HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0000020 Aville Arpt Surface Water Monitoring Nov 2017 synTer TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Date: December 21, 2017 File: 1026.02.44 To: John.Toepfer, Duke Energy Cc: Kathy Webb, Todd Plating From: Brian Wilker, NC LG #2546 Area of Wetness Inspection and Sampling Report- November 2017 Subject: Asheville Airport Structural Fill-Area 1 BACKGROUND The Asheville Airport is located near Arden,North Carolina, approximately 13 miles south of Asheville, North Carolina. Beneficial reuse of coal ash from the nearby Asheville Steam Electric Plant,owned by Duke Energy Progress,LLC(Duke Energy), occurred at the Asheville Airport from 2008 to 2015. The ash was used as structural fill for the construction of one additional taxi way as well as a potential future hangar construction site. Structural Fill-Area 1 consists of two primary cells, an east cell and west cell.Historically, a dendritic headwater drainage existed in the southern portion of the Structural Fill-Area 1 and continued as a blue-lined stream toward the northern property boundary of the airport. Recently, an observable increase in groundwater discharges to surface water in lowland areas and along slopes of the east and west cells of Structural Fill-Area 1 have been documented. In a letter dated November 17,2017(Davidson to Draovitch),Duke Energy received a Notice of Violation(NOV)regarding violations of the structural fill permit WQ0000020.SynTerra conducted two separate field surveys and sampling events in Structural Fill-Area 1 in November 2017.Photographs taken during each field investigation are included in Attachment A. FIELD ASSESSMENTS AND SAMPLING November 01, 2017 On November 01,2017,SynTerra performed site reconnaissance and split samples with NCDEQ of recognized surface water locations within Structural Fill-Area 1 (Figure 1).Seven surface water locations (SWl-Al,SW-3A1,SW4-Al, SW5-Al,SW6-Al,SW7-Al, SW8-Al) in Area 1 were sampled for analysis of total and dissolved phase metals, alkalinity, chloride, and sulfate (Table 1). SW7-Al was a stagnant puddle at the eastern cell toe-of-slope with limited volume of water, and was only sampled for dissolved metals due to volume limitations and turbidity(out of range). The analytical laboratory report for these samples is presented in Attachment B.The field sampling logs associated with these samples are included in Attachment C. P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\02.ASHEVILLE PLANT\44.AOW Area 1\Dec.20 REV DRAFT Memo\Structural Fill-Area 1 AOW Inspection and Sampling Memo.docx Area of Wetness Inspection and Sampling Report December 21,2017 Asheville Airport Structural Fill-Area 1 Page 2 November 29, 2017 On November 29,2017,SynTerra conducted an additional groundwater/surface water inspection of the east and west cells of Area 1 in response to the NOV received November 17, 2017. Area 1,from the top of slope of the east and west cells to lowland areas (e.g. historical retention basins),was inspected for groundwater seepage and wetted areas.For this field assessment, standard operating procedures (SOP)for the Duke Energy semi-annual"area of wetness" (AOW) inspections were followed.The last recordable rain event prior to this inspection occurred on November 18,2017(0.13 inches). Identified areas of groundwater seepage were flagged and surveyed for latitude/longitude and elevation in feet. Samples were collected from six surface water locations and analyzed for parameters included in the airport structural fill permit as well as dissolved phases of metals. These analytical results are not yet available,but will be submitted with an evaluation in a future report upon availability. The field sampling logs are included in Attachment C. Two of the surface water locations sampled on November 29,2017 were also sampled on November 01,2017. One location, designated SW4S-Al, is most likely representative of SW4-Al (as sampled on November 01,2017),however the groundwater was emerging approximately 10 feet north of the previous (SW4-Al) sample location. The seep channel of SW4-Al sampled in the beginning of November no longer contained flow on November 29,2017. Flow observed at SW8-Al had also decreased from conditions observed on November 01,2017, and was not sufficient to sample. Stagnant water from three of the surface water sample locations (SW1-Al,SW6-Al, and SW7- A1)was sampled on November 01,2017. Since stagnant water may not be representative of actual groundwater emerging from the subsurface, the AOW SOP does not recommend sampling stagnant water. Stagnant conditions were again noted at these locations on November 29,2017 and therefore not sampled. The reinforced culvert connected to the pooled water at SW1-Al was dry(Attachment A),with flowing water heard within but not visible.Note this location has been intermittently sampled under the NPDES permit as SW1-Al,however the intended location for permitting purposes was the 18" culvert immediately west of this pool (Figure 1). This location was designated as SW9-Al and sampled during this investigation. A new seep was found upwelling at the toe of slope in the western cell, discharging to the small retention basin upgradient of SW3-Al (Figure 1). A sample was collected from this location and designated SW10-Al. A spring downgradient of the eastern cell was also sampled and designated SW11-Al.This location was assessed on November 01,2017 with NCDEQ as a potential additional background location,however was determined to contain more groundwater input from beneath I-26 and thus not related to the structural fill. At most locations inspected on November 29,2017, an observable increase in iron bacteria/floc mass was present,especially at SW3-Al. A photographic comparison between the beginning and end of November at SW3-Al is included in Attachment A. P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\02.ASHEVILLE PLANT\44.AOW Area 1\Dec.20 REV DRAFT Memo\Structural Fill-Area 1 AOW Inspection and Sampling Memo.docx Area of Wetness Inspection and Sampling Report December 21,2017 Asheville Airport Structural Fill-Area 1 Page 3 DATA EVALUATION AND CONCLUSIONS The French Broad River in the vicinity of the Asheville Airport structural fills is classified as Class B waters. Note the 15A NCAC 02B standards for Class B waters(2B)presented in Table 1 are for reference purposes only, as the analytical results from the one-time samples displayed do not meet determinative criteria for compliance with an acute or chronic metals standard as outlined in 15A NCAC 02B .0211(11)(e). On November 01,2017, the concentration of dissolved arsenic in SW8-Al was detected greater than the chronic freshwater metals standard outlined in 15A NCAC 02B .0211(11)(b)(ii). Dissolved oxygen results for several samples were reported below the minimum instantaneous value of 4.0 mg/L,however these sample locations may qualify for a lower standard value based on 15A NCAC 02B .0211(6). One pH value (SW1-Al,5.6) and one turbidity value (SW7- A1, out of range) were not within the 2B standards. No other analytical results were reported greater than the 2B standards for surface water samples collected November 1,2017. For evaluating potential impacts to groundwater and surface water from coal ash,indicator constituents were selected in general accordance with Tier 1 procedures outlined in the Groundwater Quality Signatures for Assessing Potential Impacts for Coal Combustion Product Leachate (EPRI,2012). Constituents selected for this evaluation based on site-specific information included boron, strontium, and sulfate. Samples impacted from coal ash associated with the structural fills have the potential to show elevated concentrations of these constituents. Boron is not typically detected in background groundwater, and is highly mobile in groundwater. Therefore boron is widely considered to.be an indicator constituent when evaluating data for coal ash impacts. Four of the seven surface water results collected(SW4-Al, SW5-Al,SW7-Al,SW8-Al) contained boron greater than the method reporting limit of 50 µg/L. SW8-Al contained the greatest concentration of boron in both total and dissolved phases (1,290 and 1,380 µg/L), approximately one order of magnitude greater than the other detections. There is no 2B standard for boron. For reference, the groundwater(2L) standard for boron is 700 µg/L. Elevated strontium concentrations in the four samples with detectable boron may indicate coal ash impacts, specifically in SW5-Al,SW7-Al, and SW8=A1.However,the dissolved concentrations detected in SW7-Al (1,200 µg/L) and SW8-Al (2,240 µg/L)were much greater than the detection in SW5-Al (331 µg/L). SW7-Al was only analyzed for dissolved metals. There are no 2B or 2L standards for strontium. The greatest sulfate concentration, consistent with boron and strontium,was detected at SW8- Al (32 mg/L). The next greatest concentration was detected in SW5-Al (9.9 mg/L);SW7-Al was not analyzed for sulfate. There is no 2B standard for sulfate. For reference,the 2L standard for sulfate is 250 mg/L. P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\02.ASHEVILLE PLANT\44.AOW Area 1\Dec.20 REV DRAFT Memo\Structural Fill-Area 1 AOW Inspection and Sampling Memo.docx Area of Wetness Inspection and Sampling Report December 21,2017 Asheville Airport Structural Fill-Area 1 Page 4 In summary: 0 Four wet areas were identified,in addition to previously documented wet areas,by SynTerra along the slope or toe of slope in Structural Fill-Area 1.These areas include Syn1, Syn2,Syn3, and SW7-AI. Four areas (SWO-Al, SW8-A1, SW10-Al, SW11-Al) of active groundwater seepage were identified and surveyed near or below the toe of slope in Structural Fill-Area 1. '01 Seven surface water samples were collected from Structural Fill-Area 1 on November 01,2017. h Six surface water samples were collected from Structural Fill-Area 1 on November 29, 2017. y Two locations (SW3-Al,SW5-Al) were sampled in both events. ,6i Groundwater interaction with surface water does not appear to be causing 2B exceedances. Subsequent monitoring could indicate future impacts to surface water in Structural Fill-Area 1. ,67 Four out of seven(4 of 7) surface water samples taken November 01,2017,may indicate varying concentrations of constituents associated with coal ash. Figure 1 provides a visual layout of sample locations and dates of sample collection. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.Thank you for the opportunity to provide our services. Figures: Figure 1 Structural Fill-Area 1 Site Layout Map Tables: Table 1 Surface Water Analytical Results Attachments: Attachment A Photographic Log Attachment B Analytical Laboratory Report Attachment C Field Sampling Logs P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\02.ASHEVILLE PLANT\44.AOW Area 1\Dec.20 REV DRAFT Memo\Structural Fill-Area 1 AOW Inspection and Sampling Memo.docx Area of Wetness Inspection and Sampling December 21,2017 Asheville Airport-Structural Fill Area 1 SynTerra FIGURE 1 SITE LAYOUT MAP P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\02.ASHEVILLE PLANT\44.AOW Area 1\Dec.20 REV DRAFT Memo Structural Fill-Area 1 AOW Inspection and Sampling Memo.docx 7to 7, 34 lk 4 ' t �ltom r "A. Jr 1AX, j" 7 4L Mm me , 11 XY 1. �y,,.�.+ 'tl:. t;.,' .1 ,� " ' , � A�, •yf•= l'�� •+j` �4 4 II'. •3•�,F.� } !i r\ - .d5{ � .I,f dd 4, A f L r V W V" IrA ".7 L A.0 - 0. ,+t t: x..Y J •, � „ -r .CM1 'i[h"r, ?5 * A -kywyminnicuffmillco Alt k'tV np; I P, L iEA' i ..0 y 3' V, A t INN'. V ZA LEGEND 1.ik 0 SURFACE WATER COLLECTED 11-01-2017 7. 00Iri/; SURFACE WATER COLLECTED 11-01-2017 AND 11-29-2017 tjr SURFACE WATER COLLECTED 11-29-2017 Q5 REVIEW BOUNDARY MONITORING WELL COAL COMBUSTION PRODUCT LIMITS REVIEW BOUNDARY GRAPHICSCALE 50 0 50 100 FIGURE I -COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY SITE LAYOUT MAP IN FEET PROPERTY LINE(APPROXIMATE) DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS SAMPLE COLLECTION INFORMATION: SAMPLES COLLECTED ON NOVEMBER 1.2017 BY SYNTERRA AND NCDEQ. AREA I SAMPLES COLLECTED ON NOVEMBER 29.2017 BYSYNTERRA. STRUCTURAL FILL SOURCE DRAWN BY.JOHN CHASTAIN DATE'IW15/2017 IEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT MARCH 6,'2015 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OBTAINED FROM NG ONE MAP GEOSPATIAL PORTAL AT BRIAN I http'.//data.nconemap.00m/geoponaV�talog/mster/download.page dp PROJECT MANAGER MILKER wsN�119"A 14&-,4 1"L-P I M.1,K-R 1;�11�14�vlgw_L�=_rp."Iffit"Vlku Jpxlll;aznm?&&u�9&111 4wl env_wm�lm_ LAYOUT..FIG I(SITE I AY01 IT MAP) ARDEN, NORTH CAROLINA S&ME DRAWING TTILED'GROUNDWATER FLOW MAP STRUCTURAL FILV,DATED 1246-2010. lifiv..'llm .... i0l"t-1.10 Area of Wetness Inspection and Sampling December 21,2017 Asheville Airport-Structural Fill Area 1 SynTerra TABLE 1 SURFACE WATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\02.ASHEVILLE PLANT\44.AOW Area 1\Dec.20 REV DRAFT Memo\Structural Fill-Area 1 AOW Inspection and Sampling Memo.docx TABLE 1 SURFACE WATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS ASHEVILLE AIRPORT STRUCTURAL FILL-AREA 1 ARDEN, NC Analytical Parameter pH ORP DO Spec Cond Turbidity Temp Alkalinity Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Bi-carbonate Boron [Calcium Cadmium Carbonate Chloride Chromium Alkalinity Alkalinity Reporting Units S.U. mV mg/L umhos/cm NTU Deg C mg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L mg/L ug/L I mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L ug/L Phase -- -- -- -- -- -- -- T D T D T D T D T D -- T D -- T D -- -- T D _ 15A'NCAC 02B(Class"6) 6 0=9 Oi NE 4.0`1` ' NE 50"+Z __;ts;3�.; NE NE NE NE NE NE 150 NE NE NE G 5 NE NE NE NE NE :O 15_'4 NE NE NE 24_,°{ Location ID L�Sample FIELD PARAMETERS ANALYTICAL RESULTS Collection Date SW1-Al 11/1/2017 5'6 y= 108.9 T.38 1 99.2 2.38 12 28.8 15 8 <1 <1 <1 <1 40 43 <1 <1 28.8 <50 <50 7.43 <0.1 <0.1 <5.0 10 <1 <1 SW3-A1 11/1/2017 6.4 79.2 6.78 98 1.95 13 23.4 20 <5 <1 <1 <1 <1 37 38 <1 <1 23.4 <50 <50 8.04 <0.1 <0.1 <5.0 11 <1 <1 SW4-Al 11/1/2017 6.1 106 3'51 108 14.1 12 29.3 291 7 <1 <1 <1 <1 19 19 <1 <1 29.3 85 93 7.18 <0.1 <0.1 <5.0 6.3 <1 <1 SWS-Al 11/1/2017 6.6 7.5 6.52 217 4.93 9 86.5 8 <5 <1 I <1 <1. <1 42 47 <1 <1 86.5 168 191 23.5 <0.1 <0.1 <5.0 11 <1 <1 SW6-Al 11/1/2017 6.2 45.2 2 94 78.8 3.01 11 14.7 54 16 <1 <1 2.59 2.8 27 35 <1 <1 14.7 <50 <50 4.11 <0.1 <0.1 <5.0 7.9 <1 <1 SW7-Al 11/1/2017 7.2 -54.6 112 534 OOf 19 NA NA 11 NA <1 NA 1.7 NA 67 NA <1 NA NA 351 NA NA <0.1 NA NA NA <1 SWS-Al 11/1/2017 6.9 -89.5 O';fi8 LL 937 4.1 15 523 65 39 <1 <1 219 2'17''=, 219 230 L <1 <1 523 1290 1380 147 <0.1 <0.1 <5.0 3.8 <1 <1 _ Prepared by: BDW Checked by: TDP Notes: Values for 15A NCAC 02B,Class B(French Broad River)Ammended Effective January 1,2015. The lower value of either the acute or chronic standard outlined in 15A NCAC 02B.0211(11)(b)is displayed.Also note the data displayed represents a one-time,single sample;therefore,compliance with either the acute or chronic standard may not be determined based on 15A NCAC 02B.0211 (11)(e). <-concentration not detected at or above the reporting limit T-total phase mg/L-milligrams per liter NE-not established Temp-temperature D-dissolved phase umhos/cm-micro ohms per centimeter ORP-oxidation reduction potential Spec Cond-specific conductance OOR-out of range ug/L-micrograms per liter DO-dissolved oxygen S.U.-standard units NTU-nephelometric turbidity unit Deg C-degrees Celcius mV-millivolts NA-not analyzed - not applicable 1.Dissolved oxygen values presented are instantaneous values- 15A NCAC 02B.0202(40). 2.Per 15A NCAC 02B.0211(21),turbidity in the receiving water shall not exceed 50 NTU in streams not designated as trout water(French Broad River). 3.The Site is designated as mountain/upper piedmont waters;temperature standard based on 15A NCAC 02B.0202(40). 4.Hardness-dependent dissolved metals standards for cadmium,chromium(III),copper,lead,nickel,and zinc are based on the minimum applicable instream hardness of 25 mg/L per 15A NCAC 02B.0211(11)(c). P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\02.ASHEVILLE PLANT\44.AOW Area 1\Dec.20 REV DRAFT Memo\Table 1 Surface Water Analytical Results.xlsx Page 1 of 2 TABLE 1 SURFACE WATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS ASHEVILLE AIRPORT STRUCTURAL FILL-AREA 1 ARDEN, NC .-[Analytical Parameter Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Potassium Selenium Silver Sodium Stro ntium Sulfate Thallium Total Hardness Vanadium Zinc Reporting Units ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L mg/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L mg/L ug/L ug/L mg/L ug/L mg/L ug/L mg/L(CaCO3) ug/L ug/L Phase T D T D T D T D -- T D T D T D T D -- T D T D -- T D -- T D -- T D T D SSA NC-AC 02B(C(ass B) NE NE NE 2_T4 NE NE NE U 54° NE NE NE U. b2 NE NE NE NE 16° NE 6 NE NE O 6& NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 3 Location ID Sample ANALYTICAL RESULTS Collection Date SWl-Al 11/1/2017 2.12 2.06 <1 <1 1190 1200 <0.2 <0.2 2.48 406 466 <0.05 <0.05 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.49 <1 <1 <0.3 <0.3 4.23 69 75 1.5 <0.2 <0.2 28.8 <0.3 <0.3 10 12 SW3-Al 11/1/2017 <1 <1 <1 <1 288 192 <0.2 <0.2 3.41 221 220 <0.05 <0.05 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.72 <1 <1 <0.3 <0.3 5.26 63 67 2.8 <0.2 <0.2 34.1 <0.3 <0.3 9 7 SW4-Al 11/1/2017 1.35 1.31 <1 <1 2710 1750 <0.2 <0.2 3.93 428 476 <0.05 <0.05 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.54 <1 <1 <0.3 <0.3 3.6 78 84 7.9 <0.2 <0.2 34.1 0.421 <0.3 <5 <5 SW5-Al 11/1/2017 1.48 1.52 <1 <1 2210 2110 <0.2 <0.2 7.97 1000 1070 <0.05 <0.05 2.34 2.36 <1 <1 3.29 <1 <1 <0.3 <0.3 4.4 312 331 9.9 <0.2 <0.2 91.6 <0.3 <0.3 <5 <5 SW6-Al 11/1/2017 <1 1.25 <1 <1 5110 7050 <0.2 <0.2 1.94 188 262 <0.05 <0.05 <1 <1 <1 <1 2.01 <1 <1 <0.3 <0.3 2.8 36 43 6.2 <0.2 <0.2 18.3 0.396 <0.3 <5 <5 SW7-A1 11/1/2017 NA 2.04 NA 1.06 NA 140 NA <0.2 NA NA 2080 NA <0.05 NA 14.7 NA I <1 NA NA <1 <0.3 <0.3 NA NA 1200 NA NA <0.2 NA NA 0.508 NA 10 SW8-A1 11/1/2017 18.1 17.8 <1 <1 2160 2390 <0.2 <0.2 31 9420 9820 <0.05 <0.05 151 149 1.24 1.09 4.42 <1 <1 <0.3 <0.3 7.17 2180 2240 32 <0.2 <0.2 439 0.543 <0.3 <5 <5 Prepared by: BDW Checked by: TDP Notes: Values for 15A NCAC 02B,Class B(French Broad River)Ammended Effective January 1,2015. The lower value of either the acute or chronic standard outlined in 15A NCAC 02B.0211(11)(b)is displayed.Also note the data displayed represents a one-time,single sample;therefore,compliance with either the acute or chronic standard may not be determined based on 15A NCAC 02B.0211 (11)(e). <-concentration not detected at or above the reporting limit T-total phase mg/L-milligrams per liter NE-not established Temp-temperature D-dissolved phase umhos/cm-micro ohms per centimeter ORP-oxidation reduction potential Spec Cond-specific conductance OOR-out of range ug/L-micrograms per liter DO-dissolved oxygen S.U.-standard units NTU-nephelometric turbidity unit Deg C-degrees Celcius mV-millivolts NA-not analyzed ---not applicable 1.Dissolved oxygen values presented are instantaneous values- 15A NCAC 02B.0202(40). 2.Per 15A NCAC 02B.0211(21),turbidity in the receiving water shall not exceed 50 NTU in streams not designated as trout water(French Broad River). 3.The Site is designated as mountain/upper piedmont waters;temperature standard based on 15A NCAC 02B.0202(40). 4.Hardness-dependent dissolved metals standards for cadmium,chromium(III),copper,lead,nickel,and zinc are based on the minimum applicable instream hardness of 25 mg/L per 15A NCAC 02B.0211(11)(c). P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\02.ASHEVILLE PLANT\44.AOW Area 1\Dec.20 REV DRAFT Memo\Table 1 Surface Water Analytical Results.xlsx Page 2 of 2 Area of Wetness Inspection and Sampling December 21,2017 Asheville Airport-Structural Fill Area 1 SynTerra ATTACHMENT A PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\02.ASHEVILLE PLANT\44.AOW Area 1\Dec.20 REV DRAFT Memo\Structural Fill-Area 1 AOW Inspection and Sampling Memo.docx Area of Wetness Inspection and Sampling December 21,2017 Asheville Airport-Structural Fill Area 1 SynTerra PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG V,' r= p Photograph 1. SW1-Al- concrete headwall at the northern discharge of south to north culvert beneath Area 1 (taken November 29, 2017). 1 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\02.ASHEVILLE PLANT\44.AOW Area 1\Dec.20 REV DRAFT Memo\Attachment A-Photographic Log.docx Area of Wetness Inspection and Sampling December 21,2017 Asheville Airport-Structural Fill Area 1 SynTerra 61 7N� f y r> Photograph 2. SW1-Al- dry concrete culvert(taken November 29, 2017).View is toward the south, taken from drain gate (see Photograph 1).. 2 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\02.ASHEVILLE PLANT\44.AOW Area 1\Dec.20 REV DRAFT Memo\Attachment A-Photographic Log.docx `lam` �h��' '' ..3,, l� t � . ►,,��*��. ��.�_'++�li`,,,;'` I!. �,1 14 VI :� Lj -ir C fly% +. y+" �1 N" '�•", ���1 i -�y i f•� 1 •.��tfI 1. r♦ R— \1~ d'�.?r � i •.e-^r ". ! st r.• xUr j.T`♦ t`'•,�!ky.+ " .�;..�" _. F !e- k �x.+-.. `�- • R � "fir �� � �'> is x "r v"7Lf t Doi ice ;. .17 •• 1 1 • 1 • Area of Wetness Inspection and Sampling December 21,2017 Asheville Airport- Photograph 4.- SW3-Al-reinforced culvert at the northern edge r � •, :. ��� -��'+f w�•1 aE+'"_i''�»err-. rNA tie lrr P: .r f r r of property boundary • •- • 2017) •• 1 1 • 20 REV DRAFT Memo\ i, 14 4 j i ��_ ��♦ M '3_ y -a ii fA �`A �� t • .`.*�:t'�''�i` }/ "�`" �i%�--,.,.rryM1, �� rat �•' !- �� t'.�y �f ,*g 1..{ 4 i, {(. 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F'.i "f\�`r.l+;',�M1.. 1f ie ' _' s ,.ti. .{ \ fi'fl.!r d�.1rrJ y •! \i' � .r��Pl, !.•� _ .. ,1' ,,.E -_ r�J r� Y'+/ F ����11(y,. 7fi:A Area of Wetness Inspection and Sampling December 21,2017 Asheville Airport-Structural Fill Area 1 SynTerra �.-, ��'`' —,�'"`ti—. �_•_,___�..�.—..�X;tea.-�'' Vim°, �.L.. j '�r,. w'"'. .+.,: i z i t m e s a , � �'�"� '•tom,V w Photograph 8. SW5-Al- downstream end of culvert draining the historic storm water retention basin. View is toward the south (taken November 29,2017). 8 Pt'\Duke Energy Progress.1026\02.ASHEVILLE PLANT\44.AOW Area 1\Dec.20 REV DRAFT Memo\Attachment A-Photographic Log.docx IV�':Yr t1 • �'�y� ! 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SW7-Al-no apparent flow, seepage at toe of repaired slope. Sample collected for dissolved metals analysis only. View is toward the east (taken November 01,2017). 10 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\02.ASHEVILLE PLANT\44.AOW Area 1\Dec.20 REV DRAFT Memo\Attachment A-Photographic Log.docx Iv XA 2 4_,Sy-�+yv� '� '�r '1'��1i:,� ;%a!' i r,�l�I�ri J� 1 '��• 4, t ZO i � :�' � �. �_•1,/,1 i' tit f�i'�C :,- \�/ rt »' . ��f� �_ _�'• •1� ! 'Av�— - -\fir• Sir! - � _ effi S� M!-�`�;•G_�_ n-�_ 'y;�a.Y.",.C�'y'� � 1v1.�3. 3 _� g (�(' '#' 1{• �'�f - 1 ♦ /yam TVd+ .i�.Y� 7!� I 1 6 1� � - w^-�' � #'13 �/ � �'���, �/ - `f w„"�•-t}••>•.J tr- 1 1 ' • i11 • • ' • • • e' • • • • • Area of •ness Inspection and Sampling December s- 2017 AsheviHe • •• ,�• .� ��+� - .��• �" l lit �1 \. 4 Y.� ,'I )•i .,� + '•,\ '` \.`}tip,{�� ifs �Jt•���+` �.�f;� l �4 .� ��1, t -fir' �' �• � � ,��� � '�� ,u} ate. ,♦' _w�. KA�, f Photograph 12. i ' reduced flow in seep • • • •• of gravel road (taken November • 12 •• 1 120 REV DRAFT Memo\ 'i %�.. - r '",tom} i .' 7 .t/,► r<' *:._. s� r a. ''.'` ��Yi. ' "'.� jt ei _ j"�,, s k 't ,„� -! ice• .•- f+'/ �' AN •?� _ r NN Pit ja • Area of Wetness Inspection and Sampling December 21,2017 Asheville Airport-Structural Fill Area 1 SynTerra rf�''"�cc�¢�• ��_`y_ p��R���� ry` �'' �.�, . L F ��p(�f6 "4 } F� �i:,— /` -uo i L S �/ < tP /�i.. �q a cy F ) } s� _ , •,T ham` �£� � _ ZI Photograph 14. SW10-Al- seep (upwelling of groundwater) at west cell toe-of-slope basin(taken November 29, 2017). 14 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\02.ASHEVILLE PLANT\44.AOW Area 1\Dec.20 REV DRAFT Memo\Attachment A-Photographic Log.docx Area of -•ness Inspection and Sampling December 1 Asheville Airport- '•'�'� r ,�t r tee. •r I y � fry �� -• � 1i_ '�'�Iri+a,I / c r r i 'lax ���_ �'�A�:� +�` �y -r• � -t•-1 r� +.i -}^'� "�, i d § _ _ � fit'r� � L� •'•••r Photograph 15. SW11-Al-surface water in • • area downgradient of east cell in Area 1 (taken November 29, 2017). 15 •• • Photographic •• � r r tzV Y Cam+ g�7 4� �y r�•�� -atl it�' • �1+ ; ``f! ;�.a�/ �`t�y 1 y,'�Y� %,�,t•;� �"y�1' jS`.�{�.,� �' {a ...¢�^.�1IA 5,1 i A}.� 00 F If �"`•"X� j �y..i Fm`y,4,,"�."�� V y.n->��aa��4y y�yj-^"ni"rt�lf7�../���1 p1rL¢�� �� lal .�3.i1 k*t iL�_ N•.� Y�L 6 `R `bt Area of Wetness Inspection and Sampling December 21,2017 Asheville Airport-Structural Fill Area 1 SynTerra ATTACHMENT B ANALYTICAL LABORATORY REPORT P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\02.ASHEVILLE PLANT\44.AOW Area 1\Dec.20 REV DRAFT Memo\Structural Fill-Area 1 AOW Inspection and Sampling Memo.docx Revised Report KE Analytical Laboratory Page 1 of47 ENERGY. 13339 Hagers Ferry Road Huntersville, NC 28078-7929 McGuire Nuclear Complex-MG03A2 Phone:980-875-5245 Fax: 980-875-4349 Order Summary Report Order Number: J17110036 Project Name: AVL Airport Fill Area 1--Surface Water(DEQ Split) Customer Name(s): John Toepfer Customer Address: 200 CP and L Drive Arden,NC 28704 Lab Contact: Peggy Kendall Phone: 980-875-5848 Report Authorized By: Date: 12/22/2017 (Signature) 4- 6-V Waxi Peggy endall Program Comments: This is a revised report and supercedes the original dated 11/22/17. The Total Ag(LL) reporting limit was incorrect. At the customer's request,turbidity was analyzed for all samples but SW7-A1.The sample aliquots were taken from the alkalinity containers. Data Flags&Calculations: Any analytical tests or individual analytes within a test flagged with a Qualifier indicate a deviation from the method quality system or quality control requirement. The qualifier description is found at the end of the Certificate of Analysis(sample results) under the qualifiers heading. All results are reported on a dry wQJght basis unless otherwise noted. Subcontracted data included on the Duke Certificate of Analysis is to be used as information only. Certified vendor results can be found in the subcontracted lab final report. Duke Energy Analytical Laboratory subcontracts analyses to other vendor laboratories that have been qualified by Duke Energy to perform these analyses except where noted. Data Package: This data package includes analytical results that are applicable only to the samples described in this narrative.An estimation of the uncertainty of measurement for the results in the report is available upon request.This report shall not be reproduced,except in full,without the written consent of the Analytical Laboratory. Please contact the Analytical laboratory with any questions.The order of individual sections within this report is as follows: Job Summary Report, Sample Identification, Technical Validation of Data Package,Analytical Laboratory Certificate of Analysis, Analytical Laboratory QC Reports, Sub-contracted Laboratory Results, Customer Specific Data Sheets, Reports& Documentation, Customer Database Entries, Test Case Narratives, Chain of Custody(COC) Certification: The Analytical Laboratory holds the following State Certifications : North Carolina(DENR) Certificate#248,South Carolina (DHEC) Laboratory ID#99005. Contact the Analytical Laboratory for definitive information about the certification status of specific methods. Revised Report Sample Us & Descriptions: Page 2 of47 Collection Sample ID Plant/Station Date and Time Collected By Sample Description 2017037951 ASHEVILLE 01-Nov-17 9:10 AM Brian Wilker SW1-Al 2017037952 ASHEVILLE 01-Nov-17 10:50 AM Brian Wilker SW3-A1 2017037953 ASHEVILLE 01-Nov-17 2:40 PM Brian Wilker SW4-A1 2017037954 ASHEVILLE 01-Nov-17 12:42 PM Brian Wilker SW5-A1 2017037955 ASHEVILLE 01-Nov-17 12:10 PM Brian Wilker SW6-A1 2017037956 ASHEVILLE 01-Nov-17 2:05 PM Brian Wilker SW7-A1 2017037957 ASHEVILLE 01-Nov-17 1:25 PM Brian Wilker SW8-A1 7 Total Samples Revised Report Page 3 of 47 Technical Validation Review Checklist: COC and .pdf report are in agreement with sample totals ❑d Yes ❑ No and analyses (compliance programs and procedures). All Results are less than the laboratory reporting limits. ❑ Yes 0 No All laboratory QA/QC requirements are acceptable. Yes ❑ No Report Sections Included: d❑ Job Summary Report d❑ Sub-contracted Laboratory Results �/❑ Sample Identification ❑ Customer Specific Data Sheets, Reports,&Documentation ❑ Technical Validation of Data Package ❑ Customer Database Entries ❑� Analytical Laboratory Certificate of Analysis Chain of Custody ❑ Analytical Laboratory QC Report ❑ Electronic Data Deliverable(EDD)Sent Separate] Reviewed By: DBA Account Date: 11/22/2017 C:�:Jficate of Laborator Anal S15` Revised Report y y Page 4 of 47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#A 7110036 Site: SW 1-Ai Sample#: 2017037951 Collection Date: 11/01/2017 09:10 AM Matrix: SURF WW Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst ALKALINITY(FIXED END POINT 4.5)-(Analysis Performed by Pace Laboratories) Vendor Parameter Complete Vendor Method V_PACE INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 10 mg/L 0.2 2 EPA 300.0 11/06/2017 15:40 BGN9034 Sulfate 1.5 mg/L 0.2 2 EPA 300.0 11/06/2017 15:40 BGN9034 MERCURY(COLD VAPORY IN WATER Mercury(Hg) <0.05 ug/L 0.05 1 EPA 245.1 11/03/2017 14:09 DMFRANC Mercury Dissolved(cold vapor)in Water(Filtered) Mercury(Hg) <,0.05 ug/L 0.05 1 EPA 245.1 11/09/2017 13:05 DMFRANC DISSOLVED METALS BY ICP Aluminum(AI) 0.008 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:18 JJMACKE Barium(Ba) 0.043 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:18 JJMACKE Boron(B) <0.05 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:18 JJMACKE Iron(Fe) 1.20 mg/L 0.01 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:18 JJMACKE Manganese(Mn) 0.466 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:18 JJMACKE Strontium(Sr) 0.075 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:18 JJMACKE Zinc(Zn) 0.012 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:18 JJMACKE UNDIGESTED METALS BY ICP Calcium(Ca) 7.43 mg/L 2 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:17 JJMACKE Magnesium(Mg) 2.48 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:17 JJMACKE Potassium(K) 1.49 mg/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:17 JJMACKE Sodium(Na) 4.23 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:17 JJMACKE Total Hardness(Ca and Mg) 28.8 mg/L 0.045 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:17 JJMACKE (CaCO3) TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Aluminum(AI) 0.015 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:39 JJMACKE Barium(Ba) 0.040 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:39 JJMACKE Boron(B) <0.05 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:39 JJMACKE Iron(Fe) 1.19 mg/L 0.01 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:39 JJMACKE Manganese(Mn) 0.406 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:30 JJMACKE Strontium(Sr) 0.069 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:39 JJMACKE Zinc(Zn) 0.010 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:39 JJMACKE Revised Report CeRiTicate of Laboratory Analysis Page 5 of47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#J17110036 Site: SW 1-Ai Sample#: 2017037951 Collection Date: 11/01/2017 09:10 AM Matrix: SURF WW