HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00149_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (3)ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secrefnn• S. DANIEL SMITH Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality CERTIFIED MAIL #: 7018 0360 0002 2099 6876 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED June 25, 2020 Donald V Chamblee, Director Public Works of Lincoln County 115 W Main St Lincolnton, NC 28092 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tracking Number: NOV-2020-DV-0292 Sanitary Sewer Overflows - May 2020 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00149 E Lincoln County Collection System Lincoln County Dear Mr. Chamblee: The self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) S-Day Report submitted by Lincoln County indicates violations of permit conditions stipulated in the subject permit and North Carolina G.S. 143-215.1. Violations include failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate the subject collection system so that there is no SSO to the land or surface waters and making an outlet to waters of the State for purposes of G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1), for which a permit is required. Specific incident(s) cited in the subject report include the following: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Number Date (Minn) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 202001701 5/29/2020 94 4218 Ashehollow Lane Other 600 600 Notice of Violation ��DU '� hicr;; -;r = n-]eoart^.'eet�f c^.,-nr.Y_.: was r. ( D vsor ��'�','at=r Few -eves `� S f.'_or or.; Off (=1� cr.�•.2�63 aui-3 1! !.'»r�,,,.__ *i•:rt a�. S115 Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct the above noncompliance. Please submit a written response to this Notice of Violation. Your response is to be received by the regional office within 15 business days following receipt of this violation. Please include any additional documentation about this incident(s) in the response. The submittal will be considered in determining whether the Division will assess a civil penalty for the cited violations. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Michael Meilinger or me with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-6671-t6A9 or via email at michael.meilinQer(o--)ncdenr-.gov or M 0 d m C 91 -o c 00 a� Q. U)CA CD -" Z ay C to _o �o o rruu C Ln wSigned by: ru °' ... CC681AF27425._. o Cr -y Basinger, Regional Supervisor duality Regional Operations Section cm Jlle Regional Office 02 ® of Water Resources, NCDEQ Ln 5 of cr.v:r nmer.ta: Qns:t_ D.vsor. -:! V ater 4eaxrrs cl:i=ate Czner Ave %z...:t_30111 V-:vr�-v- .Pi•_nt:: -an na2S115 -.- -R Division of Water Resources ffichState of North Carolina asee Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form Form CS-SSO PART I: This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWR Regional Office within five business days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). RECcIVED/NCDENR/DWR Permit Number: WQCS00149 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) ��N t (- Facility: Lincoln County Sewer System Incident #: Owner: Lincoln County Region: Mooresville City: Denver County: Lincoln WQROS MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Source of SSO (check applicable): ® Sanitary Sewer ® Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - 1,e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc.): 4218 Ash Hollow Manhole #: Latitude (degrees/minute/second): 35 31'42.47" N Longitude (degrees/minute/second): 80 58' 21.55"W Incident Started Dt: 05-29-2020 Time: 4:01 pm Incident End Dt: 5-29-2020 Time: 6:35 pm (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm) AM/PM (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm) AM/PM Estimated volume of the SSO: 600 gallons Estimated Duration (round to nearest hour): 2 hour(s) Describe how the volume was determined: Visual observation of the amount of flow mulitpied by the time Weather conditions during the SSO event: clear Did the SSO reach surface waters? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters: 600 gallons Surface water name: unnamed tributary of Lake Norman Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: ❑Severe Natural Conditions ❑ Grease ❑Pump Station Equipment Failure ❑ Power Outage ®Other (Please explain in Part II) ❑Roots [-]Inflow & Infiltration ❑Vandalism ❑ Debris in line ❑Pipe Failure (Break) 24-hour verbal notification (name of person contacted): Jerry Belcher ❑DWR ®Emergency Management Date (mm-dd-yyy): 5-29-2020 Time: (hh:mm AM/PM): 7:23 pm Per G.S. 143-215.1 C(b), the owner or operator of any wastewater collection system shall: In the event of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to the surface waters of the State, issue a press release to all print and electronic news media that provide general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred setting out the details of the discharge. The press release shall be issued within 24 hours after the owner or operator has determined that the discharge has reached surface waters of the State. In the event of a discharge of 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to the surface waters of the State, publish a notice of the discharge in a newspaper having general circulation in the county in which the discharge occurs and in each county downstream from the point of discharge that is significantly affected by the discharge. The Regional Office shall determine which counties are significantly affected by the discharge and shall approve the form and content of the notice and the newspapers in which the notice is published. WHETHER OF NOT PART II IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED SEE PAGE 13 Form CS-SSO Page I In order to submit a claim for justification of an SSO, you must use Part II of form CS-SSO with additional documentation as necessary. DWR staff will review the justification claim and determine if enforcement action is appropriate. PART II: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWR REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IS HAS BEEN SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH THE ONLINE REPORTING SYSTEM Form CS-SSO Page 2 Severe Natural Conditions (hurricane, tornado etc.) Describe the "severe natural condition" in detail: Mow much advance warning did you have and what actions were taken in preparation for the event? Comments: Porin CS-SSO rage 3 Grease (Documentation such as cleaning inspection enforcement actions past overflow reports educational material and distribution date etc. should be available upon request.) When was the last time this specific line (or wet well) was cleaned? Do you have an enforceable grease ordinance that requires new or retrofit of grease trapsfinterceptors? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ❑ NE Have there been recent inspection and/or enforcement actions taken on near- by restaurants or other nonresidential grease contributors? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE Explain: Have there been other SSOs or blockages in this areas that were also caused by grease ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE When? If yes, describe them: Have cleaning and inspections ever been done at this location? Explain. Have educational material about grease been distributed in the past? When: and to whom: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE ❑ Yes Explain: If the SSO occurred at a pump station, when was the wet well and pumps last checked for grease accumulation: Were the floats clean? Comments: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE Form CS-SSO Page 4 Roots Do you have an active root control program on the line / area in question? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE Describe: Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location because of roots? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE Explain: What corrective actions have been accomplished at the SSO location (and surrounding system if associated with the SSO)? What corrective actions are planned at the SSO location to reduce root intrusion? Has the line been smoke tested or videoed within the past year? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE If Yes, when? Comments; Form CS-SSO Page 5 Inflow and Infiltration Are you under an SOC (Special Order by Consent) or do you have a schedule ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE in any permit that addresses Ill? Explain if Yes: What corrective actions have been taken to reduce or eliminate I & I related overflows this spill location within the last year? Has there been any flow studies to determine Ill problems in the ❑ Yes ❑ No DNA ❑ NE collection system at the SSO location? If Yes, when was the study completed and what actions did it recommend? Has the line been smoke tested or videoed within the past year? ❑ Yes ❑ No DNA ❑ NE If Yes, when and what actions are necessary and the status of such actions: Are there Ill related projects in your Capital Improvement Plan? ❑ Yes ❑ No DNA ❑ NE If Yes, explain: Have there been any grant or loan applications for Ill reduction projects? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE If Yes, explain: Do you suspect any major sources of inflow or cross connections ❑ Yes ❑ No DNA ❑ NE with storm sewers? If Yes, explain: Have all lines contacting surface waters in the SSO location and upstream ❑ Yes ❑ No DNA ❑ NE been inspected recently? If Yes, explain: What other corrective actions are planned to prevent future I/1 related SSOs at this location? Comments: Form CS-SSO Page 6 Pump Station Equipment Failure (Documentation of testing records etc should be provided upon request) What kind of notification/alarm systems are present? Auto-dialer/telemetry (one-way communication) ❑ Yes Audible ❑ Yes Visual ❑ Yes SCADA (two-way communication) ❑ Yes Emergency Contact Signage ❑ Yes Other ❑ Yes If Yes, explain: Describe the equipment that failed: What kind of situations trigger an alarm condition at this station (i.e. pump failure, power failure, high water, etc.)? Were notification/alarm systems operable? ❑ Yes ❑ No DNA ❑ NE In no, explain: if a pump failed, when was the last maintenance and/or inspection performed? What specifically was checked/maintained? If a valve failed, when was it last exercised? Were all pumps set to alternate? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE Did any pump show above normal run times prior to and during the SSO event? ❑ Yes ❑ No DNA ❑ NE Were adequate spare parts on hand to fix the equipment Was a spare or portable pump immediately available? If a float problem, when were the floats last tested? How? If an auto -dialer or SCADA, when was the system last tested? How? Comments: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE ❑ Yes ❑ No DNA ❑ NE Form CS-SSO Page 7 Power outage (Documentation of testing, records, tec., should be provided of alternative power source upon request.) What is your alternate power or pumping source? Did it function properly? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE Describe? When was the alternate power or pumping source last tested under load? If caused by a weather event, how much advance warning did you have and what actions were taken to prepare for the event? Comments: Form CS-SSO Page 8 Vandalism Provide police report number: Was the site secured? If Yes, how? Have there been previous problems with vandalism at the SSO location? If Yes, explain: What security measures have been put in place to prevent similar occurrences in the future? Comments: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑No ❑NA ❑NA ❑ NE ❑ NE Form CS-SSO Page 9 Debris in line (Rocks, sticks, rags and other items not allowed in the collection system etc.) What type of debris has been found in the line? Suspected cause or source of debris: Are manholes in the area secure and intact? When was the area last checked/cleaned? Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location due to previous problems with debris? Explain: Are appropriate educational materials being developed and distributed to prevent future similar occurrences? Comments: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE ❑ NE ❑ NE Form CS-SSO Page 10 Other (Pictures and police report, as applicable, must be available upon request.) Describe: Were adequate equipment and resources available to fix the problem? ® Yes ❑ No ❑NA If Yes, explain: The service truck was stocked with all necessary parts to make the repair. If the problem could not be immediately repaired, what actions were taken to lessen the impact of the SSO? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE ❑ NE Comments: On May 29, 2020 at 4:01 pm an electrical contractor hit a 2" low pressure sewer line while doing a bore. Staff arrived at 4:55pm and identified the problem and dug a pit to contain the sewage, a pumper truck was on scene at 5:29pm and started pumping up the sewage. Flow was contained at 5:35pm. The section of damaged pipe was cut out and replaced. The Lincoln County Health Director issued a no swim advisery at 7:30pm on Friday, May 29, 2020. Form CS-SSO Page I I Pipe Failure (Break) Pipe size (inches) What is the pipe material What is the approximate age of the line/ pipe (years old) Is this a gravity line? Is this a force main line? Is the line a "High Priority" line? Last inspection date and findings If a force main then, Was the break on the force main vertical? Was the break on the force main horizontal? Was the leak at the joint due to gasket failure ? Was the leak at the joint due to split bell? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑NA ❑ NE ❑ Yes ❑ No DNA ❑ NE ❑ Yes ❑ No DNA ❑ NE ❑ Yes ❑ No DNA ❑ NE ❑ Yes ❑ No DNA ❑ NE When was the last inspection or test of the nearest air -release valve to determine if operable? When was the last maintenance of the air release performed? If gravity sewer then, Does the line receive flow from a force main immediately upstream ❑ Yes ❑ No DNA ❑ NE of the failed section of pipe? If yes, what measures are taken to control the hydrogen sulfide production? When was the line last inspected or videoed? If line collapsed, what is the condition of the line up and down stream of the failure? What type of repair was made? If temporary, when is the permanent repair planned? Have there been other failures of this line in the past five years? ❑ Yes ❑ No DNA ❑ NE If so, then describe Form CS-SSO Page 12 System Visitation ORC ® Yes Backup ❑ Yes Name: Michael Paul Simmons Certification Number: 997855 Date visited: 5-29-2020 Time visited: 5:37 pm Mow was the SSO remediated (Ue. Stopped and cleaned up)? The broken piece of pipe was cut out and replaced. A pumper truck was used to clean up the area. Lime was placed on grass surfaces. As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Michael P. Simmons Date: 6-03-2020 Signature: �` Title: Ul: r; fJ Pf :unS sd f�/IfQen� IJ Telephone Number: 704-736-8497 Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five business days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). Form CS-SSO Page 13 Lincoln .County Health Department 200 Gamble Drive Lincolnton, NC 28092 (704) 736-3001 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SWIMMING ADVISORY ISSUED (LINCOLN COUNTY — 4218 Ash Hollow Ln, Denver, North Carolina) Contact: Davin Madden Health Director dmadden@lincolncounty.org May 29, 2020 The Lincoln County Health Director issued a Swimming Advisory at 7:30 pm Friday, May 29, 2020 for a sewage spill at 4218 Ash Hollow Ln, Denver, North Carolina. Approximately 600 gallons of untreated sewage may have leaked into an unnamed creek which deposits into an unnamed cove on Lake Norman. A wastewater spill occurred due to a line cut by a Duke Energy contractor. The flow has been stopped and testing of the discharge site has commenced. As a preventive measure, the Health Director is advising all residents and boaters that this area may be contaminated with fecal coliform. Residents and lake users are advised not to swim or otherwise have bodily contact in that area. No Swimming Advisory signs will be posted this evening, a public notification message was sent to the properties affected and adjacent to the sewer spill site using a mass notification system called Everbridge, and this release has been posted to the county's website (www.lincoincounty.org . The KCWWTP has starting taking water samples and results will be forwarded to the county Public Works department who will notify the health department and public when it is clear to resume lake activities in this area. Until at least two consecutive samples indicate fecal coliform counts <200/ml at all sampling sites, the swimming advisory will remain in effect. This decision is based on state guidelines per the Mooresville Regional Office of the NC Division of Environmental Management. Davin Madden, MHSA, REHS Lincoln County Health Director For additional information please contact us at (704) 736-3001 or visit us online at www.lincolncounty.orp. ® /LincolnCountyHealth Parker, Tony R From: Basinger, Corey Sent: Monday, March 25, 2019 8:45 AM To: Parker, Tony R Cc: Love, Barry F Subject: FW: NCG140046 Possible Water Quality Violation Tony, Please review Lauren's email below. Contact Lincolnton (or Lincoln County) collection system folks and find out what you can about this site. I can't imagine them allowing this type of discharge into the collection system. Let me know what you find out. Tha n ks, Corey From: Garcia, Lauren V Sent: Monday, March 25, 2019 8:30 AM To: Basinger, Corey <corey.basinger@ncdenr.gov> Subject: NCG140046 Possible Water Quality Violation Hi Corey, This is a follow up of an email sent last week. I know you were out of the office and probably have a bunch of emails to check up on. Last week on 3/19/19, Alaina Morman (contact information provided below) -and I attended a joint EPA/DEQ Individual Industrial Stormwater Permit Inspection at the following facility: Concrete Supply Company (Permit No. NCG140046) 831 Madison Street Lincolnton, NC 28092 Among other issues, we were particularly concerned that the facility seems to be pumping effluent directly into an onsite manhole that is apparently linked to the city's wastewater treatment plant. The discharged effluent is a mix of water and excess concrete, produced when the facilities' concrete trucks are rinsed with water as part of routine maintenance (occurring multiple times daily). The concrete and water mixture is stored in a system of three pools. Theoretically, the water moves through the pools and the excess concrete separates from the water. When the third pool (expected to have the cleanest water) becomes full, the facility pumps the water into a manhole. The facility has no formal documentation of its "verbal" agreement with the city to discharge effluent into the city system. • The effluent is reported to have a high pH and receives no treatment other than time in the pools. • The water in the third pool was observed to be an electric blue color. It is unknown what analytes are present in the effluent discharged into the city system (fly ash is used in the concrete mixture and we have concerns about heavy metal concentrations). The quantity of effluent discharged into the city system is unknown. Evidence of dried concrete was observed inside the manhole when opened. Alaina and I were hoping you could direct us in how this should be handled. We do not believe the city is aware of the effluent that is being discharged directly into their system. Is it ok for us to contact the city? Thank you for your help, Lauren Garcia Contact Information: Alaina Morman Environmental Specialist Stormwater Program Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919-707-9236 (0) 919-807-6494 (F) alaina.morman@ncdenr.Rov DEMLR Stormwater Program 512 N. Salisbury Street 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Lauren Garcia Environmental Specialist II Stormwater Program Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919-707-3648 (0) laure6.garcia@ncdenr.gov DEMLR Stormwater Program 512 N. Salisbury Street 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 -'"/'Nothing Compares--,, V M ct �D- LS Ar Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 �r Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# ® ® 1 Y- 0( Incident Number from BIMS 20150 1 z 0 k Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ ' NOV-2015-DV DV-2015- a a000aa000aaaaa00aaa000aaa0000a00aaaaa000aa0a000aaa000000aaaMMaaaaaa0000I Spill Date 50 15 Time 11'S O ml m 10. 0 1q r"j, Reported Date � 3 / Time I t 6 a-0 m�/j m ed-T-o P-Stiff-or-EM Staff s—lo o Reported By ie p j n ! Phone Address of Spill 2 Sao �� of d r i��P o V .0— -9,!i0 L� R e C- o/ County �, 6.,��, City Cause of Spill A e, &A mt h o C— G( ®i Q �Ba v --e-- Total Estimated Gallons ! 0 fl ® Est. Gal to Stream 100 C? Stream ci,Fish Kill: Yes o umber Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad s n j 7 e A V J g Q IN r�o- r 0� ...s oA rl `7 G L a .4 -e.& r it / i V• r Love, Barry F From: Pitner, Andrew Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 3:44 PM To: Sifford, Barbara; Love, Barry F Subject: Charlotte Observer article on Lincoln Co SSO Fyi... http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/a rticle37084314.html No -swimming advisory issued for part of Lake Norman 1,000 gallons of sewage spilled into cove Mechanical failure at lift station blamed Area is off Smith Harbour Drive in Denver, N.C. By Joe Marusak jmarusak ,charlotteobserver.com A no -swimming advisory was issued Wednesday for a section of Lake Norman in Denver, N.C., after 1,000 gallons of sewage spilled into a cove off Smith Harbour Drive, off N.C. 16 north of Unity Church Road. A mechanical failure at a lift station in the Smithstone subdivision caused the spill, Lincoln County Health Director Margaret Dollar said. Dollar issued the no -swim advisory at 11:30 a.m. The mechanical failure was reported at 9:50 a.m., and a crew from the Lincoln County Public Works Department stopped the spill within 20 minutes, Dollar said. "No Swimming" advisory signs were posted, and water testing began at 11 a.m. As a preventive measure, Dollar advised residents and boaters that the spill area might be contaminated with fecal coliform bacteria. Lincoln County Public Works will continue water testing and will notify the health department and public when it is clear to resume lake activities. Andrew Pitner, P.G. -Andrew.Pitner@ncdenr.gov Division of Water Resources - Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) North Carolina Department'of Environmental Quality 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 MRO Main Phone: (704) 663-1699 Direct Office Phone: (704) 235-2180 M RO Fax: (704) 663-6040 DWR website: http://www.ncwater.org NOTICE: Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. 10-07-'15 .09:31 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-504 P0OO1f0O11 F-303 115 West Main Street UnwIntan, N.C. 28002 phone, (704) - 730 - $497 Fax; (704) - 736 - 8499 Am i al ",46 '1, 1 , To: Borbora S ` Y5QrJ - NdID R From: (�, k ii s 4 e1. e r. Fax: Cafe: ! ?6)IS Phone 7Dq -eak3 - 110 q 9 Pages: 11, Reference: -Zhe AeA zol5al7o l CC: 0 urgent _ V For Review ❑ Please Comment 0 Please Reply U Please Recycle Comments: 1 Pae'kOLat r--d Ud C4,01 d Li n C (A 4` D r, D-,� r� �' S ��� 1 A a V! 6 ru Y V-1cx" 10-07-'15 09:31 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-504 P0002/0011 F-303 State of North Uarohna Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWR. Division of Water Resources Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form Division of Water Resources Form CS-SSO PART I: This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number: WQCS00149 (WQCS# if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: E Lincoln County Collection System Incident #: 201501201 Owner: East Lincoln County Water & Sewer Dist City: Denver County: Lincoln Legion: Mooresville Source of S$O (check applicable): ❑ Sanitary Sewer [1 Frump Station I Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - Le. Pump Station B, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc): Manhole #: Latitude (dogmas/minute/second): Incident Started Dt: 09/30/2015 (mm-oo-yyyy) Estimated Volume of the $SO: 1,000 Describe how the volume was determined: • W66th& 66hditioA during thi 'SSO'event: 2392 Smith Harbor Drive, Lift Station 16 Longitude (degrees/minutelsecond): Time: 9,50 am Incident End Dt: 09/30/2015 Time: 10:07 am (hh:mm AM1PM) (mm-dd-yyyy) (hh:mm AM/PM) gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): 0:17 hours Estimated Flow Cloudy with intermittent rain ' Did SSO reach surface waters? [l Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gals): 1 uuu _ Surface water name: CATAWBA RIVER (Lake Norman below elevation 760) { Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes V No ❑ Unknown _ If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? 0 SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: 0 Pump Station Equipme 24 hour verbal notification (name of person contacted ): Barry F Love [( DWR ❑ Emergency Mgmt Date (mm-dd-yyy): 2015/09Q0 Time (hh:mm AMIPM): 11:56:00 am if an SSO is ongoing, please notify the appropriate Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 48-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public n Cice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days_ Refer to the reference statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Resources, may take enforcement action for $$Os that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that- 1) the discharge was cause by sever natural conditions and there were no feasible alternative to the discharge, or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis WHETHER OR NOT PART III IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM CS-SSO Form Page: 1 10-07-'15 09:31 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-504 . P0003/0011 F-303 PART II: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE - Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWR REGIONAL_ OFFICE UNLESS IS pump Station Equipment Failure What kind of notification/alarm systems are present? Auto -dialer telemetry (one-way communication) 10 Yes Audible r( Yes Visual LA Yes SCADA (two-way communication) ❑ Yes Emergency Contact Signage M Yes Other n Yes Describe the equipment that failed? Both Pump #1 and Pump #2 Th anal Overloads Tripped causing the pumas not to activate. Possible Power surge or li htnin in the area_ What kind of situations trigger an alarm condition at this station (i.e. pump failure, power failure, high water, etc.)? High at well Loss of Power Pump Failure lump Thermal Overload Generat r Run. Were notification/alarm systems operable? M Yes M No F1 NA n NE If no, explain: AT&T Phone Line failed due to possible lightning. Dialer was operational but could not call out due to AT&T phone line failure. If a pump failed, when was the last maintenance and/or inspection performed? Monday September 28, 2015. What specifically was checked/maintained? Float switches, pump operation. dialer functionality back-tjR generator functions, station overall functionality — If a valve failed, when was it last exercised? NfA Were all pumps set to alternate? [A Yes n No r] NA ❑ NE CS-SSO Form Page: 2 10-07-'15 09:31 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 Did any pump show above normal run limes prior to and during the 530 event? T-504 P0004/0011 F-303 D Yes o No DNA ONE C J , Were adequate spare parts on hand to fix the equipment (switch, fuse, valve, seal, etc.)? Was a spare or portable pump immediately available? Yes r1 No D NA n NE [0 Yes 0 No r] NA ❑ NE If a float problem, when were the floats last tested? How? Not a float problem but were tested on Monday Se t(�emb�r 28. 2015. If an auto -dialer or SCADA, when was the system last tested? How? Monday September 28, 20,15. Dialer program was checked, phone line was physically checked and called into, and the high level float switch was raised to simulate an alarm status. Comments: Reason for thermal overload switch failure was not able to be determined, R set the thermal overloads on both pump and reset normal and the pumps became operational. Celled into AT&T to repair the failed shone service and a temporary service was installed same day. System Visitation ORC Yes Backup Yes Name:.: ... Olen C. Henderson Cart# 993572 Date visited: 09/30/2015 Time visited: 01:50 PM How was the $SO remediated (i.e_ Stopped and cleaned up)? Excess sewage was vacuumed utilizing Lake Norman Sewer & Septic pumper truck. No lime was applied due to proximity to the lake and additional forecasted rain. No Swim dvisory was issued to the public with signs Emergency Notification System, and Media Outlets. CS-SSO Form Page: 3 10-07-'15 09:32 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736.-8499 T-504 P0005/0011 F-303 ' As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Olan C Henderson pate: 10107/15 09:05 am Signature: Telephone Number: IN -- 1.466 D Title: Superintendent Any addition information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form Page: 4 10-07-'15 09:32 FROM-LIN CO Public works 704-736-8499 lv.Lajj Wl111 Lt.+ 411t► T-504 P0006/0011 F-303 Scala: 1 Inch = 279 Feet LINCOLN COUNTY GIS Wed Oct 7 05:49.20 EDT 2015 0 /J 34 o a 95 e se m f 2a 5 l� 12 9 HU KOR A E!1 g9 BD 195 41 42 4 ` 1 � kE'eECCA RO r 43 a 7 • • 11 � r J T3 1 62 Q 81 I N ��y�, 80 79 1 @ J, 4/ 79 n at A a10 ytr aB .4 ,.� 4 / 57 59 58 I 64 es r 33 f 2 Ti t . 4 J -- r 0 I l PT 3 , 61 a k�n�aln,9nxntriad \, n County Building Map Features f IntellolLott,lea City Lake Norman Boundarlos Feetplints / Jurisdictions Road Enxment / / 4ralnogo Eosemant E] LeNe Norman County Line Blght•of•Ways /.• Old Rail Lino /J utility Easement eltyoi Linoointon Township Llna �/ Roads /.J canelalLlne � PONA15 ETJ �r RoOremaa !~ Major Rivers, / Private Roads Oarion Line Oroota G Town of Malden BA PUDliatvat" crooln Ponds tcontl - L. Ponds .. Lincoln County and its mapping contractors assume no legal responsibility for the information contained on this map, This map is not to be used or land conveyance. The map is based on NC State Plana Coordinate System 1983 NAD. Lincoln County, NC Office of the Tax Administrator, GIS Division http://gis_arcimslservletleom.esri.esrimap-Esrimap?SerericeName=LCov&Form=True&En... 10/7/2015 10-07-'15 09:32 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 JJ L7 lU.0 1V ov J7 ! VV - ,JUUS11r 1VJL".P7 Google Maps 35029'18.6°N 80059'17.2°W �j 7of4nc'Paxn . Gfcen Ppil4.C( b R as 3502918.6"N 80*59'17.2"W 35.488487.-80,988121 T-504 P0007/0011 F-303 ..t,- - -- Map data 02016 G0091e 200 ft' https://www.google.cam/maps/place/3 5 %C2%BO29' 18,60lo22N+80%C2%BO59' 17.2%22... 