HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0010870_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018;01 1 vtlta wlu Cute. Mara 28 Cat 002 l :04:0 - 50 Hom: Peggy Finley <Peggy.Hnlc x a racrnail.ract Organization: NC DENR - Mooresville Regional Office - '1a11cr. Mozilla 4.61 fen] Win98; 1 X-accept-Lang tt . en NIt 1E-V r i n. 1,0 To: Daryl Merritt <Daryl. crritt1,4�nc. a i.net Subject: Re: Permit, WQ0010870 References: ,E 1 (:. lC67 cir eniail.n t> : �El i7 1 �uCi l E 9(ii).naaai I1, tcnt Type: rr ultipartirTaixed; boundary= "'---------,---75F4 ;4 F8 41 0 7 C0CI Daryl Sorry that it's taken this long to get back to you, S was can vacation last week.. This permit as in association with a USTincident which is managed b;ro<'" .Pan Graham out :.°•a.€ this regional office. Dan says the i..iVB system was discontinued ,a fete years back and the permit is not needed. For further trait, you can contact Dan at 704/663-169 Y ext. 244. Pe Daryl Merritt wrote; • Peggy, The ermi C tee' s name is JB Collins, Rowan County, • Thank Daryl > Peggy Finley wrote: r > Daryl > > Can you give me the permitee's name an ti county e don' track them by errta C number. > > Peggy Daryl Merritt trot- > > > Ellen has reffered me to you in regards to this GW remediation > > permit, " 0010870. a atrt trying to get a hold of him to find out if this > > permit needs to remain active and if o shy he has not paid his annual y > > fee or if to}a.zs permit should be rescinded o request that he geed a > :, .> rescission request. Do you know anything about this permit or how I can > > > get in touch with hint? Any help would be appreciated. > > Thanks, ,> Daryl Peggy Finley ... Pegg i~inie wnc,mail.net. > > North Carolina Dept. of Environment & Natural esource > Div. of Water• Quality - Ground hater Section * :> 919 to. Main A}t > > Ph: (704) Arta -try Fax: (704) 663-604 Pegg' Finley - Peggy.Finley@ncmail.net S State of North Carolina Department Irand of Environment, Natural Resources Division of Water Quality ±g;J�F)x James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor WayneMitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, , Jr., P.., Director November 23, 199 CERIVIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 3.I3, COLLINS COLLINS, ,B-F s TANK/SFR Il 'W OO L.PAF°, NC 28110 SUBJECT- NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND REVOCATIONFOR NON-PAYMENT IFNT NPDES PERMIT NO. WQ001 COLLINS, .I3-FA N4 TANKI Flt ROWAN Dear Pe ittee met of" the required annual administering d compliance monitoring fee of $600.00 " ° for ear has not been received for the subject permit. This fee is required by Title 15 North Carolina Administrative Code 2H.0105, under the authority of Borth Carolina General Statutes I T-21 a (a)t1 IIa d (lb). Because this fee, was not fully paid within TO days after being billed, this letter initiates action to revoke the subject pemtit, pursuant to 15 NCAC 214 .0 I Iht (2) (k I d G. S. I W21 , I Ib . Effective 60 days from receipt of this notice, subject permit is hereby revoked unless the required Annual Administering ornp i ce Monitoring Fee Is received within that time Your payment should be sent to N. C. Department of Enviromnent and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Budget Office' P. 0. Box29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 P,o. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 7 Telephone (1 ) 7 7o15 FAX (919)733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 0% re cl 10% post -consumer paper Discharges without a permit are subject to the enforcement authority of the Division of Water Quality. If you are dissatisfied with this decision, you have the right to request are administrative hearing i; thirty (0) days following receipt of this Notice, identifying the specific issues t be contended, This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina Genera Statutes; and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, Post Office Drawer 27447, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1 1 - 44 . Unless such request ,for hearing is made or payment is received, revocation shall be final and binding. If you have any questions please contact: Rex Gleason, Mooresville Water Quality Regional Supervisor, (04)663-1 q Sincerely, A. Preston Howard, Jr. : Super -visor, Water Quality Permits and Engineering Unit Mooresville Regional ee County Health Department IrI State of North Carolina Department of Environmenti Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Governor James B. Huriti Jr., Wayne McDevitty Secretary A Preston Howard, Jr., p l., Director CF,,1rTVWD MAIL J.B. COLLINS COLLINS, J. -FARM ANK/ rF . �' RCS SUBJEC'L NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND REVOCATION FOP, _P Y ENS PI TS PERMIT O I COLLINS, J.IJ-FARM"I ]FR ROWAN Dear P �ttt = payment of the required annual administering and compliance monitoring b Title f Furth for this r has not b rid r jt, iirequired Carolina Administrative Code.0 105, under the authority of North Carolina General Statutes (la) d f b . Because this fee, was not fully pail within 30 days after being billed, this letter initiates action to revoke the subject pennit, l (4), and G. S.i 3- f f 13• he f tive days fromreceipt f` this notice, subject permit lis he i y revokeded that unlest t required teal Administering d ComplianceMonitoring Your payment should be sent t K C. Department f° Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Budget office R. 0, Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 733-2496 P,O, Box 29,535, Raleigh, North Carolina 5 5- 5 Telephone I DS e75� (� I I An Equal 5 opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 5% r l d/ % po t-�� r r Discharges without a permit are subject to the enforcement authority of the Division f Water Quality. If you are dissatisfied with this decision, you have the right to request an administrative bearing within thirty 3 days following receipt of this Notice, identifying the specific issues t be contended. This request must be in the form of a written petition c rnf+ g to Chapter B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, Post Office Drawer 27447, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27611-7447. unless such request for hearing is made or payment is received, revocation shall be final and binding, if you have any questions, please contact: r. Rex Gleason, Mooresville Regional Supervisor,(704)663-1,699 Sincerely, A. Preston Howard, Jr. Supervisor, Water Quality Permits and Engineering Unit Mooresville Regional Dice County Health Department State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality A James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor ff4% ML E WIR �m la-M Bill Holman, Secretary N101% N%WWEN Kerr T. Stevens, Director NoRTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES 11123/99 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED J.E. COLLINS COLLINS, J.B-FARM TANKISFR 803 ST, ANDREWS CHURCH RD WOODLEAF NO 28110 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VICILATION AND REVOCATION FOR NON PAYMENT PERMIT NUMBER WQ0010870 COLLINS, J.B-FARM TANK/SFR ROWAN COUNTY Dear Permittee, Payment of the required annual administering and compliance monitoring fee of $675.00 for this year has not been received for the subject permit. This fee is required by Title 15 North Carohna Administrative Code 2H2O 1 05, under the authority of North Carolina General Statutes 143-215.3(a)(1), (I a) and (1 b). Because this fee was not fully paid within 30 days after being billed, this letter initiates action to revoke the subject permit, pursuant to 15 ncac 2H.01 05(b) (2) (k) (4), and G.S. 143-215,1 (b) (3). Effective 60 days from receipt of this notice, subject permit is hereby revoked unless the required Annual Administering and Compliance Monitoring Fee is received within that time, [discharges without a permit are subject to the enforcement authority of the Division of Water Quality. Your payment should be sent to: N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Budget Office P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 If you are dissatisfied with this decision, you have the right to request an administrative hearing within Thirty (30) days following recipt of this notice, identifying the specific issues to be contended. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative HearIngs, Post Office Drawer 27447, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27611-7447. Unless such request for hearing is made or payments received, revocation shall be final and binding. It you have any questions, please contact, Mr. Rex Gleason, Mooresville Water Quality Regional Supervisor, (704) 663-1699. erell Kerr T. Stevens CC' Supavisor, Water Quality Permits and Engineering Unit Mooresville Regional Office County Health Department P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 9 19-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled / 10% post -consumer paper MEMO Fr ► : h DATE, � > �p s N (2 DFPI, t & NATURAL GEOENVIRONMENTAL DEC 15 1995 December 12, 1995 Ms Barbara Christian Groundwater Section DEM NCDEHNR 919 N. Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Re: JA Colfirvo Perinit For Injection S�ystenz, WQ0010870 Dear Ms. Christian. - I have spoken with Ms Collins in regard to as letter frotto NODE HNR regarding the installation of six monitoring wells at the Collins site. We have installed three wells, however poor access due to wet conditions have prevented our attempts to finish the final three,, We hope to accomplish, this tomorrow the l5tb of this month, however should advise your office that, we may require a, formal extension to accomplish this work. We should still, bowever, be an line with the overall permit schedule, in that it wi 1.1 not take us 60 days to niap the site, bit a licensed surveyor and acbieve background analytical status. We tberefore by manner of thisletter, request the above extension 4 45 (lays from November 18, 1995. That should put Lis back into dry weather. 'Mank you for your notice to Ms. Collins and with regArd to our requesire Th 'an k You, (;ary 1 Cox GeoEit'virortmental GeoE)?,vir(,)nmentiil,507,s.(liens h,'�treet,Motirt)e,28110 (704)283-19W) Stateor r Carolina Department of Environment, ! Health ural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B, Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary r�.cd. apt ry a op A. rest 9 r r, Jr , t e, i t IRONPA N-r g r r. r r 1t November 27, 1995 NOV 27 1995 CERTIFIED II F, RETURN REGEIPT REQUESTED WiODL,EAF, NO 28110 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION AN Q1 REVOCATION FOR NoN-E E NT WATER QUALITY 870 ROWAN COUNTY Dear E'e.rmitf.ee payment of the required annual administering and compliance monitoring fee of $450.00 for this year has not been received for the subject permit= This fee is required by 'Title 15 North Carolina Administrative Code 211 0205, under the authority of North Car linfeea s General Statutes 1 -215. a)(1), 1 and (lb). Because not fully paid within 30 days after being billed, this letter initiates action to revoke the subject permit, pursuant to 1.5 NCAC 2H .0205 e 4 and G.S. 1-215,l(b)( . Effective 60 days from receipt of this notice, subject hermit is hereby revoked unless the required Annual Administering ndsbcatpli8nce 1°°10 itorin Fee is received within that time. Your payment sent to N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental enta,l Management Budget office 1'mo, Box 29535 Raleigh NO 27 26-0555 P .11 55 a, Raleigh, No Carolina 27 2 -0635 Telephone9 9-733-7015 F 919-7 -219 An goat opportuns tyAffirmrve tkr r tr 4 y c sec�yciedl r ghost -con urner t Construction or operation of a wastewater treatment system without permit is subject to the enforcement authority of the Division of Environmental Management. If you are dissatisfied with this decision, you have the right t request an administrative hearing within thirty 30 days following receipt of this Notice, identifying the seeifi.c issues to be ontended is request must he in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed: with the Office of Administrative Hearings, last Office e 'Drawer 27447, Raleigh, [earth Carolina, 27611 7 4 . Unless such request for hearing is made or payment is received, revocation shall be final and, binding. if you have any questions please contact, Mr. Keith Overcasb, Mooresville Regional Supervisor, 704 66 -16q W :' e ely, A. Preston Howard, Jr. cc: Supervisor, Water Quality Permits and Engineering Unit Mooresville Regional Office County Health Department State f North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Il Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr,, Governor Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary . Preston Howard, Jr_ RE., Director n-TIT, or November 14, 199 t N,- mr 3 Saint Andrews Church Road t4ov 1 i Woodleaf, NC 28110 tt'ttt t"F�s Attn„ Mi. J.B.Collins Owner SUBJECT: : Permit No. WQOO 187t11 ' 19 094 Collins, Owner J.B.CollinsResidence Groundwater Incident No. 1 047 Groundwater Remediation Facilities Rowan County Dear Mr. Collins: In accordance with the policy of the Division of Environmental Management to ensure the good quality of North Carolina!s groundwater, the referenced Permit requires several activities related to groundwater monitoring. The following guidelines and forms are presented to assist you in complying w°th those requirements. If you have any questions concerning these matters, you should contact Barbara Christian at the address shown below to discuss the requirements relevant to your specific facility; Mooresville Regional Office 919North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 (7 4) 663-1 99` Groundwater (Condition No. A. On or before November 28, 1995, six monitor wells, o ups i t (MW-5 and ) and four o dient ' -1, - , ®3, and MW- 4), shall be installed as approved by theDepartment's Mooresville Regional Office, Note: Each well shall be develoned such that the level of turbidi or settleable solids cures not preclude accurate chemical anal anv fluid samples collected. Arrangements to satisfy this requirement should be made by you with the well contractor prior to the installation of wells. Prior to accepting a new well, you should verify that the driller has developed the well to an acceptable level as stated above. Failure to erasure proper P.O, Box 29535" Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-053,5Telephone 19-733-701 F 919-733- 496 Are Equal Opportunity A firm ati e Action Employer recycled/ 10% pcst-c onsumer paper Mr. Collins November 14, 1995 Page 2 Groundwater Condition No. IV.9: Sampling of the referenced wells on the schedule and for the constituents fisted below-, �SCFIEDULE- Monitor wells MWA, MW-2, MW-3, MW4, MW-5, and Nff-6 shall be sampled initially after construction (and prior to system operation), and will be sampled along with Collins Well No, I every March, June, September, and December. CO-NSTITUENTS: Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons MTBE Water Levels Naphthalene Xylenes pH The analysis for hydrocarbon compounds are to be performed by EPA Methods 602 and 610, The measkattnent ofWater levels thust be made prior to sampling fbr theremalining parameters. The results of all analyses specified in the monitoring requirements must be submitted simultaneously, * FOR ANV4IWNAL M*IfMATI*N TEIATt* I* 1W Kin ppppp- W Collim November 14,1995 Page If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact met 1 715-6168. Sincerely, Cynthia ABoyles ydro eo o i al Technician II Permits and Compliance Groundwater Section Attachments Compliance Monitoring piles portionc. Any failure of apurnping station, sewer line, or treatment facilityresulting in a by-pass directly to receiving watef8 without treatment of all or any such station or facility, or , The groundwater 'treatment system shall consistently achieve at least a treatment efficiency (i.e. remove q ce of the influent contaminants) prior to discharge to the injection wells. If the treatment system fails to consistently achieve this standard, additional treatment units or changes in operational methods, may be required. The Mooresville Regional Office, telephone number (704) -1 qq, shall be notified a least forty-eight ) hours prior to the construction of any monitoring well so that an inspection can be made of the monitoring well location. Such notification to the regional groundwater supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours from :00 a.m. until :00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays. 6. All wells that are constructed for purposes of groundwater monitoring shall be constructed in accordance with 1 A 1' C:A .010(Standards of Construction for Wells Other than Water Supply) and any other state and local laws and regulations pertaining to well construction, The monitor wells shall be constructed of PVC casing and the screened interval of each well shall be located from four feet to nineteen feet below land surface. 3 p Water Level Benzene Ethylbenzene NITBE Toluene ylens Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Naphthalene The analysis for hydrocarbon compounds are to be performed by EPA Methods 602 and fall. The measurement of water levels roust be made prior to sampling for the remaining parameters. The depth to water in each well shall be measured from the surveyed point on the top of the casing. The results of the sampling and analysis shall be sent to the Groundwater ,Section, Permits and Compliance Unit, P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 within thirty (30) days of sample collection. 101 Within sixty (0) days of completion of all monitoring wells, the permittee shall submit two original copies of a scaled topographic reap (scale no greater than I ":ltl ") signed and sealed by a professional engineer or a state licensed land surveyor that indicates all of the following information: a. the location and identity of each monitoring well, recovery well, and injection well, . the `location of the waste disposal system, c. the location of all property boundaries, . the relative elevation of the top of the well casing (which shall be known as the ��measuring point"), and e. the depth of water below the measuring point at the time the measuring point is established. The reaps and any supporting documentation shall be sent to the Groundwater .Section, N.C. Division of Environmental Management P.O, Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C.27626- 0535. IL 12. All components of the groundwater <recovery, treatment, and disposal system shall b properly weather -proofed to prevent free d failure of the system. 13. The groundwater recovery, treatment and disposal system shall be inspected weekly. If it is determined that the system is malfunctioning, all repairs should be made as soon as possible and reported to the regional groundwater supervisor at the Mooresville Regional Office within 48 hours of the determination. r 15. The permittee shall submit an annual report to the Mooresville Regional Office, groundwater supervisor, outlining the injection volumes and pressures of the injection wells. This report may be submitted along with all other monitoring data. 16., The LTVB injection and treatment well shall e constructed of PVC casing d the screened interval of each well shall be located from six (6) feet to ten (10) feet and from sixteen (16) feet to twenty-one (21) feet below land surface. 17. Plow measurement devices shall be installed to monitor the volumes injected at each well, Also each wellhead shall be equipped to measure the injection pressure at the screened interval. 18. Prior to operation of the groundwater rernedia.tion system, the perinittee shall certify the mechanical integrity of the injection wells as defined by 1 A NCAC 2 .0207. Additionally, an engineering certification shall be provided stating that the injection wells have been constructed in accordance with l A NCACw 2 ,0200 and_the conditions of this permit. This certification shall be forwarded to the Groundwater Section Permits Unit, P.O. Boy 29535, Raleigh, h, NC, 27626 prior to operation of the system, 19. Pursuant to rule. 1 A NCAC 2 .0211( ), injection may not commence until construction of the injection wells is completed, the perinittee has submitted notice of completion of construction to the Mooresville ville Regional Office, and the regional office staff has inspected or otherwise reviewed the injection well and finds it in compliance with the permit, If the permittee has not received notice from the Mooresville Regional Office of the intent to inspect or otherwise review the injection well within 10 days after the regional office has received the notice, the permittee may commence operation of the injection wells; as the date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements,; b. the individual who performed the sampling or measurements, c. the date, the analyses were performed, d . the analytical techniques or methods used., and e. the results of any such sampling. measurements, and analyses. 21. The permittee shall, report any monitoring or o r information which indicates that any contaminant may cause an endangerment to nd r, round source of'drinking water and y noncompliance with a permit condition malfunction of the injection system which may cause fluid migration outside the injection zone or area.. The information shall be provided to the Mooresville Regional Office orally within 8 hours of the occurrence and a written submission within five days of the occurrence. The written submission shall contain a description of the noncompliance and its cause, the period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected; to continue, and any steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate d prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. 2`2. The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARYfor the disposal system is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2 , Groundwater Classifications -and Standards. The Compliance ound i for the disposal system constructed after December 31, 1983 is established at either 1 250 feet from the waste disposal area, or 2 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the waste disposal area. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate rerned ation action in addition to the penalty provisions applicable under General Statute 1 -21 .oA(a . In accordance with 1 A. NCAC 2L, a REVIEW BQUN-DARY is established around the disposal systems midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the waste disposal area.. And exceed co of standards at the Review Boundary shall require rernediation action on the part of the permittee. 22. It is the responsibility of the Groundwater Section Staff of the Mooresville Regional Office to enforce all; applicable groundwater regulations and to issue appropriate notification to the permittee when exceedances or violations are observed,. 24. Any additional groundwater quality, monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. V. I P TI l 1, Adequate inspection, maintenance and cleaning shah be provided by the Pe tree toy sure proper operation of the subject facilities. 2* The Perrnittee or his designee shall inspect the groundwater recovery and treatment facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors and discharges which may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Permittee shall maintain inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and; y maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permits . This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for a period of three years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available to the Division of Environmental Management or other permitting authority, Capon request+ 3, Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the disposal site or facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit, may inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or le.achate V L GENERAL (:01NDITIONS 1. Issuance of this permit sloes not constitute approval for reimbursement from the Lie in petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Funds 1 A NCAG 2P . 