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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000453_Indian Trail_September 2019 Newsletter_202008057eFi"m:Flis:mir: Work Begins on Chestnut Parkway Artificial Turf Field Exciting changes are coming to the Chestnut Square Sports Facility! Work has begun on the new Chestnut Parkway Artificial Turf Field. Thanks to a $25o,000 NFL Grassroots Grant and the support of the Carolina Panthers Organization, this long -planned project is now quickly becoming a reality. Indian Trail was the only municipality in the metropolitan area to receive this prestigious grant, which helps to partially fund the project. The field will replace the current multi -use field. The artificial turf, which will display the Panthers' logo, will allow the field to be used in all seasons for football, soccer and lacrosse. It will also allow the Town to host more tournaments and events, bringing visitors to Indian Trail from across the region. Residents are invited to join the Town for a ribbon cutting ceremony for the field on Oct. 21 at 7 p.m. Carolina Panthers' owner David Tepper, as well as several of the Panthers' players and cheerleaders will be on hand to celebrate the grand opening of the field. The North Carolina Special Olympics will be the first major event held on the field the weekend of Nov. z and 3. The artificial turf field is another step in the Downtown revitalization, which includes plans for residential (multi -family) and retail developments, as well as a hotel. The Mecklenburg Swim Association is also in the process of constructing a state-of-the-art Olympic swimming pool facility on Chestnut Parkway, which is scheduled to open this fall. "This is an exciting time for growth in Indian Trail ," said Patrick Sadek, town manager. "The vision we had for Downtown is taking shape, thanks in large part to the NFL and Carolina Panthers for their contribution to the artificial turf project. We look forward to the continued development of both Uptown and Downtown, as we work to make Indian Trail a top destination in the greater Charlotte metropolitan area." Support the Veterans Memorial Garden The Town of Indian Trail Veterans Memorial Garden officially opened on Memorial Day, 2019. The Memorial includes seating areas, educational materials, a POW - MIA monument and flags representing every branch of the Armed Forces. The project was designed by Indian Trail staff with input from the community and was constructed by both private contractors and the Indian Trail Public Works Department. Make a Donation! While construction may be complete, community members are able to continue supporting the project and honor a loved one by purchasing an engraving of the name, date of service and branch of service of a veteran. Engravings can be dedicated to current military members or those who have completed their service. Engraving donations start at $too, with all funds raised through the purchase supporting the Memorial. To purchase an engraving, or if you would like to make a donation, please call Town Hall at 704.821.5401. Indian Trail Capital Improvement Program Indian Trail has more than Zo projects in its Capital Improvement Program (CIP). These projects will help maintain or improve infrastructure throughout the Town over the next several years. The chart below lists the projects, their estimated costs and timeline for completion. Projects with an end date of July 1, zozo, are continual and do not yet have a solidified end date. The July 1 date is given for budgetary purposes. All other projects have a projected end date already set. The project schedule is regularly updated and can be found on the Town's website at under the Engineering section of the Government tab. FY 19120 Capital Improvement Program Project Total Cost of Project Start Date/Phase Targeted Completion Date Monroe Road Widening $46,600,00o RE Acquisition Phase December 2025 Sardis/U-IT Roundabout $3,202,825 Utility Relocation Phase Aug. 21, zozo Independence BV. Superstreet $9,500,000 Construction Phase Nov. 30, 2019 Chestnut Parkway Phase I11 $3,629,054 Design Phase June 30, 2025 Chestnut Parkway Phase I $86,i45 RE Acquisition Phase June 30, 2022 Indian Trail Complete Street $3,972,419 Design Phase Jan. 1, 2021 Resurfacing FY19/20 $1,239,369 Construction Phase Oct. 31, 2019 Pavement Marking $15,000 Complete July 30, 2019 Pavement Marker $15,000 Complete July 26, 2019 Pavement Patching $187,900 Complete Aug. 9, 2019 Crack Pouring $30,000 Complete Aug. 9, 2019 Town Hall Parking Lot $300,000 Complete Aug. 30, 2019 Gribble Roundabout $1,518,270 Planning Phase June 30, zozz Regulatory Signage $3,098 Construction Phase July 1, zozo Rogers Road Improvements $3907000 Design Phase Dec. 30, zozo Bridge Maintenance $6i,968 Construction Phase July 1, zozo Chestnut Park Artificial Turf $800,00o Construction Phase Oct. 7, 2019 Crooked Creek Park Phase 11 $i,950,000 Design Phase December zozo Highway 74 Multi -Use Trail $5,130,131 Design Phase December zozo Greenway Trail $0.00 Design Phase December zozo Storm Drainage Maintenance $250,000 Construction Phase July 