HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111103 Ver 1_401 Application_20111211Environmental Corp of America 1340 Patton Avenue, Suite K Asheville, NC 28806 From Ben Salter �. .. ,.. <�'.;.,.:. ' ��, ; ��� � �ii'.�y���/ : . : M a�;;��:�, ..��: . a•,.�s;.� : .'�1��.�,, �,: : Phone 828-505-0755 Fax No 828-505 0959 20111�03 To Mr Ian McMillan Phone 919 807 6364 NC Drvasion of Water QuaLty 401/Wetlands Umt 1650 Maal Service Center ��� II� Raleigh, NC 27699 1650 ,� TItANS1VIITTAL COVER SHEET Date December 13, 2011 SubJect Individual Section 401 Certif cation Application American 'Towers, LLC — 273437 (Hibbs Rd NC) 5899 US Highway 70 Newport, Carteret County, North CaroLna ECA Pro�ect Number L 954 3 USACE ProJect # SAW-2010-1235 Notes Mr McMillan D �'�2n� �r���' � D �E� � � ?011 DENR WATER QUALITY �LA1VGSqIyD STOR,y1W�TER BRANCFI Please find the attached Individual Section 401 Certification Application for your review t� Included are five copies of the application package three full sized plan sheets two 11 x 17 sets of plans includmg existing conditions proposed plans and sediment and erosion control sheets and three copies of the Stormwater Management Permit Application I have also mcluded a$570 review fee A 404 application has been sent to USACE and a Coastal Zone Consistency Certification has been sent to NCDCM Please contact me if you have any questions or need addrtional mformation Thank you Smcerely �`�"'' w Ben Salter Env�ronmental Corporation of America 1340 Patton Avenue Surte K Asheville NC 28806 ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION OF AMERICA 20 1 1 � 1 0 3 December 13 2011 � � � � � � � � �� North Carolma Division of Water Quality 401/Wetlands Urut 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1650 Attention 1VIr Ian McMillan Sub�ect Individual Section 401 Cerhfication Application American Towers, LLC — 273437 (I�ibbs Rd NC) 5899 US Highway 70 Newport, Carteret County, North Carolina Latitude 34° 45' 20 7" N Longitude 76° 51' 37 8" W ECA Pro�ect Number L 954 3 USACE # SAW-2010-1235 Dear Mr McMillan 0 Environmental Corporation of America is assisting rts client American Towers LLC wrth environmental compliance for a proposed pro�ect consistmg of a 250 foot self supporting lattice telecommurucations structure and a fenced gravel covered compound withm a 10 000 square foot lease area The pro�ect site also mcludes an approximate 4 469 foot by 30 foot access/utility easement wluch is shown on Sheet SW 2 mcluded m Appendix A The pro�ect srte is located wrthm the Newport NC USGS 7 5 Mmute Topographic Quadrangle in the location shown on Figure 1 of Appendix A The site lies within the White Oak River Basin (HUC 03020101) The Bogue Sound lies approximately 1 95 miles to the south of the srte The nearest named surface water bodies to the pro�ect site are Hull Swamp located approximately 2 775 feet to the south and Snows Swamp Branch located approximately 2 675 feet to the northeast of the proposed lease area Both waterbodies are tributaries of the Newport River which is located approximately 1 mile to the northeast at rts closest pomt to the pro�ect srte The pro�ect site is located on a 33 64 acre parent parcel owned by Jean R Wellons Parcel Identification Number 6347 03 32 3534000 The Individual Permrt applicant is American Towers LLC The applicant proposes to lease a 100 foot by 100 foot area and obtam a 4 469 foot by 30 foot access/utility easement on the parent tract An authorization form is included m Appendix C allowing the State of North Carolina and the US Army Corps of Engmeers 1375 Umon Hill Industnal Court, Suue A Alpharetta Georg�a 30004 (770) 667 2040 fax (770) 667 2041 www eca usa oom Page 2 (USACE) to access the property and Amer�can Towers LLC to obtain the necessary permrts to construct the pro�ect and to act as a pr�mary contact for the property owner with regards to local/state/federal consultation and permittmg Based on a Jurisdictional Determmation obtamed from the Wilmmgton District USACE for the pro�ect area (dated November 29 2010) the pro�ect as proposed would result m impacts to 1 04 acres of�urisdictional forested wetlands (See F�gures in Append�x A) The impacts would result from the placement of gravel fill material wrthm the access/utility easement over approximately 1 510 feet of a proposed 20 foot w�de access drive The limits of inechanized land clearmg within the easement extend to the boundaries of the 30 foot wide easement Therefore the ent�re easement width was considered when calculatmg the area of �mpact The proposed access would also cross a drtch feature that was determmed by USACE to be �urisdict�onal relatively permanent waters (RPVI� Amer�can Towers LLC proposes to place an 18 mch culvert wrthm this feature Associated impacts would total 30 lmear feet (90 square feet) Volumes and types of fill material to be used wrthm the ident�fied �urisdictional areas are md�cated on Sheet SW 2 in Append�x A The proJect site was also visited by Ms Joanne Steenhu�s of the NC Diviston of Water Quality (DWQ) to determme whether any State Waters were present withm the pro�ect area Accordmg to Ms Steenhuis no State Waters were determmed to be present w�thm or ad�acent to the proJect area ECA has prepared this Individual Sectcon 401 Water Quality Cert�fication Appl�cat�on m order for American Towers LLC to meet the requirements of Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act ECA has also prepared an Individual Section 404 Permrt Application and has subm�tted this application to the USACE Due to the locat�on of the proposed proJect withm one of North Carolina s 20 coastal counties ECA is providmg a copy of the USACE Indiv�dual Permrt Appl�cation along wrth a Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Certification to the North Carolma Drvision of Coastal Management (NCDCM) USACE has requested that the CAMA Ma�or Permrt Appl�cation Form be mcluded m this appl�cat�on package The form has been completed and �s mcluded m Appendix C The pro�ect eng�neer has subm�tted a Stormwater Management Permit Application to the NC Department of Environmental and Natural Resources It �s our understandmg that this applicat�on �s under 30 day express rev�ew startmg November 16 2011 A copy of the permit appl�cation mcluding existing condit�on plans stormwater management plans and sediment and erosion control plans �s provided m Appendix H Alternat�ves Cons�dered American Towers LLC has evaluated mult�ple alternative srtes m order to meet the wireless telecommun�cat�ons coverage ob�ectives of the anchor carrier tenant (AT&T Mob�lity) to reduce Page 3 environmental impacts to the extent poss�ble and to obtam local approvals w�thm established zonmg constramts A map showing the alternative site locations evaluated �s provided m Append�x A American Towers LLC began searchmg for a surtable tower srte m the general srte vicmrty m May 2009 Alternative 1 — Beacham Tract This srte is located off Stargazer Lane approximately 5 000 feet southwest of the preferred srte and is composed of 2 parcels owned by Frances Beacham The parcels would requ�re recombmation m order to meet setbacks Although Ms Beacham agreed to the combmation rt�s estimated that the parcel would accommodate a tower up to 190 to 200 feet based on setbacks A 250 foot tower would be needed m order to meet the coverage ob�ectives In addition the parcel �s currently classified R 15M where towers are not permitted The parcel would require a rezonmg or the County would need an ordmance re wrrte to allow towers m R class�ficatrons The site would utilize an existmg drive to the woods line and then requ�re clearmg through dense trees and underbrush to the compound location The rear property lme is the center of Hull Swamp which is surrounded by a broad area of wetlands Th�s srte was not considered further due to zonmg and setback issues and the potential for impacts to wetlands directly abuttmg Hull Swamp Alternative 2— Clamdig er Tract The Clamdigger parcel is located immed�ately south of the current pro�ect parcel This parcel owned by Clamdigger Inc was determmed to be approximately 95% wetlands The parcel owner msisted that the facilrty be sited approximately 4 900 feet west of US Highway 70 Sitmg on th�s tract �n the owner preferred location would have reyuired approx�mately 3 acres of wetland impacts Amer�can Towers LLC approached the owner about movmg the srte approximately '/2 mile to the east to reduce the access road length and requ�red wetland impacts however the owner was not agreeable due to the long and narrow shape of the parcel and the potential for mterference wrth future development act�vrties Alternative 3 — Hyatt Tract The Hyatt tract located approximately 4 600 feet to the south of the currently proposed site location was also considered The owner of this parcel was unmotivated and the zonmg process would have been diffcult with an uncertain outcome due to zonmg the relative small size of the tract and the required property boundary and residential setbacks The parcel is currently classified R 15M where towers are not permitted Alternative 4— Auto Salva�e Tract After the Jurisdichonal Determmation was obtamed for the current srte location and the amount of wetland impacts determmed American Towers LLC approached the owner of the ad�acent Page 4 Auto Salvage Yard (J Copper Inc ) to the north regardmg a shift of the lease area and/or access/utility easement onto this parcel The owner declmed because of a lease purchase agreement wrth the underlymg property owner and an mformal sublease agreement with another party for the rear third of the parcel Alternative 5— Wellons Tract (preferred alternative� The Wellons parcel was identified after consideration of the Clamdigger tract This tract is currently zoned Industrial Warehouse wh�ch �s a suitable zonmg class�fication for telecommumcations tower facilrties The parcel owner mrtially msisted that the pro�ect srte be placed m rts approximate current location m order to prevent mterference wrth any future tract development activrties Based on the wetland boundartes established durmg the USACE Jurisdict�onal Determmation it was determmed that the proposed lease area (compound and tower site) could be sh�fted slightly to the west and south to avo�d impacts to wetlands and waters m this portion of the tract The tract owner obliged and the lease area was shifted approximately 10 feet to the south and 30 feet to the west in order to avoid impacts to identified wetlands and waters m this area The owner was approached again concerning shortenmg the access to reduce proposed wetland impacts However due to the long and narrow shape of the parcel the owner would not agree to an alternate location on the tract Based on the alternatives evaluated the Wellons Tract was determmed to be the most feasible alternat�ve considering environmental impacts owner willmgness zonmg and setbacks The US Forest Service property to the north and west of the Wellons Tract was not cons�dered due to the ltkely unw�llmgness of this agency to permit the pro�ect to be constructed w�th�n National Forest lands Avoidance and Minim�zat�on Given stipulations set forth by the tract owner regardmg siting of the proposed facility on the parent tract impacts to wetlands have avoided and mmimized where poss�ble As md�cated m the Alternative 5 mformation provided m the previous sect�on the proposed lease area (compound and tower) has been aligned so as to avoid impacts to wetlands and waters located immediately surroundmg the lease area on the north east and west Impacts associated w�th the current tract have been l�mited to the proposed 30 foot access/util�ty easement Only 20 feet of this easement will be covered with fill mater�al for the proposed access road The remammg 10 feet w�ll only be cleared of vegetat�on to allow for passage of construction and ma�ntenance equipment and veh�cles The pro�ect has been des�gned to avo�d impacts to Jurisdictional RPW located along the northern tract boundary and to the north and east of the lease area In addit�on the proposed access/utility easement has been shifted slightly to the south m the area of a former small pond/emergent wetland on the tract Wetland impacts in this area have been reduced by approximately 0 OS acres by sh�fting the easement to the south The placement of fill material and mechanized land clearmg m wetlands w�ll be lim�ted to the Page 5 proposed 30 foot wide access/ut�lity easement American Towers LLC w�ll implement sediment and erosion control measures mcludmg mstallation of silt fencmg along pro�ect boundaries and stabilization of disturbed soils prior to silt fencmg removal A coastal stormwater permit application and a sediment and erosion control plan has been submitted to NCDENR for express rev�ew and approval A copy of the stormwater permrt application is provided m Appendix H Upon approval the stormwater permit w�ll be prov�ded to NCDWQ as an addendum to this application package Implementation of the approved stormwater management plan and sediment and erosion control plan �s expected to mimmize the potential for impacts to surface waters as a result of the mtroductton of sediment from pro�ect site runoff Thus no adverse water qualrty impacts are ant�cipated The current tract was chosen over the Clamdigger tract to the south due to the need for less wetland �mpacts Placement of the facilrty on the Clamd�gger tract would have required approximately 3 acres of wetland impacts wh�le the current tract will reyutre approximately 1 acre of impacts as detailed m the previous Alternatives section Mit�gat�on American Towers LLC proposes to provide compensatory mitigation for the proposed wetland �mpacts at a 2 1 ratio through the purchase of 2 08 non ripar�an forested wetland credits from the Hoffinan Forest wetland mrtigation bank The proposed mit�gat�on includes both the forested wetland impacts and proposed impacts to approximately 30 feet of RPW It should be noted that this RPW �s an apparent man made ditch with only seasonal standmg water present based on the lack of water durmg the Jurisdictional Determmation visrt Accordmg to Ms Joanne Steenhuis of NCDWQ no RPW features wrthin or ad�acent to the pro�ect would be considered streams Accordmg to an email from the Hoffinan Forest Bank dated May 6 2011 the bank has over 200 available non riparian forested wetland credits ava�lable for purchase Accordmg to Ms Wicker of USACE these credrts would be surtable for mrtigatton of the proposed impacts Purchase of credits will be executed upon USACE/NCDWQ approval of the proposed pro�ect Conclusions Based on the current pro�ect design American Towers LLC proposes to impact 1 04 acres of �ur�sdictional forested wetlands and 30 l�near feet of Jurisdictional RPW (90 square feet) Impacts to wetlands would result from the placement of gravel fill material on a proposed 20 foot wide access drive and mechanized land clear�ng of the remammg area wrthm the 30 foot access/utility easement An 18 inch culvert would be placed across the entire easement w�thin the identified�urisd�ctional RPW which crosses the easement from north to south Compensatory mitigation would be provided through the purchase of 2 08 non ripartan forested wetland credits from the Hoffman Forest wetland mrtigat�on bank Page 6 Implementat�on of the approved stormwater management plan and sediment and eroston control plan would mmimize the potential for runoff of sediment mto surface waters Thus the proposed pro�ect is not anticipated to degrade waters of the State or v�olate State water quality standards ECA on behalf of American Towers LLC has provided CZMA Consistency Certificat�on to NCDCM and an application for an Individual Sect�on 404 Perm�t to USACE Closure If you have any questions about the contents of this appl�cation package please contact Ben Salter of ECA at (828) 505 0755 or ben salter@eca usa com Sincerely Env�ronmental Co poration of America ��'— Ben Salter Prmc�pal Wetlands Sc�ent�st Attachments Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Append�x H Figures USACE Jurisdictional Determmation PCN and Ma�or CAMA Permit Forms Authorizations and Properly Information Ad�acent Property Owners Cultural Resources Consultation Protected Species Consultation Stormwater Management Permit Appl�cat�on .rc � Mitch Clark Pro�ect Sc�entist APPENDIX A FIGURES "sY • v i ,� i� -�� .. � �y f / � ,/ �✓ � �� 1 ; �N , �,� ; � .. 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C N � � � `�` , _ r_ 2000 0 2000 Feet Source: USGS Topographic Quadrangle Maps, 7.5 Minute Series, Newport, NC (site location), Mansfield, NC, Salter Path, NC and Masontown, NC � N American Tower Corporation 273437 (Hibbs Rd NC) 5899 US Highway 70 Newport, Carteret County, North Carolina Figure 1: Site Location Plan , � .. � 4'�• � . I .�� A�'��.�. •�� Iti��tefl���: . :: �a;'-==�'•4: "���d�0��. : ;��: � -. 'Y'i; e: . . ...A11L7i' t - � ++kr :_,Z � b _ S./a' _ t w �♦,} � , P W'� �t.� '� #� r• y.� I S � s� �*ah� {. "i ^� a 4"�' ,� j +;<fr�, d...;L_ r - +}'ii S `s � . t� ^ ' �,.yf T: f 'F .. I �4��.., L.�S%'47, �.� � �' r . , �.� � . � +?' .� .7 °t�a SF�� $.✓i, 4a a ni 'f .' ,� ,� n "° ± ,�,. � -',' � r�� s. 'ts � y. '�f�' t.. " ti � � � .ed. , -K. �... ,: �t. . . t�„i ., x: � � - 1� . . . . �t� � ��._ _ _ ��. � �. � � . . � . � 1 II '�: i, i a� � ' p; _ _ . �f 1--��,. N" �`y i ;�'��- l� ,j�.- - �,��' � � °° � � �� '�'. � IE;' �'. i - i I� r� 1 . � � �r .] � _ I 1 _ C� ,�. 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V O � {�j O Q �` a � Z V W o�i � �< a a �� N N N�� N 8< w o a waa� � N W �����Z J o Z i } U W 40� 4J�0 Y. ~� ¢ N �y Z U � � KOQ W �'1 y�j F Y � a 1y Q N N H m�m�N � Q� O V « I.f. � O W � W W� a � W�/ Z J N¢ a W LL C O LL V V � � Y � W v p� Z � c� �o w o� "w� O � � Q � jnNQ �° a w �� � �a J�o � � - � �� � a v�ia�v� o �� y� aa zz J J i v� V a Z Ib/1 S � � Z O` r Q V � V W a N c� z � W N �' � � � APPENDIX B USACE NRISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION U S ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id SAW 2010.01235 County Carteret U S G S Quad Salterpath NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property Owner Wetlons Enterarises, lnc Agent Env�ronmentai Corp of Amer�ca Address Attn Jean Wellons Attn Ben Salter 3025 Bridee Street, Suitc 9 65 Hdl Street, Suite A Morehead C�tv, NC 28557 Ashevdle, NC 28801 (828) 505 0755 Property description Size (acresj 2 Nearest Town Newaort Nearest Waterway BoQUe Sound R�ver Basin Wh�te Oak Rrver USGS HUC 03020301 Coordmat�s N 34 7557 W 76 86U5 Location description The pro�ect area �s located at 5851 US HiQhwav 70 m New�ort. Carteret Countv. North Carolma Parccl ID # �s 634703323534000 Ind�cate Wh�ch of the Follo�v�n� A�n1v A Prelimmary Determmahon _ Based on prelimmary informat�on there may be wetiands on the above described properry We strongly su�est you have this property inspected to determine the e�.tent of Department of the Army (DA) �unsd�ction To be considered final a Jurisd�ctional determmahon must be venfied by the Corps This prelimmary determinaUOn is not an appealable achon under the Regulatory Program Admmistrative Appeal Process ( Reference 33 CFR Part 331) B Approved Determination There are Navigab(e Waters of the United States wiihin the above descr�bed property sub�ect to the permit requ�rements of Sechon 10 of the R�vers and Harbors Act and Secuon 404 of the Clean Water Act Unless there is a change �n the law or our pubhshed regulahons this deternunation may be rehed upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this not�fication X There are waters of the U S mcluding wetlands on the above descr►bed property sub�ect to the permu reqwrements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344) Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulat�ons this determ�nation may be rehed upon for a penod not to exceed five years fmm the date of th�s noti�canon _ We strongly suggest you have the wetlands on your property del►neated Due to the size of your property andlor our present workload the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland del�neation in a timely manner For a more t�mely delineation you may wish to obta�n a consultant To be cons�dered final any delmeation must be venfied by the Corps The waters of the U S including wetland on your pro�ect area have been delineated and the delmeation has been verified by the Corps We strongly su�est you have this dei�neanon surveyed Upon completion this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps Once ver�fied this survey will provide an accurate dep�cnon of all areas sub�ect to CWA Jurisd►cpon on your property which prov�ded there is no change in the law or our publ�shed regulahons may be relied upon for a penod not to e�cceed five years X The waters ot the U S mcluding wetlands have been delmeated and surveyed and are accurately depwted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official ident�fied below on I 1/29/2010 Unless there �s a change in the law or our published regulations th�s determmat�on may be relied upon for a per�od not to e+cceed five years from the date of th�s noaficahon There are no waters of the U S to �nclude wetlands present on the above described property wh�ch are sub�ect to the permit requvements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344) Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulat�ons th�s determ�nation may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification X The property is located m one of the 20 Coastal Counues sub�ect to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) You should contact the Drvision of Coastal Management �n Morehead C�ty NC at (252) 808 2808 to deternune their requirements Placement of dredged or fill matenai w�thin �vaters of the US and/or wetlands without a Department of the Army permrt may constitute a violat�on of Secuon 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 131 I) If you have Any queshons regardmg this determmAhon and/or the Corps regulatory program please contACt Chr�stv W�cker at 910-251 463'7 C Bas�s For Determmat�on The s�te exhib�ts wetiand criteria as defined m the 1987 wetland delmeation manual which �s abuttme a UT to Boaue Sound, A Sect�on 10 Nav�eable Water This determmation �s based on a s�te v�srt conducted bv Chr�stv W�cker on �n�2oio D Remarks Please note that oniv a aortion of the proaertv �vas delmeated as md�cated on the survey E Attention USDA Program Partu�pants This delmeation/determinadon has been conducted to �dennfy the limrts of Corps Clean Water Act �urisdiction for the part►cular srte identified m th�s request The dehneahon/detennination may not be valid for the wetland conservat�on provisions of the Food Secur�ty Act of 1985 lf you or your tenant are USDA Program pamcipants or antic�pate participation m USDA programs you should request a certified �vetiand determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service prior to start�ng work F Appe8ls Infol'mation (Th�s mformation applies only to approved �urisd�ctional determinatfons as ind�cated in 6 above) This correspondence constitutes an approved�unsdict�onai determ�nation for the above described site If you ob�ect to this determmation you may request an admmistratrve appeal under Corps regulat�ons at 33 CFR part 331 Enclosed you wiil find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and request for appeal (RFA) form If you request to appeal th�s determmauon you must submrt a completed RFA form to the following address Distnct Eng�neer W�lmington Regulatory Drv�sion Attn Ms Christy Wicker Regulatory Speciai�st Wilmmgton Regulatory Field Oftice 69 Dariin�ton Ave Wilmmgton North Carolina 28403 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps the Corps must determme that it is complete that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 33 I 5 and that rt has been recerved by the D�stnct Office with�n 60 days of the date of the NAP Shouid }ou dec�de to subm�t an RFA form rt must be received at the above address by Januarv 29. 2010 '*It is not necessary to submrt an RFA form to the District Office if you do not ob�ect to the determination �n th�s correspondence *'" Corps Regulatory Official _ Date 11/29/2010 E�,piration Date 11/29/2015 The W ilmington Distr�ct is committed to provid�ng the highest level of support to the pubt�c To help us ensure we connnue to do so please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at our websrte at http //regulatory usacesurve�com/ to complete the survey onlme Cop} Furnish Joanne Ste�nhuis NCDFNR DWQ 1�7 Cardinal Dri�c, Wilmington NC 28405 lou�r Lngmeenng I rotession�is 3703 Juncuon Bi�d R�It��h NC 27603 �►'v�P,v�c�v� TowP..v Lar,� ��� � �� � �� � N.Q}�s ��— ��;„� �� ���� ��z�s� ����� ��� � �mn � m ax��� o Y � 3 3� �� L � � �� � i � � � � �� �� � � � �� � � � � � � � i�e����4 i � � � �� ���k i � W€ �° ����I� y� � ��� � �Ci<Y m O �k'N <_;�$j N � V O� ��FS �W � �``��``VI�� y� ��Wg� `�� a >////��� � �^c �F�n'j �� � / in �� < ��r � � �= o� �O U� y y�' 'fJU � ��W; a W� � ONNZ ° a. �� mc+ $ S� sa <� F� N Q W�i�in� �= in�p� o� `� � ��OsW O �Sa > W W H� �c) �K ff ���5 �� N� y�� wsc� �� �mg� �< �� � � P ad P � � N�.In2�W .