Analyse Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS(DISSOLVED) Antimony(Sb) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:03 CWSPEN3 Arsenic(As) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:03 CWSPEN3 Beryllium(Be) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 1.1/08/2017 21:03 CWSPEN3 Cadmium(Cd)Low Level <0.1 ug/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:03 CWSPEN3 Chromium(Cr) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:03 CWSPEN3 Cobalt(Co) 2.06 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:03 CWSPEN3 Copper(Cu) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:03 CWSPEN3 Lead(Pb)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:03 CWSPEN3 Molybdenum(Mo) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:03 CWSPEN3 Nickel(Ni) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:03 CWSPEN3 Selenium(Se) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:03 CWSPEN3 Silver(Ag)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:03 CWSPEN3 Thallium(TI)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:03 CWSPEN3 Vanadium(V)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:03 CWSPEN3 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony(Sb) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/10/2017 12:16 CWSPEN3 Arsenic(As) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/10/2017 12:16 CWSPEN3 Beryllium(Be) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/10/2017 12:16 CWSPEN3 Cadmium(Cd)Low Level <0.1 ug/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.8 11/10/2017 12:16 CWSPEN3 Chromium(Cr) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/10/2017 12:16 CWSPEN3 Cobalt(Co) 2.12 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/10/2017 12:16 CWSPEN3 Copper(Cu) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/10/2017 12:16 CWSPEN3 Lead(Pb)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/10/2017 12:16 CWSPEN3 Molybdenum(Mo) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/10/2017 12:16 CWSPEN3 Nickel(Ni) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/10/2017 12:16 CWSPEN3 Selenium(Se) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/10/2017 12:16 CWSPEN3 t Silver(Ag)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/10/2017 12:16 CWSPEN3 Thallium(TI)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/10/2017 12:16 CWSPEN3 Vanadium(V)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/10/2017 12:16 CWSPEN3 TURBIDITY-(Analysis Performed by Pace Laboratories) Turbidity Complete Vendor Method V_PACE Certificate of Laborator Anal sis Revised Report y y Page 6 of 47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#A 7110036 Site: SW3-A1 Sample#: 2017037952 Collection Date: 11/01/2017 10:50 AM Matrix: SURF WW Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst ALKALINITY(FIXED END POINT 4.5)-(Analysis Performed by Pace Laboratories) Vendor Parameter Complete Vendor Method V_PACE INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 11 mg/L 0.2 2 EPA 300.0 11/06/2017 15:57 BGN9034 Sulfate 2.8 mg/L 0.2 2 EPA 300.0 11/06/2017 15:57 1 BGN9034 MERCURY(COLD VAPOR)IN WATER Mercury(Hg) <0.05 ug/L 0.05 1 EPA 245.1 11/03/2017 14:16 DMFRANC Mercury Dissolved(cold vapor)in Water(Filtered) Mercury(Hg) <0.05 ug/L 0.05 1 EPA 245.1 11/09/2017 13:07 DMFRANC DISSOLVED METALS BY ICP Aluminum(Al) <0.005 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:31 JJMACKE Barium(Ba) 0.038 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:31 JJMACKE Boron(B) <0.05 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:31 JJMACKE Iron(Fe) 0.192 mg/L 0.01 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:31 JJMACKE Manganese(Mn) 0.220 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:31 JJMACKE Strontium(Sr) 0.067 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:31 JJMACKE Zinc(Zn) 0.007 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:31 JJMACKE UNDIGESTED METALS BY ICP Calcium(Ca) 8.04 rng/L 2 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:30 JJMACKE Magnesium(Mg) 3.41 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:30 JJMACKE Potassium(K) 1.72 mg/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:30 JJMACKE Sodium(Na) 5.26 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:30 JJMACKE Total Hardness(Ca and Mg) 34.1 mg/L 0.045 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:30 JJMACKE (CaCO3) TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Aluminum(Al) 0.020 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:54 JJMACKE Barium(Ba) 0.037 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:54 JJMACKE Boron(B) <0.05 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:54 JJMACKE Iron(Fe) 0.288 mg/L 0.01 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:54 JJMACKE Manganese(Mn) 0.221 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:54 JJMACKE Strontium(Sr) 0.063 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:54 JJMACKE Zinc(Zn) 0.009 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:54 JJMACKE vised rt Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Re ePage 77 of47 9 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#J17110036 Site: SW3-A1 Sample#: 2017037952 Collection Date: 11/01/2017 10:50 AM Matrix: SURF WW Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS(DISSOLVED) Antimony(Sb) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:13 CWSPEN3 Arsenic(As) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:13 CWSPEN3 Beryllium(Be) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:13 CWSPEN3 Cadmium(Cd)Low Level <0.1 ug/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:13 CWSPEN3 Chromium (Cr) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:13 CWSPEN3 Cobalt(Co) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:13 CWSPEN3 Copper(Cu) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:13 CWSPEN3 Lead(Pb)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:13 CWSPEN3 Molybdenum(Mo) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:13 CWSPEN3 Nickel(Ni) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:13 CWSPEN3 Selenium(Se) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:13 CWSPEN3 Silver(Ag)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:13 CWSPEN3 Thallium(TI)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:13 CWSPEN3 Vanadium(V)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:13 CWSPEN3 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony(Sb) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 18:26 CWSPEN3 Arsenic(As) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 18:26 CWSPEN3 Beryllium(Be) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 18:26 CWSPEN3 Cadmium(Cd)Low Level <0.1 ug/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 18:26 CWSPEN3 Chromium(Cr) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 18:26 CWSPEN3 Cobalt(Co) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 18:26 CWSPEN3 Copper(Cu) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 18:26 CWSPEN3 Lead(Pb)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 18:26 CWSPEN3 Molybdenum(Mo) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 18:26 CWSPEN3 Nickel(Ni) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 18:26 CWSPEN3 Selenium(Se) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 18:26 CWSPEN3 Silver(Ag)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 18:26 CWSPEN3 Thallium(TI)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 18:26 CWSPEN3 Vanadium(V)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 18:26 CWSPEN3 TURBIDITY-(Analysis Performed by Pace Laboratories) Turbidity Complete Vendor Method V_PACE Ger"iificate of LaboratoryAnal Sls Revised Report y Page 8 of 47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#J17110036 Site: SW4-A1 Sample#: 2017037953 Collection Date: 11/01/2017 02:40 PM Matrix: SURF WW Analyle Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst ALKALINITY(FIXED END POINT 4.5)-(Analysis Performed by Pace Laboratories) Vendor Parameter Complete Vendor Method V_PACE INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 6.3 mg/L 0.1 1 EPA 300.0 11/06/2017 16:15 BGN9034 Sulfate 7.9 mg/L 0.1 1 EPA 300.0 11/06/2017 16:15 BGN9034 MERCURY(COLD VAPOR)IN WATER Mercury(Hg) <0.05 ug/L 0.05 1 EPA 245.1 11/03/2017 14:19 DMFRANC Mercury Dissolved(cold vapor)in Water(Filtered) Mercury(Hg) <0.05 ug/L 0.05 1 EPA 245.1 11/09/2017 13:10 DMFRANC DISSOLVED METALS BY ICP Aluminum (AI) 0.007 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:35 JJMACKE Barium(Ba) 0.019 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:35 JJMACKE Boron(B) 0.093 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:35 JJMACKE Iron(Fe) 1.75 mg/L 0.01 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:35 JJMACKE Manganese(Mn) 0.476 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:35 JJMACKE Strontium(Sr) 0.084 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:35 JJMACKE Zinc(Zn) <0.005 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:35 JJMACKE UNDIGESTED METALS BY ICP Calcium(Ca) 7.18 mg/L 2 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:34 JJMACKE Magnesium(Mg) 3.93 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:34 JJMACKE Potassium(K) 1.54 mg/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:34 JJMACKE Sodium(Na) 3.60 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:34 JJMACKE Total Hardness(Ca and Mg) 34.1 mg/L 0.045 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:34 JJMACKE (CaCO3) TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Aluminum(AI) 0.291 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:58 JJMACKE Barium(Ba) 0.019 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:58 JJMACKE Boron(B) 0.085 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:58 JJMACKE Iron(Fe) 2.71 mg/L 0.01 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:58 JJMACKE Manganese(Mn) 0.428 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:58 JJMACKE Strontium(Sr) 0.078 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:58 JJMACKE Zinc(Zn) <0.005 mg/L 0.005. 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 14:58 JJMACKE Certificate of Laborator Anal SIS Revised Report y y Page 9 of 47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#J17110036 Site: SW4-A1 Sample#: 2017037953 Collection Date: 11/01/2017 02:40 PM Matrix: SURF WW Analyse Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS(DISSOLVED) Antimony(Sb) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 20:36 CWSPEN3 Arsenic(As) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 20:36 CWSPEN3 Beryllium(Be) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 20:36 CWSPEN3 Cadmium(Cd)Low Level <0.1 ug/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 20:36 CWSPEN3 Chromium(Cr) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 20:36 CWSPEN3 Cobalt(Co) 1.31 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 20:36 CWSPEN3 Copper(Cu) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 20:36 CWSPEN3 Lead(Pb)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 20:36 CWSPEN3 Molybdenum(Mo) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 20:36 CWSPEN3 Nickel(Ni) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 20:36 CWSPEN3 Selenium(Se) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 20:36 CWSPEN3 Silver(Ag)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 20:36 CWSPEN3 Thallium(TI)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 20:36 CWSPEN3 Vanadium(V)Low Level <0.3 ug/L- 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 20:36 CWSPEN3 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony(Sb) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:03 CWSPEN3 Arsenic(As) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:03 CWSPEN3 Beryllium(Be) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:03 CWSPEN3 Cadmium(Cd)Low Level <0.1 ug/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:03 CWSPEN3 Chromium(Cr) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:03 CWSPEN3 Cobalt(Co) 1.35 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:03 CWSPEN3 Copper(Cu) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:03 CWSPEN3 Lead(Pb)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:03 CWSPEN3 Molybdenum(Mo) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:03 CWSPEN3 Nickel(Ni) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:03 CWSPEN3 Selenium(Se) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/201.7 19:03 CWSPEN3 Silver(Ag)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:03 CWSPEN3 Thallium(TI)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:03 CWSPEN3 Vanadium(V)Low Level 0.421 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:03 CWSPEN3 TURBIDITY-(Analysis Performed-by Pace Laboratories) Turbidity Complete Vendor Method V_PACE 1. Revised Report Ceruflcate of Laboratory/ Analysis Page 10 of47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in.full. Order#A 7110036 Site: SW5-Ai Sample#: 2017037954 Collection Date: 11/01/2017 12:42 PM Matrix: SURF WW Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst r ALKALINITY(FIXED END POINT 4.5)-(Analysis Performed by Pace Laboratories) Vendor Parameter Complete Vendor Method V_PACE INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 11 mg/L 0.2 2 EPA 300.0 11/06/2017 16:33 BGN9034 Sulfate 9.9 mg/L 0.2 2 EPA 300.0 11/06/2017 16:33 BGN9034 MERCURY(COLD VAPOR)IN WATER Mercury(Hg) <0.05 ug/L 0.05 1 EPA 245.1 11/03/2017 14:21 DMFRANC Mercury Dissolved(cold vapor)in Water(Filtered) Mercury(Hg) <0.05 ug/L 0.05 1 EPA 245.1 11/09/2017 13:12 DMFRANC DISSOLVED METALS BY ICP Aluminum(AI) <0.005 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:40 JJMACKE Barium(Ba) 0.047 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:40 JJMACKE Boron(B) 0.191 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:40 JJMACKE Iron(Fe) 2.11 mg/L 0.01 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:40 JJMACKE Manganese(Mn) 1.07 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:40 JJMACKE Strontium(Sr) 0.331 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:40 JJMACKE Zinc(Zn) <0.005 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:40 JJMACKE UNDIGESTED METALS BY ICP Calcium(Ca) 23.5 mg/L 2 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:39 JJMACKE Magnesium(Mg) 7.97 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/201715:39 JJMACKE Potassium(K) 3.29 mg/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:39 JJMACKE Sodium(Na) 4.40 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:39 JJMACKE Total Hardness(Ca and Mg) 91.6 mg/L 0.045 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:39 JJMACKE (CaCO3) TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Aluminum(Al) 0.006 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:03 JJMACKE Barium(Ba) 0.042 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:03 . JJMACKE Boron(B) 0.168 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:03 JJMACKE Iron(Fe) 2.21 mg/L 0.01 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:03 JJMACKE Manganese(Mn) 1.00 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:03 JJMACKE Strontium(Sr) 0.312 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:03 JJMACKE Zinc(Zn) <0.005 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:03 JJMACKE Revised Report Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 11 of47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#J17110036 Site: SW5-Al Sample#: 2017037954 Collection Date: 1 1/01/201 7 1 2:42 PM Matrix: SURF WW Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS(DISSOLVED) Antimony(Sb) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:22 CWSPEN3 Arsenic(As) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:22 CWSPEN3 Beryllium(Be) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:22 CWSPEN3 Cadmium(Cd)Low Level <0.1 ug/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:22 CWSPEN3 Chromium(Cr) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:22 CWSPEN3 Cobalt(Co) 1.52 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:22 CWSPEN3 Copper(Cu) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:22 CWSPEN3 Lead(Pb)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:22 CWSPEN3 Molybdenum(Mo) 2.36 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:22 CWSPEN3 Nickel(Ni) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:22 CWSPEN3 Selenium(Se) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:22 CWSPEN3 Silver(Ag)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:22 CWSPEN3 Thallium(TI)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:22 CWSPEN3 Vanadium(V)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:22 CWSPEN3 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony(Sb) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:12 CWSPEN3 Arsenic(As) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:12 CWSPEN3 Beryllium(Be) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:12 CWSPEN3 Cadmium(Cd)Low Level <0.1 ug/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:12 CWSPEN3 Chromium(Cr) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:12 CWSPEN3 Cobalt(Co) 1.48 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:12 CWSPEN3 Copper(Cu) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:12 CWSPEN3 Lead(Pb)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:12 CWSPEN3 Molybdenum(Mo) 2.34 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:12 CWSPEN3 Nickel(Ni) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:12 CWSPEN3 Selenium(Se) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:12 CWSPEN3 Silver(Ag)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:12 CWSPEN3 Thallium(TI)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:12 CWSPEN3 Vanadium(V)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:12 CWSPEN3 TURBIDITY-(Analysis Performed by Pace Laboratories) Turbidity Complete Vendor Method V_PACE Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Revised ReportPage 12 of47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#J17110036 Site: SW6-A1 Sample#: 2017037955 Collection Date: 1 1/01/201 7 12:10 PM Matrix: SURF WW Analyse Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst ALKALINITY(FIXED END POINT 4.5)-(Analysis Performed by Pace Laboratories) Vendor Parameter Complete Vendor Method V_PACE INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 7.9 mg/L 0.1 1 EPA 300.0 11/06/2017 16:51 BGN9034 Sulfate 6.2 mg/L 0.1 1 EPA 300.0 11/06/2017 16:51 BGN9034 MERCURY(COLD VAPOR)IN WATER Mercury(Hg) <0.05 ug/L 0.05 1- EPA 245.1 11/03/2017 14:24 DMFRANC Mercury Dissolved(cold vapor)in Water(Filtered) Mercury(Hg) <0.05 ug/L 0.05 1 EPA 245.1 11/09/2017 13:15 DMFRANC DISSOLVED METALS BY ICP Aluminum(AI) 0.016 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:45 JJMACKE Barium(Ba) 0.035 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:45 JJMACKE Boron(B) <0.05 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:45 JJMACKE Iron(Fe) 7.05 mg/L 0.01 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:45 JJMACKE Manganese(Mn) 0.262 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:45 JJMACKE Strontium(Sr) 0.043 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:45 JJMACKE Zinc(Zn) <'0.005 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:45 JJMACKE UNDIGESTED METALS BY ICP Calcium(Ca) 4.11 mg/L 2 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:44 JJMACKE Magnesium(Mg) 1.94 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:44 JJMACKE Potassium(K) 2.01 mg/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:44 JJMACKE. Sodium(Na) 2.80 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:44 JJMACKE Total Hardness(Ca and Mg) 18.3 mg/L 0.045 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:44 JJMACKE (CaCO3) TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Aluminum(AI) 0.054 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:07 JJMACKE Barium(Ba) 0.027 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:07 JJMACKE Boron(B) <0.05 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:07 JJMACKE Iron(Fe) 5.11 mg/L 0.01 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:07 JJMACKE Manganese(Mn) 0.188 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:07 JJMACKE Strontium(Sr) 0.036 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:07 JJMACKE Zinc(Zn) <0.005 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:07 JJMACKE Ceniificate of Laborator Anal sis Revised Report y y Page 13 of 47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#A 7110036 Site: SW6-Ai Sample#: 2017037955 Collection Date: 11/01/2017 12:10 PM Matrix: SURF WW Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS(DISSOLVED) Antimony(Sb) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:31 CWSPEN3 Arsenic(As) 2.80 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:31 CWSPEN3 Beryllium(Be) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:31 CWSPEN3 Cadmium(Cd)Low Level <0.1 ug/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:31 CWSPEN3 Chromium(Cr) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:31 CWSPEN3 Cobalt(Co) 1.25 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:31 CWSPEN3 Copper(Cu) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:31 CWSPEN3 Lead(Pb)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:31 CWSPEN3 Molybdenum(Mo) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:31 CWSPEN3 Nickel(Ni) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:31 CWSPEN3 Selenium(Se) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:31 CWSPEN3 Silver(Ag)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8' 11/08/2017 21:31 CWSPEN3 Thallium(TI)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:31 CWSPEN3 Vanadium(V)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:31 CWSPEN3 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony(Sb) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:50 CWSPEN3 Arsenic(As) 2.59 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:50 CWSPEN3 Beryllium(Be) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11✓08/2017 19:50 CWSPEN3 Cadmium(Cd)Low Level <0.1 ug/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:50 CWSPEN3 Chromium(Cr) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:50 CWSPEN3 Cobalt(Co) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:50 CWSPEN3 Copper(Cu) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:50 CWSPEN3 Lead(Pb)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:50 CWSPEN3 Molybdenum(Mo) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:50 CWSPEN3 Nickel(Ni) <.1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:50 CWSPEN3 Selenium(Se). <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:50 CWSPEN3 Silver(Ag)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:50 CWSPEN3 Thallium(TI)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:50 CWSPEN3 Vanadium(V)Low Level 0.396 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:50 CWSPEN3 TURBIDITY-(Analysis Performed by Pace Laboratories) Turbidity Complete Vendor Method V_PACE s„ Revised Report Cerilficate of Laboratory Analysis Page 14 of47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Ord r#J17110036 Site: SWTA1 Sample#: 2017037956 Collection Date: 1 1/01/201 7 02:05 PM Matrix: SURF WW Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Method Analysis bate/Time Analyst Mercury Dissolved(cold vapor)in Water(Filtered) Mercury(Hg) <0.05 ug/L 0.05 1 EPA 245.1 11/09/2017 13:17 DMFRANC DISSOLVED METALS BY ICP Aluminum (AI) 0.011 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:49 JJMACKE Barium(Ba) 0.067 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:49 JJMACKE Boron(B) 0.351 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:49 JJMACKE Iron(Fe) 0.140 mg/L 0.01 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:49 JJMACKE Manganese(Mn) 2.08 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:49 JJMACKE Strontium(Sr) 1.20 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:49 JJMACKE Zinc(Zn) 0.010 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:49 JJMACKE TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS(DISSOLVED) Antimony(Sb) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:40 CWSPEN3 Arsenic(As) 1.70 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:40 CWSPEN3 Beryllium(Be) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:40 CWSPEN3 Cadmium(Cd)Low Level <0.1 ug/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:40 CWSPEN3 Chromium(Cr) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:40 CWSPEN3 Cobalt(Co) 2.04 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:40 CWSPEN3 Copper(Cu) 1.06 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:40 CWSPEN3 Lead(Pb)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:40 CWSPEN3 Molybdenum(Mo) 14.7 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:40 CWSPEN3 Nickel(Ni) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:40 CWSPEN3 Selenium(Se) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:40 CWSPEN3 Silver(Ag)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:40 CWSPEN3 Thallium(TI)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:40 CWSPEN3 Vanadium(V)Low Level 0.508 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:40 CWSPEN3 Revised Report Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 15 of47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#A 7110036 Site: SW8-A1 Sample#: 2017037957 Collection Date: 11/01/2017 01:25 PM Matrix: SURF WW Analyse Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst ALKALINITY(FIXED END POINT 4.5)-(Analysis Performed by Pace Laboratories) Vendor Parameter Complete Vendor Method V_PACE INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 3.8 mg/L 0.5 5 EPA 300.0 11/06/2017 17:09 BGN9034 Sulfate 32 mg/L 0.5 5 EPA 300.0 11/06/2017 17:09 BGN9034 MERCURY(COLD VAPOR)IN WATER Mercury(Hg) <0.05 ug/L 0.05 1 EPA 245.1 11/03/2017 14:26 DMFRANC Mercury Dissolved(cold vapor)in Water(Filtered) Mercury(Hg) <0.05 ug/L 0.05 1 EPA 245.1 11/09/2017 13:19 DMFRANC DISSOLVED METALS BY ICP Aluminum(Al) 0.039 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:54 JJMACKE Barium(Ba) 0.230 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:54 JJMACKE Boron(B) 1.38 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:54 JJMACKE Iron(Fe) 23.9 mg/L 0.01 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:54 JJMACKE Manganese(Mn) 9.82 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:54 JJMACKE Strontium(Sr) 2.24 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:54 JJMACKE Zinc(Zn) <0.005 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 10:54 JJMACKE UNDIGESTED METALS BY ICP Calcium(Ca) 147 mg/L 2 20 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:48 JJMACKE Magnesium(Mg) 31.0 mg/L 0.1 20 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:48 JJMACKE Potassium(K) 4.42 mg/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:48 JJMACKE Sodium(Na) 7.17 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:48 JJMACKE Total Hardness(Ca and Mg) 439 mg/L 0.045 1 EPA 200.7 11/17/2017 15:48 JJMACKE (CaCO3) TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Aluminum (Al) 0.065 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:11 JJMACKE Barium(Ba) 0.219 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:11 JJMACKE Boron(B) 1.29 mg/L 0.05 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:11 JJMACKE Iron(Fe) 21.6 mg/L 0.01 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:11 JJMACKE Manganese(Mn) 9.42 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:11 JJMACKE Strontium(Sr) 2.18 mg/L 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:11 JJMACKE Zinc(Zn) <0.005 mg/L. 0.005 1 EPA 200.7 11/09/2017 15:11 JJMACKE Revised Report Cc,dficate of Laboratory Analya'l* Page 16 of47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#A 7110036 Site: SW8-A1 Sample#: 2017037957 Collection Date: 11/01/2017 01:25 PM Matrix: SURF WW Analyse Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS(DISSOLVED) Antimony(Sb) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:50 CWSPEN3 Arsenic(As) 217 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:50 CWSPEN3 Beryllium(Be) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:50 CWSPEN3 Cadmium(Cd)Low Level <0.1 ug/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:50 CWSPEN3 Chromium(Cr) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:50 CWSPEN3 Cobalt(Cc) 17.8 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:50 CWSPEN3 Copper(Cu) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:50 CWSPEN3 Lead(Pb)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:50 CWSPEN3 Molybdenum(Mo) 149 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:50 CWSPEN3 Nickel(Ni) 1.09 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:50 CWSPEN3 Selenium(Se) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:50 CWSPEN3 Silver(Ag)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:50 CWSPEN3 Thallium(TI)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:50 CWSPEN3 Vanadium(V)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 21:50 CWSPEN3 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony(Sb) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:59 CWSPEN3 Arsenic(As) 219 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:59 CWSPEN3 Beryllium(Be) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:59 CWSPEN3 Cadmium(Cd)Low Level <0.1 ug/L 0.1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:59 CWSPEN3 Chromium(Cr) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:59 CWSPEN3 Cobalt(Co) 18.1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:59 CWSPEN3 Copper(Cu) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:59 CWSPEN3 Lead(Pb)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:59 CWSPEN3 Molybdenum(Mo) 151 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:59 CWSPEN3 Nickel(Ni) 1.24 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:59 CWSPEN3 Selenium(Se) <1 ug/L 1 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:59 CWSPEN3 Silver(Ag)Low Level <0.3 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:59 CWSPEN3 Thallium(TI)Low Level <0.2 ug/L 0.2 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:59 CWSPEN3 Vanadium(V)Low Level 0.543 ug/L 0.3 1 EPA 200.8 11/08/2017 19:59 CWSPEN3 TURBIDITY-(Analysis Performed by Pace Laboratories) Turbidity Complete Vendor Method V_PACE Revised Report CerWicate of Laboratory Analysis Page 17 of 47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#J17110036 Level II QC Summary Q17110095 Dionex INORGANIC IONS BY IC Blank #1 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier Chloride 0.0132 0.0132 mg/L 1 0.1 <1/2 RDL Sulfate -0.0387 -0.0387 mg/L 1 0.1 <1/2 RDL IS #1 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Soilce %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Chloride 3.2 160 mg/L 50 150 101 80 120 Sulfate 6.66 3330 mg/L 500 1500 89 80 120 ISD #1 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL RPD Qualifier Chloride 3.19 159 mg/L 50 150 101 80 120 0.244 Sulfate 6.65 3320 mg/L 500 1500 88.5 80 120 0.5 LCS #1 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Saike %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Chloride 4.99 4.99 mg/L 1 5 99.7 90 110 Sulfate 4.93 4.93 mg/L 1 5 98.7 90 110 Gi;rilficate of Laborator Anal SYb Revised Report Y Y Page 18 of 47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#A 7110036 Level II QC Summary Q1.7.110084 HG 245.1 MERCURY(COLD