HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0081825_Public Notice_20131121Henson, Belinda From: Montgomery, Lori Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 2:25 PM To: Henson, Belinda Cc: Brantley, Mark Subject: RE: NC0081825 Public Notice Belinda — I reviewed the historic permitting material in the Ansonville filecA-wasteload llocation model was run backduring the original permitting'process: The -model -looks -at -differing B6D and NH3 levels to_cal.culate projecfed-DO-concentrations in tlie.r.iver-downteeam of the dischaige--At some point; -the model,will reach a''`DO sag"; after whichpon he DO reduction=frbTn the oxygen consuming waste will start to recover,again. For tf'iis fatility's.model; when -the secondary �reatmen,t=limits were applied; the DO at"the lowest point downstream was'still-well above'the-water-qualifystandard of ,mg/I:Tfiis'is due o.the large amount of dilutionin the P_eeDee_River: (In,this case, the in= stream-waste7concentration rs only 0,0%=at-the 7CZ10`flow) So,"forsituafions_likethis we do not apply a"DO limit 0r the=discharge;,.unle¢s'of course e-pla.nt expands grsomething:ehanges=abou_t+the wastestrea I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions, or would like to talk about this more. Thanks! Lori Lori Montgomery, PE North Carolina Division of Water Resources NPDES, Complex Permitting Unit 165.0 Mail Service Center. Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 phone: (919) 807-6479 • DISCLAIMER: All e-mails sent to and from this account are subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Henson, Belinda Sent:. Wednesday, November 20, 2013 3:55 PM To: Montgomery, Lori Cc: Brantley, Mark Subject: RE: NC0081825 Public Notice Lori, Mark and I had a productive visit with the Town of Ansonville today. We met with Mayor Ingram and the new ORC — Mr. Mullis and Backup ORC- Mrs. Mullis. We also visited the WWTP. They have made a lot of progress with operational changes to the plant and the facility looked really good today during our visit. They appear to be compliant with their permit at this time: They have some reporting issues with their commercial lab and are working through those. One question I have is why does this facility not have a Dissolved Oxygen requirement in their NPDES permit? I noticed when I was looking at their present permit and I talked with Mark and he did not know why either? Thank you. Belinda 1 From: Montgomery, Lori Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 3:06 PM To: Henson, Belinda • Cc: Reid, Steve Subject: NC0081825 Public Notice NPDES Permit number NC0081825 (Town of Ansonville WWTP) will be sent out for public notice today. Draft cover letter, permit, and fact sheet are attached. Thank you, Lori Montgomery PE North Carolina Division of Water Resources NPDES Complex Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 phone: (919) 807-6479 DISCLAIMER: All e-mails sent to and from this account are subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 2