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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000542_Henderson NOV Response Letter_20200826CITY OF NORTH CAROLINA OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER PO Box 1434 ' 134 Rose Avenue . Henderson, NC 27536 . P (252) 430-5701 • F (252) 492-7935 • Emaii eblackmon(a RECEIVED Monday, August 17, 2020 AUG 2 6 zozo Ms. Alaina Morman D-NR-LAND QUALITY NCDEQ — DEMLR — Stormwater Program ` I ORMWATER PERMITTING 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 276699-1612 Re: City of Henderson's MS4 Stormwater NOV-2020-PC-0275 & Intent to Comply Dear Ms. Morman: The City of Henderson received our Notice of Violation (NOV-2020-PC-0275) on July 14, 2020, and we have reviewed the contents of the letter. The City believes in the intent of the MS4 program and has taken the resolution to City Council at the first regular session after receiving notification. City Council has executed the resolution (see attached) and intends to produce a compliant MS4 program. City Council approved funding to hire a consultant, AECOM, to help us with our self -audit prior to the State auditor's on -site visit. Staff is currently in the process of drafting a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) which will consider the following: 1. all the key stones of the MS4 program, 2. our deficiencies identified in the self -audit 3. comments from the state auditors The City will submit an NPDES MS4 permit application within 30 days of receiving written DEQ concurrence that our submitted Draft SWMP documents a compliant stormwater program. The City appreciates the time allotted by the State to build -out and modify our program to get all the administrative pieces in place from data collection, financial accounting and staffing to implement the MS4 program. Please let this letter serve as the City of Henderson's intent to comply with the MS4 program, and the attached Resolution provides City Council's intent to make our MS4 program successful. Sincerely, Edward T. Blackmon City Manager Enclosure: Resolution 20-50 CC: Clark Thomas, City Engineer Andy Perkinson, Public Works Director File