�yTw ��V1 �Z�r.mG�^LJ &tWi 4 C � g g4 ¢ N � � W � � � � � I� �o����, g� $^� y� � a ��&��> > �;� � � ���Fs �� �s� � SF ���¢pyF� y� �m ��W VI �H<N^ 0 � yO NJ �W �` G 8�� � Q �� O Z v� 2� W a p � U�U$�F� �Z$ ��N = � � ��WF�� N� ��p� � � $ ������ �� ��z� � ; � gW���� �� ;°�; �Z �W � �U�i�� Yy �7WtW1 F W �F � W��`m� �K �"�W J O ��$ � �ainm�5 �S'i �ur j Z ly �f Y1 b �� � � � ' � � ; � s�t'�a � i +----1. 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W fl I W V NMm y n H.ON1c'Im �W� J J � � � N N � � N � � � _ I « 2 W ��� I Z N 1'1 Yf �0 1� W P W ; � I � I ( � � N I � � I ur so � N� g � � a N 0033 5 269 89 < c � 2 � �� o � � � � o �0 � � � o �� � r-- —� N 0 � I � O � O �� � � S � � 4 ; W � � '�C hU � m m,� � � N � 50 33 �8 E S 3 a C � �� �' � a n W g � 0 m S e J Q G jt I APPENDIX C PCN AND MAJOR CAIVIA PERMIT' FORMS `o�OF W ATF9 pG h r > � O 'c 201 1 � 103 Office Use Only Corps action ID no DWQ pro�ect no Form Version 1 3 Dec iQ 2008 Pre-Construction Notification PCN Form A A hcant Information t 1 Processing 1 a Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps � Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1b Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number or General Permit (GP) number 1c Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps� ❑ Yes ❑ No 1 d Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply) � 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non 404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Express ❑ Ripanan Buffer Authorization 1 e Is this notification solely for the record For the record only for DWQ 401 For the record only for Corps Permit because written approval is not required� Certification ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � No 1f Is payment mto a mitigation bank or m lieu fee program proposed for mitigation � Yes ❑ No of impacts� If so attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in lieu fee program 1 g Is the pro�ect located m any of NC s finrenty coastal counties If yes answer 1 h � Yes ❑ No below 1 h Is the pro�ect located withm a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)� ❑ Yes � No 2 Pro�ect Information 2a Name of pro�ect American Towers LLC 273437 (Hibbs Rd NC) 2b County Carteret 2c Nearest murncipality / town Newport 2d Subdivision name 2e NCDOT only T I P or state pro�ect no 3 Owner Information 3a Name(s) on Recorded Deed Jean R Wellons D 3b Deed Book and Page No 1333/327 3c Responsible Party (for LLC if 2 applicable) 3d Street address PO Box 1018 DENR WATERQU 3e City state zip Morehead City NC 28557 3f Telephone no 3g Fax no 3h Emad address Page 1 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10 2008 Version 4 Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a Applicant is ❑ Agent � Other specify Lessee 4b Name 4c Business name American Towers LLC (if applicable) 4d Street address 10 Presidential Way 4e City state zip Woburn MA 01801 4f Telephone no 781 926 4963 4g Fax no 4h Emad address corey lamarche@amencantower com 5 Agent/Consultant Information (if appl�cable) 5a Name Ben Salter 5b Business name Environmental Corporation of Amenca (if applicable) 5c Street address 65 Hdl Street Suite A 5d City state zip Asheville NC 28801 5e Telephone no 828 505 0755 5f Fax no 828 505 0959 5g Email address ben salter@eca usa com Page 2 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10 2008 Version B Pro�ect Information and Prior Pro�ect H�story 1 Properly Identification 1 a Property identification no (tax PIN or parcel ID) 6347 03 32 3534000 1 b Site coordinates (in decimal degrees) Latitude 34 755750 N Longitude 76 860500 W (DD DDDDDD) ( DD DDDDDD) 1 c Property size 33 64 acre parent tract acres 2 Surface Waters 2a Name of nearest body of water (stream river etc ) to Hull Swamp proposed pro�ect 2b Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water Class C 2c River basin Whde Oak 3 Pro�ect Descr�ption 3a Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use m the viarnty of the pro�ect at the time of this apphcafion Property is wooded and undeveloped 3b List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property 11+ acres 3c List the total estimated linear feet of all existmg streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property no stream or State Waters over 1 mde of RPW ditch on property 3d Explam the purpose of the proposed pro�ect The purpose of the pro�ect when complete wdl be to provide mfrastructure for the support and placement of wireless telecommurncations antennas and eqwpment the facdity wdl be an unmanned wireless telecommunications facdity consisting of an access road and a 80 by 80 fenced compound located within a 100 foot by 100 foot lease area that wdl be occupied by a 250 foot self supportmg lattice telecommurncations tower and ground level support equipment the facdity wdl require periodic equipment maintenance 3e Describe the overall pro�ect in detad including the type of equipment to be used American Towers LLC proposes to construct a 4 469 long by 20 wide access drive within a 30 access/utdity easement The 20 wide dnve wdl be covered with #57 stone over geotextde fabnc and a compacted subgrade the entire 30 easement wdl be cleared of vegetation a 80 by 80 gravel covered fenced compound wdl be constructed within the 100 by 100 lease area along with a 250 tall self supportmg lattice tower and a 20 by 11 5 equipment budding the entire 100 by 100 lease area wdl be cleared of vegetation the remainmg space within the compound wdl be reserved for the equipment of future telecommurncations carriers The facdity wdl be constructed utdizmg motorized clearing/grading equipment mcludmg dozers backhoes and sod compactors a cement mixer low boy tractor trader and a crane will be used in construction of the site the proposed access and compound area wdl be cleared of vegetation and covered with a crushed gravel surfaang matenal eqwpment will be stored withm the pro�ect area during clearing surfacing and construction activities 4 Jurisdictional Determmat�ons 4a Have �urisdictional wetland or stream determmations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / pro�ect (including all pnor phases) in the past� � Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Comments USACE Junsdictional Determmation SAW 2090 01235 11 /29/10 4b If the Corps made the �urisdictional determmation what type � Preliminary � Final of determmation was made� 4c If yes who delineated the �urisdictional areas� Agency/Consultant Company Dynamic Environmental Name (if known) Other 4d if yes I�st the dates of the Corps junsdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation USACE Jurisdictional Determination SAW 2010 01235 11/29/10 Page 3 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10 2008 Version 5 Pro�ect History 5a Have permits or certifications been requested or obtamed for � Yes � No ❑ Unknown this pro�ect (mcluding all prior phases) in the past� 5b If yes explain m detad according to help file mstructions 6 Future Pro�ect Plans 6a Is this a phased pro�ect� ❑ Yes � No 6b If yes explain Page 4 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10 2008 Version C Proposed Impacts Inventory 1 Impacts Summary 1 a Which sections were completed below for your pro�ect (check all that apply) � Wetlands ❑ Streams tnbutanes ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2 Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site then complete this question for each wetland area impacted 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f Wetland �mpact Type of �unsdiction number — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps 404 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ — non 404 other) (acres) Tem ora Fdl/Mech � Yes � Corps W1 � P❑ T Clearmg Forested � No ❑ DWQ 1 04 � � P � T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 ❑ P � T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W5 ❑ P � T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g Total wetland �mpacts 1 04 2h Comments 3 Stream Impacts If there are perenrnal or intermittent stream impacts (mcludmg temporary impacts) proposed on the site then complete this question for all stream sites impacted 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 3g Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of �unsdiction Average Impact number (PER) or (Corps 404 10 stream length Permanent (P) or intermittent DWQ — non 404 width (linear Temporary (� (�N�� other) (feet) feet) S1 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S2 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S4 ❑ P 0 T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S5 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S6 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ 3h Total stream and tr�butary �mpacts 3i Comments Page 5 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10 2008 Version 4 Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes ponds estuaries tnbutaries sounds the Atlantic Ocean or any other open water of the U S then indiv�dually list all open water impacts below 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e Open water Name of waterbody impact number — (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or Tem ora 01 ❑P[]T 02 ❑P�T 03 ❑P�T 04 ❑P�T 4f Total open water �mpacts 4g Comments 5 Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake construction ro osed then com lete the chart below 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose (acres) number of pond Flooded Fdled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 P2 Sf Total 5g Comments 5h Is a dam high hazard permit required� ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes permit ID no 5i Expected pond surFace area (acres) 5� Size of pond watershed (acres) 5k Method of construction 6 Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If pro�ect will impact a protected riparian buffer then complete the chart below If yes then mdividually list all buffer impacts below If an im acts re uire miti ation then ou MUST fill out Section D of this form 6a ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar Pamlico ❑ Other Pro�ect is in which protected basin� ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 6g Buffer impact number — Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) or for Stream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Tem ora im act re uired� 61 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No B2 �P�T ❑Yes ❑ No B3 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No 6h Total buffer impacts 6i Comments Page 6 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10 2008 Version D Impact Justification and Mitigation 1 Avoidance and Minimizat�on 1a Specifically descnbe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts m desigrnng pro�ect The proposed lease/compound area has been shifted to the west from the initial location in order to avoid impacts to wetlands withm this area Based on new design no wetlands wdl be impacted by the proposed lease/compound area The access has been shifted slightly to the south in the area of an on site pond in order to avoid impacts to this feature Multiple properties were evaluated for sitmg of the facdity An analysis of these alternatives is provided as an attachment 1 b Specifically descnbe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques Fdl withm wetlands wdl be limited to the proposed 20 wide access dnve clearing withm wetlands wdl be limited to the 30 easement 2 Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U S or Waters of the State 2a Does the pro�ect require Compensatory Mitigation for � Yes ❑ No impacts to Waters of the U S or Waters of the State� 2b If yes m�t�gation is required by (check all that apply) � DWQ � Corps � Mitigation bank 2c If yes which mitigation option will be used for this pro�ect� ❑ Payment to m lieu fee program ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3 Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a Name of Mitigation Bank Hoffman Forest 3b Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type Non ripanan Quantity 2 08 forested wetland 3c Comments Credits wdl not be purchased untd further mto the review process propose to purchase 2 08 non ripanan forested wetland credits Hoffman Forest Bank has mdicated that the bank currently has over 200 of these credits avadable 4 Complete if Makmg a Payment to In lieu Fee Program 4a Approval letter from in lieu fee program is attached ❑ Yes 4b Stream mitigation requested Imear feet 4c If using stream mitigation stream temperature ❑ warm ❑ cool ❑cold 4d Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only) square feet 4e Ripanan wetland mitigation requested acres 4f Non ripanan wetland mitigation requested acres 4g Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested acres 4h Comments 5 Complete if Usmg a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan prowde a descnption of the proposed mitigation plan Page 7 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10 2008 Version 6 Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a Will the pro�ect result in an impact within a protected nparian buffer that requires I❑ Yes � buffer mitigation� 6b If yes then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the npanan buffer that requires mitigation Calculate the amount of mitigation required I 6c 6d 6e Zone Reason for impact Total impact Multiplier Required mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 3(2 for Catawba) I Zone 2 1 5 6f Total buffer mitigation required I 6g If buffer mitigation is reqwred discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e g payment to pnvate mitigation bank permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration payment into an approved in heu fee fund) I 6h Comments Page 8 of 11 j PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10 2008 Version � � E Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1 Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a Does the pro�ect mclude or is it ad�acent to protected nparian buffers identified � Yes � No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules� 1 b If yes then is a diffuse flow plan included� If no explain why � ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments I 2 Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a What is the overall percent imperviousness of this pro�ect� 6 6% 2b Does this pro�ect reqwre a Stormwater Management Plan� � Yes ❑ No 2c If this pro�ect DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan explain why 2d if this pro�ect DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan then provide a bnef narrative descnptwn of the plan Based on imperwous surFace area no structural BMPs are required sdt fenang is proposed around bolundanes of entire area of disturbance ❑ Certified Local Government 2e Who wdl be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan� � DWQ Stormwater Program ❑ DWQ 401 Urot 3 Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a In which local govemment s �urisdiction is this pro�ect� Carteret County ❑ Phase II 3b Which of the following locally implemented stormwater management programs ❑ NSW apply (check all that apply) ❑ USMP ❑ Waier Supply Watershed ❑ Other 3c Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been � Yes I❑ No attached� Stormwater Management Permit Application is attached 4 DWQ Stormwater Pro ram Review � Coastal counties ❑ HQW 4a Which of the following state implemented stormwater management programs apply � ORW (check all that apply) ❑ Session Law 2006 246 ❑ Other 4b Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been attached� Stormwater Management Permit Application is attached � Yes ❑ No 5 DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Rev�ew 5a Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements� � Yes ❑ No 5b Have all of the 401 Urnt submittal requirements been met� � Yes II ❑ No Page 9 of 11 i PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10 2008 Version f F Supplementary Information 1 Environmental Documentat�on (DWQ Requirement) 1 a Does the pro�ect involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the � Yes � No use of public (federal/state) land� 1 b If you answered yes to the above does the pro�ect reqwre preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ❑ Yes ❑ No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)� 1 c If you answered yes to the above has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House� (If so attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter ) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments 2 Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H 0500) Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H 1300) DWQ SurFace Water or Wetland Standards ❑ Yes � No or Ripanan Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B 0200)? 2b Is this an after the fact permit application� ❑ Yes � No 2c If you answered yes to one or both of the above questions provide an explanation of the violation(s) 3 Cumutative Impacts (QWQ Reqwrement) 3a Will this pro�ect (based on past and reasonably antiapated future impacts) result in � Yes � No additional development which could impact nearby downstream water quality� 3b If you answered yes to the above submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy If you answered no provide a short narrative descnption 4 Sewage Disposal (DWQ Reqwrement) 4a Clearly detad the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed pro�ect or avadable capacity of the sub�ect faality No wastewater wdl be generated unmanned facdity Page 10 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10 2008 Version S Fr�dar�gered Specres and beslgnabed Crltical Habltat (Corps Reqwremen� 5a Will f��s project occur in or near an area rnnth f�ederalty protecfad species or hab�tat? NC pENR identified populatlons af the federally endangered rough leef � Yes ❑ No basest�ife wlthin approx 0 95 mlles and red-cockaded woodpecker within Q 2 mlles of the su6ject s�e on US Fo�est Service land to the north USFWS has cleared the project for impacts to federafly protected spec�es 5b Nave you chec�CCed uuifh the t1SFWS conc�ning Endangered SpEaes Act � yes ❑ No [mpads? 5c If yes mdicate the USFWS F�eld (Jff1ce you have cantacted � Rale�gh ❑ Ashewlle 5d Whet dara sources did you use to determ�►e whether your s(te wou�d �mpact Endangered Speaes or Desig�a#ed Cntical Hab�at? USFWS and NC Natural Herrtage websites and consultatlon 6 EsseMial Fish HabitaE {Corps Requtrement) Ba 1MII this project occur in or near an area designated as essential flsh hab�tat? ❑ Y�s ��10 fib What data sourc$s did you use to determine whether your sde uuould impact Essenhal F�sh Habitst? Onle�e NOAA EFH Mapper 7 Htstanc or Prehrstoric CuEtural Resources (Corps Requirementp 7a Will ti�ia project occur m or near an area thaE the state federa! or tribel govemmv� ha+►e deslgnat� as havmg historic or cultural presenrat(on � Yes � IVo status {e g Nahonal Histonc Trust desigrtatian or properties sigrnficant in Marth Carol�na history and archaeology)Z 7b VVh� data sour� did you use to deterrnlne whether your site would impad historic or arch�log�cal resour�ces? Consultation with IdC SHPQ 8 Flood Zone Designa8an (Corps Requlremen� 8a Wiil th�s pro�ect occur in a FEMA-designated 10Q-year floodpla�n� ❑ Yes � N!o 8b If yss sxplain haw pro�ect rtteets FEMA requirements 8c. UUhat sour�{s} �d you usa to rr�ake the flaodplafn determ�naUon? Online FEMA Flood Mapper PAU�. P �A(i�:� S �7�� /� �t �als/aa I� Applicant/Agent s Pnnted Aiame �p�icantlAgent s Signature Date (Agent s sigr►ahue is valid onty if an authorbat[ori letter fram fhe applicaru (s rovided Page 11 of 19 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10 2008 Versron DCM MP 1 wPPLICATION for �I�or DeYelopment'erm� (last revised 12127/06) North Carolina DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1 Pnmary Appl�cant/ tandowner lnformat�on Busmess Name Pro�ect Name (if applicable) Amencan Towers LLC 273437 (Hibbs Rd NC) Applicant 1 First Name MI Last Name Corey M Lamarche Applicant 2 First Name MI Last Name If additional applicants please attach an addit�onal page(s) with names listed Mading Address PO Box City State 10 Presidential Way Woburn MA ZIP Country Phone No FAX No 01801 USA 781 926 4963 ext Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP Emad corey lamarche@amencantower com 2 Agent/Contractor Informat�on Busmess Name Environmental Corporation Of Amenca AgenU Contractor 1 First Name Ben AgenU Contractor 2 First Name Madmg Address 1340 Patton Avenue Suite K ZIP 28806 FAX No 828 505 0959 Street Address (�f different from above) Email ben salter@eca usa com MI Last Name Salter MI Last Name PO Box Phone No 1 828 505 0755 e� Contractor # City City State Ashevdle NC Phone No 2 828 — 226 0056 ext State I ZIP <Form contmues on back> �D DEC � 6 2011 252 808 2808 7 888 4RCOAST www nccoastalmanagemen��O��DSTORf�Nq E, gRqNCH Form DCM MP 1(Page 2 of 5) APPLICATION for Ma�or Development Permit 3 Pro�ect Locat�on County (can be multiple) Street Address State Rd # Carteret 5899 US Highway 70 Subdivision Name City State Zip Newport NC 28570 Phone No Lot No {s) (if many attach addit�onal page w�th list) ext 6347 03 32 3534000 a In which NC nver basin is the pro�ect located� b Name of body of water nearest to proposed pro�ect Bogue Core Sounds Hull Swamp c Is the water body identified in (b) above natural or manmade� d Name the closest ma�or water body to the proposed pro�ect site �Natural ❑Manmade ❑Unknown Newport River e Is proposed work within city limits or planning �unsdiction� f If applicable list the plamm�g �unsdiction or city limit the proposed �Yes ❑No work falls within Town of Newport NC 4 S�te Descr�pt�on a Total length of shoreline on the tract (ft ) b Size of entire tract (sq ft) NA 33 64 c Size of mdrvidual lot(s) d Approximate elevation of tract above NHW (normal high water) or 33 64 NWL (normal waterlevel) (If many /ot s¢es p/ease attach addihonal page with a list) 18 28 feet ❑NHW or �NWL e Vegetation on tract Forested red maple sweetgum loblolly pine highbush blueberry f Man made features and uses now on tract Tract is wooded and undeveloped grassed lawn present near Highway 70 g Identify and descnbe the existmg land uses adiacent to the proposed pro�ect site Ad�acent land uses are wooded with exception of the property to the north of a ma�ority of the tract which is occupied by an auto salvage yard metal recyclmg business and landscape equipment retailer h How does local government zone the tract� i Is the proposed pro�ect consistent with the applicable zonmg� Industnal Warehouse/Commercial Highway (Attach zomng compliance certificate if applicable) �Yes ❑No ❑NA � Is the proposed activity part of an urban watertront redevelopment proposal� �Yes �No k Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract� If yes attach a copy �Yes ❑No ❑NA If yes by whom� Dawn Reid Archaeological Consultants of the Carolinas Inc I Is the proposed pro�ect located in a National Registered Histonc Distnct or does it mvolve a ❑Yes �No ❑NA National Register I�sted or eligible property� <Form contmues on next page> 252 808 2808 1 888 4RCOAST www nccoastalmanagement net Form DCM MP 1(Page 3 of 5) APPLICATION for Ma�or Development Permit m(i) Are there wetlands on the site� �Yes ❑No (u) Are there coastal wetlands on the site� ❑Yes �No (w) If yes to e�ther (�) or (u) above has a delineation been conducted� �Yes ❑No (Attach documentation if available) n Descnbe existing wastewater treatment faalities The tract is undeveloped there is currently no wastewater generated o Descnbe existing dnnkmg water supply source The tract �s undeveloped there is currently no water supply on the tract although murncipal water supply is avadable along Highway 70 p Descnbe existing storm water management or treatment systems The tract is undeveloped and forested a man made ditch is located along northern property boudary and to the east of the proposed lease area 5 Act�v�t►es and Impacts a Wiff the pro�ect be for commercial public or pnvate use� ❑Commercial ❑PubliGGovemment �Pnvate/Commurnty b Give a bnef descnption of purpose use and dady operations of the pro�ect when complete The purpose of the pro�ect when complete wdl be to provide mfrastructure for the support and placement of wireless telecommurncations antennas and equipment the facdity wdl be an unmanned wireless telecommurncations facdity consistmg of an access road and a 80 by 80 fenced compound located withm a 100 