HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0001669_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (5)Poe$ Art fy is t Setykes, Inc, Hurttersvllle, NC 28078 Phone: 704.875 9 ;pax: 704,875.9 1 Lab Project Number: 9254631 Client Project ID: MONITORING WELLS ...,.� Lab Sample No. 923562649 Project Sample Number: 9254631-001 Date Collected: 11t21CO3 Client Sample ID: MW Matrix: Water Date Received: 11121/03 13:17 Parameters Results Units Rerort Cimit Ar aGed8 Y CAS No, 0raa1 . Re Lmt Wet Chemistry Total Dissolved Solids Method: EPA 160,1 Total Dissolved Solids 530 mgll 20, 11/24103 KHJ Nitrogen. Nitrate/Nitrite Method. EPA 353.2 Nitrate -Nitrite (as N) 1.6 m0/l 0.050 11/22/03 SH6 772 •37.9 Nitrate as N 1.5 mg/l 0.050 11122103 SHB Phenolics, Total Recoverable Method: EPA 420. Phenolics Total Recoverable NO mg/l 0,0050 12/06/03 S B Trial Organic Carbon Method. EPA 9060 Total Organic Carbon NO mg/l 0.50 11125/03 LTH 7440.44.0 GC Vol ati l E CSC VOCs in rater Method: SM 62300 Eenzere NO ugll 0,50 12;/05./03 10:56 STC 71-43-2 5romobenzene NO ug/l 0,50 12,a051/03 10:56 STC 105-86-1 Bromochlorometrrane NO ug/1 0,50 12/€75/03 10:56 STC 74.97-5 Bromodichloromethane NO ugll 0,50 12105/03 0:56 'STC 75-27-4 Bromoform NiO ug/l 0.50 12/05/03 10,56 STC 75.25-2 Bromo,methare NO Ug/1 050 12/05103 10,56 SIC 74-23-9 n-5utylbenoen O Ugfl 0,50 12/05/03 10:56 STC 104.51-5 sec Butylbenzene NO rig/1 0,50 12/05103 10:56 STC 135,98,8 tert Butyl benzene NO ug/l 0,50 12/05/03 10:56 STC 95-.06.6 Carbon tetrachloride NO ug/l 0,50 12/05/03 1056 SIC 56x23®5 Chlorobdnoene NO ug/l 0,50 12/05/03 M 56 STC 105.40.3 Chlorrethane ND cog/1 0.50 12/05/03 10:56 STC 75-30.3 Chloroform NO Ug/l, 0,50 12/05103 10:56 ETC 67.66- Chloromethane ND rrg/1 0,50 12105103 10:56 STC 74.87.3 2,Chhlor°o'toluend NO ug/l 0,50 12/05/03 10:56 STC 95 49-5 4 Chlorotoluene NO ugll 0,50 12/05/03 10:56 STC 106.43.4 1.2 rDibromo '3-chlorcpr-opane NCI ug,rl 2,0 12/05/03 `10:56 STC 06-12,6 Ohbrrm:achrloromethane NO ug/1 0,50 12/05.=03 10:56 STC 124-46•1 1..2-Oabrromoethane (EO6) NO ug/l 0.,0 12105/03 10:56 STC 106.93- 01bromomethane NO Ug/l 0.50 12/05/03 10:56 STE 74,.95.3 1,2,Orchlorobenzen NO ugll 1.0 12/05/03 I 6 STC 9 .50.1 1,3-Dictr,lar'obenzene NO ug/l I 0 12/05,/03 10:56 STC 541.73�1 1 4-Oichlorobenzene NO ug/1 1.0 1V05"03 10:56 STC 10646 r �ie C rliftoaiion lDS NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 sC Divarcr nientcil 99030 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shalt not he reproduced, except in dill, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc, Qt arIOtte er?rticsaloll , .r C Wastewater NG Orinkir g Water 77Q)6i so t)r. ceAnalyficato Pace Analytical er ice .111C. 9800 KinceyAvenue, 5nr`te 100 Huntersville, IVC 28078 Phone: 704. 75, 092 Faxl 704,875.9091 Lab Project Number: 9254631 Client Project TO': MONITORING WELLS Lab Sample o 923562649 Project Sample Number: 9254631.001 Client Sample I0: MW-t( Matrix: Water Date Collected; 11/21d03 09:45 Date Received: 11/21103 13 17 Parameters Results 1tr1tS RfpCDrt Lt,mIt Analyzed Y OAS N1. Oual Re L t 0lchlororlifluoromethane NO ug/1 0.50 12/05103 10:56 STC 75.71.8 1 1,1.Oictloroethane NO ug/l 0,50 12/05103 10:56 STC 75- 4.3 1.,2-01chlbroethrane NO ug/l 0,50 12105103 10:56 STC 107-06.2 1,1 O1ch11oroethene NO ug/l 0.50 12/05/03 10:56 STC 75- 5.4 cis-1.2• ichloreethene NO ug'rl 0.50 12/05/03 10,56 STC I56 59-2 trans•1.2-Oic:hloroethene NO ug/1 0.50 12/05/0: 10:56 STC 156 60-5, 1..2-Oichloropr-opane NO ugly 0.50 12/05/03 10:56 STC 78-87.5 1,3-Oichrlorrcpropane NO ugli Mo 12105/03 10:56 STC 142,28-9 2,2-fillchloropropane NO ug/l MO 12/05103 1M6 STC 594.20-7 1,1-llrchloropropene NO ug/1 0,50 12/05103 10:56 STC 563-58.6 cls 1.3-Di chlorropr°opene NO ug/l 0,50 12/05/03 10:56 STC 100 1-01-S trans r,3:-Oichloreprupene NO ug/1'' 0.50 12/05/03 10;56 STC 10061.02-6 0i saprcllyl ether NO ug/l 0150 12/05103 10.66 STC 108.20.3 Ethyl benzene ND ug 1 0.50 12/05/03 I0:56 STC 100.41-4 Hexachloro -1,3-butarliene ND ugll 2.0 12105/03 10:56 STC 8 -68'3 Isursropylbenzene (Cumene) NC ug/1 0.50 12/05/03 10:56 STC 98-82.8 p Isopropyltcluene NO ug/l 0,50 12/05103 0:56 STC 99-87-5' Me°thylere chloride NO ugll 2.0 12/05103 10:56 STC 75'09.2 McLhyl tort but;yl ether NO ugi1 0.50 12/05/03 10:56 STC 1634.04- Naurrtha(ene NO ug/1 2.0 12/06103 10;56 STC 91-RO.3 n ,Prrp;rlbenzene NO ugtl 0,50 12/05103 10:56 STC 103.65.1 NO ugll 0.50 121"05/03 10:56 STC 100.42.5 Sty r ere 1.1.1 2 Tetrachloroethllne NO ug/1 0.50 12/05103 10:56 STC 630-20.6 1..1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane NO ugll 0.50 12105/03 10:56 STC 79-34.5 Tetrachlorcethene NO ug/l 0,50 12/05/03 10;56 STC 127.18-4 NO ugll 0.50 12/05103 10:56 STC 108-88-3 1oIuera i"richl=zrobenzene NO u ,/'1 2.0 12,10"103 10:56 STC 87-61.6 ..2.3 1.,:.4 rr icchrurubenzene NO ug/l" 2,0 12105/03 10:56 STC 120-82- 1.1.1 Trichlorcethane ND ug/l 0,50 12/05/0310:56 STC 7155.6 1 ?-lrrchloroethane NO ugly 0.50 12/05103 10:56 STC 79.00 6 Tr r=rlllor•rrethere NO ugil 0.50 12/05/03 10:56 STC 79-01-6 trrchtloro fl ucromethane NO ugll 0.50 12105/03 10:56 STC 75.69-4 1.2.3-Trrchlrrraprupan NO ug/l 0.50 12/05103 I0:56 STC 96.18.4 1 2,4-'rimethylbenzene NO ug/1 0,50 121r05/03 10:56 STC 95.63-6 1.3.5 kr,methylbenzene NO ugll 0.50 12105/03 10:56 STC 108-67-8 Vinyl chloride NO ug/1 0.50 12/05103 10:56 STC 75,01. w& Xylene NO ug/l 0.50 12/05/03 10:56 STC NO ugtl 0,50 12/05/03 10:56 STC 95-47.6 G] l yl ene 97 % 12/05/03 10:56 STC 625.98-0 1 Chloro-3 tluorcbenzene (S)r REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS alr.miI Q r�trlic,lrcn RCS This report shall riot be reproduced- except in full, t)L Vlasteviater C without the written consent of Pace Anait/$icai Services, Inc. Ci€0ing Wat+,r 37712 99030 _h ir h'Jnotte Certrt.c tLcT1 �r l NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 27 7 06 CC 9 00;1l, FLNELAP :,r1. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 "incey Avenue, Suite 100 Hun ersvild , NC 2807 aceAnalyfical Phone: 7 4. 7 . 0 2 www.pacelabs.com Fax: 704,875.9091 Lab Project Number: 9254631 Client Project ID: MONITORING WELLS Lab Sample No: 923562698 Project Sample Number: 9254631-002 Date Collected. 11/21/03 10:1 Client Sample IDs MW-B Matrix: Water Date Received: 11121/03 13.1 Parameters Results Units R )or°t Limit Analyzed By CAS No. ual Re Lmt Wet Chemistry Total Dissolved Solids Method: EPA 160,1 Total Dissolved Solids 88. mg/1 20. 11/24/03 KHJ nitrogen. Nitrate/Nitrite Method- EPA 353.2 Nitrate,Nitrite (as N) 1.5 mg/1 O,050 11/22/0.3 SHB 7727-37.9" Nitrate as N 1.5 mg/l Oa050 11/22103 SHB Phenolics, TotalRecoverable Method: EPA 420.1 Phenolics, Total Recoverable NO mg/1 0.0050 1V06103 SHB Total Organic Carbon Method: EPA 9060 Total Organic Carbon ND mg/1' 0.50 11/25/03 LTM 7440.44-0 GC Voi 8ti l e5: GC VOCs in Water Benzene eromobenzene Bromcnhl rometh ne Bromodic'Flcr"omethane Bromoform B romome t ha ne n•Butylbenzen sec Butlbenzene tert•Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chrl orobenzene hl or oethsare Chloroform Chrloromethane 2 Chlorritoluene " 4-Chlorotoluene 1.2-Dibromo•3-nhlcropropane Dibromochloromethane 1.2aDrbroiroethane (EDB) 0ibromomethane 1.2-Dichilorcbenzene 1.3 �Dichlorobenzene 1,,4,Drchlcrobenzene Date: 12a0103 Asheville Certif€cat�orr IN NC Wastewater' 40 C Drinking Water 37712 SC Environniental 99030 Method: SM 6230D NO ug/l 0.50 12/05/03 11.36 STC 71-43-2 NO ug/l 0,50 12/05/03 11;36 STC 108-86.1 NO ug/l 0�50 12/05/03 11:36 STC 74-97-5 NO ug/l 0,50 12/05/03 11:36 STC 75.27.4 NO ug/1 0,50 12/05/03 11:36 STC 75-25.2 NO ug/l 0,50 12/05/03 11:36 STC 74-83.9 NO ug/l 0,50 12/05/03 11:36 ;STC 104.51-8 NO ug/l 0,50 12/05/03 11:36 STC 135-98-8 NO ug/l O;50 12/05/03 11:36 STC 98.06.E ND ugly 0: 0 12/05/03 11:36 STC 56-23.5 ND ug/1 0.50 12/05/03 11:36 STC 108.90-7 NO ug/l 0.50 12/05/03 11:36 STC 75-00. NO ug/l 0,50 12,/05103 1116 STC 67'-66- NO ug/l 0.50 12/05/0 11:36 STC 7 ,•87.3 NO ug/l 0,50 12/05/03 11:36 STC 95.49-8 NO ug/l 0.50 12105/03 11:36 STC 106.4-4 ND ug/l L 0 12/05/03 11:36 STC 96.12-8 ND ug/l 0.50 12105/03 11:36 STC 124.48-1 ND ug/l 0.50 12/05/03' 11:36 STC 106. 3.4 ND ug/l 0.50 12/05103 11:36 STC 74-95. O ug/l 1,0 12/05/03 11:36 STC 95•50-1 ND ug/l 1�0 12/05103 11.36 STC 541-73-1 NO ug/l Lo 12/05/03 11:36 STC 106-46.7 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shah not be reproduced, except in full, Qhirlo rtifi atiorr t� without the written consent of Pace Anaiyti al Ser%Jces, Inc. NG Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water o 770f, - FL. NELAP _ ;'s 6l Pm Ana!Otal SOMW Inc, www,pacelabs.com Lab Sample No923562698 Client Sample ID,: MW•8 Lab Project Number: 9254631 Client Project ID: MONITORING WELLS Project Sample Number. 9254631.0 2 _ Date Collec'ed: 11/21{ .3 10:1 Matrix: Water Date Rece';ed: 11/21./03 13. Parameters Results Units �mrt Anai zed By SAS No. t}u:l Re.t:mt Dichlorod fluoromethane ND ragr/l 0,50 12/05/0311:36 STC 75.71- 1.1-Dlchloroethare ND ug 1 6.50 12/05/03 11:36 STC 75 34-3 ,2-R;chlorcethane NO ug/l Mo 12/"05/03 11:36 STC 107.06.2 1,rl-Dichloroethene NO ug/1 0.56 12/05/03 11:36 STC 75,-35. - r9s L-Drchloroethene NO ug/1 D,50 12/05103 11:36 STC 156- 9.2' t€ars l.`2-D/cnlorohthene NO ug11 0,50 12/05/03 11:36 STC 15 -60i 5 1,2 Di ch oropropare NO ugtl 0,50 12/05/0 11:36 STC 78.87�5 3,3 D,criloropropane NO Ug/1 0,50 12/05/03 1116 STC 142-28,9 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/1 0,50 12/05/03 11;36 STC 594-20,7 1r1•Dichloropro'pene NO ug/1 0.50 12/05/03 11:36 STC 563-58.6 cis G 3:D/chloropropene ND ug//1 t1,5.1 12/05/03 11:36 STC 10061-01.5 tr~arcs 1.°3..Dichloropropene ND Uq/1 0,59 12/05.'03, 11:36 STC 10361-02,6 Di'is xprop,,l ether NO ug./' 0,50 13/C5/03 11:36 STC 108.20-3 hth/lden7.e;ne ND og,r1 Ma 12.^05/03 11.36 STC 300A1.4 Hex u r u- 1.3.but adrene ND tag/1 2A 12/05/03 11:36 STC 87.68.3 iSCw '• pV'iterre€te 1Cum to), ND ug/1 r3.56 12/05/03 11:36 STC 98-82-3 p isopropyltolrar?ne ND ugJl 0,50 12105/03 11:36 STC 99-87-6 chloride NO ug/l 2.t1 12/05/03 11:36 STC 75�09-2 Mrr`tiyl.tert hcrt:y'l ether" NO ug/l Ol 50 12.'`05/03 11:36 STC 16 4'C4- rlaphtrralone NO ug/l 2,0 12,/05r/03 11,36'STC 91.20.3 n I Pr'C'Qylb nzene ND ug,tl 0.50 12/05/03 i1:36 STC 103.65.1, Sty r.re ND ug/1 0r50 12,/05/03 11:36 STC 100-42'S 1, t r a 2, Tetr tachlorAoethane ND ug/1 0.50 1210510 11:36 STC 639-20-6 1 2.2,Tetrachloroethane ND ug/1 0.50 12r/05103 11:36 STC 79.34.5 Fet. 3ch!"oroethere NO ug/1 0.50 12/05t03 11:36 STC 127.18-4 C'Iu r`P_ NO ugtl 0,50 12/05/03 11:36 'STC 108.58.3 =rr :hlarcrbenzena ND ug/l 2X 12/05/03 11:36 STC 87-61-6 L. .: mr"1chi ornbenzene ND ug/"1 2.6 12x/05/03 11:36 STC 129-82 1 t ! T ='?aloe°oetharre ND ug/1 t7.5t1 12/05/03 11:36 STC 71-55.6 1A 1-Tr ,chelor ethane NO ag/1 Mo 12/05/03 11:36 STC 79.00 5 ?' :r:nrr.kroethene, ND ug/it 07 50 12105,/03 11:36 STC 79.111.6 Ic,r ''tc*romethane ND ug/l 0:50 12/05103 11:36 STC 75.69.4 ,'-31-Trichlordpropane NO ug/1 0;50 12r/05/03 11:.36 STC 96°18-4 r ,a-lir,,hiethylbenzere ND u911 OM 12/05/0 11:36 STC 95-63 6 1 .' � . ir,,metn flbenzene ND t(cy/1 0,50 12/05/03 11:36 STC 108-67.8 Vinyl : h. ,'rrrdp No ug/l 0,50 IV05/03 11:36 STC 75-01-4 mT �./,,ere NO ug,/1 0.50 12/05/03 11:36 STC 0 .ty^iere ND ug.�/1 0.50 12/0/03 11:36 STC 95-47.6 1 (,,Moro-3-fluor°obenzene (S) 97 12/05r/03 11:36 STC 625.98.9 n�f� n,tg i 1 evi e t orii ttj_on IN Wastewater 40 99030 AMAT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shail not be reproducedexceot in full Char tir Qmr f catnl 1 /; NC Wastewater 12 NC Dristring ,Miter 377& " c 1190 i. FL NELA P "113'7 SU13MI F FORM ON YELLQA lim Plea" POW CMar�y or I)We Facility Name, Permit Name fif different)-. Facility Address: 4 - Ilan Mill T%11. "I, ChOtio kOhv Influettt (PA) Efflu"It (69) Im fill Dn om EXPIRATInATrtr:: yl, i;i�ob PERMFT )Nm AATE- T7�y - - --------- TT Non char NPDIHS jYPEQEPtBMU�j W�OPERATION BEING MONITORED Spray Field RomedWen: Polary Distributor Latid 401caflon of Sludge OHM M�M Valuo sbould Wleot dissolved and' colloidal comentratlotm Date sample collected: C. pie at! ad- j5LQ3 Laboratory CbrtlllddllonNo.—!L��W 1 Z # Pace Anlllcl Services, Inc. � C "lnce ,Avenue, a fie 100 Huntersvrtle, NC 28076 Phone: 7045 9092 www,pacelabs.com Fay: 704. 75, 091 Lab Project Number; 9254631 Client Project ID: M0NUORING WELLS Lab Sample Na. 923562714 Project Sample Number: 9 54631•003 Date Collected: 11/21.03 10:3' Client Sample 10: l -C Matrix: Water Bata Received: 11/2I/C3 13 Parameters Results Units R pram omit Analyzed �y C�tS Na: trai Re Cmt � t Chemistry Total Dissolved Solids Method, EPA 160.1 Total Oissolved Solids 76. mg/1 20. 11124/03 K1ig Nitrogen N;trate.rNitr?te Method: EPA 353,2 Nitrate-Ptitr°ite fay N1 0,99 mg/1 0,050 11/22/03 S B 7728 379, Nitrate as ,1 0,99 mg/1 0,050 1 /22/03 SNB Phenolics, Total Recoverable Method: EPA 420,1 Phenolics, Total Recoverable ND mgll O.0050 12 06/0.3 SNB Total Organic Carbon Method: EPA 906O Total Organic Carbon ND rags+l O,50 11/25/03 ETH 7440.44-0 GC Volatiles GC VOCs in Water Method: 5M 6 30D Ben2ere NO ug11 0,50 12/0510.3 12:19 STC 71.43.2 Brorrobentene NO rig/l 0.50 12r05103 12:19 STC 108-86•1 sir~omcchloromethrane NO ug11 0v50 12/05/03. 12:19 STC 74.97.5 9rromodichrlorcmeth<rnp ND tag/l 0,50 12/05/03 12:19 STC 75-27.4, Bromoform NO ugfl 0.50 12/05,/03 12.19 STC 75.25.2 Bromometharre NO trg/l O,50 12/05/03 12;19 STC 74•83.9 n:Butvlbenzene ND a/1 0,50 12/05/03 12:19 STC 104.51-8 sec-But0 benzen NO ug/l 0,50 12/05/03 12:19 STC 135.98.8 tart-Butylberdzene ND ug/l 0,50 12,/O5103 12:19 STC 98-06-6 Carbon tetrachloride- ND Ug,/l 0,50 12/05/03 12:19 STC 56.23-5 Chltarobenzere NO ug./1 C,50 12/05/03 12:19 STC 108-90- Chlcrcethane ND tag/1 0.50 12/05/03 12;19 STC 75-00.3 Chloroform, 0.75 ug/1 0.50 12F/05/03 '12:19 STC 67-66-3 Chloromethame ND ugll 0,50 12/05/03 12:19 STC 74-87-3 2.Chlorotmluene NO rag/1', O.50 12/O5/0. 12:19 STC 95.49.8 4•Chlorotoluene NO trg/l O,50 12105/03 '12:19 STC 106.43- 1,2-Oibro o-3-chlor'opropand ND ug/l 2.0 12/05/03 12:19 STC 96`12.8 D bromochloromethane ND tag/l 0.50 12/05/03 12�,19 STC 124- 48 1 1,2`C'bromoethane (EOB) NI) tg/1 0.50 12/ 5,r03 12:19 STC 106-9;4 0 i bromome It hane ND ug/l O,50 12105/03 12:19 STC. 74-95-3 1.2 D,,cnlzrobenzene ND rig/l l'O 12/05/03 32:19 STC 05.50.1' 1,.3 Dichl robehzerte NO ug/l 1,0 12/05/G3 12:19 STC 541-73.1 1'.4-Dichlormbehzene NO ug/1 1,Q 12/05/03 12:19 STC 106.46`7 +PIt�4f rvlie f,rt &YC I(s` iP k'o Q�,f VC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC OnvironrrienTal 99030 REPORT rt LABORATORY ANWSIS Th[s report shO not be reproduced, except in lufl Without the written conSent of Nee Analytical Servlces, Inc, Page: ; of _w NC Wastewater 2 NC Drrnkmg salater 3 7 77a, SC FL NELAP '762 M3303= Ltb Sample NO: 923562714 C'f':ent Sam la !DMW-C Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 07ey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 2607,15' Phone: 704.875,9092 Fax., 704. 875, 9091 Lab Project Number: 9254631 Client Project ID: MONITORING WELLS Project Sample Number9254631.003 Date Collec-ed. 11/2,103 10:3 Matrix-, Water Date Recei.ed: 11/21/03 13i Parameters Results Units LLimit ± n a I yze d By QL, P L, te2ort _�AS No, Dichlorodifluoromethane NO Ug'11' 0,50 12/05/03 12:19 STC 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane NO UT"11 0.50 12105103 12:19 STC 75.34-3 NO Ug/l 0,50 12/05/03 12:19 STC 107-06.2 I -D'iihloroethene NO ug/1 0,50 12/05103 12:19 STC 75-35,4 CIS i 2-Dchloroethene NO ug 0.50 12105!03 12:19 STC 156-59-2 --rars - I . 2 - 0) or�.ethene NO Ug/1' O50 !21051'03 12:19 STC 156-60-5 1 2-Dichloropropare No U g ,,, 1 0,50 12105103 12.19 STC 78-87.5 1,3-Dich1orouropare NO tjgi'` 0,50 12/05/03 12:19 STC 142 - 28,9 2,2-�Dichloropropane NO uq' O50 12/05/03 12:19 STC 594-20,7 IA-Dichloropropere NO ug/1 0,50 12/05/03 12:19 STC 563-58-6 cis 1,3 Dichloroprcpene NO U911 0.50 12105/03 12:19 STC 10061-01-5 trans 1,3-Dichloropropene NO U9,11, 0,50 D 12/0�/03 12.19 STC 10061-02-6 1), yJ ether NO Uq/1 0.50 12/05!03 12.19 STC 108 -20-3 E t r, br-nZene NO Ug/" 0,50 12,105/03 19 STC 100-41,4 'J n I or o - b,,,j - a c i ene NO ug 2,0 12/05/03 12:19 STC 87-68-3 !r t 'C wmene NO 7, 0,50 12 `C5�'03 12�!19 STC 98-82-8 snw,.Ytol�uene NO u g 0,50 12/0/03 1219 STC 99-87-6 ND Ug"! 2 0 -1 1210 '/03 12:19 STC 75 09-2 ether NO u 9 0,50 12/05J03 12:19 STC 1634,04-4 h a I -' ne NO U9/111 2,0 12105/03 12:19 STC 9120-3 n-Prop,ylbenzene NO Ug/1 0150 12/05/03 12.19 STC 10365-1 A)t'one' NO ug/1 0.50 12/05/03 12:19 STC 100-42-5 1 2 - Tetrach] oroethane ND Ug"I Mo 12/05/03 12,19 STC 630°20-6 2.2-Tetrachlorcethane ND Lig! 0.50 12/15103 1219 STC 79-34-5 o 1, h t, r, e �',i roe' ND Ug"'I 0,50 12105 f 03 12:19 STC 127-18-4 ND ug"�� 0.50 ,5 1 12 "05103 12,19 STC 1 1 08-88-3 T,, orot ter NO Ug!" 2,0 12/05iO3 12:19 STC 87-61-6 ND Ug"'! 2,0 12/05/03 12:19 STC 120,82-1 -,,h, oroethane A NO Mo 12/05/03 12:19 STC 71-55-6 jiloroethane ND Uq/1 0.50 12/05103 12.19 STC 79.00-5 T, ­n I oro� 20"ene NO ug/ 1 0,50 12/0503 12: 19 STC 79.01-6 c ri I oro f I uarometha ne ND Ug/1 0,50 12/05/03 12:19 STC 75,69-4 r �,-;r oprop a rip NO ug!J 0,50 1,2/05,,'03 12:19 STC 96'18-4 I F 4_ t hy I benz ene NO Ug/1 0 so 12 1/ 0 S 3 12:19 STC 95-63-6 h V] bt! rVpne ND ug," 1 0,50 12/051,'03 12.19 STC 108-67-8 "j�� i r 1 NED Ug/1" 0.50 12105f03 12:19 STC 75 01-4 ND Ug/1 0.50 12105/03 12:19 s,rc ND Ug'-1 0,50 12105/03 12.19 STC 95.47-6 (S) 83 % 12/05!03 12"19 STC 625-98.9 �IWPQK OF LAR09ATORY ANAUSIS rhis report shaft not bee r�prbducO, exceot ki NO, Without the written conse6t ot Pace:AnalyficM S&Vlices' I ft ndac ,,ca!�Lqr iD,, NC waste','�ater 12 7- NC Drinkinn 1wer SC Pare Analytical Services, Inc. Huntersvllle, NC 28078 Phone:704-875,9092 Pvy� Mi R7J; onql Lab Project Number: 9254631 Client Project I0: MONITORING WELLS Lab Sample No. 923562748 Project Sample Number. 9254631.004 Date Collected: 11/ 1/03 11: Client Sample 10:'MW-0 Matrix: Water Cute Recei°red. 11121/03 13:I Parameters Rearults Cults Report Limit Analvzed B CAS No. 0 atRe h..mt; Wet Chemistry Total Dissolved Solids MethodT EPA 160.1 Total Dissolved Solids 220 Mg/l 20, 11/24103 KNJ Nitrogen, Nitrate/Nitrite Method: EPA 353.2 Nitrate -Nitrite (as Nl 0.99 mg/l 0.050 11/22103 SNP 7727. 7.9 Nitrate as N 0.99 mg/l 0.050 11/22103 SH8 Phenolics, Total Recoverable Method: EPA 420.1 Phenolics, Total Recoverable NO mq/1 0.0050 12/06/03 SHB Total Organic Carbon Method: EPA 9060 Tonal Organic Carbon ND mg/l 0,50 11/25/03 L.TM 7440.44.9, G Y l a L I l e GC VOCs in Water Method: SM 62300 Benzene Nil ug/I 0,50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 71•43-2 Broimbenzene ND u9/1 0,50 12105103 13;00 STC 105-56-1 Bromochlioromethane ND ug/l 0,50 12r"15/03 1::00 STC 74 9r7.5 Brrrrioorichloromethane ND tag/l 0,50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 75..27.4 Bromoform' ND ug/l 0,50 12/05/0 13:00 STC 75.25.2 Bromomethxane NO ug/l 0.50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 74>-53.9 n-Butylb rizen NO ug/l 0.50 12105/03 13:00 STC 104.51.3 sec Butylbenzere N0 ugIl 0,50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 135-93.3 ter't-Butylbenzene NO ug/l 0.50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 93 06.6 Carbon tetrachloride, N0 ug/1 0.50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 56�23.5 Ch'+lorobetzene ND ug/l 0.50 12/05103 13:00 'STC 108.90.7 Chiloroethane ND urg/1 0.50 12/05/03 13.00 STC 75,00.3 Chloroform NO u9/1 0,50 12105/03 13:00 STC 67.66. Chilorcmethane NO ug/l 0. 0 12/05/03 13:00 STC 74-37-3 2,Chilorotcluene NO ug/1 0150 12105/03 13:00 STC, 95-4 -6 4•Chilorotoluene ND urg/l 0.50 12/05/0:3 13.00 STC 106-43 A 1 2,0ibrmmo-3-c loropr pane ND ugrl' 2.O 1210510 13:00 STC 96-12- Dibromrichlcromethare ND ugrrl i1.50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 12448,1 1,2 Dibromoeth,ane tBDB NO u911 0,50 12/05/0 13:00 STC 106-93 4 D bromomethane NO ug/l Q,50 12/G5103 13:00 STC 74.95-3 1,2-Dirhill'orobenzene ND ug/l 1.0 12/05/03-13.00 STC 95,50-1 1,3 01chlurobenzere ND ug/1 1.0 12105/0 13:00 STC 541.73-1 1:4-Dachlcr°oberz'.ere N0 ug/I 1.0 12105/03 13.00 STC 106-46-7 ' MOM" ANWSIS Page: 7 o '',Z Chart tte � tcfi a ton [Q,.q NC Wastewater 1 NC Drinking Water 3770'.. ahevhlla CariitAcatiun 1Ds MC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC Ltivironriientah 99030 R NEI ./.9' E57E 4 aneAnalyfical wwotpacelabs.cgm Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 lt'irlcey Avenue, Smite 100 Phone: 704, 7 . 