10/7/201 S 10-07-'15 09:32 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-504 P0008/0011 F-303 I #. Lincoln County Health Department °°ky 151 S19mon Road Lincointon, NC 28092 0 Phone: 704-736-8634 1 Fax: 704-732-9034 $4 �® `�? Margaret B. Dollar, M.Ed. N.ahCambia CA Health Director PublkROOM rw,VMm Cwrv> r, ELF PUBLIC $NOTICE & PRESS RELEASE Release date: September 30, 2015 RE: SWIMMING ADVISORY ISSUED (LINCOLIN COUNTY -2392 smith Harbor Drive, Denver, NC 28037) The Lincoln County Health Director issued a Swimming Advisory at 11:30 am Wednesday, September 30, 2015. A sewage spill of approximately 1,000 gallons occurred due to a mechanical failure at lift station ##15 Smithstone Subdivision located at 2392 Smith Harbor Drive in Denver. The spill leaked into the cove. The mechanical failure was reported at 9:50 am on September 30, 2015. Lincoln County Public Works Department was on the scene at 10:02 am and the spill was stopped at 10:07 am. "'No Swimming" advisory signs v�ere pst�i .end water testing began at 1:0Q am. The Lincoln County Public Works Department is taking water samples to determine the level of potential bacterial infection into Lake Norman. As a preventive measure, the Health Director is advising all residents and boaters that this area may be contaminated with fecal coliform. Residents and lake users are advised not to swim or otherwise have bodily contact in that area. Residents in that immediate area will receive a pre-recorded alert message if they are registered with the Lincoln County's emergency notification system. This release is also being sent to all local media and to the Lincoln County's website. Lincoln County Public Works Department will continue water testing and will notify the Lincoln County Health Department and public when it is clear to resume lake activities in this area. Until at least two consecutive samples indicate fecal coliform counts [200®ml at all sampling sites, the swimming advisory will remain in effect. This decision is based on state guidelines per the Mooresville Regional Office of the NC Division of Environmental Management. Margaret S. Dollar, M.Ed, Lincoln County Health Director 09-30-15 10-07-'15 09:32 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-504 P0009/0011 F-303 E :t a U is u w U_ a k o Fj [J o o C14 tL ....E .. A b d C o :. .` c R o dl m �„ a a d� ,. CL I LML C m a 0 U ll£-J. HOM000d Vey-1 £9109£LVOL d1H �GOQ U12I 11 i H -ROU OFl 9 L AO-O 1 10-06-'15 14-30 FROM- Killian Creek WI TP 7047350163 T-134 P0001/0002 F-311 � O o o 0 q 0 o c o c _. a w w r' 5 � a 4 v R; Qn. `q 1 O � C EL D 3 � J C7 j, '6 dear CL 4' E0E-3 110010100d t05-,L 66T78-9EL-WL - s4-ioM orTgnd 00 KI'I-WOHq ZE : 60 ST ,-L0-OT 10-07-'15 09:32 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-504 P0011/0011 F-303 Lincoln County Health Department 151 sigmon Road Uncointon, NC 26092 ° Phone: 704-7'35-3001 Fox: 70�4-732-9034 a Margaret it. Dollar, M.Od. r c�%o Health Director Nonbcaro P btreH�atrh E ..ri,,,... 0.,YN . EMA*. Press Release: CANCELLATION OF SWIM ADVISORY NOTICE IN LINCOLN COUNTY At 3:45 pm, on October 6, 2015, the Lincoln County Health Director cancelled the "No Swimming" Advisory issued September 30, 2016 for the Lake Norman cove which borders Smithstone Subdivision in Denver NC. Water quality has now returned to a safe level so lake activities may resume in this area. Lincoln County Public Works has collected water samples for testing daily from three sites at the affected area. Two consecutive samples showed test results below the required maximum levels at all three sites, and all sampling now meets the North :..._., Carolina .Division of.Water (duality standards. Therefore the swim advisory has been lifted. The advisory was issued the morning of September 30th when approximately 1000 gallons of sewage spilled into the Smithstone cove on Lake Norman due to a mechanical failure at lift station #16 located at 2392 Smith Harbor Drive in Denver. The mechanical failure was repaired and the spill was stopped within an hour of it being reported to Lincoln County Public Works. "No Swimming" advisory signs were immediately posted; the public was informed through media releases and county website postings; and residents in the immediate area received a pre-recorded phone message alert if they were registered with the Lincoln County's emergency notification system. For further information, please contact Lincoln County Public Works at (704) 736-8497. Margaret B, Dollar, M.Ed. Lincoln County Health Director . October 6, 2015 3:40 pm C®llection System SSO 24-Hour Notification t Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Incident Number from BIMS 20140 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2014-DV DV-2014- S�a� �5! ,,vY��Q ONE MEN ■ G ■ E 0 ■ ■ a ■ MEN E E ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ NON ■ ■ ■ MEMO E ■ NEE E ■ ■ ■ ■ NORM OEM ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■'■ a E ■ ■ E ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I ND-LL Cad "Iqfb P�111� 2 Spill Date Time � m/ pm Reported Date Time (am/ m o Regional Water Quality Staff reported to or EM Staff in Raleigh SSO reported byl�,�r Vt� Phone Address of Spill =t�2:J�J County City , V" Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons ` lC--)Cj0 Est. Gal to Stream �Tl��Fish Kill: Ye umber SpeciesS ream Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Permit # Owner and Facility Name Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCS00253 Bradfield Farms Water Company CS WQCS00171 Greater Badin CS WQCS00196 Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS WQCSo0322 . Aqua Country Woods East CS WQCS00233 Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS WQCS00222 Town of Boiling Springs CS WQCS00001 Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS WQCS00341 Town of China Grove CS WQCS00016 City of Albemarle CS WQCS00231 Town of Cleveland CS WQCS00046 City of Belmont CS WQCS00058 Town of Cramerton CS WQCS00107 City of Bessemer City CS WQCS00165 Town of Dallas CS WQCS00089 City of Cherryville CS WQCS00342 Town of E. Spencer CS WQCS00221 City of Claremont CS WQCS00328 Town of Harrisburg CS WQCS00326 City of Concord CS WQCS00343 Town of Landis CS WQCS00088 City of Conover CS WQCS00310 Town of Longview CS WQCS00017 City of Gastonia CS WQCS00120 Town of Maiden CS WQCS00020 City of Hickory CS WQCS00344 Town of Marshville CS WQCS00327 City of Kannapolis CS WQCS00043 Town of Mooresville CS WQCS00036 City of Kings Mountain CS WQCS00125 Town of Mt Pleasant CS WQCS00040 City of Lincolnton CS WQCS00153 Town of Norwood CS WQCS00164 City of Lowell CS WQCS00190 Town of Oakboro CS WQCS00026 City of Monroe CS WQCS00325 Town of Stanfield CS WQCS00059 City of Mount Holly CS WQCS00180' Town of Stanley CS WQCS00044 City of Newton CS WQCS00135 Town of Taylorsville CS WQCS00019 City of Salisbury CS WQCS00258 Town of Troutman CS WQCS00037 City of Shelby CS WQCS00345 Town of Wingate CS WQCS00030 City of Statesville CS WQCS00054 Union County CS WQCS00149 East Lincoln CS WQCS00009 WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # Owner and Facility Name Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCSDO130 Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group WQCSD0064 Lincoln County CS WQCSD0114 Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals WQCSDO097 Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS WQCSDO057 City of High Shoals CS WQCSD0120 Martin Marietta Mallard Creek WQCSDO117 Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station WQCSDO019 Town of Richfield CS WQCSD0257 Fallston WQCSD0024 Town of Grover CS WQCSD0116 Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP WQCSD0038 Town of McAdenville CS WQCSD0101 Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS WQCSDO002 Town of Ranlo CS WQCSDO095 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS WQCSD0049 Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSDO098 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS WQCSDO105 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a pdrmit WQCSD0107 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS number assigned WQCSDO099 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS --WQCSD0258--"sto - — — - --- — -- -- WQCSD0112 Lake Norman -South Point CS WQCSDO104 Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS WQCSD0102 Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# • b D I Incident Number from BIMS 20130 D '6 9 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: v-' BPJ NOV-2013-DV DV-2013- Spill Date (e Time & , 30 am/0 Reported Date 54 Time g Os- am(& Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff UA w� Reported By zRalv`, Phone Address of Spill (��c County,( �� City Cause of Spill wAOD Off• O.� Total Estimated gGallons BCD a Est. Gal to Stream StreamAOj&_ Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Form CS-SSO i Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form PART This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number : OO + y (WQCS# if active, otherwise use treatment plant NC/WQ#) 60 Facility: Incident # Owner: l uie-caL.N C_y"wty IOL461-ce. L Jd, t % Region: city: County: L.11-+489.N Source of SSO (check applicable) : Sanitary Sewer ❑ Pump Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent In description from past reports or documentation - i.e ump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc.) Latitude (degrees/minutelsecond): Longitude(degrees/minute/seoond)- Incident Started Dt Si- u `-aw Time Incident End Df-%4=20IS_. Time-_*1L06_.Rm_ (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AMIPM (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM Estimated volume of the SSO: t Q�n - gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour). -- Describe how the volume was determined: !Z5`Tp nQ pi ,l:� NM 4 Lary 11I-ofic .Leak:n6,____� Weather conditions during 580 event • a► ne .,.....,,.,..._.._..,� Did SSO reach surface waters? Yes ❑No ® Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gallons): a �p Surface water name: Did the SSO result In a fish kill? ❑ Yes ©No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: 2—Severe Natural Condition ❑ Grease ❑ Roots ❑ Inflow and Infiltration ❑ Pump Station Equipment Failure ❑ Power outage ❑ Vandalism ❑ Debris in line 0 Other (Please explain in Part 11) lm�mdiate 24-hour verbal notification reported to: r�1141� r v' DWQ 0 Emergency Mgmt. Date (mm-dd-yyyy): _j _ U- Z()t J Time (hh:mm AMIPM): Q rj : p$- If an SSO is ongoing, please notify Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215-1 C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 48-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the County w er-Ti re tiie �scharge occurred, When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the referenced statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Quality-, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was caused by severe natural conditions and there were no feasible alternatives to the discharge-, or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis for the determination of any enforcement action. Therefore, it is Important to be as complete as possible. WHETHER OR NOT PART Il IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM. CS-SSO Form October 9, 2003 Page 1 Form CS-SSO _ F Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form - PART I ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I in the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWQ REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH THE ONLINE REPORTING SYSTEM Severe Natural Condition (hurricane, tomado, etc.) Describe the "severe natural condition" in detail. How much advance warning did you have and what actions were laken in preparation for the event? Comments:\��e-OWner'S waS RVIWAk Colter+;- Orv& Cod CLIAMI&d br-`oust oQ- QA►>r-"% hr*d Our Lao pre.SSv a SeAoor �,Nti UnG)vera4 ouv }tie. fkq,', ?w. ,ea 1-,. -je tw4u- When was the last time this specific line (or wet well) was cleaned? Do'you have an enforceable grease ordinance that requires new or retrofit of grease trapsfinterceptors? Have there been recent inspections and/or enforcement actions taken on nearby restaurants or other nonresidential grease contributors? Explain. 1:1Y11E1 NANACINE ❑YeSE] N,VNA0NE Have there been other SSOs or blockages in this area that were also caused by grease? ❑Ye NoONA ❑NE When? If yes, describe them: Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location? ❑Yes❑ No NA C]NE Explain. CS-SSO Form October 9, 2003 Page 2 Have educational materials about grease been distributed in the past? OYesO No uNA ONE When? and to whom? Explain? If the SSO occurred at a pump station, when was the wet well and pumps last checked for grease accumulation? II11 Were the floats clean? ❑Ye O NoENA ONE Comments: Roots Do you have an active root control program? Describe ❑Ye,O NANAONE Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location because of roots? []YesON,IZNAONE Explain: What corrective actions have been accomplished at the SSO location (and surrounding system if associated with the SSO)? What corrective actions are planned at the SSO location to reduce root Intrusion? Has the line been smoke tested or videoed within the past year? ❑Yes❑ No M NA NE If Yes, when? Comments Inflow and Infiltration �-,,� Are you under an SOC (Special Order by Consent) or do you have a schedule in any permit that ❑YesO No &KA ONE addresses ill? CS-SSO Form October 9, 2003 Page 3 Explain if Yes: What corrective actions have been taken to reduce or eliminate I & I related overflows at this spill location within the last year? Has there been any flow studies to determine Ill problems in the collection system at the SSO location? ❑YesO No NA ONE If Yes, when was the study completed and what actions did it recommend? Has the line been smoke tested or videoed within the past year? ❑YeD No EXA, ONE If Yes, when and indicate what actions are necessary and the status of such actions: Are there Ill related projects in your Capital Improvement Plan? ❑YesO No NA ❑NE If Yes, explain: Have there been any grant or loan applications for 1/1 reduction projects? ❑YesO No NA ONE If Yes, explain: Do you suspect any major sources of inflow or cross connections with storm sewers? ❑YesO No NA ONE If Yes, explain: Have all lines contacting surface waters in the SSO location and upstream been inspected recently? 11 YM No NA ONE If Yes, explain: What other corrective actions are planned to prevent future Ill related SSOs at this location? Comments: Pump Station Equipment Failure Documentation of tesfing, records etc., shoo! be provided upon request What kind of notification/alarm systems are present? Auto-dialer/telemetry (one-way communication) ❑Yes CS-SSO Form October 9, 2003 Page 4 Audible ❑Yes Visual ❑ Yes SCADA (two-way communication) ❑Yes Emergency Contact Signage ❑Yes Other ❑ Yes Describe the equipment that failed? . What kind of situations trigger an alarm condition at this station (i.e. pump failure, power failure, high water, etc.)? Were notification/alarm systems operable? ❑Yes❑ No 10 NA ❑NE If no, explain: If a pump failed, when was the fast maintenance and/or inspection performed? What specifically was checked/maintained? If a valve failed, when was It fast exercised? Were all pumps set to alternate? ❑Ye O No t _JNA ❑ NE Did any pump show above normal run times prior to and during the SSO event? ❑Yes❑ No Ll NA ❑ NE Were adequate spare parts on hand to fix the equipment (switch, fuse, valve, seal, etc.)