HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070747 Ver 1_As Built Survey_20120604ou Soil, Water, & Eminnnxnent GrmW June 4 2012 'b7 -0ri 14 "1 Soil Water & Environment Group PLLC 3216 Byers Drive Suite B Raleigh NC 27607 Ph# (919) 831 1234 Fax# (919) 899 9100 http / /wwwswegrp cam Mrs Katie Merritt Nutrient Offset Coordinator and Compliance Specialist NCDENR DWQ Wetlands Buffers Stormwater Compliance and Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1650 Re As Built Survey for Flat Swamp Neuse River Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Off Set Mitigation Bank (REVISED 2012) Dear Katie Please find enclosed three (3) copies of the revised as built survey for the Flat Swamp Neuse River Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Off Set Mitigation Bank in Craven Co NC As discussed previously we have included on the as built survey I ) Property Boundary 2 ) USACE /DWQ Jurisdictional Waters 3) Neuse River Buffers 4) Nutrient Off -Set Buffers 5) Other Site Features Relevant to the Project 6) CVS Vegetation Plot Locations Please note the following as of the end of the first (1 ") growing season for the project (2009) we have completed full construction by planting the site with nearly 250K bare root tree seedlings on a 7x10 spacing ( -622 trees /ac) consisting of character species proposed in the BPDP (2009) Species planted are seen in Table 1 below Table 1 As -Built Vegetative Commututies by Zone for the Flat Swamp Mitigation Bank Craven County Planting Zone Area Zone Recommended Plant Species (Character Trees) Zone (Acres) Description Scientific Name Common Name Cephalanthus occidentahs Buttonbush Included in Stream/Ditch Froxinus pennsylvanica Green ash 1 Zone 2 Bank Cornus amomum Silky dogwood acreage Nyssa sylvatica Swamp Blackgum Taxodium distichum Bald cypress bw S01 Water, & F.nvYrnnme�t Group Soil Water & Environment Group PLLC 3216 Byers Drive Scum B Raleigh NC 27607 Ph# (919) 831 1234 Fag# (919) 899 9100 http Uwwwswegrp cnm Black willow loblolly bay and sweet bay were not planted due to seedling availability However volunteer examples of all three species are growing along stream and ditch banks as seen during the baseline vegetation survey River birch and hackberry were also not planted due to seedling availability and a decision that they were not appropriate for these soils and site conditions during construction and oversight Baseline vegetation plot data from thirty eight (38) one (1) are plots tree survival was between 13 and 18 trees /1 are equating to 526 to 728 trees /ac (85 100% survival) The target goal for planted and volunteer character trees is 320 trees /ac at the end of 5 years Baseline vegetation data shows there has been significant leaf and stem growth establishing that the tree planting was successful during the critical period following construction The as built survey figure reflects all aspects of the Bank relative to State RBC and NOC restoration This includes 401/404 wetlands and streams road footprints Neuse River Buffers along subject streams and vegetation monitoring plots The Flat Swamp Neuse and Nutrient Offset Buffer Restoration Project is on a successful trajectory following the third year annual vegetation maintenance and monitoring report findings Average tree density for the entire project is > 700 trees /ac Vegetation data in Table 3 show vigorous growth during the third (3rd) year in both height and basal diameter indicative of excellent growing conditions and maintenance of planted trees The average diameter and height is 39 6 mm (1 5 in) and 234 9 cm (7 7 ft) respectively across all character species Quercus shumardu Shumard oak Quercus bicolor Swamp white oak Quercus lyrata Overcup oak Neuse River Quercus launfoka Laurel oak 2 20 76 acres Buffer Fraxinus pennsylvan►ca Green ash (Riparian) Quercus michauxu Swamp chestnut oak ( <51 ft) Quercus pagoda Cherrybark oak Quercus mgra Water oak Quercus phellos Willow oak Pinus palustris Longleaf pine Quercus shumardu Shumard oak Nutrient Quercus bicolor Swamp white oak Offset Buffer Quercus lyrata Overcup oak (Non Quercus launfoha Laurel oak 3 335 88 acres Riparian) Quercus michauxu Swamp chestnut oak (0 200 ft and Quercus pagoda Cherrybark oak >51 ft Quercus mgra Water oak buffers) Quercus phellos Willow oak Pinus Palustris Longleaf pine Black willow loblolly bay and sweet bay were