HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0067644_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (2) Sam Malone & Associates Arr- ��c��� SURVEYING- ENGINEERING !� RESIDENTIAL &COMMERCIAL ('CIS" i 575 2- 116-B WEST JOHN STREET P.O. Box 1139 MATTHEWS, NORTH CAROLINA 28106 704-847-9026 FAx 704-847-5188 February 2 , 1994 Ms . Colleen Sullins NC Division of Environmental Management P . O. Box 29535 Raleigh , NC 27626-0535 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT . PERMIT NC0067644 Dear Ms . Sullins : On behalf of the developer , Mr . Samuel P . Malone , Jr . , I am requesting that you grant him Authorization to Construct for the Wastewater Treatment Plan as shown on the attached three (3) sets of plans and specifications . The plant will serve Run River Run (formerly Rocky River Run) , a residential subdivision being developed by Mr . Malone . A check for $200 . 00 (Two Hundred Dollars and 00 cents) is enclosed for the processing fee for this request . Q.) Please let me know if you have any questions or if you need additional ' information . Sincerely, Step he A Gilbert , PE Sam Malone & Associates cc: File Att: Plans , Specifications and Check CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT RUN RIVER RUN SUBDIVISION MECKLENBURG COUNTY DEVELOPED BY SAMUEL P . MALONE, JR. P.O. BOX 1139 MATTHEWS, NC 29106 PREPARED BY SAM MALONE & ASSOCIATES P.O. BOX 1139 `,.. MATTHEWS, NC 28106 eV- FEBRUARY 1994 CAR 7416-(SZALA % 6233 p •.. 7-q //, r► TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I GENERAL A. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT B. REGULATIONS SECTION II BASIS OF DESIGN A. DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION B. PROJECTED WASTE WATER FLOWS C . ANTICIPATED WASTEWATER CHARACTERISTICS D. REQUIRED EFFLUENT LIMITS E . TREATMENT PROCESS COMPONENTS F . 'PLANT COMPONENT DESIGN BASIS SECTION III GENERAL CONDITIONS A. DEFINITIONS B. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS C. LINES, GRADES, AND ELEVATIONS D. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT E . PERFORMANCE AT WORK F . TIME PROVISIONS G. SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS H. OWNER ' S STATUS I . INSPECTION OF WORK J . CONTRACTOR' S IDENTIFICATIONS K. SUBCONTRACTS L . CHANGES M. CORRECTION AND GUARANTY OF WORK SECTION IV GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS A. CONCRETE AND MASONRY B. PIPING AND VALVES C. TESTING SECTION V WASTE TREATMENT PLANT A. GENERAL B. GRINDER PUMPS B-1 PUMP DESIGN B-2 PUMP CONSTRUCTION C . MOTOR CONSTRUCTION D. GUIDE RAIL INSTALLATION E . VALVES F . JUNCTION BOX G. ELECTRICAL WORK H. AUTOMATIC DIALER Page 2 SECTION I - GENERAL A. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Samuel P. Malone , Jr . presently has under development a single family subdivision, Run River Run, in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, located at the end of Marlstone Lane off SR 2810 , Rocky River Road. The following documents present basis for design and detail plans and specifications for construction of a 20 ,000 gpd waste treatment plant to serve the subdivision as well as four adjacent building lots owned by Mr . Malone . Construction of collection sewer facilities are covered under separate plans . The scope of work covered under these documents includes : 1 . Furnishing and installing all components of the, waste treatment plant as specified herein and depicted on the plans . 2 . Preparation of foundations , including excavation for installation of the plant and backfill and finish landscaping. 3 . All electrical work required to place the plant into operation. 4 . Fencing of the plant site 5 . Access road. 6 . Erosion control . 7 . Installation of effluent sewer from the Plant to Caldwell Creek as shown on the plans . The subdivision will be served by a private water system. Page 3 B. REGULATIONS In addition to compliance with laws , rules and regulations as required under the General Conditions of these Construction Documents , the Contractor shall comply with the following specific regulations as applicable to the nature of work included under this Contract . 1 . North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15 Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Chapter 2 Environmental Management Sub-chapter 2C Well Construction Standards. (Latest Revision) 2 . Rules governing public water supplies Section . 0600 through . 2200 of the North Carolina Administration Code Title 10 , Health Services Sanitary Engineering Sub-Chapter 10D, Water Supplies . (Latest Revision) 3 . Laws and Rules for Ground Absorption Sewage Disposal System Section . 1900 of the North Carolina Administrative Code Title 10 Department of Human Resources Chapter 10 :Health Services; Environmental Health Sub-Chapter 10A, Sanitation. ( Latest Revision) 4 . North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15 Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Chapter 2 Environmental Management Sub-Chapter 2H Procedure for Permits , Approvals Sections . 0200 Waste Not Discharged to Surface Waters . (Latest Revision) 5 . North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15 Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Chapter 2 Environmental Management Sub-Chapter 2H Procedure for permits , Approval Section . 0100 Wastewater Discharge to the Surface Waters . ( Latest Revision) 6 . North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15 Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Chapter 2H Procedure for Permits , Approvals Section . 0400 Coastal Waste Treatment Disposal . ( Latest Revision) Page 4 SECTION II - BASIS OF DESIGN A. DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION Type Single family residential Location Mecklenburg County Type dwellings Single family homes Type waste Domestic B. PROJECTED WASTE WATER FLOWS Number of Homes 50 Flow allowance per house 360 gpd Average daily flow total .18 ,000 gpd Design capacity 20 ,000 gpd C . ANTICIPATED WASTEWATER CHARACTERISTICS Type waste • Domestic only Wastewater parameters BOD 200-250 mg/1 TSS 200 mg/1 NH-N 25 mg/1 COD 500 mg/1 Water Source Ground water wells D. REQUIRED EFFLUENT LIMITS - SUMMER BOD 5 mg/1 TSS 30 mg/1 NH-N 1 . 0 mg/1 DO Min. 6 mg/1 Fecal coliform 200/100 ml pH 6-9 Receiving stream Caldwell Creek Permit Number NC0067644 E . TREATMENT PROCESS COMPONENTS Preliminary treatment Rough screening, influent flow equalization Secondary treatment Extended aeration - modified activated sludge , secondary clarification, sludge recycle Disinfection Chlorination Solids handling Aerated sludge holding tank Final Treatment Tertiary Filtration & Reaeration Page 5 • F . PLANT COMPONENT DESIGN BASIS 1 . Rough Screening Type Manual inclined Bar size & spacing 1/2" diameter x 1" clear Screening area 3 . 3 sf 2 . Flow equalization Type Aerated, variable level Tank Volume 5 ,000 gallons Air Supplied 25 cfm at 40 psi Blower size 2 HP, 220 Volt , 1 Phase , 6© Hz Pumps Number 2 Size & capacity 40 gpm at 20 ' .TDH, 2 hp, 220 volt , 1 phase 3 . Biological treatment Type Extended aeration 30 hour detention Aeration tank Volume - total 25 ,055 gallons Detention 30 hours Free board 12 inches Air supplied 25 cfm/1000 cf Blowers Type Positive Displacement Number 2 Capacity 150 cfm at 5 psi Drive size 5 HP, 220 Volt, 1 Phase, 60Hz 4 . SettlingTanks Number 2 Dimensions ( surface ) 9 ' -0" square Volume total 4765 gallons Freeboard 12 inches Overflow rate at average rate 250 gpd/sf Detention and average flow 5 . 7 hours Sludge return Type Air lift pump Number 1 Capacity 0-150% of design flow Pipe size 4" diameter Page 6 Scum removal & recirculation Type Airlift surface skimming Pipe size 3" diameter 5 . Chlorination Tank Volume- total 655 gallons total Detention 46 minutes Number of tanks 1 Chlorinator Type & Number Tablet - One Capacity 20 , 000 gpd 6 . Post aeration/dechlorination Tank Volume 655 gallons Detention • 46 minutes Air Supply 1 cfm/lineal foot Dechlorinator Type & Number Tablet , One Capacity 20 ,000 gpd 7 . Sludge holding tank Tank 1895 gallons Volume - total 25 cfm/1000 cf-from main plant blower 8 . Flow measuring Type primary 90 degree V-notch weir Instrument Flow totalizer and recorder , float actuated Page 7 9 . Tertiary filters Type Multi-media (gravel , sand, anthracite ) Number 2 Dimensions (each filter ) 3 ' -0" x 2 ' -5" Design filtration rate 1 . 0 gpm/sf Filter area (total ) 14 sf Design capacity (total ) 20 ,000 gpd Backwash Type Water pressure and air scour , reverse flow Number pumps 1 Capacity 105 gpm Backwash rate 15 gpm/sf Backwash duration 7 thinutes - min. Backwash volume 735 gallons Backwash tank volume - min. 2 backwash cycles =1470 gal . Backwash tank volume - act . 2100 gallons Backwash return 2100 gallons Pumps - Number 1 - capacity 35 gpm Air scour blower 30 cfm at 5 psi , 2 hp, 220 volt , 1 phase Page 8 INFLUENT PUMP STATION 1 . Force main discharge elevation 650 . 0 2 . Force main high point 650 . 0 3 . Force main length 95 ' 4 . Force main profile Yes 5 . Air relief valve No 6 . Cover over force main Min. 3 ' 7 . Fillets provided in wetwell Yes 8. Check and gate valves provided Yes 9 . Stream class C (Caldwell Creek ) 10.. Site plan Yes 11 . Foundation for well Yes 12 . Alarm Audible and visual with dialer 13 . Wetwell vented with screen Yet 14 . Flow Number of lots . 50 Flow per unit 360 gpd Average daily flow 18 ,000 gpd Plant design flow 20 , 000 gpd Peak flow rate ( 2 . 5 : 1 ) 35 gpm Design pumping rate 40 gpm 15 . Velocity of force main 4 . 08 fps 16 . Wetwell detention Volume pump cycle ( 2 . 0 wetwell depth) 188 gallons Pump rate 40 gpm Pump down time 4 . 7 min. Average flow rate 14 gpd Fill time 13 . 4 min. Cycle time 18. 1 min. Cycles/hour 3 . 3 17 . TDH Force main length 95 ' Diameter 2" High point 650 . 0 Low level p/s 625 . 0 Hs 25 . 0 C Value 140 hl 2 . 06 Hf 2 ,0 TDH 27 . 0 18. Pump selection Type ABS Model Piranha 3 , 3 HP , 40 gpm @ 30 TDH, 220 Volt , 1 Phase Page 9 SECTION III - GENERAL CONDITIONS A. DEFINITIONS Whenever the words herein defined or pronouns used in their stead occur in this Contract , they shall have the meaning given below: ADDENDA - shall mean additional contract provisions issued in writing by the Owner prior to the receipt of bids . BONDS - shall include performance , payment , labor and material bonds and other instruments of security furnished by the Contractor and his surety or sureties in accordance with the Contract Documents . CHANGE ORDER - shall mean the formal document incorporating any modifications into the construction contract . CONTRACT - shall refer to the agreement executed between the Owner and the Contractor on the Construction Documents and shall include the construction drawings and all interpretations of or addenda to the documents issued by the Owner or the Engineer with the approval of the Owner . CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS - shall mean those plans and drawings which show the scope and character of the work and are specifically referred to as such in these documents . CONTRACTOR - shall mean the Party of the Second Part to the Contract or the person, persons, partnership or corporations entering into this Contract for the performance of the work required by it , and the legal representatives of said party or the agents appointed for said party in the performance of the work. ENGINEER - shall mean the Consulting Engineer or Engineers engaged by the Owner for the project and shall include any properly authorized assistants acting for the Engineer within the scope of the particular duties assigned to them. FIELD ORDER - shall mean a written order issued by the Engineer to clarify or interpret the contract documents or to authorize a minor change or alteration in the work not involving a change in cost or completion time . MODIFICATION - shall mean a change in the work or contract conditions as defined by the Engineer . Implementation of a modification shall be through a change order to the Contract . OWNER - shall mean the Party of the First Part to the Contract or any officers duly authorized to act for said First Party. Page 10 • PROCEED ORDER - shall mean a written order issued by the Owner to the Contractor to proceed with the work. PROJECT - shall mean the entire improvement to which the Contract relates . SITE - shall mean the area included within the property lines shown on the contract drawings , and other such areas adjacent thereto as may be designated by the Owner . SPECIFICATIONS - shall include general specifications, and other specifications contained in the construction documents . SUBCONTRACTOR - shall mean any person, firm or corporation other than employees of the contractor, who or Ohich contracts with the contractor to furnish, or actually furnishes labor , or labor and materials , or labor and equipment , or labor materials and equipment at the site . SURETY or SURETIES - shall mean the bondsmen or party or parties who have made secure the fulfillment of ' the contract by a bond and whose signatures are attached to said bond . WORK - shall mean everything expressly or impliedly required to be furnished and done by the Contractor as required by the construction documents and drawings . WRITTEN NOTICE - The term "Notice" as used herein shall mean and include all written notices , demands, instructions , claims , approvals and disapprovals required to obtain compliance with contract requirements . Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered at or sent by registered mail , certified mail , ordinary mail or telegraph to the last business address know to him who gives the notice . Page 11 B - CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS B-2 Intent of the Contract Documents . The intent of the Contract Documents is to provide for the work herein outlined to be complete in every detail for the purpose designated and the Contractor hereby agrees to furnish everything necessary for such construction, notwithstanding any omission in the Drawings or Specifications . The intention of the Documents is to include all materials , plant , equipment , tools , the transportation thereof , and skill and labor of every kind necessary for the proper execution of the work and also those things which may be reasonably inferable from the Documents as being necessary to produce the intended results . The Contract Documents contemplate a finished piece of work of such character and quality as is reasonably inferable from them. The contractor acknowledges that the contract consideration includes sufficient money allowance to make his work complete and operational and in compliance with good practice and he agrees that inadvertent discrepancies or omissions or the failure to show details or to repeat on any plan the figures or notes given on another shall not be the cause for additional charges or claims . Anything shown on the Drawings and not mentioned in the Specifications or mentioned in the Specifications and not shown on the Drawings shall have the same effect as if shown or mentioned, respectively, in both. The Contractor is required to check all dimensions and quantities in the Specifications, Drawings , or Schedules . Any discrepancies found between the Drawings and Specifications and Site conditions or any errors or omissions in the Drawings or Specifications shall be immediately reported to the Engineer , who shall promptly correct such error or omission in writing . Any work done by the Contractor after his discovery of such discrepancies , errors or omissions shall be done at the Contractor ' s risk. The complete requirements of the work to be performed under the Contract shall be set forth in Drawings and Specifications to be supplied by the Owner through the Engineer or by the Engineer as representative of the Owner . B-2 . Furnishing of Contract Documents . The Contractor shall be furnished, free of charge , three copies of the Specifications and three sets of full size Drawings within five working days after the notice of award . Any other copies of the . Specifications and Drawings which the Contractor may desire can be obtained by him from the Engineer at the latter ' s cost of duplication thereof . If available , additional sets will be furnished to the Contractor , but only to the limit of availability. The Contractor shall keep at the site of the work one copy of the Contract Documents and shall at all times give the Engineer, and other representatives of the Owner , access thereof . Page 12 C LINES, GRADES, AND ELEVATIONS C-1 Definitions . The designation "invert" or "grade line" for pipes and structures mentioned in the Contract Documents refers to the inside bottom of the pipe or the surface upon which the sewage or water flows along the center line of the completed work. "Subgrade" is the bottom line or surface to which the excavations are necessarily made for the purpose of building the work in accordance with the drawings , not including the additional depth of excavation required for any special foundation that may be ordered "Elevation" or an abbreviation of it shall mean the distance in feet above the datum established for the Project . All work shall be constructed in accordance with the lines , grades , and elevations shown on the Drawings or as given by the Engineer in the field. The Contractor . shall be fully responsible for maintaining alignment and grade . C-2 Control Given by Owner or Engineer . The lines , grades , and elevations for control of the work will be given by the Owner or the Engineer . Principal ,controlling points and base lines for locating the principal component parts of the work together with a suitable number of bench marks adjacent to the work will be provided more specifically as follows : SANITARY AND STORM SEWERS : The centerline of the sewer at manholes , catch basins , inlets , and cleanouts . WATER MAINS AND FORCE MAINS : None except for base lines and bench marks as shown on the drawings . TREATMENT PLANTS , STRUCTURES, AND BUILDINGS : A base line and a bench mark. From the information provided by the Owner or the Engineer , the Contractor shall verify bench marks and develop and make all detail surveys needed for construction. The Contractor shall set and maintain all intermediate points , lines , grades , and elevations and provide slope stakes, offset stakes, batter boards, stakes for pipe locations , and other such items as required, all at this own expense . The Contractor shall prepare grade letters and cut sheets for sewer lines , and shall furnish copies to the Engineer in advance of construction of the sections of sewer for which such grade letters and cut sheets for sewer lines , and shall furnish . copies to the Engineer in advance of construction of the sections of sewer for which such grade letters and cut sheets are prepared. The accuracy of the Contractor ' s survey and paperwork is the sole responsibility of the Contractor , and the furnishing of data to the Engineer does not constitute a transferal of responsibility for checking. Page 13 C-3 Contractor to Protect Control . The Contractor shall protect and safeguard all points , stakes , grade marks , monuments and bench marks at the site of the work, and shall re-establish, at his own expense, any marks which are removed or destroyed due to his construction operations. The Contractor shall bear the entire expense of rectifying work improperly installed due to not maintaining or protecting marks , or to removing, without the Engineer ' s written approval , any such established points , stakes or marks . Page 14 D MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT D-1 Materials and Workmanship. All materials furnished or incorporated in work shall be new, unused, of the best quality, especially adapted for the service required unless the Owner or the Engineer provides specific acceptance of used equipment or material . All materials and workmanship shall be subject to inspection, examination and tests by the Engineer and other representatives of the Owner , at any and all times during manufacture or construction and at any and all places where such manufacture or construction are carried on. D-2 Equivalent Products . The words "similar and equal to" , "equivalent" and such