? ❑Yes❑ No ONA ❑NE Was a spare or portable pump immediately available? ❑Yes❑ No&KA❑NE If a float problem, when were the floats last tested? How? If an auto -dialer or SCADA, when was the system last tested? How? Comments: CS-SSO Form October 9, 2003 Page 5 Power outage (Documentation of testing, records, etc., should be provided of aitemative power source upon request.) What is your alternate power or pumping source? Did it function properly? ❑Yes❑ Na❑NA❑NE Describe? When was the alternate power or pumping source last tested under load? If caused by a weather event, how much advance warning did you have and what actions were taken to prepare for the event? Comments: Vandalism Provide police report number. Was the site secured? If Yes, how? 11Y,S0 NOLJNA❑NE Have there been previous problems with vandalism at the $SO location? ❑Yes❑ No NA ❑NE If Yes, explain: 11 What security measures have been put in place to prevent similar occurrences in the future? ❑YesO No NA ❑NE Comments: Debris in fine (Rocks, sticks, rags and other items not allowed in the collection system, etc.) What type of debiis has been found in the line? Flow could it have gotten there? Are manholes in the area secure and intact? ❑Yes❑ No ONA t_iNE CS-SSO Form October 9, 2003 Page 6 When was the area last checked/cleaned? Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location due to previous problems with debris? 0YeJ NouNAONE Explain: i Are appropriate educational materials being developed and distributed to prevent future similar ❑Ye O No NA ❑NE occurrences? Comments: Other (Pictures and a police report should be available upon request.) Describe: Were adequate equipment and resources available to ix the problem? Yesu WONAONE If Yes, explain: If the problem could not be immediately repaired, what actions were taken to lessen the impact of the SSO? Comments: For DWQ Use Only: . ❑rr--�� � DWQ Requested an Additional Written Report. N,R NACINE If Yes, What Additional Information is Needed: Comments: CS-SSO Form October 9, 2003 Page 7 As a_representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: ew Signature: Telephone Number: Date: 5 - "11 - 1 3 Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form October 9, 2003 Page 8 05-09-'13 12:41 FROM- Killian Creek WW TP 7047350163 T-075 P0002/0005 F-198 oc Q 0 0 m � wy 7 _I t0 9 ID I 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 o d 3 m �p21 m m m it mIL ro _ O N G Q d a �Q = a i OL - a A o e Qo w o o o u' v o o Q `•' v o o �' o o o- V,,z, g s "° 0 a -- n N 3 rn 1 r A -n=r n O O h n �S Sc ©ate: 6r— -7 -- 1 3 Lincoln County Killian Creek V4WTP Fecal Coliform Sa6I W A L , Ru Rn,N0 Lake Shill Fecal Colitorm Sample Date Sample Date and Time in Date and Time out rN of Filter Counts/ Results and Time Location Incubation of Incubation Sample factor Counts 100 ml Reported anar � C12 m 1;L Blank 1 O a 4 g O 100 T 1 70F? � Lake Sample #1 20 5 �) Lake Sample #1 10 10 ` }� Lake Sample#1 10 Dup 10 .r (� 1' d a Lake Sample # 5 20 j � 1 dtL 1 Lake Sample #2 20 5 ( � Lake Sample #2 10 10 Lake Sample 4)2,) 5 20 S 7 00,&A Lake Sample #3 r 20 5 S Lake Sample#3 d� 10 10 dl� a� Od Lake Sample 93 5 20 1 OL Positive culture 1 100 Blank #2 100 1 Q i 7 " Counted with microscope lakefe_As 05-09-'13 12:41 FROM- Killian Creek WW TP 7047350163 T-075 P0004/0005 F-198 o � c x Na 3 0 0 w � t CL � CP 0 �(' c _ O. d O v to w a u � a pa M 0 M 00 o °i n.1 o o 0 0 0 i p1 I V g o o 0 0 0 0 0 �► 4 -•,.. ` 41J � � n � cab d � Q1� d -L O J 0 [� �`i', 3 ip � OU N w co m m 05-09-'13 12:41 FROM- Killian Creek WW TP 7047350163 r-075 P0005/0005 F-198 Izjo QO ��% Y/ ti _L o e (D m �o ro '�` m m m m m m of w m w 3 c g m a rn v rD v cu ro m ro o co 3 9 O �q O (� w a p o �' o �. Q1 o O o 0 0 L' o o cn a o o a' In n ST V� 1 �y 4 if A v N r a J in w O � n _ Pr O I.. Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Incident Number from BIMS 20130 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: t/ BPJ NOV-2013-DV DV-2013- V�/ 2 .,�,W �� S ill Date Time > 3d 5kP�p� f�� Reported Date 16 Time / / Oam/pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff 65 x4, ���Reported By�� Phone Address of Spill 3! County it i C6 A.D Cause of Spill V � /2'� r �f Total Estimated Gallons 0 Est. Gal to Stream Stream /V,/Ii1�,.-) Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad �013 Iva -- 7-64 ,/)"& ham A)D 04-16-'13 14:04 FROM-LIN CO Public works 704-736-8499 T-567 P0001/0009 F-156 Lincoln County Public Works 115 West Main street uncolnion, N.C. 28092 Phone. (704) - 735 - 8497 Fax: (7041- 736 - 8499 T®: BD►r%0.ro, is, ct F Qtlr:° �it } �n of154h Pax: ZOy ` 6PG5" ? y 5 Date: Phone 704 -,& (0-6 -11099 Pages; r Reference: t) QCS 00 1 W -q CC: 0 Urgent QlFor Kevlew r7 Please Comment ❑ Please llc* ❑ Please Recycle 613 ba�7 0 u wti��a � owe I��� ,�� �`l�►�. T314 Kck_v\er 6 v\J 0-1a ' vuX ve NC 04-16-'13 14:04 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-567 P0002/0009 F-156 -to CAao'� COUNTY OF LINCOLN, NORTH CAROLINA 11 S WEST MAIN STREET, 2ND FLOOR CITIZENS CENTER, LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA 29092 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PHONE (704) 736-8497 FAX (704) 736-8499 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NOTIFICATION OF WASTEWATER SPILL IN LINCOLN COUNTY House Sill 1160, which the General Assembly enacted in July 1999, requires municipalities, animal operations, industries and others who operate waste handling systems issue news releases when a waste spill of 1,000 gallons on the ground or any amount reaches surface waters, in accordance with this regulation, the following news release has been prepared and issued in the affected county: On Wednesday, April 10, 2013, in the 8300 block of Ranger island Marina Road, Denver, North Carolina a wastewater spill occurred. The estimated amount of the spill that reached Lake Norman was 20 gallons. The spill occurred due to a commercial vehicle damaging a sewer connection, and the untreated sewage flowed into a cove that ruins into Lake Norman in the Catawba River Basin. The flow has been stopped. The Lincoln County Ifealth Department has been contacted, and they recommend that boaters, fishermen and swimmers avoid contact with the lake water in this area until further notification. The Division of 'Water Quality was notified of the event on April 10, 2013, and is reviewing the matter. For information contact Lincoln County Public Works at (704) 736-8497. April 10, 2013 04-16-'13 14:04 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-567 P0003/0009 F-156 ��Ga4rt CpL� a� COUNTY OF LINCOLN, NORTH CAROLINA y�`I i►t�"�4 I IS WEST MAIN STREET, 3RD FLOOR CITIZENS CENTER, LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28092 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (704) 736-8499 FAX (704) 735-0273 CANCELLATION OF SWIM ADVISORrY NOTICE IN LINCOLN COUNTY As of April 15, 2013 at 8.15 a.m., the Lincoln County health Department has approved Lincoln County Public Works cancelling a No Swimming Advisory for all residents in the cove area bordering ' 8300 block of Ranger Island Marina Road, Denver, North Carolina. On Wednesday, April 10, 2013, a wastewater spill occurred. The estimated amount of the spill that reached fake Norman was 20 gallons. The spill occurred due to a commercial vehicle damaging a sewer connection, and the untreated sewage flowed into a cove that rums into Lake Norman in the Catawba River Basin Lincoln County Public Works has tested daily three sites for Fecal coliform levels at the 8300 block of Ranger Island Marina Road cove area. Two consecutive samples of <200/ml per 100m1 were received at all three testing sites and all sampling meets the Division of Water Quality standards For further information, please contact Lincoln County Public Works at (704) 736-8497. ISSUE DATE, Monday, April 15, 2013 N M i E— m m M Month/Year, 1-7 i a�o )3 Lincoln -Chanty Lake Spill Chain of Custody '5�41& m nrunc" tore Sample C,om osite sample a Sample Received Date Analysis 1 Temperature Caliection Data 11 or Collected Relinquishedin Lab Time Reed Preservative to be Received and Time Sample I ' Grab By: By: By: in Lab Used Done in lab__ f0— e r'`i� [9 cgs �� F � �� f 4/419 l t� £f�. �f�- ° c ta.0 FED Og S-ton LP 7 ^o_sC FLAW If °c 970 < o o r � i7Y3 L9 i- �� Z f ke lakespcoc.xls cO u, w m m Ln m a N c0 u-, H m m cn CY3 i C+ m ti V) x 0 3K U H a. 0 U z H a i 0 w Ln m M c-I ~I (O ci Date: S 3124 Lineotn County Killian Creek VVVVTP Fecal Coli#orm mp r- i5 / a. w.j ' /fir; YVA Lake Spill Fecal Coliform Sample Dates Sample Date and Time in , gale and T-nne out ml of Filter Counts/ Results ' and Time Location Iftubal ion of Incubation ' Sample Factor : Cousrts 100 ml * Reported Analyst(s) Cr 41at,3 'BIarIEc lb aft} 4 (Lake Sample#1 100 1� 20 5 — 1 [ !ate Sarre #9 e 10 10 Lake Sample #1 10 Delp 10 rLake Sample #4 I 5 2-0 w�L l 4 Lake Sample #2 ---,ram--- 20 —•----•--•---..._......_-----•-- •--...- - 5 ---• Lake Sample #2 10 10`�� Lake Sample#2 5 20} f ' Lake Sample #3 20 5 t - ' Lake Sample 03 10 10 < Lake Sampre #3 5 20 ; ! i C Blank #2 100 1 I "C4unted with microscope iakefe.xls m m CD (0 m m m a. m m m ti i m ti D e: V 11 13 Lincafh-dour+ Killian Cmek VOWP Fecal Coliform Lake Spill Fecal ColifaFm Sample Date Sample Date -and Time in oateand Tune cct mi of Fitter C4untsl Results and Time Location Incubation I of Onulation Sample Factor Counts ; 100 ml k Repolled I analpl(s) C12 !!!�L Ct Blank �' I� ft3 100 1 ! {_ ' i 0� Lake Sam pie #1 I 2 5 - ij-@-- - Lake Sam ple ##1 I I 10 10 C7 _ _-- take Sample #1 10 Duo 10 Lake Sampi e;" 5 20' -- � ----• _...__� Lake Sampie Q 20 5 Lake Sampla92 10 96 L Lake Sample #2 5 20 3 W ✓Lake Sample #3 Lake Sample #3 Lake -Sample #3 i 1 20 10 5 i l 5to 10 20 i Blank#2 s 100 1 -- I i - * Counted with mrocrosoape lakefe.xrs 1 q- avip r --Is )avd r4(Ar; vLk 9,Z 04-16-'13 14:06 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-567 P0007/0009 F-156 U_. F? �Uj 3 3 3 3 a M n L C: d S• � rt 3 W r 0 Nn C� if 9 w . IN m m 'Cl+ 00 c0 cY) m Date: —V, -V I Uncoln County Killian Creek WWTP Fecal Califarm Lake Spill Fecal CoUtorm Sample Daft SampW Date and Time in Date and Time out mi of Filter Counts/ Results and rmw Location Incubation of Incubation Sample Factor Counts 100 mt* Reported A,sa s) Clx mglL r Blank i 404 't0- �J �S WVP food Lake Sample #1 20 5 O Lake Sample #1 10 10 Lake Sample #1 10 Dup 10 Lake Sample#" 1 5 20 p take Sample #2 20 O Lake Sample 42 10 10 Lake Sample #2 5 20 ' p� LaM Sampled 2D f Lam Sa mia#3 10 10 Lake Sample 03 5 21D 1 '3 re w Blank #2 100 1 I Counted with rricrosco pe lakefe.xls 'l! 04-16-'13 14:07 FROM-LIN CO Public works 704-736-8499 } e a T-567 P0009/0009 F-156 9 IT 9 C a 3' � 5 a o c re In o o w 0 a C Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# Ir � c� Cs o bOCP'C' Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2007-DV ■•eeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeteeeeeeeeeeeeeee�eee Spill Date /l p Time �- �(� am pm Reported Date ' AA W Time - J 6 am m Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff. Reported By ,��� Phone Address of Spill A-C� 4,9�) County i-f ,� �• City Cause of Spill -?A—) Total Estimated Gallons c5OO6 Est. Gal to Stream StreamAln y o J Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad 0 12-31-'12 13:34 FROM-LIN CO Public works 704-736-8499 T-433 PO0O1/0017 F-466 r To. Lincoln• Works 11$ West Wn Street Uricolnton, N.C. 28092 Phone: U(14) .736 - 0497 Fax:1704) - 735 - 8499 From: C h � Fax: j D N &n ,,5 _ &0 4 o Date: Phone IUy' �o�a� "ilo R Peg!!: Reference: � � n� � 4C« 13 Urgent For ReVIew C3 Please Comment 17 Please Reply © Please Recycle comments: ar � eo-ka +-e5+ 12-31-'12 13:34 FROM-LIN CO Public works 704-736-8499 T-433 P0002/0017 F-46b ATE Form CS-SSO r Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form V 1/2009 PART I This form shall be submitted.to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer bverflow (SSO)_ Permit Number : WQ CA_ Od j i-2 (WQCS#f if active, otherwise use WQCSD#, Facility: Lgne.olr. Caur+%l '�pweR Owner: LiUC1131r• Co�1v�-lry City: 0 e.r% ve R Source of SSO (check applicable): ❑ S t S war Incident # Region: County: ani ary a Pump Station I Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consist nt in description from pastreports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc.) : EMMA fta44Oh' ZIT — y 4 30 &%ri on L 4v%e_ t be-nVe-A N- - Manhole# ly Latitude (degrees/minute/second): '36 31 , y�'f � "--� Longitude(degrees/minute/second):.W" . qq' 1W 0 Incident Started 17t: tZ-fi~zo1? Tim ' ' 30 Incident End Dt: fZ-47"Zbl2 Time: ; +iff (rnm-dd-y" hh:m M (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mn(OPM Estimated volume of the SSO; 1 O bC2 gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): Describe how the volume was determined: C:5Vj rn6;k i0[3LtseLA t)M *jI>r.0 ObSeryaopY\ !k * iDn'};mC Weather conditions during SSO event; e. IeckR � �' `'� o u Did SSO reach surface waters? 50 Yes D NoD Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gallons): Qp(] Surface water name: I ct ke 11q Rr'fM1cL r1 ElILr.I Did the SSO result in a fish kill? Yes NoC] Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed?� SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: ❑ Severe Natural Condition ❑ Inflow and Infiltration ❑ Vandalism El Pi a Failure (Rreak) ❑ Grease Pump Station Equipment Failure Debris in line ❑ Roots Dower outage Q Other (please explain in Part II) " p 24-hour verbal notification (name of person contacted) OOrrlao m ' `rimer - Moorn Vr 1le W-01508 21 DWQ 0 Emergency Mgmt. Date (mm-dd-yyyy):12_Z7~6Q1"7 Time (hh:mm AM {� C If an SSO is ongoing, please notify Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 46-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county w era a ischarge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the re�n—ce-a statute for further detail, The Director, Division of Water Quality, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was caused by severe natural conditions and there were no feasible alternatives to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis for the determination of any enforcement action. Therefore, it is important to be as complete as possible. WHETHER OR NOT PART 11 IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM. CS-SSO Form Page 1 12-31-'12 13:34 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-433 P0003/0017 F-466 Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form PART I I ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR EACH RELATED CAUSE CHECKED IN PART I OF THIS FORM AND INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED OR DESIRED COMPLETE ONLY THOSE SECTIONS PERTAINING TO THE CAUSE OF THE SSO AS CHECKED IN PART I (In the check boxes below, NA = Not Applicable and NE = Not Evaluated) A HARDCOPY OF THIS FORM SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE DWO REGIONAL OFFICE UNLESS IT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH THE ONLINE REPORTING SYSTEM CS-SSO Form Page 2 12-31-'12 13:35 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-433 P0004/0017 F-46,6 Pump Station Equipment Failure Documentation of testing, records etc., shout be provided upon request. What kind of notificationlalarm systems are present? Auto-dialerltelometry (one -Way communication) 14Yes Audible 12Yes Visual I Yes SCADA (two-way communication) ❑ Yes Emergency Contact Signage 9 Yes Other C3 Yes Describe the equipment that failed? AT S Irrcgler ra�v [arid [au�i-o �ei� a1 (2 What kind of situations trigger an alarm condition at this station (i.e. pump failure, power failure, high water, eto.)