not planted due to seedling availability However volunteer examples of all three species are growing along stream and ditch banks as seen during the baseline vegetation survey River birch and hackberry were also not planted due to seedling availability and a decision that they were not appropriate for these soils and site conditions during construction and oversight Baseline vegetation plot data from thirty eight (38) one (1) are plots tree survival was between 13 and 18 trees /1 are equating to 526 to 728 trees /ac (85 100% survival) The target goal for planted and volunteer character trees is 320 trees /ac at the end of 5 years Baseline vegetation data shows there has been significant leaf and stem growth establishing that the tree planting was successful during the critical period following construction The as built survey figure reflects all aspects of the Bank relative to State RBC and NOC restoration This includes 401/404 wetlands and streams road footprints Neuse River Buffers along subject streams and vegetation monitoring plots The Flat Swamp Neuse and Nutrient Offset Buffer Restoration Project is on a successful trajectory following the third year annual vegetation maintenance and monitoring report findings Average tree density for the entire project is > 700 trees /ac Vegetation data in Table 3 show vigorous growth during the third (3rd) year in both height and basal diameter indicative of excellent growing conditions and maintenance of planted trees The average diameter and height is 39 6 mm (1 5 in) and 234 9 cm (7 7 ft) respectively across all character species Soil Water & Ewironment Group PLLC 3216 Byers Drive, Swte B SAW Raleigh NC 27607 Ph# (919) 831 1234 Fax# (919) 899 9100 http / /wwwswegrp com SoyBL� 1VI1+OI�lffiCilt Group At the end of the first growing season (2009) supplemental planting was necessary in areas next to access roads existing farm paths included in NOC buffer restoration areas that had low tree densities at the end of planting rows as well as the conversion of two farm access corridors to NOC and RBC acreage These supplemental plantings occurred in the winter of 2010 One particular access corridor (Corridor A) required approximately 30 ft of previously approved NOC acreage (Approved As Built Survey October 2009) to be converted to RBC acreage This was proposed to maintain and restore a 50 ft buffer on the north side of the adjacent jurisdictional stream In addition approximately 20 ft of the proposed 50 ft RBC buffer extending north from the jurisdictional stream was planted in 2010 This is also the case for another access corridor utilized for NOC (Corridor B) whereby approximately 20 ft of NOC buffer was restored Corridor B is included with the approximately 5193 acres of NOC area previously designated for wetland restoration as described below At the end of 2011 an approximately 50+ acre area was deleted from a planned wetland mitigation bank to be approved by the USACE and that same acreage was added to the restored nutrient offset riparian buffer acreage This revised As Built Survey Report submitted by GreenVest/Flat Swamp LLC (GV/FS) is effectively a request for approval from DWQ to delete these acres planned for wetland mitigation (Vegetation Plots 33 38 See As Built Survey) within the parcel and add this acreage as NOC acreage to the overall nutrient offset buffer acreage for the parcel The additional 50+ acres of restoration work was included in the original construction of the project and included during the first 3 years of maintenance and monitoring activities DWQ and the Bank Sponsor have agreed that GV/FS will amend the original banking instrument to acknowledge and document the correct acreage dedicated to NOC s and NBC s if DWQ approves the request We look forward to your response accepting this submission of the revised as built survey and request for adding 5193 acres to the overall NOC acreage (335 88 ac) for the Flat Swamp Neuse River Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Off Set Mitigation Bank and amending the total acreage for RBC acres to 20 76 ac If the request to transfer the 5193 acres to the overall NOC credits and amended RBC acreage is approved we are also requesting at this point that you provide notice that the appropriate percent ( %) of approved credits for the additional acres of NOC s and RBC s in the Bank are authorized