other words of similar content and meaning shall for the purposes of this Contract be deemed to mean similar and equivalent to one of the named products . In all cases the Engineer shall be sole judge as to whether a proposed product is to be approved and the Contractor shall have the burden of proving, at his expense , to the satisfaction of the Engineer , that the proposed product is similar and equal to the named product . In making such determination the Engineer may establish such criteria as he may deem proper that proposed product must meet in order for it to be approved. Where the Engineer approves a product proposed by the Contractor and such product requires a revision or redesign of any part of the work covered by the Contract, all such revision and redesign and all new drawings and details required therefor shall be the Contractors at his own expense . If an approved substitution of a product requires a different quantity and/or arrangement of duct work, piping, wiring or any part of the work from that in the Contract Documents , the Contractor shall provide the same at his own expense . D-3 Approval of Manufacturers and Vendors . Within two weeks following the award of the Contract , the Contractor shall submit for the Engineer ' s approval a list of names of the manufacturers and vendors to who the Contractor proposes to award orders for the equipment and materials under each item of the Contract . No awards shall be made by the Contractors and no work under any item shall proceed until approval of the manufacturer or vendor has been given. Such approval , when given, will be only on the basis of the manufacturer ' s experience and similar considerations specified herein, and will in no way imply that the equipment submitted will be approved unless full compliance with the Plans and Specifications is demonstrated by such submitted material , to the Engineer ' s satisfaction. Page 15 If after reasonable correction and resubmittal of the shop drawings for an item of equipment , approval cannot be given, the Engineer will disapprove the manufacturer or vendor , and the Contractor shall submit the name of another manufacturer or vendor for approval . Should progress of the work be delayed on the reordering of equipment as herein provided, such a cause will not be considered an extenuating circumstance beyond the control of the Contractor , and charges for delay, if otherwise applicable , will be levied. D-4 Equipment Installation. The Contractor shall have on hand sufficient proper equipment and machinery of ample capacity to facilitate the work and to handle all emergencies normally encountered in work of this character . Equipment shall be erected in a neat and workmanlike manner on the foundations at the locations and elevations shown on the Plans unless directed otherwise by the Engineer during installation. All equipment shall be correctly aligned, leveled and adjusted for satisfactory operation and shall be installed so that proper and necessary connections can be made readily between the various units . The Contractor shall furnish, install and protect all necessary guides, track rails , bearing plates , anchor and attachment bolts and all other appurtenances needed for the installation of the devices included in the equipment specified. Anchor bolts shall be made ample size and strength for the purpose intended. Unless otherwise specified anchor bolts in submerged locations shall be bronze or stainless steel . All other anchor bolts shall be cadmium plated. Substantial templates and work drawings for installation shall be furnished. The Contractor shall furnish all oils and greases for initial operation, and shall give to the Engineer a list of the lubricants used on each item of equipment . Insofar as possible , all lubricants shall be obtained from one manufacturer , approved by the Owner . Each item of equipment shall be tagged to show the date lubricated and the name and type of lubricant used. All mechanical and electrical equipment shall be checked for correctness of installation by a qualified representative of the manufacturer , and the manufacturer shall certify in writing to the Engineer that the equipment was installed according to his specification. Where multiple manufacturers have supplied components for a piece of equipment the manufacturer that assembled the components shall supply the certification. D-5 Operating Instructions and Manuals . The Contractor shall furnish the services of qualified manufacturer ' s representatives to instruct designated employees of the Owner in the operation and care of all equipment . The Contractor shall also furnish and deliver to the Engineer three complete sets of instructions , bulletins , diagrams , and other data and information required for the property operation and maintenance of the equipment , including ordering spare parts . These operating manuals shall be furnished to the Engineer at such time as the equipment is delivered and shall include references to models and serial numbers of equipment furnished, assembly drawings , lubrications instructions and service recommendations . Such data shall be bound in booklet form for easy reference . Page 16 E - PERFORMANCE OF WORK E-1 Permits , Laws , and Regulations . The Contractor shall take out , at his own expense , all necessary permits form the County, State , Town, municipality or other public authorities; shall give all notices required by the law or municipal ordinances and shall pay all fees and charges incidental to the due and lawful execution of the work done under this Contract . The Contractor shall comply with North Carolina G. S . 87 "An Act to Regulate the Practice of General Contracting" . Prior to execution of the agreement the Contractor shall furnish such evidence as the Engineer may require to the Owner certifying compliance with said act. E-2 Care and Protection of the Work. From the commencement until the acceptance of the work, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the care of the work covered by the Contract and for the materials , supplies and equipment delivered at the Site intended to be used in the work: and all injury or damage to the same from whatever cause , shall be made good at his expense . E-3 Sanitary Regulations . Sanitary conveniences in sufficient numbers and convenient locations for the use of all persons employed on the work, properly screened form public observation, shall be provided, maintained and removed by the Contractor . The contents of the same shall be removed by and disposed of in a satisfactory manner , as the occasion requires . The contractor shall rigorously prohibit the committance of nuisances within, on or about the work. E-4 Land Available to Contractor . The Owner will furnish not later than the date when needed by the Contractor , the lands upon which the work is to be done , rights of way for access thereto , and such other lands which are designated for the use of the Contractor . Land and easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities will be obtained and paid for by the Owner . The Contractor will provide at his own expense for all additional lands and access thereto that may be required for temporary construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment . The Contractor shall confine his operations to such portions of the property of the Owner , and to the rights of way or easements acquired for the work. Private property adjacent to the work shall not be entered upon or used by the Contractor for any purpose whatsoever without the written consent of the owner thereof . All work in connection with the Contract within or bordering on private or public property shall be conducted in such manner as will cause the minimum inconvenience and disturbance to it . No excavated materials or supplies of any kind shall be stored on private or public premises without the Owner ' s consent , and all walks and driveways shall be kept open to uninterrupted passage . Page 17 The Contractor shall at his own expense whenever so required, erect and maintain fences along the roadways and around the grounds occupied by him, and of such character as will be sufficient for the protection of the adjoining property and all persons lawfully using the same . E-5 Maintaining Flow of Lines . The Contractor shall, at his own expense , provide for an maintain the flow of all sewers , drains , house or inlet connections and all water-courses which may be met with during the progress of the work. He shall not allow the contents of any sewers, drain or house inlet connection to flow into trenches , sewers , or other structures to be constructed under the Contract , and shall at his own expense , immediately remove and cart away from the vicinity of the work all offensive matter . The Contractor shall , at his own expense , provide for and maintain the flow in all water mains or laterals which may be met with during the progress of the work . When water mains or laterals are to be disturbed to the extent that the water will be shut off , Engineer, Owner and all parties being served by the lines involved shall be notified 72 hours in advance , giving them time and duration of the shut- off period . In cases involving fire hydrants , the fire department shall be notified. In the case of an accidental breaking of the water lines , the repairs of such break shall have priority over all other operations . The parties whose services are affected by the break shall be notified at once and all assistance given to supply emergency water where necessary by temporary lines, tank truck, or other means . The Contractor shall have the obligation at his expense to assure that all water , gas and sewer connections serving private or public property shall be promptly and correctly restored. E-6 Collateral Work. During the progress of the work the Owner reserves the right to award other contracts relating to the Project , or for sites adjoining or adjacent to that on which the work covered by this Contract is to be performed. The Contractor shall afford the other contractors who are parties to such contracts reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of work, and shall properly connect and coordinate his work with theirs . If the performance of additional work is undertaken by other contractors written notice thereof shall be given the Contractor . If the Contractor believes that the performance of such additional work involves him in additional expense or entitles him to an extension of time , he may make a claim therefore as provided for herein. The Contractor agrees that he has and will make no claim for damages against the Owner by reason of any act or omission to act by any other contractor or in connection with the Engineer ' s or Owner ' s acts or omissions to act in connection with such other contractors , but the Contractor shall have a right to recover such damages from the other contractors under a provision similar to the following provision which has been or will be inserted in the Contract with such other Contractors . Page 18 Should any other contractor , having or who shall hereafter have a contract with the Owner relating to the Project or in connection with the work on sites adjoining or adjacent to that on 'which the work covered by this Contract is to be performed, sustain any damage through any act or omission of the Contractor , the Contractor agrees to reimburse such other contractor for all such damages and he further agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Owner and Engineer from all claims for such damages . E-7 Record Drawings The Contractor shall keep one copy of all Contract Drawings , Addenda, Modifications and Shop Drawings at the site in good order . The Contract Drawings shall be annotated by the Contractor to show all changes made during the construction Process . These shall be available to the Engineer and shall be delivered to 'him by the Contractor upon completion of project . Page 19 F TIME PROVISIONS F-1 Commencement and Completion. The Contractor shall commence the work within ten days following the date of notice to proceed and fully complete the work within the time specified in the advertisement for bids . The Contractor shall notify the Engineer , in writing , of his intention to enter upon the site of the work at least five days in advance of such entrance . Time is of the essence of this contract . F-2 Rate of Progress . The rate of progress shall be as nearly uniform as practicable and shall be such that all work under the Contract will be completed within the time specified, or before such later date to which the time of completion may have been extended by the Owner . The Contractor shall within ten days following execution of this Contract prepare and submit to the Engineer for approval , two copies of a practical and feasible work schedule showing the order and date on which the several salient features ( including equipment ) will be started and completed . The work schedule may be in the form of a critical path or bar graph. All schedules shall be updated by the Contractor on a monthly basis . Where there is more than one Contract on the Project , the General Contractor shall , within ten days following the execution of his Contract with the Owner , submit six copies of is own proposed work schedule to the Engineer for approval . After approval, sufficient additional copies of the approved schedule shall be submitted to the Engineer for transmittal of two copies to each of the other contractors , who shall then prepare and submit their own work schedules for approval . The General Contractor shall then incorporate these schedules into his schedule . The Contractor on each Contract shall adhere to the approved work schedule for his Contract . In the event a Contractor does not adhere to his work schedule and causes other contractors to be damaged, the Contractor causing the delay shall save the Owner and Engineer harmless from all actions and charges of the other . Contractors against the Owner or Engineer 'caused by said delay. F-3 Extension of Time . If the Contractor is obstructed or delayed in the prosecution or completion of the work by the neglect , delay or default of any other contractors for adjoining or contiguous work, or by any damage that may happen thereto , by the unusual action of the elements , or by the abandonment of the work by the employees in a general strike, or by any delay on the part of the Owner or Engineer doing work or furnishing material , the Contractor shall have no claim or damages against the Owner or Engineer for any such cause or delay, but he may in such case be entitled to an extension of item specified herein for the completion of the work, provided, however , that claim for such extension of time is made by the Contractor in writing within thirty calendar days from the time when such alleged cause for delay shall occur . Page 20 An application for an extension of time must set forthin detail the source and the nature of each alleged cause of delay in the completion of the work, the date upon which each such cause of delay began and ended and the number of days delay attributable to each of such causes . The Contractor shall however , be entitled to an extension of time for such causes only for the number of calendar days of delay which the Owner may determine to be due solely to such causes , and then only if the Contractor shall have strictly complied with all of the requirements of this Section. The Contractor shall not be entitled to receive a separate extension of time for each one of several causes of delay operating concurrently, but , if all , only for the actual period of delay in completion of the work is determined by the Owner irrespective of the number of causes contributing to produce such delay. If one of several causes of delay operating concurrently results from any act , fault or omission of the Contractor or of his subcontractor or materialmen, and would of itself ( irrespective of the concurrent causes ) have delayed the work, no extension of time will be allowed for the period of delay resulting from such act , fault or omission. Page 21 G - SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS G-1 Protection, Existing Structures . The Contractor at his expense shall protect adjacent and other property or premises from damage of any kind during the progress of the work and shall erect and maintain guards around his work in such a way as to afford protection to the public. The Contractor shall be held responsible for improper , illegal and negligent conduct of himself , of his subcontractors , employees and agents in and about said work or in the execution of the work covered by this Contract . The Contractor shall , at this expense , sustain in their places and permanently protect from direct or indirect injury any and all pipelines , subways , pavements , sidewalks, curbs , railways , buildings , trees , poles and other structures and property in the vicinity of his work, whether over or underground, or which appear within the trench or excavations , and he shall assume all costs and expenses for direct or indirect damage which may be occasioned by injury to any of them. The Contractor ' s liability shall. also include the damage or injury sustained by any structure whatsoever due to settlement of trenches or excavations or to settlement or lateral movement of the sides of such trenches or excavations , whether ,such movement occurs during or after the construction of the work under this Contract and his liability to so support and protect all such structures from damage or injury shall continue until the work has been finally accepted and final payment made by the Owner and during the period of guarantee . He shall at all times have on the ground suitable and sufficient material and shall use the same as may be necessary or required for sustaining and supporting any and all such structures as are uncovered, undermined, weakened , endangered or threatened. In case injury occurs to any portion of pipeline or structure, or to the material surrounding or supporting the same , through blasting or similar operations , the Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer, and, at his own expense , shall remove such injured work and shall rebuild the pipeline , or structure and shall replace the material surrounding and supporting the same , or shall furnish such material and perform such work of repairs or replacement as the Engineer may order . Any damage whatsoever shall be promptly, completely, and satisfactorily repaired by the Contractor at his own expense . G-2 Existing Subsurface Structures . ( a ) General Certain existing subsurface structures likely to be encountered during the performance of the work embraced in the Contract or located in such close proximity to the work hereunder as to required special precautions and methods for their protection, such as sewer , drains , water mains and conduits , together with appurtenances , are shown on the Contract Drawings . The sizes , locations and depths shown are only approximate . Page 22 It is the sole obligation of the Contractor to verify the accuracy and completeness of the information shown, and the Contractor agrees that he shall neither have nor assert against the Owner or Engineer any claim for damages , for extra work or for relief from any obligation of this Contract by reason of the inaccuracy, inadequacy, incompleteness or other deficiency of the information given or the failure to furnish additional or further information in the possession of the Owner or Engineer . Where any existing subsurface structure such as a sewer , drain, gaspipe , water pipe , conduit or other structure , is found which is not anticipated by the Contract Documents or which is found to be materially different in size , location, or depth from that the anticipated by the Contract Documents , the Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer , and also the Superintendent of the utility, before disturbing the structure . (b) Existing subsurface structures which require changes in work of the Contract . The Engineer will determine whether changes should be made in