foot by 100 foot lease area that wdl be occupied by a 250 foot self supportmg lattice telecommumcations tower and ground level support equipment the facdity wdl reqwre periodic eqwpment maintenance c Descnbe the proposed construction methodology types of construction equipment to be used dunng construction the number of each type of equipment and where it is to be stored The facdity will be constructed utdizing motonzed cleanng/grading equipment including dozers backhoes and sod compactors a cement mixer low boy tractor trader and a crane will be used m construction of the site the proposed access and compound area wdl be cleared of vegetation and covered with a crushed gravel surfaang material equipment wdl be stored within the pro�ect area dunng cieanng surFacmg and construction activities d List all development actrvities you propose Amencan Towers LLC proposes to construct a 4 469 long by 20 wide access dnve withm a 30 access/utdity easement The 20 wide drive will be covered with #57 stone over geotextde fabnc and a compacted subgrade the entire 30 easement wdl be cleared of vegetat+on a 80 by 80 gravel covered fenced compound wdl be constructed within the 100 by 100 lease area along with a 250 tall self supportmg lattice tower and a 20 by 11 5 equipment buddmg the entire 100 by 100 (ease area will be cleared of vegetation the remammg space withm the compound wdl be reserved for the equipment of future telecommurncations carners e Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing pro�ect new work or both� New work f What is the approximate total disturbed land area resultmg from the proposed pro�ect� 3 3 ❑Sq Ft or �Acres g Will the proposed pro�ect encroach on any public easement public accessway or other area ❑Yes �No ❑NA that the public has established use of� h Descnbe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state 1 04 acres of�urisdictional wetlands have been identified withm portions of the proposed access/utdity easement Gravel fill material wdl be place over approximately 0 69 acres of forested wetland This mcludes the proposed 20 foot wide access dnve The limits of cleanng wdl extend to the boundaries of the 30 wide easement Thus the pro�ect wdl result m a total of 1 04 acres of regulated mechanized Iand cleanng of forested wetlands An 18 diameter by 30 long culvert wdl be placed within a dtich that has been identified as �unsdictional relatively permanent waters Impacts wdl total 30 Imear feet (90 square feet) This feature would not be considered State Waters per Joanne Steenhuis of NCDWQ i Will wastewater or stormwater be discharged �nto a wetland� �Yes ❑No ❑NA If yes wdl this discharged water be of the same salimty as the receiwng water� �Yes ❑No ❑NA 252 808 2808 1 888 4RCOAST www nccoastalmanagement net Fornr DCM MP 1(Page 4 of 5) 1 Is ihete any mltigffilon proposed? Ityes etlach a midgat� proposal <Fo�n continues on back> APPLICA7'!ON ft�r Ma�or Development Pertnd In er�on in thl8 oomplefed eppqcatlon form {R4R9) Hte �ng ilems below dapplfsable mtr� be su6m�d tn orderfnr Hre spp� psCkege t0 D@ �plete. ltenls {a) — it) Bt+B alwal�s aNpli�blB to ally meJOldevelopmenf 8ppllCatlon Please CanBU/tf�e 8ppffCdborl ins6ucdor►bCOk►8t on hayvto �11vP�YP�� dte requfied �rra betcw a A prOjeCt RBrcative b M accwrate �ted work p�t (Inciud'mg pfan vfew and cross�sectlanal drawir�s} drawn to scale. Please gNe tne present siatus of the prop�ed pro�ect fs any poAlop already complete? tf pr�evtousiy authotized wo�ic, deady mdicate on r�ps ptats drawin� to dlstmgaleh tretween work crompleted and propos� c A sfte or toc�tion map that is suNiaenBy delafled fo gu�de agency personnel unfarrdlfar wifh the area to the sde d A cnpy of the deed (with staie appffCation onlyj or other tnstrument under whlah the app�cant daims tltle to the affec[ed proper�es. e The appmpnate applfcaUon fee Check or money order made payable io DEMR. f A hst oithe names and complete addressea of tl�e ad�acent waterfront (npanan) IaAdowr�rs and slgr�ed relum rec�pts as proof that such owners have �ecelved a wpy of the app6caUon end piats by certlfled maEl Such landoumers must be edv�ed ti�at they have 30 days m which to submlt Commentss on the praposed project to ihe Dlvislon ot Coastal Manageme�lt Hame sea�AstatEsched in P�ppendbc � of applicadon padcege Phorre Mo Addre�s Neme Ad�s Neme Address � a ust or previous stata or ie�al permita lasusd ior work on U3ACEJ�srsdictianalDeterminatlon SAY1ti2Qf4-4f235 11/29h 0 h 5fgrt� t�su8ant OT 8� eufhofiZSU0�1 fo[m if eppi�Ceble i VVetland de(fneatlon, lf necessary Phone No Phone No perrnit nwnbers, pemu'#lee A s(�ned AEC hazard no�coe for projects in oceanfront ar�d inlet areas (Must ba sl�ned by proFerty Awner� A statemeM oP compl�arsce wIU� the N C Enviror�mental policy Acl (N C G 3.113A 1 10) If r�ec�essary Ifthe project tnvdvea e�enc of pubUc funda or use nf public iands aftach a stalerreeM document�g wmpGance untii the tdorth CaroGna Ernlronmentaf PaO�yr Acl 7 .CerHflcatlop and Permiss%n #o �nier on � unaerstarw tnat a�r permd issuetl in response to this application will allow ortfy the development described in the appllca�on The praject will ba subject fio the condltlons and rest�ictions ccrrtamed in the permrt I crertily ihat I am authonzed to grarrt, and do in fact grarrt pertmssion to representabves of atate and federal review agencies to enter on the aforemer�tloned iands in connection vufth evaluating mfotma�on related to thls permlt applicahon and follow up mon!#oring of the pro�eq I further cefify that the mfwmabon provfded in this applicabon rs trutMul ta tl�e best af my �ledge Date ��,%S ���I i PNnt Name �AUL S S�gnature � Please fnd(cate applicatfon attachments pe�aining to your propasad project �DCM MP 2 Excavetton and Fdl InfArrrtatron �DCM MP 5 Br�dges and Culverts 252 80$ 2808 1 888 4RCOpST www nccoastal�nanagement net Form DCM MP 1(Page 5 of 5) �DCM MP 3 Upland Development ❑DCM MP 4 Structures Information APPLICATION for Ma�or Development Permit 252 808 2808 1 888 4RCOAST www nccoastalmanagement net Form DCM MP 2 EXC�1VAilON and FILL (Except for bndges and culverts) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Ma�or Permit Form DCM MP 1 Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed pro�ect Please mclude all supplemental mformation Descnbe below the purpose of proposed excavation and/or fill activities All values should be grven in feet Access Other Channei Canal Boat Basm Boat Ramp Rock Groin Rock (excludmg (NLW or Breakwater shoretme NWL stabdization Length 4 469 Width 20 Avg Existing NA NA NA Depth Final Pro�ect NA NA 0 5 Depth 1 EXCAVATION �Th�s sect�on not appbcable a Amount of matenal to be excavated from below NHW or NWL in b Type of matenal to be excavated cubic yards c (i) Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands/marsh d High ground excavation in cubic yards (CV� submerged aquatic vegetation (SA� shell bottom (SB) or other wetlands (WL)� If any boxes are checked provide the number of square feet affected ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB ❑WL ❑None (u) Descnbe the purpose of the excavation in these areas 2 DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATER/AL �Thrs sect�on not applicable a Location of disposal area b Dimensions of disposal area c (i) Do you claim title to disposal area� d (i) Will a disposal area be avadable for future mamtenance� ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA (n) If no attach a letter granting permission from the owner (iQ If yes where� e (i) Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands/marsh f (Q Does the disposal mclude any area in the water� (CV1n submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) shell bottom (SB) ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA or other wetlands (WL)� If any boxes are checked provide the number of square feet affected (u) If yes how much water area is affected� ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB Owl_ ❑None (u) Descnbe the purpose of disposal in these areas 252 808 2808 1 888 4RCOAST www nccoastalmanaqemen! net rev�sed 12/26/06 Form DCM MP 2(Excavat�on and Fdl Page 2 of 3) 3 SHORELINE STABILIZATION (If development is a wood gro�n use MP-4 — Structures) a Type of shorelme stabdization ❑Bulkhead ❑Riprap ❑Breakwater/Shc ❑Other _ c Average distance waterward of NHW or NWL e Type of stabdization matenal g Number of square feet of fill to be placed below water level Bulkhead backfill Riprap Breakwater/Shc Other i Source of fill matenal 4 OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES (Excluding Shorelme Stab�l�zat�on) a (i) Will fill matenal be brought to the site� �Yes ❑No ❑Ni If yes (n) Amount of matenal to be placed m the water 22.651 cf in wetland (ui) Dimensions of fill area 99,380 sf (total wetland and u land (iv) Purpose of fill Construction of access road and eqwpment compound for telecommunications facdity �Th�s section not appl�cable b Length Width d Maximum distance waterward of NHW or NWL f (Q Has there been shoreline erosion dunrtg precedmg 12 months� ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA (u) If yes state amount of erosion and source of erosion amount mformation h Type of fill matenal ❑Th►s section not applrcable b (Q Will fill matenal be placed m coastal wetlands/marsh (CV1� submerged aquatic vegetation (SA� shell bottom (SB) or other wetlands (WL)� If any boxes are checked provide the number of square feet affected ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB �WL 45.302 sf ❑None (u) Descnbe the purpose of the fill in these areas Construction of access road into proposed teiecommunications facihty 5 GENERAL a How wdl excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion b What type of construction eqwpment wdl be used (e g dragime controlled� backhoe or hydraulic dredge)� fill matenal wdl be packed gravel sdt fencmg wdl be instailed dozer to be used for cleanng and any mmor gradmg required around pro�ect boundanes dunng construction gravel to be delivered m dump trucks and spread/compacted with dozer c (i) Will navigational aids be reqwred as a result of the pro�ect� d (Q Will wetlands be crossed m transporting eqwpment to pro�ect ❑Yes ❑No �NA site� �Yes ❑No ❑NA (u) If yes explain what type and how they wdl be implemented (u) If yes explain steps that wdl be taken to avoid or mmimize enwronmental impacts Wetlands wdl be impacted as part of pro�ect 404/401 permitting to be conducted mitigation to be prowded 12/5/11 Amer�can Towers LLC 273437 (Hibbs Rd NC) Date Pro�ect Name 252 808 2808 1 888 4RCOAST www nceoastalmanaqement net rev�sed 12/26l06 Fo�m DCM MP 2(Excavation and Fdl, Page 3 af 3) � � ��s Apa�r�►t Ne � AppAcant gnahue 252 808 2808 1-888-4RCOAST wvaw necaastalmanaaement net rev�sed 12l2B/06 Form DCM M' S �RIDGES and CULVERTS Attach this form to Jomt Application for CAMA Ma�or Permit Form DCM MP 1 Be sure to complete all other sections of the Jomt Application that relate to this proposed pro�ect Please include all supplemental information f BRIDGES, �Thrs sect�on not appl►cable � a Is the proposed bndge ❑Commercial ❑PubliGGovemment ❑Pnvate/Commumty c Type of bndge (construction matenal) e (i) Will proposed bndge replace an existing bndge� ❑Yes ❑No If yes (u) Length of existing bndge (w) Width of exisUng bndge (iv) Navigation clearance underneath existmg bndge (v) Will all or a part of the existmg bndge be removed� (Explain) 9 Length of proposed bridge i Will the proposed bndge affect existmg water flow� ❑Yes ❑No If yes explain k Navigation clearance underneath proposed bridge b Water body to be crossed by bndge d Water depth at the proposed crossing at NLW or N1NL f (i) Will proposed bndge replace an existmg culvert� ❑Yes ❑No If yes (u) Length of existing culvert (ui) Width of existing culvert (iv) Height of the top of the existing culvert above the NHW or NWL (v) Will all or a part of the existing culvert be removed� (Explain) h Width of proposed bridge � Will the proposed bndge affect navigation by reducing or increasing the existmg navrgable openmg� ❑Yes ❑No If yes explain I Have you contacted the U S Coast Guard concermng their approval� DYes ❑No If yes explain m Will the proposed bndge cross wetlands containing no nawgable n Height of proposed bndge above wetlands waters� ❑Yes ❑No If yes explain t CULVERTS ❑Th�s section not applicable a Number of culverts proposed 2 b Water body m which the culvert is to be placed Culvert A non �urisdictional ditch Culvert B Unnamed RPW (ditch) 252 808 2808 1 888 4RCOAST www nccoastalmanauement net rev�sed 10/26/O6 �orttt DCnA MP 5(Bridges and Culverts Page 2 of 4) < �orm contmues on back> c Type of culvert (construction matenal) RCP d (i) Will proposed culvert replace an existing bndge� e (i) Will proposed culvert replace an existing culvert� ❑Yes �No ❑Yes �No If yes (n) Length of existing bndge (uQ Width of existing bridge (rv) Navigation clearance undemeath existing bndge _ (v) Will all or a part of the existmg bndge be removed� (Explain) If yes (u) Length of existing culvert(s) (up Width of existmg culvert(s) (iv) Height of the top of the existmg culvert above the NHW or NWL (v) Will all or a part of the existmg culvert be removed� (Explain) f Length of proposed culvert A-40 . B 30 9 Width of proposed culvert A 36 . B 18 h Height of the top of the proposed culvert above the NHW or NWL i Depth of culvert to be buned below existing bottom contour 613 A95.65 � Will the proposed culvert affect navigation by reducmg or k Will the proposed culvert affect existing water flow� increasmg the existing navigable opernng� ❑Yes �No ❑Yes �No If yes explain If yes explain 3 EXCAVATION and FILL ❑Th►s secbon not appl�cable a (i) Will the placement of the proposed bndge or culvert reqwre any excavation below the NHW or NWL� �Yes ❑No If yes (u) Avg Iength of area to be excavated B 30 (m) Avg width of area to be excavated B 18 (iv) Avg depth of area to be excavated B 5 (v) Amount of matenal to be excavated in cubic yards B 45cv c (i) Will the placement of the proposed bndge or culvert require any high ground excavation� ❑Yes �No If yes (iQ Avg length of area to be excavated (iu) Avg width of area to be excavated (iv) Avg depth of area to be excavated (v) Amount of matenal to be excavated m cubic yards b (Q Will the placement of the proposed bndge or culvert require any excavation withm coastal wetlands/marsh (CV1� submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) shell bottom (SB) or other wetlands (WL)� If any boxes are checked provide the number of square feet affected ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB �WL B-45sf �None (u) Descnbe the purpose of the excavation in these areas Installation of a culvert withm a RPW ditch 252 808 2808 1 888 4RCOAST www nccoastalmana4ement net rev�sed 10/26/06 FOI'�t DC9VI MP 5(Br�dges and Culverts Page 3 of 4) d if the placement of the bndge or culvert involves any excavation please complete the following (i} Location of the spod disposal area spread out in uplands within pro�ect area e 9 (u) Dimensions of the spod disposal area 100 x 20 (m) Do you claim title to the disposal area� �Yes ❑No (If no attach a letter granting permission from the owner) (iv) Will the disposal area be avadable for future mamtenance� �Yes ❑No (v) Does the disposal area mclude any coastal wetlandslmarsh (CV1n submerged aquatic vegetation (SAVs) other wetlands (WL) or shell bottom (SB)� ❑CW ❑SAV ❑WL ❑SB �None If any boxes are checked groe dimensions if different from (n) above (vQ Does the disposal area mclude any area below the NHW or NWL� �❑Yes �No If yes give dimensions if different from (iQ above (i) Will the placement of the proposed bndge or culvert result in any fill (other than excavated matenal descnbed m Item d above) to be placed below NHW or NWL� �Yes ❑No If yes (n) Avg length of area to be filled B 30 (uQ Avg width of area to be fiiled B 18 (iv) Purpose of fill Culvert bedding (i) Will the placement of the proposed bndge or culvert result in any fill (other than excavated matenal descnbed in Item d above) to be placed on high ground� �Yes ❑No If yes (u) Avg length of area to be filled 100 (uQ Avg width of area to be filled 20 (iv) Purpose of fill to dispose of fill it wdl be spread out withm upland areas of proposed access dnve 4 GENERAL a Will the proposed pro�ect reqwre the relocation of any existing utility Imes� ❑Yes �No If yes explain If this portion of the proposed pro�ect has already received approva/ from local authont�es please attach a copy of the approval or certificat�on f (i) Will the placement of the proposed bndge or cuivert result m any fill (other than excavated matenal descnbed in Item d above) to be placed withm coastal wetlands/marsh (CV1� submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) shell bottom (SB) or other wetlands (WL)� If any boxes are checked provide the number of square feet affected ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB �WL B 45sf ❑None (u) Descnbe the purpose of the excavation in these areas Fdl matenal associated with culvert bedding wdl be placed withm a �unsdictional RPW (ditch) b Will the proposed pro�ect require the construction of any temporary detour structures� ❑Yes �No If yes explam < Form contmues on back> 252 808 2808 1 888 4RCOAST www nccoastalmanaqement net revised 10/26(06 FoY'm DCM MP�5 (8ndges and Culverts Page 4 of 4) WIII the proRo� Pm1� �luke ar�r uvork ohannels7 ❑Yes �NO If� �tnplete Form DCAO-MP-2. e What type oi construcdon equlpment wlu be uaed (for example dregline backiroe or hydraullc dredge)? Excavators dozsrs and trudcs g V1�B ihe plaCement ofthe proposed Midge or cuNrertrequtre a 8harefine at�zatlon? �Yes �No !f yes, comp/ete fwm A?F-2 SecUan 3 for Sho�e/lne Stab��zatlOn only d Houv wl� excavated or flll materfal be kept on sfte and erosion c�ntrolled7 Per sed�ment and eroswn cantrol pian Will wethands be crossed in transporting equ�pmer►f to projed site? �1res �ido If yes, explam steps that wlll be taken bo avoid or minimlze emriranmental Impeds Eqwpment will be kept m good workirtg order aU fuelmg and malrytenar�ce w+lf be conducted auts�de wetland areas Date LLC AmeFfcpn Towers i�as 273437 (Kibbs Rti NC) Project Name L C�CS �� � APPl�cant 3�r�ature 25�808 2808 n 1 88&4RCOAST uvww necoastalmanaae�nent net ►evlsed 10l28lOB Form DCM MP-3 UPL.AND DEVELOPMENT (Construct�on and/or land d�sturb�ng act�vit�es) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Ma�or Permit Form DCM MP 1 Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed pro�ect Please mclude all supplemental information GENERAL UPLAND DEVELOPMENT a Type and number of bwldings facilities units or structures b Number of lots or parcels proposed � 1 258 foot tall self supportmg lattice telecommunications tower 1 12 foot by 20 foot pre fab eqwpment bwlding c Density (give the number of residential urnts and the units per acre) NA e If the proposed pro�ect wdl disturb more than one acre of land the Division of Land Resources must recewe an erosion and sedimentation control plan at least 30 days trefore land-disturbing actiwty begins (i) If applicable has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources� �Yes ❑No ❑NA (uj If yes list the date submrtted 30 day express review begins Nov 16 2011 g Give the percentage of the tract within the coastal shoreline AEC to be covered by impervious and/or bwlt upon surfaces such as pavement buddmg rooftops or to be used for vehicular dnveways or parking 0% i Gwe the percentage of the entire tract to be covered by impervious and/or budt upon surfaces such as pavement buddmg rooftops or to be used for vehicular dnveways or parking 6 57 /o � Descnbe proposed method of sewage disposal Not applicable unmanned facdity d Size of area to be graded filled or disturbed mcluding roads ditches etc 99 380 sf f List the matenals (such as marl paver stone asphalt or concrete) to be used for impervious surtaces concrete h Pro�ects that reqwre a CAMA Ma�or Development Permit may also reqwre a Stormwater Certfication (Q Has a site development plan been submitted to the Division of Water Quality for rewew� �Yes ❑No ❑NA (n) If yes list the date submitted Nov 18 2011 k Have the facdities descnbed in Item (Q received state or local approval� �Yes ❑No ❑NA If yes attach appropnate documentation Descnbe location and type of proposed discharges to waters of the m Does the proposed pro�ect include an innovatrve stormwater state (e g surface runoff sanitary wastewater industnal/ design� commeraal effluent wash down and residential discharges) ❑Yes ❑No �NA stormwater discharge is only from sheet flow no other If yes attach appropnate documentation discharge is proposed 252 808 28082 1 888 4RCOAST www nccoastalmanaqement net rev�sed 12/26/06 FoPrtt DCM MP $(Upland Development, �age 2 of 2j m Descxibe proposed ddnk(ng wa�er eupply source (e g well Community p�lic syatem, etC.j Not appAcable unmannsd faa'I�y o When was fhe lot(s) phalfed and recorcled7 Currer�t owner purcttased in 20� n{� WIII vuater tte impounded� ❑Yes Q�No ONA (ip If yes how many acres? p Ii propoeed developmen! is a subdlvleion wdi add�ionaE qhhfles be msteiled for th�s upland development? �Yes ONo �NA Date Lt� American 7owers �a. 279437 (Hibbs Rd NCj � proJect Plame 4 �5 �r N�� Rpplicant Signature 252 808-2808 �s 9-888-4RCOAST www nccoastalmana�emer�t net revisetJ 12126108 APPENDIX D AUTI�ORIZATIONS AND PROPERTY INFORMATION N C �NISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMEA�T AGENi AUTHORIZATION FORM Date 11/17/11 Name of Property Owner Applying for Permst t,LC AmsrEcan Towers � ((essee) TVlailing Addt�ess 10 Pr�esident�l Way Woburn AAA 01809 I ceartify that I have authorized (agent) Saker behalf, for the purpose of applying f and obtaming a!E II wstall ar coustract (activity} � mmunications faaldyr at (my properiy located at) �� U31iw�+ 70 Newport MC Th�s cerhficadon is valid thru (date) 1��/12 �� Property Owner SEgnature idress changed 5899 due to 911 address sipnment 1 and Secbon of Amencs to act on my Perm�s necessary to ec i s � Date �': ...� -�;: � -�R � '-� . � 1 .°' �- �; � i � � �I �_ ; - !: / . ,.. w. _ ,.' .. : � < ' � r `' � .- ,. : : � � ,: � .� , _ �,I ' • - ���3 �� Bullding Pormlt No d�'�'� 7ype of St�ucture � a S re�t M�°�e Coat�actor or Owns� Lat � Blocl� ao�ti niNt; ELE�YRICAL PLUiVl�iNG MECHANICAL FOOTtNG ORApE 8EA@A SLAB COVER UP UNDER SIAB ROUGH T DATE TINIE DATE TIME DATE TiME OATE INSPECTOR INSPECTOR iNSPECiOR IHSPECTOR SLAB RQUGF4 RUUGH !N iOP OUT PRESStlRE'fEST TIME DATE TIME DATE TIME DATE T1ME DATE IItS�ECTOH INSPECTQR INSPECTOA INSPECTOR LINTEL BOND BEAM ROUGH SEWER TIME DATE TtME DATE TIM£ DATE 31AAE DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTpR INSPECiOR INSPECYOR FRA�EIAIPIG WATER SERVICE TIME CATE TIME DATE TIME DATE TIME DATE INSPECTOR INSPECiOR INSP�CTOR IHSPECTOR lNSULATION �iP1�4L FiNAL FiNAt, TItdE DATE T{M� DATE T�ME DATE TIME DATE IN�PECTOR INSPECTOR fNSP6CTOR INSPECTOR FIfdAL TIiAE DATE TIME DATE TIME DATE TIbtE DATE IHSPECiOR INSPEC70R INSPECTQR INSPEC70R ili9$ �U!l�Nf's !S i0 �� ER�eCi�D I�+d ACCORQAIdCE dVITH THE (�RDt�dAldCES O� T1�6E 'f01NF1 A� E��1if�T �9� i�E GENERAL BUOI.DtPdG LAWS O� THE SiA7"E Jun �10 IO I2 29p HC 2z3-4976 p i Town of Newport P 0 BOX 1869, Newport NC 28570 (25�) 223-3733 � BUiLD1NG PERMIT � inK rnKC Fr ap f m r�rvwv DUTOf' wa DA �'j w J J�jd ? jQNIN( h�t)W E I Fik iNb7AIC'T � 1 nNCI U'SE i'�RMI7 MO!! w F'fRMS TTEO .,C L � f rr a wi us� V r►�a � f'EIiMITrru u cµa. ht+i Gt N i Y 61.c.urewt v t nM J7CIi j i-- O � ANrh�fVtU � � kfnu7rv �% � v� APS�'�tUV('0 � _ � / / - _ � ��1�--° L � PCRMIT � Cu t FFi BUILCINO � - _ , CLCCTRN At �„ YI {IMWNf MELHANt.AL - iuR a nnrwu^ MOBILC HOMC ��F � � � c r�� v — n,Tn, g `�D �� -v �OfLJi-T {� kfAq vi VN° OW PMCML a�„�pF - —" 912_'9'4_G 5{�, �!1 �.l �''� � __�— � �2�, mnl� `L. rZ1 �-� g L 1t WM�GfWB'tfMlfYl /� - - _ w �;� t� ��'1o33z3�3 (J� V A 4n 6QRUNNIAI�6 -� s�c�r uFr — � �M ���Y�C�/O +�M1 ll I/IMIY 5f! 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V ac Henrr�n� Q Z lLLIVIIIVNALLlGaf.FIN fUN W -' ri M1f V�W�Il/Nliw U/V�NI JUNIAIN qEFRFf.PRnT WI AhfNl M - � fiCll FR � � uw�cs wnh rn M UGt I 4VF M'w rrw�H�F Wi � OF61N1`�#� f nVn�vt ' m�IULJ.R�1�M+ g��+ � E i AULn71UW5LU SCRIf+T 1M -- 7 _ 2 FLOIIP 7YPE VN � A I 9 I SN+ � W — — S Q '- - (OFFiCe carv� RW SwiMA9NC' � _ 4r� A l U uV WABH M,Y.I 1 AUNMiY I U94 OTNER T E►UBl OUCT7� � .`. Jun 02 10 06 16a BG 223-4976 p i lown of N�wpart 2UU Howard Blvd N�,wvport Nc�rQ� ( arol�ne U� IVINC sP 2��0 0� SPECiA� IJSE PERMjT ()nMay25 2Q1U 1hc1;��rdof,Ad�ustmentforthc �c�wnofNEwport CartcretCounty N�rCh Garolim m�t r�uid co»duc.ted a duly advc.rtised pubhc, hearing 4o thc, f�tlowu�g '�ppGcataon Ap�licant rQV 1�erelopmc.nt rePresenbng Amer�c�n Tower Corpc�cak�on Propc,rty i.ucat�an SK�IJ Hwy 70 N�w�<�rt Nar�h � arolina Tax Map P�n N� b�47�332i534UU0 !he Ncwnc�rt LUnin� t�rtlinanc,c, Scct�un y 7 rcquice� a S�x.c��tl IJS� i'crm�t tc> wn�truct dnd Upc.t�te d telec,onllnumC3Clc�i�s towet �n thc cOn�ng�WC75d�Ct�an Che �3odre] ofAd�uytmctxt �(t�r be�rd the a�plxc,.