6 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT <<. s „ �r :fir GROUNDWATER SECTION IM, August 15, 1995 a .d MEMORANDUM ERA L ti To: Carolyn McCaskill Through: Bob Cheek oz From. David Goodrich Subject; J.E. Collins Residence Groundwater l ernediation System Rowan County (Michael Allen. DE€'1 SERG Review Engineer) The Groundwater Section has reviewed the subject permit application for the r t on of a groundwater remediation system at the .1.13. Collins residence, The facility is the site of an accidental ,gasoline release (set Figure I) from a 1,000-gallon capacity underground storage tank on the Collins farm. The release was first detected in the eater supply of a nearby (Collin) well (see Figure ) in 1989. The underground storage tare was, removed in March of 1993 and the adjoining soils were found to contain high levels of benzene; toluene, ethylben ene, and xylene (BTE . The site was investigated and a Comprehensive Site Assessment was performed which provided the information needed to prepare a Corrective Action Plan. The site information included as part of the Corrective Action Plan indicated that gasoline from the release has affected the shallow twater table) aquifer and the deep (t'ractured bedrock aquifer systems, Contaminants associated with the gasoline spill have traveled more than eight hundred feet to the southwest within the fractured bedrock aquifer system, as evidenced by the detection of gasoline constituents in Collins Well . The proposed groundwater rernediation system will utilize a former eater supply well (OW-1) to intercept and recover sornew ere between 720 and !j 2880 gallons of ground eater per flay. The eater will be air -lifted from the well in carder to strip Taff gasoline constituents, and this will constitute an initial treanuent by lowering the concentration of contaminants in the recovered ground water. The water will be returned to the subsurface through an in -situ vacuum vaporizing well (p)"f3-1), Dare to the fact that the; rernedlat n; portion of the vaporizing well is hydraulically connected to the aquifer and that 1 there is no means of verifying that a desired level of cleanup has been achieved in the recovered water prior its injection into the aquifer, the recovered ground water will have to be treated to a 95 e vaporizingwell. The water will have to be sampled prior to injection to verify that this level of cleanup has been achieved. The pumping records fr(-,,)m the two bedrock water supply wells (designated as Off'- I and Collins Well #1) have indicated short-term yields of two gallons per minute and ninety gallons per minute, respectively. Although the OW- I well is 160 feet deep and the Collins #I well is 260 feet deep, this difference in depth (by itself) cannot account for the wide disparity in yield. Due to the anisotropic and heterogeneous nature of fi-actured bedrock, aquifers, there are two problems typically encountered when attempting to estimate their hydraulic properties. The first problem is that the well which is being tested for yield has a narrow diameter relative to the width and length of the aquifer and the hydraulic properties of the fractures intersected may not be representative (if the entire aquifer. These fractures may also not be "ty p ically" connected to � other fractures within the aquifer, The second problem is that the amount of hydraulic storage and resistance (from friction) can vary tremendously with location and direction within each fracture. The respective yields and depths of the two water supply wells suggest horizontal hydraulic conductivity values on the order of 0.0238 ft/day and 0.385 ftiday (0.000136 crn/sec) for the fractured bedrock aquifer. Since the higher value of hydraulic conductivity I , probably represents "better" hydraulic connections between the well and the bedrock fractures, this value may be more representative of the aquifer's hydraulic properties. The horizontal hydraulic conductivity of 0.0001 ctn'second assumed by the applicant is relatively close to this value. The proposed remediation system for this site is an in -situ UVB (Vacuum Vaporizing Well) system, an innovative technology originally developed in Gerniany. This system is designed to remediate the shallow, unconsolidated aquifer by removing affected ground water from tile aquifer through the lower screen section of a shallow vaporizing well which will be located near thecenter of the contaminant plume, The affected ground water will be oxygenated and stripped of VOC's without actually leaving the well, and then re -introduced into the aquifer by way, of the upper well screen. This action will establish a horizontal and vertical circulation within the shallow aquifer which will enhance the remediation process by flushing the aquifer. Existing deep well OW-1 is reportedly located do gradient of the most concentrated portion of the gasoline plume (see Figure 4.2 of the application package), and this well will be used to intercept and recover deep (and shallow) ground water for treatment and re -introduction into the shallow aquifer through the vaporization well. According to the regulations regarding re- injection. the recovered ground water must meet a cleanup level of 95% before it is returned to the subsurface. The treatment system, as proposed in the application, will have to be amended to include some form of purification which will remove 95% of the contamination from the 2 recovered groundwater before it is introduced into the vaporizing well, The effluent from this purification system will have to be sampled to verity that this level has been achieved. Due to the relative absence of hydraulic monitoring g points in the immediate vicinity of the affected :area. the Groundwater Section is recommending, the installation of six shallow monitor wells (MW- 1, MW-2, MW-3, MW-4, MW-5, and MW-tit between the Compliance Boundary and the UVB injection well (see Figure 2). The Groundwater Section has reviewed the subject perinit renewal application and recommends reissuance of the permit with the following conditions: I , The proposed system shall be amended to include treatment of the recovered ground water, recovered by Well OW-1 before it is introduced into the UVB injection/treatment well. The influent and effluent of the treatment system will be sampled by EPA methods 602 and 610 to verify that the required cleanup level of 95% has been achieved. The influent and effluent from the treatment system shall be sampled for BTEX and mTBE by EPA Method 602, and for naphthalene by EPA Method 610 immediately after the system start-up, once every two (2) weeks for the first three (3) months, and monthly thereafter. If the treatment system consistently fails to achieve the 95% cleanup standard, additional treatment units or changes in operational methods may be required. The results of the sampling and analysis shall be sent to the Groundwater Section. permits and Compliance Unit, P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh. N.C, 27626-0535 within 30 days of sample collection. 2. The UV13 injection/treatment well shall be located at a location acceptable to the groundwater supervisor of the Mooresville Region, This well shall be constructed in accordance with all applicable state regulations, and in accordance with the plans and specifications outlined in Figures 8.1 and 8.2 of Exhibit 4 in the pernut application package, 3. The groundwater treatment system shall consistently achieve at least a 95% treatment efficiency (i.e. remove 95% of the influent contaminants) prior to discharge to the injection wells. If the treatment system fails to consistently achieve this standard, additional treatment units or changes in operational methods may be required. 4. Within 90 days of permit issuance, six monitor wells, two upgradient (MW-5 and MW-61) and four downgradient NW-1, N4W-2, MW-3, and MW-4), shall be installed to monitor groundwater quality at locations acceptable to the groundwater regional supervisor. The wells shall be constructed such that the water level in the well is never above or below the 3 screened (open) portion of the well at any time during the year. The general location and name for each well is marked on Attachment A. Each monitoring well shall be located midway between the compliance boundary and the UAI B injection well, constructed in accordance with this permit, and approved by the Moores-ville Regional Office. 5, The Mooresville Regional Office. telephone number (704) 663-1699, shall be notified at least fi,lily-eight (48) hours prior to the construction of any monitoring well so that an inspection can be made of the monitoring well location- Such notification to the regional groundwater supervisor shall be made during g the normal office hours from 8:00 a.m. until 5.-00 p.m. oil Monday through Fridary, excluding state holidays. t" I 6, All wells that are constructed for purposes of groundwater monitoring shall be constructed in accordance with 15A NC AC 2C 108 (Standards of Construction for Wells Other than Water Supply} and any other state and local laws and regulations pertaining to well construction. The monitor wells shall be constructed of PVC casing and the screened interval of each well shall be located from four feet to nineteen feet below land surface. 7, Upon completion of all well construction activities, a certification must be received from a professional engineer certifying that the monitoring wells are located and constructed in accordance with the Well Construction Standards t 15A NCAC 2Q and this permit, This certification should be submitted with copies of the Well Completion Form (GW-1) for each well. Mail this cetiffleation and the associated GW-1 forms to the permits and Compliance Unit, Groundwater Section, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, NC, 27626-0535. 8. The measuring points (top of well casing) of all monitoring well shall be sun eyed to provide the relative elevation of the measuring point for each monitoring well, 9. Monitor wells MW-I, MW-2, MW-3, MW-4, MW-5, and MW-6 shall be sampled initially after construction (and prior to system operation) and will be sampled along with Collins Well No. I thereafter every March, June, September, and December for the following parameters PH Water Level Benzene Ethylbenzene MTBE Toluene Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Naphthalene The analyses for hydrocarbon compounds are to be performed by EPA Methods 602 and 610. H The measurement of water levels must be made prior to sampling for the remaining parameters. The depth to water in each well shall be measured frorn the surveyed paint can the tap of the casing; The results of the sampling and analysis shall be sent to the Groundwater Section, Permits and Compliance Unit, P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 within 30 days of sample collection. M Within sixty (60) days of completion of all monitoring wells, the penuittee shall submit two original copies of a sealed topographic trrap (scale new greater than I°`:Itlt1°( signed and sealed by a professional engineer or a Mate licensed land surveyor that indicates all of the following information . the location and identity of each monitoring well, recovery well and injection well b. the location of the waste disposal system, a . the location of all property boundaries, d. the relative elevation of the tap of the well casing (which :shall be known as the J nmeasurrn point") and e. the depth to water below the measuring point at the time the measuring point i established. The maps and any supporting documentation shall be sent to the Groundwater- Section, N,C. Division of Environmental Management P.O.. Box 933 Raleigh, N.C, 7626-0 35 11, For the initial sampling of the wells as specified elsewhere in the perrnit, the permittee shall submit as copy of the GW-1 For ('spell Completion Form) with the Compliance Monitoring Form (GW-5for these wells, Compliance Monitoring Forms that dig not include copies of the -I form will be returned to the permittee without being processed. Failure to submit these farms as required by this permit may result in the initiation of enforcement activities pursuant to NC" General statutes l 3-213.6. I .,All components f the groundwater recovery, treatment, and disposal system shall be properly weather -proofed to prevent freezing and failure of the system. 13e The groundwater recovery, treatment and disposal system shall be inspected weekly for the duration of the permit, If it is determined that the system is malfunctioning, all repairs should be tirade as soon as passible and reported to the regional groundwater supervisor at the Mooresville Regional Office within 48 hours of the detem-iination 5 14, Isoconcentration (lines connecting points of equal concentration) maps in both the vertical and horizontal directions shall be developed using the quarterly groundwater monitoring data for the months (of March, June, September, and December for each constituent detected during that sampling! event. A water level contour map must also be developed on a quarterly basis® These maps shall be submitted along with all other monitoring data for that period. 15. The pertnittee shall submit an annual report to the regional groundwater supervisor outlining the injection volumes and pressures of the injection well. This report may be submitted along with all other monitoring data. 16. The UV B injection/treatment well shall be constructed of PVC casing and the screened intervals shall be located from six feet to ten feet and fi-om sixteen feet to twenty-one feet Below land surface. 17. Flow measurement devices shall be installed to monitor the volumes injected at the injection well. Also the wellhead shall be equipped to measure the injection pressure at the screened interval. 18. Prior to operation of the ground water rernediation system, the pernrittee shall certify the mechanical integrity of the injection wells as defined by 15A NCAC 2C .0207. Additionally, an engineering certification shall be provided stating that the injection wells have been constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0200 and the conditions of this permit, This certification shall be 'forwarded to the Groundwater Section Permits Unit, P,O. Box 29535, Ra,lei.i'di, NC, 27026 prior to operation of the system. 19. Pursuant to rule 15A NCAC 2C .021 I (g), injection may not commence until construction of the injection wells is completed, tile perrnittee has submitted notice of completion of construction to the Mooresville, Regional Office, and the regional office staff has inspected or otherwise reviewed the injection well and finds it in compliance with the permit. If the permittee has not received notice from the Mooresville Regional Office of the intent to inspect or otherwise review the injection well within 10 days after the regional office has received the notice, the, permittee may commence operation of the injection wells. X The pernuttee shall retain, at the site, copies of records of all monitoring information, including all calibration and maintenance records, all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation and copies of all reports required b this permit, for y a period of at least 3 years frorn the date of the sample, measurement, report or application. Records of this monitoring information shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. the date, exact place, and 'time of sampling or measurements, b, the individual who performed the sampling or measurements, c. the date the analyses were performed, d. the analytical techniques or methods used, and e. the results of any such sampling, measurements, and analyses, 6 2 1. The permittee shall report any monitoring or other information which indicates that a contarninant is potentially endangering an underground source of drinking water, as well as any noncompliance with a permit condition or malfunction of the injection system which may cause fluid migration outside the injection zone or area, The inforrilation shall be provided to the Mooresville Regional Office orally within 8 hours of the occurrence and as a written submission within five days of the occurrence. The written submission shall contain a description of the noncompliance and its cause, the period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been Corrected, the anticipated time it Is expected to continue, and any steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate and prevent reoccurrence of the noncoilipliance. 22, The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for the disposal systern is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L, Groundwater Classifications and Standards. The Compliance Boundary is for the disposal system constructed after December 31, 1983 is established at either (1) 250 feet from the waste disposal area, or (2) 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the waste disposal area. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate remediation action in addition to the penalty provisions applicable under General Statute 143-215.6A(a)(I ), In accordance with 15A NCAC 2L, a REVIEW BOUNDARY is established around the disposal systems midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the. waste disposal area. Any exceedance of standards at the Review Boundary shall require remediation action on the part of the permittee. 21 It is the responsibility of the Groundwater Section Staff of the Mooresville Regional Office to enforce all applicable groundwater regulations and to issue appropriate notification to the pertnittee when exceedances or violations are observed. 24. Any additional ground%vater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. If there are any questions please let me know, CCBarbara Christian Central Files Permit Files --Collins-- 7 r + 7 762 I1E r "[ua ,n✓ �Xt awsJ�ddLt_ d C t4 k x \ c W D ".st' w 6 � d } tr� ^.� : ,.. � 1 - e r' i Md r�°t. t " � d �✓r � i "�� I€ ^�,e � .,4 "` � � eo Ulif is k — rJ g rhhf .:y, t f ,.�,r"'�f - �."�� : � �;:✓`' F tar " °� . h t,'"I ,d � w . *.*. � � .`„�...,, n �..1,„r ;? 't' f kk f - Ul 's11r�.pE/k; "�.,�„#t,'"".* "'.. �'ik'�`������ri �( ti,e '',,�^� � J. �,,e',✓.��'! .1 `� �`� -gig „`�- --_ -_ ��fr p?t �,d '• �� "' � � r'�+� �k � , �� 'w.:,. ✓pry ``'`, d ~� \' "+� � € ,t' r' �`,��"� ,� Pt =t 'a >•: " _ f. ,. '-�''�:-.., ' $Qi t „r�`"'._�" h"V -� '-r"f +.,..-."' w' "�,j r " `"�` 1� ✓ }� +& 1 yi ,,.,;.,.,y'*y*-N." :y+ ,i � �.,.�➢14. wti�� -'_ � � r ✓- 1 y h s , 4 - _ � a _ g •' is ,t` t 3'�' �, •m::.J �?,f, �"� � ,. � .� 'i � �3' —i*" ,.� yq .� �„a V+�. .d= l"+A/ J1 r/, k �'^—� �,VV 7,r',rp, � :y"� v,..... •.. Al ' :r "-"-n + � `,�;rt ( _ '� i � �` I r' ( ."'��.. X`•-v .-.�..r'' r �� �'!°'^ k�. y 4� - T v � '"� p �.# � � !, 'rya a',- # n.. ✓ r✓ ' '' .t+w' e �J� � fJ' .. � ..�„ � f µ�' / rr�-"�,,-�r�✓'", M„l � "°yam,..*--w... �,-. d {' ... �.," p+;" �{ -.",.d"^... Vy ti � k ✓U�� a i7a� _ t9a to LIZ .. 1 ,± t ` : � .>� ✓"'.�„» � � f � � �`"'^ `� 1 F `. � T � t � � a t i�Ja�S, t 0 f t � ° � � r 1# •` t t i yyy%. � P � �"�'d t.. r'+kP,�1 i{� `.-� 1 �P ',` 6r `� t'✓'-:�".y,„„✓'��r r-sr ti . `w„ki ^'. "\ 4tk `^�..r \,.... . # x� l :;e k' ..k On 9 FIGURE J B COLLINS RESIDENCE GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION SYSTEM COUNTY ROWAN " Y +�r, .. € ✓ r t rt s � r { ✓, t r WOODLANDS PAS TUR �z moxa TRW 1/,z r sl z a 14R"CI3 �+" '"S F:F° LIEF WOODLIkNDS le NO s zkzrkjm PROPERTY BMJINDARY FRI { 1'wzz R OER ELL r r SHE` e- COLLINS WELL #1 PA ff RR ram: SETMCr rS 4TTNZ$r BEWM saa or Fz7-w2, 7�`3 N. COLLINc, WELL #2 Co »IFS WELL # JS COLLINS RE"ST DEN ° 0 P ..,HFNT SUPPLY WELL ST ANDRE S CHURCH ,SCALE. I" = 64# ROAD cs Z a OW - USX £Y L* NOT ry 1 J.B. COLLINS RESIDENCE w ili GROUNDWATER SECTION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DATE FIELD INVESTIGATION? (Y/N) "I.iiii tktIry WHAT NATURAL SITE CONDITIONS WILL P1EDUCEAZ_REAS­ - DANCE OF GW CONTAMINATION: D(PTHTO: BEDROCK FT., SEASONAL HIGH w.T. 40 FT., ANNUAL W.T. FLU�L--FT. F-s-uR-F I -C1 A-L -AO U -IF E-R- BEDROC KIARTESIAN AQUIFER GEN. LITHOLOGY Ail�"-" E I E y 5*AS1 RE HYD D. COND, -Le-2- FTJDAY Di�STJMATED FTJDA ESTIM THICKNESS Z P ESTIMATED NO® OF MONITER WELLS:,EEaEQja. UP- DOWN EXISTING: UPOWN -3 FROM WORKSHEET-, SITE NUMERICAL DES CRIPTION- T T 1 2 7 -4 T -6 TA 0 SITE GRADE (HYDAOGEOL) SITUATION GRADE. PROPOSED SAMPLING SCHEDULE & PARAMETER(Si: HAVE THERE BEEN ANY EXCEEDANCES OF THE GROUNDWATER STANDARDS? YES - NO HAS ANY ENFORCEMENT ACTION BEEN TAKEN? YES - NO - DATE OF ACTION: BRIEF SUMMARY OF ENFORCEMENT ACTION TAKEN. GW-46 Revised 04/94 , 1U OF DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTA.L MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION Apie I ;—P -q-) I q M E M 0 R A' D U M TO 13 AA 6 A /Z A A-1,Lt, A'AJ c1A-V_SUXV Regional Office FROM: r Cc_(A APR 27 1995 MOURESMIL R0101AL OFFFICE SUBJECT: Application for Permit Renewal Permit Amendment t----'New Permit Facility Name: CC, county: LA,,A A-/ Type of Project: C )A o �v A- A'/ 41" C_ APPLICABLE PERMIT NO. s. WQ_ 00 / 0 GW DEH A to C UIC EPA CUA The Groundwater Section has received a copy of the referenced permit application, a copy of which should have been sent to your Regional Water Quality Supervisor - IF A COPY HAS NOT SEEN RECEIVED IN THE REGIONAL CFFICE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. The Groundwater Section has received a copy of the referenced permit application. A copy of the application documents we received is attached. The Groundwater Section has received a subsurface disposal project from the Div. Env. Health's On -Site Wastewater Section, A copy of the application has been forwarded to DEH's Regional Soil Specialist, Please coordinate your review with that Soil Specialist, Please review the application materials for completeness. If you feel additional information is necessary, please let me know no later than I A copy of any formal request for additional information ;;'ll �efo`rw�r`ded to you. If you do not need any additional information to complete your review, please provide your final comments by Ma 1&/ lafql. If you request and/or reLei ve additional information. your final convents are due no later than 14 days after you receive the additional information. \TRANS.SHL GEO,ENVIRONMENTAL & NATURAL July 1, 1995 AUG 2 1995 C Mr. Michael D. Allen DIVIII41 Of ENVIRMSIAL VAkk.V I State Engineering Review Group UORESVILIE REMN4 P.Oox 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 ",2 Re: Application No. WQ001 0870 Response To Additional Comments Dated May 30, 1995 Dear Mr. Allen: 7) The following are responses to questions posed by, the Groundwater Section relative to the above application, number. In addition, and based upon verbal communications, au additional response, is included which was not included in the May 30, 1995 correspondence. That response is in regard to injecting wastewater into an injection well. We have added an additional rernedial component to our plan to address this concern, if required and necessary. The following responses are in thesame order as that presented in the May 30, 1995 correspondence: 1). Please refer to F-rhibit 1. 2). The Collins site is located in as rural area which relies solely upon round-waterforpotable supplies. Two wells are documented to be impacted ky BTEX and other volatile compounds, the Collins well and the 2-inch well (OW-1) at the reacted propertv. This contamination is evidently from the impactedarea of thefortner UST Other wells in the arena which are in vicinity' o the site re asfolloiv-s-: 4, f a 1. L.M. Gillmore.... ............ --- ......... 620 St. Andrews Road 2. W,Ct Wa Ile r .................... ...... -- ........... ... 640 St Aridrews Road 3. Jeff, & J L Honeycutt .. 72-0 St. Andrews Road 4. William Shaver... ....... -- ................... - ............... -- 1730 St. Andrews Road 5. Jeff Swicegoad.......- .......... - ...... - ...... ............ We Road 6 J.B. ........... .......... __ ........ 830 St. A adre ws Road 7 .TaffSwiceggod... .... ........... ........ ... - .................... 900 St. A ndreus Road 8. RJ McLeod ..... -- ....... ... - ......... ........... 1180.5t. Andrens Road Tire number 7&8 locations are upgradientfrom the site. Numbers 4,3.2 &]are cross gradient and the Collins ivell's are between them and the tank cavity. 