HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0001669_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018State of North Carolina l Department f Environment, Health and Natural Resources� Division of Water Quality o Wayne McDevitt, Sietrotary A Preston September , 1997 1r. Gene Haynes, Public Services Manager er City of Hickory PO Box 398 Hickory, NC 28603 Era '. 9 Subject. Permit No. W 00016 a City of Hickory Land Application of Wastewater Residuals Catawba County Dear Mr. Haynes: In accordance with your application received on June 26, 1997, we are fo yarding herewith Permit No. WQ0001669 dated September 3, 1,997, to the City of Hickory for the continued operation of a wastewater residuals land application program. The acreage included in this land application program has been reduced to approximately 905.7 acres. Please note that the application sites previously limited to seasonal use are now permitted for year- round use provided the eater table is shown (by cheeping with a hand -auger and documenting the results) to be, at least three feet below the land surface. This procedure change will afford more flexibility in the land application program while continuing, to preserve the integrity of underlying groundwater. In consideration of past odor complaints, the Division recommends that a buffer of 800 feet with no land application therein) be maintained from any off -site residence in proximity to Field 2 -01 (Ruby Stegall/Hugh Waters). :This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until August 31, 2002, shall void Permit o. W001 issued March 22, 1995, and shall be, subject, to the conditions and lit 'ttions as specified therein. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring and reporting requirements contained in this permit, Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the rewired operational information will result in future compliance problems, If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty t days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the: form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of both Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27 +11-7447, unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding.. P.O, Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone (91 ) 733-9033 FAX (919) 733- 71 An Equal Opportunity.Attirmative Action Employer % recycled/ 107% post -consumer paper If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Mr. J. Ray Cox at (919) 733-5083, extension 541. Sincere . Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. cc: Catawba. Lincoln and Burke, County Health Departments Bio-Nomic Services, Inc. Mooresville Regional Office, Water Quality Section Mooresville Regional Office, Groundwater Section Asheville Regional Office, Water Quality Section Asheville Regional Office, Groundwater Section Bob Cheek, Groundwater Section, Central Office Training and Certification Unit (no revised rating) Facilities Assessment Unit NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143,Gencral Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other a0licable lawsRules, and R441atitifix PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO THE Clity of Hickory Catawba County FOR THE continued operation of a wastewater residuals land application program consisting of the application of 1,028 dry tons per year of residuals from sources listed in Condition B 5, to approximately 905.7 acres of land in Catawba, Lincoln, and Burke Counties, as listed in Condition V1 4, with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters, pursuant to the application received on June 26, 1997, and in confonnity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Departirrent of Environment, Health and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective, from the date of issuance until August 31, 2002, shall void Permit No, WQ)001669 issued March 22, 1995, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations, I. P.E.-R-FOR M_A_N CE-ST A N D A RPS I The Mooresville Regional Office, telephone number, (704) 663-1699 [or the Asheville Regional Office for the Burke County sites: (704) 251-6208], and the, appropriate local governmental official (county manager/city manager) shall be notified at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the initial application of the residuals to a site so that an inspection can be made of the application sites and application method. Such notification to the regional supervisor shall be made, during the normal office hours from 8:00 a.m. -until 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding State Holidays. In addition, the appropriate County Manager's office must be notified prior to the initial application so that they will be aware that the operation has commenced. 2. This permit shall become voidable if the soils fail to adequately assimilate the wastes and may be rescinded unless the sites are maintained and operated in a manner which will protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface waters and ground waters. 3. The land application program shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non - discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastes resulting from the operation of this program, 4. The issuance of "s perrait shall not relieve the Perrintize of the responsibility for daruagps to sUffifee or ground waters resulting from the operation of this Program. 5. In the event that the land application program is not operated satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions,„ the Permittee shall cease applying residuals to the sites and take any immediate corrective actions as may be required by the Division. fa, Some of the buffers specified below may not have been included in previous permits for this land application ration. However, any sites or fields thatare included in this permit, but were approved with different applicable buffers shall be reflap, ed to comply with the below buffers. The following buffer zones shall be maintained: a) 400 feet from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for surface application method however, the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100 feet upon written consent of the owner and approval from the appropriate DWQ regional office, b) 200 feet from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for subsurface residual injection method; however, the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100 feet upon written consent of the owner and the appropriate DWQ regional office, c) 100 feet from any public or private water supply source, waters classified as SA or S 1 and any Mass l or Class 11 impounded reservoir used as a source of drinking water for both methods d`l 100 feet from any streams classified as WS or f , any other stream., canal, harsh or coastal waters and any rather lake or impoundment for surface application; e) 50 feet from any streams classified as WS or B, any rather stream, canal, marsh or crustal waters and any other lake orimpoundment for subsurface application, f) 100 feet from property lines for both surface and subsurface application methods; ) 50 feet from public right of ways for both application methods, h i 10 feet from upslo e interceptor drains and surface water diversions for both application methods, i) 25 feet from downslope interceptor drains, surface water diversions, groundwater drainage systems and surface drainage ditches for both application methods, . A copy of this permit shall be maintained at the land application site when residuals are being; applied during the life of this permit, A spill prevention and control playa shall be maintained in all residuals transport and application vehicles. Specific residual application area. boundaries shall be clearly marked on each site prior to and during application. . to residuals at . time shall be stored at any application site, unless approval has been requested and obtained from the Division of Water Quality. 10, Maximum slope for residual application shall be 1 % for surface application and 18% for subsurface applications, 11. When wastewater residuals are, applied.., the Class A pathogen requirements and site restrictions in Oil CFR Part 503.32(a) or the Class B pathogen requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 503.32(b), and one of vector attraction reduction requirements in 40 CFRPart 503.33 shall be met. Additionally, an evaluation must_be performed which demonstrates the residuals ability to comply with this requirement. Upon request, a copy of this evaluation must be submitted including all test results and calculations. 2 nI I ; The facilities and application sites shall be properly maintained and operated at all times, 2. A suitable vegetative cover, as listed in condition H 4, shall be maintained in accordance with the, crop management plan outlined by the local Extension Office of the Department of Agriculture, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, or other agronomist, and approved by this Division, 3. An acceptable pH must be maintained in the soil, residual and Ifine mixture, greater than 6.0, on all land application sites to insure optimum yield for the crop(s) specified below. The agronomist shall provide information on the pH best suited for the specified crop and the soil type. 4, The application rates shall not exceed the following for the specified crops. Cron --- PAN (lb./acre/Vr.) Alfalfa 200 Bermuda Grass (Hay, Pasture) 220 Blue Grass 120 Corn (Grain) 160 Com (Silage) 200 Cotton 70 Fescue 250 Forest (Hardwood & Softwood) 75 Hilo 100 Small Grain (Wheat, barley, oats) 100 Sorghum, Sudex (Pasture) 180 Sorghum, Sudex (Silage) 220 Soybeans 200 Timothy, Orchard, & Rye Grass 200 5No residuals other than the following are hereby approved for land application in accordance with this penuit: Permit Volume source rsunt umber (dry tons/vear l Henry Fork WWTP Cata\%,,ba NCW?fU6I 1 A19 6. Northeast WWTP Catawba NCO040797 * All residuals are treated at the Henry Fork facility. The metal loading rates shall not exceed the following Cumulatike Pollutant loading rates, Kilograms Pounds Arsenic 41 36 Cadmium 39 34 Copper 1,500 1,338 Lead 300 267 Mercury 17 15 Molybdenum ---- ---- Nickel 420 374 Selenium 100 89 Zinc 2,800 2,498 3 7. The pollutant concentrations in the residuals which will be applied to the land Shall not exceed the following Ceiling Concentrations (Dry Weight Basis), Parameters ��aAg Arsenic 75 Cadmium 85 Copper 4,300 Lead 840 Mercury 57 Molybdenum 75 Nickel 420 Selenium 100 Zinc 7,500 8" Upon classification of the, facifity by the Certification Commission, the Permittee shall employ a certified land application/residuals operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) of the land application program. The, operator must hold a certificate of the type classification assigned to the land application program by the Certification Commission. The Pennittee must also employ a certified back-up operator of the appropriate type to comply with the conditions of Title 15A NCAC 8A, D201 9. Adequate. procedures shall be provided to prevent surface runoff from carrying any disposed or stored residuals into any surface waters. 10, Surface applied residuals will be plowed or disked within twenty-four (24) hours after application on lands with no cover crop established, 11. For areas that are prone to flooding or within the 100-year flood elevation, residuals may be applied only during periods of dry weather. The residuals must be incorporated into the soil within twenty-four (24) hours after application. 11 Appropriate measures must be taken to control public access to the land application sites during active site use and for the 12-month period following the last residual application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at each site. 13. Adequate provisions shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying pollutants from the residuals application area onto the adjacent property or into any surface waters. 14. Residuals shall not be applied in inclement weather or until 24 hours following a rainfall event of 1/2-inch or greater in 24 hours, Any emergency residuals disposal measures must first be approved by the Division of Water Qtiality, 15, Residuals shall not be applied to any land application site that is flooded, frozen or snow- covered. 16. Residuals shall not be applied at rates greater than agronomic rates, unless authorized by the Division. 17. Animals shall not be grazed on an application site for 30 days after residuals application. Application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access after each application. 18. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops that do uotcomein contact with the residuals shall not be harvested for 30 days after residuals application. 4 21. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for 38 months after application of residuals when the residuals remain on the land surface for less than four (4) months prior to incorporation into the soil. 22. Turf shall not be, harvested for I year after residuals application if the turf, is to be placed on land with a high potential for public exposure. Any monitoring (including groundwater, surface water, residuals, soil, or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division of Water Quality to insure protection of the environment will be established and an acceptable sampling and reporting schedule shall be followed, 2. Proper records shall be maintained by the Pe tree tracking all application activities. These records shall include, but are not necessarily limited to the following information: a. source of residuals b date, of residual application c location of residual application (site, field, or zone #) d method of application ew weather conditions (sunny, cloudy, raining, etc.) f. soil conditions gtype of crop or crops to be grown on field h . volume of residuals applied in gallons/acre, dry tons/acre or kilograins/hectare i , annual and cumulative totals of dry tons,/acre of residuals, annual and cumulative pounds acre of each heavy metal (which shall include, but not be linnited to arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium and zinc), annual pounds/acre of plant available nitrogen (PAN), and annual pounds/acre of Phosphorus applied to each field. 3. A representative annual soils analysis (Standard Soil Fertility Analysis) shall be, conducted on each site receiving residuals in the respective calendar year and the results maintained on file by the PeTmittee for a rinnimurn of five years. The Standard Soil Fertility Analysis shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following parameters. - Acidity Manganese Potassium Calcium Percent Humic Matter Sodium Copper pH Zinc Magnesium Phosphorus Base Saturation (by calculation) Cation Exchange Capacity II The Standard Soil Fertility Analysis (see above) and an analysis for the following pollutants shall be conducted once prior to permit renewal can snails from each site which hasl received residuals during the permit cycle. Arsenic CArniunt Lead Mercury,Nickel Molybdenum Selenium 4. a residuals analysis will be conducted quarterly from the date of permit issuance by the Permittee and the results maintained on file by the lie tree for a rni a punt f five years, If land application occurs at a frequency less than quarterly, a residuals analysis will be required for each instance of land application. The residuals analysis shall include but is not necessarily limited to the following parameters'. Arsenic Cadmium Crupper Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Zinc, Aluminum Ammonia -Nitrogen Calcium Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen Magnesium % Total Solids p Phosphorus Plant available Nitrogen en (by calculation) Potassium Sodium TKN Arsenic (.0) Benzene (.5) Carbon tetrachloride (.5) Chlorobenzene (100.0) Chromium (5. -Cresol (20.) Cresol (200.0) 1*4-Dichloroben ene (7.5) 1,l-Di chloro,ethylene (.7) Lndrin (.02) Hexachlorobenzene (.1) Hexachloroethr e (.0) Lindane (0.4) ethoxychlor (10..0 Nitrobenzene (2.0) Pyridine (5.0) Silver (5.0) Tox aphen (0.5 2,4,5-Trichloro hcnol (400.0) 2,4 5-TP ( ilvex) (1.0) Barium (100.0) Cadmium "urn 1.0) Chlordane (0.5 Chloroform (6.0) o-Cresol (200.0) p®Cresol (20.) 2,4® (10-0) l g2-1 ichloroethane (0.5 2,4-I initrotoluene ( .1 3) eptachlor (and its hydroxide) (fl. ) Hexachloro- ,2-butadicne (0,5) Lead (5.0) Mercury (.2) Methyl ethyl ketone (200.0) l entachlorophenol (100.0) Selenium (1.0) Tetrachlor thylene (0.7) Tric' car thylene (.5) 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (10) Vinyl chloride (0.2) m M NC Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Facility Assessment Unit PO Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 8 Noncompliance Notification: The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Mooresville Regional Office, telephone number (704) 663-1699 [for the land application sites in Burke County, the Asheville Regional Office should be contacted at (704) 251-6208] as soon as possible, but in no case more 'than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a, Any occurrence with the land application program which results in the land application of'significant amounts of wastes which are abnormal in quantity or characteristic. b. Any failure of the land application program resulting in a release of material to receiving waters. c. Any time that self -monitoring information indicates that the facility has gone out of compliance with the conditions and limitations of this permit or the parameters on Which the system was designed. d . Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown, reasons,, that render the facility incapable of adequate residual treatment. e. Any spillage or discharge from a vehicle or piping system transporting residuals to the application site. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within five (5) days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. 7 Due to the close proximity of'off-site residences, this land application site shall receive residuals by subsurface injection only. A buffer of twenty (20) feet shall he maintained around the rock outcrop located on this site. Due to the close proximity of off -site residences, these sites shall receive residuals by subsurface injection only. The water table shall be shown to be at least three, (3) feet below the land surface prior to the application of any residuals on these sites. 5. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Pentintee to an enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6(a) to 143-215.6(c). 6The annual administering kind, compliance fee must be, paid by the Permittee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15 NCAC 2H a0205 (c)(4). 7. The issuance of this pennit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 8 The Permittee, at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of this pennit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the earn. `scion will review the, adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will extend the perm, it for such period of time and Linder such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate., 9. This pen -nit may be modified, or revoked and reissued to incorporate any conditions, limitations and monitoring requirements the Division of Water Quality deems necessary, in order to adequately protect the environment and public health. 10This pentut shall become voidable unless the agreements between the Pe 'tree and the lan,downers/lessees are in full force and effect. The land owner agreements are considered expired concurrent with the expiration date of the permit and must be renewed at the same time the permit is renewed, Permit issued this the third day of September, 1997 NORI-14 CAT�QWNA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION ,A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0001669 Im State of North Carolina WAR Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECIPT REiIESER GENE HAYNES HICKORY, CITY-1310SOLIDS P.O, BOX 398 HICKORY, NC 28603 NORTH CAROLaNA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT ANtc NATuRAL RESOURCES March 16, 1999 Subject: Notice of Violation Failure to Submit Annual Report Land Application of Residuals HICKORY, CITY-1310SCLIDS Permit Number: WQOOO 1669 CATAA,'13A County Dear GENE I I A YN ES - One of the requirements of your non -discharge permit is the submittal of an annual report to the Division of Water Quality by March I " of each year, Furthermore, you were sent a letter dated February 3, 1998, reminding you of this requirement and stating such reports for calendar year 1998must be submitted no later than March 1, 1998. Our records indicate that the 19annual report has not been submitted for the sulciect facility, If you have records indicating the report was Submitted, that land application did not occur in 1998, or if you have other relevant information rcuarding the facilities operation duringC, 1998, please send such inforrnation to the followi11 = addr ass by no later than ten ( 10 ) days following receipt of this letter, DENR,'DWQfWater Quality Section Non -Discharge Compliance / Enforcement Unit P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Nothino in this letter should be taken as relieving you of the responsibility, for failure to submit the report in a finiely manner, A civil penalty of not more than $10,000 per day, pursuant to N,C.G,& 143-215.6, may be assessed against a person who falls to act in accordance with tire terins, conditions, or requirements of the subject state permit, A decision as to the appropriateness of an enforcement action will be nrade following the recipt of your response, If you have any, questions, please contact Kevin Barnett of our central office staffer 919-73 1-5093 ext. 529, Sincerely R, Ramsey, RE, Canis R, Rarn' at ssistant Chief Non- ischarge 6;V A ssIst' t Cllief for Non Disch, cc, Non -Discharge. Compliance! Enforcement Unit Mooresville Re -ion Water Quality . Supervisor Central Files P,0- Roes 9535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 Fax 919-715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post-consurner paper FM SOC PRIORITY HT: No To: permits and Engineering Unit Water Quality Section Attention: John Seymour i Date: December 9, 1994 NON -DISCHARGE STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION County: Catawba O .:: 94-235 Permit Ql(Modification) PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Facility and Address: City of Hickory Land Application of Sludge post office Box 398 Hickory, N.C. 28603 2. Date of Investigation: December 8, 1994 3. Report Prepared : Michael L. Parker, Hnirn» Engr. II' ,. persona Contacted and Telephone Number: Mr. Dave Motil ( a . Directions to Site. Directions (maps) to all of the proposed disposal sites can be found in the report submitted by Bio-NomicServices, aa, Inc. . Disposal Site( , List for all disposal sites ,Attach a USGS Map Extract and indicate treatment plant site n map. Maps to all of the proposed disposal sites can be found in the report submitted by Bio-NomicServices, Inc: . Size (land available for expansion and upgrading): The applicant has submitted acres (includes buffers) for approval. 8 Topography (location map or topographic indicating relationship to 100 year flood plain included): Some of the proposed sites lie within the 100 year flood plain and should be limited to a seasonal application. . Any buffer conflicts with location of nearest dwelling and water supply well? No. Page Two 10. Watershed Stream Basin Information: a. Watershed Classification: See watershed signoff sheets. b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: Catawba 030835 co Distance to surface water from disposal system: Varies depending on a specific disposal site. PART 11 - DESCRIPTION OF WASTES AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. a. Volume: MGD (Design Capacity) Residuals: 2,329 dry tons per year b. Types and quantities of industrial wastewater.* N/A C. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): Approved. 2. Treatment Facilities a. Current permitted capacity of the facility: N/A b. Actual treatment capacity of the facility (design volume): N/A C. Description of existing or substantially constructed WWT facilities: N/A 3. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: a. Residuals Stabilization: PSRP 4. Treatment Plant Classification: Less Than 5 Points; No Rating (include rating sheet). N/A 5. SIC Code(s): N/A Wastewater Code (s): N/A Main Treatment Unit Code: N/A PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds (municipals only)? No 2. Special monitoring requests: None at this time 3.< Important SOC/JOC or Compliance Schedule Dates: N/A 4. Air Quality and/or Groundwater concerns or hazardous materials utilized at this facility that may impact water quality, air quality, or groundwater? No AQ concerns nor are constituents present in the residuals at levels considered to be hazardous. GW` comments are necessary prior to the modification of this Permit. PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The applicant (City of Hickory) has requested that the subject Permit be modified to include = 669 acres of farmland into their sludge land application program. I Portions of the following fields have soils exhibiting a seasonal high water table (less than 2 feet). Owner/Lessee Field Number Dan Hunsucker 3, 5 & 6 Hugh Waters .4 Charles Lutz 4 These fields (or portions thereof) should be limited to a seasonal application of sludge (May through October). In light of the significant number of odor complaints received by this agency as a result of the operation of this program, the following fields should have the buffer from off - site residences extended to 800 feet. Owner/Lessee Field Number Dan Hunsucker 1 & 2 (western edge of fields) Hugh Waters 1 (northeastern edge of field) 1=22WAM Imam A '§17-gnature'4o" Report Preparer Date Water Quality Regional pei7v-isor Date - EJ Engineer: Michael Parker PERMIT APPLICATION STATUS Project Name: Hickory Land Application (Modification) Permit Number: WQ0001669 MRO Number: 94-235 Date Application Received: 11-18-94 Completeness of Application Package: Yes Date of Site Investigation; 12-7-94 Date SR Submitted for Review: 12-9-94 Information Requested Date Person Telephone # info. Requested Date Rqst. Contacted Redd Other: On vacation from 11-19-94 through 12-5-54 State roll Department of Environment, l C7ILI t1 i� `"aural iResources Division of Environmental mental t ment James B.blunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., RE,, Director } November 1, 1994 CITY OF,Hl('KORY PO BOX 398 WIS10 of t a t:&x"""frAL MAINAUNMENT HOOKSKIE REGIONAL OFFICE Subject: Application o. WQW0166 A S anal /1lenr°y Fork. Sludge�1 a d Application Catawba woun Dear MR T[GGS The Division'erruits and Engineering Unit acknowledges receipt of your permit tapplic tion and supporting materials on October 28, 1994. This application has been assigned the number lister. above, PLEASE RE-FER TO THE, ABOVE WATER QUALITY WNIBER WFIEN MAKING INQUIRES ON THIS PROJECT. Your project has been assigned to Aran Seymour for as detailed, engineering .review. Should there, be any questions concerning your project, the reviewer er will contact you with an additional information letter, Beaware that the Division's regional office, copied below, must provide rcon-unendaatio s front the Regional Satleervisor or as Procedure Four Evaluation for this project, prior to final action by the Division, Ifyou h ave ,iny cluestirans, please contact John Seymour at 91 l 733- 083. Sincer ly, �illz Carolyn c/c ask,ill Supervisor, State Engineering Review Group cc: Mooresville Regional Office Edward J. Elliott BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, Specializing in t da 's reeds for environmental protection, 516 oundtraa Road *Chadotte, North Carokna 28217-2133. 52 -0000 0 fax (704) 4-1 4 w N:"TTII:r".'. DIVISION!.,[IT CITY OF HICKORY N.C. TREATMENTWASTE WATER RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM State of North Carolina Department ofEnvironment,flealth, and Natural resources Division of Environmental Management Non -Discharge Permit Application (THIS FORM MAYBE PHOTOCOPIED OR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) `AL) �ry r 6 LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUAL a ,ppli ant corporation, individual, or other i� . Print Owners or Signing Official's me and Title (the r on who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance).- Jerry Twiggs Public Utilities Director 3 Mailing Address; City; i9 _ State: NC zip: 28603 Telephone —No..— ;9_4 323-7427 . Application Date: - , 30 1994 5, Fee Submitted- da Naene, address county of facility where sludge originated. Should be referenced on any plans/specs., analytical results, Land Owner Agreements, etc.: Hen a Fork WWTP Routei, Box 603 C R—Ickory,NC 28602 Northeast TP County cad b 7County W where sludge ,III be lard applied: Lincoln Burke ', Latitude- 5� _ � ; Longitude _ � of lard application sites. g For multiple sites attach a listing f the sites and a latitude and longitude for each. Owner and address of lands, where sludge will be land applied. For muldpl sites attach a listing: See Field rya 1'x n �i i xt � x FORM: LARS 4/91 'age 1 of 25 l a Permit No. (will be completed by DE : Specify whether ptolect isu _ �.� new-, renewal*: inodification- If renewal, complete only sections, I, I.I., land owner agreement, & applicant signature (n p . Submit only p s. 1, 2, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 24 (ori in l and copies of each). Enginetx signature not repaired for renewal, k If this application is being submitted as a result of a renewal or modification to an s existing permit, list the existing pernin nu ber W9and issue date c 8 (amended Feb. 10, 1,993) pe ify whether the applicant is —_ public or e_ _ private.Ill, PERMIT FEE INFORMATION: I. Number ofTotal Acres on which residual solids are proposed ed to be land applied 'under the authority of this pernnit (include both land curmntly perrnitted and proposed se lands)" r 179A acres ,, The pe -it processing fee should be as specified in 15A NCAC 2H .0205(c)(5). IV. SITE INFORMATION: I. A vicinity map must be attached. This axrap must show the location of each sitein relation to at least two geographical references (numbered reads, named streatl s rivers, I . For all new or modified sites, a detailed site location map gust. be, attached. This asap t must be drawn to scale pith topographical contour intervals not exceeding ten feet or of total site relief (whichever is more descriptive) and showing the property lines, all existing wells, all surface waters and drainage ways and all dwellings within 500 feet of the land application areas; and, all buffers, Note. Atleast the following buffers ,,gust be maintained, If residuals are: sprayed on the sites, larger buffers may be required; a) 400 feet friar,, any habitable residence, for surface sledge application, feet from any habitable residence for sarb r rface sludge injection 100 feet between the disposal area and any public or prig°ate "eater supply including wells. of f c 100 feet between surface sludge application area and waters classified as ` rS-11, WS-111 or B ANLJ 100 fleet between the disposal area and the `Mean high Water Level of waters lassifAie-d as SA or SB.t fl feet between subsurface sludge injection n area and raters classified as WS-ff WS-111 or B AND 100 feet between the disposal area and the Mean ,High water . Level of waters classified as SA or B. d if l feet between any, SWf.ICC.sludge, application area and an), stream, lake riven, or neutral drainage way, 50 feet between any subsurface sludge injection area,and any stream, lake, river, or natural drainage way, e 100 feet between the sludge application area and property lines_ lff feet between the disposal area and any surface water interceptor drains or diversions trplpey feet between the dispersal area and any surface router interceptor drains or diversions (downslope) and any groundwater drainage systems, t APPLICA TION OF SLUDGE IN WAER EDS CLA SSIFIE1 AS TYS-1 IS STRICTLY PAR IIIBI ;I E, D, SPECIFY TI a I AND CIA SSIF ICA TION OF THE CLOSEST DO WNSLOPE SURFACE WA F, RS (as established ky the Environmental Management Commission raged sped t d on prate 4 of this application) TO THE LAND APPLICATION SITE(S). Note: The ma ire urn shape for land application of residuals is 10% for surface application and l S% fear- SUI)SLII-f8CC application, of 25 TO- REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUPERVISOR Please provide rne, with the classification of the watershed where these land application trc.tiw°iti .s Will c wccii_F as identifi A can the attached rn p s trwcfmwt .Nanic of stuface watc s:: _ See attached listing Classificati , established by the Environmental Management Commission): Proposed Classification, if applicable; _ i nature. of regional office personnel: � m Date: INSTRUCTIONS TO ENGINEER fret order to determine the classification of the watershed in which these land application activities ,vill be located you are required to subr mit this forin, with items f through 10 completed, to the appropriate Division of Environmental Management Regional Water Quality Supervisor (see attached listing). At a minimum, you must include an . °" by I V copy of the portion of a 7.5 minute USGS Topographic Map which shores the subject surface waters. You train identify the location of the facility and the closest d wnslope surface waters waters for which you are requesting theclassification) on the submitted map copy. The application may not be submitted until this form is completed and inclUded. with the submittal. i . ,applicant (corporation, individual, or other): jt t :. e and Complete Address of Engineering Firm- Edward J . Elliott, P . . 