORANGE AND WHITE CHECKERBOARD FLAG,EACH _ o'OR HAUL ROUTES AS DEFINED HEREIN,SHALL DSPIAY - CHECKERSOARD COLOR BEING V SOLARE.WHEN OPERATING DURING PERIODS OF DARKNESS OR LINKED VISIBILITY,CONTRACTORS VEHICLES SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH II I• I "" ROTATING OR FLASHING AMBERLIGHTS.DURING SUCH PERIODS.HAULING VEHICLES NOT SO EOUNPED SHALL BE ESCORTED BY AVEHICLE SO EQUIPPED. l 12.OPER-FLISME WELDING OR TORCHCUITNG OPERATIONS PAE PROHIBITED UNLESS ADEQUATE FIRE AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ARE PROVIDED AND HAVE BEEN % KEYF_ , IN APPROVED BY THE OWNER Y 13.AM ONMGE TO THE DHSNNGCONTRACTOR AIRPORT LIGHTING SYSTEM CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS RE.SHNU.THE BE IMMEDIATELY NOTED TO THE OWNE FOR ANY — REPAIRED UD WITH THE FOR AT HASHER OWN EXPENSE.IF THE AIRPORT COMPLETES THE pEPAIRS,THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY COSTS AREA 1 AND S 14.THE COMPACTOR SHALL PERFORM CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS AS NECESSARY TO MINIMYE ATTRACTION OF WILDLIFE WISED BY PONOING WATER,GRASS SEED, AREA 4 ETC.IF NECESSARY,CONTRACTOR6HALL PROVIDE PUMPS TO DEWATERAREAS OF PENDING: IMPROVEMENTS 15.ITEMS FOR CONTROL OF SAFETY AND SECURITY DURING CONSTRUCTION SUCH AS VEHICLE LIGHTING,WTE GUARDS.FLAGMEN,BARRICADES,FLAGS,LIGHTS,ESCORTS. G TEMPORVRYGRADWG MEASURES.DIVERSION DITCHES.PUMPS.OUST CONTROLFOD CONTROL.TC.SHALL NOT BE PAID FOR DIRECTLY BUTTHALLBECONSIDENEDAS ASUBEIOINRY OBLIGATION OF THE CONTPACTORCOVERED UNDER CONTRACT ITEMS. 1S.IN ORDER FOR THE CONTRACTOR TO OPERATE WITHIN AIRPORT PROPERTY,APPROPRIATE NOTICES TO AIRMEN(NOTAMS)MUST BE ISSUED BY THE AIRPORT.THESE NOTICES PROVIDE INFORMATION ON CLOSED,­ED.OR HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS TO AIRMEN AND USERS OF THE NRPoRT.A]3-HOUR NOTICE IS REQUIRED FOR 6 ISSUANCE OFTHE NOTAM.ALL CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS MUST CAOSELY COORDINATED WITH THE OWNERAND ENGINEER FORNOTAM ISSUANCE SAFETY AND IT AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS SHALL AT ALL TARES HAVE RIGHT-0E-WAY OVER ALL VEHICLES.EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EMPLOY STRICT SECURITY NOTES MEASURES TO PREVENT CONFLICT BETWEEN HISHER PERSONNEL AND AIRCRAFT ON ANY ACTIVE AIRFIELD PAVEMENT OR NORPAVEMENT AREAD.THE CONTRACTOR , $HALL ME NCLEAROFACTVERUNWAYS,TA]JWAYSANDAPRORS. Q IS CONTRACTOR BRALL.AT ALL TIMES,CONTROL THE ON,NRPORT MOVEMENT AND ACTIVMES OF ITS EMPLOYEES,SUBCONTRACTORS,EQUIPMENT,AND MATERIAL •mmwn. U SUPPLIERS.. C 10 .CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE AND CONTROL CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC WHEN CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS REQUIRE TRAVERSING ANY AIRSIOE AREA ANY DIRT ANNOR DEBRIS ON PAVEMENT SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELYTOAVOIDANY BUILDUP ON PAYMENT. omo ,- 20.COMRACTORSR CONMOLALLCONTRUCTIONTRAFFICENTERINGTHEAIRPORTTOPREVMTLONFLLTSWITHAIRCR OPERATIONS.NOPRIVATEVEHICLESWLL BEALLOWEDONTHEAIRPORTOUTBIDEOFTHESTAGINGAREA A SCALE; 21.—CONTRACTORENALLHAVEACCEESTOTHEAIRPORT ONLYATTHOSELOWTIONSDESIGNATEDONTHEPL SCRAPPROVEDBYTHEOWNEWENGINEERALLOTRER REVISIONS: ACCEEDSHALLBEBYSPECVALREQUESTANDSUBIECT TOPPPROVALBYTHEOWNERIENGINEER DATE BY DESCRIPTION W T3.CANPALTORSHALLENSURETw LIGNTOWERSFACEAWAYFROMTHEA IVERUNWAYANDRUNWAYAPPRWCHCDRRIOORATALLTIMES, o> n.CONTRACTOR SHALL INSURE THAT ALL BROOMS AND VACUUM TRUCKS BE STAFFED AT ALL TIMES DURING OPERATIONS ACROSS ACTIVE PAYMENTS WITH PERSONNEL OTHERTRANFLAGMEN. QE W 6 DESIGNED BY: J,NLM. DRAWN BY: W.L.J. CHECKED BY: J.NLNL APPROVED BY: J.NLM. DATE: MARCH 201E STATE LICENSE# N.C.C4450 PROJECT NO. 2013.167.02 7 SHEET NUMBER G-03 sheville REG_)ONAL AIRPORT RUNNAY TIRESHOLD.1ENO GF PAVEMENT ]:1(Rtl I B ar L• PRIMARY SURFACE •H1(n:vl APPROAgI SLOPE-� AV—jNN Cie N— 2DD' xc ]:1(li:y TRANSTIONiL , 11 S =I 1 ") REA RUNwnT 1 4WDT'+v Digitally signed T: by James M. P.E. ,�cm�1,i��L,1016.05.26 NOTES 1524:35-04'00' I.— TOBUBMITAUSTOFEONPMENTANDCORRESPoroINGMANMUM HEIGHTS, ZANY EaVIPMENT OR OBJECTS PENETRATING THE PART TI IMAGINA4Y eURFACE9 25D 260 ASHEVILLE Q SHALL BE COOROII—ED,IN ADVANCE,WITH THE AOR OBSTRUCTIONS O PENETRIITIM3THE PARTTISURFACE86WLLLBEREMOVED.MARItED AND IOR REGIONALAIRPORT wHreowaccoRnw EMHFAnDUIDELINESANDDETERM11-1-s. RUNWAY SAFETY AREA(RSA) ASHEVILLE HT.� NORTH CAROLINA h - p0, H 1 MAX OBJECT HEIGHT SLOPEVARIE9 £ J KEY- - ftOFA RUNWAY TOFA £ TAAM'AT AREA 1 AND 5 5ECNIONA-A I AREA IMPROVEMENTS w RUNWAY OBJECT FREE AREA(ROFA) TAXIWAY OBJECT FREE AREA(TOFA) SAFETY DETAILS P'T L•�L' t� NT.B. RT.S �A61111"M1 MAX OBJECT HEIGHT vr-u m .m SECTION B-B SCALE: , N.T.S. f RUNWAY OR RUNWAY TSA F T/WWgy B PTNN Y IS OE3OW O FPAPARTT] L - RVNWAY APPROACH SLOPE X If H a 17 m 500 o.i5 0 59 SOv a.i5 DESIGNED I .. •NOTE:FOR HOR120MAL APPROACH 9LOPE(H), I BY: J.M.M. Q "sT—B(L).ANDFLAREPADO(A) 200' 2DD—�I LES. S9'��II DRAWN SY: W.L.J. RUNWAY OBSTACLE FREE ZONE(OFZ) TAXIWAY SAFETY AREA(TSA) CHECKED BY: J.N.M. < FAR PART 77 IMAGINARY SURFACES _ NT.s. NT.3. N.T.S. APPROVED BY: a DATE: MARCH 2O16 4' STATE LICENSE# N.C.C-2450 V .PROJECT NO. 2013.157.02 SHEET NUMBER G-04 t 1' �. / \ 1 ICJ 1 '.•^ _.,:..�'".-y ry%..,111 'tll� �I� �� I� ''" J , "'%'-� - sheville ^�— /..r^'+.. --..•' "'•rG +^"'''' f;C..•. Y\ I ( ;I tl�.,�l, /'l 1 %/i Jam. / ��. RE GIONAL AIRPORT /. / �,• ..,,•�• .�- .%. �p ofu.TELuGrtBotC lA} i �I,7>I i// ,_.-- f. "co vcon.INC I I"r 1 I�j}It t 11 , j I I l / I SN�Ml9 Digitallysigned by James M. :`Moose,P.E. I — 7 I I i Ddt'I16.05.20 i ..,.1 15.25.37 04'00 r t elf �\ l itliili'illgil 11, \ \ \ \� \ . ' l ASHEVILLE o I'r:4 TI 1„1 I'Ul i't l I t ' \ \ " REGIONAL AIRPORT I ASHEVILLE NORTH CAROLINA Vol, III II, Il 1p + I I s I ' t� J Itl t�'I lllll'I I } I i I `� � •� ,,,,...� I-' , '. _- \I� ,! �� r�� ,• j\V a , rill {Ili I lli ICI {1 I \ 1 1 1 I •; ) eps�INGFENc�F. I j ,, ,",.. l�f I I'l� Ir v--� .Y-�'—"`�� s-� � i,lll 91IIIII{I�IIII,jlllli� .1 1 I i '1 I I ! i' I 1 I I «ETPL- AREA 1 AND 1 \, \\\ AREA 4 \�Cit\\\\ \•\ �\ i 1 \ \ ' ( I � t\` IMPROVEMENTS PROIUMATEUMR94OFCON.ASN }Ilt1 AREA 1 EXISTING o +-�\/� ".t� 1 it r � t'l• .\.�� 'I� ,, i f... _leusn GA =� t-.- .__ `.- - _ i--_• \ 1 ,\. .�� CONDITIONS OLD _ �/�/ i / I r•• / I ��.-_ � 11, TOPOGRAPHCSURVETdGROLNDCONTROL PROVIDE SCALE: AS NOTED D eT: I - /!' /'' / �' '• �tl } �APPROIVMATELIM T90FCOPL II9H Y 1 t I' I�/'�Y FJ/l. li IA / I / ��' , 1 j I I j AE ELE PNDR TW N-.1M5HENDRSOVLLEO9G NO. DATE RBETV ISpEN.S C.—N FNL 2 277- 7 ,`+ i -10.I; �\ l 1 t { I 2. I-EDII15 o = k ' '/ •r•/ 1. i DESIGNED BY: J.M.M. NI/ DRAWN BY: A.M.T. ¢ I - \\l .' / •^../ _ •"'_SI..,, `--..\ ' \ \ ,,'� r I " CHECKED BY: J.NLM. __ `T ,.,., t _.�--� -✓ :1 .^ -_ / \ `:�� ' � 'I/ 'I tt� APPROVED BY: J.M.hL 1 t 1 tl -- '" r'x •'�. i 1 , �•' DATE: 'MARCH 2D15 � I tTER RD "`^^• � I 1 STATE LICENSE N N.C.C2450 Ap �.y E.JenNG FlRE HTOR/WL i 1 II/ [ I F ,f.-+- „-\ •-"*-,.'•e � / _�,j rth PROJECT NO O 1013.151.02 I N ry ! D• DD• 60• 20• SHEET NUMBER GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET ^ V-O A 1 000heville REGIONAL AIRPORT I I Ij J_L L L I W T AVCON,INC. .mSTINGM­SL01E­ % 4o QNOA a, b9ames M. _1i; Mp—EL)MI—F C—H ASHEVILLE w,7�- REGIONAL AIRPORT c ✓ ASHEVILLE X NORTH CAROLINA m n my PLAN F -ur - AREA 1 AND----------- AREA 4 IMPROVEMENTS IN N AREA 4 EXISTING Al CONDITIONS SCALE: , AS NOTED TOPOGRAPHIC S WEY&­MD­PF.­­ —E&S,P_ =��LNLWRWNVI ER­­TEG 0 E NORTH-1-893 0 FAX 6­74 M11-15 DESIGNED BY: J.M.M. DRAWN BY! A.M.T. CHECKED BY: J.H.N. APPROVED BY: J.NLK DATE! MARCH I'll STATE LICENSE# N.C.C-2460 North PROJECT NO, 2013,167.02 0' 30- 60' 120. SHEET NUMBER ry GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET C-02 I R'noPrZ—Ri,'rENte ,I\t }I,II' sheville REGIONAL AIRPORT r l /• /. I { I V\ If It I fI \•l \ .kw\/ I i ( I}/.• i !' id'�wGt Digitally signed ,E'k 5 by James M. (t''lltllla D e;2076.05.26 If 1 1} t }', i ( S 1. � 15:29:4z-040g- ;( Ili{�{tl1}Ii I } \. t 1 11 ! \ } ,,r Ii \L't b$ r '� Illi • \ } \ Eh INGFENCE \ t // h.\ ASHEVILLE l 'lll I{I�'il'dl \ } \ \ \ \ REGIONALAIRPORT w �I�i '''t`�II �I;I{I }'�{I;1{ II t � I I I •t \ `, \ � \ /} ''/l , / �`I t ASHEVILLE NORTH CAROLINA ILA hI / f/ a' 111 111114'i,•,+}t1l 1 i ,\ \ I I;xl ! t { \}ill 'i my— Co�\�� \�>\-\1 t •\ L, r Ia I t I. j \` `t `\ ` \ L{I I: T�. . AREAIAND w\�1 \ \ \ 1 } !, AREA `i IMPROVEMENTS I �. �1 i.L.l Or�rrt)-,A`PV A 1 ` t_--.-';---.`. l t }V �V •v ,t I 1 \1111tt AREA 1GRADING �-��•�� Z :, 1_ / I } i ___, -�. ��. 1 I(1• AND DRAINAGE (SHEET1 OF3) 1 ' SEDIMENT r / N} ,croN.ASH LN � 11I( NOTES """ �uouo.n..innmunr..a�nu P MATEV // 1.CON—TOR SHALL BENCH SLOPES INTO EYJSIING—D AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE SCALE: °^•r^" � I, r,' I I ' ' / t VMTHOUT DISTURBING roP1 PSH .e u,AS NOTED IT90F q19 E ' I 2CONTRACTOR R--L VERFY DEPTH OF COAL ASH PRIOR TO STARTING FULL GR NG It- a+'A 1k I, RAPEZD! - I /) OPERATIONSFORRIPRAPLINEDTDAL-114STALIATON gEVI5pN5: w �rf r:, /,J 99 t i i I p{ISIWG/GRgyEL R.PC I '1 ,} { '�II 19LT FENCE SHALL BE N.—PRIOR T09TPfiIING GRPDWG 0PERATON4 DATE BY DEscNPfpN AC CONTRTOR SHALL M N M ZE IMPACTS TO AREAS OUTS DE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE s > PR f NCE �� , 1` �' I I \ ( 1 WHEN INBTPLLINGR PRPP O I'" `i h j ' ,\ l t i t 1 \�l 5 ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDING AMID MA—N IYEgATELY AFTER }� t \ !. COMPLETION OF GRADING OPERATIONS. BCON11UNCTOR SHALL COMPLETE A DETAILED RLYIEW OF THE CONDTIONS OF THE FOR—I IN ORDER TO IDENTIFY ANY AREAS THAT MAY NEED TO BE REQUIRED FOR THIS ADDRESSED OR REPNRED ALONG WITH THE OTHER WORK THE PROJECT. MY REPAIRS REODRED AND REPAIR METHOD SHALL BE DOCUMENTED ON ? ,'4� a \ M1 ,�., { •� `,I �� 1 �) \ ( // ('1 DESIGNED BY: J.M.M. '} N�/ AA PACTIX25HALL CUMPLETEANA58U LT SURVEY ONALL WORK OOMPLETED roNTPACTOq s�HPPLLL FlLL W'fMl9 EA I I .COAT TIATTHFRE .L ='N"b OA`WATER SFORAREAt roNSTRUCDON SEOUENCESEE SHEET EC- CHECKED BY: A.M.T. L\`\. r'- !111_ —� •1 V. I \ \ r l \ ) j l / I { CHECKED BY: J.M.M .jt 0 `- ;.. -_- \ \ / •, I 'I} ,%' APPROVES BY: J.NLM. DATE: MARCH 2O16 STATE LICENSER N.C.C4450 �`•�.� DUSTING FIRE HTDRMT I , (-_] I -!i( pDEfrG `/ .,,�. •"'a�.` ,/' /,_// NDrt6 PROJECT NO. 2013.167.02 ry _-, �"�;•--=/ '"- ` �'+:�tx �'T-�`e';- "l'\...''1/� D• 3D®D SHEET NUMBER GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEED. C-03 00 000 , , �r ► sheville If \W \ \\t \ \ \\ \+per y,,,,'�\ `, 3 • rl 3' FPPROpMATE LIM T90F COP1 d91V AVCO INC. � r I i_ \ \ \ \�l �\ \ \•., \ ..._,r--fit,. .{ I S I *,. /f , \ .... ��+ I 1 ' / •`\ \\' I rCVS OIfLL WIrH wrCH 1 •__,�,....,_ , � v1/ � `: ,ROR°�,p l`1N� C I �t�-_1zZ :.../ \ - I I_ �7 � I i ( 1 —... :F'�•c�e*S,': by�JamesM PCP} 6 /, ASHEVILLE j- o<D / ' , 1 l+r �r I 'l'� �"' ---`-_{r— _ . '- � REGIONAL AIRPORT / BI / ij J i�I l:, R - / 1; 'Ii _ 1 ASHEVILLE r6 o l}Will j1tr�It+,� NORTH CAROLINA a Y t , l r 111, 4 I ._J nEY PLAn� �.�� _ _ 2� ♦p/�/r r!/l� 3 N um/ i ' rtsgsmRaary a' cE EYJ9rING GRAVELRO AREA 1 AND AREA IMPROVEMENTS I AREA 1 GRADING ¢ ' I AND DRAINAGE (SHEET 2 OF 3) \W, ill ll \.• \\ i 1 —_.... •.\ 1�V, %rtill mNTRACrpR SHULFIILIry rMl9 utEn ER I \ SCALE: AS NOTED { , ` so TNATTHER.EISNOPONMNG Ar i� •q I \+�.T, �,�'� / !/ � ) / I \ �`�b jij \ \ 1 1 Ren91on9: BY oeseW— F�� - NOTES o \ r 11 \ sr .� ; 9 INTO ETISi NG GROUND AS MUCH A9 p0991BLE D BY. J. . NG FULL GRAwNG 1' DESIGNED M M VrITHOUr DISTURBING[OlLL ASH 2 CONTRACTOR VER FY DEPTH OF COAL PSH PRIOR TO STMrI DRAWN BY: W.L.J. OPEPATION9 FORR RIP RFP LINED TPAP¢OIML LATCH INSTPl1ATION 3.sILT FENCE S—BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO B—NG.—N.OPFAATION9. CHECKED BY. J.NLNL 6 Q 4--TOR VHEN _NSTALLINO RIP Ml IMP BE MIZE MPACT9 TO AREILS OUTSIDE-ITS OF wURBAN�sT APPROVED BY: H 0 6 EDNG AND MATTED IMMEDWTELY DATE. I' AFTER MRC ;K-� ry PEM1+ MPLETIONOFGRPDINO OPERAr1-B 9E a,CONTRACTORCFDER MPLENTI1 1 REVIEWOF THE CONDTO BE OF —PES OR FOR AREA 1 IN ORDER TO IDENTIFY ANY PREN9 TH4T MAY NEED TO BE ADDRESSED OR STATE LICENSE k N.C.CZC50 REPAIRED ALONG WITH THE OTHER WORN REOUIN.FOR THIS PROJECT.ANY REPAIRS WON PROJECT NO. Y013.157.01 +y t'F-4E REOVIRFDAND REPAIR METHOD B—ED CUMENT-D.THE I—B. ].COMRACTOR SH4L COMPLEIEANASBUILT SURVEY OFALL WORNCOMPIETED. ® SHEET NUMBER 'J•. S.sILT FENCE TO BE REMOVEOONCEARFAIS 9rABILRED. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET C-04 e '.."�SEDBILT'l—IM/ le PoR-r 1,4 TIE INTO WSTNG9LOPE AVCOe,INC. f ASHEVILLE REGIONAL ASHEVILLE APPR—ELIMITSO—Ash! o NORTH CAROLINA I.I.L.F.—REANOE La Er "YPLAN III il 1�11! it AREA 1 AND AREA 4 C, IMPROVEMENTS Vill I I oo I! AREA 1 GRADING fj,, AND DRAINAGE (SHEET 3 OF 3) EASTN�. E vain .mnno.. 'it I it SCALE: AS NOTED -TIE III ISOB—10. C, NOTES < LCONTRACTOR SNA.L.BENCH—ES INTO IWSTI-GROUND AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE DESIGNED BY. J.M.M. 2 WITHOUT DISTURBING COAL P.SH t 1CONTRAOTOR 11—VERIFY DEPTH OF COAL ASH PRIOR TO STARING FULL GRADING DRAWN BY: A.M.T. < O—ONSFOR RIPRAPLIN—RAP—DAL OTOHINST—ATON. CHECKED BY: j.IvLM. 3.SIFT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO STARING GRADING OPERATIONS. APPROVED BY: j.K.M. --TOR SI—L MINIMI-I—Ts TO AREAR�0—I-WITS OF OSTURRAiCE itIl .ti TAUJIG RI DATE: MARCH 2016 1HE INS ALL Dl—� S—BE SEEDING AND�IMMEDIATELY AFTER Bc STATE LICENSE 9 N.C.C-2450 j l, CONTRAOTO S�L�PL�EA �DR�l�CF�ECOWMONSOF�ES�PIS N North FOR AREA I IN TO I—IFT AN)'—TI-AT�NEED TO BE­SSED OR PROJECT NO. 2013.167.02 RREPARED ME OTHER INONA—RED FOR THIS PROJECT ANY REFAiNS I, is, 3o. so. EQUIREDANDraEPNRMEreDDSHALLKOGwMENTEDONTHEPIANS. SHEET NUMBER —o` GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET C-05 -------------------- sheville REGIONAL AIRPORT ON—ORTSIGRAM zvo AMlremumbF I FOOT-S, I\ LIM-101,HFUR—M MINIMUM SLOPE OF AYCON I NC -dLkvI,- .. ..... by James w-, Digitally signed M. E. 6.05.26 15:30:33-04'00' LiftlSO—ASH .M. BEE NOIE3 ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT I'� ASHEVILLE NORTH CAROLINA COMINVIT&H'TOGRADEDITCH MM-NAJEUMI 50- A n MYPEAN x AREA 1 AND ;- ------- AREA 4 IMPROVEMENTS IJ-t Af," op ACMESSAYE EOM STORM DRAIN NETWORK 11 N 62954541 E AREA 4 GRADING -4 END BS-.M 24-MY-OPILANTEIRANUMIN ;VHDPUFlPE TE S AND DRAINAGE SEENO lVI-OU-071. 1—OUT-3.00 7-0 - sa S N (SHEET 1 OF 4) —,S—1 E-S.99 FIAREDENDSECTION PEAREDENDBECITION UPHDPEPIPE 11PIWOU—M 8 28 LF @ 3— NS�1?�L P . ... ........ I-I.T.—STIJUSEANDES Z--- IL—..7 ..E,.S ,. MN— M N. ,4 .80 E N4 — S-5TO.94 PIPE N,=—=. ll==_ 3-1.0—DRAINBASIN 2—LOPILANT—NDARIN IVH.,.I IWI-OUT-207— lVI—SIU—SES. 11.7. —.735.51I E:944,— 110 M.EDS.442Z E.W4,115.90 -TO- NOTES FLARED ENDSECTION HARED END SECTION IVHEPEPTPE SCALE: AS NOTED 18-1-1-20BAUS 321F03.13% 1.CONTRACTOR SHME MARE ANY REQUIRED GRADING ADJUSTMENT ON THE UPPER—ON OF AREA 4 IN MOSER TO RESDUCE 13, S-1 1.S-12.AND Ass TMIW EMPESHALLBERROLOCATEUMORTOINSTALIATION.EARESHALLSE—ALONS REVISIONS: EDNE—ONQFYYAIYFL THEYOPOFBILOPEANDBE-INDTHERETAINING— s5 —..S3-P.944,r4209 5-11 N:-.—..—,Yl— —110 SAY. BY B.—KIN Z OWE GRADING ADJUSTMENTS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND OBTLIFIBED AM FULLY VESEIATEO OIRE 'Y 14. MY EXTRASTONE FROM AREA4 E—BE PLAEEDNTHIN THE AREAOF THE RIP RAPAT-2. -WL PLASTDRAINDASIN 11NDPEFL-AREDEND IVHDPEPIPE Zo-- AND SLOPE URANS�BE NTMND7 M�RE UPSTR OF THE SLOPE DRANS.—BERM AREAS DISTURBED BY THIS I= --207- 8 15. THE IV HOPE PIPE BETWEEN�l I AND S-12—E INSTALLED SUCH THAT THE I-AST SO FEET SHALL,BEA MINIMUM SLOPE AS 0 HAU-BEIMMEDIATELY SEEDEDANDMATITED, 11 TIN OUT-2191.50 3 THEIDUSTING l�B�NTHE S�E�G�L��LMRE��Ll�MTOBEAMINIMUMOF1.IFE�NTH TOSSIBLEINON-FTOREDUCEVEILOSITY FROM&12 N: E:S,M 111T.— — UP,., FLARED END -1 N:SMSS..E:SYS-.13 IRS EFEPIIE WTH3,1SUDESLOPEBANDMATTE—EF—LENGTH. IV'INV.IN=2MB.M 1WHOPEFI-AREDEND UFQ SLOPE — 1.THE-11-DITCH BETWEEN THE--I AND GRAVEL ROAD SHALL IERII-11-D-IEAIIIM-IFI FOOT DEEP BECTION NFHES —3.1 SLIM S,0PESAND MATTE—E NI-L LENGTH 18-1W.—DWS000 S. CONSTRUCTION THAT WE.IMPAETTHE EASTING PERIMETER ROAD SHALL SESCOBEINATED WITH THEONNER PRIORTO STARRNGWORK DESIGNED BY; J.M.M. B.THE EXHIIIING GRAVEL ROAD SHALL REMIAN A MINIMUM OF IS MET WIDE IN AREAS MERE THE R—WILL BE IMPACTED BY CONSTRUCTION,THE WIDTH OF THE READ SHALL NOT BE LESS TIBIA 15 FOOT WIDE—PRIOR APPROYAL.FROM THE DRAWN BY: W.L.J. ER. WNTRACT ��� � � � MM��SRMTOALINORON �M�S� � �NGMENDSEM CHECKED BY: 5! a HOPE PIPE SHAU.BE ADS N-12 WITH—LOADING OR APPROVED EQUAL DRAIN WINS—BE ADS READ AND HG~ APPROVED BY: STRUCTURES WITH H,IIE LOADING GRATES OR APPROVED EQUAL. MARCH 2016 FIELD—IONS OF THE—EL ROAD AND—THEMER PIPE SHALL HAVE FEET OF COVER UNDER THE 9.STRUCTURE D PIPE LOCATIONS SHOWN AREAPPROPINATEL STATE LICENSE 0 N.C.C44 0 10 CONTRACTOR S—EO.—E A DETTALED F.I—THE-..IT..OF THE—lES IN—TO IDENTIFY ANY AREAS THAT MAY MISSED TO BE ADDRESSED OR REPARED ALONG MTH THE OTHER WORK REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT.ANY REPAIRS North PROJECT 2013.157.02 a2 REQUIREDAND REPAIR METHOD S—BE—M—ON THE PLANS. 0' 30- 60' 120- 9 11.MNTPALTORSWILLCWMETEM U[USURVE MO LWORKCOMPLUED. SHEET NUMBER 6: 12 FORAR—CONSTRUCTION—WESEESHEET GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET I C-06 >1 sheville REGIONAL AIRPORT - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 10 cZo Digitally signed 1-N% by James M. j&% :'Moose,P.E. -DaIL:2,016.05.26 15:31:08-04'00' IVI `- ASHEVILLE REGiONALAIRPORT ASHEVILLE 10 NORTH CAROLINA ..... ....... ........ L—j —PLM h", AREA I AND N AREA 4 IMPROVEMENTS \x AREA 4 GRADING AND DRAINAGE APPIR-1-1—Of—H (SHEET 2 OF 4) North GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SCALE:s AS NOTED NOTES REVISPNS: GRADING AD.ILSTMENT ON THE 21 ME BY DE—MION E— MY FE.— UPPER SECTION OF AREA 4 IN Do 0 2.OFIEGRIBING—STIMENT—EGLENCOMPLETED D�DMRBM�MEF�YVEG�DU�CTLYUPWR�-",:- THE SLOPE DRAINS.THE BERM AND SLOPE DRAINS SHALL BE REMOVED.MY MEAS DSTURBED BY THIS WORK—BE IMMEDIBTELYSEEDED-E—D. x" ].THE EXISTING DTCH I—THE 111E AND GWIVI ROAD SHALL BE REESTABLISHED TO BE I MIMMUM IF IJ FEET VYTI WITH `N 3.1 SLIDE 1UQFES AND MATTED THE FULL LENGTH. 4.TH—STIND—BETWEENTHES EMDG��S BER��LISHMTQBEAMINMW�l�TM NTH3�I DONT-M RTIGRBEBUTCH S LIDESILOPESMOMPT-TEDTHEFUILL—TH. TOAMI -M MN`".-FILD ME 0 F. 5.MY EP CONEMUDIN N THAT WILL IMPACT THE EXISTING PERIMETER—SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER PRIDR TO WITH AMINIpnIM DESIGNED BY J.M.M. A-- IlM-y—To.,I. DRAWN BY: A.M.T. THE—GR-EL ROAD 91—REMNN A MINIMUM OF 18 MET WIDE.IN—WHERE THE ROAD WILL BE IMP—IED BY DONSTRUoTION.THE WROTH OFTHE—S—NOT BE LESSTHAN 15 FOOT WIDE WITHOUT PFIORMPROVBI-FROM THE OWNUR. CHECKED BY: J.M.M. T.COWR—[OREH—REGWEMEATOCRFATEASWELLINORDERTOD NMEATOMSTINGF MENDSEMiGN. N APPROVED BY: J.MLML I.HOPE PIPE—BE BOS M2 WITH W25 LOPDIrvG OR APPROVED So—DRAIN WINS SHALL BE ADS ROAD Me H.—Al, STRUITUREEVITTHH—POGI—ES—PROVEDS— DATE: MARCH 2016 B. STRUCITUREM—ELD—IONSSHOW—APP—E.F—L—ONS—BE—D FIEUDIONSIT N IONSANDRELD Lo CATIONSOFTHEGI—EUROADAN—HORTRUNIH.PIPES—KIWETWOMETOFEIVERUNDERTREG—RD- STATE LICENSE N N.C..�450 X IS—R—COMPLETE A­0 REVIEW OF THE COND TIONE OF THE SLOPES IN—TO IDEWIFY MY MEBS THAT PROJECT No. 2013.157.02 MY NEED To BE BED ESSED OR REPXRED THE OTHER WORK REQUIRED FOR THE PROJECT MY REPAIRS REQUIRED SHEET NUMBER MD REPV4R METHOD SHN-1.BE DOCUMENTED ON THE PIUMs. pp 11.001�—COMPLETEM—SURVEY ON—WORK CIMPUBTED. x, 12 FORM—CONSTRUCTIONSEDUENCESEESNEET L-2. C-07 % .......... ......... BB heville REGIONAL AIRPORT S- a A \W\V, -6 -7� 77� m Digitallysigned 4"m" q by James M. 0W "Moose,P.E. 1)SW-2016.05.26 ' SEE NOTE 15:31:4-04'00 S- /* ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT ASHEVILLE 0 NORTH CAROLINA LIMITSO—STUREPTCE REMOVE DBSTING RCP TO INS Pj T—PROPOSED PIPE AND INLET STORM DRAIN NETWORK —,J —PLAN —E.ENDGECTI.N FLARED INDRECTION IS-HOPE PIPE 18 INV,OUT-207— ---B. "N'T,@ S.— AREA 1 AND N,Sn'—B—.ot— 54 N IKE,—I E:—.— "'.XPIPE : AREA 4 —ENDIICTION 2_11 PLASTDNANBASIN I... IMPROVEMENTS 11 1-2.3.07 ze UF@SL7- 5; PL E2975333 E N4,657.94 S-STOS-G 314—CRAIN—N FI-ARED END SECTION W HOPE PIPE IS...I.T.—SO 18" 01-T-MTSC 27 UP @ 3.— Sa K a19J—B 944.6-2 ... AREA 4 GRADING FLARED END SECTION la—PIPE AND DRAINAGE 18 INV.IN=20GRES 32LF63.13% (SHEET 3 OF 4) K—S-23 E 944j-39 N-NYL P—N—N .2 INV,OUT=—00 NOTES SCALE: AS NOTED 1. 00—P—L MARE ANY REQUIRED GRADING ADJUSTMENT ON THE UPPER SECTION OF AREA 4 IN ORDER TO REDLICE CONCENTRATION OF—ER. REYTI.- ED 2.OWE GRADING ADJUSTMENTS HPUE BEEN COMPLETED AND ANY DISTURBED—B ARE FULLY VEGETATED EIRECTILY UPSTREAM OATEr BY RU`TION OF THE SLOPE DRANS,THE BERM-D S—ORNN9 SHML BE REMOVED,ANY—DSTURSED BY THIS YYDRK—BE IMME—SEEDEDANDMATTED. o 3. THE EXISTING SITCH BETWEEN THE SLOPE AND GRAVEL ROAD SHALL BE—STASUSHED TO BE A MNIMUM OF 1.1 FEET—WITH 3 1 SLIDE SLOPES AND MATTED THE FULL LENGTH. 4.THE EXISTING OTCH BETINEEN THE SLOPE AND G—ROAD S—BE REESWUSHED TO BE A MIMMUK OF 1 POST DEEP—3 1 YL DE SLOPES AND MATTED THE FUEL LENGTH.COYTTYRCTOR SHAU-INSYPIL DITCH SUCH THP,T THE Y—TERN EDGE OF THE SIT CH IS SUGHTLY HIGHER THAN THEE IN ORDER TO A-LEVIATE ANY—FROM SPLASHING INTO THE RO-EDGE E—D BE A MINIMUM OF"AUC`VE ELEVATION OF—RN DITCH EDGEAND s.ANY CONSTRUCTION THAT WILL IMPACT THE—TING PERIMETER ROAD 5—BE COORD(NATED WITH THE E—EN PRIOR TO DESIGNED BY: J.M.M. STPATNG WORK T T HE EG3YNG G VEL Ro-�REI-N A MINIMUM OF 18 FEET—IN­3 ROAD—BE IMPACHED BY DRAWN BY: A.M.T. CON I CONSZCTICTI.THE—HO—E——NOT BE LESS—11—­VVITH.UT INIORAH.—...THE-NEK < COMPACTOR—REGRADE AREA CRI—EA—ELL IN ORDER TO ORSSNAREAT—SING FLARED ENDSECDONL CHECKED BY: j.NLNL B.HOPE PIPE 9HPLL BE ADS N-12 WITH-5—OR APPROVED—DRPIN BASINS SHALL BE ADS RESV)AND HI— APPROVED BY: J.M.M. STRUCTURESITHH-- —CNGESORAPPROVEDEOUPL.9.STRUCTLIFEAH-1 EI.CCATIOM—AREAPP—INATE.FINUS.—ION —SEBASSIDONFIELDCONS—FIELD DATE: 1 MARCH 2016 LO-TIQNSOFTHEGRAVELROND—CHORTRENCH.PIPE—HAVE—FEETOP COVERIPOERTHEGIRRVELACPD, jIl MAY COMPACTOR SHAIl COMPETE A DETAILED REVIEW OF THE CONDTIONS OF THE SLOPES INORDER TO IDENTIFY ANY AREAS THAT STATE LICENSE# N.C.C4NI50 NEED TO BE ADDRESSED OR—RED—WITH THE OTHER—REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT.ANY REPNRS REQUIRED N,rth PROJECT NO. 2913.167.02 AND REPAIR METHOD—BESECUMENTED-THEPLANS. 11 CONTRACTOR.—COM11—AN-1 SUP—.N.L-RKCDMP— a, 15• 3131 Go • SHEET NUMBER GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET C-08 COMIRACTOR TO GPAOE DITCH �.I..` " TO A MINIMUM OFt FOOT DEEP �\ 00 WITHAMINIMUMIT-0—Fs h evi I l e 1 �,. / ;,: -i;.;,. '.-�'•;��,'. REGIONAL AIRPORT / \ / c•r/ /rr I f•/ !.i r r;! '„^ ��'` '` AIcDNpTnc. \ ' ✓ \C / e>:wgnrv�R Pt Na70BE ^' :jr"'��5 2 ti�cAaO� Digitally signed o�1� r r -/ / r ,J' •7P,':;. / .✓+ xt by James M. - \ '/ !,/'�„/..� :/ /2\D�r /r. •�.• �, r.% .i ce f -E6eU' e'Moose016.05.26 S ;• ! :'- / �,/ // rr :�pGr.';,, / rrr ' i ���'' ''\ �...�,7 ''�'•y SY1R' 153220-04'00' WUFif2 ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT -- rzDT* - z5 ASHEVILLE o ,.,. i - r �' -'.j - - NORTH CAROLINA Ir N NETPLgN X, �?"/.: �'.. % •,,. ::'! ... i 6EENOTE7 AREA IAND •^ r. rr.•' l.ir.•� r'w`: !r,''• a �r,.r"'� ,..�'., is -''./'�- AREAS r - IMPROVEMENTS /' ., /. / •� _ / �APP0.0AMATELMIT9 GF COALASH �, / '..• z�/ i �. '' .�'' STORM DRAIN NETWORK /..r 34"NYLOPUaaE OR3-89IN 9-9 24"�NYLOPIA9T 90TW IBARN 'i. �•. �. a r r,,. `-� AREA 4GRADING // r / \_ / /•' ,B•wv.our ror3w 10•INV.our z935w _ 20 i - /�eN T,E4 r/ :r 5-s / �: AND DRAINAGE !r ::- /•�. /!',; j/ ,- / "°\ " 38 N Bz9533.,z E 344Tzz.5z s•, N.6-z944zzz E,—.5.B0 (SHEET 4 OF 4) FIAREDENOSECTON FIAREOEMXSECTION r. , S /r " SJI, r/lu rr,.+•'. '.��' �.'/ / i'�'• 10"WV IN=]O60W 0 1B"INV.w=71IBB00 RAZ , / B., 1.0E-A E DRANBASIN .11 M.I.EI.EFLARED END6,13 r! :� .•':i" '.�'.� i�••^,r ',;:r /I�/ j' — —-_... •,•� ,5"wv ouT-roT3.w sECTIGN -�: 7C ,�,:_ &02E 53651 E944B.Bl 1B"INV.Wr 210L50 ,//' /• /",-.!•,.�,. /�'� FIAREDENOSECTON B-12 N.6290B249 E94528l33 'minima nRi un��,w eC1�'T �,• / !.r' %.•' /'.-•r f.. 1 SCALE: AS NOTED / / /•' tls S-7 \ - - r;� 1B'INV,O.—Gi.. e•HWEFLAREDEND '/. sE€n TES '/�/. i�`t �- ,/•j'•4C �iQ\\ ""` / „,. term.our=rorfiaD R6vISAHS: w !. � �'�\\`\\ '• / N0. OgTE BY .....PTNH e5TO S8 CONTRACTOR SHALL MAYE MY REQUIRED GRADING AWUSTMENT ON THE UPPEM SECTION OF AREA 4 IN ORDER TO REDUCE ELF®3��E rc ..'��/. /C14 Sg\'•. \� ��` .,r mrvcENTPAnonaF WATER ONCE GRADING ADJUSTMENTS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND ANY DISTURBED AREAS ARE FULLY VEGETATED DIRECTLY UPSTREAM -To- IF"://,. TE SL SLOPE DRAINS SHALL BE REMOVED. -1 AREAS DISTURBED BY THIS WORK SHALL BE 10"—LIE ".''r^,', "I ."'::.I�i••"„' .,\\•,Y \i,\\., '` •�•.1� IMMEOWTELLYS SEEDED AND MANED 3z IF®3.13% w ^I '.•'r/ �/' /. \ H `\ \`I 3` THE EA9nNG DITCH BETWEEN THE BLOPE AND GRAVEL ROAD S—BE REESTABLISHED TO BE A MIMMUM OF 1.1 FEET WITH WITH 3:1 SLIDE SLOPESPND MATTEDTHENLL LENGTH EPIPE O �. "�, ,,`.'�1••` ` -�/ 4.THE EAGTNG DITCH BETWEEN THE SLOPE AND GRAVEL ROAD—BE REESTABLISHED TO BE A MINIMUM OF I FOOT DEEP WITH 3:, 77 LF®350% DESIGNED BY: J.M.M. SLIDE BLOPES AND MATTED THE FULL LENGTH CONIPACTOR SHALL INSTALL DITCH SUCH THAT THE WESTERN EDGE OF THE DTCX 19 SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN THE ROAD IN ORDER TO ALLEVIATE ANY WATER FROM BVLA5HNG INTO THE ROAD.EDGE SHOULD BE A .11 DRAWN BY: A.M.T. MNIMUM OF 6'ABOVE ELEVATION OF WESTERN DITCH EDGE AND ROAD.PNY CONSTRUCTION THAT WILL IMPACT THE EASING 10"HDPE PIPE PERIMETFA ROAD BHPLL BE COOROINgiEO WITH THE OWNER PRIOR TO STARTING WORK 109LF®SLOPE VgRIE3 CHECKED BY: J.MM . THE EXISTING GRAVEL ROAD SHALL REMAN A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET MODE IN AREAS WHERE THE ROAD WILL BE IMPACTED BY /' "-,%.'% "• ' APPROVED�BY. J.MM Q j.." B "�. w "/.."': ._,/ CONSTRUCTION.THEWIDTHOFTERGADSWLLLNOTBELESSTWW 15 FOOT WIDEWITHOUT PRIDRAPPROVK FROM THEOWNER N ��"•' 'j a.HOPE PIPE SHALL BE ADS NA2 WITH H-25 LOADING OR APPROVED E—DRAIN BASINS SHALL BE ADS ROAD AND HGHWAY DATE: MARCH 2D16 sTfluClURE9 WITH W25 LOADING GRATES OR APPROVED EQUAL .COUCTI-RORSHPLPELORADEAREATOCRFATEASWEMATE ER TODRANARFS FASTING FLPNFIENDS lOILDTIO Q STATE LICENSE u N.C.C•2450 ...... . B. aTRUCTURE ANDPIPELOCATIONS SHOWNAREPPPPO%IMATE—LOCE—FET BEBASEDONFIELDCONDITIONS PNOFIELD n '�"✓-� Pam' YA` �� lam' " � ( ` LOUTIONSOF TXE GRAVEL ftOPDANOMICHOR TRENCH PIPE SHALL H4VETWOFEET OF COVER UNDER THEGRAVEI RDAD. NoRh PROJECT NO. 2071.757.02 !TRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE A DETAILED flEWEW OF THE COrvpTON3 OF THE SLOPES IN 00.0E0.To IOENTFT ANY g0.EA9 THAT 0' 15' 3B• 6D' ' ^� I!V^y rl .Jldlp•^" NEED TO BE ACORESSED OR REPAIRED ALONG WITH THE OTIER WORK REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECr.MY REPAIRS—RED ® SHEET NUMBER B. Y Aro REPAR METHOD SHALL BE DOCUMENTED ON THE PLANS. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 10,CONTPACTORSHALLOOMPLETEANASBUILTSURVEY ONALL WCRHCOMPLETED. C-O Vo 1 SITE WORK,GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE LATE WINTER/ PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE-MIXTURE 1- 1. THE CONRNCIOR SHALE.BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING VISITED THE SITE AND RAVING EARLY SPRING MIXTURE SEED IMF TORE SPECIES RATE J�ACRE) S h e V i l l e FAMILWMZED HIMSELF WITH THE EASTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING MS BID. J G v 2. THE CONTRACTOR S UTILIZE A NORTH CA M LICENSED SURVEYOR FOR SE GMULTURE SPECIES RAT:(!&ACRE) SERCFA LESPEOEZA 1p REGIONAL AIRPORT _ EON ILOREAN I,E9PEDETA CONSTRUCTION RELATED TAR TMOUIREMENTB gHlhVAL LLESPEMZA RYEjiW REDTI. 15 (MBE IN 5S PIEDMONTAND KEMUCKY BLUEGRASS 3. THE ENRRE AREA WITHIN THE UNITS OF GRADING SHUV.L BE EXCAVATED TO A DEPTH COASTAL PLAIN KCREAN IN MOUNTNNS) SUFFICIENT TO REMOVE ALL VEGETABLE MATTER,MUCK RUBBISH,AND OTHER UNSUITABLE 6EEDIM NOTE: MgTERMJ.. OMIT ANNUAL LEMPEDM WHEN DURATION OF TEMPORARY COVER IS NOT TO EXTEND BEYOND AFTERAUG,1,USE UNSCAR RED SEED FOR SERICEALESPEDEZA LLJ DUNE. NEURSEPILANTS 4 THE COMPACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN POSITIVE DRAINAGE IN ALL USTURSED AREAS AND BETWEEN MAY II ANq 9EPT.30,ADO 10 LUACHE GERMAN MILLET OR I5 LB(ACRE 9VDPNGRA99. DEWMTERAS NECESSARY. SEECING pATEB. PETW i0 MAT 11 OR AFTER SEAT.30,ADD 40 LB'ACRE RYE(GNNM.IT MAT BE BENEFlNLL TO OUNTNM ABOVE 2,500 FEET: FE815-MAT 15 PLANT THE GRASSES IN LATE SUMMER AND OVERSEE.THE LESPEDETA91N N-CH. 5 ALL OMURBED AREAS,INOWINO THE CONTRACTOR6 STAGING AREA HAUL ROUTES, MOUMNN9 BELOW 2.500 FEET: FEB1-MAT1 GRADING LIMITS ETC.,SHALL.BE RESIGNED TO A SMOOTH LINE AND GRADE WITH POSITIVE HEDMCM: JAN 1 MAY 1 SEEDING DATES DRATAGE TILE CONTRACTOR s1YLLL SEED AND MUCH ALL DSTURSED AREAS THERE WALL CQASTAL PLAIN. DEC.1-AM.1 SE pO351BLE �VCwDapIN A. BBE NO MEASUREMENT FOR PAY MENT OF SEEDNG AND MULCHING REQUIRED FOR AREAS BELOW 2500 FT: ALG.I5SEP.1 JUL25S UISDE 11MIT90F O9NRBANCE g3tURBED BY THE CONTRACTOR SOILPMENDMEM9 y10 FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOIL TESTS OR APPLY ,000 LUACRE GROUND MAR f-R 1 MAR,I.Mq 15 fl THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO TRANSPORT AND STORE ALL EQUIPMENT AND AGMCVLN LIMESro EANDT50LB REI0l0.IDFERPLMER 2 ASOVE2500 FT: NL25AUG.15 JUL ISJWG. MATERVLL9 T A MANNER WHICH WILL NOT DPAIRE ANT EICONT PAVEMENT,BUILDINGS,9, SIGNS,LIGHTS,ETC.AN Y DAI4AGE WILL BE REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO COST TO MULCH 30 MPA 20APR.20 MPR.5�NIAY 15 _ THE OWNER THE CONTRACTOR B—L KEEP ACCESS ROUTES CLEAN AND FREE OF LOOSE APPLY A000 IBIACRE STRAW:ANCHOR STRAW BY TACING WITH ASPHALT,NETTING OR A SOILAMEMMEMS �-GR DI (tali 51 ned DEBRIS FROM CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE MULCH ANCHORING TOOL A q K WITH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A 1�' O<4". 9 y 9 FOR HOLY DEALING ALL DEBRIS FROM PAVEMENTS TRAVERSED BY CONSTRUCTION MULLHANCHORWGTOOL APPLYLITUANDIMETONE ANDCORO ACCORDING Il TESTS,OUZM. I5LOS'100060,FT,GROUND Qer(= by James M. EOUPMDJT. AGMOULTURALLME9TONEPND 1000 LBIgCHE S10.10 FERTILIZER < MNHTENAWE MULC 090 H '.`MOOse,P.E. REFERTIUM IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE RESEED,RLTOMLQE AND MULCH PLY T LBI M SO N NAL AN FT.GRAIN STRAW OR EGUUJT COVER OF OTHER SUITABLE -,D,ltlte�ZUtG,OS.26 IMMEDATELY FOLLOWING EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE MULCH ANCHOR MULCH BY FACING WITH ASPHALT,ROVING OR NETTING.NETTING IS THE SA PREFERRED ANCHORING METHOD ON STEEP SLOPES, Its'•.,�SLL 15:32:6-04'OO� CE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES MNMOOW NO MORE MAN ONCE AYEAR.REFERT IN THE SECOND YEAR UINU=SS GROWTH 13 ME O FULLYADEQUATE RESEED,FERTII MD MULCH DAMAGED AREAS IMMEDIATELY. 1.THE roNIRACtOfi SIULLL PROVIDE SILT FENCE AND00.CONTROL OEVILE9,AS MAY BE TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE-SUMMER MIXTURE ASHEVILLE REDUIRFD,TOCONTROLSOILER09IONDJRINGCONSTRUCTION,KDISTUMEDMEASSHALL O BECLEANED,GRMEDANDSTABILIZED NTH GRASSING IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCNON REGIONALAIRPORT SEEDINGMDTURE SPECIES RATE(IILALgE) 0 2,EXCEPT AS PROVIDED BELOW.3IPBILIZATON MFA9URE9 A—RE IMMTED PS SOON PB LLSPEDETA B ASHEVILLE PRACTICABLE IN PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES HAVE TEMPORARILY OO OR PERMANENTLY CEASEp.BUT IN NO CASE MORE TMAN 14 DAYS AFTER A CONSTRUCTION ENT PIEDMONTAND MMNTNNS,ASM1 -STEMMED SULffiI—R —BE SUB.—DATA MAINTENANCE PLAN NORTH CAROLINA K MTVITY IN THAT PORTION OF THE SITE HAS TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED. RATE OF 50 LB9IADRE 1 PAID SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE CHECKED FOR 9TAMUTY AND _ CONTRACTORS TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL-TEMPORARY DRAINS,SILT FENCING.AND SEEDING DATES EROSNONO S 3DRAINAGE GIC S.ETC HOT SHOWN ON THE PLAWE OR NOTED HEMK SHALL BE INSTALLED MOUNTAINS MAY 15- 15 OPERATO LOWING EACH RAIM=AL EVENT MUM NO LESS MAN ONCE EVERY BY THE CONTRACTOR TO INTERCEPT OR OVERT SURFACE WATER RUNOFF WHICH MAY AFFECT ME.MOM MAY 1-AUG41 N THE WORK TIESEDRAJNS AND DITCHES SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY TIE COMPACTOR COASTAL PLAIN: APR 15- 2 ANY NFfOED REPNR991Nlt BE MADE IMMEDVlTELT lO ENSURE CONTINUED FUNCTION OFALL THROUGHOUT TIE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT,UPON COMPLETION,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL P ICESASCESIGNED. RESTORETHESITETOITSORIGINALCONTITION. SOILAMENOMEMS FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOLI. TESTS, OR APPLY . ALL SEEDED NRPA9 SE-PULL BE RESEEDED,FEMILIZED,AND MULCHED AS NECESSARY TO PDMCULTURAL UME9TONEPNDTSD LBIACREf0.10.10 FERTLZER. 2 ESTABLISH SUITABLE GROUND COVER,ACCORGEM TO THE SEEDM3 AND SPEQN DNS ARE PROVIDED AS OURJNE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY ,000 Le�ACRE GROUND SPECIFICATIONS. MULCHING J'/ MY PLAN RJ WATER.CIIEMICAL9.VEGETATION OR OTHER MATERIALS TO PREVENT THE OCCURRENCE OF )_ OUST WHICH WILL BE OBJECTIONABLE TO THE OPERATIONSNSERS OF TIE AIRPORT AS MLLCpppLY 4.000 IBIACRE STRAW.ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT,NETTING OR A 4. SEDIMENT SfVLL1 BE REMOVED FROM ALL TRAPS ANCOR BASINS ONCE ONE HALF OF THE LI TH ZY OUNED IN E PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS,NO SEPARATE PAYMENT WILL BE MADE, rygNOpRING TOOL Ag3K WITH BLADES SET NFATLLT STRAIGHT CAN BE USED ASq STORAGEVOLUMEHASBEENUSED. CONTRACTOR SHAU.AL90 BE OBLIGATED TO DRECUNTNUE OPERATIONS WHICH VI.WTE MtH AWLEGRINo root AREA 1 AND EASING LAWSAND REGULATIONS. THE ROCK WEIRS SHALL BE CLEANED ANCOR REPLACED WITH CLEAN MOO ONCE SEDMEM S S.CON RAC O SHALL UMIT AREAS OF DSNRBANCE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE DURING THE NAHRENAHCE 5 BUILDUP PREVENTS PROPER DRAINAGE FROM ME MAP. , AREA 4 COURSE OF THE PROJECT,AND ETASILQE AREAS AS WORK IS CGMPLETEO. ND SEPARATE REFERTILME IF GROWTH 15 NOT ALLY ADEQUATE. RESEED,REFERTILIZE AND MULCH CONTRACTOR TO PERFORM R NE REVIEW OF THE SILT FENCES TO ENSURE PROPER IMPROVEMENTS US MEASUREMENT WILL BE MADE FOR PAYMENT FOR AREAS REOUIMNG SEEDING AND MULCHING IMMEDIATELY FOLLGWINC EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE 5 FIAVCTiON.FENCES TO BE CLEMREOONCE SEDIMENTDEPM REACHES 6-. OUTSIDE OF THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUC ION,THIS WORK SHALL BE PAID AT THE CONTRACTORS j EXPENSE. BE T MALL ADDITIONAL.MNNIENAIHCE.AS REOUIREO BY NCpEQ AND THE ENGINEER,S S.ALL SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL.BE INSPECTED BY TIE CONTRACTOR DOE DIRECTED. v EVERY SEVEN)DAYS OR AFTER EACH RAINFALL OCCURRENCE I.H. AT EXCEEDS ONNWF(1 Q) EROSION AND DAMAGED OR INEFFECTVE MS,CE9 SHALL BE REPAIRED OR a REPLACED AS NECESSARY BY ME CONTRACTOR.NO SEPARATEPAYMENTWELLBEMADE. TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE-FALL MIXTURE SEDIMENT T.ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SMALL BE PROPERLY MAINTAINED WRING ALL PHASES OF CONTROL NOTES UCHON UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ANDALL USTURSED $ �HAVE BEEN 9TABILMED. ADDITIONAL CONTROL DEVICES MAY BE RECUIRED OUMNG SEEDINGMONRESPECIES RATEnaIALRE) (SHEET 1 OF 2) ONSTRUC.ON IN ORDER TO CONTROL EROSION MUM OFFSHE SEDMIENTATIOK AIL RYE 120 C TEMPORARY CONTROL DEVICES SMALL BE REMOVED ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE AND �>renAAA U THE SITE IS STABILIZED UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED BY THE ENGINEER 6EEUNc.ATES OCm_oNT AUG.15-CEC.15 S 0.THE CONTRACTOR MUST TAKE E NECESSARY ACTION TO MINI THE TRACIND OF MUD ONTO oMOM: AVG.15-pEC.30 THE PAVED ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION AREAS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DAILY REMOVE COASTAL PLAIN: RUG.15-GEC.SO wma ,w MUD90IL FROM PAVEMENT,OR AS DIRECTED BY THE OWNER OR ENGINEER COI LAMENDMEM8 9.REMOVPLOFA SEDMENTAN MMIONCO MMFASURESH LBEASDRECIFDBYNCDEO FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOIL TESTS, OR APPLY 2000 L&ACRE GROUND SCALE:; MOD EENGINEERNOMEASURESHALLMREMOVEDUNTILDIRECTEDTOTHECONTRACTORIN AGMCUMN LIMESTONEAND1B00L&ACRE1410.10FMTLLITER WRITING. SINS: MULCH DATE, BY1 MPTIX f APPLY 4LOW LDIACRE STRAW.ANCHOR STRAW BY TACW W WITH ASPHALT.NETTING OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL A DISK WITH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A j MULCHANCHOMNGTOOL O MATTING NOTES MAIMEENAN E AIRENI R ARCH.IF 1 DAMAGEDNECESSARY T EXTEND TE MRARESS WITH 50OND DUNE OF NITROGEN IN MARCH.IF IT IS NECESSARY TO OUEXTEND TEMPORARY COVER BEYOND JUTE 15 ALL DISTURBED s WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS SHALL BE 9EEDEp PER THE PWJ$AM SEE.WITH 50 LATE FE RE NOREAN EARLY MAANSIRCH.LESPEDEZA OR KOBE(PIE➢MOM PAID W 1 SPECIFICATIONS. COg5TP1 PLAINT IN LATE FEBRVARY OR EARLY MARCH 4 2. ALL USTURBED PAEA9 WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS SHALL BE MULCHED PER THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS EXCEPT THE AREAS THAT SHALL BE FATTED. DESIGNED BY: J.M,M. Q 3, THE FOLLOWIHGAREAS SHNL BE MATTED: DROWN BY: W.L.J. A­DE­DITCHESASINDCATED IN THEPIAN9PN0 DETAILS Q RANYSLOPEEQUALTOORGRFATERTIYWA4:ISLOPE: CHECKED Sr. J.M.NL 5J C.ANY BERM ABOVEASLOPE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAHA3.1 SLOPE: APPROVED BY: J.M.M. O.PNY PfiEAREWIREO BY THE OWNER 00.ENGINEER. 4. MATTINO9WYL BE NRLEX II ORAPPROVEDEWPL DATE: MARCH 2O16 STATE LICENSE N N.C.C-2450 PROJECT NO, 2013.157.02 IN SHEET NUMBER 7 EC-01 . ^ I CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE AS OUTLINED IN THESE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE PRIOR APPROVM FROM THE ENGINEER BEFORE MAKING MY AugmtA,]Ml DEVIATIONS TO CONSIRUCTION SEQUENCE Major Elements of DWQ Construction General Permit S h evi I I e 2 P STARLING ANY WORK INCLUDING GRADING,(MEN HIM EROSION MID SEDIMENT THE CCOOINTRO�INSTALLATION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE HIMSELF PROFICIENT IN THE REGIONAL AIRPORT NSTRLJCTON SEDUENCING OF THE PROJECT, dnNtnm4ao SB11 Ne S,'m II MthoMRTUy-rm'bed Nnnh/:arolba DVieioO pf Wq4(;rarity(DW4J COnFWCdnn 3. THE CONFRACTOR AND ENGINEER SHALL HOLD A PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE WITH QmmWYmml(NGO01)wi,h mgp6nuplqud 9.,lh eel=mcA416d drBkrffmtl'I(tgpNm- pgmil('MF^'U AOgmL 2, NCDEO FRIOR TO STARTING WORK 2011).6ineeW surOmmy]ulbelov Pumatgonlsin ddauln Orevuy Obargee.deewmplebP M1Ahoxldbcwcdb m•um full pl mtN Su hnp,iipvttal<aeM erpfw tr N d5ajrcr`r tTp a CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSBLEHAS FOR MAINTAINING POSITIVE INCLUDES E THI NAGS UT To Th N �wm nebePo 1rmR d.HN IF2idMm THE SITE AND ACROSS PROJECT PHASES.THE POSITIVE DRNNAGE INCLUDES HRCU GE TO THE APPROPRIATE EROSIONANDSEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURE 1}Grauau FLLdRl�aggn a °'. PPb 6mrad nabd roll -0,laa Mx.m. Onus liw T'Claw.odralq dmINC ;W dv Sedan tAc{iwJmn, 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL CO—AN M-BUILT SURVEY ON ALL WORK COMPLETED. 6Ne. . Smblllraaon 61a61Watk.Time H Pw PI gmmdgwb,, C'I dal D dyn dN"raw _ ]lercrl Lion TlmvlM1eme F}•me Eau tbm �A'q"°re'.°I' dp'wWu''^"kwwh Pu"'la'1`pwy D^°Sq _AICIW,INe e. THE CONTRACTOR SNARL FOLLOWING THE FOLLOANG CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FOR THE Parirm;Mr L4m." "' ""' -'-"' 4TpG tluD ionpdfipAh rd.yedpamh- wmwin PROJECT: swAcr,ditcw} I., Nom aNaacm UfagmpWcq wr}tiA ld,wdrAa.ve Pivm,70eyq, aam xcauev cuu•a•mn..vwLvm mN�i a orr�amnwo .E.— • High Q. Iy ,V—r3QW) 7ifal None `^v 1. PRIORTOSTMTNOWMR Mro A RBHALLttI TNCDEOFORNDTIFMATON OF 2�Ce N pmN r4q d hq hea dm A�CMq�'r. Digitallysigned COMMENCEMENTOFWOFK Ifu James M. 2 ONCETHEWORKHASECEN COMPLETEDANOTHE SITE HAS BEEN STABILIBED,TiE • "MPOFtaper Ida} 1 length dan Dcd, 4d an.gfgrdcvroU m6 an.A and Ndcr CONTRACTOR SWILL NOTIFY-.so. Ihan3:1 eepe S 2,I, lheloc qd.$D Imm Mnmldr aMalmaw �` -(M006er P.E. 14 a• (lowed N ,cm N a1 - B bl 'i. AREA1 7A,,X,f Alo{uv Bann wxm .ccpu eutml ado B.m•!mm t°�y, -DatE:3016.05.26 A CONTRACTOR I—L INSTALL SILT FENCE AS SfDWN ON THE—PRIOR TO Sloppy 3:l.r Id Y• gmxabvA 9S feet dau4+-�mC mdcu P,o FUP M al{< FP' 15:33:40 0400' STARTING GRADING OPERATIONS. "Baa.t vLlµgth mmlable. nv�. (Z� B, CONTRACT ORSHALLCOMPLEfEADETAIIEDREAMOFTHECONgTONSOFTHE Nnw C Mmn dal mmLbq wnVolled a�md wNtii wida p SLOPES IN DIDER TO IDENRFY MY AREAS THAT MAY NEED TO BE ADDRESSED • NINMramm da awamn tlmd0.PrbWIL Mi ORREPPIREDALONG WITH THE OTHERVA—REGOIRED FOR THIS PROJECT, viiW elopm Bailer ld da)• tcawAlf Z G NWNCTORONTHSNALL BEGIN GINENTEN ENTOPYMTHPHASE1TIONSTOCOMPLETEGRACINO Lwad:1 perimCmmN : ASHEVILLE II WZ.rrca _)nr a,.orva;>F.a r.niuew wt, a a N mybsgp smq�mwroluLgwmwro a REGIONAL AIRPORT D. C NM ORSHALLINSr TRAPEZOIDALRIPFAPmTCHASSHOWNONF S. broea,,,rre d,c otl¢„pm,p�er emdn;m,anan.kaemnPiianu . xequiranc+LL Ilro aaae ss}n Pro wn PWPPS ASHEVILLE O E ASMEASMECOMPLETE., Yffi LBESEEDEDMDMATTEDIMMEDWTELY. un}aesivlble.`(Scsti®llB(d}(bfl . Tlw pemdlillow.nduuion lmm du:lDaeremlv4numil' o Inq.Dhpmm.OfDWQdclgl ,,*Ln Bhlr pewide NORTH CAROLINA AREA A --ER W A CENTRB-OFEB INONDER TO MY THAT NEED EToCONDITIONSEADDOFTHE I ry SLOPES IN OIDQe TQ IDENTIFY ANT AREAS THAT MAY NEED TO BE AWRESSED OR REP ORSONGWITHTHEOTHERWDRK FEOURFDFORTHISPROJECT. B. CONTRIn ORDER To EN HML THE s 1E DOES NOr�Au.ow w CONCENTRATION o Wows.As C. THEAILE418 COMPLETED.IT SHALL BE SOLVED MD MATTED ACCORENGLY. v ' CONTRACTOR SHALL M-E REQUITED GRADING AND DRUNAGE IMPROVEMENTS' (, AT THE BOTTOM OFTHE SLOPEAM1O AT IHEGMVEt ROPD.AS THE WORKIS I NEYPIAN MPLETED,TT SIVeLL BE SEEDED MDMATTEDACCORDNGLY. D. ETCEKLDISTURBEDMEP9 DESCWBEDABOVE HAVE BEENCOMPIETED, MATTED,AND HAVEA GOOD STAND OF VEGELAT10N,THE SLOPE DRAINSMD Augustde 2M1 sDCL4FeD BERM SHALL BE REMovED.Am AREAS DISTURBm Duwnc rFus AREA 1 AND r�wRK SHALL BE BEEDEDANDMATTED—RONCLY. Major Elements of DWQ Construction General Permit-Continued g AREA 4 IMPROVEMENTS BY 4)7dipdgllolad; 6}Copdilpmvt'.Plwon&Sedm,mt.iim CNnu.l PbvF',': EROSION AND Gam.wccWyimpcsaan requiremwle aLbai�iali a TSgO�IYMB,OILS fmq,NPI pOI I,,I SEDIMENT S—, I.g..gc&impeeu®a0w 0.3^rune—I D:sigaacon pn theplmlq whetpbas tw WnL wrnply wi,the • amEttt-wrlUdvwNngNmmeNeprdmNPDES,—Nmn CONTROL NOTES g 1n p�ngnM,—,W.d&H.8-am,wbIuIi— !°- (SHEET 2 OF 2) 0 O fiom." � • Imp<c..n.v TcpmQ vw,l bu avaiUblo Ontiie durlvg 71.HWding WastegHandliu8 - •n••.•• Sdavi nom.mde®. pu;iHc cxempEo • •° _, • ttccmds mnel be kept forlyeam oMaeNlabl.upon NO pv,i.e liyWdw mprewFq dra,n w.mR - rgq.geli Ddiwlal arem for acmulaim5 canapOcii.Aavd oihcr a FTeumviwuy-avaGtilc recptde may66.db,eL.md w�lgq faaLed,sD^-fiw,.mrm atim pllaea wm.w,IgFa SCALE m• wdurccNiin clmdiamu rto mxnnable Wlvnaliara navailaN a ,a Hannm makvN alackp,Ine Ieutcd 6D'Gvm Hetm B5VI51ON5: Ami uW Orcxmable altema.vga malabia, I BY OEseRIPTroN f '•�°imPkmevw4aordn9dlFmnx CuoufuanW:u Ca,CTGie taukaN•muel lx adntioBrd lauvamlca.lacL p • Pbjttn permlMed,mM l6AP—i—pcTroitcml w ,wC waten,.wellavd,,mb.H2m- w.avve 1vtoBow nm 1ae.�oualy-pNmmlred cov&arms: f f.OmplcleaPpUcaamn rcuivcd pam mAOgmL3;ml1 6}sedimguL Hge)os apn kD PamtIPN AfappmvcU appJi'gNkp - "" it . • Apb p �Sn�AUg-2r2011m.etgnvipiy • OW cWrca mwt. Lhdmw fiom baiiv nwPacq AP uN—dmi B-0",1 V..I um- • Vvl Orly DW(1.applpvcdllacFWdrN:. DESIGNED BY: J.MM. DRAWN BY: IN LA •Inprdu6rthe E85CAmrouoejY W m.smmaM1heCuom.gbnCenuol lemtit'hmwP:EegfyueeswhaelhagmmtluadlizaEonregrvemum IF,,-SM Q 'laaV�Nfio,uwe.Auedw.vra4wwLmra rcgmFuv:mae{yly. CHECKED BY: J.M.M. APPROVED BY: 1II.M. DATE: MARCH 2O16 Docmaw(preyargd,by aF.Flivigiorgf\Cacer Qpalily 2 STATE LICENSE N.C.C3450 PROJECT NO. 2DT3,167.02 7 ry SHEET NUMBER (EC-02 RIPRAP CHART y STR.NO. OUTLET DESCRIPTION PIPE SIZE(IN) RIPRAPCLASB RIPRAP DEPTH(D)(IN) Le(FT) WEFT) S-2 FLARED END SECTION 1B B 18 9 10.5 `ems�VAR1E5 y J � Xm'! ev1NAL AIRPORT S4 FLARED END SECTION 1B B 18 9 1D.5 15' S-8 FLAREDENDSECTION 1S B 18 9 105 S-B FLARED END SECTION 18 B 18 B 10.5 .10 FLARED END SECTION 18 B 1 8 10.5 TRAPEZOIDAL DITCH DETAIL N.T.S. 5-12 FLARED END SECTION 18 B 15 1B 18.5 pVCON,INC. RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION RIP W.SB' �� a NTs FILTERSTONE La CAROZ,q Digitallysigned La by James M. Dal se P.E. n llli .I 1� 1B• e9t6.os.26 (T J P- 1•I ,.Yi 15:34:26-0400' TE3 _ _ •''".. 4�.. IH1 7tli II IJ r SECTION A-A FarER aLANKEr J SECTION A-A ASHEVILLE 7Y i T._,�.y i T���) cilY -3jl lil �-a- -�T4�1� PIPEOURETTOFLATATNEANO RPEOURETTO I%1 REGIONAL AIRPORT WELLOEFlNEDCWWNEL -FINEDCH4MIEL o ASHEVILLE e " s. ONE WT NORTH CAROLINA 1, SILT FENCE ST ET SHALL BE INSTALLED gLONG PERIMETER OF THE GRADING LIMITS AT 100 FOOT IMERVNS,LOW SPOTS PND AS ORDERED BY THE W ENGINI-D-RAGEAREAS OFOIJRETSSHI U DBEMIMMIZEDASPRACTMAL, ---; :-^--""-'- S NORTBNOMJD FISTING TOCENTEROF PIPEENO Wes.- � z THE COST STONE SWILL BE INCIOENTMTO SILT FENCE "._-;S:=��..'.�'� ry- NOTES: LO 1. Le I9WSLENCTHOFTHERPRAPAPRON J " 2. 1.TIMES THE MAJUMLJM STONE DI-ETER BUT NOT LESS SILT FENCE STONE OUTLET DETAIL •/ KEYPLAN 3 d CL NTs. 3, IN A WELL 11141 CP 11,-END THE IRON UP THE AREA 1 AND CHANNEL BANILS TORN ELEVATON OF 6-ABOVE THE MAXIMUM gTAILYMTER DEPTHORTOWETOPOFTHE RMlCHEVER I AREA ISLES9 IMPROVEMENTS 4. AFLTER BIPNKET,OR HLTER FABRIC.SHOULD BE IfSTMLEO PLAN BETWEENTHERIPRAPANDSOILFOBNDg 1 STEEL P09T SILT FENCE NOTES: WERE MESH FlLTER FABRIC 1. SEDIMENT ACCUMULATIONS SH, BE REMOVED WHEN THE DEPOSITS REACH Q APPRQAMATELY I-F THE HEIGHT OF THE FABRIO, SHOULD THE RUER EROSION CONTROL FABRIC COLLAPSE TEAR DECOMPOSE, DETERIORATE OR BECOME rc RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS INEFFECTIVE.IT SHUL BE REPI—D IMMELTATELY. DETAILS(SHEET 1 OF 2) 0 n£� �N1 _fr..;.r;I- EASING ]. USE A SYNRETC FILTER FPBRC OF AT LEAST 95%BY WEIGHT OF ENSURE THAT THE SLIBGRAOE FOR THE FILTER AND RIPRAP FOLLOrYS THE REQUIRED LINES MO GRADES SHOWN IN THE PUW. �� GROUND POLYOLEFEN9 OR POLYESTER NNFORMWG TO ASTM D 6"I D SHOULD *i.�.. UNE CONTAIN ULTRAVIOLET RAY INHIBITORS AND STABIU S PROVIDE A COMPACT ANY FELL REWIRED IN THE SUBGRADE TO THE DENSRT OF THE SURROUNDING UNCISRFSW MATERIPL LOW - _::1[`i - MINIMUM OF 6 MONTHS EXPECTED USABLE COIJSTRUCNON LIFE AT A �+R•no. AREASINTHESUBGRPDEONUNDIMROWSOILMAY OBEFILLEOBYINCREPSINGTHERIPPAPTHN WIS. o\ 0 •\ ` TEMPEWINREPHNGEOFO•FTO10]-F. _ Z THERPRPPANDGRAVELFILTERMUMT NF MTOTHESPEQnWGRPDINGLIMIT SB MONTHEPUW9. 0. FOR REINFORCEMENT OF 9TPNDARD 3RLENGTH FILTER FPBRI0,.USE MIN 14 • 4•� CH FABRICAs3HOVYNAND GOUGE WERE FENCE WITH MAX.MESH SPACING OF 6 INCHES, omeumn-mA n'- & -I CLOTH,WHEN USED MUST MEET DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND BE PROPERLY PROTECTED FROM PUNCMNG OR COMPACTS 11-LABOVEIT TEARING WRING IN9iAL1.AD A REP ALL MJY DAMAGE BY REMOVING O O MI AP AND NIIMUM F I FT.I PIECE OF BE IS IF EXTRA STRENGTH FABRC 19 11TIU LASTM D 4141),WIRE MESH Is SCALE: -o - ICLOTH-ER OVER THE D.E.PAEA ALL COMJECTIND JOINTS SHOULD OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 1 FT.IF THE OAMPDE IS 4 OPTIONAL EXTENSIVE,REPLACETHE EHTRE FLIER CLOTH SECTION REVISAH 4. RPP IP BEPLACEDBT EWIPMEM.CARESHOULDBET NTOAVOIDDAJNIGWGTH MFl RFABRIC. 5, TS SH4L BE 133 L F STEEL WITH MIN.LENGTH OF 5 FEET AND BY .-FEEPTNN VMAX.STANDARDSTRENGTH FABRIC WITH WIRE FENCE PROJECTIONSTD FACILITATE 61INCTHEFABRIC. 21 S. THEMIWMUM THIOM-CFTHERNRAPSHOULDBE I,5TIMESTHE I-IMUM STONEDI-ETER. 6'MAXEXTRA9TRENGTHFABRCWRHOUT WIRE FENCE B Op ANCHORFABRICTOWIRE ING ATTAW WERE MESH TO P09T WITH MINA WIREOR PLASTIC TIES. 6. RPRAP MAY BE FIELD STONE OR ROUGH oVAPRY STONE.IT SHOULD BE HARD.ANGIMR.HIGHLY WFATHERJ1E915TAM MET, MEWWTHPIABTICTIES MESHANO FABRIC T, AT TAW FILTER FABRIC TO EACH POST WITH MIR 3 WERE OR PIASTC TIES WELL GRPDED. IDWAY BETWEEN PoSTS ATTACHMEMTOPoSTS W IT W N THE TOP a INCHES OF THE FABRIC. T. CONSTRUCT THEAWLONGRAOEATWOWNONPLA WRHNOOVERFALLATTHEENO.MAKETHETOPOFTHERPRIPATIHE DOWNSTREAM ENO LEVEL WITH THE RECEMRG AREA OR SLIGHRY BELOW IT. B OFTRES-RTOAVOIDJOINOTS,WHENJIOIMSPRRENELL C SUT SPROT,SE RELY Q B. ENSURE THAT THE APRON IS PROPERLY ALIGNED WITH THE RECEIVING STREAM MD PREFERABLY STRAIGHT THROUGHOUT ITS FASTEN THE FILTER FABRIC ONLY TO A SVFPoRT POST WHH 4 FEET MIR LENGTH IFA WRVS IS INEEDEDTO ITT SITE CONOTIONS,PLACE IT IN THE UPPER SECTION OF THEAPRON. OVERLAP TO THE NE%T P09T. DESIGNED BY: J.H.M. Q B. OUTLET STRUCTURES AFTER AFTER STq&O E ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITH VEGETATION.MAIMEWWCE INSPECT RPR IF 9. BRING MEA OGRAMNQ G I NDE AND UNSTABLE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS MID OURET STRUCTURES PETER HEAVY RAN9 TO SEE IF MY EROSION AROUND OR BELOW THERPRAP HA9 TAKEN PUCE OR IF BRING SBTOGRAPEANDSTPBILIZE IT AFTER THE COMRIBIJTIN(B DP/UNAGE DRAWN BY: W.L.J. UI STONES HAVE BEEN DISLODGED.MMECATELY MNIEALL NEEDED REPAIRS TO PREVENTFURWER DAMAGE >i�j,/�•/ c AREAHA9 BEEN PROPERLY 9TABILJZED. Q -WERE FLIER FPBfiIC 1 THE USE OF SILT FENCE W ENCOMPASS DR ENCIRCLE DRNNAGE MLETS AND CHECI(ED BY: J.h1M 0.EXISTING RAREO ENO SECTIONS SHOWN ON THE PLM'S SHALL HAVE THE EASING CURET OR INLET PROTECTION -WRE9H FL NOTE]) STRUCTURES IS PROHIBITED. My QAMAGED USED BY THE USE OF SILT S' MAIMMNED THROUGHOUT THE EMIRS WPATION OF THE PROJECT.AT THE BEGINNING OF WE PROJECT,IF THE EXISTING � BESCG SS � APPROVED BY: J.MNL Q OUTLET OR INLET PROTECTION IS fN SATISFACTORY CONMPON;THE OUTLET ABO INLET PROTECTION SW L BE MONITORED. 6 SO.IN FENCE NOT SPEQFlCPLLY ALLOWED SHALL BE REPMRED BY THE QCRTRACTOR IF THE EXSTING OUTLET OR INLET PROTECTION IS NOT IN SATSl A WRY CO TON OR NEEDS TO BE P WSSED TO MEET AT NO COST TO THE OWNER DATE: MARCH 2016 NEQ BEWIREMEM9,THE CONTRACTOR SALLH PDD THERE W QUIRED RPPAP TO MEET THE REOMREMENTS. ELEVATION ' 11.AT NO TIME SHALL SILT FENCE BE PLACED WITRIN CONCENTPATED FLOW, EXISTING OR PROPOSED DITWES,OR MMPoRARY DITWES PND WNVEYANCE MEASURES, STATE LICENBEp N.C.CZ460 TEMPORARY SILT FENCE PROJECT NO. 2013.757.02 RT.. SHEET NUMBER 'EC-03 I - I sheville REGIONAL AIRPORT bNE C MIN. ONBTRU TION AFTERCONSTRUCDON HOLD-DOWN STPNE6 1 I.E'MIN MVL �YCwONpINC. GROLIND TwNant � LINE mamcvvim� .a'.w.onv xc�.». 1 o,gem �"�jMO./1\ \ "' III III I EO MULGHcwwNEL AFT Digitally signed ERGGGING \�\ IB —\ sE :\\.. s.m mPa �'- by James M. sPAcwG _r L- P1ASlICCORRUGATEDRPE r C Uoose,P.E. TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH 1.t •Datc,-2016.05.26 T N.T.S. —LET w,,,,u: ° 15:35:34-04'00' (� sTASILIZE ji �7 r •� =III= ( pSHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT gr (, I= I�—r ASHEVILLE w Jf _Sy �T NORTH CAROLINA 6 LEVEL 6ECRON ( -- l..�c'=,^T g r „ NEYPUW NOTES; TEMPORARr cuss D EWDslon COMROL STOf�TMICKNEss 1E- 1 WNER SUPPLIED HOPE PIPE FOR SLOPE ORNN9191S".ANY NEW SLOPE ORNN TO EE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR SHALL BE 1". AREA1 AND La Size AREA 4 LL 2. COMPACTOR SHALL FOLLOW NO—REQUIREMENTS FOR SLOPE W DWNNINSTALIARONPRDCEWREB.6LOPEOW1Nb11PLLBEINSTPLLEO ..� �� r IMPROVEMENTS CONTI MPILY A9 THE NOT COMPLETE AND SLOPE HEIGHT E BFi19ES DP Qnf V(N) *3� J COMPACTOR eHll1 NOT COMPLETE ENNRE SLOPE BEFORE � INSTALLING ELOPE DRNN9. 12 FLOW 9x Do �� y ���� CONTRACTOR SHALL TEMFORARILY DWUN SURFACE WATER TO SLOPE k I. , DPNNS.ANTTEMPOWWYGIP INGFORTHISEH LBEITWIOENTALTO THE PROJECT. s EROSION CONTROL <. AS THE PHASED E BLO ARON OF THE SLOPE DRNNT D NTH.THE �TEMPOWWY ual ENTPIWCE A THE SLOPE DRNNS 91Wll BE PROTECTED WITH COW LOPE DRNN ~` �j DETAILS(SHEET Z OF 2) LOGS OR ANPPPROVED EQNVALENi. o La Q - mm�non. s TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN OUTLET PROTECTION TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN DETAIL ^^^ -• N.T.A NTA r SCALE:: H REVIS NS: NO. DATE BY "RI-11 O E DESIGNED BY. J.NI.M. DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: J.M,M APPROVED BY: J.M.M. DATE: MARCH 2OT6 STATE LICENSE# N.C.C3490 T'oy PROJECT NO- 2013.167.02 SHEET NUMBER EC-04 DUKE . 410 S.Wilmington Street. Raleigh,NC 27601 ENERGY® - . Mailing Address Mail Code NC 14.. Raleigh,NC27601 919-546-7863 919-546-6302(fax) October 6, 2016 Mr. Brett Laverty Department of Environmental Quality Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Subject: Asheville Regional Airport Coal Ash Structural Fill Projects Inspection Findings Letter Report(5 Day Report) Permit No.WQ0000020, Buncombe County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Laverty: Duke Energy Progress, LLC.:(Duke Energy) completed an inspection o:fthe Asheville RegionalAirport coal ash.structural fills (Areal, Area III and Area IV) on September 30, 2016 as required by the above- referenced permit. Those on the inspection.were Matt Pickett:and Teresa Williams:(Duke Energy),John Coon and Michael Reisman (Asheville Airport) along with yourself. During the inspection, two animal burrows were observed on the north slope of Area'I and one on the south slope.of Area IV. One of the animal burrows observed in Area I was deep enough to expose:a shovel full of ash. The Asheville Airport filled the burrows on Dctober 6; 2016 and will utilize their contractor to trap and relocate the rodent(s) in the.:near:future. If you have any questions on the enclosed information, please contact me at ioh'n.toepfer@duke-eriergV.com or at 919-546-7863 at your convenience. ;Respe submitt d, John Toepfer, P.E. Lead Engineer Waste and Groundwater Programs RECEIVED cc: . Ms.Teresa Williams—Duke Energy Division of WaWRewuroW Mr. Matt Pickett—Duke Energy Me.Ed Sullivan—Duke Energy OCT 14 2016 Mr. Michael-Reisman—Asheville Airport Water Oualfty Reglonal Operations Asheville Regional Airport Asheville Regional Office 61 Terminal Drive,Suite 1 . Fletcher, NC 28732 405 DUIKE 4 10Ral Wilmington Street Raleiggh,NC 27601 ENERGY, Mailing Address Mail Code NC 15 Raleigh,NC 27601 919-546-7863 919-546-6302(fax) August 16, 2016 Mr. Landon Davidson NC DENR Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S.70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 RE: Coal Combustion Products Structural Fill Permit No.WQ0000020 Area I and Area IV Improvements—Asheville Regional Airport Dear Mr. Davidson: This letter is to inform you that the improvements to Area I and Area IV at the Asheville Regional Airport were completed in early July 2016. The improvement plans were shared with you in March 2016 and the work was completed under an Erosion &Sedimentation Control Plan Letter of Approval issued to the Airport dated May 13,2016. If you have any questions or need any clarification regarding the information provided, feel free to contact me at iohn.toepfer@duke-energV.com or at 919-546-7863 at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, John oepfer,PP Y. Lead Engineer Environmental Services cc: Brett Laverty—DEQ Asheville Regional Office Matt Pickett—Duke Energy Scott Nordgren—Duke Energy Ed Sullivan—Duke Energy Michael A. Reisman—Asheville Regional Airport Eric Effinger—Charah, Inc. F0�7pqion Water C2__. �SticviUc Regic�___a`ticl' f S.WilmingtonS t ee DUKE = Raleigh, Street Raleigh,NC 27601 ENERGY® Mailing Address Mail Code NC 15 Raleigh,NC 27601 . 919-546-7863 919Z46-6302(fax), March 28, 2016 Brett Laverty RECE[1f7: 1: North Carolina Division of Water Resources Divisfor,ofvJr�terR Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway70. --MAR_ 3 1 Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 Subject: Duke Energy Progress, LLC(DEP) Water Ouality F?egional Operations Asheville Airport Structural Fill Asneviiie Regional office Permit WQQ000020 Dear Mr. Laverty:, This letter is in response to your letter of September 4, 2015 which provided comments and direction based on an April 6,2015 inspection of the subject project. . Division Comment—The Division is requiring, pursuant to section V.in the subject permit;that vegetation near the.toe of the structural fill be.managed in a way that does not impede site inspections. DEP Response-The vegetation management was completed in late in 2015. Division Comment—Staff also observed the presence of woody vegetation on the North slope of Area 1 . CCB structural fill'. =--. You are required to assess this area:to determine if further site maintenance is .. needed. DEP Response,—The vegetation management was completed in late in 2015 Division.Comment—Please;provide a response that.addresses the cadse(s).of.the groundwater exceedances [iron;manganese, and one mercury value in 2011] (including the presence of thallium) and the viability of MW-4A as a background monitoring well. DEP Response.