HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120211 Ver 1_Email_20120524FW U 2412 Revised Permit Application 5/23/2012 Page 1 of 1 FW U -2412 Revised Permit Application 5/23/2012 Euless, Amy Sent Thursday May 24 2012 9 39 AM To Carrillo Sonia Attachments U 2412—Rev Permit App_052312 pdf (599 KB) Please add to U2412A as Incomplete application additional Information received 12 0211 From Price, Gregory W Sent Wednesday, May 23, 2012 4 40 PM To Euliss, Amy, monte k matthews @usace army mil Subject U 2412 Revised Permit Application 5/23/2012 Attached is revised U 2412/U 2524AE Permit application letter During her review of buffer calculations Amy discovered an error in buffer calculations These revisions are in Table 11 at the bottom of page 8 The revisions are italicized and noted at bottom of Table 11 These changes only reflect Section U 2412A and does not affect EEP request since none was made for this section Thank you Greg Price Central Region Environmental Specialist NCDOT Natural Environment Section Direct 919 707 6148 gwprice@ i dot gov Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N C Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties https //mail nc gov /owa/ ?ae= Item &t =IPM Note &id= RgAAAADMSzLcd9W2TJH14 %2bm 5/24/2012 r S[Arr `1e aw.+r° STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BEVERLY EAVES PERDUE EUGENE A CON rI JR GOVERNOR SECRETARY February 15 2012 First Revision March 15 2012 Second Revision May 23 2012 U S Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive Suite 105 Wake Forest NC 27587 ATTN Mr Andy Williams NCDOT Coordinator SUBJECT Application for Section 404 Individual Permit, Section 401 Individual Water Quality Certification, and Randleman Lake Buffer Authorization for the proposed improvement of Greensboro High Point Road (SR 1486 SR 4121) from US 311 Bypass (future I 74) in High Point to Hilltop Road in Greensboro Guilford County Division 7 Federal Aid Project No STP 4121 (1) State Project No 8 2491602 WBS Element No 34802 1 1 TIP No U 2412A &B /U 2524AE Debit $570 00 from WBS Element No 34802 1 1 Dear Sir The North Carolina Department of Transportation ( NCDOT) proposes to improve Greensboro High Point Road (SR 1486 SR 4121 from US 311 Bypass (future I 74) in High Point to Hilltop Road in Greensboro The proposed improvements consist of a combination of widening improvements to existing High Point Road and construction on new location including an interchange with the US 311 Bypass in High Point and the Greensboro Western Urban Loop for a total distance of 7 9 miles In addition to this cover letter the application package for each project consists of an ENG Form 4345 North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) acceptance letter Interagency Hydraulic Design Review meeting minutes for U 241213/U 2524AE (Concurrence Points 4B and 4C) Stormwater Management Plan permit drawings and half size roadway plan sheets PROJECT SCHEDULE For construction purposes the Greensboro High Point Road improvement project has been broken down Into two sections The U 2524AE section of the proposed Greensboro Western Urban Loop is the interchange with Greensboro High Point Road (part of Section U 2412B) Since the U 2524AE interchange was not completed with the rest of the Greensboro Western Urban Loop and the fact that the U 2524AE impacts are covered in the U 2412 NEPA MAILING ADDRESS PHYSICAL ADDRESS NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TELEPHONE 919 707 6100 CENTURY CENTER - BUILDING B PDEA- NATURAL ENVIRONMENT SECTION 1020 BIRCH RIDGE DR 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER FAX 919 212 5785 RALEIGH NC 27610 4328 RALEIGH NC 27699 1598 WERSITE WWW NCDOT ORG documentation Section U 2524AE has been combined with U 2412B for permitting and construction purposes Table 1 reflects the project breakdown and section termini Tahie t i]ecerintion of Project Sections for Construction Purposes Section Project Termini Let Date • 2412B/ West of Vickrey Chapel Road to August 21 2012 • 2524AE Hilltop Road 4 4 miles • 2412A US 311 Bypass to west of SR 1480 Post year Vickrey Chapel Road 3 5 miles Permit drawings for the proposed protect have been prepared based on final design for U 2412B/U 2524AE and preliminary design for U 2412A The NCDOT will apply for any relevant