HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8980232_COMPLIANCE_20010301STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE 102COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE- YYWMMDD North Carolina �,����trtment of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary March 1, 2001 Mr. Shawn Ruben, Vice President ESA Management, Inc. 961 East Main Street Spartanburg, SC 29302. �11� ATANJ ��� - NCDENR NORTH CAROONA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES' Subject: COMPLIANCE INSPECTION Extended Stay America Stormwater Project No. SW8 980232 Onslow County Dear Mr. Ruben: Please find attached a copy of the compieted form entitled "Stormwater Compliance Inspection Report". The report summarizes the findings of a recent inspection of the project's stormwater controls conducted on February 27, 2001 to determine compliance with Stormwater Permit Number SW8 980232 issued on September 30; 1998. A summary of the findings and comments are noted under Section 4 of the report. Please inform this Office in writing before April 1, 2001 of the specific actions that will be undertaken and the time frame required to correct the deficiencies. Failure to provide the requested information, when required, may initiate enforcement action. If you have any questions please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:IWQSIS'fORMWA'I'IINSPECT1980232.MAIt cc: Freeland & Kauffman. Inc. Central Files Wilmington Regional -Office , 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 'telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%. reewled110%. post -consumer paper STORMWATER COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT 2 3 4 Project Name: Extended Stay America Project Number: SW8 980232 Control Measure: a wet detention pond Water Body: Sandy Run Branch Classification: C Sw Directions to site. address: Off McDaniel Drive at US 17 Inspection Date: February 27, 2001 Weather Conditions: sunny, cool Compliance Issues: a. The pond slopes are eroded and void of permanent vegetation. b. The outlet structure has been modified from what was permitted. C. The trash rack is missing. d. The Designer's Certification has not been submitted. Required Actions: a. Repair the eroded slopes; reestablish the 6:1 shelf and the 3:1 slope, and immediately provide permanent vegetation. b. Submit modified plans for the outlet structure revision. C. Provide a trash rack for the outlet structure. Cl. Submit the Designer's Certification as soon as the approved modifications are completed. Inspector: Linda Lewis _ Water.Quality/Wilmington Regional Office/(910) 395-3900 RSS/arl: S:IWQSIS"I'ORMWATIINSPECT1980232.MAR .--F-;i6li-ded Stay America - Opslow County Siormwater Protect No; SV118 980232 Designer's Certification as a duly registered in the State ofNorth Carolina; having been authori-r_ed to observe (periodically/weekly/full time) the construction of' the project, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. Required Items to be checked for this certification to be considered complete are on page 2 of this form. Noted deviations from approved plans and specifications: Signature Registration Number Date cc: NCDENR DWQ Regional Office City of Jacksonville Building inspector SEAL a Certification Requirements: 1. The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage. 2. The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built -upon area. 3. All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drains to the system. 4. The outlet/bypass structure elevations are per the approved plan. 5. The outlet structure is located per the approved plans. G. Trash rack is provided on the outlet/bypass structure. 7. All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation. 8. Vcoctated slopes are no steeper than 3:1. 9. The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short-circuiting of the system. 10. The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been provided. 11. Required drawdown devices are correctly sized per the approved plans. 