VAPOR)IN WATER Blank #1 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier Mercury(Hg) 0.008 0.008 ug/L 1 0.05 <1/2 RDL Blank #2 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier Mercury(Hg) 0.013 0.013 ug/L 1 0.05 <1/2 RDL LCS #1 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Sgike %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Mercury(Hg) 1.9 1.9 ug/L 1 2 94.8 85 115 LCS #2 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Mercury,(Hg) 1.9 1.9 ug/L 1 2 94.8 85 115 MS #1 Parent Sample: J17090036 -- 2017030816 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Mercury(Hg) 0.761 15.2 ug/L 20 20 71.4 70 130 MSD #1 Parent Sample: J17090036 -- 2017030816 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL RPD Qualifier Mercury(Hg) 0.779 15.6 ug/L 20 20 73.2 - 70 130 2.49 MS #4 Parent Sample: J17110036 -- 2017037951 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Mercury(Hg) 0.961 0.961 ug/L 1 1 95.1 70 130 MSD #4 Parent Sample: J17110036 -- 2017037951 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL RPD Qualifier Mercury(Hg) 0.962 0.962 ug/L 1 1 95.2 70 130 0.105 Revised Report r lf Ceicate of Laboratory Analysis* Page 19of47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#A 7110036 Level II QC Summary Q17.110375 ICP Dissolved DISSOLVED METALS BY ICP Blank #1 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier Aluminum(AI) -0.000443 -0.000443 mg/L 1 0.005 <1/2 RDL Barium(Ba) -0.000067 -0.000067 mg/L 1 0.005 <1/2 RDL Boron(B) 0.000042 0.000042 mg/L 1 0.05 <1/2 RDL Iron(Fe) -0.000055 -0.000055 mg/L 1 0.01 <1/2 RDL Manganese(Mn) -0.000325 -0.000325 mg/L 1 0.005 <1/2 RDL Strontium(Sr) -0.000016 -0.000016 mg/L 1 0.005 <1/2 RDL Zinc(Zn) 0.0006.72 0.000672 mg/L 1 0.005 <1/2 RDL LCS #1 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Aluminum(AI) 2.11 2.11 mg/L 1 2 106 85 115 Barium(Ba) 0.984 0.984 mg/L 1 1 98.4 85 115 Boron(B) 1.99 1.99 mg/L 1 2 99.7 85 115 Iron(Fe) 2.06 2.06 mg/L 1 2 103 85 115 Manganese(Mn) 0.975 0.975 mg/L 1 1 97.5 85 115 Strontium(Sr) 1.9 1.9 mg/L 1, 2 95 85 115 Zinc(Zn) 1.03 1.03 mg/L 1 1 103 85 115 MS #1 Parent Sample: J17110036 -- 2017037951 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Aluminum (AI) 5.22 5.22 mg/L 1 5 104 70 130 Barium(Ba) 5.26 5.26 mg/L 1 5 104 70 130 Boron(B) 5.17 5.17 mg/L 1 5 103 70 130 Iron(Fe) 6.15 6.15 mg/L 1 5 98.8 70 130 Manganese(Mn) 5.66 5.66 mg/L 1 5 104 70 130 Strontium(Sr) 5.05 5.05 mg/L 1 5 99.4 70 130 Zinc(Zn) 5.27 5.27 mg/L 1 5 106 70 130 MSD #1 Parent Sample: J17110036 -- 2017037951 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL RPD Qualifier Aluminum(AI) 5.32 5.32 mg/L 1 5 106 70 130 1.86 Barium(Ba) 5.3 5.3 mg/L 1 5 105 70 130 0.84 Boron(B) 5.22 5.22 mg/L 1 5 104 70 130 0.868 Iron(Fe) 6.22 6.22 mg/L 1 5 100 70 130 1.53 Manganese(Mn) 5.73 5.73 mg/L 1 5 105 70 130 1-.2 Strontium(Sr) 5.1 5.1 mg/L 1 5 100 70 130 0.981 Zinc(Zn) 5.33 5.33 mg/L 1 5 106 70 130 1.15 Revised Report Gai-dficate of Laboratory Analys6 Page 20 of 47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#J17110036 Level II QC Summary Q17110405 ICP Undigested UNDIGESTED METALS BY ICP Blank #1 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier Calcium (Ca) 0.000963 0.000963 mg/L 1 0.01 <1/2 RDL Magnesium(Mg) -0.000019 -0.000019 mg/L 1 0.005 <1/2 RDL Potassium(K) -0.00985 -0.00985 mg/L 1 0.1 <1/2 RDL Sodium (Na) 0.00186 0.00186 mg/L 1 0.05 <1/2 RDL LCS #1 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Calcium(Ca) 1.02 1.92 mg/L 1 2 96 85 115 Magnesium(Mg) 1.88 1.88 mg/L 1 2 93.8 85 115 Potassium(K) 3.77 3.77 mg/L 1 4 94.3 85 115 Sodium (Na) 8 8 mg/L 1 8.1 98.7 85 115 f MS #1 Parent Sample: J17110036 -- 2017037951 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Calcium (Ca) 12 12 mg/L 1, 5 92.1 70 130 Magnesium(Mg) 8.81 8.81 mg/L 1 5 127 70 130 Potassium(K) 6.53 6.53 mg/L 1 5 101 70 130 8 Sodium (Na) 8.66 8.66 mg/L 1 5 88.6 70 130 MSD #1 Parent Sample: J17110036 -- 2017037951 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovenr LCL UCL RPD Qualifier Calcium(Ca) 12.2 12.2 mg/L 1 5 96.3 70 130 4.44 Magnesium(Mg) 8.98 8.98 mg/L 1 5 130 70 130 2.56 Potassium(K) 6.62 6.62 mg/L 1 5 103 70 130 1.85 Sodium (Na) 8.81 8.81 mg/L 1 5 91.5 70 130 3.26 Ce1 Lificate of LaboratoryAnalysis Revised Report Y Page 21 of 47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#.A 7110036 Level II QC Summary Q17110173 ICP_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Blank #1 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier Aluminum(AI) 0.00108 0.00108 mg/L 1 0.005 <1/2 RDL Barium(Ba) 0.000191 0.000191 mg/L 1 0.005 <1/2 RDL Boron(B) 0.000766 0.000766 mg/L 1 0.05 <1/2 RDL Iron(Fe) 0.00151 0.00151 mg/L 1 0.01 <1/2 RDL Manganese(Mn) 0.000114 0.000114 mg/L 1 0.005 <1/2 RDL Strontium(Sr) 0.000079 0.000079 mg/L 1 0.005 <1/2 RDL Zinc(Zn) 0.00109 0.00109 mg/L 1 0.005 <1/2 RDL LCS #1 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Aluminum(AI) 4.88 4.88 mg/L 1 5 97.6 85 115 Barium(Ba) 4.69 4.69 mg/L 1 5 93.7 85 115 Boron(B) 4.8 4.8 mg/L 1 5 95.9 85 115 Iron(Fe) 4.68 4.68 mg/L 1 5 93.6 85 115 Manganese(Mn) 4.7 4.7 mg/L 1 5 94 85 115 Strontium(Sr) 4.73 4.73 mg/L 1 5 94.6 85 115 Zinc(Zn) 4.87 4.87 mg/L 1 5 97.5 85 115 MS #1 Parent Sample: J17110036 -- 2017037951 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Soike %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Aluminum(Al) 4.79 4.79 mg/L 1 5 95.4 70 130 Barium(Ba) 4.95 4.95 mg/L 1 5 98.1 70 130 Boron(B) 4.66 4.66 mg/L 1 5 93.1 70 130 Iron(Fe) 5.87 5.87 mg/L 1 5 93.5 70 130 Manganese(Mn) 5.16 5.16 mg/L 1 5 95.1 70 130 Strontium(Sr) 4.94 4.94 mg/L 1 5 97.3 70 130 Zinc(Zn) 4.77 4.77 mg/L 1 5 95.2 70 130 MSD #1 Parent Sample: J17110036 -- 2017037951 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Soike %Recovery LCL UCL RPD Qualifier Aluminum(AI) 5.04 5.04 mg/L 1 5 100 70 130 5.09 Barium(Ba) 4.79 4.79 mg/L 1 5 95 70 130 3.27 Boron(B) 4.74 4.74 mg/L 1 5 94.6 70 130 1.6 Iron(Fe) 5.94 5.94 mg/L 1 5 94.9 70 130 1.46 Manganese(Mn) 5.21 5.21 mg/L 1 5 96.1 70 130 1.09 Strontium(Sr) 4.84 4.84 mg/L 1 5 95.5 70 130 1.89 Zinc(Zn) 5.05 5.05 mg/L 1 5 101 70 130 5.67 Q rdficate of LaboratoryAnalysis Revised Report 7 Page 22 of 47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#A 7110036 Level II QC Summary Q17110175 IMS_DIS_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS(DISSOLVED) Blank #1 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier Antimony(Sb) 0.023 0.023 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Arsenic(As) 0.009 0.009 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Beryllium(Be) 0 0 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Cadmium(Cd)Low Level 0.001 0.001 ug/L 1 0.1' <1/2 RDL Chromium(Cr) 0.159 0.159 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Cobalt(Co) 0.003 0.003 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Copper(Cu) -0.079 -0.079 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Lead(Pb)Low Level 0.002 0.002 ug/L 1 0.2 <1/2 RDL Molybdenum(Mo)' 0.015 0.015 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Nickel(Ni) 0.016 0.016 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Selenium (Se) 0.065 0.065 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Silver(Ag)Low Level 0 0 ug/L 1 0.3 <1/2 RDL Thallium(TI)Low Level 0.004 0.004 ug/L 1 0.2 <1/2 RDL Vanadium(V)Low Level 0.005 0.005 ug/L 1 0.3 <1/2 RDL LCS #1 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Antimony(Sb) 49.5 49.5 ug/L 1 50 99.1 85 115 Arsenic(As) 49.4 49.4 ug/L 1 50 98.9 85 115 Beryllium(Be) 46.6 46.6 ug/L 1 50 '93.2 85 115 Cadmium(Cd)Low Level 48.9 48.9 ug/L 1 50 97.8 85 115 Chromium(Cr) 49.9 49.9 ug/L 1 50 99.9 85 115 Cobalt(Co) 46 46 ug/L 1 50 92.1 85 115 Copper(Cu) 49.1 49.1 ug/L 1 50 98.2 85 115 Lead(Pb)Low Level 48.3 48:3 ug/L 1 50 96.6 85 115 Molybdenum(Mo) 49.7 49.7 ug/L 1 50 99.3 85 115 Nickel(Ni) 49.4 49.4 ug/L 1 50 98.7 85 115 Selenium (Se) 47.4 47.4 ug/L 1 50 94.8 85 115 Silver(Ag)Low Level 49.5 ug/L 1 50 98.9 85 115 Thallium(TI)Low Level 44.5 44.5 ug/L 1 50 89 85 115 Vanadium(V)Low Level 49 ug/L 1 50 98.1 85 115 MS #1 Parent Sample: J17110036 -- 2017037953 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Antimony(Sb) 50.3 50.3 ug/L 1 50 101 Arsenic(As) 50.8 50.8 ug/L 1 50 101 Beryllium(Be) 48.5 48.5 ug/L 1 50 96.6 Cadmium(Cd)Low Level 49.7 49.7 ug/L 1 -, 50 99.3 Chromium(Cr) 50.7 50.7 ug/L 1 50 101 Cobalt(Co) 48 48 ug/L 1 50 93.4 Cendicate of Laboratory Analysis Revised Report s Page 23 of 47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#A 7110036 Level II QC Summary Q17110175 IMS_DIS_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS(DISSOLVED) MS #1 Parent Sample: J17110036 -- 2017037953 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Copper(Cu) 49.9 49.9 ug/L 1 50 99.7 Lead(Pb) Low Level 49 49 ug/L 1 50 98 Molybdenum(Mo) 50.8 50.8 ug/L 1 50 102 Nickel(Ni) 49.8 49.8 ug/L 1 50 99.2 Selenium(Se) 49.3 49.3 ug/L 1 50 97.4 Silver(Ag)Low Level 50.2 ug/L 1 50 100 Thallium(TI)Low Level 44.6 44.6 ug/L 1 50 89 Vanadium (V)Low Level 50.4 ug/L 1 50 101 MSD #1 Parent Sample: J17110036 -- 2017037953 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL RPD Qualifier Antimony(Sb) 49.8 49.8 ug/L 1 50 99.6 0.969 Arsenic(As) 49.7 49.7 ug/L 1 50 99.1 2.13 Beryllium(Be) 50.1 50.1 ug/L 1 50 99.9 3.34 Cadmium (Cd)Low Level 48.5 48.5 ug/L 1 50 97 2.38 Chromium(Cr) 50.6 50.6 ug/L 1 50 101 0.236 Cobalt(Co) 47.3 47.3 ug/L 1 50 92 1.56 Copper(Cu) 48.8 48.8 ug/L 1 50 97.6 2.14 Lead(Pb)Low Level 48.2 48.2 ug/L 1 50 96.4 1.64 Molybdenum(Mo) 50.2 50.2 ug/L 1 50 100 1.16 Nickel(Ni) 49.1 49.1 ug/L 1 50 97.7 1.52 Selenium(Se) 48.1 48.1 ug/L 1 50 95 2.48 Silver(Ag)Low Level 49.2 ug/L 1 50 98.4 2.01 Thallium(TI)Low Level 43.9 43.9 ug/L 1 50 87.7 1.51 Vanadium(V)Low Level 50.1 ug/L 1 50 100 0.531 Cuelificate of LaboratoryAnaw$i� Revised Report 7 Page 24 of 47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#J17110036 Level II QC Summary Q171101.81 IMS_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICI'-MS Blank #1 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil RDL Relative Concentration Qualifier Antimony(Sb) 0.014 0.014 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Arsenic(As) 0.007 0.007 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Beryllium(Be) 0 0 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Cadmium(Cd)Low Level 0.001 0.001 ug/L 1 0.1 <1/2 RDL Chromium (Cr) 0.043 0.043 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Cobalt(Co) 0.002 0.002 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Copper(Cu) -0.08 -0.08 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Lead(Pb) Low Level 0 0 ug/L 1 0.2 <1/2 RDL Molybdenum(Mo) 0.003 0.003 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Nickel(Ni) 0.024 0.024 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Selenium(Se) 0.054 0.054 ug/L 1 1 <1/2 RDL Silver(Ag)Low Level 0.006 0.006 ug/L 1 0.3 <1/2 RDL Thallium(TI)Low Level -0.001 -0.001 ug/L 1 0.2 <1/2 RDL Vanadium(V)Low Level 0.008 0.008 ug/L 1 0.3 <1/2 RDL LCS #1 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Antimony(Sb) 47.2 47.2 ug/L 1 50 94.3 85 115 Arsenic(As) 47.2 47.2 ug/L 1 50 94.5 85 115 Beryllium(Be) 48.8 48.8 ug/L 1 50 97.5 85 115 Cadmium(Cd)Low Level 47.2 ug/L 1 50 94.5 85 115 Chromium(Cr) 47.6 47.6 ug/L 1 50 95.2 85 115 Cobalt(Co) 44.4 44.4 ug/L 1 50 88.8 85 115 Copper(Cu) 47.1 47.1 ug/L 1 50 94.1 85 115 Lead(Pb) Low Level 46.4 46.4 ug/L 1 50 92.8 85 115 Molybdenum(Mo) 47.6 47.6 ug/L 1 50 95.2 85 115 Nickel(Ni) 47.7 47.7 ug/L 1 50 95.3 85 115 Selenium(Se) 46.3 46.3 ug/L 1 50 92.6 85 115 Silver(Ag)Low Level 47.7 ug/L 1 50 95.4 85 115 Thallium(TI)Low Level 42.7 42.7 ug/L 1 50 85.5 85 115 Vanadium(V)Low Level 47.4 47.4 ug/L 1 50 94.9 85 115 MS #1 Parent Sample: J17110036 -- 2017037952 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Soike %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Antimony(Sb) 48.5 48.5 ug/L 1 50 96.8 70 130 Arsenic(As) 48.9 48.9 ug/L 1 50 97.6 70 130 Beryllium(Be) 51.7 51.7 ug/L 1 50 103 70 130 Cadmium (Cd)Low Level 47.9 ug/L 1 50 95.7 70 130 Chromium(Cr) 49 49 ug/L 1 50 97.8 70 130 Cobalt(Co) 45.7 45.7 ug/L 1 50 90.1 70 130 Cerilricate of Laborator Anal Revised Report Y Analysis Page 25 of 47 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order#J17110036 Level II QC Summary Q17110181 IMS_TRM TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS MS #1 Parent Sample: J17110036 -- 2017037952 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL Qualifier Copper(Cu) 48.6 48.6 ug/L 1 50 96.8 70 130 Lead(Pb)Low Level 47.5 47.5 ug/L 1 50 95 70 130 Molybdenum(Mo) 49.1 49.1 ug/L 1 50 98.2 70 130 Nickel(Ni) 48.5 48.5 ug/L 1 50 95.9 70 130 Selenium (Se) 47 47 ug/L 1 50 93.4 70 130 Silver(Ag)Low Level 48.3 ug/L 1 50 96.6 70 130 Thallium(TI)Low Level 42.9 42.9 ug/L 1 50 85.8 70 130 Vanadium(V)Low Level •49.2 49.2 ug/L 1 50 97.8 70 130 MSD #1 Parent Sample: J17110036 -- 2017037952 Parameter Measured Final Units: Dil Spike %Recovery LCL UCL RPD Qualifier Antimony(Sb) 48.9 48.9 ug/L 1 50 97.7 70 130 0.886 Arsenic(As) 48.3 48.3 ug/L 1 50 96.4 70 130 1.21 Beryllium(Be) 50.7 50.7 ug/L 1 50 101 70 130 1.96 Cadmium(Cd)Low Level 48.1 ug/L 1 50 96.1 70 130 0.421 Chromium(Cr) 49.2 49.2 ug/L 1 50 98.3 70 130 0.475 Cobalt(Co) 46 46 ug/L 1 50 90.7 70 130 0.699 Copper(Cu) 48.7 48.7 ug/L 1 50 97 70 130 0.184 Lead(Pb)Low Level 47.2 47.2 ug/L 1 50 94.3 70 130 0.706 Molybdenum(Mo) 49.2• 49.2 ug/L 1 50 98.4 70 130 0.165 Nickel(Ni) 48.9 48.9 ug/L 1 50 96.7 70 130 0.766 Selenium(Se) 46.2 46.2 ug/L 1 50 91.8 70 130 1.72 Silver(Ag)Low Level 48.8 ug/L 1 50 97.6 70 130 0.98 Thallium(TI)Low Level 43.2 43.2 ug/L 1 50 86.4 70 130 0.674 Vanadium(V)Low Level 49.6 49.6 ug/L 1 50 98.7 70 130 0.875 P e Ana cal S rvices,LLC evised Pepor� .aCeA/+Q ►7 ( -• 4t�lf�gc� a Suite 100 rt�lyfiCa y Huntersville,NC 28078 wwwpe' leb&- (704)875-9092 November 06, 2017 Program Manager Duke Energy 13339 Hagers Ferry Road Bldg. 7405 MG30A2 Huntersville, NC 28078 RE: Project: J171.10036 Pace Project No.: 92361711 Dear Program Manager: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on November 02, 2017. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current, applicable TNI/NELAC standards and the laboratory's Quality Assurance Manual, where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact.me. Sincerely, Bonnie Vang for Kevin Herring kevin.herring@pacelabs.com 1(704)875-9092 HORIZON Database Administrator Enclosures cc: Program Manager,Duke Energy s f 3 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS �d This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, v r without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 1 of 20 P e Ana 'cal Services,LLC evise eport aceArraly�ical F������Mye. Suite 100 Huntersville,NC 28078 wviwpaoe/a6s:aom (704)875-9092 CERTIFICATIONS Project: J17110036 Pace Project No.: 92361711 Asheville Certification IDS 2225 Riverside Drive,Asheville,NC 28804 North Carolina Wastewater Certification#:40 Florida/NELAP Certification#:E87648 South Carolina Certification#:99030001 Massachusetts Certification#:M-NC030 Virginia/VELAP Certification#:460222 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification#:37712 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 2 of 20 Phew eAyNepo i rvices,LLC Fg94t]�If�' V40 Suite 100 r� �J aC�'�llaly� i Huntersville,,NC 28078 wivpi pscers6s sam; (704)875-9092 SAMPLE SUMMARY Project: J17110036 Pace Project No.: 92361711 Lab ID Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 92361711001 2017037951 Water 11/01/17 09:10 11/02/17 13:15 92361711002 2017037952 Water 11/01/1710:50 11/02/17.1.3:15 92361711003 2017037953 Water 11/01/1714:40 11/02/1713:15 92361711004 2017037954 Water 11/01/1712:42 11/02/1713:15 92361711005 2017037955 Water 11/01/1712:10 11/0211713:15 92361711006 2017037957 Water 11/01/1713:26 11/02/1713:15 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 3 of 20 �. PKevl ed Ne l girvices,LLC If��V4Aye. Suite 100 V[r171;I�IIGGiI yy Huntersville,NC 28078 wiv6yAacele6&aanf. (704)875-9092 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: J17110036 Pace Project No.: 92361711 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory 92361711001 2017037951 EPA 180.1 KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 3 PASI-A 92361711002 2017037952 EPA 180.1 KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 232013 KDF1 3 PASI-A 92361711003 2017037953 EPA 180.1 KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 3 PASI-A 92361711004 2017037954 EPA 180.1 KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 3 PASI-A 92361711005 2017037955 EPA 180.1 KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 3 PASI-A 92361711006 2017037967 EPA 180.1 KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 3 PASI-A r REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 4 of 20 P e Anac cal Sr rvices,LLC eviseL epo 016 89n/e. Suite100 t Huntersville,NC 28078 vriylvpecela6s:i»rr, (704)875-9092 SUMMARY OF DETECTION Project: J17110036 Pace Project No.: 92361711 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Method Parameters Result Units Report Limit Analyzed Qualifiers 92361711001 2017037951 EPA 180.1 Turbidity 1.6 NTU 1.0 11/03/17 08:59 SM 2320B Alkalinity,Bicarbonate(CaCO3) 28.8 mg/L 5.0 11/03/17 15:54 SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 28.8 mg/L 5.0 '11/03/17 15:54 92361711002 2017037952 SM 2320B Alkalinity,Bicarbonate(CaCO3) 23.4 mg/L 5.0 11/03/17 16:06 SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 23.4 mg/L 5.0 11/03/17 16:06 92361711003 2017037953 EPA 180.1 Turbidity 6.4 NTU 1.0 11/03/17 08:59 SM 2320B Alkalinity,Bicarbonate(CaCO3) 29.3 mg/L 5.0 11/03/17 16:17 SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 29.3 mg/L 5.0 11/03/17 16:17 92361711004 2017037954 EPA 180.1 Turbidity 10.1 NTU 1.0 11/03/17 08:59 SM 2320B Alkalinity,Bicarbonate(CaCO3) 86.5 mg/L 5.0 1.1/03/17 16:28 SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 86.5 mg/L 5.0 11/03/17 16:28 92361711005 2017037955 EPA 180.1 Turbidity 8.8 NTU 1.0 11/03/17 08:59 SM'2320B Alkalinity,Bicarbonate(CaCO3) 14.7 mg/L 5.0 11/03/17 16:41 SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 14.7 mg/L 5.0 11/03/17 16:41 92361711006 2017037957 EPA 180.1 Turbidity 252 NTU 1.0 11/03/17 08:59 SM 2320B Alkalinity,Bicarbonate(CaCO3) '523 mg/L. 5.0 11/05/17 16:10 SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 523 mg/L 5.0 11/05/17 16:10 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 5 of 20 ' PKev8lsedKVepoA?,Frvices,LLC e. Suite100 aCBAtla�yfiCal �J Huntersville,NC 28078 wvwp8celeb&;coin, (704)875-9092 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: J17110036 Pace Project No.: 92361711 Method: EPA 180.1 Description: 180.1 Turbidity Client: Duke Energy Date: November 06,2017 General Information: 6 samples were analyzed for EPA 180.1. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain-of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form(SCUR)attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank,where applicable,with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: " All percent recoveries and relative percent differences(RPDs)were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Duplicate Sample: All duplicate sample results were within method acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments: REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 6 of 20 2? P e Ana cal S rvices,LLC evised epor� aceAn 'Iyta-al 0§6�1 2cgy4Aye. Suite 100 Huntersville,NC 28078 VwW.paceh0s,.Co' (704)875-9092 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: J17110036 Pace Project No.: 92361711 Method: SM 2320B Description: 2320B Alkalinity Client: Duke Energy Date: November 06,2017 General Information: 6 samples were analyzed for SM 23206. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain-of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form(SCUR)attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank,where applicable,with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences(RPDs)were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments: This data package has been reviewed for quality and completeness and is approved for release. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 7 of 20 P e Ana cal S rvices,LLC evise epor����� � Suite 100 aceAnal�rfrcI ���'Huntersville,NC 2$078 wx vpacelaba q-M (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: J17110036 Pace Project No.: 92361711 Sample: 2017037951 Lab ID: 92361711001 Collected: 11/01/17 09:10 Received: 11/02/17 13:15 Matrix:Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 180.1 Turbidity Analytical Method:EPA 180.1 Turbidity 1.6 NTU 1.0 1 11/03/17 08:59 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Bicarbonate(CaCO3) 28.8 mg/L 5.0 1 11/03/17 15:54 Alkalinity,Carbonate(CaCO3) ND mg/L 5.0 1 11/03/17 15:54 Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 28.8 mg/L 5.0 1 11/03/17 15:54 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:11/06/2017 03:58 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 8 of 20 e Pp e dycapl r1ces,LLCAeoy�4c6ySuite �� 100 /7 /+ (CAI IaII�Vt Huntersville,NC 28078 rov vtvpaWabs caIr: (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: J17110036 Pace Project No.: 92361711 Sample: 2017037952 Lab ID: 92361711002 Collected: 11/01/17 10:50 Received: 11/02/17 13:15 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 180.1 Turbidity Analytical Method:EPA 180.1 Turbidity ND NTU 1.0 1 11/03/17 08:59 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Bicarbonate(CaCO3) 23.4 mg/L 5.0 1 11/03/17 16:06 Alkalinity,Carbonate(CaCO3) ND mg/L 5.0 1 11/03/17 16:06 Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 23.4 mg/L 5.0 1 11/03/17 16:06 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date: 11/06/2017 03:58 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 9 of 20 P e Anadvlical S�rvices,LLC evlse lepo g a ( tf��c�� e. Suite 100 aCeAtlaly ICal y Huntersvilla,NC 28078 wwwp6tvlebs corn (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: J17110036 Pace Project No.: 92361711 Sample: 2017037953 Lab ID: 92361711003 Collected: 11/01/17 14:40 Received: 11/02/17 13:15 Matrix:Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qua] 180.1 Turbidity Analytical Method:EPA 180.1 Turbidity 6.4 NTU 1.0 1 11/03/17 08:59 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Bicarbonate(CaCO3) 29.3 mg/L 5.0 1 11/03/17 16:17 Alkalinity,Carbonate(CaCO3) ND mg/L 5.0 1 11/03/17 16:17 Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 29.3 mg/L 5.0 1 11/03/17 16:17 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date: 11/06/2017 03:58 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 10 of 20 P e Ana cal S rvices,LLC 006�Qcffee. Suite 100 ace.,Analyical Huntersville,NC 28078 wwWpace/a65 cdi», (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: J17110036 Pace Project No.: 92361711 Sample: 2017037954 Lab ID: 92361711004 Collected: 11/01/17 12:42 Received: 11/02/17 13:15 Matrix:Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 180.1 Turbidity Analytical Method:EPA 180.1 Turbidity 10.1 NTU 1.0 1 11/03/17 08:59 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Bicarbonate(CaCO3) 86.5 mg/L 5.0 1 11/03/17 16:28 Alkalinity,Carbonate(CaCO3) ND mg/L 5.0 1 11/03/17 16:28 Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 86.5 mg/L 5.0 1 ' 11/03/17 16:28 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:11/06/2017 03:58 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 11 of 20 ® PKevisetl"Kepor rv'ces,LLc 9t+ n9I +/� ( 0§88 `9�-WYe. Suite 100 UORAnglyitV,af Huntersville,NC 28078 www.paqeia44.com (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: J17110036 Pace Project No.: 92361711 Sample: 2017037955 Lab ID: 92361711005 Collected: 11/01/17 12:10 Received: 11/02/17 13:15 Matrix:Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 180.1 Turbidity Analytical Method:EPA 180.1 Turbidity 8.8 NTU 1.0 1 11/03/17 08:59 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Bicarbonate(CaCO3) 14.7 mg/L 5.0 1 11/03/17 16:41 Alkalinity,Carbonate(CaCO3) ND mg/L 5.0 1 11/03/17 16:41 Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 14.7 mg/L 5.0 1 11/03/17 16:41 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:11/06/2017 03:58 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 12 of 20 P e Ana cal S evise a eporf rvices,LLC c?CeA/+® Iigc�� e. Suite 100 11al,Jf�ICa� y Huntersvilla,NC 28078 vn»vpacelehs earn (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: J17110036 Pace Project No.: 92361711 Sample: 2017037957 Lab ID: 92361711006 Collected: 11/01/17 13:25 Received: 11/02/17 13:15 Matrix:Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 180.1 Turbidity Analytical Method:EPA 180.1 Turbidity 252 NTU 1.0 1 11/03/17 08:59 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Bicarbonate(CaCO3) 523 mg/L 5.0 1 11/05/17 16:10 Alkalinity,Carbonate(CaCO3) ND mg/L 5.0 1 11/05/17 16:10 Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 523 mg/L 5.0 1 11/05/17 16:10 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:11/06/2017 03:58 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 13 of 20 PKeviseCl"Kepor rvices,LLC' e. Suite100 dCeAlc3lyf(Cal' �J Huntersville,NC 28078 tvww p&c%bS:,corri: (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: J17110036 Pace Project No.: 92361711 QC Batch: 385123 Analysis Method: EPA 180.1 QC Batch Method: EPA 180.1 Analysis Description: 180.1 Turbidity Associated Lab Samples: 92361711001,92361711002,92361711003,92361711004,92361711005,92361711006 METHOD BLANK: 2135286 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92361711001,92361711002,92361711003,92361711004,92361711005,92361711006 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Turbidity NTU ND 1.0 11/03/17 08:59 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2135287 1 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Cone. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Turbidity NTU 10 10.0 100 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2135288 92361711001 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Turbidity NTU 1.6 1.6 1 10 Results presented on this page are In the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:11/06/2017 03:58 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 14 of 20 P`fe AnagyA2p S rvices,LLc e. Suite 100 a�e�llalyttal Huntersville,NC 28078 y4wlppQa%b8cbmr, (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: J17110036 Pace Project No.: 92361711 QC Batch: 385113 Analysis Method:. SM 2320B QC Batch Method: SM 2320B Analysis Description: 2320B Alkalinity Associated Lab Samples: 92361711001,92361711002,92361711003,92361711004,92361711D05,92361711006 . METHOD BLANK: 2135247 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92361711001,92361711002,92361711003,92361711004,92361711005,92361711006 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Alkalinity,Carbonate(CaCO3) mg/L ND 5.0 11/03/17 11:13 Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L ND 5.0 11/03/17 11:13 Alkalinity,Bicarbonate(CaCO3) mg/L ND 5.0 ' 11/03/17 11:13 - LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2135248 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L 50 47.7 95 80-120 MATRIX'SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2135249 2135250 MS MSD 92361521001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L 6.5.8 50 50 114 115 95 99 80-120 2 25 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE:' 2135251 2135252 MS MSD 92361521011 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L 29.4 50 50 76.5 76.6 94 94 80-120 0 25 Results presented an this page are in the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date: 11/06/2017 03:58 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 15 of 20 R PKevisetl'Hepor rvices,Lac aceAna/y ieal 0§6� 195M� e. Suite 100 Huntersville,NC 28078 wvwpoelabs con (704)875-9092 QUALIFIERS Project: J17110036 Pace Project No.: 92361711 DEFINITIONS DF-Dilution Factor,if reported,represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. ND-Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. TNTC-Too Numerous To Count J-Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL-Adjusted Method Detection Limit. PQL-Practical Quantitation Limit. RL-Reporting Limit. S-Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270.The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines,unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate%recovery and RPD values. LCS(D)-Laboratory Control Sample(Duplicate) MS(D)-Matrix Spike(Duplicate) DUP-Sample Duplicate RPD-Relative Percent Difference NC-Not Calculable. SG-Silica Gel-Clean-Up U-Indicates the compound was analyzed for,but not detected. Acid preservation may not be appropriate for 2 Chloroethylvinyl ether. A separate vial preserved to a pH of 4-5 is recommended in SW846 Chapter 4 for the analysis of Acrolein and Acrylonitrile by EPA Method 8260. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. Pace Analytical is TNI accredited.Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes. TNI-The NELAC Institute. LABORATORIES PASI-A Pace Analytical Services-Asheville REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date: 11/06/2017 03:58 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 16 of 20 PF2VIS2r1"htepOr[rv'ces,LLc 09Q�1�i V40 Suite 100 y aCeAnalytica Huntersville,NC 28078 tnyvpecelabS_cam (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Project: J17110036 Pace Project No.: 92361711 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 92361711001 2017037961 EPA180.1 385123 92361711002 2017037952 EPA 180.1 385123 92361711003 2017037953 EPA180.1 385123 92361711004 2017037954 EPA180.1 385123 92361711005 2017037955 EPA180.1 385123 92361711006 2017037957 EPA 180.1 385123 92361711001 2017037951 SM 2320B 385113 92361711002 2017037952 SM 2320B 385113 92361711003 2017037953 SM 2320B 385113 92361711004 2017037954 SM 2320B 385113 92361711005 2017037965 SM 2320B 385113 92361711006 2017037957 SM 2320B 385113 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:11/06/2017 03:58 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 17 of 20 Revised Re ort Document Name: Document Revised:August4,3808743 of 47 c7C6AR �.. Sample Condition Upon Recel t(SCUR) Page 1 of 2 Document No.: Issuing authority: F-CAR-CS-033-Rev.04 Pace Quality Office Laboratory receiving samples: Asheville❑ Eden[] Greenwood❑ Huntersville'[] Raleigh[] MechanicsviilQ[] Sample Condition ClIentre:... Project '..'/` �� .1.`41..+-. C.M '- LISPS QCIlent-- ❑Commercial Pace 00ther:_____ Custody Seal Present? []Yes Na Seals intact? ❑Yes 090 g Oate/Inhlafa Person Examining Contemn:r. _ tLS� Packing Materiel: ❑Hubble Wrap ❑Bubble gags None ❑ Other Biological Tissue QqnO Thermometer• ❑Yes '❑No N/A IR Type f I Gun C Wet ❑Flue ❑None Correction Factor: Cooler Temp Corrected(%J. Temp should be above freezing to 6'C Qsamples out of temp criteria.Samples on Ice,cooling process has begun USOA Regulated Sell N/A,watersample) Did samples origi in a quarantine zone within the United States:CA,NY,or SC(check maps)? Did samples originate from a foreign source(inter , Yes rAD Including Hawaii and Puarto Rico)?[]Yes No Comments/Oiscre ancy: Chain of Custody Present? 0 v r1No N A 1. -Samples Arrived within Hold Time? ves QN. N A 2. Short Hold Time Analysis 42 hr.)