HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131282_NC 32 (3)_20100429I'roposed I�TC 32 Connector Fpom iJ� 64 to ihe Intepsectian oi I�iC 32 and N� 94 Washin�ton County Federal r�id Project S'�I'-OOOS(252) WBS �lement 34548.1.1 TII' 1'roject # R-3620 � .. . ,�. � ,�, :� � . , � :. 1 �, •' �! •'; ►,�• , �,:. 1 '• 1, '• ! ,..,�, t ► , ;• �; • ,. ► :� • „ � , Submitteti Pursuant to 4� TJ.SoC. 4332(2)(c) APPROVEI): �` �� '� I)ate i'� Gregory .�. Thorpe, Ph.ID., li�ianager Project l)evelopment and Environmental Analy�is Branch, I�CDOT ������a� I3ate , � ���;� �� ������� j��`'J�hn F. Sullivan III, P.E., Division �dministrator Federal �Ii�hway Administration Proposed 1�C 32 Connector From U� 64 to the Intersection of �1C 32 and I�C 94 Washington County WBS Element 3454�.1.1 TIP Project # R-3620 �indin� of I�1a Si�nificant Impact March 2010 Documentation Prepared in Project Development and Environir►ental Analysis �ranch by: '' � : . 1, � , �.,,. ��'g Kristine A. O'Connor, P.E. Project Planning Engineer Charles iZ. Cox, P.E. � Project En�ineer, Eastern I�e�ion ��``1�11tfp�td'o�, ����� ��������� ����� °��aSf� � ����� � �,°�� ��<°� � � � e � S E �l� �" a �. �� a 34�3� � � � �,`��'' �°,,, �',°°�, •° �°��'.�, : ` ra I �4�'� °�o`"'��� ���� � � ��� �,�,�\�� /ll ► . � �. Proposed IyC 32 Connector �rom US 64 to the lntersection of 1�C' 32 and �?C 94 `Washin�ton County ��'�S �lement 3454�.1.] 7'II' Proj�ct # R-3620 Proieet I�eveloument � En��ironmental Analvsis Br�nch —I�atural Environment Llnit ln order to remain consistent with the Coastal Area Manageinent Act (CAMA} Land Use Plan fo�- Wasl�ington County, all mitigation for wetlands impacted within the county boundaries must be perforined within Washington County, as opposed to any othe�- county in North Carolina. Iaaadv��ay I)esi�n Unit � Geotechnical Enaineerin� Llnit Additiona] coordination with resource agencies re�arding the use of undercut versus �ll will take place prior to the Concur�•ence�Point 4B meeting. R-3b20 Finding of I�o Significant Impact Page ] oi l ]t9arch 2010 : �! � - I. TYPE OF ACTIOl�1 ..................................................................................o........................3 II. DESCRIP'I'IIJN OF PROPtJSED ACTIOIV ...................................................................3 III. PREFEI2gt�D ALTERNATIVE ................................>.......o.....................>........................2 IV. �Uli'IMAI2�' OF E1�1�II2�I�t11ZEI�1T'AL EF��CTS .........................................................2 A. Avoidance and Minimization ...............................................................................................4 1. Avoidance ........................................................................................................................4 2. Minimization ....................................................................................................................4 3. Additional issues ..............................................................................................................4 B. Wetlands Finding .................................................................................................................5 C. Floodplain Finding ...............................................................................................................5 V. �OORDINATI��1 AI�I) C�Il�IMENTS ...............e............................,.............................6 A. Circulation of the Environmental Assessment (EA) ............................................................6 B. Comments Received on the EA ...........................................................................................6 l. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ...........................................................................6 2. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service ...........................................................................................9 3. NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services ................................................10 4. NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources ...............................................10 5. NC Division of Coastal Management ............................................................................11 6. NC Division af Environmental Health ..........................................................................11 7. NC Division of Marine Fisheries ...................................................................................12 8. NC Division of Water Quality .......................................................................................12 9. NC Wildlife Resources Commission .............................................................................17 C. Public Hearing Comments .................................................................................................18 D. Actions Required by Other Agencies ................................................................................18 E. Merger Process Coordination ............................................................................................18 VI. IZEVISIOlYS TO ENVIROI�MENTAL ASSESSIVIEliTT ..............................................19 A. GeotechnicalIssues ............................................................................................................19 B. Farmland Impact Assessment ............................................................................................20 C. Stream Information ............................................................................................................20 1. Stream Classifications ....................................................................................................2Q 2. 303(d) Listed Streams ....................................................................................................21 D. Air Quality — Mobile Source Air Toxics ...........................................................................21 VII. BASIS FOR F'INI)II�1G iJF NO SIGNIFICAN�' I1VI1'AC'T ..........................................23 .; Table 1: R-3620 Resource Effects .................................................................................................... 3 /:����1►�'17C��F.y Appendix A Figures • Figure 1 Vicinity Map • Figure 2 Aerial Map Appendix B Camments from Federal, State, and Local Agencies Appendix C Merger Process Forms Appendix D NRCS Forms & Farmland Impact Assessment Proposed 1�TC 32 Connector �rom US 64 to� the Intersection of loTC 32 and lo1C �94 Washington County �'B� Element 3454�.1.1 TIP Project # R-3620 y: � � . � . Prepared by the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation I. TYPE (JF ACTION This is a Federal I�ighway Administration {FHV�A) administrative action, Finding of No Significant Impact {FONSI). � � � The FHWA has determined this project will nat have any significant impact on the environment. This FONSI is based on the Federal Environmental Assessment {EA), which has been independently evaluated by the FHVVA and determined ta adequately and accurately discuss the environmental issues and impacts of the proposed project. The EA provides sufficient evidence and analysis for determining that an Envirorunental Impact Statement is not required. This document is also based on comments from Federal, State, and local agencies, as well as the public. The FHWA takes full responsibility for the accuracy, scope, and content of the EA. i . , � . � ,. � �� ` : ,�.. The NCDOT, in consultation with the FHWA, proposes to canstruct a connector from the US 641SR 1139 (Beasley Road) interchange to the intersection of NC 32 and NC 94 in Washington County {see Figure 1). This project is included in the approved 2009-2015 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), but is not included in the current five-year work plan. The total cost in the STIP is $16,589,000, which includes $300,000 for right of way, $189,OQ0 for mitigation and $16,100,000 for construction. The current estimated total cost for the preferred alternative (Alternative 1) is $19,367,000. Right of way acquisition is scheduled to begin in Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2012 and construction in FFY 2014; however, these dates are subject to change based on the outcome of the pending six to ten-year wark plan. 3 ,. .. � . �... Several alternatives were evaluated in the EA, including the "no-build" alternative and six (6) build alternatives on both new and existing location. At the Concurrence Point 3 meeting held on October 15, 2409, the Merger team concurred on Alternative 1 as the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) for this project since it minimizes impacts to both the human and naturai environment as compared to Alternative 2. Additionally, the difference in the quality of the wetland impacts, the amount of stream impacts, the cost and the relocations associated with Alternative 2 make Alternative 1 the preferred alternative. �• --� �:, �, •� Adverse impacts to the human and natural enviranments were minimized for the proposed project through alternative development and selection, reduction of fill slopes at stream and wetland crossings, shifts in the proposed alignment, and by using culverts instead of bridges over high quality wetland areas*. No adverse effect an the air quality of the surrounding area is anticipated as a result of the project. The proposed project will not adversely impact any historic structures eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places or any known archaeolagical sites eligible for listing in the National Register, The project will invalve the relocation of one (1} business. The praject will impact approximately 19.3 acres of wetlands and 191 linear feet of streams. No Environmental Justice issues were identified. The Biological Conclusion for the red wolf is May A, f'. f'ect-Not Likely to AdveYSely A, f'fect. Table 1 below gives a comprehensive list of resources and the effects associated with each. 'Using culverts at the stream crossings, as opposed to bridges, minimized the impact to both wetlands and streams. Because of the grade change required to build bridges, the footprint of the bridge and the slope stakes was actualiy greater than the footprint required for cuiverts. 2 Table 1: R-3620 Resource Effects �This prcry'ect may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the red woif. A. Avoidance and Minimization 1. Avoidance As noted in the Environmental Assessment, complete avoidance of the stream and wetlands is not possible due to the presence of these resources in the project study area. All alternatives had some impact to wetlands. � 2. 1Vlinimization In an effort to minimize the impacts to wetlands associated with the construction of the selected alternative, NCDOT has implemented the following measures. All preliminary recommendations for minimization are based on the available surveys for this area: + Alternative 1 has been shifted so that the fewest number of wetlands and streams would be affected along this alignment. • NCDOT will employ 3:1 fill slopes in all wetland areas. � No ditches will be utilized in wetland areas throughout the project unless undercutting is readdressed at a later date. • There will be no impacts to Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Areas of Environmental Cancern (AECs). • The project will have limited control of access on the new location portion and partial control of access on the existing location portion. Limited control of access will only allow connections to the facility at interchanges or at-gade intersections and no private driveway connections will be allowed. 3. AdditionalIssues a. Natural Environment • Alternative 6 was developed to the west of Alternative 1 in the hopes of minimizing the number of wetlands impacted. However, Alternative 6 actually had a greater number of impacted wetlands, so it was removed from consideration at the Concurrence Point 2A meeting in 4ctober 2008. & Consideration of undercutting the natural grade will be addressed once geotechnical surveys are completed. 0 • NCDOT will examine the use of grass swales with non-erosive velocities at the wetlands, pre-formed scour holes, energy dissipators and pipe equalizers. Stormwater basins, though probably not necessary for this project, will be desi�,med at a later date if required. b. �-Iuman Environment � Alternative 1 will not displace any residences. g Alternative 1 avoids adverse impacts to properties on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (Rehoboth Methodist Church and the farm on NC 32). • Eight (8) foot shoulders (the minimum al�owed by AASHTO) will be designed for this facility. If guardrail becomes necessary, the shoulders will be widened to 11 feet. �> Wetlands Findin� In accordance with 33 CFR 328.3{b) and 23 CFR 777, 27 jurisdictional wetlands were identified and delineated within the project study area. Each wetland included the presence of hydrophytic vegetation, the presence of hydric soils, and the evidence of wetland hydrology. Jurisdictional verification of the wetlands and streams occurred on July 20, 2007 with a representative of the USACE. The LEDPA impacts approximately 19.3 acres of Section 404 wetlands, none of which are designated as CAMA coastal wetlands. NCDOT was unable to completely avoid impacts to wetlands. It was determined that there is no practicable alternative to the proposed construction in wetlands and that the propased action includes all practicable measures to minimize harm to wetlands which may result from such use. Since this project will impact more than one (1) acre of wetlands, mitigation will be expected. C. Floodplain Findin� The Federal Emergency Management Agency {FEMA), in cooperation with federal, state and local governments, has developed floodway boundaries and Flood Insurance Rate Maps {FIRMs} for Washington County. Based on the most current information available from the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program {NCFMP), there are no regulated streams that will be crossed by this project. However, the Hydraulics Unit will continue to coordinate with the NCFMP and FEMA to ensure compliance with floodplain management ordinances as applicable to this project. 