71te.L Swicegood ivell on Wen -tore f#5) is reported contaminated his fuel oil_ om as tank at that residence. These wells are reported to be deep bedrock wells and not dug wells in unconsolidated material The wells are older wells and are normally eased through overburden. None of the. wells are known to draw vvarerftom the proposed injection zone in the unconsolidated overburden. Well construction inforination is not, available. Please see Exhibit 2. Cfeobivironmental_507,3. Church Street, Monme, 28110 (704)28,3--1900 3) Pleases refer to Exhibit ... ) Response To Groundwater Section Verbal Question(Please sera Exhibit' We hope that this infon ation provides the concerned parties with the required information by which to great this permit. Considering the priority mature of this site, and the integral component of a chased loop systern to our plan, we would appreciate you giving this; matter a rapid as possible and convenient response- The UVB system is already operational, although the system, has been powered down pending the permit per the request of Mooresville Regional Office Groundwater Section staff. Thank you for this consideration, Please contact the undersi,gned with any further cor rrtents or questions. rrcerel a Gary W. ox, P.G. GeoErrvir6nmenteel t",e=rat'ttttrr�srttraentci R 07S, <`rimr(.ih Str(: t, A4orrrota , 28110 (704)283-19,00 *w, WOODLANDS PASTURE 4 MORE THAN 212 MIZZ REST or SITZ FENCE LINE NORTHFORMER TANK ya , xz WOODLANDS Jo \100'RADIUS - I i#* PROPERTY BOUNDARY \ —� ' RBI WELL SHED 4 F-LINE) TENANT H do WOODLANA COLLINS WELL 41 PASTURE do (OF R) UNITSAWE! NO SURFACE NATER , R72BZN BUFFER SPSCIFTCATZONS CI'RZRNZT SPECTFTCATIONS JB COLLINS RESIDENC do PASTURE m COLLINSWELL 12 (ON—LINE) c T ANDREWS CHURCH ROT 0 MOTS: COLLINS #1 & OWvl ARE OWN CENTANINATED NEWS NOT IN USE NOTE- THESE WELLS ARE REPORTEDT BE DEAP " WELLS AND NOT E 'QED I i'ED X. . -'SHE WELLS ARE L "ELLS . WELL RECORDS ARE NOT NORTH S # Ej 5 X VANE cl ® va 1 _ STANDREWS EXHIBIT 11�Pii I �II III HIM IM I IIIII i I If flow in the UVB well is supplemented by injection or extraction from the surface, the hydraulic head changes are altered according to Figures 8® and E8-2. These diagrams are based on the restriction that no hydraulic head change occurs due to the injected or extracted flo vv. Injection of water into the UVB will result in hydraulic head increases at the upper and lower screens as compared to the UVB with no injection. This is due to the higher head needed to move water out through both screens. -Me we# height H 4.3 rat 14 ft hydraulic conductivity Kh 0.0001 M/S anisotropy KhlKv 10 screen length a 1 m 3,3 ft length ratio; a1H ca. 0.25 UVB flow rate a 2 m3lh 8.8 gpm injection rate Oi 0.227 m31h I gpm Ste 1: P For Kh1Kv = 10, OilOz = 3.24 (Rg, 8- 1) and Oz = 0. 0 701 m'lhr 0" = 0 + 0' = Z30 m'1hr Ste 3: For ir(H20) — , 0034 1, ANIH - 0. 6 (Fig-1) or AN = 0.0 For WH20) - O. 0345, AhIH = � 1 (Fig, F -, ) or Ah = O. 668 in Ste The quantity hi i applied at the le erscreen only, while Ah is applied at both screens.. The resultant hydraulic head changes die operation of the t ip with injection are calculated a follows: Reference Herding, et al., In -situ Groundwater Remediati n of Strippable Contaminants by Vacuum Vaporizer Well l VB): Operation of the Well and Report about Cleaned Industrial Sites. Third Forum on Innovative Hazardous ante Treatment Technologies: Domestic and International `erne I 1- 13, 199 1, Dallas, Texas. Fig, E -1 Graph of flow ratio OE/Oz. 0,10, resp. in relation to anisotropy "IKv This figure is taken rorn: Anti gen turn Bericht Nr.702 Numerische Untersuchunrgen zurn Unterdruck- Verdampfer-Brunnen di VB) and turn Grund sser-Z r ul ti ns- ru(inen Z ) by DrAng. B. Herding and D pl. In . J. Starnm 0. 0. smm 0.1 0.2 0.3 `'c j_j Fig. - : Graph of relative difference between hydraulic heads L)h 1l in relation to Q/ %H, rr and to anisotropy K,,I This figure is taken from: Anlagen zum B richt Nr-702 Nurnerische Unter uchungen zum Unterdru k- Verdarnpfer-Brunnen (1~VB) and zurri Grundwasser- irkulatiuns-Brunnen (CA B) by DrA g. B. Herding and Di 1. Ing. J. Stamm E k ( O' d a a f j i E 9 (34.3 _ 0,25 � E o fi _.. - 0,05 - I - 2KCI 0 t €g. ELL ; Graph of 1h/1-1 for alli 0,25 This figure is taken frrrrn: Amager zum Bericht Nr.-702 Numerische UnJer uchungen zurn n rdruck- Verdampfer-Brunnen (UVJ) and zurn Grundwasser-Zirkulations-Bruntieti B) by DrAng. B. Herding 1.5 upper screen a cz 0.5 i t 3 Cz screenCz -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lower _' - _e 1 Figure - . Changes in hydraulic heads in the UVB due to injection. Proposal for Groundwater Extraction and Treatment by Airlift Pumping This amendment to the initial Corrective Action Plan (CAP) consists of extracting groundwater from the abandoned water supply well OW-1 by airlift pumping, which will allow for simultaneous air spar in as groundwater rises to the top of the well bead. A determination of the airlift pump operating parameters requires an estimate of the expected drawdown. At OW-1, the pumping rate, transmissivity, radius of influence, and well radius are I gpm, 20 W/day, 70 ft., and 12 in., respectively. The radius of influence is assumed to be the distance from OW-1 to the UVB well where the water will be recharged. Using the parameters in the "equilibrium' or "Miem" equation, the drawdown is estimated to be 10 ft. The air lift pump requirements are based on certain characteristics of the well. At OW-1, the static water level S, the estimated drawdown D, the pumping lift L. = (S + D), the discharge rate Q, the total depth of the air line below ground surface A are 10 ft. bgs (below ground surface), 10 ft, bgs, I gpm, 30 ft bgs, respectively. The percent submergence is calculated as 100(A - L)/A = 33%. The starting air pressure is calculated as P = (A - S)/2.31 = 8.7 psi. The required volumetric flow rate can then be estimated as follows: C log[(A - L + 34)134] For the given submergence, the constant C is 162. The required air flow rate V, can then be calculated as 1, 1 W per gallon of water pumped, or 1.1 cfm. The reference for these calculations is the Handbook of Ground Water 1 evelo2m ent by Roscoe Moss Company, 1990, CA ,Or State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management A-A%W00-if) James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary ID 11A FA A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.,, Director mc, wtr", May 30,1995 NAT R; A _ , Collins, Owner MAY" 3 1 1995 803 St. Andrews Church Road oodleaf, North Carolina 28110 Subject: Apolieati6fiJ", :"a .,1 Additional Information Request J. B. Collins, Residence Groundwater l emed ation Facility Rowan ount ' Dear Mr. Collins: The Division of Environmental. Management's Permits and Engineeringbut and Groundwater Section have completed a preliminary engineering review of the subject application and the previously requested additional information. however, the Groundwater Section requests that the following items b addressed before they can complete our review: Information reauested bv the Groundwater Section 14 Please submit a reap showing the groundwater treatment and disposal facilities, buffers, structures, and property linos. . A tabulation of data on all wells which are within the area of review d which penetrate the proposed injection zone. Such data shall include an identification number for each well, a description of each well type, date installed, depth of well, and record of completion or abandonment if available). . Please submit calculations which shave that the injection wells and adjacent geological fortnation can accomrodate the design injection rate. Refer to the subject permit application number when providing the requested infortnation. Please submit four 4 copies of all requested information to my attention at the address below. Also, please mote that failure to provide this additional information on or before. June 30, 1995 will subject. your application to being returned as incomplete, in accordance with 15A NCAC1 .0208 P. , Box 29635, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-701 FAX 1 g-7 - 4 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 0% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper . If your questions concern the information requested by the Permits and EngineeringUnit, please call me at 1 733-5083 ext. 547. Sincerely, /M/iVK eelen Envifronmental Engineer State Engineering Review Group Michael Parker, Mooresville Regional Office, Water Quality Aarbara Christian, Regional Office, Groundwater David Goodrich, Central Office, Groundwater TEG Technologies Permit bile WQ0010870 Stat Jrth Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director April 28, 1995 MAY lit ]`)41, J. B, Collins, Owner 803 St. Andrews Church Road ONISION OF Woodleaf, North Carolina 28110 980RESVILLE htilalhk Subject: Application No. W60010870 Additional Information Request 1 B, Collins, Residence Groundwater Remediation Facility Dear M:r. Collins: Rowan County The Division of Environmental Ma0agement's permits and Engineering Unit and Groundwater Z Section have completed a preliminary engineering review of the subject application. The following items must be addressed before we can complete our review: 1. A hydro geologic description of the subsurface, which should include information on the vertical and horizontal extent, and the lithologic character of the unconfined aquifer. The hydraulic relationship between the unconfined aquifer and the first confined aquifer beneath the site should be determined, including the thickness, lithologic, character, and vertical permeability of the confining bed. The information must also include a determination of the transmissivity and specific yield of the unconfined aquifer, determined by either a withdrawal or recharge test. Refer to the subject permit application number when providing the requested information, Please submit four (4) copies of all requested information to my attention at the address below. Also, please note that failure to provide this additional information on or before May 29, 1,995 will subject your application to being returned as incomplete, in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0208. Tf vnn havp 54nAi niipeflnne ri-,mirri;na thA ---i-A 1- 0- If your quest -tons concern tir the Permits and Engineering Unit, please call me at (919) 733-5083 ext. 547. Sincerely, z1-111(11Z'41---- Michael D. Alien, Environmental Engineer State Engineering Review Group cc,. Rex Gleason, Mooresville Regional Office, Water Quality Barbara Christian, Regional Office, Groundwater David Goodrich, Central Office, Groundwater IEG Technologies Permit File WQ0010870 by P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Caroliina 27626-0535 Te�ephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 Ark C-qual Opportunity Affirmative Action Emptoyer 50% recycled/ ,, 0% Post-consurner paper DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATER SECTION M E M O R A N U U TO: Michael Allen, Review Engineer Rermi t.s and Engineering FROM: David Goodrich SUBJECT: J. B. olldn Non -Discharge charge rmit Application for the: installation of a Groundwater Remediation system Rowan County w00108 l0/GW54 I have attempted to review this application in detail. and have found t hat many of the required materials are absent r-o the application ,package Although the application includes signatures by the Professional Engineer and the Applicant which. attest to the completion of this application, it is apparent that it was noL reviewed prier to being sent in for processing In view of these conditions, I am rec fmn nc in ' that the entire application package be returned as incomplete. cc Barbara Christian State of North Carolina ( LA Department of Environment, Healthand NaturalResources Division of Environmental Management James Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director August 28, 1,995 J. f . Collins, Owner 803 St. Andrew's Church Road ° oodleaaf North Carolina 28110 Dear Mr. Collins: , ,u Subject. Permit No. WQ0()10870 J. B. Collins, Owner J 13A Collins l esidetac Groundwater Remediation Facilities Rowan County In accordance with your application received April 12, 19 5, xve are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ)001 870, dated August 28, 1995, to Mr. J; B. Collins for the construction and operation of the subject groundwater rernediation facility. This pert -nit shall be effective from the date of issuance until July 31, 2000, and shall be subject to the, conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining tle required operational information will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this pen -nit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty 30) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of <a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office ce of Administrative Hearings, P.0Drawer 27447, , Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this perrait shall be final and binding, One set of approved plans and specifications is being forwarded to you. if you have any questions concerning the Groundwater Conditions or groundwater monitoring requirements, please contact Mr. David Goodrich in the Groundwater Section at (1) 733-5083 ext. 419. If you need any additional information concerning this matter, please contacts, Mr. Michael 1 . Allen at 1: 33-5083 exa. 547. Sincerely, A. Presto lfloward, Jr., RE CC' Rowan County Health Department artment GeoEnvironmental " � nal Off ,' pality Section Mooresville Regional Office, e, Groundwater Section Brian WOOttOn, Gr°orandwaater Section, Central Office Training and Certification ication Unit Facilities kssc,ssitient Unit P. , Box 29535,, Ral6 h, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 n Equal Opporlunfty Affirmative Action Emptoyer 0% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH GROUNDWATER MEDIATIOIN PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General, Statutes of North Carolina a amended, and other applicable Laws, Mules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY ,E T J. B. Collins Rowan Count FOR THE construction and operation of a 2,880 GPD groundwater rernediation facility consisting of a former water supply well (OW-1), au, "Ai lFt" VB-200 which consis s of a horizontal stripping reactor„ two (2) screen sections, and a centrifugal above -ground blower, and an in -situ vacuum vaporizing well (l B-1) to serve the J. B. Collins Residence, with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters, pursuant to the application received April 12, 1995, and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other°scrpporxting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment, health and Natural Resources and considered a part ofthis peratit, This permit shall be effective from. the date of issuance until July 31,2000, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. 1'E I+ Aal TAiARi 1;- Upon completion of construction and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from a professional engineer certifying that thepermitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plants and specifications, and other supporting materials. bail the Certification to the Water Quality Permits and Engineering Chit, P.0. Box p , Raleigh, NC 27 -0 . 2. The Mooresville Regional Office, telephone number (704) 663-1699, shall be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of operation of the installed facilities so that an in - place inspection can be inade. Such notification to the regional supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours from :(K) a.m. until :00 p.m. on Monday `through Friday, excluding State ,Holidays. 3. This permit shall become voidable if the soils fall to adequately assimilate the wastes and may be rescinded awnless the facilities are installed, maintained, and operated in a manner which will protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface waters mid ground :. u seaters. 4the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Perrraittee shall tale immediate corrective action, including those: actions that maybe required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or, replacement treatment of disposal facilities. 5. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Perrrrittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or groundwaters resulting from the operation of this facility, a Any residuals generated from these treatment facilities must be disposed in accordance with General Statute -21 .1 and in a manner approved by the North Carolina Division of Environmental t ana ernent, 7 Diversion or bypassing of the untreated groundwater from the treatment facilities is prohibited., l : The facilities shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2, Capon classification of the facility by the Certification Commission, the Pernlittee shall play a certified wastewater treatment plant operator to be in responsible charge ( 1 ) of the wastewater treatment facilities. The operator must hold a certificate of the type and grade at least equivalent to or greater than the classification assigned to the wastewater treatment facilities by the Certification Commission. The Perrnitt e must also employ a certified back-up operator of the appropriate type and grade to comply with the conditions f Title l A, Chapter 8A, _0202. The ORC of the facility must visit each Class l facility at least weekly and each Class 11, Ill, and W facility at least daily, excluding weekends and holidays, and must properly manage and document daily operation and maintenance of the facility* and must complyi with all other conditions of Title 15A, Chapter 8A, .0202. , :the facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge, system to prevent the discharge of any waste, water resulting from the operation of this facility, III xll'T" 1 Al'��r l<tl+I�TI l �.l�t�'T l , Any monitoring deemed necessary by the Division.. of Environmental Management to insane surface and, ground water protection will be established and, an acceptable sampling reporting schedule: shall be followw°ed 2 Noncompliance Notification: The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Mooresville, Regional nal Office, telephone number (704) 663-1699, as scion as possible, but in no cease more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any o the following: a. Any occurrence at the wastewater treatment facility which results in the treatment of significant amounts of wastes which are abnormal in quantity or characteristic:, such as the dumping of the contents of a basin or tank, the mown passage of a slug of hazardous substance through the facility, or any other unusual circumstances-, la. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that renders the facility incapable of adequate wastewater treatment, such as mechanical or electrical failures of purraps, aerators, compressors, etc., 2 c. Nny failure of a pumping station, sewer line, or treatment facility resulting in a by-pass directly to receiving waters without treatment of all or any portion of the influent to such station orfacility; or d. Any time that self -monitoring information indicates that the facility is not in compliance with its permit limitations. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within 15 days following first knowledge, of the occurrence, This report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. IV. GROUNDWATER REOUIREMENT I The proposed system shall be amended to include treatment of the groundwater recovered by Well OW-1 before it is introduced into the U'VB injection and treatment well, The influent and effluent of the treatment system will be sampled by EPA methods 602 and 6 10 to verify that the required clean-up level, of 95% has been achieved. The influent and effluent from the treatment systern shall be sampled for BTEX and MTBE by EPA.Method 602, and for naphthalene by EPA Method 610 immediately after the system start-up, once every two (2) weeks for the first three (3) months, and monthly thereafter. If the treatment system consistently fails to achieve the 95% clean-up standard, additional treatment units or chan 4 ges in operational methods may be required. The, results of the sampling and analysis shall be sent to the Groundwater Section, Permits and Compliance, Unit, P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 within thirty (30) days of sample collection, 2a e UV B injection and treatment system well shall be located at a location acceptable to the groundwater supervisor of the Mooresville Regional Office, This well shall be constructed in accordance with all applicable state regulations, and in accordance with the plans and specifications outlined in Figure 8. 1, and 8.2 of Exhibit 4 in the permit application package. 3. The groundwater treatment system shall consistently achieve, at least a 95% treatment efficiency (i.e. remove 95% of the influent contarninwits) prior to discharge to the injection wells. If the treatment system fails to consistently achieve this standard, additional treatment units or changes in operational methods, may be required. 4. Within 90 days of permit issuance, six (6) monitor wells, two (2) upgradient (1' W-5 and MTV-6) and four (4) downgradient (MW- 1, MW-2, MW-3, and MW-4), shall be installed to monitor groundwater quality at locations acceptable to the groundwater regional supervisor. The wells shall be constructed such that the water level in the well is never above or below the screened (open) portion of the well at any time during the year, The general location and name for each well is marked on Attachment A, Each monitoring well shall be located midway between the compliance boundary and the UV B injection well, constructed in accordance with this permit, and approved by the Mooresville Regional Office. 5. The Mooresville Regional Office, telephone number (704) 663-1699, shall be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the construction of any monitoring well so that an inspection can be made of the monitoring well location. Such notification to the regional groundwater supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours front 8:00 a.m. until 5-00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays. 6 All wells that are constructed for purposes of groundwater monitoring shall be constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .O 108 (Standards of Construction for Wells Other than Water Supply) and any other state and local laws and regulations pertaining to well construction. The monitor wells shall be constructed of PVC casing and the screened interval of cacti well shall be located from four feet to nine -teem feet below land surface. 3 7 Upon completion of all well constniction activities, a certification must be received from a professional engineer certifying that the monitoring wells are located and constructed in accordance with the Well Construction Standards (15A NCAC 2C) and this perrint. This certification should be submitted with copies of the Well Completion Form (GW-1) for each well. Mail this certification and the associated GW- I forms to the Permits and Compliance Unit, Groundwater Section, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, NC, 27626-0535. 8 The measuring points (top of well casing) of all monitoring wells shall be surveyed to provide the relative elevation of the measuring point for each monitoring well, 9r Monitor Wells MW- 1, MW-2, MW-3, MWA MW-5, and N4W-6 shall be sampled initially after construction (and prior to system operation) and will be sampled along with Collins Well No. I and thereafter every March, June, September, and December, for the following parameters: pH Water Level Benzene Ethylbenzene NTME Toluene Xylenes, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Naphthalene The analysis for hyditocarbon compounds are to be performed by EPA Methods 602 and 6M The measurement of water levels must be made prior to sampling for the remaining C parameters. The depth to water in each well shalt be measured from the surveyed point on the top of the casing. The, results of the sampling and analysis shall be sent to the Groundwater Section, Perm, its and Compliance Unit, P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, N,C. 27626-0535 within thirty (30) days of sample collection. 10`ithinsixty (60) days of completion of all monitoring wells, the perntittee shall submit two original copies of a scaled topographic map (scale no greater than 1": 100') signed and sealed by a professional engineer or a state licensed land surveyor that indicates all of the following information- a. the location and identity of each monitoring well, recovery well, and injection well, b. the location of the waste disposal system, c. the location of all property boundaries, d. the relative elevation of the top of the well casing (which shall be known as the Mmeasuring point"), and ea the depth of water below the measuring point at the time the measuring point is established. The maps and any supporting documentation shall be sent to the Groundwater Section, N,C. Division of Environmental Management RO, Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C, 27626- 0535. 11, For the initial sampling of the well as specified elsewhere in the permit, the petmittee shall submit a copy of the GW-I For (Well Completion Form) with the Compliance Monitoring Form (GW-59) for that well, Compliance Monitoring Forms that do not include copies of the GW- I form will be returned to the permittee without being processed. Failure to submit these forms as required by this pert -nit may result in. the initiation of enforcement activities pursuant to NC General Statutes 143-215.6. H 12. :All components of the groundwater recovery, treatment, and disposal system shall be properly weather -proofed to prevent freezing and failure of the system. 