12. All required design depths are provided. tn 1 All required parts of the system are provided. such as a vegetated shelf, and a forebay. 14. "file overall dimensions of the system, as shown on the approved plans, are provided. SAWQSISTORMWAT\ ORMS1980232.MAR cc:, NCDENR-DWQ City of.lacksonville Building Inspector E ME tn O V) OJ Ei o Cd U o d bo N 4� O 4 � L W 4�A O ?� 04 N N � ` 0 M T� 4N O Z U �- v r� i N� Lt A �!{ E--( V 44 4 N O rn 0 c� Sep 29 '98 16:19 I K 8-8642338915 State .of North Carolina Department of, Environment and Natural Resources : Wilmt�ton'Rego>aal'Oce James 0. Hunt, Clovernar Wayne McDevitt, Secretary FAX : COVER '$HELT' - Date:... 2_ -8 No:`Of Pages:. To: . •�U22.Y163- 14 ' . From: ! `S • CO: • rPam? �� _ • FAQ #: 3-� FAX#: 0-350 0 � REMARKS: sUZ;wn ms. -2G �ec�• r� ( cc.,' c hi ; .-; eS inzde 127 Cordial), Drive Exteaaion, Wilmington;'•N.C. 2&405-36 5 Trlephope'(910) 39S•3900 Fax (9lgl 35u-Zgpa An Equal. Apportunig'AiTirmkive A09# Eiiip oyll f; e 1 ,, r 09i30i9B 15:51 F & K, INC. 4 9103502004 NO.27B Al FREELAND and KAU FFMAK ,I,NC. F, � Emr,nv,FEx6 • L ANDscAm ARcmImG-rs and eeh, I nc. f3a"cnvitie; Mkno Date: September 30, 1998' To: Ms. Linda Lewis -Environmental Engineer NCDENR - Land Quality Section 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 From: Suzanne Pruitt, P.E. Subject: JacMonvllle,' North Carolina Stormwater Project: SW8 980232 - Extended Stay America Hotel RESPONSE TO FAX 9.29.95 This letter shall serve as notification that we accept the charges to the Supplement Sheat as shown on the attached sheet, We are In aijr`eement Wlttj all the tavislVr� noted, xs pk for the Temporary Pool Volume. As noted on the sheet, the tempoiry pqo! voltitne•is the volume detained above the permanent pool, which we cal6late is fi1,94 'cubic•f9at:'-It appears the one inch storage volume has been written in beside the item. - please,darify. t } 1 : 1 209 Wast Stone. Avenue • GnaenviU¢, South COrolina 2969P+ Telephone 6 4233.548'1 • c 844233• 9t 09/30/98 15:52 F & K, INC. i 9103502004 N0.279 D02 Permit No_W (te bit provided by DWQ) State ;of North Cuolina Pepar€uient of 1E&Wi'orinteht eu+e ' Naituial Reao'urces ' ' Divisitno#� _�AiQatility ." ST4RIVLWAIR.? ANAGIy1V Nr.;P n APPLICATION FORM wLrr.vmlE `� iIil $A �N.`5[JPPLEMEN' ` } •,.; »: be•:ybotaGojptcd :�.r,,: use :�s a►► original wt t__Watpr 01i=. cat:`.: A complete 9tonhyvatgr managemeht p1e icatioespbmittal.i credes.a v'mt:detention bWn-sil�plement forzWb basin. design:cakulations, plebs and- sped"s shand outlet structure detOis, and a fully executed opetauon and MAniet MM agr+eemenL. ; J PROJECT I1v1FO"TION (please 6n0p1ete -the f00owing information): ILL I ProjeccNanae Contact Person: ' • Phone IrTumogr. 3 -,SPA I pr0jects..W4.h. P** basins, 9pcc f� wl>iely•6asir}.thisw0,&heat applies to, , zi ry Basra So"Ohl Elevadon ' ft:,(av�ragla elevation of the floor of the. basin} Permanent Pool Elevation :ft. (elevation'of OW otIfice k • w ,f 5, Temporary Pool Eloveogn ri,of the discharge shtitetft overflow) Permanernt P661 Surface'Ares • • t aq:. ft* . ' (weir awface area at t1 office,vlsvadoil) DrainaSe Area 1 ac::. -Coil sit&and ofPsitc drainage'ty tfie bas€aa lmpeNious Area ac,'` (e i-site as off-aite di age'to ttte basiuy Permanent Pool Volume, - cu fL .. (combined-volunie of mainYba" pod fCtCM Temporary Pool Vol 'amess d . fL- (volume detained sbnve the an en pa0q18 �; a Forebay Volume, SAIDAI uW. 4: (surfaces are$ to dra�nsge aslea troy om— Diameter of (3nfice i in. Design'C55ltesnevr►l Q ($S9'F55 removal required► sea ttttri be�awj 11. RE iARE0 T-'EMS OHECKGIS T• The'following checklist ouciines' design r uire ndper the'§Wrmx�w`er e t Noumea mea ftk;wal $ricM dE, vicoeti) mdC: ke d AASvo oon`t ; " p 5 lydtial in• -the space provided .to indicate the, following: desiin ,requirements have been mot aad: suppi x docurrientation i 'attached. IF the a pplicaiit-has dasignaw--an.agent.in•,the StorinwateT Matta emcpt: Application Form,, the ;agent -may, initial below,, U a reguirerbent has t becn`1ni�41 at," j dl�g9WU