HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8990827_COMPLIANCE_20021209STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE WYYMMDD Hammers, Angela From: Hammers, Angela Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 10:32 AM To: mark@ mark brisson.org'; 'Jim Mayew' Subject: Barkley Estates, SW8 990827 Attachments: 990827. pdf. pdf Good Morning, Please find attached a Compliance Evaluation Inspection report for the Barkley Estates project (State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 990827). The inspection was conducted on December 8, 2009. As noted in the Notice of Violation issued on September 22, 2009, this project is currently in violation of permit conditions requiring submittal of: A certification of the stormwater system by an appropriate engineer, and A copy of the recorded deed restrictions. A written plan of action is due immediately. It is imperative to submit these items as they are considered violations of 15A NCAC 2H.1000, and may result in the initiation of enforcement action. If you have questions, please contact me via email or at 910-796-7215. Sincerely, Angel Hammers (Please note my new email address is angela_.hammers@ncdenr.gov) Environmental Specialist NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Office: 910.796.7215 Fax: 910.350.2004 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Compliance Inspection Report Permit: SW8990827 Effective: 10/11/99 Expiration County: New Hanover Region: Wilmington Contact Person: Mark Brisson Title: Directions to Project: Type of Project: State Stormwater - Infiltration System Drain Areas: On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 12108/2009 Entry Time: 03:00 PM Primary Inspector: Angela K Hammers Secondary Inspectors): Reason for Inspection: Follow-up Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ® Not Compliant Question Areas: 0 State Stormwater (See attachment summary) Owner: Barkley Road LLC Project: Barkley Estates Exit Time: 03:30 PM Phone: Phone: 919-796-7215 Ext.7317 Inspection Type: Stormwater Page: 1 Permit: SW8990827 Inspection Date: 12/08/2009 Owner - Project: Barkley Road LLC Inspection Type: Stormwater Inspection Summary: To bring this system into compliance, the following must be completed: 1. Submit an engineer's certification of the stormwater system to DWQ. 2. Submit a copy of the recorded deed restrictions to DWQ. Reason for Visit: Follow-up Note: The 3:1 swales as shown on the approved plan were not observed in the field. Please account for this in any submittals to DWQ. Is the permit active? Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file? Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file? Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file? Comment: A PE certificate of the stormwater system was not found in the file. A copy of the recorded deed restrictions was not found in the file. Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans? Are the inlets located per the approved plans? Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans? Comment: Operation and Maintenance Yes No NA NI; D❑Q■ 0DD■ DDD■ Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements? D D ❑ ■ Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or provided to DWQ D 0 D ■ upon request? Comment: Page: 2 Compliance Inspection Report Permit: SWB990827 Effective: 10/11/99 Expiration County: New Hanover Region: Wilmington Contact Person: Mark Brisson Title: Directions to Project: Type of Project: State Stormwater - Infiltration System Drain Areas: On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 09/22/2009 Entry Time: 01:00 PM Primary Inspector: Angela K Hammers Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ■ Not Compliant Question Areas: ® State Stormwater (See attachment summary) Owner: Barkley Road LLC Project: Barkley Estates Exit Time: 01:30 PM Phone: Phone: 919-796-7215 Ext.7317 Inspection Type: Stormwater Page: 1 Permit: SW8990827 Owner - Project: Barkley Road LLC Inspection Date: 09/22/2009 Inspection Type: Stormwatef Inspection Summary: The following deficiencies were noted during the inspection: 1. Engineer's certification not found in file. 2. A copy of recorded deed restrictions not found in file. To bring this system into compliance, the following must be completed: 1. Submit an engineer's certification of the stormwater system to DWQ. 2. Submit a copy of recorded deed restrictions to DWQ. Reason for Visit: Routine File Review Is the permit active? Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file? Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file? Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file? Comment: No Engineer's certfication was found in the DWQ file. Other Permit Conditions Is the site compliant with other conditions of the permit? Comment: A copy of the recorded deed restrictions was not found in the DWQ file. m�r� �jrrSSCn'tbv�� r �� lL-7 �� �w ec Yes No NA NE 0 0 0 0 Page: 2 tJ�L- Date Job Design Sheet TwP KNOMMG, P.C. STC 01 wRr� I�ctuc�tr+a cS of i C 607 Chestnut street For Check Job No. 0 Wilmington. north Carolina 28401 &uc Lty E5mre-s j 1. cArrrr/ R O ' 9 17314 �ccQ:'Q . ztbi � %. ••NGI N � .