0 Fax, 7,.91 Lab Pr*caj c+, N-her: 019AAll Client Project 10: MONITORING WELLS Lab Sample No 923562748 Project Sample Number: 254631.004 slate Collected: 11121/03 11:0 Client Sample ID: MW=O Matrix: Water DateReceived: 11/21/03 13:1;" Parameters Results Units rr�n L nit ____Analyzed Oy AS No ual Pe stint Dichlrrroditlueromethane Nil Ug/1 0.5p 12/05/03 .3:00 STC 75-71.• 1.1.Olchloroethane NO ug/l 0,50 12/05/03 1.3:00 STC 75-04.3 1.2-Olchlaroethane NO Ug/l 0.50 12105/03 13:00 STC 107.06.2 1.1 iltchlorcethene NO ug/'a 0.50 12105/03 13:00 STC 75-35.4 cis•1,2-Oichloroethene NO ug/l 0.50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 156-59 2 trans-1.2.0/chloroethen NO ug/l 0.50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 156.60.5 1.2-Oichloropropane ND ug/1 0.50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 78-87-5 1.3-Orchl ropropane ND ug/l 0,50 12 05/03 13:00 STC 142-28-9 2,2-Dichloropropane NO ug/1 0.50 12105103 13A0 STC 594-20.7 1.1 0ichToropropene Nil ug/1 0,50 12/05/0 :13:00 STC 56-58.6 cis 1,3 Oichlor~oproperre N7 ugll 0,50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 10061-01-5 trans 1,3 Cichlor°opropene NO urg/l O.50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 10061-02.6 Oirsopropyl ether NO ug/1 0.50 12,105/03 13:00 STC 108-20-3 Ethylbenzene ND ug$ 0 50 12,1,05/03 13:00 STC 100-41.4 HexachroeMo-1.3,butadrene NO ug/l 2.0 12/05/03 13:00 STC 8/-68, Isopropyebenzene (Cumene) NO ug/1 0.50 12!05/03 13:00 STC 98.82.8 p.lsopropyltoluere NO ugrf, 0.50 12/05/03 '13:00 STC 9-87.6 Methylene' chlo do NO ug./l 2,0 12/05/03 13:00 STC 75-09.2 Methyl tent butµ! ether NO ug/l 0.50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 1634.04-4 Naphthalene NO ug/l 2.0 12/05/03 13°00 STC 91-20-3 n--Propylbenzene NO ug/l 0,50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 103-65.1 Styrene ND Ug/1 0.50 12/05/03 I3:00 STC 100-42.5 I,IL1.2-Tetr~achloruethane NO ug/1 0,50 12/05103 13:00 STC 630-20-5 1,1,2,2,Tetrachloroethane NO Ug/1 0.50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 79.34-0 Tetrachlorcethepe NO ug/I 0,50 12105103 13:00 STC 127.18.4 Toluene Nil ug/l 0.50 12/05/03 "13:00 STC 10 -88.3 1.2.3•Trichlor°obenzene ND ugll 2.0 12/05/03 13:00 STC 87:61.6 1,2.4 Jr1,chlorobenzene NO ug./1 2.0 12/05/03 13:00 STC 120.82.1 1.1.1-Trichloroethane ND ug/l 0,50 12105103 13:00 STC 71.55.E 1.1 2 Tn4chloroethane NO u0/l 0,55 12/05103 13:00 STC 79 00.5 Trichlcr°oethene NO ug/'l 0,50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 79-01.6 Trichlor°otluoromethane NO ug/1 0,50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 75-6 .4 1.2.3 Tr1,ch1orepropane NO ug/l 0,50 12/05/03 13:00 STC 96.18- 1,2.4rTr/rrrethylbenzene NO ug/I 0,50 12.105/03 13:00 STC 95,63.E 1. ,5Jrlmethy'lbenzene NO ug/1 0.50 12,105E°'03 13:00 STC 10 57 5 Vinyl chloride NO ug/1 O. 0 12/05/03 13:00 STC 75-01.4 m&p•Xyl e NO ug/1 0.50 12105/03 1 a00 STC d-Xylene ND ug/l 0.50 12'05103 13:00 STC 95 47.E 1-Chluro-3-fluorobenzehe (S) 8;4 t 12./05/0 13:00 STC 625-98.9 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALT I O5.heyi110 Gertifa-Un l.D This report shall not be reproduced, except in tint, GlaarlOtte Qe 2�141LQrr i li G Wastewater 40 without the written consent 0# Pace AnaB °tics= Services, Inc, NC Wastewater 1 NC Drinking' ter 3771 ' �w G Drinking �,�2 t 57 Cr SC SC EmironrTrenial 99030 e FL NELAP 87r . 91 MP Lu nq-rdA SUBMIT FORM ON z a f j �# f► xi :i f Will f f �I uiuilll it *rll��� API, D Influent f; i x a w GW-59 Rey+.4/98 SUBMIT F013M ON JELLQW qw I.A.. WON,* �11=10011-72i m W1- T M i I V R WA IN I I I M r I'd ; 1111111 r =7I 7 One., Values stiould roftbtt fts6lvod atid Influent (98) 99) collotdat concentrations. Effluent ( Me saooa cb Date sarn&m as z LemZ T m Fermitlee (olAutho,fized Agent] Name and I itto - Please print or type GW-59 Rev. 4198 �► G. u;�llllll I • . .theck Oft �� �; �• s^ � yaw +.. I= . � � :: . t'• a r x ao m IMIMMUO i t cedify that, to the best at my k0o lend a and ellet,' the Information submitted In this to ort Is e, accurate, and complete, and that the laboratory analytical data was rcrdrr In ppr methods of analysis NorthCarolina (formerly , rly ) carolled rt orsto y. I arri awareat there're significant penalties tot submitting false Information, Including the possibilityof Ones and Imprisonmentfor knowing violations. it Title Pie -a or typo (98) 0 &�Uent wtoidat o"oeottatlons. Date sample cottected* Date 5 1 9 MUM MMM= MUM pfflm.� 11011 ................. t vm -� ,p . , (Date) - ti I d Pace Analytical Servives, Inv, 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Himtersville, NC28078 /`/!;ac1eAna1jdica1` Ph" 704175W Vin'AV.Pacertabs COM Fas, 704175,9091 Lab Project Numbor: 9238948 Client Project ID: Hickory 9334565 Lab Sample No: 931408694 Project Sample bituitsher, 9238548-001 Date Collected: 11/21/02 11:40 Client Sample ID: MW-A Matrix: Water Date Received: 11/22/02 12:30 RAIL ep R_ -qr�- Wkqlt -PE- L Q, - R mrmt GC Volatiles GC VOCs in Water Method: SM 6230D Benzene NID Lq/1 0.50 1.0 12/05102 16s20 PPM 71-43-2 Bromobenzene MD ug/! 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 16z20 RPM 108-86-1 Bromochlorossethane ND Ugli 0150 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 74-97-5 Bromodichloromethane ND Ug/1 0150 1.0 I2105/02 16:20 RPM 75-27-4 arom0form. NO Uq/1 050 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 RPM 75-25-2 Bramoinetbane ND Ug/1 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 16:20 RPM 74-83-9 a-Butylberizene, ND Ug/1 1A 1A 12/05/02 16:20 RPM 104-51-8 sec-Butyllienzene ND Ug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 135.98-8 tart-Slutylbenzene NID Uq/1 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 98-06-6 Carbon tetrachloride ND Ug/1 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 16.20 PPM 56-23-5 Chloroben2ene ND Ug/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 16,,20 PPM 108-90-7 Chlorcethane ND Ug/l 01150 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 75-00-3 Chlorofom Im Ug/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 RPM 67-66-3 Chloromethane ND Ug/1 2.0 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 RPM 74-87-3 2-Chlorotoluene ND Tig/l 0;50 1A 12/05/02 16;20 PPM 95-49-8 4-Chlorotoluene IND Uq/1 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 106-43-4 1,2-1libromo-3-chloropropane, ND Ug/1 2.0 1.0 12/05/02 16;20 PPM 96-12-8 Dibrozzochloromethane ND UVI 0 : so 1.0 12/05102 16:20 FIRM 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoeshame (EDB Ug/1 050 1.0 12/05/22 16:20 PPM 106-93-4 Dibromiumethane ND UU/i 050 1,0 12/05/02 16,20 Poo 74.95-3 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND og/1 1 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobanawne ND Ug/1 1.0 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 541-73.1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND Ug/1 1.0 1,0 12/05/02 16.20 PPM 106-46-7 inch 1orodifluoromethane NI) Ug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 75-71-8 1.1-Dichlorcethans ND Uq/1 050 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroathane ND Ug/1 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND Ug/l 0.50 1A 12/05/02 16:2D PPM 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichlororsthene ND Ug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 RPM 156-59-2 trams-1,2-Dichlorcethene ND Ug/1 D50 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 RPM 156.60-5 1,2-Dichlorciproparre ND Ug/1 0150 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 78-87-5 1,3-Dichloropropane ND Ug/1 0;50 1.0 12/05/02 16i20 PPM 142-28-9 2,2-Dichloropropane ND Uq/1 050 1.0 12/05102 16.20 RPM 594-20-7 1,1-Dichloropropene ND Ug/1 0.50 1'0 12/05/02 16:20 RPM 563-58-6 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND Ug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 10061-01-5 trans-1,3-Dic'hloropropene ND Ug/1 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 16:20 RPM 10061-02-6 Diiecipropyl ether ND Ug/1 0.50 1�0 12/05/02 16:20 RPM 108-20-3 Ethyllicenzeria ND Ug/1 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 100-41-4 Rate: 12109/02 L&2MMMLJlX==-2LQB NC Wastewater 12 NC DrinkJoa Water 37706 PC 99006 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS king ate 009DrinW90 This repori shitdl net be reprodoced, except in full, VA Drinking Walef 213 witnoul IVf wnrfen consent of Pace AnatAmm Services, lnc. FL hELAP E87627 Paget I of 20 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. , 9800 KinceyAvenue, Suite It ;a?c JeAnalyfical' Phm, MM Lab Project Number: 9200948: Client Project bit. Hickory 9334565 Lab Sample No: 9314086 94 Project Sample N ert 9238948-001 Date Collected: 11/21/02 11:40 Client sample S: Kyt-k Matrix: Water Date Received: 11/22/02 12:30 Hexaehlcro-1,3-butad,ene, ND ug/l 2.0 1.0 12/05102 16:20 PPM 57-65-3 zacprdpylbenaene C zdene ND uq/I 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 16,20 PPM 90-82.8 p-sappropyitoluene ND vg/1 1.0 1.0 1210 /02 26,20 PFM 99-97-9 Methylene chloride ND ng/1 2.0 1,0 12/05/0 16:20 PPM 75-09-°2 Methy -tert•butyl ether ND 4g/1 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 1634-04-4 Naphthalene Na ug/l 2.0 1,0 12/05/02 15:20 PPM 91-2;0-3 n-Propylbenrene ND Ug/1 0.50 1_43 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 103-65-1 Styrene NO ug/l 0 50 1.0 12/05/02 16t20 PPM 100-,42-5, 1,1,1,2-Tetrachlorcethane ND, ug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 630-20-6: 1,1,2.2-Tetrachlcroetha e ND Lg/°'_ 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 79-34- Tetrdchloroe hereto ND g/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 6:20 PPM 127. B-4 Tol, e€xe ND Uq/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 108-88-3 1,2s3'1.richloroboo2ene hT tag/l 2.0 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 97-61-6 1,2,4-Trichldrobenzene h1D Ug/1 2,aO 1.0 12/05/02 6:20 PPS 120-82-1 1,1,1:-Trichloro tha e hT, ug/l 0 50 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 PPX 71-55-6 1.1,2-Trschloraethane ND Ug/1 0a50 1,0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 79-00-5 Trachlcroethene ND ag/l 0.50 1A 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 79-01-5 Trxt,h;lorot.t.° cromekha: e N"D, u9/l 0.50 1 »0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 75-69-4 1,2,3-Trichicrop::opane ND ug,/l 01160 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 96-13-4 1,2,11-Trimethylbenzene DID ug/] 0,50 1.0 12,/05/02 16:20 PPM 95-63.6 1,3,5-Trazdethylbenzez, ND ug/1 0,50 1,0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 100-67-8 Vinyl cn:arxde ND og/i 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 16:20 PPM 75-01-4 m4tp-P.ylene bD u5/1 0' 50 1.0 12/05102 26 c20 PPM o-kylene ND ugll 0150 1,0 12/05102 16:20 PPM 95-47-6 1-Chloro-3-flucrober:zene () 113 A 1,0 12;/05/02 16:20 PPM 625-90-9 .ry . REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS f4c,wastawater 12 NC Dr,nkmo Water 37706 Ns report Shall not be repraduced, except in full, SC 99T06 vvircot t o wunee consent of Pace Anarlyficat Services, Inc. Paget 2 of: 20 KY Drinki q Water 9WQD 4rA Drinking Water 213 FLNELAP €07 27 Pave Anstyliell Services, /a , 980 Kinxey Avenue, Saile 100 1P`U7fPet5&k'1��; >, wwry pacelabs.corrl Via: 704,875,9091 Lab Project Number: 9238948' Client Project ID F«ickory 9334565 Lab Sample No-. 931408702 Project Sample Number: 9236948-002 Pate Collected: 11/21/02 11:55 Client Sample SD: t6W_g Matrix: Fates Bate Received; 11/22/02 12:30 Pyaz..__t e`a -_ _..,._.,,.:._...... 3e i_Cs :_..._ _11 ?1 _, F2 zrt L1zsxt ..R ____Analyzed.-, RY._ _. k% Nr�__,m ,21i .l,.. Leg-t GCis of the GC VOtCs in Rater Method: sm 6230D Benzene ND ug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17:00 PFM 71-43.2 Broaaobenzene - ND Ugrl 0.50 1A 12105/02 17:00 PFX 108-86-1 Proaoodhlorometharre Nil ug/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 74-97-5, Drozaodichloronethane ND oq/1 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 75-27-4 Frozsoforza ND :zg/1 0.50 1A 12/05/"02 17a00 PPM 75.25-2 Srca:odl thane ND "aq/l 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 74-83- ;a-Dutylbenaer e ug/l 1.0 1 0 12/05/02 17, 0 PPM 104-51-6 sec-Butyibenzen ND ug/I 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 115-98 d tert-Blatylhenzere ID ugly 0,50 l,0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 98_06_6 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/l 0,50 1,0 12/05/02 17.00 PPM 56-2 -5 Chloroben ene ND ug/a 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 17AO PPM 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/1 0,50 1�0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 75-00- Chloroforrt ND ug/l 0.50 I.0 12/ 5/02 17s00 PPM 67-66-3 Chloramethane ND ug/Z 2.0 1.0 12(05/02 17,00 PPM 74-87-3 _ 2 a;hlcrotalueae 14D` u gr° l 0.50 .0 12 QS/00 / ,0 7 4 1 . PPM 95-49-8 4-Chlcrotoluene ND ng/l 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 106-43_4 1,-Dibrozao-3-chlorcpropalle ND Ug11 2.0 1»0 32/05/02 17:00 PPM 96.12-5 ilibreraoohloromethane ND Uq/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17:001 PPM 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDBS sgfl 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17:00 FPP1 106-93-4, Dsbromoneethane ND sag/1 0,50 1.0 12105/02 17.00 PPM 74-9 -1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/1 1 0 1.0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 95- .1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND erg/1 110 1A 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 541-71-1 1,4-D chlorobenzene NO Uq/1 1.0 1.0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 1.06-46-7 Dichlorodifluorezaethane ND ug/1 0.5,0 1.0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 75-71-8 1,1-Dichlcroetnane ND ug/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 75-34-3 1,2-Dlthloroethane ND ug/1 4, 0 1A 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 107-06-2 1,1-Dichlorcechene ND aag/1 6150 1,0 12/05/02 17:00 PP14 75-35-4 cis-1 2-Dichlorcetheee ND U,411 0,50 1A 12/05/02 17;00 PFM 156-59-2 trans-1,2-D.ichloroethene,. ND sag/l 0150 1.0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropzopane ND sag/1 050 1.0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 78µ67-5 1,3-Dichlorcptapane ND ug/l 0.90 1,0 12/05102 17:00 PPM 142-28-9 2,2-Dsc lorop:ropane NED a/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 57.00 PPM 594-20-7 1,1-Dichlorepr°opene ND Ug/1 0150 1A 12/05/02 17;00 PPS 563-58-5 cis-5,3--Dichlaropropene ND Uq/l 0.50 1A 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 10061-01-5 trans 1,3-Dichlorop opene ND ug/l 0150 1,0 12/05/02 17:00 PPP 10061-02-6 Diisopropyl ether ND vg/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 1 ;00 PPH 108-20-3' Ethylbenrene ND ug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 l7:00 PPM 100-41-4 Dse6l le/µay+la rs0. 3 c? 2D REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISKY Drinking Water 90090 NC iV srrv%alar 12 NC Oiink.nq Water 37,706 Pus depart shall not be reproduced, excedl In lull. VA Dilnkwn0 Water 213 SC 99WI6 without the wntlert assent of Pace Analylicai Services, tne. Ft NELA,P 587627 Pace Anslylerel Sarvitst,1 G. Kitray A WJW, atte 100 Hunt sore, AC 28078 704 875. 9 . V875,9091 Lab Project Number; 923894 client Project SD: Hickory 9334565 Lab SaMP16 No€ 931408102 Project Sample Number: 9228548-002 Gate Collected: 11/21/02 11 55 Client Sample SD: -g Matrix; Water hate Deceived: ! /22/02 12 30 ZAjapigtar ._ e aal t .. 1? t s; Rp r ; 1. i C k , l vz-_ _ � _.. SAS N a .. 's t, Rexachioro-1„3-buta iene ug/1 2.0 1.0 12/05/02 17; 0 PPM 87-68-3 isopropylbenzene ( " ene) ND ug/l 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 98-82-8; p-Sa propyltoluene, ND ug/"1 1.0 1.0 12/05/02 17»00 RPM 99-6a-5 Dlethylen, chloride ND ug/1 2..0 1,D 12/05/02 17:00 RPM 75-09- Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17:00 RPM 1634-04-4 Naphthalezie, ND ug/1 2.0 1.0 12/05/02 l?z00 PPM 91-20-3 n-Propylbenzene NG,, ug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 ,17:00 PPM 103-65-1 Styrene ND txg/l 0...50 1,0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 200-42-5 1,1,1,2-Tetr4chloroethane ND ug 1 050 1.0 12/05/02 17:00 PPX 630-20-6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachlorcetbazze Nil Ug/1 0.50 I6D 12/05/02 ?i00 PPM 79-34-5 Tetrachlorcethene ND ug/l 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 127-10-4 Toluene ND ug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17:00 RPM 108-99-3 1,2,3<-Trichlorobenaene ND ug/1 2.0 1,0 12/05/02 17:00 RPM 87-61-6 1,2,4-Trichloroben ne ND a /l: 2,0 1.0 12/05/02 17t00 RPM 120-82-1 1,1,1.-Trichloroethane ND Ug/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17:00 RPM 71-55-8 2,1,2:-Trichloroethane ND ug/1 0.50 1.4 12/05/02 17,00 PPM 79-00-5 Trichl.orcethene Nil ug/1 0 50 1,0 12/05/02 17;00 RPM 79-01-6 Trichlorofluorometh ne ND cg/l 0,50, 1,0 12/05102 1.7:00 RPM 75-69-4 1,2,-Trichl:oroprepan Tub ug/1 0.50 1.0 12,/05/02 17:00 PPM 96-18-4 1.,2„4-Trimethylben5ene ND' 1zg/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17:00 RPM 95-63-6 1,3,5:-Trizeethylbenrene Nil ug/"1 0.50 1A 12/05/02 17:00 RPM 109- 7_g Vinyl chloride ND ug/1 0,50 1,0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM 75-01-4 =&p-Xylene ND ug/l 0 54 1.0 12/05/02 17:00 PPM o-yyleue ND ug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05102 17s00 PRX 95-47-6 1-C loro®3-f uorobe gene (,g) 106 1,0 12;/05/02 17:00 PPM 625-98-9 rata: 12103/02 °Mnr^wn+ 1d9QLw-= N waslawatet 12: hC Ddnkhq "Water 37706 C 9900 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except rn iulh wmlie,1 the wratlen consent of Pane A:nafytkal Bewares, idc. L&�� KY Drinkhg Water W90 PA Drinking Water 21 /S DELAP E87627 ;a'ceAnalyfical- V,pace74bs.corra t Pave Anslyficli SgIvit , tac. t ual a NA, NC 26078 704175RV" ., 704 675,9091 Lab Project NumberF 923894 Client Project 1Ds Hickory 9334565 Lab Sample No. 931400710 Project Sample Number. 5238948-003 irate Collected. 11/21/02 12:15 Client Sample ID: -C Matrix: Aster Date Recei:recl 11/22102 12:30 Para etP p . R,. gplt C:tz,t W.. P lsrt i 1t D .._.... Ar:siy d _ 37- .,_rxt its k4 Rvglzt GC Vol tiles GC tiOCs in Water Method; SAS 6230D ND ug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/0202 17:41 PPt3 71 43-2 Senzene Bromobienaene ND ug/"1, 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 108-86,1 Brourochlorometthane ND :.ag/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17:41. PPM 74-97-5 Dromodschlcromathane ND ug/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 1 :41 PPM 75-27-4 13rcmofcrtr ug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17.41 PPS 75-5-2 2romomethane ND ugIl 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 1 :41 PPM 74-83-9 :s uut}°lNe aae^ 4/l 1.13 3 , 0 12/05/02 17:41 PFM 104-51-6 sec-Buty?benzene ND ug/l 0.50 1A 12/05/02 17;41 RPM 135-98_8 tert-Butylben ene ND ug/1 0,50 1,0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 98-06-6 Carbon tetrachloride ND ugll 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 56-2 .5 Cblorcbenrene ND ug/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 1.7:41 PPM 108-90-7 Chloroet.ane ND ug/1 0„50 1.0 12/05/02 17:41 RPM 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/1 0,50 1,0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 67-66-3 Chlosomethane ND ug/3 2u0 1.0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 74-87-3 2-C lorotoluene ND ug/1 0,50 1.0 12/05/02 17:41 PPX 95-49-8 4-Chlcrotoluene ND ug/'1 0.50 1A 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 106-43-4 1,2-Dib,7ozo-3-ch1oropropane ND ug/l 2.0 1.Q 12/05/02 17:41 RPM 96-1 -8 Dibromochloromethace ND Ug/l 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 11:41 PPM 124-48_1 1,2-Dibromoethane dEDBY ND ug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 106-93-4 Dicroncomethas e ND ugll 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17t 41 RPM 74-95-3 1,2-Dichlorob rarene ND ug/1 1.0 1.0 12/05/02 I7r41 RPM 95-50-1, 1,3-Dichlorobeaarene ND' urg/t 1.0 1,0 12/05/02 17:41 RPM 541-73,1 1,4-D chlorob nren ug/1 I.O 1.0 12/05/02 17.41 RPM 106-46-7 Dichloro ifluoromethane ND ug/l, 0. 