HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0600138_MISC._20140708FloMag H MSDS S 26 S 36 In Case Of Contact With Eyes, Rinse Immediately With Plenty Of Water and Seek Medical Advice. Wear Suitable Protective Clothing. S 39 Wear Eye/Face Protection. Page 8 of 8 SOURCES USED_, ACGIH 2O00; RTECS June 1998; Sax - 8Lh Ed.; Ind. Exposure & Control Tcchn. for OSHA Regulated Substances - MgO (fume), March, 1989, pp. 1181-1184; NIOSH Occupational Health Guide for Chemical Substances - Vol. II, September, 1978. http://www.magspecialties.com/MSDS/mgoh-slurry-msds.asp?MsdsNo=29 1/13/2005 IMPORTANT. Why Brenmagbelieve stheinformation contained herein tobe accurate, Brenntagmakesnorepresentation orwarranty express orimplied,regarding,andassumesnoliabiidyfor,the accuracy or completeness ofthe information. The Buyer assume selite sponsility FloMag H MSDS Page 7 of 8 under OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard at 29 CFR therefore is subject to Tier I and/or Tier II annual SecLion 313 - Emission Reoorting - This notification from this MSDS and any copying and redistribution of include this notice, as required by 40 CFR part 372: 1910.1200, and inventory reporting. must not be detached this MSDS must Magnesium hydroxide is not subject to Form R reporting requirements. Section _302-..Extremely Hazardous Substances: Magnesium hydroxide is noL listed. US CLEAN AIR ACT: This product complies in all respects to the requirements of Section 611 of Title VI (Stratospheric Ozone Depletion) of the Clean Air Act as amended 1990; namely, that the product neither contains, nor is "manufactured with" (as defined by U.S. EPA) any Class I or Class II Ozone Depleting Substances listed in Title VI, and therefore is not required to carry the warning stated as dictated in the amended Act. STATE LISTS -- Magnesium Hydroxide is NOT listed on any of the following state lists: California - Directors List of Hazardous Substances (8 CCR 339) Florida Hazardous Substance List Illinois Right -to -Know Toxic Substances List Massachusetts Right To Know List Minnesota Hazardous Substance List NJ Department of Health RTK List Pennsylvania Right Lo Know List Rhode Island Hazardous Substance List INTERNATIONAL REGULATORY INFORMATION: EU DIRECTIVES: • Dangerous Substance Directive 67\548. • Dangerous Preparations Directive 88\379. APPROVED CODE OF PRACTICE: Classification and Labelling of Substances Preparations Dangerous for Supply. SECTION XVI: OTHER INFORMATION and NFPA Ratings: Health: 1 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Other: <blank> RMIS Ratings:, Health: 1 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 PPE: J SAFETY & RISK PHRASES: R 20/22 Harmful By Inhalation And If Swallowed. R 36/37/38 Irritating To Eyes, Respiratory System And Skin. httpi/www.magspecialties.com/MSDS/mgoh-slurry-msds.asp?MsdsNo=29 1/13/2005 IMPORTANT Wlule Bremdag believesthe information contained herein to be accurate,Brenntagmakesnorepresentation or warranty express orimplied,regarding, and assumesnoliabilityfor,the accuracy or completeness ofthe information. The Buyer assumesailresponsb:tty FloMag H MSDS Page 6 of 8 either by listing or by characteristic. However, under RCRA, it is the responsibility of the product user to determine at the time of disposal, whether a material containing the product or derived from the product should be classified as a hazardous waste. (40 CFR 261.20-24) SECTION XIIII: TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT SHIPPING NAME: Not regulated under DOT DOT CLASS,: Not applicable SPECIAL SHIPPING INFORMATION: No special precautions. For further information, refer to - • Handling & Storage (Section VII) • Stability & Reactivity (Section X) SECTION XV: REGULATORY INFORMATION All of the ingredient(s) contained in this product are included on the following inventory and/or regulatory lists: Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (ACIS): Magnesium hydroxide (1309-42-8) Canada - Domestic Substance List (DSL): Magnesium hydroxide (1309-42-8) Canada - WHMIS: Ingredient Disclosure List - Magnesium hydroxide (Not listed) European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS): Magnesium hydroxide (215-170-3) Japan - Existing and New