for release &Me S0 �t 1I�$��L � ►IIOII>m GVMT Soil Water & Emtronment Group PLLC 3216 Byers Dm+e Swte B Raleigh NC 27607 Ph# (919) 831 1234 Fax# (919) 899 9100 http Hwwwzwegrp corn Please let us know if you need additional information Thanks Best Regards Scott J Frederick, EI NCLSS Environmental Scientist President SV*C Soil Water & Environment Croup 3216 Byers Drive Suite B Raleigh NC 27607 Ph (919) 831 1234 Fax (919) 899 9100 Cell (919) 368 2029 sjfredenck e,swegr� com FLAT SWAMP NEUSE RIVER RIPARIAN BUFFER AND NUTRIENT OFFSET MITIGATION BANKING INSTRUMENT I PREAMBLE This Mitigation Banking Instrument is for the establishment use operation and maintenance of the Flat Swamp Neuse Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Bank (Bank) and is made and entered into by and among GreenVest/Flat Swamp L L C (GV/FS) and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality (DWQ) GreenVest Flat Swamp LLC owns fee simple title to the three hundred and eighty six (386) acre tract (the Property ) in Craven County, North Carolina within the Neuse River Basin upon which the Bank will be established The purpose of the Bank is (a) to improve water quality through the restoration of forested riparian buffers within the Neuse River Basin in the State of North Carolina, United States Geological Survey (USGS) including Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 030202 The goal of improving water quality will be achieved by (1) restoring agricultural fields to riparian buffer dedicated to Neuse Nutrient Offset Credits and Neuse Buffer Credits The objective of this document is to establish Nutrient Offset Credits (NOCs) and Neuse Buffer Credits (NBCs) to provide mitigation to third parties public or private within the Neuse River Basin and/or to sell resulting credits to third parties public or private H AUTHORITY The Bank will be used to provide Nutrient Offset and Neuse River buffer mitigation in accordance with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2B 0234 (Wastewater Discharge Requirements) 2B 0235 (Basinwide Stormwater Requirements) 15A NCAC 2H 0506(h) (NC Stream, Wetland and Buffer Mitigation) 15A NCAC 2B 0233 (Meuse Buffer Rule) 15A NCAC 2B 0235 (Meuse Nutrient Sensitive Water Management Plan) 2B 0240 (Nutrient Offset Payments) under such authority as established in SL 2007- 438 and any amendments thereto All activities will be consistent with rules adopted by the Environmental Management Commission and all other applicable authorities III ESTABLISHMENT OF BANK PARCEL(S) A Portions of the Property aforementioned hereinafter referred to as the "Bank Parcel will be subject to a conservation easement or restrictive covenant as described in Section III E ('Parcel ") included in the BPDP The Bank Parcel Development Package (BPDP) contains detailed information concerning site location existing conditions proposed restoration activities, Page I 1 monitoring and maintenance plans financial assurances (III(D)) and associated mitigation potential (including credit generation service area and accounting as appropriate for each regulatory authority cited above) B GV/FS agrees to perform all necessary work in accordance with the provisions of this Banking Instrument to establish and/or maintain riparian buffer and nutrient offset buffer until it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the DWQ that the Bank Parcel complies with all conditions contained herein, or until all credits are sold whichever is later C GV/FS will obtain all appropriate environmental documentation permits or other authorizations needed to establish and maintain the Bank This Banking Instrument does not qualify or substitute for such authorization D Financial Assurance Requirements Following approval of the BPDP GreenVest/Flat Swamp LLC shall provide a Performance Bond Letter of Credit or other form of financial assurance acceptable to DWQ from a surety that is rated no less than an A as rated by A M Best The Financial Assurance amount shall be one hundred and twenty-five percent (125 %) the estimated cost for implementation of the restoration plan included in the BPDP but no less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100 000 00) After completion of the construction a Monitoring Bond will be substituted for the initial assurance vehicle The Penal Sum of said Monitoring Bond shall be for two