0 1.0 12/05/02 17:41 RPM 75-71-8 1.1-Dich orsaethane ND ug/1 0.50 3.0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 75-3 -1 1,2-Dic loroethane ND tag/1. 0,50 1.0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 107-06-2 1,1-D chloroethene ND Uq/1 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 17r41 RPM 75-3 -4 cos-2 2-0Dichloroethere ND 'ag/1 0�50' 1.0 12/05/02 17:41 RPM 156-59-2 trans-1.2-Dichloroetbene ND ug/? 0.50 1..0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 156-60-5 1,2-Diehloropropane ND ug/l 09 50 1,0 12/05/02 1 AI PPM 78-87-5 1,3-Dichloro roparte ND ug/l 0.50 1A 12/05/02 17:41 PIM 142-28-9 2,2-D ohloropropane ND ug/°l 0,50 1.0 12/05/02 17=41 PPM 594-20-7 1,1«Ciehlozoprcpene, ND g/1 O, O 1.0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 563-58-6 cis-1,3-Dichlorcpropene ND ug/1 0.50 1.0 12;05/02 17:41 RPM 10061-01-5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropea:e ND ug/I 0. 0 1.0 12/'05102 17Al PPM 10061-02- Diisopropyl ether ND ag/l 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 108-20-3 Pthylbenrene ND erg/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 100-41-4 race: zt.'itl -1=1-pa REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS r i Clan ka g7 49a18 901k10 NC wastewater t 2 NC Drinking W4aler 37705 lhvs report shall not be reproduced, kept in full, "OA Drinking Water 213- SC 99006 ar:€ mul the written consent of Pace A.nah7#rcal $erv:ces, lnc. FL NSIAR 597627 7 P ce AnslyfiCtJ &VICO "tnc, 2aceAPh": 98M Kimey Aymue, Suite 100 �1ra�ft :=add, �2807 ��'i .W .: 704,87 ;W Fax, 7. 7 MI ar,=rr s=.p96ela s n is Lab Project Number: 5218948 Client Project ID: Hickory 9334565 Lab Sample No. 932408710 Project SatnpleNumber- 9238348-003 Date Collected; 11/21102 12.15 Matrix; Water Rate Received11/22/02 22:30 Client Sample 111s - Rgserlp 7ri ..w Rppgrt L, it OP Axxalyxe CA Nf _ v Pap._ eterP Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND .m,., _ _ ug/1 2.0 I.0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 87-68-3 Iscpropylbenxene, (Cumeziol ND ug/1 0.50 1.0 1.2/05/02 17A1 PPM 98.82-8 -Isopropyltoluene ND ug/1 1.0 1.0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 99.87-6 Methylene chloride ND ug/1 2.0 1.0 12/05/02 17 41 PPM 75-09- Methyl-tort-butyl ether ND ug/l 0.50 1A 12/05/02 1.7a41 PPM 1634-04-4 Naphthalene NJ) ug/l: 2.0 1,0 12/05/02 17AI PPM 93-20.3 u-Propylbenrene ND ug,�l 0150' .0 12105102 17:41 PPM 1 3-65-1 ND ug/1 0150 1.0 12/05/02 I7t41 PPM I00-42-5 Styrene 1,I„2,Tetracisoroetha:t ND ug/l' 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17:41 P14 630-20-6 1.1,2.2-Tetrac loroetha.e ND ug/l 0,50 1.0 12/05/02 17:41 PPN 79_34-5 -etrachlcrrerethene ND eg/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17a41 PPM 127-18-4 -Oluene ND ug/l 0.51 1.0 12/05/02 17•41 PPt4 108-88-3 1,2,3-Trichlorobenrene ND ug/1 2.0 1.0 12/05/C2 17s41 PPM. 87-61-6 1,2,4-Trichlortbenrene NI) , ng/1 2.0 1: 0 12/05/02 17;41 PPM: 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND Ug/l 0.50 3.0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM, 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane N7rt u5/1 0.50 1.0 1210 /02 17;41 PPM' 79.00-5 Trlchloreethen4 ND Ug/s 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 79-01- Trichlorcrltsarea ethane ND ug/l 0.50 1.0 12/05102 17f41 PPM 75-69-4 1,2,3-Trichloroprcrpane ND ug/1 0.50 1A 1210 /02 17:41 PPM 96-18-4 1,2,4-Trimethylbenreno ND ag/l 0.5ff 1.0 12,✓05/02 17:41 PPM 95-63-6 1,3,5-T imethylbenzene l ug/l 01.50 1,0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 108-67-8 Vinyl chloride ND ug/l 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 17:41 PPM 75-01,-4 e u 1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 17 PPM PP o-Xylyle yp�x �.r x4yi ene ND ug/1 0,50 1.0 12/05/02 17:41 y A'x 43. SST ]"S. y R p .T"'27 `"V I- hlcro-3-f uarobenzene (9) 109 1.0 12/05/02 17.41 PPM 625-98- Date: 12/05102... � �al � REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS KY oreking Ovate N&�Gv* �fa�SfeV�`a1es i2 tYV NC Orinkint W31et 27706 This report shall not be rtpradUced„ except to lull, VA Ddrikin0 Water 713 SC 99006 v hout tte written consent of Pace Analytical Seances, he. FL NELAP t87827 ce Analyffatt SOVIC85, dot . k , trr 100 704,875,092 '.'dk"ISY PactlaboXoF?7 Fes: 704.875. M I Lab Project Number; 9238948 Client Project 11i Hickory 9334565 Lab Sample Noi 931408728 Project Sample ' er: 9238948-004 Dale Collected; 11/21/02 12:45 Matrix. Water irate Received: 11/22/02 12i30 Client Sample ID. MW-D 7,a.SS1l I? __ _....._:,_];�.l;."+. �._...0.,t�,... _ C4a, Q.. _..._ .::`.�".Z."t., '.;T,Zi7Re w.__._.........._..........w. ....._,..�:.:..,.m... _ ,,,'. .,Lt.9. .::: _ ....,?Y&.t,.'.C3t rc Volatile GC L67Cs in Water Method! 561 6230g Nil ug/l 0.50 1.0 1 105/02 18,21 PP i1-43 2 Benzene ND ug/1 0,50 1.0 12/a5/32 18i23 PPM 108-8,6-1 Prormbonzen 8ronochlorozaethane NO aagll 0,50 1,0 52/05/02 18:21 PPM 74-57.5 Hranod chloro ethane NO Ug/1 0,50 1,0 12/05/02 18:21 RPM 75-27-1 grcnofor ND u~g/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 18,€21 PPM 75-25.2 Pro ozaethane ND Ug/1 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 18.21 PPM 74-83-9 a-Butylbenzen ND 'gig/1 1.4 1.0 12/05/02 18:21 PP?1 104-5 -8 sec-Putylbenzene ND ug/I 0.50 1A 12/05/02 18:21 PPM 135-98-8 ter=t-Riatylbenrene ND ug/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 18:21 PPM 98-06-6 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 18.21 PPM 56-23-5 C?nlcrobenzene I'D ug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 18a21 PPM 108-90-7 Chlcrcethane ND ug/1 0.50 1.,0 12/05/02 18.21 PPM 75-00.3 Chloroform ND ug/1 0.50 1A 12/05/02 18:21 RPM 67-66-3 Chloremethane ND ug/1 2.0 1.0 12/05/02 1Si21 P1114 74-87-3 2-Chlorotoluene NO ug/l 0,50 1.0 12/05/02 18:21 RPM 95-494 4•Cll a:rotoluene ID ug/l 0150 I.D 12/05/02 18i21 PPH 106-43-4 1a2-Oibromo-3:-chloropropane ND ug/l 2�0 1.0 12/05/02 18:21 RPM 96-12-8 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 18:21 PPM 124-48-1 1a2-Dibromoethane (P1a5) Nil ug/l 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 18.22 PPM 106-53-4 D bramo ethane ND ug/l 0,50 1,0 12/05/02 18:21 RPM 7 -95-3 1,2-11i:chlorcbenzene ND ugll 1.0 1,0 12/05/02 1 a21 RPM 95-50-1 1,3-llichlorobenzen ND ug/l 1.0, 1.0 12/05/02 18:21 PPM 541-73-1 1,4.Oichlorobenzene ND ug/l 1.0 1.0 12/05/02 18.21 RPM 10 -46-7 1lichloroditluorozftetiane Nat- ug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 18.21. PPP[ 75-71-8 1,1.Oichloroethane ND Ug/l 0.50 1A 12/05/02 18:21 PPM 75-34-3 1,2-1libhloroethane ND ug/1 0.50 1.0 l21t)5/02 18:21 Pp14 107-06.2 1,1-D chloroethene NO, ug/l 0.50 1>0 12/05/02 18:21 PpM 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichlcroethene ND ug/l 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 18:21 PPM 156-59-2 traaaa-1,2-Dichloroatlene ND ug/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 18:21 RPM 156-60-5 1a2-Oichloropropane ND ug/l 0.50 1,0 12/05,/02 18a21 RPM 7847 -5 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 18:21 PPM 142- 8_g 2,2-Dichlorapropane ND Ug/1 5.50 1.0 12/05/02 10:21 PPM 554-20_7 1,1-Pichloropropene ND ug/l 0,50 1.0 12/05/02 18:21 PPM 563-58-6 cis-1,3-Oichloropropene ND ug/l 0,50 1.0 12/05/02 18a21 PPM 10061-01-5 trans- ,3-pichlraropropene ND ug/l 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 18i21 PPM 10061-02- Oiisopropyl ether ND uag/1 0,50 1.0 12/45/02 18c21 RPM 108u20-3 Pthylbenzene Ni3 ug/l 0.50 1.0 1.2/05/02 1 ,21 RPM 100�41-4 Date. it o9loa ,t�im�^ REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS KY odniing Water 9G NG ale� NC Oainking Water 3a 306 This report sha61 not to reproduced. exceeat in Bull, vA Ddnkwpq Water 213 SC 94006 aygg0ua toe wmten consent of Pace Analytkai Servcio, Inc. 6c NE LAP E8 627 +Page Aftalyfic,81 M ," do : 7ceAnalyfica lld .yAVWX4, Spit 100 Hunitirscifla, NC 8078 Phom, 704.875,AV2 Fax, ?.875,l �P Lab Project" N er 9238940 Client Project ID: Hickory 9334565 project 5 pie aro 926948.0,04 Date Collected: 11/21142 12.4 Lab Semple No: 931408728 matrix: water hate Received: 11/22 02 12:30 Client Sample 11W MW-D l L441,9 =m rlep _..Re� i3 ._ _ ag/1 2.0 1.0 12/05/02 1P:21 PP 67-63 3 1lexachloro-1,3-butadiene u /l 0150 1,0 12/05/02 18:21 PP11 98-0 -R . iacprnpylbexsr�ne ce�e..�l ND Ug/1 1.0 1.0 12/05102 1.21 PPM99«87=6, p-Isopropyltoluene ND Ug/1 2.0 1,0 12/0,5/02 IBM ppM 75-09-2 Methylene, chloride 0 ug/l 0.50 1A 12/05/02 18:21 PPM 1634-04-4 Methyl -tent -butyl ether NT ug/l 2.0 1.0 12/05/02 18:21 PPM 93-20-3 Na ht5aier p"' Ug/l 0,55.0 1,0 12/05/02 18:21 RPM 103-6 -1 n-Propylbenzea, NA Ug/l 0: 0 1.0 12/05/02 18a21 PFS 100-42-5 Styrene viz 'gig/1 0,50 1..0 12/05/02 1 :21 PPM 630-20-6 1,1a1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND uc3d1 0,50 1,0 12/05/02 18:21 PPM 79-34-5 l ,,2,2.Tetracixlaroehane ug/1 t1.50 1.0 12105/02 18!21 PPM127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene ND ND ug/l 0,50 1A 12/05/02 1Pz22 PPM 108-86-3 Toluene Sir ugA1 2.0 1,0 12/05/02 18z21 PPM 67-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenre e ND Ug/1 2,0 1.0 12/05/02 18:21 PPM 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenrene I'm uq/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 %8z21 PPM 71-55-6 1,1m1.-Trichlbrcethale ND ug/1 0.50 1,0 12/05t02 1 :21 PP13 79-00_5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane NDug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 18:21 PPM 79-01-6 Tric loroethend ND ug/l 0w50 1A 12/05/02 18:21 PPM 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND U /1 0.50 1,0 12/05/02 18*21 PPM 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichlorcprrpane ND ug/;1 0,50 1.0 12/05/02 18:21 PPS 95-63-6 1,2N4-Trimethylbenaene ND u5/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 18:21 PP14 108-67-8 1,3,-Trisnethylben~uene ND ug/1 0.50 1.0 12/05/02 18r21 PPM 75-01-4 Vinyl chloride ND Ug/l 0,50 1A 12/05/02 18:21 RPM aaap-Xylerre ND ug/l 0:54 1,0 12j05/02 18:21 PPM 95-47-6 -xylene 109 1A 12/05/02 18:21 RPM 625-98-9 1-C icro-3-flucrobenzene !0? ra& s 121e9l+02 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS DrinkingKY Water NC Wastawaler 12 NC llrind inp 1V tat 37706 This report shall not he re produced. except in p 10. VA Drinking Water 211 E0; 621 03G05 wannui Me Written consent. of Pace Arrrat/firal Seances, Inc. 21 N6LAP 50 ME=-. . ......... . . -- ------------ - Mail odginal t w „IF OF m !� r r � � . a � • e ar � � � � ��I�; J,. ���IUIIp�IIIIIJ�II�, � �,��IIVIIII w .. .. w 1e1�RiA�t - Rev. 1 t k !all Original ® w r ► N • N to. I * * MA BRUM f cattily that, to the est of my knowledge and bellefi'the information submitted In this report is true, accurate, cam etei and that thelaboratory analytical data s produced Usingpro methods;analysis Y c a tl (formerly ) Willed . laboratory. Am aware that than are significant a altles for submitting false Information, Includingthe possibility of fines and Imposonment I& knowingviolations. k � ° t b k UMMMOMM Chetk Ohm MAW. collotd9it odotelitrattorts. Date sample anat�Zod-�� IMM r"o YIES NO) Ni - Nickel Mg/I Pb - Lead—� Mg/I Zd � Zinc r* Arnmonia Nitrogen 00 Other (sp�fy Compounds atid Concentration Unb) Z!5 cn� ORGANtCS.* (GC,GCUIM HRIOC) (Spet1j)(tost and method #. A*�* f*pojlj Report Attached? Yes.�) —(0) VOC rnethdUV IM Check One: 0 Effluent tint Iff ILI t mail Polo w « . w a, iz .�, Effluent (9 •• .r ra Lou, * 0 #..... f it or pa " Moll P114104 w w z ®IN • • + `' .r ► •� a« 1. •: • « i a * a � y M w ORM En J"_. Public Utilities Pretreatment QY Of H' ory RECEIVED ._ .w3wv�r.v, HdW,NC MM TeWavMZtM Fax .294-1740 MC t, OF ENWKWENT AND NATURAL FtESMCES MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE December 19, 2001 DENS Division of Water Quality Groundwater Section 1636 Mail Service Center Attached to the Groundwater Quality Mordtoririg Compliance Deport Forms you will find a letter from out contract laboratory, PACE Analytical, stating that there was an error in the NO3 and TOC samples for MWD. This site is being re -sampled today for these parameters and l will send in the report form as soon as the data is, finished. Sincerely Pakdc' Paula Prest bod Senior Laboratory Technician W' a 4. CD Pace Analytical Services, Inc 54 RsvenscroftDi✓e Asheville, NC 2880 f Phone, 828254,71,76 Fax 825252 4618 December 13, 2001 NIs, Paula Prestwoo City of Mick-ort Regional Lab 4014 Diver Rd, Hickory, N C 28654 Dear Ms Prestwood, lam writing in regards to the TOCInd Nitrate saaaaaple for -1), which was sampled on November 2001, 26, After a thorough examination of our lalaoraton, coolers, and contact with out other lalroraatox), in Charlotte, we can only coarse to the conclusion that the sample was broken or disposed of accidentally, We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused. s a result of this error, we arc in the process of seeking ways to improve our operating procedures to prevent future occurrences of this type of incident. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me at 8- 54-7176, Sincerely, atherine hrnisoaa Project Manager ,Pace An alilical Senices, loc: Asheville Laboratory to, tC 9 I Im. m Win- 12w wLIMM n. WM Valu� thWid rottoot dissotved and ootWdAl doncontrallons. 101 Date tatWe collected: Date sa7Wana'l'yd, Al � o I igiQw"" —s- Immuff-T-Iff"t go Fair* g fierrmlee 9f AUM dC1eu Ai'}r4arTitt :H[F�m un sal lypu V-59 Rev. 4198 ww • }a ww w E-mlillill �1, r� . : .. , _ .• art ., io • • •Iii ISM= . - to w w. :w iP•w • � w SUBMIT FORM 02m 'R ONLY Ac* w, . $proy Field Rotery OWbWorApplica"On of « w w* .» rr w . w w •w � w w• .� ww ±ew; w r r. w w Dote w coftecte �w Laboratory�� s, l ���u iGx d • w � w �, ♦ a � * w w w � w • w * . w DEC 22 '00 03:16PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P.4/17 12065 LeDanon Rd. mt. Juliet, TN 37122 ENVIRONMENTAL 1-000 757-5659 SCIENCE CORP. Pax (615) 751-5#51 Tox T.D. 52-0914289 Zet. 1970 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Mr. Wayne Althcuaa December 12,2000 Burlington Research Inc, 1102 Belmont str"'c BUrlingtOA, NC 27215 Esc SAA016 L3101-01 nave Recei'-Ved 12106/00 09130 ESC Rey nescripcian Water Sample Site ID �Azple :z 01,032-001 MWA Project �Q1IC:CL,ed AY �o-lectLon Dace 11/29100 lOiOO paxar%--ter RamulL tet, Limit Units xc thod Prep PID Analyzed AID volatillo organkcs; Benze.qe 'wrl 1.0 Uq/1 6230D 12/08/00 1'725 464 12/09/00 2021 Cr Brwtebenzenc SM 1.0 Ug/l 6230D 12/08/09 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 CF Srozochloromcr-hane BnL 1.0 Ug/1 6210D 12108100 112S 464 12/09/00 2021 CP Broirodichloro-aachane 5:)L 1.0 Ug/1 6230D 12/08/00 1725 464 22/09/00 7.021 CF Brorzfo= EDL 1-0 rang/1 6230D 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 CP Bromazethane BDL 1.0 Uq/1 6230D 12/08/00 1725 464 12109100 2021 Cr n-Butyle,n;4ere ZvL 110 Ug/l 6230D 12J0e/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 CP sec-autylbenzene BDL 1.0 U0f1 6230D 12/08100 1725 464 12109100 2021 CF tert-&�tylbenzene BDL 1-0 og/1 6230D 12108/00 1725 464 12/09/00 1011 CP Carbon Tetrachlorido SDL 1.0 U7/1 6230D 12/08/00 1125 464 12109/00 2021 CP Chlorobenzene RUL 1.0 w/l 62301) 12/0/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 Cr chlorodibrorom,thane IML 1.0 UJ/l 6230D t2/0S/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 CF Chloroethane BDL 1,0 UI/I 6230D 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 CF Cblcro50rM UDL 1.0 ug/1 6230D 12108l0O 1725 464 I2/09/00 2021 CF Chloromer-haxe RM. 1.0 tag/1 6230D 12108100 1725 464 12109/00 2021 CF 2-ChloroLoIuCno BDL 1.0 ug/l 6230D 12/08/DO 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 CP 4-Chlorocoluerze BDL I.D UZ/1 6230D 12109/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 CF 1, 2-nibrozact-3-Chloropropane 13DL 110 ag/l 623010 12108/00 1725 464 12109J00 2021 CF 1,2-Dichlorobenzene, BDL 1.0 wZ/1 62300 12/03/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 CF 1, 3-1)icblorokenzene 20L 1.0 6230D 12108/00 1725 464 12109/00 2021 OF 1,4-Di chlorohanzene BDL 1.0 "Iq/1 6230D 12/08/00 1725 464 12109/00 2021 OF bichlorctdi Ll"ortaner-hane SM 1.0 Ua/1 6230z 12/09/00 1725 464 12/0100 2021 CT 1,1-richloroethane BDL 110 ug/l 62.10D 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 CP 1,2-nichloroethate RDL 110,UQ/1 6230n 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09,/00 2021 CP 1,1-Dichlcroeohertc DDL 1.0 Ug/1 6230D 12/0$/00 1125 464 12/09v00 2021 CP RDL 1.0 Lg/l 62300* 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 CF trans-1,2-Dichlarnethene BDL 1.0 ug/l MOD 12/08100 1725 04 12/09/00 2021 Or 1,2-,Oichloropropane ML 1.0 ugril 6230D 12/0e/00 1725 464 12109/00 2021 CF 1,3-Dichloropropane ML 1.0 ugr/l 6230D 12/08100 1725 464 12109/00 2021 Cr 2-DichloropropAnt SM 1.0 Ug/l 62301) 12108100 1725 464 12/0.9/00 2021 OF _l-Dichl0roprcb4mC SM, 1.0 4g/l 6230D 12/08/00 1125 464 12109/00 2021 CF Di -isopropyl othor 80L 5.0 ugix 6230D 12109/00 1725 464 12109/00 2021 CF Whylbenzene BUL 1.0 ugll 6230D 12/0$/00 1725 464 12/05/00 2021 CP Nexa,chlarobutediene BDL 1-0 ug/1 6230n 12108/00 172 464 12/00106 2021 ICE zeopropylbenzene BDL 1.0 'ag1l 6230D 12108/00 1725 464 12/0/00 2021 CP p-IRopropyltoluefto- WL 1.0 Ug/l 6230D 12108/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 CF :ethylene chloride SDL 5.0 ug/l 6230D 12/09/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 CF Hethyl tert-butyl the SOL 5.0 xg!l 6230D 12/09/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 CF Naphthalene BVL 1A uq/1 6230D 12/08/00 025 464 12/09/00 2021 CT BDL - Bclov; DeCeCl.ion LiMlt Dot. Limit - Estimated QUAntiCaCi0c, Eizjt(20L) Page I of 9 SZ --Z Wd 6 Z 030 00 N01133S 831VAONnObB WO �N]G/ 03AI333� DEC 22 '00 03:16PN BURLINGTON RESEARCH P . / 1 lbut 12165 LabeAa9 R « Mt. lunar, TV 17122 q qy T (6151 76-ia N N 19'- 1-800-767-$154 SCIENCE CORP. Ease (615) 750-StSO Tax I.D. 61-08ia285 E 'ta 147n REPORT Or ANALYSIS, Mr. wayle 2lthouse December 12, 000 urlln too Rosearch 140, h)C2 Belmont Screec Burlington, XC 27215 f C Sample L11031-0' Gate Receivedi2t0100 t19:30 SC Key s Description Water aample Site ig Sample ID, OL032-001 MWA Project 4 :: col'iccec ' SY Col"leccion Date 'e 11/29100 10.00 ParameterResult-- Det. L' 'tUnits----Method Prm PXD Analyzed AID =-?ropy1b=zcne BDL 1.0 u711 6230D 12/09/00 1125 464 12101/00 2021 CF Styrene SLL 1.0 0911 6230D 12/06/00 1725 464 12109/00 2021,Cr ' J,1,2-Tretrachloroethane SOL - 1.0 ug11. 62308 12I0e/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 CV 1,1..2,2- etrackiloroethana SOL 1.0 Ug/1 6230D 12/081 0 1725 464 12109/00 2021 C T trxacb oroet xs 1. 1/l 62300 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2021: C 1,2.3-x'r chl€arobenz t, 1.0 ug/l; 62301i 12/09/00 1125 464 12/09d00 2021 CF 1 2,4-Trichlorobenzene DDL 1. all 6230D 12/08/00 1125 464 1:2/09/00 2021> C 1.1.,1 ichloro 11e; EVIL 1.0 11 11 623010 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09100 2021` C 1,1,2-Trichlor othan L 1..0 ttg/l 62300 12/08100 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 C riehloroethen L 1.0 ;r/l 62308 1.2/06'100 1725 464 12/09100 2021 C Trlchlorofluorometh nt 1.0 /l 6230D 12108100 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 Cr i,2,5-Tr loropro L 1.0 'a0/1 6230D 12/09/00 1729 464 12/ 9100 2021 Cr 1,2.4-Trimethylbenxene EDL 1.0 ugll: 6230D 12108/ D0 1725 464 1.2105/00 2021 C 1.3,5-Triarethy e 1.0 U0'/1 6230 12/08/00 1725' 464 12/09/00 2021 C Tol.xxend EDL 1®6 gig'/1 6230 12/08100 1725 464 12/09/00 2021 CF u1 hlori SCL 1.0 ug/l 6230 2/08100 1725 464 12109f00 2021 C yi e , Total. SSt 3-0_ Ug/1 230 12:08/00 1725 464 2/09/00 2021 C 40 roa e, eR4eeneatiu BDL - Below Sececcion Limi4 Dot. Limit - Latimatad QUanticacion Lwmzt}:TQL) La;01&LOrY Certif ir4ti4G1 ru tiers: AI - 09227. AL - 40660, C - I-2527, C"- 211-0197, F _ E87487, C k 523, IN - C-T -01 X - 90010, RC KXV315,DW21704, ND - 2-1d0„ IC' - 0400 , rN - 2006, VA - 00109, we - 233 Vcces The reporters analytical rtault;s relate only to the sample sub itt d This ,report sboll not be reproduced,: except it full, without the written approval from 2SC. Pao2of 8 SUBMJT FORM ON « 4 PAPER ONLY Mall rII t. in. 