F= SW .102 • Armory 1096 Page I or 2 I REELAND'and,KAUFFMAN, INC@, Freel nd-(Kauffman ENGINEERS • L4N05CAPEARGHITECT5' and Fredeen, Inc. RE C IV D $entonville, Arkansas JUL -3 0 1998 Date: July 29, 1998' To: Ms. Linda Lewis -Environmental Engineer' NCDENR - Land Quality Section 127 Cardinal -Drive Ext: Wilmington, NC 28405 From: Suzanna Pruitt, P.E. Subject: Jacksonville, North Carolina Stormwater Project: SW8 980232 .'Extended Stay America Hotel RESUBMtTTAL FOR APPROVAL (LETTER OF REQUEST 5%30/98) In response to your letter dated June 30, 1998 concerning the above referenced project, we have.revised,the erosion control, plans to address your comments as follows: (1) The pond has been reconfigured to provide a 3:1 ratio in a'east-west flow path. Please understand that the city has previously granted a permit to install the storm drain pipe. Because this was granted previously, the storm drain pipe shown on the plan has already been installed and therefore., the most accommodating solution to redesigning the pond is to move only the last section of pipe as shown. Three feet of pond depth has been provided below the permanent pool. The elevations, of the pond are as follows: Top of pond: 45 Permanent Pool: - 42 Bottom 'of Pond: 39 (2) The forebay has been relocated due to the reconfiguration of, the pond. Refer to the drawings for the exact location. (3) The attached calculations have been stamped and signed. (4) The 'riser detail has been revised to provide a 2 inch orifice at elevation,42.8 to allow for release of the volume between the 42.74 and 44,0 elevations. This release has been designed based on a 2 day outflow. Any additional volume above elevation 44.0, will be'released by the emergency spillway. (5) The orifice sizing calculations have been corrected. The answer has been rounded down. Please refer to the calculations for details. 209 West Stone Avenue • Greenville, South Carolina 29609 • Telephone 864-233-5497 - Fax 864-233-8915 J Storm Water Calculations; Using the attached chart, the SD/DA ratio was calculated for the project. Using a 3 foot permanent pool and 42 percent impervious ratio, the ratio interpolated from the chart for the 90% TSS is 4,72. The required surface area for the pond is: (4.72 / 100) *(3,64 acres) = 0.172 acres or 7,482 sf The surface area provided at elevation 42.0 is 17,049 sf, 17,049 > 7,482 therefore o.k. ,.•` �H CA • SEA L 10565 O 00 9 ^^ " V •. "'.• P,•• '•••f •�l111000 \\ The forebay volume provided for the pond is 5,612 is NOT MORE. THAN 20% of the total volume in the pond. The 90% TSS chart was used, therefore a vegetative filter is not required. A 6:1 vegetated shelf has been provided below the permanent pool elevation. Above the permanent pool elevation the side slopes of the pond are 3:1. The basin length to width ratio for the pond is 3.3:1. The following calculations indicate the draw down time for the one inch runoff is 2 days. Total Area of Site: 3.64 acres Area of Impervious: 1.54 acres Percent Impervious: 42% Summary of Pond: Elevation -_ — Forebav Area (sf) Main Pond Area (sf) Total Area Volume (cf) 39 2,272 2,272 0 40 1,366 5,256 6,622 4,447 41 2,878 8,103 10,981 13,248 42 4,103 11,153 15,256 26,366 43 20,352 20,352 44,170 44 22,312 22,312 65,502 45 24,329 24,329 88,822 y Without the permanent pool volume Included the summary Is as follows: Elevation Foreba Area sf Main pond Area sf Total Area Volume cf 42 4,103 11,153 15,256 0 43 20,352 20,352 17,804 44 22,312 22,312 39,136 45 24,329 24,329 62,456 First Inch of Runoff: Total Area: 3,64 acres Runoff = 0 / 12)*(3.64 acres) = .303 ac-ft = 13,213 cf To release the runoff in 2 days, the allowable release is: 13,213 cf / 172,800 sec = 0.076 cfs 0 72,800 seconds in 2 day period) The required storage elevation for the first inch of runoff: Using the above chart for the total volume in the pond without permanent pool, interpolate and find elevation = 42.74 Determine the size of the orifice required at elevation 42.0 to release the first inch of runoff (0,076 cfs): Q = (.6)(A)[2*32.2*Hj'n 