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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00058_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (3)ATA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Govemor Director Thomas J. Shytle Town of Cramerton 155 N. Main Street Cramerton, North Carolina 28032 Dee Freeman Secretary June 20; 2011 RECEIVED DIVISION 0E1NATER QUALITY Subject: Rescission of Wastewater Collection System Permit Permit No. WQCS00058 Town of Cramerton. Gaston County JUN 23 2OU MOOREvVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Dear Mr. Shytle: Reference is made to your request for rescission of the subject Wastewater Collection System Permit. Staff from the Central Office has confirmed that this Permit is no longer required. Therefore, in accordance with your request, Wastewater Collection System Permit No. WQCS00058 is rescinded, effective June 30th, 2011. The Town of Cramerton previously permitted under WQCS00058 will now be permitted by the City of Gastonia, permit number WQCS00017. If in the future, if you wish again to operate a non -discharge system, you must first apply for and receive a new Wastewater Collection System Permit. Operating a non -discharge system without a valid Wastewater Collection Permit will subject the responsible party to a civil penalty of up to $10,000 per day. If it would be helpful to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact me at 919-807-6312 or via email []. Sincerely, Michael W. Leggett, P.E. Environmental Engineer cc: Gaston County Health Department `•liiloOresville-'RegionatO:ffiee, Water Quality,(Permit W_QC-S00058) Water Quality Central Files (Permit WQCS00058) PERCS Files 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919-807-64921 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: An Equal Opportunity \Afinnative Action Employer NorthCarolina Naturally FILE NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary October 29, 2010 Mr. Michael C. Peoples, Town Manager Town of Cramerton 155 N Main St. Cramerton, NC 28032 Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Cramerton Collection System Permit No. WQCS00058 Gaston County Dear Mr. Peoples: Ms. Barbara Sifford, of the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ), Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) conducted a compliance evaluation inspection (CEI) of the Town of Cramerton's wastewater collection system permit number WQCS00058, on August 25, 2010. The assistance and cooperation of Mr. Jamie Shytle and Mr. Hubert Hampton was greatly appreciated. Please note that the sections completed on the report pertain only to the areas that were inspected. An inspection report is attached for your records and inspection findings are detailed in this report. The collection system for the Town of Cramerton consists of approximately 28 miles of gravity sewer line, 4 miles of force main and eleven (11) duplex pump stations. The system conveys wastewater to Eagle Road WWTP (NPDES NC0006033). Currently the system is classified as a CS -2. At the present time evaluations of the system are being considered to change ownership of the collection system to the City of Gastonia. This comes as part of a regional consolidation of Gaston County sewer systems. The Town of Cramerton currently has a contract to accept 0.280 MGD from Belmont. Mooresville Regional Office Location: 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 663-16991 Fax: (704) 663-60401 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: NorthCarolina 2!atllraij An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer paper Page 2 CEI Cramerton Performance Standards The Town of Cramerton has a Sewer Use Ordinance that provides the ability to enforce against violators if needed. Public Education for FOG is achieved by newsletter articles and the web site. A Capitol Improvement Plan has been adopted and has plans for 5, 10 and 20 year improvements to the system. Inspections, Operation and Maintenance Records Records are available that document high priority line inspections, right of way clearing and off street inspection. Line cleaning documentation indicates that greater than ten percent has been cleaned in 2007, 2008, and 2009. Pump station inspections include both weekly and daily inspections as required and additional inspections on critical pump stations. Run time counters should be recorded and used for flow tracking infoiination. This infoiination is needed for capacity determinations of each station. Record Keeping and Reporting Overflow reports are minimal for this system and none have required a public notice to be issued. The annual report which should be completed for both the wastewater treatment plant and the collection system should be submitted to Raleigh each year. This office has not received a copy of the previous years annual report, please provide one for our files. A response is not necessary to this inspection, just submit a copy of the annual report. If you have any questions concerning this inspection report, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Barbara Sifford at 704-663-1699. Sincerely, Robert Krebs Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section Mooresville Regional Office Cc: Jamie Shytle- Public Works Director Hubert Hampton — Cramerton —ORC MRO CS Cramerton PERCS • Permit: WQCS00058 SOC: County: Gaston Region: Mooresville Compliance Inspection Report Effective: 02/21/08 Expiration: 01/31/16 Owner: Town of Cramerton Effective: Expiration: Facility: Cramerton Collection System 155 N Main St Contact Person: Michael C Peoples. Directions to Facility: System Classifications: CS2, Cramerton NC 28032 Title: Town Manager Phone: 704-825-7499 Primary ORC: Hubert Harold Hampton Certification: 988231 Secondary ORC(s): Phone: 704-825-7499 On -Site Representative(s): 24 hour contact name Jamie Shytle Phone: 704-825-7499 Related Permits: NC0006033 Town of Cramerton - Eagle Road VVVVfP- NC0055948 Town of Cramerton - Cramerton VVVVTP Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Primary Inspector: Barbara Sifford Secondary Inspector(s): Entry Time: 09:00 AM Exit Time: 04:00 PM Phone: 704-663-1699 Ext.2196 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Collection system management and operation Facility Status: El Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: MI Miscellaneous Questions Monitoring & Rpting Reqmts 11 Lines ® Performance Standards Inspections (See attachment summary) ® Operation & Maint Reqmts ® Records 11 Pump Station AN Manhole Page: 1 Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Page: 2 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Performance Standards Is Public Education Program for grease established and documented? What educational tools are used? Newsletter and web site inforamtion. Flyers are also available at Town Hall customer service counter. Is Sewer Use Ordinance/Legal Authority available? Does it appear that the Sewer Use Ordinance is enforced? Is Grease Trap Ordinance available? Is Septic Tank Ordinance available (as applicable, i.e. annexation) List enforcement actions by permittee, if any, in the last 12 months BBQ restaurant was issued a notice but no fines were accessed since corrective actions were taken. Has an acceptable Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) been implemented? Does CIP address short term needs and long term \"master plan\" concepts? Does CIP cover three to five year period? Does CIP include Goal Statement? Does CIP include description of project area? Does CIP include description of existing facilities? Does CIP include known deficiencies? Does CIP include forecasted future needs? Is CIP designated only for wastewater collection and treatment? Approximate capital improvement budget for collection system? Total annual revenue for wastewater collection and treatment? CIP Comments Very detailed. Pump station upgrades are planned for Town Hall and Grove St. The CIP is broken down into 5/10/20 year schedules for rehabilitation of the system. Is system free of known points of bypass? If no, describe type of bypass and location Is a 24-hour notification sign posted at ALL pump stations? # Does the sign include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? 24-hour contact numbers If no, list deficient pump stations Call information on the signs goes to Town Hall, WWTP and then to 911 dispatch for the county. Yes No NA NE E n n ▪ nnn nnn ®nnn nnn® ®nnn ® nnn ▪ nnn ® nnn :in nn Bnnn nnn Ennn nnn ® nnn nnn ® nnn nn ® nnn Page: 3 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine # Do ALL pump stations have an "auto polling" feature/SCADA? Number of pump stations Number of pump stations that have SCADA Number of pump stations that have simple telemetry Number of pump stations that have only audible and visual alarms Number of pump stations that do not meet permit requirements # Does the permittee have a root control program? # If yes, date implemented? Describe: Roots have been identified as a problem in the VCP sections of town. Cleaning of lines is focussed in this area, Grove St southeast to Town Hall lift station. Comment: Inspections Are maintenance records for sewer lines available? Are records available that document pump station inspections? Are SCADA or telemetry equipped pump stations inspected at least once a week? Are non-SCADA/telemetry equipped pump stations inspected every day? Are records available that document citizen complaints? # Do you have a system to conduct an annual observation of entire system? # Has there been an observation of remote areas in the last year? Are records available that document inspections of high -priority lines? Has there been visual inspections of high -priority lines in last six months? Comment: Operation & Maintenance Requirements Are all log books available? Does supervisor review all log books on a regular basis? Does the supervisor have plans to address documented short-term problem areas? What is the schedule for reviewing inspection, maintenance, & operations logs and problem areas? Weekly by Hubert and Jamie. Are maintenance records for equipment available? Is a schedule maintained for testing emergency/standby equipment? What is the schedule for testing emergency/standby equipment? 6 5 0 nxnn Yes No NA NE nnn ®nnn ®nnn nnn n nn nnn n nn nnn nnn Yes No NA NE nnn nnn nnn la n nn monthly Page: 4 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Emergency phone number Is public access limited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? Comment: Strison communication is used for this station monitoring. ® nnn ® nnn ® nnn ®nnn Page: 13 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Pump station type Are pump station logs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? # Is general housekeeping acceptable'? Are all pumps present? Are all pumps operable? Are wet wells free of excessive debris? Are upstream manholes free of excessive debris/signs of overflow? Are floats/controls for pumps/alarms operable? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Are backflow devices in place? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? # Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? # Is fuel in tank and sufficient? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? Duplex ® nnn nnn ®nnn n nn n nn lannn ®nnn ® nnn n ®nn n ®nn ® nnn ® nnn nnn n nn n nn n nn n nn nnn:. n nn® ® nnn Fnnn n nn ®nnn nnn n nn ® nnn n nn n nn Page: 12 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine # Is fuel in tank and sufficient? ® n n n Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? i n n n Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? ® n n n Does it include: Instructions for notification? ■ n n n Pump station identifier? ❑ ❑ n Emergency phone number ®n n n Is public access limited? ® n n n Is pump station free of overflow piping? ® n n n Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? ! n n n Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? Comment: Strisson monitoring for this station. Generator on iste and tested monthly. Pump run times are not recorded. It was suggested that these readings be recorded for pump station flow information. LINCOLN ST - Lines/Right-of-Ways/Aeriel Lines Yes No NA NE Is right-of-way accessible for emergency? ® n n n Is right-of-way free of sinkholes or depressions? n n n Is line/right-of-way free of evidence of leakage? min n n # Are there areas of exposed line? u n n n # Is any exposed line constructed of ductile iron or other approved material? ® n . ❑ n Are water crossing and supports in good condition? ® n ❑ n # Is right-of-way free of non -utility motorized traffic? ® n n n Is line free of visible damage? ns ❑ n ❑ # Are there siphons in this system? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ If yes, are they maintained and documented? Comment: One is located on the Carolina Thread Trail and the other 8 inch segment is behind the Recreation Dept and ball field. Both are free of any visible leaks and are constructed of ductile pipe. TIMBERLAKE #1 - Shady Cove Rd. Pump Station Yes No NA NE Page: 11 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliande Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine # Are there siphons in this system? If yes, are they maintained and documented? Comment: This location has both the gravity and the force main line crossing Duhart Creek with flows to the South Fork. LAKEWOOD #2 - Lakewood Rd @ bridge Pump Station Pump station type Are pump station logs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? # Is general housekeeping acceptable? Are all pumps present? Are all pumps operable? Are wet wells free of excessive debris? Are upstream manholes free of excessive debris/signs of overflow? Are floats/controls for pumps/alarms operable? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Are backflow devices in place? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? # Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? Yes No . NA NE Duplex ® DnD n nDD nnn • DDD igDDD ▪ D D i D D D D D ® D D D giD El El D D D nnn D D D D D D yDDD nnn nnn raDDD D D D D 3 D D nDD ffi Page: 10 tVe Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? Comment: This is the largest pump station in the system three drainage basins contribute flow to this station. Generator is on -site and checked monthly. Staion is monitored by Strison but is also checked dailty since it is critical to conveyance of the flow. BALTIMORE AERIAL - Lines/Right-of-Ways/Aerie) Lines Is right-of-way accessible for emergency? Is right-of-way free of sinkholes or depressions? Is line/right-of-way free of evidence of leakage? # Are there areas of exposed line? # Is any exposed line constructed of ductile iron or other approved material? Are water crossing and supports in good condition? # Is right-of-way free of non -utility motorized traffic? Is line free of visible damage? # Are there siphons in this system? If yes, are they maintained and documented? Comment: At the coupling in the line there is a slight deflection in pipe should be checked frequently for integrity. DUHART CREEK AERIALS - Lines/Right-of-Ways/Aeriel Lines Is right-of-way accessible for emergency? Is right-of-way free of sinkholes or, depressions? Is line/right-of-way free of evidence of leakage? # Are there areas of exposed line? # Is any exposed line constructed of ductile iron or other approved material? Are water crossing and supports in good condition? # Is right-of-way free of non -utility motorized traffic? Is line free of visible damage? ®nnn nnn Yes No NA NE sin nn ® nnn ® nnn • nnn ®nnn ▪ nn k nnn ▪ nnn ® n Yes No NA NE q.;nnn Innn Innnn nnn • nn nnn nnn ® nnn Page: 9 a c m CT c o 0 2 w aa 00 m (n co= 7 cn a o' 3 o n: _ n CD 0. co .J 3 =i C (D CT J 0 Instructions for notification? :apnlou! }! sao4 Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? # Is fuel in tank and sufficient? �alge�ado ao}eiaua6 ay} sl Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is an emergency generator available? 6algeiado saAiOA Jallai Jle aJy �aoeld ul saAleA }a!laa ne aw m 0 w < < < S. o (n. v) c c m N E a) am cn (n 5' — — O �. cn 0) a) -o a m a) N 5' O o • w co CD (0 o_ ao a J cn a) ▪ cnal _cu o- CJo C (D J - •J (D Q •J > > E > > O" Q (D 0) 0) o OT.' -0 _O_ _a ? = O O 3 * a m n) cn a a 61euogeJado aldwls si 61uasaid ti}awala} aldwls si Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? m a C cn 0 o i D m 0 j O D °) II (D a 3 x n m cncn (D O cn 7 a JCD () d Q (D (D O- cET cn O O < O O �J Are wet wells free of excessive debris? ,algeJado sdwnd lie aly e:,}uasaJd sdwnd ie alb' ® ® ® F-` IC Si ® ® D IC ® D D III I® ® ® ® ® ❑ D ® ❑ Eli IE EC 111 I] D ID I] - I] I] D ❑ I] ❑ I] I] ❑ ❑ I] I] D D D I] I] III D I] I] I] D D D ID I] D D D D D I] ® I] D D I] D ❑ I] D D D I] EC I] D D I] D I] D I] I] D D D ❑ I] I] D I] D D I] I] I] I] D I] I] D D I] ® I] D I] D ❑ o▪ ' 0 d (0 0 CO N Ut N 7 N co co O 0 7 -o -o 0 O a 6i 8 m 0) d o' CD 99000SDDM :;!wJad uouaweJO }o umol :/C}l!!3ed - Jeumo Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Is line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? ■ n n n Is manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? ® ❑ ❑ n Is manhole free of excessive roots? ® n n n Is manhole free of excessive sand? ■ n n n Is manhole's extended vent screened? L n n n Are vents free of submergence? ® n n n Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? ® n n n Comment: Beginning of line in this area. 600 WOODLAWN - Manhole Yes No NA NE Is manhole accessible? ®n n n # Is manhole cover/vent above grade? ■ n n n Is the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? M n n n Is the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? ® n n n Is manhole cover present? ® n n n # Is manhole properly seated? ® n n n # Is manhole in good condition? n n n # Is invert in good condition? ® n n n Is line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? ® n n n Is manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? ® n n n Is manhole free of excessive roots? ® n n n Is manhole free of excessive sand? ® n n n Is manhole's extended vent screened? l l n n n Are vents free of submergence? M ❑ n ❑ Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? ® n n n Comment: invert is 6 inch line, brick manhole with approximately 1/4 pipe flow at time of inpsection. BALTIMORE - Baltimore Drive Pump Station Yes No NA NE Pump station type Duplex Are pump station logs available? ® n n n Page: 7 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Do pump station logs include: Inside and outside cleaning and debris removal? Inspecting and exercising all valves? Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other equipment? Inspecting alarms, telemetry and auxiliary equipment? Is there at least one spare pump for each pump station w/o pump reliability? Are maintenance records for right-of-ways available? Are right-of-ways currently accessible in the event of an emergency? Are system cleaning records available? Has at least 10% of system been cleaned annually? What areas are scheduled for cleaning in the next 12 months? Old VCP areas of town. Is a Spill Response Action Plan available? Does the plan include: 24-hour contact numbers Response time Equipment list and spare parts inventory . Access to cleaning equipment Access to construction crews, contractors, and/or engineers Source of emergency funds Site sanitation and cleanup materials Post-overflow/spill assessment Is a Spill Response Action Plan available for all personnel? Is the spare parts inventory adequate? Comment: Records Are adequate records of all SSOs, spills and complaints available? Are records of SSOs that are under the reportable threshold available? Do spill records indicate repeated overflows (2 or more in 12 months) at same location? If yes, is there a corrective action plan? Is a map of the system available? nnn ® nnn u nnn ® nnn ®nnn ® nnn ® nnn. ®nnn ® nnn ® nnn ■ nnn ® nnn n nn n nn ®nnn n n n n nn ® nnn n nn ® nnn Yes No NA NE nnn ®nnn n nnn n n:,n ®nnn Page: 5 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Does the map include: Pipe sizes Pipe materials Pipe location Flow direction Approximate pipe age Number of service taps Pump stations and capacity If no, what percent is complete? List any modifications and extensions that need to be added to the map # Does the permittee have a copy of their permit? Comment: No repeat areas of spills have been reported to DWQ. No spill has been great enough to require a public notice to be issued. Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Are copies of required press releases and distribution lists available? Are public notices and proof of publication available? # Is an annual report being prepared in accordance with G.S. 143-215.1 C? # Is permittee compliant with all compliance schedules in the permits? If no, which one(s)? Comment: 358 WOODLAWN - Manhole Is manhole accessible? # Is manhole cover/vent above grade? Is the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? Is the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? Is manhole cover present? # Is manhole properly seated? # Is manhole in good condition? # Is invert in good condition? n nn ® nnn nnn ®nnn ® nnn ▪ nnn ▪ nnn 98% n nn Yes No NA NE ®nnn nn:n ®nnn ® nnn Yes No NA NE n nn t nnn ®nnn n nn ® nnn n nn n nn Page: 6 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources September 20, 2007 Michael Peoples, Town Manager Town of Cramerton 155 Main Street Cramerton, NC 28032 Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No. WQCS00058 System -Wide Wastewater Collection System Permit. Town of Cramerton Gaston County Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality S E P 2 5 2007 NC DENR MRO D'NQ-Surface Water Protection Dear Mr. Peoples: The PERCS Unit of the Division of Water Quality (Division) acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on September 20, 2007. The reviewer will perform a detailed review and contact you with a request for additional information if necessary. To ensure the maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Division requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. - If you have any questions, please contact Daryl Merritt 919-733-5083, ext. 554 or via email []. If the reviewer of your permit application is unavailable, you may leave a message, and they will respond promptly. Sincerely, - &t..,)6(5_ Deborah Gore PERCS Unit Acting Supervisor cc: E13arbara Sifford`Moofesville_Regional-Office; Water__Quaiity Section PERCS Unit File NNo" a hCarolina aturally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone (919) 733-7015 Customer Service Internet: Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (919) 733-2496 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper 1 1 c .,,::'• State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality c SYSTEM -WIDE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS FORM CSA 10/05 HIS FORM MA Y BE PHOTOCOPIED F1RR t h E AS AN ORIGINAL) Application Number: (to be completed by DWQ) /I®) v L 1 v E <THIS ONLINE APPLICATION CAN BE FILLED OUT US THE TAB KEY TO MOVE THROUGH 11LE FIELDS> I. GENERAL INFORMATION: DENR • WATER QUA Dnieir .. homeowners association, ,-- —,,, JuutIct BRANCH etc.): Town of Cramerton Owner (name of the municipality, public utility, Authorized signing official's name AND title (15A NCAC 2T .0106(b)): Michael Peoples, Town Manager Mailing address : 155 N. Main St. City: Cramerton State: North Carolina Zip: 28032 Telephone number: (704) 824-4337 Facsimile number: (704) 824-9049 E-mail: County where collection system is located: Gaston Name, affiliation, and contact information of contact person who can answer questions about the application: Jamie Shytle, Town of Cramerton, Utilities Director, (704-825-7499) Is this application new or for a permit renewal? ❑ New X[] Renewal of Permit No. WQCS00058 *For Renewals: Only Complete Section I, Section II and Applicant Certification II. COLLECTION SYSTEM INFORMATION: 1. Owner and name of wastewater treatment facility(ies) (WWTF) receiving wastewater: Town of Cramerton Eagle Rd. WWTP 2. WWTF permit number(s): NC0006033 3. Total miles of sewer (approximate): 3.97 Force Main 28.41 Gravity 0 Pressure 0 Vacuum 4. Population served by this system: 3,119 5. Wastewater Make -Up: 99.7 % Domestic/Commercial 0.3 % Industrial (Process) 6. Pump Station Information: Attach a current list of all major (i.e. not simplex serving a single family home as part of a pressure sewer system) pump stations, names, capacities and their locations. Summarize below: See Table 5- 1(CIP) o Number of simplex pump stations serving a low pressure* sewer: 0 * Indicate the number of simplex type pump stations serving a low pressure sewer system that are owned/maintained such as in a residential subdivision. This would not include pump stations that convey larger flows en route to the treatment plant or individual pumps needed to pump to an adjacent gravity sewer. If simplex stations are listed above, pressure or vacuum mains should be shown in Item II(3). o Number of duplex or greater pump stations: 11 o Number of simplex stations serving multiple buildings: 0 7. Attach a list of high priority lines according to the Division's definition known to exist in the collection system (See Instruction E). Head the list with the system name and include "Attachment A for Condition V(4)". 8. Attach a copy of your current spill response plan. 9. Attach a copy of your current annual budget and current approved Capital Improvement Plan. 10. Attach a copy of your comprehensive collection system map (a CD is also acceptable, please indicate format). 11. Report any satellite systems over 200,000 gallons per day (see Instruction F). For renewals, only indicate those systems that are newly connected or have exceeded 200,000 gallons per day since the last permit application. City or Belmont, (see attached agreement) 12. Indicate the current designated collection system operators: Main ORC Name: Hubert H. Hampton Certification Number: 988231 Back -Up ORC Name: Jamie Shytle Certification Number: 989265 Additional Back -Up ORC Name(s) and Certification Number(s): III. COLLECTION SYSTEM PERMIT COMPLIANCE QUESTIONS (NEW APPLICATIONS): Please reference the attached draft permit in answering these questions. Any compliance dates needed will be put into the permit. For conditions not listed, compliance dates are not typically offered. Permit Condition Current Compliance? If no, Indicate a Compliance Date Typical Compliance Schedule I(3) — Grease ordinance with legal authority to inspect/enforce ❑ Yes ❑ No 12 —18 mo. I(4) — Grease inspection and enforcement program ❑ Yes ❑ No 12 —18 mo. I(5) — Three to five year Capital Improvement Plan ❑ Yes ❑ No 12 —18 mo. I(8) — Pump station identification signs ❑ Yes ❑ No 3 mo. I(10) — Functional and conspicuous audible and visual alarms ❑ Yes ❑ No 3 — 6 mo. 11(5) — Spare pumps for any station where one pump cannot handle peak flows alone (in a duplex station, the 2nd pump is the spare if pump reliability is met) ❑ Yes ❑ No 6 — 9 mo. II(7) — Accessible right-of-ways and easements ❑ Yes ❑ No 6 —12 mo. II(9) — Spill response plan with Items 9(a — h) ❑ Yes ❑ No 3 mo. Other comments: b Applicant's Certification: Note: 15A NCAC 2T .0106(b) requires an authorized individual to sign this application form. In the case of corporations, signature is required by a principal executive officer of at least the level of vice president, or his duly authorized representative. In the case of a municipal, state, or other public entity, a signature is required by either a principal executive officer, ranking elected official or other duly authorized employee. Duly authorized employee's must provide proof from the principal executive officer or ranking elected official that they have been authorized to sign this application. Public Works Director's are not authorized to sign this permit application according to the rule unless delegated I, Michael C. Peoples, attest that this application forRenewal has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties us to $25,000 per violation. Signature: **END OF FORM CSA 10/05** Date: 647 / 9 47 0- SSO RESPONSE Call received Public in danger? NO Contact Utility Department Stop Spill Clean up Isolated Incident? YES Contract fire department and Utilities change limit NO NO Repair Scheduled 0 YES Report to state. fill out log and assess response Request Additional resources to repair • I ." f 5) Take immediate steps to stop the overflow a) Use jetter starting at down stream manhole b) Emergency generator c) Other 6) If possible, Remove or correct cause of the overflow a) Grease / Roots / Debris b) Mechanical / electrical repair 7) Site sanitation and clean up a) Secure the overflow area to prevent contact by the public until the area is thoroughly cleaned b) Materials c) Methods 1. flush area with clean water if possible 2. vacuum up ponded water 3. Rake debris. for proper disposal 4. spread lime or use bleach (do not use bleach if it can enter a steam) 8) Determine volume of spill a) Depth of water in ditch b) Flow missing from WWTP c) Operating time/ hours at pump station 9) Reporting a) Notify NCDNR within 24 hours if spill entered a water body b) Written report 10) Post -overflow assessment a) Access damage to private property (photograph if possible) b) Contact the person 'who reported the spill and disclose the cause and resolution of the spill. c) Note' any problems that were encountered that need to be addressed in the response plan 1. communication break -downs 2. lack of equipment or manpower 3. public relations 11) Enter Incident into Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) Evaluation Loa: a) State form or an individually made form that includes the State form information at a minimum b) Required for any type spill whether reportable or not be documented. Spills that are reported to the State should be on the required form. 12) Request additional personal, materials supplies to correct the cause or the overflow (add to CIP plan if necessary) a) Grease control / education program b) Pump station repair c) Video line to detect structural problems 1. remove blockage 2. point repairs 3. pipe line Appendix Flow Chart Reporting Form CRAMERTON CAS°%. PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 155 North Main Street Cramerton NC 28032 Attachment A for Condition V (4) High Priority Line Sections (WQCS00058) 1. Lakewood P/S #2 Outfall, (aerial sections) 2. Lakewood P/S #1 Outfall, (aerial) 3. Market Street Outfall, (aerials) 4. Riverside Drive Outfall, (proximity to South Fork Catawba River) 5. Baltimore P/S forcemain, (River Crossing) 6. Lakewood P/S #2 forcemain, (River Crossing) 7. Duhart Creek Outfall, (aerials) If additional information is needed please contact: Jamie Shytle, Public Utilities Director Town of Cramerton 155 N. Main Street Cramerton, NC 28032 704-825-7499 i shvtle( 0. CITY OF Iir]ELMOl`7ll AND TOWN OF CRAMERTON AMENDED WASTEWATER TREATMENT SERVICE AGREEMENT THIS AMENDED AORIEEMENT (the "Agreement") made and entered into the -v.) of 2005 by and between the City of Belmont, a North Carolina Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Belmont" and the Town of Cramerton, a North Carolina Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Town", which amends and supercedes the previous agreement entered into between the parties hereto in September, 2003. 1. Purchase and Sale. Belmont agrees to buy from the Town of Cramerton and Town agrees to sell and deliver to Belmont wastewater treatment services for domestic wastewater on the terms and conditions set forth for those service areas shown on Exhibit A attached hereto. 2. Term. This Agreement shall be effective, and shall continue and remain in full force and effect for a period of twenty (20) years from and after the date upon which wastewater treatment service is first delivered to Belmont pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Town shall, prior to the beginning of the seventeenth (17`h) year of the term of this Agreement, give notice to Belmont of its desire to renew this Agreement, and upon the giving of such notice, the parties hereto shall negotiate in good faith toward a renewal of this agreement based upon the same rate format contained in this Agreement. 3. Extension of Sewer Line. Belmont at its cost, shall acquire the necessary easements to be in the Town's name within the Town's corporate limits and design, engineer, and construct a sewer gravity main to Town's Eagle Road treatment plant as generally located in Exhibit A to serve the service areas shown therein. Said construction shall include a master metering vault and master meter installation at a mutually agreed location with utilizing metering equipment selected by the Town. 4. Connection to and Maintenance of Line. Town shall have the right to make new connections to the line. Any such connection including a metering device, if one is required, shall be installed by Town at its expense. Upon completion of the construction of the gravity sewer line by Belmont between the Cramerton WWTP and Eastwood Drive, Belmont shall dedicate the line to the Town of Cramerton. 5. Rate. Belmont shall become a domestic sewer customer of the Town and receive a rate for wastewater treatment service based upon the "In -Town" residential sewer rate. Town shall bill and Belmont as a user, will pay to Town on a monthly basis for all metered wastewater furnished by Belmont to Town on a monthly basis an amount equal to the "In -Town" residential rate as established and as revised from time -to time in the Town's Water and Sewer Rate Schedule. Once installed, the meter and appurtenant structure shall become part of the Town's system, thereafter to be owned and maintained by Town. Town shall inspect and test the meters from time to time. Belmont reserves the right to calibrate the meter on an annual basis by a third party. The Town shall be responsible for reading said meters and shall bill Belmont monthly based upon said readings. Should the meters be found to be inaccurate, the amount of wastewater delivered during the period of meter failure shall be determined by determining the average of the previous (12) monthly billing periods, and using such portion of that average as corresponds to the length of time during which meter failure occurred. 6. Access Fees. Belmont shall charge the developer of the Belmont Reserve development shown on Exhibit A the Town's access fee of $2,500 per unit (104 units x $2,500 = $260,000) and pay such total to the Town upon the State of North Carolina Department of Natural Environmental Resources issuing approval for construction and the Town of Cramerton issuing a flow acceptance letter. Should other units be added to the Service Area on Exhibit A, Belmont shall charge the developer and pay to the Town the Town's designated access fees for these units as provided above. 7. Maximum Usage Limit. The maximum daily usage limit for Belmont shall be set at 280,000 gpd. At such time, however, that Belmont utilizes eighty percent (80%) of such capacity for six consecutive billing periods, Belmont and Town agree to negotiate, in good faith, a higher maximum usage limit. In the event Belmont exceeds said monthly usage limit for any one month, Town shall have the right to either curtail or bill Belmont's discharge beyond the maximum monthly usage limit for the amount of wastewater treated which exceeds the maximum monthly usage limit for that individual month, said rate not to exceed 1.9 times the then current rate set for Belmont's discharge. 8. Invoicing. Bills for wastewater services hereunder shall be rendered and paid monthly. A "month" shall mean the period between any two regular consecutive billing period readings of the meter measuring the quantity of wastewater treated. 9. Curtailment of Service. Belmont shall be, in the same manner as all other wastewater customers of Town subject to Town's curtailment services, due to permit limits, state requirements, maintenance or repairs treatment plant capacity, to other limits on Town's ability to provide service. 10. Waivers. Neither the failure nor delay on the part of either party hereto to exercise any right, power or privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right, power, or privilege, and no custom or practice at variance with the terms of the Agreement shall constitute a waiver of the right of either party to demand exact compliance with such terms. 11. Invalid Terms. Should any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement be held invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respects, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained in the Agreement shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby, and this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 12. Controlling Law/Successors Bound. This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties hereunder shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and, with consent of the other party, the assigns of either party hereto. 13. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be deemed an original. 14. Notices. Any notices required or permitted in this Agreement including address changes, shall be made in writing and shall be made either by mailing registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, and postage prepaid, to the other party at the address shown herein for that party or at such different address for that party, notice of which has been properly given hereunder, or by personally delivering such notice to an officer or other party. The notice, if mailed as provided for herein, shall be deemed given on the day of receipt or refusal to accept receipt, and if personally delivered, on thee date of delivery. The addresses are as follows: T® I:tIEILMi ONT City Manager City of Belmont PO Box 431 Belmont, NC 28012 TO THE TOWN Town Manager Town of Cramerton 155 North Main Street Cramerton, NC 28032 15. Entire Agreement. This Agreement reflects and contains the entire and only agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter herein, and as such supersedes all negotiations, commitments, undertakings and agreements, whether oral or otherwise. 16. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only by an instrument in writing executed by both parties hereto. IN" WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned municipal corporations have caused this agreement to be executed in their behalf by their duly authorized representatives, having hereunto affixed their signatures and seals, the day and year first above written. (Seall) ATTEST: Moetje 1LingafeYdt i erk A P PRO \ i D AS 10 FORM: - Parks \ v illson, City Atto CITY OF IEILM®NT Mayor . TOWN OF CRAMERTON (Seal BY: AT 5'Q': LOt/1/0 CV • giM anon A. Ellis, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William L. rown, Towne Attorney STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GASTON , A NotaryPublic of the aforesaid County and State, do hereby certify that Mozel A. Lingafeldt, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged that she is the City Clerk of the City of Belmont and that by authority duly given and as the act of the municipal corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Mayor, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by her as its City Clerk. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal, this the I — day of 11` , 2005. My Commission Expires: -°I 407 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GASTON I, 1 ifYIRh i 1\ I p J . A NotaryPublic of the aforesaid County and State, do hereby certify that LuAnn A. Ellis, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged that she is the Town Clerk of the Town of Cramerton and that by authority duly given and as the act of the municipal corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Mayor, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by her as its Town Clerk. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal, this the My Commission Expires: day of ae...eAar JLxci ,ULQLF-D) Notary Public , 2005. TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 5 Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions 5.1 Current Service Area and Background The Town currently provides sewer service for customers within its Town limits as well as to selected areas within the ETJ. Annexations are normally required should the Town decide to extend service outside of these current boundaries. While not all, the majority of the water customers also receive sewer service. Currently the Town has approximately 1,330 residential sewer customers, 55 commercial, 2 industrial, 2 institutional customers. The sewer customers are billed based on water meter readings, except for 2 industrial customers that have individual sewer meters. There is currently i significant industrial user that requires a pretreatment permit. The Town has a wastewater collection system permit WQCS00058 issued May 10, 2005 from the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) for approximately 28 miles of gravity sewer, 4 miles of force main, and 11 duplex pump stations. This permit is effective until December 31, 2007 at which time the permit should be renewed and updated for subsequent additions to the system. Subsequent system additions are permitted individually until such time. Prior to 1999 the Town collection system discharged to the o.250-mgd wastewater facility on Hamrick Drive. In 1999 the Town purchased an industrial wastewater treatment facility from a local textile industry and converted the use to a municipal wastewater treatment plant. In 2001 the Town completed an upgrade to the collection system to take the Riverside pump station and the Hamrick Drive WWTP offline and diverted their flow to the Baltimore Pump Station with a force main discharge to the Eagle Road WWTP. The Eagle Road WWTP is permitted to discharge 4.o-mgd to the South Fork Catawba River via NPDES Permit NC0006o33. In 2005 the Town discharged an average flow of 1.o5-mgd with a maximum month average of 1.22-mgd. Approximately 0.545 mgd of the average daily flow came from the Joan Fabrics Corporation, which discharged its wastewater directly to the Eagle Road WWTP, leaving the rest of the Town to discharge o.5o5-mgd. The corporation discontinued operations in 2006. Therefore this industrial flow capacity is now available. Using population data presented in Section 2, the current per capita usage is 165-gpcd disregarding the flow from the industry. The Town has recently entered an agreement with the Town of Belmont to treat up to o.28o-mgd that went into effect in October 2006. Subtracting flow from Joan Fabrics and the flow allocated to Belmont from the historical flow, the total remaining WWTP capacity for future additions is 3.22-mgd. The Town has also discussed the possibility of accepting wastewater from McAdenville, Lowell, and Pharr Yarns. If the Town enters into an agreement to accept wastewater from McAdenville (.13o-mgd), Lowell (o.600-mgd), and Pharr Yarns (i-mgd), the available capacity will reduce to 1.49-mgd. The City of Gastonia could also divert flow from their system or discharge flows from new development in the southeastern area of the county to reduce available capacity even Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 1 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 further. It is recommended that should the Town accept flow that eliminates other permitted NPDES discharges that negotiations with the DWQ be entertained to request all or a portion of the eliminated NPDES discharge flows and pollutant loadings be added to the Town NPDES permit as a benefit of regionalization. 5.2 Existing Wastewater System Evaluation 5.2.1 Existing Wastewater Collection System Existing Wastewater Collection System Model The current condition of the wastewater system was assessed through the following: > A capacity analysis of the wastewater collection system utilizing wastewater flow records supplied by the Town ➢ An overall system analysis of extraneous flows entering the collection system (infiltration and inflow) ➢ An evaluation of the current condition and capacity of each pump station > An evaluation of the condition, capacity, and effectiveness of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) > Identification of any current or future regulatory issues which may impact the system > Projections of both the sources and quantities of additional wastewater flows expected to be collected and treated > Projections for expenditures necessary for any identified upgrade or expansion projects Using GIS technology, the existing drainage areas were divided into sub -basins and the Town Zoning was overlaid to project wastewater flow rates for the various categories of land uses per sub -basin and correlated with the existing sewer system capacity. The land use categories were then given a projected growth based on the population projections to predict an increase in the sewer generated per sub -basin. The existing sewer system capacity was then evaluated for its ability to accommodate this growth. Existing Wastewater Collection Lines The Town's wastewater collection system currently consists of 4-inch to 18-inch gravity lines made of terra cotta, PVC and Ductile Iron. A great deal of infiltration and inflow has been identified throughout the collection system with the older areas of Town tributary to the Town Hall Pump Station being the cause of the majority of problems. According to the Cramerton Revised 201 Facilities Plan dated September 2004, approximately 55,400 feet of the collection system was installed prior to 194o and is constructed of terra cotta clay pipe. These terra cotta lines exceed 6o years old and as such, the joints have more Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 2 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 than likely deteriorated or pipes have cracked. The current configuration of Cramerton's wastewater collection system is provided in Figure 5-1. The following graphs represent the various constituents of Cramerton's collection system, which totals over 150,000 linear feet of gravity sewer line and 21,000 linear feet of force main. Cramerton Sewer System Pressure 12% 4111111 Gravity 88% ® Pressure ® Gravity Graph 5-1: Cramerton Collection Lines By Type Cramerton Gravity Sewer Lines By Material Graph 5-2: Cramerton Gravity Sewer Lines By Material Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 3 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 Cramerton Gravity Sewer Lines By Size 18" 12" 2% 0% 10% 10" 3% 20" 0% 4" 8" 78% 6" 7% 0 4" 8➢ 6" 818" M 10" 1712" 0618" ®20" Graphs 3: Cramerton Gravity Sewer Lines By Size There are areas where multiple service lines discharge to a single 4-inch gravity line. This is in violation of State rules and must be addressed as part of the CIP. This includes approximately 1,1oo-ft of 4-inch line and is located along 8th Avenue between 9th and loth Streets. Existing Wastewater Lift Stations There are eleven (ii) sanitary sewer lift stations currently in operation within the Cramerton collection system. Each site was visited and inspected for mechanical or structural defects. Table 5-1 provides information on each of the lift stations. The majority of the lift stations are in good condition and showed no signs of being overloaded or in need of major repairs. Some more significant problems were noted with the older lift stations within the collection system such as the Lakewood #1 and #2, Groves Street, and Town Hall Lift Stations. The Town Hall Lift Station is an old screw type lift station that has been converted to a small submersible pump station. This station is frequently inundated during heavy rainfall with infiltration/inflow and the storage chamber is an open pit adjacent to Town Hall. Currently the pump "lifts" the wastewater from the Old Town area into the gravity collection system that drains to the Baltimore Pump Station where it is re -pumped via the force main directly in front of Town Hall back to the Eagle Road WWTP. This station is inefficient, unaesthetic, and located adjacent to Town Hall and the South Fork Catawba River with an exposed storage chamber subject to flooding. The other older Smith & Loveless "can pump stations" at Groves, Lakewood #1, and # 2 are at the end of their useful life. These dry -pit package type stations have limited access for operations and maintenance and current practice usually dictates the abandonment of these in favor of pre -cast concrete wetwell submersible stations or above ground suction lift pump stations. All of the lift stations have either standby generators or hook-ups for portable generators to provide alternate power sources during electrical power outages. Five of the stations are equipped with telecommunications equipment to notify Town staff in case of an emergency. The remaining-six-(6)-stations-are only equipped with audible and visual alarms. Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 4 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 Lift Station Table 5 i oivii of Cramerton Wastewater Collection System. ExistingLjft Stations Capacity (gpm) Telecommunications Link Baltimore Patterson St Ext:. 900: Yes Upgraded 2001: Groves St. Groves St. 5o No 1974 -:Lakewood #i ,Lakewood Rd:, 59; No 1974 Lakewood #2 Armstrong Dr. 400 No 1974 :.Lineberger#i:" Martin St1 78 = Yes - zooi Lineberger#2 Pompano St. 40 Yes 2001 Timberlake.#i. ` ShadyCove Dr. •; .225 , . :Yes 1991' Timberlake #2 Shaggybark Dr. 98 No 1991 Mayfair . ' S'_New Hope Rd: 52 ',' No: .Upgraded zoo3' Newport Landing Lowell Bethesda Rd. 111 Yes 2005 Town Hall -Eighth Ave : ': 68 . ;:- 'No Pre-1974 Location 5.2.2 Existing Wastewater Collection Inflow and Infiltration Analysis Overview Installation Date Cramerton's wastewater collection system, like all other aging collection systems, is subject to increasing levels of groundwater infiltration and rainwater inflow. Infiltration refers to groundwater that enters the sanitary sewer system through defective pipes, pipe joints, connections, or manholes. Inflow refers to stormwater runoff coming from sources such as roof gutter drains, cellar drains, drains from springs and swampy areas, manhole covers, cross connections between storm and sanitary sewers, catch basins and surface runoff, as well as water from cooling towers and street washing. Infiltration and inflow is the volume of both infiltration water and inflow water found in existing sewer systems. Problems caused by excessive inflow and infiltration include: > Utilization of sewer facility capacity that should be used for present wastewater transportation > Utilization of sewer facility capacity that should be reserved to enable future urban growth and economic development > The need to construct new, additional sewage treatment facilities prior to their planned schedule date and thereby prematurely raising sewer rates > Overloading the sewer system to the extent that it backs up and floods streets and basements and damages personal property > Overloading the wastewater plant to the extent that some untreated wastewater flows directly into the waterways that normally take the treated effluent > --Overloading-0f-the-wastewater treatment -facility to the extent -that it -damages the pumping stations and treatment systems, leading to higher user rates Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 5 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 Methodology Ideally, the total volume discharged from the wastewater collection system to the wastewater treatment plant would be the output of the Cramerton potable water system minus consumptive losses such as evaporation, lawn irrigation, and other recreational activities. However, under real conditions, this ideal situation does not exist since the collection system is never perfect. The network of underground piping and manholes, which comprise the collection system, always has voids that allow leakage. These imperfections could be open joints, broken pipes, root intrusions, deteriorated manhole structures, or anywhere groundwater can enter. Other sources of fugitive contributions may be cross connections to storm sewers, roof drains inadvertently tied into the system, or inflow from areas that tend to flood or pond after rain events. Sources of infiltration are typically harder to find and repair than sources of inflow. However, effective repair of infiltration sources will normally have greater benefits in reduction of flows. Repair of inflow sources generally reduces system surcharging and overflows, if they exist, but have less effect on daily flows. The Division of Water Quality protocol for the evaluation of system wide infiltration is as follows: Infiltration greater than 3,000-gallons per day per inch mile (gpdim) is determined possibly excessive. Infiltration is the average daily flow from the three wettest consecutive months minus the expected flow. Expected flow is based on water billing records minus a consumptive loss of io to 15%. The protocol for the calculation of the inch mile parameter is the sum total line length by diameter of the pipe in inches multiplied by the length in miles. From the data derived from the GIS map of the collection system we have determined the total system inch miles at 25o. Therefore, non -excessive infiltration is calculated to be 3,000-gpdim x 250-im = 750,000-gpd. The monthly rainfall data and the total wastewater treated for the period January 2005 through December 2005 is shown in Table 5-2 and Graph 5-4 below. As indicated previously the stipulated period for calculation of infiltration is the three wettest consecutive months per DWQ protocol. In this case, the three wettest consecutive months occurred during October, November, and December. Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 6 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 Month January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2oo5 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 Table 5-2 Monthly Rainfall Data (in) vs- Wastewater Treated (mgd) January 2005- December 2005 Monthly Rainfall Data (in) Wastewater Treated (mgd) 2.63 0.92 mgd 2.55 1.0 mgd 4.91 1.22 mgd 3.03 1.19 mgd 2.29- 1.o5 mgd io.66 1.12 mgd 3.51 0.88 mgd 0.85 1.o6 mgd 0.58 1.13 mgd 5.34 1.16 mgd 3.81 o.96 mgd 6.93 0.91 mgd 10 5 0 Jan-05 Monthly Rainfall Data (in) vs. Wastewater Treated (mgd) Apr-05 Jul-05 Oct-05 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 - Monthly Rainfall Data, inches - Wastewater Treated, mgd Graph 5-4: Monthly Rainfall Data (in) vs. Wastewater Treated (mgd) Table 5-3 shows the resulting screening calculations for excessive infiltration into the collection system. The flow from Joan Fabrics was not included in the treated wastewater flow as more than half of the treated flow was generated by the Industry. The industry was located adjacent to the plant and had little opportunity to be a significant source of I&I. Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 7 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 Table ;5-3,':' Infiltration/Inflow Screening- Wastewater Treated (mg) Water Billed 9o% Daily Flow Infiltration (mg) October 2005 - :... 1.6.52 13.4 1211 4.41 November 2005 14.92 11.08 9.97 4.95 December 2005 ' 16 i3 34•' 9.386•75 TOTALS 47.57 Average lnfiltration per day (92 days) I&I gpd per inch -mile based on 25o total inch -miles Calculated Non excessive. Infiltration based on 3,000 gpd/in Month mi minus Joan Fabrics (mg) (Consumptive Loss) 31.46 16.11 1751o9 gpd Too-gpd per inch -mile 750;0oo gpd. As seen from the above table system -wide infiltration levels are less than what is considered to be excessive by the DWQ protocol; however, the calculated infiltration/inflow still represents 34% of the non -industrial wastewater treated at the wastewater treatment plant. The collected data was also analyzed to determine the effect of rainfall events on wastewater flow. Rainfall data was compared to flow data collected. Average daily flow was tabulated and compared to the maximum daily flow on days following significant rain events. Table 5-4 is a summary of monthly wastewater flows from the Eagle Road WWTP for calendar year 2005. It illustrates that peak daily flows reach as high as 2.34-mgd and can exceed the average by over 1.46-mgd. The yearly average inflow is estimated to be o.87-mgd. The per capita peak non -industrial flow rate of 1.92-mgd minus Joan Fabric average daily flow of o.545-mgd equals 1.38-mgd. A 2005 population estimate of 3,119 results in a peak flow rate of 442-gpd per capita, which exceeds the State guidance criteria of 275-gpd per capita and is considered excessive. Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 8 of 22 Month janury4615 February 2005 March.zoo5 April 2005 lay`20o5 June 2005 fuly `2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005.'' December 2005 Average TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 Rainfll,Average Daityari Monthly Rainfall Data On) rl� 2.55 3.03 io.66 0.85 5.34 6.93 imu r; Daily Wastewater Flow Wastewater Maximum Potential Treated Day Inflow (mgd) (mgd) (mgd) 1.0 i22 1.19 say 1.12 1.o6 • 1.16 0.91 1.56 0.56 2 07. o. g5 2.14 0.95 69. of6V4 2.15 1.03 1.67 0.61 2.35 1.19 z 42s 1.46. 2.34 1.43 .92 0.87 Existing Manhole Inspections In order to obtain an understanding of the condition of the existing collection system as well as locate any areas that are experiencing elevated levels of inflow and infiltration, portions of the wastewater collection system should be visually inspected. Within the scope of the CIP the manholes were GPS located. The manholes have been indicated on the sewer system mapping and computer database in the GIS system. Follow up inspections by the Town staff or contractors should look for structural condition, pipe diameter, pipe material, structure material, depth, number of inverts, and groundwater infiltration. Existing Gravity Sewer Since 1998 the Town has been working with US Infrastructure, Inc. to monitor and inspect suspect sewer lines. Areas in the Lakewood subdivision and the outfall along the river in this area were targeted for TV inspection, as was infrastructure located in the Old Town area from Grove Street along the river including Eighth Street toward Cramerton Village. Sewer overflow reports in 2001 indicated that spills in these areas were caused primarily from blockages due to roots, offsets, and grease buildup. The Town implemented rodding procedures and an oil and grease program and had no reportable spills in 2005. As expected the TV inspections to date indicate the terra cotta lines contain root intrusion at joints, infiltration/inflow from joints, line sags, and offset joints. In the Old Town area many sewer laterals serve multiple houses, run between, across, and under existing structures, and have been difficult to locate and repair. To date most repairs to the sewer system have been on an "as -needed" basis resulting from spills or blockages in the system. As part of the collection system permit Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 9 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 compliance the Town has phased routine clearing of right-of-ways throughout the system to improve accessibility of Town staff to the collection system in order to monitor and maintain the system. The Town in order to comply with the DWQ collection system permit is required to clean io% of the existing collection system annually. It is recommended that the cleaning and TV-ing continue in the interceptor system to the Lakewood and Old Town areas. A majority of the VCP occurs in this area. The suspected I&I in this system can be identified by the ongoing cleaning and TV-ing program and appropriate repairs made. 5.2.3 Conclusions of Existing Collection System Evaluation The capacity of the wastewater collection system was evaluated by comparing water usage records and inflow and infiltration rates to pipe capacities calculated using Manning's Equation based on diameter and minimum slope. The drainage basins within the Town limits and ET) were broken down into 14 sub -basins (5 of these were in the proposed Crescent Development Area) for the collection system capacity analysis. The Town supplied water usage information for each customer and this data was used for integration into the GIS network in order to determine the amount of water being discharged to the collection system from each business or residence. Inflow and Infiltration rates are also accounted for by using data collected during the flow - monitoring period. Water usages and inflow and infiltration rates are then totaled for their respective sub -basins. Calculated flows are also compared to pumping rates to insure sufficient pumping capacities. The sewer hydraulic analysis revealed that the majority of the system has sufficient capacity for current needs of the Town; however, there are some restrictions within the system that need to be corrected. Of concern is the fact that a large portion of the average daily flows to the Eagle Road treatment plants are due to inflow and infiltration. The sewer hydraulic analysis indicates that collection lines and interceptors have sufficient capacity based on the original pipe diameter and slope; however, loss of capacity because of root intrusion must be recovered from systematic cleaning. While the Eagle Road wastewater plant has the capacity to handle the existing and projected flows, I&I reduces the available capacity to add additional billable wastewater as flows increase in the future. The Town will continue to have extra horsepower and chemical costs for treating this extraneous flow. 5.3 Eagle Road Wastewater Treatment Plant 5.3.1 Background The Eagle Road WWTP is located at 659 Eagle Road (SR 2565) approximately 1 mile south of Highway 74 on the east side of the South Fork Catawba River. The WWTP was put into full service as the Town's sole wastewater treatment in 2001 with a permitted treatment capacity of 4.o-mgd. The NPDES permit number is NC0006o33• Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 10 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTPLAN FY 2006-2026 The 4.o-mgd Eagle Road WWTP is comprised of the following facilities: > One mechanical bar screen with coarse screen > Extended aeration biological treatment with mechanical aeration > Dual secondary clarifiers > Gaseous chlorination with contact chamber > Sludge treatment including sludge recirculation pump station > Flow metering The Eagle Road WWTP discharges to South Fork Catawba River, a Class WS-V stream, which is a tributary to Lake Wylie in the Catawba River Basin. Higher nitrogen and phosphorus levels in Lake Wylie resulted in North Carolina Division of Water Quality requiring higher degrees of treatment from wastewater treatment facilities. Speculative limits issued by DWQ of Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen were reduced to 1-ppm and 6-ppm, respectively. Because of pressures from growth of the greater Charlotte area, the continuing problem with, infiltration/inflow, the increasing regulatory requirements for permitting and operation of wastewater collection and treatment facilities, and the increasing costs of meeting effluent criteria, the Town completed a 201 Facilities Plan by J.N. Pease and Associates in December 2001. The Town also participated in the Eastern Gaston County Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Capital Cost Feasibility Study completed by Finkbeiner, Pettis and Strout, Inc. in 2002 to evaluate various alternatives for meeting future wastewater treatment needs. The Town was able to negotiate a mass based total nitrogen limit (TN) rather than the 6- ppm concentration limit from the DWQ and submitted a revised 201 Facilities Plan in 2004. In addition the Town negotiated a Special Order by Consent with the DWQ in 2005 to allow the Town time to implement the additional treatment facilities needed to meet NPDES compliance with the more stringent nutrient limits. The Town received an Authorization to Construct from DWQ in 2005 and a State Revolving Loan of $5 million dollars to complete the upgrades to the existing facilities. The upgrade consists of the following: > New mechanical screen ➢ Upgrade of the existing aeration basins with the addition of six 75-HP aerators ➢ Two 150-gpm waste activated sludge pumps > Modification of the existing chlorine contact chamber including additions of liquid chlorination and dechlorination storage tanks and chemical feed pumps > Diffused aeration post aeration Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 11 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 > New standby generator and conversion of the electrical system from 575 volt power to 46o volt power ➢ Upgrades to the existing 90 foot diameter clarifiers > Upgrades to the chemical feed system with alum, acid, and caustic storage tanks and chemical feed pumps ➢ New RAS/WAS pumping > New 3,00o square foot public works facility The Town began construction of the upgrades in early 2006 and should complete the construction in mid 2007. NPDES Permit Limitations Copies of the Town's permits are provided in Appendix 7. The effluent limitations of the permit are summarized in Table 5-5. The SOC limits are in effect until April 1, 2007. This is in the process of being extended to July 2007. After this the new NPDES permit limits are effective through January 31, 2010. The permit renewal process for the Eagle Road WWTP, along with all other discharge permits in the Catawba River Basin, will follow the DWQ Basin wide Planning Schedule. The current Catawba River Basinwide Plan was issued in September 2004 and is scheduled to be updated by 2009. NPDES permits are scheduled to be renewed by the end of 2010. Parameter BOD, Total Suspended Residue (TSS) Total,Suspended Resod (FSS) ue' NH,-N Total Residual Chlorine (Cl) Total Phosphorus (TP) Fecal :Cohforrb Fecal Coliform WWTP Effluent Quality astewater erm t L(mitatioris-' Permit Limitations mg/L 30.0 mg/L o"img/L` 4.0 mg/L 12 o;mg/L 28 pg/L 1.o mg/L Zoo/1Q0 ml 400/100 mi Mant,hly'Average Monthly Average Weekly Average Monthly Average Weel<t Average; Monthly Average (IVeekty Average Daily Maximum n Huai Weekly Average PA!' AveFagE Weekly Average Copies of the monthly reporting forms for 2000 through 2005 were reviewed. Sewer flow data is provided in Appendix 8. The reported monthly averages of each of the critical Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 12 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 effluent parameters for the WWTP are summarized in Table 5-6 for the years 2004 and 2005.. Month Jan `04 Feb• Mar Pr... May June July .Aug, Sept Oct`_ Nov Dee Average 'lan `05 Feb June Aug Oct 1.15 11T 1.04 0.95 113 1.23 1.20 ,09 1.02 ' 1;04- 1.08 1.00 1.12 1.o6 1.16 0.91 28, Parameter 2.5 10.2 0.3 3.0 2.0 2.1:. 2.0 11.9 6.2 6.o 2 :5_. 2.5 9.8 94° 1.0 14.7 2.4 2.1 *10.8 0y5 1.2 'S z4 2.1 2`4 4.9 9.49 12.5 7.9 5.4 6.5 13.4 11.3 0.2 13.3 2.1 or2 115 0.2 11.9 1.8 0:2:. 0.2 10.3 1.7 0 2 9;5 0.2 11.2 2.1 11; 3,' 2.1 , 10.5 2.0 8.9 11.0 1.8 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.1 13.7 10.9 8.o 6.6 10.6 1.5 1.6 2.2 1.6 1.7 1 2 1 2 8 3.5 1 2 2 3 2 A comparison of Tables 5-5 and 5-6 confirms that the WWTP is capable of meeting its entire monthly effluent permit limitations; with the exception of the TP limit of i-mg/l and could not have met the originally proposed 6-mg/l TN limit. In 2004 the WWTP had an annual discharge of roughly 36,263-1bs. (i.o8-mgd x ii-mg/l x 8.34 x 366 days). In 2005 the WWTP had an annual discharge of roughly 36,118-1bs. (1.o5-mgd x 11.3-mg/l x 8.34 x 365 days). Therefore the current data verifies that the chemical feed system to add chemical precipitation of TP is necessary. At the current TN effluent concentration of 11.o-mg/l the WWTP influent flow would have to average 3.o8-mgd before the annual loading of 103,282-1bs would be exceeded. This analysis indicates the Town should Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 13 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 have adequate facilities to serve the Town's projected population growth and extend capacity to additional municipalities such as McAdenville, Lowell, and Belmont. Although not specifically designed for additional TN removal, the current upgrades to the WWTP may allow the Town operational staff flexibility to operate the WWTP in such a manner that additional TN is achieved through the alternation of mechanical aerators in a similar manner in which the sludge recirculation pumps are utilized. In summary, the existing WWTP is averaging approximately 25% of the permitted capacity of the WWTP. This average will be reduced in the coming year with the elimination of the o.5-mgd discharge from Joan Fabrics. The additional flow of up to o.28-mgd from the Town of Belmont will begin in 2007. The State of North Carolina requires that a publicly owned facility implement a plan to expand their treatment facilities when calendar year averages exceed 8o% of their permitted capacity and develop construction plans and specifications when calendar year averages exceed 90 percent of their permitted capacity. Sewer moratoriums are imposed if these steps are not followed. Therefore, the Town would implement planning when the averages reach 3.2-mgd and develop construction plans when the averages reach 3.6-mgd. As noted above the Town should have excess capacity for the 20-year planning period. Further reductions of infiltration and inflow in the collection system would increase the remaining WWTP capacity available to the Town. 5.4 Biosolids Management Program The Eagle Road WWTP waste activated sludge is stabilized using aerobic digestion in the existing in -ground aerobic digester. The mechanical aerators are utilized for mixing and aeration. The WWTP also has existing sludge drying beds that can be used for emergency residuals storage. The Town uses the 38% volatile solids reduction for the vector attraction criteria and mean cell residence time and temperature pathogen reduction criteria to meet the requirements of 4o CFR Part 503. The process produces a Class B liquid biosolid product. The Town adds lime to raise the pH and stabilize the sludge when the requirements are not met with the above methods during periods of low temperature. The Town of Cramerton contracts with EMA Resources, Inc., a private biosolids management firm, to manage the land application of the Town's stabilized biosolids. The Town has a non -discharge permit number WQ0002618 issued by NCDWQ on November 4, 2005 effective until October 31, 2010. The Town is permitted to apply 451 dry tons per year on a total of 79.8o acres. The Town of Cramerton currently has 2 permitted fields located in Gaston County on the Betty F. Lineberger Farm (21.6o acres) and 8 permitted fields located in Lincoln County on the Lester Alfred Mullen Farm (25.8 acres) and Kenneth F. Baxter Farm (32.4 acres), for the land disposal of Class B biosolids from the WWTP. The 2005 annual sludge report indicated that the Town applied 86.8 dry tons (344,50o gallons at 6% solids) of sludge on 3 fields totaling 18.5 acres and the 2004 annual sludge report indicated that the Town applied 80.4 dry tons (559,00o gallons at 3.5% solids) of sludge on 3 fields totaling 21.6 acres. Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 14 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY zoo6-2026 Annual Sludge Reports confirm that the sludge is disposed on the land application sites approximately 5-6 times per year and that all of the fields are not being utilized. The current crop is fescue grass on the existing sites. Land application on farm sites must be coordinated with the seasonal cropping demands as well as the seasonal rainfall and site wetness. Plant available nitrogen (PAN) is the limiting factor for the amount of sludge applied per year. The allowable applications rates are as follows: Fescue 250- lbs/acre/year; corn i6o-lbs/acre/year and small grains ioo-lbs/acre/year. The PAN applied in 2005 equaled 160.7, 105.4, 149.3 lbs/acre/yr for the 3 respective field applications. The above analysis indicates that the Town of Cramerton has sufficient permitted acreage to dispose of sludge and reduce the sludge inventory in the WWTP at the current and future flow rates. 5.5 Sludge Disposal Alternatives 5.5.1 The final stages of wastewater treatment involve the discharge of the treated effluent and the disposal of the residue of the treatment process known as sludge. The EPA regulates the use and disposal of sewer sludge under the 4o CFR Part5o3 regulations. The regulations divide sewage sludge into two classes - Class A and Class B. The Town of currently produces Class B sludge. Classifications of sludge become important when reviewing various disposal methods. Class A sludge is considered to be pathogen -free and must meet strict requirements as outlined in Subpart D of the 4o CFR Part 503 Regulations. This classification is associated with sludge that can be sold or given away in bags or other containers for disposal on agricultural land, lawns, gardens, golf courses, etc. Class B sludges are permitted to contain some pathogens. Therefore, disposal methods associated with Class B sludge will be more strictly regulated with respect to disposal on lands used for public access, live stock grazing, and harvesting of crops. Sites common for the disposal of Class B sludge include forests, agricultural land, and reclamation sites. The following are sludge disposal alternatives considered for the Town. Each method will produce a Class B sludge as a minimum. In some cases, the processes can produce both classes of sludge by modifying the treatment process. Aerobic Digestion Aerobic Digestion requires oxygen to be fed to the microorganisms for proper chemical oxidation. Aerobic digestion is listed as one of the Processes to Significantly Reduce Pathogens (PSRPs) and should produce a Class B sludge. The aerobic digestion process is described in part by the Part 503 Regulations as: Sewage sludge is agitated with air or oxygen to maintain aerobic conditions for a specific mean cell residence time at a specific temperature. Values for Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 15 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 the mean cell residence time and temperature shall be between 4o days at 2o°C(682F0and 6o days at152C(5920. Aerobic digestion can be carried out in an open or enclosed tank and in either a batch or continuous mode. If the plant is located in an area where the ambient temperature could adversely impact the process, the aerobic digesters are typically enclosed. Aerobic digestion carried out in accordance with the Part 503 Regulations should yield Class B sludge with the following characteristics: • 90 percent find reduction in bacterial enviral pathogens. • Reduction in helminth ova - reduction is dependent on the hardiness of the individual species • 4o percent to 5o percent reduction in the volatile solids content - dependent on the system conditions that are maintained. Aerobic digestion systems are easy to operate, have low capital costs, and produce a relatively manageable product. Many wastewater treatment facilities, such as the Eagle Road WWTP, utilize aerobic digestion and land application to handle WWTP biosolids. Hindrances to this process include high energy consumption, low efficiency in cold weather regions, and sludge that can be difficult to dewater by mechanical means. 5.5.2 Composting Composting is a process where microorganisms aerobically decompose organic matter into a chemically stable, humus -rich substance that can be used as a fertilizer or soil conditioner. Aerated static pile (ASP), in -vessel, and windrow composting are different methods of composting that all work on the same principle. Heat generated by the biological activity of the microorganism destroys pathogens in the biosolids. Composting is a "process to further reduce pathogens" (PFRP) and can produce a PFRP/Class A product or a PSRP/Class B product. To meet Class A/PFRP requirements, temperatures in the compost piles must be maintained at 55° C or higher for a minimum of three days for the ASP and in -vessel methods, and 15 days for the windrow method. In addition, for the windrow method the windrows must be turned at least five times during the time that the compost is at 55°C. The Part 503 Regulation definition of the PSRP/Class B process is as follows: In view of the in -vessel, static aerated pile, or windrow composting method, the temperature of the sewage sludge is raised to 40 ° C 0o4 ° 0 or higher and remains at 4 o ° C 0042 F) or higher for5 days. For4 hours during the 5- days, the temperature in the compost pile exceeds 552 C 031 ° F). There are more than 20 biosolids composting facilities operating in North Carolina. Windrow composting, in -vessel composting, and aerated static pile composting are Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 16 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 utilized throughout the State. Two goals in operating a composting facility are to keep odors to a minimum and produce a marketable product. Prior to use in a composting facility the WWTP sludge must be dewatered. Dewatering equipment, such as a belt filter press, and a dewatering building with odor control are required as part of a composting facility. Composting facilities mix dewatered biosolids with a bulking agent, such as woodchips, wood ash, and/or yard waste, to form the compost mixture. The bulking agents serve to reduce the moisture content of the compost mixture, bulk the biosolids to allow air circulation through the compost pile, and provide a carbon source for the biological activity. Mixing is accomplished in a designated paved and covered area that is constructed as part of the composting facility. This area is typically located adjacent to the sludge dewatering building. From the mixing area the combined materials are put into a composting vessel or formed into windrows. Windrow composting requires the compost mixture to be formed into piles on a specially designed pad that will collect runoff and prevent surface water contamination. Windrows are manually mixed using a mixer or, if the windrows are small enough, a backhoe or front end loader. This method requires a large land area and provides no measures for odor control. In in -vessel composting the compost mixture is placed into a specially designed vessel with an automated mixer that travels the length of the vessel and keeps the compost mixed and aerated. In -vessel composting systems are more automated and require less land area, however the proprietary systems are more costly when compared with other composting alternatives. In addition, the in -vessel systems must be located within enclosed prefabricated metal buildings, which significantly increases the system capital costs. In aerated static pile composting, the compost piles are constructed over perforated pipes that are connected to blowers that either blow air up through the pile or pull air down through the pile. An adequate air supply is necessary to maintain aerobic conditions, however too much air will cool the compost piles and prevent them from reaching the required temperatures. The aerated static pile method can be a good compromise when compared with other composting methods because it is less costly than in -vessel methods, but still allows the use of odor control methods such as scrubbers or biofilters. The compost piles can be formed outside, however some operators recommend that the composting area be covered to help protect the piles from the elements. This would appear to be an option for the Town that can be phased into the sludge management program. The Town can install dewatering equipment and convert one or two sludge drying beds to windrows or aerated static piles utilizing a front-end loader and an amendment such as yard waste, wood chips or sawdust. A pilot study could be run to test the feasibility of producing Class A compost and determining the demand for such a product. Full fledge Compost Facilities usually require additional mixing, grinding and screening equipment; however, these can be rented for periods of activity. Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 17 of 22 5.5.3 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 A front-end loader is essential to such an operation and can perform many of the same activities on a small scale such as the pilot study or in a batch operation such as would handle the production from the Town of Cramertown. This option to produce Class A sludge is certainly viable to the Town of Cramertown for future sludge disposal needs. Lime Stabilization Lime stabilization is achieved by adding sufficient quantities of lime to the biosolids to increase the pH as outlined in the 503 Regulations. The pH can be increased by adding materials containing lime such as quick lime (Ca0), hydrated lime (Ca[OA]) or lime z containing kiln dust or fly ash. The lime stabilization process is dependent on being able to maintain the pH level at 12 or higher to inactivate microorganisms in the sludge. A 99% or greater reduction in bacterial and enviral pathogens can be obtained through effective lime stabilization. Lime stabilization can produce either a PFRP/Class A product or a PSRP/Class B product. Class A sludge can be produced through lime stabilization if the temperature of the mixture exceeds 70°C for a minimum of 3o minutes and the stabilized product tests for less than 100 living organisms per gram of solids for fecal coliform and fecal streptococci. The Part 503 Regulation PSRP/Class B description for lime stabilization is as follows: Sufficient lime is added to the sewage sludge to raisethe pH of the sewage sludge to 12 after2 hours of contact. Lime stabilization for a liquid Class B sludge that can be hauled by tanker or placed on the sludge drying beds will require lime storage and feed equipment that can be introduced to the liquid sludge. The existing enclosed building will be required for the lime storage and slaker/feed equipment. The lime can be introduced either to a sludge holding compartment in the digester, such as the existing clarifier section, or to the liquid sludge on the sludge drying bed. The sludge and lime do need to be mixed to obtain a homogeneous sludge mixture to insure complete pathogen reduction. Lime stabilization for a dewatered Class A sludge that can be hauled by most end users will require sludge dewatering prior to discharge into the stabilization system. The existing enclosed building will be required for the sludge dewatering operation. A paved area with an open -sided building will be needed for the lime stabilization equipment. Lime stabilization systems are relatively easy to operate and have low capital costs. Many of the systems are automated and require minimal operator oversight. However, adding lime to the sludge increases the volume to be removed by approximately two to three times the initial volume. The lime stabilization process is chemical intensive and some sites may choose not to accept the final product due to the high pH created by the addition of lime. This would appear to be another option for the Town that can be phased into the sludge management program. The Town can install dewatering equipment and convert one or two sludge drying beds to areas where lime and sludge can be mixed utilizing a front - Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 18 of 22 5.5.4 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITALIMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 end loader. A pilot study could be run to test the feasibility of producing a Class A product and determining the demand for such a product. Full fledge lime stabilized/pasteurized facilities usually require additional mixing, heat addition, and pulverizing equipment. This would involve additional capital costs for such equipment. A front-end loader is essential to such an operation and can perform many of the same activities on a small scale such as the pilot study or in a batch operation such as would handle the production from the Town. This option to produce a Class A or B sludge is certainly viable to the Town for future sludge disposal needs. Heat Drying Heating drying is a Process to Further Reduce Pathogens (PFRPs) and will produce a Class A product. The Part 503 Regulation PFRP/Class A description of heat drying is as follows: Sewage sludge is dried by direct or indirect contact with hotgasses to reduce the moisture to 10 percent or lower. Either the temperature of the sewage sludge articles exceeds 80 ° C (176° 9 or the wet bulb temperature of the gas in contact with the sewage sludge as it leaves the dryer exceed 80 ° C (1762 FJ. During the heat drying process, heat is used to evaporate water from the sludge and reduce the moisture content to levels that are below those attainable by mechanical dewatering systems. Several methods of heat drying exist. In the direct drying method rotary drum or flash dryers are used to mix a preheated air stream with the biosolids. The air stream is then fed to a cyclone separator where the dry solids are removed from the hot air stream. The dry solids removed in the cyclone separator are relatively fine pellets. The drawback of the direct drying method is the large volume of of -gases produced. The indirect drying method, either rotary disc dryers or multistage trays, uses steam or thermal oil to heat metal discs or paddles. This heat is transferred to the biosolids through conduction. The indirect method produces fewer off -gases than the direct method of heat drying. Thermal drying produces a Class A sludge, however the process is costly and can require third party agents to handle marketing. Heat drying is most often utilized by utilities that do not have access to agricultural sites and have limited space on -site. Due to the cost and complexity of the process, heat drying is not recommended for further consideration. 5.5.5 Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion Thermophilic aerobic digestion systems operate at a higher temperature than the aerobic digesters and are capable of producing a Class A sludge. The Part 503 Regulation PFRP description of the thermophilic aerobic digestion system is as follows: Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 19 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 Liquid sewage sludge is agitated with air or oxygen to maintain aerobic conditions in the mean cell residence time of the sewage sludge is so days at55 CCto 6o°C(z312Fro z4o1'F9. Thermophilic aerobic digestion is an environment of the aerobic digestion process whereby the increased temperatures allow for higher rates of organic solids reduction. In essence, the high temperatures cause the digested sewage sludge to become pasteurized. A reduction of up to 7o percent of the biodegradable volatile solids content can be achieved in a relatively short period of time. This system will require the feed sludge to be pre -thickened to approximately 5 percent to help maintain the digester temperature. Thermophilic aerobic digestion produces a Class A sludge, however the process is costly and still results in a liquid sludge product. Thermophilic aerobic digestion is most often utilized by utilities that have access to bulk users or agricultural sites and have limited space on -site. Due to the cost, complexity of the process and volume of liquid sludge, thermophilic aerobic digestion is not recommended for further consideration. Conclusions The liquid land application and existing back-up sludge drying beds currently provide for the needs of the WWTP. The Town uses the permitted fields to the maximum extent possible to dispose of the liquid biosolids. Long term the cost effectiveness of dewatering equipment appears to be attractive to reduce the volume of sludge. Dewatering equipment including rotary drum thickener or screw press, polymer system, pumps and building are estimated to cost $400,000. The options to go to Class A sludge are extremely expensive, requiring the construction of enclosed buildings for sludge handling equipment, and the purchase of pumps, conveyors, chemical equipment, belt presses and storage areas to maintain dry conditions for the sludge produced. Costs for a compost facility or lime stabilization are estimated to be approximately $3.5 million for a 4 mgd WWTP with fully enclosed facilities. Given the costs associated with producing a Class A sludge, the most capital cost effective alternative is to produce Class B sludge through continued aerobic sludge digestion and land application. The most feasible alternative sludge handling methods are dependent on the amount of labor versus capital input that the Town wishes to invest. The Town may wish to pursue producing a Class A sludge through various pilot studies to determine which method is best for the conditions and market of the area. Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 20 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 5.6 Wastewater Collection System Present Needs Based on the evaluations of each component of Cramerton's wastewater collection system, the present needs have been identified. A map along with an Opinion of Probable Costs can be found in Appendix 9. 5.6.1 Wastewater Collection Lines Present Needs The original terra cotta (VCP) gravity lines areas from Grove Street southeast to the Town Hall Lift Station in the old areas of Town alongside the river have significant I&I problems. Likewise the VCP piping in the Lakewood area on the northeast side of the river represents probable significant I&I sources. These need to be addressed through a systematic rehabilitation process by Town personnel. It is recommended that the current cleaning and TV inspection of the system continue with a minimum of io% of the system to be inspected annually. It is also recommended that internal reconstruction or replacement of the VCP gravity sewer begin with a minimum of 5% of such pipe rehabilitated annually and the manholes noted to have I&I and in poor condition to be replaced or internally sealed and re -lined with water stop and epoxy -lining. The Opinion of Probable Costs found in Appendix 9 shows that the cost of the rehabilitation will approach $4,500,000. This cost can be divided over the 20-year construction period resulting in a yearly cost of $225,000. 5.6.2 a Wastewater Lift Stations Present Needs The existing wastewater lift stations are for the most part in good to excellent condition. The stations at Lakewood 1 and 2 and Groves Street are "can type" stations that should be replaced or eliminated with gravity sewer. The Lakewood pump stations should be eliminated and upgraded as part of the proposed Lakewood and Peach Orchard development infrastructure projects. This will be presented in the future wastewater section. As part of the proposed Crescent Development project a new lift station is recommended adjacent to Armstrong Ford Road near the river. The existing small lift stations at Lineberger 1 and 2 and Mayfair/Dickens Road could be eliminated with installation of a gravity interceptor to this station. The area north of Armstrong Ford Road is estimated to contribute a peak flow of 349-gpm to the proposed "Armstrong Ford Road" pump station. It is recommended that separate 8-inch to 12-inch gravity lines will convey the wastewater from the developed and undeveloped areas to the new pump station thereby eliminating the existing Lineberger 1 and 2 and Mayfair pump stations. This project would also divert this flow from the existing Baltimore Road Pump Station thereby increasing the remaining capacity of this lift station. The cost for the Crescent project is included in the future project sections; however, the costs of the Town interceptors north of Armstrong Ford Road are listed in Appendix 9 along with a map. The Town Hall Lift Station is an old screw type lift station that has been converted to a small submersible pump station. This station is frequently inundated during heavy rainfall with infiltration/inflow and the lift station is an open pit adjacent to Town Hall. Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 21 of 22 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 Currently the pump "lifts" the wastewater from the Old Town area into the gravity collection system that drains to the Baltimore Pump Station where it is re -pumped via the force main directly in front of Town Hall back to the Eagle Road WWTP. This station is inefficient, not very aesthetic, and located adjacent to Town Hall and the South Fork Catawba River with an uncovered wetwell subject to flooding or spillage. It is recommended that this pump station be eliminated in the current location and relocated adjacent to the fire station with a new submersible pump station with standby generator and telemetry. In addition, the existing lift station currently lifts the wastewater into the gravity sewer system tributary to the Baltimore Road Pump Station. The upgraded station could discharge directly into the force main from this pump station thereby eliminating the existing pumping rate of 168-gpm from the Baltimore Road Pump Station and further increasing the remaining capacity of the Baltimore Road station. From initial analysis of the number of customers discharging to this pump station, it is recommended that the station pumping capacity be increased to a peak pumping capacity of 44o-gpm to carry the projected flow from the Old Town area tributary to this system. Replacement of the Grove Street pump station with a submersible pump station is recommended with an upgrade to 8o-gpm to carry the existing flow plus additional flow from the West Cramerton area. This area is currently not sewered and contains failing septic tanks. The area may be annexed and re -developed should gravity sewer be extended in the area. Approximately 13,000-lf of 8-inch gravity sewer can be extended from the Groves Street pump station to serve the area. The Kings Grant Subdivision currently is served by a 70,000-gpd package WWTP with a discharge to Duharts Creek. This WWTP could be eliminated by connection to the Town sewer system in the area. A small lift station and force main could be installed to add this sewer system to the Town customer base. Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Current Conditions, Section 5 Page 22 of 22 6 Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Future Conditions 6.1 Future Planning Area The Town currently provides wastewater service to customers within the Town limits. In discussions with Cramerton officials, several areas within the Town's ET1 were identified as possible growth areas within the 20-year planning period. The Town does not expect to provide sewer service outside the Town limits except for those specific areas mentioned. 6.2 Sewer Projections 6.2.1 Sewer Projections Based on Historical Record As was detailed in Section 5, the Town's sewer system has experienced growth that is relatively steady at 2-3% per year. For the most part, this growth has been due to collection system expansions to serve the increasing population base. The calculation of future usage based on population growth is done using the assumption that the representative customer sectors will continue to grow at this rate. It also assumes that the amount of infiltration/inflow will remain approximately the same during each year. Based on the analysis of the existing WWTP Daily Monitoring Reports, the existing per capita sewer flow approximates 165-gpcd sewer usage including I&I. Therefore, it is recommended that this capita sewer usage be multiplied by the projected population to use as an estimate of future sewer system requirements. A peaking factor of 2.5 is recommended for a maximum day flow. Table 6-1 provides future sewer system demand projections for the current service area of Cramerton's sewer system based on the Town's population projections and historical demand data. The projections are based on population projections using linear regression including proposed developments obtaining build -out within 10 years. Also included in the projections are the existing sewer commitment to Belmont of up to o.28o-mgd, the potential commitments to McAdenville, Lowell, and Pharr Yarns should they wish to divert all or part of their existing NPDES permitted flow to Cramerton, and the King's Grant Subdivision should the Town accept the wastewater flow in the future. Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Future Conditions, Section 6 Page 1 of 12 Service Area Average Daily Flow Belmont Agreement McAdenville Permitted Flow Lowell l errrtrttecj glow . Pharr Yarns YPermitted Flow K166s Grant Subdivtsionnerm tt Total Projected Flow Remaining:Capacit 1.647 0.130 1.000 3.727 2.058 0.130 1.000 4.068 2.105 0.130 1.000 4.185 2.152 0.130 1.000 4.232 This historical projection method yields an average daily demand from Cramerton and its ET) of o.7o3-mgd in 2026, leaving an excess treatment capacity of 3.297-mgd. With the inclusion of the Belmont flow and possible flow from McAdenville, Lowell, and King's Grant, the excess capacity could be reduced further to 2.217-mgd. Should the Town extend service to Kings Grant Subdivision, McAdenville, Lowell, or Pharr Yarns; eliminating their NPDES discharges; it is recommended that the Town negotiate with DWQ to increase the Eagle.Road WWTP NPDES permitted flow and nutrient loading capacity by similar amounts in an effort to become a regional wastewater treatment facility as the 4.o-mgd capacity is projected to be used by 2016. 6.2.2 Sewer Projections Based on Land Use Classification The demand projections for Cramerton's current service area are consistent with typical methods using population projections to determine demand. However, these projections do not fully account for the possibility of Cramerton serving greater portions of the ET) as designated in the FLUP as well as the potential of complete build out of existing land use classifications in the Town. These areas must be evaluated as a part of the overall planning process to ensure that Town leaders can make informed decisions in future years with regard to annexation, infrastructure extensions, and industrial expansion. The projected sewer usage from the areas within the Town ET) outside of the Town's current service area is the most difficult projection to make in this planning process. Since most of the areas that will be served by the expansion of the Town system are rural in nature, many developments in these areas currently have individual septic tanks or community wastewater treatment plants and may not be interested in immediately connecting to the system. Bulk sewer service contracts between the Town and any such developments make these projections necessary as it requires the Town to supply collection lines and treatment as is necessary for the developments to service their customers. Therefore, to provide the most comprehensive evaluation of the Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Future Conditions, Section 6 Page 2 of 12 type of demand that the Town's sewer system could possibly experience from areas in the County, the County growth must be taken into consideration in this plan. Failure to do so could result in the Town underestimating the need for additional sewer treatment capacity within the 20-year planning period and could cause unnecessary and unplanned capital expense. The previous sewer flow projections in Table 6-1 do take into account some of this population growth outside the Town limits; however, a more accurate estimate may be gained by evaluation of the current and designated land use categories within the potential service area. The predicted sewer usage detailed in Appendix 10 takes into account the existing sewer usage and projected sewer usage from developed and undeveloped areas based on land use classification. Table 6-2 shows the factors used to determine projected water usage based on land use classification in the undeveloped areas. Table_ 6 Projected Sewer Usage Factors Land Use Classification B 1 BusinessResidential';,, B-2 Business General B` 2/CUD Business Genera B-2/PUD Planned Unit Develop. Business General B 3 Business}llighway KF I Industrial ustrral R-1 Residential Residential R-3 Residential !UD Planne R-4 Residential esid•entia, iona litiona1 Us R-4/CUD Residential Multi -Family Conditional Use Sewer Projections for Potential Service Areas Units/Acre Sewer Usage/Unit (gpd) 10,00p, 10,000 1o,00o. 10,000 10,000 1 3 :12 0.12 0.12 2 0.12. 36o 36.a. 360 36;a. 360 0 360 The future sewer demand will occur as development takes place within the potential service area. The Town growth rate is currently approximately 2.5% and the County growth rate 2%. Each land use classification was assumed to grow by 2% per year with the resulting increase in sewer system usage. The projections assume that the sewer system will grow with the development and that previously developed areas will not increase sewer usage. The first 5-year Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Future Conditions, Section 6 Page 3 of 12 increase is added to the current base rate of o.5o5-mgd to project the 2011 demand and each subsequent 5-year period added to the previous. A peaking factor of 2.5 times ADF is used for maximum flows. Summary of Sewer usage from Land Use Classifications Table 6-3 provides the total sewer usage projections taking into account the existing usage, the projected sewer usage for planned developments, and projected usage due to the development of undeveloped areas. Service Area Average Daily Flow Belmont Agreement McAdenville Permitted Flow Lowell Permitted Flow u Pharr Yarns Permitted Flow Kings Giant Subdivision Permitted Flow" Total Projected Flow Remainingx,Capacit rr, Usage (mgd) 2011, 2016 2021; ' 1.729 2.210 2.277 0,280', 0,280,; ` as 280 0.130 0.130 0.130 0 600 . 0 6o0 0 600 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0 Q7Or O 070 'r O O7O 0.070, 3.809 4.290 4.357 4.417 2026 2.337 0 28o 0.13o A review of the above data reveals that the sewer projections for future service areas based on land use classifications are higher than those projections taking into consideration only the population projections along with proposed developments with a 10 year build -out. 6.3 Future Needs The following sections present future needs for the Town's sewer system based on all of the data, demand projections, and information presented in previous sections. These recommendations are designed to provide Town leaders with an overview of capital improvement projects that will need to be completed or further evaluated for long-range planning purposes. Appendix 11 is illustrative of those identified needs or alternatives for the sewer system in response to the potential increased usage. Cost estimates are included. 6.3.1 Wastewater Collection System and Pump Stations Table 5-1 presents capacity of the main gravity trunk lines discharging to the 11 existing lift stations at minimum slope as required by the State. Also included in the table is the projected build -out peak flow to each sub -basin based on land use classification. Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Future Conditions, Section 6 Page 4 of 12 Lift Station Baltimore Lakewood #1 Lakewoo Lineberger#i Efryeberger #2 Timberlake #i Timberlake #2_ Mayfair Newport:Landin Town Hall airi;GraVI,:: Ines 'APO_ Size Min Full Build -out Slope Capacity Peak Flow (gpm) (in) (%) (gpm) 8 8 8 8 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 12 0.22 343 343 343 343 750 478 ,064 30 rC 251 61 27 440 As the existing sewer collection system is expanded, new collection lines will be needed. The main trunk lines for the Town Hall, Lakewood #1, and Lakewood #2 sub -basins will have to be upgraded. Specific areas of growth have been identified by Town personnel and are the primary basis for the discussion of future needs to be added to the current collection system. The following is a discussion of each of these areas. In addition, all the areas are illustrated along with the identified system needs in Appendix 11. Growth Area: Lakewood and Peach Orchard A wastewater analysis of the Lakewood Area Drainage Basin was performed to consider proposed development and redevelopment projects currently in the planning stages. Included were existing flows from the developed properties as well as flows from the proposed Lakewood Golf Course conversion to residential and commercial property, the proposed Peach Orchard Road Development with residential and commercial property, proposed conversion of existing textile mill properties to commercial property, and the proposed extension of sewer to the unsewered community between Cramerton and Belmont, and the inclusion of McAdenville wastewater should their wastewater treatment plant be eliminated by connection to the Cramerton collection system in this drainage basin. Not included in that study was the possibility of accepting the permitted flow of i-mgd wastewater from Pharr Yarns and the possible transfer of the permitted flow of o.6-mgd from Lowell. Existing Sewer System Evaluation The existing Lakewood Pump Stations were constructed in 1974. Lakewood PS #1 is rated at 54-gpm while Lakewood PS #2 is rated at 400-gpm. Currently, Lakewood PS #1 only accommodates approximately 29 residential units for an Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Future Conditions, Section 6 Page 5 of 12 estimated average daily flow (ADF) of 10,44o-gpd, (assuming 36o-gpd/unit). Lakewood PS #2 accommodates flow from approximately i6o residential units for an ADF of 57,600-gpd. Proposed Contributions to the Existing Sewer System Proposed developments within the drainage basin of Lakewood PS #1 include a portion of the Lakewood Development. Other developed properties currently without sewer may also contribute wastewater in the future. In all, a wastewater flow of 275,538-gpd ADF is projected for the drainage basin tributary to Lakewood PS #1. Peaking the ADF by 2.5 results in a peak flow of 688,845-gpd or 478-gpm. Proposed developments within the drainage basin of Lakewood PS #2 include a portion of the Lakewood Development as well as the Peach Orchard Development and some commercial property. Also, McAdenville, Lowell, and Pharr Yarns may wish to discharge their wastewater flow to Cramerton's wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) by way of Lakewood PS #2. Their permitted ADF is 130,000-gpd, 600,000-gpd, and i,000,000-gpd respectively. The flow from Lakewood PS #1 will also discharge to Lakewood PS #2. In all, a wastewater flow of 2,341,118-gpd ADF is projected for the drainage basin tributary to Lakewood PS #2. Using a 2.5 peaking factor results in a peak flow of 5,852,795-gpd or 4,o64-gpm. Recommended Improvements It appears that Lakewood PS #1 can be eliminated by constructing a gravity line from the pump station down to Lakewood PS #2. A new 12-inch gravity line constructed at a minimum slope of o.22% can carry approximately 588-gpm flowing 2/3 full. This will handle the projected peak flow from the Lakewood PS #1 drainage area of 478-gpm. This line should be extended from the new Lakewood PS # 2 past the existing Lakewood PS #1, eliminating this pump station, and through the drainage basin past Wilkinson Boulevard to serve the unsewered community between Cramerton and Belmont. To handle the combined flow from McAdenville, Lowell, Pharr Yarns, the Peach Orchard Development, and the unsewered commercial areas north of Wilkinson Boulevard, a 3o-inch gravity line capable of accommodating 3,475-gpm flowing 2/3 full at a minimum slope of o.058% will be required to handle the projected peak flow of 3,47o-gpm. Where flow from the Lakewood Development joins the interceptor, a 36-inch gravity line constructed at a minimum slope of o.046% will be required to carry the projected peak flow of 4,o64-gpm and will have a capacity of 5,o33-gpm flowing 2/3 full. Taking into consideration these flow rates, a new Lakewood PS #2 is recommended near the site of the existing pump station to receive the flow from the entire, drainage basin. The new Lakewood PS #2 will have a pumping Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Future Conditions, Section 6 Page 6 of 12 rate of 4,o64-gpm to accommodate flow from the entire basin. The existing Lakewood PS #2 discharges flow directly to the WWTP through a 6-inch SDR 35 PVC forcemain. This line is not large enough to handle the increased flow rate of the new pumping station and is also not appropriate for a pressure system. The line will have to replaced with a 24-inch DIP. See Appendix 11 for a map and cost estimates. Growth Area: Southeast Sewer System For Crescent Development A wastewater analysis was conducted for the area southeast of Armstrong Ford Road between New Hope Road and the river. A proposed 1,00o home development by Crescent Properties has been included in the analysis. Also included in the analysis are the undeveloped parcels greater than io-acres within the drainage basin and existing flows from the developed properties currently served by the Lineberger 1, Lineberger 2 and Mayfair pump stations. These pump stations have the potential for elimination by the installation of gravity sewer to a common "Armstrong Ford Road" Pump Station located adjacent to Armstrong Ford Road near the South Fork of the Catawba River. Proposed Contributions to the Armstrong Ford Road Pump Station For ease of analysis, we have divided the basin into 6 sub -basins. The first sub -basin lies north of Armstrong Ford Road and contains the developed areas currently served by Town of Cramerton that flow into the previously named pump stations and adjacent undeveloped properties. The area south of Armstrong Ford Road has been divided into the remaining 5 sub -basins. A portion of the Crescent Properties development will occupy each of these 5 southern sub -basins. Other undeveloped areas within the sub -basins have been included in the analysis. For the Crescent Properties development, we have estimated the number of units within each sub -basin based on the percentage of total acreage lying within the sub -basin and the total number of units. The number of housing units projected to be developed in the other areas is based on a density of 2-units/acre. Assuming any new residential unit will have 3 bedrooms, the Table 6-5 summarizes the number of units projected to be developed within each sub - basin and the projected peak wastewater flow from those sub -basins. Flow is calculated using an average daily flow of 12o-gpd/bedroom with a 2.5 peaking factor. Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Future Conditions, Section 6 Page 7 of 12 Area Sub -basin 1 Sub -basin z Sub -basin 3 Sub- asin,,;4 Sub -basin 5 asr. Table 6 5 ump Station Projecte Sewered Areas Crescent Properties 118 74 212 174 133 109 Other Developable Parcels 440 86 aw; 275 54 Total 349 133 187 163- 1,189 Recommended Improvements The area north of Armstrong Ford Road, sub -basin 1, will contribute a peak flow of 349-gpm to the proposed "Armstrong Ford Road" pump station. It has been assumed that separate 8-inch to 12-inch gravity lines will convey the wastewater from the developed and undeveloped areas to the new pump station thereby eliminating the existing Lineberger 1 and 2 and Mayfair pump stations. The total flow from the area south of Armstrong Ford Road, sub -basins 2-6, is projected for peak flow of 84o-gpm. Based on our assumptions, an 8-inch gravity line would not be able to convey the peak wastewater flow from the entire area. The gravity line to convey the flow from sub -basins 2-6 will have to be a 15-inch line with a minimum slope of o.15% having the ability to convey 88o-gpm flowing 2/3 full. To convey the total amount of 1,189-gpm from sub - basins 1-6 from the Armstrong Ford Road pump station, a 12-inch forcemain could be constructed resulting in a velocity of 3.8-ft/s. Installing the forcemain through the Timberlake development might be problematic to the residents living there. We do not recommend manifolding with the existing Timberlake forcemain, which would have to be upsized to a minimum 12-inch line and could also affect the hydraulics of the Timberlake pump station. A less intrusive route would be to cross the river and parallel Armstrong Ford Road to the sewer easement for the Belmont interceptor. The forcemain could parallel the proposed interceptor to the plant occupying the same easement. As comparison for any oversize compensation, if the Crescent Properties development alone were to utilize the proposed infrastructure, (in other words if sub -basin 1 and none of the other undeveloped areas in sub -basin 2-6 were included), the pump station would greatly decrease in size to a peak flow of 626-gpm with a resulting cost savings of approximately $75,000. The gravity Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Future Conditions, Section 6 Page 8 of 12 line would actually not decrease in size and a 15-inch PVC gravity line would still be required utilizing minimum slopes and the same criteria as before. A 12- inch line would be possible if the pipe was allowed to flow full under a peak flow condition at minimum slope or if greater than minimum slopes can be achieved. The 12-inch PVC forcemain would decrease to a io-inch PVC forcemain resulting in a velocity of 2.8-ft/s at a savings of approximately $10,000. How development will occur within the Crescent Properties development has been calculated based solely on the development of 1,000 residential units and area within each sub -basin. Actual layout within each sub -basin will be based on the layout of the development. The main objective is to be certain that the Crescent Properties development takes into account possible developable areas within each sub -basin. Five (5) sub -basins were delineated for the development necessitating 5 pump stations. The southern most pump station will pump to the sub -basin north of it, causing each successive pump station going from south to north. to be sized for it's sub -basin as well as the one south of it. If this is indeed the case, the pump stations should have the following flowrates listen in Table 6-6. Table;E ?scent,Basin Prc Pump Stabort Flow?,Rat Sub -basin 2 Sub basin 3 Sub -basin 4 Sub-basinr5; Sub -basin 6 840 518 168 owinstream Sewer Diameter 15-inch 5_inc 12-inch 10-inchi, 8-inch It would be desirable to avoid multiple pump stations, however, based on the topography, this would appear to be the most likely scenario. Some pump stations might be able to have their respective forcemains manifolded together. A detailed hydraulic analysis will be required if this is proposed. Appendix 11 contains a map showing the drainage basin and projected contributing wastewater flows as well as proposed improvements to the system. An opinion of probable cost associated with the construction of the 15- inch gravity line $400,00, the pump station $5oo,0oo, and the 12-inch forcemain $800,00o is included in the total project cost of $2,210,00o for construction, contingencies, engineering and legal expenses. Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Future Conditions, Section 6 Page 9 of 12 Growth Area: Timberlake Build -out In the o-10 year planning period it is assumed the remaining area in the Timberlake subdivision will be developed that fronts Armstrong Ford Road. Based on existing density and the remaining acres approximately 4o new residences are estimated. With a per residence sewer flow of 36o-gpd an average daily flow of 14,400-gpd and peak flow of 25-gpm is projected from the area. The existing 8-inch sewer and 98-gpm Timberlake #2 Pump station are sufficient for this flow. Growth Area: River Bluff Development The River Bluff Development is located near the existing Baltimore area and we have assumed that the wastewater will be discharged to the Baltimore Pump Station. The development is expected to consist of 24o single-family residential units. This number of units is projected to produce a wastewater flow rate of 86,400-gpd and the Baltimore Pump Station is more than capable of handling this additional flow. It does appear that at least some of the wastewater will have to be pumped. A more detailed analysis of the area will be required to determine if a small pump station will be necessary. Based on an evaluation of the topography along the river from the Baltimore Pump Station to the proposed Armstrong Ford Road Pump Station it does not appear there is sufficient grade to install gravity sewer to eliminate the Baltimore Pump Station without extremely deep trenches and depth in the Armstrong Ford Road Pump Station. 6.3.2 Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity The permitted capacity of the Eagle Road WWTP is 4.o-mgd. As can be seen from the projections, capacity has the potential to be exceeded by 2016 if all the potential flow sources are realized. However, if accepting flow from other entities with discharge permits, in effect eliminating their discharges, it would be prudent to negotiate with the State to increase the permitted capacity of the Eagle Road WWTP by the amount of eliminated discharges, in this case 1.73o- mgd. 6.4 Summary of Sewer Needs The o-5 year projects are maintenance projects that allow the Town to reduce l&I, restore system capacity, and eliminate potential system failures with pump station eliminations or upgrades. Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Future Conditions, Section 6 Page 10 of 12 • Project Town Hall Pump Station & FM ArmstrongEorc Inttoi Total 0-5 Year Sewer Replacement 1,500 50o gpm, 8" , fictn Projects $726,000 , • Planning Period 0-5 year The 5-10 year projects continue long term system rehabilitation and extends service to unsewered areas that can be redeveloped within the Town ETJ. '-'' •.'„ ,'":,..::' '• '" ' -' '• • - ' ' •• • :• ''''•-• `. Tatil6-'6;8';:-,[i•-"•';:,:::•--,•••, ,..',, . - :,- „,,• ... ,, ,,. ,„.,,,. ' ,, , ., . • . Summary of..541.aYear Sewer Needs . ...; , ,, , .,, ...,• „ ,_.,.. . Project Type Length Size Total Cost Planning Period •:•.VCP, 50*Pi.:•••:'.., " ::•"-.1-• , '' '. : ' "'.'''' ::-- .••:: -5. -•-• ::-."- ,..- '"---e.'1';',•': ' ...-•• •••• "..,;:.-.•••-',:•T•....-: .•• •• . • ••., .-:•• •-•..:--- -. _. kk13...,,,,„:,, •,•,:,. Marrien'obee ••• ''''14,666".:: :. ' 'fi-",'.."-:,',• .," „ '''..ii.i.§:OO.,Ci.,',,•• ... s----‘...-!.56-,ct,"pi,."-..• ' :••• 1 Grove Street PS Replacement $1.85,000 4eSt C6rneit6h • Sewer•Extension ociO. Total 5-10 Year Sewer Projects $2,284,000 5-io year 5:-O;Veari . • : 5-1.o year The 10-15 year projects continue long term system rehabilitation and extends service to an existing development with the elimination of an existing NPDES permit. .-2. , JIIITONPfi471. —e6,-giriff„._ Project Type Length Size Total Cost Planning Period --04i0E6:07V::::.1 2 ' ,rntenanc 44,000-, N'!..-52,-,2Cci.-:,,n,:$i;:i046 v,z,,,,,b',.fil-gwoL,,,,, Kings Grant PS Extension $185,000 10-1.5 year i;;%:7y''*7- The 15-20 year projects continue long term system rehabilitation. Project Type Length Size Total Cost Planning Period gril,0—„, ARM aMMR-W.6457, itNEPCNEEN ginigaMif:RM Total 1.5-2o Year Sewer Projects $1.0.39,000 1.5-2o year The following projects are generated by growth pressures and costs should be assessed to the developments rather than Town funded. Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Future Conditions, Section 6 Page 11 of 12 Project Crescent Table 6-1a, ummary;of DevelopniOnt Sewer Needs.o 5'Yearplann1 rtg.Period Type Length Size Total Cost eveCopmen, limirration of 1PDE$ ischargers Development 'otal o S YearDeue[oprnent Sewer Projects ogo 36 gravity 00 30 grave 2,000 :'; 12" gravii 04 24 farce main Pump;Sfation Planning Period $2,210,000 0-5 year $4;290,000 0 5.year The above sewer projects are recommended in the planning period indicated. These projects are depicted in Appendix 11. Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Future Conditions, Section 6 Page 12 of 12 ble Town of Cramerton Water Rates TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 7 Town of Cramerton Utility Rate Analysis 7.1 Utility Rate Current Conditions An analysis of existing rate structures is also a necessary part of the CIP process. Through this document, a number of infrastructure improvement projects have been identified, which need to be completed within the 20-year planning period. Growth in the Town service area continues to place increasing demands on Town resources. Recognizing this, the administration and senior management staff desired to reexamine its impact fee program to determine whether there was a methodology that would be more responsive to the changing environment, while still being fair and equitable with the ability to be implemented. The Town service area has experienced dramatic economic growth and development over the past decade. All indications point to a continuation of this growth into the foreseeable future. To be responsive to the changing environment, the Town has taken a proactive rather than reactive approach toward how best to serve the current and future customers in the service area. The increasing service population places additional demand for facilities and capacity on both the water and wastewater systems, and the Town must find ways to finance expansion of the current system without the help of state and federal revenue resources. 7.1.1 Water Rate Analysis Existing Water Rate Structure In July of 2007, the Cramerton Town Council adopted new utility rates. The new schedule took effect on July 1, 2007. These rates are different for the inside or outside customer bases but are based on flat rate for the first 2,000 gallons used. These rates are applied to all customers. Table 7-1 provides the current structure for Cramerton's water rates. Charge per i,000 gal (all over 2,00o gal) All,Customers to Town ____ x $13 25 .$6 05 Customer Base All Customers: Outside Flat Rate (to 2,000 gal) Existing Customer Base and Usage $26.46 $12.14 Cramerton's water system serves residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial customers within as well as outside the Town limits. Table 7-2 provides recent billing information for all of these customer bases. Utility Rate Analysis, Section 7 Page iof15 Customer Base 1 Residential Commercial Industrial Municipal TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 Table 7-2 Town of Cramerton Inside Monthly Water Charges Average Consumption (gal) Average Monthly Bill 7.1.2 Sewer Rate Analysis Existing Sewer Rate Structure 19,000 118.000. 440,000 $30.19,,...... $ii6.10 .._$71505.. $2675.25 Number of Customers 2,281..:;, 91 8 11 Sewer rates are based on water usage and, much like the water rates, are based on a flat rate for the first 2,000 gallons used. Table 7-3 provides information on the existing sewer rates. Customer Base All CustomersIn Town All Customers: Outside Table 7-3 Town of Cramerton Sewer Rates Charge per 1,00o gal Flat Rate (to 2,000 gal) (all over 2,000 gal) $17.65, . _. ,.,. $6•35. $35.28 $12.68 Industrial users have a different rate than residential and commercial customers and are charged a flat rate of $3.97/1,000-gallons. Existing Customer Base and Usage According to billing records, The Town of Cramerton currently has approximately 2,391 water customers and 2,007 sewer customers. Cramerton's sewer rates are based on t00% of the water usage of the residential, commercial, and industrial sewer customers, regardless of their actual sewer usage. Some industrial sewer customers have metered sewer accounts. Given the average water consumption rates discussed above, Table 7-4 outlines the estimated sewer monthly charges for the Town of Cramerton. Customer Base Residential Commercial Municipal Table 7-4, Town of Cramerton Inside Monthly Sewer,Charges :. Average Consumption (gal) Average Monthly Bill 4,90o F 17,000 060 `.. $48.7.7 $112.90 $.45168 ?, Number of Customers 68 Utility Rate Analysis, Section 7 Page 2 of 15 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 7.1.3 Cost of Service Analysis The actual cost of service is the final part of the analysis of the current rate conditions. This analysis looks at the ability of the water and sewer revenue to cover the necessary expenditures, including treatment costs, administrative overhead, and debt service. The 2006-07 budget ordinances for the Town of Cramerton are utilized for this cost of service analysis. In this analysis, revenue and expenditures not directly attributed to either water or sewer were distributed equally between both utility systems. Tables 7-5 and 7-6 provide the information obtained from the review of the budget ordinance from the fiscal year 2006-07 with regard to Cramerton's utility systems. Table 7-5 Town of Cramerton - zoo6-o7 Utility Revenues operating Revenue: Water and Wastewater Fees Penalties Access Fees Contracted Services Interest/Miscellaneous Fund Balance Transfer Total Revenue able' Town of Cramerton zToo6 Expenditures l Expenditures �a�w.a .� Estimated Expenditures (per 1,00o gallons treated) $1,719,900 $37,000, $150,000 $03,535.,:' $12,500 $25,000 $2,007,935 Water Sewer $795,719,! L $.1,.212,235 $5.94 $3.16 *Based on Town records, the total amount of water purchased was approximately s34 million gallons and the total amount of wastewater treated was approximatelY384 million gallons. 7.1.4 Comparison of Rates to Other Municipalities The League of Municipalities recently published FY o6/07 water and sewer rates for the municipalities in Gaston County. These rates are based on a typical residential customer use of 6,000 gallons per month. The following table shows the typical monthly bill for the towns in Gaston County. Parity in rates is one factor in determining future rates; however, each town has specific enterprise fund financing considerations unique to their budgets. The Town of Cramerton rates have recently been adjusted to reflect the increased debt service from the WWTP construction project and the reduced income from industrial wastewater flow from business closings. The new rates are higher than other County municipalities; particularly those of similar customer base including Gastonia and Belmont; however these figures are based on prior year data without the benefit of recent rate increases in these municipalities. Utility Rate Analysis, Section 7 Page 3 of 15 City or Town Name Cramerton Belmont Bessemer City CMUD Gastonia . High Shoals Kings Mtn Lowell .............. .. . Mount Holly Ranlo Monthly Water Charges TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 Table 7-7 Comparable Municipal Water and Sewer Rates_ Combined Monthly Charges Monthly Sewer Charges In City Out -City In -City Out -City (or District) ; (or District) (or District) , (or District $37.45 $75.02 $43.05 $86.00 $?9_•92..., $59.83$26'76 '_. $53.-52�j In City Out -City r District)(or District) $80.50 $161.02 $56 68...... $24.64 $49.28 $41.43 $82.86 $66.07 $12 07 n/a $25.70 n/a f ; . ,: $37.77 $25.85 $48.12 $31.48 $51.92 $57.33 $42 99 n/a , $66.48 , . _ n/a :� _ $109.47. $19.45 $39.21 $19.14 $39.28 $38.59 $78.49 $23•89 $47.9.1 $22.78.. $39.39 $46.67 $87 30 $17.10 $34.20 $15.66 $31.32 $32.76 $65.52 $38.04 $7158 $25.•56 $5112 $63.6o $122.70 Stanley $22.86 $45.72 $34.89 $69.78 $57.75 $115.50 2.00 713. 35, Ratio of Out -City to In - City Rates 2.00 200' $132.14 n/a.. $1oo.04 n/a.. 2.00 n 1.86 n/a 2.02 2.01 1.73._: 2.00 2.00 188 2.00 oo. 2.00 n/a 1.65 * Data Provided by League of Municipalities, however, Cramerton Rates adjusted per recent 2007 rate increase 7.1.5 Conclusions The Town Budget Ordinances are established to balance revenues and expenditures based on estimated revenues from the water and sewer user fees and the estimated operational costs. The Town staff and board have been diligent to this task. The increased debt service for the WWTP construction was required based on DWQ regulations and the recent unexpected business closing beyond the control of the staff and board. The increase necessary in the water and sewer rates still remain competitive with surrounding municipal rates. The costs of future water and sewer needs should be balanced with revenue streams in a similar manner. 7.2 Utility Rate Future Conditions Future conditions for Cramerton's utility rates depend primarily on the cost of water purchase contracts, wastewater treatment costs, and continued operation and maintenance of the growing water distribution and sewer collection system. Through this CIP, a number of projects have been identified as being needed within the near 10- year planning period from 2006 to 2026 as well as farther into a 20-year planning period to 2026. In order to give Town officials a better understanding of the needs with regard to their impacts on existing rates, an analysis of the future debt service is presented. Approaches to evenly distribute the cost are addressed in the next portion of the analysis. The approach needs to allocate the costs in the following manner: Today's customers (Rates, pay as you go) 2.05 2.00' 2.00 Utility Rate Analysis, Section 7 Page 4 of 15 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 New customers (Capacity Fees) Today's customers and Future Customers (Rates/Debt Service) 7.2.1 Future Fee Analysis City or Town Name Water Impact Fee One method to approach growth in the system required by new customers is to access capacity fees. Various methods such as assessments based on road frontage, acreage fees, square footage fees, impact fees, tap fees, equity fees, etc. have been used across North Carolina to generate revenue from new customers. The methods may or may not be based on actual costs incurred by the municipality to provide the service; however, it is recommended that the actual cost be tied to the fee charged. The following table compares various impact and tap fees for municipalities in the Greater Charlotte area to the Town of Cramerton 2007 fee schedule. Table 7-8 Comparable Municipal Water and Sewer Impact and Tap Fees Water Tap Fee Sewer Impact Fee Cramerton $2,100 $2,300 $2,600 $3,000 CMUD Monroe Mount Holly Statewide Mean * Data Provided by UNC Environmental Finance Center, however, Cramerton Rates adjusted per recent 2007 rate increase $310 $1,830 None Reported $310 $3,660 None Reported $1,035 $1,595 None Reported $1,035 $3,190 In -City or District) Cost with meter provided by Town $995 $925 $900 Sewer Tap Fee Out City In City Out City (or (or (or District) District) Distnct)LL( Cost with meter Actual Actual provided by Cost Cost Town $995 $1,850 $1,80o $1,640 $820 $850 $1,024 $1,153 $1,230 None Reported $1,100 $1,330 $625 $774 $694 $1,640 $1,640 $1,700 $886 Utility Rate Analysis, Section 7 Page 5 of 15 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 One simple formula to calculate a capacity fee is: Net book value of asset x average daily consumption/Number of units of plant capacity Based on the GIS mapping of the Town water infrastructure it is estimated that the replacement value of the water system is $9,2oo,00o and of the Town sewer system, including WWTP ($12,000,000) is $26,000,000. Our analysis will assume a typical 3 bedroom residential equivalent of 5,00o gallon per month (165 gpd) water and sewer usage and an existing water system capacity of 6o0,000 gpd and an existing sewer system capacity of 4,000,000o gpd. The formula calculates a water capacity fee of: $9,2oo,00o x 165 gpd per residential equivalent/600,00o gpd = $2,53o per residential equivalent (REU) The current Town of Cramerton residential capacity fee=$2,1oo per REU The formula calculates a sewer capacity fee of: $26,000,00o x 165 gpd per residential equivalent/4,000,00o gpd = $1,075 per residential equivalent The current Town of Cramerton residential capacity fee= $2,60o per REU Therefore each new 3 bedroom residence would be charged the above capacity fee. This does not include tap fees for the cost of a connection to the system which can be either a per diem fee for actual hours and material incurred by the Town staff or an averaged lump sum fee for each long or short water and sewer tap. The Town currently charges actual cost incurred with the exception of providing a water meter within the water capacity fee. A new development would be charged the above capacity fees based on the number of residences proposed. The fee would be prorated based on more or less bedrooms. Non-residential development would be charged based on projected flow per month/5,000 gallon per month residential equivalent to determine their residential equivalent number for the fee calculation. An incremental approach was developed to ensure that impact fees would generate sufficient funding to pay for existing excess capacity and to add facilities to provide capacity for future demand in the service area. This approach ensures that current customers will not subsidize growth in the area, as the methodology recognizes both the costs of excess capacity in the current facilities and anticipates Capital Improvement expenditures based on the Town CIP. In addition the methodology recognizes that some of the costs identified in the Capital Improvement expenditures Utility Rate Analysis, Section 7 Page 6 of 15 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 are for the continued replacement of value to the existing system through ongoing maintenance projects. Therefore the proposed project lists were analyzed to separate growth projects from maintenance projects. This allows the impact fee income to be fairly allocated to growth of the system and revenue fees from monthly flat rates and variable rates to be fairly allocated to continued operation and maintenance of the existing system and the future system from all the users of the facilities. 7.2.2 Maintenance Cost Analysis The proposed projects for water and sewer improvements that were considered necessary for continued operation and improvements of the existing water and sewer system were separated from the total project list. These projects contain items such as sewer and manhole rehabilitation projects, water loops to increase pressure, existing pump station elimination projects and costs to upgrade pump stations. The philosophy behind this selection was whether the project impacts the Town customers as a whole; rather than specific areas targeted for growth. Table 7-9 Water and Sewer Maintenance Projects o-5-year 5-10-year io-15 year Water ....._$521,5ao.... $1,660,200 ,i _._..... $288,000„ Sewer $2,821,000 $2,284,000 $1,324,000 Total j_.._ $3,342,50A_. $3 944,200_ $1,612,000 15-20 year $1,324,000 D1,324,99(1' In order to give Town officials a better understanding of the maintenance needs with regard to their impacts on existing rates, an analysis of the future debt service is presented. The debt service estimates are based on the totality of the maintenance projects for the water and sewer systems and on a market loan interest rate at 5.25 percent amortized over 20 years. The existing billable flow plus projected billable flow growth should be expected to pay for the costs for these maintenance projects. The annual costs divided by the billable flow should equal the expected cost per thousand gallons to be added to the existing rate schedule. Tables 7-10 to 7-15 provide the cost per 1,00o gallons needed to cover the estimated debt from the maintenance projects contained in this CIP. These tables provide the debt service based on the total cost estimates as well as for the budget year prioritizations discussed in previous sections. Utility Rate Analysis, Section 7 Page 7 of 15 Year 2o07ry 2012 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 Table,7lo WaterSystem Debt Service Estimates ased on Total 0-10 Year Maintenance Needs Projects Totaling $2 181,7o0 Total New Debt Payment Billable Flow, mgd Cost per 1,00o gallons 2022 2027 1�8,8f $178,800 $178,800 $178,800 $178 800 , 0.970 1 25s?.._.. _...� _... 1.28 $0.51 sag $6:38 Table 7-10 looks at the io-year period in entirety; however, it is recommended to phase the projects and the debt issues into five year increments to allow for the additional customer base to finance the project. Year 2007 _... 2012 2o17:E 2022 20 7:!' s Table 7 11 . Jater System Debt Service Estimates , Based on o SYearMaintenance Needs Projects�Totaling,$521,500 Total New Debt Payment Billable Flow, mgd Cost per 1,00o gallons $42,8.00 $42,800 $42,80.o $42,800 0.37a w 0.970 1.25 1.28 Table 712 Water System Debt Service Estimates rased on.. ' o Year Maintenance Needs Projects Totaling $1,6Eia,2i e.3?i $o.12 o91 $0.09 Year Total New Debt Payment ; Billable Flow, mgd Cost per 1,00o gallons, In order for the revenue from water rates to offset the debt service costs of the proposed projects it is recommended that the cost per thousand water rate increase annually by a minimum of $o.10 per month for the next 5 years . In this manner the cost of these projects will be borne by both the existing and future customer base. Therefore by the year 2012 the rates should be adequate to cover the costs incurred in the first 5 year increment and also to balance additional costs of the 5-10 year projects as new debt service is issued. A similar analysis follows for the sewer projects. Since the majority of the customers are billed for sewer based on water bills the billable flow used is the water customer billing. This analysis does not include any cost for bulk sewer treatment such as Utility Rate Analysis, Section 7 Page 8 of 15 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 offered to Belmont or potential flow from Lowell, McAdenville or Pharr Mills as previously discussed. Table 713 Sewer; System Debt Service Estimates Based on Totallo so Year Maintenance Needs Protects Totaling $5,1o5,0o0 Year Total New Debt Payment Billable Flow, mgd Cost per 1,00o gallons $_4.18,400m: <,•_• ._ 2012 $418,400 2022 $418,400 2027T.: .... _...._' $4i8,400J_ 0.37Q 0.970 1.28 $0.90 o ;87 Table 7-13 looks at the io-year period in entirety; however, it is recommended to phase the projects and the debt issues into five year increments to allow for the additional customer base to finance the project. Year 2007. 2012 2017 2022 2027, Year L. 202 2017 2022 2027 2032 Table 7-14. Sewer System Debt Service Estimates Based on o-5 Year Maintenance Needs Projects Totaling $2,821,000 Total New Debt Payment Billable Flow, mgd Cost per 1,00o gallons $231;.2.00 $231,200 $231,200_',____ $231,200 $231$29-0j Table 7-15 ,. ewer System Debt Service Estimates. ased on..5-10 Year Maintenance Needs. Projects Totaling $2,284,000a o -370 0.970 ? 25JL 1.28 1,73,. $o.65 0:51 $0.49 o.8j Total New Debt Payment Billable Flow, mgd Cost per 1,00o gallons 187,200 ' _..,.. 0 9 $187,200 187 2.00 $187,200 $1187,2._�00M 1.25.. 12. is-7 1.32 ?36J . Sp,5 $0.41 $9.39 In order for the revenue from sewer rates to offset the debt service costs of the proposed projects it is recommended that the cost per thousand sewer rate increase annually by a minimum of $0.24 per month for the next 5 years . In this manner the cost of these projects will be borne by both the existing and future customer base. Therefore by the year 2012 the rates should be adequate to cover the costs incurred in the first 5 year increment and also to balance additional costs of the 5-10 year projects as new debt service is issued. Utility Rate Analysis, Section 7 Page 9 of 15 !ate Sewer TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 7.2.3 Capacity Fee Cost Analysis The proposed projects for water and sewer improvements that were considered necessary for growth and expansion for development driven areas were separated from the total project list. These projects contain items such as the expansion of the water lines, sewer lines and pump stations in the Lakewood and Peach Orchard areas and the Crescent Development area. The philosophy behind this selection was these projects impact affected specific areas targeted for growth and the capacity fees should be set accordingly to offset the costs incurred by the Town beyond costs incurred by the developers. The calculation of a Residential Equivalent Unit (REU) was used as a basis to assess the impacts of a project. A REU is defined as 5,00o gallons of use per month (165 gpd) based on the approximate use of a typical Town residential water customer. A minimum of 1.o REU is implemented as the base unit of measurement for projected flows in excess of 165 gpd of water use. Above 1.o REU fractional REU's should be increased in increments of o.5. Therefore a 15,000-gallon per month (492 gpd) water user equals 3.o REU's. Some assumptions in the methodology are: • Capacity fees should be assessed to recover 10o percent of the cost due to growth. • Capacity fees should be annually increased by the rate of construction cost inflation and should be recalculated at least every 5 years to reflect updated timing of construction projects. • All new customers should be charged a capacity fee. • Capacity fees should be used to establish capital reserve funds. cable 716 istributiorand SewerCollectior Growth. Protects o-lo year Period $2>.S66,000 $5,624,000 Total 8,190 000 In order to assess the costs of water distribution and sewer collection improvements fairly to the new customers associated with the growth in the system then capacity fees needed for distribution and collection projects can be derived by dividing these costs by the projected number of REUs during the planning period. Based on the land use classifications in the service area, specific proposed projects and annexation areas, the projected growth by land use type of 2% for residential and i% for commercial, institutional and industrial and the typical water and sewer usage REU growth was projected for the service area. As mentioned previously in Section 2, the area has the potential to add approximately 2,40o homes from planned development Utility Rate Analysis, Section 7 Page 10 of 15 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 and 40o homes from annexation in the next 10 years. For the o-lo-year period analyzed the growth in REUs is projected to average 28o per year. Based on the current capacity fees of: ➢ $2,10o for water ➢ $2,6Oo for sewer ➢ $4,7oo total capacity fee for water and sewer Then the Town could project annual capacity fee revenues of: ➢ $588,000 for water ➢ $728,000 for sewer ➢ $1,316,000 annually for the water and sewer capital reserve fund and growth project needs. The following debt service estimates are based on the totality of the growth projects for the water distribution and sewer collection systems and on a market loan interest rate at 5.25 percent amortized over 10 years for the o-10 year project period. The projected customer growth should be expected to pay for the costs for these growth projects within the time period of the growth. The annual costs divided by the number of new customers per year should equal the necessary impact fee per REU to finance these projects. Tables 7-16 to 7-17 provide the cost per REU impact fees needed to cover the estimated debt from the growth projects for distribution/collection contained in this CIP. These tables provide the debt service based on the total cost estimates as well as for the budget year prioritizations discussed in previous sections. Table7-17 Water' Distribution System Debt Service Estimates w 1 on,Total4 �oYearGro rwth'Needs ProjectsTotaling ',$2,566,000 Year Total New Debt Payment Number of REU / Yr ' Cost per REU 200 } .. 