� C t1(�T H ''�. ���° OR ZO rpr" �� .. fz P-V4 PJ4 egoiloko -rc.1-PIL. \IC.L-Mt P(Lc 4 1 D E'D Zz' <�j� = 13, zoo T "ruir"CH J E K F--r3 x pA-C. _ �z�Pr3 Vbi S �. STORMWATER z:5.z <sc� C, r-, n..E C E.I..V.E n....:.. 1014Q9 BARKLEY ESTATES M015 CDC Infiltration Trench 10-year Storm WATERSHED DATA Totat Drains a Area s . ft. acres 87,120 2.00 impervious Area Land Use s . ft. I acres buildings 45.000 1.03 parldnglasphaft 11,706 0.27 concrete 0 0.00 Total 56,708 1.30 INFILTRATION SYSTEM: Volume of first inch of runoff = (design rainfaR)(Rv)(DA) V= 5,233.00 cu-0 Required trench size assumes 40% void space: Vr= 13,082.50 cu-ft Volume provided: Vp = 13,200.00 cu-ft @ 40% voids {STONE) Total Voids Provided = 13,200.00 cu-ft 40% voids DRAWDOWN RATE: ' % impervious = 0.651 = 65.1 % say 66,0% CPRE = 0.25 CPOST = (% imp.)(.95)+(1-% imp.)(.25) 0,71 12 = 5.88 inlhr 110 = 7.23 inthr 125 = 8.15 inlhr RATE OF iNFILTRATiON 5.41N1HR (TAKEN FROM SOILS REPORT) DEPTH OF TRENCH: 361N DRAW DOWN RATE36IN 15.41NIHR = 6.7 HRS. \�,wlItllIfrrlf�,i .Q,"IH GARp�z��,,% :a SEAL. r; b 17374 ,o ENGINEERING, INC. 2592 HOPE MILLS ROAD FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. 28306 910-426.2323 Tripp Engineering, PC 419 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 23401 Attention : Mr. Charles Cazier Reference: Infiltration Evaluation Barkiey ESiaieb Wilmington, North Carolina Job No. : 3323-99 Dear Mr. Cazier: July 28, 199G Soil Tech Engineering, Inc. has recently conducted an evaivatien of the existing site conditions for the development of the roadway and residential development in Barkiey Estates aevQlopment located /_f of'1Vrightsvi!Ia Avenue in NrVilrningto+i, Nc,,th Carol- I— We conducted an investigation, of the subsurface soils at the two designated locations indicated on the site sketch on July 27, 1999. The purpose of our evaluation was to determine the suitatility of the in -place soils for the discharge of stormwater runoff. investigated the subsurface soils to a depth of six feet below the existing ground surface. We also classified each subsurface strata encountered by depth and obtained representative soil samples at the two designated locations. Selected samples were tested in our for grain size structure in accor?..nce ix:i+h +ktt, /1 IAC-rRAl n C`T."-". • Ili ♦v r •rr.• V�r 1 \/.... ,/1l.iy ICI r •v.l l� ..r tie alr6. l>,.rl :.IIJ ,I'V 1 111� I.11 VLL Vvii �. v4 ... : .1/ I'1V 1 !Vi D-422; "Particle Size Analysis of Soils", Our sampling indicated the subsurface soils at the test locations to be moderately drainaole upper stratas of silty sands underlain by tan relatively free draining sands. Infiltration Evaluation Barkley Estates Wilmington, North Carolina Page Two We also conducted an evaluation of the subsufface infiltration at the two designated locations. The infiltration rate of the in-p#ace soils were determined at a depth of approximately 36 inches below the existing ground surface at each location. The infiltration rate was found to be 0.30 inches per minute at location #1 and 0.09 inches per minute at location #2 based on our analysis. We did not encounter groundwater at the locations investigated to a depth of 6 feet below the existing ground surface and in our opinion the seasonal high groundwater condition should be below the depths explored. Please find the resuits of our field and laboratory tests and a sketch indicating the locations checked. Please contact us if you have questions. Yours truly, SOIL TECH ENGINEERING, INC. Parks A. Downing, Jr. Manager CAL James Pate. P.E. PADJr: J P/tm Enciosure Infiltration Evaluation Barkley Estates Wilmington, North Carolina Job No.: 3323-99 Location 91 Location Depth Soil Description ion #1 0" - 12" Brown Gray Silty Fine to Medium SAND 12"- 18" Orange Tan Fine to Medium SAND 18" - 48" Tan Fine tc Medium 'SAND 48" - 72" Orange Tan Fine to Medium SAND Groundwater was not encountered at the depths investigated. Infiltration Rate.: 0.30 inches per minute Test was conducted 36 inches below existing ground surface. Location #2 Subsurface Description LQQatLofa -0=12 Soil Descr?pticn #2 0" - 12" Tan Gray Fine to Medium SAND 'I2" - 32" Tan Fine to Medium SAND 32" - 72" Orange Tan Fine to Medium SAND Groundwater was not. encountered at the depths investigated. Infiltration Rate : 0-09 inches per minute Test was conducted 36 inches below existing ground surface. Barkley Avenue f 2 _ 1 r2 + 1 A I Allen Lane f .A fenotes lccaucn.s of Irfitt_at=cr Lest:^.y. i Bark1 ey ?rs � tes Wilrnirnaton, North Carolina ;cb No.: 3323-99 M Location Depth Sieve Size Grain Size Analysis Barkley Estates Wilmington, North Carolina Job No. 3323-99 E3i #1 18" - 48" 48" - 72" Percent Passing By Weight #10 99.9 99.7 #40 95.5 92.8 #80 15.1 13.7 #200 6.1 9.6 Percent Moisture 5.1 % 9.1 % Soil Description Tan Orange Fine to Tan Medium Fine to SAND Medium SAND 0