HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110364 Ver 1_More Info Received_20120119© NORTH CAROLINA 15401 Weston Parkway N CONNECTICUT Suite J47 SELLS MASSACHUSETTS Cary NC 27513 NEW HAMPSHIRE Tel 919 678 0035 Transportation & Infrastructure NEWJERSEY Fax 919 678 0206 NEW YORK yyww wspsells corn PENNSYLVANIA SOUTH CAROLINA VIRGINIA January 12 2012 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1628 Attention Mr Danny Smith Raleigh Regional Office Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section �n V RE Honeycutt Creek Greenway Trail Longstreet Drive to Raven Ridge Road Honeycutt Creek [030401 27 20 1 WS IV NSW] Mine Creek [030402 27 33 14 C NSW] JAN 13 2012 Response to Review Comments D ,nq WSP SELLS No 07 4029 ��5 ]� NC DENR �Q U Raleigh Regional Office Dear Mr Smith N ] 9 2012 DENR WATER QUALITY WEnANDa AND STORMWATER BRANCH WSP SELLS has reviewed comments received from the Division of Water Quality on our application dated September 28 2011 This letter provides responses to those comments and follows a meeting with Laura Witherspoon on November 28 2011 It is my understanding as a result of that meeting that we had relief from the 30 day period for addressing the review comments We provide below our responses as we have already submitted some requested information in advance of this letter of response For convenience we provide the comment outlined in your November 2 2011 letter below with our response to the comment following in italics 1 Section C Table — Wetland Impacts a Is W4 a permanent or temporary impact? Column 2a indicates it is permanent while column 2f indicates it is a temporary impact W4 is a permanent impact Section C 2 Wetland Impacts (PCN page 6) has been revised accordingly b Assuming W4 is a permanent impact the total wetland impact in row 2g (0 0874 acre) of the table does not equal the total impacts when summing up Column 2f seem (sic) to total 0 1052 acre Section C 2 Wetland Impacts (PCN page 6) has been revised accordingly c The temporary clearing wetland impacts (0 0486 acre) permanent fill or pipe wetland impacts (0 0231 acre) and permanent boardwalk wetland impacts (0 0157 acre) in 2h also totals 01052 acre and does not equal 0 0874 acre as indicated in row 2g Section C 2 Wetland Impacts (PCN page 6) has been revised accordingly d Please revise and resubmit Table 2 so that is (sic) portrays more accurate information Wetland impacts in PCN Section C 2 and riparian buffer impacts in PCN Section C 6 and Mr Danny Smith Supervisor January 10 2012 Page 2 of 3 attached Table 2 have been corrected and five copies of the revised table accompany this letter of response 2 Section C Table 6 — Buffer Impacts a Have buffer determination (sic) been conducted by DWQ? If so please provide a copy of the buffer determination letter If not please contact DWQ to conduct buffer determinations If you are conceding that all streams depicted on the Soils Survey of Wake County and /or ISGS topographic map (1 24000)are subject to the buffer rules then please label both the Soil Survey and USGS map with the same stream numbers that were used in Table 1(attached to the PCN application) for reference Martin Richmond has conducted field determinations on the six soil mapped streams that Robert .1 Goldstein & Associates believes are not subject to buffers On Jan 10 he sent the following email to Gerald Pattern Gerald —1 ve reviewed and I m putting together the topo and soils maps right now If you have project overlays on topo (or soils map) let me know and we 11 use yours for concurrence in the meantime 111 put together what 1 can and get this issued asap Thanks for your patience with this Martin On January 10 Mr Pattern sent the project corridor and stream crossing numbers on Topo and Soil base maps to Mr Richmond Upon receipt of the maps etc from Mr Richmond we will forward them to you b When totaling the buffer impacts in Table 2 (included in the PCN application) they do nmot mntrh %A1hat ic nrtimIlu Imterl in the imnact table For exam ole *first number is indicated in table but when adding up the columns the numoers actually equal what is in the parenthesis Please explain discrepancies The discrepancies were due to mathematical rounding errors PCN Section C 6 (page 8) and attached Table 2 have been revised with the correct square feet numbers in parentheses above c Buffer impacts in Table 2 (included with the PCN application) slightly differ from those listed in 6f and 6g in the PCN application The discrepancies were due to mathematical rounding errors PCN Section C 6 (page 8) and attached Table 2 have been revised with the correct square feet numbers in parentheses above 3 Section D Zone 1* Perm Impacts Zone 1* Temp Impacts Zone 2* Perm Impacts Zone 2* Temp Impacts Perm vs Temp Imp 75 289 (75 290) 15 707 (15 705) 83 700 (83 702) 22 512 (22 513) Zone 1 vs Zone 2 90 996 (90 995) 106 213 (106 215) Total Buffer Impact 197 209 (197 210) *first number is indicated in table but when adding up the columns the numoers actually