times the estimated cost to implement the monitoring and maintenance plan but no less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100 000 00) in amount The Monitoring Bond shall be in effect for a period of five (5) years E Real Estate Provisions Prior to the certification of any credits GV/FS shall record a permanent conservation easement(s) or record restrictive covenants to the deed(s) on all Bank Parcels to provide protection to the restored riparian buffer from activities that would impair its ability to provide nutrient abatement to waters of the Neuse River Basin The form of the conservation easement or restrictive covenants shall be consistent with the standards employed by the State of North Carolina in the protection of restored riparian buffers and shall be approved by the DWQ prior to the certification of any credits GV/FS shall not grant additional easements right of way or any other property interest in or to the project areas without the written consent of the DWQ or its designee In the case of a conservation easement GV/FS will hold the easement until all credits are released from the Bank Parcel At the conclusion of Bank activities the conservation easement(s) may be permanently transferred to a DWQ approved land trust or non profit group to be held in perpetuity Please refer to the BPDP for a sample conservation easement F As -Built Reports GV/FS agrees to submit an as built report for each Bank Parcel within thirty (30) days after completing the establishment of the protect The as built report will describe in detail any deviation from the BPDP In addition the as built report will document finished grades and Page 12 surface and groundwater elevations as appropriate IV MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING OF BANK PARCEL(S) A Maintenance Provisions GV/FS agrees to perform all necessary work to maintain the Parcel(s) consistent with the maintenance criteria established in this instrument GV/FS shall continue with such maintenance activities until all credits are sold or the maintenance and monitoring provisions are completed to the satisfaction of DWQ Deviation from the approved BPDP is subject to review and written approval by DWQ or its designee B Monitoring Provisions GV/FS agrees to perform all necessary work to monitor the Bank to demonstrate compliance with the Success Criteria established in this Banking Instrument specific to the conditions of the attached BPDP C Vegetative Success Criteria Vegetative Success Criteria will be based upon the density and growth of character tree species "Character Trees' are defined as planted or volunteer species identified from a survey of local vegetation on less degraded sections of the specified reference site and from reference literature that details native species A list of Character Tree species for this project is detailed in a planting plan and planting schedule within the BPDP Vegetative Success Criteria will be based upon guidelines set forth in the Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration prepared by the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (or subsequent updated versions of this Guidance in place at the date of acceptance of a BPDP) Success is defined as the survival of an average density of three hundred and twenty (320) Character Trees per acre Planted species must account for a minimum of thirty percent (30 %) of the above densities If vegetative success criteria are not achieved based on acreage density calculations from combined monitoring plots over the entire restoration area supplemental planting may be performed with tree species approved by DWQ Supplemental planting may be performed as needed until vegetative success criteria are met No quantitative measurements of herb assemblages will be required to meet the vegetative success criteria The quantity of monitoring plots will be determined in accordance with The Carolina Vegetative Sampling Protocol (Levels I & II) such that no more than two percent (2 %) of any one Parcel is encompassed in monitoring plots (see BPDP) Visual estimates of the percent cover of herbaceous species and photographic evidence will be reported for informational purposes Visual observation of streambank stability will also be made Areas of significant bank erosion will be repaired through matting and/or vegetative planting D Monitoring