210 30£i 280 � 0 v 201 $210,300 $210 :300'. From the above analysis the current capacity fee of $2,loo for water is more than sufficient to cover the proposed costs for growth and to supplement the capital reserve fund for replacement projects. Utility Rate Analysis, Section 7 Page 11 of 15 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 Table 7-18 Sewer Collection System Debt Service Estimates Based on Total o io Year Growth Needs Projects Totating$5,624,000_ Year 2007 2011 2016 Total New Debt Payment _y.6o 900 $460,900 $46oagoo 1 Number of REU / Yr Cost per REU 28o tw ,65o $1,650 From the above analysis the current capacity fee of $2,60o for sewer is more than sufficient to cover the proposed costs for growth and to supplement the capital reserve fund for replacement projects. The combined projected capacity fees of $4,70o x 28o REU per year generates $1,318,00o annually to pay the projected debt service from growth projects of $671,200 leaving an excess in the capital reserve fund of $646,80o annually. This excess also exceeds the combined debt service of $597,20o for the projected o-10 year water and sewer maintenance projects. The Town may choose to apply some of the annual capital reserve fund to these projects to offset the recent increases to the water and sewer rates. The Town has 4.o mgd capacity in the existing WWTP. As growth continues, this capacity is used by the increased water and sewer demand and any commitments to Belmont, Lowell, McAdenville and Pharr Yarns. Expansions of the WWTP could be required by the end of the 10 year planning period should all these commitments be allocated. It is assumed the plant would be expanded to 6.o mgd at such time and the existing aeration basin not currently used could be renovated and upgraded with additional aeration with possibly an anoxic zone and mixers. An additional clarifier, digester, filters, yard piping, and pumping facilities may be necessary. Table 7-18 reflects the costs of this proposed expansion. a Eagte Road ;WWTP..;°Eatpansian Costs; Wastewater i Construction TotalProject Costs 10-15 year Planning Period $5,oao,obo i $6,500,000 It is recommended that in addition to bulk treatment rate that the Town negotiates with the above bulk users that they also pay the residential equivalent sewer capacity fee to participate in the cost of the proposed expansion. For example the Town of Lowell would pay a capacity fee of 600,000 gpd/5,000 REU x $2,600 = $312,00o to reserve their existing NPDES permitted capacity in the facility, Pharr Mills 1,000,000 Utility Rate Analysis, Section 7 Page 12 of 15 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 gpd/5,000 gpd x $2,600 = $520,000, McAdenville 130,00o gpd/5,000 x $2,600 = $67,600, Kings Grant 70,00o gpd/5,000 x $2,600=$36,400. It is recommended that special assessments for early construction of the growth projects should be implemented. Since the Town does not anticipate early construction of future facilities in their current budget, the benefiting landowners should provide the necessary funding for the project. If such a project were in the 5- year CIP plan, the Town should provide upsizing beyond the project needs of the construction costs subject to availability of funds. In unique situations the Town may deviate from this participation arrangement upon Board action. However, if the project is in the 6-2o year CIP plan, the benefiting landowners will be expected to provide 100 percent of the construction costs. It is recommended that if a landowner without current service requests water and/or wastewater service, he and all landowners whose property is fronted by the project be required to pay the costs of providing service through potential residential equivalency assessments based on the following schedule: Table 7-26- Cost Allocations Project is in the 5 yearTOWN CIP;Ptan Project is in the 6-2o year TOWN CIP Plan *Subject to availability of funds. Land Owners Pay costs needed i00% Town Pays oversiztng .'I o% If a situation exists in which all abutting property owners do not agree to participate in funding the early construction those who do agree may still fund the required amount themselves. Those who do provide construction funds will be eligible for the impact fee credits discussed below. It is further recommended that because individual landowners are picking up some (or all) of the cost of these early facilities, they should be given a credit on their capacity fee. Those landowners that provide their calculated percent of the cost of transmission facilities should get a credit on their transmission impact fee, up to the total of their transmission impact fee charges or the amount of their contribution, whichever is lower. They would still be required to pay the full treatment capacity impact fee. Similarly, those landowners that provided 10o percent of the financing for transmission facilities should be given a credit for the transmission impact, but they too would be required to pay the full treatment capacity impact fee. Once the transmission facility is placed in service ready for use appropriate availability charges (transmission related) will begin to be assessed to each REU reserved in the facility by the participating landowners. It is recommended that effective July 1, 2008 the minimum REU be 1.o. Higher values of REU should be based on actual service demand (flows) compared to 5,000. For example, a customer projecting a demand of 20,000 gallons per month be assigned an REU of 20,000/5,000 = 4 REU's. Utility Rate Analysis, Section 7 Page 13 of 15 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 New customers who estimate their usage should be assigned an REU value based on this estimate and pay the respective impact fees. Based on actual usage over 12 months of full service data, the impact fee should be adjusted to reflect actual service demands. Where initial flows were underestimated, capacity fees would be recalculated and additional fees assessed. In the case of a new customer who disagrees with the Town estimate of REU's an agreed upon threshold value of REU should be negotiated and initiated. At the end of 36 months usage data, if actual usage exceeds the threshold amount of REU should be assessed at the then current amount and a penalty assessed equal to the interest on the higher impact fee amount for 36 months plus any reasonable administrative costs incurred. In the case of existing retail customers who increase their service demand by virtue of expanding facilities or changed processes, additional impact fees should be assessed against this increased demand. This can be implemented by tracking building permits or by increases in recorded flows. In the case of an existing customer building a new facility at a new service address the potential exists for a question to arise about why REU's are different when service demand is similar to previous services. We recommend these be handled on a case -by -case basis, with possible consideration given to credits to the new impact fee. In the case of bulk and contract customers whose use exceeds agreed upon service amounts we recommend that excess use charges be applied for a two-year period. At the end of this two-year period if it is determined that this excess use reflects the current nature of the customer's use we recommend that: updated REU values be calculated new capacity fees are assessed for the additional REU's at the then current rate. new availability charges be calculated 7.2.4 Recommended Rates In order to finance the proposed projects in the CIP the Town will need to adjust the existing water and sewer rates and capacity fees to continue to balance the costs of operation and maintenance of the system and as well as the increased debt service. It is recommended that the implementation of the project financing follow the 5, 10, 15 and zo year planning periods in 5-year increments in order to defer impacts of debt service costs from existing customers but rather incur these as the customer base grows. Capacity fees accordingly should be collected from new customers to offset the costs associated with additional capacity in water supply and wastewater treatment systems and additional water transmission lines and sewer interceptors. The following tables represent recommended rates that should be implemented to balance the costs projected in the next io-year planning period. Utility Rate Analysis, Section 7 Page 14 of 15 TOWN OF CRAMERTON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2006-2026 Flat Rate (to 2,000 gal) 13125 F Typical Customer Water Bill for 500o gallons per month Flat Rate Table 7-21.. Proposed Town of Cramerton Water Rates Charge peri,000 gal (all over 2,00o gal) $31.40 Table 7 22:_... Proposed Town of Cramerton Sewer Rates' Charge per 1,00o gal Capacity Fee Per REU E Capacity Fee Per REU Typical Customer Sewer Bill for 500o gallons per month 2,100 Table 7-23 Project Annual Revenue Increase from 28o New REU's per year Water Capacity Fee Income $2,loo each Sewer Capacity Feelncome_ $2,600 each: $36.70 Typical Customer Water Bill for 500o gallons per month Typical Customer Sewer Bill for 5000 ga{ions per month Total e.._ _.. $31.40 $588,000 $728,000 $105,504 $123,312 $1,544,816 The above rates will enable the Town to generate sufficient revenues to support the costs of the proposed maintenance driven Capital Improvement projects and still maintain monthly water and sewer bills for typical customers competitive with surrounding municipalities in Gaston County. Utility Rate Analysis, Section 7 Page 15 of 15 June 5, 2007 Honorable i"ona➢d G. Murphy, Mayor Members of the i:;oard of Commissioners Town of Cramerton North Carolina Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: I am pleased to submit for your review and consideration the Town of Cramerton's FY 2007-2008 Budget. The document provides for the recurring service needs of our community within a strict operating budget and finances the costs of providing these services with accurate and dependable revenue estimates. The objective of the proposed budget is to hold operating expenses to a minimum while providing essential municipal services to our citizens. The Town continues to provide an extensive base of services to citizens while keeping the rate of taxation as low as possible. FY 2007-2008 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 2007 Adopted FY 2008 Proposed General Fund $2,342,750 $2,711,300 Water / Sewer Fund $2,007,935 $2,139,000 Stormwater Fund $0 $60,000 Total $4,350,685 $4,910,300 Capital Project Funds Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrade Project $5,049,000 $5,400,000 USDA Rural Development Pubic Works Building $533,000 $533,000 PARTF Project $164,750 $164,750 NCDOT Downtown Enhancement Project NCDOT Pedestrian Plan $252,500 $252,500 $19,200 $19,200 Ural Center GIS Mapping, $69,500 $69,500 CIP, and Rate Structure Study. The FY 2007-2008 Operating Budget of $4,910,300 represents an increase of $559,615 from the FY 2006-2007 udget of $4,350,685. :,elow I will discuss the changes in services and fees associated with this net increase in our General Fund, increase in the Water and Wastewater Fund, and implementation of our new stormwater fund while also updating you on the progress of our Capital Projects. F' inanc sail Overview The Town of Cramerton has historically been in good financial condition. This condition continues through a level of unmatched growth in our community. In the past, the Town has been fiscally conservative and has been able to utilize the "pay as you go" method of financing. The Town has used a large portion of their available fund balance to purchase the Eagle Road wastewater treatment plant, complete several important water rehabilitation projects, parks and recreation department capital improvements, and other capital expenditures. In the FY 2006 financial audit, the Town had $540,813 in unreserved fund balance, which. is 26% of the general fund expenditures for the FY 2006. Although the Town of Cramerton is growing in population and tax value, the Town has reoccurring costs to account for and also capital expenditures, some in the form of state and federal mandates. The Town must maintain sound financial reserves at a level that will be acceptable for the State Treasurer's Office and the Local Government Commission. This financial plan for the 2008 fiscal year reflects that need, while attempting to keep service costs at an acceptable level. The proposed revenue increases through growth in our tax base will justify increased reoccurring costs such as personnel, but does not cover all of the capital expenditures that must be made. The Town will continue to distribute the costs of services among citizens who benefit from these services. The Town will continue to provide garbage, recycling, yard waste, and bulk item collection to our citizens through general fund revenues. The water and wastewater fees will be increased by five percent to account for increased costs of providing a safe and reliable water supply while also providing adequate funding for the collection and treatment of wastewater. The established stormwater fund will be in place for the first full year and will fund a significant engineering study, part of the salary for the inspections position, and provide a small amount of funding for actual project development. Personnell The Town of Cramerton has been extremely fortunate in the last year to have such a dedicated workforce. The Town has not experienced a significant turnover, which provides continuity in our government services. Under tight budget constraints and an increased workload, the Town's personnel have proven their dedication to service time and time again, day in and day out. This proposed budget does include an increase in personnel. The Police Department will receive one additional position as a result of adding code enforcement responsibilities to the Police Department. The Public Works Department will receive two additional employees in order to provide continuing services to a growing population. The Utilities Department will add two positions with one position being the result of a transfer to the street department and the other position a result of shifting Charles Hastings to Public Works Director. Mr. Hastings' overall responsibilities will include creating a new inspections department under Public Works. There will be a total of 31 full time positions. The staff at Town Hall has done an outstanding job providing essential accounts payable, accounts receivable, finance, and clerk responsibilities that all involve personal citizen interaction. The employees in Town Hall are the "front line" for the Cramerton government and they are prepared to meet the expanding demands of our growing population. This is the first full fiscal year that the Town will feature a full time Finance Director position. This should allow for closer watch over investments, purchase orders, project management, and budgetary control. This will also allow the Town Clerk to focus more on minute preparation, document retention, and recodification. The Town of Cramerton's Police Department has also done an outstanding job meeting the demands of Cramerton's citizens. The Police Department is staffed with 12 full time positions including the Police Chief, Deputy Police Chief, Captain, two Sergeants, School Resource Officer, and six Patrol Officers. The Police Department has done an outstanding job maintaining a low crime rate while providing policing in our community that is responsive, courteous, and effective. The Police Department will provide code enforcement as a new service in this fiscal year. The Town's goal is to improve the appearance of existing properties while protecting citizen's rights to a clean and neat community. The Planning department, located within Town Hall, has been kept extremely busy with the continued growth that the Town of Cramerton is experiencing. The Town Planner is the first person a potential developer talks with and is extremely important in portraying a responsive and welcoming image for the Town of Cramerton. The Town Planner provides zoning compliance certificates, subdivision review, minimum housing code enforcement, and is staff to the volunteer Planning Board. The Town's Parks and Recreation department has done an excellent job in providing the quality of life services that Cramerton citizens have come to expect. The staff provides a diversified offering of programs ranging from various ages of basketball, cheerleading, soccer, and baseball leagues, maintaining the community center used by our valued seniors, and operating a fully functional outdoor swimming complex. The Parks and Recreation staff does an outstanding job coordinating volunteers and part-time employees to facilitate a variety of programs at the lowest cost possible to the citizens who use these services. The Parks and Recreation department staff also oversees the maintenance of all the Town's park areas including preparing athletic fields for competition. During the current fiscal year and in this proposed budget, the Parks and ecreation department have been busy administering, writing, and receiving grants. The Town has finally completed the Riverside Park and Greenway NC ARTF project this year. The Town has also received the designation of a Fit Community and the Town has submitted the application for grant funding under this program as well. The Parks and Recreation department was successful in receiving a NC Parks and Recreation Trust Fund grant for $500,000 for the construction of Goat Island. This funding will be coupled with $375,000 that the Town received from the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The Parks and Recreation department will also work with the NC Recreational Trails program to provide additional parking and restroom facilities at the basketball court on Riverside Drive. The Parks and Recreation department will also be working towards the completion of the NCDOT sponsored Master Pedestrian Plan, Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update,"and Greenway Master Plan. The Public Works department includes inspections, streets, and sanitation. This department has recently been formed with the creation of an inspections department, paired with the existing streets and sanitation department. The Public Works department will feature a newly established Inspections division that will oversee the construction of new infrastructure and the repair of old infrastructure. The Public Works department is responsible for providing the "backbone" of essential services to the citizens of the Town. This department is responsible for the collection of yard waste, bulk item collection, street maintenance, sign maintenance, oversees contracted household garbage and recycling collection, and stormwater infrastructure maintenance. The Public Works department does an outstanding job providing the physical labor for the Town of Cramerton. The Public Works department will operate with five employees. The Public Utilities- department provides for the collection and treatment of our wastewater, distribution of our water, and management of our cross connection and backflow prevention device program. Historically, the wastewater and water departments have been separated but with the recent reorganization of outdoor forces, all utilities will be placed together under the Public Utilities title. The Wastewater section of Public Utilities will feature four employees. The wastewater department operates the four million gallon per day treatment plant located on Eagle Road, conducts most required tests to effluent, provides 4 pretreatment to our industrial clients, performs routine wastewater repairs, maintains lift stations, and responds to emergencies. The Wastewater department is also overseeing the completion of the treatment plant upgrade project and will also partner with the Town of McAdenville and the City of Lowell in discussing the feasibility of joining together to treat wastewater regionally. The Water section of Public Utilities will continue to operate with two employees, perfoiiiiing routine water repairs, replacing meters, reading meters, installing irrigation meters, and responding to emergencies. The Water section also spends a significant amount of time locating utilities. The newly hired water system Operator in Responsible Charge, or O.R.C., will work with the Town's engineers in preparing for multiple capital improvements within the distribution system. Hopefully, all of these departments will continue to work closely together now that all outdoor operations are consolidated into the new public works complex. This proposed budget continues with the implementation of the adopted position classification study, pay scale, personnel policy, and job descriptions. This proposed budget does not utilize a cost of living adjustment (COLA). The proposed budget does provide funding for up to a five percent (5%) merit increase effective January 1, 2008 based on annual personnel performance evaluations. The performance evaluation system is established in order to reward personnel for outstanding service. This proposed increase in personnel compensation would improve the morale of our existing workforce while improving the Town's ability to retain our personnel. The proposed budget also continues the established 401K program for all employees. Currently, the Town contributes 5% to all employees. The Town of Cramerton will continue to experience increases in health insurance. The Town received quotes from several insurance providers and Blue Cross/Blue Shield proposed an increase of 6.8%, therefore the proposed budget has provided for this increase. The Town's health insurance plan will continue to provide a high level of benefits. Employees who utilize dependent care insurance will still be eligible to receive a subsidy from the Town, but the employee will be responsible for paying the difference. The Town will continue to provide short-term disability, life/accident insurance, dental insurance, and vision insurance. 5 Service )Improvements / Revenue Changes (General Fund) I am recommending that the property tax rate be maintained at $0.425. This proposed budget does not appropriate fund balance. Gaston County's revaluation of properties will take effect within this year's budget. The total real, personal, and public service value of Cramerton has increased from $297,722,366 in FY 2007 to $351,114,545 in FY 2008, a difference of $53,392,179. The revenue neutral tax rate, using the formula established by the North Carolina Local Government Commission, is $0.3813, a difference of $0.0437. Each cent on the tax rate represents approximately $33,356. The total real, personal property, and public service property value in the Town of Cramerton equals $351,114,545. Gaston County collected 95.21% of the ad valorem levy in FY 2006. The net ad valorem tax collected on real, personal property, and public service property, is equal to approximately $1,417,624. The approximate value for real property in Cramerton is currently under the Gaston County Tax Office appeal process. The total value of property after revaluation was performed equals $346,251,114 but there is approximately $12,000,000 of property under the appeal process. In calculating the real property value, I deducted the entire amount under appeal, which would reduce the value to $334,251,114. This value at a 95.0% collection rate would produce $1,349,538. The approximate value for public service property in Cramerton is $4,871,875, which produces a levy amount of $19,670 at a 95.0% collection rate. The value of personal property for FY 2007 in Cramerton is $12,718,335. Since Lakewood Dyed Yams and Eagle Mountain Finishing have announced their closure, I have reduced the personal property value for this proposed budget to $12,000,000. This amount at a 95.0% collection rate would produce $48,450. The 2006 value for motor vehicles is $33,561,925, which produces a levy amount of $124,523 at an 87.3% collection rate. Gaston County does not have updated information on motor vehicle values, therefore I have chose to use an amount less than last year's budget to account for depreciation of motor vehicles and a potential reduction in the tax collection rate. The total amount of revenue forecasted for real, personal property, and public utilities amounts to $1,417,608. The FY 2008 proposed budget conservatively includes $1,389,000 for this revenue item. This is a difference of $28,608. The Town can expect population totals to increase through new home construction and continued infill development. This continued growth and its financial impact on the Town of Cramerton could be viewed several ways. Growth in the Town's 6 tax base inevitability means growth in ad valorem revenue. The growing population of the Town also means demands for equal services and in some cases improved services. It is important to make sure that the increased revenues experienced from growth are not the only revenues the Town depends on to fund the escalating cost of operations. The Town needs to remain dedicated to improving services such as parks and recreation, garbage, recycling, yard waste, and bulk item collections, landscaping, street maintenance, public safety, and planning and zoning. It is the Town's goal to continually improve the quality of services in Town, attract more commercial and industrial growth, welcome well - planned residential development, while maintaining and assisting our current population. General Fund Highlights Include: e Creation of Facade Grant Program. © Funding for upcoming November Municipal Election. • Funding to conduct growth plan for fire services. • Funding to repair Town Hall roof. • Recodification of Code of Ordinances. ® Contracted services for information technology. ® Upgrades to Utility and Payroll software programs. a Funding for display case for Tommy Guns and other historical items from Cramerton. • The addition of one new officer in the Police Department to exclusively handle code enforcement. ® Second full year of providing the Town of McAdenville contracted police services. • The third and final payment for four police vehicles, second of three payments for four police vehicles, and the, first payment for two police vehicles. o Capital funding for the Police Department to repair light fixtures within Town Hall, purchase of rifles for patrol vehicles, and continuing upgrades to the mobile command vehicle. o Renew contract with the Cramerton Volunteer Fire Department for fire services. o The Parks and Recreation Department is provided funding for the completion of the Master Recreation Plan Update, the first of three transfers to the Goat Island N.C. Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) grant project, and an allocation of $15,000 to match a $50,000 North Carolina Recreational Trails grant to construct a restroom facility and additional parking at the basketball courts on Riverside Drive. e Continuation of funding for Fourth of July celebration, senior center, fall festival, Easter egg hunt, and various other recreational activities. • Fourth debt service payment for purchase of downtown park property. • Addition of two employees in the Public Works Department. • Continued relationship with Waste Management for curbsidegarbage collection and recycling. • Funding for continued tree maintenance and additional tree plantings. • Allocation of Powell Bill funds for miscellaneous street resurfacing projects. o Creation of Inspections Department for new development and reoccurring water, wastewater, streets, and stormwater repairs. • Continued in-house operation of yard waste and bulk item collection by the Town's.Public Works Department. Service Improvements / Revenue Changes (Public Utilities) In order to compensate for the increasing cost of purchasing and distributing water and collecting and treating wastewater, this proposed budget increases water and wastewater fees by five percent. The Town must provide adequate funding for the annual debt service payment to the State of North Carolina Construction, Grants, and Loans division for the $5,049,000 loan for upgrading the wastewater treatment plant. The wastewater treatment plant currently does not meet the discharge 8 requirements for phosphorus and chlorine. The Town will remain under a Special Order by Consent (SOC) with the State of North Carolina in order to establish a timeline to rectify the problem while not qualifying for civil fines that could be levied upon us with continued violations. The Town's Public Utilities Fund must be self-sustaining and the Town cannot rely upon one-time funding from water and wastewater access fees or other fees that are not dependable. By establishing our monthly minimum and per 1,000 gallon water and wastewater charges at a level that finances our reoccurring operations, the Town can use one time revenues for capital expenditures, major water and wastewater rehabilitation projects, and unexpected expenses. I am recommending that the Town increase water and wastewater minimum fees and the 1,000-gallon fees by five percent. This proposed increase will be elaborated upon in the proposed FY 2008 Town of Cramerton Fee Schedule. While rate increases for water and wastewater services are unwelcome, the Town must meet all State and Federal requirements for collection, treatment, and distribution of these necessary services. Public Utilities Fund Highlights Include: o The Town has budgeted revenues from the City of Belmont in providing up to 280,000 gallons per day of wastewater treatment for Eagle Park, Belmont Reserve, and surrounding areas. • The Town of Cramerton-is scheduled to make the first of 20 debt service payments to NC Construction Grants and Loans in the amount of $373,450. a The continuation of a utility rate structure that will finance the Town's wastewater treatment plant upgrade project and subsequent loan of $5,049,000 from the State of North Carolina Construction, Grants, and Loans program. The proposed budget includes an across-the-board five percent increase to the utility rate structure. © An updated water and wastewater system development, access, and tap fee structure for new customers in order to provide funding for necessary and required upgrades in our existing water and sewer infrastructure to facilitate continued growth. © First of forty payments to USDA Rural Development for the improvements to the Public Works Facility. ® An allocation of $215,000 for several capital outlay projects in the water department. These projects include: Wilkinson/Lakewood pressure reducing 9 valve, Cramer Mountain/South New Hope Road pressure reducing valve, Eagle Road waterline upgrade, Lakewood/Lake Drive gate valve, and construction of new waterline from North Main Street to Baltimore neighborhood. 0 Transfer of $45,000 from the water department and $30,000 from the wastewater department to partially fund the salary and benefits of the collection clerk, accounts payable position, and the newly created inspections department. This also funds a portion of legal services and accounting services. CAPITAL IP OJECTS The Town of Cramerton will continue several capital project ordinances during FY 2008. Below is a highlighted list of those continuing projects: ✓ The Town will complete the Eagle Road Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project during FY 2008. The Town is utilizing loan funds from the North Carolina Construction, Grants, and Loans Program at an interest rate of 2.305% for 20 years. This upgrade will meet the mandated requirements adopted by the State of North Carolina that limit the levels of hp po horus and chlorine discharged into thee South Fork River. This project also includes the construction of a new office building and laboratory, which is complete. The first debt service payment of approximately $373,450 will be due in November 2007 and Ma v 2008, resnectivaw • Construction will be completed on the USDA Rural Development Public Works Consolidation Construction Project during FY 2007, but the Town may not be able to close the capital project ordinance before FY 2008. The Town is utilizing a $533,000 loan from USDA Rural Development at an interest rate of 4.25% for 40 years. This project includes the construction of an 880 square foot addition to the wastewater treatment laboratory, 1,600 square foot enclosed inventory storage facility, and a 2,880 square foot vehicle bay storage facility at the Eagle Road Wastewater Treatment Plant. • The Town will also complete the Riverside Park and Greenway Project in FY .2007, but the Town may not be able to close out the necessary paperwork until FY 2008. The Town is utilizing a $130,935 grant from the North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF). The project includes the construction of a canoe/kayak landing, fishing pier, picnic shelter, 1,050 feet of asphalt walking trail, parking lot, security lighting, proper signage, and park fixtures such as benches and trash bins. 10 o The Town should also complete the NCDOT ') owntown Enhancement project during FY 2007, but the Town may not be able to close out the necessary paperwork until FY 2008. The Town is utilizing an $186,000 NC Department of Transportation Enhancement grant. The Town is responsible for providing 20% matching funds, which has been met. The project includes the relocation of utility lines from Center Street, Ninth Street, and 8th Avenue, the installation of sidewalk, curb and gutter, parking, landscaping, site clearing, grading, and the removal of existing asphalt. o The Town is nearing the completion of the NC P OT sponsored Master Pedestrian Plan. The plan should be completed within the physical year of 2007 and the capital project ordinance will be able to be closed soon thereafter. The Town is utilizing a $16,000 grant from the NCDOT. The Town has almost completed digitizing all water, wastewater, and portions of the stormwater infrastructure throughout Town. This project also includes the completion of a Capital Improvement Plan for water, wastewater, and stormwater for the next 20 years, and an extensive utility rate structure study. The Town is utilizing a $10,000 grant from the North Carolina Rural Center and providing $59,500 of matching funds. This project will be complete upon Board approval of the Capital Improvement Plan. The paperwork to close the project out will be completed in FY 2008. s The Town Board will probably initiate other capital project ordinances throughout FY 2008. These capital projects are: a grant award of $50,000 from the North Carolina Recreational Trails program for the construction of restroom and parking facilities in the Riverside Park and Greenway, Urban Forestry Grant Program, the Goat Island project that will feature a $375,000 appropriation by NCDOT and a $500,000 grant from the NC Parks and Recreation Trust Fund, and a regional wastewater treatment study with the City of Lowell, Town of McAdenville, with financial assistance from the Clean Water Management Trust Fund. Conclusion The recommendations contained in the FY 2007-2008 Budget reflect the goals of the Board of Commissioners to continue improving the quality of life of Cramerton citizens while holding expenditures at a conservative level. The Town also must meet strict fiscal standards established by the State of North Carolina, therefore there must be enough revenue raised to operate the water and wastewater systems at the level mandated by State and Federal guidelines. The Town will also utilize increased revenues received from an increase in our tax value in the general fund to finance reoccurring costs. The Town must rely on our depleting fund balance to Il fund capital expenditures that are necessary although it is extremely important to maintain an adequate level of reserves in order to respond to unexpected events such as natural disasters. This will be a challenging year for Cramerton citizens, but the Town is continuing to grow and with additional water and wastewater revenues and tax value from new Cramerton citizens, prices for these services should level out. The Town must continue to hold expenditures to a minimum while keeping cost of services to the Citizens at a minimum. This is truly an exciting time in Cramerton's history, but our future is bright due to a continual increase of new home construction, voluntary annexation, a forthcoming upgraded wastewater treatment plant, and a wonderful group of citizens that volunteer their time and spirit for the improvement of our Town. I recommend this budget to you without reservation and believe it adequately provides for the necessary level of services while remaining fiscally conservative in order to maintain an appropriate financial standing by the NC Local Government Commission. I entrust this document to you for careful review and, as always, stand ready to make any changes your collective body deems appropriate. Sincerely, Michael C. Peoples Town Manager i? GENERALFUND nsyswuso BUDGET YEAR 20m/-2o General Fund Revenues Real Property: _ xuValorem Taxes Current Year w *Vva�mTaxes PnorYear xuValorem Taxes Penalties &Int. 2005-2006 Actual 1.125,570 a�80o 1e.952 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 *346,251,114 reeval. ,Budgeted xvm1um1ms Proposed/ $69,261,044. There w*Difference m is NOTES ] ,2o.2oor 0J��-a-'fFeb � - 1.126_950 3gpOO 5,000 055.414 1.38_9 OVO approx. $12 000 00in -�pVm���1��5using ���8O 80.000 the ^�^~"^~~~ - $334,242,670 488 9.000 and at $*.425rate and Public Service - ! ` Motor vamn|oTaxes Cur�ntYear 11&238 1V�uUO _6 S-~~�'-- 1�2O0 _11�o�l *Q��-*��*�,o* �== v� / ' ""*�/""m" ----'---- """�,n"°°'u -------*�»/�ms�e�""^ '---- Motor vemo|oTax*uPrior Year Gross Receipts Rv7ax _ Local 0�ionGu�v�/neR�mbume Gaston ooun�nnmHarmless uun�pmnnmsoTax_n�muu�oment pvwon�Umo,onuo _ Beerand Wine vxmermax ABC Board cvntmnadSuux�nmaRevenue noon,uhuno"nadonRevenue xe:oaouon�mn�navovuo Po|meGm�n��u� Police oep/GoutonCounty Reknu 13.883 +z4 _42O�u7 z�oo7 125.797 _u4.n1u ----__�!n_- O �----' _ �� 15.000 1apUO 3Oo '-*»^o/*m»"»w^GROWTH - 1O3 *1&Ooo300 mn~*m��m 11/11/07 it Is 34�U0 «\400------' P�vonon�ppe�----' ` --- --�- --- ` 11��UU o0�Oo o - --� 15,000 -512 - -- o ---- =-'' �--- __-_*o���, —��—*ww, '-- �^��"=m ' -- - ��on-'-- - --- growthhas exceeded �----���'�«�»��»,�""^ the percentag ���'---- '------- O 1o.000 ^�=^ «�*"� - / i ! - - - con�au�uponmeaomxmu Public Contributions �- oau|eTo�v��nFmncm�e Tax Sales and Use Tax Refund _ � _ State Gasoline Tax n��nu Zoning Pannbaand Foea .Concession Revenue SwmminUrou//Reyopua_ �»�«p�n�R�n� Miocexanemuo�nacmatiovRevenue Miscellaneous Revenue Sale o'M�v�a�x�xeg��u�a_ Eaming»�nmvo�m*n� - - - /mn�erhnmWater Fund Transfer from Sewer Fund Transfer from Smnmwote[Fu -nd-- xeimbu�omvntonm\��e[�unu-_�� xoimuv�vmam»n�Se*e[Fppu - mnuaumnoa*ppmph��d_ po*enfunuAppmpriated__e�mu Bond Sales Lease Purchases Proceeds from Par Loan _21�031�000 ��wo - --��.oec 15�540--�y— 7�o0 14,363 �� 10_323 16,258 - _�� �� 15_000 15_000 �- - �4��g -- -- --- _1�\��� --���^~^°^~ mv�"�m*�^ n '-- -- -- 25.000 15.792 32.000 --'---- ���o�_- 4I �------------'--T-----' 45,000 �oUU 16_000 �� 1_ �0O -����'�����m� u�U7 9�Ou _ Capital Projects Credit 1V�VO a"o*�m""" -- _9,518 18.� 25.000 Materials -- 9.123 � 000 15,000 � 5�Oo 80.000 15,000 3.*04 _ypU 502 o5�oo 45_000 30^000 ----�---- � ---'---'�---'-----�----- - -' 30_000 -- �-------- -- --� -- --- --------- 1�J�P ��-- _ --' - - --'-- -' - --- ��----- ____________ '-- - Total General Fund Revenues - -- / enditure Accounts General Fund Proposed FY 2007-2008 Governing Board 2005-2006 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 Budget as Acct. No. Item Description Actual Budgeted of 12/31/06 Proposed tc 104110120 Elected Officials Compensation 15,600 15,600 7,800 19,200 104110181 FICA 1,500 104110186 Workers Compensation 104110220;Board Meeting Provisions 1,000 1,000 104110260Office Supplies 600 200 500 104110299:Miscellaneous Expense 550 114 500 104110311'Travel and Training_ 1,000 1558 1,750 104110325Postage 100 100 104110340;Public Information & Education 1,000 1,000 1041104501Insurance and Bonding 1,000 1,000 104120455' Professional Liability Insurance 104110460:Election 104110491 ! Dues & Subscriptions $250 for Board Members ($15,000) and $350 ($4,200) for Mayor 2,500 150 4,000 150 !Fagade Grant Program 2,000 Total Expenditures 15,600 23,500 9,672 32,700 enditure Accounts General Fund Proposed FY 2007-2008 General Government 2005-2006 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 As of Acct. No. Item Description Actual Budgeted 12/31/06 Proposed 104120120 Elected Officials Compensation 104120121 Salaries 23.7,7.6.9 23.3,415 115,901 _257,400 104120122 Overtime Salaries • 104120126 Temporary & Part -Time Salaries . 104120133 401 k Retirement 7,602 7,975 3,843 9,100 104120180 Medicare 104120181 FICA 17,907 17,750 9,504 19,700 104120182 Retirement 11,865 11,650 5,804 12,950 104120183 Medical Insurance 22,991 28,600 8,030 . 29,500 104120186 Workers Compensation 2,275 3,500 1,881 3,000 104120189 Unemployment Benefits Paid $5,000 for Fire Dept. 104120190 Professional Services - Engineering 787 5,000 ,- Study 104120191 Professional Services Accounting 21,225 21,500 22,000 J - - 104120192 Professional Services - Legal 687 1,000 415 1,000 104120193 Professional Services - Other 6,956 3,000 5,068 6,000 104120240 Construction/Repairs 104120260 Office Supplies 4,878 3,000 2,038 4,000 104120299 Miscellaneous Supplies 5,109 3,500 1,801 3,500 104120311 Travel and Training 8,120 ' 8,500 2,346 8,500 104120321 Telephone & Communications . 5,850 6,000 2,895 6,200 104120325 Postage 439 1,200 702 1,500 104120331 Utilities - Electric ! 7,723 9,500 2,917 8,500 j /Repair to Town Hall 104120333 Utilities - Natural Gas 991 500 231 ! 500 / Roof 104120340 Public Information & Education 1,000 18 1,000 104120351 'Repairs to Buildings (non capital) ! 2,366 3,000 7,038 20,000 104120352 Repairs to Equipment 382 1,000 1,000 104120391 Legal Advertising 683 500 j 287 500 itCAdd $4,000 for 104120398 Maintenance Contracts 15,223 15,000 9,030 20,000 1 Recodification of 104120399 Contracted Services 15,773 9,000 ! 8,688 17,275 t Code of Ordinances 1.04120450 Insurance and Bonding 11,276 13,000 4,788 13,000 !I 104120455 Professional Liability Insurance 104120491 Dues & Subscriptions 5,562 6,000 5,016 6,000 . ; ICS ComputerrSoftware 104120499 Miscellaneous Operating Expenses 1,740 500 1,000 ! Upgrade, $2,575 for 104120520 Capital Outlay - Equipment 6,468 6,000 Add. Of IT Support 104120580 Capital Outlay - Buildings 104120750 Lease/Purchase Debt Principal - for Goss - 104120751 Lease/Purchase - Debt Interest anDisplay case d Historical Items Total Expenditures 422,647 409,590 198,241 484,125 enditure Accounts General Fund Proposed FY 2007-2008 Planning Department 2005-2006 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 As of Acct. No. Item Description Actual Budgeted 12/31/06 Proposed -_ 104910121 Salaries 36,255 38,000 18,767 4.0,000 _ _ 104910122.Overtime Salaries 104910126 Temporary & Part -Time Salaries - - 1049101331401k Retirement 1,783 1,950 918 2,000 104910180 Medicare 104910181 FICA 2,773 2,900 1,387 3,100 104910182 Retirement 1,722; 1,950i 894, 2,010, 104910183 Medical Insurance 4,493' 5,650:2,220' 5,500 104910186 Workers Compensation 104910189 Unemployment Benefits Paid 104910190'Professional _ Services - Engineering 8,0871 20,000! 5,304 20,000 104910191 Professional Services - Accounting ; 104910192 Professional Services - Legal 104910193 Professional Services - Other 104910212 Uniforms 460 500. 500' 104910251 Motor Fuels 7541; 1,000! 281 9001 104910259 Vehicle Supplies 2001 200 104910260 Office Supplies 1,015, 1,0001 263 1,000 104910270 Purchases for Resale 500, 5001 104910299 Miscellaneous Supplies 588 1,000 364 1,000 104910311 Travel and Training 2,0581 1,500 18 4,000 104910321 Telephone & Communications 665� 1,000 258 1,000! - 104910325 Postage 2201 500j 200, 500 104910331 ' Utilities - Electric 104910333 Utilities - Natural Gas 104910340 Public Information & Education 1,000 92 1,000: 104910351 Repairs to Buildings (non'capital) 104910352 Repairs to Equipment 200 200 104910353 Repairs to Vehicles 500 5001' 104910391 Legal Advertising 196 1,250 294 1,250 104910398 Maintenance Contracts i1<Addition of IT 104910399 Contracted Services 1 2,000 2,8001 support 104910450 Insurance and Bonding 104910455 Professional Liability Insurance 104910491 Dues & Subscriptions 200 200 104910499 Miscellaneous Operating Expenses 16 1,000 1,0001 104910520 Capital Outlay - Equipment 5,964 104910540 Capital Outlay - Motor Vehicles 104910580 Capital Outlay - Buildings 104910590 Capital Outlay - Powell Bill Funds 104910750 Lease/Purchase - Debt Principal 104910751 Lease/Purchase - Debt Interest Total Expenditures 67,049 83,800 31,260 89,160 enditure Accounts General Fund Proposed FY 2007-2008 Acct. No. 104310121 104310122 Item Description Salaries Overtime Salaries 104310126 104310133 PoVice epartment Temporary & Part -Time Salaries 401 k Retirement 104310180 104310181 104310182 Medicare FICA Retirement 104310183 Medical Insurance 2005-2006 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 Actual Budgeted As of 12/31 Proposed 360,772 409,186. 207,348 449,300 16,260 700 20,910 9,862 23,000 Addition of One Officer for Code Enforcement 26,559 31,45214,250 35,110 15,776 20,782 Overtime Offered for Special Events and to Pay Down 9,613 22,500 comp. Time 65,250 84,220 22,426 84,500 104310186 Workers Compensation 13,227 16,646 104310189 Unemployment Benefits Paid 104310190 Professional Services - Engineering 104310191 Professional Services - Accounting 104310192 Professional Services - Legal 4,102 14,263 14,300 104310193 Professional Services - Other 1,502 1,500 104310212 Uniforms 104310240 Construction/Repairs. 104310251 Motor Fuels 19,236 15,500 10,410 16,300 26,652 32,760 13,532 32,760 104310259 Vehicle Supplies 104310260 Office Supplies 104310299 Miscellaneous Supplies 104310311 Travel and Training 16,835 17,000 14,670 13,000 4,927 4,300 3,474 5,500 9,280 11,700 12,278 13,600 3,243 3,650 3,178 4,500 104310321 Telephone & Communications 11,795 10,600 4,303 11,000 104310325 104310331 Postage Utilities - Electric 273 600 180 3,967 4,000 2,435 600 4,000 104310333 Utilities - Natural Gas 104310340 104310351 104310352 Public Information & Education Repairs to Buildings (non capital) Repairs to Equipment 1,253 700 195 2,500 166 500 ,e( Building Light 3,000, Repair 176 2,000 104310353 104310391 Repairs to Vehicles Legal Advertisin 6,219 6,200 4,647 5,000 200 200 104310398 Maintenance Contracts ! 4,780 6,630 4,899 10,275 104310399 Contracted Services 1,000 2,350 1,344 1,700 104310450 Insurance and Bonding - 13,538 17,500 4,7881 15,000 104310455 Professional Liability Insurance 104310491 104310499 104310520 Dues & Subscriptions Miscellaneous Operating Expenses Capital Outlay - Equipment 104310540 Capital Outlay - Motor Vehicles 104310580 Capital Outlay - Buildings 675 1 1,150 1,6951 1,750 6851 1,150 1,4011 2,000 8,178 14,630 11,835! 10,000 104310594 Capital Outlay - Sewer System 104310596 Capital Outlay - Water System 104310750 Lease/Purchase - Debt Principal 28,862 42,076 104310751 Lease/Purchase - Debt Interest 3,324 Total Expenditures 666,051 782,316 425,155 870,642 PolicePak, Motorola, RADAR Calibration, and Addition of IT Support -7 FY 2008 there are 4 Cars in the Last of A 3 Year Lease, 4 Cars 52,292 70,848, w/ i more year, and 3 with 2 More Years 7,499 Left enditure Accounts General Fund Proposed FY 2007-2008 Fire Department 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 ' 2007-2008 Proposed Proposed Acct. No. . Item Description Actual Budgeted By CVFD by Manager Approved 104340399 Contracted Services 122,839. 122,714 132,438' 132,438 104340520 Capital Outlay -Equipment 0. 0 enditure Accounts General Fund Proposed FY 2007-2008 Recreation Department 2005-2006 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 As of Acct. No. Item Description Actual Budgeted 12/31/06 Proposed 106120121 Salaries 108,952 95,813 63,059 100,250 106120122 Overtime Salaries 83 106120126 Temporary& Part -Time Salaries 33,208 52,200 14,610 52,200 106120133 401k Retirement 4,800 2,300 5,050, ____ 106120180 Medicare 4,492 106120181 FICA 10,166 11,500 5,588' 11,500 106120182 Retirement 4,560 4,825 2,362 5,050' 106120183 Medical Insurance 24,170' 30,125 8,835 26,000 106120186 Workers Compensation 5,637. 5,600 2,493 5,000 106120189 Unemployment Benefits Paid 106120190 Professional Services - Engineering_ 12,500 5,000 106120193 Professional Services Other 268 / Paving and Fencing of 106120199 Consulting Services- Other Town Lot, and Walking 106120212 Uniforms 746: 1,000 229 1,000 Trail behind Rec. Facility 106120240 Construction/Repairs 1,2921 .5,000 7,000 106120251 Motor Fuels 1,135; 1,500 743 1,500 106120259 Vehicle Supplies 33' 500 500 106120260 Office Supplies 1,7751 2,000 271 2,000 106120270 Purchases for Resale 6,320' 7,200 1,167 6,500 106120298 Treatment Chemicals 3,5325,700 1,156 5,000 106120299 Miscellaneous Supplies 6,653 9,000 4,980 9,000 106120311 Travel and Training 905 1,000 1,183 1,200 106120321 Telephone & Communications 3,212! 3,000 1,227 3,000 106120325 Postage 1521 200 0 106120331 Utilities - Electric 20,7541 22,000 9,818 22,000 106120333 Utilities - Natural Gas 5,0531 6,000 822 6,000 $3,685 to Repair Senior 106120340 Public Information & Education 56; 500 242 500 Center Plumbing or 106120351 Repairs to Buildings (non capital) 5,543! 5,800 830 16,685 Misc. Repairs 106120352 Repairs to Equipment 1,6171 6,500 4,500 1,300 106120353 Repairs to Vehicles 1,2521 700 558 1,200 106120391 Legal Advertising 1 200 Mowing ($30k), floors 106120398 Maintenance Contracts 1,798 2,000 1,885 2,800,E ($2k),umpires/refs 106120399 Contracted Services/Other Expenses 39,750; 43,000 15,160 p 43,100 ($S,2DfI alarm ($300), Add. Of Tt Support 106120450 Insurance and Bonding 11,276, 7,000 4,788 8,000 ($2,600) 106120455 Professional Liability Insurance 1 106120480 Athletic Programs Exepense 30,6031 27,000 8,990 27,000 Fireworks ($5k), 106120491 Dues & Subscriptions 295 500 500 Parade ($1k), Seniors 106120499 Miscellaneous Operating Expenses 7 13,285i 13,000 5,840 13,000 ($3k),andother($4k) 106120520 Capital Outlay - Equipment 938,' 2,400 1,158 4,800\� 106120540 Capital Outlay - Motor Vehicles 106120580 Capital Outlay - Buildin•s swings ($2,400), weight 106120590 Capital Outlay - Powell Bill Funds room ($1,200), and Diving Board ($1,200) 106120699 Expenditures from Donations 5,506 106120750 Lease/Purchase - Debt Principal • 31,957. 31,957 16,356 31,9607N 106120751;Lease/Purchase - Debt Interest 3,959 3,960 1,602 3,960' Debt payment for downtown 106120751 ;Transfer Funds to PARTF Project 17,000 57,000 °� park area \ • - -_ -- - ---------------- $42,000 for 1/3 match - ---- - ---- for Goat Island and $15,000 for Rec. Trails ran Total Expenditures 407,584 425,980 183,103 486,555 nditure Accounts General Fund Proposed FY 2007-2008 Streets and Sanitation 20005-2006 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 . As of --- -----. Acct. No. ;Item Description Actual Budgeted 12/31/06 Proposed Adds one New _ _ 104510121 Salaries 67,702 71,850 34,752 99,000 Employee 104510122 Overtime Salaries 43 500 20 500 _ _ 104510126 Temporary & Part -Time Salaries 104510133 401k Retirement 3,313, 3,600 1,682; 5,000 104510180 Medicare 104510181 FICA 5,067, 5,500 2,614 7,550 104510182 Retirement 3,380 3,600, 1,741 5,000 104510183 Medical Insurance 16,470 19,5001 6,235, 25,000 104510186 Workers Compensation 5,183 5,2001 5,342 5,350 104510189 Unemployment Benefits Paid 104510190 Professional Services - Engineering 104510193 Professional Services - Other 104510212 Uniforms 1,972 2,0001 869 2,200 104510240 Construction/Repairs 335 500 335 5001 104510251 Motor Fuels 8,614 7,2501 3,067 7,250 104510259 Vehicle Supplies 332 2,0001 1,686 2,000, 104510260 Office Supplies 171 500 500 104510298 Treatment Chemicals 1,019 1,200! 1,019 1,200 104510299 Miscellaneous Supplies 4,413 4,000; 1,774 4,000 104510311 Travel and Training J 300; 500 104510321 Telephone & Communications 1,708 1,3001 575 1,500 104510325 Postage 189 2001 100 200 Includes Decorative Lighting in Downtown 104510331 Utilities - Electric 1,421 3,000i 347 3,000 and Riverside _ - 104510333 Utilities - Natural Gas 2,0001 2,000 104510336 Street Lighting 36,497 40,0001 16,671 40,000 104510340 Public Information & Education 250' 18 250 104510351 Repairs to Buildings (non capital) 1 In the Process of I Requesting Proposals 104510352 Repairs to Equipment 2,984 3,0001 8,059 3,500 I for Landscaping, This - 104510353 Repairs to Vehicles 2,985' 4,0001 2,949 3,500 I Number Can Change. - 104510359 Miscellaneous Re airs p 1 I Includes % for Janitorial Work, Add. IT - 104510391 Legal Advertising 100; Support, and $5,000 for - 104510398 Maintenance Contracts 50,5001 32,256 65,000 Tree Maint 104510399 Waste Services 222,898 176,000; 73,634 v`waste 181,280 Mgmt. 104510450 Insurance and Bonding 11,276 13,5001 4,788 12,000 Garbage and 104510455 Professional Liability Insurance 1 Recycling contract, 104510491 tions 90 Dues & Subscriptions 500; 500 Includes a 3% CPI Increase 104510497 Landfill Charges 15,173 17,000! 6,182 17,000 104510499 Miscellaneous Operating Expenses 733 2,000 2,000 104510520 Capital Outlay - Equipment 1,313 9,000 2,000 104510540 Capital Outlay - Motor Vehicles 104510580 Capital Outlay - Buildings 104510590 Capital Outlay - Powell Bill Funds 11,737 45,0001 45,000 104510594 Capital Outlay Sewer System - Funding for Resurfacing 104510596 Capital Outlay - Water System Phase IT of old Town _ _104510750 Lease/Purchase - Debt Principal and other misc. meet 104510751 Lease/Purchase - Debt Interest improvements - Total Expenditures 427,019 494,850 206,715 544,280 unmmreoAccounts General Fund Proposed rYz00ren08 Aoo1No. Item Description -- Inspections Department 2008'2007 2005��U0 . -Actual. _ _ - - — 2008'2007 As of 12/31/08 2007'2008 -BydQtt_ffg- ' -P[oOosed 50.000 617130121 Sa|mioo _ 817130122 Overtime Salaries _ 2.500 O1713O128Temporary & Part -Time Salaries 01T13O1334O1kRetirement 817130180Medicem - 617130181 FICA - 3.800 017130182 Retirement 2.500 617130183 W1adico| |nounonua � 5.500 017130180 Workers Compensation 817130189 Unemployment Benefits Paid � 817130190PrufaoskonarSemicao'Engineerng­ 817130193Pnofesoiono|Semiouu'Aoonuntinq � 017130212 Professional Services 'Legal 01713024O Professional Services 'Other � 617130251 Uniforms 500 G1713O25O Motor Fuels 1'OUU 617130280 Vehicle Supplies | ' 500 81713O270 Office Supplies 500 01713U2Q8 Purchases for Resale | i / O 617130299 Miscellaneous Supplies O 617130311 Travel and Training . | | 500 017130321 Telephone &Communications � | 500 017130325Pnatage | � 500 617130331 Utilities 'Electric 817130333 Utilities ' Natural Gas | G1713U340 Public Information &Education | ( 500 617130351 Repairs tuBuildings (non capital) i O1713O352 Repairs buEquipment | | ! 200 617130353 Rep�mUoVnhidos | � | | 500 81713U35S Legal Advertising 200 617130391 Maintenance Contracts | / 817130398 Contracted Services ! / / 5OU S17130389 Insurance and Bonding 617130450 Professional Liability Insurance 617130481 Dues &Subscriptions | | 200 617130409 Miscellaneous Operating Expenses | | / | 1.000 G1713O52O Capital Outlay 'Equipment . / 617180540Capita Outlay ' Motor Vehicles ! / / O1713O58O Capital Outlay 'Buildings 617130588 Capital Outlay Powell Bill Funds 617150750 Lease/Purchase ' Debt Principal O1713U751!Lease/Purchase ' Debt Interest Total Expenditures 71,400 EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT Difference Difference between FY As of between FY 07 and FY Department Actual Budgeted 112/31/06 Proposed 07 and FY 08 08 Governing Board 23,500 9,670 32,700 9,200 28% General Government 403,100 409,590 198,340 484,125 74,535 15% Planning/Zoning Department 102,915 83,800 31,260 89,160 5,360 6% Police Department 591,655 782,316 425,152 870,642I 88,326 10% Fire Department 112,839 122,714 61,357 132,438 9,724 7% Recreation Department 417,712 425,980 183,102 486,555 60,575 12% Street/Sanitation Department 503,780 494,850 206,713 544,280 49,430 9% Inspections Department 0 0 0 71,400 Total Expenditures 2,132,001 2,342,750 1,105,924 2,711,300 368,550 14% er and Wastewater Fund REVENUES Proposed FY 2007-2008 ater and Wastewater Fund Revenues Water Use Fees Water Reconnection Fees Water Access Fees Water Penalty Fees Water Deposit Fees Wastewater Use Fees Wastewater Access Fees Earnings on Investments Sale of Materials/Fixed Assets Miscellaneous Revenue Sale of Wastewater Services to Belmont Transfer From General Fund Fund Balance Appropriated Capital Reserve Appropriated 2005-2006 2006-200.7_ Actual Budgeted 666,988, 667,800 13,191, 13,000 118,900 60,000 27,331 24,000 2006-2007 200_7-2008_ $738,300 if based on 1/2 FY 2007 Totals. As of 12/31/06 Proposed v The figure represents a total 5% increase 936,888, 1,052,100' 415,000 90,000 5,110; 5,000, 2,500' 4,459 5,000 63,535 25,000 369,152 775000 ' in per 1,000 gallon rates and minimum 5,396 13,000 ($36,915). Total would be $775,215 49,090 70,000 14,264 26,000 465,954 62,000 18,580, 0' 0 $931,908 is based on 1/2 FY 2007 totals. 978, 500 ; The fies oat: 5%increase in pergure 1,000 gareprllonsentratesatatnd miniincrmumas 90,000 rates ($46,595). Total would be 20,000! $978,500 1,500 5,000 *8ased Revenue on 0 60,000 $5,000/month 100,000; Total Water & Sewer Fund Revenues 2,187,8671 2,007,935 984,436! 2,139,000 ENDITURE ACCOUNTS WATER DEPARTMENT BUDGET YEAR 2007-2008 r 2005-2006 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 As of Acct. No. Item Description Actual Budgeted 12/31/06 Proposed a 617130121 Salaries 73,376 76,000 37,694 63,000 Adds one employee 6171301220vertime Salaries 291 108 1,000 617130126 Temporary & Part -Time Salaries 617130133.401k Retirement 3,629 3,800 1,835 3,1.50 61713018 0 ' Medicare 617130181 FICA 5,636 5,750 2,888 4,850 617130182 Retirement 3,674 3,800 1,878 3,150 617130183 Medical Insurance 9,285. 12,050 4,441 11,500 617130186 Workers Compensation 4,000 4,000 1,662 4,000 617130189 Unemployment Benefits Paid 617130190 Professional Services - Engineering 26,566 15,000 2,176 20,000. 617130193 Professional Services - Other 770 3,500 4,010 5,000 617130212 Uniforms 1,056 900 355, 900' 617130240 Construction/Repairs 23,786 20,000 26,287: 30,000' 617130251 Motor Fuels 2,413 2,500 1,105 2,500 { 617130259 Vehicle Supplies 342 500 96, 500 _ 617130260 Office Supplies 786 1,000 715 1,000''Increased Water Usage 617130270 Purchases for Resale 414,186 420,000 185,270; 475,000 and Purchase from 617130298 Treatment Chemicals I Gastonia 617130299 Miscellaneous Supplies 2,123 3,000 84 3,000 617130311 Travel and Training 730 500 1 5001 617130321 Telephone & Communications 1,206 1,000 440' 1,000 617130325 Postage 4,300 2,500 2,2821 4,000 617130331 Utilities - Electric 2,000 2,500! 617130333 Utilities - Natural Gas 1,000 1,000r 617130340 Public Information & Education 38 500 1,000 617130351 Repairs to Buildings (non capital) 617130352 Repairs to Equipment 1,618 1,000 191 ! 1,000 617130353 Repairs to Vehicles 676 1,000 402 1,000 617130359 Miscellaneous Repairs 2,300 LIncludes 1/3of housekeeping for 617130391 Legal Advertising �- r 300 300 public works bldg. 617130398 Maintenance Contracts 200 1,000 617130399 Contracted Services/Other Services 2,359 2,400 7481 2,400 617130450 Insurance and Bonding 11,430 6,000 4,788 6;0001 617130491 Dues & Subscriptions 770 500 330 ! 500 617130499 Miscellaneous Operating Expenses )► 4" compound meters for ABFTruck Terminal 617130520 Capital Outlay - Equipment 1,113.. 25,000 7,500 617130540 Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles 36,356 - - 617130580 Capital Outlay - Buildings I." Complete Six Projects 617130596 Capital Outlay - Water System 150,000 215,0001 In CIP, Phase 1 617130750 Lease/Purchase - Debt Principal 16,000 !� 617130751 Lease/Purchase - Debt Interest _ 617140900 Transfer to General Fund 15,000, 30,000: 30,000 Partial Payment of Transfer to Inspections Dept. 15,000. USDA Project Total Expenditures 649,817 795,700 279,785 934,250 Acct. No. 617140121 617140122 617140126 617140133 ENDITURE ACCOUNTS Item Description Salaries Overtime Salaries Temporary & Part -Time Salaries 401k Retirement 617140180 617140181 Medicare FICA WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT BUDGET YEAR 2007-2008 2005-2006 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 As of Actual Budgeted 12/31/06 Proposed 133,216 145,200 66,783 160,000 11,121 10,000 7,487 12,000 7,172 7,260 3,638 11,007 11,150 8,000 5,661 12,200 617140182.Retirement 7,198 7,290 3,714 8,000 _ 617140183 Medical Insurance 19,525 24,100 6,661 26,000 617140186 Workers Compensation 6,615 6,800 9,971 ' 10,000' _ 617140189 Unemployment Benefits Paid _Pretreatment 617140190 Professional Services - Engineering 28,945 50,000 9,680 25,000. program, _- and other various 617140191 'Professional Services - Accounting - engineering costs 617140192; Professional Services - Legal 617140193 Professional Services - Other 1,000. 617140195 Other Services - Sludge Disposal 20,827 35,000 18,222: 30,000 617140199Consulting Services - Other 7,000. 7,000 617140212 IUniforms 1,410 2,000, 757 2,000:: 6171402401Construction/Repairs 25,759 65,000 30,901; 65,000 617140251 !Motor Fuels 5,302 7,000 2,924'; 7,0001 617140259:Vehicle Supplies 544 2,000,831 ' 2,0001 617140260 Office Supplies 951 2,000 I 719 2,500,/Increase cost for 6171402981Treatment Chemicals 4,535 15,000 6,732 30,000 treatment of 617140299 Miscellaneous Supplies 13,678 22,000' 21,450, 22,000! wastewater due to 617140311 Travel and Training 2,702 4,0001 2,634' .4,000 plant upgrades 617140321.Telephone & Communications 8,009 7,5001 3,252' 8,500 0Sharew/ Water Dept. 617140325 Postage 4,354 2,5001 2,330 4,000 for outsourcing billing 617140331 Utilities - Electric 125,651 138,0001 61,610 120,000 617140333 Utilities - Natural Gas 2,042 4,0001 5,000 617140340 Public Information & Education 56 200 1,000 617140351 Repairs to Buildings (non capital) 134 500 500 6171403521Repairs to Equipment 76,462 65,000 33,056 65,000 Includes electrical work, 6171403531Repairs to Vehicles 3,156 2,500i 652 2,500 I lab work, sewer line 6171403591 Miscellaneous Repairs 38,464 5,000 128 5,000 I cleaningnspectionsand i, 617140391 Legal Advertising 1 253 100, ' 1001 housekeeping, grounds - 6171403981 Maintenance Contracts 45,000 maintenance, and ROW - IL 6171403991 Contracted Services 53,259 80,000; 43,435 35,000 clearing - 6171404501Insurance and Bonding 11,276 6,000' 4,788I 6,000 617140490 Other Operating Costs 4,965 5,000 4,215: 5,000 � Permits 617140491 Dues & Subscriptions 1,810 4,000 j 369; 4,000 state 617140499lMiscellaneous Operating Expenses 1,885 5,000! . 703, 5,000 6171405201Capital Outlay - Equipment 40,000, 16,000 617140540; Capital Outlay - Motor Vehicles 617140580 ! Capital Outlay - Buildings 617140590 Capital Outlay - Powell Bill Funds 617140594. Capital Outlay Sewer System 5,877 75,000 25,000 617140750' Lease/Purchase - Debt Principal 252,450 252,450 , Transfer to GF for , 61-7140751 Lease/Purchase - Debt Interest 65,685 121,0004 --------------- ----------------- --- partial payment of salaries, legal fees, and 617140900 General Fund Transfer - 15,000 30,000 30,000 auditing - 617140394 Transfer to Cap. Project CIP and GIS 50,000 0 - -- --------- Loan Payment for USDA 16,000 Total Expenditures 703,158 1,212,235 353,303 1,204,750 ormwater Fund REVENUES Proposed FY 2007-2008 Stormwater Revenues Stormwater User Fees 2005-2006 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-200.8_ Actual Budgeted As of 12/31/06 Proposed 0 0 0 60,000 TotaA Revenues 0 0 0 60,000 penditure Accounts Stormwater Fund Proposed FY 2007-2008 Acct. N Item Description 190 Professional Services -Engineering 240 Construction/Repairs 900 Transfer to General Fund Stormwater Fund 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 Actual Budgeted Proposed 0 40,000 10,000 10,000 Total Expenditures 0 0 60,000 TOWN OF CRAMERTON FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 I::U DGET ORDINANCE E IT ORDAINED I: Y THE I: OARU OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF CRAMP' TON, NORTH CAROLINA THAT: The annual budget ordinance be adopted for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2007, and ending June 30, 2008. I:. SECTION 1. The schedules of expenditures listed in Exhibit A of this ordinance, and incorporated herein by reference, are hereby appropriated for the operation and activity of each fund for the 2007-2008 Fiscal Year in accordance with the chart of accounts heretofore established for the Town of Cramerton. SECTION 2. The schedules of revenues listed in Exhibit A of this ordinance, and incorporated herein by reference, are established to be available for each fund for the 2007-2008 Fiscal Year. SECTION 3. There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of forty-two and five -tenths cents ($.425) per one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation of property listed for Taxes as of January 1, 2006, for the purpose of raising the revenue listed as "Current Ad Valorem Taxes" and "Classified Motor Vehicle Tax" in the General Fund. The County of Gaston shall collect these taxes for the Town. SECTION 4. The Town Manager shall be authorized to reallocate appropriations among the various operating line items within a department. SECTION 5. The transfer of funds from department to another department shall be accomplished by the Board's authorization only. The 2007-2008 Fiscal Year Budget hereby establishes funds and departments as shown in Exhibit A, and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 6. The Town Manager shall be authorized to hire personnel in positions authorized by the Board and set the compensation in accordance with the Pay Classification Plan in the Personnel Policy. The Town Manager shall be authorized to award merit increases to employees as deemed appropriate subject to the Pay Classification Plan. SECTION 7. Copies of this Budget Ordinance, with detail fund and department accounts, shall be furnished to the Town Clerk and Town Finance Officer to be kept by them for their direction on disbursement of funds. SECTION 8. A public hearing on the budget was held on June 5, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, prior to the vote on this Ordinance. Motion by to adopt this 2007-2008 Fiscal Year Budget Ordinance and Budget. Seconded by and the vote carried in the affirmative. Adopted this the 5th day of June 2007. Mayor Ronald G. Murphy ATTEST: LuAnn A. Ellis, Town Clerk TOWN OF FRAME i" TON FISCAL. YEAR 2007-2008 BUDGET ORDINANCE EXHIBIT A EXPENDITU ES I:. Y FUND AND DEP i';TMENT GENERAL FUND EXPENDITU!" ES Governing Board $32,700 General Government Services $484,125 Planning and Zoning $89,160 Police Services $870,642 Fire Department $132,438 Parks and Recreation $486,555 Streets and Sanitation $544,280 Inspections $71,400 Total General Fund Expenditures $2,711,300 WATER/WASTEWATER FUND EXPENDITURES Water Services Wastewater Services $934,250 $1,204,750 Total Water/Wastewater Fund Expenditures $2,139,000 STORMWATER FUND EXPENDITURES Stormwater Services $60,000 Total Stormwater Fund Expenditures $60,000 Total Budgeted Expenditures FY 07-08 $4,910,300 REVENUES Y FUND GENERAL FUND REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes $1,557,300 Unrestricted Intergovernmental $682,000 Restricted Intergovernmental $95,000 Permits and Fees $66,000 Investment Earnings $25,000 Miscellaneous Revenue $21,000 Contracted Police Services $130,000 ABC Board Contribution $5,000 Transfer from Water and Wastewater Fund $75,000 Transfer from Stormwater Fund $10,000 Powell Bill Appropriation $45,000 Total Projected Revenue FY 07-08 $2,711,300 WATER & WASTEWATER FUND REVENUES Water and Wastewater Fees $1,753,500 Penalties $39,000 Access Fees $160,000 Contracted Services $60,000 Interest/Miscellaneous Revenue $26,500 Capital Reserve Appropriation $100,000 Total Projected Revenue FY 07-08 $2,139,000 STORMWATER FUND REVENUES Stormwater Fees $60,000 Total Stormwater Fund Revenue FY 07-08 $60,000 Gross evenues for FY 07-08 $4,910,300 T (1) WN C' . .M s CRAMERTON 441 c As" FY 2007-2008 FEE SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE G1 ATE DULY 19 20 17 WATER AND WASTEWATER RATES IN TOWN RATE STRUCTURE WATER Minimum Water Bill for 2,000 Gallons: $13.25/2,000 Each 1,000 gallons: $6.05/1,000 WASTEWAILR Minimum Sewer 'rill for 2,000 Gallons: $17.65/2,000 Each 1,000 gallons after $6.35/1,000 OUT OF TOWN RATE STRUCTURE WATER Minimum Water Bill for 2,000 Gallons: $26.46/2,000 Each 1,000 gallons: $12.14/1,000 WASTEWATER Minimum Sewer Bill for 2,000 Gallons: $35.28/2,000 Each 1,000 gallons $12.68/1,000 INDUSTRIAL RATE STRUCTURE WATER SAME AS ABOVE WASTEWAILR $3.97/1,000 Gallons WATER AND WASTEWATER ACCESS AND TAP FEES WATER FEES IN TOWN Resident (1" or less): $2,100 Commercial (4" or less): $3,100 Industrial (Larger than 4"): Negotiated WASTEWA'1'I R IN TOWN Resident (1" or less): $2,600 Commercial (4" or less): $3,600 Industrial (Larger than 4"): Negotiated OUT OF TOWN Resident (1" or less): $2,300 Commercial (4" or less): $3,300 Industrial (Larger than 4"): Negotiated OUT OF TOWN Resident (1" or less): $3,000 Commercial (4" or less): $4,000 Industrial (Larger than 4"): Negotiated IRRIGATION METERS (set off an existing service line): $500.00 (This does not include the installation of an approved backflow prevention device). All permits must be submitted to the Water Depaitiiient and approved by the Town's certified Cross Connection specialist. WATER DEPOSIT: $100.00 (Renter's Only). Homeowners are not required to have a deposit. $100.00 Commercial/Industrial Client (Owner) Temporary Water Service: $25.00 Late Payment Fee: $10.00 Reconnect Fee: $25.00 (First Time) Reconnect Fee: $50.00 (Second and Subsequent Time) Bulk Water Sale: $25.00 for first 2,000 gallons and $6.50 per 1,000 gallons after the first 2,000 gallons. NOTE: Access fees listed above only covers the installation off water meters purchased by the Town of Cramerton. Access fees listed above only covers wastewater taps that have already been installed by the developer. Any additional costs for new construction required to provide water and wastewater service shall be borne by the owner. STORMWATER FEES Residential Single Family: $3.00 Residential Multi Family: $1.50 per unit Light Retail/Commercial/Institutional: $7.50 Industrial/Heavy Commercial/Retail: $15.00 Irrigation Residential: $1.50 Irrigation Commercial: $3.00 GARBAGE/RECYCLING/YARD WASTE/BULK ITEM COLLECTION FEES GARBAGE/YARD WASTE COLLECTION and RECYCLING One garbage cart and one recycling bin are provided to each town residence through property taxes. Debris Truck Rental: First use each year: No Charge, Each subsequent use: $40.00 White Goods Collection: $5.00 per item (please contact Town Hall for collection requests). CODE ENFORCEMENT FEES In addition to civil and North Carolina State Citations, the Code Enforcement Officer will invoice property owners for lawn maintenance or removal of personal property at the Town's cost plus 25% administrative fees. The minimum invoice will be $100.00. PLANNING AND ZONING FEES Residential Zoning Permits New Home Construction: $50.00 Multi -Family: $50.00 per unit Home Additions/Expansions: $50.00 Accessory Structures: $20.00 Internal Up -fit (No Expansion): $20.00 Zoning Verification Letter: $5.00 Non -Residential Zoning Permits Up to 1,000 sq ft: $75.00 1,001 sq ft - 5,000 sq ft: $100.00 5,001 sq ft - 10,000 sq ft: $125.00 Over 10,000: $150.00 plus $50.00 for each additional 10,000 sq ft Sign Permits Residential: $20.00 Commercial/Industrial/CBD (On -Site Signs): $30.00 Commercial/Industrial/CBD (Off -Site Signs): $100.00 Zoning Map or Text Change Application: $400.00 Conditional Use Application: $400.00 Variance Application: $250.00 Appeals: $250.00 Subdivision Review Preliminary Plat Submission: 0-50 lots $250.00 + $5.00 per lot 51+ lots $10.00 per lot Preliminary Plat Resubmission: 0-50 lots $250.00 51+ lots $5.00 per lot Construction Plan Submission: $400.00 + Town Engineering Cost Billed Monthly During Project (To be applied to all Site Plans and Subdivision Plans that involves infrastructure installations. Construction Inspection/Engineering services to cover: Potable water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, curb and gutter, streets, and sidewalk facilities). Final Plat Submission: $250.00 + Final Town Engineering Fees (Balance of Above Fees Due Prior to Approval) VR ercial / lindnstrial Site Plan Review: $4©0 ©O + All Applicable Town eering bees econIlbination/IExelmpt/IEasement flats: $50.00 Driveway Cut Permit: Residential $20.00 / All Other $150M0 Ordinance Copies Code of Ordinances (Does not include Land Development Code): $35.00 Land Development Ordinance: $35.00 CD/Digital Copy: $10.00 Individual Ordinance Chapter: $5.00 each Land Use Plan: $20.00 Geographical Information System (GIS) Services Zoning Map: $5.00 Small / $10.00 Large $25.00 per hour and $5.00 for small page and $10.00 per large page New evelopnnnennt Street Signage: The Town of Cramerton will provide street signage for new developments at cost plus twenty-five percent (25%). s1 GENERAL GOVERNMENT FEES Copies: Public Documents: First five pages free and each page after: $0.20 each Copies: Non-public documents: $0.25 per page, front/back: $0.50 per page, legal: $0.35 per page Notary Public Stamp: $2.00 per signature Police Reports: $2.00 (Also available online) Rental Property Permits: $10.00 per year Yard Sale Permits: $5.00 Peddler/Solicitation Permit: $25.00 Privilege License Fees Are Listed In A Separate Privilege License Fee Schedule PARKS AND RECREATION FEES Community Center Rental: Resident Rate: $50.00 per day with $25.00 deposit fee. Non -Resident Rate: $100.00 per day with $25.00 deposit fee. Dance Classes: $12.00 per hour Ballfield Rentals: Resident Rate: $50.00 Non -Resident Rate: $100.00 Gymnasium Rentals: Per Day $200.00 and $25.00 per hour. icnic Shelter Rental: $10.00 per day Swimming Pool Fees: $3.00 per pass/per day and $4.00 per day for reserved swimming. Individual Annual Pass: $60.00 (Residents) and $75.00 (Non -Residents) Family Annual Pass: $130.00 (Residents) and $160.00 (Non -Residents) (Note: Family Pass consists of four family members). Swimming Pool Parties: $150.00 (Residents) and $200.00 (Non -Residents) (Note: Fee includes 2 lifeguards and if you have more than 50 guests you must have another lifeguard ($30.00 additional fee) **Parties can be booked from 5:30pm to 8:30pm, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and Saturday mornings from 9:00am to 12:00 noon. * * Concessions are available at the pool for prices set by the Recreation Dep.' lt'lent. Swimming Lessons: $20.00 for residents and $30.00 for non-residents (See Recreation Center for more details). Fitness Center Individual (Resident): $10.00 per month Individual Senior (Resident): $5.00 per month Family of 3 (Resident): $30.00 per month (add $10.00 per additional family member). Individual (Non -Resident): $20.00 per month Individual Senior (Non -Resident): $10.00 per month Family of 3 (Non -Resident): $50.00 per month (add $10.00 per additional family member). Team Sports Registration: $45.00 (Residents) and $60.00 (Non -Residents). This document may be amended at any time throughout the 2007-2008 Fiscal Year. Adopted this the 5th day of June 2007. ATTEST: Mayor LuAnn A. Ellis, Town Clerk onald G. Murphy N''oe �rtchttCarolina ,Naturally Mr. Jamie Shytle Public Works Director Town of Cramerton 155 North Main Street Cramerton, NC 28032 Dear Mr. Shytle: Michael F. Easley. Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek. P. E. Director Division of Water Quality Colcen H. Sullins. Deputy Director Division of Water Quality July 22, 2004 Subject: Non -Discharge Compliance Inspection Wastewater Collection System Permit No. WQCS00058 Cramerton - Gaston County Enclosed is a copy of the Collection System Inspection Report for the inspection conducted on May 18, 2004 by Ms. Barbara Sifford of this office. Ms. Sifford met with you and Mr. Hubert Hampton for the inspection. Please note that the sections completed on the report pertain only to the areas that were checked during the inspection. The collection system for the Town of Cramerton consists of 17 miles of sewer line, two miles of force main and ten pump stations that convey wastewater to the City of Cramerton WWTP (NPDES NC0006033) for treatment, The collection system is classified as a Class 2. Generally, the inspection revealed that the Town's collection system is being properly operated and maintained. However, some deficiencies were noted and are listed in the inspection report. Other deficiencies noted are addressed in the compliance schedules listed in the Town's collection system permit. A response to this letter is not necessary, but a follow up inspection will be conducted. Performance Standards The Town of Cramerton has a Sewer Use Ordinance and has taken enforcement action against Burger King for grease violations during the past year. A Capitol Improvement Plan (CIP) should be approved by July 2004 and submitted to this office, as stated in Section I., Item 5 of the Permit. A pump failure contingency plan has been developed for each pump station, listing emergency contorts and supply parts for the station. All pump stations had notification signs with emergency numbers listed for notification of alarms. �DENR N. C. Division of Water Quality, Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Page 2 Mr. Shytle July 22, 2004 Inspections There was no documentation of the annual inspection requirement of all lines in the system. A plan for this documentation is to be developed by Mr. Hampton. Footage documentation of line cleaning exceeds the minimum ten percent requirement. High priority lines and aerials need to be inspected twice a year and the inspection must be documented. A log that includes dates, response time, action taken, and cause of problem needs to be maintained. The attached compliance evaluation inspection lists the information that should be available for review. This information is necessary to provide the justification claim in Part II of the sewer spill reporting form. This is the basis for our determining the need for any enforcement action. Operation and Maintenance Documentation listed in this section of the report, for pump stations, emergency generators, and right of way maintenance needs to be established and maintained for review during an inspection. The Phase I of the ROW maintenance clearing was submitted to this office in January 2004. During the inspection it was noted that these areas were cleared and now are not accessible because of development projects adjacent to the sewer line. Excess dirt has been piled up along the line that prevents routine mowing of the line and access by vehicle to the line for maintenance. It is the Town's responsibility to maintain accessibility to these lines. Pump Stations Eight pump stations were inspected. Audible and visual alarms need to be functional at each pump station as a backup to the telemetry system Each pump station should have a high water control float and high water alarm. General housekeeping was acceptable at each of the stations and all pumps were present and operable. A quick connect for the generator was available at all stations that do not have on site generation. Quick connect plugs will be replaced when the new portable generator is purchased. At this time the old generator is not operational, therefore contractor service for pump and hail is used in emergency situations. The two stations on SCADA track pump -run hours, no other pump stations track pump -run times. The future WWTP expansion will provide SCADA for several more pump stations. The two ejector stations are old but are currently operating reliably and have high water floats in the manhole adjacent to the pump wet well. Page 3 Mr. Shytle July 22, 2004 Records Records of all spills and complaints need to be maintained for tracking trouble spots in the collection system. A partial map of the system is available showing some of the lines and pump stations. New subdivisions and pump stations need to be added to the map including the new lines to the WWTP. Manhole Manholes inspected were in good condition, including covers. The only sign of overflow was at the Baltimore Pump Station, which had an overflow on April 23, 2004. All other areas checked were free of visible signs of overflow, sinkholes, or depressions; and there were no bypass structures or pipes. One manhole adjacent to the Baltimore Pump Station had root growth between the invert and the manhole All other manholes checked during the inspection were free flowing and unrestricted. Monitoring and Reporting Requirements No press releases or public notices were required for 2002 and 2003. An annual collection system report listing spills and general information about the system is posted at Town Hall for citizens to review. Lines / Right -of —Ways/ Aerial Lines A compliance schedule for cleaning right-of-ways is listed in the permit. Phase I was completed as required by January 15, 2004, and documentation was submitted to this office. During the inspection it was noted that several of the areas that were cleared are now not accessible due to construction near the easements. It is the responsibility of the permittee to maintain these right-of-ways and keep them accessible. It is requested that all Phase I right -of- ways be cleared (and be made accessible) on or before September 30, 2004. Upon completion of Phase I, please notify this office. Failure to abide by the conditions of the permit may result in enforcement action by the Division in accordance with NCGS 143-215.6. All lines that were accessible were free of sinkholes, and showed no evidence of leakage. One aerial was checked on the Market Street Outfall and was in good condition. All aerials and high priority lines are to be inspected every six months and documented. Attachment A of the permit has a list of these sections. Documentation for lines cleaned for this year exceeds the minimum ten percent required. Page 4 Mr. Shytle July 22, 2004 If you have any questions concerning this inspection report or noted record keeping requirements, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sifford or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, PE Water Quality Regional Supervisor Enclosure Cc: Gaston County Health Department NDPU Raleigh BS Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WQCS00058 Effective: 12/31/03 Expiration: 12/31/07 Owner: Town of Cramerton Effective: Expiration: Facility: Cramerton Collection System 155 N Main St SOC: County: Gaston Region: Mooresville Contact Person: M. David Young Directions to Facility: Primary ORC: Thomas J Shytle Certification: 27991 Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: NC0006033 Town of Cramerton - Eagle Road WWTP NC0055948 Town of Cramerton - Cramerton WWTP Inspection Date: 05/18/2004 Primary Inspector: Barbara Sifford Secondary Inspector(s) Cramerton NC 28032 Entry Time: 09:15 AM Exit Time: 04:00 PM Phone: 704-824-4337 Ext. Phone: 704-825-7499 Phone: Phone: 704-663-1699 Ext. Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance Permit Inspection Type: Collection system management and operation Facility Status: • Compliant 0 Not Compliant Inspection Summary: Overall the system is in good operating condition. Annual collection system inspection and high priority line inspections need to be documented. Continue ROW clearing as in permit schedule. Keep grease traps maintained by restaurants. Purchase new generator and replace quick connects at lift stations for emergency hook up. Continue to operate and load test pump stations having on site generators on a monthly schedule. Develop a schedule to load test portable generator. Weekly inspections need to document the testing of alarms and dialer communication reliability. Page: 1 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton - Cramerton Collection System Inspection Date: 05/18/04 Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance performance Standards Is Public Education Program for grease established and documented? If no, provide schedule of compliance What educational tools are used? Monthly newsletter mailing contains information and the annual report. Is Sewer Use Ordinance/Legal Authority available? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Does it appear that the Sewer Use Ordinance is enforced? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Is Grease Trap Ordinance available? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Is Septic Tank Ordinance available? 0 • ❑ ❑ If no, provide schedule of compliance List enforcement actions by permitte, if any, in the last 12 months . Violation letter was sent to Burger King for failure to maintain grease trap. This is on the Market St. outfall where grease problems were noted in previous inspections. Has an acceptable Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) been implemented? ❑ R ❑ ❑ If no, provide schedule of compliance July 1, 2004 Does CIP address short term needs and long term \"master plan\" concepts? 000. Does CIP cover three to five year period? 000. Does CIP include Goal Statement? ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 Does CIP include description of project area? 00011 Does CIP include description of existing facilities? 0 ❑ ❑ • Does CIP include known deficiencies? 0 0 0 • Does CIP include forecasted future needs? 000. Is CIP designated only for wastewater collection and treatment? 0 ❑ 0 • Approximate capital improvement budget for collection system? Total annual revenue for wastewater collection and treatment? CIP Comments : A compliance schedule is included in the collection system permit for completion of an approved CIP - to be submitted to MRO WQ section by July 1, 2004. Is system free of known points of bypass? 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ If no, describe type of bypass and location Is a 24-hour notification sign posted at ALL pump stations? 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ Does the sign include: Instructions for notification? 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ Pump station identifier? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ • 24-hour contact numbers ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ If no, provide a schedule of compliance If no, list deficient pump stations Do ALL pump stations have an "auto polling" feature/SCADA? 0 1 ❑ ❑ Number of pump stations 10 Number of pump stations that have SCADA 2 Number of pump stations that have simple telemetry 2 Number of pump stations that have only audible and visual alarms 6 Number of pump stations that do not meet permit requirements 0 Provide a schedule of compliance Comment: Pump stations with only audible and visual alarms need to be tested weekly to document reliability. Dialers should also be tested weekly to document communications capability. Inspections Yes No NA NF ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ YeS No NA NF Page: 2 Permit: WQCS00058 Inspection Date: 05/18/04 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton - Cramerton Collection System Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance Inspections Are maintenance records for sewer lines available? Are records available that document pump station inspections? Are SCADA or telemetry equipped pump stations inspected at least once a week? Are non-SCADA/telemetry equipped pump stations inspected every day? Are records available that document citizen complaints? Are records available that document an annual observation of entire system? Has there been an observation of entire system in the last year? Are records available that document inspections of high -priority lines? Has there been visual inspections of high -priority lines in last 6 months? Comment: Documentation of the annual inspection and of high priority lines needs to be completed. Attachment A of the permit has 5 lines identified as high priority. Operation & Maintenance Requirements Are all log books available? Does supervisor review all log books on a regular basis? Does the supervisor have plans to address documented short-term problem areas? What is the schedule for reviewing inspection, maintenance, & operations logs and problem areas? Monthly Is a schedule maintained for testing emergency/standby equipment? Are maintenance records for equipment available? If no, provide schedule for compliance What is the scedule for testing emergency/standby equipment? Yes No NA NF ■ ❑ O ❑ 1111000 !MOOD MOOD • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ O ■ ❑ ❑ Yps No NA NF • ❑ ❑ ❑ MODO ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑❑❑ 1 ❑ O ❑ Monthly Toad test on site generators Do pump station logs include: Inside and outside cleaning and debris removal? 0.00 Inspecting and exercising all valves? OMOD Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other equipment? ❑ 1 0 O Inspecting alarms, telemetry and auxiliary equipment? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ If no, provide schedule for compliance August 15, 2004 Is there at least one spare pump for each pump station w/o pump reliability? • ❑ ❑ ❑ If no, provide schedule for compliance Are maintenance records for right-of-ways available? O NOD Are right-of-ways currently accessible in the event of an emergency? 0.00 If no, provide schedule for compliance Permit has schedule for ROW clearing Are system cleaning records available? 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ Has at least 10% of system been cleaned annually? MOOD If no, provide schedule for compliance What areas are scheduled for cleaning in the next 12 months? No established areas are scheduled for the next year. Is a Spill Response Action Plan available? 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ Does the plan include: 24-hour contact numbers 1 ❑ ❑ O Response time MOOD Equipment list and spare parts inventory 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ Access to cleaning equipment 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ Page: 3 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton - Cramerton Collection System Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance c0 0 o o O Uco O lk ei co 0 O v E a°' O) 07 a c 1000000 D ❑ ❑ ❑ D D ❑ ■ O D ❑ D ■ O ■ ■ ■ ■ • m 0 a) c • m 0 co O N 0 0 U 3 E c O 0) 0 O (0 3) 0 Q Source of emergency funds Site sanitation and cleanup materials Post-overflow/spill assessment Is a Spill Response Action Plan available for all personnel? Is the spare parts inventory adequate? Baltimore Street a) 00000000000111000011111000000000 D ❑ a 000000000000000000000000000 00 D D O D D D O D❑❑❑ D D D❑❑ D❑❑❑❑ D■ ❑DOD 00 o ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ D ❑ ■ ■ ■ ■ ❑ D ■ ■ ■ ■ O ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Pump station type Are pump station logs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? Is general housekeeping acceptable? Are all pumps present? c•-• 0 3) 0 c < < < < Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" featurelSCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Is an emergency generator available? Are backflow devices in place? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? Is the fuel tank full? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton - Cramerton Collection System Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance 10000 O O O O O 0011 ■ ■ ■ ❑ Emergency phone number Is public access limited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Yes Strtson monitored Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? Comment: Overflow at PS manhole on 4/23/2004, lime and straw are still visible at the site. #9 Groves Pump station type O O O O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ■ O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O 00000000000000000000000000 O O O O O O ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ O O ❑ ■ ■ ❑ ■ ■ ■ ❑ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ■ O ❑ O O ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Are pump station logs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? Is general housekeeping acceptable? Are all pumps present? a• ) (0 0 0 0 0 E d 0 a) 0 0 0 a) 0 0 N C 0) (0 0) .0 a) a) (0 0) 0) 0) 0 a) E a) 0 C (0 E E (0 a) N a a) cs.a; (`0 0) a 0 N E (0 a E 0_ (0 0 0 0 0, (0 0 0) < < < Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Is an emergency generator available? Are backflow devices in place? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? Is the fuel tank full? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: O 0000 O 0000 O 0000 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? Emergency phone number Is public access limited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? E 0, O U m O U 0)0 m E (0 U O 0) m E 0 U O 0 0 0 LL L 0) c 0 Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance co co co o o cr o m U o hk ui m 0 c 0 E aa) d 0 a 5 Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? ▪ m m 7 3 m U O ._ .c m f0 � E U c ai a) • cr.• co m 3 • L f0 = O • c 'V O EU O y0 c N m o c-0 O 0) s � m co 0 • 0 0)) E m OCh m 0 0. 1 > E • m a m C 0) 0) 0 a a) a) n n E r 7 O [0 < a>, a) EO 2 := • n3 a a E $ 0 OU 0 O m • W E a c • 0 0 2 E • 0 0 < U a co O ❑ ❑ ❑ D ❑ODD ❑ ❑ D O ■ ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ■ ■ ❑ D D D D D ❑ 000000 a O D D D O D 0 0 0 0■■ O D O O D O D❑❑ O❑ O■■ D 000000 g DODO 0 0 D D 0 0 0❑ O D O R❑❑ ❑ D O D O ■❑❑ D 000000 0 ❑' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ D O ■ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ D D ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ } Pump station type Are pump station logs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? Is general housekeeping acceptable? Are all pumps present? N N CD • Q) 1 > a > 0) O 0) N co X E U a.) 0) N O a) 0) N o 2 0.�• a) a) w N 13 a) a u! L bO 0) a) O • c co f0 0 Cl. n. E u) E c a) c.) E i o 3 2 0) n TA co co• 3 o G 0 0) a) 0) < < < Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Is an emergency generator available? Are backflow devices in place? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? Is the fuel tank full? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? Emergency phone number Is public access limited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? E E 2 c e\ {o co 0 CD w O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O■■■■ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O■ O O O O O O O O O O O O■■ O O O O O O O) I O O O O O O O O■■■ O op O■ O O O O■■ O■ O O O DDDDDD ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ O O O O ■ ■ ■ O O O O O O O ■ O D O ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ k Pump station type Are pump station logs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? Is general housekeeping acceptable? Are all pumps present? % § \ En \ j % & 0 E § 0 k E \ "a) \ ( k co / / E § [ \ ) \ \ 0 / o e o 0 < < < < Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Is an emergency generator available? Are backflow devices in place? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? Is the fuel tank full? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? Emergency phone number Is public access limited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? #4 Eighth Ave Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton - Cramerton Collection System WQCS00058 Pump station type ❑ D ❑ ❑ D ❑ D ❑ D ❑ D ❑ D D D ❑ ■ ■ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ D ❑ D D ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ D ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ D D D ❑ ❑ ❑ D D D ❑ D O ❑ ■ ❑ D ❑ ■ D ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ o ❑ ❑ D ❑ ❑ D ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ D ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ❑ O DDDDDD ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ O O ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ■ D ❑ ❑ D ❑ O ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Are pump station logs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? Is general housekeeping acceptable? Are all pumps present? h 3 0 a) > O O c y . N N O L L N 2 ✓ • > oa a) N O > y a) N X E U a)a7 )< o ID O CO c-• o y a) 2 o o. 2 • N L O c N O C N o n E • o Cl.• �' E o E o 0 c.) 7 3 E N a m 3 a a) a) a) • 0) < < < < Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Is an emergency generator available? Are backflow devices in place? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? Is the fuel tank full? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? Emergency phone number Is public access limited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? N ro L U a a) 0) = • 'n a) 0 C C C O 0 U 7 Ti O C E N N O N co o a) C C a) rnL 0 co n L U CO • E o_ 3 ) c m m N U0 L a 'Z0 0 7 N a 0 CO 0 N 7 > • y• m r E •- o `0 3 4- m 0) a) ▪ N 7 m a a a) 0 U a a) a) O c U r 0 0 a) a 6 E ...� C ( • E Q U N co 'ai D O co n D ❑ ❑ ❑ o ■ ■ Pump station type Are pump station logs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton - Cramerton Collection System Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance 00000000000000■■■■0100111DD 000000 0000000000000000000000000 DDDDDD ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ D ■ ■ ❑ ❑ O ❑ O ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ D ■ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DO ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ O D ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ D ❑ O D ❑ D ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ housekeeping acceptable? Are all pumps present? 3 0 Q) a) O O La o) 0 N w a) a) a) .171 m 2 a a) y o a) N in x a) a) a) x 0 o O O 0 0 y 2 Lao 0 a) n E N .aC 0 O C N 0 O a E O 0 '0 E E E a) (o n 3 a) 0 CI. m 0. o0 m 3 o CD a) a) a) < < < < Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Is an emergency generator available? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? Is the fuel tank full? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? Emergency phone number Is public access limited? 'a a 0 a) 0 0 0 a) 0 (0 a E a (0 Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? r o) 0 o ❑ ❑ m "8 ❑ ❑ ❑ R a. ❑❑ 8'2D❑D ❑■22■❑D ■ D E D ❑ ■ Are adequate records of all SSOs, spills and complaints available? Are records of SSOs that are under the reportable threshold available? If no, provide schedule for compliance 0 0 O a) co E (0 (0 N L O E C 0 92 0 N_ O 0 0) > O 0 m (0 a) 0. E m (0 0 (0 0 0) '0. 0 If yes, is there a corrective action plan? Is a map of the system available? E 0) O U a) O 0 0 m E m U C O r m E fa 0 `O c 0 Y 0 V d 0 Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance oes the map include: O 000000 O 000000 ■■❑❑■o■ae D ❑ ■ ■ D ■ D d N N a) E_ Pipe materials Flow direction Approximate pipe age Number of service taps Pump stations and capacity m E (0 0 m N C 0 CO 0) C C 0 C o N m a 0 E c a 0 C • o CO C c • E o c N_ 00 > 'O O o L .o7 3 3 a) > Z • c 0. f0 coc E 0 a) o 3 co o 0 O ✓ a a) 2 1313 13 CO O L 112 o r ✓ m a) a).c c a) C v w C 7 N • o o m 0 O • N N L.)N w La y C 0 N UO o o .0 "'O o 6 a -8 m Cf O TOE 2 c c L 3 c o () m E a o a) E E _J c 0 w o 0) > O 00000000000000 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ D ❑ ❑ O ❑ ❑ ❑ O ■ ■ ❑ O 00000000000000 ■■■■■■■■■■■■❑❑■ s manhole accessible? s manhole cover/vent above grade? s the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? s the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? s manhole cover present? s manhole properly seated? s manhole in good condition? s invert in good condition? s line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? s manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? s manhole free of excessive roots? s manhole free of excessive sand? s manhole's extended vent screened? Are vents free of submergence? Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? O .0 N a E a 0 a) .a a) 0 a) O L m E w c FN_ a1 To" N O c 0 3 L co a) E E 0 U Baltimore Street 0 ui O 000000000 0) a. O 000000000 O 000000000 ■■■■■■■■■■ s manhole accessible? s manhole cover/vent above grade? s the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? s the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? s manhole cover present? s manhole properly seated? s manhole in good condition? s invert in good condition? s line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? s manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? Is right-of-way free of sinkholes or depressions? Is right-of-way accessible for emergency? Ilejlno is le)tieW C) 0 3 m rt e;a6ewep alglsln io awl aull si cn� 0 03 03 m m 0 0 C 3 0 0 N (o 0 0 J Are water crossing and supports in good condition? Is line/right-of-way free of evidence of leakage? Is right-of-way free of sinkholes or depressions? Is right-of-way accessible for emergency? • ❑❑❑❑■■■ ❑ ®❑❑■❑❑❑ ❑ ❑■■❑❑❑❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ P1 • • 1. 0 3 m 7 Are public notices and proof of publication available? • • • • • • PI • • • • PI • 0 3 m Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? Are vents free of submergence? s manhole's extended vent screened? s manhole free of excessive sand? s manhole free of excessive roots? s manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? s line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? Luolllpuoo pooh ul panty s ,uoltlpuoo pooh ul aloquew s 6pateas Itjadoid aloyuew s 1,3uasaid JBAOO aloquew s s the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? s the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? s manhole cover/vent above grade? 4alglssaooe aloquew s • ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑ ■■❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ 3 0 • 3 co CD m .r C 0- 0. R. N 0. cn co 8 CO O a 8 3 CD m N 0 co O. Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? Are vents free of submergence? Is manhole's extended vent screened? Is manhole free of excessive sand? Is manhole free of excessive roots? • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑■ ❑ ■■❑❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance 0 m 0) 0 0 0 0) 3 (0 0 0 n 0) 3 co 0 0 0 o_ cn (0 0 0 0) m 3 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton - Cramerton Collection System Inspection Date: 05/18/04 Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance J ines/Rjght-nf-Ways/Aeriel Lines Is line/right-of-way free of evidence of leakage? Are there areas of exposed line? Is any exposed line constructed of ductile iron or other approved material? Are water crossing and supports in good condition? Is right-of-way free of non -utility motorized traffic? Is line free of visible damage? Comment: Area behind townhouses has piles of dirt which make it impossible to mow or have access to the manholes for cleaning. Market St outfall Is right-of-way accessible for emergency? Is right-of-way free of sinkholes or depressions? Is line/right-of-way free of evidence of leakage? Are there areas of exposed line? Is any exposed line constructed of ductile iron or other approved material? Are water crossing and supports in good condition? Is right-of-way free of non -utility motorized traffic? Is line free of visible damage? Comment: Construction in this area has eliminated access to the ROW for line maintenance. Yes No NA NF ■ ❑❑❑ ® ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ 1.000 • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ II ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ D ❑ ❑ NI D ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Page: 12 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director TO: FROM: Nathaniel Thornburg November 6, 2001 MEMORANDUM. -,oa s IlleRegl'�p_ a��ffc'-e' SUBJECT: Collection System Permit Additional Information Cramerton Collection System ''komOfr5f 3-= AVA NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES The subject collection system's additional information reply was received by the central office on October 29, 2001. Please review the enclosed information and determine if any additional information is required for your review. In addition, please submit your review & comments of the subject collection system being sure to include whether or not the Mooresville Regional Office approves of issuing the subject collection system a permit. A copy of the draft permit will be forwarded to you for final comments and the final permit will be sent to you upon issuance. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 733-5083 ext. 533 or via email at Enclosure Cc: Permit File 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919) 715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper Town of Crainerton 155 North Main Street, Cramerton, NC 28032 NCDENR Division of Water Quality Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: Re -submittal Permit Application for Cramerton The attached application and supporting documents are enclosed for your review and approval. This re -submittal is at the request of Ms. Sharney Torrence of your offices. If you have any questions please call me at 704-825-7499 Thank You Jamie Shytle, POTW Director File: Collections M.D.Young Potw master I. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality SYSTEM -WIDE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) Application Number: (to be completed by DWQ) <TIIIS ONLINE APPLICATION CAN BE FILLED OUT USING THE TAB KEY TO MOVE THROUGH THE FIELDS> GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. System name: Cramerton ti6 J�.4` 2. Owner (name of the municipality, public utility, homeowners association, etc.): Town of Cramn Telephone number: (704) 824-4337 Facsimile number: (704) 825-9049 4. County where project is located: Gaston 5. Name, affiliation, and contact information of contact person who can answer questions about the application: Jamie Shytle, Town of Cramerton, POTW Director II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Project is: E new; ❑ modification; ❑ renewal 3. Signing official's name and title 15A NCAC 2H .0206(b)):Young lj�� f gn g ( M. David ��1^ 4. Name and complete address of applicant: 155 North Main Street -a m % City: Cramerton State: North Carolina Zip: 28032 %. P 2. If this application is being submitted as a result of a modification or renewal of an existing permit, provide: existing permit number and the issuance date 3. AppIicant is: El public; ❑ private III. COLLECTION SYSTEM INFORMATION: 1. Current flow of wastewater generated by this collection system (See Instruction E): 4.0 (MGD) 2. Combined permitted flow of all treatment plants: 4.0 (MGD) 3. Explanation of how wastewater flow was determined: Permitted max. daily flow, POTW 4. Owner and name of wastewater treatment facility(ies) (WWTF) receiving wastewater: Town of Cramerton, Eagle Road, WWTP 5. WWTF permit number(s): NC0006033 6. Nature of wastewater (See Instruction F): 15 % domestic/commercial; 85 % industrial; 0 % other waste - specify 7. Population served by the collection system (See Instruction F): 2,987 8. Total miles of sewer (See Instruction F): 3 Force Main 17 Gravity Pressure Vacuum 9. Number of pump stations serving the pressure* sewer: 10 FORM: CSA 12/00 Page 1 * Indicate the number of simplex type pump stations serving a low pressure sewer system that are owned/maintained such as in a residental subdivision. This would not include pump stations that convey larger flows en route to the treatment plant. 10. Attach a list of all pump stations not included in Question III(8) and the following information in the given format (See Instruction G): Pump Station Identification Physical Location Pump Reliability (Yes/No) Reliability Source * See Attachments Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes . Yes 11. List the operational units that are on hand at this time to provide power reliabiltiy and which pump stations they will serve (attach additional sheets as necessary): Power Source (provide details as to model, capacity, etc.) Portable or Permanent Pump Station(s) Served ** See Attachments Portable Portable Portable Portable 12. List aerial lines and other high priority lines known to exist in the collection system and attach map showing location of each (See Instruction H): *** See Atachments IV. ADMINISTRATION OF THE COLLECTION SYSTEM: 1. Provide a description of the organizational structure that is responsible for management, operation, and maintenance of the collection system (See Instruction I): 2. Provide all Operator(s) in Responsible Charge (ORC), certification number and responsibility (area of control) within the collection system (attach additional sheets as necessary): ORC Certification Number Responsibility Alan Chevrette 1'0 6 S S **** See Attachment FORM: CSA 12/00 Page 2 3. Approximate capital improvement budget for the collection system and description of the budget (See Instruction J): $ 541121CLIAleST 4. Approximate operation and maintenance budget for the collection system (See Instruction J): $ PraclimeOr 5. Describe the grease control program (including ordinances, inspection, education and enforcement) for the collection system. If no grease control program has been adopted, please provide a schedule for implementation: 6. Describe how the grease control program and construction and inspection of private sewer connections is coordinated with the local building inspections department: 7. Do you have procedures in place for implementing North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1C (public notifications of spills and annual report to customers). If not, please provide a schedule for developing these procedures: yes 8. List any agreements or ordinances currently in place to address flows from satellite systems (See Instruction K)? 9. Attach a list of all satellite systems having a flow or capacity greater than 200,000 GPD. Include contact information such as name, address, phone number and flow for each satellite system . Indicate N/A if no such systems are present. © N/A V. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE COLLECTION SYSTEM: 1. Is an accurate and complete map of the collection system available? (See Instruction L)? If not state what percentage of the system is mapped and provide a schedule for completing the map: 30% mapped to accuracy, completion scheduled by 12/02 2. List the mapping parameters/descriptions included on or associated with the map such as type, pipe size, age, etc. of the collection system: Actual location of all lines, manholes,size,material type,flow direction, lateral connections. 3. Has a sanitary sewer evaluation and study (SSES) been conducted on any portion of the collection system (See Instruction M)?: No 4. Have any parts of the collection system been modeled for hydraulics (See Instruction M)? ❑ Yes No Explain and provide locations of any capacity problems or sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) indicated by the model: 5. Are sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) documented no matter what volume? How are they documented? ** See Attachment 6. Are operational logs maintained and reviewed periodically? I Yes ❑ No At what frequency? Monthly 7. Are maintenance logs maintained and reviewed periodically? El Yes ❑ No At what frequency? Monthly 8. Are pressure and gravity sewer systems inspected on a routine basis? ® Yes ❑ No Explain the frequency of inspections and any maintenance programs: **See Attachment FORM: CSA 12/00 Page 3 9. Describe plan review and inspection procedures for new construction (if applicable): ** See Attachment 10. List all equipment available for routine cleaning of the collection system. If not owned, please indicate the source from which the equipment is available: ** See Attachment 11. What approximate percentage of the collection system is cleaned each year and the rationale for determining which line segments are cleaned: Minimum 10%, based on historical records indicating problem areas 12. Describe the right of way maintenance program. Include whether all right of ways are currently accessible: Town Personnel,(Street Dept.) & County inmate program clear areas annually and/or as needed 13. Describe any existing rehabilitation/replacement programs for the system (e.g. 1/I studies, pump station upgrades, pipe replacement, etc.): **See Attachment 14. Describe or attach the contingency plan in place to respond to SSOs: Applicant's Certification: Note: 1 SA NCAC 2H . 0206(b) requires an authorized individual to sign this application form. In the case of corporations, signature is required by a principal executive officer of at least the level of vice president, or his duly authorized representative. In the case of a municipal, state, or other public entity, a signature is required by either a principal executive officer, ranking elected official or other duly authorized employee. Duly authorized employee's must provide proof from the principal executive officer or ranking elected off cal that they have been authorized to sign this application. I, M.David Young, attest that this application for Cramerton has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: hi accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: Date: ��l /Z, 2d0/ FORM: CSA 12/00 Page 4 Town of Cramerton / Water Pollution Control Attachment for Part III, sec.10 We own and operate 10 wastewater pumping stations in our collection system Attached is a form for each station that provides all the pertinent information requested. Attachment for Part III, sec.11 We have 1 portable power generator designated as our mobile unit. It is equipped to supply 120V single phase and 480V three phase power @ 18.75 KVA. The unit is scheduled to be replaced this fiscal year to increase reliability and add additional standby power capability. Attachment for Part in, sec.12 A. % ri'mtrOPIfitainibliAliwis designated as a high priority line due o associated with the four restaurants serviced. B. Tree line Drive Trunk Line has a small section of aerial approximately 40' near the beginning of the section. C. Cramer Mountain Trunk Line is designated as a priority line due to topography and proximity to Duhart Creek. D. Old Course Trunk Line has a section of aerial near the right of way crossing at Baltimore Drive. E. Cramerton Village Trunk Line has three sections of aeriaL One below the Burger King on US74, another behind Cranierton Village, and the last one behind Lincoln Street. Attachment for Part IV, sec.4 Operations and Maintenance fund estimates for fiscal budget year 2001 — 2002 are as follows: 1 Salaries 92866 2. Overtime 9100 3. Construction Repairs 44000 4. Professional Eng. Services 30000 5. Training 1500 6. Equipment Repairs 64000 Capital Outlay Items Include: 1. New Collections System Service Vehicle 25000 2. Portable Generator 12000 3. 2 Auto -Dialer Systems 8000 Attachment for Part IV, sec 5 & 6 We have contracted Laurene Rhyne, P.E. to assist our department indeveloping the necessary documentation to support current CMOM requirements. Questionnaires and grease & oil interceptor permit applications have been sent to all restaurants on the system. Our sewer use ordinance sets requirements for Oil & Grease interceptors in section 51.046. Our local limit of oil & grease is 80 ppm as set forth in section 51.040. We have developed a Technical review committee that meets and approves all new public / private sewer connections. This is coordinated through the Town's Planning and Zoning Department. Attachment for Part V, sec.9 The Town's Technical Review Committee meets on all plan reviews to approve new construction. The committee consists of the Town Manager and all Department Heads Attachment for Part V, sec. 10 1. Ford Ranger service vehicle 2. Ford utility truck 3. Screco rodding machine 4. Screco Jet -Vac machine with video camera Attachment for Part V. sec. 13 This year we aupgr riled th�Ealtiniore-S pimp iStation and force -main. This rehabilitation project exceeded $35.0O Piping replacement is done on an as needed basis from data derived through our cleaning and inspection program. We have begun smoke and dye testing in trouble areas to address inflow and infiltration. Attachment for Part V, sec. 14 Our contingency plan for sanitary sewer overflows is tailored behind a standard incident command protocol. We have a contact sheet that includes the phone numbers for various contractors and equipment rental companies. The sheet also includes all the necessary numbers and paging procedures for Town personnel assigned to respond to the incident. In the event of an overflow, we use the standard spill response evaluation forms provided by the DWQ. Permittee Sewage Spill Response Evaluation: (page 1 of 2) Permit Number Count/ Incident Ended: (Date/Time) / Estimated Duration (Time) First knowledge of incident: (Date/Time) / Estimated volume of spill/bypass gallons. Show rational for volume. if spill is ongoing, please notify Regional Office on a daily basis until ..spill can be stopped. Reported to: (Date/time) Weather conditions: Name of person Source of spill/bypass (check one): Sanitary Sewer Pump Station __. WVVTP Level of treatment (check one): _ None Primary Treatment Secondary Treatment Chlorination Only Didrspill/bypass reach surface waters? Yes No (If Yes, please list tie following) Volume reaching surface waters? gallons Name of surface water Did spill/bypass result in a fish kill? Yes No If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? Please provide the following information: 1. Location of spill/bypass: 2. Cause of spill/bypass: 3. Did you have personnel available to perform initial assessment 24 hours/day (including weekencis and holidays)? Yes No 4. How long did it take to make an initial assessment of the spill/overflow after first knowledge? Hours Minutes How long did it take to get a repair crew onsite? Hours Minutes Please explain the time taken to make initial assessment Revision #1 6/11/99 Sewage Spill Response Evaluation: (Page 2 of 2) Permittee Permit Number Cour r., 5. Action taken to contain spill, clean up waste, and/or remediate the site: 6. Were the equipment and parts needed to make repairs readily available? Yes No If no, please explain why: 7. If the spill/overflow occurred at a pump station, or was the result of a pump station ailure, was the alarm system functional at the time of the spill? Yes No If :he alarm system did not function, please explain why: 8. Repairs made are: Permanent Temporary Please describe what repairs were made. If the repairs are temporary, please incicate a date by which permanent repairs will be completed, and notify the Regional Office within 7 days of the permanent repair: 9. What actions have been made to prevent this discharge from occurring again in th? Future? 10. Comments: Other agencies notifed: Person reporting spilUbypass: Phone Number: Signature Date: For DWQ Use Only: DWQ requested additional written report? Yes No if yes, what additional information is needed? Requested by Revision #1 6/11/99 Town of Cramerton Water Pollution Control / Collections Totalizer Reading: Interval Gallons: NOTES: Totalizer Reading: Interval Gallons: NOTES: Pump #1 Reading: Pump #2 Reading: NOTES: Pump #1 Reading: Pump #2 Reading: NOTES: Town of Cramerton Water Pollution Control Department Collection Systems Incident Report Date: Incident Reported By: Location: Action(s) Taken: Equipment or Services Used: Sketches Recommendations or Further Action Needed: Technician: Town of Cramerton Water Pollution Control Department Call Out Report Date: Reason for Call Out: Disposition: Time In: Time Out: Total Hours: Equipment / Materials Used: Vendor(s) Used or Services: Recommendations: Technician: RESOLUTION ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENA qCE OF THE TOWN OF CRAMERTON WATER AND ;EWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT RESERVE UND WHEREAS; the Town of Cramerton has a need to, install ne and/rehabilitate existing, water and sewer lines, tanks, pun appurtenances; and WHEREAS; the Town of Cramerton has a need to extend it outside the corporate limits to generate growth and econorr WHEREAS; the Town of Cramerton has a limited revenue r responsibility to protect its citizens from the exuberant wat( financing repairs and extensions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CRAMER ON BCARD OF COMtvIISSIONERS THAT: Section I. The Cramerton Board of Commissioners r sewer capital improvement reserve fund for the purpose of water and sewer infrastructure including extensions outsid major repairs to the existing systems. Section II. This fund is to be maintained by its indu: budget ordinance. Section III. The Board will appropriate or transfer a $10,000 each year to this fund. Section IV. The Town Clerk will be responsible for pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes and reporting or expenditures referencing this account. Section V. Expenditures from this account will be ri maximum of $2,500 may be authorized by the town mana� within the Towri s water and sewer extension policy or wi. needed; (2) expenditures greater than $2,500 shall be appn project requiring financing from this fund that does not mi be approved by the Board. Se . on . -►is resolution shall become effective u a, replace, extend ?. • stations and associated water a rtd sewer sy5 to cal development; an source and a and sewer rates for _) reby cr eates a water and :onstruction of new the corporate limi tE and :on in tale annual toN rn amount of no less Clan iaintai.ring records to the Ecard any tra:lsfers ;ulated as follows; (.l) a Ir on projects that fad ' in the existing system as red by the Board; (3 ) any policies must ,on its adoption. w_g=q7 YOR DATE TOWN ERK DA Summary of Capital Imp )vement; Plan Town of Cramer) )n, NC Year 2000 to 2005 Upgrade WWTP to meet revised perm limits $ 4,300,000 Modify Pump Station system to discha. ;e at W ti'TP $ 300,000 Abandon existing WWTP $ 100,000 Upgrade Water distribution system in )w-pres p..ire area $ 250,000 Year 2006 to 2010 Upgrade WWTP to meet color remova $ 1,000,000 Water System upgrade and expansion New H Dpe Road ) $ 1,500,000 Expand existing sewer system ( New 1 ape Road ) $ 750,000 Year 2011 to 2015 This is in accordance with Gaston Cou Expand water distribution syst $ 5,000,000 Expand wastewater system in south 1\ This is in accordance with Gaston Cou $ 6,500,000 Year 2016 to 2021 .ty Master Plan m in south New Hop Rd. fw Hope Rd. it), Masi er Plan This is in accordance with Gaston Cm ity Plan Expand water distribution system in s •uth New Hope Rd. $ 10,000,000 Expand wastewater system in south r !w Hop Rd. This is in accordance with Gaston Coi ity Master Plan $ 7,500,000 EC Ell F. ) ,,TER QIJA!_fr( :1E1 ON MAY li 8 :1125 t g!-Discharge 13, in' ttj A 6: crAmer.,0 v t 11A-G-e L I u-e. Er5C.-Trce.Lue Or. 1:,;'fir130.- Cramer . Lwe, - 010 • E PUMP STATION Permittee 1Vi• DAVlD '/au JG- Permit Number Al C oco too 33 County G STOAl Name of Facility: AG -LE F D . f p. off: W • Contact Person: A.M IE SliYTLL= Phone Number: -704- 22SS--"7L19q Location of Pump Station: 57A11A,J -0 2 , 1.0c,Te'D 0, 111e. l BEi L kal SugD1v1SlcJ , oFF Sin AO)/ CoVe IZD • C nikmer, TTA 3ei .L4ke ) 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week '3 days per week - >G other (explain) _D4iLy Ou1Zlaiq L) CteMe,.5 i imeATIger or 6/1Et e,-1 cy sriTLA 1104S 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 1 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 2 2 ' GPM . Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? X Yes No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site x Standby generator on -site So kVA / Ligo V 3-€r e 35' kw Alternate power feed. If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? • M oAsT111 y (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? OAT/o l (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? 'c Yes =. .Noi, - If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? x Yes No On -site alarm system: High water audio alarm High water visual alarm x Other (describe) STRisoP f cell- ALetCr 2oo0 Telemetry Monitoring System: >c Wet well high level c Wet well low level -,Dry well high level High/low pH >c High/low current c AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. T�1E TrtsdN Sys -Teak is A- .24 hr • 1I ix OcvicE i1n�T Mo Si1 rs All The A-SAmE wthRken - [CMS, 1Ncluipii me irvN /cycltimes A,uo cau-,liar ST i 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? x Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? PUMP STATION Permittee Jul . 1)A-V ID Yocil,l G. Permit Number AjC oeo(0c�33 County Gksiol) Name of=acility:.gAGLE RD.., P OTVJ Contact Person: 3A-M l E SWYTL Phone Number. 709 - ga. - 749 ct Location cf Pump Station: sTA�o�1 2 )dcA�Etb TtMgelzikkF-5oi3DivIsto,o, cPF shaq9 y BAek ET. C c.811 Tmizetz(ike tt,2') 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day • twice per day once per week days per week other (explain) DA)I•y Durwc imcle44:67 Cam4:5111.o,us 2. How often_ is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 1 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 9.2 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes . No If yes, what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? /vto,.s-I1ii.•{ (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load ,tested? aq/o i (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? ?c Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm x Other (describe) law w de r Mutt. Telemetry Monitoring System: - Wet well high level Dry well high level High/low current Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. No High water visual alarm - A.V Dia - lJ i3u L. Nato?" Wet well low level High/low pH AC power status 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild p1imp? Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? PUMP STATION Permittee p. • VAU10 Vouil Permit Number Ai C rcn c.o33 County GAS-5/3 Name of Facility: ) -(,e IQ) , J pc5 \.J Contact Person:—MM i • SI'TL Phone Number:709.-�2S--Jygq Location of Pump Station: ST;aTio,a 3, Loce e0 i.lNeber9eA PLAcG S-)BDcvisiow .. cf..3c.pescc o f Ailk? tri T C ep i kn 3-e.b ., . ) 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day X once per week days per week X other(explain) wilt it ettTa Daly ip G mplelloN of DEveL Mc:N 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? ( per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? L} $ . GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes X. No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? )(- Yes No If yes, what type: )C Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used; how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Nb151111y . (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? aq / o' (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? K Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No 6 On -site alarm system: )c High water audio alarm K High water visual alarm )C Other (describe) RACo - cingreK$30x AGTo-DIALe # Co74,9 -7 Telemetry Monitoring System: X Wet well high level )c Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH �c High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild .pump? )c Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? PUMP STATION Permittee /Vi . AU I D yout,7c( Permit Number fJ C ococoo33 County 6shs Jo tJ Name of Facility: -A&LCr IZO, (-}Sj-W Contact Person: ,)A/yiI6 S(lYfUf Phone Number 7o4 - 2 - `7 4q9 Location of Pump Station: SI l aru 4 4, L c i D ►IST6. 1.10ebcrcic.1 PL c6 o f paMrA a o 7L . C Ct9net, 1-11.e21. rnCA ? 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day X once per week days per week - x other (explain) Me,Dipe.o up Comp t ,J of Devct�, c�T Su lVisto,0 - CulpeSeC 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? t per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes )c No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? k Yes . No If yes, what type: )c Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? Cc> How often is the generator tested? .M .st1111 (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? 09 /e) (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? )C Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? if no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: 1c High water audio alarm x , High water visual alarm X Other (describe) RACo dA2ircrecx Aui Co9G9G Telemetry Monitoring System: tic Wet well high level Wet well lbw level Dry well high level High/low pH ?c High/low current ?c AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild _pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? PUMP STATION Permittee M . Dl/1b Yot1,J1. Permit Number JC OocADo33 County G4 b L Name of Facility: -Ac k r L . PO "J Phone Number: 704{- 2.2S -79cr Contact Person: M lE SliYF(.e" Location of Pump Station: I 1 $7TAIlo1J t* <, LC�CATeo '�►1Wo MAY i t ReskaUYAN I jaFF l�� 6ree ►bi - C C611co AM' F K s 1)ati) 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) - - - 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? ( per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 3 L GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? X Yes • No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? )C Yes . No If yes, what type: >C Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? G How often is the generator tested? Mo IY (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? 07 / o J (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm �C Other (describe) ). ,w water. LeveL ` Sep(,. EDllu tt - /sumo - ‘i tsvw C Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well lbw level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? x Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? PUMP STATION Permittee M.'DBV)l? YocJNCr Permit Number )VC 00cCoC13? County GAS 1 ,J Name of Facility: SAC IC yip PaTUJ Contact Person: jog-M IE Sk'T1e Phone Number. 7 4- $ - 7 49 Location of Pump Station: _S T ioxi # (, 1-0cATeo o'FF 8 ACrj re Dr! ve - caUeo 1 ,rMore S I oN 1. How often is pump station inspected? X once per day twice per day once per week days per week other (explain) - 2. How oftenis the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? ( per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 900 , GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? X Yes No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? )C Yes . No If yes, what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site X Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Mcs ak 1y (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load ,tested? oc co (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? x _ Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: K High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other (describe) ;gir4sa►J / Ccll- AttT Zoo Telemetry Monitoring System: )( Wet well high level mac Wet well lbw level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. s" V L J S-FrAn is h A411r p l )w Dcuicb 1-61 A43Ni ers A11 -Tht ,M Q rt. eAer__k A Tam _ (�Jclo • Anbi%0(Iy itwT rs 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? C Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? PUMP STATION Permittee ft/l . DJVID YovN G- Permit Number /JC coo(.a33 County G-®S /J Name of Facility: 5A9 k. rbl.. PG-T W Contact Person:3/v7l C 51,1571/.e Phone Number.?oy-SS-7449 Location cf Pump Station: on) # 7 , LocZeiD oFF 8-1-13 AVerove. , Q.e,x o 1}p 11 ct l l ies call -en r w,u 4411 lii 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) - - - 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 1 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 1`j 6 . GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? ?C Yes No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes . No If yes, what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site )X Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? /vta,JT1' kt - (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? oq(a I (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? Yes X No If No, what action was taken to address? rs-coersTor Scaetvo1en Far ref ttrcM T 13y Min 1 If nc backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? )C Yes No On -site alarm system: XC High water audio alarm ,c High water visual alarm )c Other (describe) Low J. L- .uD10 . v tsuAL Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well lbw level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuildpump? Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? PUMP STATION Permittee AA• PQV I b ydvvica- Permit Number JJC aoocoo33 County GT6ss)o,J Name of Facility: LAG(e ro • 12oTW Contact Person:7- Phone Number oy = 7419 Location of Pump Station: 57171- o,a * $ f 1,ocATer o FF G-12ou Es S l . (collet) G rower 51. 5 1e tt N ) 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) - 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? [ per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 5'0 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes °c No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? 'C Yes No If yes, what type: )' Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Ma allN (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? ono t (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? C Yes No On -site alarm system: )C High water audio alarm x High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? 'C Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? - PUMP STATION Permittee Ni • PQV ID yo UJJ G- Permit Number JUC Odo(D03 3 County Gas )0 rJ Name of Facility: EArge,, rt) ! PdTW Contact Person: i M1e Stele Phone Number. 7G y - g.2c - 7999 Location of Pump Station: e tll ors 4' 9. ) c�!to afF A rtvisl ro►J1 Qt11:c. col len j,.okswoo $ 1 ) 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) t' 1l .),ekew000 Su¢.b1vislon) 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 1 per month • 3. What is the pump station capacity? Ljeo . GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? X Yes No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? ' ( Yes No If yes, what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site X Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the denerator tested? NW3151-141y (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load .tested? c /o t (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? x Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a workina alarm system? X' Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other (describe) Srrtso0 c .t1 -ak -r Z000 Telemetry Monitoring System: X Wet well high level Wet well lbw level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current ?C AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. See . G DO(A 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuiid pump? Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? PUMP STATION Permittee M . Av u) You N9 Permit Number MC 0006033 County CYASIO /L) Name of Faciliy:.EkGle- rO. 'W Contact Person7720116 sk►?fii,L' Phone Number:'70Y-2 .-71(99\ Location of Pump Station: S j I la)J '4 10, i.oc.l.eD 2es we co}!en J,Asru.sci, 144-a ), o kcw000 ro . e 13, r i Dcf-e. 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) - 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? Sa , GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes ?c No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? )C Yes . No if yes, what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable Generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? G How often is the Generator tested? ,,s[h1%1 • (Mo./yr.) When was the Generator last load.tested? oq (01 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? Yes No On -site alarm system: sC High water audio alarm C High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well lbw level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? x Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? NCDEN North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary October 29, 2010 Mr. Michael C. Peoples, Town Manager Town of Cramerton 155 N Main St. Cramerton, NC 28032 Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Cramerton Collection System Permit No. WQCS00058 Gaston County Dear Mr. Peoples: Ms. Barbara Sifford, of the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ), Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) conducted a compliance evaluation inspection (CEI) of the Town of Cramerton's wastewater collection system permit number WQCS00058, on August 25, 2010. The assistance and cooperation of Mr. Jamie Shytle and Mr. Hubert Hampton was greatly appreciated. Please note that the sections completed on the report pertain only to the areas that were inspected. An inspection report is attached for your records and inspection findings are detailed in this report. The collection system for the Town of Cramerton consists of approximately 28 miles of gravity sewer line, 4 miles of force main and eleven (11) duplex pump stations. The system conveys wastewater to Eagle Road WWTP (NPDES NC0006033). Currently the system is classified as a CS -2. At the present time evaluations of the system are being considered to change ownership of the collection system to the City of Gastonia. This comes as part of a regional consolidation of Gaston County sewer systems. The Town of Cramerton currently has a contract to accept 0.280 MGD from Belmont. Mooresville Regional office Location: 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 663-16991 Fax: (704) 663-60401 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: • One NorthCarolina Naturally An Equal opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer paper ?age 2 CEI Cramerton Performance Standards The Town of Cramerton has a Sewer Use Ordinance that provides the ability to enforce against violators if needed. Public Education for FOG is achieved by newsletter articles and the web site. A Capitol Improvement Plan has been adopted and has plans for 5, 10 and 20 year improvements to the system. Inspections, Operation and Maintenance Records Records are available that document high priority line inspections, right of way clearing and off street inspection. Line cleaning documentation indicates that greater than ten percent has been cleaned in 2007, 2008, and 2009. Pump station inspections include both weekly and daily inspections as required and additional inspections on critical pump stations. Run time counters should be recorded and used for flow tracking infouiiation. This information is needed for capacity determinations of each station. Record Keeping and Reporting Overflow reports are minimal for this system and none have required a public notice to be issued. The annual report which should be completed for both the wastewater treatment plant and the collection system should be submitted to Raleigh each year. This office has not received a copy of the previous years annual report, please provide one for our files. A response is not necessary to this inspection, just submit a copy of the annual report. If you have any questions concerning this inspection report, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Barbara Sifford at 704-663-1699. Sincerely, Robert Krebs Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section Mooresville Regional Office Cc: Jamie Shytle- Public Works Director Hubert Hampton — Cramerton —ORC MRO CS Cramerton PERCS Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WQCS00058 Effective: 02/21/08 Expiration: 01/31/16 Owner: Town of Cramerton SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Cramerton Collection System County: Gaston 155 N Main St Region: Mooresville Cramerton NC 28032 Contact Person: Michael C Peoples Title: Town Manager Phone: 704-825-7499 Directions to Facility: System Classifications: CS2, Primary ORC: Hubert Harold Hampton Certification: 988231 Phone: 704-825-7499 Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): 24 hour contact name Jamie Shytle Phone: 704-825-7499 Related Permits: NC0006033 Town of Cramerton - Eagle Road WWTP NC0055948 Town of Cramerton - Cramerton WWTP Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Primary Inspector: Barbara Sifford Secondary Inspectors): Entry Time: 09:00 AM Exit Time: 04:00 PM Phone: 704-663-1699 Ext.2196 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Collection system management and operation Facility Status: El Compliant 0 Not Compliant Question Areas: ® Miscellaneous Questions ® Performance Standards ® Operation & Maint Reqmts ® Monitoring & Rpting mi Inspections it Pump Station Reqmts Lines (See attachment summary) Records Manhole Page: 1 t Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Page: 2 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Performance Standards Is Public Education Program for grease established and documented? What educational tools are used? Newsletter and web site inforamtion. Flyers are also available at Town Hall customer service counter. Is Sewer Use Ordinance/Legal Authority available? Does it appear that the Sewer Use Ordinance is enforced? Is Grease Trap Ordinance available? Is Septic Tank Ordinance available (as applicable, i.e. annexation) List enforcement actions by permittee, if any, in the last 12 months BBQ restaurant was issued a notice but no fines were accessed since corrective actions were taken. Has an acceptable Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) been implemented? Does CIP address short term needs and long term \"master plan\" concepts? Does CIP cover three to five year period? Does CIP include Goal Statement? Does CIP include description of project area? Does CIP include description of existing facilities? Does CIP include known deficiencies? Does CIP include forecasted future needs? Is CIP designated only for wastewater collection and treatment? Approximate capital improvement budget for collection system? Total annual revenue for wastewater collection and treatment? CIP Comments Very detailed. Pump station upgrades are planned for Town Hall and Grove St. The CIP is broken down into 5/10/20 year schedules for rehabilitation of the system. Is system free of known points of bypass? If no, describe type of bypass and location Is a 24-hour notification sign posted at ALL pump stations? # Does the sign include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? 