5 !`�' 1' � i , . 1 � A. Circulation of the Environmental Assessment (EA) The FHWA approved the EA on March 31, 2009. The approved EA was circulated to the following federal, state, and local agencies for review and coinments. An asterisk (*) indicates a written response was received from the agency. Copies of the correspondence received are included in Appendix B of this document. Responses to substantial comments are noted below in Section B. U.S. Army Carps of Engineers — Regulatory Division * U.S. Environmental Protection Agency * U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Marine Fisheries Service * N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services N.C. Department af Cultural Resources * N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources * N.C. Division of Coastal Managernent * N.C. Division of Environmental Health * N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries * N.C, Division of Water Quality N.C. State Clearinghouse k N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission * The Albemarle Commission B. Comments I2eceived on the EA l. U.S. Environmental Protection A�encv COMMENT: "The EA includes a general discussion concerning the NCDOT's Geotechnical Engineering Unit recommendation to raise the grade of the existing roadway by four (4) to six (6} feet. This recommendation includes increased fill heights between the subgrade of the roadway and the water table. The proposed grade change will require NCDOT to construct a new iacility adjacent to the existing roadway in all existing location sections of the project. The EA also identifies the problem that it will be impossible to maintain traffic on the existing facility with such a substantial change in grade taking place. This general issue was brought up during the CP 2A field meeting and later at the next Merger meeting in November of 2008. EPA has substantial environmental concerns for this major design change." � RESPOI�TSE: See Section VI.A of this document for further information regarding the geotechnical and grade related issues on this project. COMIVIENT: "Raising the grade of the roadway by four (4) to six (6) feet is causing substantial impacts to wetlands and streams. EPA has previously noted fram the iield meeting that there is no evidence of the existing roadway being flooded during nonnal events. NCDOT has provided no information regarding problems with the maintenance of the existing roadway as it relates to a high water table (e.g. subsidence issues or SLR projections)." RESPOl�tSE: Floading is not the justification behind the raising of the grade. Please see Section VI.A of this document for further information regarding the geotechnical and grade-related issues on this project. COIVIMEI`1T: "From the Merger O1 Performance Measure analysis, a new location facility in Eastern North Carolina averages approximately 2.6 acres of wetland impact per mile of new roadway (BASELINE 2004�2007). For Alternative 1, wetlancl impacts average 5.2 acres per mile. For Alternative 2, wetland impacts average 1.5 acres per mile. Residential relocations for Alternative 2 average approximately 3_0 relocations per mile. The BASELINE residential relocations for an Eastern new location project are approximately four (4) relocations per mile." 12ESP�I�TSE: Comment noted. COIVIMEI�'i': "Increasing the fill heights of the existing roadway by four (4} to six (6) feet is essentially negating any avoidance and minimization benefits from using 3:1 side slopes in jurisdictional wetland areas. A four (4) foat grade increase will push the fill heights in wetlands to 12-feet on each side of the roadway even with 3:1 side slopes. A six {6) foot grade increase will push the fill heights in wetland to 18 feet on each side of the roadway even with 3:1 side slopes." RESPOI�SE: Since NCDOT's Geotechnical Unit has recommended raising the grade of the proposed roadway four (4) to six (6) feet above existing ground, NCDOT will use alternative avoidance and minimization measures, such as a combination of undercutting and fill in wetland areas and aligiment shifts to keep wetland impacts to a minimum. COMIVIENT: "This is the first time from EPA's experience that NCDOT is proposing to substantially raise the grade of the entire roadway without direct evidence of past problems regarding flooding or subsidence frorn high water tables." 7 iZESPONSE: A four (4) foot difference between groundwater and subgrade is the standard practice for NCDOT in the Coastal Plain. In addition, flooding of the existing roadway is not the reason behind the grade change. NCD�T is proposing to raise the grade of the proposed roadway because of the poor quality of the in situ soils that could lead to a compromised subgrade and because other options such as undercutting are very costly and would ultimately have a greater impact to wetlands because of the need for lateral outfall ditches. COIVIME�T�': `BPA is also concerned that increased fill heights for the roadway are being designed independent af the hydraulic structure recommendations that for this type of facility are designed at a 25-year or 50-year storm event. Raising the grade of the roadway four (4) to six (6) feet to a 100- year event wi11 potentially ereate an `unequal design.' There is also a potential concern for causing flooding on private property in the future, per a camment made by the Town Manager on 11/13/08." ItESP43�i�E: NCDOT's Hydraulic Unit's preliminary sizing of the major drainage structures was based on a 50-year storm event. Based on the sizes of the hydraulic structures, the grade could be lowered if it was dependent on a "hydraulics controlled" grade. However, the grade recommendation is based an the Geotechnical Unit's assessment of the poor soil condition, the possibility of a weakened subgrade, and the prohibitive cost and wetland impacts associated with undercutting. The 100-year storm event will be analyzed during the Hydraulic Design phase when there is more detailed topographieal information available. Typically, NCDOT tries not to increase the 100-year base flood elevation at existing structure crossings and tries to limit it at new locatian crossings. Flooding cancerns on private property will be investigated in more detail during the design phase. COIVIIYIEI�TT: "EPA notes that there are no details provided in the `Avoidance, Minimization, and Mitigation' section of the EA. The discussion on page 27 of the EA concerning the culvert versus bridge issues at two sites is not relevant if NCDOT was designing a typical facility, i.e. one without four (4) to six (6) feet of additional fill height. Page 26 of the EA states that avoidance of some wetlands and streams within the project study area has been accomplished during the design, but there are no details as to how much or where these avoidance measures took place. EPA has not identified an environmentally preferred alternative and requests that NCDOT consider additional avoidance and minimization measures to lessen the potential impacts to jurisdictional wetlands." RESPOI\TSE: Avoidance and minimizations measures are included in Section VII.B of this document. �; CilIVIMEI�T: "EPA notes the comment on page 35 of the EA concerning prime farmlands and that NCDOT is currently performing a Farmland Tmpact Assessment for this proposed project. The EA states that the future assessment will be used in determining a recommended alternative. This analysis shauld have been completed and included in the EA for the two build alternatives. More than 213 of the project study area is in active agricultural fields. EPA requests that the prime farmland information be provided prior to the Concurrence Point 3 meeting for further � evaluation." � � RESPOI�ISE: See Section VII.0 of this document for information regarding the Farmland Impact Analysis. 2. � U.S, Fish & �Vildlife�Service � �OI�IIVIEIIIT: "The project will have significant impacts on fish and wildlife resources, including impacts to streams, wetlands, upland forest and other habitat types. These impacts will be in the form of direct lass of habitat and habitat fragmentation effects on remaining habitat. Although these habitats are already fragmented by the predominantly agricultural land use of the project area, additional cumulative habitat fragmentation effects will occur." RESI'OI�TSE: NCDOT and FHWA do not feel that this praject will have significant impacts on the environment as a result of the selection of Alternative 1 as the LEDPA. The USFWS has stated in their comments that the EA adequately addresses the existing f�sh and wildlife resources, the waters and wetlands of the United States, and the potential impacts of this proposed project on these resources. Although the USFWS has stated that the impacts associated with this project will be significant, they did not request that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) be prepared. In addition, NCDOT has received concurrence from all the signatory agencies to proceed with Alternative 1 as the LEDPA. C�MMENT: "The red wolf (Canis rufus) is a federally endangered species listed as occurring in Washington County. The EA renders a biological conclusion of `may affect, not likely to adversely affect.' The Service concurs with this biological conclusion." RESP�NSE: Comment noted. COMIVIENT: "The Service has been actively involved in the NEPA/404 Merger Process coordination for this project. 4ur input has been incorporated into the EA. At this time, we do not have a preferred alternative. We 9 will defer that decision until Concurrence Point 3 in the Merger Process, and we will provide additional comments and recommendations for further avoidance and minimization to fish and wildlife resources as appropriate." RESP�.iI�1�E: The USFWS concurred on Alternative 1 as the preferred alternative at the October 15, 2009 Concurrence Point 3 Merger meeting. COMIVIEN'I': "The Service believes that this EA adequately addresses the existing fish and wildlife resources, the waters and wetlands of the United States, and the potential irnpacts of this proposed project on these resources." RESPCi�1SE: Comment noted. 3. 1�1C I)epartment of A�riculture and Consumer Services COlVI1�IEIeT�': "Some alternatives in this proposal will further fragment farmland and land parcels. Alternatives 2 and 5 will have the least effect on ihe agricultural resources in the study area. Alternatives 1 and 6 will have a negative effect on the farmland and sail resources in the study area. These alternatives will also have greater indirect impacts (i.e. development, land value increases, subdivision). We believe that whenever existing infrastructure can be updated to alleviate traffic and safety concerns, this action should be taken. NCDA&CS looks forward to the Farmland Impact Assessment currently being conducted by NCDt�T for this project. Again, Alternatives 1& 6 would fragment the farm parcels of the area and thus have an adverse effect on the productivity and viability of these working lands." RESPONSE: See Section VII.0 of this document for information regarding the Farmland Impact Analysis. 4. NC Department of Environment and �Tatural Re�ources COMMEI�IT: "The Department of Environment and Natural Resources has reviewed the proposed project. We ask that the Department of Transportation work directly with our cammenting agencies during the NEPA Merger Process. This will help avoid delays at the permit phase." RESPONSE: NCDOT will work cooperatively with the commenting agencies throughout the NEPA/Section 404 Merger process. 10 5. IlT� I�ivision of Coastal Mana�ement C�IVIMEI�tT: "Please be aware that the CAMA Land Use Plan for VVashington County contains the follawing land use plan policy: `Washingtan County does not support and objects to the mitigation of property from county to county due to the already declining tax base. 1Vlitigation allows property to be exchanged to provide for required wetlands as required by the State.' At the Cancurrence Point 2A meeting on November 13, 2008, the NEPA1404 Praject Team agreed to study two alternatives with estimated wetland impacts of 19.3 acres and 8.5 acres, respectively. The Division of Coastal Management (DCM) District Planner will need to determine that this project is consistent with the local CAMA land use plan(s) before a final decision can be made on a CAMA Major Permit application or Consistency Certificatian. Therefare, when NCDOT develops a project mitigation plan, please be aware that the mitigation plan will need to be consistent with the above CAMA land use plan policy." RESPON�E: Once NCDOT's Natural Environment Unit begins developing a mitigation plan for this project, NCDOT will comply with the all applicable CAMA land use policies. � 6. �TC Division of Environmental �Iealth Ct3M1VIEldTT: "The applicant should be advised that plans and specifications for all water system improvements must be approved by the Division of Environmentai Health prior to the award of a contract or the initiation of construction {as required by 14A NCAC 18C.0200 et. seq.). RESPOl�SE: Comment noted. COMl6'IE1�1T: "If existing water lines will be relocated during the canstruction, plans for the water line relocation must be submitted to the Division of Environmental Health, Public Water Supply Section, Technical Services Branch, 1634 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27699- 1634, (919) 733-2321. Public Water Supply approval is required for the relocation of existing water mains prior tfl construction. If DOT specifications are to be used, only plan submittal is required. Please contact the Washington County Water Department to verify utility location and coordinate the relocatian." RE�P�NSE: Comment noted. 