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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000453_Indian Trail_Website Photo Log_20200805Indian Trail Website Photo Log August 5, 2020
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A photo of the Stormwater Program Overview on Town's website.
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Hater Services Education 6 Outreach Programs
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A photo of the Town's Public Education and Outreach page on their website.
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Stormwater Services
poked watersheds
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Public Ou reach &^£ducation
fer &Street Service Request
H .,rk— Florence S.— Weather Map
A photo of the Town's Stormwater Services on their website.
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5tormwater Utility Fee
What a 5tormwater Utility Fee is Used for
A 5tormwater Utility Fee is used far.
o Ensuring Town compliance with federal and state water quality requirements
o Infraatmctureimprovememnndmaintenanceprograms
o Inspectionsafdetentionponds
Public Outrezich
o Investigating spillsor re Pons of illega l du roping
Haw the 5tormwater Utility Fee is Calculated
The stormwater utility fee is based on the amount of impervious area on a non-
Serom Request Form
residential property.
Impervious Surface
Stitim-wrater Utility Fee
Impervious area is any surface that prevents water from soaking into the ground {i. e.-
buildings, driveways, parking lots). Previous —'a—an, surfaces that all —ter to
soak into the ground [lawns, gardens}.
How Residential Rates Are Determined
The stornri utility fee is determined by the footprint of your house.
Residential Rate
o Tier 1- less than 2,o6o square feet $443 per month
o Tier2.greaterthan 2,060 squarefeet$5.30 per month
Non -Residential Rates
Impervious area was measured from a sample ofsingle family residential parcels
within the town and an average was calculated -This average is referred m as the
Equivalent Residential Unit iERLI . A set rate has been determined foran ERU. All
non-res itle ntia I properties .111 be assigned a fee based on the amou nt of ERU for
im pervious area.
Example of a Non -Residential 5tormwater Fee
Impervious: 31,746square feet
Yearly Fee'. $648.96
Reduce or Dispute a Stormwater Utility Fee
For more information on reducing or disputing a Stormwater utility fee, please call
the Town of Indian Trait Engineering Department at 704-821-5401.
HOW DO i...
Contact Us
Stormwater Phone Line —
Phone'704-821-8173 ■�i� II
A photo of the Town's Stormwater Utility Fee information on their website.
Stormwater Maintenance
It's Almost Time to Start Your Lawn Care!
Lawn care, landscaping and pest control practices are major contributors to
stormwater pollution. Rain and irrigation runoff flows across yards, rooftops,
paved areas, and picks up dirt, leaves, grass clippings, garden chemicals,
and anything else in its path. Then this polluted water flows directly into the
storm drain system.
Nutrients and other chemicals from yard waste can cause excessive algae
growth and toxin production. Algae can rob the organisms that live in our
streams from the oxygen they need to survive, not to mention killing fish
along the way.
Below are some tips that will help prevent extra stormwater runoff and
pollution from entering into the Town's watershed. You can make a
Mowing Pattern: Avoid mowing in the same direction or pattern each time
you mow. When you do this, you risk compacting soil and creating ruts. Both
compacted soil and ruts can lead to grass that's less healthy, followed by
weeds that thrive in compacted soil. Try to keep the grass clippings in your
yard. The grass clippings will help the health of your yard, and it will be less
organic matter added to the stormwater system.
Adjusting Mower Height: Adjust mower height throughout the growing
season. For instance, shift the cutting deck higher in summer and allow grass
to grow longer. Taller grass helps shade soil, which prevents weed growth
and slows water evaporation from soil.
Grasscycling: When you let grass clippings lie on the lawn after cutting, that's
called grasscycling. It not only saves you time (no more bagging clippings),
but it also saves money (no more yard waste bags or fees). Grass clippings
can provide up to 25 percent of your lawn's fertilizer needs, so you'll save
some money on fertilizer, too. You don't need a specialized mulching mower,
but you might want to replace your current mower blade with a mulching
blade, which cuts grass into smaller pieces that decompose quickly.
Fertilizing: Fertilize only when necessary or not at all. If you do choose to
fertilize, be sure to follow the instructions on the package and use only the
recommended amount. Excess fertilizer will wash off your yard when it rains
and end up in the local watershed. The added fertilizer that ends up in the
watershed can affect the animal life that live and drink from the ecosystem.
Do you live in Indian Trail and have
a stormwater problem?
Call the Stormwater Hotline at 704.821.8173
Online at
We are here to serve the citizens of Indian Trail!
Town of Indian Trail
Engineering Department
704.821 .5401
Phase II Community
ORLitt.. Auto fetid:
Pet W.—
A photo of the Town's quarterly newsletter on their website.