Chemical Substances (ENCS) - Magnesium hydroxide (1-386) Korea - Existing and Evaluated Chemical Substances (KECL) - Magnesium hydroxide (XE-22716) Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances (PICCS) - Magnesium hydroxide (present) Swiss Giftliste 1 (List of Toxic Substances 1), 31 May 1999 - Magnesium hydroxide (G-8166) Toxic Category 4: Acute oral lethal dose of 500 - 2000 mg/kg. U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) 8(b)Inventory List: Magnesium hydroxide (1309-42-8) US REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: CERCLA Hazardous Substance: No SARA Title III: Section 311/312 - Categories: Magnesium hydroxide - Acute hazard (nuisance dust if allowed to dry out) Section 312 - Inventory Reporting: Although not specifically listed, magnesium hydroxide does meet the definition of a hazardous material http://www.magspecialties.com/MSDS/mgoh-slurry-msds.asp?MsdsNo=29 1/13/2005 IMPORTANT. While Brenntag believe sthe information contained herein to be accurate,Brenntagmakesno representation or warranty express orimpled,regarding, and assumesno liability for,the accuracy or completeness ofthe information The The Buyer as&nncsaflresponsbthty FloMag H MSDS Page 5 of 8 SECTION IX: PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE AND.ODOR: Milky white aqueous BOILING POINT (F): 212 F (100 C) pH: -10 saturated sol % VOLATILE (by VOL): 40 - 45% VAPOR DENSITY: Not applicable SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Slightly soluble PHYSICAL STATE: Aqueous slurry slurry; no odor FREEZE POINT (F): Not applicable VAP PRESS (mm Hg): Not determined SPEC GRAV: 1.48 to 1.62 EVAPOR RATE: Not applicable ODOR THRESH (ppm): Not determined OIL/WATER COEFFIC: Not applicable SECTION X: STABILITY & REACTIVITY STABLE: Yes CONDITIONS OF REACTIVITY_ Will react with incompatibles (see below) CONDITIONS OF CHEMICAL INSTABILITY: Stable under ambient temperatures and pressures. INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): ACID (Strong) - vigorous reaction, heat generated; MALEIC ANHYDRIDE - Alkali and other alkaline earth compounds, including magnesium compounds, will cause explosive decomposition; PHOSPHORUS - when boiled with alkaline hydroxides yields mixed phosphines which may ignite spontaneously in air. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Steam, acrid smoke and trace amounts of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrous oxides. If magnesium hydroxide is heated to the point of volatilization (i.c., >1700°C), magnesium oxide FUMES may be generated. IS THIS PRODUCT SUBJECT TO POLYMERIZATION? No CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH PRODUCT WILL POLYMERIZE: None known. SECTION XI: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION ROUTES OF ENTRY - SKIN CONTACT: Yes SKIN ABSORPTION: No EYE CONTACT: Yes INHALATION: Yes INGESTION: Yes NAME OF TOXICOLOGICALLY SYNERGISTIC PRODUCTS: None known. IRRITANCY OF PRODUCT: No data available. REPRODUCTIVE TOXIN? No TERATOGEN? No MUTAGEN? No SENSITIZER? No CONSIDERED CARCINOGENIC BY - NTP? No IARC? No OSHA? No No data available. Dispose according SECTION XII: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION SECTION XIII: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS to local, state/provincial and federal regulations. If discarded in its purchased form, this product would not be hazardous http://www.magspecialties.com/MSDS/mgoh-slurry-msds.asp?MsdsNo=29 waste 1/13/2005 IMPORCANT. While Brermtag believe sthe information contained herein to be accurate,Brenntagmakesno representation or warrantyexpress orimplied,regard ng,and asstnnesnoliabiityfor,the accuracy or compbtenessofthe information. The Buyer asstunesallresponsNity FloMag H MSDS Page 4 of 8 8 Hour Occupational Exposure Limit Magnesium oxide fume as Mg: 10 mg/m3 TWA Canada - British Columbia - 15 Minute Exposure Limits Magnesium oxide fume 10 mg/m3 8 Hour Exposure Limits Magnesium oxide fume as Mg; Total dusts: 10 mg/m3 TWA; Respirable dust and fumes: 3 mq/m3 TWA Canada - Ontario - OHSA - TWAEVs Magnesium oxide fume 10 mg/m3 TWAEV Proposed Occupational STEVs 5 mg/m3 STEV Canada - Quebec - Magnesium oxide fume Time -Weighted Average Exposure Magnesium oxide fume as Mg: 10 