— Viability of Well Background monitoring well MW-4A, located south and topographically uphill from Structural Fill Area I at the Asheville Regional Airport, was installed on October 7,2009. This well has been sampled semi-annually since its installation, typically in April and November of each year. Groundwater elevations collected from monitoring wells within Area 1, as well as from adjacent Area 3, indicate that MW-4A is located hydraulically up-gradient from both structural fill areas (refer to Figures 1 &2 attached). Groundwater flow in the vicinity of Area I is towards the north- `northeast.direction with an estimated gradient of 0.02 ft/ft. Water elevations from Area 3 wells indicate a north-northwest trending flow with an estimated gradient of:0.04 ft/ft. The water level elevation data support that MW-4A is:located in an appropriate background well location, Asheville Airport Structural Fill Page 2 of 4 Response to DWR March 2016 positioned hydraulically up-gradient from the fill areas. These generalized flow directions are as expected; with the French Broad River north and west of the structural fill areas. Additionally, there are no CCB structural fill areas located up-gradient of MW-4A. Therefore, MW-4A is viable as a background monitoring well for the structural fill activity. Iron and Manganese In regard to exceedances of groundwater standards, the background iron and manganese concentrations have varied over time with concentrations typically being considerably greater than the groundwater standards. The most recent(November 2015)iron concentration was 3,590 µg/L and the manganese concentration was 894 µg/L. The Asheville Plant compliance background well, CB-1, also indicates exceedances for iron and manganese with an upper range for iron as high as 2,870 µg/L to 17,800'µg/L(depending upon the turbidity)and manganese has been as high as 293 µg/L. Additionally, as part of the Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan for the plant site, additional background wells have been more recently installed and sampled. It is typical to encounter iron and manganese values above the respective standards in these wells. Therefore, the current Asheville airport background data appear to be similar to the background data for the plant site. However, it is noted that the dissolved oxygen (DO)and redox conditions have gradually changed overtime for MW-4A. The change in DO and redox conditions may contribute to the iron and manganese values. It is possible that a combination of the age of the well and the low flow sample.technique has allowed an accumulation of iron bacteria to form around the well creating an apparent changeover time. Well redevelopment is recommended as a first step in determining the potential cause for the possible change in geochemical conditions surrounding the well. Mercur The detection of mercury in exceedance of the NCAC 02L standard of 1.0 ug/L occurred once in April 2011 (at 1.5 ug/L). For the ten sampling events since that time, mercury has not been reported above the reporting limit of 0.20 µg/L. A noteworthy event was the April 2013 analysis, which did not report mercury above the reporting limit of 0.05 µg/L. It should also be noted that the turbidity of the sample collected in April 2011 was 12.1 NTU, the highest of the samples collected from MW-4A, and may have contributed to the observed concentration of mercury. Thallium Three samples in the history of MW--4A reported detections of thallium. All of these values were below the Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration (IMAC)of 0.2 ug/L, and just above the usual reporting limit of 0.1 µg/L. Thallium has been detected at 1.8 mg/kg in background soils associated with the Asheville Plant. This concentration is above the soil risk screening level for protection of groundwater and may contribute to occasional detectable concentrations of thallium in groundwater. Based on this information, low level detections of thallium can be representative of natural conditions in groundwater in the area. Asheville Airport Structural Fill Page 3 of 4 Response to DWR March 2016 Division Comment—You are required to sample this discharge [French drain culvert underlying Area 3 fill area]for the same water quality parameters as nearby groundwater monitoring wells. An estimate of the flow rate from the culvert is also required. DEP Response—A sample from the culvert designated Area 3 FD(Figure 1)was collected on October 7,2015. A summary of the results are presented in Table 1. The laboratory analytical report is appended. A flow measurement was attempted however, due to configuration of the drainage culvert, a representative flow rate was unable to be obtained in the field. Cross-section measurements of the culvert and depth of flow were taken at the time of sampling. These measurements were used along with an assumed slope of pipe(0.0003 ft/ft)and estimated Manning coefficient(n= 0.012 for smooth concrete)to calculate an estimated flow of 9 gallons per minute(gpm). Based on observations of the structure, this value is overestimated due to a shallow sump at the end of the culvert affecting the measured depth of water. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at 919-546-7863. Since ly#r, Ph Toe Lead Engineer cc: Ed Sullivan—Duke Energy Kathy Webb-SynTerra JT:jrt Attachments Asheville Airport Structural Fill Page 4 of 4 Response to DWR March 2016 Table 1 Total Dissolved PARAMETER Concentration Concentration Alkalinity (mg/L) 34.4 NS Aluminum (µg/L) <100 <100 Antimony(µg/L) <0.50 <0.50 Arsenic(µg/L) <0.50 <0.50 Barium (µg/L) 19.7 18.1 Beryllium (µg/L) <0.20 <0.20 Bicarbonate (mg/L) 34.4 NS Boron (µg/L) <50.0 <50.0 Carbonate (mg/L) <5.0 NS Cadmium (µg/L) <0.080 <0.080 Calcium (mg/L) 9.31 8.99 Chloride (mg/L) 2.9 NS Chromium (µg/L) <5.0 <5.0 Cobalt(µg/L) 14.7 13.3 Copper(µg/L) <5.0 <5.0 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) 6.98 'NA Iron (µg/L) 3310 2090 Lead (µg/L) <0.10 <0.10 Magnesium (mg/L) 1.52 1.50 Manganese (µg/L) 3580 3480 Mercury(µg/L) <0.20 NS Molybdenum (µg/L) <0.50 <0.50 Nickel (µg/L) <5.0 <5.0 ORP (mV) 21.1 NA Potassium (mg/L) <5.00 <5.00 Selenium (µg/L) <0.50 <0.50 Sodium (mg/L) <5.00 <5.00 Specific Conductance(µS/cm) 93.8 NA Strontium (µg/L) 27.3 26.0 Sulfate (mg/L) 1.7 NS Thallium (µg/L) <0.10 <0.10 TDS(mg/L) 49.0 NS TSS(mg/L) 5.8 NS Vanadium (µg/L) <1.0 <1.0 Zinc(µg/L) <10.0 <10.0 pH(SU) 6.8 NA NS-Not Sampled NA-Not Applicable SEEP & SURFACE WATEK'zAMPLING DUKE EN..-. GY PROGRESS, INC ASHEVILLE AIRPORT STRUCTURAL FILL SAMPLING LOG FIELD PERSONNEL: syn TQrr WEATHER: 0 SUNNY OVERCAST [I RAIN TEMPERATURE(APPROX):a 148RiverSut rtehet Suite22906 NOTES.Greenvflle,So Carolina 201 64 421.9999-(664)421.9909 Fax www.s,ynTeiracorp.cqrn SAMPLE LOCATION ID FT) V4j1L WATER BODY ID: AV.STREAM WIDTH: J (FT) AV.STREAM DEPTH: (FT) SAMPLE DATE: WATER DEPTH: SAMPLE TIME: . ....013 0 SAMPLE METHOD; irect Grab [I Syringe 0 Peristaltic Pump 0 Bailer ❑ TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE PH ORP* TURBIDITY* TIME NOTES Celsius) (mg/L) ii's/crn) (su) (MY) (NTU) ------------------ NUMBER OF CONTAINERS, PRESERVATION 6 P: tj 0 z 0 E E E 0 m CONSTITUENTS SAMPLED z Q z Others-See COC TDS,TSS Sulfate,Chloride,Fluoride 1 x Metals COD FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE y 'EIS NO - e COMMENTS SKETCH xC 3' A 0) 0�A Associated niiddaylend-of-day DOj conductivity,pH within range?(See calibration sheet for this SaMpte dote)Cl YES 0 NO.If NO,which parameter... NOTE.that reported data-should be considered as flagged accordingly: SynTerra is.not NC-certified for these,parameters.Data collected for information purposes only P:Muke Energy Progress.1 026\1 0.NC SitesISOPS,SAMPLING LOGS,FLOW LOGSkSurface Water-Seep Sampling Log TEMPLATE.doc 2015 SURFACE WATER K_._ITORING DUKE EN,,X, GY PROGRESS, INC ASHEVILLE AIRPORT STRUCTURAL FILL (' SURFACE WATER FLOW RATE LOG y FIELD PERSONNEL: y Ter WEATHER: ❑ SUNNY OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE(APPROX): V 3� 148 River Street,Suite 220 NOTES' ///"' Greenville,South Carolina 29601 if (864)421-9999•(864)421-9909 Fax www.synTerracorp.com SAMPLE LOCATION ID: ,ee, DATE: J p•-?,�5 WATER BODY ID: START TIME: V-(5 MEASURING DEVICE: r� �>!"K;✓ END TIME: U S STREAM WIDTH: .t X 1,25lt VOLUME TIME (mL / L) (MIN / SEC) COMMENTS/SKETCH: 044?4s se l ��w-F�5 P:CDuke Energy Progress.1026\10.NCSites=Ps,SAMPLING LOGS,FLOW LOGSISurface Water Flow Log-Timed Method TEMPLATE.doc Pace Analytical Services,Inc. ® 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 aceAnalytical Huntersville,NC 28078 ..pacelabs_com (704)875-9092 October 15, 2015 Program Manager Duke Energy 13339 Hagers Ferry Road Bldg. 7405 MG30A2 Huntersville, NC 28078 RE: Project: DEP ASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Dear Program Manager: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on October 07, 2015. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current TNI standards and the laboratory's Quality Assurance Manual, where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report. Analyses were performed at the Pace Analytical Services location indicated on the sample analyte page for analysis unless otherwise footnoted. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Cam= Chris Bishop for Kevin Herring kevin.herring@pacelabs.com HORIZON Database Administrator Enclosures cc: Program Manager,Duke Energy Todd Plating,Synterra Rodney Wike,Duke Energy Brian Wilker,Synterra A�CRFO w,p , f? REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS StThis report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 1 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. ® 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 aceAnalytical Huntersville,NC 28078 www.pacelsibscom (704)875-9092 tf I CERTIFICATIONS Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Minnesota Certification IDs 1700 Elm Street SE Suite 200,Minneapolis,MN 55414 Minnesota Certification#:027-053-137 A21-A Certification M 2926.01 Mississippi Certification M Pace Alaska Certification M UST-078 Montana Certification#:MT0092 Alaska Certification#MN00064 Nevada Certification#:MN_00064 Alabama Certification#40770 Nebraska Certification M Pace Arizona Certification#:AZ-0014 New Jersey Certification M MN-002 Arkansas Certification M 88-0680 New York Certification#:11647 California Certification M 01155CA North Carolina Certification M 530 Colorado Certification#Pace North Carolina State Public Health M 27700 Connecticut Certification M PH-0256 North Dakota Certification M R-036 EPA Region 8 Certification#:8TMS-L Ohio EPA#:4150 Florida/NELAP Certification M E87605 Ohio VAP Certification M CL101 Guam Certification#:14-008r Oklahoma Certification M 9507 Georgia Certification M 959 Oregon Certification M MN200001 Georgia EPD#:Pace Oregon Certification M MN300001 Idaho Certification M MN00064 Pennsylvania Certification#:68-00563 Hawaii Certification#MN00064 Puerto Rico Certification Illinois Certification M 200011 Saipan(CNMI)#:MP0003 Indiana Certification#C-MN-01 South Carolina#:74003001 Iowa Certification#:368 Texas Certification M T104704192 Kansas Certification#:E-10167 Tennessee Certification M 02818 Kentucky Dept of Envi.Protection-DW#90062 Utah Certification#:MN000642013-4 Kentucky Dept of Envi.Protection-WW#:90062 Virginia DGS Certification M 251 Louisiana DEQ Certification#:3086 Washington Certification#:C486 Louisiana DHH#:LA140001 West Virginia Certification M 382 Maine Certification M 2013011 West Virginia DHHR#:9952C Maryland Certification#:322 Wisconsin Certification#:999407970 Michigan DEPH Certification M 9909 Asheville Certification IDs 2225 Riverside Drive,Asheville,NC 28804 North Carolina Wastewater Certification#:40 Florida/NELAP Certification M E87648 South Carolina Certification#:99030001 Massachusetts Certification M M-NC030 West Virginia Certification M 356 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification#:37712 Virginia/VELAP Certification#:460222 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 2 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. �Cen�,�( !n�' 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 !ie.M (�.c Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwpacela6scom (704)875-9092 SAMPLE SUMMARY Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Lab ID Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 92270791001 AREA 3 FD Water 10/07/15 09:30 10/07/15 11:07 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 3 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. /+Q 17 e 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 aceAnapioal Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwpacelabs.eom (704)875-9092 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory 92270791001 AREA 3FD EPA200.7 JMW 14 PASI-A EPA200.7 JMW 14 PASI-A EPA200.8 RJS 10 PASI-M EPA200.8 RJS 10 PASI-M EPA245.1 SH1 1 PASI-A EPA 120A MLS 1 PASI-A SM 2320B MLS 3 PASI-A SM 2540C SAM 1 PASI-A SM 2540D MJP 1 PASI-A SM 4500-0 G TEP 1 PASI-A EPA 9040 MLS 1 PASI-A EPA 300.0 MDW 2 PASI-A REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This.report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services;Inc.. Page 4 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. QQ J��.M, I 0 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 �CGf1Ilt�L cal Huntersville,NC 28078 tvwwRacela¢scom (704)875-9092 SUMMARY OF DETECTION Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Method Parameters Result Units Report Limit Analyzed Qualifiers 92270791001 AREA 3 FD EPA 200.7 Barium 19.7 ug/L 5.0 10/14/15 03:36 EPA 200.7 Calcium 9310 ug/L 100 10/14/15 03:36 EPA 200.7 Iron 3310 ug/L 50.0 10/14/15 03:36 EPA 200.7 Magnesium 1520 ug/L 100 10/14/15 03:36 EPA 200.7 Manganese 3580 ug/L 5.0 10/14/15 03:36 EPA 200.7 Strontium 27.3 ug/L 5.0 10/14/15 03:36 EPA 200.7 Barium,Dissolved 18.1 ug/L 5.0 10/14/15 07:17 EPA 200.7 Calcium,Dissolved 8990 ug/L 100 10/14/15 07:17 EPA 200.7 Iron,Dissolved 2090 ug/L 50.0 10/14/15 07:17 EPA 200.7 Magnesium,Dissolved 1500 ug/L 100 10/14/15 07:17 EPA 200.7 Manganese,Dissolved 3480 ug/L 5.0 10/14/15 07:17 EPA 200.7 Strontium,Dissolved 26.0 ug/L 5.0 10/14/15 07:17 EPA 200.8 Cobalt 14.7 ug/L 0.50 10/13/15 02:16 EPA 200.8 Cobalt,Dissolved 13.3 ug/L 0.50 10/13/15 22:37 EPA 120.1 Specific Conductance 78.9 umhos/cm 10.0 10/13/15 10:43 SM 2320B Alkalinity,Bicarbonate(CaCO3) 34.4 mg/L 5.0 10/13/15 19:20 SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 34.4 mg/L 6.0 10/13/15 19:20 SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 49.0 mg/L 25.0 10/13/15 14:10 SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 5.8 mg/L 2.5 10/09/15 11:30 SM 4500-0 G Oxygen,Dissolved 6.3 mg/L 0.10 10/09/15 12:59 H6 EPA 9040 pH 6.8 Std.Units 0.10 10/11/15 14:50 H6 EPA 300.0 Chloride 2.9 mg/L 1.0 10/11/15 13:00 EPA 300.0 Sulfate 1.7 mg/L 1.0 10/11/15 13:00 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 5 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. ® 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 axAnalytical Huntersville,NC 28078 www.pacelibs.com (704)875-9092 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Method: EPA 200.7 Description: 200.7 MET ICP Client: Duke Energy Date: October 15,2015 General Information: 1 sample was analyzed for EPA 200.7. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain-of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form(SCUR)attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Sample Preparation: The samples were prepared in accordance with EPA 200.7 with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations(including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank,where applicable,with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences(RPDs)were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. QC Batch:MPRP/19750 A matrix spike and/or matrix spike duplicate(MS/MSD)were performed on the following sample(s): 92270715001,92270724003 M1:Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample(LCS)recovery. •MS (Lab ID:1578434) •Calcium •Sodium •MSD (Lab ID:1578341) •Calcium •MSD (Lab ID:1578435) •Sodium Additional Comments: REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 6 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. + e 9800 Suite 100 Huntersv Ile,NC aceAnalytcal www.pacelabs com (704)875-9092 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Method: EPA 200.7 Description: 200.7 MET ICP,Dissolved Client: Duke Energy Date: October 15,2015 General Information: 1 sample was analyzed for EPA 200.7. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain-of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form(SCUR)attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Sample Preparation: The samples were prepared in accordance with EPA 200.7 with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations(including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank,where applicable,with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences(RPDs)were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. QC Batch:MPRP/19792 A matrix spike and/or matrix spike duplicate(MS/MSD)were performed on the following sample(s): 92269786013,92271184002 M1:Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample(LCS)recovery. •MS (Lab ID:1581374) •Calcium,Dissolved •Potassium,Dissolved •Sodium,Dissolved •MSD (Lab ID:1581375) •Sodium,Dissolved Additional Comments: REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 7 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 aceAnalXical Huntersville,NC 28078 www.pacelabs.com (704)875-9092 t PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Method: EPA 200.8 Description: 200.8 MET ICPMS Client: Duke Energy Date: October 15,2015 General Information: 1 sample was analyzed for EPA 200.8. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain-of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form(SCUR)attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Sample Preparation: The samples were prepared in accordance with EPA 200.8 with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations(including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Internal Standards: All internal standards were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank,where applicable,with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences(RPDs)were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments: REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 8 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. a^Q n�,�j 'n�� 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Mi Huntersville,NC 28078 www,.pacelab&com (704)875-9092 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Method: EPA 200.8 Description: 200.8 MET ICPMS,Dissolved Client: Duke Energy Date: October 15,2015 General Information: 1 sample was analyzed for EPA 200.8. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain-of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form(SCUR)attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Sample Preparation: The samples were prepared in accordance with EPA 200.8 with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations(including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Internal Standards: All internal standards were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank,where applicable,with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences(RPDs)were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments: REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 9 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. Q p., I ® 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 aCG/1!/m1I1CI Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwpacelabs.com. (704)875-9092 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Method: EPA 245.1 Description: 245.1 Mercury Client: Duke Energy Date: October 15,2015 General Information: 1 sample was analyzed for EPA 245.1. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain-of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form(SCUR)attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Sample Preparation: The samples were prepared in accordance with EPA 245.1 with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations(including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank,where applicable,with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences(RPDs)were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments: REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 10 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. ane/I ql 'r�' 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 trG`fil( y•V Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwpacelaps,Cgm (704)875-9092 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Method: EPA 120.1 Description: 120.1 Specific Conductance Client: Duke Energy Date: October 15,2015 General Information: 1 sample was analyzed for EPA 120.1. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain-of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form(SCUR)attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank,where applicable,with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences(RPDs)were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Duplicate Sample: All duplicate sample results were within method acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments: REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 11 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. `D 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 aceAnaiXical Huntersville,NC 28078 www.pacelabsgom (704)875-9092 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Method: SM 2320B Description: 2320B Alkalinity Client: Duke Energy Date: October 15,2015 General Information: 1 sample was analyzed for SM 2320B. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain-of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form(SCUR)attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank,where applicable,with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences(RPDs)were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. QC Batch:WET/40775 A matrix spike and/or matrix spike duplicate(MS/MSD)were performed on the following sample(s): 92271113002,92271184002 MI:Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample(LCS)recovery. •MS (Lab ID:1580162) •Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 •MS (Lab ID:1580164) •Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 •MSD (Lab ID:1580163) •Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 •MSD (Lab ID:1580165) •Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 Additional Comments: REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 12 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. aceAnalytical® 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwpacelaps.cora (704)875-9092 i PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Method: SM 2540C Description: 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Client: Duke Energy Date: October 15,2015 General Information: 1 sample was analyzed for SM 2540C. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain-of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form(SCUR)attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank,where applicable,with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences(RPDs)were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Duplicate Sample: All duplicate sample results were within method acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments: REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 13 of 39 Pace Analytical Services„Inc. ace_Analytical a 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwpacelab com (704)875-9092 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Method: SM 2540D Description: 2540D Total Suspended Solids Client: Duke Energy Date: October 15,2015 General Information: 1 sample was analyzed for SM 2540D. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain-of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form(SCUR)attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank,where applicable,with any exceptions noted below: Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences(RPDs)were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Duplicate Sample: All duplicate sample results were within method acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments: REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 14 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. CZCP/11lC11�� [�� 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 V VG• Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwpgcelateoom (704)875-9092 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Method: SM 4500-0 G Description: 4500 OG Oxygen,Dissolved Client: Duke Energy Date: October 15,2015 General Information: 1 sample was analyzed for SM 4500-0 G. All samples were received in acceptable condition with,any exceptions noted below or on the chain-of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form(SCUR)attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. H6:Analysis initiated outside of the 15 minute EPA recommended holding time. •AREA 3 FD (Lab ID:92270791001) Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank,where applicable,with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences(RPDs)were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Duplicate Sample: All duplicate sample results were within method acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments: Analyte Comments: QC Batch:WET/40740 •AREA 3 FD (Lab ID:92270791001) •Oxygen,Dissolved •DUP (Lab ID:1579080) •Oxygen,Dissolved REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 15 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. aceAnalytical 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwpacelabs.com (704)875-9092 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Method: EPA 9040 Description: 9040 pH Client: Duke Energy Date: October 15,2015 General Information: 1 sample was analyzed for EPA 9040. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain-of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form(SCUR)attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. H6:Analysis initiated outside of the 15 minute EPA recommended holding time. •AREA 3 FD (Lab ID:92270791001) Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank,where applicable,with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences(RPDs)were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Duplicate Sample: All duplicate sample results were within method acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments: REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 16 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 aceAnalytical Huntersville,NC 28078 —..pacelaftc_cm (704)875-9092 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Method: EPA 300.0 Description: 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days,LL Client: Duke Energy Date: October 15,2015 General Information: 1 sample was analyzed for EPA 300.0. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions,noted below or on the chain-of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form(SOUR)attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations(including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank,where applicable,with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences(RPDs)were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments: This data package has been reviewed for quality and completeness and is approved for release. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 17 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 aceAnalXical Huntersville,NC 28078 wmpacelabs.ccm (704)875-9092 i ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Sample: AREA 3 FD Lab ID: 92270791001 Collected: 10/07/15 09:30 Received: 10/07/15 11:07 Matrix:Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 200.7 MET ICP Analytical Method:EPA 200.7 Preparation Method:EPA 200.7 Aluminum ND ug/L 100 1 10/08/15 19:00 10/14/15 03:36 7429-90-5 Barium 19.7 ug/L 5.0 1 10/08/15 19:00 10/14/15 03:36 7440-39-3 Boron ND ug/L 50.0 1 10/08/15 19:00 10/14/15 03:36 7440-42-8 Calcium 9310 ug/L 100 1 10/08/15 19:00 10/14/15 03:36 7440-70-2 Chromium ND ug/L 5.0 1 10/08/15 19:00 10/14/15 03:36 7440-47-3 Copper ND ug/L 5.0 1 10/08/15 19:00 10/14/15,03:36 7440-50-8 Iron 3310 ug/L 50.0 1 10/08/15 19:00 10/14/15 03:36 7439-89-6 Magnesium 1520 ug/L 100 1 10/08/15 19:00 10/14/15 03:36 7439-95-4 Manganese 3580 ug/L 5.0 1 10/08/15 19:00 10/14/15 03:36 7439-96-5 Nickel ND ug/L 5.0 1 10/08/15 19:00 10/14/15 03:36 7440-02-0 Potassium ND ug/L 5000 1 10/08/15 19:00 10/14/15 03:36 7440-09-7 Sodium ND ug/L 5000 1 10/08/15 19:00 10/14/15 03:36 7440-23-5 Strontium 27.3 ug/L 5.0 1 10/08/15 19:00 10/14/15 03:36 7440-24-6 Zinc ND ug/L 10.0 1 10/08/15 19:00 10/14/15 03:36 7440-66-6 200.7 MET ICP,Dissolved Analytical Method:EPA 200.7 Preparation Method:EPA 200.7 Aluminum,Dissolved ND ug/L 100 1 10/13/15 18:02 10/14/15 07:17 7429-90-5 Barium,Dissolved 18.1 ug/L 5.0 1 10/13/15 18:02 10/14/15 07:17 7440-39-3 Boron,Dissolved ND ug/L 50.0 1 10/13/15 18:02 10/14/15 07:17 7440-42-8 Calcium,Dissolved 8990 ug/L 100 1 10/13/15 18:02 10/14/15 07:17 7440-70-2 Chromium,Dissolved ND ug/L 5.0 1 10/13/15 18:02 10/14/15 07:17 7440-47-3 Copper,Dissolved ND ug/L 5.0 1 10/13/15 18:02 10/14/15 07:17 7440-50-8 Iron,Dissolved 2090 ug/L 50.0 1 10/13/15 18:02 10/14/15 07:17 7439-89-6 Magnesium,Dissolved 1500 ug/L 100 1 10/13/15 18:02 10/14/15 07:17 7439-95-4 Manganese,Dissolved 3480 ug/L 5.0 1 10/13/15 18:02 10/14/15 07:17 7439-96-5 Nickel,Dissolved ND ug/L 5.0 1 10/13/15 18:02 10/14/15 07:17 7440-02-0 Potassium,Dissolved ND ug/L 5000 1 10/13/15 18:02 10/14/15 07:17 7440-09-7 Sodium,Dissolved ND ug/L 5000 1 10/13/15 18:02 10/14/15 07:17 7440-23-5 Strontium,Dissolved 26.0 ug/L 5.0 1 10/13/15 18:02 10/14/15 07:17 7440-24-6 Zinc,Dissolved ND ug/L 10.0 1 10/13/15 18:02 10/14/15 07:17 7440-66-6 200.8 MET ICPMS Analytical Method:EPA200.8 Preparation Method:EPA200.8 Antimony ND ug/L 0.50 1 10/11/15 17:59 10/13/15 02:16 7440-36-0 Arsenic ND ug/L 0.50 1 10/11/15 17:59 10/13/15 02:16 7440-38-2 Beryllium ND ug/L 0.20 1 10/11/15 17:59 10/13/15 02:16 7440-41-7 Cadmium ND ug/L 0.080 1 10/11/15 17:59 10/13/15 02:16 7440-43-9 Cobalt 14.7 ug/L 0.50 1 10/11/15 17:59 10/13/15 02:16 7440-48-4 Lead ND ug/L 0.10 1 10/11/15 17:59 10/13/15 02:16 7439-92-1 Molybdenum ND ug/L 0.50 1 10/11/15 17:59 10/13/15 02:16 7439-98-7 Selenium ND ug/L 0.50 1 10/11/15 17:59 10/13/15 02:16 7782-49-2 Thallium ND ug/L 0.10 1 10/11/15 17:59 10/13/15 02:16 7440-28-0 Vanadium ND ug/L 1.0 1 10/11/15 17:59 10/13/15 02:16 7440-62-2 200.8 MET ICPMS,Dissolved Analytical Method:EPA 200.8 Preparation Method:EPA 200.8 Antimony,Dissolved ND ug/L 0.50 1 10/12/15 14:30 10/13/15 22:37 7440-36-0 Arsenic,Dissolved ND ug/L 0.50 1 10/12/15 14:30 10/13/15 22:37 7440-38-2 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 18 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. '® 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 aceAnalytical Huntersville,NC 28078 "paoelabs.pm (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Sample: AREA 3 FD Lab ID: 92270791001 Collected: 10/07/15 09:30 Received: 10/07/15 11:07 , Matrix:Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 200.8 MET ICPMS,Dissolved Analytical Method:EPA 200.8 Preparation Method:EPA 200.8 Beryllium,Dissolved ND ug/L 0.20 1 10/12/15 14:30 10/13/15 22:37 7440-41-7 Cadmium,Dissolved ND ug/L 0.080 1 10/12/15 14:30 10/13/15 22:37 7440-43-9 Cobalt,Dissolved 13.3 ug/L 0.50 1 10/12/15 14:30 10/13/15 22:37 7440-48-4 Lead,Dissolved ND ug/L 0.10 1 10/12/15 14:30 10/13/15 22:37 7439-92-1 Molybdenum,Dissolved ND ug/L 0.50 1 10/12/15 14:30 10/13/15 22:37 7439-98-7 Selenium,Dissolved ND ug/L 0.50 1 10/12/15 14:30 10/13/15 22:37 7782-49-2 Thallium,Dissolved ND ug/L 0.10 1 10/12/15 14:30 10/13/15 22:37 7440-28-0 Vanadium,Dissolved ND ug/L 1.0 1 10/12/15 14:30 10/13/15 22:37 7440-62-2 245.1 Mercury Analytical Method:EPA 245.1 Preparation Method:EPA 245.1 Mercury ND ug/L 0.20 1 10/09/1513:30 10/1311514:10 7439-97-6 120.1 Specific Conductance Analytical Method:EPA 120.1 Specific Conductance 78.9 umhos/cm 10.0 1 10/13/15 10:43 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Bicarbonate(CaCO3) 34.4 mg/L 5.0 1 10/13/15 19:20 Alkalinity,Carbonate(CaCO3) ND mg/L 5.0 1 10/13/15 19:20 Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 34.4 mg/L 5.0 1 10/13/15 19:20 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 49.0 mg/L 25.0 1 10/13/15 14:10 2540D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 5.8 mg/L 2.5 1 10/09/15 11:30 4500 OG Oxygen,Dissolved Analytical Method:SM 4500-0 G Oxygen,Dissolved 6.3 mg/L 0.10 1 10/09/15 12:59 7782-44-7 H6 9040 pH Analytical Method:EPA 9040 pH 6.8 Std.Units 0.10 1 10/11/15 14:50 H6 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days,LL Analytical Method:EPA 300.0 Chloride 2.9 mg/L 1.0 1 10/11/1513:00 16887-00-6 Sulfate 1.7 mg/L 1.0 1 10/11/1513:00 14808-79-8 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 19 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. 9800 IRCI lytical® Huntersv Ile,NC128078 wwwpacelabs oom (704)875-9092 I QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 QC Batch: MERP/8506 Analysis Method: EPA 245.1 QC Batch Method: EPA 245.1 Analysis Description: 245.1 Mercury Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 METHOD BLANK: 1578875 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Mercury ug/L ND 0.20 10/13/1513:03 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 1578876 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Mercury ug/L 2.5 2.6 104 85-115 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1578877 1578878 MS MSD 92270390006 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qua] Mercury ug/L ND 2.5 2.5 2.8 2.6 110 103 70-130 6 20 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1578879 1578880 MS MSD 92270390007 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qua[ Mercury ug/L ND 2.5 2.5 2.7 2.7 104 105 70-130 1 20 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 20 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. aceMaiXical @ 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite100 Huntersviile,NC 28078078 wvAy.Pacelabs com (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 QC Batch: MPRP/19750 Analysis Method: EPA 200.7 QC Batch Method: EPA 200.7 Analysis Description: 200.7 MET Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 METHOD BLANK: 1578155 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Aluminum ug/L ND 100 10/14/15 02:33 Barium ug/L ND 5.0 10/14/15 02:33 Boron ug/L ND 50.0 10/14/15 02:33 Calcium ug/L ND 100 10/14/15 02:33 Chromium ug/L ND 5.0 10/14/15 02:33 Copper ug/L ND 5.0 10/14/15 02:33 Iron ug/L ND 50.0 10/14/15 02:33 Magnesium ug/L ND 100 10/14/15 02:33 Manganese ug/L ND 5.0 10/14/15 02:33 Nickel ug/L ND 5.0 10/14/15 02:33 Potassium ug/L ND 5000 10/14/15 02:33 Sodium ug/L ND 5000 10/14/15 02:33 Strontium ug/L ND 5.0 10/14/15 02:33 Zinc ug/L ND 10.0 10/14/15 02:33 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 1578156 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Aluminum ug/L 5000 4860 97 85-115 Barium ug/L 500 476 95 85-115 Boron ug/L 500 458 92 85-115 Calcium ug/L 5000 4650 93 85-115 Chromium ug/L 500 490 98 85-115 Copper ug/L 500 496 99 85-115 Iron ug/L 5000 4700 94 85-115 Magnesium ug/L 5000 4880 98 85-115 Manganese ug/L 500 494 99 85-115 Nickel ug/L 500 477 95 85-115 Potassium ug/L 5000 4770J 95 85-115 Sodium ug/L 5000 4870J 97 85-115 Strontium ug/L 500 480 96 85-115 Zinc ug/L 500 465 93 85-115 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1578340 1578341 MS MSD 92270724003 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Aluminum ug/L ND 5000 5000 5370 4860 107 96 70-130 10 20 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 21 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. Q/�,, ® 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 1-4afti tical Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwpatiela¢scom (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1578340 1578341 MS MSD 92270724003 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Barium ug/L 12.8 500 500 535 484 104 94 70-130 10 20 Boron ug/L 51.7 500 500 558 505 101 91 70-130 10 20 Calcium ug/L 8510 5000 5000 12500 12000 80 69 70-130 4 20 M1 Chromium ug/L ND 500 500 542 485 108 97 70-130 11 20 Copper ug/L 61.0 500 500 601 544 108 97 70-130 10 20 Iron ug/L 63.6 5000 5000 5210 4700 103 93 70-130 10 20' Magnesium ug/L 2100 5000 5000 7360 6750 105 93 70-130 9 20 Manganese ug/L 37.3 500 500 565 510 106 95 70-130 10 20 Nickel ug/L ND 500 500 524 469 105 94 70-130 11 20 Potassium ug/L ND 5000 5000 7130 6570 104 92 70-130 8 20 Sodium ug/L 8470 5000 5000 13600 12900 102 89 70-130 5 20 Strontium ug/L 38.9 500 500 - 564 511 105 94 70-130 10 20 Zinc ug/L ND 500 500 521 467 103 92 70-130 11 20 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1578434 1578435 MS MSD 92270715001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Aluminum ug/L ND 5000 5000 4980 4900 99 97 70-130 2 20 Barium ug/L ND 500 500 461 453 92 91 70-130 2 20 Boron ug/L 54.3 500 500 529 528 95 95 70-130 0 20 Calcium ug/L 57600 5000 5000 60100 62300 51 95 70-130 4 20 M1 Chromium ug/L ND 500 500 492 483 98 96 70-130 2 20 Copper ug/L 11.0 500 500 526 517 103 101 70-130 2 20 Iron ug/L 122 5000 5000 4640 4530 90 88 70-130 2 20 Magnesium ug/L 20900 5000 5000 24700 25200 76 87 70-130 2 20 Manganese ug/L 16.7 500 500 503 493 97 95 70-130 2 20 Nickel ug/L ND 500 500 456 450 90 89 70-130 1 20 Potassium ug/L 42300 5000 5000 46200 47700 78 108 70-130 3 20 Sodium ug/L 802000 5000 5000 785000 804000 -336 38 70-130 2 20 M1 Strontium ug/L 215 500 500 691 690 95 95 70-130 0 20 Zinc ug/L 126 500 500 590 587 93 92 70-130 1 20 Results presented on this page are In the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 22 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 aceAnaOcal Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwp&cela6s.com (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 QC Batch: MPRP/19792 Analysis Method: EPA 200.7 QC Batch Method: EPA 200.7 Analysis Description: 200.7 MET Dissolved Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 METHOD BLANK: 1581370 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Aluminum,Dissolved ug/L ND 100 10/14/15 06:32 Barium,Dissolved ug/L ND 5.0 10/14/15 06:32 Boron,Dissolved ug/L ND 50.0 10/14/15 06:32 Calcium,Dissolved ug/L ND 100 10/14/15 06:32 Chromium,Dissolved ug/L ND 5.0 10/14/15 06:32 Copper,Dissolved ug/L ND 5.0 10/14/15 06:32 Iron,Dissolved ug/L ND 50.0 10/14/15 06:32 Magnesium,Dissolved ug/L ND 100 10/14/15 06:32 Manganese,Dissolved ug/L ND 5.0 10/14/15 06:32 Nickel,Dissolved ug/L ND 5.0 10/14/15 06:32 Potassium,Dissolved ug/L ND 5000 10/14/16 06:32 Sodium,Dissolved ug/L ND 5000 10/14/15 06:32 Strontium,Dissolved ug/L ND 5.0 10/14/15 06:32 Zinc,Dissolved ug/L ND 10.0 10/14/15 06:32 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 1581371 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Aluminum,Dissolved ug/L 5000 5200 104 85-115 Barium,Dissolved ug/L 500 506 101 85-115 Boron,Dissolved ug/L 500 494 99 85-115 Calcium,Dissolved ug/L 5000 4970 99 85-115 Chromium,Dissolved ug/L 500 529 106 85-115 Copper,Dissolved ug/L 500 519 104 85-115 Iron,Dissolved ug/L 5000 5010 100 85-115 Magnesium,Dissolved ug/L 5000 5270 105 85-115 Manganese,Dissolved ug/L 500 534 107 85-115 Nickel,Dissolved ug/L 500 506 101 85-115 Potassium,Dissolved ug/L 5000 5090 102 85-115 Sodium,Dissolved ug/L 5000 5260 105 85-115 Strontium,Dissolved ug/L 500 514 103 85-115 Zinc,Dissolved ug/L 500 501 100 85-115 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1581372 1581373 MS MSD 92269786013 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Aluminum,Dissolved ug/L ND 5000 5000 4960 4980 99 100 70-130 0 20 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 23 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. " 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 IreAnalytical lHuntersville,NC 28078 www.pacelapscom (704)875-9092 t QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1581372 1581373 MS MSD 92269786013 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Cone. Cone. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Barium,Dissolved ug/L 0.015 500 500 491 493 95 95 70-130 0 20 mg/L Boron,Dissolved ug/L ND 500 500 488 495 96 98 70-130 1 20 Calcium,Dissolved ug/L 17.2 mg/L 5000 5000 21600 21600 89 88 70-130 0 20 Chromium,Dissolved ug/L ND 500 500 504 510 101 102 70-130 1 20 Copper,Dissolved ug/L ND 500 500 490 499 98 100 70-130 2 20 Iron,Dissolved ug/L ND 5000 5000 4730 4740 94 95 70-130 0 20 Magnesium,Dissolved ug/L 3.6 mg/L 5000 5000 8580 8690 99 101 70-130 1 20 Manganese,Dissolved ug/L 0.020 500 500 527 534 101 103 70-130 1 20 mg/L Nickel,Dissolved ug/L ND 500 500 477 481 95 96 70-130 1 20 Potassium,Dissolved ug/L ND 5000 5000 6430 6440 97 97 70-130 0 20 Sodium,Dissolved ug/L 8.7 mg/L 5000 5000 13600 13600 97 97 70-130 0 20 Strontium,Dissolved ug/L 1.1 mg/L 500 500 1580 1580 95 96 70-130 0 20 Zinc,Dissolved ug/L 0.0026J 500 500 492 495 98 99 70-130 1 20 mg/L MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1581374 1581375 MS MSD 92271184002 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Cone. Cone. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Aluminum,Dissolved ug/L 0.65 mg/L 5000 5000 5670 5250 100 92 70-130 8 20 Barium,Dissolved ug/L 0.39 mg/L 500 500 868 839 95 89 70-130 3 20 Boron,Dissolved ug/L ND 500 500 537 515 103 99 70-130 4 20 Calcium,Dissolved ug/L 126 mg/L 5000 5000 127000 130000 32 86 70-130 2 20 M1 Chromium,Dissolved ug/L 0.0042J 500 500 513 489 102 97 70-130 5 20 mg/L Copper,Dissolved ug/L 0.14 mg/L 500 500 660 642 104 100 70-130 3 20 Iron,Dissolved ug/L 0.080 5000 5000 4800 4400 95 86 70-130 9 20 mg/L Magnesium,Dissolved ug/L ND 5000 5000 4860 4630 97 92 70-130 5 20 Manganese,Dissolved ug/L ND 500 500 505 484 101 96 70-130 4 20 Nickel,Dissolved ug/L ND 500 500 470 511 94 102 70-130 8 20 Potassium,Dissolved ug/L 306 mg/L 5000 5000 306000 310000 -16 80 70-130 2 20 M1 Sodium,Dissolved ug/L 255 mg/L 5000 5000 256000 262000 24 132 70-130 2 20 M1 Strontium,Dissolved ug/L 9.4 mg/L 500 500 9760 9960 75 115 70-130 2 20 Zinc,Dissolved ug/L 0.027 500 500 511 552 97 105 70-130 8 20 mg/L Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 24 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. Kincey Ave. Suite 100 aceAnalytical 9800 Huntersville,NC 28078 www.pacelabsxorn (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 QC Batch: MPRP/58623 Analysis Method: EPA 200.8 QC Batch Method: EPA 200.8 Analysis Description: 200.8 MET Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 METHOD BLANK: 2103880 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Antimony ug/L ND 0.50 10/13/15 01:46 Arsenic ug/L ND 0.50 10/13/15 01:46 Beryllium ug/L ND 0.20 10/13/15 01:46 Cadmium ug/L ND 0.080 10/13/15 01:46 Cobalt ug/L ND 0.50 10/13/15 01:46 Lead ug/L ND 0.10 10/13/15 01:46 Molybdenum ug/L ND 0.50 10/13/15 01:46 Selenium ug/L ND 0.50 10/13/15 01:46 Thallium ug/L ND 0.10 10/13/15 01:46 Vanadium ug/L ND 1.0 10/13/15 01:46 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2103881 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Cone. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Antimony ug/L 80 76.6 96 85-115 Arsenic ug/L 80 74.8 93 85-115 Beryllium ug/L 80 75.3 94 85-115 Cadmium ug/L 80 76.0 95 85-115 Cobalt ug/L 80 76.6 96 85-115 Lead ug/L 80 76.9 96 85-115 Molybdenum ug/L 80 77.2 97 85-115 Selenium ug/L 80 76.8 96 85-115 Thallium ug/L 80 77.5 97 85-115 Vanadium ug/L 80 79.4 99 85-115 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2103882 2103883 MS MSD 92270791001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Cone. Cone. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Antimony ug/L ND 80 80 76.8 76.0 96 95 70-130 1 20 Arsenic ug/L ND 80 80 74.2 74.0 92 92 70-130 0 20 Beryllium ug/L ND 80 80 77.6 74.4 97 93 70-130 4 20 Cadmium ug/L ND 80 80 76.2 75.6 95 94 70-130 1 20 Cobalt ug/L 14.7 80 80 91.7 91.2 96 96 70-130 1 20 Lead ug/L ND 80 80 77.4 76.2 97 95 70-130 2 20 Molybdenum ug/L ND 80 80 77.4 77.3 97 97 70-130 0 20 Selenium ug/L ND 80 80 76.6 75.5 96 94 70-130 1 20 Thallium ug/L ND 80 80 78.1 76.9 98 96 70-130 2 20 Results presented on this page are In the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 25 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. aAnalical® 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 ce Huntersville,NG28078 wwwpacelala.ccm (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2103882 2103883 MS MSD 92270791001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Vanadium ug/L ND 80 80 79.6 79.0 99 99 70-130 1 20 Results presented on this page are In the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 26 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. drQ n_�I 'n�' 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Vem yti Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwpaoela¢s..cam (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 QC Batch: MPRP/58629 Analysis Method: EPA 200.8 QC Batch Method: EPA 200.8 Analysis Description: 200.8 MET Dissolved Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 METHOD BLANK: 2103916 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Antimony,Dissolved ug/L ND 0.50 10/13/15 22:09 Arsenic,Dissolved ug/L ND 0.50 10/13/15 22:09 Beryllium,Dissolved ug/L ND 0.20 10/13/15 22:09 Cadmium,Dissolved ug/L ND 0.080 10/13/15 22:09 Cobalt,Dissolved ug/L ND 0.50 10/13/15 22:09 Lead,Dissolved ug/L ND 0.10 10/13/15 22:09 Molybdenum,Dissolved ug/L ND 0.50 10/13/15 22:09 Selenium,Dissolved ug/L ND 0.50 10/13/15 22:09 Thallium,Dissolved ug/L ND 0.10 10/13/15 22:09 Vanadium,Dissolved ug/L ND 1.0 10/13/15 22:09 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2103917 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Antimony,Dissolved ug/L 80 70.3 88 85-115 Arsenic,Dissolved ug/L 80 69.6 87 85-115 Beryllium,Dissolved ug/L 80 72.5 91 85-115 Cadmium,Dissolved ug/L 80 69.1 86 85-115 Cobalt,Dissolved ug/L 80 70.0 87 85-115 Lead,Dissolved ug/L 80 69.9 87 85-115 Molybdenum,Dissolved ug/L 80 68.5 86 85-115 Selenium,Dissolved ug/L 80 70.8 89 85-115 Thallium,Dissolved ug/L 80 68.9 86 85-115 Vanadium,Dissolved ug/L 80 71.4 89 85-115 MATRIX SPIKE 8 MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2103918 2103919 MS MSD 92270791001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Antimony,Dissolved ug/L ND 80 80 79.5 74.3 99 93 70-130 7 20 Arsenic,Dissolved ug/L ND 80 80 78.6 74.1 98 92 70-130 6 20 Beryllium,Dissolved ug/L ND 80 80 80.1 79.3 100 99 70-130 1 20 Cadmium,Dissolved ug/L ND 80 80 78.6 74.2 98 93 70-130 6 20 Cobalt,Dissolved ug/L 13.3 80 80 93.8 88.8 101 94 70-130 5 20 Lead,Dissolved ug/L ND 80 80 79.2 75.0 99 94 70-130 5 20 Molybdenum,Dissolved ug/L ND 80 80 77.2 73.6 96 92 70-130 5 20 Selenium,Dissolved ug/L ND 80 80 80.4 77.8 100 97 70-130 3 20 Thallium,Dissolved ug/L ND 80 80 80.3 75.2 100 94 70-130 7 20 Results presented on this page are In the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 27 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. ® 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 aceAnalytcal Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwpacela4cpm (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 'Pace Project No.: 92270791 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2103918 2103919 MS MSD 92270791001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Vanadium,Dissolved ug/L ND 80 80 81.6 76.1 102 95 70-130 7 20 Results.presented on this pageare In the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 28 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. ® 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 aCoAnalXical Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwpacetabs.Fom (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 QC Batch: WET/40799 Analysis Method: EPA 120.1 QC Batch Method: EPA 120.1 Analysis Description: 120.1 Specific Conductance Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 METHOD BLANK: 1580977 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Specific Conductance umhos/cm ND 10.0 10/13/15 10:43 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 1580978 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Specific Conductance umhos/cm 1410 1440 102 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 1580979 92270312001 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Specific Conductance umhos/cm 704 708 1 10 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 1580980 92270758003 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Specific Conductance umhos/cm 274 275 0 10 Results presented on this page are In the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:1'0/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 29 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. ® 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 a1111 ceAnalytical Huntersville,NC 28078 www.pacelabs.com (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 QC Batch: WET/40775 Analysis Method: SM 2320B QC Batch Method: SM 2320B Analysis Description: 2320E Alkalinity Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 METHOD BLANK: 1580160 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Alkalinity,Carbonate(CaCO3) mg/L ND 5.0 10/13/15 16:23 Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L ND 5.0 10/13/15 16:23 Alkalinity,Bicarbonate(CaCO3) mg/L ND 5.0 10/13/15 16:23 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 1580161 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L 50 50.6 101 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1580162 1580163 MS MSD 92271113002 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qua[ Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L 226 50 50 256 259 60 65 90-110 1 4 M1 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1580164 1580165 MS MSD 92271184002 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L 1060 50 50 1570 1550 1010 980 90-110 1 4 M1 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 30 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 aceAnalytcal Huntersville,NC 28078 —paoalabs.Com _ (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 QC Batch: WET/40788 Analysis Method: SM 2540C QC Batch Method: SM 2540C Analysis Description: 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 METHOD BLANK: 1580725 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L ND 25.0 10/13/15 14:09 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 1580726 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 250 246 98 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 1580727 92271240004 Dup _ Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 382 374 2 5 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 1580773 , 92270968001 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L ND ND 5 Results presented on this page are Inthe units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 31 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 aceAnalytical Huntersville,NC 28078 www.Pacalabs.com (704)875-9092 f a QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: -92270791 QC Batch: WET/40730 Analysis Method: SM 2540D QC Batch Method: SM 2540D Analysis Description: 2540D Total Suspended Solids Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 METHOD BLANK: 1578803 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L ND 2.5 10/09/15 11:27 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 1578804 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L 250 242 97 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 1578805 92270696003 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L ND ND 5 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 1578806 92270767002 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L ND ND 5 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 32 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. 9800® Kincey Ave. Suite 100 aceAnalXical Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwpacefabscom (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 QC Batch: WET/40740 Analysis Method: SM 4500-0 G QC Batch Method: SM 4500-0 G Analysis Description: 45000G Oxygen,Dissolved Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 1579080 92270791001 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Oxygen,Dissolved mg/L 6.3 6.2 0 10 H6 Results presented on this page are In the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 33 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. g 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 �ce,/� I 1Xiol Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwpacela6s.Com (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 QC Batch: WET/40770 Analysis Method: EPA 9040 QC Batch Method: EPA 9040 Analysis Description: 9040 pH Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 1580078 92270982001 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers pH Sid.Units 9.1 9.1 0 9 H6 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 34 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. �VG q,,,�r 'n�' 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 ceM lXjo Huntersville,NC 28078 "'x' wwwpacatabs.com (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 QC Batch: WETA/24913 Analysis Method: EPA 300.0 QC Batch Method: EPA 300.0 Analysis Description: 300.0 IC Anions;Low Level Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 METHOD BLANK: 1579990 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92270791001 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Chloride mg/L ND 1.0 10/11/1513:00 Sulfate mg/L ND 1.0 10/11/1513:00 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 1579991 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Chloride mg/L 20 20.5 103 90-110 Sulfate mg/L 20 20.2 101 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1579992 1579993 MS MSD 92269238007 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Chloride mg/L ND 20 20 19.9 19.8 98 98 90-110 0 10 Sulfate mg/L ND, 20 20 19.5 19.5 98 97 90-110 0 10 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1579994 1579995 MS MSD 92269253005 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Chloride mg/L ND 20 20 19.9 19.9 98 98 90-110 0 10 Sulfate mg/L ND 20 20 19.6 19.5 98 98 90-110 0 10 Results presented on this page are In the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 35 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 aceAnalytical Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwpacelabs.com (704)875-9092 1 QUALIFIERS Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 DEFINITIONS DF-Dilution Factor,if reported,represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. ND-Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. J-Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL-Adjusted Method Detection Limit. PQL-Practical Quantitation Limit. RL-Reporting Limit. S-Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270.The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines,unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate%recovery and RPD values. LCS(D)-Laboratory Control Sample(Duplicate) MS(D)-Matrix Spike(Duplicate) DUP-Sample Duplicate RPD-Relative Percent Difference NC-Not Calculable. SG-Silica Gel-Clean-Up U-Indicates the compound was analyzed for,but not detected. Acid preservation may not be appropriate for 2 Chloroethylvinyl ether,Styrene,and Vinyl chloride. A separate vial preserved to a pH of 4-5 is recommended in SW846 Chapter 4 for the analysis of Acrolein and Acrylonitrile by EPA Method 8260. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. Pace Analytical is TNI accredited.Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes. TNI-The NELAC Institute. LABORATORIES PASI-A Pace Analytical Services-Asheville PASI-M Pace Analytical Services-Minneapolis ANALYTE QUALIFIERS H6 Analysis initiated outside of the 15 minute EPA recommended holding time. M1 Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample(LCS)recovery. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 36 of 39 Pace Analytical Services,Inc. aceAnalytical® 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwpacelabs.com (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Project: DEPASHEVILLE 1026.02 Pace Project No.: 92270791 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 92270791001 AREA 3 FD EPA 200.7 MPRP/19750 EPA 200.7 ICP/17805 92270791001 AREA 3 FD EPA 200.7 MPRP/19792 EPA 200.7 ICP/17846 92270791001 AREA 3 FD EPA 200.8 MPRP/58623 EPA 200.8 ICPM/26897 92270791001 AREA 3 FD EPA 200.8 MPRP/58629 EPA 200.8 ICPM/26923 92270791001 AREA 3 FD EPA 245.1 MERP/8506 EPA 245.1 MERC/8172 92270791001 AREA 3 FD EPA 120.1 WET/40799 92270791001 AREA 3 FD SM 2320B WET/40775 92270791001 AREA 3 FD SM 2540C WET/40788 92270791001 AREA 3 FD SM 2540D WET/40730 92270791001 AREA 3 FD SM 4500-0 G WET/40740 92270791001 AREA 3 FD EPA 9040 WET/40770 92270791001 AREA 3 FD EPA 300.0 WETA/24913 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:10/15/2015 05:53 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,Inc.. Page 37 of 39 Dc ant Name &4rr pie'Condition Upon Dc :nt Revised;May 16,2015 i Al Receipt(SCURj Pa a I-of 2* .. wuvtiy.ra'ecolnis.cgno:, ..- - - .�•~ . +. poc`utrient No•,''� Issl ing Atithorit es: ; F-ASV-CS=003-rev.,14 Pace Asheville Qualify Office' . Client Na r"I Irv: Page.2 of 2 is for Internal Use Only Courier(Ciro.le): Fed Ex UPS USPS Client Commercial, Pace Other . s Custody Seal on Cooler/Box Present: 0 ,yos "n6 Seals intact: [l :yes 0 nc { � .4 Packing Material: 0 Bubble W_ _ Bubble Bags None _ Other ,._. Therniortleter Used;IR untl3.13026 963 Type of Ice: Wet Blue Node 1fj Samples on ice,cooling process has begun IR,Gun its€SN:140290366 ' er: Temp Correction Factior; Add/Subtract 0 C Corrected Cooler Temp.: �. C I31ologlcal Tissue Is' rozon.-,'Yes I 0 NIA Date and Initials qf pprson ex i 4iing } contents: 0 S Temp should be above freezing to 6°0 Commontsc, i Chain of Custody Present; Yes-,C]No ' ONiA_ 1, IChain of Custody,Filled Out:, a"s :ONO, ONIA 2, Chain of Custody Relinquished: Yes ONO 'CINIA 3. Sampler Name.