11 C�1VII�IE�T'T: "Plans and specifications for new water distribution lines that are two inches or larger in diameter must be submitted to the Public Water Supply — Plan Review Section for approval prior to constn�ction." RESP�I�SE: Comment noted. 7. l�C Divisian of 1Vlarine Fisheries COMMENT: "This agency has reviewed the EA and supports Alternative l, provided adequate mitigation occurs for wetland loss and impacts. Even though this alternative has greater wetland impacts than Alternative 2, the number of stream crossings and stream impacts is less. The Division feels this alternative averall is the best to pursue." RESPONSE: Camment noted. �. IeTC Division of Water Quality COMIVIEI`T`I': "This project is being planned as part of the 404/NEPA Merger Process. As a participating team member, the NCDWQ will continue to work with the team." g2ESPi�NSE: Comment noted. COMMEI�IT: "The document should include a presentation or discussion of all stream classification(s) and any supplemental classificatians, along with the NCDV�Q Stream Index Number, for any streams which have the potential to be impacted. The document should discuss any streams which may be listed on the most recently available 303(d) list. If none are included on the list, it should be noted." RESPOI�ISE: This information has been included in Section VII.D of this document. COMMENT': "The document discusses raising the existing roadbed four (4) to six (6) feet above the water table. However, the docurnent does not discuss why this is necessary. Some of this information has been presented to team rnembers during past Merger team meetings; however, as a matter of record, a full discussion should be presented in the document. This is especially critical since this design criterion will increase impacts to jurisdictional streams and wetlands, relocations and cost. While it is understood that the high water table in conjunction with the pooriy draining soils may necessitate the need to raise the road, the direct impacts of these two factors are nat clear with respect to the existing 12 road. Is ponding or flooding an and around the existing road an issue? If these are not issues with the existing road, why do the upgraded road sections need to be raised so much higl�er? Again, this issue is impartant to clarify and record because it will lead to increased impacts to both the natural and human environment." RE�PONSE: A further discussion of the geotechnical and grade related issues associated with this project is included in Section VI.A of this document. COIVIMENT: "Upon reviewing the information provided in the EA, the NCDWQ has concluded that further cumulative impact analyses are not required. However, please keep us apprised of any additional information or revisions to the cumulative impact dacument{s). This decision is based on information currently provided to us; this decision may change based on updated or new information." RESPOlVSE: Comment noted. COMMEl�1T: "Future documentation, including the 401 V�ater Quality Certification application, should continue to include an itemized listing of the proposed wetland and stream impacts with corresponding mapping." RE�POIii�E: This information will be included in the permit application. COMMENT: "If mitigation is necessary as required by 15A NCAC 2H.0506(h}, it is preferable to present a canceptual (if not finalized) mitigation plan with the environmental documentation. Appropriate mitigation plans will be required prior to issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certification." RESPONSE: A mitigation plan far this project is in the process of being develaped and will be submitted ta DWQ during the permitting phase. �OlYI1VIENT: `Bnvironmental assessment alternatives should consider design criteria e that reduce the impacts to streams and wetlands from storm water runoff. These alternatives should include road designs that allow for treatment af the storm water runaff through best management practices as detailed in the most recent version of NC DWQ Stormwater Best Management Practices, such as grassed swales, buffer areas, preformed scaur holes, retention basins, etc." RESPOIetS�: NCDOT will use stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) where appropriate. COMMEI�TT: "After the selection of the preferred alternative and prior to an issuance of the 401 Water Quality Certification, the NCDOT is respectfully reminded that they will need to demonstrate the avoidance and 13 minimization of impacts to wetlands {and streams) to the maximum extent practicai. In accordance with the Environmental Management Commission's Rules {15A NCAC 2H.0506(h)}, mitigation will be required for impacts of greater than 1 acre to wetlands. In the event that mitigation is required, the mitigation plan should be designed to replace appropriate lost functions and values. The NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program may be available for use as wetland mitigation." RESPONSE: NCDC)T will avoid and minimize impacts to wetlands and streams to the fullest practicable extent during final design. A mitigation plan will then be developed for any unavoidable impacts prior ta submitting a request � for a 401 Water Quality Certification. COMMEN7': "In accordance with the Environmental Management Commission's Rules {15A NCAC 2H.0506{h}}, mitigation will be required for impacts of greater than 15Q linear feet to any single perennial stream. In the event that mitigation is required, the mitigation plan should be designed to replace appropriate lost functions and values. The NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program may be available for use as stream mitigation." RESPONSE: If mitigation is required, NCDOT will cansider ansite mitigation options or will coordinate with the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program for additional stream mitigation opportunities. C�1VII�IE1�1�': 66DWQ is very concerned with sediment and erosion impact that could result from this project. NCDOT should address these concerns by describing the potential impacts that may occur to the aquatic environments and any mitigating factors that would reduce the impacts." RESPONSE: Please see pages 20-27 of the EA regarding potential impacts to aquatic communities, wetlands and streams and the procedures NCDOT uses to avoid, minimize, and mitigate impacts to them. COlVIMENT: "NCDOT is respectfully reminded that all impacts including but not limited to, bridging, fill, excavation and clearing, to jurisdictional wetlands, streams, and riparian buffers need to be inciuded in the final impact calculations. These impacts, in addition to any construction impacts, temporary or otherwise, also need to be included as part of the 401 Water Quality Certification Application." RESPON�E: Comment noted. COIVIIVIEI�TT: Borrowlwaste areas shall avoid wetlands to the maximum extent practical. Impacts to wetlands in borrow/waste areas will need to be presented in the 401 Water Quality Certification and could precipitate compensatory mitigation. 14 RESP�I�ISE: Comment noted. COMMEl�T: "Sediment and erosion control measures should not be placed in wetlands or streams." � RESP�1ti1SE: Comment noted. COlYIMEI�IT: "The 401 Water Quality Certification application will need to specifically address the proposed methods for stormwater management. More specifically, stormwater should not be permitted to discharge directly inta streams or surface waters." RESPONSE: The application will address the proposed methods for stormwater management. Stormwater will not be permittecl to discharge directly into streams or surface waters. � COlVIME1�1T: `Based on the infarmation presented in the document, the magnitude of impacts to wetlands and streams may require an individual permit application to the Corps af Engineers and corresponding 401 Water Quality Certification. Please be advised that a 401 Water Quality Certification requires satisfactory protection of water quality to ensure that water quality standards are met and no wetland or stream uses are lost. Final permit authorization will require the submittal of a formal application by the NCDOT and written concurrence from the NCDWQ. Please be aware that any approval will be contingent on appropriate avoidance and minimization of wetland and stream impacts to the maximum extent practical, the development of an acceptable stormwater management plan, and the inclusion of appropriate mitigation plans where appropriate." RE�PONSE: Comment noted. COMMENT: "If concrete is used during construction, a dry work area should be maintained to prevent direct cantact between curing concrete and stream water. Water that inadvertently contacts uncured cancrete should not be discharged to surface waters due to the potential for elevated pH and possible aquatic life and fish kills." � RESP�31oiSE: Comment noted. CO1VilVIENT: "If temporary access roads or detours are constructed, the site shall be graded to its preconstruction contours and elevations. Disturbed areas should be seeded or mulched to stabilize the soil and appropriate native woody species should be planted. When using temporary structures the area should be cleared but not grubbed. Clearing the area with chain 15 saws, mowers, bush-hogs, or other merchandized equipment and leaving the stumps and root mat intact allows the area to revegetate naturally and minimizes soil disturbance." �2ESPO�ISE: Comment noted. COMIVIEI�IT: "Placement of culverts and other structures in waters, streams and wetiands shall be placed below the elevation of the culvert diameter for culverts having a diameter less than 48 inches to allow low flow passage of aquatic life. Design and placement of culverts and other structures including temporary erosion control measures shall not be conducted in a manner that may result in disequilibrium of wetlands or streambeds or banks, adjacent to or upstream and downstream af the above structures. The appiicant is required to provide evidence that the equilibrium is being maintained if requested in writing by the NCDWQ. If this condition is unable to be met due to bedrock or other limiting features encountered during construction, please contact the NCDWQ for guidance on how to proceed and to determine whether or nat a permit modification will be required." RESPOI�I�E: Comment nated. C�OIVIIVIENT: "If multiple pipes or barreis are required, they shall be designed to mimic natural stream cross section as closely as possible, including pipes or barrels at flood plain elevation, floodplain benches, and/or sills may be required where appropriate. Widening the stream channel shall be avoided. Stream channel widening at the inlet or outlet end of structures typically decreases water velocity, causing sediment deposition that requires increased maintenance and disrupts aquatic life passage." RESPOI�TSE: Comment noted. COMNiENT: "Sediment and erosion control measures sufficient to protect water resources must be implemented and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual and the most recent version of NCS000250." ItESPOI�TSE: Comment noted. COMIVIEI�IT: "All work in or adjacent to stream waters shall be conducted in a dry work area. Approved BMP measures fram the most current version of the NCDOT Construction and Maintenance Activities manual such as sandbags, rock berms, cofferdams, and other diversion structures shall be used to prevent excavation in flowing water." 16 �ZESPON�E: NCDOT will utilize BMPs where appropriate. COIYIMEI�IT: "Heavy cquipmcnt should bc operated from the bank rathcr than in stream channels in order to minimize sedimentation and reduce the likelihood of introducing other pollutants into streams. This equipment should be inspected daily and maintained to prevent contamination of surface waters from leaking fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or ather toxic materials." � ` _ `�''\ •_���-_t �� -�� COMIVIENT: "Riprap should not be placed in the active thalweg channel or placed in the streambed in a manner that precludes aquatic life passage. Bioengineering boulders or structures should be properly designed, sized and installed." �-'- � 1' , ._ � ��_ ��_ - �_ t � - �� C�JIVIMENT: "Riparian vegetation (native trees and shrubs) should be preserved to the maximum extent passible. Riparian vegetatian must be reestablished within the construction limits of the project by the end of the growing season following completion of canstruction." 1�ESPOIVSE: Comment noted. 9. I�TC Wildlife Resources Commission COM1YIEl�IT: "Prior to selecting a LEDPA for this project, NCDOT should provide a justification for the need to raise the gade of the facility." RESPOI�TSE: The necessary justification for raising the grade of the preferred alternative was provided prior to the Cancurrence Point 3 and 4A meetings. At the Concurrence Point 3 meeting on October 15, 2009, NC Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) concurred on Alternative 1 as the LEDPA. Additional comparison of the wetland impacts associated with raising the grade versus undercutting the existing sails will be provided prior to the Concurrence Point 4B meeting. COIVIMENT: "WRC remains concerned with increased habitat fragmentation that will result from any new location altemative." RESPOI�SE: Comment noted. 