'Went «.I :r «- • �. .,. a .: •r « * DEC 'c17 M BURLINGTON RESEARCH ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCER , 1209S Lebazoa Rd. Mt. 7wk1i*t, TV 37122 (615) 7544595S 1-aao-767-5551 rax (6151 754=545t Tax I.D.62.1544265 zt. 1174 Mr,, Wayne AlthOU40 zecembtr 12, 2000 sirlington Research Inc; 1302 Bel ou $Lrvclt 9sarlingt :a, XC 27215 ESC dample L31011-02 Date C;ivC 12106100'0c3 ESC Keys a 2cscriLtlos water :a4mple site in 61 01t 1D n 01032 002 Xw Collected 5y e co`zlacti.bp laze 11/29100 10.2 Far Oto Ae au1: Der.. LiZdt Unite Method Prep PT xed AID volatile Organics Roaze"10 BOX, 1.0 ugll 6230D 12/09/00 1723 4954 12/09100 2054 CF' Promobanzene 1 L 1.0" u /l 6230D 12/08100 1725 464 1.2/09100 2054 CF Brostodbloromethane BDL 1.0 ug/1 62301) 1.2/00/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2014 CF' Fro di:hlrror.ete 511L 1.0 a/1 6230D 12/08`100 1725 464 12/09100 2054 ormform BDL 1.0 ug/l 62'.30Z 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2054 CF r rx--thane BDL 1.0 ug/1 6230D 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09'00 2054 CF na utylbenzene' BDL 1.0 tad/1 623015 12/06>/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2054 CF ec-HuEy/1 n.zane =L le0 ug;/1 MOD 12/08/00 172S 464 12/05100 2054 CF` tert-Butylbeftzme SOL 1.0 ug/1 6230D 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2054 CE Carboa Tccrachlorl L 1.0 ug/1 6230D 12108/00 172 464 12/09/00 2054 CE loro: nzena EDL 1.0 ug/1 623DD 12/OA/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2054 CF lorodibrom t c ROL 1.0 ug,ll 6230D 12/08/'00 1725 464 12/09/00 2054 CP lcroeth e 9 L 1.0 ugll 6230D 12108/00 1725 464 1:2/09/00 2054 CF Chloroforx ROL 1.0 ug/l 6230D 12108/00 1725 464: 12109100 2054 CP Chloromethane ZML 1..0 a/1 6230D 12/08100 1125 464 1.2109r"04 2054 Cr 2-Cialorotoluene D1. 1.0 u /1 62301) 12108/00 1125 464 12/05100 2054 C1% - lar�Gcala axeBDL 1.0 u2/1 030D 12108/00 1725 464 12/09100 2054 CF 1,2-Dibromo-11 Chloroprc ne SOL 1.0 ug/i 230t) 12/08100 1725 444 12/09100 20 4 CF 1.2-Dichlorobon; 3DL 1.0 ugi'1 6230D 12/0 /00 1.725 464 12/09/00 20 Cf 1,3- ichlorohanz ro BnL 1.0 xug/1 62301) 12/09/00 1125 464 12/09100 2054 CF I 4-Dichlorobenx-ene, BUT, 1.0 ug/1 6230D 12109/00 1725 464 12,/09100 2054 CF , Oichlorodiilu r0 r-e BnL 1.0 ugll 6230D 12108/00 1725 464 12/09100 2054 ir 1,1-richlcirbet e BDL 1.0 ug/1 62.1015 12d0 /00 1725 464: 12J09/00 2054 CF hloroe e EM 1.0 :/1 6230D 12/09/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2054 Cr ,2-Di 1, 1-Dichlorcethene SOL 1.0 u /1 6230D' 12/08/00 1'725 464 12/09/00 2054 CF cis-1,-Dichldrooth nc ADL 1.3 ugJ1 6230D 12108/00 1725 464 12/09100 20S4 CF cr -1,2- ichlcroe hene BDL. 1-0 u911 6230D 12/08/00 1725 464 12/05/00 2054 CF 1,2-ulchloropropane' 1,0 e19/1 6230D 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09/00 20$4 CF 1a3-Dichloro roD e SOL- 1.0 sLgt1 6230D 12/08100 1725 464 12/09/00 2054 CF' 2,2-Z)ighloro r t, 1.0 ug/l 6 Son 12108/00 1725 464 12109100 2054 CF 1,1-Di Moro rapen L 1-0 a /1 6230D 12/08100 1725 464 12/09 00 2054 CF Di.-i.-opropyrl. ether PDL 5.0 ugil 6 30 12/09/00 17 5 464 12/09/00 2054 CF F-r,hylben,ZeAe ADL 1.0 g/1 6.230D 12/08/00 172E 464 12/05/00 2084 CF liexachlorobutadietie BDL 1.0 a/1 623on 12/08/00 1725 464 12109/00 2054 C la r 111aexsz e 1.0 u,ill 5230D' 12/0 /00 1725 464 12/09/00 2054 CF y.-2aopro ylt luene 1.0 ug/1 6230 12/08/00 1725 464, 12/09/00 2054 Cr Methylene chloride L 5.0 ug/1 6230D 124'08/00 1725 464 12109/00 2054 C ethyl .ort-butyl ether ML 5.0 ug/1 6 M 12/08/00 1725 464 12109/00 2054 Cl lapht;.lern L 1.0 u0/l 6230D 12/08/00 1-725 464 12/09/00 2054 CF M - Se'low Detection Limit Det. Lip:-iz - Estimated 2uantitat on LizitiZQL) page 3 of 8 DEC 22 '00 b17PM BURLINGTON RESEARCH P. 'ir 1 065 Lebanon xd, Mt- Juliet, TX 17122 (615) 7 N-Soso' , ENvIRONMENTAL SCIEXCE CORP TAX T.D. 62.0014 9) st- 197a. r.- Wayne Althouse December 12 200 BvrlLngcon Research Zn „ 1302 8elont Street SwrlingCon, 14C 27215 9SC Sample 4 i31031-02 pate Received 12106/00 09.30 6G fey a es:erigt.on Water sa ple Site ; ID Sapp« 10 OL032-002 XWS Project Collected B Collection Cate 11129100 10:20 Parameter Result Dot, Limit Unite Xethod ire PSD pw6alyxed A ID n-propylbenzene SDL 1.0 gag/l 62301) 12/09/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2054 CP Styr e. BDL 1a0 ug/l 62301) 12/09/00 1725 464 12/09/00 Z054 CF 1, 1, 1, 2-Tetrachloros Oiaze B41L: 1.0 -agll 6230D 12/08/00 11 S 464;12109/00 2054 CF 1,1,2.2-Tetradhloro kh x E 1.0 ag"1 6230D 1210 /00 1725 464 12/09/00 20S4 C Tecra.chloreethene BSI; 1,0 vq/1 6230D 1 /00/00 1725 464 12/01/00 2054 C 12,3--Trichlo a rsrozl DL 1.0 ug12 6230D 12108100 1725 464, 12/09/00 2054 Cif 112,4- ritiil roil nreh BDL 1.0 ug/1 6230D 12/06/00 1125 464 12/09 00 2054 CF 1,1,1-Trichloroathane BDL 1,0. ag/l 6230D 12/0$/00 1725 464 12/09/00 20SA CP 1,1,2-i laroet n0 VDL 1.0 zaq/l 623011 12/08100 1725 464 12109f00 2054 C6' ri loroethe a M 1.0 ug/1 6230D 12JOS/00 1725 464 12/00100 2054 C? richlorofluorometh L 1.0 ug/1 6230o 12108100 172 4$4 12/09100 2054 CF 1., 2, 3-TrichloropropeBDL 1.0 uc3/2 6230D 12/08/00 172 464 12109/00 2054 CP i,2,4-Trl C4ylben e WE, 1..0 u011 6230D 12/oS/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2054 CP' 1,3,5-Trir4Chylbanzene ML 1.0 ug/l 6230D 12/08/00 1725 4641 12/0 /00 2054 CP T01+40BDL 1. 0 l 6230D 12/08/00 1'725 464 12/05100 2054 CP inyl ehlorids BDIL 110 ug/l 6230D 12109/00 1725 464 12/0 /00 2054 C Xyl.ernes-, Total BDL 3wO ug/1 6230D 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2054 C yroa Rasa, C R.e reaentativ0 BDL - $eiow refection Limit Dac, Limic _rStiMatea Quanticacion Limic(E L) Lao aGory Certification Numbers; AfHA 09227, AL - 40660, Cl - 2-2327, CT- P8-0197, FL - E67497, G - 923, IN - C-TN-01 rx - 90010. t4C - 16w37S,nw 17Q4. 'd0 - R,140, dC - 84.Ofld. TN - 2006, VA - 00109, wV - 233 Notes The reported adalycical reaults relate only to the sample submitted ,this rzpoet shall noc ba roproduct6, except in full, vithout the written approval frolA ESCa Pace 4 of 6 $UBMIT FORM ON = Please Print Clearly or r r r� r r� + � ► i Medk*k Influbm «r r rs r r rr r. r •r r :� » r r r � m r � • Temp. APPeOrante 1 r t r s r .: i #a� � # r � • u a Values should dissolved # r M M r • "" " M E : � • �n ItG '� M, s • M " � ; • » » e � A; M a .: is « "� � ' # � r ra r • r 0.i • r a r '°�r g� a — sa I u.-n ", rrNO DEC 22 '00 0 R 18PN BU L INGTON RESEARCH P.1e 1 / r UNA l"t53 Lebanon Ed. t uliatH 1 17121 ` ENVIRONMENTAL - 76 - 651 W SCIENCE CORP. Fax (613) st-*ad49 Tax x.z. 42-1814299 IMPORT OF AMALYSIS mr, paYu ,6l^�ha*e e Dacember 12, 2000 Zurliagr zi laeaearch rn 1102 Ai."At sc an 9v la.2 gt can SC 27215, E90 gample 0 L31031-03 z ee T:eceavea llio6ioo 09:3 rsC Key Dc2 Ctipti-ar: 1a1:.lex Semple site ID Sa « 1i1 OL032-003 v_WC Project I Collected By collection Dal 11/26/00 10F4 Parameter Sea It Dot. Limit ° t Units Mothod preo p1La Analyied AID Volatile Orgari s Benzene SCE 1.0 a /1 62301) 12/08i/00 1725 464 12105/00 2126 Cr Braaeobenzone SOL 1m0 usrtl 6230 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09100 21.26 CF Sro=chloromethanoL 110 ug/1 623DD 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09100 2126 BrotwdichlQromethano 811L 1.0 tig/1 6230D 12108 100 1725 464 12/'09/00 2126 CF' Bromofo:rm BVL 1.0 11 6230D 12108/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2126 Cr rac�^at7a° thane DDL 1.0 4q/1 62301) 121D8/00 1725 464 1.2i09/00 2126 CF €i-Sut lbenzc e SOL 1..0, uix/1 6230C 12/09/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2126 CF aec- utylb,owx ene ZDL 1.0 %su/l 6230D 12/06100 1'725 464 12/09/00 2126 CF' ter.-Butylbenz L 1.0 u0/1 6210D 12109100 1725 464 1.2/09/00 2126 CF Carbon TeCrachloride BDL 1.0 u l 6230D 12/00/00 1725 464 12109100 1126 Cr Chlcrob nzene BDI, 1.0 uS/l 9230D: 12/08/00 112S 464 12/09/00 2126 C Clolorodibromomethane SDL 1,0 up/1 623&D 12/08100 1725 464 12/09/00 2126 CF Chlaro thane WL 1.0 u0/1 62'.300 12/06/00 1.725 464 1210.9/00 2126 Cr 1ar*.1 *rM SDL 1.0 ug)l 6230'0 12/08!00 1725 464 12/09/00 2126 Cr Chloromethane BDL 1.0, ug/1 6230-0 12/08100 1725 464 12/05/00 2126 CF 2-Chlarotoluenc ZDL 1.0 ug/1 6230t) 1208100 1725 464 12/05/00 2126 CF 4-Chlorotoluen L 1, 0 ug/1 6230V 12/08/00 1725 464 12109 00 2126 CF 1, 2-nibs --3-Chlor0prap e 82L 1.0 uq/1 6230 12/ i/00 1725 464 12109/00 2126 CF 1,2-Si Mara 0iazetie SCL 1.0' a /i 6230D 12/09/00 1725 464 12t0,,?100 2126 CF 1,3- hl�xr n2 rEVL 1.0 ag/l 6230D 12/09/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2126 CF 1.4-Dichlorobenzane BDL 1.0 u8/1. 6230v 12108/00 1725 464: 1.2/09/00 2126 CF i chl a a i$luoro thane 150L 1m0 ug/1 6z3oz 12108100 172S 464 12109100 212 CF 1.1-DichlQraa DOL 1.0 u911 6210D 12108/00 1725 464 12109,/00 2126 CF 1.o2- % }'lozoe ne BDL .110 a r"1 6 3011 12/09/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2126 CF 1.1-Dichlorae ten 1,0 Uq/l 6230D 12/08/00 1725 464 12109/DD 2126 Cr Cis-1. '-nichlorott o 13 C 1.0 u /l 6210 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09100 2126 CP trana-1.2-Dicbloroetherie SOL 1.0 u0/1 62.30 4, 12/0100 1725 464 12/09/00 2126 CF 2 i7z filar Saxie L 1.0 a /1 6210D 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2126 CF 1, - ioblarapw'cp 1.0 ug/1 6230D 12108/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2126 CF 2.2-Vichloroprapane DDL 1,0, uq/1 6230D 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2126 C 1,I-i11 hlorc ro ene BDL 1.0 u011 6230D 12i08f00 1125 464 12/09100 2126 CF Dl-iso ra yl ether =L Sau vq/1 6250D 12108/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2126 CP Zthylbenzene WL 1.0 il. 6230D 12109100 1725 464 12/09100 2126 CF Hexachlorobutadiene S 1L 1.0 ugli 6230 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09100 2126 CF 19opra lbwuze is SDL 1, 0 ug/1 42300 12108/00 1725 464 12/09100 2126 CF �Ieapr 1 t alc es e 1.I a rt 623011 12/08/00 1725 464 1210�100 2126 CT methylete €=hl0ride 8DL 5.0 a /1 6230D 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09/00 212 6 CF t,hyl tert-butyl a her SOL 5.0; u0/1 623011 12/08100 1725 464 12109/00 2126 CF xlapbth lene BDL 1.0 u8/1 623 12/08/00 1725 464 12109/00 2126 CT L - Below DeteCtio Li- it Dot, Lia C - 8ati a;06 QuanCiCati6n Llrs.it(KQ'L) pace 5 0 DEC 22 '00 03:19PM WRLINGTON RESEARCH P.12/17' 1206r Lebanon Rd, Mt. Jvj�*t, 1,10 37122 f6ls7SO-5550 E.NviROXMENTAL SCIENCE CORP. rox 161$1 7SI4,5859 Tax TdD. 62-041'A269 rst, 1170 Mr. ways a Althouzc December 12,2000 burlinqrOA Research rat. 1102 ael=nt Street RUrI4'nq,,m VC 27215 D-a:e Received 11106100 09t30 ISC Key nescriptIon wacer aamule site ID SAmple 1D OL012-003 "C Co-lectgd By Collect Loft 0ece 11125100 10:40 Parameter Atsult Dec, Limit Units method *red rxl .04 A= r.-Propylbenzarte ZDL 1.0 ugil 6230D 12/08/00 1125 464 12109/DO 2126 cr Styrene SDL 1.0 U711 6230r) 12/08/00 1725 46d 12/09/00 2126 Cr 1„ 1, 1, 2 -Tetra chloroo thsne, BDL 1r0 uq/1 6230D 12108/00 1125 464 12/09/00 2126 CF 1,1.2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.0 UI/I 6230D 12/09/00 172S 464 12/09/00 2126 CP 7ttrachloroetbtac BDL 1,0 U911 62301) 12/08/00 1725 464 12/0.9/00 2126 Cr 1,2,3-Trichloroberig e,iie BUL 1-0 aq/1 623011 12108/00 1725 464 12109/00 2126 CF 1,2,4-Trichloroberizerne BDL 1.0 Uq/1 6230D 12/09100 1725 464 12109100 2126 CF 1,1,l-TrichloroetMSic EDL 1�0 Ua/l 623on 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09100 2126 CP 1,1,2-Trichloroerhazo 'ADL 1�0 Uq/1 6230n 12/08/00 1725 464 12/00/00 2126 CP Tr1,A:hloroetheno BDL 1.0 �a;/j 62300 12/6e/00 1725 464 12/0V00 2126 CP Trio hlorofluoromathane BDL 1.0 42/l 6230D 12/00100 1725 464 12/09/00 2126 CP 1,2,3-Trichl*raproVano BDL 1A ua/l 62200 12/08/00 1725 464 12/09/00 2126 Cr 1.2,4-Trimothy1benzerva IML 1.0 ug/l 6230D 12/08/00 1,725 464 12109/00 2126 CP 1, 3,5-Trimechylbenzene ZDL 1.0 ug/l 6230D 12f08100 1'725 464 12/09/00 2 126 Cr Toluene BDL 1.0 U911 6230D 12/0S/00 1725 461 12/09100 2126 CF Vinyl chloride BDL 1.0 ug/l 6230n 12/08100 1725 464 12/0,9/00 2126 C? 1*aYj0A0K' Total EDL 3.0 lig/l 62501) 12/08/00 1125 464 12/09/00 .2126 Cr yron ozs, C Representative Below Decectioll Limit Det, Limit, - Satizated Quantitation Lizit(EQL) 4 Laboratory Cartification Numbers. ,ajmA - 09227, At - 40660, CA - 1-2327, CT- PH-0157, FL - 987487, Gh - 923, In Xy - 50010, VC - ENV375,DW21704. ND - R-140, sc - 84004, T4 - 2006. vA - 00109, WV - 233 Notes! The is-portod aftalycical retults relate only to the sa"jo submitted This re arc shal! not be rcproduced, excepc in full, without the wricton appzowal from ESC. Page 6 of 8 SUBMIT FORM ON HIPIUMM31 Whos PH-74ri -------- possibility of fines and imprisonment to 'r knowing violatigns. DEC 22 '00 03k2OPPI BURLINGTON RESEARCH Mt juliez, 'ru 6�5 ! I ) 75i-sail ENVIRONMENTAL 1-800-797-5951 SCIENCE ,tea r.x ($is) 158-5055 TAw 1.b 0-0414100 Est, 1910 ptPORT OF ANALYSIS xx' Waynee Althouse December 12.2000 1 urliagcon aesearch inc. 1302 Bel=ont Street aurlington, NO 27215 Esc Sample 0 L11031-04 za:e Received ,2106/00 09"30 ESC Xey Ztecrip:ion Water Sample staple 7'n OL032-004 XWD Project Collected ry C--Uectiou Date -11/29100 11:00 Parameter Remilc vec. Limit; units- 1000.10d Prop FIX) AnalyZed ATn vo�&Llle organics BenzEOL 1�0 U1 0 6230D 12109y00 190A 3()j 1«1/11/00 2031 CF SM 1.0 ug/1 WON 12101q00 1S�04 M 12/11/00 2037 C? 5DL 1.0 ug/1 6230D 12/09/00 1304 s03 12/11100 2037 cr BDL 1.0 1.0 ug/1 ug/1 62300 6230D 12/09100 12/05/00 1904 1904 30 303 12/11100 12111/00 2037 2037 CF CF Br form Bromometh ane 8DL BDL 1.0 lig/1 62301) 12/09/00 1904 301 12/11/00 2057 Cr 11-tylbenzenc BEL 1.0 "Ag I I 6230D 12i05/00 1"4 303 12/11/00 2037 CIP BDT. 1.0 ug/1 62301) 12/09/00 IS04 303 12/11/00 20SI Cr tore-Butylb*nzeno SUL 1.0 ug/I 62301) 12/09100 1504 303 12111/00 2037 CP Carbon Tetrachloride NVL 1'0 ug/I 6230r) 12/09100 1504 303 12/11100 20 1 CF Chlorobenzene BDII 1.0 I'M_/I 6230D 1l/0/00 1904 303 12/11/00 2037 Cr Chlorodibromazathame SM 1,0 ug/I 621= 12109100 1904 103 12/11t00 2037 CP Chloroethaao K)L 1.0 I-0 ug/l ua/I 62308 6230D 12/09/00 12/09100 1904 1904 301 303 12111/00 12/1100 2031 2037 CP CT chiorofoxm Clalcromethane WL 5DL 1.0 ug/1 62301) 12/05100 1904 303 12/,11/00 2037 CF 2-Chlorot0luene NDL 1.0 ug/1 62100 12/09/00 1904 303 12111/00 2031 CF 4-Chloroeoluene But, 1.0 ugr/I 623011 12/09/00 1904 303 12/11/00 2037 Cy 1,2-vibrono-3-Chloropropano BDL 1.0 ug/l 6230D 12/09/00 104 303 12/11/00 2037 Ct 1,2-nichlcrobcnzene SM 1.0 ug/l 16230D 12109100 I904 103 12111100 2037 CP 1'1-Zic'hlorobenzeria BDL 1.0 uq/1 6230D 12109100 1904 303 12/11/00 2037 Cr, 1,4-Dith1orobartzens ]AM 1-0 ug/1 6230D 111o9100 1904 303 12111100 203'7 Cr njohlorodiflucromotbane =L 1.0 u2j1 62308 12/01/00 1904 101 12111100 2037 CF 1,1-vichloroethan,a 'M I'D ug/I 62300 12/09/00 1904 303 1,2/11/00 2037 CF 1'2-nichloroetharla EDL 1'0 uq/1 6230D 12/05/00 1904 303 I2III/00 2037 CP 1,1-Bi;Ohltxrrrs heYAM 1.0 U0/1 6230D 12109/00 1904 303 12/11/00 2031 CF BDL 1.0 ugr/l 62308 12109/00 1004 303 12/11/00 2037 CF WL 1.0 ug/1 5130r) 12109100 1904 $03 12/11100 2017 CF L.0 ug/l 62300 12/09/00 1904 303 12/11/00 2037 CE PNL 1.0 UgIl 62108 12/09/00 1904 303 12/11/00 2037 CP BDT, 1.0 UC111 6230D 12109/00 1904 303 12111/00 2037 CF 1,1-Dichloropropene BM 1.0 ug/1 42308 12109/00 1904 301 12/11100 2017 CY ni-isopropyl etbgr SOL 5.0 ugll 62300 1210 /00 1904 30a 12/11/00 2037 Cr tthylbenzene BDL 1,0 ug/I 62301) 12/09/00 1904 303 12111/" 2037 CF Mexachlorobutadferns SvL 1.0 'uj;/l 6230D 12109/00 1904 303 12111/00 2037 Ct looprooylboazeno SM 1.0 ug/1 6230D 12/09/00 1904 301 12/11100 2031 CP P-Isapiopyltoiuene SM 1.0 %ag/l 6230D 12/09/00 1504 303 12/11100 2037 CF %lethyltne chloride 10T, 5.0 u9/1 6230v 12/09/00 1904 303 12/11/00 2037 CY Metbyl tere-butyl ether MDE, 5.0 UO/I 6230D 12/09100 1904 30I 11-111100 2031 Cr Naphthalene W1. 1.0 u0/1 6230D 12/09/00 1904 303 12/11/00 2031 Cr Del, - Below VOtAcCiOn Lizftih sec. 'Limit - Eatimaced Qu4acication Limit tEQL) 7 8 page of a 20 a *ZVA uvj3%xA Wq2 z"0xqjA ITTn; " 4ctaoa eq 1bu jtvq9 jzodll a-,';! pol;00az �141 AIA 160TO0 '4610-Ra are 'LM-T '0990* - IV %ZZ60 - "My KI 'EZ6 VD 'L8fL83 -) - V3 am-1 ;103A AD LEor OOITI/tl tot V06T 00/60/Zl (10EE9 T/an 0 Iaff 11(m TV104 's0usT-<X aPT-10114 0 IA ---FA A:) AD LCOZ LCOZ OO/TT/ZT COE OO/TT/ZI EOE POET f o6l 00/60/tT 00/601;c-r aoU9 aom T/St' V15n CIT lag ' 40 LZOZ oo/TT/rT Cot Vo6x 001401ti aotzg I/sn 0 O'T S *=—qTAt0wT-L1-v t T 9.) LCOZ OO/TTIel of V06T 00/60/tt aoczo aoetg T/J5,ft T/firt t4 T lag 0uvd0-zd0;K0Tq;1zZ-Vt'T ZO LEOZ ao/T'C/ZT toE V06T OG/dO/rT 00160M UOU9 T/fin 0.l7(m ,AD, XD LCOZ teor On/jT/ZT of OO/TT/ZT tot 406r V06T OQ/6O/ZT doll l / bn lom AD 4EoZ OOITT/tl t0c 11061 00160/ti aun t/j5n r7tl oll 0 1 It 7as Iaa 9uvEn00a0TR3T-7Z-T 'TT AD 4EOe OO/TT/CT Zoe V06T Vogl 00/60/CT 00/60/tlt doct9 CLOM T/ T/sn OIT 11M 13 AD LUZ Uor DO/TT/ET COT 00/TT/Zl COE fudIr 00/60/vc aom vbn 011 laa AD tcoz 00/IT/ZT Eot WT 00160/ZT aoCt9 T/r- *1 BTt lag 17cm *ueTA10020Tq0v a3 4foz oo/v/n tot OOITT/ZT I= roGT V06T 00/60/tt 00/60/Zll aotcq aOCZ9 / Tr O'I -% T AD LT 4toz co/WtT tot P06T 00/60/ti T tvft OIT OIT AO LEOZ 00ITT/elt toc V061t 00/60/t:lt aoeL,9 aly pd2xzffu-v A ov -isa vIT 001WIT ci vjdzes al ;P-ITS Aix zsa ZS3 STS7.TMV JO d%OM U61 'Isa 'O'l XVL q1RaXAI X0- 'KV01A2s[ 9MC lu rim T'd uvulaqall S5091 lei 8tJ3SMj moina 9wridwam:Eo oo. ?2 na HD< SUBMIT FORM ON YFLW GROUNPWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACIL11MINEQBMAMN 'Pease Print Clearly or Type C'.......,...E&t...k 1—-.. t t 4 f r ° r kl r L NOwD�4*_hL • t � r Rot" 0 influent •tQM Vatlues sjiod tofloot 4ftsdived and rA . s -• r- -•Edo sample collecte Lv 00 Date r t t a . co ft' 6 4$w4�L 0 A-r -k i i ;^.: a « v t t t• N t '.: ,� � •* W. was M iowirg vioiatigns. . Signature of f lertaaince (or AcutRriErE: a e— ✓ � (Cute) ev. Irev. Field analysis: HEM • iN m . � t «� i. . - s Date sample -. 4.: ""' �� � •mot ♦ram it M�ofinalysis by a North Carolina DWO (totmetly DEM) ce"1110014001111M- 18M Mare Ind' I"v1t$ I" Induding 1he possiblinyof lines andImprisonment for knowing violations, SUBMIT FOR PAPER ONLY • -• :... Spray Field : * * * �. Y MONITORING: jAW t 1 20fr COMP OkOAJ Facility Name: /LCC,° �errml blame lit different}: ecilityfdresse !� 3m 7 if"A k County �,. r oats t arson. c � r T lephoala 11-4 W N ati° No. of Wells to be Sampled: Wdll t ractitn bite trn+o; r ��> ,. Well Identification f umber (fromperrrrwIt): F Groundwater Treatment Systems a Well Depth: h. Well Diameter: In. Check +lines Screened interval; It. to El influent () Depth to Water Level: 2 - f . below measuring lnL 0Effluent () jAl �° � � �� ° L, �� a Measuring point is ft. above land surface. � � ��� 4� Gallons of water pampa ailed before sampling: l specific Conductance N pH ! °tom, Odor Appearance � � �� ��� � � w� °� Field analysis: pFf Wo v� EABAMMRa (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered ifs fwlt� .� �� � 14&-�­�;ri­t , rig/l Nitrite O asCOD s �ro olitorm. M� Fecal -l00MI nitrate 03) s .x ., . 111�0ml Phosphorus: Total as olitorm: F Total rt to l ate; use f; pN method far highly turgid sm" lef p r Dissolved ring/l Solids:Ttl Aluminum (when analyzed)units � pH �1irn " TEff Chloride r'1 + Cadmium _' Arsenic fit /1 hr mium: Total er Grease tad Oils ,,. x A Phenol 1 F �.. ? � lr�rt ;., rngli Hg - Mercury Sulfate Conductance Mhos l- Potassium Specif fl Magnesium Total Ammonia,U 1 1 l mg/l Mn - Manganese � r a, Ah w tik ."