13. The groundwater recovery, treatment and disposal system shall be inspected weekly. If it is determined that the system is malfunctioning, all repairs should be made as stare as possible and reported to the regional groundwater supervisor at the Mooresville Regional Office 'within 48 hours of the determination. 14. lsoco centration ("lines connecting points of equal concentration) reaps in both the vertical and horizontal directions shall be developed using thequarterlygroundwater monitoring data for the months of March, June, September, and December for each constituent detected during that sampling event. A water level contour neap must also he developed on a quarterly basis, These neaps shall be submitted along with all rather monitoring data for that period. 15. The permittee shall submit an annual report; to the Mooresville Regional Office, groundwater supervisor, outlining the injection volutes and pressures of the injection wells, This report may be submitted along with all other monitoring data. 16. The 1JVJ3 injection and treatment well shall be constructed of PVC casing and the screened interval of each well shall be located from six. () feet it ten (1 ) feet and from sixteen 1 ) feet to twenty-one (71) feet below land surface. 17. Flow measurement ent devices shall be installed to monitor the volumes injected at each well, Also each wellhead shall be equipped to measure the injection pressure at the: screened interval. 18. prior to operation of the groundwater remediation, system, the permittee shall certify the mechanical integrity of the injection wells as defined by 15A NCA .0207. Additionally, an engineering certification shall be provided stating that the injection wells have been constructed in accordance with 1.5A NA" 2C,0200 and the conditions of this permit. This certification shall be forwarded to the Groundwater Section Permits Unit, P.O. Boat 29535, Raleigh, NC, 27626 prior to operation of the system. 19, Pursuant to rule. 1. A NCAC 2C .f}'? 11 g), injection may not commence until construction of the injection wells is completed, the pern-ittce has submitted notice of completion of construction to the Mooresville esville Regional Office, and the regional office ce staff has inspected or other -wise reviewed the injection well and finds it in compliance with the permit, if the pera ittee has not received notice from the Mooresville Regional Office of the intent to inspect or otherwise review the injection well within 10 days after the regional office has received the notice the perrnittee may commence operation of the injection wells. M The permittee shall retain copies of records of all monitoring information, including all calibration and maintenance records, all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation and copies of all reports required by this permit, for a period, of at least 3 years from the date of the sample;, measurement, report or application. records of this onitoring information shall include; but scat be limited to, the following:' a. the: date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements; b. the individual who performed the .sampling or;measurements, c. the, date the analyses were performed, d. the: analytical techniques or methods used, and e the results of any such sampling, measurements, and analyses, 9 2L The permittee shall report any monitoring or or r information which indicates that any contaminant may cause an endangerment to or of source of drinking water and malfunction any noncompliance with a permit condition malfunction of the injection system which may cause fluid migration outside the injection zone or area. The information shall be provided to the Mooresville Regional Office. orally within 8 hours of the occurrence and as L� y a written submission within five days of the occurrence. The written submission shall contain a description of the noncompliance and its cause, the period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue, and any steps ta.ken or planned to reduce, eliminate and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance, 22. The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for the disposal system is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L, Groundwater Classifications and Standards, The Conipliance Boundary is for the disposal system constructed after December 3 t, 1983 is established at either (1) 250 feet froin the waste disposal area, or (2) 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the waste disposal area. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate rernediation, action in addition, to the, penalty provisions applicable under General Statute 143-215.6A(a)(1). In accordance with 15A NCAC 2L, a REYIE)KIMIill ARY is established around the disposal systems midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimete-r, of the waste disposal area,. Any exceedance of standards at the Review Boundary shall require remediation action on the pan of the permittee. 21 It is the responsibility of the Groundwater Section Staff of the Mooresville Regional Office to enforce all applicable groundwater regulations and to issue appropriate notification to the ptrmittee when exceedances or violations are observed. 24Any additional groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided, V T P Lz L- _T I Q'N7 S I Adequate inspection, maintenance and cleaning shall be provided by the Permittee to insure, proper operation of the subject facilities. 2. The Pcrinittee or his designee shall inspect the groundwater recovery and treatment facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors and discharges which may cause or lead to the release, of wastes to the environment, a Threat to human health. or a m,nsance. The Permittet shall maintain an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for a period of three years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available to the Division of Environmental Management or other permitting authority, upon request. 3. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental Management may. upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the disposal site or facility at any reasonable time for the purpose. of determining compliance with this permit, may inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the, terms and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of C�oroundwater, surface water, or leachate. V I- qEXERAL--C�T"T'T ry Issuance of this permit does not constitute approval for reimbursement from the Leaking Petrole mn Underground Storage Tank- Cleanup Funds (I 5A NCAC 2P) C� M . This permit shalt become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and ether supporting data . This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. 4 This pert -nit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Perntittee, a formal permit request rnust be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management ement accompanied by an application fee, documentation from the parties involved, and outer supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved, , A set of approved Mans and specifications for the subject project roust be retained by the Permittee for the life of this project. ;. Failure to abide by the Conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the; Perrn ttee to an enforcement action by the Division of Environmental Management ement in accordance. with North Carolina General Statute 14 - l ata(a) to 14 - 1 .fa(c). . The annual administeringand compliance fee must be paid by the Permittee within thirty () days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke, this permit as specified by 15A NCAC `ill y020 c)( ). . The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Perr it ee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other goveniment agencies (local, state. and federal) which have jurisdiction, . The P rmitte e., at least sire (d) months prior to the expiration of this pertnit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for such period of time d under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate, Permit issued this the twenty-eighth day of August, 19 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT A. Preston ward, Jr., P.E,J Director Division offtirvironmental Nana erraent By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0010870 7 Permit No. WQ0010870 August st , 1995 a a didy registered Professional Engineer in the State of north Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the, project, for the Project Name Lication Permittee hereby state that, to the best of gray abilities, due, pare and diligence was used in they observation of the co nstructiori such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of this peg it, the approved plans and specifications, and tither supporting materials. Signature Registration No Date 8 RATING SCALE FOR CLASSIFICATION ATFR POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEMS arne of Facility. tom,rN € wner or Contact Person: IT t . CcU—trAe� Mailing Address. County: Telephone: t `)6,4°t 2-76- . Present Classification: New .Facility , Existing Facility NP F a Per, No. NC00 Nont isct Per, NO. 1606 Health Rapt. Per, Rated y: A t . t..4 alep ana: '� 7 -- Sovl X, A Date: r Reviewed day: Health Dept, Telephone: Regional Office Telephone: Central Office Telephone;- R Grade. Telephone - Check lassilooation(s): Subsurface Spray Irrigation Lar dApplication Wastewater Classifiica.tlers (Circle One) I It Ill IV Total Points __________ µd. .___®._ww_ U;rL ACE Y IR S ' (oheolk at! units lhatapply) (check all units that ly) fi_ Sept€c tanks prelim ry treatment {definlilon no, 3 _ pump tanks 2—lagoons 3. siphon o: pump —dosing systems septic tanks , sand filters 4.pump lanky 5—grease trapAnterceptor mpsl F. oil/waier separators sand tilled 7—subsorlaoe, treatment and disposal: 7. grease irapAntercephor auif __ oillwater separators pressure #. disinteclion 10. ohem addition for nutrient/algae conlrot 94, spray irrigation of wasidwalef Pretreatment of wastew sler In excess of These components shalt be rated using the paint rating system and will require an operator with an appropriate dust certification, LAND APPLICATt . ,'RE 1DUALS CLASS I FiTI (Appries only to permit holder) f. _ hand appfilion of blosolid , residuals or contaminated soils on a designated site.: WA TBI-LATER TREA FA( The follow, ng systems shall be assigned a Class I classificalich, ULI= the (low is of a s'ignilicaN quaralily or the technology is unusually complex, to require consideration by the Corrn:mTsslon on a c emy basis: (Check if Approprlate) 1 — Oillya:es Separator systems consisting only of physical separation, pumps and disposal, eptic Ten r and Filter systems consisting only of septic tanks, dosing apparatus, pumps,sand filters, daintaulion and direct discharge; 3. Lagc n sy Rems consisting only of preliminary treatment, lagoons, pumps, disinfection, necessary chemical treas en€ idr alpae or nutrient control, and direct discharge; 4,—Closed-loop RecycleSystems', o. —"Crou dw Eer Reme laiion systems consisting only of pumps, aair-slrippaing, carbon adsorption, disinseclion and di posat Fas'h tarms with discharge to surface waters; 7. ... Water Plasm sludge handling and ba;k-wash water treMmenl . —Fee car w.roy-essing cansisling o' -,zfeening and disposal. ing,a-4a nity disc-harginp syst rns with the exception of Aerobic Trea�rnent Units, will be classtiied if prerrnilted after July 1, 1093 or it upon inspecilon by the MvWor;, 11 is found twat the system is not being adequately oineraled or rrvain°a,ned Svci-,N systems Rs e notified of the ct ssRicalion or ee bassi€scat€on y the Cornrniss,om, in writing. PASTURE rr: tars-rvjmorm THAN r 112 .i ix Mrs 7 or X )E3 `it r PC TANK FENCE LINE P 'A t _r rTO JW V SXD AS +t 7 go zcffrm W rx A ` mmvxr as # Int, SPAAMM AT To OW-1 At p 1 r SF PP ,'F--LINE) TF+ac F3C5 L74w-otC4ry NOM ND sr ci �' ricATroms or Pr7 CO INS WELL #3 P SENT' SUPPLY WELL Jr,'C�SaLI�T 5 t�E I C'k�4w "" PASTURE 3: z 5 WELL #S SSA" D EWS CHuRC SCALE: I" — a ROAD FIGURE J.B. COLLINS RESIDENCE GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION SYSTEM ROWAN COUNTY Qj 95049 At ,°F i �..� 77 @ m i rk2 �"� /'` ''�.. �'�� r r'"p `* ``�'v;r('°' .lay% � "' ° ( i ' � \'�'~ti l� /,� ^�,,,:..� � 4 , t~ "-•`w � "�.. �`�,r""'` � _ """ � \"✓ # f' 1}0, 45..•` t G`^.,°k .r ""��' , ,,FF°>�'..�# ia','�u� ° ,.''�M °° � � � �.'^€M �Id �'?�S�r t���9; Rt `^w-M�'"�..�..,.-,,., { �e,,,.�"�--�-"�,�,��„'.+�"' �:�✓ ell 7�-nj."�. w p F " t d1 { v� y "+g.. �� �_____'-„ ^--" rC� a ��'„ �` �"---w. ..�--,. `J' ✓ r i' vim' � d� �t't� "`� � s� .. .ate°, .; 0 a'". r e �, 6 1 f, *M`._ 1,• t" Fw _. � 1 t �„�.,✓' '-�"'^�, � �"`7£ti�I + ,r ,.� ��.,,�„� x r' 1 1�� LJ w r ' t" vdi 49 i { q E �"-;ram M ^, r, €ROWAN COUNTY ` FIGURE 1 J.B. COLL INS RESIDENCE GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION SYSTEM SITE LOCATION MAP F V F "v,✓" ;✓ Cy...,,✓' e t I .i' ,4 •'h� ^mow` „ o s ,u PPPP"" S C PRIORITY PROJECT: To: Permits and Engineering Unit Water Quality Section Attention: Michael Allen Date: April 28, 1995 NON -DISCHARGE STA REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION County: Raga KRO No.: Permit NoWQ0010870 PARTGENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: J. B. Collins GW Remediati n, 803 St. Andrews rch road oodle f, N.C. 27054 Date of Investigation: April '2 , 10,95 . Report Prepared y: Michael L. Parker, Environ. Engr. 11 4 n Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: Mr. Gary Cox, 70 283-1900. 5. Directions to Site: From the ict.f Hwy. 801 and SR 1949 (Wetmore Rd.) in northwest Rowan County, travel t 0.9 mile on R 1949 and turn left on SR 1 t. Andrews Church Rd.), Travel .9 mile on SR.1. and the J. B. Collins residence will be on the left side of the road, . Disposal it()List for all disposalsites: Latitude: ' 7" 0 " Longitude; " 5 ' Attach a USGS Map Extract and indicate treatment plant site on map, USGS Quad No.: 16 SE . Size (land available for expansion and upgrading): Ample area exists for the construction of the proposed injection well. . Topography: The site has gently rolling topography slopes). The site is not located in a flood plain. . Any buffer conflicts with location of nearest dwelling in and grater supply cell" No. The nearest residence ;is 100 feet from the site. a. Watershed Classification; WS-IV b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: Yadkin 30706 C. Distance to surface water from disposal system: At least 500+ feet. PART II - DESCRIPTION OF WASTES AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. a. Volume: The WWT facility will have the capability to treat up to 0,00288 MGD (Design Capacity) Residuals; No residuals generation is expected, b, Types and quantities of industrial wastewater: The groundwater is contaminated with Benzene, Xylene, Toluene, and a variety of PAH's C, Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): N/A. 2. Treatment Facilities a. Current permitted capacity of the facility: NIA b. Actual treatment capacity of the facility (design volume): N/A Description of existing or substantially constructed WWT facilitiez: N/A 3. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: No residuals generation is expected. 4. Treatment Plant Classification: Less Than 5 Points; No Rating (include rating sheet). Class I (The rating sheet does not adequately characterize the proposed facilities). S. SIC Code(s): 9999 Wastewater Codes): 66 Main Treatment Unit Code: 55000 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds (municipals only)? No 2. Special monitoring requests: None at this time. 3. Important SOC/JOC or Compliance Schedule Dates: N/A 4. it Quality and/or Groundwater concerns or hazardous materials utilized at this facility that may impact water quality, air quality, or groundwater? The operation of the off -gas treatment unit may require registration by the AQ Section. No hazardous materials concerns. GW comments are necessary prior to the issuance of this Permit. PPPPP_ Rage Three PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The applicant, Mr. J. B, Collins, requests approval to install an injection well for the purpose of treating groundwater contaminated by gasoline from a leaking The consultant retained to design the groundwater re ed.ati n system has proposed are in -situ treatment facility called,a Vacuum Vaporizing Well ) that will employ both, physical and biological treatment process. This technology was developed in Germany and has only recently been introduced to the -, . in the UVE, GW enters, the reme iation well through the lower screen. The GW is then oxygenated, stripping off the VoCs, and then reintroduced into the ground through the upper screen. V005 stripped from the GW are then forced from the well through a. above ground, oft -has treatment unit or directly into the atmosphere. There is one UVB system presently operating in the O region, and according to MRO GW staff, appears to he operating at a a t ril s Pending a technical review by the SERG and receipt of favorable comments from the GW Section; it is recommended that the Permit be _issued: Signature of Report 'preparer Date Date dater dual einnal emit f State of North Caroling Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Envir nm nt 8 Management �� ! James B, Hunt, Jr., Governor onathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr,, Po ., Director ttC, r s$> April 13, 1995 AtariAN J,13. COLLINS 03 STANDRFDVS L'I II "RCS ROAD Subject: Application No. W (X)10870 J.B. Collins Property. GW Reraancliation Facility Rowan County Dear N[R COLLINS: The Division's cr wits and Engineering Unit as knr.rvvledc"cs receipt of your perrrut as plicaation and supporting materials on April 12, 1995. This application has been assigned the number listed above. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABC WATER QUALITY Nt,aa 'I13 ER WHEN MAKING INQUIRES CAN THIS I ROfl,C:'T: Yourlar����ect has lacers assi ncc to Michael Allen1"car- a detailed engineering review. Should there be any questions concerning your project,, the reviewer will contact you with an additional information letter'. Be aaware that the Division's regional office, copied below, rnust provide fecorrinienclations frc.a.ata the Regional Supervisor or as Procedure Four Evaluation for this project, prior to final action by the If you have any questions, pteaazsn contact Nlichacl Allen at (91 9) 733-5083 extension 547, If the en;gincer is unavailable, you may leave as tncssaa c on their voice mail and they will respond prt nipt y. Please reference the above application nunalacr v°1aen leaving a r-nes aage, sincerely, x Caar(rlyn M C aslvill Supervisor, State" araginecrin Review Group cc. ii" � ktcataa C li aar� -Co Pollution Pre venuart Pa) .,,° ... ._. .. F0, Box 2953 a, Ra1eigti, North Cr t<raa.` 7f)26-0535 Feleptione 91-733-7015 An', ua f pt ortuiaicy..,'itftrsn tivc Adiprl mployer t f Northarolina Spa gdrtnrr of oviron erat, ealt and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management ?ion -Discharge Permit ,application THIS FORM MAYBE PHOTOCOPIED PI FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) aGROUNDWATER REMEDIATIONSYSTEMS ems which use either infiltration This p t application form is for sy tEach section of this application muleries or st be completed discharge ea groundwater ino the subsurface. 9IJ7-1 to obtain Groundwater unless otherwise noted.Contact the Groundwater Section at Rentediation System Permit Application Guidelines. - GENERAL INFORMATION: ION: Applir t rat an, individual, cr other .1. _ nt Owners Si ficial's Name Title (person legally responsible for the treatment 4 disposal system & its compliance): . Mailing Address: --- City: _ State; Zip: Telephone lira.: I State; v; Public; . lion Site er. pads 'ase__ Native American Lands; _ Other (specify) '. , . List the principal products or services provided by facility: act Name (facility car establishment name, should consistent on all documents included. 6, proj . 7�E' � in this application package): 1 L� . Groundwater incident Number (if own)* +� S w Location of Reme&ation Activities (Street Address): City: County: s State: 9. Application late. 4021-J—P 1 . Fee Sub itted: 11. Contact person who can answer questions about application a Telephone l e: number: (z ) � `W FORM: !� S f I a le 1 of 10 PERMIT INFORMATION. permit Number completed by lil; 2. sm �� r ene al , _Modification;change Sp afy l�etlaer l ins I lI and If renewal or name change without other modifications, com(originalplete on three espies Of applicant signature (pan pa 9t Submit only ps. 1, , and 9 each). n the is signature not required for renewal or name changes without other "fi tinsa being submitted as a result of a renewal or modification to an existing , If this application is pe `t, list the existing Pet number issue date INFORMATION ON CONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER: 1_t provi a brief' description of the events or cause of the groundwater contamination: List contaminants detected' gallons Viper day) a Volume of groundwater to be re. e 'ated per day. Explanation f howvolume was determined: IV. GENERAL DESIGN INFORMATION: 1 � Specify the type of system that is being installed: infiltration gallery, - injection well; other (specify)2. Provide a brief description of all components f the treatment and disposal ey s stem e i.e., treatment units pumps, tanks, the °sal.. feed system,rne injection a Applicable t injection ?'ell requires' lS 1 Clevels sell construction Standards,well be monitored; therefore, a sampling that con t levels in e quid injected into ated water prior to being injected into the wells part must be provided n the effluent fines or infiltration gallery), e permit l specify the re uireme ra ort desr n detailed:ent, Identify the location to flue pl s C7 if, sad ns where flue sampling p FORM: GNVRS 2/9 V. DESIGN INFORMATION FOR INFILTRATION GALLERIES: 1 Specify the dimensions of each infiltration gallery: (a) L7- — ft W= — D= ft. ft. W= ft. D= ft. 2. The static water level at the gallery location is feet. The vertical separation between the gallery trench bottom and the mean seasonal high water table is — feet. 3. A soil scientist must provide an evaluation of the soils where the infiltration gallery will be located and must specify an acceptable loading rate (amount of water gallery can accept). This evaluation should determine whether the loading rate shall be based upon only the surface area of the infiltration galleryZoCrwhe er is appropriate to include some of the side wall depth. I0 t ath a. What is the area used to dete n h loading Tate? square ft. b. Does the area specified above include only the surface area or has some of the side wall depth been used? _ surface area only; or — surface area plus side wall depth. c. If side wall depth has been used, specify how much depth or height above the infiltration gallery bottom has been used. inches. d. The recommended loading Tate is GPD per square foot. 4. Briefly describe any mounding of groundwater, above the static groundwater levels, that may result from infiltration (please attach calculations and/or diagrams): VI. DESIGN INFORMATION FOR INJECTION WELLS: 1, Identify the principal aquifer to which the injection wells will be, discharging: 2a Is the aquifer identified in VIA above the same aquifer from which the contaminated groundwater was extracted? — yes -±!f'no, If no, describe how the aquifers are, It I I I I . P 3� fo Briefly describe any mounding of groundwater, above the static groundwater levels, that may result from the injection (please attch yalculations and/or diagrams): Characteristics of injection well(s) [attach additional sheets if rt es g tier ell A Well B Well Characteristics Depth (ft.) Diameter (inches) lietirt volume C Injection pressure CPS 7-( -4;z Injection temp. C Q e e- . Fx� /Y Casing material Depth of casing (ft.) Casing i eter C Casing schedule number Cement grout from ft 'from ft, from ft. (primary or inner casing) to ft. to ft. tta_ ft. Cement grout (outer from ff.. from ft. from _ ft... casitt-, if applicable) to- ft to_ ft. to _ ft� Screened or uncased from ft from - ft. from ft: iute ; al (if a liable) to ft. t ft.. to ft. Type of screen manufactured or hand slotted Cifapplicable) Screens inner diameter inches -if li bale) Gravel el pack from ft. from fia from f .. (if applicable) to t _ ft. Well contractor Contractor reds no. VII. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: FORM: GWRS 12/92 Page 4 of 1 - Substances may be added to enhance in situ treatment. Only those substances that can be demonstrated to have advantages that outweigh disadvantages will be consid ,eged. Will any subsneffln taces be added to the uent to enhance in situ tre-atme t? _ yes; no If yes, provide a detailed description of these substances, including amounts to be added. Attach studies which describe the instances in which these substances have been used: 2Classification of the closest downslope surface waters: (as established by, the Environmental Management Commission and specified on page 7 of this application). 4. The applicable buffers must be met in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0200 and 15A NCAC 211.0400. Some of those buffers are described below: Requfired 1tems a. One original and three copies of the completed and appropriately executed application form. b, The appropriate permit processing fee (see page 10), in accordance with 15 A NCAC 214.0205(c)(5). C. Submit four copies of the Corrective Action Plan if it contains any of the requested pertinent information. d- Four copies of the existing permit if a renewal or modification, e. Four sets of detailed plans and specifications signed and sealed by a North Carolina Professional Engineer. The plans must include a general location map; a topographic map which extends one ... I7Yond property boundaries and FORM: GWRS 12/92 Page 5 of 10 ' 7 I IN Fm F1 [o 12 INSTRUCTIONS TO NC PROFSIC)NAL ENGINEER* FORM: GWRS 12/92 Page 6 of 1 /T�he cation of the closest do sT a (the surface at that overflow from the groundwater re a,taan faces would flow t must y the ruFate DEM regional office. Therefore, you e required,prior to submittal of the application package, submit this form, with items 1 through 8 completed, to the appropriate Division of Environmental e t Regional Water Quality Supervisor (see, page 10). At a minimum, you must include an 8.5" by I. " copy of th=tify of a . minute Topographic Map which shows e subject s ace waters. a the location f the groundwater ati n facility d cT lest dsa ' slnpe surface waters on the submitted p copy. Once the regional office has completed the classification, reincorporate this completed page and the topographic map into the complete application form and submit the application package. l , Applicant (corporation, individual, or other)- 2. e & complete address of engineering City: , State: zip: Telephone number: 6620 Project3. name: IL 4. GPD v.. Facility design ovr- ; �" ; 5. e of closest downslope surface mat14,210 ` .County(s) where project an.1 surface waters are located: 7. P name anddate: . Professional Engineer Seal and Signature [must be legible] le (specify date): TO: REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUPERVISOR Tease provide me with the classification of the surface waters identified in; number 5 above and on the attached p segment: Name of surface waters' Classification (as establishedy the Envirorimental Management Commission): Proposed classification, . applicable: Signature f regional off ice personnel..7 a� ate; Name mplete Address of EngineeringFirm: ».»,a 7 of 10 State: Zip - Telephone No.: ,,,,,,3�IAL +ITI'A'I°It�: x attest that this application for has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best f my knowAlthough certainl d o ie o hproposed design is to package prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations may have been developed by other professionals,to b consistent th the proposed. detnseal signifies that I have reviewed this material havejudged professionalit NC Engineer's Seal and Signature [must be legible] (specify date I A TIS CERTIFICATION'01) l , attest that this application for M, to to the best of my knowledge.. 1 understand that if d and that if ail required supporting, information and will be returned as ' oo plete� Ia.te, THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCL U I rG ALL SUPPORTING A i�l� FOR INFRMAT IO ANDMATERIALS, SHOULD E T T" THEFOLLOWING North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Water Quality' Section Permits and Engineering Unit P.0¢ Box 29535 12 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 22-0 535 Telephone urnber: 1 / -50 83 PtRMIT APPLICATION PROCESSIN6 Ali Eft GWRS 12/92 Page 8 of 1 The classification of the closest lownlope surface waters (the surface waters that any overflow from the groundwater remediation facility would flow towards) must be determined by the appropriate DENT regional office. Therefore" you are required, prior to submittal oftheapplication package, to submit this form, with items I through S completed, to the appropriate Division of Environmental Management Regional Water Quality Supervisor (see page ltl). At a minimum, you rust include an g. " by i I" copy of the portion of a 7.5 minute 1 T S Topographic Map which shows the subject surface waters. You must identify the location of the groundwater remediation facility and the closest downslope surface waters on the submitted map copy. Once the regional office has completed the classification,, reincorporate this completed page and the topographic map into the complete application form and submit the application package. Applicant (corporation, individual, or other)..:.. , s 2. Name & complete address of engineering firm: City: State; Zip' rv_ Telephone number: . project name; i. . Facility design flog: GP S. Name of closest downslope surface waters; ' is .County(s) where project and surface waters are located: 7. Map name and date: � , 1 7 Professional Engineer Seal and Signature (must be legible] (specify gym,_ CtJ Cx ; TO: REGIONAL IVATER QUALITY SUPERVISOR Please provide min with the classification of the surface waters identified in number 5 above and on the attached map segment: 19 Name of surface waters. Classification (as established by the Environmental Management Comn ssion): _ Proposed classification, if applicable. Signature of regional office personnel: _ late: ? - - -r'- 6 05/e' Name and Complete Address of Engineering Firm- FORM: GWRS 12192Page 7 of 10 PERMIT APPLICATIONPROCESSING FEES NEW PL / lamm '1, 1d Se-wage/Cool ate 1 -1, Industrial Sewage/CoolingWater $250 1,001-10,000 ' Industrial Sewage/Cooling Water r= 1,000 GPD and Single farnily dwelling Modifications that involve only pame changes are $50. FORM: GWRS 12/92 Page 9 of 1 North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Winston-Salem Regional Office Raleigh Regional Office Washington Regional Offic 8025 North Point Blvd. 3800 Barrett Dr. 1424 Carolina Ave. Winston-Salem, NO 27106 Raleigh, NC 27609 Washington, NC 27889 (919)896-7007 (919)571-4700 (919)946-6481 Asheville Regional Office CIO 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NO 28801 A-k-v— -­] - - - - (704)251-6208 411, YO&IM FC01yol Goikxd Ff**an Away Madam Yam* 1AVown, Malin P&,#wbrd Lilt'lin A —an Laej0F.'aWn ll�.W. Pill nlydo pok 1 P.Won iaNyLA" Hal" Way,,# . Q.— eye May Jceraa iktitas Aft R'a."d Fkk* C.n.14 F110*6amn Pn4w Mooresville Regional Office 919 N. Main St. Mooresville, NC 28115 aka, Wilmington Regional Office (704)663-1699 Fayetteville Regional Office 127 Cardinal Dr. Extension Wachovia Bldg, Suite 714 Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Fayetteville, NQ 28301 (919)395-3900 (919)486-1541 9 Denotes Regional Office Location 2192 Zip: City: Mate: Telephone No.' t`t: I In attest that this application for - - has been ��i tad � and is accurate d tarr�plt to the test I' m nc l cl ltartl attest that t the best knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordt: with the applicablen portions of submittal package regulations.i l i In s materials � � Signature at l may have l his been dvd other professionals, signifies that have reviewed this material d have u it t econsistent itl� t pr pc� � �i . NC Professional Engineer's Seal and SignatUTe tmust be legiblel (specify date) APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION: I a attest that this application for has been reviewed by rne and is accurate and complete to the lest of my knowledge supporting understand that and if all required parts this application are nit completed and. that t all toit sepp attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Date. Signature. THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, HtFLD BE SENT- TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: North Carolina Division sion of Environmental Management Water Quality Section Permits and Engineering unit P.O. Box 29535 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 276 -0 535 Telephone Number: 919/733-5083 PERMIT APPLICATION PROCESSING FEES FORM GWRS 12/92 lugs 8 of 10 VICINITYMAP Si' 6 a — - ld. —. C%tn'rNFiCK R't�AD ROWAN COUNI W-7 (dry) tio water etwountfence NORTH ,.. d r GR ry-.giENyy yj�nq re,K . TANK CAVITY MW- ld fir: Well 0 N4- l ° House r, - Metal BuildingICY AL 2 AREA lr�. t Water 11 fi �:. fen �r k Colli. "' House rf 0 80 160 FEET approximate scale i r r t�rY 1.0 Ijai TRODUCTIONANDBACKGROUND Geo�nvirontncntal is pleased to submit in this document the results of out screening of retnedial alternatives for corrective action at the J.B. Collins Residence (Incident # 10047) located in the Town of Woodleaf, Rowan County, North Carolina. The requirement for corrective action is based upon the, release of gasoline from a farni tank located on the subject property, The tank was property registered with fees paid and has been entered into the North Carolina Trust Fund (Non-Commericial) for the cost of restoring groundwater quality. A Comphrehensive Site Assessment has been submitted for the site in Match, 1094, defining the need for corrective action. The following discussion describes the past history of the incident, and steps which have been taken in an effort to define the extent of impact. The Corrective Action Plan (CAP) was prepared by Geonvirontricntal, IEG Technologies, Inc, and Uke Norman Drilling, Inc. 1.2 LOCATION, BACKGROUND &HISTORY 1E WW ii WONW, -Magog=' on Irm are thwe greenhouses and as large shedfor as rra equtipment. All residences on the Collinsfarni rely capon graauradwcater aas as potable vvatersource. The landshave historically been rased aas farara kinds. Surrounding properties are alsojor-mlands, and sraaaall home businesses on St. Andretv Church Roaad. There daces not appear in historical records or lased upon verbal iratenlie ,s with area residences, any environmental related incidences in this area gather than the USTat the Collins aarni and ar lea ing fuel aril tank located aat as residence as quarter of is mile behind the Collins earrra on Potneck, road 1.3 HISTORY OF RELEASE e, tallowin surnmaary is taa enfrom the Piedmont Environmental report datedJune 22, 1993 and also l"'raaaaa iratervieav s with Mr. Collins by GeoEnvironrr entaal The site wars originallyserved lay two groundivatersupply wells. The Collins residence and migrate or ers housokg was supplied ky as vvell behind the Collins residence (labeled Collins # 2 in this report). The small house next to the Collins was servedby as Vie, aaraate well ( as small 2 " gel(, labeled OW-1 in this report). Approximatelyfiveyears ago, the tvvo inch well became contaminated mated bygasoline. Ire vas=ell was disconnected and as water line connected to the ollin's well. In 1992, an odor was noticed in the waterfrom well #1 ( ollin "s ''ell). A packer was installed in the well at 200feet in an attempt to Prevent surface contaminantsftoin entering the vvell. 7he odor continued. In March, 1993, Mr. Collins removed the 1, , aall n UST, and Piedmont Environrraenta l was contracted to test the open ca-vity scads. Those soils ivere ourad to contain high le ge& of BTEX constituents. Later in March, the Collin's well was sampled and 58ppb of benzene was reported by the anakytical liaborcatot)% This well was stopped being use as as potable water .source and ca new well was drill ed feet east (ulrslope) of the ollin's well. This well, designaated aas Well' later in this document, was tested and no BTEX a.arrrapou were detected 2. 0 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 2.1 GEOLOGICAL SE7TING The site is located in the Charlotte Pelt of the Piedmont Province. The Geologic Map of North Carolina (1985, 1 G shows the area. to be underlain keg units of inetaamor hac° inafic rocky. According to the Piedmont Environmental, Inc. June 1 report, "...rocks encountered in well borings and in the cavity excavation were examined in hand specimen. They consists largely of coarse -grained high sodium plragioclrase feldspar and fe °rornaagnesiaa a minerals in approximately a q aalproportions with minor visible al m '. Based upon examination tion of outcrops mar the farm, the Piedmont report is supported in identification of the rock type as predominantly dioitew The rock exhibits a strong lineation texture, The Piedmont report also identifies as strong regia nal joint pattern in the sile vicinity, which i vet evident in they drainage pattern of Fourth Creek Thepr doinar toir t, pattern trends nor-theast1northwest, which is consistent to the fractaare pattern of the soaath rn Piedmont. According to the Piedmont Environmental report.... ' a ture tsars analysis ann t be used to as much to predict the direction ofcontaminant migration as to indicate the presence ofsuch ,fractures will greatly y enhance the migration of contaminants through rock ......these micra fr'cactaares in the rock: create a high degree ofsecondary l r€asiq, in the rock-, which offersqffers ra highly effective conduitfor the vertical and lateral migration of released contaminants.... The nature of the highlyfractured rock at the site, coupled with hydr w ract wring of the rock J previous drilling activities, has likely contributed to contaminant migration tarry the t-ww o fa nner drinking vvater wwrells. Purnping from these wells over the period of time involved has libel captured the rhyme fr°°ont extensi ve down -gradien migratio a, Asurveyofftacturelineamentsis shown on Figure 3. Tivo prominent joint'sets are distinguished the strongest trending NW, are the second to the northeast. 7hefirstset is getter manifested in stream wraall , and can be readily associated with strong off -sets in Fourth Creek and the '" adk n River. Ire second set is better observed along stream va lleys, ridge slopes and ridge taps; and is consistent with the regional structuraltrend of thCharlotte Belt in this location. Other, leas prominent sets trend roughly in an east - west manner, and are less pronounced unless where intersecting with the major sets, forming rough blocks of terrain. Most of"the major ridges in the area are associated with these blocks. 3.0 EXPOSUREASSESSMENT 3A PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF CONTAM� Contaminants identified on -sate include low boiling point volatile organic, compounds usually associatedwith gasoline. 71te most toxic of these co pounds is generally held by the USEPA to be benzene, which is a known human carcinogen. This chemical promotes Troth acute and chromic toxilogical effects on humans. Acute effects included headaches and nausea. Chronic effects include brae marrow cancer or damage. Other i s toxic compounds detected on -site include toluene, xlenes and eta lhen ene. Those acute effects includefatigue, weakness and confusion and Central NervousSystem () depression. Chronic ejects for these contpounds are similar syarptorras only more severe. Catastrophic exposure to anof these compounds may re.saalt in death. Various polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PN 's) have also been detected on -site These compounds typically comprise the higher boiling pointfraction of the petroleum lkydrocarlron series. These compounds are known aninaaal carcinogins and some are suspected human carcinogens- 3.2 PATHWAYS FOR HUMAN EXPOSURE The primary pathwa fret° human exposure at this site is considered to be ingestion of c ontaaminaated groundivater or inhalation of vapors. were is some potential ford contact exposure frorn contaminated snit andfront contact with °ontantina ted water. There are several drinking waterwells in the general site area which, have been inn actedfrorn gasoline contamination. 3.3 POTENTIAL E RECEPTOR of 20ppm, based upon a categoiy A site. However, corwidering that a,static groundivater level in thhs area is aabaave l6feet and that solid raga.k is prevalent below l6 feet, the aarraount ofsoil excavatedfrom the cavity is the inaxiinum amount which would,be possible, andfurther rerrr rliaation will rely apon a groundwater clean-up scenario. Its addition, based upon contact of the r table with contaminated soi4 the SSE ruleis not 'strx t applicable to site, Bard boring data is included in Attachment A, with laboratory reports in Attachment B. Analytical resultsfor the initial borings are -tabulated in Table tat radius: FIGURE TABLE GROUNDWATERANALYTICAL RESULTS WELL REN7,FNF ETIIYI.BEN7ENF TOLUFNEY 1,1,1-T rya r, -err ,r c W-1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 i <1 <1 <1 <1 eta na MW-3 <1 <1 <1 <1 tut na 3900 1010 13300 5750 2230'666 W 5 <1 <1<1 <1 16 < -6D 4050 <5 219 123 <5 < <5 e <5 <5 < W--1 Soo 180 800 950 na n Collins #1 35 <3 22 <, Collins #2 <1 7 <1 18 nd n NC L. 0100 1 29 1000 530 .3 all -units in ppb PA Methods 601 <I indicates below la invaatrary detection lanits , as not analyzed raal not detected analyzed by, Heritage,Laboratoriesaard A qua "h rn Inc, NC2L .0100 refers to NCAC Title 15A 21,. 10 r and at r Standardv (Class )' W3"-8 sampled March 20, 1994. Collins #1 WW' ll sampled Janaaaary 19931 112 Well March 29, 1994. WW' I, 2, 3 a OW-1 sampled May 1993, r WW' 4„ 5, 6D sainplecl Novernber, 1994. VICINITY € V 2 YADKIN RM HWY so . THIROCREEK SY ANDRE vS CHUR61F. OACt MTNECK ROAD 1) w— a NORTH fence TANK CAVITY well m- 1 LOCATION CIFPROPOSED ', �0 91M ' ISVB WELL House }. - 79 44 Meta f, T31sa���atL L ' r �s` 0 No. 1 Water Well . Levee Co litis s LOCATIONS OF RECOVERY SVSTEM _~ ,i � r COMPONENTS I1 Chi FET GE0,5NN"IRONMENTAL FIGURE 7.1 Go*\cwc*uw&1,l 8.0 UVH PIL()�TALkVACUUHFXTRACTIONANDGROUNDWATFR RECOVERY SYSTEM m NAM RA ''dell ms� ttb�a'�wfi''wea^ir wta+was w�:tr':°Y's ,- i $AP�t-�a' c»rs„�.aw e#� =ar.arsm.r t^x^x�.;rr+�-e»+iwaYwwrorsvto. a►i" f# <s 1114la 01 Smccall ;a wa A- 5 rc�ix a* #�i r ei:e i#a e aii sa " �, b , L) b , d 1 W1110,14 otN tit THE V, ti i! » a 7i t t;c.+ r } an iml a e_.c:ltall agar aulmynrmunudl iks w r a1010mi k- yrai- .X....fiw !rr!" i,. V( , T"(1n1t.#" "ITIQ VIRI In we ;713w RM-1 dWfl 4J1 aNir-ti^xV A Mi ,# milrwv A LUC! r}.HI Ov Wr A�Aclu J-11 cur jd mufd#r t,�fd.t a drNkmad# idfid # titiorc, 13.-�- r arMa w i.iawK ;. my v vo wvttl `ud4mW d#.Cf jillL1 wAjjji. ft,111C, iri�.Ih -SVt# ed f1iA: that d rnn ry w"i the .. nfii!r, fiN �znfi mts:iflim! inr. of nflnn » hvv=dwmwmrMwrs w` �€� �. re�r►ceg'�e� rah t ���.�rds� r�tr:.ds�:a�rc�a#� �'r� a:rr��t�:�dd i�dr�r������e�idtt��r ��, t��xdt�����tir �d cIFF1116, 'u mi 4,.-"11i.t A,xar w xii m t tr i,IMAL ;iiIM CUM r r� w as re�nxa ftowwx J"WOOKA IVQA r# eag c cwscrwa+ t� r►t,ttc+r z#t .=- -#r .... �„'#,kz. .w c.: � » ..:a. _�.Yr<_.t;. ,-. the m aaar CIO, 5:apr»titc#wwtttc-t #ta 11 LCI VV 0 10 CUMI& t-Wi<ic# all LIJUR" QfX0.1,#m x a#s#co, eta ;01A, w::xEA,wsaz tt r-A&A.cCCt i wta At tti + .[tCi.r S.id4t.i.Ai.ffi &iLM.�R i.+iova 6!oil Lib lva , iv R«,.d i.0 a"t,s..CAI Z. 6.L1+«r .kioi.A Ae,. "I Ziii; rt.." .,: . m m, �. :, �..•_�-,- �::...� A.,.:» --mW �.,-..�.�. -.. ..... of Imm rate of expansiort. When the babbles reach the water air interface inside the well casing they burg and allow the VOC's toy be transported t the, well sitaft, and tip to the off -gas treatment ` t r t . A to the a ter the bubbles burst, the groundwater then falls along the walls of the well and produces i °team hydraulic pressure, forcingthe eater horizontally ittto the atiler thro u . the tipper screen section at the top of at aquifer. Groundwater flows into the lower part of the well to compensate for the water removal r the upper section. Thus, a vertical eirctilation developsr entering the screen in the lower part of the weit, or tbe bonamcd the aqnifer, and leaving through, the upperscreen segment, or the top oft .e aquifer. The expected ` VOC concentrations leaving the circulation cell are significantly lower than the influent tt .tit t e ti over time the VOC concentrations arerep-re-sented by a reduction t . e whicb eventually -reaches asymptotic levels, at or approaching North Carolina action, levels for the contaminants present. 11"1211,11IMM"I" "I e capture zone and circulation cell have been . imated four the UV systent, to be installed at the s site, usingr equations and graphical solutions e els erdi ., of the Groundwater ResearebGroup. 1 Gew"'ZOP, � mocha isInstitute,University, of Karlsruhe, Germany. The estimationss are based on the following assuitillions and simplifications: The. aquifer t s is constant O td conned conditions , tad the tst` li( n cep The .aquifer structure is &ss wn radially W c-) .. � , t- conductivities. o zont l Jaye each with . r .t i *ties, can be used. The kydranlic conductivities may be anisotropic,t each horizontal laver may have only one, vertical and one I;ofizontal conductivity-. . -.The local below-almospheric pressuir field near the well is neglected Density effecter are neglected ®tThe cornputatu s assuitte steady-state conditions For estimating the capture zone, otiltive t id d;. Using . �d is dti s � i acceptable i the hydraulic gradient is smA and the in the, static water level at the UVB dudirg orx-ration is also expected to be small. Based on these s ti following aquifer pirameters,, measurements, the upstream and downstream stagnationsstagnation IwAnts and the distances . ►. and R.t. have i t d. For a standardflow UVB, distance B.b. is defined as the bottomwidth of the captureznne, and distance B.t.is defined s the top width. of the capture. zone, as calculated for an upstream dist n ,cif (H=Ireight of saturatedpie effected the(Figure Assn for UVY-200 at CoMns,the, Darcian velocity L3 x t . cin/sec K.. rimntaf jai I x t .4. entk5ec Conductivity) Conductivity) Ity(frautic Orradient 0 J25 Thicimess of Treatment ne Hciot of Upper Screen 1.5 Height ofU)vver Sclwm in Saturated Zonet B ?k&kedr roate I QlFlowfimm Lcnver Zone to Upper ) Zone 2 -n-1/h For the U V13-200, the estintated downstream and upstreatustagratio n points (S) for tree.IJl, 'Vr3 circulattion cell is t8-49 tit Lrojn 11tecenter of the systent. One-half the wi&h of the circullation, cell Ls (13.b. + Rt.)14 = 15.70 m. "I"he capture 7one width, for the top of the zone, (13A.) Ls,24.94 ku, and for dit- N)ttoni of the zones kl-Rb.) his 37.94 na (',Figum- 3) (Appendlix F)i 8.3 EVAILUATINTG TIRE UVB SYSITM In order to evaloale, the, UV"B-200 moriot Ing W''Illbe, usse'd whenever po&4ble. In additioTt, t1wo UVB influent and offluertt annulus wells, and one UVB atulus, m inainteriance well, mW be cometed for each system, 8.11 SAMPLING INTERVAL ANE) REK)RI'S. All monitorinig Nvells stIed, UJIVIB pressure side off -gas port, mid infirient and effluent vls shall twesampled, analy;md, -and metistiredon the told mving schedule: prior to start-up (to establish a base line for evaluation of the system) one hour after initial switch on weekly fc)r the fira hNroureeks qoarlerly from the ',,econd month until operation 0,10 the, rernedia,"tion, is, concluded. All data wjR be entered on spreadsheets mid graphical representations of the data NVIll abso be c4xnaructed, Thesx, data fogats—Mill be, evaluated quarterly to Iftairitain the, ssys4e'rns at their c')ptim v#1 eft"Ielley, ,me, to nole, wheu aceqxab1c, contaminant levchs arc reached. 8.31.2 WASURW PARAIMETFAS AND PROCEDURES If the screen section length. for ckffitcr UVB armulus obscnrat well is greater than five feet) state aturhat depth in the'sovell the siample is taix-n. 8.1.2-1. 