equal what is in the parenthesis Please explain discrepancies The discrepancies were due to mathematical rounding errors PCN Section C 6 (page 8) and attached Table 2 have been revised with the correct square feet numbers in parentheses above c Buffer impacts in Table 2 (included with the PCN application) slightly differ from those listed in 6f and 6g in the PCN application The discrepancies were due to mathematical rounding errors PCN Section C 6 (page 8) and attached Table 2 have been revised with the correct square feet numbers in parentheses above 3 Section D Mr Danny Smith Supervisor January 10 2012 Page 3 of 3 a Please explain why stream buffer and wetland mitigation is being proposed This activity does not require buffer mitigation nor does it meet the thresholds for stream and /or wetland mitigation You should contact the US Army Corps of Engineers to verify that mitigation is required for stream and wetland impacts James Shern at ACE advised us in Nov 10 that permanent stream and wetland impacts of Raleigh greenways will require mitigation Riparian buffer mitigation entries have been removed from the PCN 4 This office believes that the greenway in Zone 1 can be moved or reconfigured to avoid and minimize impacts to the riparian buffer The impacts to Zone 1 of the riparian buffer seem excessive based purely on the numbers but is not easily observable based on impact maps provided On November 28 2011 Lisa Potts of the City of Raleigh Parks and Recreation Department and the author met with Ms Lauren Witherspoon The purpose of the meeting was to review and discuss this specific comment We provided at that meeting supplemental plan sheets with aerial photography and reviewed each Zone 1 impact with Ms Witherspoon At the conclusion of this review Ms Witherspoon indicated that she was now satisfied that impacts to Zone 1 of the riparian buffer have been minimized 5 Please provide impact maps at 1 =50 scale Please note that of the impact maps provided Figures 2 5 were not included in the submittal Via an email transmission on December 14 2011 the author provided Ms Witherspoon with color coded plan sheets at 1 =50 scale depicting the impact in PDF Additionally and via the same a mail we also provided Figures 112 in PDF We understood Ms Witherspoon to imply that this submittal via e mail satisfied the requirement to submit hard cop13s of the impact maps and figures Please refer to a copy of the a mail transmission accompanying this letter In addition it appears Table 1 Potential Streams and Wetlands in the Honeycutt Creek Greenway Project Corridor may have been omitted from the original PCN submittal We provide five copies of Table 1 with this letter We appreciate the opportunity to reply to your review comments and believe that we have satisfactorily addressed each comment to your satisfaction If you need additional information or have other comments please do not hesitate to contact us Very Truly Yours WSP SELLS Ralph E Troutm P E Project Manager Enclosures cc Lisa Potts w /enclosures Lauren Witherspoon w/ enclosures Karen Higgins w /enclosures Gerald Pottern w /enclosures 11- 03,4 C Proposed Impacts Inventory 1 Impacts Summary la Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply) ® Wetlands ® Streams tributaries ® Buffers ® Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2 Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site then complete this question for each wetland area impacted 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps 404 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ —non 404 other) (acres) Temporary T W1 ❑ P ® T W GA Alluvial Hardwood ® Yes Corps Sta 67 +00 0 0203 T Land clearing ❑ No DWQ W2 ® P ❑ T W GA Alluvial Hardwood ® Yes ® Corps Sta 67 +00 0 0161 P Filled for Trail Alluvial Hardwood ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 [:]POT W GB Alluvial Hardwood ® Yes ® Corps Sta 68 +50 0 0060 T Land clearing ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 ®P ❑ T W GB Filled for Trail Alluvial Hardwood ® Yes ❑ No ® Corps Sta 68 +50 ❑ DWQ 0 0203 T W5 ® P ❑ T W GC Culvert 2 3 Ditch in Alluvial Hardwood Yes ® No ® Corps Sta 70 +70 ❑ DWQ 00011 P Alluvial Hardwood W6 ❑ P ® T W GF Hillside Seep ® Yes Z Corps Sta 166 +10 00019 T Land clearing Alluvial Hardwood ❑ No DWQ W7 P T ® ❑ W GF Hillside Seep ® Yes ® Corps Sta 166 +10 0 0008 P Boardwalk Alluvial Hardwood ❑ No ❑ DWQ W8 ❑ P ®T W GP Land clearing Alluvial Hardwood ® Yes ❑ No ® Corps Sta 175 +30 ❑ DWQ 0 0165 T W9 ®P ❑ T W GP Boardwalk Alluvial Hardwood ® Yes ❑ No ® Corps Sta 175 +30 ❑ DWQ 0 0087 P W10 ❑ P ®T W GQ Alluvial Scrub ❑ Yes ® Corps Sta 201+70 0 0039 T Land clearing Under Powerlme ® No ❑ DWQ W11 ®P ❑ T W GQ Alluvial Scrub ❑ Yes ® Corps Sta 201 +70 0 0034 P Wmgwall +Riprap Under Powerlme ® No ❑ DWQ W12 ®P ❑ T W GN Boardwalk Alluvial Hardwood ® Yes ❑ No ® Corps Sta 308 +90 ❑ DWQ 0 0017 P W13 ®P ❑ T W GM 15 20 Boardwalk Alluvial Hardwood ® Yes ❑ No ® Corps Sta 329 +70 ❑ DWQ 0 0015 P W14 ®P ❑ T W GM 6 102 Boardwalk Alluvial Hardwood ® Yes ❑ No ® Corps Sta 331 +70 ❑ DWQ 0 0030 P 2g Total wetland impacts 0 1052 T +P 2h Comments Temporary Clearing Wetland Impacts = 0 0486 acre Permanent Fill or Pipe Wetland Impacts = 0 0409 acre Permanent Boardwalk Wetland Impacts = 0 0157 acre Total permanent impact = 0 0566 acre >> See attached Table 1 for sequential listing of all wetlands streams ephemeral channels and open water crossings in the project corridor from south to north 3 Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site then complete this question for all stream sites impacted 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 3g Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number Permanent (P) or Temporary (T) (PER) or intermittent (INT)? (Corps 404 10 DWQ non 404) stream width (feet) length (linear feet) S8 ®P ❑ T Culvert Sta 67 +50 Mine Cr trib Alluvial Hardwood ❑ Per ® Int ® Corps ❑ DWQ 40 265 S8 ® P ❑ T RipRap Sta 67 +50 Mine Cr trib Alluvial Hardwood ❑ Per ® Int ® Corps ❑ DWQ 40 185 S26 ® P ❑ T Headwall St 201 +70 Honeycutt Cr trib Alluvial Hardwood ® Per ❑ Int ® Corps ❑ DWQ 40 20 S26 ® P ❑ T RipRap Sta 201 +70 Honeycutt Cr trib Alluvial Hardwood ® Per ❑ Int ® Corps ❑ DWQ 40 65 S28 ® P ❑ T Culvert Sta 238 +70 Honeycutt Cr trib Alluvial Hardwood ❑Per ®Int ®Corps ❑DWQ 50 560 S28 ® P ❑ T RipRap Sta 238 +70 Honeycutt Cr trib Alluvial Hardwood ❑ per ® Int ® Corps ❑ DWQ 50 310 S29 ® P ❑ T Culvert Sta 238 +70 Honeycutt Cr trib Alluvial Hardwood ® Per ❑ Int ® Corps ❑ DWQ 50 180 S29 ®P T ❑ RipRap Sta 238 +70 p p Honeycutt Cr trib Alluvial Hardwood ® Per ❑ Int ®Corps DWQ 5 0 4 0 3h Total stream and tributary impacts Total Piped =102 5 ft RipRap lined = 60 ft 162 5 ft 31 Comments Bridge or boardwalk crossings proposed on Perennial or Intermittent streams at S5 S6 S12 S14 S22 S23 S24 S25a b S31 S32 S33 S34 S39 S40 Foundations will be outside OHWM thus No stream impact at these 15 crossings >> See attached Table 1 for sequential listing of all wetlands streams ephemeral channels and open water crossings in the protect corridor 4 Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes ponds estuaries tributaries sounds the Atlantic Ocean or any other open water of the U S then individually list all open water impacts below 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e Open water Name of waterbody impact number— (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or Temporary T 01 ❑ POT Bent Tree Pond Replace existing wooden bridge Pond Sta 172 +25 0 0037 T 02 [—]POT 03 ❑P ❑T 4f Total open water impacts 0 0037 acre 4g Comments Boardwalk/bridge footings will be installed on uplands beyond normal pool in approximately the same location as the existing bridge no footings or other fill in waters This impact is considered temporary 5 Pond or Lake Construction NA If pond or lake construction proposed then complete the chart below PCN Version 3 1 Dec 2008 D Impact Justification and Mitigation 1 Avoidance and Minimization 1a Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project RJG &A delineated and mapped all streams and wetlands along the project corridor and consulted with City greenway planners and WSP Sells engineers during design to avoid and minimize wetland stream and buffer impacts wherever practicable Existing development and steep slopes pose tight constraints along much of the stream side corridor segments where riparian buffer impacts are unavoidable especially from Newton Rd to Honeycutt Park Between Newton Rd and Clear Brook Rd an existing cleared sewerline right of way will be used for some segments rather than clearing a new corridor through forested land farther from the stream Trail alignments in these areas were selected on a site by site basis considering proximity of the sewer to the stream bank stream bank stability riparian forest habitat quality adjacent wetlands availability of land beyond the zone 1 buffer connectivity with streets schools and parks and other site specific decision criteria The majority of the proposed 22 stream and 11 wetland crossings will use boardwalks or bridges (Type 1 Traditional Greenways and Type 3 Natural Trails) or existing sidewalks (Type 2 Wayfinding Segments) to avoid and minimize impacts There are only four areas where permanent fill or piping in wetlands is needed (total = 0 0409 acre) and four stream segments that require a permanent culvert and/or riprap (impacts ranging from 8 5 to 56 lm ft total = 1315 ft) based on the design engineer s determinations See also the attached Discussion of Unavoidable Impacts and Alternatives to Riparian Buffer Encroachment for site specific explanations of efforts to minimize Neuse Buffer impacts 1 b Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques Measures to avoid and minimize impacts to wetlands streams and buffers during construction include minimize clearing widths using existing cleared lands and sewerlme rights of way for access and staging areas keeping equipment and stocked materials on the off stream side of the construction corridors and using modular