Reports GV/FS shall submit to the DWQ an annual monitoring report no later than December 31 each year for five (5) years after the first full growing season describing the conditions of each Bank Parcel and relating those conditions to the success criteria Reports will be submitted annually and shall contain the following Page 13 I A U S Geological Survey map showing location of the Bank 2 A detailed narrative summarizing the condition of the Bank and all regular maintenance activities 3 Appropriate topographic maps showing location of sampling plots permanent photo points location of transects etc 4 Monitoring data, including specific vegetative counts and photographs and 5 A copy of the Bank credit/debit ledger E Contingency Plans/Remedial Actions In the event the Bank fails to achieve the success criteria described in this instrument GV/FS shall develop necessary contingency plans and implement appropriate remedial actions for the Bank in coordination with the DWQ or designee If the DWQ determines that the Bank is operating at a deficit (i e GV/FS is selling or transferring credits not yet available) the sale /transfer of credits will immediately cease and the DWQ in consultation with GV/FS will determine what remedial actions are necessary to correct the situation V OPERATION OF BANK A Available mitigation credits (credits that have been released by DWQ but not sold by the Sponsor) that are generated within the DWQ riparian buffer as defined by 15A NCAC 02B 0233 and per 15A NCAC 02B 0242 can be converted and transferred from Riparian Buffer Credits to Nutrient Offset Credits and from Nutrient Offset Credits to Riparian Buffer Credits Available Nutrient Offset Credits that are generated outside of the DWQ riparian buffer cannot be converted or transferred to Riparian Buffer Credits B The Bank Sponsor shall maintain three credit ledgers if applicable for each Bank Parcel under this Instrument one accounting for buffer mitigation credits in square feet one accounting for nitrogen offset credits in pounds and one accounting for phosphorus offset credits in pounds C Each credit ledger shall be submitted on a separate 8 '' /zin X 11 in spreadsheet with legible font style and font size At a minimum and unless otherwise requested by DWQ credit ledgers shall contain the following information 1 Bank Details listed in a header (1) name of the approved banking instrument as it appears on the instrument document (2) sponsor name (3) bank parcel name as it appears on the BPDP (4) DWQ project number for the BPDP (5) date the ledger was last updated (6) total credits released to date 2 Credit Details Table with the following for each credit sale (1) date of credit sale, (2) purchaser name (3) project name and corresponding HUC (4) name of local government (4) credits released by DWQ to the Bank listed in pounds for Nutrient Offset Credits and in square feet for Riparian Buffer Credits (5) credits Page 14 debited/sold from bank listed in pounds for Nutrient Offset Credits and in square feet for Riparian Buffer Credits, (6) available credits listed in pounds and acres for Nutrient Offset Credits and in square feet and acres for Riparian Buffer Credits (7) local government requiring offset credits D All credit and debit transactions for each Bank Parcel under this Instrument shall be accurately depicted in the credit ledgers DWQ shall be notified of each credit sale or credit transfer within thirty (30) calendar days by electronically submitting an updated credit ledger to DWQ At a minimum DWQ shall receive a hard copy of updated credit ledgers twice a year Notification of all credit sales shall be provided to DWQ until all credits that have been released have been sold E All credit sales will include a Mitigation Credit Receipt ( Receipt ) that will include at a minimum the following information 1 Bank Details (1) sponsor Name (2) name of the approved banking instrument as it appears on the instrument document (3) bank parcel name as it appears on the BPDP (4) DWQ project number for the BPDP 2 Credit Details (1) date of receipt, (2) identify if full or partial payment (3 — when applicable) amount of nitrogen credits purchased in pounds and confirmation from the local government of the amount required (4 — when applicable) amount of phosphorous credits purchased in pounds and confirmation from the local government of the