6124 BraceRoad City: Charlotte Mate; NC dip: 28211 T leph ne f 6 l335-1617 . ProjectName: Land- Application. of HidkrifP Sludge . Volume ofresiduals to be Rand. applied , 000 00 1 qr cubic yards f e of closest surface waters: 6 County(s) where. lurid application sitta is locatedl- ._ Map name and date:._ - See attached . North Carolina Professional Engineer's Registration No. Pfint Name of Enginter Elliott. P.E. 10, Seal and SignatuTe (specify date) t- 2 Asheville Regional WQ Sufr-r, Washington Regional WQ Sufwx, Raleigh Regional WQ Super Asheville, NC 28802 Washington, NC 27889 Raleigh, NC 27009 Avery Macon Beaufort Jones Chatham N ash Buncombe Madison Berne Lenoir Dudiam Northampton Burke McDowell Camden Martin Edgecombe OrXige Caldwell Mitchell Chowan Pamlico Franklin Person Cherokee Polk Craven PaSqUO[Ink' Granville Vance Grah3m Swain 1�'Vr Pitt Johnston Warren Henderson Yancy Greane Washington Jackson licrtford Wayne Fayetteville Regional WQ Super, Mcx,':)resv 1 Ha Regional WQ Super. Wilmington Region. NVQ Supci Wachovia Building, Suite 714 919 North Main Street 127 CardinaJ Drive Extension Anson Moore Alexan&r Mecklenburg Brunswick New Hanover Harnett Sampson Gaston Union Duplin Hoke Scotland bedid] Cleveland Montgomery Lincoln Winston-Salem RegionalVVQ Super. Winston-Salem, NC 27106 9191761-2351 Al,atnance Rockingham Alleghany Randolph Ashe, Stokes Davidson Watauga Davic Wilkes Forsyth Yadkin Guilford .. The following are the, sites proposed to be used for land application under this pertna applicarion, (see attached wrap): � l t> i rr rrl9 S I 'Am )hca iCrn Area Nlia in ran sl a See enclosed Field Data Sheet Mate: If more than ten (10) sites are to be covered by this application, please artach a form listing all of the sites along with the. inforniation listed above. lV,INF0ffZMAT1ON ON MATERIAL TO 13E LAND APPLIED I -What are the sources of the residualsolids and what volume of solids is anticipated to be land applied from each source? Source unty Pen —nit Nurntrr oaf t urce tir��rate �«�' alttrn .oaf ri; irk LNI r n i char dEV !an Sff arl Hickory, f there are more than three sources of residual solids to be land applied to sites covered by this permit, please add as in attachment to this form. , Information for Hazardous Waste (R ) f eici—tination a; Are any of the residuals covered by this application listed in 40 CFR 26L31-26133?. YES NO X if yes, list the n irnbcr(s) Sludqe is treated at Henry of 2 b Do any of the residuals exhibit any of the four characteristics as defines i by 40 0-R, 26L21'-26L24? YES-- NO X Attach laboratory results for the Toxicit), Characteristic Leaching Procedure Analyses, Reactivity, ],,-;tability, and Cor-,,' J'1?1°` V for each residual, N-Qk- If the. following constituent levels (as deterrnined by the Toxlcity Characteristic Leaching Procedure Analyses are exceeded in the residuals or if the pH of the residuals is riot within the range listed below, the residual is by definition a Hazardous waste, Chemical analyses musi be made to MininlUrn Detection Levels. EPEMM EMU Arsenic 5.0 Barium I Wo Benzene 0J Cadmium 1.0 Carbon tetrachloride, 0.5 Chlordarie, 0,03 Chlorobenzenc 100.0 Chloroforni 6,0 Chromium 5.0 o-Cresol 200,0 m-Cresol 200.0 p-Cresol 200.0 Cresol 200.0 2,4-D 1,0.0 1,4-Dichlorobenzene T5 1,2-Dichloroetheme 0.5 1, 1 -Dichloro--thylene 03 2,4-Dinitratoluene 0,13 Endrin Hexachlorobenzene 0.02 Heptachlor (arid its hydroxide) 0.008 Hexachloroethane O. 13 3.0 Hexachloro- 1,3-butadiene 0.5 bind 0.4 Lead Mercury 5-0 0,2 Meth oxychlor Nitrobenzene 10.0 Methyl ethyl ketone 20H Pyridine 2.0 Pentachlorophenol 100,0 Silver 5.0 Selenium 1.0 Toxaphene M 0.5 Tetrachloroethylene 0.7 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 400.0 Trichloroethylene 2,44-Trichlorophenol 0,5 2.0 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 1'0 'Vinyl chloride 0,2 pH (2:1 vol/wt.) >2.0 <12,5 C. Pie -Ise be advised that if any Of the residuals meet the definitions of a hazardous waste, as noted in either a. or b. above, a permit cannot be issued for that material and it should not be included as part of this application. 7 of 25 .:. ,. ,..:, ... v. ua« x+.„. c ... ,..•3 �..ar'v a....e .. ex a.eaa*. a. a. k..4.✓.§.xi ir,a a'nwa�'a.dA4+n3ah?+..va. s,r of t+d�ex•.s x Yt.R 1. nalwa k'.x dsAS.... dbmt ,.� analysis rust tie comprehensive enough tta completely hara ter-i e the residual and must tom. fusser on a review of the process tlrttt generates the material li' tire facility that will generate the residual is not }tat are operation, the harartert ` tion must be bas on sin laf existing facilities and projection based ed on the type of facility. `l e analysis must include a minimum of the following parameters and n), other known and suspected, ont ° trams that are tributary to the system, % total solids Sulfa€c. Phosphorus l olassiarts Lead Zinc {hopper Nickel Cadmium °prier -itrrn Sodium Calcium Total Nitrogen err Ammonia Nitrogen ear Nitrate/Nitrite Nitrogen p Plant Available ble Nitrogen (by calculation) Ma n siurrr a What volume of storage is available for each residual at its point of generation and trove often Aill the terial need to be laud applied? rrc Sl re Val u l a v st e t e l r� ntrene sal lit tier lai 9 weekly arl, etc_ Henryr 60 Weekly If there are more than four sources of residual solids to be land applied to sites covered by this permit, please acid as an attachment to this form, , For each residual, please attach an explanation of either the treatment process, manufacturing press or farm.= the paste was generated (Please provide full and complete cietails of_the emir process)- f 2 VI.AGRONOMIST REPORT For each site, please attach a project ;evaluation conducted by An a rottorttist including' rccorurnendations concerningcorer crops and their ability to accept the proposed loading o liquids, solids, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, salts and any other contaminant know to be in the sludge or residual... A part of the. agronomists recommendations trust be a crop management plan. This plan must determine tire crops to be grown on the sitc/sites, when they should be grown and how they should be harvested and marketed. This report must be signed by the agronomist. VILGENERAL INFORMATION 1 Four 3 copies of die pe m,it application and all supporting information must be subrtritted or the application will be returned as incomplete. 2_. Please attach an explanafion as to the triethods to be used to control access to the land application sites by both people and animals following the application of residuals. l C t .a. Animals shall not be grazed on the laird application sites within 30 days of the application of residuals to the site. b, Appropriate measures must be taken to control public access to the land application sites during the active site use and for 12 months following the last application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities beingconducted at the site. ,. please explain the procedures to be used to establish and maintain the buffers during the application process (i.e will the sites be flagged), . please attach an executed "Agreement For the Land application of Residuals to gate Land Form" for each site that is proposed; to receive residuals which is not owned by the applicant. copy of a DEM approved form is attached. if the applicant wishes to use a different form or a modified form, prior approval must be receive from DEM. ,. Each application site must be assigned a site identification number. 6.11 attachments to the permit application form must be numbered to correspond to the individual p s of the application that require that attachment, If the `attachments are part of a larger document, a table roust be provided that lists the locations of the required information. 10 of 2 in revrewins ,z this application as expeditiously as possible, Its prep ation III complete aA-d accurate niaritier, is critical to this review. For permits that cover multiple. sources of residuals, different residuals froin the same source or sites with vaned CEC, use additional work sheets. A. LIST THE SPECIFIC RESIDUAL THAT IS COVERED BY THESE CALCULATIONS (PLACE OR PROCESS OF ORIGIN) AND ITS PERmIT NUMBER. HENRY FOR WWTP AND NORTHEAST WWTP (VIA HENRY FORK) What is the total dry t011S Of thiS M-6(]Ual to be land applied each year? Total Dry Tons =Gals.of Residual x % total solids (1993 PRODUCTION) 2,329 Tons If the quantity of residual will vary significantly or if' there will be a larger initial application, please attach a detailed explanation and provide calculations for each variation. B . COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CALCULATIONS TH AT ESTABLISH THE PORTION OF THE RESIDUAL MADE UP OF THE VARIOUS PARAMETERS. LIST ADDITIONAL PARAMETERS AS NEEDED. NOTE: CONCENTRATIONS ARE AVERAGES FOR 8 SAMPLES FROM JUNE 1993 TO APRIL 1994 EXCEPT CONCENTRATIONS MARKED WITH AN ASTER1SK. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL CONSTITUENTS ARE TO BE IN TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS. EARA� �ETE�R —fo— Xi-IM —_M2/ky &&L2 L--B3/DRY T D—N— TKN 10000 = A8,089.81 0.002 = 96.18 AIA-N 10000 = 15J63.89 0.002 = 30.33 N04-NO3-N 10000 = 10.18 O002 = 0.02 PHOSPHORUS 10000 = 14,184.26 0.002 = 28-37 SULFUR 10000— 2,180.56 0.002 4.36 POTASSIUM 10000 = 2,564.81 0.002 5.13 CALCIUM 10000 = 6,989.81 0.002 13.98 MAGNESIUM 10000 = 1,995.83 O002 3.99 SODIUM 10000 = 12,202.31 0.002 24.40 IRON 10000 = 21.96 0.002, .04 11 of 25 ALUMINUM 10000 = 0.002 =i COPPER ER 10000 -- 253.70 0A2 - .51 ZINC 1 0- 21.53 0.02 = f .04 .1 CHROMIUM 100 , 33. 3 Ob002 = 11. NICKEL T� EL I 1 - 15.28 0.002 = .03 LEAD 10000 --- 51.39 0.002 = .10 s x 10000 = 0.002 1 000 0.002 10000 A 2 1000 0.002 1 0.002 1000 0.002 1,0000 = 0.002 One ( 1 ) SAMPLE ONLY €14- 21, -- 4 C. CALCULATE SODTUMDSO RP`T'ION RATIO ( A R TOTAL A SOLIDS % 2 .°1 ,T Na Milli Equiv.� to. (Ca Nlilli Equiv. + Mg MilliEquiv.)) 0. CONCEi ATIO (mg/1) - Equivalent lent r"t. : Milli Equivalents of to SODIUM (Na)263.57 (txj /1) 23 11.46 -------------- LCIU (Ca) 150.98 na /1 20 7.35 -------------- AGNE, IUM (NIA,) 43.11 (i ,/1) 12 3.5 SAID .514 .PLAl" T AVAILABLE NITROGEN OGEN (FAIL) CALCULATIONS AND APPLICATION, A REQUIREMENTS a TKN 45,.1 AMMONIA-AMMONIA-N 15,163.89 -------------- 10.18 MINERALIZATION RAT ) 2 (These values can b established for the specific residual or default values can be used for domestic wastewater treatment residuals. If actual values are established, attach the documentation.. The default values are as follows): Unstabilized Primary and Secondary Residuals rx Aerobically ingested Residuals d Anaerobically Digested residuals 2 Composted Rsiduals 1 (If the default"values are used, attach an explan2tion as to whythe specific default value chosen is appropriate.) (Complete the following calculations for only the application method proposed PAN FOR LURFA , . APPLICATION PAN )x(T - + 2 PAN= x 4 0 - 15t1 5 164 + 1 FLAN 14,177.97 1 Gl:T OR PAN FOR SUBSURFACE APPLICATION FAN T - + FAN= .20 , 08 - 15,1. ) 15,163 1 PAN 21,759 P DRY WEIGHT) 13 of 2 "T' T L ACRES NEEDED TO LAND APPLY THE POUNDS OF AVAILABLE NITROGEN CALCULATEDABOVE TOTAL CNEEDED POUNDS OF NITROGENNEEDED FOR CROP* 150 (SOYBEANS) 440 ACRES THIS VALUE MUST BE THE VALUE FOR THE CROP TO BE GROWN THAT HAS THE LOWEST NITROGEN UPTAKE T PER ACRE IF THERE E VARIOUS CROPS THAT WILL ONLY BE UTILIZED :FOR CERTAIN SITES, PLEASE ATTACH THE CALCULATIONS FOR EACH S A DETERMINE THE TOTAL NPES USING THE FORMAT OUTLINED ABOVE. . ANNUAL CADMIUM CALCULATIONS AND APPLICATION AREA REQUIREMENTS TAKE CALCULATEDPOUNDS PER DRY TON FOR A FROM B. .01 TOTAL . RESIDUAL UAL TO BE LAND APPLIED EACH YEAR 2,329 TOTAL A IN POUNDS = CADMIUM (POUNDS/TON) x TOTAL TOMS OF RESIDUAL LAND APPLIED EACH YEAR .01 x 2.329 2.35 POUNDS MAXIMUMCADMIUM LOADING 'T.` ALLOWED BY 4 257.3-5 IS 0.5 KILOGRAMS' HECTARE OR OA4S POUNDS PER ACRE TOTAL ACRES NEEDED TO LAND APPLY THE POUNDS OF TOTAL CADMIUM CALCU T ABOVE: 1 TOTAL ACRES NEEDED 0.445 POUNDS PER ACRE PER YEAR 2.35 -5.3 ACRES° F. DETERMINE TOTAL NUMBER OF ACHES NEEDED LAN APPLICATION BY COMPARING THE ACRES EE E FOR PAN AND THAT NEEDED FOR CADMIUM. WHAT IS THE LIMITING FACTOR: PAN X OR CADMIUM ANY ACRES ARE NEEDED? 440 HOW MANY ACRES-ZTLAND APPLICATION ARE AVAILABLE? LEA ,1 E ' ES A A.ILAPLE DOES ES NOT EEC�""�`g OIL EXCEEDE A S NEEDED, E APPLICATION N CANNOT 4.t PROCESSED AND WILL IF CALCULATION SHEETS ARE BEING COMPLETED FOR MORE THAN ONE RESIDUAL OR SITE, PLEASE ATTACH A SUMMARY ET THAN BRING THE RESULTS OF ALL THE CALCULATION SHEETS TO ONE INT G. DETERMINE THE SITE LIFE FOR THIS LAND APPLICATION SITE NOTE: FOR THE PURPOSE F THIS DETERMINATION, THE LIFETIME HEAVY METAL LOADINGS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE FOLLOWING FOR THE CORRESPONDING CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITIES (CEC). E "< - L ad Ibs/a 500 1000 2000 Zinc b/acre) 250 500 1000 Copper Ib/a ) 125 250 Nickel abs/acre) 125 250 500 CadmiumOb a e .5 9 I SITE LIFE FOR THE SITE + VEP THIS APPLICATION THAT HAS THE LOWEST CEC THE SITE LIFE IS DETERMINED BY CALCULATING THE NUMBERF YEARS THAT THE SITE WITH THE LOWEST CEC CAN RECEIVE THE RESIDUALWITHOUT EXCEEDING THE ABOVE LIFETIME METALS LOADINGS. FOR EACH F THESE METALS COMPLETE THE FOLLOWrNG CALCULATION-S 162S PROJECTED POUNDS OF LEAD APPLIEDPER ACRE PER YEAR =POUNDS PER. TON OF LEAD IN RESIDUALx TONS OF S I APIII , PER, ACRE PER :. POUNDS PER TON OF LEAD IN RESIDUAL .0 TONS OF RESIDUAL APPLIEDPER ACRE PER YEAR= 5 POUNDS E LEAD A.PPL IED PER ACRE /YEAR 1. 0 .56 SITE LIFE IFETRAE bWABLE,LO IN PROJECTED POUNDS CAP L A APPLIED PER. ACRE PER YEAR SITE LIFE 500 892.8YEARS .5 . SM LIFE BASED ON ZINC PROJECTED POUNDS OF LEAD APPLIEDPER ACRE PER YEAR =-POUNDS PER TON OF ZINC IN RESIDUAL x TONS OF RESIDUAL APPLIED PER ACRE PER YEAR POUNDS PER TON OF ZINC IN RESIDUAL = .04 TONS OF RESIDUAL APPLIEDPER. ACRE PER YEAR 5. POUNDS OF ZINC APPLIED PER ACRE /YEAR 04 X 5.6 .22 SITE LIFE = LIFETIlyE ALLOWABLE LOADT[NG BASED ON S PROPOUNDS E ZINC APPLIED PER ACRE PER YEAR .22 . SITE LIFE BASED ON COPPER PROJECTED POUNDS OF COPPED APPLIED PER ACRE PER YEAR POUNDS PER TON OF LEAD IN RESIDUALx TONS OF RESIDUALAPPLIED PER ACRE PER.APt S PER TON OF COPPER IN RESIDUAL 51 TONS OF R-ESIDUAL APPLIED PER ACRE PER YEAR 5 POUNDS OF COPPER APPLIED PER ACRE /YEAR. .51 5 2.86 SITE LIFE = LIFETIMEALLABLE LAIS BASED CAN S PROJECTED POUNDS OF COPPER APPLIED PER ACRE PER YEAR SITE LIFE'� ) = 4.-YEARS 2.86 17of2 4, 31 1 L iArr- PROJECTED POUNDS OF NICKEL APPL]E DPER ACRE PER YEAR POUNDS PER TON OF LEADIN RE-SIbUAL x'TONS OF RESIPIUAL APPLIED PER ACRE PER YEAR POUNDS PER TON OF NICKEL IN RESIDUAL .03 TONS OF RESIDUAL APPLIED PER ACRE PER YEAR,= 5.6 POUNDS OF NICKEL APPLIED PER, ACRE /YEAR .03 x 5.6 1.68 S= LIFE = PROJECTED POUNDS OF NICKEL APPLIED PER ACRE PER YEAR SITE LIFE = 125 74.4 —YEARS 1.68 5. SITE LEE BASED ON CADMRJM PROJECTED POUNDS OF CADMM4 APPLIED PER ACRE PER YEAR POUNDS PER TON OF LEAD INRESIDUAL x TONS OF RESIDUAL APPLIED PER ACRE PER YEAR POUNDS PER TON OF CADMIUM IN RESIDUAL .01 TONS OF RESIDUAL APPLIED PER ACRE PER YEAR 5 - 6 POUNDS OF CADMIUM APPLIED PER ACRE NEAR x SITE LIFE = LIFETIME ALLOWABLE LOADING BASED ON SITE CE-C FR CFED POUNDS OF CADMIUM APPLIED PER ACRE PER YEAR SITE LIFE 4.5 80.4 YE ARS .056 COMPARE THE FIVE METALS Ab'OVE AND DETERMINE THE METAL THAT WILL RESULT IN THE SHORTEST SITE LIFE FOR THIS SITE. THE METAL IS COPPER AND THE SITE LIFE IS 43.,7 YEARS. 18 of 25 p o (eutliron'"teutal EN4E FOP TIM LAND APPLICKI-ION OF WASTE SLUDGE TO PRIVATE LAND lie ft :. , N ont of Person;: Jerry TW'Public Utilities Director Address of PerTnittee: P.O. Box List of Sludges or residuals to be applied to these lands., t' i oo t ro S ort h altWWTP Site 11 lnrraber: multiple sites Field Number: see individual farmers Location of Land to be used for sludge or residual application(include map for each site): see attached information Owner of Property used for sludge or residual application: attached Lessee of Property (if appropriate). attached Land use or cropping patterns: at�F small rains - -4- -- Intended use or disposition ofcrops- Not for human consumption Tlae undersigned land owner or his representative hereby permits rt'h fit cif i.o�oa� hereinafter refetred to as the Pe "tree, to apply the above listed sludges or residuals upon the land at the location shown as described herein in accordance with the restrictions and stipulations as evert below. The landowner or his .representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied sludge or residuals while the Perotittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land desc7ibed above for the disposal of digested sludge or residuals. This agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Environmental Management land application pertrtit and stall be renewed each three the land application permit is renewed. The undersigned land owner or his representative, and the Perminet agree to abide with the folio wingrestrictions d stipulations until such time as written notification, given thirty l l Clays in advance, modifies or cancels this nd owner" n 19of 25 Notif icadon of cancellation of this agrecruent lj oe imediat ty torwaro s to' Division of Environmental l fanag rrierit' Permits and l-n ineering unit P.O. Box 27687 ` Raleigh, NC 2 dll- dg ���i�itiii�l�ix�ll��m�t�';1t��ifffffftltllllltlftlll[���11itf1iltiftltlll'��111f�ii�itfttl STIPULATIONS: l Tbe. landowner or his r prese native hereby authorizes the pernuttee, f;ot111ty and State Officials or their represcritrttiv s to inspect each parcel of property Prior to during, and after sludge or residual application and to established trionitoring facilities on or near the application site as required by the sludge or residual, laird application permiL 2.The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, County and State Officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface and ground water samples during the term of, and twelve l months after ter inatir n of, this . The Pe tt e will provide each landowner or his representative Witih a COPY of the land application permit as issued by the N.C. Department ent of environment Health and Natural Resources t NCDE - NIR Division of Environmental Management .M) for the land described alcove prier to commencement of sludge or residual application. The DIC ER -DEM permit will delineate maximum application rates, limitations and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 4. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data conceming,the program for land application of sludge or residuals to privately owned lands .Bich includes analysis of constituents of the sludge., sludge applic t-ion methods and, schedules for typical cropp,ing patterns and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee for sludge or residual application. . The Pcrmittee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis.; 6. e site shall b I e adequately limed to a sail pal of at least 6.5 prior to sludge. or �� _ � with a li of less than ti. .lied to residual application. Sludge r�ia� 1 applied p provided a sufficient amount of lirne is also applied to achieve a final pl l of the lime, sludge/residual,'and soil mixture- of at least 6.5. T The landowner ner of his representative will infort the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping `patterns shown above prior to each planting season to enable the. Permince to amend this Agreement and schedule application at appropriate periods, Within the limits of the 'NCDE 1 - EM permit, the owner or his representative and the Permittee will determine sludge/residual application rates and schedules based on �. �o patterns and the results o soil samples. 8. o crops for direct human consumption shall be raised on these sites for a period of eighteen (l g) months following sludge application, 20 of 2 1 Bac f tj1G VYi1Cr 0i, 111 r p[a iw i$'cit��` S SULIA �SOi ro s�cia� a�, Lv kla r.1k this Agreement for a; period of eighteen T i nionths from the date of the most recent sludge applicationAl 10. Appropriate measures olust be taken by the Perrnittee to control public access to the land application site during active site use: and for the eighteen (1month period following sludge/residual application. Stich controls may include the stir oaf signs indicating the activities being conducted at each site. l I. Specific sludge/residual application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on each site by the pe ittee per to and during sludge application. 12. Should the landowner car his representative lease or other-wiseother-wise permit the use of tine land by a third party, tine landowner shall be, responsible to insure the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. t . The existing lessee, if any, of the site agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to complyi with all provisions of dais Agreement, 14. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 1 .Animals should not be grazed on sludge residualapplied lands within a thirty 0 day pericKi following tine sludge application. Application sites: that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prcvcnt- access during these periods - after each application, 16. Prior to a transfer of this land to a new owner, a notice shall be given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of the materials applied or incorporated at each site, 17-Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the. Division of rn ironme,ntal Management may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the application site and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit-, may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this perrniti or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. { EIEGIt1i��tlllllllilt111161t11[11111�111111111�1[1tllt�l111ltttlttt11111I111[1111 CIIIICCIIIIICIICICICII'IIICCII'IIII III till III III IIIIIII IifIIIIIIII ittill III III III IIIII llIIII III I'll IlllllllltlII[IIII II IF have mad this land owner's agreement and do hereby grant ission't� the Permittee to apply sludge/residual to my lands as specified herein, Land owner INDIVIDUAL LANDOWNER SIGNATURES CONTAINED IN EACH FARMER,S SECTION Date NORTH CAROLINA, tJ NTY i, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify personally appeared before me this day and aclarowledged the due execution of the forgoing ins ment WITNESS my hand and official sett] this day of , t NOTARY PUBLIC My commission Expires w I, have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee: afe - 1, ha t:. read this land owner's a s-mment and do hereby agree to abide by the sti Mari ns and restri :dons as specified herein. Permittee 22 Date 25 m Land Application of Residual Solid instructions Processing of this application will not initiate until all of the following iter-ns have been submitted in addition to five copies of the completed application form. If any of the above items have been excluded from the poo ge please explain. 1. Is a general location map included? Y r is a site mapdrawn to scale) included which shows the property lines, � r �_ e buffers exiting wells within feet, topography, drainage eats f . and any uriaoe waters? YES or N Is a vicinity snap enclosed which clearly indicates the projects location with respect to State rods and named Surface waters) YES-- or NO- 4. is a wall scientist report included which defines the following: a field descriptions of texture, color, and structure, b depth and thickness of soil horizons, c) presence of any restrictive soil horizons or layers, d depth to seasonal high water table, e) the hydraulic conductivity, f recommendation of a loading rate for the site; g cation exchange capacity. YES _ or Nth__ Is an agronomist's crop and loading recommendations for -P-K included YES or NO- 6. Has the Land Owner's agreement been filled out and completed? YES or NO Appropriate fee in accordance with 15 NCAC 2H .0205(c)(5). YES or NO , Five copies of all reports, evaluations, agreements, supporting calculations, etc, must be submitted as a part of the proposed design document which is signed and sealed by the forth Carolina Professional Engineer. although certain portions of this required submittal must be developed by other professionals, inclusion of g North Carolina 'rotessional these materials under the signature and seal of Engineer signifies that he has reviewed this material and has fudged it to be consistent with his proposed design. 23 of 25 Name and Coarrplete ddress of Engineering lrirni- Edward J. Elliott, PE 6124 Brace Road C ty. Charlotte,taC . _� M dip: Telephone No. - 2 7 9 6. ProfessionalEngineer's Certification:, 1, Edward J . Elliott _ , attest that this application for _J!anq_ApplicatJ1on of Residual Solids (City of HickoEy) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the, best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the lest of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance wvith the applicable re aalatioim Although certain portions of this submittal package may have been developed by other professionals, inclusion of these materials under racy signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design: r North Carolina Professional Engineer's Registration No. 6228 ; Print Name of Engineer Edgard J. Ell-iott, PE flitCa4 _. Seal and Signature (specify date): �� i SEAL, 6228 *. . * Applicant's Certification: ix *a1 � 1 I, �_. _ Je , attest that this application for The City of Hickory has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application .are not completed and that if all required -S-1upporting information and attachments are not included, this application package'; will be returned as incomplete. i natur . ' . 1 ttt. a CIE' x 14 PLETED APPLICA770AI i'ACXAG `, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING IN, RNIATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO M,' FOLLOWING AI,I . ESS NORTH CAROLINA I IYSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL NIANAGENIENT PERMITS AND ENGINEERING UNIT POST, OFFICE BOX 29535 512 NORTH SALISBURY STREET f~ ALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 7626- + -535 24of`5 (effective October 1, 1990) Y NEW vPPLICry,�`IC NS Rw�'AI 4N°iI1I llI MODIFICATION'S MODIFICATIONS 1,000,000 GP Industrial 40$300 DOr stir lire Water 4CK) 30 10,001 - 1,000,000 P Industrial 400 CI l: rrr stic i lin a cr 4 0 CI 1,00 1;- 10,000 ICI Industrial CICl S200 stic lirag Water 400 S200 r = 1,000 GPD and Sludge r = 300 Acres 400 Sludge > 300 acres 00 Sewer Extensions nondele t i) 400 Ci Sewer Extenslous (delegated) 00 ClOsed-Loop Recycle or Evaporative 400 NOTE: The Fees for Soil l rrmedi mica P1.0jects are tli:r sarne rrs fir lad es. Under the Sewer Extension Fee, "delegated ter 'Municipalities" applies Only to those governmental review uth ritye, as jurisdictions that granted by the Division have specific delegation Management. of Environmental 5 of 25 Page 4 SURFACEA SITE QOUNTY WATERSHED -TOFF MAP & )LEAR DAN HUNSUCKER-#22 Catawba North Fork Creels Catawba 1970 ARLFSWYANT-#23 Fields 1 & 2 Catawba South Fork Catawba Reepsville 1970 River Fields 3 & 4 Catawba Haas Creek Li 11 WXTERS-#24 Lincoln South Fork Catawba psvi lle 1970 River HARLFS LUT Lincoln South Fork Catawba Reepsville 1970 River H RA F I1- Field 1 Catawba Henry Fork River hickory 1970 Fields 2 & 3 Burke gib Fork Fields 4 & S Burke Jacob Fork Rack Creek Page 9A of , 5 IV. Material ria "Transport and Application I. Liquid sludge will be delivered to the land application sites in leak proof 6,500 gallon tanker trailer "The, primary land application iequipment is a tractor drawn Calumet Liquid Bio-Solids Spreader with a 5,0:00 gallon vacuum/pressure tank, and high flotation tires. Back-up spreading equipment: 3,550 Big A terri at ar with a 2,200 gallon tank 2,004 04 Chem terri ator with a 2,200 gallon tank . Spreading rates have been calculated during the ongoing program of spreading the sludge. The speed of the spreading equipment is controlled to achieve the desired spreading rate. To determine the spreading rate a leaser amount of liquid laid ° was spread over a measured area. Due to the low solids content, several applications T the liquid sludge e; are required to achieve the desired loadinrates. This helps to insure even spreading f the`material. BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing in today's needs for environmental protection, 516 Roundtree Road* Chadotte, Norlh Carohna 28217-2133 - (704) 529-0000 , Fax (704) 529-1648 FIVE YEAR A.DJUSTED PAN tt DP: FESCUE 250/PAN/year RESIDUAL PAN = 50% of previous year's PAN TOTAL PAN = Residual PAN + PAN from current sludge application LBS. PAN YEAR OF APPLICATION �45 8.8 250 125 63 4.4 125 63 31 4.4 125 63 31 5.5 156 78 5.0 141 TOTAL PAN 250 250 251 250 250 Air sludge application= 5.6 DT/Year AY annual adjusted PAN = 8.35 lbs PAN/DT x 5.6 DT = 158.8 A Carylon Company 1310-NOMIC SERVICES, Specializing in today's needs for environmental protection. 516 Roundtre Roam * Criarlotte, Nortri Carohna 28217-2133 * (70) 5 -000 b Fax ()529-1648 AGRONOMIST REPORT iffjgKORY These sites are part of the ongoing land application program for sludge generated at the Hickory WWTP. It has been a successful program for several years and land application of this sludge has become a customary part of creep~ production for several farmers in the area. Normal planting, harvesting, and production procedures should continue to be followed for the proposed crops. Hay and pasture should be mowed or grazed closely before application of sludge to allow 30 days of regrowth to meet; the -clay restricted feeding provision of the regulations. Heavy metals from this sludge are not a problem for the soil or crops. Application raga will be monitored to comply with lifetime loading rates for individual metals.', Nitrogen is the limiting factor for applying sludge. When sludge is"applied in a field within three 1 1 years of the previous sludge applicationt residual nitrogen will be considered to determine the appropriate PAN requirement for the proposed crop. Recommendations for N,; , and K fertilizer must await until the specific crop will be planted in each field.'` Fertilizer recommendations as specified by the North Carolina Extension service will be recommended to the farmer. Harvested crops will not be used for human consumption. Sludge will be applied and incorporated into the soil prior to planting corm soybeans, and small grains. It will be applied prior to planting or on top of hay, pasture and Sudan crops during either the gr,owing season or winter months. A suitable vegetative cover will be maintained, in accordance with the crop management plan previously approved by The Division of Environmental Manag Calvin A. Schiemann Agronomist arylon COMP&ray BIO-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Speciatizing in today's needs for environmental protection, 516 Roundtree Road * Chadotte, North Carohna 28217-2133 * (704) 529-0000 * Fax (704) 529-1648 ,SOTL SCIENTIST KEPORT JR19KORY A I have reviewed the soils and soil boring information for the field sites in this application. All the soils are suitable for production of the listed crops, and the application of sludge at agronomic rates will not negatively impact soil productivity. Three (3) soils, Chew aela loam, Buncombe sandy loam, and Riverview loam, are in the flood plain area and have seasonal high water tables. The soils are in limited areas bordering streams and rivers. Sludge application will be restricted to the seasonal periods when ground water is below 30 inches and during non -flood seasons. Sludge will be incorporated when applied to these soils. 0 L. t Soil Scientist A Carylon Company REPORT OF ANALYSES CITY OF HICKORY PROJECT: HICKORY SLUDGE UTILITIESPUBLIC /1 PO BOX 398 HICKORY, VIC 6 - A H. SANDERS (Page1 o SAMPLE LAB N .DATE TO LAB TIM MATRIX 38418 04/21/94 1215 Jam ` 04/ 1/ 4 1400 .So CLIENT STATION a HICKORY SLUDGE LAB 38418 td`units 5.66 AMMONIA NITROGEN /l 258.E TOTAL LIDS 1 5634,E CHLORIDE /l 200,E TOTAL KJELMM NI /l 620.1 NITRATEMITRITE mg/l.11 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS / l 111.00 SULFATE l 10.E TOTAL, ALUMINUM mg/l 1.742 ARSENIC, TOTAL mg/l < 0.010 CAW1 /l. < 0.001 CALCIUM, TOTAL /l 488.412 CHROMIUM, TOTAL mg/0.094 COPPER, TOTAL / i 0.774 IRON,/21.957 LEAD, TOTAL / 0.199 / 0.064 MAWIAME, TOTAL 4. LABOMTORYLEI 0. BOX 16029 / AS11 VI 1 . 