17 C. Public Hearin� Comments Following the circulation of the Environmental Assessment, an informal Corridor Design Public Hearing was held on June 8, 2009 at the Windows on the World Technology Center in Roper, NC. Approximately 26 citizens attended the hearing. Of the 14 citizens that commented, eleven (11) of these were in favor of Alternative l, including the Washington County representative. Only one person commented as being in favor of Alternative 2 since he felt that Alternative 1 would cause fragmentation of contiguous woodlands and wildlife habitat, as well as leading to increased collisians with wildlife. Two (2) citizens expressed concerns regarding both alternatives and believed both would impact the community negatively in terms af destruction of wetlands and wildlife habitat (Alternative 1) and residential displacements (Alternative 2). D. Actions Required bv Other A�encies Due to the amount of potential wetland and stream impacts, it is anticipated that an individual Section 404 permit will be needed for this project. Moreover, in accordance with the Clean Water Act, a Section 401 Water Quality General Certification must be obtained from the NC Division of �Vater Quality prior to issuance of the individual permit. E. IVIerger Process Coordination Concurrence Point 3: On October 1 S, 2009, the Merger team met to discuss the impacts associated with Alternatives 1 and 2 and to determine which alternative should be chosen as the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA). At this meeting, the Merger team concurred that Alternative 1 would be chosen as the LEDPA for this project. Copies of signed concurrence point forms are provided in Appendix C. Concurrence Park 4A: On January 21, 2010, the Merger team met to discuss the avoidance and minimization measures utilized during the planning and design of this project. At this meeting, the Merger team concurred on the avoidance and minimization measures that have been ar will be utilized for this project. A detailed list of these measures can be found in Section VI.B of this document. :� VI. I2EVISI��tS TO EI�TVIRONIO�IENTAL ASSESSMEI�1'I' A. GeotechnicalIssues For the preferred Alternative 1, several members of the Merger team expressed concerns regarding the proposed grade of the new facility, which would be four (4) to six {6) feet higher than the existing ground. The additional fill associated with the grade change has led to an increase in wetland impacts for this project over an alignment with a lower grade. This proposed grade change of four {4) to six (6} feet above the existing ground elevation was deemed necessary by NCDOT's Geotechnical Engineering Unit (GEU) due -to the poor condition of the in-situ soils that, in concert with the high groundwater table, could lead to subsidence issues and subgrade instability. Based on the investigation performed by NCDOT's GEU and the general geology of the project area, it appears that there are varying depths of fine grained soils (silt and clay) at the ground surface along almost the entire length af the project. The fine grained sails are moisture susceptible, meaning that a change in the moisture content could severely weaken the sail structure, causing loss of shear stren,gth and volume change. This could result in poor and non-uniform suppart of the subgrade and subsequent cracking in the asphalt pavement. The existing roadway may not have experienced overtopping during flooding events, but the groundwater elevations do fluctuate seasonally. It is believed that at least some portions of the existing raadway were constructed with an undercut of the surface soils. Additionally, there are lateral ditches along some portions of the raadway. GEU proposed two options to prevent the subgrade instability problem of the widened or new roadway. Option 1 included raising the raadway grade such that the subgrade is four (4) to six (6) feet above the natural gound without lateral ditches, or above the bottom of ditches if lateral ditches are installed with outfalls available to drain water from them. Option 2 would require undercutting the fine grained soils and backfilling with granular soils to a depth of approximately three (3) feet or more so that the subgrade is four (4) to six (6} feet above the bottom of undercut. With this option, it would be necessary to install lateral ditches with adequate outfalls to drain water from the undercut areas for proper compaction of the backfill material and long- term performance of the subgrade and pavement. Under Option 2, the grade of the widened or new roadway could match the grade of the existing roadway. However, there is still a concern regarding differential settlement between the existing and the widened roadway due to the variance in the stiffness of the subgrade soils. As requested by the Merger team, NCDOT evaluated a redesign of the recommended ali�mment using a combination of undercutting and fill in order to reduce wetland impacts. In the wetland areas, as noted previously, ditches would be required to drain the subgradc, thcrcby making undercutting an unacceptable option due to the additional wetland impacts that would result. Undercutting could be performed in non- wetland areas along the praposed facility, but due to the need for adequate cover over the crossline pipes, the grade would need to be raised further, negating the value of 19 undercutting. Geotechnical recommendations to this point have been based primarily on preliminary borings and their prior experience with soils in the coastal plain. Currently, NCDOT does not have adequately detailed survey information to determine the dimensions of undercutting that would be required. Additional investigation into the use of undercut and a cornparison of wetland impacts for the two options will be performed prior to the Concurrence Point 4B meeting once additional surveys are completed. Given the current review of the design and known conditions, NCDOT has concluded that the original plan of raising the grade is the most feasible option to carry forward at this time. B. Farmland Impact Assessment As required by the Farmland Protection Policy Act, NCDOT completed a Farmland Tmpact Assessment and submitted it to the Natural Resource Conservation Service {NRCS) for review of the final two alternatives remaining prior to the Concurrenee Point 3 meeting, Alternatives 1 and 2. Alternative 1(Corridor A) received a point value of 76 and Alternative 2(Corridor B) received a point value of 59 for Part VI. NRCS completed their evaluation and assigned points in Parts IV and V for both alternatives. The point total for both alternatives (Parts IV, V, and VI) scored below the 160 point threshold. Consequently, Alternatives 1 and 2 fall below the NRCS minimal criteria and will not be evaluated further for farmland impacts. No other alternatives other than those already discussed in this document will be considered without a reevaluation of the project's potential impacts upon farmland. This project will not have a significant impact to farmland. C. Stream Informatian lo Stream Classifications Since the stream classifications data was not originally included in the EA, it has been added to the F4NSI per the request of NCDWQ. There are 12 jurisdictional streams within the project study area, Chapel Swamp (S2) and three unnamed tributaries (UTs}, Deep Creek (S 10) and three UTs, and four UTs to the Albemarle Sound. The praject study area is located within sub-basin 03-01-53 of the Pasquotank River Basin and is part of USGS hydrologic unit 03010205. Drainage areas within the project study area are a11 part of the Pasquotank River watershed. Best Usage Classifications (BUC) and stream index numbers (SIN) follow Classi�cations and Water Quality Standards published for each river basin. Unless otherwise nated, an unnamed tributary carries the same BUC as the named stream to which it is a tributary. Chapel Swamp (S2) [SIN 30-11] has been assigned a BUC of C;S� from its source to Albemarle Sound. Deep Creek (S10) [SIN 30-14-2] has been assigned a BUC 20 of C;SW from its source to Bull Bay. These waters are also protected for Class � uses. Class C waters are freshwaters protected for secondary recreation, fishing, aquatic life (including propagation and survival), and wildlife. The Sw supplemental classification refcrs to swamp waters, which are waters that have low velocities and ather natural characteristics, which are different from adjacent streams. The portion of the Albemarle Sound [SIN 30] closest to the project study area has been assigned a BUC of SB. Class S� waters are saltwaters protected for primary recreation which includes swimming on a frequent or organized basis and all Class SC uses. Class SC waters are saltwaters protected for secondary recreatian, fishing, aquatic life (including propagation anci survival). 2. 303(d} Listed Streams Neither Chapel Swamp nor Deep Creek are listed on DWQ's 2008 Draft 3Q3(d) list of impaired waterbodies. However, a partion of the Albemarle Sound in sub-basin 03-01-53 was listed as impaired for two (2) use supports: aquatic life (low pH) and fish consumption (dioxin). l�. Air �uality — Mobile Source Air �'oxics Concerns far air toxics impacts are becoming more frequent on transportation projects during the NEPA process. Transportation agencies are increasingly expected by the public and other agencies to address MSAT impacts in their environmental dacuments as the science emerges. Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSATs} analysis is a continuing area of research where, while much work has been done to assess the overall health risk of air toxics, many questions remain unanswered. In particular, the tools and techniques for assessing project-specific health impacts from MSATs are limited. These limitations impede FHWA's ability to evaluate how mobile source health risks should factor into project-level decisian-making under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA}. Also, EPA has not established regulatory concentration targets for the six relevant MSAT pollutants appropriate for use in the project development process. FHWA has several research projects underway to more clearly define potential risks from MSAT emissions associated with transportation projects. Whil� this research is ongoing, FHWA requires each NEPA document to qualitatively address MSATs and their relationship to the specific highway project through a tiered approach (as accarding to USDOT's Federal Highway Administration memorandum, "Interim Guidance on Air Toxic Analysis in NEPA Documents," from February 3, 2006). FHWA will continue to monitor the developing research in this emerging field and will provide additional guidance once more information becomes available. For project R-3620, the additional travel lanes cantemplated as part of the project alternatives will have the effect of moving some traffic closer to nearby homes and businesses; therefore, under each alternative there may be localized areas where ambient 21 cancentratians of MSATs could be higher under certain Build Alternatives than the No Build Alterriative. The localized increases in MSAT concentrations would likely be most pronouneed alang the new alignment segments and along the sides of existing raadways where asymmetrical widening occurs. However, as discussed above, the magnitude and the duration of these potential increases compared to the No Build alternative cannot be accurately quantified due to the inherent deficiencies of current models. In summary, when a highway is widened and, as a result, moves closer to receptors, the localized level of MSAT emissions for the Bui1d Alternative eould be higher relative to the No Build Alternative, but this could be offset due to increases in speeds and reductions in congestion (which are associated with lower MSAT emissions}. Additionally, MSATs wili be lower in other locations when traffic shifts away from them. Hawever, on a regional basis, EPA's vehicle and fuel regulations, coupled with fleet turnover will, over time, cause substantial reductions that, in almost all cases, will cause region-wide MSAT levels to be significantly lower than today. � A full qualitative analysis of MSATs for this project appears in its entirety as an addendum to the praject Air Quality Analysis report, which can be viewed at the PDEA Branch Office on the 4th floor of the NCDOT Transportation Building in downtown Raleigh at 1 South Wilmington Street. 22 VII. BASI� FOR FI1�1DIleTG �F N� SIGNIFICr�1�TT IIVIPACT Based upon a study of the impacts of the proposed project, as documented in the EA, and upon commcnts rcceived from federal, state, and local agencies, as well as the general public, it is the finding of the NCDOT that this project will not have a significant adverse impact upon the human or natural environment. The praject is not controversial from an environmental standpoint. No significant impacts to natural, social, ecological, cultural, or scenic resources are expected. The proposed project is consistent with local plans and will not disrupt any cammunities. The project has been extensively coordinated with federal, state, and local agencies. In view of the above evaluation, it has been determined that a FONSI is applicable for this project. Therefore, neither an Environmental Impact Statement nor further enviranmental analysis is required. The following people may be cantacted for additional infonnation regarding this proposal: Mr. Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation 154$ Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 (919)733-3141 Mr. John F. Suilivan, III, P.E. Divisian Administrator Federal Highway Administration 310 New Bern Avenue, Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27601-1418 (919) 856-4346 23 x ��� . � �_ � _ i 1� � 1 ;�il� .r_ .�� ='2'?�,�n'�'4,s�;w. a r ,-�.-. � lp� .. . . ��,`�'�,-� . . .� 7 ' � ��a,`�; ?` �w . yf '`� ' rr . .sw .,p�P,=.'.. . . w �' '"Y� . �a' ��, a .. = �A'�`. x..r....•; .,I ,»1�.":. "' `n±� x + y- 1 �'qr, m , . -;c� aF,. ,y.'�, `s,,i,. °�� . '��4, �.'.�s� ,ar�.,s. � :�*e;« �.L-: k� , . �"�s aY'"x *`.s°' �",���,`r � � rt.r.�`r", �+�- . .aM:`:'*' oak , nF. xy�,,...�. < �P %� . _. , '. �� . f. '-C :a`: ,...m ... '.. . '+ .^.� Fr d..�.g,rv. .': .."".''� >,s"�.� . 94 °:sxiro . 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E�t�II��3I�dIi?I��1'TA,L PROTECTI{�I� .AGEl�1�'� RE�IC9� 4 i�A.L�IGH QFF��E TERTZY �A�tFORD �'EL9�RA�, C�URT�-i�U�1E 310 �tE��V BEI�I+1 r�.51ENUE d�tiL�BiPAAy 1`d�i'�l iY i.,,���1.