�t�on and ev�dc.nce m support o1 the'Spcc�al U��. Pcrni�l has dcterm►ned th�t the appl�cat�on w�, complcte '[ hc boarci mc>vcci to approve thc, arpl►t,at►on 1nd rnadc thc fc�lluwAn�, tacts uf tuld�n� 1 That lh� aPplit�tian is ccm�pletc �nd 1��proved �c rrc,�cn,tcd 2 AR.er he�rtn� acgum�nts for t2�e Telecommum�ataonti tower lhere wa5 nu credible �b�cct�on 3 T'h�st the ex�stsng edre�s fram i1S 74 tx. relucs�teci on thc. NoMh pcope.rty hnc and be tih �rc,d by otherti 4 1�tit as in the b�st xntc,r�st al tFtc cc�mmun�ty t� �rant the 5��c.�a1 IJse Pc�nmut �n �c rdan yc�t�rtl s�p�iicatu►n Subxn�ttcxi C v� � ^ a�'r� - Yenny �ss Sc,�ic,tlry D��rd ufAdJustmc.nt I !i ..q 1 uwz� ( t�rk ol tl� lown ufNewpc�rt Nortii C amlml d0 hCtdby wrt�.fy thut thc foregomb /� paKes(s) w � truc, Cupy uf ih�� ancu i�r �ct oUt tn ch� mu�u bcx� ,� +t tho 1 n N� ojt _ , G� -r�_ a� 7uwn (,lefk Address changed to 5899 due to E 911 address assi4nment July 6, 2010 Sub�ect Perm ion/Access to Prrvate Land for Inspectaon Purposes and Desig ation of Premary Contact for Agency Coorduiahon Ame �can Tower Corporahon — 273437 (Hibbs Rd NG� elecommunicahons Tower S�te T Parcel ID # 6347 03 32 3534000 5 51 US Highway 7� Newport, Carteret County, North Carolrna To Whom It May Concern As the lease holder of the above mentioned property, as allowed per the lease agreement between Amencan Tower Corporat�on (lease holder) and Jean R Wellons (property owner), I grant pernussion for the State of North Carolma US Army Corps of Engmeers, and American Tower Corporation, its employees agents and mdependent contractors to enter upon the Property to conduct and perform some or all of the followmg activities surveys, geotechmcal soil bormgs and analyses, Phase I environmental audits, boundary surveys, radio propagation studies, and such other tests and inspect�ons of the Property which above organizations may deem necessary or advisable American Tower Corporation will be responsible for any and all costs related to the Permitted Achvit�es mcluding mstallation on the Property as well as operat�on and removal of equipment on the Property Per the referenced lease agreement American Tower Corporation may obtam the necessary local state, and federal permrts required to construct and operate the proposed telecommurucations facilrty and may serve as the primary point of contact wrth local state, and federal agencies regarding development of the lease site Smcerely Name �F-�,r� s� ,c' , �nc. Lease Holder Signature Srte Name I�bbs Road Srte Number 273437 OPTION AND LEASE AGREEMENT THIS OPTION AND LEASE AGREEM�NT ("AgreemenP'j ;s made effechve as of the date of the latter signatare hereof (the "Execution Date'� and �s by and between OpnoneeJTenant and Ophanor/La.ndlord RECITALS A WHEREAS Oprionor is �e owner of that certa�n pa�eI of land (the "PropBrly'� Iocated m the County of Carteret, State of I3orth Caroiina, as more pardcularly descnbed on �club�t A, and B WHEREAS, Ophonor desues to grant to Opt�onee an oprion to lease from Opbonor a per�tton of the Froperty {the "Pireniises � together vrnth eas�ments £or vigress and egress and the mstallahon and muntettance oi u�l�hes (the Easeme�,rP') both bemg appro�umately locatad as shown on Exh�bit B(the Premises and �e Eesemer�t wtll col�e�tevely be rafetred to herein as the "S�"} NOW 'TI-�REFORE m cons�dsrahon of the su�t of $10 00, the mutual covenants and agreements herein cflntamed, and other good and vaivable consideration, the rec�rpt, adequacy and sufficiency of all of which are hereby acknowledged the parhes hereto b�reby agree as follows 1 $nauaess Ter,�as For the purposes of th�s Agreement, the fotloweng capjt$lazed terms have the nnsanmgs set forth m th�s �ragraph 1 (a} �ptronee/7'e� Amencan Towers, Inc a Detaware corpnration (b�) Ophenee's/'lenant's Notiee Address Amencan Towers Inc clo Amencan Tower Co�poration 10 Presxdent Way Wobunn, MA 01810 Attn. Land Management with a copy to Am�ncau Towers Inc c% Arnenr,an Tawer Corporation 116 Huntuigton Ave Boston, MA 021 i 6 Attn Law Depar�ment (c) Optlonor/Landlvrd Jean R Wellons, a widov►r Jae C Beam, and w�fe, Jan�ce Lewis Beam (d) Optionor's/La�tdlord's Address Wello�rs E�rterprase� Inc 3025 Bndges Street, Stute 9 Morehead C�ty, NC 28557 �v Sxbe Name Hibbs Road Srte Number 273437 Attn. Gaye Wellons Mashbum (e) Option Commencement Date The Execuhon Date (� Opt�n Consideratirin (liutrat Option Term) $ i 000 00 (g) Option Extenston Consrde�a�wn (Renewal Opiwn Term) $$1 000 00 (h) Init�alOpdon Term 12 months (i} Renewal �ptron Terne(s) one penod of 12 months �} Commencement Date The date specifed un the wnt#en notice by Ophonee to Opt�onor exercismg the Option conshtutes th,e Commencement Date of the I.ease (k) Renl The monthly amount of $1 000 00 mcreased as further provided for �n paragraph 14(b) and 1(n) hereof (!) Inititr! Base Re� Rent due ta Landlord from Tenant first Lease Year (rrt) Lease Y¢ar Tlie first Lease Year wi11 be the penod commencing on the Commencement Da�e and endmg on the date immediately preceding the one-year anntversary of the Commencemetat Date Each Leas� Year thereafter will be a 12 successive catendar month gertud (n) Re�rt Ir�crease Rent will mcrease at the commencement af each Renewal Term by an amount eqval to 1 Q% of Rent for the previous 5 year penod, as fiuther desct7bed ut Sechon 14 below (o) Inrdal Terun. 5 years commencang on the Commencement Date (as def�ned m paragra�h 1�) hereo#} and �nhmm�g unt�l mtdmght of the day unmediately pnor to t&e Sm anmversary of the Commencement Date (p) Renewal Tern�c Sub�ect to paragraph 13(b) hereo� each of the four (4) successive penods of five (5) yeazs ea.ch a�d� the first Renewal Term commencmg upon the �pu�aS�on of the In�t�al Term and each subsequent Renewal Terra commencing upon idie expuation o€the immediately precedmg Renewal '�erm L OPTION 2 Graat of Ontton Optionor hereby grves and grants unto Opt�onee and rts assigas an exclusive and irrevocabie op#ion to Iease the Premises and use the Easemen# putsuant #o the terms of ttus Agreement (the Optwn'� Optionor agrees and ackaowiedges that Ophonee may at Opt�onee s sole cost, have a metes and bounds survey of the Site survey prepared and that the legal descn.�hon of the Srte as shown on such survEy will thereafter become the legal descnphon o€the Srte 3 Lut�ai Ophan Term T�,e Izuttal Opt�on Term is as set forth m pazagraph 1(h) 4 Egtension of 4phon Tius Option will automat�cally be extended for each Renewal O�bon Term unless Oghonee provides Oprionor wrrtteu notrce of rts tntent nat to extend the Ophon. Qptionee w�ll pay (?phonor the Option Extens�an Considerat�Qn wrt.�un thuty (30) days of the commenceinen# of the Renewal Opt�on Term Opbon Extension Consider�hon paid by �pttonee v►nli be credrted m full to the first years Rent due Oprionor if �Yus Opt�on is exercised by /� / Site Name H'bbs Road Site Number 273439 Optionee 5 Cuns�derahon for Uphon Option Cons�deratioa is due and payable in full v�nttun tturty (30} days of the 4}�hon Commencement Date Payznent af tbe Opt�on Consideranon by Opttonee to Optxonor vv�ll be credited m full to the first year s Rent due Ophonor if th�s 4ptxon �s exercised by Ophonee 6 Oaho�tor's Reuresentahons and Warrant►es As an �nducement for Ophonee to enter mto and be bound by the terms of tius Opt�on, Optionor represerrts and warrants to Opt�onee and 4gtavnee's successors and assigns that (a) Ophonor has goad and marketabie t�tle to th.e Property free and cleaz of all hens and. encumbrances Qphanee may at Optionee's sale cost and expense procure an ahstract of ixtle or a commitment to issue a pol�cy of title u�.surance (collect�vely "Tiile") on the Property In the event that Opt�onee ob�ects to any defect or cloud on Title Ophonee may declare this Oprion to be void and of no fin�her fo�ce or �ffect whereupon �lus Ophon wzll termmate and there v+�ll be no firrtt�er hab�lrty of Qpbonee to Qphonar accru�ng hereunder (b) Ophonor has the authonty to enter mto aud i�e bound by the terms af this Optton, (c) There aze no penduig ar tl�rea.tened adrrunisirahve acixans mcludmg bankruptcy or uisolvency proceediags under state or federal law swts, clauns or causes of action agaanst Optionor or w�uch may otherw�se affect the Property and (d} The Properry is not presently sub�ect to an opt�on lease or other cantract wluch may adversely affect Opttonor s ab�ty to fulfill rts obligahons under this Ophon and Qpbanor covenants that �t vv�li not grant an opt�on or enter into any contra�rt which vv�ll affect the Property or t�e Site unhl tlus Ophon expues or is ternunated by �pt�onee 'These representations and warrauhes of Optionor survive the exercise of the Optaoa and the term�nation ar exp�rahon of the term of tlus Agreement 7 T� Opt�onor will pay any ad valorem taxes or other special assessment ta��es attnbutable to the Property and the Easement dixnng tiie Imtaal �pt�on Term amd any Renewal 4ption Term of tius Opt�on 8 Lipuxlated Dama,� Amencan Tower is not obl�gated to exercise tlus Ophon In the event the Opt�on is not exerc�sed, Opt�onor's sole compensat�on and damages wilt be fixed and hyuidated to the sums paid by Uphone,� to Ophonor as consideration for this Optton Ftt2'�lE1'lri4iC, Optzonor hereby expressly wa�ves any oth,er remedies it may have for a breach of this Op�ion by Ophanee mcluc3�ng specific performance and damages for br+each of cantract 9 Insaechons �nd Invesht�hons Optionor hereby grants to Ophonee, rts officers, agents, employees an@ u3dependent contrac�Eors the nght at�d pnvilege to enter upon the Property at any tune aft�er the date of this Option, to perfonm or cause to be pexformed test banngs of the so�l, sm N� xrot� Roaa Srte Number 273437 envuonmental audits, enguieenng stud�es and to conduct a survey of the Property and/or the Srte Opb.onor w�ll provide O�monee wfth any necessary keys or access codes to the Property if ne�ded for mgcess anci egress and Optionee will not unreasonably interfere vv�th Opt�onor's use of the Property in conduchng these aci�vXnes IO Further Aets Oghonor will cooperate vv�th �pbonee m executmg any docwan�ents necessary to protect Optioaee's nghts under ttus Ophon or Opttonee s use of the Srte mctudmg the exccutton and de�very of a Memorandum of Ophoa and Lease m a form acceptable to Opaonee and to take s�ch achon as Optianee may reasonabiy reqwre to effect the m#eat of #tus Ophon. Ophonor hereby u7evocably appomts Ophonee or Optronee s age�t as Ophonor's agent to file appl�cahons on behalf of Opfiaonor vrnth federal, state and local governm�ntal authon#�es wiuch apphcahons relate to Opt�onee s Intended Use (as defined in para.graph 12 of ttus Agreemeirt) of the Srte u�cluding but not l�ted to land use and zon�ng applications fll Ege�cise of Oohon Upon the tender of wntten not�ce of Option�e's mtent to exe�se the Qpt�on, the terms and conditions af the Agreement applyuig to the leasulg of tlae Premises and use of the Easement governs the relahonsh�p of the pames and tlus Agreement wrll ihereafter be referred to as the "Learse' Ophonor will thereai�er l� refezred ta as "Landlord" and Oprionee will theneafter be referred to as "Te�ranP' II GRUUND LEASE 12 i,�se, (a) Tenant shall be pernutted to use the Site for the purpose of conshvchng, mauitainuig, secunng and operaring a commut�ca.t�ons facihty, �acluding, but not Iuiuted to the constnzctaon or uastallation and matntenance of towers, stracturai tower base(s), coaimuiucations equ�pment, one or arore builduigs or equipcn�nt cab�ets, radio transrrutting and recerving antennas, and related faciLries on the Premises (collechvely, the �`Tower Facslities'�, to �ac�tate the use of the Site as a site for the haasm�ssion and rece�pt of wireless commiuucation signals u�cludu�g but not l�uted to, voice data and urternet trans�missions and for aay other uses whxoh are uicidental thereto (the "Intended Use� Tenant may, at rts sole expense, use any and all appropnate �neans of restnctzng acc�ss to the Premises or the Tower Fac�hties includuig, vv�thout lunitat�an construction of a fence Tenant may, at Tenant's sole expense construct Tenaxrt's Tower Facilihes on #he Srte ta meet Tenant's needs and Tenant shall masn#a�.n the Prenuses in a reasonable camhtron t�luoughout #he Inihal Term and any Renewal Tem�s, reasona.ble wear aad tear and damage from casualty anci condemnat�on excepted Landlord shall coope�cate wrth Tenant u► executing any documents nec�ssary to protect Tenant's nghts under this Lease or facthtate Teaant s and Tenant s sublessee's a�d hcens�e's use of the Srte and v�nll take such fiuther actron as Tettant may reasonably rec�wre to effect the mtent of tlus Lease (b} Tenant`s obugarions hereunder are expressly conditioned upon Tenant's abil�ty to obtain, ma�ta�n, renew and remstate a110€ the cerhficates, pemuts, hcenses zonuig vanaACes and other approvals wtuch nnay be zequvred from any federal, state or lacai authonty as well as anX neccssary easements (collectively the "Approvals'� Landlard shatl coop�rate with Tenant, a# no out-of-pocket expense to Landlord, m xts effarts to obtaxn the A.pprovals and Landlord sha11 take no act�on w�uah would adversely affect the staxus of the Stte wrth r�.cpect to Tenant's / Srte Name H�bbs Rc�ad SMe Number 273437 Intended Use thereof If (�) any appl�cat�on by Tenant for any one of the �pprovals is finally dexued or re�ected, or is otherwtse vv�thdtawn or termmatec� or {�a) �f asry mattiers ex�st a#%chng Lai►dford s title to die Srte wluch prevent Tenani from ustng the Srte for Tenant's Intended Use then Tenant sha11 have the nght to term�nate th�.s Lease upon wrftten notace to Landlord and La�dtord, wtthm 30 days of such termuka.tion, shall refund to Tenant any Rent pard by Tenant applicable to the period subsec�uent to such ternmnatcon (c) i,andlord agrees to execute wiltiim t0 bnsmess days after receipt of a wntten request from Tenant atry and all docwnents necessary m Tenant s reasonable�udgment to protect Tenant s r�ghYs or the nghts of Tenant's sublessees or licensees uuder th�s Lease to facaiatate Tenant s use of the Srte as corrtemplated under tlus i.ease or to allow Tenant to obta�n mawtau�, renew or reinstate the Approvals. Tenant w�ll prov�de ali documents for execut�on on Tenant s standard forms or in the case of zor�ung apphcations or other situat�ons regulated by govemmental bodies, on forms spec�fied by suci� governmentat body Documents provided for executioa may �nciude wrthout l�mrtation, affidavrts relatmg to title cwai�ve measures non-disturbance ag�reements memordmdums of leas�, memorandums of amendment, and zoning applica�ons and other related documecrts requ�sed to obtam zoamg approval 13 Term (a) Inujal Term. The Imhal Term of th�s Lease �s set foith m paragraph 1(a) (b) Renewal Terms Tenant shalf have t�e r�ght to extend th�s Lease for each of the Renewal Terms Each Renewal Term w�ll be on �e same tertns and condfions set fort� in th�s Lease except that Rent w�.li escalatie as provided in paragfaph 14(b) Th�s Lease will autamatYCelly be renewed for each successrve Renewal Term �nless Tenant not�f'ies Lan�dlord m wntmg of Tenant's �ntent�o� nat to renew the Lease at any t�me pnor to the expu�hon of the Irahal Term or the Renewal Ternn which rs then �n effect (c) The I�ut�l Term and R�wai Terms are collect�vely referreci to herein as the Term 14 Consfderatfo� (a) Tenant shali pay lts first ;nstallment of Rent wrthm fifteen ( i 5) business days of the Commencement Date Thereafter Rent �s due and payable xn advance on the first day of each calendar manth to Landlord at Landlord s Addre�,s Rent v►nIl be prorated f�r any partial months uicluding, wrthout lumtahon, the montEi m wlueh the Comrnencement Date occurs (b} Rent will be mcreased at the com�nencement of each Renewal Term (the "Increrrse Date") by an amount equal tb 2% of Rent for the prev€oe�s year (c) If th�s Lease is terminated at a tEme other than on the day immed�ately precedmg the anniversary of the Commencemeut Date Rent wi[1 be pror�ted as of the sf�ecttv� date of such termu�arion (the'�Ternunation Date"j If th�s Lease zs tsimxnated for any reason other than nonpayment of Rent, all Rent pa.id in advance for the penod after the Term�aanon t7ate will be refunded to Tenant by Landlord wrth�n 30 days of the Terminatton Date (d) In the event Tanant makes an overpayment of Rent or any oiher fees or charges to L.andlotd dwmg the Term of th�s i.ease, Tenant may but shall not be requ�red, to treat any such overpaycnent amount as prepaid Rent and apply such amouirt as a credrt agawst future Rent due to Laadlord Site Name Ht'bbs Road Srte Nwmber 273437 (e) In no event wii! Tenant be required to remit the payment of Rent to more than twa recipeents at any ,�ven t�ne 15 LandMril's R+epresentahous and Warrant�es Landlozd represenis and warrants ttsat (a) Tenant's Intended Use of the Srte is not proh�bited by any covenants resMctxons, reeiprocal easements secv�tudes, or subdivision rules or regulahons (n) there are no easemems i�censes, nghts of use or other encumbrauces on the Srte or the Property which will mterfere wrth or construchvely prolubrt Tenant's Intended Use of the Site, and {�) the execut�on of th�s Lease by Landiord will not caase a breach or a� eveu# of default of any other agreement to whzch Landlord es a p�arly 1G. Condittogs Sa , aea�. If Tenant's Intended Use of the Srte �s actually or constructively grohibrbeci througi� no fault of Tena�t, then witbout lu�►utu�g any o#her remedy �n law or equity Tenant shall ttave the option to termmate tl�s I.,ease upon wntten notice to I.andlord 17 Inte� Landlord shall not use, nor sh�ll Landlord perm�i rts tenants, Iicensees, invitees or agents to use any porhon of the Properiy ut any way which mterferes w�th Tenas�t s Inte�tded Use of the Site Such anterference will be deemed a matenal breach of this Lease by Landlosd and L,�ndlo�i shall have the responsib�hty to ternuuate sa�d unterference unmed�ately npon wntien not�ce from Tenan� Anyth�ng to the contrary m ti�s Lease noiwithstaadmg, the cure penods provsded %r u� paragraph 19 hereof anll not be applicable to fail�e by Landlm+c! to fulfilt its obl�g�t�cros under tivs para�raph I7 If any such mterference does not cease or is not r+ectrfed as soon as possibl�e but m no �vent longer than 24 hours after Ten�nt s wrrtten not�ce to Landlord, Landlord acknowl�iges that conhnumg tnterference wtll cause ureparabte m�ury to Teaant, and Tenant shali have the nght, �t additton to arry other nghts that it may have at iaw or m equrty to bnng achon to en�om such in#erference or to termuiate th�s Lease immediately upon norice to Landlard 18 Imarovements. Udliaes, and Access. (a) Tenant shall have the flght, at Tenaat s sote cost and expense to erect and matr�taui on the S�te �mprovemeats personai praperiy and fac�lrt�es, �nclucUng w�thout lumtatton, the Tower �acilit�es and other related facilrt�es The Tower Fac�es are the exclusive praperty of the Ten�ut throughout the term as we}l as upon the expuation or termmataon of t6is I,�ase Tenant shall remove all of the above ground porttons of the Tower Facilit�es w�thtn one hundred etghty (180} days foi(owmg the expuatson or tennmation of thas Lease Landlord grants Tenant �e nght ta clear all trees, undergrowth, or othe�r obstruchons and to tnm, cut, and keep fimmed all tree lunbs wtuch may mberfere with or falt upon the Tawer Facilit�es or the S�te Landlord grants Tenant a non-exclusive easement �t�, over aoross and through the Pro�ty and other real property awned by Landlord as may be reasonably requu�ed far construchon ins�taliat�oa mainter�anee and operat�on of the Tower Facilihes If the tower to be constructed by Tenant on the Premises �s a guyed tower I,andlord also grants Tenaut an easement u�, over, acrass and through the Property or any other eeal properiy owned by Landlard as m�y be necessary to Tenant dur�ng the Init�al Term ar;d any Renewal '�erms of tlus Lease for the �nstallat�on and mau►tenance and removal of and reasc>nable ac�ess to guy w�res and guy w�re anchors whxch may be located outside of the Site (b) Tenant shall have the nght to install ut�lmes at Tenant's expense and to impmve present utilmes on the Property and the Srte Tenant shail have the nght to permanently place utilrtaes on (or to brtng uttlrt�es across or under} the Site to service the Site and tt�e Tower Facii�t�es Tenern and TBnant s l�censee(s) or sublessee(s) have the nght to �nstali backup generator(s) an the S�te If u4�l�hes necessary to serve t�e equ�pment of Tenant or the equ�pment of Tenant's l�censee(s) or sublessee(s) cannot be located withm the Stte Landiord agrees to cooperate vrith Tenant and to aCt r�asanably m ailow�ng the locahon of uhlrixes on ttze Property or o�Eher real properiy awned by Landiard without raquuYng add�tional compensahon from Tenant or Tenant s hcensee(s) or sublessee(s) Landiord shail, upon Tenant's request, Srte Name Hbbs Road Srte Number- 273437 execute a separaie recordable wrriten e�s�meirt or tease io the ut�ty company provid�ng such servxce ev�dencmg this r�ght (c) Laudlord zepresents and warrants b� Tenant t�at Tenant shall at ail tames during th�s Lease en�oy u�.gress, egress and access from the Srte 24 hows a day '7 days a week, to an open and uuproved pubhc road which are adequate to serv�ce ti�e S�te and the Tower Facil�taes If no such pubhc road ex�sts or ceases to ex�st m ffie fuiwe Landiord will gcant an appropnate easement to Tenant, Tenant's ticens�e(s) sublessee(s) and assigns so that Tenant may at tts own e�ense c�nstruct a surtable pnvate access dnve to the Stte and the Tower Pac�l�Ues To the degree such access is across other property awned by Landlard, I,andlard shall execute aa easement evadencmg this nght wxthout requtru�g �dd�tionai compensahon from Tenan� Landlord shall ma�ntaw access to such easement m a free and open condibon so that no mterference �s eaused to Tenant by ather Tenants hcensees, mvxtees or agerrts of Landlord wluch may utilize the easement Tlie parties agree that Tenant wnll gate and lock the beginnuig of Tenant s access easement and that I,andtord daes not �ntend to use Tenant s access easement for Landlord s purposes nor will Landlord gra�nt any thu�d party the ngl�t to use the access easement, unless Tenant requests that such access be granted To the extent damage (�ncludwg wear and tear caused by normal usage} to the Easenaent or any ather route eontemplated hereunder u�teaded to provide Te�ut v�nth access to the S�te and the Tower Facilit�es �s caused by Landlord or Landlord s tenants, Lcensees, invites or age�s, Landlord shall repasr same at rts own expense In the event Landlord, �ts employees or agents impede or deny Tersant s access or that of Tenant s agent(s) (�censee(s}, ar sublessee(s) to the Srte Tenant shatl, wrtitout waxvmg any ather nghts that �i may have at law or wn equriy deduct fmm Rent due under tius Lease an amount equal ta Five Handred and NollUO DoIlars ($500 00) per day for each day that such access �s �mpeded or derued However $500 OQ per day will not be deducted from Rent �f the unpediment to access �s caused by factors outside of Landlord s control (includmg, but not lunrt� to storm damage} Tenatrt v�nll not hold La.ndtord respons�bie for damage to the access easement caused by Tenant s I�censee(s) sublessee(s) contracmrs, or emplaye�s (d) Landiord grants Tenant (�nc3uduig, without lunrtat�on Tenant s sublessees and hcensees) a i�cense to use such portxons of the Landlord s property conbguous to the Srte on a temporary bas�s as are reasonably requu�ed from time to t�me dunng the Term of t}us I.esse for the construct�on mstallatlon and matatenance of the Tower Facilxaes mclud�ng (�} access to the Site for cu�chon machueery and eqmpment, (u) sborage of constiucrion matenals and equapment dunz►g construcrion of the Tower Facilrties, and (iu} use o€a staging area for construct�on, installatzon and r�maval of equipment (e) Tenent shail have the nght to mstall and tnaantain durmg d�e Term of the Lease identsfymg signs or other s�gns requured by any governmental authonty on or about the Srte ;nclud2ng any aacess road to #he Srte 19 Termutatio�u Thts Lease may be termmated, w�thout any penatty ot fwrtl�er 1iab��ty upon wrrtten nobce as follows {a} By either party upon a default of any covenant or term hereof by the ather pariy which default is not cured wrthm bQ days of receipt of wntten nohce of defautt (without, however lurutu{g arey ather nghts ava�lable to the parties in law or equ�ty) prov�ded that af the default�ng party commences efforts to cure the default wrthut such penod and dingently pursues such cure th� non defaultuig party shall no longer be etrtttletl to deolare a defaul� (b) Upon 