permit modifications for U 2412A when final design is complete for that section Construction will not commence on U 2412A until permit modifications have been received based on final designs This project calls for a letting date of August 21 2012 and a review date of July 3 2012 for Section U 2412B/U 2524AE The letting date for Section U 2412A is post year However the letting date may advance as additional funds become available PURPOSE AND NEED The purposes of the proposed project are (1) increase the traffic carrying capacity and improve current and future level of service along the Greensboro High Point Road corridor (2) enhance connectivity between US 311 Bypass the Greensboro Western Urban Loop and the entire transportation network in the Southwest Guilford County area and (3) improve access between High Point Jamestown and Greensboro NEPA DOCUMENT STATUS A Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD) for U 2412 (includes Section U 2524AE) were approved on May 15 2006 and December 30 2006 respectively and have been provided to the appropriate agencies A Right of Way Consultation to update the U 2412 FEIS was approved on January 22 2009 Additional copies will be provided upon request INDEPENDENT UTILITY The subject project is in compliance with 23 CFR Part 771 111(f) which lists the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) characteristics of independent utility of a project (1) The project connects logical termini and is of sufficient length to address environmental matters on a broad scope (2) The project is usable and a reasonable expenditure due to both sections being constructed at the same time (3) The project does not restrict consideration of alternatives for other reasonably foreseeable transportation improvements U 2412IU2524AE Individual Permit Application 2 RESOURCE STATUS Wetland delineations within the U 2412/U 2524AE construction footprint followed the field delineation method outlined in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987) Stream identification and classification followed the Identification Methods for the Origins of Intermittent and Perennial Streams (North Carolina Division of Water Quality [ NCDWQ] 2005) Within the U 2412/U 2524AE construction footprint fifteen streams and eight wetlands were identified Jurisdictional areas were initially verified by USACE Regulatory Specialist Jean Manuel on February 20 2002 ( USACE Action ID No 200021876) Jurisdictional features were re verified by USACE Regulatory Specialist Andy Williams and NCDWQ representative Amy Euliss on September 19 2008 A packet for the final Jurisdictional Determination (JD) was submitted to the USACE on June 14 2011 No written JD was received from the USACE for the re verification IMPACTS TO WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES This project lies within the Piedmont Physiographic Province in the Cape Fear River Basin [Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03030003] Jurisdictional features within the U 2412B/U 2524AE construction footprint that will be impacted include five unnamed tributaries (UT) to Reddicks Creek [ NCDWQ Classification WS IV NCDWQ Index No 17 8 (0 5)] and two riparian wetlands Jurisdictional features within the U 2412A construction footprint that will be impacted include eight UTs to the Deep River [ NCDWQ Classification WS IV CA NCDWQ Index No 17 (3 7)] and two UTs to Bull Run Creek [ NCDWQ Classification WS IV NCDWQ Index No 17 5 (1)] Deep River and Bull Run Creek are within the construction footprint but will be bridged with no anticipated impacts to these waters Six riparian wetlands will be impacted within the U 2412A project area There are no designated Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) High Quality Waters (HQW) Water Supply I (WS 1) or Water Supply II (WS II) waters within 1 0 mile of the project area None of the streams within the project area or within a mile of the project area are listed on the 2010 303(d) Final List of Impaired Waters of North Carolina Utility Impacts There will be no impacts from utilities to jurisdictional sites or buffers on Section U 2412B/U 2524AE of this project Utility impacts for Section U 2412A will be evaluated during the permit modification process Surface Waters U 2412B/U 2524AE Total surface water impacts for U 241213/U 2524AE are 1932 linear feet of permanent stream impacts and 140 linear feet of temporary stream impacts Tables 2 3 below list the site number reference number stream name amount of permanent and temporary impacts and amount of mitigation required U 2412IU2524AE Individual Permit Application m.