? QYes o ❑N/A 3. Rush Turn Around Time Requested? v No /A 4. Sufficient Volume? Yoe QNo 13WA S. Correct Containers Used? yes ❑WA 6. -Pace Containers Used? LIVes No N/A Containers Intact? o No N/ 7. Dissolved analysis:Samples Reid Filtered? MM ONo /A 9. Sample Labels Match COC? Kveu ❑Nu ❑N/A 9. -includes Date/Time/ID/Analysis Matrix: Head space In VOA Vials(;,S-6mm)? oves N/A W. Trip Blank Present? QYes ONo rNJA 11, -TripBlank Custody Seals Present? Yes No CLIENT NOTIFICATION/RESOLUTION Field data Required? []Yes []No Person Contacted: Date/Time: Comments/Sample Discrepancy: Lot 10 of split containers: Project Manager SCURF Review: Date: Project Manager SRF Review: Date: Note: Whenever there is a discrepancy affecting North Carolina compliance samples,a copy of this form will be cent to the North Carolina DEHNR CertiflwUon Office(Le. Out of hold,Incorrect preservative,out of temp,Incorrect containers) Page 18 of 20 Revised Re ort Document Name: Document Revised:August 4,FP�jaq 44 o 47 Sam l*Condition Upon Recei t(scuR) Page 2 of 2 aceAnalytkal� Document No.: __IssuingAuthorjty: F-CAR-M033-PAv.04 � _---- - -T- --- *Check marls top half of hox if pH and/or dechlorinatlon Project p r, 9235.1.7 Is verified and within the acceptance range forI'l:KLMi. Due. Y ' ? preservation samples. 92.-thrita a1:::. ? l **Bottom half of box is to list numbor of bodes _:._:... a R a a a a Ir a m _ a v N iq ry c 9 ry $ ? 3 Q as _ ' 9 = C y a a z I: E i M QiQ a �' d E E L% 6 6 6 d a d a > J E @ @ E E E E E E E E E E 12 E E E E N g $ 1 � - 3 f 4 (l l 5 l 6 7 8 9 tQ it 12 pH Adjustment Log for Preserved Samples Sample ID Tppe of presmatiue pH upon receipt Date preaervatlon adjusted Time presarvat[on Amount of Presma&e dot 0 adjusted added Page 19 of 20 �j N CHA_1_N OF CUSTODY RECORD AND ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM Ir o ke Erlerpp Anetyttcei Laboratory 1 Anal Iral Laborat r as Only r DUk®En®rgy ! ' , Page-t_af i N ! .r.gcamaraavu ta.uumaTaasp i iOrd�t, Aa1�c:. GNMiMyll �,k, - Matytical Laboratory 4]tlaFGa.t."rjRa 1 I �:' l :. =. bwiwvm� NCB sc— 1 DISTRIBUTION of r r ! Chat)of Coetody a MMM.Oft u.C. tsam i 'Loygod ep- oata a Time I GRIGINAL to LAB,COPY to CLIENT d o 'd' ! SampfeLag ttalsrsaztl i i... .. �,� l 5 l'" PROORAM ----- - ----F""-1'- - = ---•-•--- - ..f f GmmW wa+er x NPDES_ f W in �S ProWNarne: AB GW Assess ent Water2017 PewrNIX Z Y Onnlm,aw.r�wwt t1sT_ v N rn Client AYLAIRPORi STRUI TURALFILL. F..NIX 1�0:.1<i'.iaQ�O - - - FftMd ILAREA 1 SURFACE WATER(DE O SPLIT) 900.875 6032 Itration(0./5 um) -6 Unfiltered b awb—tlnn: PI ea: t"lane m.Mu— Preservailve lot Ica let 'airri6i; foe Aeu W rauw lea aWfp. NrmHi �m �rro},nrrr weewwesaa.m.m+�wr I.fgls rWlcoa.: CorltalnerVoluma(mL) tDDO 40m1 700 +ys MD WO 4L 600 250 t SOD S0a fidG09A9 +rwf.r6ody; oe.fiem ASHEVILLE Container Type Per glace PET PET Per PET Hope PET HOPE HOPE HOPE m W 5 Sam pla Description or ID CostomertocmwklaanapproprWe s La 'N m aorlebadedaraas. �dl Z :a: R 94 Date Time;.-•----.._.._.. GPS LocationCollselon Information t7 F 61 C Swattira u r h a <m• > t if .Lr `t i S W S 5 SW - AA I7AD AiXbX 1 i 0 0 I ! 0 � 0 ( i 0 I i fi1bE1�813N1i-- 0 r r 0 I ' i 0 •, •R'er ,e �" W. - rr fe J,g •7•• N, gY .: d.�.y terry.... y .� . K£+'•.,.�1.0 "3i^•s n93r FINK ' into ,37`%m'.�• .,ri"..;ra .�vT : d'Y11' ,ei v�b-r7r._� ,L, .+�'r�.� r'S attmler o e e aw Pellmplisbed y Da me Accepted Datomme m �� `r Sly b Requested Turnaround Total RaNiqu ! Da h++e Acceptad a ..14t)eys"^ Rellli�u*bed t3y Datejlnnw�r ! Accapt 02 ma a a J1-11[ fS15 t r14 7 Days t3a DaiaMnts Bea LockO By DattlTlme g `40 Hr I / 92 Ctv 01V m E 'Other PLEASE SEE EM L FROM HEATHER SMITH REGARDING SPECIFIC METALANALYTES S 'Add.Cast Will Apply U r:um..�.«.vwuw4.a4 ,+aw..o wwl.w�Armm�xw:.o.e.rv�are. tlbl�t Cafi IdE1STC9 RE�� ADDORM f„'•- tJu1il�#�9Ylur!lytliallsiwratorp ! ._...' lscatn )uaot 1 ; ._ ..-.,..--� Revise p rt i ou))a Energy' 46,of 47 i t MeU Cow M6flJltY{@ntldin/1+Cf} "l lOTdtt' p� lirlll. Fmw f1C�5.. 5C't.,.— y i AnalyElCtILaDOratOiy in»e+o.nraa e.j I %s�_r^ DISSR!®l1T){)N i Chilnofcustody:�. WmtIIm1 a.n.r.aou: !-Loaab gr• ILMIN lim - aarAeL.E PRaOr+un ; ORIGINAL to.I.At3,GCS#'Y to CLIENT 1 po4lnsaza ;._ _ _ ._ "I Sample Lou UST AS"' asifRenK 1Yat'r a017 ,> !PACE H cnent: av! NRPORrsrRuciuRl►L Flu.- F� .li i C1`3d44 Un St7RFACE WATER OEQ.SQLlT) 6D b75 505 Itration tQ 45 um) AREAL di.. fiEterod .; WWI !ca lea ttttl4i k• sruak 0v}wrr47nft. Pm�sc f�P Capulnee Yo m �oi>a �oL�ro �tnawra.essiYatrr' tss` l540 SitO 4L 6ao 260Q &00, a� ro: "Ica" �lO m) 5G0 A$HEIALLE Con-Inlr'Type PET 9la!! PET PET PET PET HOPES PET HOPE itOPE HBFE. Sample prsecr! ticin or 10 cusrarr� _ w•� > m rtap aha d trams. e" ' m S te- o w r_. CoHRttlon udo bit a t3.. $ 1 N g Ip w ! o a Y'— _ i x 4 1, r $ �F N ° , _ . a k ` ! xt _ o t - a 0 u E 0 �� Fa inns AccepUd Raqu4rd Tum Regnqulshnd y sszam r oat aee R SJa�1Tltfte ` ' around dotal L i i ft l rd i Re LL F 1[cceptad •i4>��=�f ;a a - ! ---Rml tsherl By - patat7fmr T Days - Wiadflttu° SN FY a �.i .49 P Fetefftnsa Sa Mr E _ E •Ofhef i PLEASE SEE EMAIL FROM HEATHER SMITH REGARDING SPECIFIC METAL ANALYTES � Add.Cost Will Apply ' Revised Report Page 47 of 47 ; r s f 3 I B" Da�crip.ofi of,5brface Water am Sing Situ �` �� r c • 5W1 At Di char[Q�e from p� ed stream beneathCCP structural 11 Currently be►ng� � t 1` ampied}ih pry{and Note ber, .° 4 42 A1:6 kground same ing site f6r,SW1 A1..0 rrently„bem sampled in"April and ;, e ,November ` . SW3-Al' namedt fbUta' of Asheitille pir o,rt ro'e boon a - p. pY' ry x q► SM Al Se"page from sta mwater'pond.lacated at toe of the est'CCP tel {' �► SWS Al Di chaxge from st rmwater pond 1o�ated at,oe of ea CCP cell j l ,. * XaSW6-A1St id1n Water in: etlandslocated;at:to of east CCP Il , � - I +. SW7-AtSe page`attae``gfeastCCi�cefl: ,5W5-A ,A1 ernative:.bac) untl sc�r€ace utates� e Su de Water Monitarin Anaiytes Metals-, Wet Chemistry At0 -1hum Cfilpr�de'g h { lk '#..� k # a S .r Antirriony Sulfate x gie ,.Arsenic -Bariurrc °:k Other Parameters 4"Beryllium S r x :�..'SOron Atka ' a. R a' 4pr .. Cadmium = .. ^`Chromium{tiatal). "Turbidity Cobalt ACopper= v f te1ci pars"rrteters` , Iron,, Lead mpe 7e ore , ( rat Va w r �w ,gnes�um.� , Speeiflc Gonductivit -'i `v Manganese Dissolved Oxygen t.' ercury try �`'�/` H.yy `NfOlybdehurrt: g ;Nickel_ . .►Potassium ,5elenrium K` Silver 5} �Sodium t ,;;Strorit►Im 4 t -Thafliitn ncC .r • §h y "" t`. 7A1 4 { ^i3 t Y i dldidii r r r ` ' e Area of Wetness Inspection and Sampling December 21,2017 Asheville Airport-Structural Fill Area 1 SynTerra ATTACHMENT C FIELD SAMPLING LOGS P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\02.ASHEVILLE PLANT\44.AOW Area 1\Dec.20 REV DRAFT Memo\Structural Fill-Area 1 AOW Inspection and Sampling Memo.docx x GROUNDWATER MONITORING DUKE ENERGY 'PROGRESS, LLC ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT STRUCTURAL FILL I I w LOW FLOW SAMPLING LOG FIELD PERSONNEL: WEATHER: ❑ SUNNY, ;OVERCAST❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE(APPROX): v 148 River street Suite 220 .MULTI METER-TYPE/S#: Greenville South Carolina 29601 s (864)42t-9999.(064)421-9909 Fax www.synTerracorp.com TUBITIDY METER TYPE/S# .WELL ID: •.v PUMP/TUBING INTAKE DEPTH: (FT) START PURGE TIME: MEASURING POINT: TOC START PURGE DATE: . i END PURGE TIME: WELL DIAMETER: ON END PURGE DATE: FINAL READING TIME: I WELL DEPTH: (FT) TOTAL VOLUME PURGED: titAL DEPTH TO WATER: (Fr) SAMPLE DATE: SAMPLE COLLECTION ( - TIME: k PURGE METHOD: ❑Grundfos Pump ❑12 Volt Pump Peristaltic Pump ❑Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer [IPolyethylene Bailer l is r SAMPLE METHOD. ❑Grundfos Pump ❑12 Volt Pump Peristaltic Pump [IDedicated Pump ❑'Teflon Bailer [IPolyethylene Bailer WATER : r LEVEL FLOW RATE TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE pH ORP' TURBIDITY' OBSERVATION fl( r_. tiear, oudyt," NOTES (FT) (mVmin) (°Celsiusl 1mg/L) (115/cm) (SU) (mV) (NTU) ;;Floc, _w/Flneaa= > It I Z. , 39 9 t _Z S Vo 6 Z. , a NUMBER OF CONTAINERS PRESERVATION- ;, G CONSTITUENTS SAMPLED :• , _ a 9 METAL$.4 MERCURY.. -..: 1. . r. ITRATE.SNLOfIlGE SULFATE Trims 7 �" ALKALINITY.BICARBONATE,CARBONATE 7` Z .. -. COMMENTS: IF TURBIDITY>10 NTUS,'REDEVELOPMENT NEEDED ❑YES ❑NO ALL SAMPLES ON ICE❑YES IF YES,OBSERVATIONS FOLLOWING LOWERING OF TUBING OR PUMP IN WELL: IF NO,PROVIDE OBSERVATIONS REGARDING NATURAL CONDITIONS: FIELD VEHICLE':ACCESSIBLE❑YES ❑!NO Associated niidda /end=of-da D0,conductfvl !iY 2d0-w}�Cch° TYieter y NOtyp /wgithin nge7e'e calibration sheet for this sampl"e'date) YES�'NO_ oirld be.considered as�fia �cd'accerd l �, SynTerra is not'NC-certified for these parameters.Data-collected'for information purposes only. To convert ORP to Eh iisiil YSI Professional Plus 205 mV,, WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK T CAP 11 CONCB.ETE PAD ❑GOOD ❑BADS ❑NONE ❑GOOD ❑BAD ❑NONE L}GOCD ❑BAD 1]NONE GOOD BAD, NE ❑GOOD ' ❑BAD ❑NONE; y � fi I .. .l P:\Duke Energy Progress,102MOO BLANK'SAMPLE LOGS PER SITE.Ashevllle�Low Flow Sampling Log-STRUCTURAL FILL WOO GROUNDWATEk viONITORING DUKE .�ERGY PROGRESS, LLC ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT STRUCTURAL FILL I LOW FLOW SAMPLING LOG . 414AFIELD PERSONNEL: V WEATHER: El SUNNY Q OVERCAST 0 RAIN TEMPERATURE(APPROX): synT( 148 River Street,Suite 220 MULTI METER TYPE/S#:, Greenville,South Carolina 29601 (B64)4214999-(864)42114909 Fax www.synTerracorp.corn TUBITIDY METER TYPE/S#. 4, W PUMP/TUBING INTAKE�DEPTH: (FT) START PURGE TIME: dEASUklq-,X01 T... T START PURGE DATE: END PURGE TIME: _POIN 'CIC WELL DIAMETER: END PURGE DATE: FINAL READING TIME: �0 WELL DEPTH: (FT) TOTAL VOLUME PURGED: (GAL) DEPTH TO WATER: (FT), SAMPLE DATE: SAMPLE COLLECTION 11j, TIME-. PURGE METHOD. ❑Grundfas Pump ❑12 Volt Pump I:EI Peristaltic Pump [:I Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer [:I Polyethylene Bailer SAMPLE METHOD: ❑Grundfos Pump D 12 Volt Pump Peristaltic Pump ❑Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer ❑Polyethylene Bailer WATER' P ORP* LEVEL 'FLOW CONDUCTANCE, TURBIDITY,* OBSERVATION RATE TEMPERATURE DO TIME Cigar,Cloudy, NOTES (FT) (rnIJrnIn) (I Celsius) (milifl-) (gs1cm) (su) (rhv) (NTU) w/Floc, ...--w/Fines i _C 5 NUMBER OF CONTAINERS PRESERVATION- 2 2 CONSTITUENTS SAMPLED METALS Ft MERCURY ".NITRATE'CimILCROE.SULFATE A .1 TDSJTSS- u^ ALKALINITY,BICARBONATE,CARBONATE_. 1 1 1 71 1, 1' COMMENTS: IF TURBIDITY>10 NTUS,REDEVELOPMENT NEEDED [I YES baXO IF YES,OBSERVATIONS FOLLOWING LOWERING OF TUBING OR PUMP IN WEL ;IF NO, PROVIDE OBSERVATIONS REGARDING NATURAL CONDITIONS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE❑YES Associated middiy1end--of-day'DO,-conductivity,OH within range? (S&i'callbration sheet for this sample date)Ej'YES 0 NO. If.NO,whichparameter NOTE that reported data should be considered.as-fiagged accordingly. 'SynTerra is fidt'NC-certified-for th6sLi'p&Wrrieters._Data collected116FInforifikion purposes only. To convert ORP to EhLljjfjgrYSI Professional Plus Multi-Meter,-add 205 mV. WELL 13 TAG PROTECTIVE CASING CAP CONCRETE PAD GOOD 13 RAI [I f-, 0 rONE 0 oli jor dNoHE 0 GO D [3 BA [I NONE, q GOOD 1 [I BAD NONE11 [3 000D] ❑BAD 0 ONE P:kDuke Energy Progress.1 026\00 BLANK SAMPLE LOGS PER SITE\AshevilleNLow Flow Sampling Log-STRUCTURAL FILL Ldoc rticry, v�r .i vvct_c� uJKE'ENERGY.PROGRESS, LLC t 4 . ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT G� LOW FLOW SAMPLING LOG FIELD PERSONNEL: rt _ ` t ( WEATHER: ❑ SUNNY- OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE(APPROX): rp _ 148 River Street,Suit e 220, ? lxa . Greenville,south-Carolina=29601 MULTI METER TYPE/S#: (864)421-9999•(664)421-9909 Fax www.synTerracorp.com TURBIDITY METER'TYPE/S# .^k' D d G WELL ID; . PUMP/TUBING INTAKE DEPTH (FT) START PURGE TIME: ` _ a -..._ MEASURING POINT-: "TOC START PURGE DATE _ � _ END PURGE TIME: WELL DIAMETER: (iN) END PURGE DATE: FINAL READING TIME: WELL.DEPTH: ' (FT) TOTAL VOLUME PURGED; - (GAL) - - . _ SAMPLE COLLECTION ' DEPTH TO WATER (FT)' SAMPLE DATE I f TIME' PURGE METHOD: ❑Grundfos Pump ❑12 Volt Pump ❑Peristaltic Pump [I Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer ❑Polyethylene Bailer SAMPLE METHOD;. ❑Grundfos Pump ❑12 Volt Pump .00-6ristaltic Pump ❑Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer ❑Polyethylene Bailer `LEVEL FLATER OW^RATE TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE I pH ORP OBSERVATION, _ T h TIME o �: Clear,Cloudy, NOTES (FT) (mL/min) Celsius) (mg/L) (µ5lem) ! (su) (mV) (NU) w/Floc .. •. [�URBTI.D" _. w/Fines -s jo r : - — - IL-420 16 . _. NUMBER OF.CONTAINERS.. .-., x._... .PRESERVATION:., o f a E E. E E E E. E i E CY N CONSTITUENTS SAMPLED { ,`METALS._,=._-.... _-..._.._.. -=-- :. .._-.. :.,. .:�=' .,-.-' •1�` ✓ - SULFIx ALKALINITYBICARBONATE'CARBONATE—""'"- -"":"` -_ 1 - �`TOTAL`ORGANIC CARBON CL,504. f TDS.TSS; :_ _ 1'- 1. ✓ .:CNROMRIM(Vl). - -- v _-c; ,. 1 ... '- - -.✓, - COMMENTS: IF TUR81aC[Y>70 N1U ,RECiEyEi,OPh�MT'NEED9d.[j',Y ❑NO ALL SAMPLES ON 14 ES IF YES 5QB$El i/AFlt)NS EOLWVI(1 44 LQWI:R)iYG Ol'TlI IKG OR PUMP IN°,WE :"• IF NO PR011(DECiBSER #iltONSftEARAING;NA`fUtAE_GONOITIONS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE❑YES O Associated midday/end=of•day"DO,conductivity,pH within range?(See calibration sheet-for this sample date) YES El NO. -".;-If-NO .which "arameter -.-- NOTE that reported,data should be considered as-flagged accordiii l . _ SynTerra IS"notNC-certified fort ese parameters Data collected for Information purposes only; To convert.ORPao Eh uslli'-:YSI Pf3ates3l'" h:Plus Multi-Meter;add 205..mV: WELL TAG ` PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK " CAP _ ___." -CONCRETE PAD a-p GOOD i ❑BAD ❑NONE ❑GOODS 0 D D ii p BAD OEiE ` ❑GOOD ❑BAD 0 NONE f ❑GOOD _(]BAD ❑NONE. P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\00 BLANK SAMPLE LOGS PER SITEVAsheville\Low Flow Sampling Log IMP.dooc�"= - GROUNDWATEF DNITORING DUKE .,4�ERGY PROGRESS, LLC ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT STRUCTURAL FILL I LOW FLOW SAMPLING LOG FIELD PERSONNEL: sy OT(e WEATHER: 0 SUNNYOVERCAST [3 RAIN TEMPERATURE(APPROX):' r o 148RIver Street,Suite 220 MULTI METER TYPE/S#-. Greenville,South Carolina 29601(864)421.9999-(864)421-9909 Fax V(X) www.synTerracorp.com TUBITIDY METER TYPE/S# WELL ID: Sw PUMP/TUBING INTAKE DEPTH: (FT) START PURGE TIME: MEASURING POINT: TOC START PURGE DATE: END PURGE TIME;,' WELL DIAMETER,., END PURGE DATE: FINAL READING T Mt.. WELL DEPTH: (FT) TOTAL VOLUME DEPTH TO WATER: (FT) SAMPLE, .DATE:' SAMPLE COLLECTION TIME: El Grundfos Pump [112 Volt PURGE METHOD: t Pump ❑krisialtic-Aurn'P: [I Dedicated Pump [:I Teflon Bailer [I Polyethylene Bailer f V SAMPLE METHOD: El Grundfas Pump 0 12 Volt Pump -�A§fRta�JC�k 0 Dedicated Pump El Teflon Bailer [I Polyethylene Bailer WATEV-7,. LEVEL. . FLOW RATE TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE PH ORP- TURBIDrry4,. OBSERVATION TIME Clear,Cloudy, NOTES (FT) (ml./min) (1 Celsius) (mgll.) (AS/CM) (5U) (MV) (NTU) w/Floc, w/Fines z7v_s Ll-13 • 0::t_>e.5 _L4 � I,. NUMBER OF CONTAINERS PRESERVATION >1 >t C5 C5 < P4 CONSTITUENTS SAMPLED 2 x 2. METALS 6:MERCURY k7CHLORIDE SULFATE DSfgS 7 I- I- I ALKALIWrY.BICARBONATE.CARBONATE ,j_� COMMENTS: IF TURBIDITY>10 NTUS,REDEVELOPMENT NEEDED ❑YES ❑NO ALL SAMPLES ON ICE IF YES,OBSERVATIONS FOLLOWING LOWERING OF TUBING OR PUMP S' IF NO,PROVIDE OBSERVATIONS REGARDING NATURAL CONDITIONS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE❑YES' Associated midday/end-ofoday DO,conductivity,PH within range?(See calibration'sheet for this sample date)El YES No. If NO,which parameter._..-NOTE that reported data should be considered as flagged accordingly. SynTerra is not NC-ceftified for these parameters.Data collected for fnformation'F!ur os , To convert ORP to Eh IuifnA!YSI Professional Plus Multi-Meter,,add'205 WELL TAG 00��!Ntrl 7"1* _ LACK CAP CONCRETE PAD [3 GOOD [I I:ii i D [I NONE.OD E3 NONE -.P99 T ON qT ti P�A�T PADuke Energy Progress,1026\00 BLANK SAMPLE LOGS PER SITE\Asheville\Low Flow Sampling Log-STRUCTURAL FILL I.doc GROUNDWATER i-i,..,NITORING DUKE F-INILAGY PROGRESS, LLC ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT LOW FLOW SAMPLING LOG - STRUCTURAL FILL I - FIELD PERSONNEL: N-3 C- TeWEATHER: El SUNNY' OVERCAST 0 RAIN TEMPERATURE(APPROX): -sw dr 148 River Street,Suite 220 MULTI METER TYPE/S#: Greenville,South Carolina 29601 (864)421-9999-,(864)421-9909 Fax www.synTerracorp.com TUBITIDY METER TYPEIS# a WELL ID: PUMP/TUBING INTAKE DEPTH: (FT) START PURGE TIME: MEASURING POINT- TOC START PURGE DATE: END PURGE TIME: WELL DIAMETER: END PURGE DATE: FINAL READING TIME: Zy WELL DEPTH: (FT) TOTAL VOLUME PURGED: (GAL) DEPTH TO WATER: (FT) IJAMPLE DA:r,E*. SAMPLE COLLECTION TIME: tleA Jr - PURGE METHOD: Ej Grundfas Pump El 12 Volt Pump El Per-kiilkk Pump. ❑Dedicated Pump []Teflon Bailer [I Polyethylene Bailer SAMPLE METHOD: ❑Gruhdfas Pump [112 Volt Pump�[FP,prjstalt1cFPump 0 Dedicated Pump E]Teflon Bailer [I Polyethylene Bailer WATER LEVEL LOW RATE TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE PH ORP* TURBIDITY" OBSERVATION TIME Clear,Cloudy, NOTES Celsius) (FT) (m]LImin) Celsius) (mg/L) (PS/CM) (su) (MV) (NT.U) w/FlGc, w/Fines MPOZA-A-1 Jf OA -NUMBER OF CONTAINERS PRESERVATION 0 0 2 0 CONSTITUENTS SAMPLED 0, ,METALS&MERCURY -7- -'NITRATECH TDS/TSS ��LINITY],BICARBONATE,CARBONATE j_ Lt— COMMENTS;� IF TURBIDITY>10 NTUIS, REDEVELOPMENT NEEDED ❑YES ❑NO ALL SAMPLES ON 1;CE-eYES IF YES,OBSERVATIONS FOLLOWING LOWERING OF TUBING OR PUMP IN IF NO, PROVIDE--085*VATIONS REGARDING NATURAL CONDITIONS: FIELD VEHICLEACCESSIBLE F-1 YES Nil' cc ted Ilbfdd�qlflri a O9011cUy1ty,,pH Within range?(See calibration sheet for.,thisSarnpid dqte),,0�yj;Sr1'Q NO; it 146i'.which`PaMmet4r,n-a z140it ihatf6a6fteilldata should be considered as,flaklid"accor'llngly SynTerra is not-NC eertlfbad for th'esie pairBm!=,i,,.=collectecIfor information purposes only. "u - To convert ORPto.Eh.us�YSIOr"ofessional. lusMdlt!!W 'Id.? 5-mV. WELL TAG -PROTECTIVELOCK CAP i CONCRETE PAD 0 GOOD J]BAD NE [3 GOOD f a BA;j 0 NONE Coc 13 BAD 0 NONE t-- 13 0 NO .1 -A��-7 PADuke Energy Progress.1 026\00 BLANK SAMPLE LOGS PER SITE\Asheville\Low Flow Sampling Log-STRUCTURAL FILL'[-,doc ;i. GROUNDWATEF DNITORING DUKE —.JERGY PROGRESS, LLC a, ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT — STRUCTURAL FILL I LOW FLOW SAMPLING LOG FIELD PERSONNEL: tw _ 1. .Wn� Yy�' WEATHER SUNNY ❑ OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE(APPROX): �`J 1 1�rA 1'48 River Street,Suite 220 MULTI METERTYPE/S#: = Greenville,South Carolina 29601 Y ks (864)421-9999•(864)421-9909:':Fax r - www.synTerracorp.com TUBITIDY METER TYPE/S# s WELL ID: ,A( PUMP/TUBINGINTAKE DEPTH:_. (FT) START PURGE TIME: MEASURING POINT: TOC START PURGE DATE: END PURGE TIME: WELL,DIAMETER: (IN) END PURGE DATE: ��° FINAL READING TIME: t(O- WELL DEPTH: (Fr) TOTAL VOLUME PURGED: (GAL) DEPTH TO WATER: (FT) SAMPLE DATE: j SAMPLE COLLECTION _.• I,—f TIME: �1 bs. PURGE METHOD: ❑Grundfos Pump ❑12 Volt Pump ❑Peristaltic Pump ❑Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer ❑Polyethylene Bailer SAMPLE METHOD: ❑Grundfos Pump []12 Volt Pump Peristaltic Pump [I Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer ❑Polyethylene Bailer WATER A EL FLOW RATE'q` TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE pH ORP• TURBIDITY' OBSERVATION _ .. _ TIME Clear,Cloudy, : NOTES i (FT) (mUmin) (•Celsius) (mg/L) (PS/CM) (SU) (mV) (NTU) w/Floc, w/Fines i � , k JJ�(e m , I ✓tip , on S�a e - i NUMBER OF CONTAINERS PRESERVATION T14, E_..-CONSTITUENTSSAMPLED - METALS.rYMERCURY -. a _ _. ... __ _... _.»..- _-___. ._., 1 '=•r ...,. - , ✓ _.. ,...NITRATE:CHLORIDE,SULFATE..: TDS/TSS � _. - — :: — _ A; �'. ✓. "ALKALINITY"BICARBONATE}CARBONATE ' COMMENTS: IF TURBIDITY>10 NTUS, REDEVELOPMENT NEEDED ❑YES ❑NO Y ALL SAMPLES ON ICE'❑YES IF YES,OBSERVATIONS FOLLOWING LOWERING OF TUBING OR PUMP IN WELL: IF'NO,PROVIDE OBSERVATIONS REGARDING NATURAL CONDITIONS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE❑YES ❑NO Associated midday/end-of-day DO,conductivity,pH within range?(See calibration sheet for this sample date)❑YES❑ NO. If NO,which parameter _NOTE,that reported data shouldbe considered as_1`12gged accordingly._ "SynTerra is not NC-certified for these parameters.Data collected for information purposes only. To convert ORP to Eh using_YSI Professional Plus Multi-Meter,add 205mV. WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK CAP CONCRETE PAD Q GOOD ❑BAD ❑NONE ❑GOOD i ❑BAD ❑NONE []GOOD: ❑BAD~ ❑NONE ❑GOOD ❑BAD ❑NONE ❑GOOD ❑BAD ❑NONE PADuke Energy'Progress;1026\00 BLANK SAMPLE LOGS PER SITEVAsheville\Low Flow Sampling Log-STRUCTURAL FILL'Ldoc GROUNDWATER 1-., .QITORING DUKE E.--RGY PROGRESS, LLC ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT STRUCTURAL FILL I LOW FLOW SAMPLING LOG FIELD PERSONNEL: fferra WEATHER: SUNNY 0 OVERCAST 0 RAIN TEMPERATURE(APPROX): sy jilv.r Street,Suite 220 MULTI METER TYPE/S#: Greenville,South Carolina 29601 (o 64)421-9999-(864)421.9909 Fax ww#.synTerracarp.com TUBITIDY METER TYPE/S# 7,(c)a Cs- Q l V;\ $� (FT) PUMPITUBING INTAKE DEPTH: START PURGE TIME: MEASURING POINT: TOC START PURGE DATE: END PURGE TIME: WELL DIAMETER: END PURGE DAT FINAL READING TIME: WELL DEPTH: TOTAL VOLUME PURGED: (GAL) DEPTH TO WATER, (FT) SAMPLE DATE: SAMPLE COLLECTION TIME: 132 S PURGE METHOD: [I Grundfos Pump [1 12 Volt Pump .1771 Peristaltic Pump El Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer [I Polyethylene.Baller SAMPLE METHOD: 0 Grundfos Pump ❑ 12 Volt Pump XPeristaltic Pump ❑Dedicated Pump E]Teflon Bailer [I Polyethylene Bailer WATER LEVEL FLOW RATE TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE' PH ORP, TURBIDrTY* OBSERVATION TIME Clear,Cloudy. NOTES (FT) (mlJmin) (*Celsius) (Mg/0 (Wcm) (su) (mV) (NTU) i WIFIOC, w/Fines C, C C, NUMBER OF CONTAINERS PRESERVATION 0 CONSTITUENTS SAMPLED METALS St MERCURY f NITRATE-CHLORIDE.SULFATE' J TD S/TSS11 L A I f'ALKAUNITY.BICARBONATE.CARBONATE ------ COMMENTS: IF TURBIDITY>1 0 NTUS, REDEVELOPMENT NEEDED E]YES E]NO ALL SAMPLES ON IC06ES IF YES,OBSERVATIONS FOLLOWING LOWERING OF TUBING OR PUMP IN ) IF NO, PROVIDE OBSERVATIONS REGARDING NATURAL CONDITIONS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE El YES "NO Attoti4l6ed middi U;tlyl;y, PH,within range?(See calibration ftetfor,thiS,sain --ddtt)�FT-YES(JR0. If Nl.. which'64 et6porti!d.-data should be considered�s'tlkl SyhTdrrAJs.notAC=Cert1fIe-d for,these parameters. 0C0 f I'fl' or n prm ati, "I ta l To convert ORP to Eh using YSI'Professional Plus MUlti;.Mbter 2.05�ml�t, CAP CONCRETE PAD,,WELL TAG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK ON❑�GOO� El BAD 0 NONE [I NONE E3 GOID El BAD [I GOOD 0 BAD PAD 'VAQ�J_Cl NONE— 0 NONE P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026100 BLANK SAMPLE LOGS PER SITElAsheville\Low Flow Sampling Log-STRUCTURAL FILL Ldoc SURFACE WATER MONITORING DUKE tNERGY PROGRESS, LLC ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT - STRUCTURAL FILL I LOW FLOW SAMPLING LOG FIELD PERSONNEL: WEATHER SUNNY ❑'OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE(APPROX): - -- ' 148 River Street,Suite 220 MULTI METER TYPE/S#: `.t Greenville,South Carolina 29601 (864)421-9999.(B64)421-9909 Fax "- www.synTerracerp.com TUBITIDY METER'TYPE/S# p,.. WELL ID: Is, q1 PUMP/TUBING INTAKE DEPTH: (FT) START PURGE TIME: MEASURING POINT: TOC START PURGE DATE: END PURGE TIME: WELL DIAMETER; ;"tN} END PURGE DATE: FINAL READING TIME: WELL DEPTH: (FT) TOTAL VOLUME PURGED: (GAL) DEPTH TO WATER: (Fr) SAMPLE DATE: 7('L�1, SAMPLE COLLECTION I TIME: lots- PURGE METHOD: ❑Grun os Pump ❑12 Volt Pump ❑Peristaltic Pump ❑Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer ❑Polyethylene Bailer .' SAMPLE METHOD: ❑Grundfos Pump ❑12 Volt Pump ❑,Peristaltic Pump ❑Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer -❑Polyethylene BIIiler,"-• " WATER ... mm.... LEVEL FLOW RATE TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE pH ORP' TURBIDITY' OBSERVATION e TIME _ .___ _ --- -- Clear,Cloudy, NOTES (FT) (mumin) (°Celsius) (mg/L) (4/cm) (SU) (mV) (NTU) w/Floc, w/Fines : 3 .�.. - t our ca!r� t r - NUMBER OF CONTAINERS - PRESERVATION CONSTITUENTS.SAMPLED =, ZJ X _. _.. .� METALS aMERCURY ._.._., .- r-.,-. ,:._..-5. .1• .,.,. -.. i..„ _._ ;PYES tfITRATE;�LORIDE SULFATE» :-��.,TDS/TSS_ALKALINITY.BICARBONATE,-CARBONATE _- ,1 " -COMMENTS: IF TURBIDITY>10 NTUS,REDEVELOPMENT NEEDED ❑YES ❑1� ALL SAMPLES ON ICE IF YES,OBSERVATIONS FOLLOWING LOWERING OF'IUBIN IF NO,PROVIDE OBSERVATIONS REGARDING NATURAL.- DITi0 S. FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE❑YES 'NO iAf NO wh hf araatttete o c y"DO,cd-ndUctilvityj PH that orted.da within- `?-(S`ee litlT?�tioh 5 t for this tAfnpla )Q-Y65 to should be considered as flag#edlactmrdiri ( . •SynTerra is not NC-certified for tbesdoparameters. Data collected for information purposes only: ` J` To convert ORP to Eh using YSI Professional Plus Multi-Meter,add 205.mV. WELL TAG PROTECTIVE 6sI4& k GAP"""`"" .... CONLRETE PAD ❑GOOD- ❑-BAD 19 ❑BAD ❑NONE ❑GOOD ❑ ): y .I• :, AO �-.'Q'?TO t-' ❑GOOD ❑BAD ❑NONE P:\Duke Energy Progress 1026\00 BLANK SAMPLE LOGS PER SITE\Asheville\Low Flow Sampling Log-STRUCTURAL FILL I,doc Ir r SURFACE WATER MONITORING DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS,, LLC ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT - STRUCTURAL FILL I C` LOW FLOW SAMPLING LOG FIELD PERSONNEL WEATHER: �!".. ,SUNNY ❑ OVERCAST ElRAIN TEMPERATURE(APPROX) 148 River Street,Suite 220 MULTI METER TYPE/S# - y Greenville,South Carolina 29601 'l I (864)421.9999.(864)421-99D9 Fax — w wwwsynTerracorp.cam TUBITIDY METER TYPE/S# f WELL ID: PUMP/TUBING INTAKE DEPTH: (FT) START PURGE TIME: MEASURING POINT: TOC START PURGE DATE: END PURGE TIME: WELL DIAMETER: (IN) ® END PURGE DATE: FINAL READING TIME: WELL DEPTH: (FT) TOTAL VOLUME PURGED: (GAL) - SAMPLE COLLECTION DEPTH TO WATER: (FT) SAMPLE DATE (,' ,/ TIME: J✓� PURGE METHOD- ❑Grundfas Pump ❑12 Volt Pump ❑Peristaltic Pump ❑Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer ❑Polyethylene Bailer r SAMPLE METHOD: ❑Grundfas Pump ❑12 Volt Pump ❑Peristaltic Pump ❑Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer ❑Polyethylene Bailer WATER -LEVEL FLOW RATE TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE -PH j ORP• TURBIDITY- OBSERVATION l TIME `. Clear,Cloudf4 NOTES i (FT) I (mUmin) (°Celsius) (mg/L) (µS/cm) (su) (mV) (NTU) w/Floc, w/Fines I - __ -.NUMBER OF CONTAINERS �� , '_._ _ -.PRESERVATION E E E m jCONSTITUENTS SAMPLED_ ,___.—___. _ 'r_ _� $ _.` __ _ _ _ METALS It MERCURY, ` -- '. NITRATE-CHLORIDE SOLFATE '-.:..- .. _ ky1.' _+ ;_ _ TDSfrSS =ALRAuNITYR;BICARBONATE„CARBONATETt - - — COMMENTS: IF TURBIDITY>10 NTUS,REDEVELOPMENT NEED U"YEO ALL SAMPLES ON ICE YES IF YES,OBSERVATIONS FOLLOWING LOWERING t MPIF NO, PROVIDE OBSERVATIONS REGARDING NATURA FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE❑YES 0 ,_ - Assaei$ted mf itittzt[vity,pI {+t3thlh T`ItoT:(5ecalibration sheet far tF►is sample dte�'_ YES fiy0 R NO,:which.pafametet -- NOTE:1hat:rep6�,f6d data shauld.be considered as ffagge�l accordingly. „ �:S.ynTDj fiXh-usnY P ,DatiftIt cted for info. matlon.-purposes only, Tvert RPto add205mVgSI Professional Plus Mue f r ❑G D ❑BAD []NON _ ONC . __. EtLT PROTECT $ iNG LOCK 1 CAP C BAD ONE E,� ❑GOOD ❑BAD ONE ❑GOOD ❑ ❑NO ❑G000 ! ❑qA ❑NO E ❑GOOD — PADuke Energy Progress.1026\00 BLANK SAMPLE LOGS PER SITE\Asheviile\Low Flow Sampling Log-STRUCTURAL FILL I.doc SURFACE WATER MONITORING DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS LLC ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT — STRUCTURAL FILL I LOW FLOW SAMPLING LOG bw v . FIELD PERSONNEL: y - ^= -� - -- - WEATHER SUNNY ❑ OVERCAST ❑-RAIN TEMPERATURE(APPROX): 6.o 148 River Street,Suite Z20 Greenville,South Carolina 29601 MULTI METER TYPE/Sq ( E . (864)421-9999•(864)421-9909 Fax TUBITIDY METER"TYPE/Sq :_ " wwws nTerracor .com {{ Y P a G'��. b .',. WELL ID; -` ,` PUMP/TUBING INTAKE DEPTH: (FT) START PURGE TIME: MEASURING POINT: TOC START PURGE DATE: END PURGE TIME: WELL DIAMETER: AN) END PURGE DATE: FINAL READING TIME: WELL DEPTH: (FT> TOTAL VOLUME PURGED: (GAL) SAMPLE COLLECTION DEPTH TO SKATER: (FT) SAMPLE DATE: TIME: Z S� _ PURGE METHOD: ❑Grundfos Pump ❑12 Volt Pump ❑'Peristaltic Pump ❑Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer ❑Polyethylene Bailer SAMPLE METHOD: ❑Grundfos Pump ❑12 Volt Pump ❑Peristaltic Pump ❑Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer ❑Polyethylene Bailer I: WATER LEVEL FLOW RATE TEMPERATURE Do CONDUCTANCE -pH ORP• TURBjorry- `OBSERVATION TIME t Clear,Cloudy, NOTES'(Fr) (mL/min m(°Celsius) ( g/) (µ5lcm) (su) (mV L ) (NTU) ;,� wlFloc, w/Flnes oo i� dam. • - , I ; F - f i NUMBER OF CONTAINERS _ __PRESERVATII-ON p O O' O t f CONSTITUENTS SAMPLED ; . _ __; _ Z. o ' .:'"MErALS&.MERCURY•,.,::.. - u v <: , 1 _ ... -` - `- F: ,,. ,r �: _ '..NITRATE;'CHLORIDE,SULFATE - ` "".,"'" _ _.•-'.1.: - - n.:. a: TDSLTSS_- w , y - - ALKALINITY,BICARBONATE:CARBONATE ::�" _--_.- .. 1 ✓ - - COMMENTS: IF TURBIDITY>10 NTUS, REDEVELOPMENT NEED ,d ?1�6"`` ALL SAMPLES ON I ES. Y IF YES, OBSERVATIONS FOLLOWING LOWERING OlF Ut ,G OR PUMP IN WELL: IF NO, PROVIDE OBSERVATIONS REGARDING NATd NDITIONS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE❑YES NO Assn tote t miditVf and-af`d DOr adIrldo'tivity,'pH`vttthin fa►tge7:�Se i as,br tiorr s Dtfor,,thi sample date'* YES* > NO If:NO;-which 8ea he#er .-NOTE that'te orted,data should.be considered as;fli6 etl atcordingl _ .. _' " •SynTerra is not'NC-certified for these Parameters.DAta.c011ected for:3nfortrtatipn purposes-oni.; To convert ORP to Eh tislflgYSl_Professional Plus Multi,Mete�;.add_205 rnV._ . _ si ai r _ WELL TAG '�.'`PRCI`iVECASINO++ - ,`L ' t` CA, CRET�"PAD ❑GOOD ❑BAD ❑NO1 ❑GOOD []BAD ❑NONE ❑GOOD BAD NONE D ❑BAD f. ❑NONE GOOD ❑BAD ❑NONE; ' PADuke Energy Progress.1026\00 BLANK SAMPLE LOGS PER SITE\Asheville\Low Flow Sampling Log-STRUCTURAL FILL Ldoc SURFACE WATER MONITORING DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC AS'HEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT - STRUCTURAL FILL I S w� ljI LOW FLOW SAMPLING LOG FIELD PERSONNEL: �/�^�Ter� WEATHER ki SUNNY ❑ OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE(APPROX): tp U 148 River Street,Suite 220 — _ __._ {®c �� MULTI METER TYPE/S#: / / Greenville,South Carolina 29601 � [ >�"• � - (864)-421.9999•(954)4ZI.9909 Fax TUBITIDY METER TYPE/S# www.synTerracarp.com 'If 0 0 _ WELL ID: 1 . -� PUMP/TUBING INTAKE DEPTH: (FT) START PURGE TIME: MEASURING POINT: TOC START PURGE DATE: END PURGE TIME: WELL DIAMETER: (Ix) END PURGE DATE: FINAL READING TIME: WELL DEPTH: (Fr) TOTAL VOLUME PURGED: (GAL) DEPTH TO WATER: (FT) SAMPLE DATE: - SAMPLE COLLECTION _ 1 LA TIME: PURGE METHOD: ❑Grundfos Pump ❑12 Volt Pump ❑Peristaltic Pump ❑Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer ❑Polyethylene Bailer 1 SAMPLE METHOD: ❑Grundfos Pump ❑12 Volt Pump ❑Peristaltic Pump ❑Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer ❑Polyethylene Bailer j: WATER LEVEL FLOW RATE TEMPERATURE DO CONDUCTANCE pH ORP• TURBIDITY- OBSERVATION j TIME '' --" I'Clear,Cloudy NOTES ` (FT) (mUmin) (°Celsius) (mg/L) (AS/CM) (Sul (mV) (NTU) w/Floc, + (� j q ' i ! t,. j NUMBERAF_CONTAINERS_ _ -PRESERVATION= g g o CONSTITUENTS_SAMPLED �_ - g: Z = _. 1 METALS$:MERCURY .. '• - - f• _ - - _ 'g.,; ,./ I __ E NITRATE CHLORIDE SULFATE _. 1 ..; •- �/. - ... _- _ . TDS/TSS 1 _ ALKAuNrry,,B1CARaONATE,CAUCHATE- COMMENTS: IF TURBIDITY>10 NTUS, REDEVELOPMENT NEEDED "t6N ALL SAMPLES ON ICEIF YES,OBSERVATIONS FOLLOWING LOWERING OF'TUWELL: IF'NO, PROVIDE OBSERVATIONS REGARDING NATURAL FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE❑YES ( j No Associated midday/end-of=day DO,conductivity,pH within range?(See calibration sheet for this sample date),E];Ygs' 'P. 