30 days vrmit�n nahce hy Tenant to Landlord if Tenant ss unable to obtain mau�taan, renew or remstabe any agreement, permrt or other Approvals necessaiy to the construcbon and opet�hon of the Tower Faciliries or to Tenant's Intendeii Use or / Srte Name Hibbs Road Site Number 273437 (c) Upon 30 days written notic� from Tenant to Landlotd ;f the Site �s or becomes unsu�table, in Tenant s soie, but reasonable ,�udgment for use as a w�reless commuiucahons facxlrty by Tenant or by Tenant's I�censee(s) rn sublessce(s) 20 I,icensess Sa6lease�s Tenant at tis sole discret�on shali have the nght, w�thout pnor nohce or the consent of Lancilord, to hcense or sublease atl or a portcon of the Site or the Tower �acilit�es to other parnes Tenant shall nobfy Latidlord of any new sublease or l�ce�se agreement as soon as practicable ai%r the su6lease or ticense a�reement �s stgned Tezfaut's hc�nsee(s) and sublessse(s) shall be ent�t�ed to __� moti�fy tlte Tower Facitrttes and to erect additional �mproveznents on the S�ta mciudang but not t�mrted to antennas dishes cabling, addirional storage bu�lci�ngs or eqvipment shelters as are reasonably requ�red for the operahon and maintenance of the commwuc$1�ons equipment to be installed on the Site 6y sa�d ltcensee{s) and sublessee(s} Tenant s l�ceusee{s) and sublessee(s) shall be enh#�ed to all rxghts of u�gress and egress to t�te Srte and the nght to insta�l utdihes on the Stte as if said I�censEe(s) or sublesseets) were Tenaat under t�us L�ase Landiord wtlt F►at be held responsible for any damage to the Site ar Praperty caused by Tenant s sublessee(s} or i�censee(s) 21 T, axes Tenant shall pay any personal property taxes assessed on or attnbt�table to the Tower Faciirtaes L,andiord shall pay when due aU real ptopeM�+ taxes and all other fees and assessrn}ents attnbutable to the Pzoperty Premrses and Easement If Landlord fails to pay when due any taxes affectmg the Proparty or the Sxte Tenant shalt have the nght, but not the obhgatwn #o gay sach faxes and (i) deduct the fuli a�rcount of the taxes paad by Tenant on Landlord s behalf from future u�stallments of Rent, or (ji) collect sueh taxes by auy lawfui means 22 Damaee or Destruc�on Lf the Premises, the Easement or the 'i'ower Facilrttes are destroyed or damaged so as Lo hmder the Iirtended Use of the T'ower Fac�hries m Tenanrs sole ,�udgment, Tenant may elect to terntmate t}us Lease as of the date of the damage or destruchon by wntten not�ce to Landlord In such event all obli�ons of Tenant to Landiord shatl cease to accrue as of the date of the clamage or desLructaon and Tena�t s�all be entrtled to the re�nbursement of any Rent pa�d by Tenant appl�cable #o the perwd subseqaent to such damage or destruet�on 23 Condemnahon If a condemnu�g aut�or�ty takes all of the S�te or a pflrtion suffic�ent m Tenant's soie �udgrrient, to render ihe Site unsu�table far Tenant s i�ended Us� ui Tenaat s reasonable d�sCreuon, th�s Lease will tetmmate as of tIse da#e the trtSe vests m the condemmng aut�onty Landlord and Tenant shall share m th.e condem�atton proceeds m ptopomon to the values of the�r respect�ve �nterests m the Srte (wluch for Tenant �nctudes, where appltcable the value of the Tawer Facilihes, moving elcpenses prepaid �e�t and bus�ness dislocation expenses} If a condemn�g authonty t�kes less than all af the Site such that the S�te remams swtable for Tenaat s Intended Use the Iient payable under th�s L,ease wiil be reduced automa�cally by such percentage as the area so candemned bears to tl�e Sxte as of the date the t�tle vests �n the oondemnuzg authanty A sale of all or part of the Srte to a purc�aser wrth ttze power of emutent domain m the face of the exerc�se of emxient domain power will be breated as a takmg by condemnat�on for the purposes of t��s paragraph 24. ns ��CR. Tenant shall purchase and maantain m fiill force and effect thnnughout the Inrtial Term and any Renewal Term such general Iiability and propeRy damage palicies as Tenant may deem necessary Satd policy of general l�abil�ty insurance will at a m�nunum provide a comb�ned smgle lunrt of $i,00a o00 25 Env�roaemental Comuliance. Landlord represea#s wanants and covenar�ts (i) t�at netther Landlard nor to T�andlords knowledge any t�urd party has used, generated, stored or d�sposed o� or perimtted tfie use generanon storage or d�sposal of any contaznmants o;ls asbsstos PCB's hazardoas substanr,es or wastes as defiued by federal, state or iocal envtronmental la.ws, reguiarions or admEmstrat�ve orders or oti�er tuuaterkals the removal of which �s teyuired or the tna.intenance of wh�ch is Sibe Name H�bbs Road site xumber 27'3437 prolubtted, re,gulated or penal�zed by any federal, state or locai $overnment authorriy havuig �unsdict�on over ttie Property ("Aazardous Materrals'� on under about or w�th�n the Properly �n vtolateon of any aPPIlcable law or r�gettat�on and (��) that Landlm�d wili not, and will not pesmrt any tturd party ta t�se generate, store or d�spose af any Hazardous Matenals on under about or wrtlun the Property u� violatYare of any apphcable laws regtitahons or admm�strative orders Tenant agrees that rt�rnli not use generate store or d�s}wse of any Hsrandous Matenal on under about or vhtiun the Srte m vtolat�on of any apphcable taws, regutaf�ans or admmistr�at�ve orders T�us Lease w�tl, at the ophon of Tenant, tsrmtnate upon wntten nohce by Tenant to Landlord if Hazardous Matenats are dxscovered to ex�st on th� Pmperty xf�er Tenant takes possession of the Prem�ses artd Te�tant shall be entrtled to a refund of all the cansiderAtion paid m advance to Landtord under thcs L�ase 26 Indemni5cation (a} General Landlvrd, rts heu�s, grantees successors, acui assigns sha11 e�tonerate hoid harmless mdemmfy, and defend Tenant from azty clauns obligarions, l�abi(rt�es, costs, dem�nds, damages, expenses, surts or causes of actcon, mclud�ng costs and reasonahte attomey's fces, wluch may anse out of (�} arry �n�ury to or death of any person or {nj any damage to property if such u�nty, death or damage anses out of or �s attn'buffible to or results frorn the acts or onussions of Landlarc3, or Lancllord s pnncipals, employees, mvitees, agents or mdependent caniractors Tenant, its graiateas, successors, and assigns shall exonerate hold harmless, indemnify and defend Landlord from any clauns, obl�ganons, �abilrties, costs demands, damages expenses, suris ar causes of act�on, u►cludmg costs and reasonable attarney s fees which may anse oat of (�} any in�ury to or death of any person or (ti) acry damage to properiy tf suc� in,�ury death or damage ar�ses out of or is atbnbutable to or t�esults from ti�e negligent acts or omissions of Tenant, or Tenant s employees agents ar mdependem conVectors (b) Eitveronmentat Matters Landlorct its helt�s grantses, successors and asstgns shail mdemnify, defend, reimburse and hold hazmiess Tenant from and agsmst any and alI damages at�smg from the presencs of Hazardous Matenals upon, about or beneath the Property or migratmg to or from the Property or ansmg �n any manner whatsoever out of th� violatYOn of any appimable taws, regulat�ons or admuustrRt�ve orders pertaxrung to the Pro}�rty and any actmties ttterean, whtch conditions a�st or ex.isted pnor to or at the tune of the execuhon of tlus Lease ar wh�ch raay occur at any hme �n the future through no fault of Tenant Tenant, rts grantees, successors and ass�gns shall mdemn�fy defend, te�mburse and ho}d harmless Landlord from and agamst envu�onmental da�mages caused by the ptesence of Hazardous Matenals on the Prem�ses u� viol�rion of any apphcable laws regulat�ons ar admin�strattve orders and ar�smg solely �s tbe result of Tenant's act�vmes after tl�e exeoution of th�s Lease Notwsths#and�ng the obugation of Landlord to �ndemmfy Tenaat pars�t to t}us Lease, Landlord shaU upon demand of Tenaat, and at i.andiorci s sole cost and e�ense promptly take all act�ons to remedra�e the Pro�rty wluch are requu�ed by any federa.I state or local governmental agency or palrticat subdivision or wtuch aze reasonably necessary to mitig�te envu�onmental damages or to aliow fuil economic Use of the Site, w�ch remediaUon is necess�tated from the presence ugoq about or beneath the Property of a Hazardous Mater�l Sueh act�ons mclude but not be hmited to the mveshgarion af the env�ronmental condrtion of t�e Progerty, the preparat►on of aay feasfbihiy stetdies reports or remedial plans, and the performance of any cieanup, remediahon contatnment, operataon, ma.intenance momtor►ng or acbons necessary to restore the Property to the eondmon ex�stu►g pnor to t.�e mtroduct�oa of such Hazardous Ma.tena! upon, abaut or beneath the Property notwrthstandmg any Iesser sta�adard of remediat�on atlowable �ader applicable law or governinental pol�cies 27 lt�h„T t of ��irst Re�usal, S,�le af Premise�. Dunng the Inmal Term and any Retiewal Terms of tlus Lease, LancUord shall, pnar to selling the Srte or any real property of which the Site �s a pact, npt�fy Tenant �u wnttag of the sale pnce and tera�s affered by a thu�d party, together wit� a copy af the thud pat4y s offer Tenant shall have the nght of fitst refusai to purc�ase the reai progecty bemg sold by ;/ r- � �. Srte Name Fiibbs Road sice Number 273437 LaudlQrd on the same terms and condrt�ons Tenant shaI1 give Landlorc! notice of its mtenhan to purchase the same withm 7 days of receipt of Landlord s nonce If Tenant gxves no sach nonc� of iis mtenhon tv purc�ase same, Landlorci may sell the real property to ti�e tlurd party on the stated terms and pnce as long as (i) such sale �s made subJect #o the terms of t�ts Lease and (u} �f sach sate does not mclude the assignment of Landlord's full mterest v� tb�s Lease such purchaser coveaants, without reqwrmg compensatton from Tena� or Tenant s hcensee(s} or subiessee(s) to be pa�d to such purchassr to perform any obligat�on of the Landlord under th�s Lease mcluduzg Landlord s obligat�an to cooperate wtth Tenant as provtded hereuncler w�ch obhgation Landlord would no longer have tlie legai nght or abdity to perform fallowing such conveyance 28 Nohces All notzces or demands by or from Tenaut to Landlord, or I,andlord to Tenant, requu�ed under dus Lease wiil ba in wrrt�ng and sent {Unrted States ma�t postage pre-pa�d, cert�ed weti► return recexpt requested or by reputable nat�onal ovem�ght carner se,rv�ce transmit prepaid) ta the other party at the addresses set forth m paragraphs 1(b) and 1(d) hereof as applicable or to such other addresses as the paRies hereto may from t�te to tune destgnate consistent w�tt ttus garagraph 28 wrth such new not►ce address being ei%ctxve 30 days after receipt by the other parly Not�ces wili be deemed to have been given upon ezther rece�pt vr re�ection 29 Tdle an�i Qai�et Eneovmen� Laudlord warrants and represents that (i} �t has the fuli nght, power and authonty to execute th�s Lease and (�}) rt has good and marketabie fee simpie title to the Srte and any oti�er real proparty across wh�ch Lartdlord may grant Tenant, rts sublessees and/or Iicensees an easement, free and clear of any l�ens and encumbrances or mortgages Landlord covcnanits that Teaant shall have the quiet en�oyment of the Pt�enuses dur�ng the term of tlus Lease Landlord shall uidemnify Tenant from and agawst any ioss cost, expense or damage includung attorney s fees assflctated with a breach of the foregomg covenant of qaxet en�oymen� If Landlord falls to keep the Srte free and cle.ar of any hens and encumbrances Tenant shalk have the nght, but uot the obi�gateon to sat�sfy any such tien or encumbra�ce and to deduct the fuil amount paxd by Tenaat on Laadlord s behalf from future insta�lments of Rent If the S�te �s encumbered by a mortgage ar deed of trust, r�nthan 3fl days of receipt of a vvrttten request from Ter�ant, Landlord agrees to execute and obtain the execut�on by rEs iender of a non d�slurbance and atiorr3ment agreement m Uie form provideci by Tenant, to ti�e effect that Tenant �d Tenant s sublessees and i�censees ►�nll �not be d�sbarbed in theu occupancy and use of the Site by any foreclosure Should a suborduuthon non-disturbance and attornment agreement be requesbed by Landlord or a lendex warktng with Landlord on a loan to be secwred by the Property and eatered u►to subsequent to the Execuhon Date Tenaui w�ll use good fa�th efforts to provide Landlord ar Landtord s lender w�th Tenant s form subordtnahon non-d�sturbaace and attornment agreement executed by Tenant wrth�n 3Q d�ys of such �qnest 30 Ass�enmeut Any sublease hcens� ar assig�nent of this L�ase that �s entered into by Landlord or Tenaat is subJect to ihe provis�ons of this 1 ease Landlord may ass�gtt tlus L.ease un rts entu+ety to any thud party m con�unction with a sale of the Properiy m accordance wiEh paragrAph 27 �e�of Landlord sha11 not otheruvts� ass�gn Iess thau Landlord s full mterest m this Lease wrthout the pnor wntten consent of Tenant Teoant may assign this Lease wiY6out gnar notice to or the c.onsent of Landlord Addrtionally Tenant may mortgage or grant a security anterest in th�s I.ease and the Tower Facilrties, and may assign thas Lease and the Tower Facilthes to any such mortgagees or holders of secunty xnterests includmg ti�e�r successors and assigns (heremat%r coU�hvely refen�ed to as "Secrrred Partres'� If requested by Tenant, Landlord shail execute such consent to such financ�ng as may reasonalsiy be requu+eci by Secared Pames In addihon, if requested by Tenant, Landlord agrees to notify Tenant and Tena�t's Secured P�rties simultaueausly of any @efault by Tenant aad to give Secured Parties ttfe same nght w cure any c�efault as Tenant If a temmnation, d�safl'irmance or reJection of the Lease by Tenaut pursuant to arry iaws (tncludmg any bankcuptcy or �nsolvency Iaws) occurs or �f Landford shall termnnate this Lease for any reason, Landlard will grve to Secured Part�es prompt nat�ce t�ereof and Secured Part�es shall have the / / Site Name iitbbs Road Site Number 273437 nght to enter upon the Premises dvnng a 30-day per�od crnnmenc�ng upon Secuxed Parties rece�pt of such nonce for thc purpose of removu►� any Tower Facil�ties Landlord acknawledgas that Secured Parhes are tlurd party benefic�aries of this Lease 31 Sasc�ors and �ss�gns. Tlus I,ease runs wrth the Property aud �s bu3du�g upon and wctl mure to the benefit of t�e partxes, theu respective heus, successors personal represe�rtabves and assigns 32 Warver of Landlord's L�en. Landlord hereby warves any and all lien nghts rt may have, starittary or ethe�vise m and to the Tower Fac�Lbes or any port�on theraof regardless of whether or not sanne is deemed real or personal psoperty under appl�cable laws 33 Warver oi Damages Neither Landiord nor Tenartt shall be respons�ble or Iiable to the other pazty for any lass or damage arisu►g fram any claum to the exten# attnbutable to any acts of omiss�ons of othen c�ensee.s or tower users occupyu�g the Tower Fac��it�es or v�ndalism or for any structural pr power failwres or destr��ct�on or damage to the Tower Faciltties except to the exteut ca.used by t�he negligence or w�l}ful nusconduct af such party EXCE�'T A5 SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED ]N THIS AGIt�EMENT, IN NO EVENT SHALL LANDL4RD 4R TENANT BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR, AND TENANT AND LANDLOR.D EACH HEREBY oVAIVE THE RIGH'I' TO RECU`TER INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL (iNCLUDING, BUT NQT LIMITED TO, L�ST PRUFITS, LOSS OF USE OR L�SS OF BUSZNESS OPPORTUNI'iY}, PUNITNE, EXEMPLARY AND SIMiLAR DAMAGES 34 11�scellaneaue Ths followmg prov�sions apply to ttie OpUon and prornduag Ophonee exercises such C3phon to the Lease (a} Ttie substanhaliy prevailmg party in any lrttgahon arisuig her�under �s enhtled to its reasona.ble attorney s fees and cflurt costs mcituimg appeals if any (b) Each party agrees to furiush to the other v�ni�un 30 days at%r request, such estoppel tnfoimatcon as the other rnay reasanabty request. (c) Tius Agreement constitutes the entare agreement and uaderstandu�g of Landlord and Tenant with respect to the sub�ect matter of th�s Ag�reement, and supersedes atl affers, negohat�ons and other agreeraents There ar� na represent�ons or vnderstand�ngs of a�y Iund not set forth hereva Auy amendments to said Agreement must be tn wntxng and executed and delrvered by Landlord and TenanC. (d) If erther Landlord ar Tes�ant �s represented by a reai estate broker m tlus transact�on, that party �s fully respons�ble far any fees dae such broker and wili hold the other pariy harmless from any clauns for commissian by such broker (e) I.andlord agrees to cooperate wrth Tenant m executuig any documents necessary to protect Tenant's nghts under this A�reement or Tenan�s use of ti�e Premtses uiclud�ng but not limited to affidavrts relatu�g to tttle curat�ve measwes and non dtshubance agreements and to take any fvrther action whxch Tena�rt may �easc�nably ret{u�re to effect the �nteut of the Agreement {� The Agreament w►11 be construed r�n accordance wrth the laws of the state �n which the Site �s sctuated (g) I£ any term of the Agreement is found to be vo�d or urvahd, such mval�dtty w�ll not affect the remamir►g terms of the A�ment, whieh wjtl coannue 2n fet.11 foree and effect 3ite A1ame H�bbs Road 5�te xumt�eer 2'73�t3� (h) Upon request by Tenant, Landlord shalt execute and deltver to Tenant a Memorandum of Oprion aad Lease, wluch Tenant rnay t�ecord tn the county �n wluch the Property is located if the information included �n the Memorandunn of Option and i.ease shouid change or if it becomes clear that such uzformahon is mconrect or uicofnplete or tf the Ophon or I..�ase xs amended, Lat►dlord agtees to execute and return to Tenant a re�ordable Amended Memorandum of Option and Lease in form supplied by Tenan� (i) Tenant may obtam trtle insurance on �ts mterest m the Srte and Landiord shall cooperate by execubng any dacur�en�ian requmeci by the ritle msurance comP�Y (�} Landlord hereby uTevocably appomts Tenant or Tenant s agent as Landlord s�gent to ide appiecahons on behaif of Landlord w�th federal state �nd iocal govemmental authonhes �+htch appltcahons relate to Tenant s Intended Use of the Srte �ncludmg, but not i�mrted, to land ns� and wn�ng apphcahons (k) Tlus Agreement may be executed m two ar more counterparts all of whtch ara cons�dered one and the same agresment and become effectrve when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of tfie partres, rt bemg understood that all pames need not s�gn the same counterpart. (1) Landiord wili not, dunng the term of thrs Ophon ar►d Lease together with any extensions thereof enter urto any other lease iicense or other ageeement for a sumlar purpose as set forth herem on or ad�acent to the Property (m) Failure or detay on the part of eyther party to exerc�se any r�ght, power or pnvilege hereunder vhll not operate as a wa.iver thereof and warver of bresch of any provis;on hereof under any c�rcumstances w� not conststute a wa�ver of any subsequent breach (n) The partxes agee that uTeparable damage would occur if any of the prov�sions of th�s Agreement were not gerfonned m accardance wrth the�r specified terms or were otherwnse breached Therefore the parhes agree the parties wilI be ent�tled to an m�unct�on(s) m any court u� t#�e state tn wluch the Stte is located to prevent breaches of the provasxons of tlus Agreemen� and to enforce speoifically the terms and provtstons of the Agr�ement, tivs bemg in addihon to a�ty otlter remedy to which the partiies are enhtled at law or !n equity (o) Each party execut�ueg this Agre�ment acknowledges that rt has full power and authonty to do so and that the person execuhng on its behalf has the �uthonty to bind the party (p) T}us Agreement as valid and b�ndmg only ugon Tenant's execut�on by �ts duly authonzed represenia#�ve (c� Tenant reserves the nght to sur�ey the Property and/or the Site and the survey of the Propertp Prem�ses and/or Easement will then become Exlubrt B-1, w�tch wiii be attached hereto and made a part hereof and wiI! cortrol m the event of dtscrepaneies between Exh�brt B 1 and Exhtbrt A and/or E�brt B Landiord agrees to execute an Amended Memorandurn of Option and Lease �n racordable form contammg the new legal descriphons of the Premises and tt�e Easement �f so requested by Tenan� (s) The part�es sgree that a scanned or electrontcally rre�produced copy or unage of th�s Agreement will be deemed an onginal and may be mtroduced ar submitted m any action or proceeduig as competsnt evidence of the execut:on, terms and excstence hereof notw�thstandmg the failure or �nab�lrty to produce or tender an anguial, executed counterpart of th�s Agneement and wrthout the requareme�rt that the unavailahilrty o€ such ongvnal, executed counterpart af th�s Agre.ement first be proven Site Neme Hibbs Road Sue Number 273437 33 ConSdeat�alitv Landlord shall not disclose to any thu�d party the Rent payabte by Tenant under thts Lease and shali tteat such �nformat�on as confidential, excepi that I,andtord may dssclose such uiformahon to prospe�hve buyers prospechve or existung lenders Landlord s affil�ates and attorneys, or as may be requ�red by law or as nnay be necessary far Lhe enforcement of Landlora s nghts under the Lease Landlord acknowledges that t�e d�sclosure of such �nforrnation to azry other parties may cause Tegant ureparable harm, and m the event of such d�scloswe as an addrtwnal remedy Tenant shall have the nght to benn�nate ttus I.easa upon g►vmg 30 days vcmtten nodce thereof to Landlord [SIGNATURES APPEAR ON NEXT PAGE] Site Name H�bs Road Srte Namber 273437 1N WITNESS WHEREOF Landlord and Tenant have each executed t�us Lease as of the respect�ve dates wrttten below LANDLORD Jean R Wella 5�gnature ,J�' �G�YY�� D�te �3 — - �� Joe C Be�m � � : � �/.� ....i, ,,. r .�► Jantce Levv�s Beam �1 : I./.L.r /� �. J_-- - � � �✓ .. _ .- _.____ - 1 . ' / ♦ STATE OF NORTH CA.ROLINA CQUNTY OF C TERET Befare me, 2i � I.UI r.Li � the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State, FersonallY aPP�'ed ��Aa� r-uaas , personally known to me (or proved to me an the b�s�s of satasfactory evidence) ta be the person whose name is subscn`bed to the within instrument and acknowledged ta me that h� executed the same m lus authonzed capacrty, and that by his signature on the �nstrument, thc enbty upon behalf of whtch the person acted, executed the mstrument SS my hand and official stamp or seal tlus ��d' day of &o�o � WdJL(�..J �� Notary Public [AFFIX N(?TARY SEAL] My commission eacpues /� / o � n Site Name Hibbs Road S�te Number 273437 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CARTERET Before me ��,� w w� �ua the undersigned, a 1Votary Pubhc for the State, personally appeared \ToE �A m , personally known to me (or pmved to me on the basis of sattsfactory ev�.dence) ta be the person whose name is subscnbed to the vv��lun uistrunient and ac�Cnowled.ged to me that he executed the same �n his authonzed capacrty and that by lus s�gnature on the instrument, the entity upon behalf of wiuch the person actsd, executed the msttumen� SS my hand and offic2a1 st�mp or seal tlus �, day of @a,Ch , e�o / o n ��� � �� N01�Yj1 P11�7�1C [AFF� NOTARY SEAL] STATE OF AiORTH CAROLIlVA My comrtvtssion expu�es /� 10 / o COUNTY OF CARTERET Before me, ��aaiA � w�;��s e ersigned, a Notary Pub�c for the Sta.te personally appeared lTa,� � �� �w �s �A rn , Fersor�ally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory ev�dence) to be the person whos� name �s subscnbed ta the v►nthu► �nstnm�ent and acknawledged to me that he executed the sanne �,n lus authonzed ca.pacxty and that by tus s�gnature on the �nstrument, the �ntrty upon behalf of w�a.ch the person acted, exe�uted the tnstrument I SS my hand and official stamp or seal this �dC day of �o/o � ��� �.- Notary Publ�c �AFFIX riOTARY SEALJ My commission expu�es !�/ �/ � Sete Name H�bbs Road Srte Number 273437 TENANT Amencan Towers I�fc,l, �e,i�are corporation Jasan D H[u�s� � Vice President, d Management Date 3/ /!a _ _— COMM4NWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS) ) ss COUNTY OF MIDIyLESEX } Then, on the c'�_�____ day of YY?� Gh 20 �0 personally appeared the said, Jason D Hixsch of A.mencan Towers Inc as a£oresatd, sigaer and sealer of the foregoing mstrumen� and acknawiedged the same to be tus/her free act and deed as Vice President, Land Management of Amencan To�vers, Inc and the firee act and deed of sald cozpora�on, before me Srte Name Hibbs Road Sire Number 27343'7 The follovrnng exlubrts are attached hereto and xncorporated herem Exh�art A Descnptton or Dep�ct�on of Property Ex.hibit B Descnptran or Depichon of Site 0 � � ��� � �'�� � � u r �s�� ���Fn` � �' � ���� � "�'' ��._�km�' k �� YQQ=��� � �� � �� �G q ��\ Z Om� �� x��� C �4 a ti� P� `�� J�'� . � t � r---'' w 0 a' o.