>.1. 7 TT 7AII)T rT 7G')AAF..QtrPame Tmnneted and TheirDescrintlonS Permit Site No Stream ID in FEIS JD Package ID Stream Name Classification 1 UT Lake 2 UT1 Lake 2 UT to Reddicks Creek Perennial 2 UT5 Reddicks UT5 Redd UT to Reddicks Creek Perennial 3 UT7 Reddicks UT7 Redd UT to Reddicks Creek Perennial 4 UT3 Reddicks UT3 Redd UT to Reddicks Creek Perennial 5 UT4 Reddicks UT4 Redd UT to Reddicks Creek Perennial 6 UT5 Reddicks UT5 Redd UT to Reddicks Creek Perennial Table 3 U- 2412B/U- 2524AE Surface Water Impacts (Final) Permit Permanent Proposed Temporary Site No Impact Type Impact Length ft Mitigation Ratio' Impact Length ft 48 RCP 241 21 1 51 Bank 24 02 Stabilization 9 x6 RCBC 267 21 2 20 Bank 28 02 Stabilization 54 RCP 173 21 3 7 30 RCP 330 21 4 42 RCP 331 21 19 60 RCP 445 21 5 33 Bank 10 02 Stabilization 48 RCP 68 21 6 10 Bank 15 02 Stabilization Total Impacts 1,932 1 1 140 'Ratios from USACE during verification site visit on September 19 2008 `Mitigation for bank stabilization not required by USACE and NCDWQ mitigation requirement met under the USACE 2 1 ratio for stream mitigation U 2412A Total preliminary surface water impacts for U 2412A are 2 885 linear feet of permanent stream impacts and 636 linear feet of temporary stream impacts There may also be 3 65 acres of surface water impacts to four ponds Tables 4 5 below list the site number reference number stream name amount of preliminary permanent and temporary impacts and mitigation ratios agreed upon at the aforementioned September 19 2008 field meeting U 2412/U2524AE individual Permit Application 4 m_u_ A 77 AAII%A L14— ..,.... if.., —A T6aarDacorintinna i avac -r Permit Site No v r�ar�a v Stream ID in FEIS JD package ID Stream Name Classification 1 UTI Lake 1 UTI Lake 1 UT to Deep River Perennial 2 UTI Lake 1 UT1 Lake 1 UT to Deep River Perennial 2 Lake 1 Lake 1 UT to Deep River Pond 3A Not Identified UTla Deep UT to Deep River Intermittent 3B UTI Deep UTI Deep UT to Deep River Intermittent 4 UT2 Deep UT2 Deep UT to Deep River Perennial 6 Not Identified UT4 Deep UT to Deep River Perennial 7A Not Identified UT5 Deep UT to Deep River Perennial 7B Not Identified UT6 Deep UT to Deep River Intermittent 8 UT3 Deep UT3 Deep UT to Deep River Perennial l0A Not Identified UTI Bull Run UT to Bull Run Creek Intermittent 10A UT1 Bull Pond UTI Bull Run Pond UT to Bull Run Creek Pond IOB UTI Bull UTI Bull Run UT to Bull Run Creek Perennial 11 UT3 Bull* UT3 Bull Run UT to Bull Run Creek Perennial 11 UT7 Bull* UT7 Bull Run UT to Bull Run Creek Perennial 11 UT3 Bull Lake UT3 Bull Run Lake UT to Bull Run Creek Pond 12 UT3 Bull UT3 Bull Run UT to Bull Run Creek Perennial 13 UT3 Bull UT3 Bull Run UT to Bull Run Creek Perennial 13 UT5 Bull Lake 1 UT5 Bull Run Lake 1 UT to Bull Run Creek Perennial 14 UT2 Lake 1 UT2 Lake 1 UT to Deep River Perennial *UT3 Bull (upstream of pond) and UT7 Bull (downstream of pono) are tCte same stream U 2412/U2524AE Individual Permit Application Tsahln 4 ii 2d12A Cnrfnee Wnter Impacts (Preliminarv) Permit Site No Permanent Len theft pond Impact Area (acres) Proposed Mitigation Ratioi Temporary Impact Length (ft) 1 34 2 353 21 106 2 060 3A 213 OZ 11 3B 307 1 1 64 4 336 2 1 17 6 242 2 1 21 6 41 1 13 7A 418 1 1 33 7B 208 1 1 (minus 40 feet)4 g 215 l0A 100 1 1 l0A 0 18 1013 40 2 1 40 11 492 2 1 55 11 131 12 82 2 1 13 24 21 40 13 1 56 14 29 21 Total Impacts 2,885 365 636 'Ratios from USACE during verification site visit on September 19 2008 Stream deemed unimportant by the USACE 341 foot stream section within utility corridor that was determined 1 I ratio by USACE 440 foot stream section within utility corridor deemed unimportant by the USACE and no mitigation required Wetlands U 2412B/U 2524AE There will be a total of 0 63 acres of permanent riparian wetland impacts associated with this section These impacts will result from 0 48 acres of permanent fill 0 14 acres of excavation and 0 01 acres of mechanized clearing Wetland impacts are summarized below in