'A If N0,which parameter NOTE that ieported data Should be considered_as.flagged accorclingly._ *SynTerra is not NC-certifled for these parameters.Data collected for Information purposes-only. To convert ORP to Eh using YSI Professional Plus Multi-Meter,.add 205 mV. WELL TAG PROTEC7(V ;- CAP ' _. RITE PAD ❑GO [)gA,-i ❑NONE ❑. - ❑BAD []. E !t' ❑BA ❑NONE ❑ 0 6 AD I ❑NONfi, GOOD, BAD ❑NONE PADuke Energy Progress.1026\oO BLANK SAMPLE LOGS PER SITE\Asheville\Low Flow Sampling Log-STRUCTURAL FILL Ldoc SURFACE WATER MONITORING DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT - STRUCTURAL FILL I LOW FLOW SAMPLING LOG FIELD PERSONNEL " ` Cil ---- . WEATHER ':SUNNY ❑ OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE(APPROX): SynTena 148 River Street,Suite 220 Greenville,south Carolina 29601 MULTI METER TYPE/$// (864)421-9999-(864)421-9909 Fax BITIDY METER TYPE/S U /t ` www.synTerracarp.com T WELL ID: S . AA PUMP/TUBING INTAKE DEPTH: (FT) START PURGE TIME: MEASURING POINT: TOC START PURGE DATE: END PURGE TIME: WELL DIAMETER: (IN) END PURGE DATE: FINAL READING TIME: WELL DEPTH: (FT)' TOTAL VOLUME PURGED: (GAL) DEPTH TO WATER. I (FT) SAMPLE DATE: SAMPLE COLLECTION 7 _ ++ '� TIME: ..._..( PURGE METHOD: ❑Grundfos Pump [1 12 Volt Pump Peristaltic Pump El Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer E]Polyethylene Bailer ❑SAMPLE METHOD: ❑Grundfos Pump 12 Volt Pump Peristaltic Pump ❑Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer ❑Polyethylene Bailer r WATER FLOW RATE TEMPERATURE Do CONDUCTANCE �pli ORP- TURBIDITY- I OBSERVATION LEVEL TIME Clear,Cloudy, NOTES f (FT) (mUmin) i (°Celsius) (mg/L) (AS/CM) (Su) (mV) (Kru) w/Floc, w/Fines ' f I , , I NUMBER OF CONTAINERS_ _ - _.. _ - PRESERVATION _.. I , o i2l,. E E E m _ —CONSTITUENTS SAMPLED .METALS.B'MERCURY _--............ __. .•. „ _ __ _ .. .; ',..... _ ;,1• __. _ NITRATE'CHLORIDE SULFATE - '.:'. -`_ �.-..., •-• ' ._.,, _ -- s •'TDSCfSS _. 1 ALKALINITY.8ICAR00NATE,,.CARB0MTE -- - - '. 1 ,.7 i n :��. _. .✓ -.,, '- _ COMMENTS: IF TURBIDITY>10 NTUS,REDEVELOPMENT NEEDED YES' NO ALL SAMPLES ON ICEhf YES IF YES,OBSERVATIONS FOLLOWING LOWERING OF :U.1N(a;OR PUMP IN WELL: IF NO,PROVIDE OBSERVATIONS REGARDING NATURAL CONDITIONS: FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE❑YES NO -,AssZpated mid ytiend of days f -caf) ri tiv[tpr,att Within rphgo?'�5ee calE�;arin) s#ii t fer t{1s afSipl a cfat+ .O YES' NO., p If FiO;which. aremeter -.:NOTE that re ort"data'should be consldered as A ed a�ciodlfiglY. SynTerra Is not NC-certifled for these'parameters.Data.coilletted for infortnatlort.purposes only;! To convert ORP to Eh using YSl Professional Plus Multl-Meter,add 205 mVi. _ WELL T AG PROTECTIVE CASING LOCK CAP. CONCRETE PAD ❑G00 ❑b ❑No„ _ ❑BAD 0 ❑G00 ❑b NON ❑GOOD BAD D ❑BA_,y ❑NON PADuke Energy Progress.1026100 BLANK SAMPLE LOGS PER SITE\Asheville\Low Flow Sampling Log-STRUCTURAL FILL I.dod SURFACE WATER MONITORING DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT - STRUCTURAL FILL I LOW FLOW SAMPLING LOG FIELD PERSONNEL: WEATHER. ` SUNNY ❑ OVERCAST ❑ RAIN TEMPERATURE(APPROX): G 148 River street,suite 220 MULTI METER TYPE/Stf: Greenville,South Carolina 29601 (864)421.9999•(864)421-9909 Fax www.synTerracurp.com TUBITIDY METER TYPE/Sl'! WELL ID; S�J( 1' PUMP/TUBING INTAKE DEPTH: ( START PURGE TIME: ` MEASURING POINT: TOC START PURGE DATE: END PURGE TIME WELL DIAMETER: ((Np END PURGE DATE: FINAL READING TIME:' WELL DEPTH: (FT) TOTAL VOLUME PURGED: (GAL) DEPTH TO WATER: (FT) SAMPLE DATE i SAMPLE COLLECTION TIME: 3 L PURGE METHOD:. ❑Grundfos Pump ❑12 Volt Pump ❑Peristaltic Pump ❑Dedicated Pump '❑Teflon Bailer ❑Polyethylene Bailer SAMPLE METHOD:. ❑Grundfos.Pump ❑ 12 Volt Pump ❑Peristaltic Pump ❑Dedicated Pump ❑Teflon Bailer ❑Polyethylene Bailer ---µ, WATER FLOW RATE' •TEMPERATURE ` DO CONDUCTANCE pH oRF• TURBIDITY' OBSERVATION . LEVEL _ TIME Clear,Cloudy, NOTES (FT) (mL/min) (°Celsius) (mg/L) (AS/CM) (su) (mV) (NTU) w/Floc, L133 s l S,_9 . i zs �,! o -_ _NUMBER NUMBER-OF CONTAINERS --_-PRESERVATION { I s i W E E E CS CONSTITUENTS SAMPLED _ . . -METALS.Q:MEkcuRY... ,-. "NITRATe.''CHLORIDE-SU FATE „..._._... TDSTTSS 'ALKALINITY]BICARBONATE;CARBONATE -'s`_" _ .�;? `. .:1t -1 -.i : :--' .._.. ' - COMMENTS: IF 7URB#DIiY*10"TLISi4tEDE►/ELOPtdENT,NEE1}ED (]Y ¢ ALL SAMPLES ON`ICE A(P, ( IF YES,t]85 YATlQt�Sd]LC�W#N C OWER#ND 0 61 R'PU ELL: P: ' IF NO, Itt3YtbE D85ERYt�` tl NIS'REGARDING NA iR/1L ONb1?IQhIS,; ' ° ` FIELD VEHICLE ACCESSIBLE❑YES Nq ' V� "Associated"midday/end of=day DO,':t6hiliddlyl i pH within.°" a?"See calibration"sheet for tWi Satit'_te dAte ' YE5 = NQ " X tY. i►�n8 ( R 1 CI' If PIO,:.which alrismetdr' — --,NOTE that orted data_should be considered as fla id accordin #'; *SynTdrea Is not'NC tbrtifted'for.those'parameters.DataimIlectedloc Information.purposes only. TO convert ORP fo Eh usingYSI Professional Plus MUIti-Meter,'a&205-mV. �•_ � - VIE� _Ao PR4TEt! PING ; LGCK '- ~~ CAP _.� CONCRETE PAD d* ❑BAD] ❑NONE_ �❑GOOD ❑BAD Dm„NE�i GtA$ I�BAD ❑NONE _ 0 t ❑BAD ❑NONE Gt�t}Q`, ❑BAD ❑NONE v P:\Duke Energy Progress.1 026\00 BLANK SAMPLE LOGS PER SITEWsheville\Low Flow Sampling Log-STRUCTURAL FILL I,doc ._ AC44715 North Carolina I sion of Water Resources Water Seim iection Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44715 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY VisitlD SW1-A1 PO Number# Region: ARO Report To ARO Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/03/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 08_20 Emergency Collect Time: 09_10 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD MSWIFT COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVER/STREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 1/9118 Report Print Date: 01/09/2018 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 3.8 °C 1113/17 ESTAFFORD1 MET 7440-22-4 Ag by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7429-90-5 Al by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-36-0 Antimony by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-38-2 As by ICPMS, 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-38-3 Ba by ICP 10 41 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-41-7 Be by ICP 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-70-2 Ca by ICP 0.10 8.2 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-43-9 Cd by ICPMS 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-48-4 Cobalt by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-47-3 Cr by ICPMS 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5A 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-50-8 Cu by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-89-6 Fe by ICP 50 1300 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-97-6 Hg 245.1 0.2 0.20 U ug/L EPA245.1 Rev3 11/7/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-09-7 K by ICP 0.10 1.5 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-93-2 Li ICP 25 25 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-95-4 Mg by ICP 0.10 2.6 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4A 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-96-5 Mn by ICP 10 450 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4A 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-98-7 Mo by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-23-5 Na by ICP 0.10 4.2 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-02-0 Ni by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-92-1 Pb by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7782-49-2 Se by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-31-5 Sri by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-24-6 Sr by ICPMS 10 63 ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-28-0 Thallium(TI)ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-32-6 Ti(Titanium)by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/14/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-62-2 V by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-66-6 Zn by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 AC44716 North Carolina D: on of Water Resources Water Sciencf action Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44716 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY MOO SW1-Al PO Number# Region: ARO Report To ARO Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/03/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 08_20 Emergency Collect Time: 09_20 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD MSWIFT CDC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVER/STREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 12/16/17 Report Print Date: 01/04/2018 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 3.8 °C 11/3/17 ESTAFFORDI WET Bromide 0.4 0.4 U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8117 CGREEN Chloride 1.0 10 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN Fluoride 0.4 0.4U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN Sulfate 2.0 2.2 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN MET 7440-22-4 Ag-Dissolved Silver by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7429-90-5 Al-Dissolved Aluminum by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-2 As-Dissolved by ICPMS Arsenic 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7429-90-5 B Dissolved by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-3 Ba-Dissolved Barium by ICP 10 39 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-41-7 Be-Beryllium Dissolved by ICP 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-70-2 Ca-Dissolved Calcium by ICP 0.10 8.1 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440A3-9 Cd-Dissolved Cadmium by ICPMS 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-48-4 Cobalt Dissolved by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-47-3 Cr-Dissolved Chromium by ICPMS 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-50-8 Cu-Dissolved Copper by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-89-6 Fe-Dissolved Iron by ICP 50 1100 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-97-6 Hg 245.1 Dissolved 0.2 0.20 U ug/L EPA 245.1 Rev3 11/7/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-09-7 K-Dissolved Potassium by ICP 0.10 1.5 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-93-2 Li DISSOLVED ICP 25 25 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-95-4 Mg-Dissolved Magnesium by ICP 0.10 2.6 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-96-5 Mn Dissolved by ICP 10 440 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-98-7 Mo Dissolved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-23-5 Na-Dissolved Sodium by ICP 0.10 4.3 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-02-0 Ni-Dissolved Nickel by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-92-1 Pb-Dissolved Lead by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-36-0 Sb Dissolved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7782-49-2 Se-Dissolved Selenium by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-31-5 Sn Dissloved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI Sr Dissolved by ICPMS 10 62 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-28-0 Thallium(TI)Dissolved by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-32-6 Ti(Titanium)Dissolved by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/14/17 ESTAFFORDI WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 2 NC DWk ratory Section 1§sufts/Sampfe Comments/Quafifier JD ions Sample ID: AC44716 CAS# Analyte Name PQL Result/ Method Analysis Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by 7440-62-2 V Dissolved by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-66-6 Zn-Dissolved Zinc by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 2 of 2 AC44792 North Carolina L...3ion of Water Resources Water Scienc.�Jection Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLEAIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44792 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY VisitlD SW1-A1 PO Number# ARO Region: ARO Report To ARO Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/02/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 11_63 Emergency Collect Time: 09_20 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD KJIMISON2 COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVER/STREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 119/18 Report Print Date: 01/0 912 0 1 8 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated bV ARO Alkalinity4.5 1.0 28 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 Alkalinity8.3 1.0 1 U mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 Bicarbonate 1.0 28 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 Carbonate 1.0 1 U mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORDI pH Alkalinity 6.3 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 Sample temperature at receipt by lab 6.0 °C 1112/17 RBYRD WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 VasatID; North Carolina Division of Water Resources Tag Lab LdS4' R/y Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form SW 1-A1 1 -- --- -------------------=` Central Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) (op`ttonat) 1D- Cvboratory` .;••.� , 'I'r.? q e Samplelyumtier Locotlon Descrrpt & Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC Location Code 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPORT 1 vote Received r:,, a`. County Buncombe Collector Brett Laverty Priorrty. WaterMotrix: Location Type: � DWd2 Regions �DWR IWIiO River/Stream ��l.ake e Received Asheville RegionalOperations ❑Ambient ibasedE-oncaurrty);ti„ {orayedcynarrYej- ❑SurfaC2 ❑Estuary ❑Canal ❑✓ ❑stormwater Routine ReceiuedBya�''� Rive�BasiR French Broad River Dote 11/1/2017 !! State Courier ❑Compliance ❑Ground ❑Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply ' Notes: SW1-A1 Tame �` 9:10 AM Delivery Method:' ❑Hand Delivery ❑COC ❑Waste ❑Effluent ❑Influent pia . ,, , ❑Other: Sampling ❑Grab Composite ❑Field Blank ❑ Chlorinated ❑De-chlorinated in Field El Other: ❑Emergency ❑Blank Filter Blank [:]Trip Blank IVlethod ��' Temperature .C ❑ (°'�� Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" on Arrival:: . ❑Filtered in Field in check-boxes for parameters SompleDepffe ❑CA ❑Solution ❑Other: '� Coltectdir's Ct1rh11Yents: --i Mic vbiology;,Parameters MBAS(surfactants) mg/L j MetalsParanneters.• .r X Tin(Sn) µg/L Acidity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease,HEM,Total Recoverable mg/L X Aluminum(Al) µg/L X Titanium(Ti) µg/L Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols,Total Recoverable µg/L X Antimony(Sb) µg/L X Vanadium(V) µg/L BOD:Biochemical oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L X Arsenic(As) µg/L X Zinc(Zn) µg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L X Barium(Ba) µg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L X Beryllium(Be) µg/L Boron(B),Total µg/L Coliform:Total MF /loom[ Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L X Cadmium(Cd) µg/L Mercury 1631,low-level ng/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /loom[ TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L X Calcium(Ca) mg/L Coliform:Tube Total /100m[ Silica mg/L X Chromium(Cr),Total µg/L Qrganics Parameters: Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L X. Cobalt(Co) µg/L Acid Herbicides TOC-Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin&Lignin mg/L X Copper(Cu) µg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU X Iron(Fe) µg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides �OtherEarameters.s �, X Lead(Pb) µg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides ;Wet ChdniiteVParamet#ts. pH S.U. X Lithium(U) µg/L PCBs(polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness,Total as CaCO3-by titration mg/L X Magnesium(Mg) mg/L Chloride mg/L X Manganese(Mn) µg/L Semi-Volatile Organics(BNAs) Fluoride mg/L X Mercury(Hg) µg/L TPH Diesel Range Sulfate mg/L NutrierrtsPar`ameters. sae X Molybdenum(Mo) µg/L Chlorophyll a µg/L Ammonia as N(NH3-N) mg/L X Nickel(Ni) µg/L Volatile Organics(VOA) Color:ADM] c.u. Nitrate-Nitrite as N(NO3+NO2-N) mg/L X Potassium(K) mg/L Color:Platinum Cobalt C.U. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N(TKN) mg/L X Selenium(Se) µg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD:Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P(TP) mg/L X Silver(Ag) µg/L Cyanide,Total mg/L Nitrite as N(NO2-N) mg/L X Sodium(Na) mg/L Biological;.' Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N(NO3-N calculated) mg/L X Strontium(Sr) µg/L Phytoplankton/Algae Hexavalent Chromium(Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P(PO4) mg/L X Thallium(TI) µg/L LAB COMMENTS: m�;.; r,- 4 k.. �.. Fieid Paramete`rs(optlonal/: 'WaterTemp('C)c° p (emu.):" Dissolved Oxygen(ppm): �� Conductivity(µmhos/cm): Salinity(ppt)�°'_'� Revision:2/06/2015 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Y1sitID.•, Ta Lvb USG11tI Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form k, SW 1-A1 2 Central Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) (aptianaC) iD Laboratory'' 5arriple Number: Location Description: Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC Location Code: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPORT Qare Received County. Buncombe Collector: Brett Laverty Priority WtrterMatrixr Locatlontype ii Time Received: 15WRRegl6n:', DWROffee: URiver/Stre am ❑Lake Asheville Regional Operations ❑Ambient (baseJon caurr�l.=.,_ (oragenncyrro�ef= ❑Surface ❑Estuary ❑Canal m Received By: River Basin:" French Broad River Dater 11/1/2017 ORoutine ❑Stormwater i El Compliance El Ground ❑Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply Delr ! State Courier Notes: SW 1-A1 Time • °; 9:20 AM veryMe Pod. ❑Hand Delivery ❑COC ❑Waste ❑Effluent ❑Influent d ❑Other: sampling ❑✓ Grab Composite ❑Field Blank 3 ❑ Chlorinated ❑De-chlorinated in Field ❑Emergency ❑Blank ❑Trip Blank Method: ❑Other: ❑Filter Blank Temperature("C)' Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" onArrival ❑Filtered in Field SaMpTeDepthr ❑QA ❑Solution ❑other: in check-boxes for parameters Collector's Comments: IVlicfobiologyfiarameters „ e, ,o, ,*„ ., �, �'. MBAS(surfactants) mg/L Metals Parameters,`, � ,��, °,_ � � DIS Tin(Sn) µg/L Acidity,as CaCC3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease,HEM,Total Recoverable mg/L DIS Aluminum(AI) µg/L DIS Titanium(Ti) µg/L Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols,Total Recoverable µg/L DIS Antimony(Sb) µg/L DIS Vanadium(V) µg/L Boo:Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L DIS Arsenic(As) µg/L DIS Zinc(Zn) µg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L DIS Barium(Ba) µg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L DIS Beryllium(Be) µg/L DIS Boron(B),Total µg/L Coliform:Total MF /100ml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L DIS Cadmium(Cd) µg/L Mercury 1631,low-level ng/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /loom] TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L DIS Calcium(Ca) mg/L Coliform:Tube Total /100ml Silica mg/L DIS Chromium(Cr),Total µg/L " •�-Organics Parameters,z o Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L DIS Cobalt(Co) µg/L Acid Herbicides TOC-Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin&Lignin mg/L DIS Copper(Cu) µg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU DIS Iron(Fe) µg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides TtherPardriie#erss DIS Lead(Pb) µg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides ���WeCfiemistry`Parameters. `i pH s.u. DIS Lithium(Li) µg/L PCBs(polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness,Total as CaCO3-by titration mg/L DIS Magnesium(Mg) mg/L. X Chloride mg/L DIS Manganese(Mn) µg/L Semi-Volatile Organics(BNAs) Fluoride mg/L DIS Mercury(Hg) µg/L TPH Diesel Range X Sulfate mg/L „:1urientsiPaPaineters. " DIS Molybdenum(Mo) µg/L Chlorophyll a µg/L Ammonia as N(NH3-N) mg/L DIS Nickel(Ni) µg/L Volatile Organics(VOA) Color:ADMI C.U. Nitrate-Nitrite as N(NO3+NO2-N) mg/L DIS Potassium(K) mg/L Color:Platinum Cobalt C.U. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N(TKN) mg/L DIS Selenium(Se) µg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD:Chemical oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P(TP) mg/L DIS Silver(Ag) µg/L Cyanide,Total mg/L Nitrite as N(NO2-N) mg/L DIS Sodium(Na) mg/L. Biologicah• Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N(NO3-N calculated) mg/L DIS Strontium(5r) µg/L Phytoplankton/Algae Hexavalent Chromium(Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P(PO4) mg/L DIS Thallium(TI) µg/L LAB COMMENTS: Field,Parameters(optlonoii: WaterTemp(°C): pH(s.u.): � Qt)issolved Oxygen(ppm):-. Conductivity(µmhos/cm): , n Salinity(p,- Revision:2/06/2015 North Carolina Division of Water Resources P Yisrt ID Tcig� y Ldb USe Q' h- y(Water Sciences Section)Asheville Laboratory Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form SW 1-Al ID 2 ---- -- - - Laonat)a ` Laboratory a SamFle Numtier. Location Descrwran: Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC Location Code. 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPORT ^ � � Dpte�Recekved� y _ County Buncombe Collector "`1 Brett Laverty Priority WbterMatriX: tocatronType ° Time Receiver/ , OW�44e rpn " fJWR�DffiCe t River/Stream Lake $• m �"� Asheville Regional Operations Ambient (basedoricauntyj (aragency-aamej' 9 p ❑� Surface ❑Estuary ❑Canal g Q Routine ❑Stormwater Re`eeivetl By RrvetBasm .x French Broad River Date 11/1/2017 El Compliance ❑Ground ❑Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply e s State Courier Notes: SW 1-Al Time 9:20 AM Relivery Methi7d:= El Hand Delivery ❑COC ❑waste ❑Effluent ❑Influent ❑Other: Sampiing 0 Grab Composite ❑Field Blank ❑ Chlorinated ❑De-chlorinated in Field ❑Emergency ❑Blank ❑Trip Blank Ntetf�od ❑Other: ❑Filter Blank Temperature ro Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" ' onAmvai ❑Filtered in Field Samp7epepth: ❑CIA ❑Solution ❑other: in check-boxes for parameters ) 1 f Collectors Comments: 41 Microbiology Parameters: Acidity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L X Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Solids Parameters: Boo:Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L h w° Coliform:Total MF /100ml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /100ml TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L ` Coliform:Tube Total /100m1 Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Turbidity NTU " Otherfarameters:` p H S.U. m e • LAB COMMENTS: ,m �. "'@ mral� t'p .•r r: wa r _x n •k Ems_. ", krE KA ;Geld Par`aweters(ogtionall WaterTehtp�(°C)r�� pH(s O), Dissolved Dzygen{pprn) .• � ? Conductivity(µmhos/em): : , 5aliniy(ppt) Revision:2/06/2015 AC441117 North Carolina L_._..;ion of Water Resources Water Scienc_ jection Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44717 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY VisitlD SW3-A1 PO Number# Region: ARO Report To ARO Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/03/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 08_20 Emergency Collect Time: 10_50 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD MSWIFT COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVER/STREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 1/9118 Report Print Date: 0110 9/2 0 1 8 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 3.8 °C 11/3/17 ESTAFFORD1 MET 7440-22-4 Ag by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7429-90-5 Al by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-36-0 Antimony by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-2 As by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-3 Ba by ICP 10 36 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-41-7 Be by ICP 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-70-2 Ca by ICP 0.10 7.8 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-43-9 Cd by ICPMS 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-48-4 Cobalt by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-47-3 Cr by ICPMS 5.0 6.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-50-8 Cu by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-89-6 Fe by ICP 50 280 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4A 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-97-6 Hg 245.1 0.2 0.20 U ug/L EPA245.1 Rev3 1IM17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-09-7 K by ICP 0.10 1.5 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-93-2 Li ICP 25 25 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-95-4 Mg by ICP 0.10 3.1 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-96-5 Mn by ICP 10 220 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-98-7 Mo by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-23-5 Na by ICP 0.10 4.6 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-02-0 Ni by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-92-1 Pb by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7782-49-2 Se by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-31-5 Sn by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-24-6 Sr by ICPMS 10 58 ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-28-0 Thallium (TI)ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-32-6 Ti(Titanium)by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/14/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-62-2 V by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-66-6 Zn by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 tAC44?18 North Carolina I pion of Water Resources Water Scienc__ ._section Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44718 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY MOO SW3-A1 PO Number# Region: ARO Report To ARO Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/03/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 08_20 Emergency Collect Time: 11_00 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD MSWIFT COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVERISTREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 119/18 Report Print Date: 01/0 912 0 1 8 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 3.8 °C 11/3117 ESTAFFORD1 WET Bromide 0.4 0.4U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8117 CGREEN Chloride 1.0 11 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN Fluoride 0.4 0.4 U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 1118/17 CGREEN Sulfate 2.0 3.1 mg/L EPA300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN MET 7440-22-4 Ag-Dissolved Silver by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7429-90-5 AI-Dissolved Aluminum by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-38-2 As-Dissolved by ICPMS Arsenic 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7429-90-5 B Dissolved by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-38-3 Ba-Dissolved Barium by ICP 10 35 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-41-7 Be-Beryllium Dissolved by ICP 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-70-2 Ca-Dissolved Calcium by ICP 0.10 7.8 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-43-9 Cd-Dissolved Cadmium by ICPMS 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-48-4 Cobalt Dissolved by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-47-3 Cr-Dissolved Chromium by ICPMS 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-50-8 Cu-Dissolved Copper by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-89-6 Fe-Dissolved Iron by ICP 50 180 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-97-6 Hg 245.1 Dissolved 0.2 0.20 U ug/L EPA245.1 Rev3 11/7/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-09-7 K-Dissolved Potassium by ICP 0.10 1.6 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-93-2 Li DISSOLVED ICP 25 25 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-95-4 Mg-Dissolved Magnesium by ICP 0.10 3.2 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-96-5 Mn Dissolved by ICP 10 210 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-98-7 Mo Dissolved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-23-5 Na-Dissolved Sodium by ICP 0.10 4.8 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-02-0 Ni-Dissolved Nickel by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-92-1 Pb-Dissolved Lead by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-36-0 Sb Dissolved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7782-49-2 Se-Dissolved Selenium by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-31-5 Sri Dissloved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI Sr Dissolved by ICPMS _ 10 56 ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-23-0 Thallium(TI)Dissolved by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-32-6 Ti(Titanium) Dissolved by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/14/17 ESTAFFORD1 WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 2 NC O`er., ioratory Section 1§suCts/Sampee Comments/QuaCfier ition s Sample ID: AC44718 CAS# Analyte Name PQL Result/ Method Analysis Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by 7440-62-2 V Dissolved by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-66-6 Zn-Dissolved Zinc by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 2 of 2 AC441F93 North Carolina I lion of Water Resources Water Scienc section Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44793 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY VisitiD SW3-A1 PO Number# ARO Region: ARO Report To ARO Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/02/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 11_53 Emergency Collect Time: 11_00 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks Login1D KJIMISON2 COG Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVER/STREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 119/18 Report Print Date: 01/09/2018 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by ARO Alkalinity4.5 1.0 23 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 Alkalinity8.3 1.0 1 U mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORDI Bicarbonate 1.0 23 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 Carbonate 1.0 1 U mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 pH Alkalinity. 6.7 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 23208-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 Sample temperature at receipt by lab 6.0 °C 11/2/17 RBYRD WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources at1D Tad Central Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form (ozp>ionalJ' ' SW3-A1 /Dt`I 3 Ldburaeory,- Sample Number., Location Description Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC d Location Code: 1111 ASHEVILLEAIRPORT ,II ' Date Received:. bounty `e. Buncombe `Coiiector: Brett Laverty P.r[orrry: WoterMatrin: Lo cut ibn.Type: � DWR7Reg1on: DWRgffiee: ❑� River/Stream ❑Lake Time Received: Asheville Regional Operations ❑Ambient {kcs"edoncourtJ- {orvgencyname) ❑Surface ❑Estuary ❑Canal y �m Recewed By: RiverSasint" French Broad River Date: 11/1/2017 ❑� Routine ❑Stormwater III ❑Compliance Ll State Courier p El ❑Monitoring Well El Supply Notes: SW3-Al 10:50 AM DeliverylV�ethodi. ❑Hand Delivery ❑COC ❑Waste ❑Effluent El Influent ❑Other: ❑ ❑ Chlorinated ❑ Sampling Q Grab Composite De-chlorinated in Field ❑Emergency ❑ Field Blank Blank ❑Trip Blank Method: ❑Other: ❑Filter Blank Temperature I"Cl. Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" on Arrival: El Filtered in Field y �Swnp1'eDepth ❑CIA ❑Solution ❑Other: a in check-boxes for parameters Coltector's Comments: . .,�;�; ( ) g/ _ X Tin ) µg/Micra6iolo Parameters , o MBAS surfactants m L MetalsPararneters:.=.,,r _ (Sn L Acidity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease,HEM,Total Recoverable mg/L X Aluminum(AI) µg/L X Titanium(Ti) µg/L Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols,Total Recoverable µg/L X Antimony(Sb) µg/L X Vanadium(V) µg/L BOD:Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L X Arsenic(As) µg/L X Zinc(Zn) µg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L X Barium(Ba) µg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L X Beryllium(Be) µg/L Boron(B),Total µg/L Coliform:Total MF /100ml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L X -Cadmium(Cd) µg/L Mercury 1631,low-level ng/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /100ml TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L X Calcium(Ca) mg/L Coliform:Tube Total /100ml Silica mg/L X Chromium(Cr),Total µg/L Otgar►ics Parameters ,. Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L X Cobalt(Co) µg/L Acid Herbicides TOC-Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin&Lignin mg/L X Copper(Cu) µg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU X Iron(Fe) µg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides f3ther,Paratneers, X Lead(Pb) µg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides "1Net'thehliStryP,araitt0Eer5",° "' '� ��`` pH s.u. X Lithium(Li) µg/L PCBs(polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness,Total as CaCO3-by titration mg/L X Magnesium(Mg) mg/L Chloride mg/L X Manganese(Mn) µg/L Semi-Volatile Organics(BNAs) Fluoride mg/L X Mercury(Hg) µg/L TPH Diesel Range Sulfate mg/L 'Nutrients;Parameters:, X Molybdenum(Mo) µg/L Chlorophyll a µg/L Ammonia as N(NH3-N) mg/L X Nickel(Ni) µg/L Volatile Organics(VOA) Color:ADMI C.U. Nitrate-Nitrite as N(NO3+NO2-N) mg/L X Potassium(K) mg/L Color:Platinum Cobalt C.U. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N(TKN) mg/L X Selenium(Se) µg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD:Chemical oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P(TP) mg/L X Silver(Ag) µg/L Cyanide,Total mg/L Nitrite as N(NO2-N) mg/L X Sodium(Na) mg/L Biological;` Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N(NO3-N calculated) mg/L X Strontium(Sr) µg/L Phytoplankton/Algae Hexavalent Chromium(Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P(PO4) mg/L X Thallium(TI) µg/L LAB COMMENTS: Field Parameters{apHanaq: Water Temp(°C): pH(s,u,): Dissolved Oxygen(ppm): Gohductiv§jµmhos/cm): Salinity(ppt)r _ Revision:2/06/2015 North Carolina Division of Water Resources VisttID kl Lab Use ahfjo Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form SM-A1 4 --- -----Central Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) faiZt�anat} ; Loborotory, Sarripie Number" Gocatioma7escrrprranr Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC Location Coded 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPORT DaL�Received• _ County Buncombe Collector. ' Brett Laverty Priorrtyd `" ' 1NaterMatrix: LocotronTypes I ° Time Received' OWR j?egron t1. DWk Oce�, River/Strea m ❑Lake Asheville Regional Operations R. ❑Ambient u(basedorscouaty)� ' (orogenGy4ame) ❑Surface ❑Estuary ❑Canal Received By: °- RiverBasrn ° .t French Broad River Date;,, 11/1/2017 ❑� Routine ❑Stormwater El Compliance El Ground ❑Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply " �,� , " State Courier Notes: SW3-Al rme. 11:00 AM DeliveryiHTethodr El Hand Delivery $$$ ❑COC ❑ ❑Waste ❑Effluent Influent El Other: Sdrt►Pifng `: ❑✓ Grab LIComposite ❑Field Blank s ' ❑ Chlorinated ❑De-chlorinated in Field ❑Emergency ❑Blank ❑Trip Blank Method: 1 ❑Other: ❑Filter Blank Teriperoture(--Q Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" J or Amvok;,E. , ❑Filtered in Field somp�ei7epth`_ ❑0A ❑Solution ❑other. in check-boxes for parameters Collector s Comments: "°Mic'robiologV'Parameters<° MBAS(surfactants) mg/L Metal Parameters: DIS Tin(Sn) µg/L Acidity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease,HEM,Total Recoverable mg/L DIS Aluminum(AI) µg/L DIS Titanium(Ti) µg/L Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols,Total Recoverable µg/L DIS Antimony(Sb) µg/L DIS Vanadium(V) µg/L Boo:Biochemical oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L DIS Arsenic(As) µg/L DIS Zinc(Zn) µg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L DIS Barium(Ba) µg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L DIS Beryllium(Be) µg/L DIS Boron(B),Total µg/L Coliform:Total MF /100ml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L DIS Cadmium(Cd) µg/L Mercury 1631,low-level ng/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /100ml TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L DIS Calcium(Ca) mg/L Coliform:Tube Total /100m] Silica mg/L DIS Chromium(Cr),Total µg/L Organics Parameters:. Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L DIS Cobalt(Co) µg/L Acid Herbicides TOC-Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin&Lignin mg/L DIS Copper(Cu) µg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU DIS Iron(Fe) µg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides Outer Parameters:'_ DIS Lead(Pb) µg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides Wet Chemistry Parameters: pH S.U. DIS Lithium(Li) µg/L PCBs(polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness,Total as CaCO3-by titration mg/L DIS Magnesium(Mg) mg/L X Chloride mg/L DIS Manganese(Mn) µg/L Semi-Volatile Organics(BNAs) Fluoride mg/L DIS Mercury(Hg) µg/L TPH Diesel Range X Sulfate mg/L N6trients Parameters: ,� DIS Molybdenum(Mo) µg/L Chlorophyll a µg/L Ammonia as N(NH3-N) mg/L DIS Nickel(Ni) µg/L Volatile Organics(VOA) Color:ADMI C.U. Nitrate-Nitrite as N(NO3+NO2-N) mg/L DIS Potassium(K) mg/L Color:Platinum Cobalt C.U. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N(TKN) mg/L DIS Selenium(Se) µg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD:Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P(TP) mg/L DIS Silver(Ag) µg/L Cyanide,Total mg/L Nitrite as N(NO2-N) mg/L DIS Sodium(Na) mg/L Biologicals Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N(NO3-N calculated) mg/L DIS Strontium(Sr) µg/L Phytoplankton/Algae Hexavalent Chromium(Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P(PO4) mg/L DIS Thallium(TI) µg/L LAB COMMENTS: field Parameters(optionol): ._Water Temp(°C):;i pN(s.U.): , Dissolved Oxygen(ppm): u; "Conductivity(µmhos/crii): Salinity(ppt):"` Revision:2/06/2015 North Carolina Division of Water Resources DISC' Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form = SW 3-A1 4 - - : ---- - -------- Asheville Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) jopteona(J 1 !D Lo6oratery 1 €�_� 5arnple Number°4 tocbtrvn°Descrfpfoni Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC Location Coder 1111 ASHEVILLEAIRPORT dote Rece{ved pa k _. fl e iR1 54pY i s•p X J I i r+ .a, .¢S a� 3 K i l `d �',M � '.: County Buncombe Collector Brett Laverty Priority WaterMatrrxc LocotronType �_ xinr Rece�vefl;.- D 1111#tiRegton: �DVVli�jficet, QRiver/Stream Asheville Regional Operations ❑Ambient (basedoncountyf (or agencynorne) ❑Surface ❑Estuary ❑Canal By. ^ RiverBasrn:� French Broad River Dote 11/1/2017 El Routine ❑stormwater u `.$ L State Courier El Compliance El Ground ❑MonitoringWell ❑Water Supply DebrieryMethod` ❑Hand Delivery Notes: SW3-A1 —Time 3 11.00 AM V ❑COC ❑Waste ❑Effluent El Influent ❑Other: Sa►riplggs r ❑✓ Grab Lcomposite ❑Field Blank ❑ Chlorinated ❑ ❑De-chlorinated in Field " ❑Emergency Blank [:]Trip Blank Temp ilRethod " ❑Other: ❑Filter Blank eroture{'CJe Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" ❑Other: onArrwai. ❑Filtered in Field SorttpfeDeptff ❑Q ❑A Solution in check-boxes for parameters Collector s Gomrtments:Y Microbiology Parameters: Acidity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L X Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Solids Parameters: BOD:Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L CBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L Coliform:Total MF /100ml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /100ml TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L Coliform:Tube Total /loom) Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm ° Turbidity NTU Other Parameters: s.u. LAB COMMENTS: Field Patameters(optranall: WaterTemp(°C� P (s u), Dissolyed Dxygen(pPml Conductivity(µp rhos/cm}� SahnitY(PPt) Revision:2/06/2015 AC447-49 North Carolina L _.-sion of Water Resources Water Sciew iection Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44719 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY VisitlD SW6-A1 PO Number# Region: ARO Report To ARO Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/03/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 08_20 Emergency Collect Time: 12_10 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD MSWIFT COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVER/STREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 119118 Report Print Date: 01/09/2018 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result! Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 3.8 °C 11/3/17 ESTAFFORD1 MET 7440-22-4 Ag by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7429-90-5 Al by ICP 50 54 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-36-0 Antimony by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-2 As by ICPMS 2.0 2.7 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-38-3 Ba by ICP 10 28 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-41-7 Be by ICP 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-70-2 Ca by ICP 0.10 4.1 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-43-9 Cd by ICPMS 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-48-4 Cobalt by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-47-3 Cr by ICPMS 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-50-8 Cu by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-89-6 Fe by ICP 50 4400 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-97-6 Hg 245.1 0.2 0.20 U ug/L EPA245.1 Rev3 11/7/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-09-7 K by ICP 0.10 1.8 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-93-2 Li ICP 25 25 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-95-4 Mg by ICP 0.10 1.9 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-96-5 Mn by ICP 10 140 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4A 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-98-7 Mo by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-23-5 Na by ICP 0.10 3.1 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-02-0 Ni by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-92-1 Pb by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7782-49-2 Se by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-31-5 Sn by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-24-6 Sr by ICPMS 10 33 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-28-0 Thallium(TI)ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-32-6 Ti(Titanium)by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/14/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-62-2 V by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-66-6 Zn by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 AC4479d' North Carolina D-.___on of Water Resources Water Science ,ction Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44720 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY VisitlD SW6-Al. PO Number# Region: ARO Report To ARID Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/03/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 08_20 Emergency Collect Time: 12_26 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD MSWIFT COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVER/STREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 12/15/17 Report Print Date: 01/04/2018 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Units Method Analysis CAS# Analvte Name PQL Qualifier Reference Date Validated by LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 3.8 °C 11/3/17 ESTAFFORD1 WET Bromide 0.4 0.4 U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN Chloride 1.0 8.8 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN Fluoride 0.4 0.4 U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8117 CGREEN Sulfate 2.0 5.8 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN MET 7440-22-4 Ag-Dissolved Silver by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDi 7429-90-5 Al-Dissolved Aluminum by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1. 7440-38-2 As-Dissolved by ICPMS Arsenic 2.0 2.6 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7429-90-5 B Dissolved by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-3 Ba-Dissolved Barium by ICP 10 34 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-41-7 Be-Beryllium Dissolved by ICP 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-70-2 Ca-Dissolved Calcium by ICP 0.10 4.3 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440A3-9 Cd-Dissolved Cadmium by ICPMS 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-48-4 Cobalt Dissolved by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-47-3 Cr-Dissolved Chromium by ICPMS 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-50-8 Cu-Dissolved Copper by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-89-6 Fe-Dissolved Iron by ICP 50 6200 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-97-6 Hg 245.1 Dissolved 0.2 0.20 U ug/L EPA245.1 Rev3 1117/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-09-7 K-Dissolved Potassium by ICP 0.10 2.4 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-93-2 Li DISSOLVED ICP 25 25 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-95-4 Mg-Dissolved Magnesium by ICP 0.10 2.1 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-96-5 Mn Dissolved by ICP 10 210 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-98-7 Mo Dissolved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-23-5 Na-Dissolved Sodium by ICP 0.10 3.1 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-02-0 Ni-Dissolved Nickel by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-92-1 Pb-Dissolved Lead by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-36-0 Sb Dissolved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7782-49-2 Se-Dissolved Selenium by ICPMS U 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-31-5 Sn Dissloved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI Sr Dissolved by ICPMS 10 36 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-28-0 Thallium (TI)Dissolved by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-32-6 Ti(Titanium)Dissolved by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/14/17 ESTAFFORDI WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 2 NC MAX I X -. story Section ResuCts/SampCe Comments/QuaC�r D io�is Sample ID: AC44720 CAS# Analyte Name PQL Result/ Method Anal sis Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by 7440-62-2 V Dissolved by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-66-6 Zn-Dissolved Zinc by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 2 of 2 AC44794 North Carolina L.-3ion of Water Resources Water ScienL-- jection Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44794 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY VisitlD SW6-A1 PO Number# ARO Region: ARO Report To ARO Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/02/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 11_53 Emergency Collect Time: 12_26 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD KJIMISON2 COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVERISTREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 119118 Report Print Date: 01/09/2018 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by ARO Alkalinity4.5 1.0 22 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 Alkalinity8.3 1.0 1 U mg/L as CaCO3 SM 232OB-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORDI Bicarbonate 1.0 22 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 Carbonate 1.0 1 U mg/L as CaCO3 SM 232OB-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORDI pH Alkalinity 6.2 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORDI Sample temperature at receipt by lab 6.0 °C 11/2/17 RBYRD WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources iriSit lD Tad �DbIUSe DYI��/ Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form SW 6-Al Central Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) (opttonal) lD Coboratary Sampe Nuinbei:. Coedtlon,aescnption:`! Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC Locatlon Code' 1111 ASHEVILLEAIRPORT 4te Received. km County Buncombe Collector Brett Laverty Prrortty Water Matrix. Location Type � f °TTne Receivers DWRRegton: DWROfjite ❑River/Stream Lake Asheville Regional Operations ❑Ambient cy (taysedgrrcountyj. :, (orogenna e)I ❑Surface ❑Estuary ❑Canal Reifen+edBy�`t',� Riveroasin: . French Broad River r Date 11/l/2017 Q Routine ❑Stormwater El Compliance El Ground ❑Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply'' State Courier Notes: SW6-A1 r6e 12:10 PM DejJveryibletho' :i El Hand Delivery :, ❑COC ❑Waste ❑Effluent ❑Influent ITf ❑Other: satnp09 Grab TTComposite ❑Field Blank ❑ Chlorinated ❑De-chlorinated in Field ❑Emergency ElBlank [:]Trip Blank °Ntethad. ❑Other: [:]Filter Blank Temperature'("�1.: Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" : m onAval „ ❑Filtered in Field 5ampleDepth.� ❑QA ❑Solution ❑other , in check-boxes for parameters Gallectnr s'Caraments; NticcobiologynParameters ,`_ ...,. a,� m ,t MBAS(surfactants) mg/L =,,Metals Parameters ', `;- X Tin(Sn) µg/L Acidity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease,HEM,Total Recoverable mg/L X Aluminum(Al) µg/L X Titanium(Ti) µg/L Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols,Total Recoverable µg/L X Antimony(Sb) µg/L X Vanadium(V) µg/L BOD:Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L X Arsenic(As) µg/L X Zinc(Zn) µg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L X Barium(Ba) µg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L X Beryllium(Be) µg/L Boron(B),Total µg/L Coliform:Total MF /100ml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L X Cadmium(Cd) µg/L Mercury 1631,low-level ng/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /100ml TD5-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L X Calcium(Ca) mg/L Coliform:Tube Total /100ml Silica mg/L X Chromium(Cr),Total µg/L Organics Parameters . L, Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L X Cobalt(Co) µg/L Acid Herbicides TOC-Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin&Lignin mg/L X Copper(Cu) µg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU X Iron(Fe) µg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides Ot(ter,(? jamers:.;. 4e. X Lead(Pb) µg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides Wet ChemiAry Parameters � �` pH S.U. X Lithium(Li) µg/L PCBs(polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness,Total as CaCO3-by titration mg/L X Magnesium(Mg) mg/L Chloride mg/L X Manganese(Mn) µg/L Semi-Volatile Organics(BNAs) Fluoride mg/L X Mercury(Hg) µg/L TPH Diesel Range Sulfate mg/L "';NtitriibnParainetes:' ,` X Molybdenum(Mo) µg/L Chlorophyll a µg/L Ammonia as N(NH3-N) mg/L X Nickel(Ni) µg/L Volatile Organics(VOA) Color:ADM[ C.U. Nitrate-Nitrite as N(NO3+NO2-N) mg/L X Potassium(K) mg/L Color:Platinum Cobalt C.U. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N(TKN) mg/L X Selenium(Se) µg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD:Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P(TP) mg X Silver(Ag) µg/L Cyanide,Total mg/L Nitrite as N(NO2-N) mg/L X Sodium(Na) mg/L Biological: f Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N(NO3-N calculated) mg/L X Strontium(Sr) µg/L Phytoplankton/Algae Hexavalent Chromium(Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P(PO4) mg/L X Thallium(TI) µg/L LAB COMMENTS: Field Parameters(oPtic at): 4 WaterTemp(°C): pH'(s u) bisso(ved Oxygen(ppm): • Conductivity(µmhosJcm). Salinity(ppt): Revision:2/06/2015 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Visit ID: Ta , Lp�? ESL'dR�� -� Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form SW 6-Ai 6 -- --=- -=-- - Central Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) (opfianpl) ID' taboratorq. Sample Number. pAirport tacatton De.�crt tion`. Asheville -61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC tacatiotr Code � 1111 ASHEVILLEAIRPORT II Date Recetved:j County Buncombe Collector Brett Laverty Priarity WoteEMatrix: Location Type , g, kt - DWR �me Recetved Regton �ee: LJ , Brrsergonrot�n Asheville DWR=O RegionalO Operations ❑Ambient -�--� Lake River/Stream ( t3h (d)&gencyndrrie/ p Surface ❑Estuary ❑Canal ' ' Recetved By: ` Riirer8asrn.,i French Broad River �bate 11/1/2017 ❑Routine ❑stormwater f ❑Compliance ❑Ground ❑Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply Ll State Courier Notes: SW6-Al Time 12:26 PM Deliv�ryMetfibd El Hand Delivery i ❑COC ❑Waste ❑Effluent El Influent �a o ❑Other: Sampling= Q Grab Composite [:]Field Blank - ❑ Chlorinated ❑De-chlorinated in Field ❑❑Other: Emergency El Blank Blank ❑Blank Trip Blank Teipperature'('Cj� Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" �onAmval: ,o El Filtered in Field SompfeDepthr ❑CIA El Solution ❑other: in check-boxes for parameters L"Collector 5 Comrrientsi' Microbiology"Parameters `; MBAS(surfactants) mg/L Metals Parameters DIS Tin(Sn) µg/L Acidity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease,HEM,Total Recoverable mg/L DIS Aluminum(AI) µg/L DIS Titanium(Ti) µg/L Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols,Total Recoverable µg/L DIS Antimony(Sb) µg/L DIS Vanadium(V) µg/L BOD:Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L DIS Arsenic(As) µg/L DIS Zinc(Zn) µg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L DIS Barium(Ba) µg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L DIS Beryllium(Be) µg/L DIS Boron(B),Total µg/L Coliform:Total MF /100ml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L DIS Cadmium(Cd) µg/L Mercury 1631,low-level ng/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /100ml TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L DIS Calcium(Ca) mg/L. Coliform:Tube Total /100ml Silica mg/L DIS Chromium(Cr),Total µg/L Organics Parameters:, Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L DIS Cobalt(Co) µg/L Acid Herbicides TOC-Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin&Lignin mg/L DIS Copper(Cu) µg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU DIS Iron(Fe) µg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides o.c '�therPatameters:,: .9 9 ,, �� +�a js DIS Lead(Pb) µg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides Wet Chemistry Parameters: pH S.U. DIS Lithium(Li) µg/L PCBs(polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness,Total as CaCO3-by titration mg/L DIS Magnesium(Mg) mg/L. X Chloride mg/L DIS Manganese(Mn) µg/L Semi-Volatile Organics(BNAs) Fluoride mg/L DIS Mercury(Hg) µg/L TPH Diesel Range X Sulfate mg/L } Nutriehts�e ir'ameters _ : � ,%g DIS Molybdenum(Mo) µg/L Chlorophyll a µg/L Ammonia as N(NH3-N) mg/L DIS Nickel(Ni) µg/L Volatile Organics(VOA) Color:ADMI C.U. Nitrate-Nitrite as N(NO3+NO2-N) mg/L DIS Potassium(K) mg/L Color:Platinum Cobalt C.U. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N(TKN) mg/L DIS Selenium(Se) µg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD:Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P(TP) mg/L DIS Silver(Ag) µg/L Cyanide,Total mg/L Nitrite as N(NO2-N) mg/L DIS Sodium(Na) mg/L. .Biological. a_, Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N(NO3-N calculated) mg/L DIS Strontium(Sr) µg/L Phytoplankton/Algae m . Hexavalent Chromium(Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P(PO4) mg/L DIS Thallium(TI) µg/L LAB COMMENTS: ,Field PBrameters(aFhonall: °.;Water Temp.(°C}::tii ;P6:(s u} ';,, °Dissolved Oxygen(ppm}.`; Cor+ductivity(µmhos/crp):•^ m SaiinitY{ppt):"° Revision:2/06/2015 North Carolina Division of Water Resources lsirtlll PI Q�?(/SEQ (}f w Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form SW6-Al 6 - ------ Asheville Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) (irfiand!) Laborattory nI „i, a 1' i Smnple Number; Cacativi Ve, c itfan, Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC Laication.Cod�: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPORT Rgi+°tiecefved , lr a 5��. x it r N Imp ,s a fi> `: dri County- Buncombe Collector Brett Laverty PrFority WoterrMairnc LacatlonType ` fNRltegion' ;f?lWl#(yCj1C� River/Stream LakemerRefved Asheville Regional Operations River/Stream jbos�}fp4ourr�y/ (orbgec}�na�e) ❑Surface ❑Estuary ❑Canalti' �teceied Bye, RiverBasm. "° French Broad River Dote 11/1/2017 ❑� Routine ❑Stormwater 7rr .`, • ro � State Courier ❑Compliance El Ground ❑Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply ' Notes: SW6-Al Time 12:26 PM De%veryfHetfrod El Hand Delivery rt ❑COC El Waste ❑Effluent ❑Influent i` �•a ; ❑Other: Sampffng 0 Grab Composite ❑Field Blank ❑ Chlorinated ❑De-chlorinated in Field 1� .g ❑Emergency ❑Blank ❑Trip Blank Mtbd,� t' ❑Other: ❑Filter Blank Teir)p"erasure(;CJ• Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" oni4af ❑Filtered in Field in check-boxes for parameters Sarfrp# DeptJi? ❑QA ❑Solution ❑Other: ., : �CvltectoY*F�Corf�ir�eats� ;� —Micr u Acidityolo,, CaCO3a o p 4.5/8.3 m /4 gY� P X Alkalinity,as CaCC3,to H 4.5 8.3 m L Parameters::'.,,,'.P / g/ Solids Par BOD:Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L � - - , Coliform:Total MF /100ml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L 0. Coliform:Tube Fecal /100ml TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L Coliform:Tube Total /100ml Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Turbidity NTU , Other Parameters: pH S.U. to ° , t ya s LAB COMMENTS: ¢,, .g_ � a° �.. Plelcl PaetersopUonol}: "WaterTctnp lyiasotved O�rygen(ppm}.�3 Cuncucllitity(µmhosJcm): � Sa inity{ppt).c a�, Revision:2/06/2015 AC44708 North Carolina D,._-ion of Water Resources Water Science_ -ction Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44708 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY VisitlD SW5-A1 PO Number# Region: ARO Report To ARO Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/03/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 08_20 Emergency Collect Time: 12_42 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD MSWIFT COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVERISTREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 12/15/17 Report Print Date: 01/04/2018 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Units Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Reference Date Validated by LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 2.6 °C 11/3/17 ESTAFFORDI MET 7440-22-4 Ag by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7429-90-5 Al by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-36-0 Antimony by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-2 As by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-3 Ba by ICP 10 46 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-41-7 Be by ICP 5.0 6.0 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-70-2 Ca by ICP 0.10- 26 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-43-9 Cd by ICPMS 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-48-4 Cobalt by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-47-3 Cr by ICPMS 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-50-8 Cu by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-89-6 Fe by ICP 50 2400 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-97-6 Hg 245.1 0.2 0.20 U ug/L EPA 245.1 Rev3 1117/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-09-7 K by ICP 0.10 3.5 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-93-2 Li ICP 25 25 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-95-4 Mg by ICP 0.10 8.7 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-96-5 Mn by ICP 10 1100 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-98-7 Mo by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-23-5 Na by ICP 0.10 4.8 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-02-0 Ni by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-92-1 Pb by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7782-49-2 Se by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-31-5 Sri by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-24-6 Sr by ICPMS 10 310 ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-28-0 Thallium (TI)ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-32-6 Ti(Titanium)by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/14/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-62-2 V by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-66-6 Zn by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 AC44709 North Carolina D:_ __!on of Water Resources Water Science'_ _ action Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44709 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY VisitlD SW5-Al PO Number# Region: ARO Report To ARO Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/03/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 08_20 Emergency Collect Time: 13_01 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD MSWIFT COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVER/STREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 12/15/17 Report Print Date: 01/04/2018 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Units Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Reference Date Validated by LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 2.6 °C 11/3/17 ESTAFFORDI WET Bromide 0.4 0.4 U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN Chloride 1.0 12 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN Fluoride 0.4 0.4 U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN Sulfate 2.0 10 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN MET 7440-22-4 Ag-Dissolved Silver by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7429-90-5 Al-Dissolved Aluminum by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-2 As-Dissolved by ICPMS Arsenic 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7429-90-5 B Dissolved by ICP 50 180 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-3 Ba-Dissolved Barium by ICP 10 45 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-41-7 Be-Beryllium Dissolved by ICP 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-70-2 Ca-Dissolved Calcium by ICP 0.10 26 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-43-9 Cd-Dissolved Cadmium by ICPMS 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-48-4 Cobalt Dissolved by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-47-3 Cr-Dissolved Chromium by ICPMS 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-50-8 Cu-Dissolved Copper by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-89-6 Fe-Dissolved Iron by ICP 50 1900 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-97-6 Hg 245.1 Dissolved 0.2 0.20 U ug/L EPA245.1 Rev3 11/7/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-09-7 K-Dissolved Potassium by ICP 0.10 3.4 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-93-2 U DISSOLVED ICP 25 25 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-95-4 Mg-Dissolved Magnesium by ICP 0.10 8.7 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-96-5 Mn Dissolved by ICP 10 1100 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-98-7 Mo Dissolved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-23-5 Na-Dissolved Sodium by ICP 0.10 4.7 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-02-0 Ni-Dissolved Nickel by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-92-1 Pb-Dissolved Lead by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-36-0 Sb Dissolved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7782-49-2 Se-Dissolved Selenium by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-31-5 Sn Dissloved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI Sr Dissolved by ICPMS 10 300 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-28-0 Thallium(TI)Dissolved by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-32-6 Ti(Titanium)Dissolved by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/14/17 ESTAFFORDI WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 2 .NC rD`A, ratory Sectioit 1§sults/Samp[e Comments/Quariji�r D ons Sample ID: AC44709 CAS# Ana]yte Name PQL Result/ Method Analysis Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by 7440-62-2 V Dissolved by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-66-6 Zn-Dissolved Zinc by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 2 of 2 AC44795 North Carolina E__ _ion of Water Resources Water Scienc ection Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44795 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY Visit]D SW5-A1 PO Number# ARO Region: ARO Report To ARO Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/02/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 11_53 Emergency Collect Time: 13_01 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD KJIMISON2 COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVER/STREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 1/9/18 Report Print Date: 01/09/2018 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by ARO Alkalinity4.5 1.0 81 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 Alkalinity8.3 1.0 1 U mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORDI Bicarbonate 1.0 81 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 Carbonate 1.0 1 U mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 pH Alkalinity 7.1 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 Sample temperature at receipt by lab 6.0 °C 11/2/17 RBYRD WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Sample Collection&Submittal Forma� . 