&Signature on COC: Yes ONO I3NIti 4. Samples Arrived within Flold Time: Yes 13No C]wn S. ; 5horg I foiti Time Analysts(<72hr): . - OYes No i7NIA 6._, : IRush Turn Around Tlme Requested: Oyes . No ON/A 7, Sufficient Volume:. JAS',ONo ONA 8.• , i Correct Containers Used: XJYes ONO .OtgA 9. > -Pace Containers Used: (( Yes,ONO ❑NIA Containers Intact, Yes LINO •ONIA 10:. Filtered volume'received for Dissolved tests Yes. ONO ONIA 11. Sample.Labels match COO: yes ©No ❑NIA 12: -Includes datel'tirne/ID/Analysis Matrix: ClI oontainers,needing preservation have been checked. Yes ❑No ONIA 13. lli conlainers needing preservailon are found to be In i compliance.wHh EPA recommendation. ,dyes L7No fON/A i oxcoprions;VOA, conform,Toc,`O&G,W1-DR0(�12ter) Oyes . Klo Samples'checked for dechlorination OYes, QNo 01A 14, t eadspace in VOA Vials(>6mm): Dyes Elko 16. Trip Blank Present: ❑Yes ONO �2SNIA 16, )'rip BlankCustody Seals,Present Dyes ONO QMIA Pace Trip Blank Lot#(if purchased), liont Notification/-Resolution: Field Data t e.quired? Y / N - Person Contacted: Date/Time, Comments'/Resolution: t t:CURF Reviews bate: /Oh./S- W0 ® 1922,70791 8RF.Rioview Daio: Note: Whenever theNi discrepancy affecting North Carolina Note: Whenever the Ni II'II� ')I I I I III'II 'II compliance samples,a copy of this form will be,sent to the North 92270791 Carolina DEHNR Certification Office( .e out of hold,Incorrect preservative,out of temp,incorrect containers) i ' Page 38 of 36 $ ` 'OF-7CUSTODY[Anal tic 2 .1 Dy nne �TheC�hain-of-Cuslody-is.a.LAGALWCViV.Et4,T.,A]I rei6,yantfields must be,corKpleted accurately ce) CD Section A Section Section q Rectulked Client Information. Requiro'd Pr6ject-Inl6rmation., Invoice Information: ny: N Attention: Address Copy TO. COmPaqyNamc., NPDES" T GROUN D r-7 QRINKJNGWATr=R P,urchase.OrderNo Pace Quota f ACP UST A i OTHEK Referencr. Sit LO ?bone.* Narpm. Al:,, .A, 64L Manager' Requestad DuctData[TAT..- Project Numb Ipace SectionlD COLLECTED 'pMseplatives _IKI J, k� W.:lDrinkir`4 z VVV .8 0 WasteVater WW, 4, cowOSIFE�, composms, -_=GRAS Product P !ZTAR, SL �Al Oil OL: PMU3T Wipe' Air,. AR 7 LIJ w- ZT0 -,:DATE 'a 'DATE�,� TIME 3- ME'! Di:c z z 15� iiW Ar Pace Project NolLab].D tz rls�sue Jt,� (t JS 0, % Othei� 73 U 0 016 0� 1. 0 Z*� &! Tf 7, F 4 7, L A '-210 ADOi IAL COMMENTS T-T-1 7 7— DATE 71ME ;AC TER FILIALIO -TIME SAI MPLE CONDMONS, AL �SAMgLER NA ME AND �07 11-11,1G.IN , SIGNATURE C0 PRINT Name ol`SAMPLERd . ',SlGNATUREo fSAMP'LE DATE Signed (MM/DDAY): /0 _OA5 Y. fq?inq,totap -�,s' .,� t "t ,. k J, •ik �' `��`�� ,� $e �,t �i �°�.""�v'A'` -_ y e •" '1 g •y'4 N9 a 55 a f•ss�- r.1t. ,a t- �c `, a a �e I�tf" sV ,,; k.,a � �� a,^ J, �a""�g•. .. V �cra�. 1� �,,e. ' -,tkY„M. �,-'.. t'it. ® a n4 A F Mr f•�,ee.,1 ,�}J§`)�i� a6, � �;�• �Jti " q �g Y'`�g :F S. 1'fi't�''a 1?S'�' �j. WIN, f„"Tflfi4 yy;:� �,a y � `�.,8 §ql�� d n °�+• .L �' �'S {72� "h7 i`�1IW��.. b 1 � j .DLO •_ J. �_ �� � t � x .. �-,.MJ � •a ,. _ ` �1`�� na t�: � ,,' ,. _. ;: x.. `-•rC"� .y^:M# ` a�;r�""Xc, � YL-'g' R'";3 � �t✓�+. .q � �"'' " "'`� �`M1" � � "r"�W"i t {sr, Fix G �o MW5-A4 MW5D-A4 a 4., xs Z w p�_� s';are " ' �aGG_+p �,���°� r+� .$ �2. €m �' t �" �' :a�a �.a�� .: 4 d8�<:.. `a an :"� f,1 q �� •g• �.,. ., .t 5' � `o`p ,. � '�.^�,.;:.` ..+'��.;,;? ,. � '�+,„.ACCESS THALLE CONSTRUCTION F .•�Jz .. � ., .,�-`s Y " s ua#..»: � �l�l�: �,. nfivu p� c g� 4 v e- _ ' ,�*4sR S �'I,E MYY�.�A'4 ��.. �9•�SfS'I ��°1���%tl F• '�.3,'�� ��� Neat^ LEGEND --- PROPERTY LINE F MW9 Ad + �t � t ® � COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY II ENTIN ONDa� T" \` 2 x ®®® REVIEW BOUNDARY �� 0WSr AREA 1 MONITORING WELL - M2= 3 AREA 3 MONITORING WELL ff .e MW9=A4 AREA MONITORING WELL GRAPHIC SCALE m MW-3 MONITORING WELL NOT SAMPLED 400 0 400 800 FIGURE 1 148 IN FEET 220 AREA 3 FD LOCATION MAP AREA 1 SURFACE WATER GREERIVERLE,SOUTH CAR LIN GREENVILLE,SOUTHCAROLINA29601 DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS NEW PROPERTYLINE ref.dwOBTAINED FROM CNARANDRAWING wHONE 864-421-9999 ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT 15701xbasearea2-zrefdwg RECEIVED ON DUNE 23,2015.COMPLIANCE AND W W W.syntefracofp.cOm PROPERTY BOUNDARIES FORARED AWING. 4 REVISED BASED ON THENEW ���i C3 ARDEN NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY LINE FROM ORCHARAHARE DRAWING. DRAWN BY:JOHN CHASTAIN DATE:7/1T/zoJb SOURCE: PROJECT MANAGER:KATHY WEBB OCTOBER 2014 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OBTAINED FROM NRGS GEOSPTIAL DATA synLAYOUT:FIG 1(OVERVIEW) GATEWAY AT http://datagateway.nres.usda.gov/ 01/12/20169:25 AM P:Duke Energy Progress.102602.ASHEVILLE PLAN 25.2015 Well Samlin Area l Structural Flll$W3-Al 015 ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT STRUCTUR a ACCESS CHARAH ' "m s. C v TRAILER OFF PINNER RD P� +� ���� CHARAH TRAILER f *I g VIA GLENN BRIDGE RD 2 l M Ju s FRENC�B CHARAH TRACER \ ;, , 1 a y CHARAH GATE CHECK POINT - �ws u nm ^ t� W PONDS Z P �w(' • �y x ` � r T ^ 410 S.Wilmington Street. DUKE Raleigh,NC 27601 ENERGY® Mailing Address Mail Code NC 15 Raleigh,NC27601 919-546-7863 March 22, 2016 919-546-6302(lax) Mr. Landon Davidson NC DENR Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S.70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 RE: Coal Combustion Products Structural Fill Permit No.WQ0000020 Area I and Area IV Improvements—Asheville Regional Airport Dear Mr. Davidson: Enclosed are the construction drawings depicting improvements to Area I and Area IV coal combustion products structural fill located at the Asheville Regional Airport. Per the 2015 Annual Inspection Report submitted to you,these improvements are slated to be completed by mid-June 2016. The enclosed drawings will shortly be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ)to receive an Erosion &Sedimentation Control (E&SC) permit. Once the E&SC permit is received,work will commence shortly thereafter. The E&SC permit is the only permit required to complete the improvements to Area I and Area IV. If you have any questions or need any clarification regarding the information provided, feel'free to contact me at iohn.toepfer@duke-energy.com or at 919-546-7863 at your convenience. Respectfusubmitted J pfei, P. RECEIVED 4sio+�W WawAwourra Lead Engineer Environmental Services cc: Matt Pickett—Duke.Energy Scott Nordgren—Duke Energy Wateor M hft"09lonaloperatfons Ed Sullivan—Duke Energy Asheville Regional office Michael A. Reisman—Asheville Regional Airport Eric Effinger—Charah, Inc. enc: Area I and Area IV Improvements,AVCON, Inc.,.Project No. 2013.157.02 Ak 1 ® 1 0 i , V ...r�,....^.�..+*;^-s_�%•a".,`.s-•,-.�'^' ''- ,i�f �l �,Y.,a''6;4...�.;.t.--.. .. �"T F �_. _ r+'yrc.'. I mar �+,�•---•--,----�,`.. ._._ . s���x -,;z:°..1"�,..�' � ..ate. +�.�' ;-. ti—��.� .^�` A =ON � 1 • • GENERAL NOTES UTILITY NOTES 1. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE AN APPROVED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE WHICH 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REQUEST THE FAA TO STAKE ALL FAA FACILITIES IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS.CONTRACTOR SHALL REVISE AND RESUBMIT SHALL PROVIDE UTILITY LOCATING SERVICES FOR AIRFIELD ELECTRICAL.COST FOR THIS SERVICE SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE SCHEDULE AS DIRECTED BY OWNER/ENGINEER AND AS WORK PROGRESSES AND THE SCHEDULE IS AFFECTED. CONTRACT. 2. IN ADDITION TO THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS,ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2, CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW ALL AIRFIELD UTILITIES WITH THE FAA AND AIRPORT STAFF PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION(FAA)AC 150/5370-2"OPERATIONAL SAFETY ON AIRPORTS DURING CONSTRUCTION"-CURRENT EDITION(INCLUDED IN SPECIFICATIONS). 3. UTILITIES SHOWN ON PLANS ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL UTILITIES FOR 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL POSSESS AND CONTINUOUSLY MONITOR GROUND CONTROL FREQUENCY 121.1 ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL LOCATIONS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS FROM EACH CROSSING LOCATION ESPECIALLY WHILE WORKING WITHIN THE RUNWAY 4. PROTECTION AND REPAIR OF EXISTING CABLES AND UTILITIES-ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHALL BE PROTECTED,AND DAMAGES SAFETY AREA(RSA).CONTRACTOR SHALL MONITOR CTAF AT NIGHT(WHEN ATCT IS CLOSED)ON FREQUENCY 121.1. REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY AS SPECIFIED IN SPECIAL PROVISIONS. -- 4. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ARE NOT PERMITTED WITHIN 250'OF THE CENTERLINE OF AN ACTIVE RUNWAY WITHOUT THE PRIOR 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD LOCATION AND VERIFICATION OF ALL UTILITIES AND CABLES,INCLUDING FAA f.: APPROVAL OF THE OWNERIENGINEER. NAVIGATIONAL AIDS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. VERIFICATION OF UTILITIES MUST BE BY MEAN OF HAND-DUG TEST HOLES PRIOR TO ^' '" �t•- EXCAVATION. DAMAGE TO ANY OF THESE UTILITIES SHALL BE REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY BY THE CONTRACTOR AT THE 5. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ARE NOT PERMITTED WITHOUT OWNER/ENGINEER APPROVAL WITHIN A TAXIWAY OBJECT FREE AREA CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE IN A MANNER ACCEPTABLE TO BOTH THE OWNER/ENGINEER. DAMAGES INCURRED BY THE AIRPORT,FAA, (TOFA). AIRLINES,AIRCRAFT OPERATORS,OR DUE TO DAMAGES BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE BORNE BY THE CONTRACTOR. 6. CONTRACTOR'S SUPERINTENDENT SHALL BE ON THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS WHILE JOB IS IN PROGRESS AND SHALL BE DESIGNATED THE RESPONSIBLE CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE WHO SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON A (i 24-HOUR BASIS. 7. BEFORE USING A CONSTRUCTION ACCESS POINT OR GATE, THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING THE CONSTRUCTION ACCESS WITH THE OWNER/ENGINEER.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL GRASSED AND PAVED AREAS WITHIN THE AIRPORT PROPERTY,OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION,WHICH ARE DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (ACCESS,HAUL,STAGING,STORAGE,ETC.)TO THEIR PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONDITION. NO DIRECT PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR THIS AS IT IS CONSIDERED A SUBSIDIARY OBLIGATION OF THE CONTRACTOR. p/�.-• a-__ 8. ITEMS FOR CONTROL OF SAFETY DURING CONSTRUCTION SUCH AS VEHICLE LIGHTING,RADIOS,BARRICADES,FLAGGERS,ETC., INDEX OF DRAWINGS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE,SHALL NOT BE PAID FOR DIRECTLY AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS A SUBSIDIARY OBLIGATION OF THE CONTRACTOR. Sheet 9. NO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL ENTER OR CROSS ANY ACTIVE AIRPORT OPERATIONAL AREA (AOA) EXCEPT UPON Number Sheet Title AUTHORIZATION BY THE OWNERIENGINEER. G-00 COVER SHEET 10. ALL CONTRACTOR VEHICLES,INCLUDING HAULING VEHICLES,THAT ARE AUTHORIZED TO OPERATE ON THE AIRPORT WITHIN THE DESIGNATED LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION OR HAUL ROUTES AS DEFINED HEREIN,SHALL DISPLAY IN FULL VIEW ABOVE THE VEHICLE G-01 GENERAL NOTES,LEGEND&INDEX OF DRAWINGS A 3'X3'OR LARGER AVIATION ORANGE AND WHITE CHECKERBOARD FLAG, EACH CHECKERBOARD BEING 1'SQUARE. WHEN OPERATING DURING PERIODS OF DARKNESS OR LIMITED VISIBILITY, CONTRACTOR'S VEHICLES SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH G-02 PROJECT LAYOUT 8 HAUL ROUTES FLASHING AMBER LIGHTS. DURING SUCH PERIODS,HAULING VEHICLES NOT SO EQUIPPED SHALL BE ESCORTED BY A VEHICLE SO EQUIPPED.ALSO,VEHICLES SHALL DISPLAY COMPANY NAME OR LOGO IDENTIFICATION MEDIA BY MAGNETIC SIGNS OR LOGO PAINTED ON VEHICLE. G-03 SAFETY AND SECURITY NOTES 11. MAXIMUM CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SPEED ON ALL AIRPORT PROPERTY SHALL BE 25 MPH.SPEEDING AND UNSAFE DRIVING G-04 SAFTEY DETAILS PRACTICES SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. C-01 AREA 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS m 12. CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES'VEHICLES SHALL BE PARKED IN DESIGNATED AREAS WITHIN CONTRACTOR'S STAGING AND STORAGE AREA, C-02 AREA 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS 13. NO HAULING WILL BE ALLOWED ON AIRPORT PAVEMENTS EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED BY OWNER/ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR TO C-03 AREA 1 GRADING AND DRAINAGE(SHEET 1 OF 3) COORDINATE ALL HAUL ROUTES WITH OWNER/ENGINEER. AIRFIELD PAVEMENTS UTILIZED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR HAULING ❑ MUST BE CONTINUALLY MAINTAINED AND DUST CONTROLLED VIA WATER TRUCK,MECHANICAL SWEEPER POWER BROOM,OR ❑ C-O4 AREA 1 GRADING AND DRAINAGE(SHEET 2 OF 3) VACUUM TRUCK. DUST AND FOD MUST BE MAINTAINED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER/ENGINEER,DURING THE COMPLETE Z L DURATION OF THE CONTRACT. 0 C-05 AREA 1 GRADING AND DDRAINAGE(SHEET 3 OF 3) LLI 14. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT TO BE PARKED ONLY WITHIN CONTRACTOR'S STAGING AND STORAGE AREA WHEN NOT IN USE,OR °b OUTSIDE OF ESTABLISHED HOURS OF CONSTRUCTION. C-06 AREA 4 GRADING AND DRAINAGE(SHEET 1 OF 4) U) FL.. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTINUOUSLY MONITOR AND IMMEDIATELY REMOVE FROM ACTIVE AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT AREAS ANY C-07 AREA 4 GRADING AND DRAINAGE(SHEET 3 OF 4) O FOREIGN OBJECT DEBRIS(FOD),WASTE AND LOOSE MATERIAL CAPABLE OF CAUSING DAMAGE TO AIRCRAFT LANDING GEAR, Z PROPELLERS AND ROTORS,OR OF BEING INGESTED BY JET ENGINES. THE CONTRACTOR IS FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY C-08 AREA 4 GRADING AND DRAINAGE(SHEET 2 OF 4) DAMAGES TO AIRCRAFT DUE TO NEGLIGENCE IN FOD CONTROL. C-09 AREA 4 GRADING AND DRAINAGE(SHEET 4 OF 4) L 16. DURING HOURS OF RESTRICTED VISIBILITY OR DARKNESS OPEN TRENCHES,EXCAVATIONS,AND STOCKPILED MATERIAL AT THE W CONSTRUCTION SITE SHALL BE PROMINENTLY MARKED WITH ORANGE FLAGS AND LIGHTED WITH FLASHING RED LIGHTS UNITS EG-01 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES(SHEET 1 OF 2) , C7 (ACCEPTABLE TO THE OWNER/ENGINEER). 0 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES(SHEET 2 OF 2) 17. STOCKPILED MATERIAL SHALL BE CONSTRAINED IN A MANNER TO PREVENT MOVEMENT AS A RESULT OF AIRCRAFT BLAST OR EC-02 WIND.MATERIAL SHALL BE STORED IN THE CONTRACTOR'S STAGING AND STORAGE AREA UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE EC-03 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS OWNER/ENGINEER. p 18. DURING CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL EXISTING AIRPORT LIGHTING.ANY DAMAGE TO THE EXISTING AIRPORT LIGHTING SYSTEM CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO THE ❑ OWNER/ENGINEER AND REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR OR REPAIRED BY THE AIRPORT AT THE COST OF THE CONTRACTOR. Q U 19. ALL WASTE MATERIALS, CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AND DEMOLITION MATERIALS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE BY THE CONTRACTOR OR AT AN ON-SITE LOCATION APPROVED BY THE OWNER/ENGINEER. INFO N F°I O - r 20. ANY PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 01' o6 21. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE GOVERNING CODES AND BE CONSTRUCTED TO SAME. Si 0 v 22. LOCATIONS FOR STOCK PILING SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH OWNER/ENGINEER.THE CONTRACTOR WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO STOCK PILE MATERIAL WITHIN THE RUNWAY OBJECT FREE AREA(ROFA)WHILE THE RUNWAY IS ACTIVE.CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE Z ALL PERSONNEL AWARE OF LIMITS OF OBJECT FREE AREAS. Ni L W 23. THE RUNWAY OBJECT FREE AREA(ROFA)AND TAXIWAY OBJECT FREE AREA(TOFA)SHALL REMAIN CLEAR OF STOCKPILES AND >O INACTIVE OR UNATTENDED EQUIPMENT AT ALL TIMES.CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ALL PERSONNEL AWARE OF LIMITS OF OBJECT 0 FREE AREAS. EL 24. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ALL ACCESS PATHS AROUND EACH SITE.ALL DISTURBANCE TO AN EXISTING ACCESS PATH SHALL — c BE REPAIRED AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. O 25. COAL ASH LIMITS SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE. G)���� L I T YT Fco, ,o DI w CJO��J� o FCj DI Q -I Ld % Z = CI o D m A[ Z N y D) O r Sl o BEFORE YOU DIGI PF CONTACT ONE.-CALL CENTER - 1-800-632-4949 010 AIRPORT ROAD(NC 280)_ ._ /- s ` L l� '�•}.' .. AREA 1 PROJECT LIMITS _ __ -` ..•D\ = � �.✓ ( :i ���.. Q \ .. \� Sri — 60` --�_. ___ ° ° ✓ � \�� \ �' t �' �,p o o a i"" _:/ e --7 — 4° acr•r.:. a'�. 'U .. \= / 6� .:CJ ..,�� p .. ` �o a �.�E FARM "SOUTH GA RAMP, \\ ®_.. � � NORTHGA RAMP 1 7 El EXISTING RUNWAY 34 NMALSR :: \\ - mot' :: 1 ... _`\ : __—._•` _�.----'�-�^—•----- ......... - _ �\ 61 -- �- _ x x x x x f x x II ACCESS tII I II J .. POINT .. ... EXISTING TEMPORARY RUNWAY I7-35 II m — — — LOC LO z.II — — lss .. V TEMPORARY RUNWAY 35 :._.I .. . A I L`! _ - �_ _—LUC___. .. - .. l TEMPORARY R-�UNwFAY 38 11. FLOOD LOCALIZER y ._:.�/� — — _— _ _ "1g'►�--�4--�� i ' .'.P.A-13!—RIV—E-/- _ .. . n I / HAUL ROUTE o dl UTE 1)D\ O\.✓ L V .. ~`FJ�> .\ \ API AREA4 / c I ( I 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN / / ;,\ : PROJECT LIMITS: .. Dv 500 YEAR.FLOOD PLAItJ—,, n�. / / S .. ACCESS / .. .. .. POINT / q. erts-� BORROW. \ /i - .pp AREA _ 'AIRPORT PROPERTY LINE .. .. .. / \ 1 IL w. ACCESS &HAUL ROAD NOTES 1.: HAUL ROADS TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL BE THOSE INDICATED ON THE DRAIMNGS OR ..] OTHERWISE: SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED'BY.:THE OWNER/ENGINEER. .IN :GENERAL, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFINE EQUIPMENT AND HAULING TO THE AREAS UNDER:CONSTRUCTION. W DEBRIS SHALL BE CLEANED FROM THE ROADWAYS AS DIRECTED BY THE OWNER/ENGINEER, " 2. THE ACCESS POINTS TO THE:PROJECT SITE ARE SHOWN ON THE:PLANS.THE OWNER RESERVES - : THE RIGHT TO CHANGE HAUL ROUTE AND ACCESS POINT AT ANYTIME: - . � 3.: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL TURFED AND PAVED AREAS USED FOR HAUL ROADS TO _ THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION, INCLUDING.THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TURF. ALL COST FOR •• h CONSTRUCTING,REMOVING AND RESTORING OF HAUL ROADS REQUIRED FOR THE COMPLETION OF °,j THE WORK SHALL BE BORNE BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO COST TO.THE OWNER. o .: .. .. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT PERMIT ANY UNAUTHORIZED CONSTRUCTION PERSONNEL OR _ • 0 TRAFFIC ON THE SITE.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE USE OF A GATE GUARD AT ALL ACCESS 0 POINTS:BEING USED BY THE CONTRACTOR,OTHERWISE THE GATES AT EACH ACCESS POINT ARE Q TO REMAIN LOCKED.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL TO AND .. U FROM THE CONSTRUCTION AREAS WITHIN THE SITE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE liF 'c IMMEDIATE CLEANUP OF ANY DEBRIS DEPOSITED AT THE PROJECT SITE AND ALONG ANY ROAD AS A RESULT OF HIS/HER CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC. oi, . .. .. .. m .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL 'ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN A LIST OF CONTRACTOR AND :. .. :. OPERATE ON THE SITE. AN Si.. . SUBCONTRACTOR EMPLOYEES AND VEHICLES AUTHORIZED TO O UPDATED LIST SHALL BE PROVIDED TO OWNERIENGINEER WEEKLY. .. - 'Z 6. IT.SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO COORDINATE.OFF-SITE-ROUTES (STATE ... NI HIGHWAYS,COUNTY ROADS OR CITY STREETS),AND.OBTAIN ANY REQUIRED'PERMITS WITH THE. _ W APPROPRIATE AGENCY HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE AFFECTED ROUTE. .. .. _ — O 7. ALL CONTRACTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC SHALL REMAIN WITHIN THE DESIGNATED a CONSTRUCTION AREAS,STAGING AREAS AND/OR HAUL ROUTES. " 8 PLACED ON /+ .. •P ALL CONTRACTOR VEHICLES SHALL DISPLAY FULL VIEW LOGOS CONSPICUOUSLY: LEGEND Q EACH SIDE OF THE VEHICLE. ALL VEHICLES OPERATING IN THE ACTIVE AIRSIDE OPERATION AREA W (AOA)DURING HOURS OF LOW VISIBILITY OR DARKNESS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLASHING _ Q PE LIGHT MOUNTED ON TOP OF THE VEHICLE;THE FLASHING LIGHT SHALL BE OF CONTRACTOR'S STAGING INTENSITY ON TO AIRPORT COD TENANCE AND EMERGENCY ... p .. .. AMBER DOME-TY SUCH INTEN TO FORM RPOR CODES ENCY � .. .. :. Z � :. VEHICLES. � � DI .. .. .. .. � .. AREA . Q. _—______ ECT 9. NO CONTRACTOR VEHICLES ARE;TO CROSS ACTIVE RUNWAYS, NAVAID CRITI,CAL.AREAS, OR .. PROJ LIMITS W - TAXIWAYS FOR ANY REASON. DI 4 - 10. CONTRACTOR TO SAFELY.CONTROL TRAFFIC AROUND HAUL ROAD.CONTROL OF TRAFFIC'ONSITE .4-0. .HAUL ROUTE CI .. SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO PROJECT. Al Q AIRPORT PROPERTY LINE, 11. AT NO TIME SHALL THE CONTRACTOR OPERATE VEHICLES OR EQUIPMENT ON THE AIRPORT p ROADWAY SYSTEM OTHER THAN THOSE ROADS IDENTIFIED ON THIS SHEET. Dj .. .. .. .. .. S� D S1 GLIDESLOPE CRITICAL AREA b N h PF oc _:o.. .. .:: .. .. .: - LOC ' L L ZER C gLAREA 0' 250' 500'. ..'1000' ap GRAP.H16 SCALE IN FEET . SAFETY NOTES SECURITY NOTES 1. AIRPORT OPERATIONS-THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ACQUAINT HIS/HER SUPERVISORS AND EMPLOYEES WITH THE AIRPORT ACTIVITIES AND OPERATIONS THAT ARE 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL SECURITY REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED HEREIN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DESIGNATE IN WRITING TO THE ENGINEER THE INHERENT AT THIS AIRPORT AND SHALL CONDUCT HIS/HER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO CONFORM TO ALL ROUTINE AND EMERGENCY AIR TRAFFIC REQUIREMENTS AND NAME OF HIS/HER'CONTRACTOR SECURITY OFFICER'. THE CONTRACTOR PROVIDED SECURITY OFFICER SHALL REPRESENT THE CONTRACTOR ON THE SECURITY GUIDELINES ON SAFETY SPECIFIED IN NOTE 7 BELOW. REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT. 2. GROUND CONTROL-ALL CONTRACTOR VEHICLES THAT ARE REQUIRED TO CROSS ACTIVE RUNWAYS,TAXIWAYS,LOCALIZERS AND GLIDE SLOPE CRITICAL AREAS AND 2. CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL SECURITY ORIENTATION - THE CONTRACTOR SECURITY OFFICER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR BRIEFING ALL CONTRACTOR AND APPROACH CLEAR ZONES SHALL DO SO UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF A FLAGMAN IN RADIO CONTACT WITH THE AIRPORT GROUND CONTROLLER. THE FLAGMAN SUBCONTRACTOR PERSONNEL ON THESE REQUIREMENTS AND, FROM TIME TO TIME, OTHER SECURITY PROVISIONS ADOPTED FOR CONSTRUCTION. ALL NEW SHALL BE TRAINED AND INSTRUCTED BY AIRPORT OPERATIONS IN THE REGULATION GOVERNING OPERATIONS ON THE AIRPORT OPERATIONS AREA(ADA)AND THE RADIO CONTRACTOR EMPLOYEES SHALL BE BRIEFED ON THESE REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO WORKING IN THE CONSTRUCTION AREA PROCEDURES AT THE AIRPORT. THE FLAGMEN AND RADIOS SHALL BE FURNISHED BY THE CONTRACTOR.FF SHALL BE UNDERSTOOD BY THE CONTRACTOR THAT AIRPORT TRAFFIC ON RUNWAYS,TAXIWAYS AND APRONS HAVE THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AT ALL TIMES OVER THE CONTRACTOR'S TRAFFIC.-THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO MONITOR 3. ACCESS TO THE SITE-CONTRACTOR'S ACCESS TO THE SITE SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT RADIO COMMUNICATIONS WITH GROUND CONTROL AT ALL TIMES WHILE WORKING WITHIN THE RUNWAY SAFETY AREA THE COMMON TRAFFIC ADVISORY FREQUENCY PERMIT ANY UNAUTHORIZED CONSTRUCTION PERSONNEL OR TRAFFIC ON THE SITE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL TO AND FROM 121.1.GROUND CONTROL FREQUENCY IS 121.9.THE TIME PERIODS WHEN THE TOWER IS CLOSED(11:00PM-6:30AM). THE VARIOUS CONSTRUCTION AREAS ON THE SITE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE IMMEDIATE CLEAN-UP OF ANY DEBRIS DEPOSITED ALONG THE ACCESS ROUTE AS A RESULT OF HIS/HER CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC. DIRECTIONAL SIGNING AT THE ACCESS GATE AND ALONG THE DELIVERY ROUTE TO THE STORAGE AREA OR 3. PAVEMENT CLOSURES-NO RUNWAY,TAXIWAY,APRON OR AIRPORT ROADWAY SHALL BE CLOSED WITHOUT APPROVAL OF THE OWNERIENGINEER TO ENABLE NECESSARY WORK SITE SHALL BE AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE SITE ACCESS AND COOPERATE ON ALL SECURITY MEASURES WITH OTHER NOTICES TO AIRMEN(NOTAM)OR ADVISORIES TO AIRPORT SERVICE OR TENANTS.A MINIMUM OF 72 HOURS NOTICE OF REQUESTED CLOSING SHALL BE DIRECTED TO THE ON-SITE CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS. OWNERIENGINEER. 4. MATERIALS DELIVERY TO THE SITE-ALL CONTRACTOR'S MATERIAL ORDERS FOR DELIVERY TO THE SITE WILL USE THE ACCESS POINTS AS INDICATED ON SHEET G-04.THE 4. OPEN TRENCHES-ANY CONSTRUCTION OR OPEN TRENCHES IN EXCESS OF 3 INCHES WITHIN 250 FEET OF ACTIVE RUNWAY CENTERLINES OR WTHIN 85.5 FEET OF THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE ROADWAY SIGNS TO DIRECT DELIVERIES.THIS WILL PRECLUDE DELIVERY TRUCKS FROM ENTERING INTO THE AIRPORT OR CENTERLINE OF ANY ACTIVE TAXIWAYS AND APRON PAVEMENTS WILL REQUIRE CLOSURE OF THE AFFECTED RUNWAY,TAXIWAY,OR APRON,UNLESS OTHERWISE TAKING SHORT-CUTS THROUGH THE PERIMETER GATES AND ENTERING INTO AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS AREAS INADVERTENTLY. APPROVED BY THE OWNERIENGINEER. PER AC 150/5370-2-CURRENT EDITION,OPEN TRENCHES ARE PROHIBITED WITHIN THE RUNWAY SAFETY AREA(RSA)OR THE TAXIWAY SAFETY AREA(TSA),EXCAVATION AND OPEN TRENCHES MAY BE PERMITTED UP TO THE EDGE OF ACTIVE TAXIWAY PAVEMENTS PROVIDED THE DROP-OFF IS 5. CONSTRUCTION AREA LIMITS-THE LIMITS OF MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT STORAGE AREAS,PARKING AREA AND OTHER AREAS DEFINED AS REQUIRED FOR THE ADEQUATELY BARRICADED,SIGNED,LIGHTED,MARKED AND SATISFIES THE OWNERIENGINEER. ANY CLOSURE REQUIRES THE SAME PROVISIONS AS NOTE 3 ABOVE. CONTRACTOR'S EXCLUSIVE USE DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE STAKED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ERECT RUNWAYS CANNOT BE REOPENED UNTIL TRENCHES ARE CLOSED. AND MAINTAIN AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THESE AREAS SUITABLE FENCING AND GATES,SIGNAGE AND WARNING DEVICES VISIBLE FOR BOTH DAYINIGHT USE TO DELINEATE THE PERIMETER OF ALL SUCH AREAS. S. DEBRIS CONTROL-DEBRIS,WASTE AND LOOSE MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED ON ACTIVE AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT AREAS.ANY MATERIAL ON ACTIVE AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT AREAS SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH A BROOM.THE OWNERIENGINEER MAY DIRECT THAT DEBRIS PROBLEMS DURING 6. VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION-ALL CONTRACTOR VEHICLES SHALL DISPLAY IN FULL VIEW LOGOS CONSPICUOUSLY PLACED ON EACH S1DE OF THE VEHICLE. ALL VEHICLES CONSTRUCTION NOT CORRECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR BE CORRECTED BY OTHERS AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CONTRACTOR. STOCKPILED MATERIAL SHALL BE OPERATING IN THE ACTIVE AIRSIDE OPERATION AREA(ADA)DURING HOURS OF LOW VISIBILITY OR DARKNESS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLASHING AMBER DOME-TYPE CONSTRAINED IN A MANNER TO PREVENT MOVEMENT AS A RESULT OF AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS OR WIND. LIGHT MOUNTED ON TOP OF THE VEHICLE,THE FLASHING LIGHT SHALL BE OF SUCH INTENSITY TO CONFORM TO AIRPORT CODES FOR MAINTENANCE AND EMERGENCY VEHICLES. 6. INSPECTION BY OPERATIONS-PRIOR TO OPENING FOR AIRCRAFT USE,THE CONTRACTOR WILL ARRANGE FOR INSPECTION,BY AIRPORT STAFF OF ANY RUNWAY, TAXIWAY OR APRON THAT HAS BEEN CLOSED FOR WORK,OR THAT HAS BEEN USED FOR A CROSSING POINT OR HAUL ROUTE BY THE CONTRACTOR. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE GATE GUARDS WHO HAVE CELLULAR PHONES AT THE ACCESS GATES AT ALL TIMES WHILE THE GATE OR GATES ARE BEING USED.THE GATE GUARD MUST HAVE AN UPDATED LIST OF EMPLOYEES.ALL ACCESS GATES SHALL REMAIN LOCKED AT ALL TIMES WHEN NOT MANNED BY A GATE GUARD. 7. SAFETY GUIDELINES: 15015200-18'AIRPORT SAFETY SELF INSPECTION'-CURRENT EDITION 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A 24-HOUR EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST FOR ALL KEY CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR PERSONNEL THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. 15015370-2'OPERATIONAL SAFETY ON AIRPORTS DURING CONSTRUCTION'-CURRENT EDITION 15015210-5'PAINTING,MARKING&LIGHTING OF VEHICLES USED ON AIRPORTS--CURRENT EDITION 9. BEFORE THE START OF EACH WORK WEEK THE CONTRACTOR MUST PROVIDE TO ENGINEER A LIST OF EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL,INCLUDING SUBCONTRACTORS, THAT PLAN TO ENTER THE ADA.THE LIST SHOULD INDICATE ANY CHANGES FROM PRIOR WEEKLY LISTS. B. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN CLEAR ROUTES TO ALL AIRPORT OPERATIONS AREAS AND SAFETY AREAS AT ALL TIMES THROUGH THE CONSTRUCTION SITE THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT FOR AIRPORT SECURITY AND OPERATIONS AND EMERGENCY VEHICLES. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO INFORM ITS EMPLOYEES AND SUBCONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES THAT ANY SECURITY VIOLATIONS MAY SUBJECT THEM TO ARREST FOR A PUNISHABLE FEDERAL OFFENSE,IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT REMOVAL FROM THE JOB. 9. TEMPORARY RUNWAY 17-35 SAFETY AREA IS 250 FEET FROM RUNWAY CENTERLINE,AND ALL TAXIWAY SAFETY AREAS ARE 59.5 FEET OR AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 0 10. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL; WORK SITE SAFETY ON THIS PROJECT;AND MEETING ALL STATE, FEDERAL AND LOCAL SAFETY N REQUIREMENTS. N 11. ALL CONTRACTOR VEHICLES,INCLUDING HAULING VEHICLES,THAT ARE AUTHORIZED TO OPERATE ON THE AIRPORT WITHIN THE DESIGNATED LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION OR HAUL ROUTES AS DEFINED HEREIN,SHALL DISPLAY IN FULL VIEW ABOVE THE VEHICLE A TXT OR LARGER ORANGE AND WHITE CHECKERBOARD FLAG,EACH ❑ CHECKERBOARD COLOR BEING 1'SQUARE.WHEN OPERATING DURING PERIODS OF DARKNESS OR LIMITED VISIBILITY,CONTRACTORS VEHICLES SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH vi ROTATING OR FLASHING AMBER LIGHTS.DURING SUCH PERIODS,HAULING VEHICLES NOT SO EQUIPPED SHALL BE ESCORTED BY A VEHICLE SO EQUIPPED. w p 12. OPEN-FLAME WELDING OR TORCH-CUTTING OPERATIONS ARE PROHIBITED UNLESS ADEQUATE FIRE AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ARE PROVIDED AND HAVE BEEN }z} APPROVED BY THE OWNER. ~-a, 13. ANY DAMAGE TO THE EXISTING AIRPORT LIGHTING SYSTEM CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY NOTED TO THE OWNER/ENGINEER AND REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT HIS/HER OWN EXPENSE.IF THE AIRPORT COMPLETES THE REPAIRS,THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY COSTS u ASSOCIATED WITH THE REPAIRS. U 14. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS AS NECESSARY TO MINIMIZE ATTRACTION OF WILDLIFE CAUSED BY PONDING WATER,GRASS SEED, ❑ Z ETC.IF NECESSARY,CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PUMPS TO DEWATER AREAS OF PONDING. ¢ 15. ITEMS FOR CONTROL OF SAFETY AND SECURITY DURING CONSTRUCTION SUCH AS VEHICLE LIGHTING,GATE GUARDS,FLAGMEN,BARRICADES,FLAGS,LIGHTS,ESCORTS, w TEMPORARY GRADING MEASURES,DIVERSION DITCHES,PUMPS,DUST CONTROL,FOD CONTROL,ETC.SHALL NOT BE PAID FOR DIRECTLY BUT SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS Q A SUBSIDIARY OBLIGATION OF THE CONTRACTOR COVERED UNDER CONTRACT ITEMS. U 16. IN ORDER FOR THE CONTRACTOR TO OPERATE WITHIN AIRPORT PROPERTY,APPROPRIATE NOTICES TO AIRMEN(NOTAM'S)MUST BE ISSUED BY THE AIRPORT.THESE o NOTICES PROVIDE INFORMATION ON CLOSED,LIMITED,OR HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS TO AIRMEN AND USERS OF THE AIRPORT.A 72-HOUR NOTICE IS REQUIRED FOR r ISSUANCE OF THE NOTAM.ALL CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS MUST CLOSELY COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR NOTAM ISSUANCE. N 17. AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS SHALL AT ALL TIMES HAVE RIGHT-OF-WAY OVER ALL VEHICLES,EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EMPLOY STRICT o MEASURES TO PREVENT CONFLICT BETWEEN HIS/HER PERSONNEL AND AIRCRAFT ON ANY ACTIVE AIRFIELD PAVEMENT OR NON-PAVEMENT AREAS.THE CONTRACTOR cy SHALL REMAIN CLEAR OF ACTIVE RUNWAYS,TAXIWAYS AND APRONS. Q 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL,AT ALL TIMES,CONTROL THE ON-AIRPORT MOVEMENT AND ACTIVITIES OF ITS EMPLOYEES,SUBCONTRACTORS,EQUIPMENT,AND MATERIAL U SUPPLIERS. p 19. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE AND CONTROL CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC WHEN CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS REQUIRE TRAVERSING ANY AIRSIDE AREA ANY DIRT 'FO1 AND/OR DEBRIS ON PAVEMENT SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY TO AVOID ANY BUILDUP ON PAVEMENT. oie ai 20. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTROL ALL CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC ENTERING THE AIRPORT TO PREVENT CONFLICTS WITH AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS.NO PRIVATE VEHICLES WILL o BE ALLOWED ON THE AIRPORT OUTSIDE OF THE STAGING AREA. S, U) 21. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE ACCESS TO THE AIRPORT ONLY AT THOSE LOCATIONS DESIGNATED ON THE PLANS OR APPROVED BY THE OWNERIENGINEER.ALL OTHER z ACCESS SHALL BE BY SPECIAL REQUEST AND SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE OWNER/ENGINEER. NI w 2 22. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT LIGHT TOWERS FACE AWAY FROM THE ACTIVE RUNWAY AND RUNWAY APPROACH CORRIDOR AT ALL TIMES. w 0 23. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSURE THAT ALL BROOMS AND VACUUM TRUCKS BE STAFFED AT ALL TIMES DURING OPERATIONS ACROSS ACTIVE PAVEMENTS WITH PERSONNEL a OTHER THAN FLAGMEN. v ¢ w ¢ z DI DI of CI j Al N D/ O ri N Sl M b PF m 0 a ) 1 RUNWAY THRESHOLD,END OF PAVEMENT 7:1 B 1 7:1 h:v) x r PRIMARY SURFACE H:1(h:v)APPROACH SLOPE RUNWAY 200' L' 7:1 lh-w) TRANSITIONAL SURFACE L 7:7 h:vJ • B RSA RUNWAY NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT A LIST OF EQUIPMENT AND CORRESPONDING MAXIMUM HEIGHTS. 2.ANY EQUIPMENT OR OBJECTS PENETRATING THE PART 77 IMAGINARY SURFACES L250' 250'---J SHALL BE COORDINATED, IN ADVANCE, WITH THE AOR. OBSTRUCTIONS PENETRATING THE PART 77 SURFACES SHALL BE REMOVED,MARKED AND/OR �+ LIGHTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FAA GUIDELINES AND DETERMINATIONS. RUNWAY SAFETY AREA (RSA) N.T.S. P � ON SVOpE � 1- `O pP DP �t MAX OBJECT HEIGHT N 200'—�- -{ • H N (y SLOPEVARIES 0% 3 ROFA RUNWAY TOFA TAXIWAY SECTION A-A F N.T.S. W }O w LL C4 L400' 400'----� 93' 93' 0 r RUNWAY OBJECT FREE AREA (ROFA) TAXIWAY OBJECT FREE AREA(TOFA) s L`�L' T:� N.T.S. N.T.S. ❑ MAX OBJECT HEIGHT o% o% NF (y FO O N 6 SECTION B-B — o y z Z NI LU RUNWAY OFZ RUNWAY TSA rL TAXIWAY — W > FAR PART 77 O RUNWAY APPROACH SLOPE L X _ a (H) 17 20 500 0.15 4 35 50 500 0.15 ❑ 'NOTE: FOR HORIZONTAL APPROACH SLOPE(H), DI Q DISTANCE(L),AND FLARE RATIO(X) L200' 200'-A 59' 59' DI UJ FAR PART 77•IMAGINARY SURFACES RUNWAY OBSTACLE FREE ZONE (OFZ) TAXIWAY SAFETY AREA (TSA) CI N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. Al Q D N I O I� — Sl ' o PF co 0 a: r gpPF�OXIMATE L�IT�OF —j MpUr D \ I I l /�/ �y J r• �/ / / DIRT' h� �i � Il ll INN i/���I�I�III�JIIIIIIJI►Illlil iil>�' � II Illlllllllhll II III 1 1 1 �i I v I I I / � / 1 I I ,rl/� III II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111 IIII I \ I I 1 / 1 1 � — ! I 1 I 1� _ - - Jr 'Ill \/II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I II II ,AwV, 11 11 Illllll Illllllllllll 1 I IIIIIII hill II I I I / I I - / II II III II IIII ' \ \ IllIN - I( I II //)I II t1 IIII IIIIII III 1 1 11 1 l I / I EXISTING FENCE III////IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillll \ \ 11 I I J I � / IIII II ; \" I\h;�\\�\��\'� 1111��1\ \\ \1V\co APPROXIMATE LIMITBpF COAL Ai N 1 Y I \II11 I l cd T y EXISTING'G/NE- OLD U L1i'r1A SEDIMENT BASIN o � //Ill/llllllllllIll/l�! (Illiillli�i,K//" a I — EXISTI G GRAVEL ROD P J 1 1 1 I TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY&GROUND CONTROL PROVIDED BY:co Si _ ____✓��`�ii��/�/rl/' /ll�/l�! !/!� I J I ! ! l / l I I I /� — \ 1 \— —i-� I/ ^,� ✓�~'�—~1—�/�✓/ j/�/l�///////////v///l////��>!!/!!/!II/ 1I! 1I1 !!! !I! II! Il Il I III I1 APPROrXIMATE LIMITS OF COAL t1 H 1\l 1I1\ II 3II`IIIIL 1I� WNCPEBS,PLLC —N 1095 HENDERSONVILLE ROAD,SUITE G L LLI OFC.828-277-5074/� FAX.828-277-5077W ASHEVILE,NORTH CAROLINA 28803/ 9 / DATED 110-75 EL \Nm Z �— \\LU \� ��� DI \\ CI At o, --� Mb.S y_J— �7�/x AFR617FTERRO ^ ` \�\` / / ` -" I I/ I � 1 S1 AD \� ��. � EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT ` 1�J� North PF a —� GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1 // EXISTING TRIPLE SLOPE Dt6A N 51 \\��\��\.c --�' / / �_•__ __-_ --� — --� / /�/,i//i//�///%/ iii�/i i�/- \ APPROXIMATE�MRS OF COAL ASH \\ � \� / '" / / �'i%�/,�-✓i i/�i��/ice//i/is/ � �✓/' /�/ //� --- F,� APPROXIMATE LI ITS!OF O - / i5=�.- ��\\\\:z���\\ x \\�\\•\\�\\\\\�\\ / /iiii/i////ii ///////////i iii //i // _ / � /i \\ \\\\ \-, ��: � /i/i/�"ii/i✓i i%/i i/i i iii"n /i / Z •� \�� --i / / / / //// % / \ ACCESS GATE w \ •' ��;- �\�-� ,- i///j/i i/j / / NG o ��.�',--- �- -i i/// i // / // BPS/� % %/ 7�-✓//i N EXISTING SLOFNc6 Si pRAIN cli s f Z \ /�-/ TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 8 GROUND CONTROL PROVIDED BY:ul NI W � '� WNCPEBS,PLLC > 1095 HENDERSONVILLE ROAD,SUITE G — ASHEVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA 28803 — a OFC.828-277-5074 FAX.828-277-5077 _ DATED 11-10-15 Q W Q cl Z DI DI Q ¢ Cl j Al N � DI 0 Sl o North PF 0' 30' 60' 120' 0 o GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET RrROPQSED SI TJFENCE ! r 7 / �- �.Z : � _ — — —�'� /.,I � I1 I ► IIII//////r/� ) 11! / /:iii� �,=— / %�� //%~II I/� I J \ I I I lI/)/ �j I///� /- / -J� r / 1 I ��� II //MOUND I I l ��ii r / / / i i / r 1 ► ^• \\ 1 1 — ) I Ill / 1 l —, \ — � / j/�j>�� %jv%1 — �\�� � � IIIIIII'lll�ll \I�Iplllll�Illllljlllillllll�l 111 1 �. 1 1 11 � 1 \ `I 1 i I �� �. /���� 1 1 1 1 � I � , I ` lI I' I II II IIIII I I 1 1 I / / I I 11111 111i1111111111111111111 I I I I I I \ \ I I �`= 1 \ — I I I I I( � ,.� J /r IIIIIII it Ill i llllllll l IIIII I l 1 \ I I I I \ I /� 1� / / 1 1 ) I II111 �,,E)\\�L .TING FENCE dII \/I\ IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII I I 1 \ \ — — I I / ill\ II IIII IIIIIIIIIjllllilllllll 11 I I I I I I `\ \� \\ \ Y1 I II/ //IIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIjIIIIII 1 1 11 1 1 t I I ,�, I I -� I I I � � �— I I 1 1 � I I /I/ I IIII I IIIII \ I I 1 I I ' I IIII IIII �!` \I\ ! \�� I w \ /�iii ijQf 11 1�\ \\ \\ \\ � W o \ \ \ \ \ 1 i I I I �, \\\\ TRAPEZOIDAL DIT j WI H � SS B RIP-RAP c ; '—E—�STI._NG G�0' XI =-6E' OLD M:'{tA ` I SENT �illl)I�IIIIIillll(I/II ,l t !��'`�. ;,` \ I r -_-__ BASIN ___ l//IIII�I11j11111�11111111/ �/� ///// I I / / \_ I 1 I I — �--_�;__ __�= ��1 I ` NOTES Fo _ `=�_JJIIII II /Il l r/ l _ o J �ll I/IIII/� / I I / / 1 � 1 I -yam. \\'`--- \ \ \ 1 I I I ' WITHOUT DISTURBING COAL ASHOPES INTO EXISTING GROUND AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE 2.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY DEPTH OF COAL ASH PRIOR TO STARTING FULL GRADING S Z 1 ~_— OPERATIONS FOR RIP RAP LINED TRAPEZOIDAL DITCH INSTALLATION. / 1 II I _ --. _��� � / /I 1 EXISTING NG OPERATIONS. GRAVEL ROAD I 1 1 I I I I I 4.CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE INSTALLEDSILT FENCE SHALL BE PRIOR OTO AREAS OU STARTING TSDIE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE NI > PROPLtSIF_i°ENCE n� j I I f I /� I �, I 1 I I 4 WHEN INSTALLING RIP RAP. — 5.ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDING AND MATTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EL I l COMPLETION OF GRADING OPERATIONS. 6.CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE A DETAILED REVIEW OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE — / -, " / 1 \l SLOPES FOR AREA IIN ORDER TO IDENTIFY ANY AREAS THAT MAY NEED TO BE ADDRESSED OR REPAIRED ALONG WITH THE OTHER WORK REQUIRED FOR THIS — \(�,,�� PROJECT. ANY REPAIRS REQUIRED AND REPAIR METHOD SHALL BE DOCUMENTED ON -_Y THE PLANS. DI Q Al�\\\l\aN \ \ // / \ 7.CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE AN AS-BUILT SURVEY ON ALL WORK COMPLETED. DI S EA \ SO THAT THERE IS NO PONCONTRACTOR StiALL FILL N N I O WATER / Al S1 56 EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT I I North PF 0' 30' 60• 1 20' a �� GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET r I- \\ %III `� \\`\\\� v`\\\�._\\\� '\ '• �\ � \\ `� �\ 1 1 � � \ N MA TAPEZO�DAL DI�4CH WITH /• v �`— -__—_```�.`.:`�- .�����'� '\ ` CLASS B IP-RA II �I111� I I 160" RCP/ EXISTING GATE \ / •-_.._ .,,_,,,., ____- -,\\ � � II III / / /���' ---�----___ --,---________ I OLD mw I P, SEDIMENT BASIN j__ -_.. ,.� 11/11 1 l//l l llr ll l//l//111 --- � _. ll l 1 lull /l l/lll N EXISTING GRAVEL ROD / A, U `ROPPSE:sILLFE[LCE -2130, s F01 DIE ��\�1, ` \\\\` �\ •� // , / / / / \ \ \ CONTRACTOR SHALL FILL IN THIS AREA \ / Si SO THAT THER\ IN IS NO PONDG QF WATER F LLI uJ Of EL LU Z '` -- P ''��_ NOTES DI I.CONTRACTOR SHALL BENCH SLOPES INTO EXISTING GROUND AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. IQ �/� WITHOUT DISTURBING COAL ASH. DI ly 4 MI�•5 �C�/ 2.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY DEPTH OF COAL ASH PRIOR TO STARTING FULL GRADING CI ' 'l OPERATIONS FOR RIP RAP LINED TRAPEZOIDAL DITCH INSTALLATION. 3.SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO STARTING GRADING OPERATIONS. At 7(. 4.CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE IMPACTS TO AREAS OUTSIDE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE Di N / _ WHEN INSTALLING RIP RAP. 5.ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDING AND MATTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER crj \ ��x_J-�X COMPLETION OF GRADING OPERATIONS. S1 X x 6.CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE A DETAILED REVIEW OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE SLOPES North PF FOR AREA 1.IN ORDER TO IDENTIFY ANY AREAS THAT MAY NEED TO BE ADDRESSED OR o 0' 15' 30' 60'�— REPAIRED ALONG WITH THE OTHER WORK REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT. ANY REPAIRS REQUIRED AND REPAIR METHOD SHALL BE DOCUMENTED ON THE PLANS. EL 7.CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE AN AS-BUILT SURVEY OF ALL WORK COMPLETED. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET PROPOSED SILT FENCES I ` \ - .- 2.Ile / lil \ IIIII/l l/lljl/1/ill/�l�/ll� I I I I II I I r` \ i I I I I I ` 1 J ail 111111 �/// l ll 1 ll/ill� I I I I I i I I I IIIIIII lilt/Ill/I /I//IIII \hlllliil Jill lilll�lilllllllll�l // 211 I� NI I I`vl I INI I I IN III i 1 \ \ \ \ 1 I f cl LLI o //%r- - - 1 III IIIIIII illy IIIII I�1 1 1 1 1 I 1 N 1 I \ 1 I � , o �%//%/ IIIlillllllitllllllillll11111111111111 11 11 I I I I I I 1 \\ \\ i I I II // / i �I 111111111111 i I 1 i lsll/� I IIII l IIII I I I I 111� r I i I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 / N �/�i/ri Illi�lllll \ rlllll I I► lilrl II\ 1 1 r \ 1 \ I I I � \ I M /� IIII //11I I 1111 I I I I I rl II I111 1111 I II 1 11 1 1\ \ I \ \ \ EXISTIN FENCE mF, Foi 04 ca — I — W �111 IIII I II I I II III II Il Ilr 1111111111 I I I I I I I 1\ \�- \ \ II ! { \\ — N a. IIII` I / 11 \ I{II1111111II I II IIIIIII / / I I I I I \ \ __ t \ — I III \ � I I it illllil' I1111 II � � I I l `' \ — ICI t o I I I I I II III I I I I I I r/ I NOTES DI I III 11 I II i I I U I FO�,�i I N 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I{ \ \ \ r I \ \ \ ` \ 1 I 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL BENCH SLOPES INTO EXISTING GROUND AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE 111 Jill I I I I 11 / 1 ` WITHOUT DISTURBING COAL ASH. DI W1, 2.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY DEPTH OF COAL ASH PRIOR TO STARTING FULL GRADING I I III I I I I I I I I OPERATIONS FOR RIP RAP LINED TRAPEZOIDAL DITCH INSTALLATION. CI IIIII IIII I II lill {I ill� Il 1 1 1 i t 1 \ 3.SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO STARTING GRADING OPERATIONS. 'I I At I.CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE IMPACTS TO AREAS OUTSIDE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE WHEN INSTALLING RIP RAP. D/ 6.ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDING AND MATTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER COMPLETION OF GRADING OPERATIONS. S1 ,.j rr I { IIII I I , III 1 111 I r 11 1 r North CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE A DETAILED REVIEW OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE SLOPES Pf 1 \ \ \ FOR AREA 1 IN ORDER TO IDENTIFY ANY AREAS THAT MAY NEED TO BE ADDRESSED OR 0' 15' 30' 60' REPAIRED ALONG WITH THE OTHER WORK REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT. ANY REPAIRS o IIII \ REQUIRED AND REPAIR METHOD SHALL BE DOCUMENTED ON THE PLANS. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET T.CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE AN AS-BUILT SURVEY ON ALL WORK COMPLETED. a 2120 SEE TE3 \ \\ O �\�\ \\\�: \\ / // �///////// ////�// // j //// SEE NOTE6 bwag co / IT ❑ \ \\\ -`� :7-�///�/�/i/ice /i _ STORM DRAIN NETWORK ❑ \ \ �i/i/ / //i/ / /ice �i �\ �J/// tr � ��`` \ �// / �/% -71 ACCESS GATE - a c"I / 65E /''Oj/j j �- // �1 FLARED END SECTION 26 FLARED END SECTION52 '18"HDPE PIPE 18"INV.OUT=2075.00 18"INV.IN=2068.00 176 LF@3.98% M SEE NOTES �� o� / ` � /�/ j� S-2 N;629,739.90 E:944,614.64 S-7 N:629,545.41 E:944,837.27 S-3 TO S3 FLARED END SECTION 24"NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN 18"HDPE PIPE 18"INV.IN=2068.00 18"INV.OUT=2073.00 28 LF@3.76% r � __ 5-3 N:629,753.98 E:944,657.04 S-8 N:629,536.51 E:944,806.99 S-5 TO S-6 No + ~ — �i� L�'-= i ���/ \' -i \ /iNjO 30'NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN FLARED END SECTION 1 B"HDPE PIPE IMF i 18"INV.OUT=2073.00 18"INV.OUT=2068.00 27 LF @ 3.76% DI' �,j REMOVE EXISTING 24'RCP TO /� \ L L ,// S-4 N:629,735.56 E:944,635.72 S-9 N:629,426.80 E:944,941.29 S-7 TO 5-8 o \INSTALL PROPOSED PIPE AND INLET FLARED/ i FLARED END SECTION 24"NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN 18"HDPE PIPE S, -� 18"INV.IN=2068.00 18"INV.OUT=2069.00 32 LF @3.13% H Z 7� S-5 N:629,653.23 E:944,742.89 S-10 N:629,442.22 E:944,865.90 S-9 TO S-10UJ NI W /NOTES 24"NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN FLARED END SECTION 18"HDPE PIPE - \�� 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ANY REQUIRED GRADING ADJUSTMENT ON THE UPPER SECTION OF AREA 4 IN ORDER TO REDUCE 18"INV.OUT=2073.00 18"INV.IN=2066.00 77 LF @ 3.90 U CONCENTRATION OF WATER. 0- 2. ONCE GRADING ADJUSTMENTS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND ANY DISTURBED AREAS ARE FULLY VEGETATED DIRECTLY UPSTREAM OF THE SLOPE DRAINS,THE BERM AND SLOPE DRAINS SHALL BE REMOVED. ANY AREAS DISTURBED BY THIS WORK _ SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY SEEDED AND MATTED. W 3. THE EXISTING DITCH BETWEEN THE SLOPE AND GRAVEL ROAD SHALL BE REESTABLISHED TO BE A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT DEEP ' WITH 3:1 SIDE SLOPES.THE DITCH SHALL BE SEEDED AND MATTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER COMPLETION. ❑ 4. ANY CONSTRUCTION THAT WILL IMPACT THE EXISTING PERIMETER ROAD SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER PRIOR'TO Z STARTING WORK. DI Q - 5. THE EXISTING GRAVEL ROAD SHALL REMAIN A MINIMUM OF 18 FEET WIDE IN AREAS WHERE THE ROAD IS NOT IMPACTED BY pl W CONSTRUCTION.IN AREAS WHERE THE ROAD WILL BE IMPACTED BY CONSTRUCTION,THE WIDTH OF THE ROAD SHALL NOT BE A Q MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT WIDE WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE OWNER. Cl > 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL REGRADE AREA TO CREATE A SWELL IN ORDER TO DRAIN AREA TO EXISTING FLARED END SECTION. Al Q 7. HDPE PIPE SHALL BE ADS N-12 WITH H-25 LOADING OR APPROVED EQUAL. DRAIN BASINS SHALL BE ADS ROAD AND HIGHWAY N DJ STRUCTURES WITH H-25 LOADING GRATES OR APPROVED EQUAL. Q 8. STRUCTURE AND PIPE LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. FINAL LOCATIONS SHALL BE BASED ON FIELD CONDITIONS AND FIELD LOCATIONS OF THE GRAVEL ROAD AND ANCHOR TRENCH. PIPE SHALL HAVE TWO FEET OF COVER UNDER THE GRAVEL m ROAD. Sl 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE A DETAILED REVIEW OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE SLOPES IN ORDER TO IDENTIFY ANY AREAS North PF THAT MAY NEED TO BE ADDRESSED OR REPAIRED ALONG WITH THE OTHER WORK REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT.ANY REPAIRS 0' 30' 60' 120' 0 REQUIRED AND REPAIR METHOD SHALL BE DOCUMENTED ON THE PLANS. 10.CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE AN AS-BUILT SURVEY ON ALL WORK COMPLETED. o GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 10 25 / II / / —2120 �•\\�\\\\�`\ / / /�� N III / N w o EL SEE NOTE J ry 'FCI =: of NorthDI co wGRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET LU NOTES \ \�\ .`\\ \\. - \\\\ ✓ / / O 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ANY REQUIRED GRADING ADJUSTMENT ON THE UPPER SECTION OF AREA 4 IN ORDER TO REDUCE��• \\ \\\ \`\\ / / / / // It CONCENTRATION OF WATER. 2. ONCE GRADING ADJUSTMENTS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND ANY DISTURBED AREAS ARE FULLY VEGETATED DIRECTLY UPSTREAM\ \` \\\;\\\\�•� \\ 1�5 '`�// / _ -T OF THE SLOPE DRAINS,THE BERM AND SLOPE DRAINS SHALL BE REMOVED. ANY AREAS DISTURBED BY THIS WORK SHALL BE, LU DIATELY SEEDED AND MATTED. of 3. HEEEXISTING DUTCH BETWEEN THE SLOPE AND GRAVEL ROAD SHALL BE REESTABLISHED TO BE A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT DEEP WITH 3:1 SIDE SLOPES.THE DITCH SHALL BE SEEDED AND MATTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER COMPLETION. \\\\\\�\\\\\\ \\\\ `� \ / / / / / "/ / Q 4. ANY CONSTRUCTION THAT WILL IMPACT THE EXISTING PERIMETER ROAD SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER PRIOR TO\'` ING \\`\ DI W 5. THEREXIST NGRK.GRAVEL ROAD SHALL REMAIN A MINIMUM OF 18 FEET WIDE IN AREAS WHERE THE ROAD IS NOT IMPACTED BY / / DI CONSTRUCTION. IN AREAS WHERE THE ROAD WILL BE IMPACTED BY CONSTRUCTION,THE WIDTH OF THE ROAD SHALL NOT BE A\\ \\ \ \\ \ \ \\ / / CI MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT WIDE WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE OWNER. \\\'\\�\\\\\\\\\\\ `\\- / / / /// // 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL REGRADE AREA TO CREATE A SWELL IN ORDER TO DRAIN AREA TO EXISTING FLARED END SECTION. \\20�9`\\\\ \ \\\\ / / Al N 7. HDPE PIPE SHALL BE ADS N-12 WITH H-26 LOADING OR APPROVED EQUAL. DRAIN BASINS SHALL BE ADS ROAD AND HIGHWAY r\\s \\\\\\\\``\ DI STRUCTURES WITH H-25 LOADING GRATES OR APPROVED EQUAL. 8. STRUCTURE AND PIPE LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. FINAL LOCATIONS SHALL BE BASED ON FIELD CONDITIONS AND FIELD I` — ai LOCATIONS OF THE GRAVEL ROAD AND ANCHOR TRENCH.PIPE SHALL HAVE TWO FEET OF COVER UNDER THE GRAVEL ROAD. / \\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\� \\\\\ / �- / , j .// /j/ j j / j /j Sl 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE A DETAILED REVIEW OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE SLOPES IN ORDER TO IDENTIFY ANY AREAS THAT \\\ \ \\'\\\\\\\\\\\ �- \ / / / / j // / j / / PNE D TO BE ADDRESSED MAY p L REQ BE PAIRED ALONG V41TH THE DOCUMENTEDON THE PLANS. WORK REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT. ANY REPAIRS UIRED AND REPAIR ME HOD SHAL a 10.CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE AN AS-BUILT SURVEY ON ALL WORK COMPLETED. \2n\���\\ \\•\ \\\ \\\\\\ \\� \\\ / / / / ///� /� i / / /� / / •- ! / ' ��\�, \�•• �\.�-� ���� "�.�• ���_ r- � -- -- / / /i / / / i / / / / /iii / // // // / / f/ / // �` / �/'61�i \ \ , • � � �� / / � / / / /j / / / / / / / f/ / / / / / //ii v\\\\ �2p��_\� �� \ ``\.\��=—•-_1- l''J �-j/ ////i �. ��i / / /��/ 0�5/� � /�/ �,��st�NGs //����' i/i/�f.� ��. \�- /,-��\\\;'•- � �""_ i � i i %i/iii / / �\�� /ii//"�' / ���' /� �� � \ SEE NOTES -�• \•\_�y`` I i ��/G i �% // //// / \ ��"��// / l / / \ L L -- - - - - - - - - + — — — — — — — — — \}- REMOVE EXISTING 24'RCP TO INSTALL PROPOSED PIPE AND INLET STORM DRAIN NETWORK f S-1 N:629,899.09 E:944,540.26 S-6 N:629.635.12 E:944,722.52 3-1 TO S-2 FLARED END SECTION FLARED END SECTION 18"HDPE PIPE 18"INV.OUT=2075.00 18"INV.IN=2068.00 176 LF @ 3.98% S-2 N:629,739.90 E:944,614.64 S-7 N:629,545.41 E:944,837.27 S-3 TO S4 FLARED END SECTION 24"NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN 18"HDPE PIPE W 18"INV.IN=2068.00 18"INV.OUT=2073.00 28 LF @ 3.76% to d S-3 N:629,753.98 E:944,657.04 S-8 N:629,536.51 E:944,806.99 S-5 TO S-6 30"NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN FLARED END SECTION 18"HDPE PIPE d 18"INV.OUT=2073.00 18"INV.OUT=2068.00 27 LF @ 3.76% o S-4 N:629,735.56 E:944,635.72 S-7 TO S-8 FLARED END SECTION 18"HDPE PIPE - 18'INV.IN=2068.00 32 LF @3.13 �7 S-5 N:629.653.23 E:944,742.89 24"NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN Q 18"INV.OUT=2073.00 U NP N FO: Cl oie S' E U) !n H LU Ni W 2 Uj NOTES 0 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ANY REQUIRED GRADING ADJUSTMENT ON THE UPPER SECTION OF AREA 41N ORDER TO REDUCE CONCENTRATION OF WATER. — 2. ONCE GRADING ADJUSTMENTS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND ANY DISTURBED AREAS ARE FULLY VEGETATED DIRECTLY UPSTREAM G OF THE SLOPE DRAINS,THE BERM AND SLOPE DRAINS SHALL BE REMOVED. ANY AREAS DISTURBED BY THIS WORK SHALL BE W IMMEDIATELY SEEDED AND MATTED. of Q 3. THE EXISTING DITCH BETWEEN THE SLOPE AND GRAVEL ROAD SHALL BE REESTABLISHED TO BE A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT DEEP WITH 3:1 0 SIDE SLOPES.THE DITCH SHALL BE SEEDED AND MATTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER COMPLETION. DI Z Q 4. ANY CONSTRUCTION THAT WILL IMPACT THE EXISTING PERIMETER ROAD SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER PRIOR TO DI Q STARTING WORK. W 5. THE EXISTING GRAVEL ROAD SHALL REMAIN A MINIMUM OF 18 FEET WIDE IN AREAS WHERE THE ROAD IS NOT IMPACTED BY CI <Q CONSTRUCTION. IN AREAS WHERE THE ROAD WILL BE IMPACTED BY CONSTRUCTION,THE WIDTH OF THE ROAD SHALL NOT BE A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT WIDE WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE OWNER. Al 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL REGRADE AREA TO CREATE A SWELL IN ORDER TO DRAIN AREA TO EXISTING FLARED END SECTION. N D,7. HOPE PIPE SHALL BE ADS N-12 WITH H-25 LOADING OR APPROVED EQUAL. DRAIN BASINS SHALL BE ADS ROAD AND HIGHWAY O - � STRUCTURES WITH H-25 LOADING GRATES OR APPROVED EQUAL. _ 8. STRUCTURE AND PIPE LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. FINAL LOCATIONS SHALL BE BASED ON FIELD CONDITIONS AND FIELD Sl c6 PE SHALL P LOCATIONS OF THE GRAVEL ROAD AND ANCHOR TRENCH. I HAVE TWO FEET OF COVER UNDER THE GRAVEL ROAD. E North PF M 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE A DETAILED REVIEW OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE SLOPES IN ORDER TO IDENTIFY ANY AREAS THAT O' 15' 30' ti0' MAY NEED TO BE ADDRESSED OR REPAIRED ALONG WITH THE OTHER WORK REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT. ANY REPAIRS REQUIRED AND REPAIR METHOD SHALL BE DOCUMENTED ON THE PLANS. 0. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 10.CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE AN AS-BUILT SURVEY ON ALL WORK COMPLETED. // / / /2 • / / / I r "� - - � 110- / / 2 '�o / 217. ,- / � - / SEE NOTE 6 uJ / / / // / / / /5i / i / / / / � // / / / /j/ //j / / ii / / /// ��•L� / / � � po Nip s, / fo"cli STORM DRAIN NETWORK o / / _ii//i S-5 N:629,653.23 E:944,742.89 5-8 N:629,536.51 E:944,80fi.99 S-S TO S-6 / /�" /� / / ✓ / /� '// / / 18"INVL OUTS=207 OION BASIN 181NVDOUT END=2068I00 27 F @ 3.76% S-6 N:629,635.12 E:944,722.52 S-9 N:629,426.80 E:944,941.29 S-7 TO S-8 FLARED END SECTION 24"NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN 18"HDPE PIPE ci i // / / / /// /// // / // // / // - ,` / // // 18'INV.IN=2068.00 18"INV.OUT=20fi9.00 32 LF @3.13% 5-7 Si S-7 N:629,545.41 E:944,837.27 S-10 N:629,442.22 E:944,865.90 S-9 TO S-10 Z i //i////j/ j // �2 / j//j� jj� / S�,n�\� / / /7� /j/ 24"NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN FLARED END SECTION 18"HDPE PIPE W // � (( / / / // 18"INV.OUT=2073.00 18"INV.IN=2066.00 77 LF@3.90% NI LU / / // /� / / /j / / // � \ 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ANY REQUIRED GRADING ADJUSTMENT ON THE UPPER SECTION OF AREA 4 IN ORDER TO REDUCE — ii r f / i'/ \\\\\ CONCENTRATION OF WATER. _ 2. ONCE w i /// `� `\�`.O '� OF THE SLOIPE DRAINS,MTHNE BERM AND SLOPE DRAINS SHALL HALL BE(REMOVED. ANY AREAS DISTURBED ABYDTHISE UPSTREAM WORK SHALL BE cl! / / / /�// / \\\�\ \\\\\\\ I �j I \ IMMEDIATELY SEEDED AND MATTED. ACCESS GATE Z /// ///, / f// 3. THE EXISTING DITCH BETWEEN THE SLOPE AND GRAVEL ROAD SHALL BE REESTABLISHED TO BE A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT DEEP WITH 3:1 / \ / SIDE SLOPES.THE DITCH SHALL BE SEEDED AND MATTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER COMPLETION. CI S-6 4. ANY CONSTRUCTION THAT WILL IMPACT THE EXISTING PERIMETER ROAD SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER PRIOR TO DI W / STARTING WORK. ct� / //// /// /j / /.L°�Io/ // f / i / 5. THE EXISTING GRAVEL ROAD SHALL REMAIN A MINIMUM OF 18 FEET WIDE IN AREAS WHERE THE ROAD IS NOT IMPACTED BY Cl Q j ///-� /// // / /� // / /' / CONSTRUCTION. IN AREAS WHERE THE ROAD WILL BE IMPACTED BY CONSTRUCTION,THE WIDTH OF THE ROAD SHALL NOT BE A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT WIDE WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE OWNER. Al 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL REGRADE AREA TO CREATE A SWELL IN ORDER TO DRAIN AREA TO EXISTING FLARED END SECTION. D7 7. HOPE PIPE SHALL BE ADS N-12 WITH H-25 LOADING OR APPROVED EQUAL. DRAIN BASINS SHALL BE ADS ROAD AND HIGHWAY STRUCTURES WITH H-25 LOADING GRATES OR APPROVED EQUAL. vs S. STRUCTURE AND PIPE LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. FINAL LOCATIONS SHALL BE BASED ON FIELD CONDITIONS AND FIELD Sl LOCATIONS OF THE GRAVEL ROAD AND ANCHOR TRENCH.PIPE SHALL HAVE TWO FEET OF COVER UNDER THE GRAVEL ROAD. North PF 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE A DETAILED REVIEW OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE SLOPES IN ORDER TO IDENTIFY ANY AREAS THAT 0' 15' 30' 60' MAY NEED TO BE ADDRESSED OR REPAIRED ALONG WITH THE OTHER WORK REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT. ANY REPAIRS //��/ /'S ✓ _ i�Lo 1 REQUIRED AND REPAIR METHOD SHALL BE DOCUMENTED ON THE PLANS. O_ 10.CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE AN AS-BUILT SURVEY ON ALL WORK COMPLETED. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SITE WORK, GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE LATE WINTER/ PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE-MIXTURE 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING VISITED THE SITE AND HAVING EARLY SPRING MIXTURE SEEDING MIXTURE SPECIES RATE(LB/ACRE) FAMILIARIZED HIMSELF WITH THE EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING HIS BID. TALL FESCUE 100 SEEDING MIXTURE SPECIES RATE(LB/ACRE) SERICEA LESPEDEZA. 20 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL UTILIZE A NORTH CAROLINA LICENSED SURVEYOR FOR KOREAN LESPEDEZA 10 CONSTRUCTION RELATED STAKE-OUT REQUIREMENTS. ANNUAL(GRAIN) IESPEDEZA 150 KENTUC 10 (KOBE IN 50 PIEDMONT AND KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS 5 3. THE ENTIRE AREA WITHIN THE LIMITS OF GRADING SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO A DEPTH COASTAL PLAIN,KOREAN IN MOUNTAINS) SUFFICIENT TO REMOVE ALL VEGETABLE MATTER,MUCK,RUBBISH,AND OTHER UNSUITABLE SEEDING NOTE: MATERIAL. OMIT ANNUAL LESPEDEZA WHEN DURATION OF TEMPORARY COVER IS NOT TO EXTEND BEYOND AFTER AUG.1,USE UNSCARIFIED SEED FOR SERICEA LESPEDEZA. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN POSITIVE DRAINAGE IN ALL DISTURBED AREAS AND JUNE. NURSE PLANTS DE WATER AS NECESSARY. SEEDING DATES: BETWEEN MAY 11 AND SEPT.30,ADD 10 LB/ACRE GERMAN MILLET OR 15 LB/ACRE SUDANGRASS. MOUNTAINS ABOVE 2,500 FEET: FEB 15-MAY 15 PRIOR TO MAY 11 OR AFTER SEPT.30,ADD 40 LB/ACRE RYE(GRAIN):IT MAY BE BENEFICIAL TO S. ALL DISTURBED AREAS, INCLUDING THE CONTRACTORS STAGING AREA, HAUL ROUTES, PLANT THE GRASSES IN LATE SUMMER AND OVERSEED THE LESPEDEZAS IN MARCH. MOUNTAINS BELOW 2,500 FEET: FEB 1 MAY 1- GRADING LIMITS,ETC.,SHALL BE RESTORED TO A SMOOTH LINE AND GRADE WITH POSITIVE PIEDMONT: JAN 1-MAY 1 SEEDING DATES DRAINAGE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SEED AND MULCH ALL DISTURBED AREAS. THERE WILL COASTAL PLAIN: DEC.1-APR.1 BEST POSSIBLE BE NO MEASUREMENT FOR PAYMENT OF SEEDING AND MULCHING REQUIRED FOR AREAS BELOW 2500 FT: AUG.15-SEP.i JUL.25-SEP.15 OUTSIDE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE DISTURBED BY THE CONTRACTOR. SOIL AMENDMENTS FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOIL TESTS, OR APPLY 2,000 LB/ACRE GROUND MAR.1-APR. 1 MAR.1-MAY 10 6. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO TRANSPORT AND STORE ALL EQUIPMENT AND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AND 750 LB/ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. MATERIALS IN A MANNER WHICH WILL NOT DAMAGE ANY EXISTING PAVEMENT, BUILDINGS, ABOVE 2500 FT: JUL.25-AUG.15 JUL.15-AUG. SIGNS,LIGHTS,ETC. ANY DAMAGE WILL BE REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO COST TO MULCH 30 MAR.20-APR.20 MAR.5-MAY 15 THE OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP ACCESS ROUTES CLEAN AND FREE OF LOOSE APPLY 4,000 LB/ACRE STRAW.ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT,NETTING OR A NTS DEBRIS FROM CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A SO APPLY LIME AN AMENDME AND FERTILIZER ACCORDING FOR DAILY CLEARING ALL DEBRIS FROM PAVEMENTS TRAVERSED BY CONSTRUCTION MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A SOIL TESTER OR APPLY 75LBS/1,000 SQ.FT.GROUND EQUIPMENT. AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AND 1,000 LB/ACC RE 5-10-10 FERTILIZER. MAINTENANCE MULCH REFERTILIZE IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE. RESEED, REFERTILIZE AND MULCH APPLY 70-90 LB/1000 SQ.FT.GRAIN STRAW OR EQUIVALENT COVER OF ANOTHER SUITABLE IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE. MULCH. ANCHOR MULCH BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT,ROVING OR NETTING. NETTING IS THE PREFERRED ANCHORING METHOD ON STEEP SLOPES. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES MAINTENANCE AMOW NO MORE THAN ONCE A YEAR. REFERTILIZE IN THE SECOND YEAR UNLESS GROWTH IS FULLY ADEQUATE.RESEED,FERTILIZE AND MULCH DAMAGED AREAS IMMEDIATELY. 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SILT FENCE AND/OR CONTROL DEVICES, MAY TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE -SUMMER MIXTURE REQUIRED,TO CONTROL SOIL EROSION DURING CONSTRUCTION. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALLLL BE CLEANED,GRADED AND STABILIZED WITH GRASSING IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION. SEEDING MIXTURE SPECIES RATE(LB/ACRE) 2.EXCEPT AS PROVIDED BELOW,STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE INITIATED AS SOON AS LESPEDEZA 40 PRACTICABLE IN PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES HAVE TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED,BUT IN NO CASE MORE THAN 14 DAYS AFTER A CONSTRUCTION IN THE PIEDMONT AND MOUNTAINS,A SMALL-STEMMED SUDANGRASS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED AT A MAINTENANCE PLAN ACTIVITY IN THAT PORTION OF THE SITE HAS TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED. RATE OF 50 LBSIACRE. 3.CONTRACTOR'S TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL-TEMPORARY DRAINS, SILT FENCING, AND SEEDING DATES: 1. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE CHECKED FOR STABILITY AND DRAINAGE DITCHES,ETC.,NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS,OR NOTED HEREIN,SHALL BE INSTALLED MOUNTAINS: MAY 15-AUG.15 OPERATION FOLLOWING EACH RAINFALL EVENT AND/OR NO LESS THAN ONCE EVERY WEEK. BY THE CONTRACTOR TO INTERCEPT OR DIVERT SURFACE WATER RUNOFF WHICH MAY AFFECT PIEDMONT: MAY 1-AUG.1 THE WORK. THESE DRAINS AND DITCHES SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR COASTAL PLAIN: APR.15-AUG.1 2. ANY NEEDED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY TO ENSURE CONTINUED FUNCTION OF ALL THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT.UPON COMPLETION,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRACTICES AS DESIGNED. I SOIL AMENDMENTS RESTORE THE SITE TO ITS ORIGINAL CONDITION. 3: ALL SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE RE-SEEDED, FERTILIZED,AND MULCHED AS NECESSARY TO o FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS 50 SOIL TESTS, F R APPLY 2,000 LB/ACRE GROUND cv ESTABLISH SUITABLE GROUND COVER, ACCORDING TO THE SEEDING AND MULCHING 4.SPECIFICATIONS ARE PROVIDED AS OUTLINE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AND 750 LB/ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. m SPECIFICATIONS. WATER,CHEMICALS,VEGETATION OR OTHER MATERIALS TO PREVENT THE OCCURRENCE OF DUST WHICH WILL BE OBJECTIONABLE TO THE OPERATIONS/USERS OF THE AIRPORT AS MULCH O OUTLINED IN THE PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS, NO SEPARATE PAYMENT WILL BE MADE. APPLY 4,000 LB/ACRE STRAW.ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT,NETTING OR A 4. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM ALL TRAPS AND/OR BASINS ONCE ONE HALF OF THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO BE OBLIGATED TO DISCONTINUE OPERATIONS WHICH VIOLATE MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A STORAGE VOLUME HAS BEEN USED. MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. Uj EXISTING LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 5. THE ROCK WEIRS SHALL BE CLEANED AND/OR REPLACED WITH CLEAN ROCK ONCE SEDIMENT LU F- MAINTENANCE BUILD UP PREVENTS PROPER DRAINAGE FROM THE TRAP. 5.CONTRACTOR SHALL LIMIT AREAS OF DISTURBANCE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE DURING THE Z COURSE OF THE PROJECT,AND STABILIZE AREAS AS WORK IS COMPLETED. NO SEPARATE REFERTILIZE IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE. RESEED, REFERTILIZE AND MULCH Z MEASUREMENT WILL BE MADE FOR PAYMENT FOR AREAS REQUIRING SEEDING AND MULCHING IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE. 6. CONTRACTOR TO PERFORM ROUTINE REVIEW OF THE SILT FENCES TO ENSURE PROPER O OUTSIDE OF THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION,THIS WORK SHALL BE PAID AT THE CONTRACTORS FUNCTION.FENCES TO BE CLEANED ONCE SEDIMENT DEPTH REACHES 6". /n EXPENSE. 7. ADDITIONAL MAINTENANCE, AS REQUIRED BY NCDEQ AND THE ENGINEER, SHALL BE O of 6.ALL SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR COMPLETED AS DIRECTED. W EVERY SEVEN(7)DAYS OR AFTER EACH RAINFALL OCCURRENCE THAT EXCEEDS ONE-HALF(112) N INCH.DAMAGED OR INEFFECTIVE DEVICES SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED AS NECESSARY SEEDING BYTHECONTRACTOR,NO SEPARATE PAYMENT WILL BE MADE. TEMPORARY SCHEDULE-FALL MIXTURE N 7.ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE PROPERLY MAINTAINED DURING ALL PHASES OF o CONSTRUCTION UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND ALL DISTURBED ' c� AREAS HAVE BEEN STABILIZED. ADDITIONAL CONTROL DEVICES MAY BE REQUIRED DURING SEEDING MIXTURE SPECIES RATE(LB/ACRE) 0 CONSTRUCTION IN ORDER TO CONTROL EROSION AND/OR OFFSITE SEDIMENTATION. ALL RYE 120 TEMPORARY CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE REMOVED ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE AND U THE SITE IS STABILIZED UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED BY THE ENGINEER. SEEDING DATES: MOUNTAINS: AUG.15-DEC.15 IHF p 8.THE CONTRACTOR MUST TAKE NECESSARY ACTION TO MINIMIZE THE TRACKING OF MUD ONTO PIEDMONT: AUG.15-DEC.30 Foi r� THE PAVED ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION AREAS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DAILY REMOVE COASTALPLAIN: AUG.15-DEC.30 MUD/SOIL FROM PAVEMENT,OR AS DIRECTED BY THE OWNER OR ENGINEER SOIL AMENDMENTS 0 9.REMOVAL OF A SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURE SHALL BE AS DIRECTED BY NCDEQ FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOIL TESTS, OR APPLY 2,000 LB/ACRE GROUND S, AND THE ENGINEER.NO MEASURE SHALL BE REMOVED UNTIL DIRECTED TO THE CONTRACTOR IN AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AND 1,000 LB/ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. O WRITING. ~ MULCH W APPLY 4,000 LB/ACRE STRAW.ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT,NETTING OR A N1 2 MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A LU MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. O of CL MATTING NOTES MAINTENANCE REPAIR AND REFERTILIZE DAMAGED AREAS IMMEDIATELY.TOPDRESS WITH 50 LBS/ACRE OF NITROGEN IN MARCH.IF IT IS NECESSARY TO EXTEND TEMPORARY COVER BEYOND JUNE 15, Q 1. ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS SHALL BE SEEDED PER THE PLANS AND OVERSEED WITH 50 LBS/ACRE KOREAN(MOUNTAINS)LESPEDEZA OR KOBE(PIEDMONT AND "I SIX p COASTAL PLAIN)IN LATE FEBRUARY OR EARLY MARCH. Q 2. ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS SHALL BE MULCHED PER THE PLANS AND z SP Z ECIFICATIONS EXCEPT THE AREAS THAT SHALL BE MATTED. DI 4 3. THE FOLLOWING AREAS SHALL BE MATTED: DI LU Q A.ALL DEFINED DITCHES AS INDICATED IN THE PLANS AND DETAILS; Q B.ANY SLOPE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN A 3:1 SLOPE; CF C.ANY BERM ABOVE A SLOPE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN A 3:1 SLOPE; AF a D.ANY AREA REQUIRED BY THE OWNER OR ENGINEER. N 4. PERMANENT MATTING SHALL BE TENSAR SC-250 OR APPROVED EQUAL FOR 2:1 SLOPES.ALL D/ O � OTHER MATTING SHALL BE CURLEX II OR APPROVED EQUAL. M Sl o PF m o a CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE AS OUTLINED IN THESE PLANS. . - THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE PRIOR APPROVAL FROM.THE ENGINEER BEFORE MAKING ANY Aug6st4,2011 DEVIATIONS TO CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE. Major Elements of DWQ Construction General_ Permit 2. PRIOR TO STARTING ANY WORK INCLUDING GRADING, DRAINAGE, EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL INSTALLATION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE HIMSELF PROFICIENT IN THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING OF THE PROJECT. • : This dociunenl contains the major elements:of She ieoently-revised North Carolitta.Division of Water Quality(DWQ)Constniction 3. THE CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEER SHALL HOLD A PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE WITH General,P91mifChZCG01)with ernphasisplaced on those elements that differ.from_the Previous permit(expiration on.August,2, - NCDEQ PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. 2011). Since the summary list below cannot contain details ofevery change,%th'e.eomplete Permit should be used to assure full ieeplementatiori. See:http://.portal.ricdenr.6rg(web/wq/ws/su/construction . 4..CONTRACTORS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING POSITIVE DRAINAGE THROUGHOUT -THE SITE AND ACROSS PROJECT PHASES. THE POSITIVE DRAINAGE INCLUDES DRAINAGE TO •• The major change in the Permit frgm the previous one is the shorter THE APPROPRIATE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURE. -Ground Stabilization" times to:apply ground stabilization such as mulch;wheatsuaw;or grasses.'The NC laws and rules relating to the Sediment Act require, 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL 60MPLETE AN AS-BUILT SURVEY ON ALL WORK COMPLETED. - Site Area Stabilization,• Stabilization Time inmost places;Bround stabilization within2l days:Based on the new Description... .Time Frame Frame EXce th.:. EPA requirements and 9=months'work with a permit advisory group, CT.AG.the Division and EPA-developed permit,now contains 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOWING THE FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FOR THE Perimeter dikes,:- requiremcntsforgmandcoverwithin 14,andinsomeplaces,7days. PROJECT: swales,ditches: 7 days None and slopes AREA1 • High Quality 2) Building Wastes Handling A. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SILT FENCE AS SHOWN,ON THE PLANS. Haler(HQW) 7 days None --• - ' B. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE A DETAILED REVIEW OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE Zones - • No paint or liquid wastes in Stream or storm drains SLOPES IN ORDER TO IDENTIFY ANY AREAS THAT MAY NEED TO BE ADDRESSED OR If slopes are 101.6r REPAIRED ALONG WITH THE OTHER WORK REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT. • Slopes steeper 7 days less in length and,are • Dedicated areas for de construction and other C. CONTRACTOR SHALL BEGIN EMBANKMENT OPERATIONS TO COMPLETE GRADING than 3:1 not steeper than2:I_ wastes must be Iocated,50'from storm drains and streams SHOWN ON THE PLANS, 14 days are allowed unless no reasonable altematives'abailable. D. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TRAPEZOIDAL RIP RAP DITCH AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 7-daps fer.slopes • Ewen-material stockpiles most be located 50'from storm E. AS AREAS ARE COMPLETED,THEY SHALL BE SEEDED AND MATTED IMMEDIATELY. - Slopes 3:1 or 14 days greater than 50 feet :drains and streams unless no reasonable altemativcs flatter in length... •available. None y Concrete materials must be controlled to avoid contact with All other alas' surface waters,wetlands'or buffers: AREA 4 with slopes flatter 14 days (except for A. CONTRACTOR SHALL.COMPLETE A DETAILED REVIEW OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE perim than eters and ... ... 4:1. SLOPES IN ORDER 70 IDENTIFY ANY AREAS THAT MAY NEED TO BE ADDRESSED OR .. .H N Zones) ) Discharges to Federally-listed Raters REPAIRED ALONG WITH THE OTHER WORK REQUIRED.FOR THIS PROJECT. 4�'Fxtensions of the may be approvedby the is¢m itting authority B. CONTRACTOR SHALL BEGIN GRADING OPERATIONS WITHIN THE TOP AREA IN ORDER TO based on weatheror other site-specific conditions that make,compliance • •Requirements are the same as in previous permit: ENSURE THE SITE DOES NOT ALLOW CONCENTRATION OF FLOWS.AS THE AREA IS impracticable."(Section 11[:B(2)(b)I • 'Me permit allows reduction from the 20 acre minimum if. •' COMPLETED,IT SHALL BE SEEDED AND MATTED ACCORDINGLY. O. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE REQUIRED GRADING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AT THE the Director of DWQ determines"lint other Bh•Il's provide - BOTTOM OF THE SLOPE AND AT THE GRAVEL ROAD. AS THE WORK IS COMPLETED,IT equivalent protection, SHALL BE SEEDED AND MATTED ACCORDINGLY. - 2 D. ONCE ALL DISTURBED AREAS DESCRIBED ABOVE HAVE BEEN COMPLETED,MATTED,AND : l HAVE A GOOD STAND OF VEGETATION,THE SLOPE DRAINS AND ASSOCIATED BERM- SHALL BE REMOVED. ANY AREAS DISTURBED DURING THIS WORK SHALL BE SEEDED AND MATTED ACCORDINGLY. . .. 0' N a _ .. o August4,2011 w Major Elements of DWQ Construction General Permit-Continued 0 z z 0 w 4) Inspections. "' 6) Conditions ki;Eedsioh&Sedimentation Control Plads• fir .. _ - a Same weekly inspection requirements Desi8�tion on the plans where the 7 and 14-day gro nd 0 .. stabilization requirements oftbeNPDES.permit apply Designation on the plans where basins that comply with the � Same rain gauge&inspections'afier.0:5"-iaiti event+i surface-withdrawal requirements of the NF'DES permit are • -Inspeciions-are only required during"normal business- located.' hours" . v • Inspection reports must be'available on-site during 7) Building\ fiites fiandling - business hours unless a site-specific:cxemption is '-• - INF, ..a loved FO1 o ... No paint or liquid wastes in stream or.storm drains - N .- •.'Records must be kept for 3 years and available upon . .. request. :.: Dedicated areas for demolition,construction and other C, • Electronically-available records maybe substituted: wastes located9p'from storm drains and streams unless S�. " under certain conditions. ire no reasonable alfUnati s are available. : - F.. - - - • _Earthen-material stockpiles located 50'.from storm _ Z N1 :. .. W .. !in plem n o m ,• Concrete materials must beconiroll d to a contact `entatio fNewPeritConditions p. • Projects permitted under the previous permit can " a e. avoid > � � - with surface waters,.wetlands,or buffers. — IX continue to follow the previously-permtimed conditions; a. .- ,-. • Complete applications received prior to August 3,2011 '8) Sed'unept Basins ,, - — follow conditions of approved apphcation. Q .dam d Outletstmemres mast withdraw,from basin surface LU Applications received after August 2,.2011 must comply Q with neWpermit conditions. unless.drainage area is less than,t acre. . .. z ... • Use only DWQ-approved flocculants. D ... i DI Q •.In order for the E&SC Plan to satisfy the conditiens.of the Construction General peunt,it must identify areas where the ground stabilization requirements apply and the W Of - Im on'of tfid basins wbere the surface-withdrawal requ'ucrirents apply. Cl AI .. N _ Di C! .. Document prepared bylhe,Division'of Water Quality 2 sl vi PF o .. - .. ci .. ro o: - .. ... RIPRAP CHART STR.NO. OUTLET DESCRIPTION PIPE SIZE(IN) RIPRAP CLASS RIPRAP DEPTH(D)(IN) La(FT) W(FT) VARIES S-2 FLARED END SECTION 18 B 18 9 10.5 S-4 FLARED END SECTION 18 B 18 9 10.5 RIP-RAP 0 0 S-6 FLARED END SECTION 18 B 18 9 10.5 S-8 FLARED END SECTION 18 B 18 9 10.5 S-10 FLARED END SECTION 18 B 18 9 10.5 TRAPEZOIDAL DITCH DETAIL N.T.S. RAP-CLASS B, RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION FAQ DWI H#57 N.T.S. 4'MAX FILTER STONE RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS a 1. ENSURE THAT THE SUBGRADE FOR THE FILTER AND RIPRAP FOLLOWS THE REQUIRED LINES AND GRADES SHOWN IN THE PLAN. o� - COMPACT ANY FILL REQUIRED IN THE SUBGRADE TO THE DENSITY OF THE SURROUNDING UNDISTURBED MATERIAL.LOW is P" _ o AREAS IN THE SUBGRADE ON UNDISTURBED SOIL MAY ALSO BE FILLED BY INCREASING THE RIPRAP THICKNESS. 4 1' 5" TS 1 -� 2. THE RIPRAP AND GRAVEL FILTER MUST CONFORM TO THE SPECIFIED GRADING LIMITS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. „ o 3. FILTER CLOTH,WHEN USED, MUST MEET DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND BE PROPERLY PROTECTED FROM PUNCHING OR TEARING DURING INSTALLATION. REPAIR ANY DAMAGE BY REMOVING THE RIPRAP AND PLACING ANOTHER PIECE OF FILTER " = d CLOTH OVER THE DAMAGED AREA ALL CONNECTING JOINTS SHOULD OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF i FT.IF THE DAMAGE IS 1=(j.° I- I T- _ EXTENSIVE,REPLACE THE ENTIRE FILTER CLOTH. =IT i --� I"4'I_ 4. RIPRAP MAY BE PLACED BY EQUIPMENT.CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO AVOID DAMAGING THE FILTER FABRIC. 5. THE MINIMUM THICKNESS OF THE RIPRAP SHOULD BE 1.5 TIMES THE MAXIMUM STONE DIAMETER. 6. RIPRAP MAY BE FIELD STONE OR ROUGH QUARRY STONE.IT SHOULD BE HARD,ANGULAR,HIGHLY WEATHER-RESISTANT AND NOTES: WELL GRADED. 1. SILT FENCE STONE OUTLET SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG PERIMETER OF THE 7. CONSTRUCT THE APRON GRADE AS SHOWN ON PLAN WITH NO OVERFALL AT THE END. MAKE THE TOP OF THE RIPRAP AT THE GRADING LIMITS AT 100 FOOT INTERVALS,LOW SPOTS AND AS ORDERED BY THE DOWNSTREAM END LEVEL WITH THE RECEIVING AREA OR SLIGHTLY BELOW IT. ENGINEER.DRAINAGE AREAS OF OUTLETS SHOULD BE MINIMIZED AS PRACTICAL. -. 8. ENSURE THAT THE APRON IS PROPERLY ALIGNED WITH THE RECEIVING STREAM AND PREFERABLY STRAIGHT THROUGHOUT ITS 2. THE COST OF STONE SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO SILT FENCE. LENGTH.IF A CURVE IS NEEDED TO FIT SITE CONDITIONS,PLACE IT IN THE UPPER SECTION OF THE APRON. p 9. IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION,STABILIZE ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITH VEGETATION.MAINTENANCE INSPECT RIPRAP N OUTLET STRUCTURES AFTER HEAVY RAINS TO SEE IF ANY EROSION AROUND OR BELOW THE RIPRAP HAS TAKEN PLACE OR IF N STONES HAVE BEEN DISLODGED.IMMEDIATELY MAKE ALL NEEDED REPAIRS TO PREVENT FURTHER DAMAGE. r) C7 10. EXISTING FLARED END SECTIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS SHALL HAVE HE EXISTING OUTLET OR INLET PROTECTION SILT FENCE STONE OUTLET DETAIL �i MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PROJECT,IF THE EXISTING q OUTLET OR INLET PROTECTION IS IN SATISFACTORY CONDITION,THE OUTLET AND INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE MONITORED. N.T.S. to IF THE EXISTING OUTLET OR INLET PROTECTION IS NOT IN SATISFACTORY CONDITION OR NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED TO MEET J Q NCDEQ REQUIREMENTS,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADD THE REQUIRED RIPRAP TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS. H W Z O t/) PUBLIC STREET! EXISTING STEEL POST W 50'MINIMUM PAVEMENT SILT FENCE NOTES: WIRE MESH ii_ 1. SEDIMENT ACCUMULATIONS SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THE DEPOSITS REACH o77 FILTERFABRIC APPROXIMATELY HALF THE HEIGHT OF THE FABRIC. SHOULD THE FILTER -I I 1-1 I 1=1 I I-1 11= =_III-I I - I- L- -III-�I I' OPg FABRIC COLLAPSE, TEAR, DECOMPOSE, DETERIORATE OR BECOME I= -III_ c o FILLSV_ INEFFECTIVE,IT SHALL BE REPLACED IMMEDIATELY. p 6"MINIMUM THICKNESS _-� cy FILTER FABRIC UNDER STONE 4 4 �V0144 TF=��II EXISTING 2. USE A SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRIC OF AT LEAST 95% BY WEIGHT OF ❑ ,tOy _jF GROUND POLYOLEFINS OR POLYESTER CONFORMING TO ASTM D 6461 AND SHOULD ❑ EXISTING GROUND LINE CONTAIN ULTRAVIOLET RAY INHIBITORS AND STABILIZERS TO PROVIDE A „7II_ MINIMUM OF 6 MONTHS EXPECTED USABLE CONSTRUCTION LIFE AT A N 50'MINIMUM v,\"��\\\\ �=�\ »�m..\\/����\✓���C\�/\�/.�//.�/.\//.�//.�/%� TEMPERATURE RANGE OF 0°F TO 102°F. OFF O FOi 3. FOR REINFORCEMENT OF STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC,USE MIN.14 4^� ANCHOR FABRIC AS SHOWN AND GAUGE WIRE FENCE WITH MAX.MESH SPACING OF 6 INCHES. COMPACT BACKFILL ABOVE IT CIS 0 g 4. IF EXTRA STRENGTH FABRIC IS UTILIZED (ASTM D 4641), WIRE MESH IS S' 18'MIN. ) v PUBLIC SECTION EXISTING PAVEMENT OPTIONAL. / Z 5. POSTS SHALL BE 1.33 LBILF STEEL WITH MIN. LENGTH OF 5 FEET AND W e 8'MAX.STANDARD STRENGTH FABRIC WITH WIRE FENCE PROJECTIONS TO FACILITATE FASTENING THE FABRIC. NI 6'MAX.EXTRA STRENGTH FABRIC WITHOUT WIRE FENCE j 6. ATTACH WIRE MESH TO POST WITH MIN.4 WIRE OR PLASTIC TIES. 0 ANCHOR FABRIC TO WIRE SEE NOTES REGARDING _ MESH WITH PLASTIC TIES MESH AND FABRIC 7. ATTACH FILTER FABRIC TO EACH POST WITH MIN.3 WIRE OR PLASTIC TIES - 0_ 1. A STABILIZED PAD OF RAILROAD BALLAST SHALL BE LOCATED WHERE TRAFFIC WILL ENTER OR MIDWAY BETWEEN POSTS ATTACHMENT TO POSTS LEAVE A CONSTRUCTION SITE ON TO A PUBLIC STREET. WITHIN THE TOP 8 INCHES OF THE FABRIC. - 8. CONSTRUCT FILTER FABRIC FROM A CONTINUOUS ROLL CUT TO THE LENGTH 2. STONE TO BE 2"-3"STONE. OF THE BARRIER TO AVOID JOINTS.WHEN JOINTS ARE NECESSARY,SECURELY 4 3. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FASTEN THE FILTER FABRIC ONLY TO A SUPPORT POST WITH 4 FEET MIN. ❑ OVERLAP TO THE NEXT POST. FLOWING OF SEDIMENT.STONE AS CONDITIONS DEMAND AND REPAIR AND/OR CLEANOUT OF ANY DI Q MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. 9. REMOVE ALL FENCING MATERIALS AND UNSTABLE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AND Q 4. ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED WASHED OR TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC STREETS MUST BE \ l"�� BRING AREA TO GRADE AND STABILIZE IT AFTER THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE DI / /\ \\j\\jy'}%\y\\\j\�j\^\`\�^/•���j�y\jam/ /\\f=�`� �y\ \y\/ AREA HAS BEEN PROPERLY STABILIZED. w REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. �/h,(�//Y%`/h/n//=/�/.//✓,r' ,./✓/� CI Q MAX.WIRE FILTER FABRIC �N 10. THE USE OF SILT FENCE TO ENCOMPASS OR ENCIRCLE DRAINAGE INLETS AND J 5. WHEN NECESSARY,WHEELS MUST BE CLEANED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT PRIOR TO ENTERING A FABRIC MESH (SEE NOTE 2) R"o AI PUBLIC STREET.WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED,IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH OPENING SIZE iv ina STRUCTURES IS PROHIBITED. ANY DAMAGED CAUSED BY THE USE OF SILT Q CRUSHED STONE WHICH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT BASIN. =36 SQ.IN. FENCE NOT SPECIFICALLY ALLOWED SHALL BE REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. D! N 6. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE MIRAFI 500 OR EQUAL. FABRIC IS INCIDENTAL TO CONSTRUCTION ELEVATION 11. AT NO TIME SHALL SILT FENCE BE PLACED WITHIN CONCENTRATED FLOW, _ ENTRANCE. EXISTING OR PROPOSED DITCHES,OR TEMPORARY DITCHES AND CONVEYANCE S1 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DETAIL DI TEMPORARY SILT FENCE PF 0 N.T.S. o: I I a _;A PAT MCCRORY ,;. Governor •r DONALD R. VAN DER VAART ^ Secretary Water Resources S. JAY ZIMMERMAN ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY i Director February 25, 2016 Harry K. Sideris—SVP, Environmental, Health &Safety Duke Energy 526 South Church Street, ECUP Charlotte, NC 28202 Subject: Incident Closure NOV-2015-PC-0303 Permit No. WQ0000020 Duke Energy Progress Inc. Coal Combustion Products Structural Fill Projects Buncombe County Dear Mr. Sideris, The Asheville Regional Office (ARO) received your December 18,2015 letter response to a recent Notice of Violation (NOV-2015-PC-0303) involving violations of permit WQ0000020.aV . the Asheville Regional Airport Coal Combustion Prod ucts"(CCP)`Structural Fill Project:-More. specifically, site inspections conducted by Duke Energy on October 29, 2015 noted an erosion- induced breach of the soil cap and subsequent CCP exposure at Area 1 and an erosion-induced breach of the soil cap and subsequent exposure of the plastic (HDPE) liner at Area 4.The violations cited in the NOV include a failure to notify in accordance with permit condition IV.12.e and a failure to properly maintain and operate a CCP structural fill facility in accordance with permit condition.111.1. According to permit condition IV.12.e,the Permittee is responsible for contacting the ARO, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of a breach and/or severe erosion of the liner systems. Any erosion of the soil cap that results in the exposure of the HDPE liner, GCL liner, and/or CCP is a non-compliant condition and is required to be reported under permit conditions IV12. ARO staff conducted site inspections on November 2, 2015 and November 5, 2015 and observed your response to the non-compliance issues affecting Area 1 and Area 4. Your written,response,the annual inspection report, and the temporary stabilization efforts have been reviewed and evaluated. We appreciate your response to the NOV. It is our understanding that a stormwater management plan for the entire Asheville Airport CCP structural fill project is currently under review and implementation of that plan will likely begin State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality.I Water Resources 2090 U.S.Hwy.70,Swannanoa,North Carolina 28778 828-296-4500 -Harry Sideris February 25,2016 - Page 2 of 2 in June 2016. Please provide a copy or summary of the final repair plan when it becomes available. The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality is committed to protecting North Carolina's environment and natural resources.' It strives to foster a collaborate stewardship among the citizens, regulators and the business community with the goal of maintaining and enhancing North Carolina's environment and natural resources for the benefit and enjoyment of everyone living in and visiting our great state. Your attention and cooperation is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions regarding this matter or other water quality issues or concerns, please contact Brett Laverty at (828) 296-4681 or brett.laverty@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, G. Landon Davidson, P.G., Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations, NCDEQ Asheville Regional Office cc:d-amm1NQvAsheviil0Filesstl%, i MSC 1617—Central Files—Basement j WQ Enforcement/Non Discharge Michael Reisman—Asheville Airport(via email) ; John Toepfer—Duke Energy(via email) 1 j 1 1 J . 1 i j i { RECEIVED DUKE Division of Water Resources Harry K.Sideris ■ Senior:Vice President ENERGY, Environmental,Health&Safety J A N - 4 2016 526 S.Church street Mail Code:EC3XP Charlotte,NC 28202 _ Water Quality Regional Operations (704)382-4303 i Asheville Regional Office December 31, 2015 VIA E-MAIL AND UNITED PARCEL SERVICE G. Landon Davidson, P.G., Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations,NCDEQ Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa,NC 28778 landon.davidsorignedenngov Re: Coal Combustion Products Structural Fill Permit No. WQ0000020 2015 Annual Inspection Report Dear Mr. Davidson: As indicated in Duke Energy Progress, LLC's (Duke Energy) response to Notice of Violation No. NOV-2015-PC-0303 (NOV) dated December 18, 2015, enclosed is the 2015 Annual Inspection Report (Annual Report) required by Section V.2. of Coal Combustion Products Structural Fill Permit No. WQ 0000020 issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) on September 2, 2015. Part 1 of the Annual Report includes, among other things, (a) the dates and times of inspections; (b) the names and titles of persons who conducted the inspections; (c) observation results on structural integrity, erosion, liner systems, integrity of the cap systems, stormwater collection systems, condition of monitoring wells, settlement, subsidence, seepage, and presence of woody vegetation; (d) descriptions and photographs of any pertinent issues that may have been identified; (e) any maintenance, repairs, or corrective action that may have been undertaken; and (f) an engineer's certification of the evaluation on the structural integrity and stability of the ash fill areas. Part 2 of the Annual Report specifically responds to information requested by DEQ in the NOV regarding the inspection and repair of all fill areas identified in the NOV, including specifically: • Verification and evaluation of soil cover thickness along.the slope face area of Area IV; • Verification and evaluation of soil cap thickness along the slope face area of Area 1, as well as all recent repair areas; � r • A description of all plan jed temporary and long-term remedial efforts to address issues identified in the NOV, including an explanation of measures that will be undertaken to mitigate structural fill cap:;and cover erosion; and y • A schedule for designing and implementing long-term stormwater management solutions for Areas I and IV. Please let.me know if you have any questions regarding the enclosed reports. Respectfully, f Harry Sideris Senior Vice President,Environmental, Health & Safety 2 �BOUNDARY LEGENT�— a ui COMPLIA UNDAR \ — _ LIMITS OF -- IN PROPERTY BOU / - / - - - - - R 00 M EXISTING M RING NELLS R*TA4.9 OPOSEDIMONITORIN WELLS` '° N UNNA0 ca `THE fo N COJf muNDnm. 1 3'JL • B>x�xo�sw Ism R EWB_�__—w.m '�� / �::'�'u.-�; 1 9 FILL)7YP.) Pa)ECT Ems,_ '/, LOIT` ��J Oi ., .�" �'" �j• nom .a, F MI OF COB FILL TYP. E ® RmD Iw Bxe / IPHAS Il R l EVIEWBOUNDARY)TVP.) I� V E` ) ) '/ G OUN J�WATER SURFACE / ' � / CONTOURS / / I W C.M M.)PLUiNCE BOUNDARV( e z ' N g w✓ a o �_ ryo/ z. � I I .�jl J OWL S - No LIMITS OF CB FILL ITYP.)� (Pi, E2) 5s 4%rn'xFi-iw�n��enTnxi;x �• / ,;� u.�m:.aorzwoovuw I Qti COMPLIANCE UND ITYP.I I W H as BsrtmrNum ® d 116 mZ STOP a� P�� ,IO% ni oF,unrsdnuNK \• ��," //\�\4 1. RESEARCH OF WELL REGORGE INDICATE THAT THERE ARE 1� Q W O i i enaA9 za�A ffi wpm \\ NO PUBLIC ORPRIVATE WATER SUPPLY WELLS THIN xc aiE ou • �i 5 100'OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BOUNDARY. THIS PLAN INDICATES THE COB UNITS PROPOSED AS Z S d� Solmmm BUFFER LIMITS nrvxl \\ PHASE 2 OF THE NGINEERED FILL SCHEDULED FOR THIS i (31.7'mou w1Fo \ PH ASES D IA ARE UNDERWAY E COMPLIANCE BOUNDARIES E FOR THESE PHASES HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED TO INCORPORATE THE ZLIMITS OF �\� F •� F HASE 2 AS SHOWN. THAT AND RENEW BOUNDARIES FOR PHA W Cf C9 PHASES I a COMPUNCE ARE ABANDONED WILTH IE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AND IA THAT WITHIN THE LIMITS FORNTH SE PL N. SCALE 1' ]OD' 3. GROUNDWATER DUALITY MONITORING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE PATH PERMIT NO. ISSUE DAM, 30 2011 COOAALL COMBUSTION BYPRODUCTS AS ENGINEERED FlLLOOoOl CRANING PERMISSION FOR THE REUSE F xo BNrz Nesainw ��� \ PROGRESS DRAW FOR: OR CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL FORR IEW PURPOSES ONLY DENR ARO December 1,2011 bcc: Barbara A.Coppola-TPP9 Fred Holt—PEB4 Dan Kemp—PEB17 Shannon Langley-PEB4 Laurie Moorhead—Asheville Plant Rob Reynolds—TPP9 John Toepfer—PEB4 Cha.rah,Inc.—M.Winfree Asheville Airport—.M. Reisman 4 Introduction This document serves as the Annual Inspection Report(Report)required by Condition V.2. of NCDENR (now NCDEQ) Permit No.WQ0006020(Permit) issued to Duke Energy on September 2, 2015. In addition,this Report contains information as required by Notice of Violation No.NOV-2015-PC-0303 (NOV) issued to Duke Energy on December 2;2015. Part 1 of this Report provides the information required under Permit Condition V.2.,and Part 2 addresses the additional reporting requirements set forth in the NOV. Part 1 - 2015 Annual Report Pursuant to the Permit,.an annual inspection report shall be submitted on or before December 31 of each year., The annual inspection report shall contain inspection logs for each quarterly inspection performed throughout the year. The Report shall.describes • Date and time.of each report; • Name and title of the inspectors; • Observation results on structural integrity, erosion, liner systems, integrity of the cap system, stormwater collection systems,condition of monitoring wells,settlement,subsidence,seepage, and presence of woody vegetation; • Description and photo documentation of any pertinent issues such as breach in liner system, excavations within 3 feet of the liner system,erosion,development of depressions,slope movement,damage to monitoring wells,and groundwater seepage; • Any maintenance, repairs,or corrective actions taken; • An annual engineer's certification of the evaluation on the structural integrity and stability of the ash.fill areas. Annual)Report Summary and Observations In accordance with the Permit conditions, Duke Energy performed three`inspections of the structural fill areas at the Asheville Regional Airport(Airport) in October, November,and December 2015. Chuck Cranford,ABSAT Project Manager,completed the October inspection on October 22 and 29. The inspections took place in the morning between 8:00 a.m.to 12:00 p.m. Matt Pickett, a Senior Engineer for Duke Energy CCP Engineering, performed the November and December monthly inspections.on November 17 and December 2, respectively. These inspections also.took place in the morning between 8:00 a.m.to 12:00 p.m. The areas inspected included Area I,Areajlll,and Area IV located at the Airport. Figure 1 on the following page depicts the areas in relation to the Airport facilities:Areal on the northeast corner of the property,Area III west of the runway to the north, and Area IV to the west of the runway and to the south. 1 Figure l-AerialView of Airport and Fill Areas t #�#N` IN Q 1_2 ti t c gg a E � v ti y saw" z AREA I The Area Cash fill,completed in:the fall of 2010, is an approximately 18-acre,fill area on the north end of the Airport located east of the runway. The fill area is designed to slope north at a 2.5%grade across the top of the fill area. The outer slope of the fill was built to a 33%(3HAV)slope. A wetland area, stormwater structures,and outfalls are located at the north toe of the Area slope. There is a 100-foot wide compacted soil core over the length of a 60-inch diameter stormwater pipe that transects the ash fill. The pipe flows south to north and is part of drainage from the Airport runway areas. The compacted soil core is to ensure that ash is not located within 50 feet of a stormwater, pipe. Area I is lined with geosVnthetic clay liner(GCL) on the bottom.'The cap system for the area is a vegetated-compacted soil cover.. The top of the fill system with the 2.5%grade is constructed with a 6- foot thick soil cap. The outer slopes are.constructed with a 2-foot thick soil cap as designed. The detail for the cap is shown in the figure below. The detail shown below is from the drawing set"Asheville Regional Airport-Fly Ash Beneficial Use Project," issued by Charah, revised December 2007. .. (`)TOPOFRLL._g+ ... ' SIDESLOPES-7 . (`)COMPACTED - . SO6L CAP `/ .. `ASHPzwr LACEMENT . . LL AV1X 1X10�cm1 . GEOSYTHETIC CLAY LINER WTERtAL TYPICAL LINER SECTION - N.T.S. .. .. Figure 2-Typical.cap and liner detail for Area I' Area I Observations The October 2015 inspection identified exposed ash at the cap in the northwest corner,areas with over grown vegetation, and several areas of minor erosion on the slopes, The exposed ash in Area I was excavated and removed from the site and compacted soil was placed to restore cover. Additional temporary erosion control measures were put in place in the area, including silt fencing, reseeding; and a series of berms and pumps to divert water until a permanent grading plan could.be developed and executed. Further inspections of the area in November and December revealed these temporary measures were-successful in diverting water and avoiding further erosion. The photos below illustrate the measures taken to confirm cap thickness, reduce erosion,-and establish vegetation in Area I. The areas were stripped of vegetation as shown in Photo 1. Exposed ash was excavated and placed in on-site roll-off containers. The roll-off containers were transported by Mountain Environmental for eventual disposal at a lined solid waste facility in Enoree,South Carolina. Bills of.lading are available for review. The excavated areas were brought to grade with soil and compacted as shown in Photo 2. Photo 2 shows the soil placement and the temporary erosion measures taken immediately after the conditions were found. Photo 3 shows Area I two weeks after 3 Photo 2 was taken. Flow diversion berms were constructed across the area. The area was reseeded and straw matting was installed to further reduce erosion. ' Photo 1-Area I showing standing water and area with exposed ash.(October 2015) Photo 2-.Exposed ash was removed,soil fill was brought to Area I,placed,and compacted..Note photo taken after rain event.(November 2015) 4 Photo 3-Area I with erosion control measures in place.(November 2015) The areas of heavy vegetation noted in the October inspection were cleared for subsequent inspections. � r �t, , b ; R' Photo 4-Initial inspection of Area I slope noted that woody vegetation impaired visual.inspection.(October 2015) 5 Photo.5-Area I slope with woody vegetation removed and repairs to slope in place.(November 2015) As a result of this.clearing,an apparent weep and scarp were noted on the north side of the access road that forms the toe of the fill area. Further geotechnical analysis ofthis area is warranted to determine the cause of these items as well as determine if stability factors are acceptable. Duke Energy will work with the Airport to undertake a geotechnical investigation of this area in the first quarter of 2016. Photos 6 and 7 below show the condition of the weep and scarp. The weep is a trickle flow. The scarp is approximately 60 feet in length with depth ranging from eight inches to 18 inches. a Photo 6-Apparent weep noted during_November and December inspections after vegetation had been cleared: (December 2015) 6 0 Photo 7-'Scarp noted during November and December'inspections after vegetation had-been.cleared. (December 2015) Several areas on the north slope,of Area I have been repaired by filling in ruts,with soil and establishing vegetation.The east slopes of the fill area have a adequate vegetation, no visible erosion,and are in good condition. Minor erosion was noted in areas along the south slope as well as some small animal burrows that need to be addressed. The top of the fill has a few minor erosion issues, an area of sparse vegetation, and a small depression requiring attention. Duke Energy has identified these areas in the monthly reports and provided a list of recommended repairs for each issue to the Airport. Area I Corrective Actions- Duke Energy has been conducting monthly inspections for the final three-months of the year in addition to the prescribed quarterly inspection required under the Permit. Duke Energy will continue with monthly inspections until the final repair plan is developed and constructed. . Duke Energy is working with Charah and AVCON,the Airport's consulting engineers,to develop a final repair plan to address the issues noted above and identified in the monthly inspections and NOV. The following schedule is proposed for completion of the permanent design, permitting, and construction. • 60 days to complete permanent designs for Area I and review existing permanent stormwater management plan for Area IV(March 1;2016) • 45 days to complete necessary permitting with NCDEQ(April 15, 2016) • 60 days to complete construction activities on-site(June 15,2016) Upon completion of the permanent repairs, Duke Energy will return to quarterly inspections of Area I. 7 AREA III The Area III ash fill, currently completing construction, is an approximately 29-acre ash fill located west of,the runway on the northern portion of the airport property. Area III is constructed (from bottom to top)with a compacted soil subgrade,geosynthetic clay liner, and 60-mil geomembrane liner with leachate collection pipes on top of the liner. The leachate collection system gravity drains to the Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County(District). Leachate flow has consistently been observed at 6-7 gallons per minute. The cap for Area III is a flexible membrane with soil cover on top of it. The geomembrane in the cap system is 40-mil textured HDPE. The cap thickness is six feet on top and two feet on the side slopes as designed. The design details shown below are from the drawing set, "Asheville Regional Airport, Engineered Fill-Area 3," issued for construction by Charah on March 15, 2013. —a rIm BUM uia n OX; �"" at EUM ME OR 7 m 1LINE SEGTTGN & SUBGRAOE KOM M ua ax evMMR �tt �nrec t°�ai Mz tAm m w V.vif.it°n°' FW wsTwnnw sr�unutwns Figure 3-Typical bottom liner system detail for Area III Si u%R -t.-.--Dt3 uEA HG4 w 5.iP6 HYl ¢ t Yim amt z(7aE mmur,� -=a�mum iat uay 'Gc ro ttm+m uu p,smlm rsit) Figure 4-Typical cap detail for Area.111 Area III Observations As of the December 2015 inspection,Area III has an open Erosion and Sediment Control (E&SC) permit held by the Airport. Final phases of construction are still ongoing in the area. The photos presented below show that vegetation is just being established on the top of the north end of the fill and along much of the north and west slopes. The Airport has constructed a runway on the top portion of the fill. Other than a few minor erosion areas associated with establishing vegetation,the slopes of this area are in good condition. 8 f Photo 8-Area III with vegetation being established.(December 2015) Photo 9-Overview of top of Area III with runway in background and E&Sc measures in place.(December 2015) Area III Corrective Actions Area III does not have any issues identified for corrective action. Duke Energy will continue to include the area in its inspections. Area III is currently being completed and will be turned over to the responsibility of the Airport for- future maintenance: 9 AREA IV The Area IV ash:fill,substantially completed April 1, 2015, is located to the west of the Airport runway. The 28-acre fill area was constructed in three different-phases: Phase I, Phase IA,and Phase 2. Area IV is constructed (from bottom to top)with a compacted soil subgrade,geosynthetic clay liner, and 60-mil geomembrane liner with leachate collection pipes on top of the liner. The leachate collection system gravity drains to the District. Leachate.flow has consistently.been observed at 4-5 gallons per minute. The cap system is similar to Area III noted above, but it was designed with a 30-mil geomembrane cap. The soil thickness.on the cap is six feet on.top and two feet on the:side slopes as designed.;. ' �[wu Ca41+8RrJ1z ra e[caws tmA . - :IPtnA%N tv0 4IDrp R4 KL[tAtM' . . .. 1'dr®49Ar.WLOI W 61ltlq L AMIOXD Yt91m9 WY tt R M[4 0 10 . tOrt1¢tY tYAnW OICUM; Il16 . .- _ - 9X U$t�^'_.'^�'^^....T•—C ^—"E[4 UtlL IIU1U .. _ CGY.wi(a OIL 9 XSi - Ai4 QY[ieID IUfL WCt...... .. . (�O�IMEL INN R-Som).w UNPtID @IAt� � �QI;OSURE'CAP SEC11�N Figure 5=Typical cap detail for Area IV Area IV Observations The October 2015 inspection identified exposed geomembrane liner along the western slope (but not exposed ash), areas with over grown vegetation, and several areas of erosion:on the slopes. The area with the exposed cap was filled with soil and a sandbag diversion ring was installed to divert surface water until a permanent grading plan,is developed and implemented. Further inspections of the area in November and.December 2015 revealed the temporary measures were successful in diverting water and avoiding.further erosion. Photo 10-October inspections noted area with exposed geomembrane liner.(October 2015) 10 x Photo 11-Temporary measures around exposed geomembrane.(November 2015) Area IV is currently being utilized as.a construction laydown area adjacent to the new runway. The Airport holds an E&SC permit for Area IV in relation to the construction activities for the new runway. Several minor erosion areas along the western slope were identified. There are several slope drains with erosion:around the rip rap at the drain discharge and:several erosion channels north of the : . retaining wall. The entire slope is covered with vegetation over twenty-four inches tall that limits inspection. Duke Energy has identified these areas in.the monthly reports and provided a list of recommended repairs for each issue to the Airport. Area IV Corrective Actions Duke Energy conducted monthly inspections for the final three months of the year in addition to the prescribed quarterly inspection required under the Permit. Duke Energy will continue with monthly inspections until the final repair plan is developed and constructed: Duke Energy is working with Charah and AVCON,the Airport's consulting engineers,to develop a final repair plan to address the exposed geomembrane noted above and the issues identified in the NOV. The following schedule is proposed for completion of the permanent design, permitting, and construction. ; • 60 days to complete permanent designs for Area I and review existing permanent stormwater management plan for Area IV(March 1, 2016) • 45 days to complete necessary permitting with NCDEQ(April 15, 2016.) • 60 days to complete construction activities on-site(June 15, 2016) 11 , : CERTIFYING STATEMENT EMENT This Report is presented to meet the requirements of Permit No.WQ0000020 issued to Duke Energy on September 2,2015. To the best of my knowledge,the information contained in this Report and supporting documentation are accurate and complete. I hereby certify that this Report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineers under the laws of the state of North Carolina. „1111 Oe of SS p Signature: Printed Name: SEAL 26864 Date: IZ ho ( I 5 License Number: O '''j A: NO N'01" . 12 Part 2 - Annual Report Additional Information Required by NOV Pursuant to the NOV, NCDEQ required a response to certain items in this Report: Each of NCDEQ's requests for information.are set forth in italics with Duke Energy's response following. 1. Duke subcontractors indicate that a soil cap thickness of 4 ft. was. present on the slopes of . Area IV upon completion of the cell. The Division is requiring verification of soil cap thicknesses along the entire slope face of Area IV. Any discrepancies between the soil cap thickness as designed and constructed and the existing soil cap thickness shall be explained. There are no discrepancies:in the design of the soil cap for the Area.IV structural fill project. The design for Area IV provides fora soil cap thickness across the surface of six(6)feet and a minimum of two (2) feet on the side slopes. As built surveying was performed by WNC Engineering and Surveying and confirmed all infrastructure locations,separation, and soil cap thicknesses. Copies of GeoTrack Technologies'Construction Quality Assurance certifications are available upon request. NCDEQ was notified of this cap configurati6riln a letter dated.December 1,2011 (see Attachment"1"). 2. Conceptual design plans for Area I indicate a soil cap thickness of 4 ft. on slopes and 6 ft.or the crown of the structural fill: The Division is requiring verification of soil cap thicknesses along.the entire slope face of Area I as well as all recent repair area. Any discrepancies between the soil cap thickness as designed and constructed and the existing soil cap thickness shall be explained. Refer to 3.d. below. There are no discrepancies in the design of the soil cap for the Area I structural fill project. Area I was designed with a soil cap system of six(6)feet of soil across the surface with two(2)feet of soil along the side slopes. (See letter from Progress Energy to NCDEQ dated December 23,2008 discussing the soil cap thickness at Attachment"2.") Charah conducted hand auger borings and a field run survey during the week of 12/14/2015 to evaluate in-situ soil cap conditions along the slope of Area I and determined that minor soil losses have occurred since the project was closed in November 2010. These losses are concentrated in the northwest corner of the structural fill,which coincides with the areas noted in the recent.inspection completed by NCDEQ and subsequently temporarily stabilized by Charah. 3. Describe all remedial efforts, temporary and long-term,planned to address the Area I breach and Area IV soil cap erosion. This description shall include specifics with regard to: Temporary remedial actions have been taken to address erosion.in Areas I.and IV. For Area I, remedial actions have included constructing temporary stormwater diversion berms, installing silt fencing, re- grading areas, and establishing vegetation on disturbed surfaces. For Area IV,the area where the cap geomembrane was exposed has been stabilized with a temporary cover ballasted by sand bags and riprap. These actions are described in detail with photos in Part 1 of this Report. The permanent.repair plan is under development by Charah and the Airport's consultant,AVCON. Regarding the specific items noted in the NOV,the responses are described below: 13 _ .. a. Removal of the 6"slope drain in Area I; Removal of the 6" slope drain will be addressed in the Final Repair plan. b. How the erosive conditions located at two slope drains on Area IV will be stabilized and repaired; Rills and erosive conditions will be repaired and monitored until the permanent design configuration for, Area IV is in place. Previously,geomembrane material was placed at the outlet of these slope drains and covered with rip rap to protect the integrity of the geomembrane cap system below. This system will be maintained until final removal of the temporary slope drains. c. The long-term stormwater management design at Area IV, including any required changes to slope drains and road ditches; Upon completion of the ongoing temporary runway construction project,slope drains will be removed and road ditches placed into their permanent configuration. Stormwater and sediment basin volume calculations were completed with the original design for these improvements and will be adequate without additional measures or design changes. Information can be submitted with the Area IV permanent E&SC design package to support this original design. d. The presence of CCP on the surface of the Area I slope in a second area located away from the stormwater channel; The CCP noted in this item was investigated and confirmed to be a result of the ongoing repair activities and equipment performing work on-site as opposed to degradation of the soil cap. Hand auger soil borings in the area confirmed appropriate cap thicknesses. e. The treatment and maintenance of observed rills and cavities on the slope face of Areal, Temporary stabilization measures were completed on November 5, 2015. Duke Energy has also implemented temporary monthly inspections,which are above and beyond the quarterly inspections required under the Permit. These monthly inspections will continue until the permanent repairs have been completed. Erosion rills and gullies were re-graded and stabilized. In areas where the cap had eroded and the required thickness was not met,soil material was brought in and placed to meet required cap thicknesses.The final repair plan will address grades in these areas and permanent surface stabilization procedures to allow for proper drainage in the future. The photos provided in Area I observations of this Report show examples of the measures taken to date to stabilize the surface. f. Approximately 12 cubic yards of mixed CCP and soil cap material were removed from the repair area in Area I. Please provide information and related documentation of the disposal method; CCP-impacted materials from the slope and toe areas of Area I were taken for disposal off-site. These. materials(approximately 12 cubic yards)were hauled by a registered environmental disposal company 14 (Mountain Environmental)and properly disposed of in a permitted solid waste facility in Enoree,South Carolina. Waste manifests can be made available upon request. g. The maintenance of Area I and Area IV grass cover both on the slope face and structural fill deck; The final repair plan will address the vegetation requirements for these areas. In conjunction with the final repair plan being implemented and the new inspection frequency by Duke Energy,areas will documented and discrepancies noted. h. Access paths shall be maintained below Area I to allow inspection of..toe slope area, wetland areas, all monitoring wells(including those not in the current monitoring schedule),stormwater outlets, and streams. These access paths will be necessary for adequate inspection in accordance with permit condition V2. Maintenance of the Airport property is the responsibility of the Airport-and will continue as such. Regular inspections as outlined in the Permit and further defined in Duke Energy's Operations and Maintenance Plan dated October 23, 2015 will ensure such maintenance takes place and any minor deficiencies are corrected promptly. 