Table 6 U 2412/U2524AE Individual Permit Application 6 Table 6 U 2412B/U 2524AE Wetland Im acts Final Permit Site No Wetland ID in FEIS JD package ID Impact Type Permanent Impacts ac 2 Not Identified Wetlands K & L Permanent Fill 007 Mechanized Clearing 001 6 Wetland H Wetland H Permanent Fill 041 Excavation 014 Mechanized Clearing <0 01 Total Impacts 0 63* *Total impacts due to rounding U 2412A There will be a total of 0 99 acres of permanent riparian wetland impacts associated with this section These impacts will result from 0 81 acres of permanent fill and 0 18 acres of mechanized clearing Additionally 0 19 acres of hand clearing will result from this project Wetland impacts are summarized below in Table 7 Tnhle 7 iJ 2412A Wetland Imnacts (Prelimmarv) Permit Site No Wetland ID in FEIS JD package ID Impact Type Permanent Impacts ac Permanent Fill 022 2 Not Identified Wetland AA Mechanized Clearing 005 4 Not Identified Wetlands AB & AC permanent Fill 003 Permanent Fill 045 7A Wetland A Wetland A 1 Mechanized Clearing 004 Permanent Fill 002 8 Wetlands B& I Wetlands B& I Mechanized Clearing 004 Wetland E Permanent Fill 008 11 (Wetland G not identified) Wetlands E & G Mechanized Clearing 004 Permanent Fill 001 12 Not Identified Wetland M Mechanized Clearing 001 Total Impacts 0 99* *Total impacts due to rounding Randleman Lake Water Supply Watershed Buffers This project impacts buffers in the Randleman Lake water supply watershed Section U 241213/U 2524AE has final design impacts and Section U 2412A has preliminary impacts Buffer impacts are summarized in Tables 8 -9 for U 2412B/U 2524AE and in fables 10 -11 for U 2412A below Wetlands are present within the impacted buffer areas The wetland acreages within the mitigable buffer areas have been subtracted out Buffer impacts in these areas will be covered by the wetland mitigation U 2412/U2524AE Individual Permit Application 7 Tahiv R IT 2412R/I1- 2524AR Randleman Lake Watershed Buffer Impacts (Final) *Due to stormwater conveyance impact through buffers Note Revisions are italicized March 15 2012 Table 9 U 2412B/U- 2524AE Total Buffer Impacts Requiring Mitigation (Final) Zone 1 Impacts (sq ft) Zone 2 Impacts (sq ft) Impacts Other Than 102 209 Road Crossing Road Crossing Road Crossings* Zone 1 Impact (sq ft) 6 359 102 209 53 Zone 2 Impact (sq ft) 5 751 61577 44 Mitigation Allowable (impacts Allowable with Allowable requirements less than 150 linear mitigation mitigation (exempt, allowable or feet or one third of an allowable with acre) mitigation) *Due to stormwater conveyance impact through buffers Note Revisions are italicized March 15 2012 Table 9 U 2412B/U- 2524AE Total Buffer Impacts Requiring Mitigation (Final) Note Revisions are italicized March 15 2012 Table 10 U 2412A Randleman Lake Watershed Buffer Impacts (Preliminary) Zone 1 Impacts (sq ft) Zone 2 Impacts (sq ft) Buffer Impacts 102 209 61 577 requiring mitigation Road Crossings* Zone 1 Impact (sq ft) Wetlands in m►t►gable 3 122 30 buffers 35 609 152 157 Total Buffer Impacts 99,087 61,547 requiring mitigation Allowable with requirements Note Revisions are italicized March 15 2012 Table 10 U 2412A Randleman Lake Watershed Buffer Impacts (Preliminary) *Due to parallel stream impacts from road and bridge impacts beyond end pier bent Table 11 U -2412A Total Buffer Impacts Requiring Mitigation (Preliminary) Bridge Road Crossing Impacts Other Than 340 373 350 991 requiring mitigation Road Crossings* Zone 1 Impact (sq ft) 52 600 289 705 50 668 Zone 2 Impact (sq ft) 35 609 152 157 198 130 Mitigation Allowable Allowable with Allowable with requirements mitigation mitigation (exempt, allowable or allowable with mitigation) *Due to parallel stream impacts from road and bridge impacts beyond end pier bent Table 11 U -2412A Total Buffer Impacts Requiring Mitigation (Preliminary) Note Revisions are italicized May 23 2012 U 2412/U2524AE Individual Permit Application 8 Zone 1 Impacts (sq ft) Zone 2 Impacts (sq ft) Buffer Impacts 340 373 350 991 requiring mitigation Wetlands in mitigable 28 793 7 666 buffers Total Buffer Impacts 311,580 343,325 requiring mite ation Note Revisions are italicized May 23 2012 U 2412/U2524AE Individual Permit Application 8 FEDERALLY PROTECTED SPECIES Plants and animals with a Federal classification of Endangered (E) or