28814 / 122 TY 0 STREET / AS E ILLE, C 2 1 / () 25 •51 / FAX; (T ) 2 2.9711 i`TOR FREE-1- - 1.8809 REPORT OF ANALYSES CITY OF HICKORY PROJECT NAME: HICKORY SLUDGE PUBLIC UrILITIES 1E /12 4 PO BOX 398 HICKORY, NC 2 2- , Attu• MR. H. SANDERS (Page 2 of 2 SAMPLEDELIVERY LAB No. DATE TIM SWLER DATE TIME MATRIX 4 04/21 4 1215 JERRY 04/2 4 1400 SO CLIENT STATION ID: HICKORY SLUDGE LAB : 38418 NIOML, TOTAL mg/l 0.019 TOTAL /0.010 SODIUM, 191.062 ZINC. TOTAL mg/l 3.08 LABORATORY DT 00. BOX) 8029 / ASHEVILLE, FIC 28814 1122 @YMA11 STREET/ AS EVILLE, N 2 1 / (7 4) 2 4• 16V / EAX: (2 4) 252. 711 / TOLE FREE: 1" 0-2 1- SEP-22-199408:52 CITY OF H I h;ORY PUB SERV. 704 323 7403 ' . /08 COMPAW NAME l*.1e, Im b Hickcxy Sludge ' -. FTL933108 24706 HYDFCT=C LAB T.D.: 399 , ,HidozirySludge SAMPLED:DATE DAIE EXTRACTED: 8/ 3 312/22/93 1,r4-Dichlcrobenzew 46_7 0.00 8 7 0.0 3 4 1, e . 106-44-5 0.005 7-°7 - 0.005 Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 0.005 Hexachlorcbutadiene 87-68-3 0.005 214,E of 8- .-, j a BM r -3 u Rexachlorobemene 7 . Pentachlorcpbenol 7 Pyriciine 110-86-1 0.050 SurrogateRecoveries: 2-Fluoraphenol. .3 i D -Flu 7 7 ,, 7 7 Wteation JAntit Limit „ t 1 1 llighf Trail 0 Frankfiarl,KY 40601 0 SOW22.1-0251 C, FAX 6 t .8016 T11 Pr 1„ '�� -- -199-4 08:5552 CITY CF HICKORY PUB V. 704 323 7403 P.-3,.t° CCHPAW '" MZMM: Hickory Sludge 19 HYDRCLOGIC M, ,; : 24706 HYMUraIC LAB I.D.. 399 SAbVM TDMT=CAT-TCN,., Hickory Sludge AM.� 9 C=: DATE/Tim9 12/18/9 METHM T { ) Reptachlor 76-44-8 0.0005 Endrin -- 8 0.001 Chlardane 74 9 9.00 T 0.01 MlethmWchlor 74 Lindane 99 0. 0005, BDL - Below Sample Dftection Limit SM - Sample Detection Limit CONVEMS 1491 Twilight 'Tra it rca�s�kforr, KY " D 5,�912/223.0251 i ! �r '�w {D ' 7--,-01 ��� — RiOkOry Sludge HYDFCWMC SAMPLE NUMMR.- 24706 I.D.» 399 t77/ DATE SAMnM*- DAM/TIME ANALYM).- /29/9 F9MWD LT Benzene 71-43-2 0.0 Carbon T�etxacUorjde 56-23-5 0.01 Chlorobenzene 9 7 0.01 Chloroform ° 7 14 10 4 1, 7 . , 33 Tetrachloroethene "? S 0.01 BM 1 0.01 fit. 9 Su=ogate 11 lab 3 u 8 Sanple Dbteatron Limit 7 # =. 1491 Twilight Trail 0 Frcrtkfort, J<Y 4 1 Q 502,1223-0251 0 FAX 507-/875-8016 0 Toll Free 1 m8 01728-7 1 g 1 17&_Mmlogic-Ashvville, inc ..x ::Hick=y Sludge FL933108 MMR0L=C SAPSTE47 D. SAMPLE tflidwry Sludge DATE M12/07/93 e. a,?s DAM/TIM i€ P 8150 4 4-7 7 0.004 BM f4,5-W (silvex) 93-72-1 0.001 A.Limit Detecticnx I f-IELD S-SREET1 RAN UN U R - 122 EIELDQWNER ACRES Gross Net 2 2 t DAN HUNSUCKER 17.513.7 22-02 D N HUNSUCKER 83.6 67.1 22-03 INN HUNSUCKER 15.4 14 22-04 THAN HUNSUCKER 32.831.3 22-05 D N HUNSUCKER 8.7 7.1. 22-06 D N ,H N UCK R 27.2 26.4 22-07 DAN HUNSUCKER 89.4 87.4 TOTAL 274.7 247.0 LAND APPLICATION SOLIDS AG 0' 111Illllltlll llll111111111111111111111 �HillI111111111Mill 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111till III ,rthis land owner's a rement and Met do Oct ission to the V i to 1 slud r sid to lands iFt r r p d Owner .01 Date NORTH CAROLINA, a I, the undersigned Nof blt , do hereby '' that personally appeared beforeis day and acknowledged l the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS` y hand and official seal this .,/;KI day of, NOTARYPUBLIC y commission Expires l have read this land owner's agmeurent and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee Date 1have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agroe to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specifiedherein: Permittee Date 22 cal' 25 rAIAVVDA � i x f ! �gls r 5 s � T { l t \ i � a, a i � G i t ' 4 y, ",r'A'c°Varrw `r s `•� 4 G r, i ; tl it €.r.A"z ,v ..acrre r ,, fd rk t_ n Di x 4 I 2a iI snxtar;i >.: r � t N ... VD& P # Low RD w � �' s e s "� a =fiy ✓ � " � � K tto-.,r 2 C a� wt�r rv.w { ,r f t u;, r t =Rums ' _. Fitt raF t1ADS « er d x V. 46 s x n p cc.. t, ' 'Ft ON MAC' a'& V l°p, ¢"° ;- .as" R '"rt'• ^°mx�""'".e�a"��w pt;4 a� yq S a * , w. sw� b Av� 6 r; sw �b E a 4' flat € yr ,, M,.,,�- r e' z" 44'"M °f' �t� Mn owl a f � f i�a,�.�::�.ce�,F�u �'� e� *•�. a::i Olt a d -`v�' ti krc J S�ngq,z aG a :wy r a e �✓' "*'.- u '>vk � mac' + �,a 1 Ripyff, v, , # . C'�«+.. ;+ " ,,emu ` ,» m A, a SAO �. n Fly , r New � pr ^`~4`w ^ a p fill SO " ra4 a " a *R`V,$ yq ASIR "1... g •' ,, Afl t `4 '$NKIN 3 is 7 Ni— 4.44 r pd illy F rf�„�*I"' q a 'vt p 1. pr. �at+�'"4 ''"� n s ffivk AS AERIAL P"OTOCRAP" FIELD PITATURES flra r r, l l Q? Soil Boring l°'ield Nrrrtber 1pbr.rnye (,Ye1lnw) N011M Buffer Armi Field Border AV (red) (yellow) Water (stream or pond) W M IL N, <4 1'17 TOPOGRAPHY MAP SCALE 1 1'.24,000 BLUE COLOR INDICATES WATER Pond or take (29 C>- SLre�aIll or river ;4�� Intermitlerit stream FIELDS: I SOIL TYPES DAN l HC FIELD SOIL SYMBOL 8 C lB C HrB HC H D CrE C HC B HC D HC Cry HC C C CmD CtC CB HC HB C .N HB HC H D2 HC B C CE All slopes exceeding all w bl limits will be buffered in the field prior to sludge application. Flood plain soils sludge li tio ill occur only during non -flood periods. gO I I DORI DAN HUNSUCKER Field 22-0 DEPTH Lijnehesl DESCRIPTION - 5 Reddish -brown, friable, numerous plant roots, medium structure 6-12 Dark red, friable, fire structure, clay 12-18 hark red,sticky, plastic, ,fear rats, clad 1 - 4 lied, sticker, plastic, changing to friable, mica flakes, granular 24-36 Reddish -brown, clay loam, , friable, breaks apart easily 36-40 Red, clay lava, fire mica flakes No ground water or bedrock observed at 40 inch death. lh ROKING PAN HUNSUCKER FIELD - 01 - 6 Yellow -reddish brown, friable,_ courserrr granular structure, many plant roots, quartz fragments 6-12 Reddish -brown, numerous quartz fragments, sandy clay loam, friable 12-30 reddish -brawn, riabl increasing quartz fragments, slightly sticky, mica flakes -40 Yellow -brown, larger quartz and schist fragments, very friable No ground water or bedrock observed at 40 inch depth. ,� SO 1 t MAP ------ - . ... . � -...< SCALE 1:20, ... FkRNNI \?? . <\\§/IC 144: \:2-. . t} I\\1 , REPORT NUMBER A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. i 7621 to it Richmond, Virginia 23237 # (804743-9401 Fax AMPLE C 4' 4 ' " SEND SUELMITTE0 TOT .: , " ': T N I ROWER: •`AN 0$ 4J C K BY: C A L C H , TI lIil" DATE OF REPORT PY4PACE I SOILANALYSIS REPORT DATt OF ANALYSIS ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS POTASSIUM MAGNESIUM CALCIUM SODIUM H Calton PERCENT MATTER t} y0A - Exchange IEA E SATURATION (COMPUTED) SAMPLE LAB NUMBER' %d PI eeNt ray) ° 14A Na OILFUrHFE I EIa! � � H Capacity �, �t, �t� NUMBER ENIfi « PLATE Its,/A ppma-PRATE .�. «�.«. .. « a« k .P RATE perm RATE ppm' HATE vien•Ca«RATE m=Na RATE P ' e !100g N6 �I Ca tI N �, . 4r: ' ate.°a +° r I V 1„�� 4� t �� � �J���`� .) .4 7. 3.3 (SEE EXPLANATION ONBACK) MANCA- t}LLINLE RAI7LYE PARTICAL SIDE ANALYSIS SAMPLE NITRATE ITRATE SULFUR ZINC NEEE IRON COPPER BOAON EXCESS SALTS CHLORIDE UENUM NUMBER n Mn E Cu LIME Cl M0 a, I°r � OIL Nate-N O31-NI RATE ppyi-S RATE porn- n RATE pilm-Mri RATE '', pam-Fe DATE p tm-Eu RATE APM-8 RATE AT nlhositte RATE pent-EI RATE ppal-mo EAi $ANON SILT CLAY TEXTURE 1 it v V , '' Mw report plies to the samplels) felinea Samples are warmed arrasxrmu t thtrty days after testing Soil analysis Far by °. b' A # E ER Ei C LT" L AT IEA, INC. " 1' Na, rp�d i g a ° '1 �A a I '.. �6 BY CODE TO RATING VERY [,OW NL) LOW (L), MEDIUM (M, , H*H iH), VERY HtGN (VH),,AND NONE (NI. «>• MUL riP Y THE PE ULTS M ppm BY 4 6 TO CONVERT TO LRF# , PE14 A 14E P?05 w ... ENR . ESTMATEO NITROGEN RELEASE •• MULTWLY t`HE RESULTS IN POM BY 2 d To CONVERT TO LIDS PER ACRE Kr A', U, P# lrak"u3'e.*'G ear drQQ t: ire l.:P.d - OV I'M f`nMWPOT'FM I FAQ PG6# nr•09 nr'rwr, VI vkhrrirm hA"tGk' R.a rfi (A°^».?`:W)11 <, fVP[ rW "r" i,rv'i...37k0l, ef'.Rh's r*rit i,,,rnr inrkv K;•4'.x,.., trU4 AR t h.r`.r i C,,"I't r x 't KAt." ilr'~'pr F 47,P REPORT NUMBER R, 4A �a ' SEND SUBMITTED;_ ,I TO10—V) 1 F v1 % i INC. GROWEW nAN H1JNSUtKt!#22 sY: CAL 5� MANS �1 w rk x DATE OF REPORT )_ � � r 3 Q PAGE I 1 DATE. � � ANALYSIS � (t � ', T �s ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS POTASSIUM MAGNESIUM CALCIUM SODIUM PH ailrart PERCENT MATTER HYDRO- Evch ng BARE SATURATION (COMPUTED) SAMPLE LAO Pi NUMBER (411e it Rr y+ P (rE. K M N ROIL BUFFER Capacity ,r � NUMBER« ENR � RATE Ihe.rA *P RATE .�«. ppmr P RATE ».�.. Ap r_R RATE »w �� .w. -Mq RATE a • e*RATE pprrre-Ne RATE PH PH 11 IT rnewloog MR m H N 2 S 1 1f C 4.` 111 V J 1 � 11 1 �. M 2, . .4 . . . 57.�.�� . } 1 w -.7 1 '" � �7 iH v 1 r- f t 1. 3 . L 5.6 . 4 1.1 4.7 11 17 . 5 4 3 . . . 5 .I (SEE EXPLANATION ON BACK) MAN A- SOLUBLE M LYR PARTI AL SIZE ANALYSIS A 9PLE NITRATE SULFUR ZINC NEE IRON COPPER BORON EXCESS SALTS CHLORIDE NIUM NUMBER N S Zn MR ay Fe Ou R LIME I M0 % �,, �,r SOIL pm-NO3-RV RATE PPm°E RATE Apra n RATE pprnalhn RATE ppm-Fs RATE ppm-Cu RATE p m.E RATE RATE ramhpstcm RATE p m-CI RATE ppm-Mo RATE ANIT SILT CLAY TE T UAE V*' .1 dI H 1 Mkt T # report spot to me semplefs) teeter. Samples are retepned e e mum of ty doys after testing. Soil AnalyVs prepAred uv A AS RN 0 ICULTURALLAS, To IIER, INC. f CODE TO RATING' VERB' LOW IVW, LOW (f.) MEDIUM (M). HIGH IH), VERY HIGH (VH), AND NONE (N), w... MUM TiPLM THE RESULTS 4N pram BY a 6 TO CONVERT TO t,BS PER ACRE PpO,5 END - ESTiMATFO NITROGEN RELEASE MU TM Y THE RESULTS IN Pttm BY 2 TO CONVERT 70 LRS PER ACRE OF THE ELEMENTAL FORM: •.. MU TtPp Y THE AESULTS M ppm BY 2 d TO CC'rNvEAT vet L.R%S PER ACRE K;O' MOST 50L 5 INEF ri'a TVrt() k1q. k ,ON q)Ry =,, f )ears; MR AN A #fir t#P ,'cm T E gar aar a DrR €'n REPORT NUMBER A& L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. .; ;r0-0 I 7621 Whitepine Road - Richmond, ) 743-941 Wax No. ) 71 SAMPLES SEND TO,- SUBMITTED I-NOMI C SERVICES, 1 NC. AN LJNS(C :EFL #22 By, AJ CH I EMANN GROWER: CHARLOTTE E fC 8881 DATE RECEIVED 09/26/94 1" PRPPORT (--) /8 4 PAGE I SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT DATE8F N I_Y8I809/27/c74 pho IDENT NO.P a e lie 8_I 16861 22-2 16862 88-8 188 - 4 16864 88- 5 16865 t A ct1 E 16861 :; 0. 1 ::; 1 3 MEHLIH EXTRACTIOq 16864 °" 4). I w 1 1 665 =. 0.1 1 3 Caw mpmts and Mt1 or* Itw ft asek4olvo,t uss of ow cfiotft, and may not in * Ira W, any ratwwwo bo outdo blo r to tt ad. Sara a7a to ft work tto 1�ftqthF ita, +� Ina ftra rea1rt1 a r1 A INC REPORT NUMBER A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. i R27o-001 7621 Whitepine Road - Richmmd, Mrginia 13237 * (804) 74- 1 *Fax No. 2714446 SAMPLES SEND TO.. -��NOMI SERVICEx Nei H � SUC iT ": CAS, I °t N+Ni 5I DTRE O CHARLOTTE 1 DATE RECEIVED//f ATE OF E 3 T �)9 / PAGE 2 SOIL1 BATE OF ANALYSIS09/27/94 SAMLiLASJI)E Ng" OW�Xa Wks C*WmAk iiC i aw Fia Al Znrrm iit :rAmnwmW un ,a MAV 2— 22-7 16867 Lfiiakti NO 9 mcc w pb As so plH ii i 16866 0.1 n, 1 3 MEHLI N ACTI04 16867 0.1 < Ow topoft and ion tfra W* wW oonficlantioil of and may not be, mpmdocod In wholo or irr part nor my any r®' to the y tostod. s a to the Ito t pany! is a g, r rote : o a alol arrt t i of fta NC. x III LE3 A T m #23 EILD OWNERAi _Gross Net 23 01 MARY JANE WYANT 17.7 17.7 23-02 MARY JANE, WYA 'T 53.3 4 . 23 03 MARY JANE WYANT 23.6 21.1 23-04 MARY JANE WYANT 14.9 13 , TOTAL 109.5 102.0 LAND APPLICATION S , S US P t1 lllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllNlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllilllll#IlllllllllJill III 1, a this d r° meat and t i i a the 1 sttd raid t my lards as if't 1 ` d Owner Date NORTH COUNTI(, I, the undersigned Notaq Public, do hereby certify that personally appeared before rne this day and acknowledged the due execution f the forgoing instrument. WITNESS ray hand and official seal this, day of , I y commission Expires Q SEAL have read this land owner's agmement and do hereby to abide by the stipulations and r s` trans as specified b r .inF r: Lessee n have ate d this land owner's arnnt and do hereby at;Tee to abidt by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein, Perniiacc Late 22 of 25 of A r 3' .,,kVwax � It u+ �'� P j 11 „ w i' kI4�as".-1ya4� n} �• "•: r NO r �AhO UE urn �W+`into v : ^. ,a r eo.o s5 �# t't.'^R`pt�p,. MU e s .,, #a"l 4 ifi h M \'i "l,Q�£�,�, v L '^E � t �S�A* � � b � � �*L� i•. �-� � A ` � E koil,Vary <' f r d tt .s w 44 am Igo k*w. . +�o-waoa� { c as .1........ r' �` ;STqpTWwfR " xwrtr.b �eXOWk ":'Y, ace�.*r': Cf r Stia€5iwn1`nw+ r ow g i 41 i t x ra � - m "---. �ww .._ �• 'xr� "` kt@. � '�`."; pa�� �, t'ok i ��'ae �cwta�awp � , � � � � �. 5 a MANZ i^cC,�r"t.;;. • r'..-"--- 1���'ttt '"" I r '�15� �� swmWt.,a'�x",:�' r�" � r ;gbx r PRtSi a CROSSROAD�. ��`.. 6 3.+.r, AV �, "` ✓mow` : � t y t �� n '. :.x u� 1�r r r p v yam, a (� ! �acct'! x WAT 1 N MAP 1,23 rfl-r-�.Nlu`�'.� t G7 15 T/O 4 x^ .. 7" r �. k • ry r- Mr.� 1t a"e k r , nor . �, Nk *, . ,per" .{t " .+ 4 a $" y?d^ Y• Y'*..@` ^^ I .W rye, ` T P" ''y Z-A • "h *x 7, En NO 0 123 AA " r , c g. > I . ' e ` t. 'i " "• :w lot T " r m� ° @ .r.• $& �9+ . Erf_ R h,... g���,�8 F� .� �a` �" ^*✓r. e '�: 1 t pit ,�+,'..� .-:.c �"�, 9�� a"�e t� .: "�"�" � a" �` M :� t §+'re� �''�-*a?�'i" ✓ d, ji .:x �,� mm +r'y °"�:. "' � AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH - FIRIM FEATURES li w ,x•�. w+� r"..wti. ga. .�.� *.�+_ . ""° .':�..'�, ��. �. "�. �+.Ja'�" +►. "a�,.¢ °� '. ,. ,,,, `L .�'. ' d, ,a 'per * �'k: a ` � ^x�.w �.,•7 exx ' ...«,�� s a.�s� �.t�,�, °, � � �,l[11 Soil Boring— Field Numhvr War Field Hordor (red) (yellow) Watvv (stream or pond) fh4,sax p w.� � fir. v '�a L �a,� ��rr f E ( y c? t o w ) () c. 1 o Air ) STATE OF NORTH . LPL DEPARTMENT' OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES 4755 lit NE: el .y " �x f � _ 1 ' w * w BM Black � at � i \ i t l t m r a }} rF 3 ✓'` �� ; 9t9 L13t"� k l N— [ TM ` } acp Grate �i TOPOGRAPHY MAP BLUE COLOR INDICATES WATER a Pond or lake tream or river% SOIL TYPES -CHARLES M�YAWT E-1ELD ill -SYMBOL 23-01 CmB2 HsB2 HwC2 23-02 HwC2 HsB2 HsDj e- HsE 0 23-03 CnE3 HwB2 HwC2 23-04 HwB2 CnE3 Slopes exceeding limits will be buffered in field at time of application. OIL BORING 91HARLES WYANT FIELD -0 DEPTH iLinchesESCRIPTION 0 - 6 Reddish -brown, friable, numerous roots, sandy clay loam 6-12 Reddish -brown, clay, plastic, white mica flakes 12-18 fed, clay content increasing, plastic, increasing mica flares 18- 4 Red, yellow flares appear, small black mineral fragments, mica flakes 24-0 Yellow -brown, friable, clay loam, black mineral fragments 30-36 Same as above 42 Color changing to reddish -brown. Other factors same as above. No ground water or; bedrock observed at 42 inch depth. Pe 61, CmB2 HsB cz SO IL MAP SCALE 1:20_000 . s t HsB2 me REPORT NUMBER A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road III, Richmond, Virginia 23237 * (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 8 SAMPLES ACCT l"4' 45,671 SEND SUBMITTED TO: Elf)—h0fl-Ic 0wad. Vvl(Jlzf 114C. GROWER: C4,LS WYAN` '23 BY, CAL SC4lf--',MANN ` Ti °Af", DATE OF REPORT le 4 PAGE SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT DATC OF ANALYSIS 0`9/'-3/94 ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS POTASSIUM] MAGNESIUM CALCIUM SODIUM PH Cation PERCENT MATTER HYDRO- Exchange BASIE SATURATION (COMPUTED) SAMPLE LAS a NUMBER PT (Weak gray) P2 (89" enw) K MS CA Nal SOIL BUFFeA GEN 14 Capacity % NUMBER RATE lbs,/A ppm-P RATE P0ft ppriT,P RATE path- RATE ppm-Mg PATE pje._C. RATE pp.-4. RATE H PH 1"04/1 mCA eq,11009 H NA 2 "JV t IV I 7t M 14,11, V�i 56", 37 vL f, . 4 t", . 9 C . 4 4 . 4 . 1 2 41 . 3 5�, . 3 1 4 1 7 1 � . a14 J V H I RJR 11 VI I MtnV r I �#, V H 1 M 31 VL .4 . 9 Cz . 4 4.7 5 . C 2 7 . (SEE EXPLANATION ON BACK) MANIA - SOLUBLE MOLYS— PARTICAL SIZE ANALYSIS SAMPLE NITRATE SULFUR IN NIESE IRON COPPER BORON EXCESS SALTS CHLORIDE DENIM NUMBER NO3 8 Zn Mn Fa Cu a LIME of MismJn mrt mC OIL osm-1403-N RATE ppm-S RATE ppm-Zn RATE ppm-Mn RATE ppm-Fe RATE ppm-Cii RATE ppm-a RATE RATE mintrosJorp RATE ppm-Cl RATE ppm-Mo RATE SAND SILT CLAY TEXTURE 3 H 2 3 — H TNs report appfi to the samptew tested Samp�es afe mAilmol a 0 I ..... ed 5"'ry"A q s� 00 aRp Is up d' y "rep""s MAN to of y days aper tewlirrg, Soo Anahtsis prepared tq MAN8 sa 0 So', Ana"I" May 'par �-4 LL A EAST A ULTUiRAL LABORATORIES, INC— AS CODE, TO RATING VERY LOW IVL), LOW CL), MEDIUM EMI, HIGH IH), VERY HIGH (w), AND NONE (NI, MVL TIPL,Y TH�'. AESULTS IN RPM BY 4 fl TO CONVERT TO LETS PER ACRE P?O,, ENE - ESTIMAtED NITROGEN RELEASE MULI IPLY THE RESULTE, IN ppm, BY 2 4 TO CONVCPT TO L85 PEA ACRE K�O k4i u TMt v TPA F PFqf Nt Tq IN mmm AV 7 Tel I'MNvPnT TM T Aq EPA ArAr OF THP Ff PkWNTAd rno" vnq'T Rn,� w� Tvw,, o�, w�N Pn� m,n� .r,ny REPORT NUMBER A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, . SAMPLES TEND 1 1 SERVICES, , C. CHARL E E CAL C 1 CHARLOTTE . Nip 28217 DATE RECEIVED09/26/94 ATE Or REPORT 09/28/94 PAGE I SOILI DATE OF N109/27/94 SAMPLEpous zn IDENT. NO.— s Ca l MawC%W f� t; vWkg 1 16868 23-2 16869 23-3 16870, ?: _ 871 chro- i. ! um kkk*t Load Arsonle mortury solowum NO. Cd cr g , =� _ _ nN L_ 1 ACT 1 16B69a.1 0 ,:,0.1— 16871 :: 0.1 1 r dnr l of and s or to Part rw May any fthwWwa, bo wAdo ordy to tho ! t ed. t ate , tho y t shy wnz n at sd ut 1 od tag x IELD Y SHEET FIELD QWNER. ACRES Gross - Net 24-01 RUBY STEGALL 49.7 45.2 4-02 JAMES MC GUIRE 25.3 25.3 24-03 JAMES MC GUIRE 31.0 29.3 4-04 JAMES MC GUIRE 34.12.1 TOTAL 140.1 131.8 LAND APPLICATION a PAGE 1i1111111111111111111111111i1111f 1111 1ii11111111111111111111III 111111111Jill I11111111111� i1111i1111111111111 o. I this d owner's agreement and d hereby grant ssi the i to to apply slud8e/jr dual to my lands as slimified Owner Date NORTHLINA, COUNTV 1, the undersigned Ncatary Public, do hereby °fy tlt personally fore , this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS y d official seal this day of 199 NOTARYf y conunission Expires . have read this landowner's agreement, and do herby agree to abide by the stipulations d restrictions i i d herein. Lessee Date have read this land owner's agrtemeni and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein, Permittee Date to the it try have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby grant permission to aPP1Y Sludge/residual to my lands as sPecifled herein. k (z nd w er it NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY, 1, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that PemnallY Weared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hano d and ffi4cial sea] this day of 19 bl RY PUBLIC �z- cl My Commission Expires 00 SEAL: 40 of - ow have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restric—tions as _sWified —herein. L sage 5a—te — — — — — — — ------------- is the stiPulations and restrictions as sPecified herein. have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by n�ttee Date FORM: LAORS 04/94 Page 19 of jq Aiv I e D� M AR TIN UT gx, 3' 47 � wa 4 ,� k , rn.. `•...,�,,.a..,—. ci : S F � ry y �t � � t3 CM ' �73 l ng" g a.^?R1a gay sY 'a;' to t nL'. _ '} _ E pff 'R 4 YtTw g. '• 1 PARK � Rt7�a CL v � . Olst RQ? s NZ rwpo a� A FOR 'PD[TAR _ 10` a � .� MAR TT y RD „+ ZF 7 -c-FTd 4Wl Re an 2p og R pia$ Rt R 2. I C NP Mir �:S t . p 4µ {'p Cit P,k'. E L Mi ,� ,p '., 4� t . x. 7 u La.a, F Iz r FARm t r t1/ x k BYP kit 82 , it I' r as R `f wt i I st�yt�u``�' C`"'''r•." ga4a ��`� �� '., °�'tik ttlT'i �$f LOCATION MAC' 1 t 1 .GII a k n , X a t s # � -a X- • m qr IN y t. _ 5 , {�, a . h #F "4 P � '�+•.y�: "a � `r,.. 'i $ Fby.., v �a' y � xi � � : Iwe+a. i" � •`a �F sM , `IN t CIt 4. . %� ti � •t�� ,� �' '" Ott � � ��` »r,�� ,� »+�� t �� ���°,, n ti „ . u aJ 47 n x 7y r " ' ,..=,.'a+w''�y'•�,.i;,,,,�.,y'�,�;.,a+,U,r thy. ,�'d�'� � ��.+� +ram ,a,,.� � r ': d 4 � AX�,n AERINI, PHOTOGRAPH FIELD FEATURES Wouse/well 0 Soil Boring 0Field Number (orange (yellow) (yellow) Buffer Area Field Border (red) (yellow) Water (stream or pond) (blue) - a& cze� f -:- M Altu COS,: _._ ' a v. Pend or lake ... UGH WATT FIELD ll, SYMBOL 24-01 GnB2, MSS Cep 2_2 MSS msc AaA 2 - msc Aar 2 °- 04 � a... vA* *Flood plain soils. Sludge application will occur only during non flood SOIL HOB I N HUG t A EIk FIELD 4-0 DEPTH Ltnches DESCRIPTION - 6 Reddish -brown. sandy clay loam. friable. numerous roots 6-12 Brown. clay loam, friable, numerous roots 12-18 Reddish -brown, clayM mica flakes. plastic 16-- 4 Reddish-borwn, clay. mica flakes. Plastics yellow streaks 4 Same as above 0- 6 Reddish brown, slightly friable. small black mineral pebbles. yellow streaks` o Cgrround 'water or bedrock observed at 42 inch depth.' SOI L IAAP WIC G REPORT TIP SAMPLES MIJLO TO: CI I illSERVICES,I WATERSSUBMITTED CAL I 16 ROUNDTREE ROAD GROWER: CHARLOTTE NC 28217 DATE RECEIVED 09/26/q4 T F PP RT ()9/ PAGE 1SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT DATE OF ANALYSIS0 9/ 7 94 LSAMP 3 i ® a moo I�n Nft Moo Mo" Moto MW*q 4 1 16872 24-2 16873 2 16874 24-4 16875 f 16872 0. 1 1 3 MEHLI T' IT'S 4 16873 O. 1 1 16674 _ 0.1 2 16875 :: 4). 1 1. x ropods a o Ix I ww of am ellefts. and may not bw votwedueed In wtolo or In port rw may a t ! t x tot t t I I ft nts tnl t IEs ry- t REPORT NUMBER A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. ki 7( —0 U3 7621 hid pin Road al Richmond, Virginia 23237 # (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 SAMPLES 111 4 45671 SEND SUBMITTED TO: U-Sp TylC. GROWER. HU';H WATI;-,R,'.CAL SCHU7,14AN'ti CAAk,LIJTTF �C DATE EC:IVED 1 ?,;1 -Y, 4 DATE OF REPORT I e! F, /9' 4 PAGE I SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT DATE OF ANALYSIS 0 / e"71 94 ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS PERCENT POTASSIUM MAGNESIUM ALCIUM SODIUM PH Cotliwo MATTER HYDRO- Exchange BASE SATURATION (COMPUTED) LAS P, P2 % ENR OEC SAMPLE NUMBER Bray) K Mg OR Nis SOIL BUFFER GEN Capacity NUMBER it Rag JbIlL/A Rain PH PH 1"04/1009 me Na RATE ppat-Is RATE Plaal,la RATE PPM,K RATE pp RATE ppm,Cs RATE por". 'i 7 vf 1 74 vk 117 VH 5 2�3 lNri 24 VL 7. 1 0.0 41.0 5 �24.1 3 0. 0 3 .1 4-1 16 67 2 9�H 4 If" v N 4 — 2 k, � "1.1 113 V'i 147 `110 1 r:,4 V 4 ZY VL I I I", VL 3,131 VL 4.7 '5*4 5.1 .4 ts,� 7.13 18.6 79.6 2 7 2 4 . �-S L 4 L 2 Y6 VL 3S VL1 5*1 6 Is54 3.3 6.'4 ?C.4 . 6 2� —4 10 37 R M 1 74 V (SEE EXPLANATION ON BACK) MANGA- SOLUBLE MOLYB—! PARTICAL SIZE ANALYSIS SAMPLE NITRATE SULFUR ZINC NESE IRON COPPER BORON EXCESS SALTS CHLORIDE ENUM NUMBER NO3 S Zn MIR Fe OR 8 LIME CI me % 9"' 114 SOIL �pm-NOE-N RATE PPM-S RATE ppm-b RATE ppm-lan RATE ppm-Fo RATE ppm-Cu RATE pain-8 RATE RATE mnallostom RATE I plian-Of RATE ppm-Mc RATE SAND SILT CLAY TEXTURE 3 4 4 L 4'- 1 L Ic V 3"1 q 9 .7 L This r000tt at to the liamplo(si tostod, Samples are retained a makirnu ins day$ Aft6f teStIng, Soil Analysis prepated by This a , u y dye "MP In g 6*00" 'A"' h S a a, nq A 6 del y11ITp P I retained a are 11Z bye 4— 4 4 1 L L L SOR S INC, EAS N ICULTURAL LABOR S, INC, CODE TO RATING VERY LOW (VL), LOW ILL MEDIUM (MI,, HIGH lH), VERY HIGH fVHL, AND NONE ft� MULTIPLY THE RESULTS IN ppm aY 4 6 TER CONVER t TO LBS PER ACAE PT05 'E I 6� E E K�,5 , P ENAI - ESTIMATED NITROGEN RELEASE MULTIPLY THE AFSIJL,TS IN ppin BY 2 4 TO C�ONVEAT To I, BS PEP AC�FAE K n MLil-TIPLY THE RESULTS IN opm BY 2 TO CONVEPT TO LEIS PER ACRE OF THE ELEMENTAL FORM VOST SOILS SALFIGH TWO f?, MULLION POtJNOS IDPY� IIA,'F IOH', r(,')RAN Ar,,FIF r?P10Ii- 6P 1,Nf`,+iE, OFFP FIELDff CHARLES LUT 25 L L ` Lt 5 dross - Net -01 CHARLES LUTZ 41.3 36.6 25-02 CHARLES LUTZ 43.0 46.6 25-03 CHARLES LUTZ 56.353,.6 25-04 CHAP LEES LUTZ 27.825.1 TOTAL 168.4 155.9 SERVICES, Specializing in t a 's needs for environmental protection. 516 Rot ndiraa Road * Charlotte, North Carolina 8 1 - i * 7 41 -000 • Fax (0) •1 4 SIGNATURE FORM: Charles Lutz Lutz has agreed to allow biosolids fromthe City of Hickory to be applied to his farm in Lincoln County. However, ` due t his demanding schedule for harvesting his crops, he has been unable to record his signature in front of a Notary in time for this submital. BIO-NOMICS request that the application process continue with the understandinq that Mr. Lutz' signature will be can file by the time of field inspections. KIP, LN V, AP, Z, W R LINC L N- LN H P 4— '49 jl,� -Al 4/1 GRE, K Twp. I RV[j s PARK CtR X OlTt z RD, CA, L. -s i q P� TIj I ift -R- I 'd-v- Kr`J L 4z QC-1 TP. FO R DETAIL Ci SEE INr MAP 7T ptp, fORCH RD �Z Vi V 4- �l pro 321 )4 Imp L 7� Al -B'ogdr I Ell L 0 C L ,Ic it ]Rf- Ro 0 A' rA H M 27 VVLA I j"OLP I 01, ILL ,F3YF ,XD p oo S, 114 W- -- 82 N t 0", Jo 0 VI stown pit, MAP N RM 4,,z, e 3 F I FA, 1) S K: NMI " 61W Ah e si oil AERIAL P110TOGRAP" - FIELD FEATURES 410HOUSO/WV11 & Soil Horing C) Field N"Mhvl, Mann, KNOW (yellow) H"rfor Armi Field Bordpi, 41111, (red) (yellow) Water (struam or pond) TOPOGRAPHY MAP SCALE BLUE COLOR INDICATES WATER Pond or lake 0�- Stream or river Intermittent stream FARM.- (ZkAA1es Loi"2- F I E L DS SOIL TYPES CHARLES LUTZ FIELD SOIL S.Y-MBOL 25-01 GnC2 GnB2 25-02 GnB2 GnC2 25-03 MSB GnB2 GanC2 RvA* Bull 25-04 ChA* RvA* RnB *Flood Plain soils. Sludge application will occur only during non flood periods. SQ T w C? y i CHARLES LUTZ FIELD DEPTH-(inchesDESCRIPTION Red, friable, sandy clay loam, numerous roots, friable 6-12 Red, slightly less friable, becoming slightly plastic:, 1 " diameter quartz fragments 12-18 Sane as above, increasing clay content, sticky;and plastic 18-24 Deep red clay, stinky, plastic. small is flake 24- Small black: mineral pebbles and black streaks, clay, plastic, sticky 30-36 Same as above. increasing size of black mineral pebble` 36-42 Clay, red, no black mineral pebbles. plastic No ground grater or bedrock observed at 42 inch depth. IN -CHARLES L" "Jib -Q 0- 6 Brownish -red, very friable. sandy clay loam, numerous roots -12 Iced. friable. becoming plastic 12-18 Same as above. mica flakes appear 18-24 Yellow -reddish -brown, clay.' sticky. plastic, yellow streaksincreasing with depth 24-30 Yellow -red, mica flakes. small black mineral pebbles. friable - 2 Yellow -brown, friable, mica flakes. small quartz fragments. irregular in size No ground water or bedrock observed at 42 inch depth. S t [a NIAP REPORT NUMBER A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. R2 7 a 00' 7621 Whiteplue. Richmmd, Mirginia 23237 * (804) 743-9401. No. 71 SAMPLES OR MN TO: I O—NOC I SERVICES,INC. C�i RLES UJTZ MITT BY. CAL C� HI ANN 1 ROUNDTREE ROAD GROWER: CHARLOTTE ; NCB 28217 DATE RECEIVED09/26/94 AT REPORT % 2 PAGE ISOIL ANALYSIS REPORT DATE OF ANALYSIS 09/2 7/94 + N !pol A is s s 25-1 16876 25 16877 25-3 16878 25-4 16879 Y4# Mckol Load Arsenic mottury ''fit niC TOM LAS Cd Ink, 9* erm Ni Pb As NO. 04 +,...`, 44 16876 0.1 1 2 MEHL '111 ACT �ACTI0 4 16879 :: 0.1 1. Our ropom *fW "on we for Ow *xckw*# and l usoofow oftnto, and may rwA bo ropfoducod_ toiotwole orInpnew art,8 n "T to In* st to t t s, tto psny In w sn sing s t ii f* t4lp�o" S. fit , m REPORT NUMBER A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. P TC 7621 hire ire Road * Richmond, Virginia 23237 * (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 SAMPLES ACCT 45,s7l SEND SUBMITTED TO: —h r)IW it S I R v I ° 1 "ift GROWER: 041i;L`.-S LUTZ 425 BY; CAL 3CHjEMAftM DATE ?EC.-,-1VLD DATE OF REPORT 4j PAGE SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT DATE OF ANALYSIS 99177194 ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS POTASSIUM MAGNESIUM CALCIUM Soolum H Cation PERCENT MATTER HYDAO- Exchange BASE SATURATION (COMPUTED) LAS P1 P2 EI 41EN Capacity Mg CA Na SUFFE NUMBER " , r - - k�,, % SAMPLE (Weak 8 i NUMBER T PH I"eq/10ft naeq,,100S K MR Car H No Bray) (80*4 SOIL RATE Res 1A pp;*4ATE E ppm-K RATE lopm-A19 RATE ppm,Ca RATE earn RATE PH 21 VL t, .4 6.9 z 1 7 1 1 Its 14 4 'i V I V4 314, L L Y Y 0. 4-4 10.1 24.3 4 4 . 4"l 17. 3. — 67 I 1914 V4 M G. 5 5it� L VL 0 7 J (SEE EXPLANATION ON BACK) MANGA- SOLUBLE MOLYB— PARTICAL SIZE ANALYSIS SAMPLE NITRATE SULFUR ZINC NESE IRON COPPER BORON EXCESS SALTS CHLORIDE DENUM NUMBER NO3 S Min Fro Cyl B LIME 01 Mo SOIL SAND SILT LA TEXTURE RATE Awnhoslern RATE Apm-Cl RATE PAM-100 RATE pprrr,N031-N RATE jtprnxS RATE pperl-b RATE pitnt4it RATE ppre-Fer RATE ppm-Cu RATE porri-El RATE C Y1 7. 7 4 H I �j 1 V 14 f4, 0 Thm report lea to ine asrnpteis) tested Samples are rewned a Aximum ftrty days after tee1mg, Soil Analysis prepared by 4 11 7 A ' L EsS A A ICULTURAL LABS S, INC CODETO FIXING VERY LOW (VL), LOW ll.), MEDIUM (M), H$GH (H), VERY HIGH (VH)-AND NONE (N), MULTMLY THE RESULTS IN Pvm BY 4 6 TO CONVC01 TO LEIS PER ACRE P705 E,�� -�!,�A %4W TWILY THE RESULTS rN pprn BY 2 4 TO CONVERT TO, LES PER AC'ME, K';)G, ,:�I�POGEN RELEASE, — — --, .. I r ---OT tl', f MC 0CM APMC nr YWC M CkAPKITAr Vnn&Arang-r ot,: " rvp."-4.3,rvj(n r Sri tart. rnwqn--nP� r,W (,,WT rrP AI)ArPC 'fc F, 'Ne'i,rc Fr� F_TELD sUMMARY S.H-EET RA E 2 FIELD OWNER ACRES Gross - Net 2 -01 HAZEL WOOD ESTATE 38.1 32.2 2 -02 HAZEL WOOD ESTATE 39.4 37.3 26-03 HAZEL WOOD ESTATE 43.2 39.5 -- 4 HAZEL WOOD ESTATE 31.8 30.7 26-05 HAZEL WOOD ESTATE 1.9 26.1 TOTAL 184.4 165.8 LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS PAGE 2 di, A LAnd Owner Date NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY, a undersigned Notary b i, do hereby certify that r personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing Ins eras, WITNESS my hand and official sea] this day of r s r� -�L'6TAR My corrunission Expires-::z2����� have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions i d herein. Lessee" Date have,road this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions, as specified herein, Pennittee late 22 of 25 c '0 R y4 'xrH'I CK � ... ._ w .k 1 I >r i1.. s � Cat m �Y 4 rF `a IS t s 40 f 1 r n i U „ d ,,-'"�', . :. aL."{e•. ! a"u t'.s` —r G% G jrKORY MAP FOR DETAIIL t FdtF "t' >s yy d"�fi pr �� `E^+.=�� .� �m �� �"s�`��?��_� aax s Pt•ttayar � ,�w a� m' IT r. w _ _`� w"sxci�� ', {., J" " E, �.. r x• I `,s rx �r q, a cts + t,w,s k '✓' `3�l .+yam Mxi i'°T a a a Qc, 01 127 10 �u ,� y r �,xur � ,� d ✓ .;� A xs-s�,�-r `v °�� ,,,�.� x'�a: �� prsU*�� �s d"s. �t� ��,..� ` rvy LOCATION MAP ARM ftooA Le woo I ELDSa �� ! �r-44 ,.Ytt VELAw ,�,'� ..�- --- � ';fit, as T�.A� •��'ca° '"�' � � �� t � � " � � x TM are ErksL �s ff �� TO h a' S'✓'° Stx( _ �2 •�°4l Gliu�'M'E �'�' E I x�� idl 40 Abe .a c drf r� s s°nve°' <� c ste i s - w c 4��; �4W`e 5�a TM�un�azs5 txrx.t 3 y" '� °� t xC � � try � ✓. Y,w,aua! r +xx 40 t j, IB c e r Qb _. LOWER- BuilC V,� YOUNG Chapel , c#vo JOn N CAI A&' ,Oil, c"`rrc3 e^, 5. a II �\ v.r rrxsxkx 5u�cw i m E rice 1�. r� VIEW t� 00 Pleasant �3 7 4pF� nu dun AR'SeN sN , _.e' z EL S .M C ""Y �3` �' H LE 51MAPLE �-. D�ST Grove 1s nay U R < C+ y5S Yx4 AV Dr,d At �. n 4V�M IT w HPIR ',r.x m rh y pArc rkcucr , a r�nAR IL a� n i TE Aga ix � °!r �K T Ramse 5 'x'1`aflOs7 _"�:"x{ �� Y AxA 7V IT 44, t LINCOLN CO. LOCATION MAP F A RM D gC; FPS FIELDS: Soo tjHits.? j0sa.rou Plo r , : C.;ro yCHr'tarr taqtcuN pja!,.1 ,trsjUH i!ns� I (°.rm.`,r',n"ll s>:' m,l, 'a' rn IV I HA Fla�, did, -� �� �}: ��'w � •� Sol- r e ...fir .1 i liz s t rt - ". opt OF CLA ON 3b tug 1 j} e a m M K �w M 9 r �a �• $ 11g s t g.4 . t i �" "� :.+� '' *. ,, ` . � r }},, t` of a • a ''r �, ,.o ,�,,,.$ �.fi � �� � 1. ` .� _ � r.w�y :.:.,.s^f � q$a,� ��. .: � d"w°,, +t *';°""� e •,. M, �g r • tF s ..ryt ' ^ "*",'x,.. r wk *" ar. 91 J c a" _ OnT Y ., t x„✓ m' f "• f � -" '�� 5' 5,u*gyp'$ 6i e' WSJ l .i. � is Y• ^..td 14aY j,a Y y. � 4 R i i f r - r a} .a hhyypppp e.. J. � vs�. rx rv- r `fin, < 1 k „� q•. ,¢ 'ik � S � §� e „, "�. AS WITs =y- Ohs oil. 007 « & ,C a' ,fir •� k" ;,�.w�et, ,, ✓ Hwy .- e } x �� "tA A'** k`r u�`'+� new A ' �y took, A �y K k o ;k � # r �; r 4 ? a ram* 34 o; e t.r " "p.. i "g9+�..` ro ,�- 4 ^";�tki •4 µyw Kr,,*� k" �� ems* `u.7w its stoop, :;„,w - all TAT NERIAL PnOTOCKAPIB FIELD FEATURES « k � x h # �'�> ��' a i" �� " n3:t,., �s ,s �° i��'�s . d '`*4 y -. t .., t �,, • €"�q' at� HO"q '; P11soil Boring "Field N�ewe�ls:pr o r n nu e GO ( ye kellow) (� rtt l (yellow) Water ( :; t r rah m or POW i 'fir 4 � �,� • + � A �. t ry t a Lao Ix '1 q .75 NO -• ,� �� �, rNO my .n T+ AN q� - Q loop VIA pay .a n d e ; , t ° a s �4 s , 5 t 4.1 son d m WARM two 6MI oil 4. a • r L AEA.I A PHOTOGRAPH -FIELD FEATURES OPHouse/well Soil Boring Field Number (orange (50yellow) (yellow) Buffer Area Field Border (red) (yellow) Hater (stream orpond) (blue) 1, ` 1 HENRY � ff TOPOGRAPHY MAP SCALE 1m«-0 BLUE COLOR INDICATES WATER Pond or take SLream or river Intermittent stream TOPOGRAPHY MAP SCALD 6 BLUE COLORI AT S WATER Pond or I ak stream or river t itegrit t terit. streamr FARM: 14o FIELDS � SOIL 'TYPES HORACE WOOD 47 FIELD SOIL SYMBOL 2 -1 I12 (Catawba ty H2 HwC2 Cn 2 nC3 2-2 30112 Pacolet sandy clay loam 0C2 H2 26-03 31BCecil sandy loam 2- lope 30C Pacolet sandy —' loam - ° 1opt 26-04 31B Cecil sandy 'loam 2-5 bale 31C Cecil sandy loam 8--1 % slope 30C Pacolet sandy loam 5-1 %al p 26-05 31B 1 SOIL BORING HORACE WOOD FIELD 29-01 DEPTH (inches)- DESCRIPTION 0- 6 Reddisb-brown, mica flakes, slightly sticky and plastic granite fragments, I inch diameter;, numerous plant roots 6-12 Same as above, clay content increasing becoming more sticky and plastic 12-18 Yellow -reddish -brown, numerous mica flakes, friable 18-24 Same as above 24-30 Same as above, numerous brown and white pebbles 30-36 Same as above 36-42 Reddish -brown, friable, mica flakes No ground water or bedrock observed at 42 inch depth. SOIL BORING !LQRACE WOOD ElELD 26-04 DEPTH jLinches USCRIPTION 0- 6 Brown, numerous plant roots, small black mineral fragments, streaks of black, very friable 6-12 Above description continues to 10 inch depth, reddish -brown clay, sticky, plastic, small black mineral fragments 12-18 Red, clay, plastic, sticky, black mineral fragments 18-24 Red, clay, plastic, stick at 20 inch level, black fragments cease, mica flakes appear 24-30 Reddish -brown, clay loam, friable, larger mica flakes, yellow streaks 30-42 Same as above No ground water or bedrock observed at 42 inch depth. CATAWBA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA -- SHEET NUMBER 22 2 I.C2 Sill MAPS BURKEQO-UNTY WO-RACEK ELIJKLDS Burke County is currently mapping the county soils. Due to the extremely dark coloring, photocopies of SCS Field Soil Maps for the above fields are not suitable for inclusion in this permit application. Maps are on file at; the Burke County S S office. Soils information for the Horace gad #26 field sites, fields 2, , were obtained from the Burke County S S office and David T. Knight, ht, Sail Survey Supervisor, Burke County SCSI; REP014T NUMBER A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. 