0.076 = (0.6)*(A)*[2*32.2*.74112 A = 0.018 sf Radius = 0.076 (0.91 inches) Use a 1.5 inch orifice Determine the size of the orifice required at elevation 42.8 to release the amount of volume between elevation 42.74 and 44.0. First determine the amount of water needing to be released by looking at the Pond Summary Table. Volume of water between elevation 42.74 and 44.0 is 25,923 cf. To release the runoff in 2 days, the allowable release is: 25,923 cf / 172,800 sec = 0,015 cfs { 172,800 seconds in 2 day period) Q = (.6)(A)[2*32.2*H112 0.015 = (0.6)*(A)*[2*32.2* 1.261 12 A = 0.028 sf Radius = 0,094 (1.13 inches) Use a 2.0 inch orifice at elevation 42.80 to act as a release for the water between elevation 42.74 and 44.0 TR-55 was used to determine the 50-year storm runoff = 24 cfs The overflow was designed to release the 24 cfs. The top of the pond, elevation 45.0, will be the top of the runoff storage. get the top of the riser at elevation 44.0 First determine the amount of runoff which is leaving via the 1.5 inch orifice: Head = 45-42.0 = 3 ft. Q = (.6)(A)[2*32.2*H],r2 Q = (0.6)*(0.018)*12*32.2*311/2 Q = 0.15 cfs The required amount of runoff to be released by the top of the weir is 24 cfs. (As shown in the above calculation, the amount of water being released by the 1.5 inch orifice is insignificant.) If the top of the weir is set at elevation 44.0 (Head = 1.0 ft), determine the size of the riser: Q = 3.27*(L)*(H)3`2 24 = 3.27*(L)*(1) L = 7.33 ft The length refers to the circumference of the riser. You need a 28 inch diameter riser, therefore use a 30 inch diameter riser. STORM WATER DETENTION CALCULATIONS Total Area of Site: 3.64 acres Area of Impervious: 1.54 acres Percent Impervious: 42% Summary of Pond: STORMWATER E C E I V E MAY 2 61998 D E M PROJ # Elevation Forebay Area (sf) Main Pond Area (sf) Total Area Volume (cf) 39 1,587 1,587 0 40 908 4,329 5,237 3,412 41 2,326 7,338 9.664 10,862 42 3,881 10,669 14,550 22,969 43 19,501 19,501 39,994 44 22,757 22,757 61,123 45 24,832 24,832 84,917 Without the permanent pool volume included the summary Is as follows: Elevation Forebay Area (sf) Main Pond Area (sf) Total Area _Volume (cf) 42 3881 10,669 14,550 0 43 19,501 19,501 17,025 44 22,757 22,757 38,154 45 24,832 24,832 61,948 First Inch of Runoff: Total Area: 3.64 acres Runoff = 0 /12)*(3,64 acres) = .303 ac-ft = 13,213 cf To release the runoff in 2 days, the allowable release is: 13,213 cf / 7,200 sec = 1.84 cfs (7,200 seconds in 2 day period) The required storage elevation for the first inch of runoff: Using the above chart for the total volume in the pond without permanent pool, interpolate and find elevation = 42,77 Determine the size of the orifice require at elevation 42,0 to release 1.84 cfs: Q = (.6)(A)[2*32.2*H112 1.84 = (0.6)*(A)*[2*32.2*.7711z A = 0,435 sf Radius = 0.373 ft (4.46 inches) Use a 9 inch orifice TR-55 was used to determine the 50-year storm runoff = 24 cfs The overflow was designed to release the 24 cfs. The top of the pond, elevation 45.0, will be the top of the runoff storage. Set the top of the riser at elevation 44.0 First determine the amount of runoff which is leaving via the 9 inch orifice: Head = 45-42.0 = 3 ft. Q = (.6)(A)[2*32.2*H]l1r2 Q = (0.6)*(0.349)*[2*32.2*3112 Q = 2.9 cfs The amount of runoff required to be released through the top of the weir = 24-3 = 21 cfs If the top of the weir is set at elevation 44.0 (Head = 1.0 ft), determine the size of the riser: Q = 3.27*(L)*(H)3)2 21 = 3.27*M*(1) L = 6.42 ft The length refers to the circumference of the riser, therefore use a 24 inch diameter riser. 11 RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER COMPUTATION Version 2.00 Project : ESA - JACKSONVILLE,NC User: ssp Date: 01-31-98 County : ONSLOW State: NC Checked: Date: Subtitle: POST DEVELOPED RUNOFF Subarea : POST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrologic Soil Group COVER DESCRIPTION A B C D Acres (CN) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLY DEVELOPED URBAN AREAS (Veg Estab.) Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) Poor condition; grass cover < 50% - .81(79) - - Impervious Areas Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways OTHER AGRICULTURAL LANDS Brush - brush, weed, grass mix fair Total Area (by Hydrologic Soil Group) - 1.54(98) - - - 0.77(56) - - 3.12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBAREA: POST TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA: 3.12 Acres WEIGHTED CURVE NUMBER: 83* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * - Generated for use by GRAPHIC method TIME OF CONCENTRATION AND TRAVEL TIME Version 2.00 Project : ESA - JACKSONVILLE,NC User: ssp Date: 01-31-98 County : ONSLOW State: NC Checked: Date: Subtitle: POST DEVELOPED RUNOFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flow Type 2 year Length Slope Surface n Area Wp Velocity Time rain (ft) (ft/ft) code (sq/ft). (ft) (ft/sec) (hr) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheet 5.0 160 .01 A 0.031 Open Channel 325 3.0 0.030 Time of Concentration = 0.06* --- Sheet Flow Surface Codes --- A Smooth Surface F Grass, Dense --- Shallow Concentrated --- B Fallow (No Res.) G Grass, Burmuda --- Surface Codes --- C Cultivated < 20 o Res. H Woods, Light P Paved D Cultivated > 20 a Res. I Woods, Dense U Unpaved E Grass -Range, Short J Range, Natural * - Generated for use by GRAPHIC method M. GRAPHICAL PEAK DISCHARGE METHOD Version 2.00 Project : ESA - JACKSONVILLE,NC User: ssp County : ONSLOW State: NC Checked: Subtitle: POST DEVELOPED RUNOFF Data: Drainage Area 3.12 * Acres Runoff Curve Number 83 * Time of Concentration: 0.06 * Hours Rainfall Type III Pond and Swamp Area NONE Storm' Number 1 2 3 4 Frequency (yrs) 2 10 50 100 24-Hr Rainfall (in) 5.0 7.0 9.0 10.0 Ia/P Ratio 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.04 Used 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Runoff (in) 3.17 5.03 6.94 7.90 Unit Peak Discharge 1.110 1.110 1.110 1.110 ( cf s/acre/in ) Pond and Swamp Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.0% Ponds Used Peak Discharge (cfs) ---------------------------------- 11 17 24 27 * -- Value(s) provided from TR-55 system routines Date: 01-31-98. Date: O Erosion Control Measures In order to reduce the amount of sediment leaving the site several erosion control measures will be taken. Slit fence will be installed around the perimeter of the site as shown on the plans. A stone construction entrance, 24' wide by 50' long, is installed at the main entrance to the site to help reduce the amount of sediment leaving the site via construction vehicles. The storm water retention facility will act as a sediment basin during construction. The outlet pipe for the pond is two feet above the bottom of the retention pond. This will allow for the sediment will settle out and only storm water to leave the site. Per the City of Jacksonville's direction, a series of ,"baffle -like" sections of silt fence will be constructed in the retention pond. This will also help to trap the sediment and prevent any sediment from leaving the pond via the storm drain pipe. Any sediment remaining in the pond at the end of construction will be cleaned out, allowing for the full depth of the pond to be utilized for storm water retention. Inlet protection will be installed around each of the proposed catch basins. Rip Rap aprons will be installed at the outlet side of the storm drain pipe as the pipe enters the detention pond and the existing ditch at the rear of the property. In addition, rip -rap will also be placed at the entrance to the drainage pipe for the retention basin. The rip -rap aprons were sized using the North Carolina Erosion Control Manual Figure 8.06a. Due to the low discharge values for the site, a minimum of 6 inch rip -rap size has been specified for the average size. In addition, a minimum apron length of 10 feet will be used at each outlet location. The rip -rap placed at the entrance of the outlet pipe for the retention pond uses a minimum of five feet of length, for this rip -rap is only to protect the surrounding slope. 3