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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000453_Indain Trail_Moritz Training Certificate_20200805North Carolina State University is a land- Department of Biological and grant university and a constituent institution Agricultural Engineering of The University of North Carolina Box 7625 Raleigh, NC 27695-7625 919.515.2675 919.515.6772 (fax) Hello, Congratulations on passing the Stormwater SCM Inspection & Maintenance Certification exam. Enclosed are your certificate and inspection card with your certification number and expiration date. Now that you are certified, your certification number, name, company, email address, test location, certification date, and expiration date are all listed online on the Certified Professionals List. This information can be found by visiting the Stormwater SCM Inspection & Maintenance website: https:[Zwww.bae.ncsu.eduZworkshops-conferencesZstormwater-bmpZ#CertList,Storm. Please keep this website handy as you will need it to look up your certification information as well as re ister"for the Update date re-Certifl`cation g p ( '— j courses to keep your certification in good Stan ink— The Update course registration requires that you input your certification number in order to complete your registration. Your certification lasts for up to (3) three years (the remaining portion of the year in which you take your exam plus the following two years). Those that take the course and exam October - December will receive 3 full years. All certifications expire on December 31st of the given third year. To continue to remain in good standing with your certification beyond the original three years, certified professionals must attend Update (re -recertification) courses prior to the expiration date. Those who allow their certification to lapse (expire) may also take the re -certification course to come back into good standing as long as the certification has lapsed within two years of expiration. Participants whose certifications have lapsed over two years past the date of expiration must retake the full certification class and exam again to come back into good standing. NOTE: The workshop and conference coordinators do not have the manpower nor the software to send you notifications or emails when your certification is about to expire. Please be responsible and make the necessary reminder arrangements yourself to keep your certification active. No concessions will be made, especially at the end each year, for those who were not responsible enough to manage their own certification. We are only able to offer this workshop a limited number of times a year, across the state, and each workshop has a limited number of seats available. Again, please plan accordingly to maintain an active and valid certification. Again, congratulations and we look forward to seeing you again at our Update course in three years. If you have any questions or concerns, please visit https:Z(www.bae.ncsu.eduLworkshops- conferencesh to see the contact information for current workshop and conference coordinators. Brittany San ore Lead Workshop and Conferences Coordinator brittanv 919-515-6780 * d "I S -0fD U rD pv= v0 (GD 'O D_ -O fD O < * !D rD ( D 0 Z O a d n v a 0 ID r+ p Q (D or �m � rt of o, h �- D n W s O rQ o • L CD M rr 0 < (/ / n p • D a(� � Z ;z--, (D p � rn �'�C) o CA)c �p — r '^ VJ • (n p_ (D Di CD �+ • rD < �- o CD O C H < 6 a) �= � C7 C ZFT ��rD �. o O -. as Z p ,per � \ fD ca CD CL CD O m rl- x ' co (DrD r-1- :1 o m `v d= DG N , rD `� m CD11 � o N D U.J O ►�, N 0 c tO * z ti - -h � m � p � (D �� N o o p o rD 0 O