7621 Whitepine Road # Richmond, Virginia 23237 # (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 SAMPLES ACET 4 45' ,S,71 SEND SUBMITTED TO: S'Ivvlrt�'p INC. GROWEW 404ACIC WDOD 426 BY: CAL SCHICMANN .AIL NC ?", *17 DATE R EC�� ME 9 1) 2 9 4 DATE OF REPORT PAGE Y4 SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT ��,A T -P 0 F 4NALYS111"t 19 JE Z 7/ 9 4 ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS POTASSIUM MAUM GNESIUM AL SODIUM PH cation PERCENT MATTER HYDRO- EXCIT BASE SATURATION ICOMPUTED) LAO P1 P2 Anga % k H Capully kv SAMPLE NUMBER Mg GO Na SOIL BUFFER GEN r"', i % NUMBER K Mg CA H No RATE Ibc/A ppm-P*. i ppm-P RATE Rpm-K RATE Rpm -Fatly RATE pp"114; RATE PH PH 11100000 tneq!1009 RATE poel-Cm RATE 3 1 4!5v H 16 L I IM F Vi 19q v 1-1 6 00 r? 3 VL 6.5 �5 . 9 jam... 5 2 i6-1 55-5 1 -3 t 1 4 14 QV 4 'V 5 VW 1 3 H 17 V 1 t- j 4,� 2 '1' 14 jVA 4 %J- IC VT 10 H 14 V 111", '-1 *, VL 6.7 7 . IJ U . 2, 1 .4 Z4.4 4.5 It A �5 L 6.1 9 0 1!.') I v {SEE EXPLANATION ON BACK) MANNA - SOLUBLE MOLYS— PARTICAL WE ANALYSIS SAMPLE NITRATE SULFUR IN NE$E IRON COPPER BOAON EXCESS SALTS CHLOAWE DENUM NUMBER NO3 S Zn Mn Pit Cu a LIME CI Mtn SOIL UIM-NO3-N RATE Pprtl�$ RATE ppm-Era RATE ppm,Mn RATE ppm-Fe RATE ppm-Cu RATE porit-8 RATE RATE irimhoslem RATE Rpm-0 RATE ifpm-Mo RAT SA ID SILT CLAY TX TURE 4.1 H VH 4 V 4 fil"This rep apones 10 the ssmfs¢e(S) tested Sept ptes are retamed a i of tits ars after testing, Soil Analysis pre by O's . 6 v fk; L AST R CU R L A TO ES, INC CODE TO RATiNG VERY LOW (VW, LOW (W, MEDIUM (MI, HIGH tH), VERY HIGH (VH), AND NONE (NI. .... MULTIPLY THE RESUL75 IN tipm BY 4 6 TO CONVEAT 10 1,BS PER ACRE P?05 ENA - ESTIMATED NI-TROGEN RELEASE MULTIPLY THE AESULrS IN ppm BY 24 TO CONVERT TO LIAS PEP ACPE K�G rn i.(�NVFAT TO I At, PFR Ar.AF OF THF FL EMENTAL FORM "1(' W �, CIF FP MI li TIPI A T�-,IF AFRI A TV, INnnm RV 7 Wi- Hy t KY04 AN A(�PF C � SOU C 0 REPORT NUMBER A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. R270,—O(,'.15 7621 Whitepine Road - Richmond, Virginia 23237 - (804)'743-941 -Fax No. (804) 271-" SAMPLES SEND TO: B10—NO111C SERVICES, SUBMITTED I NC. HORACE WOOD #26 sy� CAL SCHIEMANN 516 ROUNDTREE ROAD GROWER: CHARLOTTE NC 2e217 DATE RECEIVED 0?/26/94 DATE OFREPORT 09/28/94 PAGE 1 SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT DATE OF ANALYSIS 09/27/94 SAMPLE Photo. LAS vtww air soffor C&Wum Sodkm bon a= Fo CO&W z1ft Amomis Oftloto IDENT. NO. p "a*# At On "V*o nwkf mw*q ftv%f Z" m9*9 "wks 26-1 16880 26-2 161381 26-3 16882 26-4 16S83 26-5 16884 LAS C-Adwum chm- Nkkof Load Alle mo sowmwn organic Total NO. Cd Pb W4*9 mW*q ftV*q i mWkq As so, trao" PH C-m aqp*g 9 1� I 16860 0.1 1 6 MEHLI H EXTRACT104 16881 0.1 1 3 16882 0. 1 < 1 3 16883 16884 0. 1 1Ea Otw nwods and wom *a w the *ulu*wo and tonfWwwat u" of aw coarts. and may #wt bo mpmdocod In wtm* or In part, nor mAy wW t*t*n*" be mad* to the sompW*) t*M*d. Satnp#" v* to tho wodt, It* r*NM*, of the twopmay to any advortloing. nom towaso, or o0w pw)ft ann*ur4*w*nt* wfttw#A owintmo *w pow written *uowustle". & A top, Catawba County has a published soil survey. The following farms are located in Catawba County*. DON HUNSUCKER #22 CHARLES C. WYANT #23 HORACE WOOD #26, Field I Lincoln County has completed soil mapping. The material is waiting publication. Maps and soils information were obtained form the Lincoln County Soil Conservation Service. The following farms are located in Lincoln County: HUGH WATERS #24 CHARLES LUTZ #25 Burke County is in the process of mapping the soil within the county. The fields in this application have been mapped, but the maps were too dark to photocopy. Maps and soils information was obtained from the Burke County Soil Conservation Services and from David Knight, Soil Survey Supervisor. The following farm is located in Burke County: HORACE WOOD #26, Fields 2-5 W 1310-NOMIC SERVICES, INC. Specializing,n t 's reeds for environmental protection, 516 Roundtree Road - Chaffolte, North C rcolsna 3 17- 133 « (70) 52 .0005 - Fax 4704) 5 -1 4 SOIL DESCRIPTIONS CATAWBA COUNTY, NC I I I I I I C rtrlon Company GUIDE TO MkPPING UNITS For conplete information about a mapping unit, road baLh the description of thta mapping unit and that of the soil series to which it belongs, For complete infomation about a capabiliry, unit, read both the introduc- tion "Crops and Pasture" and the description of The capallility unit in this, section. For infomatioll alsout the suitability of soils for woodland and wildlife, read the introduction to these sections and refer to the tables in each section. Woodland groups are described on page 25. Other information is given in tables as follows: Acreage and extent, table 1, pave 4: Enginvoring uses of soils, rabler, Estimated yields, table 2, page 24: and 7, pageN 14 through 42. apjh i � 1 t Koodlland Described unit group Map ymbo I Mapping unit on page; r—,- ­­_______ 1 symb 0 1 Page -_ — Number Af Altavista fine sandy loam, clayey variant ------------------- S lle-2 is 2W8 AsB Appling sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes ------------------- 5 Tie-1 18 3o7 AsC2 Appling sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, eroded____.-____- 6 Tile- 1 20 30 AsE2 Appling sandy loam, 10 to 25 percent slopes, eroded--_—__—__ 6 Ive-I 22 3r8 Bn Buncombe loamy sand ------- ------------------------------ _ to Ills-] 22 2s8 CmB2 Cecil sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded--__-_-,_.____-_ 8 Ile-1 18 307 CmC2 Cecil sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, eroded..-_-__®_-___ a 4 11le-1 20 3o7 CmD2 Cecil sandy loam, 10 to 15, percent slopes, eroded ----------- 8 Ive-1 22 3o7 CuB2 Cecil clay loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded -------------- 8 Ille-2 21 367 CnC2 Cecil clay loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, eroded--..____ - - 8 lVe-2 22 3o7 CTSE3 Cecil clay loam, 10 to 2S percent slopes, severely eroded--- 9 Vle-2 23 4c2e rw Chewacla loam ----------------------------------------------- 9 Illw-1 21 IW8 Cy Congaree complex --------------------------------------------- 10 11W-1 19 1o7 EnB Enon fine sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent shapes-----.__------____ 11 lle-3 19 4ol Cu Gullied land--____.;.----_-- 11 Vlle-2 23 Hs82 Hiwassee loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded---------------- 12 Ile-1 18 3o7 HsC2 Hiwassee loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, eroded --------------- 12 Ille-2 21 3o7 1102 Hiwassee loam, 10 to 15 percent slopes, eroded --------------- 13 lVe-2 22 3o7 HsE Hiwassee loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes ---------------------- 13 Vle-1 23 3r8 HwB2 Hiwassee clay loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded__,_--__--- 13 Ille-2 21 W HwC2 fliwassee clay loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, eroded ---------- 13 lVe-2 22 30 Le Leve4ed clayey laud--____.,_- --------------------------------- is MgB2 Ma icon gravelly sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded-- 14 lle-1 18 W MgC2 Madison gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, eroded---------------®__--___----___-_-___-__-___-__--- 14 Ille-1 20 3o7 MgE2 Madison gravelly sandy loam,, 10 to 25 percent slopes, eroded---------------------------------------------------- 14 Vle-I 23 3r8 Par Pacalet gravelly sandy loam, 2S to 45 percent slopes-_-__-_- is VTTe-I 23 3r8 PCH Pacolet gravelly fine sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes----- is lle-1 18 3o7 PcC pannier gravelly,,fine sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes---- Is Tile- 1 20 3o7 PeE Pecolet soils, 10 to 25 percent slopes ---------------------- 15 Aisle-1 23 3r8 Wd Webadkee fine sandy loam ------------------------------- ---- 16 1VW-1 22 IW9 WkE Wilke-, loam, 10 to 25 percent slopes-.__-______-_____-----_ , tC,.l -13 sr; q,,or,;ham ?'inv sankly loam --------------- - -------------------- 17 11'w-1 22 2wS P*wf*G 0"XI Aft- 59Z479116 Cecil Series "bite= Cocil senses cnnsi:'ts of wwvll-clr•oaillod. tic^ IHY slop- inlr to nlodorarte1v saeop Soil; on uplarlds. Thoso soils foamed in r°esidnum front acidic rock, iucludinl,� Ufa#taraitc neiss :and {,r°<anitp. o a roparesentaatiw-e,profile the surface layer is chars: grayish-lar°oo-ia and brown sandy loam about % inches thick, The sulwod is ibout 43 incites thick. It is dorni- naantiv red, firm el.aw- in tho upper part and red. friable. clues- lo.arrr rllottled ww-itli strolil* brown in the lower pant. `Blear substrratunt, to Qa depth of aabo at jai inches, is mottles mess, strong -brown, :and pale -brown sandy learn. Cecil soils an, low in natural fertility and or aanic- ma ter° content. Unless linaod, they are str nr,1V acid to very stronglY racial throulghout. Permeability is rnoderrnt , an(available water eapaac sty is rr edit n. The toot zone is t ceps Depth to the seasonal hula water dale: is If) feet or inore^. The shrink -swell potential is moderate. Cecil soils ,are important for farming. Nfost: of the aacrealprer is cultivlateen or p,arstitred, (fa ;, 2). and the rest i chiefly wooded. d. lope is the main li raitaation. Representative, rese nt€ative, profile, of Cecil sandy loam, 2 to 6 Baer- -etat slopes, erodercla in a$ wooded aarera raailes southeast:. of 'tie=,w•tola sera State Higrhwway tfa;" 1� riles South of NORTH CAROLIN.k Vomit Ohn Chur�rha a \,ar is north of ' "orrrat.y Retad 1, 7�. i rel 50 foot 1tortiro.ast of lariv ato road: 02---2 inches to d, partially devointos d forest titter, 1--o in 2 in toes. (larkgrayish-taro wn a10Y 4/''2l sandy loam; weak, medium, granular structure; very fri- able: many small roots ; fear quartz pebbles; strongly add; clear, wavy boutadary. A"'__ 2 to a" inches, brown (m. YR 5/4) sandy loam; weak, me- dium, granular structure ; very triable-, many smau and medium ' roots: few quartz pebbles; strongly aacid; clear, smooth houndaary- 1- T to its incites, yellowish -red (5) R 4/) sandy clay loam weak, fine, subangular blocky structure; friable-, Sect° small and medium masts.; strongly acid; clear, smooth 21 t---10 to ail" inches rest (2.5YR 4/8" clay; moderate, me- dium, subaaa r laar blocky structure; firm, stick;, plas- tic; few small roosts ; distinct clay filers on seed faces; few fine mica flakes; few fine quartz pebbles; strongly acid -. gradual, smooth boundary. ry. ` ?art---30 to 40 inches, red (2,5 R 4/8) e"hy, moderate and weak, medium, subang alar blocky structure: firm sticky, plastic; Hain clay finis on most seed faces; cruaacnon fine uticaa flakes ; strongly acid,, gradual, smooth boundary. 0 to 50 incites, red (`'. YR 5 ) clay loam; common aaaedium. distinct, strong -brown (7.5 R 5/6) moth weak, medium sumin ular blocky structure " friable; fewer clay films on vertical farces; common fine mlc Bakes strongly acid a gradual, smooth boundary. Chewada Series The Chewacla series consists of nearly level, somewhat poorly drained, soils on flood plains. These soils formed in rent alluvium, In a representative profile the surface layer is brown loam about 10 inches thick. The subsoil is about 30 inches thick. The upper part is brown, friable loam mottled with light brownish gray, Underlying this is light yellow,- isb-brown. friable loam mottled with light brow, nish ggTay. The lower part is light -gray, friable clay loam mottled with vellowish brown. The substratum, to it depth of about 64 inches, is gray clay loam mottle(I with yellowish brown and olive. Cheivacla soils are flooded very frequently, but for brief periods. Unless limed, they are medium acid to strongly acid throughout. Natural fertility is low, and the content of organic matter is medium. Permeability is moderate, and available water capacity is high. The root zone is moderately deep. Depth to the seasonal high water table is 1 foot. The shrink -swell potential is low. Chemacla soils are fairly important for farming. They are well suited to corn. Most of the acreage is pastured or cultivated. Flooding and wetness are the main limita- tions. Representative profile of Chewacla loam in a gsture 21/2 miles southeivit, of Catawba, 1 mile udson Chapel Church, and 200 feet south of Ball Creek: &p---O to 10 inches, brown (7-5YR 4/4) loam; few, fine, dis- tinct, pale -brown mottles-, weak, medium. granular structure, very friable; many small fibrous roots; few fine mica flakes; medium acid; gradual, wavy boundary. B21-10 to 14 inches, brown (T.5YR 4/4) loam, few, dne, distinct, light brownish -gray mottles; weak, medium, subangular blocky structure, friable; few small fl-� brans roots „ common fine mica flakes ; medium acid abrupt, smooth boundary. B22g--14 to 30 inches, light yenowish-brown, (10YR 6/4) loom ; common, fine and medium, distinct, light brownish -gray (2,5Y 6/2) mottles; weak, medium, subangular blocky structure; friable; few small fi- brous roots, common fine mica flakes; medium acid gradual, wavy boundary. 1323g-40 to 40 inches, light -gray (10YR 7,102) clay loam; ,jgt, Iisrirv�t y0toxvih-brn'xn (10YR 5/6) mottles; weak, medium, subangular blocky structure-, friable; common fine mica flakes; medium acid, gradual, wavy boundary. Clg-40 to 51 inches, gray (10YR 5/1) clay loam; few to common, fine and medium, distinct,' yellowish -brown (10YR 5/6) mottles,, massive, friable; common fine mica flakes; strongly acid -, gradual, wavy boundary. C2g-­11 to 64 inches, gray (N 5/0) tlay loarn -. few, tn�,dium. distinct, olive (5'T 4/3) mottles; massive; friable; common fine mica flakes; strongly acid. The solurn ranges from 36 to 60 inches in thickness. Depth to bedrock is more than -1 feet, The A horizon ranges from 8 to 15 inches in tbickness and is brown, yellowish -brown, or reddish -brown loam, sandy loam, or silt losca, The R horizon ranges from 28 to 45 inches in thickness and is brown, light yellowish - brown, yellowish -brown, dark -brown, or light -gray loam, silt loam, or clay loam, It is mottled with light brown- ish gray, brownish gray, gray, grayish brown, yellowish brown, or strong brown, The C horizon is dominantly clay loam and sandy clay loam, but ranges to stratified sand, silt. - and clay, 14 SOIL s Madison elr e The Madison series consists of well -drained, gently sloping to moderately steely soils on -uplands. These soils formed in residuum from acidic rock, including mica - schist n a representative profile the sutfa laver i Yellow - and. mi - el ish-brown gravely sandy loom about 6 inches thi . The subsoil is about inches thick.. It is dominantly, friable clay in then per part and cello isle -red friable sandy clay loam in t o lower hart, the substratum, to a depth of about 66 in b , is yellowish -red sandy, loam mottled with reel. Unless limed,Madison soils are strongly acid through- out. Natural fertility and content of organic matter are low. Permeability is moderate,, and available water - acity lis medium. The, root zone, is moderately p epth to the seasonal high water table is more than y feet. The shrink. -swell potential is moderate. Madison soils are fairly important for farming. About half the acreage is pastuied or cultivated, and the rest is chiefly wooded. Slope is the main limitation. Representative profile of Madison gravelly sandy loan,; to 6 percent slopes, eroded, in a wooded area. 51/ wiles a southeast of Newton on State Highway lm, one -eighth mile south on County Road 1810, % miles southeast on County Road 1858, miles west on County Road i and 50 feet north of road to d Inches, yellowish-brown tlil 51 1 gravelly sandy loam, moderate, modi a and coarse, granular structure, very friable, many small and medium roots, few fine mica flakes; oarsman quartz and hilt fragments, about 1 inch in size, make up about 0 percent of volume, strongly aced; clear, smooth boundary. 1 to p Inches, strong -brown i1. R 5/6i sandy clay loans; weak, medium, subangular blocky structure friable; many small and medium'roots, common medium mica fl s ; quartz and schist fragments make up about 20 percent of volume; strongly acid; clear, wavy boundary. T12t-0 to did inches, red t2.5 ti /bl clay, moderate, tee, subangular blocky structure: friable, sticky, slightly plastic; few` small and medium roots; patchy clad films on ped faces; many doe mica flakes; common quartz and schist fragments; strongly acid, gradual, K smooth boundary. 11 ti to 35 Inches, yellowlsh•red i5YR 151 sandy clay , steam, weak, fine and medium, subarigular block structure; friable; many fine mica flak any quartz and eddiah-brownschist fragments; strongly acid dual, smooth boundary. ' 5 to 60 ` inches, ; yellow sh-red (5TR 5. } sandy loam; common, medium, distinct, red (2.5YR 5J5) mottles-, rnass ve, friable; weathered quartz and mica -schist ionized with sandy loam; ; strongly acid. The solum, tames from 24 to 40 inches in thickness, Depth to bedrock is more than 3 feet. 'rhea horizon ranges from to g inches in thickness and from yellowish brown to reddish brown in color. The B horizon ranges from 20 to 32 inches in thickness and is red,:friable to firm clay, clay loam, or sandy clay loam. The 131 horizon,. if present, ranges from strong - brown sandy clay loam to clay loam:, The B3 horizon, tf pres- ent, is dominantly yellowish -red clay loam. Mica flakes rangy from common to many in the B horizon and give It a slick; greasy feel, The C horizon s dominantly yellowland , red- dish -yellow, and red.; weathered, highly micaceorts schist or eiss that contains pooets and seams of yellowish -red sandy loam, Riwassee Series The Hi assee series consists of celled fined, gently sloping to 'moderately steep soils on _uplands. The sails formed in old alluvium or in residuum from mixed acidic and basic roek, including hornblende, gneiss; and schist: Ira ax representative profile the surface layer is reddish - brown loam about 5 inches thick. The subsoil is about 50 . inches thick. It is dark -red, firm clay in the upper part and red, firm and friable clay loam in the lower; part The substratum, to a depth of about 108 niches, is yel- lowish -red loam. Unless limed, Hiwassee soils are medium acid through- out. N'aturtal fertility and the organic -matter content are low. Permeability i moderate, and available water ca- pacity is medium The root zone is deep. Depth to the seasonal high wetter table is more than 5 feet; The shrink -swell potential is moderate. was ee soils are important farm soils. Most of the acreage is cultivated or pastured. dope is the chief limi- tation. Representative profile of Hiwassee loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded, in a cultivated field 3Y2 miles southwest ofNew-ton, tl yards waist of County Road 2013, and 50' feet east of w along field boundary ; to 6 inches, reddish -brown (/) loam; weak, fine, granular structure; very friable„ many small fibrous r is ; medium acid; abrupt, smooth boundary, al it to 30 inche% dark -red. (.s . /6) clay, red . F'll 4/6) dry, moderate, fine and medium, subangular , blocky structure; firm, sticky, plastic; few small roots; thin continuous clay Mms on ped faces; medium acid; char, smooth boundary, 22t 3il to 44 inches, red (, R /6) <clay loam; moderate, medium, subangular blocky structure; Arm, sticky, plastic; thin patchy elay films can ped faces; few mica flakes ; medium acid; gradual, smooth boundary, fpit--44 to 56 inches, real (2. a lb 4/8) clap loam; weak, me- dium, subaan ulaar blocky structure; friable; discon- tinuous clay films on ped faces; [few, dine, darkbra primary mineral streaks; common fine mica flakes; medium acid; gradual, wavy boundary. SERVICES,m Specializing in today needs for environmentalprofection. 516 Roa ndtree Road . Charlotle Norlh Carohna 28 1 `-2`t 3 • t a rt) 529.0000 ti Fax (r 4) 9-1 4 SOIL`DESCRIPTIONS LINCOLN COUNTY, NC County soil survey in process. Sails information obtained from USDA Soil Conservation Service in Lincoln County. Carylan Company _ 0. IT: r .^.M� l:.0 r ar u v [ � .„ � r b.: 9. „"` L I �1 d'm' Fm L N t. ,_.. .m a r x y .'i;. 9 H A 4 t -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'ka;.f ,rani DUS, >..r t 011 x h." -, O E„. 5a... _. j rv: p" 4d r / deep, moderate i +d.i Fa t a m io i .. s 9 " i formed ,. _ .. .. t; on� -x k„' uA: is i.^�yi � :�. �., �: . I ;iLd . in .my a s ua x11 deposits. They have a loamy surface .:-' . ' and aubsuil. e r l i e a b i I { is moderate a imi:. d a 'Ser:.a i i a:..t 1 n water capacity Po _., r' is is h i Sh . ., hr i ni. —swe i i psm La•„,". .:. a I is i yw The seasonal :. a ywater table is between ttW v"1.5 a "d Z . 5 feet. These s• i i s are subject to rare flooding. +i ::^ S ;��.r r" L l �v 7 w �;`ki °,C.� LOAM, :.u. i_r 6:PERCENT SLOPES These very deep, e V lv: drainedsoils are on uplandq.They have formed in residuum from i e : s i rock S." types. s They have a r w Y . loamy . surface layer and clayey :. subsoil. Permeability is moderate and Cava i i ab R e water capacity is moderate. Shrink —swell potential is i-:+;w. The *a6.i...:r'xa hIgie:: water table is W o w !tea feet. i_itS SU d,_i.:M ; StiMD9 .k TO 5 PERCENT SLOPES,RARELY FLOOZED Thesea r a very deep, excessively drained s o 'l a on f : 1 E I d.. plains. They ..have formed in n sandy l i !,.; 'y i s t. sediments. . a They havea sandy surface layer ant ''sub's_+ i o Permeability is rapid si'. C`i d available. water capacity i `..,. low. Shrink-swellp i,.r +ti r 6 a i..i. 1 is low. The seasonal t} g ji water table i - below 6` . feet. F:e s 3soils a au s n 0i e . t a i torareLod a. . nS ;N'.+:•. B : 4^ 2 SANDY • � �. These very LOAM, Z O S PERCENT SLOPES E S a , deep, we ` i drained sW i s are on uplands. They 1„favr. Formed .. s r u....: rock 1..,"' :.. ., . 9 .." 4 a 6 G.L'r is loamy surface layer dE1d a clayey subsoli. Per vrveab 6 16 a,`Y is moderate and avai 1 ab i e water Capac s L°= i E5 m¢_;o r site potential "1 s low. ^r»i . The � a': �.. °,: � i :i. i . high; water S v 9 r. n k •-• 'ad wi e 1 i .!:� iseasonal s t�LA e is fn:C'" a o;r"�' feet. W CECIL SANDY € CLAY LOAM, +.... TO S PERCENT SLOPES, ERODED These very soils a <'C r �_i I�a uplands. :s �. i h i.'r � •" b"4 r , �.}., r.i in ,' r'. d s is r:,:m from w ock `w a They have a isamy surface layer anQ a w!ayey t " � , a . m v'. r m e t." b i r. i �:s '. i. s moderate and d a v %. i i a i_ :.b e a .° r 4 'i. a„ ,L a c y i e; .� k,° w ;,..• r 7 r 1 .' S r , s vJ e i & potential toimw.The i . •„g r3 i t�i (J k. e. :i v w FLOODED Thaso ai ..a very deep, s e;i. iil i. ,•+ i ,, • poor +,� i :fi„q Ci i? r ;. d. atie is no Y 8-E a..i iw .+ klehave fi�r3y�" �aC'. .� »r I i n": san e i �, x' °'� a, .a.` . .. a .. " :. a, ;uv i a depoo ; %,,; .. , ",. or an o- F '; ... u. tw 7, d. P. e srw.�. 3�_ � .. { • srz.T ' r a ».. rc. = a n • .. pp a. � w+ a .a+ r* , r,^+ q ,c L1 s.%: ,:3 Lsti: e: . y--4 - »i� �.° ..�. 1 _... °w e � z i .'3 ( . T _. i "" f .k G d !.Q, w.+ i B X A e I r@'.ea.. ,r h P S ur .W "..3+c e 1 ri i '=I so i 1 i s S uib j e C is. t c{ .... F ei I d rain d so I is cri upIand s.1t�has -oriried in re s i driuCrt From i fi w rmed 9 ate I ; n o us arid Me7cz�Wrc:"'Prrl t C: #` a_kc K u°,,.h C3 s d i +_Ar i t e . i-i'ie stow` F a e I ayer i , ' r,=iir`r'i i Vt SUbS1'T:i i i s C 1 a:yray a nd t oarty. F e rmseab 1 � 4" i S: If, "Tm„ier" a,>rr`" vai ,b i e water c pac i Wit` i s rri.rajer" t z€Ir' 11)K SWC, A i potent, i a I... i 4 food rate,.,.' d The Beasona I ri 9 w at e-,- t a D g e. i s. ve,��ri �. i® G3x5M1w= t i„„a i.^"1 SANDY CLAY LOAM X ww TO -8, r*y C..�..i-$ i Wit-_ dx ;H.»S , +F+:,,.i DW T h k- v e r'a',. d e e p, w eveI I d r a i n d o f i 1 sis+ i°i:. ;..y' p I a'i. ri s. I t Fi a s. " ormLu iis:. resI:;dt11u(i'.i frt:m iri4.t_ rii'ied1a'"®I•;"! iSr.:esmUS.. ar'd inet a ;ri1.Ir ;rh i c ro is sisr I`i a s d i SwFr i t e . T he- s i I r m :�c e i ayr:-b r i I oam,,. Tale s u b s o i 1 i 5 c I ayey and "i rani y. Permeab i t s 1x.j, i moderat Ava i ; ;able a rx capacity is rrir.IJer ate . Stir i r%k,-a°wry 1 t poten t i. I i s r[tvd e r a t e. T Ili" s--a51_,n a as h i s ri r .a t o r,; t a b i e i s be I etw r., r e i' . Gn .'n. .- GA !KiI"d € i T CLAY LOAM, I r: t� TO iL F uiaw`i S va Lafii .4 ED r 4.. q This very d e e *1J , w e i i d i¢ a i {Ri' e d d. o 1 {"• on Up'tands. °f „ih med in residuum frorn intermediate i 9er_ru"w and roi t .id1t„rrph i ca r o I, such -as dictrite. The surface I aytor i 5 t a rtl ° ' . T r & c LI L: "S r"tl i I. i s c I ay e y ca. n eJ I ry a rrm `{` . " F e r- ,-n e .a L: i I. T y i I: _tl su; ato, A°4..aI a .c,rii,5 w a t ; car a cIt,r o : 11i�.J'r2 ,a_. e a `x t. i s . o ICI - a -, se. f h e e a s A„x ri a S i I P i 1', 1=. v e. I P 4 it e r 1 a- i tia i Y.$ ..^_" I&) . 6 �. 0.' R.#''1=.K . , i <$'�: S k�# N D a LOAM, i V,. i` es. i v: t ®i'*i { vim.* b.�, "... , These +,,` e r' �,+ • as ; C. ;a R !;a o I r r" =i i y�fi M' `s asa i i %, . i _ � r;1 r 9 ..a r- t. xs rt i C ^' i s` &„i„ aL 5 Ti i i`i rya i a i ; i a `;" i a€ de p r i s, i i s. h 'M? s U r- r a C_ e a .' e r i s I cl a rii y . T'n e s, a b s o f i I s c t ;,vy e y a n d i q_¢ zorw/ . F r In e a b I f Wv erc+ i �i M u U .w i' U ➢e e« A'r' L t i ae Z wt� w E. c a g.,i. iL 4 i d C r ,.� ". t a'a 1 I"i. S hr i rik,- 're I i `q:q"i i?rj i; i a? i s raturje-r®'; T h 9 s e asona1 h WaI- e r taba s is be1vW 6fe e t. MSC �•... F �+ w,.• ice.. i v,�f i *ems �...... F'�. id Tit i e's fi 'ed: e r y.... d°IAS s"�0A a'ii�d:0,3*"i°a 'Ia,,.i�p'tk"4M ,, iz3; T @pi 13 ERR' +. ,. de:'epr eI 1 dr �aiii d sr_ri i a! ontr 'afrI terr acesThey r d t xv B i ,'a v i S_a r a"ii d i i-I %, 8 r,j �.& i 1 u t a. & t i„ Iar o s i (. a...... Tin f e � i..° i T a t v e r rF, _ i s I wait 0,,. Tin ubd _, r_t i i i clayey d ti,iiil I {pafny . rwq'r a 'r i I i� *yr I s..:. m M_r d.Lj . i: e . Av a 9 I air, L, 1 is w a 4-1 e r r.. a. Imo` a T i t y i S a ri c, d et a. % e t + SiI h. S hrir,I,,—a w ei I ;.potMrTt,ta.. i Ss rn -'D de di," The sspaasorsaI hs;jh water table is b I+urw 6- feet. „ a_. 3•, _ OL .ra9'i'rCtlr..� t” ,_ µ C i r t S _. , it , r_< +_a ,�. }'" i.. d R _. t, a'L r# r#. a ,"a i 6 _ .;a i GL 4 i T_' �. . �' -."A 9 s Q: 1.. i.r i,� * b e i t-s w.. + h e w u i a iv, e h s s ni 6 i i =s'. * Y,r;-a ,, e� C 'ice 43 '" r .. s}'_"" C? t»i ' i. Gfi ST tN LOAM, 15 TO F'',v,F C-:-=�NT S',e.#..}i ES $S i m. a'e:.= td y e" , .. w.:.`_a li N.` , ,g w km i d r� a i i-t �>aitl d a,a i # i. s a's rµ lap, I. a it ld 5,3:., it has , ' o r rip e d i i�a r"µ s idt uit"i s t +:tlrrt i ri tt"rne+:I i ate ,i vfii frll i `.nd inetcafii+:a*"prh i i k"rw!C ucI'i sia d i o r i t The 5U.$`f'aCe i &Y er- i S i0aiii'f. #its =. a i - w- ubs,_. i i i �: clayey and !lamy. . Fe_rneab t i i t-Yx i S mr. fie rate A -v"a i I a i_z i e rr.at e- c aF.aC # 'da!' i S.. $r1ssa3er at Si i.r i nN,"..,..®. we {: } m F »_� t n t i �a i # s mod r' te ,. 1 h s .a s o n a I In i 3 i-i" ! a't' r tab i e i beh.vw 6 feet. pia GASTOii SANDY CLAY f � i a M TO i Y i$ s very deed, w tW i i d r...& i ri iv d `a o f i is r-i n Upt o i*i d s It i-.i ,R r. "r r„r r rrk C, aJ i n residuum f r r:! m i i s t r- iri te' d i a tl e i s a# e it U s an,:1 r(oetarrior"Ph i c r'r-, k, such as d i i-r,v i .te . The sur'r a; e i ".. I i s rri y .: The b "s' o f is is c: I a p+" C" .y arid $ s-i sa i it °. &' e rri i e a t-, i i i t `j"` Is ino,li e r a t' . i v i t ti I e water LerR C pac i t''*d° i moderate. hr i nk-swe i i potfie}i"tti3i is rd'E:-:1et`-a`:e� ws`a seAs!sria1 hi0ft @ G 13 C: "'I ivi. t 1 N v AN Y `ice. A $F tl.:.4,.: $•..i? sM :,:: »• pr i,® i. , °•d'Y...i�`i � So. ®.i a= .a,..+ rt k..a r. F..d$DE D T ri � 5 'ver';a' d e e r wee i I dr'. a isi d ,,Ce € R i S stli`a Up I and: 1 ` l ice` !fitr'med i ii re°s i, ut_tm fr'errii i rit r`rtt r i ate i o;& !„!us and in e tai"nor" ph i c r<..s c k. st1ish a s d i or» i t e . T 1)e -- ur" f a 4,e s a Y er i s a r:1 v :r k i 10r" S U !« 's i_i i I $'-� r,. i s j' F-:* `F' La i i d 1 o sa", in y a:. n"` e P i ri e a :.a i i i t ?w i I lun !r t. a a '.s r•<. a z' C a,, ay i t i, r.r i ew •" t :.. 1 1_ ,.i � , a C 1 y., j" i i 9I a_�. d e,a as �, i � i ! ,� — ,� � e; r f p! !:! t is r'1 t i a i ; °ti i`rt iai d e r- a, t.e T h e ; r? a _ i;1 ri a i t t ,, I� � TW= A .- �,. Y r ._ . m e �.�°�.•��A`4�?�.' �.w.i��i� a �r� ��tl M .r. i s_! �� 5 '.� _,,,:1�ti u«�.,` � �� -a ..yy .y r _ y .. m } %. - + ..: .. _ w- yy. 1..�i 1„ f,J r Xm i R ,.'. ".'� r' p. :. f.,! r•{ '..} ✓ # ti "mC•i$t {, S.w r r- '.1. ivaS s n t (i e vx C., e p �t i�'£ .a w° 2 T �:+ r fi&# d '.i t ;'i :rat i s..i SL $ i i�° �e=. S �, t 1_{�°' (.,p 4.,F`..F ! v :` 1 d X 4,d, 1 i•" 6 2'r" !_+ i^ . tl _ n a Ei. i t..1 +� ri� ��a'� . V h i e5 °.R :1�L i.! .9 t_i I i i .:�.."', i,, i "� �.` i:S �v!` a i i xT :t 1 4 i:w a C a l . i••f �:..:. 'm !_ �L E 1 a �2 w a, c �i? Cd ps I r_ i . 4 d t ss'aliw �Iir"iiFd�:ai $ Itx¢+;�ii = $ iia=.=3er Fig i1i3 a cits M Sr_+. M.+' SADA SANDY LOAM E3 TO Fc.>v..ENIT . �.,OF"a�u t i'6P�"a' v eC`�F,r. deelp r we[ s.. drained *ra_, i is are +_rtS stream terraces. iiey have f a„s r- i c3 e d in ci I d & 1 9 1.,1'*v' i a i rj t- �° ,.i s 3 `i,e s : . T i-t e: S Ur F a to im,.. � `a y e r t. . i s I i.I a fi t ;.' a ii Y.. e b s r a r I i 'a' a.. i y p � d ;., a un y �$ - ems. �° k. -.t. ,p i'.`. iai BJ4rurai+�'. Avaii ble wager... cak't.:G'a, '>aity is moderate lae" insrder"ate. 8 ite se sk:t I`taI h i j h w a 'i: e, r- °t a L, ' e i 5 1-1 rah I! t r f G, t J 1 U.S...y • Air ux �p ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR x a..➢E3Cr e .E ! a x 3',i _ AE SGRa' - 301 Survey Are"- ,..". Lem C3 NORTH CAROLINA LINCOLN +--...«.--W...----.._..—..b..—.....—dem..a..m...,—..`._v..v.—.._...w._....w....._.— ......� ..� .r ..r. y.. w�.w.xi,✓ ram.: n....m.—.....-,....a»a,.---—...«.-ea — symbol D e s 2 r °u Y t oo rl Rnc RION w A N:.J,rY LOAM, TO 10 PEPCENT SLOPES 7hese v e r:-.. deep, ° e i a.d r a i i"Y e d s a,a t i '... a r-e on i.s p i n d :: . They have fur `iced in residuum from i.?''s i c rocktypes. They have uL loamy surface layer and a3 clayey subso i l . Permeab i l i t;, is moderate and available water capacity" is moderate. S 3 1 r i i"a r'e: °' s 4J E 1 l potential is low. The t seasonal 0"1 i 2 a ( water table is below 6 feet. R v A RIVERVIEW LOAM, 0 TO Z PERCENT SLOPES, OCCASIONALLY FLOODED This map unit consists ;or 50 to 60 percent Riverview o i t s and 30 to 40 percent Toccoa soils. Riverview soils are very deep and w i i drained and have formed in alluvial deposits on flood plains. They have a; loamy y surface layer and subso i ➢ . Permeability is moderate to moderately rapid. Available water capacity i as low to moderate. Shrink —swell capacity is low. he seasonal high water table is at a depth :.o of 3 to 5 feet below Toccoa soils Y_w the surface from December to March. are verydeep and well drained or moderately well dra➢,iiYe'd and are on fl+_aodpsa3.ins.. 1t has formed in loam°, alluvial deposits. The surface layer and underlying ,...� amy. oam .Permeability i d e moderately Vim�{{ { VY rapid. x7 material a.l lo Available water capacity is moderate. Gtr i nk- ewe 1 1 potential is low. The seasonal high water table is at cL. depth of ab:®➢.it Z.5 and. Fill feet. This '«o i t is subject to o c c `ca s i ➢, in a l flooding.. Seri SEDGE lELD FINE SANDY LOAM, 1 TO 4 PERCENT SLOPES This ; very deep, mudarately well drained to somewhat poorly dr; ii nf+':a�:d o i i i s onuplands. it has formed ai ed on reasi:dui�,"i:i from Y li i. i 4'm d f ae i s i c ti'a, i a d m a{ x c rock types. The layer is loamy. The subsoil is clayey and loamy. Permeability is slow in the upper part ' veld moderate i ra the lower wer.. part. Available water capacity is moderate... «x high. � l"a The Y �" seasonal B:E �,e.9_ �Y .2. ➢. high water, S h r- i n F:..:...:ns w e" l potential i �, table. is w" i .. ➢ ➢ 5. H xi. depth a " i about I to 1.5 feet. LJd UDORTHEM7S, LOAMY This , map unit cvn5iTtu of arias where the natural l o i , h'xii.s aeei.n altered e`a'x 0 3g i nar 3rading, or f i l l i ng r to the extent where i rid .