Threatened (T) are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 as amended As of September 22 2010 the U S Fish and Wildlife Service ( USFWS) list one federally protected species for Guilford County Small whorled pogonia (Isolria medeoloides) A species description and biological conclusion for the small whorled pogonia was not stated in the FEIS because the species was added to the USFWS county list of protected species after the documents were completed A survey was done by NCDOT biologists on May 25 2010 and a biological conclusion of No Effect was given for small whorled pogonia A search of the North Carolina Natural Heritage Database (NCNHP updated May 2011) revealed no known occurrences of any federally protected species within 10 mile of the limits of this section Since the FEIS the bald eagle has been delisted for Guilford County The bald eagle has been delisted as of August 2007 and is not subject to Section 7 consultation and a biological conclusion is not required However the bald eagle remains protected by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act Habitat in the vicinity of U 2412A is limited to areas surrounding High Point Lake and the Deep River Surveys conducted on May 1 and June 26 2008 and May 25 2010 found no nests within 660 feet of the project limits No habitat exists for bald eagle in the vicinity of U 2412B/U 2524AE CULTURAL RESOURCES A concurrence form for assessment of effects was signed by NCDOT The North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office (HPO) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on January 11 2005 (see FEIS Appendix A) The only identified property within the area of potential effect is the Oakdale Cotton Mill Village Historic District (specifically Oakdale United Methodist Church) The Oakdale Cotton Mill Village Historic District is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) However it was concluded during a merger meeting on January 11 2005 that this project will have no adverse effect on the Oakdale Cotton Mill Village Historic District At the request of HPO (letter and memo dated August 7 1992 and June 5 2000 respectively) NCDOT conducted additional archeological surveys to determine the eligibility of 3 archaeological sites discovered during the initial 1990 survey NCDOT prepared and submitted to HPO an archaeological survey report on September 4 2001 of the findings A response letter dated October 4 2001 stated that HPO concurred with NCDOT s finding that two of the NRHP eligible archaeological sites will not be affected by the proposed road improvements and that the other site was not NRHP eligible (see FEIS Appendix A) No additional investigations were recommended FEMA COMPLIANCE There are streams within the project limits that are within Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designated flood zones Coordination between the NCDOT Hydraulics Unit and FEMA will occur prior to Let to ensure that NCDOT is in full compliance with applicable floodpla►n ordinances U 2412/U2524AE Individual Permit Application 9 INDIRECT AND CUMULATIVE EFFECTS An Indirect and Cumulative Effects (ICE) report was completed for U 2412 The report details the potential socioeconomic and ecological effects that may result from U 2412 and other past present and reasonably foreseeable future development activities in the region It was completed in April 2006 and distributed shortly thereafter The ICE report is summarized in the U 2412 FEIS Additional copies of the ICE report are available upon request Based upon the ICE report a majority of the study area is urban and suburban in character and most of the area already has access to an established road network The projects individual effects on land use and natural resources are minor The proposed project will not open any large undeveloped areas to new development The provisions contained in the Water Supply Watershed rules that are in effect and are stringently enforced by the local governments will control and limit development within the watershed areas in the project study area The potential indirect effects identified in the ICE report are consistent with all local jurisdictions land use and transportation plans Current land use and transportation policies contained in the local plans support the proposed