�d1qK d/ V�1 Date: Apri124, 2009 Dr. Grego�•y J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Manager, Project Develapment and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transpartation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, Nortll Caralina 2769�-1548 SUBJECT: EPA Review Comments af the Federal Environmental Assessment for R-3&20, NC 32 CQnnector, Washin�ton Caunty Dear Dr. Thorpe: The U.S. Environmental ProtectiQt� Agency Region 4{EPA) has reviewed the subject document and is cammenting in accordance with Sectian 309 of the Clean Air Act and Section 102(2)(C} of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA}. The North Caralina Department of Transportation {NCDtJT) and the Federal Highway Adminisiration (FHWA} are proposing to construct a new four-]ane, connector fram US 64 to the intersection of NC 32 and NC 94, in Washington Co��nty for an approximate distance of 3.7 or S.7 miles. The proposed project has been in the Section 404/NEPA Merger Oi process and, EPA notes the fallowing concurrence point {CP} milestones: CP 1 Purpose and Need signed 7I23/03, CP 2 Alternatives to be Carried �'orward for Detailed Study signed 11/13J08, and CP 2A Bridging and Alignment Review signed 11/13i08. There were ariginally six {b) new lacatian alternatives that were under consideration, including .tl,lternatives 1 through 6. The Merger team was requested to eliminate some of the preliminary study alternatives during the process and Alternatives 1 and 2 were carried forward for detail study in the Environmentat Assessment {EA), Alternatives 1 and 2 diifer greatly in their potential impacts ta human and naturai resources. Alternative 2 is approximately 5.7 miles and Alternative 1 is 3.7 miles. Alternative 2 has 17 residential relacations and 8.5 acres of wetland impac#s and Alternative 1 has 0 residential relocatians and 19.3 acres of wetland impacts. Stream impacts are substantially greater far Alternative 2(i.e., 621 Iinear feet} than Aiternative 1 (i.e., 191 linear feet). EPA offers the following specific comments for some of the issues that were identified in the E1�: Geotechnicai Recommendation The EA includes a general discussion concerning the NCDOT's Geatechnical Engineering Unit recommendation to raise the grade of the existing raadway by four {4} to six {6) feet. This recommendation includes inereased �li heights between the subgrade af the roadway and tlle water table, The proposed grade change will require NCDUT to construcC a new faeility adjacent to the existing roadway in all existing lacation sections of the project. The EA also identifies the problem that it will be impossible to maintain traffic on the existing facility with such a substantial change in grade taking place. This general issue was brought up during the CP 2A field meeting and later at next Merger nieeting in November of 2008. EPA has substantial environmentat concerns f4r tllis major design change. - Raising the grade af the roadway by 4 to 6 feet is causing substantial impacts to wetlands and streams. EPA has previously noted fram the fieid meeting that there is no evidence of the existing roadway being flooded during normal events. NCDOT has provided no information regarding probletns with the maintenance of the existing roadway as it relates to a high water table (e.g., Subsidence issues or SLR projections). Frorn the Merger QI Performarice Measures analysis, a new locatian facility in Eastern North Caralina �vera�es approximately 2.6 acres of wetland impact per miie of new roadway (BASELINE 2004-2007}, For Alternative 1, wetland impacts average 5.2 acres per mile. Alternative 2, wetland impacts average 1.5 acres per mile. Residential relocations for Alternative 2 average approxirnately 3.0 relocations per mile. The BASELINE residential relocations for an Eastern new location project are approximately 4 relocations per mile. Increasing the fill heights of the existing roadway by 4 to b feet is essentially negating any avoidance and minimization benefits frotn using 3:1 side slopes in jurisdietional wetland areas. A 4-foot grade increase will p��sh the fili heights in wetlands to 12 feet on each side of the roadway even with 3:1 side slopes. A 6-foot grade increase will push the filt heights in wetlands ta 18 feet on each side of the roadway even with 3:1 side slopes. There are dQZens of Transportation Impravement Program (TIP� projects in the coastal plain of North Carolina. This is the first time from EPA's experience that NCDOT is proposing to substantially raise the grade of an entire roadway without direct evidence of past problems regarding flooding or subsidence fram high water tab}es. EPA is also concerned that increased �il heights for the roadway are being designed independently of the hydraulic structure recommendations that for this type of facility are designed at a 25-year or 50-year storm event. Raising the grade af the roadway 4 to 6 feet to a`100-year event' will potentially create an `unequal design'. There is also a potential concern for causing flooding on private property in the future (Comment made by the Town Manager, I 1/13108}. EPf1 notes that there are no `Green Sheet' eammitments made for the praposed projeet. EP� notes that tl�ere are no details provided in the `Avoidanc�, Minimizaiion and Mitigation' section of the Et1 (i.e., Pages 26 & 27}_ The discussion on Page 27 cancerning the culvert vei�sus bt•idge issue at two sites is not relevant if NCDOT was designing a typical facility (i.e., One tivithaut 4 to 6 feet of addi#ional fill height}. Page 26 of the EA states that avoidaa�ce of some wetlands and streams within the project study area has been accomplislied during the design but there are no details as to how much ar where these avoidance measUres took place. EP� nates the comnient on Page 35 of the EA concerning prime farmlands and that NCDOT is currently performing a Farmland inipact Assessment far this proposed project. The EA states that the future assessment will be usecl in determining a recammended alternative. This analysis shauld have been conipleted and included in the EA foe the twa build alternatives. More than 2l3 of the project study area is in active agricultuz•al fields. In summary, EPA is not prepared to concur on a`Least Environmentally Damagin�; Praeticable Alternative' (LEDPA) until furt�er documentation is provided concerning the need to raise the �r�de of the existing roadway by 4 to 6 feet. A more extensive discussion may be warranted on appropriate planning and design standards far caastal prajects particularly as they relate to addressing sea level rise issues. Additionally, EPA also requests that the prime farxnland information be provided priar to the Concurrenc�e Point 3, LEDPf1 meeting for further evaluation. EI'A has not identi�ed a�1 environnlentaliy pi•eferred alternative arid requests that NCDOT consider additional avoidance and minimization meas�ares to lessen the potentia] impacts to jurisdictional wetlands. EPA wili continue to stay active in the Merger O1 process for this proposed project. Thank you far the opportunity to comment and if you have any quesiions please eall me at {919} 856-4�fl6. Sincerely, .s-� �.--�--f��--�=-- �----___ Christopher A. Militscher, REM, CHMM Merger Team Representative NEPA Program Office For: Heinz J. Muellex, Chief EPA Region 4 NEPA Program Office Cc: W. Biddlecon�e, USACE-Washington Pield Office D. Wainwright, NCDWQ C. Coleman, FHWA �Jnit�d ������ L��parirnent of th� Int��°io� FISH ANC) WILDLIFE SERVICF< Raleigh Field Of6ce Post Of�ce Box 33726 Raleigf�, North �arolina 27636-3726 . � : ! 1', Gregary J. Thozpe, Ph.D. Project I3evelopment and Environmental Analysis North Carolina Department of Transportatian 1 S48 Mail Service Center Ra��i;�, A:ar�r� Carotira �"7699-IS�R Dear Dr. Thorpe: =��°��;��'i/�� �'i�,isi�� at �-liaitw � ayk �1AY 01 1009 �' � .: c.:, ts u ;;;; iior, t''�Jec'• �cv�!cA►r�nt and �:n�rireni�nf�iAnalysis Braneh This letter is in response to your Apri19, 20091etter which requested comments from the U.S. Fish and Wildtife Service (Service} on the Federal Environmental Assessment (FEA) far the NC 32 Connector from US b4 to the intersection of NC 32 and NC 94, Washington Caunty, North Carolina (TIP No. R-3620). These comments are provided in accardance with pravisions of the National Environmental Policy Act {42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(c)) and section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA} of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543). The Narth Carolina Department of Transportation prQposes to construct a two-lane facilz#y. C7f six arigi�al alternatives, two aiternatives {Alternative 1 and 2} have been carried forward for detailed study. Aiternative 1 wauld be mostly on new lacation, whereas Alternative 2 wauld utilize existing raadway ali�,mments. The project wili have significant impacts an fish and wildlife resources, including impacts to streams, wetlands, upland forest and other habitat types. These impacts will be in the form af direct loss of habita# and habitat fragmentation effects on remaining habitat. Although these habitats are already fragmented by the predominantly agricultural land use of the project area, additional cumulative habitat fragmentation effects will occur. The red wolf (Canis rufus) is a federally endangered species listed as occurring in Wasl�ington County. The FEA renders a bialogical conclusion of "may affect, not lil�ely to adversely affect". The Service concurs with this bioiagical conclusion. The Seivice has been actively involved in the NEPA1404 Merger Process coordination far this project. Our input has been incorporated into the SDEIS. At this time we do not have a preferred alternative. We will defer that decisian until Concurrence Paint 3 in the Merger Process, and we will provide additianal comments and recommendations for further avoidance and minimization to �sh and wildlife resot�rces as appropriate. The Service believes that this FEA adequately addresses the existing fish and wildlife resources, the waters and wetlands of the United States, and the potential impacts of this proposed project on these resot�rces. The Service appreciates the opportunity ta xeview this project. If you have any questians regarding our response, please contact Mr. Gary Jordan at (919) SSb-4520, ext. 32. Sincerely, � �l.- s't' -�� , ,�.��� � :.� Pete Benjamin Field Supervisor cc: Chris Militscher, USEPA, Raleigh, NC Travis VV'ilsan,l�tCWRC, Creedmaor, NC Bill Biddlecame, USACE, Washington, NC John Sullivan, FHWA, Raleigh, NC � P 4°A� �� i�-�i i� i� ;;�41�1 ' �I � � r���� � L r �`� E` ( :< ��..�,.�m,.�� � . � . � � Fe�re m .�,,,��...o,�, � �1 � `�$m 1 :1 ' i �t� � �� � � . � - �� I� ,� �_ � 1 1 � �= . :� . St�vOn W. Traxler Cornmissioner �artl� Caz•alina 41s. �'alcrie McMiilan Sc�tt Cl�;arin�,hc�us� :�.C: t�e�artme_nt cif Administration ] 303 IviaiJ Servicc Cent�r Raiei�t�, Nortf� Cart�lina ??699-1 �t►_1 St�te �: t79-E-4'?2{�_{}�$b `�4�Gt it ir�h ri � •k� :- i �Q ` A�� ; ' .. �fiY`t '1 w � �"���``L � . g� {� .J �' � -' 2�'� ��z: �,-��. �.�i';. 2�U� �.._e � at., y �.n+-'t?: � I �>r _:'_.� f, ��j x �qt ? �c` t-,_ 'Y�,� ._� L„�] �� �3 f ''r�t^ '�`.�.�o� ��i r -' { ,... �� De�arim�ni af .�.�r�ci�li�r� , �� � . • ,� '� �tCaximilian Et�errilt and Consumer Ser�%1C�5 �:�°- �.-ErivironmentalPragrams tt�;��icz�ltural S�r��ices Rf:: Proposal for NC 32 Connector fram IJS 64 krypas� ta the int�rsection of i;S 64 and i��C a2 in Washin;;ton Cnuri2y. TIP �rR-3b20 i?ear Ivis MciV�illan I�urin� the pexiod 2{I(32-2QQ7, NC losc 600,OOt} acrc;s c�f fa�rn and for�st iand duc to c�nversion. 'I'his land n�ass is targer than �nost hE; counties., Soine ofthis conversion was due to new ro�d conslruction. .Some atceroatives ii� this praposal will turtl�er fragment fannland and land parcels. Al�er�atives 2& 5�dill have the least �ff`ect on tlie a�ricultural resourccs in ths stu�y arc;a. Alt�rn�tives l& 6�Vill have a nc�ative ef'fect on the farm}and and soil resources in the study area: These alt�rnatives tivill also have �reater indirect iinpac�s (i.e. deveiapment, land value increases, subdivision). We believc that �ti=henever existing infrastrueture can be upciatcd to aliEViate traffic and safety cotacerns this action shovld be taken. NC��1c�.CS loflks tonvar.d to the Furniland IriJ�act �tssessntYn[ ct�rrentiy i�cin� ec�nducted b}r �1('DC3T for ti�is prc�jeet. /�g�in Altc�•natives i&G wat�ld iragment thc farm }�arcels of the a3�ea anii ihus tiavc an aciv�rse effect im ihe productivity a►7d viabilin° of tliese �vorS:in�;lands. Grat�:fuiiy ,� � ✓���f,� Maxiinilian Merrill. E-maii: maximilian.merrili@nGmaiLnet 1001 Maii Service Center, Raleigh, North Carplina, 27$99-1001 (919j 733-7125 o Fax (919) 716-0105 T7Y:1-800-735-2962 Voice:l-877-?35-8200 An Equaf 4pportunity Affirmativ� Action Empiayer ! � * « From: Cathy Brittingham [Cathy.Briftingham@ncmaiLnet] �ent: Thursday, February 05, 2t?d9 3:43 PM io: Graham, Kristine C} Cc: Paugh, Leilani Y; Jim Hoadiey Subject: R-3620, NC 32 Connectar, Washington Go�nty Dear Kristine, It may still be early in the planning process, but I want to aler� you to a CAMA land use plan policy that may effeet TTP No. R-3620 in Washington County. Please be aware that �he CAMA Land Use P1an for Washington Caunty contains the ioll.owing land use plan policy: p. VITI-� (j}. "Washington Coun�y does not supporC and objects to the mi�igation of praperty fram county ta county due ta the already declining tax base. Mitigation allows property to }ae exchangecl to provide for required wetlancls as required by the State." At the Concurrence Point 2A meeting an 11J13{08, the NEPAf4Q4 Project Team agreecl to study two alternat.ives with estimated wetlanci impacts of 19.3 acres and 8.5 acres, respectively. The DCM District Planner wi11 neecl ta determine that this project is consisten� with the local CAMA land use plan(s} before a final decision can be made on a CAMA Major Permit application or Consistency Certification. Therefore, when NCDOT develaps a project mitigation plan, please be aware that the mitigation plan will need to be consistent with the above CAMA land use plan pola.cy. More informatian about CAMA lancl use planning can be found at the following 1ink: http://www.nccoastalmanagement.netlPlanning/LUPabout.html. Please let me 3cnow if you have any questions, or if you would like �o discuss this further. Sincerely, Cathy Brittingham �NSAra" �, p� ���' �- �� � .,� �,��.