4. A schedule indicating when a long-term stormwater solution will be implemented at Area/and what efforts are currently underway with regard to the design and implementation of a permanent stormwater management plan for Area IV. The Area I and Area IV investigations have been completed as noted above and conceptualization of the permanent repairs is underway. The following schedule is proposed for completion of the permanent design, permitting,and construction. • 60 days to complete permanent designs for Area I and review existing permanent stormwater management plan for Area IV(March 1, 2016) • 45 days to complete necessary permitting with NCDEQ(April 15, 2016) • 60 days to complete construction activities on-site(June 15, 2016) 15 Referenced Letters 1.Attachment"1": Letter dated December 1, 2011 notifying NCDEQ of cap configuration 2.Attachment"2": Reference letter from Progress Energy to NCDEQ dated December 23, 2008 discussing the soil cap thickness 16 ProgressE. ,nergy December 23;:2008 Mr.G.Landon Davidson Regional Supervisor Aquifer Protection Section Division of Water Quality 2090 US.70 Highway Swanrlanoa; NC 28778 RE: Asheville Steam Electric Plant Coal.Ash Structural Fill Project Request for Waiver.of 50 Foot Setback Ash'Distribution Program;Permit WQ0000020 Dear Mr.Davidson: We appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and your staff on December 15,2008 regarding the subject Iproject. As we discussed at the meeting,Carolina Power&Light Company d/b/a Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc.is partnering with the Asheville Regional Airport Authority (Airport)on the North General Expansion Project. The Airport has secured permits from the -Corps of Engineers-and the Division of Water Quality to permanently impact 1,535 linear feet of perennial streams, 138 linear feet of intermittent streams and 0.359 acres of wetlands to develop the North General Expansion Project. The design(see attached drawings)calls for the existing stream.to be routed through a 60-inch concrete reinforced pipe approximately 1,600 feet in length installed beneath the fill. Asia part of this development,our Asheville Steam Electric Plant coal ash will be utilized in select portions of the project as structural fill. As detailed in the attached drawings,the project design will utilize porous material within the perennial streams,intermittent streams and wetlands in addition to serving as bedding beneath the 60-inch concrete reinforced pipe. This will allow any water upwelling to flow parallel to the concrete reinforced pipe.The remainder of the project footprint will be filled with clean soils to a depth of at least two feet above the top of the 60-inch concrete reinforced pipe. Over this clean fill, a geosynthetic clay liner(GCL)will be placed. Only above the GCL will coal ash be utilized as structural fill. The coal ash side slopes will be covered by a minimum of two feet of clean soils and seeded. The top of the coal ash fill will be covered by six feet of clean soils and seeded,above which pavement, hangars and other ancillary development will be placed. No construction is anticipated to encounter the ash fill. It is our understanding that the water flowing within this 60-inch concrete reinforced pipe is considered Waters of the State. Our above referenced.Ash Distribution Program Permit and the, Airport's 401 water quality certification state that coal ash can be used as structural fill within 50 feet of surface waters with prior approval from the Aquifer Protection Section of the appropriate Division Regional office. As the coal ash fill is proposed to be encapsulated between clean.soils and a GCL liner,.we believe that the surface waters within the 60-inch concrete reinforced pipe are adequately protected. We therefore request your approval to use coal ash as structural fill in accordance Progress Energy Service Company,LLC i?0.Box 1551 Raleigh,NC 27602 ATTACHMENT"2" with the,details of the attached drawings. We,welcome any questions or discussions you have in order to expedite our request and ensure the best possible design to protect surface and ground waters. Please contact'Ms. Laurie Moorhead at 828-687-5240 for further questions and discussions. Sincerely, Alan E.Madewell Manager Environmental Energy Supply—Carolinas AM:jrt Attachments cc/att: Roger Edwards Asheville Regional Office Surface Water Protection Section Ian McMillan—Raleigh Parkview Building/Wetlands Cynd:i Karoly-Parkview Building/Wetlands John Dorney-Parkview Building/Wetlands John Toepfer_PEB4 Laurie Moorhead—Asheville Plant Shannon Langley_PEB4 Dan Mottola—PEB10 Dave Edwards—'Asheville Airport -progress Energy December 1,2011 Mr.Brett Laverty. Hydrogeologist North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S.10 Highway Swannanoa,NC 29119-8211 RE: Asheville Structural Fill Project Asheville:Airport-Area IV Carolina Power&Light Company d/b/a Progress Energy Carolinas,Inc._ Ash Distribution Program Permit No.WQ0000020 Dear Mr.Laverty: Carolina Power& light Company d%b/a Progress.Energy Carolinas, Inc. (PEC) received your letter :dated October 3,2011 which requested certain information regarding Phase If of Area IV structural fill at the Asheville Airport. This letter responds to that.request(DENR request in italics): 1. According to 15A NCAC 02T.1204 (d), information shall be provided to the. Division of Water Quality,that describes and explains site specific engineering or,institutional controls proposed to prevent adverse impacts to public health and the environment. Submit a project narrative for Phase H. that includes a general overview, timeline,footprint(acreage), environmental impact statement and completed Phase 11 engineering construction plans. Please.note the Division (APS) would like the opportunity to review and comment on the Phase 11 construction design. The Asheville Airport Area IV structural fill projects divided into three distinct phases; Phase I, Phase.IA and Phase II. The overall fill footprint totals approximately 52.9 acres and will contain more than 2 million cubic yards of coal combustion byproducts(fly ash and bottom ash). Phase ll,itself is approximately 22.7 acres in size and will accommodate approximately I.A.million tons of coal combustion byproducts as fill('777,000 cubic yards). Phase VIA is anticipated to be complete by May 2012. Construction of Phase If'improvements will begin in late 2011/early 2012 with coat combustion byproducts placement beginning in late February 2012. Coal combustion byproducts placement in Phase it will continue to project completion anticipated in July 2013. The project design for Phase II is the same as incorporated into Phase 1/IA. There will be a 60 mil HDPE geomembrane used as a liner beneath the coal combustion byproducts fill. Above the liner isa.leachate collection system. The coal combustion byproducts fill will be covered by a 30 mil HDPE geomembrane and then by native soils ranging from 2 feet thick on sideslbpes to 6 feet thick in flat areas. Progress Energy service Company,LLC F. Box t cg=. Uiinfi,N IC 27602 ATTACHMENT' ' DEMR ARO December 1,2011 The enclosed compact disc.contains the Environmental Assessment(EA)completed by the Asheville Airport and the Phase II engineering construction plans. Also enclosed are two hard copies of the Phase 11 engineering construction plans peryour request. 2. -Verify that the Phase 11 meets all applicable setbacks established,in:15A NCAC 02T.12p6.. These include setbacks from water supply wells.streams_(including those culve_ reed), and seasonal high water table. All setbacks have been met. Please see the.enclosed Hydrogeologic Assessment Report Asheville Regional Airport;Area IV completed by Silar Services, Inc. along.with the engineering construction plans for setbacks from the seasonal high groundwater table. The Airport has completed the necessary permitting to'take-small areas of wetlands.&streams within.Phase II. There will be no culvert as within fill Areal and therefore,no impact to the setback requirements for surface waters. Please refer to Appendix B & H of the-enclosed Environmental Assessment for :the permitting efforts completed by the Airport. The enclosed engineering construction plans show the closest groundwater well is over 300 feet from the edge of fill for Area IV. 3. Submit a current list of project personnel and their contact information. Scott Sewell,Vice President of-Operations,Charah, Inc. Phone: (502)609-0116 Email: ssewell@charah.com . Matt Winfree, Regional Manager,Charah, Inc. Phone: (336.)599=0296 Email: mwinfree0charah.com Rob Reynolds,Senior Coal Procurement Agent, PEC Phone: (919)546-6240 Email: robert.d.revnolds0ognmail.com Laurie Moorhead,Senior Environmental'Specialist,Asheville Plant,PEC Phone,(828)687-5240 Email: laurie.moorhead@pAninail.com Alan E.Madewell, Manager Environmental Energy Supply Carolinas,_ PEC Phone: (919)546-5797 Email: 'alan.madeweI19pkhmail.com Michael A.Reisman, Deputy Airport Director, Development&operations Phone:(828)654-3253 Email: mreismanL@flvavl.com 4. If soils within the Asheville City gun range ;are.to be disturbed during Phase Il then an environmental assessment should be completed prior.to construction. The Division is concerned:that lead contamination could be present:wifhin the footprint of the-gun range. Contaminated soils are not recommended for use as a cover material. Please provide-a narrative on the condition of the gun ranger 2, DENR.ARO December 1,2011 The City of Asheville owns the firing range and has agreed to vacate the firing range in early 2012. The City of Asheville has committed to work through NC DENR to remediate the firing range to `clean closure'. Please refer to Appendix B of the enclosed Environmental Assessment to a letter dated.March 28,2011 from Jeffrey B.Richardson,Assistant City Manager for the City of Asheville. PEC will work with:Charah and the Airport to ensure no `impacted'soils are used as cover within Area IV fill project. Per DENR Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals. Table dated August 2011, the lowest established level for lead is for Protection of Groundwater at 270 mg/kg. No soils with lead concentrations at or above 270 mg/kg will be used,as.cover soils in Area IV fill project. PEC proposed an alternative location for background well for Area IV. The attached figure (E-1) shows the proposed background well location. PEc proposes to install this background well along with.well PMW-9 upon your concurrence. These two wells along with review boundary wells MW- 2,MW-5(formerly known as PZ-4),MW-6 and MW-7 would complete the monitoring well network for Area IV. The wells will be sampled in April and November for pH, temperature, water level, specific .conductivity, total dissolved solids, antimony, arsenic, barium, boron, cadmium, chloride, chromium, copper, iron, lead; manganese, mercury, nickel, nitrate, selenium,sulfate, thallium and zinc. If you:have any questions,please contact Me.John Toepfer at 919-54&7863. Sincerely Alan E. Madewell Manager—Environmental Energy Supply-Carolinas AEM:jt Enc: Compact Disc containing: • Dept.of Transportation Finding.of No Significant Impact(FONSI)/Record of Decision,August 19,2011 a Environmental Assessment for Asheville Regional Airport Runway Reconstruction and New Parallel Taxiway, prepared by The!PA Group,August 201..1(4 pdf files) • Engineering Construction Plans for Engineered Fill Area IV, Phase 11, Franklin S. Craig, P.E.Consulting Engineer, Issued for Construction September 22,2011, 15 sheets • Hydrogeologic Assessment Report Asheville Regional Airport Area IV, prepared by Silar Services, Inc.,April 2011 c Proposed Background Well(Figure_E-1) 3 DUKE Harry K.Sideris Senior Vice President ENERGY Environmental,Health&Safety 526 S.Church Street -Mail Code..EC3XP Charlotte,NC 28202 (704)382-4303 December 18, 2015 RECEIVED Division of Water Resources G. Landon Davidson, R.G., Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations, NCDEQ DEC 2 1 2015 Asheville Regional Office - 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Wafer Ouallty Regional Operations Swannanoa, NC 28778 Asheville Regional Office Re: NOTICE OF VIOLATION NOV-2015-PC-0303 Permit No. WQ0000020 Duke Energy Progress, Inc.- Coal Combustion Prod ucts.Structu ral Fill Projects Buncombe County, N.C. Dear Mr. Davidson: This letter responds to the Notice of Violation (NOV) issued by your office on December 2, 2015 with respect to conditions identified at a structural fill located at the Asheville Regional Airport,, (Airport)- and covered by, Structural -Fill Permit WQ 0000020 issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to Duke Energy Progress, LLC (Duke Energy) on September 2, 2015. Attached is a plan of the Airport and permitted fill showing the locations of Areas I, III, and IV. During the course of conducting the inaugural- quarterly inspection as. required .by:the above- referenced permit of the fill. area at. the Airport,on October 29, 2015, two areas. of erosion- affected conditions were identified, one in Area-14nvolving erosion of the soil cap and another in Area. IV involving erosion of the soil cover above the HDPE cap. Although the erosion conditions did not jeopardize the integrity or stability of the fill, and the liner system remained intact, Duke Energy promptly advised the structural fill contractor (Charah) of the situation, which then notified-Airport.personnel. Charah provided recommendations regarding erosion remedial measures, and field activities to correct the eroded areas commenced on October 30th. Duke Energy.reported the identified conditions directly to.DEQ on November 2, 2015. At this time; erosion conditions have been corrected and the fill areas are structurally stable.-- The following discussion constitutes both a formal response to the NOV and addresses your request for information set forth in the notice. Violation 1 —This violation is based on the elapsed time between discovery of the eroded areas at Area I and Area' IV on Thursday, October 29, 2015, and the point in time at which these conditions were reported to the Asheville Regional Office of DEQ on Monday, November 2, 2015. The violation is based on alleged noncompliance with Section IV.12.e. of the permit, which provision requires notification as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of an occurrence involving "breech [sic] of the liner system,... [or] severe erosion...." Based on the observations made by field personnel, including representatives from DEQ, no breach of the liner system occurred. While the soil cap over the compacted ash in Area I was eroded exposing the ash, the liner system was not breached. The NOV provides that "stormwater had flowed, creating erosive rills" "exposing CPP" underneath the soil cap, confirming that no breach of the Area I liner in fact occurred. DEQ's only reference to a "liner" is contained in its discussion of Area IV, wherein the agency states that"[a]n area at the slope toe of Area 4 had eroded the soil cap and exposed the HDPE liner in the erosive cavity. Two areas at the termini of slope drains at Area 4 indicated advanced soil cap erosion that could compromise the liner." Although, in two instances, the above-quoted language mistakingly refers to "liner" when DEQ's intent is presumably to refer to the area's "cap," the NOV nevertheless makes clear that no breach to Area IV's "liner system" occurred. Thus, because there was erosion of only the soil cap at Area I and of the soil cover above the membrane cap for Area IV, no "bre[a]ch of the liner system" occurred and, therefore, there was no duty to notify DEQ. Moreover, in neither case was the integrity of the fill in jeopardy, and in both cases fill stability was maintained and the liner system remained intact such that there was no movement of ash outside of the footprint of the structural fill and no ash reached surface waters. With respect to degree, while some erosion did occur, this erosion cannot be characterized as "severe," which is the standard set forth in the permit. Because "severe" is not defined in the permit, statute, or implementing regulations, the term should be given its common meaning when considering whether a violation occurred under the permit. Merriam-Webster defines "severe" as `of a great degree." Similarly, Oxford University Press gives"severe" the following meaning: "very great; intense." Visual observations of the erosion conditions at both locations did not prompt a conclusion that they were of a great degree or intense. To the contrary, visual observations confirmed that the erosion was no greater than mild or moderate. Given the fact that (i) this inspection was the first mandated by the new fill permit; (ii) Section IV.12.e. fails to provide any objective definition of"severe erosion" and, in fact, in this case the erosion would be most accurately characterized as mild or moderate; (iii) the liner system remained intact and the conditions identified did not threaten the integrity of the two fill areas; and (iv) the conditions were expeditiously addressed, Section IV.12.e of the permit was not violated. Any determination of violation by DEQ would not be "proportional to the degree of potential harm"—a principle expressly embraced by the agency's Principles of Enforcement. Any notification made with respect to this event would most appropriately be characterized as a courtesy contact, not a notification required under Section IV.12.e of the permit. Violation 2 — This violation is based on an alleged failure to properly maintain the permitted facility. Without extensive consideration of the question of responsibility for implementing or complying with this portion of the permit, it is appropriate to reflect on those conditions existing at the time of the inspection. Following the November 2nd notification by Duke Energy representatives to DEQ of the conditions identified during the October 29th inspection, DEQ visited the site on November 2nd and again on November 5th. During the inspections, DEQ confirmed that the erosion identified in Area I had not resulted in movement of ash outside the footprint of the structural fill or into surface waters. This fact is reflected in the NOV where DEQ acknowledges "Division staff did not observe any migration of CCP offsite during the November 2, 2015 and November 5, 2015 site visits. CPP was not observed in the vicinity of the soil cap erosive at Area 4." Inspection of erosion conditions at Area IV confirmed that the liner system containing the fill was intact, as was the overlying membrane cap; no ash had been exposed to the environment. Based on the facts recited, there was not a citable failure to maintain and operate the structural fill facility. While the balance of Section III of the per" it is prescriptive and quantitative, Section 111.1. offers limited insight for demonstrating ;compliance. Proper maintenance and operation can be verified in a number of ways, including timing and the degree of response to identified conditions. It is apparent that the parties engaged in the development and maintenance of this structural fill project responded promptly and comprehensively when they became aware of the conditions for which this NOV was issued. Confirming the circumstances and steps undertaken in compliance with the Structural Fill Permit: • Quarterly inspection of the permitted areas at the Airport was timely conducted in strict accordance with the terms of the permit; • The identified conditions at Area I and Area IV were promptly communicated to the parties for disposition; • The parties promptly undertook appropriate measures to mitigate impacts of erosion and to repair the cover over the structural fill; • Because the erosion conditions were not "severe," the notification time requirements in Section IV.12.e. of the Structural Fill Permit cited in the NOV do not apply. Given the subjective nature of the term in the permit requiring notice, Duke Energy nevertheless notified Charah and the Airport and provided a courtesy notification to DEQ; • No material was released beyond the footprint of Area I, and no material was exposed at Area IV. Moreover, no coal combustion products were observed in the vicinity of the soil cap erosive cavity at Area IV. Accordingly, there was no effect on the environment or public health; and • The conditions in no way resulted from a negligent, reckless, willful, or intentional act or omission. In summary, the circumstances giving rise to the conditions for which the NOV was issued do not-support issuance. of an NOV. Moreover, they were limited in scope, minimal in ,nature, and were (or are being) rectified promptly. We believe the response to the field conditions reflect Duke Energy's-firm commitment to environmental compliance and should be taken into account 'in subsequent DEQ.actions;.if any, with respect to this matter. As requested in the.NOV, Duke Energy will provide complete documentation-of the inspection and repair of all fill areas in the annual report required under the permit. Respectfully; Sw" Harry Sideris. Senior Vice President, Environmental, Health & Safety n ���» - µ0A°RNER � 3 t »• i � t 3 W P ✓, � t +. } rills. T' �"�� e 1 a ,� ,�. ♦ m. is S'"•`•' .fi" "^�'P.^TM—at sir. y'k'4 t0^�"' 114 s+.»d s nil e NA t R p 3 m R+ 80RROW x�•Y s �t",�i�' Yt �Ea4 � x m � '£� tip '�'" "�n w � h ; �•` t i � ,�` i�x ,� ;�. -------------- �,' " f a } mad } Yi k y�S' �$�� y�S� U"S "���in� a � S �r�� �' J'" Ta4n Lk• ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT ' t i a Q4 y "` tom*s�, -•r'= '` ��t r�e�. v ��y,te,'�d'�2' � Y "' +�� L�� �� Y''�g a ` x� �y al k 'i'Y` OCO FgryNI � ,3'P1v is .t°`�r+ t � �� ��h `�f ,� t..i.�"+-..•�'; FR lia14.1 9 ` a t �.�+ � . ^�"t3 ,.• :,� .�� '�, rim. "`.� �'i l." �' ��. PAT MCCRORY L .� f i Governor.. DONALD R. VAN DER VAART' - Secretary Water Resources S. JAY ZIMMERMAN„ ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY _ Director December 2, 2015 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7014 0510 0000 4466 8123 Mr.,Harry K. Sideris—SVP, Environmental, Health &Safety Duke Energy 526,Sbuth Church Street, ECUP Charlotte, N.C. 28202 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION _ NO. 2015-PC-0303._ Permit No WQ00.00020 Duke,Energy Progress,,Inc. ., Coal Combustion'Products Structural Fill Projects BuncombeCounty;;N.C. Dear Mr, Sideris, Chapter 143 of the North Carolina General Statutes authorizes and directs the Environmental Management Commission of the Department of Environmental Quality to protect and preserve the water and air, resources of the State; The Division of Water.Resources;(Division),has.the delegated authority to enforce adopted.po lotion control rules. This Notice of Violation is a standard notification.intended to advise you of _ ._ . ._ ... .. _ .._.._ s - the legal requirements under.Nortth•Caro,lina-law;and:is being issued:foryio ations of the subject„-permit. On November 2, 2015, the Asheville Region a[,Office of.the Division, received notification via phone from Duke Energy-Progress, Inc.,.(Duke)that,two areas of the subject coal combustion product(CCP)-fill site were. observed to.�be,compromised. Observations=made by Du,ke_,during the required quarterly inspections on j October 29,2015 noted an erosion:induced breach at Area 1 pnd:erospn-winduced removal of the soil cap at Area 4. CCP.was•exposed at Area:1-while„erosion-at,,Area 4,removed,the soil cap,layer exposing the upper, high,density polyethylene (HDPE)layer of the liner. { Division staff inspected the facility on November 2, 2015-;a.nd,.November 5, 2015 and noted.the following violations of permit WQ0000020 is Violation 1—Failure to-notify in accordance with permit condition IV.12. e The subject permit condition requires notification as soon as possible, but in no case.more than 24 hours or on the.next working,day following the:occurr"ence.or first knowledge of the occurrences of any - of the followin IV.12.e.,An =incide_nt mvolvin breech_:sicj of th e.liners stem,or severe erosion. -CCP k g�. Y g _ I , Y i was observed by Duke staff on`October- 29, 2014 at Area 1, where stormwater had.flowed, creating z erosive rills exposing CCP. An area at the`slope.toe of Area 4 had eroded the soil cap and exposed the i .. I E State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 2090 U.S:Hwy.70,Swannanoa,N.C.28778 ' 828 296 4500 Duke`E.nergy Progress, Inc., 1 'December 2, 2015 Page 2 of 3 HDPE liner-in the erosive cavity. Two areas at the termini of slope drains at Area 4 indicated advanced soil cap-erosion that;could compromise the liner. No CCP was observed to have breached the upper HDPE]ayer of the-liner system at this location of Area 4.The Division-was notified of these conditions on - November 2, 2015. z, Required Corrective Action: Provide notification and reporting pursuant to the subject permit. Violation 2—Failure to properly maintain and operate CCP structural fill facility, 111.1. The above-referenced conditions, observed during .the inspections, indicate a failure t.to properly . maintain the subject facility. Required.Response: The Division is requiring Duke to provide complete documentation of the inspection and repair of all fill Areas in the annual.report. The annual-report is to be submitted in accordance with permit condition V.2.The report shall address, but not be' limited,to,the items listed in Section V.2. of the subject.permit and.specifically'address the following:'l I. Duke subcontractors indicate thata soil'ca'p thickness of 4 ft. was present on the slopes _ I of Area 4 upon completion of the cell. The Division is requiring verification of soil cap' thicknesses along the entire slope face of Area 4. Any.discrepancies between the soil cap thickness a"s `de'signed 'and 'constructed' and` th'e existing soil cap'thickness. shall be explained '2. Conceptual,design plans'for Area 1 ind'icate�a'soil cap"thicknessbf 4 ft. on slopes and.-6 ft. ' for the=cr'own_:of-crown -structuf6l`..fill �The__DiV.ision-is_re "uirm _-ver_ificatiori._of-soil_-ca q g p — °'tliicknesses along"the e'ntir"e slope face-of Area 16 as'well'ias all'recent repair An p y` discrepancies between the soil cap thickness as designed and constructed and the existing soil cap thickness shall be explained Refer to 3d below: 3. Describe all rem edial`effo`r--ts, temporary and'iong=te rm. ; planned to atldressthe Area 1 i breach and Area 4'soil cap erosion.This, esc"riptio shall include specifics`with regard to a.'' Removal of th-e b" slope'-dram atYArea 1; =b: Howthe--erosive conditi'ohs`located at',two slope drains on-Area 4-will be�stabilized` and-repaired; c. The long-term stormwater management design at Area 4, including any required `chan'g's to slope drainssand road ditches; d. The presence of CCP on the surface of the Area 1 slope in a secorid area''located away from the stormwater. channel e. The treatment and'maintenance"of observed rills and cavities-on the slope face of =' Area'4 --J. 'Approximately`12 cubic yards-of mixed CCP and soil cap material were removed from the repair-,area in Area ..1. : Please provide -information and: related documentation of the disposA[Mothod; F I . . k .puke Enemy Progress, Inc. • December 2, 2015 Page 3 of 3 - - -_--- --g.- The maintenance.of Area 1 and Area 4 grass cover both on the slope face and structural fill deck; and, h. Access paths shall be'maintained below.Areal to allow inspection of:-toe-slope area, wetland areas, all monitoring wells (including those not in the current monitoring schedule), stormwater outlets, and streams. These access paths will be necessary for adequate inspection in accordance with permit condition V.2. 4. A schedule indicating when a long-term stormwater solution will be implemented at'Area 1 and what efforts are currently underway with regard to the design and implementation of a permanent stormwater management plan for Area 4. Division staff did not observe any migration of CCP offsite'during the November 2, 2015 and November 5, 2015 site visits. CCP was not observed in the vicinity of the soil cap erosive cavity at Area 4. A written response addressing the above-referenced violations shall be received by the Division no later than December 31, 2015. Fines may be imposed pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(a) of not more than $25,000 per violation for any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms,conditions', or requirements of a permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1. If any failure to act is continuous, penalties may be assessed not to exceed a maximum penalty of $25,000 per day per'violation under. ,NCGS 143-215.6A(b) so long as the violation contHues,-unless otherwise stipulated. If you have questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact Brett Laverty or me at 828/296-4500. i Sincerely, . i G. Landon Davidson, P.G., Regional Supervisor E Water Quality Regional Operations, NCDEQ € Asheville Regional Office ` �.�►WlaAsheui -ile - MSC 1617-Central Files-Basement t WQ Enforcement/NonDischarge Michael Reisman—Asheville Airport(via email) " John Toepher—Duke Energy(via email) r k t 9 Duke Energy Progress, Inc. December 2, 2015 Page 3 of 3 `%V0 . . CV-,Tr;FVKK4I*jMM4PM. IMIM i A " try ? ` w�c" �``�`` '"� �$A�,}', �♦'- �-. yvl"`� ' _ ' • w ..xr K �:t r yam : ��5�k- t �ti Y• ' �'' � -` '""" * � "ice\, - ;r S S � � , i�..�... �-/' r � M '- yr^ b ."; - �•`. Y RI ir Area .— ,.,Exposed Coal Ash �``° �a �u: >{ � Y• 'y,, J! 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It, �_ '3�-�.F t'P�.�I:;Ji j � � '�i�7!�'l 'r(.:.�! .tlr�; F rtr...•�„a 2 '4.�i�;�+4iySy�� '�3�5+�"�� �}ta4;•vn Sz't'l�:" '4,ti.,"4.'<'!.y _ c.' �n�.. ' - - �I ,e,.rr f i, ��: KJ � sty .� �. rf't ���.' ,M�"•Ct-'Vi 5, JP:•.'rSC'4?�,,.,7,. 'S' 'xtl,^l�t,�.'�r1� ,,t, t"'�-•'2r;�1, r�"-'!h:.:.r ��,<.-� .-c"" - � - 1;..:, d -. 1_i:���,� _�:�v��,7".v �•''�.:, rJ� `la`'-�"�����{'' � l�t���' 'tk�,te>���'`�e. _`V, - -- --` �_-_ �� - - - — l Laverty, Brett From: Michael A. Reisman <mreisman@flyavl.com> Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2015 12:47 PM To: Davidson, Landon; Laverty, Brett Subject: Airport Landon—As a follow up to your visit and our discussions this morning, I wanted to ask if you can provide me with the guidance or policy that defines what a breach is. In briefing Lew on your visit from this morning, it occurred to us that since we are the only location in the state utilizing a liner system of this nature,there is likely no official information or guidance that defines what is considered an actual breach. As noted this morning,we would of course argue that the encapsulated liner system was not breached, as it remains intact. How the soil cap that is placed on top of it can be defined as part of the liner system, leading to the determination that a breach occurred just because the cap liner is partially exposed, is a bit confusing to us. Furthermore,since this is the only example of such a liner system being used, if there is no official policy or guidance that defines a breach, or other impacts to the liner system,that it may be warranted that we meet with those in Raleigh that are making decisions about conditions at AVL in order to better define and determine what a reasonable standard of maintenance and upkeep are for this system. As time goes on and DEQ representatives may change over time, it will be increasingly important to ensure that a single standard is being used by all that survives the occasional rotation of personnel who have oversight responsibilities for a system of this nature. We are not aware that this presently exists. I appreciate your time this morning. We will obviously continue to respond as needed and as discussed this morning, _ but if you can provide this information it would be helpful. Also, if you can provide a point of contact in Raleigh that we can speak with concerning long term standards for upkeep and maintenance it would be appreciated as well. Michael A. Reisman, A.A.E. Deputy Executive Director, Development& Operations Greater Asheville Regional Airport Authority E-mail: mreismanPflyavl.com Office: 828-654-3253 Mobile: 828-772-1915 hevil e �9cea9q a�aeMvasY WARNING: E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law"NCGS.Ch.132"and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. All e-mail sent to or from The Greater Asheville Regional Airport Authority(AVL) business e-mail system is subject to archiving,monitoring and/or review by AVL personnel.This message is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the named addressee,you are not authorized to read, print,retain copy or disseminate this message or any part of it.If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately either by phone(828-648-2226)or reply to this e-mail and delete all copies of this message. 1 Laverty, Brett .--..Fro-m: Michael A_ . Reisman <mreisman@flyavl com> t: Monday, November 23, 201 Sent: '8:42 AM To: Toepfer, John; Sherman Stark; Kevan Smith; Mike Miller; Lew Bleiweis Cc: Pickett, Matt; Cranford, Chuck; Williams, Teresa; Sullivan, Ed M; Dow, Paul-charah; Nordgren, Scott R.; Sugg, Steadman; Laverty, Brett; Michael Johnson (MJohnson@charah.com); Eric D. Effinger, P.E., PMP; Moose, James (J Moose @avcon inc.com); Rita Yanz Subject: RE: Duke Energy Inspection Forms-Asheville Airport John: We will need to set up a date and time to meet with all appropriate personnel from both of our organizations concerning future inspections on site and other issues. First and foremost,the airport's temporary runway will become active on December 10`h. When this occurs, access to Area 3 and 4 will be completely off limits to Duke and Charah without an airport escort. As it is typically difficult to re-train personnel who are accustomed to entering a site over time that the rules have changed,we will likely remove Duke Energy's access to the site for a period of time until we can re- train the proper personnel,and verify through our required training program that a limited number of personnel have been property trained to operate inside the fence line in accordance with the regulations. Second,we need to have a detailed conversation about the 0&M plan. This was submitted to the State without our knowledge or an opportunity to review. Given that Duke included requirements-for the airport to follow,this should have been discussed with us first, as it now appears that Duke is expecting the airport to comply with the requirements of a document that until just recently we have not been privy to. While we acknowledge a certain responsibility in terms of this, it is obviously not reasonable to assume that we can comply with the requirements of a document which were not provided to us, and which we were not consulted on. Please contact Rita Yanz in our office at 654-3252,or ryanz@flvavl.com to coordinate a meeting to discuss these items. Mike Reisman From:Toepfer,John [mailto:John.Toepfer@duke-energy.com] Sent: Monday, November 23, 2015 6:00 AM To: Michael A. Reisman<mreisman@flyavl.com> Cc: Pickett, Matt<Matt.Pickett@duke-energy.com>; Cranford, Chuck<Chuck.Cranford@duke-energy.com>; Williams, Teresa<Teresa.Williams@duke-energy.com>;Sullivan, Ed M <Ed.Sullivan@duke-energy.com>; Dow, Paul -charah <pdow@charah.com>; Nordgren,Scott R. <Scott.Nordgren @d uke-energy.com> Subject: Duke Energy Inspection Forms-Asheville Airport Michael—attached are Duke Energy's inspection forms from the structural fill inspections in October and November. With the actions from the October inspection,the attached should not be a surprise. The November inspections from November 17, 2015 identify minor animal burrowing holes &erosion. The items have been staked in the field to assist in locating. Duke Energy will look to the airport to complete minor repairs of the items observed in November. We can meet with you and/or your contractor at your convenience to discuss repairs. Please let me know of any questions. thanks John R. Toepfer, P.E. Duke Energy Lead Engineer 1 410 S. Wilmington Street/NC15 Raleigh, NC 27601 919-546-7863 phone 919-632-3714 cell 919-546-6302 fax 2 410 S.Wilmington Street. DUKE RECEIVED Raleigh,NC 27601 ENERGY® Division of Water Resources Mailing Address Mail Code NC 14. N O V - 9 2015 Raleigh,NC 27601 919-546-7863 919-546-6302(fax) November 6, 2015 Water Ovalitty Regional Operations Mr. Brett Laverty Department of Environmental Quality Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Subject: Asheville Regional Airport Coal Ash Structural Fill Projects Inspection Findings Letter Report(5 Day Report) Permit No. WQ0000020,September 2, 2015 Buncombe County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Laverty: Duke Energy Progress, :LLC. (Duke Energy) completed the first inspection of the Asheville Regional Airport coal ash structural fills (Area 1, Area _III and Area IV) on October 29, 2015 as required by the above-referenced permit. The inspection was completed shortly after heavy rains earlier in the week and Duke Energy personnel observed an erosion gully in the northwest part of Area I fill. The gully caused portions of the soil cap to be displaced, exposing a small amount of coal ash. Ash was observed for a short distance downslope from the gully. Continued inspection revealed ash was contained in the structural fill footprint and did not migrate further than that observed, nor did ash reach surface waters. During the inspection:of the middle west part of Area IV fill, soil sloughing and erosion from the recent rains led to exposure of approximate 30 square feet of geomembrane cap. Duke Energy personnel shared these findings with Asheville Regional Airport-officials and their contractors. Work began on October 30, 2015 and continued over the weekend (October 31 through November 2) to complete repairs to the soil cap of Area I fill. Those repairs, along with implementation of additional erosion control measures, consisted of: • Removal of vegetation overgrowth of the impacted area to facilitate thorough inspection and repairs • Regrading the impacted area to stabilize and facilitate proper drainage • Removal of soil containing ash and placement into a dumpster for off-site removal via manifest • Placement of soil over the regraded area to establish a sufficient,stable soil cap • Installation of erosion control matting in all disturbed areas • Installation of silt fence and soil berms with reinforced stabilized outlets I reported the findings from the inspection of Area I and Area IV fills to you by phone on November 2, 2015. 1 understand you.visited the Airport later that day and observed the repairs to Area I fill were completed. Per your follow-up visit to the Airport on November 5, 2015, you learned that Area IV exposed geomembrane cap will be temporarily covered and protected until necessary permanent assessment and repairs, can be completed. You learned that most of Area IV fill and other nearby locations at the Airport are under construction by the Airport's taxiway project. Laverty Letter November 6,2015 More detail of the October 2015 inspection findings along with additional improvements requested during your visit to the Airport on November 5, 2015 will be submitted to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) as part of the annual report required by the above-referenced permit condition V.2. Duke Energy is submitting this letter at your request to provide a written summary of our observations and communications with DEQ. However,it is Duke Energy's positon that a 5 day report is not required by our permit under these circumstances. In particular, a report is not required by condition IV.B. because it does not involve an emergency situation. That said, we intend to continue to provide you with information you need to evaluate the resolution of this issue. If you have any questions on the enclosed information, please contact me at lohn.toepfer@duke-energy.com or at 919-546-7863 at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, JoPnTpfer, P.E. Lead Engineer Waste and Groundwater Programs cc: Ms.Teresa Williams—Duke Energy Mr. Chuck Cranford—Duke Energy Mr. Ed Sullivan—Duke Energy Mr. Richard Baker—Duke Energy Mr. Paul Dow—Charah, Inc. Mr. Michael Reisman—Asheville Airport Asheville Regional Airport 61 Terminal Drive,Suite 1 Fletcher, NC 28732 2 DUKE 410 Wilmington Street.Raleigh, ENERGY, Mailing h,NC 27601 Mailing Address Mail Code NC 14. Raleigh,NC 27601 919-546-7863 919-546-6302(fax) October 23,2015 Ms.Chonticha McDaniel NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 RE: Duke Energy Progress, LLC Permit No.WQ0000020 dated September 2,.2015 Asheville Airport Coal Combustion Products Structural Fill Projects Dear Ms.McDaniel: Duke Energy Progress,I.I.C.(DEP)encloses herein two copies of the Operation and Maintenance Plan along with two copies of 11 x 17 figures for each area of structural fill completed at the Asheville Airport. This information is submitted to fulfill Conditions 1.2.and 1.3.of the above-referenced permit. Please note that DEP plans to submit a request for permit modification to you in early November 2015 to update Attachment B of the above-referenced permit. DEP received Asheville Regional Office approval to replace a background groundwater monitoring well for fill Area IV. This well was recently installed (MW1AR-A4)and developed but not all appropriate paperwork has been received. Well MW1AR-A4 will be sampled in November 2015 and existing background well MW1A-A4 will be abandoned and not sampled in November 2015. If you have any questions or need any clarification regarding the information provided,feel free to contact me at or at 919-546-7863 at your convenience. Since , n Toepf r,P.E. Lead Engineer Environmental Services cc: Ed Sullivan—Duke Energy Matt Pickett—Duke Energy Teresa Williams—Duke Energy Norman Divers—Charah, Inc. enc: Operation and Maintenance Plan Figure for Area I,Area III and Area IV Msheviffe VED r Resourea OCT201 nal Operations nal Office O&M Plan Revision 0 October 2015 Operations and Maintenance Plan Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02T.1208 15A NCAC 02T.1208 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN An Operation and Maintenance Plan shall be maintained for all CCP management programs. The plan shall: (1)describe the operation of the program and any associated wastewater treatment systems and equipment in sufficient detail to show what operations are necessary for the program to function and by whom the functions are to be conducted;(Operational Functions) The ash basins (wastewater treatment units)at the Asheville Plant operate under an existing NPDES permit. This permit describes the operation of the ash basins and these ash basins are maintained in operating order by Asheville Plant personnel. To facilitate removal of ash from the ash basins for transport off-site, ash is removed from the ash basins and stacked in upland areas of the basins. The stacking allows excess water to drain from the ash. After a period of time to dewater,ash is placed into dump trucks which are then covered for transport off-site via truck. Prior to leaving the Plant, the trucks travel through a wheel wash system. Area I,Area IV and Area III CCP fills at the Asheville Airport operate under or had operated under an Erosion &Sediment Control (E&SC) permit held by the Asheville Airport. The E&SC permit is in operation until there is sufficient vegetative cover over the constructed areas. While the E&SC permit is in operation,there are required inspections of the construction areas, including after certain sized rain events. These inspections will be completed by the Asheville Airport or the Asheville Airport's contractor. Once the E&SC permit expires or is substantially fulfilled for Area III, Duke Energy Progress, LLC (Duke Energy Progress) will complete quarterly inspections of the three structural fill areas. These inspections will evaluate the structural fill for the vegetative caps, visible evidence of subsidence, erosion or seepage, drainage pathways, storm water collection systems and condition of the groundwater monitoring wells. Duke Energy Progress will keep records of these inspections along with any pertinent photographs. If these inspections observe any exposed liners or coal ash, Duke Energy Progress will immediately notify the Asheville Airport. The Asheville Airport, as the land owner, is required per 15A NCAC 04B .0113 to install and/or maintain all necessary permanent erosion and sediment control measures. The Asheville Airport will complete any repairs necessary to the structural fill areas whereas Duke Energy Progress will complete any repairs as necessary to the groundwater monitoring wells. The Asheville Airport will periodically mow the three structural fill areas to prevent intrusion from woody vegetation. Area I structural fill is proposed to be developed with future hangars and pavement while Area IV and Area III structural fills are proposed to be developed by a future taxiway. The Asheville Airport will notify Duke Energ r—Progress prior to beginning any construction in areas underlain by CCPs. The �""`°"_KA ieville Airport will also notify Duke Energy Progress if any liner or CCPs are encountered during, I & tructioi'in areias underlain by CCPs. The top of CCPs have been delineated by as-built surveys t and will be provided by the Asheville Airport to construction contractors to prevent excavation into i thePs Bung'o'nstructionlactivities. s r � 1 O&M Plan Revision 0 October 2015 r Separate from the inspections noted above, Duke Energy Progress completes monthly inspections of the three fill areas. Once Area III fill is completed (i.e. E&SC permit closed Or substantially fulfilled), these inspections will revert to quarterly. These monthly/quarterly inspections completed by Duke Energy Progress will be utilized to submit the annual report as required by Condition V.2.of permit WQ0000020(dated September 2,2015). (2) describe anticipated maintenance of wastewater treatment systems and equipment that are associated with the program;(Maintenance Schedules) The ash basins (wastewater treatment units)at the Asheville Plant are maintained by Asheville Plant personnel to operate within the NPDES permit limits. There are no wastewater treatment systems at the Asheville Airport associated-with the three structural fill areas. As stated above,the Asheville Airport holds the E&SC permits while construction is underway and required by regulation to maintain the construction areas once the E&SC permits have been closed. Charah, Inc. holds a discharge permit with the Asheville Metropolitan Sewerage District(MSD)for the discharge of leachate for Area IV(Phases 1&2) and Area III. Once the ash is capped by the geomembrane and the membrane is covered with soils, leachate generation greatly diminishes. In fact, it is anticipated that by August 2018,all leachate discharges to the MSD will cease. In the meantime,Charah provides all required leachate volumes and analysis directly to MSD in compliance with their permit. (3) include provisions for safety measures including restriction of access to the site and equipment, as appropriate;(Safety Measures) The Asheville Plant ash basins are fenced to prevent unauthorized access. The Asheville Airport property is also fenced to prevent unauthorized access. (4)include spill control provisions including: (a)response to spills including control, containment, and remediation and (b)contact information for program personnel, emergency responders, and regulatory agencies; (Spill Response Plan) Transport of ash from the Asheville Plant to the Asheville Airport has ceased. As such,there is no need for spill control regarding transport of ash for structural fill at the Asheville Airport. The proper operation of the ash basins (wastewater treatment units) prevent the spillage of ash at the Asheville Plant while E&SC permits at the Asheville Airport prevent the spillage of ash off the Asheville Airport site. However,for completeness,the following contacts are provided: Duke Energy Matt Pickett—CCP System Owner Asheville Plant -Office: 828 650-7128 Mobile: 828-216-1398 Email: matt.Pickett@duke-energy.com 2 O&M Plan Revision 0 October 2015 Teresa Williams—Lead Environmental Specialist Asheville Plant Office: 828 687-5240 Mobile: 919 417-6417 Email:teresa.williams@duke-energy.com John Toepfer—Lead Engineer Waste and Groundwater Programs Office: 919-546-7863 Mobile: 919-632-3714 Email: iohn.toepfer@duke-energy.com Asheville Airport Michael A. Reisman—Deputy Executive Director, Development&Operations Office: 828-684-2226,ext. 13253 Email: mreisman@flvavl.com Charah. Inc. Norman Divers—Engineering& Environmental Manager Office: 764-731-2300 Mobile: 502-475-0725 Email: ndivers@charah.com Eric D. Effinger—Senior Project Manager Office: 502-245-1353 Mobile: 502-333-8711 Email: eeffinger@charah.com North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Brett Laverty—Water Quality Regional Operations Office: 828-296-4681 Email: brett.laverty@ncdenr.gov (5)describe the sampling and analysis protocol used to ensure that the program complies with this Section and any issued permits. (Sampling and Monitoring Plan) The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality requires groundwater monitoring and surface water monitoring at the three structural fills at the Asheville Airport as outlined in permit WQ0000020(dated September 2, 2015). Duke Energy Progress samples the groundwater monitoring wells two times per year(April & November) along with the two surface water sampling locations near Area I fill for the parameter list specified in the above-referenced permit. The results are required to be submitted to the State on form GW59CCR along with the laboratory results. Duke Energy Progress utilizes the low flow sampling methodology and groundwater sampled will be submitted to a North Carolina certified laboratory for analysis. Duke Energy Progress has submitted the low flow sampling methodology to the State in the past and it is included here for reference. 3 f I Low Flow Sampling Plan DUKE Duke Energy` ENERGY. , Facilities Ash Basin Groundwater Assessment Program North Carolina June 10,2015 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plan Table of Contents (DUKE ENERGY, TABLE OF CONTENTS LowFlow Sampling Plan .......................................................................................................1 1.0 PURPOSE.....................................................................................................:.........................1 2.0 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS .............................................................................................1 3.0 PROCEDURES..............:........................................................................................................2 3.1 Pre-Job Preparation.............................................................................................................2 3.2 Water-Level Measurements.................................................:...............................................3 3.3 Well Purging ........................................................................................................................4 3.3.1 Low-Flow Well Purging............................................................................................4 3.3.2 Volume-Averaging Well Purging..............................................................................8 3.4 Sampling.....................................................:.................................................................10 3.4.1 Low-Flow Sampling...............................................................................................10 3.4.2 Sampling after Volume-Averaging Purge...............................................................11 3.5 Sample Handling, Packing,-and Shipping ................... 3.5.1 Handling ...............................................................................:................................11 3.5.2 Sample Labels.......................................................................................................11 3.5.3 Chain-of-Custody Record......................................................................................12 3.6 Field Quality Control Samples .................................................._................._..................12 3.7 Field Logbook Documentation........................................................................................13 3.8 Decontamination and Waste Management...................................................................14 4.0 REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................14 APPENDIX A—Decontamination of Equipment SOP...................................................................15 1.0 Purpose &Application......................................................................................................16 2.0 Equipment& Materials.:.........................................................................................................16 3.0 Procedure ..........................................................................................................:..................16 3.1 Decontamination of Non-Disposable Sampling Equipment..........................................16 3.2 Decontamination of Field Instrumentation....................................................................16 3.3 Decontamination of Groundwater Sampling Equipment...............................................17 3.4 Materials from Decontamination Activities....................................................................17 APPENDIX B—Sampling Equipment Check List—Table 1..........................................................18 APPENDIX C—Field Logbook/Data Sheets...................._......._........................_...........................20 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plar 1.0 PURPOSE f�Dum V'ENERGY 1 .0 PURPOSE The purpose of this low flow sampling plan is to establish a.standard operating procedure (SOP) to describe collection procedures for groundwater samples from monitoring wells using low-flow purging and sampling techniques or by the volume- averaged purging and sampling method at Duke Energy Ash Basin Groundwater Assessment Program facilities. 2.0 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Potential hazards associated with the planned tasks shall be thoroughly evaluated prior to conducting field activities. The Ready-To-Work Plan developed for each facility provides, among other items, a description of potential hazards and associated safety . and control measures. Sampling personnel must wear powder-free nitrile gloves or equivalent while performing the procedures described in this SOP. Specifically, gloves must be worn while preparing sample bottles, preparing and decontaminating sampling equipment, collecting samples, and packing samples. At a minimum, gloves must be changed prior to the collection of each sample, or as necessary to prevent the possibility of cross-contamination with the sample, the sample bottles, or the sampling equipment, Field sampling equipment shall be decontaminated in accordance with the Decontamination of Equipment SOP (Appendix A) prior to use. Although sampling should typically be conducted from least to most impacted location, field logistics may necessitate other sample collection priorities. When sampling does not proceed from least to most impacted location., precautions must be taken to ensure that appropriate levels of decontamination are achieved. An example of equipment needed to properly conduct low-flow purging and sampling or volume- averaged groundwater purging and sampling is listed on the example checklist in Table 1 (Appendix B). If a portable generator is used to power the purge pump, it shall be attempted to be located downwind of the well being sampling to avoid cross-contamination of the sample with exhaust from the generator motor. 1 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plan 3.0 PROCEDURES (,DUKE '*'ENERGY, 3.0 PROCEDURES The following sections describe the general operating procedures and methods associated with groundwater sampling. Any variation in these procedures must be approved by the Project Manager (PM) and Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Lead and must be fully documented. Field work cannot progress until deviations are approved or resolved. 