the Contract Documents for construction of the work of the Contract to avoid the subsurface structures, whether the work of the Contract can proceed without changes in the Contract Documents or wither to remove , realign or change the structure . Any increase in cost of the ' work resulting from any changes in the Contract Documents necessitated by the unanticipated presence or difference in size , location or depth of the subsurface structure will be adjusted in the manner provided herein for adjustments as to Extra Work. (c ) Existing subsurface structures which require changes in the existing structure . Where the size , location or depth of the existing subsurface structure has been anticipated and the Contract Documents require removal , realignment or change , all work under this Contract shall be done in strict accordance with the Contract Documents. Where the presence of the subsurface structure or its size , location or depth is not anticipated by the Contract Documents any work by the Contractor required to remove , realign or change the structure shall be done under the provisions for Extra Work for the work of removal , realignment or change and shall be done as mutually agreed by the Utility and the Engineer . (d) Interruption of Service . Where it is necessary to interrupt water , gas or other public utility service to remove , realign or change a subsurface structure the work shall proceed with expedience and shall be continuous after interruption of service until completion of the removal , realignment or change and return of the utility to normal service . Page 23 G-3 Subsurface Conditions Found Different . In the event that the Contractor encounters subsurface physical conditions other than structures at the site differing substantially from those shown on or described or indicated in the Construction Documents and which could not have been reasonably anticipated from the information made available by the Owner or the Engineer or from the Contractor ' s inspection and examination of the site , he shall give immediate notice to the Engineer of such conditions before they are disturbed . The Engineer will thereupon promptly investigate the conditions and if he finds that they do substantially differ from that which should have been reasonably anticipated by the Contractor , he shall make such changes in the Contract Documents as may be necessary. Any increase or decrease of cost resulting from any changes necessitated by reason of such latent subsurface conditions , shall be adjusted in the manner provided herein, for adjustments as to Extra Work. G-4 Replacement of Property The Contractor shall replace all pavement , ' driveways , fences , shrubs , lawns , trees , and any other public or private property damaged as a result of the work under this Contract . All such replacement shall be done in accordance with the applicable specifications and no separate or extra payment will be made unless approved by the Engineer . Page 24 H OWNER' S STATUS H-1 Owners Right to Suspend Work. If the work is defective , or the Contractor fails to supply sufficient skilled workmen or suitable materials or equipment , or if the Contractor fails to make prompt payments for labor , materials or equipment or other good cause exists , the Owner may order the Contractor to suspend the work or any portion thereof , until the cause for such order has been eliminated. This right of the Owner to suspend the work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of the Owner to exercise this right for the benefit of the Contractor or any other party. The Contractor shall have no claim or damages against the Owner for any delay due to such suspension of work; provided, however , that in case of the suspension of work due to circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor , the time within which the Contractor is required to complete the work, shall be extended by as may calendar days as the work was suspended. Such extended time of completion shall be the Contractor ' s only compensation for the suspension of work as above provided . H-2 Contractor ' s Default . In addition to those instances provided in other sections of the Contract , the Owner shall have the right to declare the Contractor in default of the whole or any part of the work if ; (a) The Contractor shall file a voluntary petition in bankruptcy or shall be adjudicated a bankrupt or insolvent , or shall file any petition or answer seeking any reorganization, arrangement , liquidation, dissolution or similar relief or itself under any statue , law or regulation or shall see or consent to or acquiesce in the appointment of any trustee, receiver or liquidation of the Contractor or of all or any substantial part of its properties or assets , or shall make any general assignment for the benefit of creditors , or shall admit in writing to inability to pay its debts generally as they become due , or if ( b) A petition shall filed against the Contractor seeking any reorganization, arrangement , liquidation, dissolution or similar relief under any statute , law or regulation, and shall remain undismissed, or unstayed for an aggregate of thirty days (whether or not constructive ) ; or if ( c ) Any trustee, receiver , or liquidator of the Contractor or of all or any substantial part of its properties or assets shall be appointed without the consent or acquiescence of the Contractors and • such appointment shall remain unvacated or unstayed for an aggregate of thirty days (whether or not consecutive ) ; or if (d) A receiver or receivers are appointed to take charge of the Contractor ' s property of affairs; or if (e ) The Contractor fails to commence work when notified to do so by the Owner; or if ( f ) The Contractor shall abandon the work; (g ) The Contractor shall refuse to proceed with the work when and as directed by the Owner; or if Page 25 ( h) The Contractor shall without just cause reduce his working force to a number which, if maintained, would be insufficient , in the opinion of the Owner to complete the work in accordance with the approved time progress schedule , and shall fail to refuse to sufficiently increase such working force when ordered to do so by the Owner; or if ( i ) The Contractor shall sublet , assign , transfer , convey, or otherwise dispose of the Contract other than as permitted by the contract; or if ( j ) The Owner shall be of the opinion that the Contractor is or has been unnecessarily or unreasonably or willfully delaying the performance and completion of the work, or the award of necessary subcontracts; or if (k) The Owner shall be of the opinion that the work cannot be completed within the time herein provided therefor or within the time to which such completion may have been extended; provided, however , that the impossibility of timely completion is , in the Owners opinion, attributable to conditions within the Contractor ' s control; or if ( 1 ) The work is not completed within the, time herein provided therefor or within the time to which the Contractor may be entitled to have such completion extended; or if. (m) The Owner shall be of the opinion that the Contractor is or has been willfully or in bad faith violating any of the provisions of this Contract; or if (n) The Owner shall be of the opinion that the Contractor is not or has not been executing the Contract in good faith and in accordance with its terms . Before the Owner shall exercise its right to declare the Contractor in default by reason of the conditions set forth in the above items a, e, f , g, h, j , k, m, and n, it shall give the Contractor three working days notice of its intention to declare the Contractor in default and unless , within such three day period, the Contractor shall make arrangements , satisfactory to the Owner , to correct and/or eliminate the conditions set forth in the Owner ' s aforesaid notice , the Contractor may be declared in default at the expiration of such three day period or at the expiration of such longer period of time as the Owner may determine . The right to declare in default for any of the grounds specified or referred to shall be exercised by the Owner sending the Contractor a written notice setting forth the ground or grounds upon which such default is declared. Upon receipt of notice that it has been declared in default , the Contractor shall immediately discontinue all further operations under the Contract and shall immediately quit the site , leaving untouched all plant , materials , equipment , tools and supplies then on site except as the Owner may otherwise direct . The Owner , after declaring the Contractor in default , any then have the work completed by such means and such manner , by contract , with or without public letting, or otherwise , as it may deem advisable , utilizing for such purpose such of the Contractor ' s plant , materials , equipment , tools and supplies remaining on the site , and also such subcontractors as it may deem advisable , or it may call upon the Contractor ' s surety at its own expense to do so . Page 26 In the event that the Owner declares the Contractor in default of the work or any part of the work, the Contractor , in addition to any other liability to the Owner hereunder or otherwise provided for or allowed by law, shall be liable to the Owner for any costs the Owner incurs for additional advisory and engineering services necessary, in its opinion, because of the default and the total amount of liquidated damages from the date when the work should have been completed by the Contractor in accordance with the terms hereof to the date of actual completion of the work, both of which items shall be considered expenses incurred by the Owner in completing the work and the amount of which may be charged against and deducted out of such monies as would have been payable to the Contractor or his surety if the work had been completed without a default . H-3 Owner ' s Right to Terminate Contract Upon thirty days written notice to the Contractor and the Engineer , the Owner may without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, elect to aband©n .the work and terminate the Agreement . In such event , the Contractor shall be paid for all work executed and any expense sustained plus a reasonable profit . • Page 27 I INSPECTION OF WORK I-1 Owners Representative . Upon the Owner 's direction the Engineer will be the Owner ' s representative during the construction period. He will make periodic visits to the site to observe the progress and quality of the executed work and to determine , in general , if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Construction Documents . Whenever he considers it necessary or advisable to insure the proper carrying out of the intent of the Contract Documents , the Engineer shall have authority to require special examination or testing of the work (whether or not fabricated, installed or completed ) . No matter how extensive or intensive the Engineer ' s inspection, the Engineer will not be responsible for construction means , methods , techniques , sequences or procedures , or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the work, and 'he will not be responsible for the Contractor ' s failure to carry out the work in accordance with the Contract Documents , and the Engineer' s duties , services and work shall in no way supersede or dilute the Contractor ' s obligation to perform the work in conformance with. all contract requirements. The Engineer is empowered by the Owner to act on it,s behalf with respect to the proper execution of the work and to ' give instruction when necessary to require such corrective measures as may be necessary in his professional opinion to insure proper execution of the Contract or to protect the Owner ' s interest . The Engineer is empowered to determine the amount, quality, acceptability and fitness of all parts of the work, to interpret the Contract Documents , to waive provisions of the Specifications to meet unforeseen conditions or circumstances revealed or arising during the course of the work, but this authority shall not give rise to any duty or responsibility of the Engineer to the Contractor , the Subcontractor or any of their agents or employees to do so . The Engineer has the authority to disapprove or reject work which is unsatisfactory, faulty, or defective or does not conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents , or does not meet the requirements of any inspection or test . I-2 Access to Work. The Owner, his Engineers , Inspectors , Agents , other employees and representatives of State and Federal regulatory agencies shall for any purpose, and any other parties who may enter into contracts with the Owner for doing work within the territory covered by this Contract shall , for all purposes which may be required by their contracts , have access to the work and the premises used by the Contractor , and the Contractor shall provide safe and proper facilities therefor . The Contractor shall , whenever so requested, give the Engineer access to the proper invoices , bills of lading, etc . and shall provide scales and assistance for weighing or their assistance for measuring and testing any of the materials . Page 28 I-3 Covering of Work. No backfilling or covering of underground work, nor covering of work in structures , shall be done without authorization by the Engineer . Any work covered without such authorization shall be uncovered to such extent as directed or removed and replaced by the Contractor at his expense . If work is ordered stopped, no more work shall be done until such order is withdrawn. Neither the approval by the Engineer of the methods of doing the work nor the failure of the Engineer to call attention to improper or inadequate methods or to require a change in methods , nor the neglect of the Engineer to direct the Contractor to take any particular precautions or to refrain from doing any particular thing shall excuse the Contractor from his liability in case of any injury to person or damage to property. The provisions of this paragraph, are intended for the sole benefit and protection of the Owner and shall not create any cause of action in favor of any person, corporation or entity, other than the Owner . Page 29 J CONTRACTOR ' S INDEMNIFICATION J-1 Contractor ' s Duty of Indemnification. The Contractor shall fully protect , defend, indemnify and save harmless the Owner and the Engineer , their officers and agents , against all liability, judgments , cost , damages and expenses upon any claim for injuries to or death of any such persons or damage to any such property occurring on such account of the work hereunder , whether such damages or injuries to be attributable to the negligence of the Contractor , his officers , employees , agents , the Owner , Engineer , or otherwise provided however , that this clause shall not be deemed to provide indemnity against the sole negligence of the Engineer . The Contractor shall full protect , defend , indemnify and same harmless the judgments, costs , damages and expense upon all claims relating to labor and material furnished in connection with the work hereunder or on account of the failure , °Mission or neglect of the Contractor or his Subcontractors , their officer , employees or agents , to do or perform any of the covenants , acts , matters or things required by this Contract . J-2 No Claims Against Individuals . , No claim whatsoever shall be made by the Contractor against any officer , agent or employee of the Owner or Engineer for , or on account of anything done or omitted to be done in connection with the Contract . J-3 Safety and Protection. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the work. He shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of , and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage , injury or loss to all employees on the work and any other persons who may be affected thereby. The Contractor shall comply with the Department of Labor Safety and Health Regulations for construction promulgated under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 ( PL 91-596 ) and under Section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act ( PL 91- 54 ) . J-4 Emergencies . In emergencies affecting the safety of persons on the work or property at the site of adjacent thereto, the Contractor, without special instruction or authorization from the Engineer or Owner , is obligated to act , at his discretion, to prevent threatened damage , injury or loss . He will give the Engineer prompt written notice of any significant changes in the work or deviations from the Contract Documents caused thereby. If the Contractor believes that additional work done by him in an emergency which arose from causes beyond his control entitles him to an increase in the Contact price or an extension in the Contract time , he shall make claim as provided for in this Contract . Page 30 J-5 Patents . The Contractor shall indemnify, keep and save harmless the Owner and Engineer from all liabilities , judgments , costs , damages and expenses which may in any wise come against the Owner by reason of the use of any patented material , machinery, devices , equipment or processes furnished or used in the performance of the work under the Contract or by reason of the use of patented designs furnished by the Contractor and accepted by the Owner . In the event that any claim, suit or action at law or action in equity of any kind whatsoever is made or brought against the Owner , involving any such patents , then the Owner shall have the right to retain money due and to become due the Contractor , a sufficient amount of money as shall be considered necessary the Owner to protect itself against loss until such claim, suit or actions shall have been settled and evidence to the effect shall have been furnished to the satisfaction of the Owner . Page 31 K SUBCONTRACT K-1 Subcontracts . In the event that the Contractor desires to subcontract any part of the work, he shall first submit to the Engineer a statement showing the character and amount of the work to subcontract and the party or parties to whom it is proposed to subcontract the same . If requested by the Engineer , he shall also furnish a statement as to his or their experience , financial ability, or other qualifications for properly performing the work proposed to be subcontracted . Information concerning a subcontractor shall be furnished to the Engineer at least thirty days prior to the performance of work by any such subcontractor . The Engineer ' s approval of a subcontractor shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his responsibilities , duties and liabilities hereunder . The Contractor shall be solely responsible to the Owner for the acts or defaults of such subcontractors and of such subcontractors ' officers, agents and employees each of who shall , for this purpose , be deemed to be the agent or employee of the Contractor to the extent of his subcontract . No subcontractor shall be permitted to work at the Site until : ( 1 ) he has furnished satisfactory evidence to the Owner of the insurance required by this Contract; ( 2 ) he has been approved by the Engineer . No provisions of this Contract shall create or be construed as creating any contractual relation between the Owner and any subcontractor or sub-subcontractor or with any person, firm or corporation employed by, contracted with or whose services are utilized by the Contractor . The Owner reserves the right to limit the total amount of subcontracts to sixty percent of the total contract price . Page 32 L CHANGES L-1 Owner ' s Changes in the Work. (a) The Owners at any time without notice to any Surety may make changes in the work of the Contractor by making alterations therein, by making additions thereto, or by omitting work therefrom, and no such action shall invalidate the Contract , relieve or release the Contractor from any guarantee under the Contract , affect the terms or validity of any Bond, relieve or release any Surety, or constitute grounds for any claim by the Contractor for damages or loss of anticipated profits . All work required by such alterations , additions or omissions shall