amount required and (5 — when applicable) amount of Riparian Buffer Credits purchased in square feet and the confirmation from DWQ or the local government of the amount required 3 Project Details (1) project name as it appears on DWQ or local government permits and/or certifications (2) 8 digit 14UC (or the sub watershed if for the Jordan Lake Nutrient Strategy) (3) river basin (4) nutrient strategy applicable to the project (5 — when applicable) local government requiring Nutrient Offset Credits or Riparian Buffer Credits for this project F If the DWQ determines that the Bank is operating at a deficit (e g the Sponsor is closing on sales and/or transferring credit that is not available) the sale /transfer of credits will immediately cease and the DWQ in consultation with the Sponsor will determine what remedial actions are necessary Page 15 VI OTHER PROVISIONS A GV/FS will allow or otherwise provide for access to the Parcel(s) by the DWQ or other parties authorized by the DWQ as necessary for the purpose of inspection and compliance with the terms and conditions of this Banking Instrument and the conservation easement or restrictive covenants Inspecting parties shall provide reasonable notice of not less than twenty four (24) hours to GV/FS prior to inspection of Bank B Force Majeure GV/FS will not be responsible for Bank failure that is attributed to natural catastrophes such as flood drought disease regional pest infestation etc that are beyond the control of GV/FS DWQ must concur in writing that a force majeure event has occurred If such an event occurs before the final sale of all credits the GV/FS shall take remedial action to restore the property to its condition prior to this event in a manner sufficient to provide adequate mitigation to cover credits that were sold prior to the occurrence of the event Such remedial action shall be taken by the GV/FS only to the extent necessary and appropriate as determined by DWQ in order to offset authorized impacts to buffers or to satisfy nutrient offset buy down requirements imposed during land development activities and satisfied through payment into the Flat Swamp Bank C Validity Modification and Termination of the Banking Instrument This Banking Instrument will become valid on the date of the last party's signature This Banking Instrument may be amended or modified only with the written approval of all signatory parties D Specific Language of Banking Instrument Shall Be Controlling To the extent that specific language in this document changes modifies or deletes terms and conditions contained in those documents that are incorporated into the Banking Instrument by reference and that are not legally binding the specific language within the Banking Instrument shall be controlling E Dispute Resolution Any disputes between the Bank Sponsor and the DWQ regarding the attainment of success criteria and release of credits from a specific site and appropriate monitoring maintenance and/or remedial onsite activities shall first be addressed among the field staff of DWQ and GV/FS field personnel and then if not settled raised to the level of the individual signatories to the Banking Instrument or their designees G Notices Unless otherwise provided herein all notices and other communications which may be or are required to be given or made by any party to the other in connection herewith shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been properly given and received on the date delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail registered or certified return receipt requested to the addresses setut below or at such other addresses as specified by written notice delivered in accordance herewith Page 16 If to GV/FS 4405 DeWees Court Raleigh NC 27612 If to DWQ NC Division of Water Quality— Wetlands & Stormwater Branch Attn Nutrient Offset Program Coordinator 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1650 H Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the sole and entire agreement among the parties hereto and no modification of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by all parties hereto I Applicable Law This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the State of North Carolina SPONSOR NAME By GreenVest/Flat Swamp LLC A�� Name Douglas Lashley Title Managing Member Date North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality By Name Title Date Page 17 , � k U) z { ` a a k ; s § ® 2 W \ M « «� � 25I ui �§E k )2,_ E§ , = =e- \ ƒ §|§ � LLI CL ° 0 m Lzu x k mz 2�22`� 2 \■ ' 2 ! !zz Leo z ;z§Z ( a, y &� i�CL , | �e ■�2� !