�'iaq ���� , ���Ova ��n� m�°�m � °��:Q a €$ i A U �s �g � 6 Ro $W �� �� �� �< ``J�a,iunu�y��/'� �����o�p�. �10���'�y �a� �m �vy �S u� �-� � O� ��O�bd LA�Ov���� ''���tl f I Ii11t��G``` I 6�00 � ��'g �qw� to�q ��m �40 e r � ��� ��� I ��� 4 � a 6 VZq u $ � � ` i � 0 W � 3 � G a h � d +tl ° 1 NW � �� rt� � t 0 0 v�� � `�M O ��� M1.l�4 Zb0 n� a ��a �.ff' 4C i � 3� m �v � �O y w �� � � � ��°o 0 y�� �g�� ��� �``4� e � � w S � � °o R� ° � _ � �N APPENDIX E ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Ad�acent Property Owners and Addresses USDA US Forest Service Croatan Ranger District District Ranger Lee Thornhill 141 E F�sher Avenue New Bern NC 28560 Clamd�gger Inc PO Box 846 Attantic Beach NC 28512 J Copper Inc 5891 Hwy 70 East Newport NC 28570 APPENDIX F CULTURAL RESOURCES CONSULTATION DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES� INC � PROFE4SION �L EWIRONMENTAL COl�S1iLTING FIRM Bv Certif�ed Deliverv July 29 2010 Ms Renee Gledhill Earley North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office Department of Cultural Resources 4617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 4617 Re Section 106 Review American Tower Corporation Hibbs Rd NC Site (No 273437) Newport Carteret County North Carolina DEA No 21005008 Dear Ms Gledhill Earley On behalf of American Tower Corporation Dynamic Environmental Associates Inc (DEA) previously requested a review of potential impacts to histoncal properties that may result from the construction of a 260 (79 2 m) self support tower at the above location This request included the submission of a Communications Tower Review Form During the background research it was determined that the Office of State Archaeology would require an archaeological survey of the direct APE due to recently identified sites in the pro�ect vianity Subsequently a survey of the APE was performed and a report submitted for review by the Office of State Archaeology As indicated in the attached response letter dated July 6 2010 the proposed undertaking will have no effect on historic resources DEA is submitting for your review the enclosed FCC Form 620 for the pro�ect site Based on receipt of the ]uly 6 2010 review letter we understand that your office has already determined that the proposed pro�ect will not affect histonc properties However in accordance with the NPA we will provide 30 days from receipt of this submission for any additional comments to be made by your office Very truly yours Dynam�c Environmental Assoc�ates, Inc V I �-'' Virginia ]anssen Pnncipa nvestigator enc 21005008 SHPO Letter 3850 Lake Street Su�te C Macon Georg�a 31204 (478) 745 7740 Fax (478) 745 7415 Be�crlp Ea es Pexdue Go cmor Lnda A CarLsle, Secretary JeE1Frey J Crom Depug Cecretary July G 2010 ��h�j _�� � � .' e:., � �:� ��I1P1 �:.: North Carohna Department of Cultural Resources State H�stonc Preservauon Of6ce I ctcr B tiandbeck, Admm�straror Address changed to 5899 due to E 911 address vug�n� 1�i janssen �assignment � Dynanvc Envuonmental Associates Inc 3850 Lake Street Swte C Macon GA 31204 Re Archaeological survey report 260 Self Support Tower CT 09 2479 Dear Ms Janssen Offce of rlrchi es and E-Lstory D� �s on of Histancal Resoured Da d Arool, D recror US Highway Ne�vport, Carteret Counry Thank you for your e mail message of June 14 2010 tsansrrutttng the archaeological survey report by Dawn Read of Archaeological Consultants of the Caxoluias Inc for the above pro�ect Dunng the course of the survey no srtes �vere located widun the pro�ect area Ms Reid has recommended that no fiuther archaeological investtgaaon be conducted m connecuon �th this pro�ect We concur unth tlus iecommendatton suzce the pro�ect will not invol� e sigcuficant archaeological resources The above comments are made pursuant to Sect�on 106 of the Nanonal Histonc Preservat�on Act and the Advisory Council on Histonc Preservat�on s Regulaaoas for Comphance with Sect�on 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800 Thank you fot your coopexanon and consideraaon If you have quesaons concemuig the above comment, please contact Renee Gledliil, Earley enrironme-�tal re����v coor �unator at 919/807 b579 In all future communtcauon concemmg ttus pro�ect please cate the above referenced trackuig nuxnber Sincerely � �"�"�"� � eter Sandbeck cc Dawn Read ACC Inc Locaao 1119 Easc ) e Srr t, Rale�gh NC 276U I Ma�ag Addresa 4[ 17 `fad S�rvi C ccr Ralcigh NC 27( J9 4G 17 T 1 p6o /Fax (919) 8U7-G571)/B(17 GS�I 0%/0650dc� Address changed � — `" `"' � u � ���� to 5899 due to ��Y � �1 E 911 address 5 20 0 assignment HISt�RICPRESERVAT10NOfFl�E Comm nications Tower Rev�ew Form I Appiicant Information Ms Virgirna Preparer/Company Dynamic Er Address 3850 Lak� I Associates Inc Street Suite C Macon GA 31204 Phone/Fax/E-mad phone (478) 745 7740 / fax (478) 745 7415 Emai Sec106@DynamicEnvironmental com ,� For North Caroluia HPO Use Only r � � � o� - a��-°� � � � 11 ToW@� Inforn7ation (Attach copy of USGS map or photocopy of quad on reverse mdude 1 and 2 mle rad�us around sde) IIRaw Land ( w) II Co-Location Applicant s Identification # DEA No 21005008 Address 5 1 US Highway Newport County Carteret County FCC RegistraUon No Pending Tower type and height 260 tall self support tower quad Name Newport NC 111 Identification of Historic Properties Llst sltes by site number and status NR = NaBonal Register IMted SL = Study Llst DOE = DeterminaUOn of E6gRNiit�r LD = Lopl Designabon UA = Unassessed Archaeoloav W (' �/� n,��, �„��. # of recorded sRes m immed�ate area of tower � 3�C�J8S �!� r�CC��ti f�114� r ��Qr� aoo l �..JtCi'll ilud)t ��� �J.. '" t ra�..tv� V IV Additional InformatioMnvestigation Needed V Surve� �v1,G�ljp� y�� (1C� � �u>�'.+-' (1ZG���'i ( � Tesbng of s�tes �e�11.��° �_ 3�� Recommended by/on �� J�.�S�iCj (Office of State Archae ogo� yj —'– V Recommendations/Final Determination Recommendations for add�onal work are shown above Architecture # of recorded sites wRhm �-mde radws � �%0 4, ��� �� �c f?.� S���c.�a 1�� ���y �r�.,�..� �' ��� Photo Reconnaissance Balloon Test Recommended by/on (Survey & Planning Branch) The proposed communication tower wdl affect historic properties m the area of potential effect Renee Giedhdl Eariey Environmental Review Coordinator cc FCC Date February 2001 08i1ii2810 11 03 NC STRTE HISTORIC PRESERUATION � 914787457415 I Applleant Iniora�atlaa Ms PreparerlCompany- py� Add�ess Ph�neJFexlE-mau Address changed to 5899 due to E 911 address assianment �or�tnuntcatlons Tow�r Revlew Fa►m �1 �a�ssen nlc Envtwnmentai Il�aclaGes, Inc. . �.. leke St�et Sv�te� C, Macan tSr4 312Qa �as ��ao � rax ��� �as �ais 6�1Dvnam�c�nvlraRarental caln f: �i.!I. �i. ��~ "�`��J AY 2 5 ZO10 ►�sraap����o� Far Nortb Ca:oJ�a FIPO Uae Oqty �T Oa - �k� It Yow�t laformatl n lAttpah mpy W U6QS mep a pbota}pp�r ofqWed on �everoa hduAe t antl 2 mM redlus aroutd eAel � Raw Land ew) „D Co-lacatlon App►IcanPs Identiftcatlon # �� Na Z1005008 ��� 5S US Hlghway IYewpert �pry Garteret County FCC Registratlon �1� Rendfng 7owerlype and he�ghC ��a' tall self s�ppQ�t tower quad Name N�wport NC 111 IdenWiee�lon aI Nlstork Propattirs lJ�t s�tes b�t sQe �umber sn0 status � o � u�it ��ttnae�eee�e ��� G�ernanteuon ot me�Y � W I � s/�I �1�C1 h�p,f'r' �l ot r�ecoitle0 si� In Irt�nedfate area oPMwer � 3�CR385 Cnc��tac� iGJc� ,�,d �� ��rl�mnvnfiC� �'.��th.�) N Addlqanal IlitarmationAmvestlgadl.an Neadod ✓ y"°�- �`��'F�� � %s6ng of si0ae �P � � +sg-s r Recanmsnded byfan. ������lr6 (Off,ce of Stete J�hsedre9Y1 � �f M roaxded s� wlthM +{nAe Psdtus � N 0�Sl�� I��.� 50U�'G2.0 U� f f 3%y 'fYt� 1'�� _ Photo Racanaalssance w BHllocn T�st Rerommanded bylcn P'C�_ (5ur�ey 6 Pl�nlnp Brartoh) V Ra+ean+msndaela�lFhts! OaterminatioK //� � ReoornmendaNans Ior addklonel wcrCc �re efiown abo►�.�0� ��.�[alAe+�d�eskeA�N y��D � �.! ?l+e proposad �nlmunlc�on �awer wlll ��+� ____, ail�ecl bictarlc p►bpertles fn !he a►ea af poter�tial eHec! ���r �tsnee G edhlll�tey Enwlronmanfal ii�v�ew Coo►di cc FCC �f ��~ �O Qaea �� xooi o7�o°SO0 �' APPENDIX G PROTECTED SPECIES CONSULTATION NT F p P� Q 'yp N � � � � �4ACM 1 ��A United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh F�eld Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh North Carol�na 27636 �726 August 11 2010 Mr Marc Kurz Dyi am�c Environmental Associltes Inc 385 ) Lake Street Suite C Ma� on GA 31204 itL '1 �OJ It4 !VL TOWtf J1tC �1�V L%.^J4� / J LVC�i �,1V1 L u� ��, t,l l^,Ull j� �l. Dear Mr Kurz Thi letter �s to �nform you of tlte U S F�sh and Wildlife Service s response pursuant to the M�gratory B�rd Treaty Act (16 U S C 703 et seq MBTA) and the Endangered Spec�es Act as amended (16 U S C 1531 et seq ESA) to your communicat�on tower pro�ect Wrtt� regard to your sub�ect pio�ect we otfer the followmg remarks Mi� ratoi 3 B�rd Treaty A�t Bas� d on the description of tlle tower design charactenst�cs �ve conc lude that the design of the proj �osed communicat�ons tower does not m�n�mize *he potent�al hazard to av�an species prot_cted by the MBTA Enc angered Species Act Bas� d on the tnforniation prov�ded �ve concur wrth your deternunation that the proposed acti rities aie not likely to adversely affect federally listed threate�led and endangered species b�e bel�e�e tnat the requi�ements ot sect�on 7(a}(2} ofthe ESA llave been satisfied We remind you that obligations under sect�on 7 consultation must be reconsidc,ied �f (1) new mformation ievEals �mpacts of th�s ident�fied action that may affect listed spec�es or crittcal habrtat in a marner not �reviously considered (2) this action is subsequently modified ��� a manner that was not � onside►ed in th�s �ev�ew oi (3) a new spec�es �s listed or crrtic il hlbitat deternimed that ma� be affected by the identified act�on If y�►u have any queshons or comments please contact th�s office is 919 856 4520 Sincerelv � ��� Pete Ben�am�n Field Supen �sor .,�-'/ v0504�'Y �� ��� NC�ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Govemor July 30 2010 Mr Marc Kurz Dynam�c Environmenlal Associates Inc 3850 Lake Street Su�te C Macon GA 31204 Sub�ect H�bbs Road NC Tower S�te (No 273437) Newport Carteret County NC Pro�ect DEA No 21005008 Dear Mr Kurz Dee Freeman Secretary The Natural Hentage Program has records of rare spec�es sigmficant natural heritage areas and conservation/managed areas ad�acent to the proJect site The site lies �mmediately adJacent to the north and west of Croatan National Forest wh�ch was not mentioned in the pro�ect description In addit�on the Nat�onally significant H�bbs Road Pme Ridges I�es in th�s part of the national forest south to the property l�ne boundary (immediateiy ad�acent to the s�te} (see enclosure) In addit►on there are several populations of the Federally Endangered rough leaf loosestnfe (Lysrmacl:ra �spert�lrfolra) w �thm 0 15 mile of the pro�ect s�te on th�s natural area In fact several locations of this rare plant l�e on the natural area There �s also an actroe cluster of the Federally Endangered red cockaded woodpecker (Pccoides borealrs) on the Croatan land roughly 0 20 m�le north of the pro�ect site (see enclosed map) The proJect s�te contains considerable wetlands and both longleaf pine and pond pme are stated as occumng on the site Thus there �s the potent�al for the loosestrife to occur on the site We recommend a biological mventory of the pro�ect s�te �n part�cular a search for the loosestnfe and the woodpecker It �s also imperative that the U S Forest Service be contacted about th�s proJect as it abuts the�r property and has the potent�al to negatively �mpact this edge of the�r land You may wish to check the Natural Hentage Program database website at www ncnhp org for a l�stmg of rare plants and antmals and sign�ficant natura) comtnunit�es in the county and on the quad map Our Program also has a new website that allows users to obta�n �nformation on element occurrences and s�gmficant natural her�tage areas withm two m�les of a grven locat�on <http //nhpweb enr state nc us/nhis/publ�c/gmap75_mam phtml> The user name is publ�c and the password �s hentage You may want to click Help for more mformation NC OneMap now prov�des digital Natural Heritage data onlme for free Th�s serv�ce prov�des site specific informat�on on GIS layers with Natural Hentage Program rare spec�es occurrences and S�gmficant Natural Hentage Areas The NC OneMap website prov�des Element Occurrence (EO) ID numbers (�nstead of spec�es name) and the data user �s then encouraged to contact the Natural Her�tage Program for detailed information Thxs service allows the user to qu�ckly and effic�ently get s�te specific NHP data w�thout vis�ting the NHP workroom or wa�t�ng for the Information Request to be answered by NHP staff For more mformat�on about data formats and access vis�t <www nconemap com> then click on FTP Data Download and then nheo zip [to the right of Natural Hentage Element Occurrences ] You may also e ma�l NC OneMap at <dataq(c�ncmail net> for more intormat�on 1601 Mad Serv�ce Center Raleigh North Carolina 276991601 One �/�O�oO` Phone 919 733-49841 FAX 919 715 3060 Intemet www enr state nc us NorthCarolina An Equal Oppwlun ty\ Affirmatne Achon EmpbYer 5096 Recyded t 1096 Post Consumer Paper �%Q'�'��a'i�l / y l 7 Please do not hesitate to contact me at 919 7( 5 8b97 �f you have quest�ons or need further mformation S�ncerely ��-y C L:���►tif' <� l _ � Harry E LeGrand Jr Zoologist Natural Her�tage Program Enclosures cc Rachelle Powell Croatan Nat�onal Forest � I ►f �� � �,. �� � Lys+wn�e,�a^ Aspa�t,C.l� • C r a�d-r.s. N 1= p�,v. � P 1 +tic " — a,��, r�+�� � AYtw + � � Qre���+ s tQ _% \ I t Y � w j�w7� !Y r' y ,- . �.. J. '�"' - - �,, ,� - . -�--- __ -_ _�. �__ ,�Y�.�___� l�i _ X Ei 2f , -= , Iti .�► _ , � � .�. 11 � � _.!... .._ ! �,,.�a.� ti �' -.e - � ...,,����.. ' , l ll r —^�.a r _- .,u � y �. ,� � ,, i► � ti� �; � y I i` f l i� � * II �.`'-� :.c .� ` •F ,� r� � �� �11 � _~ � �� 1' �f '� ��r� �r �'-� t� � � �t� ��1 , �—�,,,,�,_� �; �, i� =�,....�-�1,�i'� � ``� ,�� {ti � +- � N --•,�.. � � ��► n� � � �_ �� � SITE NA1� Hibbs Road Pine Ridges SITE NIJI�BER CA12 SIZE about 2200 acres SITE SIGNIFICANCE A {National) LOCATION West-central portion of Carteret County in the extreme southern portion of Croatan National Forest located west of Sibbs Road (SR 1141) and east of Nine Foot Road (SR 1124} both north and south of Forest Service Rosd 154 QUAD MAPS Masontown Newport SIGNIFICANT FFATURES 1 The natural area features an excellent exa�le of a linear series of relict besch ridges and swales 2 The natural area features a high diversity of plants w�.th 9 rare species several of which are Federal candidate species and one of which -- rough-leaf loosestrife (LYsimachia asperulifolia) -- is a Federally Endanqered species 3 Two rare bird species -- red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) and Bachman s sparrow (A1moEhila aestivalis) -- are present in the natural area GEI�RAL DESCRIPTION The natural azea consists of a parallel serfes of well-defined relict beach ridges of Pleistocene age The ridges and the associated swales are aligned in a west-southwest - east-northeast fashian Kost of the ridges are narrow with some being only 100 feet across most are �ust 1- 2 feet hiqher than the interlying swales Some of the ridges are as much as 5 feet above the adjacent swales The ridges comprise about 40$ of the area and the swales the remaining 60$ Most of the ridges contain a Wet Pine Flatwoods natural community but the highest sections contain both Pine/Scrub Oak Sandhill and Xeric Sandhill Scrub coimnunities In all cases the canopy trees are rather young being no more than 30 - 40 feet high and 6- 8 inches in trunk diameter probably owing to catastropic fires that killed canopy trees a few decades ago The flatwoods feature longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) as the canopy tree The shrub layer contains inkberry (Ilex alabra) and creeping bluaberry (Vaccinium crassifolium) as cotmnon components with wiregrass (Aristida stricta) typically the dominant herb Of greatest significance are the ecotones between the flatwoods and the pocosans which vegetate the ewales The vegetation is much more diverae in these ecotones and most of the rare plants are found in the extensive linear ecotones The scrub oak coamiunities contain a mix of turkey oak ( ercus laevia) and some blue�ack oak (� incana) with the longleaf pine The pocosins in the swales contain pond pine (P serotina) as the main canopy tree The understory features Loblolly-bay (Gordonia lasianthus) fetterbush (L onia lucida) sweet gallberry (Ilex coriacea) and titi ( illa racemiflora) as co�non species Spec�.es such as sheep-kill (Kalmia ancJUStifolia) honey-cup (Zenobia �ulverulenta) leatherleaf (Cassandra calyculata) and yellow pitcherplant (Sarracenia flava) occur in lower and more open sites in the swales The natural area thouqh not significant in ternis of natural conamins.ties or maturity of the co�nunities contains a remarkable array of herbaceous plants 203 including 9 rare species One of the largest known populations of the Federally Endanqered rough-leaf loosestrife (Lysimachia asperulifolia) occurs in the ecotones Over 1Q00 individuals of the Federal Candidate Carolina asphodel (Tofieldia 19 abra) were found in a 1991 survey perhaps the lazqest known population of the species anywhere Other rare plants are the State Endangered pinebarrens sandreed (Calamovilfa brevipilis) 5 State Candidate plants -- branched gerardia (Aqalinis virgata) savanna milkweed (Asclepias pedicellata) Venus flytrap (Dionaea nuscipula) savanna cawbane { lis ternats) and Carolina goldenrod (Solidago ulp chra) and the siqnificantly rare pinebarrens goober grass (Amphicarpum up rshii) Other scarce herbs include pine barren gentian (Gentiana autumnalis) and Loomis loosestrife (Lysamachia looausii) A colony of the Endanqered red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) occurs ad�acent to Hibbs Road and the Special Concern Bachman s sparrow (Aimophila sestivalisj also occurs near this road There is the potential for other rare animals including the eastern diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus), one of which was killed in the fall of 1991 near Newport oWNERSHIP Approximately 90� of the natural area is owned by the U S Forest Service -- Croatan National Forest The remainder is in private ownership PROTECTION STATUS The Forest Service property is protected according to that aqency s regulations However there is no formal protection such as a registry agreement for any af the natural area RECOI�NDATIORS FOR MANAGEI�NT OR PROTECTION The primary manaqe�►ent reco�nendation is for more frequent burning of the site by the Forest Service At present the area appears to have gone many years without a fire Fire is needed to maintain the high diversity of herbaceous species to rednce the fuel 2oad of hardwood species and maintazn habitat for the red-cockaded woodpecker !lost of the area is suitable for registry as a N C Natural Heritage Area and the Natural Heritaqe Program should work with the Forest Service to ensure protection The Forest Service should consider acquisition of portions of private property particularly the wedge of land that extends in a westerly direction along the northern boundary of the natural area COIKMENTS A section in the center of the natural area �ust south of F3R 154 has been excluded fr� the site because it is currently a landfill Also a former landfill is located along the southern boundary The present landfill is expected to close soon perhaps in 1992 John Eiissell (pers cocnn 1991) believes that the current landfill may have destroyed as many as 1000 iadividuals of rough-leaf loosestrife based on his finding of considerable nwnbers in habitats similar to those destroyed by the landfill It is clear from the references listed below that the 2 landfills eliminated much habitat for rare plants and that perhaps better locations could have been found for siting the landfiZls It is expected that other rare ana.mals such as mimic glass lizard (Ophisaurus mimicus) are present in the natural area Though considerable time has been spent surveying the area many nules of ecotones are present and much more field work is needed REFERENCES Wilson (1983) Fussell {1991e) 204 �s � °p �~� _ _ ...� ,� _ ,� + _ .. � . .,. +,� �P - -� eu+ - a° � +,F � 4 � Lake EIJi �Can,p T �. -� � L k 1 �' _ 4 -a. � . � + ,. � u � -�O ' =-�+ � _ - �,�,� -.-� - --Cp - .� +r . � -� _ y� � � CO .r'_ _-►� .. - "' ., _ - - vr _ � y � � � .`." _ -+ - ti a. 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Coastal SW HQW/ORW Waters ❑ Uruversal Stormwater Management Plan ❑ Other WQ M�mt Plan State of North Carolina Departrnent of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Tlus form may be photocopted for use as an ortgenai I GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Pro�ect Name (subdivision facility or establ�shment name should be consistent wrth pro�ect name on plans specificahons letters operahon and mauttenance agreements etc ) HIBBS ROAD AMERICAN TOWER STTE 273437 2 Locahon of Pro�ect (street address) 5899 US HIGHWAY 70 City NEWPORT County CARTERET Zip 28570 3 Direchons to pro�ect (from nearest ma�or intersechon) FROM THE INTERSECTION OF HIBBS ROAD AND US HIGHWAY 70 CONTINUE SOUTHEAST 186 MILES ALONG US HIGHWAY 70 TO TI� PROPOSED DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE OF STTE DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE WILL BE TUST PAST ATL.