mg/m3 TWAEV German (DFG) - MAK Values Magnesium oxide fume respirable fraction: 1.5 mg/m3 MAK (includes magnesium oxide fume) Peak Limitations Magnesium oxide fume 2 x normal MAK (30 min. average value); don't exceed 4 times during shift; half-life <2h Israel - Action Levels Magnesium oxide fume 5 mg/m3 AL Time Weighted Averages Magnesium oxide fume 10 mg/m3 TWA Mexico - Instruction No. 10 - TWAs Magnesium oxide fume 10 mg/m3 TWA US - OSHA - Final PELs: Time Weighted Average Magnesium oxide fume total particulate: 15 mg/m3 TWA Vacated PELs: Time Weighted Avg Magnesium oxide fume total particulate: 10 mg/m3 TWA United Kingdom - Occupational Exposure Standard:STEL Magnesium oxide fume fume and respirable dust, as Mg: 10 mg/m3 STEL Occupational Exposure Standards:TWA Magnesium oxide fume fume and respirable dust, as Mg: 5 mg/m3 TWA; total inhalablc dust, as Mg: 10 mg/m3 TWA http://www.magspecialties.com/MSDS/mgoh-slurry-msds.asp?MsdsNo=29 1/13/2005 IMPORTANT While BrenntagbeRevesthe information contained herein to be accurate,Brenntag malcesno representation or warrant-34 express orimpled,regarding, and assmtiesno liabHdyfor,the accuracy or completeness ofthe infonnatioh The Buyer assume safire sponsibildy FloMag H MSDS Page 3 of 8 SECTION VIII: EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION SPECIFIC ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Local and general mechanical dust collection and ventilation in accordance with good engineering practices should be provided to maintain dust levels below permissible exposure levels specified in Section VIII. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: GLOVES: Dust impervious gloves during manual handling of product. EYES: Safety glasses with side -shields or tight fitting goggles. FOOTWEAR: Steel reinforced shoes when handling pallets of product. CLOTHING: Long sleeves, buttoned collar, long pants extended over shoes or coveralls. RESPIRATORY - UP TO 100 MG/M3: Any dust, mist or fume respirator; any air supplied respirator; or, self-contained breathing apparatus. UP TO 250 MG/M3: Any supplied air respirator operated in a continuous flow mode or any powered air purifying respirator with a dust/mist/fume filter. UP TO 500 MG/M3: High efficiency particulate filter with full face piece; any powered air supplied respirator with a tight fitting face piece and a high efficiency particulate filter; any self contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece; any supplied air respirator with a full face piece. UP TO 7500 MG/M3: Any air supplied respirator with full face piece and operated in a pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. EMERGENCY or ENTRY INTO UNKNOWN CONCENTRATIONS: Self contained breathing apparatus with full face piece and operated in pressure demand mode or air supplied respirator with full face piece operated in a pressure demand or other positive pressure mode in combination with auxiliary self contained breathing apparatus operated in pressure demand or positive pressure mode. ESCAPE: Any air purifying full face piece respirator with high efficiency particulate filter or any appropriate escape type self contained apparatus. EXPOSURE LIMITS Magnesium hydroxide: No exposure limits established by OSHA, ACGIH or NIOSH. if magnesium hydroxide is heated over 1700°C (in a reducing environment), magnesium oxide fume may be generated. Exposure limits for magnesium oxide fume include: ACGIH - Time Weighted Averages Magnesium oxide fume 10 mg/m3 TWA ACGIH - TLV Basis: Critical Effects Magnesium oxide fume irritation; metal fume fever Australian Exposure Standards Magnesium oxide fume 10 mg/m3 TWA California - Exposure Limits: PELs Magnesium oxide fume as Mg: 10 mg/m3 Canada - Alberta - 15 Minute Occupational Exposure Limit Magnesium oxide fume 20 mg/m3 STEL http://www.magspecialties.com/MSDS/mgob-slurry-msds.asp?MsdsNo=29 1/13/2005 IMPORFANP. While Brermtagbelievesthe information containe d herein to be a ceurate,Brenntag makesno representation or warranty express orimplied,regarding, and assumesnoliabiityfor,the accuracy or completeness oftheinformation. The Buyer asunesaflresponsbility FloMag H MSDS Page 2 of 8 environment without adequate personal protection, inhalation of