1 SW5-Al 7 �� r.wWwa .�� Central Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) P � o nrrl ID: ��Lgr#io7a' 4 VAN, irldpPI"'M �- .SAn7 4x tlln�?Q y` occttrvn�bexwrr�ptron Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC +cifiatCbde 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPORT n� rsr t �3'.w' r ar �'r�d" fE^ es?.7k" S Rr� sYr' , . 11 a �g� UItK,CC i 4u .�r, 'r ta? ,`. r t -�—iC"r; ,i r# 's -_ iI '`3 - �&ofrnt Buncombe Cttt(etGt Brett Laverty � Pr>rorr#�r�«u rater;Matrt ., ncaeiorr�pp ��°��� � rt`'" -z"ez,�a�Kr=sib z L�` --r�. 9,� '�' r"•� E�{iE'C�iNE�16 I': r y Asheville L�IRiver/Stream Lake T t ' Regional Operations ❑Ambient 4 rX9 d /t�Qtl n UMC J —�' -j g rxty} TQg clR ) Surface ❑Estuary ❑Canal �f �@ 11/1/2017 ❑� Routine li 1V T T ra R1 ei~Basin French Broad River ❑Stormwater .State Courier L � El Compliance ❑Ground Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply & 3 _ Notes: SW5-A1efrveryiVtpthcd ❑Hand Delivery trr 12:42 PMSt � T` ❑ ❑Waste ❑Effluent ❑Influent �i��w�r , ;� ,a ❑Other: < COC Chlorinated ❑De-chlorinated in Field 5amptln Grab Composite ❑Field Blank 4 ' CIA ❑ , ❑Emergency ❑Blank. ❑Trip Blank , ❑Other: ❑Filter Blank �n+Pn � Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" I�4 ,; �,9k [t3pottr 6 " ❑Filtered in Field �Sgfrpl 4C iT lii El CIA ❑Solution ❑Other: s in check-boxes for parameters L�o�"tecCo�s'"`�imrtents;` Mrcrobrolo ParalNteterS, w tx� ;9; MBAS surfactants m L 'I _;NyetalsPfi ►1IEtEC$ '� ., X Tin Sn L .. _ "ram . Acidity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease,HEM,Total Recoverable mg/L X Aluminum(AI) µg/L X Titanium(Ti) µg/L Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols,Total Recoverable µg/L X Antimony(Sb) µg/L X Vanadium(V) µg/L BOD:Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L X Arsenic(As) µg/L X Zinc(Zn) µg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L X Barium(Ba) µg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L X Beryllium(Be) µg/L Boron(B),Total µg/L Coliform:Total MF /100ml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L X Cadmium(Cd) µg/L Mercury 1631,low-level ng/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /100mi TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L X Calcium(Ca) mg/L Coliform:Tube Total /100m[ Silica mg/L X Chromium(Cr),Total µg/L g�t}Tgaglas Qalaih3 teCS e� Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L X Cobalt(Co) µg/L Acid Herbicides TOC-Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin&Lignin mg/L X Copper(Cu) µg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU X Iron(Fe) µg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides T Otfttt?adtilet5 : ' ?` rJ i I'; X Lead(Pb) µg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides 1Ylletltemp5try4P�TamtiCs, ; ,_ pH S.U. X Lithium Li( ) µg/L PCBs(polychlorinated biphenyls) 4aBromide mg/L Hardness,Total as CaCO3-by titration mg/L X Magnesium(Mg) mg/L Chloride mg/L X Manganese(Mn) µg/L Semi-Volatile Organics(BNAs) Fluoride mg/L X Mercury(Hg) µg/L TPH Diesel Range Sulfate mg/L ,in4uErierwt5 PaCamet " c F iva ,," X Molybdenum(Mo) µg/L Chlorophyll a µg/L Ammonia as N(NH3-N) mg/L X Nickel(Ni) µg/L Volatile Organics(VOA) Color:ADMI C.U. Nitrate-Nitrite as N(NO3+NO2-N) mg/L X Potassium(K) mg/L Color:Platinum Cobalt C.U. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N(TKN) mg/L X Selenium(Se) µg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD:Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P(TP) mg/L X Silver(Ag) µg/L Cyanide,Total mg/L Nitrite as N(NO2-N) mg/L X Sodium(Na) mg/L Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N(NO3-N calculated) mg/L X Strontium(Sr) µg/L Phytoplankton/Algae Hexavalent Chromium(Cr6+) mg/L ImOrthophosphate as P(PO4) mg/L X Thallium(TI) µg/L LAB COMMENTS: "`, ! `64:!, a-. ^.:R Fie(d Patan9ete! aptfanalJ 1raterTQmp(° ) _ pH(s u} bissalved Oicjrgen4pP : Candvrftvit)!(ltm6os/crn} iu6? Salit7i` i t & Revision:2/06/2015 _ � z North Carolina Division of Water Resources 'YisitlD: T°a 1 Ldb B!s"e•Dithl Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form SW 5-Al 8 _ Y ------ --- ---- Central Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) (optional) 1D Laboratory SaMple 14tsrrnber, Descri tf.a. Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC Location Code: 1111 ASHEVILLEAIRPORT Location P P 7 � �_ Date,Received.* County: Buncombe Collector Brett Laverty Priority. Water Matrix. LoeatlonType' QMVRRegi6h.- -,i 7DM gOffice QRiver/Stream Lakee � eReceived Asheville Regional Operations ❑Ambient (bused on county) (or agencynamei ❑Surface ❑Estuary ❑Canal `Received By: i ❑� Routine ❑Stormwater f6ver8drsinc ° °� French Broad River Date 11/1/2017 El Compliance ❑Ground Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply State Courier Notes: SW5-Ai ir`itte 1:01 PM Delivery Method: ❑Hand Delivery ElCOC El waste ❑Effluent ❑Influent ❑Other: Sampiing ❑Grab Composite ❑Field Blank ❑ Chlorinated ❑De-chlorinated in Field ❑Emergency ❑Blank ❑Trip Blank Method ❑Other: ❑Filter Blank Temperature( Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" on Arrival: ❑Filtered in Field Sample Depth ❑ctA El Solution ❑other. in check-boxes for parameters Cotlectar"s.Gonernettts: Microbiology Parameters: MBAS(surfactants) mg/L Metals Parameters: DIS Tin(Sn) µg/L Acidity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease,HEM,Total Recoverable mg/L DIS Aluminum(Al) µg/L DIS Titanium(Ti) µg/L Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols,Total Recoverable µg/L DIS Antimony(Sb) µg/L DIS Vanadium(V) µg/L Boo:Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L DIS Arsenic(As) µg/L DIS Zinc(Zn) µg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L DIS Barium(Ba) µg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L DIS Beryllium(Be) µg/L DIS Boron(B),Total µg/L Coliform:Total MF. /100ml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L DIS Cadmium(Cd) µg/L Mercury 1631,low-level ng/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /looml TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L DIS Calcium(Ca) mg/L Coliform:Tube Total /100ml Silica mg/L DIS Chromium(Cr),Total µg/L Organics Parameters: w,mti Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L DIS Cobalt(Co) µg/L Acid Herbicides TOC-Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin&Lignin mg/L DIS Copper(Cu) µg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU DIS Iron(Fe) µg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides Other`Parameters: " DIS Lead(Pb) µg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides UyetChemistryiPgrameters pH S.U. DIS Lithium(Li) µg/L PCBs(polychlorinated biphenyls) rX Bromide mg/L Hardness,Total as CaCO3-by titration mg/L DIS Magnesium(Mg) mg/L Chloride mg/L DIS Manganese(Mn) µg/L Semi-Volatile Organics(BNAs) Fluoride mg/L DIS Mercury(Hg) µg/L TPH Diesel Range Sulfate mg/L Nutrients:Parameters: DIS Molybdenum(Mo) µg/L Chlorophyll a µg/L Ammonia as N(NH3-N) mg/L DIS Nickel(Ni) µg/L Volatile Organics(VOA) Color:ADMI c.u. Nitrate-Nitrite as N(NO3+NO2-N) mg/L DIS Potassium(K) mg/L. Color:Platinum Cobalt C.U. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N(TKN) mg/L DIS Selenium(Se) µg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD:Chemical oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P(TP) mg/L DIS Silver(Ag) µg/L Cyanide,Total mg/L Nitrite as N(NO2-N) mg/L DIS Sodium(Na) mg/L Biological: Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N(NO3-N calculated) mg/L DIS Strontium(Sr) µg/L Phytoplankton./Algae Hexavalent Chromium(Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P(PO4) mg/L DIS Thallium(TI) jig/I. LAB COMMENTS: Field Parameters(opHonalJ. .i Water Temp(°C}:;1 pN(s u)e a 'Dissolved O�rygen(ppm): °°Conductivity(µmhos(cm)i Salinity(ppt) Revision:2/06/2015 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Visit ID SW 5-Al Ta 13 lo/1 USE'.Q/i1 „ Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form - ---- -=----- Asheville Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) catron,Descuptran Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC location Code 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPORT 11 oote'Fteceiued{ si 4 4 a r+e Cal�hty. Buncombe Collector Brett Laverty Prrarity .°' Woto"Motrhr. LocatPori Type -t 99 _ rMeRecelved�' c River/Stream a Lake 't " Asheville ; °e`� Regional Operations ❑Ambient (based ohcountyj. (ortrge» home) ❑Surface ❑Estuary ❑Canal o ❑✓ Routine ❑Stormwater Receivedl3y Rive asih: French Broad River Die 11/1/2017 State Courier El Compliance ❑Ground Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply Notes: SW5-Ai r€rne: 1:01 PM De(frreryMethgd:� El Hand Delivery y ❑COC ❑Waste El Effluent ❑Influent J. ❑Other: SaMP ng ❑✓ Grab LIComposite ❑Field Blank ❑ Chlorinated ❑De-chlorinated in Field ❑Emergency ❑Blank [:]Trip Blank Method, ❑Other: ❑Filter Blank Temperature(C)� Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" oi(-A ❑ lnrival Filtered in Field 500eflept4: ❑CtA ❑Solution ❑Other: in check-boxes for parameters „ °*Coitego"`sComritents:fl,: Microbiology Parameters: Acidity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L X Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L ::Solids PetameterS:,, ,, BOD:Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L Coliform:Total MF /100ml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /100ml TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L Coliform:Tube Total /100ml ,rt Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Turbidity NTU Other Parameters:`- pH S.U. �.x a` � : x+ y LAB COMMENTS: a fielmeters(o�pflnnol/• 'VilterYemp`(°C� Disso ved t5xyghn{Pp d P�ra Y{PP j: Cohdu`ctivi mhos cm Salinl t Revision:2/06/2015 AC44710 North Carolina D_.-_ion of Water Resources Water Science__ _ection Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44710 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY VisitlD SW8-Al PO Number# Region: ARID Report To ARID Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/03/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 08_20 Emergency Collect Time: 13_26 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD MSWIFT COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVERISTREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 12/16/17 Report Print Date: 01/04/2018 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 2.6 °C 11/3/17 ESTAFFORDI MET 7440-22-4 Ag by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7429-90-5 Al by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-36-0 Antimony by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-2 As by ICPMS 2.0 210 ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-38-3 Ba by ICP 10 230 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 744041-7 Be by ICP 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-70-2 Ca by ICP 0.10 150 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-43-9 Cd by ICPMS 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 744048-4 Cobalt by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 744047-3 Cr by ICPMS 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFF0RD1 7440-50-8 Cu by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-89-6 Fe by ICP 50 23000 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFF0RD1 7439-97-6 Hg 245.1 0.2 0.20 U ug/L EPA245.1 Rev3 11/7/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-09-7 K by ICP 0.10 4.4 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-93-2 Li ICP 25 39 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-95-4 Mg by ICP 0.10 33 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-96-5 Mn by ICP 10 10000 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-98-7 Mo by ICPMS 10 170 ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-23-5 Na by ICP 0.10 7.4 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-02-0 Ni by furnace 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.9 Rev2.2 11/22/17 ESTAFF0RD1 7439-92-1 Pb by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7782-49-2 Se by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-31-5 Sri by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 .11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-24-6 Sr by ICPMS 10 2200 ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFF0RD1 7440-28-0 Thallium(TI)ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-32-6 Ti(Titanium)by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4. 11/14/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-62-2 V by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-66-6 Zn by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFF0RD1 WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 AC44711 r North Carolina D. ion of Water Resources Water Scienct -ction Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44711 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY VisitlD SW8-Al PO Number# Region: ARID Report To ARID Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/03/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 08_20 Emergency Collect Time: 13_48 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD MSWIFT COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVER/STREAM Delivery Method NC Courier. Final Report Date: 12/15/17 Report Print Date: 0 110 4/2 0 1 8 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Units Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Reference Date Validated by LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 2.6 °C 11/3/17 ESTAFFORDI WET Bromide 0.4 0.68 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN Chloride 1.0 4.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN Fluoride 0.4 0.46 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN Sulfate 2.0 34 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN MET 7440-22-4 Ag-Dissolved Silver by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7429-90-5 Al-Dissolved Aluminum by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-38-2 As-Dissolved by ICPMS Arsenic 2.0 200 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7429-90-5 B Dissolved by ICP 50 1400 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-3 Ba-Dissolved Barium by ICP 10 230 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-41-7 Be-Beryllium Dissolved by ICP 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-70-2 Ca-Dissolved Calcium by ICP 0.10 150 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-43-9 Cd-Dissolved Cadmium by ICPMS 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-48-4 Cobalt Dissolved by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-47-3 Cr-Dissolved Chromium by ICPMS 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-50-8 Cu-Dissolved Copper by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-89-6 Fe-Dissolved Iron by ICP 50 23000 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-97-6 Hg 245.1 Dissolved 0.2 0.20 U ug/L EPA245.1 Rev3 11/7/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-09-7 K-Dissolved Potassium by ICP 0.10 4.4 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-93-2 Li DISSOLVED ICP 25 38 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-95-4 Mg-Dissolved Magnesium by ICP 0.10 33 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-96-5 Mn Dissolved by ICP 10 10000 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-98-7 Mo Dissolved by ICPMS 10 160 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-23-5 Na-Dissolved Sodium by ICP 0.10 7.4 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-02-0 Ni Dissolved by furnace 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.9 Rev2.2 11/22/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-92-1 Pb-Dissolved Lead by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-36-0 Sb Dissolved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7782-49-2 Se Dissolved by furnace 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.9 Rev2.2 11/22/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-31-5 Sn Dissloved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 Sr Dissolved by ICPMS 10 2100 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-28-0 Thallium(TI)Dissolved by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-32-6 Ti(Titanium)Dissolved by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/14/17 ESTAFFORD1 WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 2 NC IDMX story Section l§sufts/Satnpre Comments/Quafifwr Do oils Sample ID: AC44711 CAS# Analyte Name PQL Result/ Method Analysis Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by 7440-62-2 V Dissolved by ICP 10 IOU ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-66-6 Zn-Dissolved Zinc by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 2 of 2 AC44796 North Carolina L _._sion of Water Resources Water Scien Section Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44796 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY VisitlD SW8-A1 PO Number# ARO Region: ARID Report To ARO Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/02/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 11_53 Emergency Collect Time: 13_48 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD KJIMISON2 COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVERISTREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 119/18 Report Print Date: 0110912018 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by ARO Alkalinity4.5 1.0 490 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORDI Alkalinity8.3 1.0 1 U mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORDI Bicarbonate 1.0 490 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 - ESTAFFORD1 Carbonate 1.0 1 U mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORDI pH Alkalinity 7.4 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORDI Sample temperature at receipt by lab 6.0 °C 11/2/17 RBYRD WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources � Is<tIll.R", Tad ; L!>'>{1 USe ?11��/, Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form 4 SW8-A1 Central Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) (optional)` l 110 9 :Lahorataiy Sample Number: Locatron Descry tlon% Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC tocatron Code: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPORT E 11� Dote Recetpetl County Buncombe rroLLllector."" Brett Laverty Prforrty; WaterMatrrXr LocattonType $ ` i TimeReeeived . DWR�Regron " DWR ice ❑✓ River/Stream Lake Asheville Regional Operations ❑Ambient (based-oncougtyi (9rogencynamel ❑Surface ❑Estuary ❑Canal r , 51 . '.Recetrred 8y ° ' ,I?/r asln""�. " French Broad River Date 11/1/2017 El Routine ❑stormwater Ll 111 El Compliance El Ground ❑Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply State Courier Delivery Method; ❑Hand Delivery Noies: SW8-A1 77txle 1:25 PM El Waste El Effluent ❑Other:El CoC Svmplirtg❑ Chlorinated ❑ Grab Composite De-chlorinated in Field ❑ [:]Field Blank Emergency ❑Blank ❑Trip Blank ' Method IE10ther: ❑Filter Blank Temperafare{"C) Dissolved analy�s:Enter"DIS" El ❑ $ onArrtgal:� a Filtered in Field in check-boxes for ammeters SampteDepth QA El Solution ❑Other: Collectors comments., Ml obrology ar met rs ar,.,,;; e,ny F,,, MBAS(surfactants) mg/L ,„� 'MotalSylPa ameLeCS .4 T,� � �`� X Tin(Sn) µg/L Acidity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease,HEM,Total Recoverable mg/L X Aluminum(AI) µg/L X Titanium(Ti) µg/L Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols,Total Recoverable µg/L X Antimony(Sb) µg/L X Vanadium(V) µg/L BOD:Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L X Arsenic(As) µg/L X Zinc(Zn) µg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L X. Barium(Ba) µg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L X Beryllium(Be) µg/L Boron(B),Total µg/L Coliform:Total MF /looml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L X Cadmium(Cd) µg/L Mercury 1631,low-level ng/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /100ml TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L X Calcium(Ca) mg/L Coliform:Tube Total /100m1 Silica mg/L X Chromium(Cr),Total µg/L �Orgariics, aiarrietersr Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L X Cobalt(Co) µg/L Acid Herbicides TOC-Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin&Lignin mg/L X Copper(Cu) µg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU X Iron(Fe) µg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides ;`OttierParameters:;� r ,=M v �� , .11, ase X Lead(Pb) µg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides s=-WetthemistyParamefers �' � era: pH S.U. X Lithium(Li) µg/L PCBs(polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness,Total as CaCO3-by titration mg/L X Magnesium(Mg) mg/L Chloride mg/L X Manganese(Mn) µg/L Semi-Volatile Organics(BNAs) Fluoride mg/L X Mercury(Hg) µg/L TPH Diesel Range Sulfate mg/L "l lN_ ytrients'Rar X Molybdenum(Mo) µg/L Chlorophyll a µg/L Ammonia as N(NH3-N) mg/L X Nickel(Ni) µg/L Volatile Organics(VOA) Color:ADMI C.U. Nitrate-Nitrite as N(NO3+NO2-N) mg/L X Potassium(K) mg/L Color:Platinum Cobalt C.U. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N(TKN) mg/L X Selenium(Se) µg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD:Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P(TP) mg/L X Silver(Ag) µg/L Cyanide,Total mg/L Nitrite as N(NO2-N) mg/L X Sodium(Na) mg/L Biological:' Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N(NO3-N calculated) mg/L X Strontium(Sr) µg/L Phytoplankton/Algae Hexavalent Chromium(Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P(PO4) mg/L X Thallium(TI) µg/L LAB COMMENTS: Field'Parameter`s(optona): rVdaterTemp(°C);` p (s u J;� Dissolved Oxygen'(ppm) wf, Conductivity(µmhos/cm) , .� Salinity(ppt):." �f Revision:2/06/2015 North Carolina Division of Water Resources visit ID: Tag' Lab Use Qnly- Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form SW 8-Al 10 --=- ----- Central Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) (opClvtta!) ,; IDo Loliomtory � Sampie`Number Location Descriptian:1 Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC Location Code 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPORT DateRecerved ; County ' ;, Buncombe Collectoi;° Brett Laverty Pitority -�ti-` WaterMatrix:: LocritronType DWRJ;egron DWRi,f? ee„,; ❑✓ River/Stream Lake 7;meRecetved b Asheville Regional Operations ❑Ambient (6oaedoncountyJ° `. (or ayettcy`hbmctf° ❑Surface ❑Estuary ❑Canal eecetvedBycf+, RrverBosln French Broad River 'Date 11/1/2017 ❑� Routine ❑stormwater i is a• State Courier ❑Com Compliance p ❑Ground ❑Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply Notes: SW8-Ai rime 1:48 PM ❑CDC DelrveryMethod; ❑Hand Delivery ❑Waste ❑Effluent ❑Influent ❑Other: SvmpGng' ❑✓ Grab Composite ❑Field Blank �` ' ❑ Chlorinated ❑De-chlorinated in Field ❑Emergency Blank El Blank Method• ❑Other: ❑Filter Blank Temperature(`CJ Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" onAndval ❑Filtered in Field �SampfeDepth ❑QA Solution ❑Other: in check-boxes for parameters Collectors comlgentsr Mrceobiolo 'Parameters �_„x' '`a,=F'MetaiN{ arameters`• DIS Tin Sn L gy Q _ MBAS(surfactants) mg/L „_• u, ( ) µg/ Acidity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease,HEM,Total Recoverable mg/L DIS Aluminum(AI) µg/L DIS Titanium(Ti) µg/L Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols,Total Recoverable µg/L DIS Antimony(Sb) µg/L DIS Vanadium(V) µg/L BOD:Biochemical oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L DIS Arsenic(As) µg/L DIS Zinc(Zn) µg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L DIS Barium(Ba) µg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L DIS Beryllium(Be) µg/L DIS Boron(B),Total µg/L Coliform:Total MF /100ml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L DIS Cadmium(Cd) µg/L Mercury 1631,low-level ng/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /100ml TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L DIS Calcium(Ca) mg/L Coliform:Tube Total /100ml Silica mg/L DIS Chromium(Cr),Total µg/L iOrgariics Parameters.r Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L DIS Cobalt(Co) µg/L Acid Herbicides TOC-TotalOrganicCarbon mg/L Tannin&Lignin mg/L DIS Copper(Cu) µg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU DIS Iron(Fe) µg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides Qttier ftrarneters DIS Lead(Pb) µg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides Wet iChemistry`Parameters:' pH S.U. DIS Lithium(Li) µg/L PCBs(polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness,Total as CaCO3-by titration mg/L DIS Magnesium(Mg) mg/L X Chloride mg/L DIS Manganese(Mn) µg/L Semi-Volatile Organics(BNAs) Fluoride mg/L DIS Mercury(Hg) µg/L TPH Diesel Range X Sulfate mg/L Nu;r'rents,? rameters�s DIS Molybdenum(Mo) µg/L Chlorophyll a µg/L Ammonia as N(NH3-N) mg/L DIS Nickel(Ni) µg/L Volatile Organics(VOA) Color:ADM C.U. Nitrate-Nitrite as N(NO3+NO2-N) mg/L DIS Potassium(K) mg/L Color:Platinum Cobalt C.U. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N(TKN) mg/L DIS Selenium(Se) µg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD:Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P(TP) mg/L DIS Silver(Ag) µg/L Cyanide,Total mg/L Nitrite as N(NO2-N) mg/L DIS Sodium(Na) mg/L Biological: Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N(NO3-N calculated) mg/L DIS Strontium(Sr) µg/L Phytoplankton/Algae Hexavalent Chromium(Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P(1304) mg/L DIS Thallium(TI) µg/L LAB COMMENTS: „� S.J' as ixj vo i Field Parameters(optlanot/ '";WaEerTemp(°C).'` pN"fs u•)• t Dissolved Oicygen{ppm) "° Conductivit}r(µmhosJcm)' Salui Revision:2/06/2015 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Vis[t:1D Ta Lctb Use 001Y.' Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form SW8-Ai ___ 10 _ Asheville Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) fQt ona11,,,' ID � La6orator± Samdj&Nuinbei cat►on Descnptron Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC Location Cade 1111 ASHEVILLEAIRPORT �> RatReceti%ed+, CO my Buncombe Co[%c[or Brett Laverty Priority: °� Wow—atrtic tocorzron Tyde rme Recefved•, Q,Wleglon ,�, f�Wt; ?J}ic�,.1 River/Stream lake ' Asheville Regional Operations ❑Ambient (bvseifvncnuaryj"• �� joi vgec}trtorrie} ❑Surface ❑Estuary ❑Canal Recerved' ' FHver Basin �; .r French Broad River flae 11/1/2017 El Routine ❑Stormwater = ❑ �' ,r� State(,iourler Compliance El El ❑Water Supply Deiiverjr.Method: ❑Hand Delivery Notes: SW8-Al Tme 1:48 PM ❑COC ❑Waste ❑Effluent ❑Influent o ❑Other: f' Sarhpiing '' ❑✓ Grab Composite [:]Field Blank ❑ Chlorinated ❑De-chlorinated in Field � .