project WILD AND SCENIC RIVERS This project will not impact any designated Wild and Scenic Rivers or any rivers included in the list of study rivers (Public Law 90 542 as amended) or North Carolina Natural and Scenic Rivers ESSENTIAL FISH HABITAT The project will not impact any essential fish habitat afforded protection under the Magnuson Stevens Act of 1996 (16 U S C 1801 et seq ) MITIGATION OPTIONS The USACE has adopted through the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) a wetland mitigation policy that embraces the concept of no net loss of wetlands and sequencing The purpose of this policy is to restore and maintain the chemical biological and physical integrity of the waters of the United States CEQ has defined mitigation of wetland and surface water impacts to include avoiding impacts minimizing impacts rectifying impacts reducing impacts over time and compensating for impacts (40 CFR 1508 20) The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize ,jurisdictional impacts and to provide full compensatory mitigation of all remaining unavoidable ,jurisdictional impacts Avoidance measures were taken during the planning phase and minimization measures were incorporated as part of the project design Minimization includes the examination of appropriate and practicable steps to reduce the adverse impacts Avoidance and Minimization Avoidance and minimization has been employed in the project area to the maximum extent practicable The following measures were implemented for the project U 2412/U2524AE Individual Permit Application 10 U 2412A &B /U 2524AE Minimization Measures • NCDOT s Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the Protection of Surface Waters will be enforced • Use of Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds through entire project • Impacts to wetlands and surface waters were minimized using 2 1 side slopes where practicable • Wetland impacts have been kept to a minimum by avoiding ditching and channelization through wetlands Existing drainage patterns to the wetlands have been kept to maintain the hydrology feeding the wetlands • A flat and wide tail ditch with rip rap will be used to dissipate energy from storm drain outlet to provide a non erosive sheet flow before entering wetlands /buffers at Station — RAMPB 14 +00 LT • Bank stabilization activities will not place rip rap on the stream bottom • Grass swales will be utilized at 12 Buffer locations along the project • Box culvert at Permit Site 2 will be buried one foot at upstream end and 1 5 feet at downstream end • For minor crossings pipes will be buried 20 percent of the pipe diameter below the natural streambed up to a maximum of 1 foot • For minor crossings at stations —L 397 +73 L 409 +45 RAMPB 17 +57 Y35B 12 +80 and Y35B 18 +20 channel realignment at upstream and /or downstream end will be implemented to prevent erosion • For minor crossings at stations —L 397 +73 L 409 +45 RAMPB 17 +57 L432 +52 and Y35B 18 +20 function boxes will be used to dissipate energy from storm drain outlet pipes and to eliminate potential erosion to the upstream and downstream channels due to the pipe outlets to the stream • Pre formed scour holes with level spreaders will be constructed at three locations —L 288 +30 RT —RAMP13 16 +50LT and —Y 18 15 +40 RT • Elimination of stream impacts at Permit Sites 5 and 9 of Section U 2412A due to bridging For additional avoidance /minimization for U 2412B/U 2524AE see attached Stormwater Management Plan Despite these best efforts of NCDOT permitted stream impacts (4 817 linear feet) for U 2412/U 2524AE did increase from the impacts reported in the FEIS (2 782 linear feet) This increase is mainly due to new streams (4 streams totaling 1 122 linear feet) and additional jurisdictional stream sections to the FEIS listed streams (approximately 900 linear feet) found within the project area that were not included in the FEIS Overall wetland impacts decreased from 1 8 acres reported in the FEIS to 162 recorded in this permit application Compensatory Mitigation Compensatory mitigation requirements for stream wetland and buffer impacts are summarized below in Table 12 for U 241213/U 2524AE Due to the status of Section U 2412A being currently unfunded and letting more than 5 years out NCDOT is not proposing mitigation