24-hour contact numbers If no, list deficient pump stations Call information on the signs goes to Town Hall, WWTP and then to 911 dispatch for the county. Yes No NA NE ®nnn „nnn ®nnn nnn nnn. ® nnn ® nnn ®nnn n nn n nn ® nnn ® nnn ® nnn n nn ® nnn ▪ nnn ® nnn ® nnn n nn Page: 3 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine # Do ALL pump stations have an "auto polling" feature/SCADA? Number of pump stations Number of pump stations that have SCADA Number of pump stations that have simple telemetry Number of pump stations that have only audible and visual alarms Number of pump stations that do not meet permit requirements # Does the permittee have a root control program? # If yes, date implemented? Describe: Roots have been identified as a problem in the VCP sections of town. Cleaning of lines is focussed in this area, Grove St southeast to Town Hall lift station. Comment: Inspections Are maintenance records for sewer lines available? Are records available that document pump station inspections? Are SCADA or telemetry equipped pump stations inspected at least once a week? Are non-SCADA/telemetry equipped pump stations inspected every day? Are records available that document citizen complaints? # Do you have a system to conduct an annual observation of entire system? # Has there been an observation of remote areas in the last year? Are records available that document inspections of high -priority lines? Has there been visual inspections of high -priority lines in last six months? Comment: Operation & Maintenance Requirements Are all log books available? Does supervisor review all log books on a regular basis? Does the supervisor have plans to address documented short-term problem areas? What is the schedule for reviewing inspection, maintenance, & operations logs and problem areas? Weekly by Hubert and Jamie. Are maintenance records for equipment available? Is a schedule maintained for testing emergency/standby equipment? What is the schedule for testing emergency/standby equipment? 6 5 0 nnn Yes No NA NE n}< nnn ®nnn nnn nn n nn nnn ®nnn ,kt nnn n nn Yes No NA NE nnn Rnnn tannn n nn ®nnn monthly Page: 4 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Emergency phone number Is public access limited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? • Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? Comment: Strison communication is used for this station monitoring. ®nnn nnn nnn ®nnn Page: 13 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Pump station type Are pump station logs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? # Is general housekeeping acceptable? Are all pumps present? . Are all pumps operable? Are wet wells free of excessive debris? Are upstream manholes free of excessive debris/signs of overflow? Are floats/controls for pumps/alarms operable? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Are backflow devices in place? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? # Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? # Is fuel in tank and sufficient? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? Duplex ®nnn nnn gnnn ®nnn nnn ®nnn nnn ®nnn n®nn El t nn ®nnn nnn nnn nnn 13nn❑ nnn nnn nnngg nnn® nnEl nnn nnr n ®nnn nnn nnn nnn 44 nnn nnn Page: 12 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine # Is fuel in tank and sufficient? ® n n n Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? ® n n n Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? rin n n Does it include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? Emergency phone number Is public access limited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? Comment: Strisson monitoring for this station. Generator on iste and tested monthly. Pump run times are not recorded. It was suggested that these readings be recorded for pump station flow information. LINCOLN ST - Lines/Right-of-Ways/Aeriel Lines Is right-of-way accessible for emergency? Is right-of-way free of sinkholes or depressions? Is line/right-of-way free of evidence of leakage? # Are there areas of exposed line? # Is any exposed line constructed of ductile iron or other approved material? Are water crossing and supports in good condition? # Is right-of-way free of non -utility motorized traffic? Is line free of visible damage? # Are there siphons in this system? If yes, are they maintained and documented? Comment: One is located on the Carolina Thread Trail and the other 8 inch segment is behind the Recreation Dept and ball field. Both are free of any visible leaks and are constructed of ductile pipe. TIMBERLAKE #1 - Shady Cove Rd. Pump Station ® Finn ▪ nnn ®nnn ®nnn ®nnn ■ nnn Yes No NA NE f nnn innn n nn Einnn o n.nn n nn ®nnn n nn nn®n Yes No NA NE Page: 11 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine # Are there siphons in this system? If yes, are they maintained and documented? Comment: This location has both the gravity and the force main line crossing Duhart Creek with flows to the South Fork. LAKEWOOD #2 - Lakewood Rd @ bridge Pump Station Pump station type • Are pump station logs available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? # Is general housekeeping acceptable? Are all pumps present? Are all pumps operable? Are wet wells free of excessive debris? Are upstream manholes free of excessive debris/signs of overflow? Are floats/controls for pumps/alarms operable? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Are backflow devices in place? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? # Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? Yes No NA NE Duplex nnn nn nnn ®nnn ®nnn n nnn all nnn gcm nnn El El n n Ell n ®nnn nnn :x.nnn EanDU ▪ nnn El El • nEln n nnto nnn® • nnn Ennn n r, n El nnn® Page: 10 . Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? Comment: This is the largest pump station in the system three drainage basins contribute flow to this station. Generator is on -site and checked monthly. Staion is monitored by Strison but is also checked dailty since it is critical to conveyance of the flow. BALTIMORE AERIAL - LineslRight-of-Ways/Aeriel Lines Is right-of-way accessible for emergency? Is right-of-way free of sinkholes or depressions? Is line/right-of-way free of evidence of leakage? # Are there areas of exposed line? # Is any exposed line constructed of ductile iron or other approved material? Are water crossing and supports in good condition? # Is right-of-way free of non -utility motorized traffic? Is line free of visible damage? # Are there siphons in this system? If yes, are they maintained and documented? Comment: At the coupling in the line there is a slight deflection in pipe should be checked frequently for integrity. DUHART CREEK AERIALS - Lines/Right-of-Ways/Aeriel Lines Is right-of-way accessible for emergency? Is right-of-way free of sinkholes or depressions? Is line/right-of-way free of evidence of leakage? # Are there areas of exposed line? # Is any exposed line constructed of ductile iron or other approved material? Are water crossing and supports in good condition? # Is right-of-way free of non -utility motorized traffic? Is line free of visible damage'? ®nnn nnn Yes No NA NE nnn Elnnn annn nn nnn ®nnn ®nnn rannn nn n Yes No NA NE ®nnn ® nnn ®nnn ® nnn ® El ®nnn nnn nnn Page: 9 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Is it accessible in all weather conditions? # Is general housekeeping acceptable? Are all pumps present? Are all pumps operable? Are wet wells free of excessive debris? Are upstream manholes free of excessive debris/signs of overflow?" Are floats/controls for pumps/alarms operable? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Are backflow devices in place? Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? # Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? • Is the generator operable? # Is fuel in tank and sufficient? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: Instructions fornotification? Pump station identifier? Emergency phone number Is public access limited? e nnn ®nnn ennn ® nnn Eannn n nn® n nn n ®nn n n ;. n ® nnn ® nnn Einnn n nn e nnn Einnn s nnn n nn® n nn® ® nnn ennn n n®n n nn ennn ennn n nn ®nnn rAnnn ennn ®nnn Page: 8 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Is line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? Is manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? Is manhole free of excessive roots? Is manhole free of excessive sand? Is manhole's extended vent screened'? Are vents free of submergence? Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? Comment: Beginning of line in this area. 600 WOODLAWN - Manhole Is manhole accessible? "limn # Is manhole cover/vent above grade? M n n n Is the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? ® n n n Is the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? - n n n Is manhole cover present? ® n n n # Is manhole properly seated? ® n n n # Is manhole in good condition? n n n # Is invert in good condition? ® n n n Is line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? n n n Is manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? ® ❑ n n Is manhole free of excessive roots? ® n ❑ n Is manhole free of excessive sand? n n n Is manhole's extended vent screened? n ❑ n Are vents free of submergence? n n Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? ®n n n Comment: invert is 6 inch line, brick manhole with approximately 1/4 pipe flow at time of inpsection. ,BALTIMORE - Baltimore Drive ■ nnn ®nnn ® nnn ® nnn ®nnn ®nnn ® nnn Yes No NA NE Pump Station Pump station type Are pump station logs available? Yes No NA NE Duplex ®nnn Page: 7 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Do pump station logs include: inside and outside cleaning and debris removal? Inspecting and exercising all valves? Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other equipment? Inspecting alarms, telemetry and auxiliary equipment? Is there at least one spare pump for each pump station w/o pump reliability? Are maintenance records for right-of-ways available? Are right-of-ways currently accessible in the event of an emergency? Are system cleaning records available? Has at least 10% of system been cleaned annually? What areas are scheduled for cleaning in the next 12 months? Old VCP areas of town. Is a Spill Response Action Plan available? Does the plan include: 24-hour contact numbers Response time Equipment list and spare parts inventory Access to cleaning equipment Access to construction crews, contractors, and/or engineers Source of emergency funds Site sanitation and cleanup materials Post-overflow/spill assessment Is a Spill Response Action Plan available for all personnel? Is the spare parts inventory adequate? Comment: Records Are adequate records of all SSOs, spills and complaints available? Are records of SSOs that are under the reportable threshold available? Do spill records indicate repeated overflows (2 or more in 12 months) at same location? If yes, is there a corrective action plan? Is a map of the system available? ▪ nnn ▪ nnn nnn ▪ nn nnn nnn ®nnn nnn ® nnn nnn nnn nn nnn „nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn Yes No NA NE n nn n nn n %nn n non n nn Page: 5 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton Inspection Date: 08/25/2010 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Does the map include: Pipe sizes Pipe materials Pipe location Flow direction Approximate pipe age Number of service taps Pump stations and capacity If no, what percent is complete? List any modifications and extensions that need to be added to the map # Does the permittee have a copy of their permit? Comment: No repeat areas of spills have been reported to DWQ. No spill has been great enough to require a public notice to be issued. Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Are copies of required press releases and distribution lists available? Are public notices and proof of publication available? # Is an annual report being prepared in accordance with G.S. 143-215.1C? # Is permittee compliant with all compliance schedules in the permits? If no, which one(s)? Comment: 358 WOODLAWN - Manhole Is manhole accessible? # Is manhole cover/vent above grade? Is the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? Is the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? Is manhole cover present? # Is manhole properly seated? # Is manhole in good condition? # Is invert in good condition? • nnn ,nnn ® nnn • El El lnnn n n n • nn 98% ®nnn Yes No NA NE ®nnn nnn nn n nn Yes No NA NE n nn fmnnn nnn n nn n n n n nn n n n n nn Page: 6 Inspection Checklist t3Q C 3 e90(0,5-g General Information 411 1. Number of Pump stations 2. SCADA system PS ,..-,��,,\� nil() 5 �� 3. Telemetry PS `alto C -)_ a / v - 4. Audible and Visual only 5-` 5. Generators Permanent ��-- ham "'-( v 7 c acc< Frequency tested a. Generators Portable /I f 1vn 144 au (eW' i 02 �k ( A. Quick -connect plugin B. Frequency tested Pump stations served 6 ORC. �6 Sewer Use Ordinance 17 Enforcements Last Year FOG Program Inspections — Pub iow — nnual Report ate tO CIP Budget $ op Documentation of 1. Line Cleaning 2. High priority lines (6 mos) 3. System observation annual — 4. ROW mowing — Review logs for PS O&M Review PS logs information 0 e / r/n1 7 elle PS i21 i i l-/ 4 1,7 by same generator. �' 31/ice B-ORC c6X1j/ 4 CS- ,7> (FI v Toro,,) t l(j pO pa ' Years ,,4254/C6-,,o o-Z0p 7 ,-3,G6S/ , (10%) --�1./ - d,1'7-3 Ktyt) 6444(-E(Aze_ gi ,g4 11 -- Afed ,o2V16--b Reportable Spills ' rv' ' (-al-d7 _• 7-7 — /3 Repeat Location/Cause Non reportable spills Customer complaints Spare parts inventory Map of system QS " % complete Pump Station Inspection Checklist Name Address m Housekeepin Secure Accessible Identification Signage Inspection Schedule'Da Weekly Wet Well — Floats Free of debris High water float Telemetry Audio -Visual ak-u: 1/15 Alarm system tested for communications Emergency power Fuel tank Testing schedule (C \ 0,k Bypass pumping configured trr- Overflow piping Manhole upstream Inspection Logs No of Pumps 1 2 perational 1 2 Capacity of each (gpm) ,,��---- � 2 ��' d`'C(,LvV% Runtime hour meter reading average 1 2 Portable Quick -connect Gallons per hour usage rate Automa i tAkiAck Aerials- High Priority lines Collection System Inspection Checklist Manholes- Lines- Right Of Way- Aerials Manhole location or address 5s-g Cover present - vent and cover above grade - vent screened Visible signs of overflow Sinkholes and depressions Good condition properly seated Bypass structures or pipes present Invert in good condition Size inches Pipe capacity'/ Line free flowing and unrestricted Excessive grease, roots, or sand Right of Way - location or name of outfall line Accessible Free of sinkholes or depressions No evidence of leakage Free of non -utility motorized traffic '3`CL-L V\Kilt Exposed line of ductile material / Water crossings and supports in good condition✓ Level of debris on or behind line Ivry Free of damage Right of Way mowing records Visual inspection of off street lines General observation of system (annual) 1/2 3/4 diameter. J/4 g-63 (f2 a Collection System Inspection heckli Manholes- Lines- Right Of Way- Aerials Manhole location or address Cover present - vent and cover above grade - vent screened Visible signs of overflow Sinkholes and depressions Good condition properly seated Bypass structures or pipes present Invert in good condition Size inches Pipe capacity'/ 1/4 % diameter. Line free flowing and unrestricted Excessive grease, roots, or sand Right of Way - location or name of outfall line Accessible Free of sinkholes or depressions No evidence of leakage Free of non -utility motorized traffic Aerials- High Priority lines Exposed line of ductile material Water crossings and supports in good condition Level of debris on or behind line Free of damage (ftcb/k) (AltQl 00„) Iy5-(ez; Right of Way mowing records Visual inspection of off street lines General observation of system (annual) Collection System Inspection Checklist Manholes- Lines- Right Of Way- Aerials Manhole location or address Cover present -.vent and cover above grade - vent screened Visible signs of overflow Sinkholes and depressions Good condition properly seated Bypass structures or pipes present Invert in good condition Size inches Pipe capacity 'A 1/2 3/4 diameter. Line free flowing and unrestricted Excessive grease, roots, or sand Right of Way - location or name of outfall line Accessible Free of sinkholes or depressions No evidence of leakage Free of non -utility motorized traffic Aerials- High Priority lines Exposed line of ductile material Water crossings and supports in good condition Level of debris on or behind line — Free of damage Right of Way mowing records Visual inspection of off street lines General observation of system (annual) 41,cv IF7K ✓c� �wk� 1� P� Ovt,ad- uI� 5CkxuQ.Fks,z A.4 load -77 Permit: WQCS00008 Owner - Facility: City of Burlington Inspection Date: 09/21/2006 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Performance Standards Yes No NA NE Is Public Education Program for grease established and documented? 0000 What educational tools are used? Is Sewer Use Ordinance/Legal Authority available? Does it appear that the Sewer Use Ordinance is enforced? Is Grease Trap Ordinance available? Is Septic Tank Ordinance available (as applicable, i.e. annexation) List enforcement actions by permittee, if any, in the last 12 months Has an acceptable Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) been -implemented? " Does CIP address short term needs and long term \"master plan\" concepts? Does CIP cover three to five year period? Does CIP include Goal Statement? a Q(S qc,« Does CIP include description of project area? Does CIP include description of existing facilities? Gikk P,(%,,o( Pt 'Does CIP include known deficiencies? — f�� `""�� l� Does CIP include forecasted future needs? — ea- 0 Is CIP designated only for wastewater collection and treatment? / Approximate capital improvement budget for collection system? 7— `oo(o tA'a-A� Total annual revenue for wastewater colt tion and treat enl? r! 530c®°0'1- CIP Comments O-ehx.RR Is system free of known points of bypass? — If no, describe type of bypass and location -- O Is a 24-hour notification sign posted at ALL pump stations? # Does the sign include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? 24-hour contact numbers If no, list deficient pump stations O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 0000 O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 O 000 Page: 3 Permit: WQCS00008 Owner - Facility: City of Burlington Inspection Date: 09/21/2006 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Does the map include: Pipe sizes df / - fyicc()h `� J Pipe materials Pipe location — Flow direction ' i•��L rvd11— Approximate pipe age — Number of service taps — �+ Pump stations and capacity If no, what percent is complete? 2-- q t)?a List any modifications and extensions that need to be added to the map # Does the permittee have a copy of their permit? V Comment: Monitoring and Reporting Requirements I 'SZ Are copies of required press releases and distribution lists available? Are public notices and proof of publication available? — v-\ 4 INS) Q # Is an annual report being prepared in accordance with G.S. 143-215.1 C? `' `" 1 ' # Is permittee compliant with all compliance schedules in the permits? 6k) — /4P k)" t-eA) If no, which one(s)? Comment: 0002 - adfadsfasdf Lines/Right-of-Ways/Aeriel Lines Is right-of-way accessible for emergency? Is right-of-way free of sinkholes or depressions? Is line/right-of-way free of evidence of leakage? # Are there areas of exposed line? # Is any exposed line constructed of ductile iron or other approved material? Are water crossing and supports in good condition? # Is right-of-way free of non -utility motorized traffic? Is line free of visible damage? O 000 O 000 0000 0000 0000. 0000 0000 0000 Yes No NA NE 0000 O 000 o'❑❑❑ O 000 Yes No NA NE O 000 0000 O 000 O 000 0000 0000 O 000 0000 Page: 6 Pump Station Inspection Checklist ea/� Name �=( ��No of Pumps 1 2� Address Housekeepin v Secure Accessible Identification Signage Inspection Schedule Wet Well — Floats c� Free of debris High water float (� Telemetry i Audio -Visual SCADA Alain system tested for communications Weekly Operational 1 4 / 2 Capacity of each (gpm) 1 2 Runtime hour meter reading average 1 2 cu,yt`i l O02 r — 1Q-,k) Emergency power Generator Portable Quick -connect Fuel tank Gallons per hour usage rate Testing schedule Automatic Bypass pumping configured ND Overflow piping t Manhole upstream Inspection Logs Name Address Housekeeping', Secure Accessible Identification Signage Inspection Schedule Pump Station Inspection Checklist 60%).o7 Wet Well — Floats Free of debris Weekly No of Pumps 1 i / 2�/ Operational 1 2 t/ Capacity of each (gpm) 1 2 Runtime hour meter reading 1 2 f/J 1-0L Ccdira, High water float telemetry 1Audio-Visual ✓�/ .�� �� SCADA /00 Alarm system tested for communications y\O p(-1/1/140 Emergency power enerator Portable Quick -connect Onsite Fuel tank Z/ Gallons per hour usage rate Testing schedule yy\014 Automatic Bypass pumping configured Overflow piping Manhole upstream Inspection Logs ,Z(jetts (€4(v_ E171( Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ql err F({aSul)Ins. Director`,1 a Divisidn of Water Quality February 21, 2008 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED MICHAEL C PEOPLES, TOWN MANAGER TOWN OF CRAMERTON 155 N MAIN ST CRAMERTON, NC 28032 NC DENR E. r NC DEER ys�.o DWQ-Surface Water Protection Subject: Permit No. WQCS00058 Town of Cramerton Cramerton Collection System Gaston County Dear MICHAEL C PEOPLES: In accordance with your application received on September 20, 2007, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQCS00058, dated February 21, 2008, to Town of Cramerton for the operation and maintenance of the subject wastewater collection system. i/3//7CP This permit shall be effective from the February 21, 2008 until January 1, 2013. This permit shall be subject to the conditions and limitations specified herein. It is your responsibility to thoroughly review this permit. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring and reporting requirements in this permit. For purposes of permitting, the collection system is considered to be any existing or newly installed system extension up to the wastewater treatment facility property or point of connection with a separately owned sewer system. The collection system is considered all gravity lines, pump stations, force mains, low pressure sewer systems, STEP systems, vacuum systems, etc. and associated piping, valves and appurtenances that help to collect, manage and transport wastewater to a wastewater treatment plant under the Permittee's ownership or maintained and operated by the Permittee through a perpetual legal agreement. Satellite systems are systems tributary to the Permittee's collection system but those collection systems are not owned or maintained by the Permittee. The system description provided on Page 1 of this permit is meant to provide a general idea about the size of the system and may not be all inclusive of the collection system at the time of permit issuance or afterward. A release of wastewater from the wastewater collection system is referred to herein as a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO). The evaluation of enforcement options after a SSO will be determined considering the criteria listed in condition I(2)(a) and I(2)(b) of the permit and all other relevant information available or requested of the Permittee. Compliance with all conditions of the permit as well as all statutes and regulations pertaining to the collection system must be maintained or appropriate enforcement actions may be taken as noted in Condition VI(2). A reportable SSO is a SSO greater than 1,000 gallons to the ground or a SSO of any amount that reaches surface water (including through ditches, storm drains, etc.) Below is the procedure to use for reporting SSOs to the Division: 1. Report by telephone to a Division of Water Quality staff member (not facsimile or voicemail) at your regional DWQ office during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8AM to SPM) as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours after the SSO is known or discovered. To report outside of regular business hours, call (800) 858-0368. NorthCarolina Naturally Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unitlnternet 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919) 733-0059 DENR Customer Service Center An Equal Opportunity Action Employer Telephone 1 800 623-7748 50% recycled/10% oost-consumer nnnpr Town of Cramerton Page 2 2. Follow up the verbal report by sending a completed written report on the most current Division approved form within five days. To provide a uniform method for all systems covered under this permit and to provide useful and consistent information pertaining to SSOs, a new spill reporting form has been developed (October 2003). Form CS-SSO consists of two parts. Part I serves to provide to the Division the required information that has always been necessary. Part II serves as an area to provide a justification for the spill, as optional under Condition 1(2) of your permit. Form CS-SSO can be downloaded from from the Collection Systems area. An NOV, civil penalty, and/or a moratorium on the addition of waste to the system may be issued if adequate justification for an SSO is NOT submitted to the regional office. In order to submit a claim for justification of an SSO, you must use the Form CS-SSO with additional documentation as necessary. DWQ staff will review the justification claim and determine if enforcement action is appropriate. Please be advised that the information needed to justify a spill is very comprehensive. Begin using this form immediately to report SSOs from the collection system. Continue to use our old form for reporting bypasses at the wastewater treatment plant until further notice. The time frame for submittal of both Part I and Part II, if pertinent, is five days. Failure to abide by the conditions in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty days following the receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150E of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. If you have questions regarding compliance contact your regional office or Jeff Poupart of the Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality at (919) 733-5083 extension 527. If you need additional information concerning this permit, please contact Daryl Merritt in the Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit at (919) 733-5083 extension 554. Sincerely, Coleen H. Sullins i) cc: Gaston County Health Department Wastewater Collection System ORC/PUD, Town of Cramerton Mooresville Regional Office, Surface Water Protection Section Technical Assistance and Certification Unit Water Quality Central Files PERCS Files 2 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00058 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH SYSTEM -WIDE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Town of Cramerton Gaston County FOR THE operation and maintenance of a wastewater collection system consisting of, at the time of permit issuance, approximately 28.41 miles of gravity sewer, approximately 3.97 miles of force main, 11 duplex pump stations, and all associated piping, valves, and appurtenances required to make a complete and operational wastewater collection system to serve the Town of Cramerton and any deemed permitted satellite communities, and the tributary wastewater collection system serving the City of Belmont, pursuant to the application received on September 20, 2007, and in conformity with the documents referenced therein and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from February 21, 2008 until January 1, 2013 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The sewage and wastewater collected by this system shall be treated in the Town of Cramerton Wastewater Treatment Facility (NC0006033) prior to being disposed into the receiving stream. This collection system permit will be referenced upon renewal or modification of your NPDES permit(s). 1 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00058 2. The wastewater collection system shall be effectively managed, maintained and operated at all times so that there is no SSO to land or surface waters, nor any contamination of groundwater. In the event that the wastewater collection system fails to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions, including actions that may be required by the Division of Water Quality (Division), such as the construction of additional or replacement sewer lines and/or equipment. The Director may take enforcement action against the Permittee for SSOs that must be reported to the Division as stipulated in Condition IV(2). This includes SSOs that were caused by severe natural conditions or exceptional events unless the Permittee demonstrates through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that: a) The SSO was caused by severe natural conditions; there were no feasible alternatives to the SSO, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastewater, reduction of inflow and infiltration, use of adequate back-up equipment, or an increase in the capacity of the system. This provision is not satisfied if, in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment, the Permittee should have installed auxiliary or additional collection system components, wastewater retention or treatment facilities, adequate back-up equipment or should have reduced inflow and infiltration; or b) the SSO was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee; the SSO could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control, such as proper management, operation and maintenance; adequate treatment facilities or collection system facilities or components (e.g., adequately enlarging treatment or collection facilities to accommodate growth or adequately controlling and preventing infiltration and inflow); preventive maintenance; or installation of adequate back-up equipment; The Permittee can submit a claim to the Division Regional Office that the SSO meets the criteria of this condition. The Permittee has the option of submitting this claim along with the spill report required by Condition IV(2) (i.e., within five days) in order to be considered for immunity from enforcement action. Form CS-SSO Part II, or most current Division approved form, shall be used for any claims. The Permittee has the burden of proof that the above criteria have been met. 3. The Permittee shall establish by ordinance its legal authority to require new sewers be properly constructed; to ensure proper inspection and testing of sewer mains and service laterals; to address flows from satellite systems and to take enforcement action as required by Condition 1(4). 4. The Permittee shall develop and implement an educational fats, oils and grease program that shall include at least bi-annual distribution of educational material targeted at both residential and non-residential users. The Permittee shall also develop and implement an enforceable fats, oils and grease program for non-residential users under which the Permittee can take enforcement against users who have not properly installed, operated and maintained grease traps or grease interceptors as directed or otherwise violated the terms of the local ordinance pertaining to fats, oils and grease. 5. The Permittee shall adopt and implement a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to designate funding for reinvestment into the wastewater collection system infrastructure. The CIP should address the short-term needs and long-term "master plan" concepts. The CIP should typically cover a three to five year period and include a goal statement, description of the project area, description of the existing facilities, known deficiencies (over a reasonable period) and forecasted future needs. Cost analysis is integral to the CIP. 6. Existing overflow piping from manholes and pump stations, excluding piping to approved equalization structures, known or discovered after permit issuance shall be immediately removed or permanently capped. Plugged emergency pumping connections are allowable for portable pumping or rerouting without intentionally bypassing the wastewater treatment facility. 2 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00058 7. The Permittee shall maintain a contingency plan for pump failure at each pump station. If one of the pumps in a pump station containing multiple pumps fails, the process of repairing or replacing the pump shall be initiated immediately and the new parts or pump shall be installed as soon as possible. If the pump in a simplex pump station fails, it shall be replaced immediately. 8. Each pump station shall be clearly and conspicuously posted with a pump station identifier and an emergency contact telephone number at which an individual who can initiate or perform emergency service for the wastewater collection system 24 hours per day, seven days per week can be contacted. This emergency contact telephone number shall be coupled with instructions that the emergency contact should be called if the visual alarm illuminates, if the audible alarm sounds, or if an emergency is apparent. 9. Pump station sites, equipment and components shall have restricted access, per 15A NCAC 2T .0305(h)(4). 10. Pump stations that do not employ an automatic polling feature (i.e. routine contact with pump stations from a central location to check operational status of the communication system) shall have both audible and visual high water alarms. The alarms shall be weatherproof and placed in a clear and conspicuous location. Permits issued for the construction of pump stations that included high water alarms in the description must maintain the alarms even if simple telemetry (i.e. notification of an alarm condition initiated by the pump station control feature) is installed. 11. For all newly constructed, modified and rehabilitated pump stations, all equipment and components located within the pump station shall be corrosion -resistant and components in close proximity of the pump station shall be sealed within a corrosion -resistant coating or encasement. 12. All construction and rehabilitation of the wastewater collection system (Le., permitted or deemed permitted) shall be scheduled to minimize the interruption of service by the existing utilities. Construction and rehabilitation shall not result in the violation of Condition (1) (2) of this permit. II. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Upon classification of the collection system by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC), the Permittee shall designate and employ a certified operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) and one or more certified operator(s) to be back-up ORC(s) of the facilities in accordance with 15A NCAC 8G .0201. The ORC shall visit the system within 24 hours of knowledge of a bypass, spill, or overflow of wastewater from the system, unless visited by the Back -Up ORC, and shall comply with all other conditions of 15A NCAC 8G .0204. 2. The Permittee shall develop and adhere to a schedule for reviewing all inspection, maintenance, operational and complaint logs. If the review process. results in the identification of any recurring problem in the wastewater collection system, that cannot be resolved in a short time period, the Permittee shall establish a plan for addressing the problem(s). 3. The Permittee shall develop and adhere to a schedule for testing emergency and standby equipment. 4. The Permittee shall develop and implement a routine pump station inspection and maintenance program, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following maintenance activities: a. Cleaning and removing debris from the pump station structure, outside perimeter, and wet well; b. Inspecting and exercising all valves; c. Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other mechanical equipment according to the manufacturer's recommendations; and d. Verifying the proper operation of the alarms, telemetry system and auxiliary equipment. 3 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00058 5. For each pump station without pump reliability (i.e. simplex pump stations serving more than a single building or pump stations not capable of pumping at a rate of 2.5 times the average daily flow rate with the largest pump out of service), at least one fully operational spare pump capable of pumping peak flow shall be maintained on hand. 6. The Permittee shall maintain on hand at least two percent of the number of pumps installed, but no less than two pumps, that discharge to a pressure sewer and serve a single building, unless the Permittee has the ability to purchase and install a replacement pump within 24 hours of first knowledge of the simplex pump failure or within the storage capacity provided in any sewer line extension permit. 7. Rights -of -way and/or easements shall be properly maintained to allow accessibility to the wastewater collection system unless the Permittee can demonstrate the ability to gain temporary access in an emergency situation where existing land -use conditions do not allow the establishment and maintenance of permanent access. In this case, the Permittee shall continue to observe the lines visually, utilize remote inspection methods (e.g. CCTV) and use the opportunity of drier conditions to perform further inspections and necessary maintenance. 8. The Permittee shall assess cleaning needs, and develop and implement a program for appropriately cleaning, whether by hydraulic or mechanical methods, all sewer lines. At least 10 percent of the wastewater collection system, selected at the discretion of the ORC, shall be cleaned each year. Preventative cleaning is not required for sewer lines less than five years old unless inspection otherwise reveals the need for cleaning or cleaning is required by a sewer line extension permit. 9. Adequate measures shall be taken to contain and properly dispose of materials associated with SSOs. The Permittee shall maintain a Response Action Plan that addresses the following minimum items: a. Contact phone numbers for 24-hour response, including weekends and holidays; b. Response time; c. Equipment list and spare parts inventory; d. Access to cleaning equipment; e. Access to construction crews, contractors and/or engineers; f. Source(s) of emergency funds; g. Site sanitation and clean up materials; and h. Post-SSO assessment. 10. The Permittee, or their authorized representative, shall conduct an on -site evaluation for all SSOs as soon as possible, but no more than two hours after first knowledge of the SSO. 11. In the event of a SSO or blockage within the wastewater collection system, the Permittee shall restore the system operation, remove visible.solids and paper, sanitize any ground area and restore the surroundings. III. RECORDS 1. Records shall be maintained to document compliance with Conditions 1(4), II(2) - 11(4), II(7)-11(8), IV(3) and V(1) -V(4). Records shall be kept on file for a minimum of three years. 2. The Permittee shall maintain adequate records pertaining to SSOs, and complaints for a minimum of three years. These records shall include, but are not limited to, the following information: a. Date of SSO or complaint; b. Volume of wastewater released as a result of the SSO and/or nature of complaint; c. Location of the SSO and/or complaint; d. Estimated duration of the SSO; e. Individual from the Division who was informed about the SSO and/or complaint, when applicable; 4 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00058 f. Final destination of the SSO; g. Corrective actions; h. Known environmental/human health impacts resulting from the SSO; and i. How the SSO was discovered. 3. The Permittee shall maintain an up-to-date, accurate, comprehensive map of its wastewater collection system that also notes the locations where other wastewater collection systems become tributary. If a comprehensive map of the collection system has not been established, a rough sketch shall be drawn. The Permittee shall map approximately 10 percent of its existing collection system each year for the next ten years (beginning at original permit issuance date), or until complete, whichever is sooner. The comprehensive map shall include, but is not limited to: pipe size, pipe material, pipe location, flow direction, approximate pipe age, number of active service taps, and each pump station identification, location and capacity. 4. The Permittee shall maintain records of all of the modifications and extensions to the collection system permitted herein. The Permittee shall maintain a copy of the construction record drawings and specifications for modifications/extensions to the wastewater collection system for the life of the modification/extension. Information concerning the extension shall be incorporated into the map of the wastewater collection system within one year of the completion of construction. The system description contained within this permit shall be updated to include this modification/extension information upon permit renewal. IV. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Any monitoring (including, but not necessarily limited to, wastewater flow, groundwater, surface water, soil or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division to ensure surface water and groundwater protection will be established, and an acceptable sampling and reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. The Permittee shall verbally report to a Division of Water Quality staff member at the Mooresville Regional Office, at telephone number (704)663-1699 as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of either of the following: a. Any SSO and/or spill over 1,000 gallons; or b. Any SSO and/or spill, regardless of volume, that reaches surface water. Voice mail messages or faxed information shall not be considered as the initial verbal report. SSOs (and other types of spills) occurring outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Division of Emergency Management at telephone number (800) 858-0368 or (919) 733-3300. Persons reporting any of the above occurrences shall file a spill report by completing Part I of Form CS-SSO (or the most current Division approved form), within five days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to ensure that the problem does not recur. Per Condition 1(2), Part II of Form CS-SSO (or the most current Division approved form) can also be completed to show that the SSO was beyond control. 3. The Permittee shall meet the annual reporting and notification requirements provided in North Carolina General Statute § 143-215.1 C. V. INSPECTIONS 1. The Permittee or the Permittee's designee shall inspect the wastewater collection system regularly to reduce the risk of malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors, and other issues that may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, threaten human health or create nuisance conditions. The Permittee shall keep an inspection log or summary including, at a minimum, the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. 5 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00058 2. Pump stations without Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems or telemetry shall be inspected everyday (i.e. 365 days per year). Pump stations equipped with SCADA systems or telemetry shall be inspected at least once per week. 3. A general observation of the entire collection system shall be performed throughout the course of every year. 4. Inspections of all high priority lines (i.e. aerial line, sub -waterway crossing, line contacting surface waters, siphon, line positioned parallel to stream banks that are subject to eroding in such a manner that may threaten the sewer line, or line designated as high -priority in a permit) shall be performed at least once per every six-month period of time. A list of high -priority lines is presented as Attachment A and is hereby incorporated into this permit condition. New high priority lines installed or identified after permit issuance are incorporated by reference and subject to this permit condition until permit renewal where they shall be referenced in writing in Attachment A. VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is not transferable. In the event that the Permittee desires to transfer ownership of the wastewater collection system or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit modification request shall be submitted to the Division. The request shall be accompanied by documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. Such request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 2. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 143-215.6A through § 143-215.6C, and a sewer moratorium may be established. 3. The issuance of this permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (i.e., local, state, and federal) having jurisdiction, including but not limited to applicable river buffer rules in 15A NCAC 2B .0200, soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements in 15A NCAC Chapter 4 and under the Division's General Permit NCG010000, and any requirements pertaining to wetlands under 15A NCAC 2B .0200 and 15A NCAC 2H .0500and all applicable North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Act health and safety standards. 4 . The issuance of this permit does not prohibit the Division from reopening and modifying the permit, revoking and reissuing the permit or terminating the permit as allowed by the laws, rules, and regulations contained in I5A NCAC Chapter 2T and North Carolina General Statute §I43-215.1 et. al., or as needed to address changes in federal regulations with respect to the wastewater collection system. 5. The Permittee shall pay the annual fee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15A NCAC 2T .0105(e) (3). 6. The Permittee shall request renewal of this permit at least six months prior to the expiration of this permit. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the wastewater collection system described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for a period of time and under such conditions and limitations, as the Commission may deem appropriate. 7. The Permittee shall notify the Division's Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit in writing at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 of any changes to the name and/or address of the responsible party (i.e. mayor, city/town manager) of the wastewater collection system. 8. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the collection system at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit, may 6 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00058 inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of wastewater, groundwater, surface water, soil, or plant tissue. 9. The collection system operator/contact shall keep a copy of this permit on hand and be able to produce it upon request of the Division during a compliance inspection or other on -site visit. Permit issued this the 21 st day of February, 2008, with an Effective Date of 2l st day of February, 2008 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality JBy Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQCS00058 7 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00058 r-,TOWN OF Q L.RAMERTO (est. 1921 ) Ms. Barbara Sifford NCDEWDWQ Moores -Ville Regional Office 919,North Main Street . Mooresville, NC 281.15 Dear Barbara Please find attached the Right of Way clearing maps as required in section II, item 7 of our collectiOnsysteni permit, (WQCS00058). If you have any questions, please call ine at 704-825-7499 or you can email me at:, tOCWwt@beisouth:net NC DEPT. Or ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES 11100RESVILIJ":rnjj OFF1M R JAN 3 0 2004 WATER AIJTY SECTION January 28, 2004 Jamie Shyile, POTW Director copv: CS file David Young, Manager 155 North Main Street Cramerton, NC 28032 704/824-4337 44,e/ 11 size acZAD& re/W 0 F oFZ 5nm 0 u e 0 goo O 100d 'goo! v j o rn'Od //fL_LoO 0 a t v& �a ,04 o �.: 9NDIWd DO 1 V z.-° a,,ed lief eO o pp oww,i_ COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT �1 \�} Plii'i! trOwner: Dux) / e arrf�P Facility: eth() �jDS!- g:0'4 5C ern Permit__ GOO(," 5 600 S $ Effective Date: 4.0 Q i 3 Facility: - % 5S 1)0 Address: - CF4, t e UD zi Contact Person: pat() ORC: - Certification: - Related Permits: 60,55geeg Inspection Date: - 51 1 s ID 41 Inspector: gou,vs Inspection Type: Reason for Inspection: - ,44littu-J Facility Status: g(to' oie- Class (2, ys )4rn. 3-q ()/$ / rnAh..0 re4/4 3 mato Pn'1 6.uu-ge,) �p/5 1Q �s Expiration Date: Jac& 3 / i Aoo % Phone: - %d - 8625 r '7Q'g9 Phone: Permit: Owner - Facility: Inspection Date: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation PorfnrrrRnro Crnriprr+c Is Public Education Program for crease established and documented? e If no, provide schedule of compliance What educational tools are used? Is Sewer Use OrdinanceiLecal Authority available? Does it appear that the Sewer Use Ordinance is enforced? - -- Is Grease Trap Ordinance available? iJ.kC(,L��� Is Septic Tank Ordinance available? If no, provide schedule of compliance List enforcement actions by permitte, if any, in the last 12 months Has an acceptable Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) been implemented? If no, provide schedule of compliance Does CIP address short term needs.and long term \"master plan\" con ce ts? Does CIP cover three to five year period? Does CIP include Goal Statement? Does CIP include description of project area? T I Does CIP include description of existing facilities? Does CIP include known deficiencies? Does CIP include forecasted future needs? -- Is CIP designated only for wastewater collection and treatment? Approximate capital improvement budget for collection system? — Total annual revenue for wastewater collection and treatment? CIP Comments • Is system free of known points of bypass? If no, describe type of bypass and location Is a 24-hour notification sign posted at ALL pump stations? Does the sign include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? . 24-hour contact numbers If no, provide a schedule of compliance If no, list deficient pump stations Do ALL pump stations have an "auto palling" feature/SCADA? Number of pump stations — Number of pump stations that have SCADA 6-a Number of pump stations that have simple telemetry — C01/41pA/J Number of pump stations that have only audible and visual alarms — Number of pump stations that do not meet permit requirements Provide a schedule of compliance — Comrnent: Ins 'ectinnc Are maintenance records for sewer lines available? F Are records available that document pump station inspections? - 0 �Q ,0 seer' Are SCADA or telemetry equipped pump stations inspected at least once a week? Y's No NA NF • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑ 0000 0000 DDD ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O 000 O 000 ❑ ❑❑❑ EEDE ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ EIEDD DDD ,0000 0000 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • DDD No NA NF DDE O 000 Page: 2 Permit: Inspection Date: Owner - Facility: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation fncnc.-tfons Are non-SCADA/telemetry equipped pump stations inspected every day? Are records available that document citizen complaints? Are records available that document an annual observation of entire system? --- Has there been an observation of entire system in the last year? Are records available that document inspections of high -priority lines? ^— I Has there been visual inspections of high -priority lines in last 6 months? Comment: rinoratir,n & fytaintananro P,c.lflirpmantc Are ail log hooks available? Does supervisor review all log books on a regular basis? A -CV Does the supervisor have plans to address documented short-term problem areas? . - Yoc_ Nn NA NF ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0000 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Ypc Nn NA NF ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0000 What is the schedule for reviewing inspection, maintenance, & operations logs and problem areas? r==- Is a schedule maintained for testing emeraency/standby equipment? — M.0\11.(c.L .� Are maintenance records for equipment available? If no, provide schedule for compliance What is the scedule for testina emeraency/standby equipment? Of\ Do pump station logs include: Inside and outside leaning and.debris removal? - ' Inspecting and exercising all valves? -- / Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other equipment? Inspecting alarms, telemetry and auxiliary equipment? If no, provide schedule for compliance Is there at least one spare pump for each pump station w/o pump reliability? '-- . U a( a/ u If no, provide schedule for compliance Are maintenance records for right-of-ways available? adkittAkiCU Are right-of-ways currently accessible in the event of an emergency? If no, provide schedule for compliance Are system leaning records available? V-:- / Has at least 10% of system been leaned annually? If no, provide schedule for compliance What areas are scheduled for cleaning in the next 12 months? — Is a Spill Response Action Plan available? Does the plan include: / 24-hour contact numbers t ' Response time i.i Equipment list and spare parts inventory Access to cleaning equipment-, Access to construction crews, contractors, andior engineers Source of emeraency funds Site sanitation and cleanup materials ✓ Post-overflow/spill assessment Is a Spill Response Action Plan available for all personnel? Is the spare parts inventory adequate.? El El 0 El ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • DDD EDD ❑ ❑❑❑ ❑ El El 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O 000 0 CI 0 El Page: 3 Owner - Facility: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Date: 11 or compliance 01 N t u v 5 0 0. 0 c a E E 0 0 ;'rnp 4t�tinn Pump Station 1 Pump station type ❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑.❑❑❑❑o❑000,p,0000❑❑oo❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑o❑❑•❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ O 00000000000000000000000000 �• g n 01 n a) CO(0 O1 a) 0) (Na (1) CL N O . O o a• E a E > > N 0. 0_ ai m 0) a) 0 a• ) n a0) n. 0 N crq n. 7 n. L C N f0 0 E E c a 8 N a • • . cN) 0 C N a m a m a) E w " O C :. O';•. U ,... m�7 ;, N C 01 a')�,'N.. :'N .'T,, ac) O 14 c: o.,o':.: 4---' y.'„>;.•,.Eaac)' Era n ' E .• n • a• n(ll ..'. )...• :.' c •:',.$. I N' cm a) N •'D N N N 0 Does it include: ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑.0000 O 00000 O 00000 0 :� (0 N c 0 2 �n C a) .n 0 O r n. U a) o) a`) u 0 0 iFi 0 C 0) N a) N n. E n. a) .c V) c). a a) ' E 0 a) n E 8 N E 2 m Q a o a) n co (0 (0 a. (0 N 0 cn u) 0 b) .` 0 a)) m C )' a) "0 (U a) Q - eW1‘1166 Permit: Inspection Date: Owner - Facility: inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation 'ln.a•afinn 4ainta If no, provide schedule for compliance Comment: vnn Stntinn Pump Station 1 Pump station type (2/tae6„,, 7771) Are pump station loos available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? t/ Is general housekeeping acceptable? Are all pumps present? Are all pumps operable? Are wet well/siphons free of excessive debris? Are upstream manholes free of excessive debris/signs of overflow? Are floats/controls for pumps/alarms operable? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? ��� Is "auto polling" featyre/SCADA operational? \' Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Is an emergency generator available? Are backflow devices in place?. Are backflow devices operable?-. e air relief valves in place' Are air relief valves operable?,, Is an emergency generator available? = Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the generator operable? Are audio and visual alarms present? 177 Is the fuel tank full? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sien posted? Does it include: Instructions fa Friotmcation? Pump station identfier? Emergency phone number is public access iimited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? Comae.,:. Are adequate records of all SSOs. spills and complaints available? Yoc No NA r YPc No NA N= ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 00000000 ❑ Q ❑ ❑ O 000 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DODO ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 Q ❑ - 0 CI ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑• • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑- ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O 000 O 000 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O 000 0000 Yoc No NA N= ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • Paoe: 4 Permit: Inspection Date: Owner - Facility: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation rin�•afinn R q�ainforinn^� Rcnniromonrc If no. provide schedule for compliance Comment: �, �rrin Rfatinn Pump Station 1 �� �2!L ([/[ , 7W' /54--'�� Pump station type Are pump station logs available? / Is it accessible in all weather conditions? 1/ Is general housekeeping acceptable? Are all pumps present? Are all pumps operable? /• �I Are wet well/siphons free of excessive debris? t/ • Are upstream manholes free of excessive debris/signs of overflow? r Are floats/controls for pumps/alarms operable? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? `' Are audio and visual alarms present? v Are audio and visual aiarms o^re2ble? - Is the Pump station inspected as required? . Is an emergency generator available? ; ; : Are backflow devices in place?. • Are backflow devices operable __ Are airrelief valves in place? Are air ra!ief valves operable?• . s an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? rrn Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? (.- Is the generator operable? -® Is the fuel tank full? — Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? • Y\(JVk t ( - - o d Is a 24-hour notification sian posted? Does it include: Instru,^;ions fo 'notification? Pump station identifier? Emeraency phone number Is public access limited? ✓/ Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? �� �� Are run times comparable for murple pumps? !' .�X.&-e^ Common: Are a•de:::ate records of all SSOs. spills and omplaints mailable? Yoc No NA N= Yoc No NA N= i❑❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ . ., •. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑SD a❑❑❑=_7 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑.:_ •.•❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O. • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑- ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ . ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Yoc No NA N= ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • Pace: 4 Permit: Inspection Date: Owner - Facility: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation n^o•afinn :; Maintonan^o Ron—iromonfc If no, provide scheduie for compliance Comment: D!er Cfatinn 4due Pump Station 1 Pump station type Are pump station loos available? L4)4 -' L/5 Is it accessible in all weather conditions? �j�J /I Is general housekeeping acceptable? ! - / ` Are all pumps present? Are all pumps operable? Are wet well/siphons free of excessive debris? Are upstream manholes free of excessive debris/signs of overflow? Are floats/controls for pumps/alarms operable? Is "auto polling" featurelSCADA present? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is simple telemetry present? Is simple telemetry operational? Are audio and visual alarms present? v. Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? t� Is an emergency generator available? Are backflow devices in place?. • Are backflow devices operable? Are air relief valves in place? Are air relief valves operable? :_ Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency aenerator nun the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Is the cenerator operable? Is the fuel tank full? Is the venerator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notifiostion sign posted? Does it include: Instructions fof:rictification..?1-7 Pump station identifier?�/ Emergency phone number_ Is public access iimited? Is pump station free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? Comment: Are adeo:;ate records of all SSOs. spills and complaints available? Yac No NA N= Yoc No NA N= III ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑• O 000 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ :..:❑0 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ : ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑... ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 000 ❑ ❑❑❑.. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O 000 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O 000 O 000 O 000 Yoc Nn NA N= ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Pace: 4 Permit: Inspection Date: r•lnorgt.nn .0 M,intor1Pnra Rory nroTont. If no. provide schedule for compliance Comment: �• Tr -In Statinrt Pump Station 1 Pump station type Are pump station loos available? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? Is general housekeeping acceptable? l/ Are all pumps present? t/ Are all pumps operable? Are wet well/siphons free of excessive debris? t/ Are upstream manholes free of excessive debris/signs of overflow? Are floats/controls for pumps/alarms operable? Is "auto polling" featurelSCADA presen Is "auto polling" feature!SCADA opera on Is simple telemetry prese Is simple telemetry opera ' nal? Are audio and visual alarms present? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Is an emergency generator available? 7-- Are backflow devices in place?. Are backflow devices operable? • _ Are air relief valves in place?-:F Are air relief valves operable? :_- Is an emergency generator available? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? �� k 9) c)-( Owner - Facility: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluatio Is the generator operable? Is the fuel tank full? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Does it include: Ir.s-zructions for'notiflca ion? Pump station identifier? Emergency phone number is pubiic access limited? / Is pump station, free of overflow piping? Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Are run times comparable for multiple pumps_? Comment: Are adequate records of all SSDs. spills and complaints available.? 1 �u1ij ,/ ialam't S Vos No NA N= NEED 0000 O 000 O 000 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • O 000 O 000 O 0000000 0000 CI 0 CI CI ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ El D ❑:E -_ ❑ a ❑ ❑ 0 0 0 ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑ O 000. 016(AG 4z) 4a 'a/le,e100E1 0 El 0 0 El O 000 0000 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O 000 0000 No NA NG ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Pape: 4 O ' 1a a) > W a) 1) CO a E 0 0 0. C O z a ff, ❑ 000 0000000 ❑ 000 ❑❑❑❑❑.❑❑ } 0 2 c'. D 1) 0 a) E N y a) N .n 0) it-}-C %(0 C 0 • m E v 1'•) ) ,_ .r_ c a a) L O m E N N o <n 0 [.. O N Ui N 0 C 'O -c O . E co raw D m ra Is a map of the system available? Flow direction Approximate pipe age Number of service taps 0. co E a) .c 0 v N .0 O -0 a) C (0 1n p c O N ai aa)) .0 E .2 N � N N N C O p U U q O a E E c No E (L o c In U 11 ❑❑❑•O❑❑❑.LJ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ 000000000000000 ❑❑❑❑•o❑❑❑❑❑❑❑•❑❑❑ 1100000•000000000 (`. a) . . 1. n• . 3. 0 .:. ; • m N a co0 .`' . -...- T0. O. > q.. . co O 0 CO , p (. p .. •C D N 0) m c v [• n, m 0 rn w ;.• i;:• m 0 0 0 aa) t75 N m .r . V E 00 m m 0• m a) ,'.• P• . >0 N N 0 a) N _no> LL +" ' �' c m m rn 0 m En N C £., C C (f�3 •InN fN a) Q) co .n 0 a: m '.y',�. v c 'x x x a E .a' > c • ( > m am) C.•'c v• N: w m a) v 'o CD j '� w' a) :• 0. 00 .O C O O O N ,N a) m a) C C m m '0)4. Ol r,.., 0> ':= U) m dl m i s E E s t. .c t .k s .� .c° c° `a c is O co N m m • N N N • m C C C U N a) E E S E•'E.,,E .�'> E E. E E a') E c� GI to' U)' N.' N.•' N•.r N'•N'. N' U1 N 1.u1 N < < 0 C 11 z a z 00 00 00 00 11. 10 00000 000 cL ❑❑❑ ■❑❑ ("loci v ai p 0) ma) -o L N c o O '14 a) 0 O ) U a> CO CO - />a a 0 "O• D : ) 0) U) c 'C 'C 3= !n ,n .>1) Permit: Owner- Facility: Inspection Date: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation i�nc/Rinh!_nf_�l\/a\m/A.risd I inoc Are there areas of exposed line? Is any exposed line constructed of ductile iron or other approved material? Are water crossing and supports in good condition? 'i/ Is right-of-way free of non -utility motorized traffic? Is line free of visible damage? Comment: y Yac Nn NA NF DODO D D D ❑ D ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DODO Pace: 6 (lante,c,4,0 0(16.16 Co /206,,,,4' /forme/ 0044 gd -124 20(-1- geLe•-3 AC't ef J ve, 065567 eis zu(v-Tp., p445_ - L 4,(4(ale gg/id (AV e)pm — ado -1-;2 a4nisicryic (DAA'oe) 1Op (Bmttrymp CtLi 0.5 50 eyry) -44- irykett,- ewe.) 9py\-\ 67(4 ci act 04. CeLf1-44781\_ Lajrrlta/ POL' gutxd-LS6Le_ ktIceAu )67;1 Peq4/ 106205 0 00 5-g ckrvidey ciSh9-/-ec CAAILdt-9 e-th/Z) ( (Via-16 /1707-6j 0 riicedciU (540 0" a ce/Laird 02,4/4 4,0 d),(A,L12) 6icutc(nu 3 56 1p 3 q E 3 eAL0' 01,0 Nlowbn 3 rik;k4 Frk 19 ()AA: awk <60 autu.04,tiO gitp 4tilexz) /5-ki auo,Q) tf X66-L Ledaact- - a(6)L 99 St•Px4) F to"\ 1V-Co-LcurrY cA:4 04,1111) IckA:elluz) CAA 10-Ct iO3 ej-V- 4/J4 ided 0 03/05/2004 05:52 FAX 7045253149 • WILLIAM TROTTER COMPANY f J 006 As a re • resentatiive for the res • onelble • a , I certi that the information contained in this re • ort Is a and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting daim: u t \ I to VYl �-� . < <- O 'er Signature: Telephone Number. c4443Wr Any additional information desired to be submitted should be knowledge of the SSO with reference to the Incident numb(' • (the incid s� y 9 is completed If used), Date: V10ETitle: 1 R E's l I� V-1V T J / 74, boot()33 //3//9-00s- u)ou,N)c-)- nt to the ap • • plate Division Regional Office within five days of first ent numb ?i onI erierated when electronic entry of this form CSSsO Form October 9. 2003 Page 8 toiet a- II)Coi-P - 1404160 po - 3,,,,0 Cif d&C ? - A/c 6006,033 , 7d - 8 "- W97 toP G.IP - �� . moc ri ' p -AQ/ is co- aa3 iaia- ' A - 6:71, Aak cv)vd 417 a/(M °`- Piz,1'/ /S/ fYlc -a- 0 PG1a4 _,.=�G - te a) - K. & i21 ec, p�Jocs.c. 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D 7 (P `< VI 0 n (D 0 (0 N _ li () (n (U < U a (1 0 N S o D (a)i. O (D In •fl (!) 7 u ' (D 01 , 9a () c N i° ro ID �. a 0 U ryt .O N a? al U ID D1 O 0. N. (1 O _7 tD U D i0 T 7 al 3 D J 5 m N U 0 NJ 1 O N U' ' 3 m o 7- (D ID N 7. 7' 1.., U o. 3 °1 O < 7 N 0 ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ O ❑ 0 :a;ea uopzedsui T 0 7 D 11 ° 0 -mod 10/ a tou • A/ 9 e"/)7y - ("99 (:;90 w .Q-1E5 EQ�. c q 7 ---A9m jw 7J> aor-EE - 74 -P7 s/-/ ./Lor(, Town of Cramerton Annual Sewer Report 2008 The North Carolina Clean Water Act of 1999 requires the Town of Cramerton to provide an annual report to its customers and to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDNR) to summarize the sewage treatment works and collection system's performance over the last year. You may review the Act at The Town of Cramerton is pleased to present this 2008 sewer report. Each year, the Town of Cramerton does over 4,855 measurements and chemical analyses to comply with permit requirements, treat your wastewater, and safely return it to the environment. The Town's staff of certified, licensed operators are committed a goal of providing the Town's citizens and businesses with efficient, cost-effective, wastewater disposal. We continue to improve our collection and treatment processes to protect you and the environment from the potential harm of poorly treated wastewater. If you have any questions about our wastewater system or this report please contract Eagle Road Water Reclamation Facility at 704-825-7499 Name of Regulated Entity and Responsible Contact Eagle Road Treatment Plant Town Administrator: Michael Peoples, 155 Main Street Cramerton, NC 28032 704-824-4337 Operator in Responsible Charge: Jamie Shytle, 704-825-7499 Applicable Permits NPDES Permit: NC: NC0006033 Collection System Permit: WQCS00058 Land Application Permit: WQ0002618 Cramerton's Collection and Treatment System and Process Cramerton maintains approximately 19 miles of gravity sewers and force mains. The plant can treat 4 million gallons a day and is located at 659 Eagle Mountain Road. Wastewater from the Town's citizens, and businesses flows by gravity through sanitary sewer lines to one of 3 pump stations that pump the wastewater to the treatment plant where it is treated biologically using extended aeration. The wastewater solids settle out in the clarifiers and are treated aerobically for final disposal on area pastures where the owners have volunteered to use the sludge to improve their soil. Bacteria in the treated wastewater are killed by chlorination and then the chlorine, which can be harmful in the environment, is removed before discharge into the Catawba River. In 2008 the Waste treatment facility had gone through a major facility up grade: 1. Total electrical system upgraded from 575 volt to 480 volt. 2. New chemical feed building. 3. Two clarifiers rebuilt along with new pumps and piping. 4. Chlorine contact chamber up graded and fitted with diffused air blowers. 5. New Bar screen and compactor for the removal of inorganic material. 6. Two standby generators capable of supplying complete electrical power to the waste water facility incase of power outages. 7. New Administration building with offices, and laboratory. Performance Cramerton met the requirements of all permit conditions and environmental laws. The system had no monitoring or reporting violations; there were no illegal bypasses of treatment facilities and no one reported any overflows of the sewer collection system. Public Notification / How You Can Help Us Protect the Environment If an overflow of the collection system does occur the Town is required to repair the problem causing the overflow, mitigate any damage, and report the spill to the State and in the case of larger spills, the public. The State can fine the Town for large overflows. Most overflows are caused by grease or obstructions. You can help the Town stop overflows by keeping fats, oils, and grease out of your drain and calling City Hall if you see a manhole with a missing lid. You can also help minimize accidental overflows by calling 911 if you see water running out of a manhole or broken pipe. Certification I certify, to the best of my knowledge, this report is accurate and complete, meeting the requirements of North Carolina House Bill 1160, 1999 Clean Water Act, and the guidance provide by DWQ Compliance and Enforcement Unit's in a letter of October 10, 1999. Michael Peoples, Town Administrator Date This report was posted on www. cramerton. org and at Town Hall Submit 3 copies to: System Performance Annual Report North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 06/30/99 WED 10:13 FAX 824 3667 Utilities el010 TOWN OF CRAMERTON WASTEWATER TREATMENT DIVISION EQUIPMENT RESOURCES LIST CRAMERTON MAINTENANCE LOT • POWER RODDER • MUD HOG 3" PUMP AND HOSES • 2" TRASH PUMP AND HOSES • SMALL PORTABLE GENERATOR + LIFT STATION PORTABLE GENERATOR • CASE BACKHOE • 4-WHEEL DRIVE S-10 • DUMP TRUCK • 350 MAINTENANCE TRUCK. • PIPING, REPAIR BANDS FITTINGS ETC. • TRENCH SHORING o CUT OFF SAW o PIPE CUTTING & THREADING MACHINE • VENTILATION FAN OUTFIT • GAS AND OIL • CHAIN SAW • TRAFFIC CONES AND BARRIERS CRAMERTON WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT • 4 WHEEL DRIVE RANGER • SPARE PARTS FOR LI.FTSTATIONS • CHLORINE CYLINDER LEAK KIT+ • SCBA SYSTEM • GAS & OXYGEN SENSOR I 1 OF 2 06/30/99 WED 10:13 FAX 824 3667 Utilities (Town of Crotmerton Equipment Resource List continued) 3 R INC • AIR COMPRESSORS • BACK HOE • BOATS • CYCLONE SEPERATOR • GENERATORS • PRESSURE CLEANERS • PUMPS • VACUUM. TRUCKS • SEWER JETTER • TANKER TRAILER • TANKS • PUMP TRUCKS 2 OF 2 'a OrvE�pP :ar}S ZZ =ores Brook 305 1! t'OLEy4c rR. i 77//aa O Ro. . �es.., Z�c1 1 Z`' . . \ g.e, Z: ='r® GASTONIA� y a4, �m / d ��s MUNICIPAL•' '. °4{ "�" 11 i 1 a $9 AM PORT 4. V o 1.. ar Le oh % ( J g •GA .0 • Og! bq.,, J., Der O. 1 / qe �OF/4` rt � 4 F u - 4 fat N ( ` `aroeng o` • . ��$. 