or stick built bridges to minimize the size of vehicles needed in remote forested areas See also section B 3 e above for detailed discussion of construction methods and sequence 2 Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U S or Waters of the State a Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U S or Waters of the State? ® Yes ❑ No 2b If yes mitigation is required by (check all that apply) ❑ DWQ ® Corps c If yes which mitigation option will be used for this project? ❑ Mitigation bank ® Payment to in lieu fee program ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3 Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank NA 3a Name of Mitigation Bank 3b Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Fype Quantity 3c Comments 4 Complete if Making a Payment to In lieu Fee Program a Approval letter from in lieu fee program is attached ❑ (pending) b Stream mitigation requested 103 linear feet c If using stream mitigation stream temperature ®warm E] cool ❑cold d Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only) e Riparian wetland mitigation requested 0 0409 acres f Non riparian wetland mitigation requested acres g Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested acres FUN Version 3 1 Dec 2008 6 Buffer Impacts (for DWO) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer then complete the chart below If yes then individually list all buffer impacts below If any impacts require mitigation then you MUST fill out Section D of this form 6a Project is in which protected basin? ® Neuse ❑ Tar Pamlico ❑ Other ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b Buffer impact 6c 6d 6e 6f 6g # Permanent (P) Buffer mitigation Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact or Temporary (T) Reason for impact Stream name required? (square feet) (square feet) Mine Cr + Honeycutt Cr 131 ❑ P ID T Temporary Clearing * *Total all segments ❑ Yes ® No 15 705 22 513 Alluvial Hardwood 132 ®P ❑ T Permanent Trail Mine Cr + Honeycutt Cr Alluvial Hardwood ❑ Yes ® No 75 290 83 702 or Boardwalk Alluvial Hardwood B3 ❑P ❑Yes [—]No B4 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes [:]No 6h Total buffer impacts 90 995 sq ft 106 215 sq ft 61 Comments * *There are 117 Zone 1 or Zone 2 Riparian Buffer impact areas each with Temporary and Permanent impact measurements See attached Table 2 for sequential listing of each riparian buffer impact in the protect corridor from south to north by zone and temporary vs permanent impact See also the attached Discussion of Unavoidable Impacts and Alternatives to Riparian Buffer Encroachment for site specific explanations of efforts to minimize Neuse Buffer impacts D Impact Justification and Mitigation 1 Avoidance and Minimization 1 a Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project RJG &A delineated and mapped all streams and wetlands along the project corridor and consulted with City greenway planners and WSP Sells engineers during design to avoid and minimize wetland stream and buffer impacts wherever practicable Existing development and steep slopes pose tight constraints along much of the stream side corridor segments where riparian buffer impacts are unavoidable especially from Newton Rd to Honeycutt Park Between Newton Rd and Clear Brook Rd an existing cleared sewerline right of way will be used for some segments rather than clearing a new corridor through forested land farther from the stream Trail alignments in these areas were selected on a site by site basis considering proximity of the sewer to the stream bank stream bank stability riparian forest habitat quality adjacent wetlands availability of land beyond the zone 1 buffer connectivity with streets schools and parks and other site specific decision criteria The majority of the proposed 22 stream and 11 wetland crossings will use boardwalks or bridges (Type 1 Traditional Greenways and Type 3 Natural Trails) or existing sidewalks (Type 2 Wayfinding Segments) to avoid and minimize impacts There are only four areas where permanent fill or piping in wetlands is needed (total = 0 0409 acre) and four stream segments that require a permanent culvert and/or riprap (impacts ranging from 8 5 to 56 lin ft total = 1315 ft) based on the design engineer s determinations See also the attached Discussion of Unavoidable Impacts and Alternatives to Riparian Buffer Encroachment for site specific explanations of efforts to minimize Neuse Buffer impacts 1 b Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques Measures to avoid and minimize impacts to wetlands streams and buffers during construction include minimize clearing widths using existing cleared lands and sewerline rights of way for access and staging areas keeping equipment and stocked materials on the off stream side of the construction corridors and using modular or stick built bridges to minimize the size of vehicles needed in remote forested areas See also section B 3 e above for detailed discussion of construction methods and sequence C sz z 4 Q o C n I l Table 2 