? CAM ;ciAura h , 1h le et atnd &e v _tr tpa �n Were notification/alarm systems operable? Ye No NA� Nf If no, explain; i4tAo -gale s-trvck I i h r;mo a-e . tw�obhe live. If a pump failed, when was the last maintenance and/or inspection performed? What specifically was checked/maintained? If a valve failed, when was it last exercised? NIA Were all pumps set to alternate? Ye,0 No [j NAa NE Did any pump show above normal run times prior to and during the SSO event? [� Yejy No o NA[] NE Were adequate spare parts on hand to fix the equipment (switch, fuse, valve, seal, etc.)? Ye9[] No D NA❑ NE Was a spare or portable pump immediately available? Ye,0 No [I NA❑ NE CS-SSO Form Page 7 s 12-31-'12 13:35 FROM-LIN CO Public works 704-736-8499 T-433 P0005/0017 F-466 If a float problem, when were the floats last tested? How? If an auto -dialer or SCADA, when was the System fast tested? How? I z - I� - 20 ► � � C4,e�.k �cc+�a�h o n t.��r d � �I�R. c��d._ �he�.k_�ho�r� (i r►� . Comments: �u+n�p S�a�rtb r. k]aS 5�-t'uGlc %V _i i_�tY►'!'ni r+ �{r�i,�irr ca�se�1 h� A i 5 +a +ra eR +t;'l4em4m, 'C��I�b r'-1 ian , t1f1 a� rr Paw�'i� �111d � �ne�ct'}oR poLc)eR 1, " auYn: &61 JDLA- 4e Cleo! -rani �'Ja d Garr �-h�e A i S wo eo do,m ed . A+ +he 6e VC me l%6';I-+�111 % gJrr L t k 4.kNa AT,,; ' +e-I epVno n$ 1 i ne det 5iY%� o, *c:,1 ure ; ne, ONE_ Ru4-ay P'laleR . Perftf\nel arrt ved on -(scene -4o eonduc+ U.9eekl y c4a % aid do 6+~over �d 'the ,lure anc� re s� 1�F;na� .55�. ze8 5�&Ney 5ec +o remove eu e.e.�s c�hd �.�plred lod I los a� CommenoeA +es4-,n%c4 Calve Morman Cove T-or a -Coh . CS-SSO Form Page 0 12-31-'12 13:35 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-433 P0006/0017 F-46,5 Power outage (Documentation of testing, records, etc., should be provided of alternative power source upon reques . What is your alternate power or pumping source? _IaeUr4a0NAQNE Did it function properly? �J Describe? 5+rue.k' i MKfft When was the alternate power or pumpA source IN tested under Io 1 Z.-al 2b 1'z j / Trar.s�e t?t�u�eR ih�h= �- t'un�1u>nnp . If caused by a weather event, how much ad cc warning did you have and what 51ttions were taken to prepare for the event? o td?ali�si� n a car' a�h�tn na b h y 1'a�� n ,--� V�� Comments; pleme- see CS-SSO Form Page 9 12-31-'12 13:36 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-433 P0007/0017 F-466 Systern Visitation �t i ORC C)ICLrti C• I� de��arr Backup (6 ri o r\ (,D'rikel D Name' C) 1 cL" C • VA ena e-irSp r1 Cert# Date visited: Time visited: iA Yes I2^Z"1_Z4t7- How was the SSO remodiated (i.e. Stopped and cleaned up)? As s re resentative for the res ansible party, I certi that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to e est my now a ge. Iverson submitting claim: t) I ax., t^ • KCANA ex&w , gignature: VS vja�—==:A Telephone Number, 104 -134- ` 4 9, Date: t Z~_6j- Z o 1 Z Title: rA i 13�1:i J 4t.�B�tl'ie1i��a' Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form Page 15 12-31-'12 13:36 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-433 P0008/0017 F-465 COUNTYr: r �VIM III w t ,I ••., r I t � t •� ! Vs tiL tinwun,�nviHjQl� • titi �: C Jorkdlctbna LaRC Norman COMGr Map F08W!¢s , • Cceeky �/ Roaaa � O 6oundario5 ! ♦ RoeG p�raanont �'. JnW" tat uno RW. City d 1.1war 14A contcet um f Dnimgo Eostellenl CS 1PIw:'m WOWAY ETJ V caun[y una 1' utety EaYealol rl r�rcefB Town M Mr sw �� Taenyldplinn ceoaYa RightoorPflvataRmd cowl) icenty Lincoln County and its mapping contractors assume no legal responsibility for the information contained on this map- This.map is not to be used or land conveyance. The map is based on NC State Plane Coordinate System 1983 NAD. Lincoln County. NC Office of the Tax Administ(ator. GIS Division 5 P,, it see- - 4411) 6vr+Dr� Lane P O o - P of v�� 0-� ttr W�rooe✓srimap?ServieeN'ame=Y_,Cov&Form=True... 12/27/2012 12-31-'12 13:36 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-433 P0009/0017 F-466 PE C)NNEL OIL ffE: LOCAUMOO MANHOLE: 8 L1NE: L T STA 'TYPE OF MANIDIANCE CLEANM 8A FMV ffQWPAVJff . l-( G A t/"� 12-31-`12 13:37 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-433 P0010/0017 F-466 COG C G V COUNTY OF LINCOLN, NORTH CAROLINA 115 WEST MAIN STREET, 2No FLOOR CITIZENS CENTER, LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA 2809Z DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PHONE (704) 736-8497 FAX (704) 736-8499 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NOTIFICATION OF WASTEWATER SPILL IN LINCOLN COUNTY House Bill 1160, which the General Assembly enacted in July 1999, require municipalities, animal operations, industries and others who operate waste handling systems issue news releases when a waste spill of 1,000 gallons or more reaches surface waters. In accordance with this regulation, the following news release has been prepared and issued in the affected county: On Thursday, December 27, 2012, in the 4400 block of Burton Lane, Denver, Forth Carolina, adjacent to the Lakewood Subdivision, a wastewater spill occurred due to a lightning strike at a sewage pump station resulting in a pump failure. The estimated number of gallons spilled was 5,000 gallons. The untreated sewage flowed into an unnamed cove in the 4400 block of Burton Lane, Denver, North Carolina, which runs into Lake Norman in the Catawba River Basin. The flow has been stopped and testing of the discharge site has commenced. The Lincoln County Health Department has been notified and the Health Department recommends that all boaters, fishermen and swimmers avoid contact with the lake water in this area until further notification. The Division of Water Quality was notified of the event on December 27, 2012, and is reviewing the matter. For information contact Lincoln County Public Works at (704) 736-8497. ncccmbor 27, 2012 2:00 pm 12-31-'12 13:37 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-433 P0011/0017 F-466 Lincoln County Health Department 151 sigmon Road M Lincolnton, NC 28092 Lr�.l Phone: 704-736.8634 m Fax: 704-732.-9034 b Margaret B. Dollar, M.Ed. CA1�py� Health Director NwthC.WinnvoblkHmhh PUBLIC NOTICE & DRESS RELEASE EASE Release date: December 27, 2012 R SWIMMING ADVISORY ISSUED (LINCOLN COUNTY -4470 Burton Lane, Denvere NC 28037) The Lincoln County Health Director issued a Swimming Advisory at 1:30 pm Thursday, December 27, 2012. A sewage spill of approximately 5,000 gallons occurred due to a lightning strike causing circuit damage on the lift station located at 4470 Burton Lane in Denver. The spill leaked into an unnamed cove bordered by Lakewood and Dorman Pointe Subdivisions. As of noon today the power has been restored to the pump station and it is functioning properly. The county Public Forks Department is taking water samples to determine the level of potential bacterial infection into Lake Norman. As a preventive measure, the health director is advising all residents and boaters that this area may be contaminated with fecal coliform. Residents and lake users are advised not to swim or otherwise have bodily contact in that area. No Swimming Advisory signs are being posted this afternoon, and residents in that immediate area will receive a pre-recorded alert message if they are registered with the county's emergency notification '`Line Alert" system. This release is also being sent to all local media and to the county's website. County Public Works Department employees will continue water testing and will notify the health department and public when it is clear to resume lake activities in this area. Until at least two consecutive samples indicate fecal coliform counts <200/ml at all sampling sites, the swimming advisory will remain in effect. This decision is based on state guidelines per the Mooresville Regional Office of the NC Division of Environmental Management. Margaret B. Dollar, M.N. Lincoln County Health Director 12-27-12 12-31-'12 13:37 FROM-LIN CO Public Works 704-736-8499 T-433 P0012/0017 F-466' MR 9t�~fir COUNTY OF LINCOLN, NORTH CAROLINA CA 11 S WEST MAIN STREET, 2Nn FLOOR CITIZENS CENTER, LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28092 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PHONE (704) 736-8497 FAX (704) 736-8499 CANCELLATION OF SWIM ADVISORY NOTICE IN LINCOLN COUNTY As of December 31, 2012 at 10:00 AM, the Lincoln County health Department has approved Lincoln County Public Works cancelling a "No Swimming Advisory" for all residents in the area the 4400 block of Burton Lane, in Denver, North Carolina. The advisory was issued because of a waste water spill of an estimated 5,000 gallons. The untreated wastewater spilled into Lake Norman in the Catawba River Basin. Lincoln County Public Works has collected water samples for testing daily from three sites at the affected area. Two consecutive samples showed test results below the required maximum levels at all three sites, and all sampling now meets the North Carolina Division of Water Quality standards. For further information, please contact Lincoln County Public Works at (704) 736- 8497. Monday, Deocmber 31, 201.2 10:00 AM rol * Countsd With microscope lake exls Lincoln Coin Killian Creek VVWTP Fecal Coliform Lake SpiIk FecJ Coliform 1 al w w He Dane: i� Lincoln (.►ounty Killian Creek VVVdTP Fecal Coliform l f., �Zya 1�n4;t _ I 1 1) f . Lake Spill Fecal Coliform Sample Date Sample Date and Time in . Date and Time out ml of Filter couffw Mutts and Time Location Incubation of Incubation Sample Fa�nc Courns, too no : orbed l Armlyst(s) C12 Tq L i� _Blank 0 J i [Lake Sample #1 I - 20 I 5 i� ----- t _ iLake Samp6e #1 --- 10 1017-Arp-c- DE3d —. Labe Sample #9 10 Du p 10 :take Sample #1 _ 5 20 IC _ ILake Sample #Z — . 20 5 6 . d0 Lake Sample #2 Lake Sample #2 - -- 10 10 EV�- 5 20 I ' Lake Sacmple#F3 20 5 i -. --- Lake Sankde#!3 LaYeSamp?e#3 _ 10 — .f— 5 10 20 1 ,r ------ — ) Positive culture iBaank #2 ............ 1 100 '100 1 1 . i i wMiURM.M-9 A-=,. i "Counted with microscope lakefe.xls 1 w w Date. 'f A -- 2L Linoofn County Killian Creek 1fl VVTP Fecal Coliform t- N Lake Spill Fecal Coffwm Sande Date Sample _ _Date and S--me in Date and Time out ml of Fi1Der i Cun Results and Time Location Incubation of Incubation Samoa Factor Counts IOD Fn1 ` Reported Analyst(s) Cl2 mg1L Wank _ el IIOD �3 i5r Lake Sample # 1 ._._. 20 ILake Sample 01 _ 10 Ya i✓`t'Cr _ Lake Sample #1 il 10 OUP 10 Lake Sample # 20 ��✓�� i r o-Z> `Lake Sample #2 _._._._.__.-•-_-._-- — 20 — S`t3C7 _f ;Lane Sam le #2� P — 10. --- 10 i �� 3 a ----- jLaEce Sample — a 20 , ��✓ Lake SaaEte20 1'3 ` Lake Sample;* � .�Z��`�- " 10]E200 'take Sample #3_ t _ __—_._. _—. _. i 'Positift culture Blank#2 i , ?::::�£a�'�:;-i�.ne 'i _,,.: °EE>.�:- _ :3>: � ��igi .: i.lt: 'k�'• : i �;tiix•?:<:.<.-s:{ts> s� - * Counted with microscope lakefe.xJs Date: Lincoln County Kl` U= Creek WWTR Fecal Coliform Lake Spill Fecal Cod f&m Sample skate Sample Date and Time in Date and Time out MI of Filter Countsl • R sulks and Time Location Incubation of Incubation Sample Factor Counts 100 mg eg!!sd I Az,-0yA,) C12 mgfL j� Blank fa t080 Id131, 0'9g5- '0a fk f CO Lake Sample #1 _ _ 20 ---- 1Lake Sample#1 i 10 I0 Lake SamMe#9- ' I 10 Dup 94 -'-- La We Sample #1 � -- — ---- --� - 5 20 � �--- iLake Sample #2 20 5 J Lake Sample #2 L Lake Sample #2 10 5 10 20: l _ o o9 Lake Sample 93 20 Lake Sample #3 pa ten! 10 10 •• d--- 5� ; _. __..._ Lake Sample 93—b 'Fasitlue culture S I 9 20 - _10{l I Blank #2 100 1 I i * Counted with microscope lakGeie'As Date; I Lincoln County Killian Crook WWTP Fatah Col tam Lake Spill Fecal Co€iforrn Sample Date Sample Date and Time in Date and T-meOuit mlof Filter Countsl Results I and Time Location Incubation of Immbation Sample I Factor Counts 100 ml a Reported lAnYst sy Ct2 mg1L 1Blank aD O �{ iI Jf O � 100 1 20 5 (3a a Lake Sample #1 _ Lake Sample #1 _ PDT 14 10 Lake Sample 91 to DUP 10 a Saunpae #9 -- ---- ---=-- — -Lake20 Lake Sample w#2 i 20 5 T Lake Sample 42 10 10 _ © _ Lake Sample #2 5 20 D O ✓% Lake Sarnpte #3 20 5 ! _ Lake Sample#3lvmldtl} i4 �l JC?2� Lake Sample V, 5 20 Posibiveculture 1 100 wank 92 i 100 1 1 i I I k Counted with microscope lakefe.xls m CD CD 1� rn rn V� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director March 19, 2010 Mr. Burns Whittaker, PE Public Works Department Lincoln County 115 West Main St. Lincolnton, NC 28092 Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Permit No. WQCS00149 Lincoln County Collection System Lincoln County Dear Mr. Whittaker: Dee Freeman Secretary Ms. Barbara Sifford, of the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ), Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) conducted a compliance evaluation inspection (CEI) of the Lincoln County wastewater collection system permit number WQCS00149, on January 13, 2010. The assistance and cooperation of Mr. Chris Henderson, Mr. Barry McKinnon and yourself was greatly appreciated. Please note that the sections completed on the report pertain only to the areas that were inspected. An inspection report is attached for your records and inspection findings are detailed in this report. The collection system for Lincoln County consists of approximately 20 miles of gravity sewer line, 50 miles of pressure sewer line, 13.7 miles of force main and thirty-six (36) duplex pump stations. The system conveys wastewater to the Forney Creek WWTP (NPDES NCO074012 and Killian Creek WWTP (NPDES NC0088722) not yet completed and the City of Lincolnton's WWTP (NPDES NC0025496) for treatment. The collection system permit has not been issued, the permit application was received in August 2004 and needs to be updated to reflect all the changes in the system and to change the name of the facility. Currently the system has not been classified. Performance Standards The County of Lincoln needs to develop and implement an educational fats, oils, and grease program for both residential and non-residential users. The County may also need to develop and implement an enforceable program for users of the collection system who violate the terms of the local ordinance pertaining to fats, oils and grease. A schedule for implementation will be in the permit draft for you to review. Mooresville Regional Office Location: 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 663-16991 Fax: (704) 663-60401 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 One NorthCarolina Lincoln County WQCS00149 January 13, 2010 CEI The Capital Improvement Plan addresses both short term and long term planning for the continued expansion of the collection system and treatment capacity. To clarify a question about simplex pump stations serving a single-family residence, such stations are not required to. be checked daily (whether publicly or privately owned). However, they are required to have a sticker notice inside the control panel with a 24-hour emergency contact number. Lincoln County has several thousand privately owned single family pump stations that were issued to developers, LLC's, or now belong to home owners associations, as well as some issued in the County's ownership. DWQ has concern about the continued operation of these systems. A resolution to the regulatory requirements of these systems when a failure occurs needs to be addressed. , In dealing with other County Environmental Health Departments several North Carolina Administrative Codes can be used when a private system fails. 15A NCAC 18A.1961 (1) — A sewage collection, treatment, and disposal system that creates or has created a public health hazard or nuisance by surfacing or effluent or discharging directly into groundwater or surface waters, or that is partially or totally destroyed shall be repaired within 30 days of notification by the state or local health department. 