be executed under the terms of the Contract . Other that in an emergency endangering life or property or pursuant to a Field Order , the Contractor shall not make any change in the work nor furnish any labor , equipment , materials , pursuant to and after receipt of a written authorization from the Owner in the worm of a Change Order or Proceed Order . The Contractor shall not be entitled to any increase in the Contract price or extension of. the Contract time , and no claim therefor shall be valid unless such written authorization has been so issued to the Contractor . The Engineer may authorize minor changes ,in the work which do not alter the character , quantity or cost of the work as a whole . These changes may be accomplished by a Field Order . The Contractor shall carry out such Field Orders promptly and without any adjustment of the Contract price or Contract time . L-2 Adjustments in Price . Any adjustment in the Contract price resulting from changes in the work ordered by the Owner as in this section provided shall be determined as follows : (a) By such applicable unit prices , if any, as are set forth in the Contract; or (b) If no such prices are so set forth, then by unit prices or by a lump sum mutually agreed upon by the Owner and the Contractor . Page 33 M CORRECTION AND GUARANTY OF WORK M--1 Correction of Work. If the work, or any portion thereof , shall be damaged in any way or if defects not readily detected by inspection shall develop before the final completion and acceptance of the entire work, the Contractor shall forthwith make good , without additional compensation, such damage or defect . Failure or omission on the part of the Engineer or any of his assistants or agents to condemn defective or inferior work, material or equipment , shall not imply acceptance of the work, material or equipment or release the Contractor from the obligations or tearing out , removing and properly replacing the defective or inferior work, materials or equipment without compensation and at his own cost and expense at any time, upon the discovery of said defective or inferior work, material or equipment , prior to final acceptance of the work under this Contract and the release of the Contractor by the Owner , notwithstanding that such work, material , or equipment any have been estimated for payment or that partial payments have been made on the same . M-2 Guaranty. Unless otherwise provided herein the Contractor guarantees all the work and equipment furnished under the Contract against any and all defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one year following the date of final acceptance of the work by the Owner . Pursuant to this guarantee , the Contractor agrees to make good, without delay and at his own expense, any and all failures of any parts due to faulty materials , construction or installation, or to the failure of any equipment to perform successfully all work put on it within the limits prescribed by the specifications; in addition, the Contractor shall make good any damage or injury to any other part of the work caused by such failure of parts and/or equipment . Page 34 SECTION IV - GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS A - CONCRETE AND MASONRY A-i General . American Concrete Institute "Standard Specification for Structural Concrete for Buildings" , ACI 301 , is hereby made a part of this specification to be same extent as if bound herein. ACI 301 shall be amended, supplemented, or deleted as required by the following paragraphs and as such constitutes the specification for the project . The various classes of concrete shall be designated as follows : Class Minimum 28-day Comp. Strength in p. s . i . A ' 4500 lb B 4000 lb C - 3000 ip D 2500 lb E 2000 lb Unless otherwise specified, all concrete shall be Class "C" . Unless approved by the Engineer all concrete shall be "Ready-Mixed" . All mixes shall be established by the Contractor and submitted for approval to the Engineer prior to beginning the work. Mix designs shall indicate amount of all ingredients , including cement , fine aggregate , coarse aggregate , water , air content and admixtures , with weights of aggregates stated in a saturated-surface-dry condition. A-2 Portland Cement . Portland cement shall comply with ASTM C-150 . The cement shall be approved by the Engineer prior to its purchase and brands not specifically approved shall not be used. Only one brand shall be used for exposed work. Generally, Type I cement shall be used . A-3 Aggregate . Fine aggregate shall comply with ASTM C-33 and shall consist of sand having clean, hard durable , uncoated grains , free from deleterious substances . Coarse aggregate shall comply with ASTM C-33 and shall consist of clean gravel or crushed stone free from soft or elongated pieces and deleterious substances . A-4 Water . Water shall be clear , and free from injurious amounts of oil , acid, alkali , organic matter or their deleterious substances . Approval of the Engineer is required on any water source other than a public water supply intended for domestic consumption. Page 35 A-5 Forms . ( 1 ) Installation: Forms shall conform to the shape , lines and dimensions of the members as called for on the Plans and shall be substantially free from surface defects . They shall be properly braced or tied together so as to maintain position and shape before , during and after placing. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the adequacy and safety of the forms . All forms shall be built and maintained in an excellent condition, so that , when removed, the concrete will be left with a smooth, presentable surface , free from offsets , fins , ridges , and other unsightly defects . Initially and before re-use , forms shall be cleaned and a thin coat of form oil applied, care shall be taken to avoid splashing oil on reinforcing steel or existing concrete . Cleanouts and inspection ports shall be provided where required. Vertical and horizontal corners of exposed concrete shall be chamfered. ( 2 ) Form ties : Form ties shal•l. be designed for the specific wall thickness required and after removal of the external portion, no metal shall remain closer than one inch ( 1" ) from the surface . Ties to be left in place shall be equipped with} swagge9 washers or other approved devices to prevent seepage of moisture along the tie. The removable portion shall be oil or grease coated. Immediately following the removal of forms , the projecting tie shall be removed and all holes filled with grout flush with the wall . Care shall be taken to use the same brand of cement and same mix portions used in the wall to prevent color differences . ( 3 ) Removal : Care shall be exercised to prevent damage of concrete during the removal of forms . The following schedule shall be considered the minimum period under normal conditions when Type 1 cement is used; but its use shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the safety and appearance of the structure . Above 60 50 - 60 40 - 50 Degrees Degrees Degrees Columns and walls 24 hrs . 36 hrs . 72 hrs . under 5 feet high Columns and walls 3 days 5 days 7 days 5"-10" high Columns and walls 5 days 7 days 10 days over 10" high Beam and girder 24 hrs . 26 hrs . 72 hrs . side forms Bottom forms for 5 days 7 days 14 days slabs for 6" span or less Bottoms forms for 14 days 18 days 21 days beams and girders Page 36 A-6 Conveying and Depositing Concrete . ( 1 ) Conveying: Concrete shall be conveyed by means that will prevent segregation and loss of mortar from the mix. Adequate manpower and equipment in the form of buckets, buggies , chutes , conveyors , pneumatic conveying equipment or other approved means shall be provided to insure continuous operation. ( 2 ) Depositing: Prior to the start of the concrete placement , the forms and reinforcing shall be cleaned and the subgrade or existing concrete shall be cleaned of shavings , chips , and other foreign matter . Concrete shall not be deposited in water , (unless so specifically intended ) or on frozen areas . Existing concrete shall be saturated for a period of six hours prior to the pour , excess water shall be removed and a slurry of cement and sand ( 1-3 mix ) shall be brushed onto the surface . Concrete shall be deposited as nearly as possible to its final position and shall not be moved by vibration. Segregation and overworking shall be kept to a minimum. Concrete shall be deposited ,vertically, suing chutes , elephant trunks or other suitable devices to limit the free fall to five feet . Care shall be taken to avoid segregation caused by dropping concrete through reinforcing steel or other imledded items . Concreting shall be continuous or prevent cold joints and if horizontal joints are required, they shall be level to present a workmanlike job. ( 3 ) Vibration: All concrete , with the exception of slabs shall be thoroughly vibrated by qualified personnel , taking care to give complete coverage without causing undue bleeding or segregation. Vibrators shall be applied vertically and shall be removed when the first sheen of mortar appears on the surface . Equipment shall be in first-class operating order and a spare vibrator must be provided for any pour or appreciable size . External vibration may be used , subject to the approval by the Engineer . Vibration shall be continuous across the entire section being placed. A-7 Finishing. Floors ( Interior ) : Unless otherwise specified, floors of structures intended for occupancy shall be steel-towelled and shall receive an integral industrial floor finish. Material used for the finish shall be a pre-mixed, non-metallic hardener , delivered to the job site in sealed containers and applied at the rate of 65 lbs . per 100 sq. ft . As noted on the Plans, color may be required and will be provided as part of the pre-mixed package . Exterior : A float finish shall be applied to all exterior concrete and that in areas not intended for occupancy, such as culvert inverts , bottoms or manholes and catch basins , etc . Sidewalks or walkways shall be given a broom finish, perpendicular to traffic , sufficient to leave marks without appreciable disturbance to the surface . Page 37 Rubbed finishes : TYPE A: Surfaces shall be rubbed until all marks are obliterated and a uniformly smooth finish is obtained. TYPE B: Surfaces shall be rubbed until they are uniformly smooth but the complete obliteration of all marks is not required. TYPE C: All fins , burrs , and projections shall be removed, any honeycomb or tie-holes shall be filled and patched. The type of finish to be used shall be as scheduled or as noted on the Plans . Where the type of finish is not shown or scheduled, exposed faces shall be given a Type B finish and unexposed faces shall be given a Type C finish. Rubbing shall begin within four hours of the removal of forms and shall be expedited to complete as rapidly as practical . A-8 Curing. Except as specified herein. The Contractor shall submit for approval prior to the beginning of the ,work, his proposed method of curing. Concrete shall be maintained in a moist condition for seven ( 7 ) days ( three ( 3 ) days with Type III cement ) using methods that will insure complete and continuous saturation. The use of water sprays or bonding is desirable but care must be taken to avoid dry areas . Kraft paper or polyethelene sheeting is acceptable but joints shall be taped or overlapped adequately and edges and corners treated with care . Curing compound may be used, subject to approval of brand, provided discoloration does not occur and application is in accordance with manufacture ' s directions . A-9 Special Conditions . ( 1 ) Cold Weather Concreting: Adequate equipment shall be provided for heating the concrete materials and protecting the concrete during freezing or near-freezing weather . No frozen materials nor materials containing ice shall be used. All concreting operations in cold weather, when temperatures are below 40 degrees or are expected to fall below 40 degrees shall conform to the requirements of ACI Standard 306 . Special attention is drawn to the minimum required Placing-and-curing Temperatures . ( 2 ) Hot Weather Concreting : Care shall be taken to protect the concrete or schedule the operations to avoid problems incurred with flash set or too-rapid drying conditions . All concreting operations during hot weather shall conform to the requirements of ACI Standard 305 . During hot weather, consideration shall be given to maintaining the temperature of the cement , aggregates and mixing water , such that the temperature of the concrete at the time of delivery to the job site will be less than 90 degrees F. Page 38 A-10 Testing. A testing laboratory shall be responsible for the field control of all concrete and may reject loads for high slumps , uncontrolled air entrainment or delays . Five test cylinders shall be made for each 50 yards of concrete or less . Two shall be tested in 7 days and 3 at 28 days . Making, pick-up and curing of the cylinders shall be the responsibility of the testing laboratory but the Contractor shall cooperate in protecting the cylinders and in notifying the testing laboratory of scheduled pours . Written reports shall be issued immediately after testing is complete; however , should any of the results be questionable, the Engineer shall be notified immediately so that corrective steps may be taken. The Contractor shall pay for all required field and laboratory tests . Should core testing or load testing be necessary due to inadequate strength results , the Contractor shall bear this cost also. A-11 Reinforcing Steel . American Concrete Institute "Standard Specification for Structural Concrete for Buildings" , ACI 301-72 , is hereby made a part of this specification to the same extent as if bound herein. ACI 301- 72 shall be amended, supplemented, or deleted as required by the following paragraphs and as such constitutes the specification for this project . Metal reinforcing shall be properly fabricated, supported, and securely held in place so that it will be in the correct position after the concrete has been placed and compacted . Bars shall be bent in the shop to the shapes shown or required. Field bending shall be done only with the written approval of the Engineer . Hooks and bends in reinforcing shall be fabricated in accordance with ACI 318 . All bars shall be bent cold. Splices in reinforcing not otherwise shown and detailed shall be in accordance with ACI 318 and are subject to Engineer ' s approval . However , splices no otherwise detailed or noted shall lab a minimum of 40 diameters . A-12 Masonry. Masonry shall include common or face brick or concrete block for the construction of structures including buildings , manholes , valve and meter vaults , catch basins , curb inlets , surface water inlets and similar structures as shown on the Contract Drawings or otherwise indicated as a part of this Contract . Page 39 All brick shall be ASTM Designation C-62 and shall be of the best quality, hard burned brick shall be whole , sound, straight and uniform in structure, with true faces . Bricks shall be sampled and tested in accordance with ASTM Designation C-62 with absorption rate not exceeding nine percent , Test shall be at the expense of the Contractor . Certified test reports shall be furnished to the Engineer . Common brick shall be grade MW and face brick shall be grade SW. Face brick shall be used for exposed faces of buildings and balls . Common brick shall be used for manholes , vaults , and inlets unless indicated otherwise . Concrete or other approved load bearing block shall meet the requirements of ASTM Designation C-90 , Grade A, and shall be free from deleterious matter that will stain plaster or corrode metal . Mortar consist of Portland Cement or Masonry Cement , water and sand. Portland cement shall meet the requirements of ASTM Designation C-150 , Type I . Masonry Cement shall be in accordance with ASTM Designation C-91 , Type II . Water shall •be clear portable water , free from injurious or deleterious materials , Sand shall be of a graded quality conforming to the requirements of ASTM Designation C-144 and shall be of an approved color . Mortars shall be mixed as follows : General purpose mortar for block and brick units : One sack masonry cement ( 70 pounds ) ; three cubic feed dry sand ( 240 pounds ) . Mortar grout for grouting column bases , beam bearing plates , and similar items : One sack Portland Cement ( 94 pounds ) ; one and one-half cubic feet dry sand, mixed as thick as will pour . Wall reinforcement shall be of truss design with 3/16 inch side rods and Number 9 gauge cross rods conforming to ASTM Designation A-82 for cold drawn steel wire . Out to out spacing of side rods shall be approximately 2 inches less than the total wall thickness shown. Cross rods shall be welded to side rods with maximum spacing of 16 inches on center . Wire mesh ties shall be 16 gauge, 1/2 inch mesh, 24 inches by 1 inch less than the width of wall , meeting the requirements of ASTM Designation A-185 . Exposed joints shall be tooled to a concave surface . Mortar shall be tooled back into joint after mortar has had this initial set . The Contractor shall build into the masonry the iron steps , the pipes and other objects shown on the plans or directed, and all necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent the pipe and other work from being displayed, broken or deformed. The units and mortar shall be tightly packed around the embedded materials so as to prevent leakage and secure perfect adhesion. Page 40 B PIPING AND VALVES B-1 Scope . Provide all labor , materials , equipment and services necessary to execute work included in this section. Work includes the installation of storm drain piping, sanitary sewage collection piping and water distribution piping as called for on drawings and as specified herein to within 5 ' of the buildings , connection to the buildings will be by others . B-2 General . ( 1 ) Materials furnished shall meet or exceed minimum requirements and standards of local departments having jurisdiction and state and local codes . ( 2 ) Workmanship shall be the best' of that practiced by local trades . ( 3 ) Trench bottoms shall be leveled and shaped to receive pipe and shall be cut to lines and grades shown on drawings . ( 4 ) Backfill shall be clean, free of large rocks , debris vegetation or other objectional material . Trenches shall be compacted to a density of at least 95% . 8-3 Materials . ( 1 ) Storm drainage pipe shall conform to ASTM C-76 , Class III . ( 2 ) Vitrified clay pipe shall conform to ASTM Designation C- 700; joint material shall have resilient properties conforming to ASTM Designation C-425 , Type III . ( 3 ) Cast iron pipe 4" and larger shall conform to ASTM A21 . 6 or A21 . B for 150 psi pressure , using 18/40 iron design. ( 4 ) Cast iron soil pipe for sanitary sewer laterals shall be standard weight and conform to ASTM A74 (CS-188 ) . ( 5 ) Manholes shall be constructed of sewer brick meeting ASTM C32 , grades MA with mortar of Portland cement or precast reinforced concrete conforming to ASTM C-478 with rubber type gaskets . ( 6 ) Polyvinyl Chloride plastic water pipe (PVC) shall conform to ASTM Designation D-1784 , Type I , Grade I , with a maximum hydrostatic pressure of 160 psi . Pipe shall also meet the requirements of the National Sanitary Foundation Testing Laboratories , Inc . (NSF ) and ASTM Designation D-2241 . ( 7 ) Galvanized steel pipe shall be standard weight galvanized steel pipe approved by the National Sanitary Foundation. (8 ) Gate valves larger than 4" shall meet the requirements of . AWWA C-500 . Check valves shall be standard swing check type with resilient seat for positive shut off with iron or brass body. Gate valves smaller than 4" shall be brass body, NRS gate valves smaller than 4" shall be brass body, NRS gate valves with handwheel operator suitable for 175 psi working pressure . ( 9 ) Valve boxes shall be adjustable 5 1/4" shaft , slip type, two piece cast iron or plastic with cast iron lid with the word "Water" cast in the top. Page 41 ( 10 ) Polyvinyl Chloride Thermoplastic Sewer Pipe (PVC ) -. PVC Sewer pipe shall comply to ASTM schedule 40 . ASTM D3034 , SDR 35 may be used if the contractor provides reports to the engineer from a registered Geo-Technical Engineer certifying that the embedment materials consist of Class I or Class II Material as described in ASTM D2321-74 ( Installation Standard for Flexible Thermoplastic Sewer Pipe and Fittings ) as provided for in the North Carolina State Building Code , Volume II , Plumbing, Section 504 . 