„ Emergency Blank ❑Trip Blank Methad !g ❑Other: ❑Filter Blank Tempe;aWre("C) Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" ohArrivai _P ❑Filtered in Field y Sarriptr�fkptfi ❑0A ❑Solution ❑other: in-check-boxes for parameters y a Coiiector`s Comments dam, w. 6 Microbiology Parameters:.. x Acidity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L X Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L' Solids Parameters: BOD:Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L Coliform:Total MF /100ml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /100ml TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L Coliform:Tube Total /100ml ¢ _ Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Turbidity NTU Other Pa"ra'rrieters', pH S.U. ..G t LAB COMMENTS: field Pa'xameters(opt�onail f�tdaterTenip(°C)�: pH Dissolved t7Xygen IPpYn}, Conductivity(µrnhosJcm): , 5ainity(pptj Revision:2/06/2015 AC44712 , North Carolina D__ ion of Water Resources Water Science -ction Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44712 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY VisitlD SW7-A1 PO Number# Region: ARO Report To ARO Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/03/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 08_20 Emergency Collect Time: 14_19 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD MSWIFT COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVERISTREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 12/16/17 Report Print Date: 01/04/2018 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Units Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Reference Date Validated by LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 2.6 °C 11/3/17 ESTAFFORDI WET Bromide 0.4 0.4 U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN Chloride 1.0 1.9 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN Fluoride 0.4 0.4 U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN Sulfate - 2.0 12 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8117 CGREEN MET 7440-22-4 Ag-Dissolved Silver by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7429-90-5 Al-Dissolved Aluminum by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4A 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-2 As-Dissolved by ICPMS Arsenic 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7429-90-5 B Dissolved by ICP 50 340 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-3 Ba-Dissolved Barium by ICP 10 50 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-41-7 Be-Beryllium Dissolved by ICP 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-70-2 Ca-Dissolved Calcium by ICP 0.10 8.3 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-43-9 Cd-Dissolved Cadmium by ICPMS 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-48-4 Cobalt Dissolved by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-47-3 Cr-Dissolved Chromium by ICPMS 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5A 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-50-8 Cu-Dissolved Copper by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-89-6 Fe-Dissolved Iron by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4A 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-97-6 Hg 245.1 Dissolved 0.2 0.20 U ug/L EPA245.1 Rev3 11/7/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-09-7 K-Dissolved Potassium by ICP 0.10 13 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-93-2 Li DISSOLVED ICP 25 25 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-95-4 Mg-Dissolved Magnesium by ICP 0.10 20 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-96-5 Mn Dissolved by ICP 10 1100 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-98-7 Mo Dissolved by ICPMS 10 14 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-23-5 Na-Dissolved Sodium by ICP 0.10 3.6 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-02-0 Ni Dissolved by furnace 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.9 Rev2.2 11/22/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-92-1 Pb-Dissolved Lead by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-36-0 Sb Dissolved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7782-49-2 Se Dissolved by furnace 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA200.9 Rev2.2 11/22/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-31-5 Sri Dissloved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI Sr Dissolved by ICPMS 10 1100 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-28-0 Thallium (TI)Dissolved by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-32-6 Ti(Titanium)Dissolved by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/28/17 ESTAFFORDI WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 2 NC ID`A, atory Section Resufts/Satnpre Comments/QuaCfrerQ Otis t Sample ID: AC44712 CAS# Analyte Name PQL Result/ Method Analysis Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by 7440-62-2 V Dissolved by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-66-6 Zn-Dissolved Zinc by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 2 of 2 A-44797 v. North Carolina L_ sion of Water Resources Water Seim-_ _section Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT 61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC - Sample ID: AC44797 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY VisitlD SW7-A1 PO Number# ARO Region: ARO Report To ARO Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/02/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 11_53 Emergency Collect Time: 14_19 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD KJIMISON2 COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVERISTREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 119/18 Report Print Date: 01/0 912 0 1 8 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by ARO Alkalinity4.5 1.0 290 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 Alkalinity8.3 1.0 1 U mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORDI Bicarbonate 1.0 290 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 Carbonate 1.0 1 U mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 pH Alkalinity 7.7 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 Sample temperature at receipt by lab 6.0 °C 11/2/17 RBYRD WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources `YisitLD,. lab U$A Drily Central Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) Water Sample Collection&Submittal]Form (tipianat) ;, SW 7-Al ID; 11 --- - -- -�- Laboratory Sample Number•.' location Description Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC Location Code: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPORT •Date Reteivea: County Buncombe Collecto`rc" Brett Laverty Prrorriy: Water`_Matrix. L-atronType DWR;Regron' DVVRrOffee: QRiver/Stream ❑Lake Time Received: Asheville Regional Operations ❑Ambient 1(based oncau{�t9Js a, (oragepsynamef ❑Surface ❑Estuary []Canal r Retetved Byc `: y El Routine ❑Stormwater �� ; River eosin: French Broad River Dote: I 11/1/2017 El Compliance El Ground ❑Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply State Courier Notes: SW7-Al aims 2:19 PM Delivery Method: ❑Hand Delivery b ❑COC ❑Waste ❑Effluent ❑Influent ❑Other: sampling ❑✓ Grab LIComposite ❑Field Blank " ❑ Chlorinated ❑De-chlorinated in Field ❑Emergency ❑Blank [—]Trip Blank Method:. Other: ❑Filter Blank Temperature('C} Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" r anArrivat ❑Filtered in Field in check-boxes for parameters Samp�eDepth: ❑GA Solution other: Colle'ctor's Comments: B �6Microbiologys`Paramefe ;�. ¢� a ,, n` MBAS(surfactants) mg/L Meta)s Parametois,, . a ,A„ DIS Tin(Sn) µg/L Acidity,as CaCO3,to'pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease,HEM,Total Recoverable mg/L DIS Aluminum(AI) µg/L DIS Titanium(Ti) µg/L Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols,Total Recoverable µg/L DIS Antimony(Sb) µg/L DIS Vanadium(V) µg/L BOD:Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L DIS Arsenic(As) µg/L DIS Zinc(Zn) µg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L DIS Barium(Ba) µg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L DIS Beryllium(Be) µg/L DIS Boron(B),Total µg/L Coliform:Total MF /100ml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L DIS Cadmium(Cd) µg/L Mercury 1631,low-level ng/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /100ml TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L DIS Calcium(Ca) mg/L Coliform:Tube Total /100ml Silica mg/L DIS Chromium(Cr),Total µg/L ;'off,° Organics Par�rrieters:a�.er,� "t r" Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L DIS Cobalt(Co) µg/L Acid Herbicides TOC-Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin&Lignin mg/L DIS Copper(Cu) µg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU DIS Iron(Fe) µg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides 4therParaineters;.: ',g DIS Lead(Pb) µg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides Wet.Chemistry"Parameters, '' pH S.U. DIS Lithium(Li) µg/L PCBs(polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness,Total as CaCO3-by titration mg/L DIS Magnesium(Mg) mg/L X Chloride mg/L DIS Manganese(Mn) µg/L Semi-Volatile Organics(BNAs) Fluoride mg/L DIS Mercury(Hg) µg/L TPH Diesel Range X Sulfate mg/L 'NuttientsParameters ;gig . `. DIS Molybdenum(Mo) µg/L Chlorophyll a µg/L Ammonia as N(NH3-N) mg/L DIS Nickel(Ni) µg/L Volatile Organics(VOA) Color:ADMI C.U. Nitrate-Nitrite as N(NO3+NO2-N) mg/L DIS Potassium(K) mg/L Color:Platinum Cobalt C.U. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N(TKN) mg/L DIS Selenium(Se) µg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD:Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P(TP) mg/L DIS Silver(Ag) µg/L Cyanide,Total mg/L Nitrite as N(NO2-N) mg/L DIS Sodium(Na) mg/L " Biological:`- Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N(NO3-N calculated) mg/L DIS Strontium(Sr) µg/L Phytoplankton/Algae Hexavalent Chromium(Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P(PO4) mg/L DIS Thallium(TI) µg/L LAB COMMENTS: Parameters(aptional/: WaterITemp(°C): PN'(s•u.)4 Dissolved Oxygen Conductivity, Salinity(ppt): Revision:2/06/2015 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Vi it ID: Ta Ldb USE:on/y Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form ]SW 7-Al 11 ----- - -------- ------- Asheville Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) (optional) 1D I Laboratory Soerple Number Locat�o ,Descrrpton: Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC iocatron Code 1111 ASHEVILLEAIRPORT n - �/i;4Ce�'VpL� liR �,Gounty Buncombe Coflectar Brett Laverty Pr"rorrty m WatecMatrix LocatioisTypex R DWR Regran DWR(3fflce: River/Stream Lake lime Received l Asheville Regional Operations ❑Ambient (bvsed,onmuntyJ name) ❑Surface ❑Estuary ❑Canal Received By R+uetRasin French Broad River pa#e 11/1/2017 ❑Routine ❑stormwater , ❑Compliance ❑Ground ❑Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply State Courier Notes: SW7-Allme 2:19 PM DelweryMethoi3 ❑Hand Delivery ❑COC ❑Waste [I Effluent ❑Influent ❑Other: Sampling ❑� Grab Composite ❑Field Blank ❑ Chlorinated ❑De-chlorinated in Field ❑Emergency ❑Blank ❑Trip Blank Mtrgd .! ❑Other: ❑Filter Blank Temeroture("C)fi Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" El Filtered ❑ ❑ onArzit�af�,�° Filtered in Field San�pC�Depth; QA Solution other: , in check-boxes for parameters ,dXr Collector Comments:, Microbiology Parameters: Acidity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L X Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Solids Parameters:. Boo:Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L - cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L Coliform:Total MF /100ml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /100ml TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L Coliform:Tube Total /100m1 Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Turbidity NTU .Other Parameters:. pH S.U. LAB COMMENTS: Field Parameiers(opUoncf) Water Temp{C). P (s u) " DissoivedbO ygen,(ppm): ConductlVity(µmhos/cm).. .a Salinity(ppt) { Revision:2/06/2015 AN4713 }" North Carolina 1, sion of Water Resources Water Rim __. >ection Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44713 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY VisitlD SW4-A1 PO Number# Region: ARO Report To ARO Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/03/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 08_:20 Emergency Collect Time: 14_40 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD MSWIFT COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVERISTREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 1/9/18 Report Print Date: 01/09/2018 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 2.6 °C 11/3/17 ESTAFFORD1 MET 7440-22-4 Ag by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7429-90-5 Al by ICP 50 300 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-36-0 Antimony by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-38-2 As by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-3 Ba by ICP 10 19 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-41-7 Be by ICP - 5.0 6.0 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-70-2 Ca by ICP 0.10 7.9 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-43-9 Cd by ICPMS 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-48-4 Cobalt by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-47-3 Cr by ICPMS 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-50-8 Cu by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-89-6 Fe by ICP 50 2600 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-97-6 Hg 245.1 0.2 0.20 U ug/L EPA245.1 Rev3 11/7/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-09-7 K by ICP 0.10 1.5 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-93-2 Li ICP 25 25 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-95-4 Mg by ICP 0.10 4.1 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-96-5 Mn by ICP 10 470 ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-98-7 Mo by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 1.1/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-23-5 Na by ICP 0.10 3.5 mg/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-02-0 Ni by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-92-1 Pb by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7782-49-2 Se by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-31-5 Sn by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-24-6 Sr by ICPMS 10 71 ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-28-0 Thallium(TI)ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-32-6 Ti(Titanium)by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/14/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-62-2 V by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-66-6 Zn by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI WSS Chemistry Laboratory»1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 A044714 North Carolina D on of Water Resources Water Scienu action Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44714 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY VisitlD SW4-Al PO Number# Region: ARO Report To ARO Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/03/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 08_20 Emergency Collect Time: 14_53 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD MSWIFT COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVER/STREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 12/15/17 Report Print Date: 01/04/2018 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Method Analysis CAS# Analvte Name PQL Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by LAB Sample temperature at receipt by lab 2.6 °c 11/3/17 ESTAFFORDI WET Bromide 0.4 0.4 U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN Chloride 1.0 6.5 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN Fluoride 0.4 0.4 U mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN Sulfate 2.0 8.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 rev2.1 11/8/17 CGREEN MET 7440-22-4 Ag-Dissolved Silver by ICPMS 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7429-90-5 Al-Dissolved Aluminum by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-2 As-Dissolved by ICPMS Arsenic 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7429-90-5 B Dissolved by ICP 50 93 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-38-3 Ba-Dissolved Barium by ICP 10 18 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-41-7 Be-Beryllium Dissolved by ICP 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-70-2 Ca-Dissolved Calcium by ICP 0.10 7.9 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-43-9 Cd-Dissolved Cadmium by ICPMS 0.50 0.50 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-48-4 Cobalt Dissolved by ICP 50 50 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-47-3 Cr-Dissolved Chromium by ICPMS 5.0 5.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-50-8 Cu-Dissolved Copper by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-89-6 Fe-Dissolved Iron by ICP 50 1600 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-97-6 Hg 245.1 Dissolved 0.2 0.20 U ug/L EPA245.1 Rev3 11/7/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-09-7 K-Dissolved Potassium by ICP 0.10 1.6 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-93-2 Li DISSOLVED ICP 25 25 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-95-4 Mg-Dissolved Magnesium by ICP 0.10 4.1 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/20/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-96-5 Mn Dissolved by ICP 10 450 ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7439-98-7 Mo Dissolved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-23-5 Na-Dissolved Sodium by ICP 0.10 3.6 mg/L EPA 200.7 Rev4A 11/20/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-02-0 Ni-Dissolved Nickel by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7439-92-1 Pb-Dissolved Lead by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-36-0 Sb Dissolved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7782-49-2 Se Dissolved by furnace 1.0 1.0 U ug/L EPA 200.9 Rev2.2 11/22/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-31-5 Sn Dissloved by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI Sr Dissolved by ICPMS 10 69 ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-28-0 Thallium(TI)Dissolved by ICPMS 2.0 2.0 U ug/L EPA 200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI 7440-32-6 Ti(Titanium)Dissolved by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/14/17 ESTAFFORDI WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL'. Page 1 of 2 .NC MR ratory Section q?fsufts/Sampfe Comments/Qzucfifwr(D fora Sample ID: AC44714 CAS# Analyte Name PQL Result/ Method Analysis Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by 7440-62-2 V Dissolved by ICP 10 10 U ug/L EPA 200.7 Rev4.4 11/21/17 ESTAFFORD1 7440-66-6 Zn-Dissolved Zinc by ICPMS 10 10 U ug/L EPA200.8 Rev5.4 11/27/17 ESTAFFORDI WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 2 of 2 AC44798 • ' North Carolina I -.--don of Water Resources Water Scienc _ ection Laboratory Results Loc.Descr.: ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-61 TERMINAL DRIVE FLETCHER,NC Sample ID: AC44798 County: BUNCOMBE Collector: B LAVERTY VisitlD SW4-AI PO Number# ARO Region: ARO Report To ARO Location ID: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPOR Date Received: 11/02/2017 River Basin FBR Collect Date: 11/01/2017 Priority ROUTINE Time Received: 11_63 Emergency Collect Time: 14_63 Sample Matrix: SURFACEWATER Labworks LoginlD KJIMISON2 COC Yes/No YES Sample Depth Loc.Type: RIVERISTREAM Delivery Method NC Courier Final Report Date: 119118 Report Print Date: 01/09/2018 Final Report If this report is labeled preliminary report,the results have not been validated. Do not use for Regulatory purposes. Result/ Method Analysis CAS# Analyte Name PQL Qualifier Units Reference Date Validated by ARO Alkalinity4.5 1.0 33 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORDI Alkalinity8.3 1.0 1 U mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORDI Bicarbonate 1.0 33 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORD1 Carbonate 1.0 1 U mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORDI pH Alkalinity 6.4 mg/L as CaCO3 SM 2320B-1997 11/13/17 ESTAFFORDI Sample temperature at receipt by lab 6.0 °c 11/2/17 RBYRD WSS Chemistry Laboratory>>1623 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1623 (919)733-3908 "Not Detected"or"U"does not indicate the sample is analyte free but that the analyte is not detected at or above the PQL. Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Division of Water Resources Viskb- Tag `�_�� ESL'' `' Central Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form (optional)' SW4-Al 11D•1( 12 Laboratory I i �5oritple Number.. LoGatfon b6scription: Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC Location Code.l 1111 ASHEVILLEAIRPORT a Date Received: Gounty Buncombe cooector Brett Laverty rrorrty; t�ot� Matrix., Lo atronType Ap, DWR4egron DWR Ogee:" ❑ ❑River/stream ❑Lake Time Received:. Asheville Regional Operations Ambient (b¢sedvncnurrtyJ {orager¢cyrrame) ❑Surface El Estuary ❑Canal Received By; /tiveiRosin French Broad River "Date 11/1/2017 ❑� Routine ❑Stormwater State Courier El Compliance El Ground ❑Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply `` N. Notes: SW4-Al ,Time " 2:40 PM DeliveryMethtid: ❑Hand Delivery ❑COC ❑Waste El Effluent ❑Influent ❑Other: Chlorinated ❑De-chlorinated in Field Sat�¢ptrng 0 Grab Composite Emergency ❑Field Blank ❑ g y ❑Blank [:]Trip Blank 1►7ethod ❑Other: ❑ ❑Filter Blank Temperature("C) Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" onAmval: ❑Filtered in Field SampteDepth..] ❑QA ❑Solution ❑other: in check-boxes for parameters Collector's Comments:--I MicrobiologyPaiameters i MBAS(surfactants) mg/L Metals,Parameters:„ Y X Tin(Sn) µg/L Acidity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease,HEM,Total Recoverable mg/L X Aluminum(AI) µg/L X Titanium(Ti) µg/L Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols,Total Recoverable µg/L X Antimony(Sb) µg/L X Vanadium(V) µg/L BOD:Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L X Arsenic(As) µg/L X Zinc(Zn) µg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L X Barium(Ba) µg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L X Beryllium(Be) µg/L Boron(B),Total µg/L Coliform:Total MF /100m[ Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L X Cadmium(Cd) µg/L Mercury 1631,low-level ng/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /100m[ TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L X Calcium(Ca) mg/L Coliform:Tube Total /100ml Silica mg/L X Chromium(Cr),Total µg/L Organics Parameters: Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L X Cobalt(Co) µg/L Acid Herbicides TOC-Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin&Lignin mg/L X Copper(Cu) µg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU X Iron(Fe) µg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides ,,-,QtherPapameters:< .•°w. X Lead(Pb) µg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides Wet CbemistrYParameters: ":t pH S.U. X Lithium(Li) µg/L PCBs(polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness,Total as CaCO3-by titration mg/L X Magnesium(Mg) mg/L Chloride mg/L X Manganese(Mn) µg/L Semi-Volatile Organics(BNAs) Fluoride mg/L X Mercury(Hg) µg/L TPH Diesel Range Sulfate mg/L �z,;`,NutrlentsParameters. p °� e'q a X Molybdenum(Mo) µg/L Chlorophyll a µg/L Ammonia as N(NH3-N) mg/L X Nickel(Nil µg/L Volatile Organics(VOA) Color:ADMI C.U. Nitrate-Nitrite as N(NO3+NO2-N) mg/L X Potassium(K) mg/L Color:Platinum Cobalt C.U. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N(TKN) mg/L X Selenium(Se) µg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD:Chemical oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P(TP) mg/L X Silver(Ag) µg/L Cyanide,Total mg/L Nitrite as N(NO2-N) mg/L X Sodium(Na) mg/L siological. . Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N(NO3-N calculated) mg/L X Strontium(Sr) µg/L Phytoplankton/Algae Hexavalent Chromium(Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P(PO4) mg/L X Thallium(TI) µg/L LAB COMMENTS: Field Parameters(optona¢ ;WaterTemp(°C):, pH(s u) Dissolved Oxygen(ppm): Conductivity(µmhos/cm): Salinity(ppt): . Revision:2/06/201S North Carolina Division of Water Resources �' 1i;stop Ta a �(7 �/3e apt�� Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form SW 4-A1 f 13 Central Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) .(optional) II ID,I ltrboratary Sanrple Nurrrfier Locotrvn Description Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC Location Cade: 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPORT Date Received: County ! Buncombe Collector Brett Laverty Priority., 1!Vater Matrix Location Type:p , DWR"RegiO»:; " DWR=Uff1Ge,' ❑� River/Stream Lake Time Received.:, Asheville l Regional Operations ❑Ambient (trasedoncounW (orogenrynamej ❑Surface ❑Estuary —]canal 1 1 KeceroedSy: Routine ❑Stormwater ,i RrverBasin:`_ French Broad River Date 11/1/2017 El Compliance El Ground ❑Monitoring Well ❑Water Supply State Courier DeJiperp`Mettwod: ❑Hand Delivery Notes: SW4-Ai 7"mtea 2:53 PM ❑COC ❑Waste ❑Effluent ❑Influent ❑Other: Sornpdng v' ❑✓ Grab Composite ❑Field Blank b, a �_ ❑ Chlorinated ❑De-chlorinated in Field ❑Emergency El Blank [:]Trip Blank Method ❑Other: ❑Filter Blank Temperature('C) Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" oaArrivgi:; ❑Filtered in Field In check-boxes for parameters �S4mpleDepth ❑CIA ❑Solution ❑Other: x Colleclor's,Cotnments: -Microbiology Parameters; MBAS(surfactants) mg/L Metals Parameters: DIS Tin(Sn) µg/L Acidity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Oil and Grease,HEM,Total Recoverable mg/L DIS Aluminum(AI) µg/L DIS Titanium(Ti) µg/L Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L Phenols,Total Recoverable µg/L DIS Antimony(Sb) µg/L DIS Vanadium(V) µg/L BOD:Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L DIS Arsenic(As) µg/L DIS Zinc(Zn) µg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L DIS Barium(Ba) µg/L Coliform:Fecal MF /looml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L DIS Beryllium(Be) µg/L DIS Boron(B),Total µg/L Coliform:Total MF /100ml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L DIS Cadmium(Cd) µg/L Mercury 1631,low-level ng/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /100ml TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L DIS Calcium(Ca) mg/L Coliform:Tube Total /loom[ Silica mg/L DIS Chromium(Cr),Total µg/L Orgi!glcs,Parameters:, ° jj Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Sulfide mg/L DIS Cobalt(Co) µg/L Acid Herbicides TOC-Total Organic Carbon mg/L Tannin&Lignin mg/L DIS Copper(Cu) µg/L Organochlorine Pesticides Turbidity NTU DIS Iron(Fe) µg/L Organonitrogen Pesticides Other Parameters: :° DIS Lead(Pb) µg/L Organophosphorus Pesticides Wrt-Chemistry Paramefgrs „` ..: � ;:,; pH S.U. DIS Lithium(Li) µg/L PCBs(polychlorinated biphenyls) Bromide mg/L Hardness,Total as CaCO3-by titration mg/L DIS Magnesium(Mg) mg/L X Chloride mg/L DIS Manganese(Mn) µg/L Semi-Volatile Organics(BNAs) Fluoride mg/L DIS Mercury(Hg) µg/L TPH Diesel Range X Sulfate mg/L Nutrients'Parameters- DIS Molybdenum(Mo) µg/L Chlorophyll a µg/L Ammonia as N(NH3-N) mg/L DIS Nickel(Ni) µg/L Volatile Organics(VOA) Color:ADM] C.U. Nitrate-Nitrite as N(NO3+NO2-N) mg/L DIS Potassium(K) mg/L Color:Platinum Cobalt C.U. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N(TKN) mg/L DIS Selenium(Se) µg/L TPH Gasoline Range COD:Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L Total Phosphorus as P(TP) mg/L DIS Silver(Ag) µg/L Cyanide,Total mg/L Nitrite as N(NO2-N) mg DIS Sodium(Na) mg/L Biological: Formaldehyde mg/L Nitrate as N(NO3-N calculated) mg/L DIS Strontium(Sr) µg/L Phytoplankton/Algae Hexava[ent Chromium(Cr6+) mg/L Orthophosphate as P(PO4) mg/L DIS Thallium(TI) µg/L LAB COMMENTS: Field ParameEers(opt/onap m WaterTt mp(aC)a;) pH(s u).; Dissolved O_Jcygen(ppm): Conductivity(µmhos/an): Salt N ,f, a r u ce r .. Revision:2/06/2015 North Carolina Division of Water Resources 'Tag, Ldb W4 LiSeeQllr' ° Water Sample Collection&Submittal Form Ylst><D S -Al 13 Asheville Laboratory(Water Sciences Section) (optroreatj - ID toturntory ' • °� ` ' 3arrr`pleAturgfier cotron,Descrrptoci; Asheville Airport-61 Terminal Drive Fletcher, NC Egci#ronCrnle 1111ASHEVILLEAIRPORT Dgte Recahrad., County 4x . ,s°, Buncombe Colfecto� ° Brett Laverty F F Prrofity WaterMatirx LocatronTypet r Rm a a € 1" Time Received e= © RegiQn 'I Asheville dW � e ` River/Stream Lake t i 6gsedonco (� agar} a Regional Operations ❑Ambient Ld( wrtyJ° /tee fYQprri/ ❑surface ❑Estuary ❑Canal Received�y , f�Rlrrer8as►n. .� French Broad River 11/1/2017 ❑Routine ❑stormwater ❑Compliance ❑Ground ❑MonitoringWell ❑Water Supply , State Courier a ❑t Hand Delivery SW4-A1 Time 2:53 PM Notes: COC ❑Waste [:]Effluent ❑Influenti ❑Other: Saiiplirrg ,° ❑✓ Grab Composite ❑Field Blank ❑ Chlorinated ❑De-chlorinated in Field ❑Emergency ElBlank ❑Trip Blank O'bod.-r, j ❑Other: ❑Filter Blank Temberot4rei("C� Dissolved analysis:Enter"DIS" anAmvai.. El Filtered in Field SvmpleDepth., El CA ❑Solution ❑Other: in check-boxes for parameters Collector`sComnients Microbiology Parameters: °; m Acidity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L X Alkalinity,as CaCO3,to pH 4.5/8.3 mg/L - Solids Parameters*- A �� o�- BOD:Biochemical Oxygen Demand,5-day mg/L Residue:Total(Total Solids) mg/L cBOD:Carbonaceous BOD,5-day mg/L Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Total mg/L -, Coliform:Fecal MF /100ml Residue:Suspended(Suspended Solids) mg/L Coliform:Total MF /100ml Residue:Volatile/Fixed,Suspended mg/L Coliform:Tube Fecal /100ml TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L g, Coliform:Tube Total /100ml Specific Conductance,at 25°C umhos/cm Turbidity NTU Other Parameters: ' r e j pH S.U. �R - _: - LAB COMMENTS: su svedOxeMatr g Do m41 , SanField Parameters{optkna) o np °Gj ity(Pptj e° Revision:2/06/2015 Report to: 7 SURFACE WATER SECTION Page of CHAIN OF CUSTODY(COC)RECORD NC DENRIDWR LABORATORY(check one): []CENTRAL`eARO For Investigation of: /4s e v,/le A A 1 rA C'C f S'Tr u c-f u l-A L ic,j l Sample collector (print name) /� r and DM-1 forins completed by: /)2 r LAV E(?_'f, Sample collector's signature:<,. Field storage conditions and location(when applicable): av )C F, S Gil Leo co o Lt-2 b9Z S"A IDA C/o A 6 0 M Lab Use Ouiy NUMBER DATE TIME OF LAB NO: STATION NO. STATION LOCATION SAMPLED SAMPLED CONTAINERS i._/i t �I2 G l C C- j� �, rr v c_'ram�.sl L , ► + ,� ,.� �. .i �, f Sw3 -ii1 f1 ,I , 1l QG + 122-I0 5'lAj 5-- ,q 10 , Is Lill -AI Rejinggished y�s'gnature): Date Time Received b signatu ): Date Time Relmquis ed (signature): ffat Time Received y(signature): Dafe Time Relinquished by(signature): Date Time Received by(signature): Date Time Method of Shipment(circle one): State Courier Hand-delivered Federal Express UPS Other: Sealed by: Broken by: Security Type and Conditions: INTRALABORATORY CHAIN OF CUSTODY - Lab Use Only LAB NUMRERS =:="A UMBER. ANALYSES• . •:. :ItELINQULSSHED RECEIVED DATE TIME FROM THROUGH:.- "'.11 f-EiES REQIMSTED::.`. :BY::. QMFonnslSample ReceivinglCOC form WR 4110/01dbs Revised:M3/2613 ntg Reportto: lA✓ety SURFACE WATER SECTION Page 1 of �= CHAIN OF CUSTODY(COC)RECORD NC DENRIDWR LABORATORY(check one): J�{CENTRAL []ARO For Investigation of: /' �.v,J1� , r O•/'� �t _ CC. S'�'r �� C vi t Sample collector {print name) n and DM-1 forms completed by: !9 f AE / G V , (L:C Sample collector's signature: Field storage conditions and location(when applicable): p yv ,eel 5'eliteo Cp e /e l /4rz G Sr{.4t Ie Lab Use.Only NUMBER DATE TIME OF LAB-N.0_ STATION NO. STATION LOCATION SAMPLED SAMPLED CONTAINERS 5WI-AI A C Cj9 Sr.-velue I I octa 1.7 9;/G -Al ►t i t , i 7 �j : 2 0 s'w3'-r�! � 1 �1 , � 7 �o' S•o f $'ltr 1) ' 00. Relinq ' d. signa re); Date Time Received by(signature): Date Time /t 2 r' +ot J 7 �Relin uished by 'ature): D e Time Received by(signature): Date Time Relinquished by(signature); Date Time Received by(signature): Date Time Method of Shipment(circle one): State Courier Hand-delivered Federal Express UPS Other: Seated by: Broken by: Security Type and Conditions; INTRALABORATORY CHAIN OF CUSTODY - Lab Use OnI LAB NUMBERS• NUMBER,,:,. :ANALYSES RELINQUISHED RECEIVED....: DATE TIME FROM THROU('rI?c BOTTLES. REQUESTED BY: BY:: QAWormslSample ReceivinglCOC form WR 4/10/Oldbs Revised:8I23/2013 ntg Reportto: �'�r� L�rJ���C, SURFACE WATER SECTION Page 2 of �— f CHAIN OF CUSTODY(COC)RECORD NC DENRIDWR LABORATORY(check one): ,CENTRAL 1 l AR0 For Investigation of; 4,5htVr fl , Sample collector (print name) Q and DM-1 forms completed by: L)!C- f a? 1/l'OLD' Sample collector's signature: Field storage conditions and location(when applicable): of "cam Sc' EU Coo e,- d/L4 SRM �� ✓� ��'�'� •Lab Use Only NUMBER DATE TIME OF LAB NO:."' STATION NO. STATION LOCATION SAMPLED SAMPL19D CONTAINERS ` SWk--A e,4 1 C d S7/c3 Ez t 5W7-AI 17 a J9 Swy._/ ) ! ) ; 53 R by(s' nature): Date Time Received by(signature): Date 'Tim ee Re mquishe b signature): D to 'Time Received by(signature): Date .Time Relinquished by(signature): Date Time Received by(signature): Date Time Method of Shipment(circle one): State Courier Band-delivered Federal Express UPS Other: Sealed by: Broken by: Security Type and Conditions: INTRALABORATORY CHAIN OF CUSTODY - Lab Use Onl LAB NUMBERS :j NUMBER ANALYSES.*:':.:- '.RELINQUISHED RECEIVED DATE TIME FROM THROUGH . ..;BOTTLES REQUESTED` :: BY: : :.:: BY: QMFormslSample ReceivinglCOC form WR 4/10101dbs Revised:8/23/2013 ntg