15A NCAC 18A.1937 Permits: (a) Any person owning or controlling a residence, place of business, or place of assembly containing water —using fixtures connected to a water supply source shall discharge all wastewater directly to an approved wastewater system permitted for that specific use. A condition needs to be added in the permit that directs the cooperation of Lincoln County Environmental Health Department with the Lincoln County Public Works Department to work together to ensure that these systems remain functioning and take the proper corrective actions and enforcement when needed for these private systems within your jurisdiction. Inspections, Operation and Maintenance and Records Right of ways are cleared by a contract services and found accessible. A list of high priority lines needs to be developed for the system to include aerials and other line segments of potential concern that should be checked more than once a year. A customer compliant log is maintained, and used to determine areas for cleaning the following year. The attached Compliance Evaluation Inspection report lists the information that should be available for review along with the record keeping and reporting guidance. The County is required to clean at a minimum 10 % of the collection system annually. Because the collection system has low pressure lines and gravity sewer lines, both types are cleaned to obtain 70% of the footage cleaned annually. The annual report was submitted 3/9/09 for the year 2008. Lincoln County WQCS00149 January 13, 2010 CEI Any comments should be submitted to the attention of Ms. Barbara Sifford, resubmit the application to the PERCS unit in Raleigh as soon as possible with the correct and up to date information for the system. The draft permit will then be issued and you will have 30 days to comment on the conditions in the permit. If you have any questions concerning this inspection report or noted record keeping requirements, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sifford. Sincerely, obert Krebs Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section Mooresville Regional Office Cc: Chris Henderson- ORC �iICS�incc n ;may PERCS N Permit: WQCS00149 SOC: County: Lincoln Region: Mooresville Compliance Inspection Report Effective: Expiration: Owner: East Lincoln County Water & Sewer Dist Effective: Expiration: Facility: E Lincoln County Collection System 115 W Main St Contact Person: Stan B Kiser Title: Directions to Facility:. System Classifications: CSNC, Primary ORC: Olan C. Henderson Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: NC0088722 Lincoln County - Killian Creek WWTP NCO074012 Lincoln County - Forney Creek WWTP Inspection Date: 01/13/2010 Entry Time: 09:00 AM Primary Inspector: - Barbara Sifford Secondary Inspector(s): Phone: 704-736-8498 Certification:991657 Phone:704-736-8497 Exit Time: 04:00 PM Phone: 704-663-1699 Ext.2196 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Collection system management and operation Facility Status: ■ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: ® Miscellaneous Questions ■ Performance Standards ® Operation & Maint Reqmts Records ® Monitoring & Rpting ® Inspections Pump Station ® Manhole Reqmts ® Lines (See attachment summary) Page. 1 Permit: WQC300149 Owner - Facility: East Lincoln County Water & Sewer Dist Inspection Date: 01/13/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Page: 2 Permit: WQCS00149 Owner - Facility: East Lincoln County Water & Sewer Dist Inspection Date: 01/13/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine oo.f.,—.,, c+-.,. —A. Yes No NA NE Is Public Education Program for grease established and documented? n ■ n n What educational tools are used? Need to develop educational information for FOG program for both residential and commercial customers. Is Sewer Use Ordinance/Legal Authority available? El n n n Does it appear that the Sewer Use Ordinance is enforced? ® n n n Is Grease Trap Ordinance available? n n n ■ Is Septic Tank Ordinance available (as applicable, i.e. annexation) ® n n n List enforcement actions by permittee, if any, in the last 12 months Has an acceptable Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) been implemented? ■ n n n Does CIP address short term needs and long term \"master plant/ concepts? ■ n n n Does CIP cover three to five year period? ®n n n Does CIP include Goal Statement? ® n n n Does CIP include description of project area? ® n n n Does CIP include description of existing facilities? ® n n n Does CIP include known deficiencies? ®n n n Does CIP include forecasted future needs? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is CIP designated only for wastewater collection and treatment? ® n n n Approximate capital improvement budget for collection system? Total annual revenue for wastewater collection and treatment? CIP Comments Capital Costs for 2009 - 2013 indicate a need of $23,577,461.00 this is for a new WWTP and new lines as well as expansion of the collection system. The County also has a 20 year plan that was developed in 2004 that goes to 2023 for planning and funding purposes. Is system free of known points of bypass? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ If no, describe type of bypass and location Is a 24-hour notification sign posted at ALL pump.stations? ®n n n # Does the sign include: Instructions for notification? ® n n n Pump station identifier? ® n n n 24-hour contact numbers ® n n n Page: 3 Permit: WQCS00149 Owner - Facility: East Lincoln County Water & Sewer Dist Inspection Date: 01/13/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine If no, list deficient pump stations # Do ALL pump stations have an "auto polling" feature/SCADA? n ■ n n Number of pump stations 36 Number of pump stations that have SCADA 0 Number of pump stations that have simple telemetry 36 Number of pump stations that have only audible and visual alarms 0 Number of pump stations that do not meet permit requirements 0 # Does the permittee have a root control program? n n n ■ # If yes, date implemented? Describe: Not discussed Comment: All pump stations have telemetry and audible and visual alarms. The phone number is to 911 for the county should the telemetry fail. Inspections Yes No NA NE Are maintenance records for sewer lines available? ■ n n n Are records available that document pump station inspections? ■ n n n Are SCADA or telemetry equipped pump stations inspected at least once a week? ■ n n n Are non-SCADA/telemetry equipped pump stations inspected every day? ❑ ❑ ■ n Are records available that document citizen complaints? ■ ❑ n ❑ # Do you have a system to conduct an annual observation of entire system? ■ ❑ n n # Has there been an observation of remote areas in the last year? ■ n ❑ ❑ Are records available that document inspections of high -priority lines? n ® n n Has there been visual inspections of high -priority lines in last six months? n ■ n n Comment: High priority lines need to be inspected every six months. Operation & Maintenance Requirements Yes No NA NE Are all log books available? ■ ❑ ❑ Does supervisor review all log books on a regular basis? ■ ❑ n n Does the supervisor have plans to address documented short-term problem areas? ■ n n n What is the schedule for reviewing inspection, maintenance, & operations logs and problem areas? Monthly at a minimum. Are maintenance records for equipment available? ■ n n n Is a schedule maintained for testing emergency/standby equipment? ® n n n Page: 4 Permit: WQCS00149 Owner - Facility: East Lincoln County Water & Sewer Dist Inspection Date: 01/13/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine What is the schedule for testing emergency/standby equipment? weekly load test Do pump station logs include: Inside and outside cleaning and debris removal? ■ n n n Inspecting and exercising all valves? n n n Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other equipment? ■ ❑ ❑ n Inspecting alarms, telemetry and auxiliary equipment? o n n n Is there at least one spare pump for each pump station w/o pump reliability? ® n n n Are maintenance records for right-of-ways available? BODO Are right-of-ways currently accessible in the event of an emergency? ■ n n n Are system cleaning records available? ■ n n n Has at least 10% of system been cleaned annually? ■ ❑ n ❑ What areas are scheduled for cleaning in the next 12 months? 70 -80 % of the low pressure sewer lines are cleaned annually. Is a Spill Response Action Plan available? ®n ❑ n Does the plan include: 24-hour contact numbers ®n n n Response time ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Equipment list and spare parts inventory ■ n n n Access to cleaning equipment ®n n n Access to construction crews, contractors, and/or engineers ■ n n n Source of emergency funds ■ n n n Site sanitation and cleanup materials ® n n n Post-overflow/spill assessment ® n n 7- Is a Spill Response Action Plan available for all personnel? ® n ❑ ❑ Is the spare parts inventory adequate? ® n n n Comment: Need to update the names and phone numbers and submit to MRO for our records for emergency calls. Records Yes No NA NE Are adequate records of all SSOs, spills and complaints available? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are records of SSOs that are under the reportable threshold available? ■ ❑ n Do spill records indicate repeated overflows (2 or more in 12 months) at same location? n El n n Page: 5 Permit: WQCS00149 Owner - Facility: East Lincoln County Water & Sewer Dist Inspection Date: 01/1312010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine If yes, is there a corrective action plan? ❑ n n Is a map of the system available? ■ n n n Does the map include: Pipe sizes ■ n n n Pipe materials ■ n Fl n Pipe location ■ n ❑ n Flow direction ■ n n .n Approximate pipe age ■ n n n Number of service taps ■ n n n Pump stations and capacity ■ n n n If no, what percent is complete? List any modifications and extensions that need to be added to the map New Killian Creek line and pump station. # Does the permittee have a copy of their permit? n ■ n n Comment: In draft form and has not been issued yet. Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Yes No NA NE Are copies of required press releases and distribution lists available? ■ n F1 F1 Are public notices and proof of publication available? ■ n n n # Is an annual report being prepared in accordance with G.S. 143-215.1 C? ■ n n n # Is permittee compliant with all compliance schedules in the permits? n n ■ n If no, which one(s)? Need to get FOG program implemented and inspections of commerial establishments. May need to add more regulatory language tot he sewer use ordinance for grease but the system currently does not have a grease problem. Comment: #10 - 8218 Hagers Ferry Road Pump Station Yes No NA NE Pump station type Duplex Are pump station logs available? ■ n n n Is it accessible in all weather conditions? ® n n ❑ # Is general housekeeping acceptable? ® F1 R n Are all pumps present? ® ❑ n ❑ Page: 6 Permit: WQCS00149 Owner - Facility: East Lincoln County Water & Sewer Dist Inspection Date: 01/13/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Are all pumps operable? ■ ❑ n ❑ Are wet wells free of excessive debris? ■ Are upstream manholes free of excessive debris/signs of overflow? ■ n n n Are floats/controls for pumps/alarms operable? ®n n n Is "auto polling"feature/SCADA present? n n ■ n Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? ❑ ❑ ■ Is simple telemetry present? ® n n Is simple telemetry operational? ® n n n Are audio and visual alarms present? ®n n n Are audio and visual alarms operable? ■ Is the Pump station inspected as required? ® ❑ ❑ Are backflow devices in place? ®n n n Are backflow devices operable? ■ ❑ n Are air relief valves in place? ®n n n Are air relief valves operable? ®n n n # Is an emergency generator available? ■ n n In Can the emergency generator run the pumps? ®❑ ❑ ❑ Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? n ® n Is the generator operable? ■ n ❑ n # Is fuel in tank and sufficient? ®n n n Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: Instructions for notification? ® ❑ n ❑ Pump station identifier? ® ❑ n ❑ Emergency phone number n n n Is public access limited? ® n n n Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? ® n n n Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? Page: 7 / ; _ e » > s - - - > > > > # .E -0-0 2 > » > > > > 0 0 § ] 0 00 _ \ / 7 0 % @ _ / @ @ « % ¥ G = m = • % e _ \\ g y s / 0 e§ g== 0 0 w\ & y Z)°\/ 5 g \ R / - § E E \ 3 / \ © __ _ C c m ± G m ¥ = J f \ J \ ; m E ° c ~ ® % § § m / 73 0 \ \ / \ ] ) G ! / \ ± & \ \ \ \ \ ) 7 \ \ 0 / J / @ J- 0 ƒ , m/ c& m m»»\ g 4 0=/ 0 § \ D / / \ \ / 6 6 / / ° \ \ \ \ E � \ ^ m ° 0= z E} J m e d o \ ` % / \ / 0 5 ) / = 3 a \ \ / 7 / e 7 ® / / O \ \ / \ \ 2 \ \ ® } \ \ \ ( / / \ ' \ e § CD m y 3 A m ° ® § \ \ / 0 \ \ ® / / \ < M \ 2viz ) . § } ' \ \ ¥ > > E m \ G 0 % \ c / 2 j \ \ \ \ j 0 & \ \ . y/ m :\ S a\ 0 m\ / 0 m m 7 0 / / \ / \ 0 g \ } ~ e ¥ d \ ® Z = \ < G a n 7 & \ y 7 \ /m \ m n - // / \ \ \ ° a 0 \ f / ~ � /� 0 2 / q a \ 0 m » »0 ) { \ 0 m o ] 0 : / 5_ . ƒ Co 2 7 \ \ 2 a ¥ m _ E / ƒ . * § CD ■ ■ ■ I ■ NIMENOMMMEN IDIDOMME OEM ■ y 0 I ID I I ID I I Cl0 U q U q l g S ID ID ID l ID q ID f 0 / I q l ■ I I g q S ID ID l ID ID U■■ ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID> 0 I 0 ID q ID ID l S S ID S U ID ID q ID ID IDS I I ID ID I ID§ / Permit: WQCS00149 , Owner - Facility: East Lincoln County Water & Sewer Dist Inspection Date: 01/13/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? ■ n n n Does it include: Instructions for notification? ■ n n n Pump station identifier. ■nnn Emergency phone number ® n n n Is public access limited? ■ n n n Is pump station free of overflow piping? ® M M M Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? ■ n n n Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? Comment: Generator on site, pump station logs indicate station runs 7-10 hours per week. Duplex station with 180 GPM pumps. Pump station is 7 yrs old. 1587 HWY 16N - Manhole Yes No NA NE Is manhole accessible. ®nnn # Is manhole cover/vent above grade? ®n n n Is the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? M n n Is the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? ■ n n n Is manhole cover present? ■ n n n # Is manhole properly seated? ® n n n # Is manhole in good condition? n n n # Is invert in good condition? ® n n n Is line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? n ❑ ❑ Is manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? ® n n Is manhole free of excessive roots? n n n Is manhole free of excessive sand? ® n n n Is manhole's extended vent screened? n n ® n Are vents free of submergence? n n ® ❑ Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? Comment: Manhole replaced with fiberglass, due to corrosion from sewer gases. This manhole receives flow from two forcemains and one low pressure sewer line. This is the beginning of the 18 " gravity trunk line to the VWVfP. Page: 9 Permit: WQCS00149 Owner - Facility: East Lincoln County Water & Sewer Dist Inspection Date: 01/13/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine 8218 HAGERS FERRY RD - across st from PS Yes No NA NE Manhole n n n Is manhole accessible? ■ n n n # Is manhole coverlvent above grade? Is the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? ■nnn . Is the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? ■ ® rl Is manhole cover present? ® n ❑ # Is manhole properly seated? ■ n n n # Is manhole in good condition? ® ❑ ❑ # Is invert in good condition? ® ❑ ❑ Is line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? ® fl ❑ n Is manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? Is manhole free of excessive roots? ® ❑ Is manhole free of excessive sand? ■ n n n ❑ n ■ ❑ Is manhole's extended vent screened? fl ❑ ®fl Are vents free of submergence? Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? ® 0 ❑ ❑ Comment: PS # 20 Club Drive flows in this 8 inch gravity line currently flowing about 25% capacity. COWENS FORD OUTFALL - Lines/Right-of-Ways/Aeriel Lines Yes No NA NE Is right-of-way accessible for emergency? ® ❑ ❑ Is right-of-way free of sinkholes or depressions? ® 0 0 0 ®nnn Is line/right-of-way free of evidence of leakage? ®nn n # Are there areas of exposed line? # Is any exposed line constructed of ductile iron or other approved material? ■ n n n Are water crossing and supports in good condition? ■ ® nnn # Is right-of-way free of non -utility motorized traffic? ■nnn Is line free of visible damage? ■ .n n n # Are there siphons in this system? Page: 10 Permit: WQCS00149 Owner - Facility: East Lincoln County Water & Sewer Dist Inspection Date: 01/13/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine If yes, are they maintained and documented? Comment. - FOOD LION OUTFALL - Lines/Right-of-Ways/Aerie) Lines Yes No NA NE Is right-of-way accessible for emergency? i ❑ n n Is right-of-way free of sinkholes or depressions? ® n n n Is line/right-of-way free of evidence of leakage? ®n ❑ ❑ # Are there areas of exposed line? ®❑ ❑ fl # Is any exposed line constructed of ductile iron or other approved material? ®n n n Are water crossing and supports in good condition? ❑ ❑ n # Is right-of-way free of non -utility motorized traffic? ® n n ❑ Is line free of visible damage? ® n n n # Are there siphons in this system? ❑ ❑ n If yes, are they maintained and documented? Comment: FORNEY CREEK OUTFALL - At WWTP Lin es/Rig ht-of-Ways/Aeriel Lines Yes No NA NE Is right-of-way accessible for emergency? ®n n n Is right-of-way free of sinkholes or depressions? ® n n n Is line/right-of-way free of evidence of leakage? ® ❑ n ❑ # Are there areas'of exposed line? fl n # Is any exposed line constructed of ductile iron or other approved material? ®❑ Are water crossing and supports in good condition? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ # Is right-of-way free of non -utility motorized traffic? ❑ ❑ ❑ Is line free of visible damage? n n n # Are there siphons in this system? n n n If yes, are they maintained and documented? Comment: Outfall line to WWTP a splitter box will be installed to send flow to Killian Creek WWTP. Page: 11 Permit: WQCS00149 Owner - Facility: East Lincoln County Water & Sewer Dist Inspection Date: 01/13/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine KILLIAN CREEK OUTFAL - Killian Creek WWTP under construction Lines/Right-of-Ways/Aerie) Lines Yes No NA NE Is right-of-way accessible for emergency? n n ■ n Is right-of-way free of sinkholes or depressions? ❑ ❑ Is line/right-of-way free of evidence of leakage? ❑ # Are there areas of exposed line? ❑ f] • fl # Is any exposed line constructed of ductile iron or other approved material? n n ■ fl Are water crossing and supports in good condition? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ # Is right-of-way free of non -utility motorized traffic? n rl ®rl Is line free of visible damage? n n ■ # Are there siphons in this system? ❑ [l ■ If yes, are they maintained and documented? Comment: New line under construction to the new WV\fTP Killain Creek NCO088722 Page: 12 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# OX�-kLk Incident Number from BIMS Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2009-DV 1 i ■ ■ 0 xS ■ 6 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Russ ■ Y ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 6 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ L ■ ■ ISKING Spill Date 6 Time •c) ( (r I pm Reported Date 4 Time l((, k 3 dDpm Reported To SW Staff or EM Staff G� Reported By 6� � Phone Address of Spill 3 G hA-u Po, Dr County ��'�� city Cause of Spill �(,- Total Estimated Gallons.3� .N Est. Gal to Stream 3c) ` - Stream �-A (r�� IU (r�.ca.ov Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Permit # Owner and Facility Name Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCS00253 Bradfield Farms Water Company CS WQCS00171 Greater Badin CS WQCS00196 Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS WQCS00322 Aqua Country Woods East CS WQCS00233 Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS WQCS00222 Town of Boiling Springs CS WQCS06001 Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS WQCS00341 Town of China Grove CS WQCS00016 City of Albemarle CS WQCS00231 Town of Cleveland CS WQCS00046 City of Belmont CS WQCS00058 Town of Cramerton CS WQCS00107' City of Bessemer City CS WQCS00165 Town of Dallas CS WQCS00089 City of Cherryville CS WOCS00342 Town of E. Spencer CS WQCS00221 City of Claremont CS WQCS00328 Town of Harrisburg CS WQCS00326 City of Concord CS WQCS00343 Town of Landis CS WQCS00088 City of Conover CS WQCS00310 Town of Longview CS WQCS00017 City of Gastonia CS . WQCS00120 Town of Maiden CS WQCS00020 City of Hickory CS WOCS00344 Town of Marshville CS WQCS00327 City of Kannapolis CS WOCS00043 Town of Mooresville CS WQCS00036' City of Kings Mountain CS WQCS00125 Town of Mt Pleasant CS WQCS00040 City of Lincolnton CS WQCS00153 Town of Norwood CS WQCS00164 City of Lowell CS WQCS00190 Town of Oakboro CS WQCS00026 City of Monroe CS WQCS00325 -Town of Stanfield CS WQCS00059 City of Mount Holly CS WQCS00180 Town of Stanley CS WQCS00044 City of Newton CS WQCS00135 Town of Taylorsville CS WQCS00019 City of Salisbury CS- WQCS00258 Town of Troutman CS WQCS00037 City of Shelby CS WQCS00345 Town of Wingate CS WC,CS00030 City of Statesville CS WQCS00054 Union County CS `WQCS00149 East Lincoln CS WQCS00009 WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Deemed Permitted Permit # _Owner and Facility Name Perm Owner and Facility Name WQCSDO130 Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group WQQSDO064 Lincoln County CS WQCSDO114 Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals WQCSDO097 Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS WOCSDO057 City of High Shoals CS WQCSDO120 Martin Marietta Mallard Creek WQCSDO117 Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station WQCSDO019 Town of Richfield CS WQCSD0257 Fallston WQCSDO024 Town of Grover CS WQCSDO116 Goose Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP WOCSDO038 Town of McAdenville CS WOCSDO101 Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS WQCSD0002 Town of Ranlo CS WQCSDO095 Kennerly Dev, Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS WQCSDO049 Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSDO098 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS WQCSDO105 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit WQCSDD107 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS number assigned WQCSDO099 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS WOCSDO258 Kingstown WQCSDO112 Lake Norman -South Point CS 1JJQCSD0104 Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS WQCSD0102 Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS 115 Weet Main Street Uncolnton, N,C. 2W92 Phone: (704) - 730 - 8497 Fax RM - 736 - 84a9 TL m Mr-t � "&! W-A'O-,k AL To: c5i�r+Drr� FtOwUl: 01� C`i S ! t_G'SPI Fax; - Phone Pages: �l Reference; Oe 5p*11 CC: ❑ Urgent [�or Review ❑ Please Conumnt ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle Comments: 11/10 06ed L61# 66MELbOL SHOM OII9Ad 01 WPZS:60 60OZ/60/b0 p Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form N "r V 1/2009 PART I This form shall be submitted.to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). - - - Permit Number: QQ I L(q (WQCSt1 if active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility_ FnmeuC Incident # Owner: L i nGOi n Cnuni3 81A b I i 0 .nr�S Region: city: -D-e Il e.R „ ,. county. Utan Source of $SO (check applicable) : Sanitary Sewer ❑ Pump Station / Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - l.e. Pump Elation 6, Manhole at Westall & Bragg Street, etc,): ( , Manhole# I k Latitude (degreas/minutelsecond): - °3D �� 3, Longitude(degross/minute/second): SST I w4.59 Incident Started Dt ay 0� OQ Time: 9:D0 �m Incident End Dr Tme: b: 'Qf►'1 (myth-atl-yyyy} nhhh:mm AMfPM (mm-ddry)W) hh:mm AK 11PM� Estimated volume of the SSO: .�� ..... galllonts Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): —sue +�O .� Describe how the volume was determined: - �}r rtilo d h 1i ! edka►me Flo t.--� Weather conditions during SSO avant m r Did SSO reach surface waters? 60 Yes❑ No❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gallons): 390 Surface water name: Lo- k e N QXtY MY-\ Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes N No❑ Unknown 1f Yes, what 8 the estimated number of fish killed9 SPECIFIC causes) of the SSO: ❑ Severe Natural Condition ❑ Inflow and Infiltration ❑ Vandalism IN Pipe Failure (Break) 24-hour verbal notification (name of person 0 DWQ ❑ Emergency Mgmt ❑ Grease ❑ Roots I1 ❑- Pump Station Equipment Failure ❑ Power outage t_.,r Debris In lino Other (Please explain in Par( li) 60" 5nyCek- moo z,Ile _.fitC b E N R _ Date (mm-cad-yyyy) Tlme (hh:rnm AM/PM) -4 25 a If an SSO is ongoing, please notify Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215AC(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall Issue a pre$s release within 48-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the oounty-WtfAPi VT9-dscharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the to yenta statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Quality, may take enforcement action for SSbs that are required to be reported to Division unless it rs emons that 1) the discharge was caused by severe natural conditions and there were no feasible akematives to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused Iay factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part 11 must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations- This information will be the basis for the determination of any enforcement action. Therefore, it $ important to be as complete as possible. WHETHER OR NOT PART 11 1S COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM, CS-SSO Form Page 1 ti/ZO a6Ed 16I# 66MEL1OL SHOM OIlAfld Ol WE£S:60 60OZ/60/tO 04/09/2009 09;53am LC PUBLIC WORKS 7047368499 #197 Page 03/11 Zb 8esd uLJcJ oss-so 'OQ2 C'n4�a�'bQg2jb1� t+�;tdd At, , mkt? 1 yv ?G"r"p-of1 s-ocn u:° T _'off :s4uawwoo aW ay} 4o joedwl otg uossal C3 VO)iq aiaee suorPe legs, 'poaiedej AjeaejpLuwl aq;ou pinoo walgo,d t# S 11 uvICS3Ad�C�� ar, ,t,-, a�I \ W9 XIr�r }6 C�,a� „2h'Z � a% :u101dxe'sa�}i 3N []VN C) ON sti 4welgojd Gtn xg 01 elgellene saalnom pue juewdlnbe alenbepe auW *,�uo�j Ag u aJ q p\AV +"J+Q Stiff►, a w ;1 s 'squasap }sonbol uodn algelle a aq Jam `algeolldde se `:podar soilod pUe seanpid jotpp System Visitation ORC Backup Name: � �0.11 l 1eA V t7Y\ cert# 19 ZF-7 T Date visited: " 11 &/ aOQq Time visited: q W, r8 6 Ci -*-) " How was the SSO ramediated (i.e. Stopped and c4eaned up)? WYes M:4 q As a representative for the responsible part, ] certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to mae best or my kriowiee. --- Person submitting claim: D) a.Y1 • i`ei����, Telephone Number. Date: 4 19 lzczg Title: r0. • 11'S 6iA �t11 detN- - Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, If used). CS-SSO Form Page 15 It/to 06ed L6I# 66MCLtOL SHOM oi1flnd 01 WE£5:60 600Z/60/60 V. Map with Legend Page I of 1 Scale_5Mcn 5�2Feet LINCOLNCOUNTY GI$ Thu Apt 9O9,32,04EDT2009 4/9/2009 TT/SO abed L61# 66MELtOL MOM OI19fld 01 wuts:60 600Z/60/b0 IIA op .i Iti t? S.Lh ba .11 4: F ory � f7 soo COD:;Ijfl01 47 t �r e ^•*4t`' t c. k x� " '� rA ,. e 1 ':1 E?tr 1 r atl a i��� � J7.•,na� � ,,_. d-. I •` y + �i�r +4t~��'�i.� }Z.r.:K` xu� srw r 7r 4 }ten y w • ��. a jf. Yr'. el . .. � t'9�1 t[7fFtl � f�� 'rasK+• IA Y • t tt.�x '• f� r ray ��. �7v r� ..rr�1 3 y,. +1 T _' y County of Lincoln, NC - Official Website - Notification Of Sewage Spill Page 1 of 1 V-1 I•tu::,e eit print x:j> Notification Of Sewage spill NOTIFY ME it. SERVICE AGQ�UEST ► L-SERVICES ACCESS CONTACTUS 11� iQ EMERGENCY ALERTS Lincoln County Government 115 W, main St. I,irwolntun,'NC 2.8097. ph.(704, 736.8432 fax (704) 736 -8711 �.:..:..,....�.�..,:..:4,U• ii�ti?�"�t:.: •!n: Q� .!.I r:�rl'•, •;'.. '•:�I'iP'iil I'ur{:a.° ..M ]��/f.ICES.,:. p PJ�RTMENTS;; ........�.i"!la. .. .. T—. ,. .... .. ,_-... Yee Pro hero: l,lomc Rpddsnis+ Cmorquncy IntDMMhcn + timurgencyAtari Nell itabn Of Sewage SPAT Lincoln County Emergency Alerts Notificbtivn Of Sewage Spill In Lincoln County For Irnmediot'e Release- Aprll 6, 2009 A wastewater spill of approximately 300 gallons was discovered In LinC'dlri County on April 6, 2009, The untreated wastewal:c' pilk2d intu Lake Norman, In the Catawba River Bash. The Spill was due to a broken sewer line, caused by a private contractor, at 8236 bay Pointe Drive. The split entered Lake Norman at 8191 t3ay Pointe Drive, The broken line has been repaired and the spill has stopped, A swimming advisory notice has been posted in the area until the amount of contamination of the lake water has been determined. The lake water is being tested, and when the wziter has been deemed to be safe, the notirps wilt be removed, Residents cbn receive updates through the county's website, www.hncoincounty.orn click on "Alerts" - or via press releases sent to the media. The Lincoln County Department of Environmental Health is investigating the spill Incident and notlfyino residents In the Immediate area through delivery of written notices as well as phone notlfi�otlon using the county'u "RCVACSe 911" system. For further infprmatlon contact Environmental Health at 704-736-6426 or LlnCotn County Public Works at 704-736-84137. Residents are advised not to have bodily contact with die water in this area until the ban I$ Ilftetl due to the possibillty of a -toll being present in the lake water. E-coli from raw untreated sewage Is a bacteria which occurs naturally In small quantltle5 but wl,lch can be harmful to humans and wildlife at elevated levels. The State Division of water Quality requires two successive clean water samples c200 parts per billion berpre the swimming ban can be lifted. Hoom I Irtr9nCt I Site Mop I Contact U: I Calgndpr I Ar'ehN@L I Pdnl Filendly I Enroll Pepe I RSS I Tran:Aauon i 4rr,,-.ihillty I I.ppyrlght Notices I Powered by C,rkPrua http://www.lincolncoulity.org/index.asp?NID=638 4/9/2009 11/10 abed L6I# 66b89EML MOM OI19nd 01 WeSS:60 600Z/60/tO r D Date: Uncolt. ;eunty Forney Creek WWTP Fecal Cofiform p . L L fz n rj f 0 0,� PM I WI-1r) Sample Date; Sample Date and Time in of Date and Time out Ml Filter Countsl Results 4 - and Time Location Blank Incubation i of Incubation Sample 100 Factor i 1' 100 ml RepomdAnalyst(s)i C12 mg& 50 2 25 4 t 11 10 10. 