��.� ��v� �Io�h �aralina T.���artt���ni a:� ,�dmi��isi�°�i�c��. Li�vcrl�� Eav�s �'crdue; Ciovernor Ivtay 1 �, 2�?{?9 t\-�ir. Cr��c�r}• "I'horpe I�.C:. Dept. c�f'I'ranspc�riatiUn 1'rc�ject Dev. K� 1�nv. �nalysis Brancl� l ��$ Mail Servicc Center Raieigh, �iC 27699-15�i�. Britt C�hb, Secretary- Re: SCH I�iie # 09-E-�#22{}-OZ�3�, EA; 1'roposeicl NC 32 Connec#or fr�m ti� 6� �3yp�ss it� thc itz�iersectinn ttf iJ� C4 and 1�iC". 32 in t�'Va�hin�;t�n C�runtv; 'TIl' #lf�-3(i2!) L)car Mr. Tl�orpe: Tl�e ab�vc referenced eravirc�nm�ntal in��acfi ii�fc�rrr�aii<�n has be�n subznittcti to t1�e State Clearin�tzouse under the prc�visiansof:the National �;z�viro�ltneni�l I'c��iey� �1et. AccUrc�ing tt� G.S. i]�A-l0; when a state agency is rec�t�ired tc� }�repare an envirc�z�ri�:ental dc�cl�mcnt untler ll�e �rc>vi:�ac�zls �i' f�deral law, the cnc�irc�ninental-�ic�cunlcr�fi m�cts The prot�isit���is �it �tli� �tate En��irt�nmental Pc�licti� tlet, Att�ched to this leticr fc�r y�iar cc�nsitieratic»3 are the coinments l�aac�e t�y a�enci�s in flie cc?ttrs� of this r��c�i�w. Ifi any fizrtlier•enirironmental revieu� d�cur�ei�ts ar� �repared for thi5 pxoject, �l�e}� shauld Yre fc�ztivarded to tl�is officc f�r int�r��vernmentat revie�v. Sht>u�d vt�« t�ave ar7_v quesfiic�ns, please d� J�o� hcsit�te to call. Sinc�i•ely; � �(.�' �'�h � ��'{)�.. �' �i:..l��:� ; n,.,,� �., :..� � � �,.,�,�' _ Valerie VJ. McI1�liIlan, llircctar Stat�; Ent�iraniryctital IZe�rie�v t'learizi�housci Attachmeuts cc: Rcbic�n R ,M1�nitixnAttttress: Teleptru+i�: {919jS07-,�dr3 LueutiruirltlJress: _ I301 :�iuil Service C:enicx Fax (9I9}733-9?71 31 G ���est l«ttea fiUcet lLal�igt�,IvC 27Gf)�_I30f StateC�i.r9er�51-OI-(i4 iZ;�leigl�.M1csrthCarolina e-,rrai! vnleriG.�e.,lrcn:il;an:ii,doa.rrc-gpr :lir L•'yual U(�/�ortruqiq,,}/jirmaRve:tcrinu ;:inErimt•r � �i ��� i�az�th CaroIina �e���rrrnent c�f Envirarament ar�d �Tatural ResUUrces I3everly �aves I'erdue Cxovernc�r r�vr�oru�nvns L?ec Freeznan aecrerary T�: :�alarie McMillan State Clearinghousa FROM: M�lba t�cGee � Pxoject Revi�w Ctiordinator RE: 09-0286 EA� NC 32 ConneCtcix to the Exi�ting Sntersect5.on of NC 32 and NC 9� ix� Washi.ngton County DI�T�: t9ay 14, 2469 'r�i� L�epax�ment o£ Envixonment axia Natural Resources has reviewed �hE pY'Dp�a�G� },JX`O] L'Ct . h*e ask tha� �he De�artment of 'I'�anspor�ation wor}c direcCly wa.�h auz �ommenting agencies ciur�.ng the NEPA Merger Process. Th�.s wxll h�l� avaid d�1ayN at t2ae �erma.t phas°. Thank you for th� opportunity [a comment on th�.s project. � . - - Y'�`�. AtCachme�ts ,�� ` � , ,�'� � `v ' ;� ` �`--�:s .,`., ��,•� . :�;� �,� '�� '�'� � -�- .-:J ,..; f . �� r� i ;v �.. � � �'; . - r. f � . �'1 . r` ,�0.��f'". •� � ��RC��% , 1607 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, Narth Carolina 27699-1601 ��� Phone: 919-733-49841 FAK: 919-715-306n intemet: wwww.enrstate.nc.us . NOl"�lC1i'O�lilc`� An Equal Oppor(unity l.Affirmative Actlon Empioyer — 50 /o Recycied t 10% Post Cor,sumer Paper (,�$��P�il �b�� D�PART�IIERIT OF �NVIRC��i11�EN�` AN�i NAi'UF2AL R���UR��S ��V1SIC}N flF E�VIR�JNM��iTAL i��A�.iH lnter-Agency Projec� Review Respanse Project Rlame CJJ�DC}T/i�tCD�T/Fcderal Typ� of Project H�w Ac3ministratic�n Commenfs provided by: [� Region�I Program Persan � Fiegiorrai Supervisor #or Pubiic Water Suppfy Section [❑ Central C?�iee pragram person Name �3t�rry �3ailey-Washin�ton R4 Uafe Telephone n�mber. Program wi#hin Divisipn of Environmental Neai#h. [] Pubiic Wak�r Supply � ❑ C)ther, Name af Program: Response (ci�eck a11 appiicable): Q No t�bjectian #o project as propassd [� No comment ❑ Insu�cient infarma#ion to complete review (:._] Comments attached ❑ See comments b�law 04J1 "a12009 Project Number a�-c�zss County V►iashing�on Prflposed NC32 cannect�r from Tl5G�# to intersectioa of iVC32 & ?VC94, Federal tlid #'raiec'i S'1'p-t�0 )S{��a}, 3'TP R-3G2Q. ����?� ���, � � ���� �Y;� � a t c ' � '.:.fi'�3 ��:�'�°� ak,,� Public Water 5upply Seclion Environmenta! Fteview Coordinator for the Divisian of Enviranmentai Health DEPAR�"MENT OF ENVlRC3i�(I�Ef�T AND �IATURAL. RESC�URCES DIVISIC7N t�F �h1VlRflN�li��iTA� H��LTH In#er-Agency Proje�t R�view Response � Pro}�c# Number ' Q9-02�� � County � 1�lashington F'roject Name [7�T30TI�dC�]OTlFederal Type of f'roject �'�'�>{��tietl ;vC32 cannecYor H�� Administra#ion from t:5G4 4o intersectian of NC.32 & NC94 Federaf Aid Project STP-{)OOS{252}.'i'lP R-3G2q. � The applicant should be advised that plans and specific�tiQns fior all water system improvements mus# be approvEd by the Division of �nv�ro�mental Hea(th prit�r to the award of a conEract or the initiation of cons#ruction (as required by 15A NCAC 98C .0300et seq.). For information, contact the Public �Nater Supply Section, (919) 733-2321. ❑ This project wiii be ciassified as a non-cornmunity public water suppiy and must compiy with sfate and #ederal drinking water monitaring requirements. For mare informatian tt�e app3lcant shoutd c�ntact the i'ublic Watsr Suppiy 5eciion; (999} 733-2321. ❑ if fihis project is consfcucted as propos�d, we wili recommend closure of feet of adjacenf waters to #he ha�vest of sh�llfish. For information regarding the shell�sh sanitatit�n program, the �pplicant should contaci the Shellfiish Sanitation Section at {252} 726-G827. � The soil disposaS area(s} proposed for this pro�ec# may praduce a mosquita bre�ding probiem. Far infarmation cbnceming appropriate mosquito control measures, the app(icant shauid contact the Pubiic Health Pesk Management Section at (919} 733-6407. ❑ Th� applicant shauld be advised that prior ta the rsmoval o� demolition af ciilapidated siru�tures, a e�ctensive radent control program may be necessary in order to prsvent the migration of #he rodents to adjac�nt areas. For inforrnation concerning rpdent control, contact the lo�al heaith departmenf ar the Public Hea{th Pest Management Section at (999) 733-6407. ❑ The applicant should be advised to contact the loeal h�alth dep�riment regarding their requirements for septic tank instalfaiions {as required under 15A NCAC 18A. 1900 et. sep.}. �or informatian concerning septic tank and oth�r Qn-sfte waste disposal rnethods, �onta�t #he. C3n-Si#� Wastewater Section at (919) fi�3-2895. ❑ The applicant should be advised to confac# the lacal heslth deparkment regarding fhe sanit�ry facilities required fnr #his project. ��j lf existing v�ater iines will be telocated during the constructicn, Plans for ihe water line r��� relocation must he submitted to the Division of Environmental Health, Pub{ic Water Suppfy Sec�ion, Technical Sen�ices Branch, 1634 Mail Service Center, Ral�igh, (Vorth Carolin� 27699-1634, (919} 733-2321. � For Regional and Central QfFice commP�ts, see #he reverse side of this form. Jim McRight PWSS Od/15/2Q09 Reviewer Sectionl8ranch bate 0 DEPARTMENT QF ENVIRONMENT ANG. ��� � � !�DO� NATIJRAL R�SOURCE� DIVISI�N C?� ENVIRONMENi!-�L NEAL.7;-i in#er-Agency Project Review Response Project Name: U�dOT/NCDC�T/ T'ype af F'roject: �ederai Hwy Adrrtinistration Cnmments provided by: � R�gional Program �'�rson Regianal Supervis�r #or Publi� Water �upp3y �ection � Centr�i Q�ce program pers�n �fi;;:) Name: Joey White � Telephone #: (252} 948-389�3 Program within Division of �nvironmental Nea1#h: L^ J r.i Pu.blic Water �upp1Y CJfiher, hlame of Program F�espanse (check aA applicable): �'r �Jo objection to project as prapased � Na comment � Insufficient infcrrmation ta complete review � Camments aftached � See cnmments belaw �rc�ject � �9-u286 G.uu� ��y iNashingfon I'�•c���c�sed NC,i? ct�nn�cic�r �Zt)Tll [)�ai>,t itl 1ll�.E;#'S�(;ft(}il il�� �(t.� i� ililtl �I�.`�'�. k�C:C��i'al :�.ld Pro�ect S'I`I'-t)t)Q�2��1. Trl� 12-3f�20 Date Rec'd: �,04117/�9 Date Rev'd: ti41231{l9 • Ptthlie l��'at�r Su��lti- �pprc�v��l is z'e�uirec� fc�r �t�e zelc�ct�tiUn c�f�exisli�a� t�a2cr rziaii�s ��riur t� cc��7struc�it��1. �f I��U7" specif catioi�s �u�c to t�e u�ed oniy p1as1 s3.ibztlittal is rec�uircd. �'lease coll�act tl�e 'G�3aslliri�ton C'.o�a�t�- �,�;ai�i• I.)��srinie:nt ic� �c��•if}� utility location azxd cc�c�rdinate the rcic�catioil. � I'(aTis ant3_ specilica.iinz�s fe�r naw�� v���ter di:;tributioil lines t�lat are t�.ec� i}�cl�cs c�x lar�er iz7 ciza�net4r tr�ust bc submitte<i ic� t:��c 1'ublic lt'aic:r :�t�p�±l}- -� x'l..in Rc.i=ic��,t Sc;ctic�n for appr��%al pric�r to cE�ilStructiori. � Return to : PubG� Water Supply Section , Environmental Revieru Coordinator for the Oivision of Environmentai Heafth �, ���• ��`' � z,,� # �kµ � � �� �'£ � �, � � � � �,.. ,: � � s . �_ �� North Caralina [�e�arkm�nt of Environmen� �nd t�atural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue, Gavemar Divisian c�f �larin� Fisheries Or. Louis B. D��;�I Hi, Direckor C�ee Freeman, Secretary N��MORAiVDUM: Tt7: IVlelb� fllicGee, Environmentai Coo�dinator Office of i.�gislativ� and Intergov�rnmental Affairs THR�UGH: Anne Deaion, Chief Habi#at Section "} FR�M: S�ra E. Winslow, Northern Dis#rict Manager SUBJECT. Projeci �lo. 09-028� — i�G DQT — Prc�posed �1C 32 Connec#or — Hwy 6� to Intersection af N� �2 and NC 94 Washingtari Courity - EA DATE: Aprii 2�, 2009 The E�arth Caralina Division of Marine Fisheries submits #h� fo1lowing cornmenfis pursuant �o Generat Statute 1'13-131. This ager�cy has reviewe� �he �X ant� supports Aitern�fiive 1, provided ad�qua#e mifiigation accurs for we#land ic>ss and impact�. �vert though this Alternafiv� has ��eaier wefiand impacts than Alternative 2, the number of str�am crossings an� stream impacts is less. ihe Division feeis this alt�ma#ive averali is the best to pursue. 3d41 Aren��!I Straet, P.O. Box 769, M�rehead City, Nor�h Caro{ina 28��i Phor►A: 252 726-7021 1 FAX: 252 727-51271 Internet: Nrwv�t.ncdmf.net An Eaual ��pvnuni'ry i,'.;r-:; ;?ive acton E:^^!:�y�r— FO °io Recycletl � 1�°� pesi Cer;:;^?: �'aper One Nc�rthCarolina ��trt�°�ll� Beveriy Eavas Aer�ue ^vovemor ��IYttORAI�DUM '�'t�: Fram i� .*......., i� �'� � North Carolina Department of �nvironment and Naturaf Resources Division af Watet Quality Co:een N. Suilir.s Director Ma}� 4, 2009 Qee rreeman Secretary Melba McGee, �nvironme�ttal Coordis�ator, Ofiice ofLc�islative and lnter�overnmezital Atiairs David Wainwrighi, Divisic�n of Water�Qu�lity�'� Subjecf: Camments on the Enviranme��tal ri.ssessme��t related tc� proppsed NC a2. t;c�nnectc�r #rarn existi�g �5 64 tc� the �?�is�in�; interseetian of :�IC 32 and �IC �4, Waslaiz��tan C.ounty, Federal Aid Projeet No, STROOt1S(252), TIP E2 �620. . St�H:Y: {�9-fl28b This c�f.tice has re1 ie�ved th� referenced dt�cument dat�d Marcla ?009. The NC l�ivision of '4Vater Q�lality {NC1�WQ} is responsible fcir the issuance c�f the Section 40i 1�'ater Qualiiy Certificatian far acfivities that impact Waters of the IJ,S, including wetiands. It is nur understandin�; that the project as present�d wiil result in iinpacts to jurisdictional wetla:nds, streams, and t�ther surt'acc viraters. The I�ICDWQ offers the followin� coznrnents based on review of the aforc�nen�ioned dc�cument: Project �peci�c Commcn�s: `I77is project i� bein� planned a� part of tl�e 4041Ni�'A Mer�er Process. As a partici}�atin� team menlber, tiie NCDWQ �vill cnz�tinue to wnrk tivith the team: 2. The docurnent sh�uld includ� a pres�ntatian cir discussion of all strcam classificatio�t(s} ax�d any suppletnenial ciassificatioi�s, alona with the NCllWQ Stream index Number, for any streams which have tlje potential to be imp�ecteci. 3. The dc�eument should discuss �nt= $treains tivhich mav be Iisted c�n the most recently av�ilable 343(d) list. If none are inclu�led on the list, it sfiould be noted. 4. The dacument discusses raising the existing rc�adb�d f�sar io six feet above the water table. However, the de�ument does not ciiscuss why This is nc�cc:ssary, Some o�'ihis infonmat%pn has been presented td teasn members during past ivlerger tealn »ieetings; however, as a mattcr ofrecord a fuil discussion s}�ould be prese�ited in the docu���ent. This is �,pacially critical sittce this desi;n criterion wiit increas� i�npacts to jurisdictional streams and w�ettands, reiocaCions, arid cost. While it is uizderstood that the hi�l� water table in cc�niunctian with the poc�riti� drainin� soils may necessitate the necd to raise il�e road, the direct impacts of these ri�a #actors are nt�t clear with respect to the e:cisting road. I$ �ondin� ar floc�din�> oi3 and arour�d t�e existin� road an issue? If tt�ese ar� r��l Transporl2Rt� Permitting U�it 1650 Mail3ervice Ceniet; Ralegh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Locaiion: 2329 Crabiree BNd., Rai�igh, North Carolina 27604 Phor.e: 919-733-178o i FAX: 919-733-0$93 inteme�: http:tm2o.encsiate.nc.us�n�rfetland� M Ecoo� �pporlunity : Aif,miz;�ve Ac,wn E:n�loyer �Ql'���c�.�'Ci�lll� ��'��l�'l�"���' issues wifh the exisCin� road, wl�y do tl�e up;raded t-c�ad sections n�cd ta be raised so m�cfi� hi�her? A�ain, this issue is in�portant t� clarifi a3�c� recUrd because it will lead tt� increased irr�pacts to boil� the natural and I�uman �:nvironment. �eneral Comments: 5. Furiire dUCUmet�tatic�n, including ihe 4Q 1 1��'ater t,�7ualiiy Certi�catian application, sl�ould conti»ue to include an itemic�d listing ��fthe proposed �ve#land and stream im�acts with correspc>ndin3 map�in�;. 6. �f nliti�afian is neccssary as requireci by l SA'�1CA.C. 2I i.0506{h), it is preferable to present a concept��al (if not �inaii�ed) miti�atiort_plan vaiih�the e»l�ironmental dc�camentation. Apprc�priate miti�ati��n plans wviil be rcquired prior w issuance t�f a 401 �Vater �uality Certiticatic�n. 7. Environmental assessment alten�acaves shall cansidcr desi�n criteria th�t reduce the irapacts to streams and wetlands from storm water ruiioff. These aJternatives sh�ll include road desi�s that allnv�� for treatment of the s�orm water runoff throu�h best mana�ement pra�ticcs as detailed in the mast recent version of the NCDWQ's S�or•�rnvater .13e.sf Nlcrna�emr.��rt I'rcrcticet, such as grassed swalcs, buffer areas, preformed scour hales, retention basins, etc. 8. After ihe selection of ti3e preferred alternative and prior tv an issua«ce ofthe 4Q I 4Vater Quality Certificatic�n, the NCDC3"1' is respectfuliy reminded tha# they will need io de��nstrate the avoidance and minirni�ation of iinpacts tn wetlands {and streams} to the rnaximum exten# practical. 