¢ i daa l Sri i t types 4 can no l osa wr be r t c _ l:a i zed-. These areas cor➢s i .. i. pr� i mari l a of borrow areas, fill areas, or sarY i tar, i ana„l Y i i t " E +�..... The k� characteristics ':.L r i;l. i� 'd: {� , a � Y;.: i c °. s'� _ r the `.. soil material varies to sacl"••r ;a. degree that inter®pr."el.;i've statanments:. can not be made without an on -site i nv st l 3at i Oi`a A,, A -- Feb 4- _q Page I LOCATION ALTAVISTA Established Series Rev. RAG :BJW:CD NC+AL GA PA SC TN VA I / 8'? ALTAVISTA SERIES The Altavista series consists of very deep, moderately well drained soils on stream terraces and Aold flood plains in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain A and to marine terraces in the Coastal Plain. They formed in loamy fluvial and marine sediments Of mixed mineralogy origin. Slopes range fVOM 0 to 10 percent. Mean annual precipitation is 48- inches and mean annual temperature is 61 degrees F. near the type location. TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine -loamy, mixed, thermic Aquic Hap ludults TYPICAL PEDON: Altavista fine sandy loam --cultivated. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.) Ap--0 to s inches; grayish br,own (10YR 5/2) fine sandy loam; weak medium granular structure,* very r friable - r many fine roots- medium acid; abrupt smooth boundary. (5 to JZ inches thick) E­3 to 12 inches; Pale brown (10YR 6/3) fine sandy loam; weak fine granular structure; very friable; few fine roots; medium acid; abrupt smooth boundary. (0 to 8 inches thick) BE--12 to 15 inches; brownish yellow (10YR 6/6) sandy clay 10am; weak fine subangular blocky structure; friable; few medium roots; medium acid; clear wavy boundary. (0 to 6 inches thick) Bt1--15 to 20 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) clay loam* common fine distinct Yellowish red mottles; weak medium suban3ular bloc'ky structure; friable; few k fine roots; few flaes of mica; common fairat clay films on faces of pads; medium acid-, clear smooth boundary. to Z,51 inches; yellowish brown ( IC) YR 5/8) sandy clay loam medium; common medium distinct light 'brow gray (10YR 6/2) mottles; weal', medium subangular blocky structure; friable; few fine roots; few flakes of mica; common faint clay films on faces of pads; strongly acid; gradual smooth boundary. (ACOMb ined thickness of the Bt horizon is 14 to 40 inches.A) BC­25 to 4Z inches; brownish yellow (10YR 6/6) sandy learn; many medium distinct light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) mottles; weak, fine b subangular locky structure; friable; few fl'akes of mical strongly acid; gradual smooth boundary. (0 to Z5 inches thick) C--4Z to 60 inches; mottled yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) and gray (10YR coarse sandy loam; massive; very friable; many gravel; few flakes of mica; strongly acid. TYPE LOCATION: Wake County, North Carolina; IZ miles South of Raw lei3h on Old Stage Road, 1.5 miles southwest Of Plymouth Church on farm road; near Middle Creek, 200 yards east of farm road. NCO054 0 f L I N T ERP RE TAT iONS RECORD MLPA(Sjo 133A, 153A, 136. 148, 1538 REV. RAG,:ija, 5-83 ALTAVISTA SERIES AOUIC HAPLUDULTS, FINE -LOAMY, MIXED, THERMIC THE ALTAVISTA SERIES CONSISTS OF MODERATELY WELL DRAINED, NEARLY LEVEL AND GENTLY SLOPING SOILS ON STREAM TERRACES IN THE PIEDMONT AND STREAM TERRACES AND LOW MARINE TERRACES IN THE COASTAL PLAIN, IN A REPRESENTATIVE PROFILE THE SURFACE LAYER IS GRAYISH BROWN FINE SANDY LOAM ABOUT 8 INCHES THICK. THE SUBSURFACE LAYER IS PALE BROW FIRE SANDY LOAN 4 INCHES THICK. THE SUBSOIL EXTENDS TO 42 INCHES. IT I$ YELLOWISH BROWN CLAY LOAM AND SAVOY CLAY LOAM ABOVE AN 0 BROWN ISH YELL SANDY LOAM BELOW. SLOPES ARE 0 TO 6 PERCENT. ON IDEPTHI_ 10N.)i USDA TEXTURE I UNIFI I HTO 1>3 INI THAN 3" PASSING SIEVE No. I LIMIT JTICITYI I I (PCT) t I IINOEX I 1 0-121FSL, L, SL IML, CL-ML, SM, SM-SCIA-4 A-6 1 0 195-1 Go 90-100 65-" 35-60 1 <23 INP-7 I 0-121S�L tCL-14L, CL IA-4 112-421CL, SOL, L f 0 195-100 95-100 90-100 65-" 1 15-30 1 4-12 1 I CL, CL-ML, SC, SM-SCIA-4, A-6, A-7 1 0 195-100 95-100 60-99 45-75 1 20-45 1 5-28 I 142-601VAR (ON.H(PCT)l DENSIrY I T I hM I BILITY IWATER CAPACITYIREACTIONi(MMHDS/CM)j $WELL IFACTORSIEROD.IKATIFR I t I I (C/CI43) I ONMR) I (IN/IN) I (PH) I HROTENTIALI-r-S-ricRoupi (PCT) I 1 0-17110-24t1.30-1:50 1 2.0-6.O 1 0-121IG-2511.30-1.45 1 2.0-6.0 112-42118-3S[1.30-1.50 I 0.6-z.o 3 1 142-601 XTTW__rRNTM_I (FT) I ICRPI FROST I I I I IN 10N) I I ACTION I I SANITARY FACILITIES t0 CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL (B) ISEPTIC TANK I C 'N: SEVERE -FLOODING, NES I I I ABSORPTION t I I I FIELDS I I it ROAOFILL I I if I 1 11 1 1 I SEWAGE I PARE.COMMON.- SEME-FLDOOtNG,WETNESS It I I LAGOON I I I AREAS I it It SAlND I I I I I I SANITARY I commoN. SEVERE -FLOOD INC,WETNESS, I LANDFILL I it I (TRENCH) 1 11 GRAVEL I i SANITARY IOC WETIt I LS, EEPACE,NESS I FAIR -TOO SANDY LANDFILL I I (AREA) 1 11 TOPSOIL I t I It I I -- 11 1 I DAILY 1 $1 I COVER FOR I WATER MANAGEMENT (8) I LANDFILL I i I it POND I i I RESERVOIR I t It AREA I I BUILDING SITE DEVELOPMENT (0) I I SHALLOW I I IEXCAVATIONS I I I EMEIANKMENTS I I It DIKES AND I 1 I 11 LEVEES I I It I I DWELLINCS 9 RARE,COMHON: SEVERE -FLOODING I WITHOUT I it PONDS I I BASEMENTS I IIAQUIFER FED I It I I DWELLINGS I RE -A I I WITH I COMMM- SEVERE-FLOMNC,WETNESS it 1 3+% MONE,RARE: SLOPE I BASEMENTS 1 41 DRAINAGE 1 0-3% COMMON: FLOODING 1 11 1 3+% COMMON: FLOODING,SLOPE -4 I SMALL 1 4-6% NONE: MODERATE-WETNESS,SLOPE It 1 3+% SL,FSL,L,SlL; WETNESS,SLOPE I I COMMERCIAL I RARE, MOW. SEVERE -FLOODING 11 IRRIGATION 1 0 _3% LFS,LS; WETNESS,FAST INTAKE I I BUILDINGS 1 It 1 3+% LFS,LSa WETNESS,FAST kNTAKE,SLOPE I it LOCAL I RARE: MODERATE-WETNESs,FLOowNC It TERRACES I I ROADS AND I COMMON: SEVERE-PLOODINC, 11 AND I, I STREETS I 1 11 DIVERSIONS I 11L7ANCA IN ': UCCA:NO TE"-WETNFSlF101STEG II GRASSED D II AN GOLFRIBMGGU'NC �WTERNAYS IFAIR FAIRWAYS Buncombe Series The Buncombe scries consists; of nearly level, somewhat. excessively drained soils on flood plains. These soils formed in recent. alluvium. In a representative profile the surface layer is brown loamy sand about, 10 inches thick, The next layers e light -brown loose. sand, reddish-vellow loamy fine sand, and brown loose sand At a depill of about 55 inches is reddish -brow ii, very friable sandy loam mottled with strong brown and yellowish brown. Buncombe sails are flooded frequently, but only for brief periods, They are very low, in natural fertility and..; content of organic matter. Unless limed, they are medium acid. Permeability is rapid, and available water capacity is lour. The root zone is deep. Depth to the seasonal high water table is about ` l/ feet. The shrink -swell Potential is to Buncombe soils are not important for farming. Most of the acreage is fairest: The rest is pastured or cultivated. Flooding and droughtiness are the main li itatio Representative profile ofBuncombe loamy sand in a; pasture 11/.6 miles wet of Maiden, one-fourth mile east of County Read 2009, and 50 yards west, of Clary Creep . A to 10 inches„ brown (1(l / ) lianasand; weak, fine, granular structure; loose, many fine fibrous roots; few fine mica flakes; slightly add; abrupt smooth boundary. la --IQ to n inches, light -brawn (. YR /4) anal; dangle grain; looser; few small and medium roots; few me- dium mica flakes medium acid; abrupt, smooth boundary, C. --1s to 16 Inches, reddish -yellow (7.5 1 /6) loamy fine sand; single grain; loose few small and medium roots ; few medium mica flakes; medium acid; clear, wavy boundary. 03--16 to 55 inches, brown (U R 5/4) sand, few grains of reddish yellow and black; single rain; loose; few medium mica flakes, medium acid; gradual„ smooth boundary. C4--- 5 to kin inches, reddish brow n (a fit 5/4) sandy loam; few, fine and medium, faint, strong -brawn and yellow- ish -brown mottles massive; ,very friable; medium acid, The A horizon ranges from dark brown or brown to yellow- ish brown in color and from 10 to IS inches in thickness. The upper part of the horizon ranges from light, brown or brown to reddish yellowy in color and from sand to loamy fine sand in texture, The lower part is commonly reddish -brown sandy ` loam, loam and loamy sand. The substratum in some places contains layers of rounded gravel and cobblestones. Content' of mica flakes ranges from few is common throughout the profile. Depth to bedrock is more than: 10 feet. Buncombe Series oil description obtained from Catawba County Soil Survey (USDA Soil Conservation Service) CtIA NCO055 O 1+ I NTERPRE T iT t DNS RECORD HIRA(SI:136, .1333A, ;53A, 148, s i, 553 ; 53CRFV. {y,JW,A,3-8 CHEWACLA SERIES ELuvA0UT71TiC OYS7N TS, FINE-LDAMY, MIXER, TWRI41C THE CHF. ACL.A SFREFS CONSISTS Of S T POORtY LOAM SURFACE LAY B INCLIES THICK.. DRAINED SOILS ON NEARLY LEVEL FLOOD PLAINS. TYPICALLY, THEY HAVE BROWN , THE SMOIL 16 50 i IES THICK, IT IS DANK YEitONISH BROWN AND YELLOWISH BROWN SILT LOAM IN THE ER FART Lti 0 10,E11 tM MIDDLE DART, Lk tSH Y Sit CLAY LO IN AERIAL 16tt LOWER PART. Tip iLYI TFRIAL {S EXTREMELY Y SAND. TMET FORMED IN fUNIAL SE0IMENM SUES ATHE TO 2 PE RE 0 } 1 II111.II LI50A TEXTURIEi 1 IE1 Ti 1 I I I I 113 }Ni 3*' P I SIEVE I . } LIMIT ITI ITYI I - 1 I 11 I II Y l . a 14-34I5kt, i CC t � ' Aat t O 19 a1 95-1 70-1 5 -90 1 25-45 1 SICL OL I24-341SCL, E SL # rt a }S , SN sC, #V CL 4-20 1 & IA 4 A�(w, Ab7 I O 196�100 55•T00 80-1 SI-98 1 30-49 1 4-22 t 1A-4, A�1-6, 1 , d34�S815}L, L, Slid itdL, Fes, . 154-IOIVAR I a4-6 II 196-Y{kQ S 100 60-1 6-70 1 0-45 1 2-1 1 �A^-4, A-6, A- O 975-1 65.1 - -1 31�-98 1 2 -61 1 4-26 I t 11 I 1 { IIINmt#( II ITY OrLIYY I I 1 {1r" }{ kNiF iWATER CWAPACITYIREAC11111 Id SWELL IFACTORSIER00.11MATTER I 9 1 1Rr IN i PIMP I IPOTENT IALI ICROUP I 1 Ed } 0 rtti»2JIT.Q�IA60 10.6-2.0' I O.ISwfl>24 1 6g24rI8�3S1t.T0-iwSO I Q,-2.0 14„S-6„� I -' 1 L 1,31 5 1 5 1 1�4 I` l I O.IS-0.I4 124-3411b�3511„0�I,60 10.6-2.0 1 0.1-0.20 14,5�6.5 d - 1 I,3T1 1 I I 14.5-6.5 1 - I L 1.1 134-SBITB=3S1I�30-I,SO ! d.6�2. E 0.1�0.24 158�701 I f I4.S-7. 1 - r I�Ir 1.321 I I 1 r r I I 1 1MONTHS E t I7 1 1 I/ 1 1 111 1 11 1 11N "1 IF1 1 Q E P SANIT' EA+CILIYIE'S 8 ' 10 IAL 0 I 10 TII10# SS II I 1 I 1 11 EILL r E1 ! It t It 1 yE� 11 1 } 1 at , 1110, 11 1 ON I 1I 1 1 1 It I I, 1 It 1 1 I SANITARY I M*Ml SEVEIRE-I ING.W"NESS I If I E (TR NCH) t If CRAVEL I I1 I I I t I SANITARY E -F 111G, S It 1 LANDFILL I I (AREA) I I It TOPSOIL I I it I I II! i II 1 I r I ,1 DAILY I ° I COVER F I It TER 8 FILL I 11 PO I _ � { 11 RESERVOIR IIt sultot SITE 8 AREA I II I 2 1 SHALLOW t IEXCaAVAT1 I 11 EMBANKMENTS t t 1 1 11 DIKES AND I t 1 1. It LEVMs I,` 1 I _ } I 1' I ! OVELLINCS, I W1 L17 1 * 1 11 EXCAVATED1 1 l I BASEMENTS I 11 IFEN FEED 1 I 1 1 11 1 1 1 DWIELL I I 1 WITH 1 11 1 COMMOMI, FLOODIK I BASEMENTS 1 11 It DRAI I 11 1 t } RCIAL I It I FSL,L,SL, E: SS,S IL SLOWING 1 I 1 BUILDINGS, I t If IRRIGATION 11 l I SILL, NESS,EL ING 1 rSL,5L,COMH0Nt SS,S01L BL INC,FL II 1 II l 1 I LOCAL I COMMON. SFVFRF-LOW STR H,METNIFSS,FL I ROADS I I II TERRACES I FSL,SLt I SS,SOIL SLd INC 1 I STREM I r1 AND I I1 DIVERSIONS L t 1 It 1 1 I LANDSCAP 1140 1 0' SEVEK-WETNESS,FLOoOINc I AND DOLE I I1 GRASSED k }1 WATERWAYS ! I FAIRWAYS I 1 r 11 I 1 I It I t 1 1 I C � I d I Initial Review Draft -j 13 , Tentative Series WEW: RAG GASTON SERIES 7/83 The Gaston series consists of well drained, moderately permeable soils on ridges and side slopes of the Piedmont uplands. They formed in residuum weathered from mixed acid and basic crystal ling rock such as granite, gneiss, quartz diorite, gabbro, and tonalite. Slopes range from 0 to 25 percent. Taxonomic Class: Clayey, mixed, thermic Humic Hapludults, Typjcal pedon: Gaston sandy clay loam -- cultivated, (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.) Ap--O to 5 inches; dark reddish brown (SYR 3/4); yellowish red (SYR 5/4) dry; sandy clay loam, weak medium granular structure; friable ; many fine roots, slightly acid; clear smooth boundary. (3 to 10 inches thick.) Bt1--5 to 14 inches; dark red (2.5YR 3/6) clay; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; firm; sticky, plastic; common fine and few medium roots; common distinct clay films on face of peds; few black streaks; moderately acid; gradual wavy boundary. (5 to 30 inches thick.) Bt2--14 to 47 inches; red (`*SYR 4/6) clay; few medium distinct reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/8) mottles; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; firm; sticky, plastic; common fine roots; common distinct clay films on faces of peds; few fine flakes of mica; few black streaks; moderately acid; clear wavy boundary. (10 to 45 inches thick.) BC--47 to 57 inches; red (2.5YR 4/6) clay loam; common medium distinct reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/8) mottles; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; slightly sticky, slightly plastic; common fine flakes of mica; few pockets of weathered black minerals; moderatcly acid; clear wavy boundary. (0 to 24 inches thick) C--57 to 72 inches; red (.SYR 4/6), yellowish red (SYR 5/6), and yellowish brown (IOYR 5/4) saprolite that crushes easily to loam; rock controlled krIj P-2— Gaston Series 7/83 Page 2 structure, >common black specks and streaks; common fine flakes of mica; moderately acid. TyEt_Location. Gaston County, North Carolina; 5 miles South of Belmont on NC Highway 273; 0.9 mile south on State Road 2525; 500 feet south on field road; 250 feet west of road. Ra�e of Characteristics: Thickness of the clayey lit horizon ranges from 24 to 48 inches, and it extends to a depth of 34 to 58 inches below the surface. Depth to bedrock is greater than 6 feet, The soil ranges from strongly acid to slightly acid unless limed. Most pedons have few to common flakes of mica in the B horizon and few to many flakes of mica in the BC and C horizons. The A or Ap horizon has hue of 2.5YR to 7.5YR, value of 3, and chroma of 3 to 6. It is loam, fine sandy loam, sandy clay loam, or clay loam. The Bt horizon has hue of 1OR or 2.5YR, value of 3 or 4, and chroma, of 4 to 8. Value of 3 is restricted to the upper part of the Bt horizon. High chroma mottles and dark streaks or stains occur in most pedons® It is clay or clay loam. The 8C horizon, if present, has hue of 2.5YR to 5YR, value 4 to 6, and chroma of 4 to 8. High chroma mottles and dark streaks or stains occur in most pedons. It is clay loam, sandy clay loam, or loam. The C horizon is commonly multicolored in shades of red, yellow, and brown. It is saprolite weathered from mixed acid -and basic crystalline rock that easily crushes to loamy textures. C2apetinn Geri s: The Farragut series is the only other known series in the same family. Farragut soils contain more silt and are fo rmed from a thin layer of colluvium over shale residuum. Series in closely related families are the Cecil, Clifton, Coronaca, Cullen, Davidson, Georgeville, Gwinnett, Hanceville, Hiwassee, Madison, Mecklenburg, Pacolet, Stoneville, and Tatum soils, Cecil, Coronaca, Davidson, Georgeville, Gwinnett, Hiwassee, Madison, and Pacolet soils are kaolinitic. In addition, Cecil, Georgeville, Madison, and Pacolet soils do not have horizons �',L: L. i NIERPkETAT IONS RECORD CASTON SERIES REV. AEw,RAC, A-64 HUMIC HAPLLIDULTS, CLAYEY, MIXED, THERMIC THE CASTON SERIES CONSISTS OF WELL DRAINED NEARLY LEVEL TO MODERATELY STEEP SOILS ON PtEDMIONT UPLANDS, THEY FOR LED IN MATERIAL WEATHERED FROM MIXED ACID AND aASIC CRYSTALLINE ROCK. TYPICALLY THE SURFACE LAYER IS DARK REDOIZ)i BROWN SANDY CLAY LOAM, 5 INCHES THICK. THE SUBSOIL IS 52 INCHES THICK. IT IS DARK RED CLAY tN THE LIPPER PART, RED CLAY IN THE MIDDLE PART, AND RED CLAY LOAM IN THE LOWER PART. THE UNDERLYING MATERIAL TO A DEPTH OF 72 INCHES IS RED, YELLOWISH RED, AND YELLOWISH BROWN SAPROLITE THAT EA511Y CRUSHES TO LOAM. SLOPES RANGE FROM 0 TO 25 PERCENT. 'ESTIMATED SOIL-1 rK I L I WtKIJL,:� tA� Tr RXTERTAL- _LE5_S__ I L I QU I D IPLAS-__ FFRRTTM=r t 10N.)1 USDA TEXTURE I UNIFIED I AASHTO 1>3 INI THAN 3" PASSING SIEV&-Nll, I LIMIT ITICITY1 1 1 1 (PET) I V__ 1- 10 1 AD f 2015-1 IINDEX I Ism 1 0-5 190-100-W-T - Irl -1 1 0 6 ICL: SC', CL-ML, SM-SCIA-4,* A-6 1 0-5 190-100 84-100 75-95 16-75 1 25-40 1 5-20 1 6^47: , CL ICL, CH, ME, MH IA-7. A-6 I O-S 195-100 90-100 80-99 65-90 1 40-75112-37 �47-57tCL, SCL, L ICL, SO IA-4, A-6, A-1. �A-5 1 0-5 190-100 84-100 75-95 36-75 1 125-50 1 7-23 1 I57-721VAR I nuMT-TIMEA- R 171 N I O(PCT DENSITY I 871L�TY IwAlEIR CA A REA 'o"CM)' SWELL I "ON P CITY' C I .iC N N I Ir,/CM3) I IN/HR) I I N TENTI AL I LOW I 2�0 B 0.1 5.1 _6.0 4 - O-Br- 4 20-4MI - 3 0 -1 . 60 1 0�6-2�0 1 0.12- 6 6-47135-701 .30-1,60 1 0.6-2.0 1 0,12-0 1 6 115 .1 .6.5 1 - IMODERATE I t41--g-7Mv;V1.30-1.60 1; 0.6-2.0 1 0.10-0.15 1 - I LOW 1.281 157-721 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 fi -IBWEDROM lGRP$ FROST I I (FT) I I t IN I I III I IrIN) I -IN) I I AMON I I NONE - SANITARY FACILITIES (A) CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL I(A) - ISEPT$C TANK 1 8-15%: HOOERA11-PERCS SLOWLY,SLOPE I ABSORPTION I IS+%- SEVERE -SLOPE It ROADFILL I I FIELDS I It I I It EEPAZE I SEWAGE 1 2-78.- MODERATE -SEEP ,SLOPE ti t LAGOON f 7+#4- SEVERE -SLOPE It SAND 1 1 AREAS I It I It I. 1 SANITARY 115*%: SEVERE-SLOPE,TOD CLAYEY I LANDFILL 1 11 GRAVEL I $ (TRENCH) I It I I I it I I I SANITARY 1 8-15%: MODERATE -SLOPE II 1 154*: POOR -THIN LAYER,SLOPE I LANDFILL I 1S+%: SEVERE -SLOPE 11 TOPSOIL I 1 (AREA) I it I It EY:,HARD TO PA I DAILY 1 15+%: POOR TOO CLAYEY, HARD TO PACK,SLOPE if WATER MANAGEMENT (A) I COVER FOR I I I I LANDFILL I it POND 1 3-8111: MODERATE-SEEPACE,SLOPE I I I It RESERVOIR 1 8+#&, SEVERE -SLOPE I 11 AREA I I BUILDING SITE DEVELOPMENT (A) II 1 —1 I It ____ I I SHALLOW 1 8-15%; MOOERATE-TOO CLAYEY,SLOPE IEMSANKMENTS I flEXCAVATIONS 1 15+%: SEVERE -SLOPE �l DIKES AND I 11 LEVEES I II I I DWELLINGS 1 8- 1 WITHOUT I 15*%1 SEVERE -SLOPE it PONDS I I 5ASEMENTS I IIAQUIFER FED I I I OWELLINO$ 1 8-15%: MODERATE-SLOPE,SHRJNK-SWELL it I I I WITH 1 15+%: SEVERE -SLOPE 11 DRAINAGE I I BASEMENTS I I SMALL 1 4-8t: MODERATE-SHRINK-SWELL,SLOPE II 1 3+%. SLOPE I COMMERCIAL I 84-%, SEVERE -SLOPE It tFIRICATION I I BUILDINGS I II I I It T I LOCAL 1 15+*: SEVERE -LOIN STRENGTH,SLOPE t� TERRACES 8+%: SLOPE ROADS AND I Il AND T STREETS I II DIVERSIONS tLANDSCAPING 1 8-15%; MODERATE -SLOPE Il GRASSED 1 8+%: SLOPE I AND COLT 1 15+%: SEVERE -SLOPE II WATERWAYS -1 FAIRWAYS 1 IT 1 1 NA I Apr 4 09:1r 1909 Page LOCATION MASADA VA+AL GA W SC T"«3 Established Series Rev. Kcal-WJE-1t1H UK I ASADA Sv R SS So i i s of the Masada series are very cyeep and ewe j l drained. They formed in old alluvium on terraces in the Piedmont... Slopes range from 0 to percent. Mean annual precipitation 15 a0out 44 inches, and mean annual temperature is above, ;59 degrees F. TAXONOMIC WASS Clayey, mixed, thermic Tyr is Hapludults TYPICAL PEON: _'Masada fine sandy loam - uncultivated. (Colors are for moist sail.) A.--O to Z inches dar-}. 3ray (IQY d/ 1) fine sandy loam; weal: fine granular structure; very friable; many fine roots; 15 percent gravel up to Z inches in diameter strongly acid; abrupt wavy boundary. (0 to 4 inches thick)' E-to 10inches; 1 i ht yellowish brown W&Y 6/ ) fine sandy loam; weak fine granular structure; very friable; many fir.e and medium roots; 15 Ater -cent gravel up to 1 inch in diameter; strongly acid; clear wavy boundary. Q to 10 inches thick BE-10 to 15 inches; yellowish brown 10YR 5/8) clay loam; weak fife' subaf ular blcacky structure; friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; few medium 'roots; 5 percent gravel i up to I inch in diameter; very strongly acid; clear wavy bouf^dary. (0 to 10 inches thick) Stf-15 tN4 W inches; brownish yellow (10Y 6/8) clay loam; many fife faint yet 1 wish brown (10YR 5/8) mottles; ,moderate fife suban3ui ar• blocky structure; firm, sticky, Plastic; few medium roots; common thin clay films an faces iof ped ; 5 ��"er`f ent gravel up to inch in diameter"; verystrongly - acid; clear ear- wavy boun+Jar'yr"r L t2-'Z5 to ? inches; 'yellowish red t YS r) clay; many medium um distinct yel lowi h brown l QYR 5/6) mottles; ,moderate fine subangular, blQcky structure;; firm, sticky`, Plastic; common thin clay films on faces of pedal vy strongly acid; clear wavy boundary. I"w ut".°=" to 50 inches; yellowish brown (1i_Y ' 5/6) clay; many medium distinct red (w...WR 4/0 m{'® t«e"a, moderate fine subanjuiar blocky structure; fir_rm sticky, plastic; common thin clay films on faces of peds; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary.. (Combined thickness of the Bt horizon ranges from 10 to 55 inches thick.) 0--50 to ` 5 inches; yellowish brown 1 1i_iYR 5/6) clay ,many medium distinct red Q.5YR 4/6) mottles; weak fire subangu l ar~ blocky structure; firm, sticky, plastic few thin clay: films on faces of Bads; very strongly` acid; gradual wavy boundary. tier to 40 inches thick) C--55 to K inches; ,mimed yellowish brown 1,1Or*S 5/61 red 03Y 4/6), VAGO28 SOIL I N t E R P E T A T IONS RECORD NLRA(S)= 136 REV: ,lit , ---E9 MASADA SERIES TYPIC HAPLUOMTS, CLAYEY, NIXED, THEM41C THE AASAVA SERIES CONSISTS Of VERY CREEP WELL DRAINED OF ROCK ORIGIN. TYPICALLY THESE SOILS HAVE A DARK SOILS ON TERRACES. THEY FORMED IN OLD ALLUVIUM DERIVED SOILS GAY AND LIGHT YELLOWISH BROWN THICK.. THE SUBSOIL LAYER FROM 10 TO 2S INCHES 15 FINE SANDY LOdi1 SURFACE LAMER 10 1N. A YELLOWISH BROWN AND BROWNISH YELLOw CLAY LOAN FROM 2 TD 55 INCHES IS A MOTTLED YELLOWISH RED AND YELLOWISH BROWN CLAY. Tit SUBSTRATA LAYER FROM SS TD 72 INCHES 15 A MOTTLED CLAY LOAM. SLOPES RANGE MON 0 TO 25 PERCENT. T; ESTIf 1 1EiH.Ei USUAL TEXTILE I LEIIT'1CD I 1 1 IAASHIO 13 Ills THAN 3" PASSING SIEVENO. 1 1-11ATT ITICITYI I I I i T II I I 0-101LFS' i 1 O-IOISCL ICL I IA-2 1 0-5 100-170-100 60-95 20-35 1 130 IMP-7 1 IA-6 110-551CL, C, GR-C ICU, CL CL, G-SCL 1GL, MEIIAp 1 0-5 100-1 70-11 60'" 30-55 1 30-40 115-25 LA—i, A-6 1 0-10100-100 70-1 65-95 50-00 135-E0 11 1 35 I C55-72111, r -7, A-4 1 0-10100-100 70-t 1 65-95 50-00 1 30-45 1 7-20 1 i �: - I A I 1 I t I 111N,111PCTj1 DENSITY I OILtTY IWATER CAPACI'TY1 1 CTIONI( SdCN)i SWELL IFACT tE t i i t% i 1 - INliYt T TNli1 - .INATTER L i 1EYk TtALt' ttR1 i 1 I 1 0-01 3-1511.75a1,05 I .0-T 1 0-10120-^3511.4Se1.S I 0 — >TI ! t O.O U;09 O.t0�d1e17; S 1 SpS>5 I I L TTI A l 13 I II � i TE 1 2�1 110 : 17-511.0.1.Ei I Q�«.0 t :ttl 0.1? 15-7I125-40I1.30,81. I .5 iM.S-,5 I iHi 1. 1 1- 1 t t 2i D.-.0 t 010®D.t7 14.5-.S 1 I TE 1s21 1 I 1 .1 i t 1 1 IN 1 1 1tT 1 I t 1 1 Iti 1 I ACTION I SANITARY FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL 0 15EE+TIC TAWI 0-15 r MODERATE-PENCS SLOWLY SL i A Ti 1 1 t - ► ' — a - It 1 15-25%t fAIR-'- INK=S *,L 3 I I 11 111 1 I Ft I iI i 1 T I I It t I 1 SCWAGE i 2-7r RATE-" t t1 I I LAi 1 7+1 'Co 1 AR iSAND I - 1t I I I IT115+R: -S ,T It - 1 I FILL VEL 1 t', TEENEVIT T - it 1 a t SAN ITARY t 0-15%: NODERATE-SLOPE it I t LANDFILL 11 r RE-S it TOPSOIL I 1 I 1 I it I { I It t 1 I DAILY 115+%l -TOO LA TO PACKS i , I COVER FOR I WATER TdAN Nt It I LANDFILL I T It 1 3- x RATC-SEEPAGE__ 11 RESERVOIR 1 84141 SEVERE—SLOKIt BUILDING SITE DEVELOPMENT D II ARCA ! 1 i LLD* t 0-15%t E TE-TOO GSA ,SL 1 t S% 1 1 IFXCAWATIONS 1 1 +1; E-S i t DIKES A I I 1 I I tt _ I t I it I I I DWELLINGS 1 0-15111: RATES t-SWELL."SLDPC . It EXCAVATED I - I I WITH itT 11S+;; $E-SLOPE 11 PONDS [ t y BASEMENTS IIIAQUIFER FED -I _ I DWELLINGS I 0-15%a MODERATE-S1 11TK-SWEL1 if 1 I I WITH 115+4, SEVERE —SLOPE* I DRAINAGE I I BASEMENTS I IIt t 1 If t T I I SMALL 14-81 MODERATE-SHR1 W-SWELL SLOPE , i IT 1 SLOPE, TENT DEPTH I FLFS I COMMERCIAL I R+4, SEVERE -SLOPE I BUILDINGSI OL,SCLa 0_3 11 IRRIGATION 0-30 LfSs DR TY,R00TING 44 1 T 1t 1 3+4 LfSt SL ,DR Y, TING DEPTH I i1 I LOCAL 1 15+%, SEVERE -LOW StRENCT1i,SLOPE I ROADS A ! T 11 TERRACES i 0+4 SCLs SLOPE1 I STREETS I It AND 0444 FSL,L,SL.LFSt SOIL BLOWING F I t T1 DIVERSIONS i SA F5L,L,SL,LFS: SLOPE,SOIL BLOWING I I1 t I I I SCAPRNC T R-154 FSL,L,5Ly RATE' -SLOPE It GASSED 1 0+% FSL,L,SL,SGLa SLOPE, TING DEPTH' I I AND GULF I O-ON LFS,SCLt NODERATE-SMALL STONES It WATERWAYS 1 0-0 LE : DRO Y TING DEPTH I R I FAIRWAYS 1 0-15% LFS,SCL: MODERATE -SMALL STONES,SL 11 1 1' 1 + : SEVERE -SLOPE 1 0+% LFS. SLOPE, TY, TINE DEPTH i It t i 1 I I, I I: i 1 I 1' SERVICES, INC.; Specializingin t t needs for environmental protection, 516 Roundtree Roach * Chadotte, North Carolina 6317• 133. (704) 5 -0000 * Fax (70 ) 5 5-16 5 SOIL DESCRIPTIONS BURKE COUNTY, N County gall survey in process. Soils information rmatio btain d from USDA Soil Conservation Service in Burke, Lincoln, and Catawbaount For the soil description for the Cecil series, please refer to the description in the Catawba County section arylon Company 8.9 SOIL PPING LEGEND Of APPROVED AND PROVISIONAL MAP UNTIS 8URKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA REV. APRtL 1993 field Old I)AML Ult2A ItAtus ta2_ynLt Name 549 f, Att*visto fine sandy Loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes 339 A Asho-Chestnut-Suladean complex, 25 to 5O percent slopes, stony 33f A Ashe-Chestnut-BuLadean complex, 50 to 95 percent slopes, very stony oOf` A Ashe-Cievt(and-Rock outcrop complex, 25 to 95 percent slopes zoo p Bethlehem j;rsvetty sandy Loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes 20C p Bethlehem gravelly sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent stopes 200 P Bethtehem gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 25 percent srrr 248 p Brevard fine sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes 24C P Brevard fine sandy Loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 240 (120) P, grevard fine sandy loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes 24E P Brevord fine sandy Loam, 25 to 50 percent slopes 92E P Outadean-Cheitnut complex, 25 to 50 percent slopes, stony 92F (340F,393f) A Sul #deon-Chestnut comolex, 50 to 95 percent slopes, stony 65A (65) A Runcombe loamy sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 15A P Carte ay loam, 0 to i percent stopes, occasionally flooded 318 P Cecil sandy Loam, 2 to'$ percent slopes 31C P Cecil sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 3192 P Cecil clay loam, 2 to 8 pertent slopes, eroded 31C2 P Cecil clay loam, 8 to 15,pereent slopes, eroded 0 33C P Chostnut-Ashe complex, 8 to 15 percent stopes,.st<my, , 33D (92D) P Chestnut-Ashe complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes, stony --95C P Chest ruit-Outadean complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes, very bovidery -950 P Chestnut-Suladean conpkex, 15 to 25 percent slopes, very bouidery 95E p Chestnut-Suladeon comptex, 25 to 50 percent slopes, very bouldery 2 2 Burk* County soil Mapping Leg Cc t' .) Field Old UTLni kr�tk tata hie n! P Hey sville loam, 2 to 6 percent S(OPes 32C p Hayekville loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes SZD P HayA4ville loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 32E P ; Hayeville (*am,, 30 to 50 percent slopes P Hibriten gravelly sandy loam, a to 15 percent slopes P Ribritoo gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes- P Hibrit ravelty sandy loam, 25 to 60 percent slopes 238 p Hiw"see team, 2 to 8 percent slopes MiWassee team, 8 to 15 percent slopes Louisburg LOaW sand, 8 to 15 percent slopes P Louisburg loamy sand, 15 to 25 percent slopes Louisburg loamy sand, 25 to 50 percent slopes 220 A Masada fine sandy loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes "IC A Masada fineSandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 220 P Masada fine sandy loam, 15 to 25 percent Slopes A Kaymead fine sandy Loam, 10 to 25 percent slopes, very st , y 29E P its ad fine sandyloam, 25 to So percent slopes, stony 4 A P Hikwasi team, 0 to 3 percent slopes, frequently flooded" 125C A Rorthcovt very cobbty loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes, eKtremety stony 12S L12SF,1251 A Hprthcove very o ly Idam, 25 to 50 Percent sto s, extremely stony [ill P ostin very cobbty loamy sand,,O to J3 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 50; P stirs-H r°t co e complex, to 25 percent st s, occasionally flooded 300 A Pacolet %sandy loam, 2. to 8 percent slopes 30C tt Pacotet sandy Loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 300 P Pscotet sandy loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes 30 t31 P Pacotet sandy Loan, 25 to 50 percent slopes It ! Burke Cotinty Soil Kappintl Leg is "d. ) Field Old - Lug �� lbili t R A pscolot clay l , 2 to 8 percent slopes, eroded 3OC2 p Pacol t #&rxty clay loam, 8 to'15 percent slopes, eroded 3002 P Pacol t sandy clay loam, 15 to 25 Percent slopes, eroded 11A (RdA) P R edd lea f i ne Sandy 1 00m, p'to 3 percent slopes, f requently floode€ SM P Rion sandy team, 15 to 25 percent slopes; SSE (38F) A Rion sandy Loam, 25 to Sib percent slopes 13A (13) P Riverview loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 89A (89) P Roanoke Loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, occasionally flooded 222C A Soco-oitney complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes, very stony 2220 (4100, DuDI, A Soco-Ditney"e lex, 15 to 25 percent slopes, very stony 17A (17) P $tat* loam, 8 to 3;percent slopes 225E P stecoah-Soco complex, 8 to 15 percent slopaes, Stony 225p (2 ,22p) A Stec -Saco complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes, stony 225E (220E) A Stecoah-soca complex, 25 to 50 percent slopes, stony 10C P Tate fine a loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes A 10 P Tate �o 1 to 25 percent slopes 1058 () P Tate^Rskwasi complex, p to 10 percent slopes 14 14)- A Toccoa sandy loam, 4 to 3 percent shapes, occasionally flooded Ud (Ut) P Udorthents loamy Ur A Urban tend 41A (41) P Wahee fine sandy lax , i to'2 percent -slopes= 35E P Wedowee sandy loses, 8 tQ 15 percent alp s P Wedioemet sandy team, 15 to 25 Percent SIOPas SSE P Wedowee sandy loam, 25 to 45 percent slopes (86) P Wehadk:e Atilt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded' BOA ( ) P' Worsham fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes Pacolet Series The Pacolet series consists of well -drained, gently slo pi ng to steep soils on uplands. These soils formed in residuum and acidic rock, including granite-garciss and granite. n a representative, profile the surface laver is brown gravellv fine sandv loam about 6 inches thick, The sub- s oil is aornis antiv'red. friable clay loam and sandy clay m loaabout 2.9 it;ches thick% The ;ubstratum, to adepth of about 60 inches, is reddish -yellow sandy loam. Unless limed, Pacolet soils are strongly acid through- out. Natural fertility and the content of organic matter are low. Permeability is< moderate, and available, water capacity is medium. The, root zone is moderately deep. Depth to the seasonal high water table is more than 5 feet. The shrink -swell potential is moderate,. Pacolet soils are fairly important for farming. Most of the acreage is wooded. Small acreages are cultivated and pastured. Slope is the main limitation. Representative profile of Pacolet gravelly line sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, in wooded area 9 miles southwest of Hickorv. 