3.1 Pre-Job Preparation The information listed below may be reviewed prior to sampling activities, if available, and can be beneficial on-site for reference in the field as necessary: • A list of the monitoring wells to be sampled; • Information describing well location, using site-specific or topographic maps or Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates and descriptions tied directly to prominent field markers; • A list of the analytical requirements for each sampling location; • Boring logs and well construction details, if available; • Survey data that identify the documented point of reference (V-notch or other mark on well casing) for the collection of depth-to-groundwater.and total well depth measurements; • Previous depth-to-groundwater measurements; • Previous pump placement.depths (dedicated pumps as well as portable pumps) for each sampling location, if available; • Previous pump settings and pumping and drawdown rates, if'available; and • Previous analytical results for each monitoring well, if known. The information above is useful when determining the sampling order, pump intake depth, and purge and recharge rates, and can facilitate troubleshooting. The following activities should be completed prior to.mobilizing to the site: • Obtain equipment necessary for completing the sampling activities (see the example checklist in Table 1). • Ensure appropriate laboratory-provided bottles are available for both the required analyses and for QC samples and that there has been thorough coordination with the analytical laboratory. 2 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plan 3.0 PROCEDURES (DUKE ENERGY: • Obtain site-specific maps or GPS coordinates showing clearly marked monitoring well locations or groundwater sample points. • 'Review the project work control documents such as the Ready-To-Work Plan, and appropriate SOPs in an effort to determine project-specific sampling requirements, procedures, and goals. • Verify that legal right-of-entry has been obtained and site access has been granted, where required.' • Instruct the field team to avoid discussing project data with the public and to'refer questions to the Project Manager. 3.2 Water-Level Measurements Prior to pump placement, an initial depth-to-water level and total well depth should be measured. For monitoring wells screened across the water table, this measurement shall be used to determine the required depth to the pump intake (typically, approximately the mid-point of the saturated screen length for low-flow purging and sampling). The procedure for measuring water levels may include the following: 1) 'Inspect the well head area for evidence of damage or disturbance. Record notable observations in the field logbook. 2) Carefully open the protective outer cover of the monitoring well noting the presence of bee hives and/or spiders, as these animals are frequently found inside well covers. Remove any debris that has accumulated around the riser . near the well plug. If water is present above the top of the riser and well plug, remove the water prior to opening the well plug. Do not open the well until the water above the well head has been removed. 3) If practical, well plugs shall be left open for approximately five minutes to allow the static water level to equilibrate before measuring the water level (if well plugs are vented, then a waiting period is not applicable). 4) Using an electronic water-level indicator accurate to 0.01 feet, determine the distance between the established point of reference (usually a V-notch or indelible mark on the well riser) and the surface of the standing water present in the well. Record these data in the field logbook. Repeat this measurement until two successive readings agree to within 0.01 feet. 5) Using an electronic water-level indicator accurate to 0.01 feet, determine the distance between the established point of reference (usually a V-notch or indelible mark on the well riser) and the bottom of the well. Note that there should not be considerable slack in the water-level indicator cable. Record these data in the field logbook. Repeat this measurement until two successive readings agree to within 0.01 feet. 6) If the monitoring well has the potential to contain non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs), probe the well for these materials using an optical interface probe. These wells will be attempted to be identified by the Project Manager prior to 3 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plan 3.0 PROCEDURES f�,DUKE �e'ENERGY mobilizing to the well. If NAPL is present, consult the Project Manager for direction on collecting samples for analysis. In general, do not collect groundwater samples from monitoring wells.containing NAPL. 7) Decontaminate the water-level indicator(and interface probe, if applicable) and return the indicator to its clean protective casing. 3.3 Well Purging Wells must be purged prior to sampling to ensure that representative groundwater is obtained from the water-bearing unit. If the well has been previously sampled in accordance with this sampling plan, then the depth to the pump intake and the pumping rates should be duplicated to the extent possible during subsequent sampling events. Section 3.3.1 provides a description of low-flow well purging, and Section 3.3.2 provides a description of volume-averaging well purging (in the case it's needed). 3.3.1 Low-Flow Well Purging Adjustable-rate peristaltic, bladder and electric submersible pumps are preferred for use during low-flow purging and sampling activities. Since purging and sampling are joined together as one continuous operation, care will be given to pump selection as it applies to the specific well conditions and analytes to be tested. Note that a ball valve (or similar valve constructed of polyethylene) may need to be installed to reduce the flow rate to the required level. The low-flow purging and sampling guidance is provided below: 1) Using the specific details of well construction and current water-level measurement, determine the pump intake set depth (typically the approximate mid-point of the saturated well screen or other target sample collection depth adjacent to specific high-yield zones). 2) Attach tubing and supporting rope (if applicable) to the pump and very slowly lower the unit until the pump intake depth is reached. Measure the length of supporting rope required, taking into account the pump length,to attain the required depth. Record the depth to the pump intake in the field logbook. Notes: 1 ) Sampling shall use new certified-clean disposable tubing. 2) Rope shall be clean, unused, dedicated nylon rope. If a pump is to remain in a well as part of a separate monitoring program, then the rope shall be suspended within the well above the water column for future use. If the pump is removed after sample collection, the rope shall be disposed. 3) After allowing time for the water level to equilibrate, slowly lower the electronic water-level probe into the well until the probe contacts the groundwater. Record .the water level in the field logbook. 4 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plan 3.0 PROCEDURES (a DUKE V*ENERGY 4) If the well has been previously sampled using low-flow purging and sampling methods, begin purging at the rate known to induce minimal drawdown: Frequently check the drawdown rate to verify that minimum drawdown is being maintained. If results from the previous sampling event are not known, begin purging the well at the minimum pumping rate of approximately 100 milliliters per minute (mL/min) (EPA, July 1996). Slowly increase the pumping rate to a level that does not cause the well to drawdown more than about 0.3 feet, if possible. Never increase the pumping rate to a level in excess of 500 mUmin (approximately 0.13 gallon per minute [gpm]). Record the stabilized flow rate, drawdown, and time on the field data sheets. 5) If the drawdown does not stabilize at 100 mL/min (0.026 gpm), continue pumping. However, in general, do not draw down the water level more than approximately 25% of the distance between the static water level and pump intake depth (American Society for Testing and Materials [ASTM], 2011). If the recharge rate of the well is lower than the minimum pumping rate but the drawdown is less than 25% of the distance between the static water level and pump intake depth after three volumes of well water are removed, then collect samples at this point even though indicator field parameters have not stabilized (EPA, July 1996). Commence sampling as soon as the water level.has recovered sufficiently to collect the required sample volumes. Otherwise, the Volume-Averaging Well Purging method should be considered.Allow the pump to remain undisturbed in the well during this recovery period to,minimize the turbidity of the water samples. Fully document the pump settings, pumping rate,.drawdown, and field parameter readings on the Well Sampling/MicroPurge (Low Flow) Log in the field logbook. Note: For wells that either have very slow recharge rates, that draw down excessively (more than 25% of the distance between the static water level and pump intake depth) at the minimum pumping rate (100 mL/min or 0.026 gpm), or require a higher pumping rate (greater than 500 mL/min or 0.13 gpm) to maintain purging, the procedures described above may not apply. For these "special case" wells, the Field Team Leader shall seek guidance from the Project Manager about the appropriate purging and sampling methodologies to be employed (such as volume-averaged purging and sampling described in Section 3.3.2). 6) Once an acceptable flow rate has been established, begin monitoring designated indicator field parameters. Indicator parameters are pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen (DO), and turbidity. Although not considered purge stabilization parameters, temperature and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) will be recorded during purging. Base the frequency of the measurements on the time required to completely evacuate one volume of the flow through the cell to ensure that independent measurements are made. For example, a 500-mL cell in a system pumped at a rate of 100 mUmin is evacuated in five minutes; accordingly, measurements are made and recorded on'the field data form (Appendix C) approximately five minutes apart. Indicator parameters have stabilized when three consecutive readings, taken at three to five-minute intervals, meet the following criteria (EPA, March 2013): 5 Duke Energy Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plan ' 3.0 PROCEDURES (gDUKE IF'ENERGY, • pH ± 0.1 standard unit • Specific Conductance ± 5% in pS/cm • DO ± 0.2 mg/L or 10% saturation • Turbidity less than 10 NTUs The target for monitoring turbidity is readings less than ten nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs). In some instances, turbidity levels may exceed the desired turbidity level due to natural aquifer conditions (EPA, April 1996). When these conditions are encountered, the following guidelines shall be considered. • If turbidity readings are slightly above 10 NTU, but trending downward, purging and monitoring shall continue. • If turbidity readings-are greater than 10 NTU and have stabilized to within 10% during three successive readings, attempt to contact the Project Manager prior to collecting the groundwater sample. • If turbidity readings are greater than 10 NTU and are not stable, well sampling shall be based upon stabilization of more critical indicator parameters (such as dissolved oxygen)without attainment of the targeted turbidity. Attempt to contact the Project Manger if this condition is encountered prior to collecting the groundwater sample. • If after 5 well volumes or two hours of purging (whichever is achieved first), critical indicator field parameters have not stabilized, discontinue purging and collect samples. Fully document efforts used to stabilize the parameters (such as modified pumping rates). Note: While every effort should be taken to ensure that indicator parameters stabilize, some indicator parameters are more critical with respect to certain contaminant types. It is important to identify which indicator parameters are most important to the project prior to commencement of field activities so that unnecessarily protracted purge times can be avoided. For example, the critical indicator parameter associated with metals is turbidity. While it is desirable to sample wells when turbidity measurements are less than 5 NTU, Duke Energy recognizes that these values may not be attainable. Duke Energy, and its sub- consultants, have taken multiple steps (e.g., use of pre-packed screens, carefully selected sand pack, etc.) to alleviate the potential for elevated turbidity in newly installed wells. However, even with these conservative and targeted well installation specifications, other naturally occurring conditions (e.g., iron fluctuation) may prevent sampling of wells at turbidity values less than 5 NTU. Following sample collection and laboratory data evaluation, Duke Energy may review these data with respect to turbidity values to determine if additional well development is needed or if well construction has affected groundwater conditions. It may be necessary to redevelop wells from time to time to minimize 6 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plan 3.0 PROCEDURES DUKE ENERGY: sample turbidity. Fine silt and clay can collect at the base of a well over time. The effect on future sampling events can be reduced by lowering the tubing or pump to the bottom of the well (after all the groundwater samples have been collected) and pumping until the purge water from the bottom of the'well screen is clear. Note: If purging of a well does not result in turbidity measurements of 10 NTU or less, the field sampler shall alert the Project Manager. The sampling team will assess options to reduce the turbidity as soon as possible. There are a variety of water-quality meters available that measure the water quality parameters identified above. A multi-parameter meter capable of measuring each of the water quality parameters,referenced previously (except for turbidity) in one flow-through cell is required. Turbidity shall be measured using a separate turbidity meter or prior to flow into the flow through cell using an inline T-valve, if using one multi-meter during purging. The water quality meter (and turbidity meter) shall be calibrated as per manufacturer's instructions. Calibration procedures shall be documented in the project field logbook including calibration solutions used, expiration date(s), lot numbers, and calibration results. 7 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plan 3.0 PROCEDURES DUKE ENERGY.. 3.3.2 Volume-Averaging Well Purging For wells that either have very slow recharge rates, that draw down excessively at the minimum pumping rate (100 mUmin or 0.026 gpm), or require a higher pumping rate (greater than 500 mL/min or 0.13 gpm) to maintain purging (i.e., low-flow well purging and sampling is not appropriate), the volume-averaging well purging and sampling method may be used. The Field Team Leader shall seek approval from the Project Manager before utilizing the volume-averaging method instead of the low-flow method. CALCULATE PURGE VOLUMES Based on the depth-to-water(DTW) and total depth (TD) measurements, the volume of standing water in the well must be calculated using the following procedures. 1) Subtract DTW from TD to calculate the length of the standing water column (L,,). in the well. TD —DTW = Lwc 2) Multiply the length of the standing water column by the volume calculation (gallon per linear foot of depth) based on the inner casing diameter(see example list below)to determine the total standing water volume; this represents one well volume. Vlt, = LWc x 2,rr2 1-inch well = 0.041 gallon per linear foot 2-inch well = 0.163 gallon per linear foot 4-inch well = 0.653 gallon per linear foot 6-inch well = 1.469 gallons per linear foot 8-inch well = 2.611 gallons per linear foot 3) Multiply the well volume calculated in the previous step by three and five to obtain the approximate respective total purge volume (the target purge volume is between three and five standing well volumes). For wells with multiple casing diameters (such as open bedrock holes), calculate the volume for each segment. Take the sum of the values and multiply by three and five to determine the minimum and maximum purge volumes, respectively. 4) Fully document the volume calculation in the field logbook or on the Groundwater Sampling Field Sheets. 8 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plan 3.0 PROCEDURES &DUKE lC'ENERGY PURGE THE MONITORING WELL Determine the appropriate pump to be used for purging—the preferred and most commonly used methods involve the use of a surface centrifugal or peristaltic pump whenever the head difference between the sampling location and the water level is less than the limit of suction and the volume to be removed is reasonably small. Where the Water level is below the limit of suction or there is a large volume of water to be purged, use the variable speed electric submersible pump as the pump of choice (EPA, 2013). In some cases (shallow wells with small purge volumes), purging with a bladder pump .may be appropriate. Once the proper pump has been selected: 1) Set the pump immediately above the top of the well screen or approximately three to five feet below the top of the water table (EPA, 2013). 2) Lower the pump if the water level drops during purging. Note: Use new certified-clean disposable tubing for purging and sampling. Note: Although volume-averaged sampling involves purging a specified volume of water(such as three to five well volumes) rather than basing purge completion on the stabilization of water quality indicator parameters, measuring and recording water-quality indicator parameters during purging provides information that can be used for assessment and remedial decision-making purposes. Indicator parameters are pH, specific conductance, DO, and turbidity as described in Section 3.3.1. Temperature and ORP will also be recorded during purging. 3) During well purging, monitor the discharge rate using a graduated cylinder or other measuring device, water-quality indicator parameters (if desired), and DTW as follows: • Initially,within approximately three minutes of startup, • Approximately after each well volume is purged, and then • Before purge completion. 4) Record pump discharge rates (mL/min or gpm) and pump settings in the field logbook. Also, record any changes in the pump settings and the time at which the changes were made. 5) Maintain low pumping rates to avoid overpumping or pumping the well to dryness, if possible. If necessary, adjust pumping rates, pump set depth, or extend pumping times to remove the desired volume of water. 6) Upon reaching the desired purge water volume, turn off the purge pump. Do not allow the water contained in the pump tubing to drain back into the well when the pump is turned off. Use an inline check valve or similar device, or if using a peristaltic pump, remove the tubing from the well prior to turning off the pump. It is 9 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plan 3.0 PROCEDURES ja,DUKE ENERGY, preferred preferred to collect samples within two hours of purging, but acceptable for collection up to 24 hours of purging. Do not collect samples after 24 hours of purging. Note: The removal of three to five well volumes may not be practical in wells with slow recovery rates. If a well is pumped to near dryness at a rate less than 1.9 L/min (0.5 gpm), the well shall be allowed to completely recover prior to sampling. If necessary, the two-hour limit may be exceeded to allow for sufficient recovery, but samples should be collected within 24 hours of purge completion. 3.4 Sampling 3.4.1 Low-Flow Sampling Following are the procedures for the collection of low-flow groundwater samples. These procedures apply to sample collection for unfiltered and filtered samples using a 0.45 micron filter. See Appendix A for use of 0.1 micron filtered samples. 1) Record the final pump settings in the field logbook prior to sample collection: 2) Measure and record the indicator parameter readings prior to sample collection on both the stabilization form and in the field logbook. 3) Record comments pertinent to the appearance (color, floc, turbid) and obvious odors (such as sulfur odor or petroleum hydrocarbons odor) associated with the water. 4) Arrange and label necessary sample bottles and ensure that preservatives are added, as required. Include a unique sample number, time and date of sampling, the initials of the sampler, and the requested analysis on the label. Additionally, provide information pertinent to the preservation materials or chemicals used in the sample. 5) Collect samples directly from pump tubing prior to the flow-through cell or via the in-line T-valve used for turbidity measurements (as described Section 3.3.1 (6) above). Ensure that the sampling tubing remains filled during sampling and attempt to prevent water from descending back into the well. Minimize turbulence when filling sample containers, by allowing the liquid to run gently down the inside of the bottle. Fill the labeled sample bottles in the following order: • Metals and Radionuclides, • Filtered Metals and Radionuclides, if required, and then • .Other water-quality parameters. 6) Seal each sample and place.the sample on ice in a cooler to maintain sample temperature preservation requirements. 10 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plan 3.0 PROCEDURES ( DUKE `�"ENERGY 7) Note the sample Identification and sample collection time in field logbook and on Chain-of-Custody form. 8) Once sampling is complete, retrieve the sample pump and associated sampling equipment and decontaminate in accordance with procedures outlined in the Decontamination of Equipment SOP (Appendix A). 9) Close and secure the well. Clean up and remove debris left from the sampling event. Be sure that investigation-derived wastes are properly containerized and labeled, if applicable. 10)Review sampling records for completeness. Add additional notes as necessary. 3.4.2 Sampling after Volume-Averaging Purge The procedures described below are for the collection of groundwater samples after a volume-averaged purge has been conducted. Volume- averaging purge methods.are described in Section 3.3.2. 1) If sampling with a pump, care shall be taken to minimize purge water descending back into the well through the pump tubing. Minimize turbulence when filling sample containers by allowing the liquid to run gently down the inside of the bottle. Fill the labeled sample bottles in the following order: • Metals and Radionuclides, • Filtered Metals and Radionuclides, if required, and then • Other water-quality parameters. 2) If sampling with a bailer, slowly lower a clean, disposable bailer through the fluid surface. Retrieve the bailer and fill the sample bottles as described above. Care shall be taken to minimize disturbing the sample during collection. 3.5 Sample dandling, Packing, and Shipping Samples shall be marked, labeled, packaged, and shipped in accordance with the sections outline below. 3.6.1 Handling The samples will be stored in coolers for transport to the site. Collected samples will be placed on ice in the sampling coolers for pickup or transport to the laboratory for analysis. 3.6.2 Sample Labels All sample containers will be new, laboratory cleaned and certified bottles. The bottles will be properly labeled for identification and will include the following information: • Project Site/ID 11 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plan 3.0 PROCEDURES f DUKE `i'ENERGY, • Sample identifier (Well ID) • Name or initials of sampler(s) • Date and time of collection • Analysis parameter(s)/method • Preservative 3.6.3 Chain-of-Custody Record Sample transport and handling will be strictly controlled to prevent sample contamination. Chain-of-Custody control for all samples will consist of the following: • Sample containers will be securely placed in coolers (iced) and will remain under the supervision of project personnel until transfer of the samples to the laboratory for analysis has occurred. • Upon delivery to the laboratory, the laboratory director or his designee will sign the Chain-of-Custody control forms and formally receive the samples. The laboratory will ensure that proper refrigeration of the samples is maintained. The Chain-of-Custody document contains information which may include: • Client name • Client project name • Client contact • Client address • Client phone/fax number • Sampler(s) name and signature • Signature of person involved in the chain of possession • Inclusive dates of possession • Sample identification • Sample number • Date & time of collection • Matrix • Type of container and preservative • Number of containers • Sample type - grab or composite • Analysis parameter(s)/ method • Internal temperature of shipping container upon opening in the laboratory 3.6 Field Quality Control Samples Field quality control involves the routine collection and analysis of QC blanks to verify that the sample collection and handling processes have not impaired the quality of the samples. 12 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plan 3.0 PROCEDURES d DUKE ENERGY, • Equipment Blank—The equipment blank is a sample of deionized water, which is taken to the field and used as rinse water for sampling equipment. The equipment blank is prepared like the actual samples and returned to the laboratory for identical analysis. An equipment blank is used to determine if certain field sampling or cleaning procedures result in cross-contamination of site samples or if atmospheric contamination has occurred. One equipment blank sample will be prepared per day or per 20 groundwater samples, whichever is more frequent. Field and laboratory QA/QC also involves the routine collection and analysis of duplicate field samples. These samples are collected at a minimum rate of approximately one per 20 groundwater samples per sample event. A field duplicate is a replicate sample prepared at the sampling locations from equal portions of all sample aliquots combined to make the sample. Both the field duplicate and the sample are collected at the same time, in the same container type, preserved in the same way, and analyzed by the same laboratory as a measure of sampling and analytical precision. 3.7 Field Logbook Documentation Field logbooks shall be maintained by the Field Team Leader to record daily activities. The field logbook may include the following information for each well: • Well identification number • Well depth • Static water level depth • Presence of immiscible layers (yes — no) • Estimated well yield, if known • Purge volume and purge pumping rate • Time well purge began and ended • Well evacuation procedure and equipment • Field analysis data • Climatic conditions including air temperature • Field observations on sampling event • Well location • Name of collector(s) • Date and time of sample collection • Sampling procedure • Sampling equipment • Types of sample containers used and sample identification numbers • Preservative used 13 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plan 4.0 REFERENCES `+gDUKE ENERGY The Field Team Leader shall review the field logbook entries for completeness and accuracy. The Field Team Leader is responsible for completion of the required data collection forms. Example field logs are in Appendix C. 3.8 Decontamination and Waste Management Sampling equipment decontamination shall be performed in a manner consistent with the Decontamination of Equipment SOP (Appendix A). Decontamination procedures shall be documented in the field logbook. Investigation-derived wastes produced during sampling or decontamination shall be managed in accordance with State and Station-specific rules for disposal of wastes. 4.0 REFERENCES American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Standard Practice for Low-Flow Purging and Sampling for Wells and Devices Used for Ground-Water Quality Investigations, D 6771-02. 2011. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste - Physical/Chemical Methods (SW-846), Third Edition. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Update I, 11, IIA, 1113, III, IIIA, IVA and IVB. United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Research and Development, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. Ground Water Issue, "Low-Flow (Minimal Drawdown Sampling Procedures). Document Number EPA/540/S- 95/504," April 1996. U.S. EPA. Region 4, Groundwater Sampling Operating Procedure. Document Number SESDPROC-301-R3, November 2013. U.S. EPA. Region I, Low Stress (Low Flow) Purging and Sampling Procedure for the Collection of Ground Water Samples from Monitoring Wells, Revision 2, July 1996. 14 Duke Energy Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plar Decontamination of Equipment SOP f DUKE ��ENERGY, Decontamination of Equipment SOP 15 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plar Purpose&Application f DUKE `e"ENERGY: 1 .0 Purpose & Application This procedure describes techniques meant to produce acceptable decontamination of equipment used in field investigation and sampling activities. Variations from this SOP should be approved by the Project Manager prior to implementation and a description of the variance documented in the field logbook. 2.0 Equipment & Materials • Decontamination water, • Alconox detergent or equivalent non-phosphate detergent • Test tube brush or equivalent • 5-gallon bucket(s) • Aluminum foil • Pump 3.0 Procedure 3.1 Decontamination of Non-Disposable Sampling Equipment Decontamination of non-disposable sampling equipment used to collect samples for chemical analyses will be conducted prior to each sampling as described below. Larger items may be decontaminated at the decontamination pad. Smaller items may be decontaminated over 5-gallon buckets. Wastewater will be disposed in accordance with applicable State and Station-specific requirements. 1. Alconox detergent or equivalent and water will be used to scrub the equipment. 2. Equipment will be first rinsed with water and then rinsed with distilled/deionized water. 3. Equipment will be air dried on plastic sheeting. 4. After drying, exposed ends of equipment will be wrapped or covered with aluminum foil for,transport and handling. 3.2 Decontamination of Field Instrumentation Field instrumentation (such as interface probes, water quality meters, etc.) will be decontaminated between sample locations by rinsing with deionized or distilled water. If visible contamination still exists on the equipment after the rinse, an Alconox (or equivalent) detergent scrub will be added and the probe thoroughly rinsed again. Decontamination of probes and.meters will take place in a 5-gallon bucket. The decontamination water will be handled and disposed in accordance with applicable State and Station-specific requirements. 16 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plar 3.0 Procedure (NDUKE `-'ENERGY 3.3 Decontamination of Groundwater Sampling Equipment Non-disposable groundwater sampling equipment, including the pump, support cable and electrical wires in contact with the sample will be thoroughly decontaminated as described below: 1. As a pre-rinse, the pump will be operated in a deep basin containing 8 to 10 gallons of water. Other equipment will be flushed with water. 2. The pump will be washed by operating it in a deep basin containing phosphate- free detergent solution, such as Alconox, and other equipment will be flushed with a fresh detergent solution. Detergent will be used sparingly, as needed. 3. Afterwards, the pump will be rinsed by operating it in a deep basin of water and other equipment will be flushed with water. 4. The pump will then be disassembled and washed in a deep basin containing non-phosphate detergent solution. All pump parts will be scrubbed with a test tube brush or equivalent. 5. Pump parts will be first rinsed with water and then rinsed with distilled/deionized water. 6. For a bladder pump, the disposable bladder will be replaced with a new one for each well and the pump reassembled. 7. The decontamination water will be disposed of properly. 3.4 Materials from Decontamination Activities All wastewater and PPE generated from decontamination activities will be handled and disposed in accordance with applicable State and Station-specific requirements. 17 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plar Sampling Equipment Check List—Table 1 If DUKE V"ENERGY, Sampling Equipment Check List — Table 1 18 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plar Sampling Equipment Check List—Table 1 j DUKE ENERGY, Table 1: Suggested Groundwater Sampling Equipment&Material Checklist Item Description Checkd Health&Safety Nitrile gloves Hard hat Steel-toed boots Hearing protection Field first-aid kit Fire Extinguisher Eyewash Safety glasses Respirator and cartridges(if necessary) SaranexTM/Tyvek@ suits and booties(if necessary) Paperwork Health and Safety Plan Project work control documents Well construction data, location map, field data from previous sampling events Chain-of-custody forms and custody seals Field logbook Measuring Equipment . Flow measurement supplies (for example, graduated cylinder and stop watch) Electronic water-level indicator capable of detecting non-aqueous phase liquid Sampling Equipment GPS device Monitoring well keys Tools for well access(for example, socket set, wrench, screw driver, T-wrench) Laboratory-supplied certified-clean bottles, preserved by laboratory(if necessary) Appropriate trip blanks and high-quality blank water Sample filtration device and filters Submersible pump, peristaltic pump, or other appropriate pump Appropriate sample and air line tubing (Silastic®,Teflon®, Tygone, or equivalent) Stainless steel clamps to attach sample lines to pump Pump controller and power supply Oil-less air compressor, air line leads, and end fittings (if using bladder pump) In-line groundwater parameter monitoring device(for example, YSI-556 Multi- Parameter or Horiba U-52 water quality meter) Turbidity meter Bailer Calibration standards for monitoring devices 19 Duke Energy Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plar Field Logbook/Data Sheets ,f-,,DUKE ILI'ENERGY. Field Logbook/Data t - Sheets I . 20 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plar Field Logbook/Data Sheets DUrE ENERGY; ;Groundwater Potentiometric Level Measurement Log KE Ef�1®UKE ell a her m ©eptt a eorQ ent �o!ea i mn e a o fn rf i 12e r Field Personnel: Checked By: *-Measurements are referenced from the top of the PVC inner casing(TOC)for each respective monitoring well. TOCs shall be surveyed by a Professional Land Surveyor and referenced to NAVD88. 21 Duke Energy Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plar Field Logbook/Data Sheets a<i,DUKE ENERGY: Well Sampling/MicroPurge Log DUKE' ENERGY. Project Name: Sheet: of Well Number: Date: Well Diameter: Top of Casing Elevation(ft,MSL): Pump Intake Depth(ft): Total Well Depth(ft): Recharge Rate(sec): Initial Depth to Water(ft): Discharge Rate(sec): Water Column Thickness(ft): Controller Settings: Water Column Elevation(ft,MSL): Purging Time Initiated: 1 Well Volume(gal): Purging Time Completed: 3 Well Volumes(gal): Total Gallons Purged: , r Volume Flow Rate Depth to Temperature pH Specific Dissolved ORP Turbidity Time Purged (mL/min) Water(ft) (°C) (s.u.) Conductance Oxygen (mV) (NTU) Comments (gallons). (MS/cm) (mg/L) Stabilization Min.1 Well +10 <5xruor+10 Criteria Volume +30C +0.1 +3% +10% mV r r>s xru KOM P Sample Collection Parameter Container Preservative Number Time 22 Duke Energy I Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Plar Field Logbook/Data Sheets ,f-,DUKE ENERGY, DAILY FIELD REPORT f DUKE ENERGY._ Project Name: Field Manager: Field Personnel: Date: Weather: boy ours q °pm,.nt e. i 1 •eld r bservato s. Submitted by: lReviewed by: 23 gp I ' ,�.�_\1�11���1_ " -, ,RNH—d-, c ;mac rg, V 1K" . �Rl .j vlb, 47 �i gg 19 MR- �gj iE]s­ AE F WETLANDS R; :Z� 1�i 4 y;L 21jr t -AEi 4 Vk RgR x M jp 5_ I L: -1 •\V y, 1. ----F;— " '. N F -Al-L MWIA 6 A 7!-- 1 gg'! C�s rle yW, JL =NZ-1 v v, 3i M, I Ww - a„l� Z. n; ,7 DOW- g, z Ix J1. v 4: A;- i;,-;, v A� t 5F.,'+C'a ?� .:� 1-' 1 i, -J .i: �fu k �j l \ 's„•yr:r�'� 7 /T .;� \�, 4� -7 jk %o� r. W"1w -"A A Vi t 5. 41 lt "N' 40, Ii Ti gg �x g 9�ft- -Z 7, f -A 4 LIt 7 A% 04, 4� LEGEND A Q� MONITORING WELL SURFACE WATER 's, 2 COAL COMBUSTION PRODUCT LIMITS x REVIEW BOUNDARY _7ax COMPLIANCE BOUND ARY yt PROPERTY LINE (APPROXIMATE) lI < A\ SOURCE: :- NOVEMBER 7,2013 AERIAL IMAGE OBTAINED FROM GOGGLE EARTH PRO swoop WELL LOCATIONS,COAL COMBUSTION PRODUCTS LIMITS,REVIEW BOUNDARYAND COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY TAKEN FROM S&ME DRAWING TITLED"GROUNDWATER FLOW MAP STRUCTURAL FILL',DATED 12-16-2010. I Ali'sF"ll GRAPHIC SCALE 100 200 100 0 IN` _c:kl, 4, , DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS V IN FEET 148 RIVER STREET,SUITE 220 STRUCTURAL FILL -AREA I GREENVILLE,SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 WELL LOCATION MAP PHONE 864-421-9999 ynterracorp.com ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT ynTerra DRAWN BY*S ARLEDGE DATE 06/23/2015 ARDEN, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT MANAGER.KATHY WEBB . WIL\ s LAYOUT.FIG 2(STRUCRURAL FILL 1) .1/2�/2.15 . AM n P:\Duke Ene Progress.1026\02.ASH EVILLE PLANT\00.COMBINED MW AT STRUCTURAL FILLS\2015 ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT STRUCTURAL F r t ISTORMVAMPLEDATEROBER201/ tr_ [ / '�c* ,� '�* ,+�„s. �'`* •\\ TFAL 9 yr 'd1!'"d ;Ir \ �\ ' ?' I r If a a . MWa76 A3' c n � •; ``�.-`may. .:. � S'��* �D�, \ ///�\ 1�" � -_ t •�""�r' __. I Alt; ; 1 0000 1. � �/! lop t i4d too Lly -A PONDS, 0%one,40p ago Tw , Ilk s-K v fi DETENTION POND 1 DR , - L '� \ tt -:\ 1a■ nnwliaL31 AREA r ° __ \ 'a MIN3"c �Ae3 -__- ro doom \ EA�3' \ ® `.ems / I 4�, A (ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT T� •BORROW PITS \ \\ , , w I # 400 dOo .00 LEGEND MW6A63' MONITORING WELL(SAMPLED) s MW-8 MONITORING WELL(NOT SAMPLED) COAL COMBUSTION PRODUCT LIMITS REVIEW BOUNDARY COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY }� ---- PROPERTY LINE(APPROXIMATE) . SOURCES: 2014 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OBTAINED FROM NRCS GEOSPTIAL DATA GATEWAY AT GRAPHIC SCALE httpALLW WELLS RVEYEDEXCEP M 175 0 175 350 DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS ALL WELLS SURVEYED EXCEPT MW-3 BY WNC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS& SURVEYORS ON APRIL 19,2012. IN FEET STRUCTURAL FILL AREA 3 COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY,REVIEW BOUNDARY,AND LIMITS OF COB FILL BASED 148 RIVER STREET,SUITE 220 WELL LOCATION MAP ON DRAWING BY FRANKLIN S.CRAIG,P.E.OF GASTONIA,NORTH CAROLINA GREENVILLE,SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 JUNTITLE30,EA 2014-ALL PHASES ENGINEERED FILL DESIGN,SHEET E-1,DATED VIP PHONE 864-421-9999 ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT NEW PROPERTY 2011 www.synterracorp.com RECEIVED ON ,2015EDFROM CHARAH DRAWING BOUNDARIES 3 - synTerra ARDEN, NORTH CAROLINA RECEIVED ON JUNE 23,2015.COMPLIANCE AND REVIEW BOUNDARIES FOR AREA 3 DRAWN BY:JOHN CHASTAIN DATE:10/6/2015 AND AREA 4 REVISED BASED ON THE NEW PROPERTY LINE FROM CHARAH DRAWING. PROJECT MANAGER:KATHY WEBB NEW MWIAR-A4 WELL SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BV WNC-PE&S,PLLC E-MAIL LAYOUT'FIG 3(STRUCTURAL FILL III) DATED OCTOBER 2,2015. 102 201511:31AM P:Duke Ener Pro ress.102602.ASHEVILLE PLAN OO.COMBINED MW AT STRUCTURAL FILLS 2015 ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT STRUCTURAL FILLS.dW Ole MW1 AR-A4 a It) ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT Mw-1® \ ` 3 Y � T Mw_-a ! ; `® NOT- 1 _ \� �� \�\ AREA 4 MW5-A4 ` t � it -" \ ;ACCESS THALLE CONSTRUCTION_I 1 OFF FERNCLIFF DR_ � \`\ zt\ j \ 1 1 ' \ o .01 44, - MW7-A4 \, % `O Y' \ \Ley `�� , ` AW9-A41 son 400 4WD goo % LEGEND ' �TENTION POND� i MW9-A4 MONITORING WELL(SAMPLED) snow -- MW--8 MONITORING WELL(NOT SAMPLED) `� COAL COMBUSTION PRODUCT LIMITS REVIEW BOUNDARY COMPLIANCE BOUNDARYy ---- PROPERTY LINE(APPROXIMATE) SOURCES: 2014 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OBTAINED FROM NRCS GEOSPTIAL DATA GATEWAY AT GRAPHIC SCALE http://datagateway.nres.usda.90v/ 150 o 150 300 DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS ALL WELLS SURVEYED EXCEPT MW-3 BY WNC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS& SURVEYORS ON APRIL 19,2012. IN FEET STRUCTURAL FILL -AREA 4 COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY,REVIEW BOUNDARY,AND LIMITS OF CCB FILL BASED 148 RIVER STREET,SUITE 220 'WELL LOCATION MAP ON DRAWING BY FRANKLIN S.CRAIG,P.E.OF GASTONIA,NORTH CAROLINA GREENVILLE,SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 TITLED AREA k4-ALL PHASES ENGINEERED FILL DESIGN,SHEET E-1,DATED PHONE 864-421-9999 JUNE 30,2011. www.synterracorp.com ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT RECEIVED ON NE23,LINE 015.CAINED FROM CHARAH DRAWING BOUNDARIES Terra ARDEN NORTH CAROLINA RECEIVED ON JUNE D BASED COMPLIANCEAND REVIEW BOUNDARIES FOR AREA3 DRAWN BY.IOHN CHASTAIN DATE'10/6/2015 AND AREA 4 REVISED BASED ON THE NEW PROPERTY LINE FROM CHARAH DRAWING. PROJECT MANAGER KATHY WEBB � NEW MWIAR-A4 WELL SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY WNC-PE&S,PLLC E-MAIL LAYOUT.FIG a(STRUCTURAL FILL IV) DATED OCTOBER 2,2015. 102 201511:28AM P:Duke Ener Pra ess.102602.ASHEVILLEPLANT\00.COMBINEDMW AT STRUCTURAL FILLS\2015 ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT STRUCTURAL FILLS.dw Ali4�7- r 51 - NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Donald R. van der Vaart Governor Secretary September 4, 2015 John Toepfer, P.E. Duke Energy Progress, LLC 410 S. Wilmington Street/NC14 Raleigh, NC 27601 RE: Asheville Airport Coal Combustion Byproduct (CCB) Permit: WQ000o020 Structural Fill Project—Areas 1 & 3 Buncombe County Dear Mr. Toepfer, This correspondence is imresponse to recent site visits to the CCB structural fill projects at the Asheville Regional Airport.The Division noted groundwater seepage and the growth of woody vegetation at Area 1 CCB structural fill. This letter is also intended to provide guidance with regard to the performance of background monitoring well MW-4A, and the French drain outfall for Area 3 CCB structural fill. On April 6, 2015, Division staff accompanied consultants with SynTerra Corporation as they collected groundwater samples from monitoring wells associated with the Area 1 CCB structural fill. It was at this time that groundwater seepage was observed along the toe of the structural fill. Further reconnaissance of the area proved difficult because of the thick vegetation that has grown up since the end of construction in 2010.The Division is requiring, pursuant to section V. in the subject permit, that vegetation near the toe of the structural.fill be managed►in:away that does not impede site inspections. Once the vegetation has been addressed, the Division will organize a joint inspection to assess the groundwater seepage and determine a plan forward for assessment. Staff also observed the presence of woody vegetation on the North slope of Area 1 CCB structural fill (see attached map). Our concern with woody vegetation near the structural fill is the potential for roots to weaken or compromise the integrity of the clay cap. You are required to assess this area to determine if further site maintenance is needed. The latest analytical results (April 2015)for background monitoring well MW-4A highlights a continuing trend of iron and manganese concentrations that exceed the state's groundwater standards,-15A NCAC 02L.0202. It is important to point out that iron and manganese concentrations are consistently higher at the background well as compared to the monitoring North Carolina Division of Water Resources—Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S.Highway 70.Swannanoa,N.C. 28778 Phone(828)296-4500 FAX (828)299-7043 Internet hftp:/fportal.ncdenr.org/weblwq/ An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer John Toepfer September 4,2015 Page 2of2 wells immediately down gradient. A review of the field turbidity data does not appear to indicate significant interference from suspended particles in the well bore. In addition,there was an exceedance of the groundwater standard for mercury in 2011 as well as thallium detections in 2012 and 2015. Please provide a response that addresses the cause(s) of the groundwater exceedances (including the presence of thallium) and the viability of MW-4A as a background monitoring well. On May 15, 2014, our staff met with Duke Energy and Charah personnel at the Asheville Regional Airport. One of the areas we toured was a cement culvert that is discharging water __ with_appr_eciable_amounts_of-oxidized-iron-(see_attached-map-and-ph.oto)..-I.t-is-o.ur understanding that water in this culvert represents baseflow from the French drain underlying Area 3 CCB structural fill. You are required to sample this discharge for the same water quality parameters as nearby groundwater monitoring wells. An estimate of the flow rate from the culvert is also required. Please feel free to contact me if you have additional questions or concerns. I can be reached at (828) 296-4681 or brett.laverty@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Brett Laverty Water Q I' Regional Operations Asheville Regional Office c.° fixi 1 0,le Norman Divers—Charah Inc. Chonticha McDaniels—NCDENR DWR ylc- 4 � _ � f 'Area' '3:CCB French DrainO.utfall _ 44 VIA Y i ` .A` "3 .i. ), �'ky. '1\ yp{` .b a.' + �' ASS.. �� r + ��1 •1 L i' �' a.f. 'Yi+ # +.! :fit � i 1 t 'y;' •� {�rir- ��, :1' �'L . w - _ Wody Vegetation Assessment'Area . `~ t a�1 �.' * 'fl;y .Y`� ).' >i �p's S �\�\�`". r, jl... + I} h. ' y^.�-�'" "�. •, `� �5,,. k. Y ' � ��t ��ry'v . Photo 1: Cement culvert discharging baseflow from Area 3 CCB structural fill. '�t^YW firs t tt�n �•. -t�i+�" / v f .r' �•i7r i`�t t z�. .' 3.3n' n�v =t� .r-?ivy•.;1' 'vttf- � !9 �'' F�i ���}«&`7 t ," .�Batt'.q;d r�' +�,y�ia�-., �*�• ?n,,St ly'��ti�C}u�y�v 3� �s�Y''�I.'������ q '� G� F �j� � �j;�'q '` l•�i `pa��'� a"� z ��'*�a``�tti �, �zw431'ly.rlt •"t ''fir`' � 'y� �.'� r f `�`J„ .r' .R W A ' J t, I/ ��t4•� Y' A x"�t} 1gLF.i' . x° t-0.� gR y t ti 3 :'sty C+C..me•,,°`. v }� 75f�,-z ? '��`�*'` y$ ( .,K "- 7 ay a v f: f 7 r a�� G r fV � ��t'�,iy '�-', - � ���� i •�4�'��'�f�t _���"'�� Ay�Fe�i` .r�,kS`� k N � Ii�y {� ', ?���-„f��r�x'-,"�i_:.*.�'���, �x y��vr����y�sy.f��..3Fw 'r { .�`� q ��.��o����✓x" ��+�,^ ``A HIC North Carolina Department of Environrhent and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Donald R, van der Vaart Governor Secretary September 2,2015 , MR.HARRY K..SIDERIS—SVP,ENviRONMENTAL,HEALTH&,SAFET.Y DUKE.ENERGY .526 SOUTH CHURCH STREET,EC3XP CHARLOTTE,NO,2`8202 Subject: Pennit'No.WQ0000020 Asheville Regional.Airport Coal Combustion Products Structural Fill Projects Buncombe County. -Pear Mr, Sideris: In accordance with your permit renewal request.received August 7,'201.4, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0000020 dated September. 2, 2015, to`Duke Energy.Progress, Inc, for,the continued operation and monitoring of the subject structural fill project. This permit shall be effective from the date'of issuance until.August 31;2020,,shall void Permit No. WQ0000020 issued February 17, 2006, and shall be subject to the:conditions and limitations .as, specified therein. Please pay particular attention to the groundwater monitoring,requirements listed in Attachments C for they may differ from the.previous permit issuance. Failure to establish an,adequate . system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information;shall.result in non-compliance problems. Please note that on September 20, 2014,: Senate gill 720'= Coal Ash Management Act of 2014.became law (attached SL.2014422). Accordingly, this act superseded.the"02T.requirements for structural fill,which would include use as a base or subbase under a,paved road, parking-lot, sidewalk,or similar structure; therefore, any future CCP structural fill projects must comply with this new law and all required permit application or documentation shall be submitted to the,.. Division of Waste Management.However, the following activities are still deemed permitted under 1.5A NCAC 02T.1203: Use of CCPs as fuel for combustion in boilers,furnaces,etc.for°energy recovery,. Use of CCPs as material for manufacturing concrete products,, asphalt products, brick products, lightweight aggregate roofing materials, insulation products, plastics, paints, . bowling balls, cosmetics and other manufactured products in-which the ash are encapsulated: in the manufactured product. Use or disposal of CCPs in a solid waste facility permitted by the Division of Waste Management that is approved to receive the CCPs.. Non-Discharge Permitting Unit DERR 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,North`Carolina 27699-1617 Phone:919.807-64641Internef h1tDI/Portal.nedenr.orplwebfwp An Equal OpportunitylAifrrmaliveAction Employer—-Made in'partwith recycled paper S Mr.Harry-K.Sideris September2,=2015 Page 2 of 2 ,0 Use-of CCPs as material for traction control during snow.and .ice events, provided that the CCPs;do not exceed the leachate concentrations of concern as stipulated;in 1.5A NCAC 02T 4 Use of CCPs as a substitute for blasting grit, roofing granules, and filter cloth precoat for. residuals.dewate'ring, provided that the CCPs do not exceed the leachate concentrations of concern as stipulated.in.1 5A NCAC 02T.1205(a). o Use of CCPs in,flowable fill forbackfill of trenches for potable water mains as approved-by the Division of Environmental Health, sanitary sewers, storm drainage structures, and other trenching uses'provided that"the CCPs do not exceed the leachate concentrations of concern as stipulated in 15A NCAC 02T.1205(a). o Use of CCPs as a raw product for the stabilization of residuals. 4 Land application sites onto,which CCPs are land applied, provided that the CCPs meet-the, pollutant,limits'as stipulated in 15A NCAC 02T .1205(a).and the land application activities. meet all applicable_conditions stipulated in 15A NCAC 02T.1108(b)(1)and 02T.11.09(b)(1). If any parts, requirements or limitations contained in.this permit are unacceptable, the Pennittee has the right toxequest an,adjudicatory hearing upon written.request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request shall be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and. binding. If you need additional information concerning this matter,please.contact Chontieha McDaniel at (919) $07-6337 or cl oiiticha:mcdaniel@ncdenr.gov. /Sincerely, _ S.Jay.Ziip erman,P,G.,Director cc.: Buncombe_County Health Department John,Toepfer,.RE., Senior Environmental Specialist—Duke Energy Progress(Electronic Copy) Asheville Regional,Office,Water Quality Regional Operations Section(Electronic Copy) Digital Permit Archive(Electronic Copy.) Central Files NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES' RALEIGH COAL,COMBUSTION PRODUCTS(CCP)STRUCTURAL FILL PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143;General Statutes of Norh,Carolina as amended,and other applicable Laws,Rules,and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Duke Energy Progress* Inico Buncombe County FOR THE continued operation and monitoring of a coal.combustion products(CCPs)management for Duke Energy Progress,_Inc..and consisting of the structural fill of CCP residuals generated from a wastewater treatment facility listed in Attachment A to the approved Asheville Regional Airport.sites-listed in Attachment B and regulated under 15A NCAC 02T .1200, with no discharge of wastes to surface waters,pursuant to the application received August 7, 2014, and in conformity with other supporting-data subsequently filed and approved by.the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered,a part of this permit: This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until August'31, 2020, shall void Permit No. WQ0000020 issued February 17, 2006, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and. limitations: I. SCHEDULES 11. No later than six months prior to the expiration of this permit, the Permittee shall request renewal of . this;.permit in writing. Upon receipt of the request, the Division will review the'adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will.renew the permit for such period of time and under . such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Please note Rule 15A NCAC 02T ,0105(d) requires an updated site map including sites approved for structural fill to be submitted with the permit renewal application. [15A NCAC 02T.0108(b)(2),02T.105(d),02T.0109] 2. Within 60 days of this permit issuance, the Permittee shall submit two copies of an 11X_17-inch site map that includes the following information for each structural-fill site listed under the Attachment B: . a. The location of major components of the waste disposal system. b. The location and identity of each monitoring well. c. The location of property boundaries. d. The location of compliance and review boundaries. The map and any supporting documentation shall be sent to the Division of Water Resources,Aquifer Protection Section,.1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276994 636 [15A NCAC 02T.0108(b)(2),02C_0105(f)] WQ0000020 Version 3.0 Shell Version 13.0801 Page 1 of 8 3. The permittee shall submit the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) plan as required in Condition HI2,to the Division;within 60 days of this permit issuance. [15A NCAC 02T.0108(b)(2)] IL_ PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The subject CCP structural fill facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so there is no discharge to surface waters, nor any contravention of groundwater or surface water standards. In the event the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions due to improper operation and maintenance, the Permittee shall contact the Asheville . regional office supervisor,and take any immediate corrective actions. [G.S. 143-215.1] 2. This permit shall not relieve the Permittee of their responsibility for damages to groundwater or, surface water resulting from the operation of the CCP structural fill facilities. [15A NCAC 02B..0200, 02L;0100] 3. Only CCPs generated by the facility listed in Attachment A are approved for structural fill in accordance with this permit. [G.S. 143-215.1] .4. Only the sites listed in Attachment B are approved for structural fill. [G.S. 143-215.1] 5. Concentration of pollutant during the performance of a Toxicity Characteristic Leaching.Procedure (TCLP).of the CCP used at the structural fill sites shall not exceed the following limits: Parameter Leachate Concentration of Concern (milligrams per liter) Arsenic 5.0 Barium 100.0 Cadmium 1.0 Chromium 5.0 Lead 5.0 Mercury 0.2 Selenium 1.0 Silver 5.0 [15A NCAC 02T.1205(a)] 6. Pollutant concentrations,in CCP used at the structural fill sites shall not exceed the following Ceiling Concentrations or Monthly Average Concentrations(i.e.,dry weight basis): Ceiling Concentration Monthly Average Parameter (milligram per kilogram) Concentration (milligrams per kilogram) Arsenic 75 41 'Cadmium 85 39 Copper 4,300 1,500 Lead 840 300 Mercury 57 17 Molybdenum 75 75 Nickel 420 420 Selenium 1.00 100 Zinc 7,500 2,800 [15A NCAC 02T.1205(b)and(c)] WQ0000020 Version 3.0 Shell Version 130801 Page 2 of 8 7. The compliance boundary for all structural.._fill sites listed in Attachment B' shall be specified in accordance with 15A NCAC 02L .0107(b): These sites were individually. permitted on or,after December.30, 1983; therefore, the compliance boundary is established.at either 250 feet from the: CCP fill area boundary, or,50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is`closest to the-CCP fill area boundary. An exceedance of groundwater standards at'or beyond,the.compliance boundary is subject to 'remediation action according to 15A. NCAC O2L .0166(d)(2) .as well !as eriforcement' actions in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 14341S:6A through, 143-215.6C. Any approved relocation of the COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY will be.,noted in Attachment. B. [15A NCAC 02L.0107(a)] 8. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02L .01.08, the review boundary for all structural fill sites listed in Attachment B shall be established midway between the compliance-boundary and the CCP fill-area . boundary. Any exceedance of groundwater standards at the<review boundary shall require action in accordance with 15A NCAC 02L.0106. [15A NCAC 02L.0108] 7. All wells constructed for.purposes of groundwater monitoring shall be constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0108 (Standards of Construction for Wells Other than Water Supply);and any other jurisdictional laws and regulations pertaining to well construction. [15A NCAC 02C-.0108] 8: Except as provided for in 15A NCAC 02L .Q107(g),the Pennittee 'shall ensure any landowner who is .not the Pennittee and owns land within the compliance boundary shall execute and file with the appropriate County Register of Deeds an easement running with the land,containing the following Items: a) A notice of the permit and number or other description as allowed in 15A NCAC 02L..0107(9(1); b) Prohibits construction and operation of water supply wells,within the compliance.boundary; and c) Reserves the right of the Permittee and the State to enter the property within,.the compliance . boundary for purposes related to the permit. The Director may terminate the easement when its purpose has been:falfilled or is no longer needed. .[15A NCAC 02L.0107(f)] III. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. The CCP structural fill facilities shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. The program. shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non-discharge system to prevent any contravention of surface water or groundwater standards. [15A NCAC 02T .1207] 2. The Permittee shall maintain an Operation and Maintenance Plan (0&M Plan) pursuant to. 15A NCAC 02T.1208.The O&M Plan, at the minimum, shall.include: a) Operational functions - b) Maintenance schedules c) Safety measures d) Spill response plan e)" Sampling and monitoring plan [15A NCAC 02T.12081 WQ0000020 Version3.0 Shell Version 130801 Page 3 of 8 3. For the storage areas of CCPs and sites where CCPs are used for structural fill and bedding,where the bedding is applied at a depth greater than 2 feet underneath the structure, the following.minimum setbacks(i.e.,in feet)shall be adhered to: a. Private or public water supply sources: 100 feet b. Surface waters (streams — intermittent and perennial, lakes, perennial water bodies, and wetlands): 50 feet c. Wells`with exception to monitoring,wells: 100 feet d. Seasonal high water table: 2 feet All distances are horizontal distances except for the distance from a seasonal high water table which is a measured as-a vertical distance. [15A NCAC 02T.1206] IV. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Any'Division requiied,monitoring(including.groundwater,plant tissue,soil,slope structural integrity, cap maintenance, permanent cap completion,, leachate collection, surface water analyses, etc.) necessary to ensure groundwater and.surface water protection shall be established, and an acceptable - sample.reporting schedule shall be followed. Monitoring requirements for permitted structural fill sites can be found in attachment C. [15A NCAC 02T.01.08(c)] 2. CCPs shall be analyzed for toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) at the frequency` specified in Attachment A;and the Permittee shall maintain these results fora.minimum of five years. Any exceptions from the requirements in this condition shall be specified in Attachment A. The TCLP analysis shall include the following parameters: Arsenic(5.0) Chromium(5.0) Selenium(1.0) Barium(100.0) Lead(5.0) Silver(5.0) Cadmium(10) Mercury(0.2) [15ANCAC 02T.:1205(a)] 3. An analysis shall be conducted on CCP from each source generating facility at the frequency specified in Attachment A, and the Permittee shall maintain the results for a minimum of five years. The analysis shall.include the following parameters: Arsenic Lead Nickel Cadmium Mercury Selenium Copper Molybdenum Zinc [15A NCAC 62T...12050)]. 4, ,Laboratory parameter analyses shall be performed on the CCP as they are distributed,,and shall be in accordance with the monitoring requirements in 15A NCAC 02B .0505. [15A NCAC 02B :0505, 02T-.0105(m)] WQ0000020 Version 3.0 Shell Version 130801 Page 4 of, 5 The:Periiiittee shall maintain records tracking ail CCP..,distribution activities. At a minurium, these records shall include the following; a. Sou rce..of CCP; , ..... b. Receiver of CCP. c .: Intended use of CCP;and d. Date and Volume of CCP distributed. [15ANCAC"02T.0109(a)] 6. The Pennittee shall maintain records of monitoring results to.demonstrate compliance with specific requirements as stipulated under' l 5,A:NCAC 02T .1203 for:CCP distributed for deemed permitted activities. 7., Three copies of"an annual report shall be submitted on 6i before March 1 (,:.The annual report shalI include suima7y of sampling, analytical results, and record keepuig.as required in Conditions 1V.1 through TVA The annual report shall be submitted to:the.following address: Division of Water.Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699=1617 [15A:NCAC 02T.111l(a)] 8. Any emergency requiring immediate reporting(e.g., discharges to surface waters,,,imminent,failure of a storage structure, etc.) outside normal business hours shall be reported to the.Division's Emergency Response 'personnel at telephone number (800) 662-7956, (800) '858-0368, or (91.9);733-3300.. Persons reporting.such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written;report in letter..forin`within five days following first knowledge.of the occurrence.. This report shall outline;the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the. problem does not recur. [15A NCAC:,02T ,01050) _02T .0108(b)(1)] 9. .:monitoring wells at.each structural fill site listed under, Attachment B shall be-sampled at "the frequencies and"for the parameters specified in Attachment C. All-mapin well construction foniis well abandonment forms and monitoring data shall refer to the permit number and the well: nomenclature as provided in Attachment B.[15A NCAC 02T.0105(m)] . 10.For initial sampling of monitoring wells,'the Permittee shall`submit;a'`Compliance Monitoring Form : (GW-59CCR) and a Well Construction Record Form (GW4) listing this permit, number and 'the appropriate monitoring well identification number. Initial Compliance Monitoring. Forms (GW- '59CCR)without copies of the WeU Construction Record Forms(GW-I) are deemed:.,incomplete, and may be returned to the Permittee without being processed: [I5ANCAC 02T;0105(m)] 1 L.Two copies of the monitoring well sampling and analysis results.shall be submitted on.a Compliance Monitoring Form (GW-59CCR), along with attached copies of laboraiory'analyses-, on or before the. last working day of the month following the sampling month. The'Compliance Monitoring.Form . (OW-59CCR) shall include this permit number and the appropriate_well identification number. :All'; information shall be submitted to the following,address: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina.27699-161 T. [15A NCAC 02T.01-05(m)] WQ0000020 Version 3.0 Shell Version 130801 .. Page:S of 8.. '12. Noncompliance and Incident Notification The'Permittee shall report by telephone,to the Asheville Regional Office, as:.soon as.possible, butt in. no.case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of.any.of the.following: A. :Any failure of the CCP structural fill facilities resulting in a,release of material to surface waters. . b. :Any time self-monitoring indicates the facility has gone out of compliance with its permit. limitations: c. Any spill or"discharge from a vehicle or piping system during residuals transportation. d.. Any,groundwater standard violation detected at a compliance boundary. ,e. Any;incident in��olving breech.of the liner,system,excavations within 3 feet of the liner systeim, severe erosion, slope failure, changes in leachate.quantity or quality, and damage to groundwater, monitoring wells [15A.NCAC 02T.0105(1),02T.0108(b)(1)] V. INSPECTIONS l: The Permittee shall provide adequate inspection and maintenance to ensure proper operation of ahe subject structural fill facilities and shall be in accordance with the approved O&M Plan._inspection and,maintenance of approved:.structural fill .sites shall include, but not be limited to, integrity of intermediary and permanent caps, structural integrity, erosion, lifter systems, stormwater collection systems,condition of monitoring wells,etc. [15A NCAC 02T.0108(b)] 2_ The post-closure inspection shall .be conducted quarterly on all structural fill sites 'listed' under Attachment B.The:Permittee shall maintain an inspection log and report that include,,at a minimum:, A. Date and tune of inspection; b. Name-and title of person,who conducted.the inspection; c.1.Observation-results on structural integrity, erosion, liner systems, integrity of the cap system, stormwater collection systems, condition of monitoring wells; settlement, subsidence, seepage, and-presence of woody vegetation; d., Description and photo documentation of any pertinent issues such as a breech in the liner system., excavations within. 3 feet of the. liner system, erosion, development of depressions, slope movement,•damage to monitoring wells, and groundwater seepage; e: Any maintenance,repairs,or corrective actions taken; f An.annual engineer's:certification.of the evaluation on the structural integrity and stability of the ash fill areas. An annuaC inspection report;containing items a. through f, shall be submitted to the Asheville Regional:office-on or before December.31'� j15A;NCAG 02T,.9108(b)] 3:. Any duly authorized Division representative may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and.inspect .any`p'roperty, premises, or place on or related tothe structural fill sites permitted herein at,any reasonable time for the purpose of deterrnining�compliance with this-permit; may,inspect*or copy any. records required to be.maintained under.the terms-and conditions of this permit; and may collect groundwater; surfact�water or leachate,samples. [G:S. 143-215.3(a)(2)] W.,Q0000020"Version 3;0 Shell Version 130801 Page 6 of.8 VI. Gi'elYER LICONDrHOl` . 1,. Failure to comply with the conditions and limitations contained herein may subject.the Permittee to. ail.enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North :Carolina .General Statutes 143 215.6A,to 143-215:6C. [G.S. 143 215.6A to 143-11516C] ,2:, This peimit shall become voidable if the-CCP management are not carried,out in accordance with the conditions of this permit, [15A NCAC 02T.011.0] 3':, This permit is effective only with respect to the-nature and volume of CCP described in the permit application and'other supporting documentation.[G.S. 143=215.11. 4 The issuance of.this permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and'all statutes, rules,,regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other jurisdictional government-agencies (e.g.,,local, state, and federal) Of particular conceni to-the Division a-re applicable,river.buffer rules in 15A NCAC 02B .0200 erosion and sedimentation control requirements in i5A.NCAC'Chapter 4 andunder the Division's General Permit NCGOI"0000, anyrequ rements pertaiiiing to wetlands under 15A NTCAC 029 .0200 and 02H ,0500; and documentation of compliance;with Article 21,,Part:6:of" -Chapter 143.ofthe General`Statutes.{15A NCAC 02T.0105(c)(6)] 5: In the event the�approved structural fill sites change.pwn6rsb1-p1 or the Permittee:changes'their..iian e, a formal permit modification request shall be submitted to the Division. This requesi shall'be made in writing, and shall include appropriate documentation from the parties involved and other`supporting documentation as necessary. The Permittee of record shall remain:fully responsible for maintaining: and operating the:structural fill.sites permitted herein until a permit is issued to the new owner. [15A NCAC 02T':0104] 6. The Permittee shall maintain this permit until all permitted facilities'herein are properly closed or permitted under another pen-nit issued.by the appropriate permitting authority pursuant to 15A NCAC. 02T 01050). [15A NCAC 02T.01050)] 7 This permit is subject to revocation or unilateral modification upon:60 days notice from:;the.Divisiori Director,.in whole or part for the requirements listed in 15A NCAC. 02T .0110. [15A NCAC 02T .0.110] 8; Unless the Division Director grants a variance, expansion :of the' permitted .residtiads,.program contained herein shall not be granted if the Permittee exemplifies any of the.criteria in 1;5A NCAC 02T-:0120(b): [15A NCAC 02T.0120] 9.. The Permittee shall pay the annual fee within 30 days.afier.beings billed by the-Division:. Failure to pay the annual fee accordingly shall be cause for the Division to revoke this permit pursuant to,1 SA: NCAC 02T,0105(e)(3). [15A NCAC 02T.0105(e)(3)] Permit issuedthis the 2"'d day of September 2015` NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION(aw" "-_-,r-6,e.-,---- ' f S.JaylZ✓lnnhdrman,P.G.,Director Division of`Water.Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0000020 WQ0000020 Version 3.0 Shell Version.130801 Page 7 of 8 THIS PAGE BLANK W00000020 Version 3.0 Shell Version 13.0801 Page 8 of 8 A I TAC&I EIVT A ApprovedResidual Sources Cet=ti-hicatiori Date;.September,2,2015 - Dukel ergy Progress,Tue. Permit Number: W-Q0000020 Versions 3.0 CCPs Sburee-Generating Facilities Monitoring Frequency q Y Monitoring Frequency . Owner Facility Name County Permit Number far Non-hazardous for Metals Z Characteristics Duke Energy Progress,Inc Asheville Steam Electric=Power Plant Buncombe NCO000396 Annually Once Per Month 1. TCLP Analysis as stipulated under permit Condition 1V.2 and will not be- equired once Area III is complete. 2. Testing of metals as stipulated under pen-nit Condition IV.3 and will not be required once Area III is complete. Page I of 2. ATTACHMENT X-Approved Residual Sources - Certifcatiou Date: September 2;2015. Duke Energy Progress,Inc. Permit Number: NY90000020 Version:10 :THIS PAGE BLS Page 2 oft -. ATTACHMENT B,-Approved Structural.Fi11 Sitesertifeation Date: September l,2015 Duke-Energy Progr.,ess,Inc. Permit leIumber: WQ0000024. Version.30. Total Source-Generating Distribution Recipient'of the Site Location Groundwater and Site Structural Fill Project County Surface,Water Project Status ,Facility Amount ash - (tons) Monitoring Latitude Longitude MWIA=Al Area 1 -Asheville MW2A-Al Asheville Steam Charah.Ine./ 1 Electric Power Plant Regional Airport General Buncombe 732,408. - Asheville Airport 35.445561 -8.1541978 MW4A-Al. Completed'- Aviation,Expansion, MW5-Al (ponded ash)a Asheville Authority S.W1- Ale SW2-Alp MW 1;-A3 Asheville Steam Area 3-Asheville MW2-A3 Charah Inc./ Regional Airport General b MW3.-A3 2 Electric PowerPlant Buncombe 1,000,QQ0 Asheville Airport 35.443409 -82.547168. In pogress e'd Aviation Expansion, MW4 A3 tPonded-ash)a Authority . Asheville MW5-A3' MW6-A3 .MW1A-A4 . Area 4=Asheville 1VIW2-A4 Asheville Steam - Charah inc] MW5-A4 Re 'onal.Ai ort General b , 3 Electric Power Plant Buncombe 2,0.00,000 Asheville;Airport 35.428536 82 541947 MW5D-A4 Cotripleted Aviation Expansion, (ponded.ash)a Authority MW6-A4 A hevzlle MW7-A4 MW9 A4 a ThiseStructural:fill facility was permitted under Section-W.l of the previous permit dated February 17,2006. b,Estimated coal ash tonnage .: . . Project`status as of Septernber 2;2015 -. d Please.be advised that expansion to Area 3 site and Area 2 will require an individual.peiinitifiom the Division of Waste`Management firaccordance with SL:2o14 122. e`Surface water sampling(piped stream that flows,underneath,the fill area)shall be,conductedv the culvert'§ou€fall{SW I coordin4tes;.35 44,7233,-82;5.43005):and an upstream location(SW2)for the same,frequency and parameters(excludirig water level}as the,groundwater monitoring in Atfachznent'C:. �' pP g P 14 the event &6 site.condition(utilizahon of an of the.a roved:structural fill sites char a ex. develo menu occurs atop the field, etc.), the`Pernm�t$ee shall provide a written,nohfication to the Wision fag. 143-215.11, Pagel of 2. . _ . ATTACHMENT B .Approved Structural;Fil1 Sites Certification Date September 2,21.,0;15 Duke Energy Progress,1.Inc „ . Pearm Number WQ000I.0020 Version.1I 0 _. . . . _ .. _- .... - ... ... ._._. - __- . . .. .... _.. . ....... ... THTS;PAGE BLANK . . :. _ . . Page 2 of 2 ATTACkIMEIeiJC C-Grpuridwater Moinitoairig;Rnd Limnatations for all monitoring wells Permit Number::WQ0000020 'VersiOU0 0 bake Energy.Progress;Inc: GROUNDWATER CHARAGTEI2TSTICS'• MONITORING REQUIREMENTS PCS'Cede- Parameter Description: Frequency Measurement" Sample Type Faou totes O410 Alkalinity Total(as Ca603) 2 X year, Grab 01.105 Aluminum,Total(as Al) '2 X year. Grab' 01097 Antimony,Total(as Sb) 2 X year Grab 01062 Arsenic,Total(as As) 2 X year Grab 01007 Barium,Total(as Ba) 2 X year Grab 01012 Beryllium,Total(as Be) 2 X year Grab 00440 Bicarbonate Ion(as HCO3). 2 X'year Grab 0.1022 Boron;Totaf(as B) 2 X year Grab 00445 Carbonate Ion(as CO3) 2 X year Grab 01027. Cadmium,Total(as Cd) 2 X year, Grab. 00916 Calcium,Total(as Ca) 2 X year Grab 00940 Chloride(as Cl) 2 X yoar Grab 01034 Chromium,Total(as Cr). 2 X year Grab.. - 6101,- Cobalt 2 X.year Grab:: 01042 Copper,Total(as Cu) 2 X; eax. . Grab, 00300 D0,Oxygen,Dissolved' 2 X.year Grab - 01045 Iron,Total.(as Fe)_ 2 3 :year Grab OlOSl' .'Lead,.Total(as Pb). 2 X year, Grab, 00927 Ivlagnesutn,Total(as Mg) 2 X year' Grab 0.1.055 2 X Manganese,Total.(as:Mn) ear Grab Y Nerc ,- Total ag 2 Grab. X 01"062 Molybdenum,Total'(as'Mo) 2 X year 'Grab, 01067: ckel,Total(as:Ni). - 2 7C year Grab Ni 46480.. Oxidation Reduction Potential(ORP,Redox,Eh) 21 X year Grab :. ..Paged oft . ATTACI-IMENT C-Groundwater Monitoring and.Limitations for all monitoring wells Permit Number: WQ000.0020 Version:3.0 Duke.Energy Progress,Inc. GROUNDWATER CHARACTERISTICS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS PCS Code Par€ineter Description Frequency Measurement Sample.Type lFootnotes 00400 PH..., _ 2?C year Grab , 1' 00937 Potassium,Total(as K) 2'-X year Grab 011..47 Selenium,Total(as$e) 2.X year. Grab . 00929. Sodium Total(as Na) 2 X year Grab 70300 Solids,Total Dissolved-180'Deg.'C 2;X year Grab '00530 Solids,Total Suspended 2 X year Grab 60095. Sp'ecifi,c Conductance 2 X:year Grab 01,082. Strontium;Total(as Sr) - -2`X'year Grab 009,45 Sulfate,,Total(as SO4) 2 X year Grab 02059 Thallium,Total(As TI) 2'X year Grab 07087 Vanadium,Total:(as.V) 2 X year Grab 82546 Water level,distance from measuring point 2'X year Calculated 1,2 01092 Zinc,Total(as Zn) 2 X year Grab - 1. The measurement of water levels shall be made prior to purging the wells.The depth to:water in each well shall be measured from the surveyed.point on the top of the casing. The measurement of pH shall be made after purging and prior'to sampling for the remaining parameters. , 2. The measuring points(top of well casing)of all monitoring wells shall be surveyed to provide,the relative elevation of the measuring point for each monitoring well. The.measuring points(top of casing)of all monitoring wells shall be surveyed relative to a common datum. Page-2 of 2 e. � -Ar � • . Ir � CDEN ,�R North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Donald R. van der Vaart .Governor Secretary August 27, 2015 John Toepfer, P.E. Duke Energy Progress, LLC 410 S. Wilmington Street/NC14 Raleigh, NC 27601 RE: Replacement of monitoring well MW-1A Asheville Airport CCB Structural Fill Project Buncombe County Dear Mr.Toepfer, I recently received your correspondence of August 18, 2015 requesting the replacement of background monitoring well MW-1A. It is my understanding that the current well location is being impacted by the Airport's taxiway construction project. The Asheville Regional Office approves the relocation.of the background monitoring well and renaming it MW-1AR. The Asheville Regional Office may send an inspector to observe the construction of the monitoring well. Please provide me with a field date at your earliest convenience. Let me know if you any additional questions or concerns. Sincerely, Brett Lavert Water Quality Regional Operations Asheville Regional Office c fu Norman Divers—Charah,INC. Chonticha McDaniel—NCDENR DWR North Carolina Division of Water Resources—Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S.Highway 70,Swannanoa,N.C. 28778 Phone(828)296-4500 FAX (828)299-7043 Internet: hftp://portal.ncdenr.org/webiwq/ An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer y WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use.ONLY: This form can be used for single or multiple wells r� 1.Well Contractor Information: AE DrillingServices 14,WATER ZONES FROM TO WellCorarsmorName 22 ft 60 f- DEscRIPRON Saprolite.' Tommy Barnette ft fr. NC Well Contractor Cenifioation Number 19.OUTER CASING ifor multi-cased tells)OR LINER if applicable) . - NRObt TO DtkMET£R -THICKNESSI MATERIAL 2277 et fL in. Company Name 16.INNER CASING OR TUIIING eafbermal closed-log UVM010038Q FROM TO D1Ah1ETER THICKNESS lIfATERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit#: 0 ft. 50:2 fr. 2 In' I Sch 40 PVC. List all applicable,-ell permits(i.e.County State,Variance,Injection,etc.. ft. 3.Well Use(check well use): 17,SCREEN Water Supply Well: 150.2 OM EfL DIAMETER SLOTSIZE TRIMNESS 1VIATERUL ❑Agricultural ❑Nfunicipal/Public fL 2 ia' 0.010inch Sch 40 PVC ❑Geothermal Hearin Coolie Su I') ❑ResidentialWaterSu 1 single ftft. €n. ( P>t g PP) Supply(single)) ❑Industrial/Coinniercial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) 18,GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL £tiIPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT ❑Irri ation 0 fr. 48 ft Cement Groul Pumped through Tremle blocs-Water Supply Well: Ea ft Qivtonitoring ❑Recovery Injection Well: ft ft. ❑Aquifer Recharge OGroundwater Reined iation 19.SANDiGRAVEL.PAC K If a liable PROM TO MATERIAL £MPLACEMENTME'11101) ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity 13anier 48 fa 60.2 ft• Sand Tremle OAquifer Test OStormwater Drainage ft ft. ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control 21L DRTLLt1VG LOG nttach additional sheets if reeeessar OGeothermai(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer FROM TO DESCRIPTION color,hard-,saillrock typy,grain size,etc. ❑Geothennal(Heating/Cooling Return) 00ther(ex lain under#21 Remarks) 0 fL 2 ft. Fill-Silty Sand 9/1$/15 MVI�-�AR 2 rt, 17 ft. Residuum-Sandy Silt 4.Date Well(s)Completed: Well ID# 7 ft• 144 fr Residuum-Silty Sand 5a.Well Location: 44 ft- 16p,2 fa Partially Weathered Rock-Silty Sand Asheville Airport, Area 4 ft. ra Facility/Ovener-Name Facility ID4(if applicable) ft. ft. 61 Terminal Drive, Fletcher, NC 28732 ff. ft, r f1 t4T Physical Address,City,and Zip ZI.REMARKS 6 U. � � I5 Buncombe 9643416572 County Parcel Mentification No.(PIN) tt i:t?ss::-:::r' ;•i°: 5b.Latitude and Longitude to degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: (ifwell field,one]at/ton;is sufficient) 35.43326 N 82.54355 w 10/02/2015 Signature of Certified Well Contractor Date 6.Is(are)thewell(s): ❑Permancnt or ❑Temporary By signing this form,1 hereby.certi&that the wefl(s)wav(were)constructed in accordance with ISA MCAC 01C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Consowerton Standards and that a 7-Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or KINo copy of this record has been provided to the rrell owner. If this is a repair,fill out known well construction itiformation and explain the nature of fire repair under 421 remarks section or oo the back of fhlsform. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 construction details. You inay also attach additional pages if necessary. For multiple injection or non-worersupp,},-dells OVLY with fbe some construction,you can submironeforni SUBMITTAL 9.Total well depth below land surface: 60•2 (ft.) 24a. For Ail 30 days of complttr�un�of��` For multiple ivells list all depths ifdierenf(example-3 et 200'and 2@100') construction t0 tl°lz t7 22.82 Div€sla stater Resourc 10,Static water lever below top of casing; (ft,) - 1`e'alerlevel isabo-e casrn,use"+" if) ttk' I Service f[g+1!1 'I 4� 16L7 s aier esources ! ! 11.Borehole diameter:_ $ (in.) 24b.For In ec iota: 1 ONLY: In eddition to sending the form to the d i d4s- n Hollow-stem auger 24 aabove. elsg s . a copy of this form within 30 days of cOtrGgI ti r Il 12,Well construction method: construction toth ,,qJl wing: OCT 2 7 2015 a (i.e.auger,rotary,cable,direct puss:,ew.) Division of Resources,Underground Injection Conirol Prog arit,'s FOR WATER SUPPLY)NE1.L8 ONLY: 1636` it Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 - g 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24c.Fonwater Sit 1��v& IgSPML&Regional OPerations _ e ; Also submit qnc co azrt 1 F'eq imof tinn of well consitucti i-e4.to the countym healih deparnent-a. i 13b.Disinfection type: Amoaat: 1,2 constructed. �• s `' Foam GW-€ Norris Carolina Depanrnew of Enviroament and Nenual Resources-N-sion of Watt+Re-ources� RECEIVED I - Division of Water Resources BORING RECORD E: NOV - 5 2015 k a ¢^fly EOTRACKf Water Quality Regional Operations M17T-echnologies, Inc. Y>' Asheville Regional Ofiice ` Asheville Regional Airport,Area 4 6 Buncombe County, worth Carolina BORING No 1` Boring Locatlol� AIR631447 9/E944679.9 •`t`'"" "� "I Date Drilled: 9/17/15 Ground Elevation:2133.8 ft Notes A/E Drilling -CME 750 Drilling Method: HSA Hammer Type:Automatic Water Level: 22.82 at 24 Hrs Boring Diameter: 8 in _ ° 2 (U a� o STD.PENETRATION TEST DATA MATERIAL DESCRIPTION L o Q T = n a c (blows/ft) _ p m-1 m Q" R o co io > uJ C� cq U) a 0.0 Z N M Z 5 10 20 40 70 Fill-Reddish Brown Silty Fine to Medium Sand(SM) 2.0 2131.3 Residuum-Very Stiff Yellowish Brown Slightly Micaceous Fine Sandy Silt(ML) 3.5 SS-1 4 9 9 18 2128.8 7.0 2126.3 Dense Gray,Yellowish Brown and Black Micaceous to Very Micaceous Silty Fine to 8 5 Medium Sand(SM) SS-2 11 12 23 35 2123.8 2121.3 13.5 SS-3 10 15 20 35 2118.8 2116.3 18.5 SS-4 17 11 20 31 2113.8 22.0 2111.3 Dense White,Gray and Brown Wet Silty -Fine to Coarse Sand(SM) 23.5 SS-5 20 20 25 45 F 2108.8 0 c� Y 27.0 0 2106.3 Dense to Very Dense Gray,Brown and LU, Black Moist Micaceous to Very Micaceous 28.5 Silty Fine to Medium Sand(SM) a' SS-6 5 20 36 56 a 2103.8 3 2101.3 0 33.5 SS-7 10 15 28 43 0 LEGEND Continued Next Page SAMPLER TYPE DRILLING METHOD z SS Split Spoon NQ- Rock Core, 1-7/8" HSA- Hollow Stem Auger RW -Rotary Wash o ST Shelby Tube CU-Cuttings CFA-Continuous Flight Augers RC - Rack Core m AWG-Rock Core, 1-1/8,, CT-Continuous Tube DC - Driving Casing I. RECEIVED f J Division of Water Resources BORING RECO M NOV - 5 2015 Technologies, Inc. Asheville Regional Airport,Area 4 BORING No. M; 0"I Aid Water Quality Regional Operations Buncombe County,North Carolina Asheville Re Iona;Office Boring Locatiob,—6`; . / 4�7 �3--- Date Drilled: 9/17/15 Ground Elevation: 2133.8 ft -A/E�Drilling•.-CME•�M7,50:�;;,..:,:w�;=.a»:,r. . Drilling Method: HSA Hammer Type:Automatic Water Level: 22.82 at 24 Hrs Boring Diameter: 8 in o m L d Q m STD.PENETRATION TEST DATA MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a o E E IT s _ � (blows/ft) W m- M m o co > w C) (n Z N -2 z 5 10 20 40 70 N 07 2096.3 38.5 SS-8 6 17 17 34 2093.8 2091.3 43.5 44.0 Partially Weathered Rock-Sampled as SS-9 10, 50/5" 50/5" 2088.8 Very Dense Light Gray and Light Brown ° Slightly Micaceous Silty Fine to Medium ° Sand(PWR) ° ° 2086.3 ° 48.5 ° ° SS-10 40 50/3" 50/3" 2083.8 2081.3 ' 53.5 SS-11 20 50/3" 50/3.. 2078.8 ° ° 2076.3 2 58.5 0 SS-12 20 25 50/2"50/3" 0 2073.8 60.2 o Auger Refusal-Boring Terminated at 60.2 Y Feet 0 2071.3 W c� a 2068.8 2066.3 c� z 0 m 0 o LEGEND 0 W SAMPLER TYPE DRILLING METHOD z SS Split Spoon NQ- Rock Core,1-7/8" HSA-Hollow Stem Auger RW -Rotary Wash ST Shelby Tube CU-Cuttings CFA-Continuous Flight Augers RC - Rock Core m AWG- Rock Core, 1-1/8" CT-Continuous Tube DC Driving Casing r i j WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD ForintemalUs.-ONLY. This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1.Well Contractor Information: M'Flsi ASANDONIvi1;A'T DETAILS Marty King 7a.Number of wells being abandoned: Well Contractor Name(or well owner personally abandoning wall on his/her property) For Inu111ple h0clion oe non-water supply hells ONLY n'itt, dre acme 3290 canatracrfonabandonmeal,you can subinh one form. , NC Well Contractor Cacti$cation Numbs 7b.Approximate volume of water remaining fit well($); 9 (gal.) AE Drilling Services I FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Comparry Name 2.Well Construction Permit& WM0104294 7e.Type of disinfectant used.- ' Lfsr all applicable well pernrks(i.e.County,State,Variance,Injection,etc)iflmown 7d.Amount of disinfectant used: 3.Well use(check well use); Water Supply Wellr 7e.Sealing materials used(check all that apply): ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal/Public m Neat Cement Grout 1�Bentonite Chips or Pellets ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) OResidential Water Supply(single) 0 Sand Cement Grout ❑Dry Clay ❑Industrial/Commercial C1Residential Water Supply(shared) p Concrete Grout ❑Drill Cuttings MIrrigation ❑Specialty Grout ❑Gravel Non-Water Supply Well: Cl Bentonite Slurry ❑Other(explain under 7g) MMonitoring ❑Recovery Igjectiou Well: 7f,Far'eaeh material selected above,provide amount or materials used: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑GroundwaterRemediation 14 geillons neat cement grout ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery OSalinity Barrier ❑Aquifer Test OStormwater Drainage OExperhnetttal Technology ❑Subsidence Control 7g.Provide a brief description of the abandonment procedure: C1Geothermal(Closed Loop). ❑Tracer Cement grout was pumped through a tremfe hose that was extended to the base ❑Geothermal eatin ooling Return) 110her(explain under 7a of the weiL The tremle hose was removed while pumping,after the grout surface 4.Date well(s)abandoned: 10/27/15 reached the ground surface. The surface hardware,Including concrete pad and Sa:Well location: manhole casing were removed and filled with grout. Asheville Regional Airport Facility/Owner Name Facility Ma(irapplicable) g•Certification: 61 'terminal Drive, Fletcher, NC 28732 11/12/2015 Physical Address,City,and Zip Signature afeertifed e0 Contractor or It Owner Date Buncombe 964352197000000 ;.:., .._..._._.r..,.....>,,..: Etp signing this farm f iieretiy cene that the wetf(s)w.as(gere).abandoned in County Parcel identification No,(PIN) accordance with 15A NCAC 02C';0100 or.2C.0011 Well Conso4tction Standards and that a copy 4,th4s.tecordhas..beeir provided to the well owner]c1a 3b.Latitude and longitude in de rees/minutes/secoods or decimal de ees:- rt' (ifwoll field,one latiioug is suillcicat) - 1— 9.Site diagram or:8d itional well det�s- o�rc 35.43306 N 82,54278 You may use the buck af.this pegAtYiid �f� lbr��ive�l sill abandonment detail.`$;; ou may also attach additional pages if nec CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF WRL•L(S)BEING A13ANDMD SCBIIMITTAL MSTR AN5 J A N - 201 G ' Attach well conslrucvon records)If available. For inrrfnple ttJeerfon or non-under supply 7K wQllsONLYtrlrhthesontoconstrucdoWabandonment,you can.submiiomform. 19a. Far All Wells;`', ubmit this form within 30 days of co1 6a,Well ID#. MWAA abandonmenttojlh�f311 wing.Divislai)$4 1617<(Hfa ServiceeiN'26496 6b.Total well depth: (ft-)„ _. - F 10b,For lnieetiai�Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 10a- a 6 above,also submit one copy of this farm within 30 days of complelion,tt�wal( :?. 6e Borehole diameter: (in,) abandonment to thte fo)lowrri$ 29 Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 6d.Water level below ground surface: (ft) 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27499.1636 loc.For Water Sunnly&Injection Weli: In addition to sending the form to 6e.Outer casing length(Uhnown)t (ft.) the address(es) above, also submit one copbri fo thin 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the countyreai e t @county 6t:Inner casing/tubing length(it known):, 74 ({t,) where abardaned. DEC 2 1.•��q� Sg,Screen length(if known): 10 (ft) InforMplUon Proo -,r:f� Fonn GW-30 North Coroliaa Department ofEnvironmem and Natural Resources-Division or Water Resources DWQ/F Revised August 2013 ` „ �410 S.Wilmington Street. DUKE Raleigh,NC 27601 ENERGY, Mailing Address Mail Code NC 14. Raleigh,NC 27601 919-546-7863 919-546-6302(fax) August 18,2015 Mr. Brett Laverty NC DENR Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S.70 Highway Swannanoa,NC 28778 RE: Asheville Steam Electric Plant—Asheville Airport Fill Duke Energy Progress, LLC.—Permit WQ0000020 Proposed New Background Groundwater Monitoring Well for Areas 3&4 Dear Mr.Laverty: Duke Energy Progress, LLC. (DEP) requests your concurrence in the relocation of the background groundwater monitoring well for Areas 3 &4 at the Asheville Airport fill project underway per the DEP permit WQ0000020. The Asheville Airport has acquired additional property since the existing background monitoring well was installed. The taxiway construction project underway at the Asheville Airport necessitates the existing-groundwater monitoring well be relocated. Per the enclosed figure, DEP proposes to move the background well approximately 220 feet to the west and name that well MW-1AR. Existing background well MW-1A will be abandoned once the new well is installed and developed. We would appreciate your concurrence in the next few weeks as we would like the new background well installed and ready to sample during the next sampling event in November 2015. If you have any questions or need any clarification regarding the information provided,feel free to contact me at john.toepfer@duke-energy.com or at 919-546-7863 at your convenience. Sincerely, Digitally signed by lohn Toepfer ” cn�lohn Toep(er,o,ou, John Toe pf e remail=john.toepfer@duke energycom, fl Date:2015.08.1809:31:31-0600' John Toepfer, P.E. Lead Engineer Waste &Groundwater Programs cc: Ed Sullivan—Duke Energy Norman Divers—Charah, Inc. Teresa Williams—Duke Energy MichaellReisman —Asheville Airport Phillip Banks—Duke Energy Chonticha McDaniel-DENR Kathy Webb—SynTerra Corporation enc: Figure-Relocated Monitoring Well MW-1A RECEIVED 19vision of Water Resource,$ i AUG 1 8 2015 I Water Quality Regional Operations Asheville Reaional Office • x III -:, t z! %"p� - Top of Gsing 0041$ f, .WellID Nonhinp asSitt9 6RVaflo- a 1AW4A 63146282 944901.02 MW-2 829920.28 944436,90 2076.56 a. y !AW-5 629395.45 344832.59' 2469;31 u 7AWSD 629386.39 94484205 2071-47 t , .;. 1AW7 62896Z08 945202-85 2074.07 _ MW-7 6284.89B7 9455t207 ?477.37 " t 7AW-9 827830-32 945832-12 2069.01 - 'f0 K, ` ay *TOC FOR MW 1A WAS ADJUSTED DURING GRADING OPERATION PROPOSED NEW MW=1A r .�; ;�zr ATTHE AIRPORT.INFORMATION PROVIDED BY DAVID WILSON OF LOCATION GEOTRACK TECHNOLOGIES,INC,ON MAY 12,2015. MW-SAIS THE BACKGROUND WELL FOR AREA4 AND AREA 3. Via. � �t � � � _ : �� +��• R t- � �5 t i 4 i k MW f4 �` aoGERo � .�` �- ASHEVILLE REGI_ONALAIRPORT a/ W4 - 1 F � a � 'a ! IWESTERN NORTH CAROLINA!Mw�'�Mw�D �r� � 1 � ,-"_ � ��(AGRICULTURALCENTER s r, OFF FER_NCLIFF DR f' ';., e a IN RETAINING r L } _ MW"6 ,r WALL F °$ar 51­- r xY.y =y i I r MW-8., e 111 " LEGEND =o Sjo'" * MW-_7 MONITORING WELL(SAMPLED) SOURCES: 9MW--8 MONITORING WELL(NOT SAMPLED) 2014 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OBTAINED FROM NRCSGEOSPTIAL DATA GATEWAY AT' http://datagateway.nres.usda.gov/ t ALL WELLS SURVEYED EXCEPT MW-3 BY WNC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS& `�'� .ASHEVILLE COAL COMBUSTION PRODUCT LIMITS , SURVEYORS ON APRIL19,2012. REGIONAL ® REVIEW BOUNDARY n AIRPORT COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY,REVIEW BOUNDARY,AND LIMITS OF CCB FILL BASED �,,,,�, s® COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY ON DRAWING BY FRANKLIN S.CRAIG.P.E.OF GASTONIA,NORTH CAROLINA TITLED AREA 84-ALL PHASES ENGINEERED FILL DESIGN,SHEET E-1,DATED ---- PROPERTY LINE(APPROXIMATE) JUNE3o,zo11. GRAPHIC SCALE 300 0 300 600 DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS IN FEET STRUCTURAL FILL-AREA 4 148 RIVER STREET,SUITE 220 GREENVILLE,SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 RELOCATED MONITORING WELL MWAA PHONE864�21 www.synterraco rp.com ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT .com Terra DRAWN BY:JOHNCHASTAIN DATE:08/16/2015 ARDEN, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT MANAGER:KATHY WEBB synLAYOUT:STRUCTURAL FILL IV RELOCTAED MW-1A 08/17/20153:52 PM P:Duke EneWv Pr ress.102602.ASHEVILLE PLAN OO.COMBINED MW AT STRUCTURAL FILLS HEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT RELOCATED MW-A.dw RCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Donald R. van der Vaart Governor Secretary May 29FE 2015 CEfVED n of water Resources DWR# 15-0088 uncombe County N _ 3 2015 Greater Asheville Regional Airport Authority Attn: Mr. Lew Bleiweis iity Regional Operations 61 Terminal Drive, Ste 1 „_ �e.,:onal Office Fletcher, NC 28732 Subject: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Asheville Regional Airport—East Side Improvement Project , Dear Mr. Bleiweis:: On January 21, 2015,the Division of Water Resources (Division) received your application dated December 29, 2014 requesting a 401 Individual Water Quality Certification from the Division for the subject project. The Division received the Public Notice issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on February 6, 2015 and subsequent information on April 21, 2015. The Division has determined that your application is incomplete and cannot be processed.The application is on- hold until all of the following information is received: 1. During our initial review of the application, Division staff recognized that the proposed project did not meet the 3007horizontal-foot setback from private dwellings within the Hidden Creek Village subdivision located near the eastern project boundary as required by G.S. 130A-309.220(c)(2) [Coal Ash Management Act of 2014 (CAMA-2014)]. Previously, NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Office of General Counsel advised the Division that the proposed project was grandfathered and not subject to CAMA-2014. It is now the Division's understanding that the project will be conducted in compliance with CAMA-2014 and therefore must be modified to comply with those requirements. Please provide a revised project plan that complies with the 300-horizontal-foot-setback from private dwellings, and all other applicable requirements in CAMA-2014. Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC 02H .0502(e), the applicant shall furnish all of the above requested information for the proper consideration of the application. If all of the requested information is not received in writing within 30 calendar days of receipt of this letter,the Division will be unable to approve the application and it will be returned. The return of this project will Division of Water Resources—401&Buffer Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 Location:512 N Salisbury St,Raleigh,North Carolina 27604 Phone:919-807-63001 FAX:919-807-6492 Internet:www.ncwaterquality.org An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer—Made in part by recycled paper Greater le Regional Airport Authority DWR#15-0088 Request for Additional Information Page 2 of 2 necessitate reapplication to the Division for approval, including a complete application package and the appropriate fee. Send three (3) copies of all of the above requested information to the 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit, 1617 Mail Service,Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. Please be aware that you have no authorization under the Section 401 of the Clean Water Act for this activity and any work.done within waters of the state may be a violation of North Carolina General Statutes and Administrative Code. Contact Zan Price at 828-296-4500 or zan.price@ncdenr.gov or Jennifer Burdette at 919-807- 6364 or if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Karen Higgins,Supervi r 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit cc: Clement Riddle, ClearWater Environmental Consultants, Inc., 224 South Grove St., Ste F, Hendersonville, NC 28792 USACE Asheville Regulatory Field Office ,%DWR=A110=401_file) ,DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit file Filename: 150088Ash evil leRegionalAirport-EastSidelmp(Buncombe)_401_IC_Hold2.docx ^ fj`` ti �����' �.SELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD I Mort atoljn e�artment of Environment a d-'Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality 2 J 3 91 ,� ,1 , ce �.; t•w � r �? �5`° �9 t C®1�'TRA�T � ERTI)HICA 1Oi+ts# 22G 5 F 1.WELL CONTRACt\OR a. ,P\V e<a d. TOP of CASING IS_ 0.1 FT.Above Land Surface' Tim Brown °r ;�� . rQ . ,c`�� :. � . , Top of casing terminated aUor below land surface may require Well Contractor(Individual), ame PP a�9�/ _� .f a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0118. nologies Ir c/o GeoTrack Techwin (gpm): METHOD OF TEST c . U. -�--- :e. YIELD Well Contractor CompahY lVam ��•� p.�C`i/ - ' 3620 Pelham Road / &� f. DISINFECTION:Type Amount Street Address / ri - `� , ,.=' �: : g. WATER ZONES(depth): Greenville �'S F-�� '� `".,=p�S'C 29615 :Top Bottom Top Bottom City or Town +r ' z.. State Zip Code �.• :Top Bottom Top Bottom 8( 64 ) 329-0013 :Top Bottom Top Bottom Area code Phone number Thickness/ 2.WELL INFORMATION: : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#WM0100356 :Top 0 Bottom 35 Ft. 2° S 40 ' PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) :Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID*(if applicable)82-4 Top Bottom Ft. 3.WELL USE(Check One Box)Monitoring I(Municipal/Public❑ 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Industrial/Commercial❑ Agricultural❑ Recovery❑ Injection❑ :Top 0 Bottom 33 Ft. Cement/Bent. Tremie Irrigation[] Other❑ (list use) :Top Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED 1 1-19-14 :Top Bottom Ft. 4.WELL LOCATION: : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Asheville Aimort Area 2 :Top 35 Bottom 50 Ft. 2.0 in. 0.010 in. PVC (Street Name,Numbers,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) :TOp Bottom Ft. in. in. CITY: Fletcher COUNTY Buncombe :Top Bottom Ft. in. in. TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) []Slope Aalley []Flat ❑Ridge ❑Other 10.SAND/GRAVEL PACK: LATITUDE 35 °27 2.0000 DMS OR DID Top Size Material LONGITUDE 82 32 � a2.0000 :Top 32 Bottom 50 Ft. 20-40 Fine Silica Sand "DMS OR DD ;Top Bottom Ft. Latitude/longitude source: OPS Efropographic map :Top Bottom Ft. (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) : 11. DRILLING LOG 5.FACILITY(Name of the business where the well is located.) : Top Bottom Formation Description Asheville Rea. Alrnnrt 0 / 24 Saprolite-Silty Sand Facility Name Facility ID#(if applicable) 24 / 50 Dense Silty Sand 61 Terminal Drive / Street Address Fletcher City or Town State Zip Code / Mr-M. Reisman / Contact Name / �tflrp:�,wt 7Rf1td Mailing Address / VtttRL'6'Cw4-,nlil•g7Rf1!":s fi^,ihir;?,11MIT / S w . City or Town State Zip Code : 12.REMARKS: Area code Phone number 6.WELL DETAILS: : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C.WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH: 50 RECORD FPS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. / G` , b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES❑ NO AnyR `CERTIFIED WELL -DATE�/ /(f SI NATURE 0 CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 37.85 FT. Tim Brown "+"if Above Top of Casing) : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit Within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality- Information Processing, Form GW-1b Rev.2/09 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,NC 27699-161,Phone :(919)807-6300 STArf �� P'�„ r^•: ":1 Y� liq f1�1.�1C1L1'� �:r- 1�L WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD orth i5ho' )ia 7epartment of Environn elit add Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality �c f� CE 22�9 2`3 9 'k,.`1ti1�dA•-�r �irt.t, VRLL CONT eft R' i CATION# 2 1.WELL`CONT`l CT. G� d6 TOP OF CASING IS 0.1 FT.Above Land Surface" Tim Brown ' '.` cati�Ons 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require Well Contractor(Individ�ial)Name a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0118. c/o Geol"rack Teahnolo iea.,�i'I�-'C�.e���.�,;:-�•. Well Contractor Cm� lgP )YIELD m: METHOD OF TEST 3620 Pelham Rd f. DISINFECTION:Type Amount Street Address g. WATER ZONES(depth): Greenville SC 29615 :Top Bottom Top Bottom City or Town ",i``f"'' State Zip Code :Top Bottom Top Bottom 8( 64 ) 329-0013 :Top Bottom Top Bottom Area code Phone number 2.WELL INFORMATION: Thickness/7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#WMO100356 :Top 0 Bottom 35 Ft. 211 S 40 PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) :Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID*(if applicable)A2-5 Top Bottom Ft. 3.WELL USE(Check One Box)Monitoring N(Municipal/Public❑ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Industrial/Commercial❑ Agricultural❑ Recovery❑ Injection❑ : Top 0 Bottom 33 Ft. Cement/Bent. Tremie Irrigation❑ Other❑ (list use) :Top Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED 11-18-14 ; Top Bottom Ft. 4.WELL LOCATION: 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Asheville Airport Area 2 Top 35 Bottom 50 Ft. 2.0 in. 0.010in. PVC (Street Name,Numbers,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) Top Bottom Ft. in. in. CITY: Fletcher COUNTY Bunco miJe Top Bottom Ft. in. in. TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope C(/alley ❑Flat ❑Ridge ❑Other 10.SAND/GRAVEL PACK: LATITUDE 35 °26 47.0000 "DMS OR DID Top Size Material LONGITUDE 82 ° s2 ss.0000 : Top 32 Bottom 50 Ft. 20-40 Fine Silica Sand "DMS OR DD :Top Bottom Ft. Latitude/longitude source: W3PS ❑Topographic map : Top Bottom Ft. (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) : 11. DRILLING LOG 5.FACILITY(Name of the business where the well is located.) Top Bottom Formation Description Asheville R .n Alrnr)rt 0 / 50 Saorolite-Silty Sand Facility Name Facility ID#(if applicable) / 61 Terminal Drive / Street Address / Fletcher NC 2= / 311:43p—<0�10.+—: av: City or Town State Zip Code / ij -1,C U _�V C Mr-M. Reisman / Contact Name / Mailing Address / t�#1``L�4tAir'�ft�PS,��rktr.•'�E.iv7o�4�>;S'`da':l'Y City or Town State Zip Code 12.REMARKS: Area code Phone number 6.WELL DETAILS: : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH:-5O : RECORD H�EEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES❑ NO '"��7 if`s '� �� NATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing:26.62 FT. Tlm Brown (Use"+"if Above Top of Casing) PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit Within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality- Information Processing, Form GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone :(919)807-6300 Rev.2/09 IG WELL iJ CONSTRUCTION RECORD North"Carolinar�eS0Y tulle elf ENronment nd Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality e< 21 1LaOV�)EbAC i[®fl3 CERTaF)[C�)<f® I# 2289 1.WELL CONTRACTOR::.: rZO� Tim brown 2, 'T.OP OF CASING IS_0.1 FT.Above Land Surface* -,*Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require Well Contractor(Individual)Name to variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0118. C/o GeoTrack Techn�Olo ies Inc. or��°°f��a� Well Contractor Compaq y'Nave o<�ua��fiyP�,P��oo ; g ;DISINFECTION:T METHOD OF TEST 3620 Pelham Road \ ,��.� rF„-Vke - yPe Amount Street Address a t Greenville 4 ` ' ' g• WATER ZONES(depth): «"'�� SC.., 29615 :Top City or Town „ Bottom Top Bottom State Zip Code :Top Bottom To .�Y " p Bottom (864 ) 329-0013 Area code Phone number � ' Top Bottom Top Bottom 2.WELL INFORMATION: Thickness/ 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#WMO1 00356 :Top 0 Bottom 30 Ft. 2" S 40 PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) ;Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID#(if applicable)A2-6 Top Bottom Ft. 3.WELL USE(Check One Box)Monitoring V Municipal/Public❑ 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Industrial/Commercial❑ Agricultural❑ Recovery❑ Injection❑ :Top 0 Bottom 28 Ft. Cement/Bent. Tremle Irrigation❑ Other❑ (list use) :Top Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED 1 1-19-14 :Top Bottom Ft. 4.WELL LOCATION: 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Asheville Airport Area 2 :Top 30 Bottom 40 Ft. 2.0 in. 0.010in. PVC (Street Name,Numbers,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) :Top Bottom Ft, in. in. CITY: Fletcher COUNTY Buncombe :Top Bottom Ft. in. in. TOPOGRAPHIC f LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope &�/alley ❑Flat ❑Ridge ❑Other ; 10.SAND/GRAVEL PACK: LATITUDE 35 °25 42.0000 DMS OR DD Depth Size Material Top 28 Bottom 40 Ft. 20-40 Fine Silica Sand LONGITUDE 82 32 39.0000 DMS OR DD Top Bottom Ft. Latitude/longitude source: IZGPS []Topographic map :Top Bottom Ft. (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) S.FACILITY(Name of the business where the well is located. : 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description Asheville Rea Airnart 0 / 40 Saprolite-Silty Sand Facility Name Facility ID#(if applicable) : / germinal Drive / Street Address / Fletc h r7 , City or Town i'� * l State Zip Code / � ate.• Mr_M. Reisman Contact Name / —aa '�—y;§ we L Mailing Address City or Town State Zip Code : 12.REMARKS: Area code Phone number 6.WELL DETAILS: : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH: 40 : RECORD ..B-EN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. ,. b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES❑ NOW /�� �` �' . T. SIGNATURE OF C RTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 16.45 FT. (Use"+"if Above Top of Casing) Tim Brown PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit Within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality - Information Processing, Form GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone :(919)807-6300 Rev.2/09 �SIMENTT1,4L WELL,CONSTRUCTION RECORD Noith Carolina Departments Environment a d�Ndtural Resources-Division of Water Quality 2,5394 0 pJt�25 ,.1 I L -Tn k�-VO t CERTIFICA YON# 2289 H:.:.-...: �. 1.WELL CONTRACTOR:. cc Tim Brown �.'a ? DNSTOP OF CASING IS 0.1 FT.Above Land Surface' Well Contractor(Individual): ame J \'k "•.,;, `Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require c/o GeoTrack Tech to ies Inc. nec�L�°"S a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0118. Well Contractor Company`Na e n IELD(gpm): METHOD OF TEST 3620 Pelham Road ua�� a�e9`°�e�0i ° °"cf DISINFECTION:TYPe Amount Street Address 1 fat ' gvu Greenville P'� I":g•`WATER ZONES(depth): SC � 296T5 :Top Bottom Top Bottom City or Town "State , ZipCode Top Bottom Top Bottom 8( 64 ) 329-0013 - :Top Bottom rop Bottom Area code Phone number 2.WELL INFORMATION: Thickness/ 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#WMO100356 :Top 0 Bottom 35 Ft. 2" S 40 PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID*(if applicable)A2-7 ;Top Bottom Ft. 3.WELL USE(Check One Box)Monitoring N(Municipal/Public❑ ; 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Industrial/Commercial❑ Agricultural❑ Recovery❑ Injection❑ :Top 0 Bottom 33 Ft. Cement/Bent. Tremie Irrigation❑ Other❑ (list use) :Top Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED 1 1-19-14 :Top Bottom Ft. 4.WELL LOCATION: 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Asheville Airport Area 2 :Top 35 Bottom 50 Ft. 2.0 in. 0.010 in. PVC (Street Name,Numbers,Community, ubdi Svision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) Top Bottom Ft. in. in. CITY: Fletcher COUNTY Buncombe :Top Bottom Ft. in. in. TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope ffi�/alley ❑Flat []Ridge ❑Other ; 10.SAND/GRAVEL PACK: LATITUDE 35 °26 39.0000 DMS OR DD Depth Size Material Top 33 Bottom 50 Ft. 20-40 Fine Silica Sand LONGITUDE 82 3z 37.000o DMS OR DD Top Bottom Ft. Latitude/longitude source: WPS Qropographic map :Top Bottom Ft.(location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not rising GPS) LOG S.FACILITY(Name of the business where the well is located.) . 11.To RILLIN B Bottom P Formation Description Asheville 0 / 50 Saprolite-Silty Sand Facility Name Facility ID#(if applicable) / _61 Terminal Drive Street Address Fletcher City or Town State Zip Code / e0 ZO 14 Mr.M. Reisman / n Contact Name )� � rerttl IVIV ,IT(; ��s(ft(f,i 4111P Mailing Address / City or Town State Zip Code / 12.REMARKS: Area code Phone number : 6.WELL DETAILS: :I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH: RECOR,D�H&S.F0fN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES❑ NO :` Ir SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 17.69 FT. (Use"+"if Above Top of Casing) Tlm Brown PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality - Information Processing, Form GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,NC 27699-161, Phone : (919)807-6300 Rev.2/09 •.�C.,`i.�1.• •, fib; ., _� (1 v AESIDENTIM' WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD z�North Carolina Departm lit-of i nvironnie)t and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality ,C®1� leP6E RTIFI DTI®N# 2289 R 53 9 5 1.WELL CONTRACTOR. pv000gW d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.1 FT.Above Land Surface* Tim Brown ? *Top of casing terminated attor below land surface may require Well Contractor(Individu 1)Name 7 A a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0118. c/o GeoTrack Tecrmolooies �nc �S ..,YIELD m Well Contractor Corppany Name ;., (gp ) METHOD OF TEST 3620 Pelham Road Ve41 na�0 "e f. DISINFECTION:Type Amount Street Address '>, " F� a _~ : " Greenville Wa evdtc�;;;` ?' ! g WATER ZONES(depth): r s!SC 29615 :Top Bottom Top Bottom City or Town ' State Zip Code Top Bottom Top_Bottom 8( 64 ) 329-0013 :Top Bottom Top Bottom Area code Phone number 1. Thickness/ 2.WELL INFORMATION: :7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#WMO100356 :Top 0 Bottom 35 Ft. 2" S 40 PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID*(if applicable)A2-8 Top Bottom Ft. 3.WELL USE(Check One Box)Monitoring d'Municipal/Public❑ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Industrial/Commercial❑ Agricultural❑ Recovery❑ Injection❑ :Top 0 Bottom 33 Ft. Cement/Bent. Tremie Irrigation❑ Other❑ (list use) :Top Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED 11-14-14 ;Top Bottom Ft. 4.WELL LOCATION: 9, SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material ' Asheville Airport Area 2 :Top 35 Bottoms_Ft. 2.0 in. 0.010 in. PVC (Street Name,Numbers,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) Top Bottom Ft. in. in. CITY: Fletcher COUNTY Buncombe :Top Bottom Ft. in. in. TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope BAlley ❑Flat ❑Ridge ❑Other ; 10.SAND/GRAVEL PACK: LATITUDE 35 °26 49.0000 DMS OR DD Depth Size Material Top 33 Bottom 50 Ft. 20-40 Fine Silica Sand LONGITUDE 82 32 42.0000 DMS OR DD : Top Bottom Ft. Latitude/longitude source: Vj3PS oTopographic map Top Bottom Ft. (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 11. DRILLING LOG S.FACILITY(Name of the business where the well is located.) Top Bottom Formation Description Asheville Ri-n Airport 0 / 24 Saprolite-Silty Sand Facility Name Facility ID#(if applicable) 24 / 50 PWR-Silty Sand 61 Terminal nri va / Street Address / Fletnh .r If 28= City or Town State Zip Code Mr-M. Reisman /Contact Name / DEC Mailing Address / y =gypn�;�i,Slltl� / r PPJJ,!J 1oi f� S51�it i j�►1T City or Town State Zip Code 12.REMARKS: Area code Phone number 6.WELL DETAILS: : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH: 50 RECORD�/HAS N P 0VIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES❑ NO[/ l SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing:. 2618 FT. .—Tim grown (Use"+"if Above Top of Casing) : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality - information Processing, Form GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,NC 27699-161, Phone :(919)807-6300 Rev.2/09 sTArF',r h iW&IDENT'ML1'WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Nort �CaroTriia begat bnent of En "'e n't nd'Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality f� J 3 WELL CAN . CTgk>f� Tl®iall# 2289 96 1.WELL CONTRACTO ,. w N\s\o� TQp OF CASING IS O. FT.Above Land Surface Tim Brown t O t 's*Top of casing terminated attor below land surface may require Well Contractor(Individti1)�Y ame a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0118. c/o GeoTrack T c `rt to ies I e. 1EL m METHOD OF TEST Well Contractor Compa ySNa a t�on5 .