1n accorciance Lvitl7 the Lnvironmental Management Cnmmission's Rule� {�5t1 �NCi�,C 2�-I.OSt}6[h]}, miti,�ation will be rec�uircc� for impacts of greater th�n l aare t� �vetiaiids. In t3ie event that rniti�ation is required, the mitiaation plan shnu]d be�desi�ned to replace appro}�riate Ic�st functions and val�ses. The �IC"�cosysiem Enhancement Pro�ram may be avaiiable f�r use as wetland miti�atian. 9. In accordancc v.-ith ti�e �nvironmental Managen�ent Cc�mmission's Rules { 1 SA I�;CAC 2H.OSt36[h]), zn�tigation will be required �c�r impacts of greater than 1 �0 3inear f�et t� any �in�le perezinial s#ream�. In the event that miti;afion is required, the miti�ation plan shali be designcd fio replace apprapri�te last functions and values. T'he ?�lC l�eos��stera �nhanceta�ent �'roc�ram mfly be available far use as stream mitiaation_ l0. The I�;CDW{;� is very cc�ncerned tiWith sadiment and erc�sion impaets that eau)d result frorn this project. 1'he NCI)OT shaIl address tl;ese cc�ncerns �iy describin� tt�e potential impacts that r►aay occur to the aquatic enviranmenis and any miti;atin� tactars fk�at wnuId reduce thc impacts. 1 l. "The NGDC}T is respectfully remind�d thai all i��ipa�ts, includin� but nc�t limit�d to, bridgin�, fill, excavation ailc� elearing, a�d rip rap t� jurisdictiona! wetlai�ds, streams, and riparian buf�ers need ta be inclucled in the final impact caleu{ations. 7'hese imp��cts, in additipa� #c� any consfruction im�acts, tcmporary �r otherwise, a3so neeci to b� included as part af #he 40l Ltiater Qualitv Certification =ipPlicatiot�. I2. �3c�rrflw/cvaste areas shall avc�id �veilands to the l7�aximum extent practicaL �Impacts tU wetlands in bc�rrotivlwastc; areas wili need to be pr�:sented in the 401 ��'ater (�ualiry Certificatic�n and cc�ulci preci��itate cc�mpensatc�ry� n�iti�ration. 13. Sccliment and er�sian canirol mcasures shall nat b� placed in wetlanas or streali�s. 14. The 401 V4%ater Quaiity Certificati�n appticalion will need to speci�cally addr�ss the prc��c�sed methods for storm��ater mana�ement. M�re specifically, stormwater shall not bc permirted ta discharge directly iti#r� streams �r surface tivaters, 15. �3ased an tt7e infnrmatian presented in the dc�cument, tlle raaszrsitude of impacts to wetlands and streams �nay require an Individual P�rr�zit (IP) applicatic>n tc� the Carps c�f Engineers and correspanding q01 Wat�r C�uality Certification. Please be advised th�t a 40I W�ier Quality Certiftcatit�n requires satisfaett�ry profeccion of water qualit�r to ensurc that tii�ater quality stan�iarrls are met and no wetland or stream uses �re tas�t: �irial permit autl�orizatian tiviil require the sui�inittai of a formal a�piication by the �IGI�OT and ��rritt�n ennet�rrence frc�m NC[)Vl='Q. �'lease be a�care fhat any a��roval wili be con�it�gent on appro}�riate avoiclance and minimi-r.ation of wetlanci and streann impacts to the maximurn extent practieal, the deveiapment �f an acceptable starmw�ater m�na�eiji�.ni plan, and the inclusifl�n of appropriafe rxiiiigation �lans where appropriate. • 16. lf cancrste is zised duri�7g construction, a clry w�zk ar�a shall be maintained to prevent direct contact between curirag ct�ncxete and siream tivater. Watcr that inadvertently contacts u��cured conc�-ete shall npt b� discharged to surface v�aters ciue io tl�e patential far elevated.pH a��d possible aquatic life and fsh kilis. l 7. If temporary° access raads c�r de�c�urs are consir��cted, the site shall �e �racied to its preconstrucTion cantr�uxs anc! elevations. L)isiurbed ar�as shall be seeded or Tni�iched to stahilize #l�e soil and appropriate native woody� s�ecies sh�il be planted. When usin� temparar�� stractures the area shall bc clearsd but nat �;r��bbed. Clearing ihe area with chain sativs, mowers, btish-ho�s, or �ther mecl�anized equipment and Icavin� the stumps and re�c�t mat int�ci allc�ws the area to re-ve�et�te naturally and minimizas soii disturbance. 18. P�acement t�Fculverts and otiier structures in watcrs, streams, and �uctlands shall be placed below th� elavation af the strcambed by one foat far ail culverts «rith a diametcr �,�reater ihan 4$ inches; and 20 percent af the culvert diameter for cu(verts havin�; a di�uneter less tl�an 48 inehes, to a1Jaw law flaw passa�e of water and aquatic life. I)esi ;n and placeraient of culverts and Qther structures includir�g temparary erosi�n cnntroi measures shail not be c+anducted in � manner tl�at may resuli in dis- cquilibriur►a af iveit�nds or streambeds ar hanks, adjaccnt to or upstream and down strean� of the above strc�ctur�s. The applica»t is required tc� provide e� idencc tl�at the equilibrium is bein� rnaintained if reqixested in writing by thc; NCD�VQ. If tiiis conditinn is unable to be mei due ta �edre>ck t�r ather limitinq features encountered durin� constructi�n, please c�ntact ihe NCL'�WQ for gtaidance on horv to proceed and fo de#ern3ine �vhetizer or not a permit tnodification wiil be rec�uircd. f 9_ If multipie pi}�es or barrcls �re rec�uired, they s}iall be desi�ned co mimic naturai stream crt�ss sectiort as closely as pUSSibic; includin� pipes or barrels at flo�d pl<iin elevaTion, i�3oadplain benches, andior sills may be required where appropriate. ��idenin� the stream charinel shall he avoidcd. Sta-eam chann�i widening at tl�e inlet or outtet end of structures typically decrcascs water velocitv cat�sinr sediment de_position that rec�uir�s increased n�aintenance and disrupts aqilaiie life passane. 20. Sediq�ent and erosi�n cc�ntrc�J measiires suffcient to proteat �vater• resaurces must be irn�]eme�ted and maintainecfi i» accorda��ce with the mc�st recent version of N�rth Carolina Sediment and Frosi�n Controi �'lannin� anc� I7esi�;n ivtan�7a! and ti�c: mast recent version nf NCSOD�25U. . 21. At1 ���rk in �r atijacent tc� stream ���atcrs shal} be conductsd in a dry work area. I�.pprc�ved B11�IP. measur�s fi�om the mc��t current version of the NCi7�T Constructian and Maintenance Acfivities manual such as sandbags, rock berms, cofferda�zs and athar diversian �tructi3res sbail be used to pr�vent exeavatian in flowing u�ater. 22. �-Ieavy eguipmef�t shall be aperated from f6e bank rat�3er than in sfream channels i�� order ta minimize sedimentatic�n and reduce ihe likelihaod af intro�iucing other pollu#ants into streams. This equipment shoulci }�e ins}�eatcd dai14 and maintained t� prevent contan7ination of surface �vaturs from leaking fue�s, iubXicants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic mater3als. 2�. Riprap shall not be pi�ced in the acTive thalc�re� channel nr placed ii� the streamF�ed in a manr�er tiaat precludes aquatic life passa�e, Bioen�ineerin� bauli�ers oe struetures shalJ be prop�rly desi�ned, si�ed and i��stalled. 24. Raparia�� ve�etatic�n �native trees asid shrubs} sha.11 be preserved to i.he maximurn extent possible. Riparian v��efaeion niu$t be reestai�iished tivithin th� construction limits of the praject by tlie end of the �rowin� season follo��ing cornpletic�r� af construction. Nt'T,3WQ appreciaies t17e appr�rtt�nity to prc��ride cc�mmenis on ;�t�ur project. Should }fou have any c�uestioz�� or require any additional informatic�n, please contact Uavid Wain�i�Xi�ht a# (91�}) 715-3415. ce: �3i11 Bidciiecome, tJS il,rmti Ct�rps of �n�ineers, Washin�ton �i�ld Office Clarence Coleanan, Federal I-ti�hu�ay Adrninistratiol� Chris Militscher, Enviroamenfal Protection A�eney (etecTronic copy) 't'ravis Wilstsn, 3�C'i�4'ildiife �esourccs Cnrnmissit�n {�:Iectronic co�y) Cath�� Brittin�ham, T�ivisi.�n �iCci�5ta1 M��nagement CJarc}r Ward, NCI)1�1Q VlTashin�;tor� IZe�ianal (3ffice File Cc�py '��:�,•. "r ��...,.. 4�G`t}ti° �'1Y�f�1G: MEIVIORANDUM To: From: Subject: ��=��� ��� ������ t�1or(I� Car�l;n� p�p�rtment of Environrnent and Nati.�r�( Resourc�s LiVISi.^,Il Ot {�r�?I:;i �i:ri31i� �0�'2� I-3. �U�€i!tS ri(8C;`Jf 4ctober 27, 2009 Kristine O'Connor, P.E., Project Planning Engineer, NCD4T David Waintivright, Division of Water Quality �''`'� �EC', t'(@�'llic111 Secr�tary Response to the Indirect Screening Assessrnent Report for the proposed NC 32 Connectar froin US G4 to the NC 32/NC 94 Intersection, Washington County, TIP R-3620. This office has revietived the referenced document dated September 2009. The NC Division of Water Quality {NCDWQ) is respansible fo�- the issuance of the Sec#ion 401 Water Qualiry Certification for activities that impact Waters of the U.S., including tivetlands. Under 15A NAC 2H .OS00 {.OSQ6[4]}, it is the NCDWQ's responsibility to ensure that projects do not result in cumulative effects or cause a violation of downstream water qualiry based on reasanably anticipated future impacts. Upon reviewing t�e information provided in the referenced document, The NCDWQ has cancluded that further cumulative impact analyses are not required. Ha�vever, please keep us apprised of any additional information or revisions to the cumulative impact docurnent{s). This decisioli is based on information cunently prQVided to us; this decision may change based on updated or new information. Thank you for requesting our input at this time. The NCDOT is reminded that issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certification requires that appropriate measures be instituted to ensure that water quality standards are met and designated uses are not degraded or lost. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact David VtJainwright at (919} 715-341 S. cc: Bill Biddlecome, US Army Gorps af Engineers, Washington Field Of�ce Chris Militscher, Environmental Protection Agency {electronic copy only) Garcy Ward, NCDWQ Washington Regionai Office �ile Copy rranspc:rtatiot: FPrriitiinq !r'^ii 15vG ":ia?I 56t��t:e Cenler,`Rt�!r!c�ie., �•!U'i1h C�rt}line'L,'n`.'-�G�7�j�i±i _r,.r,aii�r. '13�1 �if3btree ahd R�+!Ni�h, „urt�t ��rcfin� �%hQ�t PhCt2e 019-733 278r t Fnx �1�,133 6��i3 f�te,r^el ':?i!r:," i:2o enr stale ��t s.;s r�cr�etl.ands? s� � ; _, ::vr., C)r�c Nc»-t�lCarvli na �!�ltlll�il�l� ��/12/2009 15:4a s1952�9$39 PAGE 03 � �T���� ��.�°��i�.a. ��1d��.�� �.��ou���� ����:������� �' Gord.�.i� �yexs, �;�ecutive Director MEiVI{�RAND�'M Tt): Melba Mc�ee Cl�ce of Legisla�i�e and Tnter�nvez��nental :A.Cfairs, DE1'R :�4.M: Travis �Tilson, Ni�hway �'rc�ject Coordinator ,�% �"' Habit�,� C�r�sen���i�aa JPx��raan .�..-'°� ---�`: v: � �,A.'Z'�: �VIay 12, 2�f}9 SUBJECT: Nozih �aralina Drpartn�ent af 7'rat�.�pox�tatior� (�1'CDC3'�") Environmental � Assessment (.EA} for t�ze ,pxoposcd NC 32 �4�z�ectar, iVasitin�tozt Cour�tyP Npz�th C�ral�na. TIP NQ. R���20, SCH Project �TO. 09-0286 Staff biologis#s �yz#h. t�►� �i. �, V�i1d�iFe Resottrces Gom�ni.ssi�rza, l�ave t•cvicwed tlle subject BA and are farniliar. �4i#h �abitat v�tucs iz� tI�e p��c�jecf a��ea. 't"k�e pur�aose of this Tevzew �ras to assess project ixn.pac�.s "to fish and tiviltlli�e r�sources, t�uz� coz�rxte�ts �z'� pravided in accordazzce wzth certait� p.roz�iszans of t�ac National En.virox»�x�z�tal �'olicy hct (42 L?.S.C. 4332{2)(c)} and thc Fish and Wi�c3.Iife CoordinatYOn .�,.ct (4$ �tat. A�01, as amended; 1G U.S.C. �C����i67d). NCDQT �ro�rr�ses ta irc�pxo�Jc cozu�ectivity betwe�n US 64 �d the int�rs�ction of N� 3�i94 �r� Washimgtar� Couaty. Two alternnatives are pr�ser�ted iu t��� �A and xe�resertt ona irri�rnve uxist�� ali�ma�.ve anfl �a�z� n�sv �o�ation alternative, wi�i� botlt a�tez�atitres NCD4T i�as recommended ra.ising tile grade to as �aiah as t.�eet l�etween the sub-gz�ad� of the r�adway and ttxe wat�r tabte. This reec�min�ndatioz� has si�nz�eanily i�acrcased both human at�d ertvizaczz�ental i.r�apacts res�ecCiv�l.y oz� either atternative, y�f o� pa�e 2+�f the docun�ent utxder �S.B.l.b2. �t statcs "the axistin� �aariaontal ancl vertic�.l ali�trncncs alc�ng existitya NC 3�. �1"C 9�, SIt 1. l39 and SR 3136 are suitable for �I�E posied spe�d �imics." Prior to selecti�t�, a S.,�I3PA far �Izi$ p:�oject NCDOT s1�ou).d provide a jusi:if.rcatic�n fox #b.c nced tQ raic� ttl� �;rade o�tk�e faczlity. Furth�rm�re VV`R.0 r�r�ains concerned wi[n in�reasecl h��aitat fr��:n�nta#ipn. that wilI z'esiiit from anynew Iocaiion alternatiue. This project is it� f�e �GCtzp� �p4�(,,��,r�;�ez��r Ol proeess, tive �.vill continue to �ss�ss altemativos z�i pz'eparn#ion for cc�t�cur�'C�cc �aoan� #h.ree, sej�Ciipn t�:f thc Mar%n� A,ddx'�ss: Di�cTzsien of L�Ia�nd �zsheri.e� � i72I Mait .Ser��ce Center • ilaleigh, 3VC 27699-172i Telep�one: {9Z9}70�-0220 ° �'�:�: (929) 707-002$ ���1212Q09 1�:�6 919�284839 pA� pq iVIemo 2 May 12, 20�9 LEDP4. Thank �ou far ���e op�ortur�iiy_tt� cur�rz�eAt. Ifwe can i�e c�f an;y further assistance piease cail me at (919) 528-9$8b. cc: Ga�y Jordari, �.5: �is�a ab.d �dildli£e Serv.ice, �tal�3gh �a11d ��ainwri�i�t, DWQ, Ra1�;h Bill �3iddl�cc� .me, U.S_ .Arm.y �orps o.f En�iz�ecrs, i�'�7iimin.�t�s� CStris Ul:iii.tsc��z, EP.1�, Ca�iy �rittingham, I}C.�Vi � �i�� � � ' �r , . � =- .� � �_ . � u , . _ � , ` z _ � : �. : ,. <.� `t� .� a 1 _ :� October I5, 2444 Section 404/I�EPA 11'Ier�er Project Team Agreement �oncurrence Point �10. 3: I.EI}P.r� T.I.P. Project R-3620 Projeei I>iame/�escription: Proposed NC 32 Connector from the Interchange of US 64 and SR 1139 (Beasley Road} and the intersection of NC 32 and NC 94 in Washington County. The Project Teatti IVlembers lisged below have concarred with the above alternative as the i,east Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (I.,EDPA) for this project. ' U5 Army Corps af Engineers, US Fish & Wildlife Service NC Divisian af Water Q� NC Division of Marine F � Garv � � ! tS°�e7 � DATE 'G> I5" ��� DATE Sara Winslow DATE ii National Marine Fisheries �� Ron Sechler DATE Wildlife Resources Commissio►�- ;--�"�� �'��+�'" �~ _ f�_jS � {�`� " Travis Wilson QATE Environmental Protection Agency � �-�� � �_w_:...,� l D "�� �'� "�`� Chris Milit�her. �� DATE NC Department af Transpartation �!� i � i State Historic Preservation Office a d Renee Gledhill-Earley j i E }.