1.6 miles southwest of Baker Mountain. and 50 feet west of County Road 1121: A1­0 to 6 inches, brown (7-55YR 5/4) gravelly fine sandy loam; weak-, fine, granular structure.very friable,, many small roots; about 20 percent, by volume, com- mon fine and medium gravel; strongly acid; clear, smooth boundary. B1­6 to 8 inches, yellowish -red (5YR 5/8) gravelly sandy clay loam, weak, fine, subangular blocky structure; friable; few small roots; common fine and medium gravel, strongly acid; gradual, smooth boundary. B2t--8 to 26 inches, red (2.5YR 4/8) clay loam; weak, me- dium, subangular blocky structure; friable, sticky; few small and medium roots; thin discontinuous clay films on ped faces; few fine pebbles1 strongly acid; gradual, smooth boundary. B3-26 to 35 inches, red (2.5Ylt 5/8) sandy clay loam, weak, fine, subangular blocky structure; friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; some partially weathered macs;; few fine, mica flnk-es : stron,t;Iy *acid. gradual, wavy boundary, C _35 to 60 Inches, reddish -yellow (T,5YR 6/8) sandy loam; many, soft, weathered rock fragments, strongly acid, R­60 inches, sea tThar d, acid crystalline rock, Tice solurn ranges from 24 to 40 inches in thickness, Depth to bedrock is more than 5 feet, The A horizon Is brown to dark grayish -brown gravelly fine sandy loam, gravelly sandy loam, and sandy loam and ranges from 5 to 9 inches In thick- ness, The B horizon ranges from 19 to 31 inches in thicknes& The B1 horizon is red or yello-wish-red sandy clay loam, and in some areas it contains gravel, The B2 horizon is red clay loam or clay, The B3 horizon is red sandy clay loam or sandy clay. The C horizon is reddisb-yellow to red sandy loam, Pacolet Series it description obtained from Catawba County Soil Survey (USDA Soil Conservation Service). ppppp, State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James 8, Hunt, Jr., Govemor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A, Preston Howard, jr,, P.L, Director February 3, 1998 Gene Haynes City of Hickory P.O. Box 398 Hickory, NC 28603 Subject: Annual Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Treatment and Land Application of Residuals Permit Number: WQ0001669 City of Hickory Catawba Dear Gene Haynes., The purpose of this letter is a reminder that the monitoring reports required by the subject permit must be submitted as an Annual Report for calendar year 1997 by no later than March 1, 199& 'The report must be submitted (in triplicate) to the following address: DENR/DWQ/)N"ater Quality Section Non -Discharge Compliance Unit P.O, Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Due to limitations in storage space, please submit the reports in bound form rather than in notebook form. Permittees are subject to civil penalty for failing to submit the Annual Report as required by their permit. Enclosed are the summary and certification sheets that must be used for your annual report, Please complete these sheets and if necessary make copies of the blank forms if extras are needed, 'The forms have not changed since last year, so you may use those You already have on hand. You will note that the forms include additional information required by EPA as outlined in 40 CFR Part 503. Since the requirements of 40 CFR Part 503 are self implementing, they are legally binding and enforceable Federal requirements for all persons subject to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 503, even if these requirements are not currently contained in the State pentrit. The annual reports fear the EPA must be received by EPA at the following address on or before Febuary 19,1998. i"i"Mi loidK North C�4tolli,27626-05 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 % recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Annual Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Permit Number Page 2 Melinda Green Clean Water Act Enforcement Section Water Programs Enforcement Branch Water Management Division U-S, EPA Re -ion 4 61 Forsyth Street, S.W. Atlanta, Ga. 30303-3104 If there is a need for any inforrriation or clarification on the State reporting requirements, please do not hesitate to contact Kevin Barnett of our staff at 91.9-733-5083 extension 529. For further into ration on the Federal requirements, you should call Vince Miller of the Environmental Protection Agency at 404-562-9345. Sincerely, �wm(w�mw P4 Dennis R. Ramsey Assistant Chief for Non Discharge Cc: Vince Miller, EPA Region IV Mooresville Regional Supervisor Compliance /Enforcement File Central Files GRAH.AM GILLEY' HICKORY, CITY -A LUD E/IIENRY P.C. BOX 398 HICKORY,, NC 28603 March 1 , 1 97 SUBJECT PERMIT NO, WQ000166 HICKORY, C11Y-A aL,UDGE/II NRY CATAWBA COUNT Dear Permi.tteie Our files indicate that the subject permit issued on 3/22/95 expires on 12 31/ 7. We have not received arequest for renewal.. from you as of this date. A renewal request shall: consist of a letter requesting g renewal and completion of the enclosed application, submitted in triplicate. A processing feu must- be submitted with the request.. Please find attached a copy of the 15 NCAC 211 .tit} (c) regulations. The processing fee for your facility is based on the design or permitted floc, whichever is appropriate, listed in the first four categories of facilities Sludge retnewal.s are based on total acres of land permitted. Lf the facility covered by this permit contains some type of treatment works, a. narrative de cri.pton of the slu.d e management plan that is in eff c:t at the facility must be submitted With the application For renewal. The Environmental Management Commission adopted revised rules on October 1, 1990 (attached), requiring the payment of an annual fee fear most permitted facilities. Yen will be billed separately for that fees (.if applicable), after your permit is approved. Please be advised that this permit must not be allowed to expire. If the renewal request is not received within 1,80 days' prior to they permit's expiration date as required by 15 NCAC 2I1 , 0211, you will be assessed an aentomatic civil penalty. This civil penalty by North Carolina General Statute may be as much as $10,000 per day; 'If a permit renewal request is not received 180 days before permit expiration, a civil penalty of at least 250 will be assessed.. Larger penalties may be assessed depending on how late the request is made.. In addition, any permit renewal request received after thepermit's expiration date will be considered as a new application and Will. be requires to pay the higher permit application fee. The letter requesting renewal, along with a completed Non -Discharge, Permit applicationand appropriate standard fee, should he sett to: Permits and Engineering Unit Division of >Water Quality P 0. Box 29535 ` Raleigh, North Carolina 27 2 -053 The check should be made payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DERV ) . If you should have any questions or need any additional information regarding this matter; please contact me. at (' 1 7 -5083. Sincerely, JOHN UR FOR oleen Sullins, Supervisor Permits and Engineering Unit cc: Mooresville Regional Office Permits and Engineering Unit Central Files of NbrWCaroflna Ppartment of Environment, Htalth and Natural 116sources DIV[sion of EnvironmentAl Managornent J m M a " t�. Hunt, it., Obvernor jon0han B. Howes, Secretary A Pr6ston HoWard, Jt%, P.E., Dirodor Mr. Jerry Twiggs, Public Utilities Director City of Hickory Post Office Box 398 Hickbt� Nonh Carolina 28603 I VERN I IN March 22, 1995 Sabjea: PtntiftNo. WQ000160 Cit of L arionOfWastewaterResiduals m ! Met ill III Sincerely, A. Tres rdIr.tI 4 Howa P.E. cc: Catawba, Lincoln, and Burke County Health Departments Bio-Nomic Services, Inc. Mooresville Regional Office, Water Quality Section Mooresville Regional Office, Groundwater Section Asheville Regional Office, Water Quality Section Asheville Regional Office, Groundwater Section Groundwater Section, Central Office Training and Certification Unit Facilities Assessment Unit P.O. 56X 29%5, Raleigh, NoIth Cat6fina 2706-0505 Telephonegia-7311015 FAX919-733�M6 An Equat Oppott6nity Aftionative Adon trfipl6yer 50% tteyele& i 6% Post -cons umor Paper NORTH CAS ROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 1,43, General Statutes of No Carolina as OYL, , � . il. amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations tof PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO kags Clity of Hickory Catawba Cowy ■ la ..................... This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until December 31, 1997, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I . P-EBE,QRMANCE STANDARDS 11111 NKNI 3. The land application program shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non - discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastes resulting from the operation of this program. I Om a Specific residual application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on each site prior to d during application. 9. No residuals at any time shall be stored at any application site, unless approval has been requested and obtained from the Division of Environmental Management 10. Maximum slope for residual application shall be iO for surface application and 1 for subsurface applications: 11. When wastewater residuals are applied, the Mass A pathogen requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 0 . ,ial or the Mass B pathogen requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 503.32(b), and one of vector attraction reduction requirements in 40 + Fly Part 503.33trust beret. Additionally; an evaluation roust be performed which demonstrates the residuals ability to comply with this requirement. Upon request, a copy` of this evaluation must be submitted including all test results and calculations. 1' _ A TIO-N—AND MAINTENANCE LREQUIREMENIS 1; The facilities and application sites shall be properly mainmined and operated at all tines, 2. A suitable vegetative cover, as listed in condition 114, shall be maintained in accordance with the crop management plan outlined by the local Extension Office of the Department of Agriculture, or the Soil Conservation Service, or other agronomist,, and approved by this Division. 3 An acceptable pH must be maintained in the soil, residual and lime mixture, greater than 6,0, on all land application sites to insure optimum Meld for the crop(s) specified below. The agronomist shall provide information on the pH best suited for the specified crop and the soil type. 4; The application rates shall not exceed the following for the specified crops: Alfalfa 200 Bermuda Grass (Hay, Pasture) 220 Blue Grass 120 Corn (Grain) 160 Co m (Silage) 200 Cotton 70 Fescue 250 Forest (Hardwood & Softwood) 75 Milo 100 Small Grain (Wheat, barley, oats) 100 Sorghum, Sudex (Pasture) 180 Sorghum, Sudes. (Silage) 220 Soybeans 200 Timothy, Orchard, &Rye Grass 200 5 No residuals other than the following are hereby approved for land application in accordance with this permit: Permit Estimated Henry Fork WWTP Catawba NCO020401 2,329 Northeast WWTP Catawba NCO040797 " all residuals are, treated at the Henry Fork WV;TP 6, The metal loading rates shall not exceed the following Cumulative Pollutant loading rates: Kilograms Pounds Parameters per Hectare Am Arsenic 41 36 Cadmium 39 34 Chromium 3,000 2,677 Copper 1,500 1,338 Lead 300 267 Mercury 17 15 Molybdenum ---- ---- Nickel 420 374 Selenium 100 89 Zinc 2,800 2,498 II 7. The pollutant concentrations in the residuals which will be applied to the land shall not exceed the following Ceiling Concentrations (Dry Weight Basis): Par rs --- mL,,/k- Arsenic 75 Cadmium 85 Chromium 3,000 Copper 4,300 Lead 840 Mercury 57 Molybdenum 75 Nickel 420 Selenium 100 Zinc 7,500 8. Upon classification of the facility by the Certification Commission, the Permittee shall employ a certified land application/residuals operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) of the land application program. The operator must hold a certificate of the type classification assigned to the land application program by the Certification Commission. The Permittee must also employ a certified back-up operator of the appropriate type to comply with the conditions of Title 15A NCAC 8A,.0202. 9. Adequate procedures shall be provided to prevent surface runoff from carrying any disposed or stored residuals into any surface waters. 10. Surface applied residuals will be plowed or disced within twenty-four (24) hours after application on lands with no cover crop established. 11. For areas that are, prone to flooding or within the 100-year flood elevation, residuals may be applied only during periods of dry weather. The residuals must be incorporated into the soil within twenty-four (24) hours after application. 12. Appropriate measures must be taken to control public access to the land application sites during active site use and for the 12-month period following the last residual application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at each site. 13. Adequate provisions shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying pollutants from the residuals application area onto the adjacent property or into any surface waters. 14. Residuals shall not be applied in inclement weather or until 24 hours following a rainfall event of 1/2-inch or greater in 24 hours. Any emergency residuals disposal measures must first be approved by the Division of Environmental Management. 15. Residuals shall not be applied to any land application site that is flooded, frozen or snow- covered. 16Residuals shall not be applied at rates greater than agronomic rates, unless authorized by the Division. 17. Animals shall not be grazed on an application site for 30 days after residuals application. Application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access after each application, 4 18. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops that do nol Qome in contact with the rtsiduata shall not be harvested for 30 days after residuals application. 1Food crops with harvested parts that touch the residual soil mixture and are totally above the land surface (ex, tobacco, melons, cucumbers, squash, etc.) shall not be harvested for 14 months after residuals application. 20. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land (root crops such as potatoes, carrots, radishes, etc.) shall not be harvested for 20 months after application of residuals when the residuals remain on the land surface for four (4) months or longer prior to incorporation into the soil. 21. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for 38 months after application of residuals when the residuals remain on the land surface for less th,an four (4) months prior to incorporation into the soil. MONITORING AND REPORTING --REQUIREMENTS I m Any monitoring (including groundwater, surface water, residuals, soil, or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division of Environmental Management to insure protection of the environment will be established and an acceptable sampling and reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. Proper records shall be maintained by the Permittee tracking all application activities. These records shall include, but are not necessarily limited to the following information: a) source of residuals b) date of residual application c) location of residual application (site, field, or zone #) d) method of application e) weather conditions (sunny, cloudy, raining, etc.) f) soil conditions g) type of crop or crops to be grown on field h) volume of residuals applied in gallons/acre, dry tonslacre or kilograms/hectare i) annual and cumulative totals of dry tons/acre of residuals, annual and cumulative pounds/acre of each heavy metal (which shall include, but not be limited to arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium and zinc), annual pounds/acre of plant available nitrogen (PAN), andannualpounds/acre of phosphorus applied to each field. 3. A representative annual soils analysis (Standard Soil Fertility Analysis) shall be conducted of each site receiving residuals in the respective calendar year and the results maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. The Standard Soil Fertility Analysis shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following parameters: Acidity Manganese Potassium Calcium Percent Humic Matter Sodium Copper pH Zinc Magnesium Phosphorus Base Saturation (by calculation) Cation Exchange Capacity The Standard Soil Fertility Analysis (see above) and an analysis for the following metals shall be conducted once prior to permit renewal on soils from each site which has received sludge during the permit cycle. Arsenic Lead Nickel Cadmium Mercury Selenium Chromium Molybdenum . A residuals analysis will be conducted every 60 days from the date of permit issuance by the Permittee and the results maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. If land application occurs at a frequency less than every 60 days, a residuals analysis will be required for each instance of land application. The residuals analysis .shall include but is not necessarily limited to the following parameters Arnie Aluminum, Cadmium Ammonia -Nitrogen Chromium Calcium Copper Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen Dead Total Solids Mercury ply Molybdenum Phosphorus' Nickel Plant Available Nitrogen (by calculation) Selenium Potassium Zinc Sodium Magnesium TT After the residuals have been monitored for two years at the above frequency, the Permittee may submit a request to the Division for a permit modification for the reduction of the frequency of monitoring for pollutant concentrations and for the pathogen density requirements, but in no case shall the frequency of monitoring be less than once per year when residuals are applied to the land. 5. A Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TIP) analysis shall be conducted by the Permittee annually. The TCLP analysis shall include the follo in 'pa eters (please note the regulatory level in m in parentheses): Arsenic (5.0) Barium (100.0) Benzene (41.5) Cadmium 0.0) Carbon tetrachloride (tl 5) Chlordane (flm) Chl roben ne (100.0) Chlorofo (.0) Chromium (5,0) o-Cresol (200.0) m-Cresol (200.0) p-Cr .sol (200.0) Cresol (200.0) 2, D (10.0) 1, -Dichl roben ene (7.5) 1,2-Dichlo th e (.5) 1,1- ichlor thylene (0.7) 2,-Dinitrotoluen (tl. l ) Endrin (0.02) Heptachlor (and its hydroxide) (tl. ) Hesachlor ben ne (0.1.) Hex chlort -1, -buta iene (tl. ) He a hloroeth e (.tl) Lead (5.0) bind e (0.) Mercury (0.2) i ethoxychlor (10.0) Methyl ethyl ketone (2001,0) Nitrobenzene (2.) Pentachlor phenol (100.0) Pyridine (5.0) Selenium (1.0) Silver (5.) Tetrachlo thylene (11.7) Toxaphen (0.5) Trichloroethylene (0.5) 2, ,5-Trichlorophenol .0) 2, ,-Trichlorophenol (1 ) 2,4, -TP (Silve) (1.0) Vinyl chloride (0.2) 6 L Wit 7. Three copies of all required monitoring and reporting requ='ments as specified in conditions Ill 1, M 2, tff 3, IU 4, M 5 ar@ M �6 shan be submitted annually on or before March 1 of the following year to !he following address NC Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section Facility Assessment Unit PO Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 8. Noncompliance Notification: tME011 HIS III OWIFIN W9090 wit IN@, mats to =I*$ 11,161 IF KIjIg ltaj IVILUWIIIP, UIC U1 PYI NY OL UIC kAXACIT01; NI followig: a. Any occurrence with the land application program which resultsi in the land application of signifimt amounts of wastes which am abnormal in quantity or charactenistic� b, Any failure of the land application program resulting in a release of material to receiving waters. , k c, Any time that self -monitoring information indicates that the facility has gone out of compliance with the conditions and limitations of this permit or the parameters on which the systern was designed. d. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the facility incapable of adequate residual treatment. e, Any spillage or discharge from a vehicle or piping system transporting residuals to the application site. 7 TV. GROUNDWAIEKJMUIREMENIS 1. The for the dispoifti Q The following are approved sites for residuals application (see attached snap(s)): Application Area [acres] i erecludiu buffers) 02-01 Hobert Mauser 18.0 02-02 Robert Mauser 10.0 02-03 Robert Mauser 60.0 02-04 Robert Mauser r 60.0 02-05 Robert Mauser 6.0 02-06 Robert Mauser 28.0 02-07 Robert Mauser 12. 02-08 Hubert Mauser 35.0 02-0 Robert Mauser 22.E 02-10 Robert -causer 31.0 02-11 Robert Mauser 22.0 -01 Dr. Robert Hart, 111 11. -02 Dr. Robert Hart, 111 24.3 -03 Dr. Robert H ,111 5.0 04-04 Dr. Robert Hart, 111 10.4 04-05 Dr. Robert Hart, 111 10.0 07-01 Dewey Hunsucker 20.0 07-02 Dewey Hunsucker 310 07-03 Dewey Hunsucker 8.0 07-05 Dewey Hunsucker 16.0 - 6 Dewey Hunsucker 28.3 07-07 Dewey Hunsucker .0 0-08 Dewey Hunsucker 28.0 07-0 Dewey Hunsucker 9.0 07-10 Dewey Hunsucker 4 .O ` -11: Dewey Hunsucker 5.0 07-12 Dewey Hunsucker 18.0 07.13 Dewey Hunsucker MO 11-01 Bill Lee 38.0 11-02 Bill Lee 74.0' 1-1 Harald Jarrett ` 15,E 17.03 Harold Jarrett 37.0 17-04 Harold Jarrett 15.E 17-05 Harald, Jarrett 100 18-01 David McSwain 15.0 18-02 David c8w ` 200 18-04 David Mc8w . 2 .0 18-05 David McSwain 8.0 18-06 David °1c w ° 0 18-07 David c8 . , 15.0 18-08 David McSwain 8.0 18-0 David McSwain 16.0 1 -Olt Buford Waters 16.0 1 -02 Buford Waters 42.0 9 Application Area [acres] QMMffA;19= (excluding buff 20-012 Gene Waters 20.0 20-02 Gene Waters 8.0 20-03 Gene Waters 16.0 20-04 Gene Waters 20.0 21-01 J. S. Whitener 15.0 21-02 J. S. Whitener 18.0 21-03 J. S. Whitener 18.0 21-04 J. S. Whitener 100 21-05 J. S. Whitener 29.0 21-07 J. S. Whitener 6.0 22-013 M & T Farms 1.4 22-025 M & T Farms 9.5 22-03 M & T Farms 45.0 22-04 M & T Farms 23.5 22-054 M & T Farms 45.0 22-11 M & T Farms 3.8 22-12 M & T Farms 6.5 22-13 M & T Farms &0 22-145 M & T Farms 63 23-01 Charles Wyant 17.7 23-02 Charles Wyant 49.5 23-03 Charles Wyant 21.1. 23-04 Charles Wyant 13.7 24-017 Ruby Stegall / Hugh Waters 45.2 24-02 James McGinnis 25.3 24-03 James McGinnis 29.3 24-046 James McGinnis 32.1 26-01 Hazel Wood Estate l Horace Wood 312 26-02 Hazel Wood Estate A Horace Wood 37.3 26-03 Hazel Wood Estate Horace Wood 39.5 26-04 Hazel Wood Estate Horace Wood 30.7 26-05 Hazel Wood Estate Horace Wood 26.1 27-017 Dan Hunsucker 13.7 27-027 Dan Hunsucker 67.1 27-03 Dan Hunsucker 14.0 27-04 Dan Hunsucker 31.3 27-05 Dan Hunsucker 7.1 27-06 Dan Hunsucker 26: 27-07 Dan Hunsucker 87.4 Total Applicable Acres 1,976.4 Field No. 19-01 contains acreage located within the 100 year flood plain. Therefore, land application only by surface application can take place only during periods when high water is not occurring. 10 Field No. 20-01 is limited to sludge application during the months of March through October (inclusive). 3 Field No. 22-01 shall receive sludge by injection method only, due to nearby residences. A 20 foot buffer shall be maintained at a rock outcrop located at this field. 4 Field No. 21-0513 is covered in i part by soils hVifig a perched/seasoind high water depths =ging ftojR _I 8 to 34 inches below land surface. T-h�t,r.��fQrL. thj.� &JA h 5 Field Nos. 22-02 and 22-14 shall receive sludge by injection method only, due to nearby residences 6 Field NO. 24-04 (entire field) is covered by soils having a seasonal high: water table at depths ranging from zero (0) to two (1) feet below lan�d surface. Th6vhre, this field shall be allowed to have seasonal application of residtials between March I thru November 3iO only- 7 Due to a significant number of odor complaints received by the Division, the following fields are recommended to have the indicated buffer from the off -site residences extended to 800 feet. Nuisance conditions shall be addressed as per condition 1.5. Dan Hunsucker fields No. 27-1 and 27-2 (the western edge of fields) Hugh Waters field No. 24-1 (northeastern edge of field) Nev sites designated as 22-01 through 22-14 are suitable for sludge land application year- round at agronomic rates, provided that the seasonal high water table is three (3) feet or more below land surface. Sites or portions of sites located within the 100 year flood plain should be delineated by flagging. 5. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division of Environmental Management in accordance with North Carolina General, Statute 143-215.6(a) to 143-215.6(c). 6. The annual administering and compliance fee must be paid by the Permittee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15 NCAC 2H .0205 (c)(4). 7. The issuance of this permit does ndfpreclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 0 10. This permit shall become voidable unless the agreements between the Permittee and the landownerstlessees are in full force and effect. The land owner agreements are considered expired concurrent with the expiration date of the permit and must be renewed at the same time the permit is renewed. 11. Issuance of this permit hereby voids Permit No. WQ0001669 issued February 10, 1993. Permit issued this the 22nd day of March, 1995 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION A. Preston oward, Jr., P. ., Director 0 ivision nffn Envir nm ntalManagement By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0001669 12 [ a r 2000 Fteld -20 IDR,AIVERreo Fleld 4LU n r T r-vo�Al?M—S te, ro— _ "�, sue. � P ��° � •� � tlN ��,�, »'"'`�. Y �� P v �"J :r� t.m s� r � i a �" • �» ,�» ®." _. � '�I � �� # S J r� 4 zoa h rookford * +. '��.—•�` PAP C�r� � �?t u T ��� � u ���,*',� �,� ,;+ � :i71 � �"`� .P.� �' [ f #� / #�` v t•n� �. �.� MA ^ � .ems r„ �, . ^p >r P� � .� `�-- �. -- *g rx " 1 " you 4� � I Q , �.-✓° 11 � � P' � � TOPOGRAPHY MAP * 2 4.000 BLUE COLOR INDICkTES WATER Pond or lake Stream or rawer Intermittent strew ACC FARM: FIELDS: r , « „ r e el yn � I� O it & d9 1 .� d 'r �am�,�sz'' • y C , a-° s 1 § qt Vow - SCALE 1: t OqO QLQR • Pond r flak Stream or river Int rmi ttent stream FARM. 0 O FIELDS:'� 132 a4 t l � sF pq i `y u r r t e d? a Gem :~t J� xs ii nK �.-y j r. r�r N a. TOPOGRAPHY MAP SCALE 1. 4-1000 BLUE COLOR INDICATES WATER Rand or lake Streauk or river Intermittent stream FARM: F ILD F1 �l STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES RALE€ H, NORTH CAROLINA 4755 rid NE IF 20' 170 NEwro T nor, (HICKORY) 472 173 17"30` 474 ^" '°Ron-- va — y �M , w < ✓ « ( 1900honey 4 t sm r 4° r e r. „ �cb J It goo Q2DOL go t, a j M� e „ 1 r k ..✓` p u t�' ✓ r i f � �-h ,✓ � tY` �@ t �1� � � °d "`-,�..,°` �!'�. ,r^" xq >i �� u e 1 \ p( Y m " p " 41V. ` r R ' r C° 20 IX LA k • r e S. a 9r TOPOGRAPHY 'SAP GAL . b0 Pond or i tray or rive Intermittent stream I Q endrN e ` OP ch 000 �✓ r 1w s t I �t 3 ; f R. xt t t 1 r a ij e � fJ` l 1J TOPOGRAPHY 4AP SCALE 1: 4 00 BLUE COLOR INDICATES WATER Fund or I aka Stream or river FARM:Intermittent stream ILD r State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural l Resources Mooresville Regional Office James B, Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B, dowse, Secretory Linda Diane Long, Regional Manager DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT March 31, 1995 Mr. Jerry Twiggs Public Utilities Director City of l iar Past Office Hickory, North Carolina 28603 Subject.- Permit No. WQ0001669 City of Hickory Catawba County, NC Dear Mr. Twiggs; our records show that Permit No. WQ0001669 was issued on March , 1995 for the landappli tion of sludge generated by your wastewater treatment facility. The purpose of this letter is to adviseyou of the importance of the Permit and the liabilities n the vent of failure to complywith the terms and conditions of the Permit. If you have not already done so, it is requested that you and other appropriate employeesthoroughly read the Permit. e Permit sets forth specific performance standards, operation and maintenance requirements, onitorin requirements, including annul reporting and groundwater monitoring activities to be performed by the Permittee, plus general conditions applicable to non -discharge pe its. Failure to comply with the terms n conditions of the Permit subjects the Permittee to enforcement action pursuant to Section 143-215.6 of the North Carolina General Statutes, A civil penalty of up to $10,000 per violation may he assessed for such violations. Please note that the subject Permit expires on December 31,, 1997. Part VI, No. 8 of the Permit requires that a renewal request he submitted at least six (6) months prier to expiration. Also the Permit is non -transferable until such time that the Permittee has requested a name change to the new Per itt 919 North Main Street, Moor sv!He, North Crar [inn 28115 Telephone f,; - 3-1FAX'704-663-60,40 An Epucat Opportunity Atrirrn t6ve Action Ernp€near 50% recycled/ tC , postonsumer paper Mr. Jerry Twiggs March 31, 1995 Page Two As mentioned previously, the purpose of this letter is t vise you of the importance your Permit. Haase read the Permit and contact this office at 7041663-1699 in Mooresville i you have any questions or need clarification look forward to providing any assistance. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P. E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor P Cc)" 7J, ItAt wrt.rvtt �� a _,,"V Fu­ State of North Carolina Department of Environment, health and Natural Divisiono ',s aau>, p �� 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Mr. ferry Twiggs, Public Utilities Director City of Hickory Post Office Box 39 Hickory, N., 28603 Jonathan B. Howes, secr February 10 1993 Subject: Permit No. WQOOO 1669 City of Hickory Land .Application of Sludge Catawba and Lincoln Counties Sear Mr. Twi s In accordance with your application received November 19, 1992, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0001669 as amended, dated February 11, 1993, to the City of Hickory for the continued operation of a land application of sludge Program. This permit amendment was requested to include an additional 149,0 acres of land (excluding buffers) owned by M & T Farms in the City of Hickory's land application of sludge program and includes renewal of the Pe it. Per this amendment, the following sites were added: Application Area a it ; r 1 texcltA in bufers3 -1 M & T Farms 1.4 22-02 M&TFarms 9. _3 MT Farms 15. 22-04 M & T Farms 23.E 2-11 M & T Farms 3. 22-12 MFarms 6.5 22-13 M & TFarms 8.0 22-14 M & T Farms 6.3 Total New Sites added 149.0 acres Total For Land Application Program - 1329.7 acre Regional Offices Ashawille Fayetteville t re ville Malin Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem -salnr 704/25 - 20 919,E -1541 704/ 63-1 99 919/571 7 919/94 - 81 919/395-3900 919/896.7 ?7 Potluti n Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 7 26-0535 Telephone 919- 33-7015 An Equal Oprkrtunity Afrirmative Action Employer Page February 1, 1993 Permit No. WQ0001669 This permit shall be effective from the date ofissuance until December 31, 1997, shall void Permit No. WQ0001669 issued December 6, 1989 and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, e e ents, or limitations contained in this permit e unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an adjudicatory,hearing Capon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit, This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27 1 _7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you reed additional information concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Michael D. Allen at 19) 7 -5 S m Sincerely; A. Prest Howard,Jr., P.E. Acting h ctor cc: Catawba County Health Department Lincoln County Health Department AMSCO, Incorporated l �ilbti . Office,Water ty Section Mooresville Regional Office, Groundwater Section Jaclk.. plod, Groundwater Section Central Office Training and Certification Facilities Assessment Unit, wren Colby NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAIO.#�,S rqri�RCES RALEIGH vz- 1,0 1 "M ENr SLUDGE LAND APPLICATION PERMIT In accordanox- am and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO 'j- uuty of Hickory Catawba County FOR THE ----------------- This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until December 31, 1997, shall void Permit No. WQ0001 669 issued December 6, 1989 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: 1. PLEEDE AMANEE-SIANRARP-S 1. This permit shall become voidable if the soils fail to adequately absorb the wastes and may be rescinded unless the sites are maintained and operated in a manner which will protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface waters and ground waters, 2. The land application program shall be effectively maintained and, operated as a non - discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastes resulting from the operation of this program. 1 5, No crops for direct human consumption shall be raised on these sites for a period of 18 months following sludge application. 6. Maximum slope for sludge application shall be 10% for surface application and 18% for subsurface applications. 7. The following buffer zones shall be maintained: a) 4(0 feet from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for surface application method-, however, the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100 feet upon written consent of the owner and the appropriate DEM regional office, b) 200 feet from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for injection method; however, the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100 feet upon written consent of the owner and the appropriate DEM regional office, c) 100 feet from "SA and SB" classified waters and public surface water supplies for both methods, d) 50 feet from "WS" classified waters and other streams, creeks, lakes, rivers, and surface water drainage ways for injection method, e) 100 feet from 'WS" classified waters and other streams, creeks, lakes, rivers and surface water drainage ways for surface application method, f) 100 feet from property lines for both methods; however, this requirement may be reduced to 50 feet upon written concurrence from the adjoining property owner and the appropriate DEM regional office, g) 50 feet from public right of ways for surface application methods, h) 25 feet from public right of ways for subsurface disposal methods, i) 10 feet from upslope, interceptor drains and surface water diversions for both methods, j) 25 feet from downslope interceptor drains, surface water diversions, _groundwater drainage systems and surface drainage ditches for both methods. Some of the buffers specified above may not have been included in previous permits for this land application operation. Any sites or fields that are included in this pernlit, but were approved with different applicable buffers, will continue to be regulated by those originally approved buffers. All new sites and fields will be regulated by the buffers specified above. 8. A copy of this permit shall be kept at the land application site when sludge is being applied during the life of this permit. A spill prevention and control plan shall be kept in all sludge transport and application vehicles. 9. All sludges included in this permit must be stabilized by a process to significantly reduce pathogens (as described in 40 CFR Part 257, Appendix 11) prior to application or incorporation. An evaluation of all sludges as specified in condition 114 must be conducted as to their ability to demonstrate compliance with this requirement. Upon request, a copy of this report must be submitted to the Assistant Chief for Operations, Division of Environmental Management, Water Quality Section, Operations Branch, PO Box 29535, Raleigh, NC 27626-0535. 