HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00371_Annual Report_20210216 Office of Finance and Administration Campus Box 7201 NC STATE Vice Chancellor Raleigh,NC 27695-7201 UNIVEUNIVERSITY P:919.515.2155 RSITY r1J ofa.ncsu.edu F:919.515.5121 RECEIVED FEB 16 2021 January 15, 2021 NCDEQ�pw�NPDE S Debra Gore PERCS Unit Supervisor NC DEQ— Div. of Water Quality Archdale Building 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699— 1617 SUBJECT: 2020 Annual Report of the Wastewater Collection System. NC State University, Permit No. WQS00371 Dear Ms. Gore: Please find attached the NC State University Wastewater Collection System Performance Report for Calendar Year 2020. NC State experienced no reportable sanitary overflow event last year. As required by NC General Statutes Chapter 143- 215.1C (a), the performance report has also been distributed to wastewater collection system users on campus. If there are any questions regarding the report, please contact Jenny Kelvington at 919-513-7176, or by email at jtkelvin@ncsu.edu. Sincere R. Allen Boyette Senior Director, Energy Systems, Facilities NC STATE UNIVERSITY WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM 2020 PERFORMANCE REPORT For Distribution to NC State University Wastewater Collection System Users Annual Performance During the calendar year 2020, the NC State University (NC State)wastewater collection system had no reportable sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) and was operated and maintained in accordance with Permit No. WQCS00371 and State and Federal laws. Background Wastewater collection systems are governed by North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1C and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Chapters 2 and 8. Permit No. WQCS00371, issued by NC Division of Water Resource (NC DWR), allows NC State University to operate and maintain 22.7 miles of sewer lines and associated piping, valves, and appurtenances. Wastewater transported through this system flows via gravity into the City of Raleigh's wastewater collection system and is treated at the Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility. NC State must report to NC DWR any SSO that releases more than 1,000 gallons to the ground or any amount to surface water(including through ditches and storm drains). SSO Prevention and Response A key to preventing SSOs is keeping fats, oils and grease (FOG) out of the wastewater collection system. NC State encourages allowing FOG to cool and then be placed in a suitable container for recycle or disposed in the trash to keep FOG out of drains. Waste Reduction and Recycling in partnership with University Housing provides plastic "Cease the Grease" containers for FOG collection. The Utilities Distribution Shop (UD) within the Facilities Division is responsible for maintaining the wastewater collection system and responding to SSOs. NC State maintains a 24-hour Facilities Customers Services number [(919) 515-2991] to receive reports of SSOs and dispatch UD Shop response personnel promptly. The UD Shop supervisor, John Lassiter, serves as the Wastewater Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) and Brent Clayton is his backup. Thanks to their effects to proactively identify and correct problems, NC State has had only one reportable sanitary sewer overflow event in the past 5 years. NC State closed most of its buildings in March 2020 to slow the spread of the coronavirus. To clear any blockages that may have formed in sewer lines from these buildings due to no or limited use, the UD Shop pressurize cleaned approximately 39,000 feet (7.4 miles) of sewer lateral lines prior to reopening last summer. This work enabled NC State to meet its 10% cleaning obligation for 2020. Question/Comments Please contact Jenny Kelvington at (919) 513-7176 if you have any questions or comments.