° '. • i� ` �B Vi »Y '.'� � : ! M � � t"q.' a A'� r �' a�`� Parat1e+8 r Authorizerya . rXr y �u� �r �t?rt�til��!ar (ter iira�i�a�ak��+t9 a1��atrsl� SPECIALIZED ASSAYS, INC. w 2%0 FoNter Creighton Tyr Nashville. TN 37201-0566 �#N'°��k� . � � ^L- F' 1 "Ir iUPLINGTON RESEARCH, INC100 Lab Number: - s1 3 ,JAYNE ALTHOUSESample D: Li 1 LMO T ST Sample Type: Water 3UPIN TON, NC 21!5 Site ID: Date Collected: 11/30/9 Time Collected: 1 : 40 � 3ec Late Received: 1 .1 2117 'Ir` jec 1 t Time € ec ived: : t1Ci ",,amp l r: SC 1Fep art PUBU D11 Ahal to Result Chits Unit; Lillit Factor Cate IItie Rnalg5t 11et1tcd i�atcl+ ugt11 C,1 0.1 1 1213177 111:11 ' 11.Hi1i11ck 511231 I347 Cellzete RC ugll 0.1 0.1 1 1213177 18:11 11.1111elick S11623011 1347 Braktutenzene RC ugll C� 1 0.1 1 121 3199 IR:11 H. Hillelick M6230D 1349 st-itutgl e�$ze l No a 11 T 1 0.1 1 1 1 8199 18:11 H. Hitiellck Z623CC 1343 sec4utglbenzene RC ug/I C.l C.l 1 IV $199 18:11 n.Hiliellok 'S11 23Ci1 1349 tert-t(ut131beft:ffne RC ugtl 0.1 0.1 1 121 819 18:11 M.Hinelick S116230D 1349 C1,lurctenzene RC u911 T l 0.1 1 121 8/99 18:11 11. Hilielick M6730 1349 2-Cklcrctclueae R ' ug1l 0..1 0.1 1 1 s' 8199' 18.11 H. H11sel1ck S11 23CC 1349 I-Chl'orutcluerte RC ug1l 0.1 0.1 1- 121 8179 1R:11 n.Himelick MUM 1344 1,2- 1cRlorattelt ne 1iC ugll Ct1 0.1 1 12 8199 IR:11 H.Hillelick :Sn 23Ci1 1349 1,3�8ic lack rzelse RC ugll 0.1, 8.1 1 121 8199' 18:11 H. H1llelick S"4230C 1349 1,g C clticrcGenzerse RC VI/1 0.1 0.1 1 I2 3199' 18.11' H. Hillellek M6230D 1349 LtLg1lel�zer,e RD a /l 0.1 0.1 1V $19 18:11 8.Hinelick =230D 1347 lscgr gl er ene Rif ug13 C. l C.1 1 121 8199 18:11` H. Hine ick MUM 1349 4-150 rc gltolu h AD ug`I 0.1 H.1 1 121 3199 18:11 11.HiHelick M 23Cp 1349 Ra Rttsaleae RC 11 11 0.1. 0.1 1 121 819 18:11 H. Hltlelick SSM 230D 1349 st�Pruggllreaze e RC ugfl C,1 C,1 1 121 8/99 18:11 . Hi elick S11623 1349 "tgre R8 a 11 0.1 C.1 1 21 $199 18:11 A. H111e1ick MUM 1349 Toluene 1,2,3-7richl rctellz 4 RR ug1l 0.11 61 1 1 121 olyg 18.11 n1 Hiiaelick SM 23CD ' 1349 I349 1,2,4-Irichlorcbezone RC a ll 0.3 C.1 IV 3/71 18:11 H.Hinelick n.Hjjiellck 062301D Sn 23CC 1349 1,2,4-Trilletkyltzeazeae AD ugtl 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 IV 3199 121 8199 18:11 18:11 nHillellck M 2NO 1349 i,3,-iriueti�gllrerszelie RC RC ugll ugrl 0.1 0.5 0.1 1 1V 8199 18:11 H. Hihelick S11 23CC 1349 ll, �1i111else RC Ug/I C1.1 0.1 1 12/ 8/99 18:11 n.Hauellck Z 2300 1349 Q glee R11 ug11 0,t 0.1 1 121 $199 18:11 11.Hiltelick SM21300 1349 Heza ilcrcltltadier� RC ug11 0,1 0.1 1 121 8199 18:11 n.Hitielick SM62300 1349 itru11t1cAlcrc etl�al:r RC u511 0.1 0.1 1 121 3199 18:11 n1 Hillelick S11 2388 1349 Pro dichlcromethtw HD llgll C.1 C" 1 1 IV 8199 18.11 H. Hiiiallck M6730D 13 49 trestc ur RD ug"I 0.1 0.1 1 121, 8/99 18:1.1 H. Hinelick 0 238C 1349 [trcliclletha e, ms tetrachloride RC ; ugil C.l 0.1 1 121 199 18:11 n.Hiiielick 023DC 1349 ar Chlcrcethatse RC t g1l 0A 0.1 1 12l S199 18,11 1i.1#ine ick S116230R 1349 Clticroforti RC ugll O' l 0.1 1 121 8199 18:11 11. Hiltelick S1162300 1349 Chl rwetha e AD ng/I CA R�l 1 121 3197 18:11 H.Hinelick 0 230D SC 23lC 13 9 1349 i�ihrcticchlorct�ethane RC ugll 8.1 T1 1 121 31 9 1R:11 R. 1ttelick altt le report contiaated . SPECIALIZED ASSAYS, INC. . 2%O t'oster Creighton Dr. P O) Box 40566 Na.Wlle^ TN 37244-0566 Phone , B t,#.'+ t` ? tit 7 77� Laboratory NUmber : 99-AlE3 2f3 Sample ID: 9LO33 -001 Page Report 8uan 8il tnalpt Result Clnits Unit LNit Factor Date Titre 8n l st lethed Satoh ----- 1,2-0ibromoothne H8 Ug1l 8.1 8,1 1 121 8199 18:11 f1, fiitielick S11623 8 1349 Ditrotmethafte RD U911 OJ 8.1 1_ 121 8199 18:11" ft.Hittelick SAIV4300 13 9 1,2,3-Tr101oropropane If6 a ll 8.1 0.1< 1 121 SM 18:11 ll.Hittelick Sf162388 1341- roll ohlorlde RD VI/1 41 8.1 1 121 8199 M11 TIMit►eliofr SM318 13 Di hl rodi luoronethane RD u911 8.1 8,1 1 121 81TV 18:11 ft.Hitielick =4300 13 1,1-01is etWe No si l i9.1 0.1 1. 12/ 8/gy 18:11 ",Hittell k M62300 1349 1r2 tohloroethane Bit a 11 0.1 8.1 1 12/ 8199 1&11 ll,ffltielick S962300 13 47 1,1-Dichlorc*thene RD a /l 8.1 8,1 1 121 8197 18:11 ?1.flittellck 062300 150 cis-1 2®illohloroethene 0 Ug/1 8.1 8.1. 1 121 W? 10:11 8.Hlhelick S1162300 la 9 trans-1,2� 1 hloroethene ftfl a 'll 0.1 8.1 1 ly 8r'99 18:11 M.fii elick MUM 1349 1,2~8tnhloropropane No up,a 8.1 8.1 1 121 81'29 18:11 TtHifiellCk SIICL30D 1347 1,3-81ohloro ropars H8 a 11, 8.1 8®1`' 1 12f 8199- 18:11 8. Hineliok M6730D 1349 2,2- lnhloropropane RD upll 8.1 QJ 1' 121 8; 9" 18;11 M Hitielick SH62ar1 13 49 1,1-81ohloropropene 88 u ll 8.1 8.1 1 121 8117 18:11` "Milieltak Sft 2.380 la p cis-1 3-8lohloropropene N8 up/l 8.1 8„l 1 121 8199 18:11 B.Histeliok SH 2388 1347 trans-1,3-8I hloroproperxe R D si 11 8.1 0.1 1 121 8199 18:11' 11. Hiliellok MUM 1349 eth lene chloride M u 11 0.5 8.1 1 121 am 18:11 ft.flitteliok , SK62 10D 13 49 1,1,1,2-Tetrnh1oroethaoe No rrpll 8.1 8.1 1 121 819 18:11 n.Hineliok MUM 1347 1, RD upll 8,1 8e1 1 121 8t99 IS: 11 n.HInelio8 M6239D 13 47 ,2,2-Tetrachloroethars6 Tetrichloroetherte RD sa lt, 8.1 0.1 1 12 8192 18:11 8. HiltelIck ST6230D 1399 1,1,1-TrIchl roetharie RD a Il 8,1 8.1 1 121 8J99 18:11 H. Hitteliok Z6730D 134 1,1,2-Triohloroethane k8 uVl 8.1 8.1 1 121 $199 18;11 8. HitselIok, M6230D 13 9 Trlohioroetheoe H t ll 0.1 8.1 1 121 8nT 18:11 n.8lueliok' Si162388 13 49 Triohlorefluoronethane 0.1_ T I 1 121 8199 18:11 H. Htttellok M6230D 1347 1,2-01hrono-3-ehloropropaoe It8 a ll 8.1 8.1 1 121 8197 18:11 8, Hitteliok Z623UD 1347 f11stElLAREfftlS CHMIST Total Ilr ani Carbon 13 sell 1.0 1.8 1 12l 3 9 23; 8 Hardison 41 .1 911 k8 = Not detected at the report linit. ;inple rt ort oortimed . . SPECIALIZEDASSAYS, INC 2960 Foster Creiehton Dr, PO, BOK 40566 Nashefll ; TN i" 204-056 Phone 1-694-726-01 7 Laboratory Number. 9117— sl82 Sample ID: 17LO33-001 'age These results relate only to the items tested. This report snail not he reproduced eXCept it Egli and with permission of the laboratory. Report Approved any; � -K Report Date: 12/15/ 7 Theodore J. Duello, Ph. D. , Lab Director Michael H. 'Dunn; M.S., Technical Director Johnny . Mitchell, fir. Technical Service Eric Smith, Assistant Technical Director Dail A Lade, Technical Services Laboratory Certification Number: 387 EDd of Sample Report, WWI 29W Foster Creichion Dr. P 0 8x 4056h 11110ne I-615-720-0P BURLINGTON 'RESEARCH) INC 2100 Lab Number: ?7-AIS218 i WAYNE ALTHOUSESample ID:7L033-002 1302 B L 'ONT ST Sample Type: Water URLIN T'ON, NC 27215 Site ID: Date Collected: 11/30/99 Praject, Time Collected: 11:0 Project Na Date Received: 12/ /q Sampler: Time c ived: : 00 Report iiarr D11 nalgte estllt Units Limit Limit Factor Date Time 4rrklgst 4eti:: MATILE CKANICS by GCX tieszebe H n /l 0.1 9i l 1 12l /99' 1$: S2 . Htrtelick 23tlti 1349 11rc1 berizene HD ug/l 0.1` H. I l 121 8/99 1T n H. Hidelick Stt 23 tt 1347 e 4lbefizeile kC 1g/1 G.1 0.1 1 1 1 3/99 13.52 .Hinelick 06230 1149 swD tglt+brerre No ug/l 0.1 0.1 1 2/ 3/99 13:U H.Hinellck Sli623 1349 tort-t# t lbenzene RD ug/I 0.1 0.1 1 1 / 8/ 1 :5I n.tiimelick M230 1349 Cklcrtbebxeee FD Ugn 3.1 0.1 1 12/ 3/99 Is: Z2 H. Hlitelick M6230D 1349 2-Cbl rot lueoe-_ k g/l H,1 GA I 12/ 3/99 IS- S2 . HlltelI 0.k SM623EO 1349 4-CChl r tol eee RD U.411 0,1 0.1 1 I2/ 3/ '9 Is:Sit H.Himellck SU2300 1347 1,2- `icbl.crobewne HD /I TI H.1 1 1218177 IS:5Z 1a.Hinelick Z6230D 1349 1,3-ittcialcrcbebzelte u4n 0.1 0.1 1 12/ 3/99 13:52 M HImelick 062300 1349 1,4 ichl rl berizene RD g/1 0.1 ti 1 1 2/ 3/99 H, Hinelick S116730D 1347 Ltbglbeazene NO tt /I TI 3, I IV 3/79 IS: n it.Hinelick =430 13V sc opplbebzese No t15/1 0.1 H.I. 1 IV SM I3.S2 rf dHLhelLek S13623 1344 4- opropglt luen RD tag/1 0.1 H. I 1 121 3/99 I$, U It Hinel ick M623 ; 1349 Hapilthalene RD U4f1 0.1 0.1 1 121 3/99 13: S2 M. Hinelick S%230D 134 a-Prepglbenzene HD q/I" 0.1 3.1 1 1V 3/99 18:U H.Htnellolk SM30D 134 Stgre e No 0.1 H,1 1 1.21 8191 IS:1j2 H. iiinelivk =230 1349 iclrtere 3.1 U4.11 UA DA 1 14/ 317? 1Hn ti.tdimelfak =6230D 1 1,2,1-Irichlorot,enzeDe RD Ug/lH." U 1 121 3/9 I$: �2 n.HtnelIok M2340D 1347 1,2,4-1ricblcrcbewrie RD ug/1 H.. 3.1 1 1 / 3199 18: U H.Hineljck Z6230D 1349 1,214-Trinetksglbe4zere No ugll 3.1 0.1 1 121817 IS:r4 H.HImelLek 262300 1349 1,3,Z-TrImet b111,be zerse H1i uq/1 .1 0.1 1 IV 3199 18:52 H. Hlnelick 23 1349 m,p- glerles Htt U911 T 5 ; 0.1 1 12/ 8179 10:52 It. Hiltel.ick MUND 1349 c-Sgle eRD ug/l 0.1 0.1 1 12/ $199 13, J2 11, Hinelsck SI'i 2390 1347 Hexa bl r^bbttta>Sier RD fig,01 €3. S 3.1 1 12/ 3/9,1 IS: V H. tiimelick '06230 1349 srcnccblcrcnetbaae RD UI/1, 11.1 0A 1 121 3/99 13,52 flAinelick SH623 A 1 49 Srcncdicblorometbane RD 0911 0.1„ .1. 1 12/ 3/99 I3 2 4, HinelIck SM 230D 1349 Drone ores ovi 0.1 0.1 1 121 $99 18:52 4. HiRe13ck SM623W 1349 gron n tttw CBS+ 1 q/I H.1 0.1 1 121 3j99 IS: rL n. Hinel.iek 06238D 1349 Carbon tetrachloride NO 0911 Q.l T 1 1 1218177 13.52 HAihelzck Sff62300 3V Chloroethane no t14/l 3.1 U.I 1 IV S(T IS: ri, il. Himeli,:k SU23 13 Chloroform RD U411 H« 1 0.1 1 IV ong 13. a i1. Hinellck z6230 134 Chloronath ne No 0411 11.I 0.1 1 rd 8019 18,57 M, "Imelick SUZ D 1347 01bronoohlorafteth e no Uq/I Q«1, 0.1 1 12.r Sc 9 'r3«S2 1.Nihel.i k SUB Ian S tifle report Continued . . SPECIAIAZED ASSAYS, INC. 2960 Foster Creighton Dr. P O? Box 40566 *5 N4awill .'i C37204-�l�66 11t1Une 1-01.5-7'6-0 t7 Laboratorg dumber: ' "-- Samplelei: L, Page Report Doan Dil kcal to Result Units Limit Limit Factor Date Time Healtlst Hethod [catch 1,1-Dihrcmoethaae RD 04/1. 0.1. 0.1 1 1 1 8119 18: . Hittelick StiV4,D 134Q i rottottethane No tt 11 ' 0.1 DA 1 lea' 81711 is: rL M Hittelick MZMD la- 1,1,3-Tr10jIoropropane RD Uon 0.1 0.1 1 1V V99 I$:5Z R,Hittelick M6230D 1349 V16l chloride HD 0411 0.1 0.1 1 11 $199 18:S H,Hlttellck M6230D 1349 Diohlorodielvoromethine go 11 0.1 OJ 1 1 1 8191 1H:r ".H tieliok S11 D 1347 1,1-Dichloroethaae RD it/1 0.1 OA 1 1221 SM R: ri. 11.111 tell4k MOW I 1,1 lchloroetha RD uJ/1 0.1 0.1 1 1 99 M 51 Ry Himelick d 1347 1,1 Diclt3oroethet Rat vq/I ii. l TI 1 IV RI 9 18. U H. ilittellck M6730D 1.347 cis--1., is lorcetheoe RD tt311 0.1 D.1 1 121 1S: U H. Himelick S062300 1349 trans-1, ~Dichloroethene No U411 0.1 U.1 1 IV 8199 1D:5i. MUlmelick 1162301) 13 1,1-Dichlcro ropaneRD u9/1 ii.l il.1 1 IV 8199 IS:U R.Hlmellck 216239D 1347 1,1-- i kler ro ase No U 1 .'l H.l 1 1. /" SM 18:54' It. Hitteli k =4330D 1.1 Z'Z-Dichloropropane No o 11 6-1 0.1. 1 1241 0171 IS: U& H.HlttelLek SM23M 13 1 I-Dichloropropene RD U911 0.1 0.1 1 1218177 18: 4.Hlhellok M623M 1347 ols-1,3-Dichloroproperse HO U911 0,1 0.1 1 1V t 8: U MHbielick M42300 1347 trans-1,3-Dschloropropere, RD p11 0.1 0.1 1 1V Dt 9 10:5 M Hinellok SH 93DD 1347 iethpleae chloride RD kt411 0.5 0.1 I IV 8199 18-S2 11.HWelIck S"6230D 1349 1,1,1, -Tetrachloroethatre RD o 11 0.1 , 0.1 1 1 M52 1HittelLek ZVZ3 13 1,1,1,-Tetrachloroethare RD p11 0.1 0.1. 1 1 1 SM 18:5 H.H mel.ick MBOD 1349 Tetrachloroethetre RD o411" .1 0.1 1 lit 8199 18°59 11.Hlmellck" M623MD 1349 1,1,-Trich3oroethane RD tt311 T l 0.1 1 IV 8199 18; 9 Hr i ellcik MUM 1349 1,1,1mLrtch oroe hone RD U111 0.1 i1.1 1 1 1 81" IS: U ftMitielick S1162301) 1349 Triclloroethene K. V 11 DA D,1 1 12/ 8199 18, rZ ItHitielick MEMO 1349 Trichlorofluorometh ne RD V 11 0.1 0.1 1 121 H199 18.59 Mflinelick R6 3DD 134 1,2-01trotmo-3-chloropropaod NO U411 D.1 01 1 1 1 8199 10:5 H.H trelicik MUM 13 9 IS LLLAREGUS CHEMISTUX; Total. Organic Carbon RD asd11 1.0 1.0 1 121 3/91 23:44 R Hardison 415.1 903 RD = Not detected at the report limit. �aitple report corztlritted : . PECIA IUD ASSAYS, INC. 29150 Foster Creighton ire P0,B %41) Na,�hWle, TN 372l9-0566 Mow 1-615--2h-0177 Laboratory Number: '77—Al,32836 Sample ID: 7LO33-002' Page "bee results relate only to the items tested This report snall not be reproduced xcep in fall and isith permission of the laboratory. Report Approved By, �, F !(,A 'epor. Date: 12 l / Theodore, J. Duella, Ph.D.t Lab Director Michael H. Dunn, fit. , , Technical Director Johnny A. Mitchell, Dir. Technical Services Eric Smith, Assistant Technical Director Gail A Lage, Technical Service Laboratorg Certification Number: 387 End of Sample Report. a SPIXIALIZED ASSAYS, INC. 2960 roster Crcighton Dr. s astivine. 'rN 37*it4^0566 Phone 1-615-72 -0177 BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INCLab Number: 99-A182837 WAYNE ALTHOUSEainp l e ID: 91-0- 0 03 1302 BELMONT ST Sample Type: Water -BU LiN"` ON, NG 2721 site ID: Date Collected: 11/30/9 Project: Time 1I, : 11: 20 Project t,l to : Date Received: 12/ /9 Sampler: Time c i ved: 9:00 Report Run 81l tin lgte Result 8 dti tittit Unit f ctcr Date Tltte Analyst 8etllu Ste 4TILE HR8HN8 by 8 H8 uq 1 U' l 8, I' 1 12s° 19: 33 19. Illt elick 11I6 31i8 134 lien e6e H8 uq/ l 8.1 8.1 1 12/ 8 19: 33 , Hittel lck SnVk 134? 8ru enz ne H% uq 1 8.1 8,1 1 12/ Snq 19".33, 11lnldellck M623M 1349 n�8ut l enzene RD u 11 8.1 8.1 1 121 8C99' I9:35 11.Hlt+elick 31162.38p 1349 se �8tltgl enzene go U411 0.1 0.1 1 121 - j3 n.Hltiellck216200 3 49 tert-Dutill.bentene RD uq/1 0,1 8.1: 1 12/ $199 11:33 n,fllnelick SN6230 1349 ltlsru en4ene, H8 ugll 8.1 8.1 1 12/ 8199 19.,33 ll.iilttellck ZV4390 1344 2 ltlur toluene H8 uq/l 8.1 .l 1 12/ 819 19. 33 H. Hitlelluk S"6230D 1349 4 kl rutuluene H8 uq/1 il.l 8.1 1 11«i 8/99 19:33 H,Hitielick =230D 1349 I,2�8tchluretenzene H8 u5/1 0.1 11.1 1 1218177 11:33 H. ltselick Z62308 1349 1,3-81chlcro enzene H8 V /l 8.1 ,1 1 12/ 8/99 19:33 H.Htstelick Sn6230D 1349 1,4-8i blorobenzene H8 ugll 8.1 0.1 1 12/ 8/99 19: 33 t1. Hineli k MUM 1349 Ethyl enzetFe, lsepropVlbett ene H8 u9/1 8.1 0.1 1 rd 819 11:33 H. Hittelick M23 1349 4- s4propt3ltuluens H8 V911 8.1 8.1 1 fir" 8/99 11:33 8, Hittel.tck Sh62300 1349 Hnphtk lene" H8 uq"l 8.1 8.1 1 121 8199 17:33 n. Hittelick 062300 13 49 o-Propglbenzeoe HD u9/1 B.I 8,1 1 121 8/99 17:33 13, HittelIck M6230D 1349 9tgrene RD tt /l 0.1' 8.1 1 12/ 8/79 19: 33 11. Hinelick 9116238 1349 Ittluene 8.1 0411 0.1, 8.1 1 12/ 8/99 19°.31 B,Hinellck 0623118 1349 1,2,1-Tric lurt en one No V911 0.5 GA I 121 8199 IV: 33 H.Hittelick SthS2300 1349 3 9 1,2,-Trichlorelte zone H8 q/1 8.1 0.1 1 12/ 8/9 19; 33 H.flinelick St16230D 1,2,4-Trittetltg1benzene H8 a 0.5 8.1 1 2/ $1" 19.33 Ml Hlnellck M623DO 1349 1,3, -Trittet tll enzene uqr"l ,1 8.1 1 12/ 8177 VL1 8119 19,33 19:33 ft,Hittelic* f. HGttel.r k SthS2300 S"62= 1349 1.349 glenes" No H8 u /1 8.1 8.1 8.1 1 1 12/ 8/99 17:33 H.Hlttelluk H62188 1349 cF- q erFe flex ctFl r F uta gene H8 u911 Ta 8.1 1 12/ 8199 19: 33 H. Hittellult S11423M 1347 Brett :kluru et ne H8 ugll 0A 8.1 1 121 8199 I9;33 n. Hittell4k' IH 23 8 1344 8ru uitaltl ratsekk ne H8 q/1 GA 0.1 1 I2/ U99 19:33 11mitieltek S962300 1349 Itrettefertt Hit qQ/1; 8.1 8.1 1 121 8199 IT 33 r,Hintlick =730D 1349 Vrauttrtethane H8 UR/l 0.1 0.1 1 12/ $199 19:I3 il, Htrselick S11623811 1349 Carlson tetrachloride H8 uge'1 0.1 8.1 1 121 8/99 12/ 8/99 19:33 I9:33 H.Hineli k d.fii elick Sft6230D IH62388 134 1349 hltrue Mane H8 H8 u9/1 q/1 8.1 0.1 0.1 01 1 1 1210199 19:33 11.€41ttelick VIV4300 1341 hlurn ru 18 q/1 8.1 8.1 1 rd 8/91 19:33 fl.Hlttelick 811623811 1349 C 1Gr ttek ne 8thrett hl rutteth ne 118 uq/l 0.1 8.1 1 121 8rr99 19:31 B, tttelick SftV430D 1349 Simple report cut§tinue -W . .' lIE IALI ED ASSAYS, INC 2960 Fomer Creighton Dr. PO. Box 40506 e ;'dash%1lie, TN 37204-0560 Phone 1-015-726-0177 Lab ra or umber: 99-AIE32837 Sample ID:9LO33-003 Page Report Ruah Dil Fesult URIts Limit I.Alt factor Date Tine Analyst Hethed SAO 1,2- ibro ethane RCS ugll 0.1 DA 1 12l 819 19:33 fl.fllttelick Ii620 1349 ihro methane" HD 04/1 0.1 0.1 1 IV 8/77 19:33 M Hiliellok MUM 134 1,2,3-TrtoUoroprop ane RD u411 0.1 0.1 1 121819 1?: 133 n.Hitfilick SnG 300 1349 ia41 chloride Uq/I 0A 0.1 1 121 819V 1 :33 nAtiellck MGM 1349 Dichl rcdiflueromethace U911 DA U.1 I 121 OM, 1 .33 n.Hifielick SWIM 1349 I,1-Clchlcroethane RD u41I 01 0.1 1 12l 819 1 : 33 ii. Hitiellck S6i 23ii11 I 1,2- Ichlur ethane No u4/1 GI OJ 1 121 1 :33 VI.Hinellok SVI62300 1349 I,l-ichloruethene ED u411 O.I 0.1 1 12/ 8/77 19,34 iI.Hitielick MUM 1349 c is-1,2- ichlvroethe€te NO u511 O.1 OA 1 12f 8/99 19: 33 " Httlelick Sii 23£ie <M673UD 1349 tries-1,2- i taoroe hetse RD ug/l 0.1 0.1 1 121 819 19.33 ". HiHelick 1347 1,2 ichlcr propane HD U411 0.1 0.1 1 121 2 17:33` MAttelick SM-30 1349 1,3-01chloroprcpane HD UI/I 0.1 CA Ir 1' 17:33 nAtielick SM-300 1349 2,2-01ahloropropan hT ug/I QJ 0.1 1 12t 8M 1 :33 M.Hi elick Sii 23H 13-V 1,a1-01obloroprcpe RD 0p/1 0.1 GA 1 12/ Fl 2:33 .Hinel.iek Z67390 1344 iS ,,I- i h oroprepene RD l.in 0.1 0.1 1 2/ 9177 17:33 HhielI ok SnfiBUD 1347 trios-1, 3-0 1 claoropropene RD ug/1 aA 0.1 1 12/ V97 17: inelIck M6230D 1347 Rethylelle chloride RD ug/I 0,5 Qe 1 1 121 8179 19: 3 . Hinelick ' 06230D 1347 1,1,1,2-Tetr chlcrcptbane RD ug/1 ' G,1 8. I 1 121 3179 17:33 "Anelick Si162 134 1,1,2,2-Tetr thlerc thane ND qq/1 QA 0.1 1 121 n 1 :33 MHitielLok MUM 1349 Tetr chl#reethene HD u n 6.1 0.1 1 ru SM 19:33', . iHelick M162300 1.347 1,1,1-Trich1crcethahe RD U911 11.I CA 1 12/ 8194 19:33 ftAtielick S(tS23id 1349 111,2-Trichlorosthne No U111 ix,l 4.1 1 12l F 19:33 H.Hikelick =230D 1349 Trichler ethene KD U4/1 4.1 H.1 1 12/ 819 19:3 "Amelick MOM 1349 Trichlorefluorcuethdae RV upll 0.1 CA 1 I / 8177 19:33 ft.Hinel.ick SM23TO 1149 1,2 thrcr-3-chlcr=aprepane HD U911 Hal QA I r4l 199 17:33 M HiWIIOk MEMO 1349 MISCELLAREMS CH USTFT Total Hrganec Carbon 3,1 t1411 1.0 IA I V41 4/79 14.21 A Hardison 41S.1 V48 RD = Hot detected at the report l.antt. Surrogate / Recovery Target Range 50IM2 Surrogate 11 72. 49. - 123. 4 /S 2 Surrogate V 72, 6 3. _ 122. I' 2 Surrogate 13 CR: 37. - 117. :.auple report cootinue , . . SPECIALIZED ASSAYS, INC. ?960 Fu�tt t ts1 l can Cyr. P, 0. Batt 4066 I*1a5 Nillc: TN 37204-0566 Phone 1- 15-i,6_ 177 Laboratory Number: 99—AIS2837 Sample III: 17LO33-003 Page These results relate e only to the items tested. This report shall not he reproduced except in full and with permission of the laboratory, Report Approve Report Date: l /' Theodore J. Duello, Ph.D., Lab Director Michael H. Dunn, M. , , "technical Director Johnny A. Mitchell, Dir. 'technical Services Eric 'Smith, Assistant Technical Director Gail A Lage, "technical Serviced Laboratory Certification Number: 387 1 SPECIALIZED ASSAYS, INC. 2960 Faster Cr6 hton Car: P 0. Box 40566 Phone 1-615-726-0177 BURLINGTON RESEARCH, INC 2100 Lab Number: 99-AI82S38 1302 BELMONT ST' Sample Type: Water 8LJRL rN T l i NC 272173Site rD: Date Collected: 11;;/ 0/99 Project: Time Collected: 11: 4 Project Namee Date Received: 12/ 2/99, Sampler: Time Received: :00 Report quafi oil Ftexl to kei It delta Witt Littlt Factor Date Thie, Asalyit, lletha d Oster ------ *VOLATILE OH i OCR Oen eae 0.1: V#11 0.1 U, I 1 121 sM 22:19 0, kittelick SO6230 11 Dronobeftzem RD U911 CA 0.1 1 121 0199 22:17 H.li t€ellek W230 13 e-Ott ylbee ere No 'Jq/l 0.1 0.1 1 121 SM 22:19 ftAitell k 062300 1349 sec-0ait1lbe gene tt411 Ti 0, I 1 121 8,179 22:11 il. Hittelick M62300 13 tert-Onti b ereee NO V411 0.1 0.1 I 121 0199 22.1E ft. kirtellck S1t6230D 13 9 Chl rebee ene 0 UVI 0.1 0.1 1 121 C99 22:19 nt fllt#ellck =43VO 1340 2-CAlontolueee No ug/l O.l 0.1 1 IV 8/77 22:19 il.11 ttell4 tQ3 11 " -Chlor telkew% No tsi11 0.1 0.1 1 12/ 0 9 22:11 ft.Ritielick S1t6230 134E 1.2-01chlrar hers erre k0 - trill 0.1 , 0. I 1 121 01 9 22:19 tl. H ttell k Z623M 1347 1,3-Oiclll rliAer nee k0 gill GJ 11"l 1 121 19 22:19 & Hittellok Z6230D 1347 1, -Oichl roWs erne RD Ui/l 0.1 0.1 1 121 H 22-17 lt.kittelick 916230D 1347 tAi Aelt en k0 lsi/l 0.1 0.1 1 12/ 0199 22:19 n, Hinelick M6230D 1349 l ep pilAed erRD t1411 0.1 0.1 1 121 1" 22:19 wli nelickM6230D 1341 4-Isopropq1tolvene NO Oi11 0.1 il.l I 121 819 22:19 n.Hlttellck S1i62300 1W kaghthalene k0 U911 0.1 0'1 1 121 0199 22:19 O.11lttellck S1t6231 13 9 0-propilhewbf ll0 sigh 0,1 6A 1 121 01179 22:19 0, Hitrellck M6230 1349 Styrene HO ugll 0,1 0.1 1 12/ 8191 2 :19 tlliteli k S 623 13 Tolt e 0.2 'Jilt 0.1` 0.1. 