10Specific sludge application area boundaries shall be clearly marked, on each site prior to and during sludge application. 114 No sludge at any time shall be stored at any application site. 2 I . The facilities and disposal sites shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2. A suitable vegetative cover as listed in condition 113, shall be maintained in accordance with the crop management plan approved by this Division. 3 The application rates shall not exceed the following for the specified crops: C Low "PAmn6ct,, Corn 200 Grain 100 Soybeans 150 Sudan Grass 200 Fescue/Hay/Pasture 250 4. No sludges other than the following are hereby approved for land application in accordance with this permit: Permit Estimated Source rnil"tu V-1-- d'A—, Northeast )NVTP Catawba NCO040797 ** - Sludge is treated at the Henry For WWTP 5, The lifetime heavy metal loadings shall not exceed the following for the corresponding Cation Exchange Capacities (CEQ: if lcr pffam—= Uf—<-5 Lead 500 1000 2000 Zinc 250 500 1000 Copper 125 250 500 Nickel 125 250 500 Cadmium 4.5 9 18 The annual application rates shall not exceed: a. Sludge from the He Fork Wastewater Treatment Plant 1. 1.11 lbs. of cadmium per acre per year 229.4 lbs. of zinc per acre per year b. Sludge from the Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant L 1.11 lbs, of cadmium per acre per year 2. 33.4 lbs. of zinc per acre per year 10 ... Adequate procedures shall be provided to prevent_ surface runoff from carrying any disposed or stored sludge material into any surface waters. . Animals shall not be grazed on sludge applied land within a -day period following the sludge application. Application sins that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will: be used to prevent access after each application: 10. Surface applied sludge will be plowed or disced within twenty-four hotors after application on lands with no cover crop established. 11. __ For areas that are prone to flooding or within the 100-year flood elevation, sludge may be applied only during periods of dry weather sludge must be incorporated into the soil within twenty-four ) hours of application. 11 Appropriate measures trust be taken to control public access to the land application situ during active site use and for the 1 -month period following the last sludge application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at each site. 11 Adequate provisions shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying pollutants from the sludge application area onto the adjacent property or into the surface waters. 14, Sludge shall not be applied in inclement weather or until 24 hours following arainfall event of 1-inch or greater in 24 hours. Any emergency sludge disposal measures rust first be approved by the Division of Environmental Management. 4 a source of sludge date of sludge application location of sludge application (site, field, or zone d) method of application weather conditions fj sail conditions type of crop or crop to be grown on field h) volume of sludge applied in ons/acre and dry tons acre i annual and cumulative totals of dry tons acre of sludge, annual and cumulative pounds/acre of each heavy metal (which shall include, but not be limited to lead; nickel, cadmium, copper and zinc), annual pounds acre of plant available nitrogen (PAN), and annual pounds acre of phosphorus applied to each field, A representative annual soils analysis (Standard ;foil Fertility Analysis) shall be conducted of each site receiving sludge in the respective calendar year and the results maintained Oil; file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. The Standard Soil Fertility Analysis shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following parameters: Ease. Saturation Manganese Magnesium Cation Exchange Capacity Phosphorus Sodium Potassium Nickel Leadl Cadmiuml Zing Copper ply Clciurrt Sails analysis for these parameters shall be conducted once pricer to p rti t renewal oil soils from each site which has received sludge during the permit cycle. A quarterly sludge analysis and annual "Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLPanalysis shall be conducted by the Pe 'tree and the results Maintained oil file by the Perinittee for a minimum of five years. if land application occurs at a frequency less than quarterly, sludge analysis will be required for each instance of land application. The sludge analysis shall include but is not necessarily limited to the following parameters: % total solids Magnesium Chlorides Sulfate Phosphorus Potassium Lead Zinc Copper Nickel Cadnnum Chromium Sodium Calcium Total Nitrogen Ammonia Nitrogen en Nitrate/Nitrate Nitrogen p Plant Available Nitrogen (by calculation 5 The TCLP analysis shall include the following parameters: Arsenic Barium Benzene Cadmium Carbon tetrachloride 'h1 dane hlorobenzene Chloroform Chromium O-Cresol m-Cresol p-Cresol Cresol ,4- 1,4-ichlorobenzene 1,-ichlor th e 1,1-Dichlor thylene 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Fndrin Heptachlor d its hydroxide Hexachl roben to Hexachlor 1,3-butadiene Hexachloroethane Lead Lindane Mercury 1' ethoxychlor Methyl ethyl ketone Nitrobenzene Pentachl rophenol Pyridine Selenium Silver Tetrachloroethylene Toxaphene Trihlor thylene ,4,-Trichlorophenol ,4,-Trichlo phenol 2,4,.E-TP (Silve Vinyl chloride All sledges included in this permit must be monitored for compliance with condition 1 10 of this permit. Data to verify stabilization by a process to significantly reduce pathogens las described in 40 CFR Part 257, appendix must be Maintained by the Permittee. The required data is specific to the stabilization process utilized, but should be sufficient to clearly demonstrate compliance with 40 CFR Part 257. Three copies of all monitoring and reporting requirements as specified in conditions 1111, 11l 2, Ill 3, 1114, and Ill 5 shall be submitted annually on or before larch I of the following year to the following address: NC Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section Facility Assessment Unit PO Box 3 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 7. Noncompliance Notification, The Pe `tree shall report by telephone to the Mooresville 'Regional Office, telephone number 704) 663-1699 as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. ,any occurrence with the land application program which results in the land application of significant amounts of wastes which are abnormal in quantity o characteristic. b. Any failure of the land application program resulting in a release of sludge material to receiving waters. C. Any time that self -monitoring infortnation indicates that the facility has gone out of compliance with the conditions and limitations of this permit or the parameters on which the system was designed. M d. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the facility incapable of adequate sludge treatment. e. Any spillage or discharge from, a vehicle or piping system transporting sludge to the application site, Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within 15 days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the Factions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur, RNM AW-#14URXM1,QM N 2 Within 90 days of permit issuance, the following eleven (11) monitor wells shall be abandoned pursuant to 15A NCAC 2C .O 113: R. Z. Bowman A, B, C Ralph Bowman A, E H. Sherrill A, B, C, D, E, F 3The four (4) existing monitoring wells at the Bob auser site shall be sampled every March, July and November for the following parameters: Nitrate Ammonia Nitrogen 'IDS TOC PH Water Level Chloride Fecal Cohforms Total Suspended Solids Phenol Volatile Organic Compounds - In November only by Method I or Method 2 below). Method 1: Method 6230D (Capillary - Column), "Standard Methods For The Examination of Water and Wastewater", 17th ed., 1989. Method 2: Method 502.2 "Methods For The Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water", U.S. EPA - 60014-88/039. The measurement of water level must be made prior to sampling for the remaining parameters. If TOC concentrations greater than 10 mg/I are detected in any downgradient nionitoring well, additional sampling and analysis must be conducted to identify the individual constituents comprising this TO C concentration. If the TOC concentration as measured in the background monitor well exceeds 10 mg/l. this concentration will be taken to represent the naturally occurring TOC concentration. Any exceedances of this naturally occurring Toe concentration in the down gradient wells shall be subject to the additional sampling and analysis as described above. If any volatile organic compounds are detected by method 6230D, or the equivalent method 502,2, then EPA methods 604 and 611 must also be run to detect other organic compounds %N-hich may be present. The results of all analyses specified in the monitofing requirements, including 604 and 611 if required, must be submitted simultaneously. 7 The results of the sampling and analysis shall be sent to the N... . Division of Environmental Management ement n Form GW-59(Compliance Monitoring Report orrn) every April, August and December. r For facilities peffil on or after December 50, 198�, the Complianee: Boundary is established at the lesser of 250 fixt from the pehmetet of the land application site, or 50 feet withm* the prippi boundary. . Any additional groundwater quality monitoring as deemed necessary by the Division of Environmental Management shall be provided, $T'T M V I - GENLRAL--C��� I This pen -nit shall become voidable unless the land application activities are carried out in accordance with the conditions of this permit and in the manner approved by this Division, 2® This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described ill the application and other supporting data. 3 This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the facilities to change oNvnership or a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request must be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management accompanied by an application fee, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 4. This pennit shall become voidable unless the agreements between the Permittee and the landowners/lessees are in full force and effect. 5. The following are approved sites for sludge application (see attached map(,$)): Application Area [acres ] Qwn eILLu= x �Ii Odin buff 02-01 Robert Mauser 18.0 02-02 Robert Mauser 10,0 02-03 Robert Mauser 60.0 02-04 Robert Mauser 60.0 02-05 Robert Mauser 65.0 02-06 Robert Mauser 28.0 02-07 Robert Mauser 12.O 02-08 Robert Mauser 354O 02-09 Robert Mauser 22.0 02-10 Robert causer 31.0 02-11 Robert Mauser 210 04-01 Dr. Robert Hart, Ill 11.0 04-02 Dr. Robert Hart, Ill 24.0 04-03 Dr. Robert Hart, Ill 5.0 04-04 Dr. Robert Hart, Ill 10.4 04-05 Dr. Robert Hart, ill 10.0 07-01 Dewey Hunsucker 2U 07-02 Dewey Hunsucker 31.0 07-03 Dewey Hunsucker 8.0 07-05 Dewey Hunsucker 16.0 07-06 Dewey Hunsucker 28.3 07-07 Dewey Hunsucker 9.0 07-08 Dewey Hunsucker 2&0 07-09 Dewey Hunsucker 9.0 07-10 Dewey Hunsucker 45.0 07-11 Dewey Hunsucker 5.0 07-12 Dewey Hunsucker 18.0 07-13 Dewey Hunsucker 19.0 11-01 Bill Lee 38.0 11-02 Bill Lee 74.0 9 Application Area [,acres C?QAner/Lessee ljtdin, uffers�, 17-01 Harold Jarrett , 15.0 17-3 Harold Jarrett 37. 17-04 Harold Jarrett 15.0 17-05 Harold Jarrett 10,0 18- 1 David Mc8wtrain 15.0 18- 2 David McSwain 20. 18- Davidw Mc . 25.E 18-0 David McSwain 8. 18-06 David McSwain 2.C1 18- 7 David N4c wean 15.0 18-08 David McSw' t 8. 18-09 David McSwain 1j6. 1-01 Buford Waters 1.0 1 -02 Buford eaters 42.0 20-012 Gene Waters- X 2 -02 Gene Waters 8.0 20- 3 Gene Waters 16.0 20-04 Gene Waters 21. 21- 1 J.8. Whitener 15.E 21- 2 J. S. Whitener 18 21-03 J. S. Whitener 18.E 21-04 J. S. Whitener 10.0 21-05 J. S. Whitener 29.E 21- 2 J. S. Whitener 6.0 22-013 M & T" Farms 1. 22-25 M & T° Farms 9.5 22-03 M&TFarms 45 N 22-04 M&TFarms 2 , 22-054 1w & T Farms 45.0 22-11 M & T Farms 3.8 22-12 M & TFarms 6,5 22-13 M & T Farms 8. 22-145 ll & T Farms 6.3 t Field No, 1 - 1 contains acreage located within the 100 year flood plain. Therefore, r land application only by surface application can take place only during periods when high water is not occurrmg. Field No. 2 - 1 is limited to sledge application daring the months of March throng October (inclusive), 3 Field No, 22- 1 shall receive sludge by injection method only, due to nearby residences. A 20 fit buffer shall be maintained at a rock outcrop located at this field. `t Field. No. 22-05B is covered in part by sails having a perched/seasonal high water at depths ranging from 18 to 34 inches below 'land surface.. Therefore this feel l s tall receive sludge a.t 1 2 normal rates and oral dnr r� the months f . ril thrc)ugh No ember inclusive;. 1 Field Nos. 22-02 and 22-14 shall receive sludge by injection method only, due to nearby residences New sites designated as 22-01 through 22-14 are suitable for sludge land application year- Tound at agronomic at rates, provided that the seasonal high water table is three (3) feet or more, below land surface. Sites or portions of sites located within the 100 year flood plain should be delineated by flagging. 7. The annual administering and compliance fee must be paid by the Permittee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15 NCAC 214.0205 (c)(4). 8. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 9. A set of approved documents for the subject project must be retained, by the applicant for the life of the permit. 10. The Pe tree, at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of this pennit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facifides described therein, and if warranted, will extend the, permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. 11. This permit may be modified, or revoked and reissued to incorporate any conditions, Jin-citations and monitoring requirements the Division of Environmental Management deems necessary in order to adequately protect the environment and public health. Permit issued this the 10th day of I;&bttn1TY, 1993 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CUMAIISSION L-0 A. Preston, oward, Jr,, P� ., Acting Direc r i vi, ion of, t Division of', nviron mental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit No. WQOOO 1669 Im t Id 2 �),F,AIVER \\ \ :: cryphic Map �41 EC' add r 0 » ./ y\ .... \ §ƒ% 6R /§ D. w' +� Lo UNITED TA DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OEOLOGICAL SURVEY tg� 1*07' " k{ SANDY � �• nil wa �G R ti a ° s � .r ^' ...�_.✓'^� "`'adz E , ��:,. i � 1a .�+' v s ` iivr: r sroads i scale:Field / owner State of North Carlin Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management A&I t v James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor A00% RJ --- -- �- Jonathan B. low, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr,, " ", Director C) EEO "� . November 21, 199 (W 2,Z1 JerryDIVISION OF MANAGEMENT Twiggs City of Hickory P.O. Box 398 Hickory,, NC 28603 Subject: t. nito " d Reporting Requirements- Treatment and Land Application of Residuals Permit No: WQ0001669 City of Hickory cauwba County Dear . Twigs ; e purpose of this letter is a reminder the monitoring requirements " ed in the subject permit must be completed by no later than December 31, 1994 and the Annual Report submitted to the Division of Environmental Management by no later than March 1, 1995. The report must be submitted triplicate) to the following address. DEHNRIDEM/Water Quality Section Facilities Assessment Unit P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Due to limitations in storage space, please submit the reports in bound form rather than in notebook form. Permittees are subject to civil penalty for failing to submit the Annual Deport as required by their permit. Enclosed are summary and certification sheets that Must be attached to your Report. Please complete these sheets and if necessary e copies of the blank forms if extra form needed for additional fields, residual sources, and monitoring periods. t the current time, the monitoring information that must be included its this report are the requirements contained in your State issued land application permit. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer % reoyoledt 1 /'o post -con sumeer pppppp, Annual Monitoring and Reporting Requirements W00001 669 Page 2 You will however note the report forms which are enclosed have been modified from last year to include additional information required by EPA as outlined in 40 CFR Part 503. Theinfo rmation on the forms related only to Part 503 is optional for the State at this time unless it is specificafly addressed in the State issued permit. However since the requirements of 40 CFR Part 503 are self implementing, they are legally binding and enforceable Federal requirements for all persons subject to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 503, even if these requirements are not currently contained in a state permit The annual reports for EPA must be received by EPA at the following address on or before February 19, 1995. Roger Pfaff Water Compliance Branch Chief (WPEB - 1) Water Management Division U.S. EPA Region 4 345 Co Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30365 The State of North Carolina is currently negotiating with EPA to receive the federal permitting authority and delegation to issue land application permits for EPA in our State. If this delegation occurs, this will allow you to avoid having two permits (one from the State and one from EPA) for the same activity. While this delegation process is being pursued, pertnittees legally are subject to the new Federal requirements while, continuing to comply with their existing State issued permit. At this time, the delegation process is progressing slowly and the formal approval is still in doubt. Also, enclosed is "A Plain English Guide to the EPA Part 503 Biosolids Rule," This document is helpful in understanding the new Federal and State monitoring and reporting requirements. If there is a need for any additional information or clarification on the State reporting requirements, please do not hesitate to contact either Lou Polletta or Dianne Williams Wilburn of our staff at 919/ 733-5083. For further information on the Federal requirements, you should call Vince Miller of the Environmental Protection Agency in Atlanta at 404/347-3012, ext. 2953. Sincerely, Dennis R. Ramsey Assistant Chief for Operations cc: Vince Miller, EPA Region IV Regional Supervisor Compliance/ Enforcement File Central Fdes P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, No Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycledt 1011/6 post -consumer paper CSC'• PRIORITY PROJECT: No If Yes CSC"No. N To: Permits and Engineering Unit 'dater Quality Section Attention:: Michael Allen Date: December 9, 1992' NON -DISCHARGE STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION County: Catawba MRO No.:92-158 Permit No. WQ0001669 RJR I -° GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility andAddress: City of Hickory Land Application of Residual Solids Rost Office Boas 398 Hickory, N. Cm 28603 2. Date of Investigation: October 23, 1992 3. Report Prepared Michael L. Parker, Rn iron Rn r. II . Persons Contacted and 'Telephone Number: er: r Frank Rost, 1 )766-0328 . Directions toSite: The directions to all of the existing an Ld proposed sites can he found in the report submitted by AMSCO (residuals disposal contractor) for this Permit renewal, Disposal Site ), fiat for all disposal sites: Latitude: Longitude: Attach a USGS MapExtract and indicate treatment plant site on map. USES Quad No 7. Size (land available for expansion and upgrading); "There is 1222.4 permitted acres available for residuals disposal and 149 acres proposed to be added, . Topography (location map or topographic indicating relationship to 100 year fled plain included): Portions of the existing and proposed sites (field to. 3) may be located within the 100 year flood plain or exhibit a :seasonal high water table. For those areas prone to flooding or within the 100 year flood plain, residuals should only he applied during the months March -October (inclusive). Page Two 9. Any buffer conflicts, with location of nearest dwelling and water supply well? No. 10. Watershed Stream Basin Information: a. Watershed Classification: C, WS-IV b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: Catawba, 030835 C. Distance to surface water from disposal system; Varies depending on specific site. All applicable buffers have been met based on field observations. PART II - DESCRIPTION OF WASTES AND TREATMENT WORKS 11 a. Volume: N/A Residuals: 2126 dry tons per year (includes both Henry Fork and Northeast WWTP residuals). b. Types and quantities of industrial wastewater: N/A cp Pretreatment Program (POTWs, only): The City has an approved pretreatment program. 2. Treatment Facilities a. Current permitted capacity of the facility; N/A b. Actual treatment capacity of the facility (design volurne): N/A 0. Description of existing or substantially constructed WWT facilities: N/A 3. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme. a. If residuals are being land applied, please specify DEM Permit No. WQ0001669 Residuals Contractor: AMSC0, Inc. Telephone No. (919)766-fit 328 b. Residuals Stabilization (PSRP, PFRP or Other): PSRP C. Landfill: N/A d. other disposal/utilization scheme: N/A 4. Treatment Plant Classification: Less Than 5 Points; No Rating (include rating sheet). N/A 5. SIC `ode (s): N/A Wastewater Code(s): N/A Primary: Secondary: Main Treatment Unit Code: N/A 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds (municipals only)? No 2. Special monitoring requests: None at this time 3. Important SOCIJOC or Compliance Schedule Dates: N/A PART TV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The permittee requests renewal of the subject residuals disposal Permit. In addition, the Permittee requests that an additional 149 acres be added to the Permit. All of the proposed residual disposal sites with exception of fields No. 1 & 14 are recommended to be included in the Permit upon renewal. Fields No. 1 & 14 are adjacent to several on -site and off -site residences, which, even with buffers may encourage the creation of nuisance problems. These sites, therefore, are deemed unsuitable. All of the other proposed acreage is considered suitable for residuals disposal. Part VI, condition no. 6, paragraph III of the existing Permit should be changed to read: ...month of March through October (inclusive). Residual analysis review found little, if any change from past analysis, and should not preclude use of this material for it's intended purpose. Page Four Pending a technical review by the SERG and concurrence' the GW Section, it is recommended the Permit be rene' e containing the proposed acreage ('with appropriate restrictions and/oreletion as noted). r sir t o e t Preparer Date Water Quaff Ity' e gal is iat µ r * w 11111 State of Northrolln itirttI vl Itad lItla iil Division of Environmental Management , OFFICE 512 North Salisbury Street * Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 lames G. Martin, Governor eorge T. iwverett*Ph,t): William W. Cobe , Jr., Secretary Director September 1, 1992 MR JERRY`TWIGGS ary OF HICKORY PO BOX Subject. Application No. W of d Sludge/1- e r Pack Sludge-L.a,nd Application Catawba County Dear MR TWIGGS: The Division's permits and Engineering Unit acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting g materials on September 1, 1992. This application has been assigned the number shown above. Please refer to this number when mttksng inquiries `es on this project Your roject has been assigned to Michael Allen for a detailed engineering review, A technical acknowledgement will be forthcoming. e aware that the Division's regional office, copied below, must provide recommendations from the Regional Supervisor or a Prt cedure Four Evaitiation for this project, prior to final action by the Division.. If you have any questions„ please contact Michael Allen at 1) 7 - 0g , Sincerely, =a A, P.E TSupervisor, Permits and Engineering Unit cc: Mooresville Regional Office AIMSCO P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626=0535 Telephone t -7 -701 An Equal Opportun4y Affirmative Action Employer Al DIVISION OF EN` IR014MENTAL North Carolina -Department of Natural MANAGEMENT Robert P Helms Comm nity"Development F James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor dames A. Summers, Secretary Teiepnone 919 73.E-701e August 3, 1984 rr t r r. Jerry ai s, Public utilities Director City of Hickory Pm 0. Box 398 Hickory, Forth Carolina 28603 SUBJECT: Permit No. 10587" City of Hickory Land Application of Digested Municipal cipal Sludge from ;the. Henry Fork and Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plants Catawba County Dear Mr. Twigg: 1n accordance with your application received January 23, 1984, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. 10587, dated August 3, 1984, to the City of Hickory for the site preparation and operation of the subject land dpplietioa of digested sludge This permit= shall be effective from the date of issuance until April 3, 1985, (unless extended by Amendment or permitre-issuance), and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained' in this permit are unacceptable to ;you, you have the right to an adjudi;catory hearing before a hearing officer upon written demand to the Director within thirty 3 days following receipt of this permit, identifying the specific issues to be con- tended. Unless ;such demand is made," this permit shall be final and binding. one 1 set of approved plans and specifications is being forwarded to you. If you have any questions or need additional information concerning this hatter, please contact Mr. A. R. Hagstrom, telephone No. 919/733- u83, ext. 13: Sincerely yours, Original Signed By For Robert F. Helms cc: Catawba County Health Department Mr. Forrest R. "estall Mooresville Regional Supervisor` Arthur Mouberry ARH/cgc P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, N, C. 27611.7667 Are Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action 6moloyer NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL C COMMISSION DEPARTMENTOF NATURAL SOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RALEIGH p p k l For the Discharge of Sewage, Industrial Wastes, or other Wastes, In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of Forth Carolina as amended, and other applicable laws, Rules, and Regulation PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO City of Hickory Catawba County FOR THE site preparation; and operation of land application facilities and programs to dispose of digested stabilized ed municipal sludges from the Henry Fork and the Northeast Wastewater Treatment plants by land application to sites having a total approximate area as identified in Condition No. 28 of this permit, pursuant to the application received January 23, 1984, and in conformity with the project plans, specifications, and other supporting data, subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Naturals Resources and Community Development and considered a part of this permit. This Permit shall: be effective from the date of ,issuance until April 30, l g a,and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations ,. This permit shall become voidable unless the laud application sludge disposal facilities are used in accordance with the `approved documents. . This permit. is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the ;application and other supporting data 3. This permit shall became voidable in the event of failure of the soil to adequately absorb the wastes, and may be rescinded unless the facilities are installed, maintained 'and operated in a manner which'aill protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface graters and ground waters 4.. In event the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take such immediate corrective action as may be required by this Division, including the construction of additional or replacement wastewater treatment or disposal. facilities. . Diversion or bypassing of the untreated wastewater from the sludge land application is prohibited. Permit No. 10587 Page Two 6. The facilities shall. be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastewater into the surface waters of the State. 7. This permit is not transferable. 8. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the City of Hickory, of the responsibility for damages to surface or ground waters resulting from the operation of this facility. 9. Adequate provisions shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying pollutants from the sludge application area onto the adjacent property and/or surface waters. 10. Sludge shall not be applied in inclement weather or until 24 hours following a rainfall event of ;f-inch or greater in 24 hours. Emergency sludge disposal measures shall be approved by the Division of Environmental Management. 11. The land disposal sites shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so that there is no discharge to the surface waters, nor any contamination of ground waters which will render them unsatisfactory for normal use. In event the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, or failure of the irrigation area to adequately absorb the wastewater, the Permittee, shall take such immediate corrective <action as may be required by the Division of Environmental Management. 12. No type of wastewater other than that from Henry Fork and Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plants shall be sprayed onto the irrigation area. 13. A 100-foot buffer shall be maintained between the appropriate land owner's property line and any applied sludge, 14. A 50 foot buffer shall be maintained between drainageways, a 100 foot buffer shall be maintained between each landowner's property -Lines, and a 200 foot buffer shall be maintained between any residence and any applied sludge. 15. No liquid sludge will be applied by surface or subsurface application within 100 feet of any surface water or well, or within 200 feet of any tributary of a public water supply. 16. Maximum slope for sludge application shall be 10% for surface application and 18% for subsurface applications. 17. Surface application of liquid sludge shall not be applied to sites that are prone to fl,00ding conditions. 18. The owner of the disposal site shall be furnished an analysis of sludge delivered to the site. 19. A recorded log of applications including amounts applied, dates, whether injected or incorporated, coordinates of application, etc., shall be maintained at the wastewater treatment plant as a permanent record. 20. In any future transfer of this land, a notice shall be given t that gives full details as to the materials applied or incorpc sites. 21. The Permittee, at least six (6) months prior to the expiratior, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, will extend the Permit for such period of time and under such limitations as it may deem appropriate. 22. 23 24. Sludge shall be evenly applied and then plowed or disced in within 24 hours after application where no cover crop is established. The site shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of 6.5 prior to sludge application. No root or leaf crops for public consumption shall be raised on these sites. 25. Any monitoring deemed necessary by the Division of Environmental Management will be done and an acceptable sampling and reporting schedule shall be followed. This may include monitoring or surface water, groundwater, soil crop residue and salable crops. a. Monitoring wells shall be constructed and sampling schedules arranged as required by the Division of Environmental Management and constructed In accordance with 10 NCAC 2C 0.0100. b. Initially, groundwater monitoring shall be conducted at each site using one (1) up gradient well and two (2) down gradient wells. Contact the Mooresville Groundwater Regional Supervisor for well siting and other related questions. c. The wells shall be sampled initially and then quarterly for Cl, NO3, NH3, Pb, Zn, Cu, Fe, Cr, Fecal Coliform, pH, Conductivity, and phenol. Reports shall be forwarded to the Mooresville Groundwater Regional Supervisor within sixty (60) days of each sampling. 26. Application rates shall not exceed: a. Sludge from Henry Fork Wastewater Treatment Plant 1. 200 lbs. of plant available nitrogen (PAN) per acre per year 2. 1.11 lbs. of cadmium per acre per year 3. 29.4 lbs. of zinc per acre per year b. Sludge form the Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant 1. 150 lbs of plant available nitrogen (PAN) per acre pryer 2. 1.11 lbs. of cadmium per acre per year 3. 