HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070756 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070507P1a1i Detail Yn,completa Date r.~'_ ~_'~-~ 'P~ho Roviewod: ~ 4 ~.< 1c1 ~.• . ~~ yy [f Plbasa provido a location map for the project PIe~a show all scream impacts including e1i fill elopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilizadon on the its Pisa ~'~ S , Er • ~L {j _ i ._ r.~~ ~,. ~'t, ~ t ~`c .~ ~ ~--~~C_'fiS ~-'ew. ~t f, ~,.~ ~ ~(y ..L vc:_ 1:)e•.~j,. ~ "~i;( [~t~_~~ 1 l <n Vl ~ G1_ ~ 1 [~. Please show aI1 wetland impacts including fill slopes on tho site plan. . ^ Please indicate a1I bufFar impacts on the site plan. ^ Pieria indicate proposed Iot layout as overlays on the site Pisa [] . Please indicate the Location of the pi cleated buffers as orvarlays on the site plan. ^ Please Locate eII isolatod or son-isolated wotlsada, •strearns and other watare of the State as overlays on the site plan. [~ Please provide cross sxdoa details showing the provisions for aguatio life passage ^ Please locate say plaaned•sewer lines on tl~e life plan. . • . [~ Please provide the location of any proposed stormwater agarnent practices as ~N~ by ~ ^ Please provide detail for the stormwatar max-agetnent practices ea required by GiC _-_--' . ^ ~Flease speoi$! the perc~t of project iiuparviousness eras. based on the ostlmatod builb•out eonditions.• ^ Pleese•indioate~ll strnmwaiea'„~o~•IIs on the situ gbh. ^ Plogse'indicate the diflbse flow provision measures da the site plan. . ^ Please indicate whether Qr not the proposed ianisaats alraadY boars ooi}ducted Avoidauce,and/or Minimization i'~ot Provided ~ .. .. ~ .. . . [] • The labeled as _„r,_ on ds®plans door not appear to be necossary. Please ~eli:ninate tho . or provide additional infoimstiofa'ea to w1~Y it is neaeseary for this~ino,~ect.:. . ,+ _ Oilier ~ ~ ! .. ~ . ' ^•. The application flee was insuffiei~t because over 1S0 feet of stream and/or.over 1 sate ofwotland'impacts ware roquostod. PIeaso . . provide S .' 'Ibis additional fee must be receive} before your applcoatIpn can be reviewed. ' . ^ Please compJeto Section(s) on the application, - ~'~ .. . Q .. .. eaa be movod,or reoonfgured to avoid the imphots to tho This Office belieires tha# the ~ Labeled on the pleas as. . • _______ Ploasp revise the plena to avofd thq impacts. Y• ^. • This'Offioe bolioves•th+at the . .labeled on the plans as•__ ~ be moved or recenfl8urod tominit~~e t>10 ~P~ t4 ~e ' . Please rdviso the plaice to minimize the impacts. . The etormwatar disoharges.af the location on the plena labeiod ' _ will.notprovlde ~diflhs4 flow~through tho buflrar because ' ~ ~ . Please fevise the plans sad provklo oelculations te9 •show that dii~ltse'17oiv will be achieved i~gh the entirebuffar, if it is aoE possible to achieve.diflbae flo~w- tiirough.the et-tIre bufl?er'thea it tray bo neoossaryto provide atorn~water managecnoat . • practices that ranove ntitrieats :before the atiormwatar eau be discharged through• the. bcffa'. ~ . • . ~ .. . ^ Pleasoprovide a signed Dopy of the application.' ' . ' ^ Please provide'__. copies of the application, . copies ofthe site plans and other supporting information: . ^ • Pleasehsubmit electronic CAD fibs showittg~.~F ~" `' :.vie: einai~ to iaa.mamillan(t~nomdil,ne~ and CDr ~ •• • • t ~ ~. ~ W C31 1YZ rj u ~ its ~ c_io~!c.~.cl;c ~~ i .^,~1' • ~ ln.a~~ '~.~~ .4~ ; ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ Fri ~ tx ~+ . _~ S D ~ ~ ..=-~ s ~ ., s t S '~. • ~c'` I.af G~ • •,alrt' Liiw~S S ..} ~ ,i's - G ~ ~P e Mitigation ~ n 1 /1~ ' ~ -~ ~,-, e -rr_ tu.. ~. ~ n k :., c.~ . • ~ ^ ~ of compensatory ~ nutigation is required for this projdct.'Pleaso provi~o'a e~npensatoiy mitigation plan. The Platt must conform•to thatsequireanants in 15 A NCAC 2H :OSOO~and mush be appropriate to the type•of impacts proposed. ' ^ ^ Please indicate~which~404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this project. '. . ' - ~ . '_~ j ` 1 ~ ~`L c.;l 5 Y"~ ~/'~ . ~~' G~. Cit~ l/~~ W [~'~~. Lt.~..,, CX C.l1~C C.J. ~ S ~C l ~~ r-- ,r ~ ~ ~ v c~..2 ~X i ~n t _~~ f r ~ C (? i'- rL~ Gwc- ~ to s~ ~ S I vl ~ l ~ ,~{ ~- J i` t~ Ci V' dJ [z "a ~ a -~ s ~~e- ~ -- ~ w Sewe,- ~'~- - 2 `_ ~~`~".off' ~'~" `~" /~ J ~ r,,..Qs o~~c•-v+- ~ -K-~. ~~N~ ~~~ ~~~,~~ ~s ,~ ~w~S ~Gr~-~ 'H ~~ t ~o' / r,~ ~~~, ~f p~Se i~ T~+-C.e~`~."S ~ ~iat woa~.~..i` a n~ G ~~ d ~ ~ ~ ~~t,.Y, ~ ad ~+~ / ~.c tit ,