1 12/ 0,177 22:19 f.11inellrk SMV3 0 1w. 1,2.,3-Irlchlcr ben ene NO i11 Q'I UA 1 121 9 22:19 .Hittellck S116231 13 , 1,2, �1rlch trrtaAen elte k0 !pill 0.5 0.1 1 121 3/99 22:17 H.kinelick' 06230D 134E 1,2, °-TrNetbylbenlee Vq/1 0.1 0.1 I I?a 0 99 22: 7 lt.Himellck S1t62300 13 . _ 113,--Trinethylbe ene, k0 Qg/l 0.1 0.1 1 121 8179 22:11 nMitiella W230 13 n,p- Ileee5 RD ti411 0.5' 0.1 1 12/ 0199 22:19 �Hlnellck S1t62300 11,49 o-Xqleae NO V#11 O.l' 0.1 1 V41 11r" 9 22:19 lt.H tsellck 3r162300 l :' Hexa0l r butadlene No trill. 0,5 0.1 1 121 0199 22:19 O,illnelick T162300 1347 1(rwiochlorojietharte kt) ugn 0.1 0.1 1 121 S199 22:19 n. Hinelick M6230D 1349 ratloCchl r net ane No Vie l DA 0.1 1 12/ p,197 22;19 O.Hitielick 062, 1340 Vrotiof nrn k0 y/l 0.1 0.1 1 121 8199 Z2:17 0. Hinelick S1t62300 1349 14rotaneth ee k0 iri/l 0.1 0.1 1: 121 01 9 22,19 0.liinelick M623 0 13 9 Carden tetrachloride 1l0 tri/I 0A T l 1 121 U19,7 22:19 11, Hinelick M623UD 1347 Chloroethane ti0 AY411 0.1 0 1 I21 9 22:11 M,111"Ilck' 062300 12,47 Cbl r For 0.1 04/1 O, l 0.1 1 121 $199 22: 9 nt Hinelick Z6230D 1347 Cltl rrtnethar e ll0 t gli 0.1 0.1. 1 12/ S 9 2ZJJ flMlKellck Si162300 1349 Ubromxhl roneth ne k0 trill 0.1 T 1 1 121 "1 22:19 ft. ktnel Eck S1t62300 13 9 Sa ple report ccbtimed . SPECIALIZED ASSAYS, INC. 2960 Fstst r Creighton Dr, PO, Box 40566 Phone 1- 15-726-0177Laboratory Number: 99—A182838 Sample 1 :VLO33-004 Page Report Ruaft oil Hnalgte Result unity Unit 1,init factor lute Tine Analyst Hethe Well 112-Dibro ethane NO ug11 3.1. 0.1 1 V41 V 2 : , Hitiel I ck SN6230D ibron netban RD leg .1 R.l I 121 99 22,11 : 11,Hin lick SM6230D 134 1,2,3-Trio lo' cpropa e RD ug/l 0.1 G.l 1, 121 8/77 22:19 11. Hineli k M6230D 1349 1e41 chloride No lag/1 if.1 OJ 1 12/ 0177 22:17 ff.Hinnelick M-2130D 134 DtOloto6ifl renetk ne RD u111 0.1 0.1 1 121 VVY 22:11 11.Hittelick 1116233D 134 1,1-picklcroe kane RD ug '1 O.l 11,1 1 IV i/77 22:19 H, Riff lick SUBUD 1349 1,2-31 klurcethane HH U0 0.1 0.1 1 121 8/77 22:19 < M Hitielick 196230D 13443 1,1- lchlo tb oe RD g Hm 1 3,1 ' 1 121 V" 22:19 3. Mittel I ok M6230D 1349 cia-ld2- 1cbloroetbette No U911 0.1 0=1 1 1218199 22.19 11,Hinelick M6230D 1349 trap 1,2 io6loroetleneNo uIll H.1 11,1 1 1218/79 22:19 3.liinelick 11623011 1349 1,2 is oropropalse RD ugh U.l O.1 1 1213179 22.19. 11.111nelick M623UD 1349 1,3-ilic crcpr pal V§/l .l 0.1 1 121 V79` 22.19 It,Hlnelick M623W 1349 2,211cblorop opanle R3 Ug 1 U.l 0.1 1 121 0177 22:19 11, Hinelick Sn623W 1349 1,1-01cpl,oropr peae NO ugli 01 O.l 1 121 199 22:19 11m11ittelick SM430D 150 cis-1,3- icbloropr pene RD ug/l 0.1 0.1 1 121 31 3; 22:11 b.Kitte iek MUM 13 a traos-1,3-01cplerepr pefte Rig it l Oil 3,1 1 121 8199 22:19 OAineljck 1162303 134 net glens chloride No ug''i 0.5 0.1 1 121 3M- 22:11 11.Hinelick SM2300 1314V 1,1,1,2 tetrad ier letkal e H $1911 3.1 0,1 1 12/ IW97 22:19: 11. Himellck S1162300 130 1,1,2,2-Tetracklcreetkane No ug11 0.1 0.1 1 121 199- 22:19 & Hitielick SM2300, 1349 Trtrach11ar t ene Rt ugh 01 1; b.l; 1 12l VYY, 22:19 H.Hinelick Sn623OD 1349 1,1,1-Trichloreetkane H3 U911 0.1 H,1 1 12/ 8/99 22:19. 11.Hin li k M423DO 1347 1,1,2-Trichl.ureetkane No tr y°1. 0A 0�1 1 12/ 8/9 r4:19 ft.Hitielick SW300 134 Trir.bloroethene RD ug11 0.1 0.1 1. 121 3199 22.19 M Hittelick SM2300 1149 Tric lore luorwtbw No ugll 0,1 0.1 1 12/ 3199 22.13 H, Hanelick 11623 0 1349 1,2-Di bro 3-ckloroprcpane RD ug11 QJ 0.1 1 121 S 99 2119 1lAnelick SM62-300 1.0 11IrS4ati 1.—AMEDUS MOSS RYN Total Organic Carbon 1.2 It 11 1.11 1.0 1 121 4199 14:21 A Hardison 415.1 224 RD - Not detected at the report licit. Surrogate X Recover# Target 3aape 1112 Surrogate f1 23, 49. - 123. W1 2 Surrogate 1^4 63. - 122 Surrogate f3 57, - 117. satiple report continued, 6 SPECIALIZED ASSAYS, INC. 2960 Foster Creighton Dr: F 0, Box 4056 Nashville. TN 37204-0566 Phone 1-615-726.0177 Laboratory Number:11—A182838 Sample ID: 9LO33-0 Page Threw results relate oply to the items tested. This report shall not be reproduced except its full and with permission the laboratory. Report Approved By: Report Date: 12/15/97 Theodore J. Duel.l , Ph.D., Lab Director Michael H. Dunn, M. . , Technical Director Johnny A. Mitchell, Dir. Technical Services Eric Smith, Assistant Technical Director Gail A tags, Technical Services Laboratory Certification Number: 387 End of Sample Report. suBmi J f;URM 0N)(fUmQW FAPER ONLY HMBMAIM PWSO pritit CmadwA"999 Ch#O One: EJ Influent (98) 41. Z. Effluent t") NQM values should reflect dl colloldat it p • AM m-P a d I M DIVISION T* T h A AND,a tpttttd AT Tl tt F1T �l�tAtte� �t11T DWATER.,QUALITY MONITORING -P.M At �1 , N is e- s� 8 i 01ret s 1 COMPLIANCE REPORTfORM Flea —so Print tarty �tr e EXPIRATION RATE ,$ PERMIT M FacilityName,,— -. ,I 191 en -Discharge Permit Narne lit different). NPDES Faeliit Address; jyffI Qf_EMMffff.Q OPERATION BEING MONITORED Ld�­ County Lagoon tterrrediation: tntiltretinn Gallery I�+va � �a�t tz�t _ <` c awl entaet Person; r r� Telephone � � � � Spray Field nernedistion � � a n. of ells to he Sampled: Application ntSludge, Well Location/ Site Marne. �� �� Rotary Distributor Land pp ell Identification Number (from Perntltl. For Groundwater Treatment Systems ##tsar; Well Depth: ft, Well DlameterIn- Check One. Screened Inte al: It. to L D Influentvalues should reflect dissolved and Depth to Water Level: ti.tyelow measuring point. El Effluent colloidal concentrations. Measuring Point is . ft. above land surlace. gate samPIe analyzed: � �, date sample collected: � �� , Gallons rat water pun ile before sampling:— � � ,rl„�, :L � Laboratory Name: � Field analysis: Fl , Specific Conductance uMhos certification No. fL� �� ° Temp., dor Appearancem . YES t p A i (Samples for Metals were collected untitter d Y at tier acidified (-r: .1 __ .. g/l COD /l Nitrite t /I Ni _ Nickel F <: nl C lif r: Fecal 100mlNitrate t s lifr Total 00ml Phosphorus: Total as P rrtg l Zn itle I I— rthe hog gate g/t Ammonia Nitrogen itr -. tt t s the method tar highly turbid s sl g Other (Specify Compounds andConcentration_.units) DissolvedSolids: Total t t - Aluminumt /l._ PH (when analyzed) units e - aria Chloride n l - e tiu mg0 mg/1 Ca - Calcium Arsenic mg/l Chromium: Total / g Grease and it mg/ Copper g ,HPL C) Phenol ng a h lab report.) Sulfate ttgll g Mercury rg 1 (Specify test and method . Atac ng t Attached? des t1 tgt SpecificConductance he t - Potassium method Total t ni g f Mg - Magnesium mgl VOC method i N as N mg/1 Mn _ Manganese g l meth If r a Permilles� a x rt c a r r:rs rs4 z rrt.1 ri - € pr of oc type nla�ru tr3 i'�'.d sta[r i�rr r4ruartat�rr�+ds�r�sul 'el d -; —I Please Pant ciblar�k Or Type Check One: U InItideint (08) [I Effluent t4_QM-- Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. Date sample collected: �Jr Date sample janAazed*, Laboratory Narne: Certification No, . . . ... .. ..... WON I I sill YES NO) Zn - Zinc As Nitrogen trjo Other t8pecify Compounds and Concentration Units) ORGANIG�* (GC�GC/MSjIPLQ (Speolly lest and method W. Attach tab repol Report Attached? YesL�(1) No � (0) VOC method 4 method # - method # = Mail original 9.1 k For WM�ef D"WOnt SYM6014 Check Cha• 0 Influebt (98) I NOR I he that, to the best of my Roowleagi d Oelleti, V In Net nforMation "Ub 1094] We report 191 accotatef an id complete, and that the laboratory analytical datA was produce I Certify "slog approveci Methods at gnalysISOY 004h Can)111`14 PVVq (10(foetly pEM) certilloO laboratoty. I am awa that lhere"arle-significant penalties for submitting false Information, Including 104 Possibility Pf lines an4 Imprisonment tq,r Mowing Violations. 91 IMORE �> Mail PrIol"al, *• N + t 1 PWse w No. of Wolts to bo Sall re� UT , yWONr nal id) utul • r ,pry arialytipal data was prod4ceo 1 LL ,� _W ,�_ _ .i..1ti_A �C r �:.� irr i., naeol, .li6S A tml�m 114rvrIll,"i �s GW-59 Rev. 4/98 P rmllt a (ter ,Mail H d gent) Na e and Ti9Rn -Please lrit or type 11inatute nt I (i midle lair 19rai11siarrs«rJ tKt 40) () w e P I° 7u Cu�l�l �lpi I III°III C �mm�p � " vigil ROOM NPDES OPEWION 915M MON11DRED Nool Wells to be Sampled* 7— Check , _ ., Effivent 4: a GW-59 Reap. 4198 •® t sr�rg �r strrt d rT« r � s ■ M m. m influent A m a d a s .+ �:3: a : i i N #. � i t ''" � i :. �' 11P �:R .�. • A® y, t t Order # B -1 S - . 8 Page 12108198 .6: TEST RESULTS BY SAMPLE Test De czlpticm FURG.ORG.COMPOUNDS ,- 524.E Method: EPA 524�2 Teak ode: 5242 C011ecte : 11124198 10: 5 P t4P7'. RESULT PQt Q 1lzchlorodifluoromethane" 8D% 75-71 -{ Chlorom E hane S-L 05 74-87-3 Vinyl Chloride kDL 8.5 %p 75-01-4 romomechane, P ?. chlorcechanA 8 t,5 75-00-3 T ichlorof I uo.-omechane PGA 7.5 75 -69 -4 1.1- ®C:l1croethene _ BLS 05 u' 75-35-4 Methylene s hlo-rife BDL 9, 5 Y1 75-89µ2' tra.s- r? Cz chl Y 3L 1. �. 155_6B- 75-34-3 r 2 -Di c or rcp ; 8 ii 9 CT 590-20 7 cis-3, 2 156-59- Chloe c mf--ia^a 8Ti1, 0 5 Ct 67-88- 74 97-5 .S#.�ia.,. O5 CJ 71_55-6 1,1 Dich1or-pro79ne 81) 0,5 u 553-53m4 Carhon 8 i 1.5 u56-23-5 Benzene ,BTU 0,5 U 1 8 QL- 075 C' .�.. .y 06:.-2 7+7 01-5 ,x e ti" sneF w ;.5 7 7- - 75-2"7-4 Order # S8-jj-s29 Page 210819 16:41 TEST RERMTS By SAMPLE aaap?e description, MW A Lab No: 0113 Test Description: PURG. ORG.0 O _ .524„ ethod: EPA 524, Test Code: 524 Collecced 111 4198 18x15 4-95®3' as-1, 3-p,ichloropropen 82}L C.5 2CC61-01.5 Toluene 8i7 �1.5 08-88-3 Trans-1 3-Dichlo ro ene - t. r 10061-0e-6 1, 1,-Trarhlorcethane . 79-00-5 T trach.Zcrcethen 5 6..9 227-28-4 2 , 3 - chl orcpr pane 2 DIL 0.5 LT 142-28`-9 sbromo hloromethar w_ ,5 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane RDL 0.5 ?4 95-3 106-90- " tk2ylbenzen 8uL 1. 100-41-3E - 2,1.1,2-Tetrach,orcethane 5C1 0.5 , 636-2[l_6 p_Xylene 8 L 0,5 L' 208-38-3 0-xylene R Ls 6.5 95-4r:-6 Styrene 8r,L t7.,5 G' 100-42_5 isoprcp{lbenzeme :+C., 1.5 [,; 8-82_9 Brcmoform 75-25-1 2,, 1, 2, 2:Tetrachlcr'cethane 1?C^" i9-34.5 1,2.3-Tr,c!alor pa -crane 96-18-4 ' Frr 0 u;. -. 103-65-a: ,Rromobenzere BCC, 0,5 [J 208 86- 3, 5-Trime ylb . ene aC 1 5 2-Chlwrotclaene 95-49-8106-43-4 tert-Ruts L.E3c*.-::'.,.*"ene l.-r' L 05 :Y 98-06_6 Order # Be-11-�28 Page 12108198 16.41 TEST' RESULTS BY SAMPLE dLmple Description: MW A Lao; B1 Test Description. P' G. ORD- COMPOUNDS,- 524.2 Method. SPA 524.2 Feat Code: 824 Collected: 11124198 10:15 1 2, 4-Tr me thylbenzes 95-63-6 sec -But lbenze e BDI- tF, 5 g 135-98-8 P-Tsopropyltoluene Bar, FF.S tF 99-8T-6 , l -Dichl orobenzene BDL 0S U 4i- 3-i 1, 4--Dicl lorobenzene BEL 0.5 u 06-46-3 n-Rutylbenren BDL: fl,5 C 04-52-8 1;,2-Dich-lcrabenzen4 BD C7.5 t 95-50-1 1:,2-Dibromo-1-Chlorcxprgpan BD 1 S 96-22- 1,, 2, 4-Trichlordze aze se 8BL v, 120-82- He achlorcbutadient S L ? Nechthalene SDL 7.S i 9i-20-3 1,2, 3-T schlcrfbe;azane - 2DL 0.5 ix 87-61-S SUi +OGAT , 4-RSCCL?L°BY LIMITS 4-,Fr:,mtcf2ucrobenzena ZfiI 2S _ 12 Notes and Definitions for this Report. DAIS RFC ANALYSTCFI i STREAIE T 592?B FILE ZD 24 CONC FACTOR GwiTS T,� COLUMN CB5'2 € Sample Description, MW 8 Lab No, 02 Iesc -'SscripticnPURG.ORG.COMPOUNVS 524. methi.cs`. SPA 524.2 Test Ccde„ 524 Collected: 11124198 I0., 2 PARAMETER RESUL:` PQ ; chlorodiflu rcmerhane Order # BS-11-528 Page 2106198 16.41 TEST RESULTS BY SAmpLE Sample Description, mw B Lab No: o2 Test Description: B G-O&C-CC i3 = 534,2 Method: EPA 5.24.2 Test Code 524 Collected': 11/ 4 58 10.35 75-71 -8 7-87-3 Vinyl Chloride BCL 0.5 to 75-01-4 Dramomethane 74-83-8 ChIcroethan . 75-00-3 Trtchlaroflucr ethane 75-69- 75-35-4 Methylene Chlcl,de c 75-09- �L 56.60-5 1, 1 -tic slorcet have sCL 3.5 75 -34I-3 2-Dlc5lcrcpr�rare 5LL p.5 C 59p_20 -7 cis-1 2-0iichlcrcet,�e,- e . 5 ash-5a< 4 Chloroform9i p, 5 67 - 66.3 ;r4_97:. m T C p 7Z-55-6 563-58.6 "Carbon Tetrad:a -.P 9 �* 56-23- . Benzene 05 -� 7i-43-2 1; 2-D-,cnInrcethane 5^L 05 t 07 - 0 6;- 2 7ri cLlrrre the^e 46`LI. 5 79-oi- x.. ,c x .76_57. 5 75-27-4 DibrvlPom e rIvi nk` Cis-1, 3 01�-12-7or._e e.ne ar 100,6-01-5 1"o 1uene Sip ?.5 U 3p8-68-3 Order # 88-il-528 Pagre 12108198 18; 4 t TEST RESVZTS BY 52,E Sample escrl tion Lab No: 02P Test Description: F -ORG.COMPO ' - 524.2 Methad. EPA 524.2Test Code: 524 Collected, 11124198 10.,3 Trans-1.3-Dichaoroprope e D 1�3'851-�2m 1_d3.2-Trschlorcethane 11 �7.5 Cl T9a-00- retrachlorcethene r1 . G.27-28-4 1_k 3 -Di chl n rcpropan BD 42-28_ Dibrom chltro eChane SCL 0"5 9" 124-48-1 1.2-Dibromoethane BDL .s i 74-95-3 CTzlorobenzene SSt rl, 5 208-9 -? EChylben'zen`t SCL p.5 100-41-4 ,2,1,2-Tetrachlorsechane L .5 _3' 630-20- p-xylere SOL 0,5 08-38-3 0-xylece FDL a.5 it 95.47- 'tyren SW 8.5 G, 100-42- Tsacropyltenzer.*e EL 8.5 r 98_82.w ' pro 0form, 0. ;5-25- 1,1�2, 2 ..Tetrachlorze vane gr" 7m5 u ,9-34- _ 98-28-4 -Propylbenzene eDL. T03-6s-1 is 3, 5-L'r—methylh wine. 0.5 Ci 06_67-e 2.LCblcrotclueM 95-49-8 106-43-4 t ert_eButy2 enzene SOL 015 99 06-8 95_63- er=9uC °1ben et RC: 0-5 ri 125-98-8 -Tscpropyltoluen e•••........ Order # B8-11- 28 Page 121081 16.41'TEST RESULTS By SAMPLE Sample Description; MW B Lab Xoa 02 TestDescription. PURG-ORG-COMPOUMSs 524.2 Method: EPA 524.2. Test Code:: 524 Collected 111 4198 38.55' 99-87- 1,3-Dichlorobes ene BDL C.s r 541-73- 1, 4-Ciichlorcbenzene BOL i89-46- n_Butylbenzen ra. r 104-51-8 1,2-Lichlorobenzere ,3 U _ 95-50-3, 1,2-Dibr mo-3- hlora, ropan BLr tr 98-12-8 1, 2, 4-T rithlorobenzen 51 L di.5 L' 124-82-1 Hexachlorobaatadien F1L 1 11' 87-68-3 Naphthalene 5CL 0, LT 91-20-1 1,2, 3- Tr! cnIorobenzen¢ E L C . * _ 87-61. SURROGATE *RECOVFR5 LrMIT 4 8romo lucrcienzene I;otes and Definitions for this Report. DA ;E 1RUN' 1i�.�0 9 .ANALYST CFE' FILE 1L 25' CLINC" FACTOR t'VI7,S Y,+'L CCLUININ D2624' Samvli ;escripci n C Lab lvo,: 03 .Cent Description. P G®ORG.0 Q S - 524,2 Method, EPA 524.2 Test Code. 524 Collected: 11124 5` 8 1 : 05 PAPULMETER RESULT' PQL Q Lachlorodifluoraameth ne RDL 05 u" 75-71-$ ChIcromethane R,3L 01 5 _ 74_97_3 Vinyl Chloride SCL 8.5 u 75-01-4' Order # EE-11-528 Page 12108198 16:41 TEST RESULTS BY SAMPLE Sample Description C° Lab No03B Test Description PURCORGXCMPOUNDS-W 524..E Method., EPA 524.2 Test Grade. 524 Collected: 11124198 11:05 Bromomethane EO1 L5 74-E3-` Chlcrcethane ELL Q.5 75-00-3i Trichlcroflucsromethane ELL 0.5 7s-69-4; &,1-DichloroeChen EDL .5 75-35-4 Methylene Chloride EEL i.5 C 75-C9-2 trans- 1,2-Di chlcroetheze EDL, 256 -60-5 1,1-Dichlorcethane PDL 5.5 Ct 75-34-3 2,2^Laachloroprpane BLL ?.5 G 53,E-20-7 ry I56_59-4 Chloroform EDL 01 5 it 67-66-3 >'rorrtSochdw`irciSiec±:.&anIN'....... ry 74-57-5 1,2,1- rschlcrcaechane, EDL 0.5 t: 71-55-6 1 -L*chl or.oz-rcpene ry ELL 7. S tJ 563-53-6 Carbon T"e_sa hlor -,de ST" L. tJ :6 -2 3 *5 9encene -^. p 5 72^ 4 3,- 2 I, 2-Di ch'orcerrarse 8rI a S TJ 107-06--2 Tr;; hlorcethere ?: q n 75'-87-5 Eromod.; c hIcrc aerhane 9r zI 0.5 75-27-q C, i b r om om e c h an e BDL 0.5 G7 74-95-3 C!a-2, 3,-Di ch o,rcp=pane RDL 0.5 C' Toluene 5LL 7.5 x7' 3o9-88-3 Tzons-1, 3-Dzch1cro ropene En, . S T t0061-02-6 1 rceIhane ELL r.5 rc 79-00-5 Te t rach.1.0 rce to er, e Order 8-n-52 Page la I210819 16:4 T S3' RESULTS 5 Y �SAMPI C Sample Description. MW C" Lab No: 03 Test escrlpticn; PURG.ORC.COMPOUNDS 524.2 Methad. EPA 524.2nest" Code: 524 Collected: 11124198 11:0 127-16-# 1, -01chl arcgsrc an SM 0.5 242-28-9 12a27ramochlorome hane 12 4-48-2 2,2-Dibrovicethan - 4-95- 22alcraabezene c 108-90-7 thyY,ben ene 5cr 2,00-41 - 1s 1,1,2- Tetrac2.Tcrcethazie EDL O.5 639-20-8 asp-X°ylene s 4Di 8, 5CF 108-38-3 0- yiene ED-' 95-47-8 Styrene 00 -42- 3sopropylbenzene R L a. ; 98_82_'< r o ofn 75-25-2 3 ,x2.2-`2etraChi, orsethane 79-34- 1,2.3-Tr ch1cr Propane ISM tl,S CT 96-18-4 n-Pr^F3>3 enrene 8LL 8.5 C I,13.65- 8z°csmoben en 10 -86-1 1$3, 7 'imer y1 benzen-- RDL: 015 108-67-9 2-r"Plorctnluere BDL: 0.5 u 95-49.8 4.-Chlorc"ta ILIen4 BBC: ta.8 M5-43- tert-x7 ty T er.:en a 8.5 C .96-06-6 11,4-Trimethvler.zene' 2^ ?.5 95-63-6 ttutyrll. wane 9C n.5 -21 175_98_;3 -15opropyl t 01 Uene PLL 6 , 5 l 99-87® i. 541-73-2 106-46-7 Oder # ttS-11-28 Page 1 12108198 16:41 TEST RESULTS $" SAMPLE Sample Nescripci n; MW C Lai Na: 03 Test Description: G!.0RG, POS - 5.24,2 Method: SEA 24�2 Test Codes 5242 Collected 11124198 11.8 n1 utylb nzen SL .5 104-51-8 1£-Dichloroben end . 95-58- 1,2-Gibromo-3- hlorcp opane RLL l 96-12- 1,2:4-Trschlor0been azL- EDE, 5 u" 120-82-d H xaehlorntutadien 87-68-3 Naphthalene SLL _ �J.S CF 91 -20-3 1,2,3-Trlchlor hen ene _. SGL 0.5 8'7-61-6 SURROGATE tRECOVERY LIMIT 4-:Arc,,ncf I uorobe .zene 103 75. -r. 12.6. Notes and Definitions for this Report: DATE RUN 11130,198 XVALYSTCH INSTRUMENT 597,:S FILE rD 26 CONC FACTOR CCL17,TV 0B624 5a r.e uescr-4pti:n: MW G Lab No: 04P Test Les^rzptscn PURG.ORG.COMPOUNDS - 524®2 Method: EPA 524.2 Test Code: 5242 olletced: 11 24198 11.25 .P,7i.8.,XVK=-'IrEp': Piuva6ste7 P L w,.. Fla,,:Llorcdstlucrcmethane SLL i. C 75--'718 Chliiie'.•mw..P.itiiiYe y 74-87_3 vinyl Chloride BDL 0,5 u 75-01-9 Srcmomethane SCL 0,5 74-83-8 Clhloroedhane SDL 0,5 i 75-00-3 "briC12101°0lluorometha e SQL 0,5 75 Order 8 B- I- 8 Page i 12/08/98 2042 T "5T EgjRLT5 PY SAMPLE Sample Description. ' O Lab No: 04B Te6'C Description P OR . -- 524.E Method. EPA 524.2 Test, Code: 5244-2 Collected: 11,1x24 98 21; 25 75-69- ..I-Dichloroeth ne c. 75-35- te h lene Chloride 8BL i .5 75-09-2 Iran -2,-Dichl,oroethene Z56-60-5 & I-Dichloroetha e 75-39- . Dich oropropan B1aL, 550-2B- cis-1,-DichToresethene BiG' 05 i56-59_ Ch2oraform . 67-66- Bromochloromerhand _ 9L 045 d 74-97- 14.1-Trichlorcethare SILOf A 71-55-6 1, 1-Dic7:lor propen B2 6, 61-58-6 Carban Terrachaorida 5u1 9.5 B Benzene 73-43-^ 1.2-Dich oroeth ne 00 21 07-06- ; Trichloroethene 79=r71_6 1, -D ch oropropa <e SEL Y 5 4r 78 -57- romodre lornmethane BC- vs 75-27- Dibrwom thane HJL Y s rr 7 9-3 Cis-10-Dish oropropene a. c 100 -01- Toluene _RDL 6. > C 108-88-3 V ans-1 J-Dichloropro ene Al . 000 02 - 1,1.-Trichlorwrhane etraehrcerhno B 1 G�.S tr 127-18-.g 1, 1-Dichloropropane RE- _+7.5 142-28-- Vibramoch oromethan ;9Oi, 0.5 724-48- Order " 98-11-5.28 Gage 13 12108198 16.41 TEST 8 TS BY SAMPLE Sample Description., MW D Lad Not 04 rest Description; PURGORG.00MPOVNVS - 524.2 Method: EPA 524..E Test Code: 524 Collected. 11124198 11.v 25 1 2- ibromoet ane 8LL C, S 74-95- Ch1crcbenzene 813L 0.5 1 108- 90-7 'thyrlbenzen...+L {7.l 100-41>-4 1,1,1,2:-Tetrach.Toroethane S L C.5 630-204 sip -xyl ene L01 108-38-3' C-Xylefts 95-47-6 Styrene _ SLL 0.5 w " 100-42-5 soprr Zpyl 7enzene Rrs Q . t-, Lf 98-82-8 Srcr,ofozzaa BEL 0.5 75-25,-2' 1,1.2,2_Tetrachloroechane OCL 0.5 C? 79-34'-S 1,2s3-TrIchlarcapropane 6DL 015 _v 96-18-4 n-T"ropylAlenzene Bu3d 0•5 103-65-1 Sromobenzene RDL, 0.5 3C5-86-1 2, 3, 5-Trimethylbenzene 8ML _0.5 C 108-67-8 2-Chl`Jratoluen SrL. - 05 Csy 95-4 — 106-43-4' tf:rt-ButylbefTzene 8= 05 a. 98_06-6 1,2,4-rrimeth lbenzene 3rL 0.5 95-63-6 4ec`Bai'y ibef r r 5 0.5 _ i 235-98_8 p-350pr�opyl tCa'l Uene 'L"'..L 0.5 99_87-C , 3- tip"}il.G'ro eC:z.*-'»?e _. 'QZI:s',� 541-73-1 1,4--1Pi hlorob•.enzene: _ szm 106-46-? n-8utylbenzene 9 V; 0.5 CT 104-51-& 1, 2-Dichlcaf"obenzene :—C 5 t 9a-50-I ....2,-,C7.ib.t"i7omo-.3-C'hI.C7ZG':y?i"C".pane Im Order # Ba-ii-s2s Page 14 12108198 Y 6: 4 t TEST RESULTS BYSAMPLE_ Sample Description.- MW P Lab o: 04 Test Description: PURG.ORO.CCXPOUNDS :. 524.2 Method: EPA 524.2 Test Code; 5242 Collected: 12124198 11.25 96-12-8 1, ,4-Trichloro en ene BDL _ �.5 120-82- l He achlorobutad ene _ BDL a tr 87-68_3' Naphthalene BDL U.5 LT 9t-20-3 1,:2,3-Trichlcrcbenzene BDL O7 5 G 87-61-5' SURROGATE tRECOVERY LIMIT 4-Bromo lucrobenzene 101 75 12 Notes and Definitions for this Repertr DATE RUN t1130/9 ANALYST CH INSTROMENT 5971B FILE ID 2 C N.' z'S L COLUMN DB624 Sample Description. TRIP BLANK Gals o: B5 Test Description: PURG.GRC,c Pc - 524.2 Method: EPA 52'4.2 Test Codex 5,242 D chlorddltluorcmechane BDL 0.5 75-71 8 ch:orormetharse BuL 0.5 C 74-87-5 VLayl Chloride BDL- 6. 75-01- Bramomet"2ana 8L°L; 7 5 74-83.-9 Chlorcethane B> . 75-00-, rxchlorofluor methane BDL J1 75-69-4' 1,I-Dichloroet ene BstS, 6.5 1p 75-35--4 echylene Chloride 75-09-2 trans-1,2-Dxchlorcer ene BDL 1R. C Order # B8-11-528 Page 15 12108190 16:41 EST R5 TS BY, I �MPLE-- Sample Description. 