10 Dup 2.0 10 s 157 .38 i Upstream 10 10 Ji. Upstream Downstream 5 I ZU 20 Downstream DDWOStrearn 1 i ;Culture + sampie 10ug calibrating loop and 100 mi of fecal buffer water Blank #2 100 1 - --- ---- --- RPI) = RPD Range (colonies difference: 0-5 Count = 3-, 6-19 Count = 10- 20+ Count = 15 Oci.Cbn'fttl h4ttlEodt;4 -10ih !!MjLv 4?4? Ran is determined by the lowest count value refecolAls FC Effluent DMIR <2.0 colonies UP/Down DMR <5-0 colonies Upstream - FCVVWTP nnwncziranm . Ptonsr pnarj 1 If m 0 R 1 Fomey Creek >riWWTP 0_�+ Date: Y1 f 0 Fecal Coliform Sample Date Sample pate and Time in Date and Time out ml of I Fitter 4 Counts! Re3ults and Time Location _ . .... Incubation ! of !n ubatio C n Sample amp- acto Factor C ousts 40 4 ml d i nal s Reports : A y Ms C m IL 12 g -- Blank �`��f_ 100 1 ,. F_ _C. Effluent 30 � 2 F.C. Effluent i 25 �^ I I 1 ti iF.C. Effluent } 1tl 10 i 1 4 1 F C Eff, Dup. I 10 Dup Upstream - -- .. i I 20 ' s Upstream 10 10�' IL U Wrearn 5 20 { // 'Y/7 1 Downstream 20 5 I 1 Downstream i 10 i t0 ? I I i Downstream I .20 E 'Culture + sample 10ug calibrating loop and 100 ml of fecal buffer water 'Blank #2 100 ... 4 j � I I i :RP'D = RPD Range {colonies difference: 0-5 Count = 3. 6-19 Caun! = 10. 20+ Cflutit = 15 1"-EdNW Range is determined by the lowest count value lefecol.xJ s FC Effluent DMR <2.0 colonies UpMown DMR <5.0 colonies Upstream - FCWVIlTP I E 0 0 LIncolo, Jaunty �� r; `� r3 � 6, / Forney Creek WVVTP C-) r Fecal Caliform �Saimple Date': Sample and Tirne Location // Blank 7/7 1613 F.C. Effluent F.C. Effluent F.C_ Effluent F.C. Elf. Dup. upstream Upstream Upstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Culture + sempie Blank #2 Date and done in Dana and Time out mi of � Filter Counts( Results Incubation of Incubation Sample Factor ! Counts 100 MI " - Reported iA"lys�q C12 mgfL qn 50 2 ' ... 25 4 I \o I 10 10 / f 10 Dup } 10 ` J I 20 5 .. ! :- - ; .. 10 10 5 20•� 20 5 ' 10 ' 10 10ug calibrating loop and 100 ml of fecal buffer water _. 1.00 1 F i _ 1 l � I I 4 . l\ I l RPD = .JRPD Range (colonies difference: 0-5 Count = 3; 5-19 Count = 10; 20+ Count = 15 __- JSM W! Rana is determined by the lowest count value refecol.xls FC Effluent DMR <2.0 colonies UpMawn DMR <5.0 colonies upstream - FCVVWTP Downstreamn - PIPnk Road 1 COUNTY OF LINCOLN, NORTH CAROLINA 115 WEST MAIN STREET, 3RD FLOOR CITIZENS CENTER, LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28092 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (704) 736-8497 FAX (Ida) 735-0273 CANCELLATION OF SWIM ADVISORY NOTICE IN LINCOLN COUNTY At 10:30am on April 9, 2009 the Lincoln County Health Director cancelled the No Swimming Advisory issued April 6 2009 for the wastewater spill entering into Lake Norman at 8191 Bay Pointe Drive off Burton Lane in Denver NC. This decision is based on daily water sample testing conducted by the county's Public Works Department from three sites near the affected area. On April 7 and 8, two consecutive daily water samples taken from all three sites indicated fecal coliform. counts below the maximum allowable contaminant level (must be <00 parts per billion). This meets North Carolina Division of Water Quality standards and therefore the swim advisory has been lifted. The advisory was originally issued 4-6-09 when approximately 300 gallons of sewage spilled into Lake Norman. This was due to a broken sewer line at 8236 Bay Pointe Drive caused by a private contractor driving over the line. Nearby residents are being notified today of the swimming advisory cancellation through Reverse 911 phone messages. The general public is being notified through this press release faxed to local media and posted on the county's website, www.1incolncounty.org — click on "Emergency Alerts". For further information, please contact Lincoln County Public Works at (704) 736-8497. F,MJMI� Apri19, 2009 10:30 am 11/11 a6Ed L61# 66b8 EEL sNdm oiiund 01 WEH:60 600Z/60/b0 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# �1 /(d Incident Number from BIMS CroIK (0 Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: BPJ NOV-2008-DV ■ ...... 2 ... ■ ........................... ■ ............................... ■ Spill Date �[ Time aml pm Reported Date g/ `tIOW Time pm Reported To SWP Staff. or EM Staff Reported By S Phone Address of S ill County C' liy �� c City Cause -of Spill — Total Estimated Gallons 50 Stream ILV) &, S �r Est. Gal to Stream nC-, J Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad _ /� ea',� 5 >-ejv . 92 r�t �2; c��Xjoa," � v r�e osx0F INN ATF�QG � Y Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sower Overflow Reporting Form This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWO Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number, km n q q (WQCS# If active, otherwise use WQCSD#) Facility: •- h C0 i� 1 4�hi 0 Q111BOi IDgfS Owner: -L-:An6a111 Cnt.tn►Aj City: L i vx m iyi "V' Source of SSO (check applicable) Sancta Sewer ❑ Incident # Region: County:' >rtiC h PART I n' Pump Station ! Lift Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description frOrp past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole atWestall & Bragg Street, etc,): l- 4 RI i i l��x►rSeIR : Manhole# Latitude (deg reeslminLite/second): �Q • y r Longitude(degrees/minute/second):_ sS Y, Zar Incident Started Dt: & &4i Time: --.0? : 05dFn Incident End Dt: (2 ,4 zoo Time: Qz (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AMIPM (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:Mm AM�IPM� Estimated volume of the SSO:gallons ` n Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): Describe how the volume was determined: Weather conditions during SSO event; _ t�Jr� Did SSO reach surface waters? X] Yes NoLUnknown Volume reaching surface waters (gallons): Surface water name: take 14InrM&rX Did the $SO result In a fish kill? ❑ Yes N No❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? SPECIFIC cause(s)ofthe SSO: LJ Severe Natural Condition ❑ Grease ❑ Roots ❑ Inflow and Infiltration ❑ Pump Station Equipment Failure ❑ Power outage ❑ Vandalism debris in line ❑ Other (Please explain in Part II) Pipe Failure (Break) 24-hour verbal notification (Hama of person contacted)D• .r C_ l X DWQ ❑ Emergency Mgmt. Date (mm-dd-yyyy): Time (hh:mm AWPM), Lo— h% If an SSO is ongoing, please notify Regional Office an a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.10(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 48-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the wunty�w TeR` i"th�MNcharge occurred- When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the re rence statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Quality, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless 4 rs aerrion.5trated that - 1) the discharge was caused by severe natural conditions and there were no feasible alternatives to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and Caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Pen-nittee andlor owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control, Part II must be completed to provide a Justflcation claim for either of the above situations. This Information will be the basis for the determination of any enforcement action. Therefore, it is important to be as complete as possible. WHETHER OR NOT PART II IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM, CS-SSO Form Page 1 II/ZD 06ed 6Lt# 66MELtOL SMA oIlund 01 WE85:80 80H/80/80 Pipe Failure (Break) Pipe size (inches) What is the pipe material? What is the approximate age of line/pipe? (years old) Is this a gravity line? Is this a force main line? L ow:� Pre66"te SeWM Serum L i nE' Is the line a "High Priority" line? a h it 5E.A � ❑ Yeg No O NACINE WYeQ W ❑ NACI NE ❑ Ye4:1 Na M NAn NE Last inspection date .and findings - P T� if a force main then, Was the break on the force main veritical? Q YeM No © NA ❑ NE Was the break on the force main horizantal? Was the leak at the joint due to gasket failure? Was the leak at the joint due to split bell? When was the last Inspection or test of the nearest air -release valve to determine of operable? When was the last malntenace of the air release performed? If gravity sewer then, Does the line receive flow from a force main immediately upstream of the failed section of pipe? If yes, what measures are taker} to control the hydrogen sulfide production? When was the line last inspected or videoed? ❑ Y4A No n NAn NE Ye49 No n NA❑ NE ❑ YwO Non NAn NE N /A - - 'Y /A ❑ YeC No OD NA❑ NE C&SSO Form Page 13 11/£0 e6ed tLt# 15MHLti0L SHOA OIlHd 01 wptS:80 800Z/80/80 if line collapsed, what Is the condition of the line up and down stream of the failure? What type of repair was made? u Is the repair temporary or permanent? If temporary, when Is the permanent repair planned? Have there been other failures of this fine in the past five years? If so, then describe NIiA Ye9 N. ❑ NA❑ NE CS-S$O Form _ page 14 Too a6Ed tLt# 66b8 EEL SHOM OIlUd 01 W4:80 800Z/80/80 System Visitation ORG Backup ' Oeck1f\ Name: o 1c Y1 0, HexP— or\ Cert# Date visited: Time visited: 0,4 :: 12 Yqs bIcLn-.,. ,. Heri�erz56n 016 flq fed How was the M remedlated (1,e. Stopped and cleaned up)? 56,1 s� � ? �a7 P„ �"� h ►C9 � � b� ti v� � � rn �- b ra q 1 As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to e best of my knoWledge. Person submitting claim: O iio-Y-% 0 , IA e4--ae.'s-aY\ Signature: ...&I C - - �)� I Telephone Number: Date: 0 S I t)y wo?, 'title: buPer`► ri'* Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number Is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used)_ CS-SSO Form Page 15 11/H aSEd trLt# 13Sti89UL OL SMA OIIUAd 01 WEbS:80 800Z/80/80 115 West Main Street Uncolnton, N.C. 28092 Phone; (704) - 736 - 8497 Fax: 1704) - 736, 8499 I JLWi iT i To: Aar-6a Cj SJ r-,Vntj From: Fax: & - p D Q Date: Z)$ wo,? Phone: 704/736-8497 Pages: Re: h,6, a� 'T� ". 1 ri A". 1 CC: ❑ Urgent 19 For Review ❑ Please Comment . ❑ Please Reply Q Please Recycle COMMENTS '1 5 i 5 +4%ie c o m D l toctj:�-kc to e 11/10 a6Ed tLb# 66ti8 EEL SHOM OIlUnd 01 WE£5:80 800Z/80/80 Map with Legend Page 1 of I 5calo: 1 Inch m 386 Feat L INCOLN COUNTY GIS Mon Aug 409:49:28 EDT 2008 37tS00 iSob, 11.51 dzw • .._ . .t4ap1' - '. -._ :Ra?P[�' 4311'.,i'L';,,, � . A at ADEs rR AD • : 60 p'1 .r r4 2.17 7B • B 75 74 .75'rki 'VV Vw W Sri 61 39 T e y: b S • $81 .J • f h i1.aH 60 A t ..r a 61 168 ::.:.:. 51, 9 w •'7.! V , A 1 67 21. t 20M A, as 7 ss 54' 9 �q r{�lbRlR covnly Map Foatures crcrno ^/ Rc�Ca G7ty Jutesdit:5�ns O Lnko NO ,,, Bouidar)" / f Rog F"OmMt ^;w+a L.1 La Rwomi Cdy of L�co4:ip1 C-Mi Uft �•� Dr—g tmemont A,s Rm':C •Y., r_y E14 Mk-HO—. ,r Uiair Em1wn"I ii pafcCk r".W Mmgpi ctwq CD Jt M) Rk�ht-of-Ways Prnalo Roads N-11 .incoln County and its mapping contraCtOrs assume no legal responsibility for the information contained on this map. Tlds map is not to he used or land conveyance. The map is based on NC State Plane Coordinate System 1883 NAD. Lincoln County, NC Office of the Tax Administrator, 318 Division 1Z'"9l1 51+e ht#p://207.4,172,2061smIetleom.esri.esriraap.Esrimap?ServiceName=LCov&Form=True&... 8/4/2008 II/90 a6ed tLh# 66MELM SHOM OI]Hd 01 WeH:80 800Z/80/80 AUG-04-2006 12:52 From:LINCOLN CO HEALTH 704 732 9034 To:7047368499 P.1/1 Lincoln County Health Department 151 Siamon Read Lincolnton, NC 28092 Phone! 704-73"634 '�+,,,Y FAX: 704-732-903.4 C. Margaret B. Dollar, M.Ed. Health Director SMIER SERVICE LEAK MING AD It ISSUED of AUGUST 4, 2008 Approximately 50 gallons of sewage spilled Into a Burton Creek cove on L ko Norman early this morning due to a county sewer system lock in the low pressure line. The leek occurred at 8274 Blades Trail Road in Denver NC (near Badger Run). The spill was reported to the Public, Works Department at 8:05 and contained by 8:30 ant. The media is NOT being notified since reporting to the general public is not required for this amall of a spill; however, as a preventive health advisory to nearby residents and boaters, the Lincoln County Health Director is posting "No Swimming" sign& along the cove. Residenft; on the cove nearest the spill are hereby notified of the potential fbr fe"I coliform contamination and are advised to avoid bodily contact with the 10e water in this cove until further notice. Children and petDa afro should refrain from playing in or drinking the lake water In this area.. The county Public Works Department is taking water samples to make sure fecal collform counts do not exceed the allowable standard of 2001ml at all ,sampling Sites. At that time, the Lincoln County Wealth DiMetor will lift the Advisory. This decision, is based on Public Health recommendations in consuhation with the Mooresville Regional Office of the NC Olviaion of Environitnenial Management M2rgar0t B. Dollar, RFd. 1-lncoln County Health Director Ii/LO a6Ed tLt# 66ti898LtOL Sodom OIlBfld 01 weSS:80 8OR/80/80 FOMOY Ovek VftWP (� l� > Fe�a# cfl#ifcrtm� Date: i1 v t f ' � i�1=5 j f L@ t7�yo 7r 8ampk Dace Sample flnMte and Tults ime in Dabs and Time out_ nU of -_ r- _ k �_ T. - R --- - �' and 71rt1e Location Incubation I oT I ubatiat cu - Umple Factor Coins . _ — _ 1 W of ' Reported .- - . - CO to I - ._ BlankJT-1161. / -- 100 1 _ L7 fy;crcvw 7l F.C. EfY.— . - --- - - — - ! --- - -- --- - . 10 t? .- 10 1 _ d- M LO ^m r~ CO o V 3�= iw 1U-1 V J } m W d V � 0 a j r� llpstt$am 20 1 i Upsireart► + 14 10 _• -� . upstream 3 20 Downstream � 20 s 75- Dowream 10 i0 � = �� .� Downstream s - Cultuie sample 10ug caMxating loop and 100 M of fecal buffer water _ Blank #2 3 100 1 1 . 1 11 . � 1 1 i - - - - T JRPD Range tc000nies dMerence: "Cuum = 3: 6-19 Count = 10; 24+ Count = 15 F 1a1B�1 Rwme is determined by the lq� cauvu vuhw rrCfe WAS FC Eflfueni OUR -�2.0 colonies • r w- .- /tea �R �t A ..]..I.. s 02 ROL Upalream - FCVONM �o N )ate_ � 5 z� fS Lind), .;Ounft Forney Cassia WWTP Fe"I Colifenn 5ampm Daft Sample Dace and Time in t hale and Time cut mi of Fi4�w } eount+5f Res"11!s gjand Time Location Incubaiwn 1 of Incul>affian SaUWe Faealar Counts � 100 mi • Reported Analirsias) C12 mql/ - Bl k l ` +� �f3i� 100 1 r T� L- s- 135 D�arrt se-2 ! � I a o � l V E-_ s� 8` 10 j V i.�� : Utrearn 20 5 (? i U�ream 10 t0 S U�tream i 5 20 � !35-5 ream ` 20 5 f 100 S� Oowralream { 10 10 � } S Downstream 5 . 20 Cullure + sample 10ug calibrating loop wAl 100 rFO of fecal Duffer water iBlank Art ! 1DD I ' RPD Range tealan[es d}iterewz: 0-5 Count = 3; 6-19 Gaunt = 1& 20+ Count =1-5 I 60oal1w jgp Ilion IUM Rartge is determined by 1he Vemst coursl value Weed -xis FC Effluent DMR c2.0 colonies UpMown QMR {5.0 calanies l"rearn - FC1 VWP rvvAft kI rAil rn - PtA n [ a334Ad 08/0$/2008 09;02am LC PUBLIC WORKS 7047368499 #474 Page 10/11 AUG-7-2008 02:12P FROM:FORNEY CREEK 7048229668 TO:7047369499 PA/4 7 R 3 a 4 4 e COUNTY OF LINCOLN, NORTH CAROLINA 115 WEST MAIN STREET, 3RD FLOOR CITIZENS CENTER, LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28092 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (704) 736.8497 FAX (704) 735.0273 CANCELLATION OF SWIM ADVISORY NOTICE IN LINCOLN COUNTY At 5:15 pm, August 7, 2008, the Lincoln County Health Director cancelled the No Swimming Advisory issued August 4' for the Burton Creels cove bordering 8274 Blades Trail in Denver, N,C. This decision is based on daily water sample testing from three sites near the affected area, conducted by the county's Public Works Department. Two consecutive water samples from all three sites with fecal coliform counts below the maximum contaminant level were reported at 5 pm today which meets North Carolina Division of Water Quality standards. 1here£ore the swim advisory has been lifted, The advisory was issued August 4t' when approximately 50 gallons of sewage spilled into this Burton Creek cove on Lake Norman due to a county sewer system leak in the low presses lime. For further information, please contact Lincoln County Public Works at (704) 736-8497. August 7, 2008 5:25 pm Tim a6Ed tLt# 66b89EML SHOM 0I18f1d 01 WEZ0:60 800Z/80/80