HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081239 Ver 2_Approval Letter_20111118 ��� ���� r NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary November 18 2011 DWQ Pro�ect# 08 1239 v 2 Franklin County Edward P�erre Bartlett 621 Windsong Lane Durham NC 27713 Sub�ect Property Bartlett Res�dence 2052 Lake Royale Lake Royale [030301 28 31 (1) B NSW] Approval of Author�zahon Certification per the Tar Pamlico Buffer Protection Rules(15A NCAC 2B 0259) and Additional Conditions Dear S�r You have our approval �n accordance with the attached condit�ons and those listed below to place fill withm or otherwise ►mpact 546 square feet of Zone 1 Tar River bas�n protected r�par�an buffer(permanent impacts)and 120 square feet of Zone 2 Tar River basin protected r�par�an buffer(permanent impacts)to construct a pedestr�an access walkway as described within your appl�cation dated October 3 2011 and recerved by the N C Division of Water Quality(DWQ)on October 12 2011 and additional information received on November 8 2011 In add�tion you should obtain or otherwise comply w�th any other required federai state or locat perm�ts before you go ahead with your pro�ect�ncludmg(but not l�m�ted to) Erosion and Sed�ment Control Non d�scharge and other regulat�ons Thts author�zat�on cert�ficatton is for the purpose and design that you described in your applicat�on If you change your pro,Ject you must not�fy us and you may be requ�red to send us a new appl�cat�on If the property �s sold the new owner must be given a copy of this authorization certificat�on and is there6y responsible for complying with all cond�tions Th�s authorization requ�res you to follow the cond�tions listed below The Add�tional Cond�t�ons of the Author�zahon Cert�ficahon are 1 Impacts Approved The following �mpacts are hereby approved as long as all of the other spec►fic and general conditions of this Author�zatton Certificat�on are met No other�mpacts are approved �nclud�ng mc�dental impacts T e of Im act Amount A roved Un�ts Plan Location or Reference Buffer Zone 1 546(s uare feet) ermanent im acts PCN a e 6 of 11 Buffer Zones 2 i 20(s uare feet) ermanent im acts PCN a e 6 of 11 � 2 No Waste Spo�l Sol�ds or Fill of Any Kind NorthCarol�na �lltt!lYl��lf North Carolina Drvision of Water Quality Raleigh Regional Office Surface Water Protection Phone(919)7g1 4200 Customer Service Internet www ncwaterquality org 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1628 FAX (919)788 7159 877 623 6748 An Equai Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer—50/ Recycled/10/ Post Consumer Paper Page 2 No waste spoil solids or till of any kind shall occur in wetlands waters or ripar�an areas beyond the footprint of the impacts dep�cted in the Pre Construction Notification All construction act�vrties includ�ng the design installation operat�on and maintenance of sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices shall be performed so that no v�olattons of state water quality standards statutes or rules occur 3 Eros�on and sediment control pract►ces must be in full compliance wrth all spec�fications govern�ng the proper design installation and operation and maintenance of such Best Management Practices in order to protect surface waters standards a The eros�on and sediment control measures for the pro,Ject must be designed mstalled operated and maintained in accordance wrth the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Eros�on Control Planning and Des�gn Manual b The design installat�on operat�on and ma�ntenance of the sediment and eros�on control measures must be such that they equal or exceed the requirements specified in the most recent version of the North Carolina Sed�ment and Erosion Control Manual The devices shall be maintamed on all construct�on s�tes borrow sites and waste pile(spo�l)pro�ects mcluding contractor owned or leased borrow pits assoc�ated with the pro�ect c Sufficient materials required for stabilizat�on and/or repair of erosion control measures and stormwater rout�ng and treatment shall be on site at all t�mes 4 Sediment and Eroston Control Measures Sediment and eros�on control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or waters w�thout pr�or approval from the Drvision If placement of sed�ment and erosion control devices m wetlands and waters �s unavo�dable design and placement of temporary eros�on control measures shall not be conducted in a manner that may result in dis equiltbr�um of wetlands or stream beds or banks ad�acent to or upstream and down stream of the above structures All sediment and erosion control dev�ces shall be removed and the natural grade restored with�n two(2) months of the date that the Divis�on of Land Resources or locally delegated program has released the pro�ect 5 Protective Fencing The outside buffer wetland or water boundary and along the construct�on corr�dor withm these boundaries approved under this authorizat►on "The outs�de boundar�es of the buffers(including the pond) shall be clearly marked wrth orange warning fenc�ng(or s�m�lar high v�sibility mater�al) This is to ensure � that areas that are not approved for impacts are avoided dur�ng construction and restoration efforts 6 Cert�ficate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved withm the applicable Buffer Rules and any subsequent modifications the applicant is required to retum the attached certificate of complet�on to the Wetlands Buffers Stormwater Compliance and Permitt�ng Unit(WeBSCaPe) North Carol�na Dtv�sion of Water Quality 1650 Ma�l Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1650 Violat►ons of any condition herein set forth may result�n revocation of th�s Author�zation Certification and may result in cr�minal and/or civil penalt�es If you wish to contest any statement in the attached Certification you must file a pet►tion for an admin�strative hearing You may obtam the pet�tion form from the Office of Administrative Hear�ngs You must file the Page 3 petmon wrth the Office of Adm�n�strative Heanngs w►thin sixty(60)days of receipt of this notice A petition �s considered filed when it�s rece�ved �n the Office of Administrative Hearmgs during normal office hours The Office of Admin�strat�ve Hear�ngs accepts fil�ngs Monday through Fnday between the hours of 8 OOam and 5 OOpm except for of�c�al state holidays The or�ginal and one(1)copy of the pet►tion must be filed with the Office of Adm�nistrat►ve Hear�ngs The petit�on may be fa�ced provided the original and one copy of the document is received by the Otfice of Admin►strative Hear�ngs wrth►n five(5)business days followtng the faxed transmission The mail�ng address for the Office of Admin�strative Hear�ngs is Office of Admin�strative Hear�ngs 6714 Mail Serv�ce Center Raleigh NC 27699 6714 Telephone (919) 431 3000 Facs►m�le (919) 431 3100 A copy of the pet�tion must also be served on DENR as follows Ms Mary Penny Thompson General Counsel Department of Env�ronment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Rale�gh NC 27699 1601 Unless such a petition is filed thts Certificat�on shall be final and b�nd�ng T6�s Author�zahon shall expire five(5)years from the date of this letter This letter completes the rev�ew of the Divis�on of Water Qual►ty under the Tar Pamlico R�ver basm rtpar�an buffer protect�on rule as described within 1 SA NCAC 2B 0259 If you have any questions please telephone Natal�e Landry at 919 791 4258 Si cerel g �n � � r Danny Smith Surface Wate rotect�on Section Superv�sor Raleigh Regional O�ce Enclosures Certificate of Completion cc DWQ Central Office— WeBSCaPe— 16�0 Mail Serv�ce Center RRO File Copy John R Dav�s Jr Sotl Hor�zons [nc PO Box 1063 Youngsville NC 27596 Fdename 08 1�39 v� Bartlett Residence 20�2 Lal.e Rot ale I'PR Anproval doc