33.4 lbs. of zinc per acre per year c. Sludge shall be uniformly applied so as to avoid runoff, ponding or erosion. d. The additions should not exceed the needs of the crops being grown used upon current soil and sludge analysis. m Permit No. 10587 Page Four 27. Public access to the land application sites shall be controlled during active site use and for the 12aonth period following the last application evert. 28. Animals should not be grazed on sludge applied land within a 0-day period following the sludge application. Application sites that are to be also used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during the 30-day periods after each application. 29. The permittee shall submit t a current sludge analysis report, annually, the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, , Mooresville Regional Office (919 North Main Street, Mooresville., North Carolina 281.1.5) The following parameters are to be ,analyzed and reported along with the date of sampling: a.. percent solids b. bead lbs/ton (dry weight basis c. Cadmium, labs/ton (dry weight basis dNickel, lbs/ton (dry weight basis, e. Copper, l.bs/tons (dry weight basis) f. Zinc lbs/ton (dry weight: basis), g. Nitrogen, lbs/ton (dry weight basis h. Residual Chlorine, mg/kg (dry weight basis 0. A records log of applications including amounts in pounds of all nutrients and heavy metals applied, dates, records, coordinates of application, dates applied, etc., shall be maintained;at the Henry Fork Wastewater Treatment Plant and Northeast Wastewater Treatment Platt as a permanent record. 31 This permit shall become voidable unless the agreements between the City of Hickory and the land owners listed in this permit are it full forte and effect. Site 3o. Owner Area; 1 Charles Boman 53 acres Permit issued this the aid day of August, ld. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMM COMMISSION /00 tw.Robert r. Helms, fire Division of Environmental Management By Authorityof the Environmental Management Commission Date: March 27, 1987 ATTN: Gil Vinzani WATER NUATIONS Part 1. - INSPECTION OF PROPOSED/EXISTING SLUDGE DISPOSAL SITE 1. a. Place visited: City of Hickory b. Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 398 Hickory, N. C. 28603 Catawba County, N. C. 2. Date of Investigation: December 15, 1986 Date of report: March 27, 1987 3 4- . By: J. Thurman Horne, P. Jc��%O 4. a. Persons contacted: �:. fFrank Post (Amsco), Mr. Hewitt Sanders (City of Hickory), Dr. Bob Rubin (NCSU) b. Phone No.: 704/322-2605 (City of Hickory) S. Directions to site: Site No. 9 (Harry Frank Property): From the intersection of Hwy 10 and SR 1008, travel east on Hwy. 10 approx. 0.8 mile. The proposed site in on right (south) side of Hwy 10. 6. USGS Quad No.: E13NE E13SE (see map enclosed with permit application documents), 7. Size (land available for expansion and upgrading): The proposed site consists of approx. 116 useable, acres. 8. Topography: mildly rolling with slopes generally 2 - 10%. The site is maintained in fescue for pasture/hay. 9. Location of nearest dwelling: The proposed site is located in a rural farming community with only scattered housing nearby. The applicant has delineated a minimum buffer of 200 ft. as contained in the present permit) from any residences to the perimeter of the application area. PART IT - DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED/EXlSTING TREATMENT FACILITIES 1. Existing Facilities: The applicant presently holds Permit No. 10587112 (issued May 22, 1985) for land application of sludge from the City's municipal P's® A full description of these activities is included in our Staff Report and Recommendations dated August 17, 1984. 2. Proposed Modifications The applicant wishes to amend Permit No. 10587 2 to add the proposed site to the list of sites permitted for land application. All other teams, conditions and limitations of the permit are to regain unchanged. PART III - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1.. Performance valuation: There have been no previous applications of sludge to this proposed new site. Applications at the gather permitted sites appear to be well managed and with a minimum of problems since the City obtained the services of AMSCO approx. one year ago. 2. Recommendations and/or Special Conditions: It is recommended that the permit be amended as requested. Condition No. 31 of Permit No... -1 582 2 should be amended to include this new proposed site. It should be listed as follows Site No. Owner Area Harry frank 116 acres The amendment should state that this site must be adequately limed prier to initial sludge application and annually thereafter as necessary t maintain a soil PH of 6.5 s.0 A 2. Proposed Modifications: The applicant wishes tes to amend Permit No. 1 5 ip o add the proposed site to the list of sites permitted for land application. :All other terms, conditions and limitations of the permit are to regain unchanged PART IIIEVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Performance Evaluation: There have been no previous applications of sludge to this proposed new site® .Applications at the other permitted sites appear to be well managed and with a minimum of problems since the City obtained the services of AMSCO approx. one year ago. 2. Recommendations and/or Special Conditions It is recommended that the permit be amended as requested. Condition No. 31 of Permit No. 10587R2 should be amended to include this new proposed site. It should be listed as follows: Site No. Owner ,Area Harry Frank 116 sores The amendment should Mate that this site must be adequately limed prior to initial sludge application and annually thereafter as necessary to maintain a soil pR of 6.5 d.u. �w PV APN 010467 WATER QUALITY SECTION STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS PART I - INSPECTION OF PROPOSED/EXISTING SLUDGE DISPOSAL SITE 1. a. Place Visited: City of Hickory b. Mailing Address: Post Office Box 398 Hickory, NC 28603 Catawba County, NC 2. Date of Investigation: 10/29/87 Date of Report: 12/29/87 3. By: J. Thurman Horne, P. E. 4. a. Persons Contacted: Mr. Frank Post (AMSCO), Mr. Hewitt Sanders (City of Hickory) b. Phone No.: 70'41322-2605 (City of Hickory) 5. Directions to Sites: Site No. 12 (W. D. Robinson Property): From the intersection of Highway 321 and S. R. 1883 (Prison Camp Road) travel east on S. R. 1883 approximately 0.3 mile. The proposed site is on the right (south) side of S. R. 1883. Site No. 13 (Arville Sigmon Property): From the intersection of Highway 321 and S. R. 1883 (Prison Camp Road) travel east on S. R. 1883 approximately 0.5 mile. The proposed site is on the left (north) side of S. R. 1883. Site No. 14 (Dewey Hunsucker Property): Site A: The site is located in the northwest corner of the intersection of Highway 16 and S. R. 1487. Site B: The site is located on the north and south sides of 1-40 at the intersection of 1-40 and S. R. 1709 to the east of S. R. 1709. Site No. 15 (A. L. Bumgartner): Site A: From the intersection of Highway 16 and S. R. 1610, travel east on S. R. 1610 approximately 1.5 miles. The proposed site is on the right (south) side of S. R. 1610. Page Two Site B: From the intersection of Highway 16 and S. R. 1610, travel east on S. R. 1610 approxi- mately 2.5 miles, turn right on S. R. 1605, go approximately 0.3 mile. Turn left on S. R. 1619, travel approximately 0.7 mile. The proposed site is on the right (south) side of of S. R. 1619. 6. USGS Quad No.: (copies of maps are included in the permit application documents) Site No. quad No� 12 E14SW 13 E14SW & E14NW 14 E14NW 15 D14SW & D14SE 7. Size (land available for application): Site No. Acres 12 83 13 128.2 14: 239.3 15 194.0 Total 644.5 Note: Fields 9.03 and 9.06 have been deleted from consideration by the applicants consent due to observed site restrictions (steep slope, etc.) 8. Topography: The terrain at the proposed sites is generally mildly rolling with slopes less than 15%. None of the sites appear to infringe upon any flood plain providing that adequate buffers are maintained. 9. Location of Nearest Dwelling: In general the sites are located in remote, rural farmland. There are scattered houses in the vicinity which will necessitate the provision of adequate buffers as required by permit conditions. PART II - DESCRIPTION OF SLUDGE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM The City disposes of sludge being generated at its two (2) municipal wastewater treatment facilities. The Henry or Wastewater Treatment Plant is a 6.0 MGD two stage biological treatment plant. The Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant is a 5.0 MGD extended aeration treatment plant. sludge from the Henry Fork Wastewater Treatment Plant is retained in an aerated sludge holding lagoon before stabilization in a chemical oxidation IPurifax) unit. There are existing sand drying beds; however, the City disposes of sludge from the Purifax unit Page Three without using the drying beds ;except for temporary storage purposes. The Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant has aerobic digesters and a sludge holding tank. The City disposes of sludge from the digesters The City hauls sludge to the sites in tanker trucks. The sludge is then surface and subsurface applied depending on the particular site constraints. The City has submitted a leachable metals analysis which indicates that the sludge is considered nod -hazardous The 'City has ; submitted an analysis the sludge characteristicsfor each of the two t wastewater treatment plant sludges. The reported characteristics show the sludge t e fairly typical of municipal wastewater treatment plant sludges. PARS" III - EVALUATION AND% tI 1* Performance Evaluation: With the exception of an occasional lapse the City has maintained an effective land application program in compliance with its er it requirements. The City contracts the application program` to AMSCO. The proposed new sites all appear to be generally well suited as receiver sites for land application. 2. Recommendations: It is recommended that the Permit be renewed and amended to include the requested additional sites. It is recommended that the following modifications be made conditions of Permit No. 1" 1. Condition No. l : The buffer requirements to residences should be changed from 200 feet to 40 feet. 2. Replace Condition No. 23 with the following: Each site shall be adequately limed, to a soil. PH of 6.5 prior to initial sludge applications. Thereafter, soil tests shall be performed annually and lime additions will be rude in accordance with the recommendations ons of a recognized soil scientist or agronomist. The per itt e shall submit a copy of the soil test results and a report o lime additions in ',soil with the schedule indicated in Item No. Page Four 3. Condition No. 26 should be modified to read as follows: sludge applications shall not exceed: A. Annual Loadings: 1. PAN 250 lbs/acre/year 2. PO 4 100 lbs/acre/"ear 3. Cd 0.45 lbs/acre/"ear B. Cumulative Loadings: 1. Cd 4.5 lbs/acre 2. Pb 445 1/acre 3. Zn 222.5 lbs/acre 4. Cu 111.2 lbs/acre 5. Ni 111.2 lbs/acre 4. Condition No. 31 should be modified to add the four (4) proposed new application sites to the list of permitted sites. 5. Delete Condition No. 32 (these wells have already been installed). 6. Delete Conditions No. 33 and 34. 7. Condition No. 36 should be modified to read as follows: Should cumulative applications of metals exceed those limitations indicated in Item No. 26, the Permittee shall take whatever remedial actions may be required by the Division of Enviro=ental Management including, but not limited to, inclusion of the following statement as a part of the property deed: "Portions of this property have received solid waste at high metals application rates and care should be taken if food chain crops are grown due to a possible health hazard". Page Five 8. The following condition should be added to the Permit: Lactating dairy animals shall not be grazed on sludge applied areas for a period of one year following sludge application. All other animals should not be grazed on sludge applied land within a 30-day period following the sludge application. Application sites that are to be also used for grazing all have fencing that will be used to prevent access after each application. deport eparer Water Quality Rec p or jtonal Su e�r vi s ,. •.`�R.. a`s+'a"'e`,aa"�,mk`utdx,t,,a�*.3uaa t zk d`v+„�a..n, 'w.,aatwsaS„euaa'"�ixi.n,w. .u,;.,� a� ,iae , ,.Yr �s STAFF REPORT MD REC0142NIENDATIONS Part I INSPECTION OF PROPOSED SLUDGE DISPOSAL SITE 1. a Place visited: City of Hickory Proposed Sledge Disposal Sites g Mailiug Address: Post Office Box 398 Hickory, North Carolina, 28603 Catawba County 2. Vats of Investigation: 11/3/83 � Date at Pie rt : 3/`8/84 3. P ; T e Thurman Roma, P. 4. a. Person contacted: Mr.Leepry Twiggs (City i o) Ma Ed Noll ; Dr. A.- P. Rubin .. Po .: 74/322 (derma ai-City ofHickory) S. Directions to site: Site a Bowman Property: From the intersection or S. R. 1007 (Tate S l rd and S. R. 1441 (Spencer Road), in Hickory, travel north on S R. 1441 approximately 1. S mile turn left (south) on S. R. 1373. The Proposed site is at the end of S. R. 1373, approximately 0.9 mile from the intersection of S. R. 1.441 and S. R. 1573. Site 2Airport Property From the intersection of S. R. 1340 and Se 25, travel, west on S. R. 1625 approximately 1.3 mile. The proposed site is on, the left south aide of S. R. 1625. . US S mead No.: Site. 1: E 13 N1; Site 2 13 WE (see attached map) 7. Size: Site N. 1: 33 acres (usable land Site No. 2: 109 acres (usable land S. Topography: Site No. 1; 2 18%; rolling pastureland Site. No. 2 5 grassed area adjacent to air -port runways. 9. Location of nearest dwelling: From "wetted" perimeter. Site No. 1 Approximately 100 feet; Site No. 2: Approximately 100 feet. <Part '11 DESCRIPTION P PROPOSED SLUDGE LAND APPLICATION PROGRM The City proposes to dispose of sludge being generated at its two 2 municipal wastewater treatment facilities. the Henry Fort Wastewater Treatment Plant is a 6.0 MGD two stage biological treatment plant The NortheastWaste-water ' Treatment Plant is a 5.0 MGM extended aeration treatment plant. Sludge from the Henry Park Wastewater Treatment, Plzant is retained in an aerated sludge holding lagoon before stabilization in a chemical oxidation Page Two &A unit. There are existing sand drying beds; however, the City X­svA to disvose of sludgo from the Purifax unit without using the d1A i"g bejs. lorthcasv Wastewater Treatment Plant has aerobic digesters and a sludge, , tank. The City proposes to dispoge K sludge from the digesters Q- drying or chemical stahilization). Th- City proposes to haul slut�r tdge dge woold then be surface applied to the sites and lightly disced into the solj City hns sul)initted zileachable metals analysis which indicates that the sl-ke is considered non -hazardous. it, City has submitti."d an anialysis of the sludge characteristics for eac'n Of 'he two(2) wastewater creatment plant sludges. The reported character- l4lics are as follows: Henry Fork WWTP Niortheast 'PN'TP Concentration (mg/1) Concentration (mg/1) K I ameter 'I"10 Solids 2.24% 2.84% 01 01-N 3446 2282 K AN. 2687 1640 po 4' P 27.5 25 Wlssiw,a 202 192 Lu",� 4.53 77.4 Z1111- 39L4 364.7 Nyor 18.4 1&3 0.9 1.2 i utn 0.8 0.7 Orinnics 26,042 43,332 Ch I omiInn 4.7 7.8 Arn-nic 0 1 013 I i'am .013 .023 !"Icury <00005 <.00005 Part I I t - EVALUATION AND Evaluation: Based on the reported sludge characteristics, Zinc and Nitrogen appear to be the limiting constituents for the two (2) sludges. It should be noted that the report prepared by & R. Rubin pertains to the Bowman property (Site No. ) and the "Mauser Property" which is not a part of this application. The proposed Airport Property (Site No� 2) was not addressed in 10. Rubin's report although as brief inspection of this site was made. By telephone conversation wiftb Mr. Rubin on July 7, 1984, the investigator has confirmed that this rarticular site should be considered as only marginally acceptable. Ar. Rubin cited the fat ct thathe site has been drastically disturbed, the soil is very shallow and in some areas the site has been excavated to rock horizons. This, coupled with the fact that the najority of the areas indicated for use will not be accessible due to FAA and airport regulations, severely limiL the usefullness of this particular site. 'A Page Four nrows is prohibited. saLisfautary to the oond-itions of this permit: h. This permit shall become voldab3e unless the awreements between the City of Hickory and the private nroperty ournor covering use of designated area of farmland for sludge disposal is in full. force and effect. i. A suitable year round vegetative cover shall be maintained. j. The Permittee, at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of this permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if indicated, will extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. k. Sludge application rates shall not exceed: Sludge from Henry Fork Wastewater Treatment Plant: 8200 lbs. of plant available nitrogen per acre per year b. 1.11 Ibs. of cadmium per acre per year c244 lbsof Zinc per acre per year Sludye from Northeast Nastrwater Treatment Plant a. 150 Ibs. of plant available nitrogen per acre per year b. 1.11 Me of cadmium per acre per year, C. 33.4 Ibs. of Zinc per acre per year 1. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the City of Hickory of the responsibility for damages to surface or ground waters resulting from the operation of this facility. Paqe Ave surface runoff from convevin; polluiants from the sludgc, application area onto the adjacenr property and/or surface MEWS, p. Sludge shall not to applied in inclement woather or until 24 hours following a rainfall event of 4-inah or greater in 24 hours. Emargenry sludge disposal maasureA may he approved by the Division of Environmental ManapemenL. q. No liquid sludga shall be applied WiLhir 100 feet of any potable water supply well. r. `lhe site shall be adequately limed Lo a soil pU of 6.5 prior to sludge application, S. No root or leaf crops for public consumption shAj be raised on these sites. L . slope for sludge application shall be 101 for surface application and 18% for subsurface applications. U. Surface applied sludge shall be evenly applied and then plowed in within 24 hours after applivation. V. A records log of applications including amounts in pounds of all nutrients and heavy metals applied, dates, records, coordinates of application, dates applied, etc., shall be maintained at the Henry Fork Wastewater Treatment Plant and Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant as a permanent recor& W. The Permittee shall submA a current sludge analysis report, annually, to the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Mooresville Regional Office (919 North Main Street, looresville, North Carolina 23115). The following parameters are to be analvzed and reported along with the date of sampling: I. Percent solids 2. Lead, lbs./ton (dry weight basis) 3. Cadmium, lbs./ton (dry weight basis) 4. Nickel, lbs./ton (dry weight basis) 5� Copper, lbs./ton (dry weight basis) 6. Zinc, lbs./ton (dry weight basis' 7. Nitrogen, lbs./con (dry weight basis) plant availabh.,, 8. Residual Chinrine, mg/kg (dry weight basis) as age e ,v N31c'w Permittee sholl also submit ..r r records speciCying the sdisposalr r „k method (s art @ or sub- surface) LA amount of sludge applied by dry weight basis Q D. s and wet- volume 2 i li n gallons/year), date o applications, and the is,,tw'.x_.I.':n of applications an dr:sign,at:c disDosal ,.yeas. Ton permanent i"`ei,crd in, sludge disposal h' be accbntely maintained at the treatment plant .and be available o review. X. Surface + _ after ;?%„a ..a$_.aa._'? lands with nocover x:i.";'p established. time No liquid sludge shall be ;1'a.t`«ice applied Gazt..in a 100 ta?att huEfer zone of tt water r course, wet -weather drainage area, or within as 200Gcu;-(,st» bt:2s_iE.,r zone of s.,i .:"P. A"1 1 classified ,.w?:it:ui." course and its tributaries., Z. No liquid sludge :shalt be applied in the form of subsurface x a, e application within n °t't., - f o a t::" buffer zone of c"-p.. water course, wet - weather ll classified water course and its tributaries. aa. No liquid sludge shall be applied in the form of surface application within a 5 --foot buffer zone or in they form of subsurface application within a 2 - foot buffer zone of any property line or right-of-way boundary. roan. Sludge shall not be disposed of within areas prone t?"1 fitior:Sing by the 1E00 ,e storm, except during the period between '_ii'ay I and October 30 at zn. d only by subsurface a? r"i l ;S, t. n t" 1 c n a, Monitoring ' '. CC.ast'iiT?tt;Pt",d.xn ''tivc?i`'a shall be constructed "Y.1,s .a.a,.,n_.^.i..a3r; .r.'r'.:i.l«.,,"'.s arranged as required by the Division of dd. The following buffer °F`tI:e shall s. e maintained between any, ]yr'aaii.:ted l?qC€.ld sludge and a jaet"a,ifntRent residence, depending on the method of application and the location of residence: a residence, ctort as »' ; r subsurface a.a .�„,_'•w.`..as""ta. �_ptu.a. aiax on -site 1 200-- fee~-t from oa.`.. any off -site residence, subsurface x 1, oy"€z.,.. . 400-Meet: fT4Cmm any off ,stew residence, surface +.7>.` W>x??sLsT,'xace... eL:',:.. Ari'y' monitoring l..t„ deemed i%t_t.„.tns is"E3 $r'M..' by t[➢e..:. Division C."5t.',2R.."v'"E..t's::r'k2k1::..".1"stis lanc.3txemtent_ to x.i1",'>ur °"e and ground water r protection `v',Ll be �atSxw a established liv;hed and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. w in any future trnnsfer of this land, a notice shall he givan co „.. the new a.e.'$ a_t1;.;t gives ii,lat ia'txa1.1.** as to i.ht.' ;a.,Le.atr,_i.. etp7.?l,k., site, t i t. this 4.7 .ar: incorporated u k r wa t., Y' ; : t t"' +�s a. w, ; : :s, x. et. , F Liquid sludge shall T1,'rt E .> applied to any approved application t _ sites 't»ail r naw is on the in.€,.fund or ;when the "iT"r`und is e ?'ta^tan, Ah, Public access to the land application sites shall be controlled during active site use and for t?'lti. 12--"ow"dt period following the last application event. e Animals..aho .73.Rx not be grazed won sludge " applied d land within c day period following the sludge application. t on sites that are to be also used for grazing shall have fencing that will he a1se?cp to ;re*aefiES access during 'ti'ae 30dx1"periods nFter {'3:'1C':1 City Proposed Linage tbaaa'"F pil,a4,ati on,... x .a� �;� Concentration T ]Load da'4nd d a"F ap7 lax. 7-�Me n d y 14:g) UP'.% ton) Rate :z.. j_Y A' Load Site MY ;g Fo rll'm � t b.: ... .. 26S7 _ ,,. �Ph- 1) 2 5 M5 peg/ /A PO & a S S i U:-'-i 202 0.41 N Ali t. Loa, 4.51 0,009 .33 900 lF't-s, awn. r zinc 397.4 0 ,. 191 2 9a 450 l [rk..w it c a, a"e 15.3 e a r copper 18.4 0.04 1a48 225 Sys?„ax e Nickel. «. 9 a [0 2 m07 0.07 ry wl..S rd a ar 1+.. ' max. Northeast eas WWTP N/A Potassium 192 0.38 NIA N/A Lead 77.4 OA5 .4 900 lbs,aaa.r Zinc 364.7 0.73 33A 430 lbs/ are 13.5 years '.w s ?. iti.e a: -.. 1.2: 0.002 : _ � L,� » ,. ,. ;1 s. ;.',r.,.r , as C" �"s�.a - -_ 4 " G� Cr .� 3 E. � , sx.� "� d.., max.) *Recommended loading rate is governed by nutrient uptake of the fescue cue cover crop. In : order to achieve aCnce proper balance oadinti, Ziic) loading, etal (Zinc) and metals betweennitrogen requirement ..: a recommended P. A. F. loading of 20 lJsa:i:tyear(HLvr Fork Wastewater xYea i;t Plant sludge) and 150 .knzacMe/ +r (Northeast Wastewater AY:{v.int Plant sludge). �. .. . lotion _r . u w x.. w no Staff rn7v 71 for P11 Ay korFe boskq Fnwqzl site is -:a! r . The v "µ -? A r "nDrk prfvace walls p n, y prior to issuance of this permit. ..... �. on xV"s.y[E'.: 4 .«,_�., � _i.�..' "t�s:;. wails shc:.'..6 t be sufficient cc monitor the Ircund watcr the cost 1x2 beworth the bE'I,e t.. 1 �xggest that the well . the southeast corner of the purge: site be installed de to the closeness o that is directly down slope from tho spray irrigation field. The .. analyses i"s t�S�� '^��,�1L��t� t'_"�""1"1 �.xtk?: ��+.' facilities �i'? .�. '�' z, attached. k rr # " .. starred" ,�`_ � e C�. €2 parameters .`xisggk.a,t we monitor on a semi—annual basis. =w �p g ° 1...1 pS NORTH 4 r a 75MINUTE 1 WO FEET a 14, r P x a x a . s n h a ^ x a 7 * r. a e t - * t, ...... P Attention: Mr. Gil Vin?anj. STAFF -REPORT AND RECOf2MIENDA]IONS Part I - INSPECTION OF PROPOSED SLUDGE DISPOSAL SITE 3. a. Place visited: City of Hickory b� Mailing Address: Post Office Box 398 Hickory, North Carolina 28603 Catawba County 2. Date of Investigation: 11/21/84 Date of Report., 3/26/85 3. By: J. Thurman Horne, P. I 4. a. Persons contacted: MLKiitt Sanders, Mr. Gene Shue, Dr. A. R� Rub in b. Phone No: 704/322-2605 (City of Hickory) 5. Directions to site: 1) Hickory Airport (abandoned landfill): From the intersection of S. R. 1.340 and S. R. 1625 travel west on S. R. 1625 approximately 1.3 mile. The proposed application site is at western end of the airport runway. 2) Baxley/Reeves Property (Alexander County); From Hickory, travel north on Highway 127, turn left on S. R. 1156, travel approximately 1.5 mile, turn right on S. R. 1218, travel approximately 0.2 mile. The proposed site is at the end of S. R. 1218� 3) Bowman Property (Alexander County): From the intersection of S. R. 11,37 and S� R. 1138 travel south on S. R. 1138 approximately 0.2 mile. The proposed application site is on both sides (east and west) of S. R. 1138. 4) Finger Property: From the intersection of S. R, 1.008 and S. R. 2021, travel, east on S. R. 2021 approximately 0.2 mile. Tfie Finger property is located on the right (south) side of S. R. 2021. 5) Moyer Property, From the intersection of S. R. 114"'4 aild S. R- 1211, travel. north on, S. R. 1,211 approximately 1-11 milo- T h o proposed site is an the right and left side of S. R. 1,211. 6) HarL Property: Froin the intersection of S. R. 2029 aiL'id S. R. 2036, travel east on S. R. 2029 approximately 1.3 i-,-ile. The propc-ised site is on the riglit (south) side, of S. R� 2029� 7) Sherrill Property: From the intersection of S. R. 1005 (Startown Road) and S. R� 2007 (Elbow Road) travel, wesL on S. R. 2007 approximately 0.5 mile. The Sherrill property is llocatled oin the right (north) side of S. R� 2007. Page Two 6. USGS Quad No.: Site No: 1) Hickory Airport Property: E13NW 2) Baxley/Reeves, Property. D13SE 3) Boumian Property: D14SW 4) Finger Property: E13SE 5) Moyer Property: E13NE 6) Hart Property: E13SE 7) Sherrill Property: E13SE See attached maps 7. Size: Approximate area proposed for land application Site No: 1) hickory Airport Property: 40 acres 2) Baxley/Reeves Property: 10 acres 3) Bow -man Property: 31 acres 4) Finger Property: 60 acres 5) Moyer Property: 16 acres 6) Hart Property: 86 acres 7) Sherrill Property: 99 acres S. Topography: All sites are gently rolling pasture land having slopes that are generally less than 15%. 9. Location of nearest dwelling: There are no occupied dwellings within 500 feet of the proposed application boundaries. Part II DES'CRIPTION OF PROPOSED SLUDGE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM 1� Existing Facilities: The City has requested that existing Permit No. 10587R1 be revised to allow land application of sludge to sites described in Part 1. 5. ab�ove, in addition to the previously permitted sites. These sites are generally similar to those previously permitted and should be permitted for the same application rates (reference Dr. Rubin's report). Please refer to the Staff Report and Recommendations prepared by J. Thurman Horne dated 8/17/84 (copy attached) for an indepth discussion of sludge characteristics, suggested loading rates, etc. Part III - EVALUATION AND RECO',��-IENDATIONS 1. Performance Evaluation: The proposed, sites appear to be well suited as receivers of land applied sludge. These sites are generally more remote than those previous"Ly permitted and, therefore, should be more desirable from the standpoint of public acceptability. 2. RecommendatiOnS and/or Special Conditions: it is recoymniended that Permit No. .1.0587RI be amended to allow land application of sludge to the requested sites. It is recounmended that condition No. 31 of the Permit be revised as follows: Page `three 31 This permit shall. become voidable unless the agreements between they City of Hickory and the 'laird owners listed in this Permit are in full forces and of fect: Site No. Owner hrea, 1 Charles Bowman 33 acres Robert Mauser 500 acres 3 City of Hickory (Airport) 40 acres R. Baxley/W. D. Reeves 10 acres d R. Z. Bowman 31 acres d George L. Singer 60 acres; 7 Kenneth R. Moyer 16 acres , S, Dr. Hobert Hart,":11 86 acres H.B. Sherrill 99 acres 1t is further recommended that the Permi,ttee be required to apply lime and potassium to the receiver sites, prior to sludge application and in accordance with the recommendations of Dr. Rubin and the soils reports. To accomplish this, it is recommended that condition No. 33 be amended to read as follows; 23, prior to initial sludge application, the peer ittee shall apply lime and potassium in accordance with the following schedule: Site No. Owner Li e(ton C) Potassi.um, (lhs/ C 3 City of Hickory 0.7 so (Airport) D. R. Baxley/W. D. 1.1 5 Reeves d George L. purger 1.5 30 Kenneth R. Moyer 1.5 50 S Dr. Robert Bart, 111 0.1 50 li ¢ W. Sherrill C 3 After initial application, the soil shall be analyzed at Least annually and limed to aintain a pH of 6.5 s.u. prier to future sludge applications. In order to :improve and facilitate the Permitted's system of reporting and record keeping, it is suggested that condition No. 29 be amended to read as follows: 29. The permitte:e shall submit a current sludge analysis report one for each wastewater treatment. plant) , and summary of all applications, annually, to the North Carolina Department of Natural, Resources and Community eve.lopment, Mooresville Regional, Office (919 North Main Streets, Mooresville, North Carolina 281.15). The sludge analysis report shall contain at least the following: �u. Page Four Parameter Units a. Solids % b. Lead lbs/dry ton c. Cadmium lbs/dry ton d� Nickel Ibs/dry ton e. Copper lbs/dry ton f. zinc lbs/d,ry ton g� Residual Chlorine Ibs/dry ton h. PO/ as P lbs/dry ton i. Td lbs/dry ton j. NH 3 as N lbs/dry ton k. NO 2 + NO 3 lbs/dry ton 1. Chromium, Total lbs/dry ton M. PH S.U. The suninnary of sludge applications shall specify the dates of applicationj, location of application and loading races for nutrients, metals and hydraulic. The Permittee shall contact the Mooresville Regional Office to obtain proper forms and assistance in maintaining proper records and submitting reports. LCTOVIEW QUADRANGLE NORTH CAROLANA 15 MINUTE 'SEPIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) con. 77--, L E7 40,,, Ica" 70, J, Arf -4� 'S-at lq� -"lam Ott,, t w V7 jav% w� f. w t k _ e e e " e a � x + y " s a a t r d a n m . r' s a „na a a, m� f � m u < k t r v �J k3 R. u� CIA n R + � t 4 0 t fk pk� Elu& Y �*gte y ff r + r , 4 s y e rv.. . M t v a 0 4 c e i ✓ r .m 9 w a h ry a dm. .G , y t y w ° M h. ¢ — u x Ch a a + x z u 52 x 09 ' a 4 k x a mm e u.+ to 14 a i , v w ,I�?X A°,.M.. v- 6 Ch n � N x � 1 i� yGt'S' R iS t k } t, c a. y P a r' f n x i t � 55 4r t z lit i 4 ti } r q }4 t s ;e ( f v r } 6 h t tr ry P> x At 'ti 3 INO 11— OIL NORTH L V + . ,... � �, PH, J � MINUTE , , ,, "•r a 4y � :, S i r, uaw , a e + t t_ w f x d4 e .v r ✓' • F F a. +>s n u e ,� • r ». a .,. P w e n� a a x , + co a :=;wr ti ny i w �... + r r a t w F a e a z 0."k— 7'7- State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James 8. Hunt, Jr., GoVernor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, it., P.E., Director Jerry Twiggs City of I-Eckory P.O. Box 398 Hickory, NC 28603 Dear Mr. Twiggs: January z 22, 1996 JWN a a: V3, Subject: Annual Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Treatment and Land Application of Residuals Permit No: WQ,0001669 City of Hickory C, toii*; The purpose of this letter is a reminder the monitoring requirements contained in the subject permit were to have been completed by no later than December 31, 1995 and the Annual Report must be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management (DEM) by no later than March 1, 1996, The report must be submitted (in triplicate) to the following address. Due to limitations in storage space, please submit the reports in bound form rather than in notebook form. Permittees are subject to civil penalty for failing to subtrut the Annual Report as required by their pernift. DEBNR/DEN4/Water Quality Section Facilities Assessment Unit P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Enclosed are summary and certification sheets that must be attached to your annual report. Please complete these sheets and if necessary make copies of the blank forms if extra forms are needed for additional fields, If there is a need for any additional information or clarification on the State reporting requirements, please do not hesitate to contact Lou Polletta of our staff at 919n33-5083 extension 536. Sincerely, 62 Dennis R. Ramsey Assistant Chief for Operations cc, Regional Supervisor Compliance/ Enforcement File Central Files �WULQUWUW ism= ffl==M�W= Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 % recycled/ I U-1/6 post -consumer paper