magnesium oxide dust or fume may aggravate any pre-existing respiratory disease; prolonged/frequent skin contact may lead to dermatitis. SECTION IV: FIRST AID MEASURES INHALATION: Remove to fresh air immediately. no not permit exposed person to remain in dusty environment without adequate respiratory protection. Treat metal fume fever with bed rest and treat for fever and pain. EYE CONTACT: Do not rub eyes. Wash eyes under slowly running water for at least fifteen minutes, making sure eyes are held wide open and moved slowly in every direction. Ensure no solid particles remain in creases of eyelids. If so, continue to wash. If irritation persists, consult an ophthalmologist. SKIN CONTACT: Remove from source of irritation. Remove contaminated clothing and wash affected area thoroughly with a mild soap and water. Wash contaminated clothing before reusing. INGESTION: Treat symptomatically. If bowel obstruction occurs, immediately consult a physician. SECTION V: FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT (METHOD): Product is not flammable or combustible. AUTO -IGNITION TEMP: Not applicable LEL: Not applicable UEL: Not applicable SENSITIVE TO MECHANICAL IMPACT? No SENSITIVE TO STATIC DISCHARGE? No FLAMMABILITY CLASSIFICATION: Not flammable CONDITIONS OF FLAMMABILITY: Not flammable EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Use media appropriate to primary source of fire. Otherwise, use dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water spray or foam. SPECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES: No special procedures; avoid breathing fumes or dust; keep upwind. UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS: None known. HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: None known. SECTION VI: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Ventilate enclosed spaces and use appropriate respiratory protection. Sweep or vacuum spilled material in a manner to avoid generation of dust. Reclaim product for re -use, if possible, or collect in containers for disposal in an appropriate manner. SECTION VII: HANDLING & STORAGE HANDLING PROCEDURES AND EQUIPMENT: Keep container closed when not in use. Avoid contact with eyes. Avoid breathing dust or fume and only use in a well ventilated area. Consumption of food and beverages should be avoided in work area where product is being used. After handling product, always wash hands and face thoroughly with soap and water before eating, drinking or smoking. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS: Suitable for any general chemical storage area. http://www.magspecialties.com/MSDS/mgoh-slurry-msds.asp?MsdsNo=29 1/13/2005 IMPORTANT. While Brenntagbehevesthe information coMainedherein to be accurate,Brenntagmakesnorepresentation or warranty express crimpled,regarding, and assumesnoliabililyfor,the accuracy or completeness ofthe information. The Buyer assumes afire sponsbility FloMag H MSDS Page 1 of 8 SECTION I: CHEMICAL PRODUCT & COMPANY INFORMATION MARTIN MARIETTA MAGNESIA SPECIALTIES LLC 195 Chesapeake Park Plaza, Suite 200 BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21220-0470 (410) 780-5500 424-9300 CHEMTREC PRODUCT NAME(S): FlOMag H CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION: Magnesium Hydroxide Slurry, Aqueous FORMULA: Mg(OH)2 MSDS #: 3710 DATE: January 13, 2005 Emergency Phone: (800) Haab Fire 1 Henllh 0 File 0 Reactivity SECTION 11: COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS HAZARDOUS COMPONENT CAS No Approx Wt % LD50 or LC50 (species/rc Magnesium Hydroxide 01309-42-8 60-100 No data available Magnesium oxide *FUME* 01309-48-4 unknown. TCLo 400 mg/m3 (human/ir Magnesium oxide *FUME* may be generated in a reducing environment when temperatures SECTION III: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: Product contains mechanical irritants to skin, eyes and respiratory tract and may present a nuisance dust hazard if allowed to dry out. Avoid breathing dust. Avoid contact with skin. Wear protective clothing including gloves, goggles or safety glasses with side shields and NIOSH approved dust mask. Magnesium oxide FUME may be generated in a reducing environment when temperatures exceed 1700°C (3092°F). EFFECTS OF ACUTE