for Section U 2412A at this time The U 2412B/U 2524AE section will permanently impact a total of 1932 feet of warm water streams Of these 1932 feet there are 77 feet of bank stabilization that do not require mitigation by the USACE resulting in 1 855 feet of stream impacts requiring USACE mitigation The USACE is requiring 2 1 mitigation for 1 855 feet and the NCDWQ is requiring 1 1 mitigation for 1917 feet The 3 710 feet of mitigation provided by the NCEEP for permanent impacts to warm water streams covers all stream mitigation requirements for U 2412131U 2524AE NCEEP will also provide mitigation for the 0 63 acres (2 1 ratio) of permanent riparian wetland impacts resulting from roadway fill excavation and mechanized clearing 99 140 square feet (3 1 ratio) for Buffer Zone 1 impacts and 61 591 square feet (1 5 U 2412IU2524AE Individual Permit Application 11 ratio) for Buffer Zone 2 impacts The FEIS stated that NCDOT will require a general major variance from the Randleman Lake Watershed Water Supply Buffer Rules Since the FEIS completion the revised version of the Randleman Lake Watershed Water Supply Buffer Rules has been enacted Based on the new Randleman Lake buffer rules this project is in compliance and therefore will not need a major variance Tahla 17 rr_2d12R1YJ 252dAR Renmred rarnnensatorV Mitigation Summary Note Revisions are italicized March 15 2012 REGULATORY APPROVALS Application is hereby made for a Department of the Army Section 404 Individual Permit as required for the above described activities for the proposed T I P Project U 2412/U 2524AE The NCDOT understands that a permit modification will be required for Section U 2412A after final design is complete and prior to construction We are also hereby requesting a Section 401 Individual Water Quality Certification and Randleman Lake Riparian Buffer Authorization from NCDWQ In compliance with Section 143 215 3D (e) of the NCAC we will provide $570 00 to act as payment for processing the Section 401 permit We are providing five copies of this application to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) NCDWQ for their review and approval A copy of this permit application and its distribution list will be posted on the NCDOT website at http / /www nedot org /doh/preconstruct/pe /neu/permit html Thank you for your time and assistance with this project Please contact Greg Price at either gwprice(@ncdot go v or (919) 707 6148 if you have any questions or need additional information Sincerely - cv Gregory J Thorpe PhD Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Umt Cc NCDOT Permit Application Standard Distribution List U 2412IU2524AE Individual Permit Application 12 Stream Impacts Riparian Wetland Huffer Zone 1 Buffer Zone 2 in Length (ft) Impacts ac Impacts (sq ft) Impacts (sq ft) Impacts Requiring 1 855 063 99 087 61547 Mitigation Required 1 855 @ 2 1 0 63 @ 2 1 99 087 @ 3 1 61547@ 15 1 Mitigation Total Mitigation 3,710 126 297,261 92,321 Note Revisions are italicized March 15 2012 REGULATORY APPROVALS Application is hereby made for a Department of the Army Section 404 Individual Permit as required for the above described activities for the proposed T I P Project U 2412/U 2524AE The NCDOT understands that a permit modification will be required for Section U 2412A after final design is complete and prior to construction We are also hereby requesting a Section 401 Individual Water Quality Certification and Randleman Lake Riparian Buffer Authorization from NCDWQ In compliance with Section 143 215 3D (e) of the NCAC we will provide $570 00 to act as payment for processing the Section 401 permit We are providing five copies of this application to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) NCDWQ for their review and approval A copy of this permit application and its distribution list will be posted on the NCDOT website at http / /www nedot org /doh/preconstruct/pe /neu/permit html Thank you for your time and assistance with this project Please contact Greg Price at either gwprice(@ncdot go v or (919) 707 6148 if you have any questions or need additional information Sincerely - cv Gregory J Thorpe PhD Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Umt Cc NCDOT Permit Application Standard Distribution List U 2412IU2524AE Individual Permit Application 12