■! - , E k - | ■ �«KK■ » � !�!�! � \ /Uj �§§R§ k � �} 2" ;�� ■@s 2� |6§2 k LL 7 m z 3 K a U W U LU 2 � J 0 U Z N o �_ a aILO�� .o O N m m ~ N O 5� z 00 m W D O 'O m Q t0 m m Z � d d J � CL z o O•�U e V N Q O J H m I m N O m N V Q U Z Q Z a E � L O O N Q `$o °a m .. � = N n N UQ E Q U a Z a Z Q U h n 8 0 J E L) m i z < as t a - - O Z O: E ¢ m y z Z m 0 U U V n Z Z Z Z r� m Q U ° Z W SnAlO TAI! 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BBC PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING o As -built Survey for Flat Swamp Neuse River Riparian Buffer CrolBa ayc vonceeboraooNC528586 and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Bank eds ��d0° Phone: ax: 252 - 244458999 IF TA,xe — = = — `WAIII4II �AIWII AA If" 1111MINIre MW 4AlA7WA•B " SL w -!ii'N. -W ww N1110111142*4 tAW .MInWe Wmar 9~A•K SYMBOL LEGEND -VEGETATION PLOTS -WETLANDS AREA LEGEND -NUTRIENT OFF-SET BUFFER RESTORATION: 335.66 AC -WETLANDS: 25.30 AC 41EUSE BUFFER 0483 20 76 AC -ROAD FOOTPRINT: 0.92 AC -OPEN WATEWSTREAMS 3.77 AC TOTAL AREA - 396.63 ACRES NOTES -MV RELATIVELY PERMANENT WATERWAY -AVG. WIDTH 15' 4JNEAR FEET • 19.62108' N1371'09'E 192.60" f — I --? 'f - AREA WITHIN SOUTHERN SEGMENT OF THE 50' BUFFER 5.84 AC REVESED 5/23/12 ADDED AREA'S IRTRIN BUFFER SEGMENTS AREA NITHIN NORTHERN SEGMENT OF THE 50' BUFFER 7.36 AC AREA WITHIN MIDDLE SEGMENT OF THE 50' BUFFER 756 Ac I Greenvest-Elat Swamp, LLC DAW 11AV11 Gaskins Land Surveying, 1p No. 3 Township, Craven County, North Carolina oninwi or. ash PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING Chodked Sir. KEG PO Box 354 As-built Survey for Flat Swamp Neuse River Riparian Buffer Vanceboro. NC 28586 SCOW 1%= Phone: 252-244-0599 and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Bank Fax: 252-244-5899 q _- % M0°57.26� -- 20-LW toRmimWa 74; 7M, �— Q...e..er. Q - wGETATic" PLOTS Q- WETLANDS AREA WITHIN NORTHERN SEGMENT OF THE 50' BUFFER 7.36 AC iWnRIENT OFF -SET BUFFER RESTORATION: 335.88 AC - °ILm a °nm 4 4 -6 ■` 8 ee!!1e glTANR - - - - - - - N[a I _ - z_ -ROAD FOOTPRINT: 0.92 AC -OPEN WATER /STREAMS 3.77 AC M lMgW! Oi J TOTAL AREA = 386.63 ACRES wor. °nm! M19r -` �I • el�TY•! aAY -RPW: RELATIVELY PERMANENT WATERWAY g -AVG. WIDTH = 15' a -- i MlfPodr VFS! ARet IR11l�FTkM = [r@vvrAe ow N.N' - -- -- — — — — — �— — - lIe1A![ SIWWR i! AREA WITHIN MUDDLE SEGMENT OF THE 50' BUFFER 758 AC d -. - - - - - - - lWFIlA■ Oi I� — — — — — — — — - � o i IA 51~1, RA PMRB W llxE4 AC ry N13°il'09E rsrw. _..i[[I�YPM Vi e. - __.. V �~ NHOLWO �- �A NOT!'4•! �w MT R11lCSfA� oil ----------- IN ■e*4re eux N89916' a g - _ Z EE NweTp• 416A AREA WITHIN SOUTHERN SEGMENT OF THE 50' BUFFER 5.84 AC 6C I 1 toRmimWa 74; 7M, �— Q...e..er. Q - wGETATic" PLOTS Q- WETLANDS AREA WITHIN NORTHERN SEGMENT OF THE 50' BUFFER 7.36 AC iWnRIENT OFF -SET BUFFER RESTORATION: 335.88 AC - °ILm a °nm 4 or is ■` 8 - WETLANDS: 25.30 AC -MUSE BUFFER 083) 20.76 AC - - - - - - - N[a I i -ROAD FOOTPRINT: 0.92 AC -OPEN WATER /STREAMS 3.77 AC = _ J TOTAL AREA = 386.63 ACRES wor. °nm! M19r NOTES �I -RPW: RELATIVELY PERMANENT WATERWAY g -AVG. WIDTH = 15' a txuo AC = -LINEAR FEET = 19,621.08' wnmw - -- -- — — — — — �— — - ; WDTD AREA WITHIN MUDDLE SEGMENT OF THE 50' BUFFER 758 AC -. - - - - - - - - a-.�� — — — — — — — — - � o IA Jo PMRB � N13°il'09E rsrw. _..i[[I�YPM Vi e. - __.. V �~ NHOLWO �- N�IP�+� •I I MT R11lCSfA� = r I i R� N89916' a qqq I I f nnr a AREA WITHIN SOUTHERN SEGMENT OF THE 50' BUFFER 5.84 AC 6C I 1 ' 1 o l I I aTall Eg de n9r Nl .1..muri.-O I � I VT- OFF-SET / / e1FFER RESTUIIATION sees Ac a / / u.a9 Ac PIDT n/ I tpT6' j /,,,w� REVISED 5/23/12 - ADDED AREA'S WITHIN BUFFER SEGMENTS Greenvest-Elat Swamp, LLC Ome: 1181' Gaskins Land Land Surveyin�P.A p No. 3 Township, Craven County, North Carolina 0° or. sac PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING O Chucked By. KEG PO Box 354 CO As -built Survey for Flat Swamp Meuse River Riparian Buffer Vonceboro, NC 28586 and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Bank Bale 1°900 PFaze I 252?2444458999 Flat Swamp Neuse Buffer and Nutrient Offset Buffer Mitigation Bank Figure 6: Existing Riparian and Nutrient Offset Buffer Area