Honeycutt Greenway Riparian Buffer Impacts by Buffer Zone and Temporary vs Permanent Impacts Buffer Impact # Zone 1 Impacts Zone 2 Impacts Figure # Trail Type Stream Name Perm Impact Temp Impact Perm Impact Temp Impact 1 3 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 1213 211 2 3 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 27521 117 3 3 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 445 123 4 3 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 6 308 579 5 3 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 10 230 1623 6 3 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 2 736 2037 7 3 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 692 0 8 3 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 579 47 9 3 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 464 116 10 3 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 471 94 11 3 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 608 254 12 3 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 628 0 13 3 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 3 417 3 290 14 3 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 3 320 573 15 3 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 5 989 702 16 4 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 15 456 2081 17 4 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 74 88 18 4 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 467 217 1 19 4 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 943 349 120 4 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 8202 1265 121 4 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 3 640 714 ,l 122 4 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 2 307 314 23 4 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 303 140 24 4 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 3 141 586 r l25 4 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 105 145 X26 4 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 2 324 486 FUt27 4 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 437 128 --- O 5 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 162 82 7- . 29 5 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 6051 0 30 5 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 639 0 31 5 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 11941 194 32 5 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 1018 965 33 5 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 1 184 103 34 5 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 252 74 35 5 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 1456 1041 36 5 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 123 69 37 5 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 915 0 38 5 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 847 714 39 5 10 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 5781 85 40 1 5 110 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 1745 160 41 1 5 110 ft Paved Trail Mine Creek 190 89 Table 2 Honeycutt Greenway Riparian Buffer Impacts by Buffer Zone and Temporary vs Permanent Impacts Buffer Impact # Zone 1 Impacts Zone 2 Impacts Figure # Trail Type Stream Name Perm Impact Temp Impact Perm Impact Temp Impact 42 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 1821 421 43 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 849 202 44 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 3 732 0 45 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 668 0 46 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 2 767 0 47 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 958 0 48 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 3 356 0 49 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 1388 211 50 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 2 457 362 51 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 1478 26 52 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 925 229 53 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 13091 266 54 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 1 663 1 276 55 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 630 0 56 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 1 121 0 57 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 1307 0 58 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 1397 0 59 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 533 0 60 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 486 0 61 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 666 0 62 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 843 0 63 6 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 706 0 64 7 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 911 0 65 7 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 1720 0 66 7 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 598 38 67 7 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 401 0 68 7 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 756 134 69 7 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 652 114 70 7 