�iN1�C AUTO PARTS AND SALVAGE ON THE RIGHT 4 Lahtude 34 45 18 24 N Longitude 76 50 39 616 W of the mam entrance to the pro�ect II PEIZMIT INFORMATION 1 a Specify whether pro�ect is (check one) �New �Modifitcahon b If ih�s apphcat�on �s be�ng sub�utted as the result of a modificahon to an ex�.shng pernut hst the ex�shng per�sut number its issue date (�f lmown) , and the status of construchon ONot Started ❑Parhally Completed'� ❑ Completed* *provtde a designer s certification Specify the type of pro�ect (check one) �Low Density ❑High Density �Drauls to an Offsite Stormwater System ❑Other 3 If this a�phcat�on is beulg subnutted as the result of a previously returned applycation or a letEer from DWQ requesting a state stormwater management permit applicahon lvst the stormwater pro�ect number if assigned and the previous name of the pro�ect �f d�fferent than currently proposed 4 a Addihonal Pro�ect Reqiurements (check apphcable blanks informatron on required state permits can be obtauled by contachng the Customer Service Center at 1 877 623 6748) ❑CAMA Ma�or �Sedunentahon/Erosion Control 3 50 ac of Disturbed Area ❑NPDES Industrial Stormwater �404/401 Permit Proposed Impacts 104 acres b If any of these permrts have already been acquu�ed please provide the Pro�ect Name ProJect/Perrrut Number issue date and the type of each permrt Form SWU 101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 1 of 6 III CONTACT INFORMATION 1 a Print Apphcant / Signulg Official s name and tiile (specifically the developer property owner lessee designated govemment official indivtdual etc who owns the pro�ect) Apphcant/Organizahon American Towers LLC f/k/a AMERICAN TOWERS INC Sigrung Official & Trtle Amencan Tower Cor�orahon, Manager, Paul Roberts Vice President of Comphance for American Tower Corporahon b Contact ulformahon for person listed in item la above Street Address 400 Rege� Forest Dnve City Cax� State NC Zip 27518-7723 Mailvng Adclress (tf appl�cable) City Phone t ) State Fax Zip Email Please check the appropnate box The apphcant lusted above is � The property owner (Slap to Contact lnformahon item 3a) � Lessee* (Attach a copy of the lease agreement and complete Contact Informahon item 2a and 2b below) ❑ Purchaser* (Attach a copy of the pending sales agreement and complete Contact Informahon item 2a and 2b below) ❑ Developer* (Complete Contact Information item 2a and 2b below ) 2 a Prutt Property Owner s name and htle below �f you are the lessee purchaser or developer (Th�s is the person who owns the property that the pro�ect is located on) Properiy Owner/Orgaruzai�on IEAN R WELLONS, JOE C BEAM jANICE LEWIS BEAM Sigrung Officzal & Title b Contact uiformahon for person l�sted �n item 2a above Street Address 5851 US HIGHWAY 70 City NEWPORT State NC Zip 28570 Ma�ng Address (if appl:cable) PO BOX 1018 City MOREHEAD CITY Phone ( 1 Email NONE AVAILABLE State NC Zip 28577 Fax ( ) 3 a(Optronal) Pnnt the name and htle of another contact such as the pro�ect s construchon supervisor or other person who can answer queshons about the pro�ect Qther Contact Person/Organization CAROLINE BLOUNT Sigrung Official & Title b Contact ulformahon for person hsted u1 item 3a above Mailing Address 3703 TLJNCTION BOITLEVAIZI7 City RALEIGH Phone (919 ) 6616351 Bmail CBLOUNTCQ?TEPGROUP NET State NC Zip 27603 Fa�c (919 ) 6616350 4 Local �unsdtchon for buildmg permiis CARTEIZET COiJNTY Point of Contact BOB CHAMBERS Phone # Form SWU 101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 2 of 6 N PROJECT INFORMATION 1 In the space provided below bneflv sumznarize how the stormwater runoff will be treated The stormwater runoff will be treated ut the form of sheet flow and pipulg where necessarv 2 a If claiming vested nghts identify the supporhng documents provided and the date they were approved ❑ Approval of a Site Specific Development Plan or PUD Approval Date ❑ VaIid Btuldulg Pernut Issued Date ❑ Other Date b If claimutg vested nghts idenfify the regulation(s) the pro�ect has been designed u�t accordance v�nth ❑ Coastal SW —1995 ❑ PIz II— Post Construchon 3 Stormwater runoff from tlus pro�ect drauls to the Wlute Oak IZver basin 4 Total Property Area 33 64 acres 5 Total Coastal Wedands Area 0 acres 6 Total Surface Water Area 0 acres 7 Total Property Area (4) — Total Coastal Wetlands Area (5} — Total Surface Water Area (6) = Total Pro�ect Area 33 64 acres Total pro�ect area shall be calculated to exclude the followtng the normal pool of:mpounded structures the area between Ehe banks of streams and rtvers the area below the Norrnal Ht h WaEer (NHW) ltne or Mean Ha�h Water r na (MHW) lcne and coastal wetlands landward from the IVHW (or MH ) Ime The resultant pro�ect area �s used to calculate overall percent bu:lt upon area (BUA) Non coastat wetlands landward of the NHW (or MHW) Ime may be crcciuded rn the total proJect area 8 Pro�ect percent of unpervious area (Total Impervious Area / Total Pro�ect Area) X 100 = 6 60 % 9 How many drauiage areas does the pro�ect have�l (For high denstty count 1 for each proposed engineered stormwater BMP For low denstty and other qroJects use 1 for the whole property area) 10 Complete the followuig informahon for each drainage area idenhfied in Pro�ect Informahon iEem 9 If there are more than four drautage areas m the pro�ect attach an addihonal sheet w�th the uiformahon for each area provided in fl1e same format as below T Srream c:tass and lndex Number can be deiermzned at http�rtal ncdenr org web/wqlps/csu/classi caiions '�'� Impervious area is defcned as the butlt upon area rnciudang bui noE ltmcted to butidmgs roads park�ng areas stdewalks gravei areas etc ***Report only that amount of existtng BUA that wzil remaan after development Do not Yeport any extshng BUA that is to be removed and whtch zvilt be replaced by new BUA 11 How was the off site unpervious area hsted above determined? Provide documentarion No offsite nnpervious area Form SWU 101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 3 of 6 Pro�ects m Umon Countv Contact DWQ Central Office stafJto check f the pro�ect:s located within a Threatened & Endangered Spectes watershed that may be sub�ect to more strtngent stormwater requ�rements as per NCA C 02B 0600 V SUPPLEMENT AND O&M FORMS The apphcable state stormwater management perxrut supplement and operarion and maintenance (O&M) forms must be submitted for each BMP spec�fied Eor ttus pro�ect The latest vers�ons of the forms can be downloaded from hrip��ortal ncdenr or�/web/wc�/ws/su/bm�-manual VI SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete apphcahon packages will be accepted and revxewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) A complete package includes all of the items listed below A detailed application instruction sheeE and BMP checklists are available from http //�ortal ncdenr org/web/wc�/ws/su/statesw/forms docs The complete applicaiion package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Office (T'he appropnate office may be found by locahng pro�ect on the interachve online map at htt� //portal.ncdenr or_g/web/wc�/ws/su/maps ) Please indicate that Ehe following required informahon have been provided by iruhahng in the space provided for each rtem All ongutal documents MUST be signed and iruhaled in blue uLk Download the latest versions for each subuutted applicahon package from http��ortal ncdenr org/web/wc�/ws/su/statesw/forms docs Iruhals 1 OrcgYnal and one copy of the Stormwater Management Pernut Apphcarion Form �__ 2 Orzgmal and one copy of the signed and notarized Deed Restrictrons & Prot�ective Covenants ��? Form (tf requtred as per Part VII below) 3 Orcgtnal of the apphcable Supplement Form(s) (sealed, signed and datedl and O&M —N l� agreement(s) for each BMP 4 Permit applicahon processing fee of $505 paya6Ie to NCDENR (For an Express review refer to �1 _ htt� //www envhel� org /�a�es/onesto�express.html for ulformahon on the Express program and the associated fees Contact the appropnate regional office Express Permit Coordmator for addihonal u�formahon and to schedule the required apphcahon meehng ) 5 A deta�led narrahve (one to two pages) descributg the stormwater treatment/managementfor �JUV�3 the pro�ect Tlus is required u1 addihon to the bnef swmmary provided m the Pro�ect Informahon item 1 6 A USGS map idenhfying fihe site locarion If the receivuig stream is reported as class SA or the � receivu►g stream drauis to class SA waters witkun'fi mile of the srte boundary include the �fi mtle radius on the map 7 Sealed s�gned and dated calculahons �/y� S Two sets of plans folded to 8 5 x 14 (sealed signed & dated) ulcludulg CMb'3 a Development/Pro�ect name b Engineer and firm c Locahon map with named streets and NCSR numbers d Legend e North arrow f Scale g Rev�sion number and dates h Identrfy all surface waters on the plans by deluieahr►g the norxnal pool elevahon of unpounded structures the banks of streams and rivexs the MHW or NHW luie of trdal waters and any coastal wetlands landward of the MHW or NHW lules • Dehneate the vegetated buffer landward from the normal pool elevat�on of impounded structures the banks of streams or rivers and the MHW (or NHW) of hdal waters i Dunensioned property/pro�ect boundary with bearings & distances ) Site Layout with all BUA idenhfied and dunensioned k Existing contours proposed contours spot elevations firushed floor elevat�ons 1 Deta�ls of roads drainage feaiures collect�on systems and stormwater control measures m Wetlands deluleated or a note on the plans that none exist (Must be deluzeated by a qualified person Provide documentahon of qual�'icahons and idenhfy the person who made the determulahon on the plans n Exishng dra�nage (mcluding off site) drainage easements pipe sizes runoff calculahons o Drau�►age areas delineated (uicluded in the main set of plans not as a separate document) p Vegetated buffers (where required) Form SWU 101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 4 of 6 9 Copy of any apphcable soils report with the associated SHWT elevahons (Please idenhfy 'V�/� elevahons u► addihon to depths) as well as a map of the boruig locahons with the exishng elevattons and boring logs Ixiclude an 8 5 x11 copy of the NRCS County Soils map with the pro�ect area clearly delu►eated For pro�ects with infiltrahon BMPs the report should also uzclude the so�l type expected u�filtratron rate and the method of dete�+�nmg the uifiltrahon rate (Infiltration Devices submitted to WiRO Schedule a site vcstE for DWQ to vertfy the SHWT prtor to submittal (910) 796 7378 ) 10 A copy of the most current property deed Deed book 1333 Page No 326 (J�1fC3 11 For corporai�ons and linuted hab�ty corporations (LLC) Provide documentat�on from the NC G/� Secretary of State or other official documentatron wluch supports the htles and posihons held by the persons hsted ui Contact Informatron item Ia 2a and/or 3a per NCAC 2H 1003(e) The mrporat�on or LLC must be hsted as an achve corporahon in good standu�►g wrth the NC Secretary of State otherwise the apphcatron will be returned http //www secretar� state nc us/Cor�orahons/CSearch as�x VII DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS For all subdivLSions outparcels and future development the appropriate property restrichons and protect�ve covenants are required to be recorded pnor to the sale of any lot If lot sizes vary sigruficantly or the proposed BUA allocatrons vary a table hshng each lot number lot s�ze and the allowable bu�lt upon area must be provided as an attachment to the completed and notanzed deed restnchon form The appropriate deed resirichons and protechve covenants forms can be downloaded from htt� //�ortal ncdenr ore/weblwc�/ws/su/statesw/forms docs Download the latest versions for each submittal In the uistances where the apphcant Ls different than the property owner it �s the responsibihty of the property owner Eo sign the deed restnchons and protechve covenants form while the apphcant is responsible for ensurulg that the deed restnchons are recorded By the notanzed signature(s) below the permit holder(s) certify that the recorded properly restrichons and protective covenants for ihis pro�ect if requued, sha11 uiclude all the items required in the pezmit and listed on the forms available on the website that the covenants will be binding on all parhes and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the NC DWQ and that they will be recorded pnor to the sale of any lot VIII CONSULTANT INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION Apphcant Complete tlus section �f you wish to designate authonty to another uldividual and/or firm (such as a consulhng engineer and/or fum) so that they may provide uiformahon on your behalf for tivs proJect (such as addressing requests for addirional uiformahon) Consultulg Enguieer Caroluie Blount Consulhng F2rm Tower fingineerutg Professionals Mailutg Address 3703 Tunclaon Boulevard Crty Ralei�h State NC Zip 27615 Phone �919 ) 6616351 Fax (919 ) 6616350 Email cblounf{�te�group.net IX PROPERTY OWNER AiJTHORIZATION (tf Contact Informatzon ttern Z has been fiIled out complete thts section) I(prrnt or fype name of person Izsted tn Contact Infornuttton ttem 2a) lean R Wellons cerhfy that I own the property idenhfied in txus pernut applicahon and thus give permtssion to (print or type name of person ltsted an Contact lnfornzution titem 1a) Paul Roberts �nnth (p rmt ortype name of organ�zafwn lasted m Contact Information ttem 1a) Amer�can Towers LLC a AMERICAN TOWERS INC to develop the pro�ect as currently proposed A co�y of the lease agreement or pending property sales contract has been provided with the submittal which uldicates the party responsible for the operahon and maultenance of the stormwater system Form SWU 101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 5 of 6 As the legal property owner I acknowledge understand and agree by my sxgnature below that �f my designated agent (enhty ltsted m Contact Informatron, rtem 1) d�ssolves their company and/or cancels or defaults on thetr lease agreement or penduig sale responsibility for comphance with the DWQ Stormwater pernut revexts back to me the property owner As the property owner it �s my responsibility to notafy DWQ immediately and subnut a completed Name/Ownerslup Change Form wittun 30 days otherw�se I will be operahng a stormwater treatment fac�ty v�nthout a valid pernut I understand that the operatron of a stormwater treatment facility without a valid pernu# �s a violatron of NC General Statue 143-2151 and may result m appropriate enforcement actron includutg the assessment of civxl penalhes of up�5 000 per day pursuant to NCGS 143 215 6 Signature �� � �7 Date � �� � I ���� w `^"u� a Notar Pubh for the State of OKTK �p��K� , County of ARTERP`1' , do eby cerhfy that 4J FAA/ WELtANS personally appeared before me tIus��ay of �E�� �� � and a wledge cutron o# the apphcatron for a stormwater pernut Wrtness my hand and official seal ,�ALtu ���+�� �ARY RUBLiC ��RTEREI' CQUNTY A!C Nh � Ezphe� 12-90�015 X APPLICANT S CERTIFICATION SEAL My comnussion expires �� �� �� I(print or type narr�e of person lrsted rn Contact Informaf�on ifem 1a) Paul Roberts cerrify that the uiformatron mcluded on ttus permrt apphcatron form �s to the best of my lmowledge correct and that the pro�ect will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans that the reqtured deed restr7ci�ons and protectrve covenants will be recorded and that the proposed pro�ect comphes with the reqturements of the apphcable stormwater rules under 15A NCAC 2H 1000 SL 2006 246 (Ph II - Post Constructron) or SL 2008 211 Signature a Notary Pubhc for the State of do hereby cerhfy that Date Couniy of personally appeared before me tYus _ day of _ , and acknowledge the due executron of the apphcatron for a stormwater pernut Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My comm�ssion exp�res, Form SWU 101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 6 of 6 9 Copy of any appi�cable so�ls report with the associated SHW'f elevahons (Please idenhfy _ elevahons ut addihon to depths) as well as a map of the boring locahons with the exishng elevahons and boring logs Include an 8 5 x11 copy of the NRCS County Soils map wxth the pro�ect area clearly deluieated For pro�ects with ulfiltrahon BMPs the report should also uicZude the soil type expected ulfiltration rate and the method of determuuttg the �nfiltrahon rate (Infiltrahon Devices submitted to WiRO Schedule a stfe atsit for DWQ to venfy the SHWT prtor to submtEtai (910) 796 7378 ) 10 A copy of the most current property deed Deed book Page No 11 For corporahons and luruted habihty corporahons (LLC) Provide documentarion from the NC Secretary oE State or other official documentahon which supports the htles and posihons held by the persons listed m Contact Information item 1a 2a and/or 3a per NCAC 2H 1003(e) The corporahon or LLC must be hsted as an achve corporahon in good standulg w�th the NC Secretary of State otherwise the apphcahon will be returned htt� //www secretary state nc us/Cor�orahons/CSearch as�x VII DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS For all subdivzsions outparcels and future development the appropnate properry restnchons and protechve covenants are requ�red to be recorded pnor to the sale of any lot If lot sizes vary sigruficantly or the proposed BUA allocahons vary a table lishng each lot number lot s�ze and the allowable biult upon area must be provided as an attachment to the completed and notar�zed deed restrichon form The appropriate deed restrictions and protechve wvenants forms can be downloaded from http //�ortal ncdenr org web/wc�/wslsu/statesw/forms docs Download the latest versioi�►s for each subuuttal In the �nstances where the apphcant is different thaii the property owner it is the responsibihty of the property owner to sign the deed restr�chons and protective covenants form while the apphcant is responsible for ensuring that the deed restnctions are recorded By the notanzed signature(s) below the pernut holder(s) certify that the recorded property restrichons and protechve covenants for this pzo�ect if required shall include all the items required in the petmit and hsted oxt the forms available on the website that the covenants will be bindutg on all parties and persons claiming under them that they will run with the land that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the NC DWQ and that they will be recorded pnor to the sale of any lot VIII CONSULTANT INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION Apphcant- Complete ttus sect�on �f you wish to designate authonty to another uidividual and/or firm (such as a consulhng enguieer and/or fum) so that they may provide utformahon on your behalf for ttus pro�ect (such as addressulg requests for addit�onal uzformahon) Consulhng Enguleer Caroluie Blount Consulhng Firm Tower Engineeruig Professionals Ma�ling Address 3703 Tunchon Boulevard C�ty Raleigh Phone (919 ) 6616351 Email cblounifltepgrou� net SEate NC Zip 27615 Fax (919 ) 6616350 IX PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATTON (tf ContacE Informahon ttem 2 has been filled out complete thas sectcon) I(pnnt or type name of person listed:n Contact own the property idenhfied in tlus permit a listed in Contact �nfarmatzon ttem 1a) Paul Ro� Contacf Informatton atem 1a) Amerccan Towers n ttem 2a) Joe C Beam cerhfy that I and thus give perm�ssion to (prtnt or type name of person with (pnnt or iype name of orgarazataon lzsted in IMERICAN TO WERS. INC to develop the pro�ect as currently proposed A copy of fl1e lease agreement or pendulg propert� sales contract has been provided with the submittal wl�uch mdicates the party responsible for the operahon and maultenance of the stormwater system Form SWU 101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 5 of 6 As the legal property owner I acknowledge understand and agree by my s�gnature below that if my designated agent (enhty hsted in Contact Informanon item 1) dissolves their company and/or cancels or defaults on the�r lease agreement or pend�ng sale responsib�lity for comphance with dze DWQ Stormwater pernut reverts back to me the property owner As the property owner it is my responsib�ty to nohfy DWQ unmediately and subxrut a completed Name/Ownership Change Form within 30 days otherwise I will be o�erahng a stormwater treatment facihty cnnthout a vahd pernut I understand that the operation of a stormwater treatment facihty without a vahd permit is a violahon of NC General Statue 143-2151 and may result in appropnate enforcement achon ir►cluding the assessment of civ�l penalries of up to $25 000 per day pursuant to NCGS 143 215 6 Signa 'C�� �' �°.��Lr� I �+t�.OR�A Wiccrs a No�-t�' P li the State of /�RTERE7" , do he by certrfy that `/ aE �%�'� personally appeared before me tkusl�3�i day of �'� E ad// , ancj.,�c�iowledg� � execution of the applicatton for a stormwater permit Witness my hand and official seal ���,�, V tli� Date ( ^ �li ' �% NaRrN ARleuNA , County of GLORiA S WILUS P�TARY PUBUC CARTEREf COUNTY NC �Y C� ExpMgs 121Q,ZOf6 APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION SEAL My commission expires �� �� �� I(prcnt or type name of person ltsted in Contact Informatton ttem 1a) Paul Koberts cerhfy that the uiformation included on tlus perrrut application form �,s to the best of my knowledge correct and that the pro�ect will be constructed in conFormance wrth the approved plans t11at the requ�red deed restrict�ons and protechve covenants will be recorded and that the proposed pro�ect comphes with the requirernents of the apphcable stormwater rules under 15A NCAC 2H 1000 SL 2006-246 (Ph II— PosE Construchon) or SL 2008 211 Signature a Notary Pubhc for the State of do hereby certify that Date . County of personally appeared before me ttus _ day of , and aclmowledge the due execution of the apphcarion for a stormwater pernut Witness my hand and official seal SEAL My commission Form SWU 101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 6 of 6 9 Copy of any appiicable so�ls report with the associated SHWT elevations (Please idenhfy _ elevahons u1 addihon to depths) as well as a map of the boruzg locahons with the exishng elevations and boru�g logs Include an 8 5 x11 copy of the NRCS County Soils map wlth the pro�ect area clearly delu�eated For pro�ects with infiltration BMPs the report should also mclude the so�l fype expected infiltrahon rate and the method of determuung the u►filtrahon rate (Infiltrat�on Devices submitted to WiRO Schedule a stte znsat for DWQ to vertfy the SHWT prtor to submittai (910) 796 7378 ) 10 A copy of the most current praperly deed Deed book Page No 11 For corporahons and luruted habihty corporatrons (LLC) Provide documentat�on kom the NC Secretary of State or other ofhcial documentahon wluch supporfs the titles ana pos�fions held by the persons hsted u1 Contact Informahon item la 2a and/or 3a per NCAC 2H 1003(e) The corporahon or LLC must be hsted as an achve corporahon �n good stancl�ng with the NC Secretary of State otherwise the apphcahon will be returned http //www secretary state nc us/Cor�orahons/CSearch as�x VII DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS For all subdivisions outparcels and fuhzre development the appropnate property restnchons and protechve covenants are required to be recorded pnor to the sale of any lot Tf lot sizes vary sigxuficantly or the proposed BUA allocatrons vary a table lxshng each lot number lot size and the allowable bu�lt upon area must be provided as an attachment to the completed and notarized deed restrict�on form The appropnate deed restnchons and protechve covenants forms can be downloaded from htt-p //�aortal ncdenr orgLweb/wc� ws/su/st�tesw/forms docs Download the latest versions for each submittal In the ulstances where the apphcant �s different than the property owner it is the responsib�ty of the property owrter to sign the deed resinchons and protective covenants form while the apphcant is responsible for ensuring that the deed restnctrons are recorded By the notarized signature(s) below the perm�t holder(s) cerhfy that the recorded property restnct�ons and protective covenants for tlus pro�ect if required shall include all the items required in the permit and listed on the forms ava�lable on the website that the covenants will be brnding on all part�es and persons claiming under them thaE they will run with Ehe land that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the NC DWQ and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot VIII CONSULTANT INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION Apphcant Complete this sechon �f you wish to des�gnate authority to another individual and/or fum (such as a consultutg engineer and/or firm) so that they may provide uiformahon on your behalf for this proJect (such as addressing requests for addihonal uiformahon) Consulhng Enguieer Carol�ne Blount Consultrng Fum Tower Engineerir►� Professionals Mailmg Address 3703 Junchon Boulevard City Raleigh State NC Zip 27615 Phone (919 ) 6616351 Fax (919 ) 6616350 Email cblountC�te�group net IX PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATTON (if Contact Informatton ttem 2 has 8een filled ouE complete thts sectton) I(print or type name of person ltsted tn Contact Informatson tfem 2a) Tarace Lezvrs Beam , cerhfy that I own the prope� idenhfied �n tlus percrut applicat�on and thus give pernussion to (prtnt or type name of person I�sted tn Contact nformatton zfem 1a) Paul Roberts with (pr:nt or type name of organ�.zatton listed an Contact Informatton ttem 1a) Amertcan Towers LLC�/k/a AMERICAN TOWERS INC to develop the proJect as currently proposed A copy of the lease agreement or pend�ng property sales contract has been provided with the submittal wlvch uzdicates the party responsible for the operahon and maultenance of the stormwater system Form SWU 101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 5 of 6 As the legal property owner I aclmowledge understand and agree by my signature below that �f my designated agent (enhty hsted �n Contact Informahon item 1) dissolves their company and/or cancels or defaults on their lease agreement or pending sale respons�b�lity for comphance �nnth the DWQ Stormwater permit reverts back to me the property owner As the property owner it is my responsibility to nohfy DWQ vnmediately and submit a complefied Name/Ownership Change Form withu130 days otherwise I will be operahng a stormwater treatment fac�lity without a vahd pernut I understand that the operahon of a stormwater treatment facility without a vattd pernut �,s a violahon of NC General Statue 143 2151 and may result u► appropriate enforcement achon includutg the assessment oE c�vil penalhes of up to $25 OOU per day pursuant to NCGS 143-215 6 Sign re �J� Date ^ /� / I �A ��s a No�t Pubhc Ifor State of �'��� A�u�a . County of AR��`T , do he by certrfy that `,/ANIC!