1, zozo ist Avenue Storm Drainage $913,849 Design Phase Oct. 30, 2019 ist Avenue Construction $984,414 Design Phase July 1, zozo UDO/LDM Update Updates to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) and Land Development Manual (LDM) are in the final review stages. Once the review is complete, the documents will be presented to Town Council and the Planning Board during a workshop for adoption. The UDO establishes the location of uses and requirements associated with new development. The LDM establishes standards for the construction of community infrastructure such as roads, sidewalks, trails, stormwater manage- ment systems, and other infrastructure. The goal is to have both documents updated and adopted by the end of the calendar year. Indian Trail Parks and Recreation IT Parks and Recreation Has Something for Everyone! In addition to community -wide events, the Parks & Recreation Department hosts numerous programs for children and seniors throughout the year. For a full list ofrograms, visit www.indiantraiforg and click on Parks & Recreation under t5e Government tab. Thank you to everyone who attended this year's National Night Out on Aug. 6! Solid Waste & Recycling: News and Reminders Fall Clean-up News: • Leaves bagged into clear bags and set at curb on your regular recycle service day. • Tree limbs can be set into small bundles that are z inches or less in diameter and 4 feet or less in length. Solid Waste & Recycle Cart Placement: • At least z feet from mailboxes or parked cars. • z feet between carts (for automatic arm to service cart). • Wheels of cart face back Where to Get New Recycle Calendar: • Service. • Call Town Hall and request for a calender to be mailed to you. • Come to Town Hall and pick one up in the lobby. Next Shredding Event: • November g, 2019 - more information coming soon! Watch the Town website for details Grant Received! The Public Works Department received a $13,500 Community Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant from the NC Department of Environmental Quality. The money will be used to educate residents regarding recent recycling changes as well as how to reduce contaminated recycling. ................................................................................................. Athletic Offerings Abound in Indian Trail Indian Trail is proud to provide a variety of athletic offerings for sports enthusiasts of all ages and fitness levels. The goal is to continue to grow these offerings, as they draw thousands of visitors to the Town every year. Chestnut Square Park (Downtown) Crooked Creek Park Crossing Paths Park (Uptown) Private Football Dog Park Amphitheater Indoor Basketball (Carolina Courts) Flag Football Playground (ADA) Trail Pickle Ball (Carolina Courts) Sand Volleyball Zip Line Playground Triple Threat Academy Soccer 18-Hole Disc Golf Course Mini Mites Training (Carolina Courts) Lacrosse Outdoor Fitness Indoor Volleyball (Carolina Courts) z Pickle Ball Fields Splashpad Strikers Soccer Complex Playground Fishing Pond Figure Skating (Extreme Ice) Walking Trails Additional Trails Ice Hockey (Extreme Ice) Shelters BMX Cycling Roller Skating (Kate's) Tennis Courts Baseball Fields 3 Par Golf Course Rugby Softball Fields MSA Olympic Swimming Pool Ultimate Frisbee Shelters Camp Ground _ Budgeted (FY 18/iq) _ Private Under Construction _ Private Existing _ Existing Facilities CONNECT WITH US! Stay up-to-date with all things Indian Trail! 0 O@IndianTrailGOV "" • @indiantrailnc Tube Search for Indian Trail Sign uup for Text/Email Notifications: visit and click on How Do I ... in the top right corner. Then, under Sign Up For, click on Notifications. From there, you can sign up to receive important information about Town meetings, events, closures and other alerts. Save the Date'. Grand Opening View Town Meetings Online All Town Council, Planning Board and Board of Adjustment meetings can be viewed on the Town's website (http://indiantrail. org/31o/Live-Archived-Media). They can also be viewed on the Town's YouTube channel. Town Council meetings are also livestreamed through the YouTube channel, which can be found by searching for Indian Trail at All meetings are held in the Indian Trail Town Hall (315 Matthews - Indian Trail Road) unless otherwise noted. • Town Council: znd & 4th Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. • Planning Board: 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. • Tree Board: 3rd Tuesday, immediately following Planning Board • Board of Adjustment: 4th Thursday, 6:30 p.m • ABC Board: 3rd Thursday, 6:30 p.m. at ABC Store • Stormwater: znd Thursday, 6 p.m. Meetings are subject to change and cancellation. To view the most up-to-date meeting schedule, visit and click on Calendar. Tax Collection Reminder Taxes were due September 1, 2019. Taxes can be paid online at, by visiting Town Hall at 315 Matthews -Indian Trail Road, or by mail to the Indian Trail Tax Office, PO Box 2430, Indian Trail, NC, 28079. If you did not receive a tax bill, contact the Tax Department at 704.821.5401. TOWN OF INDIAN TRAIL 315 Matthews -Indian Trail Road I T: 704.821.5041 1 W: