HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081327 Ver 1_Other Agency Comments_20110722 � .� � ��g(3Z-� J� �IT�S _ ��(ED ST J f l.�_�\ A UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACENCY � � W REGION 4 ,f —~'"` o � Q ATLANTA FEDERAL CENTER i� � Z�F o2 61 FORSYTH STREET �� �rq<pqOtEG� ATLANTA GEORGIA 30303 8960 � �fUl 18 2011 --� �_,,.r.- �..� �.-� , � ,�'= CERTIFIED MAIL 7005 2570 0001 4886 8663 �^ � RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED JJJ������ � �� �1 `� A �� '� '!� ,�i� � � p. Ms Coleen H Sulhns ��t��,� � Director Division of Water Qualrty ����f �' North Carohna Deparhnent of Environment � .%'f and Natural Resources � �`` 1617 Mail Service Center �<✓''` Raleigh North Carolina 27699 1617 Re Admimstrative Order No CWA 04 2011 4772 North Carolma Department of Transportation Upward Road (SR 1783) Hendersonville North Carolina Dear Ms Sullms Pursuant to Sections 308 and 309(a) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) 33 U S C §§ 1318 and 1319(a) I have determmed that the above referenced facilrty is m violation of Section 402(p) of the CWA 33 U S C § 1342(p) As a result I have issued an Admmistrative Order(AO) a copy of which is enclosed for your reference The AO is presently bemg served Also enclosed is a copy of the Compliance Stormwater Evaluation Inspection performed at the srte Smcerely Ci�f���/�� �-- ames iattma Direc r Water Protection Division Enclosures (2) Intemet Address(URL) http//www epa gov Recycled/Recyclable Pnnted wAh Vegetable Od Based Inks on Recycled Paper(Minimum 30/ Posiconsumer) . Ja��eo sr,�T�s ^ 2,, ,� UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIOPV AGEWCY -a` w REGION 4 ? � P ATLANTAFEDERALCENTER r 61 FORSYTH STREET �ir9�PR���G�O ATLANTA GEORGIA 30303 8960 JUL 18 2011 CERTIFIED MAII, 7005 2570 0001 4886 8656 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr J B Setzer P E , North Carolina Department of Transportation Division 14 , 253 Webster Road Sylva North Carolma 28879 Re Admmistrative Order No CWA 04 2011 4772 Upward Road (SR-1783) Hendersonville North Carolma Dear Mr Setzer On March 3, 2011 the U S Environmental Protection Agency and the North Carolma Department of Environment and Natural Regulations (NCDENR)performed a Compliance Stormwater Evaluation Inspection (CSWEI) of the North Carolma Department of Transportation at their construction site known as Upward Road (SR-1783) (Development) The EPA s participation m this inspection was to evaluate the Development s compliance with the treatment and disposal of stormwater m accordance with the requirements of Sections 301 and 402(p) of the Clean Water Act(CWA) 33 U S C §§ 1311 and 1342(p) the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 Code of Federal Regulations § 122 26 and the North Carolina General Permtt to Dascharge Stormwater And Borrow Pat Wastewater under the Under the National Pollutant Dascharge Elammation System Permrt No NCS000250 ( Permrt ) effective September 1 2010 The CSWEI revealed that NCDOT failed to comply with the requirements of the Permrt and CWA as outlmed m the enclosed CSWEI report and Admmistrahve Order(AO) As a result of the CSWEI and pursuant to Sections 308 and 309(a) of the CWA, 33 U S C §§ 1318 and 1319(a) the Director of the Water Protection Division, EPA, Region 4 has determined that NCDOT is in violation of Sections 301 and 402(p) of the CWA 33 U S C §§ 1311 and 1342(p) As a result the Director has issued the enclosed AO This AO does not replace modify or eliminate any other requirement of the CWA or the Permit Notwithstanding the issuance of this AO the EPA retams the nght to bnng further enforcement action under Sections 309(d) or 309(g) of the CWA 33 U S C §§ 1319(d) or 1319(g) for the violations crted therein or for any other violation of the CWA Violations of the CWA mcludmg requirements contained in a National Pollutant Discharge Elimmation System(NPDES) permit or an AO issued under Section 309(a) of the CWA, remam subJect to a civil penalty of up to $37 500 per day for each violarion, pursuant to Sections 309(d) or 309(g) of the CWA, 33 U S C §§ 1319(d) or 1319(g), as amended by the Ctvil Monetary Penalty Inflation Ad�ustment Rule, 73 Fed R� 75340 (December 11 2008) Such violations may also be sub�ect to cnmmal penalties pursuant to Section 309(c) of the CWA 33 U S C § 1319(c) Intemet Address(URL) http//www epa gov � Recycled/Recyclable Pnnted wdh Vegetable Od Based Inks on RecyGed Paper(Min�mum 30/ Postconsumer) � f In order to resolve the NCDOT s liabilrty for civil penalties, the EPA is offenng the NCDOT the opportumty to discuss the violations in the AO The EPA requests that representatives of NCDOT contact Ms Susan Pope of my staff at (404) 562 9770 witlun five (5) days of receipt of this letter to make arrangements for representatives to discuss the violations and the EPA s possible enforcement actiori In lieu of appeanng m the EPA s office for this meetmg-a telephone conference may be----- - scheduled Representatives should be prepared to provide all relevant mformation with documentation pertaimng to the above referenced violations including but not limited to, any financial information which may reflect an abilrty to pay a penalty You have the nght to be represented by legal counsel Failure to appear may result in enforcement action against your company Enclosed is a document entitled U S EPA Small Buszness Resources-Informataon Sheet for your use and to assist you m understanding the compliance assistance resources and tools available to you However any decision to seek compliance assistance at tlus time does not relieve you of your obligation to the EPA does not create any new nghts or defenses, and will not affect the EPA s decision to pursue enforcement action In addition the Secunties and Exchange Commission requires its registrants to penodically disclose environmental legal proceedings m statements filed with the Commission To assist you, the EPA has also enclosed a document entrtled Notice of Securahes and Exchange Commtssaon Regastrants Duty to Dtsclose Envaronmental Legal Proceedtngs Should you have any questions concertung the requirements contained in the enclosed AO please contact Ms Pope or forward wntten comments to the address on the letterhead Legal inquines should be directed to Ms Judy Marshall, Associate Regional Counsel, at (404) 562-9533 Sincerely � V�ti�U�-:��, S �,.�Denisse D Diaz Chief Clean Water Enforcement Branch Water Protection Division Enclosures (4) cc NCDENR Division of Water Quality . UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 4 IN THE MATTER OF ) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER - - - - -- )- - - -� --- - - ----— NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ) TRANSPORTATION � ) ` UPWARD ROAD-SR-1783 ) HENDERSONVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ) DOCKET NO CWA-04-2011-4772 ) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER I Statutory Authority 1 Section 309(a) of the Clean Water Act ( CWA ) 33 U S C § 1319(a) provtdes that whenever the U S Environmental Protection Agency finds that any person is in violation of any condrtion or limrtahon which implements anter alaa Sechons 301 and 402 ot the CWA 33 U S C �� 1311 and 1342 the EPA may issue an order requinng such person to comply wrth such condition ar limitation and shall specify a time for compliance that the EPA determmes to be reasonable 2 The following Findmgs are made and Order issued pursuant to the authonty vested in the EPA by Section 309(a) of the CWA 33 U S C § 1319(a) as amended This authonty has been delegated to the Regional Admimstrator ot the EPA Region 4 and further delegated by the Regional Administrator to the Director of the Water Protection Division of the EPA Region 4 II Fmdm�s 3 The North Carolina Department of Transportation ( NCDOT ) is a state agency and therefore a person within the meamng of Section 502(5) of the CWA 33 U S C � 1362(5) 4 At all times relevant to this action the NCDOT owned and/or operated a construction site known as Upward Road SR 1783 (` Development ) located at Upward Road in Hendersonville North Carolina 5 To accomplish the ob�ective of the CWA defined in Section 101(a) of the CWA 33 U S C § 1251(a) to restore and maintain the chemical physical and biological integnty of the nation s waters Section 301(a) of the CWA 33 U S C § 1311(a) prohibits the dtscharge of pollutants by any person into waters of the Umted States except as in compliance with a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ( NPDES ) permit issued pursuant to Sectton 402 of the CWA 33USC � 1342 � 6 Section 402 of the CWA 33 U S C � 1342, establishes an NPDES Permit Program authonzing the EPA or authonzed states to admimster the NPDES Permit Program, including the issuance of NPDES permits allowing for the discharge of pollutants including stormwater, into navigable waters sub�ect to specific terms and conditions The EPA has granted the State of North Carolina through the Department ot Environment and Natural Resources ( NCDENR ) approval to issue NPDES permrts pursuant to Section 402(b) of the CWA r 7 On September 28 2009 the NCDOT submitted an application for a stormwater discharge permit ' --- 8- -The NCDENR tssued Permit tVo NCS000250 to Discharge Stormwater And Borrow Pit� tiYastewater under the Under the Nataonal Pollzctant Discharge Elamcnatzon System ( Permit ) to the NCDOT in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215 1 and the CWA The Permit was effective September 1 2010 and shall expire on September 9 2015 ` 9 Part II D 1 a ot the Permit requires NCDOT to implement appropnate erosion and sediment control practices require site inspections and enforcement of control measures and establish controls for waste at the construction site that may cause adverse impact to water quality 10 Part IV B 1 of the Permrt requires the Permittee to properly operate and maintam all control measures and systems ot treatment and control (and related appurtenances) which are installed or used to achieve compliance with the conditions of the Permit 11 Part II D 1 b ii of the Permrt requires NCDOT to incorporate into rts erosion and sediment control program the requirements ot General Permat NCG 010000 to Dascharge Stormwater Under the tvataonal Pollutant Dascharge Elamanataon Svstem for Constructaon Actavataes ( General Permit ) issued October 1 2001 as subsequently amended The General Permit was amended January 1 2010 and expires August 2 2011 12 Part I A 1 of the General Permit requires the permrttee to submrt an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan( Plan ) for approval pnor to the commencement ot land disturbing activity 13 Part I A 2 ot the General Permit requires the permittee to implement the Plan as approved Deviation trom the approved Plan shall constitute a violation of the terms and condrtions of the General Permit unless to correct an emergency or to make a minor modification in which case the deviation mu5t be noted on the approved Plan A copy ot the approved Plan and copy of the General Permit must be maintained at the Development 14 Part I A 4 of the General Permit requires the permittee to select install implement and maintain Best Management Practices ( BMPs ) and control measures that mimmize pollutants in the discharge to meet the requirements of the General Permit 15 Part I B 3 of the General Permit requires the permittee to inspect all control measures at least once every seven (7) calendar days and wrthin twenty-tour(24) hours after any storm event greater than 0 5 inches of rain per twenty four(24) hour penod 16 Part I B 4 of the General Permit requires once land disturbance has begun the permittee to inspect by observation stormwater runotf discharge outfalls for erosion, sedimentation and other stormwater discharge charactenstics such as clanty floating solids and oil sheens Inspections ot the outfalls shall be made at least once every seven (7) calendar and wrthin twenty tour(24) hours after any storm event greater than 0 5 inches ot rain per twenty tour(24) hour penod Inspection records must be maintained for each inspechon event and for each discharge location � 17 Pa�t I B 5 of the General Permrt requires the permittee to take immediate on srte action to control the discharge of sediments if vistble sedimentation is leaving the site or entenng recerving waters Where visible depositton ot sediment has occurred in surtace waters or wetlands the permittee V much contact NCDENR withiri twenty four(24) hours of becoming aware ot the deposihon T- �� 18 Part I B 6 of the General Permit requires the permittee to keep a record ot inspections Such records must provide the details of each inspection including observations and acrions taken in accordance with the General Permit as well as all rainfall and monitonng observations 19 Part I C 1 ot the General Permit requires compliance with Final Limitations and Controls once disturbance has begun on the site until completion of construction or development and establishment of a permanent groundcover 20 Part I C 2 of the General Permit requires the permrttee to provide operarion and maintenance necessary to operate stormwater measures and all erosion and sedimentation control measures at optimum efficiency 21 Part I C 3 of the General Permit requires the permittee to perform maintenance ot control measures modificahons or additions to control measures or corrective actions to control sediment or other pollutants as soon as possible and betore the next storm event if tnspections identify a need for such actions 22 Part II B 1 of the General Permrt requires compliance with all condrtions of the General Permrt Any General Permrt noncompliance conshtutes a violation ot the CWA 23 Part II B 2 of the General Permit requires the permittee to take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge in violation of the General Permit which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health and the environment ?4 Part II B 10 of the General Permrt requires all inspection reports to be signed and certitied by a pnncipal executive otficer of NCDOT a ranking elected otficial or a duly authonzed representative 25 Part II C 1 of the General Permit requires the Permittee to properly operate and maintain all control measures and systems ot treatment and control (and related appurtenances) which are installed or used to achieve compliance wrth the condrtions of the General Permrt � 26 On March 3 2011 representatives of the EPA in con�unchon with NCDENR pertormed a Compliance Stormwater Evaluation Inspection ( CSWEI ) at the Development to evaluate the treatment and disposal of stormwater in accordance with the CWA the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 Code of Federal Regulations ( C F R ) § 122 26 the Permit and the General Permit 27 As a result of the CSWEI the EPA determined that stormwater associated with indu5tnal activity was discharged from the Development within the meaning of Section 402(p) of the CWA 33 U S C � 1342(p) and �ts implementing regulations into the Unnamed Tnbutanes ( UTs ) of Bat Fork Creek and King Creeks navigable waters of the United States 3 / 28 Dunng the CSWEI the EPA inspectors provided a copy of an NPDES Inspection Observation Form to NCDOT representatives As noted on the NPDES Inspection Observation Form and in the `Water Compliance Inspection Report attached hereto the tollowing was observed A NCDOT did not implement the approved Plan as required by Part II D 1 b ii of the Permit and Parts I A 2 and II B 1 of the General Permit A pre existing drainage ditch on the east side of Case Street did not have the proper np rap installation as per the Plan a pipe slope drain near Howard Gap Road and Upward Road was not cienoted in the Plan a temporary diversion between skimmer basin#1 and#2 was not installed according to the Plan and a copy ot the approved Plan was not kept on site and available for inspectors B NCDOT did not install and maintain BMPs and control measures to minimize the discharge of pollutants as required by Parts II D 1 a II D 1 b u and IV B 1 of the Permit and Parts I A 4 I C 1 I C 2 I C 3 II B 1 II B 2 and II C 1 of the General Permit Penmeter silt fencing needed maintenance or replacement near the sediment trap north of Upward Road towards Howards Gap Road near the drainage ditch at the corner of 925 Upward Road at the pipe slope drain west of UT #1 of Bat Fork Creek and at the ditch near Case Street Stabilization was needed north of Upward Road along the drainage ditch near the intersection of Upward Road and Howard Gap Road near the corner of 925 Upward Road along the pipe slope drains opposite 925 Upward Road and west ot UT #1 of Bat Fork Creek along Upward Road at the outfall and slopes of the skimmer basins and at the outfall of the UT to Kings Creek Rock check dam maintenance was needed at the intersection ot Upward Road and Howard Gap Road at the foot ot pipe slope drain at 925 Upward Road at the drainage ditch leading mto the skimmer basin at the sediment trap near the UT of Kings Creek and at the dramage drtch along Case Street And maintenance was needed at the skimmer basin batfles and the pipe slope dram west of UT#1 of Bat Fork Creek C NCDOT did not conduct inspections as required by Parts II D 1 a and II D 1 b ii of the Permit and Parts I B 3 I B 4 I B 6 [I B 1 and II B 10 of the General Permit Some ot the mspection reports were not signed and certitied by a pnncipal executive officer of NCDOT a ranking elected otficial or a duly authonzed representative Inspection reports trom November 2010 to early January 2011 were missing D NCDOT did not take actions to control the discharge ot sediment from entenng the receiving streams as required by Parts II D 1 a II D 1 b ii and IV B 1 of the Permit and Parts I B 5 I C 3 II B 1 and lI B 2 of the General Permit Sediment was observed in the UT #1 and UT #2 of Bat Fork Creek and m the UT of King Creek 29 Therefore NCDOT has vtolated Sections 301 and 402(p) of the CWA 33 U S C §§ 1311 and 1342(p), by failing to comply with the Permit and General Permit and for dtscharges not authonzed by the CWA 4 � E Wrthin thirty(30) days ot receipt of this Order submrt documentation including photographs that the requirements ot this Order have been met 31 NCDOT may submit a request for any extension of time to comply with the requirements � ot this Order in wntmg Such request must include the reasons tor the extension request and a date when compliance will be achieved Any extension must be approved by the EPA in wntmg to be etfechve 32 All reports notifications documentation and submittals required by this Order shall be signed by a duly authonzed representahve of NCDOT as specified by 40 C F R �� 122 22(b)(2) and (d) and shall include the tollowing statement I certify under the penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision m accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry ot the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathenng the information the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief true accurate and complete I am aware that there are sigmficant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fine and impnsonment for knowing violations 33 All reports nohfications documentation and submittals required by this Order shall be sent by certified mail or its equivalent to the following addresses 1 � Demsse D Diaz Chief Clean Water Enforcement Branch , Water Protection Division ATTN Susan Pope U S Envtronmental Protection Agency Region 4 61 Forsyth Street S W Atlanta Georgia 30303 8960 and Coleen H Sullins Director Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh North Carolina 27699 1617 IV General Provisions 34 Failure to comply with the requirements herein shall constitute a violation ot this Order 1nd the CWA and may sub�ect NCDOT to penalties as provided in Section 309(d) ot the CWA 33USC § 1319(d) 6 III Order 30 Based on the toregoing Findings and pursuant to the authonty of Sections 308 and 309(a) of the CWA 33 U S C �§ 1318 and 1319(a) IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that NCDOT comply wrth the follow�ng requirements at its Development - - - -- — - A Immediately upon receipt of this Order as required by Part II D 1 b ii of the Permrt and Parts I A 2 and II B 1 ot the General Permrt modify the Plan as necessary to denote current site condrtions to include the pipe slope drain near Howard Gap Road and Upward Road and implement the Plan as approved including installing proper np rap at the drainage ditch on the east side of Case Street and properly installing the ^ temporary diversion between skimmer basin #1 and#2 Keep a copy of the approved Plan on site and available tor inspectors B Immediately upon receipt ot this Order as required by Parts II D 1 a IIDlbiiandIVBlofthePermit andPartsIA4 ICl IC2 IC3 IIB1 IIB2and II C 1 of the General Permit install and maintain BMPs and control measures to minimize the discharge of pollutants Specitically maintain or replace penmeter silt fencing near the sediment trap north ot Upward Road towards Howards Gap Road near the dramage ditch at the corner ot 925 Upward Road at the pipe slope drain west ot UT #1 of Bat Fork Creek and at the ditch near Case Street Stabilize the areas north ot Upward Road along the drainage ditch near the intersection of Upward Road and Howard Gap Road near the corner ot 925 Upward Road along the pipe slope drains opposite 925 Upward Road and west ot UT#1 of Bat Fork Creek, along Upward Road at the outtall and slopes ot the skimmer basins and at the outfall of the UT to Kings Creek Maintain the rock check dams at the intersection of Upward Road and Howard Gap Road at the foot of pipe slope drain at 925 Upward Road at the drainage ditch leading into the skimmer basin at the sediment trap near the UT ot Kings Creek and at the drainage ditch along Case Street Maintain the skimmer basin batfles and the pipe slope drain west of UT#1 of Bat Fork Creek C Immediately upon receipt ot this Order as required by Parts II D 1 a and [I D 1 b ti ot the Permit and Parts I B 3 I B 4 I B 6 II B 1 and II B 10 ot the General Permit institute an inspection program and ensure that the reports are signed and certified by a pnncipal executive otficer of NCDOT a ranking elected offictal or a duly authonzed representative Provide copies of inspection reports for November 2010 through January 2011 if available Provide copies of inspection reports for a penod of three (3) months following receipt of this Order D Immediately upon receipt ot this Order as required by Parts II D I a II D 1 b ii and IV B 1 of the Permit and Parts I B 5 I C 3 II B 1 and II B 2 of the General Permtt take act�ons to control the dtscharge ot sediment from entenng the receiving streains including UT #1 and UT #2 of Bat Fork Creek and the UT ot King Creek 5 l 35 This Order shall not relieve NCDOT ot its obligation to comply with all applicable provistons ot federal state or local law nor shall it be construed to be a ruling on or determination ot, 1ny issue related to any other federal state or local permrt Compliance wrth this Order shall not be a detense to any actions subsequently commenced pursuant to federal laws and regulations admimstered _ _ — by the EPA — —------ _ —__._—- — -- — -- ---- —- 36 Nothmg in this Order shall be construed as prohibiting, altenng, or in any way limiting the ability ot the Umted States to seek any other remedies or sanctions available by vtrtue of NCDOT s violation ot this Order or of the statutes and regulations upon which this Order is based or for NCDOT s violation of any other federal or state statute regulation or permit 37 Nothing in this Order is intended to nor shall be construed to operate in any way to resolve any cnminal liability ot NCDOT or other liability resulting trom vtolations that were not alleged in this Order The United States does not watve any nght to bnng enforcement actions against NCDOT for violation of any tederal or state statute regulation or permrt to imtiate an action for imminent and substantial endangerment or to pursue cnminal enforcement , 38 This Order applies to and is binding upon NCDOT and its otficers directars employees agents successors and assigns 37 Any change in the legal status ot NCDOT s Development including but not limited to � any transter ot assets of real or personal property, shall not alter NCDOT s responsibilittes under this Order 38 Pursuant to Section 309(a)(4) ot the CWA 33 U S C � 1319(a)(4) the EPA has sent a copy of this Order to the State ot North Carolina 39 The provisions of this Order shall be deemed satistied upon a determinarion by the EPA that NCDOT has fully completed and implemented the actions required by this Order V Effective Date 40 The effective date of this Order shall be the date upon which rt ts received by NCDOT IT I5 SO ORDERED, BY THE U S ENVIRONIVIENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, REGION 4 ����� L , �-' �'�`' Date �UL 1 � �011 ames D G a ina Director Water Protection Div�s�on 7 United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington D C 20460 ���EPA �Nater Compliance Inspection Repo�t Section A National Data S stem Codin i e PCS Transaction Code NPDES yr/mo/day Inspect�on Type Inspector Fac Type N 11/03/03 { J 2 Remarlcs InspecUon Work Days Faality Self Monitonng Evafuation Ratmg BI (]A Reserved Section B Facility Data � Name and Location of Facditv Inspected(For mdustrial users d�schargmg to POTW also Entry Time/Date Permit EffecUve Date inc/ude PO7W name and NPDES perm�t number) NC DOT Upward Rd (SR 1783) 03/01/11 1 45 P M 09/20/10 Hendersonwlle NC Ewt Time/Date Permit Expiration Date 03/01/11 5 00 P M 08/02/11 Name(s)of On Site RepresentaUve(s)ffiUe(s)/Phone and Fax Number(s) Other Facdity Data(e g SIC NAICS and other descnphve informatron) Michael Leeds Assistant Resident Engineer Diwsion 14 NC Department of Transportaion 4142 Haywood Rd Mills River NC 28759 Tei (828)891 5367 , RepresentaUves also present dunng the mspection Name Address of Responsible OffiGallTitle/Phone and Fax Number Mike Parker NCDWQ J B Se�er P E Division 14 Michael Woods NC DOT inspector NC Departrnent of Transportabon Tim Webster Blythe Development Co 253 Webster Rd Sylva NC 28879 Tel (828)586-2141 Section C Areas Evaluated Dunn Ins ection Check onl those areas evaluated X Permit Self Monitonng Program Pretreatment i MS4 X Records/Reports Compliance Schedules Pollution Prevention X Facility Site Rewew Laboratory X Storm Water EffluenUReceivmg Waters Operations&Maintenance Combmed Sewer Overflow Flow Measurement Sludge Handling/Disposal Sanitary Sewer Overflow 1 Section D Summary of Findings/Comments AKach additiona!sheets of narrative and checkl�sts �ncludin Sin le Evenf Violat�on codes as necessa SEV Codes SEV Descnption ❑❑❑�� ❑0�❑❑ ❑�❑�❑ Name(s)and Signature of Inspector(s) Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date � v����/�� Araceli Bondla USEPA Region 4/WPD CWEB Ph (404)562 9790 Fax (404)562 9729 Signature of Management Q A Rewewer Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date � / ���� �" P�- / Ch topher L Plymale Chief Stbrfnwater and Residuals USEPA Region 4/WPD CWEB � r�T Enforcement Section Ph (404)562 9794 Fax (404)562 9729 1 Of g Section D NPDES Construction Storm Water Worksheet (North Carolina) � � � � GP���oorilinates�a����`� `����"� L�atitude�� .����� 35 17 33 9 N � Langifud� � 82°24 51 4 W R��csivirig�Wate[�s}oi M Dunn Creek Bat Fork Creek and the Weather Conditlon ���� f "� � ����������� unnamed tributary of King Creek Sunny Warm � �������3��a'r"�'�',�'����'��,�a� �s �.,� a��r �� � ,���� .� �Tfst��sit�airea"acte� � �� 2 779 ��Co�strcrc.tia�,��� 0512010 �Cons�`ttcttot�End,��� 0812013 disfu�aan��;������� mi les ��" Start�D�ate„�'�� �.� Dat������� ��r ��' ,� � �' r ��z.�r #,� �. �. � ,-.ru��#� .� s�` �����CE�,�suEiriilt�ed�tct���,� Y �Date�o�`E�&�S CP,� 10/2008 Di"scharge�tc�3Q3{d� N � z-�-� � ���- (VCDENR or loca!authorr�y� � �aaPProva ��� [�ste�„ocTMf�i�r �,Pai�t��.t������.�������� � �� ��'��� �� �.��� ����' ��� • • . . • • • • • E$c�CON'�m�"P�AN� '�` ����� ��,������ ��'"�-,� �� �'�-�� �,� �"�'"*� ��-������° ��-' YES� �NO=� NiE ,£��u:Lz �',"��� � a� r�r�� ���� �.�'v������sir" ,� �.�*���«`w��.� "�.r�{;� .�. � �;����',�:"� �'.�,� .,,,.'o�*�, a�,� E 8�S Control Plan on site approved current�complete? Pa�t I A 1 X Address endangered 8�threatened species? X Direction of storm water flow and slope identified on map? X Storm water discharge/outfall location(s)identifled on map? X Name of receiving water(s)/wetland(s)or MS4 listed on map? X Ma�or structuraUnonstructural BMP controls located on map? X BMP des�gn requirements cons�stent w/permit? X BMP maintenance reqwrements consistent w/permit? X Address post construction storm water management measures? X A copy of E 8 S CP may be brought back to o�ce for a comp/ete rev�ew � • (Include rype of pro�ect construct�on status so�l type runoff coe�c�ent dra�nage patterns number of outfalls etc) The site is a road pro�ect consist�ng of a road widenmg of SR 183(Upward Rd)to a 4tane div�ded from US Highway 176 to Howard Gap Rd SR 1006 in Hendersonville NC The approximate length of the pro�ect is 2 779 mdes NC DOT obtained a U S Army Corps of Engineers 404 permit(#SAW 2008 2564)on October 21 2008 which authorized impacts including culvert replacements/extensions(90 linear feet) bank stabdizations(121 linear feet) utility crossing(0 001 acres) wetland fills(0 10 acres)and temporary dewatering activities to mimmize sedimentation at the stream impact sites There was also a 401 Water Quality Certification issued by NCDWQ on October 21 2008 � At the time of the inspection the road proJect appeared to be only actively under construction from South Alien Rd west to Spartanburg Highway(US Highway 176) The rema�nder of the pro�ect east of South Allen Rd had some cleared areas and BMPs installed Perimeter silt fencing was observed in need of maintenance in several areas Photos#8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 20 37 71 100 and 103 Temporary stabilization was also needed in several areas that were not actrvely under construction Photos#1 3 4 7 11 12 13 14 19 20 23 37 38 47 48 72 91 and 97 Rock check dams throughout the pro�ect needed to be ma�nta�ned Photos#3 4 7 19 20 21 57 90 101 104 and 106 A Dry Detention Pond was observed�ust east of I 26 N Photos#24 25 26 30 31 and 32 Frve(5)sk�mmer basins with baffles were observed in need of maintenance sk�mmer basin#1 Photos#39 and 42 skimmer basm#2 Photos#41 44 45 and 47 skimmer bas�n#3 Photo#51 skimmer basm#4 Photos#54 and 55 and skimmer basin#5 Photos#91 and 92 The following outfalls were observed during the mspection OutFall#1 Photos#5 6 and 10 Outfall#2 Photo#12 Outfall#3 Photos#19 20 and 21 Outfall#4 Photos#27 and 30 Outfall#5 Photos#47 and 48 Outfall#6 Photos#71 and 73 and Outfall#7 Photos#92 and 96 Outfalls#1-4 d�scharge to Dunn Creek and its tributaries Outfalls#5 6 discharge to Bat Fork Creek and its tributaries Outfall#7 discharges to the unnamed tnbutary of King Creek Sediment discharges were observed entering unnamed tributaries #1 and 2 of Bat Fork Creek Photos#64 68 69 and 70 and the unnamed tributary of King Creek Photos#93 94 95 96 and 98 Weekly mspection reports were also reviewed dunng the inspection Some of the reports were not signed and certified and -- -t ere were missing inspection reports from Novemtie�2010 earty January 2011— ---- - ---� - � � 2 of 8 i , i . � RECORD REVIEW.�° "��,�� x��� � � ��- �� �z ` � � ��"''�� � - �� � c � : �,N/s � � �� � � � � -�.�� �, � YES NO ��,�,�t� �������� ��`�y��F � z��,,�,"��� � ��'� ���r��-`������ �,�� " '� ����-"`� �s � �s��� �s��� �-���'"�� � �- ,;� �� �*�.��3u-��u,�.�"'� ��a=�� � ��� �� � "�� ���,a .��� "� �d E Representative on site� X Records available on site� Part I B 6 X Stabihzation measures mit�ated on site w/in 14 days after construction has ceased in an area?__ _ _ X Rain gauge maintained on site and daily rainfall amounts records? �Part I B 1 2 X inspection conducted in accordance w/schedules in permit(1/7 days or 24 hrs of 0 5 rain)� Part I B 3 X Storm water runoff observation inspection in accordance wlschedules in permit(1/7 days 2/7 days for 303(d) X waters or 24 hrs of 0 5 rain? Part I B 4 Inspections conducted by qualified personnel� X Inspection reports complete and adequate(certification of compliance)�n accordance with permit� X Date of the latest inspection report and findings No detailed findings 02/21/11 Date when ma�or grading actrvit�es occurred N/A Corrective actions taken ASAP if sediment leaving disturbed limits of site� Part I B 5 X � . . �,�� � �� �� heck � Note location quantttattve description design issue,O&M deflc�encies(including the Structur'al Practices j ��,�, BMPs ature and extent),and sediment off�sit� �� ����� ���� � �� �, "�� �� ��r� ���y Listed m � i���r � ��-� ^�� ��� t � � .'� � e!��, � ,� �»�' s'`' r- � �''�, `acw ���'' "'"'�`'9t ji.��r� � ,��'� � � E�S CP �, ��^$ �. �� �r .�����'� � a � � �,y ��g�,�„�� ,. .� Silt Fences X enmeter silt fencing was observed in need of maintenance in several areas Photos 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 20 37 71 100 and103 Straw/Hay Bales Not applicable Storm Drain Inlet/Outlet Not applicable Protect�on (Specify F�Iter Fabric Gravel Bags etc) � � Skimmer basins with baffles X Five(5)skimmer basins with baffles were observed in need of maintenance skimmer basin#1 Photos#39 and 42 skimmer basin#2 Photos#41 44 45 and 47 skimmer basin#3 Photo#51 sk�mmer basin#4 Photos#54 and 55 and skimmer basin#5 hotos#91 and 92 Retention/Detent�on Pond X Dry Detention Pond was observed�ust east of I 26 N Photos#24 25 26 30 31 and 2 Check Dams X Rock check dams throughout the pro�ect needed to be maintained Photos#3 4 7 19 0 21 57 90 101 104 and106 Drversion Structure(Earth X Dikes Ditches Berms etc) here was a drversion ditch observed near Howard Gap Rd that was denoted on the E&S CP Photos#3 and 7 A temporary drversion between skimmer basm#1 and 2 needed to be installed properly Photo#41 A temporary drainage d�tch was observed ear the intersection of Upward Rd and Case St Photos#99 100 102 and 103 A pre ex�st�ng drainage d�tch on the east side of Case St did not have the proper np rap �nstallation as per the E&S CP Photo#104 Another drainage ditch�ust east of Case St and off of Upward Rd did not have all the rock check dam BMPs denoted on the E8�S CP Photos#105 and 106 Construction Entrance&Exit Not applicable Control Rip Rap X he Dry Detention Pond had rip rap outlet protection at Outfall#4 Photos#26 27 and 0 Outfall#5 corresponding to skimmer basin#2 needed np rap outlet protection to revent further erosion from entenn Bat Fork Creek Photos#47 and 48 Ri ra was 3 of 8 also observed along the unnamed tnbutary#2 of Bat Fork-�Creek for stream ba�Sk � tabilization Photos#64 68 and 69 There was also rip rap along the unnamed nbutary of King Creek for stream bank stabilization Photos#88 90 93 94 and 97 1 1 Pipe Slope Drains X pipe slope drain was observed near Howard Gap Rd and Upward Rd which was not � enoted in the E&S CP Photos#5 and 7 A pipe slope drain near 925 Upward Rd did not appear to be installed properly Photo#16 as well as another across the street Photo#19 wer'e also not denoted on the E&S CP It was unclear where the pipe slope rain near the unnamed tributary#2 of Bat Fork Creek came from Photos#65 and 67 � — - - -- nother pipe slope drain was observed�ust west of the unnamed tributary#1 of Bat Fork Creek Photos#71 and 73 needing mamtenance � � Drainage Swales Not applicable � Other Structural Practices X stilling basin was observed south of Upward Rd near I 26S Photos#35 and 36 ���A. +.-�.�'�� �',�,rt, � �b r�����.�.k�,�� .,,�� � �s ��q�r ... w � ,�� � '� .,� ,�-�,.� �a���,� Stab�lizatwn Practices���- g,� heck� emporary or permanent stabdization must be initiated�n poitions of the site where �� .��� � �`-���'�� �- BMPs onstruction activit�es have temporarily��or permanentty ceased� � � � a � � "� � -,�3 Listed�n � � e � ,� �t� � '". � � �.�� ,� � ,t'� �'� �S� �� "" �.S f.{�" .� �'���'�'°�� � �* �� t x�� �= -,c � �� ��y� `���- � ��� � ��� � r � � w �z � ��, ��� "� � �' � � � �� � ' � � .� S �I Seeding X emporary stabilization was also needed in several areas that were not actrvely under � onstruction Photos#1 3 4 7 11 12 13 14 19 20 23 37 38 47 48 72 91 and 97 i � Mulchmg Not applicable I Sodding Not applicable { Geotextiles Not applicable Other Stabilization Practices Not applicable Housekee �in�BMPs ��� � ��� � �� � '� ���`� �` � '�� � '� � � � p 9 � �� heck � � �° 4� � ,� ��� �,� �� ��.�k �� � ��'����.�°� �� �'� MPS "` „ ,�.�3�4'� � � � � ��,�, �a .�s K � �,: r � � ,s ��s�^���.+� � ,� � � �r=���y�` ��5�,`� Listed irt'� � ��"����-�"y,� �� � �� �° � ���� „�� ,...� � � �����a N�' :a �� ., � � a ,� �.�� � v�N �, =.� ,� .�:��' ,* ,,Q°' � �'� �s � � �� ��sw� r�� �r ��� �� � �� ?,.,. ,- � �s E8�S CP �}� ����. � � � � � ��"` � �,� � .� � � �� e � � �Y� t�`�'.�� «€ .� �� �,�� ,��� ��. ,. �� ��� ^���w�s� Proper Storage of X wo dual walled diesel tanks were observed near the corner of Old Spartanburg Rd Construct�on Debris& nd Upward Rd Photos#109 and 110 Chemicals(i e sand litter paint solvents petroleum 8 etc) Proper Disposal of Not applicable Construction Debns& � Chemicals Street Cleaning Not applicable j Concrete Wash Down Control Not applicable � Other Practices(i e truck Not apphcable � ash area fuelmg containment control areas for maintenance SPCC dust control 8�etc) PartIA36 • • � • • ,x n r � x� ,�� �� t y s�.- �,`�s� ,��� ����� K F � `���` ��� a�- � � � ��,� Outfall;Storm Water n� YE3 NO °� ,:� �.. ,� � Qischarge 8 Recerving Water�, �� .� ������� �� �' � � '� � M � Number&location of storm X Describe The followmg outfalls were observed during the inspection Outfall#1 water discharge(s)/outfall(s) Photos#5 6 and 10 Outfall#2 Photo#12 Outfall#3 Photos#19 20 and 21 Outfall consiste�t with the E8�S CP #4 Photos#27 and 30 Outfall#5 Photos#47 and 48 Outfall#6 Photos#71 and 73 and Outfall#7 Photos#92 and 96 Outfalis#1-4 discharge to Dunn Creek and its tnbutaries Outfalls#5 6 discharge to Bat Fork Creek and its tnbutaries Outfall#7 dischar es to the unnamed tributa of Kin Creek 4of8 B Ps properly installed and X Descr�be See above maintained to minimize loss of sediment PartIB2 Evidence of off site X Descr�be Sediment discharges were observed entering unnamed tributar�es#1 and 2 accumulation of sediment of Bat Fork Creek Photos#64 68 69 and 70 and the unnamed tributary of King observed in recerving water Creek Photos#93 94 95 96 and 98 There was potential for off site discharges reaching the recerving waters at Outfall#2 Photo#12 Outfall#3 Photos#20 21 22 ' and Outfall#5 Photos#46 47 48 and 49 Other discharges or potential X Descr�be Not applicable discharges off site(not through permitted outfails) Non storm water discharge X Descnbe Dewatering actrvities were occurring for culvert replacement and utdity observed work Photos#62 75 76 77 78 79 and 80 � � 5 of 8 Additional inspection summary, narrative, f�ndings, comments, photos, and schematic d�agram of the pro�ect area as necessary Exit �nterview conducted with David Leeds and Michael Woods, NC DOT, at 5 00 P M � a PHOTO LOG _ Photo #1 View looking west of Upward Rd near the intersection of Howard Gap Rd Note the area�ust north of Upward Rd was cleared, but not actively under construction i Photo#2-View look�ng east of Upward Rd near the intersection of Howard Gap Rd Note th�s is the eastern limit of the road pro�ect Photo #3-View looking west of a drainage ditch near the intersection of Upward Rd and Howard Gap Rd Note the rock check dams along the drainage ditch Stabilization measures were needed Photo#4 Another view looking east of the drainage ditch and unstabilized area near Howard Gap Rd Photo #5-View of a sediment trap bes�de the drainage ditch in Photo#3 Note the sediment trap discharged into an open fieid in between the Hendersonville Pentecostai Holiness Church and a res�dential property Photo#6- Closer view of the sediment trap in Photo#5 (Lat 35° 17' 49" N, Long 82°23' 14" V1� Photo #7 Closer view of the dra�nage ditch in Photo#3 Note the unstabilized area Photo#8- Silt fencing near the sediment trap on Photo#5 needing repair Photo #9- Closer view of the silt fencing�ust north of Upward Rd Photo #10 View of the silt fencing looking east towards Howards Gap Rd Photo #11-View looking east at the corner of 925 Upward Rd Note this area was not actively under construction Photo #12- Another v�ew of the unstabilized area near the corner of 925 Upward Rd Note the silt fencing needed to be repa�red and sed�ment was erod�ng into the ad�acent drainage ditch Photo#13-View of the dra�nage d�tch described in Photo#12 looking north Note the s�it fenc�ng and the 48" reinforced concrete pipe be�ng installed for stormwater drainage Photo#14 Closer view of the 48 ' p�pe in Photo #13 Photo #15 Closer view of the drainage ditch looking north The drainage ditch d�scharges into Dunn Creek Photo#16-View of a pipe slope drain silt fencing, and rock check dam above the drainage ditch in Photo #15 (Lat 35° 17' 48" N, Long 82°23' 33" W) Photo#17 Closer view of drainage d�tch below Photo #16 Photo#18-Another view of the drainage ditch downstream of Photo#17 Photo #19 View of a hill on the opposite side of the road from Photo#11 Note the pipe slope drain and discharge point Photo#20- Closer view of Photo#19 Photo #21-View of sed�ment be�ng discharged beyond the discharge po�nt �n Photo #19 Photo#22 Closer view of the sediment d�scharge in Photo#21 Photo #23-View of silt fencing at the bottom of the hill in Photo#19 Photo #24 View looking south of the Dry Detention Pond near the �ntersection of Upward Rd and I-26 N Photo#25 View of the Dry Detention Pond looking west towards the sp�llway Photo#26 Closer view of the spillway in Photo#25 Photo#27 View of the sp�liway in Photo#26 look�ng towards Dunn Creek Photo #28-View of Dunn Creek below the spillway Photo#29- Another view of Dunn Creek looking south of the spiliway Photo#30-View of the outfall for the Dry Detention Pond looking east Photo #31-View of the Dry Detention Pond looking east Photo #32 Pipe slope drain within the rip rap berm area inside the Dry Detention Pond Photo #33 Pipe inlet leading to the Dry Detention Pond � Photo#34-View look�ng south of drainage ditch Just south of Upward Rd (Lat 35° 17 49" N, Long 82°24' 42" W) Photo #35-View of Upward Rd looking east towards I 26 S Note the sediment trap at the bottom right 6of8 hand corner of the photo The sediment trap discharges to the drainage ditch in Photo#34 Photo#36- Another view of the basin in Photo#35 looking west Photo #37 Another v�ew of Photo#35 Photo #38 View of Upward Rd looking west taken from the same location as Photo#37 Photo#39- Skimmer basin on the northwest corner of South Allen Rd and Upward Rd Note the skimmer basin needed to be maintained Photo#40-View looking west of the skimmer basin in Photo#39 - Photo#41- Closer view looking west of the skimmer basin in Photo#39 Note there was another sk�mmer bas�n ad�acent to Bat Fork Creek at the top right of the photo Photo#42- Sk�mmer basin on the northwest corner of South Allen Rd and Upward Rd Note the skimmer bas�n needed to be maintained Photo#43-View looking east from the corner of South Allen Rd and Upward Rd Photo#44- Closer view of the skimmer basin in Photo#41 near Bat Fork Creek Photo #45-View looking east of the skimmer basin in Photo#44 Note the sk�mmer basin needed to be maintained Photo#46-View of the spiliway for the skimmer basin in Photo #44 tooking towards Bat Fork Creek Photo#47 Another v�ew of the spiliway in Photo#46 look�ng east towards South Allen Rd Photo #48- Outfall for the skimmer basin in Photo #44 Note the sediment eros�on near the outfall Photo#49- View of Bat Fork Creek iooking downstream Photo #50-View of Bat Fork Creek looking upstream towards Upward Rd Photo#51 Skimmer basin on the northeast corner of South Allen Rd and Upward Rd Note the skimmer } bas�n needed maintenance Photo#52 V�ew looking south of the skimmer basin in Photo#51 Note the sediment bu�lding up on the corner Photo#53-Another skimmer basin off of Upward Rd �ust east of the one in Photo#51 Photo#54-V�ew of Upward Rd east of the skimmer basin in Photo #53 Photo#55-View looking west of the skimmer basin in Photo#53 looking towards South Allen Rd Photo#56- Pile of unstabilized soil on the corner of South Allen Rd and Upward Rd According to Mr Leeds the soii was not part of the NC DOT road pro�ect Photo #57 View looking north of a drana�ge ditch that leads into the skimmer basin in Photo #51 Photo #58 72"reinforced concrete pipe which w�ll replace a former corrugated pipe below Upward Rd connecting the unnamed tributary#1 of Bat Fork Creek and unnamed tributary#2 of Bat Fork Creek Photo #59 View of Upward Rd looking east taken from Photo#58 Note this area was actively under construction at the time of the inspection Photo #60-View of Upward Rd looking south taken from Photo #58 Photo #61-View of the 72" reinforced concrete pipe and the old corrugated pipe near Upward Rd Photo #62 Closer view of Photo#60 Photo#63 View of disturbed area north of Upward Rd near Photo #58 Note the slopes had temporary stabilization Photo#64 View of the rock lined unnamed tributary#1 of Bat Fork Creek as �t enters the unnamed tributary#2 of Bat Fork Creek Photo#65-View of unnamed tributary#2 of Bat Fork Creek being piped Photo#66 Another view of Photo#65 Photo #67 View of a pipe slope dra�n near the reinforced concrete pipe seen in Photo#65 Photo #68 View looking north of the confluence of unnamed tributaries #1 and #2 of Bat Fork Creek (Lat 35° 17' 51" N, Long 82°25' 02' W) Photo #69 Closer view of Photo#68 Photo #70 View looking southwest towards the 72" reinforced pipe discharging unnamed tributary#1 of Bat Fork Creek Photo #71 P�pe slope drain�ust west of the unnamed tributary#1 of Bat Fork Creek Note the sediment accumulation and ponding near the silt fencing Photo#72 View looking west of the area near the pipe slope drain in Photo#71 Photo#73- Closer view of the pipe slope drain on the top end Note there is no protect�on on the top or bottom end of the pipe slope drain Photo #74-View lookin east of the pi e slo e drain towards unnamed tributa #1 of Bat Fork Creek 1 7of8 Photo#75 View of unnamed tributary#1 of Bat Fork Creek south of Upward Rd � Photo #76 Hose and pump equipment being used for the instaliation of the sewer line q Photo#77- Pump near unnamed tributary#2 of Bat Fork Creek south of Upward Rd Photo #78 View looking south at unnamed tributary#2 of Bat Fork Creek Photo#79 View looking north of the pump in Photo#77 of the unnamed t�ibutary#2 of Bat Fork Creek Photo #80-View of hose in the unnamed tributary#2 of Bat Fork Creek used to pump the tributary so that pipe installation can be finalized Photo#81 View of Upward Rd looking west near unnamed tributary#1 of Bat Fork Creek Photo #82 View of construction materials along the north side of Upward Rd Photo#83- Creek crossing for the unnamed tributary of King Creek north of Upward Rd near the ; intersection with Spartanburg Highway � Photo #84 View of Upward Rd looking east from the unnamed tributary of Kmg Creek crossing ? Photo #85-View of Upward Rd looking west towards Spartanburg Highway Photo #86-View of area east of the unnamed tributary of King Creek ! Photo#87 Closer view the unnamed tributary of King Creek cross�ng I Photo#88 View of the unnamed tributary of Kmg Creek looking north Photo#89-View of box culvert being installed at the the unnamed tributary of King Creek crossing Photo#90 Another view of the area east of the unnamed tributary of King Creek Note the rock check dams leading to a sediment trap near the unnamed tributary of King Creek Photo #91 Skimmer basin�ust west of the unnamed tributary of King Creek Photo #92- Another view of the skimmer basin in Photo#91 Photo#93 The unnamed tributary of King Creek looking north of Upward Rd Photo#94- The unnamed tributary of King Creek look�ng south towards Upward Rd Photo #95 Closer view of Photo#94 Note the sed�ment accumulation near the box cutvert Photo#96- Another view of sediment accumulation along the box culvert head wall Photo #97-Another view of Photo#94 Note the slopes needed to be stab�lized Photo #98-View of the unnamed tributary of King Creek downstream of the box culvert Note the sediment accumulation in the creek Photo #99- Area east of the unnamed tributary of King Creek Note the silt fencing and utility work at the t�me of the inspection Photo#100 Ditch near Case St Perimeter s�lt fencing needed to be replaced as soon as possible Photo#101 View of the unnamed tributary of King Creek looking west Note the rock check dams leading to the sediment trap descr�bed in Photo#90 Photo #102 Ditch inlet p�pe near Case St Photo #103 View of ditch looking west towards the unnamed tributary of K�ng Creek Photo#104-View of dra�nage ditch along Case St Note the rock check dams and need for stabilization Photo #105 View of Upward Rd from the intersection with Case St Photo #106 Another view of Photo#105 Note the rock check dams and need for stabilization Photo #107 View of Upward Rd near the intersection of Old Spartanburg Rd looking east Note the perimeter silt fencing Photo#108 Another view of Photo #107 Photo#109 A dual-w1alled diesel tank near the construction tra�ler off of Old Spartanburg Rd Photo #110 Another dual walled diesel tank near the construct�on trailer off of Old Spartanburg Rd 8of8 \ 6/16/2011 C T- p ar (S -17 3) �� _�.. .,. .. � ; � ���������,� ��. 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Photo#13 Photo#14 C T- a r ( -1 � �� ����� m ' �.� -�t� u'�� � � � E� �' � `�` �'�� `��r�t`����.� � � �� �� �� ���� �� �� "� �"�� � �€ �a��..�,� �'"�a��� ^``��`�-� �-� �`� � ��l -� �§ �' "� �� ��,�� �x �� s� � Y�y'p�aA$°' �� �� �`� � � �� �`§� �� ��'�;a�,�� *.h '�r,f "��,. ,r� '°• p, �� �'�*h. � �'` e'� i i .a � �°. �' Y "+''„ 'a��'�`S� k� ,�„ � � � { � t �e `� �4��.'� ��R�`,��� "r '�'y � �, �rt` �,,,,tc 3�,� � � �����N,� � y'�.��C ��� ��t µ�,:�(' '�+6 q� f a �� ,.+, y y .� �. +-� "�e�'�{"' d���"`-' � �"�'v�. � � ,s 3'x�`"�`i s� �@� .,�� �� �^ .^��.a��s� Photo#15 �hoto�16 4 6/16/2011 > �- � ( -� ) , � � ���.�� � � � irt �{ �, s ,� J F �� � er � ����'ya � k��`�{ 1� ��R��� ( ��� ! kd�`� '�-y,�+� m-.o,� !�84 � � �#$ys�Y$" �, � '� „�-n+ ""q`D � `N,,.� ���� ��y �1� �U"� �`�h4+ h � � � �� �" `��' � ��� � ds� ���„�� � ,a�r .a ,�, � i � `� � � � },4 , ��s� i? i���� � �+'� �q ��� �w��� 3 � �� .��i �3 f� � �� � �x"��, p3� ���,� k�� � ���� � x s ; � � ��,��. � s � � ., v. ` r:.N � � � .��� ', '�r ^ ��M d'-r�`' � ��� ��� .� r � ��� � � � �� ���� � � ¢ t� ��,��,Z�,�'y�` *�,�"� '�° �e � � � � �������a���� ����,��M� Photo#17 Photo#1� � ` � , C OT- pv�a r Rd (SR-17�3 j , � � � � � � ��� � ���a� �> � ��, � .� �� �,, � � , "�� —��, } �"t�`��' F`'�` .�,�,�'�� ��`� ,. 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