(gp )' 3620 Pelham Ro a\OPeCa S1Nr CTION:Type Amount Street Address a� Greenville ; afer— otla\�eg�o� +~L;`- g" W4�E 2 ZONES(depth): �. �, 29 1�5- �,, ,9p-"" Bottom Top Bottom City or Town , ,.a fate }Z1f`Co�le, ;Top Bottom Top Bottom 8( 64 ) 329-0013 ,. .Top Bottom Top Bottom Area code Phone number Thickness/ 2.WELL INFORMATION: 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#WMO100356 :Top 0 Bottom 30 Ft. 2" S 40 PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) : Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID#(if applicable)A2-9 Top Bottom Ft. 3.WELL USE(Check One Box)Monitoring 5(Municipal/Public❑ ; 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Industrial/Commercial❑ Agricultural❑ Recovery❑ Injection❑ :Top 0 Bottom 18 Ft. Cement/Bent. Tremle Irrigation❑ Other❑ (list use) :Top Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED 1 1-18-14 ;Top Bottom Ft. 4.WELL LOCATION: 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Asheville Airport Area 2 : Top 20 Bottom 30 Ft. 2.0 in. 0.010 in. PVC (Street Name,Numbers,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) ;Top Bottom Ft. in. in. CITY: Fletcher COUNTY Buncombe : Top Bottom Ft. in. in. TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope VValley ❑Flat ❑Ridge ❑Other : 10.SAND/GRAVEL PACK: LATITUDE 35 0 26 55.0000 DMS OR DD Depth Size Material LONGITUDE 82 32 a5.0oo0 :Top 18 Bottom 30 Ft. 20-40 Fine Silica Sand "DMS OR DD ;Top Bottom Ft. Latitude/longitude source: IZGPS propographic map :Top Bottom Ft. (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form ifnot using GPS) : 11. DRILLING LOG 5.FACILITY(Name of the business where the well is located.) Top Bottom Formation Description Asheville Ren. Airnnrt 0 / 30 Saprolite-Silty Sand Facility Name Facility ID#(if applicable) / 61 Terminal Drive Street Address Fletcher NC'_----2R7 City or Town State Zip Code / DE Mr.M. Reisman / r Contact Name / 3VVR 6r;Ina. /8O m)f�&RQflt G� Mailing Address City or Town State Zip Code 12.REMARKS: Area code Phone number 6.WELL DETAILS: : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH: 30 : RECORD lAS-BEEN PROVIDED TOTHE;.WELL OWNER. r� J"G'Ll�� b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D NO : C/SIGNATURE OF CERTI IED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 14.04 FT. :�I 111 Brown (Use"+"if Above Top of Casing) : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit Within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality- Information Processing, Form GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,NC 27699-161,Phone : (919)807-6300 Rev.2/09 1N" NiDENTML WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD / �cr° North Carohlta Departmept of E vrr liment d Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality .� /ELL Cb� �rTIFI(CA IOi�':# 2289 ,.. .� of atiPr R , 97 1.WELL CONTRACTO�t:t� pivis�o� Tim Brown :;; TOP OF CASING IS�.1 FT.Above Land Surface* D(1 3 t,'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require Well Contractor(Individ�Ial)i me L w a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0118. c/o GeoTrack Tee hn to ies Irt t, Well Contractor Compa y fV e 0 ecafsong e. IL(gpm): METHOD OF TEST 3620 Pelham Roa '` ,ona� p. isit� EcrloN:Type_ e9 niilce s r Amount Street Address ter(qua peg `" l Wa ti�e-,�� `:g WATER ZONES(depth): Greenville 1 Ps� y 5- :Top r Bottom Top Bottom City or Town State - Z1p Code Lx Top Bottom Top Bottom 8( 64 ) 329-0013 ^,ct,;;;u=�- ;Top Bottom Area code Phone number ,, �^ Top Bottom 2.WELL INFORMATION: Thickness/ 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#WM0100356 :Top 0 Bottom 47 Ft. 2" 340 PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) :Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID#(if applicable)A2-10 Top Bottom Ft. 3.WELL USE(Check One Box)Monitoring W Municipal/Public❑ 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Industrial/Commercial❑ Agricultural❑ Recovery❑ Injection❑ :Top 0 Bottom 45 Ft. Cement/Bent. Tremie Irrigation❑ Other❑ (list use) :Top Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED 1 1-14-14 ;Top Bottom Ft. 4.WELL LOCATION: 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Asheville Airport Area 2 :Top 47 Bottom 62 Ft. 2.0 in. 0.010 in. PVC (Street Name,Numbers,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) Top Bottom Ft. in. in. CITY: Fletcher COUNTY Buncombe :Top Bottom Ft. in. in. TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope Valley ❑Flat ❑Ridge ❑Other 10.SAND/GRAVEL PACK: LATITUDE 35 °27 0.0000 DMS OR DD Depth Size Material LONGITUDE 82 32 as.0000 :Top 45 Bottom 62 Ft. 20-40 Fine Silica Sand DMS OR DD :Top Bottom Ft. Latitude/longitude source: IGPS Qropographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to Top Bottom Ft. this form if not using GPS) OG S.FACILITY(Name of the business where the well is located.) 1 To RILLINBotttom P Formation Description Ashevillee Ren Airn�rt 0 / 62 Saprolite-Silty Sand Facility Name Facility ID#(if applicable) / Terminal Crive / Street Address / City or Town State Zip Code / ME M. Reisman �� } Contact Name / / tiFs tics+ll IN Address / IN tliy3y!! ! !'I (JI`,°;itti fti(; (�)I I City or Town State Zip Code / 12.REMARKS: Area code Phone number 6.WELL DETAILS: 100 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH:-.62 RECORD EN P OVIDEO TO THE WELL OWNER. b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES❑ NO 5/ Stl;i-YATU E F ERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE r c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 41,08 FT. (Use"+"if Above Top of Casing) Jlrrl Brown PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality - Information Processing, Form GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, INC 27699-161, Phone :(919)807-6300 Rev.2/09 s s STATE 3 ®1 P�LESIDEN C�AIl. SELL c®ors r�auc rl�� RECORD G'arolina DegBrtm vironment an• l� tural Resources-Division of Water Quality 398 1.WELL CONTRACTOR: C tTOP OF CASING IS 0.1 FT.Above Land Surface* Tim Brown 1 2 201 *Top of casing terminated attor below land surface may require Well Contractor(Individual).• ame a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0118. c/o GeoTrack Teckan to ies Inc. Well Contractor Comp�nj'RIa e Re tonal OPe 1Ons : e YIELD(gpm): METHOD OF TEST 3620 Pelham Rood Water Quality g Ra;onal Ofr+ce ; f. DISINFECTION:Type Amount Street Address t g. WATER ZONES(depth): F - _ ..�_ r y' t Greenville SSG '296:15 . ;^Top- Bottom Top Bottom City or Town ;: Siata =-Zip Code : Top Bottom Top Bottom Gr,,. 8( 64 ) 329-0013 : Top Bottom Top Bottom Area code Phone number Thickness/ 2.WELL INFORMATION: : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#WM0100356 : Top 0 Bottom 45 Ft. 21' S 40 PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) : Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID*(If applicable)A2-1 1 Top Bottom Ft. 3.WELL USE(Check One Box)Monitoring Y Municipal/Public❑ 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Industrial/Commercial❑ Agricultural❑ Recovery❑ Injection❑ :Top 0 Bottom 43 Ft. Cement/Bent. Tremie Irrigation❑ Other❑ (list use) : Top Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED 1 1-12-14 ; Top Bottom Ft. 4.WELL LOCATION: : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Asheville AlrOort Area 2 : Top 45 Bottom 60 Ft. 2.0 in. 0.010 in. PVC (Street Name,Numbers,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) ;Top Bottom Ft. in. in. CITY: Fletcher COUNTY Buncombe :Top Bottom Ft. in. in. _ TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope C(/alley ❑Flat []Ridge ❑Other 10.SAND/GRAVEL PACK: LATITUDE 35 °27 4.0000 "DMS OR DD Depth Size Material Top 43 Bottom 60 Ft. 20-40 Fine Silica Sand LONGITUDE 82 ° 32 51.0000 "DMS OR DD - — :Top Bottom Ft. Latitude/longitude source: WPS Qropographic map :Top Bottom Ft. (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 11. DRILLING LOG 5.FACILITY(Name of the business where the well is located.) Top Bottom Formation Description Asheville Rea, Airport 0 1 53 Saprolite-Silty Sand Facility Name Facility ID#(if applicable) 53 / 60 PWR-Silty Sand 61 Terminal Drive Street Address / Fletcher I 25= / City or Town State Zip Code / Mr.M. Reisman Contact Name DEC 2e;4 Mailing Address / City or Town State Zip Code ; 12.REMARKS: ONFORMAT1%,p�,66Fj' J` tf'I° Area code Phone number 6.WELL DETAILS: : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C•WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORDd6S-8EEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. a. TOTAL DEPTH:_ 60 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES❑ NOW : SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 41.47 FT. (Use"+"if Above Top of Casing) : Tim Brown PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality Form /09 b Y P � - Information Processing, Rev.2/09 1617 lWail Service Center, Raleigh,NC 27699-161,Phone: (919)807-6300 -WELL,CONSTRUCT__.. RECORD Nosh Cat'olna Depart�np- nvironment aid Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality 0,LIR, a OR'f``l 1tTIFICQaTIOI�I# 2��9 J 3 9 9 pwisiop of 1.WELL CONTRACTOR't :d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.1 FT.Above Land Surface* Tim Brown �" `��� *Top of casing terminated attar below land surface may require Well Contractor(Individual), ame a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0118. c/o GeoTrack TetM loclies. Inc. ns : e. YIELD(gpm): METHOD OF TEST Well Contractor Comp;ny Na e pp e 3620 Pelham Ro &,,+ uality Reg^�nnal Office .y DISINFECTION:Type Amount Street Address r ` evt to - 1 '" ` 9• .WATER ZONES(depth): Greenville w SC T 296.15 o :�Yop " Bottom Top Bottom City or Town ' State Zip Code : Top Bottom Top Bottom 864 329-0013 l • '`''f �) . `"�y''••'°'�`" • Top Bottom Top Bottom Area code Phone number Thickness/ 2.WELL INFORMATION: : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#WM0100356 :Top 0 Bottom 20 Ft. 2" S 40 PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) :Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID*(if applicable)82-12 Top Bottom Ft. 3.WELL USE(Check One Box)Monitoring l(Municipal/Public❑ 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Industrial/Commercial❑ Agricultural❑ Recovery❑ Injection p :Top 0 Bottom 18 Ft. Cement/Bent. Tremie Irrigation❑ Other❑ (list use) :Top Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED 1 1-12-14 ;Top Bottom Ft. 4.WELL LOCATION. : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Asheville Airport Area 2 :Top 20 Bottom 30 Ft. 2.0 in. 0.010 in. PVC (Street Name,Numbers,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) :Tpp Bottom Ft. in. in. CITY: Fletcher COUNTY Buncombe :Top Bottom Ft. in. in. TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope Aalley []Flat ❑Ridge ❑Other 10.SAND/GRAVEL PACK: LATITUDE 35 °27 3.0000 "DMS OR DID Depth Size Material LONGITUDE 82 ° 3z a7.0000 :Top 18 Bottom 30 Ft. 20-40 Fine Silica Sand "DMS OR DID :Top Bottom Ft.- Latitude/longitude source: MPS aopographic map :Top Bottom Ft. (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) ' 11. DRILLING LOG 5.FACILITY(Name of the business where the well is located.) Top Bottom Formation Description Asheville Rea. Airoort 0 / 14 Saprolite- Silty Sand Facility Name Facility ID#(if applicable) 14 / 30 PWR-Silty Sand 81 Terminal Drive / Street Address / Fletcher N0 ?RT7 9 City or Town State Zip Code V It—CIT Mr-M. Reisman / ncQ Contact Name l :3 F1 604 Mailing Address City or Town State Zip Code 12.REMARKS: Area code Phone number 6.WELL DETAILS: : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH: 3O RECORD)HA -BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES❑ NO SICK ATUR OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE / c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 14.21 FT. Tim Brawn (Use"+"if Above Top of Casing) : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit Within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality - Information Processing, Form Rev.2/09/09 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161,Phone :(919)807-6300 Srnr` - x ,rk=*zit ow -Lim ELL c®NsTRucT>—. RECORD W ( �� tsifli aiq•(ua�DeparlmetiZ 01•E ;ment and N turaltResources-Division of Water Quality 289 CATIO ,, •- .:=:_ `'�'! Division°t a 1 ? 1.WELL CONTRACTOR: ?. : d T P ORCASING IS 0.1 FT.Above Land Surface' Tim Brown r `) Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require Well Contractor(Individual)' tajer , ;aviriance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0118. c/o GeoTrack Tech ol'�' S. Inc. ' t SYIE rpm): METHOD OF TEST Well Contractor Company Nam,„ ra+opal or t I LION Type Amount 3620 Pelham Road i��yti o1}Ct Yp Street Address t Wa2 Vttt v he - g WA'TE ZONES(depth): Greenville 29615 Top�x' '""' Bottom Top Bottom Cityor Town r jM" "' a�'" v State ° :Top Bottom Top Bottom ' 8( 64 ) 329-0013 ''" :Top Bottom Top Bottom Area code Phone number Thickness/ 2.WELL INFORMATION: 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight ' Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#WMO100356 :Top 0 Bottom 35 Ft. 2° S 40 PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID#(if applicable)A2-13 Top Bottom Ft. 3.WELL USE(Check One Box)'Monitoring Y Municipal/Public❑ 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Industrial/Commercial❑ Agricultural❑ Recovery❑ Injection❑ :Top 0 Bottom 33 Ft. Cement/Bent. Tremie Irrigation❑ Other❑ (list use) :Top Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED 1 1-1 1-14 ; Top Bottom Ft. 4.WELL LOCATION: : 9, SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Asheville Airport Area 2 :Top 35 Bottom 45 Ft. 2.0 in. 0.010 in. PVC (Street Name,Numbers,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) ;Top Bottom Ft. in. in. CITY: Fletcher COUNTY Buncombe :Top Bottom Ft. in. in. TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope &galley ❑Flat ❑Ridge ❑Other 10.SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material LATITUDE 35 °27 6.0000 DMS OR DD Top 33 Bottom 45 Ft. 20-40 Fine Silica Sand LONGITUDE 82 ° 32 49.0000 "DMS OR DID— :Top Bottom Ft. Latitude/longitude source: W3PS propographic map Top Bottom Ft. (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 11. DRILLING LOG S.FACILITY(Name of the business where the well is located.) Top Bottom Formation Description Asheville Rea. Airport 0 / 33 Sagrolite-Silty Sand Facility Name Facility ID#(if applicable) 33 / 45 PWR-Silty Sand 61 Terminal Drive / Street Address / Fletcher 128= / rr City or Town State Zip Code Mr.M. Reisman / Contact Name / DEC0 2014 Mailing Address City or Town State Zip Code : 12.REMARKS: Area code Phone number 6.WELL DETAILS: : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. a. TOTAL DEPTH:_45 �, b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO � �� "6' j 2 c SIG ATURE�O CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 25.89 FT. (Use"+"if Above Top of Casing) Tom Brown PRINTED NAMENAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Wafter Quality Form /09 Y P ty - Information Processing, Rev.2/09 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161,Phone :(919)807-6300 5' f,. �lLJI.I'1L1V 1L1 r VI 1 i �A VdELL CONSTRUCT.— RECORD lij NortlY CarQftaep'artment ft3vi nment tidNatural Resources-Division of Water Quality { C= 5�`. .r"v t f �' -1 ] 1 0-L C aWig dERTIFIC TI(N# 2289 `-1, 2 V t,s?3y Division 1.WELL CONTRACTOR>�;'. : a Tim Br TOP OF CASING IS 0.1 FT.Above Land Surface* ! < _ "Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require Well Contractor(IndI�IdU7) Name P '4 a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0118. c/o GeoTrack Tech olo iies Inc. : ea YISELD(gpm): METHOD OF TEST Well Contractor Com' any., ame 3620 Pelham Road �ality Regional�perattons Type Amount i nfEice I :'`DISINFECTION:T e Street Address Kew. Greenville Asheville�--,- „ �•:.. -_. �g, .WATER ZONES(depth): _ SG 29615 Top Bottom Top Bottom City or Town t y S#ate ZIp' ode " r, e et6`Ce r ,,,. Top Bottom Top Bottom 864 329-0013 Z r b ` 'if'� (--) �Top Bottom Top Bottom Area code Phone number Thickness/ 2.WELL INFORMATION: : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#WM0100356 : Top 0 Bottom 30 Ft. 2" S 40 PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID#(if applicable)A2-14 Top Bottom Ft. 3.WELL USE(Check One Box)Monitoring (Municipal/Public❑ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Industrial/Commercial❑ Agricultural❑ Recovery❑ Injection❑ :Top 0 Bottom 28 Ft. Cement/Bent. Tremie Irrigation❑ Other❑ (list use) :Top Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED 1 1-1 1-14 Top Bottom Ft. 4.WELL LOCATION: 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Asheville Airport Area 2 :Top 30 Bottom 40 Ft. 2.0 in. 0.010 in. PVC (Street Name,Numbers,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) Top Bottom Ft. in. in. CITY: Fletcher COUNTY Buncombe :Top Bottom Ft. in. in. TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope eR} Ialley ❑Flat ❑Ridge ❑Other ; 10.SAND/GRAVEL PACK: LATITUDE 35 °27 7.0000 "DMS OR DD Depth Size Material LONGITUDE 82 ° sz 58.0000 :Top 28 Bottom 40 Ft. 20-40 Fine Silica Sand DMS OR DD :Top Bottom Ft. Latitude/longitude source: MPS QI-opographic map :Top Bottom Ft. (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) : 11. DRILLING LOG 5.FACILITY(Name of the business where the well is located.) Top Bottom Formation Description Asheville Rea. Airnort 0 / 27 Saprolite- Silty Sand Facility Name Facility ID#(if applicable) 27 / 40 PWR-Silty Sand 61 Terminal Drive / Street Address / Fletcher City or Town State Zip Code Mr-M. Reisman Contact Name / 2914 Mailing Address / DWR/ SFr ic:lo _ INFO City or Town State Zip Code 12.REMARKS: Area code Phone number 6.WELL DETAILS: : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH: 40 RECORD HAS BEN PROVIDEDTO THE WELL OWNER. b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES❑ NO 27 Zf �f SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 18.42 FT. Tim Brown (Use"+"if Above Top of Casing) : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division Of lNater Quality - Information Processing, Form b 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919)807-6300 Rev.2/09 09 LL CONSTRUCTturq RECORD ' North Ci f6lin a,DepartmAttf is f inent and tural Resources-Division of Water Quality �FLS1p �� 1V9Jices S l" WJEL, NT " TIFICATI N;i# 2289 2040 pivis.0 u'�1 I.WELL CONTRACTOR: d. OP;OiF CASING IS 0.1 FT.Above Land Surface` i _.'; G Tim Brown e 2��`f *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require Well Contractor(Individual)Nam, a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0118. C/o GeoTrack Technolb) ies Inc. S Well Contractor Company Name'; Reg) r 2tto'� YIE D(gpm): METHOD OF TEST 3620 Pelham Road s , eT Quattfi/ Qpg�ona}Oifi�c - •_DISINFECTION:Type Amount Street Address /sr } g WAVER ZONES(depth): Greenville SC 2961"5 rop ' Bottom Top Bottom City or Town �' :� `=-Sb16 .,,-Zip Code Top Bottom Top Bottom 864 329-0013 �) Top Bottom Top Bottom Area code Phone number Thickness/ 2.WELL INFORMATION: :7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#WMO100356 :Top 0 Bottom 46 Ft. 2" S 40 PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) :Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID#(if applicable)A2-1 rJ Top Bottom Ft. 3.WELL USE(Check One Box)Monitoring[(Municipal/Public❑ 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Industrial/Commercial❑ Agricultural❑ Recovery❑ Injection❑ :Top 0 Bottom 44 Ft. Cement/Bent. Tremie Irrigation❑ Other❑ (list use) :Top Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED 1 1-13-14 ;Top Bottom Ft. 4.WELL LOCATION: : 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Asheville Airport Area 2 :Top 46 Bottom 61 Ft. 2.0 in. 0.010 in. PVC (Street Name,Numbers,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) Top Bottom Ft. in. in. CITY: Fletcher COUNTY Buncombe :Top Bottom Ft. in. in, TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope r(/alley ❑Flat ❑Ridge []Other ; 10.SAND/GRAVEL PACK: LATITUDE 35 °27 5.0000 DMS OR DID . Depth Size Material LONGITUDE 82 ° 32 1 44.0000 :Top 44 Bottom 61 Ft. 20-40 Fine Silica Sand "DMS OR DD :Top Bottom Ft. Latitude/longitude source: WW 3PS Qropographic map :Top Bottom Ft. (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) : 11. DRILLING LOG 5.FACILITY(Name of the business where the well is located.) Top Bottom Formation Description Ashevjll " Rea Ajrnort 0 / 52 Saprollte Silty Sand Facility Name Facility ID#(If applicable) 52 / 61 �t l � �1fVR Silky.=Sand} 61 Terminal Drive Street Address / C FIPtcber N 2�i= / 3 C' City or Town State Zip Code / l`1 1-4 Rw" ion! Mr-M- Reisman / ::9j # I;�tilr�l"cl�,il4iri�llT Contact Name / Mailing Address / City or Town State Zip Code 12.REMARKS: Area code Phone number 6.WELL DETAILS: : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH: 61 ; RECORD HH- Ste.EEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. C� b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES❑ NO I/ 7�� t��� 9 SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 1135 FT. Tlm Brown (Use"+"if Above Top of Casing) : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of Completion to: Division of Water Quality- Information Processing, Form Rev.2/09/09 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, INC 27699-161,Phone :(919)807-6300 iT� 1.Y:a 1���DENTHAIL- �L ®rv������1®�r REc®RD �c North Carolina Department of Environment a1ic1+1atLiral Resources-Division of Water Quality . 25 a�! 9 ��— LL'CO > ERTIFICA goy',# 2289 1.WELL CONTRACTOR: pivision of VJater Resources R Tim Brown k TOP OF CASING IS S?.1 FT.Above Land Surface* Well Contractor(Individual'�N me p i,"Top of casing terminated attor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0118. C/O GeoTrack Tec I to ies Ingo 10 1 2 1 , Well Contractor Company Na e : e. YIELD Wpm): METHOD OF TEST 3620 Pelham Road r p eraftons f. ISINFECTION:Type Amount Street Address Water C2ua1"�' s �P Greenville "( As�e �g1O�`I 0'tg' WATER ZONES(depth): City or Town Top Bottom Top Bottom State .• Zip Code - ;.Top-, Bottom Top Bottom (864 ) 329-0013 Top Bottom-Area code Phone number I. _ Top Bottom 2.WELL INFORMATION: Thickness/ 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#WMO100356 :Top O Bottom 20 Ft. 2" S 40 PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) :Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID*(if applicable)A2-2 ;Top Bottom Ft. 3.WELL USE(Check One Box)Monitoring Ed Municipal/Public❑ 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Industrial/Commercial❑ Agricultural❑ Recovery❑ Injection❑ :Top 0 Bottom 18 Ft. Cement/Bent. Tremie Irrigation❑ Other❑ (list use) :Top Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED 11-12-14 ;Top Bottom Ft. 4.WELL LOCATION: 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Asheville Airport Area 2 ;Top 20 Bottom 30 Ft. 2.0 in. 0 (Street Name,Numbers,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) 0.01 in. PVC Top Bottom Ft. in. in. CITY:fletcher COUNTY Buncombe :Top Bottom Ft. in. in. TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope BlValley ❑Flat ❑Ridge ❑Other 10.SAND/GRAVEL PACK: LATITUDE 35 127 '3.0000 DMS OR pp Depth Size Material LONGITUDE 81 ° 32 42.0000 :Top 18 Bottom 30 Ft. 20-40 Fine Silica Sand "DMS OR �pp :Top Bottom Ft. Latitude/longitude source: VGPS a0pographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to Top Bottom Ft. this form if not using GPS) LOG 5.FACILITY(Name of the business where the well is located.) 1 To RILLINBot Bottom. p Formation Description A�hP me Ri=n Airn�rt 0.0 / 30 Saarolite-Silty Sand Faculty Name Facility ID#(if applicable) / 61 Terminal nrivP / Street AddressFletcher City or Town State' Zip Code / n n n r-M- R P.I S m a n Contact Name Mailing Address / eci,in a i�tt City or Town / State Zip Code 12.REMARKS: Area code Phone number 6.WELL DETAILS: : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH:_30 ;RECORD HAS E-E �" N PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. � 1 1 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES❑ NO SIG ATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing:.�3� FT. (Use"+"if Above Top of Casing) Tim brown PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit Within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality - Information Processing, Form GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone :(919)807-6300 Rev.2/09 WA ma;�����EI�IT'�9IL w�iJL C®�rST�aucr><O�,RECORD d ro. rl n n C coMrt7h Cq>oli�ra Departt� tit.of+Sil ' .i}nrei� an Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality ft 'i�"'gk'g�f� ON,� 2289 12J 9Water FR o p 1.WELL CONTRACTOR:. sµ TOPi OF CASING IS 0.1 FT.Above Land Surface' Tim Brown I !;'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require Well Contractor(Individ aiy( me 1 A� yea variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0118. c/o GeoTrack Te httb o ies Inc. e. IELD(gpm): METHOD OF TEST Well Contractor Compa N, e s 3620 Pelham Roa '�a ,�egio�a+operettOn;f. i3INFECTION:Type Amount Street Address a Water a°10 a Ashevtlte P 9 _WATER ZONES(depth): Greenville -f. r' r` . 2��1 Tp ,z�` Bottom Top Bottom City or Town �, 'r ?r a�tate ods1' `"rbt Top Bottom Top Bottom 8( 64 ) 329-0013 � g;{ ;Top Bottom Top Bottom Area code Phone number 2.WELL INFORMATION: Thickness/ :7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#WMO100356 :Top 0 Bottom 30 Ft. 2" S 40 PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) :Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID*(if applicable)A2-3 ;Top Bottom Ft. 3.WELL USE(Check One Box)Monitoring 5(Municipal/Public❑ : 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Industrial/Commercial❑ Agricultural❑ Recovery❑ Injection❑ :Top 0 Bottom 28 Ft. Cement/Bent. Tremle Irrigation❑ Other❑ (list use) :Top Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED 1 1-1 1-14 :Top Bottom Ft. 4.WELL LOCATION: .9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Asheville Airport Area 2 :Top 30 Bottom 45 Ft. 2.0 in. 0.010 in. PVC (Street Name,Numbers,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) Top Bottom Ft. in. in. CITY:Betcher COUNTY Buncombe :Top Bottom Ft. in. in. TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope alley ❑Flat []Ridge []Other ; 10.SAND/GRAVEL PACK: LATITUDE 35 zs ,58.0000 DMS OR DD Depth Size Material LONGITUDE 81 32 a3.0000 :Top 28 Bottom 45 Ft. 20-40 Fine Silica Sand "DMS OR DD :Top Bottom Ft. Latitude/longitude source: 03PS propographic map :Top Bottom Ft. (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 11.DRILLING LOG 5.FACILITY(Name of the business where the well is located.) Top Bottom Formation Description —Asheville Rea. Airport 0 / 43 SaDrolite-Silty Sand Facility Name Facility ID#(if applicable) 43 / 45 PWR-Silty Sand 61 Terminal Drive / Street Address Fletcher City or Town State Zip Code iD + 14 Mr.M. Reisman / Contact Name ;S",ItJG'UN i Mailing Address City or Town State Zip Code 12.REMARKS: Area code Phone number 6.WELL DETAILS: : 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH: 45 : RECORvD,HAS�BI=EN`11RO�V1 ED TO THE WELL OWNER. b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES❑ NO /i•-1d�dF C��G�- /� —/ ¢ SIGrTATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE / c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing:_2120 FT. Tlm Brown "+"if Above Top of Casing) : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit Within 30 days of Completion to: Division of Water Quality - Information Processing, Form GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,NC 27699-161,Phone :(919)807-6300 Rev.2/09 srArE g1"A�TT'nf �VELL CONSTRUCTION RECOR � .�: plc rNoith Garolm388 aDepaitment;of Env tome any Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality J 1.WELL CONTRACTOR: j ; piv"`on of W eso t TOP OF CASING IS O.1 FT.Above Land Surface' Tim drown `Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require Well Contractor(Individual)-'N me ` , t a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0118. C/o GeoTrack Techn' to ies I�fc. : YIELD Well Contractor Compa6y'N" a e. (gpm): METHOD OF TEST 3620 Pelham Road Pgional Cpera{tons;f ISIRiFECTION:Type Amount uo. s.nP d Street Address Water '1 to lal2r't000 Y Greenville la hey y 9. WATER ZONES(depth): —'`� ;''29615 Top Bottom Top Bottom City or Town t },` State ZI F ''' " C:d, �p4 �. e.kq } ;Top Bottom Top Bottom 8( 64 ) 329-0013 ;Top Bottom Top Bottom Area code Phone number 2.WELL INFORMATION: Thickness/;7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT#WMO100356 :Top 0 Bottom 30 Ft. 2" S 40 PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) :Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID#(if applicable)A2-1 ;Top Bottom Ft. 3.WELL USE(Check One Box)Monitoring N(Municipal/Public❑ 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Industrial/Commercial❑ Agricultural❑ Recovery❑ Injection❑ :Top 0 Bottom 28 Ft. Cement/Bent. Tremie Irrigation❑ Other❑ (list use) :Top Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED 1 1-1 1-14 :Top Bottom Ft. 4.WELL LOCATION: ; 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Asheville Airport Area 2 :Top 30 Bottom 40 Ft. 2.0 in. 0.010 in. PVC (Street Name,Numbers,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) Top Bottom Ft. in. in. CITY: Fletcher COUNTY Buncombe : Top Bottom Ft. in. in. TOPOGRAPHIC/LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope WValley ❑Flat ❑Ridge ❑Other : 10.SAND/GRAVEL PACK: LATITUDE 35 °27 7.0000 DMS OR DID Depth Size Material Top 2$ Bottom 40 Ft. 20-40 Fine Silica Sand LONGITUDE 81 ° 32 41.0000 DMS OR DD p To Bottom Ft. Latitude/longitude source: 67GPS (]Topographic map : Top Bottom Ft. (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) : 11. DRILLING LOG 5.FACILITY(Name of the business where the well is located.) Top Bottom Formation Description Asheville Rest Airl 0.0 / 3 Fill-Sandy Silt Faculty Name Facility ID#(if applicable) 3 / 40 Saorolite-Silty Sand/Sandy Silt 61 Terminal Oxhie / Street Address Fletcher City or Town State Zip Code / L _Mr-M- Reisman / Contact Name / ''1OP 3f At Mailing Address / City or Town State Zip Code 12.REMARKS: Area code Phone number 6.WELL DETAILS: : I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A,COPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH: 40 RECO,RRD,HAS-BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES❑ NO[ SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 22.71 FT. (Use"+°if Above Top of Casing) Tim Brown PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Wager Quality- Information Processing, Form GW-1 b 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161,Phone : (919)807-6300 Rev.2/09 A HCDENR. t . North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Donald R. van der Vaart Governor Secretary April 21, 2015 John R.Toepfer; P.E. Duke Energy Progress 410 S.Wilmington Street/PEB14 Raleigh, NC 27601 RE: Inspection Report on Asheville Airport CCB Structural Fill Project Dear Mr.Toepfer, I recently accompanied the consultants with SynTerra Corp.as they sampled the groundwater monitoring wells associated with the coal combustion by-products (CCB) structural fill project at the Asheville Regional Airport. The purpose-of this letter is to highlight a number of observations I made during my week-long site visit (April 6-9, 2015). My comments are provided in the bulleted items below: • I would like to point out that a number of monitoring wells initially exhibited moderate to high levels of turbidity. Consultants John Chastin and Kyle Donovan employed excellent field technique and worked diligently to keep turbidity levels below 10 NTU's prior to sampling. I collected subsequent split samples at all 18 monitoring wells, which will be analyzed by our Division's analytical laboratory for 23 different metals.The analytical data sheets will be forwarded to you as they become available • I observed groundwater seepage and copious amounts of iron precipitate near the toe of the Area 1 CCB structural fill. I would like to schedule a time to conduct a closer inspection of the site. • I observed iron-rich water discharging from a cement culvert (34.449832, - 82:546372) that I-believe is connected to a French drain beneath Area 3 CCB structural fill. I would like to schedule a time to collect a water quality sample at this location. • While collecting samples at background monitoring well MW1A, an inspector with RS&H approached us and asked if we were aware that the monitoring well was in the middle of the future.airport taxiway.Are there plans to relocate this monitoring well? 2090 U.S.Hwy,70,Swannanoa,North Carolina 28778 Phone:828-296-45001 Internet:www.ncdenr,gov An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer—Made in part by recycled paper John R.Toepfer April 21,2015 Page 2 of 2 • I recently sampled (February 24, 2015) a private water supply well (63 Mountainview Drive) that is located adjacent to Area 3 CCB structural fill.The homeowner complained that turbid storm runoff from the structural fill project has flooded his property and garage area several times in the past. I was encouraged by the homeowner to inspect the property any time after a precipitation event. On the afternoon of April 7, 2015,there was a significant down pour at the Asheville Airport. I briefly stopped by the residence on my way back to the office. I did not observe any evidence of storm runoff entering the property from the structural fill project. Please feel free to contact me if you have additional questions or concerns. I can be reached at (828) 296-4681 or brett.lavertyCa)ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, - e / i Brett Lav, rty Water Q,ality gionaI Operat ns Asheville Regional Office c�c: fide Norman Divers-Charah Inc. Todd Palmer-Charah Inc. Michael Reisman-Asheville Airport Laurie Moorhead-Duke Energy A AIVA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Donald R.van der Vaart Governor Secretary March 62 2015 Charles Price,President and CEO Charah,Inc. 12601 Plantside Drive Louisville,KY 40200 Re: Charah,Inc.—Asheville Regional Airport Project Dear Mr.Price: Thank you for your March 5, 2015 letter addressed to North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources("DEW')Chief Deputy Secretary John Evans. As stated in your letter, and in previous conversations with Charah, Inc. representatives, 'DENR understands that Charah and the Asheville Regional Airport Authority ("ARAA") entered into a structural fill agreement ("Agreement") for the placement of coal ash at a specific site ("Project Site"). The Project Site is identified on a map attached to the Agreement. DENR further understands that Charah and ARAA are now interested in moving forward with the placement coal ash in"area 2"of the Project Site. Our office has reviewed the Agreement entered in 2007,the two amendments to the Agreement entered in 2009,and the map attached to the Agreement. We have also reviewed the relevant portions of North Carolina's Coal Ash Management Act ("CAMA"), see N.C. Gen. Stat. § 130A-309.201 et seq., including Section 3.(f) of Session Law 2014-122. As you state in your letter, S.L. 2014-122 Section 3.(f) provides that CAMA "applies to the use of coal combustion products as structural fill contracted for on or after"the effective date of CAMA. The Agreement includes provisions for the placement of coal ash in area 2 of the Project Site. The Agreement was entered in 2007 and amended in 2009,well before CAMA's effective date of 2014. For these reasons, the use of coal combustion products as structural fill in area 2 of the Project Site is not subject to CAMA requirements contained in Subpart 3 of Part 21 of Article 9 of the General Statutes. If you would like to discuss this matter further,please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Sam M. yes General Counsel 1601 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1601 Phone:919-707-86001 Internet:www.nodenr.gov An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer—Made in part by recycled paper ENR. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resoia'rces Pat McCrory,: Donald R, van der Vaart Governor Secretary March;3,,201.5, Mr..Mitclell G :Diggs-Vice President Duke.Energy.P.rogress, Environmental Services 526.South.Church Street,EC.13K Charlotte;.N&228202 Subject:, Permit No.W00000O2O Asheville Regional Airport Coal Combustion Products Structural'Fll lProjects Buncombe County Dear'lV1r.Griggs: Division of Water Resources' staff has reviewed the permit renewal request packagereceived`August 7, 2014. However;,additional information.is required Before the review,may be,cornpleted.. Specifically; information concerning proposed fill Area 2 at the Asheville Regional,Airport is,being requested-. Please address the items on the attached pages no`later than the close of business on March 31,20'l5. In addition to the.request for additii'onal,informat on, a draft permit-that,includes coverage of Area,2 is attached for your review and comment. As noted in an April 21, 2009 .letter to 1Gir: John & Keenan (attached),'and in a November"14,2013 letter"to Mr:.David•Mitchell.(attached),the�Divisionhas Jndicated that the.,current permit.contains languagel that is inconsistent with current North.Carolina,Administrative Code. The Division intends to include.with the next'issued permit an accounting of all the,structural fill sites and incorppratiori of the requirements of 15A-NCAC 02T J204. The attached permit re fleets, the: intended-changes discussed in previous correspondence:;Please be advised that construction of Area 2, .shall not begin until such time'that the fequirements of 15A NCAC 02T .1204 have been met and the proppsed Area 2 project is covered(approved)under.the renewed.permit-._ In addition, per 45A NCAC 02T ,0108, the Division is considering holding a public meeting to seek comment on the.subject:permit, and.therein Area 2,prior to completing.the review of the application. in, the event that a meeting,is,held;:the'application shall.be considered ass incomplete until the close of-the neetng'record.- .Please,be aware that you are responsible"for-meeting all requirements set forth in-North Carolina rules and regulations. Any over's glit9 that occurred in the review of the subject application,package are-still'the' ,Applicant`s responsibility. -In addition;,any omissions made in responding to the outstanding items,.or failure to'provide the.additional iriforination on or before the above requested :date may result in your appl>cation beuig returned as incomplete. Please reference the subject application number,wheri providing the requested information. All revised and/or additional do off shad,be signed, sealed. and dated (where needed), with three copies submitted to my attention at.the.address below:: Non-DischargeftmrtUng.Unit- 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,Nohh"Carolfna'276994617 Phone;"919.807-64641 Intemet;fitfoaloortaI.ncdeneordhVeblwd An Equal Opportunity)Affirmative Actfon Employer—Made lo part With recyded`paor -Mr.Griggs. 'March 3;;,2'0,15 Page.?of4 I£'yo have aciy:quest oris regarding this request,please d'o not lies.itate:to contact me at(919..) 807-6337 or chonticha.mcdaniel@ncdenr.gov. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely; Qh nticha'MdDaniel, Division of WatevResources .Attachments: April 21,.2009 letter to Mr:John S-.'Keenan, June'16,2614`Letter to Mn John Toepfer November 14,2013,letter to,1Vlr.David Mitchell cc:" Asheville Regional.Office,Water Quality-Regional Opemil'ons Section(Electronic..Copy), Mx.John.Toepfer,`Duke Energy Progress(Electronic Copy) Permit Application File WQ0000020 i • Mr.Griggs March 1;;2015 Page'3 of Require.AdditionalInforinaiion for Permit:Renewal WQ0000020 1. Provide,documentation,that.the structural fill site at Area 2 of the Asheville Regional Airport,was contracted prior to September N"',201.4. The;documentation must explicitly indicate the contracting Of Area 2'after the Division received written notification.in October'2009'that Area 2 would not.be used-for structural fill. Session Law 201442,2=establishes statutory requir.dments'for coal combustion residuals (CCR),and became"law on Septeriiber 201', 2014. SECTION 3.(fj limits the application of 'the law to the use of coal combustion pioducts,as structural fill contracted for on or after September 20`h;2014. 2. Subunit two copies of.an 11XI7-inch site map 'that includes,the following information for each structural full site listed under the Attachment B of the Draft permit: . a. The location of major components of.-the waste,disposal system,. b. The-location and identity of each,monitoring:well. c. The lbeatfori of propertyboundaries, d. The location of.'compliance.and•review boundaries: I Note t}at.the•draft permit-. vfdes Duke-with 44'400itiorial 66 days:to provide this information_after I permit:issuance. As response1. to this information request,provide either,the..information.requested-or acknowledge that the information will be sent within 60 days ofpennit issuance:. Submit the Operation and Maintenance(O&M)'plari.as.required by 15A NCAC 02T.0108(b)(2). Note that the draf.permit provides Duke with'an additional 60-days-to provide this'information,after permit issuance. As response to this u ormation request,provide either the;information.requested or acknowledge that the informationwill be sent within 60 days,ofpermit issuance: 4. Provide documentation_ addressing.all the•outstanding.items (i.e., groundwater modeling, leaching results) related to Area 3 as required by the Division June 16;.2014 letter to Mr: John Toepfer'(see attached). -5. Provided. Session:Law 2014-122 is`riot applicable'to Area 2 of the Asheville Regional Airports the site would-be subject-to the requirements of current. administrative code 15. A N(AC 02T. Per 15A. NCAG 02T,1204 Application Requirements, provide the following information on-tine structural fill. site'at Area 2 of the Asheville Regional.Airport,priorto initiating ash fill activities: 1) Site plans. As required by, O.S. V9C, :a:professional land sittveyor shall provide location information, on boundaries•=and physical features not, under. the, ,purview, of other, licensed: professions. Site plans.or maps shall be=provided'to-the Division by the applicant depicting the location,,orentatron,and relatlop§hip,of the.CCPs use site's features,including: a. a scaled_map ofthe site,with topographic contour intervals not exceeding_10 feet or 25'percent of total site-relief and showing all site-related structures and fences Witlitii;the site; b. the location 'of all wells (including- usage and, construction: details if available), streams (ephemeral, intermittent; and .peremual),, springs; lakes, ponds, and "other surface drainage features within 606 feet of the CCPs use boundary and. delineation of the. review and compliance boundaries;: CA setbacks as required by Rule.1206 of this Section;and d, site property boundaries within 540'feet,of the C;CPs use bouindary. 2) 'Information that describes and explains site-specific engineering or, institutional controls proposed to prevent,adverse impacts to public health and the environment. ,-Mr..Gfiggs March 3,2015 P-A-kb 4 6f4" ,3Y Property OwiieTshp.POcumentAtion Ofthp site i where the CC P9 are to be used'. _. a. legal documentation of-ownership(i.e.,contract,deed or article of incorporation); bl. written notarized intent to p-drqliA$e agreement signed by both'partfe,s, accompanied,by A pidt or survey map,* or c. easements specifically indicating the intended use of the prqpeqy,as well as q plat-or survey map, Easements shall,adhere to the requirements,of 15A NCAC Q2L..0 10-7. DUKE Duke Energy Carollnas ENERGY® 410 Ra Raleigh,Wilmington 27601 CAROLINAS all, US ED March 2,2015 DIVISion of Water Resources MAR - 3 2015 Mr. Brett Laverty Water Quality Regional Operations Section water Quality Regional orations Asheville Regional Office Asheville rz�,,tonal or,,ce 2090 U.S.Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 RE: Duke Energy Progress Asheville Airport Engineered Fill Project Area 3 Development Response to NCDENR letter of June 16,2014 Dear Mr. Laverty: This letter is in response to your letter of June 16,2014 in which you provided additional comments to our February 18,2014 Response to Comments letter. Below we have referenced the comment made, followed by our response for your review and consideration. Letter dated June 16,2014: 1. In your letter,you state that all future water-quality data pertaining to leachate or CCB i contact water within the open cells will be submitted beginning with the April 2014 groundwater monitoring results. Please submit all past and future water quality data pertaining to the contact water within CCB structural fill areas 3 and 4. Response: By letter of June 24,2014 we transmitted to your office the April 2014 semi-annual groundwater monitoring results for Areas I, III,and IV. The transmittal letter included volumes of leachate directed to the Buncombe County Metropolitan Sewerage District(MSD)during the period of February 2014 through May 2014. Our report that provides the November 2014 semi-annual groundwater monitoring data also provides leachate flow summaries and the Industrial Self-Monitoring Reports for June 2014 through November 2014 that were submitted to the MSD by Charah,Inc. Recognizing your request to receive water quality information about the leachate directed to the MSD and also recognizing that we are not the industrial user permit holder for the discharge of leachate to the MSD,we contacted the MSD,Industrial Waste Section and asked that they contact you so that you will be able to receive the information directly from the MSD at your convenience. If this'arrangement proves unsuitable please let us know and we will endeavor to make other arrangements for access to this information. www.duke-energy.com 2. In your letter,you state that it is well documented in the scientific literature that chloride can be responsible for a false positive result for thallium. Based on conversations with our own DWR laboratory, chloride levels must be significantly elevated before any polyatomic interference can take place. Do you have additional evidence that suggests chloride concentrations as low as 3 mg/7 may be a source of analytical interference with regards to thallium? Please submit any pertinent scientific literature that supports your position. Response: The DWR comment letter dated August 6,2013 requested an explanation of the thallium value derived at monitoring well 6. We provided a response dated September 16,2013 in which we stated that the well and the.analytical results from the well were produced in order to characterize the site conditions(pre-exposure or background)prior to placement of the ash in Area III and the well has since been abandoned. Our comments anecdotally mentioned that the analytical laboratory(Prism/Pace),when consulted about the thallium value,indicated that chloride can interfere with a thallium analysis. This, as a point of technicality,is true since the methodology for the EPA Method 6010C provides for recognition of various spectral interferences. The methodology also provides for procedures for compensating for these interferences. By letter of October 23, 2013 the DWR provided comments on our September[1]6,2013 letter. This letter stated that the laboratory suggested that chloride can interfere with a thallium determination. The letter stated there was an implication that this interference can result in a false positive value and went on to ask for additional documentation and explanation regarding thallium values. By letter dated February 18,2014 we responded to the DWR's October 23,2013 letter. In regard to the thallium value our letter indicated that we could not discredit the particular value but that it was not.unreasonable that the value could be biased high. We also stated that it is well documented that chloride can cause false positive results particularly with method 6010C. By letter of June 16,2014,the DWR asked that we submit scientific literature that supports our position. Our position is that the thallium value was derived in a pre-existing,pre-ash fill timeframe,and appears atypical when compared to the groundwater data produced before and after that one value. (All historical thallium results both before and after the February 2013 sampling were produced using EPA 6020,ICP/MS,with results being at or below 0.2 ug/l.) In our previous letters we should have referred to the analytical methodology,(EPA 6010,ICP- AES)used for this analysis, as being more susceptible to spectral interferences than EPA 6020, ICP/MS. The vendor reported the 0.074 mg/1 based on a single wavelength. It is a good laboratory practice to confirm ICP results using either a second wavelength or confirm the ICP- AES value by ICP/MS. Confirmation by a second wavelength or analysis by ICP/MS (EPA6020)was not performed. Because confirmation of the ICP-AES was not performed,it is unclear if these interferences were present,recognized and compensated for in the derivation of the thallium value. Page 2 In further regard to the thallium value,it is unusual to have a value of 0.074 mg/L in a groundwater background scenario or even in an impacted area scenario. It is not,however, necessarily unusual to have isolated analytical values for low level metals that are or appear to be inaccurate. 3. According to 1 SA NCAC 02T.1204(d)(2), new and expanding[CCB]structural fill sites must describe and explain site speck engineering or institutional controls proposed ' to prevent adverse impacts to public health and the environment. The composite liner system for CCB areas 3 and 4 is designed to significantly restrict infiltrating precipitation and limit the release of CCB leachate. The composite liner system, while restrictive, cannot be considered entirely impervious. Therefore, limited solute transport modeling was conducted by GTI to demonstrate the performance of the composite liner system and its ability to protect groundwater quality at nearby regulatory and water supply receptors. The ARO previously provided comments regarding Geotrack Technologies Inc. (GTI) groundwater modeling results where the 90%concentrations for several analytes were higher at the compliance boundary than the review boundary for three different modeled geometries. The ARO requested a more detailed description of the IWEM model's 'prediction error"or alternatively,further analysis that includes a greater number of Monte Carlo realizations. GTI responded by performing additional ground water modeling(January 30, 2014) to reflect conditions more specific to the area. The modeled geometry included receptors at the review boundary(62 feet), compliance boundary(165 feet), and an offsite water supply well(240 feet). Please note that the distance given for the modeled review boundary is not midway between the waste and compliance boundaries as defined by ISA NCAC 02L.0108. The conceptual model of groundwater flow in the Blue Ridge and Piedmont regions of North Carolina is essentially a two-part system consisting of regolith or weathered rock and the underlying fractured bedrock In many locations, the regolith includes a transition zone above the fractured bedrock consisting of coarse fragments of partially weathered bedrock.According to technical documents, the IWEM model is designed for relatively simple groundwater flow systems in which flow is dominated by a regional gradient. The model may not be appropriate for sites associated with fractured bedrock, heterogeneous aquifers, non-uniform thickness of water bearing zones, or sites with signfcantseasonal variations in water table elevation.Please provide a detailed discussion as to why the IWEM model is appropriate for this location. In the "no liner"scenario, GTI does not adequately address potential problems with the model's performance. In one instance, there is a slight increase in modeled concentrations for arsenic and barium from the compliance boundary to the water supply receptor. GTI responds by saying the no liner scenario is unrealistic for this site and that predicted arsenic and barium concentrations follow a more logical reduction in the other two liner scenarios. The suggestion of ignoring one set of modeling results for another is not a viable answer.Another observation is an almost complete lack of attenuation for any constituent in the "no liner"scenario.It is our understanding that Page 3 the greatest influx of CCB leachate to the unsaturated/saturated zone modules occurs in the "no liner"scenario. It seems unrealistic that little to no depletion of the leachate constituents occur as a result of dispersion, diffusion, or sorption processes. In the "clay liner"scenario, the modeled concentration for chromium increases from the review to the compliance boundary. Similarly, the modeled concentrations for boron, iron, and sulfate increase from the review to the compliance boundary in the "composite liner"scenario. In both scenarios, GTI ignores problematic trends based solely on the fact that the predicted concentrations are below analytical detection. After it has been demonstrated that the model is producing consistently reliable results, it is suggested that sensitivity analvses be conducted to determine which variables are the most critical to the modeled solute transport. An attempt was made by GTI to address performance issues with the IWEM model. They suggest that default infiltration rates combined with the relatively low subsurface hydraulic conductivities result in theoretical ground water mounding.According to their interpretation, this mounding dilutes modeled concentrations near the CCB fill and less so as the mounding dissipates with distance.According to technical documents, the unsaturated zone(1 D)and saturated zone (3-D)modules are separate domains computationally linked through continuity of flow and constituent concentration across the water table directly underneath the waste management unit (WMU). Groundwater mounding due to high infiltration rates may occur in the unsaturated zone module and is represented by increased head values at the top of the aquifer. The actual saturated zone module is based on the assumption of a constant .saturated thickness and the only direct effect of ground-water mounding is to increase simulated ground-water velocities. In other words, the module does not simulate the actual physical increase in the thickness of the saturated zone. GTI concludes by saying, "while the results indicate ffor the composite liner scenario] small increases in concentrations of certain compounds with distance from the fill, all of the computed concentrations can be considered essentially zero"and"thus, we conclude that the modeling demonstrates that the proposed liner system is protective of the environment."According to technical documents, the mass of constituents leached from the WW is directly proportional to the infiltration rate of the various liner scenarios. There is no discussion as to the fate of leachate mass once it enters the unsaturated/saturated zone modules. Modeling is an important component of the project given the close proximity of receptors to the CCB waste boundary. To this end, the Division would like to see a more robust conceptual model, a model that is producing consistently reliable results, and a sensitivity analysis of key variable affecting the predictive results.Along with this, the Division would like to see a description of the model limitations and any associated implications regarding its use for the Asheville Airport CCB structural fill project. Page 4 Response:., In response to comments made by NCDENR in their letter dated June 16,2014,additional and alternative ground water modeling for the Area 3 structural fill has been conducted.The modeling report is attached. The results indicate that the modeled concentrations for each constituent at each receptor are below the respective 2L standards. We trust the above responses provide the DWR with the information requested. If you require any additional information or have any further questions,please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, John R.Toepfer,PE Lead Engineer Attachments: GeoTrack Technologies,Inc.Alternative Groundwater Modeling Report cc: Tim Smart,PE—Duke Energy. Laurie Moorhead—Duke Energy Jay Perkins—Duke Energy Norman Divers—Charah, Inc. Ed Sullivan—Duke Energy Michael Reisman-Ashville Airport Asheville Regional Airport 61 Terminal Drive, Suite 1 Fletcher,NC 28732 Page 5 . -: QOMPLETE THIS SECTIO RY -J Complete_items 1.,2,and 3.__ __ _ ____I A�Sia tufd uvu �`f(� i[3 Agent North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality X ❑Addressee Division of Water Resources B. Received by(Printed Name) C. D e o Delivery Water Quality Regional Operations Section 15 2090 U.S.Highway 70,Swannanoa, NC 28778 D. Is delivery address different frorrtitem 1? lf3 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No carry K.Sideris,Senior Vice President I nvironmental,Health&Safety )uke Energy i26 South Church Street,EC3XP :harlotte,NC 28202 II I Ilil l I'll III I I l I l I I llll��III Illlll I I ll I III 3. Service 0 Adult Signature 0 e 13 ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Registered Mail Restrict( 9590 9403 0672 5196 9699 00 ertified Mail® Delivery ertified Mail Restricted Delivery �Retum Rece(pt for ❑Collect on Delivery Merchandise n—Af-'."nii, .ln--Iransfe�from SeMce11660 `' ' tt t ❑Collect on Delivery:Restricted Delivery: ❑Signature ConflrmationT 7 014 5]t p ( ; !—� i ❑;Insured Mail 4 i j 1`4 1 1 } 1❑Signature Festricted Delivery Confirmation 0110 414 b 6 11$12 31 ❑Insured Mail Restricted Del(Jery' ry (over$500) �c Fnrm RR11" Gnrii 9M-r;acne zran_no_nnn_onGn AjAt n A) A^- A?n 2 , 1 UNITED STATESCF L)S IF First-Class,Mail q_ Postage&Fees Paid USPS _ ,-aF.� _ mit No.G-10 • Sender: lease print your name, address, and IP 4® in this box• D C rn BRETT LAVERTY --J NCDENR-DWR-WQROS �`° o ITl 2090 U.S.HIGHWAY 70 SWANNANOA NC 28778 G w M - - --- ---- ----- ---- - - -,.I d- O m— w CD i'n 00 O o r m USPS TRACKING# �- r 0 fl��t t ;zF�rl: :l0 90� rl , bi �� Ido�,,,,,,�i�,,,,1!'!�I=IIIl,►lllllt