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 792 165 71 7 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 1756 226 72 7 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 1 126 109 73 7 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 2 246 286 74 7 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 68 91 75 8 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 3591 90 76 8 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 2 419 397 77 8 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 62 74 78A 8 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 617 88 78B 8 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 972 126 78C 8 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr 794 130 78D 8 10 ft Paved Trail Honeycutt Cr I 407 82 10 ft Paved Trail Buffer Impacts 178 75818 85054 Table 2 Honeycutt Greenway Riparian Buffer Impacts by Buffer Zone and Temporary vs Permanent Impacts Buffer Impact # Zone 1 Impacts Zone 2 Impacts Figure # Trail Type Stream Name Perm Impact Temp Impact Perm Impact Temp Impact 79 9 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 1443 928 80 9 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 826 541 81 9 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 838 685 82 9 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 1825 1111 83 9 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 431 394 84 9 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 545 367 85 9 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 1204 792 86 9 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 4 87 9 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 601 400 88 9 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 182 122 157 130 89 9 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 237 155 90 9 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 35 60 91 9 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 11501 659 92 9 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 756 507 93 9 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 23 94 10 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 3615 2096 95 10 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 180 328 96 10 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 487 325 97 10 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 442 95 98 10 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 496 16 99 10 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 438 10 100 10 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 376 24 101 10 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 2161 237 102 10 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 1526 924 103 10 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 1184 731 104 10 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 219 150 105 10 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 580 388 106 10 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 11111 265 107 10 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 491 0 108 10 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 61 420 109 10 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 323 0 110 11 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 46 48 111 11 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 206 48 112 11 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 170 50 113 11 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 42 42 114 12 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 45 47 115 12 1 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 267 23 116 12 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 324 32 117 12 6 ft Dirt Trail Honeycutt Cr 421 43 6 ft Dirt Trail Buffer Impacts 79 117 15178 21159 Table 2 Honeycutt Greenway Riparian Buffer Impacts by Buffer Zone and Temporary vs Permanent Impacts Buffer Impact # Zone 1 Impacts Zone 2 Impacts Figure # Trail Type Stream Name Perm Impact Temp Impact Perm Impact Temp Impact Perm vs Temp Imp 75 290 15 705 83 702 22 513 Zone 1 vs 2 Impact 90 995 106 215 Total Buffer Impact 197 210 Troutman Ralph From Troutman Ralph Sent Wednesday December 14 20114 33 PM To Witherspoon Lauren Subject Color Coded Plan Sheet with Impacts Honeycutt Creek Greenway Attachments G Figs 1 12 Buffer Stream Wetland Maps July 11 pdf Impacts of Plan Sheets 12 24 2011 pdf Lauren here are Figures 1 12 of the PCN for Honeycutt Creek Greenway along with impact areas plotted on the construction plan sheets I will make a thorough response to your letter of comments after I return from Christmas vacation From Witherspoon, Lauren [mailto lauren wtherspoon @ncdenr gov] Sent Monday, December 12, 20113 08 PM To Troutman, Ralph Subject RE Color Coded Plan Sheet with Impacts, Honeycutt Creek Greenway Ralph, They look good Sorry I didn t get back with you Friday I looked for you Friday but that room was packed Enjoy you time off Lauren From Troutman, Ralph [ralph troutman @wspsells com] Sent Monday, December 12, 2011 10 59 AM To Witherspoon, Lauren Subject RE Color Coded Plan Sheet