2 ( 2 )-"Permit for None-Engineered Systems Certified by Installer . ) ( 11 ) Individual water meter shall consist of the following material , or an approved equal , as submitted to the Engineer . For tapping 6 ' lines : 6 ' x 1" Mueller H-13431 Bronze saddle . For tapping 2 ' lines : 2" x 1" Mueller H-13420 saddle 1" IPS polytube with 505142 Mueller stainless steel insert . 3/4" x 3/4" IPS polytube . 3/4 ' #25 Badger meter Meter boxes cast iron Ford meter box ( 12 ) Air Release Valves The Contractor shall install air release valves and vaults in the number and location shown on the plans . Air vacuum valves shall be equal to Model A10 by Crispin (Multiplex Manufacturing Co. - ITT Grinnell ) and shall be one inch. Inlet shall be screwed one inch NPT. Vaults shall be standard precast concrete manhole cone section with poured in place base and standard cast iron manhole ring and cover . Depth shall be adjusted to water main depth. B-4 Excavation: All excavations for pipe valves , structures , foundations , vaults, and any other excavation required for the proper completion of this contract are covered by this specification. ( 1 ) Trench Excavation: No more than 100 LF of trench shall be opened in advance of the pipe laying unless prior approval is given by the Engineer . Ground conditions and/or location will be considered by the Engineer in making this determination. ( a) Trench Width: Trench width for pipe six ( 6 ) inches and larger in inside diameter shall be equal to the outside diameter ( as measured at the pipe barrel ) of the pipe plus sixteen ( 16 ) inches . Trench width for pipe smaller than six ( 6 ) inches inside diameter shall be no wider than absolutely necessary to place the pipe in the trench, since this pipe can be jointed above the ground and then placed in the trench. Page 42 Trench width shall be measured between faces of cut at an elevation twelve ( 12 ) inches above the top of the pipe bell . If the Contractor varies from this requirement without prior approval of the Engineer , he shall at his own expense install Class II or Class III bedding as directed by the Engineer . (b) Trench Bottom Conformation: The excavation shall be made to the elevations , grades , and lines shown on the Construction plans unless otherwise directed by the Engineer . The trench bottom shall be excavated slightly above grade and cut down to the pipe grade by hand in the fine grading operation. The trench bottom shall be true and even with bell holes at each joint to provide the barrel of the pipe with soil and/or granular bedding (as applicable ) support for its full length. This should prevent point loading at the bells . If the trench bottom is inadvertently cut below grade , the contractor shall ( at his own expense ) fill it to grade with approved MATERIAL THOROUGHLY TAMPED. Pipe depth and/or soil conditions may require a granular embedment . This bedding shall also be shaped to allow adequate support of the pipe . If the trench passes either under or oven another pipeline or previous excavation, the Contractor shall make the Engineer aware of same and, if so instructed, install concrete encasement for the length specified. The trench bottom in this area shall be tamped, if necessary, so the disturbed soil has approximately the same supportive strength as the native soil . ( 2 ) Excavation for Structures : The excavation shall be made to the lines , grades and elevations shown on the Plans and Standard Details . The area excavated shall be limited to no more than is deemed necessary by the Engineer to allow the proper installation of the structure and shall remain open no longer than is necessary for the proper and complete installation of the structure . (a) Structure Pit Bottom Conformation: The pit bottom shall be true and even, and capable of supporting the structure . If the pit bottom is inadvertently cut below grade , the Contractor shall ( at his own expense ) fill it to the proper elevation with concrete poured integral with the main body of the concrete structure . No earth refill will be permitted . (b) Footings and Thrust Blocks : The outside edges of footings and pipeline thrust blocks shall be poured against the excavation (undisturbed earth) and any excess excavation shall be refilled with concrete . All extra concrete required for refill due to the Contractor carrying excavation beyond the proper lines and grades shall be furnished and placed at his own expense . Page 43 ( 3 ) Excavation of Bore Pits : The excavation shall be ' controlled by the limits of the existing right-of-way and shall not exceed these without prior written approval of the current property owner . The excavation shall be made to the proper elevation, line and grade to install the casing pipe as shown on the construction plans . ( a ) Bore Pit Conformation: The pit bottom shall be true and even with adequate stabilization to maintain proper elevation and grade on the boring rig for the duration of the bore . ( 4 ) Rock Excavation: Rock excavation shall be defined as solid ledge rock that requires drilling and blasting, sledging, or barring for its removal . Soft , disintegrated rock that can be removed with a pick shall not be classified as solid rock. Boulders greater than one cubic yard in volume will also be considered rock excavation. Smaller boulders and soft rock which in the opinion of the Engineer can be excavated by the use of a power shovel , without undue delay, shall not be classified as rock. Rock shall be removed to the following limits as' measured between vertical planes - twelve ( 12 ) inches outside the pipe bell - parallel to the water line and for a depth of six ( 6 ) inches below the pipe bell . Rock around structures shall be removed to the same twelve ( 12 ) inch limit as measured between vertical planes around the structure , but only to a depth necessary to allow proper installation. When rock removal is necessary pursuant to pipeline installation either Type II or Type III bedding shall be installed as specified and directed by the Engineer . ( 5 ) Piling excavated Material : All excavated material shall be piled in a manner that will not endanger the work. Excavated material will be piled a safe distance away form the edge of the excavation, no material will be piled within three ( 3 ) feet of the nearest edge . Sidewalks , driveways , hydrants , valve pit corners , valve boxes , curb stop boxes , existing manholes , five and police call boxes , or other utility controls shall be unobstructed and accessible until the work is completed. Gutters , catch basins , and natural watercourses shall not be obstructed or silted. When working close to a creek channel or natural watercourse the Contractor shall pile all excavated material on the side of his excavation away from the watercourse . B-5 Water Removal : The Contractor shall at all times provide and maintain ample means and equipment with which to remove and properly dispose of water entering the excavation or other parts of the work and shall keep all excavations dry until such time as pipe laying and grading is completed and structures are complete . Page 44 Water shall not be allowed to rise around the pipe in unbackfilled trenches nor shall it be allowed to rise over masonry until the concrete or mortar has set (minimum 24 hours ) . All water pumped or drained from the work shall be disposed of in such a manner as to minimize siltation and erosion on adjacent property or other construction. B-6 Sheeting, Sheathing, Shoring and Bracing: Sheeting, sheathing shoring, and bracing shall be used whenever necessary to prevent caving of trench banks . The Contractor shall make himself fully aware of all rules , regulations , laws and ordinances governing safe construction practices . Faulty and/or unsafe construction practices will be reported to the appropriate regulatory agency for disposition. Decisions of the Engineer relative to bracing for protection of structures and/or roadways will be binding upon the Contractor . The removal of sheathing or sheeting shall be done in a manner that will minimize the friction loss between theabackfill and trench walls . Sheathing or sheeting will be cut off and left in place where its removal will adversely affect the installation as determined by the Engineer . B-7 Pipe Laying: Pipe shall in all instances be installed in a workmanlike manner and true to line and grade . The various pipes specified shall be handled, and installed in accordance with the manufacturer ' s recommendations and good engineering practices . ( 1 ) Trench excavation, sheeting , sheathing, or shoring, and bracing, dewatering, etc . shall be performed as specified above . ( 2 ) Pipe Bedding: Unless otherwise specified or noted on the Plans Type I bedding as described in "a" below, shall be standard. Type II shall be standard for normal depths with poor soil conditions , and Type III shall be standard for deeper than normal installations in poor soil conditions . Trench stabilization shall be used when undercut as required for Type II and is not sufficient due to poor soil conditions . No stone bedding shall be installed unless specifically directed by the Engineer . (a ) Type I - Shaped Bottom Bedding: Shaped Bottom bedding shall be such that the pipe bears uniformly upon undisturbed native earth. Soil is then backfilled by hand around the pipe and COMPLETELY under the pipe haunches in uniform layers not exceeding six ( 6 ) inches in depth to an elevation one (1 ) foot above the top of the pipe bell . Each layer shall be placed; then carefully and uniformly tamped. Page 45 (b) Type II - Granular Material Embedment : For Type II bedding, the trench bottom shall be undercut a minimum of six ( 6 ) inches below the pipe barrel grade and filled with an approved stone to an elevation such that the pipe will be completely and uniformly bedded to a vertical height of one-third the outside diameter of the pipe for the pipe ' s entire length and the entire width of the ditch. Type II embedment shall be used only as directed by the Engineer . (c ) Type III - Granular Material Embedment : For Type III bedding, the trench bottom shall be under cut a minimum of six ( 6 ) inches below the pipe barrel grade and filled with an approved stone to an elevation such that the pipe will be completely and uniformly bedded to vertical height of one-half the outside diameter of the pipe for the pipe ' s entire length and width of the ditch. Granular material embedment shall be used only as directed by the Engineer . (d ) Concrete Encasement and Cradles : Concrete encasement or cradles will be used only as designed for individual cases or as directed by the Engineer . (e ) Trench-Bottom Stabilization: Stabilization stone shall be used when the trench must be undercut in excess of the six ( 6 ) inches required for Type II or Type III bedding, either due to excessive ground water or the existence of unsuitable material incapable of adequately supporting the pipe . The Contractor shall undercut the trench as necessary and shall place and compact the stone stabilization material required to establish a stable bottom to receive either the Type II or Type III granular bedding and pipe . Approved stone stabilization material may also be used to construct a stable bottom for structures , as directed by the Engineer . When granular material embedment is required, the Contractor will backfill above the granular bedding as specified for Type I bedding to an elevation one ( 1 ) foot above the top of the pipe . Trench widths must be maintained as previously specified to one foot above the pipe bell . Deviation from the specified width will necessitate an increase in the stone bedding around the pipe at the Contractor ' s expense . Page 46 ( 3 ) When a water main crosses an existing sewer lateral or main, the Contractor shall replace the sewer pipe spanning the ditch with ductile iron pipe (minimum thickness Class 52 ) when the following conditions occur : (a ) Anytime a water main is installed under a sewer pipe . ( b) When a water main is over a sewer pipe and the vertical distance between the two pipes is 1 . 5 feet or less . The cost of replacing the sewer as specified will be considered incidental to this project . ( 4 ) Placing of Water Main Material in Trench: Proper implements , tools , and facilities satisfactory to the Engineer shall be provided and used by the Contractor for the safe and convenient prosecution of the work. All pipe , fittihgs , valves and hydrants shall be carefully lowered into the trench piece by piece by means of a derrick, robes , or other suitable means , in such a manner as to prevent damage to protective coatings and lines . Under no circumstances shall water materials be dropped or dumped into the trench. ( a ) Inspection of Material : the pipe and fittings shall be inspected for defects and while suspended above grade , be rung with a light hammer to detect cracks . (b) Cleaning Pipe and Fittings : All lumps , blisters and excess coating shall be removed for the bell and spigot ends of each pipe , and the outside of the spigot and the inside of the bell shall be wirebrushed and wiped clean and dry and free from oil and grease before the pipe is laid. ( c ) Laying Pipe : Pipe shall be laid with bell ends facing in the direction of laying, unless directed otherwise by the Engineer . Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign material from entering the pipe white it is being placed . If the pipe laying crew cannot put the pipe into the trench and in place without getting earth into it , the Engineer may require that before lowering the pipe into the trench, a heavy, tightly woven canvas bag of suitable size shall be placed over each end and left there until the connection is to be made to the adjacent pipe . During laying operations , no debris , tools , clothing or other materials shall be placed in the pipe . After placing a length of pipe in the trench, the spigot end shall be centered in the bell and the pipe forced home and brought to correct line and grade . The pipe shall be secured in place with approved backfill material tamped under it except at the bells . Precautions shall be taken to prevent dirt from entering the joint space . At times when pipe laying is not in progress , the open ends of pipe shall be closed by a watertight plug or other means approved by the Engineer . This provision shall apply during the non hours as well as overnight . If water is in the trench, the seal shall remain in place until the trench is pumped completely dry. Page 47 (d ) Permissible Deflection of Joints : Wherever it is necessary to defect pressure pipe from a straight line , either in the vertical or horizontal plane , to avoid obstruction or plumb valve stems , or where long radius curves are permitted, the amount of deflection allowed shall not exceed that required for satisfactory sealing of the joint as recommended by the manufacturer , and shall be approved by the Engineer . ( e ) Installation of Push-On Joint Pipe : The gasket groove and bell socket shall be cleaned and lubricated , and the basket inserted as specified by the pipe manufacturer . Sterile lubricant , as furnished or specified by the manufacturer shall be applied to the gasket and beveled spigot end of the pipe . The beveled spigot end of pipe shall be pushed straight into bell using either a bar , jack, lever puller , or backhoe . A timber header will be placed between the jack or backhoe bucket and the pipe to prevent damage to the pipe . At no time will the joint be made by swinging the pipe . The pipe will be deflected, if required, after the joint is made . ( f ) Installing Mechanical Joint Pipe and Fittings : All spigots shall be centrally located in the bell and adequate anchorage shall be provided where abrupt change in direction and dead ends occur . All pipe surfaces with which the rubber gasket seals come into contact will be brushed with a wire brush just prior to assembly in order to remove all loose rust or foreign material and to provide a clean surface for the installation of the gasket . The pipe surface with which the gasket comes into contact and the gasket will be brushed with soapy water just prior to the installation of the gasket and the making up of the joint . Torque loads shall be applied to the standard cast iron bolts used in making the joint as follows : SIZE INCHES RANGE OF TORQUE , FT . POUNDS 5/8 40-60 3/4 60-90 1 70-100 1-1/4 90-120 The above torque loads may be applied with torque measuring or indicating wrenches . Torque wrenches may be used to check the application of approximate torque loads applied by men trained to give an average pull on the definite length of regular socket wrench. The following lengths of wrenches should satisfactorily produce the above ranges of torques when used by the average man: SIZE INCHES LENGTH OF WRENCH, INCHES 5/8 8 3/4 10 1 12 1-1/4 14 Page 48 When tightening bolts , the gland will be brought up towards the pipe flange evenly, maintaining approximately the sme distance between the gland and the face of the flange at all points around the socket . ( g ) The Contractor is advised that the bends and fittings indicated on the plans are for a guide only. The Contractor will be required to furnish additional bends and fittings as needed to complete all installations . (h) The cutting of pipe for inserting valves , fittings , or closure pieces shall be done in a neat and workmanlike manner without damage to the pipe or cement lining and so as to leave a smooth end at right angles to the axis of the pipe. When a cutting machine is not available for pipe 20 inch in diameter or larger , the electric-are cutting method will be permitted using a carbon steel rod . Only qualified and experienced workman shall be used on this work. Flame cutting of pipe with an acetylene torch shall not be allowed ( 5 ) Repairs to Water Main Breaks : Repairs shall be made as directed by the Engineer as follows : ( a ) Bell clamps will not be allowed, except in special situations as directed by the Engineer . (b) Solid sleeves shall be the accepted means of repair used for connecting spigot ends and shall be LONG PATTERN TYPE ONLY. B-8 Installation of PVC Pipe : PVC Water Main shall be installed substantially in accordance with the Standard Recommended Practices for UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION OF FLEXIBLE THERMOPLASTIC SEWER PIPE , ASTM D 2321 . The following exceptions shall be taken to the standard: ( 1 ) Embedment Materials : Any reference to Angular Material larger than ASTM Size Designation #67 shall be deleted. Class-V as enumerated in 6 . 1 . 4 . and 6 . 1 . 5 of the Standard shall not be allowed. Class IV mateials may be used for haunching and initial backfill . ( 2 ) Trench Construction: Over-excavation is addressed in 7 . 1 . 4 of the Standard and the required compaction shall be herein be amended to 95% . Only Angular Marerial #67 shall be accepted for placement in . the over-excavated area and it shall be brought all the way to the spring line of the pipe to insure adequate support and prevent the migration of the fines from under the pipe haunches . Trench widths shall not exceed those specified in the DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION Section as measured 12 inches above the pipe bell . The remainder of 7 . 1 . 7 of the Standard shall remain unchanged. Page 49 ( 3 ) Tracer Wire : A 14-gauge solid copper wire shall be' laid alongside the PVC pipe to aid in locating the pipe for maintenace purposes . This wire shall be secured to the pipe with duct tape near every bell and at the center of each pipe joint . The wire shall be fastened securely to the cast iron fitting at each main line valve and fire hydrant and/or to copper service lines as directed by the Engineer . Unless otherwise indicated on the Plans , or required by existing utility locations , all PVC water pipe will be installed with a minimum cover 3 . 