EXPOSURE: Ingestion generally causes purging of the bowels, however, swallowing large amounts may lead to bowel obstruction. If allowed to dry out, dust may irritate eyes, skin, nasal passages and respiratory tract. If heated over 1700`C (in a reducing environment), inhalation of freshly generated magnesium oxide fume may result in metal fume fever. EFFECTS OF CHRONIC EXPOSURE: No data available. SIGNS & SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: INHALED DUST: sneezing, coughing, discolored sputum INHALED FUME: metal fume fever has influenza -like symptoms including fever, chills, perspiration, cough, nasal irritation, chest pain, nausea, head aches, vomiting and muscular weakness. Symptoms may be delayed 1-3 hours after exposure however no reports of such exposures from industrial contact have been reported. EYE CONTACT: redness, tearing, conjunctivitis. SKIN CONTACT: drying, chapping, dermatitis. MEDICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: As with exposure to any http://www.magspecialties.com/MSDS/mgoh-slurry-msds.asp?MsdsNo=29 1/13/2005 IMPORCANT. While Brenntagbelieve stheinformationcontainedhereintobe accurate,Brenntagmakesnorepresentation orwarranty e?press orimplied,regarding, and assumesnoliab>lityfor,the accuracy orcompleteness oftheinformation. The Buyer asqrmesallresponsbiity Revisions to UIC Notification Form Umicore USA, Inc. Maxton, North Carolina July 8, 2014 Page 2 of 2 4. Monitoring Plan Duncklee & Dunham conducted a pre -injection groundwater monitoring event on 6/3 and 6/4/2014. We will conduct post -injection monitoring events on 9/9/2014, 9/25/2014, 10/7/2014, 10/23/2014 and 12/9/2014. If you have any questions about these revisions, please call or email us at (919) 858-9898 or via e-mail at matt@dunckleedunham.com. Sincerely, Duncklee & Dunham, P.C. William M. Flinchum Project Geologist I Senior Peer Review: Bryson D. Trexler, Jr., Ph.D., P.G., R.S.M. Senior Hydrogeologist Attachment: Magnesium Hydroxide MSDS ec: Theron Grim, Umicore USA, Inc. David L. Duncklee, P.G., R.S.M. Senior Hydrogeologist \\boss\files\Projects\Umicore\Maxton - 200917\10.0 RAP\On-site\10.3 Permits (k}\UIC Form Revision Letr-14177.doc 17) DUNCKLEE & Dt 'NFIAM. P.C. 111 DUNCKLEE & DUNHAM July 8, 2014 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGISTS & ENGINEERS 511 KEISLER DRIVE - SUITE 102 CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 27518 OFFICE: (919) 858-9898 WWW.DUNCKLEEDUNHAM COM Mr. Tom Slusser North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources — UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Reference: Revisions to UIC Notification Form Umicore USA, Inc. Maxton, North Carolina Dear Mr. Slusser: l iate:r - '[ As you requested, Duncklee & Dunham, P.C. (Duncklee & Dunham) has prepared this letter to summarize revisions to the UIC Notification Form that was submitted to North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resource (NCDENR) dated March 13, 2014. On behalf of Umicore USA, Inc., we submit the following revisions: 1. Description of Proposed Injection Activities Duncklee & Dunham plans to inject the mixture of Ferrous Sulfate, Sodium Hydroxide and water in up to 14 injection points within the source area. 2. Injectants Magnesium hydroxide is being added the injectant list as a possible product to be used to buffer groundwater pH. If used, 202 gallons of 61 percent slurry magnesium hydroxide will be mixed in 49,840 gallons of water for each 40-foot injection zone per injection point. The concentration at the point of injection will be approximately five percent magnesium hydroxide with 150 gallons of mixture being injected per vertical foot. No other injectants will be added to this mixture. A copy of the material safety data sheet (MSDS) for magnesium hydroxide is attached. 3. Schedules We will conduct the injection of reagents for the pilot study between 8/18/2014 and 8/29/2014. MAII.ING ADDRESS - PUS'I' OFFICE Box 639 - CARY. NORT FI CAROLINA 27512 NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF FXAMINERS FOR L\(IIV.I:RS AND SURVEYORS 1..1( ENSF C-3559 NORTH CAROLINA BOARD FOR L ICENSI'- , )I (iEOLOGISTS LICFNSF. C-261 NC DEN: RI(ISTF.RFD ENVIRU\UI \ L \I CI I\Sl LTANT NI-\• FI{ 01)961