with Impacts, Honeycutt Creek Greenway 'EDVAN 1 3 2012 NC DENR Raleigh Regional Office Lauren I enjoyed your talk Friday morning at the seminar Very informative as were the other presenters Just a reminder if I may to look at the colored 50 scale impact plan sheet we submitted last Thursday I am planning to take off the two weeks of Christmas and would like to get to you what you need before I leave Thanks From Witherspoon, Lauren [mailto lauren wtherspoon @ncdenr gov] Sent Thursday December 08, 20114 45 PM To Troutman, Ralph Cc Lisa Potts @raleighnc gov gpottern @rJgacarolina com Subject RE Color Coded Plan Sheet with Impacts, Honeycutt Creek Greenway I will try to look it over tomorrow and let you know what I think I am glad you emailed because I remembered that we never discussed (during our meeting) the need for you all to have buffer determinations for those streams that are depicted on the Soil Survey and /or USGS topo map but that Gerald determined not to be streams I mentioned it in an email awhile back and didn t want that to slip through the cracks Thanks Lauren 1 From Troutman, Ralph [mailto ralph toutman@wspsells com] Sent Thursday, December 08, 20112 57 PM To Witherspoon, Lauren Cc Lisa Potts @raleighnc gov, gpottern @ggacarolina com Subject Color Coded Plan Sheet with Impacts, Honeycutt Creek Greenway Lauren good afternoon and thank you for meeting with Lisa Potts and me on November 28 to discuss the City of Raleigh s Honeycutt Creek Greenway As promised I am sending you plan sheet C7 2 showing the greenway with buffer impacts We have endeavored to color code the impacts the same as they appear in our original PCN submittal although it does appear that my ignorance of AutoCAD does prevail in a couple of instances Nevertheless we hope this is what you are looking for to correlate the buffer impacts with the construction drawings Note that we have intentionally omitted some information such as topography hoping that this will allow you to focus better on the impacts Please look this over If you are satisfied with this please let me know and we will prepare the remainder of the construction plan sheet with impacts in like manner Looking forward to your presentation in the morning Ralph E Troutman P E WSP SELLS office 919 678 0035 cell 919 -422 5297 2 Table 1 Potential Streams and Wetlands in the Honeycutt Creek Greenway Protect Corridor Stream or Approx Decimal Soil or Stream Neuse ACE Junsdic Stream or Wetland Proposed Stream or Wetland 4 Station Lat +Lon Topo Map ID Score Buffer or DWQ Description Wetland Impacts Numbr Stream Isolated 9 IS Mine Creek Watershed Paved Trail Longstreet Drive north to Strickland Road 1 15 +60 35 8746 Soil Eph 3 5 No* None Dry s S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 W GA flag 1 12 S8 W GB flag 1 16 S9 W GC flag 1 3 S10 S 11 S12 S 13A S 13B S14 S15 S 16 786457 25 +60 358769 Soil + Topo Per 52 0 Yes 786457 39 +00 358789 Soil + Topo Per 45 5 Yes 786442 58 +30 35 8807 Soil Eph 7 0 NO 786421 61 +50 35 8815 Soil + Topo Per 47 0 Yes 786421 63 +00 358820 Soil + Topo Per 47 0 Yes 786420 east of 35 8820 neither Eph 10 0 No 63 +50 786418 67 +00 358829 786415 67 +50 35 8830 Soil Int 24 5 Yes 786415 68 +50 358832 to 70 +00 786413 70 +50 35 8838 Soil + Topo Eph 12 5 No* 786413 70 +70 35 8839 786413 83 +40 35 8863 neither Eph 115 No 786387 85 +80 35 8870 neither Eph 10 0 No 786388 93 +20 35 8884 Soil + Topo Per 48 0 Yes 786376 93 +80 358886 neither Eph 14 5 No 786375 97 +25 358891 neither Eph 17 5 No 786367 99 +50 35 8892 Soil Per 34 0 Yes 786359 119 +10 358910 Soil Int Per Yes 786361 290 128 +70 35 8930 Soil Eph 0 No* 1786362 wale New sidewalk on channel indistinct Longstreet Dr ACE 404 401 20 25 stream Exist sidewalk on bedr cobl sand Six Forks Rd ACE 404 401 15 20 stream Exist sidewalk on sand grav Newton Rd None riprap lined Culvert 3 pipe 18 stormwater ditch HDPE 18 2 ft ACE 404 401 15 20 stream Bridge no perm sand grav cobl stream impact ACE 404 401 15 20 stream Bridge no perm sand grav cobl stream impact None 2 non wetland Avoid No Impact floodplam ditch ACE 404 401 bottomland WI temp = 885 sq ft hardwood forest W2 perm = 701 sq ft ACE 404 401 3 5 sandy stream Culvt 3 pipe 24 at wetland edge HDPE +rock 45 ft ACE 404 401 bottomland W3 temp = 261 sq ft hardwood forest W4 perm = 111 sq ft None 2 3 non wetland Culvert 4 pipe 16 floodplam ditch HDPE 29 2 ft ACE 404 401 2 3 wetl ditch in W5 perm = 49 sq ft bottomland HW HDPE Culvert 15 None 2 3 non wetland Culvert I pipe 48 ditch / swale HDPE 32 7 ft None 2 3 non wetland Culvert 1 pipe 16 ditch / swale HDPE 216 ft ACE 404 401 6 12 stream sand Bridge no perm cobl bedr stream impact None 2 non wetld swale Boardwalk no perm stream impact None 2 3 non wetld Culvert 1 pipe 24 swale HDPE 19 8 ft ACE 404 401 5 8 stream sand Boardwalk no perm silt cobl bedr stream impact ACE 404 401 5 8 stream sand Exist sidewalk on silt cobl bedr Mourning Dove None No channel Exist sidewalk on buried/piped Running Cedar Stream or Approx Decimal Soil or Stream Neuse ACE Junsdic