71RIP BLANK Lab vo, osA Test Description; PURG,.ORG.CCMPOUMS 524.2 Method: EPA 524.2 Test Code: 5242 156-60-5 1,1-Dichlorcethane BDL 75-34-3 2,2-Dichloropropane BD fJ.S 590-20-7 cis-1,2-Dich2oroethene LDL di.5 _g 156-5.q-4 Chloroform 8DL 0�5 67-66-3 Bromochloromethane a. 74-97-5 1, 2, 1 -Trichloroethane 7-T-$5-6 1,1-Dichloropropene 563-5,9-6 Carbon Tetrachloride SQL a.5 56-23-5 Benzene BDL 05 u 72-43-2 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 Trichloroethene 79-02-6 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 gromodichlaromerhane 75-27-4 Dibramomethane BUL 0.5 U 74-95-3 Cis-1,3-DichIcropropene 10062-01-5 Toluene BDL 0.5 _u 108-88-3 Trans- 2, 3 -Dichloropropene SM 05 u 10061-02-6 1_1,2-Trichlcroethane aDL 0.5 v 79-00-5 Tetrachloroethene 227-18-4 1,3-Dichloropropane SM 0.5 u 142-28-9 Dibromochl ororre than a 124-48-1 1, 2-Vibromoerhane BDL 74-95-3 Chlorcbenze,ne 108-90-7 Rthylbenzene SQL i7.5 100-41-4 1,2,2,2-Verrachloroethane Order # E8-11-528 Page 16 12106190 16:41 TEST RESLMTS BY SAMPLE Sample Description. TRIP BLANK Lab Ncz 65A Test Description. PURG- ORO. COMPOUNDS 524.2 Method., EPA 524.2 Test Code. 5242 630-20-6 mp-Xylene 5 108-38-3 o-Xylene SOL "0 5 U 95-47-6 Styrene 100-42-5 150propylbenzene SEL - ----- 98-82-8 Bromoform BDL 0.5 u 75-25-2 1, 1, 2,2 - Tetrachlorcetbane ELL 0.5 u 79-34-5 1,2,3-Trichloroprcpane SDL 0.5 u 56-18-4 n-propylbenzene BDL 0.5 u 103-65-1 Bromobenzene ------ ED--r 0.5 -S 108-86-1 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene RDL Q ,5 g ,108-67-8 2-Chlorotoluene SCIL 0.5 95-49-8 4-Chlarotoluene SDL 0.5 u 106-43-4 to -t-But lbenzen SOLa 0.5 98-06-6 1,2,4-Tri,methylbenzene 8DL 0.5 -u 95-63-6 sec-Butylbenzene 8=1 0-5 -u 135-98-8 p-Isopropyltoluene sLL 0,5 u 99-87-6 1,3-Dichlorobenzene $41-73-2 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ar-L, 0.5 u 206-46-7 tt-Rutylbenzene 8r, 0.5 u 104-51-8 1, 2 -Di ch 1 orobenzen a RDL 0-5 u 95-50-1 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chlorcpropane 96-12-8 1,2,4-Trichlarobenzene BDL 0.5 220-82-1 14exach1crobutadiene Naphthalene 91-20-3 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 8t2 it..s Order.9-11- ° Page 4 1081 16:41 TEST RESULTS AMPLE Sample De or ptierra z TRIP SLANK Lab No: 0 Test Description. PURG.ORC.COMPOLMS - 524..E Method: BPS 524.2 Test C 4 87-61-9 SURRoaATE tRECOVERY LINITS 4-. romatluoroben ene 75 a, pia Notes and Definitions for thisReport: DATER 11Z? �9 ANALYST' , ZH� IN 9ai PILE ID 2 CONC FACTOR UNITS L COLUMN PE624 AL-- 1 IEL � [ -nple, and should be submitted to the HYDROLOGIONC, M SADM m 1 DAM 8AI=: DAM MRAC= Benzene Branoch1crame-thane Brmodichloromthane Bromform 2rcnx-viethane n-Putylbenzene sec- to - Carbon tet C rid Ch-lorobenzenre Chloroethane Chloroform Chloranethane 3 - ue-n 4- tole Dibraroch-loromethane 1, 2-Dib . Dibranx)et,',jane 1, 2-i 1, 3 -Dichlorcberzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorcd.ifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 72264 9722644 39 D 11/25/ 7 12`047 65 L g 71-43-2 0.5 108-86-1 0.5 74- 7_5 0.5 75-27_4 0.5 75-25-2 0.5 74-83_ 0>5 104- I--8 0.5 135-8_8 0.5, 8-06-6 0.5 56-- -5 M 108- 0- M 75-00-3 0.5 67- 6- 3 0.5 74-87-3 0.5 5-45-8 M 106-43-4 0.5 124-48-1 0.5 86-12-8 0.5 10-53-4 0.5 ' 4- 5-2 0.5 5-50-1 0.5 541-73-1 0.5 106-46-" 0.5 75-71-8 0.5 75-34-3 0.5 J-LT q/ L L 13DL 13DL L L L L L HYDROLCGIC7226 HYDROLCGIC L 9722644 SAMPLED:DATE 11 /25 9 MEMSM 623 D ANALYSIS W SDL RESULT Ug/1) i /1) 1, 2-D 107-06-2 0.5 i 1,1- 75-35_ 6.5 BDL i - 1, 2 - DiclUoroethene 156-59-4 6. 5 BDL tZans-1,2- o 156-60-5 6„5 BDL 1,2- i 78-87-5 0.5 I, 3-D any 12-28-9 0.5 BJDL 2, 2-D 59 -20-7 0.5 BDL 1,1.-D , 63-58-6 0.5 13DL .i-1,3-D 10 61- 1_5 >5 BEL t ®1, 3- i 10061 - 2-6 0.5 Em Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 6.5 BDL Heoxachlorobutadiene 87-68-30.5 BDL 1st 98-82-8 6,5 BPL p` ltolu 99-87-6 0.5 13DL Chloride r 75-69-2 0.5 Naphthalene 91-20- 0.5 BDL n— . 103-65-1 8.5 BDL Styrene 100- 2-w5 9.5 EUL 1,1 ,1, 2-T 630-20-6 0.5 EDL 1,1, 2, 2-T 79w-3 -5 0.5 1 T en 127-18-4 0.5 BDL Tofu 1 i8_88 3 0.5 BDL 1,2,3-Ttcich1orcbenzene , 87-61 6 0.5 BDL 1.,2r i 120-82®1 0.5 BDL 0222223-'�l25 (r'1.K S r - `: 3i. = f ^�,`L.i._ Y "k C. .rt,�t t.: HYDROLOGIC, INC. Rage NAM: HICKORYCCMPANY CPIY OF 6 HYDROLCGIC9722644 sAMPLE 1 DATE SAMPLED, 11 ` 5/9 yM D (GC -MS alUMMM) ANALYSISfi f} ) " kt J/t) " + + 1,1 1 71-55-6 0.5 BDL 1,1 - 79-0 -5 0.5 Trichloroethene 791-6 0.5 BDL Trichlo flea 75-69-4 0.5 1, 2,3 96-18-4 0.5 1, - 95-65_6 .S BDL 1, 3, 5 -Trirrethylbenzene 108-67-8 0.5 BDL Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 O . S BDL l (fatal) 1330- 0-7 0.5 BDL Surrogate flux enzene 11 L = Below sarrple Detection Limit L - Sarrple Detection cuqv,U1..,; HYMOLomc,INc. CCMPANY NAME. CITY OF HICKORY HYDROLOGIC PROJECT N K9722641 I-lYSAMPLE BRCLCGIC 9722643 HYDROLOGIC LAB ID ## 399 SAMPLE II : DATE SAMPLED: 11/25/ 7 DAM A e+v s 12/04/ '7 62 .NANALYSIS SDL MLT- v(j §f /p ` ug/1) y 5 f Benze 71-43 _2. 0.5 EDL Ercacberizene 1 5-56-1 0 L Brcmoc�e 74- 7-5 0.5 PDL Bramchchllog e 75-27--4 0.5 BDL r m 75-25-2 0�5 BDL Ercmxethane 74-55p9 0.5 BDL n-2utylbenzenee 104-51-8 0.5 BDL sec-Buty gene 135-98-8 0.5 BDL tert_ 5_06-6 0.5 2DL Caxbon tetrachloride Dries 56-23-5 0.5 BDL 108-- 90-7 0.5 BDL chloroet 75-00-3 0.5 13DL Chlo t- . 74 -- 1 _ 5 0.5 BDL 2- o o1 95-45_5, 0.5 BDL 4-Chlorotclue.rie 10 -43--4 0.5 2DL D brh-1. _ 124-45-1 0-5 BDL 1, 2-D b.. -3 -;co 6--1.2--5 0.5 BEL 1, 2-Dib t:h, ( 13) 106-93-4 0.5 13DL, Deb 74- 5-3 0.5 BDL 2 e"Dichlo h e:: 4..an .... 95A.50- 0.5 BDL 1, 3-L z 541-73 -1. 0.5 BDL 1, 4-D 106-46-7 0.5 BDL D o ` l cr . e 75-71_3 0.5 13DL 1,1-Dic l r 75-34-5 0.5 BDL HYMOLOMIINC, YI' 1, 3w is 1,1-Di cis-1, 3-17 n trans-1,2-Dichlorcethene 1,-L 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropr9pane 1,1-Dichlorcprcpene trans-1,3-Dichloroprop—ene h w " l to "" Issens P-I tolu . MetlWlene Chloride Naphthalene n-Propylben.zene Styrene TIbluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1, , CITY OF HICKORY X9722641A 7363 115,/7 MMW 30 D (GC -MS C L { u /1) 107-06- .5 75-35-4 0.5 156-59-4 0.5 15 _63-5 0.5 7 -87-5 0.5 1 -33- 0.5 5 -20-7 0.5 563_5-6 0.5 0061-61_3 0.5 1 61- - 0.5 100- 1- M 7-6 -3 O.5 9 - 82-3 0.5 3-87-6 0.5 5-0 --3 0.5 103-65-1 0.5 100- 3-5 0.5 630-20-6 0.5 7 -3 -5 0.5 127-18-4 0.5 108- -3 .5 7--61-6 0m5 12 -8 -1 0.5 L L L L L L 13DL L L `'r`li, TRAIL ER?1 FRANKFORT Via; CaMPANY NAME: CITY OF HICKORY HYDROLOGIC 76 HMROLOGI '764 I 'I 'I0N DATE SAMPLED:11/25/97 MMM 6 ANALYSIS f 1,1,1- i 71-5-6 05 L 1,1, 2-Trichloroethane 7 -00 -5 0.5 BDL ichlo , t 7- 01 -6 0.5 DDL Tric .c .lu 75-69-4. 0.5 BDL 1,,5- 6-1-4 O.5 13DL 1, , 4- 5-63-6 0.5 DDL ""R.." "`^". .1.1.E ` ✓ '^ 0.5 Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 0.5 .L4 13DL, yl (total) 155--7 5.5 BDL SurrogateRecoveries: Brormf lucrobenzene 15 L Below Sarrple DetectionLimit SDL Sarrple Detection Limit OCMMEWSa.. 14,91 TWILIGHT TRAL FRANKFORT KY v1 5-02-9-23-0,2251 FAX ,5"L,'w a ... 2„... r.^v 'a. L_ .. .. .. _. 2 S-TL -(}L "� +:`fin ymlT OTg3T IICIE p� / -' ricla .o T- L-T oTqTCIw�aT ri 0 B` ' n = _ ME si, 0 _ L - t L - -- " -L r c rl r - - 01 II m S-EZ-9srice i C1 n `, ffi ` ' ,1 - %L clE o ' - Ff' - C o er rcTE ! ri " ,s, 'L (/ l'a - )'a oEZg amu,-"U t,O f m f L Z/ Z)ISMOHCIAH DMOUMH VTt9ZZL6X CU4PANY'- CITY OF HICKORY HMROLOGIC PROJECT. K9722641A HYDRoLcGicNt 7262 SAMPLE I IFI a R DATE SANTLED: 11/25/ 7 - w- N RELY—= U.g,/l) ( g/1) 1, 2- i hl th 137-06- 0.5 DL, 1,1-Dichiroethene i 5- 75-34 0.5 L cis- 2- i� the n 156-5 - .5 BDL t -1, 2-Dichloroethene I56-6 -5 0.5 RDL 1, 2-Dichicrop 7 -87-5 3.5 BDL 1.,3-Di , _ - cpan 142-28-9 0.5 BDL 2, 2--Di o 590-20-7 0.5 BDL 1.,1-Diehl 563 -58 -6 0,5 LLB cis-1., 3-Di 10061-01-5 O5 BDL trans -1, 3-Dice 10061-C2-6 0.5 BDL Ethylbenz 100- 1- ,. 6.5 EDL He3cachlcrobut lien, 87-63-3 0,5 BDL I *: 98-82-5 0.5 WL a -I oIt i 9-8' -6 0.5 BDZ. Methylene orid 75-55-2 0.5 Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.5 13DL n z n 103-65-1 0.5 BEL, Styrene100- 2-5 0.5 EDL 1,1,1, 2 -Tt c: - t_ 630-2 -6 0.5 EDL 1,1,2,2- t hd _ thane 7 9 -34-5 5 t ; chlc th 127_18-= 0.5 BDL Toluene 108-88-3 Q.5 BDL 1., 2, 3- i ch cr 87-61-6 0.5 BDL 1, 2, - ichlr 120-82-- L 0.5 BDL I F aog � t ? W Uo-[';Daq@C G-Ldres = ri a TT U . 9 -T - L ;;P'I-ZoTtD TAMA --L9-T - ,IT ricra } - 9 L T-;; T 'i 9_` O L G-aLP9QaOTtPT-7,L ricia 'o - 00- L - Z 'T'T (Tn (T/En 'III c n L /SZ/IT alva El MN th I T %.9L I 9 L6-A izaMdd DIDMOEGAH X,'dOXDIH dO AlIZ)®S d E HYWL0WC,JNC,, miamm--, I '1�U1'M I II+ ! I HYDROLCGIC PRWECr NUMBER: ITMROLOGIC HYDROLCGIC SAMPLE 1 `T TION DATE : DATE EXIRA=: T:/T Mir, • Brommethane n-Sutylbenzene c- t .BY : tert-Butylbeanzene Carbon tetrc-xc.qloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chicrofo= Chlorcuethane 2 - toluene 4 - orctclu Dibramchlorccrethane 1,2-Dibrcm-3-chl-oropropane Dibrcnruethane 1., 2-Dich car ne 1., 3-Dichlcrc 1, 4-Dichmlorch gene Dichl-orcdifluormethane 1, 1-Dichl-cmethane CITY OF HICKORY K972264 9722641 399 MW .E 11./25/97 / 12/04/97 MMM 6230- CAS NO QL / l 71;-43 -.2 0.5 198-86-1 9,5 74-97-5 0.5 7-27-4 9e5 7 -25-2; 0.5 74-83-91 0.5 104-51-3 0.5 135-98-3 0.5 98-06-6 0.5 56-23-5 0a5 108-90-7 0.5 75-99_3 9„ 67-66-3 0.5 74--87-3 9.5 95-4S-8 0.5 106-4 -4 9. 124-48-1 8.5 96-1.2-8 0.5 106-93-4 O.5 74-95_3 0.5 95-50-1 0.5 541-73-1 9.5 10-46-7 9,5 75-71-8 0.5 75-34-3 O.s RESULT Ltd'/1) L 13DL L L 13DL I L L L D L L BL BDL D L Z L DL L HYDRoLogic, INC. Page 2 continued CITY OFHIcMRy HMROLOGIC PROJECT NUM3ER: K9722641A =ROLCGICSAMi° T 9722641 _ 1 I ION DATE =: 11/25/9 MMW 63 A 1) /1 1, -Dichlcrc 107 06- .5 BDL ,1--D thus 75-35-4 0.5 BDL cis-1, 2-Dick . th rra 1 6-59- 0. , tra�-1, -Dic i 156-60-5 0.5 L 1,3-Di cp- one 8-67-5 0.5 SDL 1, 3-Dihlo 1 - -9 0.5 BDL , 5-17i l-: 590-3 -7 G. 5 BDL 1,1-Dich1 n 6 -58-6 0.5 BDL i -1, -D 10061-1-5 0.5 EDL -1,3- i h-lc a 10361-6 -6 M BDL Eta ewe 100-41-4 0.5 BDL hl ta''ens 87-66-3 O.5 BDL Isopropylbermerne 9 -3 _3 0.5 EDL -I mpItn 99-57-6 0.5 2DL Metf-�,yleneZhdcride 75-09-1 3.5 BDL Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.5 BDL - n. 103--65-1 0.5 BDL 5t 10 -4 -5 6.5 13DL 1, 1, 1, 2-Tetnaddorcethane 630- 0-6 0,5 DDL 1,1, , 2-Tetr ch1 a n 79-3 -5 0.5 BDL Tetra Elc there 1 7-15- M.5 EDL Tofu 108-35 _3 0.5 BDL 1,3, 3 - Tri clliorcbenz67- 1-6 0.5 2DL 1, 3 , - Trich? car- 1 0 - 3 u 1 0.5 PDL ,HYDROLOGIC, INC. Page 3 contInued COMPANY NAME: CITY OF HICXCRY HYDROLOGIC K9722 HYDRCLOGIC9722641 ]DATE SAMPLED: 11/25/97 METHM 3 ED ' yI , ug/1) sac //1) 1, - 71-55-6 0.5 1, 1, 2- c c 7 - 0-5 0.5 2DL Trichloroflucranethane 75-69-4 0.5 BDL 1, 3,3- ri e -15-4 0.5 BDL 1, 2 - * 95-63-6 05 1,3 5- tryn 10 - 7-3 0.5 BDL Vinyl Ch1cride 75-01_4 CI.S 1 ( l) 1330-20-7 .5 Brcmf 1u --ene .2 81 % = Below1 t1cnLimit: CU4MENTS: i 7 AW 01 * '11, A k, I A 4 f f"I kf01% r. olN Wz p% r- ,m, ^,, A m 'A &'n $ v- 0. ., Inc CCMPANY = ` City of Hickory HYDROLOGICW FL9618992 HYDROLOGIC SAMPLE NU48M:618552 HYDROLOGIC# ® 399 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: DATE SAMPLED: 11/26/96 ri DATE q DKE/TMT 12/05/96 A T 1) Y. Benzene 71-43-2 1.0 BDL Branobenzene 108-86-1 1.0 BDL Brartochloramthane74-7-5 1.6 BDL Brariodichloravethane75-27-4 1.0 BDL Bromoform 5-25-2 1e6 BDL 74-83-- 1.8 BDL 104- 51-8 1.0 BDL 8- 6-6 1.0 BDL Carbm tetrachloride 56-23®5 1.0 RDL Chlorcbenzene 8-8-7 1.0 BDL :. Chloroform 67-66'"`3.. 1.0 L Chloramthane 74-87-3 1.0 BDL 2- tofu 5-45-8 1.8 BDL 4-Chlorotoluene 106--4 v4 1.0 E3DL Dibramchlorcmthane 124-48-1 1.0 BDL 1, 2-D -3- ne 96-12-8 1.0 DDL 1�,�2-Dam ( 1.86-e -93 1.0 BDL yyg� aaaJ. { e 74�C 5-3.. 1.0 BDL 1,2-Di hic 5-SO-1 1.0 SDL 1., 3-D 41.-7-1 1. L, 1,4-D 186-46-7 1.0 BDL Di h2 i , 75-71_8 1.0 BDL 1,1.-D hl 75-34-3 1..0 BDL 502-223-025FAX- HYDROLOGICAC. Page 2 continued CICVTANY NAME: Hydrologic -Asheville, NUMBER:CUAPANY PROJECT City of Hickory HYDROLOGIC= : FLL9618992 HYEROLOGIC SAMPLE8D 5183 SAMPLE I I TI DATE + 11; 2/5 MMM 502.2 .Y I T /l) l} 1, - 1 107-8 - 1. 1.,1- 5-35-4 1.0 is-1, 2-Dichloroethene 158W5 -4 1.8 BDL trans-1, i 15 -85-5 1.0 BDL 1,--1 78"-7-5 1.8 BDL 1,3-D 142-28-9 1a8rBDL ;, -1 58-8-7 1..0 BDL 1,1. c 563-58-6 1. i -1, 3-- 1 61- 1-5 _ .. Ethylbenzene100-41-4 1. Hexachlorobutadiene7-58-3 1.0 BDL Iscpmpylbenzene 88-8 - 8 1.0 BDL p-Isoprcpyltoluene 99-87-6 1.0 BDL Methylene 1de 75-09-2 1&8 BDL Naphthalene 81-- 0-3 1.0 183-5-1 1. Styrene 10 -42-5 1, 1 F , :,w;2-T hl 630-20-6 1.0 BDL 1,1, 2,:2- eroethane 79-34-5 1.0 BDL Tetrachlorcethene 127-Y 8-4 1.0 Toluene108-88 _3 1.0 EDL 1,:2,3- i hl ' e 87- 1-6 1. 1., 2, 4- i o 1-8-1 ` 1.8" 1491 "RVIL.I HT'I'RAIL FRANKFORT, K 4k`77O' _. HYDROLOGICAC. Page 3 continued NAME.OWANY O HYDROLOGICT' DER: FL9618992 HMROLOGIC SAMPLE NUMBER:961599 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: DATE SAM[PLED: Hydrologic -Asheville, Inc 11/ 6/9 i ANALYSISL EBEITI 1 ) j 1l 1,1,1-i o t 71-55-6 1.0 13DL 1,1, - 79-00-5 1.0 13DL Trichloroethene 79- 1_6 1.0 BDL Trichlorofluorcirethane7 -69_4 1.0 BDL 1, , F hln 96-18-4 1.0 BDL 1, ,4-i 95-6 -6 1.0 BDL 1, ,5-it 108-67-8 1.0 BDL Vinyl Chloride 75-914 1.0 BDL Xylenes (total) 1 - 9-7 1.0 13DL Dichloranethane 75-09-2 1.0 Surrogate BFB 9C. p Belowl Detection i Sample t ti CCMMENTS:: Hydrologic -Asheville, Inc HYDROLOGICPRCGECT NLMEP.- M618992' HYDROLOGIC9618993 HYDROLOGICIII 399 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: M SAWLED. 11/ , DATE EXrRA=: / DATE/TIM ANALYZED: 12/05/96 MffnWW ANALYSIS CAS NO. SDL RESULT { /1) 9/1. 71-43_ L Brombbenzene 0 -- - 1.0 L B 1 74- -5 1. Bromodichloron-ethane _ 75- 7-4 1. Ercmform 75-25-2 1. B 74-83-9 1.0 sec-Butylbenzem 135-98-8 1.0 BDL tert-Butylbenzene-5- n tetradbloride 55- 3-5 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 1.0 BDL Chloroethane 75--3 1.0 DDL Chlorcmthane 4--3 1.. 2-Chlorotoluene 95-45-81.0 BDL 4- tofu 106-43-4 1.0 BDL Dibromochlorarethane 1.4-45-1. 1. 1,3- - - - 6_1 -3 1.0 BDL 1., 2 -Dibraramtham (EM) 106-53-4 1.0 BDL Dibronxrethane 74- -3' 1.0 BDL 1, -ic. -5-1 1.. 1, 3-Ba 541 '73-1. 1..0 BDL; 1,4-Bi o 106-46-7 1.. Dichlorodifluoromthane 75-71.-5 1.0 BDL 1,1-1 75-3-3 1> 1,191 �"RVIL IGAF T' R IL. FRANKFORT, KY40601 602:42 2H,12 1 FAX, MWANY NAME: Hydrologic -Asheville, Ines CC . MM City of Hickory HYDROLOGIC961599 HYDROLOGICME NUMBER: 9618993 SANEM IDENTIFICATION: DATE WI 1.1/ 6 `96 LI L T /1) 1, - it, 107-06-2 1.0 BDL 1, 1-Dichlorcethene 75-35-4 1.0 BDL i -1R, 2-Dichlorcethene 156-59-4 1,0 BDL .a-1, t 156--5 1.0 L 1, -Di 76- 7-5 1.0 BDL 1, 3-D 1 - 28-9 1.0 BDL- , - 590- -7 1..0 BDL 1, 1-Dichlompropene 563-5 _6 1.0 BDL cis-1., 3-Dich1orcprcpem 10 61- 1-,5 1.0 BDL, t - 1, 3 -DichlorWrcpene 16 61-0 -6 1.0 13DL Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 1.0 BDL He t , 7-65-3 1.0 BDL iscprcpylbenzene 98-82-8 1.0 BDL, p-Iscprcpyltoluene 99-87_6, 1..0 BDL Chloride 75-09-2 1.0 BDL' Naphthalene91--3 1.6 BDL - ropy 103 65-1 1.0 BDL Styrene 10 - -5 1. 6 L� 1 1 1 .3- t hl 63 -36-6 1.0 BDL 1,1,2,2- ` t o t 79-3 -5 1.0 BDL fiats 127-18-4 1.0 BDL Toluene 108- 8-3 1.0 BDL 1, ,3 i_ 97-61 6 1.0 BDL 1., ,4- l -, 120-82 1. 1.0 BDL HYDROLOGICAC. Page 3 cont inued Hydrologic -Asheville, Inc = City of Hickory HYDROLOGIC IE9618993 SAMPLE i I°I i I DAM SAMPLED: 11/26/96 &MY -MIS CAS 91 4.,I 1) 1, 1, 1-Trichloroetbane 71-55-6 1.0 BDL 1,1, i 7 - -5 1.0 BDL Trichloroethene '79-01-6 1.0 BDL Trichlorofluorarethane75 _ W 1.0 SDL 1," ,3-Trichlorcpropane 96-18-4 14 1, 2, 4 -Trimethylbe=ene 95-63-61. 1,,5- 0-7- 1.0 BDL Vinyl Chloride 75-+1_ s L I (total) 1330-3 _ 1. Surrogate Belowl Detection I = SairpleDetection OJAMEWS: 6 HYDROLOGIONC. I: Hy&ologic-Asheville, In City of Hickory HYDROLOGICNUMBER: 915992 E 1 S ml %i a 9618994 HYDROLOGIC1 399 SAivTLE 11 1 nATE wA % . 11/2 , 9 DATE EXTRA=: / : 12/05/96 METSM 502.2(GC-M L1S L L RESULT gi l) li Benzene 71-43_2 ,; 1.0 BEL 74-97_5 1.0 BDL atca 75-25_2 1.0 BDL Brommethane 74-83-9 1.0 BILL - t l 104-51-9 1.0 I,, sec -Butyl 135-98-8 1.0 to _ t; 9 -5 _5 1.0 BDL carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.0 13DL 1 -90-7 1.0 BDL Chloroethane75-0-3 1.0 L_ Chloroform 67-66-3 1.0 13DL Chloromthane 74- 7-3 1.0 BDL 2- t. - 95-45-5 1.9 BDL 4-Chlorotoluene 10 -43-4 1.0 BDL Dibrarochloromthane124 4 _ 1 1.0 BDL 1,2-i - 3 -chlorqpropwrie 95--12 1.9 BDL 1., 2-D Wit' () 106-93_4 1.0 BDL i "re 74-95-3 1.0 BDL 1,2-} 95-+-1 1.0 BDL 1,3-Di h;t.c 1-73-1 1.0 BDL 1,4- i hlo 106-4 -7 1.0 BDL i i t t 75-71-3 1.0 BDL 1,1-ihl t 75-34-3 1.0 BDL Pam 2 contimied COWANY NAME: Hydrologic -Asheville, Inc a--VTANY PROJECT NUMBER: City of Hickory HYDROLOGIC" ' 12 HYDROLCGIC S9618994 SAWIE IDENTIFICATION: DATE D 11/26/96 MErHM502.2(GC-NS 9 _ANALYSIS RESULT ff 1, 2- 107- -2 1.0 BDL 1,1 ich 75-35-4 1.0 BDL is-1, 2 -Dichloroethene i. - a 1.0 BDL 1, 2 -Dicb1orcprcpane 78-87-5 1.0 BDL 1, 3 -Dichlorcprcpane 142-28-9 1.0L 2, 2 i -2 -7 1.0 13DL tram -1., 3 -Dich1orcprcpene 10061-02-6 1. Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 1.0 BDL Hexachlorobuto "g�7-gg��- �..yy Imprqpylbenzene 2-8 EDL p-Iscpropyltoluene 99-87-61.0 BDL Methyleneors 75--2 1.0 EDL Sty 100-42-5 1.0 BDL 1,1,1., 2- thane 630-20-6 1.0 13DL 1,1, 2, 2- 79-34-5 1. 0 BDL Tetrachloroethene 27-1 _4 1.0 L Toluene108-88-3 1.0 EDL 1,2,3ri o nzene 87-61-6 1.0 BDL 1, 2, -1T hlos 120- 2---1. 1.0 BDL 5021 M , ,151 FAX. 502- 5 80° m G. FREE 800,728,2251 Page 3 continued OCWANY NAME: 1 - l , Inc City of Hickory HYDROWGIC PF<QMCr NUMEr FU9618992 HYDROILGIC'. : 9618994 SANTLE ID=IPICATION: DATE SAbT=: 11/2G/9 NETHOD . - M' . ANALYSIS M Ug/ . i,1, 1-Trichloroethane 71-55- 1.0 BDL 1,1., 2 -Trichlorcethane 79-0 -5 1.0 Trichlorofluorcmethane 75- 9- 1.0 BDL 1, 2, 3 - i'' 96-18-4 1. 1,,- 5-y 1.0 PDL, 1., , 5- e 108-67-8 1.0 DDL Vinyl Chloride 75-1- 1.0 L Xylenes al 1 3 - i-,7 1.5 BDL Dichlorcmthane 75-09-2 1.0 BDL Surrogate , L = Below Samplesection Limit L = Sanple Detection Limit . u_ HYDROLOGICAC. OJOTANY' WE: Hydrologic -Asheville, Inc alyIPANY PROJECT City of Hickory HYDROLOGIC MNUMBER: FL9618992 HYDROLOGIC615 HYDROLOGIC: 399 1'1 "L : E /26/ DAIE : N DATE/TIIVE AEML 1 6 AMYL,-SiAMLY-Sis CAS NO. SEL, RESTILT u9/1 e i Benzene 71-43-2 1.0 BDL Brcmbenzene 11-6 -1 1.0 BDL Brarochlorarethane 7-7_5 1.0 BDL, Brmodichlorcmetbane 75-27-4 1.01.12 Branoform 75-25-2 1.0 BDL Brcmmethane 74-83-9 1.0 BDL sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 1.0 B L t - t -66-6 1.0 BDL Carbon tetrachloride 56-3-5 1.0 RDL Chloroethane75-00-3 1.0 BDL Cuoroform 67-66-3 1.0 4.38 Chloromthane 7-7-3 1e, 2-Chlorotoluene 95-45-81..6 WL too 106-43-4 1.0 BDL Dibromochloromthane 1 - 5-1 1.0 BDL 1,2-Dibraro-3-ch1orcprcpane 96-12-8 1.0 1 1,2- 1 t' ) 106-93-4 1.0 BDL 1b . °. 7 - 5-3 1.0 BDL 1., -Ba r c__n 5-50-1 1.0 BDL 1, 3 -Dichlorobenzene 5 1.-- . 1.0 1, 1, -Dich . 1 6- 6_7 1.0 BDL Dichlorodifluororrethane7 -71-5 1.0 BDL 1,1-Dich t 75-3 -3 1.0 L E, 2230215FAX° " .-87 b,16 TA LL FEE ::7 2251 COMPANY NAME: i- i3.1, Inc i 0 HYDROLOGIC 1F .: FL9618992 HYDROLOGIC SAMPLE NLWBER: 61805 IO DATE SAS 1.1 / 6/96 502. - F n I15''' UCF/l) ( /1)! 1,2- i 107-06_2 1.0 am 1.,1-D 75-35-4 1.0 is-1,2-Di o 156-59-4 1.0 BDL 1., 2-Di 78-87-5 1.0 BDL 1,3-Di 142-28-9 1.0 BDL 2,2- i 5 0-20-7 1.0 BDL 1,1-D a 563-58-6 1.0 BDL cis- , 3-D 0 100 1-01-5 ' 1.0'BDL tram-1,3-Dichlorcpropene1.00 1-02-6 1.0 Ethylbenzene 100-41.-4 1.0 BDL 0rcbutadiene 87-68-3 1.0 BDL Iscpropylbenzene 98-82-8 1.0 BDL methylene0 75--2> 1.0 Naphthalene 1-0- 1.0 BDL n-Prcpylbenzene 103-65-1, _ 1.0 BDL Styrene 100-42-5 1.0 BDL 1.,1.,1, 2-T 0 6 0- 0-6 1.0 BDL 1,1, , -T 0 7-- 4- 1.0 BDL Tetrachloroethene 127-1.8- 10 PDL Toluene108-88_3 1.0 BDL 1, 2, - = 0 87- 1-6 1.0 1,2,4- i 0 10-82-1 1.0 2- K3-( ?51 FAX 22 -87 010 "JOU. E 56 8t�728- 51 HYDROLOGIUNC. Page 3 cont inued MWANY NAME: Hydrologic -Asheville, Inc OCWAW ECCity of Hickory HYDROLOGIC612 HYDROLOGICL 5E . 9618995 SAPME IFI I a 11/26/96 y �, AMLY-SI T i,1,1 a 71-55-6 1. 