* 1, �qM personally appeared before me ttus�:i'�jday of EPIFIl�13E ���/ ,�otiylec� ue execution of the apphcahon for a stormwater pernut Witness my hand and official seal __ ��� ��� �..w ���� � �� NOTARY RUBUC GARTFRET Ca1NTY NC pb Con�a+ Exp4es !2-l0�'15 X APPLICANT''S CERTIFICATION SEAL My commission exp�res /a /d �� I(prtnt or fype narne of person listed m Contact Informanon ttem 1a) Paul Roberts cerhfy that the uiformahon included on this pernut apphcatron form is to the best of my laiowledge correct and that the project w�ll be constructed in conformance with the approved plans that the required deed restrict�ons and protectrve covenants will be recorded and that the proposed pro�ect comphes with the requu�ements of the appl�cable stormwater rules under 15A NCAC 2H 100Q SL 2006-246 (Ph II— Post Construct�on) or SL 2008 211 Signature a Notary Pubhc for the State of do hereby certify that Date . County of personally appeared before me this _, day of , and acknowledge the due execut�on of the apphcahon for a stormwater permit Wiiness my hand and official seal SEAL My comrrussion expires Form SWU 101 Version 07Jun2010 Page 6 of 6 As the legal property owner I aclrnowledge understand and agree by my signature below that �f my designated agcmt (enhty l�sted in Contact Informahon item 1) d�ssolves the�r company and/or cancels or defaults on the�r lease agreement or penduig sale responsib�ty for comphance with the DWQ Stormwater pernut reverts back to me the property owner As the property o�nmer it �s mq responsib�ty to nohfy DWQ immediately and subnut a completed Name/OwnershYp Change Form wittiun 30 days otherw�se I will be operatcng a stormwater treatment facility cvithout a vahd pernut I understand that the operahon of a stormwater treatment fac�lify wrthout a vahd pernut �s a violahon of NC Geileral Statue 143 2151 and may resule m appropriate enforcement achon includutg the assessment of civ�l penalt�es of up to �v25 000 per day pursuant to NCGS 143-215 6 Signature Date a Notary Pubhc for the State of County of do hereby certify that personally appeared before me tivs _ day of , and acknowledge the due executron of the apphcat�on for a stormwater pernut Witness my hand and o#ficial seal SEAL My comm�ssion expires X. APPLICANT'S CBRTIFICATIOIV I(pnnt ar type name of person Itsted in Contnct Infarmateon item 1a) Paul Roberts cerhfy that the uiformatron included on this pernut apphcat�on form �s to the best of my knowledge correct and that the pro�ect w�ll be constructed m conformance wrth the approved plans that the requ�red deed resfrichons ancl protecFive covenants w�ll be recorded and that the proposed pro�ect comphes �nnth the requu�ements of the apphcable stormwater under 15A C ZH 1000 SL 2006 246 (Ph II- Post Construchon) or SL 2008 221 Signature Date � a S Q I t� �( W �OlaS¢r � a Notary Publ�c for the State of J�� �'aroL.na. , County of . do hereby cerhfy that t7tM.Q a' ir,6e,,r{�3 personally appeared � before me th�s eZS day of a0( �, and ac wledge the due execut�on of the apphcahon #or a stormwater permit Witness my hand and ofhcial seal SEAL My comnussion exp�res_ I' I �(� Form SWU 101 Vers�on 07Jun2010 Page 6 of 6 HIBBS ROAD - STORMWATER NARRATIVE General Informahon The proposed Hibbs Road pro�ect is located at 5899 U S Highway 70 in Newport North Carolma (Carteret County) Access to the proposed site is located approximately 1 5 rrules southwest from the mtersechon of U S Highway 70 and State Route 1441 (Hibbs Road) The pazent parcel is a 33 64 acre tract covered pnmanly by woodlands and 11 10 acres of wetlands The parent property is owned by Jean R Wellons and is associated wxth NC PIN 6347 03 32 3534000 Amencan Towers Inc a registered corporat�on wrth the NC Secretary of State (SOSID Number 0414386) is proposmg to disturb approximately 3 3 acres of the total tract duru�g the construct�on of the proposed telecommumcat�ons facihty and associated ground equipment The scope of the pro�ect will incorporate the mstallation of an 80 x80 gravel compound and 20 w�de gravel access dnve Furthermore a prefabncated concrete shelter and concrete tower foundation wi11 be located w2tlun the proposed 80 x80 compound The pre fabncated concrete shelter will be unoccupied and contam associated telecommunicaUons equipment This compound will only be accessed dunng site construction and subsequently for rout�ne equipment mamtenance Dunng construct�on a silt fence bamer in accordance wrth NCDENR standards will be erected to assist with sedunent and erosion control The mitial site preparat�on will be completed using backhoes bulldozers and soil compactors A cement m�xer low bed trucks and a crane will be used m the tower construcrion After development, the new impervious area will total2 21 acres or 6 57% of the total site area Likewise the proposed development will disturb 1 03 acres of wetlands or 10 63% of the total wetland area located on the tract Stormwater Informat�on T'he proposed development was analyzed m accordance wzth NCDENR prachces to deterrrune if required stormwater standards were met As mentioned previously the parent parcel contams 11 10 acres of wetland area 1 04 acres of wluch will be disturbed and rtut�gated A silt fence w�ll be constructed to protect the wetlands located on the parent tract and prevent sedunent from entenng areas of env�ronmental concem Stormwater runoff from ttus site will be m the form of sheet flow to the maxunum extent that is pract�cable Stormwater runoff associated with ttus site drams to the HuII Swamp located wittun the W}ute Oak River Basm (Hydrauhc Umt Code 03020301) Hull Swamp has been determmed to have stream classification C wluch is considered Non SA water wittun the designated watershed As established by NCDENR all proposed developments drammg to Non SA waters that have a total impervious percentage >24% must treat all stormwater runoff After construct�on is complete this site will have a total site impervious percentage of 6 57% The total impervious area for ttus srte does not exceed the designated 24% threshold and therefore no addibonal stormwater measures are proposed R%aetelYqne OB118l�l10 08.48 910.96'S87Z9 oensisaio ai ae s�ut �xossae�sa paW Dgemarals ���� �.� ��.�.� .�, �• t�ooaeiea'see F� i i�s � ��� � � e��.� a� ��� � preparea t�►: �chara � 1►schie i1ftSTB 6 ALLSN P A 'Ro.'eeee �w NO T1TLe DtA1mPlAli�1 P�tFORr� BY pRAFTI�Ka AT'PORNEY � � �TYYW18 tFpt'aRAM'ORS ARll�ehltY REStGE?l0E liDR18 CJIR4I.�171 BPSCIAb iCA[iRAIiTY T�SD O►R�RBT �TlY' R�18 STAi[P6s QQ 00 i'MCH. fiF1M9Bi� 897018�i54� 8379t689A2�006 88781B89�t44IX�, 8.947�OOQ 8878Y071eg39000 85782071 6�Opp,pnd�18867 T�8 D� nade C2�ts � Cay of 2010 by JBAtf S t4ffid+OS'9� BseCU�Yi7C tuldss' Lhe Fiill o! Qalvist Welloms YhoB9 addYeus �.6 3Q98 I Bridgea 8C ltazehead d.Cy AC 2866� 4�aator to JFl►bT R w�S,C�TB rrhoBe addreae� ie 3oa5 s�ridgae 8t 0[OZ'ehe�td d.ty 1@C �8567 Sra�iCee� Wixasss�xx: xH�as raivia S� 1Peaions aied eeataao oa the Zath dsa► oP niTy �oC6 aad hie Biil bser 8een ada�:LCted to pxabate i.n thm OPl1ee of the Clasic ot eupsriar �t a! Casteset Oa�tty ae� aPpeaze � File $06 8-398s aad �A8 Lettera Testameneazyr wase leeued queliIIyln� JaaA Et Wellons ae �cecntrix af Che fii11 of Calv�7t 6 Ne13,ona f and i �QK _/c��� PA� � iplDa�efTRne 08l19R010 09:13 9i085S8728 oeiiaipoto si�ar Fex eioasae�ge _,_,_ �Qes�.ai. �j000��o� ( � !i I � � emd cextifias ttsat tlo�xe are uuElicient asests ieft rmm�i�g tv � 8etiy all debte aad oblige�tl,or� oP tha deaeaaedi and �� wBisk�A9 2iotiae to �`x+ediCaze lfae Dsert g3veit by I publicak{oa pqssnsr�C to I�e Noztlt C�axoliaa c�eaasal BtaCttteai aad l � li�hs purauaat ta the 4till oi Calvia 3�fellame � ml1 zight titla ea,d l.a�etasC o! Calviz► 3 Kelloas ia Aud tio t3e + prcperty her�inaPtar deacribed beiag are wadi.vieed iutereot iu I I aorr veets� ia 3�aan 8 foellons am saoeautrix of eha 14etate ot C�a3viu @ Wellatisi e�nd 9�a8A8 pwesvsab to 8eati,oa 3 0! 7�rC3ole v ad! aAe � will oi Caivia 6 9�elloas n poresam o! tha aecedaat a rasidaaiy eata�e is to be diaerikuted ko the arantee as the survivi,ng I spoUae of Cdlvim t9 Ksl],onel qnd � 1� tlliB DBea 3B be#mg Eu00WCed hy thB 85tscatsix � o� tha Wiii o� Csivia 0�la�e to partiallY i'zmd tha sbas�s o! I t.4e deaeQent e xrasi4naxy* eakata to be dl,eesibukoa Co Ws ' Gx�eeT biOW TN�88�8 6rar►Cor for a valuable co478iderut.i.oA paid bY (�rentea the recaipE oi tvktch ia hezaby ao7mawiedged baa eola aad by �e PsbRBats d068 g�at basgaia 6bll atdd croavel► unto eraatea har hetre oucceseose sad eaeigns a11 0! tns ,masvi.¢ea sneerads o.�tea byi r.e1�sA o xe�.l�e aC e�3.s aeacn iu aad to tl�oae parce�ls ot IanB lyi� and baing in Caxteret CotusLy 8orth Cax+D2ine �utd more gaxticuleMy deBCrS� ou �chibie A attaohed hereto and i�pouatad hereia by teiesenes TO i�V� AIiD SV i�RID uu etndividEd intereat itn awd to tice aloseeald pas+oela ot leae 0nd a11 privi�eges and ap�asbeaanoaB thessitn belongiag ta the asaneee her heiss eucraassaxs and +paslgaQ in fee eis�le An8 Y.he Sitsntax cwenBDte MiY�s the 018¢tea ttiat 0r�nbas has Baae ncthiag to impeir auch t£tlm as GlraaCor receivp¢ aad c�raiitos xili varrant and de�e�d tha titla agains� a �ff �Ls�_PA(iL�� Rx Date/idae OSf19lZ010 09a9 8103599728 oenzisoxo si a� a,u eiosesa�:a ve�m ae■marais P 008 � COCB/0069 r.he laerlul a2sim� ot au persoa� alaia�i.mg bY wnder or th:au9t+ Os�atoz svbjeot to valid aad eaiioaroeable easemente righCS o! tray aaQ xeatsio�3ons oi r�ar8 1! aay and a pxq rnt.a ahare o� t6a cu�remt yesr e ad valosem ys^op9stY ta�oe8 7�e deaigaatiooe �aato� a�d c�TS�tne ee tised haseia ehal.i laaluds eaid ysztise tiusis tieirs su�aore amd asaigas aad etrall ,iaclude ai�galas' plural mA6cql.ine leminine or aeu�ar aa reqnired by coatexk Im TS8T3�O�P1t WB�P rhe Orant:or has exncuted sad aealed this aasd ia ths aaAaer preecribed by ].aa,t Chs day an�A yesr Yixak abave writtea t�►tJ S Neiloma as trix o� tLe �state o! Caivit� R 1Pe11aass �.�� ,�,. -1 �- f ..: u P.axs�ally a�pea7ced bBfci�! s�B Lhis day 38Ali & WBLL�iB 8�oe�vtarix oP tba Setate oi Galvia 0 Weilop0 Asiag pesaomalip k�ooMa to me or identiYied by aatlofacr�oQ.y evidasve sad sakodxled�e$ to ma her 8ua voluataxY sf�aution o! tde =csegvia9 1asGrunoeat Lor tbe xenns avd pusPosss th�raia eeti lrn�tt� IPitaOea m�► h6IId 8l1d �,� a� Be�i. 7D10 7� w aY � F�► CO�i.68to� B7Cg�.CYpt e� �, aay oc 3 SOOI[ �_ OB �4� I1 48 KA3 61U96S87Le p�p uOBma�slB �y _y_ r. � � � �� � � � ��� '�I6 D� Iea�s !]�i� �},�(_day oi .1�1Yr 197�t• 1hf �TOe C �rr and Mif9• Ja1tl+oo Za 8�, Oi Calkeaol� OOO�y� l�o�th l�ollaar ap4 Calvla Q 11qZ,Loas *nQ �di`e� �T�eoa �. llsl�,oas. oR` �eaM.t R7om�Lp k � �ae *a!�at �rz:�asses�re. T�T N�16. m� 7. 1958 a. L. �tmc ds43�oafi�d a ebreet a� a map of f�s S. L. t�otbe�e �olpsst,P 1�8e �qt ,T Q�Y1 I�e�i4te�[ed �s�oZ. s�e�ars+�Ad 3m q�e O�oe Of tbs �glsteoc o� Dee�s o! G�z�p�s� �mtly Sa �ap tiootc �� psga ].6�i �nd 1�#S :ba s�i1! sls+aat �iaa�ot� s�d !�, pa�p�Cbsd1,TI de�loaEea !+� �aia �+� fs sLoMn �s t6e oa�]� als+ee�e a► snl+d aaqptaodl N�AB� tbe e�d sis+ea� ber+elm�o�s sa�me�ed fio• �dl,eatad �" �Y Qed�,c�st� as a s�Od, �L� bOai,svepa4. 1�liNma, ac' drive Las aot so1�117t �t o�ed az aeR'1 1� �lw pabiia r1iC111n , �ES.ltrsa �3.SI �r+ ar aL aap�' t3ae ls+as a� altsr �e �li�a� or pwcp0otl:�l de�icatioA t�oeo� i� 8�• 1956? �aaA 1W�8 no c� o� ac�k3�Oa Lo e�lo�oe an� P�tio 4s �rl�nta sssemeat as sight has e�ves be9a aseOrF.ed a! at� !!�e hY ��srsoa ffsa. arr caa�pasatian 3o t.ba tsi�d l7arae nanad �atri.�ata as abora m �sLd me�� a�C �8AB• �Ls said sts+aet h••�°�•�•w•••• seZea+ad bo ts aoe� easY t�o sffosd oa�v�aniant in�s os egssss to aa4+ Inks aa� pa�eoa o� Isnd oold ax' t�o�Veyad by tbe dsdiolttor� lfis beis's e�ad �ipa� in tl� said H L�otter �t apd i11�S t.be asid Joa C 8a�ns aad oil�9a �IIioe 7�. SM�� aM CalY�1 Q 1k].70na eald tri%� �7eetri R. NQ11cmM� LOIQ !1 !!e si�p1A titLs bo all t.he ptvpa�rry in the parliva oF the eaiA ra6di�iaioa pB� �� .o aa� oira ��ee �i�iv �t1e to !bo g� maa �olh al+�a� ��Ae ��s�et a�d tbo t�ile % t.�s p�+a�esl� t� tfis ��� 6' �' t 1 o9�1x�YU1u x� +a N1� a�uyaSU�zu � w � yeCl UObt�(ICkLL piuu ti N~ a�w� r� �1iW�, fl.I,e aud csvaa !,a be seaas� iA t1� �l�ae o� tue ��� � q! � O� 4a1ttelDe�t Calo�ty� aotl� Caro1�. �L �t''� � � '' dzaxi�ag ttte lpiiwi�rJ eti+a�t froan tbe pabii�c � private tese to� "; �� �ich st4id s� wae ��• bsiuQ da�clbad a� X !lollaas� - � a� 7lbst atsvse e�1�eMR ea► �s� �aa �a�'��c�os�d� i.•. 7�ade l�t � a �ell� ���. �9@ li�• oa 1[o�va�ebes 7r 1956 1!i '18�� Im1�0� t]�Y �aid .'�OS C eepR 07r1 Mus� ?ani�im��"'� ti 7.. ea�� aad Ce7lvla 6 tlel7os�� md v�%. .Toan 8. 1�t1l,ao�s� l�e � �se�nbo eet ttreit �snas eaa teals tbis tD�e da� a�a�1 !� � wbo�r�e �aeit�a 1 n � �� ��j t �^ �r � �� ta1E'!�! 0� �, a �atesy Pablia. +�a aesNDq t�at Joo� C]leaa atod rli'e� ,7atliCe L. eeaaa. Ca1Vi11 � IAelLOnu an0 vife� J�n R 1Pellaaa perso�nallY ��g� as �p� �py �� tbe daa a�ent.tan oi '!�a �oxe�odu� � '!e�lso�sat tor tDa puspoaaa tD�oRin ex�sed ,�Itil,ress sqf 1�nd a�e antstial �wtl tt+i:� �81�jt ���Y• I�7�s ` , rJ Y � � �Oo■ai�sia� �i �L �!� s a> l +�� � �. .r� ti�w.i�4 i.f`�.' L'�a� �'r�sk 7� "i't'N"Wr���• lIORi11 ��r pfRi�'�JtpO� .^r, m�„ r �� NpRTH C/�ROLINA CARTERET COU�ITY Thi� ir+strum�ant and th�s cert�i te are duly filed at the dete and time m the oo and Page shown on the first pagQ ere f 1,,� e i§ter of Deeds 8y V 1Q as�c eeoo� ��.or o�ees FILE # 93�84�3 FOR REGISTRRTION REGISTEtt OF p�p5 Joy Lawrenoe Nove�ber 97,e2019�t�i 14 10 A� COUNTER AGP1T 7 p FEf $32 00 FILE # 1368473 Prep,�red bv�! Amencan Towar Corporahon 116 HunUngton Avenue Boston MA 02116 Ata►. t,aw Department Srte #27343'� Si�e Name Hibbs Road �,�- a��a33t)� ID3���-R � Retum Toe Qld Repubtic Site Mertagement Se�vlaae� 17930 Pr'eston Rasd� �aite 1SOA Dal�, Texas 752� Meanorandum of Option �nd Leas� Agreement THIS MEMORANDUM O�' UPTION AND LEAS� AGREEMENT ("Memarandum") is executed ttus�� day of ►'Y1 Q.n Gh , 20dp by and between Joan R W�llons a vv�daw, Joe C Beam and w�.fe, Jaruce Lev�ns Beain, vv�th a mailmg address of clo Wellons Ent�rpnses, Inc 3025 Bndges Street, Su.rte 9, Morehead City, N� 28557 ("Landlord") aud American Towers, Inc a Delaware corporation, v�nth a ma.tlwg address of 10 Presidenhal Way Woburn, MA 01801 ("Tenant") and evidences that on the d� day of ►'�(��_ �_,_, ZO4Q an Opt�on and Lease Agceement ("Ag�resment') was enter�d into by and between I,an�dlord. atid Tenan� 1 Ontio� The term of tlus Opt�on xs one (i) year from the date vf this Memorandum {"Ophon Imtia! Term") Tlus Ophon can be extended by Tenant for one (1) addihonal penod of one (1) year eaah and for such other penods as the Landlord and Tenant mutually agrree ( Ophon Renewal Terms") 2 P� anei� Landlord owns certam real property d�scnbed m Exlubrt "A" attached hereto ("Property") Sub�ect to the ter�es of the Agreement, Landlord has granted to Tenant an optton ta lease a porhon of the Property ("Premrses") aatd tc� acqwKe cextam easements for ingress, egress a�d uhlit�es (`°�asements") wluch Premtses and Easements aXe descnbed m ibe �,ease (the Prem�ses and Easements are collec'trvely Y00 � r �~ T J % � • \ K_.�� �AG._.._.�� referred to as the `Srte'� a hcense to us� certasn other porhons of the Property and a nght of first refi�sal to purchase ifie Srte and/or the Property upon the occurrence of certa�n events 3 L�, ease Should Te�nant exerc�se its optaon, the Agreement vrnll const�tute a lease of the Site Tl�e tmhal term of the lease shall be for five (S) years camm�ncmg upon the date Tenant specifies m a wnt�en nobca to Landlord The Agreement �hall automatically reuew for four (4) addit�onal penods of five (5) yeazs each unless Tenant notif'ies Landlord of its decision not to renew the Agreement 4 � All no�ces, requests, demanc�s aad ather commam.cat�.ons tfl the Landlord or Tenant shall be mad� at the followLng addresses lo d Wellans Enterpnses, Inc 3025 Bndges Street, Swte 9 Morehead Crty, NC 2855'i T�n Am�gncan Towers, Inc C/O Amcncan Tower Corporahon 10 President�al Way Woburn, MA 01801 Attn Land 1V�atiagement With, a Conv to Amemcau� Towers, Inc C/O Amencan Tower Corpora�on l lb Huntmgtor► Avenue Boston, MA 42116 5 ConstractiQn af M[en�,o�an�um This Memorandum is not a complete sammary of the terms and cond�t�ons eotttainad u� the Agm.ement Prov�ons m the M�tnorandwm shall not b� used m mterpretmg tb�e Ag�ement provisxons In the event of a conflict between ttus Memorandum and the Agreement, the Agreement sha1I control SIGNATURES T4 FOLLOW ��3 ��U��� P..�G� -�--- TN V�JTTNESS WHEREOF the pazt�es have executed thrs Memorandwn �s of the date first set forth above LANDLORD Jean R Wellons S�gnature � �„/ Date � Joe C Beam � �a, ; wii - � .i.,.� �� : � � Ja�uce Levv�s Beam , , a : �i :., _.., .� :,. : �w 1: - , STA'TE OF NOTtTH CAROLINA COUNTY O� C TLRET �w,e�A V1 ��c�a Before me / the wsd�rs�gned a hlotary Pu�slic for thc State, personally appeazed E,a a Eu.��s personallp known to me (or proved to me an the basis of sahsfa�tory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscnbed to the vrnthui �nstriun�axt and acknawledged to me that he executed the same m tus authQn�d capacity, and that by lus signature on the mstrument, the enhty upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument -���t�.uata�!ss:- tamp or sea1, this � day of � � � �,� 4 Notary Pubhc My commission expues _�? � ��� � � ����� � - �� STATE OF NORTH CAROI,INA COUNTY OF CARTERET Befor� me, ���� �� ���«�S the undersi�ned a Notary Public for th� Stats, personally appeared �10� �m personatly known to me (or pmved to m�e on tl�e bas�s of sat�sfactory evxde�ce) to be the person whose name �s sabscnbed ta the v�nthtn� instxvment and acknowledged to me that he executed the satne u�. 1us authorized capac�ty, and ihat by lus siguattue on the utshvment, tbe enhty upon behalf of which the person acted, ex�cuted the instrument STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA tamp ar seal tlus � day of � �Xl�� Notary Pubhc My commission expues /� iu /u COUNTY OF CAR'T�RET Before me, ��Q �A � wl«� s ei'��gneid, a Notary Pubhc far t#�e Stats, personally appeared q e am personally known to me (or proved to me on the basxs of safis�actory evidence) to be the p�rson wliose name �s subscnbed to the vNthm uistrument and acknowledged ta me that he exacuted the same m his authorized capacrty, and th,at by tus szgnatin� an the u�strument, the enhty upan behaif of wluch the person acted, executed the u�strument SS my hand and official stamp or seal tlus o°�mdf day of ���"._ �o �u F;``��,,`�� � �{J ',� � � � �,,'�►� ��'`�Y���t'�i.RY sEAL) "���pT���= r � � "�i�� �00 .�(�, « � � � � �-� � ' , ��,�R�� �0��� �itl�(S �4 � �J�4! Notary Public My comncussion sxp�res /� /o /� 3 "'� p►GE�� t3�U ....�..�. � TENANT t�lmencan Towers, Jason D Vice PrE Date 1Vlanagement IIo corparahon C�MMONWEAI,TH 4� MASSACHUSETTS) ) ss COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX } Then, on th� _'�? __,___ day o� � G�'7 ., 24 TC) persanally appeared the sa�d, Jason D kIirsch of Atnerican Towers, Inc as aforesaid, s�gner and sealer of the foregoing u�strument, and acknowledged the s�rne to be lus/her free �ct and d�d as Vtce Presid�nt, Lan�d Managemenit of Amencan Towers, Inc and the fi�ee act and deed of sazd corporatton, before me ���3�G s�io$�� a� ' ,� � � � G : c�.'AI�'Y�.,� Fxpli'�9 ���� � �ooa 1� r i✓ ^�i�.�.�^ The foIlowtng exlubits aze attached hereto and mcorporated herem Exlnbit A l�escrlpt�on or D�p�ctxon of Property Exlub�t B Descr�ption or Depict�on of Site ����� I�� ��� � M� EXHBIT A PROPERTY Ta�a $alpg ail n�' Loka 1 thraugA 100 at tlio �# �. Potk�r �ro�rLy �ab- weela�dl�eM� !o �riag �taly xsao�dAB in Map Book 8. paBe �b8 Ga�ttrsC 4 �te�1� i�naindie�g �ii x�.61►� ttt�e ��d itntee�at and ctatm. ot grstMore �► I idA� IN itral�kr �Yt4� oe said trit� ail At a►xiob p��,pdtl�► i�e m�se gar�lc�tLarly dss�ri� oa �llawst A��g4seds� a� a� �ke as the Coun�y Road �U ,9, Kigltway �''0) �dlag lrann �Qa�vpa io !►�q�esQ City� es►d et�k� bming. th�e �ortheseb cor�x et Ttsok A'43 x�qM11g � il�nap �i,e►t�g a1�td �d �i �5•25 W 8D0 leet to a� stake �on t1�Ie rosd dtvld� xxact i �t �118'�'�l�4! N�� f��Ce �t 89��9 W+�� 489 Iee! to 4 sk�km� it b�qtg the �x�es�t � cot�rer o� �eae! �t,i R�uua� S 44«SS W 643 l@a! !a a�take, bning t8e nox�i�w�e�� adeaer ot ��ract 14t tAe�nc� S 89�35 E fi� 065 t�et to !Ba po�1t! ei b��it�u�ift� Qa�t+e�eg a�rp�wx�te�jr �4 73 a�reA sn� batn� Tr�c� IM� c►� rvhax wao tarmoriy � �.� C��3a��r Laa�a secerding te a r�.,.g enade b� W!�t Sb��i►ar$ in Octoba� a9Q9 atid bs� �e �xtpe t�d con►veyod !o G, �r McCAbo and d W McCa6e by t a• �►. Q�lasbp 1rir aeed deied Ontobes 14 1914 ond seaerdad !n 8oek xZ p�ga 33, i ��s�et �"o�ryr Aa�ttt�y, aad bel�g the �A�re Isnd aaaveyed to klernr'S► W f�iiabe �+1/ �teaa tt�ao�cded fa 8001� 96 ps�a 46�t Ca►t�t�reo Goaah► Re tutary anQ be�ng tLe � p1a1�► �►lotdr �ootNveyaa !e �. L. ��lyos and ait■ 6y d8�d do�ta� pi4wmbar 17 1Q65„ o� satisKd�in eeek 186�_��a T9t. Cartv�ret Cuuaty Regi�lsy, and bt�ng kbo �t�ef�o + /Gt . .ef'^�. ..� r LaAs aa�nv�qad by ear� D Qs�y b� d��dr o! �rs�eor� i� 8vak 193, �nok 149, �Ba v14 C��rtarae Qvaaey Regt�tx�p �+�� �°a a�ao Tha graMOre hsra�wtAer seRsih uAto lltieewebras �11 n►isaret rlRh�s� bwt le ie expreeeiy agreea that t1� gsaatosa aam m�! ft►1ae oa b�la►ra !or the x�ta�ra�e afitbout thA a�ittan �eemipaaon oE eha ��at�as IsBrpvtideX �f`l3 ���� ���:.� µ _� .� NI�TES: 1. THIS SITE IS LOCATED IN CARTERET COUNTY AND DRAIN� TO THE HU�L SWAMP (STREAM CLASSIFICATI01�: C) WNIC'r-I IS R NON-SA WATER WITNIN THE WHITE OAK RIVER BASIN. 2. RUI�O�� �ROM IMPERVIOUS SUR�ACES SNA�� BE I�J THE �ORM OF SHEET F�OW TO THE MAXIMUM EXTE�JT PRACTICAB�E. 3. THIS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN A FLOOD ZONE ACCORDI�IG TO FEMA COMMUNITY PANEL �3720634700J, DATED JULY 16, 2003. 4. HYDROLOGY OF REMAI�lING WETLANDS WILL BE MAINTAINED DURING AND RFTER CON STRUCTI ON. 5. PRIOR TO ANY SITE WORK, INCLUDING CLEARING AND GRU�8ING, �ITNIN WETLANDS, AL� MATERIALS MUST BE ON SITE. THIS INCLUDES SILT FE=NCE, CU�VERTS, ETC. 6. SITE WORK WITHIN WET�ANDS MUST BE KEPT TO A MI�IIMUM. 7. SELF-INSPECTIONS SHOULD BE COMP�ETED ACCORDING TO TNE SELF- INSPECTION PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS PER NCDENR. ALL SE_LF- INSPECTION REPORTS SHOU�D BE KEPT ON SITE FOR THE DUR�,TION OF THE PROJECT. 8. CONACT DLR OFFICE AT {910) 796-7215 PRIOR T0 PRE-CO(�STRUCTION MEETING. S88°54'49"W 451.11 ' IRF_ ��� ���ii. � � `�� �XISTING WETI�ANDS �ROPOS�D 1��Tl�AND IMPACTS �; . . . - . SITE A,R�A; EXISTIN� (�i���VlOUS AREA: PROPQS�,� 4�ik�El��lOUS AREA: AREA TQ �� C��ARED OF VEGETA�.:I�(�: PR�PQS�(� 1�1�`�LAND IMPACT: (� JURISDIC`�IC�f��l� f�PW IMPRCT: �' ' � ` ' ' ' � � � • � i i ;�. �' r i � � � � I : .` • ' .' � � � ' 33.64 A� o.00 Ac (o �o�) 2.21 RC (6 �7�) 3.50 AC (10.4�� 1.04 AC 30 FEET \ � � \ \\ � ^ �� � r . - . � . .� . CONCRETE: 580 CUBIC FEET STRUCTURA,L FI��: 44,75� CUBIC �EET �57 STONc: 48,55� CUBIC FEET ASPHALT: 165 CUBIC FEET . . • � � . ., . � . CONCRETE: STRUCTURA,� FI�� #57 STONE: ASPHA�T: 0 CUBI� �EET 22,651 CUBIC �EET 22,651 CUBIC FEET 0 CUBIC FEET � N/F — RCi�E�T �4c° BONN� � �—PROPOSED 100'x100' ATC � KELLEY FAMILY L'l'D. LEASE AREA N F ��\ PID: 634i.�4.b',�,382t�00� PROPOSED 250' � � D.B. t313, PG. 2�� �SE�F-SUPPORT ?�OWER. �I COPPER INC. �\ ZONING: CH EXISTI�IG JURISDICTIONAL �'l�� �347.D4.52.4�54000 /— .�. 926, PG. 4>0 PROPOSED 20 WIDE GRAVE� EXISTING JURISDICTIONA� ��. RPW DITCH ZONING: ITV/CH ACCESS DRIVE. SEE SHEET RPW DITCN �i� �— PROPOSED 1.�1 ACRES SW-4 FOR DETAI�S. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � WETLAND DISTU�BANCE ------ ------------------------------- � --�- -�` -�� �.`' ----------------------- --------------- �� ��� ��__� j S�\ � . EXISTING WET�A�JD i ,F�,�'�' 6---= – � � �.. .� -- j � � \� J� � ��� � �� � � \ \ � _ � _ .� � � ^ \ � ._- — j°� ( �� / / � \ \ � t' . � r > > — — _. —. ._ \ — — --.. _,._ \ � \ �•- � I / { � / I i ' �100°5315 W --__----_ _ ----__y ----� ,� —_=- �___ ----� � / i __ �`� W ( j� ��.�: ��� � � ' _ — — _ — — � — _ ` _ _ _ — / ; � � ' -� j � / / �� � � � � � ! .-- �- — � _,,. r i -, ''� -- / ,-�" "_ "� ...i � i — ` -� l- � -J � � 269.69' - � �,� � :��}:}:���: }tx. ? �� � � ` _ - - � � � �� �� i S8 J °07' 56"W 41 �8. 34' r �� , � ._-- �. � - - - - - -. - — - _ � � � ^ ~ �, ~ . . , « . . r t i . _ � \� « . . . . « . . «. � --- — � r— -_.. _ _ _ _ _ , _ — _ � — - — _ _ � « + -c-� � � �.,. � '. .r'.' �. ':�. _ s � = — — — . . . � . � • _ -�. � � �.. � . -` _„ '�_ , , .. .._.. . .. ___. . ., j, � �rr• � � � *'rr�� +� r� ♦ r t � t � � r � '+'** ' �, _ _.. _. — _ _—\-` _ _ /°-`-•— J�_ / _ _--- „ . r`�� t r`a•' t V r t • r r+ ��«+hr �t r + r i + �� �`r r.�. ...�. � 1–/ —`� _/1' L '-�- • t1, -�. � o / r e'r*r ri+{e+.i rre * +� +{:*+ s *��C*r�+�r�+�t�r � {t-r%'F�r� +�+�+�+� �����r�r�,�"t�r�-F r ♦ + r r ♦ +�i�+--r+.•r r t�r���+��� + ♦ r + + r r -- — µ r ♦ ♦ -- � ��. v,. 1 �� �-- f �' rr,•, C, ,� �=r r .�; . ��. t ,*..-� . �';�. ,� ,r.r*�.r� .,Tr r. .r* r. , . . * * � � � � � � ,�. , , t . � _. � _ _ ! _ _ � _ _ _ � _, _ ____ — Y yvr � ' rJ r+ r r r r r r r r t r� r r s` * r � r �°t �♦ Y r r T t ♦ y r.x- i-r r: r � r r r r r r s r..-�- *-r f"t \\ I � «t«+.--. 9'rs-a r + ♦ r'r r*r + 1+r++*a � + r.t+-*� =d-y i + 1 F r + ♦ r r ♦ r i�t�+ G�x s�r -y--^+Ti +�s r +r-s�s-r°+t♦+..r�. -+-r-r �e�.-.-r�r'ir:Z � -..• _.• ~' / i � sa�.T-f-" �f,«i-+.weTt°Z� rii'♦ ♦~�T h r�.ta� -t-t"-f°~+ ~•♦ � S-n � � (✓ r � rr«rr �.y• •'f•r•r�r� h���r--r r-s 't"+ t r i + r t,3.. � r+ rr'ir f r r r r+ r r�t �'t + r 1 t r Fr ` r♦�+*r �t� �r�r' ^_ . 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" �' • � : „ ; ■ ; F � - - -- _ I JEAN R. T�'EL�ON.S' UTI�ITY EASEMENT SEE SHEET SW-3 FOR DETAI�S. �� � PID: 6347.03.32e3534000 30' OF �INEAR IMPACT TO RPW �� � DeB. i333, I'G. 32i DITCH. �� � P.B. 3, PG. 32� EXISTING DRAI�IAGE ��� � i ZONI1viG: I�'/C�l D I TC N C�AMDIGGER INC`e � PIDa �34�'. f13.3,2.4 � 4700� � D.B. 0494, F'Go 00394 � ZDIVI�i�e I �Y/G'I� IPF� ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------�------�------------- � �\ � � \\ N�l'' ��F' � WILDWOOD AS�'OCIATES IL �i'Of�D ASS�CIATES � Plll�e 634i. 04. ?' 1.3868D00 �I : 634i.03.2 �.2013�00 �� D.B. �'34, .�G. > 04 I,.�. 533, �Go �7 � ZONING: �`H ���%I�G: �-20 � \ � � � � � � � � . 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