HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061085 Ver 2_More Info Received_20111127 E��+�� ����.� � r�� O�n��� �n�c�c¢c�ccc�n,�.��Q�s��n&��c�s�l�!c�s November 21 2011 � D ����� Annette M Lucas PE NOV � Environmental Engmeer 2 9 2 p�� NCDENR � DWQ � Wetlands and Stormwater Branch DENR yy,�J�RQ���.� 512 N Salisbury St Raleigh NC 27604 ���SANpST��A�R�CN Sub�ect DWQ EXP No 06 1085v2 Elementary School G —Wet Pond Dear Ms Lucas As d�scussed this morn�ng I have attached drawmgs and a modeling summary that describe the proposed modifications to the sub�ect pond There are no pendmg notices from your office at this time The discrepancy between the ongmal designed and the constructed pond was discovered by Urnon County Public Schools (UCPS) staff dunng routme maintenance inspections UCPS immediately retamed Estes Design to assess and correct deficiencies to ensure 401 compliance The requirements necessary to correct deficiencies and meet compliance include ra�smg the existmg outlet and reconstructing the forebay berm The corrections wdl differ slightiy from the origmal permitted design whde increasing the BMP s effect�veness The current pnmary outlet elevation was constructed below the onginal des�gn elevation of 680 00 permanent pool and the 681 50 temporary storage elevation The proposed corrected pnmary outlet elevations are 680 50 permanent pool elevation and 682 25 temporary storage elevation The proposed correction will also mcrease the surface area and volume compared to the onginally perm�tted design The onginal permanent pool surface area and volume are 9416 sf and 30737 sf respectwely The proposed permanent pool surface area and volume are 10963 sf and 36450 respectively Please see the attached documents for your use Please don t hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have Sincerely �� Chnstopher J Estes President • P O Box 79133 Charlotte N C 28271 . Phone 704 841 1779 Fax 704 841 1842�. � i "F � C�C���dC p NOV 2 9 2011 DENR WATER QUALITY dVE�LANDSAND STORM�VATER Bt�CK 1S DA3 1R Inlet 2P Forebay 2 1 3P Pond3 2 1 2R Outlet Subcat Reach on Link ����9e D�agram for Pond 3 Prop�ed 20111117 ❑ Prepared by Estes Des�gn Inc Pnnted 11/21/2011 HydroCAD�I 9 10 s(n 03095 0 2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Rea View Wet Pond Pond 3 Proposed 20111117 Prepared by Estes Design Inc Pnnted 11/21/2011 HydroCAD�9 10 s/n 03095 O 2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 Area Listing (all nodes) Area CN Descnption (acres) (subcatchment numbers) 1 240 79 50 75% Grass cover Fair HSG C (1S) 4 080 98 Paved parking HSG C (1S) Rea View Wet Pond Pond 3 Proposed 20111117 Type ll 6 hr 1 6hr Ramfall=1 00 Prepared by Estes Design Inc Pr�nted 11/21/2011 HydroCAD�9 10 s!n 03095 OO 2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 4 Summary for Reach 1 R Inlet Inflow Area = 5 320 ac 76 69% Impervious Inflow Depth = 0 00 for 1 6hr event Inflow = 0 00 cfs @ 10 00 hrs Volume= 0 000 af Outflow = 0 00 cfs @ 10 00 hrs Volume= 0 000 af Atten= 0% Lag= 0 0 min Routmg by Stor Ind+Trans method Time Span= 10 00 72 00 hrs dt= 0 05 hrs Max Velocity= 0 00 fps Mm Travel Time= 0 0 min Avg Velocity= 0 00 fps Avg Travel Time= 0 0 min Peak Storage= 0 cf @ 10 00 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0 00 Bank Full Depth= 2 50 Capacity at Bank Full=41 80 cfs 30 0 Round Pipe n= 0 013 Concrete pipe bends& connections Length= 56 8 Slope=0 0104 r Inlet Invert=678 24 Outlet Invert= 677 65 Summary for Subcatchment 1 S DA3 Runoff = 0 00 cfs @ 10 00 hrs Volume= 0 000 af Depth= 0 00 Runoff by SCS TR 20 method UH=SCS Time Span= 10 00 72 00 hrs dt= 0 05 hrs Type II 6 hr 1 6hr Rainfall=1 00 Area (ac) CN Descnption 4 080 98 Paved parking HSG C 1 240 79 50 75% Grass cover, Fair HSG C 5 320 94 Weighted Average 1 240 23 31% Pervious Area 4 080 76 69% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacrty Descr�ption (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 7 7 74 0 0176 0 16 Sheet Flow Sheet Grass Short n= 0 150 P2= 3 50 3 4 170 0 0176 0 83 Lag/CN Method Shallow Conc 16 8 873 0 0100 0 87 Laq/CN Method Pipe 27 9 1 117 Total Rea View Wet Pond Pond 3 Proposed 20111117 Type ll 24 hr 10 Year Rainfa11=5 20 Prepared by Estes Design Inc Printed 11/21/2011 HydroCAD�9 10 s/n 03095 OO 2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 8 Time span=10 00 72 00 hrs dt=0 05 hrs 1241 pomts Runoff by SCS TR 20 method UH=SCS Reach routmg by Stor Ind+Trans method Pond routing by Stor Ind method Reach 1 R Inlet Avg Flow Depth=1 24 Max Vel=8 48 fps Infiow=20 52 cfs 1 825 af 30 0 Round Pipe n=0 013 L=56 8 S=0 0104 P Capacity=41 80 cfs Outflow=20 50 cfs 1 824 af Subcatchment1S DA3 RunoffArea=S 320 ac 76 69% Impervious Runoff Depth>4 12 Flow Length=1 117 Tc=27 9 min CN=94 Runoff=20 52 cfs 1 825 af Pond 2P Forebay 2 1 Peak Elev=681 13 Storage=6 553 cf Inflow=20 50 cfs 1 824 af Outflow=20 70 cfs 1 812 af Reach 2R Outlet Avg Flow Depth=1 03 Max Vel=8 42 fps Inflow=13 85 cfs 1 613 af 24 0 Round Pipe n=0 013 L=180 0 S=0 0133 /' Capacity=26 12 cfs Outflow=13 78 cfs 1 613 af Pond 3P Pond3 2 1 Peak Elev=682 83 Storage=61 146 cf Inflow=20 70 cfs 1 812 af Pnmary=13 85 cfs 1 613 af Secondary=0 00 cfs 0 000 af Outflow=13 85 cfs 1 613 af Rea View Wet Pond Pond 3 Proposed 20111117 Type 1124-hr 10-Year Ramfall=5 20 Prepared by Estes Design Inc Printed 11/21/2011 HydroCAD�9 10 s/n 03095 O 2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 9 Summary for Reach 1 R Inlet Inflow Area = 5 320 ac 76 69% Impervious Inflow Depth > 4 12 for 10 Year event Inflow = 20 52 cfs @ 12 21 hrs Volume= 1 825 af Outflow = 20 50 cfs @ 12 21 hrs Volume= 1 824 af Atten= 0% Lag= 0 2 min Routmg by Stor Ind+T�ans method Time Span= 10 00-72 00 hrs dt=0 05 hrs Max Velocity= 8 48 fps Min Travel Time= 01 min Avg Velocity= 3 25 fps Avg Travel Time=0 3 mm Peak Storage= 137 cf @ 12 21 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 1 24 Bank Full Depth=2 50 Capacity at Bank-Full=41 80 cfs 30 0 Round Pipe n=0 013 Concrete pipe bends& connections Length=56 8 Slope=0 0104 P Inlet Invert= 678 24 Outlet Invert= 677 65 Summary for Subcatchment 1S DA3 Runoff = 20 52 cfs @ 12 21 hrs Volume= 1 825 af Depth> 4 12 Runoff by SCS TR-20 method UH=SCS Time Span= 10 00 72 00 hrs dt= 0 05 hrs Type il 24 hr 10 Year Rainfall=5 20 Area (ac) CN Description 4 080 98 Paved parking HSG C 1 240 79 50 75% Grass cover Fair HSG C 5 320 94 Weighted Average 1 240 23 31% Pervious Area 4 080 76 69% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 7 7 74 0 0176 0 16 Sheet Flow, Sheet Grass Short n= 0 150 P2= 3 50 3 4 9 70 0 0176 0 83 Lag/CN Method, Shallow Conc 16 8 873 0 0100 0 87 Laq/CN Method, Pipe 27 9 1 117 Total Rea View Wet Pond Pond 3 Proposed 20111117 Type 1124 hr 10 Year Ramfall=5 20 Prepared by Estes Design Inc Pr�nted 11/21/2011 HydroCAD�9 10 s/n 03095 OO 2010 H_ydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 10 Summary for Pond 2P Forebay 2 1 Inflow Area = 5 320 ac 76 69% Impervious Inflow Depth > 4 11 for 10-Year event Inflow = 20 50 cfs @ 12 21 hrs Volume= 1 824 af OutFlow = 20 70 cfs @ 12 23 hrs Volume= 1 812 af Atten= 0% Lag= 1 5 min Primary = 20 70 cfs @ 12 23 hrs Volume= 1 812 af Routing by Stor Ind method Time Span= 10 00 72 00 hrs dt= 0 05 hrs Starting Elev= 680 50 Surf Area=2 Q67 sf Storage=5 464 cf Peak Elev=681 13 a� 12 23 hrs Surf Area= 2 288 sf Storage= 6 553 cf (1 089 cf above start) Plug Flow detention time= 55 1 m�n calculated for 1 685 af(92% of mflow) Center of Mass det time= 2 6 min ( 822 9 820 3) Volume Invert Avad Storage Storaqe Description #1 676 00 6 553 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismat�c)Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf Area Inc Store Cum Store (feet) (sq ft) (cubic feet} (cubic feet) 676 00 501 0 0 677 00 772 637 637 678 00 1 091 932 '! 568 679 00 1 450 1 271 2 839 680 00 1 845 1 648 4 486 681 00 2 288 2 067 6 553 Device Routinq Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 680 75 34 0 long x 2 0 breadth Broad Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 1 00 1 20 1 40 1 60 1 80 2 00 2 50 3 00 3 50 Coef (English) 2 54 2 61 2 61 2 60 2 66 2 70 2 77 2 89 2 88 2 85 3 07 3 20 3 32 Primary OutFtow Max=20 33 cfs @ 12 23 hrs HW=681 13 (Free Discharge) L1=Broad Crested Rectangular Weir(Weir Controls 20 33 cfs @ 1 59 fps) Summary for Reach 2R Outlet Inflow Area = 5 320 ac 76 69% Impervious Inflow Depth > 3 64 for 10 Year event Inflow = 13 85 cfs @ 12 41 hrs Volume= 1 613 af Outflow = 13 78 cfs @ 12 42 hrs Volume= 1 613 af Atten= 1% Lag= 0 8 min Routing by Stor Ind+Trans method Time Span= 10 00 72 00 hrs dt= 0 05 hrs Max Velocity=8 42 fps Mm Travel Time= 0 4 min Avg Velocity=2 20 fps Avg Travel Time= 1 4 m�n Peak Storage=295 cf @ 12 42 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 1 03 Bank-Full Depth= 2 00 Capacity at Bank-Full= 26 12 cfs Rea View Wet Pond Pond 3 Proposed 20111117 Type ll 24 hr 10 Year Ramfa11=5 20 Prepared by Estes Design Inc Pr�nted 11/21/2011 HydroCAD�9 10 s/n 03095 O 2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paqe 11 24 0 Round Pipe n=0 013 Concrete pipe bends&connections Length= 180 0 Slope= 0 0133 /' inlet invert= 669 40 Outiet Invert=667 00 Summary for Pond 3P Pond3 2 1 Inflow Area = 5 320 ac 76 69% Impervious Inflow Depth = 4 09 for 10-Year event Inflow = 20 70 cfs @ 12 23 hrs Volume= 1 812 af Outflow = 13 85 cfs @ 12 41 hrs Volume= 1 613 af Atten= 33% Lag= 10 5 min Primary = 13 85 cfs @ 12 41 hrs Volume= 1 613 af Secondary = 0 00 cfs @ 10 00 hrs Volume= 0 000 af Routing by Stor-Ind method Time Span= 10 00 72 00 hrs dt=0 05 hrs/2 Startmg Elev= 680 50 Surf Area= 8 896 sf Storage= 30 986 cf Peak Elev= 682 83 @ 12 41 hrs Surf Area= 16 267 sf Storage=61 146 cf (30160 cf above start) Plug-Flow detention time= 882 7 min calculated for 0 901 af(50% of inflow) Center of Mass det time= 405 3 min ( 1 228 2 822 9) Volume Invert Avail Storage StoraQe Description #1 675 00 102 306 cf Ex�sting (Prismatic)Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf Area Inc Store Cum Store (feet) (sq ft) (cubic feet) (cubic feet) 675 00 3 649 0 0 676 00 4 310 3 980 3 980 677 00 5 001 4 656 8 635 678 00 5 721 5 361 13 996 679 00 6 471 6 096 20 092 680 00 7 246 6 859 26 951 681 00 10 546 8 896 35 847 682 00 14 459 12 503 48 349 683 00 16 629 15 544 63 893 684 00 19 144 17 887 81 780 685 00 21 909 20 527 102 306 Device Routinq Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 674 31 24 0 Round 24 RCP Culvert L= 82 2 CMP pro�ectmg no headwall Ke= 0 900 Inlet/Outlet Invert= 674 31 /669 40 S= 0 0597 P Cc= 0 900 n= 0 013 Concrete pipe bends& connections #2 Device 1 680 50 1 6 Vert 1 6 Orifice C=0 600 #3 Dewce 1 682 25 36 0 Horiz Onfice/Grate C=0 600 Rea View Wet Pond Pond 3 Proposed 20111117 Type ll 24 hr 10 Year Ramfall=5 20 Prepared by Estes Design Inc Pr�nted 11/21/2011 HydroCAD�9 10 s/n 03095 OO 2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paqe 12 Limited to weir flow at low heads #4 Secondary 68412 35 0 long x 6 0 breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 1 00 1 20 1 40 1 60 1 80 2 00 2 50 3 00 3 50 4 00 4 50 5 00 5 50 Coef (English) 2 37 2 51 2 70 2 68 2 68 2 67 2 65 2 65 2 65 2 65 2 66 2 66 2 67 2 69 2 72 2 76 2 83 Primary OutFlow Max=13 74 cfs @ 12 41 hrs HW=682 83 (Free Discharge) L =24 RCP Cuivert (Passes 13 74 cfs of 32 75 cfs potential flow) �2=1 6 Orifice (Orifice Controls 010 cfs @ 7 25 fps) 3=0rifice/Grate (Weir Controis 13 64 cfs @ 2 49 fps) econdary OutFlow Max=O 00 cfs @ 10 00 hrs HW=680 50 (Free Discharge) Broad-Crested Rectangular We�r(Controis 0 00 cfs) Rea View Wet Pond Pond 3 Proposed 20111117 Type ll 24-hr 900-Year Ramfall=7 50 Prepared by Estes Design Inc Pr�nted 11/21/2011 HydroCAD�9 10 s/n 03095 O 2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paqe 13 Time span=10 00 72 00 hrs dt=0 05 hrs 1241 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method UH=SCS Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Reach 1 R Inlet Avg Flow Depth=1 58 Max Vel=9 28 fps Inflow=30 28 cfs 2 697 af 30 0 Round Pipe n=0 013 L=56 8 S=0 0104 /' Capacity=41 80 cfs Outflow=30 25 cfs 2 694 af Subcatchment1S DA3 Runoff Area=5 320 ac 76 69% Impervious Runoff Depth>6 08 Flow Length=1 117 Tc=27 9 min CN=94 RunofF30 28 cfs 2 697 af Pond 2P Forebay 2 1 Peak Elev=681 24 Storage=6 553 cf Inflow=30 25 cfs 2 694 af Outflow=30 35 cfs 2 682 af Reach 2R Outlet Avg Flow Depth=1 58 Max Vel=9 47 fps Inflow=25 18 cfs 2 483 af 24 0 Round Pipe n=0 013 L=180 0 S=0 0133 /' Capacity=26 12 cfs Outflow=25 12 cfs 2 483 af Pond 3P Pond3 2 1 Peak Elev=683 12 Storage=65 922 cf Inflow=30 35 cfs 2 682 af Primary=25 18 cfs 2 483 af Secondary=0 00 cfs 0 000 af Outflow=25 18 cfs 2 483 af Rea View Wet Pond Pond 3 Proposed 20111117 Type 1124-hr 100-Year Ramfa/l=7 50 Prepared by Estes Design Inc Printed 11/21/2011 HydroCAD�9 10 s/n 03095 OO 2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 14 Summary for Reach 1 R Inlet Inflow Area = 5 320 ac 76 69% lmpervious lnflow Depth > 6 08 for 100-Year event Inflow = 30 28 cfs @ 12 20 hrs Volume= 2 697 af Outflow = 30 25 cfs @ 12 21 hrs Volume= 2 694 af Atten= 0% Lag= 0 2 min Routmg by Stor-Ind+Trans method Time Span= 10 00 72 00 hrs dt= 0 05 hrs Max Velocity=9 28 fps Min Travel Time= 0 1 min Avg Velocity = 3 63 fps Avg Travel Time= 0 3 min Peak Storage= 185 cf @ 12 21 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 1 58 Bank Full Depth= 2 50 Capacity at Bank Full=41 80 cfs 30 0 Round Pipe n= 0 013 Concrete pipe bends& connections Length= 56 8 Slope=0 0104 P Inlet Invert= 678 24 Outlet Invert=677 65 Summary for Subcatchment 1S DA3 Runoff = 30 28 cfs @ 12 20 hrs Volume= 2 697 af Depth> 6 08 Runoff by SCS TR-20 method UH=SCS Time Span= 10 00 72 00 hrs dt=0 05 hrs Type II 24 hr 100 Year Rainfall=7 50 Area (ac) CN Descnption 4 080 98 Paved parking HSG C 1 240 79 50 75% Grass cover Fair, HSG C 5 320 94 Weighted Average 1 240 23 31% Pervious Area 4 080 76 69% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 7 7 74 0 0176 0 16 Sheet Flow Sheet Grass Short n= 0 150 P2= 3 50 3 4 170 0 0176 0 83 Lag/CN Method Shallow Conc 16 8 873 0 0100 0 87 Laq/CN Method, Pipe 27 9 1 117 Total Rea View Wet Pond Pond 3 Proposed 20111117 Type 1124 hr 100-Year Ramfall=7 50 Prepared by Estes Design Inc Pr�nted 11/21/2011 HydroCAD�9 10 s/n 03095 O 2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 15 Summary for Pond 2P Forebay 2 1 Inflow Area = 5 320 ac 76 69% Impervious Inflow Depth > 6 08 for 100 Year event Inflow = 30 25 cfs @ 12 21 hrs Volume= 2 694 af Ouiflow = 30 35 cfs @ 12 21 hrs Volume= 2 682 af Atten=0% Lag=0 0 min Pnmary = 30 35 cfs @ 12 21 hrs Volume= 2 682 af Routing by Stor Ind method Time Span= 10 00-72 00 hrs dt=0 05 hrs Starting Elev=680 50 Surf Area=2 067 sf Storage= 5 464 cf Peak Elev=681 24 @ 12 21 hrs Surf Area=2 288 sf Storage=6 553 cf (1 089 cf above start) Plug Flow detention time=40 0 mm calculated for 2 557 af(95% of inflow) Center-of Mass det time= 2 0 mm (820 2 818 2) Volume Invert Avad Storaqe Storaqe Description #1 676 00 6 553 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic)Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf Area Inc Store Cum Store (feefl (sq ft) (cubic feet) (cubic feet) 676 00 501 0 0 677 00 772 637 637 678 00 1 091 932 1 568 679 00 1 450 1 271 2 839 680 00 1 845 1 648 4 486 681 00 2 288 2 067 6 553 Device Routing Invert Outlet Dev�ces #1 Primary 680 75 34 0 long x 2 0 breadth Broad Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 1 00 1 20 1 40 1 60 1 80 2 00 2 50 3 00 3 50 Coef (English) 2 54 2 61 2 61 2 60 2 66 2 70 2 77 2 89 288 285 307 320 332 Primary OutFlow Max=30 20 cfs @ 12 21 hrs HW=681 24 (Free Discharge) L1=6road Crested Rectangular Weir(Weir Controls 30 20 cfs @ 1 82 fps) Summary for Reach 2R Outlet Inflow Area = 5 320 ac 76 69°k lmpervious Inflow Depth > 5 60 for 100-Year event Inflow = 25 18 cfs @ 12 34 hrs Volume= 2 483 af OutFlow = 25 12 cfs @ 12 35 hrs Volume= 2 483 af Atten= 0% Lag= 0 7 min Routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method Time Span= 10 00-72 00 hrs dt=0 05 hrs Max