3"p / oi' aimel .�' z Park. 'tv .� :., Q. Dovewo.•: d? r 1 Estates 0 o,. Rp g Y I RAVER ART.%L PIN=:RO •r _o. Glerirp t S s Yg jp�OWNH I 4 / o O NEW HOPE ELEM. SCH. SOUTH HI. Shar 'v j; sr. Ilir , :• ON' •1. i•a�W R - • --- V" FAIRCIROUNDS¢r� I �.' �OGq ,3 . 54 •ADQ JQ S2,t -i -'1 .'®f_,. \ll ° lrpD.�i �- 9$ Sr0 . B 5 ¢ / sr > °*44• f° t"�( OdS i EXT / � r- \ \�r• v�Si - 'v+ -rA,VK17S .. O� \ • 7 ,\� 1•49°'34 • - ¢ .,•A REID FlEL�°~ \ W , ST: 'c �a��` HALL G r r, +a++'s °HI 3 -• . nA 00�� 'OH -•N ,� E• �W �O.gN�e L-Q FA/ jf ,• OR crkmo �42� �' Q ' W cr. 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Forest 0 -£f / �' 4 .,, .�.`�� t , of d ��„�`�.. �' tiro nK . i d� �l�'T , T �+ � �?�il One Npr Caro11IIa ,Naturallj Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P. E. Director Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality July 19, 2004 Mr. Jamie Shytle Public Works Director Town of Cramerton 155 North Main Street Cramerton, NC 28032 Subject: Non -Discharge Compliance Inspection Wastewater Collection System Permit No. WQCS00058 Cramerton - Gaston County Dear Mr. Shytle: Enclosed is a copy of the Collection System Inspection Report for the inspection conducted on May 18, 2004 by Ms. Barbara Sifford of this office. Ms. Sifford met with you and Mr. Hubert Hampton for the inspection. Please note that the sections completed on the report pertain only to the areas that were checked during the inspection. The collection system for the Town of Cramerton consists of 17 miles of sewer line, two miles of force main and ten pump stations that convey wastewater to the City of Cramerton WWTP (NPDES NC0006033) for treatment. The collection system is classified as a Class 2. Generally, the inspection revealed that the Town's collection system is being properly operated and maintained. However, some deficiencies were noted and are listed in the inspection report. Other deficiencies noted are addressed in the compliance schedules listed in the Town's collection system permit. A response to this letter is not necessary, but a follow up inspection will be conducted. Performance Standards The Town of Cramerton has a Sewer Use Ordinance and has taken enforcement action against Burger King for grease violations during the past year. A Capitol. Improvement Plan (CIP) should be approved by July 2004 and submitted to this office, as stated in Section I., Item 5 of the Permit. A pump failure contingency plan has been developed for each pump station, listing emergency contacts and supply parts for the station. All pump stations had notification signs with emergency numbers listed for notification of alarms. NCOENit N. C. Division of Water Quality, Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Customer Service I-877-623-6748 7 Page 2 Mr. Shytle July15, 2004 Inspections There was no documentation of the annual inspection requirement of all lines in the system. A plan for this documentation is to be developed by Mr. Hampton. Footage documentation of line cleaning exceeds the minimum ten percent requirement. High priority lines and aerials need to be inspected twice a year and the inspection must be documented. A log that includes dates, response time, action taken, and cause of problem needs to be maintained. The attached compliance evaluation inspection lists the information that should be available for review. This information is necessary to provide the justification claim in Part II of the sewer spill reporting form. This is the basis for our determining the need for any enforcement action. Operation and Maintenance Documentation listed in this section of the report, for pump stations, emergency generators, and right of way maintenance needs to be established and maintained for review during an inspection. The Phase I of the ROW maintenance clearing was submitted to this office in January 2004. During the inspection it was noted that these areas were cleared and now are not accessible because of development projects adjacent to the sewer line. Excess dirt has been piled up along the line that prevents routine mowing of the line and access by vehicle to the line for maintenance. It is the Town's responsibility to maintain accessibility to these lines. Pump Stations Eight pump stations were inspected. Audible and visual alarms need to be functional at each pump station as a backup to the telemetry system. Each pump station should have a high water control float and high water alarm. General housekeeping was acceptable at each of the stations and all pumps were present and operable. A quick connect for the generator was available at all stations that do not have on site generation. Quick connect plugs will be replaced when the new portable generator is purchased. At this time the old generator is not operational, therefore contractor service for pump and haul is used in emergency situations. The two stations on SCADA track pump -run hours, no other pump stations track pump -run times. The future WWTP expansion will provide SCADA for several more pump stations. The two ejector stations are old but are currently operating reliably and have high water floats in the manhole adjacent to the pump wet well. Page 3 Mr. Shytle July 15, 2004 Records Records of all spills and complaints need to be maintained for tracking trouble spots in the collection system. A partial map of the system is available showing some of the lines and pump stations. New subdivisions and pump stations need to be added to the map including the new lines to the WWTP. Manhole Manholes inspected were in good condition, including covers. The only sign of overflow was at the Baltimore Pump Station, which had an overflow on April 23, 2004. All other areas checked were free of visible signs of overflow, sinkholes, or depressions; and there were no bypass structures or pipes. One manhole adjacent to the Baltimore Pump Station had root growth between the invert and the manhole. All other manholes checked during the inspection were free flowing and unrestricted. Monitoring and Reporting Requirements No press releases or public notices were required for 2002 and 2003. An annual collection system report listing spills and general information about the system is posted at Town Hall for citizens to review. Lines / Right -of —Ways/ Aerial Lines A compliance schedule for cleaning right-of-ways is listed in the permit. Phase I was completed as required by January 15, 2004, and documentation was submitted to this office. During the inspection it was noted that several of the areas that were cleared are now not accessible due to construction near the easements. It is the responsibility of the permittee to maintain these right-of-ways and keep them accessible. It is requested that all Phase I right -of- ways be cleared (and be made accessible) on or before September 30, 2004. Upon completion of Phase I, please notify this office. Failure to abide by the conditions of the permit may result in enforcement action by the Division in accordance with NCGS 143-215.6. All lines that were accessible were free of sinkholes, and showed no evidence of leakage. One aerial was checked on the Market Street Outfall and was in good condition. All aerials and high priority lines are to be inspected every six months and documented. Attachment A of the permit has a list of these sections. Documentation for lines cleaned for this year exceeds the minimum ten percent required. Page 4 Mr. Shytle July15, 2004 If you have any questions concerning this inspection report or noted record keeping requirements, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sifford or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, PE Water Quality Regional Supervisor Enclosure Cc: Gaston County Health Department NDPU Raleigh BS Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor NCi°ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director Michael C Peoples Cramerton Collection System 155 N Main St Cramerton, NC 28032 January 6, 2010 Dee Freeman.. Secretary, j./AN .l 3 MO Subject: System -Wide Wastewater Collection System Permit Expiration Date Permit Number WQCS00058 Cramerton Collection System Gaston County Dear Michael C Peoples: Due to the recent enactment of SL 2009-406 (or SB 831), An Act to Extend Certain Government Approvals Affecting the Development of Real Property Within the State, the expiration date of all system -wide wastewater collection system permits is being extended by three (3) years. The new expiration date for the Cramerton Collection System Permit WQCS00058 is 01/31/16. A permit renewal application is due six months prior to the extended expiration date. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at (919) 807-6383 or via email [D eborah. Gore@ncdenr. gov] . Sincerely, \ >.�-�v..�"•;-� .gin._.,,-. Deborah Gore PERCS Unit Supervisor cc: Central Files Surface Water Protection Section Regional Office Supervisor 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919-807-64921 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer Nne oithCarolina Naturally Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality Issue Date/DRAFT CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED MICHAEL C PEOPLES, TOWN MANAGER TOWN OF CRAMERTON 155 N MAIN ST CRAMERTON, NC 28032 Subject: Permit No. WQCS00058 Town of Cramerton Cramerton Collection System Gaston County Dear MICHAEL C PEOPLES: In accordance with your application received on September 20, 2007, we areforwarding herewith Permit No. WQCS00058, dated Date, to Town of Cramerton for the operation and maintenance of the subject wastewater collection system. This permit shall be effective from the Effective Date until Expiration Date. This permit shall be subject to the conditions and limitations specified herein. It is your responsibility to thoroughly review this permit. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring and reporting requirements in this permit. For purposes of permitting, the collection system is considered to be any existing or newly installed system extension up to the wastewater treatment facility property or point of connection with a separately owned sewer system. The collection system is considered all gravity lines, pump stations, force mains, low pressure sewer systems, STEP systems, vacuum systems, etc. and associated piping, valves and appurtenances that help to collect, manage and transport wastewater to a wastewater treatment plant under the Permittee's ownership or maintained and operated by the Permittee through a perpetual legal agreement. Satellite systems are systems tributary to the Permittee's collection system but those collection systems are not owned or maintained by the Permittee. The system description provided on Page 1 of this permit is meant to provide a general idea about the size of the system and may not be all inclusive of the collection system at the time of permit issuance or afterward. A release of wastewater from the wastewater collection system is referred to herein as a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO). The evaluation of enforcement options after a SSO will be determined considering the criteria listed in condition 1(2) (a) and I (2) (b) of the permit and all other relevant information available or requested of the Permittee. Compliance with all conditions of the permit as well as all statutes and regulations pertaining to the collection system must be maintained or appropriate enforcement actions may be taken as noted in Condition VI(2). A reportable SSO is a SSO greater than 1,000 gallons to the ground or a SSO of any amount that reaches surface water (including through ditches, storm drains, etc.) Below is the procedure to use for reporting SSOs to the Division: 1. Report by telephone to a Division of Water Quality staff member (not facsimile or voicemail) at your regional DWQ office during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8AM to 5PM) as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours after the SSO is known or discovered. To report outside of regular business hours, call (800) 858-0368. NorthCarolina Naturally Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unitlnternet 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919) 733-0059 DENR Customer Service Center Telephone 1 800 623-7748 An Equal Opportunity Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper Town of Cramerton Page 2 2. Follow up the verbal report by sending a completed written report on the most current Division approved form within five days. To provide a uniform method for all systems covered under this permit and to provide useful and consistent information pertaining to SSOs, a new spill reporting form has been developed (October 2003). Form CS-SSO consists of two parts. Part I serves to provide to the Division the required information that has always been necessary. Part II serves as an area to provide a justification for the spill, as optional under Condition 1(2) of your permit. Form CS-SSO can be downloaded from from the Collection Systems' ea. An NOV, civil penalty, and/or a moratorium on the add . of wa adequate justification for an SSO is NOT submitted to th- regiona justification of an SSO, you must use the Form CS-SSO- ith DWQ staff will review the justification claim and de rm •e i enfor be advised that the information needed to justi . "a spill/ very comp immediately to report SSOs from the collection ` stem Con ' ue to use bypasses at the wastewater treatment plant until the tic /The time Part I and Part II, if pertinent, is five days. Failure to abide by the conditions in this parts, requirements, or limitations containe request an adjudicatory hearing...on writte permit. This request must be in/ e fo of a w Carolina General Statutes, •' d filed witthe Of Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. U If you have questions-r- e arding Pretreatment, Eme ency Quality at (919) 7.. -5083- please contact D. I M (919) 733-5083 exten •.su bjec is p- a it are e to the system may be issued if ffice. In order to submit a claim for ocumentation as necessary. me't action is appropriate. Please hen ve. Begin using this form o + form for reporting f me or submittal of both rmittee to enforcement action. If any ptable, you have the right to dys following the receipt of this informing to Chapter 150B of the North •Est `.five Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, , this permit shall be final and binding. regional office or Jeff Poupart of the tems Unit of the North Carolina Division of Water /dditional information concerning this permit, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit at Sincerely, Coleen H. Sullins cc: Gaston County Health Department Wastewater Collection System ORC/PUD, Town of Cramerton Mooresville Regional Office, Surface Water Protection Section Technical Assistance and Certification Unit Water Quality Central Files PERCS Files 2 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00058 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH SYSTEM -WIDE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143! enerZt Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, R des, an \ egulations PERMIS SION IS HEREBY .." • N of C a ei Gaston Co ty FOR Town operation and maintenance of a wastewater co issuance, approximately 28.41 mill gr .ity sewe pump stations, and all associated/.iping, val -s, and and operational wastewater co(-ctior( ? permitted satellite communities, p conformity with the documents refer approved by the Depa t ent o viron permit. This permit shall be effecti following specified condition e uan e othe .' therein ent fro ' Eff tive ate tjl/ n. it. ions: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ppurten serve cati on of, at the time of permit miles of force main, 11 duplex equired to make a complete n o Cramerton and any deemed eived on September 20, 2007, and in pporting data subsequently filed and esources and considered a part of this ce xpiration Ddte and shall be subject to the 1. The sewage and wastewater collected by this system shall be treated in the Town of Cramerton Wastewater Treatment Facility (NC0006033) prior to being disposed into the receiving stream. This collection system permit will be referenced upon renewal or modification of your NPDES permit(s). 1 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00058 2. The wastewater collection system shall be effectively managed, maintained and operated at all times so that there is no SSO to land or surface waters, nor any contamination of groundwater. In the event that the wastewater collection system fails to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions, including actions that may be required by the Division of Water Quality (Division), such as the construction of additional or replacement sewer lines and/or equipment. The Director may take enforcement action against the Permittee for SSOs that must be reported to the Division as stipulated in Condition IV(2). This includes SSOs that were caused by severe natural conditions or exceptional events unless the Permittee demonstrates through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that: a) The SSO was caused by severe natural conditions;} r : were no feasible alternatives to the SSO, such as the use of auxiliary treatment fa sties, re- -ntion of untreated wastewater, reduction of inflow and infiltrationy se of a equate back-up equipment, or an increase in the capacity of the system. This .rovis'on is of satisfied if, in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment, the P� itt-- h. Id hove installed auxiliary or additional collection system component.', was water re do or treatment facilities, adequate back-up equipment or sho '�d hav reduced infloan• 'nfiltration; or 3. b) the SSO was exceptional, unintentional, : mp wy and caused . far ors beyond the reasonable control of the Permit ee; the SS* could n, have been : evented by the exercise of reasonable control/ uc •- \prope . and maintenance; adequate treatment Ja "tes or c. ect ciliti (e.g., adequately enlarging trea or c ection adequately controlling an preve in trati aand or installation of ade..ate qui rlaent; The Permittee can submit of this condition. The Perm ee s required by Condition IV(2) (i.:., wi enforcement act T CS- • for any claims. Permitte ,has t The Permittee s • II est b isl -lby constructed; to en re p .pe address flows from sa -Hite ste 1(4). 4. The Permittee shall develop shall include at least bi-annual and non-residential users. The Per s J ement, operation and system facilities or components s to accommodate growth or ); preventive maintenance; r I,o Reg'? a o.f ce that the SSO meets the criteria brrlit ing this claim along with the spill report in rde to be considered for immunity from /nt Division approved form, shall be used roe that the above criteria have been met. cur th- Divisio` e otion of in fiv� ys) Part or mo bu 'etp dinan. p sa tion d to d im .' tr,i e itsgal authority to require new sewers be properly esting of sewer mains and service laterals; to to e enforcement action as required by Condition dv pl- ent an educational fats, oils and grease program that % tion of educational material targeted at both residential thee shall also develop and implement an enforceable fats, oils and grease program for non-residential users under which the Permittee can take enforcement against users who have not properly installed, operated and maintained grease traps or grease interceptors as directed or otherwise violated the terms of the local ordinance pertaining to fats, oils and grease. 5. The Permittee shall adopt and implement a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to designate funding for reinvestment into the wastewater collection system infrastructure. The CIP should address the short-term needs and long-term "master plan" concepts. The CIP should typically cover a three to five year period and include a goal statement, description of the project area, description of the existing facilities, known deficiencies (over a reasonable period) and forecasted future needs. Cost analysis is integral to the CIP. 6. Existing overflow piping from manholes and pump stations, excluding piping to approved equalization structures, known or discovered after permit issuance shall be immediately removed or permanently capped. Plugged emergency pumping connections are allowable for portable pumping or rerouting without intentionally bypassing the wastewater treatment facility. 2 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00058 7. The Permittee shall maintain a contingency plan for pump failure at each pump station. If one of the pumps in a pump station containing multiple pumps fails, the process of repairing or replacing the pump shall be initiated immediately and the new parts or pump shall be installed as soon as possible. If the pump in a simplex pump station fails, it shall be replaced immediately. 8. Each pump station shall be clearly and conspicuously posted with a pump station identifier and an emergency contact telephone number at which an individual who can initiate or perform emergency service for the wastewater collection system 24 hours per day, seven days per week can be contacted. This emergency contact telephone number shall be coupled with instructions that the emergency contact should be called if the visual alarm illuminates, if the audible alarm sounds, or if an emergency is apparent. 9. Pump station sites, equipment and components shall have s 'cted access, per 15A NCAC 2T .0305(h) (4). 10. Pump stations that do not employ an automatic polli '• feature . routine contact with pump stations from a central location to check operatiop.I st. u/: the ommunication system) shall have both audible and visual high water alarms e •lar s sh. be eatherproof and placed in a clear and conspicuous location. Permits ip.ed f/r e constru on pump stations that included high water alarms in the description ust into• the alar ev if simple telemetry (i.e. notification of an alarm condition initiated b the p ation con •I.ture) is installed. 11. For all newly constructed, modified ar2•-babilitate• •umpistations, all equipment and components located within the pum statio hall be rrosi resistant and components in close proximity of the pump station sha 1\be, ea within • corr ion -resistant coating or encasement. 12. All construction and rehabii it pion deemed permitted) shall utilities. Construction an e permit. II. OPERATION AND Mthe col Certification Co - miss �� " operator to be in r ORC(s) of the facilitie within 24 hours of knowle visited by the Back -Up OR the wa evJc r colle� 'on system (i.e., permitted or schedule to min'mize they ter�ry, \ Lion of service by the existing ha wit ion shall not esuIr4n the'violation of Condition (I) (2) of this EN tion ste by e ater Pollution Control System Operators CC), e P m ittee shall designate and employ a certified (OR qd one or more certified operator(s) to be back-up nc with 1 A NCAC 8G .0201. The ORC shall visit the system bype»ss, spill, or overflow of wastewater from the system, unless and sh,% omply with all other conditions of. 15A NCAC 8G .0204. 2. The Permittee shall develop an.. e ' ere to a schedule for reviewing all inspection, maintenance, operational and complaint logs. If the review process results in the identification of any recurring problem in the wastewater collection system, that cannot be resolved in a short time period, the Permittee shall establish a plan for addressing the problem(s). 3. The Permittee shall develop and adhere to a schedule for testing emergency and standby equipment. 4. The Permittee shall develop and implement a routine pump station inspection and maintenance program, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following maintenance activities: a. Cleaning and removing debris from the pump station structure, outside perimeter, and wet well; b. Inspecting and exercising all valves; c. Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other mechanical equipment according to the manufacturer's recommendations; and d. Verifying the proper operation of the alarms, telemetry system and auxiliary equipment. PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00058 5. For each pump station without pump reliability (i.e. simplex pump stations serving more than a single building or pump stations not capable of pumping at a rate of 2.5 times the average daily flow rate with the largest pump out of service), at least one fully operational spare pump capable of pumping peak flow shall be maintained on hand. 6. The Permittee shall maintain on hand at least two percent of the number of pumps installed, but no less than two pumps, that discharge to a pressure sewer and serve a single building, unless the Permittee has the ability to purchase and install a replacement pump within 24 hours of first knowledge of the simplex pump failure or within the storage capacity provided in any sewer line extension permit. 7. Rights -of -way and/or easements shall be properly maintained to allow accessibility to the wastewater collection system unless the Permittee can de trate the ability to gain temporary access in an emergency situation where exis .i g Ian se conditions do not allow the establishment and maintenance of permanent access/In this .se, the Permittee shall continue to observe the lines visually, utilize remote inspection -thods (e.. CCTV) and use the opportunity of drier conditions to perform further i -cti. o a • ne.essary maintenance. 8. The Permittee shall assess cleaning needs, and appropriately cleaning, whether by hydraulic percent of the wastewater collection system, se cleaned each year. Preventative clea . ing is not r unless inspection otherwise reveals th- e= o for clea clean extension permit. 9. Adequate measures shall be taken to co SSOs. The Permittee shall ma a Respo minimum items: a. b. c. d. e. f. g• h. Contact phone n Response time; Equipment list -and spa Access 9 eanin quip Access( • constr-uctio Source(s of e .er•. cy Site sanitati. a , cle Post-SSO asse and imple -al metho th - uired fo o program for wer lines. At least 10 iscretion ORC, shall be ewer lines le than five years old eaning is required by a sewer line erly .' •os.: of materials associated with that .:dresses the following nse,,Cliu g weekends and holidays; d/or engineers; 10. The Permittee, or their authize• repre.entative, shall conduct an on -site evaluation for all SSOs as soon as possible, but no mo - t j i two hours after first knowledge of the SSO. 11. In the event of a SSO or blockage ithin the wastewater collection system, the Permittee shall restore the system operation, remove visible solids and paper, sanitize any ground area and restore the surroundings. III. RECORDS 1. Records shall be maintained to document compliance with Conditions 1(4), 11(2)- 11(4), 11(7) - 11(8), IV(3) and V(1) -V(4). Records shall be kept on file for a minimum of three years. 2. The Permittee shall maintain adequate records pertaining to SSOs, and complaints for a minimum of three years. These records shall include, but are not limited to, the following information: a. b. c. d. e. Date of SSO or complaint; Volume of wastewater released as a result of the SSO and/or nature of complaint; Location of the SSO and/or complaint; Estimated duration of the SSO; Individual from the Division who was informed about the SSO and/or complaint, when applicable; 4 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00058 system permitted herein. The Permittee shall main in drawings and specifications for modifications/ex. nsi the life of the modification/extension. Informaji%n co incorporated into the map of the wastewate completion of construction. The system descripti to include this modification/extension, ormation IV. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIME 1. Any monitoring (including, but not nece water, soil or plant tissue analyses) deeme and groundwater protectio,� ill b'-stablis schedule shall be followe 2. The Permittee shall verball Regional Office, at telephon than 24 hours folio following: a. Any SSO 'nd/ spi b. Any SSO an rspre.•rdl olle f. Final destination of the SSO; g. Corrective actions; h. Known environmental/human health impacts resulting from the SSO; and i. How the SSO was discovered. 3. The Permittee shall maintain an up-to-date, accurate, comprehensive map of its wastewater collection system that also notes the locations where other wastewater collection systems become tributary. If a comprehensive map of the collection system has not been established, a rough sketch shall be drawn. The Permittee shall map approximately 10 percent of its existing collection system each year for the next ten years (beginning at original permit issuance date), or until complete, whichever is sooner. The comprehensive roap shall include, but is not limited to: pipe size, pipe material, pipe location, flow direction, a• •r• imate pipe age, number of active service taps, and each pump station identificatio, locati and capacity. 4. The Permittee shall maintain records of all of the modi cations ••d extensions to the collection construction record 00% •ftti t. the rning the tem withi within this renewal. wa the an a aste ten ater collection system for n shall be ar of the 't shall be updated r flow, groundwater, surface n to ensure surface water a ,e�ptble sampling and reporting ision of atQuality staff member at the Mooresville 3-169 as/ oon as possible, but in no case more k le age of the occurrence of either of the Ilons: or ss of v• me, that reaches surface water. Voice mail messages or 'oxe• f%.rma 'on shall not be considered as the initial verbal report. SSOs (and other types of sp occurri • outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Division of Emergency Ma •ge nt at telephone number (800) 858-0368 or (919) 733-3300. Persons reporting any of the abo occurrences shall file a spill report by completing Part I of Form CS-SSO (or the most current Division approved form), within five days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to ensure that the problem does not recur. Per Condition 1(2), Part II of Form CS-SSO (or the most current Division approved form) can also be completed to show that. the SSO was beyond control. 3. The Permittee shall meet the annual reporting and notification requirements provided in North Carolina General Statute § 143-215.1 C. V. INSPECTIONS 1. The Permittee or the Permittee's designee shall inspect the wastewater collection system regularly to reduce the risk of malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors, and other issues that may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, threaten human health or create nuisance conditions. The Permittee shall keep an inspection log or summary including, at a minimum, the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. 5 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00058 2. Pump stations without Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems or telemetry shall be inspected everyday (i.e. 365 days per year). Pump stations equipped with SCADA systems or telemetry shall be inspected at least once per week. 3. A general observation of the entire collection system shall be performed throughout the course of every year. 4. Inspections of all high priority lines (i.e. aerial line, sub -waterway crossing, line contacting surface waters, siphon, line positioned parallel to stream banks that are subject to eroding in such a manner that may threaten the sewer line, or line designated as high -priority in a permit) shall be performed at least once per every six-month period of time. A list of high -priority lines is presented as Attachment A and is hereby incorporated into this permit condition. New high priority lines installed or identified after permit issuance are/i c orated by reference and subject to this permit condition until permit renewal whey they II be referenced in writing in Attachment A. VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is not transferable. In the event that/ e Per ittee des wastewater collection system or there is a na ,�e cha ge of the Per modification request shall be submitted to the ►'visio ' T quest sha documentation from the parties involved, and of appropriate. Such request will be corps'::.\ on its 2. Failure to abide by the conditions an Permittee to an enforcement action by Statute § 143-215.6A through § 1_43-215.6C, 3. The issuance of this permit es not empt t statutes, rules, regulations or orcin€t\nces\that (i.e., local, state, and fede buffer rules in 15A NCAC 2B NCAC Chapter 4 0 pertaining to we' North Carolina 4. The issuance of this permit, revoking and : issui and regulations contain et. al., or as needed to ad collection system. no th- per ' CA ss chang .porti materials . / ay be rits ct may or may not be approved. contain acco orato ansfer ownership of the formal permit companied by is permit may subject the with North Carolina General may be established. complying with any and all d by other government agencies ing but not limited to applicable river ntation control requirements in 15A it NCG010000, and any requirements d 15A NCAC 2H .0500and all applicable Ith ' ct health and safety standards. rohib' t Division from reopening and modifying the it or terminating the permit as allowed by the laws, rules, Chapter 2T and North Carolina General Statute §143-215.1 s in federal regulations with respect to the wastewater 5. The Permittee shall pay the annua fee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15A NCAC 2T .0105(e)(3). 6. The Permittee shall request renewal of this permit at least six months prior to the expiration of this permit. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the wastewater collection system described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for a period of time and under such conditions and limitations, as the Commission may deem appropriate. 7. The Permittee shall notify the Division's Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit in writing at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 of any changes to the name and/or address of the responsible party (i.e. mayor, city/town manager) of the wastewater collection system. 8. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the collection system at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit, may 6 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00058 inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of wastewater, groundwater, surface water, soil, or plant tissue. 9. The collection system operator/contact shall keep a copy of this permit on hand and be able to produce it upon request of the Division during a compliance inspection or other on -site visit. Permit issued this the Day day of Month, Year, with an Effective Date of Day day of Month, Year NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commissgn� Permit Number WQCS00058 7 PERMIT NUMBER WQCS00058 NorthCarolina Natural", Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P. E. Director Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality July , 2004 Mr. Janlle Shytle Public Works Director Town of Cameron 155 North Main Street Cramerton, NC 28032 Subject: Non -Discharge Compliance Inspection Wastewater Collection System Permit No. WQCS00058 Cramerton - Gaston County Dear Mr, Shytle: Enclosed is a copy of the Collection System Inspection Report for the inspection conducted on May 18, 2004 by Ms. Barbara Sifford of this office. Ms. Sifford met with you and Mr. Hubert Hampton for the inspection. Please note that the sections completed on the report pertain only to the areas that were checked during the inspection. The collection system for line, two miles of force main and of Cramerton WWTP (NPDES N classified as a Class 2. of Cramerton consists of 17 miles of sewer p stations that convey wastewater to the City 06033) for treatment. The collection system is Generally, the inspection revealed that the Town's collection system is being properly operated and maintained. However, some deficiencies were noted that are listed in the inspection report and are part of the compliance schedules listed in the collection system permit. A response to this letter is not necessary, but a follow up inspection will be conducted. Performance Standards The Town of Cramerton has a Sewer Use Ordinance and has issued a violation and enforcement to Burger King for grease discharges during the past year. A Capitol Improvement Plan (CIP) should be approved by July 2004 and submitted to this office, as stated in Section I., Item 5 of the Permit. A pump failure contingency plan has been developed for each pump station listing emergency contacts and supply parts for the station. All pump stations had notification signs with emergency numbers listed for notification of alarms. hNCDEN N. C. Division of Water Quality, Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 • •-•.:,1 • r:,; • :; • Page 2 Mr. Shytle July 9, 2004 Inspections There was no documentation of the annual inspection requirement of all lines in the system. A plan for this documentation is to be developed by Mr. Hampton. Footage documentation of line cleaning exceeds the minimum ten percent requirement. High priority lines and aerials need to be checked twice a year and the inspection must be documented. A log that includes dates, response time, action taken, and cause of problem needs to be maintained. The attached compliance evaluation inspection lists the information that should be available for review. This information is necessary to provide the justification claim in Part II of the sewer spill reporting form. This is the basis for our determining the need for any enforcement action. Operation and Maintenance The•ealleetion-system- Documentation listed in this section of the report, for pump stations, emergency generators, and right of way maintenance needs to be established and maintained for review during an inspection. The Phase I of the ROW maintenance clearing was submitted to this office in January 2004. During the inspection it was noted that these areas were cleared and now are not accessible because of development projects adjacent to the sewer line. Excess dirt has been piled up along the line and prevents routine mowing of the line and access by vehicle to the line for maintenance. It is the Town's responsibility to maintain accessibility to these lines. Pump Stations All nine pump stations were inspected. Audible and visual alarms need to be functional at each pump station as a backup to the telemetry system. Each pump station should have a high water control float and high water alarm. General housekeeping was acceptable at each of the stations and all pumps were present and operable. A quick connect for the generator was available at all stations, which did not have on site generation. Quick connect plugs will be replaced when the new portable generator is purchased. At this time the old generator is not operational, therefore contractor service for pump and haul is used in emergency situations. The two stations on SCADA track pump run hours, no other pump stations track pump run times. The future WWTP expansion will provide SCADA for several more pump stations. The two ejector stations are old but are currently operating reliably and have high water floats in the manhole adjacent to the pump wet well. Page 3 Mr. Shytle July 9, 2004 Records Records of all spills and complaints need to be maintained for tracking trouble spots in the collection system. A map of the system is available with some of the lines and pump stations indicated. New subdivisions need to be added to the map and the new lines to the WWTP have not been added. Manhole Manholes inspected were in good condition, including covers. The only sign of overflow was at the Baltimore Pump station, which had an overflow on April 23, 2004. All other areas checked were free of visible signs of overflow, sinkholes, or depressions; and there were no bypass structures or pipes. One manhole adjacent to Baltimore Pump Station had root growth between the invert and the manhole. All other manholes checked during the inspection were free flowing and unrestricted. Monitoring and Reporting Requirements No press releases or public notices were required for 2002 and 2003. An annual collection system report listing spills and general information about the system is posted at Town Hall for citizens to review. Lines / Right -of —Ways/ Aerial Lines A compliance schedule for cleaning right-of-ways is listed in the permit. Phase I was completed as required by January 15, 2004 and documentation was submitted to this office. During the inspection it was noted that several of these areas that were cleared are now not accessible due to construction near the easements. It is the responsibility of the permittee to maintain these right-of-ways and keep them accessible. By this letter you are being given to September 1, 2004 to meet this requirement. Failure to abide by the conditions of the permit may result in enforcement action by the Division in accordance with NCGS 143-215.6. All lines that were accessible were free of sinkholes, and had no evidence of leakage. One aerial was checked on the Market Street Outfall and was in good condition. All aerials and high priority lines are to be checked every six months and documented. Attachment A of the permit has a list of these sections. Documentation for lines cleaned for this year exceeds the minimum ten percent required. e � Page 4 Mr. Shytle July 9, 2004 If you have any questions concerning this inspection report or record keeping requirements, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sifford or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, PE Water Quality Regional Supervisor Enclosure Cc: Gaston County Health Department NDPU Raleigh BS Jute 10, 2004 Mr. Jamie Shytle Public Works Director Town of Cramerton 155 North Main Street Cramerton, NC 28032 Subject: Non -Discharge Compliance Inspection Wastewater Collection System Permit No. WQCS00058 Cramerton - Gaston County Dear Mr. Shytle: Enclosed is a copy of the Collection System Inspection Report for the inspection conducted on May 18, 2004 by Ms. Barbara Sifford of this office. Ms. Sifford met with you and Mr. Hubert Hampton for the inspection. Please note that the sections completed on the report pertain only to the areas that were checked during the inspection. The collection system for the Town of Cramerton consists of 17 miles of sewer line, two miles of force main and nine pump stations that convey wastewater to the City of Cramerton WWTP (NPDES NC0006033) for treatment. Generally, the inspection revealed that the Town's collection system is being properly operated and maintained. However, some deficiencies were noted that are listed in the inspection report and are part of the compliance schedules listed in the collection system permit. A response to this letter is not necessary, but a follow up inspection will be conducted. Performance Standards The Town of Cramerton has a Sewer Use Ordinance and has issued a violation and enforcement to Burger King for grease discharges during the past year. A Capitol Improvement Plan (CIP) should be approved by July 2004 and submitted to this office, as stated in Section I., Item 5 of the Permit. A pump failure contingency plan has been developed for each pump station listing emergency contacts and supply parts for the station. All pump stations had notification signs with emergency numbers listed for notification of alarms. Page 2 Mr. Shytle June 10, 2004 Inspections There was no documentation of the annual inspection requirement of all lines in the system. A plan for this documentation is to be developed by Mr. Hampton. Footage documentation of line cleaning exceeds the minimum ten percent requirement. High priority lines and aerials need to be checked twice a year and the inspection must be documented. A log that includes dates, response time, action taken, and cause of problem needs to be maintained. The attached compliance evaluation inspection lists the information that should be available for review. This information is necessary to provide the justification claim in Part II of the sewer spill reporting form. This is the basis for our determining the need for any enforcement action. Operation and Maintenance '... The collection system is classified as a Class 2 system) Documentation listed in this section of the report, for pump stations, emergency generators, and right of way maintenance needs to be established and maintained for review during an inspection. The Phase I of the ROW maintenance clearing was submitted to this office in January 2004. During the inspection it was noted that these areas were cleared and now are not accessible because of development projects adjacent to the sewer line. Excess dirt has been piled up along the line and prevents routine mowing of the line and access by vehicle to the line for maintenance. It is the Town's responsibility to maintain accessibility to these lines. Pump Stations All nine pump stations were inspected. Audible and isual alarms need to be functional at each pump station as a backup to the teleme system. Each pump station should have a high water control float an igh water a arm. General housekeeping was acceptable at each of the stations and all pumps were present and operable. A quick connect for the generator was available at all stations, which did not have on site generation. Quick connect plugs will be replaced when the new portable generator is purchased. At this time the old generator is not operational, therefore contractor service for pump and haul is used in emergency situations. The two stations on SCADA trac pump run hours, no other pump stations track pump run times. The future WWTP expansion will provide SCADA for several more pump stations. The two ejector stations are old but are currently operating reliably and have high water floats in the manhole . adjacent to the pump wet well. Page 3 Mr. Shytle June 10, 2004 Records Records of all spills and complaints need to be maintained for tracking trouble spots in the collection system. A map of the system is available with some of the lines and pump stations indicated. New subdivisions need to be added to the map and the new lines to the WWTP have not been added. Manhole Manholes inspected were in good condition, including covers. The only sign of overflow was at the Baltimore Pump station, which had an overflow on April 23, 2004. All other areas checked were free of visible signs of overflow, sinkholes, or depressions; and there were no bypass structures or pipes. One manhole adjacent to Baltimore Pump Station had root growth between the invert and the manhole. All other manholes checked during the inspection were free flowing and unrestricted. Monitoring and Reporting Requirements No press releases or public notices were required for 2002 and 2003. An annual collection system report listing spills and general information about the system is posted at Town Hall for citizens to review. Lines / Right -of —Ways/ Aerial Lines A compliance schedule for cleaning right-of-ways is listed in the permit. Phase I was completed as required by January 15, 2004 and documentation was submitted to this office. During the inspection it was noted that several of these areas that were cleared are now not accessible due to construction near the easements. It is the responsibility of the permittee to maintain these right-of-ways and keep them accessible. By this letter you are being given to September 1, 2004 to meet this requirement. Failure to abide by the conditions of the permit may result in enforcement action by the Division in accordance with NCGS 143-215.6. All lines that were accessible were free of sinkholes, and had no evidence of leakage. One aerial was checked on the Market Street Outfall and was in good condition. All aerials and high priority lines are to be checked every six months and documented. Attachment A of the permit has a list of these sections. Documentation for lines cleaned for this year exceeds the minimum ten percent required. Page 4 Mr. Shytle June 10, 2004 If you have any questions concerning this inspection report or record keeping requirements, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sifford or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, PE Water Quality Regional Supervisor Enclosure Cc: Gaston County Health Department NDPU Raleigh BS Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WQCS00058 Effective: 12/31/03 Expiration: 12/31/07 Owner: Town of Cramerton SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Cramerton Collection System 155 N Main St County: Gaston Region: Mooresville Contact Person: M. David Young Directions to Facility: Primary ORC: Thomas J Shytle Certification: 27991 Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: NC0006033 Town of Cramerton - Eagle Road WWTP NC0055948 Town of Cramerton - Cramerton WWTP Inspection Date: 05/18/2004 Entry Time: 09:15 AM Primary Inspector: Barbara Sifford Secondary Inspector(s) Cramerton NC 28032 Exit Time: 04:00 PM Phone: 704-824-4337 Ext. Phone: 704-825-7499 Phone: Phone: 704-663-1699 Ext. Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance Permit Inspection Type: Collection system management and operation Facility Status: • Compliant 0 Not Compliant Inspection Summary: Overall the system is in good operating condition. Annual inspection and high priority lines need to be documented. Contine ROW clearing as in permit schedule. Keep grease traps maintained by restaurants. Purchase new generator and replaced • uic connects at lift stations for hook up.• Operate and load test on site generators inuntlaly... aily check each lift station: eed to be able to test alarms and dialer commuu ication and document weekly. n / CCU i r cv sty • Aus-61) e-c 4" c Page: 1 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton - Cramerton Collection System Inspection Date: 05/18/04 #7 mayfair #4 Eighth Ave #!0 Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance Performance Standards Is Public Education Program for grease established and documented? If no, provide schedule of compliance What educational tools are used? Monthly newsletter mailing contains information and the annual report. Is Sewer Use Ordinance/Legal Authority available? Does it appear that the Sewer Use Ordinance is enforced? Is Grease Trap Ordinance available? Is Septic Tank Ordinance available? If no, provide schedule of compliance List enforcement actions by permitte, if any, in the last 12 months.Violation letter sent to Burger King for failure to maintain grease trap. This is on the Market St outfall where grease problems were noted in previous inspections. Has an acceptable Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) been implemented? If no, provide schedule of compliance Does CIP address short term needs and long term \"master plan\" concepts? Does CIP cover three to five year period? Does CIP include Goal Statement? Does CIP include description of project area? Does CIP include description of existing facilities? Does CIP include known deficiencies? Does CIP include forecasted future needs? Is CIP designated only for wastewater collection and treatment? Approximate capital improvement budget for collection system? Total annual revenue for wastewater collection and treatment? CIP Comments Compliance schedule in permit, July 1, 2004 compliance date for complete and approved CIP to be submitted to MRO WQ section. Is system free of known points of bypass? If no, describe type of bypass and location Is a 24-hour notification sign posted at ALL pump stations? Does the sign include: Instructions for notification? Pump station identifier? 24-hour contact numbers If no, provide a schedule of compliance If no, list deficient pump stations Do ALL pump stations have an "auto polling" feature/SCADA? Number of pump stations (Yam MO MA NW Yes No NA NF ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ INI0 ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ IN ❑ ❑ July 1, 2004 ❑ ❑ ❑ • O 00. ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ IN ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ �❑_■ ❑ ❑ 10 Page: 2 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton - Cramerton Collection System Inspection Date: 05/18/04 Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance Performance Standards Yes No NA NF Number of pump stations that have SCADA 2 Number of pump stations that have simple telemetry 2 Number of pump stations that have only audible and visual alarms 6 Number of pump stations that do not meet permit requirements 0 Provide a schedule of compliance Comment: Pump stations with only audible and visual alarms need to be tested weekly to document reliability. Dialers should also be tested weekly to document communications capability. JnsDections Yes No NA NF Are maintenance records for sewer lines available? • 000 Are records available that document pump station inspections? • ❑ 00 Are SCADA or telemetry equipped pump stations inspected at least once a week? 1 ❑ 0 Are non-SCADA/telemetry equipped pump stations inspected every day? 1 ❑ Are records available that document citizen complaints? 11000 Are records available that document an annual observation of entire system? 0 E 0 0 Has there been an observation of entire system in the last year? 0 E ❑ 0 Are records available that document inspections of high -priority lines? 0 1 0 0 Has there been visual inspections of high -priority lines in last 6 months? 0.00 Comment: Documentation of the annual inspection and of high priority lines needs to be completed. Attachment A of the permit has 5 lines identified as high priority. Operation & Maintenance Requirements Yes No NA NF Are all log books available? • ❑ 0 Does supervisor review all log books on a regular basis? 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ Does the supervisor have plans to address documented short-term problem areas? 1 000 What is the schedule for reviewing inspection, maintenance, & operations logs and problem areas? Monthly Is a schedule maintained for testing emergency/standby equipment? .000 Are maintenance records for equipment available? 11000 If no, provide schedule for compliance What is the scedule for testing emergency/standby equipment? Monthly load test Do pump station logs include: Inside and outside cleaning and debris removal? 0 • 0 0 Inspecting and exercising all valves? 0 E 0 0 Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other equipment? 0.00 Inspecting alarms, telemetry and auxiliary equipment? 0 • 0 0 If no, provide schedule for compliance August 1,2004 Is there at least one spare pump for each pump station w/o pump reliability? If no, provide schedule for compliance Are maintenance records for right-of-ways available? 0 • 0 0 Are right-of-ways currently accessible in the event of an emergency? 0 ■ 0 0 If no, provide schedule for compliance Permit has schedule for ROW clearing Are system cleaning records available? 1 ❑ 00 Has at least 10% of system been cleaned annually? 11000 If no, provide schedule for compliance Page: 3 b :abed ❑ ❑■❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11 ❑ ❑❑■ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ MI ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑■ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ 11 ❑ ❑ ❑ • • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ MI ❑ ❑ ❑ 11 ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • O 00. ❑ ❑❑■ xeidna dN VN oN s3A ❑ ❑ ❑ 11 ❑ ❑ ❑ IN ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ II ❑ ❑■❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ O ❑ ❑ ■ dN VN oN SOA ,dn-mooq >lalnb Jo; peddlnbe uollels dwnd ayl sl 6sdwnd ay; um Joleieue6 loue6Jawe all uea zalgellene Jo;eJeue5 louo6iewe ue sl e:,algwedo sanlen;alleJ Jie ay 6aoeld ul semen ;anal Jle ay z,algaado saolnap Molploeq 8Jy �aoeld u! saolnap Molploeq ay z,algellene a01e.181186 i(ou86J8we ue sl z,palnba se paloadsul uogels dwnd ay; sl l,algeiedo swiele lensln pue olpne eiv 6luasad swiele lensln pue olpne wy aeuollemdo Miewale; aldwls sl LluesaJd Agawalal aldwls sl z,Ieuo!leJedo ypyag/anlee; „6ulpod olne„ sl Z.luaseJd yayas/anima; „6ulliod olne„ GI zelgwedo suuele/sdwnd Jo; slaluoo/sleol; ay LMolpano;o su6ls/sugap anlsseoxe to ea; seloquew wealsdn wy 6sugap anlssaoxa Jo eaJ; suoydis/lleM;aM ay 6algwedo sdwnd lie ay juasaid sdwnd lie ay e:,algeldeooe 6uldaexasnoy laaua6 sl ,suolllpuoo Jayleem pe ul alglsseooe 11 sl ,algellene s6ol uollels dwnd any adi(3 uollels dwnd 8# uogelg alund •spaau,(oua6Jawa peg pue dwnd Jo; algellene s! olldas i(aluels •1. AInf iq pedolanap aq o1 dla :luawwoa eouelldwoo Jo; einpayos epinad 'ou;l 6alenbape tioluanul shed weds ayl sl 61auuosied !le Jo; algellene ueld uoloy asuodsasuds a sl 4Uawssasse lIlds/MolPano-lsod sleualew dnuealo pue uollellues al!s spun; ,(0u06Jawa;o aomos sieaul6ue .1o/pue 'sioloeJluoa 'SMao uollonJlsuoo of ssaooy luawdlnba 6uluealo of ssaooy tioluanul sped weds pue 1s11 luawdlnba awl; asuodsaa siagwnu loeluoo moy-qZ :apnloul veld ayl seoa Zalgeilene ueld uolloy esuodsed II1dS 8 si •JeaA lxau ayl Jo; palnpayos,(luoud ou 6syluow 31, pm ayl ul 6uluealo Jo; palnpayos aJe seam lam 'S;uawannba=1 auueualulelnl j uope.1ad0 aoueua;uleI'g suol}eJadp w'g0 :adlSl uo!;oadsui wa;slCS uol;oal!o0 uo4aweJ0 - uo1eweJ0;o uMol :l(;!!!oed - Baum() 170/81/90 :a;ea uo!;oadsu! 89000S00M :Waled Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? 611rIJ Nue' Ian; a41 sl e;algwado Jo;eJaua6 a4; sl Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? Can the emergency generator run the pumps? Is an emergency generator available? 6algewado SGAI5A;algal ne aJy z,aoeld ul sanIen;allay Ile aiy Lalgewado saolnap nnoiploeq aiv Laoeld ul saolnap molploeq °iv Is an emergency generator available? Is the Pump station inspected as required? Are audio and visual alarms operable? Are audio and visual alarms present? Is simple telemetry operational? 61uasaid Ai awalal aidwls sl Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA operational? Is "auto polling" feature/SCADA present? > > > > > 0 m N O O cn O a C 3 cn 3 cn O 0 (D Q O •J m n) 0 3 co co 0 O 0) O Is general housekeeping acceptable? Is it accessible in all weather conditions? Are pump station logs available? adi(1 uogels dwnd ❑ ❑❑■❑❑❑❑❑❑❑■■■❑❑❑❑■■■■■■■■ ■■■❑■■❑❑❑❑■❑❑❑■■■■❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ O 0000000000000000000000000 ❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑■■■❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ CO CO Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Is pump station free of overflow piping? Lpallwll ssaooe ollgnd sl Jagwnu auoqd loue6Jaw3 ,Ja p uaPi uo11e1s dwnd Instructions for notification? CD W ■❑❑❑❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑ 1000000 :apnloul 11 saoa Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? 611n; Nue11an; eql sl L,algelado ioleiaua6 aql sl •u i ❑ ❑❑❑ ❑ ❑❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ :a;ea uol;oedsui U`1 CO Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance 89000SOOM 0 o. 1 O 0 n) 3 co O 0 (U 3 (D O 0 O (D C) O N (D 3 g :e6ed ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • 0.00 0.00 O 0.0 O 001. O 000 O 000 . 000 • ❑ ❑ ❑ 1.000 . 000 O 0.0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ • ❑ ❑ ❑ O 00. O 1100 0.00 ❑ ❑❑■ O 001. O 001. ❑ ❑ ❑ • O 00. O 00. O 00. ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • 0001. xeldna z,uolieo413ou Jo; suo!lonilsul :epn!ou! l! seoQ Lpelsod u6is uolleog!lou Jnoq-qz e s! oinpegos J!egl of 6u!pi000e peloadsu! JoleJeua6 eql si i lln; )!Uel lan; aql sl ,elge.tado Joleieue6 aqi s! ,dn->looq No!nb Jo; pedd!nbe uollels dwnd eql s! ,sdwnd eql uni Joleieue6 Aoue6i0wa eql ueo 6algellene JoleJoUeb i(oue6Jewe ue si ga!geiodo sanien loyal J!e GIV 6aoeld w sanlen;allaJ ne aiy 6algeJedo saolnap nnoippeq aJy �aoeid u! saolnap nno!p!oeq any Lalgellene Joleieue6 i(oua6Jawe ue si ,pei!nbaJ se paloadsu! uollels dwnd aql sl Laigeiado same lensln pue opne any 1,luesaJd swmele lensln pue o!pne eN LleuogeJado tilawalal aldwls s! 6luesaJd tilawalal aldwls s! 61euolleJado yay3g/ainlee; „6uli!od olne„ si 6lueseid yayos/ainlea; „6u!!lod olne„ s! 6a!gejado swjele/sdwnd Jo; s!o.iluoo/sleog any otoweno Jo su6!s/sugep anlssaoxa;o ear; seioquew weagsdn eiy zsugap en!sseoxa;o eai; suogdls/llem lane eiv jaigwedo sdwnd lie aJy �luaseid sdwnd lie aiy 6 eigeldeooe 6uideeNesnoq lejaua6 si z,suoil!puoo.iagleem lie u! elq!sseooe i! si jalge!!ene s6oi uollels dwnd eiv ads(; uollels dwnd 9# •fleArgem /aloquew u! wog JeleM q6! - .uoileoggou Jo; pasn ale stump !ens!" pue eiq!pne /(!uO 's.un000 a6elno lemod I! pasn s! o!ldag Aelueis os !euo!loun; lou s! auo plo poiopio Joleieue6 eIge1od •uollels loloeb :luawwoo peplooal;oN 6sdwnd eidg!nw Jo; algeiedwoo sew!i uni ajy O 00. ,,nno!iieno Jo su6ls;o awl uollels dwnd eql s! O 00. Ou!d!d Mo!;Jeno 40 awl uollels dwnd si O 0 .❑ ■ i,pal!w!l sseooe o!ignd s! O 00. Jagwnu euoqd Aoue6iew3 ❑ 0 0 • z,Jayiluepi uollels dwnd O 00. ,uogeoggou lo; suoilonJlsu! :epn!ou! 11 saoa O 001. /,pelsod u6!s uoileog!lou moq-bZ a s! uollels atund AN VN oN sal eoueualu!e!N'9 suo!leied0 IN'90 :adk(1 uo!;oedsu! tV0/86/9O :a;ea uo!;oadsul wels)(s uo!loapoO uopeweiO - uo1Jaw8JO;o uMol :/(;!!load -.auMO 99000S0DM :3!wJad G) s manhole's extended vent screened? s manhole free of excessive sand? s manhole free of excessive roots? s manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? s line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? &uoglpuoo pooh ul 1Janul s 6uoltlpuoo pooh ul aloyuew s tpaleas i(padad aloyuew s z,luasaid Janoo aloyuew s s the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? s the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? s manhole cover/vent above grade? 4alglssaooe aloyuew s ❑ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DO ❑ ❑ O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ �1•000❑❑0000000 (� ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑O❑❑❑ ill be documented on the complaint illoedeo pue suollels dwnd sdei aolnias Jo JagwnN a6e °did alewixaddy uogoeJlp mold g ❑ ■ ❑ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ■ ■ O 000000 O 000000 :apnpul dew ay; saoa Is a map of the system available? If yes, is there a corrective action plan? 0 0 -o (D 0 CD a d co (D co co D1 (D d O N 0 O N O 3 O (D 7' N 3 0 0 m 3 co O co O ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ If no, provide schedule for compliance CD CD • 0 0 CO CD n 0 0 0 N Are records of SSOs that are under the reportable threshold available? Are adequate records of all SSOs, spills and complaints available? O 11 ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ N n D c o coo_3 0' 2 O 7 D7 3 • (3 n c N C • N 0 - 7 o 0 CD S N 0 67 3 N Cr N O (p Z� O m 0 3 d LD N ▪ 7 C O -0 '0 3 3 3 N -c ▪ OG 0' C � NN (CD 07 N 0- = • O - C FA m 7 d m d 3 T O N O O C d 3 O_ 0- m Foe tn CD d O O N 0 Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? Is pump station free of overflow piping? �pallwll ssaoae ollgnd sl Jagwnu auogd , oua6Jaw3 6Jaylluap! uogels dwnd 00000 O 0000 O 0000 :e;ea uopoedsui Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance (0 m 3 8S000SOOM 0 co 1 TI co ci 0 0 01 3 ci 3 co CD cn N co 3 Permit: WQCS00058 Owner - Facility: Town of Cramerton - Cramerton Collection System Inspection Date: 05/18/04 Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance Manhole, Are vents free of submergence? Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? Comment: High water float for alarm is in this manhole for the ejector pump station. Baltimore Street Is manhole accessible? Is manhole cover/vent above grade? Is the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? Is the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? Is manhole cover present? Is manhole properly seated? Is manhole in good condition? Is invert in good condition? Is line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? Is manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? Is manhole free of excessive roots? Is manhole free of excessive sand? Is manhole's extended vent screened? Are vents free of submergence? Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? Comment: Invert had some root growth, not completely resitcted. Timberlake Subdivision Is manhole accessible? Is manhole cover/vent above grade? Is the manhole free of visible signs of overflow? Is the manhole free of sinkholes and depressions? Is manhole cover present? Is manhole properly seated? Is manhole in good condition? Is invert in good condition? Is line free -flowing and unrestricted in manhole? Is manhole free of excessive amounts of grease? Is manhole free of excessive roots? Is manhole free of excessive sand? Is manhole's extended vent screened? Are vents free of submergence? Are manholes free of bypass structures or pipes? Comment: Monitoring and Reporting Requirements. Are copies of required press releases and distribution lists available? Are public notices and proof of publication available? Comment: Yes No NA NF ❑ ❑■❑ 111000 ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ O ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ O ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑•❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑•❑ ❑ ❑•❑ ■ ❑❑0 ■ ❑ ❑ O • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ O • ❑ ❑ ❑ ▪ ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ O 11000 ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑•❑ ■ O ❑ ❑ Yes No NA NF . 000 ❑ ❑ ❑ Page: 8 Comment: Construction in this area has eliminated access to the ROW for line maintenance. z,a6ewep elglsln;o eaJ; au!! sl Is right-of-way free of non -utility motorized traffic? Are water crossing and supports in good condition? 0) co 0 0 coN a 7' co 0 0 co a 0 a c N 0 0 0 co D) 0 N a 3 0) •J Are there areas of exposed line? Is line/right-of-way free of evidence of leakage? Is right-of-way free of sinkholes or depressions? Is right-of-way accessible for emergency? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■❑❑❑❑❑■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ 0 ■ ■ ■ ■ 11 0 Ile}tno;S level p No O 3 7 co 3 CD 0) CD 7 (D 7 ^ (D (oD0 (0 < N. Q Q m a • m O 3 7 m 0 •J O (0 N 0) N 0 a :l 0 3 0) 0 N 3 0 0 N N Q O O 3 O O N 0 0) 0 0 (0 N N 0 (D 3 0) O co N Are water crossing and supports in good condition? 0) co 0 O 0 a (0 00 0 (0 a 0 a 0 0 O 0 0 0 (0 (D 0) O N a 3 m 0) •J Are there areas of exposed line? Is line/right-of-way free of evidence of leakage? Is right-of-way free of sinkholes or depressions? N (0 m N 0 (D (0 0 co 3 (0 (0 (0 0 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ IN ❑ ❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Ilei}no ;g ;a)pew n 0 3 3 co rr ,a6ewep alglsln Jo aai; aull sl N (0 0) m (0 (0 0 0 0 2 0 0 N (D a 0) J Are water crossing and supports in good condition? N G X 0 (0 (0 a co O 2 0 m CD - a 0 N 0 0 O 0) 0 a 3 0) 0 0) •J Are there areas of exposed line? Is line/right-of-way free of evidence of leakage? Is right-of-way free of sinkholes or depressions? (0 coco 0) o co N 0• 0 (0 3 m (0 (0 0 J ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ® . ■ ❑ ■❑❑■❑❑❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 3 Cr (D 0) (D PI • n :e;ea uol;oedsui 0 CO Inspection Type: O&M Operations & Maintenance 85000SOOM 0 0) n 0 n 0) 3 co :7- 7 n 0) 3 m 0 0 O (D O. 0 co N (D 3 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 'I Coleen H. Sullins, Chairman Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission October 30, 2003 M. David Young Town of Cramerton 155 North Main St. Cramerton, NC 28032 Subject: Update of ORC and Backup ORC Designation Information Permit No. WQCS00058 Cramerton Wastewater Collection System Gaston County Dear Mr. Young: Our records indicate that the subject collection system is classified as a Class 2 system. However, our records do not show that a ORC has been designated for this system. In order to comply with this permit requirement, and to ensure we have current information on file, please complete and return the attached designation form with the individuals who serve as ORC and Backup ORC for this type and classification of system. Please return this form by November 18, 2003. Please note that the designation form must be signed by the designated ORC, the backup ORC, and the system owner or representative. Failure to designate an appropriate ORC and Backup ORC is a violation of the subject permit. If you have any questions about updating the operator designation information for your facility, please call me at 919-733-0026, extension 309. Sincerely, CM_ ZSL-k_.:__ John Allan Baldwin Technical Assistance and Certification Enclosure Cc: TAC Facility Files MRO . r'903 Technical Assistance & Certification Unit 1618 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1618 DENR Customer Service Center An Equal Opportunity Action Employer Awl► NCDENR Internet Telephone (919) 733-0026 Fax (919) 733-1338 Telephone 1 800 623-7748 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper ©F W A rE9 .3 1 CO -,r Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality October 17, 2003 M. David Young Town of Cramerton 155 North Main Street Cramerton, NC 28032 Subject: Administrative Amendment Permit No. WQCS00058 Town of Cramerton Cramerton Wastewater Collection System Gaston County Dear Mr. Young: The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has revised the procedures for enforcement of sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) and the reporting of those overflows to the Division. As you are aware, issuance of the subject system -wide collection system permit for your facility on April 23, 2003 superceded the Division's 1999 Enforcement Policy. The evaluation of enforcement options after a sanitary sewer overflow will be determined considering the criteria listed in condition I(2)(a) and I(2)(b) of your permit. Compliance with all conditions of the permit as well as all statutes and regulations pertaining to the collection system must be maintained or appropriate enforcement actions may be taken as noted in Condition VI(3). A reportable SSO is a SSO greater than 1,000 gallons to the ground or a SSO of any amount that reaches surface water (including through ditches, storm drains, etc.) Below is the procedure to use for reporting SSOs to the Division: a) Report by telephone to a person (not facsimile or voicemail) to your regional DWQ office during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8AM to 5PM) as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours after the SSO is known or discovered. To report outside of regular business hours, call (800) 858-0368. b) Follow up the verbal report by sending a completed written report on the most current Division approved form within five days. To provide a uniform method for all systems covered under this permit to provide useful and consistent information pertaining to SSOs, a new spill reporting form has been developed. Enclosed you will find Form CS- SSO, which consists of two parts. Part I serves to provide to the Division the required information that has always been necessary. Part II serves as an area to provide a justification for the spill, as optional under Condition I(2) of your permit. An NOV, civil penalty, and/or a moratorium on the addition of waste to the system may be issued if adequate justification for an SSO is NOT submitted to the regional office. In order to submit a claim for justification of an SSO, you must use the attached form with additional documentation as necessary. DWQ staff will review the justification claim and determine if enforcement action is appropriate. Please review the attached form and be advised that the information needed to justify a spill is very comprehensive. Begin using this form immediately to report SSOs from the collection system. Continue to use our old form for reporting bypasses at the wastewater treatment plant until further notice. The time frame for submittal of both Part I and Part II, if pertinent, is five days. Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Internet Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919) 715-6048 ACC DENR Customer Service Center An Equal Opportunity Action Employer Telephone 1 800 623-7748 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper M. David Young October 17, 2003 Page 2 Currently, your permit allows for ten days to submit the justification claim. Because Form CS-SSO has incorporated space to provide a justification along with the required spill report, your permit has been amended to reflect that all written documentation pertaining to an SSO is to be submitted within five days. This change is reflected in Condition I(2). Per General Statute 143-215.1(b)(4)(c), you have sixty days to appeal this amendment. Additionally, some minor modifications to Condition IV(2) have been made. The highway patrol 800 number has been removed, clarification has been made to the verbal reporting requirements (i.e. no facimilies or voice mails) and we have referenced the new form. Spill reporting should be made to the appropriate regional office during business hours or to the emergency management number identified in the permit after hours. In accordance with this administrative amendment directed on October 7, 2003, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQCS00058 (without original attachments), dated October 17, 2003, to the Town of Cramerton for the operation and maintenance of the subject wastewater collection system. This permit shall be effective sixty days from the date of receipt until December 31, 2007 and shall void Permit No. WQCS00058 issued April 23, 2003. This comprehensive collection system permit includes conditions which cover all of the Spill Response and Operation and Maintenance Evaluation Factors in the Updated Collection System Enforcement Guidance issued June 14, 1999. As mentioned, this permit supercedes the 1999 point system used to determine enforcement options for sanitary sewer overflows. The evaluation of enforcement options after a sanitary sewer overflow will be determined considering the criteria listed in condition I(2)(a) and I(2)(b) of the permit. Compliance with all conditions of the permit must be maintained or appropriate enforcement actions may be taken as noted in Condition VI(3). This permit shall be subject to the conditions and limitations specified herein. It is your responsibility to thoroughly review this permit. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring and reporting requirements in this permit and any compliance schedules shown in bold. Failure to abide by the conditions in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty days following the receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. The Division is also pursuing a way to provide an Internet based electronic submittal of SSO reports. Enclosed is a User Identifier/Password Request Form. In preparation for this service, please complete the enclosed form and return it to the address provided on the form by November 30, 2003. The Division will be contacting those who submit this form to provide the login site and your specific login ID and password. We anticipate early 2004 to implement on-line submittal of 5-day SSO reports. Until then, hard copies must be submitted as currently practiced. Initally, this service will roll out only for SSO written 5-day reports and then expand to bypass reporting and other types of spills. Please ensure all collection system staff receive this notice! This permit should replace your original permit with exception of any attachment(s), which should be transferred and attached to this permit. Now is a good time to again thoroughly review your permit. Ensure any expired compliance dates have been met and the regional office has been notified of your compliance with those conditions. 2 10/03 M. David Young October 17, 2003 Page 3 If you have questions regarding the new enforcement policy or to download Form CS-SSO, please contact your regional office or go to You may also contact Daryl Merritt at (919)733-5083, ext. 539 or via E-mail at or Linda Fitzpatrick at (919)733-5083, ext. 526 or via E-mail at For questions pertaining to your permit, please contact Marie Doklovic at (919) 733-5083, ext. 371 or via E-mail at Sincerely, deA, Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Enclosures: Form CS-SSO User Identifier/Password Request Form Amended Permit No. WQCS00058 (w/o original attachments) cc (permit only): Gaston County Health Department A a s evet. e- ow s o C amerton ORC i egiona; Technical Assistance and Certi ication nit Water Quality Central Files NDPU File (WQCS00058) 3 10/03 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH SYSTEM -WIDE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Town of Cramerton Gaston County FOR THE operation and maintenance of a wastewater collection system consisting of, at the time of permit issuance, approximately 17 miles of gravity sewer, approximately 3 miles of force main, 9 duplex pump stations, and all associated piping, valves, and appurtenances required to make a complete and operational wastewater collection system to serve the Town of Cramerton, pursuant to the application received on May 8, 2001, and in conformity with the documents referenced therein and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until December 31, 2007, shall void Permit No. WQCS00058 issued April 23, 2003, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The sewage and wastewater collected by this system shall be treated in the Town of Cramerton Wastewater Treatment Facilities (NC0006033 & NC0055948) prior to being disposed into the South Fork Catawba River. This collection system permit will be referenced upon renewal or modification of your NPDES permit(s). 2. The wastewater collection system shall be effectively managed, maintained and operated at all times so that there is no discharge to land or surface waters, nor any contamination of groundwater. In the event that the wastewater collection system fails to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions, including actions that may be required by the Division of Water Quality (Division), such as the construction of additional or replacement sewer lines and/or equipment. The Director may take enforcement action against the Permittee for sanitary sewer system discharges that must be reported to the Division as stipulated in Condition IV(2). This includes discharges that were caused by severe natural conditions or exceptional events unless the Permittee demonstrates through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that: 1 10/03 y a. The discharge was caused by severe natural conditions; there were no feasible alternatives to the discharge, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastewater, reduction of inflow and infiltration, use of adequate back-up equipment, or an increase in the capacity of the system. This provision is not satisfied if, in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment, the Permittee should have installed auxiliary or additional collection system components, wastewater retention or treatment facilities, adequate back-up equipment or should have reduced inflow and infiltration; or b. the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee; the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control, such as proper management, operation and maintenance; adequate treatment facilities or collection system facilities or components (e.g., adequately enlarging treatment or collection facilities to accommodate growth or adequately controlling and preventing infiltration and inflow); preventive maintenance; or installation of adequate back-up equipment; The Permittee can submit a claim to the Division Regional Office that the discharge meets the criteria of this condition. The Permittee has the option of submitting this claim along with the report required by Condition IV(2) (i.e., within five days) in order to be considered for immunity from enforcement action. Form CS-SSO Part II, or most current Division approved form, shall be used for any claims. The Permittee has the burden of proof that the above criteria have been met. 3. The Permittee shall have the legal authority to implement the requirements of Condition I(4); require new sewers be properly constructed; ensure proper inspection and testing of sewers and laterals; and address flows from satellite systems. 4. The Permittee shall maintain an educational and enforcement program that requires the proper operation and maintenance of all grease traps and septic tanks connected to the wastewater collection system. The educational program should target both residential and commercial users. 5. The Permittee shall implement a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to designate funding for reinvestment into the wastewater collection system infrastructure. The CIP should address the short- term needs and long-term "master plan" concepts. The CIP should typically cover a three to five year period and include a goal statement, description of the project area, description of the existing facilities, known deficiencies (over a reasonable period) and forecasted future needs. Cost analysis is integral to the CIP. A complete and approved Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) shall be met no later than July 1, 2004. The Water Quality Section of the Mooresville Regional Office shall be notified in writing when this compliance schedule is met. 6. Existing overflow piping from manholes and pump stations, excluding piping to approved equalization structures, known or discovered after permit issuance shall be immediately removed or permanently capped. Plugged emergency pumping connections are allowable for portable pumping or rerouting without intentionally bypassing the wastewater treatment facility. 7. The Permittee shall maintain a contingency plan for pump failure at each pump station. If one of the pumps in a pump station containing multiple pumps fails, the process of repairing or replacing the pump shall be initiated immediately and the new parts or pump shall be installed as soon as possible. If the pump in a simplex pump station fails, it shall be replaced immediately. A pump failure contingency plan for each pump station shall be completed no later than July 15, 2003. The Water Quality Section of the Mooresville Regional Office shall be notified in writing when this compliance schedule is met. 2 10/03 8. Each pump station shall be clearly and conspicuously posted with a pump station identifier and an emergency contact telephone number at which an individual who can initiate or perform emergency service for the wastewater collection system 24 hours per day, seven days per week can be contacted. This emergency contact telephone number shall be coupled with instructions for anyone to call if the visual alarm illuminates, if the audible alarm sounds, or if an emergency is apparent. Within thirty (30) days of permit issuance, all pump stations shall be equipped with conspicuously posted signs. The Water Quality Section of the Mooresville Regional Office shall be notified in writing when this compliance schedule is met. 9. Pump station sites, equipment and components shall have restricted access, per 15A NCAC 2H .0219(h)(7). 10. Pump stations that do not employ an automatic polling feature (i.e. routine contact with pump stations from a central location to check operational status of the communication system) shall have both audible and visual high water alarms. The alarms shall be weatherproof and placed in a clear and conspicuous location. Permits issued for the construction of pump stations that included high water alarms in the description must maintain the alarms even if simple telemetry (i.e. notification of an alarm condition initiated by the pump station control feature) is installed. The Groves Street & Lakewood #1 pump stations shall be equipped with audible and visual high water alarms no later than August 1, 2003. The Water Quality Section of the Mooresville Regional Office shall be notified in writing when this compliance schedule is met. 11. For all newly constructed, modified and rehabilitated pump stations, equipment and components located within the pump station shall be corrosion -resistant and components in close proximity of the pump station shall be sealed within a corrosion -resistant coating or encasement. 12. All construction and rehabilitation of the wastewater collection system (i.e., permitted or deemed permitted) shall be scheduled to minimize the interruption of service by the existing utilities. Construction and rehabilitation shall not result in the violation of Condition I.2. of this permit. II. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Upon classification of the collection system by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC), the Permittee shall designate and employ a certified operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) and one or more certified operator(s) to be back-up ORC(s) of the facilities in accordance with 15A NCAC 8G .0201. The ORC shall visit the system within 24 hours of knowledge of a bypass, spill, or overflow of wastewater from the system, unless visited by the Back - Up ORC, and shall comply with all other conditions of 15A NCAC 8G .0204. 2. The Permittee shall develop and maintain a schedule for reviewing all inspection, maintenance, operational and complaint logs. Once recurring problems are identified in the wastewater collection system because of the review process, the Permittee shall establish a plan for addressing the problem(s) if they can not be resolved in a short time period. The Permittee shall define and adhere to a review period. 3. The Permittee shall develop and maintain a schedule for testing emergency and standby equipment. 4. The Permittee shall develop and conduct a routine pump station inspection and maintenance program, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following maintenance activities: 3 10/03 a. Cleaning and removing debris from the pump station structure, outside perimeter, and wet well; b. Inspecting and exercising all valves; c. Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other mechanical equipment according to the manufacturer's recommendations; and d. Verifying the proper operation of the alarms, telemetry system and auxiliary equipment. 5. For each pump station without pump reliability (i.e. simplex pump stations serving more than a single building or pump stations not capable of pumping at a rate of 2.5 times the average daily flow rate with the largest pump out of service), at least one fully operational spare pump capable of pumping peak flow shall be maintained on hand. 6. The Permittee shall maintain on hand at least two percent of the number of pumps installed, but no less than two pumps, that discharge to a pressure sewer and serve a single building, unless the Permittee has the ability to purchase and install a replacement pump within 24 hours of first knowledge of the simplex pump failure or within the storage capacity provided in any sewer line extension permit. 7. Rights -of -way and/or easements shall be properly maintained to allow accessibility to the wastewater collection system. Phase 1 of the right-of-way maintenance program shall be completed no later than January 15, 2004. Upon completion of Phase 1, the Water Quality Section of the Mooresville Regional Office shall be notified in writing. The Permittee shall also submit 8 1/2 by 11 inch maps of all cleaned line segments in Phase 1 to the Regional Office. Phase 2 of the right-of-way maintenance program shall be completed no later than January 15, 2005. Upon completion of Phase 2, the Water Quality Section of the Mooresville Regional Office shall be notified in writing. The Permittee shall also submit 8 '/ by 11 inch maps of all cleaned line segments in Phase 2 to the Regional Office. Phase 3 of the right-of-way maintenance program shall be completed no later than January 15, 2006. Upon completion of Phase 3, the Water Quality Section of the Mooresville Regional Office shall be notified in writing. The Permittee shall also submit 8 % by 11 inch maps of all cleaned line segments in Phase 3 to the Regional Office. 8. The Permittee shall assess cleaning needs and develop and maintain a program for appropriately cleaning, whether by hydraulic or mechanical methods, all sewer lines. At least 10 percent of the wastewater collection system, selected at the discretion of the ORC, shall be cleaned each year. Preventative cleaning is not required for sewer lines less than five years old unless inspection otherwise reveals a necessity or as required by a sewer line extension permit. 9. Adequate measures shall be taken to contain and properly dispose of Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) and spills. The Permittee shall maintain a Response Action Plan that addresses the following minimum items: a. Contact telephone numbers for 24-hour response, including weekends and holidays; b. Response time; c. Equipment list and spare parts inventory; d. Access to cleaning equipment; e. Access to construction crews, contractors and/or engineers; f. Source(s) of emergency funds; g. Site sanitation and clean up materials; and h. Post-overflow/spill assessment. 4 10/03 10. The Permittee shall conduct an on -site evaluation for all SSOs and spills as soon as possible, but no more than two hours after first knowledge of the overflow and/or spill. 11. In the event of a discharge from or blockage within the wastewater collection system, the Permittee shall restore the system operation, remove visible solids and paper, sanitize any ground area and restore the surroundings. III. RECORDS 1. Records shall be maintained to document compliance with Conditions I(4), II(2) - II(4), II(7) - II(8), W(3) and V(1) -V(4). Records must be kept on file for a minimum of three years. Within thirty (30) days of permit issuance, all record keeping and reporting procedures shall be in compliance. The Water Quality Section of the Mooresville Regional Office shall be notified in writing when this compliance schedule is met. 2. Adequate records pertaining to SSOs, spills, and complaints shall be maintained by the Permittee for a minimum of three years. These records shall include, but are not limited to, the following information: a. Date of overflow and/or spill or complaint; b. Volume of wastewater discharged as a result of the overflow and/or spill or nature of complaint; c. Location of overflow and/or spill or complaint; d. Estimated duration of the overflow and/or spill; e. Individual from the Division who was informed about the overflow and/or spill or complaint, when applicable; f. Final destination of the overflow and/or spill; g. Corrective actions; h. Known environmental/human health impacts resulting from the overflow and/or spill; and i. How the overflow and/or spill was discovered. Within sixty (60) days of permit issuance, a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) Response Plan shall be completed. The Water Quality Section of the Mooresville Regional Office shall be notified in writing when this compliance schedule is met. 3. The Permittee shall maintain an up-to-date, accurate, comprehensive map of their wastewater collection system that also notes the locations where other wastewater collection systems become tributary. If a comprehensive map of the collection system has not been established, a rough sketch shall be drawn. The Permittee shall map approximately 10 percent of their collection system each year for the next ten years, or until complete, whichever is sooner. The comprehensive map shall include, but is not limited to: pipe size, pipe material, pipe location, flow direction, approximate pipe age, number of active service taps, and each pump station identification, location and capacity. 4. The Permittee shall maintain records of all of the modifications and extensions to the collection system permitted herein. The Permittee shall maintain a copy of the construction record drawings and specifications for modifications/extensions to the wastewater collection system for the life of the modification/extension. Information concerning the extension shall be incorporated into the map of the wastewater collection system within one year of the completion of construction. The system description contained within this permit shall be updated to include this modification/extension information upon permit renewal. 5 10/03 IV. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Any monitoring (including, but not necessarily limited to, wastewater flow, groundwater, surface water, soil or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division to ensure surface water and groundwater protection will be established, and an acceptable sampling and reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. The Permittee shall verbally report to a person at the Mooresville Regional Office, at telephone number (704) 663-1699, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of either of the following: a. Any SSO and/or spill over 1,000 gallons; or b. Any SSO and/or spill, regardless of volume, that reaches surface water. Voice mail messages or faxed information is permissible but this shall not be considered as the initial verbal report. Overflows and spills occurring outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Division of Emergency Management at telephone number (800) 858-0368 or (919) 733-3300. Persons reporting any of the above occurrences shall file a spill report by completing Part I of Form CS-SSO (or the most current Division approved form), within five days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to ensure that the problem does not recur. Per Condition I(2), Part II of Form CS-SSO (or the most current Division approved form) can also be completed to show that the SSO was beyond control. 3. The Permittee shall meet the annual reporting and notification requirements provided in North Carolina General Statute § 143-215.1 C. V. INSPECTIONS 1. The Permittee or the Permittee's designee shall inspect the wastewater collection system regularly to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors, and discharges that may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, threaten human health or create nuisance conditions. The Permittee shall keep an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. 2. Pump stations without Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems or telemetry shall be inspected everyday (i.e. 365 days per year). Pump stations equipped with SCADA systems or telemetry shall be inspected at least once per week. 3. A general observation of the entire collection system shall be performed throughout the course of every year. 4. Inspections of all high priority lines (i.e. aerial line, sub -waterway crossing, line contacting surface waters, siphon, line positioned parallel to stream banks that are subject to eroding in such a manner that may threaten the sewer line, or line designated as high -priority in a permit) shall be performed at least once per every six month period of time. A list of high -priority lines is presented as Attachment A and is hereby incorporated into this permit condition. New high priority lines installed or identified after permit issuance are incorporated by reference and subject to this permit condition until permit renewal where they shall be referenced in writing in Attachment A. 6 10/03 VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit shall become voidable unless the wastewater collection system is maintained and operated in accordance with the conditions of this permit and other supporting data. 2. This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the wastewater collection system to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request shall be submitted to the Division. The permit request shall be accompanied by documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 3. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 143- 215.6A through §143-215.6C, and a sewer moratorium may be established. 4. The issuance of this permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (i.e., local, state, and federal) having jurisdiction, including but not limited to applicable river buffer rules in 15A NCAC 2B .0200, soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements in 15A NCAC Chapter 4 and under the Division's General Permit NCG010000, and any requirements pertaining to wetlands under 15A NCAC 2B .0200 and 15A NCAC 2H .0500and all applicable North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Act health and safety standards. 5. The issuance of this permit does not prohibit the Division from reopening and modifying the permit, revoking and reissuing the permit, or terminating the permit as allowed by the laws, rules, and regulations contained in 15A NCAC 2H .0200 and North Carolina General Statute §143-215.1 et. al., or as needed to address changes in federal regulations with respect to the wastewater collection system. 6. The Permittee shall pay the annual fee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15A NCAC 2H .0205(c)(4). 7. The Permittee shall request its renewal at least six months prior to the expiration of this permit. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the wastewater collection system described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for a period of time and under such conditions and limitations, as the Commission may deem appropriate. 8. The Permittee shall notify the Division's Non -Discharge Permitting Unit in writing at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 of any changes to the name and/or address of the responsible party (i.e. mayor, city/town manager) of the wastewater collection system. 9. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the collection system at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit, may inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of wastewater, groundwater, surface water, soil, or plant tissue. 7 10/03 Permit issued this the 23rd day of April, 2003 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQCS00058 8 10/03 Attachment A for Condition V(4): High Priority Lines — WQCS00058 1. Market Place trunk line 2. Tree line Drive trunk line 3. Cramer Mountain trunk line 4. Old Course trunk line 5. Cramerton Village trunk line 9 10/03 MC DEPT. OF ENvgROMlwitela leaD NOM MURAL RESOURCES dila REGIONAL OFFpoE ,NAY 0 2 2003 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality 'tztyr24,y,01 M. DAVID YOUNG — TOWN MANAGER TOWN OF CRAMERTON 155 NORTH MAIN STREET CRAMERTON, NC 28032 Dear Mr. Young: April 23, 2003 Subject: Permit No. WdQ S0(1, 58 Town of Cramerton Cramerton Wastewater Collection System aston,County In accordance with your application received on May 8, 2001, as well as the additional information received on October 29, 2001, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQCS00058, dated January 29, 2003, to the Town of Cramerton for the operation and maintenance of the subject wastewater collection system. This permitshall be effective from the date of issuance until December 31, 2007. This comprehensive collection system permit includes conditions which cover all of the Spill Response and Operation and Maintenance Evaluation Factors in the Updated Collection System Enforcement Guidance issued June 14, 1999. Therefore, this permit supercedes the 1999 point system used to determine enforcement options for sanitary sewer overflows. The evaluation of enforcement options after a sanitary sewer overflow will be determined considering the criteria listed in condition I(2)(a) and I(2)(b) of the permit. Compliance with all conditions of the permit must be maintained or appropriate enforcement actions may be taken as noted in Condition VI(3). If you have questions regarding compliance contact your regional office or the Non -Discharge Compliance and Enforcement Unit of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality at (919) 733-5083. This permit shall be subject to the conditions and limitations specified herein. It is your responsibility to thoroughly review this permit. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring and reporting requirements in this permit and compliance schedules shown in bold. Failure to abide by the conditions in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty days following the receipt of this peintit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 DENR Customer Service Center An Equal Opportunity Action Employer Internet NCDENR Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919) 715-6048 Telephone 1 800 623-7748 50% recvcled/10% Host -consumer oaner If you need additional information concerning this matter, pleaseontact Nathaniel Thornburg at (919) 733-5083 extension 533. Since Alan W. Klimek, P.E. cc: Gaston County Health Department Alan Chevrette — Town of Cramerton ORC Mooresville-Regional.Office: Water QualitySect on Technical Assistance and Certification Unit Water Quality Central Files NDPU File (WQCS00058) 2 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH SYSTEM -WIDE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Town of Cramerton Gaston County FOR THE operation and maintenance of a wastewater collection system consisting of, at the time of permit issuance, approximately 17 miles of gravity sewer, approximately 3 miles of force main, 9 duplex pump stations, and all associated piping, valves, and appurtenances required to make a complete and operational wastewater collection system to serve the Town of Cramerton, pursuant to the application received on May 8, 2001, and in conformity with the documents referenced therein and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until December 31, 2007, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The sewage and wastewater collected by this system shall be treated in the Town of Cramerton Wastewater Treatment Facilities (NC0006033 & NC0055948) prior to being disposed into the South Fork Catawba River. This collection system permit will be referenced upon renewal or modification of your NPDES permit(s). The wastewater collection system shall be effectively managed, maintained and operated at all times so that there is no discharge to land or surface waters, nor any contamination of groundwater. In the event that the wastewater collection system fails to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions, including actions that may be required by the Division of Water Quality (Division), such as the construction of additional or replacement sewer lines and/or equipment. The Director may take enforcement action against the Permittee for sanitary sewer system discharges that must be reported to the Division as stipulated in Condition W(2). This includes discharges that were caused by severe natural conditions or exceptional events unless the Permittee demonstrates through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that: 1 PFPMTT wnr.cnnn,R n;m') a. The discharge was caused by severe natural conditions; there were no feasible alternatives to the discharge, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastewater, reduction of inflow and infiltration, use of adequate back-up equipment, or an increase in the capacity of the system. This provision is not satisfied if, in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment, the Permittee should have installed auxiliary or additional collection system components, wastewater retention or treatment facilities, adequate back-up equipment or should have reduced inflow and infiltration; or b. the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee; the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control, such as proper management, operation and maintenance; adequate treatment facilities or collection system facilities or components (e.g., adequately enlarging treatment or collection facilities to accommodate growth or adequately controlling and preventing infiltration and inflow); preventive maintenance; or installation of adequate back-up equipment; The Permittee can submit a claim to the Division Regional Office that the discharge meets the criteria of this condition. The Permittee has the option of submitting this claim along with the report required by Condition IV(2) (i.e., within five working days), but in all viable instances, the claim should be submitted to the appropriate Division Regional Office within 10 working days (i.e., Monday through Friday, excluding State holidays) of the date of the discharge in order to be considered for immunity from enforcement action. The Permittee has the burden of proof that the above criteria have been met. 3. The Permittee shall have the legal authority to implement the requirements of Condition I(4); require new sewers be properly constructed; ensure proper inspection and testing of sewers and laterals; and address flows from satellite systems. 4. The Permittee shall maintain an educational and enforcement program that requires the proper operation and maintenance of all grease traps and septic tanks connected to the wastewater collection system. The educational program should target both residential and commercial users. 5. The Permittee shall implement a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to designate funding for reinvestment into the wastewater collection system infrastructure. The CIP should address the short- term needs and long-term "master plan" concepts. The CIP should typically cover a three to five year period and include a goal statement, description of the project area, description of the existing facilities, known deficiencies (over a reasonable period) and forecasted future needs. Cost analysis is integral to the CIP. A complete and approved Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) shall be met no later than July 1, 2004. The Water Quality Section of the Mooresville Regional Office shall be notified in writing when this compliance schedule is met. 6. Existing overflow piping from manholes and pump stations, excluding piping to approved equalization structures, known or discovered after permit issuance shall be immediately removed or permanently capped. Plugged emergency pumping connections are allowable for portable pumping or rerouting without intentionally bypassing the wastewater treatment facility. 7. The Permittee shall maintain a contingency plan for pump failure at each pump station. If one of the pumps in a pump station containing multiple pumps fails, the process of repairing or replacing the pump shall be initiated immediately and the new parts or pump shall be installed as soon as possible. If the pump in a simplex pump station fails, it shall be replaced immediately. A pump failure contingency plan for each pump station shall be completed no later than July 15, 2003. The Water Quality Section of the Mooresville Regional Office shall be notified in writing when this compliance schedule is met. 8. Each pumpstation shall be clearly and conspicuously posted with a pump station identifier and an emergency contact telephone number at which an individual who can initiate service for the wastewater collection system 24 hoursper day, seven days per week can be contacted. for anyone to call if the This emergency contact telephone number shall be coupled with instructions or perform emergency visual alarm illuminates, if the audible alarm sounds, or if an emergency is a a Within thirty (30) days of a Pp rent. conspicuousl permit issuance, all pump stations shall be equipped y posted signs. The Water Quality Section of the Mooresville Regional Office shall ll be notified in writing when this compliance schedule is met. 9 Pump station sites, equipment and components shall have restricted access, per 15A NCAC 2H 10. Pump stations that do not employ an automatic polling feature(i.e. from a central location to check operational status of the communication s routine contact with pump stations audible and visual high water alarms. The alarms shall be weatherproof and conspicuous location. Pe system) shall have both alarms in thecationPmustmaintainfor the alarmsevenif pumpplacedlina highar and alarm condition description iato by the pump stationicontrol feature) simple stations that included water simple telemetry (i.e. notification of an The Groves Street & Lakewood #1 is installed. high water alarms no later than Augustmlp2003. 7.hns e Water equipped Regional rOfficealarshall notified in g s 1 w0n this complianceewith audible and visual Quality Section of the Mooresville 11 • For all newly constructed schedule is met. located within thepump' modified and rehabilitated pump stations, equipment station shall. be corrosion -resistant and componenin se proximity of the pump station shall be sealed within a corrosion -resistant coating or encasement. 12. All construction and rehabilitation of the wastewater collection system permitted) shall be scheduled to minimize the interruption of service by Construction and rehabilitation shall not result in the violation of y m (i.e., putted or deemed Condition. 12. of this pest utilities. Co II. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE RE UIREMENTS 1 • Upon classification of the collection system by the Water Polluti Certification Commission (WPCSOCC the Pe on Control System Operators to be in responsible charge )' rmittee shall designate and employ a certified operator g (ORC) and one or more certified operator(s) to be back-up ORC(s) of the facilities in accordance with 15A NCAC 8G .0201. The ORC shall visit the system knowledge of a bypass, spill, or overflow of wastewater from the system, unless Back - Up ORC, and shall comply within 24 hours of P y with all other conditions of 15A NCAC 8G .0204. ess visited by the 2. The Permitteeshall develop and maintain a schedule for reviewing all inspection, maintenance, operational and complaint logs. Once recurring problems are identified in the wastewater system because of the review process, the Pe problem(s)rmittee if they can not be resolved in a short time period. The Peblish a plan collection a review period, forfiaddressing the nnittee shall define and adhere to 3. The Permittee shall develop and maintain a schedule for testing emergency and standby equipment. 4. The Permittee shall develop and conduct a routine pump station inspection and maintenance program a. Cleaning and removing debris from the pump station structure, outside e ' which shall include, but not be limited to, the following maintenance activitie b. Inspecting and exercising all valves; pumps c. Inspecting and lubricatingP nmeter, and wet well; and other mechanical equipment according to the manufacturer's recommendations; d d. Verifying the proper opertion of t ae ala rms, telemetry system and auxiliary equipment. 3 PERMIT WQCS00058 05/02 IV. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Any monitoring (including, but not necessarily limited to, wastewater flow, groundwater, surface water, soil or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division to ensure surface water and groundwater protection will be established, and an acceptable sampling and reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. The Permittee shall report to the Mooresville Regional Office, at telephone number (704) 663-1699 or facsimile number (704) 663-6040, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of either of the following: a. Any SSO and/or spill over 1,000 gallons; or b. Any SSO and/or spill, regardless of volume, that reaches surface water. Overflows and spills occurring outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Division's Emergency Response personnel at telephone number (800) 662-7956, (800) 858-0368, or (919) 733- 3300. Persons reporting any of the above occurrences shall file a Spill Response Form within five working days (i.e., Monday through Friday, excluding State holidays) following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to ensure that the problem does not recur. 3. The Permittee shall meet the annual reporting and notification requirements provided in North Carolina General Statute §143-215.1C. V. INSPECTIONS 1. The Permittee or the Permittee's designee shall inspect the wastewater collection system regularly to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors, and discharges that may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, threaten human health or create nuisance conditions. The Permittee shall keep an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. 2. Pump stations without Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems or telemetry shall be inspected everyday (i.e. 365 days per year). Pump stations equipped with SCADA systems or telemetry shall be inspected at least once per week. 3. A general observation of the entire collection system shall be performed throughout the course of every year. Inspections of all high priority lines (i.e. aerial line, sub-waterwaycrossing, line contacting surface.. waters, siphon, line positioned parallel to stream banks that are subject to eroding in such a manner that may threaten the sewer line, or line designated as high -priority in a permit) shall be performed at least once per every six month period of time. A list of high -priority lines is presented as Attachment A and is hereby incorporated into this permit condition. New high priority lines installed or identified after permit issuance are incorporated by reference and subject to this permit condition until permit renewal where they shall be referenced in writing in Attachment A. 6 PERMIT WQCS00058 05/02 VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit shall become voidable unless the wastewater collection system is maintained and operated in accordance with the conditions of this permit and other supporting data. 2. This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the wastewater collection system to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request shall be submitted to the Division. The permit request shall be accompanied by documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 3. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 143- 215.6A through § 143-215.6C, and a sewer moratorium may be established. 4. The issuance of this permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (i.e., local, state, and federal) having jurisdiction, including but not limited to applicable river buffer rules in 15A NCAC 2B .0200, soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements in 15A NCAC Chapter 4 and under the Division's General Permit NCG010000, and any requirements pertaining to wetlands under 15A NCAC 2B .0200 and 15A NCAC 2H .0500and all applicable North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Act health and safety standards. 5. The issuance of this permit does not prohibit the Division from reopening and modifying the permit, revoking and reissuing the permit, or terminating the permit as allowed by the laws, rules, and regulations contained in 15A NCAC 2H .0200 and North Carolina General Statute §143-215.1 et. al., or as needed to address changes in federal regulations with respect to the wastewater collection system. 6. The Permittee shall pay the annual fee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this peanut as specified by 15A NCAC 2H .0205(c)(4). 7. The Permittee shall request its renewal at least six months prior to the expiration of this permit. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the wastewater collection system described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for a period of time and under such conditions and limitations, as the Commission may deem appropriate. 8. The Permittee shall notify the Division's Non -Discharge Permitting Unit in writing at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 of any changes to the name and/or address of the responsible party (i.e. mayor, city/town manager) of the wastewater collection system. 9. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the collection system at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit, may inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of wastewater, groundwater, surface water, soil, or plant tissue. 7 PERMIT WQCS00058 05/02 Permit issued this the 23rd day of April, 2003 NORTI�� AROLII , Ej• VIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQCS00058 8 PERMIT WQCS00058 05/02 Attachment A: High Priority Lines 1. Market Place trunk line 2. Tree line Drive trunk line 3. Cramer Mountain trunk line 4. Old Course trunk line 5. Cramerton Village trunk line 9 PERMIT WQCS00058 05/02 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Departur4.004DElv;irgp il naltay tesources ® ATAian�h ijkatP , Director UGORESVILLE F31313,g oiiltbffW duality FP ,r) Fruary 26, 2003 RNC r1m®r rye r=nnnr�rn�Aad.g} M. DAVID YOUNG - TOWN MANAGER TOWN OF CRAMERTON 155 NORTH MAIN STREET CRAMERTON, NC 28032 Dear Mr. Young: FEB 2 B 2003 Ecri'D, Subject: Application No. WQCS'0005 Draft Review Comments Town of Cramerton Cramerton Wastewater Collection System y Ga-9-1T-ColJnfq The Non -Discharge Permitting Unit has reviewed the draft permit comments received January 30, 2003, and would like to thank you for providing such a thorough submittal. As a permit reviewer, it is encouraging to see an applicant take the time and effort to study the Wastewater Collection System Permit and provide detailed comments about how their system relates to this process. In regards to the requested compliance schedules, please note that not all are necessary, some will be granted and others cannot. On the attached pages, there is a detailed listing of each requested compliance schedule and the reason for accepting or denying it. Please also note that some of the requested compliance schedules require further information before a decision can be made about their validity. Please provide the Town's approval/disapproval of these comments no later than March 28, 2003. Feel free to fax your return comments at your earliest convenience so that the permit may be issued quickly, or provide them via standard mail. Thank you in advance for your cooperation, and once again for providing such an in-depth submittal. If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 733-5083, extension 533. Thank you for your cooperation. cc: wale ... ON WOO Permit Application File WQCS00058 uaiiy Sincerely, Nathaniel D. Thornburg Non -Discharge Permitting Unit Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 DENR Customer Service Center An Equal Opportunity Action Employer Internet Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919) 715-6048 Telephone 1 800 623-7748 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper dal NCDENR Pump Stations: 1. As of July 1, 2001 all pump station that do not have telemetry are required to be visited daily including weekends and holidays, and those systems that do have telemetry need only be visited once per week. Therefore, the Town of Cramerton is already required to visit each pump station at least weekly, and the Division feels that these visits should be able to easily address whether or not the pump stations can comply with Conditions I.8, I.9 and I.10. i Condition I.8 — If a specific schedule is required for installing pump station identifier / emergency contact signs for each pump station, please provide a compliance date for the installation of the ten signs. Condition I.9 — Restricted access does not require a compliance schedule because if lockable fencing is not provided around each pump station, then at a minimum, only the wetwell and control panel shall be locked. Condition I.10 — The additional information letter received October 29, 2001 stated that only the Timberlake #1 pump station does not have audio and visual alarms, therefore if a compliance schedule is needed to outfit this station with alarms, please provide one. 2. No compliance schedule will be granted for this request because it does not address a specific condition. 3. In the application received May 8, 2001, Item 111.9 states that all pump stations meet the reliability requirement, therefore no compliance schedule will be granted. 4. A compliance schedule for developing a written contingency plan for each pump station shall be granted. The compliance date for Condition I.7 will be July 15, 2003. Organizational Changes: 1. No compliance schedule is needed. No compliance schedule is needed. Enclosed is a handout that addresses all of _ the record keeping required in the permit. Operation and Maintenance — General: 1. A compliance schedule cannot be granted for Condition II.1 because this is a Technical Assistance and Certification requirement, not a Non -Discharge Permitting one. In order to comply with this condition, please contact the Technical Assistance and Certification Unit at: Technical Assistance and Certification Unit 1618 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1618 919-733-0026 2. Compliance schedules will not be granted.for record keeping and inspection requirements. These items should be recorded now, and in the future if/when a compliance manager is hired for the Town, it will be their responsibility to organize this information. In the meantime, the Division would like the Town to try and keep all records because these will be review by Regional Inspectors during their visits. Right of Ways: 1. If the Town already knows the areas that need to be made accessible in order to comply with Condition 11.7, then compliance schedules will be granted. Please provide the exact line segments (shown on an 8.5 x 11 map) and when these segments shall be accessible by. Using this method, the permit can be written such that each inaccessible line segment will have its own compliance schedule. The maps and line segment names will then allow the field inspector to know which lines have a valid compliance schedule. If individual line segments cannot be identified and located for cleaning, then no compliance schedule will be allowed. Cleaning & Rehabilitation: 1. The application received May 8, 2001 stated that 20% of the lines were cleaned annually. Under Condition 11.8, only 10% of the lines need to be cleaned annually. As of now, the Town of Cramerton already complies with this condition. SSO Response Plan: 1. A compliance date of February 28, 2003 shall be granted. 2. A compliance date of March 31, 2003 shall be granted. Mapping: 1. As long as 10% of the mapping requirements are accomplished each year over a 10 year period, no compliance schedule is needed. In essence, this condition already has a compliance schedule of 10 years built into it as long as a minimum of 10% is done each year. Capital Improvement Plan: 1. As long as the completed CIP is also approved, a compliance date of December 1, 2003 shall be granted. w Town of Cramerton 155 North Main Street Cramerton North Carolina 28032 Mr. Donald R. Price NCDENR, DWQ Mooresville Regional Office 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 v(-J SUBJECT: Non -Discharge Facility Inspection Sewer Collection System Deficiencies Response Dear Don: WC-DEPT. OF Ni tvNt9NT AND NATURAL Rir:":\ii t S P =rcc JUL 1 7 2001 The following is a status report on deficiencies you noted during the inspection of our facilities on June 13,2001. 1. We have divided the collection system into quadrants and have begun mapping and marking the various lines and outfalls for preventive maintenance to include cleaning and videotaping. Our recent purchase of the Jet -Vac system will allow us to perform this type work more cost effectively, and increase productivity beyond the minimum 10% required per year. 2. By receipt of this letter, you should be in possession of a copy of our Sewer Use Ordinance. Section 51.046 specifically addresses fats, oils, and greases. If you think additional language should be adopted into this section, let us know. 3. We are currently utilizing the Town's Street Department crew to mow the Sewer easements and Right of Ways. All areas are on schedule to be cut as time permits. 4. Pump Station No. 7, (Mayfair Station), was under repairs during the inspection. We have met with a contractor for relocation of the fence and all construction debris has been removed. 5. Pump Station No.4, (Town Hall Station), Degreasing agents are being applied to the wet well areas on a daily basis to emulsify the accumulated greases. This seems to be effective to date. If the problems persist or increase, we will investigate alternative methods for removal. 6. Pump Station No.1, (Riverside Drive Station), we have contacted our instrumentation and controls contractor to install and test necessary audible and visual alarms until such time as the station is removed from daily service. To date we are inspecting each station on a daily basis. We are scheduled for installation of two additional telemetry /polling units and two additional autodialing units for the stations. t- If you have any questions or concerns please call me at 704-825-7499 Thank You T.J.Shytle, Jr. Director, wastewater Department Copy: collections file S. Torrance D. Young Michae'© Easley Govemor William G. Ross, Jr.,Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality M. David Young Town Manager Town of Cramerton 155 North Main Street Cramerton, North Carolina 28032 June 26, 2001 Subject: Non -Discharge Facility Inspection Sewer Collection System Town of Cramerton Gaston County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Young: This letter transmits a copy of the inspection report covering the inspection conducted on June 13, 2001. Mr. Don Price of this office and Ms. Sharnay Torrance of the Non -Discharge Permitting branch in Raleigh, N.C. conducted the inspection. Mr. Price and Ms. Torrance were accompanied by Mr. Jamie Shytle, WWTP Superintendent and Alan Chevrette, Collection System Operator. The subject inspection was conducted in conjunction with the initial permitting of the Town of Cramerton's sewer collection system. Generally the inspection revealed that the sewer collection system is being properly operated and maintained. However, there were some deficiencies noted that are set forth under "Additional Comments" in the attached inspection report. The Town needs to take action to correct the noted deficiencies. ilt.isrequested that you respond to this .matter in writing by no later than _July 19, .2001, indicating actions taken to correct the deficiencies. Please address your response to Mr. Price. An attached copy of the revelant permit shell and excerpts from the regulation applicable to collection system permitting are attached for your review. NCDENR istomer Service Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC 28115 800 623-7748 PHONE (704) 663-1699 FAX (704) 663-6040 V If you have questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Price or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Attachments cc: Gaston County Department of Environmental Health Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit Jamie Shytle, Town of Cramerton WWTP Superintendent DP State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director ATA NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NON=DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION GENERAL INFORMATION City/Town/Owner: Town of Cramerton Permittee Contact: David Young ORC Name: Alan Chevrette 24 hr Contact Name: Jamie Shytle NPDES Permit No.: NC0006033 Issuance Date: May 8, 1997 Expiration Date: Sept. 30, 2001 If applicable, SOC IssuanceDate: N/A County: Gaston Telephone No.: (704)824-4337 Telephone No.: (704)824-3667 Telephone No.: (704)825-7499 WQ:* Issuance Date: N/A Expiration Date: N/A Expiration Date: N/A Reason for Inspection X ROUTINE COMPLAINT FOLLOW-UP OTHER Type of inspection X Collection System Spray Irrigation Sludge Other Inspection Summary: (additional comments may be included on attached pages) *Collection System Permit No. is subject to change. Is a follow-up inspection necessary yes X no Inspector(s) Name(s)/Title(s): Donald R. Price / Environmental Tech. V Telephone No.: (704)663-1699 Fax No.: (704)663-6040 pee of Inspection: June 13, 2001 Permittee: Town of Cramerton Facility: Facility Location: The Town of Cramerton currently owns and operates nine pump Stations. The following five pump stations were inspected on June 13, 2001: Pump Station No. E-3, Pump Station No. 4, Pump Station No. 1, Pump Station No. 3, and Pump Station No. 7. Pump Station No. E-3 is located just off of Groves Street. Pump Station No. 4 is located behind the city hall building off of Eighth Avenue. Pump Station No. 1 is located off of Riverside. Drive. Pump Station No. 3 is located off of Baltimore Street. Pump Station No. 7 is located off of Catfish Lane behind the Mayfair Fish Camp restraunt. Collection System File Review 1. Does DWQ Database indicate repetitive overflows at any point? If yes, is there a corrective action plan? 2. Do records include a map of the collection system? 3. Are there records of annual visual inspections of all lines not visible from normal public access? 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Regular visual inspections of high priority areas? Do records indicate that right of ways are maintained to allow access? Are there areas of regular or scheduled cleaning? Is there a spare parts inventory and list of contractors? Is the spare parts inventory adequate? Are maintenance logs up-to-date and include inspections, tests, maintenance? Is there a trouble log of all problems that include the following information? Overflows locations, who responded time/date, action taken, cause of problem/overflow, and how the problem was resolved. 10. Does the Town have a Sewer Use Ordinance? Does it appear the SUO is enforced? 11. Does the system have any known points of bypass? If yes, describe type of bypass and location. 12. Do records log pumpstation telemetry/SCADA notifications? YesD NoZ N/AD Yes® No❑ N/AD Yes 0 No❑ N/AD* YesZ No❑ Yes 1Z1 No❑ YesZ No❑ YesD No® Yes No❑ Yes® No❑ Yes® No❑ YesZ No❑ N/AD N/AD N/AD N/A❑* N/AD N/AD N/A❑ N/AD Yes® No❑ N/AD* YesD No❑ N/A® YesD No N/AD YesD No❑ N/A® Yes /i1 NoD N/AD ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF COLLECTION SYSTEM FILE REVIEW: Item. 2- The current map is being updated by the town's engineering firm. Town of Cramerton Sewer Collection System June 13, 2001 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF COLLECTION SYSTEM FILE REVIEW (Cont'd.): Item No. 5- Currently only problem areas in the system are cleaned. The town needs to develop a schedule to clean at least 10% of the system each year. Item No. 10- The current SUO needs to be updated to address fats, oils, and grease in the collection system. Gravity Sewers Manholes: 1. Are manholes accessible? Yes 1i1 No❑ N/AD 2. Are manhole covers above grade? Yes/1 NoD N/AD Visible signs of overflow? Yes No N/AD Sinkholes or depressions? Yes No IZ1 N/AD 3. Are manhole covers missing or improperly seated? Yes❑ No /1 N/AD 4. Are manholes in need of repair? YesE No N/AD Due to normal wear and tear? Yes No N/AD Due to vandalism? Yes No N/AD 5. Are inverts in need of repair? Yes❑ NoZ N/AD 6. Is there evidence of collection system deterioration? Yes No N/AD 7. Is flow visibly restricted in pipe or manhole? Yes❑ No ii N/AD 8. Is there an excessive amount of grease? Yes❑ No N/AD Roots? Yes No N/AD Sand? Yes❑ No N/AD 9. Is there evidence of submergence of vents? Yes❑ No /5 N/AD 10. Are bypass structures or pipes visible in manhole? Yes No / 1 N/AD Lines/Right-of-Ways: 1. Are easement, right-of-ways, in need of mowing or clearing? Yes.,1 No❑ N/A❑* 2. Are sink holes or depressions observed above line? Yes❑ NoN/AD 3. Is there evidence of leakage or seepage from the line? Yes❑ No N/AD 4. Are there areas of exposed line? Yes® No N/AD Are exposed lines constructed of piping other than ductile iron or comparable? Yes No /i1 N/AD 5. Are stream/ditch crossings and aerial supports in need of repair? Yes No / / N/AD Town of Cramerton Sewer Collection System June 13, 2001 Lines/Right-of-Ways(Cont' d.): 6. Are right-of-ways being used for roads? YesE No ►Z1 N/A❑ 7. Do lines show evidence or history of damage? Yes No /1 N/AD ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF COLLECTION SYSTEM GRAVITY SEWERS REVIEW : Item No. 1- right of ways are in need of mowing to remove accumulated vegetation. Pump Stations/Siphons 1. Are any pump station/siphon sites difficult to access? Yes❑ No /1 N/AD 2. Does general housekeeping need improvement? Yes / 1 No❑ N/AD* 3. Are there any missing pumps? Yes No /1 N/AD 4. Do wet wells/siphons have accumulations of debris that could potentially affect the operation of the unit? Yes® No❑ N/AD* 5. Does the first manhole up line from the pump station or siphon show signs of backup, overflow, debris originating from the line? Yes❑ No N/AD 6. Are there any floats/controls for pumps, alarms or alternators that does not work? YesE No N/A❑ 7. Did high water alarms fail to work when tested? Yes/1 NoD N/AD* 8. Did ORC fail to produce maintenance log? YesD No /1 N/AD 9. Is telemetry/SCADA present? Yes/1 NoD N/AD* Operable? Yes No N/AD 10. Are backflow devices in place and operable? Yes /1 No N/AD 11. Where necessary are air relief valves present and operable? Yes @ NoD N/AD 12. Are standby generators present? YesZ No N/AD Operable? Yes® No❑ N/AD Is fuel tank full? Yes ►Z1 NoD N/AD 13. Is there a 24 hr notification sign? YesZ NoD N/AD 14. Is public access limited? Yes ►1 NoD N/AD 15. Is there any bypass mechanism present? Yes No N/AD 16�,- Any signs of overflow at the station/siphon? YesE No N/AD 17. Is there chemical addition present? Yes No /1. N/AD Town of Cramerton Sewer Collection System June 13, 2001 Pump Stations/Siphons(Cont' d.) ❑ Odor control ❑ pH control ❑ Other, explain ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF COLLECTION SYSTEM PUMP STATION/SIPHON REVIEW.: Item No. 2- General housekeeping around pump station No. 7 and pump station No. 1 needs to improved. Sections of the fencingaround. pump station No. 7 need to be repaired. Item No. 4- Grease accumulation in pump station No. 4 needs to be removed. Item No. 7- The visible alarm (red light) failed to work on pump station No. 1 when tested. The light needs to be replaced on this alarm. Item No. 9- Not all pump stations are equiped with telemetry. Log books indicate that pump stations are visited in accordance with 15 A NCAC 2H .0227(d)(4). TOWN cRAMERror\°F (est. 1921) North Carolina Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Non— Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-161'7 Attention: M Doklovic RECEIVED WATER QUALITY SECTION 0 a Non -Discharge Petmittrg 5/03/01 In accordance with the North Carolina Clean Water Act of 1999,S.L. 1999c.329s11.2 The Town of Cramerton Wastewater Department submits the enclosed application for Wastewater Collection System Permit Attachments (9) for lift station information requested on page four and SSO'S Contingency plan (1) requested on page six. you require any additional information or have any questions regarding this matter please contact me at this address or call me at 704-825-7499. Sincerely Your i Craig . Choquet Wastewater Director 155 North Main Street Cramerton, NC /28032 704/824-4337 RECELVED State of North Carolina WATER QUALITY SECTION Department of Environment and Natural Resources . , 1, Division of Water Quality �``r:� 3 WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS Di/sc, aJrcs Prenhitting (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) Application Number: V V `-'l CSCa:%o be completed by DWQ) GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. System name: Cramerton 2. Owner (name of the municipality, public utility, homeowners association, etc.): Town of Cramerton 3. Signing official's name and title (15A NCAC 2H .0206(b)).-^h Reb: : /2/. 0 . �/J .0C '" %o��-� '2�''"-'`OF 4. Name and complete address of applicant: 155 North Main Street City: Cramerton State: NC Zip: 28032 Telephone number: (94 V ) Facsimile number: ( ) R2'94q 5. County where project is located: Gaston 6. Name, affiliation, and contact information of contact person who can answer questions about application: �'iQRI D , �/fd�a tip_ f /A.ST��� � /aF. �'"�is ✓T f.�s.� - II. PERMIT- INFORMATION: 1. Project is: ❑ new o modification Wrenewal 2. If this application is being submitted as a result of a modification or renewal of an existing permit, provide: existing permit number RY�i4 3. Applicant is: public ❑ private III. COLLECTION SYSTEM INFORMATION: 1. Flow of wastewater generated by this collection system (See Instruction E): 2. Explanation of how wastewater flow was determined: m > - pLa;,sr CkpQ and the issuance date - 114-rQW1G. (MGD) 3. Owner and name of wastewater treatment facility(ies) (WWTF) receiving wastewater: Town of Cramerton 4. WWTF permit number(s): NC0006033 5. Nature of wastewater (See Instruction F): ak0 % Domestic/Commercial; ?O 5 % Industrial; % Other waste - specify: 6. Population served by the collection system (See Instruction F): 3,*ACA 7. Total miles of sewer (See Instruction F): Force Main 11'0.7S Gravity Pressure Vacuum 8. Number of pump stations serving the pressure sewer: FORM: CSA 12/00 Page 3 of 6 9. Attach a list of all pump stations not included in Question III(8) and the following information in the given format (See Instruction G): Pump Station Identification Physical Location Pump Reliability (yes/no) Reliability Source Ai,L 4LL ACL- y1 S -Ai_� SePwCL D p:;, 5E` 4 rrA c:-ifvw,rr5 .'-f- — t cf._2, -f--3, ell- _4. 9--S y,-� 7 -F, Y--9 10. List the operational units that are on hand at this time to provide power reliabiltiy and which pump stations they will serve (attach additional sheets as necessary): Power Source (provide details as to model, capacity, etc.) Portable or Permanent Pump Station(s) Served SEE A-774CH»Lr, 7 L+- i s--? )1 i, 4 i 11. List aerial lines and other high priority lines known to exist in the collection system and attach map showing location of each (See Instruction H): ® 114 A RKET PC.4CE 1 R UtJ K Lr t E_ TRl'c - L i E l+ U J K LA APE CRA m 2 m17\i . i 2 v n1 KLr.,1 6 Ltd COR2 i_ H4 OE 4FRt4C. C2cSSi6J65, S;eEA-/y1$ it- D I I E I4.5-'PEC-rED /7t ,41-7— a• CE .4 /n6^'-r2'>. 'MAP /iTTAcHfD IV. ADMINISTRATION OF THE COLLECTION SYSTEM: 1. Provide a description of the organizational structure that is responsible for management, operation, and maintenance of the collection system (See Instruction I): 7/i4 6JA6:Fr../A7-G72 DEP,41/77-i /51oo/tcI-5.5 5' ,4cL OL(f-i7c.-J 575: ,'1 ,Jcr,,v, 7.4- . His 0,ga4/z7;7- r la✓s�s aF . l/tip, Viet 444-3 E-L64;FDicEc- O j CoevzpA-I47-i/7 Q G',-.'•a.e ao,v,: /2Aev r/ZS i9/G.E • 2. Provide all Operator(s) in Responsible Charge (ORC), certification number and responsibility (area of control) within the collection system (attach additional sheets as necessary): ORC Certification Number Responsibility Cy49/6 C•rao a,— Z3 S33 /4 cc._ 54Ge-vP /,e✓1,J C✓'Evel�Tj ,l22 .v, K SCsiocL A .. 3. Approximate capital improvement budget for the collection system and description of the budget (See Instruction J): $ '75,� 4. Approximate operation and maintenance budget for the collection system (See Instruction J): $ 'JSOdd 5. Describe the grease control program (including ordinances, inspection, education and enforcement) for the collection system. If no grease control program has been adopted, please provide a schedule for implementation: /RE2 r7F..-i C0 D2D,-%ee 4ND hoc 6-Ec75,� / J-7 .tci J�avSi/',.�C /lom�aE/1C„ac t, s "re? 6,4485E , 7..Q/2 / � ,•i F. ,.si✓Cl /.a•^-O �Oir�l1L,A. ✓C� Z,17/ 77, iOG�N S .56;11ne ally/ ✓eirc. FORM: CSA 12/00 Page 4 of 6 6. Describe how the grease control program and construction and inspection of private sewer connections is coordinated with the local building inspections department: !/�.vAPP,P,,,0.-e. of P�G,,,t-_ G P/ 'FT Ace SEL-' < S .�!'.7.. Cri�2£, %nisi" SE. / .-J» L# /ZF57 Zq iQ TirE .55.5 L✓ uric /4- C.2r a 3.E_ T ?AP T�rfitE Ff,i ca.- ^.:- ,.oss 7. Do you have procedures in place for implementing North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1C (public notifications of spills and annual report to customers). If not, please provide a schedule for developing these procedures: yF_S 8. List any agreements or ordinances currently in place to address flows from satellite systems (See Instruction Kr NI/A 9. Attach a list of all satellite systems having a flow or capacity greater than 200,000 GPD. Include contact information such as name, address, phone number and flow for each satellite system . Indicate N/A if no such systems are present. WA V. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE COLLECTION SYSTEM: 1. Is an accurate and complete map of the collection system available? (See Instruction L)? If not state what percentage of the system is mapped and provide a schedule for completing the map: yes iqT P2ES ,77 2. 7N iS m 9p /S /77- Si PF.aSE fa2 2 0 / 5 u0 .4.,fo iw� S'=rc v� ,y4✓� �f/3 C'o.�+operi .0 G r;.i,r✓ 3 mo.,i,—.1S7o/ . List the mapping parameters/descriptions included on or associated with the map such as type, pipe size, age, etc. of the collection system: P PE- S i? r S FLCCJ DI n, ECr, 6 4 S•-r'.ee i 75 A ND LOTS, In Pr1 -cLE3 iA'JD (i SrPT'ot . 3. Has a formal sanitary sewer evaluation and study (SSES) been conducted on any portion of the collection system (See Instruction.M)?: ki 0 4. Have any parts of the collection system been modeled for hydraulics (See Instruction M)? Explain and provide locations of any capacity problems or sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) indicated by the model. N D - No KrJ Lint CI1paci, ,v poi Ext577 5. Are sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) documented no matter what volume? How are they documented? l( ES (+J Cou E-c.. J S y 5 -)9 OpE24-i icA/S Log G- %I o2% �c7 O/Y/5) „/aGG-'.42 ? G7 aeeir� c 6. Are operational logs maintained and reviewed periodically? At what frequency? G D (S /l/g 4,-,?--4-629 7. Are maintenance logs maintained and reviewed periodically? At what frequency? ') 8. Are pressure and gravity sewer systems inspected on a routine basis? Explain the frequency of inspections and any maintenance programs: YE$. /tea.../ - 0,o, .-- A<-L- or" 3 -T-nos/ -ei /r n/. L % (/%fte CYIc55' ✓65 ///SPEC-% L/.6i2�F.1 7. %1'I. ! 