1,1, - i - 0-5 , 1.0 BIB% Trichloroethene -1-5 1.0 BDL 1,2,. orcprcpane 96-18-4 1.0 BDL 1, 2, i 5 6 - a' 1.0 BDL 1, , 5- e 108-67-8 1.0 BDL ' Ors. 75-01-4 1.0i Xylenes (total); 1330-20-7 1.0 BDL Dichloromethane ° 5- -2 1.0 BDL Surrogate . BEE 10 L = Belcw1Detection Limit I# = Sample 1491 1WUGHT TRAIL, FrANqKFORT, FF 4%,-01 50241,234,': 51 b FAX, 150E 75-W) 1 F ,1"'( F FRF E ,& t '�3,'�' 111 (BEFORE S L GALLONS 1'4 WELL GRANO GALLONS BAILED PH —'Lr2— TEw DATE 3 -� � � Tam SAMPLERS III LCVtL R HYDROLOGIC, INC, REPORT OF ANALYSES CITY OF HICKORY PROJECT : HICKORY MWS RT I BOX 603_C DATE: 04/01/96 HICKORY, PAC 28602- Attu: PAULA PREP OD (Page 1. of 2 SAMPLE DELIVERY TO LAB E No. DATE TIME SAMPLER DATE TIME MATRIX 2352 03/21/ 6 1125 ,TAKE ICENHOUR 03/21 96 1545 WW 353 03/21. 6 1200 JAKE ICENHOUR 03, 21 / 6 1545 WW 235 03/21/ 6 1230 JAKE ICE OUR 03 `21/ 6 1545 WW CLIENT STATION ID: HICKORY - ICKOR ^3 HICKORY -C LAB #e 82352 82353 92,354 FECAL COLII'C 01/1OOmI 5 5 1 TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS E1'1 < 1.0 1,0 AMMONIA ITROG E%1 0.1 < 0,1 < 0,1 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS E,/1 67.5 55.0 81.0 CHLORIDE g/1 2.9 1.7 2. TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON g/1 1. 4 1.3 1,6 NITRATE Mg/I 2.33 1.30 1.05 PHENOL, TOTAL fENOL, E 1 6.0 < . O ,6.0 TOG analysis performed by dl 'C l.b .L`'.e Murfreesboro, . a LABORATORY DIRECTOR HYDRoLoGioNc. REPORT OF ANALYSES CITY CE HICKORY PROJECT NAME: HICKORY MATS RTI BOX 603-C TOTE 04/0/6 HICKORY, NC 28C2 to : PAULA PRESTWOO (Page 2 of 2, SAMPLE DELIVERY TO LAB LAB No. DATE TIME SAMPLER TOTE TIME MATRIX" 82355 03/21/96 1245 JAKE ICE HOUR 03/21/96 1545 WW CLIENT STATION ID: HICKORY E : 5255 FECAL CCLIF"C col/100 l < 1 TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS ME/1 < 1.0 AMMONIA NITROGENMg/1 < 0.1 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS E 104.0 CHLORIDE E/1 4.9 TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON Mg/1 1.2 NITRATE Mg/1 1.91 PHENOL, L, TOTAL /1 < 6,0 TOC analysis performed by HydroLogic M rfreesb pro, T. LABORATORY DIRECTOR -3 46 FAX, , 04 `58 ,yet3 TCLL FREE, 80 3i+-5. 5 A HYDROLOGIC, INC. Chain Of CuslottyRecord . ...... . . . 2 l.vniam Savel I'l 4 10 Nvw Salcm lfi�hway #106 il 1,191 Twihght Trad 2003 Noidi Pow Sveo !'1203 Branchview Drov, SF 2 iM 6aleway ('enirc 4875 Ri ci,idc Dnvc C1 2082 11-Adc Cf� kXav 4 W, 288(r1 Mmfm-° w(C]'N 371 N Frwjkfoi, KY k)(AM Lmnbemou. N(' W59 (",mwool, NC 2K025 Moukville, NC 275W Kacon, GA 312 l 0 Naplvs, 14,33911 (704)254-S 169 (61 Si 9,18-68 t 0 (502) 010) 738-6M) I 7o4) 78a-3322 (() 19) 3 8 0 - <*'X) 012) 757-0911 tK 13 54, 6�) 05 FAX (7(9,) 252-971 l FAX (6 5) 848 0805 FAX 0021871-8016 FAX (511()) 671 =883-, 1,AX (704 786- 2999 FAX 019) 380-9717 FAX (912) 757-0149 F,\X M 1? a 597-70e� Client; ProJect No. REQUESTED PARAMETERS wso -c Report Addle,,.1 Invoice Addrt�s e,7 t4- T7' A Asheville, NC C Concord, NC Anw' D Denver, CO r r �re�- G Macon,GA Y'hone No Sampled By- K = riankfort, KY L = Lumberton, NC Fax No.: RO. No: M = morri qV i l le, NC N = Naples, IL TURNAROUND TIME V) S = Subcontracted 0 "gal Aunts 48 llour�,' Date Necded, (Z) --z T = Murfreesboro, TN 71 5 DayK ther MDays o J.- .... .... .. .... ... .... . ---- — -- Datk� Time Matrix Preserv. 'ianlpfir I D I k1l.-t-iflens REMARKS �W# Lab Use Only Custody Seal; L-IVes [IN. ON/A COMill NTS� i --kfi ,,qlf.shcd n t-T Relinquished Rfinqt6sh d I� [No c Thile Received By: e Relinqukht Date Time Receive(l fiy� but I'JibTer" P. thic lnle Slaw sample; cc Tnue Lab Use Only: ate finic Beale Time RccLab fentp r� �. FOR FACILITY NANM COUNTY ADDRESS WELL LOCATION WELL ID # WELL DEPTH DLQ&-rM SAJ"LE, (SCREENED) INTERVAL TO w MEASURING Pow ABovE LAND SURFACE FIELD RESULTS DEPTH To WATER LEvEL Fr. BELOW tMASURING POINT (BEFORE S GALLONS IN WELL GRApM GALLONS BAILED DAn7 inn 4e SAI"LERS SIGNATURE r_ HYDROLOGIC, INC. ASHXVILM .� FACILITY NAME COUNTY ADDRESS WELL LOCATION FOR FIELD RESULTS DEPM To wATER LEvm ---3,T±-- n. Bmow mBAsumGporNT (BEFORE SAWLING) GALLONS BAILED MEASURING POINT ABOVE LAND SURFACE W#Tli it -7. I FOR HOM[TORING WELL FIELD REPORT WORMEET ADDRESS WELL LOCATION FACILITYNAME COUNTY WELL DEPTH SAMPLE (SCREENED) INTERVAL To MEASURING POINT ABovE LAND SURFACE FIELD RESULTS DEPTH m,d TO A (BEFORE SAMPLING) Fr. BELOW MEASURING POINT GALLONS IN LL GALLONS BAILED SIGNATURE w -, A W rl# a At t s T H Y D R 0 L O G IC I N C_ _ ITyI hV, 1* AMLYSIS %I � f � a�► • II ! s. •t M � Hydrologic -Asheville, Inc MM v HICKORY FL9517720 1. 7 9517722 399 HI* 11//`5 11 15% 5 MMUM EPA 502.2 CAS NO. SILL RESULT ; m 71-43-2 1.0 13DL " 108. 6-1 1.0 BUL h 74-7-5 1.0 BM 75-7-4 1.0 13DL 755 1.0 BUL sm 74-83-9 1.0 BIDL 104-51-8 1.0 BDL 135-98-8 1.0 BDL 98-06-6 1.0 BDL 56- 3 5 1.0 BDL 108-90-7 1.0 BM 753 1.0 BDL 67-66 3 1.0 BDL 74-7-3 1.0 DDL, 545 1.'Bm 1 6-43 4 1.0 BDL 14-4 1.0 BDL 96-12-8 1.0 BDL 1 6-93 1.0 DDL 74-5-3 1.0 BDL 5-5 -1. 1..0 BDL 54173-1 1.0 BDL 16-467 1.0 BDL 75-71 1.0 BDL 75-343 1.0 BDL " 1491 Twilight Trail 0 Frankfort, KY 40601 El 502/22- 251 0 FAX 502/875-8016 0 TolFree -800/77 25 � I ICI k" � u ' {* • it @:i" M . i Styrene i- 1. 1. 2-M4 Ttt�r YM Mr °'" � Toluene 3--�lorobenzene 9k M daqzene A 11 • r e r. ;� � °� III I 951772 951.7722 HICKORY NWC 11 9/95 2.2 CAS NO. SDL Ug/1) 197--2 1. 75 5 4 1.0 156-59-4 1.0 1:56-6 -5 1.0 -67-5 1. t yyy;8188II a 1.0 0 1 0s 0t 1-41-4 1.0 76 1. 98-82-8 1. 99-87 1. 75-9-2 1.0 91-20-3 1. 1-65-1 1. 142 1. 630-20-6 1.0 794-5 1.0 127-1 4 1.0 108-88-3 1.0 7-61-6 1,0 120-82-1 1.0 1 Twilighf Trr f6 ICE Frankfort, KY 40601-0 02/2 0251 l l FAX 502/875M16 El Tell tree 1 - 00/72 5 ,N. m� Page 3 continued Hydrologic -Asheville, Inc NUMBER: I HYDROLOGICR: EL9517720 HYDROLOGICE 51777 SAWIE I I I : HICKORY METRW A 502.2 ANALYSIS ul /1 1,1 ihl 1-556 1.0 BDL 1,1, i hlom , 79-00-5 1.0 BDL i hl 70-01- 6 1.0 BDL hhl, flu - - 756 1.0 BDL 1, , l hlorcprcpane 96-18-4 1.0 BDL 1, , 5--- i 1.0 BDL 1, ,5 10 67 5 1.0 Vinyl Chloride 75-01 1.0 BDL l (total) 10-0-7 1.0 ML SurrogateRecoveries: L = Below SanpleDetection Litnit L = SanpleDetection 1491 Twilsght 7rai� 0 Frankfort, KY 40601 U ,12,3-0251 LJ FAX 502/875-8016 [.I Tell Free 1-800/728-2251 B- orowbenzene A# Hydrologic-Asheville, Inc HICKORY 951772 9517721 399 HICKORY NWB 11/9/95 B/ 11/1595 MRTHW EPA . SDL { u /1 71-43-2 1. 1 8 1 1.0 74-97_5 1.0 75-7-4 1. 75-25-2 1. 74-83-9 1. 104 1- ' 1.0 135-93-- 1. 98-06-6 1.0 55235 1.0 1-97 1. 75 00 3 1. 7-6 -3 1. 74-7-3 1. 95-45-8 1. 1 -43 4 1. 124-4 - 1. 96-12-8 1. 1-mm93 1. 74-9-3 1. 95-50-1, 1. 541731 1. 1 -45 7 1.0 75-71-8 1. 75-34-3 1.0 RESULT ( ug/1 BDL BDL L BILL L BDL BDL BDL BDL L BDL BDL L L BDL L L L L 13DL BDL BEL 1491 Twilight Tr O 0 Frankfort, KY 40601 0 502/223-0251 U FAX /02/8 5-801D Toll Free e - 00/ t 2251 L. Page 2 continued COMPANY NAM : Hydrologic -Asheville, Inc HICKORY MW HYDROLOGIC, s FL9517720 SAMPLE NUMBER: 9517721 SAMPLEHYDROLOGTC IDEWIFICATION HICKORY DATE SAMPLED: 11/9/95 METEK)D EPA 502.2 ANALYSIS SDL RESULT u /1 u9/1) 1, 2 1chlor 1 7-0 6-2 1.0 BDL 1,1- ichlcr 75-35-4 1.0 BDL c11, 2-D1.c c 156-59-4 1.0 BDL ,: - is 1c 156-60-5 1.0 BDL 1,2-Blchlcr rc e 7 - 7-5 1.0 BDL 1, ichl r 142-28-9 1.0 BDL 2,2-D chlcr r n 59 -20 7 1.0 BDL 11-1.hlc r 55-55 1.0 Bm ci -1,3- is c 1 1 1 5 1.0 BEL trans-1,3-Dichloropmpene 1 1-02_6 1.0 BDL Ethylbenzene 1 41-4 1.0 BDL Hexachlorobutadiene87-5_3 1.0 BDL Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 1.0 BDL p-Isopropyltoluene 99-87-6 1.0 BDL Methylene Chloride 75- 9-2 1.0 BDL Naphthalene 91-20-3 1.0 BDL n-Propylbenzene 1935.1 1. L Styrene1 0 42 5 1.0 BEL 1,1,1, 2 .chlc e 32 1.0 BDL 1,1,2,2 hlr 79345 1.0 BDL Tetrachloroethene 1 7-18-4 1.0 BDL lu ne 108-88-3 1.0 13DL 1, 2, d lchlcr n 7-51-5 1.0 BDL 1,2,4- i c e 12 - 2 1 1.0 BDL 1491 Twilight Trail D Frankfort, KY 40601 0 502/220251 D FAX 02/875-801 [.3 Tol€ Free 1800/7 5, °� Page 3 continued COMPANY NAME: Hydrologic -Asheville, Inc HICKORY MWS HYDROLOGIC PROGECT NMBER: EL9517720 I 551771 SAMPIE IDENTIFICATION: HICKORY NWB . hNul-sis CAS NO. SHE RESULT ug/1){ '1 1,1,1 1. hl t 71-55-6 1.0 BM 1,1, l hl 7 -00-5 1.0 BM hhl: 716 1.0 BM • hl r l r 75-6 4 1.0 BM 11.2,.E i r 6-1,4 1.0 BM 11,4 n 5-66 1.0 BM 1,,5 167 1. I Vinyl Chloride 75-1 1. I n (total) l 0- 7 1. Dichlorcmethane 75-09-2 1. SurrogateRecoveries: Belowl tin Idmit SaTrple Detection 1 Twilight grail 0 Frankfort, KY 40601 D 502/223- 2 1 D FAX 52/875— 16 1;:1 € ol Free 1 - 00/728 ?5 r t a a l*T TL—Lm Tb T qcfa O* T L-9 9 T x TG— ' T li(lq O'T T O 6 Te a- ' lia ' T - - liag *T -6901 ( ) -'T ricla OT T96 ' :. 'ITS * T T- - -To MR oll -C9 T oa D-2 j.- L-J t CL 'IC[9 O' T 8—17— 6 O * T 6—fig `ice • T -99-L liuq * -00— Ln 'ICI *T L— 6— 0T `T .T G—EZ-919 am O * T 9-9 — 6 licig *8-Tg-VOI l c * T riciq *T —LZ— L TI I O * T —L36— L ricH 011 T9-9T (T ) {T LYM TC * VZOS 6/6,TT y/ /Vr T' El MN 66` 9 S9ZCEV6Ua . auRqqaw-loTW-Iaw--G amazueqcmag quezueg *.Imqwm azacload mwdww w Page 2 continued ANALYSIS Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorcbenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Hydrologiz-Asheville, Inc CITY OF HICKORY FL9433255 3366 B 11/4/94 MLMM A 502.2 CAS . SDI; 1) 0 7-0 - 1 7-34 1. 16-94 1. 1 6-6 - 1.0 78-87-5 1.0 14 - -9 1.0 96--7 1. 563-58-6 1.0 10061-01-5 1.0 1 061-0 6 1.0 11- 1 7-63 1.0 9 6 1.0 99- 7 6 1.0 7-9 1.0 1 0-3 1. 136-1 1.6 100-42-5 1.6 63 - -6 1..0 ° 9 3 1.0 171-4 1.6 18- - 10 7-°61 - 1.0 --1 1.. L 13DL BDL 1491 Twilight Trail LJ Fronk art, KY 40601 D 2/223- 21 0 FAX 502/875-80160 Toll Free 1-800/728 221 continued CtHPANY NAME: flydrologic-Asheville, Inc COWANY PROJECT NUMBER CITY OF HICKORY HYDROLOGIC'FL9433255 HYDROLOGIC.` NUMBER: 33256 SAMPLE lid DATE SAMPLED: . 11/4/94 METHM EPA 2, ANALYSIS'1, RESULT { g1 { 1 1,1,1 i hlc 71-55 1.0 BDL 1,1,, -' i hl , 79-00-5 1.; i hlo 79-01-6 1.0 BDL i h ro lu 7 - 1.0 BDL 1,,4 - 1. 1, , th 108-67-8 1.,0 BDL Vinyl Chloride 7 - 1_ 4- 1 1 In (total) -207 1.0 BDL Dichlorawthane 75-09-21.0 BDL Detection Lintit L = Sample DetectionLimit p 1491 Twihqhi Trail 0 Frankfort, KY 40,601 0 W2/223- 3 I,- FAX 502/ 16 0 Tali Fr 1800/ 8-7Q 3I NdveniDer 11, 14 Hydrologic-A.sheville, Inc 122 Lyman Street Asheville, NC 28801 Attention., Melissa PROJECT NUMBER.: DATE CCMYLETED: November 1,, 14 DATE RECEIVED.* November , 1994 Hydroloqic-Asheville, In 122 Lyman Street Asheville, 01 DESCRIPTION: City of —4 water samples analyzed for 0. �, rri s vim_. Enclosed is the laboratory report for of . 1f you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, l feel free to contact Jamie Fore. We appreciates " ss and look forward to serving you again soon. Respectfully, ,min Carl Esterle Laboratory for 491 Twdight Trail 0Frankfort, KY 01 0 /2 - 2 1 0 FAX 2 8 " - 1 6 1-] Try€I Free 00,/- 1. haw r ar r �Vjzm�m III I tw '"x HYER01MIC SADFU IteVIFICATION: DAM SAWM: Benzem BrcuObenzeno MMMM" Dibrowmhlorcuotham w a ae Clrfr lfy&oloqic-Asheville, Inc CITY OF HICKORY 943355 3355 399 11/4/'9 11/9/94 bWTHM EPA 502.2 CAS NO. SILL 7143 1.0 1 8-86-1 1.0 74-9- t 75-7-4 1. 75-25-2 1. 74-83-9 1-. 104-51.-8 _ 1. 135-988 1. 9-8 1 56-23-5 1. 198-98-7 1.0 75-:=-3 1.0 7--3 1. 74873 1.0 95°- 5 1.0 106-43-4 1. 14-48- 1. 9-1:-8 1.8 106-93-4 1. 74-95-3 1.0 9551 1.. 541-731 1.9 1+-4-7 1.8 75-71:8 1.0 75-34 :3 1.9 t 31 Twilight Irail 0 Frankfort, KY 40601 0 502/223-0251 13.: 5 3/3 m301 E] ToU free 130C/728 375 x Pam _2 continued COMPANY NAME: BYdrologic-Asheville, Inc PRO= NUMBER.* CITY OF HICKORY HYDROLOGICCOMPANY R BEEL9433255 HYDROLOGICS33255 SAMPLE III II DATE SAMPLED: 11/4/94 METHW EPA 502.2 ANALYSIS CAS NO. SDL RESULT. 1, - i cy 10 - - C BDL 1,1-iehl.r th e --4 1.0 BDL l -1 -D hl r e 156-59-4 1. tr a , -Di er ene 156-60-5 1.6 BDL 1, 2-Dichlorepropane 7 - ' 1.0 BDL 1, -.hlr r . ne 142-28-9 1.0 HDL , -D hl e 90- 0-7 1.0 BDL 1,1-Diehl r r e 6- 8-6 1.0 cis-1, 8-Di hl.er re rye 10061-01-5 1.0 BDL r 1, -De ca 10061-02-6 1.0 BDL Ethylbenzene 1-41-4 1..6 BDL Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 1.0 BDL Ir e 98--8-8 1.0 BDL p-Iscpropyltoluene 99-87-6 1.0 BDL Miethylene Chloride - 9-2 1.0 13DL Naphthalene 91- 18 BDL n-Propylbenzene 1--1 1.0 BDL Styrene 100-42-5 1.0 BDL 1,1,1, aehl or t e 6 - 1 - , 1.0 BDL 1.,1, , - r aye 79-34-5 1.0 BDL Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 1. L Toluene 108-88-3 1.0 18L 1, , ' i,c gar e 87-61 6 1.0 BDL 1, , 4- is , gar ease 120-82-1 1.0 BDL 1491 Twd�g t ,! a=i 0 Frankfort, KY 01 0 502/223-0251 11 FAX 0 875-8816IrN ToII Free 1-8 /728 2251 T = Icls -4`L 'Icra IICH OIT L--T -4) SquaT4x liclq T - OL ;ap-FaoTqz) TAU -FA ri try * -- ' liuq TO 0 * °- - L Iricra * T 9-10 L9ucILRe0-ToTqoTJL `/ T I /T :, v MR I = ai DIDUIOUGAH WTEPUM d DIDOMUGAR XHONDIH do AMD :uasmm joaloud t HYDROLOGIC, INC. Chain. of-CustoJy Client information: A d L;. t r✓` r . Contact: _ M Phone: 416 Sample information.- l R67 i Sampler's Signature: Relinquished b: Received Relinquished by Received b Date/Time:-� /� l � 0 Date/Time: Relinquished by: :�Received a Date/Time:, Date/rime: Comments: tW s ICE ill N"" "" . WJMBER- HYDROW=C SAMPLED:DATE x Beozene Rrmobonzene BrCMDchlo�� Hydrologic -Asheville, I CITY OF HICKORY FL9433255 33257 399 NW 1 /4/94 11,/4 NETHM EPA 502.2 CAS . SDL 't 71-43-2 1.0 74-97-5 1. - 27 1. 72-2 1. 74-8 . 104-51-8 1. 1 - - 1. 98-06-6 1._ -2 1., OB - 0 7 1. 75-00-3 1 67-66-3 1. 74-87-3 1. -4 1.0 106-43-4 1.0 1244-1 1.0 96-12-8 1.0 10- -4 1.. 74- 1.. -1 1 41-7 -1 1... 1-4-7 1.. 7 -71, 1. 7 - 4 1x.- 1491 Twifight Tra0 D Frankfort, KY 40601 0 52/22 - 2 1 D FAX 502/875-8016 0 T fl Fr 1-800/728-2251 Paqe 2 continued NAME:COMPANY Hydrologic -Asheville, Hydrologic-Asheville,Inc PROJECTCOMPANY OF HICKORY HYDROLOGICWC - FL9433255 HYDROLOGICt'.33257 SAMPIE ID I`I I DATE 11/4/9 Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2, is mane 1,2,4-Trichlorcbenzene NMOD EPA . CAS NO. DL /1- ) 107-06-2 1.0 "7 4 1. 156-59-4 1.0 1 6-6 i 1. 87 1. 1422 1.0 9 20-7 1.0 568-6 19 0 6 -61 1.. 1 061-02-6 1. 00-41- 1. 86 1.8 98-82-8 1.0 99 °7 6 1.0 -09 2 1.0 91-20-3 1 1 -6 1 1.. 100-42-5 1 6 0 2 6 1-. 945 1. 1 7-- 1. 108- 8_ 1._ 8-6 1. 120-82-1 1.0 RESULT /1 L L DDL L L BDL L BDL DL BDL BILL L L L L L BDL L BDL DL 1491 T dight Trail 0 Frankfort, KY 40601 0 /22 -0, ,50/: - 16Toll Free 1-800/728-2251 ,' u = icis s u OT lici 0 ` L-O -O : ( TAX IICI 'T -- °°car; -''I - TO- L UCH 0 * 1 ° 00- L u -TOTq T' I' (u ) ( / n qa-s -§I-S7,TdW 6 /Tl ¢CZ *.moIlvDTAIUMCII Fldwvs L i HIdws DISOUDIGAH O.HaUHM loaroHd DiooqoHam AHOMIR a g I ' -2o ,u COMPANY : Hydrologic -Asheville, Inc COMPANY PROJECT NUMBER: : 1 OF HICKORY HYDROLOGIC PROJECT NUMBER: 943325 HYDROLOGICm 3325 HYDFXXk)GICI.D.« 399 SAMPIE ID . 'ICATIEON*. MW D E 11/4/94 DATE EXTRACTED: N/ DATE/TIME A24L ED: 11,/9/"9 MMOD EPA . ANALYSIS. SDL RESULT F: x ug/1)/1) ICZ) Benzene 71-A43-2 1.0 BDLa a Brauubenzene 108- 6-1 1.0 BDL Branochloromthane 74-97-5 1.0 BDL S.,LL.w Brcnx)dichlorcuethane 75-27-4 1.0 BDL Bromf orm 75-25-2 1.0 BDL Brcmamethane74- -; 1.0 BDL <m n-Butylbenzene 1. 4-51-8 1.0 IBDL sec-Butylbenzene135-98-8 1.0 BDL t - ty ne 98-06-6 1.0 BDL Carbon tetrachloride 56 23 5 1.0 BDL Chlorobenzene108-90-7 1.0 BDL .cr ; 75-00-3 1.0 BDh Chloroform 6r -3 Chloramthane74- 7 3 1.6 BDL hl rctcl e 95-4 -8 1.0 13DL 4 a rctolu 106-43-4 1.0 BDL Dibrawchlorcmthane 124-48-•1 1..0 BDL 1, 2--D ® 3 lore rc 96-12-8 1.0 BDL 1, 2°-Dior t e (ED ) 1 6- 93 1.0 BDL Eibr 74-95-3 1.0 BDL .,2-D c l r ene 95-5 1 1.0 BDL 1, 3-Di lcr a ene 541 73-1 1.0 BDL 1, 4-Dic ore e 1 6-46-7 1.0 BDL ichl r fluor t e 75-71-8 1..0 DDL 1,1-Dichle t e 75-34-3 1. 1 1491 'rwilight Trail 0I Frankfort, KY 40601 L1 1 ?/22 3- 251 0 FAX 562/3 -6 1 + 0 i {� Free 1-800/728-2251 Page 2 continued II'PROJECT NUMBER: HYDROLOGIC ! BE 13 SAMPLE IDMUTETCATION: Totrachloroethene I Hydrologic -Asheville, Inc CITY OF HICKORY EL9433255 3328 11/4/ 4 MMOD EPA . CAS . SDL { 7 3.5-4 1.0 16-5-4 1. 156-60-5 1.0 78-87-5 1..0 142-28-9 1.0 588-20-7 1.8 63-58-6 1.0 10061-01-5 1.0 18861 02-6 1.- 100-41-4 1.0 87-68 3 1.0 -87 6 1.8 7.5-09-2 1.0 103 65-1 1.8 100-42-5 1.0 638-20-6 1.0 79-34-5 1.8 127 18-4 1.0 108--88-3 1.0 87-61®6 1.0 12882-1 1.8 1491 Twilight Trail 0 Frankfort, R<Y 40601 0 502/223- 51 El FAX 502/875-8016 0 Tull Fr 1-800/728­2251 L9ZZ-SZZ/008-L ",Y 1101, D 9LOR-(.',/,,8/ZO(i XV-j D NZOIEWZO(i D L090VAN IJOMUDJ� n I!r)-�i 41-03wmi 16pt qTmTq UOT4--*q--,Q aTdms = rms '4uw,vl UOTI-00-49G 9TCbIeS MOT-9 = rIC19 ricig O*T Z-60-9L aupq,4all3j0TqoTa ace O'T L-OZ-OCET (TP40-4) SauaTkx riag O*T V-10-9L ap-F.IoTqo TkrFA ricig O*T 8-L9-80T i9Lrazu9qTSq-4--uTjz-g I c I I ricia O*T 9-0-96 Du9zuaqTATPaHT-7U-V'Z'T licla O*T V-BT-96 ;9uedO-TCIO-IOTq;D-F-U-E WT IKE O * T V-69-9L ;9ueq4GmJOnT-TOJOTq3T-;L ricIg 0*1 9-TO-6L l9tTalPao-ToTq---YF-rL ricla O'T 9-00-6L auuqqaojoTqoT-�j-ZIT'j riclq O'T 9-99-TL auPq4GO-�OTq0TJZ-T " T " T (T/bn (T/bn Tri—nsSH T—is -91—sxmw z zos Vda Guam V6/V/TT CHUMS 3M (I MK NOImiaijm(ii RIdNVS BSZEE :Hag�M arldWS DIWIOHUAH GGZEEt,6%a :HRUNM IDUMI DIWIC)HCIAH AHONDIH dO ILID :HMM dZLq[Udd AWdNM MI ' OTT -TA;allr-V-Tad aPkl :sww mwdwm PaTlUT-4uoo E abea 0 N 1 0 0 1 0 H 0 A Novexber 16, 1994 Hydrologic -Asheville, Inc 122 Lyman Street Asheville, NC 28801 Attention: Melissa Shook INVOICING: pydrologic-Asheville, Inc 122 LymanStreet. Asheville, 1 PRWECT -err 3 DATE COMPLEM; November 1, 1994 DATE RECEIVED.- November 10, 1994 PROJECTDESCRIPTION: City o —1 water sample analyzed:for 625. Enclosedis the laboratory report for of iabove. If if have any questionsif we can be of further assistance,please feel free to contact Jamie Fore. We appreciatebusiness and look forwaW to serving you again. Respectfully, " Esterle laboratory Director 1491 wiglit ar(s11 0 Frcinkfori, KY 40601 0 502/2 -021 El FAX 502-8 1 1-800/728-2251 I COMPANY NAM Hy&ologic-Asheville, Inc COMPANY PF ; a CITY OF HICKORY HYDROLOGICr HYDROLOGIC „ 33258B HYDFjX-OGIC LAB 1, . SAMPLE 1 1 1 SAMPLED:DATE 11/4/94 DATE EXTRACTED: 11 1 /94 DATE/TIMELD 11 15/94 EV ANALYSIS. 51, RESULT uq/1) "1 Phenol 10 - 5- 5.0 BDL i hlor l) r 11-44-4 5.0 r h of 5-57-- 5.0 BDL ,, 3-Dichlorcbenzene 541-7 5.0 BDL 1,4-Di hl c 1-4 -7 5 1, -D, hlorobenzene 95-50-1 5.0 H11 i hloroi 1) 1h :r 39638-32-9 5.0 D -i '--r l ne 621-4-7 5.0 BDL Hexachloroethane7-7 -1 5.0 BDL Nitrobenzene - 5- 5.0 ML Iscphorone 78-59-1 5.0 13DL it h of -75-5 5.0 DDL 2, 4- "= h l 1- 105-67-9 5.0 BDL f it r he 111.- 1-1, 5.0 BDI, , 4-hlr h gal 120-83-2 5.0 BDL 1, , 4 i hl n 12- -1. 5.0 EDL Naphthalene1-- 5.0 UDL hl r - ane 87-68-3 5.03 BDL hl r l h of 9-5- 5.0 BDL ,4, l r `h of 88-06-2 5.0 DDE hl rr h 1- -7 5..0 BDL Dimthylphthalate 131-11-3 5.0 BM hhylene 208-96-8 5.0 BDL Acenaphthene- 5.0 BDL ,-' h of 51--5 25.E BDL 1491 ..1"wflight Trull 0 Frankfort, KY 40601 0 17/72-0251 0 FAX 502/875-8016D'Tolln Free 1-8001 1 Page 2 continued 4-Nitrophenol 2, 4 ' try tofu h 2,6-Dinitrotoluene l pht ate 4-Chlorophenyl-phenylether Fluorene 4,6-`, 2- lh of 4-Branophenyl-phenylether Hexachlorcbenzene Pentachlorophenol Phenanthrene Anthracene Di-n-butylphthalate Fluoranthene Pyrene Butylbenzylphthalate r ' - Di Be,nzo(a)anthracene bi (2-hylh l) h ate Chrysane Di"-n yl h ate Benzo(k)fluoranthene Benzo(a)pyrene Hydroloqic-Asheville, Inc HICKORYCITY OF FL9433255B 8258 NW D 11/4/ 4 CAS NO. SDL { ucl 100-02®7 25.8 121-14-2 5.8 606-20-2 5.0 84-66 2 5.8 7005 72 5.0 86-7. - t 54-52-1 25.8 101-55 5 118-4-1 5.0 87-86-5 25..8 1.20-12-7 5.0 84-74 2 5.0 206-44-8 5.0 12 00- 5. 1.-4-1 10.8 56-55 5.0 117-81-7 5.8 218-01-9 5.0 117-84-0 5.6 205-99-2 5.0 207-08-9 5.0 mm 1 L BDL BDL 7,491 T ... di9l)t 1 r ad 0 Frankfort, KY 40601 0 502/223-051 0 FAX 7 -8 1 0 `foil Fr 1 8f0r0/728 22 1 Lcj6z-9zz/ooR- 10011A 11010 9 Log-CZg /Z(�r' X VA -�U �mA. L6J7 /Zoq 0 L090V A� j 'jJOjjUDJ,4 0 p �j jLjb quuTa uo-r-4---�a4aa ;aTdaes = -icis '4mlrlrl UO'P-09-40a 9TdMS YOT99 = 'IG9 liC19 O'OT 6-SL-Z9 auTWVTfltRaHrPOSO-T-4-FN-R ricla 0*08 S-L8-M ;Du-r ,pTzuag liclu 0*01 9-OC-98 ;9uTmTXu;aqdTPOSOaq-FN-N ricig O*OT -L. L.L. auaT , PequadoTo400mopx;�14 lim 0*9 Z-VZ-T6T auaTAa-ad (T IT4 I fi) ozuag riaEl O's C-CAL-Eg aua0plipup N IV) Z UqqT(i liclu 0*9 9-6E-M 9uojAd(p--)--cIzIT)ou9puj (T/f)n i (T/f)n M-assu rias SZ9 VkM aDEM V6/V/Tl :Uaqdwvs axvu cl MK tuixvDlaijm(ii MAWS E189zU .*U28NM RIdWVS DIOUICAGAH qG9ZECf'6qa :Hzsqm JZGEDud DIDUTCRicuH AHOXDIH do LLIO :H23M lOaCOHd AWdWM OUI "aTTTA;aqSV---)FbO-[OZP,�H : mm Awdum penuTwoo c afiecT 9 0 1 0