Velocity= 9 47 fps Mm Travel Time= 0 3 mm Avg Velocity=2 30 fps Avg Travel Time= 1 3 min Peak Storage=479 cf @ 12 34 hrs Average Depth at Peak Storage= 1 58 Bank Full Depth= 2 00 Capacity at Bank Full= 26 12 cfs Rea View Wet Pond Pond 3 Proposed 20111117 Type ll 24-hr 100 Year Ra►nfa/l=7 50 Prepared by Estes Design Inc Pr�nted 11/21/2011 HydroCAD�9 10 s/n 03095 OO 2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 16 24 0 Round Pipe n=0 013 Concrete pipe bends& connections Length= 180 0 Slope= 0 0133 /' Inlet Invert= 669 40 Outlet Invert= 667 00 Summary for Pond 3P Pond3 2 1 Inflow Area = 5 320 ac 76 69% Impennous Inflow Depth = 6 05 for 100 Year event Inflow - 30 35 cfs @ 12 21 hrs Volume= 2 682 af Outflow = 25 18 cfs @ 12 34 hrs Volume= 2 483 af Atten= 17% Lag= 7 8 min Primary = 25 18 cfs @ 12 34 hrs Volume= 2 483 af Secondary = 0 00 cfs @ 10 00 hrs Volume= 0 000 af Routing by Stor Ind method Time Span= 10 00 72 00 hrs dt=0 05 hrs/2 Starting Elev=680 50 Surf Area= 8 896 sf Storage= 30 986 cf Peak Elev=68312 @ 12 34 hrs Surf Area= 16 933 sf Storage=65 922 cf (34 936 cf above start) Plug Flow detention time= 503 5 min calculated for 1 770 af(66% of mflow) Center-of-Mass det time= 2701 min ( 1 090 3 820 2 ) Volume Invert Avail Storaqe Storage Description #1 675 00 102 306 cf Exist�ng (Prismatic)Listed below (Recaic) Elevation Surf Area Inc Store Cum Store (feet) (sq ft) (cubic feet) (cubic feet) 675 00 3 649 0 0 676 00 4 310 3 980 3 980 677 00 5 001 4 656 8 635 678 00 5 721 5 361 13 996 679 00 6 471 6 096 20 092 680 00 7 246 6 859 26 951 681 00 10 546 8 896 35 847 682 00 14 459 12 503 48 349 683 00 16 629 15 544 63 893 684 00 19144 17 887 81 780 685 00 21 909 20 527 102 306 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 674 31 24 0 Round 24 RCP Culvert L= 82 2 CMP pro�ecting no headwall Ke= 0 900 Inlet/Outlet Invert= 674 31 /669 40 S= 0 0597 /' Cc= 0 900 n=0 013 Concrete pipe bends& connections #2 Device 1 680 50 1 6 Vert 1 6 Orifice C=0 600 #3 Device 1 682 25 36 0 Horiz Or�fice/Grate C= 0 600 Rea View Wet Pond Pond 3 Proposed 20111117 Type ll 24 hr 100 Year Rainfall=7 50 Prepared by Estes Design Inc Pnnted 11/21/2011 HydroCAD�9 10 s/n 03095 O 2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 17 Limited to weir flow at low heads #4 Secondary 68412 35 0 long x 6 0 breadth Broad Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 1 00 1 20 1 40 1 60 1 80 2 00 2 50 3 00 3 50 4 00 4 50 5 00 5 50 Coef (English) 2 37 2 51 2 70 2 68 2 68 2 67 2 65 2 65 2 65 2 65 2 66 2 66 2 67 2 69 2 72 2 76 2 83 Primary OutFlow Max=25 03 cfs�a 12 34 hrs HW=683 12 (Free Discharge) t =24 RCP Culvert (Passes 25 03 cfs of 33 37 cfs potential flow) �2=1 6 Or�fice (Orifice Controls 011 cfs @ 7 69 fps) 3=0rifice/Grate (VVe�r Controls 24 92 cfs @ 3 05 fps) econdary OutFlow Max=O 00 cfs @ 10 00 hrs HW=680 50 (Free Discharge) Broad-Crested Rectangular We�r(Controls 0 00 cfs) O � (V � N p � � .� � � C � a'� l`p � y 7 = � N N N Llj � 0 � p � 00 .fl a � � � � _I � � � y� � wc � c°0c oi� oa `� ° -�-a m v U o � � � v � � � -�p O tD � p ; tLn N =� O � Y d N N �tn �N � � N �� N C p� � N >'� > N N a N p 1 Z 5 m � � a� M �y °� �' � 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