1 Vapor IF, ratucters Measou'L11-4-11 All parameter.9 listed belo'%Nv are mewsured fm. tit the pressure side of the UVB Blower prior to tuff-etts trmAtnent. Effluent Vapor. (sampling onifice provided appn-,rximately 18 ites otit from. the effluent port on blower) - relative Ittsmidity - air tetit xxature O—V,Cper'WIS I 9-t E-4-2 it flow velocity off -gas concentration of contamiriant(s) from groundwater, do se lone, capillary fringe with fresh air pipe open, and off -gas concentration of mc, klk hyd., arbot-us fro m -vadose zx)zi,- and capillary fiiinge (nninor groundwaterl, fresh airpig..ch-1sed - subuterize, the, swimmer and measure vacuum in U-VB well (the neurative, Pressure S1110- W-",U i ncrease if thew seal is g(XAl All Parameters Rst�di Wow are mtAsfireA from the top 4 the UVB influent A . Influe-Tit Vapor. (sampling point top of influent Pipe) - relative humidity (ambient) - air temperature (ambient) - it flow velocity - vacuum (negative pressure) in UVB- well with fresh air pipe open and covered From, the above stated data, and using, a thne weighted measurement of total volatfles per day in ppm, the amount of hydrocarbons extracted kv the rentediation, systems in pounds per day will be calculated and graphically represeutod as pounds - per day vs. time of operation. Groundwater Parameters Measured from UVB Observation Points The following parameters am measured in. -situ for all existing monitoring wells selected, and on additional monitorijig wells constructed as observation points for evaluating the UVB system. - pH (down -hole probe recommended) - dissolved oxy � gen (down -hole probe necessary) - temperature (down -bole he recommended) - water levels (with system on.) - water levels as a base line (initial measurement only) - selected hydrocartx%Ls The f"Mowing measurement is only taken from the observation wells in the UNI'B bore hole, annudus. - if sup oft pump is added later in the remediation (based on data collected during first 6 months), measure water levels in deep andshallow wells with, only the pump orand with pump and blower both on 9.0 BIOREMEDIATAON Froin the above discussion, the degree upon which the VOCs are removed from site soil and groundwater will be realized only with the obtainment of data (Alecud from the two ambient vacr un-I part air Inlal {to blower Intel flange land ofc, 1" static water level 1W stripping Vreactor FI x A 00 " packer"°"f SEAL 1438 a Ks1 Figure NOT TO SCALE Drawn By Date Description 9 EG - Technologies � 6/16 9 i3 l tk-�v fic�eElfa 8 19 - roaaboara Dr. charlotte, MC. 28217 Saved as Pro], No. Prepared for i e. (? ) 357 6090 +C ooenvirranmental _ Collins Silo X. (704 5? 1tt l tl3,44.9 010 .44.94 nro , t 2" PVC- nro.dus Wells with 21 PVC Slat Scrae+ns on bottom land atc, tt° Portland Cement taw Steel casing Bentonita iandhrid e 2rt .!!nL 2` m - mm roundwater table Fittarpack t- n * Bridge Slot Screen - T Bantorita Stool CRSIrtg, Sandbtlda 2.5 t1. w 1` 14, _ m (I w����ec�ttrrrww�� tiridapSlrst Scean [ .r Filtarpack (1-3 mm) 1W SE AL - If-t, w�tatetaf4rww�w� Figure 8.2 NOT TO SCALE Drawn By Date Description SL Charlotte, N.C. 2821 Plmno=( 04) 35' 6090 Saved as ro . No. Prepared for FAX (04) 357 flill sip vircnebrnntal - Collins Sites ttl�l3sn+ail.�w2 tiltt��, Moorm N t width at top * dt width At b01110M - 3744 M . holg ht of **hWatod zww to be tro*tod A - am of ra gas z 1 ? sq t1 a Not to scale. Figure 8.3 TWO VERTICAL CROSS SECTION PERPENDICULAR B nvir tt`tmental - Collins Site TO FLOW OF UVO CAPTURE ZONE Monroe, NC 4 IEG TECHNOLOGIES CORP. 1033-0 Crossv+ ft, No 28217 Circulation Cell Groundwater flow f Bb E { Bt 24. Bb . f to I A VV8 Capture Zons, Release Zone Geoenvironmental - Collins Site And Circiia0rin Cal Monroe, NC IEG TECHNOLOGIES CORP. 1833-0 Cross seem Drive Uys no Wn"40 coo 4riOttS. No 28217 r- 40 o' VV,RTXCAZ rXAC-GA'PAZXCW 2X T'r. TLE: COLI,INS XSEC17ION 80, 401 0 FIGURE 4 3 HORIZONTAL SCALE C;VOEWVTROM=AL Mto oto 5t IRS °*0 y ks wawa a ` LEY mu, xs G x 'o xovs wp <! SAUSISUM to a M ; * h « I as ffi i a r.� • IPA I l EDNI NT .w .—.�. T � r S � f �`°�✓r a � ie TEa�'� r Y�Id � [ v r�q's..Et+,,.. r�`:�'p tt V,t"" k•,' „_''`"„�' p'6 �� aw 4,.�=`4 rk, �"',- ,'",.+v° ,,,\ 5�,..�',,'^�. `� � :'� � •��. ''� �� � �' `� � '"`'-�„� ., a p �`' �—� sus C ��'� e IN I,- 3NI�N N I t� \`\ F!,r r" �d ` -r�,✓��� ' ./�,'J `S ,�-... � F �p ' '�-,.... y t;; �� ��� 1 \ � "���;", � } �`�` k ` „--""'"—,�� y''.r.�. �" � `' \ .,,_r � , h1 ` _ ttly {�FS to b l i " c S 4 w { 4Mr fit\ . tS r �.`. `^�..w-,.,,�'� �..,;�, \\L: � t` P t a i � r•. ( r'' 'tip.. S. ,f r t� +r" \t"f^-Jt y" °� `._� p a §'. t.�` I ��^' �`tt ! � r rN (�"I"rz � `� ", `,, �5 r-r� g €, ." ��y'a�„ k'= �� �t`` .� • �''✓`. ^�\" Stir m ^ � �"✓"66""` t ,v. k„� }� `, # %"1Jt"rF,� "lE`.`.`v' ; "",`'y, "�.,. d � _ '',= r'�� :. "*_, �Y �--.-.�1, # .��:_ ��: t �°I r v�\LAY _ ,� i v - � 4yP ' � �� �h 7 ---. � ✓ ' "",.. � � ��, ` ',* i r iQ$ '�" ; � 'r" �.?t7"` r 0 ! .+'a q .�- "'+#". \ 1' " ,.� ..„ ¢.. 7, ..:. 6a` �a Af PO IT zoo i. ;r^ � �� ,5�G 1 �\ ✓ s r F 1 i }, ` 1, � 39� �_-"`�'v { ,�,r - "✓r}° .r' \�`"�,,.''. j � t �. •� � r." . "~: F< r � { �` """'� —�'T I =�-5, � ai l � ' Char �`j �i= a"""w` } ","� r ,-^ i �k\`^� ,G.^`"��-"'�--�`-�..4 "`� � 'm.i% #`s.' ^`^"�C�J�-,a'`�^�.�i"� r \ • �✓fi7r�la� J l �^ .r ," _ :-'�} t �'" ,,,.-"""�.�^"' - •.., � �`�'-�, j :..�, � � ,��;n.�-�� Vt rr' ��� ff r �Y r`',5�.. r ' dF ,� �' ifirx` YIY g o f 4 ,1 j " '`"'� ' F `,. r. r , t! 'k 1✓'t,V `" r' ,rd' r"r +" IN VO WON ' a'_ [ �f �:. } �° � .�-..>y9 r� � )r'' f � � � �'� ✓ 4: P 9'�•^-, 'w._._ "� p '' .t p+�j� � � u f �� `.'�t -y . w.,.P �� S '`,`.�., �. Y� \�, � `�� �..-A`.�'" Y L �., t } �y ,r � "" ,f � r�„i 6 � ,.✓t `�,.� � �{ � ,., r. f�'�, f a+ & } i .. � • <, rfif"" `, v. `-�.. "�,..� '�.-... �"i, .� � l* ,� i k f__-..'yS \,." ��VY'`*�.' i� `, ,.� � r � NEB. `��* "a>,'4 ✓``?c -5—``�., �,r \ `"'*.=,,..."' � .,�, rr rr ,. v^ �, � -.. `",^,," ;. "^max ~,"`r.x-"'�.""! '. `\`*�'^w; ``,``�. ,=t t �✓ E _. "".4 i � `"• ye : " "` t '^..�.' tF �....-. r NI \ �; k S. .V. /i" 6` r( ._ A ✓ ✓ pnr�aVim." �'��°`. w ,� t IL IL - �.. 1. �,•-:.'�, f r� ` „� . - .� r Wow, N 5 * 4 5' ROAD Ci.ASWC CATION I MILE Primary highway, Ught-duly road, hard or 111AX) FEET hard surface lmproved SUO.UC* ,I'IL FLp Secondaty highway, [lard surface Unimproved road lntersEale Route U S Rowe _)State Route Ci OL0E0G5-TEFE-0,2 CO35E8-M QUAU,RANGLF LOCATKlN 4N. 1969 REQUEST PHOTOINSPELTED 1983 DMA 4855 1 SE —SERIES )84? OW f searrple rt Ma a° 1993, W 4, 5, 00.scarritaled Novejndw.,r, 1994, The extent of groundwater contamination is slrca vrr oil, the isocorrcentration isoplr the (riqure . and crass sections A -A'and aantl l-a B'(ay' ores 4. 4.4). 4.3 AQUIFER CHARACTERISTICS lthoug,ah ,s rec,°i fic aquifer testing has not been tacccanalalished.fiar purposes of the Corrective roc°than Plan, pumping data frtrarr thae existing vvells at the Collin's residence indicates that that fractured deep bedrock is capable cif supplying large quantities of water, crrr the order~ rrl lip to l l) a farm fa trraa tlec,racest tiataert girls_ his indic�eates thaat the secYtand aryp porar,srty o thce frrac°tarred ` eth-ock is loca.fly high, with large trcarastnissivii v values andyielri Storage ccrlaracity i likel-v to a�aaty depending upon the notaare of �rarli� zcltacal frcactaare sets. Elie shealloiii aterater taahle tattt Glee a aquifer appear to he in hydraulic connection, based upon the similar stave., levels its AIW-4 and t1 -61). 1. e--iwatering; of the deep aquifer during pionping would however, produce ca much more pronounced effect ct its the deep rock before straw sub ttantical impact to the shallow zone. (7onsidering that to as certain degree shallow iv ataer table horizons in the Piedmont often adopt as perched water table characteristic, this condition call give an exaggerated irnlrressican with the exhaustion ofst raa e capacity its the bedrock as thefi-acture reservlors are depleted, Considering as static relationship ofthe shralloiv and deep a quifier(s), sonar time period would b expected before those static leveLy would equilibrate, probably on the order ofmonths, upon ca significantstress being placed on these systems. Vertical hydraulic gradients at the site rate still predominantly spawn, although local semi -confined conditions ore considered to be present based Messrs the difference in screened intervals in bedrock and static water tables ill, the sheallokv horizon and water levels in those sleeper wed s® As stated in t re it°oElivirr ninentral Site Assessment, groitndvt�eiterflox irr ilre clear)) cralarifer rt r rrlal hcefa ouraahle far the rapid migration of conta ininrarats corn the contaaminants fin ally° reached the deer bedrock-. Migration in the shallow water table ivoulel be slower, although the e°ffecrs O pumping would expediate this rni raation, especially dissolved constituents. One to laydrofract ^ring during the construction of OW-1 opening newfracture traces, rani pionping from 0W 1 and ColliWv #1 well, the release ofgasolinefroni the teatk cavity area has nagrrateei in as more or less cross gradientfashion to those vvell areas rather than the expected nornaaa direction towar&, Fourth Creek and the Yadkin River (see Fgure 4. ) h'i ores 4.6 & 4.7show >routrtlw ater* ow direction, base,(] upon static rswter levehi from non - pumping wells, on 11 � and 31, The higher water levels in the 411 1 d—aut is probarhlity reflective of bath scaasonaal high water in the eaxrly springy and also the absence of purnlain� frtrrar the two wells at the Collins sitesince the summer of 1993. 4.4 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Based upon. the inforrnaation collected, sail inalaaac°tet f onz as gasoline lead f ow the fiarna UST has inzpatcteal surroundin, snail andgroundwater with BTEX and related compounds. Sail contamination of BTEX constituents appears to be lar' ely confined to the immediate tarn' eery°its, area, with vertical migration in soil limited by the shallow bedrock andshallow water table. Groundwater conttatrrin tion laws I TEX conipatinds appears to be at depth and irrf uenced over the years lry,tar ntarain from the Collins anal well, which has dreasa n the conteantin atilon into the Teel!. This purnping has also served to trap the BT".�X plione to ca certain degree and prevent extensivecltt�t ngra.dient m raation. TTae phone aan ea is to be of`aa more verticalextent than lateral extent, clue to the absence of BTEX compounds in the shallow monitoring wells other than , ivhic i is in the T"aank ca vity areas. The best tarracticealale position fiar the verncral extent e.. Jf the phi file is thee concentrations. stand in the Collins well # 1, which is an ostler of tnat nirud e less than wheat 7 The following discussion describes 1n more detail each of the 4- }lect t options, their principal conceptual design e:omponerl safety features, m " to m e and operational feasibility and a schedule for implementation of the individual components. This section outlines In detail the recommended program for groundwater extraction and treatment. The design of this system is based to a large degree upon our collective experience nce in the hydraulic characteristics of shallow groundwater in Piedmont soils. Yield from recovery ells In tight Piedmont soils are generally on the- order less than .5 to 2 gallons per mute for any one producing well. The low yield is due to low tram `ssi ity of Piedmont soil, generally on the order of 10 to :20 square feet per day. Although these soils can often reach hydraulic conductivity values for a givers monitoring well approaching, time sec, the overall heterogenity of the zone to be pumped can often result in a shallow aquifer hydraulic conductivity of 10"to 1 �e sec Pear this reason, steady dy state radirts of influence can tale mouths to years in approaching a maximum capture zone sufficient to significantly impact capture of they plume. Considering the size of the. plume, and also the rapid recharge of the monitoring wells during development d purging, e recommend that a pilot recovery system he installed consisting of a recovery well _l at the location of Figure 7.1 A groundwater analyticat model was used to simulate a pumping wellwith an aquifer s siity of 20 sftd , a pumping rate f 5- I rrr, and a hydraulic gradient of .Gl 5. Porosity s sti aced at .25" The results of this homogenious analytical model .. indicates that a capture zone of about 50 feet can be: established from e well in a period of about 1.80 day o s (Figure " Actual results • d pumping rat f e pilot test , will be used to them calibrate e model. Effluent f -1 will be discharged to the remedial UVB system for contaminant removal (Figure ). This information can then be used to exitiaction method'vono"e#ting the pa" and treat provide data with .ie the jeasihili4, of air sparging can further be assessed • provide data with which to evaluate thefeassibility for groundwater inflitration or in ecdaan • provide data use W in the determination of in -situ bio-trealment 7.1a1 RECOVERY WELL DESCRIPTION E The recovery system comprised of one recovery well and the treatment system and disposal practice will be discussed below. -7. 1.2 RECOVERY WELL LOCATION' The location of the recovery well (Figure 7.1) was chosen based upon the site layout and the need of having a well in the downgradient portion of the plume and also a well in proximity to the higher concentration area of the plume. The well is positioned to control plume migration as well as collect contaminated Neater for treatment and to also serve as an indication of the feasibility of groundrater injection and/or infiltration. There also currently exist a pumping well in this location which can serve as a recovery well. The current well has already been abandoned as a functional potable watersupply, 7.1.3 RECOVERY WELL DESIGN Initially we anticipate that the present OW-1 well can, serve as the recovery well, since the well is already placed downgradient of the higher concentration area of the plume and is already a ftmetional well. 7.1.4 PUMP 8EL�� 7.2 TREATMENT SYSTEM COMPONENTS ur Mulaw 3m,pping anu rowase two greatly reduce the amount of 0 &M mquiretttents� 7.3 SAFETY FEATURES A nrain consideration in die selection of the proposed system is the relatively simple and compact manner in which the systern can operate. This is especially significant considering the proximity of the eff6cted areas to normal farm operations and exposure pathways to working nel. The low concentrations, of contarninants expected in the person system effluents are not near to explosive levels, although the equipment that we chose ,7 M will be explosion proof. The cl ctrical components and the lines to the recovery pump will be installed by a licensed l trician. Level sense _ in the recovery- well will cot th system off with the absence m i nt water to extract. All system otwill he insulated to inhibit frecvjng All conduits and manifolds r and not accessible to contact by farm . The system monitoringprogram will consist of sampling of pre-treatment, system effluent and influent and also post -treatment di. ,h. c water. A -system of piezonieters will also he installed at localities around the facility intersecting the growidwater table, such that static water levels can be onitored as an indication of system rf'o r c . This testing will" beaccomplished on a minimum monthly basis for the initial year of operation. rind the first month of system start-up this monitoring will be conducted bi-weekly. The effluent and fluent water will be, analyzedfor EPA Method compounds. In addition, discharge water will be analyzed for 1, biological oxygen demand „ chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total suspended solids d. Additional testing of any permit parameters a: specified in the plants, is discharge permit will also be nducted. GeoEnvironmental will forward the results of the system monitoring to the on a calendar quarterly basis. Building 70 MW-7 (cir) no Miter encountered NORTH 13 fence TANK CAVITY 1,0 84,91 r` House BASE EUVATION BASED LPON ARBTMARY DATUMESTABLISHED BY SURVEYORS, CONTOURS BASED UPON WMLS: -1 ,3, N IONI"t" RI fs WELLS NOT YE,r INSTALLED AT THIS TM,, 0 :`eta. I Water Welt fence TE6-17-93 0 160 FEET CEO I . ETAL FIGURE 4.6 NW-3 7476 x Srr TRIADCREEK FK,)rNEr.R ROAD m 73,8 NI -7 (dry) rr w atr~r encountered fens GREENHOUSES X TANK t VIT r 'r -frig 0 (84,0) l 'tell Ww (84 D) - l House MW- Metal Building n No. l Water Well 7 NORTH s fence 0 160 FEET POT NTH -29-94 UM 13 S UPON MARY DATUM UED BY SURVEYORS, ING M 40 60 so vs -I rT'% loo PROBLEM SUMMARY: GPTRAC SEMI -ANALYTICAL OPTIOLT Aquifer Type: Leaky Confined Aquifer Number of Pumping Wells: Number of Recharge Wells: Transmi. ssivity: 20. ft**2/d Hydraulic Gradient: 0.012500 ft/ft Angle of Ambient Flow: 165.00 degrees Aquifer Porosity: 0.20 dimensionless Aquifer Thickness: 160. ft Boundary Type and Location: no boundary Simulation Time: 800. days Capture Zone Time: 500. days Confining Unit Hydraulic Conductivity: 0_00100 ft/d Confining Unit Thickness: 0. ft, Would you like to see well parameters? (Y/N) r 1 1 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA FOR WELL # I * Coordinate: 50. ft * Coordinate: 50. ft Well Discharge Rate: 96. ft**3/d Transmissivity: 20. ft**2/d Hydraulic Gradient: 0.050000 ft ft Angle of Ambient Flow: 165.00 degrees Aquifer Porosity: 0.20 dimensionless Aquifer Thickness: 60. ft Boundary Type: no boundary Distance from Well to Boundary: 0. ft Orientation of Local System: 0.00 degrees Capture Zone Type: time -related Travel Time: 180. days Number of Pathlines: 30 <Press Any Key to Continue> EK,�ka DeI#W%b)q#00 Of YtOtOdWOter 1"Oiih� d4O Al A�00tibn` WO the UVO we WAAWN n , mm Me resift of these Modeling ettOM are OvauaOle as 9W al the UVW groundwater V&Oathloht $YOOM n6se d6sj�qn OA!s have been used to estimate the groundwater rise in the OV$we# doe to i*ctibn- -Given., well height H 4.3 m 14 ft hydraulic conductivity Kh 0. 000 1 M/S anisotropy K1h1Kv 10 screen length a I m 3.3 ft length ratio a1H ca. 0.25 fa VB flow rate 0 2 m3h 8.8 gpm injection rate Oi 0. 22 7 m3lh I gpm P& KhNV = 10, 609z — I 24 fFi4- E8- 1) and (24 — 0.0 701 niA For Qi1(H2Kh) = 0. 341, AhilH = 0. 0 126 (Fig. E8- 1) or AN = 0. 0543 m. pbr 0 Wy2W = 0. 04$� A" t�� a 155 ft, M11 or Ah = a 6" m Ste 4: p— The quantity AN is applied at the lower screen only, while Ah is applied at both screens. The resultant hydraulic head changes due operation of the UVB with injection are calculated as f6#0 WS: upper screen Ala = 112 Ah = 0,334 m = 1. 10 ft lower screen Ah = AN - 112 Ah = -0. 28 m = -0.917 ft An Pvure 86�5� the conV4tatiM of head changes has been done Mr a ra� Of 04 ra CY CY Cy I, Fig. -1 Graph of flow ratio rl . OJO, rash+, in relation to anisotropy ,v This figure is taken from: Anlag,un zurn Bericht Nr.702 Nurnerische Unfar a hungen zurn Untardr lr- erd mpf r-Brunn n (UVB) and turn Grundwa er- irkl tions- rc nn(� s 4 ) by DrAng. f , Herding and Di 1. Ing. J. Starnm 0.2- OliK 0.1 0.2 . (H2K,j1 , Fig. - : Graph of relative difference between hydraulic head, hll in relation to ill { , ,, and to anisotropy K,,/K This figure is taken "from: AnIagen zurn Bericht Nr.702Nu ari cha Untar uch rrgarr zurrr U t rdrr ck— erdampfer-1 rrrnnen (UVB) and zurn Grundw as r- it ulat on - rear nen ( ) by Dr.Ing. B. Herding and Di 1. crag, J. Stamm 0,45 0 "1 All/1-1 0,,2 „I 12 ,f Fig. l - A Graph of nh/H for lI 0.25 This figure is tapers from: Anl g n zum Bericht Nr.702 Num rls he Untdrsu hung rr zum U t rdrUc - rd mpf rµ runnen it VB) rrnd turn Grund ass r- irkulati tis- runnen € B by l r.Ing, B. Herding and l igl. Ing. J, Stamm 0.5 I FigureE-. Changes in hydraulic heads in the UVB dueto injection: R' eolet pr ' diaaxx. IMAM personnel. The system monitoring programs will consist of sampling of pre-treatment system effluent and influent and also post:--treatmcut discharge water. d At systems of piezorneters will also be installed at localities around the facility intersecting the groundwater table, such that static water levels can be monitored as an indication of system performance. This testing will be accomplished on a minimum monthly basis for the initial year of operation. During the: first mouth of system start-up this monitoring will be conducted i-weekly. The effluent and influent water will be analyzed for EPA Method 602 compounds. In addition, discharge water will be analyzed for pH, biological oxygen, demand , chemical oxygen detuand (COD) and total suspended soli J )_ Additional testing of any permit parameters as specified in the plants discharge permit will also be conducted¢ GeoEnvitontnentat will forward the results of"'the system monitoring to the NCDEHNR on a calendar quarterly basis. .4 UVB PILOTAIRI AND GROUNDWATER SYSTEMRECOVERY 8.1 INTRODUCTION .after a review of remedial alternatives, -nviront enta has reques that IEG Technologies ) design an active soil and groundwater treatment system to remove petroleum hydrocarbons BTEX) and halogenated hydrocarbons from the soil and groundwater ate at the J.B.`oll ns residence in Woodleaf, North Carolina. The groundwater treatment system is being designed to clean tip soil and State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Non -Discharge permit Application (rHIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION SYSTEMS 10 systems which use either infiltration galleries or injection *l ells_ " This permit application form is for . pelts ection of this application must be, competed Scharr treated groundwater into the subsurfaceat 9191733-3221 to obtain Groundwater unless otherwise noted. Contact the Groundwater Seenon Remediation system Permit Application Guidelines. I . GENERAL INFORMATION'. In I Applicant (corporation, individual, or other): It rt, responsible for the treatment Print Owners or Signing official's Narne & Title (person legally & disposal system & its compliance): M 2. 3, Mailing Address:__A_�2����� City: State: ___IL2fZip:— Telephone No.: (_ZQ 4, ReT-nediation Site owner. _ Federal; State; ,-Private; Public; Native American Lands; _ Other (spee ifY) "I 5, List the principal products or services provided by facility: doctamer is included 6. project Name (facility Or establishment name, should be consistent on all -r --- in this application package): C ,-dl _05_ize�l 7. GroundwatetInCident Number if known): 8. Location of emediation Activities (Street Address): J I ") State:--A— City-County: 10, Fee Submitted: $ 9. Application Date: 11, Contact person who can apswey questions about application: 717 elep hone number - Name: Tage_ of 10 FORM- GWRS 1192 PERMIT INFORMATION: permit Number (Will be completed by DEW . Specify whether r : t is- Vie, r e al*, �.�- ficati n; —name e ch *1 lete only ions 1, 11, and *lf,renewal or name change without rather rrr i � pled ttcopies apilicar� signaturera p- y Submitraly her each), Engineer's signature not required for renewal car name changes Without ot modifications. 3. if this application is being submitted a a result of a renewal car radificatia�tt t an existing ` pe "t, list the existing pe it number and issue date. 111. INFORMATION OT,4 CONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER** M List contaminants detected' gallons er da p y s Volume Of groundwater to re ediated r day: . Explanarion, of hew volume was determined: GENERALE1 INFORMATION'. t 1. Specify the type of system that is being installed: r infiltration gallery;; injection well rather spci� ,i a brief description of all components f the treat t disposal e �s etc-):i.e. _a treatment Provide °ea ent tartits> pumps,tanks, chemical feedsystem, injection and/or se- e ci ,Applicable to Injection ells require 3 1 A CA .: 13 ell Cons cti n Standards,any well be monitored; therefore, a sampling that contaminant levels in the fluid injected intoe wells port must be provided on the effluent lines treated t e forr to monitoringc atrit ca teffluent, r irrftltrat can gallery ® i he p t rll spe rfy the lin tart design i detailed. Identify the 1 ation in the p s sp .cifcati ras where the s p N FORM:GWRS 12192 Page 2 o V. DESIGN INFORMATION FOR INFILTRATION GALLERIES: L Specify the dimensions of each infiltration gallery: (a) L= - ft. W= -- D= ft. E D= (c) L= - ft, w= - ftm D= - ft, 2. The static water level at the gallery location is feet. The vertical separation between the gallery trench bottom and the mean seasonal high water table is -- feet. 3A soil scientist must provide an evaluation of the soils where the infiltration gallery will be located and must specify an acceptable loading rate (amount of water gallery can accept). This evaluation should determine whether theloading rate shall be based upon only the surfiace area of the infiltration gallery or he er is appropriate to include some of the side wall depth. b . Does the area specified above include only the surface area or has some of the side wal I depth been used? _ surface area only; or_ surface area plus side wall depth. c. If side wall depth has been used, specify how much depth or height above the infiltration gallery bottom has been used. inches. d. The recommended loading Tate is GPD per square foot. 4. Briefly describe any mounding of groundwater, above the static groundwater levels, that may result from infiltration (please attach calculations and/or diagrams): VI. DESIGN INFORMATION FOR INJECTION WELLS*. 1, Identify the principal aquifer to which the injection wells will be discharging: I e', 2- Is the aquifer identified in VIA above the same aquifer fro rn which the contaminated groundwater was extracted? yes no If no, describe how the aquifers are n hydraulically relatedo a e 0- fo 4 3. Briefly describe any mounding of groundwater, above the static groundwater levels, that may result from the injection (please at alculations and/or diagrams) - FORM: GWRS 12,/92 Page 3 of 10 4. Characteristics of injection well(s) [attach additional sheets if necessary]: 1 well well [Injecti, Characteristics Depth ft.) I% Diameter (inches) lnetlan rate (GPM) Injection volume GP ) #elan ressnre Injection tern . 0 Casing material Depth of easing t. Casing diameter ) Casing schedule number Cement grout from ft. from F ft� from (primary or inner easing) to ft, to ft. to ft,_ Cement grout (stater from ft. from ft. from ft. easing, if applicable) to ft to ft. to ft. Screened or uncased from ft. from ft¢ from ft. interval(if applicable) to ft. to ft.. to ft. Type of screen manufactured or hand slatted f tf a lica le) Screens inner diameter aeter (inches -if applicable) Gravel pack from ft. from ft from ft. (if applicable) to -- fan to ft.. to ft. Well contractor Contractor registra. no.. VIL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: FORM: 12/92 Page of 10 2. Classification of the closest downslope surface waters: as established by the Environmental Management Comriiission and specified on page 7 of this, application). 9 4. The applicable buffers must be met in accordance with 15A NCAC 214 .0200 and 15A NCAC 2H MQ. Some of those buffers are described below - a. 100 feet between injection wells or infiltration galleries and any private or public water Supply Source; b. 50 feet between injection wells and waters classified as WS, B, or other strearns, canals, marshes, lakes, impoundments, or coastal waters; c. 100 feet between infiltration galleries and waters classified as WS, B, or other streams, canals, marshes, lakes, impoundments, or other coastal waters; d. 100 feet between injection wells or infiltration galleries and the mean high water of waters classified as SA or SB; e. 100 feet from injection well and infiltration gallery treatment and disposal systems and the normal high water of Class I and Class II impounded reservoirs which are used as a source of drinking water, f. 50 feet from injection well and infiltration gallery treatment and disposals and property lines; If any of the applicable buffers cannot be met, please explain how the proposed buffers will provide equal or better prote f the urface or groun crea ed potential for nuisance conditions: _`,�TFH, cs eN— 41 /131 THIS APPLICATION PACKAGE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT UNLESS ALL OF THE APPLICABLE, ITEMS ARE INCLUDED N87ITH THE SUBMITTAL RequiredIre nu a. One original and three copies of the completed and appropriately executed application form. b. The appropriate permit processing fee (see page 10), in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0205(c)(5). C� Submit four copies of the Corrective Action Plan if it contains any of the requested pertinent information. d- Four copies of the existing permit if a renewalor modification. el Four sets of detailed plans and specifications signed andsealed by a North Carolina Professional Engineer. The plans must include a general location map-, a topographic map which extends one mi yond property boundaries and FORM: GWRS 12/92 Page 5 of 10 X h INSTRUCTIONS TO NC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER: FORM: GWRS 12/92 Page 6 of 10 e classification of the closest do slo s a (the surface at that overflow from the groundwater is ion facility would flow towards) must determined e appropriate DEM regional office. Therefore, you are required, prior to submittal of the application package, to submit this form, with items l through S completed, to the appropriate Division of Environmental a eme t Regional Water QualitySupervisor (see page 10). At a minimum, you must include an 8.5" by Ill, cope of the portion of a 7.5 minute USGS Topographic Map which shows the subject surface waters. You must identify the location of the groundwater remediation facility and the closest downslopes e waters on the submitted map copy, Once the regional office has completed fine Blass hie map cation, reincorporate this completed a and the topographic p into the complete application form and submit the application package. 1. Applicant (corporation, in dividual, x orother m _ e & complete address of engineering City: State: zip: .. . Telephone number: 3. Project name-. 4. Facility design flow- p " 5. e of closest downslope surface. waters: a bun s where project =4 surface waters are located: '." Map name and date:... Professional Engineer Seal and Signature nst be legible] (specify to REGIONAL TQUALITY SUPERVISOR Please provide, me"with the classification of the surface waters identified number 5 above and on e attached p segment: Name and Complete Address of Engmeering S 1 age 7 of 1 State: Zip: 'its: Telephone No.: Pt CtI t LET Ci I J II � + ; i I it I ATI N.' attest that this application for has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the n has been hest of y knowledge. led I further a ie t that t theh fhu h f my �. led ain the s proposed esigotil package prepared in accordance with the applicable regular nay have n developed by other professionals, �rn�iti inclusion of these t conss under my signature and istent with the rc��a design signifies that:I have reviewed thismaterial professionalNC Engineer's Seal and Signature [trust be legible] (specify date A �g �AVS :CE RK T �IF I C AT 10 N: Oil attest that this application tor I, has I n r igi d rite d is cct t d complete t the best f y kn l d e. I understand that if allrequired parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments ar «t * eluded, this application package will be returned a incomplete. Signature: THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: North Carolina Division of Environmental Management water Quality Section Permits and EngineeringFngineering Unit P.O. Box 2 535 512 forth Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 2* 2 -0535; Telephone Number: f 1 33.5 83 PERMIT PPLICA 'IO? PROCESSING FEES FORM: GWRS .2i2 Page 8 of I. s Applicant (corporation, individual, or other). Name & complete address of engineering firm: Z` c' City: state. _p Telephone nrtrnber Project Warne: ASI► µ d, Facility design flog; GP . Name of closest do rnsloe surfacewaters: 6, Count s where: project and surface eaters are located- 7, � N. Map nacre and date. ® R . 35 8NC Professional Engineer Seal and Signature [mast be legible] (specify12 ,'""'� t'l INI G . '� F`e> TO: REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUPERVISOR Please Provide rye with the classification of the surface waters identified in member 5 above and on the attached reap segment: Name of surface graters: Classification (as established by the Environmental Management Commission): Proposed classification, if applicable:iz;�®� Signature of regional office personnel. late. " Name and Complete address of Engineering Firm: � l FORM: GWRS 12192 Page 7 of 10 city: - tateW , Zip: W w Telephone No--. PROVESSIONAi, ENGINEER'S Eli IC TIO r attest that this application for LL M _ has been reviewed by me grad is accurate and complete t the least lr knowledge. further attest that t the lest f nn knowledge the proposed design has been ackage prepared in accor � e with the applicable regulations.Although Hasa rna l ttnder� si nauaree rtain portions of his submittalend se l may have been developed by other professionals, inclusion of signifies that I`have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed se design, NC Professional Engineer's Seal and Signature tniust be legible] (specify date) APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION: attest thatthisapplication for if has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the hest of my I unrode standaohat and all rewired pt s of this application are not completed and that of all }aired supporting attachments are not included, this application package will l returned as incomplete, Signature - Date: THE COA PLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORAIATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FL?%.F.OWINGADDRESS: North Carolina Divisiou, of Environmental Management Water Quality, SectiOu, Permits and Engineering plait P.O. Box 29535 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone Number: 9191733-5083 PERNIFF APPLICATION PROCESSING FEES FORM: GWRS 12/92 Page 8 of 10 PERMIT APPLICATION PROCSS1 S ... LATE RENEWALS P1'IiS 1,000,000 GPI Industrial S . W 10,001-1,000,000 GPD Industrial $ 5 Sewage link Water $400 $250 1,001-10,000 GPD Industrial Sewage/Cooling Watr $ r = 1,000 P1 and Single family dwelhng $240 $120 Modifications that involve only name changes are $50. P W1 S 12/92 Page 9 of 10 North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Groundwater Section 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Winston-Salem Regional Office Raleigh Regional Office Washington Regional Office 8025 North Point Blvd, 3800 Barrett Dr. 1424 Carolina Ave. Winston-Salem, NO 27106 Raleigh, NC 27609 Washington, NC 27B89 (919)896-7007 (919)571-4700 (919)946-6481 Asheville Regional Office 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 (704)251-6208 Mooresville Regional Office 919 N, Main St, Mooresville, NC 28115 (704%63-1699 r a PAN 0 Wiln'iinglon Regional Office 4-4 I - 0 INTROD UC TION A ND BA CK6yR -0 UND GeoEtivironinental is pleased to submit in this document the results of our screening of remedial alternatives for corrective action at the J.B. Collins Residence (Incident # 10047) located in the Town of dleaf, Rowan County, North Carolina. The requirement, for corrective action is based upon rite release of gasoline front a fattil tank located on the subject property. The tank was properly registered with fees paid and has been entered into the North Carolina Trust and (Non - Commercial) fear the cost of restoring groundwater quality. A Comphrebensive Site Assessment has been submitted for the site in, March, 1994, defining the need for corrective action. The following discussion describes the past history of the incident and steps which have been taken in an effort to define the extent of impact. The Corrective Action Plan (CAP) was prepared by GeoFnvironmental, IEG Technologies, Inc. and Lake Norman Drilling, Inc. L I HISTORY OF PROBLEM This Corrective Action Plan (CA P) is being prepared in response to an initial Notice of Violation (NOV), Incident # 1004 7 issued to Mr. J B. Collins with regard to as release from an undergroundstorage tank (US7) at hisfarni dated April 7, 199.3 (Attachment 1). Several earlier investigations were conducted by Piedmont Environmental, Inc. in an attenipt to define the characteristics of the release during the remainder of 1993 and early 1994, with reports submitted to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM) on June 22,199-3 and November 30,1993. Additional information has been requested,ky the DEM as as result of the previous reports. A second NOV was issued to Mr. Collins in November, 199-3 (Attachment 2). A Site Asse,"ment Report ivas generated as as result qf the additional requested information and also in an attempt to include the results of pre vious work in order to establish the practible lateral and vertical extent of gasoline contamination in soil and groundvvater, Other volatile organic compounds associated with the gwvoline release are also investigated in this report. DiLv work is being performed under the non-commercial Trust Fund based upon the UST in question being classified as afarm tank by CAP pertains only to the releaseftoon the tank, and does not address the removal qf the tank and disposal of contaminated soil ftom the tank cavit .y. The reviewer is referred to the Piedmont Environmental, Inc. report dated June 22, 1993for specific information regarding thefate of those materials. 1.2 LOCATION, BACKGROUND& HISTORY 7-he J. B. Collins Site is located in rural northwestern Rowan County (Figure 1.1 near tile tow"n of Woodleaf, on St. Andrews Church Road (state road 1950). 7he site consist of about 14.57 acres located on both sides of St. Andrew Church road The larger tract is situated on the east side of that road, comprising 10-53 acres. Asinaller 4.04 tract issituated on the weststale of the road, The site is currently occupied 4yfive dwellings, one of which is the Collins residence an the east side, andfour inigrate workers housing on the west side of rite road A second house next to the Collins residence is rented out by the Collins. Also located on the farm are three ts�r`t aaar rmaaa�ss.I AU greenhouses anal as large sheaf firr farm equipment, All r° sia ences aar the Collinsfarm rely,upon groundwater as as potable water source. The lands have historically been used asfaarrn lands. Surrounclingpra erties are also jarmlatuisaandsmaall home businesses on gtAna r°ewwa Church Road. There glares riot appear in historical records or based upon verbal inte ,i ` s with area residences, any,, environmental related incidences in this area anther than the USTat than Collins farm, and as leaalairtg faael nail tank located at to residence a quarter of a mile behind the Collin ' farm on Potneck road 1.3 HISTORY OF RELEASE Thefollowing summary, is tazl:a nfirom the Piedmont Environmental report datedJune 22, 199.E and as vo from interviews tvith air. Collins *aa nvirataarr �nt al. The site vvas or ginaa served lays two gr ound vaat r .saepp4, ivells. The ollirss residence and migrate workers housing ivav supplied ky as well behind the Collins residence (labeled Collins # 2 in this report). The small house next to the Collins was served ray, as se aaraate well ea small 2 " well, labeled -1 in this report). APPro imaatelya Pave years ago, the two, inch well became contaminated by gasoline. Lh well was disconnected and as water line connected to they Collin as well. In 1,992, an odor was noticed in the wwFaater from well #1 ('a llina v ''ell). ;A packer was installed in the well at t in an attempt to pre -vent surface contaminantsfrom entering the well e odor continued In March, 1993, Mr. Collins removed the 1,-gallon UST, and Piedmont rawvirRcar nentaal was contracted to test the amen cavityM soils. Those snails wvere found to contain high levels of 1 T ,` constituents. Later in March, the ollin's well was sampled and 5,8 P l' of benzene was reported ky the aan akytic aal laboratory. i.s ww ill was stopped l i d gas as as Paataalrl water r source and ea new well was drilled at feet east (upstope) of the Collins well. This well, designated as Well later in this document, was tested and no BTEX compounds were detected The Collins well is alrill d to as depth of 260feet, andproduced as maximum of 90 gprn. the 2- inch well was drilled to a depth of 160feet, in 1 + . Tlae well produced ed about 3 gpm. Due to low yield when the well uws being constructed, the well wasshot (explosivesplaced in the ww°all to shatter the rock and apenfteact ares) to increase e the yie1J This has rarralcaub yY enhanced normal gra undwwkater flokv in as direction towards the bumping wweItsx. 2.0 PHYSICAL DIESCRI111TION The site is located in the Piedmont P ysia graarahic Province of North,Carolina, characterized in this location by rolling mountain foothills. Topography (Figure .1) isgenerally rolling on lrlaateaus with steely relief occuring in the vicinity ofprinci cal str°eaarrrs and rivers. ne site is located on the crest aaf a north -.south trending ridge which is drained by Fourth Creek, which is as tributar to the South Darla of the aaall in Diver. Dire South Forkflows iratan the Yadkin aaboutfve miles downstream o the .site. The site is at an elevation ofabout 730feet Bove mean sea lewpel (rnsl), while Fourth Creek is at can elevation of about 620feet r l Surface relief drops sharpy on both leading sidles of the ridge. Bedrock is very shallow, qpicalky less than 10 feet throughout the area. Outcrops are apparent in every area of the site vicinity The outcrops often' appear as rounded boulders due to spheroidal weathering, which is very common in the Piedoto at. Defoliation, or sheeting, is another common texturalfeature of the rock units, which can aaLvo am liorate grcrundwwactter flarw. 1�ydraaulic gradients in this type of relief are generally w°ery strong and downward. nwaard The site is located in the Charlotte felt of the Piedmont, Province. The Geologic Map of North Carolina (1985, CGS) :shaaww;s the area to be underlain lays units of metamorphic rr aaa c raga . r ccording to the Piedmont Environmental,, Inc. June 19,93 report, " .,raac s encountered in well lraarirags and in the cavity excavation were examined in handspecimen. They consists large y arf coarse -grained high sodium plagioclasefeldspar aarad ferraarrraagraesica r minerals in approximately k equalproportions with, minor visible quartz-.- " sed upon examination of outcrops near the faarrrr. the Piedmont report is supported in identification of the rock type as predominant'predominant'v dioite. The rock exhibits a strong lineation texture. The Piedmont report aalso identifies as straarag regionalJoint pattern in the site vicinity, which is vety evident in the drainage pattern of Fourth Creel:. The pr a arrr matt, car pattern tart s northeastinorthwest, which is consistent to thef-racture pattern of thesouthern Piedinont, According to the Piedmont EnviraamnentaaI repcart ..'ftaaa Lure truce analysis cannot be used to as much to predict the direction caf`conttaantiraaar t rai, ration as to indicate the presence of such fractures will greaatlw� enhance the migration of contaminants through rock......these' micraafrcactures in the reach create as high degree arf sec°aaradaa _. porcrsit , in the neck, which gaffers ai highly, effective conduitfor the vertical and lateral rwrigrration of released contaminants—, The mature of the highlyfractured ctt red rock at the site, oupl d with loydrar-ftaacturin of the rock lad previous drilling activities, has likely contributed to contaminant migration to the= twofortner drinking water er wells. Purraping fraain these wells over the period oftime involved has likely captured the plurrae from extensive down -gradient migration. A survey offtaacture lineaments is shown on Figure 3. Two prominentjoint seas are a iwinguisheal the strongest trending W,, and the second tta the northeast. 7ie first set is better manifested in stream valleys„ and can be readily associated with strong off -sets in Fourth Creek and the Yadkin Bauer. l e secondser i better observed along stream valleys, ridge shapes and ridge tarps, and is consistent with the regional structural trend of the Charlotte belt in this location, Other less prominent sets trend roughkv in an east - west manner, and are less pronounced unless where intersecting with the major sets, forming rough blocks of terraaim Most of the major ridges in the area are associated with these blacks. . 0 EXPOS URE A SSES SAtENT . i PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES F CONTAMINANTS Contaminants identifiedon-site include low boiling point volatile organic compounds usually associated with gasoline. The most toxic of these compounds is generaal y held hy the USEPA to be benzene, 'which is as known human c°aarcinogen leis chemical promotes loth acute and chronic toxilaagicaal effects on humans. Acute effects included headaches and nausea. Chronic effects include hearse marrow cancer or damage. tither les toxic compounds detected errs -site include toluene, Aylenes and ethylhen ene. Those acute effects inc°lua e, aatigue, weakness ne and confusion and Central Nervous System (+ ) depression. Chronic e, ects for these compounds are similar syrrtpt rrrs only moresevere. Catastrophic exposure to any of these compounds may result era deaath. Various polyraricleaar aromatic hydrocarbons (l NA "s) have also been detected sera -site. These compounds typically comprise the higher bailing pointfraction of the petroleum hydrocarbon series. These compounds are known animal care, inogins aarul saute are suspected hu rta€n carcinogens. 3.2 PATHWAYS FOR HUMAN EXPOSURE 7heprimar y path way for human e_vposure at this .site is considered to be ingestion o contaaminaate graaun ww?aater err inhalation aft apors. There is some po entiaalfor coma ct exposure from ago taaminaated snail andfrom contact with contaminated water. There are several drinking wvaater wells in the general site area which have been irrapaacted from gasoline contamination. 3.3 POTENTIAL L SENSITIVE RECEPTO S of 20pptn, based upon at caste orY A ,site. However, considering that ra staatic groundwater level in this area is above 16feet and that solid rock is prevalent below 16 feet, the amount of soil' e, cavaated; r°om the cavity is the maxinuon amount which ivould be possible, andfurther retraediaatiora will rety upon a groundwater clears -up seenar°iar . In addition based upon contract of thwater table with contaminated soi4 the SSE rule is not strictly applicable to site conditions "oilboring data is included in Anaclonent, , with laboratory reports in A Itachment aim Analytical resuftsfor the initial borings are�tvbulated in Table 2.- - < 1 )] 0 LEGEND IIALOGENAUDOC ietpca atican7)f Sb'6 ��itic With On {B TEX VDUs (p b) Dry Condition at Nam'-7 Not A ofated ' Structural Bartrier or Hydraulic l iscond INUNITS AS SHOWN LPERCHED WATER ZONE vrINrry mAr HWY 6Q1 xsrr '4 TiPS�`a���IWM -3 '70.1 MW-7(dry)nowater encountered fence 1'ANK CAVITY ,z MWA s +"e11 . I. LOCATION C3' PROPOSED U B WELL House m w- 0 79A4 Metal uildir LBcc XT 1 4 1 p Oa ater 1 4r 1r'� LOCATIONS OF RECOVERY SYSTEM COMPONENTS 0 POFEET r F 'T TABLE 4 GROUNDWATER ANALMCA L RESULTS WELL mwFNE ETHYL itNE ToLuE.NFF XYIXNF.,V 1,1,1-TRICHLOR 1,;I-DICHUMO miff-- 1 -<-j < < MW-3 < I < I < I < I Ila, na MW-4 3900 1010 13300 5750 2230 666 Af W-6D 40-50 < 5 219 123 <5 <5 OW-1 800 380 800 950 na era Colfiru #1 35 <5 22 <5 na na Collins #2 <1 7 <1 '18 nd nd NC 2L.0100 1 29 1000 530 200 .38 all units at ppb EPA Melhodv 601 & 602 < I aidicate.v belo %,� labor nmy detection limiev ita not ana�vzed rid not detected analwzed lay Heritage Laboratvriev and AquaChent, Inc. NC2L .0100 refem, to NCAC Title 15A 2L .0100 Groundwater Standards, (Clays GA) Af W 8.,vampled March 20,1994, Collins #1 Well sampledJanuaty.199-3, #2 Well March 29, 1994. W-I, 2, 3 OW- I sampled May 1993, M-W-4, 5, 6D vampled November, 1994. OW I saarrapted May 1993, Xf GF°` 4, 5, apt? .saaaeat led November, 1994, 'The exient aaf, ro aradwaater contamination is shown on the tsoco ac=eaatraatieara iscalaleth.s (Fqur „2 and cross sec°tioas I -A' and - ' i�mrcs a. �' & 4.4), Itlaaauglr specic aaquifer testing has not beef cae c° ampli's redfor purposes rof the Tarr (tr`e e° e:tion Pleats, Itaeraataing :deataa fraatta the existing ► ells° at the C ollin's residence indicates that they frract.ured deep bedrock is caapable ttfstalatatying o-ge� qu antities of vv tee , n the order o 111.) to 100 �t,�laart frcatta deepest intervals. ' This indicates s thaat that seconflaarytttaraasitt° of thefractured bedrock is locadli, hi,a,,h with forge Ira rasaaaisssivit , values and Vield. tor-azg e capacai y is likely ly to vtare' depending upon the nature of i dividuarlftaacture sets. The shallots water table and deep aquifer appear to lie its hyrdraattlic connection, based upon the similar static levels at t cartel - a. . ride-tvaateriral,* ofthed cl'eela aactatifer dtarital ptttaalaitag t shirt hatttci5er. praadiace as tatrtch nrorce pronounced effect in the deers steak ltefearee aara setlisteantical impact to the shallow zone. Considering idering that to ea certain degree shazllow lVaater table horizons in the I iedrnont rafters caelopt ca perched water table characteristic, this condition can braves an exaggerated impression with the exhaustion of storage capacity in the bedrock as the fracture raeserviors rare* depleted. Considering as static relationship of the shallow and deep aqut fer .s , serrate time period,would lacy expected before those static: levels would equilibrate, pro&ibly on the order of months, upon as -significant stress being placed on those s< terms: Vertical lrydraatalic gradients at the site are .still' predominantly deigns, although local saearri- rtf ned conditions are c ras tiered to be present based Capon the difference in screened intervals in bedrock cartel static water tables- in they shallow horizon and water levels in thosedeeper wells _ , s steated in theGea Envireanmeentaal Site Assessment, grotartalw ater flosv in the deep squire, r would be./amurable,for, the rapid migration of contaminants, once the c ontaamatcants fdraaally re t,4ched the deep bedrock. Migration in the shallow grater table would be slower, although the effects e putttlairig vi,,()atltd e f)e d`tcate this taai raion, eslaecietll a-disseal ead cent stituerttsx Ouse tea hydrafrtactraring daarita the ccarastratction a —OW--d opening newfrtactaare traces, and pumping from 0 i '-1 and Collin v #1 well, the release eafgasolinee. root the Crank i-a vit ° area has inigrarte=c- in ea more car le.