1'4', —4 . LE.CST S E.1,"_raiwrL a[C�. 51,lv./t2 .,IS-- O,JCG 02 meAE 8:vgre7 5 `/,641j' FORM: CSA 12/00 Page 5 of 6 9. Describe plan review and inspection procedures for new construction (if applicable): 41-1- Gila,< L'. /DGl4 q,.-D I�!'cG�ES7.c,�ac F,✓�✓Far?.rG ✓o �bY 10. List all equipment available for routine cleaning of the.collection system. If not owned, please indicate the source from which the equipment is available: h'cvv,,.r‘ i %/�✓uc. PRESS»/- >`t - C.4/4-/,-/,1 /24 ✓EinE.-fr CC N,�C I/!C/t:L - C,maL' �9 f3.9a ..T CGcA/✓ "16" 51E-J .72 - �iie.APex /�GUm3•�✓� - 3, [ovt I CtvCE /� 12,./C/c-.5 c 11. What approximate percentage of the collection system is cleaned each year and the rationale for determining which line segments are cleaned: - v % VPri n / S'FK/E.2.n/� - 5 CCE_� ✓•�✓ G/S �F/�Gd.?.�,�{,Q f�S �✓EEC ,� �i�- � • %ijo /,"1/11�c: a /�.�o ?.✓yid i✓��/Zc. i i U� Lea �� 12. Describe the right of way maintenance program. Include whether all right of ways are currently accessible: rib /�CC65S 1' E AVew �21i. ✓i�iG�✓S / O /)74/S� S /yA i � -✓ G /�5i /. ✓ f�F ����G 20 r 1 /: F2-s c.9-c - L 13. Describe any existing rehabilitatio replacement programs for the system (e.g. III studies, pump station upgrades, pipe replacement,laetc.):`/9 C C /—Afacv/A// l'cL /`:mac.-✓ 3'j SJ�,-, /j..�9A2 0✓ ,�/S 'v!✓ 8��l, C> /" /C/-6/e %�/7 f�/1Q,1SP ? C- '. t30! LeC77c-J 5-757w i s /y. i -e PE, ref) l/;,3-7,9 7G.-zs A.2�ina ��A„✓�.� n!L Lo�Q/�n�� 2•e'.2 Td /"6 Fi/'c,ara� 02 5%cry/cc.4.,/; ,cEo�✓',✓�€a�E 14. Describe or attach the contingency plan in place to respond to SSOs: SEE PACE 6 Is, Applicant's Certification: Note: 15A NCAC 2H .0206(b) requires an authorized individual to sign this application fonn. In the case of corporations, signature is required by a principal executive officer of at least the level of vice president, or his duly authorized representative. In the case of a municipal, state, or other public entity, a signature is required by either a principal executive officer, ranking elected official or other duly authorized employee. Duly authorized employee's must provide proof from the principal executive officer or ranking elected offcal that they have been authorized to sign this application. I, , attest that this application for has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143- 215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: Date: 06-- FORM: CSA 12/00 Page 6 of 6 11 II II Pt 4 4 .... § -.' .. ,-':--.-"\\ ---,f— 1 il k 'tts § o , . \\\. ,4, o o o V s.,,,,!ta. #0444 RECEIVED WATER QUALITY SECTION MAY 0 8 2001 Non -Discharge Permitting A ifYi. ARKET- pc4 (21;.- CP.Arner,e_ -TR cCe 17) CCARSE - Li o _3165 .0# 03,/30/99 WED 10:19 FAX 824 3667 fltilities I11023 PUMP STATION Permit -tee M. David Young Permit Number N.C•oD559L8 CountyGaston Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Contact Person: Craig Choquet Phone Number. 704-824-3667 Location of Pump Station: Groves Ste Station # E-3 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) _ 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 . per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 50 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: 'X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? LI- How often is the generator tested? 1/11VI0 . (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? May 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No if No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet weir high level. Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? Yes No if No, what actions are being urdertaken to address? rn� L�- '+Ly6 As 9"11- � - (3s--4Y?%/ ?a S i<V! 06:30/99 WED 09:54 FAX 824 3667 Utilities 0004 C SPILL RESPONSE PLAN EVALUATION Permittee M David Young Permit NurnberN • 0 .0055948 County Gaston 1. Do you have a current 24-hour contact list that includes phone numbers of key personnel and/or contractors? X Yes No (if Yes, please attach) 2. Do you have an equipment list that includes available functional equipment and where the equipment is located? X Yes No (1f Yes, please attach) 3. Do you have the staff` resources to make an on -site assessment of a spill within two hours of notification of the spill? X Yes No (If No, please explain below) Note: The attached contact list also includes contractors which supply equipment along with operating personnel. 4. Please list your standard spill response procedures: NOTIFICATION/RESPONSE : Town personnel respond 24Hrs 365 days%yr. Upon notification of a spill or alarm an employee must respond in 111r. INVESTIGATE: Determine what the problem is and. what is necessary to resolve it. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Perform the necessary actions to r6setLve the situation or call the anpronriate emergency service on the contact list. INE13ECT/DOCITMENT: An in depth inspection of the area and deter- mine what the effects are® Determine if the situation is controled or resolved Determine the amount of the spill, did it enter any waterways. if so collect Do./pH samples JP&Downstream. NOTIFICATION: Notify the NCDINQ within 24Hrse of a spill and submit the sewage spill response evaluation_ form within 5 days . FIT r, : Keep all information as documentationcor swill activities for future reference . i✓T, i �Two AI -I= s�11:1'� . _; 5-Emust' be Policed . and inn d. 5. Is your spill -response plan read►iy available to all essential personnel? X Yes No 1f No, please explain why: 6. Are all essential personnel familiar with the spill response plan and do they clearly understand its contents? A Yes No If No, please explain why: Revision 41 6/11/99 06/30/99 WED 10: 15 FAX 824. 3667 Utilities Q015 Permittee M.David Young PUMP STATION Permit NurnberN.0 .00559148 County Gaston Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Cont=ct Person: Craig Choauet Phone Number 704--82 4 3667 Location of Pump Station: Bi v erside Dr. Station # 1 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day one per week 3 days per week other (explain) Cv ifi°.pAiiFrm ie 6'A- y ilea ly�� its slatioi mein standby mode® 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 600 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counrs or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: Portable genera:or which can be moved to site .X Standby genera:or on 'site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other Dump stations does the Generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Bi.—WeA. 1y (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? Jive 1999 (Mo./yr.) Wes the test successful? X Yes No • If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a workinc alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water avo o alarm _ X Hioh water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry weii high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? !i Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? RHO c:-•& ��i_.Fi �• rt ti 1 7 V6 6 lV -3 e/vt,;-e ? � � ,t) f(ein ry nit 0&Y30/99 WED 10:17 FAX 824 3667 Utilities PUMP STATION Permittee D4.:., David Young Permit Number N. C .0055948 County Gaston Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Costa: Person: Craig Choquet Phone Number: 704-824-3667 Location of Pump Station: Eighth Ave. Station # 4 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the purnp station capacity? 190 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump caur�.t:.:s or other means to measure flow? Yes No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: Portable aenera_cr which can be moved to site X Standby generaoor on site Alternate power wed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Bi-Weer? Y (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? June 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No if No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audac_-• alarm X High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well niali level Wet well low level Dry well rich level High/low pH Highriow current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the purnp station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spar r-arts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being unc=rtaken to address? AO DEL i G-F 6 oo 1 S(S6V 9ir'ci ' 121146e S i Zc e (Yo C&J C met1 !`'6 pe,2r»r3,jfv' _ ., 06/30/99 WED 10:17 FIX 824 3667 Utilities o19 o —5 PUNLP STATION Permlttee M. David Young Permit Number N•C.Ca55948 County Gaston Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Contact Person: Craig Croquet Phone Number 7O! _ 2 ''—3667 Location of Pump Station: Shady Cove Rd. Station 5 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 225 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? . Yes No If yes, what type: Portable generr which can be moved to site X Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other Dump stations does thegenerator serve? How often is the generator tested? B1—Wee l..y (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? June 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water and c� alarm . X Hiah water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry wel= high level High/low pH Highflow current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? -A= Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address'? C d iz' 5"6 q,t? V • pivz54- a slCi 06/30/99 WED 10:18 FAX 824 3667 Utilities Z020 Permittee M. David Young PUMP STATION Permit Number N.0 .0055948 Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Phone Number. 704-824-3667 County Gaston Con -c Person: Craig Choquet Location of Pump Station: Shaggy Bark Ct. Station # 6 Timberlake Sub. 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 98 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what ype: X Portable genera3r which can be moved to site Standby generatir on site Alternate power freed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? 4 How often is the generator tested? : i o (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? May 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No if No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water aueo alarm X High water visual alarm Other (describe) Teiemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry wel: high level High/low pH Hiah/(ow current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being unbe:taken to address? • 7 56 2 .j C _ > (4 'Pt '1 v✓',./ 5/ �f Cq{. C 45 r', r) I2.2 7 '27.✓,a4 ,p a/3o c 2 v:-./ , i 06/30/99 WED 10:18 FAX 824 3667 -3 PUMP STATION Utilities Permittee M. David. Young Permit Number 1ti , C .0055948 County Gaston. Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Phone Number 701+-821+-3667. Location of Pump Station: Catfish L'n. Station #7 Contact Person: Craig Choquet 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once Der week 3 days per week other (explain) 2_ How often is the pump station backup equipment and rzliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 36 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump coun -rs or other means to measure flow'? Yes No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: X Portable generr which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power fetid If a portable generator is used, how many other dump stations does the generator serve? 4 How often is the generator tested? 1/x'1c . (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? May 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water au::o alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry wet high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station.. X High water visual alarm 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being u- e_rtaken to address? 12o2i fr ob rr�r�✓J2� .p `te L' y L. 6,4 l� t 2 " : : C/.v / ? 7 5— A' VA 06130/99 WED 10:19 FAX 824 3667 Utilities 022 PUMP STATION Permittee M. David Young Permit Number ii . C . 0055948 County Gaston Name of Facility: Town of Craaierton Phone Number: 704-824-3667 Conte Person: Craig ChocLuet Location of Pump Station: State Rd. 2014 Station # E-2 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 50 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power faed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? L How often is the generator tested? 1/14o p (Mo./yr,) When was the generator last load tested? May 1 999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No if No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes - No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare- darts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? /O� li O:4. r 50 i --9.-/?A l '-r ' `f 7144 h1b9"€ Vf'.�T 5 i--ram LfSyr{, C/- f`Z? V 15'A,1,0 r- 5 /2•,,7-jam d F7-?`Y1,7 27.15 Ki/G - Q6/30/99 WED 10:16 FAX 824 3667 • Utilities U016 Permittee_,4 David Young PUMP STATION. Permit Number N.C.00S5948 County Gaston Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Phone Number 704-824-3667 Location or Pump Station: Armstrong Dr. Station #2 Con -t Person: Craig Choquet 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) .. 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3_ What is the pump station capacity? 400 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site X Standby genera tcr on site Alternate power feed if a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Bi-Wee%1y (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? June 199., (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No IT°No,-wnat action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alami system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X Other (describe) High water visual alarm Telemetry Mcnitorina System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the purr station. 6. Is there a spare pump availably or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? r Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? Ca 1n ooeC a'(�' �-i- -(o0D �F k r se -0'2./3-- 12 ; yC ctie;L fNe ' 6 cyl - FAig;E 0;,ov 3difi5 p � � �� zm ,r.f ,0b/30/99 WED 10:16 FAX 824 3667 Utilities 11O17 PUMP STATION Pemiittee M. David Young Permit Number .00559 8 County Gaston Name of Facility: mown of C.;!ramerton Cone t Person: Craig Choquet Phone Number. 704-824-3667 Location of Pump Station: Baltimore St. Station #3 (Main ? iftstation) 1. How often is pump station inspected? X once per day twice per day on,:e Der week days per week other (explain) 2. How often is. the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 4. per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 500 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? X Yes No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power -fee.d If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Bi-Weekly (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? Jerre 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful'? X Yes No if No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? v. Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water aud. alarm Other (describe) High water visual alarm Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well nigh level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the purr station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare perts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? .X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? rl • m CDc � . f;-C. 95523C 6 L s a ✓ 3 Psi.lT.3.' -' . State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director May 29, 2001 MEMORANDUM TO: Rex Gleason Mooresville Regional Office FROM: Sharnay Torrance Non -Discharge Permitting Unit SUBJECT: Collection System Permit Application Cramerton Collection System WQCS00058 (subject to change) A.17� NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES APT,) 's'. ! 1. r: F.1 i`'',&'W MAY 3 1 2001 The subject collection system permit application was received by the central office on 5/8/2001. Since the collection system permitting program is new, the central office would like to visit most of the systems applying for a permit with a regional inspector. Please coordinate your Cramerton collection system inspection with me so that I may accompany you. For our review process, it would be beneficial to visit the applicant with you within 30 days, if possible. Our goal is to see and learn about the Cramerton collection system while it is being inspected and to discuss with the applicant the conditions and expectations of their new permit. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to coordinate visitation schedules. I can be reached at 919/733-5083 ext. 370. We would also appreciate your review of the enclosed application. Please submit any comments to us no later than 30 days after our site visit so we can process the permit before the statutory date of 8/6/2001. A copy of the permit application is enclosed for your records. A copy of the permit will be forwarded to you upon issuance. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Enclosure Cc: Permit File 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919) 715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director March 9, 2001 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Charles Robinson Town of Cramerton 155 North Main Street Cramerton, NC 28032 Dear Charles Robinson: NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES You are hereby notified that in accordance with the North Carolina Clean Water Act of 1999, S.L. 1999 c. 329, s. 11.2, an application for coverage under a Wastewater Collection System Permit for your Cramerton collection system must be submitted. Upon receipt of this letter, your facility has sixty (60) days to submit the attached application and all supporting documentation (15A NCAC 2H .0227). Failure to submit the application as required may subject your facility to a civil penalty and other enforcement actions for each day the facility is operated following the due date of the application. The attached application has been partially completed using the information listed in your disposal permit. If any of the information listed is incorrect, please make corrections as noted on the application. The signed original application, two copies of the signed application and three copies of any attachments must be returned to complete the application package (i.e. all application materials submitted in triplicate). The completed package should be sent to the following address: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 ATTN: M. Doklovic If you have any questions concerning this letter, please call Marie Doklovic at (919)733-5083 extension 371. You may also contact Rex Gleason with the Mooresville Regional Office at (704) 663-1699. Enclosure cc: Permit File w/o encl. Sincerely, for Ke4`r i LCVei,s 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper ENR °jAMEs.B. HUNT,JR.November 17, 1999 GOVERNOR `.BILLHOLMAN `"SECRETARY e( NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Mr. David Young, Town Manager Town of Cramerton 155 North Main Street Cramerton, North Carolina 28032 Subject: Non -Discharge Facility Inspection Sewer Collection System Town of Cramerton Gaston County, NC Dear Mr. Young: This letter transmits a copy of the inspection report for the inspection of the subject sewer collection system conducted on November 10, 1999 by Mr. G. T. Chen of this Office. Mr. Craig D. Choquet, Operator in Responsible Charge of the Town's Wastewater Treatment Plant, accompanied Mr. Chen during the inspection. Generally, the inspection revealed that the sewer collection system of the Town of Cramerton is being properly operated and maintained. However, there were some deficiencies noted that are set forth under"Additional Comments " in the attached inspection report. The Town needs to take action to correct the noted deficiencies. It is also requested that you respond to this matter in writing by no later than December 2, 1999, indicating the actions taken to correct the deficiencies. Please address your response to Mr. Chen. If you have any questions regarding to this matter, please contact Mr. Chen or me at (704) 663- Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor cc: Gaston County Department of Environmental Health Dennis Ramsey, Non -Discharge Branch 919 NORTH MAIN STREET, MOORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28115 PHONE 704-663-1699 FAX 704-663-6040 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/1 0% POST -CONSUMER PAPER State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director "I __I NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION GENERAL INFORMATION City/Town/Owner: Town of Cramerton NPDES Permit No.: NC0006033 NPDES Issuance Date: 05-08-97 NPDES Expiration Date: 09-30-01 SOC Issuance Date: N/A Permittee Contact: David Young ORC Name: Craig D. Choquet 24-hr Contact Name: Craig D. Choquet County: Gaston Non -discharge Permit No.: See attached Non -discharge Issuance Date: See attached Non -discharge Expiration Date: N/A SOC Expiration Date: N/A Telephone No.: (704) 824-4337 Telephone No.: (704) 824-3667 Telephone No.: (704) 824-3667 Reason for Inspection X ROUTINE COMPLAINT FOLLOW-UP OTHER Type of inspection X Collection System Spray Irrigation Sludge Other Inspection Summary: (additional comments may be included on attached pages) Is a follow-up inspection necessary X yes no Inspector(s) Name(s)/Title(s): Gong-Tseh Chen/Environmental Specialist II Telephone No.: (704) 663-1699 Fax No.: (704) 663-6040 Date of Inspection: November 10, 1999 Permittee: Town of Cramerton Facility: Armstrong Drive Pump Station and Shady Cove Road Pump Station. Permit: Permit No. 10747 was issued on September 19,1984 for the construction and operation of a sewer collection system with a pump station (Armstrong Drive) to serve the Lakewood subdivision phase III area. Permit No. WQ0002894 was issued on February 2,1990 for the construction and operation of a sewer collection system with a pump station (Shady Cove Road) to serve the Timberlake subdivision area. Wastewater collected from these areas is treated at the Cramerton Automotive Products WWTP (NC0006033), which has been acquired by the Town. of Cramerton. Facility Location: The Armstrong Drive pump station is located near the end of Armstrong Drive; the Shady Cove Road pump station is located near the end of Shady Cove Road. Gravity Sewers I. Manholes 1. Are manholes accessible? Yes ® No ❑ 2. Are manhole covers above grade? Yes ❑ No ❑ Visible signs of overflow? Yes ❑ No Sinkholes or depressions? Yes ® No ❑ * 3. Are manhole covers missing or improperly seated? Yes ❑ No El 4. Are manholes in need of repair? Yes ❑ No El Due to normal wear and tear? Yes ❑ No 0 Due to vandalism? Yes ❑ No 0 5. Are inverts in need of repair? Yes ❑ No El 6. Is there evidence of collection system deterioration? Yes ❑ No 7. Is flow visibly restricted in pipe or manhole? Yes 0 No 2 Town of Cramerton Sewer Collection System November 10,1999 8. Is there an excessive amount of grease? Yes ❑ Roots? Yes ❑ Sand? Yes ❑ 9. Is there evidence of submergence of vents? Yes ❑ 10. Are bypass structures or pipes visible in manhole? Yes 0 No El No No No ❑ * No ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF MANHOLE INSPECTION: *I. 2. The first manhole up -line from the Shady Cove Road pump station is located in a low spot. The Town needs to raise the manhole to prevent inflow. *I. 9. No vents were observed during the inspection. II. Lines/Right-of-Ways 1. Are easement, right-of-ways, in need of mowing or clearing? Yes 0 No 2. Are sinkholes or depressions observed above line? Yes 0 No 3. Is there evidence of leakage or seepage from the line? Yes 0 No IZI 4. Are there areas of exposed line? Yes /l No 0 Are exposed lines constructed of material other than ductile iron? Yes 0 No 5. Are stream/ditch crossings and aerial supports in need of repair? Yes ❑ No 6. Are right-of-ways being used for roads? Yes 0 No 0 * 7. Do lines show evidence or history of damage? Yes ❑ No ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF LINES/RIGHT-of-WAYS INSPECTION: *II. 6. Some sewer lines were installed under streets/roads. 3 Town of Cramerton Sewer Collection System November 10,1999 Pump Stations/Siphons 1. Are any pump station/siphon sites difficult to access? Yes ❑ No 2. Does general housekeeping need improvement? Yes ❑ No 3. Are there any missing pumps? Yes ❑ No 4. Do wet wells/siphons have accumulations of debris that could potentially affect the operation of the unit? Yes ® No ❑ * 5. Does the first manhole up line from the pump station or siphon show signs of backup, overflow, debris originating from the line? Yes ❑ No 6. Are there any floats/controls for pumps, alarms or altemators that do not work? Yes No / / * 7. Did high water alarms fail to work when tested? Yes ❑ 8. Did ORC fail to produce maintenance log? Yes ❑ No 9. Is telemetry, SCADA present? Yes ❑ Operable? Yes ❑ 10. Are backflow devices in place and operable? Yes 11. Where necessary are air relief valves present and operable? Yes ❑ 12. Are standby generators present? Yes Operable? Yes Is fuel tank full? Yes 171 13. Is there a 24-hr notification sign? Yes ❑ No // 14. Is public access limited? Yes 15. Is there any bypass mechanism present? Yes ❑ 16. Any signs of overflow at the station/siphon? Yes ❑ No ❑ * 4 No ® * No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ * No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ * No No El Town of Cramerton Sewer Collection System November 10,1999 17. Is there chemical addition capability for: Odor control Yes ❑ _ pH control Yes ❑ _ Other, explain? Yes 17 18. Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counter or other means to measure flow? Yes ❑ No No No ❑ * No Z * ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMSOF PUMP STATIONS/SIPHONS INSPECTION: *4. Some grease accumulations in the wet well at the Shady Cove Road pump station. The grease needs to be removed. *6. There were no floats at the Armstrong Drive pump station. The pumps are controlled by an air bubble system. *7. The Shady Cove Road pump station has both audible and visual alarms. The Armstrong Drive pump station has an audible alarm only . The alarms at both pump station were not tested because there were no testing switches installed. The Town needs to install alarm testing switches at all pump stations. *9. The Town needs to install telemetry/SCADA system at all pump stations. * 11. No air relief valves observed. * 13. There were no signs at the pump stations regarding the need to report spills within 24 hours. The Town needs to provide a 24-hr notification sign at each pump station. * 14. Both pump stations are fenced in. * 17. No specific chemical addition facilities at either pump stations. However, chemicals and degreasing agents can be added to the wet well from the top of the pump stations. *18. The Town needs to install a flow measuring device at each pump stations. Town of Cramerton Sewer Collection System November 10,1999 Collection System File Review 1. Does DWQ Database indicate repetitive overflows at any point? Yes ❑ No If yes is there a corrective action plan? Yes ❑ No ❑ 2. Do records include a map of the collection system? Yes / / No ❑ 3. Are there records of annual visual inspections of all lines not visible from normal public access? Yes Regular visual inspections of high priority areas? Yes 4. Do records indicate that right of ways are maintained to allow access? Yes 5. Are there areas of regular or scheduled cleaning? Yes 6. Is there a spare parts inventory and list of contractors? Yes 7. Is the spare parts inventory adequate? Yes 8. Are maintenance logs up-to-date and include inspections, tests, maintenance? Yes 9. Is there a trouble log of all problems that include the following information? , Yes Overflow locations, who responded. Time/date, action taken, cause of problem/overflow. Was problem resolved. 10. Does the Town have a Sewer Use Ordinance? Is the SUO being enforced? 11. Does the system have any known points of bypass? If yes describe type of bypass and location. 12. Is there records of pump station telemetry/SCADA notifications? * See discussion under Additional Comments Section. 6 ►1 NIF No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ * No ❑ No ❑ * No ❑ No ❑ * Yes ® No ❑ Yes No ❑ Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No Town of Cramerton Sewer Collection System November 10, 1999 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF COLLECTION SYSTEM FILE REVIEW: *1. There were 7 reported sewage spills between March 1998 and November 1999. None of the reported spills was associated with the pump stations that were inspected on November 10, 1999. *7. Unable to determine whether the spare parts inventory is adequate or not. *9. The Town uses the "Sewage Spill Response evaluation" records as a trouble log. 11/15/99 MON 14:37 FAX 824 3667 Utilities 0002 GRAVITV 1.2, The fit'Stt011ip..,,tt riser ringOtlfe tole! PUMP 4. Stap16 .service gir04 7 :Vthe Crainerton pni TOWN OF CRAMERION (est. 1921 ) Mr. G.T. Chen NCDENR 919 North Main Street Mooresville 1drth,,Carolina 28115 Dear .M.r&T. Chen.' 'Yla correctiveligeasures,t0 ihe To%41.' om40'...ti and submit the litll;1•6 wing I have reviewed the .Q0., OCIVQ. .„......i.battl i , ;:.,.,....„.•;.,•,:,.;,,., :,.., • Systern,',inS e t •:,. „. ...- - -.••••-. : , the Shady. Cove Vorrip,.$6ii6ii:*.i. ,i2l00. '...',... ..... • ,,;:...t;;;•-;-;-';'i•-•-• .!:::!.;:::!...., 12-9-99 s oertisolfean16;dto clear otitthe.iSha. of re in the area, which will lie in Dcceinbc 1909• • ; atiott:s well as the, Armstrong Driiie*i L .1* 0.0 01,, stations',hdll C an uidibJe audible visual alai:;:i::n.,:....,s S,...‘..tit: that inclitaSOStlitittOnS.::46sta t16'114*et1410::b1Taiiii44:7000. . 9 At_ .. . ptigentthetOWn staff is inspecting the rtiain pttmp,tationS''on a daily basis 365 times:0 yOr4iid"all of our:.:1-ift'r stations are inspected a minitri um of Itithes per week: ,.The presciiflift start* monitoriiikfrequency has proyedto00 sugiciertt:ln controlling failures and oveddws at all:At-the putnwStations. When the toWnittplgaciesits lift stations or whch.-00:the budget perniiRtelemetk4SOADA will be added*burlitt station network. The WW1. Divisions goal is to•,,jphase i&telginetry and/or SCADA in all .',Our lift stations withinor,beforc*Years. '''.-.1Z2Z,: 4 ' .,:!::::'''''' ,+<i":' •,!:5::V. ,,, ii ' .: 5:igt0' • , 1,f, :.., • • •,. • , : , ,,:,:::::i. 13. The WWT Div-18r cheduled signs tolLic. prin1dtand in placq,..,at #1ktite':;lill stations on or before the end of Fetiknar )00 1 su.ns Vcii -Stdt6,,, tiktift.: .iiiiikfton WWT . Division, Lift station 4, 704 L 18. The Shady Cove and Lakewood lift statioriSE;10t have time clocks to indicate run time or any other type of device to measure the flovOilifough these stations. Elapsed time clocks are scheduled to be installed by February 2000. 155 North Main Street Cramerton, NC 28032 704/824-4337 11/15/99 MON 14:39 FAX 824 3667 Utilities g1003 Page 2 of 2 Collection eys_ Insp. Reap. COLLECTION SYSTEM FILE 7. Each pump station has dual pumps and controls, manufacturer recommended spare parts are kept in stock by the town staff and regular preventative checks of the lift stations indicate when and what additional replacement parts need to be purchased//installed before a failure occurs. This method has long been used by Cramerton and has proven to be effective in preventing lift station related overflows.. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding these inspection matters please feel free to write or contact me. at the new WWT Division phone numbers Ph. 704-825-7499 Fax 704-825-9049 Sincerely Yours Craig D. Choquet WWT Division Supt. TOWN OF RAMERIO(est. 1921 ) N.CD. Mooresville Regional Office 919 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Attenti ii Mr. Rex Gleason Regarding. Submittal Dear Mr Gleason tMin 'JUL 0 1999 6/3071999 of e Town of Cramerton's Sewer. Collection Evaluation fon s. I have completed the Operation and Maintenance along with the Spill ResponsePlan questionnaire forms sent to me by Roberto Scheller on 6/9/99, 1 was under the impression that the town had already submitted the Spill` response plan prior to 7/98. but I went ahead and filled out another onesince some of. the names and contacts had changed I hope that the informationsupplied in these evaluations is what. you were looking for since I have little experience with this new program.If you require additional information please let me know. am faxing and mailing a copy of this report to your attention today 6/30/99. Thank you for :your time and: have a safe 4th Holiday Craig D:Choquet, Cramerton WWT Division cm) - 04- 155 North Main Street Cramerton, NC 28032 704 / 824-4337 06/30/99 WED 09:54 FAX 824 3667 Utilities I j004 SPILL RESPONSE PLAN EVALUATION Permittee M David Young Permit NumberN • 0.O055948 County Gaston 1. Do you have a current 24-hour contact list that includes phone numbers of key personnel and/or contractors? X Yes No (If Yes, please attach) 2. Do you have an equipment list that includes available functional equipment and where the equipment is located? X Yes No (If Yes, please attach) 3. Do you have the staff resources to make an on -site assessment of a spill within two hours of notification of the spill? X Yes No (If No, please explain below) Note: The attached contact list also includes contractors which supply equipment along with operating personnel. 4. Please list your standard spill response procedures: NOTIFICATION 'RESPONSE s Town personnel respond 24Hrs 365 days/yr. Upon notification of a spill or alarm an employee must respond in 1Hr. INVESTIGATEt Determine what the problem is and what is necessary to resolve it. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Perform the necessary actions to r6s-O:)':: 'e the situation or call the appropriate emergency service on the contact list. I1 .S:3FSCT 'DOCTi"MEl°IT : An in depth inspection of the area and deter- mine what the effects are.. Determine if the situation is controled or resolved Determine the amount of the spill, did it enter any waterwaysaif so collect Do./pH samples UP&Downstream. NOTIFICATION: Notify the NODWQ within 24Hrs. of a spill and submit the sewage spill response evaluation form within 5 days. FILE: Keep all information as documentationxf spill activities for future reference. CLEA I TJP-:-)A1-l:, spill are 5 Lm.ust^ be policed. and...limedt 5. Is your spill -response plan readily available to all essential personnel? X Yes No If No, please explain why: 6. Are all essential personnel familiar with the spill response plan and do they clearly understand its contents? X Yes No If No, please explain why: Revision #1 6/I 1/99 06/30/99 WED 09:56 FAX 824 3667 Utilities U 0 0 5 TOWN OF CRAMERTON WASTEWATER TREATMENT DEPARTMENT EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST Town of Cranerton Personnel. Craig Choquet Work 704-824-3667 (wmeanstations) Home 704-867-2434 Cecil Breediove Work 704-824-3667 (tivwt&:liitstations) Horne 704-868-3239 Charles Hastings. Work 704-824-4337 (water/sower repairs) Home 704-824-2443 (Pager 1-704-864-0099, 40509) David Young Work 704-824-7964 (permitted) Home 704-825-8641 Gaston County Dispatch .704-866-3 300 • Contractor andjquinment Resources 3R Services ( Emergency spill response services)....1-800-654-4434, Pager 1-704-852-0771, Fax 1-864-936-9653. Stanely Septic Service (Pumping Hauling) 1-704-263-8186 Hinson Pump Rental 1-800-5.22-8977 Reid Mullis Pump Service .1-704-932-7662 Carolinas Electric Motor Service 1-704-922-5261 N.C.D.W.O 1-704-663-1699 Revised 6/1999 CDC/tt�4 WT Div. 06/30/99 WED 09:58 FAX 824 3667 Utilities Z1006 TOWN OFCRAMERTON WASTEWATER TREATMENT DIVISION EQUIPMENT RESOURCES LIST CRAIVIERTON MAINTENANCE LOT • POWER RODDER • TMUF) HOG 3" PUMP AND HOSES 4 2" TRASH PUMP AND HOSES • SMALL PORTABLE GENERATOR • LIFT STATION PORTABLE GENERATOR 9 CASE BACKHOE • 4-WHEEL DRIVE S-10 • DUMP TRUCK e 350 MAINTENANCE TRUCK • PIPING, .REPAIR BANDS FITTINGS ETC. TRENCH SHORING ti CUT OFF SAW • PIPE CUTTING & THREADING MACHINE • VENTILATION FAN OUTFIT • GAS AND OIL • CHAIN SAW • TRAFFIC CONES AND BARRIERS cRAM+ RTON WA TEWATER TREATMENT PLANT • 4 WHEEL DRIVE RANGER e SPARE PARTS FOR LIFTSTATIONS e CHLORINE CYLINDER LEAK KIT • SG'BA SYSTEM • GAS & OXYGEN SENSOR I OF 2 06/30/99 WED 10:00 FAX 824 3667 Utilities (Town of Cramerton Equipment Resource List continued) 3 R INC • MR COMPRESSORS • BACK HOE • BOATS • CYCLONE SEPERATOR • GENERATORS • PRESSURE CLEANERS • PUMPS • VACUUM TRUCKS • SEWER JETTER • TANKER TRAILER • TANKS • PUMP TRUCKS 2 OF 2 Z 007 06/30/99 WED 10:01 FAX 824 3667 Utilities aloos OPERATION & MAINTENANCE EVALUATION PermitteeM• David Young Permit Number N.0 .0055948 CountyGaston. 1. Is staff designated full-time for collection system operation and maintenance? Yes No X 2. Do you have a list of 24-hour contacts? Yes X No (If Yes, please attach) 3. Do you have an emergency equipment list? Yes X No (If Yes, please attach) 4. Staff distribution/time allocation: Number Total staff ern,PtoYed hours/week Collection System (incl. part-time) gi' 8,.. Pump Stations 2 1/1 Correction 5. Are map(s) of the collection system available? Yes X No 6. Total number of pump stations: 9 (Please complete a Pump Station form for each station.) 7. Is a preventive maintenance program in effect? X Yes No (If Yes, please attach) If yes, does it include: • a. Maintaining logs/records X Yes No (maintenance, inspection, etc) b. Trouble log (equipment/system malfunctions) X Yes No c. Establishing schedules X Yes No d. I/I evaluation X Yes No e. Manhole inspection X Yes No f. Sewer cleaning program X Yes No g. Hydrogen sulfide monitoring and control X Yes No h. Lift station operation X Yes No i. Easement/right-of-way maintenance X Yes No j. "Walking" or visual observation of lines X Yes No k. Spare parts inventory X Yes No 8. Please describe what type of ongoing inspection program for the collection §ystem exists. Li:ftstations are inspected 3X/w1s, Total collection sys. Is inspected in:: 5••y.ea;rs Trouble spots are inspected every 2 -mo. and cleaned yearly. ALL grease trap are inspected on a monthly basis. All activities —a re .re ogge U and k1 p Oh e . 9. Please describe the schedule for line cleaning. The total collection aystem is to be cleaned over a 5 yr. period. Any trouble areas will be cleaned 9n a yearly basis or more often if required. All activities will be logged and :Dept on file. 10. Is there a sewer use ordinance? X Yes _ No. Is there a grease ordinance? X Yes No If yes, please identify the responsible party for ensuring the ordinance(s) is followed.. D7. David Young/Town Manager! Town of Cramerton (name/agency). 11. Please describe any sewer use ordinance enforcement practices that exist. AlL restaurant grease traps are inspected for discharge of grease . If a trap is found to be discharging grease the town may in pose .Ii ne..LQr discontinue service to the user for non- compliance. Revision 41 6/11/99 06/ 30/99 WED 10:13 FAX 824 3667 Utilities lj012 TOWN OF CRAMERTON WASTEWAI.ER TREATMENT DEPARTMENT COLLECTION SYSTEM PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM OVERVIEW. This program has been compiled to assist in the development of a formalized preventative maintenance program that willmeet the NCDWQ Elimination of Collection System Overflows Program. Lift stations will be checked 3 times per week.(Main lift stations will be checked daily) During these checks all back up systems will be tested and all manufacturer reconunended maintenance will be performed, All of these activities are entered in a log, dated, initialed then stored in the WWT Div. Files under lift stations. Aerial & Creek Crossings will be inspected for structural integrity and any signs of leakage. Inspection intervals will be no more than quarterly but not less than semi-annually. All information noted will be entered in a log, dated, initialed then stored in the WWT Div. Files under Aerial & Creek Crossings. Trouble areas These areas have been and will continue to be identified so that they can be checked more frequently to assure pro -active correction of an overflow condition. When a problem is detected it is addressed and the events are entered in a log, dated, initialed then stored -in the WWT Div. Files under Trouble Areas. 1 of 3 06/30/99 WED 10:14 FAX 824 3667 Utilities (Town of Crnmcrton Collection System Maint. Program continued) Right of Way Maintenance All off road right of way areas have been identified and marked on the collection system map. All areas are visually inspected at least semi-annually. All information is entered in a log, dated, initialed then stored in the WWT Div. Files under Right of Way Maintenance. I/.I Evaluations WWT flows are measured at 3 different key locations in the collection system on a continuous basis, each month these flows are compared to the previous month's flows and with rainfall records. This monitoring will show a collection system partial blockage or additional flow from VI thus the problems can be detected and addressed. The Town also utilizes a smoke machine and concentrated dye to locate points of collection system inflow. All data obtained will be logged, dated, initialed and filed in the WW1" Div. Files under I/I Evaluation Manhole inspections at minimum are every 5 years. Each manhole is assigned a number that is accompanied by all the information obtained about that manhole. A manhole inspection. consists of, checking the structural integrity, root, grease or other accumulations, relation to the surrounding grade checking for any signs of inflow and for free flow. All manholes are marked on the collection system map with its number and all inspection data is logged, dated, initialed and stored in the WWT Div. Files under Manhole Inspections Sewer Cleaning Program, All sewer lines and lift station wet wells are scheduled to be cleaned out every 5 years, and tracked on a map of the collection system. Wet wells will be pumped down and all debris and silt vacuumed out. All sewer line will be pressure cleaned and or power rodded depending on the type of accumulations noted during inspections and past history of that area. All cleaning activities will be logged, dated, initialed and stored in the WWT Div, .Files Under Sewer Cleaning Program. 2 of 3 06/30/99 WED 10:15 FAX 824 3667 Utilities [j014 (Town of Crame ton Collection System Maint. Program continued) Monitoring Toxic Gases and Oxygen Levels All lift station manholes and confined spaces are monitored for oxygen level and hydrogen sulfide gases when performing maintenance duties. An approved gas detector is calibrated and results are logged, dated, initialed and stored in the WWT Div. Files under Gas Monitor. Spare Parts Inventory. All manufacturer recommended spare parts for lift stations are kept in the parts shed, when a part is used it is immediately re- ordered or replaced ASAP. Spare collection system parts are stored in the maintenance lot at the pipe rack. Annual inventories are performed to verify that the necessary parts are on hand. The status of this inventory will be kept in the WWT Div. Files udder Spare Parts Inventory. 3of3 06/30/99 %VED 10:15 FAX 824 3667 Utilities PUMP STATION Permittee M.David Young Permit NumberN.0 .0055948 County Gaston Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Contact Person: Craig Choquet Phone Number: 704-82-3667 Location of Pump Station: Riverside Dry Station # 1 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day _ twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) orb, e r�;,�g„iver ex 5s- flow. to- the ( p )-�ro�rr�-r �rr-���ywru ur.►.s s ta tiara is in standby mode. 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity'? 600 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 4, Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site .X Standby generator on 'site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Bi-Weekly (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? "Tillie 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? Z 015 06130/99 WED 10:16 FAX.824 3667 Permittee 41, David Young Utilities PUMP STATION Permit Number N a 0 .0055948 County Gas ton Name of Facility: Town of Crarnerton Contact Person: Craig Choq,uet Phone Number: 704-824-3667 Location of Pump Station: Armstrong Dr, Station #2 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 400 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No if yes, what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site X Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Bi—Weekly (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? JuZ.e 1999... (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No it -No, what action was taken to address? • If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? l 016 06/30/99 WED 10:16 FAX 824 3667 Utilities 0917 PUMP STATION Permittee M. David Young Permit Number N.0 .0055948 County Gas ton Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Phone Number: 704-824-3667 Contact Person: Craig Choquet Location of Pump Station: Baltimore St. Station #3 (Main li.ftstation) 1. How often is pump station inspected? X once per day twice per day once per week days per week other (explain) 2. How often is. the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 4 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 500 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure fiow? X Yes No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site X Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Bi-Weekly (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? June 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the purnp station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? 06/30/99 %YED 10:17 FAX 824 3667 Utilities PUMP STATION Permittee M.., David Young Permit Number N . C . 005,5948 County Gaston Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Contact Person: Craig Choquet Phone Number: 704--82.f-1667 Location of Pump Station: Eighth Aveo Station I/ 4 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3. per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 190 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? X Yes No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site X Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Bi«Weekly (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? June 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? Dols 06/ 30/99 WED 10:17 FAX 824 3667 Utilities 019 PUMP STATION Permlttee David Young Permit Number N•C .0055948 County Gaston. Name of Facility: Town of C 'amerton Contact Person: Craig Choquet Phone Number: 704-824-3667 Location of Pump Station: Shady Cove Rd. Station. # 5 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 225 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 4, Does the pump station have a backup power source? Yes No If yes, what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site X Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Bi—Weekly (Mo,/yr.) When was the generator last load tested? June 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5_ Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH — High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes _ No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address'? 06/30/99 WED 10:18 FAX 824 3667 Permittee M. David Young Utilities PUMP STATION Permit Number N.0.0055948 County Gaston Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton. Phone Number: ?CL1. 324-®3667 Contact Person: Craig Choquet Location of Pump Station: Shaggy Bark C-t . Station # 6 Timberlake Sub. 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? _ '3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 98 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? 111410 m • . (Mo./yr,) When was the generator last load tested? I lay 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? l 1020 06/ 30/99 WED 10:18 FAX 824 3667 Utilities PUIVIP STATION Permittee M. David Young Permit Number N.0 .005594-8 County Gaston. Name of Facility: Town of Cratner1 on Phone Number: 701+-82LP~3667 Location of Pump Station: Catfish L'n® Station #7 Contact Person: Craig Choquet 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity'? 36 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow'? Yes No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? x Yes No If yes, what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? 4 How often is the generator tested'? 1/M1'Io • (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? May 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes' No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? al 021 06/30/99 WED 10:19 FAX 824 3667 Utilities PUMP STATION Permittee M. David Young Permit Number N . C . 0055948 County Gas ton Name of Facility: Town of Cramertori Phone Number:. 701+ 82LP-3667 Contact Person: Craig Choquet Location of Pump Station State Rd. 201k Station # 13-2 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day - once per week 3 days per week other (explain) • 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 50 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? Y How often is the generator tested? 1/140 , (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last Toad tested? May 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? Zo22 06/30/99 WED 10:19 FAX 824 3667 Utilities U 023 PUMP STATION Permlttee 11/1. David Young Permit Number N•C.0055948 CountyGaston Name of Facility: Town of Crarnerton Contact Person: Cram Choquet Phone Number: 704-824-3667 Location of Pump Station: Groves St. Station # E-3 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 50 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow'? Yes X No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: i Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve'? 4 How often is the generator tested? 1/1410 • (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last Toad tested? May 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No if No, what actions are being undertaken to address? State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director June 14, 1999 AVA NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL: RESOURCES 6i, ; Subject: Updated Collection System Enforcement Guidance Dear Permit Holders and Collection System Operators: There are many changes occurring in our collection systems compliance program. Please read this letter thoroughly so you will be aware of these changes. In May of 1998 you were sent guidance on the expected regulatory response to Sanitary Sewer Overflows. This guidance was based on a phased approach. During the year beginning July 1, 1998 municipalities were normally only evaluated on their spill response and their reporting procedures for sewer overflows. Beginning on July 1, 1999 municipalities will also be evaluated on the Operation and Maintenance of their collection system. The Collection System Enforcement Guidance was drafted with much input stakeholders representing municipalities and consulting engineers. As promised last year, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) recently held a follow up meeting with the original stakeholders to determine how the guidance was working. The attached guidance has been revised based on this stakeholder input. A summary of the changes is offered on the cover page of the attached guidance. If you have not already done so, please submit your Operation and Maintenance Evaluation to your DWQ regional office by July 1, 1999. The Sewage Spill Response Evaluation was due to the regions July of 1998. If you have not already submitted this spill evaluation to DWQ, please do so as soon as possible. Criteria for establishment of the plans can be found in attached packet. The Division is fortunate to have been able to add an Environmental Specialist to the staff of each of our regional offices. Their main responsibilities will be to help oversee the collection system, residuals and other land application programs. They will begin to conduct more routine inspections of theses systems beginning July 1. These personnel will not only serve as inspectors but also as sources of information for you in the operation of your system. The Division of Water Quality is currently developing a wastewater collection system permit designed to work together with the collection system enforcement policy. This permit will include sections for collection system, operation/maintenance, recordkeeping and construction for delegated entities. The proposed collection system permit will be comprehensive, covering the entire existing collection system from the individual connections to the wastewater treatment facility. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 Fax 919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper SPILL RESPONSE PLAN EVALUATION PermitteeB11 David Young Permit NumberN.0 .0055948 County Gaston 1. Do you have a current 24-hour contact list that includes phone numbers of key personnel and/or contractors? X Yes No (If Yes, please attach) 2. Do you have an equipment list that includes available functional equipment and where the equipment is located? X Yes No (If Yes, please attach) 3. Do you have the staff resources to make an on -site assessment of a spill within two hours of notification of the spill? X Yes No (If No, please explain below) Note: The attached contact list also includes contractors which supply equipment along with operating personnel. 4. Please list your standard spill response procedures: NOTIFICATION/RESPONSE: Town personnel respond 24Hrs 365 days/yr. Upon notification of a spill or alarm an employee must respond in 1Hr. INVESTIGATE: Determine what the problem is and what is necessary to resolve it. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Perform the necessary actions to resolve the situation or call the appropriate emergency service on the contact list. INSECT/DOCUMENT: An in depth inspection of the area and deter- mine what the effects are.. Determine if the situation is controled or resolved Determine the amount of the spill, did it enter any waterways.if so collect Do./pH samples UP&Downstream. NOTIFICATION: Notify the NCDWQ within 24Hrs. of a spill and submit the sewage spill response evaluation form within 5 days. FILE: Keep all information as documentation,,af spill activities for future reference. sp 1i areas-mmust' }b? policed and Mimed. 5. Is your spill -response plan readily available to all essential personnel? X Yes No If No, please explain why: 6. Are all essential personnel familiar with the spill response plan and do they clearly understand its contents? X Yes No If No, please explain why: Revision #1 6/11/99 TOWN OF CRAMERTON WASTEWATER TREATMENT DEPARTMENT EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST • Town of Cramerton Personnel. Craig Choquet .Work 704-824-3667 (wwt&liftstations) Home 704-867-2434 Cecil Breedlove Work 704-824-3667 (wwt&1i$statioas) Home 704-868-3239 Charles Hastings Work 704-824-4337 (water/sewer repay) Home 704-824-2443 (Pager 1-704-864-0099, #0509) David Young .Work 704-824-7964 (pennittee) Home 704-825-8641 Gaston County Dispatch .704-866-3300 • Contractor and Equipment Resources 3R Services ( Emergency spill response services)....1-800-654-4434, Pager 1-704-852-0771, Fax 1-864-936-9653. Stanely Septic Service ( Pumping Hauling) ..1-704-263-8186 Hinson Pump Rental ...1-800-522-8977 Reid Mullis Pump Service .1-704-932-7662 Carolinas Electric Motor Service 1-704-922-5261 N.C.D.W.Q 1-704-663-1699 Revised 6/1999 CDC/WWT Div. TOWN OF CRAMERTON WASTEWATER TREATMENT DIVISION EQUIPMENT RESOURCES LIST CRAMERTON MAINTENANCE LOT • POWER RODDER • MUD HOG 3" PUMP AND HOSES • 2" TRASH PUMP AND HOSES • SMALL PORTABLE GENERATOR • LIFT STATION PORTABLE GENERATOR • CASE BACKHOE • 4-WHEEL DRIVE S-10 • DUMP TRUCK • 350 MAINTENANCE TRUCK • PIPING, REPAIR BANDS FITTINGS ETC. • TRENCH SHORING • CUT OFF SAW • PIPE CUTTING & THREADING MACHINE • VENTILATION FAN OUTFIT • GAS AND OIL • CHAIN SAW • TRAFFIC CONES AND BARRIERS CRAMERTON WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT • 4 WHEEL DRIVE RANGER • SPARE PARTS FOR LIFTSTATIONS • CHLORINE CYLINDER LEAK KIT • SCBA SYSTEM • GAS & OXYGEN SENSOR 1 OF 2 (Town of Cramerton Equipment Resource List continued) 3 R INC • AIR COMPRESSORS • BACK HOE • BOATS • CYCLONE SEPERATOR • GENERATORS • PRESSURE CLEANERS • PUMPS • VACUUM TRUCKS • SEWER J FIER • TANKER TRAILER • TANKS • PUMP TRUCKS 2 OF 2 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE EVALUATION PermitteeM. David Young Permit Number N.0 .0055948 CountyGaston 1. Is staff designated full-time for collection system operation and maintenance? Yes No X 2. Do you have a list of 24-hour contacts? Yes X No (If Yes, please attach) 3. Do you have an emergency equipment list? Yes X No (If Yes, please attach) 4. Staff distribution/time allocation: Number Total staff employed hours/week Collection System (incl. part-time) - 4I . 8. - Pump Stations 2 ''' I/1 Correction " - 2 - 3 - 5. Are map(s) of the collection system available? Yes X No 6. Total number of pump stations: 9 (Please complete a Pump Station form for each station.) 7. Is a preventive maintenance program in effect? X Yes No (If Yes, please attach) If yes, does it include: a. Maintaining logs/records X Yes No (maintenance, inspection, etc) b. Trouble log (equipment/system malfunctions) X Yes No c. Establishing schedules X Yes No d. I/I evaluation X Yes No e. Manhole inspection X Yes No f. Sewer cleaning program X Yes No g. Hydrogen sulfide monitoring and control X Yes No h. Lift station operation X Yes No i. Easement/right-of-way maintenance X Yes �No j. "Walking" or visual observation of lines X Yes No k. Spare parts inventory X Yes No 8. Please describe what type of ongoing inspection program for the collection system exists. Liftstations are inspected 3X/wk, Total collection sys. is inspected in 5-years Trouble spots are inspected every 2 mo. and cleaned yearly. ill grease trap are inapeoted on a monthly basis. All activities are luggedca.rid ein uii e . 9. Please describe the schedule for line cleaning. The total collection system is to be cleaned over a 5 yr. period. Any trouble areas will be cleaned op a yearly basis or more often if required. All activities will be logged and kept on file. 10. Is there a sewer use ordinance? X Yes No. Is there a grease ordinance? X Yes _ No If yes, please identify the responsible party for ensuring the ordinance(s) is followed. M.David Young/Town Manager/ Town of Cramerton (name/agency). 11. Please describe any sewer use ordinance enforcement practices that exist. All.. restaurant grease traps are inspected for discharge of grease. If a trap is found to be discharging grease the town may itipose a fineor discontinue service to the user for non- compliance. Revision#1 6/11/99 TOWN OF CRAMERTON WASTEWATER TREATMENT DEPARTMENT EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST • . Town of Cramertoa Personnel. Craig Choquet ..Work 704-824-3667 (ten&liftsta#ions) Home 704-867-2434 Cecil Breedlove Work 704-824-3667 ( &lis tions) Home 704-868-3239 Charles Hastings Work 704-824-4337 (water/sewer ) Home 704-824-2443 (Pager 1-704-864-0099, #0509) David Young ..Work 704-824-7964 (permittee) Home 704-825-8641 Gaston County Dispatch 704-866-3300 • Contractor and Equipment Resources 3R Services ( Emergency spill response services)....1-800-654-4434, Pager 1-704-852-0771, Fax 1-864-936-9653. Stanely Septic Service ( Pumping Hauling) ..1-704-263-8186 Hinson Pump Rental ..1-800-522-8977 Reid Mullis Pump Service 1-704-932-7662 Carolinas Electric Motor Service 1-704-922-5261 N.C.D.W.Q 1-704-663-1699 Revised 6/1999 CDC/WWW Div. TOWN OF CRAMERTON WASTEWATER TREATMENT DIVISION EQUIPMENT RESOURCES LIST CRAMERTON MAINTENANCE LOT • POWER RODDER • MUD HOG 3" PUMP AND HOSES • 2" TRASH PUMP AND HOSES • SMALL PORTABLE GENERATOR • LIFT STATION PORTABLE GENERATOR • CASE BACKHOE • 4-WHEEL DRIVE S-10 • DUMP TRUCK • 350 MAINTENANCE TRUCK • PIPING, REPAIR BANDS FITTINGS ETC. • TRENCH SHORING • CUT OFF SAW • PIPE CUTTING & THREADING MACHINE • VENTILATION FAN OUTFIT • GAS AND OIL • CHAIN SAW • TRAFFIC CONES AND BARRIERS CRAMERTON WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT • 4 WHEEL DRIVE RANGER • SPARE PARTS FOR LIFTSTATIONS • CHLORINE CYLINDER LEAK KIT • SCBA SYSTEM • GAS & OXYGEN SENSOR 1 OF 2 (Town of Cramerton Equipment Resource List continued) 3RINC • AIR COMPRESSORS • BACK HOE • BOATS • CYCLONE SEPERATOR • GENERATORS • PRESSURE CLEANERS • PUMPS • VACUUM TRUCKS • SEWER JE'TIER • TANKER TRAIL • TANKS • PUMP TRUCKS 2 OF 2 TOWN OF CRAMERTON WASTEWATER TREATMENT DEPARTMENT COLLECTION SYSTEM PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM OVERVIEW. This program has been compiled to assist in the development of a formalised preventative maintenance program that will meet the NCDWQ Elimination of Collection System Overflows Program. Lift stations will be checked 3 times per week. (Main Lift stations will be checked daily) During these checks all back up systems will be tested and all manufacturer recommended maintenance will be performed. All of these activities are entered in a log, dated, initialed then stored in the WWT Div. Files under lift stations. Aerial & Creek Crossings will be inspected for structural integrity and any signs of leakage. inspection intervals will be no more than quarterly but not less than semi-annually. All information noted will be entered in a log, dated, initialed then stored in the WWT Div. Files under Aerial & Creek Crossings. Trouble areas These areas have been and will continue to be identified so that they can be checked more frequently to assure pro -active correction of an overflow condition. When a problem is detected it is addressed and the events are entered in a log, dated, initialed then stored in the WWT Div. Files under Trouble Areas. 1 of 3 (Town of Cramerton Collection System Maint. Program continued) Right of Way Maintenance All off road right of way areas have been identified and marked on the collection system map. All areas are visually inspected at least semi-annually. All information is entered in a log, dated, initialed then stored in the WWT Div. Files under Right of Way Maintenance. I/I Evaluation WWT flows are measured at 3 different key locations in the collection system on a continuous basis, each month these flows are compared to the previous month's flows and with rainfall records. This monitoring will show a collection system partial blockage or additional flow from UI thus the problems can be detected and addressed. The Town also utilizes a smoke machine and concentrated dye to locate points of collection system inflow. All data obtained will be logged, dated, initialed and filed in the WWT Div. Files under U1 Evaluation Manhole inspections at minimum are every 5 years. Each manhole is assigned a number that is accompanied by all the information obtained about that manhole. A manhole inspection.. consists of, checking the structural integrity, root, grease or other accumulations, relation to the surrounding grade checking for any signs of inflow and for free flow. All manholes are marked on the collection system map with its number and all inspection data is logged, dated, initialed and stored in the WWT Div. Files under Manhole Inspections Sewer Cleaning Program, All sewer lines and lift station wet wells are scheduled to be cleaned out every 5 years, and tracked on a map of the collection system. Wet wells will be pumped down and all debris and silt vacuumed out. All sewer line will be pressure cleaned and or power rodded depending on the type of accumulations noted during inspections and past history of that area. All cleaning activities will be logged, dated, initialed and stored in the WWT Div. Files Under Sewer Cleaning Program. 2 of 3 (Town of Cramerton Collection System Maint. Program continued) Monitoring Toxic Gases and Oxygen Levels All lift station manholes and confined spaces are monitored for oxygen level and hydrogen sulfide gases when performing maintenance duties. An approved gas detector is calibrated and results are logged, dated, initialed and stored in the WWT Div. Files under Gas Monitor. Spare Parts Inventory. All manufacturer recommended spare parts for lift stations are kept in the parts shed, when a part is used it is immediately re- ordered or replaced ASAP. Spare collection system parts are stored in the maintenance lot at the pipe rack. Annual inventories are performed to verify that the necessary parts are on hand. The status of this inventory will be kept in the WWT Div. Files under Spare Parts Inventory. 3 of 3 PUMP STATION Permittee PSI .David Young Permit NumberN.0 .0055914.8 County Gaston Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Contact Person: Craig Choquet Phone Number. 704-82-3667 Location of Pump Station: Riverside Dr. Station # 1 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days pe1r week other (explain) t� �i �`A ie � $ Nua ua�lyX b iSS 5-Lalauomein standby mode. 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 600. GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Bi—Weekly (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? June 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? PUMP STATION Permittee David Young Permit Number N.C.0055948 County Gaston Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Contact Person: Craig Choquet Phone Number. 70k-824-3667 Location of Pump Station: Armstrong Dr. Station #2 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? l00 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site X Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Bi—Weekly (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? Julie 1999, (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No ir`No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? PUMP STATION Permittee M. David Young Permit Number N .0 .0055948 County Gaston Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Phone Number: 704-824-3667 Contact Person: Craig Choquet Location of Pump Station: Baltimore St. Station #3 (Main liftstation) 1. How often is pump station inspected? X once per day twice per day once per week days per week other (explain) - 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 4 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 500 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? X Yes No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site X Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Bi—Weekly (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? June 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? PUMP STATION Permittee •... David Young Permit Number N.0 .0055948 County Gaston Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Contact Person: Craig Choquet Phone Number: 704-824-3667 Location of Pump Station: Eighth Ave. Station # 4 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 190 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? X Yes No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site —X— Standby generator on site Altemate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Bi—Weekly (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last Toad tested? June 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? PUMP STATION Permittee M. David Young Permit Number N.0 .0055948 County Gaston Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Contact Person: Craig Choquet Phone Number. 704-824-3667 Location of Pump Station: Shady Cove Rd. Station # 5 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) - - - 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 225 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? Yes No If yes, what type: Portable generator which can be moved to site X Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? How often is the generator tested? Bi—Weekly (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? June 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? PUMP STATION Permittee M. David Young Permit Number N.0 .0055948 County Gaston Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Contact Person: Craig Choquet Phone Number: 704-824-3667 Location of Pump Station: Shaggy Bark Ct. Station # 6 Timberlake Sub. 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) _ 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 98 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? 4 How often is the generator tested? 'tJMoc (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? May 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm X High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? PUMP STATION Permittee M. David Young Permit Number N.C.0055948 County Gaston Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Phone Number. 704-824-3667 Location of Pump Station: Catfish Ln. Station #7 Contact Person: Craig Choquet 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 36 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? X Yes No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? x Yes No If yes, what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? 4 How often is the generator tested? 1/Mo . (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? May 1999 _ (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm . X High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? PUMP STATION Permittee M. David Young Permit Number N. 0.0055948 County Gaston Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Phone Number. 7014-8214-3667 Contact Person: Craig Choquet Location of Pump Station: State Rd. 2014 Station # E-2 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 5 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 50 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? 4 How often is the generator tested? 1/Mo. (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? May 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm High water visual alarm Other (describe) Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? PUMP STATION Permittee lift. David Young Permit Number N.C.0055948 CountyGaston Name of Facility: Town of Cramerton Contact Person: Craig Choquet Phone Number: 70k-82k-3667 Location of Pump Station: Groves St. Station # E-3 1. How often is pump station inspected? once per day twice per day once per week 3 days per week other (explain) - - - _ 2. How often is the pump station backup equipment and reliability equipment tested? 3 per month 3. What is the pump station capacity? 50 GPM Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counters or other means to measure flow? Yes X No 4. Does the pump station have a backup power source? X Yes No If yes, what type: X Portable generator which can be moved to site Standby generator on site Alternate power feed If a portable generator is used, how many other pump stations does the generator serve? 4 How often is the generator tested? 1/Mo . (Mo./yr.) When was the generator last load tested? May 1999 (Mo./yr.) Was the test successful? X Yes No If No, what action was taken to address? If no backup power exists, please explain why: 5. Does the pump station have a working alarm system? X Yes No On -site alarm system: X High water audio alarm Other (describe) High water visual alarm Telemetry Monitoring System: Wet well high level Wet well low level Dry well high level High/low pH High/low current AC power status Please describe other alarm systems at the pump station. 6. Is there a spare pump available or an adequate spare parts inventory to replace or rebuild pump? X Yes No If No, what actions are being undertaken to address? to 2490 pf V. �c vqt/-L,'s \LIMITS Q �� ri A, e.. \ 1 •\ �� 1 • ,Ivoodb00 • Q