0 feet . Ductile Iron Pipe (Thickness Class 52 ) shall be installed when the minimum cover is less than 3 . 0 feet and in all crossings of other pipelines ( storm drainage , sewer etc. ) when the water line is under the other pipeline and the vertical distance is less than 3 feet . Deflection testing shall be required as directed by the Engineer after completion of the backfill . Deflection shall not exceed 3% as measured across either the horizontal or vertical axis . Each axis shall be considered independent of the other and no method which would reflect and average total pipe deflection shall be accepted as proof of meeting the specified 3% deflection. Tests for deflection may be required as a prerequisite for filling the water line and subsequent sterilization and hydrostatic testing. B-9 Installing Valves Hydrants , and Fittings : Valves , hydrants and fittings shall be installed in the manner specified for cleaning, laying and jointing pipe . Valves and hydrants shall be installed at locations shown on the plans and/or as directed by the Engineer . ( 1 ) Valve boxes and Valve Vaults : A valve box or masonry pit shall be provided for every valve shown on the Plans . A valve box shall be provided for every size 12" or under . The valve box shall not transmit shock or stress to the valve and shall be centered plumb over the wrench nut of the valve , with box cover flush with the surface of the finished pavement or such level as may be directed. A masonry vault , as shown on the plans , shall be provided for all valves sizes 16" and larger . The valve nut shall be readily accessible for operation through a valve box inserted in the roof of the vault . All manhole covers shall be set flush with the surface of the finished pavement or such other level as may by specified. Vaults shall be constructed so as to permit minor valve repairs and afford protection to the valve and to the pipe at the points of impact where the pipe passes through the vault walls . Access to valve vaults for maintenance and repair shall be provided utilizing Charlotte standard manhole rings and covers , Type A, B, or C as required and as shown on the attached drawings . ( a) All end of line valves 12-inch and smaller , whether they be on main lines or stubs , will be securely wedged blocked with concrete bearing against , and cut into the excavated sides of the trench. Page 50 Care shall be taken in forming and pouring the "wedge" blocking' so the fitting joints will be accessible for repair and/or valve extraction. ( 2 ) Fire Hydrants : Hydrants shall be set with no less than three ( 3 ) foot bury on water mains 12" and smaller and with four ( 4 ) foot or more for water mains 16" or larger . Because of varying topography, extensions , and/or hydrants with greater bury may be required. Extensions will be made by the hydrant manufacturer . All hydrants and hydrant guard valves will be installed plumb and in accordance with Sandard Detail Number 5 appropriate planview will be noted on the plans or in the Special Provisions . Each hydrant installation will include a drainage bed of clean washed stone approxamately one ( 1 ) cubic foot in size at the "weep hole" . ( a) The bowl of each hydrant shall be well braced with concrete blocking against unexcavated earth at the end of the trench so the pipe and fitting joints will be accessible for repair and the "weep holes" unobstructed . ( 3 ) Anchorage for Bends , Plugs , Caps and Tees : All plugs , caps , taps , and bends deflecting 11-1/4 degree pr more on pressure mains 6" in diameter or larger shall be provided with thrust blocking, placed as shown on the Plans and/or as directed by the Engineer, and consisting of ready mix concrete having a compressive strength of not less than 3 . 600 lbs. ber square inch at 28 days . Bagged mix concrete may be used for blocking, anchorage , concrete valve pads , etc . on water mains and valves 12-inches and smaller when less than 3/4 yards are required. Blocking shall be placed between solid ground and the fittings to be anchored. The area of bearing on the pipe and on the ground in each instance shall be that shown or directed by the Engineer . The blocking shall be so placed that the pipe and fittings will be accessible for repair . B-10 Alignment and Grade : The water main shall be laid and maintained to the required lines and grades with fittings , valves and hydrants at the required locations; spigots centered in bells; and all valves and hydrant stems plumb. ( 1 ) Depth of Pipe Installation: unless otherwise indicated on Plans , or required by existing utility locations , all pipe will be installed with the top of the pipe at least 3 . 0 ', below the edge of adjacent roadway pavement or 2 . 5 ' below the ground, above the pipe , . whichever is greatest . The Contractor is instructed to check the construction plans and blow-up views for additional requirements . The Contractor may be required to vary the depth of pipe to achieve minimum clearance from existing utilities while maintaining the minimum cover specified whether or not the existing pipelines , conduits , cables, mains , etc. are shown on the Plans . Page 51 ( 2 ) Existing Utilities/Subsurface Exploration: It will' be necessary for the Contractor to explore and excavate to determine the location of existing underground structures and/or utilities. Existing utilities as shown on the Construction Plans are for a guide only and the Engineer will not be responsible for inaccurate location on the Construction Plans . If deemed necessary by the Engineer , the Contractor will have the various utility owners locate their utilities , ( cables , conduits , mains, ets . ) at least five hundred ( 500 ) feet in front of the construction. The Contractor shall exercise care and caution when excavating in the vicinity of known utilities ( including poles ) . If so instructed by the Engineer , the Contractor shall have representatives of existing utilities present during close construction. The contractor shall be responsible for the cost of any supervision or assistance supplied, relocation performed , and any damages said utilities may incure which may be attriburted to work pursuant to this contract . Changes in alighnment and/or grade of this construction, necessitated by utility conflicts (or untenable conditions ) shall be considered incidental to this construction. B-11 Backfill : All backfill shall be of a relatively non-plastic nature free from roots , vegetative matter , waste , construction material , or other objectionable material , including but not limited to rock larger than 3-inches in any dimension. Rock shall not exceed 20% of the fill material, nor shall any rock by placed within 2-feet of the pipeline . Backfill material shall be capable of being tamped by mechanical tamps using relatively low velocity and heavy blows . The matrial shall have no tendency to flow or behave in a plastic manner under the tamping blows . Material deedmed by the Engineer as unsuitable for backfill shall be removed from the job site before backfilling operations begin. ( 1 ) Backfilling of trenches : Treches shall be backfilled immediately after the pipe is laid . Backfill around pipe and to an elevations of one ( 1 ) foot above the pipe bell shall be done ONLY by hand and in layers not exceeding six ( 6 ) inches with every layer throughly tamped. Successive layers of backfill shall be compacted in place as specified below. . Should water rise in an unbackfilled ditch after the pipe has been placed, the Engineer , at his discretion, may require the Contractor at his expense to remove the pipe , muck the trench and relay the pipe using Type II or Type III granular bedding. ( a) Backfill of trenches within water main rights-of-way: Trenches excavated outside existing roadway and railway right-of- way may be backfilled, above the initial one ( 1 ) foot , by mechanical means in layers up to twelve ( 12 ) inches thick, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer . Page 52 ( B) Backfill of trenches within road and railway rights-of- way: Trenches excavated within existing road and railway right- of-way shall be backfilled in layers not to exceed six ( 6 ) inches and each layer shall be thoroughly tamped . ( 2 ) Specification for Restoring Flexible Bituminous Pavement : All material above the subbase level shall be hot-mix bituminous concrete conforming to North Carolina State Division of Highway Specifications for both mix design and placement . The asphalt pavement as placed shall be one ( 1 ) inch thicker than the original pavement including base , but in no instance less than six ( 6 ) inches within City maintained roadways or 8 inches within state maintained roadways . The last two ( 2 ) inches in either instance shall be bitumious plant mix ( I- 2 ) suitable to the appropriate controlling agency. If bitumious surfacing overlays a contrete base , the Contractor at the option of the Engineer , shall place the concrete to its original thickness , or to a level 2 inches below the finished surface . The Engineer may direct the Contractor to omit all concrete and to replace the pavement with bitumious materials . ( 3 ) Graveled Areas : Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, all areas ( shoulders , side streets , drives , etc . ) which exhibit a gravel surface at the time of construction will be re-graded with a minimum depth of six ( 6 ) inches of A. B. C . stone to match ( as closely as possible ) existing gravel gradation and appearance within their drives . Such requestes shall be honored. Page 53 C. Testing C-i General The Contractor shall conduct testing of all utility pipelines as directed by the Engineer in accordance with the followign specifications . These specifications in no way shall relieve the Contractor of complying with all state and local testing requirements and satisfying the requirements of State or local regulatory agencies shall be his sole responsibility. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer 48 hours in advance of scheduling an observed test . Prior to contacting the Engineer , the Contractor shall have completely tested all lines and appurtenance to his own satisfaction and all lines shall be cleaned. Required testing of pipelines and valves shall be done under the direct supervision of the Engineer . Field testing shall not negate the requirements for material certifications as contained in the material specification section of this contract . • Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer , all testing and disinfection will be completed prior to connection to any existing line . C-2 Pressure Piping ( 1 ) Hydrostatic and Leakage Tests : On completion of the line or sections of the lines , connections and appurtances , the line shall be filled and hydrostatically tested. The water for the purpose can be taken from existing lines under the supervision of the Engineer ' s Inspector and leakage will be measured by the Inspector with a meter furnished by the Contractor . All leaks and any defective material shall be repaired or replaced to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the tests repeated until the requirements of this specification are met . Any special equipment , pumps , etc . required to make the test shall be furnished and operated by the contractor as directed by the Inspector . The Contractor shall use great care to be sure that all air is expelled from each section under test . If fire hydrants or other openings are not available for the purpose of expelling air, the Contractor shall provide air releases of sufficient size ( as determined by the Engineer ) at his expense . Specific procedures for testing mains are as follows : Page 54 ( a) Test pressure shall be 1 . 5 times the working pressure section under test . When testing against butterfly valves , the differential pressure at the valve must not exceed 150 PSI for valves rated 150 PSI . If the test cannot be made with differential pressure of 150 PSI , 250 PSI valves will be specified . Differential pressures across gate valves may be up to 200 PSI . (b) Allowable leakage will be determined by Table 6 , AWWA c- 600 ( see below) or by the formula L=0 . 000106SD where S is the length of pipe under test and D is the pipe diameter . Add 0 . 0043 gal/hr . for each 3/4 inch service and 0 . 0057 gal/hr . for each 1 inch service . (c ) Pressure and leakage tests will be run concurrently and for a duration of four hours except as modified below. (d ) The Contractor will pressurize the line and verify that it is within allowable leakage before the official test is started . ( e ) The Inspector will begin, the tent and remain at the job for the first hour , making sure that the test pressure is maintained within + 5 PSI . The Contractor is to maintain the pressure within +5 PSI for the duration of the test period. At the end of the first hour , with the line pumped to full test pressure , he will read the meter and record the first hour leakage . If the first hour leakage is within allowable , he will return at the end of the fourth hour and again read the meter . If the total leakage for the four hour period does not exceed four times the first hour leakage , the test will be terminated. If the total leakage exceeds four times the first hour leakage , but is still within allowable , the test will be held an additional hour . If the fifth hour leakages does not exceed the average hourly leakage for the first four hours , the test will be terminated at he end of the fifth hour . Otherwise , the test will be held until the leakage is non- increasing and within allowable for two consecutive hours . ( f ) If the leakage exceeds allowable for the four hour test, the test will be terminated and re-scheduled after the Contractor has verified that actual leakage is within allowable leakage , but no earlier than the next work day. Page 55 ( g ) If the first hour leakages does not exceed 10% o'f the allowable , or if the allowable leakage rate does not exceed 0 . 4 gal/hr . , the test may be terminated at the end of two hours provided the second hour leakage does not exceed the first hour leakage . If the second hour leakage exceeds the first hour leakage , the test will be held for an additional period as described in Paragraph ( e ) above . ( h) The maximum length of pipe tested in one test shall be 5 , 000 feet or as close to 5 , 000 feet as possible depending on valve spacing. ( i ) During the last stages of the test and without any reduction in pressure , first the hydrant guard valves will be closed, then progressing in an ordly manner from the end opposite the test pump, each main line valve will be closed and pressure released to determine if it is holding pressure (minimum 10 minutes per valve closing) . ( j ) Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer , each Butterfly valve will be tested to 150 PSI for a minimum of 10 minutes after the pipeline has been si. cessfully tested . (k) When testing mains with Contractor installed water survices , the Engineer may be on a random basis require jumpers in selected meter yokes with full test pressure applied to the property line valve . Such jumpers will be furnished by the Engineer and installed by the Contractor . TABLE 6 Allowable Leakage per 1 ,000 ft ( 305m) of Pipeline*_gph! Nominal Pipe Diameter-in. Avg.Ts(Pietsure psi(Aar) 3 4 6 11 10 12 14 16 11 20 24 .70 36 42 41 34 450(314 0.4/1 0.64 0.95 1.27 1.59 1.91 2.23 2.55 2.87 3.18 3.82 4.78 5.73 6.69 7.64 11.60 400(28) 0.45 0,63 0.90 1.20 1.50 LSO 2.10 2.40 2.70 3.00 3.60 4.50 5.41 6.31 7.21 (1.11 350(24) 0.42 0.36 0.114 1.12 1.40 1.69 1.97`2.25 2.33 2.81 3.37 4.21 3.06 5.90 6.74 7,511 300(211 0.39 0.52 0.78 1.04 1.30 1.56 1.82 2.08 2.34 2.60 3.12 3.90 4.68 3.46 6.24 7.02 275(19) 0.37 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.24 1.49 1.74 1,99 2.24 2.492.99 3.73 4.48 5.23 5.98 6.72 250(17) 0.36 0,47 0,71 0.95 1.19 1A2 1.66 1.90 2.14 237 2.85 3.36 4.27 4.99 3.70 6.41 225(161 0.34 0,45 0,68 0.90 1.13 1.35 1.511 LSO 203 2.25 2.70 3.38 4.03 4.73 5.41 6.03 200(14) 0.32 0.43 0.64 0.85 1.06 1.28 1.48 1.70 1.91 2.12 2.55 3.19 3.82 4.46 5.09 5.73 175(12) 0.30 0.40 0.59 0.80 0.99 1.19 1.39 1.59 1.79 1.98 2.311 2.91 3.51 4.17 4.77 5.36 • 150(10) 0.211 0.37 0.55 0.74 0.92 1.10 1.29 L47 1.66 1.841 2.21 176 3.31 3.86 4.41 4,97 125( 91 0.15 0.34 0.50 0.67 0.84 1.01 1.18 1.34 1.51 IA 2.01 2.52 3.02 3.53 4.03 4.53 100 I 7/ 0,23 0.30 0,45 0,60 0.75 0.90 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 IV 225 3.03 4.05 *If the pipeline under test contains sections of various diameters the allowable leakage will be the sum of the ocmputed leakage for each size !To obtain leakage in litres/hour , multiply the values in the table by 3 . 785 . Page 56 ( 2 ) The Contractor shall be required to provide as many' tests and/or certifications as the Engineer may deem necessary for materials , such as concrete , piping , valves , steel reinforcement , all fasteners and achorage systems , etc . Testing for materials shall be made by a separate independent test laboratory employed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer . ( 3 ) Drainage of Mains : Mains shall be drained through drainage branches or blowoffs to dry wells from which the water can be pumped or to natural drains . Drainage branches , blowoffs , air vents and appurtenances shall be provided with valves and shall be located and installed as shown on the Plans and Standard Details . Drainage of mains will be accomplished by such a manner as to minimize erosion and siltation to adjoining properties . Water velocity from drainage and/or blow-off will be dissipated as necessary to prevent erosion. .. Drainage branches or blowoffs shall not be connected to any sewer , submerged in any streams , ' or installed in any other manner that will permit back siphonage into the distribution system. } Page 57 C-3 Tests for Sewers Visual testing of sewers for alighnment shall be made prior to leakage or infaltration testing and all testing shall be completed prior to making connections to other sewers , pipes or drains unless otherwise permited by the Engineer . The Contractor shall furnish all mateials and equipment necessary and shall conduct low pressure air tests of all sewers . Tests shall be conducted on reaches of sewers between manholes as soon after installation and partial backfill as is feasible in a manner and sequence as approved by the Engineer . The suction of sewer to be tested along with all branch fittings and the ends of house connection laterals shall be securely plugged and braced to withstand the internal test procedures . The Testing shall be conducted by slowly adding air to the plugged test section until the internal air pressure ,reaches 4 . 0 pounds per square inch (psig) greater than the leave in static pressure of any ground water submerged in the sewer . Not less than two' minutes shall be allowed to elapse for stabilization before continuing with the testing. Pressure shall be at least 3 . 5 psig about static to begin test procedures . The rate of air loss shall be determined by stopwatch measurement of the time interval required for the pressure to drop from 3 . 5 to 2 . 5 psig. The test shall be acceptable if the time is greater than that shown in the following Table . TABLE OF MINUM HOLDING TIMES FOR PRESSURE TO DROP FROM 3 . 5 TO 2 . 5 PSIG OVER STATIC Pjpe Dia. in Inches Mim4es _Lflinifnum) 4 2 . 0 6 3 . 0 8 4 . 0 10 , 5 . 0 12 5 . 5 15 7 . 5 18 8 . 5 21 10 . 0 24 11 . 5 If the time in is less than that shown in the above table the Contractor must locate the leaks , repair joints , repair or relay pipe and structures to correct the leakage and rerun the tests until an acceptable test is obtained . Where work being tested has been constructed in water bearing soils , leakage tests may, at the discretion of the Engineer , be made by measuring the quantity of infiltration into the sewer . Page 58 The allowable leakage or infiltration per twenty-four hours per inch of diameter per mile of sewer-tested shall not exceed 200 gallons . The Engineer may require exfiltration testing for manholes after a visible inspection. Manholes will be tested by plugging all inlest and outlet sewers with watertight plugs , filling the manhole to the rim with water and allowing for saturation of manhole materials . The manhole shall be refilled to the rim level and tested for two hours . Maximum allowable leakage shall be 3 . 