Stream or Wetland Proposed Stream or Wetland # Station Lat +Lon Topo Map ID Score Buffer or DWQ Description Wetland Impacts Numbr Stream I Isolated Honeycutt Creek Watershed Paved Trail Strickland Road north to Durant Road S20 161 +50 35 8985 to 168 786312 W GF 166 +10 358985 flag 1 3 786313 W GG 167 to 358990 flag 1 15 168 +50 786308 Bent Tree 172 +25 359000 Pond 786308 S 21 dnst west of 359003 spillway 174 +00 786305 S22 174 +50 359004 786305 W GP 175 +30 359005 flag 1 7 786304 S23 176 +20 359008 786310 W GH south of 359012 flag 1 10 179 +50 786319 S24 180 +70 359016 786320 W GJ flag west of 359017 1 5 50 54 181 +50 786322 Soil I Per 39 5 1 Yes Soil + Topo Open Yes Pond Soil + Topo Int 28 0 1 Yes Soil + Topo I Per 42 5 1 Yes Soil + Topo I Per 49 0 1 Yes Soil + Topo I Per 46 5 1 Yes ( Existing I 540 Greenway Tunnel = Sta 181 +86 to 190 +00 ) S 25A 190 +30 359023 Soil Int 22 5 Yes 786312 S 25B 191 +35 359024 Soil + Topo Per 45 5 Yes 786310 S26 201 +70 359014 Soil Per 35 5 Yes 786288 W GQ 201 +70 359014 flag 1 18 786288 W GK flag north of 359010 1 12 2024 209 +00 786274 S27 209 +20 359010 Soil Eph 0 No* 786274 S28 238 +70 359085 Soil + Topo Int 25 0 Yes 786210 S29 251 +70 359117 Soil Per 40 0 Yes 786216 ACE 404 401 4 6 stream sand No crossing Just cobl bedr buffer impact ACE 404 401 forested 3 linear W6 temp = 84 sq ft seep wetland W7 perm = 36 sq ft ACE 404 401 marsh at head of Avoid No Impact Bent Tree Pond culvt out Perm 8 5 ft ACE 404 401 open water pond Replace bridge no above spillway perm water impact ACE 404 401 3 5 stream bedr No crossing Just cobl sand buffer impact ACE 404 401 4 6 stream sand Boardwalk no perm grav cobl stream impact DWQ isolated forested wetland W8 temp = 720 sq ft depression W9 perm = 380 sq ft ACE 404 401 4 6 stream sand Boardwalk no perm grav cobl stream impact ACE 404 401 forested wetland Avoid No Impact seep + depression ACE 404 401 6 9 stream sand Boardwalk no perm grav cobl stream impact ACE 404 401 forested wetland Avoid No impact seep + depression ACE 404 401 1 2 stream sand Boardwalk no perm cobl stream impact ACE 404 401 5 8 stream sand Boardwalk no perm grav cob] stream impact ACE 404 401 3 5 stream enters Wmgwall + riprap at marsh below culvt culvt out Perm 8 5 ft ACE 404 401 Marsh/scrub W10 temp = 171 sq ft adjacent to S 26 W1 I perm = 148 sq ft ACE 404 401 Headwater seep Avoid No impact marsh/ scrub None Dry swale No structure at channel indistinct crossing ACE 404 401 3 5 stream bedr 1 pipe 48 RCP + sand grav rock Perm = 56 0 ft ACE 404 401 4 5 stream sand 1 pipe 48 RCP + grav cobl rock Perm = 22 0 ft Stream or Approx Decimal Soil or Stream Neuse ACE Jurisdic Stream or Wetland Proposed Stream or Wetland # Station Lat +Lon Topo Map ID Score Buffer or DWQ Description Wetland Impacts Numbr Stream Isolated 9 Honeycutt Creek Watershed Dirt Trail Durant Road north to Raven Ridge Road S30 264 +90 359133 neither Eph 17 5 No None 2 3 non wetld No structure at 786211 swale crossing W GL 268 +50 359139 ACE 404 401 forested 6 linear No structure at flag 1 7 786206 seep wetland crossing S31 277 +20 359159 Soil Per 39 5 Yes ACE 404 401 4 5 stream sand Boardwalk no perm 786192 grav bedr stream impact S32 289 +50 35 9188 Soil + Topo Per 515 Yes ACE 404 401 12 18 stream Boardwalk no perm 786177 sand grav cobl stream impact S33 301 +00 359209 Soil + Topo Per 515 Yes ACE 404 401 12 18 stream Boardwalk no perm 786153 sand grav cobl stream impact S34 308 +70 359216 Soil Per 34 0 Yes ACE 404 401 3 5 stream sand Boardwalk no perm 786139 grav cobl stream impact W GN 308 +90 359217 ACE 404 401 Forested alluvial W12 perm = 72 sq ft flag 1 7 786138 wetland Boardwalk S35 311 +20 359220 Soil Eph 6 0 No* None Dry swale in No structure at 786133 ravine crossing S 36 318 +35 359233 neither Eph 9 0 No None Dry swale in No structure at 786119 ravine crossing S37 324 +50 359237 neither Eph 10 0 No None Dry swale in No structure at 786099 ravine crossing S 38 &� 329 +70 359236 neither Eph 18 0 No ACE 404 401 10 mucky stream/ W13 perm = 66 sq ft W GM 786085 (wetland) wetland complex No stream impact flag 15 20 Boardwalk S39 330 +80 359237 neither Int 20 0 No ACE 404 401 2 3 stream sand Boardwalk no perm 786083 grav cobl stream impact S 40 & 331 +70 359239 Soil Int 28 5 Yes ACE 404 401 10 mucky stream/ W14 perm = 132 sq ft W GM 786081 (wetland) wetland complex No stream impact flag 6 102 Boardwalk S 41 342 +50 359266 neither Eph 13 0 No None Dry swale in No structure at 786071 ravine crossing Streams This table includes all channels shown as streams on USGS Quads or USDA Soil Survey maps plus other channels not mapped by USGS or USDA for which RJG &A completed a stream rating form and all wetlands found during RJG &A field surveys in or adjacent to the project corridor * See Table in PCN Form for detailed Temporary Permanent and Total stream & wetland impacts Neuse Buffer "No *" = Channel is ephemeral piped or not present (RJG &A field determination) but is shown on USDA soil survey map and DWQ must confirm that Neuse Buffer Rule does not apply