-'- �'( i . . �- � _. ' � �' { � .. . _ � , � �i- �..,, . , ..i .. ._,., {. -.. . l�' -;� . �� . v ,�. ��'� �;.. _ i ta �---- . .�� c� � � �/1 � 1 � � � °° 1'S,. DAiE ��' • � DATE � °�1 ; �, I' � , � I y ' t � � I 1 i l 4i: t . . . ;�ti�� ._� � R-3620 Page 1 of 1 , January 21, 2014 Sect�on 404/1�IEPA Mer�e�° Praject Teann A�reement �oncurrence Poini I�to. 4A: 1�voidance �i Minimization T.I.P. Project �2-3620 Project �tame/D�scription. �'roposed NC 32 Counector from the Interchange of US 64 and SR 1139 (Beasley Road) and the intersection of NC 32 and NC 94 in Washington County. Avvidance � Complete avoidance of the streams anci wetlands is not possible due to the presence af these resources tlu-aughout the praject study corridor. Each alternative had same wetland and stream impacts. Minimization It� an effort to minimize the impacts to wetlands associated with the construction of the LEDPA, NCDOT has impieznented the following measures. All preliminary recammcndations for minimization are based on the avaiIable surveys for this area: � Alternative 1 has been s�ifted so that the fewest number of wetlands and streams would be affeeted along this alignment. � NCDOT will etnploy 3:1 fill slopes in a11 wetiand areas. � Na ditches will be utiliz�d in wetland areas throughout the prajeet unless undercutting is readdressed at a later date. � There will be na irnpacts to Coastal Area Management Act {CAMA} Areas of Environmetital Concern (AECs}. � The project wi11 have limited contral of access on the new location portion and partial control of access on the existing lacation portzon. Limited control of access will only ailnw connections to the faciiity at interchanges or at-grade intersections and no private driveway cannections will be altowed. Addaiio�nal issues � Alternative 1 will not displace any residences. � Alternative l avoids adverse impacts to properties on or eligible for the National Register of Historic P�aces (Rehobath Methadist Church and the farm on NC 32}. • Alternative 6���vas��developed to the west� of Alternaiive 1 in the hopes of minimizing the number of wetlands impacted. However, Alternative 6 R-3620 Page 1 of 2 January 21, 202p actually had a greater number of impacted wetlands, so it was removed from consideration at the Concurrence Point 2A meeting in October 200$. � Eighi (�) foot shoulders (the �1linixnuin allawed by AASHTO) will be designed for this facility. If guardrail becomes necessary, the shaulders will be widened to 11 feet. � Once finat geotechnical surveys are completed, the issue of undercutting can be readdressed prior to the CP 4B meeting. � NCDC}T wi11 exa7nine the use of grass swales with non-erosive velacifies at the wetlands, pre-farmed scaur holes, energy dissipators and pipe equalizers. Stormwater basins, #hough probably not necessary for this project, will be designed at a later date if required. �'he Project Team l�Iembers lis�ed below have con�urr�d with the abave listeci measures as �he appropriate avoidance and minimization %r this praject. NC Deparimen# of Kristin 0'Con r DATE Federal Highway Administration -���� ������ �} on Lucas DATE US Army Corps of Engineers ____� � z%�2 �! c� SillBiddlecome DATE US Environmental Pratection Agen�i,�=��� �---' �i�'2 �_. __� 1( Z► j 2�i c� , Chris Militscher n DATE US Fish & Wildlife Service `}F � � J�--� �� ja Gary Jor an DATE Natianal Marine Fisheries Service NC Division of Coastal NC Division of Marine Sara Winslow DATE ,��.n;; . � NC Division of Water Quality 0 State Historic Preservation 4ffice i�a.�,�, i � t°°c:� 1�(t Renes Gledhill-Earley DATE Wildlife Resaurces Commission _y��� C�i�� "' %';�; t� l� Travis Wilson DATE R-3b20 Page 2 of 2 �► � �.�"::':'I_i=::%�'i=�'_!7 1F�; :U _5'7'<'��_;; 3�1 �''f-;{�� {� '? t_�'� JArtit�iy 21, 2Al� a�t�aliy had a g;r�;ater nue�l�er c�C iz�pacted wettat��is, ��a it �� t�ct�c�Ve�i fr��r�� c�nsi�Gratiorz at El�e �;o�ct�rence P�ir�i 214 m�ctin� i�r C)ci.ol7er 2�0�, � Eight {8} �oc�t ;�hautcier� cieszgt��d .far this fa�ility. bc, wicicncd tc� 1 l f�r.t. (th�e c�ninimi�n �liowed l�y �;�.���TC�} will be If �uardr�il be,�ozxies nec:essary, th� �lzciulders v�ll �{�nce finasl gecrtsa:hr►icaZ surv��s ar� cc►m�I�te�i� t�e is�u� {�f utad�:rc.uttin� ��,n be re.qcidz�e�seci �ri.c�� tc� the �P 4$ na��ting. �:�l�:1?�T w�ili examine t}�c use of �t-ass swalcs wit� xa���µer�si��. ve�oc�#x�� �t the wetlan�ls, �xe-fczrrri�d scour �aoles, ene�rgy dissipator5 and pi�,� ��ualizers. �tc�r��v�ter �Sasi�s, tha��@h �rok�at�).y nt�t necessary for t1�is �rc�ject, vs�i}I t�c desi�r��i �.t a la�r d�te i£ req�ired. ' '�'�e �'aetrjr�t '�'c�re� �Ie�b�ears listed b��t�� ha�€ ca���tt�rec� ��#� �1�� ��i�'�•� �����c� ��e�:�����`�� �s� ��ae ����o���t� �v�►ida��e �nd ��ni�aa,��o� �ar i�i� �qro}ect. NC Q��artrrmni �# Tr�nspatt�#ian� ____ t(rfstine C7'Cannpr I?�TE Fecfer�! f�i�hw�y �dmini�#r�1i�n _�.�. ....y..�..�.,._---_--_----__ Rvn Luc�3 � 'JATE � lJS A��y Cor�s of �ngi��ers _ . 6ii18`rdd(ecvme DATE i.1S �CtYttt}ilil)@�1t�I F't"O��C�IA11 A�GQC�( .�__.__�__.� �hris NMit�cher QAT� U� �i�i�► � 1�tlidfife �en�ice G�ry Jcxdan .�°7 �1 �._...�...,�.._.�..�. �AT� Nafion�l M�rine �sheri�s � Ron NC DivisiA�r t�f �tt�sf�4 Man�g�me�t ____w_ _.�.... _ Cathy �ritEingn�tn - - - t�AiE i�t; Ct�vi$ic�r� af Marirt� �isheries Sara Winslow �AT� � NC C�ivi,ian n� UVate�r t�uality -, - - �-.-.--- - - --- --=,--- A -_ i}av�id Wainvrright CIAT� St�t� FEia,UtiG Pres�rvation C�ffiee Renee �I�t3hiN-Eariay � t�AT�.,._.J bV�lc�li{c; R�s�ur�s CnmR�ission Travis t�YlsQn �r?t'E �,-3�iap �'a��c i af 2 �CE;-GI�.�-�:'I.:II.i i t:i'_ii:2r� (= r�_�nt: Ci;�t•1-tii`lf E��� T`i ��'S�cr��l:=; f� ; l F�:' i��-?'��.'�;�`.:�i"J�i ,i��tunrv �i, 2Uip 3Ctllti��V �l`ciCi � i;P��tt;l' (1t1111�S�i' t)f� itllfi?7lCtCC� �'vCi��itl(�4. St1 it LVa:> I'�iilt?Vl'C� I�t't)il� s.C>n:;icicr�i:it�li �lt �i�c Ci�t�c•�irCCtli:� F'�iJtt ?_.r� m�:etil�� itl Oc�[t��t; P uC1t1�{. � T'i�lit (�) fuot sht�ful�ier.�; (11ie tnii�i���u��i all���ec� h�� AA��II��i�j ��,iN be �le�i�n�c1 fc�r tltis tacflity_ Tf �uarilrai{ t>ec�>R�e�: neccss�ry, th� sl�.c�ulde�-;; �vill '��� tividei�e� to 11 t��t. � t?rt�.:�: (in<�1 �ec�teclu�ical si�t�ve��s �re c�rt5�71c.t�d, �.l�e issnc c�t' ua�dercEiiiin� ttii� 1��� re�dd��es�e�i �>riar ic� the Cl' �Lt t��eetin�. � N�`I)Ol w�il er��7zlis�e th� u�c c►f i;�t�ss su�ales �t�i#l� tao��-erosivc; vi;incities at ti�e w�.tl���ds, prc�-I<>i�x�ed scour 1101�;;, ei�ei�gY ��iis;;ipatcrr:: a1�d pip�: �r�ualizzis. �tc�r�n���ater b�►siY�s, tliou�l� �rc�E7ahly noi neG�ssary� 1��►- t1��s pr��ji;ct, �vill �e �esi�ne� a# a I�.t�:r datc i F ret�t�irecl. "�'t�� 1'�•�j�ct `i'ca�t� tYlerntser� li�te�i below h.�r�e ea�curred witt� the :af�r��re listeci a�t�:�a���-��; �s the app�•o�riat€ aS�ait���na�.� a�r►ci iuinimix,�ti�n fot• $his �sro��ct, �J�: D�{�artm�nt of Transpariatian Kristine p'Cotlnor p�j� ��der�l Niyriw�y A�mir�istratic�n f�on Lucas ------ - �,�T� E.iS ��; my �o; ps af �nc�ir��er�,._ �ill I�iddlecorn���"�_ � p,aTE _� U a �nvir�nm�nt3! Prc�tecti�n Ac��ncy,�, Chti� (�tilitschei� � � DAT� � US t=ish � V�lii�iife Service G�ry Jordan ��� D?�TE N��tion�l Mas��ne Fisheries �ervice Rt�n SeChier p�TE hdC Divis�qn �f ��astal ��an�gem�n� Caihy Briltingh�m �' DATE ,' rJC C�ivis�r�n of ��arine Fisheri�� �:� � . _� ,� �,. � --1C.7 SaraWinst�1w f------- ":.p1iE t��� G�ivisic�n af 1�J�fer Qualiiy. S��f�� Nistoric Pre�ervation Uffiu� �Niitlli(e (�t�source� Cornmissi�n D�cvid bVaintvright Renee GledhilhEar!ey 7r�vi� Wnsa�� C�ATE DATE C�A7E Ft_3n�ti Pa�;e 2 vf ?. P . � ..._. �_ HNTB Corporation Engineers Architects Pian�ers 343 East Six Forks Road su;te zoa R�leiqh, NC 27609 7elephone (919} 5Ab-8997 Facsimile (919) 54b-9421 www.hntb.com Mr. John A. Gagnon Resaurce Soi1 Scientist Edenton Soil Survey Office 730 N. Granvilie St. ' Edenton, NC 27932 ' August 17, 2�09 ' Subject: Drafi Farmland Conversion Irnpact Rating Fa�rm NGUQT STIP Projec# R-3620, US 64 to NC 32l94 Washington Couz�ty Mr. Gagnon. HNTB has prepared a draft farmland conversion impact rating %rnn for STIP 1'roject R-3624 in Washington Cau��ty. At the time of this assessment, there are two alternatives under consideration. Alternative l(Corridar A) is a proposed partiai new lacatian facility between US 64 and NC 32/NC94. Based on preiimi�iary design files, it would be a two-Iane, limited access faciiity, 3.4 miles i�i length, with a slope stake corridor width of approximately l0ii-120ft. Aiternaxive 2(Corridor B) is the proposed improvernent of Beasley Road, Holly Neck Road, and NC 32. Based an preiiminary design f�les, the praposed proje�t would be a two-lane, partially controlled facility, 5.3 rriiles in lengt�i, i+rith a slt�pe stake cnrridor lvidth of approximateIy 140ft. The existing right-of-way on Beasley Road and Holly Neck Road is approximately bOft, while the existing xigh#-of-way on NC 32 is apProximately 100ft. The evaluation was based on a site visit and an interview with the Washingtan Caunty Planning & Safety Director ancl GIS Director on June 26, 2409. Aerial images fram Gaogle Maps {2409} were also used. Please call me at (704} 208-5352 if you have any questions. � Susan Paschal Deputy Project Manager Cc Anne Lenart-Redmond, HNTB 09I12I2�0y 11; 5� 152�s323�1'��r GH04d�N NRCS ���E 02}E�2 U.$, AEPkRT�A�NT 4F AGRiCtil�TU�tE ��� .r�, -��A-.� �� NaRur;,1 Re�pxtrces Gonssr�atlon Senrkc (Rav, qfit) ���n���t�t� ����t��sii�ia i�P�,�� ��Ti�� �c�� ec���t��� �r�r�� ��ta.����s PART I(7`a be anm,�rTetsd i�y FederalAg�ncy) 3: Dat� at �.and �vaiue�3or Raquesf 4• � $��'���i� $h9?t i 9; s. Na�s uf arojeat STIA Proj�ct Ft•362Q s, �eum;ai a ancy arvaivs� Fedeea� NJ hvua Adrninistrski�r� ,. ty�+� �r Pro)�ct N�w L,aa�tion (A} ! Up�eade Extsiing (�} a, County and stetg t+U��hingtan Cou�#y, T+�tar#h �aroiir►� PART TE (ia bi�' c�ampl�ied by �1RCS} �. ilata R ue�t Rec�lvr,d �y Nr�CS z. Ptrs§n �qmp�e�g �wrn p S S - .W0 �'0F� F, c�. i°t 8a�; 3. lio�s lHs �arr�dar cont�iri primg, uniq�e st�twrid� ar Iocei impurt�ni fermrendi '' 1. x�ies �rngstea qvAt, s �Farrm SI�� {I[ no, iit� �'RPA ��A3 ttct epply - Do tt9t CCrttDi9;a 6�diFanst parta af #h1� fofrtt}. Yes No � fV ¢/3,!'� �-t ��'�-, r 5, MaJar Crop�s} 6, pahma�ila tjand !n t3overnrrient Jurl�ictla;t( 7. AmOunt at F�trnlan� �s {7afined �n fPPA . . �` � �, � Atr��: , 3 � � ��,� . °ta � i . Acrca i � `�� ��1� °� �� 8, hl8ma Of L.and �v�lir2tic+n Sy�tern Used @. Name s�f 6443i 8tl6 Aaaesarr�tlnt Sysferr, 4p. qats Land �yaluattAn Rafurng� oy NftG� , �+'1it;5�'tiv,� `�'ca"r••. �.� I1147 f�.1� t�, ?� � --Qt� PA�2"C 11( �T�a bs eamplc�te,d by Fed�taJAgenayj �ltarnativ� ��srrid�r �ar Ss�m�nt CorridnFA CoCetdaP 9 CoMidc� C GraTrldgr D A, Tata1 Acras Ta $� C4�varted DireGtiy �8 �$ a, Fetsl Acros 7a Be Converte�t Inc��r�c�y. or 7Q Re��l�� �ar+rices c. rotai Acrss tr� corrid4r �� �r$ a � PAR711� �'T'e b� cam�rlAt�d #y NR�Sj Lartd �'vatuaflcn tnfot�»atic+n A, Tcta( �cre,� PrimsRntl Unique Farr�land � �.c� �, 5'� • �. Tdta�ACa�g �; latswid� And I.ocai Irtip�ri�nt Farmiand �2a .. t� . �� � �t� - . C. Perd�iitsge Uf Fari»land Ir�. Caunt . Cir tncal G�vt;.Unli %: g� Gc�nverksd �. Ci t �. . b i d. Pereenta�� qf K'�rmtand in t�a�E� Juri�diotton Wfkfi S�ms CJr Wigher Relat�us V�Ius . �.:f 'd� B� i PAR7 ii (to ba �emt�t�ied diy NRc�1 t..�tad �atv�tl'on I»fialrrm�tion �rtnn f�t#Nva � � � � , '� s�tu� Df:Farah/anri !u ��'�rvlc�.'�rr �ctnver#a�d 8�a1�. nf t1.100 P�+tri#� ' PART VI (Ta be cr�mptstad by �'rdoraFAg�nsy) Garrida�r Mex3mum .4saessm�nf Griter±a {Thssc� ar{terk"r ara �xplairt�d tn T CFR 65&.S(�}) I�ol�ts 1: Ares tq Nonur6an Usa �� 15 '15 �. #arimet�rin Planuf8an Usa f� 1� 1Q 3. Petrei�t 4f �arrisiar eeing Farmed 24 1� .�1 � 4. Pr�to�L'on Provid�d By stete And Co�ai �QV�rnmant �p p � 9, �Ix9 ai Rre;gqnt �'Arrtr Unit C.�mp6red Ta,t�verags t0 q(} � 6. G�`ABtion �+f Plpnfaima6�e �nrmisnd 25 p � 7: RvaOabltli �iE Farm Su r# �ervtcss $ g � �: CIn-Farm inves�nants 2p "�5 �: 9. �i#9Gts 0i Go�1V&t�ion pn Famt Sup ort �9rvic�a 2S 0 p � 14; � Compt��bllitq W�h �Xlsting F�qrlcu[tutal Use qd � ,� TOTALCORRIDqRASSE�ST�tEN3PdtNTS 1$0 �,8 59 4 p PAR7' VII (7'o b� campinled by FarimratAg�ncy) Rel�tiva bsiva t�f Farmlan�t {From P»ri V} 1bQ �� � ToC�t CorridvF A��ossmsrri {�rent Psrt V! ai�nv� cr a i4o�si s(ts esse�emQnt} 169 7� �9 � � Ti37Al. POINT� (iqt�t ofabove;2llnas) �5Q ��� ��' # Q Q 1. '�ti@or S� �CtOtl: 2. To?el AC►C5 Of Farm �t1tl5 ta be 3, b8te t7f So19Giien: 4. 1N�s A I.v�al ��e Assessm�nt Usdd? C6nveRCd by ArojeGt; vES [� r�o Q $� RABSOn �'9t s5eig,�l411: � � � . �gn�tUP6 a e�c6tt amp(6ting ig P�rt: ti�� NC�i`E: �rm tat� � forrn fvr eactt segrnent with mora than ane Alternat� �nrri�tn� . NIoIMIN) Im a� v a� u � � c c c cu ca ca i i i � � O O O C � Q Q Q � � � � � � �U! � � N N N � t�a �N 'a "a 'a a, � a, �3 � �3 �3 � �+- � a� � a, v . � � . � F° � ° + a � a �, � �, �, � � � � � �� � o 0 0 `��, � � � � -� � �a 4- m ro '� ca co v � � a � °" � � Q a Q u�_. z�i ufO. Q c o � m � c ° � v +-' C� L C � N 4J N Q U � N � O Q- � �'' M > � p O � � O � � � � p O �^ �. to ±+ — '� -� � .� T c a� 'a ° � � � Y = � � `�- (0 U � � � � a O � t6 'v= 'v.�-- � i � � C a.�+ � O v � Y � �n � — ti � N � y a �, r'o o�n .� Q ° c�o -_ ¢ ¢ m° c� o° o°c � � � ���� � . .. � a� +� � v > c 0 u � � O a-+ N v Q � 0 t-- � a� > � c � Q Legend: � FIGURE1 MaaSOUrces —SlopeStakes L q NorthCarolinaDOT http:/iWwwncdot.org �SHighway J'Z' �y��Qjna���/Q � NorthCarolinaOneMap ..... http//wwwnconemapcom SlopeStake5+25' NorthCarolinaDOTROadwayDesignUnit Washington County G IS DepaRment �NC Highway �_ J Soil Type Boundary — Street � FarmlantlDescrip[ion WashingtonCounty w�E -VUaterbody Notprimefarmland STIPProjectR-3620 S Parcels 0 1,200 2,400 4,800 Prime farmland DraR-August 2009 Feet Legend: � FIGURE1 MaaSOUrces —SlopeStakes L q NorthCarolinaDOT http:/iWwwncdot.org �SHighway J'Z' �y��Qjna���/Q � NorthCarolinaOneMap ..... http//wwwnconemapcom SlopeStake5+25' NorthCarolinaDOTROadwayDesignUnit Washington County G IS DepaRment �NC Highway �_ J Soil Type Boundary — Street � FarmlantlDescrip[ion WashingtonCounty w�E -VUaterbody Notprimefarmland STIPProjectR-3620 S Parcels 0 1,200 2,400 4,800 Prime farmland DraR-August 2009 Feet