0 gallons per hour . D. Chlorination D-1 General Work in connection with disinfection of water shall be done in complete accordance with the requirements of the North Carolina Division of Health Services . All costs , if any, shall be paid by the Contractor . All interior surfaces of new proable water supply systems , including wells , filters , storage tanks and distribution lines shall be thoroughly disinfected by means of hypochlorite Or clorine solutions , after which bacteriological test samples shalllbe collected. After disinfection the water supply shall not be placed into service until bacteriological test results of reprentative water samples analyzed in an approved laboratory are found to be satisfactory. A minimum chlorine concentration of 50 PPM shall be obtained in all parts of the distribution system. This disinfectant shall remain within the system for a minimum of 24 hours , prior to having a residual of not less than 10 mg/1 free chlorine . The lines will then be flushed sufficiently to clear them of chlorine exceeding one part per million. Samples of water from the mains will then be taken and analyzed for bacteriological purity. If the mains fail to meet the bacteriological standard for purity, disinfecting and flushing will be repeated until such standards have been met . All analysis for chlorine and bacteriological purity will be a North Carolina Certified Laboratory. D-2 Wells Any deep well constructed under this contract shall be disinfected by adding chlorine in sufficient quantities to produce a resudual of 50 PPM. The chlorine shall be thoroughly dispersed using a chemical feed line. If such a line has not been installed the chlorine solution may be applied through a hose which will reach to the bottom of the well . After adding the chlorine the interior of the casing, pump column, etc . shall be thoroughly agitated by intermittently starting and stopping the pump motor at 15-second intervals . The chlorine shall remain in the well for a minimum of twenty-four hours , after which time the well shall be pumped until there is no evidence of chlorine present , as to be determined by the ortho-tolidine test . Serveral water samples should be collected and if satisfactory results are obtained, the well may then be placed in service . Page 59 SECTION V - WASTE TREATMENT PLANT A. GENERAL The intent of these documents is to provide materials and performance specifications for the furnishing, installation and start-up of the waste treatment plant as shown on the plans and described herein. The scope of work is generally described in Section IA. The Completed plant shall be completely filled , tested and placed into operation . The plant components furnished may be new or refurbished units except that all mechanical components , i . e . blowers , pumps , controls , etc . shall be of new manufacture . Environmental Wastewater Services , Inc . shall provide and install the plant on foundations prepared by the site work contractor , install all mechanical equipment , provide and install all interconnecting piping , and all-on plant electrical work. The site contractor shall provide all excavation, backfill , landscaping , erosion control , infuent pump station, complete exterior yard piping, electrical , fencing, effluent outfall and headwall and water service . Influent Pumping Station Under this section the Contractor shall furnish and install ready for operation all materials and workmanship required for the pump station, including wetwell , pumps , piping , valves , fittings , and controls . The Contractor shall furnish dual submersible grinder type sewage pumps for the influent pump station. Pumps shall meet the operating conditions stated in the Basis of Design and shall be equal to ABS. Page 60 B. GRINDER PUMPS B-1 PUMP DESIGN The pump( s ) shall be capable of shearing and reducing to a fine slurry all material normally found in domestic sewage such as sanitary napkins , disposable diapers , cloth diapers , wash rags , wood, plastic , etc . The slurry shall be capable of freely passing through a 2-inch piping system including check and gate valves . There shall be no need for personnel to enter the wetwell in order to remove or install the pump( s ) . The pump( s ) shall be automatically connected to the discharge piping when lowered into place on a guide rail system, requiring no bolts , nuts or fasteners to effect sealing to the discharge connection. B-2 PUMP CONSTRUCTION The pump shall be of the centrifugal type with the rotating cutter mounted on the pump shaft directly against the impeller . The stationary cutter shall be mounted in an adjustable bottom plate . The bottom plate shallbe cast with grooves threadino outward from the center opening of the plate to the outer diameter . The impeller shall be a multiple vane centrifugal type . The cutter material shall be similar to an AISI 440C stainless steel with the addition of cobalt , vanadium, and molybdenum for superior abrasion resistance and a hardness of 58-62 Rockwell C . The common pump and motor shaft shall be 420 stainless steel supported by a heavy duty lower double row ball bearing and an upper sealed single row ball bearing. The cutting elements and impeller shall be designed to keep the overhung load distance to a minimum. All fasteners shall be 304 stainless steel . Shaft Seals : Each pump shall be equipped with two seals . The lower seal (pump side ) shall be of the mechanical type with silicone carbide faces . The upper seal shall be a lip type seal mounted at a slight angle to the shaft . The seals shall be separated by an oil chamber . Seal Failure Warning System: An electrical probe shall be provided in the oil chamber for detecting the presence of water . A solid-state device mounted in the pump control panel or in a separate enclosure shall send a low voltage , low amperage signal to the probe . If water enters the oil chamber , the probe shall close an elecrical circuit and energize a warning light on the face of the control panel . Motor Constuction: The motor shall be of the submersible type rated for 3 HP as required at 3450 RPM. Single phase motors shall be of the capacitor start capacitor run type for high starting torque . The motor shall be airfilled and shall have Class "F" insulation. Bimetallic thermal switches shall be imbedded in each phase of the winding to sense high temperature . The rating of the switch shall be 140 Degrees C, plus or minus 5 degrees C. The control current shall be connected through the bimetallic switches so that the motoris shut down should a high temperature condition exist . The switches shall be self-resetting when the motor cools . Page 61 Guide Rail Installation: A cast iron guide rail base shall be Mounted on the floor of the pump station. The grinder pump shall be guided onto the cast iron discharge base by a single guide rail supported at the top by an upper guide bracket and at the bottom by ' the discharge base . The pump base shall be equipped with a straightening vane which properly aligns the pump on the discharge base just prior to final seating. When the pump is in position, the weight of the pump shall compress the gasket and seal the connection. The area under the pump shall be free and clear of any additional support legs or guide pipes to insure free entrance of solids to the impeller . Valves : A 2-inch fully ported 150 psi rated ball check valve with a corrosion resistant phenolic ball and a rubber seal shall be installed in the discharge line of each pump. A bronze fully ported 2-inch gate valve shall be installed in the discharge line of each pump. All pump station piping and fittings shall be extra strength galvanized steel . All threaded connections shall be cold galvanized after installation. All valves shall be approved for 150 psi working pressure . The discharge piping shall include discharge flange . Ductile iron may be substituted for galvanized . Junction Box : A NEMA 4X junction box , fully gasketed, shall be mounted in the basin. Electrical Controls : All control elements shall be housed in a NEMA 3X door-in-door enclosure . The enclosure shall be fully gasketed and shall have a drip cap. The enclosure shall be suitable for wall or pole mounting. A combination manual motor starter and disconnect switch shall be provided for each pump. The unit shall have instantaneous trip magnetic overcurrent protection. The unit shall have adjustable thermal trips . The control curcuit shall be 110 volts . The control circuit shall be connected through the heat sensing switches in the pump and shall disconnect the control circuit in case of a high temperature condition in the pump motor . A HP rated contactor shall be provided for each pump. Definite purpose contactors will not be acceptable . Single Phase controls are to have start and run capacitors and start relays mounted in the control cabinet . A seal failure warning light shall be mounted on the dead front door . An alternator relay shall be supplied to alternate pumps on each successive cycle . A lag float switch shall be used to start both pumps if inflow is greater than one pump can handle and shall also start the second pump on case the operating pump fails . Page 62 A terminal strip with box type connectors shall be supplied to make all power and control connections for the pump . All terminals shall be marked for easy identification. A ground terminak* strip shall also be provided. A high level alarm light shall be mounted on the top of the control cabinet . The light shall be enclosed on a red polycarbonate enclosure . The light shall be activated by the high level alarmfloat installed in the pump station as shown on the drawings . Audible alarm and contacts for a remote dialer shall also be provided . Sealed float type mercury switches shall be supplied to control sump levels and the alarm signal . The mercury tube switches shall be sealed in a solid polyurethane float jacket for corrosion protection. A weight shall be attached to the cord above the float to hold the switch in place in the sump. The weight shall be above the float to prevent sharp bends in the cord when the float operates under water . The float switches shall hang in the sump supported only by the cord that is held to the Nema 4x Junction BoxThree float switches shall be used to control the liquid level; one for pump turn-on, one for pump turn-off , and one for both pumps turn-on. A fourth switch shall be provided for alarm control . On sump level rise , the lower mercury switch shall first be energized, then the upper level switch shall next energize and start the lead pump. With the lead pump operating, the sump level shall lower to the lower switch turn-off setting, and the pump shall stop. The alternating relay shall index on stopping of the pump so that the lag pump will start on the next operation. If one pump should fail , the second pump shall operate on the override control , and if the level rises above the override control , the alarm shall signal . All level switches shall be adjustable for level setting from the surface . The pump controls shall be UL approved as a unit . Five sets of complete shop drawings shall be supplied for review by the engineer for approval . Page 63 SPECIFICATIONS FOR EXTENDED AERATION SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT 20 , 000 GPD GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS There shall be furnished , as shown on the drawing and as described in these specifications , one ( 1 ) complete extended aeration sewage treatment plant by Environmental Wastewater Services , Inc . The plant shall consist of multiple tanks constructed of 1/4" MOH steel plate . The tanks shall include processes as shown on the plans . Environmental Wastewater Services , Inc . shall furnish the equipment necessary for the effective operation of the plant including piping, valves , and fittings , blower( s ) , blower skid, electrically driven sludge collector and skimmer assembly, sludge return piping, walkway with handrails and kickplates , access ladder and electric control panels . The treatment plan shall be designed so that it is portable and capable of relocation without field cutting and welding of the tank. OPERATING CONDITIONS The plant shall be capable of treating domestic wastewater , have a 5- day BOD of 200 ppm as measured by a composite sample and not including industrial wastes , to the limits specified in NPDES NC0067644 . CONSTRUCTION The treatment plant shall be manufacutred using a minimum thickness of 1/4 inch MOH steel plate . The plate and structural members shall be connected by shielding electric arc welding with welds of adequate sections of the connections . Welds shall be continuous where required to provide a watertight connection. The structural and plate components shall be connected by welding in compliance with the A. I . S . C . and A.W. S . Specifications . Tank bulkheads shall be structurally reinforced flat heads . Nuts and bolts used in bolting equipment in place shall be hot dipped galvanized steel . Page 64 WALKWAY AND HANDRAILS The plant shall be equipped with a walkway extending the entire length of each tank and interconnecting all tanks allowing for ease of maintenance of the plant equipment . The walkway shall be constructed of structurally supported galvanized steel bar grating panels. The grating panels shall be 24" in width, 1" in height with 1 3/16" bearing bar centers and 4" cross bar centers . The grating shall be cut into sections not exceeding 8 feet in length to allow for easy removal by one man. Cut-outs shall be provided for access to air control valves. Four tie down clips shall be provided for each section of grating. A galvanized handrail system shall extend the entire length of the walkway. It shall be constructed of 1 5/8" galvanized steel pipe . A galvanized steel kickplate , 4" in height , shall be bolted on the bottom of the handrails . For access to the walkway a steel ladder Shall be welded to the end of the tank( s ) . Steel extensions shall be provided for the ladder to the handrail system. Walkway, ladder and handrail shall be in accordance with OSHA Specifications Nubmer 1910 . AERATION CHAMBERS The aeration chamber shall provide a minimum detention time of 30 hours at the average daily flow. The shape and offset diffuser location in the tanks shall provide efficient mixing and aeration. A piping system shall be provided for the return of settled sludge from the clarifier to the aeration chambers . Transfer piping shall be schedule 40 steel pipe provided with flexible connectors . CLARIFIER The claifier shall be designed to provide a surface loading rate not greater than 500 gpd/sq. ft . ( taken at the actual water surface ) and shall provide a minimum detention time of 4. 5 hours . An inlet structure shall be provided to prevent surging and direct the clarifier influent downward with minimal distrubance to the sludge blanket . The weir overflow rate shall not exceed 7 , 500 gpd/ft . The weir( s ) shall be designed for easy adjustment of level and elevation. Page 65 SLUDGE COLLECTOR AND SKIMMER The clarifier shall be equipped with mechanical sludge collector and skimmer for collection and transfer of sludge . Sludge shall be removed by a 2-inch sludge airlift mounted on the collector assembly. The sludge airlfit shall have an adjustable recirculation capacity of at least 100% of the average daily flow. A cleanout plug shall be provided in the top of the airlift for cleaning and maintenance . The entire collector assembly shall be driven by a 1/3 hp electric motor directly coupled to a gear reducer . The gear reducer shall have a 3600 to 1 speed ratio . Power shall be transmitted to four rubber treaded cast iron wheels which travel in a track spanning the entire clarifier length. The collector shall travel at a controlled rate not exceeding 1 . 5 feet per minute providing minimal distrubance of the settling process without allowing the sudge to become anaerobic . A 2-inch adjustable surface skimmer shall be mounted on the collector assembly for removal of floating solids . A collector assembly shall be provided with air and electrical power . The air supply to the sludge and skimmer airlifts shall be fully adjustable with control valves mounted above the' collector assembly. An electrical control panel with a reversing mechanism shall be mounted to the collector assembly. The electrical controls shall be housed in a NEMA 12 enclosure with a dripshield. The enclosure shall be galvanized steel and have a locking door handle . A limit switch mounted on the outside of the panel shall contact trip brackets located at each end of the clarifier reversing the direction of travel . Panel shall be UL approved as a unit . SLUDGE HOLDING CHAMBER The plant shall include a sludge holding chamber designed on the basis of one cubic foot per capita served ( assuming 100 gpcd ) . A diffused air supply system shall provide adequate air to prevent anaerobic conditions from occurring. An adjustable airlift shall be provided for drawing of the supnatant at various levels . It shall be constructed of Schedule 40 steel pipe and fittings to eliminate corrosive action which would hinder its adjustability. A cleanout plug shall be provided in the top of the airlift for cleaning and maintenance . Capacity shall be 1895 gallons . a Page 66 AIR SUPPLY For mixing, aeration and operation of the airlifts , two regenerative blower( s ) shall be provided. Each blower shall be capable of delivering 25 cubic feet of free air per 1000 cf of tank capacity, plus additional air for operation of the airlifts at 5 psi . Each blower shall be driven by an open drip-proof induction type motor mounted as shown on the drawings . The motor( s ) shall have a 1 . 