- cross gradientfashion to those well areas rather than the^mpe=c'ted tatann al direction towartis Fourth Creek-, and the Yadkin fiver (see Figure .5). Figures 4.6 & 4, 7 show groundivater fd'erw diraection, based upon static water lee efts froarts non si,�elk, tiara Cald `193 atrtd 3 . The higher ttaaater letaels in the 3129194data is prob alality reflective of both seasonal high water in the earl 'vstarin and aaksaa the absence ofpia npin firoin the two wells at the Collins site since the suntrtter of 1993. 4.4 DISCUSSION USSIO ND CONCLUSIONS LUSION a aa,ted upon the inforination collected, snarl anj.,,cacted freaart as gasoline leeak frctraa the harm UST has impacted saarroundin sail andgroundwater with TEX and related compounds. Soil contamination er "d; ' comytitaaents appears to be largely confined tied to the rrartteediarte tank cavity, area, with vertical rtaigrcation insoil limited by the shallow bedrock and shallow water table. Groundwater contamination l TEX atria arttad appears to be at depth and infTtaenced tither• they years by ,laa nipitk f oat the Collin v sated well, vvhich has drawn the contamination into the tvell; This pumping has ralso served to trap the llaTEXp"aa ne to at certain elegy ree and prevent extensive adowngraaadient tnt nation. The plrrtne aappecrr`.t to be of a more vertical extent than lateral extent, due due to the absence of BTEX compounds in the shcalloiv monitoring `ire wells anther than AI , which is in the Taank art,i „ aareerae The hest practicable position for the vertical extent rtf the plume is the conceratrrttr ras,teaun d at the Collins t eell # 1, u hic h is an order of magnitude less;than tt hot 7.0 Dt,St-'RIPTIONOFRE,,VEI)IAISY,4;TL;',If The following discussion describes in moredctail each of thy: st-Aected options, their principal conceptual design components, safety features, maintenance and operational feasibility and as schedule for implementation of the individual components. This section oudines-, in detail the recommended program for groundwater extraction and treatment. The design of this system is tyased to as large degree upon our collective ex perience in they hydraulic characteristics of shallow groundwater in Piedmont soils. Yield from recovery wells in tight Piedmont soils are generally on the order less than .5 to gallons per minute for any one producing well. The low yield is due, to to transraissivity of Piedmont soil, generally on the order of [0 to 20 square feet per day. Although these soils can often reach hydraulic conductivity values for as given, monitoring well approaching I O'cni/sec, the overall heterogenity of the zone to he pumpe-d can often result in a shallow aquifer hydraulic conductivity of 10r5to Wctn/sec. For this re, --x-)n, as steady state radius of influence can take months to years- in approaching as maximum Capture one sufficient to significantly impact capture of the plume. Considering the size. of the plume, and also the rapid recharge of the monitonng wells during development and purging, we recommend that, a pilot recovery system he imstalled consisting of a recovery well (OW-t) at the, location shown of Figure 7.1 A groundwater analytical model was used to simulate as pumping wellwith an aquifer transmisSsivity of 2,0 sf/d, a pumping rate of .5-1 gpm, and as hydraulic gradient of k 125. Porosity was estinrated at .25. The, results of this homogenous analytical model (WHPA) indicates that a capture zone of about 50 feet can be established, from the well in a period of about 180 days (Figure Z2). Actual results and pumping rates from the pilot test will be used to further calibrate the model. Effluent from OW- I will be discharged to the remedial UVB systern for contaminant removal (Figure Z3). This information can, then be used to: providedala to estiniale the feavibilio, o � f pump and treat and1he requiremeart for adiNional recover , wells 4 PM " 44W With *hkh 10 bdier d4i�n and holemew 4 Oapar extruetion method con0fintenting the pump and treat provide data with, which the feasibility of airsparging can further be assessed . provide data with which to etaluale thefeasibility for groundwater infiltration or injection provide data useTill u hI in the deterinittation of in -sitar -treatment MMMM313HEM M The recovery tom comprised of one recovery ell and the treatment system anti disposal practice will be discussed below. . t.2 RECOVERYWELL LOCATION The location of the recovery well(Figure is chosen basedupon the site layout and the nixed of having a well in the downgrradient portion of the plume and also a wel'l i proximity to the higher conee. tration area f the plume. The well is positioned to ont of plume migration as well as collect contaminated eater for treatment and to also serve, a an indication of the feasibility of groundwater injection nand/or i liltna .ion. There. also cutrently exist a pumping well in this location which can serve as a recovery ell. The current well has already been abandoned as a functional potable water supply. 7. t.3 RECOVERY WELL DESIGN T 1.4 PLTW SELECTION m 3 SAFETY FEATURES main consideration, in the selection of the proposed system is the relatively simple and compact manner in which the systemcan operate. This is especially significant considering the proximity, of the effected areas to nc tal far, m operations and exposure pathways to working personnel. The low concentrations of contaminants ts expected in the system effluents are not near to ex plosive levels, although the equipment. that we chose 1 ill be explosion proof" The electrical components and the lines to the recovery pump will be installed by a licensed l trician, Level, sensors in, the recovery ell will cut the system off ith the absence of sufficient water to extract. All systcmcomponents will be insulated to inhibit freezing. All eonduiftsmd manifolds will be berried and not accessible to contact by farm personnel. 7.4 ' ST The system monitoring program will consist of sampling of pre-treatment, system effluent and influent and also post -treatment discharge water. A system of pie ometers will also be installed at localities around the facility intersecting the groundwater table, such that static water levels can be monitored as an indication of system perform, a This testing will be accomplished on a minimum monthlybasis for the initial year of operation. During the first 'month of system start-up this monitoring well be conducted bi-y effluent and influent water will be analyzed for EPA Method compounds. In addition, discharge water will be analyzed for pH, biological oxygen demand , chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total suspended solids T - A.dd tional, testing of any permit parameters as specified in the plants discharge permit gill also be conducted. GeoEnvironmentat will forward the results of the system monitoring tote NCDEHNR on a calendarquarterly basis. 0 70 0, NMI-3 70,13 0 mW-8 90 MW-7 Wryl no water encountered NORT14 90 ,,X[W-61) o 0 A 0 Old 2" well MW-5 MW-1 0( 0 )1.06 House BASE ELEVATIONBASED UPON AR13TTRARY 0 79 Metal DATUM ESTAIIIISHED BY SURVTYORS. Building (IONTOURS 13ASED UPON WELLS NTW-I,,),3. NO KJMPING WELL DATA USED. OTHER NIONITORMTC-TWELLS No'r YEr NiSTAII ED AT 11,11S TIME. 0 No, I Water Well fence41 POTENTIOMETRIC MAP 6-17-93 0 130 R30 PrUT GEO,FXVIRON-MEN TAT, FIGURE 4.6 VICINITY NW t g in " ArIKIN Rt1'P. " ~ ' -3 7.76- 0 fiHVRDCREET ' W= 73, 4 10 (dry) no water encountered y uN fence TANK .. V FFY `�,�( o yg Old 2" Weil I ° -5 (84, Y) `F :. 86.5 'tom` x. "° metal «y LY . 8L Sd��d�C�i�e o. 1 Water Well Ccilli s House FTTJ BASE DATUM BASED UPON, TTRARY'DATUNI TABI,I IIED BY SURVL-YORS. NO PUMPING +�V Ml n ll* 1 PROBLEM Ski SEMI -ANALYTICAL P I N __ Aquifer Type: Leaky Confined aquifer Number f lumping aii4 I Number f Recharge ell I Tr n z i i it 2. ft 2/d Hydraulic Gradient: 0.012500 ft/ft Angle I Ambient Flow: 165.00 degrees Aquifer Porosity: - 2 dimensionless. :aquifer Thickness: 160. ft Boundary Type and: Location: no boundary Simulation Time: 800., days Capture Zone Time: 500. days Confining it Hydraulic Conductivity: 0.00100 ft/d Confining Unit Thickness: . ft Would you like to see well parameters? (Y/N r 1 I 1 1 1 1, 1 1 1 SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA FOR WELL # I X Coordinate: so. ft 'Y Coordinate: 50. ft Well Discharge Rate: 96. ft**3/d Transmissivity: 20. ft**2/d Hydraulic Gradient: 0.050000 ft/ft Angle of Ambient Flow: 165.00 degrees Aquifer Porosity: 0.20 dimensionless Aquifer Thickness: 60. ft Boundary Type: no boundary Distance from Well to Boundary: 0. ft Orientation of Local System: 0.00 degrees Capture Zone Type: time -related Travel Time: 180. days Number of Pathlines: 30 <Press Any Key to Continue> Exhibit& Determination of groundwater mounding due to injection into the UVH well M =- we# height H 4.3 m 14 ft hydraulic conductivity Kh 0. 001 M/S anisotropy Kh1Kv 10 screen length a I rn 3.3 ft length ratio a1H ca. 0.2,5 UVB flow rate 0 2 m,5vh 8.8 gpM infection rate 0i 0. 22 7 m3lh I gpM Ste 1: p_ For Kh1Kv = 10, OMOz = 3.24 (Fig. E8- 1) and Oz = O01 m31hr Ste 2: p 01= Chi + Oz O.297 m h 0 1* 0 + 0' 2.30 m3lhr Step 3: For Qil(1421(h) = 0.00341, ANIH = 0.0126 tFig. E8-11 oar hi = aO543 m. The quantity Ahi is applied at the lower screen only, whileAhis appffed at both screens. The resultant hydraulic head changes due operation of the UVB with injection are calculated as follows: upper screen Ah = 112 Ala = O334 m = 1. 10 ft lower screen Ah = AN - 112 Ah = T. 28 m = -0.917 ft M 6Vuro EgA Me computatibn of head changes has been d6ne ter a range of 04 Me given d�ta used above eor�vs#ohd to the svtOtt systeM With Me exCAPfidn Of Me hk&auk vandue6vity. Me true Kh at the site is on the utdOr of I x 10�6 i". Ihis vahm -Uqimll "I A woi" water ve m the VTV wmcn oomte's imne Fea ror n neacis I PLIWI wal the strvo& 3 I , Fag. -1 Graph of flow ratio Ur/ , 0,/0 res . in relation to anisotropy Hj Kv This figure is taken from: Anla en zurn Berieht Nr,702 Nunnerische Unter uefiungen zum i nterdrue - Ver ar fer- runner (UVB) and turn +Grundwa serN it rriatirsns® runner JG ) by f rAn . B. Hermits and Dipl. Ing. J. tar-nm 0.1 0.2 0.3 (H)K,,) Q, Fig. 3- : Graph of relative difference between hydraulic heads 6hill in relation to Ql t , , and to anisotropy K,,/ This figure is taken from: Anlagen zurn Bericht Nr,702 Nurnerisc e Unt rsuache ng n zum Unterdruck- ns®Brunner i Dr Ing, fie Herding 4�erdapfer-runnnrr (l.Iit) and ur rndsser-uru.�ltur� _ $ �" and Dipl, In . J. Stamm � t k 0 4 LLLi i~� t I r 0,35 V 0, t a x 0,"2 0,2 e k e x i t e � r O � a j 8 r tA rj 10 Fig, - : Graph of Oh/H for /H This figure is taken from. AnIagen zurn Bericht Nr,702 Num ris he Untersuchungen zum Unterriru ku V rdampf r- runn n i " l and zurn run riser- irkuiat o ns- 3rutinen ( ) by Dr,inp, B. Herding and Chipl. ing, J, Stamm l � G 1 I I t I 4 4 C I ! i i dQz Injection No injection (no head change at top)' (head changes at top and bottom) E Figure _4 Representation of Ulf , flow field by IEG Technologies a partial extraction system and WEE with heed changes t both screens. k t 1.5 a { t i i — �. x 9 FigureE-. Changes in hydraulic heads in the UVB due to injection, IN personnel. The, system mortitoring programwill consist of sampling of pre-treatment system: effluent and influent and also post -treatment discharge water. A system of pic ;parr et r will also be, installed at localities around the facility intersecting the groundwater table, such that static water levels can 1bc;monitored as an indication of system performance,. This testing will be accomplished can a t ininru rr monthly basis for the, initial year o operation. During the fiat month of system start-up this monitoring will he conducted hi -weekly: The effluent and influent water will he, analyzed for EPA Method 6,0 compounds, In addition, discharge water will be analyzed for PH, biological oxygen demand (BO , chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total suspendedsolids (TSS). Additional testing of any permit Parameters as specified in the plants discharge permit will also be conducted, Geo nvirom-nent l will forward the results of the system monitoring to the NCDEHNR on a calendar quarterly basis. RECOVERY8.0 UVB PILOTAIR VACUUM EXTRACTION AND GROUNDWATER Y m 1 INTRODUCTION After a review of rentedial altematives, Geo, vironmental hasrequested that IEG Technologies f G design an active sail and groundwater treaun. e at system to move petroleum hydrocarbons T and halogenated hydrocarbons from the sail and groundwater at the J.B. Collinsresidence in Woodleaf, Nortia Carolina. e groundwater ate trebatrnent systern is being designed to clean rip grail and mmm�� 8.0 UI;B PILOTAIR VACUUM EXTRACTIONAND GROUNDWATER RECOVERY SYSTEM 8.1 INTRODUC-nON The groundwater treatment system is being designed to clean up soil and groundwater iccoitannnation in the "low water tableaquifer consisting of silty clay suprolite. In addition icotitam'hated water extracted from a down gradie m pumping well will be. introduced into the ishallow groundwater treatment system for treatment and subsequent release at the water itable, The groundwater level is 4 feet below ground surface.. to bripaeted aquifer thickness is i assumed toy 18' feet from ground s ur. I.* -ace for the water table, treatment system. The hydraulic conductivity is assumed to be 10.4. cm/second... The horizontal hydraulic gradient is 0.125. Groundwater flow is, to the northwest. *111* dt MWA 13TEX in WO! OW-4, ftft000fth water W1 puntpe the, U'VB, at a rate of I gM are 2.9 ppm MIN M arw tlovLting ;,11Fa nii 0n gaff- five t i v it "MCI wrm �s�rwis *�mrea � wsx xr.s rr6# ?Mi i idud'"dv fl t 7 i .i E. ii34. $ ttifi t l�r _i iwiii. df w.tv 3;Ylle tile, 8.2 DOWN AND O-PE [C Ate OF r4iM. COR EC7 t4 Va°. ALCF1c i S >" j iINI,, �'�:,. s,`& '"E+`"t' ,��. """5 � ^cad .. .,. r7 F� .:.:.' s` •^z ae ,� �.:�, �'"'`" r'� „? ' f:,�`ri`'��"�t'f. �.� 'r��x�r�«„ �4. � ..,ad,^d;ssd�#K�V Fse-ts�°x;fi��, ��Gerra � a'r��r�.r•ae� i�xrr�, li dw or i A doll! i V. 1, Ple oils vww. ss•a c-t!di . * rnuent MA =pFf x ;ttf --s•-s 't. s-°• ,F x z s a ra '/ tmm innh vv t-mitrm 3'"dd. VINto flne riraen pry«T ktia, V* "t ai 4"f® (_ t Ohv iif ll I tt, icn"! ` " 'ze Iill" R VO , o r*tw "112 q fir,- System Genwyl Up uthmm. ti'voundwili fi of e x t o t �, t r ^rr YcM x.Att.a� txt�.� �ar�ctattr�� sxttt� ��ttaca�a tsaret,. tt tAatA�.. t�r�rfc;� ctt a:�aa�csnat��.r�.x�s.rxf cry #; xatir az x a'c f «ads? that ;r:"#w`S"'4ywTv then f'"%x.amwe"I ..d:•a"-w!e amrnr'3 now le"[n x!: "!!tt ccc teat ..•ra, ru rrtreal,µ ref. M:rr dtN a;cl:atdita im e►rfcaa of txarcxA,2 : tita+wnrAr txa rxcata��rx€x T.t a.t, tc tit aasacax ��e a��aa A axa r to txxtcA rftAAc ariatxa t tt..�,cx t.r to trtxp& A. txAxa sdr¢ta xsc a astr t tAt vv+. t" r "t rc s M cis N� a pit # sry r* "r re�z. Q tilt, "fifa � ��" r m4w L ., ..." T °.r. tom, �. � _ ll ..s:,_ ._�..M;.. � .,�.w.. � .t « if as®e,�r ttx� �xaxtxtta�tr�ttx�x cAa tAt �e� �Ax a.�tc��.ncAac�c tit rAzsttt +max c, � tatattt ._ Annenclix A s f6r its , n _» � UA �� ��� C .ATM � w w a�. t.te txt to r t� tart tAta r : — ,..�t�•�i�x ctt+ AA.�Mt.t a t:t� � t wv��� a tt Actea a ae At a + � ��r •s r� _ i U'L, tn...P 4,C0. Y.:&:.t i.tt4. 4„r#.q,., :{ :i.ir G. 311 i.Y AE, a^'Ti tlT.,i 4.�+;.am"3Z Am:.. LaCu 3a.+` cAA..AAj..a _U_vL,*4 iuFy LAI%, ljol_15. zra ",kj F, as- i� �� .l .. is . .a :k , Asa: crainn, vtrx r"rfrtr i t ! n AmMaan the nop 4 f%€y care ctwr vsx rt to of expan:4on. When the bubbles reach the water / air interface inside, the well casing they burst and allow the VDUs to Ix- transported roethetbe w(_-,ll,,"b'Ift and up to the cuff- gas treatment AuWit, or atmosphere by the air flow., After -the bubbles burst, the groundwater then falls along the walls of the well and produces a sig nificant hydraulic pressure,, forcing the water horizontally into the, aquifer through the tap <r screen secti on at the to of the aquifer. Groundwater flows into the lower part of the well to comIvnsate for the water removal from, the upper section. Thus, a vertical circulation develops wilh water entering the screen in the lower pail of, the wen, or the lx)ttom of the aquifer, and leaving tbrouO, the upperscreen segment, or the. toof the aquifer. The expected VOC concentratiom leaving the circulation cell arcsignificantly lower than the influent hydrocarbon concentrations. As the system functions over time the VOC concentrations are repmsented ky a -reduction curve which eventuaits ,,reacbes asymptotic levels at or approaching North Cawliia action levels for the contaminants present. The majo6ty of the treated groundwater leaving The lower screensection of the well circulates ithrough the entire sphere of irit'luence, and returns to the -upper screen section a number of times before exiting thecirculadon cell. Since the treated groundwater leaving, the UVB well is almost saturated withoxyen the effluent groundwater enriches the emetic wme with dissolved oxygen thus enhancing aerobic biodegra", ion throughout the circulation cell. Operation Characteristics of the UVB-200 at the, Collins Site. A UWJM jtan Capture Zone and Ci-rculation Cell of the UVB, M 0#01(w.t4sk A I P-St IM Hydromechanic Institute, University of Karismhe, Germany� estiniations are based on the, followi-qg assumw16-(xts and simplifications: The aquifer thi- el . &is cow st.-nit xts ae emisidein the estimations Only confined aquifer condid( s rt-red The conductivities. Hotizontal lay each, with differew itie use conductives, em bd. ' ers-1) Tht e hydraWic conducivities m�ky be anisotwf)ic, bfflt each horizOntal layer may have only one vertical and one horizontal conductivity. . -. Tbe local, below -atmospheric presswe field near the well is neglected are. ne.glected Denslity effects 3. -stune st - - The computations ass - cady-state conditis-uts For estimating the capture zone, only convective transrx)rt is considered. Using Dr. Herding's equations and grapWcal, scAutions for urickmfuted aqidfers is acceptabte in the hydraulic gradient is smalL, and the, t+ze, in die, f4atic water level at the UVB during operation, is also expetted to tie, sniall. Assumplionsfor UVB-200 at CoWns Site. Darcian velocity 1, 3 x 10, . t/sec Kh. (Hori7xgat al Hydraulic I x W.4. eiptsec Conductivity) Kv. (Vertical ffydrautic I -'Iswc Conductivity) Hydraulic Gradient 0 J25 Thickness of Treatment Zone 4.3 ru Height of Upper Screen 1.5 ni Heig j -it of Lo w ,, er Screen in Saturuted Zone I M tQ # INNAM nvi Q, TIonr ffi�w Lt --r Zone to upper UVB Ztmne nor the tj VB-2fit , the estirnated downstre.at t arid upstream stagm ion.points (S) for the, UVIA circulation cell is 18.49 in from the -c-enter of the - tem- One-half the width of the try Cation ceii is fit .b. + B.c)/4 = 15.770 m. The capture zone, width for the top of die. on (B-t.) is 24.94 apt, and for the L-ottom of the 7one ,Rb.) is 37A3-4 m (Figure 3) (Appendix 8.3 EVAILUATING THE LJVB SYSTEM In order lo eval"nate the. UVB-200,systems, existmig mottivin-in, g- wells, will be u.sed whenever possible. In addit-toji-4 two UVB influent wad effluent arinulus we'lls, and one UVB amiulus maintenance well, will be cowstructed for each system, 8.3, 1 SAMPLING INTERVA1,13 AND REPORTS. All momitoring Nvells stleaed, UNIB pressure side off gas port, andinfluent and effluent Nxrpled, analy=,,d, %nd mmsumd on the following schf-A-ale- - pe, or to start-up (to cstabhkh a base line for ctial nation of the system) - one hour after Wtial switch on weekly for the fin -A tNwo NveCLS qt1arterly from thesecond Mouth untit ope-ration or the, reme4iation, is concluded. All data wIll be entered on spreadsheets and graphical representations of these dala 'will also be cAttisal-ructed. 'flhese data fits- Will be evaluated quarterly, to maintain the ,,slvrns al th (r, optimum offt i ciettoy, and to, note. wher- weptable, conta-minanit levels are raid. 83.21 MI�AS-Ulktf) PARAW�MRS 'AND PROC'EDURES If t.Teen section length for Cither UNID amiulws otr.servWtion Nvell is grearer duan five feet, state at at derAh in the well the sample is taken. 8.3.121. '11, Vapor Para: mieltlers,4 MC& ored All panameters listed j oxv are ineasured fmm thhe pressure side of the UIVIL9 Blower 1:)nor treatlInmit. Effluetit Vajx)T. (sampling orifice pmvided approximately 18 inches out frog the effluent pon onblowt-,T) air tcnn�xtaturc - air flow velocity - off -gas concentration, of contaminant(s�) front gmundwater, vadose zone, - capill afy fringe with fresh air pipe open, arid, off -gas coricentration of hyd-rocarbo.-ts frimn vadose zone and capillary fringe, (numor, groundwater) Wi"th, ffesh airpifx- cl(*-,ed - submeree the swimmer and measure vacuum in UVB well (the net-yative -1 --.1 J!- pi-v,,ss-"e:!sttoutu,t,ttcrea.se rt the seal is good') All paramete'N listed below are measured fn,)m,, the top of the UV B influent pipe. . htfluent Vapor. (sampling point top of influent pipe) relative hurnidity (ambient) air temperature (tanbient) air flow sir vacuum (negative pressure) in UVB well with fresh air pipe open and covered - t From the abwvre !-Mated data, and using a tin. e weighted measizenient of t1otal w-4atiles per day in pM the amount of hydrocarbons extracted ky the remediation systems Mi pounds per day will be calculated and graphically represented as pounds per day vs. tin -Le of operation. 9.0 BIOREMEDIATION From the above (fiscussion, the degree upon which the VOCs are, removed frorn sitesoil and groundwater will be realized only with the obtainment of data co. Ilected from the two M "EXHIBIT arnblefri VOCUUM port air Inlet . (to blower Irget tlanue_ Now land at. Xi= approar„ 111" ' static water level 16'stripping reactor V C. ... s4 M; «�COOZ % a . packer »" *� ( �• Z _._ ,. u srxrnta ���'rrra�ar�tr°��� Figure 8.1 NOT TO SCALE rlr> By Date Description giIEG 8/16/94 11 20-fi, lirsa3lra 1433-d Ctossbaam Dr. Charlotte, KC.36 77 Saveds Prof.No. Prepared for I Phone: (704) 357 6090 € ooenvlrctnmental - Collins Site FAX(704) 357 6tt'1 0103.44.94 0103A4.94: Mrrraree, Ede ' PVC -Annulus Wells with " PVC Slat Sc:roons can tacatterrs 7Z land srn. . ._ w__ 6, w Portland Cement 8' .Steel Caking + + R Scantta m _. 0,5' v n tilts t 6 San ridge IS 'mm __ groundwater fsta9s w 1� Plilsrp ck (1- mangy 61 nrldve Slot Screen . Steel Casing i v . Sandbildge 2,5 torn �i 6" Bridge -Slot Screen -� 1 g 13 Flitstpack (t-S turnsso SEAL E lak «.................... _.,..,. ,..�...._,^.a:.. -»-'%ram,........,v.,..._..-.—.:.......�....,>,.�Tr.-.... .�.._....,: & d IR TM tl 8" Figure .O}"��T ^pay SCALE . yCA E NOT B `iJ ti?F9k-9,n. Technologies Drawn By Date Description SL 6/16 5 UVB- 00-1 633-d Ctossbearn Dr. rlratt , KC. 211217 Phone. (704) 357 6090 S a Eve Prt N Prepared for IF = (704) ST 6tt' envIrcar}emntst - Collins Sits 0101, 4,9 MMY06, NC Bt UVB Well S t 0 Width at t€ rra o - Width at WHOM - 37A4rr hotght of s4turatod to Sao tr#4t#d 4,3 m - %ran at capturs t 162 wq m Not o scale. Figure 8.3 ft"w*d for VERTICAL CROSS SECTION PERPENDICULAR Geoenvironmental - Collins Site TO FLOW OF UVO CAPTURE ZONE Monroe, NCB pr"mvd by IEG TECHNOLOGIES CORP. 1833-0 CrossBeam Drive Charlotte, No 28217 Circulation Cell St 24.94 m Bb . Not to scale. UVB Capturo Zone, Solaria Zono And #tire Col Q ='." 4 Figure 8.4 Geoenvironmental - Collins Site Monroe, NC ft IEG TECHNOLOGIESCORP. ChaMotto, NC VIM _ rl 8. t' 5 T1714- 1 EXAG6LEPATION Wd.B.. e401 HORIZONTAL SCALE w s t y y, p x " m '� a N 1 i5 7Y i 1 1 ✓y rV m r'"' d` ..,,✓"" ' '``` - °` ' ="' r ''"tr". ro ✓'. t `....,., -' x �l ,d' / ,w„ " s-' E� ', '. 5"00 r•�-''d�kpt�y� wr"�,yr� „F^ ✓' i « f i "4 j $ Y y?'' tt' -�+r"`"^"'..,�,,° C'R,.. A "d I �`c� `� , j`t P ,.N `Y { �* s �``°' e 11Y pr` r' tf 4 f+" 4x ids^rat."? '� t t r °-� !/ IN, is �I , , , ) C. ee m t ro L 1 r t 1 t p � f � �r / ! — r r j _,A APP` hi ,. r x,? M aA _33 it <4 .✓ .✓"r ""..� Y t ,w..,. "'s^r� `t �^, v `F I i.✓� I V .... og! kl NI Yl, � f aYt F a1 ✓ k4 / r m i t •V "A, w � --alibi IY. 1449) ��rtvp c, °-`'�"' �, �t xv SO `y t r°• A ''x �,6r, 4x fix} y� } r A �,+5f �, yt�r1�TPyfr,r . t "� 4 . € ✓�, t 'r(`; x,StY tw W- ROAD CLASWICATION s;% I MILE Prifflary Ngl-WdY, bght-duty road, hard or �000 RU hard surface Improved Surface I LR, Secondary highway, hard surface Unimproved rcj,,id U S Route State Route R'Outo N C QUADRANGLF t,OCATION COOLEEMEE, N. C 35080-G5-TF,024 1969 ,iEQUEST PHOTUNSPECTED 1983 PNIA 4855 1 SE -SERIES V84?