15 service factor but shall not be overloaded beyond the motor manufacturer ' s specifications . The blower( s ) and motor ( s ) shall be mounted on a structural steel blower skid located on the end of the plant and equipped with filter silencer( s ) , pressure relief valve( s ) , check valve( s ) , discharge silencer , vacuum breaker and pressure gauge . Vibration dampeners shall be used in mounting the blower skid to the end of the plant . Intake and discharge mufflers shall be provided. The pressure relief valve shall be of the weighted type . It shall be constructed of PVC with lead weights' to eliminate corrosion. The valve shall be mounted between the blower and, the check valve and be factory tested prior to shipment . The blower( s ) shall discharge into a check valve chamber following the pressure relief valve . The check valve shall be mounted in the vertical position and have a rubber seat with an aluminum disc and guide rod. The valve shall be so designed to operate in the low pressure , high volume air supply mode provided by the blower . A discharge Silencer shall be mounted between the check valve chamber and the air header . It shall be coupled with flexible connections to prevent vibration damage . The discharge silencer shall be constructed of steel . A vacuum breaker and pressure gauge shall be mounted to the air header . The vacuum breaker is designed to prevent backflow when the blower is not running. The pressure gauge shall be equipped with a surge chamber to prevent gauge pointer fluctuation and damage to the gauge . The gauge shall have a 4 1/4 inch face and a range of 0 to 15 psi . Air diffusers shall be spaced on a maximum of 4 foot centers along the entire length of the aeration and sludge holding chambers . Diffusers shall be constructed of Schedule 40 PVC and mounted to a galvanized . steel drop pipe . Each diffuser shall be equipped with a quick closing lever handled valve and a galvanized union allowing the diffuser to be removed from the tank without use of mechanical devices . Each diffuser shall be easily removed by tilting up the appropriate section of grating. Page 67 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM The internal wiring and electrical connections for the components of the sewage treatment plant equipment shall be installed and tested prior to shipment . All wire and conduit required to make the connection between the treatment plant control panel and the electrical power source shall be provided and installed by others . A main disconnect shall be provided in the control panel . A circuit breaker or , if desired, a fuse shall be provided for protection of each motor . A time clock shall be provided to vary the running time of the blower( s ) and to alternate the blowers on plants where dual blowers are supplied. The electrical controls shall be housed in a NEMA 12 enclosure with a dripshield . The enclosure shall be galzanized steel and have a locking door handle . The panel shall be mounted on the blower skid. Wiring shall be in compliance with the National Electrical Code . Panel shall be UL Approired as a unit . SURFACE COATING All vessel surfaces to be painted shall be properly prepared in a manner so as to obtian a smooth, clean, dry surlface . All rust , dust and loose mill scale as well as all other extraneous matter shall be removed by means of cleaning by wire brushing . Immediately following cleaning, a heavy inert coal tar coating shall be applied to all tank surfaces prior to shipment . This coating shall be self-priming heavy duty, solvent type protective coating formulated for abrasion and corrosion resistance and shall have a dry mil thickness of approximately 18 mils . WORKMANSHIP All workmanship and materials throughout shall be of the highest quality and the treatment plant described in the preceding specification shall be complete with all appurtenances required for the satisfactory treatment of the specified sewage load. FIELD SERVICE After the sewage treatment system has been shipped, installed, filled with water , electric power connected to the main control panel on the plant , and all equipment is approved by the site engineer or inspector , the services of a representative of the manufacturer shall be provided at the requirest of the site contractor . The factory representative shall instruct the owner ' s representative in the proper maintenance and . operation of the segage treatment plant including instructions in conducting all required operational test . The factory representative shall present the owners representative with four ( 4 ) service manuals outlining all operational instructions and procedures . Page 68 WARRANTY The system shall be covered by a manufacturer ' s warranty agreement for a period of one year in accordance with the terms and conditions specified therein. EQUALIZATION CHAMBER To prevent peak inflows from entering directly into the aeration chamber there shall be supplied a 5 ,000 gallon equization chamber based on an average daily design flow of 20 , 000 gallons and having a significant run-off period of 24 hours . The equalization chamber shall be of the same structural design as the aeration chamber . There shall be furnished and installed within the equalization chamber duplex submersible pumps as manufactured by ABS , Model Piranha. Each pump shall be capable of pumping at a rate of 35 pgm at 12 ' TDB and shall be equipped with a 2 HP, 220 volt , 1 phase , 60 cycle , 3450 rpm motor . Each pump shall be capable of shearing land reducing to a fine slurry all material normally found in domestic and commercial sewage . The slurry shall be capable of freely passing through a 1 1/4 inch piping system. The control panel for the pump operations shall contain the following: main disconnect circuit breaker for each pump , short circuit and overflow protection, HOA switches , starters , electric alternator , operational control system, high water alarm and remote contacts and wired to automatic dialer . The equalization chamber surfaces shall be cleaned and painted in accordance with the specifications outlined for the sewage treatment plant . The pumps shall also be equipped with elapsed time meters and seal failure warning system. The pump control panel shall be UL Approved as a unit . The pumps shall be installed with a standard slide rail system. Page 69 SECTION VI SPECIFICATIONS FOR RAPID SAND TERTIARY FILTER GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS There shall be furnished, as shown on the drawings and as described in these specifications , one ( 1 ) Rapid Sand Tertiary filter unit , as manufactured by Environmental Wastewater Services , Inc . The filter shall consist of filter beds , each capable of independent operation; a clean-water and wastewater tank; filter pump( s ) ; backwash pump( s ) ; an electrical control panel; chlorine contact tank and Dechlorination chamber; and all other equipment required for automatic and continuous operation. The filter shall be portable and shall be capable of being relocated. CONSTRUCTION Each rapid sand tertiary filter shall be manufactured using a minimum thickness of 1/4 inch MOH steel plate. The plate and structural members shall be connected by shielded electric area welding with welds of adequate section for the connections . Welds shall be continuous where required to provide a watertight connection. The structural and plate components shall be connected by welding in compliance with the A. I . S .C. and the A.W. S . Specifications . Nuts and bolts used in bolting equipment in place shall be hot dipped galvanized steel . OPERATING CRITERIA The rapid sand tertiary filter shall be capable of treating secondary sewage treatment plant effluent to a minimum reduction of 50% of the suspended solids when operated according to the manufacturer ' s operation manual . The filter beds shall provide a total filter bed surface area large enough to provide a filtration rate of 1 . 0 gpm/sq. ft . at the average daily flow; however , the filtration rate shall be adjustable from less than 1 gpm/sq. ft . to a maximum of 5 gpm/sq. ft . Page 70 Each filter bed shall have its own underdrain system consisting of a PVC manifold and PVC laterals perforated with slots . Each filter bed shall consist of a bottom layer of support media and three layers of filter media. FILTER MEDIA The filter media shall consist of gravel and crushed granite free form thin flat particles and shall be isoluble in water . The media shall be graded and placed from bottom to top as indicated in the following table . Layer Depth in Inches Size 1 811 3/4 - 1/2 Course Gravel (Washed) 2 4" 1/4 - 1/2 Fine Gravel (Washed) 3 12" Sand ( See Spec . ) 4 14" 0 . 85 - 0 . 9 mm Anthracite SAND Size 0 . 35 mm ,- 0 . 5 mm Uniformity Coeff . 3 . 0 Dust Content 0 . 5% Media shall be approved by N. C . Division of Environmental Management . The sand must be analyzed and approved by the NC Division of Environmental Management either by direct sampling or by acquisition of filter sand from a dealer who is currently certified by the Division as an acceptable source . FILTER OPERATION The influent from the secondary treatment plant shall flow into flow divider( s ) , each designed to equally divide the influent between the filter beds . The flow shall be directed by a splash plate over the filters so that there is minimal distrubance of the filter media. The flow divider shall be designed to permit either filter bed to be by- passed while the other filter bed remains in operation. Page 71 When the water level in the filter bed reaches the high water revel an electrode shall start the individual filter pumps . Another electrode shall stop the filtration pump when a low water level is reached. A double orifice throttling float valve shall be mounted in the discharge line of each filter pump. Under normal operation conditions , the filter pump will discharge through an orifice designed to allow average daily flow to pass through the filter bed. Should a condition exist where influent is entering the filter bed at a rate greater than the average dialy flow, the float shall rise opening a second orifice allowing the filtration rate to increase to a maximum of 2 . 5 times the average daily flow. The float valve shall be constructed of PVC. Each filter pump shall be centrifugal , end suction with mechanical seal , having a capacity of 2 . 5 times the average daily flow at 30 feet TDH, and shall be driven by an open drip-proof electric motor . The backwash cycle shall be controlled, by a time clock which may be set for any number of cycles per day and vary the backwash cycle from 2 to 8 minutes . When the timer calls for a backwash, a pneumatic pressure system closes a valve on the filter pump suction line and opens a valve on the backwash pump suction line . Backwash water is then drawn from the clean-water tank and pumped through the filter underdrain system upward through the filter tank. From the wastewater tank, backwash water is returned by gravity to the mud well for recycle back through the secondary treatment plant . A low water level electrode shall be installed in the clean-water tank to protect the backwash pump. When the backwash cycle is complete , the pneumatic pressure system shall close a valve on the backwash pump line and open a valve on the filter pump section line . An electric alternator shall be provided to alternate the backwash cycles among the filter beds . The backwash pump shall be centrifugal , end suction with mechanical seal , having a capacity of 15 gpm/sq. ft . of filter bed area at 30 feet TDH and shall be driven by an open drip-proof electric motor . A media air scour system shall be provided for each filter bed . The air scour system shall be controlled by a solenoid operated valve mounted on the outside walls of each filter . The air scour manifold shall be constructed of PVC and have one 1/8 inch diameter opening per square foot of filter area . Page 72 Air supply to the pneumatically operated valve shall be provided by a 1/2 hp, 3450 rpm, 2 . 07 cfm displacement air compressor capable of delivering 1 . 05 cfm of free air at 80 psi . The compressor shall be mounted on a 3 gallon pressure tank and equipped with a weatherproof housing. ACCESS WALKWAY BRIDGE There shall be provided as shown on the plans along the length of the sewage treatement plant an access walkway bridge consisting of a three foot wide walkway with handrails , and platforms where shown. The walkway frame shall be constructed as a integral part of the tank with structural support where required . The grating panels shall be formed and perforated of mill-galvanized steel before fabrication and shall be perforated in such a manner to be slip resistant . There shall be provided along each side of the walkway, handrails constructed of steel tubing, welded and painted with two ( 2 ) coats of industrial grade enamel paint . • BACKWASH OPERATION Controls shall be provided so that the automatic backwash cycle can be initiated by either level or timer . A 24 hour time clock shall be provided that can be programmed to automatically initiate the backwash sequence one or more times during the day. The time clock shall include a time of day indicator and shall be easily set by hand. When an automatic backwash cycle is called for , , the filter cells shall be backwashed one at a time in sequence . The duration of the automatic backwash cell shall be controlled by a timed delay. The backwash pumps shall operate up to 8 minutes for each cell backwashed. Page 73 • MANUAL OPERATION A hand-off auto (HOA) switch shall be provided in the control panel of each filter unit for each pump. Low level cut-offs shall be provided in the backwash tank and the backwash holding tanks . Manual backwash shall be initiated by tuning the hand-off-auto (HOA) switch to hand (H) . ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL A NEMA type 3R enclosure shall house electrical and electronic controls and instruments . The panel shall be made from one ( 1 ) gauge steel. The door shall have a continuous hinge and non-locking handle with single point latch. Panel shall be UL Approved as a unit . BRANCH CIRCUIT PROTECTION AND MOTOR DISCONNECT Circuit breakers shall be molded case thermal magnetic, quick make , quick break type . Breakers shall provide branch circuit protection and motor disconnect means . Circuit breakers shall have an Underwriters Listing (UL ) and a current interrupting =rating 6f RMS SYM ampers 10 ,000 at 40 degree ' C ' on approved operating voltage . CLEARWELL An integral clearwell for the storage of filtered water for backwash shall be provided and shall have a minimum capacity of 2100 gallons . The clearwell shall contain the backwash and filter discharge piping. A vertical riser shall be provided in the filter discharge piping to maintain a minimum of 2" of liquid over the surface of the filter bed . An air relief , and clean out plug shall be provided in each discharge line . All clearwell overflow shall be included to maintain the required clearwell volume and permit gravity discharge . WASTEWATER CHAMBER An integral wastewater chamber shall be provided as shown on the plans to provide storage for backwash water . The minimum volume of the chamber shall be 2100 gallons . Duplex wastewater pumps shall be furnished and installed for returning the backwash to the secondary plant . Provision shall be made for recycling a portion of the discharge to reduce the rate of return to the secondary plant . Each backwash pump shall be sized to deliver an average backwash rate of 15 GPM square foot of filter surface area. Typical pump performance curves shall be furnished in conjuction with the required shop drawing. Pump motor shall be designed for 1 phase , 60 hertz , 220 volt operation. Pump motors shall have cooling characteristics suitable to permit continuous operation. The motor rating shall be such that its nameplate rating shall not be exceeded by the load requirements over the full range of the pump performance curve . Page 74 CHLORINE CHAMBER To provide a point of injecting chlorine into the effluent to allow proper mixing, there shall be supplied an integral chlorine chamber with a capacity of 655 gallons based on 46 minute retention of 24 hour design flow. The chlorine chamber shall be an integral part of the tertiary filter . The chamber shall be constructed of 1/4" structural steel plate and be rectangular shaped as shown on the plans . There shall be sufficient flow baffles installed to assure proper mixing of the chlorine section with sewage plant effluent . There shall be furnished for chlorination of the sewage treatment plant effluent a Sanuril Model 1000 Chlorinator . The chlorinator shall be fabricated of molded fiberglass and polyvinyl chlorine for rigid strength and durability. The chlorinator shall be designed for positive disinfection of 20,000 gpd and the amount of chlorine dispensed shall be in direct proportion to the flow passing through the unit . A supply of Sanuril #115 chlorine tablets shall be contained in removable tubes inserted down through the top oi the chlorinator into the flow passing through the unit . The lower end of each tube shall be slotted to permit free flow of water through the tubes assuring good contact between the discharge water and the chlorine tablets . A selection of weir plates , with weirs ranging in size from 1 to 3 inches are available to insertion at the effluent end of the chlorinator to control the internal liquid level and thereby controlling the number of chlorine tablets that come into contact with the flow from the sewage treatment plant . The Sanuril chlorinator unit shall be mounted just inside the influent end of the chlorination chamber . Stainless steel straps shall be provided by the manufacuturer to allow installation of the unit on the chlorine contact chamber influent line . DECHLORINATION CHAMBER To provide for Dechlorination there shall be provided a chamber integral with the Tertiary filter a capacity of 655 gallons . The Dechlorination chamber shall be equipped with a diffuser and regulating valve . The sulfur dioxide supply for the Dechlorination chamber shall be supplied by a Sanuril tablet dispenser designed for a capacity of the 24-hour design flow. The Dechlorination chamber surfaces shall be cleaned and painted in accordance with the specifications outlined for the sewage treatment plant . Page 75 WASTEWATER RETURN PUMP Two submersible pumps , driven by a 1 phase , 1/2 HP, 60 hertz , 220 volt motor shall be provided . The pump shall deliver 105 gallons per minute at 20 fee total dynamic head. BARGRATING/WALKWAY Metal Grating: Galvanized metal grating panels shall be provided for walkways to service the equipment . The grating panels shall be 2 ' -0" maximum in width. The walkway frame shall be constructed as an integral part of the tank with structural support where required. The grating panels shall be formed and perforated of mill galvanized steel before fabrication and shall be perforated in such a manner to be slip resistant . PAINT SYSTEM All vessel surfaces to be painted shall be properly prepared in workmanlike manner so as to obtain a• smooth, clean and dry surface . All rust , dust and mill scale as well as other ,extraneous matter shall be removed by means of cleaning by wire brushing of whatever means necessary. All internal vessel surfaces shall be painted with one coat of bitumastic . All steel exterior surfaces shall be painted bitumastic above grade and below grade . Coating shall be minimum of 12 mils . FLOW MEASUREMENT To provide for measurement of the sewage flow there shall be supplied a Leupold & Stevens Model 61R float activated flowmeter to be installed as shown on the plans . The meter shall indicate , record and totalize volume of flow passing through a 90 degree V-notch measuring weir located as shown on the plans . The flow meter shall convert water level measurement over the V-notch weir to flow data for continuous indication and shall graphically record the data on a strip chart with time scale of 10"/day. At the chamber directly below the flow meter there shall be installed a proper size stilling well for the purpose of dampening our surface undulations and wave action. The float size , float gears and flow cam shall be sized for the specific flow range to provide maximum accuracy of the recorded flow. The chart shall be driven by a 115 VAC suchronous motor and the complete unit shall be mounted in a weatherproof enclosure which shall be mounted on a 3 ' stand . The flow meter shall be calibrated at the time the sewage system is put into operation by the factory service reprentative who . starts up the entire sewage system. : Page 76 START-UP The manufacturer shall provide the service of a factory trained representative to inspect the installation after the plant has been installed with all necessary electrical connections , and influent and effluent piping connections completed . Upon completion of this inspection, the representative shall instruct the purchaser or his representative as to any adjustments that may be required of him. The manufacturer ' s representative shall instruct the plant operator in the proper operation of the plant for a period not to exceed one working day. ELECTRICAL WORK All electrical work on the waste treatement facilities shall be performed by a licensed contractor and shall conform in all respects to state and local codes . The electrical contractor shall install a new service pole , meter base , and main disconnect within 15 feet of the plant and shall completely wire all components of the site in accordance with manufacturer ' s recommendations . AUTOMATIC DIALER The Contractor shall furnish, install and test a telephone dialer system for the waste treatment plant . The dialer shall be housed in a weatherproof enclosure and mounted at the main plant control panel . The dialer shall be connected to the alarm functions of other control panels on the plant by wiring in conduit and shall monitor the following functions : equalization pump alarm, power failure , effluent pump alarm, mudwell pump alarm. The dialer shall be acceptable to the operating utility company and shall be programmed to call the phone numbers specified . Unit shall be suitable for operation on 110 volt power supply. Page 77